The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, February 07, 1851, Image 4

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. .
• .- ,• I- From the X. I ' . Alba..
BuDING ?cf.= or , racosoLenEs.!
—sire this Airistell latilati; translate, th • fol
Wingli*y , tia die t milled from the varied•
..rohiniiia of. the CCUarrier - des Etats Haig. 'The -
Vldcidents l writer dj tea fronikiiiris c.- -.. 1..
'flow limpid is the progress of oblifion, {with
. ,re speetto those who are ao more !' llow many
.. a quadrille, shall we see this winter,-exclusively
- made tip from the ranlm of Inconsolable widows!
'Widows of this orlier exist only in the literature
--..0f the tombstone. ' In the world, after the lapse
of a certain period, there is but one tort of wid
- ,• own inconsolable—those who refuie - to bis%com
-., ;fortec:l;because . they can't get married again! .
One of our vmotdistinguished sculptors was
'summoned, a short time since, to the house of
' -a young lady,. Mrnaected, by birth, with a Sarni
:. ly of the highet grade in the aristkracy of
"sretiltlij - and milted, in marriage, to the heir of a
title illnatrionslthe military annals of the Em
pirc ,
'The i nnion, - formed under the happiest auspi
ces, had beea, alas I of short duration. Death.
'unpitying death had ruptured it, by premature
,a, ly exMtying off Hie young husband. The scalp- .
.:...tor was summodqd by the widow.
H ,
~. - e iraversed t.partrrienti silent and deserted.
''---- Until lie was in
~c olnctsl into a bed-room, apd
- ftamil jhirnself la presence of a lady. young and
.bisiutiful, bath a, ited in the ))repeat mourning,
and win
are mire th a face crowed by tears. .
.- ... •f• e," said abe, with a painflil et- .
ff: l ri; nnd a voie half choked with BOW; "you
are alrare of thlblow which I have received!'
Th artistfweil with an air ocrespectful eon.
'Sr,"i eontiti ed the widow, "I am anxious to
base n funerallmouunientereebvl, in honor of the
- husband whowill have toed."
: . TIM nitist boWed again.
- - .. Ilwicibalmt the monument, should be superb,
worthy of the moil whose loss I weep, proper
Honed to the unending grief into which his loss
has ',fanged mi. ' I care not what it mists! I fan
. rich, Wad I will willingly sacrifice MI iny fortune
, . to do-honoi: to the memory oral) adored husband..
- . L roust have a fereplo—with colarnos—iii mar
: 11e.....0ud in 1 .be middle—on it pedestal--his
...'- ' • .. pill do 'iy bent to fulfil your wishes, Had.
am," replied l the artist; —but I had uot.the hen
: -.. or o acquaintance with the deceifisetl, nod a
"likisoma of hirn is indispeuxible for the due - ere
, - ,ent Of My Work. Without doubt., you Lave Lis
" . ..
The widow rised tier arm, and pointed des
Pairiliglytonlsplenilid likeness painted by Am
aury Duval .I i.
..! f 4 most admirable picture!' observed the
artix "yawl 'the painter's acme is a sufficient
.- - , xi tee . fur its striking resemblanoe to the
"Thtern, are his Very features sir;'if ix him
- .. ---- ixelf.f - It wants but life. .Ah I would that I could
fixitdre it to him even; at the cost of all my:
will hove this portrait carried to my studio,
t aull promise you that the marble shall re-pro
dneiiit exactly,"'
II The widow, at these wards, sprang up, and
;4111k zingle bound, throwing herself 'towards
-;,r-thicioiotare4with iirms stretched out as though to
*feed it; exclaimed— I
Take away-this portrait ! carry off my only
ea:isolation ! 'my soleremaining comfort never!
• !
; Butr • 'Madam; you will only he deprived of it
• fara short time, and—" ' !
anhour ! not a mithote could I ',exist with ,
adthis - Iseloied image! Look yew, sir, I have
placed here, MI my MR room, that my
' ~ePari. aught bb fastesed upon it without ceasing,
antithrongli mytears. Ills portrait ehall never
leave this spot one single instant, and: in contem
that pill pass the remainder of A. DAM"-
and sorrowful exisdatice."
•"Iri that cise, madam, you will he compelled
to permit me to take a copy of it. But do not
' uttessy- , -I shall riot have occasion to trouble
Year 'solitude' for nal:length of time, one sket&
—one sitting will suffice.
-; The widow agreed to this arrangement, she
insisted :that the artistblould come hack the
day. She wanted him to set to woil:
, on:the instant, so great was herlonging to acute
".'mausoleum erected. The sculptor, however
:marked that he had another work to finish fait.
,This difficulty she sought to overcome by means
"Imposaible," replied the, artist, "I have giv
•., !CLI my word ; but do not distress yourself, I will
apply to it diligently, that the monument shallbe
.Snished in, a short time as any artist would re
quire, who could apply himself to it forthwith-"
• ."You See my distress," said the widow, "you
can make'- all for my impatience. Be
speedy, then, and above all be - lavish of =gni
.' flershee: Spare no expense--only let me have e,
Several letters echoed these instructions de
ring the few days immediately following the in-
--terview. , I
At the expiration of three months the artist
mated again- He found the widow still in weeds
• .
but a little les)) pallid, and a little more carnet
.: liahly dressed in her mourning garb.
- ' "MadaM," saidlie, "I am entirely a% your sea
i • Vier."
"All at last ; this is fortunate," eplierl the
widow, with a gracious smile.
"I have my, design, but still I want no sitting
for the likeness. Will you permit no to go ins
' to your bed000m!"
~"Into my bedroom! For what ?"
"To lookat the portrait aged."
"Oh I yes, have the goodness to walk into the
&sib* room ; you 'will find it there now."
'ayes, it hangs better there ; it.isitetter lighted
. in thedratiing room than in my own room."
- "Would you like, madam. to look at the de-
S sign for the monument?"
With pleasure. Oh! what a sized What a
profusion of decorations: Why, it is-a palace,
sir, this: bomb 1"
"Did you not tell me. Madam, that nothing
could be too magnificent I hare not considered
the expense; .and by the way, hero is a memo
:random of what the monument will cost you."
"Oh, Heavens!" exclaimed the widow, idler
haling east so eye over the total adding ilp
" Why, this is enormous 1"
" You begged me to spare no
"Yes, no doubt, duire ti!di things properly,
' but not exactly to inake l a. fool of myself"
"This, at present, you see, is only a design ;
- and there is time yet to cut it down."
"Well, then, suppose lee were to leave out the
temPle, and the Cob:mons, and all the architeitu
' ral part; and content ourselves with the statue r
' • It scents to me that this would he very opera
- • ",priate."-
Certainly it would."
"So let it be, thee—just the statue alone."
Shortly after this second visit, the sculptor
fell desperately iIL He was compelled to give
up the wale; but, on returning from a tour in
Italy, prescribed by his physician, he presented
himself once more before the widow, who was
then in the tenth month of her mourning.;
' side found, this time:a few roses among the
'cypress, and mane smiling colors playing over
half-shaded grounds. 1 • ,
- The'
artist artist brought tith him a little 'model
of his statue, done in plaster, and offering in
miniature the ides what his work was to he •
"What do you think of the - likeness ?" he in
quired of the endow. I
•. "It seems to me a little flattered; my husband
very well, no doubt; but you are making
eh Apollo!'
"Really!, well, then, I can correct my work by
` 4ltra ` .. "
• ,t take the trouble--a little more, or a
sine Ins, what does it Matter?"
"Etcase me, but I SUN particular about like
' rinses."
• "Yon absolutely' must---"
"It fa in the drawing-room, yonder, is it not?
'.l'll go in there." . 1 •
"Itis not there any longer," replied the wid
ow, ringing the bell. ,
"Baptiste," said she .to the servant who
; came in, "bring down the portrait of your was
..The portrait that you sent up to the,ganTt,
• ..Yee."
• . - this moment the door. Lpened, and a young
of distinguished 'air, entered; his man-
Eters Were easy and familiar he kissed' the fair
heslthbaud, and tenderly Inquired after her
ewb,;!, in tliexworld , is this good man: in phis
. ter I"- mired he, pointing with hie finger to the
statuette, which the artist had; placed upon the
manna piece - j .
eII is the model aria etestuo for my Husband's
are having a doublestatae of him made?
`''.The devil!' its very misestic!'
"Do yote think est
• eill is
,ority,great en who are thus ,cut - out of
• marble ,, and at frill gth; it , seems to me, - too
don the deemed wa a very ; ordinary person- .
" In fatt; his bustwouhl be sufficient." ,
Just as you please, Madam," said the aculp.
Well, let it be a bust, then--thoes deterrain
. .
Taro months litter, the artist," Carrytng horse
the bast, qticountered on the 'Miran merry par
. • , 11.. --The widow, giving her dand to the elegant 1
dandy . irhe had caused the statue , to
the deceass., I
• id . to . he cut down, was tn his way: to! the May
ors office:, where she was about to take a 'second - ,
oath Lf conjugal fidelity.
, the bust had not been completed, •it would
Imre been dispensed with.
When, - some time later, the artist , called for
• his money', there was an eatery stront the price;
and It required .very little less Mini a thrall of
; kV/ prreetlipts, before the widow, consoled
'anorre-Merifeel„coneluded -by -rteigainr-fierself .
to yak 'for this faneralhiessge reductstas:it.wee,„
to ties meteor/ .4if her depaqed heeketet.
E Ace LOPOSA - 49 for Erecting a Wire Saspen
. i Bridge wet WeAllaikeelLiWcr. oemd
L b Word of h of rgh•
!0 = " 4.41:1$ " .•11 1 7,7'21.4 nr)eout,
Watt? L latmnr awe. .nta bt ay a M` rth
P.f. for We
be er.tee- gavne.dentnibed ride:
Patera thereof L t. be Lbt awn , . to tL.lkmonseiete...P . ,
Itb such matoystfoust 11.• bid4f. .O.lYrn and
ofc.f.e. By order of the Beard or Mee. ,
kblelef V. LORENZ. Pm , t-
PROPOSALS will be received by the under
..lL givsed. anus the lah toZebruw/ helifti under
mairteuetion of Aim Locke Dune In thick var.
am or snore of thent.and for . the channel of Water,
and the banks of Owl Irani° neer We channel.
The Dams MU average TA, feet lon, ands ill lw 0 to
11 SPEt high. with a tow ef 50 feet In width. 'fbi iii Lock
Chamber 111 bst 19 feet Inue .d 40 feet wide, with
w slle
SO feet thick and 10 Met above th e thick of tbe ci Or io
i. g i i;
Unwed wal11•50 AV keg. JO leg th ick .0 t
• Vitt( ' te are tte illi= be built ime.blY to the;lii.
Mad of the chummier parte< WIT srp - asod
i v o tea - rtoa r i:ki
th.'1111:41,r72,1"= hi:IL `qu ir ' ao or .oehlao.r.
: Zig? this not .to writ . % reference le nude
per rr mono frill and emus. formatte;
i, _..
. i
il ' in ' 7C'etotaldbte*' et ` ,ll,, r ola 4 mar wotrot
tar. •o. Abram.. will es re.
Ouired tO give utiefacto . te WY MI the Z ...., in If
the impro v ement- he sa Sal
Made to contracture an We
~ ...3?. ..-"r "-- :f.4 th tr Iri
..--I arroard le e .
for 101 n ree . e ear COMP t VII
of tb;euttre were. By osier Yr 1,11-,P) . 4 . ritkur l i
tarry of the Durk Iliver Sleek Wan, havigati. Cu.
Columbia Tenn. yar2l;2er
Proposals for Bituminous Coal. ,
sEALED PROPOSALS will be received at 1
k . th e phimdelphts Use Work, until nom of FRIDAY.
Le lith of February ,foranctal.or the wboleof T 1 KATY
the umnufeeture of Gaa, to delimit at the fool I nee of
the Use Wort, eni
mon d o by the oth of Apra.
1000 do iu Ile mouth of ?lay,
luel do do June.
do Jul •
lO W do y.
W do do Awywt.
:AIM do do Septentler.
4100 do du October.
WA , do do Noymnber.
The Wales:nog be frevh, clean, end dry. and of a/ otialitY
to tm approved by . the linEineer. The prolewla twig stale
the particular varlet, J.( I . 31 it te furnieh: 11314
Lf of a Idtel uot before owd at Owe work, tansploo iful. trial
"II le rbminirpreiluo. to the t we or ownin IC We ton,
cafe, The unee. Wu of VA° Townie will be ermeldered nth.
weight intended in the protwatlA unienenthererbeekerweb
gated. atai If It I. preferr.l to deliver by toretto. We
'trove huge lor :MS eubio inelow .111 be wed. I woe of
failure to deliver the coal aceordiu. to agreement the Tr.
tew of the Uri Werke 11". th.• tie.tit to nun., wheu
ever they may deeut 1.4. end charge to the warm tore.,
lows or dam.e
tw o,
01001 ou nmla failure. The nu ) utentn
wIII be nude In two lwtalmema, at 4 erg I mouth..
after the the perbehnef t i n the I:Ah of. mouth
1 to be talt. ae the average 01 thn uundhly deliver) "rat the
optima We Trude., tot, mews It 111 ho reel, w th lees]
luterettileducted. .
Should the Contrartor prefer to deliver the moiler
th. netalred. It colt le. wilted. Let VA) 41r14 rill 1..
made to date funo dee trme ...Mil
Saticfarlory peiwrit, .1 - 44 the foltilluient of the i rontrart
dile rerwaind.
JonN C. CRY:SA/N. Wietweer
IhOwniAittit Gm IVOI.A. J.. 11. 1161 yermillawat
-- r
NKr OffICC t./C1,1`,110 , ?,
• . January le. lard.
ritOPOSA LS will be eoo,wnlr at this 1 . 4 , -
. Could the 4of
day Of Merril 'next, for forul.h
ng row.. fur the of Me ii . uoit On., of the United
State,. for four yearnfrig. the lird dai of Anvil neat. whoa
ordered hy I the Demirluirtit. of the following description",
. I The
noon. of the onirl• Alta 0101... in eirrolar fart, out
from a ~ l id block of harden...l .....I. Vol mule , in corli
=l7 r ' l= th' yort f a k rilr . I vi.r.. ' f, " l , 7l.: l ;e • p d tglivi ' it?ige
and Punt. hi pima.. Kush ' ciarup. and the totters e.micec
I f r a ' Att i r% '4 4= LI In.f
rtti " :7 1 1 Z.7:3. fi rtl w ar.' "rl'. b * ;
came like cite, to be ewurcly factened to aald stamp. The
months of the year abbreviated co a.. to contain tour three
lettere rash. 0rt1,... , ana• 01g now al .sweat to be cut Inc.
willd block, of lianletved steel. Fleur,, for the day. otthe
wraith, front I to 01, tranaan, t. L. madevit like ltarderml
metal. tuid of the elm last aforecald.
Also, .13131. with the word., -paid" tad "fere - girth.
form of thuae now In are.
Moo, gains. with Ilgtiricaideuutingi the rate. of 10 , 1100 0 .
not eihnliar to tine , un in use.
All of the abide etampa to he made of hardened Meet.
Th....prow...lemon alt. contain celiac.. hid. foc Ova iii'i
enlar stamp. with thw month' , and figure,
Alm. par each
piece, containing the mouth cam
eistlog of three lettora.
Also, for each ocrolvi
for the ilays of OM mouth.
- Alwx tar etirople set/. of mon th , and .0 , M ,,
Air, fur each separate piece with the word. .P.O . ' . . and
Also, for each wpm*. pie, with the tigarre denoting
the rat. of purtagt, Tte making of the difie&pt net Will
601., liowerer, be wire to different contrartota. but the
for the whole Inch in alccomf ount+vi:ble to
the Department will he feemlitml. The De ut re
*erre, to Wei( the right to robot all proiweele I . the Price
V deemed eileavegeot
Apeelenettr of the repot. Mode of drool. rettlieedrew he
wren at the appoint:merit aloe of this Delwin/tent.
jedliillaw7t N. 11. lIALL. Pcistmactel General.
r Chain Cable Iron.
NA , . 00CNV. Orrrre.
Wa.1.1r1.103, January 23. lett.
SALS, In dupli ate, eu
, for.tbsio critic Iron: trill la. re.
1 I own of 3lntulay, the 1 1th Ftbra
g and delivering at the NIT) lard
i of Colombo, all the ale rabic
Bowing table. Ili' -
Proposals :
domed- 1 1 mpost.1
trd nc th were an,
nrr ext. fur rn'
Warblngt.n. Matt,
/rem tntrottolled In the
I No. of fathoms.
*ILO) s, twit
els, ke .
All the afonuaid • n canto Iron mu, he 01 the very
be,aquallty of An Horn woothfoeturh free from admix ,
tore of foreign iron It nith4 h hammerad flan bkrattu in
to rough bara .00 for 010 [mks moot then la+ tot—
Piled. toad rolled to &Gout an inch In Chwartrau then again
rt otth raloth e rd roll. to tbe noulred alms eut to the
.b. ° =. J.'''. What
I=n o At ' tlfal:M=s y tt
tuaut .nad Atones w • lob wall be furnished to the euntrulor
Thu whole vulva delivemd straight tengtba 00‘.
oil 4.
010. ruTged cola or edge, or other def...., subjeut
sueh ProUle mud tests ns the
an d of turotruction. Equip
went:and Kepafr Dia," dimt, and be lu all reopecte tbe
„ farrf=aTrolsiirowVl 1 o n o o t t b cw=r4 !o n o„ f lr o l , ll
0 . 11 9' port of the said trou be ooh 00000 What soul . proof us,
10 flodureal tolhe l xoid unntuand•
out that It hao ufactuol berelabeka,
The quantity
mu tt to make orte-third of the dlf
ferrnt rived cahleo mutt Le delirertd on or toefure the
first dsrpf June neat fur tonather u
t t er of all raid ea.
hie, on ;or heron. the Ent dny neat .and
the remaider on or before the thirty.tiret uf terrember
next. • . ..
remora &drool of offerino to htruivh the erd4 Imo,
(should soy furtfier ittformatlon be required to meth.
them to make Omer offend are whirrol to the commendeut
t o
ntrer of tte. Noty Ta.l at Ag.bingtoo,
Dirtriet of Wirral is
To the perone , bow offer stay i.e a. , yted particular
aelyedulem demorto and motel. dmeriptlve of the part.
MW portion. , of h Mud of iron mquired will be furunh.
edr whoa' the mu .1. prepared to execution. aral to
which the mid ihuPt onnfirno.
Offer. Moat e braoe the qatuditY minim , . sod the
Primo stated by the wind. alai the aggregati.amount 1.1 We
oder given and ' halal
Approved snort moat Ur the eatlmateil amount of the
trot will be n elm/ to rummer met forth in that.
lustrument. and li li per nentuiiiiii addition will be withheld
fn. the amount / iamb payment 01 collateral mord, fur
WO faithful porta of the contract. Pf Indy per mob
um of es-M akin. y will be pald by the NM! Agent at
thmitiontegt triad thirty dale after the temeroation of
kW, triormar, porton/ by tirecoramandant of the old
Navy Tani.
Eire.. offer MIL t be llertilillillrliell by •• written guartmlf ,
tthe rernonialdlit .. of the guarstitor or gosmotona to be
turtifiell to by a vy agent or other official pen. or ig
HMS. one knot. o the Ramo of Conga - mtg., Jr.e./ that
if the offer be 44. the bidder or bidders wilt, within
taw days after the receipt of the contract M the pool offlee
dezignated. execn the mug, with goal .and notileieut
sureties. to tomb told chain cable iron. agreeably to ,
the term?, aped toehis advertisement. or ' , Web may be
embealiml in the tn. , The too of the Pith of Armigt, i
lagn, forbids the adderation of all prop/nab na 00,000 i
pound by each' ty. •
Bidder" are of
cautioned to endraw their , GlTel.
m above ' ~eats red, that thtey may be dietingniebed rem
other loodumt letters. Iv order to prevent their being
'"ltrortelTioll'ar'ilil: trlgirt. onformity with )this ad.
versisemeot In every particular. will lon ouneldered or re
jected, at. Me optima of the Bureau of Courtructioo. Equip ,
Meet and Repair. The/mt . /on whore offer may Imaccepted
,will be notified and a motrart torwartiml without unneraw%
sorr delay.
Persons offering are directed to rimiest... the poet Mike
through which they desire m be addremed end the navy
agent to whom the oostraet Mall be amid for reetith
And dm itlijalfriii .0 raMmtheir bide accordion 4/ the 0.01.
hereto annexed. J. IL LATHROP. Navy Agent
• Flom .it an en.. .
I Ciel.b7
t er*. , ID liiiritimiti and deliver at the timy lard
at War/bloater, Untried of GelnothirL (theconformal with
the terms of the wirertleernent from Navy Agent's
office ot Waahington, of the 2:fil day of January, 1011.
1.011.11tm of chain cable iron of the very beet qmditY
a Artier
manufacture. at the rate of -r--- cent+ per
ib, amounting i. $.---. •
If My offer D. accepted,' dealer to to addnotent through
the poet office ot--.--, sod the contract to tot mat to
themr/ agent at—'.... fairmeution.
leg reepeetfnay: WI, Olnitlient regrind.
A. U.
To .7 v , D. L ' A r'...t . 'ity l gingtou D. C.
inimideillitlied. resaletda of --, in th e State,
of %Vo
" here y gusthoty that. in thae the fureithinS
--- be ureYt^d• with within ten days
ow, tn. meipt or the 40. the post odo d.dgu.t o
ed. camthie the same, with good and sufficient sureties. to
furnish the
of cable Irma th erein necified, in confortnitY
with the terms of the siltertisenient under • hid. the said
bid sr. made. - E. Y.
I hereby eertifY Mgt. to the Mt of my komyledge And
belief, the storm:Lamed sound:on. arl good and enMcieot.
u. Lt., Nary Ageot.
Ewelope to be endmyed .*PMAM.I,Wra.")=I4,p."
Mfdlllll.:NT,-Tbe enteceber often; fee toile,all
that weldable irrtryorty. alttudett on the earner of MI /War
and jtirthant erne", nthydelog arc, tilt.. ThilraSattei p
hundred ovate feet of grotilldieennwetwttag "
at Ithliklay ead Plcatant Went., an 4 raw,"" north 1111
ket i Wen teeth tf: fect. then north SKS feet, then west ih wrs.,
ZNit:l3rig...ll%,..w.te:troinalltward„thent lo o s i e w i tlf . .L a f
Eat fn. thleholut &nom 60 0 14 170 fLt i td Pleasant
drat. then that to th e Oath of tawannthe 101 foot. Th .
prverty le now latheueed be a ledge and commoilons Soap
arid Otholle rition‘ctoryi bath io the than enbetantiel
manlier, of the. bre thatedide 11.011 wokatenthlit,.."
cosolottable Brick
by with a thrwe garen. Yon far
nay fa at feetwlde by LW twit deep, with fine yard. Th.
Building embracea two ethic. and an bra NUS lath"
ea 4 Iron Soap Kehl., rapacity gallant each: ton Len
Voir, • too cellar render the whole uilding. end pared
tbronatbwth Wyk% It ban inwryonacentence for caryina
en a eery estenntth bath. To firma. &thine a tom*
thin the a Xothredding Wayne. Syr the tranthotlind of bast.
131.11 , 111141thentow the easiduchenne hallooed. add MP. -
ty hreeenta a Ann ooportatill; baring an *than. on North
ethet of 25fert far the entrance cif a truth, which would
eirthonttiodate three forannitud bootee, with • tenant Molt
cm Pleasant Went, If ...entry. Any far th er Waltman=
can be obtained al the twitietritint on the prelate,
da l Iv.-Batt. 104 b 1
or Plum no* ope. rr.dr ma. ti
10 Wrt; of nemery. awe cf ResotY. 1 . 1 : 1 2
estriratat Idcdors. Art. AZlEFlinth.
Yriessilibies RUNT Bloom
YlD'PresbyterLstr Palm sad HT= : Boots,
.pgPrayerlkais, SplredUly teselXL
Jur Pregtolatleri G»u Alboms, k.
deal , . Nut% A- ear; 411Yourth
Delaware Mutual Safety Insurance Co.
• -
1111Th'Serip •
Dlrftdore, tud,No , 4, Ville, nom.
weedVaal emir Le tivtributs.,
Tbe eeloillesi peens are entitled no
do eerie Levidred.
deeded.] le
1 , 47 11519, temaltdeg le its. Grace, and
, ready for deliderr, w ailed for. Tie—
• ; i 1847. •
• Amite , . John ,7,5 00 Jackmo Geo. 0,, ou i
At acM, Jones .k Co. ...: 500 Kearnej IL I's- 12:4 00
IMlewcll, Yeah A Co-,10 00 Kinsey 7 .M 1 0 0
g 6 1 0.11,5. C. 0 eL.../..15 00 Linfonl Tbot 10 04,4
Camell J. IS. 0t0...-Z 00 1.005110.1.44.._.... ..... 10 a ,
Ca/dwell Jon, ...... ....- 5 00 LcAc_lo ILA Co _lO 00
Campbell Thomm.. ..... 040 Oo 51ellor L. A J. S_. ..... ....2:4 (A,
Cochran 11. C, 10 00 Maclean S. P ..... ...........:.?; 0 0
Mt. VT 4) 'ff, 00 51eRee Sam. V.
.4 00
Dtl(A John c ' 5 00 )IcDonald P.O D. 4 C 0.15 00
Decis James 11.....-..../. 5 00 Melkannlek. J, L. 00 00
PrAllek Io C ' 500 Pennock, !Ilitchel a Co-10 00
00111050 • .LO 00 Pm Ada .o m ...... ....-......10.00
0.01? IO
0 00
Ilenry 'lO 00 Shom cm 0. Al. IL:19 IA :
l ' i r (rl;d rh g111"&l.:::::::V1/ rel ' sglits=i ' ii: - : ...... ....I'.
Homes lax : 5 00,10.4blaMtt Wm. J...... . All 00
Holmes Wm.}l.& 80u.,..1fi :raft.= P. A C 0 ... .... ~.ffl 1111
110,41 C.O ........ ._......15 00 Italetort J0hn11,.......-11.1 DO
; liar. Jonn 7 .30 tiLltemstli. .. ~.,,......5 :A,
{Leann L T ....... ......,_tb 00,WrIght Jobe, ACo 10 m
lA. . ... ..
l I I IFIT.t 7 t tilt ..
' Sr"'
IL 11.'044 M....... . I, N.
Ktm_. rJ. i.
..i ...
-10 . 10. .
I .
lApplt.ltt.WmArlion.. 'ill tw, I ,
Lam! M. f.„ ............ .2.• 1 •
1.1,000.1010,11. t 0,10 01
1004, 01 A ,..... ..... .......0.5 00
Pleb U 04. ......
01,1 . 0 0
0 M 11. . ...
. ...
... • •., 0 ° M. A .0..... . —f? .
Liippinu . a Co.. ._.......i , r+',.
11Z17. 1 .11ct '. 11*. 4: R. ..V. ' i::
Nle.K, Cr........ ..... 5 Du
Miller A. 1ackc1....” ..... -,,:, 'Jo
MIII, A. ,1.. t. N. B._ .Ito im
Mulvalo A . 1...t11i.. .. . 5 0.,
M.120(1110•1(..1,,bler & 0,1 00
MI 0 .
4vt.,,'r, , ... !:-....- .... -.3..
Msratla IF .....
. 134 .
M2..00 A. A. A 1....0. .• •• • ' 9 .
MOt•rt, Mold ..... , . .....- 5 .
M0m1.,..P......111.,..11 0(1
I'vnts.k.Ml , ll.l4 1',.. f.. 1
PkOrlll't It. II . ... .... Sur
1 . 1 - 0••• 11.. :.0 00
1.: 11 1 1r1171:! .1 ' '. L
.t. '04 1:7!! . .. :. : ...1,11 . ' r+;
Atwood. JoneeCo—i, .500
Alexander A 00
. 111aektnore Thaio3
Brady'r /tend lron C0...15 5
Butler .I.IV W. d Crn..._..5.) 05,
Dulles L. II • ^5 mil
Dakewell. l'iiare A C01..10
Bidwell J. C. -Sift
Muth A linger ....... •
Cordes Chan .
Blakely James— ..... 4.. 400
Ilitt,thaustlVni (0)
Ba Oyu. A 0 3
Cunningam P.. 00 5 lot.
(SIM/maim M....... .. . .. .70 00
Clark L Than .3100
Cuddy, Jonm
Caughey Jidm A.... .... 15 no
I.•unii Leal, ...
Co IYi
umbell R. A. A 110.: ... 5 MI
tk.leinal., Hallman A Col., ot.
Calhoun ftiet'd .
titolds 11. 5 00
Canddlem, 51111er At 110
Collier C. I. A 1' I: I 5 10
Smith 10 00
• Delos!! /L. d. 0.. 'LOO
Dean ......... 101
1 ; 111114 J . .... ... ..
HA, a wn•er . ... - - , N..
Kobus...4i .1. V.. 1: Frit,. iin on
tlobrrts.ou di 1tepper1.....1,0 .
Scully Jii...../•11. , ....ii U 1
S..lnple kW...4 ..... .....f , .
Spa; R. (... .........1_
tquillit Tlwrint... ..... 5 Ikl
kflittlfrA il. ...... .... . .. , .
Thoturmin Jin. M 15 ui
William , llorritzin J. ..1.., le
Whitr Win. ........ ... . sno
i W.,. l:ishl . .1.. no
11r5i;4 1 r.12...1._._ .. .
I W.0u1 . .1n0n....6 O. 5 nn
1 Wood J... Vi
I 11...11 Illial.e.• .. ... . . .
i Wia,lt, hilna r nb..t Mi.
Kniiiht .. .. ..... . ,I 3 .1
i Wright .11. tin 4. Co-- . Iti .1. 1
it'll:ILIA. iks,lll. Pitt,liurith.
:nlinj Transportation ran
ran y of Ni,rtil A arnica,
170-1 . (',Vital t.". 1 . 10/.. A ,
1.0. Will mite limanni,. no
in Ili+ Lit, and :lout',; eli.ii
thin, ,till.piNl INT .le3.rn LIII.11.:
Sand tran•portsti , in , .1 11,.
ih,;;IVI.;. .......
Dal... John Ss
1/nll,ll .... . ... _lO
Elwr E h
ngliAls & I,nuott UU
Far-A mous A. Son ..........10 11l
Fulton AI% II :4 UV
FannerJA+,... ..... •
lag's.. Jag. V • to IMI
llwrolee .
W1..211330.1.! .1.5 00
tl7-ffy ' lTZ„ iij;••••• ....... lu
...........1 ?.
... uU
Ila i rtttt
...... ul
Ilan 'IJ3 h
] A1.J34. 31 ...... _ 5
14 - 411.41. Al. C _
Ilarhaulth S. linos IV It . _ .... .. .
Ott ou
Iraloptn. Smith A Co _lO 1,0,
jar,r4l} P. A. 1101
Marine, Fire, and
• Insnr
Fr HE InsuranceUluti
January 1:1.11n.51.1.1P0hn.
builduur , lbelr , vontruls ,
on pnlyertg ..Vrry do,cripl
and other ve0e1....41.1ter loy
Arthur ti. Cain, Neel. Thousu... P Cope,
amlet II Jonas. John It N.R.
Eduard Month. .Itlehard It. %%i....1.
Jahn A. Mem,. , %I illiem We4l.--
Samuel V. Smith, Panic timid.,
Manuel IMAM, - S. -twain Allshoor.
Chart.. Ta)lor, Wm. C. Bowen,
Ambrtwe White. Meorge Atpitman.
Jacob M . Thou.., .I.anc, N. bk.Mem.
K. ?Intel...lA lan, 'll it Miermrd, i•r't •
Thi.i. , the alma Insurance / n, Lath , Culled en..
awl from It.. high staralthg. hour emorrieum. ample meow.,
and IriuXhlni .1.1 ri•ka of au estro lumatdoux eliermg...r, it
may In. ronmiermi to otter , l % p=i3i+,77l,l,l • o: 1 i t , , ,g . ..... !
-No. 1.11 Front ..tmgt.
American Life and Health Insurance Co.
Agrnt for Pittsburgh, N. 1.1 ~ 1). TO 111, }7,
Oilier, ST ' b ..t, above Mnithtmld.
Pamphlet. motaining all vary Infonnation .an I.:
obtained at the Othi..
'-' - _... /at: dlf
Delaviare Mutual Safety Insurtume Co.,
CHANGE, ob Third .t.. Pidiadelphiu.
he folimetig Statement,of the Aff.ore of the Company.
P. puhllahed In confonnity Ardis a pr , .eimm of it. Ilmeter
Pnemiume reorient dUrlllu, tiro )rur rUtiltut Orttki , er .lixt.
AU Marine and InlamlitiAs. -
On Fire Hmt.
f., B...Pwrzs 111
liankril Yronivor. tharitsf.... the T.+ ..liVf ....,,,,,,".
On Marin. , sred luland.lo.. 51,,2.1•
Ori Vire ft.i3kp .. .. . . Y.....:+r.!.75
14.:17 V
iooea Exiwnffink. /C.. dull.g the natne
Muin inuna st ll - 7
Return . ...... ..... .......
The Assets of Om Con . pany am ar fdlou, s.
, 110 ,„ 0,1 2„-M,.. 1 _, liagra. and I.ronnd Itcnts.. ......, 4.714. a ,. ' 0 .. e..
1 1t..,,..., ~,,,,ted staler 5i.,,,,, , rent Isrcm...._ .. ta... , :te rr
ITIIFI'q 1' • k nu'r tannin , " fl -co ra
BD.OOO Ponnaytmhs ', .• ....... .. .. t11., , ..v0i . 4 ~ . ... t, p DO. P
11115,000 Fine . , 12 . , ...-. , ' steam , r germs:, for
F.M.000 PbiLdervitTSlz " " -- - ..... - '''',l''''' i.s.tiATl DICKEY a CO.,
$5.000 Ebring Garden 010 " " . .1.7;o0u ~,,, ~ Water and Front Oa
100 Ehares Prinundrania:Ball Rood CoratanT -- S JO O 00
10 ... Union Dank nf Tenn* , 'l n'''. ( IGLU. SILVER. ItAliK. NOTES - .:TIGIIT
50 ' Merchants and Manufacturers ar _ _ .. ,_ _
oar .. e . , uu ,..„ .. ;
• littaharth 2.......u5 , . .a. ~n n Tim• L' ,3 o'n. t.' e••'. ''
.1 •• Ftilldelphis. arid IlarredeGrans :swam l''`B-"'',. "fl' l P H : ... ~ . . . _ ,
Ton, Dad Cotrmetny ~_O~ ' }me sm.! Merin• roume. lessms on me most -saTorao
2 - Philadelphia harnance Company .-.... • I,.isi r .r m• . of fhe Hank nu; I,lonailf. .
,Bolp and eiock of sand* . llntnal fnaumnee i"'
' ' EL N A n. R .P43= street.
r..tia : 7o ; ,0
Bills recriaable 117 415.= •
Cash on hand '''1:,,2,.•6 TIIESI'I3-fRALIBEIt itcyrrEsTllE
'lnterest dua ... .... ..... ... . .... . ... ... . . -.... ... 1.7,.M. . t ,„„ t ,,,a „e ~,,,,au and oui,.. r . to his lar,,ze and
---.-, .^ - ents. and Premiums
~.. ..... ~.mru•l .us:k ~ f Ilusierv s 4:19. es. C.+3 , 1 . Shlro. sad
. . .
Mx-tirstY; the p. mr
head. of Arvt.-
on rntly
.. 6 : 1 ' 4 -' 4 T1.r......7,7.'1'hy:;r1,..4.- ~.;ii,lii. in Kik; W. J. Maine, .....,
1000.0 1 . 1 C'. ton. of nil Ole- and priers. moo-self on hold . 0 .
--- ' vale i,.• hs me.III F. 11. RAVIN.
1-1.1 . .1.; Kn. I . . •
-- . SENECA Of L.—Five brla received; for nab
Norraava ith. IKA. - , i i„.
The Beard, of knrectom bat , thu. day declared adividend • --
a '''lX Pia[. CE ` .7 " th c.`h..‘ the C. . 1.1 s ' ool .''' ' 'IN 12 UTTE , ll.—ri , c lola and fen jar, prime Pull
PER CENT an 'the Or ly of the altopany. PaYt.' l, 1'... 1 1 l ' i p i ~,,,, ~,, brolly we f, nal.. Av
after December , IE4 15.4 AI, a dividend of TF., rL I , • . .. .
CENT. In Scrip, on the Capital Rock and Earned Prernl , d`..,' SIIPLIVER & [MILNE-3f
um, Certlecater OA which will he Word aa above. , N. 0. Niat..AssEs.__ Filly lola, to arrive,
Anar , 9ll.
Wiliam Martin. Wall= Falwell, .1. II .I.,enron. .1. 1 tor ode by de,‘ I , ARIVER d BARNES
dreeeph Scal. Jobn A. Nalin. Jam es 1...,1.1.A... .
EfA. Eander, Or. /L II Blume, James Tn.q.,,. i h t : . FF ' S 1(00 EK.EE P I N O.—A rupplv
John C. Oar,. i J•191.1.0. • 1 1 (. 1 . 11 ,. •4' 11 . 11,011. I_ll • d Doll . Itnolt KM and Blank Borate
RurtOn. T. Paildinv. Ch am. Kelly. m:II • II. C. ASIA:EFT.
John It -Perm., ll.V.nea Erorko, J. T. /Amt. PM..., , . . ,
A. Edson', II Slosn, ,T,,T. !ay., • :1t RY PEACllES.—'fhree hundred but. just
u I.
',Ater; , IV= Eyrer..' 11o411LCeJ1E... " I Lit ~, , ,i,..1 and 0 , vaie 11 I
Inoc IL art. - , , Ell lutEßa narl.:r.s.
WILLIAM tAP.TIN. Prenderd. 1 . . ,
, ~. w
~ Ji, ,
~,T , ,rI IXMAII, C HAND, 1 Ite Vrendent I g 1(11711N F I.A N N EI.S—A farther 8 pply
. . : VI .r.f tl„ a t.... At... 1.. a entor artarle. roe( rec'J,bv
11, tbe Art inve.norating thi,r , no.anY•the P.....- ,1 0 , ,, , i " IIIRPM' ant helnlEt.n.
'.1Prb,rjrY,&07',,°1=:,,t74.,,t:,=...,..(1,',1,,'; r„;, ' ; I . 4' 1:. EN I. I i LEAF—Fifty, F—Fiftv;hun , l lo, I eneti.
' p Fl.r.• or., Ina. h,.0.4.1 oil Eir , .4.1. Leaf. for ...le
16 4V. 1 1 . 3. 6 1.nd1a th e; Ltd :::Itrk . tgiou Ntdev are r.leduel h• ' ,alo . J :volloONNlAliElt a CO, ...,4 Vt, a ..,..
the Charter for the two meat ot I.l„en out W. ,Plit , ..1
the Cympany are dire...lel to .....f u nd awl num. , in thv , d , I. i wits-5 i g io, it„se ri n k ;
pietscmice a the Corporation. ...a fund for thre turtle, .... II , to Ire br,..ur.e. a-nortel: !
cority of the
this fund • ill be reom.ented 1., ill ........r . breme %.11.,a and Green:
e,rii. i, t . ..::qtay . ,.. , n, in i ter:7l.;.f via per null
. tl n ge ji , .....1 ., A:=e I Ed -ale I, , late .1 euiloo,,A!AK 011 ~,
L , d ,rearll , ll Pr . endu ' itfl/Pl ' :A r i:itttl r. ; ,r :t " ' ..'. I . F 10' ithIA(PN --TriCAte, Chinei.l,, killer . ,
Pit.t.nrvli Aves.ey. IE, IVater street 1 7 eau, wet 10,051.1 t ermillion. for val. by
,annallm . r A II A 11E1RA
,„,„ , A S.CtItroNSIAKE ACV
-. t'
State Mutual . Fire InsuranceC omp an y. Company, ! 1, 1 , SSF: NT IA L t )11.S.- - I exit Oil of Sas aline'.
Harrisburg, Pa. ' .!,`,.i,'...",',Z 1 ,"!, 1 ,:'.:1":.7 - 1 . .. 1, n."'"?' , ' , "( =1 . a..;"t
liiii: eery liberal patronage extended tii,,, ,, d , i 1 c, ,,, • ,0 ... ge , ea 1 0 ' 57, ,, , :i4 i t t in . Ze i tk i ,..,..
thin wmpacky. haring toned polielea to the at ~,,,, it " . , , . . . , , , _
111 '.'to.:4Tth.',ll.4;rlsgeillt""'fetati,ln'":;?lfftftPura;,n'. P " :•,sl.'t N DLL E— reli Wien N n I. fir
~,,. , mlo J ACIItArN HAKE A CO.
and eonftdeneeof the putAITIn Wray .tem a mama...tarot / '
011 114-11 Ka bur.inem In runductd. A RI) DI 1,. - I.:(n1 Dilute( Nliperior quality
To city or muntr, merchant, and owner. of 'llk ellinen.
and irol.a.l aml moot, praqa.rt,. It la beltev„.l thin , 1.. A e.. 0.,011 1 .. 1i . ...,"..... -.. ' '/ . . i
many a ff ords advantages in point of cheat...v.. eatvtl. and , into I,tl All till '1,1.1 LI a W... Baler A Elul sta.
reri,,0,:,1,,,t,y,;,=rt r,,T,,l,n:tr:la,•llgle;,ut;:rjzt,h,,t,n,:d...4t:ter . . 1
,;.,1,, Nil OLASS E S.-I'...oity one !iris i prim
of Clanailleatlon of Risk,. ea lading :ll apeelal haunt... irk IV il. ova, Ihee.e. Molane-.10,4 received and G owl. h
atone only a limited,amount In any on, lin-alit, . thu. pre. rah, I. r., WATERMAN AI SON ft
eluding the frequeney and tnrorreuee of large ltrev, and . , „„ . ,
a 1... bah the Si.....Aand slntual oar, It not only rare, I licrrEtt.-- I iiirty aega and Nix hr ti rem
the rheum-. and eremutravlatrou a both meth.•l-, huller 10.1 re... Wed and tor „de h,
hotentitle!! the inann, to • rarte-iwion in the t.M., I 1„111 .1 E DILLWURTI A Cll.
lt to umler 0.. contra of the fidlo•lng DlrKtv.m..--tobn .. .
P. Rutherfordl A.. 1. Gilleth John It. Parker, r. T J0e.... I ‘,.! TA; A R _2l hhih, N. (a. Si,,,:ar far N be by
Alonto A. Carrier, I'l,llo 1:. Sedersek, Hobert Riots. 1 I,n ...I7 111111WN St . 0 1/111"PATIOCK144 LII rty et
J P. IVUTIIER roltlt. Prevldent .-. •
. ' A. J OILLErr. ~,1, . .r, I V EIV It A [SINS 011 eonaignment for mule
A. A. Canatra. Arthur) i IV .1.,7 BROWS A RIIIIiPA 111111
411111. Gm vale by , J • tal 1 BRATIN RE TER.
r.) t
I 1-1,1.1.1 , I...tile...rifted key [ Wh In nture and for tur
1,1 .mull vARKEIS 1 tn
VIIOI.ASSES.L—`_'S brim Sugar 110 Ise, St.
1-‘ll l'"6
I litil:fet f` l ' ;ll:i ' a.r. l lral! " Ma d i r iratrret.
d I IIEASE LAlllb-... ' Nventy lirlsGreaWiiu( l
v I rerelral and for ..ale bY
.sall E. A W. ItAIJIIIL
I )i p ti r rp a na. ,..., 11.7. ,, A( i , :1 ., 1 ,, E n, 5 , -- , Tl f t n r , e s. e le l
edi s at w.
11. EA F LARD--Prime Cincinur
vi gut epe, 1,,, ,, for latlllf W . ,1: 4 J . 11 A 11,1L
W. 31eCltidoek Malt. purchaarra to aeharted TG
•t. 6, K , g d :itTelfa k e l ' o nd etaft h /lre r ,
at :6,K , Foui•th street and IV' Wteal greet
Jalo W.l
Vlii;•.ol . No . s. . W '
V V T l iarr i ra le Ilmeec ell ‘ ng to purr — haa•
ae....artment of Basin. belain, Damaaka. of .
teet ni, ler. at ream prima. Call at the
Imo., .Nn. b:. Fourth stmet.
nrnorl. 01114. for Wrptrrla Prot, 1ir.13. 1.4 SoOntto.l.l
I'Mrtlyurgb.lo,onwo.• ••
,• fur
oi.lwal walk Looks of . t UuvVavY o> minog cl tiw...n‘o•
- • •
Western InsUraace Company of Pittsburgh.
cA PITAL 8300,000. It. MILLER, Jo.,
sr,sskot. eeczetarir
hum+ against all klub , of rinlia. in, and Marine .
All lames will be adyneted and prompt, ond.
A home Institutlen=commard,by larectors who me well
known lu the community , mot who are ddennined
pmmplom , ..nisi liberality lo maintain the charmer .14 , 1/
they have sienlmed. an offering the Lest ProPetion
wbo desire to Las homed.
turacroas—lt. Miller. Jr., tho. Black, 4.1 Y. Butlr. N.
Iloilo, Jr.. Won. kfllolmes, C Mama, hlio. W. Jarinou.
W.. 0. llerunie Lord, Jame, if.
A V . . 4 l l l . Cf . tki l Wate ' r alreetrl ' arehome of Al e 4:
up sta " l . n,)
Delaware Mutual Safety Insurance Comp'y
IJ CIIANUE. Third idreet, Philadelphia.
Pan Itteraagce Nterebandlee. d ,dher
property, In born and many,. innorel 'gained. hen or
damage by Ate, at the lowest rate of premium.
MARI,/ Imitmancg—They oleo In:dire I evil.. ear,- n.
and Preightn. &reign re eoantwine, ~ l ore nteeai
pullet, out the amoral mar Mein ,
Inuito TRAANYORATIOS.—ThA 1' ininre Membandee
tramported by Wagon, hail and taro. Canal hate. and
titram boat+, ou rieer• and lake.. oo the tn.rt bleeal o non.
IgaiterAca--./teiepli II VeaL Edniund A. gothler, Jahn I .
Davi% Ithhert itortim. io n „ Peurone. Semi.] ikleoeln.
Vato'lN: "Irn.tllL.n,i'J"l....lel.,l'.
I'laud.°7l.l...ol.l:iti rankling. 11. Jose.. " Iduoan: " lleori
ar n l .
MUTT= AT Perrincaott--Ii T Morgan, 1100 eraor.
John T Loran.
Wahl. oaartg, Prenldent Tine C 11 r at, p r e,
dent. Joarett W Cowan. beeretery
ShrOgYlcs of the Company. No 4.2 Water reheat. 1.it0..
burgh. foe-I.u] P. A. II 11 :10A, Anent.
Iran/din Fire Insurance Co. of Philad'a.
pIRECTOFLS: Charles W. Ilaneker, Geo.
Itlclaards, Thee sltie., Mordecai L. Lc, in, Totaan
4rIVT. 4thgb, ~rant. Dural e nnora.
Jamb It. brq
.g..Clt/It..PI47..BANCKEIi. Preaklent
Cassus IL liantiallt. Beerrtary
I This lkenpitny Continue. to make Innoraneen. permanent
or limited. on every deacrildion of fmregir In unto
<O3lllr7AO l ea. Au law As are coneietent neenrlti
The letoirany bare yeeereed o largo contingent lona.
whirl., with their Capital atel Premium,. r4gly Invest. ,
aOn ( ample protection to the annorel.
The niaci of the Compay. on Jannary 111.15 , 11. an pb
llabod agreeably to the Act of Annembli wee: ne
riX=ZP -
TerurrarT Irna•
Calb, O.
Flue their inparrurationsP Mimi of P i t i urtre d uy r ea h rt, ou t m b o l
have paid upward , of Ilor Illitou Your up rt , d
11. 11 . n Wee , . by Fir, tbrreby afforditur cridr s ure of the
udatultaarm of insurpuor, an yell an thew (11...
r*"' "o mot
with prom➢
Orem eon?, pi Woral and ind
fruco 30tu 40 per tvut prhth fir
"' " ` -^ ' wr .‘ ll .vhd•h appl,htlow tar itours.hcr
ilr.e Iv Om .I.e..phtenetsful Imuranm Charnpahr, , h 4 .h` , "
pratat bang Chian' nmona the pmurnd.
thrt . r . "- No Itl Ittront
b b b b l l:: slee m lye Vibiake i. %=l4sl7i ur• —•
"T • .: 4 1 ."' JOILNTANW VO.
brb! N. C. if ar fur stile by
lal3 "ncnniunGsarscanuif
BLAUK ViIiBi•VELVELS of avert 0u
m.0....m.1a,, far Mn V. 1.. to to. hal at the atore
Cle111•11Y & hChCRVIELIN
lain N. cat. Fourth awl 'Market sta
Burrhf..eld ha,. hand. amortosent of above ,onda
a go. S.r. Welsh. ignd dornastle do: a 1 . ,. en
for Shrossuding.
I 3 Murphy Jt Burrhfield bevies medal attention oo the
abore depernoent of their bo.Pinepo. and 'Amite ivroune
wanting clothe of fOf &taint/on to Rive them a call before
intrehaeing. jalSr
YERMIFUGE. DE. MeLANE's cn.Ensers.D.
y VA) mr, Tem mlr• J. KIDD et CO,
331 S 01 Wood 0
- 8 . F.!: PILLS. DR McLAN't7ScELEBft.s. TED,
nno et ,. fur .11.• by .Is J. KIDD &
Ikr lAL cm:Ks—vim ,rosy fur sale b y
.11 J. KIDIIO CC) ,
1.1.1N11E-2 eases tine, and 1. bale extra
I - 1 mar,. for rll. fall J. KIDD SE CO
14 §.ILTS-15 I,rals for Inl
J.,, f 1 . 14; k
U N IL I E barrels Family Flour;
kJ., brio FnirrEnr flour, 'JP Lag Mae dce lobuihrla Dry
&pule, 1 brl , R,`. JU't rm.. rod and for Pik kr_
lollJOID; WSW 0 LI/
IL SELLERS. 57 Wood a., role scent for Ilttabiirg6.
nrn. prr I . lll a- •
Morpaa. Ituvisciold lova, the .hoot of throe ,
OLloo for 1..1.' wear, to dolr woortment of [bras
L., of ,o;olo 20,4.11 for thu pow*. jel6
00 L paid for Wool by
JAL , ' MUEI . IIY 1 LEE, Liberty of
upROW N FLANNELS--One arose just Fe
.ss.ra IrOm osolOraoturen, out' for Koh- by
• - •
El ) FLA N N El.e—One wee on hand and , b. by aalL MURPHY ♦ LEE.
P.) LA N ' E ETS—Siligle awl double bed, steam
ill trot. a-ral, and rahlino I.L akrah for ryllrbt
"altMUlllal ICE
1 EEDS —Throe eases assorted Tweeds
oast roniiithi foot nialsalartarioa. for aiale by
"Q M bins Sumac for sale by
11 "alai . MURI•111 . d LEE.
VI GLASSES—FAIN-five brls new crop, per
..toom., Mahon, mai 'for ode by '
lo Ia:DALZELL, CO Rater."
Frle/BACCO—N I ana !So oar, li twist, reAsiived
poi ,eamah Itnlliaul, nod for hat., bylglu
AMEN DA LULL. Ch Water pt
hood". - Pad , mid hark."
h lir oat, do do - Paha," 'aroma rad'a
to. and mod tahlelhataid bhuads..
hap, (libel Oil, ^RAH. Asobur" sod "Eel,
ponaltahoo Irt.l, aul ?rote"" WhialifY..
al do Jamaica
10 bid,. 0. do do.
I .
Oa, ilr ks "Era Who,
Nk Madeira Wow.
'hi Niece, Who.
fldo iiry
In do alaorry Wive. d
boa., Minh.. Ulan.,
a him and font" , . l,t JoIIN PARKER I (NE,
Gant w'd I ibef.
wenty lads and fifteen kegs for
yAlo by de . 2.1 •81111.1-VER BAILNES.
g I OLI) I'ENS, We hove now on hand a
Insg.l stork of lhr leaf Unl.l i . 11.1 hunt the 'radial ,
R l ! . l . 7llltirt. *o gl r. .or
Casts rvor, Yetioty. rurnapiple rev iyolderry Pony! to
All for mdo mud retuil at Nro York prim,.
dv,,7 IV. W.W I L4OAI.
ENISON 11.13114.—'2, bole* reeived and
y ran. fly dr , :u . (I. a P.
1)0‘v i)Elt 31ANG AN ESE.
tat. 1., • .1.01 J. KII)D t LAE
!II a '42ILI.ISTRIt'S gross
Groat; dr9) • J. KIDD a
ARO OIL-4 hhit for sale by
de , . J. mon a Co.
Villa I Itt)N.— Fiftx4on a Brunk Creek Furnace
fig Inns, to rah , bi ItOlll.lON, 'ATTU: a Ul. :
• 101.5 ljtserty YYne,t
St UN i)iti ES.-6 hris (real. Roll Rutter.
4 441
1.. 1.,1,. Ork4 Appl,
:. 1.‘14 Drivd Penehr . r. ~,i +.l br.
~._ To .lIISON. LITTLIC A cil.
. . .. _ . -
1111.1!.i.01V.— d, i . 1 . 11.) ; 11rIN r s e i z;i , ‘ , .r i t : i n tl i tt i fg;L:: . le
UIIORTS.-- 11 ne thousand lov+ juk received
c 3 ,r,i...,,,r Jorratr And and for get.l•• - br
del:, a 2,HItIVER A lIARNEI+.
... . . ..
IV ItAl'Pl , N o, , A . N2l t ~P itltil' l Nll. PAPER
•,,,, AV. P. ln. MAItSIIALL.
. _ . .
COVIVIN. 21 il:ii . none landing from the
'l`' l l .- .. ..ii ' xit DICKV.Y A CO.,
Water aryl Trrmt Fax.
I lAN:
E. W.. ..itrrin,ni n len.lavr.fmm ort,LatrT Cwn
I' h, Water and Fivdt
I If rig, - C•1111.1r1 and 11 eravd Twltla FUltnltir fr rstroan
The Old Printing EstabliE
AohnstAln ::I“:Stockton'ti,j.
utul i
• 11.1 V EN I. taaparal I‘.•xttule caatY AY 11 .t.“ 0 . 10,
l,nsman'tal. Canal. nod Ftasnli Pant Job Ilintinic and bunk
Itindlna , awl fu . arra tl , le In 111 a Blank Balk.
laga.r wl atallonr, boa. at Ik .ar e altarlett notice, at..l an
the rra•tantlrl lerrne
Black !look and elallo.ri 'iramkanae. con... of /ban ttral,
rioting IT!, and Itook . trn Third at tag
New Bookobaust Receive/
L'toN LOCK 1.1:14i for ;mil Part; an auto.
blau,:pet I .01. l2mm rank
wait!. I.lorstinnn fdr ins uss of parsnta and isachern.
s-oung In.rmnn an nth Fr... prenars.l and rn.hthdt .
0.1 nnZ...rdano.. soh nthe Spoils and lito.a
of I IF, of Michigan. Ity Ira May
ha, Ainiwrintstrittit of public inatruction. I rot
Mn , . nom
I,lxtt , Nes 11.. - PL—lll.ten, Roland. br Jntm
S C. .01.1..1t. ..nwravina. uniform with the Tinnier
I. ,, lnnts , of thl•
w Innonsal arric, Kur .111 br
hy,. 'in Ann a Vourth 4.
11,tfonl. Conn. Capital Stock null Burnt. Knt . td ,
11.0.L00 0 . Chartonml
Ti,- unalsr,l7n , d h. t..n anivAntni stmt for thin old
and rs.norndbi, onmpany. to .meal (Ir. Va.rettn
and n-adv isms puilds. in the firs and marine depart
nisnt on I..f:t.nrat.le G.rn” an any nth, 00 tri .
at r 01. etty.. AIINOLII.
j4l , ` ' Fourth od.P , , 11010 tn hank of i'lltnlonrgii
$1.947.en tl
—.. . 11.724
Nil/11 P,u
..... .7: :11,40 37
GOODS.-11.' M. Greene ck Co.,
Puruiructuren of Ebreign endDorwstie arni
.fi tti.•rittrutiun of buyer. to their goods Pti WI. and
• They will oiler hulboarient, in RentTertete of
.00.. 0' purchivirrY who buy by flan muninfuelyirrers'
Simples eitlabittll at their store, Nu .13 , 3 {Usti
• .I TM OtatM., oout took. ileel,l42tu
ytreet, Pittsburgh. Ejthethre on the Eastern
ua '
V:01. u to Ask. colltvtiuuti noble II toe
yrituertml yiluceulu tbe Nara on all nolectit Hanka
li.obuteil. Nam end non tale bruutinted. yali
INDIA RUBBER PASTE. 4 gross of that
i! , l4 lB ==== "lll, Vgra Argr,
it Mitre, rho FrtoomilarttOted. or
tot,mr.ll , l rehlizlkt. 9r man w Daj pfauq"
• 1 • • 7 •
F R SALF.The suheaiber ofrenrforM ,
We lib. ler, .tit aosnmection• Crick Building ~,. ""kl I
Elizabethtown, Usual& count/.
V. s The
Crged . rtVthlV ''' .. r i 7r /e ats nu'iri! 1 °'.
axed at the print aternim the r ilalltionre .i. Ohio asthma°
ottikyv the titan River, and very neer the precut keated
mole of ma/ road. ' Th e property iz in earl order, with mil.
lebn.t ll•IlElnit. well. celW.rz. le. The ale na2neetionahle.
and the Irma mule ~...y. Poseeseloneen the Ist , day of
Aril. &hires. IN. P." )V VVOBIiIIN '
Grave Creek.
Harebell County. Ts— Jan. 11'.ISSI.—il. , liti , w , v :
Atib IRON WORKS, to 110.10011.10 COCM. TOS.
nda—Narmant to • decree of the Chmdt Superior Coat
of law and Chancery of said ecantr. rendered in the cane
John Taney and other defendants. the tanderogn
ed renedmionors. appointed for the parpnw. will mimed
to mil at blorgantownrin nakl comity. on the ftrurth Mote
Jay in February, Dbl. (being court day.) all Mat prapntr
Mountoralla ty, biog . along mail near
Cheat River. genera coun lly known as the flonorigalis Ism
Werke. mad the dame that was cantered by mid John Tim
my and e th er. temaid Kean T. Elletat and othent contaire
Mg about hit= arnwpf land. whereon are • Rolling f
Form, Foundry, Nail Factory. Cirist and Saw Mill,
e . by .wen together with three Blast Fantacea—
On this Meal there Yam abundance of Iron Ore. Stone coal.
Timber and Limestone. There is also a valuable I , M
craning Cheat hirer, belonging to the property.
TWA estate is well nituated for manntacturing PinT lg
of ni
only of In, lint of Wool and Cotton, beteg Mtn..
n the heart of argent farming and wool .growitur worem).
about 5S I of Pittsburgh, having owe of the brot
ender proem he wen. and water oumununeation tu
Vittsburgla and elsewhere.
On these breudem, there have been expended within the
Mat ten 0.0100 ~mill, gay
use dinars. in the
erection of therun Lcthey, blast furnace, and
other buildings.
The works are now In tolerably good crier. Immediate
ly oennectnl with the mills are on., four or five bundled
num of superior farming Imut, some Ova or is smaller
farm, together with Platy Or eighty dwelling homes, suit
able for theworkmen.
The male beXn a credit of one, two, and three years.
the Purehaser givrag bond with mennly for the payment
of the purehms money.
Those •ho may bi
In pr to make lumwiments, tme
expect grmt rgain the purchase of this valuable
engem; cod would do well to examine. the premises-
The uoderaig not will take plumute In furufehing 001 .
thee deseriptiou or information which may Le dis-ired
semen, wlahitur topurehme ,
W. T. WILLRti. Counnimionen.
Morgantuott Dee. tdelSto.—delEinebiT
Ohio Slat , Commiminver fur takltig twpc.l.R. At
gunrlmlgemc.t., of 13.4,16, le. Oeice--routtli rtnvt, aLto,
.—.. •
M. M'ICNIG LIT, tenders his ;ervices
to M.
ritisenn o( Pittrburgb and vicinity, tv , •
er Boaincen C.ulle.etor and Conveyancer. 11. will attend
tho .11,11Ent end ...curing of claim.. In thin and admitr.
Ins Rat., and i'muutleor. r.lling and rvntlng prv,rty.
drawing of deed., bond, mort , untoth.r .tntrutr.u.
of writing All ',mane. In bin hue littend.,l to with
prom nn,. and ear,
Hr., to 11. A. %% raywr, I..dvard C41:111.1,..11, Jr.. P.C. Flan-
Job. , ll.. Km. tb . n.
offices: wife . Fourth”l: near tbr
Moor's Other. m.v.agincT
Term, liar lhrir la.en eurh tnwernpulnna tricker,'
prartlew4 wt.. the public shout Pointnatirhlp. to at the
pment. t h e horraving are eireuistrd through lbr
lowit and twuutty. with the etigaver'n Lennie aureae.l.
in order to illalft• tin. ignorant to belie. , thew to ro he two.
I'e nova dr,lrato Of bernmirig tavill and elegant 1 , ...,1100.
wlll do well 1.11 rall at DU 1 . 1 , 14 SIM:CAD:TILE
eht examine the hand writing of wane of the 1.1,1.1 yortonen
I the rity a whn bate been histrorted iu tLi. 101111 talon.
er . S.:•T
Fire and Marine Insurance Company.
Mama' premium, CaMMI :Rock Sumlu . sTuchl
$l,OOO 000,
. .
Br 'IIF.OTtIIF. E. AllNOl.D.'Agent.
Jan%rT No. 7J Fourth An,. 19UAL{11 . 01.
. .
- Allegheny
. and Butler Plank Road.
THE vmderrtgne4 Coutini.itmeni herrhy
Ore notke to the Storkholdrra of the Allegheny awl
Butler Plank Rood Company. that an •elretkoll to elect MO
Pre.l.l.l , ra hlmagera awl a TrrltUr.f . for .1d emurony.
HI la. Lehi at the boom of Mr. Boon. In Balrn+town.
A to
Lkulteny ant city. on Thuralny, theirith of Februarr nett.
the election h. tvromenee at eleven terluck, A At.
John Bredln. Chaz...C. Sullivan,
Jaent. Mrrhllng. jr.
it Ulla. Campbell. ti. it. Smith.
Ot tn. 0. Bol d.
...S. C. elearart. M. Zimmerman.
H. Carnah .... Andrea 414.r0r,
. - tirorao )(Hirt,• 11. It. Herd.
I. ti• Porn IN Wm. Beatty.
John Negley, Darla Walk,. • •
0. 11.14 mn I'rtrr Nrle,,
Thomas Mlllanghlin. John atorrloon.
Thome', 11. Wee art.
January 25th. Ibsl.— -
Allegheny County, es:
AT an Orphans' Court, held at l'ittsburgh.
In and for said connty, an the ISth.da) of JaluarS t
, before We llonornble-Il'illlam 11. 31`Clure. President
Judge. nod I[Oh. eamuel Jun., Associate.
The politlon of Inualrl Tourtgl !Wands - U . 7.r of all and 1
singular th e goods , to., of Catharine 31eCunn. sloct4ecd,
pre.sented. wowing forth tharthe said deredant dim
tentate. hastag en. lawful Issue not personal ...tate in tho
payment of bop debts. that 5he'd...4.01.1 In lan
of few of and Ina mrtalo unwatiago or lot of ground nitwit..
io the V. lath Had of the oily of Pittsburgh. having a fool
in. ttarlsinzton' drool thirty feet. end exteridlng heel of
equal width on a hole parallel with Wylie street fifty feet.
upon which *IV erected two dwelling bonsiw,ttiM to the
payment of an annual ground rentcof su
Using tbr same lot of ground which wits sol.i.and toners.)
to maid Cattunne MlNlntl, deceased, and Marshal 11'1'001.
bY Jan , dad dated itsth th,or Ortalsor. 1,41.
The interest of mild Intnitalo being the undivided oar ball
saidt`.othultro, f sad premises. and Were being no perw.nal estate tyo
he debts of tStbarlres. p
raying the lOnet In gr... lto
order for the ado of Add et-al estate. for the rayarent art the
Whereupon. the Conti order and direet that the paid ed
reirdatrann exproe the rant reetolles to public sale. at the
Coon Howe. to the city rlttabornb. un .16 , attseday. the
Ilitresth day (1 felrtuui. A. IL. 1,1. sod 'ell thr woe
for the htel price tint ran he had therefm, Omit: dne
'public ordiee and timely nonce .11be time and pUee , fesle,
se,ofing to las and the rule of.thle Com, sod Hut the
telmtoldratur make s slut For Int nrorredlo.
the next stated Orphan...o , nel lir the Coop.
• .U.b,keetzlT DANIEL )h-CURDI. Clerk.
State Mutual Firolnntranno Company.
Branch OEM. 54 amlthll,l4l st. Pittsburgh.
January Is; M. 51
FJCIIE beet evident . ° of the suggest of the
Direetors enrearming to make the "dram Mrtt
ia-t usais
mat the wantoofthensomunity
is the unparalleled mount of business has more
ti ter haelng Wool utnrly 1000 licisa In • little m
than menthe , end adding orm 10, ou c • apital mull
Company The Directors are pond t Pay. that nearly all
the property Mooted le of the rant kind . In mall rist,
• lame penhortion insured for rally ram liar
Nomberof Pollan
Amount of property ismord- . Mt
Amount of isms-nitre--$ 1 . 5 . 491 .
Arhount of rub primula.-- 04,11 so
uthoont of . tg!tt... l
A* T ' o ' be a d ° e= awn . ate;t; toettlen . trX
reuses of tho office.
The husinewt oft he mmoany Is emelinted striation the
mutual prirmiple. conetituting ererr mender •enwtho
lad entitling Mtn to share att.. Ped 011001 alo. and b 1
+oooo' mlr
to the insiand th I\C 711 E e
MO , s sonordinglY
I' t Lied
Into two distinct damns, the charter providing that' ma
part of the funds of either can be appropriated far the Pal
men( of lore. OVUrrang In the other The
thus ts
denominabol the YARtLEIL , COMPAN - 5. In whic r Dina
eon may be made upon country Jennings. barn. out
buildiutra and
w e d t and uothing mom
haeardolle Is allowed to be taken •
The Peened Claw Ls denominated the o d e
COWAN', in which lagorman. may be made upon this
malt r that, or proys rty In town. and villages
I be premium notee are only
001 Men or lan, at
lo w usually ehnetecl he other Colnpsnle. nn,l the niter
low Not oil, aJoial In allowed to he insured in one
mild, and the applicant In allowed the privileg
O e of boor
nen and liberality It is now Under the metro, of toe
following Mr...wre
Jobu P Luttterford. Albert J. llillelt. -wonted T Jose-,
illouni A carrier, ,Phi
1' mshrewkimltobert Klotz John
10 Parker J. P Ilreeklent.
A. .1 Gnarl, Mender/
A A Cates. Orion,,.fa.N sT
To the Readers of the Pittabargh Gazette.
PuBLIc ATTEN'riwk. la respeetieth in
riled to the folhorlng truth., wt 10011
to relnt;oo lo
one of the owed Important smodin of modem times'
It Olt HOCK OIL It Is not more thmi ate
ynr ems, this 0001 remedy erne brouthl. before the
Po blur M the relief and cure of aware 11, omat pow. re
to bra. hare eine. then. t
hat fully apartmead by the
comintinlty aial we aline that the longer II le trletl Mr I
leado rertAln w
Op Lstue nomad lt Lie not th. rem I
city of • day , got up Lir the side purpow of making moon
hut fIOP. IV WI II we comaire. will continue to be wood Islam
all r nostrums hate been forgutneo. The IN Irileum is
• lmdural Hewed) , Elaborated In Me depths of the earth
by a power ant agency that 'PULL la to stuns all human
emote talon It je our duty, two no write abed a nosh
eine, that we writ. the truth—that we of nothlon
tided In deceive llman whiamai hunt our word or Pot ei of t
di tits In or statements lbw Ark are eery apt lateatch at
fany thi ng that proud.. triad Dian disease A story nu
hardly he too hit,hl) wrought to answer the °inert wf gull
lug or humbugging mute of them. No, in do not desire
" to du this we ars anxious only that the troth In relation to
remedy should be WM, in order 14, reenre for It a moo
radium far exceeding tinysingle artlebi In the moral. nod
as Plaht unriayslied facto—fuls that may be...wished
In our elty and nelithhothood. bear ample testimony It Pi
' Tor of the Petroleum
• ti Ithin the pail two motohs, two of our own ritirrus ,
byho were Pdadly blind, hate btu nwtorwl to debt ger
end noes of blindness. lu
Jann Kato of Ohio. ILIST. lawn
Fb r i:; l e A t d th%t
on refernd to by au, wain. who hare doulgo on tto. sole
yeet T y.
imor 41/.., wrrr cured orb r they had twin abandon
phyidi imis as hopeless The Petroleum will CIIPP,
when imist strolling to direillims—Diarrbon. Dysentery,
Ilhoumalleso.d.t. Neuralgia. Lru pticeni on the akin,
Phobia Wie fare, throne bore !do, Idugworm.
bold Head, pains In the Wan and J011a...01d wen, Dienes,
Wens, Anne, Chronic Cough., Asthma, Hamad., col
Pulmonary affeetlons of a chronic natant. tending to tom
doer Conenenylloll
Horns and &aids. dbminew of the Bladder and Kido, vs.
Chapped Duds. Eznortated Nipples. Lon. and Bunion,
In fact It le a GALLI and line men toed
in most .+ the abon diraon within th e put year with the
most perten enc.. tkwtilleatre that will astonish are In
the bands id the prioproetor, who will take pleasure inn how
In them to the afflicted or their Wends,
%Thaler.+ others may wayabout their medicine*. the
Petroleum le thr greatest Remedy of the age. PhYnelena
of blab standing in the ;mansion an beginning to use it
It their meths. Those who at fret looted on with doubt
analural l neertalnty ore willing to award It due praise Oral
coneen .11, fore another year roils round. .11 will fns
minpellid to munowletlue that the YrIPOLPLILII LP the gee.,
eet eel, Mannered Put Rule, whoheate atlel tL-
W]. by II NER. d 31cDOWY.LL, 140 Wood et,
Alto—lL E. Fallen 117 Wood Knelt D Corr),
Elden. Joseph Mogi., Allegheny City Al, by the nor
pried., h. 31 KILlt, Canal Dula, !wreath street, Pp
hu JI
11l ill
me fn.
mad I o
rofo ' ilt
"1 Lard
mad by
tl • 1,..0
lirgrrt and
in (attain
for rf the
our stork
r 3 ball Isome
nemeet etul
OR the cure of Coughe, CAIN Itnarse
t• nowt Uronchitis. Chop, Aittaim, WhoopPok Cough,
and Oonsumptlon.
This truly valuable remedy Go'r all db... of the Lungs
and Throat has orrouse the chief a 0,0 abetted.
as It la the tong mrtale, ,Ike known en the above cone
plaints. While it Ws few/Ifni remedial Ogen.t. lu the meet
desperate and almost hoelers rasa of thus•dmption, it Is
als. In dintirtishol doers, one of the
and moot
agreeable family medicines for conores kt retulto and colas.
Read below the opinion of men who an, known to the
w Yttbrl'agAlrlM l lPlVl r a lr - ' 2 7 .lltucts C. Aer— .
••ed Dm , CheerY P•chired. in my own case of
deep seat. Brenonitk. and smisnot from Its ehemleal
omstltution that it is an adttedableeor.tpoutol for the eche(
of laryughti and
ov e r I'Jiglcultlcs. If toy opinion sum
Its superior cha oo racter mat to of any ' , omits, PM 0 . 14 ''
"II Wum
" P afttp r iirmcocx.. L L
Pesdnt. of Autherat College.
DIRECT EVIDENCE.-11r. J. C. Ayer, Lowell—Dear Pk
—Feeling under obligations to yon for the .restnratlen of
my health, 1 mend yOU • repro...of My now, which you aro
A.l. libert to publish fur the benefit of others. Last autumn,
1 tort woof cold, by revere, .ugh.
made two of many modicumy ' obta.lrdng relict I
was obliged to give Up tondrsela. fleommtlP rei"
coal could /at no Mee', at night A friend W.
• Ladle
of ,OtIS Chen" Pectoral. the UM whkh .1 Immedlatrly
arrordlng to direction,: loam I oat purchased
the fifth bottle. and am oevly reoorered. I now /dean
we ikmy rough has crawls', and all by the use of f at. . Is•
veld< medloilk.
A. at..
s od 311. ••• 0 •IDT .
Prom Dr. Bryant, Druggist sod Postmastur.
Dr. J. C. Ayer—Dear Bic—Euelowlet pis eke and D'I•D t •" • "
At all Do Cherry Pectoral lout sett me. I rap unheeita•
tingly say. that Pulpedhitte we well RP. es melt ratigfaction
V.r . ei do, nor bast, I mar wen'w morllelos which t
eed a o many cues of (lough and lot
g tkroPild
ptvi t t e ttLg i ta! i sf r Azaketashely , l, u their prank,
• "7:!'ilTY.t.yr.
Pk-pared bY J. . ATER, Che , b ka df, Mass.
Roblin Pittsburgh, wholesale Pk rebdi. by J. IR, Town.
se dt o y d . . 53 , 11 . 1 I•I Mr. , . and Joe eph Dootalnek Allegheny
• declakrecorlyT
land Blank
ryEA WARE—Englist i & American liritan- ,
a11. 10,,, 1-'q maw do P go a l Daekeo. Candlee!eke.
uutlers sad Trays: Mated D.,...; ty ms s q .day Avast. Ital.
ants Handle Table Cutlery, v d „ r mk ,
..,..,, ,a H u i.
i 'r V ` . " Pl.. ' " o, r" .1 .an Fllver forks stud bpoutue
'Table Plaid Tett Trays o'' Ir 4 ne Blrralogbald ussuutadture,
blotblr drd"" , Z .:Le a Trays uf besuliful pasterns.
A very superturDueedr rfor mil pdbrdnd plated
w " .. Um ''' . fb t clawing. Clratuois :kids, Weather
Dusters. Se,
as—,s3ltr's orlebrstal Ida& littd. , j
o<• a ba4.61131
1 0111 make mire, wok. bra-
Awy OWL 1.10 a
l p o l y m . tute s s olc. ,
1623 Car. Ilarkst sal Po tail eta
COUGHS tt COtDS eumaYnsr 48 KOMI& -
Q I tilT. the introcluetion of thin Beig Cora-
I.Jpound. Cough. alai Oldsore cured Liter a nabort
time. Ire will warrant Dr. gemer's Pprtora4 t•yrup to
cum cmaa of, Bronchitis, brdruintia in kw.
UM , and at a cheaper rate than any other medicine ever
dimmers . ..l.
Medicines all tie krn the vtomach and prtaitfit nausea which
1 . mute dieaMmeable than
tell.. °omit itself. Thia It
a nd
in this mixture. for a
anything article
and it will cure or lA , owner wal be rerinided: Th. evi.
drum in favor of MI. eacdgine In our city, from our own
eittzeria thout.l convince any ono of is e1110.,y. It Iv the
prrecription of a regular placian, lad has been siyed by
him in his own practice for a number of year. with the
moat ben2ic name.,
CONSUMPTION—A lady Dom Steabomille writes. that
her &I:glary hod been aldliflod with a }rough aml exneetor
atlon. night sweats, beetle beer. and Oil the 111s1relain;
nx . :arlmilLic i o , zin .i ci , ipnon. and that taking two CAL
enrol. A gentleman In 14 telling - ton
county ;do had acifletal with Asthma sad Chremie Omgh
for eight years has teen entirely relieved and the Mogi ,
rd by the lII4e of half a downdownof bottles of this 11.,
toral,Syro A gentleman feign Petal. Illinola write'
that he knows the liortoral Syrup to ba a Mad artleib OIA
he has noel Ithis oleo case and in the eases of members
of Its family with the most pcaLgt Fumes.
IT ts Agaor lIR Corollas 3frincoma noir comm—lt is
put up in ha:l'oot bottles at 50 cents each, or six battles
tor 2 60.
CocreLY Stoorkeirreg 'mold do well to keep aSOPPIY of
Oils medicine on head all the time. sus It le one of the most
perfiwt and eftleariou. munv.ll , l ever discovered for all
rough. and diseaves of the 11211/0 nut incipient Ommuiptiva.
of JA-ItanY larnains will BY to get Too to
bur rums 000 the tetrint. nostrum, but do not brat
them. If you want IA iirt Itrll hay Dn.
It Preroast
State, and take 100 other, this will cure you. It hoe In It
• some of the nowt valuable bolt any herhs of the rasteria
metes and Is cornieultidMl by ti person skillod In the heal.
log art. Three ran be no demotion in thiscoodielne. It le
pmpared in your own city. awl the proorietar Imo omega
certificates from our own city, attesting its
I 'mineable properties which will be alumni to any person
&tiroat of oral.; them.
An ti trawrim throcighout the United States to well thLe
Mdicine. Lams" dl ./. will he made to Mow . nim soli
tale au Interest in themedlrine. It will pay a lot, Profit
to all a.rents.l,l.l.,afiry will bedoinc tottering humanity.
a Perrin. by placing lu their bode the u5...0ml medicine
for LULL, 0...0, the world has ever pervhead.
For sale, wholevale nod n•tall. by fit:Xlilili & 0101)(110-
gLL, Druggists, lid gival Rivet. Pitttburgh, P... to arlions
tette, for amencie. inust he valdrowavl. Alm, Inc vale by
It. 11. thieve. Allecheni" MB: 1 . lona , 0 . tr. Browtoriii" ,
Geom., /Mint, Wavbiturtoin John IL Buchanan. Ilickory,
lieorse Keyver, M01i......p0rt; J. D. Vowel'. Cam,nehtir,
and by 111.11.11:014 Ind law 11010 gsormliY. to.l
QELLF:LIS' tit'Elt PILL—"The very tool
1 7 Pill.nois In nee, -
KANIa NV Coma (1,00,0, V., Jan 4. 10:.1.
010. 11. E. •Iterr—Belo Sit, I will .tote o. you thin it
In .401 upluit.tx lour Pill -I. perhaps the wry lad PIII now
In Oar al a Liver Pill. nial la vuepaosed by 1,101: 1, 1, no
Anti-tilltnix Pill. It I. sery highly esteemed In our rem
14.1000 a., 0 family pill. and i.. tavt' , ail "'h.'
- I now speak from my 111[11 ray...duce. and Irma the es
perieinv. of many of my friend. and euen.rnem.
Your. rstav•tfull,.
P. S.—l am vniiitted h. .low the original letter, bu
not to publieh the wri4r , nano.
alin,vellem Liver Pill. are the Onuinnl. Only True and
flintily, • All Idhery are counterfelto or ha. imitation,
Purvis:wena mcollert. that 11. K. frilone bl'er Pills are
Ilse oririval and mob true as d 14..ulline Liter Pill. sal tioo he hal at No. 41 I rood .treet, nud of Drugri , .. gene
rally in the two esti.. and vicinity., - Int'S
.. .. _
ELLEII.S' LaVill: PILLS supereeale all
t r other,. ChailMsm, Iva.. Sept. :51.
loon.-or. R. 0.
ttel“.oo—lour ('ill.bort lwasone so 10pular in all thts re
gion of country, Li Yrry worialo aupermde all others av a
Liver or Antl-Isillsoun VIII. Voum. Or..
I Extract of a letter. I JA.OIE.S A. (.FMS.
Pemba*, motion she R. g Seller.' Liver Pill. an the
original and Doll tror and genuine I.lver Plll, or:ma, he
had at N 0.47 Mood atn..l. and of Ortsv.tvia gallY in
the two ride. ml 'trinity. ;.In
l i i 111 JOIIN MURRAY'S Pule fiIACINEaIa
Al fireistrel under the IrEicUrdlat, can. of. the Inventor
and establivbed Mr upward. of thirty Pam.
Ilit. elegant preparation se rennumenbal in all raw, of
hilt/ ariditiee. Indaratlon, puit, and gravel, eir. the 0001
sta, t0q),14.11a1 eltertual P.m in which Ilanieolo um, and
Indeed the only one in • lihli itons,lit Pi IL ex
hibited. pos
e...S.lM, all the properties of the Iftignrela how In general
WV, 0101001 i 3.111,4 bald.. lite is si torn dangerous inneri
bon i tu the bowelc. It etletinill, our, , , hemrthtint
I‘ the coamof
stoui w-h,as "oda. *WI ltint
mrlonales are Afloat, to thr. It rmyent, the food of Infant. ,
turninu tour; In .11 ca....a a art. a. is pleavissa aterbsot.mal
14 peculiarly a,101.4.1 to tousle*.
air llomplirey Baer tratstied that this aolutiopforays vol.
title combmatione ivith uric mid val. in Covm... 0. 01 and
gravrl, (bend, enuolemeting their injurious beelemm.
•heo other alkalies and 010,, Maariexla i(aalf. had failed.
lert.m lii Philip Cram' tun, Dart, Suripmn General in the.
Amoy In Ireland . .—
. air—Then . can be nodoubt Ittat.ttairb , ..ilL may be
thirolnlstered mots. rafel) in [lee form of a concontraled 11,
lullou than in ,Lubetanon for Ode. and man, other rev...euia
I am of °pluton that the Fluid Itlarnesta Is a very
i I
a -
.li "o Tr ' r tri'" t rli g C A A7"e',"
I:..Tr,bls A.7ter.a.iihXl'ers.
luthrieand hn aaisnunlos,atnutwLY. , leod
Mummy'. fluid Map:et. an Moo nifinimii mon' 0010 sub
einvemeel than the solid. and Yr...from the danger /dumb
Ina the constant no. af sala or wings.
For vale in: the imleiror's aadPAlliricio
Cor. trust • remit .111.
4)O NTA I LING- no Merourt , nor oil e r
Minoral The following testimonial was given 1,, the
.bratcd Dr.lVe.oter Ileaeb.the anther of great moth
norkentitird :The Ann clean l'rerttre Medirtni and
/am I, I,
"Having beta. mule 11,411.111//41 lth the ingmliente
van. h rower. %lethal" - s Realms thuttnent.stal haw
hn, prer.ertled and tested A In rectal ranee to hi s Y I , ,, rtv.te
that h thrt
e Ingitdlthl.4 rottmine.l they are. ant
tz.l o t t ‘ Lt i l4r . red;r47 ,. .. fr anz=h , arla n t
Whirl: WV/ l Zerrtully mcoonnend it a oncrunond
Which Ara domt match 1,003 14 I,d which is &darted to the
cure of great. varlet, of 11. Thome!. I have never
tither rn.emnien.l , l or engaged In the sale of secret mill
cn, regard for thr truly honed. evmammationa. humane ebararti r of the rmyrunor rd tins otntmenL and the rave
is Mr of the Inn thingsto the world fOrburnl ,
isng,--Thoosands awsearly wend by this Ointment. I
It newer falls In Melva relief.
Yew Titan.. 1' all !Linda of San-kit has nordual.
If limbers and Num knew dm value In mi., of Swollen
a n , Rrea.te . they would Manye.rpir It In.vrheaww.
if used ~cording to direetions. It 16., mint In a wen few
boon ,
Annuli the toy am titans Pre odors Mc.lLlllrter s e
Ointment lin Scrofula. Liter Complaint. Enelpelm. Tett,.
Rue Eyen. Sem , Thant.
Ileatctutia Nervous Affection. Pain, Dirram of the hPine.
Iliad ache. Bron, l e-Sw elli ng o ft Itirrears of the San. 602 , 0
Lips. Puoplet,
tom. PiloCold Yect. Crony.Swnlird Ern: , . Htw....
Iftilt Ache. Alive lo the Fv".
From the Ronfino Edge , "
j h l i .:....:iittx t r i e n r. ,o pe t rile. • Idediaine brought befbra the
cfclallEdife altirlatfar7 has made tender it smelts wsrin/y In ft. praise.
has teen cured by it of the most (willful rheumatiam,
another tithe bib, a third of e a
troulleamite man in tho
sits, a fourth of • swelling In the limbo. ge. If It doer not
t!jLiz=.7.,7114.' nary
it can no
is an.oher evidence of the wonderful healing Power Pe. -
/ se...A thig tire. we sitbjoin the felhusing mrtinate.
a of Ilaidenerrek township. in this
Ylablent - rwek. tort. tot. Marsh rAO,
YI.-sars. Ritter & divlß to inform you that I was
round, cawsl of a worn. twan in the hart. by Um ow.ot
N3lrAillstrf Alidlevilinc Eater. whleh I Purer... ll from
~.n. 1 antlered with it fsrahonttweritT amil at nab ,
IryArnaldo to sleep Darin.: Chat time I Irh.l 'Aeon.
romolie.. whist. were pose lad for,tne by physicians and
nth., pow., without meriting any WWI. and' at tart
made trial of this rah.. .1111 a remit favorable beyond es.
prwtatton lam nnw entirely the from Um lam, tl
at night a peaceful and rwort sleep. I halt al, used the
relit shier for tooth whe and tither cOMPlaitita , ith nmfar
happy moults. Your f100d. j 1 ! ,.. 5
M‘Ati lf , ,l 7 Titd-ntatiartt
Pole proprietor of the slant! medicine.,
Principal 011Ino, No 501113 Third fc Philadelploa
Anises ce Prrranctom—B. A.' Fahrosdoec & Co.. owner of
Miraid First eta: Wm. dark..., Nr, the
L., jr- corner of Market store*. and imd.
.1.0 earner of Fourth sod elnithfield atii: .1. 11- C 0..!. air
Wokof Walnut rod 1000 Fla, Filth R anl: and toad at the
lisok shire in Sunthteld street, third from Waswnd.
In Adiewhenr silty by 11. P Seliv girt: and .1. 1.t0ug1a , ..;
hr J. Itientineosru; D. Nerlef • tiast.
Llberty , : II Kowianrliw.sporr. Aledan.krar boo. 51dri
ongmbela eity.. N. A. Bowman Jr Co. and .1. T. Itocerw.
10,01 e: lobo Barkley Erw . hears r, Pad John
Coritirinlit in. 15110
11 bore Is the man elan dor s not appreciate the luxury
I. Nu easy altars, II soy the e wr do not whirrs.oat
wises to them. Dot to all wilier.. we sr,. If you
n.o.ter shaohiw n pleanire. trunimse'• box of Jules Hauer.
Anuoud Prataehm. or Arrahvell thavin, the
It ;.ft
tory, knisedible to 1111.1 nor-Is Itd.-writs. the frollriws a
uryrwdr—wlso has been wail to rhavin 1.; .Ith 0rdi0 . ..1 --
ai making trial of this for the first time. It is maul&
. nation td wonder. witarrrtlon, and pleasitn..
• 111111... i HALF:L . 6 `/IA INU OMANI v osevedinvlr
rondoina the ntitttit and nowt wiry beard win
and pliable,
,nano so adruirwile slid by ea
twine) y it nature alliyura the terltatson. and tiny...lug
1.1 flugars...ltt .4 stiff Coffin; of the .kin shish
stten i•iredieverwl alter sharing.
Gentlemen mina liatters thavind Cream. may face
•the ardent 411 , 1 nowt 1...1•AME VI 10,111 harrusliately alter its
roe. without t10..1. 1 u bumming yhapped. Asel throe who
orow ma. St. we mit safely .say , never use ran, other..
Ons y.ros.t .I.l”utain.--whieb will be esp.-o.lly,
tot ttowe • Ito • oar •lil.kere--is rho tart that it not
diwolor Va. board. stitch most swap. will 41,01 tog a !and,
or tualy appesearins to Ow nt Us^ •itiskors.
Jules !Janet's :graying Criwomanskielightfni pnwaraions.
ti, upoutaled with ntllL to t h e utter oieloslon of all artists.
ealonjatsal to render the operation ot sharing unpleasant.
arol will he appnwitthal by all at bo woke trial of, them.
I . rtiku , l rsu
' • J1 . 1..F.S lucr.L, Porflunre sod
I:11 Chesnut. enact. Cltlldelolun.
For end... 1. holorrile and cowl, by A. ialinesto.4.4 Cu,
Drug and Prescription Store for Sale.
. I.e.stad In a riourtnhiow and iniparrlng part or 1:;;
it tact, doing a prx.lttalh• boviitya,
u pon cagy tong, Fur further pdrhcoln ,, .
lipid, at the IThrunicia ofllce.
g AO- RTN EitSlll l' hay, this Ant
)with v.. Itenpunin V.
" 11l ''" U "'" d
I ?tl,bur.ll.. Jnrouary •
I,poi.i. BurrEit-2.5 lob fresh, in goad
iontrr. ober. be rale by WM. ItAiIALEY d CO.
IA d :51 Wood 0
A brls Ico I twat' Lard; • •
11 1 .;:ig.t • t , „
ASflK7tl l t cask:, Pure Potash;
J In m•r...Erilerata, for rale Ly
J. A. 11. Fl.Ol
• t0m..1
AitS- -100,1)00 .ininon for sale br
,a 22 J. .t 1 Fl.ol'h
UTTEII.-16 hrls prime roll for mile br
[•l3 1 .22 1.1 FIAYLC
Winter Clothing at Reduced Prices,
T WM. 1 , 1681P,S Cheap Cash Clothing
j' l ll,:rn7;rW m‘ ot I tte . a.:VZt t ibmnrm.ut r.mmarmrom
of trtas.l47,l'l,?..r..7,hgrcAltrgg'.
rim, du b.
All to otter them at rmakiy aedured
.IWhwa fur nub. All Ihnn. who want folinotabl. r od
well ro.d.ciotbi.r. will lint it Frmtli to their
to favor him with tall, crest barOlna will be of&ertl.
u ROOMS-85 doz . for kilo by
111C . N: 1 01CY NUTS-2 hrls w f . or i rtgy t.To ...
I) I)lt ' Y APPLES - 40 sacks for sole by
4;j3.21 w•, JOIISSTON.
di.ORN-250 hu nnshelled, for sale by
n. pitss-roN
DOLL BUTTER-2 brls fresh for sato by
XL .rneq Wu. 11. 301LNSTON.
COTTON. itArrENG-100 bales fo sale - T
STAR CANDLES-30 has Cincinnati ma
4: " 4. ` " " .. b " 4 Vt!. 3 IIINOVORD a CO.
YEItFUMEItY, ace.— •
la dos. Latbin's Extracts for the bnoilktitehlefi
44 dos. mall " " - laesorted.)
14 elan Jenny LIM fetehott4 WE , Min t
ttliileis. " " small mati.
2•4 don coma=s mall Sachets.
Tnanither with • full mil complete smortanent of Or.. it fen :
tamer., jun recline! and for Mr tit rbilsolelphis proximo.
the corner or ifiml nail Sixth streets., W1C.. t . 11.511 ~u .
ALLOW—Thirty barrels Sheep and twefl barrelp Beef mrcretl andfi , rmlc
• •
riputturitY SEED- - ;-4 barrels received aat
1 for .;%ie by r.
PITESNUTS—Fixty bushels recerrroi anti
IL./ (ramie lay frel SAMIT.L 811nrvEr , •
APPLES-2'i) bu,hol just ree'd,
JJ awl far We by Lis2a) W k WILSON.
MOLASSES --Fifty barrels of new crop
PAys P. swarm.
x. LW and
I/2 Ea...a Amt.
FLOUR—Seventy five buirels Runily kl our
rwlyed end kr We by
1' AO mom P. =VEIL
kV:RICAN bne
"odrod add 1 1 1 , 0 pro lark. alma Bed Blwkcta
- M. Taira OM odperiar article.
'LW do B.ioßoat Blanket, eiht-on fint.d.
100 'to limp C oal .; Blankau, Wavy.
Pid do Drab do do
s+o do Blue do do an
ea... Birk Clan. dn
IJO Beaveßlanketr limy Mixed. do
0 do acipmeool r Mack ,
much Broadcloth.
dn all w Tweed colon. 3
do dean, lamorted colors.
2 do, Nark and fancy colura
1 do Satlnetta. black and keel
viied. -
4 d o
WChaite b a . rred d
do do
The above doraTilitsl good. are all on mailmannt fnad
various toanufaattme , mot and area. au& are Idr cala oh
kfava to the trade, at ea t anufseturere
. 009
OT.duca, ...I Printed: al., Pirten latiullito of ruzious
slTln and qualltlet, to to found at Dry tiodia Holm of •
N. V- tor. Fourth A. Itartat
I L IT L r EAN , S .T 6 leatralLnerivr.i4Etd
j d RD—Twenty barrels and thirty kegs ni
I "' d tkihmt P. MUTER.
cf Waylaid Word by Sall ll. LEE.
Myrrh,. A Burchfieldcontains to branw rartkostar
a .teat
to thin branch of Shea banners, and we careful
to oPlud • ruprrior ankle—lbw limas warranted hlre flax,
sod both at low priers to quality.
_ .
xJ by lan
-74 lin for Aft
1117:311' SEED--Fifteen barrels
II frt nit b 011 J.
g 1 UM OPlU`M—fill lbs for sale by
li r GAR LEAD-1 east fur pale by
0 'es J KIISD &CO
Elt COIN WANTED of every deserip
-1.7u ttt , of Mar WO:len premium . paid fior the mane,
KaAteru Ersitt.,. I.r 6,0,
Thir3 1.04 Market 50..
SUNDRIES -6 bales Cotton;
1I WI Tallow:
lu med
l g
n ,
O s‘lwww.r
Napplvr Fora.. 111:ams0
PEARLS -15 eneke noporior, formic by
11 Old. .BUTEER—Twenty "barreis prime
et not rooroto .6,1' for lade
• SA.SIC EL N. eurtlvEn.
tilLol.; K-100 Inds superfine;
0 (Al brls fans. Tor sale hp
j;2l Ito. It. JOIINSTONI. 112. ttornatul et.
I)t I!iL EL- I ifty luearx: l lw l
1 r,,,b : :.
,Ai,i t l.
g itaiN —:..1)0 bu white .1:. yellow, fur sale ity
11 I jev.r: ' WICK * MrCANDLETIS.
Tl_llliiS FU?: SALK-_Weutern !mt.-Stock;
1, Turtle Crvek Plank IrOwl 10010
Itt.t.nrch. Cincinnati and Lotalarllle Telegraph:
11artne Railway atnelC ItatZlgi . l l-1,1 . &MI., CO.
151, Canner atnek.
tam 71 /*numb nt
glum; SATINS. of the moat desirable
ii ielt '''' ' '' L'"i'd. th' .lure
Jt outtotti ELI/
II ICE—Twenty tierces 'new crop, received
15!"‘ d Atiaili f° ;iii.t.11 : iivatca , I II Liberty st.
F ISH -75 lags No 3 Mackerel;
seta Cutlftsb. for sale by
4. a It. FLOSp
QOM ASll—'2s ,asks Joilnaton's bt:1111d;
.ILr rale by jA2.7:1 , 4. l. IL.shavu
13 1 , 1?9 , M5---15 0 au,. for sale l i )yr ..
E 5 cask, Carolina fur sale by .
.. _ J. & 11..1FLOID
. y 41: ASSEILINCE —lnsurance on per
tflet.OZ ' ar tsilir°l4l.T3V! Is and . l7=lll4
1 '''x'.'l,l'dTutiq"Uti. Zs'il:narmatarr.p.mPbleu /ww
r,`::Vrt•ror''''''''''''birit A E . 21:rstk. B'''l.
1 j32' Wre.l A.. wound •luar above Fourth.
, 1 AHD OLL. ;5 brla winter ntrained, for sale
: 1 j by alel7' RITES. MATTIIEWs k CO.
1 INSLID OIL. 5 brls pure New Castile
" * " . "" l" " -r ii j olaor.umr a co.
'OFFEE 211 In - Lgs Rio for sale by
, •
F 1.5.11 . 11C. las large - No. 3 Mackerel:
Fri. No.l 1113,1thrtoru Ilerrthg:
firms CoLIEtb: RU . rale br
UST .RECEIVED from the Phillipeeille
e, Oil Ileth Factors . .
arl. 1 , 4 Pont Oil Cloth;
yard.* 40 lo
ti-1 Wagon Oil Cloth:
1.0 down :wearied !dere Table. Stand sad Bum.
Covet& of patent leather 9alah, and beautiful patt , rna. far'
whnitalle and retail, at the a...louse. Una. 'and 9
wo, streetins J. k 11. PHILLIPS.
h34.° ng. a iv. furaLtain
01S. u Inlo3,for na
QUNDRIES—Three hundred bblo..No. 3
sekerel: 25 half bldg. da do.; 5 I:ASA:in. Saimaa id
ruffle and for de Or. jail JAMES DALZELL
. . .
t 0
Mb CASKSt at S t°
.. R A
b T S T A
m & E
Flowers, Sage and Boneset,
• fryab reeitted azel ode by
1 J. KIDD k Ne..l'o Wekd et
1 ARP OIL 8 bbls received on consign
wetA, and for pale by WALLINGFORD
t roe A CU.
Wider st.
VO. 310 LASSES. 30 ban new crop jus ,
1I nrelred W En. lola by IC A. CIitiNINGIIAII
111 , ItESH ROLL 111.rrTEB. - . 4 brig just recd
erti ANNATI 3tOULDCAWDLES. 11111's
brand. Irk,. Pik by delb R. A. CT NRINGFLAIR
1y1.21 , LE FISH.._ 75 tAs iA a t r i l r
Hle GORY NUTS. 6 bags for sale by
la: S. WATERMAN t sox&
OU LI) CANDLES. - 20 boxes for sale 1):
.i.i.a. J.: iv ALLINOVORD A CO.
`OAF. 150 boxes Louisville No. 1 Rosin;
CI sb"*"" tVA s TElN ' Tratt p i co.
az E ,,, N p TUCK Y MLISTARD. : A constant
it ‘.,t t0 i 1L":„ " ..17.17..
~ il ebrisrl tr tatty Ilostanl.
,vt7 • , , 4PLALLltill'illill, t CO.
__— -
ei ‘O'll'ON YARN. .1.000 dozen Hope Yam
'L/ 'tin. rale by jai WALLINUCORD 0 CO.
if kR. , t NOES. 35 Idds. just received and
mi y
Car lulu by ISURSIOIqr.. a INOMIAM,
ia7 . tl Wan st.met.
_.. 'I
"LOUR. IGO 1,b1;4. ror sale by
.la 7 CURBRIDOR i ItiollilAll.
-- - •
)71:UPS ANI) MOLASSES. Extra Itetin
a... York eyray. • erYe ennerierlwfiei ,
on.lden Syrup frcmo thr fin Louis refinery. •
• Suamr How,. do 40. '
Nen °limns do for
Infi WM. A. MeCLUII(II CO 25 Liberty et° 75 casket KurtW. lIIL
KE/[71.111 brand fur sale
t.J .
I,IiLL BUTTER. 2.11 l NAL prime, reeeir.
..,.1 tor .fr by . do, Y. aW. IrIABBAUGII_
V VALEA a. 50 WA, prime for sale by
4,31 r. a - tr. IIARBAU(III.
.- .. . . .. _
lIIEESE. 50 boxer W. li. Cheese for rale
I_ Ibr drill 0. lc W. WiltillGtfil. ..
DIG METAL. MI tonr for rolling mill
1 . purl..-.. .14:17 Rll KV, 2IATTITEWB a CO.
fiIIEACHES. , 17 3 boar per Mayflower, for
11 - e .. to &I' • OIFS. mArrfizNys aco
..._ _
31 U
'rail:. ..2o bblr roll, for sale by
. _..
13 EONS. 10 doeen Ibr sale bY -
I lli ere - Jil CANFIELD
it 1 IIEA SE. 0 IMba. now landing from the
I 'lleSinvrtiell..,a, r,., K nit. by
• IYA I A lI'DICKEY • CO.. /
0 Wefrr 3..1 Front AMR.,
--- --
ALERA'PES. 100 boxes fur sale by
'an .
L CHUM. BOOKS.—Educational Works,
I - 1 11166,, RTM. Innrumente, ttationary. CarleEe pub..
321 65 Mark et
boo IIARBA1X1:1.
1 INSEEP OIL. 10 Ws received for gale
AA by delo N. a AV. lIAUBAVOII.
tLIMMi. DA.B4R. • 1500 lbe just.recezved
I and for rale by BRAUN A RF.ITER.
J'tCorner 8— Clair and Melly MY.
H.,ARNESS. 40 dozen pain Horse and
Mule ihlttlf.lll, fur
I N1.1160,-S4SSpanish Pleat, Madras &
Nnunls, for sale by dot° J. KIDD t CO.
111AINTING-7-11ouse and Sign Painting
-R . ritnagit=grratjgartirts can do
Painting .n.l6ll:fin se stomp as guts' Other pshaters In the
ritr, soul ore tlotormlned to do IL.
IoJ , t n. 'rumors
'RIDES. 126 Dry Hides;
3211, au sank
I loadloDecr :Alm larding for lealeby
RokfrlitT DALZKLL k CO.
rEINET pi Lli CAAVETS: of the richest y
gyh, ran be hod at Carpet
)N51.11 " ..r. Stfl'a3eassrthterr"
1000 boxes fur sale bs
j. 9 J 13 CANYIELD
I)11.1" YEACIIES. 305 sacks and 11 btds
rot gale LS gnu L B WATERSI/L'i & BONS
ROLL UUTTEIL .15 bblo fremh roll;
a bbls rack
lo kso do lbs sale 4
.0 L 4 WAT4R)LOI s4Vis
pLAiN OIL CIIINTZ, -received this day
,„ L the Ciarpa ReeuLoto, lb romthe.
X,ll GLASSES. 50 brie new crop for sale by
Jsut by express, another lot of thaw untau.
tuable Itasors, the only yaw andyelled razor mon.
rortmml. •jolb WILSON
jitorrie k Haworth, In the Diamond, ham this day rw
ZT d og l Z:ttreulll b ratrtedt b
asIZ !r"tl i ert l b t telt ill7t
could be procured in the Hannah market Mee tin mats
00415 only per th.
The Tea Market In We Diamond, east aids.
r.ta.iu,--N;..`., and L bar,
I'l,o—Flne to ottng
Preserved . l'escitzti Ftraisrlietiien
1 4 A111.1 it GREASE—..Ten burls No.l Lard;
ale by
4 WI Ormic, nor lazating irvom Ammar WaSiblyDi.
' DICKEY 00 ,
• 1•13 DEWY wad /not 48.
-.Mau are &tempt of U. 0.
rri?VIRTUEht Of UP'S killtinTkittilE Te/In
T‘ int the Constant' anygiosticalcr It; tUtito
has twinged blot to bar e lt put up in bottle.
belt and dinetiott, for thebiteS3 of the ro go ;
The PETROLEUM bt possurrod Peon a well la dar
1 , 1 2 =12 titg ,, l , ingundrod tet. Sr Nit loot it
Poem tram Natures GLiiilll,744tig".://tat It contains
P7V.-',7,„vAtt Vitja ,.., :ther daxastui t tmle t t er ..
- aloe of 13.121, whlci: knosT. 'aildt‘be-2 vast ruefu
neat In alleviating Nigeria,. and kettegiii . the b . ' '4*
eigor to Vin[4l • suf. rer. • Lens, bet:Le the Pro
. hoto ,. thought's!' puttiug it n In LOW. a.' it hut a ' , Wow
toe further ure of abeam. Ti, ecartant and azilv int rea,
sing calls for IL and several o f CWT. It las Pot.
lerwied. is a nue lodleationi of its futtiie petulant,'
application tho cu. of ditesse ;
• We do not wish to crake a Imo puede of
)l ota ] bertlecal
V. orewelous that theraedkine can won • work swe]
Into the farm of thfee whoga g s,
gager, and wish to be lutal..
Vihillst we do not claim toe it a universal entliCatitll ew
eiey db.., we unloceitatirelo l that in a lonelier ol
curved, Meow, la- nunvelsil Mane, these may 1. , "
.dirRnISIVVRIZI/711L"Ct.:1Trirl fOrk';':cg'44
stags.) AnTIIIIA, and all &yawl ot the anspainuov. LI%
Ellsrlder and Kinsey.
the Fack or Ede, Ne.cits
• p
Neuralgia. Platy. Rheas/mire Pains, Lima. Erysts, •
left .r....,,Elesisearros , Burns. Orals. Proms, UM owe ,
e rr. 2 • In mused &tear. wsulting
*rum or
lone and protramed tame of disc.. this so.inna
brine relief. It willuet a gen an' TONIC andsTElis
ATIVII in wads caw.. itnystrUne tone and enero the
whole frame,
_rooming otertrorithen. °peeing tho einPrish
function. wind) muse disease and a broken ecustitutloni
and metros Wore/nal and renotrist fringe to all the orgaus
of life. Tho proprietor knows of several owes of PILL:.
that resivird ..efT other troonriont. get tern oldie the use
of the PETEOLEIIII for a short time. The •Lvoof coo he
giero to any o'n who desires It. .. .
None genuhis without the signature of the pone - lour
eal the
T i kiElt,
P. Canal Essin. near EintWyoth wrest.
Alio, by It. E. SEILKILi SY Weal st •
and K hlelat NVDOWELI4
corner Wood street awl Virgin -.Eel, tee
uneMly . his regularly appointed Agent.
Kbiow . all men who are Rick and aillicled
with dlmve of thettlailder and Eitney, with +bob
.. Sub. In Wit , . limb", .ee mints, OK tam', runtuai
ulcer, in a that that tan Le cural Lakink. tha
LOA!. las malls/lc about it helm! a 'Katmai. la Inmai
_RA you plaza, but this Kora awn make it nr. for we pro.:Mim•
to the faze or an Igie, cottiMunity. that tum virtu.
which are not ant lir any othartatanly the man
who to railed. with batik nuitmiderina from Mama. ran.
fir's Cents. Rzt rdi.f from an, 01 the tli rllllMtralt.i
1110 V, . . . ~
tkasl.l . ! It etatt.rerr little to wile a trial This POI=
lento Is no Wiliam—no roost-coot put upfor the ptiricoe :-
of Immo - log nu the coroutunstr , but it ta a refords - ch.l.. .ii
led by the master baud of sotto, .1.4 1,,, highs up from the
logoo of our mother earth. in th , orioinol put ita• an ] ..1' -Y.,
. -
fent toauthrinar Lommuity a molt woody, a ea etho col „.
cheap cure.
It has cured Pit, after adko:r Mediators have foiled to at
render any olleY It has' cured Illtsumatent, of luny ' ;a,
staudirm. rust of the worst and idiot mantilla-barons , .. It --"',
brOs maul Cholera Morbos: ts one or to o dross. It. has , af..
oared old cases of Morel.. In which utter ether ...sly - - a .
has teen of me actot. As ai. bast reined, m bora , oist :1
reablo it is loner than RD y toulteal a - impound. oe oirdinect '.:l
- b now of. It coal mire elailblaota tamtior fed riot. 'aa'
le'd tiVrgirli&l-Olr,idrieli?!teliV".'att'et'ilait',".".
y.roll. ni
Big on SAMUEL al. Klllt thaosl Itvaiii, rot man Ytrocn or . f'....
either of the stoon, , • • ..,...
Keyser a Belmwell. corner a oroo.l . L
, tri,l ald Virgin cs .a.f
alkyl WE. Celle., hi it usl ntroet; 1, A- Mist mid b. 11. , 'a
tfulry-LAllegheny mty, ore, the scoot,
- • RREMIAIII - §ll CURED. ! ,- . ~4
bora attend...l the use of Alin ISI Mt' 11 • ttuutrstAr- ,1-
It in t.to3-IPOUND AND BLOOD !TAR' Ittl tis dertuldly a '-' 1:
corius the severest and moat inveterate eau, of . LIBLANI.
guarantee and rocommendation to Indiana all u s lo, Iry afinc. ~ . .1
-toil with thL, drendful alisettse to try ifs cirsosf.- .
Hundreds of eau, many of them charm , of fl. bonis. .`..,
and others from alcuad. hare Iss tk mind ...ALM the taut gy.
few months in the city of St Louiv atone. while letta , c l ..l '...':
Vrol: 'b'ertivil".3latirolhltite,il isii-aE;-'hT•efr'siPa.L.:shU'f'l'aitc faal
Moulins, anal all Hope of recovery old beact 'risen 01.-- ',...„
White eithmu wera a more recent dab,. a the iambs inn... .•
otatecT form, tarp otter, All, boomer, yield to the won
derful virtues of 161 s medicine. and Itiorcands who have .. 7i
maltreat Ma broads; mid are now in JO. cruOymettnOf health ..,-,
eon hut mt... the original disurrefor 34.1- proprietor. a
tartiefactor of manthad. ' '- - ' ;-.:;
It is well known Duro the experience of .ths pet. that no
out Want application exa mu,saltly stieet a remanent eon, f..?V
of this drealbil Baum , By the appileation of strroblating
Ilniments.partlat tens/ la route tacell. truly - Le obtain...l a
for a short time. But all the while flit:sato-see hi 110100 Bs
grasp mare permanently in the system, and moues or Int, .
will again develope Ilvel f in a more drsolfel fonmand aderoA l
a few poriodieal returns, It settles into a chronic - farm a- - ,
which, if not won arrestul. mho the individual for hfc -
This is verified by the history of all. pa. in ail countries „.
end move fully demonstrated by Ilbe history forolshed c,,
labs to the proprietor of thlenunpound, so ithestrbt 1-eo - ' l .‘ ?
hundreds of those who hare pas-wal under his tutmottat. e.
node, end treatment dOtillff the last few niontlo , ,
• MORTIIIViro lIIIEUMATIC 01./311V/UND 'and BLOOD -. .
PUILIYIE/1. Is ma internal remealy--eommenam-ns Me as • - a
Dons where the dlr.+. first originates, and in purify toe -.-
the bloOd. mow. through the • hole syfrteret. neutralises theA
impure or nutelle ecattment, which hes .rettled. nrcti the •
membranes, muscles and trnanno—reavivra it entirely frmi , ....‘
the system. and resumes the Individual roßnefeet health ..
Yet those oho nee afflicted not deceive themselves rod
. ffrlr lb..lir"=th.ll:4,n'n=l t i r a ' ; LI; roar.'d''''"l'll. i
they are cripples .fic late. The experience of hinadruls of
thousands dutizg the part, a; a-rll am a multinsle at the I li .
present day. demonstrator the fair Of exPectinD Pernat, .--,
nerd relief from external appliastions. „ , ..- .• , .
Tba proprietor of Mir valuable medicine lemeeterfecto ex. •
patience, that tm outward application eau 'perwahlj - effect o ' •
permanent cure where thir - disease is hmuly flnt-d in the 1,
memo Ile can and domi prepare and apply an embroca - ..-',
nen in very ocute C3.4`1, saheb will-given - Delft! orteloorif3 a:
lime, but this vrlll not egret a permanent -maw. Ths tia. e.:,
tore of this disease is such that It reoulno lovas time,ond 1-st
au internal rwetiely. tri preeltica.thedesirrd cfltet. and ilor• art
titoore's Ithentnatie Compound and Blood :Purifier II Dm ,-,
only remedy that has ever been di,,,Yreka-eilber in -, , -- ra
Ameriest or any other country, that will effectually mare 'f'•
this, -- - - , ''. - ' at.
. This maileine can be had- wholesale tir tetalti it Tot 74 , r
Third atreetotent ta the Nat Ott, l'ilashatab. , 3
Also for male in Pittsburgh. by 11. Source, WM. Them.. :'
4.1 i. Morgan. P. T. Wirlenhain. and ]..a. Jon,.
Prier DB per I,ottle, sit holdes for SaZt or Atd par donna, . f -f,
Pa:orbit. can be had gratis of the agent •. • .- - .?
noeltal IL 11. WISTIAIST. -. Ainia. • • i
• D..Tecus Roe. the discoverer Ctelne/sDroPriert
most popular and beneltdalutniteines. foul aeo•
the inventor of the celebrated Instr.:ma tor Waned the
Longs; In effecting a cure of Chronic diseases. was a en
teofhtha d •
dent of that 00010001 pb, io4oo 1000100 Ph7olo, a 0 _
yam slum has been f 1 31P.4 hi the investigation Of dile
mad the ePPliention of remedies Minds:.
Threugh dm um of.his 'analog nth. evetionvenh
his Prophylactic Syrup, and In ee his rented.. be has
deleted an unparalleled mamma caned Dose dreadful
end fetal ear/adieg Tubercular ltstansuptUn, Cconal,
Earful. Ithenteation. Asthma. tame and mat e of :f
all binds. Chronic Erysipelas. end ell•tboto obs tit
-num 'mealier 10 !mak. every fornrof disease
renhhea ender the aso of his remedie. 10 alnela hunseub
trig heir..-000 by the we of one cempeuud -ouly. for that
la IncomPatiblesith Pbydologkal Ls..
but 'by the um of
hie remedial, adapted 10. and Pfedruibat for, 00,11 P.a‘r
Meat of dtece.... - .
Dr. Robe's Tonic Mtg.:nth. Pilla =os,a m laMeihr
bly acknowledged. to be anyerdo to all e th em. as a IMM-1.
OR IV liter rill. 11115111311th WI they leave the IVVrell per
featly free from eostivenese aa alm
v et are ad-
It= e d tfa I Te ' r4 P e=
entaMeot to estak4b .bat hal tee n esieLtatheatiode of •
the moet. akeptleal.
The =Mot= are herded to oil =eon the =ebb lead too.
aye (grath Th
) one of e Doete:e yamobleo. tiring. decall•
ed amount of each remedy. sod to 45Ordatiota...' •
For salo by the follenettot wen,. =ll by most drug.
giehs thromeboat the tonoh" ,
J. Sehmmamker i Co., 24 Wood rte, IlttotattTh:'''
Tmenseed, Droggiet, 45 51arket
Lee A. Beckham. Drosodet, non the Poet 0115 M AID-be•
or tier.
Joseph Barkley, Da:ll=M, Bearer econty.
Jo= Elba, Eanoo Valle " -
T. Adana& eam,
ORFTHE AFFLICTED will be found in
pe.neenre.K.en es, ov INFAIILIIILG . L11:13100 , r.
lagie FlOl.l, whirl:it...oar the tem of GAGS Year , r
perk... and hat beyond a doubt, torn the Imam of wa
wa Ibe Ilys of thuneand• of lodic ellnitly, in almcer cm"
eta...1624-.ler of denrane. We feel I.llllt. bawd re
thing ha eating that thle b the only medicine that hoe bents
offered tri tM &Meted. that dolts, in every connect the wept
what Itia nold.for.
It beam:mid; and incapable of curing., tneredirenver otau
any other medicine offered for rale. - cre.oan. rot'. by - trio..
made or wild. or by what mum.
Aa vtrong sod convineine meet. of the oboe,. we tit
.that it in the nub article that haranycarcd to th.• form of
calmitt I.lrdicine that ban ever Leen rtitiLx/Ma.l remit
the praise of the elite generally. ea the tric, n y
y,re h .
mily Mnlicine ever oltee.d for rile, , or' need b 'au: .11
them, rte
Th . • '
The re I/. Grionell, late AL t. e Iron 11.1.1.
IL Voris . lateLMSVisr. Him. John A. Dir., Into U: PI rota
tor. William 11. Porter, Girl.. I.i.litor a the ..iipirttncr the
IlateGnsal a Inlet of other.dintinguinhed Vitizilit of New
NOM: who have fully tentneditr mrriW hand Permitted the
pp/pit/tor to triPr in tbenv, . ,
-An It is well known Gait Patent Mr.liciro , ire wielyenet -
idly marmite.' by the learned. 'w enitby mot Pride
we have undoubtedly 'a
~ ho b o feel oorinl vet 1.11111 one
Ilefaml.. This
.?,., der ...clang GoMPoned b+l,o marl)
neve. pram In the public. IM tir.l friend, nr t enew tin
rim/ay/eft and MM. Thin mutt noilouttedly it teeny and
convincing proof of general t e e hares Mad•ranstire
quelltlee. It Is norerei. remedy ter GI lierlans,
rheumatic warm/crank.. singling.. iTralho, bruin, ell
our., awl all the tali.. anal aches that arra is beer. Itln
Mc? 1,000.000 bottle, have Inn veld without cow
and hare perfortenl cueh antoninlatiet cures. after nll'olll , l'
temedien have failed, an would e t r toilet heel we c.,1
offered, and In one errougent pre Ibin vs
Ilde medicine. or Minnie. remedy, Is 'prepared Jeri, to
Pr Internal we an external 11,i. It arta e.
It its the dLneeered inlet—lilting It health nod etrcrygth
It la • sure mire for ( iarrhea. tramp , . till Mon Cherie, nod
all even/ludic allecrione, a Ito— liiittie)Pi Mid
w e nknee, male leer
female, Pout whatever CiltEe it 1.1,
hate originated.
For wile In IMPlnteah. by It. 11. Yellen, Meer,- 111.1.1
nod Ogden rc eurdor. nod by
tetaii pe e ., ~,.
generally. It is out tra i n four. two. std in, e hats
tbx • 1ar.11,1.01
•thee t eteeet It e-tteitattee to-pteduer the Witlgo de.
ern d error,. when lewd nu making blond,' F. raker,
buckwheat dues in., by which a raclog it ...footed :n
hour et &Writ 13r:err:ma. • ,
TO Mau Etarat—To each pound nf near of too
up of Coropound'and rookalunantat . of mit. Cafe
them thoroughly together oldie. dm. Utus mike a p e .
pared hour that yo u can met vide. and rue at letvan.,)
edd as much .1.1 water as will make the dotb.,ll I he urns:
thkknes., knead it well. matt let It cloud dittoes tronon.,
before baklog—one or tyro boars will do pod horn . ..loscod
should be mired much thimaer,• and baked at,
wlll do ye hurt to fluid Enema or twenty oniaute, Ihere
1,, tw danger of trettiug too north Of Shia 0761110 , 114051 the
bleed; It wilt trot turn the breed jeLlor. as nab:Tato; &ea
ahem used Salaams;
lou tan put the above Compourd tote too 'ctko,ycl
dings. Johnny mann. Indian =ken gine.' cake, corn mod
esker, cony bread. brown Inst. laironit.batter taker, buck:
whist cakes, apple dumpllng,k, pot mt. card SA all /aloud
neLItIZERS. W:;.1
nee Dollar. reward vent he paid to any one who will
predate; a riot of mint, green Or dry, that mama. to 'iva -
[nerd with lionthval Cbctitang Sall , ha'rg . tt'
ratilif•rtion of imiloF to the pronto of this O. that Ott.
sancta, by my own nopeavenatit on It , now staesis oa th
rolled in this cannery ror extrecthig maw- tan pitch, oth
point. at any other gantry thiehna, from all line.artili ,
tlemenli or Mae nothing, carrel, tahle
shawls, la, without thine= .ay thing
that pore water will not inyuth. )lain than. mw Inennal
WV*. in dificreitt pats of the onnairy have rot'
mell t.
winds! not bewittrout It If it met cake: trying Cc.
'Soap en more tit.= article. of lnyht witiniielpm-gi
Ind cancan( I hoer only found ion, /we • of oil , ' 0 .
alrarasofoor of calico.aa vela, h it chwagivi
. tbiactore lefure-puttlog it oo light iltvw. try ...qt.
of the gy4ws ann.; 1.4.1116 licvainc I taa ca..
.lo vcoommettil it any larceny, tha n I inic» to he .
Owlets from rountry unwchauti awl ..
attenilal la by thehruhiin - then
dela) . - _3i U '
rW _
"I b.d..t. used It Mks balm 1 LIU Itikauktth; cfc,,,,,,
AIR. IL E. SELLER.S.—,Sir: Su . fTeridg fr,om a ;
. 4. 0
u radzkleto . crthairwLitch .1
....I•l7 to rtet tu lt....,.
"R E. Mien . Obbit MMus's... I think It • dutykthdch I
'ore to ban ro. ..a ta.
it twin tb itsb.b. l . wordn , , , d,
*that. that I. had not awed it swim Wort kfclt tth.tertst. ,
cial effects. And (under the Dirt. blessing)
to no occas , rts
to knish
bottle. 1 tolls abb... to has tag v t i ks •.;.d...:
Ils mute prow** 011 Irnepthi of mitre; cos lu.itecticvt,
DO hod • trithg attack ®Der map. Isthcbtkanted "sttth 0 .
Waal..lll/01; mites. %obi the tbir trb,• (wk.,.
cooed, add colds trdect the surarr huttreccuded sod. st -
us kt "ILE. li th e Cotgls tdistturi:.7 • • ''''' 7,
1 _ 11. find O.II.ALD, 1t1414711,,,.
1.1!: 47;tri114:=,b bli r BELLE I •
tE N ' o. 471 M.,
and told Drdbtlib in ,
Additional lota of Its power lo cure. • •
FaulklA VA. Aummt dm.
w.R p.„ y y dyns,—Plebts addeted for some Um. ritla a
but coogh.lwmemontenemlnd to me your Impe t tnltty,,,,,t,
Wrenn. LW My young Murat n • mn&onn-ionzun.
pt., .1 did tm It hul tbe
of Out of
last 1 Lad depalred of ever being e& 1
o y.t auncot eemr LAM% ttme wan In my power to
rt, Dad bat received no Mundt unlit 1 met wilt, m yth Invai
i. raol fully eatteGed Su s t 4 you,
It to Um smarm as oneuf bert cal
cium that WM etc Wen yreptred t. 52. the acme for teAlth n
• JA.1111.1 8....5311111
.0 .4d by B. L SIMMS, G; Waal st. Ye)