The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, February 07, 1851, Image 2

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    ~, 1 6RGH GAZETTM-1
Fat? Ptior—co •
Tork,, ahtl . Jlarrint
Splections. •
mercial—Washingtoe, New
Trim PAdt--Te
--ITome Matters.
The Sliding Seale of !neon
awrier. in an Artie
RAILIteAD.—The Zan...male
• on thh Hempfleld Reamed:
o ail:: -
Gazette le decidedly of the
a will
,not grant the right of
.. e the wick is parent to the
t imaginz any possible °Vali.
; while we can nee many
her tokrant it. Heretofore,
ry disposition to foster, and
, tof Wheeling; the will bard
leuLated to injure Wheeling,
g to the. advantage of eny
o State; merely to gratify
up that Ciiy at the eiroaa
Lai lib following r
"The Pittsburgh
Opinion that Virgin'
way. We preen o f
thought. , cutp
tirginfny (head hat
:which !should indue
the 'tsk mhowed ev
ly now, do an act c
without, ronttibuti
other .portion of f
Pittsburgh and hull
of Wheeling."
." 'The Zanesville editor must has e thought awry
superficially co the subj'ecf, if he cannot imagine
any, possible objection which Virginia can have
to giving the Itempt - 101d Railroad the right of way
- through her territory. Lid be never consider
that the_Baltimorehnd Ohio Railroad passes for I i
More than two -thirdi of 4s length' through the l
territory of Virg pia, and the old Dominion is I
deeply interested ct promlting its prosperity and
business: Does he not know that Virginia has . ,
pertinaciously forked the Raltimora Railroad oat I ]
of its natural tra k ,
against the will and protest 1
of itsdirectors an 1 tockholders, fur the securing :
of its own fancied terestsi Is not Virginiathen • '
bound, by every ie of interest and justice to
, protect: on for as i in her power; the Baltimore
Railroad from i e ruinous competition of its
'. great rival, the Pe nsylvabla Railroad! If these
question are ant red in the affirmative. - as they
. ' must be, Is it at l probable that Virginia will
grant the light o ay to al road the whole object
and design of w . is to take the identical trade
and travel which e Baltimore Read is going to
Wheeling to sec re— is, to tithe the trade
. r and travel of the P est out lot the territory of Vir- I
giinia, into the territory o Pennsylvania':
We think the ts/Ror of th e Courier, if he looks
at this, matter with due landur, will be tilde to
"imagine" that tl( , tsre are outs strong, some very
powerful reasons, by V irginia it ill refuse to grant
thelightof way. ' It was a consideration of these
seasons which let- Its to the conclusion which the
• editor finds fault with, tht Virginia would not
the rightße
ithould recollect, so, the the Baltimore Com
• • pany can exercis , a very considerable influence
a l
upon the legisla sof Vrgtoin, and that it will
i re
;all be exerted t preventhe grant of the boon
- demanded. The Company desired to pass 1
. through Petuasyl - pis, bu was denied the right t,
of way, - Mad has , i eat pul l . to immense-expense
_ - to get iniund th Boothe-western border of this l
Mate; and it w' not look i cbolly on and see j
• Virgth aia grant t Penn-+lvania Company that ,
Wee ifi pertinaci
, nalidemed by Penasylvnniadp
ilatelf: ..We do .a any t 't either party is right ,
—an business is wi h facts and probabili- ;
ties-÷and we rq terate at there is not the I
allWeet probabi ) j l ty that Virginia will give the
• right of way.
But why need liZanesr' le, nod the friends of
the Ohio Central Railroad cam much about this
taafter,- when th y can lo usily secure a route
_ which will answ their ;lurpose just as well,
F l
a:a-which Teal ar idall th difficulties of crossing
the Ohio river, which far from being set
. tied, with a strobg prob bility that no bridge
will b'e suffered t s span this great navigable
• stream tOn the Ohio sid of the riser to Pitts
...,,, oat ml route for ; a rail
are there is 6 &oil
road, free from all inctunbrancrs, and, offering
every advantage 'Wrhich cishild be desired. By
this route it would be ja i mifes nearer to
Philadelphia fro4Zisnes c, than by.the ,Bilti-
g t
morullailr Ofid, dno tr able of transhipment.
or lo of time, at Brid port, from having to '
• cross the river. This route can he constructed
for about one million of dollars, while the Hemp
:4old project will ebat $3,1109 . ,0 . 00, Jo good char
ter'ill also in exigtence4ll that is necessary is
to rains the incase+ and g.
There is at:loth= rotssy why the country on
she Ohio Central Railresd route should prefer
the-river route, =LI that is, that it will.conneet
than directly with this. large:. - c and . growing city,
• . and with all its various'i nes:of inter-communi
cation. We hale now fs very 'extensive trade
'....with tbakeciputry,:ind t. , f0;014.f1 be greatly in
:‘,..:,griumetchithis di i rect .. line orrailway communi
cation. We hope the fri6ll of the Central Ohio
Railway will give due Iconsideration to these
__suggestions, and *o trust soon to hear that we
•hava their hearty co-operation, as well as that of
'the people of Steubenville.
Potraczans.—A writer iu the Commercial
Toubuil, takes exception to our saying in our
article on "First Principles," a few days ago;
that we spoke ttaliatiticnin, _lle may charge our
modesty with one half af the error, as he seems
to think it was an error., But we had an abject
in using the word in the relatiou r we did. We
need it in its true, and[not in its obSolete and
exploded sense. When lwe wish to express the
Rea which that writer attaches to the word, we
use other terms. That writer, seems to under . -
stand the word as synoramausiath political trim
mer; one using low conning and trickery, a mere
partizan. This, sense of the word is obsolete
with good writers, though it is Atilt used byicare
lea writers and speaker , : The true meaning of
the word Is, sees d in the science of gov
erment and the art of . overning, one devoted to
politics." This is the sense in which we used
the Word ; and we wo o l like to ere it fully restor
ed Gilts true sense.. 1 . • .
being merely captions, ae
hovt Parthcr notice.
His other exceptions
suffer them to pose wit
invite attention th the Report of the Board
of Visitors of the Pittsburgh lutimpary, in ano
ther column. This noble institution hos a strong
hold trpoti . .the hearts of this community, and itsl
- 1,!5 will afford
...o llosrtrst.—
Prot half of the lower
Jaw , .4..r3 old for the purpose of
taking out u eltrtilaglnotes substance which
threatened to dose up the throat: According to
the Courier of tint ctyi-- . .
'The man was laid on his back on a table,
whin chloroform was administered, but not suffi
cient to deatioy all conqiousneas. The professor
.laid open the jaw fro ' the right- ear to the left
aide of the mouth and some distance below the
chin. :tie then in Lis lance below the jaw:
passing it through int the mouth. lie then,
with a large pair of rare, cut the jaw into
about the left corner o ,the month. Then, with
i. chain caw , paaped i under the jaw, he tot
again about an inch orther to the right. - At
this mordent the profe or felt alarmed for his
pedant: 'As hawas allont cutting it again the
pligentieolChira "saw fit saw it," IS the cutting
appeared to. pain him spore. The professor then
removed the remainder, of the jaw fromNoch
e.. Holed sonic difficulty in tying up or
- . Witt% .0= be did not !succeed in getting, as on
cutting it, it had sunk hack, Auden cutting down
-for it, -ha found it so rar beak that he did not
_ , think: binowlf warranted in pursuing it any fur
ther. The whole operation did not last over
hitattl-five minutes. Ott evinced a high degree
. of talentin the profel The patient erhibiud
'age eat dealer fortitud throughout, and to now
_. , d Well, although fre are entertained of his
ere. being entirely frett from IL"
18038mairs , Aura . IST.—The United States
Steluzier . Allegben which'was built in this
City, is to undergo a metamorphosis. The New
York -Herald rap:
• -.The atcamer Engineer learei her, to-day for
Tfeehington,for the purpose or towing the steam
:3l=eny, front thence to:Alia yard. It is
the recommendation of‘ k the officers.
wha recently sunreyed ller, are to bescarried out
"Their repcirt suggests pat. vertical wheels he
substituted for the "Submerged; or Hunter Pro
, yeller," which can be done at a little expense„
end ee the Allegheny is of beautiful 'model, it is
eanfidently . expected that Abe' will, with side
wteels, pros remarkt swift, and well adapted
tot t er:ar o, con tes t ted, which we believe is
a Xeciatch demister, toafford relief to distressed
vendee owthe coast—tb convey orders, he.; to
foreign orations, awl far y =nice where atrift
nese and ability to affo relief are requisite.
In of conme‘expeeted t Norfolk will be her
port of =avow.. .
Coma — mos oiittusilat circumstances
of the double muiller, for which this young than . '
was executed, at Albany, N. T., were so unusual
t 1 at we gite hid confession at lehgth. We take
It from the Alb-any Atlay,'which journal observes
that it conflirt tritth. testimony produced upnrl.
te trial: • The yotitit mnn appcnrs to have - had
but indifferent moral perception. and may have
tmintentionally, magnified or distorted some of
the minor cirattnstanees. The confession of the
Murders is full, apd the jury are abundantly jus
tified in their vetd ict. With the confession is
published come account of his life and history.
We do not publish it, as it contains stktements
respecting his treatment by certain periort: noir
!icing, which we do not think should he circulat
ed on such tetimony.
Having had full opportunity for reflection, and
kith a clear sense of the importance of the act
whichl am about to perform. I hereby declare
that I, and I only, am the murderer of Stephen
V. and David L. Linter. I desire to take the
whole blame entirely upon Myself, since by no
wortV or:. act was I excited or encouraged to
deed - by - tiny other person what
•• . .
I deoit to make this full and free confession to
my spiritnal adviser, in order that I may begin
aright to make that preparation, which' I know I
need. for the awful end which awaits me, mad I
hope and pray that God, for Christ's sake, will
grant me repentance unto life.
I make It for the further reason that I desire
to make reparation, yo fern, it is in my power to to others, for the great injury I have dune
them, and I pray that God will forgive me this
my greatest sin, and all my other sins ; n., I now
and here declare that I sincerely forgive all who
hove ever done me evil. . .
For a short time, and a short time only, beford
the morning of tile murder, I occasionally thought
if these children were out of the any, I should
stand a better chance to get at Mr. Lester's pro
perty ; but I don't remember to have formed any
distinct purpose to put them out of the way until
Saurday, the day on which this fatal deesewas
done. I did not take my wife home on Friday
morning for the purpose of getting a better chance
to kill the boys ; nor did I know that Mr. Le-ter
was going to mill, either on Friday or Saturday,
till the horses were harnessing on Friday morn-
Mg to take my wife over to her father's.
I had,seen Stephen, the youngest boy, about
the place on Saturday morning, but did not speak
to him tilrabout ten o'clock, when he came to me,
at the wagon house, where I wns'shnrpening my
sickle tar the purpose of cutting corn. Ile said
to me. "I hose a notion to go a fishing."
I replied. Von had better go out and gather
butter-Outs. - Ile I do not want to do
that. - When I told hint he had better go and
gather butter-nuts, I did not du it for the purpose
of getting hint out into a place where I could put
him out of the way ; tior do I think I had any
distinct purpose at that time to kill him at all.:
But when he said h did not want to go after
butternuts, the thnught came emus my mind
that I could get him out into the bushes and kill
hint. I 'then asked him if he would like to go
with me up toward the line fence, and catch
a woodchuck. lle replied, I should like to do
We started together and went toward the barn,
when I took up the :mingle which stood by the
port at thcside of the barn door ; we then crawl
ed through a whole front the barn into the stable,
and from the stable, ihrough a hole in the back
part, out into the meadow ,toward the woods.
and went 'gown into the edge of the bushes, he
all the while keeping a little in advance of
When we got into the bushes, we went in a
northerly direction, till we came to the place
where he was afterwards found. I then told him
to look out north, toward some bushes which
pointed out, and see if he could see the wood
chuck, and and as he stood looking, Istrnek him
a heavy blow with the owingle, just over the right
eye lle fell senseless upon his side—he made
no struggle, and uttered no cry. I stood and
looked at him about a minute, and then struck:
him another blow With the swingle across the
back of the head. He made no sound, but
stretched out straight, and turned over on his
back, and laid perfectly still. I then covered
him up hastily with stones and leaves, just an be
lay, carried the swingle and stuck it ouster the
end of a log, about five rods south, and then re
turned to the house. It did not seem im. loin
utes..while I was doing the whole of it. 141 not
throw the stones upon him for the purpose of.
making sure that he was dead, butiald them and
the leaves over him to conceal what I had done.
I do not remember ho have had any feelinzaat the I
jme, nor did I seem to realize what I had done:
Zr at least did not realize it us I did afterward.
When I left to go to the hou,e, I went for the
purpose of getting David, that I might put him
out of the way also. I felted him standingl
the table, and asked him "to go with o u r to the
wagon ho'use. - I started to go out, and he
, followed me to the door, when mother (lane out
I of the west bed room and asked David "to get
her a pail of water" Ile took the pail and
went for the water, and. I went to the wagon
house. I watched him; saw him carry the pail '
j to the door, and ease Mallet' take it, sad then lie
I Came out where I was. I took a small cress
handled apple basket, and put into it two piedes
of rope tied together. Onr piece I found in the
wagon house, and the other piece I cut from an
other rope which I found in the same place. I
gave him the basket and we 'went together, out
back of the barn. to the butternut tree, which
stands near the edge of the intgile, lie took
the rope ',Aar the ballet and laid it on the
ground, and commenced picking up butternuts.'
I went nut through the b.ars, toward the cornfield
kiting my sickle on a stump iu a meadow. went
back to the tree where he was. picked up the rope
not naked him "if he did nut want to go up on
the hill and look fora crow's nest." Ile replied,
"I will go if you want me to. - Ile manifested
no reluctance tie go.
We went together up the hill till we tame on
the top of the rocks, nod then went West till we
came to the tree where he was afterward found.
When we came [edit(' tree I told him "to climb
up and see if he could see the neat': Ile climb
ed up the tree, some Li or .2(..) feet, and I climb
,ed up a ft er him, taking the rope up with me.—
I tied one end of the rope round the tree, and
then told him tee "look out into soother tree."
which I pointed out, "and see if he could see the
crows;" and as he wnslooking . l prepared a slip
noose on the end of the rope and slipped it over
his head; when / ,bored-it op rohe around hts'
'lre*, he cried out, "Dos's . Reuben, ItiosIv!" and
'as he cried nut, I shoved him off. Ile . did.not
struggle, as I noticed, after I pushed him off. I
took off his cap: hung it on a limb just over his
head, comedown from the tree and left him.
looked back but Issuer after I. left the tree, and
he hung perfectly still, and I never saw him af
I went had to the butternut tree, took up the
basket, partly piled with butternuts, carried them
to the wagon house, put them into the sleigh,
overhead, remained there a few minutes, and then
went into the house.
Mother had gone up stairs, and was lying
down, she not feeling well that day; I called to
her and told her "that it W. dinner time!" She
replied, I do not care about eating. as I do nut
feel very well: but you can go into the buttery
and cat." I did so, went out after having eaten;
• fed the huge: gut my sickle, and then, for the
first time, went into the field and commenced cut
rling corn. I then began to lie conscious of what
had done. These were the tint feelings of
sorrow which I remember to have felt II
thought, "What would my wife Hay, if she
should find out what I had dotie." I thought
she would mourn herself to death about it, If it
shcfuld be found out. I felt as if I would give
thel whole world if I could only bring the boys
butt to life again.
I then began to think what I would do,when I
went into the house to keep my mother from sus
! pectin that I had killed the boys. I could think
) of nothing else, only to tell her that Stepen had
said, "that he had a notion to go fishing." Af
ter cutting corm about an hour I went into the
house and asked mother if she knew where the
little boys were?" She !said, "1 have not seen.
Stephen since his uncle went away, and I have
not seen David since he went out just behind
, you." Sho then asked me, "If I knew where
They had gone?" and I told her "perhaps they
had gone a fishing." I She said, "have you heard
them say any thing about at?" I replied,'"Ste;
phen spoke about going." Nothing further pass•
cd between us at that time.
. . _
I then /went out to the corn geld, remained
about half an hour, and was then driven in by
the rain. I had been in the house but o few min
utes when mother came in from the garden, and
asked me if I had seen any thing of the children;
I told her I had not. I then' went out again to
the corn field, took my sickle, went back to the
house, and mother asked me again, about the
children. She asked me to go offer the chooser
was over, down the creek to Mr. Itob't Irunbaig,
and see if I could find them, that perhaps they
had got into the creek.
After the shower was user, I went down the
creek to 'Mr. Dunbars, and asked they had
seen the children?" They said they hod not. -.
As I meat out of the house,'l met Mr. Lester're
turning from mill, 1111 , i 7 asked` him if he had
seen any thing of the little boys down the road
Re said he had not, and asked me whore they
Were! I told him ••perhaps they hove gone
fishing, Stephen spoke about it." Ile said, "you
had better go down to Finkl es , and if you don't
hear any thing of them, come back up the creek_”
I went down to tinkle's, and asked if they had
seen the boys ? They said they had not. I came
beck up the creek, and Mr. Lester asked me if I
had heard any thing of the boys. I told him I
had not. It woo now night. Mr. Lesser, mother,
and myself,' spent the evening together; the
children wore frequently mentioned, ;tad they
thought perhaps the boys had gone over to Mr.
I went to bed about 9 o'clock ; I-then began
to =list more folly what I had done. I kept
• •
, .•
I .
, .
thlnking; "what would my wife say if she should, , prepare rin address, will meet st the office of li
know ix" I did not sleep much that night; every E. Appleton, 4th street, Pittsburgh, on the 12 •
time I (ell asleep I conld hear the little boy cry. '‘ inst. The former committecat ID o'clonk, - 4, -
"don't, don't" and that would wake me up.,.. the latter, at I o'clock P. 11.
The next morning being Sunday, after I had done !
.. ,
the chores, I went•down to the place where Ste- i , The Ifeh-na .11mora.,,,t or ... t i on ii„, lisle
phen was, looked at him a few minutes and put , officially received here that the city of Ham
some More leaves over lain, went hark to the burg.. on heariug of the lass of the Ilambui
house and got ready for church. I felt very our- steamship Helena Sloman, resolved to present
ry'th,at I had killed the boys, nod thought I moult to, Capt. Hovey, of the packet ship Devottshire
give all I had in the world if I could only bring • ns well.. to Mr. Moore, her first officer, a vain
them back to life again. able gold medal in decorated case, as& token of
Mr. Lester had gone down to Mr. Ilallenbeek' , • the high appreciation of 'their exertion in res.
to see if the children were there: I got up the suing the pasveugers and crew Of the . ill-fated
horses to go to meeting, and asked mother if we Helena Stomata. Instruction+ have Also bran
should wait for Mr. Lester. Slit. said : "Ile told given to the Illanburg consul at New York, .
me not to waitfor him if be was not back in'ses. pity aer to the families of the•third mate d
son." We started for church. went down the the three '.omen of the Devonshire, who peri
lane es far as the road, where we met . .tlr. ..
1.e.. ..,I_ oldie transferring passengers, if they a l e
ter, and he requested me to go bock and help to itel•dy, the SIIIII .1 true hundred dollars, and to
search for the children. I went Vack. pm at 'distribute among the other part of the ° crew Of
the homes: and continue&the searrch till about 'apt. llovey's whip. another hundred dollars.—
thiee or four o'clock, then wok the hones. went , S. I r.',..,t, Alfeertiser.
for my wife, and returned' with her about six
o'clock. The next day and Tuesday we i.ontinued ' VARLETLES.
searching, and on II ednesdaY about too. the The ,c,,,,,,,,ur of Illinois, to
0.0t0.0g.t. to the
) a .l fte 'Pn r ge w s l t tic h b a,y .sn w sp oo iCie fo n 7 f d ol ' ll ' . l ; 7 l".. im o n :: l l i' ''C ' ' l7 " r L i . t . • g s i' o l f " ;• ' ;.. r, acs, " t 3 h A e ' re V : en 'o t r ie the
of I fi ll ro in t oi ti s, me ex in clusi " ve
arrested. • of that devoted to sperc purposes, is :sufficient
The next day 'the oldest imly was found . I did to meet th e demands . the Treasuri." The
not at any time during the search intended to
amount of State debt is $11I,I;o7,509 ni. •
send any person away from the places where I
knew the bodies were; nor did I have nay idea .V% - r , 1,,P,, Si 11 ., .. 1, .g1 ,,,, —lt is stated that a
at the time I killed the boysof soi
disposing of new daily newspaper i s to he storied at Wash
i•thent that the p'1,0114 mho f01.,' them would ington city in the C 41111.10 of a few weeks. it
, and then hanged himself; I hanged
think that the abler Loy hail killed the Y ounger, : will support Preside. , Fillmore's edministr.-
- David he- tion. John 11. Voorhees. 1 , .., late of the Jt\r
rause I thought he would 'di.• easier than I rep City Telegraph, in to be its editor.
thought he - would do, if I killed hint as I did Ste-
The fro at 'alilwatiltie, noticed some days
phen ; I wanted the people t" ,t o ys °U'l since by telegriiph • rousilmed property to the
bury them, if they could. withmeCtny telling' ut l ne 0 f5.11,0;',", on which there was Insurance
them where they were, for I did nat think that to nl only *04,000. Three lumber
any person mould suspect that them: ~„,„1„, were borne'( and
'three million eight hundred feet of lumber.
I supposed they would think stuns the else had .
done it; I hardly know what led mA to kill the.
:,. .I ,, t , i ,g alf ,, ri p, l3 ,e t;: r ok the pla ,, e „ .. i, at op N t o h r e fo u lk, s on ch F ip riel p t y y .
hays ; I cannot recall any distinct motive for
Mg it, only I thought if they were out of the
ray, they
cod, net come into pnsw•esinn of /110Util, just arrived from the East Indies, in
property to which they hod n o rWt, and I theutglit which ',sera! persons Were slightly anded by
perhaps I might stand a little better chance of pistol shots. The police interfered and arrest
getting the property I net er hod. nay. hard reel. sonie of the most turbulent spirits.
ings toward' the boys themseltes. Radr”ool Bodge Ilei rn‘d. —The bridge on the
Froni the •time of the murder till the evening reteraborg aml Roanoke Railroad, over Fount- -
of Decentlicr :11th. 1 hat , uniformly denied all • anis creels. some twelve miles this side of Rea
.knowledge of it. and that I might have a better 'WI, wt. destruyed by fire on Thursday night
or.getlinZ clue of ltoisiPoeht. I did ! lee presume the bridge will speedily be rebuilt
not-confess my guilt to either of my ca,unsel, bolt ts Fountain's Creek is but a narrow stream.
uniformly insfated .that I wus innocent. I am „
very sorry that I hare brought this terrible fit, rt v orfa „ ~ 11,--A New Haven Paper
my family,
especially upon
my cepo „ rts that one hlindred American gentlemen
wife, for whose sake I would be willing. to sutler' °nye $ 20 " ) . nod engine , ' n%fint.
to the world's fair at Lon
any infliction, and to spate her feelings as much fo r a t rip
'lots I wring 'their stay there they intend to make
as possible, until after myoleath .Ind now, all
.heir home on board their 'hip, which ds . to he
that remains for me to do in this world, ia, to ,
alperlily 'furnished and 'nand fur entertainments,
commend myself to the merry of that Gist, whose
laws I have.", shamefully violated, and Leg that i °
lie nill make this, my Itibuhle confession, prove
themeans of effectually •.leterriug alletlwrs from
following MP, in the path.. of.evil.
Having Carefully conuitleml all that this pa
per contains, I herebyuleelare that I hum kept t.
hack nothing, nor have l. knowingly Inivutatol
nny thing; and by my sionture, in my own 11111110. !
declare this to he my only confe,3ion.
ALI:II_,T, Dec. 21st, 1850.
nlett was born in the town of Westerlo, i
Ali ny county, N. V., in the year 18:10, on the
fin , day or September, and waTtwenty yeftr, gi
ag 'n September loot. Ile was fire and a half '
feet big,h, rather slim, and n genteel petwn:
whendle walked. carried himself erect and still: I
hls are light blue, has dark: brown heir
'his weight wail about one hundred and twcut - 1
es wort Manta
hot. ont , lu men' brae. champion of a ochre cum'
1....t0 to IirOIRI2IP tto.e. with tree applaure
ttoo. al the (rirn.l of tallen mail In woo.—
whore mighty am. grappling maze. deadhert kir
.tertivn dire motor:l.r hlth htdra head
liarrinet:orr, handiwork in Ilieuwn Imago trade)
watt fioil 80. atrenzth and real. robbing him of haw prey,
Cr:in.:ming erring man. from hh. w virtue's away
' E ti. j.r.,,i ui3 oho ln 6 nonamCsslro
ou. il r it t. ,, fdark Ina hand
At Albany on the 31st ult. Ruben Dunbar was I .
hung for the murder of two youths: committed ohm. that Omit form
:or thee a coronet o ' s an gel
fasol. band
some two months since. Ile was executed in a '>pakliag nth docda ofI "' wit h b* Pr' i. " .
, &dear] rob those brlghlOralthit thou hut tar
large room in the jail, directly over his cell
. :
• .
The account eoen on to say: -• .1 - ah tear, of ,ratltad, that shine nth ilia:naiad slaw
•...1 H." the , otntrvnds who sought to bring Mtn hit - s!
The prisoner came into the room Relented for , VLOr , yeller., I,,,ite, end ..k.n.l. of 'ow,. th.,, ....,
the execution, boning on the arm of the deputy 0111. '"'"'
sheriff and the Rev.. 11r. Beech, the was '. 4 "1... w..+ia tt. - Y .c.. 1, .11,-,
soh with itoldro en, ....“..,..1 the ..1 -
dressed in black,-his collarbeing I urnell over.— rt,...mact T,mporanr.. 'old e 4
Re tool: hie neat by direction of the lire. Dr A "'"" ''''' F `'''' "' ''''
Beecher, nearly under the rope which projected Desirable. Suburban Residencefor Sale.
through the door of the room; the pulite... Lc ' T„,•onr „,„ 0,. ate being in the story above. After n few moment.' .
la. now “n Park Stir, Lainar
delay the sheriff intimatt , l to Dr. Beecher that ' L k•kt b.rut nnoutii...t4 lea thr
the prisoner bad liberty to :1.-k if he had la. 4,1 o• Tab lot I. ‘ 4 O hot trout 6 11 Park . r,
thing tie say. The fact was.rmatuniertiPd .01.1 .2 2 ...HT oar
. rrun I arri r.“ am. own
lee Dunbar mail,, a few remark, !Ass] ~,,, anA .lau.rr, TL.• te.aur t.
gdinOWledgitl his pill : n odn eh, Josto! , .. 1 von nasal,
his doom, asked for forgiveness and be.ough rot h. L .,
en to take warning by his fate. Bis features no I 11.1.,. bw.lFie. toil. DAM , kV...,tr I. built tt0.t....
he entered the room, .., indicated inton=e emotion, !lot css , .anOrr. 4.1 ba• tie-twat r.L
but he maintained his equanimity with remark pomp.. with
able fortitude. While speaking he evinced much ! "‘", "‘ tar door
t ou,ol HAM
leas feeling than when be lit the time of
o, Wanda...
sentenc, At the concinqinn T.... 14 • I •. 0 - .AO oat 0. 4 fag , a
tr... 1 tyre-. rarrurrrua. acksrout
kneeled down, leaning bin nein nition the rhoir. 117, , v' ra,rrrara.....-arat • Apali
and Dr neocher deeply itilr1.1•'•11, ~
Rug, of w.brAl I[l.l. aunt 1...• arr iu
tic 'IL, , ttualt. of t 1..• aan.malubrit, a.
Alter ro l vi " rea ' l "" r aI , rir, ,antivaity
warrant for his execution. Deptay Shoriff lturl.• in.,
bouts placed the bitti , k ea!, .er the prhioni , ' - • ii/ • r Lr Tempo-raw,
heal and hire. As he ,toigi :up undrir rho reps. • ‘,ll, I.c.urr , IL. tv.k the
now. Ring adjusted by the . ..pi:tie,. and ~,,1.1.011:4., 0,3. lb, I%
td to the hoot. During ilti a bitter duty. o •-sr's whieL r0te..,.,
thnug6 thv pet men •own ,*I to
• tr.v. tvr gsti-Lawb La it., L.. tU.
6 " r "P • ion IL- r. Lori arr nka 1,
with sulrwient fortitude, fir by no ,
Mr. Borkhants. lie
was an. drawn tip. Ow
jerk of the rope probably breaking his neck.:, t s•iti....stco qua.l 00..1 inihr , •.atn•
only n slight tremor pa sseil over him. rhr I.T'Ol .t a I.aata. diva
I Al th. tint of Aprll/ Lu,nrr at Lb.- liurg, Ake.
to the call of the istriournedon
erition of clettitte.t,:ellii-en t,J the Tiedffilp.llll.l
Borough, of .11legheny Comity, to ioin,alt upon
th e p ro priety hr °tit:Lining on act 11 the Legedo
tore, for the erection or a IN.:or-110W, for
roust y, lens held nt thet'ourt llou,ti in Bitriliorgh
on February :Ali inst.:at II o'clock n. tn.
The Convention rt.." ,wirlittiteil by railing .11.1,
L ANDXIII:/110,11,4, of Lower St.
to tine ('Lair: and appoulting See
Delegate , . then handed in 'rli'mr cmleut
South Pitt,burgh W. M. F Ea ,
Birmingham: S. Winn., J. Blackmore.
East Birmingham; David IMenn. T.. 1.
Sharpnburgh ; Wm. G. Miller. John Gar
Lawrenceville; Jan. King, 11. Jordon.
Upper St. Clair . David llighbv. John lii
Lower •• enrnalinti. Lome
Baldwin Thos. Varner. Jon. {Valli.,
Findlay: Mathew Airlernon, Nno 1t ilnii
Boon : Branum.; Cooper,
Snowden: Wm. Wilson, W Strigar t.
Elizabeth franc Wykoli. K. Caldwell.
Indiana John Brown. John. Iloyle
On motion—Col. J. ll'. Joh
Ewen were anthoriied tin represent South F
Township ; ittolGeo. W.ilrvin to reprenent I'
Township in thin Convenlitoi.
On mot ~,,, , n comenittee:ot (lye were app
to draw up renolutionn elprensiie or the vi
the Convention.
Tine Chairman-appointed Ii S. Appleti
McKee, E. Cipoper. John Gillillan, null Tho
ner, that committee,
The Converilion then adjourned to meet
at 1 o'clock
The Convention boxing re•ne=emhlyd.
Appleton from the Committee,. Resnlnti
ported the following
Wherea.g, we.believe that We present .4).
supporting the poor of this County by re
districts, imposes heavier burdens upon t
ple than would be necessary it . a Como
House and Farm were provided, in whi
ployment would be given to the poor: and,
as, the experience of other Counties pr
with houses of employment hat, demon ,
that Wm Inoue,. of employment hove nearly
twined themselves, and sometimes proven a
of revenue—thereby , relieving the penpl i
burdensome tus, therefore,
. .
Re.orreq, That in the opinion of the
tion, the interests of the citizens of this
dennind a house and farm for the Ilue
ployment of the poor thereof, by which th
themselves would be more comfortabV sup
and the people relieved of the hear tax n.
dered necessary under the present system
Resuired, That this Conventiou—chosen
districts and people of the County.- petiti
Legislature at its present session to pass •
incorporating "The Director. of the po
of the house of employment for the Co
Allegheny" with power nuthorizing them
chase a farm and erect a house for the e
meat and use of the poor of the Itoroug,
Townships thereof.
Reeolred, That the delegates to this Conv
be requested to circulate petitions for sin.
in the County• to be sent to oar Senator a'
presentatives at Ilnrrishurg fertile ahove'
Repaired, That a committee of fire f e al
ed by the Chair to prepare a bill; and E .
same, with the petitions, to linrrisburg.
.• On motion) the. above preamble and resi
were unanimously adopted: and the Cl'l l
appointed the committee un resolutions,
ry into effect the last one.
On motion, it was Rantrt,l; That' .fter
titions are signed, they be sent to the Se t
of this Convention, on or befdre the 21
On motion, Rrroksd, That Mesairs.
Appleton, Rigby, McCabe, and Blackmer
committee - to draft an address to,the pc
the County, an the subject of nPotir Hon'
have the same printedlin the rdperg.
The Secretary laid before the Convect
petition addressed to the GenerM Ass
which un motion, was adopted and gigned
delegates present.
On motion, the Secretly WAS ietple:rt
furnish a Copy of these proceedings to the 1
of the County, and that' they be requested t!
lish the same.
The Convention then adjourned aim. efi,
0. E. ArrtsroU, See'y.
The ccaaadttees appointed to draft n
Soa Dashal.lla maih /6.y, —The giant
infant eighteen ) ears I,f age, of foreign birth,
,veiglisng over 4041 pounds, who for POMO weeks
oast has been on exhibition et the North Ameri
won Ilotel, corner of Bayard Street and the Bow
ery, died soddenly last evening. It appears
ILA it has been nlmost impossible to satiate his
thirst he having drank several gallons of water
per day.—.l'. Flepie.s3.
For the PitotAtrail Ointle
LINES TO JOHN B. aotron.
te 1 . 4.1411.0:1.-The , 41, •ter oftertol to
itAita• ••••1. er Pill II in vow
All won. 11 Wan it b. Ann naaat
a Laf had aa. ut•al Jnatnnltaul nua wt.., and ha. actually
n'l. r .611 th. dalareat E.( llonatla and ha.
0 .• I/ ...1 , 1011. at all
J H.ll/1) (XI,
. No. ncl Waal .1.
I etWrfully mmply )..ur request
nu ap arrount tb• rolracvlow
, e,e t.y Ow ur tQ ;our -Petro-
taelthl with a a err yore.,. in rebrO.l or
laet w at hen I linniedlateli applied to Um best pudl.
red se/ m the np. NT 1•110111 It .101:mount:mord a "eery had
mid all .are um uo of doing her nay good. At'
..•, e Toe!. bey loto the rountry tnas old lady. who
100 l loath aim-reirol in our - limey., :the told meth.
..o ma- .he eertainly Ina. not mai,
Nat ei.e. !do alej that the other 001,14 followeelt holng •
-erf01..... of the 1 /1 4 ...1. And Adu oertify, that al
thethoeluy oth.., 1.1 It Veal.... thine to thas ronoluaLou
'lllll U. 11.1 leiter try your Petroleum. the oar. Quint',•.( her... •It 1, 100. id.. this months An.. rho
••• atm. LIE !hr. 1•t•I• •••• will. both eyes gv.l
, amt. E..; Y.., E. I ran .11. I beihtv• she. b.,
; .Ith t Ett the Almighty. be., mtnti by Niro...
yl•t „„, . 411 11, , ,.. , M, •
.tEltlt, P 31. VIANI,MS Vismtx (to..
11t4burrh. to. Is..
31rDowell, 110 1V..63 et: R E
of . V.• ; 0 31. enirry. D.. 1. Elliott. Joseph Don
-11 N.lorarte. Allsghs.ur. alto by the proyrl,
S. M,
Canal Da,' Sr.yrnlb rittaur
• •
European Agency.
prindlnd dtl L of
Eta:mt. Fralsrr. Rod fiertneLny. during Ile months of
April. Jon., neat, leKrln., l'lttgbursal on }lath
ml ..11 I. p14,..01 w utt.tul to soy vgrnrie. of • bu.
I YI111:11 Ms) to his cur.
I: Jen: •Dfr"l: JOILN D. DAVIS.
Citizen's Insurance Company or Pittsburgh.
t A veto, Nn 4t Mat" , nr,t, In the warehouse of C. It.
n,tr. llt,c.e Pre4dent t W !taus .9co .
in I , l ,!, ' , ' , ‘ . 4 fllnn ' ,olt o ,l=e, re. h'"'"
11 me E.all.e
n,,,. , vuarenty Int the ability mud Intogyity . of the
luAttntio , n.. artvnha In the chorarter of the Dfrectone,
oh. •II of Pltmburgh, well and fAeorshil
Med ~ lino 0 loth,. l o ans
for their pnadeure, intelligence,
ra'r , Ilegsiey. m. Intimer
, 11 alter Ilryent, thigh U. King,. Edwer,l thotteltati,
; llsa,,rtla. S. Ilarbiugh. S. N. hies. ap:ltrlf
ors Foreign and American Hardware.
unty. No. 129 Wood Street,
NI/la IN °Milt
Pour' a full and mannleteatnct iJEORI:IGN AND AMERICAN
twtta.i- HARDWARE,
roltALle fr, thy string irate, and arlifrh they are pyrpartal
, • a , anat. to purritnacry ratrt-a that will catopont
favaraldy with any of tha rwarrn thirst
Domatic abcf Farr,.1177 Ertl4angt, Bank Note
: d t . Silver, Bough!. Sold ,t Enlianyttl
a 14,
Will. A. HILL k CO,
• No. 64 Wood Street, Pittsburgh.
Si PM/4.7 ALWRGI, ,51k1A
OP.IIII'NERSIIIP- -We have, associated
J with e,1,111....4, 5551..1 to l'n.•hh.r of the Farmer.
, u Fp. TI. I. ..1
A \ 1 . 1 LAIN, di CO.
Enti „
tij t
01 ,
Corner of Third and Market sto., Pittab'gh.
• . _ .
..tars • GEORGE E. ARNOLD & CO.,
(henp IC EX1.11..0:0E, COIN, MASK. NOTEII, le.
, V.; 4 kl +art I. , w AguL 11tfOntrylt.
no d Aad imat, of Lilo
• - 111 nqtl mountl.un. frbi
F 1 1 FOR SALE.—The
11. ~ , le ALUAIILI : ,, . }. ...ii i t t ,i. r...f. .Tort e
1,1 3 - , ~t l.• 0T14; ., rw ....„Vi,. . " fl U =l . l ' 2 ' nl:ll . ItIO acrw,pf
the 1 t , 3,c , i q' ' -- ii - ,,, , ,:i 01.1 unLl,e . 1,01.11,11 , ._0_,nd be..
0 1
.! . 1 " 0" o r,,,f:',""g P.:,,' :;,,.. to. 1 ,',Z5e.,".',.t11.:. ;lie d uon g L
i,eri , ',11:::',.. widn:.-,.. ; , : 21. 1 ,,. n.r. a PE:Vd bare, troy[! ,
r l'''''' . `':'"„ ' ;: l t:i:;.l‘l. h ,M.,PV A lit,'"..flfd. r., ~..lity .. 1 ;;-,
, 0 ,
.. 'l l : - . :1 4 , : : .. . ' ,, O . :::: 6 ‘ 1 * ' , 17 r1 . .::: : . :": 1 1re l l i ba l :1 1 1L , ;:::: :.. .: 11 b U tl .
. ...1 ..i,.... Tb 1d
tract All i..
1 '' rr1.1. ," , ‘ rj.7( 0 1 1 . 1 1:"..t..1 . i .. ',1 1 1'4 . 1.,,,,, 160 .11 0r
~,,:. ;,' ~.' ...ix:' 1., NA , ...,,r w w l 'isw g iven. Toe t0r... , ak'
i • I I, ,i, imli,;.t.o.l°,,tile prclaw. „As t 01,17.
l .1' A 1.,: rni..rtibrr.
k L i. ,, ,tk:INIV. Jag. a
Temperance Convention.
L A Alteph. h y c ou p," Tethpenwht_ CpTelaiao Vin be
e an nrff Tannin{ Olth hurt.) et 2 o d ock. ~ Pc.., lv th•
lecture harm or the becloud PeeebYt‘ethe etched} Pttts
hurhtt. f.b7 J. J. BUCIIANAS: nee r.
B UTTER 7 bbls fresh Roll;
1 do solid:
'...9 keys ~ do jurd meelrod sad
for isle bY , feta )1,-CILL. A IMF
CO— boxes 5Le p, for sale by
feb7 . IIeGILL.4 d HOE.
_S= 1W b i ll "I! , anh o t.;:." a ( a/! ‘ b A y
- VA RENT—The 'store on 3larket Ft, Tx...„
1: 1:1. occupied by C. Yesger as a Tsziety Storrla
1..5w , 100 eTell an fn day of dpril nest
(obi' Wll,. 3111LINTOCK. 'l5 41b st
'OR SALE OR REST—Eleven'aereg 7;4
I immtul, 'maim no the turnpike. one mile ra
east o(3llm:ravine. on which are tweeted a framer.
dwelling house, ateni stabling. tc. Tberground Is all near
ly level. and being bounded in (runt by the Seventh inrwt
mad. and <unending
_back to the Penna. Railroad. It is
one of the moat dedrable location. in the vicinity of the,
city that it now ha the market. Enquire of
faL7:42er Val Liberty Pt
— Notice to co •
lur ROAD.—Sealod proposal" will be received MM. otEce
IT the Ohio mid Pentierleania Naomi Company in Pitts
hush, until Thurailay A the day of Slarrh twat. for
laying tiot Track from Pittsburgh to NauJlloo, a distance
of HT mike. thwOintations and forum of propueaLi may he
obtained at the WM: to Pittsburgh, for two weekit previous
to the lettiug. on application to Solomon W. Robert, Chief
Engineer. The pommels must be in aecorilanee with the
printed forms, and adhieweard to the freehleni of the Cont
Wit. ROB •INSO "
Ja Pt evident.
Feb. fall, 1,+51 .1;
g American, low York Tribune. American itailroad
JOunini publirlt mrtiniet
. _ •
• - -
- PATENT SOAP PONDER 4) boxesjust
I.rpc•issd and Mr Ws by R. K. SELLERS, LT Wood
etreet ; of rheum the Kentaur article me, sleep he hut:
1101113 r OF REFUGE.
Heroar want to purchase a lot of SMIIIII4 anitahle fur
Tocatiou of this Inetittion, containing tnm ten to Mr
aeriw, aupplled with water, and altuated rya one of
the riven, plant roadaor railroads. within fire miles of the
Court House Stale4opo.d. dating &Petit Una, pri ht
teran. will be welted untlf.linoda) . . the 2 th hot,.
the Committee JAMES AN DETTN.
JAM. ClIA111.11:104,
1 . 111,S 111 , 1.111.2.
Pittshursal. Ft.b 5.'51. ItrIALIVori.::4S I
ABONNAFON'S Third Party still take
. plant Go Thursday. The eth lust ai UMW. Refl.
sr. V m4rir In At ti
rr in llaran 4 :27 l l Baud IsALagcrl.
Civil Engineers and Land Snrveyors..,,,
ELEASTINGS & PREISER, haßing amoci
at.' them:mire. for that pun., will attend to Sur ,
Q !clog oat naJ
dnogatlag nod V.T1.1 6 A. 4 „1".„1t„t1.1 1 :4:
thug sad
the ouvotructioti of Rail, flank.
WAdato nod other m ash bridifea. tenon.
Olive No. 100 Ron , 'tree, head of Fifth -tr•tt,tient . th•
Court Ilona, littat2Ltsth. fetid .151.0w2t1
1 11 ItUUS—In store and for : toio by the nub-
Arrilmr. all of Um he t d quali
riulphate mud St+ta ot Morphia
Hum Shensi:
Elwin SARA
Suva of Lead,
tium Arable.
errata rattan
Roll Brimstone -
Flour Sutphin:
Al”aodria Seto.,:
Hum Camphor B. N. WIC KERS H AM i
feb• corner 'wood and u.
MURPHY a BURCIIFIELD are welling • Recd.iiir
da'hlar=" rl . l2,7ltr r ani r r ' FlaTilr4-7:
risariels of !Mona pexes and qu.lith... fell,
g- 1 .00017115N FLANNEL—A farther
. 4 t - o wi ty,r eripeliar article at cents per
iirIDE SHEETINGS--11oufiekeepers, and
V V thumper paring for housekeeplue, still bud at Mur
phy rl BurehheWs atm, tortbreaet corner of 1 ourth and
Market straete, an assortment bf Sbeetiag fn.
one to three yard, nide. bleacbod unblesabod. Alen.
Pflkor-ease Moslins, linen tablecloth.. table dlapora. towel
ling drapers and MI6. and housekeeping Snob SeamilY-
joittitoVrr =Wen= gAn u .`4Zot h 'qUi:
Wan abd colon ALo Whit. Van:llnm Dimity for quilt*.
AISINS—Common Bunch.
Extra Layer fur sale hnity the
d ' or , feb6 W. A IIeCLUBIi a al,
DILL BOXES-400 papers Wood,
xs 39.) - quo ,
for NJ* by 'kW R. E SELLT.R.
DRIED APPLES-34 sacks for sale by
VIEARLASH-30. casks on hand and for
1111V 4 E-50 hone, on hand and; fof i sn!ly
R. D '
LASS,- of all sires and qualities, on hand
soi for sale Lt 444
BIILS. NO. I. ROSIN,- just receive.l
.• lora for side Lt EL A. VAIII4'..TOCK CO.
mr rarr Word sod 11rst tn.
ELLOW S- Fine pair of Bellows, nearly
CP fio Maet.r scsirs, ATKINSON A OKIILY.
{eh. 110 fast dm.
To Om Consumers.
tis•-b pedlar* an about. intn.tweil.rr the
wlo urtsere. ra.weroldltut • eiwrto curdle, fixed
wall.. glue wine end ion. tube. mud tup with two hole.
Mahtw th.s lure 1,5 or prr nerit..andeelllng them
at kJ. end 51.2:4 7 4 1 1 14 wr;tho luvoutur, bow to Onto. lb.!
our null prim it Z., end.. with • 10..1 dhcount 0..
Won. ou•lding the.. to rl them In and dwelling...
our ruiventrod prior. Ile muterm the puhlte
curb impooter.. and particularly' wg•m , u • roust
maw shout I,el iodic. 1.1411. !Arlo; bl•ek eye, rutty
ban and rotil.h bleten. hod., the eluw only. Ile I. ex.
....tritelypa. it, 1,1. 1m01a.... sad well owleulate..l to do
^^4.• trerliietall try.. w•tp onsilllrero thnmph Odd
Vollow.hip 0., timely nob,. of Ude kind .4
trietArry will!. of u.e. Tours reetwtfullr.
J. 14111.411.1% liwalltr,
11l LuAb . igniet. New York.
MTh. young titan alluded to has never hewn eunnected
ugh the firm. febie ravel
11 10 E---1 5 tierces, in
i s e tu Ai re ti ;i v ii;l e t c r i. sa t l
. e by
Icator nud Front sts,
Gq- mar by It , AI A II DICHEY d CO
frl4 Ws.. and I;ront at,
liltl , i.rEA i e b ilES—li9 sacks, just received
LEMONS-14 lioxeis, just t4rrjved and fdr
111EE,4E— , 2511 boxes, for salelly
lJ ohs 0. V VON DONNIIORST co.
FLOUIt--;01 bib ext ra Family Flour, fur
sale by feld o.l'. I'ON DOMZIIOIIer dln
1 4 Alt 1)-4 Lbin prime leaf for rule by
B UTTER -Ibblii roll,
g. do paeked.
It kegs do be sale by
CORN MEAL-4) sucks sifted, for solo by
I iT ANLTING S t € , / k ON—Pl:cE t .s foranumber of
deisers:codat%ril:ne.naiter ' s, lap:LriTaTd lagrers,
I,W. *Mantel' ahoy, and young rued of agek (mks,
rbainbar maid; house keepers and My narks supplied.—
Nloney bummed and lent. and all klub of agencies usual
10 an Agency and latelllgenive odic, attended to promptly
and for very modern. aluultea Plus. roll at
4,1,5 Agency and lotellience ORR, 6U; st.
FrI3IOTIIY SEED--15 hble Timothy peed,
um hand and tor by R. MUZZLE CO.
I.therty etrtet.
TARTARIC ACID--400 Ina, warranted
jar, for de Ly 1L E. BELLERa,
HERIII NO-100 hlo 'Lubec sealed, for ;sale
. .
ka UGAR—Prima now and old Orleans Loaf,
°Conked .4 Powdered. for sale by
N V ELOPE S.--Juet received, a huge
jut zraiu ., !altaff. bine io and white Envelop., of all
W. 8.1 1 / 1 4N17,rtI c rttry Wo
Jea. , 3 Car. Ilark i et o encl areh =lc
yRITING INK—Arnold's Writing Fluid,
and Red Ink.
In servo Cbendral Fluid and lied Ink.
liarriaon's Columbian Ink—red flail black.
Illanut A Thranplenn'a Commercial Ink—black, scarlet,
and nal.
French Carmine Ink. For Gala by W.A....HAVEN..
FOR SALE—Good White Louisville Lime,
by the barrel or mail: 150 middle aired and mall'
wteden bnela, blank To 150 temperance certillcates,
our late eounterfeltdeteeldreklad all our daily and most of
our arakly, snd about 100 different late Euler. Weatern.
Northern and Southern oswspsissm and antra Wall Pup.
t ry Almanacs and a rig achled nooka ink, n i liting and let.
P"'" for
Iron Fifth ntsnd.
iz muT MILL—One Smut Mill, complete,
ij for sale low by ' tas IL DALZELL A CO.
LARD -30 barrels and 15 kegs do, for sale
feb- liberty arr..
fi.01.1 BUTTPR-5 bbl prime K. Butter,
. nn bast and lur ale by E. DALZELt A CO.
N. Librrty stmt.
ALOES--i 5 lbs, pure article,
formal@ by &65 1 L 1. SELLERS.
FIT OFFEE-200 bap Rio Coffee, just reed
,os ref sale b 5 11URBRIDUE
' tetZr •
So. 116 Wator toot
1 , 14 - RESII PECANS—Just received, 3 I,bls
freeh noon 0010 for ea:. n•
retie 36 Librrtr *newt
L I RESH FIGS-50 drums received and for
Fieb by. fi.l4, NL.CLI7II.O A co
Al l elrttWitir•Tt'tnin t eti ° " ;! P lT'rottl i kr,
trly,ch fi li erN 'a . ' re ' 'reptiV r ue ."4 br
to altentl. li) tador Euvalve Collimittor4
.1. 0. BClttillElt, ft.e.'lisro. Com
Pittsburgh Gus Pipe 24 Tube Works. -
HE undersigned haw juiteonspleted their
nud an nowmanufarturlo,nll .Ises of GAS PIPE, Lc.
romotl , and other 'Floe, 414 all Axton of
which they oder fat sale wt. the loved win.. ut
l ot,. peyote." to etecute onters, to
No. 91 wad 91Y1rTater etre..
the only instrument yet Invented by which
counterfeit oiln rah be rertalnly detwied expeditiously. se.
oohing but a recatent.,l3W. and $1.141. for
We at the Watch and Jewelry store of
bi , earner of Market rod ith sta.
LOCKETS.—Junt received a large
mth aupply !legnot God Vratchn Rua MintaLunt C...
:14for Dr, Lierrtiper, n#L, te.
61:1LVElt COIN WANTED—For which the
Wiiitwwt premium will be pakl ir lik
fai Brill?, CA Woad And. 2 dcwww 4tb.
ip . .XCHAN(3E BASK STOCK-5 - 0 shares I Closing out the Entire Stock.
..1-4a7 We. En t inhs of MLA. HILL& CO, :
ten. 1 T REAT BARGAINS.—A further redne
NOTICE. - the Warier of him stock of b.oerr and Rat& Dry Hood* by
the Ist of April neat. would'respectfully mil the attention .
LL per Font indebted to the late firm of ~,!' . f.,l 3 l,;;;;;;VA';',..74.l"'l,7"" `'' ' ', .' ''a u.,' ' ' ' i''' r. 1 41
Jelin.. a autadon, trill plea. call and aettle In, : heraon wishing to comnae ' anchusin4sen Market stres . 4. Hi;
t 4 t,. ,. lki t ly. and nave torts. JOHN FLF.311.11, ; woold be • gr.d optemtnnitc. as be will distsew of the W
agon!. : Aare of the alp, on liberal tt.ttn. with • lease of
- • which h.. ha, neenpied for °sue 11 1rma...14 Cyan earth.
II LANKF:TS! BLA-NKETS!! MURPHY ; I, "+ , csma) m.)O. WM. 11. tigHIKARD. •
Sew York Since. M.ket rt, Pittsburgh.
a BURCHFIELD have on had a goodaasortroent of .......
Blanket, of all the diffenott goalttlmindodint .li,,' .'T OTE'S ANI) DRAFTS.--Engnived and
pale of extra else and quality. all of which art now offend •
at mimed prim, feb3 1 •Steni , o , grztpli r N:des .td
, Dr , aft.e. of inced.-Deatttlfald,.
;c A RLET CURTAIN CIIINTZ. of dit - l - r -- ' ', lt ,'L l ',l' ' '' ' a
`Vtilin.t!..i`glfifiVokli='. boo
1.7 rot width., and at Insert prim, reed at the atom of ' 1.C. , , Cor.M.ketand Suomi sh,
&WI 'BERNIE t BURCHFIELD. f AtnerimlL Journal. WA 1 4 1114 cohy.l
—.. _._ ---_
ROWS FLA NN ELS, a nontentle A rt i c le : ""'" " ,)",••• --.--• ------....--..... Rf(01).
Alms tVhite. Barmi Greer, and 3latarine Blue, to .•
1 1 111111 a at the store of . I S timeneorst to Jthu MclFaden'it M.}
Gm • !HUI . Pill d eamtairirui.
... Cantti ,llarin, Pain Strret.
f IA other kinds of Winter 010,C.--so tenortanent to he Penns Hail Road Co .- Central Rail Read.
°nod at the story of
feh3 SIURPITY a lIVBC . IIFIELD. ; THE aubseribers haring been appointed
. shipping auk). for the Penntllrsola oft:mind Bel
I'ONS SU P ERIOR No. I COLD • 1, .1. ad.. nu. PUblie tbat we ore' nos Frtnated •to re
e) MAST ORE lIILL nyrAL. for 14, br . ..h....) . toetrbandl.e or Dn... for shipusent east onth.
1 r 0 .
01" t R. 31cCITCTIEON. ohenirt.r.of the meal.
Dblaint .f 1.7.2 Liberty rt. Hoo d, via thin route .111 be carried tbrookth In Ere days,
' nd all oonstnund to to will bt fornsfded frow of • entrittlil,
IikAWES' W INTER 11051Elt Y. of various ion or charge for adraucee:
lands, iocluding a nes article of Wool and :lilt. to . J . ' - ' 0 - 3IePADES C L'OVODE.
i . the store of t • 11111 11'. ELI'l REA.t., -. 111:8—A small lot received,
• - • - - --- . -- -•- • _a_ for nate by nittl 1111 A. 'lleCLUßil aOD •
EItI No A CO'll'ON UNDERSHIRTS, : - ' . .
i ll „,.. a. , a , a 80 . a ,,, nath ~,,,,„„ 00 aalaa . taaaaa of the
.: WANTED TO BUY—Notes'of thelVesterm,
aca.and i z g p . .. ,,,, ti r ....Tia sal oa. a ,
.m, wen.. ,i,„,,1 0 ,., .43m a „,
~. ir ,.... , 'nimbi . . mad Stock alb. Eltnatttrgb li ßu iL lkf ci lg u.
... .. _ __. , 4
~.,., SALESBAN , In u . Dq Goods ' i 3 1.!.131.S0P1,{13111.0: RO
rya. reference, Sone caber mad apple. Enquire ' t
IX 3 lone Pearl, •
, ra , ••• • fel*.3:nt al ri,apint aud quart fIaAN
_ ...ix — , L.”..i.V;10 tili.;.,
It. J. D. VOIVELL'S CO3IPOUND VEti- . Imam 101 . 12. be .
tu dot Corn limome
ETAIILE POWDER. for the cure of ra.OOlWllll or ! 7000 Ito Ituokek tanned Solo Leather
Xt:lNtertas. . , For sale hy ENGLISH A DENNF:TT.
A safe mid most saute/eau' remedy far that excruciating . y.,, 1= Second. sod 121 Fin: wk._
and Intolerable afeirtgra to which mothers, lo the oar) - -
sodths of nursing err subject It Monte the roast prompt 1 i r i KEGS C. Twist Tobacco ;• .
nuttplete relief. timing the worst ewes to a few tiaTie.
I L I :Ai I,hla. Tanner's Ott
aUde end I. tonally ...noted by a Angle partite, Lu- .
~,,,,, „....,,,, ~,...,,,,,,.., y o ,. „:,, b y ,
like other routedlee for thk gehaful sore. It Is entirely harm- .. L , ...,, ''', JAS. DALZEL, OS Wetter st.
Imo es mop,. the child. soi It may he miellowed without ' .
thellesst pawlttle rat. of Unary . . (4 UNDELES-1.50 bags Rio Coffee; ,
rabic remedy has been mpeatodb owd.ll[l4 covet bli.bll
recommrodud, In mow ..1 the medical 'faculty of Rte. 1.- ; 72 rackgili. 11. Too ; •
burgh. le do Pourbong do:
Inict—Otte Dotter a Peekonr. For sale vole by 124. holm maaufectureal amt leaf:
T. 11 NEV IN A CO. . bu pckaelircou Copell nahl
• 126 I.lbortt atm.. Pittsburgh. Per sale by lOAIAII DICK EY A CU,
For Cole by 1- A Preen., Jko. Mixon., Jos. boraMis-% an :XI Water and Frost Ante.
and U A. I..` Ih-typist.. AllO 01 , 13, . leb3l3zu
- -- - 1 CASFS Ca.. intro -
Rena 31utuftl Life Insurance Co., Mantra. ...)
... L eases Plaid }launch; For sale4youpin.
tvlce J. Firm). ui, &crumb) No. 7.3 IdliortY stkeh WO
~, kbi ,„ Roil Hu ...,,,
ur the bettor convenience of leeMmi Midi.. it; 9.^
lower part ~ the city. the eget. m•Y•b0n.r.... 1 ..,,T. PO Oros No 1 h
from 11 to 12 and "to gado..., t the counting room of 0 3 0 bus Liticd
J. Schoonmeker A Co, No 21 Wo street , whereat' ewer- 1. , 0 bun Oticd Apples:
my lofimostion will bogie. co dcorootun/rallone timot:til: -
„wic, 'A'
t'''''""*l g o l . W F tfAtatlllfi.
it attmuled tn. Pamphlets explaining the ponewso .. ~_ _
_.... _
lemon. of Life barman., sad bleak forms furnished ou _ ..• • .. - . -
[a u.
of the Company. which for the Pelt two
Fran ham hoe a elglity per
cont per a n
aim divided
mono the holders of life reticles.—m3led2w
(Cluvulclo stet Rost COPT two weeks sod chore. Ohio officel
I_7 A new classical dictlmmt7 n.f Brest , . and Bons. , 1 4_ 0 :"
Erggi;Votilt.'lV.l Imr.lPATo v s . "L ag:lM Sl;trotr,
by Smith LL. 11. ' edltorof tele tr.:tkoarles °fames.
end Rout. Antiquities. and of Ursetand ' ltomati Biography
d )Mythology. reviyed. with numerous torrectio. and dditions. by Cllvlss Anthott, Ll. D., Pronoun . of the
Onset sod Latin Languagem In Columbia Collette.
The Life end Cot-no - ponder., of Robert Southey ; edited
hp his son. the Res. Charles Cuthbert Southey. A.. Cu.
r te of Plumbland; Combmiand. pull found cloth, with'
?Su. I of the Life and Corretrpondence of Robert Sou
es of the Queens of Scotland . end English Prinnteers
connected with the regal auccession of Grad Britain. by of the Weise of the Queens of
England. voL 1
The Decline of Popery end Re Centre.; an Address
reed In the Broadway Tabernacle. on Wedeewley evening,
Jen it, 15.51, by lire. Murray. B. B.
Threborehooks that received, and for We:by
jsu3o R. C. STOCTON, No. 41 Markel et.
[Chronicle. Post. and American copy.]
27 brls Timothy Seed, mime nets crop;
18 brie en
70. d . N 1 keg. O. No 1 Leal Lard:
lid 2e s Sugan
brie It.if
80 brie battle grouni S. IL slninoteg
bile Flour..perfine and extra brandy.
Landing and fur sale hr BROWN k KIRKPATRICK
brlii Grimm OIL new crop- Blow'. beat
23. Ib, Ennilab Emcees. awairtnt
:15 lea Glue: •
:LAD lba Blue Vitriol; For tide by
febl J.SCIDD k CO., 60 Waal at-
E LAINES'—A large and splendid assort
ment of (bold Modal. Hamiltnn, and French De Line. gaiduneree,, from 12e to 2.5 e per yard,
French all wool De Lean. anal CIIttIMPIVX at entrentely
low prinw. febt A. A. MAFON A CO.
ricAILOItS"rRIMIVIINGS--Iteceiced' and
opened Ws day.
anca, Badding., Selicia.,,Tseist.Sa Japannedst 'eat.
and Goat %MOD,. Bono. Metal. and aßans and
Strop Buttons. Born and Black Bone Suspenderßuttons.
_.reel A. A. MASON it co.
)llncirtd and opened this day.right ours, u folloac—
k, it
Brown and Omen Itentack.Abs of Simonr•
fai' C en .l ;;rior Rhea Doeskin,.
Wee, of England And Mlddloses dn.
Actin •tlrand Kentucky du.
. . .
iqatiu. Flory Silk, Ca•huarn 3lerioo and Marna Me.
Vearlt.t.'• A. A. MANIN
A• 1.1 el t .1 Market atJ
. .
tabtu brinl
1. , 3 Win Kaman= Ilobw.r.s. oak roopeiaar.
100 ,1. Coro I.l.ang Just reed for de by '
fobl i10.../ILLS 6 HOE. '
Sellers' Cough Syrup in Illinois.
11U DUE PIERCE, of -31iddleport. Iroppißp
,rnut). wntra under dale td January 171 h. Ifiof. that
b. 1..r0 troubint more ur ins with a rough foUtooreral
Mi tw ulti " h . oT t7r"" l it;rE d ui 'tte
he got [...Ver.
I t.ot thecou.h "'attuned to Althea. him
I uaa of
lleire' attd
ra . Coal g h t! . .7 " th ' e vamr
Of Chapin brought with him from the State of Ohio. Mr.
Chap. had nonol the et - 2-aut.( great upe in his family. an!
whoa m.m tne fn. Ohio. toot Meru bcdtlea with lout. a
portion of which Judge Plenv ni.tnitunt awllaud with great
Lenetlt, when other meana.failed to afford relieL
• . . _
livrared ual ?old 1,1 LL &ULU-RS,
47 Wood tn rt.
G.ld t 1 dmtg1..1.4 arnervily lo tLn tworitka Ltd
To Coal Nan and Boat Builders.
100.000 tnAL, Ell . ll , N b C:
11011ER1 Mali NIGHT. Attorney. 7
iallattf Fourth street
Orma Prrrsataan L}l) Buena !halm Co.
January 21. 1851.
oill oi VIDENE--This Company has ibis day
edo.ret se tni.annual dividend of are dollars per
pa, able at the odler of the Treasurer. on the 10th
Tehran,. 1.31a13L CHAS. AVERY. Trolt
i'lo-PART.Nr.R.SII.II"—The subscribers have
Jenten.l Into Co-Partuareklpunder the arrn :'Mite.
Atkinson 0 OW). ITIL IL SUAIVE.
Ja.ll -. JOHN M. °KELT.
yEATIM; BUILDINGS--We nr,e prepar
od to furnith and erret annstratua for beating largo
buildndo by strain or hot water, and hare en
gau.aal D. 11. Wllllanta.lnan the east, to superintend Us row
sdruetion. )831 STAITE. ATKINnON OKELY. •
rillo LET—Rooms lon,' Steam Poorer for
Ineeleanieal purposes. F.tatitir• of
002.1.111:. ATKIN 'SON ORELY.
119 Front at
rrOBACC43-5 blidsOhio Leaf ot Maryland.
In store and for sale by ' MM. JOHNSTit.N.
tto dor Brooms. reeeleadfor Sale by
.ta_ Wll.ll. JOHNSTON.
I ll 00 b. 1... s. in prime order, on coaddoment
1.0 brim Clever geed, prime:
1 .15 bhde Hug.;
3.k1il hrhi !guts... prill9.l rouperagr:
011 brls Lltured 010
.50 k ege Lard:
lb brlr Bull Butter.
100 bur Oitr.
60 brh Timothy Beni: on hand ma for rale loy. I 'TILL° iy
(021 144 Liberty street i and Wr rule by
, ..15
R OMINY--5 hots Cincinnati Hominy just
two per steamer Clipper. .01,0 .01 0. ruld rrry low I
p OTASII-8 casks Duncan a pure Potash,
3- o brl. or bue. 0.1 11. A. MeCLI:IIIG 4 CO. I for ftle by . la&& J. & it. non,
DUTCH lIERRINO-12 keys new, for solo i lI Ak IMITATION- 2, Taper Hanging in im
, 191 WM. A. 3PCLURG SIX) ! %JP Ration of Oak. and Tarnished. tsar sale by_
14: P. 4 1 AIt...IIAL. 65
E3IOVAL.—ENousu &BENserr, Whole- ~ R EF'DEUGARS,-20. .sad. reed large loaf
aale'Orocere and Dealers 'a Produce, have removed
„WO Urls small loal4
to lff: Seentul. a ml MI First Os, between Wood and •• .
8 4. Pittsburgh. P ..3° 1 ' filo t do ... kga , :
; • ' lig' .d:`,4, is ...a
The Mum Body Most Perspire, t foredo br . JAE.' A. HUTCHISON aCO
ia= .
Q,O SAYS NATURE, to hove a healthy up- 1 . - - - - - - A :
''''. 'L
10 waram, =0 perste. who do not pempire, ans liable 1 LOAF SUGAR --0 - b , ris fOr.eale by
In the most diegusting Skin Diseases. Now, JONI"' Hall. „' jaM V.ll. BAGALEP lC1).
Chemical Soap eld/301. • flee perspiration. and at the same
, -
time molllika and softens the skim giving It the terAnyw
of a 0 infiusCs. •.:
Scurvy, Salt Rheum, and Smut or. tot only healed, hot
cured by its Me. ea et least 7 phygidans In S. Fork knots,
use it in such rase, mid gad it onfaillng--0s aim,
Pimples, Blotches Freckles, or anyother akindiseme. T b. 1
reader ho assured that thls is no nodes, puffed tiostrusa,m !
one trial will prove. / could enumerate a least eighty ;
perwans ented of fora hnd. sore lege, and sore beard.
Boy IL—dud the reader is again Assured I would not erce
for the above, unless/ Inver it to be all I state. ,
bt!1.1:ko are liable to chafes', coscluel,nr chapped firsb, .i
will and this pot only arum, but. preventive; end I an •
now only add, that anyone afflicted with any of the Oboes,
imilar dhow, will Mid this all. and even more Table(edosi
in its propertied than I Man,
anlt ß s o ti t s . v7 d 4oy_ " a; k U ;:r_ o :lo7s .. gal=t e l d i ' l t ello ' ir,= .
buy It only 02 WM. /AuKSON, only Anon 10 Pitt. mvati,
hood of Moat
• Pearly White Teeth, and Pure Breath, to
be had for r cente.—Perirma who hare Miller, are lmon•
blyminima that if their breath la e'er foul, of their
teeth decayed, dark or yellow , m 4 enervated with tartar.
theta 25 cent hot or Ja.VVI . Amber Tooth Paste will make
the teeth ma white as mow, mei the breath admirer:mei,-
eek . . .
&lid only at JACKSON'S °tom 210 Llbcrty hcAS of
A Scientific Hair Tonic, Restorer anirltenu
-I=lll iT. b e`,7,:•l?:t ",una7_d
those wan basewt. we wrzure It to tossers the following :
uditlea—lt will force the hair to grow on any part where •,
nature lotendol hair to grow; stop it Calling off; cure smart I
dandruff: and make Ught. red. or gray hair Oyer dark.
For rendering the heir waft and silk y . gray
makes it truly beautiful. and keeps It so. It it, In
demi. the moot enorionalcol—p4 mperiny--artlyla far U. V
So ordy at IV3I. JACKSOX'S Store, 240 Liberty !Owe, I
Land of Nitud. Fittehurgh.
1.-tree-3N emits, 40 routs, and SI.
JONES' Solution of Jet, n Liquid Human
hair Dye, for the ehanglog of white, nUI, or any half, ton
beautiful brown. or black tet color, Lim a few minutes.
JONES' LILLY )tilllTE.—ladies are eau
ta ngaizot ening the contemn prepared Chalk. The)
ere aw how frightfully It th WOW
how mow. how rough. how ealbw, yellow. andunhealthy
the .He a1e.... after eeros grerseal Chalk] &wide...UK
in c? r e ' ff;e7 ".thl" a a l l'' TlPulVe th laVl.!lTrti ' ele which we
all !one.' crot " Erh 4 Lilly White. - " • -
It is perfeetb lonoreet, holey puriged of all deleterLoo.
qv/41ton and outputs to the akin a 110..1. healthy. al
sheer,lieleßwher, at file lame time actle, al. Cl -
W Ibit =WWI
y th gt ' Zett, JACKSON. _in Liberty .teat.
wei P
bl Wool. htteburvh Vries. 25 tout,
EXECUTORS' NOTICE--Nutice el hereby '
aghee. that the underelyaed ate the 'teeny enconitutod
Met of the hot will eel forts/mot of Jaw Jobeelon.
eoe Keough of Tareetum. demon! All pewee
lowlelt dale. egaleet noel ..tat,- ere hereby CoUeed to
Wewet teem for iwyment. and fluor ingeboal na afeweald
are hereby nolleol W wake Immediate parterre In either
of retawebers JAULe h1..411KY
W. It DV ek.
fehlwet.9 • Exerutun,
rs...ohnoorrnaken en the estate of Com Yoder. late of
Lower bt Clair toweAlle. Allegheny county. dew% barley
thin gay twee grantel to the Aldernignol. saYtow lo• hereby
e'en to all persona Indebted to MU mate to elate im
mediate yoyinellt. 004 all perm. har/eg dainty modest
stat e acid ate relented tO petrel Mt ram, Only authen
ticated. fo settlesoret. 310:11.3 C/LESS.
jam et. Clair, Jo. rd,1311.-1121.-wIVS
,131L b S i i i. L . Z. i .;SEHO
100 dna Senates:
15 bids Poarlash;
• 72 boxes purr 6.aLa-ratust
bbl. Roll Duttar
20 bases do do: •
400 to be :es ter= Cbee.e
300 do Comm. do;
:150 du Luir,libb TWIT do
•Aat ta l lle i tt r i
6 Alas Ears:
A few tow Ng Iron
A mall lot of Sheep Pelts. Poe sale
lan.lo • J DCANPt ELD.
WO belt colon deo
50 bags Coffee:
80 brls 3 Markerelt
75 Ws Tar:
100 bus Satretrat for tale br
Product, Dealers and Castralsolon Starebstal
jal7 6l Naar street.
30 bu Corn 3.leZ,
• Q.LOO lba Buckwheat PIO= for We by •
Produce Dealers and Couusdaslou :Vauban.
81 Water aired.
200 BUS. CORN:
•;YVO bur, Oat=
100 bus. aborts far rale by
Trait. Dealers wad Coma Warm Mad=
jat.l 6l Water ewer.
g lORN-20 brls and 30 sacks just reed by
ROLL BUTTER-2.5 bris in store
oao .J. S. DILWORTH .! CO
IRON 2W tons on hand
LUE S3IALTS-1 case fur sale by
AL for Jul* by .or. .I.IISCHOONMAKER &
dr 11 LIVE OIL-10 baaketo for salo by
V, EWCROP CASTOR OIL-10 brie 810 's
11 No. - L.l[ot moire.) for rale by R. E. SELL
J 35, ' fa Wood 4
OIL, rod EPERM OIL. forrab. I_
0e24 IL E. RELLER.S. fa Wood .L
Ilueloattat Cake& tor , brbbot)r kfferreirlog
p.osnd: 1, Ask loy iv . ..NJ R. X. RELLER.9.
REVOLVERS—CoIt's and Allen'tsjor R 10
alt Market od, corner of Fourth
la v, W. tr.lett.soN.!
- . - -
1V CE- —The tr.srtnership latelv•pxisting
41 beta - nen the nder4l..d. under thn itrina of .4 )1t4
lin, O'Connor A Philadelphia: . and t•O'Connor. Atkins
Co- Ilttatargh," WWI dlaaolved Ly mutual nounent,
ILn 11;th Jay of January. 1,51. liannen.K. Atkins ia alone
nutlxrriud lo ore the nanieof MAI.. O'Connor t ~Co at
Philadelphia d Jailing O'C.nor Is atone authorised In
won the tutu. of an
O'Connor, Athol, A Pittahurgh. In
Pitinburgh. Jan. 1.. 1101. JAMES 01XINNOE.
Jamey: O'Connor, of 'Pittsburgh, Pa., and
CoOnora & . r Osititann, )11J., have fhb do y eaterwl
eolartnerobip under the et.,la of - .ltanovi O'Connor &
Elttatarah.. and - oCoDanSrp , & Co.,ltalthnows - for the
Iwo.. of trammeling the haahlexe of the Pittehu Trans
wrtation Line. as well a. for cwocral commleslon £O4 wee
ehandlle JAIIE.w (VIA/NNOR '
IltOtotrah, Jan. 15,11. O'CONNOR& t CO. '
A CAIIII—We tender our ttukk.e , for the
kind patronage extend ..1 to us in business itne the
thatyear, and would ri,, , ure our Mends and the public ,
that our arrangementa for the BOLI be of
the moat exttnnire and perfect nature. We will dirplay
them more fully in "oer a.fiertimment
JAM FS OTA iN'N Olt Pittenugh.
OVONNOnS d• CO- Baltimore.:
Pittmbargh. Jan. M. 1A.51.--jaZnllla..
g KEEN APPLES-10 brls prime, rec'd in
ILlgorkl order, and Ibr oak by
11 , EMP-110 hales 3lisnonri dew rotted/in
Mon. and for rain b, ALEXANDER GORDON. ,
, • 134 Front rt /
tiANDLES—,SO bxn Mould. on eonnignment
K Jtor We by: jaZi - ALEXANDER. HEREON.
INGER . ROOT-3 racks prime, on hand
lino,' Cru w 4 by e. N. WICKERSHAM.
jeL9 - lbr. Wood k Sixth Atm
XTEAT'S. FOOT 011,—.171iils just received
nrr r ruiwrior fur neer br /
PANISII brlsin store, for
1.3 bi i S. N. WICKERSBA3I
k)nommodious Maxim... No. 351 Liberty. street, now
n"V d ri . ... by t h t;;;: u pl ' z "
rom la. BRADY w luL ourth
BEANS- ; : . 3 s O ci lg o . s lire, ffT•:eruile
2.4 Wood wt. .
MERY-15 kegs askerted, for sale by •:
LIQUORICE BALL--5 cases small stick
Ibr rule by j41.1' J. SC1.100:01.ilin t CO.
SYRUPS -36 bile Golden Syrup;
LI bin Claiital do for Palo IT
ra24, 'JAS. A. lIVTCITISON erd
SALLOW-29 brla ree'd per steamer Arena
Laud far onle bf J. k R. VitlYl),
Round Clara Eluildias.
rf. c°. "''''""r 46; r SELLERS.
EllrsZaapetrille, for Rah. Y si.wood
- DOWDER-150 kegs blasting, for sale by
' .3. R. FLOYD, Rnyad Cbmr..6
ULK PORK-220 pieces ho round, wel
trimmed, tor ride by WM. ILWAL.,6I" d CO
A EATIIERS-17 sacks Rrime for sale by
1.28 116 Waier rt
L• 1-3 brls and`l6 kage for sale by
/1 , 29 DILWQttTII a CO
B ROOMS- dos ' just received 6Y
pEA ETIC.—It is universally conceded that
beauty le loom IMILOIRU in this country than In mil
r. while et tin e same time'lt to sold that in no other ,
country le it lost at m young an age. Now this Is true to •
certain 'extent, but the lieet,ta often Mused by neglect. We
. coy to all. do not neglect your teeniest appetirmor. but
rood the following , and you need not lack meat looks.—
These Articles art y erienntle pmparatious, and have all at
tained a-high poulariy.
. Juke II Permian or Chines Powder, for in:Martina'
to the most billions rentplezion a radiant Whltencee. In
nothing should a tercet.n be more attend then the me of a
powder for the skin. m many of three sold ma Teel Minsk
one My China*, der le mute rounded In att ri tion& man-.
nor, and contains no loge:dicta which con possibly Inflict
an insole.
Juke nanet's Depilatory Powder, forremoving superfin
ons hair. Whas Is more umightly than hair upon the thee
or. anus of a Indy. Title mtirle will moor. it lea sitert)
Vt., without theme of env sharp instrument
Juice liattele Vegetable Liquid Italy Dye will Instants,
meoady Impart rend. white. or gray hair , a bilau#Nll4
black, brown, or auburn odor. It Intl color the bur lu
shorter rime. and more effectually nun any other dir,
I ot et the wee time Indelliblei
Julia nand' iitiactog erratn.—lt ir malty
pleasure to
shave with thi n c ream: Ihere te MAW of thelmartingeen.
!lotion usually expotivonet in the us. of molt scape. On
the contrary. it leero, the skin smooth and mitt as mato
, fanes e and tot liable to femme chapped
, juke liamle Ikee Tooth pate.—Neat to the. hair, we
think the Teeth were litte.n.q7 th e tamiteet ornament to
the heinous Terri but when bided. nothing 14 m
ring. or .quiekly seen. 11. y. me:Toot Hone trill Impart
to the teeth pearly whitens.... at the 'tame time keeping,
the kumi firm and helthy.
JELL' HAVEL. Pcrfumer , and Chemi , t,
, For N.I. irtinionile retnli:br UA. Faboestoek k Co.
nog H. It inOter, rittgburgb, uisl.J. Mitchell, Allegheny
% 1; 6 : RECEIVED.--i new wort on Me
yhmine Mgt. and IPAgineming; Dietlarary of
Mechanics. Engine Work. and Lugineming. de
rignDl for grartgenlooekinginen; and thane Intended for tlie
engineering rrotheakin. Mittel by itilirer Ilyerte. formerly
trufemor ilatiemotlea. College of Civil finglyinem.
M. wort I. of U p ro. rim containing nearly . 2000
Pun. upwards DIA 500 thank, ani' aho word on. It
orearnt wortilug Atrowitom and d o serlption. of the . mot
Important machlm• lu the United Rate, independent of
the remit of Atarriest Ingenuity, it out cantsin complete"
praetical Utah.. oo Mechanle., Maehinery, Engine work
arid Etnimeriahr, with all Matta mieful intone. than 111001.1
worth of folio volume.,ires „quite., and other taint. The
Inent . o . lect of Mr puldlordiou Pio , obOO. lanactical
prep 'trident. Paula an_ amount of theoretical and
entitle knowledge. In in• form. am .0.11 et Ala
them to work' to the beat wiraniaan i oint
tairtatew which they trittb t otheraine commit - ••
The mabilahcra. are determined.. remanlima of nowt. to.
make the work am crimple a. pipsible. and it le Loped er
err one dealt:m.ln olim3u work, will prorute it not tun
ed in mutters. nal that the ent4prise.
Puhll.hingln 40 num at 25 mat. per number, to he
comidell lid. year. • L •
I7gi o umbers rectal r t r a Ns.
MU Mb= coitart.
Taifayette Hall, &air Wood and 4th its.
d Jaye
eirat Monday evening. Februare 11 7 bra eboirolneatiX
MO eta -tram tn. th.Staltallod 11. 00.10 0 .b.A.m . " 1
thrtiriat meet Haptlat Sundar &bOOl.
si Wood itrar - t; has race
aoj ova open Yn
Ines., a lame .4.11
"t o & or 6, G 114 sund T .:tavo 11.
:awfbrte, Amt Ne
e ma .actr. Chlekeeltig. W
hkn he th attendoo ruerhasers. Thar Ina
jorartablr, sold at gad. mien, ai. oad ,
churx transpartatinn , aral rnara warranted.
ul4 taken io uart their toll value:
dent foe the axle of Chiet rainq's Flame toe
45 No. al Wood
Groot and Rotuma Llioura,t!i!..
~l' Z i r, ,ib "j i s jfito' l t h*„ l.iy" . . \fi l n.lgiriTh 1- ti• D.
Roo bed by d..Autlion.. •
Lime of tha Querns of Nooll•uit nad 1 atHrh Prinroafau.,
B ll A l.l.llii '4 :i i iiirirroaron t ' tw i t - &miter, by
Theaou. tbo 4 .Cor. O. C. - so.thsr. M. Ai 1 >oh
'Airline of Popery, and It, thuait,
..?in Address de.
liairml in the Broaarar Tabernacle, on .11otiniad•Y
fns, January 75. JASI. 6J Kea Slum .11. D.
1144 t Yourth '
• . '
AtLowly Mahlon. • orlebfuteal du - eat hoto.
e ciao. ofJoaioudn. by Spam
Uother.thotert faithful tit ow anew.% by C !eater.
ihrokly atm IliftPTIA Ply Atka. illy. by A. L. Prater.
I'd offer thee thla hand of ualue..• ' .
—••• • • •• •
ti;ave uraldeou ' oolue,
!WTI' let; Mao the Datighteito of fir. Ma..
(titan Bum
f. a favorite lad touohlo II W.
or Lo
Thou host wounded the opted that Nosy! thee.
Beratott, or don't you reatouthor moot Alio, •
:time Poll.. too B. C. Teeter.
.Tbe celebrated 'Polka Nam. f• • •
Jrancrtsairl Jeanott—romylete. • , '
Fairy Quadrilln., b 7 Mr. aimed. . - Fisbion Potts.
Berta Polka. by Burp:attire. tibia Chat Palk.
Iris Folk. Ratchebir's Mt.
. .
Lilly Quenftill.--veryeany and pretty.
Pnn Quselrtltee. Ittehrunl 144ka. Alleetuntylkallente.
A mon edition of llorktee'n laMrttetieen for Plane, with
n•hlitfeeet Motel. Of new lennoon. •
Cater/Ana for the ?ism. .
Burrow's Pissto. Forte Primer. Km-els - est ttmlaf by
JOIIN 11. lIBLJA)R, 51 Weoi at
B.—A very Luke lima arriving, SSW
will be open for Pali, thisweek...
103ICEOPATIIIC BOOKS-Just published
and fur sale at the took store of the.undersluted.
fromth su ng's Dorout rhyslolus, revl.l,' with additive.
e rhun niannseripe or the 7th Guts. edition.
Containing, alto. a nibulariteles or the nteffielues and tine
dleeeette In which tiro
Cues a medicine for the at are work. Andre
trym - Flowers aro no rum, Anger of Milk, Olobeffers s
trappir of all tot wt—tlettics loud br the
different itelt.lons. Uweons. vitt, Ul Uto works pub
!Jibed on llogrotinthy. on hand. •
Sole Agent nit the Illomestriethlo Meditinett awl Sosto.
harlot 316 Muir et
Literary Depot. Thin/ street. ird , POdio
e Poet Odletv
'lvory &mato,. a Jacobite mon . Of the ."
J.. of Grorne I. It; M. P. IL James. Ron. •
14" 1
- tie Bache.; or NI amnia /-0,0 and Woman's Usta—a
novel. - ' •
Slmunondat a novel. By Mrs Sonthworth.
Olirm a noreL By the author pf "The &Wrtes."
Mame uerme: a Tide for Mother. and DanAterre. By
Grace Aguilar.
Mother. Itersimpensi. By Grim Iliad,
Bankers' Maganac azine
lem.for January. •
m for
No 1 of the American Illimolusted edition of the Wa .l rsrl.l . :'
. a=
Mims? Litet•ur Ikea. Tabq gnat. Mosits lb. '
Ooday'e La4Y•licok for Febrastr: ' 0
Orsbanis Maranns do
instan's 5 1 sosluv ' 6 .
bliansunvisle; • neer novel. by Mrs Strutbervirth. 1,
/tome Influence: • tide 6rnadbers and danghtten ,
Gram Aguilar. . . ,
Mabee. Recompensr: • emusl In Mane Influense. :
Olteee aet • red. by the anther of . Tbs atilviee '
The Whig .I.lsennae for 1851.
No N ve o
. o tfh L e h .basil n
edi Itle nnuoting pu d
bed of t .
b W j an!
: ,
New Boob, just received, ' i„!.
HE Barde_of the Bible; by Geizrie,Gilfll- 1 11
W. 1 vol. liao.
Trvull• Olivlulurin . belnir e revninosetur exhibition Of the '
Greek Greenman derigneel for tentoners Br Greek, rued se
boot °remit:hes fun Seidentlii. sad college'. Sr C.'
Kendrick. 1 vol. I2mo. emus. .
The Youth's CeronaL By Ilinnub flag! Gould: I veil 181 no
• Moms and Connier Charms. By khans .I.lfellatoeh.
1 vol. Ilkno. inue.
Th. vott.w.ileecnpeuvo : u KV./ to "numl; .
y Orem Aguller. ,
iieehanlae 3l•Bl.r.ine and Engineer? Joanna FBA
number loot rcoelrul-
Byrnee Dletionsry of Ileoharcke and Elle nerd rm. No Y.
Joni reed for redo by ; IL-I.loPlillik
jilxl , 78 A poll o Huila:me, fourth et. '
BIM Boon!
coploui and crinbal Latin, Magill& lhanded
larger and
thirman Le4essn of Dr. Ilthun Treand s
with addition. mil cormettoro Smell. Lexicons of Omar,
Pandolatl, &belles, George.. by E. A. Andrews, L. L. D.
Tat nu. 1,117.
n bring the mammal nem
In nen aml rerun of tn thmoit tbe Sandwich or
than Islamic. and s
other mrts orel
of l'olTands. Dy Re D edy
T. llbeecer. anti.- of `The Whale and Dia Canteee RIM
enerwringe. •.
Tne nannies arnawrimr, wethellt, Home
By (1 num Azollar. Recedol and Ow We by . • • -.
jel3 . rini
Clunnicre, aid American STOCKTON, 47 Ma
eoln , ^ at
Papor of all alma and dualitlen ruled-and plan; bins
too l white.
Blank Books or every description. on band or made to.
cider at OWL notice:
iiiation;7—tiitriikal: French and Arcane.. law" ad
envie, Oa malold
W. HAVEN, nentanter,* •
Magee a, corner of Poem&
jjOOK ANP JOB PRlNTlNG—Ery — ve.iie==
ace lire of bad. ComreWielnl. Etmatant4omal
need Printing, moonated at mart_ notion and In 'ln.'
Iwd manner, br • W.& it.iTz.N.
Printing Oboe. In Third .t. between Market ant Ferri..
JaIS /
_ _
QTATIONERY—W. S.• 11Arm; comer - or
Serond and Markrest.. Imo fa mils Wargo =I coin:
•plete Ilthamortrrtent g L fal t I . jr7 at el has ,i 7 beta'
' orticrelirtb l in:e% the 1904 favorobtl i Trnas., , jell
APEtt-LFolio. Packet, PonuasicEtal and
luarlalkat and Cap Paw. sliarpDd7 °fall aoa•
ruledludilain. blue and •bite, far rale am liberal
terms at • jail/ W. S.
th. Gait. nw-p, No.:101 T— •
ELESXR is now erceiving •
&elegant Pianos, made by Neses A (11M,
New York, among theta. a splendid 7 octave Ann& Piano
of the tithe& deacalptkoi of exterior and tom, it ES made
in the Reece° sty!, vos,nlel. Mahn= of Lowpary awl
.CV.AIm, a slew lot of fashionable and 'palmier Monk s
pot An extensive selection of Beaus Instrionen% Clain;
thiltsza. Melodeons, and every variety of mask&
TEW BOOk - S.-11u.mbolt's new Mork,
Comos; or Snatches of a Phydind dm:o;Mo* of the
Se mans Sketches of 31Ioneseta., the New 000=0 of
dhe wee, I rot 12 mt.
r 44:1 rnes ?lecher:ice and Enema& Dictioneri.,,Mst
Basmo's 13.11102111,. Theca are weU worth reading.
For salc,by It. UOSKINO.
Jahn *polio IlstUdloolt
211031P80V8, and forth..'. Blade, Bed, Scarlet
Carmine Ink.
. .
GontaW, Saber's, Smokiness and Lanus'.. Jackson;
and llonnse'aßlacklind Bed Leasl
Inkatands of sway description; M1N1.% Cohen's, ' Pratt%
Lear. lici/y . s. Leman . ; end other manufacturea of Stant
Nor G. A i- N. Smith's (atiocossor to L.G. Bayley t Cu)
celebrated Gold peon. with gold amt silver ems
Whartosates English Drawl= Par er—sintlonarian. dons
to. elephant atlas, eolumbler, stress royals royal and oks
shunt: Bristol Baud; eau deny and =rah..
Pertoated board. fancy lux Papa; skin gold eadkahr,
ombossed gold. ether and fancy mond super, gold non
adored strips and on.; and lithouvaphs fur fancy boas;
ProPareddurchment of a ll 4.4 suitable fyr deals. chart.
ers and &p.n.. ) 'Kn. note paper, sdarays on hand, the
meet desirable styles. Ms. sonl rotterounlainsiolltoatabeas
seal and silvered, suitable for balls, ).arias, ..d.mirg sad.
French note envelopes, plain sad embossoh lett. Meal;apes,
ol4s. Into.. whiteand blue: aid and plaht adbestra ens
vel.. bull, bine and white:
cops, synoe patters* anithng sunk hiat
tin:tome and Turkey box - wool sand tram /inn
Irks, brushes, Pouch and English copying .
I bmas,• and
tionte Inner of all coloru red and whits, patent
" Den knives te.
ArM in th e staticit,44
both I.4l:and sAaple, together 'at. lama asearttotust Of I
(milloo atst memoramium Isolta of nan.
..ovary style of binding. and PoDsr of all drew:
rod qualities, for sale at redpoed ratm moot nmumoa•
atilt tenni.. W. S. IIAYEN . .14
131. k Book and Stationery Wareham.
nel Cern, of Market and Second streets.
IN ism at. flout ES' Litmary Depot, Third stinetop
postte the Pu s a. Pittsburgh. '
limiter? Almarlue ices 13 00 m,
Renee 31ereltirits' Alicas — ine:.. do Z. 00
Frdckertocker ilesiastrue.—... do - 600
American ' 6 00
Mrs. Ellis' A oming do - 00 .
'Quet's Lady s
ams lisiL:sr Book do
Grah—•••••.-- do • 60 '
Bhwkwoor r s Magraine do 300 •
Lltrelnsina Age:- do 600 •
. The Jmnery number of them empaoltwassill be the Port
munher or the new nolmne, end will Wit aver
16e...Tba &bore maamines will be delh‘ed : Neralr
ilt at guy tece,Leing quite a siorinspro those_
.la me. •
A 1., and wril relented Meek of tnasYMMurat jitRII
4LS. GIETBOOKS, an. suitable far Chnatioas mat New
, .. .
- Alit-Arse rearm atuartorent Of Met& __ Medd rain
licatlend Statleocry, Visiting cards, de. All orders alland•
ad to punctually. •a -' l . IL 110141132,
al. • II No..74Tbled nteced.
- - - - -•-- - '
5 1- TANDISH, THE PURITAI 4 I ' iiialo of
e Amerkaa IteroblUon. C r Moro ,
fi tb rtory of UK. Reformation 'a the blztarath omitusr;
by J. 11. Merlo d'Anbigno. D. D-•Pruaddoof of lb. 'Moto.
gwol &hoot of Gebel:a, And l'im PsysklYot of tbe &dots
t e , —:=,, TramlAtod by IL White. IL A, Trialby Cob.
LotOcky. 10. Illsttry. AotioultAlt, and illyribbl , 4*'•
I . l l 4. l t=r ,. ftu i t r •rg i li . nt;. : 114 . 1714 ..8 A c o l i & t.
Dooky.fler *Ad btationen
IMO • Com.. of Mutat and MIA Rs,
9UTLINE MAPS—Pelton'Replendid Out
1 line Mare aye eov Wog lotto:Weal In all the leading
4 role In New 14.e .k 1 mot New York. We have obtain
;Ed the &glary for In Iluateryzh, and Invite tachers
Aged Cahmalee, to ran tug examine therm
l—klop d of the e.: . teno Ilemlepbeze, 82.4 *2 Wats.
2 o ? W
Astern do do
3 do North America,. 70zµ
• 4 do
.I.7alted ktzwe. , 70 207
ddoo Europe. • ..70 z Irl ` •
Asia. • :0 .z. 79
7 do S. America& grecs, 70 zB4 • • ' • 4
Price of the maim key.l2k nr the Ant ttro lions
Vary. Map.. with key, 810. - •
no,. tens are ungvellol Inaccuracy. bolutrya away.
...a, end adapt/41W the in of the zeinouglainterr
and bleu schredt of the Urated Etel4t.
.harm, an te . " "b4.4"'EVYltolVa'alrlll7.l)l4l.,.*C*4
lo "th. EUL C.r . gOer of 31arket atkl Zogna et.
T Morris and Willis's Haine4ourail.--
JIIIILISIIED every Suturdav New-York
cur. at Too Dollar. a yrar, paableln
bbouromms or deuce—Omm of the Throe Toortral, No.
‘lO7 lamer, New Tort. Wirmber 24.1350.—T0 all
'hom It may moment: Thfa may certify that]. lb 'Roam
'le daly authorised to art as went for bloamm A' Ifni& a
Ito Jocose; and that all motto,. gleam by bibi toyaY-
Aura fur saki paper 101 be duly arknowledred Mite at the
office of publication. and It Ls expremly owood Ltol ,pw ar .
ood, that all matteeflollooe MAI. me Tear
yaws The neer volutoo eommenoe on tho t,
flubaellethatm received by _
4.ll.llalsore:Ulrd suet,oml , tot the . r?o.oeke.
• - ktopthptp,•
'imir BOOKS!' arEw BOOXBIZ 7
greet. " the Pots Urn,—
no by the &Intro. of . he f,
I..Mlllothertrk prone, • novel, By tlFace Avow,
It h ;
, Love =el to Le Loval—e tale. Wy
Caroline of Drente Ik. Ily O. iL
,The ;loutish Confeetional.
A Lecture on ttre Jena, II De. tem
r Ber rotedan trOn. t e trenty to •
bishop / 41gtiCL, CA ' the Deems - of
I .
lloom Jourotl. 2;010(11e! tninate.