PITTSBURGH GAZETTE. PUISLISIIRD 11VWILITE .PITTI3IIII,IIGE TUESDAY 110BNYNG, FEBRU.RY 4, 1851 ':i.- -' ;-fiire—raye--Washitigton - and trarristatg cor respondence. Poirmereiel matter.. 1111 Th:rJPug News; Illonie initeri• i Fovirth Page---§omething amamg. The Jo trwd, of yeaterday, moles a very long reply it.' our article .of Friday, in relation to P ••Tittsburgb and ber Railroad coonectinaa.". We ;a:moot see.that the .editor has answereil a sin gle one of our arguments, or overturn a sin gle:position bald. taken and &fen ed. No • reply.fo his etriatnren -is, tiorefore, needed, - ei copt to notice some unfounded Mainnations, and lo corrzet some errors. ' • Almost in the .outact of his article, 'assorts that--“tho most importaist mo d lever Ir4s,proposed for 013 r acceptanc i tbrough'F:is, tourl perverse and +inns .--tbst if it had not been for ou selond dictatorial course,T together of others, the Baltimore and Ohio En' 412 a hno been - driven Nat us. I We . exactly . what he is driving' at, but , certain thSt - no ono labored morn, en*, kOng the road hero than we did; dwe only fitermitied our efforts when Mr. Mc one obsti nately resolved lo carry it over the at ine grndes of the mountain regions of Virginia. On a care ful review of our whole merit on t e agitating controversy.uf that period, we fin nothing to repent of, . In that controvers, as in the pres. mei, we labored for the best intrest. of this city and the - surrounding country, tend or what we Coned-red to be the interests 'of the country at forgo: Every candid and ingiartial man must ' adroit that if the-Baltimore andhio Railroad Co. t ., gad chosen to terminate their ro at Pittsburgh, Ii svoidd have been greatly f -the interests of the comp.eny and for those of ' e city of Multi more.. . The editor next denies, tht, his late articles, bolstering up the liempfeld humbug, are "mis chievous." If they are not so, itis wholly ow ing to the limited influence .of his suggestions, for they base been industriously quoted against Pittsburgh, and for the promotion of rival inter ests. -;In this connection, the editor makes the following coaeselon; which,, although it was suf ficiently evident before, he very kindly puts be yr:aid dispute. . ' • He am: . , . "Oar mint/row* we admit, hat been /fest in our affections—but Pittsburgh lan alwayikuid the raced pram' limesery considerate' and how very grateful M====l in the ealitrieil affections of our benevolent neighbor. "Our whole county first and Pitts burgh afterward," appears.to the editor's mot to, alarm are ready to acknowledge that he has kept to 'hie creed very faithfully. As the -con templatod lines of Railroad which. pass through Washington County and Wheeling puss over a part of the "whole country" they have enlisted the .editor's lemmast sympathies, while he has been quite content that the !'second place" in his affections should . be favored with a Plank toad to Washington! • The editor denies that his siateXtenta concern- Mg his abort and favourite route between the central parts of Ohio and Philadelphia, were predicated on ..air lines," brit werefounded, he ' aye, on "actual !arroyo." What "actual stir 'veys!" Who ever actually eurvey4thellestpfield route, ur the Central Ohio route, between Zones,. villa and the. Ohio river? Will the editor inform us! Mr. Knight, we belie#, has ridden ,or walked over the ground, , and made a superficial examination, hut this is a very different Matter from laying the instruments to it; preparatory to a Railroad lonaticn. If the editor is aware of any "actual surveys," he would do us a great favor by farnishiug no with the exact. results, as such information would assist muCh in settling the controversy. I = I This, we presome, the editor will.ffod no cliffs, culty ina. doing, as he 'very emphaiically says "We have made no etatement that is not ral lied by the turveys.'—liad we Made any other, we would have add deceptively, orid . hcre merited public mini-" The editor reiterates his opinion that a Rail road to Steubenville "might" save us by defeat ing the Hempfteld Railroad; but i f it did not, he is "extremely doubtful" whether the read to Steutimrvillo would pay. How delighted our Stenbenyille neighbors will be with their. advo este!, How much stook will. each ..."cold should er" patronage secure them. This teirible Hemp ' geld humbug is the awful dragon an the way of every line lashing toward! Pittishurgh, except alweys, bp it understood, a Piaui Road to Wash ington, a very goodilthsghy the Way, and which w 4 advocated long before the editor thought of it, or at least spoke of it; but foils very different reason. That Wheeling Bridge matter, the editor now `wants to turn off as a loiter A rather dry ...joke," we take it, and one which will not bear repeating. Re also is not aware that ho used any threatening or, reprehensible language con. eeraing it, and does not wish his name placed in the category. of those who iustrueted,Mr. Walk er to ray in the Supreme Cobirt, — that if it . was not abated ,by law, oar people would tear it Amin- 011: no—the editor now eays he "is law. Xibidaig;and will trubmie to the derision whatever it may be." We are glad to find him in ao ami able a temper Ant we must ineist upon it that he has a very short memory, as it is iu the recollec tion of every reader of his paper, that be display eel exactly the opposite spirit some months ago, ';when he emphatically declared the Itridge must I come down, and .darkly insinuated that it would come down. We are willing with him, however, to forget what . it is not creditable to remember. PIEWT PRINCLM:I3 It is foundnee-essaq in a long voyage'at sea, to take observations from time bktime, to ascer tain whether the vessel is in theYight track, and what progress she lutsrnade. In making these obsertations, recourse is had, not to objects floating like ourselves upon the ocean, and equally liable to be carried coat Of their erne course, but to **sets aluive us, whichnever vary, end ism never deceive no. To the mariner the heavenly Wien are fixed, principles; and! what thise are to tho mariner, the truths and precepts of divine revelation:are to the indisridnel man, to, the citizen, to dhe statesmen, to the niaotrate, to the legielatite , body, and to the nation en Masse. To the mariner the stars of, heaven are van !maim LAW; anilLif they Were long obscur ed by eoliths or fog, his situation! berOmes perilous' in \ spite of all the vigilance and skill he can pia forth; and so it is with the nation which, becom ing involved in. the mists of passion and !preju dice, loses eight of - the unerring 'guides which 'God has hang out for the oft repeated correction of its ".reckoning." We have, as a• nation, just passed through a Ilene tempest_ We have not been foundered— +, are yet Itfloat--the good i ship seems to be itounch and firm; bit where are ire! Have see been blown ftWta 01W:C=481 twr e thi n k we have . ~ But, to drop the figare: are we now guided in our ceurse by' the great principlm which, as a berme thous whee, - n'ereat first interwoven into our po litical system, and have conducted us from fee. file infancys(' the elevated position which we n o w occupy'among the. nations of the earth!! prinliples which'flow from the Bible, and which are the true and legitimate branches of those Which fell from the lips of the great Emancipa tior, whose commission was fo r 4• preach good ti dings unto the -meek; to bald up the broken hearted; to pr;xlabn liberty to tho captives, and -Cheapeningp of the prison to theta that are bound." Ms :principles itro radical principles, so broad as , to roach to wnry relation which man pan hold to his 31464 - or his fellow, and froth them has .'. , grown-7sathe multitedinons branches of a migh tylree spring from one root-: 2 101 that is true, and ~!:‘, . valuable. and indestrucdble in human , society, "--,"-' dontestien social and pelletal.. He was not a k.l; ; ;,Lisictier of .oncaws—that dangerous manstrocity ...-, * Of- our day; but all relations, all duties, .all - ..4 rights, all chaciticswero set together in one glo ,::,:: ' Mous whol‘Qthout jarring or injury the one to ".' ' - Will it be ; said that lie did not interfere with 'politics ! Did he nog? . What then does this mean! 1 %..Bauicrwito Cesar ; thethings that are ..1 ' Cer-tr'i)ancrunto Qed the thing' that are Gar." '2 Who'gtreser to us? or have Wa any ,Coale --.41y... 'rho Coiustitution• of the 'United 1 011 r , CC . 151137 and thispplioition Of the rob t . - . 18totes , is easy. The divine teacher here lays down twq greatt l es e ,rkicsk!STeT=ill°„'"Ple,gr"La and. exactlyineettheifficsdt h sodi eteictiog the country. Bete, as we said, are two idea.' take one of therm away, a nd ohs beimetal - fabric IS deiti . oYed ; yet oilr men of one idea are doing this very . thing. .The ultra Abolitionists on the one hand are for rendering nothing to Cesar; while the advocates of the opposite view are for rendering every thing to Cesar. Now in this country what do we owe to . Cesar!' Obedience and sub Mission to, the laws,ro 'long as they are Taws, ands hearty support of our government. Obedience to law may be either active or pass ive. If the citizen cannot, with a good con science throats God, render active obedience to any particular law, he can do obey it meekly in curring*its penalty. Ilia right to choose his al ternative in stub a care is his own, and Cesar hasno claim upon it God gave it, and 111111 can not alienate it 'without betraying his trust. If his conscience end the law -coincide, well ; but it not, no man has the right Co condemn him for choosing the more Painful ;shun. ativesr We are not now arguing whether any particu lar law is right ;r wrong. That is a different question. But we are endeavoring to drive at tention to the important distinction which exists between the claims 6f . - Cesar and of God. Both hive their claims, and there is no occasion why these claims Should clash and coutlict. But there is this difference—the divine law always claims active and cordial obedience; and if the subject , finds thlt he cannot obey both, Cesar must con tent himself with inflicting the-penalty. To deny that the citizen is not bound by a "higher law than the Constitution is a position utterly at eat with the very first principles of liberty;.and to deny that his own conscience is not •ihe sole exponent of that higher law, is equally to. This is his most sacred: right—a right, not conferred by the Constitution, but by his .Maker. 'The Constitution guarantees and protects hint in it; but as it did not confer it, it cannot take it away. This right sets him ibove the Constitution; for he can approve of, or con demn it, as he pleases. Ile has the right to suggest amendments, or even its total abrogation, without violating one iota of its provisions or requirements. There is therefore no Catifliet be tweenthe supreme and the subordinate law, so far as - respects:the freedom : of the citizen. There may be some provision which many people think wrong, while others arc of a contrary opinion; but the Constitution itself guarantees to each of _these parties the perfect right to apprOve or condemn. It however requiros obedience to all laws made-in pursuance to ita:proviaiona, so long as they are laws, and this tho Author of the higher law enjoins 'aloe—“ Render into Cesar the things that are Cesar'a." But there is another class of men of one idea in our country, who would require us to render unto Cesar the things that are God's,—who 'would , compel men's consciences to bend to this, thing of human contrivatMe,•ithd make them offenders for the exercise of the 'right of private judg ment—.eharging them with constructive treason , because they cannot approve of a particular law—denying them, under the penalty of dis franchisement as far as they can inflict it, the privilege of asking for its repeal or modification. That men of the highest standing in the nation should be found taking such a position is an afire:sing feature of the times, and calls for a calm and careful recurrence to first principles, that we may know where we are. Let us be careful not to withhold from Cesar the things that are Cesar's, but at' the same time let us beware how we render unto Cesar the things that are God's,, a far greater and more fatal error, an error fraught with terrible consequen ces to as both as individuals and as a nation. We have here enslesetred to express some thoughts which have presser( heavily upon our mind. We utter them as politicians, without trenching upon a more sacred vocation; and we ask for them a candid consideretion. o editor sure that was lost , nt coon ' adei with that oad would annot Fee The proceeds arising team the sacred concert, to he held this evening in Dr: Riddle's church. will he all given to the) poor. We speak from authority when we say so; and a recent affair, which, it correctly reported., in estrentely offen sive, renders it proper to say so. We shall in quire into the matter to which we have alluded. PROGRESS OT OUR WESTERN CONFECTIONS. To Heart. Whit• 4- Co., Editors of Me liantologh Gings)==.—Ott .the 2.2t1 inst., the directors of the ?Bellefontaine and Indiana Rail Road met at Jacksonville, Darke county, Ohio, and let out 25 miles of the cleaning and graduation, ' extending from Laramie creek to the Indiana State line, where this road cot:meets with the "Indianapolis and Bellefontaine" Rail Road irmting.to Indianapolis,." • The bidding was spirited, and the work has 1 been taken by respons i ble men •at lair prices, I ranging a little below e estimates. ' On the sth of next nth, the residue of the line, not yet let, betty n 'Marion and Bellefon- Mine, a distance of 40 miles, will be put under contract, at Marion, 0 10. The whole line, llB I miles in length, fro th I ron to the Indiana State line. will then be' in e hands of contractors: i and it is cooSdently expected that it,will be com pleted in 1852. A recent letter from engineer of the ' , found ' reaching across the ' some cheering inform, i menu in Indiana. It .1 nlis and Bellefontaine ! Pendleton, gs miles, i I passenger trains have , it since November. One third more than w Pendleton to Muncie, bridging will be comp , and the tract will be 1 I October. Eight miles 1 ion err non on hand, I ceived early in the E 1 - the east line of Dela Igrading and bridging • past summer, And w' October. Frani the ty to the Ohio State grabbingand clemin much of it completed mg will be let early by the spring of 18 5 ,.., ing the track by Octo "On the Terre Ha I (72 miles long.) nbou I rails, being 20 at el I m tr • cene, will be ren# The iron for the who , 60 lbs to the yard) at • next at New Orleans. completed, and the r I of December next. From Terre Haute survey was made Ins organized with tritlic to warrant the corn ,:the spring. It will, ously, ns the Presi Wait, is one of the .. neon men in the Wes "The above is a , of our works, and I of the different mien ted as early as I ha This is truly ens every company east lions along the gra Yours truly, FROM THE C, &mamma Mai;sal Cork Herald has ree Called States sloop *Town Monitor of I the annexed aceoun I a hoed of saviges lesn families of a cal • Dreadful Nana tine been reined sonny of the Re Barmen, Damaral horrible atttocitie mitted in that qn qua plunderer, Jo ple. The dote is ink are extracts The whole coun excitement has rie Oar mission amon of dectrtietion. her larikander f liet,) who lived on Erwartnng• i`; • hearted cruelties rind scarcely any • most barbarous • women were cut o leaf children; of they eyes; and ba .f or many hours 3 in dreadful s • • .• next moment wo • into the hands of gum shot in• poor °taborer°. poor sick man ant .tiogged him with of the poor VI things the possessed Were 010. T -taken or spoil-: Tim Sus blivau. Sara ult xuallxottsu Dots. Many. noTilotibt, it might seem toerboldi 'At last the horde left their station. taking up cadre we to affirm that the English Bible in at their Outer; in the neighborh L There present in the net of : being perwatt - f inni -th e ,i„. Mained no alternative for itlr. Mr.. Kolbe but tO. 'in 91 no tbe tetting et t/ esr Theiessertion might gee, which they happily twoomplished. with our . appear little else than a figure of speech, or an asnitance Kahitjana himself madC bin escape.— event to be anticipated; and yet this is no more.l Jonker, after his return to Concordiarille, killed l th an the half of the truth. Thel:nylixl. Bible, at ' nearly every individual of liatjinenga's tribe, and ; thin 'moment, -is Mr only Vernon In criatence on took every thing awny. From thence he wet to iehich the sun titter sae. ATe know that it is tie his residence in the mountains and murdered all tually in use on the banks of the Ottawa:and St. the Ovabereros, their Wises and children, who Lawrence, an well 11A at Sydney, Port Philip, and ;lived with hirdi Only a few mode their escape ; Hobart. Town: but before his evening rays have and cattle to - this 'station'. Before Junket had left the Fpire,, of Quebec and Montreal, his morn- cominitted these utrocitivs he had already fallen i ing beams have already shone for hours upon the upon Kamal3arero, Eatjamaka's (Koopersoct•s i I shores of .tnoteolia end New Zealand. And if it who, on his flight from there. murdered in he reading by no men; of our language in Cana ! theheld three Berg Damara women, belonging to .11, while the sun in sinking ea Lake Ontario; 1 , this place. :Previous to this deed, Jan Jonker m the eastern world, where he has risen in lain I robbed and murdered a captain living with Kat- ; glory on the hanky of the Ganges, to the self ' jarnenga, whose name Ido not remember. I tin 1 same Sacred Volume, many who arc no lest our not nuppose,,Lhat you will ask for the clause of all I countrmoen have already turned. Yet are ell• those dreadful acts. You, know, sir, as well an I 1 these but as branch., from the parent stock, un do, that Junket and ,Cornelis do not went and der whose shade this verdon, corrected arid re seek for pretexts to shield their expeditions.— corrected, has been reading by myriads for three The crime of the Orahero, in general, is that! hundred years. - -d —odellon they are rich; and of Kabitjene, in particular. I. • - that he once dandle oppobe .looker. We have been informed that Janker Ims fully made up his mind to annihilate our two remaining mission' stations, and the Ovehe;aro nation. The station of Mr. Kolbe is in the interimr. North-east of Walwich hay. Ile had received intelligence of the arrival of an exploring party (Mr. Onitoa'sl at the hay, but not of their haring left it for the interior.—l.ofe Town Moil. Errs :spirt Drs Lc AMON. —Quit ean excitement was caused in Wall. streei, Now York, on Wed nesday afternoon, by the discovery that a mem ber of the Board of Trade had suddenly disap peared after certain lare'e operations by hint in the morning. The examinations made thus fur show that be went off with about saventy-seven thousand dollars. Among the Louses that will suffer by the event are the - following; as report. ed by the Sew York Herald: From the See Yorl. Tram', 1 .'tenth Little *"1. 54 5 -1. . Drew, Robinson THE PROPOSED TARIFF MODEPICATIONS. Slorgan, M„ . . j r r 4 k " ; 71 V , 0 4 . 8 1 8 i n ism:arms. Jan. 3. I 'Seaton. $4,0114, Hopkins s3, l: i nth A. The House presented quite on animated seine' P. Baylis, $1.0n0; Wm. & John O'Brien, tinl,lblWi this morning before ,entering upon the busine33,ll . amillarai Whitehoute, $10.11 4 / 4 .1; Ten Broerk, of the day, members were gathered in groups iu the lobbies and various parts of the MU, .and There are others who have sustained Hoses in here and there a Senator mingled%n thenninmtcd ; l winaller einounts. Two hundred and seventy Convention. The topic of discussion Was thel live shares of. Erie Railroad stock were,revieved attempt which is making to effect some ...Eli- .Ifrom one house and tronsferred to another,Trom cation of the tariff. v ;I e which the money teas drainp the party remit'- , During this discussion, the motion to suspend], ing it failing to pay the former firm for the stock. the rules for the purpose of making the Itiveril All MS transactions were dine in this way. The and Harbor Bill a special order for consideration 11 1t0.1130 ~t: the person is given as hay Tonskins, nest week was thrown into the cauldron. and rot-I mot at the lost aceminta he had returned and ed down by the tariff uteri; Who scam to caret mode an Ws:di:mural in favor of his creditors. Wien a v 033 not to go for any thing western inititi a...disposition has been substantially manifestial[ Feria • ran me r, 0101,.—A drop of stagnant to do something for the tariff interest. I water. upon being examined by a powerful ml- The prospect ❑of the :tureens of the schemer I erriseope. will IMIOUtpI inhabited by thousands which has been proposed, with the principal sass; 1 upon thousand, of animalcules, each, swimming Mils of which you are in possession, is nit esti with as much freedom as a whale upon the tattering to day and the! evening as It was on, ocean. Their miniveness is. extraordinary, some Satuiday. The disposinou to provide for Penu-1-, of them not beisigroorothan 1;25,000 part of an Sylvania alone, leaving other interests le suffer ! inch in length; that is. an insect one inch its has been too plainly manifested and too pertil ; length would hear the saute proportion to one unciously adhered to by the leaders in the moce-, ; of thou. as a giant one hundred thousand feet meat. OthA - interests have become alarmed; lin height, would bear to a man of five feet. and think they see n rat iu this timed tub It 1. Yet, dimunitive as they are. twist of them have Pennsylvania is lost to the tariff interest what ! mouths; many stomachs: and of these; last some prospect will them be of obtaining Roy yelterld p 033.33 beitreea lolly add fifty. The variety of protection for Atherican labor hereafter. If with I their ,thaties is truly amazing; one is a long, slen her aid we are unable to obtain it how will it he der thread. another iP eeerpeuti some are round. when she will have surrendered to•the meanies ! tome ern oval. others Itiangular; one is a thin of American producers. I flat plate, another a net work of seeming seeds; •We are letting 'Pennsylvania go to give ascen- I one is shaped like a funnel, another like, a hell; dancy in the Federal Oterernment to those cite- some have long and scarcely perceptible tails; mica, who may' again turn upon her when thee others. in the place of these, bare two thick ap have succeeded in grasping power as they did ip I pendages like Lorna .Some change their ilimert, '46. Such is the reasoning upon this subject, j Sines, at plc slum: at times they extend to Ma - which in certainly very natural if not entirely 1 moderate length, then corantet to almost noth conclusive against the proposed movement. The I mg. Many are opaque, while others are so trans- New England men, to whom little inducement ts I parent at; to be scarcely discernable frorn the offered, reasoning in this way, feel very tuna Uni t ' they inhabit. Singulnr, too, and Jerious disposed to discountenance thou-hole proceeding! I are 061 motions; some swim with the Velocity The Pennsylvanians, both Whigs apt Democrats, ; of an arrow; others snore slowly and with nppa are very active, and naturally feel desirous of I rent difficulty; some seem . - to exist in perpetual carrying it through. A ft er all, however , they rest , others revolve with incredible velocity on , are not gaining much, all things considered, that ; their centres; undulations, leaps, oscillations, is, the Whig or Tariff portion of the State. At ! successive whirls, in. short, all conceivable modes most they run the risk, with a very slippery par- of pro,, , vressiattare practised by them. These an ty to deal with, of obtaining the benefitprotased iraalcules have hecu found in the blood-of the for only too short years or so. ; frog, and the salutorn.'and in the fluids contained j in the eyes of fish, in the writers flowing in mines at the deptlit'of five hundred feet below the sta. I fact of the earth, and in these of PPrittg , upon '1 the aumnaieof Mount Sinai. Some small frog- I menu of Ica found upon the ocean, upon . ' being melted, were discovered to contain fifty-different varieties oemicr ',intik shell fish. The Minutest specimens of bell fish have a diameter which does not exceed the I:10,000th part of an inch; and "Cl, in certain localities, they Conn a aubterren •, o. stratum many fathoms in - depth. It is said. moreover, that, alth.ingli many of these are pa r -3,4.3. living upon larger animals, they themselves inhabited by others! Nor are raj croscopic insects confined to the waters; many varieties have been found in the rariths of a I N 30101012 grain of sand, each lMif sis a colony of insects grazing on it like oxen it. a Leld; the White =agar upon raisins and figs lords a home'; for millions, and each tooth is n world hues with life. The sin-tact of our bodies is covered with scale, like those of *belt, one hundred and fifty of which can be covered with a'single grain of sand_ One of these scales covers fiVe hUndred pores, yet through an opening some Minute the I, sweat exudes lilt water through a sieve. How" wohderfaWrisita..einivt be the particles of that field, which rah far, en outlet through openings, 73,0 tin of which "too he hidden by one grain of wind! The finest and smoothest needle, when examined by it powerful microscope, looks like 0 rough bar of iron; but the stMg of a.bee, viewed through a gluts which' magnifies a tine needle point toile breadth of a quarter of en inch, en. bibles every 'where ' the sLost beautiful polish, without the len , t blemish or inequality, and ends in a point too fine to be Visible. The - finest and most delicate lines made by the engraver, are found to be rough 'and ragged nn their edges; but not a single appearance of this is discernable upon the dots.apd line. with" which nature has •adorned the bodies of the insect tames. Bow In the moot finished 'productions of mon fade be fore the perfections If nature'a dn't Hoe, Joules J. Avnt - BoN.—This distinguished son of America is numbered with the dead. At an age beyond the period usually allotted to man, he I . has departed (m it among us: and another name ! has been stricken from the roll of living . rious men. The character mud career of Nlr. Audulican were alike remarkable. Possessed of an itable spirit, an energy of purpose almost un ,enualleil, A masterly intellect and physical pow ers rarely to be found, for upwards of forty year_- ho devoted himself to his favorite pursuit—the study of ornithology. The allurements of home, the blandiiihments of society, the , domestic ties, which none nioi-e filly appreciated than him-elf, (for he was hmiu tif ul indeed in his conjugal and parental atfec tiotsso could not swerve him from his ohjetit. Ile i was truly a wanderer in the wilderness From Labrador to the bents of the Rio Grande, from the Atlantic to the base of the stocky 31ountains I every stream has witnessed his presence, soil every hill and valley awakened to the ECitbes of his voice. Wherever the winged denitons of the I air were to be found, he tracked them w their' siesta, followed them in their flight, studied their I habits, analysed their species, and from the • mighty •Bird of Washington'‘..-fit name for this monarch of ' Birds—to the tiny humming-bird which lives on perfunie—oll aro portrayed in that immortal rooted of his fame, 'the Birds of America.' In the branch of science to which I he devoted himself, be stands like Franklin and Fulton, towering above nil American compeers; ' and the saran, of Europe hove not hesitated to yield their undissembledhomnge to his worth. In the private relations critic he was an ardent friend, an affetionate husband and father, and emphatically a kind and benevolent man; and among, his associates and admirers none will feel more keenly his loss than he who was among his earliest friends, the veteran Statesman of Kentucky; After a painful affliction of over two years, the struggle has ended, and rye know him now but 119 Orie of the few'. th% immortel . nrimeo That were not born to die." —Sr cc Y,rl Tri4mr. • • Col. T. A. Monis, chief link" in the greatAckain, :tate of Indiana, gives `ion respecting the move- I 'tates that "the Indionap- 1 I,ad from Indianapolis to i , completed. Freight and I eon regularly running on i ' I.e business done is fully l • had anticipated. From '6 miles, the grading and i eted by the first of May, I id down by the first of of the iron for this divis'- nd the residue will be re- mmer. From Muncie to., ;areo county, It miles, the are progressed during the II be completed by next st lino of Delaware coin- . line, about _u miles, the are under contract, and I The grading and bridg. 1 1, ext spring, to lie finished ', with a view of eomplet:, er, 1852. to and Lndionapoli6 road, 40 Miles are ready fovthe end. The 32 miles ib the by the first of June neat. o line is purchased (T rail, d will he delivered in April The entire track will be i.ad in operation by the first CIETTHIG INTO BED WITH A CORPS?. A fete motylts since a .011 of Erin. about nine o'clock one evening, called at in country ion in the Western part of Pennsylvania, and de• :mended lodgings for the night. It woe evident from his appearanc and actions: that he and li quor had been quite jolly companions throughout • the day. The landlord was it lazy, good nottW '• Desirable' Suburban Residence for Sale. soul, and" lad imbibed rather freely that day 1 T „, „„i,„„,,,, „s, C. 1.. 0 ..si.. the Imuw,and Cornet, himself. eh' t. t , n. 3-. n ..3.-. itoW.l Gn m 1.., etr,t, le•low Tn.. , If 1 give you a light mid tell you lettere the m00t... AI, ty o . ...1 31.31 t 2 illet . & walk from the room is, you can end the place,' .:yd the tont n•-• ,, e , • t ib....e r Ilse 1,1 I' ‘ 4 ° l. ^ , tw'r. , on P.k . • tord room', t:o t ~,, t. ,t o. yn 311,1--e-vettninaly neaily our •Odt, an' it's timed( that emu do that same moot : .--:-.',-- —'.—; -, 1 -",d. 1 , 77- into ,L , i^,-- q lin,gnatly. JIM. show me the way an' I'll amt it , ;;.;,; " ; ' ,, r .,, ''' ',,, ' , “ : !„,',.;,.,,:,',.„ . t , ' :. ' „, ' , 1 ,71: n .„,,,,,7 ` Zi n : ..419 ally no the timely margin showers dowel He.* . y f r „,,, „, .r. ~,,,".1 ..lehtto ,1%, acid rootalhe tiorteen tinge upon the sinful,' rejoined the lei-Innen. 1....1. 1..11. moo. h...? aule It 14 hulk., the tee, Thedirectiom were given him awl ape , . n eon- i eiet ot.et •tn , L... m3h ,, ee. , h , h• , . • r , '. - Pf rent and dle. .:‘, kje way directed 0, go to a ramp to ti r e , ,outato• .1 ih. tmet , ro ertsveritene, Two pomp, with , ...email story of the lion:ie.-by the time lie had 1 '"""."'' '''' .4. " °"'' " ml ''''''"."" at tie ' .I "' r reacasf t he top of the eta it. hie light Mel be- " . „„t ';,,,,';'' -;:.".,;',',",',.‘,:,;;;:,:,,,""i",',1:°, `:::, ''''''''. i Cottle extinguished, and lie had forgotten in what • • ;,,„„, ~,,,r , :i. „ ,,),,i...e..rud (env, evrt,; ' ^^,,,, i t, ' ,. 3 ,., " C iii . , I.lll^Caloll he was to go. Seeing rays of light i•i- i -bolt. •on .ot• g..‘ne•tyrtte , ra'h! .. tri" , Ae...nt• `mall soinefroni a Morn, the door of Which ettowl ' amino Tr,.' (MIT 1^ 4,111.14. e kind aril the tr 3 3, are in, slightly' ajar. he recennettred ti 7 ., imide of the . their onto, en I ,i• 12 41...0, Idr thewant/ of an nrthrtart /00m. and hound it ty contain a bed. in which Inv I r.iiiii` 1, i.. a o ..ii... of trill pror-rii..L., to 6.431.1 , 111) :nod a - IMB. and a .moil with it tonal lighted lamp on , `,":,'"''''" L ',"`" i '; ` , " ' "'" '1 1 1 , " :„. " , , "Z . `", , , n7 ,' t° , ^ ` 4, • it. Feeling ditlinclined to -make any farther I , ~' , .' 5 , " „ ' , 7,,' 2 ,i„. , ' e ' :,..„7„ r o n v .„ ' „„(„, ' ,.,N,4„" b,- search for the room to whieArtrej:ltad Leon di- ! . al, ",1311, Mti•turob. the etc-.. the two nem, attl n th: 1 ,-tested, he divested himself of his clothing, and ! bet. enyint. ',maw mho-Tether 3 hiatoretele L hroeor , q of e loch the el, o. st i tetnetel Every boat whir!. cater, or l'quietly crept into the back part of the bed. Ile I bad been in bed but a few moments, when a ' 'kr."'" nom th " P er ' " r Pa""r'i° en, Cl,. flitiv , M.,. In I young lady and gentleman intereil the room 'r:',1,:,,:.::,47.„:1::,',":„.",.',:n"'",,“mt :,,,r.,",`"Zr0'd17,:.,:',',"."07 I The Irishman eyed them closely. They seated I n „,,,,,, „„,, ~,,,,,,,„„,,„,t,„,,,-,i, „ ~,,,,.„,:,,„ ~,,,,f themselves on chairs in close proximity to each 1 ~,,,,i t .3,eful eeif l'ornted to vane ynkt emok in then - molt, other, sod after chatting away merrily for a . The ytn.pertv will he 'old . e k3ritetn , turd r^l^4.E.ll.llon ~,,,a short time, the young men threw Lie area nrittiod i;oo the Met VI Alt , ' Fmtulee at the Gazette nate, her waist in a cousinly manner, and imprinted _L . ',!'!!!!____ ._ DN. WHITE. a kin upon her tempting lips. There was a ' Oa - sorer Cotettiev-Tite 001, rnu,tr over offered to witchery in it which demandhd a repetition.— iM. rola , .lifrh w ed .er tah 3l of ahrtie.P. a eureorMn fr ,,, , ~ k insbtaii are folloPLemes Liwir Pill It has now The scene amused thcslrinhman, and being from sefialmess, he concluded that Lis sleeping 1 ~,:" ;I::, " i i ,, Y ,,7,7 '"' „ ( 7 ,' lle, U l;ttrelt 'U' irr i erot h t " bt b e '' I'4"- Ivan owl i companion should be a participant with him i" i i it h. had the Men triumphant rureese.ani.lets seandLT the enjoyment of tho scene, and to thi: end • demo one the Et. , ,101 l other M i t t .t isn ai . l::: o„4 ll .. aft:tna : nudged hint; but Ms companion stirred not- Ile tewst nom, au tin iiirtet Into",ti et maim. and hao i then put his band upon him, and found that he erre ay.,' rical Fir ly tal , ^ l3 ut was tighty locked in the cold embrace of death i Synchronious with 0119 discovery, ho hounded I t'b"l" BLIS CASE! 16ARICA out of tied, exclaiming— .RE , Murthor : murther ' [lowly saints of /lir- • EV , IDENCE IN OUR MIDST. in perfect m• :' i He hod scarcely touched the door with hi - ,„:',', ~E . ' 7 - , :.',`,,1,„'„':',.`"1:,,„7,1',11;;:at.7 .17' feet, before the young lady awl geltriernito were ',rt. , -.1 It, kith de t e hter, e)e by the two( your .. Pi l itry- '' making rapid strides toward the stairway, terror loom;' being depicted on their comillonahcon. They a. 0.01 koseted COL, o vom mei,. 000. In February or had just reached .the top of the stair ` l, "'h bet.... 1 tramemt , 'lr attn..' us the best reeds ' when the Irishman came dashing along as though '' '" i ." th " 6 " ' b ..... " . " Pr • mat re d • rr, bed 1 all the fiends of Ebii., were at hi• heel, in- • ,:,, ~,r,11,"1",'„:',";;;',:',...':::,v.„.,e,„'00,‘,1nf0hn", ~:j g eed. i Af 1 tent on making him their prey. and the whole ~,,, i„.„ .r„, sareeetui tu marine ern,. she toll 4'. tt ' t three went tumbling down Stairs, and it to hard Mt ~... vs, hmgi......a. M.. mow errowir hat mot only to determine which of the three first reached the Ova rm. Imt al•dtlat the other would tanew-ti tenet a foot of ,the stairs. The landlord stead aghast ectuttilotte uflection of the mina . Ahd lan nu-11 , that at 113 the Irishinan malted into the bar roonisewith 1 the 0 "`" "", I "" e ' r ';'. 0 ?..t o to 'came In the euttei t hion ~,,,, , v „ h „,, t..,,,, ter ,nor Mtrt•lcuoi. the teen entirety nothin oar swam I.m and nullity but a gae- „,,,,,,,,,,,, , I , . .... i. no. .ibeut tee mr.mh..lam Me men{ vulgarly styled a shirt, the hair on its ~1...,,0 ii to-hr... 31,,i ^, ,11...... kev , lll/1 to cr.. as and heed standing on end, his eye balls ready to leap ~,,,.1,..m.i. Cod. s. thrift.. I eau oell, I twilere Me Min. from their sockets, and hr gasping for breath ! md, the bi. f." 1.11, 01 11.• Ab11ght).1,4,,,,i h i Ni It was a might that would have i made a man .am 1111111^^, • At our, ' ' 0 laugh who had worn a vinegar face from the 1,,,,,„„i„ i ni,t. 7.:1, 14 m "I'''"A"'"C'-'" day of Ids birth. Nothing could induce hini to . 44-y..r wie hr. Foyer A McDmirrll, 100 Raid a.; a E seek a bed again that night. When the young setter..:.; Wood an:11 NI. Curry, II A. Milott,Rewoh Doi lady and gentleman found that it was not the 1 olaan, and 11. I' It.hwarti, dk4;:atteny: also by the mac rn ro .corpse that had 80 UnCereOttlOUaly bounder) ter " • '' a. &moth iit.. n. KIER. ' from tho bed, they returned to the room, , they - Phoiburah. being watchers for the night,) and, doubtless commenced their courting at the point when it wan so suddenly broken- off. Ito St. Louis, t preliminary fall. A as I company beeu means,eat understand, eneement of tha work in no doubt, be pushed rigor eut of the company, Mr. • ost octiTe, intelligent busi- I" e L. o n u o ti d in o e ub o t f o tb f e th ' e itA eb ' i t l . i i ° ty n i.oniet to Ines them comple ' e stated." ,uraging, and should-incite of Indiana to renewed tier ' "backbone thoroughfare." It. trOF GOOD HOPE, ikni.OACAGLS.—The Nor trod, by the, arrival ,of the , [I war, Plymouth, tho Cape .. gather lath. It 'houthins oftt shocking massacre, by the interior, on Gie tiotence stionery station: 't, iss Dumaraland.-1 letter om the Rev. Mr. Hahn, e els dociety, stationed at New .11, giving an account of the [which Lava been lately com er. by the notorious Name or Afrikander, and his pea lha 6th Sept., end the follow ! • is inC'erment, and the I ntoa Id or pitch than ever. the Ovahe s it on the brink , rt the 23d of last month, Jon upon the Hihitjana, ( Weer- r. llolbi's station, Sehuslen's , ..ben were killed, and cold i ommitted, to which you will .arallel in the history of the .. tions. Feet of defenceles s , . , es well as the hands of help . .er children lbcp strnek out 'lea bellies were ripped np.— r. and 31rs. Kolbe were kept Ca, not knowing whether the F not bring thbir turn to . fell .ose monsters. The Kama n • , . tely upon the rich sad the Jan Jonker's son,drsgged a of 31r. Kolbe's prekniue% and • • sarpbock. All the hones • • &styled,. and.. tho ~ few The Crneinnati Geneve conin ins an engraved view of bt. Peter's Etonian Calcite Cathedral, now about being completed to that city. The building wavenm• crenced in 15.11. IL in 200 feet long by 79 feet broad, VI feet from lb. around The dated column. that uphold the roof meanure 35 fear, and are surmounted by Corinthian Capitals, 2 1.2 feet in doundier. contains so immense organ, booing 2,500 pipes and 33 stops, whish cwt $5,600 A fine chime of bells to tolls placed in the spire as soon as it ta compbled. The entim mots the buildings and grounds is rct ' down 415120,000. 0 f • • The G/V Work, which here been in . shoe for export or honvi•.usunfixion. 5 1 th. sb o, • ..1 I BROWN Si RFRKPATRII.K. lOna prices, put up aa pet order, and delivered ill any part I I,: • • -it Elbert, "tn.. or e! k t1 ,,,, ,e ci,,,•ty,,..fr4ti,of,,,,chrarge.,_,...,N,„,o4bTarsli,,,E,fi.,.rruzaL. „... I: T a . rreL• , p t r i3t i l ; NY , — .., l ,. .l , l, ;,, Cincinn i at...i u 1 ‘ 1 ,, 0n , t 1 i t n: • : .,.. ! 1 1 1.: ,, t feh-l. k - l', . . , . ~, .N., ,, au a . New Fork. L. Ite Lel or Lo- i.l ''''. '' , ' " l l ' l ' ' A IrCLU . liit o(k ' . _ •__ . . RaN "It.lo - CEETEE. —On Thursday •Ikl TC It HERRING-I'2 kegs new, for sale ' Vilfzll Cah Fi-hroar), at ,11 neloek. at the Warel.. - . .use:, , 41/ by ' ,1M A...Writ:RD 1 ell amnelts Wharf. 1ta1t.r00r...1117 lanstireen Rio 1,11-... , Catalog - Ws sill be prepami ata.l the 1- , Xlee n.a._y_l f..r x- I pk.T.LEit el:— \ I'll ES—.- A siMill h•I rel•eiv• ..nomifon dal 1.1 , ..* tla• .. .n. w , llr ll.AllIw l, " . . 6 . , , de Li ,aSt WM. A. IlleCLEßti a r:ts fel.k.ll -----,J--7----- Closing . out the fritirellacir.l - - - , PlbOurgb Cie; Nit' un4 Tube Werke , t T REAT II A 111; AINS.—A . further %,redue- T"' iinclersignedhave just completed their . talon ru.,... Th. ~.h..Tit...1. wifht.._:... •:-....., oat f TrfunTf. the talon, of ht. stralt of Fan, and Staple Ury.Oreal , by IRON TUBE WORKS, . the tot of April nest. .of Id respectfully call the stteund..l of Mir old customer , end the public. whoa, in want of and a re now manufarturiog all itto. of Oat Pipe, I.oco- ' nasal 0..1. so fat, I. r e.lit. twhor former proys Ea any motive and other noes. and all art, of ,' , 0.r.0n . a . p.h..nn P. oomoteuee 'motor, on Marke.l.street, Una WROUGHT IRON I'UTES, ' fuafli ti , .....i t pportuidt,, a: he will divcre cf the 1. , a1- ane.. of th, ol , , , I: no liberal terms. with a lease of oho stony which they oder fir aid, rEN ;brit...rest mire. They are ! ..-Ineh be Las . cupo.t fn. ovar II ream and has sat ecel. now prepared. ?mute onli-r, to one est.mt. without ,I.s. ' 1..., m m ,,, m.,,i, Wif 11. GAR IIARD,' . Inc.SPAN.: AM. ' p.n. yea- l',u-t „sp., Nivel:et Ft, Plt : 11.11:/./111 .. . No al and 92 Water ittmet. ! !Ai sin nr , surß uil • r . ' - 4 E,ic),-,,L.._,..,...., & BENNETT, Whale , filiß r,Est.—A warehouse situated on . .. 1, :„1ff . ,,...... • •ul lrlf,r;. i . u 1 . 7 , ..tt i 11. h!ff w tz: r faorf; , l Wader atmet. Lenten Martut SON! FI, lontable for ,.,1,_;,: ; . , ,,,1r ~-,i r :;;; , , ...„7- ,- -,• - - 7'" j a ,,,,:: one bump,. ELVIIIIIV 4-I',. JAE Lb \ LLI.LL. . ._ • - •--_ . ..- - . 1--- . - • N ''' M . rk. '''' ....- 1 A 1 N VE 1. (.1 I' h: S.. --I uat rOpt•it ell, r 1 Ittrgo rw t,OUNTERFEIT (ill N IiETECTORS. -- ' , p , ..t. ,. t , ol M.fl , •bh , ..e. ~ f el wk... fin , eloi., .., •11 !This Is thoonli instrument ~.t Infrented by which i ' '''' -'' 't;'' ` 711,,A::, 0 •,.. f: ' ,; ' , ' , " ,, ' gr, R ood eoUnterfell mirmmo be twrtatuly detect...l espeddloaal,. to - ~.„,,,, . , l'or ilarkel and ',rood seestire.d. qulring but a moment- Prices/Lat. 63.... d. and !...b.At I, ~ rale at the , it, h cud ...dry . 1. t . " . "'„ „ „.,, Al' ItrriNt; IN N-- Arnohro Writing Fluid, 010 ' runt's of Market and lth at, Y__T. i ! op, in? and 1...1 I, 11 t-hert • . honor-al FlO.ll and Red Ink ir OLD LOCK irrs.--Just received a Loge 11. f.... • ,iiiltl,•:7:•l.•,,or..V,:zl.l.ilf•o;it ~, ~,,,.,,., Itibuitrir of elegant nod Rare Sr. and 31iniature Ca-s•_. .. , 1 ,,f . r a .. m ' " ~ '" .! '" bk .4. 14.. "' P '''' n'llr. Sr , , ~,,,, I rf.....h c.f.i... Ands h., •...1.• I•• sr s. it x TIE,. &hi -- RF.NT—The duelling house and s ur- I \ l irTE' ' ' A X l ' ; " A rrs----Eltgrdved, tirni F OR unding gram], now oeruod he tniss-If. St no' ~.4 . ns t''-'f;:'-.1.7-N1:..,'.',7,,'1",‘ ~rit',i'''...:•;7,1,,1.'''''..T„,‘..1)1j.1.t.,-,. 1.......1..r 'rid.. .t.f..a. in the Eighth V ol ard. l'..rome wish . t 41, ,:, ' , s HA, IN' Malik. lk.ok. Store. log to fm.l a Itaatiou free from truck.- and lustle. ,tt.t yet 1 ,_,, , (..r Market and Servo.] so residing in thd eitt I. eau find here 'inch a pia, Dls with- •• A.0.-ru-at. .I.,ornal snd P.. 4 ..,,,, , mu unm''m uuraum.' 'um"' mmuv buJu;:m."„lmuili:VllM'Zsi'l.•- •I - - - - ;,...,„,, f.-1.4.1t1 '--• yolt SALE Seven ymr'n lease, with -ettock ' IIIcFADEN & COVODE, and Raton-sof Dry u nites timer. No '2Ol bibt•rty•tr..t , t tt...4.1. lilt ‘l , Fadin t C.:,.; o further partienlara en as above fel.P.ll , I '.so a/ Bri•;71. /'•m, Sorer(. 44 IL's ER LOIN \V ANTED— For whieh the i Penna. Rail Road Co.-Central Rail 'Road. L'i lushest Pr''''' will I*. P"" 47 A 1111.1. A CO, i rj7111.; „„1,,,.,;,, I,:iving Co.-Central appointed 64. ' nr''''''..r4 Rural " U "' ' L ' un '' ' '' ' ' ‘ th * ' ril.m.u., or...rd. t, tha Peunarly•mia or Central hall 1,4 1 XCHAN6k.' RANK sTocK.-ao Aore.. ',.,:' . z.! , „.,r,'„T.g,"„',;;;',:,:',.`;',..5,:";`,°:17 ; ,,, P ,7= 1 ; .!,7,,Z: I il,f ..it E.LIQUIre .1 WAI. A. 1111.1. a 01. am ,„ mmm ~,, ~,,,,,,,, . 41.kItank..rs. I ,Farb rte 0....111 1, .111 I. torrioti through in fire day a, ! nI alt ..-0,........1 b. 115 ,11 be f..raarled (pee of commis- NOTICE. t .: 0, ...• ~...,.,::-.: . „ ~, MerADEN A COTODE. t 1.1, persons indebted to Hib... late fi rm of , -8.- ..,- a + - ANTE il•iltist:Y--Nofvs of t hell: ef tern ' - ,1 j"mmumtuu-' stuk`mmul s`r"r''''''' 7 " 711 " ;: 1,'"'" ! V 1, , ,, , .. ~, •,.,,, ..„,,,0 , ,,„bi,t , 8.A.. ~ to latele, anl , nve Cf... Jolt YE -1. , , , . • A,. II ri,l•llSCi. ---.•- -. 1 ~2 - BBL' , PII.I.NIE POLL BUTTER • , • NEW BOIORS, ' a tt, k. , ,,a r stran , l non, ' NF IV' f'l kSSICAL DICTIONARY of ; ' ' , moo Pearl, lara:i::l',,t''l,o7:l7'll3,M'Ayb:Orl.;dt,T,.7l7ll7t:nl*TF,-;',ls°'lttrailii.bilrn:frr.lih:k..l.'dn'4. L. 61'. 1 7 . '' ''''.:',o;:,l!,-.77,fe";1,‘,:t1E11",.:‘,Tr‘ I'4' BLTl%'lie'''"%Liiietlbra'adri'c'k'Coll"rrq:epon.l.47rece4l''',o:fi ' lt . . a r.. " ,tit ' h " ey .h ni l:U r :1 '1 : . i D'::1'.:.11."'"1.-''' '''''"3:NlU..l...ill'ari'.ll-17.21'NYErrtat a... bi ." rh . ,"„. , th ,7l,,,'` v i 74:',?;,1.‘,.1';i:,,,1a',,,,,'. 7. ' n ' a . 711,7,,. ". d a . Ift , l'i }".( IS ti Twist Tobacco : l ' 'fl oil iuuud'n9 mn'tuulmum..Cm af' u f... u :71 .4 i N ° ,7:,: 5 ' 5 ,...."" - i ~. 1., :u , JAY. L''',..,':•;?...1.'",r,"-iV., ro,, We by '"'"lnuteci.ll4:ll•Vt.tti• etlf tr ' " urns, J. 13. DALZEL, GS Wear st• .. .4 a visite , Pudding, Fourth .. `r ~,, . e Ibitilll..•••— • lon bags Rio Coffee ; . . nn do: g, 0 R LD hal am g ‘ or i t aaortn , en of t - I ~. butes.mannfacturod sad leaf; L l . A.N ti - li — c E nyi TS ,.. .... ' 13 . L .. AN . ..1%.: h, ET , 5 t5 :!: , 11111111 , 11 ,, Y 1 n . T io 2 packalli, tarn: Illankatt, cflll the dill! re: i , r. , ;. ,,, c „ ... ,. 1 , : , 1 ,,,,,.. , ..-9?„.1 . 71'1?",5vc.,:t5 ,, :b6... 1.7,,-(,,,z7.411...._ 0 feb3 Err sale 14 ---- tau in Water and Fmnt streets. CTiTtIeTt.e,UKTII.I . . cot sidthiOlti'st loaf- ' For sale by MURPHY A twin: IN CIIINTZ, of differ -I -r---;----- SFS C ' tt. .i t tAt r iVi 7 . llt!heiWli'.7.e of ' (z< 4 ,...:1.1.:,:ri:.T..e , ... 8 ------.. ,ttc,..o ...L,S, a Domestic Article. = ----- erne., and 31.anno Blue, to q O - 0 — B - BLs. N.O. :VIOLASSES ; ..rni , tooth 801 l Butner: ' ,.4 t ' n ' n ' lU: , d ' lNVh . ; l ; All hut Pried AMA.. . 0 I, '" ' oor. r "" "I ' F 1; LT 7 F lUrt i rllttlll • Jan' , noncan' d. 011111 E5l 0 . ) ..„. 1481,5 TANSEEEOIL ; t il ADZES'WiNTE, t HOSIERY, of Varioue ,G, 'e , t,ht, Tolle. . ~,, dor 0x. , 010s katalr including •n a article a Wool and Silk.„,, . . ,-, , 1'• axle.,,: al 'd.,,, at 11... Aare c.f • i fet,:l 1 ,11.1 1 •1 11 A 'HURCIIVIELIi ...I•A. , mire ntreat, , hIll• RH I Rum , l',',lt:ltU,;() & CV 'TON usDEßsitilas ~),... MO ,1,, rtment of the i 11 -17 .1" At n`Fiti'Ll Til.t;7llLrotitn.. and ,Irrino ' .1 lox,* en.sin Che....e, • I 'airliimli'l: worre,;::, fehl ' - .aro ,g, Common do V. 0:10 do hoirti.li Dater+l , .. VT -:.STET). A. .11 . .tellAS inn Pro Gotelv : • 1,1,1. Ilickon ?to, . ~,.. go• 11 Lined .‘ dr• • men.,,--rau. who eple, await ilerman ; old eau gir. ..-, hid. hug, gocal reNtenrer. Nous otper n. 7.1 arid , hingt.7 .. .l 1 r• ...fr.. , Pit: Iron : co t .rnali 1.,. of etorp Pelt , . Poona(. 1,, ' n ...-. ----7ri—.. .- , 7.7, -- L,7 pan% . .1 III, , ,ITELLI 1111 L. J. 1). ir 011 LL S LLIM I 111., AL , L ~- 8 1 , ...,.. , lir ETAILLI: I'OLiDE . for tbr cure of ILTroaigirt , or . . A. , . 1 Lir—A privet. , tutor, to take elutree 61 ale tillttfill of a ramie mridina Prune eight mil., 'As.'efl:antt stunt incemrifal'renwly for that errruriatio. l iu th , . enuntm Th. qualideal.on, r..quirite are a know• I , .. ..i o..ol,,Lirohti.tr..,,,ilfin;r.h I .... 11: a i i a Ll l l : : , t ,,, l . ii .,t ir ~ i gu o „., :h i s w f h ,...... i t, 4 .1 ....n . r . 13. ,,b r: .„ , mi.,n,6.1.1wr,,,,,, mr, . ‘7 ,. ,.. , ;, .. 1 :.;11,..,,,......0,,,,,.. 11.. .. ,,..:.5.,,,,...1, :: ,p,.. ~ ~..t, .0: t, .., a, ....,..,,,., , ,1.., r.,,,,,,,,,, , ..,,, ~.,.., 4,, i 4.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,..,..,,, ~, t in,:.: b .Ino.. , ark •• In •..r.rt. .. ' ' 0110.1. ' ' '1T... 1 . InlVr'njilise.renl,ol'ltVlV, tiftiltnttlket,arez ''- • ” _ n me e act' , the .hddLai it tn•r b , • , n1...A n thimt 1 6)n [ MILL.; FAMILY FLOUR; - le . the lewd prrlble Ark ~1 tuner ~....- 017 too tois extra do: de ha. Lom•ti peatedly need. and mood iiiiilit) to 1),,, ecth, Th . l lati r m: be raw 'of Pei mrahcal facultj of Pete- ' , LI. Lrir No 3 Mackerel; burgh, .1.1.1. Tile'. Priee — Or.r M U " r''''' ' ' ' ' T IV; 00) NI . ~..I,a, t-Altr..tre. for isle .., T. W(Liair a tiiN. II:* Men, sue., Pittiburgh I'mdkne , Ilei.lerr and Corimienon N.te- ... For mle hr L. A. Ert.../ d'u , 11 . 0001- . 1 ...D ., ',," ^j .: 1 1521 , .. ill Wet, otrert . 0 ..a1r and Li A. L 11.1017. Druogfe.r..Alleghen , C . '' '' '' 'I i chdr LBS 311.7110 N TALLV -- Penn !Intuit! Life( I.l.o3ranco Co., Philad'a. 1 I . ill_ ~,. nn coen meg], 0.; 4( ) ' 1 GENT IN PITTSIIIIIIGII,.W.II. DAVIS, .1 Ito Iluegehemt Flout . 1 1 .7 hem ' . .. 7: :r .. .... , .. r( 1 x r :: "I t o . ,zi j .: r . .1" r .., r 't t ; La: : ::* :,.., ic° l:: it. : LI ' o 'l. I :FL ' __. :: ,,,, e! r :2 v 1..7; a t i v . o ") 7 . .7 I N ::" It : o ilr ? ~,,,,,: r o n., 1 : .ten I : ' pr : u r : . 41 : :K‘ an 'l . p r n o tn .' i a 3::, : . 1.1t..i the i l ' ''' 2 .- -1 I " ---" -1 : 4 - =' 'T : i 1 .. 'n° ;--• ''' '" . '''' . I. : ''''' I'l ." 7 ' 7lll ' Ih I'c r cb '' '''' ' . - I, th are dl cad pad Van • melt, riglnq ----- I. I. COLD if e yi c ia. .igertT FL. RONN N I . IM, li•rred, rtunl atFICIN trf fertr3 litrllY & Ltille1111E11). SILK GLOVES, mid tllnc , n—att wortmeut to be lIAMES' FLEEC, other ntl4 of WOO 1 uu . oil at the...n. 4 • ) I • . •- •• ITEW BOOBS ' . • . ~ 131 G IBOX - 200 tons on hind (.;MITII ' S CLASSICAL DICTIONARY • ,4_-.).2.' J a DILIVORTII ft 00 1----------- 1 - 1 .A Inn elaceiroldictirmair or onsx ant my... Me: ' 111 1.17.1'; S.NIAL ' I ' S-1 ease for sale by ,i , rt,,, nolholoe. and p.wrslair, WO/ bans/ qt.. . BI „,d J. SCIIOONkIAKt.R it 00 I.',li"tist, of thank anal R Illoit,anhy aratalrknoloo, —. • 1., Willwini Snalth LL II ...litorof tn. , theueasri , -. o nirwx ' 13 11 .ESCCR1PTION BOXES, Turned Wood, nod Itotnan Anti. t uitlea. and of tireek and Roman Ill.,TaPhY . L 6 ~,,, ond Mrthologs. nrinal. with nittn rowt nrtreetlons and 1 _ . ' I, T Pat J.SCHOONSIAI7IO II I C 0 .,. 114.1111. M, I.v I.harlea Anthoth LL. Id. Inuferaer .af tin • t.n..lt and Leon I.stattuat t s, In Columba Collet, , LIVE OIL-In baskets for sale by The Lib and Corpnbovidence.of Ilident Souther: edited ,4) ~,,,, . J. SCIIOONNIAKiIt l. CO• he in , ..in,the Bee Chart... Culliburt Suthey. NI. A. Cu. I rate of Plunthlan.l Cninherland lull bound cloth.with N; Ew (Atop eAsToiCon,-:-.10 brio Blows ~,,,, Ij. .o. 1. pat nnelval br oak. hi R. E. SELLERS. No ... of the Lib and IN.ere , rytn.louce of Robert Son , tat:9. 67 Ward St ' ~,,.. . . . _ bir.- ortn. na.,”•,t ~..-nsst. ...I Pt:no. Prior...vs 1 VLAXSESD OIL. LARD OIL, WHALE ~,,i with Ore re t tal .ore.-cion or tinnt Britain. b, I,' OIL, amt SPERM On- for Pale by IL It St:ULT. 7.- {Toni at Stnckland. author ..1 the -Live. nf On Mneent t.. 1 ' PLS.. Ineinni. tot I ' - - -- . ~ ~,„..„ ..,„ ... , , --- -- 711, !nein., . I l'oper 4 ant it. Cann.- an AtlJnste dehr- 1 Ililtf:It I% Itr.A I t. AnES--If you want good v.. 1 in On lir...twat- tel.- e nact, on Wed:nada) eteniug. ' _ Isurkw heat Cakes. tun Ilablwt*v tflerreseinn Conn Jan In, 1,1. 1.1 11., N. NlstrV. It. : piuntl. for nue 1,- jata , It EJSELLERS. _ h.. atane t s ...k• nod psnina dt..e'eale:l.4 . ) a so It t..STt :TON, No. 47 Marktd At. • II EVOLVERS-Colt ' s and Allen ' s, for sale , o,weirlp, ',hand American oi l , ; I LI, .667 Slarket et. curner ..41,1utah 0 BA liltliLS CLOVER SEER: . 13-, W. W. WILPON. • ...- 5 . 5 1."., .... Lela Ttrnidht See.l. prime Ewa rein: ! NOTICE: --The partnership lately existing I, hid. amt , Le k . No 1 Leaf Lard: 1 ' 11. L intween the undersigned:under the ?Irma of t•itt ..P. blab prime N 11 Sutir. I.t. brie .... it Molaswor. r : k in... 1 t,ntior 1 t,.. Philadelphia? and “Ottnuttur, Atkin. : a Co... Pittsburgh? wt. Coolant by mutual ohruent, on 'ii brio hattle eround S. I. Wis., • , i „. ~,,h ~,...rita n, t aey . 15.51. 'Hansen It Ilkina la al.. •Sloan •dperlitte .1.1 e ttro hrand, Loullnk and for Fide 1., BROWN a KIiti,PATHICK I '''..'''' 1 ..” ". nu. °I" 'MM.' °'-...., a 0 , - at . Philadelphia. etnit.lanws. . ' Connor h. alone authorised to h e ld I .... the ”:1111155.1' ot Connor. Atkin, tpx t Pittalm 4 sh. in 'cluldate. . MANSES E. AThINS, I() C,;',.‘, 5 ,, K . , i', ( ,' , L 1 ,2 1 ,, 1TE . ,.% 13 , 1 „ k „ : ,;, N ,1.,":,P ratt ! ' ' Li till.l.intril...lan. 17., PALL JAinqkin , lNNOlL ..I.Ati 11., Enitio. r h Eaten., mooned: , James O ' Connor, of Pittsburgh, Pa..., ' and ;:.1 V i t'l...l'it i.. Titriol, . tor eale 1., , tiTonnor , A Co, of 11a1tuti0n..41.1... have 011-1 daY entered 6.ht J. 171D11 a CO. GI Wind ..1. iutonepartnerdlip tinder the stile of "Janke. 0 COnnot & . t .. Pittsburgh? and .treonuors a Po- Baltimore: for the 11 IF. LA IN ES - - - .k large and splendid RtiSilf - purpnn a trouroctintr the tunineas olltsePlltalittret Trann Pt r me..ft...ld Medal. O h . llatillon. and In nrh In 1...151.1 .1 p.rtotion 1..1. 1 . tw well ..o.l , r,i , ,yend enant t alnion and 11.11, owl Catliniere., tn.m 1'..., In 5, per , ant , rhattlin por n nen. • JAM!, °CONNOR 1 tench 1.11 and Po lame , . 1 1 1,.. 1,1 1 1 111 91.11551.4, Pilbhurpla Jan. 11, that. 01 , 0NNORK IW. 4. Id A. A. MASON It 111/. i .----- ' A CARD--e tender our thanks for the rVAILORS' Tit IM m I NIIS-- I:,s•eiveo and Rind patrol:lave tatsnaat to tts i ' 1.131 1 11111 1 far the past k ~,....d the do.. 1311., 1,1.1111.., ',lie., Twitt. Satin and 1..1 1 .1.1, C• at • W 11 , 511 !ears, and nottld *nun our'friends'and the A ttthlle. that our atm.:env-tit. hr the ROAM of lASI. anal be of and t,Ol Button.. Ro, Midal. sod invanu,sl Pow 0 . the ,0,..4 s t nnsls.• and perfect maul,. We will diaPhil k p- oi , h nthina !b e n and Bonk Bone Vas Peeler Berber. thein more fullcln a future a dverttsment. b l i A. A. SIASON A 111. JAMES (PIXINNOR A OIL, Pittsburgh. • 4.1.14NN0RS 6 t%).. Baltimore. It:LOTUS. cASSI3IhIiES ,k VESTINGS, -- . i,„,,,,„,„.b . jr,„: 15, 1,..,1.--jakatallw t R0e5t....1 and r.pen.,l tt.i. doo ...lied ,-ant, a, fnlhoira.- • • . , , I". ITh.- Br-wit anal. inert .00debitlic of Sittiolp?" a I BEEN APPLES-10 !Iris prime, reed in -Uranien !Ann i , I 1 I .4..1 order, and for can b f Sanwa e intprrior BP, k lon,hin.. i' ja-4., -i SAMUEL P. SUMTER. Witet of EnOnni and Mibllent dn. Arkin...brand 115 1 1i111( 1 1.1 .. 'li EM P -- I 11l bales 3lissouri dew rotted, in Black e... ft.., 'ill . Coslimen, lliritic and Marseille: . ~.., ~,,,, r ,,,. Ink , ~ A LENANDERam po N . t...tun,s. A. A. NILSON A Ink . ts re 4 __. _...,. . tebl ' • t n h 4 Martel ,t "'Ls. . ___±.._, f,__t_t. r.l - 1 BUS. DRIED l'E.kullES; ~ jI L 1 Nu her Ins.. Apples- • tO bri. Plantation N1•dn....... Int. soo t ...pup, 1101 +a. tbrit Ins•on„; 3ud on. ) for side hy I.,IILLS a ROE. Sellers' -Cough Syrup in Illinois. . [UDC E PI/211CP_ of Middl,powt. Inginotse OP . 1 .01,1. it on.. 1111.1er dote of January 17th. P.M. tltutt lc lio. In,. In.oldest-nion. or losi unh • conch for ...lomat 5510. wineh 1 5 1 111 ear „..itinod bonito hit lash and r„ t uunl ined.eat to ottnent tor Ito., month-. Inning the otinnner 1.. :Id both, hid , lilt therottOt nnititittcd to ..tier rt.- , t/int to pla t . nod i n dite whirl. on/ 'nit 1, I, the urn of 'diet.' Cough S t ro t .. w had. o gentleman In the wane oI 'La t in hroucht with on, in.ni Ihe :114.1 of obi, Mr i lion. hod bin-Alin ~.I ru t ,' in7tat use Pt , tut tonsils. mad when tuovinc Punt Ono. nos 101... n boob, with hitn. i ..ai i d w i n s h .t i kh.,.. p an e, chtsitv.l and tpu-I with pt.:. by i r :c.t. whelk o th er wean, hd1.,1 to otlonl relief. In l and and .rid 1.. It E. SK„.I etLI,EILS. 7.7 Itc. p. 1,1 be ilvncsiatt t-en.-col:i in the Me eitin anti vicinity 11,1 • -- EN V M [SIC— A 1 Lovr M.,ihnt. r•lohraldurtt fromrtk,l? 3 Ci s P,I h-e Ott. Ilan. of win, 1 nu, inal.lou, tra-3.1111n. to m ar happ, e• from tbo hanglarr. of St Marl,. °Orli] ii 114411. A to-onte and . t l lad. 11 , 30111 M, won°. d the opitst that hold tbea. IS.n Dolt. of anti, ,on rinsnolxr inrevt Polka p.. S C r. the oviehrai , I Polan,linnees. • .hunts alai lnuost— i i-olustilo. CD;Tulta- )ka' l es In 1,11,.. llntrboh, Ponta Cl'il Lilly gioatrtllr—ver , ere a4DI briar lhol.hol Allrphenif a now Bunton • Instruction. in Piano, arith eia rshistional ias.ms of now lessons. • Clarke Car,ilWlD ha. rho Plano. 8Wr10W . 111 . 1311 0 Forit ITonar. Petrify," today br , .I , IIIN II MELLOR, Vl , /I—a .-err stook of Neer PlanT arriving, and glairtor sir 1141 , 3IEETING of the Bonrd or Managers or • G1.v11. - 1::: ° :,.. ; €- „ u r ,7 ,1,,, i.f r :;.....„4"lre i tr , ' , ; 7.* . g , br 10 n'el. 4.0 DOW b 0... are . rrquested to as t 4:n,1 POPS, oty w. 2iktt, Lu. illor , ; ,de by T. WOUIJA t ;YIN. l'rulne• vie Ctentolenott Merebatts. .1,04 CI Mater tercet brls and q Nuct just recd by jaZI 11OLL BUTTER-2 brie in store , J.S. DILWORTH I CO - ri1.0.---10 barrels in auire J. S. DILWORTH it CO tt lANDLEs- 7 60 lax mould, on coneigument X„'fin• Psli• h, talts ALEXANDER DORIAIN, 0 INGER ROOT - wicks prime, on Mind 111...1 ..nle to• It N. WICKERSHAM. t:X Cor r Wool A Sixth PG • TEAT'S FOOT OIL-2 brle just received er •,itwrior nrttele, tor pate I, tas . S. N. WICKERSHAM. 14 PAN 111 ISI 11F 111rING-21) brls in store, for 17.311.1. f jati 11. WICHEESITAI I I ANA!, WItIttIIIOUSE TO LET—The . Meet. one 111111!71...1.1-.. nHiu L.,,..tt...r11 . ! he rented, a1th.1.1... tasSo 1111111) ? tIVIMS- 1 / 3 " inTstli likr)llTE IIEANS--30 tin prime, - tor side e • 11y SCHOON MAKER' CO,. 1 24 Wald et. :lltillY-15'kegs assorted, for sale by .311.1.1 .C1104./N3IAK.EIt a CO IQUOltlell BALL-5 eases small stick, far ,nl. In 12 . -N .1. KIIOUNIIAKY2t t CO. 4 ~Tt CPS-3G I?rls'Colden Syrup; „.. ; . 6 " br4. c MI.I. renrrris '3 ►fIALLOW-29 brig recd per steamer Arena und for mb hr J. d R. FLOYD, Round Chitral Itutiunoi. ' eTASII-8. caske 'Dunean's 'pure Ponuih, for uu. ..1•25 J. c R. FLOYD. IMITATION—Paper Hanging in im- N.,nniiien of Oak. avd vaßnlnidsolieZ4 Rood - - 11 D S.,IjGARS-20 bxs d. rent large loaf .I brli smolt loot DO do crashed: 170 do mnordered: - 30' do Clarified In Mani and 3.15. 1. lIUTCIIIIi6N A co Aft, St. Louie Sugar Itef..7. --••-- • - • OAF SUGAR--. 30 brla for aale by _I WM. BAOALkY a co. "TOWNSEND'S, ESS. GINGER; liit:son ten', Sarnialla Fartspari Ha. far rale b, IL IL SELLY.RS fa Woad Kr. • pOWDER--150 kege blasting, for sale by J. 23 , J. dE. FLOYD, Round Chmeh It !MK PORK-200 pieces hog mond, we J 'trimmed, for Fldit by WM HAGALEY *Lb T A NI:ATM:RS-1T wicks prime for sale EURDRMOF. a MOITRA3I 116 Water ! brie and 15, keg* for sale by J. S. DILWORTH s CO imit received b,v J. S. DILWORTIL t CO. tililit-v hu Droll Arpl, for ea. DILWOR 11:TrAt511-LcION-1 rare genuine Chinere; y fikr ..le .y 1 .- J. KIDD & CO. ,Ls CO Wood et __ IA 11 3 13LACK-50 brls for wile Li' , i ~,,,, J KIDLA co 1 A • kr4 GiES ON BOOK KEEPING— 1 `r -burr, Ccromarreial Mx* Kftving: Pero Stesot F....t 10..* kireplng: 1..zt1l . fat Ow r.t.n.o , ourks jun twelve.t.thvg..npDlT far wk. II JOHN 11. MELLOR, [ InV 10 Wool ot L to Cli WIII-lELBARItOW was taken from ~ut t.te Fridky, the lab ofJetinkel. k.T . - nu.r. 6f the nee, a Wet, Williamt...l sold to of Alleabe, coy. knok taken to e. SI. Davie Anetion Room, el ,Intiday tbe awl Auld. The trentlentan who pur elmod the 'aid who•lbarno. will please return the raw. MIA get bin neosey Antal, By NI doing be will .gTekklY n J. 4 - 11. PIIILLI PP_ and A Wool st itEt'liElt'S I.IIIINA-3 eases for sale by 1 J. PCHOONMAKED 2 OE 81 25, 81 50,_and 81 75 per gallon; FAVE RN KtEPEItS bad better try Morris I Ilawort.WA PrDne PAIS FlIC:(1 . 11 Ilitt..vni.2l the •t re rn`''''' ' ''" 4l;l74l . :TAND WINE STORE, 224 side of the Dio.inond. 11'1•:--.4:1i teS prime Carolina, for sale by JAS. A. HUTCHISON 2 CO iluT-51.1 kegs ttslOrted.Nost. for sale by J A IrrttnilSON AV) E Al:VV.—It is universally conceded that lownty Meal. erimmon in this rid'ny thin , In arty t.t o r. while at the gum. Ilme it that In no other count,. it Intl at to young ea age. how this Lana. toe oath rah... but the koala often caused by negle.. - t We to 11. do not neglect your remand eldWarerien , a ,bat l the f. d Idollowing. you newt not leek goal ts The. , aro mlentific preparations, and hare allot tAiill hiOh Tnpulaxitr• Ifaurl Perdno or Chin.. Powder. feAnPortiatt to the nu. billions complexion a radiant Whitener, in natistog should per -,, nn mon. riarfol than the nos of • • n ,. der fur the .kin_ as many of those sold WV eery Noti on, 31, Chine..• powder itiPhomontaled In &scientific man ner. end contain. on iograllient which ran poasibly indict no .tnurv. Jules !oners fienilstory Powder, far oat 'g surserflo.. no- lonic. What more unsightly than hair upon thet or ems of a lady in T, article will remora it In • short tint , . without the use of an, sharp Instrument Jule. Hanel, Vegetable Liquid flair Dye will losUntai Wool, 11.111,1rr to mt. white. or grey hair. a bestatlhally Wool, lon.wo, or auburn li will color the hair in a sh„rtrrtime, and own. etteriziallY than ivy other dfr , het et the •tune time ihdelllble. Jules ilati..ds,haysng C....ans.—lt a really a pleasure to with cream: There. none of thr smart...inset , antidu eneriencell in the ww, of mcwt a n d `- On the ...ntrar , . ,t pen he skin smenth sad soft as thin , mui*,, owl w.l liable to become chapt...4. J. do, liaden• T..th Paste.—Next to the hair) we thud , . T.t.th were intended an the greatest nnunnent to the bunion face: jup a hen neglected, nothing is w.disfig.- nom. or ven. My 110. e Tooth Paste will nowt ! ,to the t.,tb pearly whiteness.. at the same lime keeping the nun! bra awl lieeltbY. • j 1.11 ,.. ! . .:t .. F.1.,..Perfnmer and Chemis4 ged sate wholewile and ret.:11,1;%.-Prtahnortork IrCo., and lt E. Pitt.httrkb, and J. aliteln .U.l•lll.l AlletthenT 018,. ELLEII.S: LIVER I'ILLS--"Could noert without thorn Sl'enonlinville. 0. Jan. 9. 1941. 31, It. 'V- ,E.l.l.l.—Vonn , sr. t:n only Livre 1111* Oat ...It inn,. 1 cf.” 1.1 nnt nnt elm, without thonn.,and ,,, l7 n, tbnl of Itnnn tonal, in she bigbent tertol of cnmmnn , l.o.ll , ll. Your, unprctfully, J. I.4IIEEN. Ca-1,-,n..1 end add by 11.'E. YELLEILS.GV‘VontI.t. And na.l by riru,nnan .1•13 TEE BEITISVERIODICALS ND . TIIE F.A.R3FERS'" GUIDE. •. Ina/ i ' lte e tuneVint °l 4=7 Moun, ant Illackmakra Maintrinel In addition toe which tio, has., rec. utiv cam the unbllnitim4 of a Taloa t.o-ieulturol work. called the 'Torment' Guide Oct. e tiro: aml practical 3,cricolture," IrtAleury ineplsims, . Ii So of Edmhargh , author of the 'Book of the Faso," 4.. .1.0 m ended_ by John P. Norton. St. A., New Hem. re f.. of Mien Akk r nit tar in Yak Ooliese 1'11.6100v calunhlecYrerV ellnlYenn two b., ygn royal et toluries. containing over HMI p.m. with la or MU spicodid.rteel concaving". and More than COO enirekinge en wood. In the hicheat style of art. Illustrating almost every Implement of husbandry now let um 0, the best fam mem the hest method of plowing. PlentiO9. Meting. hay-' ling, An Fr, the vent. domealk animals to their high , , n yfeelleer, aunt, the vicional feature of the book hi gat? : 7ri d , :ll , Jrender 0 of Localculable value to thi ette The cork is leA r r ' i,pohllsbod let Mmkermitthly Nonabere. W f d, o l 4 . ar:..e T. re ' Tt o s h !Xli.. " OlVf n„r e re etge ' Vo T rriT g u ' uttr i e: of worn there will re at Wart twenty two. The Penrtlicals republished me follow*, 91. The London Quarterly Review Itkiewrtative); the !Mt:t horn'. Ikesior (Mbly,n he North lirdish Review Free Chorch6the Weertutrater Review (Liberal,: and B " Al l t . junra ih tree h =tgetin ) tinirhed .hy the slinks &love indicated, yet hot a !mall portion of Rheir contents is devoted tot, pelitkalsulderts. It Is their literary elurtarter whirl gives Wm timid. chief vslueemsd lee that they stare) enifemedly above oil other vanittalit oßtheir siert. Illackwed, item the masterly Christopher North, maintains its ancient celeb.firriel, Olt this time... nus lolly atrocity, than the metal woelut o Butner and otioe ' literary tadabllrt written for that mans sine. and fast appearing to lee columns both in Greed BA. tain aril in the United 010101. Stich wOrks Th.' tone rind - My New Nov4l,* (both by Bulerer.) "My Penin sular 11.4n1:' - The Steers 1.d," tool other scrip , . of likh numerous rind editions are issued by the bp! 1,4 publishers in lids country, nave to he reprinted by publisher, frtiorthe vane. of Blackwood. alter It law issued to Mess,. k Co., to that subscribers to Reprint or that Memrtine may alway 4 rrlF on hoc caries , of time mainstays taloa. 4 th TERMS. ' For MI) one of the Sole Review per rause For any two Jo M 1 a 43 00 . 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