The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, February 05, 1851, Image 3

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imams or um. =mare
rllitarsa, Feb. p, 180.
, .
The mail steamer Canada arrived at this poit,
bringing dates from Liverpool to the 18th, from
Loadun to the lith, and from. Paristo the 16th
ultimo. Sherbriogs no tidings whatever of LIM
The Africa arrived it Liverpool on Sunday,
the 12th ultimo. The Canada sailed }hence for'
'Boston at L'elork. P. 111., on the name day, with
i s sik liOtt sonthern.wind. ' .
, •
• LITZRPIXIL, .lan. 18;
' ; 'readatuffn-The market is dull,and prices
I log the week hare been in faro!. of' buyers.--I
ryican Flour could not be sold in large quart
i'itarithrmt sulimitring to a' ecline of to. Is
'lt bid, and Indian Corn was fullyl6d lower , •
dull market, '
I ''•;'s . .tott---Prices hare declined lel per lb. but
l l l4arket is now itteas4 at 7id for
for fair quality.) The sales of ; the week'
; $ 22,000 bales, of wilful. speculatori,took
• • •
' •wd exponent GOO bales. The trade Is
but limited.
.skns—The market ban been tjuiell . : and
sterally well tatiintained. Lard is sell
' i4Us per lUU. Pork in' lively. Bacon in
• high rates..
'l,lumo—tiales have been mule at previoun
ere quoted ut
• 1. 0 ship Franconia, tifflUltimure, was lost oft
bead. TbeCaptutti and eleven of the crew
- - • WASHINGIIOI,, Feb. 4.
Issmrit.-:tliu report of the Direct:two of
from : watt•ret`teiee4 and rend: also report from
tirmeetary of Mate enclosing the correspon
be relative to the posse:story rights of the
J,s4son Bay Company.
Acheson prevented a petition aching
uneraticut fur We value of a sLare hired by a
• Auaiter 'Master in the U. S. Army, and who
,eectiped from service.
Mr.. little moved to My the petition on the,
i. table, which was lost.
After some deloite, the petition woo referred
•./ tritbo Committee on Claims. , -
Mr. Hale 'presented amend petitions praying
for 'the repeal of the fugitive slave hilt, which
were NU on the table.
Mr. • Borland presented a petition
`.; i cititens or Arkansas, in favor of the h
;.,,, of Cubsi: •
• Mr. Pearce presented a memorial fr
bet of the klaryland State Consenticn i
of a line of Steamers to Africa.
'• • The bill changing the time for holdii
' States Courtst n Ohio, Was pas.,el.
1 The Senate then took up the bill to ni
act ;regulating, the approisement of )
1490d5; and:for other purposes; and all
debate on thin workings of the tariff of t
• bill was amended and passed.
The Clairotia private land bill was the
aP-.J • •
del l
Benton proposed a number oe
.•':,, .ments, which were rejected. I
The bill was then' further amended; i I I
I to the Senate, and ordered to be•print
the amendments. •
4 , The Senate then ndjodrned.
I Honsr.—The bill for. the establishtS
Ihruich talet in the city of New York, et
San : Francisco, California, came np in Cy
.. -I lof the Whole. .
Atter some debate, the amendments
• i to New York and San Fiancisca, were i _
' !Out: '
` • i 1 Mr. /3ayley offered al l ' amendment, itt i effect,
• ..ito add the palm and pettutties of the net of the
.-' last session of Congress, fin. counterfeiting or
•. par oining the let. and Bigots
authoritd to 'be
,:•-•': cut at the assayors office in California.
The Committee then a-se, when the
'• recurred -on agreeing to Mr. Bayley'
. - A motion woo male; to lay the hill
. ' table, which - was decided in the negaticl
7 : ' Pending the demand fur the previous
; ',; the House adjourned.
- ..,.....r - - FURTHER PARTICULARS.
• • ' Cormaiiren,
- •.:. On Monday morning, ! the 37th of Jr
o'clock, the steamer! John Mama, Capt
Pones, with a heavy freight. and large
:,..I:'Of. massagers, bound . for Cincinnati, p 6• ..r. • of Island 62, struck - a snag or
:-.,.. and sunk in two miouteri.
',4,1 The cabin parted Tram the hull, whc
....'"Jdown-in about 6(1 feet of water.'; She
i:"•100. to 100 deck passengers, only, one o
....i. whom were saved. . i
- ;',7,4"; The cabin, in breaking froradire'hullJ
‘ 4.3mted in the middle, which doubtless ;
, 41Zcause . of 'the cabin paimengers , satin(
".' . :ltivest. •
...... - .1 About - 40 cabin passengers are 911 r,
:-•-lhave been lost. The (adieu in Um =8
..•;-lallicsved, and after suffering many bone
' . .•,-liwater, were enabled to get ashoreat thi.
4 - •• . tioti of Mr. Carter.
' I The forward portion of the cabin, including
;',ii;. the "'Texas," Boated down to the head Of lelemd
-,,;•033, when it 'grounded., About 3 o'clnek in the af
...; tornoon, the Peytons come along, and (took the
paimengers ou board froM that part of the wreck.
, '. From hence ohe proceeded, with alltports"4le baste,
,;..., to the other portion of the wreck, whe we took
•••• all on board, with the exception, of Capt. Jones
?and his family, Mr. Wilson, the mate, and a
4 % few others. • .
1' • lOwing to the time of
.the accident,srhen all
•.,s " • I, were asleep in their births, and the boat. sinking
:LSO eruddenly, but few were able to get sufficient
... - .4..eclothlng to cover themselves, and many', of them
, - .:! - Jare,- indeed, in a most destitute "condition.
'- 4 :j' From the information given by Copt Shalleross
•"and others, we made up the following summary
• ..-4,t , !Amnon's the boat, mid the number suppos
: i.:fed to be loot. The number of people, was as
.-ifollowe:—Cabin passengers, 100; on deck, 87;'
r'.!oirltferfl It; crew, firemen and hands 32,—in all
...,. r ... The number saved, as near as mix, be on.
;:;;, ertained, is as follows;-Cabin pas en' 84:.
(Neck passengers, II; offiee., re
11; cw, 7; total,
1.;:i.,'1 - The deco passengers were California
'.-.. .
...t ;Ferman and Irish emigrants, going to Ci
,0 cargo was also for Cincinnati.
fliri ammo
I;i:. . . ' NEW YORK, P
1.1, Attempts were mode to elect a ,Unit 4
• r Senator at Albany, to-day, without
• tispeclal net will now be necessary for .
mese ,
BOSTON, Feb. 3.
•,`,:- Hon, 11. W. Clreinshield of Salem, fa-Secre.
.10: °rale Navy, under President Madison,. fell
-•:.. in his store this morning. He wet; nearly
years of age. lie died of disease of t i a boast. ,
--;; ' ' • '
4 1 . 1111111111
. ; , • Deere's, Peb. 4.
:•-• The schooner Stuabemnarrived here from La-
I'.,guayms, bringing datto to the 12th ult.
..,. She reports that late arrivals from Yucatan
loins the intelligence of smother battle between
;,•,'"'lbe whites and the Indians,•4ith fatal results to
::the former. It is alio stated that the deelara
-:.; 2.:1i0n of independence of Yucatan is cntiielywith
•. , oat foundation.
• •
1 The rpteign Del. h. 'depressed tlie cotton
hrarke otherwise it . has had no effect ITon
+ MO Previsions, end Crain are steady.
Clore:wed in in good demand at $5 tier be.
Liud Oil is in good demand, with lodes of 200
'bble winter at Vie per gallon. . I
.. .
.. . Feb 4.
''The market fon headstia is depress under
'lthit Canada's newts:.
;; Flous , -Bales of 1100 . tibia, Hews Street
:britiada it 164;00 'l2 bhl. Sales yesterday afteV ,
Acion, 1000 bbla City milli at 54,601(.14,60 %
k. RTlii,ur and Coro Meal—The mark is withl
out change.
Otaln—Sale of red wheat at 78(ad -c, and
white. at 102&: , 1111tc V bu. Small ralmfof yellow
cona st Mc, and of white at filitiofac V bushel;
Sales of Oats at 420,44 c, and of Rye at 70c V
Prlorisions—Nothing new in the market, lid ,
. . .
.deri sre Srin, at the old pricaa.
Whiskey—Bales at 25(4126C V gaiter., in hhili
sad lib's. • •
tier Cattle.—Sa . les of GrA head; to oily hutch !
.ers; at prime ranging from itr2,4o to 3,0 V cart.
on the hoof. . 1
1 anis—Supplies are abunildit,witli, sales - at
1$6,1%6?100 143. .. - - .
, sem IMPORT.
Retton--The market in dull, with n, sales to
1174 k. I
floor—Toe market ie firm, with Pales of 1100
bbla including Ohio nt 44 765 - 44 87 /0 barrel.
Osaka—Wheat is dull. Comu is better, with
Bala of new yellow:at 670 afloat. I
riosisions—New Mess Pork is held' at 13 2 0
VIM; sides of 100 bldg oldwt .12 08012 2513
bbl for Mew and 0 1240,8 18 fur prune. Beef
l kinshanged,, with vales of 300 Male old wt 725
for Wen, had 00 bbl for-prime. 'Ardis um
citanged, with Wes of . 68 bblo old : at tinterftv:
Whiskey—The market Isdoll, with ashes
at 26e 4 # gal.
Linseed Oil—The market is firm, ail
/KV Sh llolls o 90%
. February 4.
Cotton—Prices have .declined le under the
Canada's nears, With sales of 400 balm
Flour—Tbe market is doll, but prices are
steady. Soles of 4,000 bbls' it is 4 81q,6. for
Michigan and Indiana; and FM 7fie4 57 for
common Ohio.
Grain--Wheat is nominal. Corn is firm, with
sales of 10,000 bushels of yellow at i'Cie per
Provisions—New pork is in good demand,with
soles of 300 Mils mess at $lB 20 per bid. tpd
pork is dull, with sales of 200 bids nt $l2 121
for mem, and $9 123ici , 9 111 for prime. Reef
is quiet, with further sales of 1011 bids at $0 50
plO5O for mem, for prime, per
Prime mess is dull at Leer hots. are
dull at $l5. Lardds better, with sales of 100
Lids' old nt-fl 8) per lb.
Whiskey is unchanged, with sales of 200 bt,le
at 25e per gall,
Linseed Oil—Prices sore firm, with further
sales of 3,000 gallons at 00(.01 emits per
Tobacco—Salt, of 200 lin& Kentucky at 0(4,.
12c, and of f,O blb. Maryland et 90p7i bur lb.
Sulea of 10 coo Ohio need leaf at 12 cent, per
Groceries—C.4m is (mai, with miles of GM
hags Rio at 1116,011 per 11,.. 3tolasses is in
gaol demand, with sale , . of (still hhla Orleans at
2.9(A:30c per gat
Lend--Clalents is held more firmly ut ¶5 per
New hunt. is I;wiTtiN. —The American House
lig just eompleted, and now open for the travel
ling Public, hating been entirely rebuilt and
greatly enlarged. It is now one of the large,d,
moat eplemlid and best arrange d hotels i n the
Union, and is under the management of Lewis
Rice, Est,„ well known to traveller, who prom-
Met that it !Mall be truly the traveler, home.—
See advertisement in this paper.
this lantifution ussenibled on :Monday, February
for the purpose of electing otlicerr, when, on
mato., the officers of last year were elected an
follows •
President-Reverend U. 11. Riddle.
Secretary--liererend A. W. Black.
Treaurer—llr. Wm. IL Denny.
Alessrs. Neville IL Craig, J. K. Moorhead.
W. 11. Limrie, and Frank Johnston, were elected
members of the Hoard of Tro,:tees.
P1•11LIC Llar...lllT to lIIRMINGHAIL—A meeting
of the citizens of flirrninglinm, called for the
purpose of devising•mensures to procure a Pub
lic Library for the use of thut thriving borough.
assenubled in the Public School House on Friday
hut. rind was called to order by appointing Mr.
N. Patterson Chairman, nod J. Morley tlerretary.
A Committee, which hod been previously up
pointed for that purpose, rend n report. h-ticoni
mending the adoption of n suitable plan of or
ganization, which was adopted.
A committee consisting of ten gentlemen was
appointed for the purpose of procuring the no
A committee consisting of three gentlemen
was appointed for the purpose of procuring a
On motion, it woo
ResoiFed, That the proceedings of this meet
ing be published in as many papers as may be
willing to give them publicity.
On motion, the meeting adjourn.' until the
lf,th of March, at 7. o'clock.
tTnr. Aissorrnmass.—This delightful. troupe
of vocalists will five their last concert at Wil
kins Hall this evening, when, we have no doubt,
that they will be greeted by a crowded house.—
Our readers will recollect that this ill positively
their last appearance here, and they will not vis
it Pittsburgh fOr some time to Come, inasmuch
as they are on their way to the east, where they
propose embarking for F,arope, to go to the
World's Fair at London. Of their metits it is
unnecessary for us to speak, since, the voice of
the public, in all the lending cities of the United
States, hos always spoken loudly in their furor.
We trust that they may he no successful iu the
Old World as they hove been in the New.
Mr. Isaac Harris rcgnedv us to say, that he
keeps all the city newspapers for sale, at his
store in lith street. betides great numbers or pa
pers from nearly every• town and city iu the Un
ion, affording a good place for steam boat cap
tains arid strangers to supply themselves.
lan.. at a
I number
ItuLouno Cosem+ mos.—A project' fs . iin Git,
which contemplates the junction of our city by
means of a railrad, with the Northwestern Coun
ties of this State, and aconvention has been call
ed, which is to novenible at Reimersbnrgh, in
Clarion County, on the '22d of February next,
for the purpose of furthering it.' The Board of
Trade, taking into consideration the importance
of the proposed Convention, called a meeting nt
their rooms on the evening of the ;oth of Janu
ary, when on motion it was
Resolved, That the following mimed gentlemen
should be chosen to attend the Railroad Conven
tion, to be held at Reimemltrg, Clarion ciMitty,
on the 22.41 'February, with power to appOint
stitutes or add to their nitinlicrs:
L. Wilnurth,N. It. I;rnig.
6.P.: Warner, .I L. Harper.
John P. Perry, IV tier Bryant.
Henry Wall; Litivid A. Uri,
Z. Joh.on, IVof,, Itryont.
FRlatrl'L Seeese. IN A Cunnett—The First
Presbyterian Church war criArded yeotenlay
evening with Indies and gentlemen. who LaJ as
sembled to listen to Mr. John II Gough, the
nloquent lecturer on temperance. The mdlerien
and aisles, were choked up with a (core mass
of human beings, and the very pulpit woe occu
pied by as many as could find standing room.
Mr. Gough delivered an address with his usual
ability, and whilst 'the audience, entranced by
bin eloquence, were eagerly listening to every
-word that he uttered, and were as silent as the
grave, a loud crash Was heard, and the inside
railings in the chub', gave way to the crowd
which was pressing against them. Then a
scene ennued..which beggars description. The
multitude imagined that the house wan falling,
and made a rush for the doors. Ladies fainted
away; and many persona commenced praying
aloud, whilst one gentleman jumped up, and be
gan to ring a hymn in a loud voice. The glans
in the windoirs war shattered, 'and men and
women jumped through them. Several gentle
men actually leaped from the gallery windows to
the ground, though birtunately they escaped with
a few bruise,
A large number of persons were crushed, and
trodden under foot, while hats and bonnets were
irretrievably ruined, and dresses torn and soiled.
The confusion continued forseveml minutes, and
the noise, and uproar were perfectly deafening.
One of the stoves was overturned, and it was,
together with the pipe, rolled out in some men
der, while the hot cinders, burning the carpet,
and filling the room with, it sickening vapor,
added new terrors to this frightful come., We
heard of no serious accidents, though numbers
were somewhat injured.
Order was at last partially restored, and Mr.
Gongh concluded his address.
. .
He lectures to night, we believe. in the Rev
Doctor Prenply's Chime!), Allegheny.
' fire broke out yesterday afternoon,
in that row of brick buildings on l'enn street,
below the canal. knoWn as the United States Ho
tel, but the dames were extinguished before any
material damage was done.
We did not learn the origin of the fire.
CIIAIIITT CONCERT.—WC have ascertained up
on inquiry that the receipts at the late charity
'Concert, for the benefit of the Allegheny Orphan
I Asylum, were divided as follows:
To Printers, 00
To Musicians, $lOO 00
To Orphan Asylum, 500
Incidental expenses, unknown*
We leave every one to mate hisown com
EAGLE Fist C.—At a meeting of the Engle Fire
Company, held on Satanisy and Monday night.,
the following officers were elected:
Geoman. ,
Vice President—Henry Hays.
Secretary--C. Slade.
Treasurer—Mania Getty. I •
Captain Henry C. Moreland:
let "Lieutenant—K. M. McKnight: 211, T. A
Ist Engineer—James liokad; Second. William
Wilson; :trd, W. 0. Tite; 4th. Alessoder Sum
Irt.lloge Director—Joseph Brown; 2 4 . Wm. J
3nl, Ale:anger Bracy; 4th John Chant
Axe - Men—Wm: Burton, Allmtns Barrier.
Plug Coeds—Jou. Mackerel: Jno. Gmeey.
, Fire Wardenu--William Wilkiuson, Michael
Reintln, Thos. Moreton, Wm. Crawford, E. C.
Iklegotes to Firemen'e Ausociotion—Wm. Gor
man, Gem Wil.nn, Adatos Getty.
Committee an membertthip—C. P. Coudray,
Beery Hop, George
Wo. Wttulostut, See'y.
Et.scrlos or Or et erns. —The following persons
were elected officers of the Vigilant Fire. Compa
ny, on Monday evening last
President—David Campbell.
PIN) Piesident---Col, R. W. Moorhead.
Beeretars—Jad. D. Corks. .
Assistant Secretary—Wm. Toting, Jr.
Treasurer B. T.C. Morgan.
DelegateS to Irucinen's Association—a, Mali:T
im% IL B. Roberts, Esq., J, D. Alexander.
Trustees—Janna Irwin, James Petrio, D. PIM-
WW Alexander.
" Ist Lieutenant John B. Barlett.
24 Lieutenant John Kennedy.
let Engineer—John D. Gripp.
Engineer—Thomax Mooney.
:id Engineer—Henry
4th Engineer—Daniel Lip.
Araistaut Engineerii —G. C. Sludley, F.
1:t liner Direetor—Newton Jone, 211. John
M'Kinley: srd , John J. Turley; 4th, It. M.
Kauffman: hth, M. Mnllone; lfth, Jacob Mex.,
Iluae Enginetre—.Lewis Uurber, James C
Plug Gunn's— Henry Curry, W. W Lender
Axe. Men—F. Wintge, J. B. Noble,
Fire Werdene—John Ydretter, Itichnid Dunn
John Love, D. Itettny,'D. Fitzeimnions.-
ALLEGIIIMY Fine Go.--At a meeting of the
Allegheny lire Company, the following persons
were duly elected serve during the
ensuing year.
President--Edward Gregg.
Fire Present—John P. Glass.
Secretory—James H. Minler.
Treasury Henry ChignelL •
Captain—Wm. V. beittt
lut Lieutemant—Georgl, Steviek; i i. Thomas
IA Engineer—M. Metitgen; 241 Wm. Young:
Alexander .1111..Inme4Wilmon.
let 114. e Direetnr—M. Duffy,' 2,1, .Ins, Brad
tinelc; 11n1, Itnbq Cain: 4th, John Herron.
A zi• Men M.. Rrynn, Wm. It. Denny.
Plug Guards-114:6A Aikent, Willem Mc
Delegates In , Firrtana's A l.l x!intion- Edward
Grrgg. Henry I~Liguell 1:. If. I'uuinon.
iEM A IN INU in the Pitt.bitr g li Po.llfi
1t Inn, tit.. trail f o Jatit.nn. to m, um, A
Pll,Oll, MM.( Zr real NI, 11,
lAtilie Li t
Adam• E A11.•r4 M u•lr,t4:'+rsli
Allo.ts Mar, A Ahoer Allot.-ma
Itt:Anon gear E 11... It
Bail., Harriet 11,0. Mrt..Cattiox Itnna
Ball, Mn, C Ett.ll wart Alin linit Enka I.
Ptrn.t: 4.
'taint Mullis Mark Mirth 11nuttu.n Pntk .
'taint Jane Black matAlLa Etn.n Enz. It
Pak.] nary Ann 101.W,,r : ',rah A burk..•Julta Ann
11411E1mA 11..nrrhAnk Itunnt
Bella In atArtlia Bun. , eu.n.o
Cauan l'e¢o• Or,. Sarah' Comm, Ellen
Callin ilitth 1:oflin Amanda roe ‘ 1.. imm
Carp.hem Jane' 1 . 1 , 111.1.. , Kale E Crawfi.rd Aralt A
Canfield um Jane Cram Mar, .1
Campbell Adeline Corn. Pv.rllla C..-mt. lb. term
Clmint..rlm Muth C. 211 CMline CtllllMitl• Cathy ,
Churrhil Cathne Crminz Elm., A Cmarnm. lam,
Clark Camline Commll, Hannah
Deppan ll Donehrr. var ,
Iran tro narenn-t J Dirk lant..lla I:...annah
bavie• wargamt Ilirknrnl Ann Dula,.
%Ilea 'era Dnnal.tarn Swann Om Jane .
Dayanny Ann
ParMl glen Veravxm wary \
Farrell war, Fetter ,ralt Forrth Jmna
Fenn Mk• Man Th.nlln Fr, enthnv
orrhnnll Ann Oils. leas, Got&twirl San), C
Akar, &Ear) Glenn nal-lb, I:rant &tr.,
Graknes Lusr man A Gra% .on !nuke
V.lrl Jane 6nrdon luehel lireiwn A
Gooch-now n01r1 . 1.3n iltaltunk S.estann
Relsrare Ann Ra&lstr Holum Mr*
lAll 31&ri ')lmlett Al J AI F
llrrnilton ' Mrs Hayden 0 0 llorlv Merl
Il&anillnu Alter Wnry SaueS llo•klu.
11.311t0n C !leo, Alas, Eleth
Hammon Mirth Ilruderpou S lia..N Sxrsh
Il&rry Cordell& Hellion Ai&s, 1 1 0n..11 ll C
Harp Calbne Mvr Humber.. Alat A
Al • 1x11.11111. 0 ihiMPhIVY Merle
llengban Mary Hinton 14.1. e A 11ea1.4 01.10
llutshmson Saucy llolsnes dun Ilutshin&nn 1:11.n
Irvin nary A Trent. Altar A
J•ffriv. At4r Jou,. Nape, Julksk•lou ai A
Joye, Nati, Inku.sJanx Johurtt. J
Kayo ktArgt Kril , Atorils Ki,k l'AlAne
Klan , Snrals R.nt ,u-.n K' hurts Kr* J
K. , rr yrs K..n 'Mn - A Kurt•
Kannada litarrte aard. J Kowa., and
Kenued, anr, Kell,. mar. A li dinar 1.. tdot
Lane • A I.auxbhu ,arnh aro
lambing. E.ldll. Lattabbn Ann. Jane
Latithert COM. Lippincott flirts Lon t loth
Lanit.t.rt CA Login, Lit= 1., tot. I.titth
- . .
1-Lotitor Ilarrirt
‘E.rr. It .1
Marl",•J wisrgt LH.It
uur,El .3
%Than. Jalhe 11 tars I.lx,
11nrIsmit margtrtnau M tar.)
51Er-On ,u•aa. 2
hi •Al
M'Bricle Hrid,t
M'Anler t 4 streli dour,.
311,12.11 hirimt Winds W M'lJtni
Him% Ititimm.ux
diVolv:in Min laiirtliiiJ)l Nary J
1111ntimh It MPhil-km Hvhi
N Ituli • Wiatau ,iirab
4`.44.1_44... Liarhash Nol.,
1411,444 - I:14.. 4 144444.1.1 Jane Pil .11
E 1441.44 °atm.., .4.4,
Panll Mai, • e LAnt E l'hit at.r,
elorala l'elther-r•
Pattrroo.• I,leunor Porn Wia.•••
Yea.. ,nr-an I•.n , 1.11
Pri..• Ann •
lAI6I ES ReA.I FratAA.As IRAs,. Ann.
RAAAI RAfievra S 11A6...fit16.0m,A.Ifios.r. JAI. ARA
Itend ullk ItothertlA wn V.A. I,A,A, 61.A.11,
IterAl I. It lltchanl, urn 1: 16.14n.A. oat.,
161.1 S t. Itettly binriA lAAt6AI6.6InAA4 Mar,
Ryan oar., 111.1,11.. m., I: . 1,1, mm. llntrietto
u, ItArhel a Sims. Rat , .I n. AjoAvr Mar.-A.oi
.Aotx Alatbrsr6tb Shrt.t.A.R.l Alar. 56.-• EltAal•A,
M.l. At Ann Slues.. • Am,. 5t....1 VIA.At..II. J
s.A.A.R.EA.RuaI . . Elude.' Mars Stn.., Els,l.All,
S6oArt Si.!y vroiLh Snrals A 1.114. Stales Its
Shoup,. A A Snnth Kben SIA, AX."
:AA,. Mar, A Smith 26,0,4 ~, Susi,. Alas,
• . .
. .
l'itilmrint. Ku-on. ,01t,.,. l•
Flume AtHim'm ti ik Joboll• tut ton
2.l.•vrisrl. Hannah N ilm JoUsun kali,
Tat k.r Aire , Fah Elovibe
T nikuri M ch I'll yary F:Mar A Tuel.,
Atuy Vantlerkkt 111,rti Akio.
17iin,11m, %Cilliun. Yakut A
‘l,llt, 7,111,11 Willimmam Calk
Wel.h (kali.: White Sllkretb JO.*
liars tilmrily Wizik.rivirk Aim.
IS thin• Wiliilllls Jane W ,
%%Fight yr.,/ It William' , 1' a %lw.l Emlly F
13eutlemen's List
Adams Jan S Armlet Albert And,- IMalt It
Aden. Bartley' Allen Wm Arbuthnot lie..
Alk , ne Jan Allnt Nathl Jr ArmsMem h II
Allelp Frans Allison J.. Filysl,
Allen MartinAndrrsnn Jnn Armstrone
Atut.rsnn Alas Anderens , ,mlfl Atkin-n Irm
Ahrm Andersnn Itkhd A•hlsn th,ll
Ashton E T Ash Wat
Baldwin I Palmer Dennntt Wnt Dradlee J It
Dailir Hugh Dem. r lir.l Nwlyn.
Ball Jos IV fletnis Jam re n t'has
Raker Tb Iterrh Philip Brown !Orman,lt,
Baker Jcvlah Ilettamntl Frnneitt lintwn Wm II
Bart.,. Dr Wm Itrattvetnh :41 , plitiltrnwn 7rhary
Dant-v.IOK Itt.ntlt-II It v Itreturn T
Baker Ihorl.l 111...11 Calrin Ham a I,lll+
1t.,, Chan Ilinlare Jr"... I' lir , xn..” Mr
Hatelseler Frlnit .11Inglaao Thom Brave I.
Rate. Peter 111whan, Was Slaw': 1 . ,..r
11•423xan Atxlx Tr Mimi, i.e. A r.... 11x.l.nt Mono C
1t,,,,. Clagn 111w-1: ~ Ivrntrr Brophy Jw.
Rankin Chan Iln, In ' lltegli llrrnornl... Jun
IlarroliJno Bald Al.. Ily 'talon A Ihert
lixster Jan Itni, irtivnr Barka. Pnt, Mr 11..n.1 Ilna, Bank Jan
nay Wm llonlan.l.l X Barn. Jan
I:arkt.r J..• Ita,nr. Lnntaml Ilultrinflnl.l It J
Banat I.rwls Haman,, Wanh 11.1liacl,. Win
Ilell Jno Y. rimy. Jan Tun Mn, .1
11+ , 11 Wm J Bridle J,n. Pug*, Jan
11.11.1n0 w nrark..nrid, It w I, man w
ltrarkrwridkw II mi It.winett
Callum Mr , Cheek 1: Coale Jarnh
Call 11 11 . Chalmera Ilenr, . Corromn l'atk
Calaahut Pvtrr • Chatahrra J. Coul.nn .1 11
Call 11 , rnr111, Clark Jae c.,,yle Neal
. . -
Cannan Derail, Clark Ell•rd a ("overt Abraham
Carothrra Jrin N Chen Mr P OM Jae
C.aranauahJnn Clark Rota Crawford Wm
Carry Jr , Cleland Jae Craw I.oni J 3.4.1.
Cantab. Jas Clarke Jae .4 Crarl.Jel Urn, Mr D Clark Jae Crawl/all .Inn
Cateel. Jno Clark - 19ln Cram, Ira II
Gomm* Welke . CllnionJacob Crlekmore Peter LI
Canflold Plak ennead,. Jae Crimean Drew
Commack Robt P Clinton Rev Joit3 Cray Hoch
Canhasn Tina 6 - Coles Isaac Crala Jno
. -
Cure) kilmund Callas Craim Jrx.
Cat..rsi Thne V Jr
CUBPIIIO Semi' Cole B J Jno
..„. . ,
Carer Jan Cblllne Falm..l Ca-. 11, A
Carvor flatl.l.ll Ctkilina Ihtvl4l ena , .an V a
.'cu J I}ußnt S CD:rn. Jo°
I•Austotnll Thu. J ('or Itobt J Custis liras}
CaDiarttl DleDry IStraratau Lcii, Curti, E.
Campb.lll Curry
Jno Coutrny Chas Curry Jan •
Catupbril Droa l'Ao.r.rford Set... Curry s
CLamberliuJn.• I . ..uunr IDAM Sl.,ulunnuatu J.. Cuuinahaus It rhadrin nun Cunnu Mark
Dapping RH Deml., busao Job
Drtsuiron D I hnlge J
Day t Cr.!, thou C. IV Tbo.
thaDuKtuu Sarni tutor Draks. Auuat II
Daiab Junrpli Deuulrou lennad Croon.
luSuJasurm 10.110 P.DI- luiharrY
Dairarn. Jan L L i a ou Matthew Dunra.trr JOO
Darir Li.unmd Jr.. Dransins
bird. Kw W Pickv,n The* 1,, lmen., Alm., A,
iktvb trap 41c4...., TA, In, A C.
I.•i• J.... Ilriu, 1.,.... Pelee(' ;r
Nil. Wu. I . Ikutp.lsUr Wrn 4,..r Kuinuuul
iIiVIP haul , 1.1..uf1u4r Hichat I ~,,, run A e
loavir Jou II • buvaltinon Wury li nen Th...
i.tilk-altyv Donning Wury :
Egan Vulva , Enka Ttuu ' Won. if.....
Early Th.s , Jar.
11.1,11rard. J.L. 4! Klyrna Rll Evan. I. r
Ills Al in
F •
Varnhatu II Tray Flak J W VuolJno W
Furnm nu. Ffnkl. Petrr Ford Harm..
Para.. Jalot Vlsoraan l'alk • /ruler Win
Y.rauam Tlion J •I , Ingarr. Pam! Yawn., Moab
Fercuani. drupidat Flinn siaml Famu - la Juu
Viimmuicau. it au Errol J • hr.., IZlan
Fluky Wm Hand Formal., Jacob V
Fd•ley Timothy duple Marshall Vial& Jno
Uext Dni tlaNaeraamiW l'iraydOn Wm
4locrwr J.. ViTuOtil‘t:lA
Ueey~~rl Jno
/in., J. li.dvrll Illnuser Jou •
tua.nou N U rn • Un
I jallouchor Jon nisll.l4. linbt Am trunein
inuntnor Win 1111zono• Wan llnduant
11expyon Jno Maze Delhi LI Graham Jno
Ilalegber MeNo•ly linuxen Joo
lah•uhrr It 11. Ural John Fnania
Uall Jan liromon agouti
ll.dnor Inoue LI , (lowa Ha,
Uarronl Jo.uu, (Irmo InlhY
Ihollek-An Ilamillantlyerul.e David llrhorohl J. A
thuvullelllkla Omen Johulhan Iluy Or K •
thmsos Jan Oscaues Alan J."
Hall Wm lairblJ II 11Allonlomeh.1.0
11,111 VAL T isrllelse 11,1 Ili - JAL-AAA 114,
41.01 t ivrnl larkAr Ku•kiel /Istugh JAhn T
lALnilt.Al in , . laslAtt .1.. Haven! lA-r1 '
L3lllOlOll 1 1 .1..1 It taut. Airbl t. 11.3utrr.1,1AA It
lanolt., .111. Isslrtt I% th It Iltornrd TIAA
1a01.11... ...HA L, I.,la.tern.• NIA 11,ALLeAs %V A
A C.,
1.1. Th.; MAI, Jamb %L
1,.',0/ ~ u .l 1.1. JAL/ II 11. AN, Al II
I.IIIIA. II 1.1. in,. IV ILLAwanl !Iron
IA:., Curb 1,,,,. :L.,'. 11,.• l% m
Imen.,LL IS 11l E. lei , .1u..11 atLlt. Arm,. A lit
ILLI. TIN.- lAttnot•rt Juo 11.A•gsJ N
lALI II Irkurn J. IlLrwaril Iluto
lanunh "tall 1,-Ihrt David C IILtAIA.• llwAn
lAAI/1•411 I 1.•A1,•./tto11• llnntlA,lm.o ALAI
IA , , A , 1.•AL1,...n Itobt Ilynilwrlmas %ILO
INAI., TIA- Iluilter Alexr
lA•ltutt Jr, 111 m. 11A4r1,1 1 111101. A ILAra
lAALA•t• 11 uvIL Isll Al 1,, Huth inn
Inninn Li,. II ltd . :A I
1.,..,,u,a 11u , •,n 11,1,11
Ilunt., IVA,
'Ann— •••••,. , 1,11 ,1LA11,4 I' 110r1.,11 , 1,11u1111/:
lArper JAz, •• IA, 0...11A 11t51,1”..n Ar
Ivry- 1/.u, II 11t..1.11...," 11111,1,,A4
Inn.ln !AAA- 1,A1,.. TIA•A 11A4e• PAIL
tart Putr., 1..110....1/1.. littglii-• .1151,
1:11,, A...-. 1.41,an .ILnlkillt 11.110, .1 LI
1/t/.1, • 1 4- I, , AA .1i... L.• c 111,11 Ell
I, „, .
Irr IA .1.• I l l o r:!: ' , ;'-'''''' 7,. 1::172.i'3:-0,
ix. k•A, 11..,.. .1..1.k.A. , Jr.. It JAI... Ilith
JA. lon. I Lan, .I•L.Lr, 11m 1 • ....tthan
.fing L.,. e •...1k • e tet.....0i .1..,, .1...11
.11.1noum IV II .1..1.71-e... 1 I,— , .I.•ArtA 1,14 I
.1.11,....1..11,1 , . .1 NA-ILAI 1,1.1 Jorn•• L,AA.I.
.1..•.1.....” I% ea A .1••,,,o 01,,1t .1,1, AII
• .
t , K•
1i.......1.. I, • I, 14 1O K loin,. Wt. U
limn... 1 Itron. 10.... r.. 1,..., lin: F.I.
ham.. \l it. 03,1-13 tkl,. K in. , 1..1. V...
K.... Tan... 3.
k. 11. 1:3.. 1i11.p.1.., 3,,11 ,, ,,10
1,01..1. , 1, .1. , —1,.., r.ll. 1,11,1...ry DMA
1.. n• Fr. - titue,..l 1,...1
0......, 11..11 h ....A 1,... t I( lirlf . 1
K............. II 1, • . II I' K.. JO. II ..,
1N,..... 1,1 k• Is ...1.., I. v 1, .1: 11 32
1....1 1. Vol. Km, 11,1.1 Is r , ......r in.
13n1n.. It ll' 1,....... At..
L. .
L.,1,, ...•1,1 I ..,,,,, , 111 1 , 11.•nr0
1.n41,1.i3 I 1.... r, 11.,.1..1, 11.. 14.,,..11 A IF
1,....1, 11 ... 1,..., - . 10.1 .
1,...1.,.... Al. • 1... 1..., 111„ 1...,. 1,1 L.
1..11, ~., hl 1....13.1. 113 3 1., 1 1.• I noir,
(...1...r Doak
1.., Liss 1'..1 , , loin, 1 1 1 ,1 1
1.....01, T 1,. ., ....1...,
1..,.....1, Ron. 1.1.1 ..,.,- :. N 1,0:rt.,. Li,.
L..... 1.10. Flt fallen .II .
1....f.1.. 1tr.0.. ..k.....1 .1 I L., to 1. .1 no -
1. , ...n I: II
1,.......1 11,0,.. -1.. T .....1 .1 I/ 1 ~,,, ...r .11 ..Al..r.
0 11..1..1., 1•.111 11,...; Mr.
i1....n0e A J
11,11... 11 1 %ult. In.
11.0.1,,.. , 11 111 110-1.1... 1 x 11... n. Mow, I; , 11,.. ~ 11.1, J..
11.1...1, Sato' 11.111,,,, .1.. Monk... II 1. 11
11n..1, 01.4.- .1 I 11.11. hat. 'I le. .1 , m... Th..
11 ar1....1... ~ 11.111,.....• In Aka ',A.. 1.... ,
11 :Ann. 4..1 11. 4,11 , I, .1/..nknos F..... 1. II
11 Art.. %int. 11 .0. , to. 1.1 Mrn..., I. IL
)no . 1..1.1 : 11:11..r :.... .1/..m.... J...•
NI Art:. .1 i 11,1, I an, Ninon,. i
11. , ....1,01 • NI ill , r 11.-M. .111111111 111 n, I.
11.., .I.- 11,11. r 11 m .11tollin Kin...
ki t ,,,.. ...„ . 11..1,1., Itont 14.,n10 I. .In.
?Ins well 11... .1... V. 1, , M. 1...01 ,ntnuak'r.
Malt 1110,1 N1 , ...11. 1 b... .Z"I . I. '..
;', 71: t' i r i i! i tel
e 4 i 1 . ..;. ' 1 ' .:141 '. 1„!,„ . .„ ' ,: r'''' : . ; ' , , j 1; 1
1 14 . 1,11 I. 5 1..,/t/S , DI% of Min - , . 1 11 1. 1.1
‘ll , ,liall 1 'hr.,' 11.3. t . .la.
11.• A 11,..•• 1... t. n 1 1,1,00.1 T 1....
11 , 110,1- .n. 'O.-. S. 1,,...t, 1 1,1.
NI , Itr. 1.. 11 • 11 , 0,,,,.. , 1 ANN
..1.1,..1 1 It N1,•iy.,.fl
11............ 1.., VOA... 1 - 1,,..
11, , ,, II / ,111 , 1 11.1,1..11; W
41...,... 1 1....,,, , n. 5..1..
1 ...c1.1"..., • NlA:inn 11.1
1 1, 1...., th.. *1...:,... 1 .1
11. IN., An-110,0.1 11.1..0. 1 1n..1,
Mot 'lon- ..... Mr.iil•lznvl r. 1,.
1 1 , 0.0, 11. nr, 11,•Ir., 1 1 ...rt.
*k ~ ....-1, .1:0 1 1,1 1nk...1 ~ .r..i.
11,0 ~..1. "... 11H
' 11' In
11,5., /Into
11 , 0. Inu.n.l 11.1....... Jon
kb,. ink... 11.. , Ann. I,lk
NI. , l',. U. , . 1: 11. 1, 01,1 u , .....
011.1.,, NlA•tet .1.0 11. , LAI, 111.1.1
5,..i.., , •.1,,.. N.... 1, J.,-.1 I.nn N0.1.0n 11,11. ,
N..rt.... 0,0. N• —IA in.. • N -v. Itn A 1/..r.1,A1l
N0.r1..., .1....1. N.ll Th.. ...Min 1'1,., II
0 ..
rtin.r..l.n. T .. Henn P.. k ......n. II 1,.
I 10.......1.1 Jr, ...kln, 111,1 I 1 I , • I 1.......11 .11. 1.
0 Usk Au Ti... Ah. 0 11..1. r .14, VI Ista.ll.n 1,14
0 In.nnell Innorl o'l4, An .1 n.•II fl.,aer T 1... I 1
ikt{ 1,3.. 3 .111.,, Prok ...Wirt. Ilurnis.
, .
I !rl.arr_li liu 11 r.
Jn.. T
11 r.
.VeNhAl. %V'
~ ..1/lllan .1.4
. 1 4•.4W11n
If %Ira,
nnn .1n
I. I
linrkiin.n.lin. In n I II laniulea I lrura
Praa, Franklin Plaine. Franklin
tail .1 1 . 1.0”11 11L.e.
I . 11.1, Ili., 11 to II
%, Flown., .1.... 1.•
Preirra %In, Prier ihtlari
r- lirillatli Innvoriv 11 arnn
1.1..111 ' 4.1111 h J...
I bramu .n 14W
It. A.: II 1. t .11/, 11t1!10,111 UIP W
.11C tti I I Itnal .1,.
Y... 1 .':f ru•lt
It . I
1 . ...1.-rt• k
or. • 1.1.1r.v.
N I. .ylr:ri. II zy
II , • ....
. . .
I. rt lk si.ot lei. rr
m.•• • 11."1
1 1 .." III. 111 , .
1111"" 'II. 0 . ..11 , 11 ,1,1"")
t I.r it 11
1.• I 0 I
. .
t•lt.•trAtt It
, 1•1111 ..... `tilltAatt Itlttl
1.• .1 .1'
mllllll J All
r, t,
-/' w
, Alt. r 41.1..1.. 111.11/4 A A 1V11,.....14.14
1.11.1. M... 1. , hit.... It 1111.1. AA...1
11..11A,- .‘1‘1...r 111,1 e 444..1. 1114./.1..11...
11 - A11nr........ I. , I.,•1.1- II I. 11 zesty, .1..4
11..11A..• Jll 1114 rt.... 11 in 11 11 Illonot .I . w.
ISA...A-11e, A I, 1.,, , .n I"t' Wl.Oll , FA1...1
, AIIA, [PAW 1114 it.. 4.1. Nn. 11 .1..... 11.... 11
WA,...- in.. 11141i1.14.--/ J‘. 1%1,11,4.4,4.m ~ II
11....1 Irani' ~ dim... I-aa. 11'.-11 a La:.
'lnter- ,n1..1 II .11611,..... II .11/Au. 11 In
11 Ar. 1.11.4. 1 1 1ii11.1.1. 1.e. - M.A. 11 elt... , I.
1 1. , : t .i . T1.. " . ' ' \ .411; : :::::: I I .I I : , ..1 1 1. ' ... ' ..; '.1.'"'" "
11 A1.1..1........ 11.1-.4..414.. i, "."
li . il l .": Y , '" " i : 4 1:::: 1.....: " ‘ 1 " ; '; ' 4. 11. ". 5 17 .‘ a
It ..•, WWI,. A 11 , .1-.41. l'er , / , . 1.:. ' 4.....4•14 4 1...-4AI
11.1. h 1 - Ao. ,11-44.11....1., W. 40........ , vn 11 ill
~.... I , - 1.. . .. AAA. I 11... n VIA.
11'.....1• (AM Jr,. 117,1/1 1/ I. , . nue Prirr
Y •
1,....,, wm II 1..../A 1.-A-4. Torn: .1./A
V..4111a Jul.
m 8.., Iltitlder.
t••.r..,n4 N..
It 11,1, 1 . .,
Vl. P. Stitt- .4 its.. ...? N. 144. 1 1 .4, Temptran,..
• -••
. .
...I. M
( 6 A M. i'. itOSS. Att. , 111..y at Law. ()filet.
17 ••• to-ta rant. in Lamart.o.
n,:tgrur y:••
X. W. FOSTER. Attorit..N. 4tit .i
The Human Body Must Perspire,
(1t) 5.%) S N ATU RE. to 11,tvo a healthy v.
,h.olooo, -.01,n• by da not
In thetll..o.tout 'km lOdoxoo.. Itallau
fore pernmallon. on4l the oomo
Moo 011110, .04 ...ono .In. gi•ing lextunn
of an infs.',
• ••
y, InJt Rheum. an , l So • on, aro not nnly healed, hit
eun..l by 11,wit 7 nit Pad.. in N. , ork
who it.o. it In ruol, nnot rm.! Itunfeilinv—iff alo. In
Fn..1,1t... or any her Fkili 111,1%., The
i•dm! I ht. nfatrom,•••
n.. Mal will pro% o 1 rould enuniornti• ot vii.rlitY
to•ronf run..l mon• ••••••-.. and nn. bonnl
Our it—and 11, noolor 'vain a,ntro.l I r not <lv
' II it l• It,, I ••• unfor, I kn.' ft to b.. nll 1 Ante.
who. aro 1101.1 e n...bnfol. n. b.
n•I 1.10 , F... 1 onll 011(... ha II i rats
add, flint ,I 1) 01, an of the
tool loin all. and eft, 11101•• 1.10,1' ,
rnbl.• it: it 4 prow..., limn I •inn
-0.1-Itni. ib•• nor 14,1.1 Itli inntalloni
nod ,t on 1,0 ior Itnlinntio - ntln4l
Am Ito nl: or 01 11 ./ Ac:l,- , .5. only Auntrittnlottotb.
Pearly White T‘..11. and Pure Breath, to
h.l [Tr 11. 1 3 r111...r. arr. how's.
10, it the,or the'?
nntl eurrort.+l
nl.ox y toenlo•
m • 1. 1 / 1 1.. am, ..1.01,m0.1,
y.Ll"Or ul 1,1.-rtv n.. hend of
A Seieutilie 'rook, Restorer and
Tik,o, ha.. torml
llowo hove not. oo a•• on. to p.0.e.:,1 I..ig Ing
qualAli.- 11 o ill loro. the luor u.. l er *so obi pert ho,
onto, Inluutle.l lour I,row..lur ran., .41. rur...l
or tlmorroll. osol no. 110,1- n.luor gro•.lour pour dorlt.
rololvouto 11,. lour Rod All,. to.lllloN nro
oll•Lo• tokll, outilul. nod It IP, ID
•1••.ki. Ibe Criakat .41,10.1•11..0 -jot rupwrioo—ortrolo fur Ow
I. \t II .1111 . 1./SOVO ,Iloro, lulo•ris /Innolu
hurl of 1111ohurrIt
JONES' S.liltion of Jet,' a Liquid Human
flair lor the ennibn..kl w bar,
beautiful broorn. or Mark irt nails-. in n Ira minute , .
...tile. mi.! 01. -.
bull KY WM. ".IACK,,IN, NO Laird', 14,0. lmsd
JONES' LI I,Ll' W II ITE.—Ln.lies nre eau
againrt,hot thin r.anroon prwiarrd Chalk. nay
are a aware o
INghtfoll, lanniour uto tbe skin ,
bor babe. how .1,. bin .Ib.r. yvlbar, and Unhealthy.
h. .kin appear,.. MI,. ;ulna prchar..dChalkl - Kreddealtb
s beg.. quantity bad]
rarpen, inhccent; Ivlue natiferd orbil deleterious
ro dj., oral N haps,. hp Oa, braltb{abh ,
Iri,, whale. at the
thaw:sr-Wm as coa.
tn.." on Um shin. maLlnelt raft and name.
Sold by tha Aartd. Wal JACKSON. NO Woad, abed.
brad Rust. INgaborsh Prica, :L5 and. •
NI RENT--The dwelling isOUPO and ?Mt*
ounintinding arnund. now oneupled hl. to, ./
I'. et thr head of idne. in the Eighth
lwriwine ....WI. to find n kration Prwe laziohe and haw
lie, and yet n.hllug in the cit, run flail hem mall a place
It is hithill tateen m/41110. unit 44' alt, imelnewe part hi
roft SALE—Scs e n vear's lease, with stork
ram ihturr,of Urecifl Starr. No. 2,4 ' , rm . '-
, further ta - tient:se etumini w ahem.. Mil-die
Very Valuable City Property fy Sale.
7HE undersigned Administrators of the
mind*. of ThiMile dere.....1. wife, for mle the
enti real mtate of Um eal7l Thum.. !Miaow. mioetetilm
ef ta re w net lot froutina an Libra, .tn.-t. run ~,,, heel.
to • ten het ellel. Al,. Ih. hmern ntrahl 1,11.114 II a• Ihr
thpaxi4/11 Ilnnre, with the animal,. mei miumet,.
h- i innnw no PIIIM thins litchi Pet four heels..
tlawe lola (nailing mi t'herty alle,. wwch
1.. t (amt. 311.1 ronnine hark ll ll het parallel v. oh Phan
elle).. 11 of whirl will Ie wild at ornate rale. ti.
101 l the witlecriher. or of nel the
iil 11 err!, wi he cid...A at elation lathe high.. 1.1.,
..1... the Timerni.tittal W ull, n.l hit rent
114 Litentr
ItENT , — , A beautifully bwaled
mititainina Emile, unite or idluate MI Um Tortle
reel Pleat nold. the aflutter pert
mitml for a markel wanle. wit , . quanta, iir weed I,ernia
win, tree, enil y helm en hone, well from the t •iurt
nem.. niewarlon Oren let id Aiwa. 1,1.
" Mc..\ engnite „ f
hew 1 , 4 Phorth ,0111111i.•1.1
miPT mel char, -Cl,-..e I
rill° LET - The Sloro Itooip, N... r 5 •
Mnrk.l TI.. 1.." io I in thy tit. Iu
n lan, .Irk...lnn
o: n 1 o nu ins.. rant , or-a.ok`
A ppl I. ran W 11, IS
11 . 4 .01: itENT-- All Illa.t portion of I.ty ri‘or
I vinr, 1n.1ar...0 the 1 . 0.1...1.0r0 1. 1/1/ii Maddock . ..
i.. 41 PIN nk (bald nod Lb. ol.r. rootao.
fn, wiww. win 1..turb..1 a two .tun tram.
limo. ill. or. en...11•111...bu1.....11ar rloalernonllt. nn .n.1...0.
t00.1n1.1.. and barn. 11. all In n RIM. of 11.1 nt
l ...thl Iv roll rabNalnten I for dam, Our
N.. pr.rron In. ...q.t. «, II n.
...... ror ...1 . and Ind uni r, The
for ..trill. Fetnrkrt n hi. 1011 111
~11)11, . 111... ar ill or Ibn. rt,. r.
plunk natl. or end I :owl for In. 3 ,0 1111114 ./al
1 i 11.1%1 KINN
I ) EA I. .E5T,%.1.1.; Foit SA lA.:
for n i.l/11.. nu ml. r
a... 1 nun,. ter. 11.-1rn1.1.. fn honours...
10ra... In Int nun.: lun. tnur
Nclurnl alpl Env lir!. butto-au Chord..
rankl atom. ..1 Mr...lin:llnm In Input...ll kb. ,
manntur wing 1..111, and lb. pron.” al barb
1..1- o will mud., them a ..are
I ..Won, Tit ,
..ogninod dte.l..ronnonl. nr
11.. olio. .1.... ran. V. Gilmore. ...o orant
Third awl Pur - 111 nt Won.
, nr.l N ... .1 ullona ntrm.
ow ham Ink'n %rev: , w
914) LET --one 3114 L..t Nitll3l,ll TXR
ee IL lerd Are.. Sereeth Fer
.0% te
.111,1t1,10.. 1.117 LE A Mee
4 1 (ilt The. subseriho ff,
r os for
11' writ Nolit linek lime., With i;Ti`
er mere men eret.i.tuAte,l the Fettrth
mile. of thie
!ht. t.t..r re • t
Al 4... sr.ll
.. , inttit. hf t:rtettn.l. et.ntatnuttr over Inter
A t.r. P. with h .thrit,t of ctrvllt•nt .art th..rt4.n.
th itr the altort..
1•.1• f L-rrmn•l
r. A . r lI Lnr.).... 1.. lii f••• 1..
S•••.'.1111 1 . ••••••••••Iv..nla 1 , •••••••sots
.i••••• •••••••••1••••••1‘.
It o. :cox 11... Plank /towl
ra•l thr alsar nirls cutnnaa For
forth., tiolantialula. to t% 114:1.1.1:1:. /cart)!-.
1.41 , Crsi m 22,111
4%1 it it ENT olt S.t LE—The' sillt,criber
ry,,..1 hi. vars..,..trablr Vomit, Itc.i.
to. Alleahr, i.hic Lan.'
111. 4ilcll‘. A rrnar. iw•ir Ihr l'ainiacn Th. lama 1-
r.a. a. 5 1111 , , , , ,A.mniMiliig tarr
Dinh a 1... Itu.• rnadr. hon.
ria. 11 holly's, Ir-ircel. iIIN hi:1111.41j
F .,. li E N T—A [ITO cuiry
n tlrrch Enriiilrr 8.5 '
N Flit LY.EI.I- IS Wah.r
—I will rail for each. nr on parioqual lea... ma. Int cn
In .11aat. 24 feat front hr 100 Ca! till,. .1.
I .lih• Ninth liani itogina AIR, he, saaam.
ctilcia.l Cnnan. Mal •1r...1-..114
rh.rtc 41i. c. belay 2.4 Ca! lJtnrt , .ht 12n ta sicitt2
Alen.nilaa 1.0.1S framing t.n r2u•son 111.111 L
. Ti1.. 1 :4.1ral 1iai1na...11.354.. r. , cialtna
I Jaw :O,H( A 11 rill .\
th,ThIN 41anl ISAIIr School
which it 16,11 ha .4.1‘1 ritlar a•paralrl, ta-Zi
ta and pun-lA.4am Th.' 1,4 I/ Ito 4al 'male on
lacrr, n llrt. and IINI •lovn. nn Dieauciatl 411,
Ant N4,111.1•A .Itaantl /at ...yen. %ad
-al.• ins.lel.itorra. hi. applicant.. L.•
Jolt!, .
1 , -1. Rawl llmalan. al Na C and 54 .Itarl..t t
. - .
i LET— A Large I lottar•
I aena of torel .tartaal. atualva I , aklasul ;al
Isla HAMA% lloNa-a alb.
! II.TIo; .11. Inrv; an In• sit; nu ut I. r nun;
~" t•-«. ....111,
n, nu I I,• r re uo .rt nt l tlf r gun
l.rn ;tr. u; niut I; 1118;111-1;1
; 116 %tart.. •4•• i.
ItLYI— Se“; t.tet t‘t
I 1..”, .•.11 tottint. I In ti
tr lar., -
in ut
Liero • I ri rtu-In
It II;- ;Atn ,urnl nlll * I- 1
;1 1 4/ 11 1 ;
Y. 1,00,
pr.( Ttle T tr,t St..ry I I .W ..11i el it
..001 kt. 10.0. ea) Ike 1.0.1
luv IA .4 Avril o.i I: 01,1 0,
'On It .... 0.161,12m1.
► 1. - I Two St,.ry Itri..k I
~ 4 eu 4. ls t.inv 1.5...00-laue. 10.0.0
. E . fd .
li Nk IL EN T.'', Th.. St, , r... Its Nlarket
II RENT. two
00 HA 1101 1111(4
,1-1.111 I•••nrili .1. •..I
14 11 Ili IC ENT.---The r..11., wmg
II 1•....•
A b. , ..IL411•
u•rni uotut- orntnt Itutnitntunut t,
A /ton, nott tn., /tut. ot ELLI Hitt', tu n
air.. a M ALI. STORM' opn Thint rirret.' urn
ma. Oramauwalaat..l.
alOt a il.t. eaport.4 I,aa Ma• ‘I ..
Thlol um taampl,..l 11, Mt MN.l.ll a
m 14% V..
K U I:AZZA 11.
,r to IL 11'1,1:1111 . K. v. 1111111
LEI lt RENT. n Twr slimy Frame 110.02
I' moll 'tot k 1 , 011/11no. mill lon 114 o. .11 nolo on 1 11.
16,1 fordroot. ol t XVAnI, lo nom 1.. Plmon.
!•.r torn,, app, to Huta. • . A IN!. '
V.o. Wool. Oro,
I I I( I LET, thr Slur, gown
Vet 4,0. eoljoanlno to. IX old, usol Jr or. I r
1, non. and 11, I, W001...w00
A Soo. or n 80ni...1n,, a t ,o other
n.. 4111 1.• it/ OW two t rail to-ot tomnror ,
p.ool io the r . ll . arol wall .olapVol for Hook lot and FA.
mner, nod 111•111T1111. ..r o /dor.. ,1011.11ai
(roul. • Eno ILIA Hate I i i.soo, will to rut it
s a- oo.n
r Torn. ,
I ........ton glorn on thr fort Frbruar,-. If wantrA
1 . 1,10r0 of XI XV W I lo•II IA
of Market nal Puurtl7,ll,;.lti.
1 4 1 111. SALE, the Threo try Briek
It!tellhatt. 1.1 11, atm., / 11 .1 1 /nr ,
prn,.3lttn%l rut, $ l ,lO S.A. rm. 'tn.. r ant...*
3.?" ..traZlr;;ln'n„:l:4=lll.tlil
.s tn O,
1 , 1 I.lhert ttrt.nt
N THE 11 11141.1N:4' 'OCIIT of Allegho , ny
I'mint • f., r lean ICrI. No. --
In maw. r 1 I lir lutristirli of thr r,laar. of Wm h:
. I llVArtiy
4.lRliralmetl3 11 . 6 •11411‘1. 1.4,01... rd
.`: n.. P 10 1 0,31, a. i.. 11 Point,
Wr:r.ft klerrn."l
. .
laahtat hrralty alit thr. shaaa nanaal Far., that
la atone af ilia tuirvo. analthantai 'writ at purni ~,,, . net tn.
pat.t will Ita And 110.1 1 1 ,11 t he 1. H ui. it a. r. -1 ,
ht ~ ta kena ne tarta tonaaaata and hainl
-Mix t.. in Ettnahrth tartaltip. ettltt 4 11111
t.t . Joint Ilialltnan. Jahn Rankin. Jahn Mrtiatet
Ela•neaar Stirhata
.11arlaa Jantaa 'M.; nu:hi.
111.• hen- of Votar Patirrawl. rattathttat Put
lle hetl.s., and Into lantl ..itnata stt townlap
la.tstaltat ta haat- al Jain,. iltaant-
Patterw.n. awl iha hair. of r,ter
)nlaatt urn, wall tit. avant, stant.a, on thr htlt at
I h. a ft. Ittf 1. nt alhok. flat tot-alarm. far 11,
p ~, Naa af ntakt, partition nr antantlan and appralatztant
takt rant ....tate. tat In (ha anal writ na,attratt, nt 101 tril
tuna. and plat- atal {Artie,. nn attontl, 11 they think pritp,
CARTER rI'ItTI.S. :thorn!
„. , ItartlT'a Office. PlUshurelt..lntatary if. 1 , 1 r - lantaw , t ,
I INI ST It.ll'o It 'S N()TlCP.—lostter% of
A.ltnnnatratinn nn fin. ni Catharine tlrltnnii.
gran 11.,1 inc , l.cranacctl. All ,rocri
. ind..l , te , Laill make (maim/lab/pat meal; 'hate hating
claim+ .111 rim...MAI.. mane tor
talc. .lbw h.t.NIIIL Admlnlatranfc.
Allegheny eitY
Public Sale of Real Estate.
IvI s LI. [exposed u. R4ll. hi the
land Match in 'Wilting lu ml r • irn.. " lni n c. or.u ' utt ncl•ltc: , -1 , 1 *1 . .
on North lo Lot. ,f
..rt I.r Jain.. huff thr snub II Nan., fa.
ratt 1./ Jan. , " . refinancing Afti nen.. ~, half
1,11,r leo ramp tr.l 1.1 arutc4
1.,t ,
li ca 4 , •.leanarlwan rued. and 1r alum'un I.^ ,
3, al...ut In a. .4 Ilw
rleamll.Nti.l in a, ari fultlvalton fur farming puriairem, EtIEE.E
nu hail 3. mud land. tu,J t in on) t ono nod • hall
Inun th. reuircd hal! Rawl Cr.,, E 3 l gnintal I.
cam mined hr Air. Jain. 3b1 . ..0n. Nlr.• Ihnlacacc,
a .] Mari Jane 3 1rNtilt, a ninon', alai held 1,1 thew
Al.tena in ~,, •sflt EIVEIII,II3 au undival , ll third
o,,.nrcf And 1• t• he harinic tlt•
and Mr. Iral. ha 11..nlucnc, warrant .1
ntic...A.. l and .111 , 004 hi tin. Irt.lcanr*lN•urt
r.ll tbt. isch.rerl .4 raal Eu 3 ~,,, .
Th. raid Ir.irt • ill rivnllual. 1.
hi.thrt caw 73.73,1
• !
1...4 utt the .11i ..1
cwsl, 11l k. AAI Trrni. .4 tal.. •il
Itit11111(T II P./ID)IAN
FAX E‘'lrfilltS' SAI.E— Notice 1, ,
• lant. 1110 1. 1 11,11. 3 1 e. GI an ecril, 1.1 the Isl,ll.Elt-
E „3”..1 A 11.33.311.311, •111 n. patch.. -al,
thetlllay. nit., Alhalcon, rum Pa. tar
Thut of I, bruari. A . 11 k,
..s, pr, tut- the I.4l,nrinf iir
ll 1.3312 3333 I. elaulninzlEEE Tian, Tantr.lcinir.trlcer.l....,,,l.
Jiily I. the atrir.t, Whlnir and
I! rt....1,4a taro 14,ey Fran,. Dwelling Haan.
nAilaialne Forty al: 100 prtrht.a. traind.rJ In
the ttr..el.. by J. Path,. tot the 'chop) him, Inland ••
c.c, whirl, en.e.h.d a hamar ['table.
Nn enntabilng TtilJtySc.•rtcll4-100 i•ncher bnuccd
rrj 1,, thr. ettret, Al_ an alloy. Az the achar , l Inns. un
• ',kb ir enrcum WU . .. 31 . 01 . 0 '•ebor
bot No- 4. mat/doing Forty El4bt 7 , -1 110 1.0 ,0 ‘4 1 0 , 1.
by Jody W 0 01 . 041.0.0040 Alen, and Dr. Wt 10.40.
TaTtog ankle an. half rsab, the balann.o In 1.. , ENuu , am
wont parineuta. Kith !lacteal. tn nreurnd 7301
bundo nod bourt.gen. 1110`1.1.IMSTKib
baT.b. 3 o l
Rxecnton ofJsmn Ingßo.ol. dr'd,
A/Italaletration no tba We. of ft oo rm., / late et
_ Et. Mar too*ltlo, Allegheny molt, d, ha
L ige d r ay been granted Le the ta .. le he
ale.. all perm= I.lebtalVVVa Mate to wake lat.
needle. Payinsol. and all persons having claim. agahtst
.ail anaL ate ntqueeteel to premeat the same, da l ly they.
heated Sr Lealeeseat. MOANS LIMA.
//Oa St IZakr,lan. Zkl, itia—itavnea
pt. for 11, sNotA Awl
toolowooltat, ..:rt. J.. o'rlork. A. M. For frAirh
11, 1 01:. CI NCI N ATI & ST. LIU' •
flow 1.-ntoor J ADA
tooolAr, or a 1..% A And loth nunliAtA
ot. on . ww. At Ito u.
1, 1 1 EW lit LEA .I'll,. •
I wAntw o r FA PIC ro
A JIIo A o nor Awl ',
.11 LAto.-r-
For (row o I.A. Aoo fel , l-
:!NN --
flow oln . lo o
W: \F:\l'rl 1C 1, t: AN s . Ti„,
.i%1.E<•4.... 4.0 I:* I' I, .. .4.11 1., ... -t-
A.., ,
..ZI it ...itt,III) ~... I.l.ruar, .h.. I , P "'H.,. A
ILI.F--TIo• flue t..,tiorr
It .1 , 111 ttvt-ler val run - -
rt 0,, ro.
, 1••1 In., ntrl }Oda, nt
1 4 1 1 IV ASII V I - t r.-.
I ' )1 II VIAiIW
IPC .Z.INESI lI,LE -Th.. fine _.•
' F:m1.1:1,-,nn.. kus ,
moui unei
h.r or ,0rrar....k..11 on 4,11+1
"inning slowoor - •
lor 111.•14. nliii 1111. no..ltal. port, on TOroleir.
tho • al I /. %I
.I.olt 1,1 n 7 7,
Leal ter Kt tltEll /CI ola
r the e am( atter
11”..11, ite-1..1.1 rot A Al
et Litt , t 1 111, , t•tt ""att , .a127
/R NEI{ Item • T 11.•
,t7,t .L.1,a11,1 -pter it Klta:lt 1L 'II.
tt.! tal. rtne.latte Lert ,fiertl,l. the itett_lll. at
F 411:
nder. xlll .„ t r t Ern,[4,, rLerleay. 1atrar.177114..
...... .
~ t, /
. . .
.1 . .1t itrwttt
1 4 , 1 W IA PI '1: , 1 11,1,E. —1'1:P1.144 1-
B r %.-rmunt_ xlll LX,, 7 14-1
.4 •lA% . 1 11
• r rrpgrl, gal
1 4 1 flt NE IV lilt EA N S--The
g h_ht 41n,
‘r all IL. abn. , trrti
...Itxte ‘1...11• it lis l'..r ..r .nr•
• i• fl , 111.TENBER111 , :lt, 10.
NASII V I 1.1. E. Th.• fast
ttttt on,irEN slkistr.
1 4 1 (11: SI. 1,111 . 15. Th.•
g • F1.1.1.111./..1/.
1,1 ./ NEU T. iN .I,ls f 1 . 4. 11,10.
-/,1•11t1,111/././. •/..,,11., 111.11 , 11. 11, , .
morrnoc. ,1‘11,.” tr/-1/ 1
1./t.nt ,1 ,/..k.
t, r • , r 1 , % 6
14Ni INAS]; V iLLE. •plo•Ti-z,
•ilti fte-.1”1,Ir /1: 1 T I•TrT.
tt, Art,' ,/,/,///nl,lv , // 111,
11,, n.. 1411 1/I,nut. nt 1 , .//. I.wk. A SI.
H., Ir. r 6mrll._
u h rr ,11,11,11,1111,,;=-P,11
1.. I r 101 l 11, Al. r...•,•••• 11.
le r p - rfnranna 11, r 3 , .111ar tn.,. Al, tr., I , rorreef,
Al..•',ad A la, lit.. le, - / 121i-1.1,1,1J al 111
11 1 , 41.1 a, .1 la. Ind . r.•lni lona.
Ira , . • A 1,. , r•al ra , Murata, and
h ,d 11 , 1 ar 1,71. appir on lweitsl
rN.I CI:o71:1I. at!
1,1) ; IZ AN IL
11l lex
14,11r ' ,31 . 1111.1 . 1a11r,131 ',urn
l_ 1. ts.. al” Th and
1 .1 1;. ,,,•1 11 ..„ 1 ;
L., fr . 7 47
I rtn
-1,11n•1• U • or
; s 11..1: 11111.: •,•\(; I • 0 ..r .ci . ,„6
~•••• • • 1,1 1 , • A Intern, a lII .
I. le A 11,1' A.• .1
11E1;1 . 1..11Z 1.11 F.1141(,1, INI..
'l 4
. ' •
DYi; I, L ., P.\ ( . 'E ET Hi l o t
11 - V - 3.11:`,!;:,N. Ad
I I'l
1.i.i . :411 1%1
I NT1:1: \ 4;ENI ENT
1' 1 ,1 1 . 1 5,1'41'; ' •
" „
Itrt t 1 .1 1. 1 511 rr
I• 1
t tti nuha or
afr tair Ow ITRfI fad it IT,
ri Ifor, 1fr...t. , . 0... 1r .1..1 11..., at tiff"
Krt. , 111.4.1.
• •
nr t... 1 11..4 . 44:0w1:, !tow..
1•111-1,11r,It. lii. I.
TRANSPOILTATION LINE 1 , 01: SALE. the 1G11.11...
u•,111%• wn.hlts., to embarg
I.ts , tlwi... two Alm• ”1.1 /.. nirea.l)
.arr% l• yi t,
arrn,.,11,11 it I•ust,••rl.ab
ai•plwatave, t
.3.111 , 4 P.
!11 , N.
„.Z. 1
Orphan's Court Sale
1 pnrsuanee 4.f :tn 1,1114, of the Orphans'
14•Ltrt kllrtlhnly IS. I/I
,t1..10 :WU' 1 , •111 . 1 11..t1-FI. 111 , "( Itl.l,nr•rh.
.1., ~ f 1•••11,:ar, 1.11.1k:4. at
rh• tl.•• ••I•Th wit•
111 ti,., %.,tOrth: ~no.:_ •••ri t - ,n•r••••••• ..trr•••t.
r•••• 1 rts tttttt ha. 1.% the ~,,, • trvltl. h. t. ;oh,.
t•15i..111 4 ..rrri•••l atrl t.r.• •h•r• (mutt.
durllttm loo,••• that ••11••T Ir• , 11.:
1,141.11.; ILI. LI ti1e.4.11)....,1.111t In
Mt .11,l1111t, (II
tr•Lui Irankllli
.1 4 ,4,11 11. lIIi..
k•i1.11”1.11, , •1 • 'll{o,l t •
Military Bounty Land Agency,
s i ;
111 ,1 !MIA 1: I:. II I.
1. 0 1:1 , l , rt.uj r v.letit
I, ' , I, • I.nlngnt. t Innr Ignfl
ff 1.. ff.!, nntnr. g fOnfog.... tafr
n n... ff , f f ff., In go , .<ll, nnollf.
onnyargnvf.l, trifling In pn.nin.f—lgt. A Infra
Inr ..... fffn fled. nnn . rfnl , nd p.frr,l3l:l
fln. If. utft, .ft tonfnffn. llferrnf and 'far - nu
tf , ..ittfr In tin gf.l.lf, . wing, AI. nttlf, inn nr
01.,1,111:41.4. for onl.l land.
rlff.r won g onn.nri f .lnfn Iffeat fnn,nr.. thug
rnslfllng tn Ilnrtn /111 i)I It. 'Mar
Tem,. vt t• mfuln linffnn nn ninth-
{dun.. prod, u MATHEW in,Ey .
CI T71:1Vg:: n w name or yl , lll. r , nt Omrr . ei•uutt. and
Staff. very lacq.. on,ar.itn,
' 1411 ' h. I,
l'ottot notolnr oolloonlioon Imo(' On nolol -aro. A loot,--lootootloor.
II ,nool town. .1 FOOOO oo.ooronoo
gnvot fon, Ina. Ow lan tonoono ootoooon, olontl r,311,11.••• • ',Art
oorenr onnooorinoo ott 00l lo our, ...... <won,
Inro, end ,00roo-ol 1..1 1. on oot awl oolooloto . wont roautuol 1000
ooson.lll, of 0000t000ll000l no A. no In o—tunlnnionont on llso ,
ot, olber on ?moron( • no oo.—
oot ..... oo n o oodol) nub on,
00100.010 tot ozot.o.l• oop.onood 100 o. non , too I III...ono:10
11c .1 l• 11.n11 . - .o• II I.tooo io oonl I.noo , entinr.
1.111 'noon noo vont - neon , . to nil n lo•• no" I, onr lion
.-I.l.lint ..... no to lon or “nineton. lln o .111 lonlo
o 100 am,
;,.7:, ' .. ' ..V1 ' 1.: 1 1..n...+7. ' n ' 0 . t.1 " n7 r t ' 001 ' 1t jorte , ... , nn„
.totto. Ilonl 1 u torn, snot Ln.lononsolde
A lan. awl men.. mule Hull/lug
e t . tn.ale In Ile urea,. euseurhe.,
Ilree Pr , It .iihl •I, tea&
tuleto au all ru.sitlea.
1... I.l.l....Saltauut
lwel atul :till., plain
and ee, hate.illen atol oth,
I 1,11.111. hue All Ilan...tam gentle at N.
ate arraa,..l hoe. awl ueule to good surtmattlite
osl4 4111 W., ler ea...
Me the 1e... Wer kht ell rtriployed.
All leftuteuta ma4e to nd,. au .
anJ full
purettaarra VIII find the Mock at 19 • moot
tl...troblo to, to tele, a rhea? andll,uutiful
illtarl4:Nwttl, DELANKV.
VOLACES wanted and pereone Eupplied 'at
I' ea r" t " ;e 7 ii h, ei "' =`o r rlii.'"ii i rk g; 111 1 7:fg:
b " Nol trad, n. enocinnen, hootler,
.I.croi or
t lnl..,roto W and dr)
:railllgnit of •440=1.1311011y nticni.,l to tut enotPrlae
or lwt,
all*, Mrs* oil laikAo li&14(16 Urn, anti in
frlttigtnee Om, Firth xtr.R. J.m
111111 TE BEANS --Ten barrels prime, for
W. at it tOrkt u tr i l t k a zra a
1,11. 611111.—.....10/11 (110311111
11.11 0./1M
If pa
kGA LEY. WOODWAti.D. & CO., Wiaoh ,
I. Geom., No. Market at. I•htatelphla. apil
1. 111C1101 111111 11111.1.
1) EA LD. RUCK NOR ,C0..C0 Tobacco
llanntia.ion Merchant, No. 41 North Water atmet,
N,.. la North %%harm, Philadelphia. aual
titEItCEIL & ANIEI,O, General Cotnnti,
.1.0 Nlerelinnt, Phibalelphia.a Literal' 11.1raner..
mad. ronahroneenta of Produce reurrally. (.11111:111.1m
uratet n. rotanarray.—......nairut c.
) W. POINDEX'rER & CO., General
• Contritimiiat and Foniantina Merrhantaand Flour
No. Id Market 'arm!. Phliallelph. jr.M
To Southern andliVestern Merchants,
, Th. aisteeeilier rm r enfolly 10,1(.a puhlk attention
eaterarive atm-kof PerrunuTy.eoftpe,Elarlottl.'reana..,
to which ...wen Saver and two tiohlen Itratale hare. •
within the la4t /Pt l ear., hen ananled by the Itaaltute. of
N., Tort. Lketon. and Ihiladelphis. the latter hale¢ the
only itotden aledal...rer awarded for prTfumery either In
Eno,. or in lid, eountry.
14r rat', 11 1 / 1 1111.11,1 1 1 1100111 ear-tn. (Almond. Rom,
sod andomial./ nnirrmll T .knoarledmal to be superior to
, ant aharin a Ca,. In Ohio country. or NOroPe.
01.1,1.1111, r 0 tt So.o—lteautifully trarottent`nt. and
1.111, ntponamotts and emollieut
Snp011II• 1 71.1111x1411111 Ambrogtal Shaving Tablet, .11i1Ita.
r) Shari. Soap.
SI'ILIMMV rOll/, Rooe.llelteflouree. Roo.
quo,. Patotonvel, nom. Fleateng.
trxeeepeenent, Wire I lei. 1% I.Leeer. Atoll eitteoneleue.
Raluee, re. rut 114.‘0x....cre.-I:e.e. Jamb, Roy:
queet e'nneline, eleennoune. Jen, Lind. Slieueoeolin.Jerk.
agt.nii:t. Cetned.llr. ISu a 4 ldl moor 01l elillooent peerfuento.
Too., IV ATM,— Fil.11.1• IV Orr. Rau elo eellotto,
Flow, Woteer, onel oneut urirty of C01.....111,1 wed Lave.-
lrr t, ette.n
e non. one 111. 11•14—tirnniu” fetrors'Oil, Außtjue•
trel, Roodoelloo., roo Luetrolee. old., (1.11..4
rem. liner lee... 11,04 aeleel In poodor. and Pleilooupte, ILlri
~,,, w al J.., lona Poin.le..
l e eteonaorne...-I.loonir Raw. Tooth
Deollelle.e. Wealth, Toe e11e1.4,1.4 Tooth
r 4
~lr Ceoure.,- o,,toldee , 1‘14,131. Ammon., for
0.4.1 I:ream-41e Perm. 141.
leeelealolorl Potedeere.. for meteeevino nelorlfuouee h o lm. Poirl
Ponder. I osetie:ro Victoria
11 ,r
grval. variets of
artl.... utaroo.rotaila low tutaa....l m. thin nelverilooe
The milerri), Imm^ to maintain Om trnutation
this eetabllrlinieut ornuiretl. 4
thrNoing or .othing
m. article, antl Ite harm, furnirti
t. let oiar to tearoom. him. either arlottrmle .cartalL e thr mir ertabli.luitent U. Unitett
ttmetr7or to and runner Direetor t,r . the Laboratory of
y-11 i LI% ,Ito IthittLL,
p„ ,r
ru., i.l fur rale byll4 wsnuts4,-
ail the prinripal
Drumm.. in iliennintrY• '
11. MOORF: (0., 122 BRI.OW
'EM VOILA. Ihre In Al ore and am rreelving one
rtz.-1e of a-,
nbirli they offer tr. b u t rrt at extrrturly 03%01
.IPor,ont far C. , 1:11: erne.k.nG to Tart ,
• •
• -
In,. No.: to :. 1-,dirs' and 511aaa Bonnet and Sash
Inn. rat N.. Itn slain =ma dm. W. 041 do Tar
-1,1 nt.n, sh.ann•atd, asters/ and ennird Non
not.dkc iadt riAl..nK full isncrtnn•td velvet do:
1.1n.k and cad ~,,, I crap., •rai.• Us., asShss•
tins.. and I:suarils lace. nnifiria: Itnasta. Mr fah,
•-rtulp..l sada... As
wwww aml Unnhwolmal In lam an
l mr I
/. www n n frin •llewwriVinut.
hmk. r, uis, nin u i . al
jamn .1 nt
!dam• lane. neMes plain silk eravols-. ' 7..5 ' 1. C.
DRY Goons.
Pliniesee, Salim , and India alike, ilk button..
In oreat varlet.. Aloerine triaringnim
Irina., oil sill.. Inn a cambric.. laror v. - fitment kll
aliivi....wwing cloven awl mitt, .lohair do inn Bide
1110.1 .ilk ilic Ladle, fancy rraroto. love Tell, 'Work
and onion. and Ilore,pone Inlet; exribrnictii
iirodninil plain linen. la,. and ionnbrie eninplete
a...0r . of hook , and comline inaerlinoa and
.10 dm..., eanira. rollart. culla, oana. &el nn in Ma-
Orion and .wnia naval.. •
. .
T1.n.a..1. mat...fond V.lenewnnea.edging.% financing...and
all wraith. plain anal rtnlal rotten, and eilk 1ama..1.11, and ....Inn 1
O.r dreee...a, eat., are enlentlid name,
mod lam. sail , . Mark .11k J Moh.. ttimmina lama.
d I neee an of th , ahnoe orentio am entirely new.
and the nehmt In them arket. and we wanl.l re
mane r an tonunne theca
liftc; . A l WlVaP,?= :
Superior Black Writing and Copying Ink
E DIRE INK, SS N . . street,
fj Vork
quar, .I.d f-tu. per drta...... -Pl rd
tp thu draught. dad- ...111 , rout,
e Nu anauutartgurd.
Lle lel IN. Oh—sod stll nod r•d-real., 111001 d.
dor-u. and . all lb.- qle
Uaqes requ
tar the quell. aid ad-
I la. wri• r furtarli trealr
tkrir.-.. up - v..,r. aud dlltrrt,l Ail' part
Lrar art. r hal %Ira at irtt
T I I }:r r p~ r l: l:
1 1.. N. Y..rk
NitEn ,TATE,
W 11 4 ESA L 1 1. 41 1'111N.; WAREIIOUSF.
'Jnr/ 2:04. Pear/ St.. N. /"&ri.
11.1 r tst, YIIII I tilf,`, ••••041111[AT ”r
:tutu—. .130..1 All Slazkets. In Lila
A7ll. 'llll,l, mai I.IIA %1 wt. kat,' au vital....
..rat . . auanufartatira of till.
1•1...1 asai 't.l 11.1 I)'' flat world. •
Plana ..a.i Fatl. ..... t.l
tu taail t I.m 1. fall tt,
ait A Nl*.iltU A
A.. Pi 5a4.1,1 -wet, N-' 1".”.1, •
tk I N t
, EAt tt:ts,
.T.t, 1...14•1..1•11 gull. I._ ~1 1, 1 4111 k. Of
pl.witig mu& 11.111ftcs
4.1 • 3: tor 11, and .31^,111V4
Frbalete.. Kiispv'o
1.r...1 . uite Co+. NI tlkt.r.!!lndlirr:kritinfi, fte.l4+,
it t
'Brat FinatJ,
I,Wr. Ewa trigg . {.4l..urrtwf,Witlng.Tenitr.n.
I. lir linekrt, dr. Art irientit,
trio 'lron. tirdrr • rs 17
~'MI RES: TIT CF7 i. TUBES--The midersignrd
bate rervitig rgeriul pennireginn inn,, nod ogre 1,, di.
ii nniiiminkation ith Use Itinuluninun I,tTENT. LA I'
VON 1 . 111:1 Ctit11,4,4 V rot,. id tririr
oltrorwillnigt wad inners°, 11111.1 and 1 LISA- in
r .111nn unw .
ring., 171.. re Tube, ere ...I Ter,
, E 7 gland and the voianinnt of Eurosii.,
‘11.1 Jot, 1.;1 ' 11 . 1111111 •
. • .
31artin's Lex, tlt I.•on.
isl,llm und 140 Um:harms ynd tfhoons.
Murphy's Self-Se' aling Advertising Ravel- .
Des ,
V °
I). 263 MA DISI_PS St.. NEW "Y()ltN..
. : . 1 3 fn *we thu n
7 Wlll t
poblor. Th.
ur of Owe, Inkusus,A torn oho timer . n.•••• 1 rs thr, envelopes.
, hr• rettudly lurrensinu prrof of their excel-
Intlowing our . few of the rea•non for their Swum
I -t tin , thr" plan- urropiu•l hr the meld. L
penny Ms,'
hlu mune. I.u•lnrs, ut•lrcss. rocupicuously
In.sutifoill, rnthouunt; robot or plain. thus alford l U4
strunt, rtzsln•t fraud.
. .
11.• metted .01=1 bring de.
rte.., d.
.1.1. N. ither av nor secs aye rushed l therm
4th. pun Us. t0...turd...4 . -n letter. the a w lstuurunits'
imnushate n.ntro to the sender, inelead of helps: huris.l
to the !Tend Letter tulle...
The FolV.-lotu.sSre. at almost the oar.
pre , . , pinin ores
.th Earl.mailed I. a most off...dive advertise...l.
entre to at...nett,. Mt1e11.,13 of all through lobo, hand. It
" rdr ' f ' r:iloadott I.list of prim.. fur Me, tatitTays4 on
bras.. mud which slit a,
lAA. for rear., and E ' srzinrs, of
dhe dee i h.
uutue. adota. bun. of yona awl
vrttl. addrees.
Prysu ..r ,Pness seeds as
letter. or . . ... 5.1.00
.4. to 100 . . 15.00
IP net n.enient to tvwvel . ~,,, of order
v.ael er a re eta New York
will he All Vo t e r
will meet wish prompt
11/IP I III.III. it aqreveviL VVal
la.liven New York.
Oelet , will 1...M1. I,' prompt!). it itt the afore.
..5 011..1 91. tkall .treet.., of Meeere 11.
derollumn A Pr, Iv, (1 Illigra k
N. It —lemitir” Cahlv. in Iran .alt.e
9111.11 , per thenvand • ne.rv.rm
Professor A. C. Barry's Tricopherons.
d :q}:RICATF:I) CO3l Plir NI). infallil , l , .
r• 11,011, 111 T hoorating. nod leautif,ink the hair.
n.tooting the peon. dmalruf. and nil sr, of the emir.
at..l coring eruption• on the akin. dietawee of the
11111•11 awl Inkreennenta. and n-lining rut, hour
open., ve_ With thl. preparation "there iv no rush
wont fail.'' The M ',erns!. tn Atnetim. medical men
of th. hmlann renitware. preuelnevet ourene of all preen.
vione. nd. huller who have need it for year% in their dm.-
..a and admit it with one aremd. that for
mpat.. vigor. a-inee, lusuriariee. and rod to the hair.
eradkatlng scurf and dandruff; healing around. entimt
tha t
vends...ugs, av- mut' Welling 'warn of
the ekite. the gland, and the nanfielea 11 has no equal
aneTng the multitUde n 1 enotuminde edterlleed to, the pub
hr 1 , 11111... r turgi in pelt ate tone. , lueheaptires sevell
Mriallan.r . • Tea... Theron. to nurtvalkvl. ibe Int.
nve cavh
of the artiele, bate enahled the Inventor
to .lenply it at rent. ter tvalle. Which I. front 50 to Hai
I c-V,:. - zf.„%ilLitt'nt'Ati:
I„, elm the valuable derertmus Ibr the elat
ion and prevervanove of nattuveo. chowen ornantelat. in
in whieh het.. Loeneloned. la alone wurththe money.
The of lats-een the membrarwo whielheLnetltute the
-kin and liar. winch draw• Ira eumtennnee from this
too lr ..nv e i o n...,te very ch.n. All of the hair mei.
gonate en the, hen rd the to ad If the pores of the twain
AZ; Jo d vireo.
eith awl note. to the Glows. the retch. Is
veort..ineelvoll-vieeelding ael the base. grateneoe &pares,
and lwhoe-e of lidamente.
to entire butane., Mew
ete. , may le Stimulate the 'kin to healthful artkat
e t,. •A.• the torpid twas. nvoralring.their
...Wet,. • ahnddlah. the eleven.. In all alrectlono of the
.l.ete. awl .1 the outetrata of mnewlev iulevultuvutaatbe
hrewee, awl the etteet an. the name. It la upon the 'kin
1.. 1.1111 , 111 11.1 the 11 111 ./T. that the
he. it+ etvatfie aelloo. nod lu all all. , l;oUn. and Injury ed
the, organ, it le a entera. Mardi. .
eold In large todlim. prin.= tante. at the prineiPal of .
flee. Ilnalwar. New Yore, tuarl?). the principal mach.
ants and druggiate threntehout the United Stat. ami Case
1:10 COFFEE.-- , 011 ThUrSday
1/1.1..0. LID F. tirnlrr. At 11 o'clork. at Ow Wareho.....,
I l Litnell'g UAW. IfiLllimar,.. 7.:11 halo , IL , '” Rh' " l " .
41 . 1 ! , An/Pg mllll. prrviKl and 11.-
ALAILANAT 411gy Left, tIA. lb, ti HARKIN). .
D. SIIIIRTZ . E CO., kecr conxCtntly
. 17 " TVI Iklt'Ttt trb”lcJe, Cllll~ti, 0.11 Axle
• 2,001 hrlg m.. 1. x stRl . 3 3KrkfrAL WO biro And AIN
IL A uwl
No. : 1 10 . DreaA•41 Wharf.
UST ItkEIVEDADer steamer poeahmt . ta,4,
ti r boxes SKIN ROLL3/4310M04At...
NBRIES-3 bets fresh" RoU Butter;
bas Eng._
65 ma* mrusdi Cam Mod:
- -
brts Rye Y 1
Dried oink. eW Pe•dom
614" 41.1 for ale by .lan J. D. WALLASt CU,.
FAVID C. zittornEy at Li w
laCranotuarr Lodi,.
ft...mica/ow Mir ara.nrd.
.011 N 11. RAN 'IN, 'Attorney Coup:
oitY , edior at LA, and CosumLennir an Wade nIV
t to of
011.1.'=.1;,,Zth eat:ratta
,4111:x. 311.1ndh...0 1 11es.9ur, John E. Corinth:N.lN a
:renal.'. Co. analtly
I & J. TAitlrlS, COMAIIIKiiOII Blereb
vv. ant, Nn. St 014 -.erne A_ New °Anon. area re.
VIn "' :;
Dutx.l A Cr... I.
ell, ht....lnry. J. Fzend. DO
rob. A Co.. Ler,. bell, J. J. Durand. tkanan, A. de Mord.
run. A. L. 111..i11e. A. to Mandor, Jmn Lnain. Zr., to;
al, A
J.rwl., Itlord.A x Ned and Whit.. Wham ot.ka
t...1,,n‘l ant, t hy John annual Lk
nide. Cbaropnn. It o. i et nowt Bunrundr Curt. fet:rr
4eUn ClurG.,len Corm.
der art.
'RE, Wholesale and Re-.
r u.m %lad Thlzd skiwtvg, ttn
ale by
ayinuttnaE a INOillitAliC
S 111 iA R A MOLT ES- 7 3d iihdm Su
.L. by ' 1.19 RWlLlMtralt
WINDOW , : s i l LA , ~ -L'-iltvo lux ay e,' .i.,,,, ,
. :stlj. kb " h ' - " n ' '''''' iiiiruircututt .t IMIIIRAII
i g iLuE- -Twenty hurrt•ls just retrived. awl
VI fi.r..ti.• tou by the It. N. ILIKEAZIIAAVS.
salt Co, of Woul Je 2.1.6 dm •
1500 LISS. CANARY SEED reeeiTett
and for,tdaal S. N. It ICKAIRMIA).IIA,
Jai* . Car. nt Waal & Slth .t. ,
di INsEN(I AND BEESWAX.—_3 bags ,
II uu,..u. gr
I mat Bevaa.l; now lauding fn. akar.? ,_
Ttatattat, for /Pin bY
.. .
Itt I dAI AII DIA hiti A tAI.. Water tt Front 1A
`IA N . NEt '7l..—Tw
.ANNERS' OlL—Twenty has Bank ,Oil,.
it is ...dom., 4.r .ale I, deli/ kR. nom.
11/1 tiLASSES.-38 'brio new, in store; foe
•Iy I nal,. I, dolt,
1 A it.D., l -14' brls No. 1, now landing, for
'4l IV d.lit DIVKXY CO..
IL!! I T7lpegit
~ nud f
.IAR g4
X tor by 1 ,.11 BRAUN a RIOTER:
f i NftENCII lIROA I)CLoTIIS.-qtfur_p_hy &
hurrhhohl have 'ash hpr.tml a lyexh Pupply th.
rarion, quallt. 4.1" ltke abuve LochatitoK•bilek
,•1•1 tine. Abo, French Dte,klui and Cassuoem,
Llaelsu.l 131. k how v.stiss. at Ten 7 lot
for • tools •
111 0 LI. li - unix—Ten brls' • Roll Batter
1 1i rmrivnl ars.l li.r AO* by
g 116 A 12: 4 -111 ty thounand Cipre ceiyed'
It 1 •ule I.r dt I.).IIARDAU4/1 -
) 1 ., 1 , ... , L 1F , : ; . _1, 1 , 7: - Tiki , rtT i mpip . Vfl l e i a A l i dt!r i e .
FLOU R hundred ),rIA Extra Fa:rally'
rnd F. Finur.rred received and ex We kt
II EA Vl' "" spa w. lUMBAuGH.
A prim, mnalatine,f Ora,llnwlnSr. Drab.
ana Gray RI: mkt!". and Clntbie
iled and Crib lilanteta., whkh we are anthorlml to elesi et
mlot-srl pry.", will be on favorable Irma by
Jai I
• ,
I,IAA SSE:S-I'llly brls new crop for sole
ALERTUS.-5 tons Solemn's. in brls and
too, tor , •nl ..ian • ROBERT DALULL 0).
LEAF LARD.—Leaf Lard in brim and kegs
forty 000K= DALTFLL h 01..
3. 0
I7GAR.—IS hbda primeN.Oilearis Sugar,
k 7 In rtmr and foe male by RIMIEST DALZKLI. A C u . Jan ' uantr !cwt. •
ISII Fifteen drum, G. B. Codfish;
brla Sn. 20 id. !in. I Leta Tlatg 10 rt.
No. 1 Sluk, nl. to .tar.. and for ante by
ial 1 JOIIN lovrr Jr CO
111EESE--19S lm Cream Cheeea in store
and r o c .ale JASUF-9 DALTM-L,
1.11 No6V tram mart
1)I Oa hair do,t, Vouud Ilyain and Rook Tem. ,
35 mat, hom, do.. do. Imp. sad Gun Powder.
.20 Lam, 11‘...114 Robinam S.
10 do P. ItohlaPou k Ca. L'it and I'm du.
ak Cat.iii,9 tio Tobacco. •
10 hose, Ilin• and Itarwoorel
If, rat.' JnmOP Thompam Jr, ldoldeu Leaf di
t Lump. iu ..uur and tor by
. .
g ILUE—Thenty five Loads for ,ale by
I J. KIM , it (0, No. 41Woo.trt.
d ILASS PAPER—Five bandied reams of
I, •
.1111 .
I. J. 1 ,10 , e (1,. N,,.,11Weal 4. • ,
I.4 l )l ' l ' lNEl"r.S.—Aturphy F. - , Burch-
rid 1. , .re n . .. 11,1 a lot of /11111/bl4. Fancy Mixed "
t,.. t.. 1, K.,. ........ ed., 1 . und l'lnin Ca...Amen,' I
1.1 ~... i ai”.l, • 11.111,.. ~..-itnt.- p v, klutusky Jestag, Black. ,
1.1.1., t ..I‘..G. .Ir.. •it• north ex...t n , lller of Faurll. and
111 A ISINS--I tr.. hundred and tit ty boxes and
tit AIN I. mi L , .e•- t....ired and Gs *ale b..
Imll. , llttliWN a takERAT(II(( .
SI .1 LN It AT US--\ conks No.l Sal?ranis;
JIG bLL, J(,.1.
in .... and f.. ,Al.. 1, JA111,9 DALZELL.
WO i ' 10 Water street
I) I.Oll\lS- -One I.ll.ndrr4l ton , . Teni,eltei, I
111 111..111- ~ 1.... Tonne,. Slab, zmitlnv fmn Mem-
..........1,...1 G. ,K 1,.. by JAM t'rl 11AL.7.1ILL,
iii . No. vii IValt r rtreeL
11/ IN DO t :Sire holidred boxes
I 3OTASH.- In.ko ,Potat.h , just received,
4.1 r, I, uti ILI/11KRT bALZTILL A CA).
71~RESH ROLL BUTTEII-20 iuet reo'd
'417 3. it. cAl:razz
moan lot for Baló by
Jal7 . J. B. CA SPIT.LD
HEEP I'EL Gar bale ,r sale b
e y
; R.—'Flrrntr hlois new Supar on hand
17 and .nit. 1 ,, inl. 10. WY t KIIMPATRICK
fas W. If. Grant's;
t.. bi. 1;7. A Willisna:
I:.t.a ..
Mr:1.10, 11.11(;:anni;
• do on hand and
an:a/a or Jain InuoWn
I Alt hundred kegKowitne new Laid
lentot ,gym for lo
S U N 111: I k:S--- Ten las S. 'l'nleutfris_Coeod;
• e , ieen, ‘ " d " ftr? '" 'tUrd
99111 E BEST (IF WINES AND Ilsssoix.%
'rtlsl.le r nuolonnol purrorro, elort)r Go hand And
for oAlr 1101:ItIS
VlAlBlt—Three hundred barrels just ree'tl
Ipl 111111131t1I1JE INfllllA3l,
No. Ild-Walor sr.
I lAVAN A SUGAB--Twenty boxes White
' •
No. stow
{..; PUTS'. Ca via, Pimento, Pepper, Cloves,
Nutimegq. fur val.. IMA I A II ItICICKY it CO. •
Wahl. A Front U.
tl. .I{—Li l .r g l u:l l ; asale by
l a r v 1 k
A Illl—Sixty i Lrls Nu. I in ebire and for sale
br rra3 nichnic Irroonds.
lIIREASForty fire brie in otore, for !ode
ti E
crater land Front stn.
111 ROOMS—One hundred dozen for IWO by
PRI:IL , IRIV01:111'S Tra t‘torr. mat ride of th•
onl flaromd Teas at 141 team fal. panad.
The liner q uail... et 75 d.. do
Extre aupriflue at fl (0 In
Oldr4Juntr F I .cople that we BLACK TEA. 1001111114ot.
Nil their palate exactly. The, kind...l Team are Metre
direct ler. Enaland. and ther cannot be btataht at sr*
other .rsre In triit.huczb.
by the own or rhnlealle, fn. ,ale hv
al.l 310114t1S .4 HAWORTH.
ti.REEN APPLES—Twenty brbl.'PipPirts,
k,M fur oale by S. F. TON 130PiIII:IIFT co.
L! A L310N, , -5 brlrt Salmon. NO. 1, in store
oak. Ny • .iwa ROBERT DAL7.EW, &
1- 0410N- 1 -'2l . bah, far gale by,
1.-3t.kik bleE ES & {Skirt:. k Pita q.
F=.. , F1 , 1 stud for 54e by
IL. F- Wbole,alr..A.m.ut.
I'llllEl/ 111 urr—. , ,o brls Dried Applco/1 •
10 do do eioe10;:- for
XI,WU. 11.16ALRY t CO,
"' IX k 23 Wood A.',
UN( 'II ItA ISI NS— DX) 'boxes lireisler
manes. landlny film .trams Devitt Cllatire.,ltr We
lz-li 11")1. It AGAUX A CO
10 LL. 019 rninna 91.lity In atop*id format
Y JOll5l ttlaitt, t W.
F ORKS -51 dos best east steel Hay . For
dna bold 11erono !led dot.
to do, 4 trnanfoi cua otoel Ilanore ?amt.
on con.igortent sod At Faiq •
frOES-130 dot best east-Steel Mee;
don do "tt. Garden Hort
ai.i+_"lguaunt and tor pith by ••
L 7-17IMAN At. SONS.
- PEACH ES--Tbreo bundre4- bushel,: reed
and 6n wl.• b r f oil.l' 1111311. 511111V12._
EVTIIES--75;d05 rain Sevtoes;
, to al. tr. Cradl , *vat.;
lu , e.. Ate otottudval.
tio 01 11'alAr IG Float M.
slat for sal.. tor
igt!YTHE SNEATIIS-42.71d0z bent patent
'1?•‘ '''''''''"`"'"'"'"' L '.'reitlit t t gta k ROSS
NA I 1... , Ti SPIKES-4:!0 keksior rale b
.1. L. tk. MAT ILVAN It ws B.
.YEARL ASH---12 e wits prfiee for . rale 4
All z L. 1. , . VIATEAM.S d 1 , 4).M.1. .
()RANGES ---:J) bantr seet,, to arrive, for
~.k, t ,, . bp.BRIDIIF. k 1N01168.31,
isIS .
114 Mater rt . .
p lITTER-10 bris prime iollAor vale by
1 iii ..27 OlcK k. NireANDLLMS.
sack. prime, for sale by
13 trls extra, for ialeTi
EAD PIPE--Coruill'eCimOrored patent
Lnal Pipe for tivdraoli, ' •
Itirm:aliti,:lguro, .
Cuter:el, Am 6
All plzols Go tuktul and to orylve,lbr .lam by
ALI:XANDER'IIi/Itiosel. Walryst.
FLOU 11=145 brl,Lltamsay'a extra
, • eznet,
mem x•Pt deem.. Jas Nelson, (?e..9 urrtz*
-AUL . •
.. I, Lo s nestZ tpdop u f a o ,. r .
OT ASH—S eualmjust reedlbinaleby..
ANET 011-25 brie for ialerS try '
:40 .4?"