HOME MATTERS. IMPORT OF . TSB BOA D OF.V/SITOBVIF IBS . ~. :i• . .. . - PITIBBIGIGII lIMBILIELY. • ' B r the act of Assembly incorporatiog the I.' Pittsburgh Infirmary, the undersigrzed were con ' *tinted: a ...110 ARO Or VISITORS:." and charged -I. with the duty of mee ' g mtually, on the Rec.' - ' mad Monday of Janes ~ to Igraine end re-.- : .pekt for publication th condition' and manage meet of .thednititutinn In 'obedience to the - I:junction of the legisla tive authority the d reignedreignedmet at the Infirm- , . . tol .' ary.building onthe second Monday of the pros ' ... ent month, :tinil orgn4ized by the election of Thos. M. Ifinte. - as Pident or the Board, and the appointment of C. .eg, as Secretary. • '.,--: _.• The. Director of the nfirmary, the Rev. W. A. r - ..v. Pueemant, submitted report of ' the condition ' '..--• at - the institerion, whir was ordered to be pub srl.". listed. -For this most interesting ! chapter upon ; ' ' the Inception, progress end future prospects of; usefulness of this iota t institution, as well as .1 . for the interestlog repine of the attending Phy- 1 sicians, the Board of Yleiton would bespeak the ' . earnest consideration of their feliew citizens.— A statement of the receipts and been woe also .submitted, aid having been carefully examined by a Commttee' of the Board, and found to be •,-orrect, wa• likewise ordered to be pobliehed. ThAtinildings andll the department, and • sviards thereof were dm uglily inspected by the 1 a , several members of th Board, and found to be 1 in excellent rendition. The cleanliness, order, I nod decorum which. pe !Wed" the ;entire cant, . . , ' Rahn:lent, end the adnymistration of its affairs, - . .. 'wee equally a matter of surprise and gratulation. .-; From the untiring zeal of the worthy Director,' we had been lejl-to expect much, but our expec tations were recore than realized. 'lnstead of a hospital where. Medicines were doled out and the common dietates'of humanity heeled as a matter . - of &ay, we found - on asylum for .the sick and ...' „- disabled, awl a` home for the invalid stranger, ... where the kindest eyznpathies of our oscura were clustered, as around the domestic hearth. . The plan upon which this institution in organ • ;lied and conducted, for the detailt of which we refer to the accompanying report of the Director, .• v cogomends it . 1:60.1 strongly to the liberal petros age of R Christian public. Its internal economy, ~.. . and particularly We. care of the sick; is entrusted ..- to females,,previonsly qualified by; a course of education and training, for this especial object. here there in no distinction of creed ; or color, or country. The pennyleas stronger receives as . cordial a welcome, and his wants arp as carefully provided for, an the possessor of llsouss There are no rules which exclude from'thir sane- ' Diary the unfortunate victim of themost petal- .. ,_ lentils' disease. While the doom o r other insti - tutioia are closed against him at the time of hie estremest need, here ho gains ready admittance and the tenderest care. In the:self-devoted nurses of this institution, he EMS a substitute for mothers end sistero— It is indeed a noble charity, and as such, deserves . to be most abundantly cherished end sustained. Noadequate provision of a permanent charm . ter has yet been made for its support. From the voluntary offerings of our benevolent citizens the :means hare hitherto been provided for de - -fraying its currant expenses ; and from the tame source has also been raised the necessary funds for meeting the several instalments is they have becomedue upon the purchase og the Infirstuiry buildings. Other payments Ihaveyet to be made amounting in the whole to '0,000; Hof this $1,090 falls due on the - let of -April:next.- IThir , treasury is empty, and the Directer,', in addition to all bid other self-sacrificing efferis to carry successfully forward this noble enterprise, is now, as ho repeatedly has been before, in advance of ,' money from his own slender revenue, to buy ' bread and other necessaries for the dependent i Inmates of the institution. A small aura ccuitrib-, , . sated annually, at stated periods, by one or two , . • hundred of our follow citizens, would contribute „ gmatly towards relieving the Director from many andperplesing difficulties, which he has hitherto . • been:compelled to encounter; and td this .cad a committee has been appointed, whose appeal we .... hope- and believe will be most cheerfully re • d • .:... , -And may we not als oindulge tho hope,. that set few of our wealthy citizens, who owe much - to :td thie bounty of a'kind, Frovidence,.lerfil regard • . this' Institution with -- espeeial favor; and , hen they. alien have gained the common Ilherita of an; will have left behibd them some Mei • that the Pirrseenoti Ism - amass bill ant. ~.... rorgotten. . ' ~ . Thin. M. Howe, Allen Kram 0 er, (*woe W. Jackson, - George Nil Black Wen. Larimer, Jr., • 1 [ Henry Groff, - J. li. Shoenberger, ' Robert Beer, - . ':William Holmes, li (I. Zug, ll i r James Park,. .„ • J. K. Moorhead. , George Weytn - an, Rood of, Miters. litisburgh, January 29th, ISM. .; • - I • '. : . rh. F ire Widweaday ...Viyhr.—We ore rejoiced to learn that the loss occasioned by l 'the fire at Knapp & Co's., foundry' on Wednesday night was • not so severe as we anticipated. The American says that it in proper to remark that the more • .Important and valuable' part of this large estabr lisbrainst escaped injury, as will be found by the following items of Insurance upon the whole:— Insurance on property destroyed. On Foundry building, $4,000 Tools:therein, mud flasks, 1,000 Frame building, • • ----T.A . ,G00 The parts of the establishment not injutied • are thawed as follows Machine Shop, Toobt, kc., therein. (OW Steam Engine, woo r Blacksmiths tools, Boring mill had machinery, 7,000 Pattems,ffic., !dared therein, 1,600 -$20,900 The amount of loss will probably reee.li s7jooo or $8,.000, of which from $5,000 to 5 5 4 600 is Insured. The policies are from the offices of, the Franklin and Delaware of Philadelphlit and the Western of Pittsburgh, in equal rlske of each. It will be seen by this statement:dem the cal witty, though xerious, not so disastrous asmaa first feared. " The ground around the buildings Lon fire is compactly occupied'by various building!, the es ,espe ofjwhich may be attributed in part to , the rata which, had fallen, but more to the great ex ertions 0. the firemen and owners andoccupanta of the property. The rolling. 3rai of Graff & • • 'MAIO was only divided from the the fire by a narrow street LZCITILL9 LSTECHEXV/LLE.—WO iindentll.lld that Mr. Gough, the celebrated temperance lec— turer, will address the citizens of Steubenville on_ -the imbject of temperance, on next 31enday 'ad Thesday evenings. ; - .INCZ:VDIARIBIL—Two young men were arrest eel yesterday, and taken before Mayoi,Gothurie, charged with having been eencernedin some of the acts of incendiarism which have beep so , frequent of late. The evidence against them wisinimMeient to warrant their committal, and they were discharged. MAYOI4I OFFICE Pirrsetraon.—TWO persons only Were brought before his honor, Mayor Guthrie, yesterday morning. One wee convicted of vagrancy, awl sentenced to thirty days lmpris mama ; the other was nonnoted of, drunken ness and disorderly conduct, and was let off wity. an Imprisonment of twenty-four bourn . • , ' Foram—The pocket book which wm stolen from Mr. Charles B. Taylor, in Dr. !Prealq'a church, Wednesday evening, was yesterday found imar,Alr. Melntosh's oboe store ,; on Feder al street, Allegheny, by n !little girl, sad taken toiler father, idle at once left it with the Mayor, by when it wan restored tOTt, rightful:owner.— It contained notes of hand to a considerable =omit, together with a snail nun in Cash. As pursuit waw made as soon as the book Ilras sto len, it is troitposod that the thief,bccomulgalarm- ed y threw it away io his right_ AITEXITED illcuwAT Tinnnear.—Mr. Lang, who keeps a grocery store :on Ferry street, was attacked by four ruffian's on Liberty street, a lit tle below Mare's tar ern, on 'Wednesday evening, at about a gnarter past nine o'clock. They at tempted to dm , Lim into 4,t wagon yard in the riCinity,.and mob Lim, but Lis daughter, who was with her father ut the time of the attack, by her MUD* summoned assistance, and the scoun drels fled. Oat of the gentlemen who come from the tavern to rescue Mr. Lang, fired. pistol at the villains as they were running, but,;as i s su p.. pased,,rithout effect. , Le one one of the, boldest attempts at bigiiway robbery of rthichlwa have ever heard. The idea of ottacking a gentleman acCompanied by his daughter, at an early hour, in a !rogue'. teditreet r and.wear a tavern, would seem to be caludocts, if it had not actually taken place. 4., , ,32fax..—The jewelry stone of kir. C. A. Brown, OnAirlat street, between Fifth nod Liberty was ontreyegierday afternoon, but was extinguished befory much damage was done. The water thrown by the engines, which were promptly on the ground, did more injury than the flames. We did net ltion bow the fire, which broke oat in the third story, ori,ginnteti. blarDtrr (IT TUC were very Bauch surPrised en 'Wednesday night, while . Knipp & Co. 'a Fein:sky was burning, and while the flames every moment threstoned' to communicate to Oral/ & rolling mill, to net the ped dlers in the latter establishment, pursuing their work u maluatiiataly as if nothing was the mat. ter.' , On enquiry, however; we learned that it was indispensably necessary for them to Con, dune their labors, as irthey stopped oven for a few minutes,. the molten metal in the fetnacn, and the furnaces themselves, would be des troyed. • _ t„. ' SKIM. TW6 PLEDGE...-IYO learn that rarer one thousand Pittaburgheri hare sigited the . ..pledge since Mr. Jno. B. Gough tom:twitted lectnringin this city a few days ago. ADDITIONAL ClLMGE.—Another charge of lar ceny was yesterday preferred -against JOhn Thomas, who is now in prison, charged with en liOUß extensive robberies. Perm LABCENT.--A'cotrired man named John Brown was yesterday committed to prison by Mayor Guthrie, charged with stealing a quantity of meat from Mr. Adam Bender, a hurcher, in the Diamond. The butchers are compelled to em idoy watchmen every Tneaday and Friday night, and notwithstanding their vigilance,' are nightly plundered. LABCYNT.—Another information WM yesterday lodged against William Jackson, confined in Jail on various charges of larceny. Several country people have identified 'article.; found in his pos session, as having been stolen from their Wa gons. Meson's Of FICF. ALLECIIANT.-lii, honor May or Fleming of Allegheny, has hod but little to do for some days past, and his officers are "rest ing on their oars," after the hard work they had in the exceedingly important arrests they bare recently made. • Non LESTOINN PLA.NN ROAD COMPANY. =A -meet-. ing of the stockholders of the Tempertutcerille and Noblestown Plank Road Company, was call ed at Hare'a tavern, Liberty street, for the elec tion of officers, which resulted no follows'. I,IIIENT. M. It. BROWN 711F.ANCUT.Itil. IRION s SARGENT DIICTODS, . B. A. 31tVAli„; EDW. McDfiAID, ROBT. WOODS;"' JAS. LEDLIE, ISAAC wALion. Concertos.—We aro relutiested to state that some stolen goods,. mentioned in the papers, a short time ago, as having been found in thebase ment story of the Welsh Baptist Church, were not found there, but were discovered udorneath the steps of the independent Church, in the Eighth Wird. . Tim ISsarnse.—The weather, yesterday, was Tory cold and disagreeable. For the Pitt:butyl, Gazsite Sln WIIITE—The name of Mr. H. Sieber was inadvertently omitted in the "vote of thanks" of the Amateur Company. 'Justice in Mr. Klebir requires the correction, inasmuch as his time end talents were gratui tously and cheerfully givemandalscoppreciated. W. P. MARSHALL BY TELEGRAPH CONGRESSIONAL. WAsnrsarox, Feb. 6 Sr.:Luz—The chair presented the petition of Mr. Gurley, asking public documents for the Colony of Liberia. Mr. Spruance's resolution. directing the Sec retary of War to report upon repairing New Cas tle Harbor, wan adopted. Mr. 31ason moved that the Cii . mmittee on Na val affairs be discharged from the consideration of the resohition relative to changing the' con tract for a dry dock in California, whish was agreed tn. CaMr. Gwynn gavo notice of a Lill for a mint in lifo rnia. The bill granting land fora railroad in Ms sonri was pealed. The consideration-of the posing° bill wee fixed 'for Monday next; Mr. Benton followed up his bill to pay to the State of Missouri the two percent 'fund; reserved to construct a road, &c. • • Mr. Clay opposed tho bill, contending that in oottstructag the Cumberland Road, the wlMle of two per cent fund of Ohio, Illinois, and Missouri, and four times as much, bud been expended by the Government. Mr. Benton replied, and after some further debate, the bin was rejected—yeas 14, nays 31. Mr. Beaton s tnored to recommitment, with instruction, -Which motion woo lost—yeas 8, nays 30. The Berate then adjourned. House—The House went into Committee of the Whole, and tool• up the bills relating to the territories. When the Committee rose, the House passed the bill authorising Oregon and Minnesota to take charge of theirSalsool/at+o theta!' atipro priatingsloo,Mo to pay Oregon forthe ezraposes of Intuati wars; and the bill creating an none! colleetion'in district Oregon. Mr. Strtmg, from the Committee on elections. report.' adversely to the application of W. S. Misserty to a neat, as delegate faom New Metz Mo. Various other reports Isere referred to' Com mittee of the Whole, after which the IloMie ad journed. --,----__ . FURTHER BY - THE CAN •fIumADA. . ...v.. , ..amma ono x .. BOSTON, Feb. c .. Q, XIITLEY & COLVIN, Coal Morel anta, The Steamer Canada brings, the following one ' 1...., mid Pewter: in Dry Gouda tlrocerloa Iron and Nee, e.rn.re,f shoat strawt and Washington Tuntosk. Rind, day later intelligence. ' , T.hrpera apical* oelkidtwlyvg The London News says that tfa Ministers Lave L'i.INI P. ItOSS, I decided upon a surrender of the window tax, nub- ! 1. ,•• : ,: 5. j 0, , p ., : ,,,, ~ ntituting in its stead a moderate income tax.. teats. Prttsburgh. . The Marquis of Notlinmpton, died on the 77thj ; -, t -- . -- ii,. - ...: }, - . - 6 -- c. - . -,...-- of January. nailer at Low, Lic Paste, Friday, Jun. 17.-Lanirtrtine'm speech rttsburg. defending the Government, was not concluded 1 ''• -- - - until 5, P. M., on Thursday, when the Assembly i FRESe CurryH Fit t Ul a. zaat adjourned. ' . Banana kt hf h.. An unusually large number of persons attend- go - b , g1i n Te,,,..:,,'71 ed the Ball at the Elyse* , on Thureday night. I te= r ivim tom rasa. DRESDEN, Jan? 7.-It is considered that the Pteitt io For sale by chief object of the Conference, haa been obtained — .and the Austrian, llnnoverian, and Ravariart a gents have left. ' .• No Congress of the Monarchs is to take place at Dresden. . - ---- - ----- Ilsuarao, Jan. 15.-A Holstein patrol was at-. i eIASTOR OIL I -10 Luis ilow's best, fun sale tacked on the 16th by the Darien, at Windye, and . 1--) pm a skirmish ensued. Orphan's Court Sale. . The Conference between the Danish, Austrian, A 'S putnuance of an orde' of the Orphann' and Prussian Commissioners, at Hamburg, has ' Conn. of Allegheny County, 1•111 A, expoeed to online adjourned. no r at the new Court How., In the city of Prktle f o . n, Manua, Jan. 11.-The Queen has accepted ; T. l .,'„'' , A, ',;,i'li. t , h '',=llt°4 1 YA 4 ',lr:fh l getp,,lm. the resignation of Minister Wieland. The Min- me tu the cum in od erseid city, to wig that rema lot frontina 1.1, Ina on ...ogre. rtneet. isters an endeavoring to form a Cabinet. ! and( ...oh hark br the Fame Width 1/0 fee t. to hlni &lief • • inu which le enichal a sow aset convenient goo !dol t frame lit ....1 , 7 . !1 . ing boon, t u b.. al l l o lhzt other to t t m tup t :11 NE s. r num. , Feb. 6 . ; ;unni . n haVb 9' llaa ' aame , widlit ' lkl te:tioiLlm alloy, this f do 8. B. Letcher, Mexican Minister, came passel]. I r by..... km ... r , .i...... of the darts.. of WO feet ger in the Alabama. The news by this steamer I Terms made kutywn on day of .ate. to unimportant. ' ' . laltqw3tS ~ JOSEPII 11. HILL, i Administrator of satnuol C. MIL deed. Dates from the city of Mexico are to the loth i ultimo. Arista bid barn inaugurated Presi- ' Military Bounty -Land Agency, dent- t Q 3IATIIEW lIOSEY, would respectfully A revolution was attempted at Cannata, in 1 q lotm i thr 10.m . 11,!h. , ii , i t n,..l. ,, intrgiiiri. - favor of Santa Anna. It was, however, eerily i ` " 'd7ft4 " lll,, o h ...h ‘ r h a ,:; e tr a 7ll. ‘ ... ge ed in aorta the suppressed. . wore since 1790. or their willooe or minor clitlldren. Ca ne Telt/tutu:pee Surveying Expedition are ' 11, " ,1„. ' ,. ' n, 8° r,V,t,t,= “ 4:": re ,TaT.:..e' =ldes ' progressing finely. ' again. the transfera, no benefit nankeen. to the Whiter Individual claimants ted. It in thereon of t o abet soolo mart meted. theft' land wither insertion • 11, one will be found too ospnLvivg-the BATON Roma, Feb. 45. • ' oth e r ' kra t takien . t., requires liberal ; ‘ r. ' and fair . Herr Renningeser, wire performer,. in attempt- i 7 . ,,,, ,P,'' , ',,,,....Vgii ,b . A ,Ltr=1 iz .i.....,,: . .„„1„„ . ..11 . 7„.! tag to walk the wp• from the tower of the Capi- , ma. this entire businexe oflre. to. aoldler, hi Lb. conantoloal LOlg tell, and wan Rai& mutt eoutemelatea by Congrivia, .4 rototrunontle I by the './......:: 1 feparbgent. l 6 tny main °Ned I propane, therelb re L.. at: I Vi= ti f . or ' firtVe h t'tfitill. t qa=reatpaimant: um 'matin g of .aid warrant, uterebreertuina end g ...- teeing to the aoldier &Judicious aeleetlo_ti, either in TAM of igeopatke or sole. 3.1. To obtain a Patent for raid UM, together with • denteription of Ito quality, Iticattou.kk. (b.. enabling him to . form an estimate of lb value. Terms, - which will be removable. made known on 014,14 ealloo. Clay Add ton r eascoun /pa I ct Laid) S. !LtilIEW HOAR, PinkselL'a, t N. /1.-Wri y. tn the name of 'Sour Port Mee, Countz.anti ntate, vest ten th ly. Janplr.e.B PIILLADELPIIIA MARKET. PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 6. Cotton—le in limited request at former Nits. Flour—The dullness and inactivity which bas characterised the flour market, ',till continues, and prices have declined. Holders nominally ask $6,25 for common and good brands. Corn Meal is firm at ifi2,B7 per bbl. Grain—Nothing doingin wheat, except in small lots to millers. The supplies of corn are limited. Sales of yellow in store at 60€GOie. Clover Seed—There is a fair deMand for clo ver soee ; and 300 bus sold to-day at :$5(2;53,061. hu for good and prime, principally at thelow er rate. Whiskey is in limited request in tads at 2.5 e and in MAE at 23e gall. Nothing is doing is provisions. None is arriv ing, and tier(' nro no stocks to operate upon. BALTIMORE MARKET. February 5. At auction to-day were sold 50 bhde New Or leans sugar at $6 25 l S 6 80. Sales 600 lohls., !Toward Hour at's4 50 ; 25i1 do. choice at $4 661; sales of 1100 bbts., City 311lls at $4 60. Gail-N.—Red wheat 08cG,102;,white at $l,lO 1 12• Yellow corn 59e a 60: white 65. Oats 49e a 46. live 70c. - . Whisky in blls. 21, in bbls 26 a 25i. Provisions—Sales 100 blils new mess pork at .$l3, 4 months. Sales 100 km No. I lard at be per lb: Sales EOOO lbs bulk sboulders at Go per lb; of 10,000 lbs., assorted nt 7te and 1000 pis hams at if per lb. Fair sales of bacon aides at 8} ®B4, timid shoulders at 7c ppr lb partly cosh. Groceries Salesof 24104 bags inferior to I nir Rio Coffee as tollowsi-57 bags at 103; 47 at 10i ; 874 at 11c; 278 bags ot Ili; 505 hogs. at Jii ; and 131sbags at 11 in per 14--iiveragin g fraction over 11 le. CINCINNATI MARKET. • enccvotAri, Feb. Flour is dull. So sales to report. Provisions--Sales Bulk !Sleet at .1 for Shoul ders, end Gic for Sides. 11.10,000 lbs Shoulders sold at 43c; 200,000 IN Sides at Gies Lard :bus advanced to So for bbls, end Sic for kegs. Whiskey—Sales at 23{ ®24c "et gallon GrOeries—Sugar is Gnu. Soles !tin LWs p pod fair it 61eGic. Sales Molasses• at Ike 1:1;tal. Coffee is unsettled. The river has risen G inches. The weather is colder. Sr.. Lams, Feb. 5, P. M. MISCELLANEO S. The rivet is nearly clearaf ice opposite thecity, ' _ and has risen 4 inches eines morning, and still swelling. There are foto 51 feet on the prinCi. i A .lERICAN WOOLLEN GOODS—One i ..flt hoodran and ear on large stud Bad Blzeleta. pal btua to Cairo. No Large boatscawran. 2DO pairs Crib Blanket, au parior articte. I • ' WO do Steam Best Illantrta,rll.la,n bound. • —.....-- la) do Gamy Coating Blanketa, be a ry.: CINCINNATI 1 1 LkRKET. • too do Drab do do do 50 do Dine do do . do . [ ' February ii. . 2 etaeajnark Blnakat mom, do i . Flour—The market 1 . heavy, with sales of O.:N/ j I. as B '"gnlllar d. rl) Dn ' :101411. . 'bids at $1,60 /4 hill. • 3 do Jan ., ol Tweed), aasorttal avtora. 3do a paned roloic ' Whisk,,y—Stliett at 24c "f 4 gallon. 2 do Casaisnere, blark and fancy .ahirs. Provisiona—The market is unchanged. Sales i tdo Hatlnen t a, blark'and nrey mixed: of 300 kegs Lard at Bc, and 37 bbls at 7ic 1.1 M.! .1 . :1 1 L1 11.. V ".. ". in Ni f b m .,12 d . "I.'"' Coffee—There is a good demand at 12ic for I Tb` . .b.'" a."..ibed coals +re di ott mttn , i , t 2 t..d. 6. . m arrow tosatufacturam nut an d nest, and ana for gate on good quality. ! litxral ten. to the triad, at. mannfentutare Wine... Mollusc., is firm at 110 c 11 gallon. • . den i . (lover Seed—Sales 50 bills at $3,:i0k55,70 I ‘ I CARLET CURTAIN CIIINT Z, Plain, i- e hu, syhich is a decline. j 1.73 ?milled, and Printed: al.. Curtain Itivalha of va ri ous i In ri t a v and qualities, to fottral at Dr) 1.1.24 n Doom of Other articles are without change. . SI CEP 111 .k URCHFIELD. The river has risen 5 inches. The Weather is I told N. E. roaSourth a;Markot as. pleasant,. NEW YORK MARKET. NOON REPORT. February C. • Cotton—The market is dull, with no sales to report., Flour—the market is dull, and prices easier. Sales 1000 bbls Michigan and Indians at $4,81 Cp.,"4,51, and of common Ohio at $4,70 "i? bbl. • Ginin—Corn is easier, with 'sales of IEOOO bu shels slt 07C to hu, delivered. Wheat is without change. Procisions—Pork is in moderate demand, with sales 100 bbla nt $12,12i€,E $12,25 for Mess. and $9,12} for Prime. New Mess is saleable at $13,- 25 70 bbl. Beef is quiet, with sales of Mess nt $8,25511510511510,50, and of Prime at s3(i? $6 ? bbl. Sales GO bhl, Beef llama at $l5 ':pl blil. Lani is dui).* with sales of old at 81c 111 lb. Whiskey is held at 25e, with small males. Linseed Oil is improving, with sales to day of 1800 gallons at Ole .? gallon. Tobneco--The market is firm. Sales 50 lthds Kentucky Leaf at 9(ilOol? lb. New Your. Feb. G. • Cotton is quiet. 900 baics sold at irreinlor prices. Flour is quiet and dull, Sales 3800 bbls, in cluding ordinary Ohio et $4,75644,81. ladi aua and Michigan ut dii,Bl@s4,Bs. Grain-IVhast is dull. Corn is active and ea sier. Sales 25,000 MI, including New Southern Yellow at 66i to 67c; 1000 bu western Mixed to arrive, on private terms Provisions—Pork is firm. Sales 300 bbla old at $12,06 to $12,12; Moss V,12 to 58,25. Prime new Ohio is saleable at •3'131, and'Prime at $ll. Beef is steady, with sales 200 bbls at former quotations, and 160 bbl, old prime,at 54. Lard ii quiet, with sales 100 kegs old at and 200 new to serifs, at Bis lb. , sw! NEW ORLEANS 3LIREET. New 0 ir t LZAli 8, Fe I . 3. Cotton—The market is quiet. Beale .1, are awaiting the Canada's news. ~ Flour—Salas of Ohio at $4,2U®,54,28 bbl. Provisions—. Sales of Bacon Sides at 7 rill® 7ie 70 lb. Mess Pork is firm at $l3, and e at $11,25 "iil bbl. Lard is selling at 710 in -this, and Sennic in kegs. I ' Coffee—Sales of Rio at 11 }Gil le. Whiskey—Sales at 2702710 la gallon. Arriecd—Sommers Wm. Noble, Bay State, Europa, Hungarian, Childe Harrold, and .Ipares.s, from Cincinnati; General Lafayette from Louis ville. The weather is rainy. , _..... Now Oatsass, Feb. 6, P; M. All dealers are anxioualy awaiting the Cakada's news. I 1,.. Cotton—The market is dull, with sal Mies at last quotatiom. Tobacco—Sales 200 Watts old crap at 81 • Flour—Sales of Ohio at $.1,20655,25.; I Corn--Sales at tlsc bo. Provisions—Sales new Mess Pork at $1 of new Prime at $llCw 11,25 i 3 MIL Sale' kegs Prime Lard at Sit !l lb. • I Groceries—Sales of prime Molasses at 2 ; gallon. • Arrived—Steamers Schuylkill and , Nor ; vr, from Citicintm4.. LOOK Mal MY FRIEND A RE YOU A FATUER, laboring II frt. a l Fri,lo,l,:.t72)7,lflan}:ff.Va.l -nix Um 0. L. Ilona • Maker darearrarttla Aru ron • Mutter, eufferlog Drew &sears to ir melee v r zt nerally velvet. use Dr. b. D. Hoene', berm —lt will eertsloly ewe SVC Cal at our deptt or on one of our wrote. yet • r.implikt. gnat. where you 011 end that We 11 er egpenile, 0 Prepared by De. b. D flow. has We mane tY pernmeently curtny more d1.'.... t0 w the human fatally are eantlent.aly inahreet. than an thee •Ont.-Adam of Memapartlla eve yet bought e a. public. Thls ruedmlrts estahllated Its high rryeatatlan it• =WOOS =ld we/1000d ware It to ;rut up Jayuar,. buttle. and fa the only Bane penile that ilet.o oo the Lire. Kulneya and Ilhaal 0 W• sung time. which meth re It altotrether more valuable to ever/ , on. partkularly M female, Ile sun atal evyulr.• for Di D BOWL% YAM, Al` UtILLA.. and take nootber hire it per t.ttle-45 bottles fur For *ale by DR. D HOP 1: •CO Prupeletrina 1 Cones. , Dail. I,4,&; , twatt. Uhin ,To erlem all order , . may be uttlreaed ale. for .rte by J A .h.rutr. J nehumena er A o. W. Black. It 31 31. eat. J. 31 To. J. 31,1tIty. It Jerk eon. Ilttabergh. D A. Elliott. Allegheny eft', 334 t 31, Clelland, itaneheuter C r ueler. Dreetorellly, Paull A C., Wheelie. J II Patten.. and u. 01. r:larreville. WIWI Y hwy.. Calla "SILVER WAR 1,7 Butter Knives. facturut to order and i T)Vatated. 600 as TEE BRITISH PERIODICALS, NI) THE FARMER'S' GUIDE. L}:OP, ABB SCOTT. CO., No. 54 Gold areell,'New , continua to publish the four leading quarterli Re view., and Blackwood . . Moraine: in addition to wbleb they have reoently commenced the putilknition of a value. Agricultural work. called the 'Farmers . (Wide to Sci entific and Practical Agrienlture." by Henry too bruin, F. It. h.. of Edinburgh, author of the "Book. of We Farm, ire. he.; unified by John P. Norton, 31. A.. New Haven. Profiteer of Scientific Agriculture in Yale College, Or. This Wetly valuable work will cronlirise tam large royal octavo volume, containing over 1400 puree. with la or ID , bodeden steel engravings. and more than GOO engraving. l, to the blrthesit style of art . Illustrating almost ry implement of husbandry now in we by the beet far r., the trot methol of plowing. planting. haying. harv esting. le. the various dommitie adman in their high est perfection, in short. the ph - toriel feature of the book I. aldr OM will mutter it of Incalculable value to the au. ple dent tie agriculture. The work. Iv helm, published In ..embmonthly Numbers. of pa.kr• each, exclurlve nf the steel engraVing. , . ant I* mid 25 cents! each, or 03 for the entire work in nuuntera of wilkh there will be at leant twenty two. The British Periodical,. republished ere ti follows, •Iti— Tite London Quarterly Review (Conservative); the Min. Curgh Review ( Wh o the North British Review (Free Church); the IVestmineter Review (Liberal), and wool . . Edinburgh Map-mine (Tory/. Although these works are diatingoished by the polities! shade, alvve Indicated,et boot • 'mall pinion of their method. Is devoted to ledi y drel subteen.. IL I. their literary eintraier which glee, them their chief value. end in Out they Anna orinfritedly fa above all other Munuls of their clue, iliackwood. gullunder the maiderly wuldan, of Chri.pher Noah. plantain. Its ancient reletnity maul a this flaw. unusually attractive.. trim the aerial 'work. of Rulwer mid other literary notable, written for that mitge . rdne, and font appearing in it. ,olumns both in limas Ili+ Min and In theUulttel States. Suchwork. es - The cu tope nod "Ily New Novel," thigh by Bulsrera - PT Pe•to • pular "Tile tinvm Hand," and other periala, of whieh numerous roost egad,, are Issued by the leading publishers to this country, have to be repritat•A by (b." publishers from the page. of Illarkwooil; after It No been hu t ted by leseira Croft Co. le that wybornher• tr. the Reprint of that Magatne rrmy al.ayr. rely us having th e earliest of theme [actuating tabe. TERMS. p e r any one of the four Review. per worm lot t.. do Eor .7 . do do A 31 do 3 Pi Los; al to l ., kitar ..„...i lls.vie . do b ? V 'Of• ht= 1 1. 6:1,77BR:4 1 :::d. 10 tot lar Fainters' Guide (complete in V N..) a On Payment to be made in LUBBING all ranee In advance. C. ot viii Le Ewt nr i t t b o w :c :ub ab y ove o rd . : o es . 7ln r . g . " f r7of ri o , r c;i'F.e.0 e rove. ...el or of one of eIT of Review will be out to one dd , !„,!. s o,ntea of the four Beelews and Blackwooi tor u . r.AIA 4 A.• trrdrn from clubs must be rent direct to th ni " 31:n d c ".' y. in th th n r tim Pri ts7telia "' re l leued 7 wl l4 . 'ltioeb'l 'le'enlPXnersi and cotton actrallona ahead to away. ail. dresied. put paid or frazil....l to the Puhlieher. LECO4AItII sourr A CO, TV ulton eve.. New York. I . 010 !'cal 64 Gold Anat. _.~.,~~:~. ~ U,_::: _:~,,.:. 11TH I TE:' 1141.1iNS—ii barrels received and T for aaln .la/ SAMUEL P. sll.ltit Alin—Twentv barrels and thirti kegs No. JLA 14..1rd 1 , 41,11,4 i ILI for yak by rer..l3 SAMUEL P. SIIIIYVEIL N.IASI! FUR - TILE DIFFERENT GRADES ) of whetlt t lYonl by jell I IL LEE. - -..- QIIIRTINIY.3IUSLINS.E IRISH LINENS. 17 Murphy L Burchliehl metirtue to lotto* particular atteat.ton 0 LblA branch of their Loath:wee. and Imre Metal to etlyet tl poperturetrtirb—lbe Hrtenewarrantati pure P.O. and Iteth low prima km quality. jell CIIINESE VERMILLION-74The for sale , IT inll I. MIA CO. II EMP. SEED—Fifthen barrels (Ow crop) ix r`o .O. bY All J. KIDD 0 CO. GUM ONUM-450 lbs for sale by ; Jel.9 J KIDD 0 CO 61 Et:AR LEAD-1 mud: for sale by - - t_3 oc3 J KlilD kCO _ Qi LVE It COIN IVA NTED of every' descrilr Ijtior 4 oml time higimot premium paid for UM rm., in Eimt , ru Errbp.m...r, par fowls, or rumor,. , e.... .1. wiLhms .cico.. V.J7 Cu,. Third awl Market rt. —.- — SDNDEIES—IIntIes Cotton; If hen No. I Lard: I brl Taffow; — aakn Komwmx: InFr I•emout.; 2 bogy Peachmr. ' F•athert 5 bww. I:MnNol.oier Forgr. Olonmc Now ImdlnF from ntenm.r Mortioetr. end Am rib by )127 IS:LIAO DICKEY k CO. Wat.,r/L Fruot eta _..._— • PEARLSLlsciuikssuperior, for sub) by 1a27 WICK t 31eCANLILE.S.S. oLL BUTTER—Twenty barrebt : prime. Junt rer4red and for IPPM SAIIVEL F. SHRIVER. FLOUR -100 bris superfine: imle Ilan for .utle n2l W 11...10111i5T0N.111.54 , rund et- Dlt I APPLES—Fifty bushels received and for .eh, by ie,a. SAMUEL P. SHRIVER. OB.N-200 hu white et yellow, for sale by 1 y 1.27 WICI k NIPCANDLESS. TOCKS FOR 'SALE--Western Ins. Stock; 1 'Turtle Crrek Plalrk Road 'ttPlouryn, Cinchnialj cud L0tt,,,,01p Telpgraplc Mnrlue Mock; Hand n.nrilittocl4 111,Igp Copper Mock. • EU. E. ARNOLD& CO, Jell 71 ' , north et, rVIJIte SATINS, of tile' most desirable 11 abadp, to be lad et the Afore of JW )11:arm' a BURCHFIELD R ICE -Twenty tierces new crop, received tns 'hu 181147;ATRICK, 144 Ilabert t ilrlit - No "3 Mackerel; .1 cuts C 01614 104 tala 11 /.43 J. s ItiFLOTD ... . Qolf.'t ASII-25 rusks Johnston's brand. 117 for .sde Ar ih:3 J. A H. FLOYD ' - lIW.MS—VOI 410 Z for sale, by ..C.O J. & R. FLOYD I{ICE -15 corks Carolina for tittle by , 1a ... L R. FLOYD JUST RECEIVED from the Phillipsvillo 00 Cloth Factory. Ml 74n 1 . 44 Floor OR Cloth: MO yardd 4.4d0 do . y 1 - 3-I Wagon Oil Cloth: :00 at.o..artnl Llnet T•bln. 6tanil se4 Bum. (3.en. sf patent leatlmr bulAlk. and 13.9..1.1f0l ;maven, Ike Olae whole.ale cud retail, at tlaa varehouso Noot.l Lzul 0 11,.1 etrret Ai J. & 11. PHILLIPS.. .. J 4 1 .1 1 .1 ASSURANCE—lnsurance o n per ... &A . ,. [I. ...eta 16. M IV may Imr e'llnr4E+l In J .10 Natl , mal Lo.n Fund Life elnurann• Scrlety,'Ly, . n irstilVa s rtr d' anli n l U UVl:zplanalery.,.l:oll.L. lmrt err.Pred ft, Knaustous uLttluo.k. ha lb., a .15 . 11. A. lIILLpire at the Itut4• CO.. tout Wont w++.l atarell'ondb. ARO OLL. 5 Logs winter straineiLfor sale AA b 0 .147 MATTIIKVIS 0 CO. I INSERI) OIL. 5 lids pure New Castile r"*."-"' and as rarrix a iao. /A OFFER. 213 hags Rio for sale hr RACY. mArrii ttri s co. , 1 - NSII. 116 lirls large No. 3 Mnekarei; j u lt1 . 1.1.1: 3 11arlos; .147 teirEtjtATTIIEM4 1 Cu. Public Sale of Real Etate. WLI.L bounded on the booth by lands or Henry Marrow. on the aro. by Jambs no; on the aiuth by N aar: Taylor:and on th e ...a by ..taines tally. enntalning Llty ulna awl One halt 16al , iir NMI, more or hots, letng ths saps tract nr, around on which tbe bibb...nol , Crawford neighs!. raid priiterty Inv near the bbank•brbirn rbul.bul 1. sla.t. leo miles fn al the city of lattatitirgh. about 40 items of dm saiutind Sr. cleared. and in crnileitltarsatlon for Wynn; purpose". stout one half isirel unload therrupiirtv ti only one and a bal e mite from (.. , ntral bull head. a,al tract of gri out to now owns. hr Jane Matiossia. Mrs leatella awl Mori Jane MeNntl. • mho,. awl held by them la isuanto in innaion. eseh ol. omit in tart herset arid 7. ariobers harlot teen iontsi•enst hr M J r. ana 141 - ewan Mra kabella by warrant of attorney, to eon their reryisettle inarreots,and Roleat 'lent nun. aitiardian .obj Mary Jane 11eianit. Lavin, been authorised and directed to the trrpnan-ronrcot Allegheny annul, to Fell the Internt of tbe wad minor. in the real estate alsoe dries - fled The mid tract will acianottualy be sold to the litehert a tut twst on Ilia 11111 ,lay of February nest. at 10i0'c10r,1a...1..M. Tervis of sate 1.111 b. C. rAlf."TjlEltS. jalanall • ROBERT lIERDII4O. xEc MALY SALE— Mr/a titt!l'y In the village of Clinton. Allegheny county. re-., no the Is. Thur..lay of February. A.L. 1.0. a. a: II o'clock. A. M., on the nrenalsev, thllowt. &embed proterty. Int Nu 1. cvnitatnfrig Thirty Twolls.looperebea lnaoded Jujy tti hen.el. gm street, IVtdow flood and cabers. on which la erect.' a tau nory Frame Dwelling Mu.. Lot .o. ntaining Fort y 1 1 :1-100 petcbm, bounded by tbe erect. la e byroe .1. Par a Frans.. ker, by the school house lotac4,otbers, on 'which ett Stable. 4.u1. No. 3. •• ,- .ntaining Thirty Seven 04.10.3 perch . .. bound. edby tho otrret, by an alit, IT strbool bowel.. on •blett io erne .oa Wegon cnntaining /'arty Elnbt 71:400ncrebra, bound. by Judy Wbot.oel.ebarloo Men. and Dr. - Tormn of sale aro ball cant, tl. halan'or to t;vo oOual au boml paronenzo, tutona.t. to I, evon.l Ay tufgzorot b soul wortga,co- .INDItEW MoCLEASTXR, AUNNT. }:aerator. of James e, deed. 01111IANS' COURT of Alldgheny ]County. of larcemberteron .1. U. ISf.O. ItrAhr matter of the partition of the rol estate °Moo. E. Patter.oo. late of Elizabeth tows:obi, demand. Alkwheny bounty, S S • il Yin, noonu rettronn vg. Sarah Pilfer : von 5 `. 19 .., - '..'4 , t."1.T.1L 1 :4;1'...7'idad n11 . ...D. Engine sod Faetorr Lae. car 'Tubing, Horse Fender, linarop's Patent PrelTllll4l C,Ar. Maelloe &Wog, Doll,, Torn, Life Prisons, Cashion, Pillow,' lkda, Whip, 110,11 ea sr ason nod —/Isat gloat, Boat, Krapeaek,Casiteensirater TAOS, Pail, Fire Buckets. Se. Seticlea for the Trade made to Order. • ÜBES, TUBES, TUBES.--Theundersigned r r hare receiXed special periaLtlon faun wad are in ill hie eocununli,tlhti with the Itirnahanhian PATENT LAP WELDED IRON TUBE COMPANY, a far the sale of their very excellent and rite...for BOILER -and GAS TEM , In Luce armall quantities. Them Tubes axe cowl xery ex. tens/vele. Lath In England and the continent of Eneutis t and egld rx.slusivel , - by WILLIAM BIRD t cii. /mil : Clan Plate taxers, • FlWall newt._ :ire Sc 5 Mullah, Lane, y Limiest, a 0,1140 Buchanan street. Mowery's'. 'Murphy's . Self-Sealing Advertising Envel opes. XTO. 283 YORE.— Tht ta b Zi= n "' B u d ie h oti l lr P Vlrt.iL .l l:= with which a new article is trroopht before the Tba ellTrirtiM Of pel. has ntabilsned inter:opelionty bc- Yowl all "Loretto.. attal be confldentir to she lestlmo ny of threw bonne, moo who hare need there envelorw, atul et his rapidly Increasing sales. as proof of their excel (ewe. Tbe following are a..few of the reintous for their pop. bwiti 14. On the place orreurtled bf the mil e .. person I:1117 lo hare his name. btto., and addreta. courpiruourly and beautifully emboswel. colored or pWn. tbus affording per fect security arab:Let fraud. . rd. The Envelopes cannot be enema without being &i -ntro. ed. . . . NI: Neither wax nor 'extort, ern requirri.to eft' therm ith. hiton Ent.tarriarrof • letter, the oral incur, ite Ittun,lista return to tarnder. Instead of belnx bmied ctonthe In the Dead Lofflm. oth. The Envelopes arefurnished at almond the mac mire as plant ones. Oth. plant letter malltsl is • treetreffectlee advertieentual suro to atmut the attention of throndh whom hunts It 'Vb. Inflowlot, Lea lien of priest. for Drug, sue - meted an ten,. Reel uhlch uDI fart for TcatlG anl of I.Yrittormt. of the nenalsite, either white or buff, of goal paper, and made so shoe, with nainee,4drett& ' Priv, I Dieu atria, et/ Ehreleves made AI '3) tetra. nr 0 0 ' orate t 00 !. ------ ------ 40 to CO to1(1,00110°01...- . 60 to 10U... Wben not convenient to forerstve - anionnt or order per mall or express. a referen o r ders resiectablis Nan York }louse .111 be mufficient XI will meetnitb pr=ii attention. if addrmsed. WM. MURPHY. No.= Madison serrat, Neer York. Orders will be attended to pm:still p. if left at the ethers of limier, &bell ,t Mott. Dr) Wall street, or of Messrs. 11. Jercliman 1in,13.1 , N. B.—linsinene Card. embossed to eolort from Fame Dies. at 310.00 per timenatut ruitleatten Professor A. C. Barry's Trieopherous, OR MEDICATED COMPOUND, infallible for renewing, invirating, and beautifying the hair, endmooting the 'scurf. danM'uf, and ail affections or the wag', eruptions on the akin diseases of the glands. muscle. and lutegunknts, and relieving stintruente, brim poolee, tea pith tVt . t .ref in ne.rAileirinni too oa,Xn.o of tb4L s fell." The higlieet eminent, prominent . el of all mike. siona and ladies who bare coot It for yr. , In their dm. sing rooms and nurseries, .40001 It with on...rd. that for luzinianes. and mud to the hair, il e l' V i atTeig vi sffril i nd w' darldruil; healing wounds. curing 100. end 'Melvin"; diseases of the skin, the glands , tend theammeles,it hen q equal among the multitude of cernigunds adve rt ed in n the pub. lie pints, or anal In private gradate. In deem...awl Parry. Theophertent I. unrivalled. The law memo rash palm of the article. have enabled the inventor supply It a[ esempir bottle, which is Item 10 to leg per mot inia than the .orioe of any. other preparation...kr the hair now ie use. The scientific treatise on the hair and the akin embracing the valuable , directions for the cui rass a nd preservation ofnature's eholorat ornament. in i n whiel, cub bottle isenekeed. igaione worth the Money. The affinity between themembranes whiebconstitutetbe skin atartlas bah, which draws W outcomes, Crean this glide envelope,is rem , chine. Anthems, of the hair ori ginate lull,/ Ain of the hoed. If tile Imres of the scalp eel clogged, or if the mad and outer Mai do not dram hie freely throisab the email reek's which feed the root with moisture. and Impart life to the Oberst the remit is anddandruff. shedding of th e heir. Fritebeell , drynerS, and harabeess of the ligament., and entire beleaass, as the sem may be, tamale/4s the shin to heeithfitt active. lath Tricopberone, and the torpid 'meta, recovering th eir activity, will annihilsto the dase. 4 3311.11•ZectIona of the skin. Ludo( thus mbetrata of mumbm !all! hategnments, the permute and the effect are the mama It is upon the Ale the muscular fibre, mad the glands, that the Tricuptienuti ham its ekicille acthin, and in ell affectkits, tad tummy of them °ram:nth. is a sovereign noinedy. gal in hurt faddist, prke tents, at the priori* of. Oa. 111 Brad new York, sad hythe pritelPe m' efifWe ante and amtr.hsts throughout the United Maras end Car:- BALTIMORE Q . REEN RIO COFFEE.—On Thursday "" ," FA , ...7, st II a'cleck. at tha Iraboodca. o ue.w. Maar( /Ultimata. Z.:17 takes Gccan R' Cada , catakatzta will be preparad and Lb° ChGeo tescly" tc* tt , =matt. day bens th e sale. W. O. IlADIZI:0 $ '. tekkat • SUURTZ k. CO., keep constantly Yy n .,, 4 .. e n t at yhobrale, 11.111 tt, , XlO bats N02..1,V:L1 4' 'keret: 220 ittra and qtc 201 ms ben quaint,. C , IXL ,, •" • /GU tuba DV WEIL For We at loved yak. by 6.11. billa:TZ I.V fohlallra N 0.3 o'Doneelre wharf, (Mat. Asti Baxtroon.. 31,1. • CST RE - C — EIVE — D Eer eco stenter Pcuatto br eIP 76 bcsm erwi RoL esl, l D/Lo!k. CO.-fele .S.V11:11, . - .raticacm. • "rNDRIES-3 brls fresh Rot! Rutter; 1,1• CA•rn 3ffiall :. rack" Traffics, • les MINI V* , ..)42radme on enn, eglanent. malt PR gala b 7 Ara J.D. inuaests a cco ST. LOUIS. AVID C. TUTTLE. Attorney at Lair, Coeflabd4oo•l , 63i Pen..7 1, ..d.. Bt. Leal. Ye. com lo.l muulearicau promptly sarrored. °ai, Jo., H. RANKt'S . --- i ------ ". tti , ine and Om. ortlor at Law, and 0ann01•n06,......... , far the Italia of ..rhusti, FL Loais. 31.: (law ot. Li _llntrerrece•—litabllco. w. r.rwa.d -- /la 11.111.. r. Weahlleas 4 Was., Jobn L.PariA ffinhil. A SemplaltrOmt &Oa • - ---,---- _ ----,---------.._ 11 Commis -1 I i=reer 1311tEU3aTh'—'---Ott' M333h fj alit... No. 31 Old Lie.st.:New J °rims. km, gm. ferig; =. l :lls h cirttry fol•ltfttratiroa Durs.l Oa. Bordwax, ILastwzod.,.... & J. J. Dorsal. ds 31343. too. 3... L. Merrill. A. d• 31oralore,. Jesa. a.; An,..b. oh, &Mews Bed and White Wino 13441.113 and selected Ikith care' br John • Dotesa3 • b. rides Cbazorsam. WiDit and *lord Bormsody Pat. 37* BOSTON. AMERICA N H0178:11,.. - • - •n s: o 8, T1.5. ET. BOLTON. FITHg undersigned huving Milli and enlarged theaters estmAre for all Won[ ue. hundred and rooms. would maim - MDT cire notice that It la norte__ adi tb. 'sceptical and amonttoodatbar of Sl* tramanng tarnenalty. • , An extended notice of tha unserperned counmiames of tida Dona. is damned mprranons, ea tbe unromotta larptore. menu whieh hare been made cannot be proterly given tit advertheemenL dabs it to 00) . 00 niptiok bagi spated to render MUT apartment .I, lZteLu d m=4.-a. to fide ctn.?: I=ao . ayve t moms, all! be found to be of tho somt beaM./M mutes. tyre. Tbe Dining :roans am mPanions. mat Its ham Itg meals will he eo arranged am to mit 14e anttanionc• of tbe 'early and late. . 1!"17 Itoa d'Par ort ltef*ffi us e to in h'=rte Travelkn Mem um's aux MISCELLANEOUS. J. L. tOttUlt.... A. ILL= COULTER CiLACKE, Wholesale and Re. ton Drucidst, Corner or Woad toad Third neut., ma der the et. Charkt lloteL Pittabargh. tarlarly& II tco or eov t i+lo . ' Eons ntgk -RUGAR. MOLASSES-30 bide Sugar ; br jeLIG BURBITDOIC PLUMP. WINDOW GLASS-2000 .b.= aged sues, I"3a' * Vatimaic a rNomiau .1•19 giLUE—Twenty barrels just itceived, and 1„I for sale kar by the buret at ft IT. WICKIMBILLIPS i. • • Oar.of Wooei Myth YU 50, . I .n LBS. CA SEED receit.....l .! !' ,I_F =I Mrs:J..lP 8. N. ITICTITIISHAVS. J. are crolkocl t 811121 4.. .CIINSENG AND DEESIVAX.-2.3 bags' ILA nsawarn O Innym= 1 task Beerwal now Logan from otouner T w de by WO ISAIAH DICKEY t CO. Water & Front ANNERS' OIL.=-Twenty. brla Bank Oil, ill good ardor. for sale by dolt J. h B. 11.01rD. 11\40LASSES.--38 brls . new, in store, fari IVA. Bala " del9 J.12-17.47D. LARD.-44 brls No. 1, now;lading., fort .I.lt delg ISAlAll_vcraY ECM__ TII.I—ONIVREAT FLOUR—Twenty sacks in,l ./Jf gore and for mar by JOS B. W...RBAVOIL ORA.NBE BERRIES. . 320 Bbkr Wub 7 Cial BRAUN t REITiIL FRENCH BROADOLOTH --ni11 . 7 /E! DwaUid . haeh 01 it e v.moue qualitles abxe ankle, hid black Dra ch atill= aViriltr Ik' " prim fix the quality. 84 ‘! " " li ' 44 it lam I O reedved andLL BUTTER.—Ten . brla Roll Butter . for solo - H. a waitinutort. - - V IGARS—Fifty thousandSig.ars ..teceivodl sal ter sale bi JO/ S. k 1:1ABBAIIIIII \CIA REAL- , -Thirtybags Oil Meat, received =lts alebT, jII .AtW. SZAADAI7OII. FLOUR—Ono hundred brie Eli= Family ardt4 & P. Flour. Jastreagred and Igt tea , & W.HARBAUBII. IgEAVY WOOLLEN GOODS FOR"SALE' at ride/ wino. comtsting of the Wont= 7: 1 2a. v x . r , I cr ttrtlttgeW i r , st ,e end . =re , : 11 6,.. 1Mt xedneed ptiees, and Trill be sold on favtanble tame b zrx. , Mi[ b ) y tA . SSEFi deli, ftgyr y iji w n:rar i p forclitle SALERTUS.--5 torts Srdoratruyin brie and for ralo br t.e ROBERT D I co. EAF LARD.-Leaf Lard in btla'and kega JAI Anil Ibr Fill by , lUIIatTp.U.Z.ELL tt , O. ,lA9 UGAIL—LS ibis prime N.Vrleatui Sugar, ky In Rare an 4 sato by =BELT MUESLI! Clal; Js' . Liberty. street. IS 11 7 -, Fifteen dmms G. B. esdflzh; So I NacYe J, la 2 21`4,7::! 1 1 " * x . 1 / 4 ' I°* `' . JOILN ...ITT* CO . Cream 'cern n store wad for sale by " .TAMC. 4 I Dar ' , TT T jail a Rat= Mug. GROCERIES •YO 'half at/tato.; //Tr= 55 ruttydo.. ha sod Gubsibirder. nltosue bon en es Roles 0. L' awe, - 11 do .P. bullhorn 4-Co, 1. and Fs do: nt do Cublnoo 51LTultscret • 15 at. Loxes Prbe load Ihrornbe Veda. 10 In boxes JunelL.Thouvron Jr. flubletulrat 11. Lump. In store 1.14 i for eale by , 11¢111 .10111: MITER t CU. aLUE-Iventy five burels for sale by gut- J. KIDD t CO. No. aoltext at. Aft LASS PAPER--Fivo bundled reams of si Saab's Islas; 14 sale Dal J. KIDD • C0.N0.60 WOW ot. DOYS' SATINETTS.—Inipby tc:-Barcb. fieldlta.t, ?mind • kt of W.l•me Yaw Maui Plaldr= j illaidascret, TabbY.Neiret., a., ,a , „iiartat 4,10. cornea of and Market Ftzerts. ofyi AISINS—Orto hundred andfay boxes =4 4, WO half bases main.] =1 far. Ws low by- • Jals 13111,0474 d KIMPATIWK SAIX.RATUS-4 tasks No.l Saler . atue; In rtoreend for rale by IS /431%DALPIII,L, Jrnll CS Waite greet. s. ro A rgnc. s •' WWI , • =nese° Bbram,:ldWass 'fel:mecca Stsbareeatria . Daus steam er thatera, aad far sale by J.S3I W D Jail' WI Waters VINDOIV GLASS—Five' hundred boxes sesqrted sizes in otore and for'vale Li " JAMES DALSZI.L. _ POTASH. -5 . easke Potath, j®t received, and fm al. by Ist tOBEET 'MIZELL t CO. RES ROLL BUTTER-20 las ju - st reted nn we by jar ID CANFIELD LAXSEED—A small lot for salo by Alt Q fIEEP PELTS--1 bale for sale by jal7 J. a. C.I.CEIELD QUGAR—Twenty hhds now Sugar on hand foe Fak bT iata DROWN & KIRKPATRICK TOBACCO--I'wentyliss W. H. Gripit!s; Is b. Grant A 1111113...: . ' ' 13 b. W.A. Booaldb. ~ , • , Ll/ las Ilarronee. balfpo.ll.4l Z b.. o.bornea do on 6.nd M. for We by ' jaIS . ' RRUN A FIIOI.P.tTIIICK LARD—One hundred Imp prime 'lour Lard h " •- 4 f "'" Ili JOS um( a ViIIiPARTICK S UNDRIES --Ten his Tobsana Cocoa; bss Raton'. Bromic . 10 tma Eagle Choeo/o{c 1 . 3. do (brea INutp. 00 bawl 0.1 for naln ROS BROWN KIRKPATRICK LIIE BEST, OF WINES AND lix..tivpm, suitable f, belted purroirculsrayr els fassi eat PT • I . , MORK.IB FLOUR—T4rCe hundred barrels illbt rec'd aral ter rslebr . DVIIIIRLDGE t INCIMUM. jal4 - • lack 116 Water at 11[AVANA SUGAR—Twenty boxes Wkiio y ,tor gjg b ittiDGE k "14 . Tv: )1 . CZ PICES. Cassia, Pimento, Pepper, Cloves, dC7 Youl:gutbwr.. facade by RJR DICKEY it CU. Wyks Ytebt SU. BUTTER—Eight bands packed for sale by /411 F. vox Du:1111011ST 4.C0. LARD --Sixty No.I in inore and for Bale br lal3 101 1 It DICKZT 00..Watert Yrtn2 tin n .REASE-Forty five lolls in store, for sale 1.17 4 XI _r k _ B ROOMS—One hundred dozen for silt) by i•l4- B. F. VON BONIMOUST t Clk --- • yHE • BEST PLACE TO• BUY TEA. 310=15 a ILSWOLVTIII3:Imetaro. out die of O. 0.,11 flavored traint 60 onxto porpoond. The f nor ifoodit/41 75 • • EFry superfine at So- do Old t lomplo th oi ma BLACK nu. tad oar, gulf th e potato exactly. Tboto Irtado of Teo - .n mein (Dna from Sglond. aed lOof .00of to b 00 .1V. , - „ Mora la trabumb. . NGLISII GIN, OLD JAMMU Rp.m, t ail tho"'t°'"rhg"‘l`NPornilbi n twonru. GREENGAPPLES--Tweney brls. Pipping, ca. Y: VON n 0 AST t br .I=l4 SALMON. -S brls Salmon, NO in-storo and fay tale by ROBERT D . L *CO. COTTON -21 bales for sale by 1223 ILU.UI DICKEY a co. Was. a Fruit Wr P• DAVIS' PAIN KILLER-76'doz JP- 6.... Jett re...1ve..11.21u1 Far alv by JAM IL E. SELIA.R.S. 11/to m lswale Aces 51 11. oat at. TIRIED FRUIT—.IO brls Dried Apples; -.0.,. .Id ` b . WM. ' I I 3IIIANIVO, ft r iV3 , . 18 d. ..T , Wood at UNCII RAISINS-2Pd Loxes Kreisky tolutd, 1.43 g v ® acsaarr Itreitt. Clintem,ffi eagl .1.4 Z TM. O.LOALEY 4. 00 A ' teT t ip 2.0 d tor EW.ORLEANS SUGAR. •••• • 10 hbd..6amPPth'"4n.lilli:.:P.LI atore do LICYR It OD. FORKS -95 doz best east steel Hay Forks; 3U do. Leaf German 315451 ' 41Y; .2 " 3) dos Mood cut .13,1 =non Falk entalruxuent .131 kw rata by 3313 L. B. ITAI7.R.ILLN h. EONS. 11VE:4 7 -130 dos best Cast Steel Hoeg; . dos do . do d.aduz d il d , eq modrasend And hr / Al* .7 JAM L W. WATERMAN 4F!4N& PEACHES—Three hundred hueheht;ree'd ter .ue by ief•i e,t}:C Yd. eurutre. CaCY'rIIES-75 cluz lie6t (.43.Ns Seythas; - fo du beat CraGlu &alb= • das beat Corn • d annhysit sad far sale by L. if. ‘WATI: 1016:i 6 PONr, to Ulnae a'6l Q. ?mat re. SCYTHE SNEATIIS-4Z doz best Tatent L.„7 FneaLbiL. armignsu.-nt..mll fai ti.tl..y. • . 1 1.1. IVATra3LiN a cross NAILS SPLK.E . §-420 le= for salo tv 143 e I.:P.WATEMIAN 21,01, EARL ASII=I2 catke prime for aokby ialS ' • L.:?.1%41:13C-MAN 'I FON:. — frc • A. G.1.,4—L0 sweet, . unite, foe N, le by b;l9- ltritlit:ll.4t...t t Ito Walelest, BUTTER -10 brie prime roll, for We by: ro=