The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, February 03, 1851, Image 3

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    WASIIINGTOS, Feb., 1.
• lion. 31. Kauffman of Texas died eaddenly
last evening. Ile veal in attendance st the cap-,
lfal during tl a day.
Senato—Mr. Hunter offeire.Va resolution inqui
ring into the expediency of coinin g dollars; halves
sad quarters, to be com Posed of equal value of
gold and silver, whielvvras adepted.
Mr. Hales resolution, milling for the corres
pondence between the linitaxl - Stat. and Spain,.
relative to the Armistead negroes, wan adop
The Senate then spent a short. time in Execu
tive session, and either the - doors were again
Mr. Rusk announced the death of Mr. Kw:Eff
ie:in, of Texae, and spoke feelingly of his !tier-
The usual resolutions in memory of 'the de
decaascel, were passed, after which the Senate ad
House—Mr. Howard .annouced the death of
!dr. Pond S. Kauffman, the Representative from
Texas. Mr. if. pronounced a feeling eulogy up
on the deceased, which Was .heightened b' the
soddenness 'with which the event took place. Mr.
Kauffinan, when he left the Roue, at 3 o'clock yes
terday, appeared iu perfect health. He was a
native of Cumberland, Pa., but bad resided in
'Texas for several years.
!Messrs. Morse, AlcLanalann, and McClernand,
also spoke in the biglie,t tertna , of the deceased.
' The customary resolutions of, respect and re
gret were adopted ; also for appointing 'a com
mittee to make arrangements for attending the
funeral on Monday next.
The Haute then adjourned.
4./m..kitita. Feb. 1.
- The brig 3leelianie, arrived from St. Jimmie,
Nicaraugun, reports the brig Martha hainger,
bound from that place to New York, with ninety
Californialpaisengers, wrecked on the ith ofJan
nary, on n eve!' in the Coribean Sea, a total.
Wen. Th Ilechanie, took olf sixty three paasen
gers. The gate of the others is unknown.
dleaatsmrwm, Feb. I.
H. G. Roger. and 11. W. Hays,:lnspectors of
Cargoes, nal Weiofaster, at
,ftbruary 1.
• Flour Sales of 156 bbisai S brands et $.1.50
per bbl. Sales of 600 bble City $4,511}
per bbl. -
Corn Weal and Rya Fiour are withoutehange..
Crain: Small ales at red wheat at 100008 e,
I•;:ind.orsfhliedi;AFlOsal 1.1 per bash. Sides of
j situss ! fat 60a61e for 'yellow. and fiinfithi, forirhite.
Salel4foatirat 4.1a45e, and of Rye 65 71:11e per
The market is quite firm, and
prices so last quoted.
j Groceries r The market is steady, but not me.
tie*. Coffee is firm, with sales of Rio as, life
lkaa per lb. •
Whiskey : Soles at 231 . 12 . 5 i per gall, in hhds
vsd bbla.
" NOON IF P.)llr.
Feb. 1.
Cotton—Prices hare declined j with sale, 200
Flour—The market is better, with sales of
bbls Michigan and Indiana at $4,81 e..,‘
sad Ohio at $1,89g.1,114 per bbl.
) Grain—Wheat is nominal. Corn is firm, with
.aailts to day .of 4000 bushels at 6Gl®Blc per
Prosisions--Pork is dull, with sales of 200 bbls
it. $12,121 for mess, and $9,20 for {minim Beef
is steady, with sales 100 bbls mess at 0,504010,-
00 per bbl. Dressed hogs are nominal at . 50,50
per cwt. Lard is fum farmer prices. •
• Whiskey—is dell, with sales 50 bbls Prison
at 2.5 c.
Tobacco—The market i Pont, mules of TO5O .
hhds Moreland soli per lb.
' artier, with sales to day of
ZJOO galls at 90c.
Lead is better, Sales 1000 Pigs Amer= at
$1,72 per, cwt_
Groceries are quiet. with no change.
Eying= jirrnt2T.
- . li ; - . February l .
~-•., 4 , Cotton: The market as unchanged, with fur
',.., .11 thavisiles of 706 bales.
'',.. 1, Slrleso!rf'arekti,i;s:3l7'forl'itnthturfdlt7
:: :,6 Ohio, and $5,8154,04 for Michigaii and InP
r... L ri dram.
:...# ,Grain: Wheat is dull, and nothing doing.
Cara is fin; with sales of 2000 bushels whits at
. I ,.ii •
6 7 0 Per vi .b.u- •
...I , , : : ,Prosicrus: Pork is dull, with Wes of 400 boas
~1 :4 111%.1:$L-;. enu .. a 12,1 2 .! foMess, and $9,25•f0r Prime.
unchanged. Beef is firm, with's:dee
:',...:4 alb(' lib's at $8,6009,50 for Moss, and ssas6
for prime. Beef hams ore nominal at $l5 per
X 1 bbL Small tales of extra sugar cured hams, to
~-;'.4 arrive, at Sic. flogs are quiet it $11,60 per cwt.
1 :\,, Butter is active, with sales of Ohio at hallo.—
-'t : Liid is better, with ludes of :BO bbla new had
.• -eld at Sale.
' 1 ,1„ . ;3 Cheese: Sales at Ca7c. •
WEisksy is dull, but ',without change. Sales
7110 bias al 2iie•
Giveeites : Sugars are quiet. Sales 60 hhds
• sOritduis au 62E c, Slcilasses is firmer, with sales
2io Ws New Orleans it 50c per gallon. Sales
.cd'loo bags Rio Coffeeint Mal lie.
Linseed Oil: The crutrket is steady, with *ilea
8000 galls at 90k. •
11 . ...a MAD...—
February 1.
- : i The weather has moderated, and now has the
appearance - again. I
Zak Miud—There were continued large ales
i of bulk-meat at a shade better than the prices
',..1 realised yesterday. •
',I Fork--Sales 806 tibia' men, pork at 114 e per
..... .
i.' ..„.. . New Oateass, Feb. 1.
',' Cotton—The sales of the week amount to
81,000 bale, at 12} for strictly middling. Deal
.' cis to day are awaiting•the Canada's um.
!' Coffee—Rio Coffee in active, and in epectda
-4 ' tin demand. Sales of the last three days
atuated to 15,000 bags. I flolders are asking Ili
I @Mc.
iPork—New Mess has advanced to $lB.. . h steamer Fanny has arrived from New
' iTtait •
hew (]owns, Feb. 1, P.M.
. ,
Cotton—The market iq firmer, with Wes of
4902 bales at 12i
Pork—Mess. Pork is firmer, at $l2 per bbl.
Mon* Martel—Sterling Exchange is quoted.
a 171; hew York Sight Dinfirlic discount.
I - New Oar.wee, Feb. I.
i dain Cotton-,The market Is quiet and nothing
Plow—Sales 1000 INS Ohio at $4,25 per bbl.
Coin—The market to quiet, with sales at 65®
, 68 ends. per bo: ' I 'n•
Provisions—Sales of Lord In kegs at 9®9le.
Bacon Sides are, selling it 71c. Shoulders at
:7e perlb. Sales of bulk'pork hog round at 01
•eents. ! i
Groeeries—Sales of Jaime molasses at 2410
:lite... 810 Coffee has advanced to Iliß,ll ie.
Chenso—Sales of western at So per Its.
Tobacco,-Sales of 100 Mak at 10®12Io per
lb fornhoice old crop.
Whiskey is doll at 280 per gall, •
~ .1121. 0 171THEMI BY nix CANAL BOARD.
;Superintendent of Motive Poweron the Colum
bin Railroad—Cot A. L. Roumfort.
floperintendeut of Motive Power on the Port
age Railroad—P. IL Weak
Del ;ware Division—Ono. W. Clawson.
Eastern. DiVitiioO—Janies Gowen.
Lower Juniata-1. S. Miller.
UppekJuniata-LJ. P. Anderson.
Portage Railroad—Wm. 8. Campbell.
Upper.Wm.tern Division—J. Peters.
. Lower Western Division—J. F. ll'Culloth.
West Branch--G co. Crane.
North Branch—Gem Sdarch.
Susquehanna—H. IL Roadarmel.
' '• - • COLLECFORS.
Hasten—J. B. Beckman .. - _
New'Hdpe—J. Sands. '
Bristol—R: Patterson. •
l'llladelphia—A-S. C himing , -
- Paoli—J.-J. Rowen.
' Parlisburg—W. Mite.
- - Laninsater- - -J. J. Keller.
Columbia—S. Pearce. .
Portsmouth—S. Wilson. -•
. Harrieburg—S. J. G 'ch.
=Stewart Law.
—Won. II: M 3 , • -.'
.. Huntingdon—A.S. 11a n.
liolltdayaberg—A. Doe
- '
. Jolunnown—Dr. Marehatal.
Illaiieville—Dr. Barr. )
. 'Preeport--Peter Claircool
Pittsbargh—y.- Hastings. -
Ditztosbarg—W. A:' - Packer. .. . ' •
wimaci=D. Ektred.
Northam Wm. Wpm.
Beaoh Harea—George Smith. . . . •
: Liverpool.- . loon Huge=
•Ipotlet Lor..k.:Poitericath...4irm.-cole. :
:Juniata Aquechtet—J. Bhihromkar.
: , SreoportAllitedact....ll.. Martin.
were painfully impressed, in the last case tried
in the Court of Quarter Serious, during the past
week, with the imperfection of human testimony.
A German, named Michael Heckler, was en Ode ] ,
cliiirged with an alleged attempt to set fire to the
ham of Captain Biggers., in Lower St. Clair
Capt. B. had suffered several times from die
villainy of an incendiary, and finding that fresh
attempts -were made, fr..... time to time, to fire
is outhouses, he employed two members of the
night polioe--men who bear au excellent char
acter—to protect his premises. These officers
were stationed in the barn one cold, wet night,
and after a short time, they allege that they saw
• man approach, and lighting a match, endeavor
to throw it into the barn. The attempt failed,
and he then dress a wiener straw from one of the
cracks between the logs of the barn, and lighting
several matches in a bunch, applied them to the
straw. This ; , too, failed, but they assert that
they distinctly saw the man's face by the light
of'the matches, and that that man was Heckler.
According to their statement, they rushed - out,
and followed the person, who,.when he found - he
was pursued, run with great rapidity, until he.
reached Heckler's house, which he entered, and,
following, they arrested him.
On the other hand, Heckler brought forward
testimony, which, in the opinion of the jury, and
we may add, !of all, with ene or two exceptions,
who listened to the trial, proved his innoceece le
the clearest and most satisfactory manner. - .All
the neighbors testified that he bore the best of
characters—that he was an industrious, sober,
honest man. He had no reason to entertain feel
ings of ill will towards Capt. Biggert, but, on the
contrary, had alwe.vii beentreated by him with
kindness. Many circumstances were narrated,
which tended mallow the imprcZahility of his hav
ing been at the barn at the time alleged, while,
at the same time, two witnesses testified to the
imposaibilitg of his having been there. As if to
render assurance doubly sure, another person
confessed to havinteommitted all the previous
nets of incendiarism. Here, then, were Ir-
, .
nesses on each Bide. testifying positively to mat
ters in direct opposition to each other, and how
were these discrepancies to be reconciled The
jury showed the light in which they viewed' it,
by bringing in a verdict of not guilty, and that
the prosecutors pay the coats, They were sent
out again, but again brought in the same verdict,
which was at bud received, though it wan inop
erative as against the alleged prosecutors, the
name of no one having been endorsed upon the
bill of indictment. We Cannot help thinking that
the defendant is, beyond all doubt, innocent/
while at the game time, the character of the wit
nesses for the Commonwealth would seem to for
bid the possibility of their speaking aught but
what they honesty believed to be true.
Taken altogether, the case was a most singu
lar one, and placed the imperfection of " poor
human nature" before our eyes in a most
miliating point of view.
Tux Caramel. Cocars.--.Tkie Courts . of Oyer
and Terminer, and Quarter Sessions, have at last
adjourned, after having been in continuous ses
sion for several consecutive months. It is truly
painful to reflect that the state of society during
' the past year, has been Such as to crowd our .
penitentiaries and jails with criminals, and swell
the criminal calendar to ouch an alarming bulk
as It attained, bat we sincerely trust that this
startling state of affairs has passed away with
that moral pestilence which called it into birth.
The reports of oar police offices of late show a
decided diminution of crime, and our watchmen
and constables have but little to do. We hope
that this may long continue to be the case.
A New Dimon.- The necessary preparations
ler the erection of a wire suspension bridge, to
replace that which was burned down a short time
ago, are being made, and we hare no doubt that
they will be pushed forward with as much ra
pidity as possible. The inhabitants of Bayards
town and of Duquesne Borough are subjected to
great inconrenienee owing to the want of a suit
able crossing place, as they are now compelled
to go down the ricer a considerable distance, to
the ecqueduct, or Hand street bridge.
Ice—The dealers in this article,' no essential
to summer comfort, in a crowded city, will now
have a fine opportunity of filling their ice houses.
The cold weather of last Week froze the Monon
gahela river across. and they can procure au
abundant supply. Our houses have not, such
bits been the mildness of the weather, been filled
for micro] winter. pant, and the consequence
was that ice was too expensive a luxury to be
indulged in by any' but the wealthy.,;We trust
that next summer it will be placed snihin the
nub of all.
Too Au.EGEITSIANK—Our riaders will be good
enough to recollect that the first concert of the
Alleghenian, will take place thie evening. at Wil
kins' Well, when we vir.cerely trust that they
will have a crowded house- Our citizens hive
already had an Opportunity of judging of the
merits of this talented troupe of vocalists, gnat.
they have visited oar city before, when they have'
never failed to attract large audiences. Since
they were last amongst as, they have travelled
through nearly every State In the Linton, and
have always everywhere met with that cordial
reception which they deserved. The doors open
at half-past sir o'clock, and all should attend at
that hoar, no the beet-scats will noon be ecru.
Eiskriso.—Tor the first time this winter, those
persons who are food of skating, had an oppor
tunity of eujoying4mt sport in fall perfection,
last week. The Monongahela river was frozen
over and tha ice near town was crowded with
a throng of skaters skimming over the ice,
and scrpassing the fish beneath their feet In the
rapidity of them motions.
Acciocrr. , --We learn that several persons
broke through the ice covering the Monongahela,
on Saturday, but sustained no inconvenience be
yond that produced by a bath, colder than com
fort demanded. The utmost caution should be
observed by all venturing upon the' slippery
plain," as the ice is, an yet, very weak.
Inceinusatsx.—Four frame stables on Frank
lin street,•near Pennsylvania Avenue, were set
on Are at about two o'clock on Sunday morning,
and burned to the ground. The horses were
fortunately saved, but several carts were des
Fins.—While the engine. were attending the
Ere mentioned above, the board yard of Mr. Hugh
!McKelvey, on Penn street, in the Ninth Ward,
Vas fired, but the flames were extinguished be
fore they had done much damage. Three or four
hundred dollars will cover the entire lass.'
firmr. ANoTTILB.—The lambeeyard of Mr. Dil
worth,' on Grant street, between Borenth and
Liberty streets, was also fired on Sunday morn
ing. The damage done, won, we understand,
BCIIGILAIO.—The otore of Mr. Byrum Black, in
the Diamond, wan entered by some burglars on
Thursday night, and a quantity of groceries sto
len. No clue to the detection of the robbers has
yet been found.
Jona H.
.00E1111, ESQ.—The lectures of this
talented gentleman have been attended by crowd.
ed audience'. He leaves, we understand, in a
few days, for Cincinnati.
MArou's Orrice, Prrrsacuut.—The Mayor's
ogee presented nothing of Inter,est on Saturday.
A few drunkards; and vagrants were sent to pri
non, but his Honor woe not troubled by any cases
of inagnitude.eafficient to warrant us in report
ing them. Nl_ ,
Prom the Clachmsll %setts,
- bh! I am the queen;
:Of this magic scene,
iAhd .1.11, my elaeet . must be
, d none ao bold
Vitt, his courage cold,
ut yields at bet to me
h! I give delight
rom eyes of night,
r the raven'. darkest bue,
nd I pierce the heart
4th a thrilling dart,
. m a glance of touder blue,'-
1 i.! I live on thocheek.
here the rose doth meet
od kiss the lily fair,
.d I twiny play
the mazes gay,
sun-dyed golden hair.
Q I sport on the lips,
ere the coral slips,
B t part when they display
T e pearls that dweU
I. th at bright cell,
om their ocean home away.
) , the smile I gleam 1 ose 'tweet IsOrt . beam,
S. , ds light 401)11as aroculd,
• d I sit me now.
t'. the glorious brow,
" • erelwelleth thought lirofoutui.
sit..tall amthe:it:ifair,
: .e..feing on my throne,
o bright of earth
life and birth,
• . • lay sway they gladly own
tY; 4 ;::
I- . .
tEMAINING in the Pittsburgh POstOffiee,
tom the lath of January. to 1.1....nath of J...p ua ,
oot tutting far Lefton , plow au they, ore ad.
kritttkl. •
Ladies List,
Adam. Ana P: Alberta Mirth Anahuts Sarah
Allen Allen Mary A Alicer Mary Atkinam Ratty
ry A
Barium Relavra Bear YU,: LS Boyer Mama.
nmfrr Ifarriet Bomb Wm Catkins Snudie an Marion
Salley nary BrII an, Ann MVO MI. IS
Bailey Swab S DIN Martha *yaks Mindy
Ur! MIII Myerly Sophia Brooks Sarah
Bahl Mains Mark F.llkth Ammon mr• Palk
Am. Mark usrtha L. Eh,. F.
Bain" Nary Ana Blake!, Sarah A Burka Julia Aar,
Lt K
althrin St S.
archa Heria ra.Swnkau Durum SSW,
C -` •
Canan P.SPT mt. ` .4 .h . Con*AT MM. ,
Catlin t:listh Onffin Amanda Coyle ea,
Carothers Jane Wliattoir Kate E CralrfOrd Ranh A
Canee bel l.l.l a Adeline Com Coo
rm Pk Janrieellia emir Moral J
Chamberlin Ellett Call Oatime ce...ll.l.alacletabm
( humid! Cann. Coning Eliza A Cutarnhaa nary
Clark. Caroline Contrully Hannah
%lull Ellett Deppeu Mgt Douchtqly Kerr
IMMAPPt .1 Dick I.3thrlia Duntavy linumusti
Dark. margvet Dille. Ann Duncan Sarah
Dvies urn Danahlocn.l3uk. Duckett Jane
Darr an
Eatrm Nary Evriatt litho. Fag. mivgaret
Farrnll Ellen Ferpiann Nary • Finley Caroline
rarrell wary Ertl, Sarah d Forsyth Jrnnho
Yearnri Min
Thralln Fry Cothno WWI. Flawlna nary 1? Yru• Jana
Gerhardt Ann Giles nary llivallein Sarah e
Ora , aarj - Glenn reartha Grant arm .1
tialloway Lucy ' Glitannt mar; A Orsiaon Louis.
Girt Jane Gordon fuehel Graham War E A
Gm!mow mid= Graham Ercsann
Islam, Ann L 'Wirt{ Kirlll lloltun Mrs
!all Jlar4 11.1.41 M J Hrm. M V
atulltan Mrs Ilnrd.n E M Hurt, Marl
amllum Ali., Henry Nancy lhoklna Elias
atoilton Ellaae Ilcory Mar, Houma Math
annuals Ellath llonderynn V. 9 - 11o•ran1 Sarah
arty Ilerrintt Mar, Howell MC
arn carhn. Mlle.. Mary Ilurnberhan Mgt A
astinaa M A 11111 Julia 0 Ilurnithror Marla
snub. Mars. Hinton iitt.o A Harder Math
ulchlroana Nancy Holm.. AIM Hutchinson Ellen
Iran , . Raw,' A -
Joluot. It A
km.* t.7,=t7 - "* liras Yn .;
I.7harllar Et: y K rlZat .1 4tpeling soKt
Kennedy K•eT Kelly waxy A kllKuro 1,4411
A Laughlin Sarah R Untol. yn 8 C
LatnLing Kiln!, Laughlin Anna II Lowry Jane
Lamlert Callum IJaplnnntt aarla !awry bah
Lambert C A Logan Urn Lyneh
hat ham Harriet
)In.lone Mr. Marshall Rang Morris son J
Mantry ■ J Afellanl nargt Morgan !Math
11:t47Y6.. lizaelLT N7z7A,
ilarhatt Karel Sikh.' stary Munn L
31.0-14 u 0 Swan 1:
0 MO
WAI., miss J M'Culloch lenbm 311iibbon 1.100
lOBrid. Susan MI/mad End6 , o N00ni.
IrAuley arah Unnaid Agnallo 3OLafferty
WeanciletaS IO
t Ware 017/en:not Inds Inane Jane
Wilatebey Onnloo(ll*Dermt Hosanna SOLeese Each!
SOClurn Evab 3Orarland Nancy oOLealt , ftral l
Weohin Ann Mithenny nartt,J3Ol'lte nary J
MUrmick mem oOlnnaab ratthaß SlTherwm Its b 1
drab SOUhan Sarah L 51 . 15w14man 01•00
Roble' saattldabon LOA 4., Nul&T C+lbw
Olinger tan (nomad Jar. Owen Susanlb
Oltostedt Eltsthlinm yary
Pmt LouW E Karl nary
Patterson Para Pelt:4,7lw CharlottrPulin Ellen
Patterson Eleanor Perry Widow Powell Itaris
Peden Evan Perry Mary Preston Sarah
Prim Ann
Y. 9 Real rriiLaTICP Bogen An.
R... 1 Worm S Rkfrought.D.l..R.,n. July ALILI
Retul stargUa Itirbard• Jul. This 'lop,. Farah
}Crikel L D RSchardo mn E
RuA S D Reilly marls Lad=Rubinson Mazy
Ryan Ear,. RJfl E Rains. Hartlett..
1 Sands 1: Kitt.] Shane rat, I sae Speer Meraatrth
&rut , Maritarath Sheppard Mary S peer
Sa.b • Ann Shane •A. Steel klirabett J
reasew Jarrtnah Sinclair Mary ikranger Elisabeth
Sourer M Smith Sarah Jana Stares Lucy ,
Shoup,. A A Smith Ell. Stark Aytnese
Shaw Marl. A Smith &phi. S Soul. Marr
Shelb Catharine Smith Evelio. hattr.n Sall> E
nhan,? Adeline Snoaden Juliette SUILDII Ortarla
Stewart 11.110 eoluurra Maraarethb*earina , er Ruth
Taylor Lr. Sarah Timer Elieahrth Torrenal Margth
T.IFIkh, %NI) T.wrer/lerr A Turkel- One brae
Tliornbur,tl E/laskinruer 11 , Inala Tnek.rr ylise
V. D, kr An., Vandrrh ' elt Augyl.{. 11r. A
Warble am E WhosintriMmlina William. Fanny A
Webb ZedMa White A... 1 Williamson Catb
Welsh Callen White Marieth WilmatJah e
WM. stare Williams Cbarite Winterburn All.
Whlmrav Chin sr Wiliam. Jane Woodsraml Ald
Wright ars 0 R William. C a Waal Emily r
Yarokk Agnew 'Colton &nil% Arm
Gentlemen's List.
Ada= Joe A • Anoint Albert Andy Thsr4l D'
Adam. Rortley Allen Win Arbutbnnt Geo
Alkenn Jan Allen Nathl Jr Arrnntrator le ll
Minn Prawn. Atha. Jul Arrartrour Lind
Allen 11nrtlu Andrea. Jun Arrunroe, .I.
Arnberoon Siloe Andrronr ?null II Aaiun. Si,..
AGO:Are Abrna Andornon Entrd A.lnon thren
Inlncel E D Ad. Wm
Baktwin J Pa'mar nelltVitt Wl3 Bra(Bay J li tt
Ilaille'lluch Dams Nicholas
Ball Jes IV =.ll V .a .n st B n Chas
1 Baker nos
Baker Josiah Borah Philip Rit1•11 Aleracul
Berthoud Fratuis Brown Wm 11
Rada, Dr . Wen Beatworth Sheith'dllrowu Radian'
Ranea Jo. Bergen Ot a Brow. 'I .7
Baker David Rltaall Calvin Brown Lulls
Ban Max Illothop .1.3.• P Bronion Ilr
Ilatcheler Pradk Ildi.VlnZe Brune L
Bates Peter Bruck Casper
Bateman Andw )1 Blab. Jae ACo Bract Henry C
Barnes Ow Black Sylt.ter Ryoph ) Jan
Flatkln Chas Boyle Malt Brownlee sw
Barrett Jus
ital A jtvl.. Burke eo i •l b'n
Baster Jam
Barrett Mr Bond Bra' • Ruck Jan
Barker Bonland J a Buns Jno
Jo. Boyer Lenstaml Bottereflekl R J
Itaraett !Awl. Berman Wu!) Butkusrton Wm
Bell Jac E Bravo Jac. Bull Ihn J
&II Wm J Bridle Jot Butt.. Jam
Bell Jan • Orackontidaw II a Rugby Lyticua ta
Dlitaa/erain 1
Patk Boren Ra C 1.,.. Bracket: a,
ba a Ad Li H. Bennett Jaa
Calhan Mr' Cheek E Conde 'wok
Call B 0 Chalmers Henry Corroran'Paik
Cal bun Peter Clamkess Jon Coulson J D
Cs.II Uooß Clerk Jos Coyle Neal 1
Comma Demob • Clark Failed 0 Covert Al
Carothers Jno N Chou Mr V Coo Joe
Covananeh Jon Clark Rote Crawford illto
Carey Jos Cleland Jim •Crawford Jamul, .
Carnahan Jos Clarke Jos le Crawfoid Bern
Carlel/Ikt Mr B Clark Jae Crowlted .Ibn
Covet too Clark Wm Cromer Ira Xi
Cutout] k Weller CllntonJemb Clrfelonore Peter B
Cudielei Palk Calleghan Jos Criswell Modes
Ciemosek Redd P elicit. Rev JosJ Cray Hugh I
Cm:thorn no. (I Coles lame Craig Jon
limy Edmund Winn Jeffrey Co.!. Joe
Wend Tbm Collins Sohn I , Craig Jew Jr .
(kmerio, aseol Cole 8 J Clinch Jot. f
CAM . JOS . Collins &moot Cruder A '
Carver Hartwell, Millen David Crosson F se
Campbell Wm J Cooper Sit (Immo Job ,
Campbell Thom; Qouper Robt Coot!. Henri .
o.l4srel/ Heavy ' .Usolnuso [Awls. Curtis Tll '
Carnal:ell Parker Coonett a Curry n [
Compbell Jon Conway Chas (lorry Jos '
COMpbell Wm P Comerford Arthorilorry 8 I
Chornborlin Jos Connor Rob( 8 Conning=
' Cluninglum B ' Dared° Thoo . Conan 3hrki "
Donning Rif • Dernokey Geo Donald, Jobe
Dennison John Dell Drell D Ikelmr dno it
Day • Crotto Delos 7, W Drrnolog.Thm
Darlloryton Nord Dmal Peter Drake Amos .I
Dvab 'wept, Dennison David thew Fronete
Dal, Jamey Devlin Peter 80b..,, .os L M . RAI,
David. J Moon atthew Dn
Dorbi Erdeklob Diamond Jo., Dunning R '
Davis Wm W Dielmon nue C Damao. Alw &
Dark Evan Dieluson, Taylor A Co
Davis Joe. Briggs Dwyer Peter 'lr
Davis Wm P Daughter Wm by., Emanuel
Davis Don! Dunmeter Meld Dorman •C 1
Davie Jon H Donaldeon Henry Dunn flea
Deal Wont. Donning /Dorf'
. .
- 1
Egan Pruicis Elliott Thr• 6>azu Re..
Early Thom Masa Jan ' twana JD C
Edwrd. Jos 0 101•113 ft II Evans John
nib Wm
Y F a a r r r n o h wT hm y
S P in k k µ P
ur F o r d
Variet Jab. Ilahomin P.M Pruirr Wm
Ferri.. rhos J :Ylanders Sand Francis Ilimii:
Ferjmismt, dm irplot non Pam]
Fitaimmons Wm F 4 J /ranch, Jrio
Frew Etim j
//Inlay Wm Fimitrinnith &nal Formica J4aoh V
Myr Timothy aordo Marshall Flaids Jae : .
Gm , V. Dark! Gardner Natal W Graydon Win I
Minor "ion • Giles Edam Gregory
Gordan Jae ' Gibson &Mt liratdll E It
Goo Jag Girton kcal Oratory Jno
I Georg. it' If °Meanie Wm • Gray George
Oallagbnano URI.* DWG (Graham Franco
lialibm 'Wm Gilmore Wm / Graham James
Gonna Jr.. Wage David /I Graham Jun
Galecher Thigh ' Oleo a McNeely Unman Jno
'l:Gridley it 11, Graff John Grimes Ennuis.
GO Jon Cotentin Haub (itifiln Jog
(ignitor Lace D Caton Alloy Grimm' /oomph
Garrardl.temn Goon Eerily . Gridilh thorph
Garlick A Itamilionfireenire David Grigonid Jar A
liaroutle.lll4,hl tinten Jonathan Guy Dr 0
Gaynor .iot Gardner Moan D Gauln Jo
Hill Wm HarriaJ R Halletawagh Jno
Hall Wm T Hanleise Go, Holgrave Hon
Hail gaud Ilerlier Ezekiel Ilough John T
Ilmollton Jno Hazlett Jaa Howard Lori
Hamilton lediird R Hawk Mehl r IftimerJonm NT
1 ZirtMl. j a . .,kk 11:g .. .1,`,.," . :°,1!. 11 - 13',.Z1
• C.... n Hay. alias Henley Jamb M
Hal= jii Han Jno n newer IT I n
Ham Jno W Howard Haney
, Hagan n Hugti Ham Rand Hope Wen
I Hagulon Woo H Ilapa Jno Hugh, Jim.. ACo
Hal Thew Ileunnert JnO Hoop J B • •
Hannah Reborn J. Howard
twee Enrol He
liavld.o Hugbea Owen
Hatmleln F Reslep Jnoll Iluerthertion Faml
Hammer Jam ' grimier:ea Rat Humberomi Wm
ilenleY rm. Hem JmWe Hunter Alexi. •
Lunen Jno Hilo, Rarer, C ilortim Eon
Ilmnen Hugh 11111 Wm Roth Jon ..
11/mIM/elle. W Hill AF . Huston Henry H
Hartsell Geofllekey Wrti Ilsintee Wm
flambe Geo 11111 riatelford C Mamma Flemming
Harper Jarmo /illigue Jno Hutchison re
Haggle nand, NI Hleirlale J 0 Hunter Jaa
Mun Pate r* RIM. Thir Hughes tk
Hart HolenewHor . Hughes Jon
Harrel Jet. Hoffman Joshua Hooter J W
Ilarli•Jaa • Ikgan Jew 8 C limos Ell
Irwin Jno A
h.,. j o ,
Irwin SCA Co ItolaorJooleb
Jenkins Jen D Jones °ugh
.J0.41:1111 Al.
Jenkins Thom Jonas M
Johnston Wm Jones Jonathan
Johnston°. Jones Jonah
Johnston Thai Jonas Itsibt V
Johnaton Dark! Jams Evan L
Johnston R Apo Jones II
JAMJarkpan Damp
Jeaevray Jai
Jaek Jo P
Jarkain P
JLITur n f
Joan 8
JuoWon Wm A
K. Jam
hal. Mt=
Kato. Ws.
kt Wel
Kennedy Jew
L atr . . ir jrnb i
ICsatuwo W
va . a .
Kennon/ flop{ KnotU. Wm U
Kamer Ono King OXIIi
Kenna lEoig Kliurigna
King Jew oi King U.K.
Itallj Uoci. Klopior KUK.iI
Kerr /as • KingibuT Dud 8
Killniore Fro Kinesnl Darin
pt Kuria Jlo • -
riinVa Nm
King DMA i&izerja.
Um= Jao
LaII; MI /al Levis Wra C Lung lismrT
Luntle lemry Leyden. Th.. Lem, AII
Lamb VI .. Lent" Iluht loop Jae I.
(Arab s .0 Ales Lerkey Wn, Lome Palk
, _r MI hi
Lenf, , sts Ti. s. Lytle Henry
........Y ( mils., balJelturstem Wm Lyons E C
ker, Linen !no . Luster Ilugh
Laskin I sr Llnmer Petk La
Lavern Thos Lindsay II Love Jae
Lasemler Rohl Llghtner ti II L
Laughlin Plt Llttell Jno Lyn.). umen
J Gee
I.sus:1111n Drown (um! Jfl 1, , n GCV •
Lermeal Mere, ' Lorkurni Jr) Limner Iriuslosr i
Lemls Jlehtts Isrme Jun
.. '
11 .
11 •
t:l•me, Patl, . Merrill Sand
, Matner Pe
.:111'...T'Ir.i. r1;.'17.:..ri.; 1',';'r..1:11"1
Maehney Wm :11....h11ni A a Men, Henri li
Mali..rne, !tarn,: Mill , ls. 310.. n. Ja.
1$ m 1 Milligan J . .Verrhaat II PI/
.4Marl, Thor J 41111:;)::4•11‘.
:;11i n i .11, Mil
ler SH' Vorrian ' Enoch H
Martin Antler Miller aids] Noniron I. II
Martin laini Miller A(I Alnrriam Jos
Martin A L , Miller ) 'mar Mumma 8
zlatthestii Lr( Illler Henry ..Vullin Hugh
te..-:;14; Miner II a Jfullin Klnlin
. Monlinlen Rota J/nrilorh Jam
Maxwell Wm Moran Felix
Nlatt 311..61 lotrultryTh,a ifenliVArrh.,tr-k''
Pg.-"ilt 'cr - IT,V.Vr.!„, . I,=,F.rtiP
Mn,-(Mrochan tt R
Chamj • M MoarY.lorgan.
. Darla Jlurray Illrhl
. ,
MohlerJuo It
McAfee Daniel McruneJno J Metliln las
MeAlleve Wilt. MeDna/dThot Slelinever It ,
NeAntlnqr IJA.• Mel/tmid Wm Mellinney J.
llellralo Stephan Nollertmite Stith SleKenna Wm
McßrideAffiance!! A lex
Mr' night J.
!Ilr,lellanil'Jsenh MeDnerell Palk ..Cilaughlin IVrn 1
Melia:lslam, A H Mellottell Jos' Alel.aughlln Jun T '
)lettinunon linlit McDaniel Palk 11cLean IVrn
, Meßgriarelll , W . 11eLarIn W E ..
e ' t 'I ule'kki.. I•llZ,i'r'lijil" itrtegJAaal
Menton us Me iirea AI) NeVer .lun
M,lnne AtchltailJNleshare Hugh McMillen Jo.
Piletlun•Jue MeDeulaan o.•mard.VoNutt :Ilea.)
MotlirM. tier.) : ' McElroy Hugh AreNalr Thret
MeChrinick Jae MeAlmeel Osten Mr(toeiran Jun '
Met hint. i /., Slelneyit• Win .VeN irkle IV
Met hi Jim ' Nlelgay 11.1,t NeAtillin J...
Met , ' Daniel :11elionn.lno AleJllnlin Henry
Me , '' Y ~ 1 Nlet'atina Palk 36,5 t,,,,,,
11..onydy Paula MefleriJno 31r/linne Jon
r l, i t' ..i ' l 'l .lram i t i er Jae 11 1: -. % 1 11; In It ' u n l:; .. ' SletTen basal
NO.bolo f '.lnr. Nodr )4nthan Nelson flunry
Norton Henry Nessle .1111/ i'ielNii{l 4 Marobal
Norton Junlt Null nom Nos.lin (Inv li
Oii•-rl/ JllO T trilrien Patk (Mara Wm
Ol.urslJ Jo , . °sticky 11'm It W Donnell Afirh
o.llrymi Timntlisir(lmnrrtJas n Patk
(I'Dmanvl) D.,thr 01tr,.. o , lmner Thm II
Orr lir.. O'Hara I'M It Chlmna Burson&
Patton J. • Peter.. !•h. • PorlerJala V
Parklaou J.. 14relnuent JII Pnunley Henry
l'al Franklin 6 Philip. Franklin 'Pollock J.
Paller.n Gag .1 PUG. Gm 8 Powell Howell
l aller.n A Salomon Pryor Jay
atterwar V Jno 111 Pryor {Vial II
l'atterann Wm Plummer Jos V Pugh Th.
Patlemon Jae 11 'lnGa IVni ' Prat/ I: V
Pear. 11 .')liter Vb. • l'Are Daniel
Patera Griffith Pfororrt
qui p
A itt Qutun Juo
.21.13.1 A •
Rankin Ch. liv 0 W R.* II II
It ConotaLlolllohllly
100 Ali Ron,. Wm •
R...., llns Ihcbannom Rouh (than Joo A Muhl
Rum , , "a, $ . 111 onchart,olego•ti Rod.. Goo
Roo. eand Riddle II 111.1.0
Ron. J. Ihrharshan I.tho Ilraloors CU
H,,,, J .
Rood J. lllchanUnn Jam L /Ludo... A Obey
Richmond J L HoLinoop Roht
Rood Ilirein . Int., Jot Ilohit.on Dual
Flc.lSaml W Utah. thun Robinson lieli W
1L.4 A $ hoach .Vichl Roblewn J.
Renels Theo /intoooJno Robin*. ADO
Ridenour Arsti.....'lhurt, Ilag a h . Rohl..f.lmi
Plltiriflit.juno ii‘o'nbla'Ll.‘Jon lll:t!iln.TJMohrO
Bober. Euro Rockofoller Wn, A llohrehoolJno
Rob,. Wm A
i!..nrcr 84thentut,P,h1li
Pa " tat/It ' r ` I J Flo
M.non Nicht smith J.. Jr Ktophona J
Soro Joofll s . tulth II .St uart Hugh
l,loyhold no II ounth Gm Stuart Ju
lisylvrt Clmo Smith 0.. V Sao...noon J E
Souil Anthony Sim., 'Wm • Ft - evernam Writ'
Newerinro L !Immo. Thno Stoke, Septlimoc
K Sinclair It 11 ,, P11T Semi
Choponl Stephon matt Thom htanum Thu
Sboonsakor Point ' - throwunr It. MOH Jcv
how Mich! :Inver inn II ey.ko
i , Jim
Sheen, Wrn Spt Birirk rr
gto.,lL."`koo'r'J'ao Pec!:l7ub"d
havia thoutien P L liwooncy htephon
* Sherion Solklat Solootian Swift Path
Slrkihan Sankt -'run/urn SLII.D Sullinau haul
Smith "no NolVl4l E T
Smith J Noar A II •
Taylor Fr.
aTia JllO
t eh a ,
Thcrm ts tt
npin JI
TyThn .44x
r 7l P T . g..l, j' n 1 , T T T Tr r iu ul x•e: b.
TlAby 30,, Trier Dariihno
Tnuhr Jnn 1.0, liugh
Tt4.l AI
Walt, Adam Allow A ihou Rola
Mark White Eami
Walla,. Arthur Whit. Juo L 0 WWI., Jan
Jan W H D iViutera Jacob
wv on , A Wiim.Ona Mani
Wailer haul Whltraido lit.
llnk,, .11,41 Whitlako, J II
Ward Pan! Willi . . I Will A h..
Smarr Sau.lJuo
Klllum Km
W and An,, Thim 11'114.0 tt It
W.., It. J IYllliam. Sr.,l 31' Wilma lasilish It
W.hllnn WAmmi Ira II Wllilo And.
Ren C V IViliion Den./ IVlhnort mlrhl
MAEttmor II Wihiori lirrry Wonihrelt
W . ,lah rank Kilroy 11..!.., Workman. Aim H H
Wood. LP, Jo. ia s Ta iTt
Youug Wm 11 YouUg
'4lll7;r:=4i'“. N o
8M... Co
Edina l'itb.burib
ilaC ;I , gion ecouo To.ilipranev.
po Du to
• - •
LI., 111 n
1 1 0sEDULLO. P.
I d • XECUTORS' NOTlCE—Notice ia hereby
Ora. that the der - dal:ad are the legally onnetltuted
ereeutors of the Vltil and tertatarat of Jane Johnton,
late oil], Iknvaah Tarentuna. deceased. All peraote
baring claim. agaJnot mid tate...1.14 hereby untilSed to
premla th eta for ',meat. and those Indebted as afonreald
m u h t zt i y . 4:Louttnl to make lannialttrytt A rat i p . either
QMITLEY SI COLVIN, Coal Merchants,
11,7 •114 Dealer. In Dry 800-I. Groan.. /rOnand NO.
timer of Walnut street aud Washington Turopiks Bad.
T.maranorrille .
QAM. P. ROSS, Attorney sot Law, Office
A. 7 No. IgO Fourth rarest, max arant,in Latriartine
FOSTER, Attorney ancr Coon
, ~,.ba rt ol . b h p r. at No Fourth street, near Grant at.
The Human Bed.); Must Perspire,
(a 0 SAYS.NATURE, to have It healthyap
rsvoosv: and arsons on t o Dot perrpire, an Halite
to the mat disgusting Skin 11l No, Joan.' Italian
Chemical Soap rata. • free . rapindlon, and at the mine
time mu ffi n. sod enflame skln. airing It the loans%
of Infant'.
Scurvy, Halt Itheum, and Bores; w not only heak4. but
mad by 14 ma, as at least 7 physkians In N. York know,
who um It in .nth an,, mad and It unfallins--a• ah.o. In
Pimples, Bbfebeti rnekla. many other skln Berme. ,The
reader is aseurrd that this la re. imeleas. pulled nortruto, as
one trial will prove. could endinerabc at lent eighty
perm. cured of sore head. sore Imo, and .on beard.
Buy It—and the reader mssn rimmed I would Doter.
ally mil II for the%thors, ' I know It to be all I state.
Those who are liable to chafed, cracked:or eltaPP.I 11 . b.
tuft this not only • sure, bat prevontlrc and• I can
only add. that mly one elleted with any of thwabloa.
or simllm diorama , will dud this all. and Cu,, owe Wird
rale in !terror...ties/ D...100'
andar onX•rer;tuilklik'ral'lraltierVej'agard
buy It only of W3I. JA..KISON. only Agent In Pitts h,
bead of Do-4.
• Pearly White Teeth, and Ptire Breath, to
be bad for 2.5 reate.—Pentows who hare either, aro hontrs
bly wowed that if their breath Is wintr so foul. their
tee &eared, dk or rdlow, sad socrosted s w i l l t,
that ' a 25 oat tot of Jona' AotLer Tooth Paste make
the teeth as white, as goo, .red the bath cdstriferoosir
- A Scientific Hair Tonic, Restorer and Beau
titer.—Trial MAR, t. Those who ban Used
Jam' Coral flak Restorer , k mo now It. excellent onalltles--
Mae who have bwe again It to lu.ves
gendlUrg—lt will tu rn, the hair to grow on any part where
nature lou•ndell hair to'grow: stop It fal/Ing manes
Pdandruff: and make red, or aver bait' I , MW dark.
ar rendering the half yon and milky, wailutt eon eaered
this—lt makes It truly beautiful, and keeper It w. It le, In•
deed. the most etommaleal—yet noperior--artlele for the
hand of o
Want 11tsburgh.tr31. JACKNiSN'S Phu., 240 Libertr
P - h»-37!‘ nusta, 51.1centa, and $l.
JONES' Solution of Jet, n Liquid Human
t u rtii inl'a , n . ..r h m , l74,7o b , " l6,TkV,tratl!'"
Prirrp-40 root, and SI
Your by 1411 JACKSON, 240 LibertY M....Lb...1 or
Pitts , W.L.
JONES' LILLY-WIIITE —Ladies nre can
tlonol utak.toting the common ...Pared Chalk 'they are not aware how hightfully ituutious It in to th
how cvntalt, bow tough. how Minn, ditty, d unlrealthy
the ekln SPPeneet niter neinli Prepared Chalk! an healtlea.Jtia
ntolnfoa a t ! . arste onannty of lead?
. 5171 1:1 7 4= 1 on, wt2' "-4°lo ankle, we
it Is perfertly Innuant.. being purified of all deleterion.
qualidem and livingarte to the ekin natural. koala, el
aba.ter. clear, whlte, at the /Minn alum acting as rt..
tome on the Alla. wal.g It eon and tetutoth
told b the ...tent. I. Jai .1,511 . ., .to Liber.T
head f Nem& Pltt•burgh Prins, 25 cents
Adannhdranou on the estate of Ron Fatter, lat. of
R . Cl a i r toattnhip.le t awny county. deed. baying
One day been srantm tit the noderelfrond. notice la / T rol l
[Peen to oil Of.. notate In nun.
.Alolo Payment, and all µtram. harin g elan,. aglahttt
said Mate are rtnneated meaent the swan, duly mason
tirsten fin. sdtfinnent. Musks Cllk:Slt.
Loner St. Clair, Jan.— ta t:h a c,,
conk, of Mint and Market Arcata Charted A. P.
hal. The bnly Chartered Institute of thv kind in l'erns.
Parson—Jones Pumaa. Principal Itotruetor to the
Brien, of Aeo.unu.
O. K. C. 1111.211" Pro/moor of Penntomishlp. Merean.
LLlr ea111P1141144 , 11. Ac.
Atria.. 31. IT•ntiot, Es., Lecturer on Com m.teW
TArirrara.-11en Wm. Wllkina Flop. Juane
Monahan, ILm. John andrll. /1011. Charles licaybit.itatt.
More IPmptiw, Don. W. 11. Lowrie. Dr. J:R.)letilinnalt.
fri1in;." 0 ,ei . " .. .. 1 4 , Em., U. J. K. Morehead. Dunne Dun
.11ielkeMe Lwatt . A,....Jol in T. Cochran. Attorney at
Law; Jame. Tasse,llerctunn IL A. Pryor, Accountant
Ptudenti eon enter thin !nonillion at
etyoe. .01 oh"
Min InsPuer/on Individually. Loth day and veninm when
entitled. will mewl. • dip/rims, eignol by We Vacuity and
Reatululne Qrtiartlitteb.
Thum ilmhing a thew /ugh knowtobee orßook keeping.
Pennmanehip, 10111.rwr In mind that thiN 10 tbs. otil7.
CluistemPUDene ofthe kind In Pittsbertgb. Onantutdeao
Moo widneesot ki O.K. Chataberthe, IrM mint with Ponitrt
FARM FOR SALE, FAD.; sittuite in
j • ?MOD fluntlmintan township. Wean/orotund malty.
ountaltdeopa re. Of Mid land. bounded by lands of Je
=Lt. b ' d ... ar7 4 tit&o: willr mag i c!? the I' d tdoe
. Waf er. f tcolnilea ' gr . tb ei Pennsylvania king
Plet 4 two sum, 14,,,Pa .r . i tta...°
Yranwrgtable and Arvo
the r re p Prim. TM* .•pnialalgt.rivitrnitawill.f.
C ASTOR 01L--10 brio Blo w 's beet, for oalo
b 7 .11.25 J EDP a CO.
Vet, Valuable City Property for Sale.
TIIE undersigneti Atiminixtnitore of the
eti!, of Thom.. Fiirman,,denreerd. offer for Fain the
en re nmr*strue or the or Mama. Veltman. eonalelltut
eono - '4l 1 , 1, t lot hunting n Liberty stts,l.. running IweL
to, n tr.64o.lldiVi. MI, be tavern gaud' know n sir tbe
Maneitin r Mewl, w ifirground. end etable <noun-tat.
fronting no Plum ant.r. thirty three feet 'ht. h. ''' .
:Alwo, thn, I,,te Routh. on Chen, alley, each olialite,n
it n 'S t Lt.Z 4 , Frdnit Leek .lacy 161._intrallel w . lth 1: . lom
ei tabor.
0 boh. e'lli he 'were,' setmellon to toe ' hi •nest bidder..
Alen. the Tavern mend le often.,l for rent. 4 API
jlV.Redtmr.:.: R. ' , AIRMAN. or
151 Liberty et
OR RENT -A heautifully locrited LA.t,
nuntalning C senN, more or in, miuste on the Turtle
.1, Plank 'treed. the nnyter part river hottemi.admlrehlj
i 7,1 "Ilfg.e..=t!l r l'J' llTetni n o.t s . " :e n a t lVa ' tfi " ale ..u°,7
..,!ip. .14Now•orion Risen let of Anrll. ISSI.
1 1"'"'"44,1,V.Gm"..41;g , '71117.?.`,.t I—
ll=nuildiog• ad ..ury.) Fourth et, above Smithfield.
J '` . l e
-2.1- r L
_j_,___L il.l . LteL t i l d dm,,,, i.l2l,,2frmri _. .. _.-
0 LET—The Store Room, No. 6,5 =a
.I.llerket street The beat heartily In the est, for
miti•rrs.T . M47 . frpl; t ' o l—, „tr' ''`i i ,P.'T. Mr.l7"
jr dlt ßENT—Alljbat portion of my river
~,ii.At.o% iliz 21, 7 . ),,. Piltoburah and Iltuildoeli's,
BOY *new to which •a; be 7artr d tOl:t7L, In
~ t h `,
.41:2Par."11".;`:17724ra htit r t r i th e!"gl7 l l ° , "l „:
001 ..) . ..h, N, wel l calculated for turymt,';'Ea"rontlntit'p'u'ro
posed.. No tenon need aPpb hole+. hr raw come well re
rearnerahof for honeety, tertlaiety. tool Rebore,. The
ferilitlem for getting to Market tor equal to anY in the
plankan the nrculunt trill bore hie choler of the river,
ab iVr• or na l '''''' f or bit ''" Vt.S t r.i l /117iVIS IN ii
. _.
DEAL 4.,...i
.iT ESTATE , r, FOR .,LI
r,r under ,r k, h,
ii.m,,ol`ill.g,:lint:2l° iiriiTriiVg'bt,..t= o, ooolw.
"7 , '" ,b .. i1 w,*.`;' — ',.,.' toz 'AV.= 1 1"."','7 - .itailltuf: hand
inanufeeturine walh, anal ahem ira " stable pnot b+
lot+ ter be +obi. trill rendre a safe end pro lie
weattu ut. Title 'rebel. Term, favorable.
For l partieularn and term, euquireof the underolaued, at
the II nr orthrente V. liihno, Fie., ,on (leant .trot, Pate
burgh , 1 ..1y.....0 Third and Fourth street, or oflllll6.
:Oyu err mod N. Patten., ray', et their °films In Ulm
towhee -.. atitor MOSES F. EATON.
rrIO LET—One Horse and Lot edtuated2
alla. Bedfuel garter., Seventh Weird. For tome, ..:
rel.:, 225 Liberty ort
- 14 1 011 SALE—The subscriber offers for
l' Kele a late...nil well bu il t Brick Home , with fire .2
Road, ore acre+ of ;mound. olt noted
air.e Fourth atroet
within three utile. of thlo Eneweiwion Oven on 1
the lot of April next.
Aloe, a ot.ry deolrable lot i , fgniund, ientalulna over Four f
Arm, with a spring of excellent water (better, 'Laniard
near the ranee.
Also. a tot of inwund 48 fert It Inches by 120 feet. adjoin
log the "ridden, of Mr. A.Tone, near the rite, °maxilla
gerenth Ward. on Pennsylvania Avenue Pcsowsallin
It Isnow A rtalts that the Plank Road will be complete
rgt , '!'"l: l,7 : -1171-11- 7 , lrAllaril'gf.Pß'r o ; th Vi.
ilr,:rf).l.sllrd pt.p..d>
k l Oll RENTOIt SALE—The au inwriber :171.
will welbor rent his vary desirable Country Reid 111
cr, in Allegheny city. Bent's] on Ohio Lane and.*
Alleghenr Arlene, weer of the titunion The house Is •
large douLle brink building in Oni nnkt.. in.thn.• There h •
evriage bon, stable and gond rainy on LL. gniundo.
nintprisi tau s arrsei. well improve]. containing every
description of fruit, ale, • spring boner and smoke hoe,
Po...melon Mein whenever denlnAl JOHN libblIART.
FOR RENT—A two awry Dwelho
nogtenn g
1i tAwr.'.8.7412..°T. w
—1 will toil for rash, r-rb, 21 L'rt array by 100 KV*ll:lP7,' one loton
joining wt. wth Hard Engine House A an, out square
I H``"log Alley hrino 2W fist nundiel by Liberty. Carson> Choral,erthev atheet, and
dlately opposite the Central Bailment Depot, and mrhaming
45 semi ijanalAttfj JAMLS O'HARA
The Third Want Public Fehool Iliense,anil edition
which It stands, will be sold either M•seeratA.l) nr
sult . ntr;Jr• •TheAot wide nn
Aoy y all.) ittfut=2:l'illlreArtra alley.
terms and
terms of sale made known, on appliration to
L hoard Director, Atha 47 and L 5 alute AS t street
_nvn2l im
Fru LET—A largo Man -- 'si o — lin 0u:,,, Via , ---- :T r . ,
1 nit ue"'"'"
Real Estate worth $lOO,OOO.
ATERY DESIRABLE Property in Alb'. 5 . 1
on nt ' r.s o git , lot .trar,tc-e E17i.7%-ftAantzPracaL
g.,s . ,;'.ta 1 - :‘,l‘,-,Ttn. IL 11'4? i11'.' , .=',h,.", - ...Loth". !e t' ,
atlonllng a delightful elven . of the.rity In hr
Pionburgh. ' llfe
Athathatty mad Ohio rivers.
i.ilaa a pi,or of around fronting anilli . booth Ct..,
240 feet. monitor 170 feet bark, hounded by Ina tlfty feet
streets and lA) feet alley In rear.
of Atra..,l7::g I,,,l`rl'il.d7riZtTTVl4.ditritV.o.7g;
• " s' ; ' . ° l!l ' "'"
170 LET:—That desirable residence at vr,
prevent ocenplol by the subar , ribcr. nituand on :?,1
t le Ore.yharall p 1... in We El.monah of lawrenec-....7
•ille. Th.. bonne v large and eoulenient. haa 12 ca., -
fad .v,llat . f.. h. a: . l ,, Tialh n l , ouer. , Alao, tzta i ble sod ear t r L isr
hoer nod fruit tre,.. th r e ondaaty atoll ' o rk n ' i.V=Z ' rt , ,j ' o:
I=Vl ' rulittr r : ' or .'" "'
941771 f t:',VIZ/Vll,t).‘Nr,l'n
jalolloi No. 110 Market stivel.
1 - ., 1 (11i. RENT—A SAW MILL in Eaot Birming-
Lain, wall 'notated for in large bloom.", It eau mutt
stand the entiro buyitay. of the lirtil•hp Coal liiyi nowt
far a te will
rm be tof horou
yes .ghly retaurni. with new boikre.and learnt
Al, an excellent Ala for bri „ et utatlua—clay d,..
11121.1'...d71ZYTY'“4 'U' fil ' lliLlV:W o n%,, l „ n atl "
'AO LET—The Three Story I)welling
11tnnre. No 171 Wylie strcet, at prase:A oteupled ;:i'W
y l obo H. Livingston. and onntalning 111, parloran.ina
dualnit room and When, on the first floor. Puvenslon
l) on the Ist of April. Inquire of J. kW. 11.011).'
Round Church.
. _
9'o LET--line Two Story Brick llonse, 7,113
117,.. ' 1.11.` ri a t i r 0 v : '," 1:,7.701 ' , " , `' ,; - "'""'
''''`.- ia ' ,
~,10 JOIIN WATT a (-11.
FOR RENT, The. Store, (In Market re,r
street. the para.l door fn. the eon., of Market .pl
anl !Abort, ~no laayeetion given the In of April...a
"e l; dlies'l''''' DANID lIIIEfI/I,
100 Penn nt
, •
VOR RENT, two very convenient ..7,,,,t ,
1: bWELLINiI IitICSES, on Third arc, shove ,.: : ,a
and near to iunithneld Pcane.ooon given on the 111,0 +wan.
of April next.
1,47 M ',1.0.r t. , 7171:: ' ; "'" M "• '"'"'
.'"' W 1 4 .!
Apply ' tt ''.
*b 11 9 .4. 11. riArgil s ;r/k, o
fourth id.... nosy IT
RENT.—The following proper- 8 7. 0,
tire ar•
o fra rent. Thl: h
lini , hed. and roi:Pietety truenie
rd and Fourth de..
2:11t. E; r, k
,7.11:7 4
Beveral roma In Port om.. Duiblinaa In the eeennd ind
third garbs. Imitable for Artlenee 041.11, Ofsoea, 4e.
A Ivan and nonvenirot DWELLING 110000. In • bust
nem part the city.
Peren..dott nf the futvanlng tan be ffilni on the 1.1
April next.
Alan • BMALL BTOOE on Thini street, next door to the
Guette Ware. Pocration
WOR tiALE—An unexpired Lew on the
Wan.honee. on
Third street. hervloforu orrupled by the late Mr. A. Roden.
' E. 12, gAzzAN, 64 &vend stned.
'ant or to IL all.x/ILMltch, l o6 Thlnt 110.1.
OR RENT, a Two story Frame Ilouee
ford Bar t.. k C latltyr, l a tls two lot, altuate on
For Ler rtr ma, apply to adIiZi L LVITLX A CO.,
deel2 :156'Llteuty Ooloet.
ro' LET, the .Store Room NQ. 65 Mar-2
het street, adjoining the watch and Jewelry "
•. W. Wilk., and morntly Irted by
N. Holt,' Bon, am• flanking n ave aLochange office.
rht, nom I. lonaled In them ud central-and heidbuslne”
point ill the city and well adapted for • flanking and I:a
-che:2, Office, and Insuranee en. • .tom. A splendkl
000 front. with Ern/limb Plato Mani, will be put In memo
adthe weather pertnlb,
Proaesaion given 0/1 the trot of February If wanted.
Entire of W. W. WILSON.
Corner of Market and Fourth atreota.
FOR SALE, the Three story Brick
Dwell in g, No. In flay ./met: Noyder'a Raw—
pries 1.310). Trtrita.ll4oo mob. 1115ou In one year. and
in doe year.. to b. meowed by mod., nnlto PtunW.
ears. Clear of all Inentobrance and tulle Indlloritable.
Apply to 'WILLIAM
Liberty attuet.
FOR SALE.—A few shares Cliff Mine
Ntook: also. North Amelia. 41w9Vertern Itutotanco
Apply to lIAIRD A IRVIN. 114 RomNtfit. 4410
'Coun N THE ORPHANS' COURT of Allegheny
y, of Deceber tenn A.. D. 1830. No.
lo the t
matter of m the partition of the ftsl MAUR of Wm.
Pattenten, late of Mlxabeth township, deceased.
Allegheny Veninty, SS:
to o t
a. Btah
.I,7EP'l:tia'P.lTz7; ';PaltetV:'l.l'7oln.
;( 4: intsl''C'r Amouda P"itirt_
--- minor*, he. their guardian .1
51 4(edght,,beirs at law of William Pat.
tonna decamped.
Notice L. herebyßiven to the eterre named partite. that
by virtu. of the More mentioned writ of partition. an in.
t r w rrti ., a7l . hold upon the permit , . therein
situate In townslinp,'TlTlvalidtty"LfwVinhlind
lands of John Hindman, John Ilmtkin, Jahn Siefielte '
Kbetteser !lender...
P a t h Harlan. James Meitnigtil..
and UM heir. of ['tier Pattenton containing atont IGO
acre, with the appurtenances: one other certain
ttrili r r
pattnrwm. amt the holy, .f Palo Pntbrwn, talnln~,'
lbe rz , lJuation and appnthientent
time and plant mid a. par n ties can atteVlllreyll tt l trpe kb
ttAWIRIt CUltTl6.ltheria.
ghertre Ofßee. Pitiaburgh, January 16, In6l.—jaliltettS
Adotinletration oo the eztele of ettthartne !keno,
.w.l, bore been moral In the nuderAgned. II
son. Indebted 0111 wake Immediate payment; thowAh.itn's
ebtinvi 11 proxent the plan for settlement.
DAN " IEL YOUNI). Administrator,
Allegheny city.
Public Bale of Real Estate.
W ILL -bc ex poßed to public oak by the
thprp"T..4llllttir'crTal7t:: 'n°l
band .ibmtbe In Wilkins tgrnship, °minty of Ailey:bony,
b t u
nu the north by land. of Maury Mantra, cm the
west by Jame. MIR A Gri t o youth by Nancy Taor, and on
the MI by JanYtw holly, containing fifty olne cott ono hall
(ditti) won. or Ira, the 441111, tract of yrrourol
nn which tho late Jamo• Crawford rooldrd. 1,4,1 onnorty
boa no. the !rank... U rood, and About ton tulle. front
fib, Hi, of Pit:rhumb. about to arm, of the ground are
timed, and In gnat etritbeltiOn for farming push,., about
one !mitts mai land, and thenronerty unit one and • halt
now renal
thr Central Rail goad. nald tract of annual Ls
now diary
by fin Jane McCown, Mrs. Isabella Fientnian,
. r d diary Jane McNutt, a minor, and hold by then. a•
udninta In mantra , . NW* Melling an undivided third part
thereof And C: Carothers haring been 0 1 3 3P.V.1 by Mn
at; aldtaisran and Mew faahella Iforlman by warrant of
U rArra tl" Jan int' a Irktir or "'I:
TuTl:4ird ' iand d?trtitral by tb•omb.bu ': ;:buit or Zreldi"en,
ooPtily ,o"oit i . szg th e in
rold to the Lights, rust best bitter, on au , tfal
otrbary nee, at lu o'clock, A. 'firma of rata will Ls
C ita e ggirditMAN.
• _,,
_ ••
XECUTORS' SALE--Notice .ie hereby
! , r1 pursuance of as ortkr of tht...(tryhaai
In the TUN,. 67e.11. 7 •AVA 1 .%P`Pcn t!' tb%
loot Thursday of February. A. IA 111L ' a . o . eldek, a ( a.
the pratnisest the !Wowing described • property, el. •
b Tbarty w ThonAltalp
widrh ]od 4 ...I.:i l l It =%,r D UZ,,.. 11 :41.MPT.
Lot Nu containing Arty moo perrltel. - 6 - 3 Wed by
flu Arced. by J. Parker. try tbe school boom lotall others,
an hich la erected a Frame Ilitabia.
to Nu S. oresUgulag Thirty &men 09400 percbm tonna ,
ra wt
t i h=azi =the schactt toomkt, 611
i h T • Lz;
Terms of NW an halt nab, lon
al l' irmAr4."m" "fla lo(l.ll indoir.dakiV""
isalr.4o Ima I OU
ms Winos bat" dsed.
.A . ,. nt i ff.4;kl. I:l , l '" V r it r eß o on We..lurialay next, Febroa
For freight or pammte Apply 'on eci.l fel.3
VOR NEW ORLEANS_.-The now ..
i flot running almoner 1 : 3 110111M+, • 11allett..
nset,. y ill leitie for the alove Kiel all inlet
mediate porta I hia 4 o'cloek.
For freight or toccart, notilt on Lord. 4.11,1
FOlt ti LAStIOIV, LI V Eltl.ooL -•
AND WKLE , PVILLII.--The hoe ...ow ~...1. ...
Illk 114L1.1i. Ifni. r l ...Lien. matter, will run
a. • regular taick..t totomu thi. ray ...I I Velleville; ha,
Ins 10a.borth every laimila,E. II «Inca,. mid Friday. at
For freight or 1i5. 44 1., apple on leard• teinil
rill N/1S II V I L L'E—The tine
..manier 31 ATYLIVEll. lholiwt. m..iter,
I loom for thealoveaml iiirennolmte port.,
Friday. at 4 P. W
for fo.lght or mos,. aPPI ' on I .onl
,1,46 Ft ZANESVII,LE -The tine ,'
nmer E3lPRESl4.tris.O sac leave
w above and intermediate port thi. ram.
at 4 o'clock. .
For (might or N 1A2 4 .... .91 . fr 9. 1•••..91 • 1.2'
r The tine /moaner J.
-100310: Lump'
macter. will leave fur shove al.d intermediate
port.. Molnesilay. 20th lurt.' at 10 a. w.
Vor freight or pposage. poly
ion hoard. yage
PT 01:13 1 --The fax. ru Inane eleatart -
AC NEM I.IN. Captain Cha leo kral. will
lease Mr the atom .ml intermediate tort, . Tumday.
the othi Ituit.. at 4 P. 31.
For (might or 'mom, apply in hoard. min'
_ .
r it ST. LOUIS. ` The . f la t run- - ,
mug rummer RitHERT 11.0(.1.1031,
tatter. will leave Int. the at. re not loft ,
molls. tort. III!. day. the Titli Inoant. at 10 A. Al.
Pm (night or Moon, apply `I. "ma. m 27
1, 1 011 NEW Olt 1 . E.1 1 S--The new
..i -;.1..n,141 Ocatuer PKIiIII.7I. A 11C11. ,
iimi. Portman. conituanikr. a ill Icam for aloe.. ,
mei titrtmotoo• pert. on Poturnai , the 2.3 th Instant. at 4
''7 -4 ', ' u.
fr.'"' ''.l.'4Xl'l'llV.iti7inkl;."‘A'ittenl.".
.10011 ST. IA 11l 1 3.- T 1,, n ,i,..,fid
ii , 0., J. J. CIaTKNOPO. M. titerllng, I: 1
.111I4Xlitler, will leave Pir rilovic anti Inter •
no.liate tort. on , rouniny. the (Mb fart. at .1 . at.
Per (might or patois., apply lin loon!, or to
.0 ,1 J. 314:44'TtiN JONP.S. Amid
[FUß I.OUIS VI I.LE.—/ he /Tien-
, 41 ~ t eanier Vermont, Capt. IlmilelL trill
..vriefer the atom and all Intermeitlatepoint..
thin day. the 01.1 Met e . 1 10 , 'clock A. 31 .
Por (might or proem, apply on hoard. . Om=
11l ~ ...uler MILTON. Capt. J. tholp, wllik k, t.l.',
l ' ilrj ' ..... "i t ' ill ''' ' ' l " ' lt " In'A."'"
Pr'". s".
For ' fivi . glit ri ' r )c g. , a;: t.. 1. 1 ,14 on lawn'. 4al'l
_ _ • .- .
1. 1 0 It NEW OR LE A NS--The ~. I
I li raught Steamer PAMI.6.
i4i ,
toaster .111 leave fur the above and all inter •
iii...liate port.. on Shawls,. at II) AIM. Par (might or IM. 1
mg, apply on town or to
/ 0 . , Il II 3 ILTENBEIL(I3:II, ANC
. aFrOuR
a [T t. M he
a k lu
in st
11 lea nni fo g th thov t e F atal integuollate por ,
ou 31unday, Mai Inst. at 10 A. M. I .
Peir (might or panatoo, apply on 1 ,,,,,, 1• 4.11
. . •
4,101 t LOUISVILI.E—The foot
running ogramer N A VII /A Ti ill, rapti tin 4o. - ;•-''.
lin. will leave for the alove and ,Ititermedk " ''
ate pompthis i.lai . at Ili A. 31.
Pew freight or two.,. apply on Irani. • .
pOlt ST. LOUIS. The plead.]
' u.... sbluyer . FLIMYTIV.4I, Wit.. Conley
ommnder. will linom IM the itlck.mand into
molisfe torts, no Natunlay. the lit inrtant, at 4P. 11.
For (moth( or Imagine. apply on Nan', or to
JO J. NEAT IN Main. Agent
- f i lm{ 1k; EIV ' 0
It.L E.IN :. The
i pplendiol new st.arner EDITOR A.(l. 31a. ...- .
eon. umiter, will tome Ina above lid Inter
media. hooding, tlit. mornlna. Kin rotant-at a/o'clock.
For (might or moon, apply on any. kin
VOlt NASHVILLE. 7'll • splen-
i'' aid atiott l r FORT PITT. )filler. tooter, ~.Z_...,..g.A
.111 leave tar Omni.... and intensoliate porta
'Una day. nth inatatit, at to &clod, A-)1.
por freight or 100 p... apply on 1.r..d. 1.9
..... .. ..
1.1 EGl 7 LAiCrirrsitrllllllAND•
1 a Aril Fl .rot PACI(I:7-11r iiplen.l.l
new porLet moon, tilllitk Al.. Conwell. noo
-.-. 3hwiiht l y l Wolum.,,lay atal Friday gm e
. ..... ~ ............., ~ ~ , ,,,,.--w„.i-,.-.4„,,,,,,. I ~...If,,'lffet.a,'riii;rtaci'forrii:aikitir'itr/o.
. Wheelnail ereer T......, Th. ,. ..) ... R 0 t.. 10 /. and articka for druegieta and-surgeow, Engin and
art: week. Tor fnolglit or oft.mme, aonic,. 'hoard, or to v ar y„. o n ., 0... ü bi rjr. Barr . i rr ,,, r . r .. K w r . rp .,
nola AIIMSTRONII a t WIZEN, Avert.. Patent PremiuM Cow 111/laer Machine Belting Doll, ,
E 0 I) LAtt I'llf'SßUßo 1 . 1 .INI) --,., s , Toie j ; l Xed r rerve , r y ,., 11 , r i Zod . a,
WELLSVILLE PACKET- eteanner ikaaaßnaoTaen...lµ.BaTteena,WaterTants.
ova a I:. Rah, tuarter a will loser
Preel:; fflre
.. 0 .!%,,,AT,1::.``'r jalialltn
Plltaborah t-,0er,.? Tiiirada,Tlwralar,vl i , alt4r; l o7..Vr a ttig: I
' d ' a " ;. 1 7 , t. ' r (talsi: " if'rnr ;:e.:,:g",","0f17;7.*Vi11,;;TL0.f?,:.::_, riIEBES, TUBE'S, TUBES--Theunderßigned
2. •bt
J.. have reeelanfl afweital permlasion fnim and arrin d 4
EII I. • L.l It WEI)NE S I) A F
... Titur,f),lmp.)(7)),94:3ll?),llikw))»rb»») Art.)71,..0)
rm.% ET, etm ) t):' , .)ol. llamado Stilt
.--.-- . er, eretlien ' t end ruperoir 1101LFIl C9l
Jruditahlun. Tiff...pi...lid 1.....“ nna linilt 19
lame or mall u nth! T 1 T . I anl • oof, th-t.•.....- L.... s,wtr.u. ~.1 other, fur ,,,,, th1i..,,r., .17,„:,-..,r,„:, , !ry..
t a Luring;
Cincinnati and PRALurch l'unkfl trade. and mil leave ,,,,,, ~,,,ir rt hr , ,, iii.
.),..), ll',lnewfai For (Inc.., in if fare of tho'New Eng.
Land No. - For fo,ht for paaaaae. appl , r on lewd. or to
Iron 1 Tin Plate Merchant,
me-. ti. II 5 111.1 . F.NI:Eltti ER. Aarert. , i
14 Wall street. New Tura ' .
It I . :1 , 31 , 1;14 1!.. A
t ly I , I T E I T :
i l , , 1 ~ .N l, l
r -.)1. N . It zr r . o .
j .,,, d i . .5 31artIole Lit., CR, leandon.
awl 140 Duchaman 'amt. tilasgow.
t' r j rr , , ELL, t LI.E. Capt. d!..1 ow, a,. - • lfurphrs Self-Sealing Advertising Env&
run we a ...afar t.arl.ei beta.-n . Palelsuralo. t 1 heeloin,
Bridgeport. aral lauiffiah. learwa Pittakurg 1. efts, ' , lnbar.,
afternoon for Well- t .11.... f,•,.!.,,,‘ lioo, afal Itridattfrt. end , NO , 2 83 1%!,%111E ( M 5r.,
l b
p. YORE.-
erre, Thur.da, .lernan nr t healig ' I
0 n ,,, ••• ,. r. ~,,,,,,,,,..„,„,„, r .,,,_,,,„, ~,,,,, t0r,,,, / The auhacrilwr. in nr.lieitinF the patrnnfore tortill who
p0rt,,,,, g,,„Ao„.„„ 0r„..,,,, „,,,,,,„ no ., a,, n nah may roe thin ullerfwment. ftaola onot of,thel beffilatlon
~‘ . ..r r4r, .,, ,,
a 0,„,,,,,„ ~,, 0 ., ~
~,. ~,,
, 0 ,,.. 4,,,,, ~r , , with •hirli a new article A hew. 01 before the public. The
hoant •,r Of o eeto:. O. ,11.41N,.....4,1.1.• ...... rh, "'' i., ) .. .n. h. .....P l i c lnA Un s l , .. .1 4- et lc"
•- , !cud all aim - 1040u. and he camfahnitir refl . the tenllnio
. .
)EI ; t 1)A It 1.11 . Eitll )01. AN D n...,), »» , II"... ho.liseec wen . alit, lute umal three eneelopn.
..,...,,.; . . . • .
..,, r .21. and to Ids rapidly lornannuir aale, aa penal of their ea.+
ill , ELI-, ILIA.. Pat k r. 1 ., 1 la. li,ht k„.........i ~,,..... - -
tcr. leaceo Pitt-.1 . 1 ' ,Ri; - . ‘ .;. n il. i . ' „.L‘ h \ 4" .• ', 111:Za ' ,.. ' n0.1 147. f ~,A. 1 . , - . ---. area - -1- --•- lhe ' r. r .
T. -
ILI° ted i t,;l : . 4 , 11.
.1...,,,,0 , Wzilzei4, ..i• Itwadar, Thur. , , ~r 7 ' o r , th ,,, ~,,.., n,„,,,,,,, hr the ~r „ . . ,, ~..,,,,r r rro „
i.':or7i:ei,h`l7or I.`a.e.,:e."n`p;"),.oil'lloa:rl. vol. , t ... : 411 ; ,1, ; ! =' ,. . , :z -- . - 40 , .. d ...17.',7'.::: 1 '.!k;‘,11:, :,..°,:'
, fort oorooltr against !mud.
111 El; IT I. AII l'A I' li. El' Et) H
~, i lit Tht• bovelopee cannot b. °tamed wilhent Irina 4 .1
Ti0dt,,"..,-"11,nt,"..*J,...;011,. :„1 1'. ;:,.:',!1,°',,," 1. . * ' - ..._,..r••-,...,, '.:
a' ;Zi r lieltloor wax nor ..f...r. Are rolnired weal t orte
eert• Tuf,lat at 4 - o'cl , ,k ra • w'''' ' 4th. Ilpom tho oilmearriroro of • letter. the,teel: , roaita
For (night or if sem,. ap I. on lc,nl. IR lc. ' trano.llato return to tho render. inatead or hal 0 hut•led.
.talll W , l II . 1 011NaTt1N. Aat : month, ill the betel Le4ter talner, •
sth. The Envelope. am furalahed at Almost rho Hoe
-- . PHO'l. '' l rl' i ln i?rt ." 1.1 L • .. - if ' oid •
our: ' to „tow, 11.2.f',I7fni,tot'Paieth:tiuirh"whIL"ifITS:li
_ .
' . .
, Iho toll/mina ~ r ii... of pricer, for Due, engraved an
ALAI }:Ecii 1. I' S EN PRESS TO I'll ll , • it7;•^ll= V;." , ..Z12.r 1 1,,f1: 1 .t'f,',;ir. of ;Lo t as i v.'g,":;,l
AULLI.III A -W.. hat.. toed , . arrativ..ettl• lia. nin- ' made so nlxoe, srith uat0. ,4, rr005. Ao
the aLoro et dorm, tho *rioter .55,m,, rt,,,,., , r of hire. .Priute w E . lnrlnpe.• etude or
to Ilutlkh9.burah. 5.1 From th' to, 1., Oontoo I T nut, 1 , ,,,1 1,0 letter, or h0w...-. -14,001
Wad to Plobulo),,too f),rou.:4 in , o. anon Small pork .., to S. . . a. 0,1110,1)
~,,,, oral rik I, Le taken If LEIA• 11 A OA, 30 0. NA.... .• • - 6.00 WOO NI
ft/II:of-Sri .
Canal Boaln 40. fil • R.OU 3COR/1 ......... .. ...
.• . .... . 00
.4./ In SO ......... ....... -10.00 4.a1
PIDRNSYLVAITIA RAILROAD. - ~ , , 4 1 . , - . .. : . -i,,--;;;;,311,T5.05, 15,00 r
L,..r.r....-.,„‘,4IVINTEIt AII R A Is:G E3IF.IcT. . p.) 4).7)1 Or ' erSp n reall. • refeTene•TO-rre=nrg °ltf
Thirtjo owt floor. no Pioladelphia-243 Ilona` will he enflieletft. All orders Rill Meet nrilitmitopt
.0,,, touirad-, mil... rt.fing •,,,.....- itttentinn. If muldressel. Wll. 3 .If7RIEn/
1.. gal I nhont Tr lea-entoll knfr hapre ae Line Stage Corn pan y ! No. az Matthou sLeret New Tork.4
Sia daily Linea of Tut Ctaarh, far /ItlLLlblTaistllll/1. 1 ofli k'` liic ' il ' ft ' t d o7 l t firl‘ ra l ?' I. l '.l l "ittV
Ni l itZartri".,.'',!.tr ,',in; I .'"" „ l'ilIV'tm l :;14:. -1 " 1 •li.r.ii= i C. , ''" W ' t ".... *l .7 °` •
~,,„,,„.,.„.,„,,,,„„,,,,„ ~,„„..„t , „„,‘ p.„,, N. 11 -11uainta• Culla embower.' in color, from rim
J..inee of 12ofach, 1111 lean, our Halliday 4 , tar-..h. and fmnt I Din , flt ai. , ..i. , ' th.......,- .n=n-lan
thence by (ho Non Proz,ls•nia noil r0.,1 ( . 243 1.11....1 IT .
yhiladrO , hia. Ito, through :I , ' Pour..
logre tr. Philarlolohm. SII .
Lam to lioltanro.. ...........
Coaclar, will kayo Oror, povino. ao. 5 oleh/ck, lolTeAell•
and ewer, night at the enme hour.
• EXTII.IO to leave •tanr-titne, ahrave In readinena Thin
A the man dint ..inforfalole. and exp. dltiffou, mute to
the eaatern cit..'
ti Putaengl /um. ere for Ilaltunoreltake the New Rail road at Mar
a din,t, ton the arnial of the earn nt that plata, lor
V u rlitV l l4ll.: " AD. St cb..1.. lo r tri,
or to .1. O. IP .1.115:5, Mouougahela Ilona,
Plttelfurgh. Bee 4. 1050.,1ec7
The aul..woriler oder. for anle the nark,. gteal will,
haw of Wan•lantoe In PhtleJeltda, Ae, of Or Reliance
Line. The patronage of obit old mtallioltrd roorrro 6,01
worth, the tx , robloration oftoroms arnoldua to eutlanok In
eueh ho,ohnane, or of Um..who way In, sinad, Intercand
In the curving trade. An the lluit. In ad. - enema for making
arrulgornetar for the 'owing, t 0..., It 15 »»r.))...»)...).4
•Plolleetion ehould he ;Lade.
,z. pvtavr uf MrYrklen t.,
Canal 11. In. Penn etre..
Orphan's Court Sale.
IS pursuance of un order of the Orphans'
t the oscstA gt trt i e " c he 'oP11"4.1."11
Thursday. tan tweuarth dai Fehrumrf. A• D. leid. at
ten o'clork. , t. the following deserlisd Neal Entitle, situ.
ate in the Illath IVard of ea. • in
All that certain lot
ai mi ng a
feet on Condrest street s
and running bark by the same width .0: let. to. Elm all,.
on which la emend a mi.l and cons.... tan mum, fraine
dwelling hour.. Alms all that other lot adjoining the
above. ciontaintnii In front :di Congs stns:t at feet. and
running bark hi the wino. wid th PO fe res et to Clot elle this
lot begins on Um ream easel. nt the of l i t : feet
Dom Fnulklinetrdet.
" d.';'L';ll*.ll.
jaltsvgaS • vet.
of Samuel elsed.
Military Bounty Land Agency,
S3IATIIEIV' IJOSEY, would respectfully
anow Intervene! that he Ime engaged in pro.
caring Bounty Lamle under the recent law of lAing-n.s.
Ity that Law. all who have imtually nisi In not the
an:duce 1700, or their nidowa or minor , rhildrin. neeen
titled to Bounty Land, fisno du to Ind arree, according to
the I. of mersk , :, a. the law aspremsly provide.
mainst the traitends, no lictielit ,an myrtle to the moldier
until hi, land it located It is thetvfore :deo evident that
individual claimant.. must sellet ilo•Ir loud eitherlo person
or hr Agents. The our will in. fullnii to expruslv,-tho
other to he emu-„t. rennin. Mend lintmtage and fair
t leen. by any other method
war - prove in the end abortive. To nrclimplieli this. and to
close the entire bnehtese of the moldier, in th e sainomiral
st,trit contemplaned by Congress , and renyantuiimbel hi the
department. is tot undo ohne,. I pnontise. thendore , nt a
lie nt
trifling eimicuse to pnaiutvi—lmb A' land
Ilan.. Pit flows. entitl.l. Twain
the h lzltzo . f . piabl warrant. thereby w.euring :tad ituarare
Wier yudielo. sclittion. either In view of
top:itl:in or sale , ad. lo obtain Patent for read bunt
narether with ilearription of lc Moe
enabling hint to form an eettmale I
an loin.
Tenn., which still be rweeonable, ma du known on Knoll.
Clarion/ moot),
(post pad) S. MATIItaT MOSEY, Pinksvale,
N. IL—Write the wane of Cour Rat Ofllre. Clonal!, and
Stale, very leaddt. jsuasonann
(I)ITTSBUItG II (Try ()LASS IVORKS. CUNNINIIIIAM 01), Manufacturer% of trausra
No. la; Market stmt. tennis. Fire , and eeeond.
Pittsburgh. I'..
Parthntlar "peva , n p.... 1 to odd mire, Alas-Dealers in
glint alas, V ials. ilottba. dr.
- -
DELAN fin. just opened 111. F Megonsit of
great ease front tor latest insts.atioos..el issupriee pert
of ever, thing that new mod han.lionie. for rprion and
leenuromer i f
The liewirtlncla 1:A...1ig, unususily
s.).varied. firth In et, tool Ira! minted I.
...trolled, if equalled by ant other eel...halite:it ita this
n' . 1 d;‘, 4 1:71 ,1 1 . iTi•l ' 4l l (. l .4.:;jorZ wiepted;
rngt, and Pants. nottitner Itowls of e 1.., deseritaton.
s tch Tweeils sw i l l Itel.,n Dr, Ete,
a ' r. Ti:,. eon,. stock will fai...estdj with at,
snelCcif g. rile heretion• Pittst.uri.l.
}I r. Watt`e okill nod init.. as • cotter.
will pr.. no ample goenint.. sil who :nay favor thim
estal.hehtnria •witto their onters flint thei will hare as
good M. faslnonable work es :an hy any
honer in the East. sod at ninets low Ipnces al hare teen
wknowleihnel by foray who hose tried both. I would fur
ther stets. aim I will litrot.h zood and faalatmahle
Oise!. as can Ise (maul in t• ..serer„ market. aud anoxia
elll,lltl ‘I gra? 1. 1. 0 T111N0. ' • '
g ‘ ,„„. An d g.,,,,g 10 .4...111 Or hvly rna3W. cloth
Is u hang. mech. in the pnwent Va.l.gwv, .rorncristog
Drra. Crtwk. and Itu:in..• Ct.ou of 11,. Itt.ct ail, made
or French, tnglV, e n tt ,. Antectrac t t loth, of all fright...ow
Po l to%T i Mint l e ' ttt ' of laUng rY stll,7Va , I P utt r.. 1
andicc.tat lests of the beat Wet and 1111=Idin
and faney glare
Cloths. Cashmere, nd gc.
Odes In the Clothing Ilaw All Itgrmnt4 mit& gt 14.1. 40,
arc warranted to he cut tmtl made In p good workmanlike
ettle. gal will lw gold low fur agth.
gig_liono'but the best at IVoitmen w enPlOretcgrtd toll
.gges paid. All Usintents nowle to onter gm alms. Iran
gEs_Whokwale rumba.. will 0.1 lb. stnek at Ida Mott
desirable web Mott L clwad and beaotlful smaeldwiat
I.m. Iroulldllnt 1 ,
tACES wanted .' n u m ber peraont Supplied at
abort norloa. vita • amber of clerks, salmon. warts
arm and marn and las of all agais In alma Inn
aims or to hydra or as of
bonitra, taen
=rltardarra or 111 1 101 . 01 . 0.10 10 2,..1101.1101101%; il et ti k tla
e kdraa:7=l.Poollltl,7llo%/.110 torn:ram.
anew. Plraz• tall at makto minims. Avner . I a
Mal_________llgent• 0111 n. liflllArara . An
TB BRAIC S- rime, for 1
V E L I a si toir e par k z aa a
co, a
law d 1
.1 .
*a. an....r..-..-... --- - , .+----nneg .. camarni.
& Ce....Wl2sole
rale Gneera. No. =I Market 4.. P hiladefphia. opal
iiECALb, utalitrafkoli—"i C07,--i7i,.e.
~,, blrrarlllSioil Ntiertuota. \o. ft Northlrater atreet.
an .'r.. 14 North Wharf., Phllailrlphia.
MERCER • & ANTELO, General Commie
shin Merrhanta. Philailellahla. Literal Qr...
mail,. ou rinialentorata of Prof una ioebrrar._ _ Liaailalfert
lona, Ir. MINTLITI3I Ira,. C. 1.11M11,14173.
11,W. POINDE.XTER it CO., .ifeneral
• Ikea mlialoo and Forwardirai Slierhanta and now
, _ No. _Ca Mutat atriet. l'hirlrhla. lyZ
To Soo'
' 9
T sth, at 10 o'clock. A.
Southern and Western Merchants.
The au beeritrr reepretfully Invites public attention
o exterpive Marko( Peritunery.SoapaShawinuCrouns,
dr tn wlrkh seven Silver and two Golden Medal ham
tiithin the lad Ali yenta bean lauded by tbelnetitutee of
er York,' Boetan. and Philadelphia, the latter being the
only Oaten Valeta ever wooded for PeenlEird7 either In
Pumps or In tide country. •
ItoretLVe Uniteratz. Benno Cat., (Almond. Row,
and Ambrorial.) univenally acknowledged tobessipenorto
Shallow Cream In this oauntry or Europe.
Otroentwe row Selma—Beentindly Mons:rent, and
poreenana highly Saironseenun and etordllent paumtien
Nip:memo. Compound; Ambrosial Ehaving Tab/en Milt.
ry Shaving Soap.
Prptropes Toxin Snal—illnond, Raw, Midterm, Dote
Pletaohla Mout, Patehously, Moulin:Lae Pkertltior,
looreleuvot, 011ve Oil. Wind... and Clreasaian.
Einuel, tn . { TM Ilastocazentrys.Rox, 800.
quirt de Caroline. Oita:won, Jenny LOW, flottaaelhro.Jock-
ItfflopgagnoLlalNlA..ut, ( , :itre t arell r e ? Boast, mad many
Tont, Wavvaf—FlortilgTter, deTttleite,Otwrien...
flower Water, and • guest mist) oL Won.* so d Lam.,
der Water..
tioa rxa Lea—Ornulne Dwane 011,AntIon•
oil, Beulah.. Eau Lonnie, Oleine, Compound On Elan
row. IlOr Dyes , liriokt ®moo ;warder. and Ptlftoentne,
ulna and Jenny Lind e*.
OtoNtulao Pagr eaanona—llaleatuk Elixir, Rose Tooth
Pao, Chemal Odontine, T
Powder. Tooth Partaand Tooth
Coorgruw--Vewetable Crarietio Cron, Amend!. Pa
r/inplo‘l hand, Coll Cream of Rows Cream do Per.. LAP
Sara, Itairpherry ae.
Depilatory Powder*, for removing nrpertuotuthair, Peul
Powder, Viningre de Erma, Aronutio Vinegar. Vktaria
nate Compreillea Preston *Pa brnides • grout varie ty of
other sok-1m too numenneu to Fa nanned In this advltisa
The entarerlber hopra to
la i d the reputation ;rtdeh
thinevt hag naquired, &eyeing or nothing
hut dm rate snider& end all/ be happy to Duubh thane
who may wieh to patron'. Irina either wholesale. mall.
on am rearotabl e henna Le any retabilainnent In the United
r to sod '(armor former Director of the Laboratory of
Perfu C
114ut at
Drugalete tio's mery la [or hesn
y r Ra sae by all the principal
In theeountry.
Nor Nourth CorbrCA Calf Skins, ba .1.1. polka mg.
rw York. A larks surrirlakratjOkt therthat fau2kllllr
(Seeruors to Lawn a llAsicato •
V. 252, 254;45c; .425 A, Prarl St., N. fork, Between Fullnn el. and Burling Slip.
[tarn On HATO Tol 421/eltt INSAMII.I OP
In the Cnited edepted, to All Alarkete. In the
lattice of SHIRTS and DRAII I MI, kern an endle.
WYalbitl7.‘ndtgleTlVErafgfon'tre=m,...____" OIL
Plain and Vuhibnable ClothhlE et all kind&
of stock tent by null Onle
• .8. IL ilßro% u ir a i Erxr''
lel7rdendaw No; lEXI L ZVI11 4 1 1 ;*li. Tat.
No. 19 Nassau rtreet, Nem York,
M.I..:S o 'MACTU! I I , E I cold har k ° for ofly,
n.nint da.od 211 Orr., nr.codstleg of
Cost% Cloaks, Pcoch.,
W tte ' t ,413 1:73 4 1%51t,„11.
'ratio Corers, Crumb. CartilK,
Itorr Clothx. 5 , 4110ne sn.l Tmelltuft
-- -.----
• Professor A. C. Barry's Tricopherons,
elf for renewing, In and beautifying the hair,
the wort dandruf.and all atreetions of thee...lp,
and tnring erupting{ on the skin, disc.. Of the alta.
towel., cod integuments. and relieving stings, rink brut.
: now. • .tell . dm. With this linens .on .. torte to oo such
word es fall." The nest journals in America Medical mint
i of the highest rinfuence. prergthont aflame of all profile
.lens. and ladles who have used It for years In their drew
!sing num, and nunwrica, eiltalt It with ewer
t o o rd. that for
. Inagiz x trittor ri. eilza d latnriendmpc? , ,,, ,atl g ertr oo.a. the ,. hal ,
skin, Mahn, sting, tn. and releivLg di,.......;.1
the skit, the glands, len It has no equal
i, smant theroultitude oimpound. advertined In the Deb
n:lj :FIVP 7 .=', s ' Vi...'"°h=l; o i tf b 7igt — Tl7,2-
me.. rash sale. of the article, have enabled the Inventor
to supttly it at 2 {merger battle, which la tkorelit) to 100
; per tent leas than the price of any other Preltatatlon to
the hale now in use. The edentillo treed., on the hair
seal the akin embracing the valuable dlactions for t an cul
ture and prewervation of natunie choknat ornament. In
1 in which each bottle Isenclowni. la alone worth the money.
Thealtlnlty tonween the me mbraneewhichonatitate the
akin and the hair, which gran, it. sustenance tram this
triple envelop", Is very claw. All diseases of the hale art
: &nate In the .(tip of the head. If the pores of the mak,
to dogged. or If the blisal and outer tinkle AO not elm.
lato freriy through the small vested, which Iced the :mot
with in.:Lynam, and Impart lite to th• tames, the malt la
nue, dandruff. shedding of the hale, at - nectarin e dil:wag
and harabness of the lignments, and entire baldness, as Uri
a , les. ktironlate the akin to healthful action with
the Trliopbertina. aril the torpid reatiele, recovering their
activity, will annihilate the d lerime. I n all affections of the
skin, and of the subvtrata of muschw and integuments, the
process and the effect are the exam. It Is noon the elln,
the ton:neater Oh, and the glands. that the .Trlcopheroutt
Inn in specific action and to all affections. and Injury of
these organs. It Is •
&LI in Luxe bottles:peke = cen at the Minch.' of.
I= Broadway, New York, and Of the ptincirad mettle
.... sled trugests thtlat•ell?ut the United titans and Otte
ffn:D. SIIURTZ & keep constantlL
11. °° They °, in
FArr) tab Noa. 1. urrl3 afar , karel; 500 Mr. and alp,
C IU E V ."
10. D. ;11111 ' 42 " : e6 l ". r
f rbl , d l rotDa)L
Nu. 3 rrlloarteirst tTb.eC
Arn.) Baltimore,
JUST RECEIVED t i ersteamer Poenhontro,
7Cr tmer SPUN ROLL OBACCO. for rile by
DONN, 1100 . Poia Awl.,
Jat.rdlm Raltirrore.
!tAVM C. TUTTLE, Attorney at Law,
god l'onnnbalAer for Pron..) . lrani. 7.... t. Lvol, Mo.
ownluitAl.r.• ,, ...wend. out
i OLIN 11. RARKIN, Attorney and Conn-
P..7i1:',..2.! •r•L0'1z i ,, c .:.1:17 4 °.,Pr.ft,':i.r 0, 4 1 . 1. ) 0 t" . " - - i N ,
tofen.tino•—PliLurgli: !too., tr. Forward. donna.. a ,
Miller. M'Candim. a llrClurr. John E. Parke. tiloaril• It
Snot.), McCord a pl. . ..gl4l,
1 .k. J. TARDOS, Colnninnion — ken: . h
eir . env. No. :BALI berro st., New Oivono. keep coo
mardly en hood • lon, now.rinorot of Brandin. of the fol.
lowing brand, wiil..b th., olTer for tale pa Agents for J.
Domed A Co.. Boni. aux. nr Moolop, J. Erotic!. J. Do..
rand 6 Co., Larorbelle. J. J. Dunind.l. , Rnag. A- de Monte. B
1, , :::;;;Ji..}.,"17, , , , , ,,',;1tZit".:::iJ4r,„!1',1t. trat:ki
end ropes. w•1e0t...1 with rare Ly John Durand a Co,' or- '--
~,.... chgauewn e Whn. and •weet Burundy Port. ferly•
OAF SUGAR-100 barrels weed numbers
N . IQ • tra . ,in
and for , utb, by ISAIAH DICK KY LOD.
FISIL--‘75 bri
kAII i C .
and 40 If do . lor
HEllITY(T=211)0 bza Lubec Ncaled , for
by Dal 19A1AI1DICKEY k
I OFFEE---100 bami prima and faney 7 .ltio,
by . J. D. 'trILLIAMS k CO.
1.17,1111 b tad Wa..l OA.
.od Powdered, forjrate.
IVI O LASSES—PILIfiIatioII &Sugar House;
"" Mt f rul l itil • co.
IrEAS—:st.) Uchida met to extra fine
br RIV I Veg:Cb ind d gelob A Mr*, roe
let J. D. WLLI.IAaIS IX)
Drawing, Pinvective, and Painting in OiL
&mini is now preptired. to give
Inatenrilon to Ilk few pupils la &Selene branebee
dallninil. art. at Ole MC. he Mann. Satire &
Atkinson . , new trall&lntr. Pint Oxon: between Wool and
Alarket .tart.. Haws of !Detraction, felon XX to 4X, end
from 6.X to Munro end orb.' fattioniaranan be
Ittlows br eaUaa . (afterrono) tbo mann
Hafer to Dr. Gamma or Dr. Malmo. ' re.Maitf
ALLOW. • 25 bble for wile by
4rs caNirria
sUNDRIES-3 brls fresh Roll Butter,
•,.aosx.. k
srL /admit
a rlagn
1124211222.112 , 2102 nle
COULTER & BACKE. Vholesee and Re-
tan Dranelet, Corr, rt Wald mt
der the St Cicala /lob!,
ICE-21) tns for sale in ,
JUL jal9 811011tJUJEANWW.A.U.
UGAIt :VIOL.ISSES-30 hhdo,Sugae:
- tale *2.:Obarrrls
EMMA/CB /AniTh7ii
1:17 INDOW GLASSIOO .hzs ,
g loul•arls, hlet TaTetreal.
sale los 1., the barrel. al N. WICK EIISIDLIES
1 ;rick BS. CANARY' SEED received
Liu, and a.r• - ale at S. N. WICKErinLiVI4
Cur. of IV.II BisLl rla
TuirfGinartim I ra.k lleraluvq rune Landlut: from 'Ulmer
ra,fur ‘ rals
e 0 I, bf.tll * Water Front ate.
mat unirr. stle J. R. Than.
A RD.-44 brio NO. I now Einding,
„„i,► may_ is
HUCKWIIEST FLOUR—Twenty sacks in
Jo afore and for nde br ta:l S. aW. ItattlUtrOlf
zwolto.lLY. , " I,r Ail BRAUN r REITER
- LIRE Nell BROAL>CLOTILS.----31urplir
Borehlit:ll..heote u5t . 0pt.:....1 frtytt anrply the
g dfo a~a
h k
1 1 4 ' 1 1 1 ' ne. fllr th o" . C .. r7 4" :-h
Nark . !Ind . 4 . 42 a Zd I,j* Satin lettltt. at ;2 1 IMF
OLL BUTTEIt.-1'..11 I , rle Roll Butter•
naval ad and fhr nal.• by
Jul/ W. lIARILaI,BII._
thousand Cigars reeeived f7k''ll 01A'-A"llllLl*}AL—Thir%-ha g°1 N1;;l. ej . i 'dandfr sale by
.all 0.0 W. tutiiltitt
10 1 1.001-41t1U 'hundred brie Extra Family. •
A . and VI S. F. Flour, jun reetur“l .414 nit br
• tall aW. mutual:an.
at redured eni11%1•4114 Or the MllmaLtun Drab.
u l t ais k I tire, Illaultet., mut aray Beaver Clathr:
BM and Crib Illauketa. whieb we are authorized Inatome at
mimed price, and sill be Auld on turomble terms by
" E. _
ine u ric
lltrl& ,, ro4ff,.
ALEitrus.-5 tons Saleratus, in brim and
hy l.n IiOBENS DA lif LLL W.
- .
LEAF LARD.—Lr.Land in brio and .
awl e. 4 rule by Ito)Uljt.T D M-2*XL .t M.
Liberty atreet •
lilltlS prime N. Orleans Sfigwar,.
ij to afore and fur mt.* by ROIIER.T ItAL7.ELL CO •
ISII -- Fifteen drums G. R. Codfish;
I r, to briaNo. 3 Niarkereß brio Nn. I Lake nab:. 10 qr.
r No. I nackerel
1.11. fu .ter: and for .ale
• at II IN ts - Arr &
ICILE e.i Ls. Cream Cheeze in titore
. S r na ' le by ' 777 ---
iall NI4 I - . Water etroeL
Li :A Lai-bode Toon- IlyFon and Mark That .
33 eat, - bozo. di. G
dn. hop. and un Polirder.
2, boyloe iluAsoll 4 I "lan...a 3), Tobam..
30 do p. Roh 1. 1 ,p t Co, Vs and S'e dn. '•• , t
15 Ir. ob oa u P n i,
aa* p Towod
,e a
s de,
15 ratty box, Jemo...Thompann Jr. 601 don Lear.ii
et Lump. in and Cot p oby
ism(' .YOlig I`,llW6Elt * CO.
SLUE --Twenty fiCe barrele int. - sale b,
nal J. lUDI, 8 CO. CO Wail rt.
CILASS PAPER—Fivo hundr;4l reanuil 'of
Pmillio pWant..s.l- rah. b,
J. 1:11 . )1 r CO.. No: Waxl,l._
OY S''\lttrrrl,p .4
Geld here rrreirrd lot of Laws lams
Ibr Roy? Ireur: nho../ . 11.411 not Ilmin (lUvlofr
to nreat_rorirty, >Tenon Morns. lirotneky Ana. Mark
ifata t : rt - eirrg 4 r, £e.. nt north en 4 eorurr of Your% and
AISIN S—One h u ndred and fifty boxes a n.l
It, :ion bid( baacot recrirnt en.l fit Ally Inv LK •
104 'MOWN a".
`ALERATtIs eaNkl7No..]:Sai erafii - lq
15 dhs
Its dor. suld tor Pale by JAMESI T.ZY.L.L.
/mall rbs Iresttr Amt.
htindre,l 4011 S 7 . . Tennesee
Al Blom., ISO 1.410 Tents., litis,iltr y tAstr i i 01.4-abb ,
~sll s w.t.• stmt.
WINDOW GLASS—Five hundred bones
4i.orioal saxes in atone 5.1 for Rale
POTASIL--3 ceske P 11
ote,, jukt received,
and &mai.: by )3, 11011E87' DALI6L4 of co.
I .ROLL , Bt.yr ER-20 hxit ro'd
ifor 4417 J. 14. CAS VIELP
lot t.,Y sale
it "al7 itttiFrELD
1111EP PELTS- I hale for s:ile
I.J jar; J. B. c.tnateLn
(g MAII. I -7;4•utv 1,1..1. la, Smear (.11 hoot
turt nanwYt- Eilextvvrttrelt
l 'iNolLteeth.-Twc.aly ht,
for pal, be 1.45 111:,)t N
L,ARI..)--Lkir krgs twit
1 . 4 4.0 hacd null I.r vale.
.1 .I‘llol 4 kilt
UN.lll{ I ES.--Tril 11,1 S. 1 ' .411,,
I. .1. ni.dt.
• 3 hx.
att N Tit/
ttf , WINES
t:t.l sor
La . 3•
anf err . r ty • uur.m: I E
tj AI. ASA .S l4 :Alt—Twentr I [
ix 11... 4.a r. firs emir 1.,
3614 . 1:1:1:1:111141: .2 I
S. 11, ll'tt.
,-- SPICES. , Ca_CEia, Pimento. }'e q
and NutzarGs for gial.•hr IsSi All f+ll ,
ile27 W•ir
UTTI ItFight I t I pa k
jail.. --'
' I+. P.'Va pa,
ARD—sixty Lrls Ne,,l in store
ALAI by jal3 1241...t1TDICKKY.t I
HEAT:—Forty lice brIN in .4,1
jal. Water •
8800 .1 3 4 15—00e .... 1 TT ,1, 7
i 7
RIS nAn'tnrrits 11 SU., re I
on. -
' Good davurrd Tr. at ivnts ver putt
The liner qualltdre at TS
Xxtra .Inel - tine et 31 ts) da
Old Corny that
snlt thdr palate exactly. These kinds td Tt
direct than England. and they cannot .he
other Rote In Pittsburgh.
('KEEN A:PYLES —Twent v
ros.s.s, s. F. VON hrl,.
S AL1110N..—.5
10 ALIIION.--5 brls Salmon No .
Or as by. AO ROBERT D •
GCiTTCIfc —2l. b.iles for sale by
p,.= 1 , kl AIIDKh I' I' tto), V. al,•:
' - A - ,11';. - i!, mi! ,
Si 11 rad purr t
1-,'ARIEL FRUIT ;o brls Dried A
16 do to I'
Jam ' W.M. BMW
IS a •,,, 1
,/PUNCH it.US,i NS-- C 111) Lop,
brand. Lauding frrlzanu.r..”, I+ .:u Om
jea WM. 11.WALX/
10 Wm?, old crml.
d k.s
oz t cam. etc, It: .
30 sf cer 144 t Bermanl.l,l c
40 dux 4 04..41 cal., a 4 at 31.141
and kw sale IT
30 dta best Shean 5.1,. 67' Lo liardt
.d &rash, by •
- DEAcIiES--l'hree hundred bus7le
L and for pal,. br• SAAIVEL tql
SCYTHES : 4 . S , I , Ioz , h
e r ,r
t Gruss Scytl
I , crt)
10 dot beet (.%m Lev
fnr mln brl- V. WATERMAN
1010 •
ok nt ws!e2aeu_isj
?al '''''' '''''l,Tl l :llllLtriN' 4
kr AILS it SPIKES-420 kegs for sale kry
.11 isis LS. WATER:44IC a'3033.
I3kAli.l. ASII-12 casks prime for sare l liy
JalB. . ' L
— 3. WATERitAXIr3O E .
if IRANS--20
GE brlsess -7 eek . to arriVe; jfor
1 ,tudo by lICRIIRTIIIIK it UMBRA ~
11118 113 mows:
-- i
UTTU-10 brie prime - volt . , for sale. lis,
A y j'''''' o ICK a si.C.INDitM:L _
pkuniEks -,3 sacks prime, ler 1.7.110 - 1;:y
~n 3; - ' •if a 3 1ft!ANP1 1 t ......
1 : I ALILY Pi:OUR-20 bills extra, for,s; . by .
i ,
ja::: WICK 4 31 , CAND1EY.
LEd.(' PlPE—Corncli's - improved sit
Lead Plp. far 11-awl:,
. ..
liyasaaifritat., ~,,, .• . .
All' Oen , an lrms/1 nnd T. orris, f,,,,,j, I, r , :.,i. . -..•
i.,,,,,, ALExANDIR GOIII.A. Rata/ i.
FAMILY I . lOl'R-145 brls 11:nnaay's et
lwrin ScArm
Item, Nrl.73,funtrs),,&, 4
8. V4 . 315--1 , 5 . ? doz I ~ P{ pl'YNL ' 6NupDertor, fur
brls. for mip
, n otimiN.lrritri: 'At (70
litON tonsßrut .1,01,
, r.ouls;,x. trrtt.r:
kit OLA SJE, 1W .1411,1,1311-tativu.3i
v br JAZ • J/s. A. JIETCHISOSI: 4,1
LEAD-2Aki Wien:, for F:116 kir
iaa 1 JAS. A. lICTC'Ji 44,v
LINTSEED 011,20 brio rreil for Polo To
11.1141 211:6/1.4 .
141 _
Bt. 7a es
141°'"'Y'lft""%tfiarsnESk Diana/al,
.1414 ll6 Wavr 11. _
GERMAN CLAY-58 bzB reed by
ICE-40 teo jest reed for sate b
jat I:MAU= naktua
~ A '4llWll -1
Cl . ch. •
1 . 2.• 111 ban I
P Ali S.
• • 1t0...1 IA
• • 141 , 1 r ',I
.4. t
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tat car ale
a F tat.
re, fix sale
i r lr 5t0....
1 , 7 1 41 14. 4
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[ Nam.
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