The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, February 04, 1851, Image 3

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• •
..The•leteinter Canada 'arrived here' late lave
'might, aftera .rough parmige. She sailed from
Liverpo4l an the 18th, luaL up to the time of her
departure, nothing we, Itearil of the Atlantic,
nal M long taissiag. I .
. .. , .
-4134n1,11c liMaineas wan tranaacted in either
, biliich of Congress Di : day.
'' i i.At.thei appointed hour. the Senate, in a body,
• proceedod Di :the fall or the /lowa . of Repro
'4, anatitivee, adieu the funeral - ceremony of the
late Mr:iKauffitian tool: place.
The carpi° was placed in the hall: and Mr.
•• Ratler, Chaplain ci the Senate. reed the funeral
-- - .:lttsrice; and the tier. Mr, Gurley. chaplain of
A Pollee delivered the funeral diseourae.
.... Vhe.Peemlilent, he of Departments, Ju'dges
. he Sitptenie Court, and General Scott, and
. ' . 4 143 1'11ie army and nary, werepresent.
said that 111, Kauffman-slid not die Of
,t he cit the heart. as ,that stated, bat from ,
' 1 : ..,11Tetds of a pistol shot received some tett' ,
. : ,1- 20, while speaker of the lower house irF,
, ....-. , ~:r. .1!1 a rencontre with a member of
.1 am... • -I ,
~ .
'- 4. U.' Eli TASTICI4,ARB,
, .. •
.t‘ I F ..' - - LAI:to:Lt.!, Feb. 3.
. 1 st4amair l'eytona, brings farther Particu
: I the slaking of the steamer John Adams.'
a 4 au rails:Gad iton on hoard, as .has been
...i . ile hot large quantities/if groceries for Ciii
•• s. 3 t.i.: IThe, lass of life. including `25 in the
1. • Was about 140.
: Western World reporta the Martha Wash
• , ' 1 likround . . at - Cumberland dam, and the
:.. , ;.ilea Ilsimmond at Walker's*bar.
. . , 1 •
......." i•-- • .1 ' CiactixArt Feb. 3, 1851.
, :•. ..•; : f lae act' lion outWartritag the Legislattireto con
.."' ", ,power, of w local and administrative charac
.• inn the County Boards, was passed.. The sec
. , 'son,regurnno; an enumeration of white male ir,a
• ;,ittibitants, every six years was also passed.
41 :The section making the public schools free to
all, was pac-ed; and that the,, , State Buperinten
dent of Schools he elected by The people.
The new section requiring, the Supreme Court.
• to.give a brief statearent in writing of the points
A I decidS.l, was passed.. '
, • The section providing that the real and person
-1 al properiyaf married women. and a liberal pee
-1 mit= forwidotts, shall he and remain secure to•
c them rmipectirelk, under equitable conditiormly
, law s was .
Tniarticle autheriiing" trihnnals of eveilin
i tion was pascal .... - '
i The seCtion providing for future amendments
to the COnstitution was passed. It prbvidea
~..,'I. that a insjorit? of the members elected to the
! • : respcctirt Legislatures may propose amendments
..• i to be adopted by q Majority of the people.
The new ociction 'declaring t hat charters here
-' lifter granted maybe repealed; but the rights of
,!,,.;•., all intestO shhll be protected, was engrossed.
..-.• BeetionS were '
engrossed empowering the Leg- I
- ' islatrWit!to repehl all haat charters °claws grant
ing banking pritileges pinny kind.
Lortsmkg., Feb. 8.
i There. isrcrlisv feet tee inches in the canaL—
-1 The weather haanioderatml materially.
The mail boataiind Madison packet left this
marninF. ! The latter reA tuned from Twelve Mile
bland in consequence (4 - the thickness cif the ice.
The eteamra Weetern World and Duchess have
arrived.;? The' Pennsylvania has departed for
above.. ,
Feb. 3.
Cottow—Tbe morket is dull, and dealers gWiti
erally'rswaiting the steamer's news.
Flour IS firmer, with sees of 1000 bbls at $4,-
816,4,87 for common Ohio. and $l,Bl for Indi
ana soil .51Ichigan: $.5,25a5,44 for tone, Ohio,
and $7.02.65,75 for extra.
Grain—Wheat is one-hanged. Ohio is held at
105®109e. Corn is scarce and firm, with Bolos
of new . yellow, at Go. •
Provisions—Pork is dull; With sales of 50 bbla
old mess at $l2, and of prime at $9,25 per bbl.
Beef is firm, with -saleslloo bbls old mess . at
sl,2s_per bbl. Lord is scarce, with' Midi sales
of obfat 8c per lb. - -
slaiskey ig dull, with solos of 50 bblo at 25e
per gallon-
Linseed Oil '
isf.rin, Aith ssles of 12006allaos
at 00e per-gator,.
. .
. .
ruary 3.
-•-.• Flour: The • market is steady, Feb with further
' - ."i: sales of 300 this rommon Ohio at $4,7314,81,
":-..•!, and ' ter 3iielligiia ' and Indiana at $4,81a5,00
: 101 bbl. .
.. :' tirain.:—WLeat is scitlsut l chinge. Ohio is in
demanddemandat 100 e, lest holdera demand 1118 e ? Mt.
1 .
; Corn is Scarce and quiet,. .with' sakes of about
'.•., 5(01 Michels yellow on pnrate terms.
.. . Pniisiaions—Mess Pork ,is firm; prime is easi
.'-li er. - Sales of 400 'this at $12,06a12,18 for mess,
d 0,18a9,23 for prime. Sales 100 his new Ohio
''...- . ,mess at $l3 per bid. Deetlwithout change, with
lairs of 100 bbls. Lard is better with sales of
00 bbla old at .8,1; new lard is selling at 8} eta.
. .......,' lb.
'Piliskey in active. with sales of 200 bbls at
cents. • '
•'''' l ' Linseed oil is advancing; with further sales of
gals at:9oaOlc '''o, pilot.
' - ',Groceries—Sugar is dirchiinged. Molassesia
..,,i with sales of 200 bbls at 30c per gallon.
offee ix steady. with sales of 800 bags Rio at
Ili:alio. '-. :i •
Cotton—The •market is -• c tuasettled. Dealers
..:•'-. 'awaiting the steamer's paws.- Sales of 200
. ,•,' lea at Saturday's rates. .
~... . . „ .
: '-'1 .• .. . DALTIIiORE iIiI.RICET.
February S.
. ..,
':'. ' The itlitagreeable weather 'operated against Mae
..., vmess cmday.
._".. A '' Fbetcr—.2'he Market is quiet. - Holders .taking
',1'54,56, for 'Howard street brands., and. buyers of
b '.lkring s4,so,pci i bbl... City mills is held at 4,62,
..I.a . ei, Gaut sales-
'C't Coin meal--Small. sales at $2,8701 2,94 ?
.. , ..
• Ihnia,-lied wheat in selling' at 100® 102 e,
white at l0;(ii.,11;3e r l a hu. Sales of yellow
it GOe t Zti, and of white at Ge baaheL
Valea of coats at 42€45e, and of Bye
o at 68e70
1- "'"market
vth t anp
Gmeriea are quiet and prices are without
Wluakey—Sales at 2-13225)c 1-1 ,galhin, Sn
iusd bbl.l.
AM tnrome.a —Thu earner Gineinnel,harilt by
qi cmpany, and dmianed for the Cali:tortes trade, la
...tow at our Ishart. fully equipped arid manned. She
of a song emift, ode hundred sod twenty fed in length,
,- . 4,wenif feet - beam, ten feet hold, well keyed,
—setteberd, and mutt tigers= stem to item
:Aar femme was built by D.. 1 Powell & Co, of this
• ; •qity. ft embed she °senile:mg engine—lwo heat.
aked sod fifty home poorer. She ut schooner rigged,
;Ted her eapamtista for nailing wilt be testa) at sea.
....Ma was intended to use steam, excepting in hard
• ; doWs, and then mezeiy w kpep her machinery in
eay, and wilt take In GNU on the ease nearest the
ata of Magellan, for the purpose of making her
rege ihicesh. A number of lades frnm this city
with the mew of joiningtheir htneands In California,
leam on the steam er about the middle of &hes.
. We wish her a safe =daps:city arrival. n the
• of her &Joni:ll.4l,o,mM with pleasure:4 kitbag ,
1 ,.; • • • en femme the Leonine% whlett,ae wilt bring le
• by a desolate hme to that aarilataaa - lail i. IC.
Icetiona of their far distant homes in durtithi.,
-• neatens *more remelts titan gold the,. Priceless . Nnity'of th e heatt.—[Cin • .
lyre mercantile coonoriniq of New Orleans are
....WI, • active messorcs for establlehing a regular
of bit= propellers between that city and
limpet •
, i The st ,, ms propeller Martin Hoffman, 14 day
, ria New OrleatL;, :for New York, -
; !at into Cu, "'tenon on Saturisy last for a tnipply
. .
'' , r'The little ate =Ler Magnolia, built at New
to Tun ee, the river, in Toes,
et the het , musts , making Very metes..
A bill i et present Oetbre the Virginia Legis
labarianhibiting the reteelieg of nPiritaana
!quern .:)ttegroe.v..
Commert'al rays. that during
•he year 18,50 there were bault in that city thirty
Ito velktelv—iseverat of them Loge *Pate rigged
gang 'veraela. .
Adnahriatrarlan no the edato of R Pert , r, lite of
trwarb t lf. Aitgiarw,rountge,; . Amyl, =VC
Oan to all huta%3 tr. ar d estate nuke
ATtntrt. 'and ail mama hating clalaNt against
*Ta lm
ta rannarta la prrarns the .14111. dui r_andren.
far aearrarat. 310.11.13 OUSE.
war EL etair, Jan. =A '
Orroderbf Third and aladvet strode. Charted A. D.
The only Charterer I.'4:ate of the kind In rano
4eCrial , e-Jond Fidenao Priaelpal Thatruttar _
Met. al/lemma,
O. K. Cheatiado, itafraerd hfPenaartadhith iterhatd
ila Compalaticea, de.
Atiademze. 11. Woe," rar/..
koat. et Tarevehi,—te h. Wen. • ITllklets. Etas Jazzes
41hr-harms, num delta li n den. Ron. Chutes lldrlar. lion.
-Maws lishortam Hon. IV. il. Idearte, W.J.B- amanita...
folio Lai.; J K. atoorttsthr. James Duo-
, 1 921.g7 4r:-cl4,
U.; JO.IIINI nosey; Miss..; 11. A. isms. Arteountaut.
Ittudanto eau enter Ode Itatitutiost at day Ittad. , and ate
lath Ihelavailtat detteklhatir, bath Oa and .”.t.r. 01.0
br the Ymmia . and
d.; llanash laminas. of Sket,..kotrAw,
• Veloodadeb_lo. girt h bear in =hal that gra la gat My,
Marten:l *With, of the bad hallodbarah. fammikatain
lamas sddnamea ;a L.Classateriaosill ssma Ira=
. .
.HOME , 'MATTERS. . - lasi of tErrials
ExtAINING in te r, Pi to tta th ltd u rg i b , P r o j s .. tOti6 ...r ce . ,
tt.eree Creacent—To night the charity con- I -m tl u r,l""„ntZt. l ktii-r' a Will plows at, the) arr .I.
...,,,tik e s !flare at the Third Presbyterian Church; I ww . ind
sod judging from the object in view, we antici- i Ladies List,
pate ft urge attendance. In a case of this kind i A
criticism become, disarmed, and' the excellent ! sdam. AGO E Albert,. Ellith it =but. la . rsh
yanng ladies irho have no kindly volunteered fur 1 ti:::11.,..V An '' M.r . ,
the °comfort, deeerve the regard!, of the commu- B
nity. Talent is best employed when on the side ! rla,kaart Erberea Beta Ellett E Ito Elreun r
ot: benevolence, and the public can in no better : Han. ) iiswitt Ite7b Mi.,C.".1 i it ,d9,...ttry"r"
way teistily their appreciation , than by the liat- I . 1 1:113 Z,Zh c s t rib nrts ' :as - gital -
ronage of it, when its voice is rnistsffor the lioor , MUM Elias Myer], Scpbt. rab'. Ural/
'' Baird Esultin Blatt Ellath, Braun. en Petit
an a l de.stitute.
.' Baird Jan. Else. earth. any is E
' 11.1,1 eery nun Blak elbsoty *arab A Burke Julie Ann
ißall Elia. flower
Italkleitt earths 11,eors Mueut Itatia Bums Elizth
larluumar.--We are gratified at being . 1 .1 , to
announce that the intended festival for the hen
era of this noble institutiop, twill take place in
Mains Aral, on Tuesday evening next, the I Ilb
of , February, when we truce that our citizens
will turn out en nuts , ,e. We are requested to •
mote that all contributions of articles. either for
the tapper table or for the Lair. 4imuld he -eat
iu.On,oebefore Saturday evening.
- INCESDIABISSI. —We observe Mus his honor,
Mayor Guthrie, , him offered a reword of fire
hundred dollars for the detection of any of the i k .„„
incendiaries, who now infest our city, and we
trust that, before long, our policemen trill ferret
POMO of them out. 'Dud al gang of these rations ~ rr f-,".fF,,r;:,, k r „%a A f,',",'' s v o Crh,:l:
is amongstus, it rendered certain by the fires Frar.m fth.h Th ,. lio Yr, t'albrm" *
of asst Sunday morning. ns well ns by several '","""'" "Wk. vk ' kk ' l're ` jk '''
others which have occurred of lute, rind there
no doubt that house., are thus fired for the pur- :Ne k n . :Zit y s "r"
pose of plunder, no the ruffians can readily rob ku.nos.:y 'Leer °Um., war) A :u: A ra h yl . ...n:l.7 , n . lr l a : A
the surrounding houses while their occupants,
suspecting nothing of the kind, hove gone to
the fire..
nahrrave Ann L Ib..ktt Firth Holton Mr 4
11.11 .ria Hallett 11 .1 orm 11
Hami 3 lt l on Mrs 11 • ll May Va r y
Hamilton Alm.. Henry Nan") , Hold.. Elir•
Hamilton Ell,o C Hem, Mary Hon.. Elatth
Hamm. Mirth it y Howard Sarah
Hare, Cont.lia llmrlott Mary Howell C
Ito,p eathne Ibleman Max) Ilumla,om n Mgr .0 Ver y Mintonlia 0 Ilumphrey• Marta
Manahan lhoe A Muter Unit
lintrlairmn Nancy Holmes Ann Ilutrliimon
Tux Bt.aggi.l VOllll. —This talent'ed family
will give's concert in Quincy halt , Allegheny,
this evening, and we trust that ourreaders thtwe
will turnout in full force, and .give them a hear
ty welcome. They are excellent instrumental
performers as well as vocalists, and will attract
crowded houses.
We understand that they are now on their way
to Cincinnati, and we heartily commend them to
the favorable consideration of oar brethren of the
press in the Qtieen City.
illTotatxthriv—We understand that Niesars.
H. C. Rogers and G. W. Hays hare been appoint
ed Canal inspectors_ in Pittsburgh, and Willies
Karns, weigkaaster.
TLIE ALM:OM:IA:Pa.—This delightful band of
vocalists had a .crowded house last night at
Wilkins Hall. They give another Concert at the
antic place to-night, when we trust that our eiti
tens will give them suth a reception n 9 their
Merits deserve.
Jolts B. Gomm, ESQ.—This gentleman will de
liver one or his eloquent lectures thiz,evening„
in the First Presbyterian Church, on Wood
On IVednenday evening, he will lecture in Dr.
Presley's Church, Allegheny.
RICIIMAT ROBSEILT.—Two ruffians, fprang out
of an unfmished building, at the junction of Wiley
with Fifth street, opposite the Court House. and
knoiked a Mr. Conner, who was passing down.
With a colt. They then robbed him of fifteen
dollars which he had about his person, and sue
seeded in making their escape.
Bents Coarrs.—John Corriston. accused of
being concerned in passing counterfeit money,
was yesterday brought before his honor, Judge
Irvin, of the United States Court, and admitted
to bail in the sum of one thousand dollars. Mr.
- Ferdinand ifoetsel became his security.
BCATLVO His Wrrs.—A man named Russel, a
resident of the sixth Weird, was:, committed
to prison yesterday,•on a charge orlontiag his
Cayman TO DLAILL—Mr. s.David McKee; re
siding near Wilkinsburgh, Ira; been Missing
wince Wednesday last, when hel went to quarry
limestone. The whole neighbc*od was search
ed ineffectually, when, on Setuplay night, it was
determined to mime a huge tunas of earth and
limestone, which lay at the bottom of the qua,
ry. This woo done, and Mr.. cßee's body was
found under the stones, most k orribly ',crushed
andmangled. The poor folio' yeses n 9, family
to lament his loss. The Corner wits,talled in
9n Sunday, to bold an iuques • on his eemains,
and a verdict of accidental de th was -redimed.
DIIIORDS611" CoNin - Ci.—A
brought before his honoy, M
terday morning, charged wi •
on a police officer. ft seems
behaving in a disorderly mane
ley, and when the watchmini
him, he attempted to .boot hi.
on paying a line of ten dollars
Song Ind w.
or Guthrie, -yes
drawing a pktol
• • t he ha..l Leen
r in Diamond al
. ent up to arrest
Ile wet let off
.nd the colts.
ed in the County Jail, urserublet
evening, iu the Hell, for the pi
to an address on temperance,
John B. bough. Prior to the h
ly Family, sang "Bear, Fathet
er," with fine effect, the place
stances, conspiring to give the
degree of solemnity.
Mr. Gough then delivered
dress, end was followed by
Larimer in a abort bit approp
The Blakely Family, aft
dosed the meeting, by singin
which enjoined. '
The prisoners seemed very
earnestly requested Mr. Gioug
on next Sabbath. Before re
they passed a vote of thanks to
prisoner:. confin
t on last Sabbath
poor of lietenitig
/v the celebrated
icture. the Blake-
. hear our pray
and the eireuni
haat an ununtal
Ln admioble ad-
Ir micro! ;William
L ate address.
the doxology, ix
E• act interested,
to oddress their
ing to their cells,
I .11 vocalists arid
Colima% Ptsits. —The court
it now in session. Tbere n
causal upon the trial list, and i 1
several weeks before it adjourn i
f Common Pleas
b great ma
ny will probably be
Tea iVEzzezn..—The arentit
comparatively pleasant, theai
, r yesterday .785
being mild 'and.
Reported for the Pittsburgh
he Smithsonian Institute, We.
Gaette, and 'far
.ington City.
• From January 29th 14, Ja i ,
Date. Sunrise, 9 m. 3pm. 9 I
29 *2 22 20
30 i 8 10 13
al , 8 10 16
The three days of Jnnna
eat durin the winter. The th
30th, fell lower than it hos 1
, etco7
m. Daily me.lla
20= 21
y were the cold
rmometer on the
lone during the
Cant roarita PZOITT stM. f.468.4he Hertford Cots
rant publisnes a letter from the ... errancy of one of
the companies which left that cut , or Caltfonata, that
giver a 111E0 tonight iota the profit d lonia waving
home an pwaoit .1 gold.
The Hanford Union Mining an
ed from Hartford to February, 184
California to September. tonal
of whom two stopped in Rio Jane:
twelve mouths from their arrival,l
twenty fix had returned bonne with
age of $1,280 each, and twenty ne
Cedifonllll, with W 2,400, an aver
man. Tho bighein sum primessed
1111111 skooo. Irbil! nineteen had moth,
'; Trading Co., sail
, nod arrived in
ed of 120 penlongi
o. At the end of
twelve had died,
$33,320, an aver
even. remained in
rage of 1,W9 per
. by 007 One 111.
, ing at all. Ailee
n 210 information
a for the whole
Leg $lOOO each for three of vam
wee °tamped, the general averag
company wo 51,116 each
The members were cogoged fo
time nafallows—clash no mca.nhea
moat part of ELI
I; ptiot, I; nteam.
boat band, 1; coasting, 1; farmers, 5 - , truckmee, 3; dri
ving of teams to mines, re carpenters, 5; merchants.
packer, 1, tinner, 1; lievpieg reallitl/211.11 4-31;
iv:asunder minh3g.
The Fremontbtu:pm( Company, consisting of 85
members, arrived at Casiterew alma: the tame time.
At the end of a year seven had died, eighteen had
returned home with 822,000 and fifty remained with
1138,400—buing a general average of 710 each. The
high& sum gamed by any one member ma. $5, 0 00
while :nineteen made nothing beyond their current
I g n iftli m mt the esperenee a these twn companies a
a wade, it does not knee a very favorable impteiaion
of the pro6u4 100 advantages of going to California.
In the first place. 0: two hundred nod one persons
who reached the gold melons nineteen; or within a
fraction at one tenth of the whnle numb, died
withda a year—a mbrtantO sumificant enough to phew
that the pecuniary rich is far trout being the sole
contingency awned by the udventurer. in the fee.
nod, as a matter of dotlars and cents the begin..,
scaitmly pays for the abandonment of the comfort,
tilde/uteri:anis as life in the Alantie maim, and the
labor and hardships consequent upon building up •
"new home" in the wilderuesa
The average earnings of the two companies WIEN
$945 earls man. Deduct from this the eon of passage
andoutfis, my 5:130 each, and leas than six hundred
dollars is 1016 a compienaation foreighsern months'
time--tweltfe of which were spree in 'abor of the most
todaoroedescriptiors, and six to a tedimas am voyage
A little Mote than a dollar a slay, in our vier so least,
is rather poor pay (or elect labor as thia —(N. Y.
Dias Foe ix AXlTltil.oot —A letter from Amager
dam (Holland) nutlet that on the 22d December, 110
think a fog envelPpeA that capital that it trio on one.
to Ite a, yard befOre one. 'The police Immeduately
Set to Work, and lied ropes from tree to tree
along the quays, and from distance to distance in the
principal asreet, and barrels smeared with pitch
Were set DO die in many plates, to throw a light In
MOO !rule diatom. In the evening thegatilialds were
found le be . of little service, and the inhabitants were
called on to put candles in their seindoirt Notwith
mending all the ptecautiona taken, reseed accidents
°marred. Munn twernir persons toll into the canal,
inn were unntediately rescued. A 'young man of IN,
Wtui, took it into his head to cut emu id the cos&
along the canal of Ilemeogracht, loon after fell lam
the rater and was drowned.
The' population of ?dont - zeal, as ascertained by
d.lx,„dexuros 1850,,i5. 49,207, an increase of
11,9 Z, over that. of 1844.
ca. n ap San)C • C.”.ray
Catlin IJin6 ILlflu Au... , C., le ma.
Caroth....Jygelllmboar Katt E Crav asrd Sarah A
41 an (..4 Jahr Craig !dare J
Cbartzb.rl. Eli Alb Call Callow Cumtm. Cattily.
Churelill Cant.. Cowing Eli. A l'unati.. ,
Clatk Camline C... 11, 11..1..11
Ihtl.ll Ellglt Gii,pen Marin Duaghr. vary
seargamt J LINA bat.rll. bunlavy ft , ,ratt
bsti., - 11 , 41.114,0...ruanet 1.1,k,na Al +upart Duckettm •Durnto
Jan, earni. J
Dr kano, Ann
Evrtett Catha. Fagan vargarct
Intn mAt, A Irennemar, A
k K sr l , f ,, kC :r tine
!,urt!. Iran
Kerrnre - Kerary A
Kennelly ChaCharlien n
t+arah J
Kennecl) wary Rally wan A
Late a A Laughlin evah R LIX( 1 / 1 i, C
Lambing Elisth Laughlin Anna • laarry Jane
Lambert Cathay Lippincott wane Lowry hal)
Lambert C A Loan Eliza Linen Ellzth
laaahaw Hamlet,
Staler." vra !Marshall I+2=l Massie In, z J
Mackey J Mellaral wand Moron Ellath
Mackey we !leas, CRdale MOOT. w J
Maa,ty muth Mechem Jane Murray Etas.
3larhati warES Sikhs.' wary Murray Llarie
Martha Susan F. Stiles Simms E
!WAleer XIPS Weallorh Pah x Ribbon Was
Wriride Saran l'Elonall Itrithtrt I , llinight arrSanaln
al'Anlry Sarah AVlamald Anne. W sl . La ff ert, Jane
WX;andlesellarnt WDermot Rhnde WLan, Janr
Welatrhay H a XWDerecux llnaaana Sl'Lreac R hlae
lltilure Sarah WVariand Miner • Nl'Lnal Sarah
NlVolein Ann Wllbreny arartliaJWPike Garr)
MlNlrralek MTN Wlntrakh xaroba R M'Pheronn Rada ,.
M'Creasly Irate NlVlran Sarah L xargt
111(Ibbna Saran X
Noble Natllda Nelmn Lucinda Nnlty Catbne
O Obru S Elisal Ozb wary
nalger Ell. frDunaltl Jane Oren ntuart . h
Nall Mary PGA Lonl4 E PhIN nary
l'att,rsan Sanlz I,ll.lgrew Charinttehrklln R 11.41
rattrewm Kleaone Petry Wrda. Karla
Read E S Iltad Frame. Roger, Anna
Read Reber. B 114e0tryht Domingoßoger. July Ann
Read xargth Itichanl• tar. Th. Etnyers Sarah
Read L I/ Itlehard. nix I Itohiutnn ,Karr
Bead D maxi. Laub/allot:Ina. Lary
Ity. nary , Riddle an. Itobiumon Harriette
Banda Rachel ri Elm. wiry Jane Speer Margateth
Prod Ilarganth itheppraol Mary Stoke. Ehorbeth
tle l h It A. Sbane X Anne Steel Ellorbeth J
Soave Jnannah Sinclair Mary Stranger
Sertrad Mare :truth Stray Jane Slay. Luey
Shoup. A Smith Ellen Stark Anne..
Shaw Mary A Smith Sophia S Burka Mary
Shell; Catharine Smith Evellne Butt. Sally is
Shane Adeline thanaden Juliette Sutton tadaria
Stewart Hannah &h.. Margarethrixenrinder Ruth
Taylor Mr. Sarah Tamer Eli,alwth Tnwaend Ilargth
Toralcy Mary E Tom er Mary A Tucker Elnan,,
Thornburgh ElkanTonier Melinda Tarter Elisa
Tan D, 1, Am, Vander/wit /kurehar an Hum Am.
Wardle nr. E Wheeina Caroline
Weld, 'Lead/ . 11 bd. 0.1
Weldi toattiii White Marglll
; Wtine sun M illtam. Chartri
' Whlmore C1,,-.,Williams Jana
Wright art tr 11 C
Tamara Agree. Selma Saran Ann
Gentlemen's List.
AdlIC3 Jmi S Arynieg Alter<
MIMI ha l l,' Allen Wm
A1k+11..1.10 • Allen 0/ at hl Jr
Alloy bra.. Alllsoujas
Allen Warm Akderam Jno
Amiwr.n Slav Anderewo Samfll
Alltuder Ahrur Ander.. Rwrld
Aelnon t/ Aoki Wm
Dal d=in J Palmer Bernard Wm Bra Ale, J I:
rtaillr 110cli Ileverr, Wm Brad/
Ball J. 01 Be., Je. n Brown Chas
Raker Thon Berth Philip Brown Alexander
Baker Jnalal, Ilertliond Franc. Doan It m II
Balliter Dr Wm Beasandh xheph'ilßroati Zachary
de Roma
Rater Drel.h Benll fl
Han Ch. likhop 0' 11nm/en Mr
Batchelor Fran Blatt... nom Brun L
Bstry Pro-, Bigb, Wm Druck Caper
Bab.. And. W Blair J. a. Co html,, Mout C
Ram" Ch. Black rtylvener Brnyhy Jno
Itaakin Cl.' Boyle Hoch Brtortilee Jon
Barrett Jrn, Boyd Alex Brniffon Albert
Master Ja/ 1k.1.1 Oliver Murk., Pond
Barred Mr Bond Bevy Jno
Bay Wm Santana J n Burn/ Jon
Barker Joa Ilnyer Lo.omi Butlereffeld 11.1
Itarnytt Lowy Ibnman Wad, Buffington Wzra
Bell Jon E Mara inn Bull Afro!
• Bell Wm J Bridle]. Bogor Jaa
Jno Brackraridge Bre Benne t tyman la
Beall Ch. n Brackenridge 1.1 Jan
Bergin pack Breen Rohl x
COL. Dr Cheek 18. Cools Jamb
11 II Chat., Henry Cormran Patk
Cala.. Peter Chamber/ Jno Cordaro J D
Call liernd El Clark inc ' Coyle Neat
Cantina Donnie Clad. Mad al Covert Abraham
Carother. Jno tf. Chen Mr V Cox Jae
Cavanaugh Jon Clark Robt Crawford Wm
(Ivey J.* ' Cleland J. Crawford Jamb
Carnahan i•.• Clark, Jo. n Crawford Benj
Cartrizht Mr It Clark Jaa Crawford 3.
Caret Jno Clark Wm Cramer Ira II
Cann. A Well. Clinton Jamb Cricksonn, Peter B
Canffeld Park Calleghan Au Criswell Maze
Commack Rota P Clinton Rev lm]
CI W Cr;
Canham Th. es Daree Jnn
Carey Edmund Collins Jeffrey Cral: Jar
Calera Th. Collins Sohn I" Craig Jon Jr
Camera. Sand' Cole 8.1 Clinch Jno
Carey J. Collin/ Pun.] Crudr A
Carver Mart/rail Collin. David Cnava e n
Campbell Wm J Comer s B Celan. Jon
Campbell Thor 7 Coo Kobe, Cardin Henry
Caldwell Men, Coalman Leal. Corll. T
.Campbell Parker Cornett x Can,
Campbell Jnn Conway Ch.. Curry J.
Campbell Wen F . Comerford Arthur Curry S
Chamberlin Ica Connor Rohl 8 11Xistilogago J.
thriaingba, B Cratelo ThawClinan Mark
Banning R II Demskey Den Dougan Jahn
Dennbon John DrU David D llWae Jun It
Day A Crott. Doan A Damning Thee
Darlington Band Ikon Pater Brake Antra II
77 ph Dennison David Drew Vranris
Data Jame. D.llO Peter thilap:
Davidinn Jan L. , Dixon Matthew Dune Jon
Darla 7adekiah Diamond Jno Dan rig It
Darla Wm W nos C Dangan. Agnew A
nude Evan Dirk... Tay'. & Po
Dan, Jtm Moms Dwyer , Prior CI,
Dart. Wto P Daughter Wm Dyer Elmannel
Davi. Dant Donnulter Ilichd Doman AC.
Duals Jan DI Donald.. Henry Iht.
Deal George Donning Ilenre
Fanny A
11 illinno•••••
II 'lrma Julia
Wun1v....1 A •••• •
iCuy Emil" F
Athutlina 0.4
Artnstrtakg E II
Arsnatong Edwa
Artrtwtreog J. 1.1
"at upon IA tu
A.l3lnn Owett
Egan Eminent Elliott,Tbor
Early Tbna Erman J..
Edwards Jail C Elwin It II
EDI. Wm •
Farnham 11 'harp flak J W
Yarrow bar Finkle Peter
VArteor Jsbnt Ilaternan Palk
Ferippon Thea J Plandriv Patel
Pergnantn drimplet Flinn Sand
Vitale:mom 11we nerd J
Finley Wei ilederinelth Sam!
Vole,. Timothy dnelr Marehall
(lemma David Gardner Pavel W
Gordan Jan 011ebn Rent
UM, Jae Gilbert EdoA
'dYg r .,ll,‘',..lNlio t
Galiner Woo OiILIVIIT Woo
Grange Jon lama David 11
GsJeaber Illevn Gina A 31e:Verly
Galrener Graff Jane
Gall Jim (immure Hugh
Gardner Lana D GIWO }Wry
liamard Jesay Green Yelnv
Garlick & IlamlnanCrrealwe la
(Dvorak tirven Jonathan
(layradJime Gardner Alvan 0
isle IlarrlrJ FL
11.11147 I • Ilartiebir Ovo
Ilall eaml Harkvr Eark4.l
Ifaralltou J 0,,. HaGettJa.
Hamllem Piled It Book f irhl
Ilemllten Jar Hulett Wm II
Ilandltim, (Juliet Illytonnir
ACo • Harr Thee Hm
It n ne j rl " t i V
Hagan (N e l, horn Pawl
11 rt " ' 3 '74
flab Irrim " re . lar o,
Ilannuli Sam Held liavllC
Y Joel/Han al er i. ar H lan y ewnP
Hanle, Thee Dew. Jente
liannen Jr. , Dile, Harvey C
Ilanere 1100 A hill Win
}larding dee W 11111 A
frarivell lire Girl, Win
Ilarniw 11111 Pervifera
horror Jame. Ifilleue Jo,. C
Barri. Pram+ , J
Hanna lamer Illetne Ttdw
(Fart Pelmet Ilelmee Jr.
ihrrey J.4we Jvrldia
Gard:. J 43 Germ Jen.:
17.1 n. t f. 11%. l'noz,11:;„0.
Forllnn W
Vona Bar..
Vrazirr Wm
Franc )1434
Irmnr Jon
Pm. Elia.
Frm•MeJtrol. V
'Mb Jnn
OrArdent Ulu
li r ati7l:ll °
Onto% Juo
14% inure
Graham Jeturo
lrahuro Jnn
B,74r ° P,Z,d.
(Dimmi Jnaoph
Ohnith Jmoots
lirionucid Du A
Guy Dr E
Oudin Ja
Irne g arhSliu T
1 r .,,,, Levi
I ntricrJr,fiav W
1 ovvani Thr .
I mulvh MA
I calrr JiiroM . Sl
Ilevrvy W II
Howard Ilyntv
nor. Wm
Hugh, Jrmto A I,
/Imp. J N
Ilowswl Cha.
I ughrr °welt
umlwrtaim : 1 / 4 ml
lumberunn Km
luntrr Alva,
I,er Exra
1. luth
. • .
I In ton 'lvor, II
hunter to
huller In
Inchro eo
!miler J W
rizin Jr. A
Jenkins Jno D onc.• Ruth
JO,. Plat ' °tom Alex
Jrilsirs H H • Mr* C I'
Jenkins Tho. n ones M .1
John.. Mm . Jong.. Jonathan .
Johuslun 111.0 J14,6e, Jo.. h
Johnston Th. Jonas Wad V '
Johnston Darisi J.
Et•us L
Johnston It *Co Jones 2lt
From]) Hal IKntttir trus ,I
Kentney Ono Nina r.a.r
Knows P.J. Kin. -Inn To"
Mug Jim 11 piing i‘mgm t
Kelly 1).o , King ,l, / H. 1,30.1
fi t ar r intorr j" Yr. ItiKilumi•J"'"D"..vill'i '
Kinney RoLt iturts Jn
Kinney H li. li.nylin Um
COW, L XI liblo WM
K ea
Jo, htelsC2' Jno
Kea= Jo,
JA - Yo Dor t
'.m..% L
JaDewily Jr.
look Jsto P
JarLAU. CbrO4
Jorkton A
J lanotton IT II
am to Joint
J/ to A
Kan Jae
hod. , 1111.1
Kam* Wen
hxine Mkti
K+knowt, Jw•
Y am., Nut
1.1.11 Y
I i 111 Levrirt Wen C Lou; lI.IIrT
Letlsillir I. ury Lerdou Thom 1.,,11 A li'
Lam,, II D. Le.try Rat`Ja. L
1-utuLertf. Alt, ' Leekry IVM . I...vre PAM
I.nlly kteLl ' Ihre. I,lle Ilenrp
LK., ter:wk., bov.l.l•lutroton IVIn LY ,, P , P. C
ler, Linea J. Hugh
rlon P.lve Llnpr, NM Lore Peter
1 / 1 .11410 T 1.,., 1.1n,1.,q II ',VP J3d.
Leren.ler I,IA Lighluer S. N Lorrm. IL.
Lkuulollu P IS LitPell Jun 1...e1. .Jrlo.
1.41.,1.1114 Ilnlrri 1... rd J.l /A(.O IV
Laro.llllrve, Jeurkw..l JII Lunla.r:Wilulogr
L. IN, .It,,Lua 1/14. jltil
Me1.....y l'alk. 11.1..rritt Semi 11.... Fr.
Al.legis Mm %1e.., .1.. Mom.An Si
51,11, II 1 thelti..r r NIT.rrIY lm
M. , ...) VI m 51.eh1,m A st Nl..n. Ilenrl U
Mahon.) Berne?, Alll.l. Meon• Jne
11.11.a11e1 i.e ml )11111...../. .V.rrion. 11 1 1 II
11e.l. 11....1 Ililllettse Ile. .Ikrri..ll new •
A1.r1i..1t... Mi 116,..• I. 1 / 4 er1.., Jr.. ,
11...1.1 11 A Alll.-I.lllt •Ne.trumni 1,....1. /I
Nlert.. An.• .11.11.. Ittel i
i 1 Morel.. I. II
A hrt.l 1.1.1 Mlller 1. 1 11 , J.A.
Mitrt In A Miller 1 , ....' VU14111.13:
M.lth..w. . L., i Al Iller lkorr .41,111 u Qt
Nl.el .1:. Nl,llor II ld . .ionnili hmllp
Nien11.1•11 noel .4.n1 , 1, J. .
11khe woh is 1:. Skrlll r. WI .11, ler IChnirtitAL'r
1I:at \ 1,1,1 11, , n.1, 11., Ilorpl, J...
A l '''.
T,5,',..:.,.:',...11,„ ..I ' i L LITT ' A h , r ' ‘ ' 7 1 .4 1
Merrol I.,.. 1 1 .41 Nom. ifirlil •
%1re•e1,... 11....,/ A...
11. Al., 1.a...:1 - 110 'IIIIP J rt.. J 11 , 1.ia. J...
I eAll., • 1....1.,gi , 1..1x.....1.1 Th.. , 3.1..1,,,,er If
S ...t...1....... J. 1 1.•1 , ..u.1.1 Wm , 1..1....m., ..n,-
' rnr , ..1k , ••:• , ..... 5.• f....,...... Ilsels Ilelieut.:, 11u.
I Alri& — ll 11d........ AI., SIPE MOO Jun
N .. , '1011mr..13,....1. 31..1 , ....111,11. ..11..1.aughlm I% m
11 ,, n11-.1......1 A il 1 1.11• Ja. J..., T
N1 , ' , .. , ..... . 1...1, X 1 ,11......, 1.,.1, J/.•1......5. Si m
NI. , 'arr.. 1.:m.0 N1..F.r111,..1 ii IV .11..1...trin Ii E
NI, ~q,.. J., 11 ........ , up - .1.15.11.-,ju...tms Ale,
11.- , •111./.... 51.41....... X, m 11.1,...1....,. Jan
Xle , Sur. rt.- X 1...,.... .1. WV.. Ju..
11eci.... Ar,/..1..,11,1.,.. t r.• 11... th .W. 1.1.11.... J...
11e.1ar...1/... %Itilrill.t. Ila , rtn.n/.lleNtill M. 1.11,..,
55... ht. r 11. ..r, 11.1.1 r..- I lu,•1. McNair TIN.,
)1. ,, 1.r...1..1. .1 il 1 h•A1......1 rmet. .Itri.lttruan Jr,
X1...:401......... , lelm, r. IT.
.IkN kt. 1.. 11 .
Ile , i., .1..., 1 1.•Fiet. - 11..11 Nei/1111u J...
NlOl., 11an...1 Ito-K....Jim lleAllitlin Iblary
11,41... Os.. Xle.'ant... l'atl: 11.•Slmu..
11r , r.....1T An.l tr Th•li, .Im. Ilc.l..maJuo
11r ,. (....1.4•11 It XI. Eit•htn ...,...-. 11c , ...., I/..1b.1
K11.1...v. Nl,ter .1..• IleCull, 8.A., , •
NOW. /'.15.., ~..I, .1 , ....110.0 `...1. , .. 11 .• , .r ,
N..m.,, 11..., 1....1...1..0 N... 1,, illit.hall
.N.lrtim Jul.-. :11 'll. , ~., a 1... , II
Iliires, .in,,T ~ ilri.n Fan; I r( XTm
.m..,,,ram 3,..,, Sin. II .. lionnell ./1...1.
0 /Ir. In Tim. h v ....I.utu, .1, • 5.'11..111n NU;
.TlMlLliell D. 111.11 1111,n...hi. 11 l'onorr nos If
Air ...... .J • llarrel•atk 0.11.nr0,
IZOR SALE-The subscriber offers for tt . S .
a .1.1 a lore, and well built Ilnek flow, with fir.'„
nr tn.., acre. of gn.und. tit not,l ma the Fourth etrwel.....
e • hlrewl. a 'thin thrre mile. of thinvily P...... 00. Orr" nu
Patton I. a P. ter.. .Thrn Porter Jan F ' the Int of Aurd next.
Pnrko..4l Jo , ' I , t. Moe. JII Pootilet lb tier Ala, a re. deairable bd Of AL: niund.mnuunlng over Four
Pnitner / ...lin 10.11, frank - Iln Polbnit Jr. Arm.. 14 - 1111 a 'pram of ravel tit •ster them.,
P. n... Copt .1 101.1h0 ....• .. Powell Howell , mar the ahoy,
Patter.. At• l'lnlnn -nltoonn Prn or .1.... , Alen a lot of =nod 4 , feet 11 Inches b. 133 Lit. adjoin-
Potters., Ithht F 1.1.. P. J.. • Prt or M. lling the n•ntlence of Mr. A. Tour, near the eit,...ppoeite
Pctternott M m Pluto... Jrn, F lamb Th.. the Senenth 11.11. on Pent., Roma Arum.. P0......vi0n
Potter,. lan 11 Pis,,. oro Plarl t: I , gm u usunedialeli
Penny II .1 Plater. ( bon free 1.1..1 It I. now rertato that the Plank Rnal will Le complete
Pete. I nathtl, l'n no., ta ntnon , Poet the alms pnotertt early in the coining utratuor. for
Q 10 . 1 P 0 .nfanoaues. apple to 1.0011, BEELER. north it.
male nem. no. gent oln.crilavl umpertr. la 1 -.1111
rig ni , ria Quirt , Jae Qulnn Path
i 1101.`” A(' ... i 1 - 4 1 01{ RELATOR SALE-The subscriber V. 1.1
1 • I will neon or rent 111. yen elnnalralJe Count. Red- i.if 1
R ono, In Alimatens ray. o f te on Ohio Lane at....
Rant. Shag Itelllc otr .1"....• ft 11 ' i Alleghent At enno. went o lb.' Common. The hnone la a
Randolph Conntablellech:onbott A 0 llowon arm I lon, double Ittiolt building. In rontPlete orner. There , . •
Ran.. Jo. M0h0... 1..... 11, on •Ing• Csfalnul , earnaar• hum, ado., and gent wan.r on the ...mho
It.metY "m S Illno. 1.... t ~ .lotn'u Ittn)gosa ihnoe . which comm... two norm well Improved. eontainlug eve. /*ldle gII Rota.. sand description of frnilt a 1... a apring use and nuoke hon..
Ile. Jo. ' Inchon! on Inn.' IPelaurn C 0 1 , ....a.0n siren wheneler denin.d. JOHN 11E1111ART.
Itnamt r.l 110chn,1....11. I. 1:040......0 ~ I nc .0,2..1tf .
Revd Ilirant Itlit. r Jun mh,„..„. 1.., ! 1;1 1 olt it }'. lc T-A tact, story Ihrelling 7. ,
sr...trawl al 1.,..h0r Nod
Reed A . Pooch thrld 1 11 . ./::: ' ,... ' 4 ' .. b .Po ' c ' " i I tall! ""' ""
''' ./A I II 7 : IL atTFI.7:IO w.- it .C. -,
Ilene, T 1... 1,..1. , ...1m. 11. billAon .liot
ititirnillSr Mathis, 11 , .41, 1114,11 1.1.1f100n110 AIOR SALE OR ON PERPETUAL LEASE
Richard. Jan 11....1 M in' Itohinen..ll E -I will nen for rn.b. or on perpetual lean.. one lot on
Hilton Nonni. Lowland A., Re 1,... Jonlat .4.1i1l otreet, 24 foe( front lo 100 fret to Suring all,. ad.
nob., Eno. 1104. f, Iler irm .1 Itoli•rinor. JIM ~o)111i1.1q1.. Ninth 11 nod Engine Mow. Al.. one
nolen. tin 1
I 1 . 1 ..." br /41.01 c. Carton, and Allegheny ntreets. and
s ~- g All,. tncing 214 feet on Lttert . lon 1Z) to S Irmo
' fig.!
Alley. t y , ,
. A1..,A1..1. al find fnlnhng on Fem... greet. mon ,
h0nf...1 Jon Smith lien. Ffephenn Philip 1 4 0 .telt opposite the Central Railroad D.., and ....mug
....., N Smith I. JI. 91.pbets. Wll arms. .
_ll . ..iont l ±l . tt j JAMES O'HARA.
Sealion Alichl tanotis ." Jr . St. Ott tin J o•
(.I ' l.. J"tlit ''' lll "h t' . ' " '" 11 .. }11101 .I Ai ALL A BLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. r 4 12
Se. 1.1.1 no 11 :moh Min Sloan Jon
The Thlid War. 11.1,10 &boot Rouse. aniloile on .`"'''
5 t ....1 ... 'I E , bleb it otandn. will be eold either oeparatelT or .....''.•
no, In.ri nt. melee, , :S .1/
snout! Anat.'s, Sow , Wtn ste,..m. nom 'tonne, to .0 It purtinnwro. •The Lot I. 110 foot utile nu
Set era., 1. ' h.. " ... TI " '."'": ''''""" 4 "‘ Chen, allet . aml Mat feet *lmp on I/Int:pond alley. '
~,.'i 1 , ` :.`,,'''',., : , ‘‘,,,,., " ! t on 5,"," • ,, L ,',", ° , Ti "
, i , 1 ,,, F,',, n , ",,..,°,,' , ', r t . , Ant addllantal intornallon .1.1,41 will to. given. and
Ph..notkor ' Peter mown.' g Pt. 1'J.... ; tern. of utle mode known. on application to
.11,11 N AIi:CASKET,
P 1... 001.1 ...m. r Jr. 11 .seer J 24
1 Inno'l Tamil Innen., at No. 4: and 50 hark, I ctn.,
Sheet., al to .0 4..1n,, :•tetri,lor tll 1 ~
lats.l I.
theyloet..l,... molt It 11. un wow... 1,1w,1
1 , J k , ..,.....,,. I . , , . , i . 1 ( 111 I LET-A large Mono MM.. with
V,';;Z o r . t„, ' ,7,,,: ' ,..%,,,,..,,, 0 ',,.... " ,',.. ' ,..Li` 1 '' II At arm. of La n.l attailled, annato dat 1 - taklant : 1 71
Strianon Satol p.n.,. Plitht , Pontoon Pant 1 Pt" . HARDY. JONI, 2
Smob Oct. sprout E T t
Real Estate worth 8100,000.
tn,e, J I. Sp.,. A 11 .
T , A 'ERY DESIRABLE Profiertr in A11e..74.
Talon itn 1 iihß/p . ..n Jr.', ; Tole" Air, T Om, - Cep P. rale. Two vplendi) renal....
TAViOf ... 1.01.1. Rolla in,', 11,.. , on fond bank, 1.1 wont. MO having a front 1.4' Whet
Talbot (. t• Teeter. A/1.1.c1] iu.,31 Al, MI tA•uth Common bt, 240 tol M.. Are.' The other, 140
Th,....., It N 11t,I1 Jo.,
.'r In ~.,,LI, , 1.,.t r,,,, b, ...,,, to an alloy, Itoproved In the Wet manner,
Tlntnt,o,n II 1.1, Jno T r , ;,..1,,, , ,, affording a deli -fitful view of the Mr of 1111.1.111. h. the
D 0... on 1 Pooh; .lin, Tor, 11.,:h I Alleghent and Ilhia river,
TALI a lea le a mom agrounfrontin nutth nn Norh Cullum.,
il. , 240 A ha, ,
running 1:0 fat two k, g
hound.] lit t t .ro lilt 1.01
. stn., and tat feet alley in roar.
Alno,twenty scow dlrortly opt.c.lte the 11.1.1,,ad P.),
,01 the mint dentrable prt,r:, ono to.Nowl [..r AA', Tin.
V t Mete of gik.llll , i one. Inducements In vperulat , ... Apult
' to ill. , BAIIIII A IRVIN. 114 Second it
1 nn. rt. 11
ilzirable rsitlence , at 77
Vtr jTO LET. -T Pon. w hat
Molter Ala. lflot . A A an
, 11-. Iloht lT O
timennburtth . .t.e. .th •ito... of Lawn., ..
It 11.1,, ,lax S, .• .. II la 11,1, yowl ; 0:1‘. Thn bonne . lame an.l move:nen, ha,. 1:: ~..... •2
Moll.. 1.1,0. - It 101... tn ,1. truto r. Ju., , ~....1 nellnr. and want, lytuno Alen 0 Ptah, and earn.,
Wan. , " Ja• I. " ho.ute II II 11., r , J..... t, I b... • together wall a tone gar.l...nomoiron. eh.... o .co ,
II .41,4 re Jal .11 10i,... in .11 Will.. Jon I to.. 4.41 fruit tn.... Teak.noulain +lotion ta • nhort .11..
M alba...tem I "hot,. I , 11 WM.. 1.1•1,1 ! 1111...' dui'',.
,1 1 , 10 ..1^' ,,,, cu .I• In AI AtIL }non'.
. 1 . 0 Per
01 ,1, , 1,... m b0...1. It a, II 11., Cht.• II "ea...omm. 'g 1;1.
No I 1 Tilt NV..
/ It at, r...e.., " t 00... t.. 0 mi1..t00,. JII 1 ul 141 ni No 1111 Market .teect
lt no, 1,...1 al 0....- loto.c it 11l t r ig a
u,,, ~., -.n,, trdloonn .11. S 1 iiiiAlil 1% DI . j.i.OR RENT-A Stu MI id. in Ea , t Binning
' Word Jie. . al alt., lo r Th... Ullt.m W I: 1 ' ham, 1,11 nitutdod Tor a tor, hunineniall
ILI,. I: I I It .11,..... la n. M 1111..1 1..a1i It tuan.l th. enure 1..1.... of th, octant., (0.1 Ran 1,,F,
trill, ,bogie 11...4 Mahar 10.... , 144.111. ther.....1; mpaond, with new Lod... ow Icannst
11,06 .1 ..... M .i... In.. irtllimon. Thor , Ga. • torn> of 'en..
{1, 1 1. 1 , at to 11,:...,. Ira II %rib, tod• A 1... an ...tent,. rite P;t Ineek utak.; -el., shop
11 . I 11,,,, E., , 11.itutirt VICLI i A 1.,,. several good oaocrow .4 etnenent e ~,,,, . M.P. , ef
treat matt,.... II n git.nn Pont-, Wo...An.A. T1...J , /.11,12150r10 K. 1 . 111L1.1/.1.41.1 birIUIP.O.
Vi 11•11P01.
It 1.. 1 II nr••I? ,11 trormiellat , Pro LET-The Three &bre Dwelling vre..l
W.., I 'apt don. V. 71.i1t AI• let um. !lore I ,j, Ilnu, Nol7l W,llo rtnnot...l. j 114,111 atvlipl.o ::;,%!
Y • , b, John B. Llvin t .tro, nod mutamtng two
, dinini nom and kin.... on the PIM floor 1 . ...., , 10n
coat,: 1001. Y. 113, J. ' gi. - t1 011 the 10 of Apnl Inquire of J .0 - Ft FIAITI,
ittl o llO.O than,.
laitals . .
'TO LET-One Two Store Brick House Tr ,
IL nt , /,4112 brat Pathicr • ' 1.: , .
, e0n.... 4 mum.... tinier Avenue. MlnerA .. re
fent.. ot nm, No Al •
. . c 11..., ' gent low • Eno.. a .;:..:.
• .h, JOHN It ATTa Co
A ttn. L•b.... ,
CA.-. Itarg. Pot In. P
ou4• n 11
1 nu 3
. ,
: " l ?r , 21' T. 1 :11 r 1.
,r• .11 T. sul./.rene
1 "
• .. •
11. n ,
LIXECUTORS' NOl'lCE—Notre is hereby
gi u. that tho untler.ozne‘l .tro the legalirmn*titutrd
..aonttr.l-• nt tho tratament tpf Jam! Johudtm,
lat.; ~(_the tto,,lt .1 T+trooluto. dPrranett All per,nta
hannof r).llton I.;a:n .t -aid r. an• hereby n..tiftoalto
pew-Need (Nem for to“ moot. and th. ir..h.htel nforpAaid
are ho hl
notified 1. mal, muntatvlintr tm , nlent to ,ithrt
of nth.-plata .1
nom omtry.
(.13IITLEY & COLVIN, Coal Merchant/1.
rnlllnalrrs In tbods, Rod NMI..
metne t 0 Alm. <,..t. IVa+lnnor. Turnplkeitarat
T.znprraneklll.. • nclu.d/imrly`N
Qg AM. P. ROSS, A Henley at Law, Office
17 No, ICY Fourth .trust. new 11rao41u Lazoftrilore
ALEX. FOS+ER. Attornev and 1.70E171-
41cm at Ls, No 16 rth 1 Vlu 0n...1: war oirant st.
bunth. nterl.lll.:ll,S
The Haman Body Must Perspire,
llent7o Snap eawen n free ptreirntton. nnd Mr name
time nnd tonenn the rkin. Ovint: It the et
or nn Intnn,
[Shawn. and rank are not only beans!. hot
runs! by its at In. pl...nans'in 1. York, know.
wAn un; it lb eneh ewes, and foal It uumilit.—. al.. In
Punpkx Hlntehra. Erveklea or any other altiudlsearat. The
ia that thin to Inele.. puffed ...nano. as
one trial on..e. I could enmerate at le.! eighty
per.. eured or AGM head. ~ ,. t
ins and son. heanA.
Boy It—and the reader la aasund nrund not ern.
ally ant! a for the Masse, unless I knew it to he all I sta..
Tbn. , who an , liable to rhaf.,t, erneaed.,,o, cha.,l mad:,
sell and this not only a run, hut n Presentirt,d 1 ran
non only add. [het anyone afflieted with so an
y of the shove,
or rimilar dhrve. will 0,1.1 this all, and earn morn tadmr
table In It. properties) than 1 state,
readrr. the mores apr tocsin] with Imitations.
band ha sure en ask for Joan . ChrenlealSonp—and
uy It only t oll. JACKI,ON. only Moat In Piuslonvb,
Lend of K fx.i.
Pearly White Teeth, and Pure Breath, to
ba bad f0r . 2.5 rento.—ri,ania vI,, have either. my honora
bly Ragtime. that it tlocir breath la ever fool, or their
thatdeo.*ed..llnrk or mat eLOTtleted with tartar.
that a 22 ro ot hes t.l Joboto . Mo., Tooth Pa de will make
the ha,th w white am Alow. amt the breath odordernualf
Oold only at JACESON'S Rum, 140 I..fharty ft, bead of
A Scientific Hair Tunic, Restorer and Ileaui
tlfirr.—Tral Borth, :r7Ai trot... Thor , who have gue4
Joy.' llgir Itav,rer, know id o arrllettt qualltirs-4
th.a. who ar.ure 31 t0y,..... the tglintrigtt
qualth,—lt .111 1 nnir t” grow on Ray part able
galore Intot3.letl bat, to crow: .4 , 4.11 nn. , on:.ort
datalrolr an.l make light. rert. or hair am., dark.
For rendering the halt rot, noel n.gray
ghiha ea.
maker It truly lwelitlful. oral keep. It an. t pa. In
the tur.t I,onornleal—yot forth.
b 4,
or 7IL . 3!Mon. :01, I.llvrt>
and SI
JONES' Soluti.i of Jot. n Liquid human
lls I r Dye. for I rhung ..f n nr grrr hal, foe
brnonful il.nou. or Mark Jet rnlor. fror tumult, •
nrnt.. n II •
N. 1,1 by WS!. m 1.11.. rt, 1 , 3.1 of Wir 4
lilt.) undo.
JONES' LI LLY II are eau
tinned 4.101118 l urtnte the ettntntnn pretoweal Chalk.. They
are nnt aware Imo I:mg/none It te to the akin:
how co.trett. rttutdt. 'ell°, arid unhealthyy
the akin appear.. niter .1111, el”lk . Beside, it la
1 T ri. g, ' ,1 . ,.. '" , ' 4%.-t "l Ytt ' l l .:.7 . l(!:l 4 :: t t etYle i 2g .1 whl
call gtetnleit /.1.• ".
.11 n I• Innifteal t.f deleteriong
gnalitio, earl It intiterts to. the akitt nutural. health,
stlesetetr. elem.. hel ut no. etane time ikettut, tut . orto-
Melte ,tn the Out, mttkle, toft. ntel
Sold Itt the Aorta. 1111. ACttenN, ntt Libern ne*et ,
heal f Wte.d. Pittelategh•
State Mutual Fire Insurance Company.
lakett It mithllttltl Pt, Pittsburgh.
Junt, bat, IRA. •
TILE itetal Id 11.11 1 ••• Of 1111 . l . eSy of the
Do. 41,4•••“1 - 11. ta, make ths .. ?tASS klrrnat.
dtott Fskrt 0,11.0.1 -• loovt uratoll albs clam:until.,"
Is the unittaktalabal sultana tat•lat-a *bleb late been
dam. Ittentatt vane , tekrlt tooti Poltriets In n lath mere
hut' mantlt• nt..l tublata bear 17Usestf.Cattltal to the
Camps., In , thrertose ste tattatt to •a•,. that neurls all
thu It aun sub t r ust. Ito email risks.
Amount of batten,
Are° ttttt roontou ,
Miiio4llll pt•r 51n.17; 15
Amount ol • ,
To be Mao tb. h-antr. loridtmtal
latm ..... f tli. airam con•ln.ted nritil. on the
, res t smont,
Imo to of lb. the only
boredt. la 11... „., - ..r. ' :.....r0tt 1 P ‘ ,1171EU1
int./ leo pot it torrii.imi that o.
Fri of tb. futon , of ..Ithrt mle
u .
ooeul to lora. 'crrl.; Mbet Putt CIA!. la
' ensaanlimml to. 01‘1,1IA V. In obeli imore
ou t , trawl. up,o, moutrr Ow.llloro. brew out
I M i tiv.1 'u 0 ' %1: ',. .11. , r;.7 011 ..a .,! Z "'
IMF . ‘ l4edb , l Clear I. demo:m.lrd lb. )fri'CIIANTS'
COIIPAN In oltorh trarrnaucemety menu
eimi. re prawn, In town. and
Tb. mann morn are roily moot der rirro me large as
1 , 14 t. t . tr , rl , l , ! ... Vlt .. ertd . br other liaorzols, end tne rot,.
ir allowed In Le lurarnd In or.
and tn. arrllcant le allowed lba prittlren of livrar-
Mgr Itlrer with or Willmar the ./f a rovuti
Alrlorier will la tended of the pane of LOA 71 " "
otal liberality. It I. non under elm cottl ' of the
falleelne doreme-I
John Y. Rutherford, Albert J. Gillett, Slated T. Jack,.
Abnm A. Cern., Philo C. e.edgeeriet, //ober,. Mott, Jam
is. Porter. - MUTILY.AntItD Preabbm
JOats= &c.d.'',
A .
easatca, Aaron'. iertnrr
: Very Valuable City Property for Sale:
rp[lE undersigned Administrators of the
s.has Of Thounto Fairman. dromaral, offer Ihr ante the
I - ...file real ..tat of the Mati Thamms lalrtuan. rouoletirm
%of nue feet lut,Po.mting 1111 Lllierty atrret. running haeli
to a tom feet alley. Al the tavern eland known an th e
\lamina Hun,. with the grouthht el.nuerted.
fng on Plum all. thirty trim. fret 6ntr
Aloo. thrhe Ado fronting OD Cherry alley. each ekthh.en
Get nnd running hark alaty ket parallel alth Plum
lley. all of which pn,perty will he 1411 at vital". rale. tor
appliratioe the auh -, eriloonc or If nut old I:eft,re the
3larr h. will bo oger,l at auction to the hlghoot hidden.
Ale, the Tavern Mond II ufleml for mit. Applf
It. 4 OMNI ta w
101 Ltherty II
heautifully located Lot,
tlahtlu ß a nr . rm, more or Irv, niftier.. on llo•Turlli.
, nsit.l ' :.r n aVa ' rtt t' sc;rr ' t ' l, ‘ Ztr • 9 'i a " n . r ti l r, ' 7,‘ " l ‘h r i n r na•
only Intlf an hour I. u vralk ' fro. lbe: " ..urt
l'o.onglon glrol of Aprll,
t"."."'7l'lUVlk.74n.'4llß.u Intl.
Pourtn . n A .l ' oo;,, l huotm.l,l
I ,itt - 1 v:
!PL. n p awl charb, thin ottim.
.r LET-The
Mar Let atm, The beat location thy• env for Yy.
anet or dry yoodi hm, also; tor nun:mire
broker °Mee. Apply to II it II I LSON.
)I.POII lIES 1 , --All that Tiortio of me river
' bottom laths la.tween the Piinthurgh anal lin a hr,yek..,
Pc! ' a r ittVars 4 ;;;Vo . r i : ' r,tvt"
eat...Haut Itnnervllar under. 1,111;Wril MM.
n seal barn. It la all in a high ars Y. of ruin% °1 00.
and la• well ralculabnl for dorm' e ganistima
c omm No nrei.....d •noti moo. he r,,, rime ands t in
• commended Ito ho needy . iontiett. 1.111 indoatri The
taellitkr I,r salting tomarket are m 1,,, I to unv in the
m the wen
will have hi. eh .la. of the :iv. r,
plank nml. or nil owl fart hie sereannualation
g rJ often for °‘. minable
. tainting lotn, and morns tery deafest& site. for manure,-
Wrier, in the Ifonnugh of Illtmlnytham. healed near the
new Public Nrill.lll HOLM, and:Engliati Lutheran Chun+.
The rapid manly of Birmingham in tepulation end
• manufacturing wealth. and the nYtannelde prirvy at which
lot. Will 1...4,E will render them a nth. and pn.ntsble in.
I `v. at m., Title perfeet. Terms favorable.
For particular, and tom., enquire of the underrigned. at
Ithe oilier of tieneve F. lilltnor, Foy.. on °rant atnwt, Fitts
burgh, between Mot and Fourth atm., or of It titian,
mow. and N. Satterwm..Enja, at their . ..l7ler. In Sims
} Ingham. ta2i *WE:, F. EATON.
LET-Onellnuvn and Lot situated ttl
en Bedford etreeL Seventh Ward. For term,
all , On ROBISON. LITTLE t CU Yu...
la_. 255 !Awn, at
RENT. The 5i.,., 114 Market 7:1
et door from th.• moo., ol .t 1 .rltot
atd m
tb.• Int ”fitpril....e.
nett Imltore DAVID GREER.
Yste.llm too Penn .1 -
titt itENT. tire Very roftVeDlotit
Ittl Eli., Si, no fli t orrld above ;-,4
tont near to . oathhold. Proot.non,trl , en.o. tlo
of A..ttl next
Alen to LOA 4' Prone or more vett, come laroe meant
Lot. of. and near the .Alto.hont 1:14.-r In the Ninth Wert
ANA, to H'lL M. f/A ll
tat Alf Fourth it.. revs W on.).
ItENT.—The follovrlnfr, prope.r
ti. Are R.r rent
tarn'. will le . 11 :: 41
STUIIE. no . ' 4 '.. . ' =, ‘" te 'j -to. n .M r litt ' ol and f
ouith nu..
Poitahle f,n Dry
Sen [al rnotos In Poet (him Dui: ngs. In the second and
thlnt Atoms, tunable fur Artiste'. .ont Ofßnx te.
A !v. ...awl mnyentent s.
lo m Suei
n part of the etty.
Dl:version of the foregoing can even tee the in. of
April next.
Men a SMALL STORE on Thlstmtreet. at door to the
Clalette 1,...ae5.10n given ItnWediatel..
IVOR , AL } . — An Lea no the Warehnuee.`on
Third elm*, heretnfnre tooopkd b the late Mr. A. P.1...1eu.
For tern, apply to
ee.,. .
lainnr 11. III'OORMIC 80 Third
1 4 1011 RENT, tr Two sto rnme House s
otn ...Dna. no "
1: f
F r :1: e d x te tn.% , :y . .
. t Yt i t
!na' filth
der 12 I.
lAborty e LI:
0 LET, the Store Roo No. Gil 31Itr
ket greet- Ad.tolning the
W % Wtt h kaot JewElry ,;;i:;1
. limn]. and reeently hr
N. Ilnlnles Men, as a Itttnkloo an arhonge
111. room I. herated In the trued of rat mud best lsuelnee..
point In the eft,. 4041 will adapted ft et Hankie aod tr
auma,. Otte, and Insurance 0f1in...; • 11 ”tom. A Xplendhl
new (non. with Englhdt Mate Waal, 'III he put Itt'se novo
a. 4 be entalber portal,
En. Le of
uarse M n peen no the find of r.
Comer of Nlarketjt
1{ I. - Dig
FOIL SALE, the Three 1 ,
Direlitarl. Na. Ilay rttrFt.
lenua. t 4.3 mill. LAW id
S...non Iv tlvr)Parr. to Le ..ecur..l U pll
spa. Clear al' all luratobrastoe. and itt,
Apply to WILLI.
Olt SA LE.—A few him
' Stnek: N 4 ,4111 Amerl , an 41141
Id++. to 13A1RD a 111V114. 114 V 4441,
T\ TIIE 0111'IIANS' COUIIT of Allogitenv
J Count, id la4entlien term A. D. 11.511.
In the molter of the partition of the pal io.tate of Wm. E.
Patteroon. Into of Ellubeth dennewil.
Allegheny Gounly, S
oa•-tit Theme . it nt Petah Pittlen.n.
widow. /nand. Pattenin. Jamea It. Potter
von, a Mime. Thom. 11. Mee., and :iamb
/I, hio minor. IT Mani E. Patten.,
Zoe ;i flabeena Patteraon. moop . da Pattenion.
4 and
, tell Plonk
41111:71 . , E.=
Notionls hend, to thy .1.0,.. Lanai. that
by +inne of thil ado.. metitiont4lof pert/lion. en
fluent will be taken and held upon t e minions therein
Hegel - Rini. to ane certain mimeos and tract of laud
ritual, In Elltithelli Inwitoblii, Its exii noon!, sdpittilnit
land, of John Milani, John' nankin. John MeHnltn.
tbeneter Miclioel Ilarlintd Janie. MnKnlnltl.
and the heir" of Prier Patterson, containing shoot
one.; with the. appurtenances: alto,) one other 'retain
menotare end tract of land altwite said Inenelliti
Elindieth. bounded ha land. of Jame, slehnlahl. Thome,
Pollcrwit. end tho hare of Peter Patio-min. containing
oleo. WI am. ith Ilse nein., neon, on the ntli 'lto id
Mere), A. I' w
In q .rlork. of the fonoonn, for the
nisi,* of noilittina .
1. . veluatioii , etid uppeelinuient
of p.O nal eq., ln the 'lid which
time end place raid potties ran ot otertiOnk
CARTKII CtillTlll, nheriff.
Sheriff' , OM,. Plllohurgh. January Li. 1.451.—/e/Giwnt,
!MIN , TRATOR'S NOTI , p£,--Letterm of
AsituitalOrati,m nit the carat , of atherine McCann.
diermod. have granted h, the tont roloral. AU per
rum Indebted Will make Immediate ptymert4 that: hhying
dalmn • 11l preheat the name oettlemetit.
YOUNG, AdminlOrntor.
Allostheur coy.
Public Sate of Real Estate.
W fILL Lie r,. :S „ r . to d., p o t , ' 1 4 1 o e n
1.4121,,, ail that oerialu tact of
Fre n n a r l f ) no the
west by hunt.. half, on the oeith by Nancy.T•dlor:etet half the 'to.' by Jaime li,lly, onduthlng fat) [doe awl one half
toot, act., too t or lou.„,Loing the wane trot of ground
1111 which e Jme. tdreerg,rd reeldnl. Oald
Ilte. near the a . toad, anal 1. about ten tallo. from
the lOttehurnh. about au acne of the groom] are
eleared.and to eoltotallon hIT tanning about
half te era] lend. and thepropert,
one nud • hall
Contml hall ttoad Najd trart of ground le
owned by Mr, Jane Olceowit. 11r, leatudLe llentutan,
and Mer., June ,IleNulL • minor. and held lathem ad
conitnell, earb owning an undtridol MON art
thereof. And C. Carotber, having beon en,nrcred b/ Mr•
Jane th.Cowan and ]lre. Isabella Unlinkau warrant of
attorney,. .rII their reepectOre intond, and Itobort. 11.. -
, tht o guaohau ot sold Mary :law. McNutt. yang , oen
t ridoel and dlr,,bet by the Orphan.' Court of 11,,,hvn,
the horrret of the .aid minor, in the
estate elev.. , d.noribol. The ,al,l tract •111 amodlogly be
.old to the high. , t end bent hitter, no rho 13th day of
I. at 10VelOck, M. Terme of ale •111 lo
telf.. , eft 11.011 E 11T IlthliMAN.
'KO: , LOS 00
EXECUTORS' SALE—Notice is. hereby
given that. In pairsuanee of an order of the'Orphana'
wort of Allegheny county. 00 e.Peer to public pale,
lu the villa., of Clinton. Allegheny county, Pa, an the
bed Thunday of Febritan t l at II ceche), IC,
the premien, the following de esdbol_P=Pert) •Y. .
Lea No I, contalnlng Thirty Teo s.4ouperehea. bearunal.
by Jody Wheted, the orcel,Witloar Hold hid °no rm ori
which IA elected. no awry err.. DwelUua Man ,
Lot No. 2, on:taking foryr itquo PoThel. banded by
the 411. et, by J. hot., by the school honer lot and ' , then,
too. hleh le efeted a ermine Stable.
edit ho coolaltdnif SWAY Serb. 69- P 0 hew. the street, hy_ ha &Schley the 'moot house la, on
vhieh moon 'lv... Paws shss.
Lot No. 4, rootalnlng Forty ingtit ioopertim, Woad •
by Jody labeter,LlinedetAten.and Dr. Wilton. •
Trend of /ale an hairouch, the lob:ft In we equal
tUul Percuatc, with co b• Od
. I =l2o . 12 210.22..0t.. AISDII/fle
laZm3 Smai,;;Of iSitat,asra.
_ -
i . I,tolt CI Nt'l NN ATI AND LOU- !vr„ , „. ! !!.--... n. footnit.U.Z. .... ,-...7.!.....71:11.1% 'lLF."'Llilltir'
I 11 , I LLFI-TI. , fin, deamor IoNIAN. l i i'ln" ll AIIALEY, WOOL WARD ..t. Co., W.IinIC
!. ~!,. Li-1.,. ill mate for the and all .....
.1 JP mle Gnaves, No. 221 flarirst st., rtana,,,,,h,.
innrtn.liatr port, lhip dal at 1......1...k.,.. M. root Daub , . ... -
- -
, or atm.,' ... 1A...
--- % ' IJI. N EALD. BLlClitilt
flo. tin., Iti A DANIS: Ltman. .- i I ~..i.,..,i, , u,rb.u.: X
...Arr. wlll Imo. for •Imro and Innmtnoilmt.
. a .'n, 11l North Wharves. Phllao. 3
tad, on We........,......n01. tud- at in , t., . _
, , For trolzio •or .mma... apply on hmtr.. fol 4 . 1,/ - ERCEit ,S; ASTELO. General Commis
: 14 1 0 E NEII . 01: LE.ANS -1 . 1.... low _ ' „.. . 1,1 aid Merchan, rhnmoptd... Liberal Mean.*
I Ind r................, E,..uhr,.. tt,,,,,,
.. " 1 ' mad.. on roruhroments of ilemtare genrally. Liardiratnn
".."'''''' .'" "`” ''''' ..' ^l.s. ' .. 1 ` ll AD , ......-- ... 14. ftI.•KIIT Ir. ratithairm.. . Araidia C. LITLNC.IFLaN.
i ne.finte,....... Do. a10n....... at 4 ..'rlo I, W. POINDEtiVER & CO.. ,General
1 For Drub. or ...1.-,..0. am... .... tn.,. h. 1.1 1 •
Commission and FM-m.4lm Merchantiand Flour
Ft lit CIN I'l N X ATI - - -The 1.1ei.11- „e r . r.,, ,, 11....._ ..,... 2id Marta street. PlilydeldM jr.2.., ,
Id .t.mnsor II I 1,F.. \ . ....L... INT.. will :lna "
i loss.. for thr al.,- and ii.tran....... mdt...r. ''.' ..• . 'To Southern and Western Merchants. ~
“"1,:r'?;;.i',‘1.11"...;';'......4....1..p1, .P”
'". 11.4 fold : 110USELL'S PRE3IIU3I PERFUNIkRY.
I Volt NF:11 ORLEANs: The rt!• suleadiber nmpretfully (malt., pUblic attention
.., , . . , , .
~ , ' • . ir7 . c . a, to • ....nave snmkof Errharorry.SnamilhayMircreannt.
.1!. ' 1,?..., ! ! . . ! atr V I t .!.. "„' . ' ‘:?'. ' 11.!;. 1 .. 1 !.kie,..:1 41 2,; j hl l'7, g=l,`,.rl,:,ll.l'i'bril..l= b or: . f
a 1.,. on w...1.,....1., ~..‘, v...rt..,,, ...h. At 111 , rtork. A. Now lark, Ikalnn.and Philadelph thp isttre helm the
only Golden Medals ever award./ for
perfumety, athar In
lol , " Euram or in thin evuutrj.
k , llll I.l..kiltila% . 1.1 % 1.:Iilili. cratu's Mrv... Snarl. CZ.), (Almond, Rome,
' A, I, wE.1.i.5t . 11.1., _ Th.. ~.„.. ~. .
.•.,.. ' Ilb it
Anilmmla.) ualromally acknmeadaltd tobesupertorto
I "V H 1.1,/:. ,lu.. End Ir., mad,. .1 1 1;.: . . r . 1. - ' f: ...1 . aro dating limutt tu this country or Europe.
....1 nornolar ........ b 010..., (h.. ,t. nr., 11011 , ...11, Ls.v. OLF°P.LLF Fn. SPF.F.. - 8 , •nt1f. 11 7 tmoDfd<nt , and
Inp ritt,...,1.....r, Moo.. 11- .1....d0, aul Enda,. at . 1.1 " .• '. 111 . 1 - hiCidE .. 1. ' 1111 ...n0... 4 .1. " i ' .... I'7 l..rUM
Sninnamms Lontimund; Al:Atonal Shaving Tabten ADM.. ,
hd in'Ald or pa., atm.. on 1..n.1 ~,, ry amnia: nott.
- - - arourcrr Ton.. Botes-iilmoad, r.,.... ffilleerars. Baa
-1 IiNIIR NASIIV I L 1. E—'l'he 1iz....., .... lam 1.. d, Musk, Patehously, Omnibus, Floating,
- „
lA' am. r 11.1111.0 t. ER. 11,.... ma.. r. „ . g i l: Eraa.parint. Ohl, OIL WIWI:Vt. and Cirramlan. .
al 1.,,,. ~ 11,. 0.„,.„,„, ~,, „ d m , ~,,..," _ I...tian,ra Mt tot IFILIDE.FACIII.M.-Holy Jasmin, Bore
. .1. in.h.. or A r a . Oa. , a. Carr.lim.l4nuirum Jean; Lind, llonasellne,Jack.
For tr. mht..r .m........ appl, on 1...r.1 ~,,, ,'1 club, ildnolia. Clomallt, CArmAlle. Runt, and many
. al., , &aril., In all rlxty we
; 1; 1 011 Z.INES.I . II,,LE The tine , a --. _ 1,..., liarrn.-ilnrida Water, Eau de 'Follette, Oranto.
1 r ..,. rn, F 11 1 .111,,......., inad..r. w. 111,..... L., - . 4 ;;1 -7 7.7 ~ `'.l W.., ..d . tu'''. l, . 4 " ll ' l F °I C. , .. 0 .... ..., .....' l .
; for ............... ..... - .1,.............. ...
' , Aro mum. roe TIM Itint mat. Bennet:lll, Anqstm
F., tr....... or ;mom., Knoll - on 1... a. ~,..„ , thi. Itarolohno, Fitu Lunt-ale, lain, Cansfniund 00 1.1. ,
• 1 row. Ilmr ID., Dina and In ad,,, and Mlloconte,Rki
' . 1 11,N011 CINI 'I NN'I . Lul' IS V ILLE _ . ~ 7 ;:.:, . r . :,,rL.:, : L1;, , r a..
.t r•T lol'lrl-The Lot running /nat., . a.te. Chartmal iimariorm. Mu 1
ra At' NED To PS, t "wain Charlm. Drarl. will Dowd,
Imre pa tho ohm.. ....1 Intoronalan. tell., on Tuesday. , ,-„„,,,,_,-, r ,.,,, ~,,..,
tholl‘th lud . nt 4 l' II
~,_ rhamed hand*. told Creun of
For (......1....r p0_.i........01, on Loonl .0.... . h,,, na.nlmot Ca.., de.
plun s'r. 1.01 . 1.. i. Ti... Lot run-
, ii .. .. , . 7 - 1. 1 41.4 11 1.1 P. 11, ..r.• kr rota°
. ', Tinware do Ron,.
Mod, R. OIERT Ili .D. EDS. enpt i s ~ ~. 1 Ilan. Commoduon, Nyman .at
..trbor. w.ll lea.. for Om a+t. and int, ----.."--. alb, artirlm to. namoinn, to,
mai., ...... thOda. 11. • '7th 1n...t0 . lo A. M wont.
Fur fn lint or e.0.m....1.14f .n L.:ad Ix 2: , Tn. subarliber to
1 thif ..lablishomot has acqui
4 , 1111 NEW 0111,EA \S-'l'h.' 11511' _ . lta ; hot am rata ....tam .In ad]
mr. ~......1.11 ~....... FEDERAL ARCII. ' who mom .rt•h to patron.. h
I ...ll.trumn.mtnn.n.l. r. will I, are for sLore - ion . r....mable term, as any
and latorto.ltat, 1..0...4. `laltrrill.,. Um 2.lth Instant. al 4 'stair..
...Ind. r a. For froaht a nam.... apply no Inmnl. or to , iluccommr to dd loaner
'DIN ittNt:S. A... 1. '
1 1 1 01: ST. LOl IS—The pp1et..6.1
Oesm. r J J. CREFf EN DEN. 11 ...tooling:4o !,,,'F - JA
nun/ma., will nor, tor a.. e n d Inter.
m Uiat, will
Sar.o.tal . thr VA. IA• . 1, . r a
Orr frodlo. or ...i...m.,......1, nu Imard• or to .
1...12 J. NEWTON ...NE: 4 . Agora.
,4NOIL 1.41 F IS 1' I 1.1,F..--The sitlen- i ... 1
. .1.4 ~ , ,nur Ver......t. rapt. 11. a.... wall
Illaro t.
for forth. r.1.r0 and all lotormodlato point,'
nu thi...1... thr . .dil 'ma, at lo o' A. fl
For Dmizlit ..r ~.........g.. 4...11 Lt. 1.......1. . An=
1 4 1 0 II SEW 0 E LI:A N S--The tr ~.,.„,..
, light dmucht So mot PARIS. Gr00n1..... ' , tt - -,-- -7 .
roaster. will 1..... r., ,i,.. al.. ant all iu----- -- 1
norlinto port, on Ihomay aln A 31. For
or nam
mn. arr., on 1....1 on to
, - .1 1 011. N:1SII V I 1., I, f'.. The
2 runnind drnmertiEN EV A. rapt. Wi11..., 1....r.4
....11 Imo,. f ....
or th/..v......1 Itarrno dint. .- -
.... , 11...idn,, Ida.. 1n.,. at I. A 11.
Far f.l. litar au-au, npal, lin Iraal pal.
Nfili ST. 1,14' IS. Th.•
p new ..nalar Fl.r.iff 11,1.1,1.1 T „,
tai rill 1.. r nail
13, 1 !la 11.11: ri a
.1 Ell T: Ji INES. Aaatit.
1, 4 4 1 - 111 }.R' A:1: I. EA N
I ralarallil,r Mil, A l ts.
t taar. amt.- for air
rninc. a.ll lu
Far fraluht ina*O,. 2.9
1 : 1 11 ,111 1 t i a l 1 till' L
F r : •
ir tha.a..ra rad intermailiata ports
Sh , alb, tP liwk , A M.
aor eral.: l / 1 11 - JavaAca ari I Aariril jnP
11'1:1:f.1111:IIiII I
itatinr, 111 I NSA aaa..
{l..inaalan alai /Intim aad nil imam.,
a rt.. ) la. lin, o Thar-al:ix and ?atom! ti
•iwk frao2lital pl!
11,1% AVM:- f It, iNfl A 121.0ZEIL .{2ent,
}:L; L. .IND
ET .tenuic-r - Z
it : nir.ter. rill -
i•ver2 Tlittrrilif, And ',funky. rAturn
-I.arar and Fri
a Far frato ht ar. rind, on hoonl. ar tn
SY I{ II EK LFat. Ararat.
F. 1 I Alt IV LIINESI: .1 y ,
rAc KET, CI \'t'l\\ .{TI, .1 lin
Araalarhata 1 hi+ •al- "dal .•at lault
tir , ore Ow r 41. ...I a.r
t, Conamara and nit.1:11!,11 hic 4..4 rril. r 1.-A.
t a..t: :n af an!:
Inial . A.) G. r: r lna.nt !, prwa, avid, c lwAnt. 10
II II Pala' fII I
Ft I'M a: LT --Ita. tr-t ritnaln
A .1.1 It rill
.i !why.. n
rad rim, .1, , ...„
ei.ri taalwr. liaeling
larrhiai..ri aril, .11k.i ' , in, le mai I , ay. 1111.12.-
Par , ra I i-I• r. ...1..% 111. aaab-h
II A l• A t II I. I - 11..-
II El: LA I: l'A KET I: , f r-„. ,
A 1.1.1 I 111
PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. • • 1, 1. , ..144
,r r.nwa rrfi.n.wer
„, w [STE E..% It I: A\(; F.:1%1 • " " ""' -"‘''"'"`
liwow All tn.
Cot titi
Sts abult I.Ww.d 01.
r N..r. ..welt, ' , Hen will be n.
1.1111..1 " "'a".
a '4'4.
Ur a ._ „,,0000 Al.l Jrtollin.n Co.. 131 Wifllvn AL
I .r - C 2 MCL, Wtii — . l -' l. •
,b.•„, tio. ."7"'
"" Professbr A. C. E
Farr tw 11 , 0,103..
" „,.. ~„, rFwei.elr, twireneving. Int iwurgutlg.
b. rum, b.., • rrtnovlvw the 'curl danilruf.autl
A w I,wrr . an, .slwnvw in rrnaltwro. TU. corir, erwv.iow. • the ntl
L. the [no. three, nworwt.nbl.., awl ..srw.lttiniln rout, to t wwle ' d Irk.
thP , rwrtertbritie,
thiol prep
r ,.. 1 ,, , ,,,„ 4. , u,r ,„„ rr , 1 , ...r 0 !ia , 11 , 1121 ,,,,, ,.re i,. ra1t ,
r e ,
I II.: New- /mai) rvatl nt wor. tall." The flrl,..lottrunle
b ^ern at that For of the Inflawl. rtinnenaw, prtrinlnsit
• It Momt/If •Al, St rbarl.n Howl 2 ' , ° “ " i°,%,-. 1 t 1" ,1 " ,,71., ° . 1 j-i 4 X.d" trwr 4 "
nr to.J slonoligalwla lnliwron; Tiwor. glow. Ittxuria
rttAwr,b NV 1 P.:. —1•••7 cr.a4Ww[ntg w.f . nod cl.ndruff;
ehntthdocie.prnina. rein , A... •
FrRANSPOIITATION LINE I' Olt SALE. , u.., dd.. the hiand. as d tn.
j,, The ruherrsher ..fsere for pnie the ntewl. ,:ned 1•111, ; r °n /q, b... "Tith • of .7....
Ina*e of Werehonske . Piala , selhhh.. Ac.. ~ I lb, 8•41allre • . P,,, nu . ' ' r . 'h . .' ', ,,c, , . , ,,,. - b P 'f„..,,
Lane. Tien mirntseee of tim. ehl eetahl,l,l resseeru k well .. ,, 0 ,70,,i?,..,,,73.,,,,,,-P c 4 ., -
vrenhy the nowdermsleu , .l rye,,se. lb I•iiitte fi.,u41,4a;. sn .. i ,., , , nal - le
n.lll4s.stsee, or I alhee whe Inv: b. a hehd, nu reetod t" , •"Pr >, , 4 ~,, n 4 l .
so the ea, an: cnele. . she ti. in nalvaneitiv the neskinc ir: ."1,, ';'7„t Tr& i. 0 . ,:1,,::
'"' '' ''' '''' ''"''''' ' ""' '''''''' ''''' ,' avd lb. kin ensbncius t e talus
a,niseauen ahhold he mode.
JOHN )IcIADI:N. I lure and hnwrndlem 124 tsatttre
1 John Menden is res- • `r
b. h" , , 'F i.P
b Inure is,
.anal ~,,, „,,,, t e afilusty Ireeru lkyer tomb .
• orkin Tls and 114 e hale. tu .hichi drawn 1
Orphan's Court gale.
X plirstldlice of an girlie, iit
Court of Alluglietie Count,. will bi- expi -Led Ir yuhlic
lit the now tinurt flow, in the inty of Intaihunin. in
Thurinla,.. at.. to ...lent day .4 iebrunr, . A.
the 1,11 Emnte.
tte la ,txth Ward ol int.l etti. to
All (lint ens,. lot froutitig feet on Coulail , b
eti.l mina, I.ack I.e the .ante fy i n.. Um
chleli I•erivt.en .1 in... 1 eintivuleut twin Any frame
duelling hum,. Ali.. tkit other lot stiliniutuu the
their. vaintailliting la trout on tivt,
roomier bank. In the wale vilith Ini tyyt tot lot lieglan Cinutryini ..rinn. it the dlmanre of liin
trnui ratilillo Mt-net,.
Tern. mule duo lVa nu day .if
Ailculuistratny Sii.tuuel C.
muary. If
%V. flnt*`.—
.41 }'our. ...ref,.
1. tory lirick7.7:l
Ydeer Row— ;rs,
unr ear. nt1 , ....•
[tun no the nrenni
( lodleoulable
me Cliff Mine
Wc.terrr last:mare
Military Bounty Land Agency,
: MATIEEW NOSEY, troth! re:Teetfully
Inform tallow laderraton that lie liece onaaaod in
ounnu Bounty Lando under th. moral law'of I . atnareoo.
that lean.all alio lour innually ooto.ol in any of the
var. finoy or their yid.., or ulna: biLlron. are no Bonn', Land. Boni 4.. to Bat iano. nantrilinit to
tlo. torso of won man ea the law otinnoaly
ait. ilia Initiator, no benefit ea n locrue to tin. ..Idler
Willi 11, 'add lo It la tit• tot., alai e. Wont that
Italia:dual vitamin,t• mutt ndoot !bolt land
or It Aaouta. The ono will la tl.llOll exiatieiva—nhe,
other to la Often... toaturia Warn! patron., and fair
ninitartaßlon. Allomple In ha an. by tIIIS nth, :militia,
1.01 prude it, Ili , abortl,.. l'....etrotpll•ll till, and tin
ail .•. the anti, Attain.— af ho in tho otainauloal
qdrit taauruinlatail lo l'imurrao, ai..l riraituniendul tha
11, 1.11101.jr, t.0.1.w0. thonloro. et
connatrati.oly trinina vadatia. tr, pnanna—lot. A Laud
Warrant for thin, ennlivd 1. nll, fit/tend pato...tall,.
the loustina R 1.1./ warrant. naiad., aud tioaran.
teaing thr nildier tuilivoino,liation. rah., 01 view of
tarunallon or tale. oldant Patont for 'add lend.
togothor 1.1111 a elowandian tionualiti luanou, are, thus
onahlitia him 10, form an ,r n. of In tan.,
Terns., will la. roawinal.lo, mail. known .nt
Adintnoo treat timid) S. NIATIIEW
Clarion rotinii. Pa.
. .
zrnmo ..r ~•or kotl
Slaty. wrry .111•,,11
.............. .... MKS.
VV. CUNNINGHAM , t ( N .. „ f
. 1 !... No. Marbq t. Fl.
Particular atinntlnn rant to .1.1 Firer, A1..-Pentnni in
Flint plat., Vint.. lkittica.
- -
1 . 1 P. DELANEY In. t tot 0,0.1 Is. ,prinn nto, of
every denciptinn of n0 , , , ,1*. nintable h. oil, trate. The
Cloth., Pa...intern. n.l Vianin, I,n,e •ereeted In it h
eland ',tr. , Itonland n part
overt Minn that in . n uur nd Innol./ni., per :inning and
tlittntrict near he a..,rtninial ot in inna•ziolly
nod tan.). Intl ntrin and twain,. airl 000.4 re
rar.ill.l. it .0,1 !tip-nth, , nt. in flu.
either In attain nnatil uric,.
4110. a new .taro , nr mini .1 Inr
prin , l'iatir and 'not. no/tinier ••••• , 1- ~r. r,
nurh I asllitna• 0- Italian 11,0.. Pr, .1 Et...
ten Th. iratirn• a,ll t...irnbr. an,
atnek n 1 naindo niletir o lien Inn,. in par-kinAl
3lr J. C.'. 11. IV• nnli loam n tan,.
will prove an onnnle nurtani• n ,n 1 an. nno tar, is
entabllrlapent Moir ann... that IK..t ..It hare 40
g ,0, 16.01 lanhinnatile a.. 04 ni an rrt•linn-1 la any
bonne in a... k.,at...4 pia., a- liane beau
Intinnl 1,, ma, ..1,0 bur.. 1..11i I onlit fur
ther Ann, tht 1 aull nirni•li a. and (..hitsnat,ln
Good. an our I.' (wind in the runi , rei ina/L. and at clad.
lower prin.,.
. .
A lar4. and GVIIITFIr I/I Id r0..1, mole •Inthion
it on lino, made lo the pn.....t0 ..nolortaing
Drcw. }melt and M00n.... 141 r, -11 in. mode
of Fewneh. An0.,.t0 Cloth, nt all faNdona
hle lwaitaloon..4 irwrlpoon. Nom and
foot, eawlarreo It. late, t 1.4 h, otatinet and
Summer platlic V,. of the (4.11 oatnit and Silk.; plain
and Lamy (Teals, emotion re. A,. tind othtw
tirlea In thrClotlotir In,. All , o.
are warrantwl to 1, eat and math , in good aorkm,,,,dik e
at and will I, told low for cult:
nis_Solw hid lbw belt of . 11'ortanrot employed, tad ft s il
a ., paid. .111 t;arinettla wade to order toi above. let,
T.M. , ntnintoilo Ottoebtoeto will lad the slack at 41a mart
dorrable one to select a cheap and beautiful
llnarl•kliutf DEMTV
gLACES wanted and persona supplied at
'hon. maim, tirith a anatber of dark., sakinum
emen. and /0.1.211 - 1 fors of all airsa, to atom. Iran
homes, IR to thdo., or as Ml.CbJiket4 fiatlme , amt
or tabarer, to fora or countrr: Wel and dry
gnurse, charatorrtashat, cooka.ite. 3loaar Earreraadlß lead,
i V.I.V of agerfrmtlialioadvl a. 64. marl to
nutstmt ALIUB suul_
••' B s n barrels prune, for
. 10 . 1 in wrocutvitiparn a co, oi wcod
Is EX PI:ES. 1 , 1111,
v,l,i~~l~• ,
.1 ..,,,,,,
triple envelope. in erre c e.e. At
ninate iu the etch" of the head.
Dl r t ' ; ' •?,Y7 l il=lt h ;lll ' . '" , 7ie ' F '
with nuartur, and tenth. to
, n , e r lrUst7 .. l.4ltzll of the
z , Tv,p'l7;rr,V.ta.!rcll b t4lt7 ' 1
activit,..l.ll h e I r thereee
rpm. .d of the nuledret of murel
prnerY and the refret ere the name
the umnetilar hbre. and t e aftenda.
1.1. ha npecliie action. au in .11 •
they tn . :mm..4l. G. rove gnu rtme
Sold in tarp bottle, p . 2.1 een
fa, IST llroadvap. New ork. land
ao m and deugatele thorn Lout the
ad:, ,
w D. sTilutt i ri c,
in Tri...“!Tl i T L 4 ' l;ao ‘ .• :011r in u" ltt-- "
F'1571 AVI
brts No..q uality (1. t: ar.00111111 , F.0.4 and, . 1 : 0 1.1.,elt Rita and 01t 0 :
1000 00014. Burma(.tor .01.0 il/WOM prim% by
0'110..1.••11 . •• Mine,
0•1111‘n iIInIC km.) Balpst•om. 5101.
UST ItECEI VEP per hteamer
fa Ma., 6115;:UoLI
~4 T0.0 , 1 . 11.1(; ,. 0. tot 0 h.a by
A CV.. s,.k Atterlt,
J 0,0,11020
it Av II) (i . .rr TLE. Att.... ) . ;:t Law',
.tl Y 4+;m7:::!l:l ' c ' , " i= " p ". g. :IT, 1 n . 41::::.4.1 ‘ . "'. - L .':t . Tll',. ":
_ _.
'llliiN IL. 'RAN .IN. Attorney an d Conn
,/ ...11..r at 1a.,..) Cnanm,..i...u.r 1 . ... tho Mau. .4
I...un,lraula. hl. 1...1-. 1.... .1,1...4 lh.)
14.(,h—1ht.,1..rtul Dm. W. Enrasetl. liesplun A
11111:r. 31'1'n0.11...... A M.lClure. Jnhn E. Parke, Diarollr. d.
Nymph.. Me 1,4,1 a Co. .04:IT
I LJ . TARDos, comminsion blereh,
of• ant.. Nn. 01 Ohl .L.r.Tha rt., Sha Orleaue, khep 0 , nn.."
-lunfly'on hand a 1..r0• afaoriment of Drandlea of th,r P.l-
1....ina brand, atuall 11. oft, Gli rale al *Arta. by J.
lutrand a Cn.. Elnrdhaux flu: Maalor,,, J. Eraud,'T. DIV
rand I Co.. Larre1...11... J. J lluraruLCuollas. A. de Nome..rut.. A. L. rer, , ,e•..i d.. Wonder, Jrnn Louis, At Set
nl , l. Anchor Ihn. Purdea a Orb and White Miura in wks
T!77` ".-%:.!.-,-r" h Lel 4 rt :7 tb # l 7
' ,l=,.ti• lml Port. f:l*
i67F . ~ •:11-lilbarreln anied number:
4 f...h ..le by .1004 BURIIRIDGE rt INDIIILAIL
1 - ACRE} III,---lk , r I 14 t N I, '
‘ •1,,;••nn.1n.: , ,,,,. h; 1 i; ,r, ti.nii x' fAA:I ?. n co rl
~ baler a .., trenat ea
*IT RITE i'llill-5 brls and 40 hr do. for
i T rah , t,- 10.11 . ISAIAH DICKEY & CO.
1 thltßiNei T- --Rio has Lubec sealed, fo r
1 . 1. ), Y , ,n 2: L. LSAIAD DICKEY S CO.
g , t)FFEE.2-100 bakx prim, and fanci s itio
I_, for galp by , J. D. WILLIAMS A-CO, r
la:la -Cur. FiDh,azal Wax' WA._
C.; COAlt--Prime new and old Orleans Loaf,
be rl7. V
kOLASS-45nta, n tion
(s ,"' 'Tiny 1.L.L1A314 a CP.
ehst; med. to extra fine Gre e n;
1 33 0 hl t e t tea . b qCbu d au ° and . d i n lotom_ Olas.
ale by . D. M I LLIA 5 a C Ou
Drawing, Perspective, and Paintingin Oil.
AR. D. It. pNIIT4 is now prepared to glee
instruction to a few pupils in tbo dilfereat bnuithe•
lls delightful art. at his roma, to Desna. Sadie
Atkinsatis new building/ First street. between Wood and
Market streets. limits oflnatruction. teem Z.: to 4.4, and
from ti to to r. a. Charges and ether particulars esio be
known by callingittaroolin) es Ins rooms.
Defer to Dr. Imam or Dr. Addison. Dilltdif
T A LLOW -J .25 b Is for solo by
pa JlicsnoLD
UNDRIES-3 br s fresh Roll Batter;
A 7 s ' s w. dhdcam If gell;
I 2f:
d I r e
e "
Arearkent. sell De rale Di 'or D 171.1=1"'
CO.. Tobacco
It North iT•tivitreet..
4ala. wagl
tr errant. Armonaloi for
1 t4o.r, Cream do Pero, Lc
ingoarkerflootunhalr: Pearl
rounabe Vinega, Ilotaria
blare a great variety of
roa tamed Jo WL. adrertlace
/. rain tly, reputation which
11.4. leivt.traoteg
either wholreale or retail
bh. 2llW.lNta n . ii'l
rector of tbe Lebontet7 of
Chesnu t,nOtint
111 t t.
r male by all the ptineipai
Mr Buin's Perfumery le
Druggl. In thecuuutr3,.
far l+oolin (Yirlai's Calf F.
. es, York. A larze Asaatalent
45 501 e Ant
RD & CO..
11 c !lissom)
8, Prart-St., rusk,
Burling Slip.
lit, ...CMGS, Or
ji ING
S. H. BABE' 11
(Sner,Non te
,Vss. 252, 254, 256,.nd 2.;
Wiary Fultno
ittrz 111,1.
the l'uited :tot, adaton
rticle. or rIIIRTS nod 1/11A1
noot eaten
I . laln and Larlikambleelothlt
of rd.a.k ,omit Ly
11.11 A
Jar . ..P.013w Nom. Lt
.V o. 19 Nassau xtr
11:4V47k1:13T.' PUB iiTl
ranted to eland al lalia , - eau
Oat, Cloak..
Lexairn. Punk.
%Peru., Illanket
TaLleCalm, Crum
Ilona. Chao.. Pallor,'
i..411 1 14M0 breaLec. 11
Jual ele. 4.edruimi.d. an
Patent Pertnium Cam .11illter.
T 0.., Life Pmaervem. Cu
It hip, Bridle... ITtmon
Boat, Knamark,Cant/
rilllB. Lire Bucket..
, the T 1,41.• made
Imalrevl opertal penal
rl.( rommuulattkm with tha 11
11101 TUIII al)IP
lamaexcellent and nupenor 1111
lamp. .mall quantitito.
I. tenet. Loth in Euxh.ral and
au! excluatrelr Lc
Inst. a Tin Plate
4411'1.11 rtrect.
• o Martin.
Murphydt Self-Sealing
II Th.. Aotoenhor. In IIIMII-11/
the .1.6 rtmomeuL f,
It I.• ttart, is hem
.1' ha....Midi
u.l mutat
and to lu. moan) /inn aTua
lot nu the
haat. 1.1. imam, Immo., and k
b,auithill? "Moro or
I,:t mount, 1%,1.1141 fraud
.at Linelor.... cannot Le
!nothet sal asvrafcro
4th Upon the meoarrLue of
Inimnlmt. return to th• wade
mnth, In th, bead Lotter Oflllor
Las The I.nralotk. , * are fund
pr, u. platy out,
hth huh letter mailed la a tor
.un. attral th. attentwn of
to All 51ar44. ill the
1:Itil, vs, krep an retellwa
Ivo ninnufarturrrs 4o( OIL
'n In tar world.
Kor an kind+. erlalogura
ninny attrialtal to
Tllllll a CO.,
Jowl,. A lianfunl,
- rut =3l Prorl at. N. York.
r 001)8.
el, Kew } - yrie, '
cl litre for role oil
t .trek of IitIODYKAIra
• iiodild In America; war-
Irting of
on m,
CAW. Son'
. Pincus and
R' Carlin., and
and Travelling
nit. nial 31i1itary '
art Puns, S.rringra
l ' o...r n. ll.itl« ' n!, ''' Frn w a . lp Vs
3 . 1...a10e. lielting.Dolta
4 unla Pillow, I
Inal Boot Floata
rAritar Una,
. Articles for
to iinirr.
nsiru fnno end err in di
I.lit r :feltAVTCllglf;
_Tine. an. andy ex
ile. enntienn sr Es nn
ell; Loam.
vertiaing Envel
1 . ... NEW YORK.—
the p.itn•nn.••••f all vrt•••
• Dime ur llut. ht•••liatinu
hi before th,q,“hu,. Tb.,
e.. 1 their nperwity e
zily rrfrr•• to lb.. trottrn..
u•rd he+e enrchope•.
a• vivo( of thrtr clort-
Lilo. Peal, • per.on mar
doom, rourpieuously xdul
,al, tilos affording co
owned wlthout hrfng do.
requiml to Neal therm.
letter. the Aral itoutreita
in.teuf o! Lchl, hurled
. effectiveadvertit.
I tbmu.6 .ho. hap& it
hr 14114141 n, i.. 114 pro
otlt. sat.l olntt tor yr
II oval ..thor o.l.ttr
watt l.ohs., a.. 1411
, I.•ttrz • or 1., .....
1t 14~
1 . for uric rrirrarect on
IT: mut of Ezvamor, of
1.0 R. of ,r.. 1 payor, And
15 uu
filreltnl luiumut of order
, 41,1,0:Ab1e :V., York
'l V . r. lll7lll7 4l ' Z ''''''
• um •trret, sew lurk.
' , fly. If 1•41 at Um. num.!
I sUret., or of !deur, if.
s Tricopherous.
1, POUND, infallible
leul beau iPeareatifying the hair,
1 all..micum
tl of the ulaml..
k 7IO;i gRI
America. mmlic:l melt
ut Mum. of all prrfer.
le, it has no equal
adverthen In the rub.
inch...owl. ea well
le uuerrellen. T he tut.
hlul 1127 E t lrelrtrlti
r other Pfnzaratkra for
treet on the hair
I e directkute for the cul•
' ornament. In
• e worth the wooer.
; • hiehconetltute the
- - - .
arokoarke from this
knows of the hair oth
tba pores of thk. sea/p
ter holds do not drew
whkh feed the rill
la farm., the result is
. ' entte ' grlMei d ef Tait
eetlim with
elllmrerln their
allectious of the
Ithiteirurrecte. the
It le diem the ekiu.
diet thr• i
_di •
tione. rad Inviry of
at the principal c‘
Pr the Principal ware!
u ,
nithil Hailer and Carp
J. eorn.raJt [am. •
COUL'fElt 11,1C_KE, ingdenals and Re 2
ndt Drucrt, Corner or Wool 14.1 Stdil Myers, art ,
D.. et. Charles 11...1. trt.tstanrch. 4 ta..nstiye..
11. 1 T, -2 " " for
sob l i?R Ta E
:.. 4 .UUAR MOLASSES—..") htvin Sugar
•WINDOW OLASg- 7- -VO9T - 77: - Csi
p ,i aa
Llt—,Tsventv latrreta juat raceired. and
Isa am L T tr.; bons I. At S. N. WieEtßsriAleti
JOS tur.of ircai t eau, alp
15013 ir k
0.14 Cor. of IVosi t sty
ilitrs-nt: 1 rtsk B....trax; rt 7 (mit AtmAtt,
r itttili . DICKE r t CO.. 'tater t
rpANNEES' OlL—TwelitT brls-Bank Oii, good mirr. for rah. W - deli J. t /1.011)-
ArI,ASSrS, - ,in 'store far
s,th, d.lto k3.n,d6.
of r
I ARD.--44 brie L no w : 1 g
ralo Or (1.19 1.141A1i DICS.I7 e
Ron awl for rale by lall' S. d:LICA.I . IgAroll
ILJF ezio Ita for sale by Dal) 1111.11f.N t SEISES .
'WENCH 118 0ADOLOTIIS.-31urphr,
Au Burch&Ll hareplat opened • fresh. ruppfyof tku
various qualities the . L ora article, Chet
twilled.r/ om. Max French I.x.wAklnt and
M er
Clack and finer, and 13h,,LE,yi a v,,, s .. r
prices for the quAlit). I
R OLL BUTTER:en Ms Roll Butter repaired nd 43r de by
Jail _ f,6 IT.II6III3ArGII.
CIGARS -Fi t ly thousand Cigars receiv
gal for sale by rail 'y.S W. ILIBIIAVOII
OIL ME IL—Thirty bags Oil Meal, received.
•ml for see by Jail 8. k W. HARBACOIL
toUlt—Ono hundred brie Extra Family
mai 50 S. F. Flour. JU3t rteeird nao fcr axle hr.
. 111...NELACGIL
nt radon,' prim. coatittlng of Cho Waning: Drag.
coal Gamy Blankets Lino mut Bolan . Cogig
&al and Crib Mangaa which wearn - anthorized to akt n•.:
reducectpricec, sad sill to told on farorable tirtnce ag •
inll H. LEL
OLASSES—Fiftv brie new cropp•for tsfe
by de27 'nom; EIREPAIRiCS
Q ALERTUS.-5 tons Saleratus,
_in brie and
10 bx,..Go. 'alt. hr jag 11011ERT DALZML kalt
LEAF liAlll).—Leaf Lard inllrls and kegs
..I far Fab, by . RODE= DALZELL 7. CO4 . .
.Oil) Libertr street.
L GEAR.-15 Elul prime N. Orleans Suer,
K., is .tort alut For gu.1... by ILOIO:la DALZELL dW. .---
, J. Liberty amt.'
Lain ISii : Fifteen drums G. B. codfish; •
ain No. 3 Nfacken.l; Oi IM. to 1 laife Fair 10 pr. '
N,..,. 1 Mortrn.l. lu am p .k.l for oak h. ,
i.ll` . • JOON WAIT* CO
'MESS - 7 49 s bas, Cream Cheese iu store
,na r+de _
. 3.15111:i I')ALZELIr.
Jan ' • .10,64. 'Wain grert
( itoc Eiti Es:
fAt half Youna firron dud lal..ttic '•
24 catty boxs, do. do.. lm!, anl Guti rrkk.r. •
ickr,il t ItoLionon Z. a Tolgt,
lu do P. Rotapwrt & s '. tutd W
-11, do ..erthint44 Totweo.
I Iran rtico. and Ilarworafa .14 dn.
eatty Moult... ix'. Golan+ I ,, td
to Lump, 10 atore and flo. emir by •
jantt JOHN PAT:FEU & CO.
LUE--Twomv tire barrel,: for enit. I,v
.J, KILL k IA), No.
(i-,-.;; -
I LASS I'APER—Fi;; hundred re.nnm. of
Nmith's Want. fur role 1.)
101 l JS-11,11 & CO.. no.Ol
OYS' SATINETTS.--:3lnrphy
*lidhave meriv4:n lot of handAcrue ruler M 13.1
at nett, fur n,' vrran al,u. Plaid and Plain Ova[ men.,
,I•l= 6 .ufka
Market 'greet',
A ISINS—One hundred and tilt v Loxes and
yq halrbox... my:m.l>M for nab. l by "
Yank 11RuIV2i d.
ALERATUS--.4 cask), No.l Salerotos;
173 15 bbL•.
10 rtnrr awl for eale by. JANUS 'DALZELL.
. _ 41/111-514,
R.LCH.)3IS—C.h)c hundred- tom; T fennesee
Ifirmm.: s tnn z T. 9114,111. rb,_ ITLeiN In 3 !mai ete=••
er and Ib . ye by JAMY.S ?ALLELE,
Wat.r•Ftmet. •
y y INDOW GLASS—file hundred . bcxe3
aAtat...l size. it, Amm and f le br
POT ~SIL enskß Potash, jut
and for orb F. AR 1:0131•MT DAL.7ELL 1 CO.
VIRESII ROLL BUTTER-20 bssjuat ree'ci
.1..1 J t.c. , NfITI.D •
- -
FLAXSEED—_I Fniall lot for sale Lr
101 l J . n.ciNinaa) •
- -
PELTS--1 hale for sale by
VII A li—Twvnt hhds nen- Sognr
1 .7...1r bY BROW,' 4 Ell Air
TOBACCO—TIVeIity bai W. 11. Grant' . .i.:
bvi Grant w ‘,111!.n•
JO har-I cm'
for mil« by )41i BROW', x.1,11(1: PATILIC):
LAlW—Une I ired kegs prime new Lard
LaA34.4 kr .le. 'by
LI UN DIIIES--Ten Lxe S. 'fabantv. ,
10 b..
3b. .1* Oat, rsoce, LLLJ
.4 Su j..41h ar.owN KIII6I'XI/lWil
T'r WlW4l 4 / Y. ll.7lPall'V
14 mi.
rv .
LOUR—Three hundred barrels jus.t recd
FJ 'car! fur f-do by 137111111111 GE
.1:a. lib
IAV.\ SlXlAlt—Twenty boxes White,
umtQl{fb : e .t peolins3l.
4; I ,PICES. Cassia. Pimento, Pepper, t " l 4- oC4,
anl Yutmrc..lin pair by IS./.1.111111CK Er a CO,
. 1 " 27 . Water a front its •
it UTTER—Eight f.4rrels packed foi sale by
J. 14 0. E. V cv. I:osmionsr a co.
I Allll--Sixtybrls NO.l in store and for saki
Jala IS Al AII DICR EV k t.lrater float rt.
g 't REASE—Forty five to-17in store, for Palo
Waters./ Raul As.
BROOMS -000 hundred dozen for pale J.;3'
jal.l A. V. CON lIONNIIONT & CO.
310R1t14 a 11.1AVO:iTLI9 Sea Store, tut side cf the.
(lod favored le. at :0 rest: rer terissi '
t t
Tito este streht.P. of 7.5 d+'
titre suyrtna at SI CU
Old Country yeophelhat st.
their perm. exertly. The,. H. r: .eat. vet :sours
direct trout Ettylatel. era they caszu le tett,, , ,,3 asy
other 'tore to htuboryb. •
" th ° '"'"` '"`"" 4 ` l / 4 Wil t ec kwo7Tg.
REEK APPLES—Twentv brln. P 1 as,
torsale Lr s. Y . trot: zorlarm,i i PD.
J. 14
A1,31.0N.--,5 brio Salmon, in store
k.j 404 for tale bi lIODERT RiZAZI•
lOTTON-2.1 bolo, for bm1610•
I,AI All DICKEY L CT/. %Vats"' Lr
amterl jo,t n.t.dre , l'and for.tralebf '
.17 I'Vrea AMA. • .-
DRIED FRUIT—I!? b a r o le
MM. 11/.0.1.1C to.
_ t Wald et
UNCII RAISINS— .100 buz6b Kroirler
Jill brawl. 12.11ng fru= rt...x.rr Unritt
WM- 1.3-15ALCli
),N In 4bn , ' Ad e''' .
FORKS -95 dos It t cast steta Hay Viike:
1... s fiez=ass gm]
so doz 4 ono:red cart steel Ma4Urt
no cnntsiomoont un.l fnr ralo ITT
Jalo E. 5. WATERVa\t FONT.
H OES -1311,1. z beet Cuet titeel 1100 e:
.in qartlen Urr,
on ronsigntueul .o. 1.1.•
. e. IrATEA MAN t,
111.!S—Three hundred hu6bels - reed
; :411RIVyt.,
fiJIATIIES---75 dm
r - I.+t fradle
lu,lor trot d„
aml for to i leL.. V. IV4TERMAN
41, so k. xl Water awl .
}rout rt.
4.1 YT II E SNP;ITIIS-424 doz. Lent puteut
17 Noerll., coll.lanuirot and kw 'Sit, by •
AILS SPIKES-420 keg-gfor hale I.v
JEARL ask prime for .4111,::
d ItANGES-20 • bra inceet; to arril — le, for
/Aalo by RCRIIR II6 & ING11!.&31.
water a
BUTTER -10 brie prime roll, for , ".by
icrt WICK r.C.A.NDL
- IVEATIIEIOi--Z backs prime. for 'sal by
.1 Jtii WICK
RALILY FLOUR—tit brl,, extra, for 1.1 t .! lee
A_ I•1II WICK t.
LEAD PIPE—Corm - TN illipholl
Load Pipe fur ili , trauty.
Ar ahaeta,
• I , denalic
All alzal on hand and to anal, far salt n.•
a1.h.‘11 , 111,11 OI)RbtIN,
FAM ILY, F I' R —ll5
at ti.,t5..-ttlfsl,li
.germ sup s.
BROO3IS-,150 .lox l'eforest's superior for
sale RODISOX. LI117.1:
"DOT casks just recd salTibv
pets nolVwc. LITTLE at
A...I , :IiS'OIL- 7 2.5 brig for gale .y
1.2 1, 110211 , 0 ti. LITTLE 1: CO
I_lllG cone BruKtt Creek, for .sala
OLASSE f Pe•••••100 Prlzi iilantatinn, for gab'.
br ItutnnwN 4. CO
LEAL--25011 pigei Galeta, for elle bv
las ' JAS. A. ifirrems.Z;
. • la 'Water st. .•• •
C r ßf&N - CLAY;-sB'trxeQßßNDp4Vtit=,;
C ji t-10 just i3 redd . for teat