The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, February 03, 1851, Image 4

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eir sitistox: •
red by the trumpets oft the sky,'
&the snow; and, drifting.eir the fieill
-=ciliti nowhere to alight! the whited air 4 ,
Hides halls andmixels, the river, and the It
Att tails the farm house at the garden's'
Thled andiriveler stepped, the courier'fi
Delayed; all Mends shut out, the c housemmi.
Artnual the radiant fireplece, enclosed
- Ma Mint:aeons privacy of storm.
Coine see the north wind's masonry, ,
'Chit of an unseen unary evermore
7ifirigsbed with tile, the artificer
CWrees his white bastion with projected
Bound every wind Raid stake, or tree, or
Sg...,4n,_the Myriad headed, his wild woi
' go" I ..n l, so savage, nought cares ho
. Far Mutaber or proportion.. Mockingly,
Onarep or kennel Ito hangs pariah wrestl
•A: 4.iko forts invests the hidden tholl.
p the farmer's line from wall to 11
.• 'Ma ' the farmer's sighs; and at the gi
. . - peting turret overtops the work,
' Mid whin his hours ere numbered, end th
li ral kis own, retiring, as he were not.,
Liaises, when the sew appears. nstonishe
' To mimic in slow strictures. stone by st
' Built in nn age,the mad wind's night. ,
''.The frolic architecture of ghe storm.
o 's . 1
I It
th f
/tITECDOTE. 01' DB. ziorr.
+,..a the evening preceding Thanksgi
many years ago, two students left the
WWI the most four intent of procuring
the Doctor's. fine fat Clliel.llA, that rote!
• tree adjoining his house. When they s
the spot, one ascended the tree, while.
'OWES] with the bag, ready to receive the
it anhuppened that the Doctor ttitaself
left . his house, with the view of nearing'
"chickens for his Thanksgiving dinner. 'll
tinder the tree hearing some one
Int approal
~ediately ereeptsl away, without noti
• . Cotepattiou • among the branches.
te Tht
came up silently, and wa., immedia* .
Isola above as follows:
"Are you ready?"
' . i'Ves,' • resp,mled the Doctor, dissen
voice us much 08 passible.
: the other, innutsliately laying hi h
the old rooster, exclaim]: “itere'S
-` ' will you have him?"
i•Pass him along.' was the reply. an
, stslas in the Doctor's hag.
PHere's maim l'res," said the all el l
' • stiadent, grabbinga fine old lien, "oil
. . bell'
-;..Yes,l' again responded the Doctor.
• . ellere's son John, will you have I'
dinghter,Sull, take ber;"' and no on ut'
"gene through with the Docter's '
IThe old lama then walked off in out directioi
with the plunder, while the student, well satisfied
with his night's work, catne down nod streaked
itjfor the colleges. Great was his asiouisluneut
to learn from his companion that he had not got
May chickens, and if he gave them tel l uny one, it
musthave been to Dr. Noll..
• t iEspulsion, fines, and disgrace, wertinppermost
. their thoughts, until the ne x t forenoon. when
both 'received a polite invitation from their Pre
aitient,irequesting the prOence of tit it company
tit a Thanksgiving dinner. - To decli le was int-
Possible so with hearts full of iety for the
t . litault, ' they wended their way to the house,;
(there they were pleasantly receiv by the old
.. 4
gentleman, and with a large part • were soon
.' rested around the festive board. After asking ei
2blessing, the Doctor rosufrom his 81. at,. aol tak
ing the carving knife, turned with a smile to the
Ingnes and said: "Young gentlemen, here's old
"Peer, and warm Prex, tion'iohn, aid daughter
' Ball," at the same time touching successively the
inspeCtive chickens , "to which will you he help
ed!" The mortification of his students may be
Imagined. H
. -
Titrustrn or Brunt nr.—Lithotonty, or the op.
oration for urinaty calculi, woo Pell'ormed on Mr.
"A. Elterhert, Of Fayette county, Pa.., one mile
front Newlieners, by Dr. J. Dixer4 of Allegheny
! • City, on the 111th of December. to presence of
Dr. Stone, Mr. Dickey and a number of..other
gentlemen. . .
- - And although Mr. Rberh . art is gLite en elderly
gentleman, and of it scry corpulentk and plethoric
• habit,: that produced an excessive f lepth of per
bleat .istracture, which, with other kkomplicativas,
".t.. rendered the case exieedingly diticult—yet the
sorgical tact, and cultivated skill of Dr. Dixon, '
surmounted them. , all, and the operation was
. completed in the most anent-se:l manner, in a i
very few minutes. And that pa of the opera
tion, which is declared to be the I most difficult
and Important, by pethapa, the gepatest of living
surgeons. Robert Liston, viz : qf seizing and
extracting the calculi after having cut into the
bladder, wan terformed with the utmost skill
' and dexterity. And though it is hut thirteen
days aince that operation, the (patient in free
from all danger, and in going nboyt his room
' with enumerative comfort. We ,Oongratulate the
people of this portion of the westnrn country, in
the possession of such to man on Dr. Dixon, and
leel safe in predicting. that the! day in not for
.. - distant when his merits an an operative surgeon,
will be duly s”- - - ted, and will be ranked
. wtnong the , - - --Ifni operator
of the day.
Mille time s. _ _____ _.—.. much isc
in Paris with his magnetism:l:M. Cautpan, 1
husband, was his partisans likealmost every pe
son wbo moves in high life. To be inagnebre
wan then a fashion; nay, it .WaS more, it sal
absolutely a rage. In the shawingwora, noth
ing-was talked of but the brilliant discovery.—
. There leas to be 110 more liyisig, petiple's beads
were turned, and their imaginbuoits were betted
in the highest degree. To siessomplish this 0-
jest, it was necessary to bewilderf l,
the undertstsful
ing; add M.mer, with his ingular Inept:l7,e,
produced that effect, To pun stop Yo the fit of
1 1
pitblic insanity was the gran , difficulty: and it
-was proposed to have the secret purchased by.
the court. Mesmer fixed his Maims at a very ev.
'teavagant rate. liovrever, he was offered fifty
thousand crowns. By a sinitilsir chance, I was'
one day lediuto the moist of the somnambulists.
'Enchants the enthusiasts] of the spectators, that' '
in Most of them, I coold• of a wild rolling
of the eye, and a convulsive, movement of the
- countenance. A stranger Might have fancied,
hint-self amidst the iinforloontO patients q Char-,
- entod. Surprised and shocked at seeing sil many
• people - almost in a state of delirium, I withdrew,
full of reflections on the scene which I had just
Witnessed,. I
Itlimppened that about this time my husband
'Wasattached with a pulmonary disorder, and he
desired-that be might, be conveyed 'to Mesmer - e
- house. Being introduced into the aparrneat oc- 1
copied by M. Campos, I dsked the worker of
meles.ithat treatment lierivrapoiesl to adopt : !
he very coolly replied, that: to enlibre n speedy
. and. perfect mire, it 'would be liccessav7 to layin
the bed of the , invalid, ptj hi; felt nide, one
of three things. namely: Al young woman of
brawn complexion; a black ben; or an empty
. ..bottle. , . 4
, Sir," Bead I, "if the chalice be a matter of
Indifference, pray try the empty brittle." _
M. Catapan's side grew worse; Ite, experienced
ndifficnlty of breathing andla pain le the chest.,
Jill pagnetio remedies thatwereemployed pros
' - dewed no effect. Perceiving his failure, Meaner
_. took -advantage of , the peiiods of ;tny absence to
bleed and Mater the patient:' 1 ins not informs
. ed of ghat bad been done Mitil after - --d. Cap ,
'pans recovery. Mesmer was asked for a certi
Seale, topreve that the patient had been curl •
• l_o! means of magnetism only; and be gave it..,---
Here vas strait of enthasi um! j• Troth was pe
. Longer respected. When 1 neat !presented - niys.,
' - self Co the queen--Marie wntoinettes—heir
. jesties asked what 1 thought of alesmer's discov
ery: Ainformed them of what had taken pllsces
earnestly expressing my indignation at the eon'-'
duct of the barefaced quack; ItSwas immediate=
' ly dotennined to have nothin re g nac to dowith *
--: 1
. . 1
. A TIES or Wirericunty.—Among the mony
}gists sppliedfor the discovery of witchcraft was
the following. - It in, 1 helicon, o singular in
shame and bet little kno w n to, rho public. 'lt
was resorted to as recently 114 1709 , and ma be
found in the Orratrann'e .ttagorine of that yea .-
4 . 3n0 81111RIRh IifiDORW , R, nn elderly womn of
Viwegrove,-near Ayinsb ' , was acounevl II a
neighhtir for bewitching eenpinning-wheel so
that she could not make i go round, sad off red
to make oath of it before c magistrate on which
the husband, to justify is wife, insisted poet.
-.her being tried by the lu rch Bible, and that
the accuser should be p sent. According she
,was conducted to the p ' b church. wh she
was shipt of all her cloathes, nod weighed n'tint
the Bible, when to the tie email martifienthon of
i 'vt,
her licenser, She outweighed it, and was liotiorw ,
bly acquittedvf the charge."--Noon andQl ' $
'Wet to learn that Robert- Al. Bard,
Esq. died
at hie residence in -ChantheOiurg, last cd
Ile - wee a distinguished member of the bitr, rank
ins amongst the first in his pretension. lie w
'the Whig eandidate for Congress at .3he `late
election in that: (Istria, 4ral was, sick daring the
caorvase, . and from which .illnetrs be never: fully
recovered. , Bodied" in e prim nod' vigor of
life, with eocry'Prornii of wealth and
, tionouadWilfbnlsmen el by all who knew hint
''..4lar. Trl:- .. . . - ...: ...-,;
, , D 1 4 ,0. 0 171 . Tompot 1 . ..
'SC Petztotosfgb , of t
the ad of Oct , nI
Elegie. where t,
bliSbeS its cam
..nnYkined,is wei.,2051
390 'vemele. sad 3000
. 'the sell rig co".""
, l i r ds..—Gdlol o, "
, :
F. ` _.
. .
EEOEO44l5tt t he o Erecting n i Wire SllSpene
Akre' it' iAlles.4..itor Wier, optesite Me.
ie. Wool. the lflith Ward of the oily of l'alsbure.b.
in oleaeo ant Ore reccollyble,trojed by Sre.
nmt..l win tc received fit the ntSce ofJoroh
'Veinier k Co., lbliberly, otreet• until the Ist de, of Ilareb
rtezt, for the <meth. of the Aber. drecrited beld,l the
valeta therea te bo the pante ao the tfoomrabelahod ,
with tech alberstblev re. bbblere may SIM/ .
ebr .
nett" aphrore. Ily order of die lkesrd of le et rtelem.
foblillf , 1'..,601tY.57.. Kre.!
. _
. ..,
An ,,,,,,, J ........ .$,lO. 4nri.01 . 1111.3. .. ......t ( 0
At...4.40ne. 110 _. ,to I(eanwl . 11. ti ........ _„1,.., lii
NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. 11.114.....11. lAr. A 1.,,..10ti0 liluver.7-
Bidwell J. (' AO-- .... .1:....0 Unfold Th... .5..1
lo .
PROPOSALS win be tetTiced hy them do - ;;7 .,,
~,,,,;,,,, 0-...-
...-?. :: i f..A hl . p . l l ; .
M.A. uteri the hith Oat of Fehrnary neat. for "... 1 . ,...1.1...11 111..11. . - .4.1 CO \ 1018,1. I j'4" ..... .3. NI
Iml"'""a01.11:11,4:fith'":;.la'",::kmt 1 T1'..::17.1',"1'"1.7;''''11.4r. ‘'' l4 ' l% 9-i ti. " .. ........ - 1. 1" r ( . 2 r1 " ft ,b ..... 4 :nt i ...t.
AMA the bank , of trot , leunt; td'eethe,rban.u.l:. ‘ .., , t k o,: a „l o b., S ....... ___ 5 ?.. Md . .; 441 JI. a ' ll. A t. ,1 :...
The. Patna wilt serra.;. , ILlii.feet lon, and Lill ••• ,•. ` k p r oh..tan,,.. It
la feet bleb. with a bawl of tin 'fret lo width The Ve .. ..., ........... . ',..; ~,,',., i1!,....Ahmi1.,1-„,
Chamber will be 14/11 feet Imp arid 40 feet w1.1.y with or.olV tr,,V.1.,:h1r...., . • • .., ....
nn . ,,, i ,
~i. 0.. ii. ,
2 ,, . thielt and IU leetrtin'lt.Z=o:3",,PZ",,,...',.. t , lenhtun !.:.-% . ....
---, AI .1 1....6eg 5 .
VIII Vart.Vl C .V•k r' V r al i rt. • * :rad Iliq,. .
I l ti . re .._ it4Th,... ,
~ .
.... l'.: lu L. ' 'Th Spa ' n ' artt?.... r . ' , ' .. . *.. . '...."--":. iii
ane Ineka and Nona. be' built tuimeablf to
ander the th.rmio• artmalmb . X , 1n0 . ... , I ^^. In ijZ,.7,.,: - 4 ‘ • . ,•! ( „ T 'n,,hnn it ,,, 110.. ..... .. .
.. Il' I ..c. NV , 40 I .
met 'tell - ands bAII , I , i> .." 3'."'.. .:. '''''' " 11010- Wm I! a 11y!..15 litlii.iNtr....ll It A 1'... - ........IT on
?'l';:iflrvalte. fruldt
no th. 1'r0rit,....., ^ r ~.i . I „„.,,„,..;
1:. OtIlhal•ton John ll._ .... 11. no
~,,,,,, ilh MOP n0ti ,,, 9 w 1t ... .e... " .. " I".. " I Ila, .lobn T.. ........r.ll On Whiten:mu It
ro - Ore mullf ata urneate information. h
1 IV, ~iettre work to he nompleted by lot Janiiary,lK.4, lleinati I- T - ....... -. -2.....0 Weight ,inho ae n to t o.
arm thewort herald be In bailed by cmar..llT. sa. wad
MIA. *nit Contractors will he n-
I Abf - rfi .Are ~ 11 , M,,,,t / ..,xy ,x•cut• •7 ty for the nntstrortwe. of Atwood, June.. /ern _T. no 111,, t . !!.... .. •.,11 !..
I I KV1V:!". r .„.., ‘ ,0 %.„ ; A. ,,, I. "":„.1, i 1 , r , " 1.,•:,..!: '.'" '""' ; ‘ ,1: . :•17;:: 1 „ .. ;. * •il l !!%. ' ! ..
1' ,... " 4 'A';':;.'4l;'.ll..;i '',.. -.. .:: :::
''''''''''''"- ',,,eiwie•b'th:rlo.ltrof an,nting the 1.e. , 11n..11 . 1n...1 In,. t't. :.1.. no hinot , r ... • a 'J .,. -1 0 .
pc.fS :SZTIrr.-11,-.i.1,7.-'rt"'-''''''''''" 1'.:1 1 ,'.',.1 `:, ',,"^' .: '.!':'' 1 .- "!'"!: -. , . '.,. :::
. et.h,, , ,Aa.. wur ,. I ' , "' r 1 'Tjk.,".1‘...j.1.1.‘, 1;.........6...,e. a '...., . 1 . ... 1:.:11 . ...=VF. ... '.'.'..'. ' .. '". ...z., to
'nnentar, a the 1/01.1: river :1..•.1., Water hari,al.. 1,. , 1, ....• ‘... 1,,:......,,,.„,.
. Columbia Tenn. • in...:1.1., 1t0..1. A I ......
1.--- p r oposals for Bituminous Coal. i Blot .I , .1...... i 'n
, .. 1 ,1,...., m ..., • . „.. to.
Iltn%lmm Nt n. . .or ..11„.. m
OEA LEI) pItOPIS4 LS wilti 1., ree,...t . 1 1 4i , ;1 1 1 . Illa(mnl leo. A ,
~ I.:•:1•111.•ay 1 , , . ...7, •
7: 111.
9,.llljlSrf?,Al*-^,0...:',::.,:,‘,":1.4.1,:17.3:.1 ,!., ' ~..„„'.,...:-.' - ...-..;', - ...,(1.. , ,,,,- ,, ... ,,,, i ~•. ~','..",
Tift.llVill'atllst, 4)0 111.1.•:$11N131, 151Att....t".1.1, i., l 1,1,,... A . 11.1.. , ..J. to Nl..l:er ~ ot 1 , .
Ike 111.011•41:44110Xul lin, tube 41,1,•-•.,1 0 1 hlu. ruxl 01u,- ~1 I' . . 11, .1..0.- A• .. I'. 0t.,11.11-1 0 n!... I, 1,,.. . _........
t he . ,iao Work:. ~7 . I ~i.. A.. , A. 1.1. A . 1., ..ulMlll.r A. I. A t tll_O on
t itt, it, the OIL fif Sktil.
do in the monili of ;M•4t • , ' , ....he1l 11. ‘ s 1'... ... 1. kir..m0ck.1.,1.1., .
I:01 do do ..1 one • ' 1,4 n...... 11tene,n A I ',1.1 *NI , 11,/ 111 I rI . 00 111. .. a, ..,
1,.. do do Jul, 1 idl-...., rwlill „ ...:..... Mill. 1 , .. a• . .... ~.3. 00
AAA. do 1 1111 . Ailux,l. Ch.M. 11. 0 isu • •,, 1... 1it.....t.1, I.' . ... .1:-. 4.
:Ohl .1.. ; itindlyeo. Miller 4 ....., lf. .o. M... 0... A .1 A en
4.0 do . th. ...lA,. . 1 . ...11wr I- 11 eld. , 1... noilb•we 1,4.1 . _ ...
NM,. .1,1 Jo ~„„,,,...„ . 1 1,... Mlt ~• I .....(1-0.1.e,.1 1,.........13....0,1 to.
r r ‘ ...4.' ' 1" 10. fr....11.1.11'n. 'V ar r .' ,' "" .'"". . ' 1 ' . ' t 1 I 1.1 :1 . 7...`' . .'", - ,,. .' .. .1:..", !, - ,1, 1 .1 1 .1..,!: - ;:c..1„ , . , ;:: 4-.1 , 1 . 1 ,
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will!klial ....t le.fon. ..teedel. thew, 0rt,....4.1 , 1i.1. , 1010 , 0 . 1. ' 1. ' 1 ,l'. I I'• . - .1 . Few.' ll -. 1 ...'
nviin.ll.ret to., ts. the Ili, of .1 , ...., Ow , '-'..''''' I''' " ...1 1.1111.011 j". 1."
.-al.. The ..1e0 , 11 ,1 of IMO wood, w ill 10, n oeHered ...the 1 l'` .. ' J'''' . " . • ..11, 10 11 .'% , , l
fillt ~ pr..fere.l to J. liter hi .....,....,..i. 1i.1...11 .1, 1.1 .01.1;;.1........t. I A ~.......
':.t. ' 111.. it ' 1..t..10 . .1...... l'n..t..-. "All, 01,1. 10. n, e 1' , ...1.- 1 . a 11. noeti , t0.111.J , ... , •11 A 11et...r.• lo to.
failure Indelher 11... ball
art ..1-.1.1...i 1...1..,1....t0wti1.1-10. Tr...! .. ~ , : l•IIrt M.:. •• . ?t , . , • 011 . . 1 , Irl ..4. 1 •.
t!..... uf lb. 11,0 Wort, r....erte the r”. 1,! I. 6.111.•,.. •1... , t, 0 ;•. 1 .t.,1. -
.A. .. _ t , ...
.....;.,.0.....11.4..,t.tit. „ ... ::.,
el., they um, .1,,,,,.! 1.,. A1..1 clEtr, h. 1111,911-rll 1111. 111 , I I .... W .. " ..
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Will Lt. rtitiall. lit t.....,...i...,...,t.......t,...., t ,11.... .. ... ee , 1 '''''"' '''.: I ' !" ill ''." . " l. ' n "''''' -' ' ' '''
alkr 11,•((...1(!rti..1-.!1.1,-1...,...1...1,41..., -..... , !!!.... ( n • “.^'•''!,..' I- • , • • 1 ' '''' ''"`!".., I i • I •""
to be Mkeit a. the nrent....l 1 1.......n.11.1. &In ,r , 5.4 , the 1.1”,1111.....e. .... 1111. rt,.....,....1., I 4 t ...
option of the Tr..t.t..., I,in...we will le. ra..1.. with 1.,..1 1,...:1,...,
II I- . . -,......,::11,1,1,1,1itj......1:,11,:rt5. on •-: to.
~,,,.1 a.,.,..,,..„".,., ,„ d ;,,,., I.i ..,,,14. 1 1 II. -ail 1. or, 00. B. ioJ,M 11.,h. . ....
- 11.
tha tal n minim!. II will he nwi•ed. hot payment , will 10. I ....,/ .lito .• 1iM.,...,....... . .....
and , to date Iron the time operthed. rt. Ja...1 ~., . 111 onIM aol Min . , II•1
0,1"4!...t0ry 1... , 1r5t) .1!, Ow 1.11 - illm••!‘t .'4 L 1,.• ...a. I ! (1.. 1,, ,% .! . . . •!!!!..01...t .I.(o.- A l!. ..4 ..
'air onolnd i , 41 It F. ..... ~.....ity.....1 1• 1L M.. • . , 01/
11111 11111. h .. _ 5 t,W.•.1 4 11.01., 5 tv.
i 11., 0.1 .10 , 11, ~„ :. u0i,,..1, VAlxanl• x Ale
-111••• •AA .411 , 011 11 Merton. P S . . „.-to tor
A Merton.
111..........L1n ' 5 , .1. W., it., ..111U :la J. , t,t. ACI 1u vu
, 110,01.1,1.1'1,1111, 0 iI.. 111 owl ...Ix 1I us. I. •• txt
I ,X11•11u7 I' A MAIIEIIIO. A ,-111. 1'11t..40.n . h.
Marine, Fire, and Inland Transportation
i Fill I 1:,y of North .kjnorio..L.
1.11,1,1,1,1110-X•limitert•l If ,I. 1 . 041111 . , 01.1 -. .00. 11
Januar, 111. 1,1,01 0 011.27.0 Irll. It ill znx,... 1t.itta,....0.
lull nod their 00111....t,11. this lib and vi , o111). 0.,..
on 111,1,11, of etre, de...nt....s....liinned 111 ...tau .r.t
-....1 tdher v,w-elr. either by inland traueyort , loo ..t ..0 th,
ted in n
rrivrJ et
he other
pitunkr. I
baited' •
be rogue
. 1 1. trkg,
tug ht
e Doctor
le Intr. I
J 1,11 1 ,1
I'llll-4 1 . 1,1 T 1 r1/ 4 1, 11,,,n1,. ..ho 11. 1‘,4
rtl. 111.1.11Mia,r.
.I.r.)u2r, 1.1.1 , 4
31.10POSA. LS will be reveived lit (hi. Ih.-
let.rttortst fulfil the 4111 .13, hiroo.h.
rl.lfh, for the tur. of tlo• 1,1 ihlh,.. of Ow 1 ,111...1
httarl Ihr four reml from lb. tint tln, of Spril th , ,t.. he ti
rniered br the 1/11,,rhheut, 0111,, tollowilo,
The name of the 015 e.• and State In cireular eat
frot.,, Paid bloat of hanlened and mad . .. •11 , 1 t
ii:gt:ratll7,4VittlL:lnkttlirtgir ‘2.
I I Egnrg• atantf...and the F fvurr.
t 4: .
hsr • .ml,
1. the to. of the
hogiarrd and In uge. A turinal 5ua1....0g, t el
r earn
letterm each. of um Fame alto slow taa cat tn..
Naltd blcvie of hardened
ltett eterl. Vigor. , for the day rot tic
made of aka
It it
e Lo n if t tranitt ro :,..nlith wonla —paid" and •• t'rer" of the
A150....r0m. with ' (tour!" rata ul 1.. , . , 04n.
and ,t milar to thowe now In Oct.
All of the store ',tam,. containade ..f t u b
flue annum' , moat al. , e..parnte ha. or
cular edam, with the m o uth and figurer;
Ala.. for each arraaratn (onto. containing the moth con
tiatini-• thr,
Alan. for each aenarnta piece for the day. of the month.
Aoint. iwa for comply...eta of month. , and Inlarea.
for each separate C ho y with the wont, “Tahr an
Al.o. for each netwamte pircl , With thr tane+. tkootio ,
the fl int nf postage. Th e nahlom; tha Mt! n.nt •111
not.. tiowever. circa diffarept enntr,ora 1.‘.1 the
prow.] for the whole which le deemed t.a,t fay.,a , le
the Department will he are , pt. Tbn Lb.part.a..“:
sent , to itself the right to reject till propnealn if W
la deemed extrerugant.
Specimens of the 1,6110 w ithutPorstampa required rue
seen it the appointment,lllre.of thl. Departm e
pa—^l.l - lawlt N. K. HALL. Powlm.ter tieueral.
Proposals for Chain Cable Iron
W 1.1.T0N. Jlmnari 1,1.
PrEALED PROPOSALS, iluplieme, en
Parsed oponals fur cheat. relnw Irada... will he P
rspt at thin onler until noon of litomlny. 4..13, Fehr..
nry twmt., for furnishing and' letilering Si me Sne
d. Wn.hlntaton, Diatriet of Colurnina. .11 the rhnin ratlah
Ina mentionod in the f o llow ma Leta.. via:
- - -•
so a fathom ,
7 .1 "
7.r '
T~l'= r ~ li~ita.
1 1 11
AU the afore...Ll Then. e.t.d.. Iron o-t I.- Tr the
1,41. gollit, of lownenn ww.t.,Meren 1.T.• 1... wl
tare ..f fre Iwo. it mod *et I. toe , . 10.0. Id,.
1.00,11 llyre That for the hut.' t .... .. tient /..,
t01..1 and ntlled t ahmt an tIT 1..0 il.e-Me- -- 0.., +
rut, 0,1. "rut 0.11... to the re....... 1 . mei tut ..
requlrTd letiollo. That mwtom 1., the dowel... ea.
Ilan, n„ I gto, ... -t all le• • o , nold muter the b.....
trial elm... wloell wall.• fur....... v. the ...tar,
The w hole 1111. 1, delltore.l to atraluht Wo„tha. free
eh haw, ram.... 1 end. , ....M.-. or othw .1.-fert
..Ito.. .
Tarts Prhof.. and te.L. to the thowt... of 1'....... - non. h.,. 0 to tie 4.1 t w0...n0: . teat tu t .... , ,,,,r , r1v:_ ,,,
Mrol. and tae teal dtwr, and lw in aI , I 0.....- . the , rm. , p 0../.. .....,tt0.......1,..1 to 4.. t . r
ehtin• LauTtaenon am nohnonl of tle• eh• tulatrytant .1 ..., „, 0.. 1,4 it ...h. w,,....n. .1„.......• Ito r.tertiet t, t
1 . 1.71 11101 T foree-nol., or a 0111 ow he .....1...t. r. 12 1.111 I t...„t„, t..., 11. , ...I
ato part of the ..0.1 .0... he ...homed oe h- , nod aro , I. t. . it, j.„,„,„. ~, ~„ „„‘,..„,.„,„,„ ..,,,, „,.. ~,,,,,,,
1 4.. eattelaelore oryleneet- tweloa..4 1. , th....... 1 ..tontwel t i„ ......,,, , tor ~.. ~., ne in .4 I. , -.e.. am. J.. 14'.....4
ant 1.1.. 0. Imo 1.,-. tuantaartnrett :T. letTeml„.... r-on , t h e • t w0 ..., ..r. m.. h. IT ....1 ..I pluton 1,
monod nnantstr ...owed to maKe Tne -,1 . 1 . .. 1 the . 14 ...a, et 0.. . 'ova rt., pond .. tll he t. or tete..... I,
P.M ervel ...1.1.0 nowt 1. , dente,. on tot le 4., Ye ~,,, t.t...,.. „.... t ..,..„ ..,
..„ .. t t .... 1 ~..„
~ ...,....
fird. .1.., IS !um yelY for Tooth , thir4 .1 411 ,hol ~ tr. 10.- ..... I ...el sheet hoed, m. ~I n ; r..... meta J., ..,earl
Ids . on
*:let.o. the Or.. tILT .4 th 0.1.-r nett. .141 ~. ...stet, 1,. I. 1.1 I 00.1 The..
the rmor .... or
le.l.tre the ii ate trr„ of laTen.l. •
11 1 , 1.01.1tur, Atom. I. 0 4 11 .14 1 • tr.., ...
uett. , .0.r4 h. A 111.1.1 KA.
heneme deetrosta .4 ...Prim: to forr.ol. the tyet to .. ' - - ..-
1. 1 . 1 . 1 ma 6 .. 1, * ~,,,,V o l . ..• r . o ur. ' ''' '"'"", State Matta' Fire Insurance Company,
,h,.. to tn. •e their °germ. relerrer. the 00toontelan ,
nanmarattng ottleer of the Nev. 1 awl nt 11 ...111.0.441, Harrisburg, Pa.
ladrict of Colundos.
To MT he. wh.. , -a ., ..,,, , ~,,,P , -1 ...Mfr.!. , I , llr. Cory liberal putt-map, " , /,,w il teeid ...t.ii
,^b.•da,.•,,,,..,,,,, ."', ...,•''..l''"'',"l'' ' .11, " r.",-- lt- ~,o, o •o,. h,,,b.c 1 , -- , 31..1 ...lei aew.
nod pnruona of moth kind of iron .00T1 MO he form ale t. 11. ar tn.. 4.41 .. 11.1 11,11mtm t 4 Oollarw dorom the 1......
.51. when the Ton.. I* Ito tew".l for ...e. , .. 2 ".... 1 1 t , three in... J... I. 4..111.. tontt.o-4...... of the 4, , itnion
•hirlt the raid Iron inuet ronfor.u. mot coondeme of the toddle In the mem. of Mt... , ow.
Mir. nomt ntba the mount, n....1....1. WTI It, , ,„. „,, .„, i, „,, t ,„,,,,,.„ ~,,,,,,,,,,,,
• I. in. .end. and the ...w........ of th. tT. tm. r uter./. to 1. and na 114..11 .........,.
rn , •..." . p ' ' •' ' - '' . tII 4' it'.l II ie 0.1.,
,lI.T given oral marled ....t. . . and .....101-.1 atel reontm 00.0ent. ..e te . .
Appromi Tamil... ',nal h. the .....0.1 amount of OT ~..„ ...t.,,„..„.....,,, , .. o, 0 .4,...,4 te.t... w. ... ~. end
[rowtraet will let rwptired In the manner wt forth to h., ... . ~,,,, . ,o, 1.............1'm0t.0tt lettleu temiltrr.
I usettroneent. and tem Inernntmo to 01, I...withheld . t0t..1...4..1 em the Raid, tont 4r," 1111111 ~,, ett ey.1.,..
I fn. the wont.. of earn ro t or. nt an ...tend menntl.lnr I of (Me... nhon .4 Itwlt...trehelotg all ',mat hmarde.
I No felt
perform.... of W. nmtrart. Ninety httr rent• 1 ~0 0the ~,, „ ht ,,,,,..„ „, ~ 11
11 , „ 1 , 1 „,„ t ,,,.,,h,„., 1 1,,,,, r ,....
I ''' ''' 'L..' d.liv""" .."1
aWer th tle hu . n n l 4 " Z... " . ' n VI ri",""' " 1 . 1 1r"I rt ." 1. ) . - , ' ,; . r , r 71. :; ," it IT-;:;'17;',1r.I'».
r5:, ,, , , ,r 5t::,h,;',;,‘,.V,,, , t,;?;.17,,,,,....,1... ,,,,, 1 °',:::.r . ;;,!: - , 1 , , .., 1 ,7,7'..7-;;" 7,.,„,;„. 1 ,7,,17.7 . .4 ...„,
h' ajy oder moat to anwattinutled 10 a written sonmudr. I t." lt " l ' : '‘ . ' ol . . rtht,l...":-.".7;!•II?1.N.:1::intr; I,rll.r,.!L.‘:r_t;,r,
Ohn n ' of the guarani , or ammo.... he IP. lititherfont. A './' . 1111.4.1..h•hn II ..m.ker..l. T.. 30.0....
certified Viler • nary agent Or ovum, fWetal . perrms , or IL t . mooto A. Carrier, ?101l
I'. 1:1'
Wohert hlwa
aonte one known to the hum. of Cratrortnat, kr-, 4.1 tl T 1 I I.ldt 1.11 14 Onwttlent
If the offer 1.• arrepuel, the bidder or betlrra wilt. wltltto , • A. .1 IiILLYNT. Seerrhary.
WM day. albr tho ntnelpt of the onotnaM at the ITT , A. A. C.. 04 ma. Arm,
dreigraded. ear... Um mom, with -goal and T eam. nt ---
annul., to furntah the raid thaln rable won. agreval.l, to th.,„.,4, .T.T„.. ten 11,..hns 1,0.0.. knots, hi moillatel.l
the temne etwentwl In On` odvrrtnee.,', 11 ''' I. to.' I . ' et.. h Onhorg o.roe deedriar In...levee trill 1.• for.
esstlecellat to tho amtmal. Tim law 01 Om halt of Altamt nt 1,..1 at. hok.. of the 11.4thwto 10- rollhtg :1 Lie, ta ,
11N1I. fortlde the rranid.„ - atlnn of all 211...mwa1t not art,. ' m. 1.1 r _
I l''''''' i"'hg'."."l.- la nil to .4./L.„. Jule T /1,4.
Il.l"l''''A. Ir 111 .. r ' let tnen Western Instran - ce Company of Pittsburgh.
I re,,r11.7,"="2. it,n, in ` 1 ,., ,r ? to prevent 1.1.01, belng 1 ( 1 1 AP ITA I. $300,000. 11. MILLER., Jll..
"21aredi'lltth' l ' sint i a l itt 'l eonf attar wlth thh• ad. 1 ~,,i1iTe.„:::,1,...;-th;..-,,d, ,- 7 „ 7 -,i ; .7: 0 .gr . . m ..., m.i.,..
:,....ctr.rg",-1,4,[a2.,tegf.'uV.=17',V.,:; i All Imohm. alit I.x , lir .1/... , moil unaarly 1.1 , 1.
ah offer mar to . ..em.attel , A 1..... loolitutilm-1(1.
10 . ..1.11reetY1 - .5 arta ttry ., l
1n.,7-iUt' amt '
''' 'L''''''lli'l ' J4.=t r"rri without "‘''''' T k qekEtt7 " .t! " thftl"l=l"t„.ll'init= ;117 L'",-,•,,!, - :,,' , 1.
' 1,41.00t1arin,..^ ore L 111071.1 to deelmorte th. lout „Mee amyll , 7 .4. 1 ) 2 1 . 41 . trlietinn C. lO beht Lontm•tion .11. 0 . 0
through arlitet. they dm., Io ....-Lire.`“ , 'L.' taw 11 "". 'h lZstn•tr.;4:- "211 . l'iirr..,itt.. Gen. Mark. J. NV. Outlet, N.
agent to whom the ountram ...11 be twat Mr earn:Mon -
~..„thr. 4 4 to untkethrlr bide ...Mt., h, the t o o. , 11Oltnee , Jr.. Wm. 11. Unita.. C. Ihmeen. lien. M._Jarrn,
' tteVett'..nen led.
LATIIILLO!, Nary Agrut. 11 m• M. L. J.... , I.llthinmt. tir DarTle. Jam 0
Miler. Ater. ....Irk. now M.A.
1 --- ~, 0111. T, r;,. 11 . 110 s t, TULA. 1.... 1 m0tte or $N.g a C.-•
~.,,,b, ~,e , to 1 1011‘le.1;71''‘.111111;er 4 the Nary Tani 'on whim./ I;lttabumht ' suCrlly
aLfl4.thitiktn.'l.= of Columbia. to conformllf te.g. 1 -- .• --- . ----
th° "" nt th' *d."lthw""t 6.'"'
N"r ''''''''' i Delaware Mutual SafetylnsuranceComp'y
rr' ie.A`,.L"'N= gra°42o,llt.',".l',l'.'tf':,7l,l;',l; 1 0 I , FICE ' . NOIIT II ROOM OF TUE EX
An tnanufarttire. at the rate of ,---- mato her
1 CIIANOE. Thlnl atmet, Ybllntleloida.
11,. Mnountlng to 1-- - .
11 TO. niter ' .... "' h"a• 1 .1 " 1". " I " . '147.1,!hr."1' twort...,'TZ.,.ll'n"o,'W'ri''..-orrr.Huth.".l'r;..'n'et7r.b.?a'annn or t d l.e.T Mb or ".
111.1 PI , da.,,,,,....,..,----_____•l7d,,P.„‘uVl,:f.. ' .."' 1° ~,,,,ea, I.y en, st the W.A. rate of rtbout.
I 11 wani I wersomee-Ther aka Insure Vemwt.. etym.,
-''' Vitry realawtray. rota obeaUent herrant.
tt , and 1 n. 111., owe.. or .ToTter ler. under open or Opivtitd
To J. IL LATtraor. !AO. '''' - I pltrieT.. the rownewl mat denire.
INtAlth TY4I4/171011111, They Itlt , trlttlfe ,Ittrelltaltth l e
tiltrf Agent. MaThlngtonetri C. Wlntemtrtni by Wityry - 01. hal road enry. Omni I.tote, nod
W . ''''''' ...knri''''''h '4lth."t'e"S---------0.!,!'t.'4'47t%'. htrYth hen., an
ri...r% ~..0 101t.t.. oh 11,...1111.-ral hear.
nr ---, guT . , :tr ou.- ..iir,,„,,,, ~,„ IL„, thm...0.r....--.le.Terh 11,ma1._1..101...1 A... John %,..
115' or
'-';'7,ll;rsZP...36'''''''''''' I";°"""".'''''' I r"i'elf.:.l...f.' en"'.l:l‘;'r:l"l'L't.‘l.i:lg"rnoml 'ero.7lrl,sl,-11:
^::.. ---".t• ,h0........10, g o " , .o ' 2 •-11' ' ''''" ''''''"'""' 1 1117TA'..1.a.1•111.1.1r4:1.'n New... IT II I I.t/t „ n J.., C.
rt...-.14 ' ti. 11.1° '' h'n L".".'""r,!-1.trt:',"4',.7:1:15 4 . natal, Theophllua Panltling.
.11. Jon., Brink. lien"
with the ten. of the advertlmment ut • i i; . Sheol. I,llmh I,raiu.
„ Own,. herri..l.l.B:l.Tit,T;
1.1.1 waa made. • h. r , ' 'l'''''' M j ".'" i% '.. 1' . 4 ' " I ''" "
i her., certify that. to the tang. ttf my koftw. lol o7. , ~.:!ty. 1......1-o , m. IT Pirmaumnl-11. T. Morgan. Ilugh Craig.
belief. Um ehorettamed goat...! hte j. .r . i47,, n X . ;;', . , t
t , .1",b,..,r,...,1,1"\-ra'1.7.... tt,ethlynt. Tue. CII OW, Vhe 1...
~..;,, 1 don ''' i. e .,. 11. ' 0t0.,.. o.en•lar,
V."'"'"Pr. te
''''''''''' -.
P"q - r''''''''''',2 , Z:l3 ,- .4 ,- ; .ofriet of te CU1111.1,. N.. 4.1 Mater Tteml. Nth
P.. 1. 11A1/CINA. Anent.
- -- t .
CATTrALISTS TASK NOTIC E. : Franklin Fire Insurance Co. of nulad'it
`NOWLS YOUR CIIACI'I FORA (100011 iyi RECTORS.. Charlrs W. Ilanek IT, Geo.
INTEOTMENT LO a 5O ...Orr ...Tem for tmi . e, all 1 w, hia,„.„2.,..r.,,,,,:l tart.nunt.3l,l 1,..,..,1,:gr.,1..,;1;..,,,,,:r.'
[ ... d t
al {LIT proTely. r , tuttled 1ut....i.n.rneT,:f1.....2,t, II „„„„ ir:
~.1:1441.1.1;d1,;41,nr1r.i.L'.-wr.,..1. en
hurelnd square tew . 1 .. .7,v.7..xv.if .4',.:....;,.... id thr ...,, I :c.r, r'''''''' --'" " ' canatt.- , Y. lIANCIih.t, hr.... rut..
of 'tabby oat Plesnaht oltne .01.1 'analog north W. 1 1 , 1 ,u,, 0, comae., ,Lerndarf.
feet. then at . st i t , W2 (...t.,...2. oorth 11.1 feet, then tre..5.11 fort ; i h ,0,,,,,,, , r..ohnuea .1 , mall: 1 , 1... , / ,. .ffm , ...P . t . .7: 1. ....,.. t ,1
g n a , d t,,, M , ; , ..7 1 . ire vert„ , !:. IT. y . 0 1; Own h i , 7 77 ~„„,,,.,„• „ rm. ,
i dewrit. 1.1. 10 . ,
,i ft , t i..ri f b
~.,.u.,.,, ,
10 11 1. ag . oil Itr L. , feet. 0 or. , an , r ,„,,, r , ~, ra h., a . ow 441 are nu. w t
&sat foam U , feant.... feet, they nth IM feet 41 Meseant t ..,,,,. ,t,,,,,,,,,„„, t,,,, r e ... 7,1 a large 000ttommt 10.1.
strert.,llten Law to the Owe of ewsnno.„ 1,41 fret. TM. . i .,„, ~,,th 0,4, Cahitni and 0r.......'." 1 1 °' .....1,
Prri...Chnc.::1:14.74:...T,L0T.._77:,,:tr..hi,n4.,11,1,?1:1:n.'..., t w l ' .. „ . l , 7lLe ' w7l.
4 4 4 1 . ::,..17..5. d t1. 1 3 ; , . 2, 71,... :, ..t. : 77 , .. „.„. .. n t h t;a: " /1:;Ft. ° ;i:.: 1 A . U r ry: ' ,7 11'. : J 70 r. : 0 1.. : r iwi, , . 1 ‘...„„ 1 : t . ,19.,. .ii i, 0 .,,1 : -
ZnfitrAhle I/MA . l .. l nm , wlth a larm. ranlen. fhe tar , :i,..
a 1.114 !oltra ' nla l'iro'fac!2t7.l%.;".gllVrlL tool.
I a ' rg " : ; - '''''''?'" ......... --- ..........
....4111.ti t./
4.1 10M M , . Krttleat
- wok.. ~.-to wo b., ' , r ":„" l ”„ i '....„ u"' S ... ~ . ...1 . :::: MUM *5
Van Y five n-lba ,nor tb• wind.. Inuttllnt., and parol ; ' ,;„..- -.c.--• " - ....... ' ...... 53.5 2. ••••••
thinat.o. l k. In Thom. li tar etTer eourelsiettor far ..orj tug , ••••-•.. h* * .f.. --- ----- - ....', :1 1*
on.a trey elthyrktry ...helm. Tn hernow deeiring wh. i -.-. - .................. -----.
u „„, ~,,.. y,,,-....1ing thane. tor th. tranmettne..4 bow- I
[ ne.tilt. Oalthuntettud rtmatuebanon I.llnout 11.1. hrtmer. I 11122.-1,..1TZ 71
~,onta „ nue nportuttil„; having tut0t„...1.,...,„,, Mnre their Itmwmwati.. a imita i / %frail= jßrll=
larva of .111 feat for the mat... , of a track...gilt *null . h. r. ' I. `" ttPh'h ltfr ...... F i . l i T"att:',..o ~,,,,jenne or th. ,
'''''''''''''' "'"*""'‘r."'"'"""': '""
``''"''''''. 1 i i ' l l . '" i: '''' 7 P. vi".
,• " Z: .:111 U tnt% .1.11„1..1.1, .
,;.:„11.7,711:14'?,11:='-•riz.,-',..01),I,1.1,1r,‘,,1,:;,;at.---- ,;:,,,tt,„-,•,',1,,,,.',7r;:„,;,,,,,;:-.,,i.bitu,..
gusett cl.. Will. Agrut.
I /tt1.b1.1.-B___ _ , I nod 011Wie. IL. onwr_of_Woml.r and..k141..._2,
-4.1. 111-.lltanr. 81 W.. 1 ... , ..te b. r • , ANC,: mIMPANT, h., 151 ;Market 51it...1, Newark.
u..lvtala Wear and .1.1..b...1....f.nt I h.....,L0d 1.... 1 1 11 nll r4t,t, N. V. AreuMulotni ..00•114
of rtance.ttergr o?ert omit segb4rtsor ....... !us+
______ . 1 ~,, ,. ...., tryttrt tla 1.0 hi per .tent metnt m . . ll tOrot
giCENDID.(IIFT 1:166K5,
.1 .....- ... I g7,;;;';',,, ,, i . : .00 .444 w, appßeettone for.hmtwann. on
t...a.-ualiTemary. Ileita of Rwanty. ar
,=. I pO/I.o.lwlng.l.7. " ,l.4l "'n' au . :ol4 l ll ' ww "L' u n.' n.f.. "'"'"''''''''''''"
nk f . ..l4 .. e hir f
.11t0r1e.05,7.6.A40rL1TA,,,,,mrtt. ~,, 111 Ll.l AM 1 . ...J(.1.1 1_18..A:01 . ..t..
~ •
u j „
Mar. Flak. Pr.bytArts Naha ant/ !bola book,. --....,..-_-_--„-,..„_, __
_lh±___Lro__,._. J r.
tiattridll bttand. ~ . 1 . 4 , 7 ~,,,,,,,, , 4)1A1) BYE WIIISKEY.
TOot, Praser Dant. .. 1,0 ,
larsogaMorldigion . Mbomo. to. ,- , i ' ,1., ! ,.b. v. r. 11 1 W 111.141,), ',trey old amt ele,lft ''
For al , at site ED TIO.NAL HOOK EITVOIL. ril e b UI ....L. , Mothatkahela Whlekey Inf.. nod fei.
CTS Market et- con of Fourth. e 7 11 . 0 4 JOILN Altkiklll t CU.
' h
— .lnuozio.-.l4teirF Frim.l
'th December. saLs that,
'file tempest hr, e r out
horde of Korin Igener
a and 108 persons were
000 sheep. 4,29s',horens,
ion, Daring - days
kh snow to the depth of
Meng - Cr.
DelawareArattal,Sofebrace Co.
Wire Scrip Diiii,fehtf dech4ml by the thrtrd
_3_ Cie•cc•,,, Nir. novr rrnPiresl LW!
msd, for dtstributi.n....
6.lkatina rulltkol ...nip
•.1 , 1 lln NIT and reultiltg: In the niter, mod
re4.l, for dryer,. when
Arthur G. ('min. 1,..%. 1.—re.. 4 :: •,.. .
•',:.,T,',;;',..;',.,r. . ; ' , ' ..;;; ',' ..i , .. , .
..4..41 1. !Irk. 1,. Wilily. II .a. 1..
Sana.l . Suat44 Francis Ilooklns.
tunel Ilnoao. e twiSrg Allibenr,
ebarle. To, 10. Wm. E...110n• p.
Aml.r.Le W Intr.
.3and. M. Ti 1011”.. TaTt:n,7,..,1„'..
i. , .. Mixrt. %Vol.. it.
1 1 ', tierr• rtt, SW,
TI. i. use Ina.. I rumrenn , Com pan) lath.. I.tdieol . Siateg
and tn.ot I. Inch .trooling. low: rxpolence. ample toou.,
an.l 4 ,,,1in. all rnd... of on , xtr.!lnamtlu4l rharuct, It
" °"'" Zifrji 7 ja v h'...: ' , ‘ A h. ;l2l, "'
ja2.4 ' No s it Front .121,1
American Life and Health Insurance Co.
.- . .
• •
Agelt; for l'afxburyh. i;.:1 31 L. L. TO 11LE.
OV,. 07 fifth rt.
I..onnlrloto cAnotaininin. inoneno.orn I : lnformation rtlo
olltnntro-nl. tinn. °Moo. A17,1t1
Delaware Itlatual Safety Insurance Co.,
ominii-I:01,311)F T!IE
ro of line .
I:',"l . llV.',‘"Zir;lT,°:,`,..7:TlL!',"r". 7 '''...':l 7,, ` , XLL l l ! ':CU:
. .
On Ninrinnninl Inlarnl il4 t.
011 ).
1..11 1 .1117 ,10
11,11 , 1 Pn.miolna ,Ing - Ing 11, 7 , 11-n. 141 n
alm e:
11n11ftrun, lolrma . $1 , 2.1 ,2 17
11n Pin. 1,10: .
olorior u,.t.
Ittlytit.l %Km:m..131.x.... 1111,4
1,11.11. I,loitoap •
11..,.1 • ‘1..,M1•..1,,::111,1 4. .....
$l/,•• ,1,11.+1:14 1,
11320 a •
;olA.l,lonroi Ilosio:;foi;ro,,trool
romp no.lnork.
11,a1,1 11 . 04.
roortvoldr.... •• . ......... .
Cada on hand .........................
lo Ow hand. of nl:l4i Pnowoof
N...., 1,111.11. h.
• I tiln , leratlo-str• ulll
11'00 un 11.r1on. 11 •1tX:7N:.711. ft.
r ,h A I: II II„-u.n. .fn M
i 'vWluwr.
1111,1 Ili•
r .
II .17,4 n.
48,1, rmi,
1.111.1, V
4, • .1.-0 . .. 11 •
FINAR-51,1 lirls N. C. Tar for aulaltv •
3.. Ant .I .• I , l.7lllollixit 0 ig4lllllo al
• it LAcK,TAgity N'E.I.VETS t•f a very su
s j porlor otmill, for boy , loons I. liml at tlo. atom
el 111:111'11 \ (1 Bas.tcnvir.w.
j.w, • N.V.-ors Foorlll sal ataraetna
--- - • - ,
?UNE Calt7tE FLANNELS—Murphy &
ILlaoroldield km , no band on a•••••rtmontof rilervo punts:
:lawny. '1 % ob.h. and .bancadlosito Moo. Wide 'laistiel••
liarl,lsroodlov. • awl ,
-1 --, starch, A I:lard:dark] latst•os orperard nth-talon on the
•lopsrtmost of 'holt brt•lsoo.. SPA •nolto poly..
sant ma • loth , of mar a...m.11,0mA/ , vivo them a rail Islorr
Poo'll.:1111. 1.1"
• .. • _
Goo von, for oslo 10 J. KIDD 4 CO.
011 W•mdl vt
I 4 :13 sr.,. for •slo 10 pa, 4. Kipp aCO
. . .
l' 1 AIKORK s---- 1 rilat gross; for sub: ll by
T teln)..
:2 J. 1,11 , A
S Pt/WE-I SliSt line. hod 1 bale o
.0• ex
Isl'a J. KIDD IN,
Iv Ps( 6 . 1 SaI:FS-1 5 brals for sale bv
:4 m, 1 J.•KIPI/ .t efl
1 N It R I ES---Filti barrels Flintily Flour:
& 7.!1 Isl• • ts,,,111••• VI•••tr. 'Se kill And do: GS boatel. Pr,
' Tat '. 4 4'4
';':'''. "" ".'sis"
n" .1 4 ,117 . ;•% " aT 1 f A ( 1 11
.s. ,
1 A II ll Vit . , 'VIII i tt i PI I 1•IROUS for Ault. by R.
P 1.1 5E.1.1.E.11a1. V 1 ....1 ots ,••I.•ni•••nt for 1111-lb k orgll.
go•r„Irdllo. 2:'
R '11.0.411, 0 Pur• 101..1.1 m•Ito 1.I••1010.1,15 0 n of lII.*
....olio, d•,.1 , 11,r I.s, •-• v. o•sr. N. (Ism ) ,5.../..rtment of alio..
ts,l otlo I 4,1, , of cosi- olvolod Il•r tlo , 0uri0,... ,01.,
IV '" , 1 1 1 .
: -4'"l' l' ;:l i 1111 1 r
•71V ‘ a k: 1 1 :1. ;) 11 )' 1 1 1.11,0rt,l
. ~.
i i I:( IM. N %, FLA N N ELS-A (tie ease just re
.ot los, °moo. l°-0n,.01d fo , r . "ki . la v
.•••16 . "
1 I l' i l s i r ' esl i : l-I :, A N N El :a 1 i. l in
e ''''. 4 7. l•l l :l ' . ' ll 1 0 10 1. ' t i .t:I.: ' . '1
It 1 :, ..1 N fa7,•:' , l:S. , !Sit vile tt , tol t h a t I. l lelaal, steam
at, aril ‘ a tatr.
TWEEDS •Tlsrat• 4 . 11, ,, , , tossortetl '1'.,e11 , .
1.. "......., fladu mold, Inn,. Gs Attie br
~1.., WO 11.1•11 1 t LEE
S ..4
I .. , )I. ‘ N i ' To. , Inco So,' f s
1 0 1 „
VII t tI,ASSES Fill, Mite bole new crop, per
, V I
IS, .1 Aaf 1.0. 1•01•74:1.1., Iv, (Valor d
9 1 On Al 'CO --'r 1 1 : , ~••• 011 e, 1; tVG ipt, received
a ‘. r ,1....te, r
Itillin Jo .
1: fo r
•i 1.2.
,1. GS Wstor. A.
11, 11.. , ..‘ , N !: I F:5,. „ W u 1 , 1 „, :. ,.. • ; , , ,,, i;!::1 , 5 t : .. & ,,, C.. , „ .. ,,
}:. ". .i . . `, "r
''" ii. 1 .. " .0.1 bt:.,St , -1 1:ik 11 ,:; . O:ii. ' 7. 1 : int,
, Pi'. llollond.(10 , , -Roblin, Ausitor . sod -1,.1•."
2 punoloyaol i riA ptla Sadeb SWF( 111,1040'.
do .. Jamaia, gust.
lo Idol , 01 I:. do.- do.
' ..!•V ". g• •' • ' . "' i l, r slorro "‘ aa law
::•• .1.... :in oot I .lsLoall .
Is WM,
do . al 11., lItI I s, %%d n . do
0 0 0
2., b 0.5.,. Itordsson (Jana'.
In *Lo , sod dssalo 1., JOILN PAILIVR
~,,a tl.ll 1.11.r1 , ,10.-1
.11I1).-- ' 1 . weitt) brit: - and fifteen kept for
ILA ,a 1•• 10 511111 VEII a lIIARNEIi.
g iou) pEN:i. We have now ott hand' a
11 11 1rag..,...1. !•0 11... lost Gold Polar from am losadins
n"T•'..',.'1.:.r.a.t",..•1•1'11::•r0011 t' ' S ' ... 4 l. ''' no l l V`..T.111.:1ivr,, 07 '4.. ,
0,-- lu ~en onololr. 0.000 .40,' Pon 1101•Iono, 100,1 do
111 tea -al, ols•I•oslo and rolsil at No. 1,1. rims
VENISON 11ANR : 3. -2 boxes •reeived and
t ,„..1,. .I s as:* Ny.. F. WILakON.
_ - -
1110 W DER. MA NGA:si ESE.
, 13x0 fsr +d.• 1.0 4..9 , J. K um B ea. _
N• 1 17 A LLI STER'SMIRTM E.:!iT - 2 0.
ii 1.. r etLle by _ doll J. 1,1 DU a
I AM) OIL-4111as fur auk, by
J. IDD k
PIG fty tuns Brush Creek Furnace
ric lnoo.n.air, 11011L.IN, 1.1711.1 i At CO.
Labert, xttret.
• .
QUNIIRIES.—.I.. lag, fresh 801 l Butte
17) ..:1 4.m.:. Hater.
I. Imo Oe Apple.,
ripALLOW.---Fifty.brls meeivel mill fors al
. .._ .. .. . .. . _
C.', lIGIITS.—One thensand bus just receive
0 per... Timmy Li. isml for I.‘lo by
77 . '''''''. ' ''''''' ' '''''' n 'trl. u TA%lut Li..
. . .
. .
j otV}N i,.., :2l
f ins , now lauding frunl t
nLnurrrNnnW ei, N
nu E ll Y
Vhn a (X) ...
ARD AND svotiNE.
. rm.: rn.v la^'lr
AU Pl lnrµn CK KYt (l .r e' asul Krtdtl.
rAIII SrEA'.sl Iti-'A9' BUILDERS. Extra
vilable arn
IV Ktroet.
.."" ninv landing, from
" 411 1/ICKKY t
,an.. W.f., and Front ea
fi 1.1 1 , Si LV NOTES :. SlGir
lb , ta:t and ard- . .14*.
Yin. xtnna on
I_,ta t.. 41 .•a the faactable
h. t ""'
'1. 1"41::
1. 11 Ansoidi Co.
.No. 74 Fourth r [anal
to-elie ei ei-it boots on . ollirt. lo hlr ., bin, rota
1%;...::-:141.'..'.1.;;;11.j.1.1n"l:;,1i:. 1:- ‘ .;71 . 1/. " ;frt. 7:1 ' ,.. 1 1
..f tli .10. 10.1 1.04... ....tooth .... bond outl for
a I"
1 1,, EN F.:CA (lll..—'Fite brlii roi...lVoli, fiit rail ,
•. t l7 b. d''2,. SOTO V El: A 11A1351.... ,
11 1'171 . 111 Fite 1341 4 . and (4lo3l , prime roll
I ) 'V" I `4,'""""h .r.',
"" ini . l i 1 Kit A RAIOO ,I .
1 li, I 1 ;, 1111114 ASSES.—Filly lirlr, to arriie.
ili (.4 ...I. 2 , .2..r, ,iiiiis i.r. A 11A1,,1.... ,
1 1 1 , 1 , , 1' c 1.' , ' S
i llii , t i o k
, Iii1:11 , 1: 2 1 , . , IL- 3., A ,.. st i iiii i1 2,
K P.A., '- " it t . .111. 01
' E Di: \ 1'1...,k1.111'.......... T 1. 1 ,... bi115011 . ...1 hike. plot
' , flint' rE A 11410 MS
I, d *I rat , N VLA N:i V.I.S—A fart lier supply
4, .•.ftlo. tl•.or i' , . , r1... A +torn ,
'lllolll' o A toilleuvieto
:; 1 IV Ii EN t' II LEAF. Fifty liiiiiilliiii Enoch.
II t.,
" '".
I.,',.l.',i".'ililiir:L2‘l7l.7.ii6.toti2l,"•`zitt;3 ,
". •( It il,l 'Rs —:. brie. Lott. hid:: .
,ei Ile (trout, nerortol.
1...,..... I . orooo. 1'5.11..5 moll Orr.,
For ..1.. 1., 1,10 .1 Rib 51:, MAI, Eli A 1 , 11
V 1 I our•rtal Nes-m
ERMII.I.IIIN —, t'llint , e, Ameri
l illion, for rob 1.,
, ~1.4,44.. .4...
.1 r.I'llooN112,1(/0; A CO
i 114 `4 . ." , ENT I AJ: 11l LS -I can Oil of Sntisafrits:
~.iiii id 1,,,,,id ,- , i cto on of Mo.. °Luz: 1 ms,
...1 . 1.. M. '' . 1 Mtn Oel of Borgomit; I hot Oil of no,
0,1 I b., u., of 111..., Art nrt.0..1 (......O. by
II )111 'i SSI AN BLUE —Ten Isixes No. 1, for
.1 ,iii.iii in , . .1 111..11011N31A1i Mt A (II
t I A Rl' ttl L-I,aril Oil of a superior quality.
1- A ''' '' -" d i! ' "4 11 ." I d gq; tit w & e
oat. I. Al A I/ It • A , dol. mat 11l
N , i ( 3
,1 ,,, :i. ,.. 31 ,,,,,,,.... S m ..- I. T . Nre . n ly one br , ls , Tiler
i littd ' f ' S. )f..AT1TM.T...4 :Irg.) ` l4s. '
I i t urn Flt.—'Thirty kegs and nix. brio fresh
.1 - , bt ' " '' ` ' '` "''' ''''d °" 1, ' , ' 4111 ). .1.t00n.Til a co
iili A 14.— T il Ithile N. O. Sugar for sale by
yTr.= BM WS A. It 111 A:PATRICK. 144 'Molly at.
IV kINV RAISINS on eoutignment for sale by
1 40.. re 1111 , 1 W N a KIRKPATRICK._
1)0W lll.llEil> FIENUGRAEC.
I 4 . 1 11. A.' ...b . Lt 'All BRAUN REITER.
11.11, PO bib bort IltrlbledWbirltry.lo Ann, and for
. ,
A 111. A SSES. —.25 bris Sugar llouso, St.
I N- ki w°"?l2lWiTtiaLtitdete),(Yitt,P.„t—i.
itEASE LAIIII---Twenty brim Grease Lard
kfi rocelvol sod for tale by
jolt N. &W. lIMLBAUIiII.
tikitlEl) PEAG`TIES:-threc Inintirod boll
Dritol Peicheit. history and for lode nz
1 RAF LA Itl--Printe Cincinnati Le dLarct
JAI . '" i n 'inn' f ir I— "Y wsi!rgiLlA d Ja.
W. NlXllntock [Drifts nrehonero to the tutted nod
Let. odoctod oonorttnent of . yhrte l'ir 4. 1 Itlono l o , F.Tf. l.
n...7tr tr ' {e•ln ' vt ' an ttlaull.=.o%,P.rall
et No. a Fourth att , et nod 79 Wood Amt.
‘Arnsinow lIANGINGs.—W. McClintock
loot Hobos, ot .ornn.•nt oft
rotlonol priors of the earpot Wore
bout, t,Nn. ht. Fnurth lalo
The Old Printing Establishment,
ATI: ta.nor, and Stooktons, and Blank'iliOtt,..iTti,Zl.2r2lV=elfryrlyte of 1 , r.0 1
(Nontoorrial , Omni. mut etenot tinst.holo yrnlung nnd
Binding: orol !Ivory villein to lb.. Blank Rook.
ropor hod Stationery NAO. et the sinirtont nhtier, nn .1 on
Ow moot renyounblo tom. ; • •
Blank hook tool Nbtllntigy Wori•lan.... corner of Morket
Mk, nod it.A. hauler,. No. 0 Thlol mt. ono
• New Boole Just Received.
LT( iN 11)(10E, Tailor and Povt: in !tut' ,
i..,utA Ind 't,arbm,
i.ereeoe oof mete, prepanvl mai
ed neenninner Ne 111: reeollitlea 4 - 4 the :+enate aurf Mae
Cepro e.attatthee of the SIM, of Maelthaan. up In MVY
t e .a, SI.. late superlnlendcult,f putty,
I vo
,„„.. ~L o. .
11. , :r•4 ',cm IL•.: -Ih-hr, vf , InJnion Lintl.l.l., John
, .11 , h. 4,11 ' , h .-nth... tanforni nab 11. r toriorr
1 ,41...... of 11.1. otib,r 1.1.t0r1 ior Ft..b. by
J3'. It. 11 , 11 h 1,-. 7h A i. , 110 Itnahm , innntn 4 .
• .
,11.]litoT Ecr lox I 1 SU ILA N C'e; COMP ANY.
d. c.... .44.11nl 2tork alai tiwri.l.o.F.. l .
..... curt,.6,l 1,2 t..
TI.. un.ler.igural loot tomu wra.intell agrot for dila nil
ad or .,aoolar , mropaoy. to ruecomi fir. Fay+. Drown,
w .:l I. n...1y in hen.. polnirs in On fin. aryl manna &Wt .
eurill nu to. 1;,,...-Able , trnix a+ oily ocher roPnolAbin ...on
an, 11l thi,...ity. II MI 0- AItNOLD.
' al. , ': I Fourth At. next tlm.r to Hank oillttoburob
TI: AAV 1;1 101 /S.-11., I. Greene 4". CO.,
I - 1 I..outoturers of Vorrlgiiarol Dow.', ic l,traw (loot..
1 0., etkiatloti of bi 11. ., in tio•ir gouda far Intik. will
. • Tt, will ..o.r inalurvtorieto In alkreat variety of
, . .tc., to porrhawuw . who buy by lb,. ruatiofarturrre
1 ... e.iples rabilotnt at their atom No. 1:0 l`rarl
;,...., , O r atabw.) Now Yolk. dr-eltal.o
- ,
' p CllANtlf: OITICEL—N. 11(11.14Cli .. SONS, No. "
,uarl,l alreal. Pitt/dogh. Ell lalut, on all tbe , Va.. ,
..1,1 - We:tera cllifti f,r le. Collertiow.'woolo in all Ow
idi 1 ,4,11 plamli Ili the Uoion. .hoba on all KJ veal Ilanka
diArottotrit, Nbowijuol Time bill. orgutiatill. • ,
riA RUBBER PASTE. 4gf pf that
• pect, A rticle for le.. end shoei, rruderhee 413773.23e
uy pnet..end se e- I 4 of r 10147. 7 pi ,
Article ie • arrantul teatime the veneers repremelled. or 7
the mares refOliddl. Fort rale wbolende end Well aS
33.1 v Nv..4 reran.! 373 k H. r
IS FOR SAI/.,&.c
' i ll it. SA LE--Tild solsKerer art,. for7.:',::
mole hi, lar, and radousodindA Brick Ilullthoti ...," -.1
• Elicalarthlown, MarcbeJl mond, Ia- Thin shinc......
it otal, le well ealeashated for a politic hon.. assl bite
IsaAt• aced fur that pima.... for cercral seant. It lo oltn
otol iit the paint at which the Italtiosontand Ohio Milford
..telkes-the lad. River, and very ticar the lire.llt Iwatad
route of mid rtiail. The pn,perty Is lit artaild Order, Wit li sof
Ilcient atablinst. well. orlhu,ae. The title ureitzerthistable.
atal 1t,.. teem, made may. Poitaesnongtven the lot Oat . d April. Adana,' tact paid II 11. IViasitklll tn.
tan. Creek
Marohall Connty.'Ta.. Jan. 17:1551.--saL`aalltAarLY•
V The mbar:rd., ollera £iy Ilent. the Yarn.... whirl.
maiden. and lands odpownl amounting to ram
four hundelni arta , elearol. well'inistroord. coal in a loch
mlattt of cultivatin. Ala,- a Ilotiataand Lot iA alet:lcllaiel.
town. former], iceupied ea a tavern Nand. alai Iv.. . ,u.
pled by Cyrus 1.. Connor. Ifcrehant, and Ikr. Miller_ A 1..,.
• Farm in Preston munt, 1 ft.. containing : , a. arnai. about
, Also sena cleared. cot whirls are two Low •Ilitttea ft 1,,
Emma Ilstru. and Om. hundred !tearing Apple Tree.- =—
Eight or ten fttneko of flay now for nde on Pahl Cann.
Eight nundrod head of :Joann, and Spanish Merino
Shmh. and .4.1 head of Cattle. at playa...ale.
The muloenber infers thy sale, on er,lit of five year., 111 ,
valuable neck of fine Sheep, ahnot In i. hatotircn fowl ..1
whieb ftre ewe, ol cooal sax. 150 head of *ether, nod 1,,
hand of bock...ahead front the rtock of Perin,. and , mown_
f Oldic Jritne Ltlglogton. of Virdstos: tfttntiel McFarland.
James end navel Vattcrain. 11,. Brom tilo, sand .licca
Keuwortliy, of Waabinuton county. Vi.. afol earfolly w.lee.
ted. for ti it purr.* of country.
. great amount of care awl eo,loattcred nn Ilia
...flork, the Auto-ember boo no lieritattoit tit nst Ina. It a ill
not t ynn, artiralti, with any Hoek In tlit Union. Ilan and
limn Onn la- furiiPhed.until Use tint of Apra. it it will
to Iler •tlit. purr n0t,,..
61 1 81111) t I TII 11111.11.
Merman Totroddn. Fa, P tte 10di,..1. 1 1 0 , AlVlrlhooltorro
oot .
Jan I. PIM —loU trIOT I 11 .. ... aewt, Demon,ka ALE OF' VALU A BLE ILEA L ESTATE
11.3 AND 1 111 IN WORKS. /,1 11.uomut t !bum, 6IN
111 . 1 11 —l l nutottd to a &met . of the CM Ilil Som.rior Court
0 Law and Chooser, of maid routs, reuterril in threat,.
wherrht .101111, 1111./ 1411, defendant, the 1 1111,1w11
esl eenstisbroonr, nmeduled count purpme. will proceed
to ~..11 of Morgantown. In load y. on the fourth Mom
,Int In 1(11,1,181,. 18:1. theinit road 0.0.1 all that umlurtt
in Modmodulta county. Viminht. lolost slung and near
elmot Mitt, generallt known an Om Mommunlnt. Imo
World. 16111 tho rome that row contented by rah) Jelin Ta—
w., add othlry to amid Mr. T Elhodt mul wheel. l6llllo ll
nut shout 11...0110 «Ted or lAN!. 'll - 10,11 1 11 are n Melling Mill.
V. 11,, retnolm. Noll. Forint,. lind and raw Mill. ull tlll.
eII In older putt, led“lier ullll three Ithut Earnatel
do tido
there 0. ten abundance of I ma Or, 51 1, 11 .11111 .
Timber asol Line. mom. Them L. *toe a mumble /...1
enuutot Client Mt, L od e to the pomertv.
no t e 1r well entoded for 111:11i1/1., 1.111111 lostl e•e-.
m!, of Inds. 1,111 of 1004 and C. 114.1. 1 4+4110 11 1 1 / 1 1 . 41
1/ die !watt of o'llll.l !amount not weel vroontm eessot I i .
alma 1.1. :oder .111111 of 1 . 11 1,1.111 . 01. 1 , I,IIIV Wll ..1 1 1.1 le d
water powerr 111 the wed. and *tater mintnusso KUM. 1/.
Pttlebunth soul eloewhn . .
IM there menu., them lisle been et ;motes) wittnn the
1.. , ten or twe1,.0,: ..or, wsme m Ilsemenul dellam.-111 liii
emetton of the nati Mi ll . Intl, looem. Mort Imbue : and
duller betildlim ,
Thewort, rue 1111 W i m n 41/'l,lll/, de...1 order 1 n 1111141121,
I, r.. 11111. 1 .1.1 rstth the ilk hour ate none tor or five !tondo ,
row of outeuier tomato/ •lamb vane tire or got royal,
tarn. nmether wtth ad., or Miattl dwr lll6 . M1... 1 .... 1t.,
olds. for the wrkmen.
rt., nile will be on w rrtUsl of nit, two. nrsol three t eart•
the Innelti;r &rum bond south reettnt, for the irt, meld
or,;:,2',..";..";:1 1 :71;,..:1 to make Invertmentr. mat
eapeet a grewl letroaln in the purrhare et tisk raloahls
V . l ' s .finnil;:s..n " ! . .rwl7ltke .' ; ', Zu l r 'e' ;l:V ZlTruVes'ont"l7-r-
Met derentothsu or Infermottou .1111')) 11111' 6 dowlred Id
trzrat ~,,, . I'.
10. T. , W 111.61
Montontewn,Duo 12 110.-44,,1T
1 lIAItItI4.).N SEW ELL; Ath.rn. y at LAIN.,
• oh,. Stan. Onarnit.dourr
naurged Jrn nut 1 laiala. Sr. Mho.— Fourth rrr ,,, •
,nalthrteld. tortala•.T
illT tenders his t+,•rvive,.
rtch mug
erai 0,11.4.t0 an u• the rlXrrnn d
C.,nre.ancor. Ile will attaral
0 , ths. roIIorLITiV end ...curios; el rbdota lbw and 2.1,14,
Ina eLialia and 0..14% ...lima and real
airing of dead, 1711.11114. 1.4 . Stud atlaTtronrulurni.
arrillug. All Lariat.. in hts attood.l with
prompturon and care.
Italer to 11. A. Nearer. I,lward earop , ll. Jr.. Ir.C.
Ero, Jahn Nlorriaon,T,.. WILL 31 . Candleoa.
S l = with Joooph Wraver. lip.. Fourth alrort, near II«
Slabor'a . no...T:lmm
pnAltlLl"‘Lt.htt.n"ththreAt ral:::;th Nnul ntar'tt'tfl.•
ordte K "'
ad wat to hala 'q n
Inf i D ludo 6:Duraat . ae nenDue y:
l'erouns &mamma elf Lemming rapid out elegant Dwentran.
will do well to Dall at DU WI? 11F.IICANTI LE COLLI-Xi l.
and %IMAM] the hand wtitann or nuns. of the L.Dt Dnn.n
ID the city. who Lava Leen Watt - nava on this inatttullun
e and !brine Insurance Company.
Annual premium, tlamml EmEir. und urplue Fund
81,000 MO,
' hays,
N. N
74 N You E rth ratsburgh.
Allegheny and Butler Plank Road.
TIfE nudervigned Conualismionere hero+)
gin' onoo• to the Stockholder. of 110 , Alter:ben,. arra
rri.,.....,,,,,,%.,....,. that .11 14L+ . 1.1. 1 11 h) al,/ ERR
rreeltltdd. the Alanture. and a Tretuttrer ft, raitl.rientd.r•
.1111.• held al the benne of 111 11..0. In hal enh , st. 0
Alllndt, reurd,..,Tburantr. the- O, el leleltar, her L
Jet, linltn. 1,. r• nu.
Jurt. t1n1.1.1. , . Ir • he. It ,Illh.
\\MIRO CrJethißll. It In a Ito tl.
r r rt, art. 1 Y.stuuseruun.
11 Chrt.lo.l.- ,
tie., Nltller.
It. 0 Miele. It irt neat r, .
.10110 Sevier • IM , , II Wye.,
T 11. Lynn.
Th.ntart II rilanthltn. Jet... tlhrrienn.
Tbutun Il
.I...ary .:511 , 1 , 1.- 01- . : d IlawnlT
To the Readers 4
•of the Pittsburgh Gazette.
i_puisitc ATTENTION i. r...pemfully iu-
L 111.4 144 1111 frdlotrlng truth , . tat fertlt in n. nrhor to
tete •f 1444. mold ludarrtant rrnstallo• el; nuke) Bute,
enroel.Eult I/I: 11OCK 0114 It k• InA more than raw
year 'yin Pin,. alio irrost. nr[nordy nrwr hrodaht belnre the
pultllu Irn• the rrllet and cure of dun... Ile t ent novert
to heal, hate. gun the, Ireerann Indy alTrenahrt :j the
rattuntlnlty. and
allrge that the It
er It fa tri 111. '
tn. , eternirr .L ll In gr. , . Lune am..d. It I. Dot tbe rrnn
01,; of s day. tat 10. c, 31 Lbe ."1,, ~-,..,.. of itinki.l.: ....',
but.whit T. a e ...prune. will eentrune to Le null • hen
*ll other outrun,. lure bra, theta.... Tire netrukunt t•
tt, :d i n . r..l ... lhxdL. n tl , avtd hs 4 4l l . /I: - ;. 11•141. ;. 1 12il r i u t ,: th .
tetudall , n. It 0 etur duty. at ben we rm.. stunt a matt
er, that Wi• Wllle 141..111.11-111nt Ir.. .1” 1.1ti1 ,, g ...Ir.
120.4 4,. thRVITI. thaß. Rh, may 41 , . etrr reord td 0, rl. oan
no, Inn, lbw nn,....• rultel In,. .1 ~ea.,
!droll. I. Le. I, 4.1. ar.0,1•1 1.• an 4.n 11. nr,....1 et auh
1 do lntentlerrwtta ...toe el them na Ire do net .1• erre
tothe tee an anateur ouly that the truth In ratan., 1.•
tau retned, shnnl.l le rat in order To Nrenr.rtrrr 0 n Trytt
lainrn t, trnin , rlllo: *DI Rlll4l. artiele In the matey", nu,
Ira Plain unaurni.-1,1 nu-le-fact. that ma, ht-nru-rtannl
en our lily lord netchluelorttL bear ample 1.- hunt. th ta
"' 14 " 111. ' , ' :: I F IV•11 1 -C•1 " : , •t• twt„-Ite, use et ...„ „.„ trot, it., . t
v. ho .• 0. Udall. Ward. ban tree. re. terrd h,..1,ht , , , I
teal c.... , of I.lstertea.. rt. Oh M.O. t , l tiltitt 1..... 1....0 1 ;
runt A
to Ala • 4 lie ...... .1..1.16,11%0 inn L aver 14•unt ,
Them an- tabere. Idtt 1.10 re an rt. ar ome. ant Ida , I
beer ternel h. 1., trstr ,flOtir Rho Intro adulta en the urn t
rent There 0t... tr., ,n , l Idler they
h ad l a.
trhathlt , 1
ed by ythysbas.b. rut boyelne. The ITIO4OIIIO Sill rtrd
attren narl anurdrukt to drnattnnut-Iroarin,.... D,Pent.rl .
I•ilee.ltheouratinu.tenut. Neural:Asa Eniptlont on the I• 1 1..t.
Nur phe e the.
fan.lltroure h., Klne. llttntuntur. T. 44, :
W att. lad. wane in the bon. and /rant, .1.1 atura. 1/11n,
Watt., A.dr... Chu,. (Sough , . attbnart Itudalutte. and tat
Pultuenary Wlechtent of a rhnelle nature. I•dultnn lt. pr. I
dune ladreuntOn , •
Bunn and ',Rid, liblirh.R. a 114,4 111.1.1. r am! halt". • I ;
4'1,01^1 Ilona, hat-detain] ` , 0, 10 e. t‘d.r. anl 1tti0....- .
In I.l_, dl. a 4404.4 1,44 /.6,41 .....thr. and La , bee, i
mt. stint of thy, alede denaa. a attnn the imet par urth rlte
tiere rte. I eon... Verulleate. that .111 tuna., .4w..
the halal. of the ut.priettte. r. Ise till take 1.1.-artirru in nlnrn ,
' NVItTi!; Irl.l,:rv"hll)"iryith:UllnT; " il , irrir in.. 1.413... I[l.
Petrol...ln 1.111,1 .1,4 4 .4 Ita Ined, of the .... 110 .. t.. Id
ef birth antenna 111 the nn.f•-•0•0 are Ir,tuulug td tee d r
in then pra• Ure Thne oh. It llnd 4•3...1 .411 VIIII .1....1.1
w 0 unr.llltrni, runr lor illniv nr nu.. .A it Au.. prat . . 1 .1
taantderanyett 11 , 11.tre antalter Pr. ro ,, round. 0 11 111 1 -
nannelltal he arAnt , ledge lbat the ladrelentu le Iln a reel
nt toren-no. elf r dnedertrl Fer -ale. relm•leeale and rr
1411. 41 1.,111 1• 1 1111. A 11 , hun t 1.11.1., 140 0 teal t
Aber-IL W. nutlet, Iti Marl ftlreet, B. rd. eurry: I, 4
Mika, Jvarda. laturdar, Alleallets, Alt, A 1.., 44, 114. pr -
• prlntor. h. AI. lit 1•111, l'autrl 14,14 4 1. IN %I lab Minret.. I'll,
burch. 3.10
-r- - --•- -- -
ft N the orttter of tine nevolitit. id .hulle.
;Blakely, AdmlnUnt
ltor d• fault .•e.4 of John 11aurna..11.
tuat..l. No 11....,1..r 1. Is.,
And 1101,14 1 .it January 104th, Inal, on moan. of A. 11.
AWN, Ilan Court nhirodd Jar,. r 11. heady. hal.. n. *tub ,
and arljurt thla amount. and drottrlbutt• the baLaneo.
By 11... Itturt 1. (A 1 1,1. Atoll/It 1r V, Clerk.
Sot. .. I. beret, - ghen, that 1 1,111 attend nt me tarter-,
No WFirth street. Its the city of 1•111010inth. on 141'1
the 1741. day of February next, a•Z trrittek. e.... for 111.
R uetuan ttf my appotuttnent. J r . F.. )MAUI', Auditor.
January 1:6411,..1.-3,....-rraT
Allegheny o_3n.nty, 113;
AT an OrpltanS' Court, held at Pittsburgh,
in .usi for said county, on We Mb Inn, Jatittar,•
. talon, the Honorable William 11. ti Vriatalent
Judge. and Ilan. eueuel.lonee, AAKICiale.
The petition of Daubs! Team:. Administrator of all and
singular We meal, tr.. of Catharine NleCunn, deeetotol.
ass yrs . ..alto'. ratting forth that the Paid .Itretiont diod
hat of
no lawful buor nor re.rwand Id for M..
pay ment of lo r debt, thatdunalian,
„f fee of and lo a et.rtnu 11..F.11A, or Int of ground
In the Math Ward of the rite of littsnryt. heti.; front
Washington etreet thirty 10.1, and ettending .kt
wind width on parallel with II rile ativ..t Co,.
Ism welch era mend two dwelling hon.. suluect to the
l ' = " tt tofartlNT;rtiftt.r:ttirer srL f al h a ' Z n on b g i'r ty .1 I .
Id mid Wlliatine darettaed. and Marshal 11 , 0uno.
7i ii tn " J t a i r.Tl " gi l i ' itt ' ttratili ' il i t n etilt elr t g t .:l'tfl:
of sold imetnleee. and then , below no pereolual eetate rtn,
the debt. of said Catherine. rat log the Court gr.. 00
order for the sale of mid real estate, fur the 'apnea of the
Whetettlemt ihe Oturt order and direct Wet tau said ad
email, We said rromiwon punts, sale, at the
kart Boum, lhe city of. iitusbutan, on baturdaY. the
fifteenth liar of February, A. D., 110111, ant! Nell the NWre
for the best pica that cm be had therefor. giving doe
public notice and timely notice of tin. time and Ware of rale.
rbfliini=aith:a7rrtuoitt'!loh?;up`t `l:ll.9rt
the next slated Orphans' vote,
le.ttatidwldT DANIEL Slcelllt.DV.
OR the cure of Poughe, Colds. ll me
oa... eroop. 4ath Whooping Cough.
1: C p
This truly 'skiable remndi the all &sew , of the Lunge
and Throat. hr. Leonine tho chief reliant , of the althrtol.
as it the mad. ranaln rare known nt, tho alnoaa rnoo
lalunr:-got.Vh.llLlt remetlfalc=tllail,h.,:nr
aLrln doeZ, ono of n the landed and' Inot.l.
agmenble family medldnew for common omalo.
Road bdow the opinion of mon •Ito
known to the
padre ". :4 14 ; r ra. Va "2! T. . „
,T4-I==nt' l ‘;:t.t , '" , = 1n.77L,Tr.r . 1
ocautltutlon that it Is I\l3 wltnltahlenwonnnod for the relief
of lam a bronehlal dllhoultkn. If my onmion lo
o upe_character ran Lrof any aonlon. Jon art at hl.
b ma It sr
)IU"A"Ck.IIIIrkIIIitICK. L. L. U .
I . tnelolent of .km13,4 0' 4 11,,
—IMIMGG I' EV IMENCE..--1 1 r. J. t o A, er, Lowell - Dear 1 1r
muter obllgattoor. yon the roMuran..n
Mau arononatued by a em on rough. moo
Mod , tow of Mau,' ...lon., without obtajolng
r. roller.
:;a1 ,brxr
of ,our Cl car th.. urO ofwhl . rh ImanedudelY
cleatrrd . ..Y::' l lnlr— l r h z N i"
well. toy rough as.. n.Z..1. and all b
e. y the rise of , our VSA
nable.m.lltdno. STONE. M.,
Principal Mt. Mow Sonnuary.
From Dr. ElrywoL Drogatet and Coatmaater. Chlomve
Falk, Memo—
Pr. J. . tar t ySlr—Enerod please find remit... ,
fur all the Cherry ['Mond went me
II . eau
curb unhra
-2404 'Rich .tat
ri u m i of Cough and Luna Lnalmalnla.
wit h
I t. ,
p are oars k er Wgrlyell goalr a. y kIITY ANT.
Errand by J A v I:l)oiraft. Lowell.
&Id In I.lltehurob, rolalL hY 1 -
prod. f.:l eltnet. and .1..4th All,heny
city. dortnarnow I IT
riv,A WAHE--English & Alnerican Brita,
Ma Tr l'lsid I'IXnI Bank/etr.Candiontirka.
tliallftrasind Trarm Ilnog quality isnm
Imre liaturio I able. Cation . . Sliver Forksyriamonoind Itur
ter Kali,: mai German linrim awl roma , .
Tale 1131 Tra Trayn of floe Birmingham mama/mom ,
nighty ornarorutml: Trapa of palb,nr.
A mi,ryorior fender fur rimming 211.1 Inc dug"hard
fir cleaning. chamaia boalhor
i or iong —Anyer'n crirb mimi sagi Kitchen,
Mutt rm rived n
n mire, nor& beil
ar.l,4ra.rt.oranytbiou iafrnute
For rale by W
Cnr. litarimt and Fourth nta
B EST - BLACK TEA--Saine kind an in
ftyland—PAnsil L e
nt ettong and One. Ydrarant et.
road free teen berby lexte—prke 76 oral, per remod,
pr pie by MORRIS A ukavaxli, tbe Dlenn.ed- nal
no name else La 2ZteA1.16 1 6 -
s 1 N I the intr,slucti 111 l this um, - Loin
nii.l IN W.
,rar t omit n Ter" Haut
1.,.- It, 3.111 sswoott h. l ser Parlinnl Pr.) , IA
enrnannao 01'11,nahe Itronahltht. I.olcloll, in
1.1111 nt ran thtn nut • 1.3
lIIIta 1 \ \ Tllli INIII %I 1 Thr 0,130.1
\ nt. ••• n the, titne, Atv 1 n. 1,1 ' ,
.... ,11m-r 1.1111 111. 011.11 ,L., Tho L. 011.
rtol to 11,ta tor/tura for It l• onut nenthluo L•rtiele
n .11 1-10. r (1, wry , r•rnitni • Trri.e..c.
1).-r in Ittielr of W,. ./
MI 111 .Mlll l l • fIIII1•1" 1 " "."
11 - 1 . 1 “. fts.l/11... MI 4•11. of It • • 1110. i. • It t• [ln
"1Z ' o ' •r,!Z . o . , :113! We
rata In Air nl3~l.ry n
1 nn'r
I.lll`. - Indy (non 1. tzhi nrlllo tier'. that
111., tl. o linr ..burr I.a n nlPla tad 10111. 0,001011 011.1 ••ap.••'P•r
-t ava ltaalte f• var an 1 .11 llit.
.omptonno of n.n.uni ph... and 11.01 r tall nu hat
tha 40 Ira/ t, h rum,' A anonkonan 111 Wanlitnal.
~.titt who 1,0.1 .01Ton41 with tnthuin 001 Chrunte Cough
r ,Ioht h 1.. enton nllt rad and thr• nonah
1 5 f 1,011 a nn I.tltlo ..f thl. Pee,
Pl. A t , 1111..nr0 , mm, Parn, Ilhaint• nt.••
In Its- 4001 ~. hi .nn ran 0011 th. ctn., of
.J In. Innols tin 1114. 114,1.1.1 niro
IT nr 011. 111 Mr.llllll. 0 'IOW [1111011 , ..-11 IS
1 1 ,, 11 , , , , 111 4 11 , int I. tile. 0.1 nt. rug, I.r Ali I.IIM.
a VINT arrnari nto would .10 Ir. town a PUPPIS 41
MIA UMW Me M. 11,04 1.11 11,0 haw 0. it atom. of 110
nt, I . thran. r. on.h. .r• .Ito , tot Inn all
_ o_•_
t %Ill.\ IVI 1 ‘lO.O 0 1-1 1 1 " 1 " " I "
1•11, 011.• 11.4 tent vo. , snolriain.. but du not hoed
11..,n If ton aon to t.t 11 . 1101 110 I.o‘sci Pso,oo
and lats. 10 • 110 lin wall or , /0 0 .
MI• •Ltil I• el- ..1 n•r water,.
n I
d, 111 1,1,0,11,1,0 it It
, 01 .1, • o,r .1. .11 , ~, 113. r prlntor nunner.
ou. r 1 then. 11. ro 11.1 In our awn .01,0g...tins: It..
• hlu 61. 'LI- . hi , I, .111 .liown on, pernn,
J. on ti...f . 1 1, , 0n
A t rt, 10•01 the nltad thtle. loran Ow
001 rill, 1111 1 in , ,ountA Inv! , tt. Lbw. nt In .111
t tto nu int 1..11 in tin znethron, 1 1 .111 1.01 10Pir 1. 1,41
allrah ., 110 . will bp 4.11111,
hula snit)
n . 3313 ' +•0n. tait In 111 , 11 . bandy 110 Qr. 0101
r I ung dna 01 a 110 an,rl.l 11 r•rr I 11 .1. 1 . 01
I. r hala n tall. In h 1.1, 1, It 11.10111
IVL la Drain ti 4.. I t..J P.ttal.nnft, l'n Ito whosn
n 1 Intler• for no. rat i•-• ono/1 In A• 01 Alma f , r gale by
1 urn' All. nln 1.0 MO I' 11r...0.3 11 Itrottnoille,
hoe,. Pllnh I nehniotuti inhis II nu. Ilt.laro
t. • r
A. •.1 Ink...pnrt l'ainolnburn
101 In in. r I •1,1 031 I .133. niti• 3.111.101. 1
'The wry
11 all in,. In IL,
I, 1. , ,111. 1 . LT 11.1 1 a ..10,1 1 1,1
Mr I. E 11. 0 10 or air .111 .1.0.151 1. , M•II LIM{
1•1111 11111114 nr I 1. 1. 11,0, tha rrr. la : , 1•111
111 11/4 A, 1.1, r I•al. 011.1 ettr, 0.01 to non. 11.:•1
Antl 111/1•111.1 1 1 111 It 0 r, hit 1,1, •ha wad In our 11/01
1111111./ I. IM/1111 1.11 and .111.plantIna .11 dhara
I in.. .0.1. In.lll M 1 IM n•herni.a, and (non Ilt. .
ia.ra • If man , Ino fri ont, and rtntutu.
Sour r. 1.+1!111• - -
II • r I 0 1 .11.
1 n 1 110 0 i . • _1101 010110 Tolran .11"1 .1
n 111 . r• r. rl,t• 1 h
th. ,wornial 001 • 1 1.• irn. and t 11111111. 1..1 1. fill. Pitt slut
la 13,1 01♦ .. 110..1 .1 rot Oro. alat. to n
3.011 , • 110 ns.• 111.1 • 0,031 ,
PI LI •ttis•r , yds all
I 1 nth. r. 11, 01 napt 1 , 01 -11 r It Fa
- 1 . .1 he. 1.00.t33a v.. o.oil tr IP 011 tbs. r.r ,
, f ton....err tunl, nt0.n...1. 011 .0111 r.. 0.1
Ida , r ar Ann 1 011 tin Inn 1 num tr.-
1111 I- 1 I 1,31 1:1
I nr. I, to n , •. 11 . 11101 I. I 11
J r_ I r kn. on the
•rhonal 001 anlf tn.. lout 0.1 nutn. Ir I'ol end 1.1,
1. hl nt \ .7 11 04 non I...and 1.1 111 u,o:ut•ar ntrally 1n
tin tan/1100 11111 .1111111, /.111
I 7 Prei.ared tinder the in ~,,,, lime o•at , or the Invent r ed
Tlll+ elegant ot•teualtnn to recnititnetehvi in all ranee of
bil. avittah, itehieotexi. gout. nod eraveL sus the In..
earl....d maid . it...dual tdent in Wlin Is Maituvela aunt, end
hale,' th out, in whteli 11. oneht til be ealtslitmL I.ln
ovViing. ni l l
the propertiee of Ille Ntailiteeis. uda in i.vtierul
itlead de s Italie like {L. to term dingennia oettrn
nom iti the tedeel, it ellortnall, rot , . heartburn . ilbout
111,11rAng the mat. of the .ht. ted,..... and their
carbonte , . at.:nein to dd. It Peeve , . the &eed 0 1. , Ante
turtitne wen, In all reuse it arh4 as a pledennt aPerlent. and
W I,o...idled', rulaphAl to hanal.oe.
sir liuniplire) Italy teetifidd that th is volution 1.11, Pd.
snit eouthluatlosto with are suit 'Alta in ewers of tiout and
gravel. thereby nbutitersetiti their Injurious of
when other alkali. alai eren 31agneeia iteelf. had tatted.
From nir Philip Crampton. ilart.. nurttain litueral to the
Army in Ireland.—
" Dear Sir—Thera can be no oledl
that 51n..eneela may be
vitnnuoter.el nintv •difel) In the nn of a cvncentrated I
titan it, rule :ow,: for tlit.. and Otani , dlter newts.
I ant sot noma , o that the Muhl Mame-eta is a rev, valuaLle
addition to oar Motorist Niettlea. PHILIP eIIANIPM , Ni . Janie- %lath. rtr Ail:m.l , T. Dr. 'trod.. mai Niriera.
du:hr....4nd I lerhert Niar, of iednhtn• r t es tworntnetel
iturrni , 11.41 Mnineelarot being infmi. l ) 1. 1 . , amt
elpnvetti...,l , . the onlideand (mute , . the dashier sti.end
.ltif.4lrbs• n t :iie , tari , t up: , ot Kehl or le der.. . r .
''''''''' l . l ' . ' .:A r JlNr; l4,-,•, q ,, r -,
pill Ver. Wwwl A /runt ids.
. _
/11.ALLLISTEat'S 001241:1017.
tiONTAI N I N G no ISiercury, unr other
‘,..) Silted:it The followltii 1,14.111/0111A1 rm. giien me t
r ei-teloratwl lir. II w. , ter Iheach.the auth , of the ge...1.
cal work entitled - The Amelia:l Prwettcto of Medicine and
F./lib' 1 . 1.,10... "
11/.11114 I..;male apittaintod with the iturr.elisalte
•Lich winnow. McAltleter it Alhilealiiii t nutnierd, stet itae.
IN: preerraheti and t...ted It In vereral ...ea tu in, ptivato
}•rmetive. I bane nn Isedtation In tat, 155. or ...Alf, the that
it u. a S egetalste itenwsly. roTstansint: no udueral entelatiee
whateler: that Ito liwrediente ...shined an they an., sod
ut,rl no thrt•el,l by the pnu.rieh.r. are Ind only linen:dr.%
hitt or :ill at mine. he'd. a truly Acientitte Itenimly of suit
i.e.,. and I eleedfulli recommnd it asa a romp...met
a Melt litte dnue swan k, P and s '
ho'ts I a.ial . h 4 in Si,,
,•• no. of a gnelt • of ra. ,, 0. rTh ~,, :.11 I mre peter
her rewdunieinied .d. enosied in th.• e.tie of mend Ine,ll
- n•iahl ftd• the trot:, 'newel. vonoeivuttnne. humane
eharieter a the hropriet , of tint. ointment-onel ,i, ~!..
"1i.'.:,.triV,;.1.r.ti:,1i.'!1.:1: 1 51 ,..i,! - 50, '''"i%''irt!'.ii:iini"ii. '
11..333 It it tine tit Ll3.l3:7lllittg. tlitt rotrliltirr bur,
itrn "tart, evrttil by [Ai. tnntuntlitt
inl lt notrrr fittlr yit in. ntlitt(
Ftir Tionttr.. I Letirt. 3131 311 41,313 tif Finn, It hii3nottantrit.
II 3 1 , htirt 313' tir3r3 Mat , . it, 1 - title t,1,*(411.11
r tbr 3.014 niarri.mipl, Itt•itriir3,33.
If tt•tl U'iltntrilitintit ittitt, rtihrt in tnr,
Ar 1 thr arr dirrrtann. t MrAlli.tera
lontnnut for arralula. Loot Own/tont Vrrnsr. r,
ahl Nvr• hnnt.
Pan..l,. A , . hnallna; of the LODI. th rent
I.s. E.eII.J au Iln.ken thnart.
~ .r. perhann- MM,..,., hronaltt hanre Iln.
,nrnt, 1., suadr trial 4lt *anal, in 11-
. on.. hart, ear. h, It of thr larva
An... 1,, n Alan, ..1 trau1.1.....n. pain in the
rulr. A howl; af ntrrllant tt, 11w Ism,. ar 11 it does not
nom ran In. ttl , lrklon ,
A nallor of the ttopderfnl hralina Vont , Inn..
Ilon .1.. .....uhtold Or follow., rnrlifu on.
1 fa 0, ol touts:data in
thodonrit...l.. Alarrh
r- 1,
it no ...not la. uti .nra. and at rorla
anahl. -1-• I. Duran, 11, tune I tranl
ronn-loro ' nrro an-ontanl tar m.. Ph ...lan. tan l
- onhout rennalog rniart , Itlnt at Inn.
tnnl tO -ult.. with • maul! fawaralde beyond ex
nth now entnaly Cr,, Iron. the man. and
nlehl pmceral and •rvivl 4111' b. , ' I ll `. 1 1 ,, d
-111, Vet tooth no kr awl othere...ple.l, with
r...ttlt, 1 our frt. Joon 1 InuOlnitu
JAtIE.? Alr ALLInTI , I‘
lonprtrtor of thr nlove nonlirine.
y e i ra rira,3 Narlit Thant .1. rlals.l.-Irtua
Pll ttATI YIVEChAT , PeAt 11. 1 `t
Aocnr , Prra-avann--11. A. Yabinattn corner of
o.•I And 1,1 -t, Jaotnna. No
I 1111,, con, r.l Ilaraat Ore , t nod the
al. , cantor af Fattril. aml J
"..r Mnol 11.utt amt nal.l at the
11.4. P1.a.,111.,1111,,.1.1,1nn, thin 1. 1 ,. ., in...Santral
• to on,. by P Fr1.wetit,......1 1 Dough.,
/I 111rmIn inn tlont. Itogier, A..t.
Ind. 'Ay. 1 1 Ilowlainl. J Att loaatarrs ItorhAion
llont,n..h. rn r I,llr
17 , ;
011 Nt her, t. fana A 1.., no. ,
ati ran• ..I.ns. • I 011 11.. n. to. -• tatArer.. oar
a Ire- la thrai 1101 in nil onion.. wo a, , ).. .
.havrag oon. porrhsta. a has nfiultatllauel
„ nnlinar,
1,41 trl ...I rain tar 11. t It Mitt.,r.
at: wod, plea-on.
41 1 I.Ea 1 1 J.l:- all ,1 IMAM in r re.dml h
...Meat. Radon., etillt :nal moot airy tenni
ao.l 1.161.1 e. an nelmiral.a. lot 1.. r. am 1., In. at
t retort, - .1.1 woo, boirrdranwh and annrtition
that maple-m. l and odf 11.4ing at the rklu whieh 1/1
.ortro expenrnmtl otter rltnyin.r.
ntlonn llstterr en . 1 1 . 1 . 111 11T
roldr, awl Iwo. wino!. linnit.llat. It after an
W. rhaas...l. And Ono* whO
an. , th. ter . wt.,. I, a,. will t, ~ Mho,
o'n...annt will lw. apturria
ti.l 1., t he NI.. a 11w Ilt , t that it trill ma
1...,n010r the Marl. uloolt nava way- will dn. %riving a pawl,
ar rnat, narantratn . h. 11. illon al the vlttrAerr.
Joh-. I] with Atli. 1,0 idler at all artful,
00, ..1.0-1 rend, tho af .11asing nahlonaant,
WO wilt ahmena..l I, all who mato. trial of thAnt.
PrnpanAl onl, lo
Jl' I.IF-W 1 lAI I 1.1.. Purfotnar and ehenfht,
PA. 1 . 1....nnt met- P1.11.1..1..1.1.-
Fr holontlo and rmil. ll' Paltno.a..l , A Co
-10111 It. Nell., ana John harannt... l
N 1.1 . 11. All. clan. lit,.
Drug and Prescription Store for Sale.
Ditta: S PitF.SOItIPTIoN SToltF.,rz
tend tor sat , mum, t.tor terms. F.; furOt, parmulam
rtt.ttl> thr Citnattett• ottire.
tO-PARTN EMI( It'—K , ' have this dal
buttowint , tlulth uti Ili•upuuln V. llntstltlrttu. TLr bun
ny,. lOU I...t.t.r.lltsut‘t m Urrt.trtfttr, utb uq thy Ilrut
A. Ilbl'ClltSON At CO.
htbnlturgh. '
- -
I ilOl.l/ BuTTER-25 brie fresh, in good
to War., fc,r sale by WM. ILMIALE ui Y Eq.
k 01W/d
brie No Leaf Lard:
.4.111,4, Jo tel fhr 1.31 r. by
_ .
ennks Pure Potash:
it, n.. 4. Fah.ruhm. 1,4 rale by
J. A. It. FLOYM, Church.
Ell A ItS-- I 00,mo t ummy" for sale by
1,1 J. k IL Ch IVO
121.111'ER-16 bris prime roll for sale by
Winter Clothing at Reduced Prices,
T wm,Cheep Cash Clothing;
Otr,., 1 0 1..0., AUTO
of 11.7t.Z.
fur 'o ^r foe , n .,11..t...1t0rt.1, ra
nl,.. Own. at u rrid.l,
e.v.h. Sil b.,
will 1.1.1
U. Wu) .011 .1121. 110 1,r1:41 1 kir.:xit./. w ill I.
i ) I:.I I( IMS ^5 due. t., ..:d.• 1. ii
) ~I W ..- 11....11N5Ti IV
- - - --
111 I 1I
. : ,,., ..l /i i I 1 N t;T:•. , --'2. brk „ l,..rni , ‘ , . H lL To..4 i
Ib ity2,1.1.1,1.;;::—..111 saeks ~ .o r ... , 1 , 1.. , 1 , 1A ,,5;
, .
1 1 011N -2 ro htt un,h,clled. for sale by
I_, ..k1 tt .t. it.JoitNFroN I
I ) OIL nu•rr 1:1t-2 I;rit , fre,li for rain 10;
li, 1,..1w .. it. JoniN•sro!:.
. ..
(10ITON BATTINI.:.--10 1 11.1.tles for Sall• by
vt ,' Jan v &LUNG WORD & (vi..
`` l l'_\ It O.INDLES--3 11 Les Ciwinnati ton
t-1na..., •,11 Imo.' lull Iv. val.. 1.,
il•.1 V A 1 . .L1.N111 , 131th *Ca
IIIIIIF(1 . 1E111% &A..—
ji . .1&.1. , s Leil.lo , Extraen fin the Isaridkerehlef:
it dm. 14.:1/1 " . (*.r.•l`)
tidy& &eta, Lltol Smhd. , 4 I&M , ' Iwl-M ,
'2l .Ifts. " . el&&11 Patin.
.":.&lot.ft.tll l .ll mxll Sachet ,
I , ..rethrr &WA a toll ..
ant r•nmpltle n,..&rtenevt ~ 1. Pane I ,
I , m. r.. ittne...
~l. ..tvei s f&u.l lor ule ,Ll I'llakul..11.1 11 • Per 0 ,.. .,
ntroo S !. VII•10:1CSII ANL
FrIA ',LOW - -Thirty Iturr..6 Sit...el. aml tiven
-1 ta iarn'T '''''' n ' " ''
7) 1 , a .1`: 'i'.' s 11131 V Ell .
re - 010'm Y SEELt•-4 barrels received and
rale by ja BAM 1:1-4 C. 1 1 .11K1 VY.IL
bushels received and
j fur rale b, RA 11 I'. SO RI V KR.
t Itlllll APPLE—tIuO bushel just reed,
jusarul fhr raSe by t lay3l I , 'WILSON.
. .
MOLASSES--Flfty barrels cif new crop
tem.latal and triode by
Nos: 151 arml I=l3ocral ot,et.
11,---'----7-liNLOlJß—Seventy ye barreia Family Flour
r mum, znERn'E
MllitlA! AN W SWAN jkOODS.--4,:kie.
hi:nutted sod fifty Lora... Aged Tied Blanket. .
aio oatra Cal!, Blauluat, superior abode'
3a/ du t , ..nto Id. Blanket, ribbon la/und. ..13/ .10 lire $ Hanlonheavy.
Dm do In-al. .10 do do
Lo Blin• do 'do do
Iteau.a. Black da r ken Cloth. do
1 do Waver lit e) klIs.“1, do to
I d l l..tien . Mark }ranch Bn.tdoth.'
. 4 .10 all Tweeds. affinaried auk..
du Jen., avanvit....d.loro.
Jo Caodniere, black and bany colon.
I do tiattnetta, Meek and reel
do EVhite Sallied Flannel, yard
• 3,10 harrod do do
The shove anal, an. all cat oorodznanant front
”rsott, inanntacturers. rt and and, and are to sale on
Ikheral term.. the trud at.tnatinfactorrn? •
den Pr."' l ll . LZE.
` ClitT N C t'S T Plain,
t7Twlllol. and Prin saws. Curtain 310,1101 of Various
and qualitina, to .fonnd at Dry Gonda-Tow. of
311.!„111 . 11% BUB", lIFIELD.
elf., N. 16. my. Fourth taikrt M.
1, ---- I T Ill'lE BEIS--C• barrels received and
sy es . ~ ..n. bi i."-1 , ItAlllla, P. Iwo vim,
LA it I )—Trconty barrels and thirty' kegs" No.
l Lard Treeived and PC HIE bY •
i ' , ASH Fill(tIlE DIFF EltEN't CiItSDES
‘L . ,, , ..f n5.b...1 rand by • Pal IL. LEE.
!iT,•sli.:.?;l:.‘tili.:`,t,i'llin= In
6 17 '''''''ul t 'r l
La aelnft a av
ow ardele—the 'Puna warranted wo
i rr i en ' a. '
awl I•olls at low prims:fur dnatitY.
d 't ii.l.lS ESE, -VERMILLION-44 lbe for sale
il_. , br . An .1. KIDD A CO.
tiT.LI -E ll - " 2 ",t&Y0 1)
gUM OPIUM-sn-lbw for Kale,
SUGAR LEAD-4 cask for sale
3 t 0
I.V Elt COIN WANTED of every deocri
30..1.1 U.. hfcturd ymmlum WW for Chet mare, to
gwrrrit E.thing.. W. rood. "TrItIM„ c o ,
feint saml Mart.. dit.
4, - ,tlr , ;tirti Es -1 , 1 1 10 4 i ( i . ( o.. ltte . r,
I Er! Talk,
tuen etnnlA
2 Nu:A r.ale4 rrartumr.
22 bags kralberr,
I law; Wrerrron
1500 Nan 1, Vorgeo Itinnoag
,s..landeug from oblarurr llayllower,aud for rralr by
pcf: .All DICHEV a), Water & Front sir
PE,A.-"L8-15—'I'rtieft5A'rti 11.;•22
01.1. .111./TTEI —Twenty barrels prime
Le. ,o 4 rrtravirl and fry by •
gAMUKI. , Flint - VEIL
F 1.01.111-100,1trls superfine;
oust . 46'brlo. One, for anlm I,
W. 11..1411INSTON.11214emod H.
1 ) I f. t ., Y ,
.. i . 1. ,, 1' b 1 i - LE • , - ,,,, Fifty 1 8 7:1:
j ean r i :.s;tt i l u vr i l , lnd
if , ORN —2OO lot white ti. yellow, for sale by
{ I ~,%, • . wick & 31eCANDLES$.
QTorics FOR SALE—Western Ins. Simla;
1.7 Turtl.. errrek Pinnk Itml Sind::
l'it.l.urah.lluartati'ouut Inuirnillo TrlegrAph:
Nl3rute. 14u1s - Mork; Its.ll.l.ltrilgy 41. k:
Lid , enpryr 5000. 11GO. Y.. ARNOLD t CX),
d. 74 Fourth 4
TUE(' SATINS, of the moot desizuble
•••••" 1".19!". h"
" t'" frirldllY 01111L6.111F.LD__
111 IC F:—Twenty tierces new crop, received
Slsth(""'tilinNeNkrlittitl'A'rlilett. 144 Llbrrtr et
FISII-75 brls No 3 Mackerel;
5 raet• Codfieb. for rale by
,as{ . J.* B. FLOYD
(aODA ASII-25 casks Johnston ' s bttind,
i tree .ele by
Jot J. 1. R. VIAITD
RltooslS—lso dot for tato by
irM J. .t R. novo
1I II ICE—IS casks Carolina for sale by
it iet.-' J. k. &FLOYD
FE ASSURANCE—lnsurance on per
, .he:t,eree=t=4,l2.t and .50 - rosy be=4
..,,,liration to the underriguel.
Art Jublitionel quentltx_. a e eplenitery pstrePhlete but
received tor elm/vita. etreulstinn. !Writ:l7 at lb. Beek.
.ne Hee.... of WM.. A. HILL 4 00-
%Sorel et. seeeml loor above Fourth.
• -
ARD OIL; 5 lois winter grained, for safe
A A by dell
INSEED OIL. 5 torts pure New Costale
1 ...!•i"" —1 " " d VtgIgJiI.I.ITTLZ k
. _
I vOFFEE. 213 ba,ev ltio for Foto by
.1.17 - BUSS. AT51(144'4 . 13 k CO.
I 16 lals large No, :1111fmk:trot;
Id brio No. I Baltimore Uerrtne:
IS dons 0.411.4... for pale Id
4,17 11.11EY.31ATTHEITS k CO.
U.ST IlE('RIVEI) from the Rbillipeville
Oil 41.1 Sart.. r V -
:A. Flusr Oil Cloth:.
r ant.
W do do
S.. rant. e.
1 4 2.4* w4on Oil Clotln
(41 ap4ort.4l ASV% Table, Stand and Barr..
of patent I..atber fint.h. and beautiful pattern., for
•bolf.nale and retail.. thevarehoome fin. 7 and 9
41reet jar. J. a U. SITILL/fla
m bear. rectafed kn. IWO bv
5.1 R. 11ARBAUGH.
OPS. • J hales for eale by
b ell do a un a, d s rzi o, h . td% No.
.4..r0 au, ft, xelr.,, jell JAN! DA I LEELL
( . .%SKS MUSPRATT tt SON'S Soda
r Ath to glitre nal finale 1,7
ERBS—Elder Flowers, Sage and Boneset, Int juvt merirm InT [de by
1 , J. KllDD and •
CO- No. CO.'lVond
11 A 111. OIL. 7 , lapis ell I n.;
I 4 n n. amt L.r -.v.+LuNcFor.p 0).
VA Water Meet.
I). M6I..ASSF. 30 brl3 TlCW.CrOPi i just
rr.1.1,4 and 11 , r ,ale hr ; R. A. CUNNWIA
"ItE;;11 BOLL BUTTER. 4brls iogtree'd
by fl a p R. A. CIINNiNGTIA-M.
7 ) hem.). Go .11r by„ ,len FL A. CONNINOIIAM.
VITHITE FISH. 75 hrls and hf bris fur
V 7 rah. by ArT7 ISAIAH DICKEY a CO.
y p 112j:DRY NUTS. ,. 6 w n t z T aks it tl i 4iale s l , ) s T B.
j a i
OULU CANDLES. 20 boxes for sale
() boxes Loaisville No.l Rosin;
cwrtlewi MUSTARD. A constant
,oeob Llttmott..* catlettoratamt Krutterty 1111544 , t4
t j t- t rttalti. ow baba
2040 dozen. Hope Yarn
%V . AL.1.1141.1F011.2 2 Pb
AurroN YARN.
omb. by Ja:
35,:ulttlii6.jultAritziewlmen. d
for ode brtA7 116 Wok,'
11 4 , L0U R. 160 WA:, for mak by
OUMP.O Extra Refin
ttic.:Seely;VO al'eTr=er're.
lames do' do
Orloxt., hlo
do for win hr , •
Wll. A. Nkcamto a co..Fa wort: et
011 A ASH. 75 casks Karts brand for sale
1 - 7 to • don S. A.W.
" "1.17 13ArilTleA,UTUT;ei
ni v-
TA LLOW. 30 14,18. prime for sale by
iIIIEFSE. 50 boxes W. It. Cheese for sale
ar .140. 11, A W. 11ARRAINI11.
:11.1 . 71 • 41.. 176 tons for rolling mill
porora, ' 11116:Y. NIATTIIEWS Jk CO
IIIEACIIES. 173 bap per:Masi:lower, for
ll e y e by dell 1(000. IdATTIIKWA ACD
11ULFE11. 20 bbls roll, for s3.l l 7b A y snELD
11 ROOMS. 40 dmen Sor oak by o
11111 k
Al4l. 0 (M. now landing from the
.teener 0000.1, e,rwio.e
Voter and Root dreet,
(il A LERATUS. 100 . boxes for solo b, •
1 - 7 nat. J D CADVIRLD
(AWOL 1100KS,—Educational Works,
DbEen. Lap, "iolntegt?Pub.
INSEED OIL. 10 bids received for side
_LA by 400
UMI DABAIL 15BRAUN 00 lbs jist,
lfi M
wed Ow sale by & R
etl Career 8- Clair sod Liberty as
1.1 Al_ ESS. 411 dozen paws and
"""'''''''''rsb.CCATETOLUi POMP.
Nl)llikl—S4B IlaiTSpaniall Float, Madras it.
thr mnle ‘1.410 .1. KIDD 1 CO.
I 11.‘ i NTING —I louse, mid Sign P ‘ ainting,
~, rbrap a.. .y Oh" 1..P.4..""‘ the
:"" "'"mh"
J. a n.
'_i IDES. itl s tf:i)l;); . l i i r te , ;
boodlo Doo. latoding for mtlo bi
‘ r ELT 12A It I'ETS a the richest
stol 13.. t rtylo, ron hod at lin. Cotpot
Noolsou.o. On. 04. Fourth 4,at I. r i[ST. l•-• Imo sot eaa
L.. so, of tbo ioo.terO eiteo. N.
/\ 11 EESE. 1004) boles fur rate by
41, ' J 11CA
PF,AI:IiES.. 30.5 Backs and Ii bb
11 (rule
trip] 111 A j •
7Elt. 15 b 1,113 free)] roll; •
6 6616 Ward:
JO krar .61 for gar by
11 L WaII:RIL% t 60,18
DLit:: °if:CHINTZ, received this day
the. Carrot Warehouse. 1.5 Taimth
it I 0 LAS:4A: 50 brit; new crop for solo by
.Ors motwit by ontrai, nuntber tot of
valaibt.l Halo% Um wily tate perbirt ratoruuwar
wl mod. %alb • N. W. WlLbint
Mania a. Howarth. in ths.Utaznantl. bare Mao dar re
mood raw tacketobip D 0111101.11,4 about IWO lbo. of Mao
Strong =a Rough Fianna% Black Tara rho Tory bert that
Phwahal 15 the bkhrtlahAtmarket. exc. ea
Th+7..a llirket in tL~D _ umand . eiit dd•.
I..______._._. _.—
.i.pitEstAtvEs...- 1 „.
is.—Vise nAl4.O :
4:. bi bin M. RI, •
franca—Brdexamt,;_wslust. and Gerklss. • _
Sworn red Peache; Ham, nnIA ,
le Ly ; jeaL J. U. WILLIAMS CU,
Alll k OREASE—Ten brie Nu: I Lard;
4 1a44 Grease, saw tram _steamer W 41 1 ,44.4
sale by 4243.6 H MOIST &
Jal3 WSW and Almada.
' "there are man thleatt hewn. •nd ear th . 1 11
...Than are droonte. of In phiLn. , ophi."
T"• TIRTUES of this reknarkahle rem&
dr. and the rrenitant ot.nn-atne'for It. lathe Innln*P.
env. has lodeneldim to novo trot op is bottle, with la-
MM orsl dltectiori. for the benefit of the psFlie. '
the Phira)LhhM La pronto d font a well Wilda coun
t,. st t &pal of four hundrol Lot. ts lt P.m ttuwhd .r •
altbout eheinlod thanie. but 1. 4 ea It
noes from Nature's/ (next Lal• noel , ! That It confine
properties marble., n nvinhel.h4 dirn.acen. Is no looter •
smatter of uncortaintr. Then are ntenr I. Oh'
masa mature, w isleb.:.if known. might h of Tait useful
le olloOmileg Rol rest .thin the lobo. v l
health and TiTST tli-rnau,, soros,. • ling before the Pro .
orient thought puttingWenn otllee,jtbd_anliuto
tro the rum of diver. Thr .0111.talt Wet .13411 - 4. 1 e•
Tcalls for It. and several ronarkotk• sutra a las
111111104, le • Mlle het nun et - au halm. in,pularity 1.1
wide. Tread smilirsitun in the mire of ,tissue.
We do not yeah to wale • Wn,. of as we tor ...intorno! that the medic uo eau /sin work Its Cut
Into the favor of those who Cuff-. and slob to be hooted- • ,
Whilst we In and Thiel, Tic It a ur.ixenal andirollon Is et
c, Mime, sr unhcsitatitudY , T),, flat in a umber at
Chn.nie in nuj f irt.Lttouri4, those
a reas
Asir./ ASTHMA. sod disk., of the paisone,
Es C.I.I)IPLAINT. IffiPTIPPLA. Munro: Inweece of
p h . t .k. r Kline', Pohl" IT. the Back nr !ferrous
heoralin. Palsy. fthittouttleVoloo. Gout. Eryitip
cla.n. hbnoorne.. l'eldds. Probe, tild one,
ie. he. In =Jr , . of debility. re•ntiLing toss exposure. or
Inns and prat - aced ono/ of disease. Ills .111
lying relief. It will act as a genera TONIC end ALTER
ATI, E In 'ouch inspanlng tone cod enerae. to the
hole frame, relenting obstruction, alg therein
nein., which runs throne nut • broken coedit=
a:anon - toe lorreneed and rescind etterns to all the orga nn .
of raa. The proprietor known' of several eons of PIL/ha
that misled every other tretitanuts get well under thee. ?.
s t praItOLIKUSI short tam. Thalwrof can
given to in, permit wise desires IL
!Soe pentnne •Ithout the rtanotere of the prOprloter.- -
h the propritor.
ti Al 10E8. Coital Darin ,near Seventh atteet
by It. r. :q.uxits. Wmall
and KEYSER a 51110 WELL.
corner iTaslitrect and Virgin Mier. who
torthllr regeforlr appointed Agent".
NOW all ruen who are sick and afflicted
diwsu. of the Bladder and Eidoryo, slob rbunt -
E L , *rut In burk or lhal, ' , tit, pita, running
1.F.t%11. Toe toaf Galt donut to
a you plena, but Obi don. tot inakr tt •sx tor we prnrlann.
in Ow L.., of nu botuat,, , thst It 'bane.
',Mai err . routninod In KU, rennYy. Tiro nun
Reader" it rows nen little to make a trial This Petro
Pons Is no mixture-pi nonnuost. put up for the
of mamma on the
ono but it f. orronly elaisarm
tot by the muter betel of nano. . it
bobbles up from Om
lento of oar another earth. in it. original purity. and of.
fen to suffering hurnsoft: • mad, milady. a certain mel
them sure
It Ism cured I'lles. alter other andii lam bare failed to
7.l o. tfo.s."L'lo u rthe LL
eund Cholera Booboo. liy me or two A t ha. Lt has
ro ol
ma odd noes of Martino, in • huh e'er) othm
tun Pon of no mail AA 5 held n sseil 11. horns /sod
within o Letter tlim any ousle - 4 nsopeusall or ointment
thm we know
It will eon • floltilahp frostni feet,
in • h applieutimps undoubini beton, mu fur
ed of th, truth ex unused an the ohn rtmineut.
kt•p. 1111 SAMUEL DI kli.R. Quint I• 11 0 1 . hi smith strict. or ;
either of the me nOt
Keyser Alelsmell. rimer of %I if.l .loafawl
alley, IL E. nell. 47 fni runt. Is A ARM. and It
Curry. Allfegheny eds.. or. the amnts
jr hos oh M.l the um of MORTIS' Eit's
I LaINIPOIJNIs A9D 111.(K)0 PURI VITA. In effeetually
ninon Ow erronst and rand Inv. Prate rases of IN FLAB.
AIATORT A , li CIIIWNIU 1111)11 iIATISit, I. a saliva:oft
gossuntm and memstmnilation huhu" all wboare Mille- 5
toil ant. Liao drnalful diarare to toy
Iluudrode of eases. many of them edam' of St. Loon.
and other. firm abood. ham Imisunit within the last
few monthtits the My of St. Inn' , &rime. while littentfrunt .
Melds abroad alumni , * that ft is performing the mum
wlormer trod Many Mits.. were chronic of of Img
shandin, met all hop, of moven had tem Mr. up—
MIMI...Own were of mire rment date. of the acute 1.a..-
0111,01 forns. very revere All, hewn err yield Lo the woo
derful rid.a of this medicine, milabourands who have
nalind lariefiln aud are nowt.. Wee njoy =MK health
ems Mt esteem the original dlammter and proprietor.
binefmtor of mankind
It is well known hono the rsperience of the an t that no
motwmdatitillintim npwribly a 1 1e11.619 cum
of tliir dreadful &erase Ey th. applin of stimulating
llamas. Tann.' miset in some mem may be obtained
Sir n short time But ell the while OP disease blobng Ito. „
inwsp roonojernase
firil the system, sod later
again develop. lf In a more dreadful tangy and after I L
his periodical returns. it settles into • elirmle
whirls. If not mon prrodol, mine the irallvidnal kr life.—
This IA reefed An the history nf the pant lo countriee.
and 01010 fully demanstrigal by the history
by of
late to thd proprietor of this compound,. given by several t
bundmds of thaw who bare roped under his hmardiale
voatt and treatment oluring the last few months.
PURIFIER Pan intermit nonfli—ammetume its olenr
time where the &wan first originates, and In purifting
the bleed, pooh , thningh tar whole sysimn, neutralism the
impure me:want eoluneut, sands km settled tmon the
motuhrmelk muscles and tY1.110116--1.210 1, 1 1 it entirely (rum
We system. and restorer the ind,ralual m perkst health
Let those who are aftlien.l 001 deceive themselves, and
put off the roe of 11,1 , uwilietne m o m. or until theln
thole am dolocatodor V s to melt •
they ars nipples for iffy. Vs cap 'Acme of hundreds ot
thouranin during the past. ea well as a
00 multitude lest
100 Prrmr~
The proprietor of this 'amiable medicine knows from
p rem, that no outerant applitAllo2l can ,isisoibly effect a
rmanent run where this dinime in firmly Dud the
most. Ile fau and too tin lam nut- applyanbroil
veri amt.. nom. • loch will sits miler in m e n hour I`, •
but thli will not effect a n 'maned cure. Taut .
W' fihmase In mils thaj st requires longer tiosame.
nod mood, 504000 die dinned elect. awl Al or
Rheumatic Coopound soul Bluol Punfier ly the
only that o,u er. r been dineononl. either It.
an, /Our muntry. that will effectually run
_ _
this al. :gran, •
This rordisino can be hati. - wholotalo or retail.,
Third street run to the Post Otrirc. Pittsburgh.
Abe Pm sale It Pittsburgh. by Imre` , Wt. 'Pt... ,
.1. D. Meow.. S. N. Wirkoplianr. =1.13. A. Jones.
Pries $1 Rr bot6u Isste. for ST', or $44 per dozen'
Pamphlets um le had gratis of the agent •
R. 11. LL74II A AT. Agimi
—Du. JAC. to. 'the deciouw. itorl sale propristot
Il B
ege mon popular and lenerrend Luellen. , aced aLs.
rho inverator of the celebrated initnomont for Innen... r
Lon.. In elficting ism of Chronic was d
a PW
dent of that ernszontlplit skis, Pug, Physioe ;
: graduate of the Universoty of Peurr.rstrania.and for ntht.
you. slum P.O teen engaged in the invoetigati. of de,
eve. h aml tho application of pluedies thou tot •
Trough the rive of lois inflating tube, ito connectlon wit
hie Pnophylactie Syrup. 3t.nd other of his penults,. he Ira
gained an unparalleled plain... in union Ihme drnlldfr.
lind Taut rimleliew Tubercular Oonumirdlon, Peer' s
Snafula.:lthenmathst, Aethro, Fever arid try., re.#l l.
pll Clarink lirseipole , and all thorre olvdinsta dig
peculiar ro funalt , Indrodo every Leaf of dire.;
minehoe ander then.
of bin remedies. to which
ir is heir—not by the nee of ore compopod fur,the
I. ineompotrible with Physiological Law; hot by the rase 2
his tumuli.. adaptul to. and prescribed the, Melt Pettit. ;
form of disease.
Dr. Ilwe's Tonle Albee When nrapi: are Invarlr
kdy setterwhaterd to be superlonto rill oher. • parr:
live or liver pill. Inannuch they leave the pc.
• 'Deily free Dom cotiretwore as alanbls ()olden rills.. a.
• = Y e Irtt r lerrg r r=l Wirt:4lA;
Mo r t to establish what her been raid, MIL minds
tbn Mort skepticaL
The !Misted to, Invited to call t r ot ihe 44at: tool
an of aro, of the Doctnes pamphlet, R iTtoga de
g. Nnmt
el mums. of each remedy. and its applierdion. •; 1
. For pale I= Wowing agents, as wet/ . bY rreid aro.
Schurnimaker Al Pt. Pittsburgh.
J. Id. Townsend. Drogats. 45 h t
LO A. Beckham. Druggis t
. near dor Peet QdterbAlteakr
nJ city.
' Joseph Barkley. Darlington. Darer county. Pro .•
John Elliott. Luton Valle,
T. Ads. , Duster. •
TILE AFFLICTED will be fatal . d
e w blob has nt.eal the teat of Carty yearsei
rwrienen and ban. beyond a dontg4 lawn the 611111.1.1 of we
ing the live, of a...deaf ludlrWdals in almost eve;
elsas and character of dal,. We feel that we bazird b Lk
thing itt nSj!118 the only nine that has
ogenal to the stll weed, that dews, in every rouse of the wog .
',bait,o sold for.
It bust:led. and Is capable of curing mono dhows. Oa
ady other niedkine offend for "A sal
~,ire ram Ott by yaw
s or wad, 01
.by what 11111 e. .• • •••
As a summand onreincing Imo( of the aboweytwe
that It to lb. only article that low appeared to the - form ;
a t
s o, :rree dl On th ite t i el= l l7:4=Vw`r "71. 1
Family Medicine ewer ofh4tal 63 , reade. or • need by an,
t hem. .
The et
Mu. Shwa IL firlune/L Into V. 11; The Una. It o
of the
ritof t,
Tlmewawl a host nf other thstinqinsniel eitircus of tin
York. who have fully hated Its talent. have pernallad t; r :
proprietor to refer to thero.
As it Is kuown that Patent Ifedwinet are not we.'
Ihr, , and polite , web •
'i tir 'r ho e
Is • tigriAt hal ed,
oareelves bight -kr'
ThlsWowler working eentlwood hat lawn ' new: ,
seven years before the public. C.
111 , 4 blends are now
r ,
tbangest and best This
itodoubbally le strong a:
watrtnelng pawl of Its petwesl 1.(1 . 11/01 , .. /anat..
etualitten. asseerelgu werrady tee all newtousditewe.
thenntat/e . &altet, wonful. err swelllnaw.ooodnat
Wow, and the pains and ache* that nosh is bete to."
o e , Lemon° haa t hole been sold without moult.' •
and have perfected such lortnnlshltaf roma OW all rdl
remodkw hays Wird. wi would stagger hellef e htut we
oilseed. and 10 one ponsestioni lad strongot powdble
- T.
his medicine. or usture'r. parody, is prepared Crum r
Kahle,. for Internal OA settee external tow. II sets din .
fly] upon the illwasol part....ot Tun It health and sprength,
Lt. Lt a sure tam to Interim.. Cramps. n,
all sponnwelle attertintrA diseases of the tabula. n
Weakness to male or female, from whateter wt. , It n •
have orliduish•L
y or In litt,burby IL K. Kellett , . Mean, Pah 5
Co. and Ogden k titiowiletn and by tha tilt prttgg °
I ratally. It. Is put up In four, two. and otas shilling ,)
lh se goan-a
t i a ,.. warrantei fo l r t o undo., the within
Fen u hoed, to cal:
bnekerbeat te r "., by which et manzoi etoot..(
ikou of about 13 perrenp
Tn Hata Bar..—To verb pound of dour adiL i two
'=.l=rlrlyPTirlearig tir.ll;l7,, rr
pared floor that you on wit .ide powt uae at kende.)
add sestina. old wain,. will rookie tbodoughtfie o
thiebnwei knead II
nod let it .taxi tiftwwtshia,•
before tiro
or two hour.. will tin no • burt,„ of
Mould la mired touch thin...eV Owl hared -et
wilj do no hurt to stand xem or twenty mintalso.,7l ,
o f uatlnir tae much of ft
h t .
tread; not turn the bnaul aallederatua
when uw.l to earoa.
You on put the dude Coinroural hatu,tni then tc-
p.l.ny rake.. Indian oho. ginger eakieu:roird el
cake.. corn bread. brown bread, boeoit.lialea eakoik,
wh e n take. . oriole dumplings. PA ma; for all bn ko
purpowsi Jan nareinel and for sale by
R. E. SELLERS, 1.1.,W00l
nee Donors realm] will te paid to an o at abo
'prod., e l Ol 1.101. RTMII .S.l . dry, that.ntrot
trusted w ith hull'. Improved Cht-tatrat roan. boo
tatittetakto of raying to the W0N...1' this plate that 1
aZilti, by my own iillptoscuulat on it, PO.
Tallra io thirtonuntry for ettrattio nertne. tar.
miuß or.rother Kerney solatatartfrons
ilsosen's or ladies' elothirrin carpet. Wile 4..44 tt.t . ti•
ihnitt. boorwto, -without tmoronr r,
that pore ion, will not Mime. Had 0 .
1, thous,
1.11.041/.11. different partisid" Mr 0.001 has. , b.. 1 t:
n old not to without kt it-tletet 2 , 1 a oslos. :Jo Crynng
on more than 300-artteler el fight ...fli,,taLin,• l l. ,
aml P ealloont I have nary - Y.lml loom Ptoors,a‘
of al pamts,and four 01 rates, on bleb it elmornt ttae
therefore, before putting it an a 11031 die.. trl oor
of the anon Ana. • *slate 04 be... I am 4ste,rrahrq.
to nictirtamend it PUY .0 0 .1 W, 1 1... b r' "" i"'
Moron from rountry sorrrinsota E: Itl= - p
u) • Mtmeled to by the-sataerito. • " 'at Wnrsl
-- -
"I had not nod It twins beb•re i iclOta benebdtl Old
1 LIULL. SELLERS r r m i.. ff , ell:giro)
. tboiA l ien td.odudi •Ith s ,' kW "
X. San.' C.Ol .V:=4.l l i, b=l , . IVY Vfii.:
1,.....:.;... r„„., ~ , , , z tl.,-, it tele. Intern I *tit -g."'"'''
dal effect. and (notify the Inv he , Idenemg, had no anni
to thattly tlx bottle. I testify den. As to bating
lie otyytic . : pr,o, .ano ha perto
= . 4 X " t. N crib the only - ove Ewe= (1.,
cove. sod colds eat the augers:) boo Orroi.W.4 „,,,,,•
‘4. I. -4. X " S ' "'". Vgalt ., 11 W7llO et a ,
r .. z wt g ra,trl: r. SELLERS, Na.7.w.4. 1
...I yydd by drugldete Intheral. , ' ' '-
. jalf: -'
- 1 - ,
Aiktiticaul Prod of It i cezz e = 4,..t •
Mr. If- re rellora—Being afflicted for.. l ati.
I Ina rveranno7.l to
your Imporial 13c.'; •
• - a e ,„ young friend Mr. W.Maarbtoa. Too a. ,
' ,IL!. I did-. It hal thoandred ett.a
• of a cooeh that I had .leopairol of ever beinga
lad noved mho. evert thlaa that It
g, tot mole. ow *no* alga 1 met with r oar nont
o n nh amp. I f eel fully oat.. In saying to , 7
• ...wont. It to the balWk to meta Ilva berio.
dam ant by ever been prepared for an elm yr, ,a 4.,
JAMES XL $5177:7':'t .ad oosll* i. MUM& 57 Wood R.
eooIW far elk br Dan - Mani e =MIL