The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, February 06, 1851, Image 3

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    rEntet— .bert Sidi:alibi, Esq.,
Cltirtnan, .f the Com. on Council . , suggested to
s :fib thst.bikly .11 Tumult; evening, the policy of up
' Panting Committe to examine the rates of
dune I our mere ants for the conveyance
of their g, s across c aqueduct, not to
• tion the -.. - slature fo a reduction of die rates.
Several .. ansporters it woo stated, had recur
.;, ed bnildiay sites in AI cgbeny, near Pederal st,
on whieli t e depot of he Ohio and l'eunsylvo-
I - • • r tin Railros lin to be It clad, and others areeeek
• ing for sui ble groat of which to build. The I
• • - rate of toll is spill to b. so high, that they would
rare dray in.. their goals &cross the
• bridges. t such Is th case, a reduction in the
tolls is obviously, • imp natively necessary, and
the Co ....Hien shout be at once appointed,
is order t 6 t they may, se reduced before there
... • r Iw:option o navigation in the Spring.
Bette, a
there h
Lion on
Ve ob ervc
mirle corn
lition of roes
:en great 01
ore. we do
therm in the
of public m rality.ia;rap
••••' 'ulnae diMi
,• .• , one of our police :offic
item of inte eat, and th,
derly. We rmt -and be
• •-•• began, which, aided by t
_ - k will prove Yr
, raise the character of ot
formerly oecciftied
The Select end-Comm .11 Councils of the City
of Pittsburgh, met on T etalay night for the pur
pose of electing foul Go Miens of the Poor.
In the Select Council, he President, James M.
• - jdurray,.l!eq., took the 'fair.
Messrs: William; 'J. Reward, Colonel Ross,
end James llontooth, acre nom
inated as 'candidateS furl the office.
The members • proceeded to ballot, with the
„following ke;olt: • •
.Williscu J. "lowa
William Edgar,
Colonel Ross;
f. Jomes Montooth,
Messrs. llowsrd and I
ly elected GuardianS of I
- next three gears. •
In the Common cone
Esq., toot the choir.
ifesors. Joseph Penns!
and 'Dr. Haidett. were nn
i•The ballot stood en fnlil
Joseph Peorinek,
; Samuel vy,
Dr:lliorett •
Efetere. i'ertubel; and M
drily eleeted Guardians of
three years.. •
A petition was preaented on the part of sundry
citizens of the Sixth Ward, praying that the
,Councils would take measures for laying Water
plpes - on CrawforlStreet, and on Webster, from
Fultan to Gam Streets. Referred to She Water
A petition'• praying for the grading and paring
'of Centre Avenue from the line of the Sixth
Ward to the City line r was referred to the Cola
itittee on Streets. ;
The following resole-Lion, passed in the Select
Council was laid on ithe table in the Coinmon
'Resolved, That the Idnyor be, and he is liere
by authorized and directed to offer a reward of
two hundred dollarslfor-the arrest and convic
tion of any person col persons that may have
been guilty of the Intel offences of highway rob
bery—provided dual said reward shall not he
consented to extend to arrests heretojime made.
An ordinian6e wap presented,. which had,Pu.'
ed in the Select CounCil, authorizing the Commit- '
tee on the Ameduck to appoint a Clerlc and
Assistant toll collectoi; who is to give bonds in
tbnusual amount for Ilie performnnce of his du
ties, .
This ordinance was. amended SO an to give the
Collector the nomittatilmnf the proposed .clerk,
died a vote in the Committee.
. , The ordinance was lost..
A petition; prayinglor the grading and paving
of Franklin Street fr. m Elm to Wylie was re
(erred to the Committee on Streets.,
K petitipn from various inhabitants of the'
'Seventh Wird, praying that Erin, Shelby, and
Wartin Skihets should be rendered paasable,was
;referred:to the Committee on Streets.
A petition, praying thr the grading of Vine st,
Centite - Avennei&Prankihr-Etreet, was- ie
ferred to the Committee on Streets.
night! at about half
past ten o'clock, a frame building fronting on the
titer, containing a portion of the patterns, used
in. Knapp & Co.'s Foundry, was set on' fire r and
• lowint to the combustible. materials with which
it was filled; the flames spread rapidly, soon
communicating with the foundry, adjoining.—'
The firemen were quickly on the ground, and
Made desperate exertiohs to save& but in vain. I
They then turned their attention -to saving findf !
--e!Lindsay's rolling Mill, and. Knapp ft Co.'s
boiler shop, engine shop, and other buildings.
A heasy• rain was falling, which materially
edihe firemen in their labor,, as, though large
flakes of fire were flying about in all directions,
, the wind being high , yet they were extinguished
• when they lit upon the-wet roofs. .Graff & Lind-
eay's mill was for a lolik time in: great danger, I
the wihd blowing directly from theburning foun
dry upon it, but fortunately it veered round, and
the building was saved. •-
' Knapp'a foundry was entirely destroyed, rind
!!!! - the less is ,Very heavy, amonntthg, we understand,
upwards of tertithou:sand dollars, the principal
-5 ' part of which is coiered by insurance.-- Oar read
ere will recollect that we have frequently, of late,
noticed repeated nriciripts which have been made
to fire Mrs. Tottriafer dwelling house, situated in
• the Seventh trani:l ; : The husband of this l a dy.
the lamented Mr. Totten. was n partner of Mr.
Knapp's, and we believe the accounts have not,es
yet been settled; $...0 that she has an interest in
the . establishment seems likely that the 1
*retch who bas's," perseveringly attempted' to
• destroy her house, finding his, attempts always
frustrated, was rimulved thus to accomplish. his
fiendish purposes. .
IllattulaConers.—Jackson awl Robert Condi
' ton, who have been imprisoned for some time past
'on a charge of counterfeiting, were yesterday
- brought before Judge. Irwin, of the United States
Court, on a 'Writ of habeas odjpus. The former
-lifita admitted to bail in the sum of on , . thousand
dollars. Fifteen hundred dollars bail was de
'Minded for the appearance of the latter, which
14 will probably procure today.
BVIIGLARY.—Thomas Duntop, a member of
,Barker's night watch, woo yesterday committed
lo'prison by Mayor Guthrie, charge with taking
tb 'pocket book, containing one hundred and
twelve'dolliirs from a man nameil,Shepler,an
member of the same fraternity. Thepocket book
is alleged to have been taken from Shepier's
clothes, while he was sleeping:in one of the rooms
of tavern In the Diamond. and a purse, which
Wok taken at the same time from another lodger
in I the same room, was found upon the accus
lorie of the missing money won recovered.
BrAVnit4, LITHOGILAPII.—We indebted to Mr.
Bchtachmann, lithoripher, fora splendidly
t executed lien , of the glass palace, intended to
moire the contributions of the world, at the great
fqk to in L0114.M; during the prevent
"TM.— Mr. .ie a thorough master of his art, and
the works - which come from his establishment
.Woold do Medit tit any, city in, the Union. The
view/before 11.1 Illi . admirAble representation of
of a building destined to fill a larger apace ha.thti history hi the aorill, than the pyramids Of
Egypt, Ut. Peters at • Rome, the Tuileries,
at Earls, and" Wmtminster Abbey in London,
- together, for., , it. is the grind embodiment of a
Mighty ides;
These lithographs are, we believe, for sale in,
the nenal places. '
Emu Estimstaiso AND LAND SClvensu•—it
win be seen by reference to our advertising col
; tutum, that Messr. E If. licastings and Christian
Ptelseeihaie formed partnership, for the pur
pato irf itteadi4 to surveying, laying out lots,
mtperinieedini the eonstructionuf ;mil and plunk
" MIAs, and other branches of their profession as
chit Migineen. . IV° have been acquainted with
Mr:in.. nenstings, lats.iloputy fiereeyor Grn
q.,apoe al ong titue;'aud eon confidently recom.
lamed hits to our friends. lie is a gentleman of
Much eiperictice in his profeiiiion, and, is remit
. lair With smarlybverj foot of ground in Allegheny
:Gotycat o LccTree- EVE` , I3O—At the Lib.
ettyStreet Methodist Chinch.. Tickets 10 cents,
-to. be bed at Geti. Lati'mer's pffiee, English &
CO.'S Bookstore, L. Wilcox's Ding Store, Alcun
e, le Day's,Dry Goods Store, W.C. 1411, FoOrth
••Allegheny City—of IL P. Swartz, A. Camer
on, Odes., -Baddler's took Store, • and et the
• Atari-
open at G, Lecture to commence et 7
The tieliete.will be limited.
OFFlCE.—Alderman Major yeo•
darcapiraitsed Nathaniel Hughes to prison, on
thlrgo of ditorderky conduct.
, . .
.E 147-41. Colored Man aimed' Sanford Wake.
Res committed to' •
Og Outten, P rmn 3 '° t°rd ' 3, b) . NL,Y
with committing on assault
• and limner"
_nith intent to ' on Bernard
• ,poloieety,
.* a poliCeman. .1 The assault wag nom
'. =Med with /MO butcher Ma
.Pirreattatnt. CUMMEaIIIAL CL I LLXGE - -Grad/LO- I the benefit of the •Orphans' Asylum—that this
tioa of Students.—We had the pleasure of attend-, institution was a meritorious, and popular
be an examlnation'of the students of Mr. O ;. K. one—that an overflowing house could, with a
Chamberlain's Commercial College, on Tuesday ; certainly, be counted upon and that he wished
night, and were delighted with the proficiency i the whole matter to be viewed in a haslet.,
i displayed by all the pupils in the moot difficult I light. 4 ,
beanches of Mercantile computation. The room , I replied, that, although willing to lend my in
wascroweded with a large number of OUT MOM i (livid.] TeTTlCTS.grotis. my busi;ess would not
respectable merchants , who unanimously er- I allow me time enough to underta e its manage
pressed their gratification et the. readiness and meat, and that, in order to maki it attractive,
ability with which the young gentlemen answered l
a large number of prTorment would have to be
all the questions propounded to them. Pri tv to engaged, the greater part of whom, being . hut
the examination of the Graduating Class , 'ro- transientresidents and Itherwise occupied, would
felelots John Fleming. and 0. K. Chamberlain, demand remuneration Or their service. A rough I
proceeded, at great length, to lue.dion the ;du- estimate made by the tiumicians' expenses, re,
dentsgenerally on the variou, branches, a knowl- ; stated in the sum of niarty dollar.; whereupon
edge [of which is loth:spell...lde in the Counting , Mr. McKnight uffered tie sum of one hundred
Room, and received fiery ready :tnd.,,,atiNfactory , dollar, toget up cert as good a con BB e city
atntwera. At the concl si
uon of the general ex- • could afford. I peformed my cont roe t th to t h e
aminathm, a committee appointed for that par- best of my ability, nod the leave the
pose, couinteneed a searching and thorough in- to judge how far lam liable refor to ce
ensure. public.
vestigation into the acquirements of the men,
bersof the graduating class. con•isting of Messrs. ; ' - _.:. H. KLEBER
James Nlceluttg. It. W. Has-kills. A. it. Hawkins,
H. IV. Lukins, G. NI l'Orter. and William Hutch
inson. The most difficult problems were stale
rained for their ~ , lotion. and they manifested II
knowledge of the branebes they had been study
ing, alike creditable to themselves and their ac
complished instructort,
n last week's Police•Oa
enting severely on the
, ty in Pittsburgh. That .
el-city for some retort.-
not deny, but we can as
.}:agt, that the standard
dly advancing here, and
'or many.days past not
a has furnished a single
city has been very or
! ieve that ri reaction. has
e efforts of our energet
ry beneficial, and soon
t city to the position it
At the conclusion bt the examination, the
young genii emen having been unanimously judged
worthy of such an honor, received their diplo
mas, and were addres.nd• by Professor Fleming,
who gave them much good advice. gained in the
school of experience, for their guidance through
all the troubles which hesera merchant's life.
From our knqwledge of the manner in which
everythingeounected with this Institution is con
ducted, we feel justified in saying that the young
man who graduates 'there, is at home in all the
information so essential to the merchant,. and
business man generally.
Curncu.--The remdts of the frightful scene nt
Doctor ilerrun's Church on Tuesday night, have
i fortunately not turned out to be serious. The
numernms injuries received were all slight, and
the Indies, several of whom were borne fainting
from the room, soon recovered. The condition
of affairs which ensued. when It was ascertained
that there was no danger, wan rather ludicrous.
The gentle voices of many A fair Indy was raised in
earnest appeals to her friends begging them to
"look for my muff."—•• has ally one seen my
shawl ?"—?•where eon my bonnet be ?"--" where
is my husband •." Also for the gallantry of non!
Many a tender damsel who went to church under
the protection of some stalwart sin -hailer, found
herself deserted in the hour of need, and in ors
der to balance the necodm„. many a lady display
, al an unwonted agility in running away from her
friends and the fancied danger. Centleinen were
to be everywhere seen advertising lost cloaks or
bewailing the fate of their beavers, ruined irre
trievably, and "crushed as that as a p~•ancake."
Strati .a scene has never, we will venture to '
sett, occurred before in Pittsburgh, and we trust
never will again, but public opinion seem• nt last
to have arrived at the conclusion that it was all
60111r:tit of the "big fiddle," it being alleged
that It was the crash produced by the smashing
of that unfortunateinstrnment in the choir, which
created the alarm.
Igor were declared du-
e Poor, to serve for the
I, Robert McKnight
Vic, 'Samuel McKehl.,
cKelyy were declared
the Poor for the next
We leain that the damage done to the church,
owing to the breaking of the windows, burning
of the carpets, he.. amount, to between one and
two hundred dollars..
Aectut,r.—We regret to learn that Mr. Wel
coil: of Birmingham, fell while he was descend
lug Coal Bill on Tuesday morning, and broke hi
leg. He likewise received vome severe interns
injuries, but is, we ore glod to say, doing well.
FALSE ALARII.—The alarm of fire at an early
hour on Wednesday morning sins false. _ •
INCENDIABI4II.--ire regret to say that there is
DO doubt that the fire at the United States Ho
tel un Tuesday, was caused by an incendiary.—
The upper story where the fire originated is un
occupied, and access to it was easy. Ilnd not the
flames been soon extinguished, the consequences
would base been most disastrous, since the trans
porting houses are nearly allin the immediate
. Arena:yr.—We learn from the Tribune that
a child, whose name we have not aseertained, fell
into a sewer at the come/ of Fay rite and Gar
rison Alley last night alsatt nine ',Awl.; it sus
tained no further injury than some slight lantices
on the head.Q
loan named Joseph Robinson
was yesterday committed to prison by Mayor
Guthrie, charged with attempting to take a cloak
front the entry of a boarding house on Fifth
HARPER'S MAIIAZINE, fur February. .cl GRA
been received at Holum,' Literary Depot, Third
street, opposite the Pieit tither. They are extra
numbers. Graham's ebnutins 144 pages original
matter: The Women of Israel. by Grace Agui
lar, which is the btut of this author's produc
tions. Life's Diseipline, a tale of the Anunis
of Hungary, by Falvi ; and a new Pictoral Edi
tion of the Life and Adventures of Guy Fawkes.
the chief of the Gun Ponder Treason, by W.
Harrison Ainsworth
Mn. Enn:in—There teems to be much
error and mieunderstanding with regard to the
late Charity Concert given for the Allegheny Or
phan Asylum.
In this morning's paper you have a statement
of expenses, receipts, &e., which is entirely in
correct; and which is escalated to convey the im
pression that there has been extortion on the one
part—n mismanagement on the other.
. . .
In order that the public-may have a true man
liest of this unpleasant affair, and that a finish
may be made to the controversy which has oc
cupied considerable space in the public prints,
we have been desired by Mr. Jas. A. McKnight,
who was instrumental in getting np the Concert,
disbursing the receipt:, to.. and who was oblig
ed to depart for Philadelphia immediately aft,
the Concert, to make the following true exhibit,
which if it display error, and miscalculation in
the conception, cannot certainly show rnisman.
agement, or attach blame in the prosecution of
their code/icor to assist a good and worthy
cause; or if fault is to 1,, found, that it is to
be shared by many, and not monopolized by
Amount received - for ./_.l tickets $l6l 50
Expenses, to-Wit
,Ilenry Maio, with whom COP into
wns made before concert.
A. McClurg,for row. Figs. Ac.
Caspar Simon, for porterage of pinnov
- • and door keeping,
J. L..Koethen. for GOO programmes.,
.W. 8. Haven, for 1.000 tiolieta, and
20 cards.
Chronicle for advertising
Dispatch ••
Leaving a balance of $lO 75
Which was handed over to Mrs. Wm. Itobin.n,
Jr., President of Allegheny prphan Asylum.
Since this balance was remitted; :35 00 hat
been paid to Commercial. Journal. mid S;is
Transcript, of these last two, as Mr. McKnight
paid them himself, we have not the receipts. of
all the otheernonies paid ont, we Lave.
Please give this a place Lt your paper, and
correct your statetttent of this morning.
However much we. must regret this unfurl++.
Mite conclusion, the object was proper and good
in itself, and commenced from right and chari
table motives, Which should serve to shade errors
Which may have arisen, and which should soften
file opinion and censure of the pi;blic on the
unexpected result. .
Respettfully submitted
• NOTE LIT nix EDITOIL —We cheerfully publish
the above (31,03 t of all the matters in regard to
this mie-gamed charity concert. Our error in
saying that the printers bud received nothing,
originated from the fact that we made no charge,
and were under the impression that none of the
papers had or would charge for advertising in
this instance. We do not desire to be un
derstood 0.3 - blaming the respectable gen
tlemen who originated the undertaking we only
regret th?t their uctive4mlself-macrificing exer
tions have bad to poor a reward.
We think that the public is more to blame
than the musicians; as they are'poor men they
cannot be expected to work for nothing, especi
ally as they are obliged to have many rehear
taking several hours each time, before they
'can venture to appearin public. If the friends
of the Asylum had filled the house, or bought
several hundred more ticket+, there would have
been a handsome benefit for the orphans. The
friends of the Catholic Orphan Asylum under
stands this better. - They invariably fill the
house, and their charity concerts are .allyays
profitable. It is not to be inferred from this,
that the Allegheny Asylum doe, tint possess the
regard of the public, but we attribute it alto
gether to thoughtlessness—the matter does not
receive a proper consideration.
The following was Landed in after the above
won in type.
Mr. EDITOE—.Is there in a great deal of dis
eatisfaction, manifested, with regnel to the dis
position of the proceeds of the late Charity Con
cert, the subscriber, in justice to himself and
others who :misted, begs tofay before the pub
lic a statement of the facts Of the case.
'Mr. James A. 3lcKnight called upon mo, and
requested that 1 shcrad get up a Concert for
We. the undersigned,l'regretting exceedingly
the unsatisfactory pecuniary results of the late
Charity Concert, given at La Fayette Hall, and
anxious to confer a indaaannal benefit on that de
serving institution, the Orphan.' Asylum, propo
pose to the citizens, to get up another or second
- concert for that purpose, free of any charge la 7 eat,
provided that at least two hundred tickets are
disposed of at ti 50 cents each, which is one
/toff the price allowed in all the principal cities
of the Onion, to even the most indifferent per
formers. for attentling'rehersals and performing
at a concert; the colleen to be given immedia
tely after the above number of tickets have been
disposed of—the tickets to he had at Richard
son's. Wilcox's, and at the music store of H. Kle
Margaret Kraft, J. Feikeison.
11. Kleber. T. Warwood,
F. Harbordt.
C. Feine, L. Warwoal,
A. Kleber, J. L. Koethen
E. Fonter,
C. Anger,
11. Vogel. , S. Dillon,
henry Fownm,
J. Young, B. linumer,„
B. Landmann.
The'• Amateur Company" heieb3express their
gratitude to the Trustees of the Third Presby.
terian Church for the free use of their house on
Tuesday evening, and to Messrs. White, Riddle,
and Harper, for gratuitous advertising in their
respective papers; also to Mr. G. M. Brainard,
for his valuable services at the organ.
Cusarry CON4RT.—We are truly rejoiced to
learn that the - Charity Concert, for the benefit of
the Young Ladies Benevolent Society, which took
place at the Third Presbyterian Church, on Tues
day evening, was attended by a large audience.
The receipts were as follows
Received for tickets
Expenses, •
$l4O 25.
It will be seen that the sum netted for the ben
efit. of this praiseworthy institution amounts to
$l4O 00
SBNATC—Mr Dodge presented a resolution of
the Legislature of Wisconsin, repealing a resolu
tion of the former session, censuring _Sir. Walk
erAinited States Senator from that State, fur
his amendment to the the bill relative to Califor
nia, which Was passed tivoyears ago.
Messrs, Chase and Seward presented yeti
tion:d. for the repeal of the fugitive slave law.
Mr. Foote, from the committeeu a Foreign Re
lalions; to whom had been referred various me-
morials , from the Peace Society and other", re
a resolution expressive of the sense of
the Senate, that arbitration should he
. provided
for in all future treaties with the United
Mr. Butler, from the Judiciary, repotted, that
in the opinion of the Committee, a Senator ap
pointed ly the O.:tremor of the State to fill a ea
mislay in the Senate. was entitled to hold his
sent until a successor appeared and presented Lis
credentials. •
Mr. Hamlin reported a bill for a Mail Steamer •
to Rio.
Mr. Hamlin introduced a hill reghlating the
importation and warehousing of imported mer
A joint resolution for distributing the Works
of Alexander Hamilton and John Adams:, was
The California laud Lill was further debated
and ordered to be engroased.
The joint resolution making laud warrants
signable, teat taken up, debated, and then putt
The Senate then went into executive meileion
and rater it abort time -pent therein, ad
llouse.—The question pending was on second
ing the demand for the previous question, con th•
substitute offered yesterday, by Mr. Bayley, for
the bill establishing branch mints in New York
and California, which substitute merely makes
penal the counterfeiting or embezzlement of in
gots of gold' authorized to be issued it the as
sayer's office in California, to be received in pay
ment of government dues there and in Oregon,
fur five years. The previous question was ....y
-owled, and the substitute disagreed to—yeas 93,
nom 103.
The question then recurring on ordering the
original bill for establishing branch mints at
New York and San Francisco ton Clued reading,
Mr. Strong moved to lay the bill on the table,
which remulted—„yeas 107, noes 02. So the bill
was Laid on the table.
The special order, being the bill to establish a
board of claims, was postponed till Friday: and
Clio Unase resolved to devote to-day and to
morrow to business relating toterritoriea
A joint rmstalation was introduced to admit Mr.
Babbitt of Vtoh to a sent in the house was de
bated, and finally referred to the Committee on
The 'louse then went into Committee of the
Whole, nod proceeded to the consideration of the
bill, authorising' the Territories of Oregon nod
Minnesota to take charge of their school lauds,
and for other.purposes.
Without coming to any conclusion, the Com
mittee ruse, and the House adjourned. -
The Arctic sailed at noon to day, with 33 pas
sengers, end $150,000 in specie.
The t:anada reached Boston - nt half past one
this morning. For 3ti hours bofnre getting to
liable:, the reports being in fields of ice, end
heavy weather during the whole passage. She
brining one of the largest cargoes of English end
French genie ever received at Most.,
February L.
Cotton—prices have further cleellued je, with
soles of 100 bales.
Flour—The market is easier and more active,
with sales of 200 Mils at $4,81@54,06 for Michi
gan and Indiana, and $4,75(?:54,81 for common
Grain—Wheat is chill, with sales of 2000 hash.
Genesee op private 'tarots. Corn is saleable at
Tic for old.
Provisions—Perk is doll, with small sales of
Elena at $12,0661412,123, and of Prime at *9,12
€146,18. New , Aless is firm at $13,22 le bbl.—
Lard is advancing, with sales of 35 bbls old at B}.
cents it,
Linseed Oil is firm and scarce, with sales 1000
galJons American at 91c.
'Whiskey is in demand, with sales of 70 bbls at
Leather—The market is very actlvi:, and stocks
diminishing, though receipts arc large. Oak
tanned is much wanted.
Groceries are firm. Bales 50 hhds Orleans
Sugar ap Gr. .
Cotton—The market Is unchanged.' 'Dealers
are awaiting their private letters. Further 'sales
o'Boo bales at the recent decline.
Flour—The market Is tine, with farther sales
of 4000 bills Michigan and Indiana at $ 4 , 8 1(4 5 .
and of common Ohioat $.1,75644,81 ?bbl. Aides
of fancy Ohio et $5,25( . 0,12i. end of extra du
ist $5,27.05,75 to
Orniti—"Wheat is nominal and heavy, Corn Is
scarce with sales of 3000 he. new yellow et Bic
Provisions--Old Mess pork's firm, prim e is wi th
outchange. lialesof 1100bbls at $12,124(M12,25,
for moss, and511,121(0,25 to bbl. Small sales
of new Ohio Mess at $13,25 jp bbl. Beef is
active, and betterwith antes of 200 bbls at $14,50
(a. 110,54; for mess, and $.5(4,1 fur prim; per bbl.
Cut meat are scarce, with 'sates of 200 bbls at
NO 84.
Whiskey—Sales 201) bbls at 25e 17 gal.
Oroceries--Cotree is firm, with sales 200 bgrs
common Rio at 114 c lb. Molasses is firm,
with Narks of 300 Mils Orleans at 30c. Sugar
is in fair demand, with sales of 200 hhds Orleans
at 04 "TR lb.
Linseed Oil is better with sales of 3000 gala.
at file per
New YVHIE, Feb. L.
ga to day Were 1600 betrres, 100
and 801/abr
cows and calve,. ant. seep and lambs.
Beer—Sides have b r ew:areal} , made until to day,
when the market wan rather aloes. Bales at *0
6, 47 per 100 for good retailing qualities. A lot
0(40 head were taken to supply t Bermuda`Na
val contme.t.
Cows and Cal._.. Supplieswere good, with
sales at 4:22G1ii95, 50, winding to quality.
For tie Geteett
o 01
FOR II E N T -A two ethery Dwelling en
Honor on 1.1 .Ifeet Enquire 4
_told _ . JAMES 1 1 A1.ZEI.L. I>l Slater rt.
I..nn •te..:run.i .r , c- Pi,7,:T briar . rf - 7; - 4':lr''',lT
" .. , v.,. .
V.::=1:,\TATit:r1rt. L T : 1" :. " .:r.:51.TV,7,, , ,1 n :g....7:7:;::,
Fpring All,, 1.1. 314 fro On I.Morty. .i. 1 . , lo :Ifr1411:
All, A 1.,.. 1.Z.0u feet froull . no . Ferranwin 'frond. Unto.-
i Maud., °wool. the 1.7.tral liallrowl betut. and nada/tang
get Lisa t ourLoNt -no. nob rrlll.o cr.. f , arr.l lo " .....". I.'"' t UI JAM " t ' lLti.. •
...Pohl' , . tieh he. ee"s'e h.h`l .... .tine • ' v i e '. "hen , I r A LI , A ISLE PROPERTY FOR SA LE. r.r,„
..11r,..u. are f011...1, I. %Flue , Liver MII It ha. m e w f V T,,, Thy, li.„, ~,,,,,, ~,,.....,,,,,„ ...,- 4
4,0 meretal 'v.- 1.... the put.... and ha• 1.. intro- whirh It mau1...11l be waLl either tortatratelt 1 .
altowal Ha en ffruftbon• or W. I 0100. li her a La. loot. nod ' 57 . , ..-. in •.ii ~."1-",. 1 /. 160 , to I 10 . feet a id, ide.. ll
It lia. hod the mint triumphant .001•••••, al•fl los. at tuallt I ;,,,V,.r:Pi..,Lo= 1e,,t;t az t„ , ,, r ., 3 1 t ,.., L ,.....
.” .1
Ant. out the NJ,. of all .4lier med... It hao t......n ; h no. ol odd trash. known, on aflol(fsltal to les A
trinl nml..r all the AWN rut pliao. or 11.-,00.....4 La. t
.10/1N AI EFAsElel
~,,,, ~,,
~,,,,,,,, „,,, ,t, 1..„, 1T. ,, ,4
i l . tat..l 0de..., 51 N.i. 47 and F. Mork. t stre. 1.
YOU miff by J. Eli& a uo., i " : ,
teLlalaten SO rll V ...I ot t rirI."LET..-A largr Nlansion !loom.. with .7.V
1 3 1 owe. of Latul ututed, situated to troll.. :Ea
' - REBLIKItABLE CAM ••' - 1 "sa - • u "'"'''''''' '"'
I. V I 10E NI'EIN OK R 511 Ir ST. ~,) Li.:T.-I.lmt tlesiral,l” re+idenve at Tr:
I aed n OW oralwrlber. wt.... ;,.."‘di
M. Etre -.., I . I...tinily ...PIT non , woo.. Me I, A . reettott;:Ta ' l ' •lke. t in the 1..0h of i......--.....
11,0 i I 0001.1 10:A. ~.....not of the al..t annoy... i , rol. The 1.... I. Itni: end e •l i e i • eitient „h.^ 9 nom' 2
curd of tin Intle ilara.thnd, r t . fry th e fy.... ~,, , nu, - P•dreo 1 , r."..,.1 tn'...i''ethe'eltro'' ru....n.un'talAnt-o;trtWeerA."l'WArin'.
teunt "
, t an and fruit tree. The .4.11... ohation u a short die
She woo Attu awl atth a err, sore eye In February or tans. 1.1., and Fair.. me. go In of any hour. 1n...
lionih lut. .hen I notosllat. 1., appbsl to the beet trawl. . t'hi rtYrL,'"" 4
N. 1111 Market street.
cal, Old Ira the elf,, hi al.. it au piottottored a war, bad I . -^,
et.... and all gave sno: ta. hot. of Wong hoe to. gr.ol Af , Olt ICEN'T-- A SAW 31i Lt. in Ea.
fir Binning
... I todk her .n 4 the onstari to an old lad, whn 'll 1, .... ..,, 01 10‘. - d a la , ^ ' 1 .0".". 0 '',.. ~..
b.dt..... n „-r, ..,, in .-um. g ~.... MI. v.! 01, dun j r:d ;,,....,-..,1z,„,,..;,-,.....,-...,,f,":„17..,:1,,,,,t1,1;:1.,11,,,,:-,,,
Mr 00.- In,. 10,-.5.-o ...he would wrtolnly low not OCly ror is 'll riat ' rrw.asi
that.... but Woo clot the other would frllffur-it being • . Slow. an ooretteut olt. hr talek tasking-11a, .he P
"r the bli'Ll
A" IAA "rd ' . LhA‘ at I l'll.-;1171.V.'"'" '" t r . " Oil r lT•tr l =t " llrnol l „ A era ' l7 l a
the dm. my Gob, •./ 11 %toll., nun.. the ronektokra i - .- •
lb.,''.. i„., er te, ,e at e p,n...... ../,.. ~,, „,,,,,, !ri :11 LET--The Three Shery I.welling , ..M
Liffyi „I oto rf rlt f• Nor aI.LO, Ivo ponothli Moe •tfr ' 11, ..r. s. 171 M 1 he efteet.. oo 1 11 ;Yent "'Tor . 4 En
b , ..I t o It and routuoing nu. par nrw ".•
be et. ll` o', .101 the n`" " n " "T 'Mb hrlth en. Ye road I Mount rr.,11 and lorben. .44 the n t o ......lNtimiwton
err •he .Ipl. awl. a. tar .. 1 eat, LAI. I loner.. oh, W. alven wu thol.t ..1 April. inquAr...Z . J Alt ELIA p.
with, thr 11.....1. of the khan:lay. 1.....din0l hi Petrol, i tat. . Round )'burl_
um. - V.nue.reopret full). _
) LET--One Two, 5t,.,, Briek Ilon.e, 7.•'..„ 7 1
31 FR on.r. t A..., Nude 1 11 i et . kyruor, 51 r -.
llM.Lurab. Sept ZAI, ICI,.
‘. ' .. ..=n 7 1 .,,, , ,, , , , .;-I, :q n . , r ,n or .
, it_r•- ... 1
Id -7,,r hr Kr,..', 1 Aletwerall. 1.10 ....1 ot-. E. X nal° JOIIN WATT A eta
Feller., :7 Woed .t_ It Al Corr°, I) A E115....J...eph lino- ,
,FOR RENT. The Sumo, 11N Nlarket .:,7*. ,
gh..., and II r" Schwartz. Ansi:hen, al., hy the prowl.
.„..„ ,
....,..,.., ~., , ~,...„. or „... a.
:., ~• "hit and Liberty .treoto. Prowewou stet, the lot of A tfrlf
00 , 01 . 4/ff.a• Canal Ruin. P...ronth rt.. Patoburrah. . next Inquire of .. DA I - 111 CillY.El4
e i dl DM Penn .t.,
, INIUIt RENT, two very wonvenie , nt =V:
ItE YOI' A FATTIER, laboring for tile : I MWELLINO pot
l' third Meet: atwor ;L . P.
. and near to Snutheield Pnewwwou stranido the trot .....
~. ....uinwrt .1 a faintly. Alt.l Vueterlog from general de: .. ~ ~,,p , „....,
t k, •nd ''. 'I' ThY • '' U..) l ' te .h. '" l ee..... • .' . ' s h.. . 1 Ales.. h.
m a 4.1. sane or Inore2elrot. none largo scan. F
ow rS It Mow., stwk.r..r.panlla , L.t.c. arid mar II e AlI .hent tit et, In 0. ..Ninth war..
An you • Mother. oato-o: fr.. m 0.0... 'e ..horn e- ' ' "" um ti. DARLINGTON,
rusilea are Fe ru le ..theot. tn... Ur I. It llowe's etuaer ; A " 11 .
raroapard In w.ll rern- 01, . ore you
fourth at.. near ITOod
Cell at oar rlept.t..d 4d. one of our unlit.. and get a I ...""
t uraphl• t. gr... why. , . .111 hod thol the ivhaker tar .
...Patti'. s• 1de1......1 tn Pr r It Howe, I.:0. leen the e
liIIII RENT. , -The following riroper-
moan. hf loin/we...t orator more .14. a... 1.• .1.1.1. Ow ,Mee. an t. renh eta f
' lniohed EJ•
ripir A ' AA " A "LA"' ' , Ar ' ' ' '' 4 ' ji .A•" ' ..) ,..T . ,? 7 , 7r y - 1 . a., „ -:,a7 . :.-..,:a.zr=el:l:=.l.citz,;.., Fourth eta.
diwo elf ....Fa. a e'er ~. P. g • fur.
1. aultable for Dry loud.. ,
Thu trarthelne ha. edshltoltul 14 blob reputation by Ito ,e "mi , I'vine hi P l . l Ohre h"'hhXY, In 1b...T. " Yt ' 4
wron• and ..n .tt,t,a ram 1:113111
' 111101 otorlaw, imitable for Artisto . • Mom.. Offines, to
It le put up It. noun 10,n1e.., a nd v. th e ..”1,4„,,,, p irt • - A large oat nourenlent DWELLINO MOUSE. Ina buil
t.t ae. ou the lA, r, Koine... and Mud at the nu. 0,0 fit., of Me 1,0 7.
Unto. which renders It altogether 11101. 'minable W weer, ie.. '" 1 oh id the ton - golna not he Oven on M. tot er
one partieularl to II mal.e. Anat,
Ile eure and 0n. e.., ka. Or. 8 ft Hutt F. - 8 eIIAILEIt Ales.. SAIALL STORE on Thin! ...wt. twat door to tea
SAIISAPAMILI.A. and take ...thee. 15.10110 Ill Ere. fora.." glean tanned...4ly
Frlee II pod 6 , 4E/4.-4 hollfr• fir #4. . ' Flat SALE -Au ...owed Ler. no the `Carlo., on
For .01... Mad itreet. heretofore occu
Ult. pied hy the 44 Mr. A. Bowden.
pS It MoWE A en, Pronrkt,,.. * -11,...11 ''''" i l ' 7 , D. ttAp2AM, 164 e,rood .102.1.
1 C 011... Ibill,edurinuall, Ohm.
To .nom ^Montero may 1. whlreowd. null ~r It. IV. )IINIXAIICK. Poi Third stored. ~.
/100. for .ale In J A ;how, J. seh.wontalier ,I en . W .
111.. k. It W. Mow., AII Townoanal, .1 31.1.10 r. W. Jul, F O.ll RENT, a Two story Frame flow., ;TM
,o. iilc.bor.:l.: 11, .k. Elliott. 'Alleu.h. tay idly, WIL Ale- u n i h o ot buding. .IN two h. 4, situate on w oot
Clelloud. Maori...den F. Cnolier. lInnon”Ille, Jae. 11.111 ip.Ayned
te r m , moth oN..a.boinlnp.L. plinam. ism
.k Co.. Wlsolinc 21.11 PAM... and E. G. tlorgan. et /or term, apply In 1/01116ON LITTLE** CO-.
Clairorllle. Alen. 1 liflo7 t { wlia oaddfultorT feel: VAS 'Liberty etre..
- TO LET, the Store Room] No. 65 111nr-,7".
krt street, attaining the Walrh and Jewelry
. IV WlluOil. and recently . nymphet tar Meoare......
N. Ilnlutwe AiSon • us Hutting and horluinge onto,.
1 TM.. room I. located In them/tett...Meal and best bust..
owing in the ed., , oral well silajvhal fur • Hulking and Etr•
ehange tun, and Insurniani trarre. or tatre. A splendid
new froul, with Ettglloh Plats (:lass, .HI be put In aim.,
as tbn weather permit..
i,.....i0n Oren on the MU of February. If wan.' -
.Furtulne of W. W. WILSON.
1 07 Corner of Market and Fourth Utter..
New Tom:, Feb. 5.
JURY' 11...
& COLVIN, "Coal Merehuntm,
Isval..n , In Is, 11....dp. I/mere - Iv., Inds and Nan.,
7 nr r .4 Walnut etnet and Wa.lungtnn TurnNkr Wad.
T,mparaureellle ta.nhlanly•S
', AA!Ie. ll"""
Y. . itOSS, Attorney et Law , 4 Offien
17 360 Ira VoirttL omit Grant-In Latcurtlue
A LEX. W. FOSTER, Attorney and tleun_l
- Fourth , L`Z,L.itil.G74`;'
wee nettld, 3101 Iha'Arllt,• lA. n.
I ' B.l :14',4r
LI ' 7 : 10 . 0 " , t a a 7, - .1=0:
'odor uurL.l
Pit tole. For ,alO J 11 . 11.1.1A0t11 a
c,ron 1,./.1 rdth
aelo. m.
11.VElt W A Itil—Spoons, Perks, Ladles,
Hut, Killyca. l'ltrliera Tea Seta-. Con a , mats.
farturea In on!, m baud, 1 , /r Hain at lowrst rates.
141. - Wantrd, WO., Silver coin. W
/alO - Cor. Itarl,t l Voattil 01
C A S t O R OIL-- lo tirlm 13low'm best,sfur sale
6 ,1 . JFlnUd CO.
. _
N pursuance of an order of the Orphans'
00 05 Allegheny toonly, will be expnaed to Dublin
tle 11:0 at the new Court Itou ae, In the city of Pittaburah, on
Thurtalat. the twenttethday of February. A. D. Mal at
ten o'ele. it, • a.. the 6AI/0•120, itrwribul heal Eaten., rite•
"'A'll'tt''''rVit'alu"Tuttth "koltlIO;;I"Sit
th aTo t' n Colerrear etreet.
and ye Aping back hy e vane wid 90 feht. au law alley,
u . whl h I. enal.ed I. •...I and convenient two attar/ frame
dwollit house. Alan. all that other Jot atiptiulnit the
a.k.a., ...Laing 10 fennt un Cougrt..l street 1. , J Get, and
remain hark hr the earns width IN hat to into alley Una
lot Le ea on Umurea• slant, at the dial.. of Ite) fo. I
Irmo V naltn alma. ,
F tt ,
op la
sues. N.I
Pullen I
pinta I
174 i AR.
rt i ZT::
ol•L m
,}u.. ".tai
Cit., 1, ,
the preml,
B b , '"P and. Lnmhs--Prieew ranged from V. to A new extra lot brought $76;.510.--,
The demand was exceedingly active, and not
.I'.M than 400 bawl Were left over.
February 5.
Flour of 1.041 bbls floward, Street brands at
$1.50 1) and of 3.7.0 City a same
Con, Nerd and Rye Flour are wtthoul change:
and no large sales to report.
Graiu--Snlee of red wheat at Ut+.(,,lofle, and
of white at 103(1,112e bu. Yellow corn in sell.
inP.: at We. atl of white at (i 4 j buubel.—
Sales of Oats at 1:1e45e, and of Rye nt 70.e,70
Provisious —The market is firm al last goo
Unweriev {re 5te...1y. ('rflee is held firm.
wit h "al. , Hi" ac ma II c Ili. Very
Prime Rio i. hold ht ciug;ir cud loolnsmes
are quiet.
Whi.key—Sisles at*. Yee j gallon, in blids
and bbl..
.1 friend has translated for the National !Nett
bgenem.from a file of Dutch papers, (befall:lCS
item, relating to the colonial and borne affairs annex
our old and esteemed friends the Hollanders,
Which may be interesting to our readers:
The Ocean Steam Navigation Company, recent
ly incorporated at Rotterdam. are expected to
despatch their first propeller to New York in May
The silver coinnge in the mint of the'Nether
lands amounted for the yenr 1850 to 13,962,760
guilders, $r , .585,101 )
At Rotterdam. during 185 n, 2.543 vessels en
tered. and 2,538 cleared the port, exclusive of
the coastwise and fluvial navigation. The arri
vals nt Amsterdam from sea were 1,755 teasels.
The treaty 1? commerce and navigation can•
eluded with Belgium, July 29, 1816, has been re
nounced by the Dutch Government: but negoti
utions have been opened for a new one.
The newly appointed Governor General of the
Dutch East Indies, Mr. Bruce, died „Mt the 30t1
December last, at Nieuwe Diep, nu the eve of
his departure fur Batavia.
I .
P• 31,11 Willnuirlioo been appointed, on the port
of the Grand Dutelly of Luxemburg, to attend
the free conferences nt Dresden. and . the Dutch
envoy at Frrinkford=on-the-Mnin, Von Scherff, will
attend for Limburg, this country being at the
Fame time 0 pan of the German Confederation
and a Province of the l ingdoyn of the Netier
An interesting publication is announced by an
association of scientific men in Ifbiland and the
Lunt Indies—n periodic:ld treatise, on the subject
of natural history, in connexion irith the Dutch
Eon ln/fies..The number of periodicals feinting
to the East are on the increase in Holland.
Aceording to the telegniphic news the Dutch
hate succeeded in suppressing altogethet the re
cent Chinese insurrection an the west coast of
A disposition exists in tine Government of Hol
land to yield to private enterprise the working of
tine tin mines of Borneo, his 70111/ na .uitahle pre
gosnls for that impose shall be received.
Tint fluent it Sisimm.---tietternl
T. Janice, who has been elected to the United
States Senate he the Legislature of Rhode le
lint', is the well known mill builder. who for the
last ten or fifteen year" , hart superintended the
erection of more cotton factditiee, remit Maine to
Georgia, than any other man. It is only recent
ly that Inc Las made himself known no a politic
M an; and. owing to an otedinnte split in the ranks
of the Whigs, between the —old fogies, — and
the young guard, be goes to the Senate in the
Democratic representative of a State which now
is. and long has been. Whig to the hack hone.
tif General James's peculiar plalifientions for
the high office of Senator we know but little
lie is to., largely interested in Cotton . Mills nut
a, he a high tariff coon. We can only add that
he is good looking. and one of the hi* ride
...hots in New England In early lifa hr was
•ffiard boy, - and -owed his ••wild oats - all over
his wail - et:ldle. We routes. to come eurprime
that they have 14,rne hint such a harvest —S.
F. Ihrryr.
Orphan's Court Sale.
made Ittinwn on day °reale.
0 JOlllO4l 11111.1
Adminietrator of Samuel C , . brill. deed. •
• "tory Bounty Land Agency,
1 1TIIEIV• lIQSEY, would rempeetfully
those intervitni that he h. entonnol lo tine
linty Lona/. tinder the ranent lairof Cotso - roi.
•t how. all who bare erttudly aerred In an) of the
1100, or their widow. or minor children. are
Wont; LatuL from 40 to 100 men, arconlinit ese
iofeerrire; Al the law eau:windy 'world."
ts.. trawlers. no benefit ran accrue to the eoldlrr
hind I. Inewhyl. It It therefore alin evident that
I eloltnento onset eelert their laud eitherin pereou
nui. The tow 0111 be fuond ton rytieny”..—tbe
eftleient, require,. liberal hatnininte and fair
. lon. Attemple to locate by any other method
In the end 'downer.' To aromtplilii tido, and to
nth,. !mein. 40f the ...Mier. In the eetisulinkul
emulate," by Conyerev., and recommended by the
Le me main silijoet. I jinn., thentore. al
ely capto. to pm:nor—bit A Land
thooe entitled. 2.J. Tu enpenntend perroneJle
g of mid wenwnt. thereby mecurinit and gun....
Ile moldier ayudirkma erlertion. either Iti view of
.or ale. Od. TI, obtain a Patent for gold lamb
Olindeemoptiou of
Ins to Goon an eatlmate of Its v due.
Inch will be reaeonable, made known on 'pull.
/m lntal pall) S. IIATIllin : 110:!IN, Plnksvl
thy. mate of your I'vnd ORIN, I`txntL.7l.,l
31 Har¢et e i. l l;lt n“5 enu ll=l .'. cM.
lat attention patld tn ockl Odes. 1J In
0. Vial, It.lrv. de.
I FOR SAIL—A Fenn, , ! itunte in
lb Itonttocann toiv , h,P• ‘Centoomlo.'
2.1-4 Bel,. of mod land. tnstodul Iry lamb, of Ja.
1 Lllll
)Ir4. I,lo.r.atut othetlt—tibout 1,0 oneAy l ene..l,
1.01 within 09€ ratio of the lough.
k 1101. r. tyr,, rot,. rm., the Proosylvotdo 11011
'f";,L","'a:"A;',,Vlr, R •ni'l,t. took Darr, Ivy
on r o neceftar; mat outtcho , e AoLgeth , bont:
• . Title ludl- II E 4 into thorn
of- '' ' 'III:II3EITT nVal'
OR RP T A gooti brick stable on r..,.tzt
F --
Strawberry Alley. between Liberty and entitle 1715
Flr,t, at present arrantrod tir three hut..., earo•oew
riage.4lo could Le wanly again Lo anentnincslate six or eight
brogan. The Le
tying lan, std convenienth situat
ed. would be very suitaiZe as a tin, of storage for mer
cants. Eruptive of JAS. MUNTOOIII,
!ehlal:Paw No, 177 Smithfield. or N0....7 Siath
_llogi'iiVE SALE--A faro
nutobtr of
i l n ,..bLlll.ll . nfflt, in the In!. tiolf arable trim IZA1:
Plttsht.rmpurjx. Is Offe ' rel a . ettle Par lo r v i r
° and no.rx~mmafatiug
.rs=l.l.m.y be had by applirwtkin to
BAIRD 1111 Lti, &wood at
!taint IL Irtha offer alto for sale tldrtv..-ight Int. no
rennoylrants ATOMIC F o r term, and tunter
apply &galore •
Foit RENT.-'warehouse situate d on
Water street. Iwtween Market and Ferry. suitable fur
P.A. , . Lantana Paquin' of JAS. D.XL7.ELL.
felt 4
On. GS Market street.
Poll RENT—The throning house and 72
'esi-;i o d nd s. In tigla tW
~ It y
verso vddiing to Nola lo.ra 'e. tion /ore from smoke and hus
tle. and yet reside In On. dtr. Sad h ‘' , ""` l. °
IL IN With.. fifteen moon" walk of any butane. part of
the MO feb.laltf JA,. AN.
1.41011 SALE—Set:en yinlen lease, with stuck
sod fixtures./ mylitaxl,,guin., No. :nil Liberty .tort.
further Particulars cnuilln. as shone. telelnilw
; Very Valuable City Property for Sale.
111 , . undersigned Administrators of the
icie.tat, of Thomas Fairmont, detwaard. offer fur Min the
ent undersigned
of the land Thomas }asurd, consisting
of one al feet Int fronting on [Almon, street ennui°. lock
I° a hen het niter. Alt. the tavern stand known as the
Mansion House, with the grnuoda god etishlr n e thr ` h. '•
fronting no Phan alley. thirlY three tot On"'
f Ala, three has /muting on Cherry alley, each eighteen
Ile front and running back sixty /est parallel with Pluto
y. alj of •hieb property will be odd at private sale, ho
nothestam to the solve/gout or If not beforethe 2510
tor Aareh. vin lo‘l at 'nal to the highest balder.
!11, the Tavern stead .ffaXl for rent. Apply to.
IL, ' , AIRMAN. or
151 Liberty st
:N beully ld Lot,
routalnlng aT—A
crea. mare a
urutif tem ritual«ocate nn the Turtle
Crrek Plank Rl.i, the gmater part river bottom. admiral,' 3-
rolled for a market garden, with., 9uantity of ccaal bearing
apple awl only hall' an hiutr a emit tam the Court
I' for berm e and
given Ist orknril.
" P rifyigr,ccr.",enwr,lll7:
17 4 7 3 ,p i cnuik..g. 24 ;q.t.)
0 LET—The Store' Room, No. 6 . 52
s .larkel.vetreea. The heat kration In the tit, fur ."
roirbook utt' dr, goal. Rom: klan. for 'Woman,.
otßee. ADO,. fo yaln w, W. wit—soN.
rOßitHicr—An that portion of my river
.i . „1 2 . I y .. i .. mc , hetwren the Pillaborgh and Braddock'.
t lll ; d een ". .. k tet?ich d ,:ttr P:7,1:=7,4 tonnlu elect
hour ith an e an orchard.
a atalileond ham. It 1.• it In a high stale of cultivation,
ROI Id•lid he wellcalculahel for dairy nr gardening pur.
r a y.") N o permit tonal apple unite. he can more well r.
iFunmen.l.4 for bonen', arear, and indmetrY... The
facllitlm far getting to market are equal to ssr In the
ronntri.. the /restraint will hare him ehoier of the river,
plank mad, ur rail road far hit actmmolation.
.l sluu ntf ire Fq , aale a lame nn her of raluahle
mi ding lota. ?Mai MIDIV eery declrable alter. for manufar
nwhvi, In the Ilonamb lErmlnitharn. Ineand neer the
near Piddle tWlinni Iloilo. and Enullah Lutheran Chorrh.
The rapid growth of Birmingham in population asol
noinuftet lima the reasonable prk.... at whirh
lon. will he wild. will render them a pare and Profitable in
vextment. Title/ perfect. Terme favorable.
For partielli3Vl and term.. enquire/if theunderrlguFd. at
the /dire of Georm F. Gilmore. Req., on Grant street, Fitt.
burgh. lett. ern Thint..and
• Fnurth atmets. nr of tt
VoTetil " . end N.
" ytl r r n. 'll=3 nZ1.1,14'44`.'"'-
rpt) LET—Ohe Route and Lot situated czcz
I- Ott
)a=' Llbrrop at
VOIrSA LE—The subscriber offera for
Large and well built Itrkk Ilona, with nee
Newtn.rewsir.,,ltruiltied.,tinc: the r F .. v.. o ort „ th . to . V o.
the 11,4 !io! peat.
ale of irrnuod i 0 net II Loeb, by 120 admin.
lug thr revidenm of Mr. A. Toner, near thecity, apponite
the Seventh Ward. on Feutteylvarila Arrow. Poviva.lon
ors. imtndiatel,.
It mar certain that the Flank Had will he complete
part the krone property early in the mating commove. for
!Luther information, apply to DAUM BEIILFIR, Fourth at .
i. near the hod deeeeilwd property. is:lt...v.llf
FOR AI . :STOP. SA LE , —l'he subscriLer
.ou e 4 .14:r 7 , 71 rep. tind4.4 . our L it . ry
(Anon ''' . The .OT.. I.
lux.. double triek . l. n oilding. In complete order. Ilwre is
reria... how, ...Me. and 1, ester on the ground..
whieh tr , . acre, hapnere..l....ntalnlna ever,
, iotht, .4 fruit. • ,1412, boo, and emote how..
runt whenever deeired. JOHN GEBIIa RT.
7,'M{ SAL}, the Three story Brick
Dwelllst, N.., la Hay strvet. Napier's Roar—...
petrel:km Teruo, K. reel,. Sfaai In sr at
ir.3sal In five 'earn. to Is ' , ruled-by tuol 6.. .agenn . the 'd p
M .. rd all Isrumbratler atal title ltullepulable t"a'
Apply to ' WILLIAM 1.44111 Y,
Ja73lllst • la! Weeny ',Creel.
NI) FARMERS' (11111)E,
olaekwood'e Mamie*: In addithor to which
r ar 7'U 7l 'n l7 t t liAiort7ral4o.eal: e}
Y. it
ac. aveisted hy , John P. o
Norton, Si. A.. New Haven.
Profeetor of o.eientlne Agri...floor. kr Tale Or.
This highly valuable work .111 comp* two lane royal
COUtaleing over 14.0 peg., with lit or I.
vplendki Atm! engraving, and more than ttio eon-I-erten.
on wood. In the hiwheet drle of Art. Illortrahnit alnowt
every Impkow.nt of hoehandrynow In tow the beet far
e 111.4 method of plowing. plention. ink hare.
;tine, ar. de, the 'Allow donseftti, enteral, In their high-
Mt.perfeetion, in ahore the pictorial feature of tbe look is
dent and will mud, It of imaleulable rah? to the Atm.
of an d
The work la being publ of
id in tremhrbon tbly Number,
o m f k
ve rai=ite h ner.
l.kli them will be at lead twenty two.
The British Periodica M t npubilahnl and a
follow., Tic—
The L e . n d on tmarterty iew (I.lno.ervativen the /Aim
borer I4obw (Whig): the North Itritieh Herten (km.
I'hurchy, the WeAttelnster Review (Liberal>, and ul n a.
wenn. FAlnburgh Magazine (Toryi.
Ithonsh them works are dlottnnuirted by the polltird
dude.. italeated. 'et but a small puritan of their
contents le devoted to polltkalrobjecta. It LA their literary
eh...v4r which gives thew their chief value, and in that
they etorul ronternoily far above o th er journals of their
.1.111 tinder Um marterry gulden. of
ebridophoor North, omit:dal= Its ancient celebrity. and
al One tit, ma:virally altmetlve, from the Aerial work, of
lhalwer and ether them:, notaldee. written to, that comm.
dun. and. hoot Apmeiting In ILA column, both In (heat
on .
Lain and In the Colton Fla.. .Such works LA ..Threthr
toof and ••?.ty e ve Novel.. (both by tiolwerj . My foul,.
solar 31...bit.' • 'The Omen Hand," and other /reale, of
whir* Iminermit rival edition, are Issued by the INKUng
publisher. In this onontry, have to be reprintnl by Ohne.
Poiditbece froio uf after he, been
h) ttrott A Co.. Ao that outerribers to the
Iteprlnt err that Ma.ruir.e mat doer. on heti.e the
earlieet of them forinatlne tele,
. •
For any one of the four INvicw• per annum 13 00
For any two do dd .5 la,
Farr any three do do 7 On
For all four Reviews . do
' 3 ' l 'i l \
For Sleek's...Ps Msuaxine. d
Fur Meek........ 1 aml the three ROTiellr.llF, 6 Ala
Foe 111ar4...e..1 and the four 11”1.1110. du 10 1.10
For Fanners' Guide (crumple.. In Z.l Nos.) oOn
Payment to be made ilallmln adranee.
A dhwount of tirentr t fir L e per reut (nun the oho.. prim..
will he slim...! to tint. ordering Ihor or more enpk, of An/
110 V or more of then boro work.. Thu.: 0 et.ples a 111aek
-11/1/111 or of om. Review will he sent to one address for Se,
6 cy,irl, Of tbo Sur Itarlaws and Illackword fur ST). and
so on.
°iers fmm clubs must be sent direr{ tO the blishr,
as no dleeount from these prices eats he allowed Inadmit. .
Nfonry. current In the Mates where Issued, will ha re:wi
t...l as Ptu ,
Remitlatu, and entrimuelcatlotia rhould he ors,. ad'
dressol. Poet paid or franked to the Publisher.
76 Fultoh street. New York.
Entratro.hl Gold atm!.
SELLERS' LIVER PILLS—• c . pulcl not get
alone without them."
M'Comieltrellte r O. Jar, 0.. tsr.l.
Ma. II- E.:hurts—Tour. are the only 14,..r WI,. , hs
r7r.4.lll,hkez.=tl oltot:lousazitlrjr,.. %haft:tlip
rusnaleudatiotr Lars terrXhiter.... 1,,,,,?,,, , e,
t.. .,
gkritepersi aod auht eh. r- ...".
sad aid tu. drautirts ite.rally. • , "Is
F -
A p 7 LoCIS—Tbe lad runnlnt ofseutterlial
NEWTON. Captain Charlorfaran ...ill
leave for the above and intermediate s, on Friday-.
the :th Inst. at 4 P. NI.
For freight or PaestOrw apply on board. lard
. 1, 1 1:;11.L1 , --Thr tone grazier lON2 tf ,
. 6a2,7E
Intertneda;tlt7/7/RT D ' l . lteZett... ' ll l . enn for lanaderfPrir nn hard. feh4
I,' Th y
tine steamer J. Q. ADAMS; Lares,
roll hare for above and intermollate
pots on %Vednenday, atom in.r. et In , A.
For freight or . hoard. ..
r 4
011 NEW ORLEANS--'fhe •
IL fast omelet Ptelaner EXPRKS.
master. All Rays for the .More and
mediate Tar ta this aftemoon. at 10 ,
For 11 - elght or passage. apply on I
141 OR CINCINNATI—The spleihl
ii Id steamer lIILTtOr. Copt. J. Davis, krill - -.4,?
hare for the ahy.. and inrenuoliate portl..n
thin da
frey. API° o'clock raw .
For ight . pasalge, apply . board. fit 4
li I OR NEW oRLE A N S. The . .. ,
I arge. new, and splemhd sumac, PAUL . - ....,_ . - N .
. DERSON. Capt. IL C. Mt, sill aas
Inns, nn %Linos], neat. FehruarY f u lmarlo okitsek. A.
For freight or passage apply on !ward. f. 1,3
iiirOß 0 LASGOIS', LI l ' Elti , o9L , ~,..
AND ITEI.I.SVILLE—The Des smother_ ,71.
:VEILLE. Wm. Sherldf.n.
will entie---:.--
ml a regular paeket hettre.k. thiaellt •o• 11% ellsefile. 'ear
l. pioshoodi eyery Ilonday. iteduesday and Friday. at
'2 rjel....k. r. w.
For freight or postage. apply on Nara.' - /a , ...,__
A - 4' 4 OR -S- N ASII V T L LE--The fake ,_ ...
Ana., NIAVI7sISTEE, Harlon, MILA •r,
at I leave for the AL.,
intermrdlatepo Is. -
on Friday, at 4 P• K
For freight or passage. apply. hoan.l. ' -
.1 at ,
reamerE3IPRESS.C., master. frill 1,411.1 • 7 E .. '..
..r above and interensliate port. this anemone.
at 4 o'clock.
For freight or passar. apply on hard. tnth ,
LIOR ST. LOUIS. The fast huh- ,
Vtr? =l7:e r rrio n r E r n n
Pt ' En l
c :ti ' i , .. ,
nmaato port. this day. th..": 701 tin.
at 10 A. Al.
For }might or pa...ann. *pair G. br , ..rtl 1 In'''
rbiTNEW O . III .EANS--The new .0......nd steamer FEDERAL ARCII,It.ra
go. Itoitumn. PomMander, will leave for abate
A ttu! Intermediate ports 6n - tkaturday, the 20tt Instant, at 4
stork, wY. For ("had or
j pa N ks i a ,i g c p t uply_ p_hcard, or to
JO. Kw, Agent
14 1 0 It ST. LOUIS—The spleadhl
i • steamer J. J. CRITTEN74I:I4. II isterllng.
mina...tier, will leaf.. for afros mat In
moltate ports tof Saturday. the trstl. Mod. pt 4 P..
7 r
F° , freight or Nose., aPIdl on Nara, or to
10= 4. NEWTON JONI'S. Ammt.
1?OR LOUISVILL - E.:-'l'hrTfile n . jr,-, - ..
I I did steamer 'Vermin. Cat. llasteft Al I ._oll4 _
~• .: .
eatv for the short and all Intermediate Imintst
on thLs day, the =I Iran- . 1 In o'clnek A. 11. I
For freight .7 tumor,. apply on look 1 Jan=
TOR NEW OR LF. A N S--Thi: „. .....
light draught Swatner VAR'S, Green]. -71 7 1M7 ,
master, will leave for the alt., and all Int
mediats two on Ilomlay , at 10 A It. For Iht or pas
'47.anr.l r on
" to
0 It 3nurEN.d (i En. AV.
ii i i‘Oß NASIIVI I. L E. The fil . '
..,,.. a .
ranniew stiamerENEl'A,apt. Wilkie 1,.. 142 ..
so I leave fur the afore and Inters...l4. port -
on Ihmtbfy,flltb I.l_ at lo A. ft
For freight or pato., apply on herd. '
00/1 ST. LOUIS. The .I.ler
i new. steamer FLEVFIFOOD, Wm. Cot
eninmander. will Imre far the aLove and t
mediate ports. nu Saturday, the 11th Ant
For (night or p.o.e. apply on hood.
1 4.11 i. NEW 'ORLEANS. '. lopl..talid :w
tarn , cd 1017 . 011. A.
i ' uralir t ir l ' ara t' llr7gs tho Lkont:ln'sr7jt"hlV.t. an
For freight nr await... apply . hoard.
, 4 ,10 It NASD V lI.LE. The nr lon- ~...
did 'Manor FORT PINT Miller. nov.ter,
I ' ll! t7y7tthr it h, Z.T. 'l :t . t i o 't e ' l ' or r rll .. .. ''''"
For tnight oriptvntle. appl7or; ~,.nt. • . MO •
flik-6111;Af -PlftgijOß4ll AYIT=.--
ki, IVIIECLINO PACKI:7—The .-.d.....na1E
tenow parks( steamer DIURNAL, Conwell. two- , ... A
r. I. 110 W porfOTTIIIITOIIiq matt tnr I rt. yea I y trips herw. , e e" A ',
this rltv and Whetting. loom,: I f ni/Muni. at hl okinek 4 f, fa
every 5t001... IT.doeselar end Frklay, and rat, 'n.- 40 '' woo,
leaves It herlltor ...Pry Tuesday, Therklar and eaturday, 1 ele 7 ifflllk
load, weak For (might or Parra.,..mll on Land, or to
nola Ansnanwsa * crenzEn. t...... - 4.454) .
. _
li i iii i i:kt. LIP' i n i l ti E ti .. .T_, Ll'- a - T TGl" iii ''' 7 %.'l ].ag B'.-
hattaor. ever, Tiiesday.Thumby amlSat t orday. return
ing. leases ‘t elt.ville ....ry Monday. }tech. And Fri. Mt, PAW. TO into 'MALT.
day For . },night .7 plesasr...alooly on boanl. or to Al 50 Got. per gar_..
ot-J7 1%. B. WHEELER, Afoul • 1 ire 4..
s -
. If ' hlt y ' .
II 1i,.. 1- :',..`4.:`,,;:',..,`,„' 1i.,'...,..!,'„L .1 1 ,.., Thts is tint l ' e t . ' s - t u'h' t'r
'''''D l ' 7 ,- "`" -
..,,,u,na.. T . . „ ..„'...,,,,,—,°.n;11;' '—• -i , • g O-I,OI•YINVIrte4.II *Trni.o, " "= • r, " 11,7
Ms owners of the steamer Iwo Seaton, and a.tht•r...t. , prmlpilaw or deo., awl w....... aJI the onalltlee ...mir
th.. 1. 00.100.: anal Pittahorsh Paelst wade , an. n ill Fare seiner
.. Oo. , ''... , 0 .O. Ink. sulfahle Sro the Quilt. lfed ea
.....ry NI 01,...5dat for i'incionati. M ',lam of the New Y. g- In mi.... for the et.,l e.....
land No.: For freiold . paoeme. amply rm I.ltrd. or to 71... urtlerdtated Is prepared to famish to the' trade el.
mi l. . ii. it NI I LTLSIIEIIii RR. arsnt. her for extmrt or hoins rotimindeon Al the above v.,.
• -.. low prim,. toft up as pm. ord., , and deliver.' in any part
1 I_ll El .t; I.A It IV II EELI NO AN!) , ms.. ..r a... shy h.. , char., No shams for mat, !ferrets
A :4,11,11 1,11: 17.--The t.‘,.. runninc 1.P. - % . ..V , .!' A''' An. el'A ' A.I 'strA at
warner IVELLs% ILL'. Capt. IL Young: o ii , ' .--- •' - - -, . I • .
run as a gular pie I. let wean Patshomlt O heehmt. , 4' o f kk Nassau st- New York
-._ ._
IlraMeimri. atet 50... 1.,..., Pitt.lmreh .t. r, Rooms I
aftemos, f. 7 W.11...111e. 5t....1.-t, Ole. and Hodge • oAI.. and 1
hr.rt Thomtnt oternism tor Steubenville, Ilti* int. ' IV II( /LES .% IX I'l Irfill NG WA REIIOUSI:.,
Ilrklasport laptina. mud Sentialt n•tennitg.l,xtss hrl 's
' ' ••
port sod Stsai.d. eye,. Toe...tat afwrmmo. ant soolth '
~...... Fmlay ath.r....... F. freight or pas-sts. arid, on . S. H. HANFORD `& CO..
e. WILKINs. N....,,, f
I:fusee...tor to 1J.011.1 1 1.P.21,)
. .
/ El; I'1.:1 I: 1.1 VE II POI 11. AND rt , ,,.. I Not. 1:Ii2. 2:. I. 2.:br., ..,/ 2:,5; 1 . ,,,/ .•;1.; A: Fork,
'II. a> h.t.he,t rut: h t f'K ET--Tip Bo h r I r 4 e... .tin - H N Ileta.a. 1 . 111. at. kud [turbot: sink
tht stsen,r ARENA, 1. PKR ~.. m a ,.a.Miss-,.... i , mot 01l nom 'lto lAioy, a.movntar .
der Isar,- Ptiwtorsi, .1 Mond., %Lim...4v. and I l i.' his,. -
31 10;,..1,. k. A. SI , 2 , ,,, r7 n..iirik . on In-orb tor.. CLOTHING
r.. 7 fo.fght . fe... -. ...e. " ^PPlt es l e e fe'l P' i l7ilm,lte,t'SlllE. alfliV4l l VlVlS A .! i rrtf.p . IA ... 1 1d eo:
[ Et; U. LA R PAV li ET FOR , Aka. tan mngt ratentir. tnattufacturert of OIL
a s a. CLi Oil INif awl Cf% MED 11 kTS In the world
1 Inw 7 illltfißfßT.-71ar Roo Steamer Peer fr: tr;- 4' I Plato and Fashionable ClottOng of all kinds. .Catal
folio J. Cart Yr , end. will Isar, as also e --'......-.',.-- ...ea war h.,' mad. Orders 17 0 MPOS athmhd . to n't.'"t
.s law
Tuesday at 4 ~...1.1. is A. I S. IL HANFORD a C. 1.. .
aor frefght .7 pfosa.p.. apply , tr. Ismol , or to ; • • SigronOPTO to Leail, A Hanford.
fil SO! It Jolt Nsl7ON. 0,1 ; mlrileoll:Rs Nut. 7-k4. 2.k.4 . 2"5rs and °se Pearl At- \.York. .
- 1
,%;,, 19 Sa , vrte xtreet, New York - ,
I EECII N. CO'S I:XPIIESS To I'II I L.. ' lk I A NUE.I'TURE awl hat, for sale on
A Alill.1•111A -.a. tom. in a .b. aman to no•br. b e r nit . , , 1 11. fat brablo arm* the lar,mr atbek - 0f 11.101, IPS
in, tbe •bove ea rma. goring the w lob r evae.n. 1., .5 4 P.,1 /..NT Al ETALLlcarealiltm t throw: i n mn ,'air,...,
to liolltdn, Onirgli. and from lo Pgoon t Iv 4,.... Pail l,E.,i 1 ,. ....1 all chrome.. nin•Mting of - ---f. _ _
16.1 to Philah liana Thmugh o, .g. hour- anotoi ~... 1. . Coat.. Cheap, Panclioa. _
'' 1:1': " . ' 1 ' :: " I,
li LEt.1•111 • tli ,
Call, lboin, . brggine. 14zite. eat, 'Ann'
Urlntql.. Diana., Plani. and
• • Tab,. Cover,. rrbimb. b l arriam, a .
PENNSYLVANIA D \ ZT ROAD. , Clth, erallure and Travolkag
h..., "old Itig,r... I:vloring aml 1 1ilitarT
L...,.......,,,Vi1NTE1l AIiIIANi;EMI:NT. j ~. ..1 . •,/, i , i .lL lamer.. P.rvant 11 .1.4 51 YrilaTv
.....''''' n '"f . '" . ;; , -5 l '' I '''`''''';' hi.— ' - ' 4 " . ' ~t ricit'l.'l . 7lt,Tia °° ',.'"':''' , "'i! : "V " a -.
WI elt
max —,- mile* ;dewing --4
1,41 i• `,, ,i04: ' c0., iif:r. if.`4,1ii,M4r,',.1.11',;',
~,,t4t.,",V'C::.-g:k,:'.‘',.7;l.7:giTi,iTtril. To
Cf . ' I.l ' l- '. o ` . . Crivkilnay. 11110 ‘. , . I*l.,
101... Ilindlee. We -nn alai Ikea That,
71111 1 ( .TVEL h r t 11171, . b k ;V 11 ' .. 171 i. P W..t .' 11 ' 11T1M R .3[1.7' ." ' '''....K.....k.".'".r.''W...rT.nk,
/bad, lint Bucktear.. Articles for
ing the seopermion of Can't N mg... Plot, hi . Dad,
bit i s '" ea r nf l'oaehes will have tor Ilonidayebiirgh. and from , .-.- '''' T '34 . 1 "__ .n t!"..._',',.._.' f L ,d !..7..__.,_
toohro or the Nee ha
hail r.Gad ~.3.1 mile.) to 1 _
T L. BES. TUBES, TIIBES--The undereigned
Poihohithi. Time thmugh .0 bon,
Fa, to Philadelphia . . tl IMi • l have mneivel enrrial perrainlinn from and are In di
!are to Halting.. Iti 0.4 ' met oimmtimaillon with lbe hirminglioni PATENT LAP
Cow bre will leave ever t inbriling. la' , n 0... k. m eeirnlr. I 11 hifiltai Illi 19 11111 E (- 1 0,11PANV, for the ovlr nf their
-ad , oigld at. the 4uue Lour very esortlent and auporica noiLlar nal liAri TUltlk. in
EXTRAS Oir leave •I an, time. •lara,l oi ntialine.a. • Thla large oe small quantitina. Thear Tube, am ueol very ex.
la tar noot .10,0, ....1. 1 +1,4/.6., and e‘petin.i..... mitte to teimmelt• ',lit in England and then intment of lamp.,
lb. .arum' name
and .4.1.1 earlimivelt In
t...engem ft., Baltimore Lake the Non Rail pal at Ilan 1111.1.1A11 Brim a M.
rishurg, dimet. no the naval of the mar au that Ida... hoe .
1n 1.7 f%-,TP„V,Vt.. N',..7 h ,TX:
fl./ or itanrmation. apply In _
.. I , .
or to .11V Pl.illN eW.V.: 4 .4 ' ;;a t h l' etifti l n i ne ' .. l. 1•15.11ro 5 Martinbi Lana I9ly lonian.
and 140 Buchanan elm.. 0 104.011,
1104 burgh, MI-. 4. 1100 --deer
----------- ---- -- -- liCligliy's—SelfSealing Advertisingiiiiiel.
_ po es.
- I n " "k "' "h ' r nff F " "k thl .p wk. ...7 4 ." ill ' NO. 263 3IADISAYN ST . NEW YORK--
1e... of Warelimme In I ;'''' aelpitla. ke lt of the ',Llano. .
, r ,
..„..,.... i x . i i . ....i .t .,.,.... ,,,,,,,,,„0r.n
Woo. The Patronage of this old esrahlis ol cooman 14 well -1.
worthy thenanabirratiem of person. arm lug to embark In ma. nee Ode ailvertinenarnt....t. none ortlist littritailou
~b Lugo,", or o r u,,,,, ~h 0 ~., h, h... 4, i 0,,,,.. ~,I ',lli. .hioh . ~,,, artlclo le hniughtbrfore the public. The
In the Tarrying trade. Al Mr time la advancing Air niaking ...Paden , . of tray lin , vatailliv o rd their imPreinalti b..
neentena Sr the .prang haAn...., i, , b. im,r,..,,,,,,i y yowl all oilertiou.-and he ennalently refere lathe
des , hand be made. _
and . lAA rapidly tocreuing idles, as proof of their exc.+
den 4 Co.,
lit Cobol Venn street.
FRUIT -1,00 buO)rieti Pitel/eN:
• 150 hu ud..l App otl, i.
J. 3. 111.M..1iT11 A CI
ATER 3 IILLION;!-1 unit. genmino Chine
y for Pale hi
J. K 11,1, 0 Co,
- I rdi IVond at
f AMI'IILACIiSO brio for , tale by
1 A L.' J KIM/ A CAI
T therm (blnnterrial Bonk Keeping;
111:5110'kr rh! '7l' ..! ' : :' W k ork , .. 7l ; l o ' i , mltio i l. aary ,,, , , 01,
fur gale hr
nai a IVood st
ti o
CIVIL WII!El.:11.. , 1 , 4C , 110 1 1 , V , r , r0r t,nk .. en . ,.1%,v . a.
moo .;717.:T. r m1..7., " witi7L,:mtr uto Mr. til , arrit
of Allenhon, MIA, and taken to I'. M. Ths 1 , Atonal, Root.
on Monday Ow LAnh. an.l wall The wk. tletnan who ton
ehawol Lho nil whenlloarrow will plengs- return . the Annie
. and net 111. money ownh 11. N. dnin •he will ntenth
ohlin o ta, .1 A 11. 1 . 1111.1.11• ii and 0 ‘CooLl st
II ECK EIVS FARINA-3 144,1 fl .r .11. II)
a .2 J. PCIIOON-14 Ali Ell A 1•1/
$125, 19150, and $175 er gallon.
1A VERN KEEI'ERS had I .l in ttrr try Morrie
At Haworth . , Primo 1 . 414 Fermi lit el 111.• aim..
1., honor purcharltne elwo. her,
Eft. !Me nflt le Itlonoonl.
R I C F.--41 4.; te ti .
. C 0 . or all e V
prinn. ,ar lint I
Jas A 1111 CIIIMN & f.Y I
A11 . 27—L0 kegs assoiaLdAN.logrips-a.,1Ne.1,7,,
Al OLASSES--Plantation & 4ilgar House;
. ."'"" v.Vatea'i
PA !e:
l a en.
T EAs__3o hrehm." med. to 'oOra tine I. reen
loaft hy. do dti do
ear. Cimino told Iloloto, Mack. 1.
pod.. by yaN J. D.WILLIANIN a to
TALLOW. 25 bids for rale If
P IG IRON—a, tons Brush 14 i ._ to. 1...t5 RUlll2+Oll
M( i )L S
I EA 1)-2,5011 itigm Galena, rot!
j‘e, JAS A. 1111
St. Jame, Hefittrry Ikr
R ICE-40 tea n a
it 'ILA is
xagLim—Small leaf. PlruwW and I
aral, feno rem, .n y - W
herby—price 75
for sale by MORRIS k riAlvonTn. In t!
nn where else In PilUburgh.
fiNE A TIIERS--3 prime,
_hi,. nth.
1 Ax • WWI: a Mj•CANDLEsw'
114 1 ALILY FLOUR—aI !Irk t m c fbe eale by
I EA') PIPE- imprimeil. patent
Li Lea.: PI, fi.r II; 1
t. l ' lvdreulle nen",
All otlxwenn haLui end in eerie, for ale
.IwlLlreltr Au:Anna:lir:lnm
14',AMILY FLOUR -1 15M5 F i1a1 . 7 ay 's
%ar& jrn,x
1.11100315-451) dos ,Peforest's
'Ab by FOB 15.4):
111 ed,/
01' calks just
T .
ANNERS' 01L-25 brill for e l
pas RoB:Ito:q,
11 AGA LEY, WOODWARD A. Co.. Whole
jJP aale 00... No. 2-" U Marlat st. Ptinadwiphia. apt)
. _
c. ............ . warf
EALD, BUCKNOR tc CO., Tobacco
atiNoc.l7oiVistrZrgn::.7;at.fri4 Rater Mere(,
an g
ANTELO, General Comt
v x 40. Marehanda, PhiladelphLa. Libaral athanarai
made on ,o end of i'mlare T. [.1.1194@01
luLtti w. rarracanac. Umairros.
AW. POINDEXTER & Co.,General
.• Cominiuion and Forwarding neretiantasad Fliaar
ra. No Li:a Martel irtur. jr-'-
To Southein and Western Merctiants.
, The subwrilesr nameet fully inrite• public_ attention
stock of Perfumery..eam sharing Cream;
to which I•ITTO Silver mad two ti olden 3 1edals_have..
wid,in the last nix rms., beret hf thrinstil.telDr
NI. Yr Sari, lit.tnn...l Philadelphia, the latter being the
only Ijolden Medals ever awarded fur perfumery either fir
kunspe ne in OIL country.
I:oos.ku's SILLS. erratic, (Almond, r opy ,.
and Andtrostal.) unirermlly acknowledged to besuperlor
any SILT.," dens. in Mb roontry or Rump,
Ottoeural roa Puartso--Beautlllally tratumarent, and
pose... Ana Sapamessup and emollient pp Dere k .
rats?usevous Compound: Anahrorial Sharitm Tablet; Mill..
ry :wi
Daisy :Sno.
ortanne Totter Soars—Almond. Dose, MHieff.ura . Doti
net, Pistachio. 3lus R. l'aMbously. Omnibus, Flowting.
Einwrent. Olive Oil. lilt:l.lrue. and Circassian.
Ernst-ea tea rue Ilsanagkeettra—noar, too-
onet Cat - oline.t:eruneuni. Jenny Lind. s loinwellne,Juek.
cluo . \ l.rgwdin.e'er:natl., Citrus...lle. Ronal, and many
other rurietW., in all sixty different perfumer.
• T.1./.1 ii ATOL . —ilmidn Water, Eau de Toilette. Orange
Plower I rater. and a great variety of Colognes and Laren.
der Waters,
l'are klt anon rod not Dun—Genuine Hems . 011„luthine
oil, Bandon, Eau Instead, Mein, Compound On Mar
rs, flair Dyes. &mid and In powder, and Phllocome,
"i:',7{ o; r rlt. ,' , 7,` l4.a„ nd .T """4
Denture, - oat xir, ROIL Tooth
...Mnti.. TooPaste.and Tooth
Cosa mile Cosmetic Cream. Ationdlim for
rlmposd hands. told Cream of kw,. Cream de Peru, 1-1 P
ItivniserrY T..,•
& history Powder.. for rtrlloll/32 superfluous hair. Pearl
Powder. Vionairre de Rouge. Ana:vile Vine . Victoria
Hair Consposition. Preston gabs . Meals, a en-al variety of
her articles. no 1.1.1,11.1 to be cunt.] in this sarcriise.
The subscriber hops to maintain Oa reputation which
this ostailiahment ban spanned, by 4 1Dposing of
but tire , rate artichst, ansi .111 br happy o f lat hem
',she, may wish to tattronise h i m. elfin._ r wholesale rn4ttdi•
on aa nquonabk , I .ln. IMY astabliahment in the ' Un
Einvessor to and former Director ofVIER
the La DAZl bors.' of
Mr. Basin', Perfumery is fur rale by l 2.ll e tke . 7, a =i,a
Druggists in the country.
NMV YORK. Harr in nom and me In:siring bur
be.t ..orre,l.4.nrk,l of
r.tSitl" DRY GOODS,
.high the, offor to boyerwat wntermeli low prin.. on Mort
eretllt.m. di,ount for CASH: rnogt.tlng In tart iv,
1111.LINE:1 ma th s.
10.tani pn No. 7to I. :allot' and 311.n.r, Bonnet and .4.11
1111,1nuir, 10. non pr No. I to '22 plain math) drt /dam do Tar.
fr.& thr plain. rhartarable, hiur, warred and contra Lion
nt AIM, pr belt nbhour, amortment ardret
bi. - k and "don , ' rrnln.n. rrapr 11nne, tariataisp , rephrr.
illuninit and Itroxrll, artificia! llowurr, cap tab.,
cr.otprd rildrls, tr.
Embroldrrnl, worry and taarbotared lace anvt.w/Itt: 14
to 144 um...ital., nett, eurtalu fringe, tteedlewurlt,and
1.41,41 look. moll and Jarratet nmslinn
s aim crarat; ,-8 LC.
MaMont., Flotonn, t . 'atin , and indls ollka,edlk buttons,
In ore. ',dirty. Al ovine kimpa, drool trimmings,
frinoo.. c4l linen ea brim. largo iia•orDnent kid
ohm.. rilk, clove., and 'mitts, Mohair do do. HAle
and si l k dodo[ Indio, fancy elk marsh, love Told% black
.d or,. o Itarego, nod Ilarogr•vellk, pun.* toi,d,ombroid
orodre.l plant Horn, loam and eamblie kdkfo. otonpiece
d d of book, 001., and enrobri ad
In nod o.
Ina.. do o rape, coll.. onn4OnPo, ao; ID M.
don. , and •orl, oravala.
Thread. cntton:kml Vklenlnpnes, nicirmk, tinundog,arul
inkertinvx an nnitts erni4nattnn and .Ilk
whin ant drones. cops kn. kPiondin kk`krt
lknt !dark end Mohair trimming Wk.,.
A lark. onn.nrinn or the,ktkno ;mob an. eutin.l, nen.
ami snun the rkbr•rt in the minket. suul we would rt
,,K.rttull, itv you nkkkunn•
. 122 kIROADIVAY rtnin
frinkt2n SIeAORK:
Superior Black Writing and Copying Ink
ONE'S EMPIRE INK, 85 Nassau street,
Neu York.
Ihvlrta pe . r . dux. . .....
...... !i ti
The follpwing 'are • few pf the reasons for:ihelr pope.
lA_ On rho place ocenpfect by the • petrels MY
Vre his name. b Mid address, conspiettouslY
beautifully entlnwovduiness. .
adored or plain, thus alfonling pW
fect security tigaluvl fraud.
rd. The Envelotwa cannot he opened without tchag de
• . 3...4
. ' - ',?" 1 , •
ther was nor wafers are rolnlred to Peal the.
4th. rt.,. the tulavarrimos of a letter, the real hatottesits
Immediatereturn to the sender. Inste.l of Wog burled
months In tle , Dead Letter 0111 To:
MIL The Envelopes eiv . furnishol at almost the lame
tie:. as plain on,.
harts lett, mNt,.l Is &meet effective edvertisament.
son, to unreel the atbtotion of all through whoa.. hand. It
" Thr;l:ilowlnit Is s list of prices fat Insit_atiPnred m.
hems. and shah .111 last foe year& and of Extrvo3.l, of
the usual site. either •whl. or buff of good natter, mid
, made as also, with out, •ddrcsa,
Prir., mode Dics. Ennelves de ea
al letters or teas 14,00
al to 00 LAI t
7.41 to 40_
40 to 03 .50
aaat 1 7 0.50
C 0 to SO 10,00 Mxal .....................LOO
41 110
When It 13 not convenient to forward amount of anise
pet mail or caper, • refenvnce toirientoctable New York
House will ta. sufficient • All °Mars will meet with prcaupt
attention. If addrecrel. • 11 31. 11URPIIY,
No. 2t.71 Madison amet, New - York..
Onlers will he attended to promptly, If left. at the MOW.
of Slen.vra. Fibell Mott al Wall street or of 3feesm.
Jen,lhavait k Co.. 13.1 WlUiam st,
N. 1 1 .—Busitte. Card, cottonseed In colors, from Fame
Dlea at 110,00 per thousand.
Professor A. C. Barry's Tricopheions,
O n
gUr for
invigorating. and beautifying the halt.
removinn scurf. dandrut and all affeetiona of the scalp.
am:Leering eruption, on the skin, diseases of the clads,
nolVeles and integuments, and.relievlna -nevi rota brut.
sap oprains. , ite. NVith this preparation - then. is tie each
wonl as tad. '1 The first Journal& In America, medical men
of the liteheet eminence. prominent eltisens of all profs..
Anna and ladles who have used It for years in their dee,-
nue norm a l ifiimettes, admit It with one accord,thai fur .
imparting et., alma, luxuriance. glad curl to . the hair,
and dendrull: healing wound., curing
nnautions, sprains. PI{DIP. Ar, and relelvitig dist.. of
:the skin. the &lands, and the nivalea, It has no equal
moon& the multitode of rompoonds advertised In the pub
' lie prints, or need in pelt - a. tu-setim. In eheaplreaw to well
as etticiency. - Batr,.. Tain, , pherous 1. unritalleft The IM•
Turns,. cash sale. of the much. have enabled the Inrentor
to supply it at 00, cent. which is ° from 50 to 100
neat it
than ,the The
or any other preparathro for
the lode now in use. The scientific treatise on the bwr
l thesktu en t the valuable ilitertimutfor the sub
run. cot preservation of choicest armament, In
1,11311101 t ear+ bottle worth the Money.
Th e amour tvqween the mentbrarte• whichcoteditute the
skin end the hole. which drawl. Its sustenance, (ram this
triple envelope. is very eke, All direrimas of the bale mt.
• ciente In the skin of the head. If the pant. of the sialn
m ehe.rl~+d,
to 1f the hl
ent and ,
nltlisture, sixi impart life small
to the ChM. tee result lit
scurfy dandruff. theddlnu of the hal, wravnnucarynca,
and liarshnetu of the tharnents, and ontlrt htildnesa. astba
eme may he. gllmulate the skin to healthful &elks" with
the Tticopheronv, and the torpid veswebi. retatering their
.11,vity, sill annihilate the dlwatie. lu all alfections of the
Skin. and of the subvtrate of muscles and Inlet:mount. the
pro,. and the effect are the tar, It hi ufma th skin. •
the muscular fibre, and the [Land.. that thefilimpliennua '
hm Its specific seam. and In allalleCtio. • and miner of
11133 l omens, it Is ire,r1.1411.1.23-•
anV and drum7hoi th o roughoth Ludo 4.l4,l2.ltVeVslrol'Cal...'
1 , 1.1[. for xale
Ltrria:♦ uo
Rion. for mit!
ale by.
111 0\ 3 CO
ki 11
Iljd Sog tr.
• o w
n in
114.24 rant
, Liam vo I and
BALT I MORE . ..'. _ I
REEN RIO COFPEE.--on Th --' ll;ilxy
M not, .l.rtrwr..t II at
. the liatehoileee,
amtellre the rale
I & keop ronstantV;
. 7holmaJr. E1: 4 11 AAU
2 1MO•brIn A... I. 2 ami his, and qt..;
'L My has hmt yuallly CHEESE, end
tuln 111' LA. For mato at lowmt prim, by
1%. I). AIL' FITZ. A_ a)
No. a 111 , Amrirr Wharf. --
(I) . *lt Am.) 11Allimme.111.
JUST RECEIVED per etearrier POOTEhenrro
ay Ts bo.r. ervs RoILT : 4 VAC. far 0 !,?!.41
• 11 . N T r ., ! : 0r, ,,, f0
C.! uN DR I F.:4 —3 bris fre,ll.-Eoll Rutter; "
0 , 3 briA Egkl2 x
1 c. 2 lucks Need Earn Ntcal;
' • 3 orstkx real/terml
, 2 brIA Rye Flow,
P*4 Mk . .. .. 1 Pr.:lmm awes
idensmet9 and ta a& py Pia, J.,/ 111.1444HU15 . 4 CO .-
- '
' ,, t - Tinle by
r. 2 CO
SALE ' ' 111S:--5 tons Saleratus, in lids and
br! ,lo .alebY no 11 011ERTDALZELL 2 Cu).
LE.I.P ARlA—Leaf Lard in kris anti kegs
_ sOll lit ssir hi - 11011ERT DALZELL de CO,
.1.9' : Liberty %tree*.
--.....-... . . .
Q UGAII,-15 likils prime N.OileansSugrir,
1.7 In nun. bud for .a.le by ROBERT TIALZEI.L dii co.
Jai/ I 'Liberty .tent.
1? ISII I— FifteMi drums 0. 11. Codfish;
Lir1i.T.T3..1.':.1!, . '1 . ',. ;; ''' 1 „ :.1;11, ' ,... " ;2.1. ' , " ''' I"r.
.10/10 WATT r Cu)
CPi . • • . _
in . , SE-- 19i. bas Creole Cheese in store
L. ,, ,, ,z5iii.a....b. L, JAMES PAW-JELL,.
Nn. IN Water nitwit
l "-. _
_.. .-
g litiOCElt I ES;
N_l rn half rime. Timm: ll).en and Titiet MIS.
:4.11 y !nu.. dr, .b . ,...1t0ri. arid liiiit Painter.
Ili bLiteii 1i.i.,1 1 1 . A libblirs.,u :.1. Tub:imp.
, 14 do
t i.... , 12 , r..1 , ....,...e2 T or u n r....a a'a do.
Si do Vt. Tobacoo. •
1i..,j: , :iii , i 1 . fr. T.:.i ,04 ..‘ ,. . r ia ' 4 , ', ; r7, ; ,--,', .. ' l';'...G'rolile Lriiirii
janil . I J OII .4:CRKEII itCO
ir_ILUE--Twenty lie e barrelsbi Pale by
5,..A J.ll ' 2,'*".1110 . (X', On. Co ITocid .4. '
ti LASS PAPER—Fire hundred - reams of
tir tiT a . th..
.. pa4lat. for Fella by . . • . -
J. KTllil & CiL'. , :n. CZ ITnel .
I ----
[LOPS' S.ATINETTS.-3Jurplky Bur 6-
nnired a lot , d* banrkierne lane, 31Ixed
,ayincy t.. wear,aleo. Plaid and, Plain (Nash:nem,
ta great,yariety,Jletuuf Ca , lineree.fientucky Jean. Black
VolYet.3, Ae.. at n , elll nurser of fourth and
t ‘ixts 1.1:0. 4, 1 3
Iti store soil fbr talr
/soil .
L O O. l qS-6O7lltinfired tons ,Tennesee
ll to.fat LI.P tom Troneve 57=6 , 1 Ws - hie& stem.-
VOTASII.--Zi Potazh, just icceired,
..IW. , by IV RoDttir DALZELL & CO.
IVRESii ROLL BUTrEß=2o,l,EB,jll6l..reed
for xa.le by CAN F7ELD
L 'I LAX.St ED—A Anal! lot for safe by • "
.I..a.cANnxis. •
(„,; lIEEP l'EL'fS---1 lade for We hy •
4.‘17J. it.CANFI-ELD
UtiAit , -Twentv bhde new Sugar do hand
and Tor .1.. by J.r.5 B1(01511.1-8.1DKPATRILI6
qion.-i,mo__Twenty b. w.. H. Grapes;
14 6.7... Grant 2 Wallin.% '
14 b. W. A. 11.1.1 DC
. Litl D. Derrowi. half pound:
-- 1.4 D010r.... do - on band •144
S UNDRIES--Ten bxs S:Tplmans Cocoa;
lf , Ereetm:at Leonia:
10 bee dm Eagle Clem
eal for o. LT .161 E. ".BROVN ZehirKPATlllltih"d'
... _ .
fur cola Lr r ".Vl 6 ' 4 "71'4,n iT , Psge d •
LOUlf—Than huniireeburrels just feed
'aga formally BURDRIDUE E
101 l No. 116 Water et
HAVANA SUGAR—Ti'venty,boxem White
ni....-eti g ur, far Astln 1,,
116 Water K.
PILES. Cabnin, Pimento . , Vepper, Clovem,
II =xi Nutmegs, for rade by 1e..11.111 DR, fi EY AFC°,
de l 7 Water rt ?rout KAI
---- - -
re UTTER—Eight borrrls packed for sale by
i 14 S. V. TON Cm:CC - HORST t CO.
LARD—Sixty-Leis No:I la afore and for sale
by 11.13 I:!A LUIDICKETkOY-..) 7 4krt Vrcat
2.REASE--Fortylire brls• is Atore, for gain
jal3 Watee and Fronts ty
1 11200 M& -One hundred dhoti for enie
-BEST PI7'ACE -7 '.1 - 0 , 111/)7 TEA.
01011010 t ILAIVOIITIVrS Tea - Sint., tart nde of the
D among.
tlood flat-wed Te ar a y 0 0 ma y, p ir io nn u d, •
The finer quality, at 76 . •In -
tetra topyrtine at 21 On • • del
Old Country wont Una are 8LA.07-TYA. will fan:lmm
rult their palate exartly. Janda of-Teas we nrselre
direct from Ductn nl. and tory cannot be bat:MU:any
other Wore In Pittebur g h.
t 4 br the quart or wholenalr.ll.4l l e 4 h z
I+l 11
CIBEEN APPLES—t'w'enty brlr. Pippins,
for rale by 3. Y. VON•BOXRIMILST k
1.A.L1110N.--5 brls• , jallnon:.:+io. 1, in store
muf fur ralo by JO RODEILTSIALZKLL & CO.
volenTN-21 hales for salTs-by —
Jaln DICKEY COOSUrr it Froot rte
'''''" " " ""l:. n irla t ivzi_ . a=
RIEI) FRUIT—:',O hits Pric4 - 1 Apples; '
by 111 o f 116 /med.. 63 . for
11+.11.jitlOA ,
ja2".l 15 a al Wood rt.
•2(M) boxesKreisler
brazd, Imudmg trawl steamer Dewitt Clint= fir
FORKS-- )sdoz best east eteclllay Forks:
:)) dot lw , Ft Ilertann Mi/ . do •
404014•mcnkni otsksttel 3lknnr. ,
nricruneut cat
0 I k
nOES--13tr.r.z beet Cat,.teel.noes;
4k ' Gazakk hone
1-DEACIIEs--'Three hutoircol• N1811(.111 ree'd
aal fi.r. s_um:t. P. F!IP.IVER,._
LeYTIIES- 7. 75 tha GmE , Seythe,;
dos btst
. torn -
SU Ml, Wetter and }luta et_
- CYTIIE SNEA'nis=ll . s.47s. best regent
mosliourient and La: crato
jal.4 L. 6. WArE6SI.I-N & SONTI
NAILS & SPIKES-4:l.klr—m
foi. b.
4.. Slab F. *AT 11)1.&.1-4'SON:..
EARL ASII-4_ carts prime for sale by
lag ,L xI,AtCRIIA-S7 Ata:gb.
ORANGES -2 brle Area, to arrive_, for
aal. by - IsCiIIiELDOE INGBrik. ,
. lib Wawa •
UTTER-10 brie pguierial, for sale by
:Inc* *:c.inzuni.7.
• .
I : AVID O. TUTTLE. Attorney at Law,
end Comndordnoor S. Pen. 'iron]. id- Loa, Mo.
i A ci 0 ananinnknition..proul ansoirnd.
JOHN H. RANKIN, Attorney nn.l Conn
.) me Haw at Loo, mat C0m50.,...m -• _tl... Sta. of
i.„...,,,,,,,, Lo Lou... Ilna..lat_of.
Milai, 31-Quina.".VtbcCfur.. J.b.ritt. VILMA I
Sou... 31ril`col A Co.
i ' annlAily
- .. .
I Si J. FARDOS Commisaion Meec
IR . onto. No. 31 Old L. in, NetOritn. tory onn
,,,,r,ii. o . b.., .I." Amon.= of =wad!. of U. kJ
lading bnindo, whkh airy ult. for rale . alma. ar ./.
Dunaol A co.. Cordon.: oi. 11 Andiony i J. Mx.l. J. D. •
ram'a CO, Lazneholle, J. J. Durand.lognang. A. do Mood..
van, A. L. Inoville. A. do . 11 nudatio. Jean ionic A. 11.
iTolio, Anon , . Gin. Bonleam 11...1 and ITliitoniiny in' y.k.
/4.7:1t. " l i' ZlV l,l2 ! " Xidr b ifteli bU 14
,I.oint. t'Abbt
TILE Undersigned harshig entire)
rrt ., 2
Ibuilt and enlarg,l the alsr.r.seatenalreretZallabe
eont,minz In all abi,ut thme htuldnetl and aft
na..,, would ns,retfuln glee not. that it la now tin radY
for the rereptiou and arecantoodatilm of Oil. trartilg
An es truant notireof the utisuitansed ebterehhtttnee of Illia
House Is devoted superlitious, as the nuntecuas Imp...
numb. whieb bane been made rantint be propellY Siren In
an nlvertisrment. Snake it to
ear. b. expense ban been ~
claret to render any •rartment ' , error, • . -
The furniture a. made exprerrly to Ire. recintlesa of
cost. and rrrfain portion.; of it. erperially the Drawing
room,. will he found to I. of the nurt beautiful trunittar...p,
ture. The Mainz now Eh, eartneiell, aret the boon fhe.'
r eprhie will he so arranged . to suit the' rotten:deuce alba
early and late.
Every department will be ronducted in an unexernlinnt.
'.r.'l......'rriraftkdSZhiYrm!" thetnp2%a 11 , u; gflgern. Irtiom!Lym,,.cl..
ftOUL f & MACKE, Wholesal. and Re-
RICoVia'N ee"an fai:WteT r agr a
-:26 te9 for sale
J al9 Millilk.lDGE ni
. _ _
WAR S 1110LASSE,, sugar;
nunnirpor. alitaWr
y GLASS-20:us
ei lEbebmar, bmad. trntl_
n .
- elLUE—Tworitt harrela juil,i:ecalyed. and
I)ltnr Jule low by lb, barrel. a a. N.ArICIATEIIANII.
Corsi Wood , . Firth Inv
. - - -
.4 Ir-4-1/1 EE
LBS. CANARY ,Slifir6ceix.ed
lam r •mu 001 fermi,. at b: WICKERSIMWS.
Coy. or Wm! k 143.
LA 0W.1147 I mat riccarnad now landing fin*, gem..
Toscana, Cr aal e br
dela, 11,1 AIMI,DICKEY Jr C.- Water &Tient sta.
FIIANNERS' OlL.—Twenty hid:, Bank Oil, -
in nod ' , Nur, ad male 4 . 4,46. RIL?rD-
Ai bt ; A b SSES.—i r k - llrk new, in Fiore, for
• , 1 , 19 - J. 411. FLO-YD.
LARD.—}} brie. No. I, now landing, for
solo 1% dein '_Alen Medal - km.
B BCKWIIEAT FLOUR—Twenty sacks in
fnm and roe cola by deli •S.k IC ILtlnlat.79l.l
ILY ;00 lbe fur sale by dal] BRAEN k
Burchfield beer ju. , t opened a tracts cundy of the
hrlluric. qualitley Of the above ankh. 11:lauding black
ven Coe. Alma Fr, , tad, Dmktrta and L'actunerea.
black and fancy, and Mark Natinregii...,
price" for the enallt).
OLL B UTTER. - :.Ten hole Roll Butter
reeriied and for dal. I,
a- W. iiARDA Von.
G (ll, llFifty thouaand Cigars received
seater aale by C. ,t
Olt .NIEAL---Thirtv bags Oil Areal. received
abd fyr , alc-by n.h. W. lIARDALOII.
FLOUR --One hundred bile Extra aa Family
ti :A 0. F. Fleur. mad avectrad and forc a / a by •
a ! atltc 7 lyri.v. tr zobtib w or the following.: Drab.
b_, inkale Blur 14 Orr, hearer Cloth%
lled arid Oil. bla.. which we are authorized to'close at
ll price, awl will te eold cm favorable terms by
11. LER.
It I tiLASSES—Firty a
brim new c D for Ml2lO
/TX fry . &27 linoWN A Etutnum.
Z . —Une,liundre.d and fifty lxixe:nud
:WO bra I.l.,,n4rived und thr•an low
I~INDOW G LASS—Fire hundred boxes
ermrurl ln aKn~ anti flr ogle br
J.ll .I.t3IES" DAtZELL
ARD—One hundred kegs pri4 ne'nerr Lard
r. Park! &al for sale bi
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