The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, February 04, 1851, Image 4

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i" - *Eteratrk
• - •‘Jobn, :lobixt bon become of bit week's paper!"
bunadrod Mrs. C. of bar husband
"Surely, wife, I cannot tell. It Wll3 brought
from the eifle,, I think."
"Tu,. i 7 awn Drought it home on Bacardi,
tmt neighbor I- and his wife be
inthera Isidit on the parlor table."
"0, has got the gaper. I remember
now of tohim.'
• "I am!rtry sorry_for, that. '1 think you do
wrong; iitaabawi, in leading the papers before we
itr..e• them. Ile who takes s paper and pays for
it, is.ceitakily entitled to the first perusal of it."
• "Vel kat LC-- asked me to lend him it,
and hoseouid refuse ao kind and obligiura
neighbori ' I am sure he would lend me Me;
if ho took one, and I should-want to borrows?
"Diu't take a paper!" enquire,' Nit,
C., with-tome surprise.
41ity;noi' Ho is, as he , mys, always very fond
',Yes; lhe seems to think himself suable to pay
for a^e"
..m.-3.0:e Ho is certainly as able as we are.—
He r 4 5 .* larger tax; and he i..always
bragt,ing of his snnerior cattle, and—':
'Hush, 'wife! wrong to speak of our neigh
bora' fable-I:behind their backs. - Ito prerideed to i
return the paver to day."
"/ hope he wilL It contains an excellent sto
ry that desire toned."
jire C. was an excellent lady, and probably
Pcmaesred ea liberal feelings so her peace loving
husband; buL the could not belir,ve it to be their
duty tofu:n:3h a. free caper for their more weal
thy, .e.t corotxus neighbor.
had formerly taken apaper, bet think-
in It too exit tadee, and the no small discomt
tnro of his iri - fo and children. Le had ordered its
howocer, dourly loved to .
read, arul had, for' a year or more been in the •
habit of sending'.,Little Je.e" on' the disagreeable
errand of borrowing old papers of his neigh
,. .
Mrs,. C. vatted patiendy during the day, ex
pecting intr. to Lee little Joe coming with the pat
per; but the day
enning,''end no papas came.
The next morning. after breakfast, she was
heard to - aay, -Well, John, tliellapar has not
bseareturticd yet." .
, ".d.11; imiced, suoas neighbor N— has eith
er.ihrgetten hie promise, or is absent from home,'
"I think," she undone& "we had better send
Jamesdewn after it."
"World it not be beet, tdfe, to wait until
afternoon? N— may roturn before that
"As you think heel. " tele the submissive
reply. • •
They waited until nearly dark, but no paper
made its apearance. James, n smart lad 'of ten
yearn, was now instructed to proceed to neighbor
and get the paper. He was very po-
MeV into:mei that it cata lent to It-, the
lila:ciramith, who lived about a mire farther on.
Saniea,:thriviiling to return home teithout it, re
gated, pctwithst:aalz,7 the latencan of the hour.
to continue on to the lalackionith'e.
/t was quite dark . when ha arrived. but he Boon
VIILdD his buAnss Lnoxz, and wa_ informed by
thu,.z. "Halo us got hold of the old,
ugly . .tper, and taro it up." ' "I'll take the frag
ments, e.l.:d.d,dnee, who W. 1 2, for haring nothing
"The fra-Tmcata, egclaimed 3lps. It—
c"Oid Donke the pedlar, came along here to day,
and I told 'era with the paper rags:" •
James some - what dispirited by the mmuccess
fed mission, ,-Ed not IKAng.vary courageous in the
dark, silently beat a homy retreat for home.
where in duu season he arrived and reported the
.reault of his errand. "Ali:" very composedly
remarked Mr. C., •I auppuse Mr: It = naked
neighbor N -- to lend him the paper, and hu
did netlike to deny 'him. We cannot, I think,
justly accale either of doing-wrong ; and one
Paper,' continued he "i 9 of little value."
"You may trout N —'s C. 160 ns you plane,
replied Mrs: C.. "but be assured of one thing."
"What is that!" asked Mr- C., with evident
"Nothing, only neighbor It— will-not
long-be at the inconvenience of troubling peo
ple for old papers."
In about three weeks after this conversaiion,
was informed be the Post libister that
he bad a paper in the office. He was highly
pleased at the announcement, but he eould.not
think who was to very kind as to stud him the
paper. ; - ..ifter many conjectures, ho v erer, he
azimuth' the conclusion that it vras•aome friend
wham he had azeiated in former years
One year hod passed; the paper still continues
to coma and was still ignorant from
whence they came ; but being one day at 'a
hauling' he informed his neighbors of- hie good
fortune, end. expressed' some fears that he should
hare to ' do without npaper soon
.I.:a yen, won't f Bald James C., in a loud i
Sono of. voice; "for =ether sent ore two dollars
for you loot creek."
"Well done, Jirr..T• shouted a. dozen voices,
while a shaultaneenu'roar of laughter ran along
the lino of teamsters,' It., who had, previous to
this anncuncement„heeia. remarkably cheerful
• and,talkstive, became suddenly silent, while a
deep red color, the emblem of shams, mantled
hie brow. This yams good lemon for S
Early the next =writing he went and paid )ire.
C. the four dollars, acknowlegml his error, and
be waa never after Imo= to take less than two,
wieldy papura.—/f ayx-a Farmer.
,205 Y TONatin, ME TWA&
athliag i,t `e.nd Creang out.—A abort man, ma
; Med Toffey Tompkins, with a sallow face, a snuff
Wail; nese, dull gay eyes, it head covered with
altag• hair, caliper leg,. indented breast and
9 6 / 1 11W shoulcicre, appeared yeaterSay before the
.7 'BeCorder, to sustain a charge of assault and bat
tery which he bad made cue Win. Wild
en Wells,' who'Wes aloe present in court Wells
..f via' on tilde,atbletiefellow, with physical 'power
enough to pulverizp into ininitethuld atone, poor
- .- TOttlidna; and the groat anxiety of the byetend- ,
L ain seemed to be,: what could have induced a fel
' .: low ells elephantine proportions to run foul of
Tpittpltina, -who, compared -w i th him, 'was a mere
hurls= animalemlze. This, however, the sequel
will explain.. - .-i ' ! '
!'Well," laid.t4o Recorder, the case having
been called en by - the.clerk. -Mr. Tompkins,
Toney Tompkins', ' chares you wail having coal.
, witted on his-p4son a most Viacka and unpre
voiced's-vault:old batter;."
‘ - ~,_,_"14421rak,.,.'.1" raid Wells, in.a tone of uston
, ssrfeaentr. i'ungtrooktd: I woutd ask your boner,
does the law d educt the term -unprovoked," or
r ix
what limit does it setae . pros ationl Sir," he
KO, .1 have been ilsjffreel na y tenderest part,
illinelielioriby this bandy le^ ad, acissors nosed
frietion.of. humanity, thie , f action a n man,,
this thing of.ebretin and pat es. this tailor!"
"0 then;"exid the Raab r , "Mr. Tompkins,
if I understand you.' aright,as a tailor."
'Tea, your lionor,"-asid/Wells. looking at the
plaintiff with an-indigent scowl, •'ho is a mere
reaker.of d-sierisiLlint be has made a breach in
my domestic happiness, which, it is neeraeas to
add, is,incro difficult to stop than was the Situve
!it-mated lao,-whosu guileful tongue
Can wronga. woman's captive heart— .
That faint from which has sweetly sprung.
. •The-joys it - could alone impart' "
the Recorder, "your lan
guage is more poetieal than plain. • How do you
=aortal° to justify yourself, for having com
soitteethls assault anv. tattery on Mr. Tpmp-
"Ebnply thise," e.adi Welds: I had a lair; b'ut
ales! ..1:11elde and lovely vile. I loved her--she
loved rue—,. clang it, sho didn't; I thought,
howaver,lsha did," nisd here Mr. Wells buried
his peepens ik a. sallul white handkercblet
"Fsouso me, your honor;' said' he, "but--
•There'ts matter in thaw sighe, these profound
. heaves
You must trermlnte; •tie fit we understand them.'
To be brief then, your honor, my wife—oh
Nee INfetria!rtold me that she understood the
making of mrelofeing,.if she hut hod their, cut
out: "This.l employed the plaintiff to do, but—
How Web" tliro men, both in their heade nod
,hearte, •
And there ie falsehood in rill trader and art,'
In clothe', be cut me nut of the
:fail - retinas of my wife tutting into mine. and
trite to the it:nth:tots oi.his trade, cabbaged that
lore of which I was the rightful possemor,
• .01i : the pain of pains.
when the fair ope, wbom oar soul is fond of,
Giver. transport and receives it from another.'"
"Mr. said the Rneorder, 'tif this be'
brovity. I do not Inaciw what yon would fall te
diousnoss or eircoralocution: The only.qiestion
bcforelho court or did you not com
mit tho orsaidt onet battery on Mr.Tonipltint,
with width yint stand,ebarged
did yodr flopor; and before this
court and /al& Heaven, 03411 justify. it.
. .
.1 would Coast's.; with mine; eternal enemy.
To be avenged en-hiro.'."
"mat rat, do, :VI, raid the Recorder;
..1111148 list , s;4 to you with great patience, and
:lad that, r,S .etcad of den3ing the clutrge, - yoti
own it. I shall" then hold you to bail for your
appearancelecfo'rethe /int Diatrict Court."
hlr. Was, in tt torn which told that he was
'reaped to Itls fote,r,iscalited— •
*_"Who t;:trts /Sena to women, or to st'ives .
Ehould never liat4 what he fears to lose;
For ho thativonturOo ell his hopes like me,
On Oaf* p_rossiliti'd a =nail lonilca, •
Um. me, vill•bi tectivad sad eur /do folly."
10 , CONTRACTORS:-,-`.
i Delaware Mutual Safety Insurance Co. I FrAre--50 hrls N. C. Tar for gale by
. ROP 4 2is iiiitor I t -- Iv g .-
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%to I TUE Seri', Itiritlettli lii•cianui I,y the Board ! 1 inls 111:K1111.1DCIE /1-1N1111R.A.71
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nto a to thajrlfth Went uf the dl of I 17 . 17 . 7 T-h• I r Dlroctore..m No. l. 1,7, 1., n o ., t 0.74 7 -01 al thle , I.! LACK TARDY VELVETS of a very ait"
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lo phme of the atmaetone recently dratruyea bf fsre• war, and ready for .1.7tri..... . . jp 1,..ri0r 'Dulls,. for I n lF . car to la. lad t the gore
. 7 -7.7.. Prirpontde will bot received at the alAne of J aro! , ~ Th .; ~„.,, ~,„.. ~,,,. ~,,,,,,, „ ni , ~,,,,,,,. ,
Palater Co.. Llberty meet . until the let day of Mara. ! ~,,,,,,,,, l a 1...t1. „, I,s, ~,,,,a i ffla t ,„ th ., ~,,,,,. u ,,,, '
~, MC ;Plll' A 111 1 11C11 44 7 , 11:1.D.
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„ r , . the Duet Elver Flack Nater Navlaatlon C., , Indwell J. C ig• t ~ .. 1.17111a...0. 7 .:tet.. 1 Coal , . . Or Kit Py R.
' (.71'ornblarT0sn.
___,_____ 3.121.111. ll‘..ah a Pmer . 4 tioiLlteh I 11, . . ).). 00 r 'ELLER,. 7 V... 1 7t..01e agent for Pittsburgh.
--).-- Rartivelebait. 21.{, lii! I.ite o , sas ~........., e-not yr ledlle. 4 1 e 2 . 1
PriiTaiitis for Bituminous Coal , 11170,01 v Jam.. 5 osi 1.,‘7,..,T...„ t, . -- • _
~ . in{ Mo.:
74 n. .. .7.11.,..t. 11. a eon., .I, or) AN4 I' SATINETS 1 : 1111 BklYS' \YEAR.
SEALED PILOPOSALS will be raaviy , '“ a , Bayard .1.. A 5 . 0 1Linioneett .Co • ',,,, . I Morrhy A i1.5re1.f7.1.1 in. ite the sibto.ntlun of thue
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the manufacture a, lobe debt..., at tb... t,,,a7 7.,,,,, ~ t aid, Jon,. A 1...• . il• .. , 11 , ..r A Me , . i!..- •'`-` .' IV hill.- Cosh paid for Wool Is , :
U. 1 4 c , r,:, 44 :tf: ' t 44 4. 4 7 44 1:e 14th of Arr.. Cati:i..• John 1 1 7 . 7 . 41 , 11 , 4 ..• A• 11 • 1... 111., 111 Itl'ilY a LEE. at , 1.101.11, et
C. , orols Lees. ..5 0.1 71..1,0,7 A lodhe 7 .4.
totsr.. tit. in the meth ..1 Mas .
• 1:77.. En 1 Jun: 14...144.4nr4.444.444, It
alluse ' l ' a ' t 011 4 is) 117 4. 1 '4 17 4 t 4 . 44 n. " 17 4 :1 44 . '444444.'4‘444' i ii 4 ., ''
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asa) dr. An to Rust 1 Childs 11. ,t C.. .. _. 5 .o , l llaretta V. ci..o 4.71.1 _ MEltrilY I LEE
th, do September, l. .. . -
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: 1 ) El) FL.k N X ELL:On4 ea"e tot bend and
40.0 do .1.. October.
140 do .1. November. 1 Cope 1% I: _l5 ce.lllooloet.Cmetamta co., .. II 1.1 .al. h. 11URPIIV A LEE.
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Tb .,C " .l ' ''' t 4... " ' "4.h ' c4'.'"'' and wiry,"' . 14 ' 4" ' " ' ' (44s
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Iflrs 171;1 14 not bei ' ,7 4 l7. n u f red at the.. wor 4 lta. oanosl r' ..e for'lrl 4 al Dalarll R. dt C.,, . _vs 11,111 . n. - 0 It 1 , .... ~.... . ' 'III 'h .ii I" 0 LEE.
Dean ll,.no,Pet , ~..rJ .i.el, . ..• a. i
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7eeleht Intruded In the, , ,.cda eannal7 I 17 .. , Joh. 7 •. 0 1,0 74 P...r.a..r; . 0 ' in.t r......i,0t roan nousitmoturem. for rale h,
rtatol. sad if It be uref..i-rtaa to deliver 117 meroure. the , Dal. , II Jen lo no It I{ J.l .t. N. 11.• 01 NI , ~,, Mr 11l 111 . LEV.. '
ttruelt boat:A. l .21.77 , at.. Mebee roll ter oeed. In erne of I 1... eh. 17 ennel. '.. 1 llolier.eon A 1 . 4 1t 7, LL 1 0 1. . , ~.. , ~, , -
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ere of the Grte Wort. referee the to nurrhaee Wt.., , Ettr..onon. ~,t, to ...., ..t , ti Joh.. Aro lIITP.PIIT a LEE.
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oecr lb./Y..7dt.. charge os the emtrartoreany ! FOIL.. )0 II . ~oe...r.entolo A 111....1. ....F.. 1 ' '''••
ot.a ts 17matre ootaoquout 111 . 1 7ueb ta.turo. The 7.e.mosst. , I anner 'Jae , ~I. ~...,,....., ,I .. . 0,, Iit ,i,.ISSES-nftv-livo byte 11.. W crop, per
cti 1..,.,,, i..0,,,,t i,„,,,,,,,,,.., a and . mono.. Fl.,Ler Jac, F.. . .10 n1.1 . -111'.111 it .1 . .111, ~. t: , t , ~„,.., ~,,,,, am , y 0,,,,, b ,
lur. theeneeifird 1,r11771 of de.stery.the 1 LI, el ea.•ll mond. ' ., ,77'“lri , -,;;;:r" ,, -.. , ~, , • I n, ~, - ,.1.. J A 717, lAi7.ELL. c , Wale" et
•., 1 s, Mten 3.) , tr.* ...c,gent the trionthlY.lehveMor . the 1 rr.ut,.. 771 r 1 _ , 11 ' . mt . .. • ..... • .., .
~,, ~f tho.Trueteea. t ...7peate .111 be ea , b. ‘ - ith I ' .7 t' d - -.4oe ''''' ..... .7.. 1.7 .II II 11arn. , ..1 . 1 -; . 0 rglf.ytt.)..C'tt).--"" las 1\ 11 II twist, received
.b t: ,b 7 ,,,,,..1. / a 0 1 . ib r i ,v0.. ,,m,,L,„,..1.,,u
1,7„,,, , , ,.,.. ,, , ,, ,„ ...„ ,. h , ,,r
0 ( 0 .,, , ,, , i
~ .,yi t i„ .., " 1 ,,
~,. ..„ .7 , ,,r a, i 7 11:17 .. 0
....... I l i t : 7 , 1.1 , 1 , a n t e , , ,, , , , I:: 1,, i 1. ,. .. 1 1 ,.. , . I
) 1 , - .0 , 7t. 7 m. , . 011 ‘.. 4 1 ..,1 1 1 , :4 7. 1 1, Z i t . ,
, 3,, , ..:
„ 4, c ,. ,..,
made to .hoo toon the Um oterint7l... ;4'l i s
W „ .. 71i ....,..d.tat,...... Co .. 1 ....
I I.) 11 .7. NI t I ES, \VI Nt.t", liINS, &C.
~ .., --, 7 ....7ln 'Y ..' r ' l. ,"'"""''''' '' We ''''''''''' it "' " 4 ti F . - I Na I J . 1,. , I ) • . loOf to .... etezmar Drawl,. - Pale and Dart."
nll be requ.nol.
JoII): C 011E7401. Engineer. Ilan tr h .,' a. '!.. 41,r.::10'1),,,11.- i ...,' :.. 1 1......1,. a . 4 .0 e..k. do do ^Pale,' Tart.. vial . ..
I 0., .1 ,, .1... and moot .7. lehrated brand.
PllaLlf , xl-Plr, 040 IVestr, Jan, 11, 1101. 'B3)2l7ov:it lloaard .tax re 40 . ,`, 11.7,1, }shrank A 11,f
~, .
I. I• rye Holland oin. - 17.1.11n7 In, hoe and "VIII["
- - Maslen 0 C . .0 1.1 1......1.7 i -
111.,, 40... It . . :, .0 , 11 atorman I. $ ' I. , .. 2 Irl.h and ...nook NluFt Nhlekrf.
Ilsibtalt,{l ,111 .. .511 I , {l I{ nicht John A Co. I 1.1 0.. ,s„ ..I,,,,sera Km,
11.git,Luti. South .Cohi as Teeng 17 in I' . .v. ots l4 111.. N. E. l:, do.
7.401.,11 7e P A lIA DEIII 0. Agent. 111 , 7 1 .u1 . ch I 7. , rael, Port 11 Jae
- -._ i - _.. .1.. 41.‘.1.75a. me.
:to ~.. 7.... et Mala. 7. Wine.
Marine, Fire, and Inland Transportation . -: ,1„ i.„ ,1„ . ~,,
Insurance. , i ,, ~., :bort,. 11 ine. •
~ , , . , ~. 1..7..e I, oira oa t lasoL
. ...... ........... . -.. •
Rut Orru,..Lur:r r utzr, s „
DROPOSALS will be received at this De
© tee lot
the 4tb day ollwa , rw.L far fur..l
- luarap, lot tle• ur) of the Putt &1.. , ..f u,r 1'no”.1
uter 1.. four r..tre flan the first let of April 1.u., %dun
vd,red 1.0 thl• Dup.:anent, of the (Zuni.; dequulyttutu,
M Th. [Mlle of once, !,tote in cireulcer fern, cut 1,
redid Idoek et larder.' atm', and mall,. to Ludt
we e roae adroit of lettere and figura. to den.inte the
unem nnd da, • wttb a thumb OrreW I. keen ouch letters
LZ.1,..n50r..13 pLsee. Lench .tamp. and the letter. centre.
the 00.41, to Le of the tame else a. thole new Mann.
:arturei aril tae. A tu..-ued mahogany handle of the
:ante be eceurely fastenol nold stamp. The
.1.16/01.1nt the year abbreratod . ea to contain but three
.nttore of the tame ease now ure. and tube cut frnto
0114 bitene Of Imrdene.l meet. Fignrea.for the daye of the
infrom Ito imitate, to te matted tardetted
ine:al. and of the elm last aforee.m4
'nth the ow.
.. "Deer'tho
farm of t.L..e non In tan.
eLampe.wlth twat,a denoting the rates of pelage.
end elm liar to tho. now in use.
ALI of the above Mazur to be made of laardeneteteel.
lb, propoealn mu.[ Wet , contain IN(CV11:0 bide for the etr
,nlar stamp, with the months ova &Pace.
Alee , for each ocParat• v.v. containing the 111012(.11. GOO'
totting of three 1a. , .
AL., for each separate Woe for the dare of the month.
Also. for onapiete la. 01,1101 AI. and Eritrea
Alen. ouch separate plece with the eronle" and
Alen. for eant eepantte picre with the figure, deuouns
the Mew of The making of the Illferont oet.
not, however. be Meru to different contract., but the
tfw the who). which is deemei meet favorable to
the I/apartment .11 be excepted. The D<Pnr , ..v. ,^-
rervo, neelf the right to react ail PMDonnia tb the I.* w
is deeninstravagant.
timeline. of the VIL4011" kind. of etaMPe rennin"'
11.,171 la the al,miutment unite of Ohio Department.
,a22,11,:t ' K.. HALL. Poeta...ter General.
Proposals for Chain Cable Iron.
AVT AOl-`re!
IV.l3lll7lo,o%tJutturl 23. lt , M.
EALED PROPOSALS, in duplicate, en
-1.7 dorted Itretemetle for rhetn rnl.le in.: 1.111 he rt
erivetl at this other until teeth of Ilonclay. the 211 A Fettru.
ttry next. Frlttrui.Lung and olrherrihtt at thtt Net, Pant
xt We:tun:ton. Ihettlet of Celuvitttl. Mt the chair rattle
text utehtieneti fo thr tallow - me tattle. Tit •
;;Vi . 2tlF4..e:,
. .. 0,1 51..., .... V.lkie. 1.. u.,..,., the owed taeorabie
' ''''
' 4 I Alt`.ol.o • Co ..
No 1 1 Vourth •treet.
---- T i,,,,,L ~,,,,..i IS}: It INVITES T II E
1.:a% 4 A .1.,11.41 . our-haws end ahem to bi. later sad
,77, rid
44 5-1 De...... re: ats•:. ertl.le. ..I en, n ...I, Merino eu.s
Daum.... Cott ..... - .1 all ........,o4 Price- , ‘•ton•solt/ . 1 1 ... 1 .., kw
.., .13 • V I LAVIN.
St.n. , :1.3 to.
t • - L a ; END '.O OIL.- Vivo 11r1. ri.tivi , 'id, fair et&
Nvelwarelth. la. , re .., .iikis Et: A RARSKst.
I. The Demi of Director+ here thu der deelnnd ...Shod
of 'Lt PER ( Ks T/. nth. on the C. 1 .1 "hwk. ...I el li 'TT Eli. -- Ft" i. Lek and len jure prime roll
OF.I. CENT uo the twnp of the timpeny layette on and I „,....,,, ~„,,...,,, ...... ~., , ,„.
1 , Dr ,- orabor . lor, 1a. , . Ale.. • dividend of TEN bbn ~,,. ~,,,,v , ..,, 0 0 , 0 , 4 ,, ~.
(ENT In Scrip. on the Capital Stork an I Farool Preno.
1 „,e't.ooreifivatail foe •Inch will be ieiind go above N' I I NIOLUSSES.-Fifty brl, 11 , rari‘e,
1 rimerei" , r ,A. al.- , ohm , ri. aBARO CS
Wildam Stull. William Volwell. Jl , J 0.... '• ''` ''" '
- Joseph Seal, 4.14. n Nrwrint. Manuel Y. St.,kee. , D Iry y•s n, „Ai h} E 1., 1 N ,; . _ . 0
~,,o ri ,
All the aforesaid chant cant.. IllgAl CALLA be of the very .E. A, Dr. R 11. Iludon. Jatne4 Trmitnte. • • , i •
beet tplably - of American nu/adore. free from admix- John C. Ds., James C. Mod, .... Illivelo. 1 pun . lead. 14,.... 'A" .....r, 1 ;...t.i . „,” . 1.,1,
tore of 6.relart Ine• nova be hammered from blooms IL Duren, - T. Paulin.. CI.. hellY• ' ICK L
to tough lan. lb. for the links mug. then le rub John 11. Penn., II .h,...„ Iternke, J 1 1.../..... Pure n. -
piled. sod rolled to shout an lob In thicker-T. then r
t he' 8 /Avant. II Shan..Theaan.)llo PE.Ol' II ES -Three liutiiireil tote Just
cot. plied. and rolled to the re,mred slue are/ cot to he •6 G. Lettar, 1e ,,,,,. n. 1 , ..)7 , , , J; : . Hugh Cram. •
. 1.7 , Iv n 1 a.l t. r ... to
muter." lengths Tit. portion for the alisekina. swivel, .
boxes, ant
p i La
all le wroucht under W. hammer to ! . o; LL! Ail MARTIN. Pomblent.
itieg and the,* which will be furtablud to the contractor. I TI:011A , C lIAN 11. Vle. tireiedent (' i ) . 1 - roN FLA NN ELS- 2 - A forth, oixpply
The whole most be delirmelleatraight lengths. free front 1 .14..•grA IT eniei, Fei ern,' 111... ,te ie ,•..1. so. 'nor oleo.. non reed I.
all dews, nasal ends, or leder., or Mher defects. sutuect to I - ... 7 1 • kIVRAIT . 111 IteIIVIELD.
nob Peva. and tett" .14 the - Bureau of Coaatrection.Yali Br the Act itworlsw.M. Mu Gmolutr , the P.. 1 ' . .. ,.
m e t.,..d Repair roar direct ard be in all reaped a to the 1 ring property tt ercin •r , ontitled . • elute , . the Pn`ht. 1 , l'.lbN Cif LE II :•.- '-Fifty fir bundle" French,
end," ntisfactme and approral oft he eammandent of Wei of the hunt uln without ...,telin.3 , * to en, 4
V ~....... Ito. h. ~ ,41 1. ,. . ^. test Leaf, for • vele by
Nara ]f t afaremal. or . will not he nweirtat nor will . Itahlity Al
prvmutm leal ~ .3 .... IlloolAl AKER A Ott 2111..1 .
ny tn. of' the •tild imo be subreeted Went oral peen( un- I The Capital enek and Solwerapin:ll ple,thoi I, ... 1
..-. brig ijoee Pink - . -
teas eatialactom erolenn Is produced to the mid cum.:rued. I lb. Charter for the pat mein /If bee., end the nngge , i , i ,,,,,,,„,
ant that it b. be. n n an ofacturad as hereinhefore remit- I the L. mini am deoLvioil ..• ... 1nv...0il , "i Oii
i ee r ie r of tho Corporste.n. as a fond for toe 1 ono, w• ~. ire 1tn..., sawn,.
' 11... iplantity nwolrol to make one-third of the MP I eerier of the 5.0.A11,4 TIIA• flitui ,11 Aor o pre,......i 1,, 1........., Chrome 1.11. w and Omen.
fare. abed cables toast ho delivered on or befcm. the Scrip. tsarina at. earn.. of ...., .., cent dr...ted 0, 0. 1 : r ...., ', I ~,. J :,‘ I 11.0551.11iL1. aCO
drat day of Jon , rvictn for ...her third of all sand rm , the Inst. - 0 .lii 8t..-kholder.. to, mt., tue.o the 10.0110 I•ERm li i .lAI iN --Triv,t,. 111ine,..., Alfieri
hies or. or twfore the Km day el mi cro next and of earned l`rcuutur.. end Carnal stn. , .
ILo now:oder on or before the thinr-reet of tWeemler l'lllaborah AueneY• It , . II ate , etre. 1 ..,r.. ~..3 I otp..riel t 4 mullion. 1 . ... r *ale hr •
nex rantt..ll. I' 0 1 1 t.111:1 11 4 ...1.1 .1 SI, llooN MAKER 6CO
p„...arie de.imus of Merino to furnish the Paid man
(.b..14 ' l l ' urll ''' 11=11°1 ' b° I ' lA 1° ''''' bk• State Mutual Fire Insurance Company i II : , riSf: N TIA i. t)1 LS.--1 can Oil of SatrAafrar,
um.. ro no. Omar offennare referred to the commandant , • : j , ...a. it, or Lavereler gnu 011 of Ilwmary. I ran
.., nntmandom offuer of the Navy Yard at Wmht.... : Harrisburg, Pa. ' ~,, . t lent.:. 1 es.. thl ..f 11..m0n.d I 1.,* Oil .1 Clor.w.
threslet `` c rew e ln.. . ,e 1 1 y,... taint 1ue........ 0 . toy , . le , ode be
To the na about offer may re cievorital partionlar 1 TIII: very liliornl pull...llllg° extend...l t
h e . ~„ J sCIItINMAKER • CO.
clnawint, and eniatelseeracrirelee or the. run. I tht., Itsv.24 i.e.. , Yoh''' . . th e ...^".' at's' ~, ~, it, tt• T . _ ..
-,lr,,,i':ltnt. of, land ea iron requited will he runtish- n 1 liege One and s'irlir Mitlh.o. of 1., , ,.1.4. dor... the lad , pit.'l•'.-...., .........-. eft lorzon No. I, foe
ed. abet. the coenact is roorand for evreetion. and . three mouth, 1...1l11:1/Aa inning -4e... el the•
• imnetaee ' I ..,,,. i,, I.i" ./ r. 1 .1112.0, MA K Ell .0 CO .
w else nal loon mo.. conform. and confidence of the
'o; , , entile in the +Wets of martaremen,
tome mohnee the quantity required. and the o n a bb.,. in, 1,„.., . ~,, • IARI I 1,1 II- Lard I /il of a iiiiperiiir ipmlitv,
pet ers eg Lgare p.m& and tite sago... amour l of the To rut or nal., no re.... ...t ouzo, of ./ , ellon , 4 ~„,.,,,.,,, 11,1 .01,1 i,... ufl...
dui gisan sod venial too. I and 101 .' 11 tod countre to" , 11, It 1 * I.l '''''' , th ,- ... ' ... to 1- olt II Itl l RI IAOr . It'aterl. Pm. eta.
pproved sureties ono. to the einonsted amount a the n an y a ftp„.,,, a „..,.. , r „,,, or e hrap,........ ,olet,. and'.
,nrart will It rettattml In the roatinve eet fonh in dna Atedrity, Infrrlor to no In-oranor C0111,.. , ' .., At". F. .."...‘ . NI lit, ASS V.S.- -. Tevi i .ity I , no brls prism
[tamest, and to
percent.. In addition wile lietelabolil I (b.odneted . the enutt.,,le and crentl , oaroo- 1 .•.roo ,
rtes the sunning nt rare of
the. as odlateral eccurity for lof Clamtfeation . 1 10 . 1 .... eselmhos •Il .'"" - bd h*lar' l •• .'" -` I" . " '". I' '' '''' """' l. l2.l lA "'r AT ' } . .i ." At ' AN ' • ' . ' 8.(7.4 1. 8 ')
the faithful verformanoe of the ...rect. Ninety per met - I •urintr only • hound amount In nu, ..'henth , 1 1.t.. 1.r.. 1 '' . , _ .• . '
trays i'''rthe N"T
''.ol " ' -3"31 1L"
b 1 '''' l ''."'•• ' 4 I ''''' I '" .. ' °4 'IV UTTEII.-Thirty kogs and 0(0 lot. (Cord,
.ggehington 'within thing d neaten w prewnmhon of ~ alto MI both the bl,l. MAI 51tattm t p 1... 11 lea . ot. .....- I
~,fzy., I n f„pho.,o, anproved by threate.l.l of the mud : e.-...... the el
and aecomna•lathn of I.Ab Inerlod.. , i 100, r pod rweivol sist G., gale hr
,avy Vocal I Ina entitled lbs tn. ured to 0 part,,patt. in the peg!, :liII, I S. DI LIWORTII la eft
reery over most le acertspanied 1.7.0 orirunr no•netY, I Its ureter user ontr. .1 of the lohow le, for,elor. - John
'i I . kr •q iirk N. O. Stortr for cat Iv
:We reiirian,iiiii.v of the .guarantor nr noarnelon .be P. kotherml. A J ...then John It Packer. : T 4,31... ia., . . .-... '''. , . •
wrtthr l in il • •••• ...le. err i.iihr, an 0101 r. , -.... , I , • Av , ... , A Carnet. Intil..r
i .N . I lf . w .r t i c i k i . n itr , l , ... n rt ,, l.l 3 b r,. s k , ,,,, iI o ~-.• Coos. 5 t li,llti ( PATltlc K. 1.4 biter, y at..
•411111 one known Wale 'Duman of Construct, an) that '
, f the offer b• eccepted, the !odder or bidders will. within I A 4 61 LLErf ' , ere., IIC E'W II 01 SI \SIM eirittilll2:lllneta for solo by
'urn days after the n mint of the contract at the ...Men A. A (4mtrea. Actuary I• 1 tl"'_ IIMAy • I a KIRKPATRICK . .
Arignatett. recce. the aloe, cith oast and sullirient , _ -.. . . . , .
- - ---,
a1t..... inreb.n Dm ... 4 be.. noble mes. ogrmobir „to I Branch nitre' 0.0 Wrtern r.nan Ivens.. 51 emlll.h.d.l 1 )11W . I I El'it: I i i• S 1 . .!5 I. rr II AL4
„b, t....rene ayaretherl in hie tellggilvenient. or attach MAT iie itreet- Illiehorgli Penoni deeming Inimen.oe Wllll.l for ; ..„ ft . 1 ,.....„. b. f 'al IDE Al
unlataLvd m the contract. The law of the 10m. a 4000., , u i t i."l wall taa.oo of the Compere . by ni1..., at the oat. , -
.E. 46, forhyla the evreatloa-ation bf all tten.nn not errs... , oeN,ls '
, 110 1.:(1•1 I. HA ) IVIIISKEY.
faoled by end. xnarantli - ' - 5I -4 I. 14.1. 1.....0 liertlfirel VI bed°, In store end for sale
' '"U"b". 'l''''' " . -nd'''''
''''''' I Western Insurance Company of Pittsburgh.,. .. ..;,, , • Jolt N • PARK LK A CO.
g i,,ge, eg,niged, On. they may he dintingulmhed troo. • --.. , .- - . -,
~veer b:men levier, in ceder to 0 ,,,,, a Ltd , ' 1 . - I-. cAPITAL 8300,00 0 . It. NIII.I.ER, in., IL I 01..1:-!-LS.-'2., brim Imegiitr lions. , St.
vened before the day ]day.
I; 1 1 I . .ff orry ..n.l rreetve.l. and for gabby
All Were not made in strict conformity with this ad. ' i . " fr•td..i- - '''''r etA l ,
remise:sent. in every partiallar. will be consktered or ree i in t00)re,. F .1.. : , .1 . 1 'Sleds of rlak... inn s!. Man.. '- ~, l''
ll ' ' l..iltt.h . T habil:Ll. .t 4... Wert, street.
ai r of We Ituresu of Consernetkm. Emu. lah new. we
geennig ndlninel An. gni/110y ten.. -
neat and Repair The person when offer may be accepted A Iron. Insatetthon-mansged , by lerector , von ( 1 II EAS ELA R D - T wen t y brier Grca-rre Lard
1111 be notified and a contract forma
without unlace. known In the contumely, and :who au determined 1.) J n .„,„, , n ,, ~, , ,
tar7delar. promptemb and Itheralitv to ma, ow the char-wt. whieh , ~,, K. kW. 11AR/1AI:611.
am they here meumol, ea offering tLe meet[ r. reetton to 0,.... . . . ..--
.hjrn''unh".l.l7ittllsoWdderte"to"le,'"'reirreteed" the
1"' lle na - v " ; I oho drire .be [neared ' 9113 tI ED PE Aell ES-Three hundred but
'.4304 to 1Th...... the cootratt shall he sent fur execution.- ittheTte . " -11 • M 111 '.... 1, ten. Ent.' l. • 4 . W B " Urr. ‘• X 11,, ',eche.. in tom. s end foe rile car
A., .......e0n,,,, ~, make their hide meordmg to,,te y.,n, I Haltom Jr . IVm 11. Mono., C Monate, [loo IV. 3,1041q1 . . ~ AA k IV. flAßßArall.
nen. mastata J.ll. LATUROP. Newt , Xgent. WM• M• bro.. James lApionoret. George Dare's, .loos M • .2 __ __
..-. i ! Aulev. Alex. Ninek. Thee .. 'cat 1
• funr , cl , <WI, 1 Office, No IQ Water evert lonrehouce of SP... A Co. • KAY L A IID-Pri the Cincinnati Loaflcard
,A pm op .1 Rego for fennlF neeil.. Pod fm mid by
/ hereby a4tece to furnish and °direr at the Navy Yield 'ir deka/ Pittsbutith. 11 M A NlctllA Itti • CO.
. Wasin.. Diebrlet of Colman.. in cordbreult7 with CARPETS.
tc.rma " th " '''''" "L'''' ' " !' '''''' "a" N'' ' Ag'll". ' Delaware Mutual Safety Insurance Comp'y
Tei. . Weather.. of the day of January, teal. 1 I rilli - IRisi.; PLY AND INGRAIN CARPETS.
IL W IleChnock Invites roman...ere to tbe largest neld
1.1.Y.A.121 Its. of them man iron aW. ~,,, 1.... quality 1 oFFICE. NOIITII 120031 OF TliE EX- I ~. 0. ~dodo ea.otment od Mei". I'll rind Marsha carpet"
of American meonfacture, . the rate of- centS per
Ila, arnounting to S---. CIIAN6F., Third .treet. Philadelphia. . et., brought to 11th market. end cheaper than Dor nf the
l'iste I,LCILAVeL-Buthboos. Mercharelbe. and nther ...tern ea,* We hums. all to va II end exanilaa our stock
If my offer be temp.:l,l denim to Ire addressed through ,
, 0 , I.ropertY. In town end eonntry. blau,, rIIAMID. , 1.... 1.1. 10 N.. e. Inure. dreet an I :It Woof e,v ,,.ii,..cLisT , , i
the post other •t -----, tth. ' 1-6 ' rm ' in ' cl 1° 11. "1' 1 i is m ar. by lire. at the rote 11 premium. 'alit
We era.-.:meat -- d ie +gent at --5 c exceed. , ..
1 it last ruaer.-Th'y six.. outon V...... 1. Carina..
Very respectfullY. Jour °Win . .. twer•Mr. i and Frei..., lonian or non under open . ...lel ' 11' I N [IOW II A Ntil NI IS.-W. McClintock
A n
A. ! pollelre. tot the .......nd mar .'lra
V V off., to 11t0t... a idling ti rumba.. • very 1......bewne
To ./. 1.1. LATINO>, ESQ..
:tory Agent- Waddenton, D. C. , true,. Twettant sitos,-rvo.l a no Into, 51. 1 duandee , .1 ,111111. Ibdam, Dant..k.. of the stewed and
transported by II mann.. Rail mad rare. Canal 1..05 and v... vt, le.. . 0.1.1c...1 pnore Cull at the Car. t IVere-
We the undersintred. msident• of -, le the State
, n ,...,,,i n ., ! Suant bn.a , on rivers are' 1at1e...,0 the. nee. 111. rgi term, 1.. ie. \ n et, 3 ,,1 0 11 1 itteet. Pll ll
o hitl -- of ---. h'" be bY errer gl"'"' rded, l - T 1181. 30 a c iri. ai th d. ' iv, - - ...,,,` - ....,T, Initm-rotu-Jove r ch 111......111. Klinend A ii , ipior Jetin Is ' • Old
,• . Eon . ,-.
Wier the'revalre of the contrmi at the tart oflita design.. 1 ,D*,‘..,re.r,„.1e102141...Dr., E 1 i ti ,. . „ • ,..., 10n i n ,, 1 r t, ,, 1;; , ..7 - e , i ...... 8 . n.1 .. 1 . , ..1 . e . 7, , , , , . - The rnmung anusnmenc,
4 rol '' ,...lf ' llu "th ettal "'" n c.s;lVi t ro h rtlar ''a ritt ep. " Vieol:ln ' o u .a " fi U trod ."' ; t, 1,,e_ . .., , n 1 ,w,e. 11 . , 4 .. .,_ • 11 .. . ;:e . ....,1 . . 1 r;
. t.t.. It .. 5 1 ,.. 1 , ... ,1 ,, , T , ,
~. bdne. , i A 'FE,ar::::.bro,,r,kuor... and Blank
with the tart.of the advertisement under wh eni , k/. 1 1: nhl i !,....o• ;.nv . i.g....!.^, ' a."' "' aa.
„. ...t. '„e . t . li e,,, , a is.ts sons tallow. 1 ~ . • , _ ,
hid was made. ~ . IiKIA3. 1111, A - r. 4• ...erg. • erTIII Pen. er ie . . , •ein• 1{ -• II il I.N le ~re,enit, °I/ I.°. ei , ....•
F. . rb,,e...h..11, J . J.,1i , . , ..• %, m 11, I , • '[Len.. . - ' I ..egeee *el. I gr., ‘t el .eli 00 0 0 01 s iot/ Prtntlttr. sod Medi
John Seller. if nt I:, re.dr binds, nits! lons oh ei.iii trtl.-Ie tn the Blank Iltiek.
I hereby neetify that, to the bed of my Santo:lye and i foram., AT Perraer.t.--.1 , T Morns, Iftwlt I'lllx. on, , o ts,s ehona •e, lot, nt tic •holeet ottne. ntst on
belief. the abontramcd truanutore ate to ~.1 and Antio•lirrrr- John T Ingo.
O. If , N.rr Agent 1 I II ILI]. MARTI, Pr..... 141 111. , - C 11,0 '. Tun l're , Maul, boot 1
sett eastioncy trarehtkce. Corner of Market
Tuvalu,. be este:resod -. Proposals fir halo cable iron." I dent Joarra 14' Cos AN. 5 , rr....A . 1
.2M1W".0.)-(''' car "'" e"n4unf , N " " {f .. " r •i^v• L I's.' ' INtettos, titre...tat Bora Binh,. No vos Third et 1. 0
--- - - ----- : Intrah. lic2lttf ] P A MAI/LIDA, Agent . ,
I Franklin Tire Insurance Co. of Pbilad'a, . New Books Just Received.
'I) IJIEC'fOIi.S: Churl. , W. Barrokor, Gorr l i LTON Intl! 'li. E. Taibo - :mil Poet; awettiteio
,t 1 I i ti ,, TTAIRNT.-The a...writ! °Hen , - fo,f ,r2 il , ,- . W. Richank. Tho..7.llart , Mordeens I. Leal, T 01.1... I i 1.1... 1 lot 1.t . e..... ,, n0 ,,, , , .
~,,, ,T,,,..1f =,77.i,= ‘ `,7 ,',..„:7;„71, - z„ . „,,,%, : x4.1, , saner. Adler I.: Itorr, t.ameel Grant. David , Brown
1 1 . 1 . ttT . V ,. : ., ',:'... r r g . ..,,, ~., " 0 „ . . ,',..,,•,...,,...X.i . , ,,, „ 1 - , ;„,m7:
Dv vinare feet of trisl.canteneirt, . the emmer I ' l. '"' R- '"' ' 3R' lTl ' l ' t i .ll. l' ;e ' rr. HAM:KER. Pre.thl r t ' ; ' .. ' l ' l : "r .... ‘ .7;1Z.. ! ... with , reo.its..o of the Sena. NIA Maas
l a 11111':'01
"r 4
11""*.'" '''''''' "' i n'""'",r AL '"' ' c 11 11000001,. ....ocouro r ' F.l 1t.4.1......0.t.1.....1 the 8.1....1 11111,1nan li, In Ma,'
r"L.I- then I..'th 9 ' 1 ` . " 1. h.. 1 0.1 K '`''' Trd. Gigot • 1131110 ' .15 tE , mac, 'oversee"... prr...”,", 1 h.v., AAi A kit.. A1ip,1111..1111.11,.1,11.1./. ludencelow I rot
by a diagonal lieu term. mutherand, then to w southerly . ~-,,,,,,„,, ~,- , ,t- e ' r : ti -•s 1,10 of Prot...wit In 1 eet 1 ~.i e- I'I . I .
direction bounding 40 NUSIII gll4, "!cat fr. 10 niche., and : ~,,,..7,,,,„- --; ,.- , .„ - ,„„ 0 .„, i o "" ,, " , ig i lib ...,.• ~ II " ' -s I la, . N.. a. 111.11 .111.1", ot 11/..lntne Thdand. by John
}infects this rant ni feet- then meats ISt bet to Pleasant I ' -. 4, - .: -, .. --- - i,-....,„."...."',,,,'" 117., ' • tii a °ril r a r -'t
' , moo .a 1, ~,,..on, saloon nith the Dinner
arid. Es.. to the Ohne o
l f heathen. 1 f.... This I hick, ;;tho se - 17,T 0 ,,,,,,,, ~,,, n o . " 1„;,: ' , " „r, j, .."' "' ' ,,,,,,,.. a t........, todoneal aeries. Lt., ..le I.
cat l all ord ' emole protection h. (In. neaured . ' h ' ' ' ' ' ' "... 1. t 1.1 1 .1.1 5,.. ~ 1,11., Ithibling., Soneth at.
on. substant ' r . ,
....e, of th. i.... mi,.....i. and ..0.....b,,, ..4 . 1 n ''''''' .l 1. ". 1"' --1°9.1"' • '''°
j"n l ",i'. l''' '
"ttrd" vntirr.("rio \ I\ `N' RANCE 120311 . ANY
~,,,,,„br,- r 0.,.n anolo, with ~,,,,,..,,,,.,, y b ,. i .,„ IlAisiil AWITAAI I, I, to the A 4 1 .1. of Aya.irt ,I).-w,,, •ss.o.•
tory a sti feet wale 1.0 I. feet .teep, with a 000 ion' 1i.... ' . 1. -,, .., • t I 1,41.1 Coon Capital 84,1 and Surplus Food,
nolinno nabrevaa two glories anti sto star, lose Pine tar, • ;,__•.A...... . 11.017.47. k 41 I ....ate clut . rtered Islff.
10(1 Ir. Seep Kettles. capacity - oath., barb ten Ley ...•••-•• ''`....,_ 94.7 . 24 el l i - 1 I r.., •uot ha. ...... appoletml agent fur Ude old
, 1 . ,',.:,,,',..,,t. „now,. to on need Mr. rayed. Drown.
Tab; a fine cellar under the whale holding. and Tared 1 ,n 1: , -...r , ..--.... ----- . ...., ?
thruhout: In abort, it has ereryconventeure far carrying 1 „'. e , S.. 51,5. - 1 I: , : ' n ' l .... rti. to 1,.. polici , 41 the On. and marine epart
• ~...1 LI ^ ....11. thlornble 1.. r.,.. rte gther reeponsilde can
on 5 eery raten.lre boatman To {xenon, deeintut • Ines. farce - -- .10.0. L ARNOLD.
tjau,ko• a Vorwanting Moue, for the tratuartiue of hod. •
mow wiz. Baltimore area ectemahanna Itallna.l. Ude proper.. ~. • , 1.1.1,14.4. t: -. I lt . '.l . '''';l 4[13 0.11
11 rt. next to Dank of Inttsburnh
[etceteras a doe oPPononits , Inr. ...Peeing onNorth '.'"ea their themOmat...• Perin! a . 1, ....p •.7 ,. .. ,1,,, is; TI: A Nv . rir.3OlDS.-D. M. (Ireene rk C 0., .
o i roo r or ;55 f,.. for the entrance of a take. whs. setood he , . Mad upwards of use Million Your Ilurelro I h0t......,1
~, ,, ,,.o d o r o t ho,.. go kk oosna., h 0.,....., a id, ~ ~,.,,„,..,.., ,
~ ,I ttare L.... by Fin. thereby affording evidett. ,, a the t tt.,...f.o•turer. of Von.. and Lamestle Btraw Goads,
'OnFtektbts.l'''inrl f t' du ff 7.litec .'" Ater Ater uiti r irgTretinges '' '''. ath'
, buldtrrt=teit'rry7;:or well tea
11:7= 1" '"
' r ' Trieny'ker'leollbe"rli7dn'terutb"ealtrin'tenalf""'earien"t'eVif
m . is
111.50. J. 111VIDNKIL COVFIN. Anent. ~- ht purr/mare who buy by the n ......ry..{...,',.?
--- lel./ Office 8. lb corn. r.f . Woof Bull 3.1 at. . • .... :temple. exhibit's' at their store, No. Vie coati
_ ______.
e `'‘'', r NC; - 17,11 . ''LLECTING AN EX
i .. ANCP..COMPriNY, No. 151 Nlarket Street. Newark. IP . 5, ne..-; --, ~, I ,ml, • 1 . tee
iv Loa ltal No 11 all lest, N. 1% Accumulated swot. . J) CLlANtih i,i o , lN u ts l , -- . i..,, ,.. „. 5 0.
, ji 3 0 , 111,L0. t. .. „
"n" "b1'11b" ' III .ra''l'arltr'mr=pg"lg-Ttr'n".l.nre'et; I ' ' 1 ,. ..!r Ve " l l Terl'elties for r lile. Collretio. made ins.' the
[ken lu the above surevoafell letturancatiompanr tho ',hit.. 1 i '4,1,10A1...tin for
tittern. tron a ort all KAMA, Dente
strata being divided among the sestural. . 1 1. s nt.l Note, wad Time hIll• mgranded. ' Jale
des WILLIAM P. JONES, Agent,
i 5 0.141, Yeas odor t. - N DIA 111.1BIBER PASTE. L 4 gross Of that,
• _
CILD RYE WHISREy, . ---- --
ll .uperb ankle for baste and shore, rendering them Ter
al. cater waif. and pllehissee a *en et eioth. TOL '
11 40 bbla pare Rye Whin., o o „.. o w oo d o b o s„.” article Os werrnikd to miner the 'croon,. represented. or
00 bble. Old hloomaphrlkVtrijr;,, i o 0 r r0 ,,, o ok pr the /1101141raftinded. For Pin ansetienne eng 'vela at
lab try LILO , ' JOll-4 Vh115.155. aW. alldllyfood meet . 1./ 0 1 , r . 1 -• k L.1.,P
5.. . x
a a
Jahn IL Mellor, Wocd ruse. hat
at rmatacd• new and aplandld asmertment
of nano , arm open and reach tor sale. den
4,3 Leaflet. ot llmoorr. Gems of )14411dt. •
Catdrset of 31cdem Art••-Amaranth.
r a ictW n . ra r glitetna i lrard lir= ISonlm.
pmiar Samdigy toad.
= l Prosenhig .hgn Albana*.fix.
let =le at the ZDVatiztegnai.
ITIIE Insurance rump:illy ..f North A Inqrien. I la ,t,...,....
...I 'hlia.l.ll , lna-d'hara.rol 1:44 I ap.nd L.AnA , est I.seit , ndil
•antl..r. }d. 1..,1. 51.noldgd, ~,, 11111 1,,..k, I ivntral,, on
Ibis v:t• 110 l `iddidhl AI. , I .1 itib.—'rs, vntv brl, and fifteen kegs toe
di pro,rt, a .v. ry th d dnyd... n . „..novvi ovr nv,d4 lan,. , , n ,.. , SIIRIVIII A 111IlliF.S.
owl nth, r vv....1, dh, r t o inland trie.,...,..• 0
. ..1.1 Ow ,
•va.s. ' : l ( ZULU 1'I; \'S. w,. r m ,, ~,,, ~,, hand “
Arthur O. Cofer. Plc', rivankt. l' Cope. or la,. .t,va ot il, Ivset nold Pons from Ow leadlng
Peanut.: 11' donv, dohn 1.. :...11 ni.nufueb rvs 40 Nvw 1 ort, and mad. ,cpro.i. to opivr.
Li 5.,,,,,, , n ,i,,, g ,,,,, nrd p. 00,,,,,L l .1.. ..v-vsol el. d.l l'enrsll•An.• and Pen'llobler, barer .
.1„1.,„, a m .,,„,,, a ili ,„,„ , A c.,
. h . 1 .., in over. varlol, i l'orennnv Pen Holders: Pearl do.
Sarnwit F. 1,44. .
Franctslkitut A.I ]'r .a.b• a liolv.alv And at sr* York priors.
ramtiel IlbliniA .- .I.Ardo Al.hung. i ,b'-.:: NlOll I IAION.
(lunges Tavlor . . .- 11, E p. onvo .
Ambro...A ;Chao Covrge Ispniwall, ' 1 'l'..N ISO's; 11A.MS.-2 box.e• revived and
Jacob )1. Thvmab deunvv IN Dirknni. . .7 ..r -ale hr dvlx. , 00 AF. 11:111.1N.
8.110,1.1011 u. , IL D kerreo lve•f.
'Mob. the oldvst losuran, Company tv .‘hlrnot..bbtat, • i lt(I NV I;E It )1A NI7. AN ES F:.
and from its high vtadlug. long , X,..r . r1k ,,, . amplr r invt, I ..,,m1 f., .51. , 1, .Ivno
und avoid, all to of au "Lira bararivu. eint . tor. It ,
May be gontidtrvd .011..nnt ..11.1- .....I3to 0 , 3133 G,, ' Nl'l',lL LI ST E R'S 01'
1011-Ll.lll I'..IedSLS, A g i n , I ~
---r --- - 1 ,till I OIL-11;111;4(4m male by
American Life and Health insurance Ca 1 A d .:,, I 'KIPP k rel.
1 31 ( ; I E 0 N .—F 'ft . )* totis Brush Cree k Furnace
.4,9 em Jo. Pittlbt , rgh, 5.211 , 1 , • D. ro iv!. E, 1, 'IA Inn, for Fair II Wall:4lN. UTILE / Co.
DM, 0: Ililli .... •...., .mdlitell al , . 2, , Lilwri. vto,
' , blab.. , vtln In • "
r ''''' ' ' ' '''' ''''' d ' ' '' 44. "'"'"' rl N ' • ibl: dif 'll' N PILIE..--i, bd.. tr.,•11 14111 putter.
oldvdnevi at tin. Mtge. v
— , : I ", . n ~.,..1.,,,,,-.
Delaware Mutual Safety Insurance Co., 1.. x, 1.. t. 11rav1 lippl.v.
Pvavlies. rennvol 1,, •
P CIIAN6E, on Third sz.. I.l.llaElelplos. •
1,.. following Sts.tneLl of thr Arran, id thv l dliti-anv, T ALLOW .—Fiftv 10.1. reeeised and ll.r sale
is published in evmformit, wall a poLisinn of st. 1:1,...1., i d .1 ' •1111101.11 a DAR\ EN
Prrmiums rvandred durln g lt, ' vat. viol., ,b-ud s r As.. ..„ „,. '. . ,
IA:. ' lll /Is i 1'..-- , Inv trilli,and bus just reee.ived
On k1...-lug and 1010041 1.1:1,. , • Al . -lon - s 'll ~., ...nut, .1•111/ 1 1.111.1 .11.1 1 . 11. Ada ky
u. On. ned— ,illtl, Ell a lIILItNE. ,
.'".' ';'., 3 ,. , , 1 . 13,113' , •'33; . .i.t.........,,1.1 , " ,71 ~ ~..a. ••,1,, , , %i ... ~a...,, t ,
t )I,it.ii ..t.t
.. .
-----4-` ,2, t , ( i OTT( 1 \
r.Y :II Lilo. n.. 00 landing front the
3 1- 11.511 luta, tA • n 1 ,
W.,. end / * mut Irt.
Pn.mlutto Awhile 1, V..,
X r, V,r,1.:5t1c,1:
• t
M .
ar, v An:1.13111.d ft, 1.111.!2.
I: urn Prern"c
Thr A.rt...f th. , 00 , 0. 0 % or'
1,..10.11,1, 0,1..0 0,01 8.. , !-
511.0 Unito.l , tou , p.r e-. 111
1.9,0. 0 0
. 3 . 31,00 Philp...reel',
100..b.r.• l'rnn..)l.sum
70 ° l'nlon 11•01 C Tr0n.....0. •
110n-I.onui 20,J 31.•000.rtur.r.
Tao..lWatt (2,0
1.1 Suck a
. enl010) Mut., lurtira.oo
1111 : 12 m g.".?Li.. du.
Rydnore+lo 1.0. I+o.o , a A.,111.1, Ikral I,noloo
.101 IN PARKER k Co/
ikTmFrNT l
.1. H. 111. 1, .4_11;1.
-t. ntw. I.lolnc film, ...ter
at. Front
STLAM 150.11' I r LIF I R Eltra
ml tnr
1:! ., tt•l t
' I ' JAI . II EilS. 1..; klll . k, 11,1 - LATUfing frMil
:: • 1 . V... ' :• : : 4 4 :1
..:. ' -."
' ' ' ' "1 ;: ~
..1i tit DICIaY 2 CO,
Usu... and lin. eta
d 4. liA n
Nti Nus, sIGHT
‘ig At..
'''FIS . POR .- AI . ,E, :tk
yOR SALE—The gubscriber offer forfl
mile hlo Aut. and commodious Brirk Building 17:1
Elltidoethtlru, Maroliall county. V. The alAne
I s
7pmperty In ell raloJlool Fa . a public. bonne. mull has
leen wed G. Out puma.. for neveral yearn. .1t 01003-
awl at the Int at which tlin Dahlman. and Ohio Kahn.'
orikey the od o W.,. and Very near the ,prearnt Irratol
r mle of nald od. The.properl, to In oad onler.` o, h , t 3 G
1.. 6 .0 1 Aahtl kr. wf•11. c.. 11.1., itc. Th 4 Ude urmuertinndble.
ad the 0 . made ea,. Poa..nsion given the 10 lay of
April. Addle., prat paid IV H. WOODLIVIts.,
(' Creek.
Mardian eannly. Vs_ Jan. 17. 1101.-I,lollt-tvoh•
landber offer% for Rent, the Farm MY whirl
nundes. land, addawmit. etnouldtml WO acres, klnut
f..ur hundnal acre. cleared. •ell Improyed. and In • &lab
ytate of culfivation. A 1..,. a lloime and Int in llM:lelLstal
tdani. f .unduly °molded a, a tavern starnl. awl non orrii
r.,ed by Cyril. 1., Connor. Merriman.. and Dr. Miller. Al,
n Farm m Prroton county. Vn. containing dthlacren shunt
arras dared, shish are two Ina Hooper, a Large
I. none Ilan,. and three hutultni !author Apple Trees.—
H ht or ten stack. of May now for sale on mud farm.
light undred bead of t , alutif an) Spanish Mrritto
Sheep. and 40 Mud of Cattle. M. pnratw Kale.
The sulawrin, offer, for Mir. on myth of eye yeani. hl.
, valuable rtuck of. nue Itheen, 'lama five hundred hem) of
which are eve, of mod 'du.. head of wethen. and 1.7.0
bead of hock, amyl from Ilse onek of Prrtrrno and
of °him. Jr.., Edith/nat. of Virginia: ranniel McFarland.
atom. and rainuel Wattersma, Mr. Itrownlee. and Jeyor
krowortlif. of IVaohingtou manly. I's, and earthily. arty.-
. led. for the nor-peer of removingweat.
From the wmeat amount of ram and end bestowed on this
lamb. [ht. oulawriber has no. heritatton car lna it will
crwthare favorably ants any !trek In the Union. Ilay and
I :non ran la. furololoyl until the arm of Apnl. If it will
lett. r oust purchasers.
Germ= Townably. Fayette Co. Pa, M'Clellandtown
J Anna , 2. taf.l—jsit.,itT 4
IJ AND IRON WORF:i,t. .3loaorn‘ua ('macroV
to JodieOf
the Circuit Sulwri.n. court
Of Law aml Cllanenr}otattd county. rendtml lu the qauee
aberoln John Tanwy and other defendant., the timb.e.lgn..
nl rnmmi.loyiero: appointed Ibr the norm., willprie"....l
in .1i at Morgantown. in odd enunty. on the' fourth Mon
day In February. IbM. itwing court day.) all (hat prola.ny
In 31nonligalla en Ir. Virginia. lying and 1.e. , "
Chat Hirer, grnerally known Ob.. Mnragigalla
Work, nod the MSme that wog .N.nveyeql by 'mid dolilT.-
a.y and others to said Evan T. Elllnuit amf other, cannon.
ing about 10.1001 area of tait. whernon am. Rolling 31111.
Fnutalry. Nall Fan o, road Saw %lilt, all dro-
Iv want. power: toa.l ler with thee« ItlaNt tnn
On 11.1. land thrrr It to alalialanra of In .tro. anal
Titular alai lam stne. Thrf. aim, • valuable ' Per,
arloalna Chant Kiva, ladonaina 'to the pna.r”.
Thl. eat., ti
+itunhal for. matottaelorlou
not old) Imo. Out of Wool and Ilottan. taanst Intant/al
lo hrart cd good fanning nod wc.l pawl.; awn.,
:liana h./ miles anal. of 1.11..11rgh. havlta.• any of
watar ~a-rta In tha and water adonmoirataln to
Pittaboralt and allwwharn.
Etnanni I,t4T lions, Vis.. Jan. J. hart.
Mr R. E Dear elir• I will .I.str tr. tuts that it opinnw )our Pill p mrlintir the isvy twid Pill now
in mi. its u LUrcr Pill. and It, nOur
an A
iilLitllicur Mil. It I. very entermeil In imr mint
intinltt at a family LPL soil it fa, wioublithls all nth , v
I rm. Ana Ivan the e
ry l of tnt fr... 11.1. and ro.liner..
I mie. nmset
I . I mu lo Thou , W. ormiunl leiter. but l
nril to istlitith n wee. mom
Ow 1.1... r IMi. nn the Orlsinal. Only Trioe and
iiimonv all nth,. ars amitilsrfisto or haw. ilultatintin
lIITI It. Liver Pillt tire
the ',mum] and mil. true and gen ~,,, laver Pill, and
insi Iv. lied et Sty L. \\...1 wive, sn.l Prossinla gene
Mc two slum aria la-mit.. PP,
ELIA:RS' UV ER PILLS sopa - ~, ,le all
..thorn. Mattel...mai, Vs.. :4,11. LV. —Mr. IL E.
::,l o o t • our populnr tn ail Mi. tc.
cosi vi ~.r. min I. to mi..r.v.h. all -0., e
Lie et sr Antultillisim Pill. . I min. Se..
I Li trews of '.l JAME, A_ LEWIN. •
remllect tom It. E. Seller.' Issur Pill. arethe I
ormtnal and unity tron stri is-utilise Liver aril moo L.
117 pito
n o .J. IIII , ItRAY'S
remmusned all tarn of
Isle. seiditier. ul
o f •
•.31•., • tvi . 01.1 1,1 WI/ (.•111.1 In vi Melt Mastirola mity. avid
maned uult tI mialit to 1.. estal.m.l.
w•iim {di the litaginsia nsw in aetternl
IMlwwllnut Ming Inibl• tt. to form datiarensto wrlticass
um,. in the lestrin effnettinllc run+ bentsloirii without
, „rm.. mur. In nst. Cf./ II e n . ' a
preening ape:tit,. and
. t•vitharlY Menu. , feMnim.
Sir !Nombre, lied h.:stifled that
tille.mntlailuattoon With tim arid tails ill CY, of :rout AMA
sravel. Nsinternellue their itunrintlr L•ndenvt.
when ish,
n. snil Mianal.wie Lndlnl.
Irma Sir Philm Prinintsci. Sun,. Moots. tho
>cam It.. there been and, uniwrrindou. trim... Sir—Ehers two duutv m e t alimmes t a me he
•Itzfli•••••1 Penranan.l.ll6 admlnMsn.l mi sti It iu the Ewan of ri .0-
prevent Pinas Euirt • itailla are elretilated through the lAuti..n than kti for this as, other nano.,
um. uul country, with the enuriumca fl aw.. . I vni uf smiths. lintthe Fluid Magnesia In a very valuable
m mindure ignore. ham, list.
, lirwiditisit stir Matsu:vainness PHILIP CRAM
Mtiv Mr liticht. and Mtwara.
Person. thudrous of Mem:mint; rapid slid slesant penmen. ...Slier-Mos Mat Iswirton... , n,ll ov.mtinewl
will du well to call at MLECANTILE COLL7AVE. Moron, • EP. , toltla tallmuLl urr ref •
In ....unit.. Om , rltatg nf aOm Mat lenmom than Me wilid ;d aint fees Inm the dshiter
who ham hewn tn.queti.l ',Mutton. welt rvlr ,
wv , trl , • nar
It a. PA lIN L. , TOCK CO.
n theme ' , rand., there ham barn allmin , att
Inxt tau or {wet, •I stra. thoiantal doltam. in Me
ararinm of the ntihng Mem, I.legt (unmet , . ttotl
nth, Witting,.
li,, work, am now In tofernhlpgratd nnier. Immediate.
Ir nmn...eleal with the mill, am mine for or Fn. hiathlMal
arma of attprrior fanning ~ m e by or At. m
M gilar
18ron. h, with.sing or eighty dwalnint
*r for dm workman.
The lode will he on • credit tlf one, brq and throe t•ern,
the jutretutrer giving bond with neeunty n• the. nwtinent
of the porchate nun,
Th•• who rimy be ohennited to malt. , Inveettnent•
e•twet • great bargain In the punituto of thin delluthle
proi•rty: and they would do well to esuatino the pretnt•et.
The litiderelqted will tot, 01e0..., In tn e nidonn an} hu
ller dowelidr , n or infointhtiod ttnlels mar I, Iltudr•l Ig
tierot• trultlng
lidorrt ohn•e.
W. T. WILLEY. C..mmenninntrA.
MnWatnlnm, I‘,.—il..IS:•MT
1 m
iimisoN SEWELL, Amon., al. 1.3 W,
ej t,I,N Nor Commi,lnurr tillung
.W1...U..111m1, .1 14,41, W. Iltlin—rtouril, .1..1.
I,VM. M. 31'K.N11:111', tenders I,is
thr of ll...burgh phi' .
rrid Colliwtor av,l Ciitivt7atierr.lle tt *III idienit
to Ow roiliwting and iwriirw...l rl3/111% this and ...both
,,clitng MlllO4 protwiwtr
ot miirtwnl i irs. tout tali, iiwtriirtwili
hf 311 bushier.. In hi. liTit• atriadrit 111 with
' l74: t r n tn - lr. ' Wrarrr. Eitwarlit Camped'. Jr.. P.C.Flan-
IFirt. Lim. John iSlormoti. Wm. Weandlww,Em.,ltro.
Joihiph Wear,. Em.. P.urth w.rwet, we. :lir
---- . . , ............. ........ _ „
iI'ItOTECTIE/N 1 ..'I - Vor It nod 1 hunt arr.
- . •
Fire and Marine Insurance Company.•. „.
Atootel premium'. Capital noel&„and ',en'. Food
1.0 0 0 000, lONTAININi; to, ..‘ierettry. tier other
I fr i tlort. Th•.followlnp Instinuoilal ign. 'riven ht the
e....1.,M,11,, t 1 nnetnr Ite.h, tin. author of the pr.. note
Pr., Wit:. ~t. Fit 0,1 1 . 111 wot.l . r tV. A Ithr. I cal work entitle.l.lT. Armor.) Practice of Sle.heene end
Voullt 11044 . ..• '
TERIf 4 , •
111 tiE01011". V. Acent. 1 a 5a 1 e 1 1 ' ,...,% " ..,. ' .... 7 " tleTl ' l& ' ...v. r . ? ' .. u i . l " l . l ' ; ' ; ' l.: 4 &p i & l P,L h.. .o . , n . ' sT, , i n c&s " " "
!.." 7• Enarth anent. Patuhurgh. & tn,. ore-r.e11.,1 and ustol It at hetecal eseea 411. tat 1. 1 _, 4 au
I punt... I bar. un ',poen... to sat Mg or nertiffi. Nat
Allegheny and Butler Plank Road: ~ ~. ~.,..m. 5,.,...,, ...aitoiniht,,Do Fullwral minter.,
whateser . that ,te Inernhent. nwohinnl . the, an, mal„
F I I IIE'rt , itMod t , ~,,,, t'oo.ioltor. loirol., : 00.. t ....on.. cot t., tY... ~....0t‘....r..n. sto ..00 1t0ttt......
~...,..-,..t,...,...,.., w ., ~,, 0,.. ‘,..,1,..,,‘ ...., ."..,,-.•-••'... 'l . '",' . '''°, , •' . . , ,t.f. ,, " . .r . ••Ct , ^t
Itial, r Prioa. hnadr ..ulna" that en nlnmnia h...t&r , one I -**l ' "*" ''"'“"' ' "'" A "'" ' A. .. .".""'"
1 . ....1e0r Lt.. 11an... and a f rmnonn L. up.l &onllnt., •• I " " rh h " 'I
' '"a
' l" ' h ' ' I ' L P "d ."• "".
om t... t•l4 ta tor 1,..0t of or 1000. in• t.. In "'''' :f * T** l * *' l * l ' * 1 ....** . M:11411 ' La ren* "'
All... Ann! Emmi , .on Thoell& Itu . ...1,1& of P.M...! .. el * * l .. ' rt"" 1 ”..... 1 " 1. ° °***- I. A . I '''' • **h' 4 . .•." , .. 4,-
th,..i...,,,, ~,,,,,,....., al ries , . t eh., • h,
for Ihe teal, helper. .....h..enteele ham..
John ItrAlin. .. t , p ,„ ‘• ~,,,,,,,,. ; rharneter .., On yroprietm ~. 0;0 ...Meer end the • aloe
Jan.l. Alenhltng ,r ~ , .., Im ',no., ohtirn Inc h. - a l tho" moch nosanlloa 07'
tt Ohms Ewm,./..11 •1 tn P 11.0. • N.," V.k. Aprd . ... - J.1.4 1 if Itst.tcri. D.,.
I' rtewnry. * sl 7.imutertrom. - ;
, lire.-- It 1. tun .4 I. 1.-4 thtun' In Ihe 14orhl fur horn,
It Co.rnatoot. %ulna Enr. ' 1m ah - T 1.........., are .....h renal t.. tr.. .hr 2111.1.
I. II I'o, ' u. Brat. It h...,,.... tad& m yair, lief
Md., ;Sept,. i p ,,,, t , p .p., • & i".., rom.s. l' h.q.. sod ail thole ..f ..,..!, h a y n 0 4, 0 ‘.
1' II Ltniar ~,,, ~,,., ; li )t.dln.- eud 5.... lone Ori sato.. to 0.4 of re open
Thouta• Mlilaughho. -lobo Ntoennm.
tin nop. it :invert , I 1...1 sonielum to duretron. tt .0.. role, &,, p ~e r G.
Januar. 1.1 .lat.e...lAria LIT ; '''''''' •
On 1., an. dunctious for nein,: Aleallina,
To the Readers of the Pittsburgh Gazette. ; ‘1 , ; ;;;T:4 . , ;‘..:;,-;;; , :, 1 , -;,- - ,, , ,..‘v, , 4 , ,...z;,-„ , , , , , ..;,- , ..:,-,p..-1,1;, ,,- ,, , 4
3L - IsLlc ATTENTIoN ia resiinetfuliv in- i bronchitis. Norronor ntketp.lo, flame- Iftema.. of 71.• spine.
.I_ sued Y. the follostna truth., set 1,11 ill releeh. Y. ' 11. 11 , ~'',',. .1.1...... , . 11 L'1 ..... .... ''' th` S 4 -111. S''''
tete el the uhel 1114therarst evu04,11.• nf modern Drone l -1 - uni . .°` . 1 ° "el.* . 0 11 . L..' ;*.."*. ia.r....-
rETIO,I.II. Si lit Iltalf. 011- It le ant. more than om. 1 V . .; I ' o, • ....t. l J.e . l. 1 r S oou nwnlie o 11 , Brut... We. ,
tn. a, eon, 11.1, ans. nmonly w. ldsosSt Innlre tee I ''''''' ' ' '' h ' I ''',l",' ' ,......,, * ;;;..t, ~„,,
poldie, Per. ,. n relief and run rot din.... IL. prowl p.m.. •
t o t,,,t. h.. on, to, o , 6,,„ No, ~,i,,,,,,„ ~„.., Tint" a.- tr. Lena... a fled lane bumph,. Int.o-n.
mann.uhlts. `ar4 1r o tn., 0.1. tho inn tole.! ,t o ortotl tlo. • P. 1. ., On° he" 0 . n. o .' ol ° t! 00. ' l 'n 'nob *r 4 F 01 . 1 ' .. . Af
. 0 „. „„.,, ~, &„, ~,,,, ran, ~ „„.,,,, Lima ~,,, ~,„.,,,. ; War..., • %It...alma; hr ..el.l ea... . altn..l e•nrY
,•sly of a &lay, au np for the mle purr.... .4 alung lune,. , te'f' .. . 111 ' I ....*** l * l* '*'"' l " l**.**l.. " . "" I **l**
halt Cher nisi.). 1........1.., wltt ...Jut'. .1...1 t'lnul ; I 'ne I' I **" 'n*.el et ' l° ' l A* I ** 4l r. -r. , ~, .0.-----
all ..ther nostru. hex. 1... n frowed.n. Thn Petruleum I. 1 nJonto rof IL. 0.. n ttord .1 • trun dn... train in the
a ‘ ateral ftennstl.ntahne..l in tho depth" of th• 'ant. 40 .. * 1. .... 1 . 4 ***° llll . l l ... 1 '..... 1- ....' . •'1 nose n°l.
lo • ...wet arsl ....., that lautrb• to ',lent all human ' in' . ....V bato 0 4 _,, ,14, „In' 4 . 4, 1 owm. 1 r can 'l'' no Ittlnr),
realevilthei II . ter .1.41 y, el.. re write ormut a meth.. '*.** l.l ''''' °LA . ." , * •
etm. that an •run tin. truth-Nat we etr ~Nina' calm/. *. °"•* l .*.'” l.l * *° ** l 111*.°1114 * 1.1.1*I***h.. . 1 " A ` r l A. " 1
1....‘ ..,1.,...1.,• 0,.....h. ~.,
irks .r. ru, tande . ''''''`''d ''' tk.l...'''..' I.+. J, N. ha , ..... ' Ar ' in**. !
&ene In or "taunt,. nt. Ilan •re tnt.' .441 tumid. a t , • nntnetahle en In o“f laulnnaunek ti.. Inlos. 111 le. I
tlone Lttnt re , ..... rel.( it,.., 41.m0.. A rhlr, "an ; '''''' .l, -
11 ,..,, n. ,!,. 1 ~ , :,,, . ,;;,h,,,,,, ,, ,i, , ,i, 5 , ,, ,, „ •,-,, , ,..,,, : „^,.- 7 ,-,... ~ 1 : ,.., , ,, ,. .-,,,, , ,-,i.f.,-,,,, , rr t : „._,,. 1:411er a 'i t"..`..- ' l',""i....ti; B `tallni"Lwni" '4 l.'in h L i t ilt "' l ' imp ,
to do this we are mts Imo , nut, Ilast tile truth In 'slitter& 4, ' ' ti.: it
nun , ' of a nuern ism =„ '1 Ir. •hy thn nee of
„.",..„,,,, ,„:,,,,. ~,,. ,„ ~,,,„ ~, ~,.,.„,, i! , r t , . ",,„ tie Vlutnr, 111.1Inallna Pa 1,.., whirl, 1 purnt.rd from
t., 0 „.,, f a ,. ~a , .,.,..,j,, . ~,,,, „,A,. nary„ , t h,. „ a „,.. r t„ ,„,.,t, , , VII I .uffernd will, it rot ...A twentt tear" nul at tught
Ira. Plain utaramrshed faetwo-Carte 0.1 um, 1......... DA ... ...m , 1. , ~ ,,a . ~....* toss Um. 1 ' l-I '. ****.• ;
w h wernpreeeribealluT the 1 pli • tirtans Lod
In ut rltt and nvipl&l.rh , ..l.lear mold. hstunour MI. * * lll * Al * A ' .- ,
rim o
af the IN4mlnum . nth. without rnnielits any nib.! eul at anl
Si ,tho,
of r a g. rw., ... u rn, Vs., of mo. nu . .4, 0 ., Ina , trial of thl• ...aj... w ttl. • ytoult Fa•urable Isynnel as
t. , were totaA) LIMA. Osto i...-1. to.torot to .ighl . 0 o - , """ n • I ",.,..',". " " '" ' " ' r trun 't'... b. '''' ' 7...."` " 1 . i.. !
ono .-,.... of 1.11m1n.... In then tate of 11b. hay. 1..0 ; *I . 41 . 1 * k."*..."...• *r l.l ** . e . '' *le e n' • ... 4 ' . Ist. - ****. I ° .
ennel 4.1. ale., toe men of • gentlntnan in 'barer tempt' . 'wt.^ 0 . 0. Mr tnun .14. and Othrrnmplaitt.. wdh 0.11.
Them ars others tolAlhowe an ear. mar home. and may I harp, ',soh.. lour frlntul. Joust llntnormsi
J. rnlnrred to hr an, perinn• yam luon to n al to' the stity J AVIS McAbbl6TEll
rent Tian. nane4 .ere curt..l Met thely had torn
to , rnle pruminter of (b. above medicine.
ed 10 I.htelmatis so hni . niros. Th.' letrideum trill m.. Principal rithry. , Nn tt• SOTO" Third st. , Philadelphia
when urnd lino In dlnctloso&-Inarrlrra. Ibseutters, 1 1•ILICE TV,L.NIN.FIt I.:CENTS PER 110 A.. ,
plan. Ithromaitem.lo4ll. Nnurntgla. trut.tlon" no its- *lin. ' ' A.A.'. ''' hT - *** ll .. * o -1 ' .1 )'alas took A .c"- corner 4.
l'Oopine no No Nen km ?deo coot. Itinalthria • Trey.'. W.. 1 real Etret "te- 11 n , Janl.... Not 4. 0 1 - O,O Y "trn . tt
snatd 11,.... Patna,. ti.. k m ,. ,,,,,,. „, ..,,,,,, lot . 1.. o 00.... tr.. ruiner of Mark• i. stmt and the
• Inatunna,
IV•t;•. Apun.Channk Conabs Arintna. Urns...hitt, ohd all ' *Dr. •••rnrf or 1,01 . 11 an'''''. ll 4l.4 l , ll .F lA i A . n. 1; **** l • l * ll- '
Pohnnoary ;.n..,:ti,...t ...4,, ,, m, newt,. h-itdins 4, pro. ! 7,..ef,,,':,,,i1 Shunt I ' ,ol * , 51 *. ' l . 1 . 1.111 In. • * ll ' l 'A 'h.*
dun- Cemosmonon torn .&& rmithtel&l "rte., 0;001.0 fnrri nen..zat.
Bur. and ' , cad, dbeanrs of the Madder Lai ii win, ,; , It . ; :.,' , .'4 , L;': '' . ,'','_' i l'.b.l. l 'LL oi r.• '.:-24`,f,1-!•irl.'& l ;;',:u. l =
2 . 41-:: ' it l i. l. ' a ii ;iii. l :i7= ' ,Vitifi ' iZ . ;l. " ,:Ur ti . .s n ' t tin U ::: . = ' L'0. ,,, ,,: n ; i ,n ' t ' . .. l .,";:', 4 ',"'"it . 1 .k;.... 1 ' . ,' . r''.,. ' 1L_ . • M.. -
' in mom nf the sle&ve dump.. wttliin Om mut
c o l vrith ton ' .. 41 . 1 .- .. ..,`,' 11 . ,. & • - -1”"n
- Co.,i oi.l- T. ---,.
us. prrln.t norm.. ljertlflml. tbat will wheand.... In ' nrnw u-run't Jolt, net , ,• 'err , . a- I. 0. nf,Jr.
lhe hands ..1114. pruprwM&r.• In; will ta. pleamos In ellow• ! Fora , ' th bnntlr•Pht 4 F:rein. Il&a . 10. 0 nr. re 11 . ..)_
_ ... .
''. 4.l!=v! ' .:.. i . h .l3.e 'd'i nt ' ; '.4 .r "r re t t hd e r l l e ri ,;, ' l:air at,.,,1.La,.., tha ! 1 E LES II AU EL'S SH A I' . I NG.- l' It E A 1.-
ri-in-ii•iiin 1.; Om areas:not Iteninty of th. ape. PI&N. uman. ! 1111 W Inou. Is the elan art.... 1.... irnt appre - PtaPW fbe 'Usury
of high emretlng In the prob.Orna fus leamolng 1:. her it . of an ear, "losen , If an) thnn. Is we &Intssa ad. n&l
In their I.e.'s., V. 11... who at p. - ..) Innknd on wPh dould , .1...., m them Pot to •J 1 nttarra. an
whit ko,
a t
um-equal:lit . tun s Uinta In awaml It due pr...
I .'me , 0.1.1..,•11.•,tu a ahtuun.. purehan. a Ito. ot .rolot Itanel a
ennaldendion. Ile.bue ...the, ' Full. ru0t..1..11 tilt p. ! Almond Pot.hla.ur Aml.rnald rim.. err.. It lam.
enroderlled to arluowleslfe thin tin 1,0,1,m0 0 thn meat. ; het impundl.l. , In 1104 •ooft , o , too - Otto it. f.7 ,, t00. or •
e.i th.lherte ever Pownrrtwd For . 4 : - .1... whntentlf anal n- ',,.rats--who on.l,...haemp W llll ltnlum 4 / ...R
-lAU. 1., li 1: VSEII IIcISJIVKIA. IEI Whut eh , lifmtt maktluf trial
ad ' On" no. On Ilmt limn. It 14 a nmit.l.
Alen-I F. Follr., NT Wonl atet: I. Al. cturr. 1 , . A ' nation nt amulet-. untraimn. st&fl plesornm s
Eillott. Anenlth Ilongl. Alkgb•of
,l'it .leant.' ilan pro. ! J 1 LEV It 17:1 Pll it NI: eltl-,ANI hs strmslinsly,
~t&rintor. Y il filt.ll. eanal 11. in, Sny,lll. t.u. Pithy ; etnotl., nt. ren&lyrlo: ft] , ettlfect ‘ F,9lo ; Llytu. wirFt.r.: . , ...
..„,. • _ -," 1 . ."121 , : 1 ;;;,-,./.74T;;!':„ . .,.r.'z',":,7,!„'„,rx.... - -;r1,:?; 'I - .
r u .
1 . 11 ; Ilin 111+11101 . Of the MY ;if Jainee , that red MIR 6 , 111 , 4 ..f tbn altelk eltleh '
!, Illaßnly. Adminiftratot do femir wow nr .10/171 it II i &Ann ofo . t•Jos. , ". , .
. tesawel. N. 2. rstblen T. Inn. 1/reiten..l haler .1111th I lalat .. hart.; Croup, Ines fan.
And now, to to 'Janos,. p er 1.1..,” ~,,,,,, aA. 11. On' 0104 ° 4 .1 ..^ 1 i'..".* .I "* l . ** * F*l ' l l ' lll. * *ll ff
)1411 , r. (In It/,n a,...1nt Juper V- llnstr slat. In and. I 0w....0,..0 tt,o .rldo Ip.mnom eliapi.J. .1.1 ty,... who
.41 mhott that arenimi. and Meinhom ito Islam', t nun . ..- . 0 .... nan Al' . 1 .!• • ' ll ""r 0 10 "*" , .b**..
Ily Ito. Cnort. DANIEL Strl . l l lll,V. 111.,. ; Ime .owl .elrautne n M. , ' 4011 In nelsrlatlY a111 044, a
N; doe. I. I.nrrlo. Mr&m., that I " r ot p,,, & „1 ~, p", ~,,,, ' r t , d In it.... wit. , wea r- rw1.1...tu I. tin tut ihat it will noi
Nt& . t Ifth oreni & in tar rat' a Pettelnirgh, nn Ihopho, ; dn 44 o , the Ite."l. * l . ol ' •••• , ..p . • 111 . 1, •,,,•,: • ..umlY
Oar 17th day of Enbrnary mat. at 2 oel.ert, i. s.. fer tle , 11 , ..I` ." , "'"lr . '',' "‘;',.....‘`,:::,,,", 1. .' .1. '''' . ''''
pory...• of my stotointntrnE .1 1, lilt ADV. A mittnr I 'oh*: 11 * * * 1• '" 1 ' .... . I ''''
11 T "I'I'n '' ,l r' t '''
January dleto 1,1.-,nffJa :try . ,chart will, .1.111. h. Iln. tatter ran to of ner Ina
! ealvolao•I to rnml&n! thr nonmtem of
mol will 1. sorer -nth , In all 'Am make trEO of On ni.
• v
art lE> 111 I'Ee.
.ralrenl, end tierint,
I,t h. o
or all,. holehnle and er. I. 11. A. Faltn...mer, A Co o
! anti et E Anlbre Plulotr.te. and Jultn rardmit. And J.
! 111InhelL Alleultrny (Its.
Allegheny County, ss
Aan (Orphans' Court. held at Pittiburgh,
In and rssr munty. on thr sissr !mitts.,
Isrfnrss the linnoralslo 11111ussn 11. 11Clurss. Prossnslessl
Jost,. •nsl li , m. Sornurl Armor-ins,
Thr p.llth, of 1..1,1 1 sring. Adm....num of all suss'
this r rs•Alr, Callsarms• Mssl'astsp, ilmrss.surssl.
pras.ssntrrl, orstlsssg ftsrrls nnisl slssrdstn: .Isrsi sn•
tr•tates Isayssur 1.. loran' stssuss rserrersssl for 11w
IA) meld rsf Insr Ulm sass. shod rssurrsl in Iser
of fa , Of • 1111 111 ss.rtrtin rstrs•isns
111 rrnsonst rstustsr ,
Os tbs. 511,1, Ward ssf thr l'sr , stssimh. Is:tying (mast
on N.. 11111440 .tort thirty tent. and extending hark ul
.14thon a Ilse ravallei with Wylie nivel Oily Pvt.
nion which are erected two dwelling 11P11,11, Xtlbjfel 00 the
payment of W annual ground Rut of eightwodoll
Doug the wan lot erf Cr ana told and convoyed
tr. uid ilatharinr M'Cono. anil Morainal IrCtn.
hy Jam, Ila.nmel, by de...1 da4tllllth day et' lietnher• 1 , 47
The inhern.a of NEW inteatate being the unillvulrtt one halt
• of udil nr , `11111.". and there being no perronal re.. to Fay
the debta of eald Catharine. graving the Court to grant no
onler for the lair of mid real nein.. For the torniereit of the
Wh t.
eroup6n, the Court onler and direct that thn said ad.
iiatrator`typose die veld preniken public wilt, at the
Court Itou, to the city of httshuroll, on Saurday. the
bftrenth day of February. 4. 41.. and yell the name
for the twat prim that ran tr. had therefbr. giving doe
public notice and timely tiotlee of the time and Ida,n
tu ot vale.
T ls l, C . r . ourt ;,„ : .. t r g
Me neat atatiqund”rof Court. I!: r l'otkvv n "
jagtil.kat.lT (loot.
F OR the cure of°Ceu FhA, Coln, ii tree•
Irhooplug °nigh.
and tUtonuttPuott
Thin truly value d.. remedy for all d 1 .!.x of the Lunga
and 7hratal. Itas leemno ti.. olgel reliance of the alltielod.
• Is Idle nowt rortain runt known for tho slaw. roue
plaints. While it la a powortul routrtlial agent in the mooi I
ticaterate and aluttet hoteless races of Conant:tot:cm. It
ag. dnou, .of thoctnillhot nod intertt
s t ates-4140 family mottle...a for common cough, and cold, I
Veal bolo. the oplul. 1.0.1 Whn 2.1,1 lu
world. 110 a tle world rosiest tiodo opinions
haw. need tour Cher'', l'ortnral. hi Ott own nog . of
d ee p ...hal linoichtti, stal ton antiafart frau lia chemical
constitution ilint it Is on roltuirablo tsettpettnd nliof
of laryngial anti hnmehial difficulties. It .y 011it11011
o nporhsr chou-sontr ran Ist of any .1,1,14, you an. at fin
esti In aro It ita you Molt. nmp,r.
EDWARD lllltillEsEtE, 1.. 1,. D.,
healtiont of Anther. College.
DIREtT ETIDENCE.—Dr. J C. A ~.r. L, '
—Y Ur under ottligallons toylot he the restoration of
f :Pr h to I pva.t, ^ Zr * D7e P in3t m oi ta7;..*it.kai`47ll„T,
I butt a tml clad, atetimitaultal by utter.. ......... a.
Inuit 111. Of MI, tocalinnos, without obtaining relief. I
gas obllgul . giro un huslorsa.
• 00 0ld got no ale, at night. A friend par no a teeth.
• cherry l'ortoral. the use ttf swltlch I Immolliale/,
cortunettesai agoonling to dietetic., I havgjust pureloggsl
tinb bold, and am nearly ,r 1. I now ale,
t o cough has sewed, and all by the use of sour ray
stable tunnels's.. E. It. ttTONE, A. SI.,
Principal Pit. Hogg Scuttle,.
Froni'ltr. !Intent. Druggist and Ittelnumter, Cloc.dato
J. 0. A yor—Drar Mr—l:mimed ploano find romittattre
g e s it the Chem Rtentral 1624 911
, tety.. ,... thnt tnoti r k l ino taa sell gin,' each catLtfactiou
Xsany t nt r etostraZr n atirl i s l ,g7rd ' ot i . 'h Z
physicians gr. UAW( it ortrusi”ly In their pntetlos„and
with tlto !tannic. , Trott sour.. '
is re ,.. r m by J. C. AYER, Chemist. Lowell, 111tre.
Rohl fu "Pittsburgh, wholesale gm it o w, J. ft.
nond. OR Marltot ntrAlt. aml Joiseph Alleghour
aftY. deellarroulSl
ARP hA It , A -- ish & American Britan-
Jll, nth Tee ?rte Meted dm. nand ItriAltrot Cendlerticke.
teaufrer. and TM.; Pleted 'Crux bet quallty hurr Mi
nter Handle Tolle Cntlert, Sllrrr Yorks, prkuto, awl MA-
, j.wirr,„ Plated and (Irma.' tqlrer For l+
ks end Farenin
T,. T.. or nor nirvoiairnom nntunfertune.
Idyhty on.mented ; Irlattel Trays of besetiful lateen
',fr. Weenie Pander for elrunnic and rithhni
i am. fur drunter.
hoter, to
so-Van Iltrattone.--Beyer's :celebrated Mnde Fitehrn.
abeut the Axe of a hat, tirbkh trill Duke toffee, rune beef.
e ort , or per Ming etre ifIL a v len , Dinotex
Yet . Car. IterlY;t=t;rll, rtn
BEST BLACK TEA—Stuno kino as in
Essuad - IMI":= 4 ...yaw, Omuta Cr
grWri =M * W 0 RIPIM . 01=fiu.11
Nyberg elm fa
INCE t h e intro4netinn of thin new Con. •
In ('. ' it, .4.1. in, canal in syr rlion
tune IV, warrant no. in
uer Iriin
enre niwr of t'onaha Brunchetta. Linauggia. in Lew
tone ant at , hean.r nit, thaw .3 other w - cr
r all .1 , Len tho n0...0h and in - ...inn...wa width
i- more th-nnwalile than t Thh. the I.
Wed n: for it k a-ant awthing artnie.
and it will TIM/ or 0. , ue`aw., refsmded I The evi
den, In hone mulinew in our in, ~,from our own
alias.,. ehouW rouvot.woup, r tie of Ito etrinwr. It the'
! "`"' will, tr.
"" ;;t:IlleT111 . Z. 1 tal, fn. sn•ia.....ip.• write.. that
her daughter had Iwoattlicted •Itharroogh and careen.'
night •orents, hectic fenr.and all 111 dotnu.dior
titulari.a of nonninsirton. nod that after taking I ntal
tho entireli gentleman in arid:lama
~ who bad pi:fiend .11 11 Artintia atal Chninie Cough
for aighl gear by twil entirely ruliwul and Um rough
rmsennl the Ir. of half a down of irottle, of thk Pen.
arn! a,rut, A awnticutan fiats Prune. DIU.,
that 'e km,. the Pnleiral grrnp to be a good ankle. for
, haa urea It in Ida own /TUT/ 'end in the no. of member..
family with the mon pertert
OTC lIP wit Cdtirwr Manor , . wow VIOTTS—TI IT
itl ball pint GI mut. email. or an Laden.
I Cot an,' Snaurt.rt. nold vielFtn keen wrung!, of
i-thi. on liana all lion time. a* it ...n.. 01 the ninat
• larPet and .etii.eiour rewind., ever thanorred for - all
eonitio amldiwitiwa of llwintunwitt (Usummeol.ll.
CAUTION If t o — HaarPenn. ter . gut Fun to
I h. ant, one .of the rano. "mamma, but do met heed
than. 'lf lon wand tu get tiell inty in. lirratz'a
TT,/ wai lake no tali,. thhi will cure ton. It h. in It
rape oft. moat nloa I.le plant-and lonoi of the materia
lira. anal ir untinionted by a pennon Flailed hi the heft
ing an Then Tat/ tirnepOnn in median , . It fa
....I in 'our n and the pun:Furor haa nutuer.
i,rtiticalea fn. in o own ilty. attesting Oa
I salon:title un.pertica. a !Lich will 1,, than to any pertain
i dwinnut of ,g
./1/.1/NT. W.TNTkI/ ThTl/11011/111 Ili.. Unitni State: In are ilia
limn harge d 1.,. 11111 , well he mole to thew who will
• take no men, ni the I:whamv. It will int a large iirotit
to all agent., lwaiw.ther edl heiloing rullering Inunaulty
nw'lne hy'plaring In tiwr bands the gnaiwt utedlrtue
Long dtreweit the anal bat ever nuainnal.
For wle. • Wanda Sol I,y KEYSER & NIODOW.
lirtigghda. 110 oalartreet. Pittaliurgh. Pa., to whom
all lotten foe emeitne. mint addrewed. Al. a for rale hi
11. M. ourn no: P. Ituatker.
I;es/rg, 41,1. 11. Ili:and:tn. ilirkory.
Ileoro. total. 11elOwtrut ; J. D. Vorrolt Onni.nrhurg:
and lomen-hi:nix and arogai-o annualh ,
ELLER.S . LII It P11.1,--"The very hest
Drug and Prescription. Store for Sale.
111:1'(; ,c PRES:CHI PIION Sit IRE.
I,"Va r t i t,!.n n 'tt;;7ll.lrll: l l7tt' , Mt . :la
fttrrtl ittr I I 1114 1 11 trt,. tt.nntt. Fttr 1.111•1 , 1161,
attpl, Ott 111mtnirlt .Ttt2ll
0-I' N EltSll I P—We thi,
" IWt
'3'471%1: r1111111",t1 •111 n1.0.
1111t.Ittaalt..1.tters Mt., 1,1 —,1,1.12,11111
in pe+l
Rn ll
1 : 1 ; tI :IN T T lo i 1
,n 72 .1. : . I '
1f 1 :1 1.
4% 201 11 " A 1 11
11 % nevi
I A 10-14 No I Lenf Laid: •
WAIrilt:V . A . CO
k sti&LPs casks Pure Potash;
.1 4 K. Fl 4 11 , .,1.1 1 1 , 1 ,11
AOi common for sale lir
1,2 J.R is PIA")
n urrER-16 prime roll for Antelra2 VIAVI.
Winter Clothing at Reduced Prices,
11, 1
T W t. lIICITIY'S Cheap Cash Clothing
Stnr,. A. 131, lIIKAA, Atrevel.
• I,n.nri. tor c.f thn iatAnn n•lnbllnbtnent lAsinall.ll‘.lo
n 1
A n
01 of the hnlanc, ..1 MI wint, Owl.. In wake
n.An 01 ttn. exte OFITA I ntramAe. for : T rine. AIOAAII 0. Car
rt., boo .I.l,,ltiskoil In ulier ltirni St erento .oAlonAl
1..0... lot ,A,I, All 0... .iv, 'glut,. gvnti. l'Avhinnal.l.. end
...11 inn, t'1,41.10:. . e l. 1...1 it ~An t l, In tln•ir odtnuts,
Lo 1n..., Innt ntlli n latrAnino n 01 I- ••tlenAl.
- 0 .1
Ypp IN N Ems_-SS 4101 for Anlt; , , , :y
,1 _i1.),,,,...,,,,.
I -....4
IC li Olt] . N l'T'l .'' bids for sale by
Jn~lw' a id .011ISSITIN.
llt 1 \ I'M FS --U , %nob, for sal e liv
) l a d; ' - • 11'0 IL JoIrA5lOlO
(' i
( nelielleil. for sale by
, 4i L t , -- .2:;" I. ' Iv.. ii. di iifyi. - iniN
101,1. Illit'rlill- 2 brie freah for •4110 lIV
It Icil IN a. 11. don ~iiritil.
ill/171(N RATTING- 100 boles fur Salo by
x ' e•ill W A LLI NlllOlll/ IOA
QT Ali CA N Ill.F:S--iii I lixe l'ineinunti ion
a 7 naiad tin, on hand and 1.4 rain 1.,
131.:11FOIF:ItY, de. -- : ()LAIN lil L CHINTZ, received this day
I . 4,1, I;n1.10' Katts.,. l'..r. Ilse Imulkprrhl,o .IL .3 tnn Carpet W 11.0.00003, SS Fourth M. ' I
SI in: : •tuntl.s.A.A.l4.l r 4 nn o M. pp.
At dna Jcnn,- . Llutt 1 , .... lug., Int'Rn nAl.,n, - -- - _—_
':I Ana • - •
nninll -worn IA I vI,ASF:S. 5 . 0 trio new crop for sale Idy
, .I.x.....nnnnn .01:111,nettelA 1 I Iv= 4 , , lIROIAN*KIIL/iPAIRIINC..•
T.ooh.d . ttlt n Nu
e nd nn A nylno tonortu,nt a line 11..... . A . —__.-
10tn.r,..tts-t nA1•411 vend n.r 0/0 1 11{ Phllaulelolo 110 , 1' , at : tLAN'L'AGANEIT GVAUD RAZORS=
the ronn.r a IAtAAI Anil SI ath
j.C. 4. Ir , v s lealu
N. A Si lli NIO , II %M. ' '''''.'• "..'''',,,......".."4,11Pr0..„
. 2, 1.00t.b .d er l e s, e t eh ,.. u .,„,,,,
perfect razor 011/12-
, 1 1 A L Low —Thirty barrel. Shinp WWI IWIIII. i 00 , 0 . _ lnlo W. W. WILSON
1 „ ~,...1 „ IS ., r r ,.,,,.c,,, and tor In . T . [)RIME SLACK TEAS IMOM ENOLAR - b.
Is./ SIMI:MA*2! l! •, I_ Mth a Ilatrortb • la the Dimmed, Dave thte ear
Trusirrr it 1 SEEI--4 liarrnle received nod' rid n per waet snip binninuide.atient Imo Ina or la
IZ 1 ode--71J In.-0 :ISAMU r,.!!! HUVF : IL X- 1 aTI/lieTt;:l ' irl'lt!=,ZA k T ' U 'el l. '' 7 . t r t ) m i tt '
tiTIEN..Cf.TS—,SITIV bushels received and 1 ..4,, , , , 14.? I m al t a . a
kJ St. sale - .2-s • - A sICEL 1.. SIIItIV NIL k- .- ....-,,........... .. l b. D104008X141.4 .Id,
.1.9 •
n`• s '
1)1t11::1) A.I'PLES—.))U bushel just ree"di i 114 1RUIT 66 PitESERVES----
.. ;
Randh.—S. 'i. and hi bee 11. ID - ' • 1 •
sod for sal. by I pall W ili },N 11....50N. • ! -M
-_ . _ -- Vage—Flto tosztno•
AA OLASSES—Fifv barrels sinew Lrop Plekle—Wataut and UtedthOD • . ._,_i
IN i eees i e ,u ee d no sale hi,
..,,,,c.t. P. 2 , i ,,,, n. Ihtarzeed l'ita.lare. Phone,
tie am Stnaraerra,
~..„ D'.... lau a rs113:113soold street. It. ule hr - JI.J4 J. D. WILLI/AL:I aod
I d — lLOUlt--SeTentyfre barrels FUTY Flour
1 ar iv ' d "4 for 44.76
4 ea min P. 88um.
. „, - 1„ bombed uld e a r ballio abed Bed BLokefe.
Aid pairs Cob Ildankebt ah artieltt
au do MA31121 ltoat ribbon bound La) do dray Coating Blan heavy'.
• nu. 4t. Drab do do do
. to do Blue do do do •
M.O , Mark Blanket Cloth, do I do BMW!? Orry !Kitµ do
a Joe rinr Mack french Ilmodeloth.,
3 do all add Tweed, ...Cd mkt'.
a do
J. 01 .31-9 1 0131.1(40114
2 do Ctorimerm.
Dirk and fiber nolor.
I do Sallee.. Mark and grey mixed.
.i do wlat. Twilled Plana* yard vide.
Cned barred do do
The opens dewriMl
am all on exouignalent from
eario.u. manufacturer, ratt and tend. and .7. Ihr wale ma
Illadal terms the lnale • al manufacturers' prima.
ded 11. LEE.
. • .
7 T.uiw. an.l Printed; .100. Curtain Muslim of vartang
waddler, to be foural at Lh7 floods Homo of
.Ulll{l'lll a kIUHCIIYI6I.I),
jell eor. fourth t .11arkat
}, EAN I,,=.b:LT:ggx..
LA RD—Tsventv teirrela and thirtylega No.
t Lard reorlsod alal for sale by
jicai . a All CP.L P. BIitIVXR..
S ,
Cl of a .,' {tool by .i.ii n. Ltr...
_.,. --....
17 Mural" - it Burchfield. mathsus to.bortoar particular.
uttontion to . this branch orthelr business, and aro careful
to reit-eta Novara's. artleirs—the linen, warranted rive ff.;
Rod tiiitli as low prises lo T ClUtlitY• Jai
id 111.1 N ESE VERMILLION-741b D n for sale
J. KID a CO. '
INLIE3II' SEEL—fifteen barrela (Dow crop)
sale by 3.10 J. KIDD It CO.
I UM OPIUM-50 lba for rale by
W eiDD t cia
UGAR LEAN-1 cask for sale by
y'S J
i i ILVEIC COIN WANTED of every deocrip
-100. nod tie. blahrrt premium paid for Loo =roe..
E.`frrn h'4.."rW17.71.NS
Cur. Third and Markel. etc
S PNI4IIEB-7 g i to ' l ie 4 ' K eo i t a t X;
, . IKA TieJlowl
- ^ ca.gkx Ile,orkz
. -
. N, lao Pranutx .
....1 PencheK '
2 1
I rK: K. r
IMO Nanker For, RlTrkk
N' r.l4 —"^' fr 1 TAI 6 211"WIre, ! Vl' li t. ^.-LI, I' v—, .tr
pkßts`...i---1:. ensks supsrinr. for hale by
27 . WICK k MeCAN ULM'S.
1201.1, BUTTER—Tvreinty barrels prime
tit. lon[
r"'"""." '''
1 4 ' i k IC R-1 0 0 brio superfine: •
:.0 brim fin, Kr rale KT
j.,:l Wv. 11. JOHNSTON. 112 Sevatid rt.
)11Y APl'LES—Fifty Intshehtreueireil and
,T SAMUEL P. Pmuyen.
1011 S --200 Lu tith & yellow, for sale by
,n 27 WICK s MeCANDLP-Slk.
Q. T 4 41 . K S Ff/It SAl7,E,WoUtorn Ins. Stoclp
Tun! , fl,gal Stork:
l'itt.t.lir,-11.0.helunati mat 14.1abmille Telerraph:
Mck; Eland pt. Brige d ftrig
Itkler C01.444r Atoek- OM E. ARNOLD it ON
iea. 14 Fourth et • .
SATINS, of tho snout douirablo
to Ir ha.' at the stnre of
ill 10:—Twenty tierces new crop, received
r `l,: hl "'UOTAT;:iiiiisAr • ICA. 144 Lihnor 4
brik, No 3 Mackerel; .
mot/ON:DUD for de DT
01 . 1 , A ASH-25 'cants Johnston' s brand,
for .ale he fea , J. -& R PLIAD
til ROOMS-150 &is for sale by
kp rer.iJ. AR. noyD •
--- ---- ----
ilgi icE--15 casks Carolina for sale by
LL .I,LI . J. d &now
WE A SSUlRANCE—lhnurance ore per
between the aaea of I. and GO mar b. A:WM.4 In
t,.. .uSon National La= Punkt Life.kasuratica Snerfl.b7
....pbration to lilo urvirfoirned.
A” euldatonal Tumult, of expianatory pamphlets jcuS
Inc(..r wrattotnue unntlation. t.noulne at ttst Bank-
Is, 11.,uw a WM. A. HILL A (A)..
ia= , RotKI ft. accond,•loor above Fourth
. • —_--. .
1 AHD OIL. 5 brls winter strained:for sale
11,4 I.F .1.17 RREY. MATTIIEWS k Ca
liiitiEED OIL 5 brie pure New Castile
-44r nieses, urrix • CO.
..)FFEE. 213 hags Itia for sale b
'LIMY. start - in:Ws
11 4 -4 1Sli. 116-4irls large No.:;Mae!pixel;
I ' he r o n. ila Nu 11.1allituare Iferilusf.
Cna far sale by
.lel7 1111EY.SierTIIEWB a CO.
UST RECEIVED from the Phillipsville
CP 00 Cloth Factory
d' 0-1 f i re, ou mom:
me yards 44 do do
.2.41 ,ardo 1:24 Wai1 ,01 " 3 . 1 "
doaco amo)rost flg. Table. .I.and and Hamm
covrrs.d t alent 'rather Oldoll. nail beautiful jatttrna. Tor
71 . 7P1rPart.LIPS.
at r oet
7 " ..i. " 4 for ...41 " %I. a W. WARBAI7I.III.
I 0 OPS. 9 hales fir sale by
itiNDRIES--Three hundred bblo. No. 3 &v
ul , : j s A bt.ll/. 1 ft lre. . in
ll A.b In A 7 tutol for sale LJ
tißS—Elder Flowers, Sage and Boneset, lot juot recrivod am/ ,r ails by
J. KIDD It CO- No. CO Wend it.
I MID OIL. $ I,bls received on consign
forme. L T .SrALLTNOTORD it 00.
cotai WW2 strart.
'V 0. MOLASSES. 36 brie new crop, j'aet And tbe sale by K. A. CONICLVORAY
del,S • WAY Llbmirt.
14 1 RESII ROLL BUTTER. 4 brim just rec'd
, P.. A. curowanum,
X brawl. Ar PAU by Me K. A.CYLNNLNO/Wife
AITIIITE £ISLL 75 brie and if brie for
Ert i oßy
Ar m.... CANDLES. 20 h9xes for r4e by
OAP. 150 boxes Louisville No. 1 Rosin;
t"'"C"ta laTgattP. P • CO.
K "V` kT
'OT roN YARN. 2000 dozen Hope Yam.
• e.r by ' • WALLINCIFOILD
ItANI:F.S. 35 bids. just received and
Ilfi Water Firret..
1 4 , Ent - to bldg. for sale by
I`3t '
1.. PS 11) MOLASSES. Extra
f,Fd.° 11
•‘• st. A. %kr Lent. tibmlT wL
iA ASH. 75 ea.iiikei Kurtz brand for gale
I(tj.L. nuti Di OA, prime, reeek.-
II onle C. k W. nARUAIIfIII
bbls, prime for sale by
ftllS. a W. TiannAtmn.
CEESE. :id boxes W. IL Cheese for nale
n. 5c..10 S. A W. 111411LBAINIII.
pR; METAL lib tans for rolling ,mill
Purt ,, s. 17.17 Ht. MATTHEWS k CO.
lACH ES. 17,1 bap , per Mayflower. for
.i.liow ALIT 11117 Y. MATTnEWP (N 1 ,
111 U TTER. 20 blils roll, for rale by;
1D i,,ii • Acsrcrtnn
40 dozen for solo be"bo
Ci REA SE. 9 Mita. new; landing from the
Pt ` 3 "" 6 ""' f v
" ,- AtTft DICKEY t
nua Water and Float stree.
- •
4.1 A LERATU S. 100. boxes for age by
0100 L BOOKS.—Educational Worko,
Nfi/TA, InOrrournut. Atallmary. Cuteee pub-
,n 4 GS Mark at
CoRisr4::MEAL. •
,4a,haai for banily we. toy bkle by
;1,. I‘. a W. WARIIAOOII.
_ ._
INSF,ED OIL. 10 bbls received for sale
A hr des ' S. & W. ILUIDAINWL
LADABA.R. 1500 lbs just-recsir
LA and for nal. b, BEAU & REITER.
rnl Corner S. Clar'sod Liberty .t
I_l ARN SSS. 40 dozen p.triro and
Mule Ilarsux, for Rao by -
NIAGO:".-$414 tho Spanish Float, hladvili
j fbr Pair by de3o .1.• KIDD CO:
N'l'l and Sign Painting
haniipoK cl.krlta any 4 .ber milers , In 1.11.
rat, nntl art, 4..tercultied 104,. as
1.11, J. l 11. PHILLIPS_
II IDES. 1:!f; Dn. Hides:
3.2 rory'odrsithur.
• t Imull.. Deer bkinn Issaing far de by
ItOIIIIIIT mthzet.. tot.
ELV ET I'ILE CAIIPETS 4 the richest
...Am, and Into+, rtylen. ran 'br bad M the Carpet
‘i ...h0w,t..5 Yoortis Aro. Prkr, the}}'' can
bed le nor o thr i-antrrn eltlea. 'LLINTUCK.
4 j n
EBE. 1100 hoses fur saleig_-
16) 'susgado and 11 bble
jor vale by J. L VTATMLNIAN SONS
. _
R OLL BUTTER. t 5 blda fresh roll; •
6 bble ps,OwN
',AHD & GREAS&L.Terk brls No. I Lard;
4 brl4Onmee, :low LaiWog from etainserWiatinallii.
yak JNILT• DI 034 •
Jni3 by
• . 11terw am room thimm t••• tmsl earth.
"Then are dreamer of ist pbßoiegthl."
MEE VIRTUES of this remarkable reme
dy, pro •111. for It, to M. pops
etor; NA Induced Mai m have it put up b. Iv
bell atot directions. fue the benefit of thepe
The PETROLEUM is procured from a uell ads cocoa
toe ,st a depth of four hmadrol L., la • pun, anadnlters,
ted article, without any chemical Morton, but Joel aa lt
Rove from NstaMa (irest I-oblatory!: That It coatatat
propertim rmwhing a number of disease.. Is au. k.ner a
matter of unocrWuty. There am' mato' things ha the ar•
gnee , of ban, if Amu. mbar,. be of Irma awful.
Isms lu.allewhithatt warrior., and restoring lb. Moms of e
health end to moor a metteme. Lam: Mbar the Pea' • ;
mie.t thought of Putting it up io bottle, it bad • Mate -
Lion for the cure of disease. The axed dallf tom+
we n, gm it, am! sem& tiwe realm ketic earn It Ina P.
format is pro , isdica of lot future popetimity and
o w, ' ,w e ed epplestion in the gore at disease,.
Ire do not eh& to make a l
wort oop parade of esteilAcetm. ea
we are cousciosue that the ma•dki. moo ito .07
Into the favor of Mum who suffer. end with to be braW
' Whilst we do tsA claim &eft a univentil applimi. by 0-
ery dbwaMore übbreitatingiT my. th at Iv a numb. ,
Chronic Diseases It Is narivellol Amon= may bar
dimes. of the moo..
dazed ASTHMA. and all dttemes of the Menem.... LP
Ell COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA. Btarbsea, Diana. of
Madder and Kidneys,
_Paine In the Reek or SM. Nerve
Nemec. Neuralgia. Palsy, libel:mak Pal., (oat. Es 7)
dm. Tether. alavecome, Emma. Medi, Muse, OM au
ae. Lc. mem of debility, reemitlag tom exammrt
long and protracted maw of disease, this Meedielue,
act as a reacted TONle end ALI
ALIVE to melt moos. impartang bate and energy to
'whole fru., removing obetructiona orritost LIM MOW
f.ctiems, which mem awe. met a Moms =Mitt
r4o%ll=lbVtglr.V VI
that iblisted evory.other MeattocuL well ttlaer
of the PETROLEUM bar a short The mar e • .
to any ammo atm dmirre it
No. genuine without the eigroture of the roprie
Bold by the porprietor.
a. M. KIER, Patel dein; Veer Perenth
Alm. by R. E. esummt 57 Wool et.
KE 511APAELL.• -
earner Irow gad l stree t ell
Virgin AIM, who
uorlsAly We regularly appointed Ageate.
KNOW all men who are sick and affii•
with dinathe or th e Bladder and Kidney...with
palm In both or halts, etm joints. old moree.rem. . .
VEVA. ke ?.=Pal . l=Tr d iv i jii=t b :Jl
ryou please, but tido does not make t are !bevel prod.
e. the fath of an boned nonthannlty, that It had eh
which ere not contained in any.thlter rothedy. The 1
who L. thrkol
r t e
_path. and sththint- then dG
for 60 cent, act relief froew.any of the Ills mama.
above: .
Reeder! It code on to snake a trid. This Pete
leum le
th e c amirtyr.-0 wnamonwd. pat op the the
Unpack... on atimmnitth but it ts a thandr dant
tad by doe theater band of naltsnetheid bubble.. moth= tl
Ithath of our mother earth, In its otheinal parity, and
fen I n ...awing humanity a n•-adf remedy, a <tibia an,,
It urv. u
It Tam cured Mew. after other toolkinth hare failed N,
render any relfcf. It ban cured Itnethesteth. of loaf,
etandine. and of the worn and mat rwiorul chafing.. 8 ,
llzug .11 , a1 Cholera Wen., I,,'inse or .two ben. 8•hall
cured old th em of Diarrleth. In ollkh ...try e th er .theedy
bas bee of en avail. As a heal otholy to bora. and
It Ls better thananymnlles7 enth Pinot!. th ointment C . •
that. we know of. It will thane rbilbleuto neon
found ointment _
le a few appllthtionN onlouthed tooth:unity van be furnish. .
eel of th e ten th contained in the Aber, ptaternent. by nth.
log on PAL LUX M. KI hit, Camil Bari. Pthreeth street or
either of the Wilt, •
Keyed tmouth W.tht tithe: and rlre
alley; 11. If. alike,Wcol evert:B.A.WNW. and D. •
Curry. Altetaheny city, art the -.
VITRO). - •• , •
r r o attended th e use of MORTIMIIInd IitIaXMAT.. - •
1: /s
I M DUNI , AND BLOOD, 'TRIED:I4 : th effecinetly • x
cueing I e sererratand moat inveterate more of INiI.IM- j
lIATOit AND CIIIIONIC MiIIiODATISM,:Io a ouffirterth z
guarantee and moutmendation to induce till who ore alio- . j.
Inl with thia dreedfulAtwore to try Ito •irma -.
lloodnds of =1).06, many of Um citizens of Pt. ies6
aed 'AMID.= abroad. have he. cured within the
few moth. in the elf MM. Leoleadone, -while knees freak
t i g: " :I n tr.!. Mthy o m riti n e n w i p = 4' of keg : _ i
tti n t W Al i n ! d s 4". h :Tl:o f m'''''7.lll::' of hull :
matcal dam, very Writ. All, howerer, yield to thq ma.
della, Mtnro of this month.. and - thonsooda who boo.
mallard its are um io theenjoyment of health
ma but oda.) the misdeal diecoveres . and proprietor, • •
beoefeetor of mazthlod. ,
Ira.ell anon from themt - patience of th e pa.. that an ;
outward lartplication ea tormihir, effect a pernamot core
of this dreadful Mom. lir theapplicatim of Moulathrff'
lionnenta i partlal relief. In IC. COM may be ....M.
fur a ohm time. hut all the while 1010 diem. Ie Wog Its' r•
grasp mil perm...MY it the motem, and Mom or later ..
will again develop. Odd( to
r t en me dreadful Pm... alter
a few perkalical returns, it e Into • ehroole MM.
If tot .um arrested, ruins the Imllvidued Mr life .-. .
TlO4thified by the history of the part in all ottuntrima ,
and m telly demonstrated by Die history forolthed 0f , ..
late to e proprietarof th is impound,. gime by Pe•erld ' '''
hil s of those ob. have roved under hie immediate .
Mice treatment donna She last few moths.
PUIIIII 'it Lan Internal remedy—tvimmences De operas: ,' :
tione vet re the dincluefiret Originated. and 10 Poriirlent
the • weenthronsti the whoienythm. neutralizes the
Impair 0 acetic acillnient, oth has Bettina upon th e -. :
mom • • muscles aid tendour.--removes it entirely front
the rest M. and restore. th e individual to porfeet bmlth.
IA .0. who am athleted
_Oa . &MT.. Itiernoel.,o
rite bn iliT n o n ital th i n t n e n ce n ,e n ta nn- r= 1 e7,01 . ':rde'tge dial .
they crippled for tife: TM mprilenee of bemired, of
Um a der., the mat. as *Ol ...t a multitude at Ile
premed day. thtemoustriam the fully of expecting panne.
omit ri. ief fett. external
The methane of LIM valuable nothethe known format- . !
yeti. . that ou outward onetime... can puemild y effect
smut ra rum .. Item Olio dim.. itt Manly filed la the '...
a 1.73 ! i r
T.k =":=:g i rg.1:71 mud g li l f ir:PrA . 1 ,
time. b t thut will not effect a' peartmat corn. men ee .. ,
tore this disease is ruch that it mattysloolthr timeinzed" . •
an - In al remedy, Co Modo el the deo ed effect. sad attic
oily..' Ithematic Comptamel and Blunt Purifier D the t:
only. medy that: has eVer .been dtathered, ei th er la
A or any Mier muntry n that will effectually meta
Ms medicine root 1. bad, wholesale or retail, it Ma 73!
Third • 1. Mat to the Post Mee. %Deborah. • '
Alm for axle in Pittsburgh. by H. Profane, Wm. Thom -
J. D. . D. IL Wickersham, .d J. A. loom.
piper bottle. allbotalee far C 234 or $ll3 par dorm' •.;
IVA coM be had gratis of Dm agent
R. B. wierurr, ttheot.
Da. Jean Ron, thotheoorcrer and role Protatt i to i r
' r 4 orte " nt fur inthitlaa •
in effecting a cure of Chronic tllenseer, yea • Sta.
r tr a o ' f " thltr • I ' f i l l'. els k Z r an i lt . = ethtrt "
• • Lea teen enteatel In; the Inerenhation of dtr
n• • o..ocotton of rem. thereto.
!tt • h the use of hie iodation W1..133 connection with
.... r u t =a =tr.T . 21 o u r r r a
Ytelatlics: Tutemalar Conenteption,
Etbentnatittn. Asthma. Peter end Atone, Yearreof
; • Clutzle Ereripolas, end all thaw otolinale dW. .
• • to female. Indeed. every form of &team
lea under the nee of hie remedies . to which hennanh; ;
r—oot by the nva of one comoottel only, for that y ;
with Ptas . l=o,: i by 74
'a Twin Anent!. Plll.. when wed, an licatier
=minimal to he anycylor IP all other., as a mys.
HUT pill. Inewunich as they jest. the tenreb fere
from coatteeneag as alto his Uulden Pills are W
hy the faculty. to_pnwela wenn.: vmpnii.....a.P.
diersacc htw h atlny oat/abed that
thebane trial
- ent to tab/Wish has been makl. in tednelsof
Live Lie 4 '
ml •
W• 1
~.L . :.:,
, 'fb offltetticrzietoelted to mil ntra the agent. and Ms:
ems: id me of the sparaohlets doing • do!
ed sat of met: remedy. and lts applies:MO.
!!.. F ode b the foilmetho tn. , as mal m hr.... Untie!
ideto t the eats :
.t.. ober • Co., 24 ood ot.. Pittobuzgh: ! .
I li : Townsend, 45 Morket mt.. . .
't. A. Iteekbom. ! nem the Boot °Mee, .9mdm.
ray et ,
- ,I.rbte&DorlftZo, Bever eseitty, to, i
T.. ...Boom
s e
K 4 R. THE AFFLICTED lilt he found in
~DevittC.Erleogrea INPAT IRLP:
or I. lokl. sada has etood the test. a atm yean
.115 1 . traryood . ajoubt 43 1 7: tr I.IIUS of sow
title itel character of distress, We feel ale
Ire hamat ahamt tra
thing es, Ing,thatlbla Is the outs medicine that his keit
pffc fad to the sMelstl, Lima dem Ist every sews. of the trestl.
what It Is told
• •
it hared i •
e rd cord& of owing mare difieuto lhm
tilde - of by wham
a , r th tT
ti ark, •
%.ura . lk
{al< k
odd a
pilot. or au, other iintiwy aubinaniw. kin all Monson' 5...
litnen't or lodine aljth T g, carioln, table ppreaa, merlon
a .
shawl loll.' booweLa. Lew without factoring' oat'
that pure water will pin afore. More than one tboaawais
Vi. t !r_."2"_u*.`t t'id qr!'
/atwt u.
irould not bitithatir It it am ;I &take. In Wing th.
Map m more than 300 at liebt
found twee mem of Mk. Ma
of &Imam, 'eed dim
andlum a leo, m which lt Manned the !Mat
Werra., before nuttlo It on a Ilabe.theen, nrYPI
ot • the ale•— •
--- -• •
FL , . Ai: Safreringfroma , A
tpW eh / tried lordly roil/
out at. ore/enrol shlt • Intl* • :
.11. E. Kellen .'• I tbiot It a deity:RW/1 -,,i
wee to both 11 . 1 . 7fee 0 6: i t:V . /e IU F AMA. 1
:117%48, arjooder the trs t• . /Willed DO ocesefols .
r,,,1=Et1e*,...1e: I I r e r V atea.s• to aset i r t lameoll
IT Sod ergrsgek on e luno.scroen trite '
&reeling ror4 Verily els , only iron Emil a (vb.!:
toughy sod es/ street tbe eutIortell!o• edarouogor
on It - IL E. Saler.. Cough 1110101 • •
M. YITOUERALD, 115 Wino et. -•,
Pittabi. Jaa IS DM. . • . . • , ,
Pr/seed and eakt by .11. P. etiu.r.s. No. 67 - Wad et, '
and enkl er emarvu itetlet. l /I. Jail •
A4453*4 9'4 4 " A=L l Vnaget
unkind lar tome lime tetth
irrrto, r h. 2 t "' or t's .
t o ,thie , It kat the nutted effect of carton
thet Tared ever of being well
th **
ins *b.. It roe In Inv power to
lan mend no beton soul I met withTaor • hereto* ,
a ., (nay leitistod
Mr,r.;,..aiiiic It to the yobbo at Me a the beet man ,
dam that hoover beim teenanal the th e ewe for which It
. Athltna hlll2ll-'
VABBONATZ AM2dONIA. - Liartaborn.
aotibribrisastm Dal Vim .a alma.
• -
wed by - ant of
The 9°14.14.
frit( lb*
thaw, f Near
naittett tha
ea blab), mkt
hat tt.en neatly
MI MT mot It+
la "rota Laa
and "mato,
now .;1; :41T•erThei;
Isrpiset, 61.1.
mtl4 - Zr , WM.
.aftcr In_othrt
pmesible Irv*.
pared fn}m t
IL arla dliac'b ~:~:
1Z11,14 ' 5 '.
eatue lc MSS
-lens, Kidd t
nun phiil=trt
NI). This
th trittlinde•
.lA;a_ 1 , Nr,
, no-ol7t—mrt
tk ong
ranon , "
P.Mtwo.nd tbo
yalutotoo does
tea =las, wk.
cakes. corn mai
LIT ow .110 out
tiusp.. I hare UM.
57 Wood st.
<At Ita br..§..ui