The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, February 03, 1851, Image 2

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112iiiiFmnmelViT r "
Ilastrros, our Representative, arrived
Lome on Friday evening, on a. visit to his fang
ly, a member of which Is Melt- He expects to
netinkin a few da . 74 and to be id time for any
ik t i car , which may be had on the Tariff, ar any
other questions or general or local interest. His
speech einthe Tariff is roc:stair% general attention
Vora the 'press, pad is 'well spoken of, 'end we
have the effect designed, of proe aring
~- . .Legialatiort for the suffering industrial interests
2: ...of the country.
Tat Taaws.—lt win be seen by the letter of
ourlTaddrigton cogrespondeot that there is very
little hope of any modification of the Tariff at the
present areaiou. This will be painful nelto
thousands. 'W e axe not u
in a mood to make m y
comnieute. Facts, argdments, appeals have, all
been offered in vain. The man of enterprise and
energy, who bas embarked an ho to worth in(an
itonorldde effort to add to his own and his cohn
t, kry's prosperity, is prostrated and ruined. iind
the poor laborer is deprived of the IDClll.9ofearn
!ll47ll9 bread, , And for what? That question
Mites thoughts too bitter, too sad, too humilia
r. sing to be Written now.
Losnos„ Friday . ; January 10th, 1851.
Fusser—oolong quiet. and silent—has opened
the political ball of the new .yerir with n minis
terial quadr i lle. Austria, Prussia. England, and
'lstlice Staten have been enjoying their Christmas
h t,., the President of the French Republic
standingalone—without a Cabinet—and in an ni
t/eerie of dellaoce, before the French Assembly—
before the mush profound statesmen of the late
mimarchy—threateurag to hurl the Columender •
in-chief of the army of.Pario from hls'high po
sition! This is the all important new,
s of the
present week.
The French Ministers tendered their resigna
tions to the President rat the close of fi Cabinet
Council, held at the Elysee on Saturday last,
awl they were accepted. The cause of their
resignation is traced to cerinip difference. which
have for to long time existed bet, eon the Presi
dent and the Misembly, and the President and
General Changarnier. The Assembly it in said.
net the General up as a rival power to the Chief
of the Republic, and that power was not. only
exercised against the tote Ministry andthe Pres
ident, but Changarnier accused Louis Napoleon
of forming projects of future oggrandisement
besides which, the General. pushed on by the
Ansenittly, woo rapidly becoming more powerful
Wass the )rovernment itself. Prince Louis wishes,'
to get rid . ye dangerous rival; and at thei
i Cabinet Council held * the Eliseo on the 4th
bast., he formally introduced the subject: and
• the question on whichlhe Slinistry broke up wan
' we the immediate dismissal . of General Changarnier,
to from the command of the army.
lid It in reported that four of the minislers de
.of slaind in favor of the measure, end the other
. five deetassd against it From that moment the
' squall continnedandincrensed in violence. (Hil
ton Barrot and other . distingilished men were
and called to-the Elysee, but withorit any favorable
in- result. Count Mole exerted all bin immense in
k, finence with the President in vain- He and the
;,-.„; Assembly remained obstinate, although the for
mer— discasored that be had not the power to
- 1 e dissolve the Assembly, while the latter found,
int- i that it was equally poiresicalo depose the.rre'' .
is I ideal. Louis Napoleon felt that . by ;goal in a,
, I safe and firm position when he looked to the fee;
--sever uppermost it, his mind—that he erns cho
sen se the Chief of the Republic by sin millions
it to of hlecton. This reflection induced him to pro.
lorig the densuurarrsf of the crisis, hoping that
the people of the prosiness would support him,
. . •Bons.—s-lt is reported that role- and show that support by general dtmeostmtior
brutal Hungarian
''Chief died at All po ht. favor.
'' in A scene which took place at the • Tays. - on
Asiatic Turkey, some timeearly in Decem r. He ednerslety afternoon, is an impini=t one, as
He died,, it in said, inMnsselman faith, wad it discovers tin precise , position of twoste s tent par
boiled with idlitary honors. Therein mule,. tics. The President oz..* for Count Zile, M.
story. connected with ,'tie death. "Man . 'yearn Theirs, Odillon liariot, Unpin, • Slootalembert.
Berryer and Dant When these safmen ars
=me, in a moment of alleged spout= . a cloir- . • • . •
. rived, the President declared to teens In rt very
wormets he had become impreened with he cow, energetic and determined manner. that lie hod
Wietion that the year otitis death would IMO; ritaalved to dismiss Chongarnier from the cum
and that he would ehpetal perils to t time. mond of the army of Paris, and that he was Mi
lle had seen distinctly, a.she canreir a--torah moveable in his resolution. When the members
Of the conference all sta ted , without o ills:semi-
With hie'roirsi name, and the data 1650_, its ins ,
Steripti&i." ' ' s. I
eat voice, their opinion that the oenern
I I to be =outlined in his command, the Pi.ssident
still persitted in his resolution. He is reported
sde to haversaid,-- "Do what you please • -settle the
. e ti. army of Paris as you like but, whatever you do
,s .. the present man wander-in-chief must be removed,
I,' for 1 am determined not to remain any longer
' 4 B' his suhnltern " According to another version of
wile thin interview, Louis Napoleon naid lino if be.
' found himself abandoned by the =grants. be
should be compelled to have recourse too Bit-
SOP= C.I6.OLLYA anon Glitt. 81112 4N.—The Inuit ministry-- ( M. Itillault is nut decidedly . a
Atiti-Slawery Reporter ( London ' # hen the
Red Repubbcanl—thra he was ready to ratify.
the nomination of any . General the Assembly,
following note from Lord Palmerston's thee, !in t s en ot . prop, to appoint ihe would accept Gen
reply tea memorial from the Anti - Slav Serie- eral Corrine : hut that he positively would not
ty„ Which seems to put beyond doubt the augges- any longer submit to Chnogramier's dictation—
lion that we have thrown out viz: that the in- furthermore, that he would take no minister
who wart 110tp repared before the Assembly anti
'enaction" to Consul General Mathew are but the General Changarnier's dismissal in his blind.
persevering prosecution of the subject oder the Such bold language—attest very empliati
Failure of popublx moment, whir}will not cally—astenished and quite alormed the members
let it sleep: of the eonferrence, and the alarm quickly spread
to the Assembly, which on Wednesday broke up
Four-tow Om 6, 31st December ' , 1850.
- Birr. I am directed by Viscount Palmerston to
tu"kiniwledge the recei t of your letter cif the 13th
~, in s
n a r c e o r
The republicans . generally, it is also stated, linen
Instant, complaining X the hardness nd)injus- r esolved tomemaiu quiet spectators, and take no
tire of the laws of tb , South... or sir eholdirid part either for or against the cause of the Presi
states of the American Union, with ,pert to d en t.
colored persons arriving in the ports of those , The Barrot, Mole and Thies ports met et the
states; and / amt . :. state to yod, for theinforten- I residence of the Duke de Broglie on Wednesday
lion of the British and Foreign Anti-L avery So- night, (after their interview with the President)
sl m
eiety, that the matter treated of iu y or ) letter to determine how' they should act in the present
is involved in considerable diffienliy, 1 shat it crisis, and to ascertain whether . it would be safe
has affnctedsemd .at continue to',Vat'. Me at- to support Chntigarnier in his position, even
•tention other Majesty's Government. . 1 against the wish. of Prince Louis. The majority
I am, Sit, your obedient sevant. • at thin meeting decided on carrying their opts.-
John'Booble, Esq. STANIXI. j 414 sition to the length of naming General chansmr
nier President of the Assembly, in place of 11.
a re- Unpin, who, •it was said, would immediately
at of resign his post. Thu. the General would have
the power of calling out any force he might con.
'rter eider necessary for the protection of the 'Assem
bly ! General Ondiren, who woe present at the
meeting, strongly expressed himself against any
such hazardous experiment. He nail that no .
eOOO as such a step was taken, there would be
found two armies in Paris ; and if a collision
were to take place—if the copital were made the
battle-ground in the beginning of o civil war—he
asked where would be the limit to such a orate
of things? The Men of order would ...dip he
h ., e the first victims. . General Oudinot's remarks
paced a very deep impression ; but the meet
hues hog separated without altering their resolution.
dent, Yesterday morning, when the _result of this
meeting become known, it canned a most , pro
found sensation throughout all 'circles in Paris.
'rts 'of It was at once seen that the crisis hod not reach
ed its highest point, nndthat it hod assumed on
aoun grove aspect. "Can it be possible," asked one
fifit to person of another, "that in the streets of Paris
!trick, there are to be two opposing armies, comprised
loubt, of men draped in the same uniform, speaking the
're the same language, inhabiting the same capital,
and governed by the laws of one Republic ?"
Is .. Numerous lista of the probable candidates for
rpone a new Cabinet were in circulation yesterday.—
mpti- The telegraphic news from Pori", received here
th at this afternoon, states p witively that the Presi
dent was able to make up a Cabinet at fi late
hour last evening. According to this desaatok,
the names aro—Foreign Affairs, M. Drouyn de
Minya; War, General Regnault St. Jean d'An
gely ; Ilaroche,,ltoriker, Foal, and llineau re
,have' tabs their places. This Ministry will follow the
s w ill President's wishenlrith regard to the dismisaell
thus of Clumgamier.
'can It Will at once be perceived that the sriltis
the will be.prolonged for several days to come--.that
' I l! there will be some stormy scenes in the As
; sembly, and that beyond these Coen. it ifs, at
present, impassible for the shrewdest mind to
SPECTIAT(OI.—TIaboy, of New York drlve !
blisiness by buying up small bills and 014-
' • • Seating them, at the banks for rederaptlon in the
smallest possible sums they can. t boy goes in
. andpresents a one dollar bill, it 15 redeeinikd in
wiser. He then presents another. and another,
course receiving silver, which he goes and sells
= r ites premium of three or four 'per cent. ; he then"
.• buys mare, and no goes on from day to day,
. lag the banks considerable trouble to get change
' enough touleet this novel demand.
This proves the necessity of bringing down the
value of silver coin to the present value of gold :
" and to 'declare the present silver coinage, of say 5
'percent. higher Table than it now bears, as was
. • dune in the ease of the gold coined previous to
. i Then changes arc bad . ; 'but they are better
. ,thert baring Iwo kinds' af - coin in circulation of
etominally the name, hot intrinsically different
'• nines. lint there iv another difficulty. The
eanse which caused the disturbance of tree old
.. ".efffeldisheal standards of value is still operating,
. , and may soon disturb any now Mandan] that may
, be fixed upon. .
.." " A large emission of gold dollars would he,
the country in a measure; but the proposi ;tin .
. '
Poste et mongrel set of small coins, part g 'ipsd
part silver, no as to make the fifty cent p ecr of
• , the nine of the !silver dime, as has been set s ed,
- it, we think, of questionable expediency. _ Atte
. gether it in a "very troublesome gnestio • lan'
probably the end of it will be to fit the ge ate;
. d.rd, and leave The silver to fluctuate in pric
as does any other commodity ; giving sm.
" tribunal the povrer..of declaring from time o tam
:lb legal value as a render; both to the ova
'.. *enteral in the payment of debts. This, too, 1
dL S
i r
. - objectionable in minty ways we know; not nett
;- it would be unjust to any interest, but use
of th e difficulty of applying the edicts era
the aural cointi,-such as dimes and hall' es.
A writer in blia einellama Gazette 4. orms
that the well-known 'Mum, The Beggs a Be
Non-- , iPity the Sorrows of a poor old m n,"
WWI arritterrhy the Rev. Thomas Moss,lof
fardehire, England, who died in BAH It
ant published in 1739.
- Tits - liacat's Boos for March ha bee
celied. Its illustnstions are very fire,
the "Coquette" and the infant are quit sup
works of art.
is a
141.D1Rk.M.1F1ANG611.1711611! RAT,.-bare
~eminaryft!tt youn r ni dies on' tile bank of the
Allegheny, nearly si 'le abase Kittanning. As
the walking beiireen the seminary and the town
is bad at some sew? tut, the young ladies gave a
concert last week to raise funds wherewith to
hare a plank roadti side walk made We
not heard yet bow bey succeeded, but we
no fear of that: It is a most exeltens prece
and one that will be followed.
, papers troth sari° s p
the country continue to bring' as mars.
stories of the rappibg spirits : loit w care,
bother our resdersi with any details. 'rhe'
if trick it is, of w ch- there can'be ittlo i
has riot yet been d
tested. That ev . ii it
' Week. of so 6r sab•hulDdn ages.
mazy believe, it is, NO far as any us fah pft
is =teemed, tt y worthless and con
ble. We vote its humbug. while w admi
, that don't prove it to he so.
. .
i -
, ' Hon. Taos. H. sros—Thoagb tll4 geriuen—
nuire' a from the 0 Scum after the 4th of March,
byres:sou of Mt. er being elected to immured ham,
'it is probable the until may still continuetotave
Ms valuable sent in Congress. It IS goalie will
boa candidate for house of Repreaentatiies. thus
'shooriu; his r . appreciation of that republican
principle dm people many capacity, high.
sato day or Imre to morrow, as they May, choose
, to ire. We fully with the Newark Adam ,
* tiger ut what Erse ,aa follows of thur A istiagvisbed
•thoss, whole ears' servtee In the Semite ever
sines Missouri•. elected a Serator, too ell exam
4111kiS the valise • a hue services to leave room for
:rayons to 001111 theca
*ilea scram • • a the obtrusive and • 147CSIIiTE
qmffillies, that ile oath hit character, it may be just
ly said of him; :be has solidity as well pbulk,
sod dist his '. -., proves rasi there IS real eleelleity
.. prellent 11 fs n • eto contradict the retifiag Sea,
'otos in • point of ta. The history of the diplomacy
• sad Legislauma o the country is Al familiar to him
`ay Piked boo He has bsea lordly and at times
• hasarrobly over • ring. It was hardl y to be expect.
ed that it should . otherwith. When roused and
coon la motion, a great physical and intellereivat
power produced itragth •,•1 nation with difficulty
=Waked by a ,• and certainly not by Coo of a
choleric and 6 emper
if Catpoloit, al sessions are to fq0....21ir . the pre.
cease of aw and occupy nine onktathe year,.
we know of no r m in whom we should rather see re.
• tamed to the Rime of Re 7 preseauttivea; for which he
a sandy said to have ettered himself as e candidate,
• duo the Senator l from' Mammal. Os the whole,
l'enel Heaton Mi tune of the boldest, ablest, and moo
emitheol of Acorn a ataterman, and an honor to the
country." li
• '
liartuacramcx ax —lt will be seen by the follow •
lag that Irlenera..Adams do Cu. understand how to
a aspatelt thing. m a batineva way. Their prompti
thdols worthy rf example: • • i
. ' - lisarthiozz, leo. ./.., is., - ;:ir
bail's. H.T. Alto do Co., Ft tclunond„ Yes.
' • Cieralemeo--We nave learned that a packeve of
'massy you wits stolen Dora our Rick .
. mood deeer-vald to be sWlt s . Pleat* pen the fact
*nibs warm° contained the anus of PO, and for
. vsrd ra Isiah yang receipt to Mr. Lee, of this city,
.., mug k osespoadeffil and we will promptly pity tam
. einiliMil. , I Yours respeeifogy,
' .
It was a pertinent turd forcible saying of , the
Emperor Napoleon, that handsome woman
pleases the eye, bat a good woman pleases the
Least. The one is a jewel and the other eras
• ism:"
-- -,- ' nutty..
The deadly fued between Louis Napoleon 'on eida, - and Gerrehangterneirr and the National
Assembly on the other, and which• resulted in
the breaking up of the Cabinet, threatens to put
an-end to the peace of France, such as it ie.
We have !already published some accounts of
the difficulty, and subjoin now a part of a letter
to the editor of the North American, which goes
mote frilly into the subject.
The of Gen. Changsmeir hos Ted
been very .fully developed CO the world ; bnt
enough is known to satisfy us that he Is an at4e
man,.severe, h•mghty, arni ambitious. We think
he lacks one element necessary to constitute him
a dangerous man._ that is popularity. In this,
however, we may be :mistaken. It is highly
probable that he is destined to act a conspicuous
rutd important part in We stirring scenes which
era evidently coning Oil to. ?ranee. Tt weeps
manifest now that Louis Napoleon is beginning
to go down; and if to, his descent will be us
rapid as was his rise.
I Rut it is in min to speculate upon corning
[ events in France; and all we can soy is that
! they are in a very ungettted state; but whether
the next turn of the political kaleidoscope win
exhibit them on fierce republicans, casting off all
4ontrul, or es cringing sycophants at the foot
stool of some rOY4 I Pla".liFT or Military chieftain,
time alone can show.
-i. --- .. - ---
r:r. York Commercial Adrortirer.
Rua:, Jan. Ist, 1851
We are enjoying magnificent weather for the
holidays, and the ceremonie. of the Church are .
attended by a very large concourse of strange,.
I have often heard. complaints mn:de by Roman
hots that the solemnity of the ceremonies is very
much diminished by the irreverent manner of
the English and Americans, and by their con
stant load talking. I took Particular pains
this season to notice the deportment of strang
ers, of the assistants in the ceremonies, and of
1 the faithful; null I can .say confidently that there
seemed to he less restraint among the ecclesias
tics than among any ohms of the spectaton, The
English and Americana were every way as rev
erent as they had any encouragement to he; bud
very many of them who got places in St. Peter's
near the choir, had good reason to rouiplain of
the annoyance given during all the chants by IL
knot of French priests, who, among other ...ob
jects, diacussed the condition of Methodism in
Germany and France, an if for the special bene
fit of the circle of heretics around theca.
The languid, dispirited manner of the Pope is
generally remarked_ It is well known here that
be is politically dead. The College of Cardinals
overrules him without ceremony. As by his
early attempt at reform he brought this body to
the very brink of destruction, and as it created
him and hes the power to depose him, it now as
serts its flan authority. and influence overbite
in the ordering of affairs for its own preserve
tiofo. . lie remains the some "kind hearted- old
man," (so ,everyono calls him,) but politically is
as pfusslve in the hands of the Cardinals nen pup
pet is the hands of a showman. I have already
noticed the . profound indifference of the Remain
at the promulgation of the new code of howl for
. the adminbitration of the departments. NO rues
sun of liberty vita anticipated, and Uteri: is
consequently no disappointment at the total ab
nenm of this elyment in the code. The Aus
trians, however, are not as4ranquil upon the
subject. The semi-official journals pf Trieste,
Venice, Milan. and Vienna, refnark strongly
upon the despotic character of the new laws.—
. They. declare it impossiblii for Austria to hold
the Northern provinces in subjection under such
a total annihilation of popular liberty: They
claim that Austria counted upon a moderate goy. ,
ernment on the pert of the Pope as an ea.entiul
condition of her services in holding the legations
for him. and they any freely that if this is to be
the policy of home. it were better that Austria
should take the legations at once in paymetjt of
debt, and govern' them with seine reference to
the improvement and Contentment of the pdpu
lotion. The uncompromising despotism of 'the
Papal Cabinet is the secret of the decided rebuff
lately experienced by the Pope's Nuncio atl the
Court of Vienna.
The Pope wrote at first a letter of coroplat ha
to the intolerable burden of the Austrian troops
gpop the treasury of the statea of the Church.—
He declared twenty thousand men, at a cost of a
million of dollars a year, to be absolutely ruin
ous to the country' His letter received only a
cold reply that :V.:stria Won the judo of the "-
cessites of the case. The Pope then sent an
agent to remonaratestrangly with the Emperor
against this oppritssive occupation of the Papal
territory. It is well known that the Cabinet of
Vienna refused to reduce the number of troops
or to curtail in any manner the expense of sup
porting them: and further, that it made roerim
inutions against the Popel-both in re r 4 to htn
v.upl , id 40 4 t co A il jri 4 f. 4 qtriicos ty suppreas
ltg the revolutionary movements in ISdI. and
in regard to the infatuation of the Cardhoda
since the Isle restoration, in hopelessly enema
-1 Mg the minds of the people front the l'apal gov
brutal Its Alltdri(111 soldiers are in comparison
with the French. there are intelligent:statesmen
among the Italians who believe that the beet hope
for the country Is in its total occupation by Att4-
tria, with provinci a l prernmente lilt.) that of
lAnytnt,dy; Sul as 611 nttayhmetit for debt is 31S
fair between nations . individuals, the Northern
provinces of the Papal state would now seem to
he perfectly within the grasp of Austria.
Something is brewing here against England.
The Cardinale will not overlook the insults heap
ed upon the-Pope and Itomauism since the ap
pointment of Cardinal Wis.... The , retztilia
tory 10e. 4 11re is not otlicially annoontlyd. by th,.
runty: , ' l f I, to - les y gen, itt, and witillAltStria 011
nor side and Fiance tot the other, to deep Eng
land oIL it is clear that Rome may hg as insolent
tewarits hek as she pleases. The measure, it is
said, will strike at the. English visitors at Home.
It is probable that we AltieriClnk 0 , 0
of the security of our chapel Within the walls, b.
the willingn,s on the part of the Cotermnent to
increase the irritation of the English in being
kept ...table. - The opposition to the chapel Ima
,teen very strong.nd Cardinnl Antonelli has
-herb heSet on all ~Ors Si, suppress. it, nut so far
in vain.' The arrival of such an enthusiastic .le
fender of religious liberty as Bishop Hughes
ought certainly to put ma slop to this elamor
against it We shall see..
A curious piece of jubilee, .so called, has re-
Cindy been executed hero upon a wealthy mer
chant of the lsraelitish nation, one of the meat
esteenuld of that people in Home. A law w.
pasted 'sonic time ago, mymiring all Rom. Cath
ones to leave the service of Jews, under certain
penalties for the le.A. delay. A iteor Catholic
woman, nearly sixty years of age , wan lately
found employed in the house of this merchant In
the Ghetto, As there was nothing to he had
from her, the merchant was fined and sentenced
to eight days imprisonment. Hut his son came
forward and pleaded to he imprisoneda-in his ha
titer's atemol. Considering . the respectability of
the merchant, and the general interest made
among the Jews to avert from hint the indignity
of an imprisonment, the substitute of the son
was accepted. The young man has- now served
lout the imprisonment, and is in as fair a way to
.1, become a Christian as could be expected.
From the Aubundhnil, Advert:P., Jan.
the ,tenthie. but jam demand of the IL,cw, arah
carried into effect agAin.t Alhert,'Brtham, 'die
lad of, , his coy at 11 otelook 13 minutes A hi':
There were present Prof. 1. Few Smith, of She.
Theological Sem usury. nod Hey. H A Net ion, of the
First Presbvtertan Church, who had aueotted noon
the prisoner oil.. hie sentence, also Dr. Briggs,
Pouters, and Van Auden, Phs, clan.; the Counsel who
&tend. d the pr,ooier int his ma!: the Iststr A
rn .•
bou , and twelve cameos, beeides the Sheriff and
his airmoonts
We have It from gorse authority, Mal the prison
g. twral thieg, from the ~,, e lie sans scotch
ced, up to lam engin. dot not seem to regard hi. fair
with anythiirc; like the wriousnew wee...hone would
auppowa terheidhavepmen exhibited by pers.n eater
monition lie indweted quite I . :rely in to ymiter
Sty, and seemed to be lens lhoughtlul than those who
were snaking prep:teat rens lor his rieCtrow
.peaLlne of the arrange ram for his exec boon
he carelerrisfy, hull in a sort 4 , 1 Jovial way seat mat
if the genet*. won not completed till titer Isere.
o'clock to day, it Would roil hint ust as well ;
meaueng if he wa. not executed by
12 o'clock,
the rieutence of the Court could not-he carried into
efie , t
•Vesterdhy the prisoner was than from his cell into
one of the upper rooms ref the Jail, for tree purpose of
hiving his liken. taken; and during the lime he was
nut of tnit cell, he Was remarkably sociable. in enter-•
ring to his ear plain he said. that -whore !Isere is
touch 1.. there is wirene awn." and when asked to
expiate. be raid he should gel rid of his iron from
after ho war bong
Dureng the period. when the pr
isoneen spiritual
adviser was in coulters:neon with him be always
appeared none penitent—ready mconverse 011 tnevl
'object of reinter, contessing that he had led a very
worked life, but prob.-we to believe he had been for
given all hsins, nJ was prepared in di- la nm
kno,s , edgeng his !role' ne., he was generally chreful
to state, that whatever other critne.lbe was guilty of
comin Ming, that of murder could:not ha justly rharg-
ed to hint
To prove that ha pen neoce was feigned al such
ton.. hr was voided by Molesters l i d the Gospel,
rt vole on...wry to state, that between much men.,
oil mem two °seamen, ten war heard Mime Innen:tee
'which would orders. that hr , thed no .pecial regerd
for ht. rel g
onton •
it Wan ly yeaterdnv 111.1 thepremner, on
suer an Interview *oh the Reverend
Mr. Nelsn, e dlentell she ides that MltilsierS
should call upon it to vouVerse on fella rums role
pen . . stannic. lhal tun gard ha strait thinfrs was very
lohallehani, the, brother of A Men; who is under
iimum of death for pertiripatieg i
n the emurder of
Adler, was removed from theind to the Omni Bow e
previous ta the exeriutiou. Thn was a were and hie
none move on the Part of :Mend Fancber. The
other prisoners to the lad were taken to a &sent
part of the bonding froin where the execution took
place and locked in cells
Ii wen supporred ,by some dint Hallam would make
t •itentpt to tiliedna own life last night. and to pre
vent such an aci,great cautiun snowed He wee con
stantly watched during the night. and no arnica al
lowed to sere him atone, except those in whine the
utmost confidence r,,uld be placed.
The primmer slept, npparently, an uudisturlsed lest
instil as though he had been on hot own couch in his
father's boons. It has been a subject of general re
mark and surprise that a person soyoung, could re
main no entirely unconcerned in view of his approach•
ing end
At twenty minutes past ten o'clock the morning,
the Rev. Mr. Nelson entered the tinsoner'e cell, and
was engaged in Conversation with hint, until twenty
Minnie , to It. Mr fir, ialorms to that the prisoner
nppeared very notch he had at other Imes dunng
his visa.
At a quarter to eleven the pssoner was led
from his rill and seated under the gallows' win
his death warrant was time. by District Attorney
Pomeroy, in a clear but somewhat agitated tone of
During the reading of the warrant the prisoner
seemed deeply agitated, but Seen regained he sell
At ten ennui. to 11, Rev Mr. Smith requested
the primmer to kneel. alter which Mr S. addressed a
most solemn sod affecting pray to the :Throne :of
Grace, beseeching In the most earnest manner, that
the Almighty Ruler wool have mercy on the soul of
hip who was sermon tube tethered into
howe d deeppres
During the prayer the pnwurtr: agate s
agitation; but upon am:ming his seat there were no
signs of a broken and subdued heart. During the
-entire ceremonies we did not discover that the pets ner shed a tear, although those around him wre
under deep emotion.
Al ll o'clock, the prisoner's counsel and the Revs.
Mr. Nelson and Smith shook hands with bite, bid
ding him an affectionale farewell The primmer then
asked Lin glass of water, and after partaking of it,
the' under Shrill asked him If he had any remarks to
I ma ke. Re replied that he had not, only that he was
At five- minutia yaw 11, itsarms were pm
/tilted behind him, and the Reverend Mr. Nelson
W held a brief bet inaible converuon will him
e were nto able to l ud can the amount ef What was
' At eleven minitteri VIM 11, the cap was rlmwn over
the prisoner's face,When he extubtted deeper einutton
than at any whet time during the rod errentunies
He dim:eerily gave °uremia to the words nOh, dear
me," which were the last he uttered.
At twelve minutes past eleven, the Sheriff
1 ,,,, c 9 e d the ,mp f r..,f, to the ashoWn, and Albert lia•
ham was mitered into a nother world Ile wage led
Very heels maundering the fart that he was in lull
- At '25 minutes past it, Drs. Snap, power, and
Van Auden, examined the body and pronounced de
The body was then taken down, placed an a redo,
and delivered to the lathero l the prisoner.
Thetatne work of the gahoWs Was erected io one
'of the upper rolimatuf the jail. so that nothing was
visible btu the rope which hung through the ceiling.
Everything Was armhged in complete order, mid
nething oectured pr make the scenemore awful than
the immagmatinn would naturally pill cture.
there are any who hive doubts so to the guilt of
the priseiner, to remove them n isottly necessary In
state, that since he and his brother were sentenced,
''they have, in convenation with each other, at times
when they supposed no person was in hearing, eon-
I meted themselves, time and again, of the murder'
of Adler. And yet Albert Belem, with his last
breath, protested that he was wholly innocent of the
The enemas arrow! the jail and tne Court House
were crowded by protons actuated by a morbid desire
to be where they could at :met hear the drop of the
weight which tent e Wittier being intoeternity This
curiosity with ince to generally expeCted ton
such ye-restore, bat that women should disgrace
theinselvet by truckling with the crowd, wis quite
s—We cmderstsnd diet John fisbam, jr, has
made a fall confeesion of all that he knows in rein
fire to the murder of Nathan Adler, to his Comet ;
and that the same will be published la pamphlet fetti.
la a few dais. • •
A new chemical process for tanning leather,
has been patented by Hai-man Hibbard, of Ro
chester, Sew York, and /Or which a silver nitdal
was awardedrat the last Phio State Fair. Ansel
Frost, we believe is the proprietor of the patent
for many of the Western States.
We have se4 calf skins and sheep skins that
were tanned by this new process, and there is nu
doubt of the fact that the leather is greatly su
perior to that tanned by the usual process. The
calf skins we else, were superior to the import
ed French brawls, and the cheep ukius were as
strong as the common calf skins sold in our mar
kets; and for boots and shoes are better in many
respects than the calf skin sold in our most fash
ionable shops.
This new process, is used also for tanning all
kinds of leather,..-harness and sole leather, and
heavy row lades for upp,e6l.—atel this leather
viii soot crack or break when exposed to the in
fluence of the weather,
Nlessrs. Howlett 4'. Kellogg, of Columbus . ,
hare purchased the right for Franklin county
and are non producing the finest specimens'of
all la m .te of leather tanned by this process. t.
In addition to the superior quality of the loath
turned by this pFocess, it takes only one.irth
of the time required by the old process. Sheep,
calf, goat; and all kinds of light stock, are
thoroughly tanned in three to four days; cow
hides in ten or fifteen drays; harness from fifteen
to twenty days; and sole in font thirty to forty
days—lt's:l - there is a saving in the cost of tanning
material• of front 1J to per cent.
y` he process of tanning skins with the hair on.
is perfect—the leather being thoroughly tanned,
and the hair left no smooth. and tine as before
tanning. ft r saw boots and gloves, of sheep
skin—dwool side to -that particularly -struck
one fan,y.-
This rivet:4 of tanning ban heel, 41.oroughly
tenttsl, and in rapidly gettiv,g into one. A otta
ni. ••wwsb tub - by 14• process, will do an much
tanning gs yll Ulm vairs of on ordinary ”Tan
unry,—and there can to no doubt that it in des
tined to create a perfect revolution in the bold
ness of manunfacturing all kinds of leather.—
Cis. Go:.
Ou Sabbath evening lost, Mr. James 'Stover,
residing on Penn street, in tikia place, attempted
10 ail a alad lamp WhUia Inartting. As
might bare been expeeteit, the fluid caught null
e‘Pl"‘{e4 trt. )inup,eovering the unfortunate mint
afti, the inflammable material, and in an instant
he Wt. enveloptsl in flames. There being no
one present to render assistance. he fled to thu
Street crying for help, and ran a considerable
distance before water could be procured to ex
tinguish the devouring element. Whilst flying
throbgb the street we are informed that he, pre
sented a mot awful specnicle, the tlamea entire
ly ahrouding his body and covering his hands,
arms, face and heal; find it was not until atter
the fire had been extinguished, and he had rec.,
ere.] sufficiently to speak mil tell his wainci, that
his neighbors knew him. ;nee wax much
blackened, and Ids hair crisped, and his clothes
almost entirely consumed. Ilia abdontan and
one hand, we understand, suffered Mat, though
his entire body is badly burned. We saw the
NM' fellow shortly after it occurred, covered up
with blankets in bed, and complaining much of
being extremely cold. Thin morning, 4 Monday)
we nntlerstand, ate is getting along as well as
mold be expected, and hopes are strong that he
will recover. Mrs. Steven also had her arm
burned, hot we believe not to, severely its to oc
casion any apprehensions about her entire re
covery.—liollidayshorgh Reglnter. a
Greet Slesughire of Bears and fker.—Tbree
bears were recently killod about five miles from
the St. Cruit Falls, by Mr. Cadott--an old one
and two cube. The mother weighed about four
him iced pounds. But we learrafrom the veteran
hunter, P. F. Bouchea, that a Much 'Schut.7
slaughter woo perpetrated in the Brunt family
on the East Fork of Willow river the Sioux Indi
ans have recently killed forty bears, and up
ward of fifty aeerin the weals on that river; and
are still on the chase. Several lends of their
game a few days since. passed our village on
I their way to MetlllOtA. M. T.—St. Cray IF6. /nl.
(.I,,yrtiercr thr_Lakes.—Therp woo impulsed
into Buffalo loaf year from the Western States.
(very little from Uantida included.) morehaudine
to the value. of $22,5:1 - 1§,781. Tho value of- es
portn during the year an ttttt nted to,7:17.
Total valtrition. fall.1)27;d:). Add to this com
merce of the port at the lower end of Lake Erie,
in order to nlotie the total conatterce of the Up
per Innkes concentrating at littlin s lo, tind the a
mount will be equal to :•.:711.ilsithithi. Tire in
creane since IS-t: in ti01nr17.456.
The number od arrivals at Itoffalo during the
pant season no-a 3,s:) . S—equal to 1,225:430 tons.
The clearance+ numbered 3001 tonnage, 1,20,•
Turku/. iirmmi.—lfiisolve five or six bits of
gum mastic, each the size of a large pee, if as
cinch spirits of wine as will suffice to render it
liquid; and in another vessel dissolve an mach
isinglass, 'previously a little softened in water
(though none of the water must be used.) in
French brandy or good rum, as will make all.-
ounce vial of very strung glue, adding two small
bits of gum galbanum or; ommortiacum, which
must be rubbed or ground till they are dissolved.
Then mix the whole with sufficient heat. Keep
the glue in 0 vial CIOA'CIy stopped, when it is to
be used vet the viol in boiling water. The jaw
, ellers of Turkey have a singular method of or
namenting watch eases. se.; with diamonds and
other precious stones, by +imply gluing them on
with thispreparatibn ; it resists moisture and
dries colorless.
HZ•NOARIANS —A eorreypondent of one of the
Pare , paper, wenn. from Constantinople, any. that
orders nave been waned for the speerly conveynnee
Liver ho
on nearly taro hundrrd'Hungavan re.
lingers, who have tannest resident an Chotinda A yes
yen has been provided by the TurheM Government,
forntshed with every ilium neecssary to secure the
emotion of the voyavers, heside• a donation to each
of a woad yuru of . ney. The unprestwon that
nearly the whole on the refugees, Will embark at
Loveipool for ihr (Ironed Staten.
Dr. 1 4 ".4.1.,-1, a distinguished Jew of Birming
ham, thus states the opinion which the Jews
here of Jesus Christ :—"While F and the Jews
lit the present day protest egaiast being idebti
tied with the zealots who Vera concerned in the
proceedings agwingt Jesus of Nazareth, we or.
far from reviling his character or deriding his
precepts. which aredjindeed, for the most part,
the precepts of Moses and the prophets. You
harp heart me style him 'the Great Trashes of
:Nazareth for that iicsignation I and the Jews
Lae to he his Joe."
Slarrv.--At the Norman Conquest and
the close of the Saxon heptarchy, two thirds of
the population of England were• found to
in different degrees of servitude.; and of villein.
borders, cottors, and serfs or thralls, one in sev
en were, slaves, and' marketable commodities In
the most unlimited sense of the term. Slaves
and cattle were n kind of money, or legal tender
at a value fixed by law—a slave being equiva
lent to four oxen. So says a recent English an
thority. But it should be added that thin ha.
ceased lo be the ease for hundreds of yearn.
TL, limn,/ of .Vationol Popular /Meridian held
its anoual meeting at Cleveland, Ohio,_ recently,
when Governor Slade reported the receipts for
the past year to be $9,020,51) ; disbursements
$4.8.19.)5. There was a balance of $1,11 4 3,28,
the whole of which is to be consumed in sending
seven teachers to Oregon in March next. The
society since It. was organized , has sent ant 199
teacher,. •
Fugitive Slave roe.—On Wednesday last Da
vid Orayson, n slave belonging to Thomas Briggs
of Clark co. Va. was arrested at Diinville, where
he bad been working in the Montour Iron
Works. lie was taken to Harriaburgh,
ted he was a slave, and was handed over to his
master by Mr. Commissioner McAllister. There
was no excitement
Fried l'oratoa.—The French method of cook
ing potatoes affords a most agreeable dish. The
potatoes are peeled wiped, and cut into thin sli
ces, then thrown into a frying pan containing an
abundance of hot land. An soon as they become
brown and crispy, they are thrown into a col
lander to drain, then sprinkled with" salt, and
served up as hot as possible.
A Candidate in troulde.—Rev. John Atwood
the Democratic candidate ... for Governor, in New
Hampshire, has been thrown overboard by the
Concord Patriot, the old established organ of the
party, on account of political 'apostasy or du
plicity, discovered in sundry letters written by
Mr. Atwood relative to the compromise measures
passed by Congress.
lion. Richard Brodhead, the newly elected
United Stritgii Senator from Pennaylvania, is a
tangier by trade, and served his apprenticeship
at Bittaningf, in the wo.tcrn part of that State.
Gen. iganiel Brodhead. of revolutionary memory
WILY for ri rogogideralole time commandant It
Fort Pitt. now Pittsburgh.
ATLANTIC. — The rerenue schooner During, Cap
tain Darby, sailed on a cruise to liable Island,
and subsequently on in cruise in search of the
United States mail steumer Atlantic. The
Chronicle truly remarkes , that this not of cour
tesy and humanity on the partyf the Provincial
Government will, we doubt not; he appreciated
by our friends across the bay.".
.t .4radonii.—At the close of the last
year there were in West Point kende - my,
244 Of these there were eons of plan
terr, 70; of Mechanics, 16; of lawyer', and judges
34; of merchants, 86; of hotel keepers, 2; of phy
eieian3, 184,9 f army and clficers, 18; of pre
reasons and piny officer,,, 82; of clergymen, 4;
ofgovernmCnt officers, 7; unknown, 7.
&nerd! f a...L.-The adjourned meeting at the
n apitui, nn guturday last, compostsd of members
of the Conatituotial Convention, the State Leg•
idatuiv, an 4 other citizens of the State now in
Indianapolis, unanimously nominated General
Lane lAN a candidate for the Presidency in 11361,
subject to the dcvlaion'of a National DemocratiC
CotiventicrUssin. iftata &mina; 201 h.
Archbishop Hoghee, of Ne York, arrived in
Rome, on the 26th nIL
Punch's Almanac, for 1851. is said to abound
in fun. -Here is a specimen:
Why is comet more like a dog than the dog-Star!
Because the comet has got a tail, and the dog -star
How can a man, who has no wings. be said to
be "winged" in an "affair of honer!" Because,
in going to fight a duel. be makes a goose of
Table of interest—The dinner table.
A legal conveyance—The Police van.
To mend Sherry—Have a sherry-cobbler.
Note for irl.'ronauts—Take care that thucom
pardons of your aerial voyages are good natured
fellows, as the worst thing tlrat-mm happen to
people in a balloon is to fallout.
.Desirable Suburban Residence for Sale.
Trt: subscriber rigors for rain the hou•e_and anrund•
wiurte ha now reyblix situated on Park stawt. Inloar
mord. In Allegheny. and about gn onutes'iralk from the
market of this city. The lot Is 74th feet (mot nn Park
running back 2.52. feet. to an alleys—mm.lou: nearly one
acre of ground. and br bounded frn every aide by large open
lots. adorned with trees and shrubbery. The hoover it
nearly new. large, and exceeding!, well arranged, hash.
(rout of ..r0 fon. and • depth of V.!. and contain. fourteen
man, beetles halls nine feet wide. It I. built In this herd
and mon durable manner. and hes a gm-anrof not and
errotains all the nirdern convenience, Two pump, with
an onfailie: suPPI, of hard aud soft water. a, al the door
on the afcmbren are the necessary but Imildinn, e trible,
earrbere hone, de. The gmunds arri laid out niovtl, tor
lawn. entered with chute, hull trees. evergreen.. flowering
shrub, entrant, stoneeberrir, rarmbemes, Le.. nod • small
stanlen. The fruit's of the bred kitul, and the Ire., are in
their prime. awl , {rid einguat fig the wan. of an onlinarY
The situation of this angert,, acto utlubritY and.
trukurtran comfort., combined with contioult, to the cuff.
.4 {Arra... Ir, an, trireldenee iu thr. vicinity It h...
• Stow of the Ohio River for over • mile. of Trmleteneer
vale, South Pitt•hurgli. Ito city, rho two rive,. and the
halo around. forming allenether • pauononic .pnetael of
slush the ate tiev, wearier. Ever, lust slosh
depart. !rem the port of Pith•trursh r.O the . Obi, Yeses so
full view. The residence and arr.nrubr are al. , r , trraletelY
remov from any atino,aure of dun. vo &Amiens. of
manfon ausrvegetartiou. sod adonis a. rertirensent ay quiet
and pearreful as If located in some quirt norA in the rreuntri•
The a:betty will 1,0..01 at • bargain, and irrere.loo given
ou tire Herd of April. !Inquire at the date n..
inltentf D. W IIITII
C.)- IJv a CovetAtes—The only nmmeil, eyer effered to
the nubile, whleh hew never failed ,d working a lItIrm• alien
directions are f0110w...L1 , 31•1.ene , Liver Pill. It hem new
Leon metered )rare hare, the pubile, end ham !wen Intro.
dttewd in nil wrlhmr of the WIWIT tt hew hern tumed
It Imo bed the tnomt tlintnt,hant moereem. end ha. ertuallt
drsren out the Item of all other umedleinem. It ham been
Ivied under all the different ph....
bedn.foutel ounally efflreeinum In all.
For male hr J. KIDD t
(Al:dam: l No on Weed at.
RPM • PA131.15 CASE!
1 rtunnlully nognl. l Y .ith Your rr'0 , .. 0,
thell k ycyld K l.r f nu an ancount of the dmu.t luirsrulous
pf tuy Tittle daughtnr'n n>e tu the usn of lour ''Prtru.
alto wits attacked with • eery son. rya in February or,
Morels Wt. when I Itotonlistely applied to the best mettl
nal sal In the ell, by whom It was pronounnsl s - eery hod
eye. - and all Kase me
luta no horn of doing hot any mail. AF
tor ',bleb Ito her the nototry to aujohl lady who
bed lawn wary successful In curing elm.. it.. told me that
her Ml* 'CM hopeless, as she sunlit nertalnly loon not only
that One. but deo Lhat Ito other would fallow—lt being a
scrofulous sireenen t 4 121. blast. And Ido ex•rtifr. that at
the tlm. mf V/ther (.1, B. Vuhon) mote to the ninelnone
that we had better try your Petroleum. she WWI ea.' , /,'
triad of °en. eye. It to now abut two months since she
began Its tun. and she rao now no with both Slaw as good
as ewer she did: mid.. far as I con tell. I believe she box,
with the blessing of the Almlably. lawn mast by letrolo.
MIL Your., respectfully.
M. Ymeti Tmatom'Cotta.a.
Pittsburgh, Sept. 30, 1050.
Ark - For sale by Keyser A 31e1oweII, 1.10 Whotl al: Y. K
Pellet, 57 'Wo.I st 4 I). 11. Curer. D. A. 3:1/1.11. iusetth Err
-0.4 sad 11. P Prkivrarts, br the ProPri
tor. 0. 11. K11:11.,
unr731001,3 buds. Seventh Pittsburgh.
Citizen's Insuranes Qompany of Pittsburgh.
0111ew tie. :al Water etract.lnthe warebonee of C. 11.
. NT.
C. A. Ilmolaa, Preoldent A. W. Mae..
This Company le now datum! to Moore all merchatollae
In atom and In tratuatu. vamp's, le.
An ample truara.ntrfor the abllitratal Introit., of the
In/dilution. In &lauded In the eb.eter
who all eldsens of Illtahurgh, nal: and Lave... 143
known to the rummunlty far thelr aruletrxe. Intellhrente.
and Integrity.
Inara-mta—C.(l. Iluenal. W. Ihumley. Larlmer.
Domestic and For;iyn Eschangt, Bank !Corea, a
I Gold t t Surer, liought,Sold ErrAanyed
No. 64 Wood Street Pittsburgh.
Sir INtrsznt ...Ulla. nwzhtrogrtn Jxll.ll
10PAKTNERSHIP—We' have associated
/ aath iir Tuuldr,. BR, law cknhier of the Faxsueri
D,nwite Bank. who will tlevoVe
ctyle of the dm retnetinn lietvtof.m.
A, WI 1,. K 1 NS & CO.,
corner of Third and Market sta., Pittab'gh.
E'inropean Agency.
11, Aubrernber intend.. ...Ring the principal ri11...
Cimat Ifrnain, Vrannr. and I i. , rmani. donng the months of
Ma,. and Jour neat. tracing I.l(plburgh on Marrh
171 h. and all , plMw.t to alleni k aro - arena , of a ha.
atom character whlrn aat a rnntict. l to ht. c.a. , .
I•ll74ltnyri: JOHN D. DAVIS.
Foreign and American Hardware.
No. 129 Wood Street,
A full and complete abet of PDREIGN AND AMERICAN ,
the oozing moat.. trot whielt they are prepared
P. ogler purehaanathat .T.P•re
favorably with any of the ...Peen ettlea
AL RE YOU A FATHER, laboring for the
an outlet - tog thorn general
lilht ant law WVi d
halfe almost li meet. • batten
Dr. S. D. Ilowe's 'Shaker eareararllLa ' pi
Arn WA Mather. suffering (no.don are. whieh
males ary generally aubvet. use pr g. D Bowe i Phaker
,snotpatilla--lt will oertainly rare you
Call at our depot, ur on one of our agent.. ml get •
pamphlet. untie. where you .11 Pod that the :baler ear..
oaparilla. ae. prepmpl by Dr .• Howe, hae the
mean. of permanently curing more &amp , . wkilch the
human family ane continually ouhpet, than miy other
prep Aloe of Saraapartlla e•er yet brought Gann. the
99 gra media. hao ePtibiLe Ito high n.putatuni by Da
a mp
II 1. tao upln ant =ltileo ""ll . l I the rely 1
that arta on the liver ' A
idn;y ' a. ar:l ITla n el o alfrle Wl aarp n.
Unie, .bleb
aflp mode m l" t more valmtble M e•e1;
D 11101014 . 0 , ,,(11AK Ril
SARSAPARILLA ' , and take pantie,
Prix. $1 per bottle-5 tuttlea for 1.5
" b .j. D. 110
g. WE 01/ Propriettirk
To erhorn Kg ender. "hin.
Alto. far sale br J. A. Junco, J Srlwournaker
Black. Ft. IV. )Inca. J. M. Town.wpal. J. Mohler. di. Jura.
Y.IIbnL Allegheny oil}. IP. 1L Nr
k NI heeling: J. Pattern°, f ' ner E. O. Plorpan, Nc
Cialravlllr: Mellon Koop•Cadla raCaalkerT
LL personn indebted to the Into
. firm .w o , f .
j.4 " v "" n
- •
Creek andßoman Blogra,thy. Myth°lday. and Oro.
l a ,redinpon 11.. Dictionary of 01,4 and Ito-
Ilioraphy vid Mythology. by Wm. Smith, L L
arvtard by C. Mallon.
nee. of Or Quern. of Sanland Dal Engllah Ptine..rano.
Ily Ages Strickland. Vol, lel
Thr Lifr and cormrpondeore of dt. Sodthry. Edited by
Tson, thr Kee. IL Jl. A. 1 vol. boo.. inns.
hr livelier of Popery. and Ito anew, An Adders+ de
neared in lb. Broadway Taherhooff, no Wodnrelay even
ing. Jan nary 15,1851. by Rev. N. Mornay. K.
recrivnd and for wile by H. HOPKINS,
fetd 78 Apollo Building. roorth d.
ISURCIIVIELD have on hand . good ualrtmentnf
Blankets, of all tho dlfr,rrnt oualltlrr.lncluding • P.O
pal of anus atm and quality, All of which are now offend
t. reduced prior..
`ldth'' sal
" k nitstriri , rrliNteifyin'oo.`
ROWN FLANNELS, it Domestic Article
Alm% Whirr. Barred, Green, and Maurine Blue, u
hAeeuund at the storecor
other Md. of IVlnter tikr
mean smortment to be
hat the Moro of
xeA DIES" IV iNTER, POSIERY, of vorioun
kind. including nen. arirla of Wool and BIM. to
nif at dm 'lure of
i tlo. c7 " : " Alno
and Lnlntio Wool Drawer. 1,1,1
_ .
S an L e E p SM aI A N li en in
u a b
D ana y
ra i n oo ci d e s r
aid reknit:not None other met. apply. EnVoir ,. bat
iittt thi.i
ofticei fr
ETAIILE POWDER, bit the cure of Ifflcuattr. ut
A rare and moot eureeiotPlieniedy for that oar.rwiattng
not intolerable oftiletion to vbith mother, in
to dL. of 'unlnpp au n tueet . lt affords
moskpr .. .r . r
nd t ' n ' d * lii initially see= by o reingle . giqaM 7 . o pt::
like other fur thbi it antirely barn.
tolor respect+ the child, se It Mar . be ...Domed ontifflut
hootthm p o ltile riot: of ininrY•
o t f hi lfi t g:-
'7ft . ,--0 DOI P k F sal t
4 1 11. aiN R W..
12t1 Liberty *M Pttubulo up rgit
Fur rote by A. litesitta, dNo. Wm:nub et,
and D. A. Luton, Druogieb. AUefflorny. frti33.
Penn Mutual Life Insurance Co.; Philad'a.
Final. tr.. ut.e.4ata.) No. 3A3 Lawny meet.
ia betWr outito*o of persona nietilliot In the
lower part oral., city. nt ma) almi ha round daily.
Prom tu 1.2 and to 3. kirk, at the counting ruom of
Setaamilinaker A fflt..Nnlbt Wont growl.all wino
my Information beeirettimel'lnmotraUono. inLmpt.
ra t at.? ITie It":= V. 3 /Lilt eth,.Pryig,EL,
"Vtitlt ' pront• of Wes Conspant. Mbleb foe the tmo
yoara bar...been eighty per I . 7at per annum, gn! dteta4
"1,1=1:7. 911,..,n,
OTita..--.Loca • LZIANDER LANNI/LI.. .
Delany. yr.. Fnadx, (Um Lord waling) au Lord
1.1 ost. laLlut mambas, a/ half MI4) o'clock.
ChityWagotgok at et:erica, ;Am LatkoVill set
Intilrr, (Mr. P , somvaut's4 &malt Mat, VlClaLuridt.
lUeV - n ----- TC T) TONS SUPERIOR No. LD
163 Wit'l7l
I --A dletinanr, Orne l
nal r
utylln.b.un awl ueou-rnpliy. lend afon lb ,
lurtkoury of sal Ilninnu IlLography and Nlytholo,y.
by William :+tnith 1.4 U. eclitorof the Itirtionsrle.ofilmek
and Inman Autiquitink and of tlreuland Itutnan Illuunnphy
and 51‘thnInuy. revlned. with numerouA mirectinn.and
addition, iu Authun. LL. Prulennur the
tik and Lntln Langno. , C.olurnhia
The Llfn and rverrpumknee ..nuthey editenl
1.1 hi., Rey. euthin-rt South.). )1 A. Cu
rut. of l'ltiniblund: Cumberland. Full Lound cloth,
.4 the Life and Corn...pundett , n of Thol.rl En
Lire. Ili owdo of Sodiand. andl:nOkh
r-ddserdod nth n•aa
- nf Ilribdts.
StnrClnnd. author nr .Un" of the Qurru.. of
3 , 4 1
The td Pnpory , i t
It. Cat”co an Addrnaordeliv•
n.l in the HMO W. 1 . 21--rnarle. nn W., ef.86 1 014.
Jon In. Intl, hf He. Slnrral• Ir It,
Thoe.n.. laAdrsJuil rnreirKi. und for wale,*by
Jendn IL O. N,. 47 Markpt,44.
4 . l.rrarle, Pnot. and An:p.m-an ad..l . •i_
.. •
TI nth ',NI. prim*. new
in Irtl. Ice, No, Leaf Lan!:
lascl• rtvwto•
Lei lir, •
I. bri• mod rctra tiraulx.
Llndlng and .ale by BROWS bK. I ATRICK
10 1. 2, 'A
t, 5 , K , ..5 . 11,1,4„,i11111/E I.l:,l new rep..liE..Mowviuspratts'
r;10 awl
1`11.• linettell Fanerieb aseortest:
25 brie i i lue.
21 , 04 lb. Olin. Vitnol; For sal, by
,K 11111 k 0 . 1, rn BUN.(.
ji1.:,L , ,..i1 , :5. „ . ,, 1 . , :..ti , ;— ,.,., A , Ime t, : n t , n: a l Rrlendid ar.sort
ionft.biehnien,.. ham I, Is. 'Wre rer rat l .l. Pr"'h Br L'"'.
Frenell .11 ii.e.l IA- Lame, and Cartimenw at estrrmely
low in n'. Did A..A. NI A.24iN A Orb
MAILORS' TRIM M 1 NGS---ISeeeived and
ai, th0..1,).
and E nt
Padding, .eliciax.Twist, (atilt and basting Vert .
and !Ant Iluttnne Bona. Metal. and Jalatriffr'd Drat Sad
ertrrd. Ihltholle. , Horn and Illnek Done :fuel... ado, Dutton,
Ac. . A. A. MASON A eri.
d 11.0 T tis, c AssiNtERES & VESTIN(IS----
‘ , H.,..iv..1 ..I ~,,.....1 this dab. eight ns foll!'w ,
111,,k. Plue, Brow n •rnd ltrisdr Itrowleloths of .91morti's
so ',nr bihrie
e0,,,,in , out riot" Black Doe,kins.
M root of England and Multllear• de.
Achy .ri rand henhlek , ~
Dra va! N.D. Fat, rid k. I 'astir:nese. Merino and Marnillea
A. A Ml,OO i Cll.
L :Y. 1. ii2 a ill Market at
. _ _
50 8A. , 5..
i l:It 1 f•il i
' Ni bris Plruatatrn " ;belaseen. nal! ronnernwer
Nod., t'orn Droorn. Jur, d ree'o rude Ir
teld Mel f :l r
Sellers' Cough Syrup in Illineip,
l'U 11l ; E l'lEltt 'l,, of :11iildleport. 1,1,1001,1 e
Ifl moot, ant! , naile .1
r , te rd 3411..0, I7th. Ital. that
As. los, tnartdr..l an, or lees a .o. a ~ ,u gh for several
)retalr last r ear confined him to his real. and ren ram!
nostril!! ...Marron! for three month- During lhe eLILII2I/ef
he ~,I heth, tell 4011 theelalah retlhlllied to Mauer. him
li, day sod night- whirl.' was only relrevist hi the tew of
- I•ieller , ' Cough Sirup. - whirl. A gentleman to the ursine
of Chapin brought with him from the Shale of Ohio. Mr.
Chapin leirl found the Si rot.of irrent tee in his fawn, . and
h• -n nrovirrg , from oho.. took fifteen hettl. , with lam. •
i! , ....rtierr of o hielr Judge Dion , . ordained nod uo.I with great
!font - relief
' ' 1 1 ;:nrr ',1 1 '. ::o . :1 " :. - .r, ",', 7 ". b'L" - i ' ° a a,
~, w..., „,.
....,., hi druerri.t , gerroralli In Lhe IlltoeilieA and vieipity.
I (..
V , EW 1111 * Sit.'•-
11 le.velt Manton. • eidel.rntest duet( from WWII
th l: ' . l trr r e ' r. t ; r b. j .:! ; 7t . Val ' ar ' D ' ll ' urn i t ' i!; a edit!, by ~
C Vroter.
Sweell! rho Alt , he ILO Alice fair, br S t 0 Eoefer. .
1%1 offer Dow this hand of unite.
Come maidens emir, or Traiteralillo
ii e 1,11 A• be happy yet; from the Daughter , of et. Mark.
bw.. Burial. • favorite Ind touching halln.l.
Th Inset wountlesl the splrst that loved thee.
Dentno or don't rou retnotnlsor owswt Alice.
r,ln.s. Polka. 1.1 C. , . Foe.b.r.
11.11ns linithes.
Jennett and Jeanott.--.v..
t glti r l i rnlt ' ry ' n! " ..l . ll } ;e7Vbit Crra ' ; h ltl ol"
I rt. , srolka. Itatrhelor's Portz.
hill) Musidrlllers—reryewr 1.4 pretty.
Itrwe quadrilles. Hoolgtarl Polka. Allegheny C.tillions.
A now edition of Iluntevre Id•trueturn• for Piano, with
ota additional pa... of new le,ron,
Clark's Caleehbra for the Ilan.
Iluetseve• Plum Forte /er. Remised o-driy by
JtfllN Tim II MELLOR; '.l Wool et.
N. 11,--A Ivry large risk of New Pismo arrlvins l , and.
will tw , sex for sale thin week. yed
A del EETINIes of the Board of Manager"; of
it,l2t h ii Alj';g:'Xro'...,:riic2LtZt.":i.:lNiraii`i.t7"l he
061..1 In o'rlook 1.144 the pew lararti are reques4 , l to a,
Coal Men and Boat Builder&
100,000 FT. COAL
BOAT Sp.)IN b G ,
la.:ll,ltf Fourth Atm., •
Ornc; IhireamMu aan liana 111,1,0 Co,
January. IMSI.
Pl%ll/END—This Company has this day
eclarod a ... AM-annual alivl4lend of ter dollars in,
. d nm able at tb.• oftine tho Treasurer. on the lOth
February AVERY l'ree't
ARTN EItSII I P-The subscribers have
tl's..thiir.'Sht!..:lW. of S'4l.,
40111_ ATKINS4I::,
.4111 IN )t.IikELY.
; PI N , 0,- , 1% 4; ,,, ltre .a t,re Far;
etemo hen sup r. anal to t
g s g ed II t llutai t 9.A. Us ILA nu
51'411.1... TIC CI.V
trurtl LET —Po s on+ and Steno Power fur
ollAr(4.1-3 hiub. thin Ind& Maryland,
and ter gale h t WI! 11. Ji oILNATA,!:
t r tin
d 'A ja. S H L r. o ). c
I ed for ntl.y
• WM W.1./ITN:4'ON
tom Lemn.. In prune n consignment
!I ,i• ,rinn••••
prima ci.riprnizir.
311 VI. taum.,l
' L;:11611 Jut.,
too ha. Oat,
Liborm unit
tOIIN —5 brls Cit6cinuati Ilominjr Jost
reed por etoamorrohl ime
brl. or bus .1,1 Wit A AlreLl kl. k 61.
ETCH kegs new. fur sale
Iss! Will A St MURIA k CA
131 — EI:LEU PkIA CII ES—A. small lot reeeiied
Art ml. Df pk.ll WM. A. McklLlifili Cl)
Cloning out the Entire Stock.
(lIIEAT lIA FIG A I NS.—A further redue
-111 mm In w are.. The autricrita, wishing to Owl , out
thr halanee rite stock of Four, mkt Mario prr Goolik
the 1.1 of A i inl ni.rt. would rnivertfully ml! the attention
of I. .1.1 ruMueler. and the r ub', who aro Itt WWI! Of
wal K iwalii at •Oft, t o, wort. Awl... fortnei pnww. To an,
R•rain widu emumenorbawneoun Market 'Mr...lllla
w ng
ould h, a g ood o w irmulty. In he will illgytew of the bal
ance of the atorli ott term.. nth a Imes of the atom.
'shut 10. Low. oeru t owl fur over 11 rears. and by au rarerlotit futon> uw.le 11'11 liAKIIAltlk
punk, hew Viak Morse. Marketet al.:Pitroburgh.
A I , lr . h u o le ;
t!N.n. N. 0.111.41. and 121 Firid .u.. betyrwen ICood arid
rouithtiold. Po:khan:h.
I A N V ELOPE S --duet .received, a large
q uanllt, id huff blue. Mn! white Envelolier. of all
"'"IIIONiLZIt rry .t
anfl v
T I NI; I -- A ruiAd's Writing. Fluid.
tia.bss;Tji.,t`an:l Hsu Ink.
..all Itik--r.! Mn!n Mork
Moron Thou...if. C.lmmereio.l erarlet.
and M.
Vreneh etiruitile Ink. ki.r .ale W. 11A1
I ! °TES AND DitArrs.- -Engruved and
1 M Note.. a nd Draft., of mi beautiful .4..
"I:I..iLTAL'I,r Ynr
klarkel and Seooral
1. ai w l Post ropy
iSurts-f. s r. tn John McVaden k tvn l
Cana! Basin, Penn Steed.
Penna. Rail Road Co.—Central Bail Road.
I.IIIK suhserilkers having Lien appointed
ehlt,plug agents for the Penneylesnla Centrul
I Inform the public that nre now prepare.' to re.
relte nor men-bandit , or hrcnt nee for shipment east on the
np•nlnt of the canal.
Mill to. earried through in fire days.
ILI 01 C. 11144,11.4-1 to us will lw forwnrkled fr., .1 rotund,
'huLLLL' fur
MeFA.DF.N CttV0111:.
Jauver .
„„ ANTED TO BUY—Noteet of thi!WeNtern
ItmAte, sml Stnrk of the Pittsburgh Butt, by
Jtlt IL 01 00.
2, 8 . :13 k L BUtT Eit ;
tons 11e,r1w.
su grew tall and quart dash,.
tel ntlll
XI boxes !OLP. , dre t
i 0 dos Oorn Ltrownw
. 01 Its• liemhxt loaned tioir Leather;
V L or male by ENGLISH 11E9 NFTF.
Jon:10 . 12 . 2...re0nd. nut 121 Vint els.
n KEGS Twist Mt.,.
kir bbln Tanner's Oil 1
WO boxes Prime Clierre: For eale . by
An 00 JAS. DALT.F.L, 00 LI sheret.
N DRIES--150 bog, Rio Coffee;
12 wiekalili. IL T..
10 do roorbong do: •
123 box!, manufartun.d. and lal:
Prk n i .41171F74 1 8:7 4 ; h1,11 ..
Wale' , and Front Arm.
For rale bY
fa. ho_
3 ,AsEt,-
2 mart 01.1.1 t For pale hr
' LEE.
200 B:1101!1!.frrI%-e..1101rdli„Ouel”tert-SSES
Itar kros No. I Lard t
NO; WA Dried Frarea,
..1.0 bur briett I
221. extra Family ; Flour. Fl , v , r ,
,r oFr A , *hy
111 3 11e , i , L , L i NSI:III) OIL ;
• ow
2 hole. p 2ll 1}
ure Faut.rneere:
]lbbir Roll Buller:
-luredo do;
In kea.. do do:
400 1.1y.e... errn.
et 4;,:;..,Tx,‘D.-1;
4 thew, Nub.:
D. bush Dried Apple,
C.IAD Eq..
2 fewhue. CIO Inns
A mall tot of She, NI, For aale
'y A.N TELL—A private.tutur, to take charge
of the DllllOO of a Drolly melding !torte eight miler
In the crumtr). The quallbentlorta renutMteare hboon.led', of the rentle teacup., Mathernatles, and th a e
rat Arienree. For further luformatlnt, outre at like
Ohm of Duval Mullis, Er,. Fourth btreet. P m itraburah
10u brie earn do
No. 3 Crate,
brie bletekeret.
7b hrle Tart
tin hares rlaltiadrer, Er rale Id
T. WOOlO2 0 20Th.
Prteluee Dealer, nod Corturthohuar Derthattla.
fa 29 01 Water otre,h
30 1x Com Meat
M. Its LuekwT a WODS r O 6 r o 2d.e by
[lnduce Dealers and lkaumlasiou kterchaats,
61 Ware,
lan aua. Sharua fac Wn br
T. Wooo., SON,
Praluer Dealen and Cia sa
omllon Itera ta
seSl GI Water anat.
CORN -20 brls and 30 sacks lust ?add by
ROLL BUTTER-25 brls in store
TFIAR-401?arreu in more
JrZI J. a. Mama *co
YIRON-200 tons on han
urge for sale by
ILI\'E OIL-1U baskp:fl.sal i thr j ,
No I. jwi We r. SELLERS,
0; Wnrd d
i i . N.AxsEED oiL, LARD OIL, Ili lIALE
44 4.14 mut.i SPERM ME Innate by
11.1 UCH. W I 'EAT CAKES—Ifyou wint g147K1
SLIP Itorktrhea t ktabbrEg.Erlerregripg Cm
pound, for utb• h 1 3 li. t. BELLEES.
R EVIAN' ER S—Cohls and Alen i , for sale
Haricot coruautimlrth
pirtncrAhir esistini
th e underwßated. ttoc the of `,At.
k:n...eConrvir A i`o., Vhihulel and ••O'Cootior, Atlitta
tl,. 15th d 8
tl.« the t; of Atkins. O'Luutbor Co,' at
7411.1el ' ohia. Juittr 'n • 07CononrM imne authorised to
4e thr ham.. of O'Connor, AtYw,,ANV7Nl,27:42Ra,°•''
l ' a u te ' b i4 t:Lll,3nrk. 11. ISM. JAM OCONNOR
JarnoF , O'Connor, of Pittsburgh; Pa., and
O'C'nuora t C0, , ,f 'Ladino,. 10., have liar entered
ILto r-partnerrtp utukr the style of •lainas O'Connor At
I'diaLutifti." au.' ..O'Conno, Co..llalinnore." for tho
tr.,,di no thr huAnesa a the Pittaburifh Trans
f.,rtation 1.1nr....11 as for uenerla romp:amino andmar.
eban.tio. purpneen. - • JAM "...4 IYCONNOR
l'idaborgh. Jan. 15. 100,1. O'CONNOILS t CO.
A CARD—We tender our thank . ); for the
raralra%em.tnts.wrumeurMem AnAon 01 ISM, Phall te.O.
the mod exteu,ive AAA perfect tuttire. We will &OW'
t 3;Alg u' VZPi e gcr Ar IltlAbunch.
VCONNORA A CO.. Baltimore.
1851.-00611. r
I RE k - N
APPLES-10 brir prime, reed in
hl e.turri. p nni c En.
P— -I 11l hales MiSsouri dew rotted. in
...too. and f..r ...le by ALEXANDER OORDON,
124 Front
gI AN TILES-51.1 boo mould. on consignment
lo iw ALEXANDER 00111010.
I INGER ROOT —3 sacks prime, on band
Lot for by S. X. WICEeERSIIIM.
. . _
yArs FOOT Itrls just retired
oLupt:rior. for .5I e b
P AN !Sit \VII ITING-01 trio in store, for
1,..n1e I.y 1.r2 1 0. wimcloolAm
Wamboo, No =A ÜbeOl slrret. my
'opied b IL.II A Up:et. will I.e r*otrd, with lbe bolt
p":'..t1.1;. it
ITE BE?, f;a f . xds ale
Ja2A Al FL
k: It Y--15 kegs assorted, for mde by
. _
L f , d, tt b ick,
YUL'I'S-3 , 6 •, 1 , , 1 e j5 ci t . 1 , , , ,, 1d i en Sy d rum f.. b
J rat
rA per-steamer LLOW-29 brls reed . per stea Arent'
Ind 4, rale by J. O,]R.
Ja2, Rouud.Cbureh
igoTAsti—S casks Duncan'axure Potash,
flit ma.. by
Ilit t ltl„!t i la T l k s .r 2l l) •• N ro .- 41 P nl ' i
~, I.rr o al ll ?brl g
W. I'. LARSHAL, Wool-et
t E t" D StAl A (1. jg' ..4 '..llarge loaf
• , 210 do lre Arlo
.taro and
for cap Ly JAS. A. lII7TCHIsoN C CO
Agli FL Louie Both uesasrl.
I OAF SUGAR-30 brls for sale by
1 A
1' M. 11AGALEY a co. ~
!lenders= k C 4 ) .• Sarmwill. •
ll'. kareapwill.l.l . gale by 5
11)1. FE141112,
'... , IVmd at
I"DE11-150 kegs blasting, for sale by
'pat .1. /I FL FLOYD. Ro tut ( illuxeb
t u
lULK POItE-200 pieces hog round, well
II trimmed. for sale by w ) 1. BAGALEY 2co
F Ff. AT I I E RS— 17 sacks prime for sale by
J.,•4 I I G6 Water et
brls and 15 kegs for gale by
111 dos just received c lg rn
1 .4 1 1W1T--1 0 0 bu Dried Peaches: ------
liu nu
Drip.) Apples. for valeAly
ERNIILLION-1 t-15, genuine Chincse,
I for J. KIDD a CO.
no Word et ---'
MPIIIACK- -50 brls for eale by
lr IRKS ON . ISOl ik /K . K K E do P
Jot'', so, ~, Baal ;Ink Kepi=
l e i l
for the ala,se work.; poo j gr i e r r4 . .=.7,l . DPlY
(or .al. Lt
13, 81 Wool at
d . WHEELBARROW was taken away
from our etoreon Friday. the IRO of Jumary. by •
man of the mane of Win. Wllliima.and KIM 43 Mr . Godfrey.
of Alleohon, lit,. and taken to M. Davis' Auction Room,
o Mond., the kith, and odd. The gentleman who par.
shot the tall arbeelharraw plesoe roam the mmo.
end sot hi , moue,' .4:41 • By an &lino he will pond,'
, i.d J. I 11. 7 and 9 Wool
II E , C2I , Eit'S FARIN A
, —t ER by '
81 25. El 50, and 81 75 per gallon.
T . tITERS KEEPEIIS had better try Morris
a. Ilalv ,, rai's Prime Pair. Ferint Rtaxtrt, at the above
'6'."' 1.
1.." m '''"'""' iiiVti r i . AND WISE STORE,
la. , East side of the Diamond.
IiIC e E---,ta too prime C arolina, for sale by
. . . . --_ _
S I icl'rlitl kep assorted Not, for sale by
DEAUTY.—It is universally conceded that
beauty I.totore common In thin country. than In any
r. while at Mu urine time It is nald that In no other
country I. it lok at no young an coo.
Now thin la tnae to a
n.rtain extent, but the ha. n. often ,crawl by neglect- We
pelt to all, de not neglect your knot.' aPPeanutrok . b O.
rood the fllowing. and yen ne.c.l not Lark goal Ina .
Theta. articles am ocieentite Pretatn.. toil have An a.
J.ed a high popularitr •
ule, Ilnuere Per.lan or Chine. Powder, for Ironartmg
to the no, billloun eumpU'llon a radiant whlntiona. In
nothing should 2 person be more careful than the one of a
powder for the AM. co many of Mow cold ate very Inlarl
oul My Chine, taolo.lerincompoutalvd in asclentinc Man
, tier. and contain. no ingridient which eon posalbly unmet
'" Jul,: Depilatory Powder. for ronao , inironPor , .
oue heir What is momanAutaly than hole upon the face
or ar m. of a holy. Thl. srtiele will remove it Ina short
Um , . withou t the are of any shun lontretawut
Jule. Haden , Vegetable Lionkl hale Dye .111,inutouta
,ouu impart to red. white. or gray u hal, T.h t.r . nor
',.t,,t,-',T,,,",`!:::11,7,',;,• u Ttr",,,ti,ny 11 4 , 1 , m 5.7 7,,,, LT dy r o. n b:
hol!h7rrlt:li;;,o—ir o I j. i, i.4;,tt.J—i , . —ll
1 11 :ti , ,;,V5 " ,,11 1' gl .'" Aw 'en:: ' , " l;, j a, `, ..7 , , "" jr the r' re i:'!"6l . ,
. the ', olitna " ,, ' it lel., the Air, onsuoth and soft ea solo-
nod'., and tot liable to Commie chapped.
'I J tile. 'Lauer a Itme To,Ati Pante.—Neat to the hair...
thud , the Teeth wen. intended as the greatest ornament to
• the human faer: hut when neglect..l. nothing Is no &Aun
ti,, 0 i..., unicklyrneen. tip how Tooth PaeW will Impart
1 h, the teeth it pearl, •hiteneen, at lb. /.111111 time keening
the out'. . "' N ' A.PSINDEL, I;eifttorr and Chemist,
100 Chesnut et., Pinta
For sale wholesale and retail. by U. K. Fahonstook A Co..
and IL K. :tellers. Pittyburgh, and J. Mltcledl. Allegbena
city. 1, naltral
. PlLL—"Could not get
tre.wolelloollle. 0. J. 9. DM. •
SU. 0. K. Itro./....--Vonrs see the_only Liver Pills that
sell here. rould not
get along without tlum. and every
2t;l=.l7tLko‘t;' RTY.V.OI.
ael.repart.l st:lunnld tycoal
and +Ad drucatvls generally. Jal.s
LEoN ARO so n 7 a (Xt. No. 64 001.1 privet. N._
Tor manor to publish the four leading Quarterly Re
obove,"and 11119-kvecor• 51.-earte: In addition to bleb
they have nrently monnenced the publication of a Tad.
ble Agticnltural i the •-iticoe i rt in k
F i llrargh. A gt r h u ortribe j 111.17 " .2the1a;m7 3
Sc_ assisted by John P. Norton, L.
New liaven.
Pnitivour of Scientific Aavieulture in ball Collet a n
This highly rentable work will emuhrise two rd
octavo volumes. containing over 1400 p.a. with Bor ill
splendid steel engravings. and more than 000 engravinire
on loss!. the highest style of art; lanstrating elmost
every Implement of husbandry now In rushy the best Or
mem. the best method of plowing. planting. herb. bar,
Ae. an. the various domestic animals in their high
est ywrfectioni in short. the pictorial feature of the book to
unique. and will modes- it of incaleulable value to the stu
dent of urriculturr.
tuf T tlrt . l 1 1 17. " :iicTus ' We 'h oTtli t e sTentr a er m ar;
sold d code each. #5 for the entire work irt Wl Antbers.
of which them will be t lean tirentyawo. •
The Britbilt Pfliridl published ans as kaki., vise
Zl7 s toe,t,P i r,Ai . the
Churelik tit., 1 estroinuer Berle. (Liberal); and B
wool's Edinburgh Magian. .
wortu are disting.thrd by the pounces
shake elute lodinated, yet but a small portion of their
2iT''''',`",:igt; t V,`:. rag= Ze w I gt=
thm stand confessolly for above all other s ly of their
clue Blackwood. still under the masterly guidance of
Christopher North, maintains its ancient celebrity. cod 1,,
re 11:11t=
gm, and not appeariug in its columns loth In Great 198-
lain and hi the Lnited n d.' Poch works os 'The Ces-
New NlOOO ktnibl.l'lr.l4'llooTer"Ssetyr=d?ii
width numerous riutanlitions are isurol by the lea4lus
et ll.=
earlhvt of thew-
For any ono of the fn. Reel... Per eliath. 53 0 0
For .j two
to d 4 5 0
Yoe any dare .10 T
1.0 all four iterlews, • do AlO
For Slasallue. du 1 09
Fur Blael.wrod end the throe Beaker,. 909 .
For Ineeksrood and the Lot . eviews do 10 00
8... Farmers' Guide teumplet la Noal to 011
.A . ey use. to be nude in all - eases in advance.•
. A ificrount of tort., dye per rent term the Waive prim
will be allowed to dubs onleri. four or more etigdoe of .ty
one or icv of the atom woe.. Thaw 4 cup. of Mack
wood . r o of one Review will hr sent to one add... Be giv,
4 oink,. of the 1000 Reviews end Bbackerool Be VA. end
(lid,. M. Oulu must be rent canal. 14 the publishers,
nrOn d e i r, f rln t lir7Fie r =rre b lafttr,llt to "nt'
red u Per.
Ilemi l. ueowo ard ...umlaut:Sega.. should be sway.
putraid or franked, to the Petblb.her.
LEONAtIIt 800TT • CO..
79 Fulton greet. New Yost.
1.1 0 Entrence 54 Odd Mixt
UST RECEIVED.—A new '''ciork oa -Mo
.! etutiatm Engine Work. and Enenearicur.Dictionat7 of
Y Mechanics. gnat= Work and ftoierlua, de
signed for practleal •orkinitmenotradthoeohatended ft' Ito
Pmiperring profession Edited by Oliver Ilyrne. formerly
t...eas of methematfrs. I.l4lege of Civil Engineers. is
• . • •
This • work to of large g eta else. containing mealy WV
up+ srd• of IPOO platen and 0000 woulcute• It will
Fi r o=a:ro=rnlTUtr. d' tet.rti o e r petleiro
the result of American Ingenuity. It ',Oll mmtein onnPlete
Practimd us:utters an Mechanics, Edechluern T.= "t*T.
and Engin...nut, with all that is useful In more UM/
worth of Milo vulumer,megasluee, and other books. The
meat object of Ude publication oath plsee beau. prartical
men and stwients nth an mof theoretical and
them to w'r l g tO best inel so to 4"al . old '"d' ttoost .
mistakes which they might otheretar mmmlt.. •
Thu =Metiers are detnotined. ratarsttees of cost, to
make the work SP complete se temsibles mat 4 1 . P .4
ery one deldrocu obtaln the wart. nut prtoure It as Issu
ed to numbers. and lbw encourage the entente.,
Publishing In 40 nambers. al Ln mote Pit Mitilo6r• to D.
completed this year.
Twenty nontbal retiored. t
Sath Zahn, 444 412411
CONCERT of Sacred for the bene•
a.. J.' lle 'FLLI,f= TutZtil="a
Anoka the ILrry Hain.
0! What Beauty ........ .. : ........
Naar. , orth-
Achieved L the 01.1.nalVorl._ .
On flee earls LOU., $.l Alt art, __ no -
Hallelujah to ate liathhot er
lout_ •
Hr. epirit
arvellous nooke.
Tho M Wort,— ..........
Nye, Lamentation .. .....-.. ........... Kin.
WIN, are
Bowen.-- ...... .
Grand Hallelujah
Tlekrts Su <lnstr.—to be 1.1.1 lb. al F iL 31elkn.
11. MO+, 11. Itkbardonn. and t'. Stocknal. No money
rrevirod at the door. jitn-.14
RESPECTFULEN•tintiouneti that they will
ow • Concert on Jlomtay evening..Fehrnsri .3d: at L.
im ,11 .11. Their programme will contaln ebobm age
tertian ofiltong, In:Lett, Trio, tguarbileet
Tickets .50 cents—to be had at the tLeval pierce and at
Door. open at fit, °leek. Concert will commence at half
putt'f Inc
Nu pwlponement on alvonul tithe weather. •
A tvglertion of Song, and Quartette, WI sung bi the
Alleghenian, can be tnal at tht C...neert. Bran.
miLt Da .ale et the boor thou of the uudertrneff.
eelnee Phyrkian. with time
from 60 unattetnutnue , Tiot of the 7111 German edition.
Contaiumg. • tabulu index of the 'milldams and the
dioesees in le hkh ther , uee used.'
Cue. of' medicine fok he -there wok. Anal. PlUtott.
Art*. Flowers inn Ibt tune, ar mStne f Mk. Illoboleg, •
full .uppi °fail •••••lentriAteeA by it,e/eistu to the
different delueluna. teffnationt, uttlt All thilworta pub-
Ilthed on Ilota..ontany. twin. tinini.
Sole Agent fur the Flomooleatie th,lientet and Boot s
te:MdttittrfftT ffl6 Ltherty
Li ch
terary Depot, Thted .test, opposite 0 , fat
r runt offlo,
Ilonry Sweeten: it Jaruhlto M r ,, of
Reign of George T. By 11. P. li. Jam,.
The Dueln , iii or‘Al °count+. Love sod otostfa. Hate—a.
Shannondalt , a novel. By Mrs Southlairth. •
ilies: • travel. Dr the author rd. The Ogilvie...
thane Influence:. Tale for Morbera mud Daughters. By
drain Aguilar.
Mother l e ileerimpenx. by dram Aguilar.
lianilLerle Mourarine fur J.oltarl• • •
Whig Alumnae for 1,51. •
No I of the American Illuminata' edition °YIN, WaTerly
. _
tI FLA O S y , o L it T tz, u m it
i t;
c . , ..l . Lt i y . , t t.
Y•r Cintley'l. 1.101 &ma foe February:
llraliance k4'.rlue do
Sartain • 31elne
Channondal mm e • l, b
new novey Bre Bootherorth.
llama Influence • tale for motbem.nd daugbters. By
Grace Aguilar.
Bothe' , ite , ol7opcsu , • oequel to llama [Whew.
Olive. • novel. lly the author of .The Ogilvie+
.Tbc IVlcla Almanac for I. .
I of Be American Illumieutted dition alb. Waverly.
Newels. (4r - dampest elittop ever publiebed.
New Books; justieceived.
HE Bard. of the Bible; by George
1 vol. linen. Tveek 011vninef; being • progroinive exhlbitkin of the
Oevek tirsainter. ilveloneil for telltale. In Beech. and we •
bonk of esenelies for sevidemiee and colleges. By /Isabel
Kendrick. 1 Tot lihno. inn,
The Tooth . .. Cermet Bylliuniab Flagg Iliml . o :l =l,: b rin
Menne endDAM.' Clams. By Merle 7
1 vol. 1 . ..t00.
The Bother's Ronnopensci envied to "Ilaton Influence..
BT ltlehatil A Cr i lt r alsaine amt Engineers . JoinliaL *. Ant
art mil.
i " gin r e'S u liletionuy of Meelunles and I.iglneering..No 22.
twit r'ealur
78 100 h
A NDREWS' Ltns, Escusu I...eucox.
- and critical Latin. Engßell Lerioco. bonded
on c larger Latin. llerman Lericun of Dr:Wil li e. Franmd.
r h. j i l t" Arll%,=ge t t7 " l , o , T er ' firt ' l l' rl o .. f l? I " 7. '''.
Too wvann w ate or rua piano iwitnr l e e * peraonal 111.•
Wire and result. of travel throoah the .nand latch or Ilaw
whoa Wanda, and othrr par. of I•olronna. BY lir , /Iwwwf ,
T. Cltereer. autbar of - The Whale and his Captor. WWl'
.. .
Viz winner uorgramo • ~.,03.1 to llama inihructoe—
By line. Aguilar. Bcoriroducci (Or wale b 7 IL C. rrrOCKTON. 47 Market •t.
Cbronkle. Port stud Arrierican copy.
V.Ocr Grail radars end onalitirs, ruled and. plain. Mao
end whit..
Blank Souks of erery dm...lotion, 7 hood or made t,
opt, at stool oak,
Stationery—Englb.h. Vrenrh d Ametirro. root,' ..11
~.role, Go We ho. W. O. HAVEN, Ntatloner.
otlS , Merkel et. Mr.?. of Error&
beat mum,. by. IV. S.
printing mee.. 60 rbtrd 0 . , between Market and Ferl7•
S TATIONERY-W. S. I.l.Arry, corner of
Samna uul Market its. baa far we as faro pal cam ,
In this market. Merchanta aupplied.with every'
article fn this line on tho most fasorahla team jallt
?AP-ER—Folio, Packet, .Comm . ereial and :':
Quart Prat and Cap Paper, a lance supaly of all
lam ruled axed plant, lane end white. Mr pile on liberal
tern. at tub/ W. S. WIVES'S
ma the Golden Harpy Thint st_
KLEBER 'Ls now receiving • fresh lot
of elegant Pianos. trade bf limes k (halm
Now York, motor them. • splendid f teetesve mdlved Piano :
of the sieheadescription of exterior Mad lone. It Is made . t
in the Romeo at h. m rooster in the relgssof Leas XIV MI
N.V. Alin. • new lot of fulesksonble and PoPtelk , Munk. ' ''
and ea extensive weleetton of Brew Instrument, Violin,
(lunar, Melodeon, end every'varlety of mud& meretsuwe •
die.' , Sold
NEW BOOKS.—llumbolt's nets' Work s
co, o. or Sketches of a Physical deforbslionaC the
ntrerse. • •
Seyonnea Slaiebes of Minnesota, the 'Neer ffoglaxml of
the West.l vol. 12 mo.
Ily i esa's MM. nice and Swat:mere IMMIonatT. Mirt Na
Da s mom's Sermons. These ore well mortliseadlng.
S.. Foe We by It. HOPKINS,
jolo Apollo Bolldings.
T.IIO)IPS.ON'S, and Ilarrpintir Hlnek, Bad, Seatiet
Gordate, Yaberia Broikman and Lanadoet; Jautrueue
and liountiesillack and lied Load Pencils. -
lidottet,s*R.of every deectiption, Gl'luta Colton; Peso's,
Lery . a. Belly . ; Leman's. and tither manufactures
Penn U. aE. Enntito lencereeor to A.G. Bayley Co.)
celebrated tiodd Pen; with land ether cage, .
Whatuntan'y Bra Paper—anUquariart flya
ble elephant, att. cola:abler. intl..' nwsl, roysl oat .1.-
phant; Brbuol Beania, ow, demo and medium.
Perforated boaml. fancy
co Yhd , Rold sad iam r
~,,,,=Tcluldpoo ,; LiiTzr and fare fi tt eolured r.
I,,,, pv c re t4, r gold ba.c ann.
.1 . 4 '1 1 race, rata. fur deed; chart.
e p ra rattibrt4arth no
faM .te ,d p , are, alw=n,,ltd. t lar
red a mot
nd ritrenid. suitable ter balls, '" pAur„ .wrdbrjyr at W.
French note enrelopet plain and etobarret tette *oral
over, brow; whiter earl blue: laid and plain Namara en
relent,ent, bad - blue and
N carne w e r e euru. T 5,10611 patterrue writing .and: bran.
nava and 'turkey lammed mat boxes, copying
ink; brusher, of
and tantlielt copying bwkarZlTE
ffe ,,, r, thane papßa er slattern rd and white Want blot- t'
ithr:= alTithez : artieler In the StatintiorY Linn
both fancy Lid Maple. together with • large
blank book. and memorandum book. of all common
Bar o
rollout in every style of binding. and paper of all rises
and ualitier, sale at reduced reon the meat wane
alqe term., at lIAVENIS
Blank Book and Stationery Wateltorenb
non ihrtnir of Market and &vend stmts.
UTEBB'S Normal Readers, ',,Rcßuffle's do.!
aeitameue, Grammar*. Geographies, Blab* Sta..;
tiorwry, Maws, (nob, lad area wort ow.l la yobbo and
private admix. Alm: portent muwottorat of Naps
able for taloa, dowillows, sod atm. Also,Dartert ltroW •
Dobliratkow at TILE' ItUt:CATIONM. gIirSITOBY.
Cti Mutat at.. owoor of Fourth -
1051-at HOLMES' Literery Depot, Third ettechops,S
puede the Pod Dittriteuttlt ,
Beaker? Mmmalue year SS CO
Miura Merchantre Maranue-,- do 600
linickeibockar thrumine... " 6 do 60) %.
American lip Serie. do 01
Eclectic AI do 50)
Kra. kaue =dap do 6 Oft
rloGey's LeiV " &rir '''''
d d o o 'I.
Graham' oooo') s Sla:aalue--- do • 2.70
Intuntat ll
to do. 500
Itlarkwird's Stsgarlue do 3OA •
'Horticulturist .......... _ do 3
40 r
Hell's Living As.-- do II
The January number of them Manaalues Pill be trurflret
number of the ten volume, and will be Ow Dud ern ,
111.. The above marratium will be delivered ,freetif ram t
trtie th at . rzy often. being suite a waving to those subscrilduß.i!
Alarr i direl well minted stack ofmaliSeent MINK.
ALS. G in
BOOKS . rditable for 11.stmtra and , lled
Year • Presents.
Ahm—Au extensive anerstment of Hurtle and Mere pub - ;
u n gro si a, stationery. Visiting mail, Au. All orders Mhos&
std N pctucttralls , J. IL HOLVICA,
vat N 0.74 Third arced
the Asterism RessluUou. By Ekired La
_of the Reformation of the hi:toroth Otatmltm,
by 3.11. Merle A Anbittos, D. D a Pyraidett of the Shotto—,
tMani of Demo., mod Vlre Prrshieut of the ArrAoto;
ronsagiA , Tfouested by 11. White, U. A, SAAIN ,
reutsoky, Eilloterf, Antiquities, suit
I' Vst i ssh=igraire l. n rc! "-"."31"1,"' s n 1
bLO ‘ I t
fah. Canter of o f Aoot Third dm
QUTLINE NIAPS--Peltteg rplendid Out
ala tow beinclittroduyed In el tho kadtwi,
lb Now booted ancl New York, we kayo /Male
nl the , agency Int Nm In Pltteetyvh, and Writs Worley+
and nelowil ecennettret to tall and eionin• the.
I—Mp of the Weeti.rn 11.nitsphyys, YeL ^ loam
2 do rasters, do • do
2 do • North Moe.. IT/
4 do United Slaleo,
6 do Europt, To :PI
do Axis, Rt °
7 do h. Amerko Africa. o El,
Peed of the mirk. with key, b . :6; imam brat two P
91 ' 99 r 7h u 9 `,,Yglit „,teatey in 441646-
. T and at.f pled h. the want..f the nrliaalT , , =am.,
ond high Primly of Uhl Ilnine Shn. _ r
'For sale at
.IMO"th. LDl tta l Meta andfou-171144.
Morris and Willis's Home JournaL
pIeiTLISgED e reT y Saturd r., az!..Nr Yot
at,„„„„„„ , A .A.% ,_otue tbe Tfotrie Journal, No.l
107 Pultoo Newel. New York, Doonaber WA, 1050—To an:
whom It mm] eanyere: Thit may certify that J. B. limns
to duly oath:wired to act wt Wow , for Ntossza &
Rota Joy... sad that aillworlyta :Oyer: by him >a pay.l
m-at tor :mkt payer will be dolt acknowledged by m stile
once of pubbowsm. awl It Is asp:vsty awned and
.read, that all wabectlytlowa are Payable one year la wt.'.
warms The wew yolutoe willpotwalenos on theist ofJaww....
owyettkleziatteawrt. okAt t i l litMW atmeSJ
oP Mitots attil "
muet, mead te the M. Mew—
c:ca Yummy. •
011 re, • twee by the Whet ant. ogars..... • •
The McAbee. DeMee. teuel Br One hyytace.
n° • Lu;lit.%—cm=yr.
Tu Lore gad to be lortd—• te/e. . • '
th.toliree darnlbrfrith.. By U. W. IL Brpeolde. . •
The Itemtth I.loulhee.onaL
• LOCI.* om the halts. By_
Ohe., us Dr. Bum. ,-,
J . PIT W Ng.* M the Became o;.]
Pmteste • _
Bow ournaL No lor mew edam. • -
'WELSH FLANNELS, of the different:,
ITo Witim'istrieggriTS"4:
- 1 , 7
7:.' 4
. i