The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, February 01, 1851, Image 3

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iyinumlirim, Jim. 31.
~i.Scoote—A petition "'as presented for the S
pend-a the fogitirs El :ve lai r , Which was lA4 on
,t,lie table. , .
d ' 1
i .
Mi.- Tpcney intecida n joint. l.
mull MI
,viding for giving ssw rd to Major and rigscrter
'Generals, who served In the sine wi Mexico
tindeiGenemts Scott sitid Taylor '
Mr. Meson's resolation of inluiry in' relation
,tii iillowing Spanish claims growing 'mit of the
. 1 ,
-Amistend csse, Was iSken op.
3lethkrs. Climie.nti Male opposed the mioln
'don, and aler.svi:' lilmson, Clay' and Win thro p
I ,
'agivocateddt: . . -
, 1
Mt: lb Ic Moved to by the resolution• on the
table, which wa%lo}t. yens G. Biqa 43.
The re:Ml . olkm 'wht then adopted.
wais viihntittedl by Mrt Foote,
eallitig upon the Set:eel...try of State for is 'views
in relation to inlopting a graduated octllo of dip
lomatic 'saletrieg: which was adopted.
The Senate then proeeeded to the e nsidera
tion,of California private land delta
Mr. 'Benton's amendment,' making twenty
years poast,rion, in good faith,' evidenceyr a
'claim ogitinst the United States, after eome ge
, bate, wasrgit;eted..,
Untious other ititerulments were proposed ry
Mr. littton, whirl , after some debate' -ere
MUiv.—The Hattie resolvetLitself into C m-
mittee of dot Witoitt.'entl took up the bill f
tahlithing branch utitim iu New York hot
[ Mr. Ling. of Nei Jersey, advocated the
at New 1 ork. Nlr, Dienes epoke against it.
:Mr. llolmee advocated the establishment
[ ;pint at Nsi. York.
' Mr. Phainix iliac of the importance
[ Mint at sew. York.
Mr. Thnrnpsoe, of I. opposed the estnb
nt one nt New York.
Mr. °Vey epoke of the 'National Debt
eighty millions, not thought there,tran no n
shy of a mint at Kew York.
'•., The, question was then taken on Tilt,
dyke's amendment; making Jersey City the
and the amendment rejected.
Mr, embed] offered on amendment, which was
tulopted, that one fourth of the aggregate , ain.
• l ege shall be one dollar pieces; one fourth / ear
der eagles; one fourth half eagles; and gne f urth
doubloragles. lie offered this to keepAhe an
, age from going out ofithe bandit of the p. ple,
no iron the case in the coinage of detible e glen
during the past fear: i ,
Several other efforts were madaio amen , but
without effect, when the Committee rose an
Bonne adjourned. ,
"Sy. Loots, Jan.
The steamer St:Paul,while lying at th
,with a heavy cargo from Neir Or
sprung a leak .carly this morning, and bad
feet water in the hold The pumps were s
work, and the leak has gradually aubsid
large portion of freight in the hold was
damaged, and a considerable amount. of
was entirely lost. It 13 supposed that the
having subsided rapidly, the St. Paul settl
the wreck of a sunken steamboat, .a d a
her hull timbers. .
Navigation is closed on all the upper riv
- -
The robber or Adams' Exprelis han bee
reined. lie . Ss "a young Englishman=tied,
ter V. Childs, about 18 years of age, wh.
tettiporarily employed on the roid as re
Sr...4ra, Jaw
The steamers Isabel end St, Paul : reach . 1
last night, from New Orleans", 3 Theylbrin
returned Californian, who briag. =long
$&.,000 iegolddust_
January SI.
Flour—Sales ‘4750 Ws Srbrda a :r 00
per ' The market iabrisk at that price, but
would not bring more. •
Grain—The market is without change.
Provisions—Bacon sides are Ceiling at SI @Elf;
ahouldens at 7(1:71e, and hams at 10c per; lb.
Sales of bulk meat• hog round, nt 7c per II:4
&ilea shoulders ut de, sides it 7, and hams at
Sic per' lb. Lord is scarce,. and is demand,
with salea in kegs spis : Vickii. and in bbls at 81
@Sic per lb. 'Sales' of new mess pork at $l3
per bbl. No miles 'Hogs are brisk,
with mica at 5.5. 75. ,
Grocteries—Cliffee is firm, with a fair demand.
Salesaf Rio at 11 aro\
with atral! sales
Whiskey—Sales at 2.-I1(;i1:250 galfiatt.
• Nona. IMPORT.
January 31..
Cotton—Tho roar - let is dull, with sales of ;150
bales at last quotations.
Flour—The market is finn at old prices, Sales
1,200 bblsats4 75e4 87 for Indiana and, Mich
igan, and 124 87 for Ohio.
Orain—Whcat is dull, with no sales to report.
=Corn is scarce, new yellow ia held at GB cents per
Provisions--Pork is heavy with sales of 50
bbls mess at $1.2 12}. Prime is dull nt $9 .25
bbl- New Ohio mess is quiet, at: sl2's.
Beef is steady,. but prices favor buyers. Small
lots of mess is selling at $8 25®10 ILO per bbl.
Prime mess is in retail demand at $l5 per WA.-
1 Dressed bogs are scant', with mles Ist 's6l2s®
0 18t per tart. Lard is improving, with. sales
60 bbls old at 81 per lb. Butteris setiveratl®l2
for Ohio.
Linseed 00.—Prices we steady, with sales of
2,000 pitons at 95(ii.100 cents per gallon—an
advance_ :
No changelin groceries, and other articles
usuallrquo!ed.. •
Jan ) uary, 31.
Cotton—The market is dull, with sales of 700
'bales at former rates.
Flour—The market is unsettled, .jrith further
Mates of 4.000 bbls, including good Ohio and New
t iOideans, at $4 7501 81: and of Mich. and I.
. 1
pat $4'8104 94. Sales of fancy Ohib at $5 121
.4i:t:lip 37, and of extra at $1 6010,+,5 75 per bbl.
t'lt. Grain—Wheat is ufichanged. Coin is easier.
11:i with '
soles - of 10,000 bushels, including new
it 'lSouthern yellow, at aftle, and of 10,000 bush, to
:Olariive, on private terms. . .
~1 Proisious—Pork is lower, with sales 000 bbls
,11 ~,at $l2 121 for mess $9 121 for prime, and $l3
:11 i
~, 25 for new Ohio mess. Beef is unaltered, with
:11 k i stdes of 100 bbls. Hams are dull at ' sls.
IA! , Dressed hogs are scarce, with sales at $4 25 per
',.: ' cwt. Lard is very firm, with dales of 120 bbls
' ?'..lold sit Sit per lb. Butter is buoyant at 9012 e for
' Ohio.
Cheeso is in active demand; ' and advancing,
with sales at G(5 , :',7c per lb. '
Whiskey la lower, with sales A of 104) tibia at 25e
' Linseed Oil—The market is active with sales
'of 5,000 gallons from store at 90 cents per gal-
Ilea .
Tobacco is ingood demand. Sales 200 hhde
fig at 9c5,121c, and of 50 hints Maryland
81•®90 per lb. • - •
Groceries-Sugars , are firmer, with sales of
00 hhds Orleans At 61 per bbl. Molasses is
• -thsr, with sales of 1,000 bbls Orleans at 291 c.
*fee isrpnet, with salei of 200 bags Itio at flt
111 per lb.
: January 21.
Little doing in the general market. Floor
:lind.Groceries unchanged.
• Provisions active; prices tend upward; sales
bf GOOhbis mess Pork atlBll, deliverable on the
Illinois river. Salet of 3to 4({) bads and tierces
ie. lard nt Sales of 1 (i00 Irv; Lard, de
iverable.wn ther:lifinois river, at 7,1 c. Sales
1f 60,000 Ills ribbed ride., to arrive at s}; sales
Sf the meat of 18,000 bogs •St 4641. ORLI,
nd . B da.
Lmd—Salen of 1000 pip uPper mines at $4
~. `f
: i
1 ,
- . .
Whiskey—Sales of 400 b1,1,61t 2131 c. •
i Weather more moderate.. The river is falling. I
ith G
feet water to Cairo, arid in covered with.
t r
i emry floating ice.
. , January 111.
LFionr—Not much is doing iii flour, end de
d is cenfined to the city consumption at
provisions --- Sales ' 60 31 bbd.
Provision.x—Snles of 1000 pieces bacon sides
t 61.3 111 lb, and of .L hhils do, packed. at 6/c. 1
Ilea cif 45 litula shoulders, packages hltds ex- '
at 610.- . The market it very firm for provis
loonWhiskey; prices have „leclined to 'A(?,23/c 1,1
, With a heavy market.'
Tobacco; there is a good demand in the mar
itt full price,
T4raceries; the m art:et, is steady, , and prices
without change.
1 Sales of 150 bags:Coffee at I2c for fair, and
Pi for prime.
The inter fell via inches laid night, but 15 now
*oliary. It is nearly closed with floating ice,"
!std boats decline talking freight to thy to nay
pint. The weather is mars; moderate, but Mill
old. •
- ____L...___.„,,..--1.----- . --- s* -
/ssrenotonurr.--Wre bare jUst been informed of
he'lleath this venerable and highly diatin
*ailed naturalist, to whom the, MA-MU, and,
Weed* weed, owe so rituch for ,the extent
'id 'character 'or his „rues-elms and public'' -
, He died at , Mluniesland, his coprit"7 cent, ma,
he North TiT6.,
near this city, at the adraucca,_
go of betwf.est deventy add eighty y. tiliF
tornlni, ten oleleCk.—.lt'l Erprert,
alai :lean° Qui:mos.—The first section provld
itig that no near° or testis - to shall. come into the
Soot:alter the adoption of the Constitution passei/44
t 40'
' Theadseetioa,making all contracts with them void,
sod lining all persons employi thests not lea than
411 0 or snore than WO, pese. ng
Th. 3d section, appropriating she MU* tiiiCeted
under dila Artele to the Colonisation of the negroes
now to the Slate pastal. 106 to 33
The fih section, providing that the Legislature shin I
pus law. necessary to carry out this negro Article,
paned, without the ayes and noes
The 6th *cello°, requiring the separate submissioo
of this Article to the people—“ Exclusion and col°.
lineation of negroes and Mulattoes—Aye or No,"pm
ed, 92 to 21.
- . .
The Article on Ltw reform as origiroilly reported
pawed by AS to Ti, and a nation requiring the Law
Salem eratmtwooners to be elected by the people,
and not serve over two years, was adopted add en.
groomed by 76 to fit
The Veto seen., which 'had been re-coormitted
several times, was reported back, and pass td, with
out the ayes sod noes It provides the t bills, if not
returned bathe Governor to three days shall becmnte
laws. 11 vetoed, a majority of the members elected
to each House may re. puss it. Billanow curried by
the Governor, et the chase a the , ...ion are le
become laws, linkss he files his veto ' with the Sec
retary of State within five days after the adjournment,
but the ne=t Legislature may iererrule such vetoes.
No Sol to be emit to the Governor the law two days
; of We semi°.
gM r. Dobson, from the couimittee'on salaries rephrt •
ratan anieJe fixing minimems vs follows : Governor,
511500;'..$.5eretarg, Andttitr and Treasurer of State,
51,000, and such petquisltes as the Legislature mty
snow; Supreme Judges 51,500; Circlet Judges 51.•
!"1:40, members of thWLegisisture $3 per day, Roll 53
for every 2:mulles/traveled .
Perjury und , Forgery.—We learn from the New
Haven Palladium, that a father and son, named
Parker, of AVaterbury, Conn., were a few days
ago, bound over in the former place, iu the sum
of &lA°, to answer a charge of perjury and for
gery. Ale facts arose out of a dispute about an
estato'of $:20,000.
st/the'present term of the Albany (N. V.)county
(curt (or the redaction of a young woman, was
sentenced an Satunlny to two 'S.enis imprison
ment in the Auburn State Prison.
Ti,, Florida Indians.—A bill has passed both
homes of the Legislature of Florida, having in
viow the removal of the Indian, from that State.
It proyides troops, and $60,000, with the oid of
the Government for doing the job.
Pak. a colored physician, is lecturing and
experimenting at Portland, on •'the new and
truly wonderful science of Electrical Psychol
Ron. John, l'ierpoint. it is reported, will be the
3lassach.etts Commissioner to the World's Fair
at Landon, and is to be paid $3,000 for his
The Kiehl Treasure Szrindle.—The court at N.
York discharged Chnrles fl. Carpenter on his
own. reeognirances, on Saturday last. Re has
been imprisoned since November last, on a charge
of false pretences, apparently trumped up for
the purpose of continuing a series of persecu
tions of which he has been the victim, ever
since he publicly exposed the^liidd Treasure
Humbug, lie has always been ready to meet
the present charge, but two terms of , the court
having passed, and no one appearing to prose
cute, he was discharged from Custody.
ME Sumner's friend, the noalitionists, ' wero
to give him a grand suriper an the night of the
day of his triumphant election to the Senate of
the United State, The Boston Post exclaims,
'•how wry cool that supper must be! It was or
dered to be ready two weeks ago in l•onur of,
Mr. Sumner's election. •No'' song, no supper,'
will be superceded by another farce: 'No Senator,
no supper.' "
• DelatrareSenator.—lames A. Bayard, 'demo
crat, chosen U. S. Senator for nix years ensuing
by the Legislature of Delaware, is the son of
Mr. Bayard, n representative in Congress from
1797 to 1803, and a Senator from 1804 to 1813,
when he resigned to go to Europe as one of the
Plenipotentiaries to negotiate a treaty of pence
with Great Britain. His brother, Richard
Bayard, whig. was U. S. Senator from 1836 to
1839, and. from 1841 to 1845, and has recently I
left the United Stotts ns Charge to Belgium. s '
Colored People in intro.—Al hill is now trending
in the lowa Legislature, having been acted upon
favorably, to provide for the removal of all free
persons of color, emancipated in other States,
and hereafter settling in that, but providing that
those already there may remain, subject to the,
present law upon the subject, and disqualifying,.
them from acquiring any additional real estate,j,
Rhode bland. —the election by the Legislature'
of the U. S. Senator for the ensiling six years is.
expected to take place this week. The candi-"
dates are james F. Simmons, formerly in the
Senate, and John ifhipple, lawyer. Our. IL B.
Anthony was proposed as a candidate, but de
clined. Hou. Albert C. Greene, the present in'
cumbent, nod Hon. Robert B. Cranton,
member of the House, are also mentioned as
Horrible, Murder. —The perpetration of a most
horrible Murder has recently come to light at StPl
Louis. .k laxly with the bead entirely severnli
from it, Was Annul ou Tuesday week lying on
public road in Carondelet township, about one.
mile east of Jefferson Barracks. nho the mar
deters are is not known. In his pantaloon's
pocket was found among other things, a pass
port dated 19th Sept., 1849, enecuted at Erfurt,
Prussia, to Wilhelm Hurler, Catholic. -
An article for the Fait.—Among the many ar
ticles that will be sent to the World's Pair from,
the United States is a lot of twenty sides of lea
ther, which went on board the St. Lawrence at
New York,. on Saturpay, and which are contrib
uted by the Ilon.,ladock Pratt, of Prattsville.—
They are evidenees of the high state of perfec•
tion to which he has brought hig art, and are
from five different tanneries owned by him. An
engraved picture of the town which was founded
.by:him accompanies them.
Goon Manscas.--Llt is a vulgar notion that
politenes Is only required towards superiors.—
But the truth is, that every man ought to regard
his fellow. ninon, or friend. as his emporior, and
treat him . accordingly. Such feelings the real
gentleman always has. "Let etch esteem other
better than himelf," says an Apostle. This is
the very soul of good manners.
Ca:retort TO lattice wownno FLUID LA111.5.4 The
Richmond Th.patch relates the folio wing pbour.
fence: Miss M. J. Wade, n young lady residing on
Shockoe Richmond, nariowlrescaped a very
serious accident, a few days ago, while to the act of
lighting n fluid lamp The wick happened to he out
of one of the tithes. and the lire communicated with
the body of the field through the empty one Instant
ly the temp exploded into n hundred piece., throwing
the burning fluid all over the young lady, burning her
hands very badly. nod netting her drew on fire.,
Formantely her apparel was of woolen manufacluie.
or the result might have been the lons of her life.—
Occurrences of this kind we conceive a our duty to
chrotrele as a caution to others
• WILKINS, NII.NS Liberty mt.,
bead of Woof greet. Pittsburgh. Pa.
Mont.:or...A aria! Vault, Turnbstones.
ke- Mantle liven, Ckntra and Plor Top,
always on hand and Mario to lode', of of th
• khoirrat Marblea. , and atry rains.;
Mad .-Ashnice s)bvtio. AraurOws nn
The (meat
from Italy. 1
Ilarmar Denny C4rk
R'llklnn John Huße, F. ,
m. Robunonn.jr.. P. W.. frier, Arrllitect
Sons Ilrul!ers.
•. •
J. 11. dL nbervrr. , 1(, do.
{Sllrm 11 ka kart. /Imo A&friient.
Sleanitrht. ' Wm. limmii`, l Ca
.14w1.51eKaight. OrtaLrig- D. T. Ilnriran
Joshux Rhodes t Co Prait'm
S: Lathrop. Em.. Allimlimi/ •
E. W. fevlii irmteful fur thev..ry Mend tattriamar
duel itintren year. lo alt., harlot .1.1 itta
luxnt mA n lient johii el:druid...l to M. ram tip to tha l•rmwo
time. taxi will eadmiror W moilre utlifiartion hermam.
E.MOVAL.—UR. Small him removed to
lYLit.tty ;,elow Pitt. No. Mt. (1111te end dwell
the same building. aug3l.titto
t= It La:. No. l .r t : l m nri , ll-. , ci:rog r uf r. l'he . lll
procure Bountf Lando for Wirers ;allot ...Wier, their
widow. , and children. and will attend to any other busi
ness. connected with the n vrernonent dr an ) ot it( Depart
ment, Ile Pension ollire, od. the Cour l st the (it y or
Washington. At!
d 1 UM OPIUM--50 lbs for sale by
N.lll pa , • J WILD c.
QUGAIiLEAI)--1 cask for mde by
17 ee ) KIM) 11'0
ELLERS LIVER PILL--"The very bus.
I - 3PM ncn , in n.n! -
K , 1•011011, (Nnotcr Va.. Jan. I.
M E Seli
tur. ILero—Dear :qr.: I will. gate to 100 that
le o opinion t ou r Pill is t wrheps the wry best Pin cm,
In tun ao L4v.4 Pill. and Is eutTsmed ^"." Pill. It Is very Al g id ) retertnod In our eon
rerimos of many
or toe friends and etunAnneno.
r.l l • ' — '" l perto ' itte , l b..hnw the oellllnai btler.b ut
tot ht.paibllAh the writeep name
co-cllwri Lirer hit. are the Original. IInIT
Gillum., "Ali other. are etataterfelt• or Wm, tl...t!R
Poreharer, erentleet that IL Sellera . Liter
true and genuine
_Liter w_nd
tuay V. taxi had at No 4. %leer,- owl of Or.gittat•Jt. , :r
In•the two title. awl ricliMte
IQILVIiit COIN NV A NTEI) even descrip
kJ lion. arri the hitthret premium tat , ' be the same, In
ja27 Co, thlni pm, Slarket *Lt.
LILT 1...M1M5-43 baler Cuttc:
DI Sr. 1 Lank
1 brl Tallow;
1, ranks Bernal.;
MI., Peanuts: •
tpka t
hakto w
ratb aleni Praelos.
5 bagn Munraa;
I:Ann N . a y ptl.;k
• Ien.krAWDICKiY W Sw
eak Fru..
IARLS-15 casks superi t
CORN-200-bu white k yellow, for We by
pat w 1 k Ike-AM/LW&
\ .
• ~r~~:-. - ~:
EStAßiarlitLth n e nry %tabug h l PnstO ice,
~.I%elete for a
later, will ytimee may they are Aa
Ladies List,
Adams Arm E Altolto EJialb 11 Awbutz Farah'
Allrn Mari A , Allwr MA y
Mho A
/hokum. Reborn, Bear Eller F Boyd. El.anor
Haile) Harriet fLorh Thu Oakum Brindle , an Barton
Balky mazy e B 11 Barr Ann Broo Elias E
Bailey Farah B OW Bantu amok!. lalndr
Mint Elias Blrrrlyy Fookla Drunks Sarah
Baird Emilia Mark Math Brannon wr• Put
Baird Jane • Illaek Bertha Bmwn Ulu E
BMW Nary Aun Blakely numb A Burk. Julia Ann
Ball latra Bowerbak Burns }Ma th
'Baldwin Bartle Bower. ..m.
Canon l'ecgy . Casten Sarah' Conway Ellen
Catlin Elloth Cann Amanda Cnrl wary
Carnthrrn Jam Colllshow Kant E Cmat'onl ' , arab A
CanflAil ora Cook Jan. Crain l'arbrt
Compile!' Adeline Coma Priorilla Ciro.
Own Elvab Call Catlin.. Comminx Cathne
elnumhil Cothne` Kli. A Commit... nary
Clark Caroline Connolly Karnali •
MID.II Ellstb • Deppm Marla Inou,,hert, 'MT
belief mar... J Di , l4 1.6.11 a Dualavy Rowantush
Davies marg.. Dirk.. Ai. Duncan Sarub J
Davies Itni 11....01.1.12 Busan DuckeV. Jul.
D:11..4 Ann 4
Eat.. nary Erelett Cedhno P. 2.110 ma4aret
F.r,11 Ellen Peromri sokry A Finley rarnilm•
Sarab A Fornyttl Jrnair
Venwn 11 Ae Yltrh Thmlin ' Fr, err h Ise
Ferglaott %111E.Flemin¢ umr, Y Vrup Jaw. •
th.rhanit Auu (111r.^ Sarah e
,ary r] • Mean m3rtlta lirraut ant S
Clalltmay Lucy (Mowry. aan" A 0rny.4 , 1 , 06.
(11r1. Jane lionlun Rachel Ontharn xhu N A
Gualenow atrium ilraham Eveffiaun
flalgrave Ann I. Hasten Math Holton Mr
Ball Maria Ilaslett A J Horne SI Y
Hamilton Mn harden Y. M
Ilarnlll.t Alice Henry Nancy Hag ll} El a
Hamilton Ella C Henry Mary Ronne Elstb
Ileamon Elixtb Henderson A S Ilowanl Aarsh
Harry Cunlella ilerrlott Mary Ilowdl N C
'Harp Cathne lineman Mary Iturobertson Mgt A
Ila.ttngg M A 11111 Julia U Humphrey Mara
IlaugLan Mary 'Linton Ikew A Hamer Flgth
Ilulegnmm Nancy Holmes Ann Ilutellitg.ou Ellen
!rein Nary A 'setae. Part A
Jeffries All,r Junta Nano Johnnton M A
Joyce Nancy . , JohnaJano John.. w J
Kaye xemt r Kelly &tuella Kirk Cathne
Kano Sarah Kent Stnum K Kuru mJ x
Kerr aro Keen wary A , Kurts
Kennedy eharrta EKelee, Sarah J Kupeling mat
Kennedy xary Kelly gar, - A Klima , Letitia
Lane 11 A Laughlin Sarah II I.6SPSII SUM S C
Larnhina Mirth Laughlin Anna Lour,' Jane
Lunhert Cathne Liptaneott Marts lush
Lambert C A Logan CI K M
LaLduaw Harriet L)neh
Malone arra Marshall viand Morris vra u J
Mackey u J Maimed nargt Morgan i.:llath
Markey vary 31erzy Cathve Monte v J
flapkerty Mecham Jane Murny EMT
Harbert varg‘ Michael vGi -- • Murray Livia
Marna eusan E Mara Susan
NB/titer WCullgeh teal, w Jl•Bilgosi glee
M'Bride Swan !Blips=ld Bridget Srlihight
israuler Pedals WDenald Agnes W Midgerry Jade
M'Candler swat SlTermot [shads Blinn. Jana
Sl'Clatcheyllasehsslßßermot Ragan. IWLeere itachl
M'Ciore Sarah Strarlatid Nancy tinged Sarah
IBColeara vin nn ilieno garthaJMTike h J
SBdek A hrs. Mylnitsigh r
varthsi It Scl'henein as,
M'Creadr Bab MGban tiarSaaah L SBSaiggau ware?
WKibbers adas
Noble ttatikla Nelson Lucinda Nulty Cala,
I!user Eliza O7lnaul.ll%lane Owen &wall%
t/Ilastadt_Elisth bury
Paull Mary Peek Louisa E Phirl may
Putteroon Sarah l'ettlgrrlr CharlottrEnrin Ellru
Patter.° Klearier ferry Widow• Powell mart,.
Prtleu sarau Au; Perry Mary Prumon Seruti
Prim seen
Maul E.B Read Fran , . Roger" An.
need ltebnraS Wilmoght Durologoßmmrs Jul,' Ann '
Read maroth Richard , ars Thom Ith Sarah
Huai 1. Ii Richard.. rn E ItohinAon aanry
Read S D . Itelll amnia Lnulaaltnbiniam Mary
Ryan awry Riddle ors r 'Labium. Harnett,
Aanda Bartel /I `ha. tzar) Jane :peer Margateth
Smtt-Xargarath Sheppard., 3lnry Stake' Ellnato , th
Seth Ann Sloane a Anne Ste , l Eliaabah J
ou J oan n a h Sinclair Man Stranger EliaalteLh
meer Mau Smith Sarah Jane bran. Lucy
Stoop, A A > 'Smith Elln Stark Agnew/
Shaw Mary A Smith Sophia S Surly. Mary
ahrib Catharine Smith Sutton Sally E
Sha.o,Adeline ti
oodenllette Nolo. ortarla
S.wittl Hannah Suktrion Margatethswearlitger Ruth
lor Mrs Mizah Tottirr Flindoeth Tooreml Mandl
Tawaley Mary E l'un.e.t . Mary A
EtneUrk ,
Th.,roburali kli.aliTotn , Wanda Ttlekrr Kiln
Vau 111 1., Ainy Vantlerlmlt Aurelia Van Horn An.
When. Willinni• Van.. A
White A J It Wintry.. Celli
Cath u M hi. Shanetti Wilmot Julia
White vary Wllliaton Charity Winivrhurn An.
Whams.. 51,100 Jan., Wor.lwanl A
Wrieht ors It William. C Wl.l Emil, V
MA Amte.. /'on. Sarah Ann
Gentlemen's List
Adam. , JEto..3 Armlet Allotrt And, David D
Adam, Hartle, Allnit Rm Arbuthnot iinn
Jno Miro Nxthl Jr • Arundron, EII
Islp Vrancis Jn• Arcustmult Y.ltrA
Alin, Martin Anderrint Araotrong
AtrtheraUfl SUP Andernno. , aull II Atkin.. Itto
Allmdier Ahnn Alldere. 111164 A.htot, 1.e., •
Aalton II D Aeb Km
Baldwin J Palmer Bennutt Wm ' Emile, Jlt
Battle Ilmill , Bin, Wan Brady Mrholse
811 Jr. W lirroie Jew a On.. Ph.
Raker Th. Itereh Phlllp Brown Almmudrr
Raker Jeddah Berthoud ! , noel. Brown Wm II
Badger Dr Wm Ben...worth Mbrpkidltrown 7hary
Ilan, Jost ' Brud..ll It al Brown T J
Baker Dalkl 81...11 Calvin Brown 1... M.
Ilan (Maw . Ftwhen J,,. P [Malan. Br
ll...Beier Fredk 1110 wham Tbm. (Mum I.
Bated Prtrr Bighare Wm Break Cawywr
Italemats Andy B Illalr JAM C C., Itrnhetl Item, i•
Barn.. Chu ' Black Sllamtwr Ilmphy in.,
Baxkln COM Boyle Vault Ileowoloe J m.
Barren Jno !lord Alex Byugton Altars
BlatkerJaa Rawl "liver Barker Paler
Barrett klr Meal Ronj Burk 3.
Bay: Wm Bonland J v Bun. .1 no
Barker Boyer Imanml Finnu.roroa II J
Ilar Jus nwst Iwt. l; Itonman 11.0 Bu Wn.
801 l Jim E Brat., Jno Ball Mtn J
Bell la In J Bridle Jwa Bug. J.
Bell JAO IP Itrarkeurldiro B u Rugby Lyman u
Itwall Cl!" w Brarkeurldre II .1 Ikunott J.
Brritin Para Breen R ut in
Calrma Mr Cheek F Casio Jarob
Call U U Omlnters IlenrY Corvorwu P.M
Cahalm. Peter Chamber. Jun Poulson J U
Fxnal U Clark Jsa Coyle Neal
Cannun Dennis Clark V.I.A w t Covert Abraham
Carothers Jon N Chem Hr F Cos Jaa
C . ... Laugh Jan
, C4a.r ,in k , Rttl . Crawford Wm
Carey Jai Crawfonl Jacob
Carnahan Jae Clarke J.,. w Craw(Unt Ben)
Cartright Mr 0 Clark Jas Craw6ml Jan
Curt Jno Clark Wm Cramer Ira 11
Cannon Weller CllntonJaent , Cririnnorn Peter U
arn f'id k P to k ht P S n g ' t gl l; . l7er j la*l t' 'n" ray 7 lljralt n...
Canham Theo Coles ° lsaac Craig +no
Carey Edmund Collin,.Johre • Cralg Jaw
Gland Thy. Collin , . Bohn V Craig Jan Jr
Cameron SianP Cole J p Crinch Jno
Carey Jam MIMI. Samuel Crozier A
Carver Hartwell CAM:3J Davul ..17nroin F v
Campbell Hm J Cooper UII ' '.Cronan
Campbell Thcw.l - Cooper Uoht Fleury
Caldwell Henry Cadman Lewis Cur
r y/:
Campbell Parker Connett Curry
Campbell Joe Conway Chn Curry Js,
CA.1 , 1 1 ; 1.111 P Camerfnul Arthur Curry U
E ' cl r go r ed,".;2'IITI L `"
Panning R i 1 Demok4 Den Dorman John
Dennison John 10.11 David D Dodge Jno It
Day A Crops Dean Z W Drvoning
Darlington Paral Dean Peter Drake An.... 11
Divsh Jmeph Dennleon DaTid Onus Franc,
Daln Jame, . Devlin Peter Dularty I: A
Daridson In. 1. Pisan Matthew Punesut,Jno
Davis 7edeklah • Diarnmal Jan Ihmning R •
Daris , Wen W Dickson Then C Duncan. Agnew
Davis than DIANA, Taylor Co
PariaJno Briggs Dry Peter Cjr
Ilavis P Doughter er
Dyrr Fanannel
Davin Dant Doncaster BUM Duncan A C
Jno II Donaldwm lienry Dunn Thew
I.lovorge 1)011/2/Mr 11,Mrs
Egan Francis Fallptt Thor Evans Ileew
Early Thra Erman Jaw Evans P C
Edwards Jae C Main Enl.ol John
Ellis Wm
Farnham fl They FIA J W Ford Jon W
Famn• 111.4 Flnielt Potir Ford Timm , '
Fa;tes Jraws Flxmwral PRIk Frailer %Vm
reignwm Th. J Flnncler Semi Enoch Hugh
F.-,nomm. drupyiNl Thu° ,aml Vrnorio Jno
FlMMtromo Wm Rani 1. Pry. Fal.
Finley Wm Flmlermith Pam! nsttirJa.ol , V
Foley Timothy ,lonlo 11m - 1 , 11211 P l. ll . Jno
ll.oegur ImviJ Gardner Semi 11 liraydun irm
kneteer J. 01k. Situ. lir,,, Jim
4,onlan Jae iiiheon Robt Graf 111 F II
Ile. Jam Gilbert F,10.1. Ilraevy Jno ,
llertmaa W \ essile , Pl. Wm lira)) Ifronre
L a d ll i sg , , hee ,, Lnu Clllairle hots[ lanhant 1 row 111
1•11 MGM Wm Graham June,
lieorac Jo Wu. 14014 II Ilrahant Jun
lodeather Ilugh lUlaae A ileNeely ( lYnaan J.
I,aleghee S II Um/1301m lirtmeo Francis
Gall Jue. Orrenim Ileigh I erlllln Jae
tiarttnet lour D timer: Itlle, Orkonel Joaeph
barranl JP... Green Fethr linflilh Joee:Jt
I larliek & Ifarollkul.menler Moil l.pswohl Jut A
Garnett. slkhl IJrnen Jonathan Guy D
J F.,
Gaye.. Joe thorduer Moan II Gatlin ae
Moll II in Harris.' K Ilallenlemah Jon
Wall Arm T Ilartirlee lleo 'lola:rum,
Hall heal Harker {seal , ' Ilmiri, J, Iln T
Ilatolllon Jon 11.1; tt Jan [lowan] lens
Ilaminnn lelor.l It Hawk alai' x /lemerJenwe II
Ilualltne Jae Haslet' Wm II Hunan! Th.
Ifamllton, liarlick Ilaytenarne it in lloreleh 11 A
A Co Hoye Th. I I.le. Jamb II
Ilona!, J. lloy• Jim It 'Tex.., II II
Itakeau 11 Rare Inn W Howard Ilenr,
llet-au Huth Mayes ' , awl (loin• Um
11t'iT''nK1r'o"11"° ' re'' ` I'.
11.toA l:n'.rl J0,,(,,.i
11141. Ilelmen ••• (( nova
Hannah •larni Itelbn Davi IC Iluohee Its.•n
11sun1. In /, 11.21, Jnol: Ile tole rt.°. ,tral
Plumper J. Ilend, en n Rohl 110 En ta efa , e , Wm
Ilanla, Th. 1M... J•,em Iluntre.Aleer
llama it J. 1111,,. Ilatu, C Mahe. Cm
Iloomn Hugh ((Al Min Itufli
il.,ling G., It HUI A 1 (loom it Ilene/ II
I 1.01 , 11 lieu hickey II in Hunter 11 to
Herniae lie. I fill eamlfonl I II tlet. TA I , l.unnl
(tenor Jame , Ilihane Jno: 11. hi. 11 Mr
Timor Feanmo 11 Ilittedal. Jly Hunter J..
Ilanem James I linl.n Ilae , Huth, Petit
Hut Patrick linker. Jae ltfo„lte. Joe
flare, Ja....e I follinan Je einm Henn, JI,
Hanle_ Jan fi n nan Jno .1 I Ilyaft 31,
1; 1 ,0.P...A l',:;nut',"l"•,,,` 17,r,..i'1:—,.A
Jarkom: Money Juiktne JllO b ' Jon,. Iltmb
Jam. rim 7 Joy. Pelt Jonn t te a
Jane ay J. Jeflrh. II II Jon... I l'
Jaelf.7lao l' Jenkins TU. Jeollem 'CI J
Jerk man Chriol. Jobnslon 11 n: Jonee J„„,,,.„
Jarlmon X Johnolnnll. Jone. Jonah
Jarehun Wit Johnoton Thon Jona , Kt Li %
James John S Jet:orlon David Jonee i.,,,, I .
•111001.001:1 41m A Johnoton It ACo Joare 31 3
Kane J. , Kennelly Itobt Knettle Wm Il
KAIIII• Illrum Kearney 'le. King iii.
Kahle 1r n, Krum. Polo • Kleltnon Tle.
Keine Jilehl MON Jno It Kinn Tateeon
Ka ve Joa Kelly lien hinitoley 3 111P¢ Ja en Kerr Ja. hluoleirY 11 mfl
krill., J..... 1. Klllmere fn Klnmlll David
Kerney Dull ILlnraid Rohl. Karts J
hearneoli W Kinney lII' i i ,,... v %11..
Kenn, Ed. Klntur I. ii
1.113 Edw King Bernd Kremer Jno
Earns U W Keonsf Jew
Lallymitt, le•irla Win C Lang Henri' .
LAnible Dewy livid. thrill Logno A G
Lamb Win La^arY linbt Long jam L
Lambert. Alex Lecke) , ;Wm hone Palk
Lally siehl Lenfealt Th. Lytle . item) .
Lae., (cream . Lik-lasloglton Win Lyons X V
Ler) Linen J. Limier Hugh
Larkin Edo Linney Cock Loire. Peter i
Langinlihno UntbkY ii Loee'Jne
Laen.liie Itolit Lightner S' N Lowman Gem
Laughlin F U • litlell Jno Lynda Joo
Laughlin lirri.o L,k , f J 0 Lyon() W
Lamed nary,' Lorkinkal J D Ltner.Wlciakne -
14.6. J...lina I J.
M.lonsy Palk Merritt Aorul .11nuar Frr
tl.,lena Wm Meters Jo, Montan IIJ
Malloy II Morrio Ira
Marlwy Wm )lorltllta A Id Moon. lirml 11
Mahon..? homey} Mills Jas Moore Jos
)lalsoffor Sarni AliHiroo Jos ARtrr.n K P II
Aloely J 31.1lehap mm Mon-leon TWA Jn.. )11Ilhouse Dr Monis. Jeit.
Martin ti A Al',hell It .Noniron Ermeteß
Martin ADEI. ADD, olchl Jl.rrisou L K
Martin Donl Mill, A 11 Norrisou JUI
Martin A Miller Image Alummti
Mottl2.os 1,11 Ileum o
Ma, Jo. lIA/.llin Kintln
)Mori, D e n Mouholry at Ruhr Mont.-It J.
' , lost:ell Wm Mtmon F.lit Al,ler(Phoirmalt'm
Meat Momlor Thos .trtintby Ann
Ma‘ II II Al' Fox Morrp.l.. A 'Morn. Mot.lo.rly Rent Mum., M.ll
Mei - ritt Mnrcaur DAVIA Morro, Ar.h l
11.eubou I'b..' -Morn Jo.
Mohler Joao
WAD.. Daniel Meeune Jon.l meta. Ju
Me Lluton MeDouala Tll.n lellteever ft
NleA mire. J. 31.0.204 II m NIeDI owl JD.
)1 ' 4 .' 14 " PPP.. AelALrmAts Mielt MAKenor him
Melltith. II MelmarAll Ales McKnlghtJno
Me , Dllaml Jona. Melt.”ll Dolt .114.aughlItt Wm
11 , Ar's.ttslarool A Il Mrituroll aa. McLoughlin Joo T
31 , 1inantm Aoht Nlelmniel Polk JleLAan
NlOkrrma Ihnirl MeFortaml li NV Jklutrio it' It
Nor aslln Jos . Mellor”ro MADolaton Met
16.1uskey W m Melloli erts
Nlo6uu 111. Mr 11r.. A AfeVer
Arrlilloklttrtivi, birth JleAfilleo J.
M.:rut:ma Itrrnord.Vetiott Stephen
111-nrr NWElrver llnc6 .VeNalr Thw
Ntr l hrttilek Jou. )leAlmAel woo, Mn{uewav Jun
3101.140 e.. Mclntyre Wm MeNirklo W
\ lei, JnnMc .
lini INht Ne :Willa Jn.
Me ,, , N 31104 NlrK , ...n Jnn 31,11101 in ll , nrl
M ,, tq (men Mohnns Palk ...I. 4 llene
NI, )...acty And. , Irliee Jnp Alrtlanns Jun
M,i',...k..n It M.-Klbbin M 0... /leen.* Darla
Kil.hen Jna.MeruJJ) Robt
Siclion! l'.ltio well Jonathan Nelonnliry
Norton Item) Nei. Jno lie• lin 4 Mardian
Norton Jamb Neil Tian Neatly lima II
.7:4 l l:ttlir"Thettri
Orr nen O'llira Palk Woburn Iturzella
Patlnn Ja. Pelernm nbas Porter Joe
Parkin,, Jr.., Pen Imo•nt J II Pouriley
Palmer Franklin I Pain, Franklin Pollock Jai.
Patten.. Cant J Philllu Geo S Powell Dowell
Pattaraon e'' ealomon IlnarJrui
l\ in
J.. • Puke inn
Pattenam Win Plummer Jail V Pugh nod
Pattern,' J. O Plana Wm Nat* F.
Pew, On, Phicrr Prim Daniel
Peters Grollth Pron.nn Watann
4 ,:1 ,1 1 , 47 , i 7, Quinn Jnn Quit. PAO.
nankin Chu Brills - 0 W Rose II B
Randolph Conetableitiehnnison AO R.non Wm
(tamer .1.1. Illthardean Ilmth . Ryan Jun drdllol
Ramsey Wm It Ithil,rll3nt , nlc.'cl Rolonn Ile.
Bess Shull lo.hile II II Iludge"" ' 4 . 1
Ho,. Jae Itiehonhem Inbar P..1.'.. t` 0
Ileum, .1 Itiehnniss a Jae I. Itesluem I lebey
lined Jan Illelonntol .1 I. 11e1Toesas Rohl
Reesl ninon - Bitter Jim
..... -IMhinenn Duni
Bend-Sam] IT Bisbee Bum Robin...en Ord W
Reed 4 S Itrau-h MHO SolalnennOws
Ronnie Th.. Itnien.n Jun Ruhineen Jan "
Itidennto llullthol Hearts 11.01 ItablsonnJno
'Unhands Jon • Born finti 48m . ItnTinean ME
Innen Ihninis
Jon . Rebilerm John
Roberts Eine Itorkereller Wm Adltalserleon.lno 1
It.anTte Wm Ar .
. • ,
Sanfortilno Smith Henry Stephens Philip
Samuels 8 Smith DJ L Ranh... WII --
18.11nn Mehl Smith Jos Jr 'Stephen J l'
s. Senn yi, J i tri n lt o
II .
, P . m ir i t t b li ~ 1 r,..„ 1 1 Stuartrt J Haabos •
Stua •
Serbert Chap „, Smitho 1 Strreirson JF. •
Solon Antiumr - Simen Wm trevenuot ll'm
Seseranee I. $1131111..• Thna Stan , " Septimus
Shield. Wm K Sinclair It 0 Stoner Saml
Shepard Stephen 113 nuts Thews Sturmin Theo
Simemnker Site[ Ihnsenar It Mori JOS
Shaw Nicht Singer in.. IT Stukels 4 Jne
Shushes - \' in Sul tler Junto it' All
Sherla..l4 JI. Suirely Boom Soupi. Thlar4
Shoemaker Jan 5..,d,,,,..,,, j ASK sv i,, ,
Sheets Dural Surou•lert V L Ssreieuelr Stelnen
Shen.. I/ ?NNW Out:notion 1411/.
Sielsoun Sam! Sunnier, Philip Solihull Irstil
Smith Oun Sproul E T
Smith ..10. Spear All
T -
Turlor Fr. Thump. m .luo Tule Alas
Tn. ler Jou Tempe. Eato Trul.T.llenr/ '
Tait./ Chu Teeter. itirshall TosnekAler
Thompen. It N Titrell Juh a 'Fran alga Ellaah
Th e nup4m 1
1 T T o IM ni , ,
'T T I 4 1 5 e / En h ss h wn
Tmt.3TnJ.l Alex r
tA1,4 , 4•1 •
Ants6l,lt 11
WAD, Adm. Whit., A A Acit A oss
Alkup Mark White li It Wild. lanai
I .11.., Arthur Whit , D trrs Jon
.114,4. J. 44 I. 11 hippie II Is .litlenclAnots •
JII " Irldluey 11 us II Witham Js.,,
11!4.4. 144, A II 111u4541 C Whigs. l.lnd
1 1 All.; 1141,1 IN us 11 Iltor. rb... It
11111.31. , JA4 .Interl+4tons J II
D 41.1 1.41 A.• 11 • 111 Lea
ll an ,Atul II 111inn1A JEN, Wlllinna II ul
he, Th.. WIRD. 11 . .
14,44.4. II tJ- 11•1111smn Ws. II Wilcul balaft ft
11... rt.. , Drvril rt. 1.14...
W .14.-4 11.441 WDlwAsoon 114 L•
eh13. ,41 Wasi WilApu Ira 11 IVIIJA And.
11.11. s . 1 1111.•0 11.01 Wilinorl.lALl
IA r at Slatlltrur II MllAtm PP." Woodm-kAlfsal
I,ll‘ slrat. /wicks . ft II
J .":1444, Alunl Worn.' Ow
11.441, 4•44,1 Jul 14 risgla Jll Ws one Pater
M thong C- 4, . SA.. J.
1 J.. Jno
Initials. •
11W ;`..11111 hO.l/
Ar 4.4,4 1 ,.. 14.1...
1• vu I'lrvol, UrW •
4 , IA
1I 411t..r I.l4l,strvlt 11•11,1•.
11. 11,1 thrown 0.11•••;,r 1 , .7.14'.• 1, ••••
ally elra
1141 Ar..1. , 54n
l• Jas., 31. 1,4,
BrrTER-1() hrls prime roll, for sale by
LIP ,sc-c OI4A a MeCANDI.V.:I6.,
CIEATIIERS---3 sacks prime, for . sale by
A ilir
..::: li f. StreASIII.F-V.l
_ . .
VALILY FLOUR-2 0 brls extra,for sale by
I: a: 0 11'_H A 31,•CANDLMS
_. .. . ~.. _
I EA!) I'll'E—Cornoll's unproved patent
IA L.,- ad MIA fur Illgrg,to,
hydraulic Raul..
(Antra, tr.
4lf nu h""I
11 4 1 A3l I L\' FLA tl' It-145 brim It umsay's extra
=1 bO,/, Smat's ,_ do
"''' Jn'' )'" ""."'""'"
' 11741:' ,' &. LITTLE CO
8it , ..M , u ,,, dui l'ef"rest's superior, for
.811. , by - pr.g. 11,1111t418. LITTLE t A 1.).)
r , _ _
- 11)(rOrk Sii —4 , casks just recd for sale by
1 peg. 04,11180). LITTLY. hCO
rrANNERS' 01L-1". 5 brie for sale by
i 18.-=‘, IeoIIISON, LITTLE aCO
1101; i RUN — . O l lolls Brush Creek, for sale
1 , e . . .1.2, 0011150). LITTLE 1 , CO
I,~OLASSES — Its) brie plantation, for sale
b, p,:. : Jos. A 111:71:111SON LOp
LI:Alt-21:1M pigs lialena, for sale by
J 1.35 11: 1 A. HUTCHISON k CO
`41 . :1)1 1 11,— • 2tr brio, reed fer sale by
2824 S. i: ',O IIAIMA UM.
„ ti :A It & MOLASSE - '.,HI 0 , pl u td . : t., Surr; s....,
181 brli B. II dr..
Sr Jamr, Rrfsner, fnr Mi.. bv
111:11111111VIE INGIIIIAM
w.trr pt.
t eu
g I ERlLty CLAY I,sx jamt reed Lv
3.24 lit'nutttiotat A 10111111A31.
Il ICK-10 'fro just ree'll for kite he
OAF SUGAR-100 barrel, ots'it — n — umberS
fIA Ihr Rale by y+24 lIURBICIDOE t INGIIRAM.
ACKEIiEL--48 Itrls extra No. 1, in
.I.V . lsnss..nd by ICAIAII DICKEY &CO.
Watrr and Front
11,17 , 1 ‘ 1 , !1:r. FISII;;115
Io At All rt.Kl::fidkonfor
Hmut, NG-1(0 boa Lubec scaled, for sale.
by Jet I,IIAII mcxt)" t CO.
COFFER-1110 bags prints and fancy Rio,
1.)f.. min by J. 0. WILLIAM:J./. CO.
3• 21 Cr.. Fifth taid Wad of.s.
QUO:kit—Prime now and old Orleans Loaf.
s7Cruplnsl and Powdrml. Nr.ln by
jri,4 .I. D. WILLIAMS S. CO
%AM. ASSES--Phuitation & Sugar Howie;
' 001,0111vrop. for nob. I,v
J. J M. WILLIAMS 0 10).
T E A . .... , • , -311 lif eilstti med. to extra tine Green;
ot, to. •do do do .
10 bf oho.. (11011101 and Ililnrey 111.1. fur
vol. h, . nOl .1. D. WILLIAMS ! w
Drawing, Perapectiva, and Paintuig in OiL
Iti It. D. It. SMITH in 110 W prepared to give
trl. l ".;,'l,',,"is'l r i',';l o .l. ` 7l t`L'."',.ll, h `ol l '', i r, - ,....,." . .zr.i •
Allingon , ~r. bUilain.. First Flrevt., betorreo Wrowl and
Markot 0tr,0.0 , . Hours of Invtrorllcm. from to t ,, .!.... 1
frorn 1, ~.16. , , F... 0. L'har o rks,rolother pariloulors.eas Iv ,
I. "l7fer 70 Z.",7::,;„„'.,r"i;:?".V.ri1', — .. m'
rpALLow. •45 bills for sale,by
1 I u c.Nriti.n
SI: N DRIES fre.ll Kull Butter:
a •nek• .111•110 an Mom':
, 4.athern
IL,• Flnun
_ .
Pri.+l Appl.• and 1 '.40‘.. on ~.
,ignmont. ainl I, •ale by 1.24 J. D. WILLIAMS ROO
4 1.t,etis FOR SALE: WeRtern Ins. Snlek;
.1. - 7 Turd , t'n..A Plank 1b.a.1 St.*
Pnt-buruh, Claim,. and Lhul,vlllo Tel.grapli:
Marin , Itail.n, Sb.ek. !laud :I. Ilritlszn mo.k:
1.1, (:.N., Sta,k. 11E)1. K. ARNOLD .1 00.
~.; II Fd,urtli It
. .
- - -- -
1,1111. A iNi BLACK S I I. E. S--NlVltrill" ..1 ,
i in., .” I. have r.-4,0,1 a tr.ry full In.ipps of abovr
,•.b.. a bl , l tbry ran ...II 01 low, ' , rimy limo llvy on.
~,li, ....1.1 a.. 1.. Mart F.:142,1 and limeade do. of
m .,.....t ...1.... li:J. ._
.11, --- 11(' SATINS, of the 'most desirable
dud.... to is. Lul at the aMI-or. of
. -
ne w cro p, received
,• a h IRK PATRICK. 144 Liborty rt.
. -. •
1 •14 1 brln No 3 Mackerel; _
~, ,4444C441fir1t, fur 441 e by •
,441 • J. 1. R. FLOYD
uThilbt ASII--25 casks Jnlniston's brand.
$ - 7c.r.0.• ^1 J. A IL FILITI ,
Lp itooms-150 dof, for ~11.1 e by
• ---
ICE—IS casks Carolina for enieLT
11. w 2 .2 J. ' e It. YLOID
IFI ASSURANCE—lnsurance on per
ow s a w of IT and GO my- 1 efftn , Od Iv
OtAtnolal national Won rood Life nano"... nocieq.l4
ppliration to the andenlonetl.
othlitlonal.quannity of explanatory torophlata...
laggrotottons circulation. YAqulre at Lila Ulan..
lag Mouse of WII. A. HILL t
.1.22 Wool et, sealed door stove Youth.,
r ~.~
ap..~i ~:~~.
:*tea,- .N..~.-_-~ - ="~'`~ ~"~; :. ~U 't'~~i.~h~ ap`?c'
fOR RENT—A hesittifully- located Lot.
muator 8 ton tome or ter, situate on the Turtle
e til kt . l.k Road, the nester part Over hottoolovitufrahlr
e cited for • market garden. with a quantity of .01 bearing
apple trves. and only halt an boor'. walk fn the Coati
Room. I . o..ettlost given let of Apri1. ,,,, .
V°"'"'. 7 11 1 11 11k.. " 1t1rZ..;11R;n11: 7" .. f .. , 1-.;
~...rie.Buddh,... efory.l Fobeth st s algst * Stoithflrl.
jaahtil - w --
1Pc.4"11.., eharre tfila alit , . f
0 LET—The Store Itooni, No. 65 Tr,r,
~TlNarket. /41,1- The best laratkat la the rite . feri4,
1 = 1 " . 7 M IT2 .t4:1; t ' o '''' 0 ... ' ''' :l' . . ' {r7l VS.
jiplOß RENT—AII that portion of ,ov river
ulna. .
old Plank 101
Road and the river. ruppoord to contala shout
I tar 1010, to whichwill 1... attayhed • two 1100 frame
!waft with anexmlient stouweellar owlet-on:db. an "reboot.
a atal•ip and turn. It la all In a high nate of tultitat ~,,,,
nodwobla be well caleulstal for datirY 00 .b''°'.. , -J' uo
. "" L " N 'r".: b , ed st:Ply tittle. he two eonie sell r
romtnetale. for lowssty. .ohriett. awl lodustrY• The
taalitie• for 0.111011 to tuarkeq.a equal to in the
ntx.r. a, the weapon* will havehto ehotee of the
e rircr.
plank road, or rail road for him nrompseletion.. .
1.0,0130 1V )1. 11.. HAWKINS
Waned offors for alb, large .0 her of ,`,..'"
lad lag lots, awl .0001 Uri (legit-able alien LO, ntatiuLle
hair, In tlo. tiorougth of hirtuirufh.a. lorat.,l lusts the
1 oew Public School Rowe and FY•xls.h buthetsn Chun.h.
IThe rapid .4.10111 of Ilirotittahars its telstis 6 "" .... 1
tw ,pyr a e, wr in g treslll. mre
a the seonable price. at whirl,
I.R. will be mil, will render the ma rare .Isl prnillahle 10- Trott:l . ent. Title perfect. Tense (storable.
For partirtilars end topta..enquirsof the ander.laneti, at
the ether of tioorse F. tithoore. Co.. t Grant etre., Pitt.-
bargh. betweon Third and roorth, or of " 118,, t0
I eittanea and N. Pettentot, F..en. at their ofitmn In Dina-
Ingham.. 1011 , v. 0.4111 N.
TO LET—One Thus,. and Lot situated I.7'',
on Iledfonl Azov!, Perenth Wart. For terms. 1:1j
apply to 1:010541N. LITTLY. a Co
. 233 Liteorty st
VOIC SALE—The subscriber ,diers foril
aale a taran and well built Buck tlnunr. wlthilte 3 ;
ITMo',eV of ground...ll.ld on the Fourth 3trvet
nad. within three miles of this eity. Pulowasion Oven uo
lb.' Jat .d April nest.
Al.. a vet' desirable tutor nround. runts,' ulna over Four
Acres, with • spring of canellent eater thereon, ettuated
near the stn..
Al.. • lot of taverna 11 In.-hes by lat and.
inn the reeldrnee. of Mr. Toner. near the city. opiawite
the Ser.loll Want. an 14unsylventa Avenue. Pornandian
WWI/ intanvilialtd,
It iv non certain that the l in
tb . lanlt lload will be
~'e.c .annit e te
11,;11.?• ". 1ZI:Ziri,11 '" . 7 7 1',..
.cowl. near the and brunet , ' 5a , :35 , 11r
)1 . 4 1 0ii. It ENT Olt SALE—The subscriber 7.7% ,
rent his d...urs2.l % coustry
large donut. brick unildlon. In uomPlet• 3313 r. net , ' 43
rarriat, bon, stable, and red water on . the grounds,
with+ rominise two arms,. well Improsed.eoutaining ever,
description or fruit also. a sprint: hens. and smolt , house.
nuesetwhan given athencrer dealn4. JOIIN
yst2- - dtf
IVOR REN T.4-A tiro story i)r..ening Tap .
j 1 1 .1 °° """ ", ./AIZ - D.M1.11,11. Ral.r at.
.in a -11 cart,, or on repetual . blase, olle lot on
joining W fr u " trEWlT 1471.tse t°
bouuded g hy j.lhertr. (310nn. and Alief hen, streets. and
poring Alb,. being .. .33l fret uu Lllwrty. 1:0 to -1'1 333 3
Alley. Al.. 1.30 n hot fronting on Earnnson .treet. bun,
dlately opnewlte the Central and epmai . tting
45 arms. in5 , n24.1.113 J A 511.51 IIAhA
.14 1 011 RENT--The store room and cellar on
„,11,1n, ,s4,rus of the same entranee Iliettn•
.1 d. Will he rented2tor one •r three year, fn. tin Ist
of April next Apply to LEMS
31,515111 Di Water Ptreet.
~..113sTbirdlrasl tiehool llonse,and rite on4l
whirh It stands. will .Id either at•pisnsitely [wide
raw:, tn e ffult purelmeers.
_lll,goet wide on
• `a? '4=r' allele
6:1d07 1 .1;:"=,1. - ir„'
Pent,Dosird Directors. at No, 47 and N) )lute[ street.
jan2l In.
'0 LET—A large 31artmien 11Z - se.with
Zen of Cood attached, 'heated • t Aklaal. '^ld
.1 2U
w 303 II A RBI. JON I* , Ul.
Real Estate worth 8100,000.
VERY DESIRABLE Properly in Alin- tee:
chenk CityTorrale. Two epleruliZl twldeneer
flett lank. lot ward. one hart. a front of Al
on South Common 1,, TAO to Water nest. The other. 1.10
fe.,:t front by T7O to an alley. Intpmred In the hen manner.
ationling di-lightful slew of the'rity or Pittsburgh. the
AH ATet b ..7l.a d o ' f ' g h tt:i i rni r f:4lnting moth on North Common,
T4O flat, running 1:0 flat bark. bound e 4 1., terh elly 4.44
at mons and feet'allny In
Also. lwrots *me. dtreetli ohnmar the 1:•wd Itepo.
.4 tin. nontt &Aral.). proper:r non fir asde Ten
ground tae , andaNtnent, to stsrltator. Atddt
tn talk , ...801R1) k 111 twenniker.
W LE r. —That deniruble residence at =V;
preaont re , enpled hr the sulsweiher, eitnaltsl mt it
t tireenstargh Pike. In We Borough or
vine. bon. to !arr. and convenient. has PJ morns. '2
waxd eellate, and waeh houee. Alan. a *table and carriage
howls: bateller with a In.. wanton. eontatut ng choice ohruk
fiery and fruit tit.-. The lama ...nation le rhurt
tauee below, and wr..ons niu go Its at an) hour For par
tirolarn inquire of • 1t01:1. D. T1111311,0N.
jalldlot No. lIA Marlow stre.4.4
14i( RENT—A SAw Mtt i. in East Binning
.ll ham, well situated fur a ...1r.., It can tom.
Ilar a term of fru ,
Alto. an eieellent site for briek tuaklnz,--elay deep •
Mon. rereral meal guanit , of esmllent Stone. Inqtdre of
I t)hE. I 1.1.1
0' LET- —The Three Stop' Dwelling
• :Yllroteit, 1:1 W, Ile street at pn....tit oceopis.l .k.f!
oko B. !Ammn... end oontamlng two rstrinrs.g.
now and
on the hen
when nti the let of Inquire of .t a FLAIT P.
tabu hound 11.ur , hZ
To LET --Our lay.. Stew Brick Bonin% Tl , l
[te g
nt ltnow. I ottel.
Enquire on tin of e, Ayes., kllners-iil
1.10 Jolt.: WAIT t Co.
1. 4 •49 it 'flit st,,r, Ida Market *
aln.ol. 'heaven.' ,war frt. the eon), of Afarket
and Liberty otreetk. ruommulai, w hen the let of A,llewskre.
nest Inquire of DAS Ilt GREEK,
tate:atm MI Peon 4,
ere] nuur 4...etalthfield. Peeeee.inu ui‘ en ou the 11r4 eeueee
of Apr Lest
Ale. il
to Lees, tut .nl. or soon. 'ear, r.ulte lune , •unt
Lot , . en %lel near theleghen. (:leer. in the Ninth Went •e
APO)' tu WS! II liAltl.lNtiToS,
Fourth near Wfwel
ILENTI—Tho fidlowing provvr- =IV
tt... gm for mut- •11: .. 44 4' •
A large, itrli lintened. grid mmplrtel, fornirheil
ST. Mil. 4. rtreol. 1444tirren TM. and icoarth fit,
oultoldr for lirp(..
Pereral ronia• t ll
15.1 tam Ituroling, in the .444 - 44iid And
third Arm, pitiable for ArtiPti, Ar
A large end e• relent 1.01111.1.1Ntl la 1.4444
tie.. part of the city.
1•44.144.444. of the foregoing mn I. gimn 1011 IL. 1.1 of
April neld.
Al. n ST4llir. on Thin! 4415441. neat loot In lb*
ligmtte Oren in.44.411.nt441,.
Still SAIX—An otseapirril 1.... r on the Marriimir, on
Third art..t. twronforr orcopleid 11. E I.E. Mr. A Ileidoa.
Sr term, g1 , 1 4 /1 hi
S. D. l/AZZAII:I. 54mnd 4stre.A.
nul nr to 11. 11 . 11011.dlillii. Third rtrert.i
z+ . 4
etowl, Sixth Ward, ally.iming 1.. Atrogn.
Vnr opply 110111,01, LITTLE A CO..
To LET. the Short• 11i...11. Ne. 65 )htr-- ,
k.c.tre....aeinhe; the {Want and druelrr i:..,
0 P. w. IVII.m. and renently oreupird Id 31... , r , .......
IC. Ilnlmda A 5.... a Ibukine anq Larbasdr ...-
Tins nade. Is Icsmtrd•
in the nuet i,ddral and I.rot laninee•
dint lt, the city. and •ell adapn-d fur a Rankin,: and 1 , -
ehange Ofllm.. and Inruraore inti,.. dr a end, A splendel
new (mut. with kdt.liah elate tiia....n. will le. put in .., , un
as tho weethrr Par.. ,
Puna-mina glern on the first of Fohrnarr, If arantrd.—
Enduire _,„.. i, . W. 'W I I.SON .
~a 7 si.srnenrr nf 31arket and Fourth 'tree..
FOR SA LE, the Tfiree story Brick 7.1.', 6
,41V 1 '
Ist liberty nrvot.
Drag and Prescription Store for Sale.
eh 1...1 t n . rxte....1)9 110ur1.11111,, iropm,y,„ „, :4
w . T o la u l: dui. a yratitAltle • 1.141uu.. of-A"..
CO-PARTNERBIIIP—We have this due
a.....etated wth. Iletuatnto Y. Ilutehl.on. The La.i.
urns win Le non:hued aa heretofore, nude, the ftrat of
l'ittaburgb. January 21., 1001.—ja2—,11to
I OLL BUTTER-25 brie fresh, in good
lira,. atnre, fur tab. by WM 9
12ALE a T t
ARD-7 brls 1.541 1 Leaf Lard;
I 4 =tai do
W do for ae W by l
A SklllSlo caaka Pure Potash:
21„ " rani cau,b
FEARS--1.011,000 cowman for sale by
.1.22 J. & H CIA) DD
BUTTER -16 'iris prime roll for sale by
Winter Clothing at Reduced Prices,
T IVM. DICIIrS Cheap Cash Clothing
Store, Liberty atrort_
e pmptietar of the slims ee.bliahmeut being derinone
of clitiaaini of the balance a his winter Meek, to make
rt r'r e?, f l * :/a r s b 'tere.ifirr I• C:jm'jartinagse"'4;;"'tset.....l
prices fur. avil. All threw who want !, on. t i e r and
w a n .adr tllth,aa, a titol It gnat to tie •r adrot,,,
to neror him renli a ar great taraaln. will be nffered.
.io2 l
_ _ . . • ..
R • ..
I RR' K 1 QMS — i 17. Sur sale, by
0 , wu IL JottN,TiN.,
tili2kOlt Y NUTS--1: hrlo fur sale he
j4'l WH. 11..11111HTON
lilt Y A I'I'LES---10 sacks - fur sale by
i,21 ity 11. J.IINSTON. .
( iiiiti;;--2rdl int unshelled, for sale by .
tr.. It. JOUNST.IN
-11. - ,1.A. 131 . TTElt-2 iris fresh for sale he
, jell! Wu. 11../4111Nr , TOS. '
I , Orn IN IiATTING-110 holes for sale hr
I,: 0 21 xi ALLAN.; MUD X 01. -
4,,1 FA It CANDLES- --;in it. Cincinnati ma
'77 '-"" 'on ''''''' ." f ` I'AYLINuE •
~...1 ,RD d 1..
13E1t Ft: NI Elt Y . ke. - •
x 45 dart. Idd:ln's Extral, tor Mr laidkerrid..f:
It to dHHIT.r , - •• - titurdled.,
14 dot. Jrtdo . LintSach.d..lHWH. ' , WO'.
•:1 der.• - .mall astlu.
24 dos oldnmon mall Sarluda.
To4mtls , with a Will and
.I sleaNdnid .varnrtturnt of firm Per
f0r. ,, 1..W.-. w•• , .. 1 ‘.11 awl or a Phllad.4l. l d. 1.6 . ra..
he nfr.p.r a Wood Itnti 41,11, alr,ta.
rilAlLolV—Thirty burro& Sheep tind
• t, I , rrreb. Bort nr.errved rn.l fb FJo by
• Mott 11: hurreln received and
• r , r.ile br SAMVES v Ix, •
- received and
• rrde . br p9l 'SAMUEL P. NUM V ER.
1) HIED 260 bushel just reed,
end md
for ,bT Fialul tv A I WILSON.
OLASSE..—FiIIy barrel., of new crop
• rmelred and fur ralr Lr
_ nn smaa. , r „ .
'LOU k—Ser v nty five barrels Family Flour
rewri W and to ufe by
ROLL BUTTER—Tfventy barrels prime
jot r"...""h444 We VAMEEL P. Slllol'l3l.
_ . _
it.—.ltM) brim superfine;
14.1 brio fine: (..r rale by
Wu. 11. JOIINYTON.II.:Serand
'DRY' iIPPLES—Fifty buxlieleireceirgiAnd
:tat nuninc onetime:l.latt. wt . elgoa,
nwater. will leave for Ow above and inter' --
tn••• Ital• pnrta thL. aft,nw.n. at 4 ueliwk-
F.r fivight or Imam,. antd, on ‘.
IND WELL , VILLY—The One ateatner
EILLE. Wru. Sbnltle. annater, nlll enn
a. a rniar narl,rt lortwem UMn rill and Wellsville, 1.1..
lag rn
rirry 7.lcaxlar. Snd Friday. at
. .
For Ir.-t At or Va...14.T, apply on ~o arJ.
ytilt NAS II V ILL E—The fior•
r AYFLOW-F.B. tomter.
.11 t.1....1.1.,..b.i,.11nuru1...1iae port,
an Iri,ny. at 4 r u.
. ,
tor fri.ig ”1.03
F( ZA N ESN' IL LE —The tinolx :: .
EM PR Inx•trr. 1!111.21, 7:•S±f
r .6,, .n.l I ntei - ra. porl,,
For 144100 or pf , A4 , ..1401f • n t.wrt. Iv
I - The fin. .tennl, .1 ti. Al./.11,: I. ne44. 1.4474-17
ta,4 , 10.r. 1,111 teal,. Eq. A 1.,. 4.15.1 tut. r4n..14,4.. 4 --- " - "P`
4 1•A1t , ...1.,. ir,t. lo
For lir .st 1.2 4
A 1:4-1.+ runni
\AC N CA% /N. Captala (Tar, I. rza
1, - 1. grill ,--
1 , 344 for Ow /414,44 'lntrran.hate i. ,, ..
.- , tl/ ra 4 I. NI.
In.icht or 1m 4 ^ 4 ,...1' ,1, ""
)li. ST. LOUIS. Th.. fast run
-1111. .tetorer anneal' I:oearas
Ilutelwr. ril 1.4‘
~.for 1.,.. for above mid later
11..11a1.• torts this, day. Ibe tit mutant. at A. 11.
For frri,ht r r In seri,
IiNOIt NEW lIIILEAN:j--The new atr,••
(...k1. , 4 moo r. w ill Ir, f. , r
I.r° antrolln). hut '4.Ath ingant. At
e. a. Vor frvlalrl. Aaph on lo
VOlt ST. I.UOIS-Th,• splendid
will ',inc. fiir
. .
Sat tinlnt 2 , th Imt. nt I r. 11.
001 t LOCISVLIALE. — The rplen-
I' UNA. It will,
h., an.l all itiirritsslinte
sit tin. dn.. tt...5:1 st .',.lark A. M.
rt , ..,ht sr iss....s. tis Sit sii N'tird•
ICA: LOUISVILLE—The sith.lid
r 91 LT , IS, J.tititt in. will ,
Lvo S.r nirive nor inn.nnediste nerd t.n
11.0 , Ins. nt 10
For I'o4olo or pen/4,w. Iti.ol, on 1.0.01 .0.1 11
NEW 1./EIEANS--Tli frro
um Lt 51.0‘1,00. VA It 0n0 , 01.0.LF
1101n0r. 1.00.0 fart 11.• n1.0r.• nrpl 011 lotrr.
ioottsfr purto 11/0..1ar 10 AM. For frrlght 0r No.
""*,:r4' ' 11 NIILTENIIFRCIER. Aut.
111,41(M. NASHVILLE. Tho faNt .,l
rul.loo rtenruertfENEV.A.Capt
wal learo for tlo• 01.0. au' 10.0-00.4114t0i.rt.
.t 10 m.,
Mor rtnicaiir &m•l> iin loam. rnl9
U running grunt, A 4 ATi it, Cannon jjlll.
Dean. trill Into, tor the algint.trinit internitxti.
ate p thin dar. tit In A it
Mom 'night in- nwil) on hoard. Jalla
1:4 1 01{ ST. LULLS. The spleuilid
ntratinir FXIKTIitOII, II tit ar,,,
rignaiitir.•lll Itninn tho snit Inter.
tgirt, rutuntni. the. Ittli in-Lant. nt 41
Enr trntent
J li.Wll Avonl.
olt E ()It I. E .1N S. '11.•
two ...ono., VI/Illl_ A G. /13,
win P.r staa orol Inter.
noirtitn, , ll.l4.-m.". 1.. P . a.' k •
F., fr 0,1.1 iit OW, on hoard: • -
v. i n... n
1.. l :l nlin !l
tnn dotai A ino too
liond noat elor A ---
It i ll . ll ~ k ,N t !
T :
sturls.•l stsststs.r DIE EN
trr. Iss tsss. rt.isstl.rtri.srosekla trip• sost•oss.n
tbs. rsts .NU Is, I s ittsl.ssrgE ssi 10 strts^k
“.. t Ntslut—tlit 'Estrsss. roissmiist.
Itsss. Tutssthst Thstr-sass, tissiunls weds i.ssr flrLotbs sq. psysraws..4.ol. Sorrol...r S.
rsotlss ASlSPNTlitstsos tisrs.nt.s.
,t ELL., ILLE PACKET —.The rt.s.atnrrit.Vi
ES KILL.. Is Is 1,1..
I,li-tkoruls as,sl ',tombs, rrsssrn•
It.esys.- ,!Iss ‘l.lsths..rtltst-..das ess..l its
"FA; I , ‘\ I.:10;Es 1)..1 ,
I. I. r s'IVCINN Last.t.smst rdrn
11. e rtsseirinnts miss ILsl.l.ssrvis rts.l %di Issas.•
t..r rinctsstrsts rs Estss
•Ims.l ‘is It.sszLl •st I.otot. to to
1,20 11. MILTEN111:1:1:i11. oto.t
rn. A NI! ,
• •
e 1111 -I I tt.l. II ...tilt,. VI in -- I- -
runtilt, It, 1 . 111.1.nrn1. 111n•nlin,.
I„ awl ec.r, Tn , nan,
rrtri. nit. ritc....3 11 , 1g r i. •, ••,,
11: 1.11 - EltPil.)l. AND
110‘. %
1 ,, r U-11,11, nu . nor
fr.tch: • ... ni r .n
FGI k I , A 1: ET Fill;
to NitIN.I,T 14. tlt, 44 , a•
1 " 11 ' 3: r .11 . :1'11N. Act.
k th, intro.lvi•ti,ol I.f . Coln
latall.l.',lll ta
t:na. roll warrant Or 311 , 0 , avo.
rap 1..
:.0.1 at a .1...31-1 rat.• rt!..l
rr /I FA% All 1. , 41r...,1 • ••ts,_l)
11111, titan 11, •• .61. “1.,1
in nsJstur... for n 1 •111 . G.
alftfl.., 1,. harohrotilie :Ind
.lal/ 1216. r 1..11 it Ith rahl. rand ealtt•lr
..... that nner lain:: tun ltd . :
oat entirel. rani. A heath-man In Va.-bloc:Lon
nt. had 'tarred with attltn.a Awl 11.0onle lanthh
...r rdl.l lott itt-n .1.,11 ntol rntigts
r. ward 0 . the on- ol hall a .1.-ten
-a t•-ncleman from Peoria. ann. an
- hi' 1. loon- 111 , n: r.d. , ht.. , anal, Ihr
I • ha toed hi • .an rya In O.:are. , ..f inetnle,
01 lan land, wlth the Ilan 141
11 oar Int 3121.1.1‘[..
tit Ina, pat ltdtlee n•ntr. tad.. healtht.
at rr dr. to tot p ntslpl,
11.1. loal all the. rut, at It one ..f l .l mat
perfect sal rnottrinnt rumnln- rier •Inernea...l fur all
r..ualit and ol the Inn, and inelpient rlnstannen.n.
( . .1 1 - 1 1 11.1 , rr , ll/. , tr: .. d a , 10
it , 4.1 .11.-atrienn,htil 'ln v Tod lett,
thn.. It •no at .110 OS/ l'n 11- ta l dr 1.11,'0: tt
i 1 1 . 1.1%:1 take th. othe r. tla eure • a 11 ha sn it
r dor of the :nod talnaloir plant, of 111, ratan.
inedirn ntnnotau.l.l n he - hOl 4.111,1 the heal.
n, art Titer ran ly 10. Iti l[
1.(o.,041 115 'nor ours oat:. nod • I n - 1 1 . 41,1-1 ' 11 • war ,-
althran- trout per-os, 111 tuna Itt
a roan..., .0,101 1.111 It. rlo-u io an; , ront
U.S?,)P thr,U,llo.ll .it
I .hr nedirt.... Large thnatutt 5.11 imole to Ilan- In. *lll
1.1 the untlirin.-. lt u 111 ;1., a larzt. nn
1.1 all 1.:-.Ints, houtontly
a tervln. h. :Yawing in 111.10 11, nt-d.rha
I .r lan. diet ..... her or. r nntliteril
For tale. ultnlaule ritul ..'urn. 1.. 11 11 1 -F.l: S alelll.ll
t.. 4. 55 coal tla-t lin -lon, h. I,- to u
1. 11 Corr,. 11: lin ..k. t.j.. 1
0,1 1 - 0 unaltatn , .11,.:i.d• a Ind a 11:. .
EL1.1;11S . IA VEII I'l LLS .op,•rvetle all
others. Carle-la, .1 a.. apt. 1. 11.
he ter ,) hare *Attn.. , to I. l rular In all Oa
tl s l' ' n! k) c,rTn ' llll . lll: - .. ‘ 1; .' 1 ,, 1 ' ! "`' 5 "
a - len, r JAME:. A. 011 VIS.
l'urehan, thd R. Sellere' I..yer Pill. an , the
.meal rantl oinli true 51111 1,r1Iilt1•1 Liter /nII. o ne a" -
d at 50..17 str,d.. awl of Drumrhar. hertily In
lbe tan elta. nrol sleandy. 1.110
Professor A. C. Barry's Tricopherous,
OR. mEptc.vrD, infallible
br refl.. In..lettrattne. ant ! , ham
temnvine the pt.], tlentiruf. and all caret-Una. of the et it.
rani rrtue..ruutette •-it the ntint. oheeeree of the gland..
murelest and itareentrut., unti relir,lng elute, eta, !tent
net., wralue \I ith preperateat - theft. I. •Asch
•erunl Wl.' The fir 4 ~ u rn.l, In Attacrien. mettle,' men
of att. hteliettt Juanenee. untunent eitierre of ell brute.-
siono. mei I.ellei alto 1et,eu....1 In their dm.
Ow MOUT nevi uur.erle.. winnt it .tth etnenere.ul. that for
Imparting rigor. lueurtatte...l.l end to tin. hal,
ernahratiu, mud and Antatlrtal, Itentitle umatule. raring
rotattetiou..l,lllDP. 4, eta e.leiettle thwamet
ale ekin. the u bud.. end the totu.-lett. It hue nn Nue!
tuultluEllp of tennueuntt, attlertiu. lu the pule
Iv. ur u... 1 Inprune !tenet... In cheap... se well
ot. ettletruee, Intrry'.TrUnthermst t. uttritoll:tul. The US'
nr artele. bele yttubletl lite inventor
in .vphl, it at 2.5 cent. per botite, STS I. (runt so I. tat
nem le.. IS.. the pm.. ut unv 'firer preparation
the hair nor . in use. Th. uetetatile frual... on the hair
atut the t.mbremun Le.lelnahle direction. Mr the,ot
lure anti pr.-ere/vino of mann , . eltnier.t• orputn
fu tech hurtle I. Ithelty•ul. I. Cole wee*, the mune,
Ti,,. alit:lf' lueett nett trent h lienumtlt tar the
At, taut the bait. u heft dr... htut ails
, neery Hu., ditten...... of the halt,
&Lau in tit,. ~hitt •I' the heal. If the ',re. of a te .ealp
I rt If 11,. 1,14..1 nt.l outer lintatr do
1.,b , L., thrtmat the quail ulttelt letd ate rte
ultttml;•tniu. And Itufttrt far In (he Mtn.,the it
wurf. drtutimff. th.• on,v, r.
eal herflint..• of th. !Iyantent...not enure at the
I ear,
mat 1.. •tatnt•lnte t!••• olnin t.• hrunfol ',arm wal.
the Tr•t•• eon., end the I.•reti•l • -.ltruenet.rtne their
'tetra', teal uuttroilete the threu... In .04 at ef tht
•klu. and 1•1 ~le It eln uf laurel... end enutent.. It.
VINT , . Arid t.ll. !ht. -nme. It /. 11,1.1 AIS,
lIT mat...slur It! a-. tut the giant, that the rriettherett,
Ito 14 t.eate actual. utul no ull Vl.•••ent. and Injury el
theee orAt.. It I. a eueerelut renu.t.
Nod In tar,. luta., urine ILI cent, . et the I.rineltell ^r
tee. 137 ltrvet.lnuf , %nu York. and tt, the utunciftel inereh
tans anti tfromf txt. throa t :hula the nth.] eta... efel Cue
tutu. deelaatia
I 7 l l me‘n*l undo, tha no*. I
rind r,/t.ablL•drell for apirat , ll a thin, '""
Thi* *leNnot pv,nrutivn 1r sworoni*nded in *II of
lilt. milli., cant. awn crown. ** nn *,
..11rtual form In rrIOIN . nr.d
Ina,rl th- r•nly • , m , In *bleb It ..11,1d br•
*II r;ro,*.r*lr. , Jr. Sitotutt.o. b..* at tottend
tor. ett.littul ItrOot like 1, Ix. 1 . 1 , 1131 ilanm*,..
.. In Ihr • hn*retr. rar*lnall‘ rum, I..rthnrn *ttln*lt
Ituortua the th..rtnturrel..a , poto, andlll.,r
rnrlontntr, kllo% II 0r` , ..111A
rul*our: 111 net., rr *I -Ir n *"l-,**l '
rulepte.ll... (.mob . ..
nude Hornpipe., ba tr r
i y l l4lllh at
lt i.oolo. 11.IPI
Inrr l . 2 11 , rlq ."Era. th o or
in an.. *Ow, .11,1 cl./1 h. , N."'
VD. Sir Hill, I'r*lmrt,.. Hart.. 5m....0r ll..neral 1.. 11,
Army In
no &dila Ildatirdo inst . lir
nilistittiolo nr
d,l ill lid. soria or rodiontratdd
lutlon nolintdor,. r..r ,t.i man. - oil, 0.1.1 , 1,.
UP Cll3 r I !11l RAM
Clark. Fir A ...odor iir lint:lit. mai
and of toodoro drotuds rreintindlid
)Itirra, , Fluid lo dilditid, won. 1,16.
110. ilia/wed /ilk ltd.
t.I .ir
r "".
IV 111TF:,.,,111.:.15.4; 11,7t.,,..lii.rps,•eirri‘,1.},knti
m _ _
IA It 1)-• T,...ntv latrreht ttihl thirty kegs No .
4 1 1... rd n....1‘.. , 1 end for Aalo 1., .
1.5. SAMI . I . A. P tiIIRIVER.
li , „ f w,, i i,..11v.. , 11 , , ~.11 II i.e.E. .
0 Ithn.vby A Pure-M1.1 , 1 ,nitiun . ~,,,,r
etu.ntl. , a tldl* brooch .1 . their MiAine-mk, uul Aro mreftil
i,„( ..”..n..t artlrlo.-.the Hums IratTara.r.El purr Ws,
ktid t.rth al km Prir.. k.,".10.11t., j.i.,
1 , ii 1NI:;.E V Eitiii,LlON-7411,. for sale
u b y 'xll J. KIDD k M.
}. - .1 -1 . - EC: 1)--Fiftk en bllrrei;Tll ---
els crop)
xi ku n.le by Jan J. KIDD A CO. '
To Southern and Western Marchand&
• Tboyaberriber deport:lllly (nth. roblie attention
loldeetten#re Arta lierharney,Moapagnaoya.c,
ter_ 41 inha , 4 moron Silver and leo °olden Made hode.
viddo tho but Ma deem teen aearded by thrift/Mitten of
• berk. Philadelphla, latter Lein. the
°r ay 000100 Med ev
al, er anted for 1.1..17 oi either
gurnre or In U. Medan ,
Ilene...A 12..idail00 5001031 (Ahnood.
anti ambrodd nineareally actrondodgod to beardedoew
• nbarnit. C ools In dna inuntry or taunt.
Otreenavr .ma Iropuenb and
=. l " e h . f t i nto r ot P ah ' ra fl b u =4:?nghi tier=
ry SikeVing . •
Surname Tor al'boars—Ahnoud. Ildlefleid, Hoyy
nnot Perdido. bfuot , Patthowly, drunild. Ylrethnr.
Tradadrent:Ohon d. Winded. anal Cierroadan.
itvrairro.roa ran Ito,nagußoar. Joined.
5 .0 do Caroline. derenertm, Jenny 1.1.1, dormeethuakek
oy (lob. ilannolladeternatdo. Lltronalle. Taub end many
othor 'arida, in all odd diekr...s
1 , 11, stet, ran do To-Unto. Orange
Floyd Wale, and great niriety of Coleco. and bard
der Wed,
nere di du. lon rex Ram—e3evaulue lieers . llll. A ntlque
!undid.. Eau Lavernie, Oleine,,Conarunual 1.10 Alar
, Hair Dyee,l4lol.l and in ponder. and Phlloonme, Mbet
nine and donne 1.1.1 -
01./Ml.lO Ildruanono--Baldimlo Riled,
Rod Tooth
Pon, eldreal Dentrifice. (M00n... Tooth Pado,and Tooth
Oeturrve—Vegetable Oremetie Amandine for
oberiod band. Cold errlll2l of lb., Cream de Hod. Zip
• Ito/nborer cm... a. •
tln.7 Yonder, for retoorlng dlerdtdorbeb
rovnier. Vinafgro de Runge. Atranallo Vinegar, Word
4,mpaeltlon, Prreton ball. beside. It erre. varietr of
ornek, ortmorinia to le named In Una &lend,
etilarriter ham. to• maintain the reputation which
Oh. tatahlohturnt, ha.sMutrod. U thapntung of nothing
tut Bra to artfchat, and will be happy to furnish thong.
winh lattrmatte him. either •holeaalr-or
ha , ..oath , rtn , sup oatahliehment in the Unital
. .
Mr. Main'' , Perfum,, V RO rale by all the prnaciral
IYrakmiou in therountrr•
J. S.
IoCLTF:It B lIACKE, N'holesalo and,Re
-I,' tail LOnagln. Coro, of 11 onl and Third +inv.. O.
dor th, KL eltarlo; Hotel. Pataburgh.
1 u'r,—'rwtmay fire barrels for solo by
11 lan J. KUM t CO. No. OU Wood at.
ILASS PAPER—Five hundred roams of
VA Stnitlia gatnnt. Mo
ia.ll J.' KIDDt CO, Nn Wond
OAS' SATINETTS.—Muur hy S Burch
field boonon-rived a Int of Pane, Med
lien, for Dare now; and 1.1:111 Cuaimerm,
71r1,7 VA2 : lZ:i ' ?irrrorat ' et "tu et% Fourth
Markot stmts. oela
AISINS--One hundmi and fifty boxes and
:mu hil nier haired sad anwsll.lo. br
LERA'rUS-4 cask i No.l Salerotug;
bblo. do • da.
lu ~ t orraud tor safnbi 'JASIES PALZELL.
/sail • CA Water streot
LOOMS— One hundred time !rennesee
itheeice Q.e wee Tour.e hIA trinß nom stra.
Genre,lied rt. rale by JA.II&. DALIJ.LL.
/3111 • No. 6N Water street.
l‘t I ST)OWO
V as.ort...! vises In store sal for We be
~11 JAILF..4
—5 ilys Potash, just received,
Pit ESE! ROLL BUTTER- , -2.0 lrxijitgt ree'd
for sal. by 017 J. B. C.LNYIEW
. 1..4 1 LA , ..X . SEEP—A .small lot 4. J ur n. ' C l l Vat.D
BEEP PELTS-1 hale for'eale by
; AR—Twentv hhde new Sugar on hand
1 - 3ssa for ,wle SHOWY a Ktaasaralcs
TOBACCO—Twenty bra , W. 11. Grant's:
15 b. Want
15 b. W.A. ilombreb
las Barmy', half Taunt '
thawrnex do un ba atioi
I ARI t --One hundred kegs prime new Lard
j o 7s L" and L,r " 1 " 'atutrs a KIRKPATRICK
N tilt I ES—Ten his S._Tolmans Cocoa;
. 4 brs l•rextuu • Broom:
10 blue Ju - Eagle ChOcasle. •
Jul 1." 11ROtS t ( 2l ' illtK P ltffille " K
fur f"r
' 121 1 1 ".1 p nr - AttiIItA . SPITRI/V "
1 1 1,(11:1:—Thr, hundreds.lrairrels just reed
I nr..l Ibr .ab. hr JICI2nIII INIIIIA)1,
N 0.116 Water H.
AN AN.S. SUGAIL—Tnopy t,uxe-.4
11i. ""'"'"`''` tAtilitit.a: INMIRASI.
,n 1 ,4 NO. Ilet Mkt, rt.
Cassia. Pimento, Pepper, Cloves,
A 1 Arm Nntrneur, for &e' 1:I/LiAll LICEKV CO.&
Wet., & Front ob..
I . TTE •Ziff g ht imrri,ls packed for sale by
3N.1 4 C. F. VON & CO:
1 ,Uti)--SiXtfbris No, lin score and - Mr rale
raIII Is %I - 111 DICK Cr& CO...Water& Front AA.
A REA'E- : Forty lice !iris in store, for sale
11.1 111 lo DICKEY n CO-
Wcarr nnd Fr of stn
B)n 0
,alt,l ap 4,-.l coy 5 11 . 27 fl
s7 tr Inl c e o l . )y
moititt: HAWORTH'S Tea Store. cast Nide of the
ttt.l Ttna at 50 cent leer pound.
The Inter walltiett at 74 b tic'
Extra Autetrane at St u 0 du
Ottl Country people that tire BLACK TY:A. will angoras
colt their palate czactly. The. kinds of Tees ne receive
tltrtct (nun Encianti. and they cannot In bought at an)
du, ..n• in ttittaturgh.
.1.11 tLr nu nor wluJ
lA+ Salmon, N. I, in store
- I .1.1 1., la, 1:011Y,gT r%I7.ELL G CO.
g , orrtiN--21 .‘,lO by
1 Diener & CO. Sstnk Front nL
01:1:1 D.IVIS' PAIN FILLER-7(1 dor
..H..1 nr,ive.laral I".r br
It. K. : 4 ELLEII,.. Agrul.
n I:1ED 1 , 111 . 1 . 1 . — H1 D , 171, f)rirl A i ppl b es;
.arre: fur
1% & .20 W.P.I at
1.) It. iSiNS—'.:(l ll boxes Kreisler
d thousuid Cigar,. re •eiv e
a.lfF.r pale b, 1.11 S. A. W. ILAIII,I',III
ittlrt - ifrt.rd I iris .
-I: And • IV Fb.ur. .tell,r Pa. by
3 3%11 S.& W. M 1111,413311.
p. 11,9 in,r, .14, 11,11nwirs.
It o/ 11,-.0-11Lvtlet, Mae WO ..ray Deaver Lltahla;
1,1.4 vrl.lrll wer v aigli!.rl7 . l . l4,el , oxeo
r.rd be gala 4/ , rr. o bin
ALERTUS:—.S tons Salemtus, in P,rls,dtill=
1 , ‘, 1 b , Ja. , ROBERT DALZELL CO.
EAF LARl).—Leaf Lard in hrls and kegs
1.4 nbalb+Y .1‘• by . ROBERT DALZELL A CO., •
Liberty rtr,t.
Q , l GA IL—, 15Ailids prime N. Orleans Sugor
I 3 in pro.• lad fur sale,by • ROBERT DAL7.ELL A CO.
AA, Writ). greet.
Fifteen drums c;. B. Codfish;
50 Lrl. Sn. a Ylaekerrl: 8.1 brio No. 1 Lib FInA 10 qr.
t is OILISI! and ne ralr be
tit El:st—ius less Cream Cheese in store
IL. sea ier'ssie JAMES DALZELL;
tall ticca• Water stretk.
ze esirde,ts Yeses lino. see Blneß.Tea.
W.. ratty boarslnto. mad Gun•P order.
1.11 bows Robinson 5s Tobaco.
11) dd. P. Robinson it en.. b's and Ws do.
:53 dd Clublness Tobworn.
Pri.'", and Ilarlaoos do.
IS catty braes J... TltorerrWon jr. Golden traf
sLoin'"'on' and
1014.1.01.1. ,, r nelennonseit r. In sem and tem sals
FoRK S-95 dnz hest east steel Ilav Forks;
40.1,....t German * der.
40 doe 4 pronged ca st. 1,1 MAnure Forks.
11 OEN--131: . tz be d s: CaLlt , S , tecl u liozsi i .
el c...4eignmput •ntl fr.gale hr
10: LL. n. IV ATEL.N.I...Y d :4l\+.
11EACHES--Three hundred taishelo. reds
i xn.l r..r ed, 1, [ ~CZ.e. :,.%IICEI. 1 . SMITtER
: -.
SCYTIIES- 7 . :: 101 , 17 , ! iira:: ,. !ey them;
10.1.0. 1., i On, are on roreignet
atel for ...le In 'I.. ;... trATF.II3IAS t nONA.
pis • ~.e i. WI traler and 02 Frunt ,I.
• , • • • _
_ .
sNE,aII6-425 dos hest 'latent
XT . 1l I.S S S" I'l kegs for sale by
11 .1.;. L. WATiAtMAN EON . ").
pi:A I{l. A Sll easks prime for sale by
.0% 1.. s. O ATERMAN a OUSS.
hrls sweet, 01 arrive, for
%./sals tkr 111:R11111LNIE INOIIII.AII.
.1,115 Watirolt
Up Ie E. - , 0 tes kir sale ay •
a 'all/ RCIADaILIGE a 1N01111.A31.
S ni .1 it.-. 40 lihds Sugar:
.Pl. br P. 1,1 BURIIRITK:11 1. INGLIILisI
1 114.)i% , GLA SS-21 1 0 ° boa ass'd sizes
t% L . Lerb,art.'s brawl, for FaLitr
alp Dem& IDOE a INOUE-111
kLUK—Tsve'rity barrels 'just "received, and
ilos a x low by tL.lrireL et S. N. WICHEIISIISITS
jr,ls of Wood Unit to
awl tarmacs: S.N. iIICKET.9,IIASII..
• blath
BEESWAX.-23 ' bags
( I I cask Brat:tam I l low landing from steamer
Tu.-ana, for rata by
.lelo DICKY.Y kCO..ll'ster i Trout:O.
goal order. f,
I mit. , by
IAILD.--14 brls No. X. now landing, for
mle IV del9 eLAIAIi I geKgY 109 . .
B g
k ue!ll'T, l°
...1..., L ,>,7..7k t
I_, ate Ito Cu cal. bi [Pal , BRALI a RrITER.
Burchfield liar., putt opeudd •
frcrh ...ppir of t
curious °aridly' , of the utore, ankle. lochorling Wu&
ldu a. "."
Al' l f" edull i =d •M ut -i- T ,', .. ,
bllek Ar . id th f= 4l .od . Idr •not
ISOLL -BUTTER.—Ten brie Roll Butter
vtd slut for sale AT
Jai a.air.lialuatem:,
""I=P-,, -I- --',""!"'" ."'" 2 ''''' . 7:l'7" "1 :"'"' - : . '"
Al 4. P. ROSS. AttarnO . At Law.' (Act
Na 16& Forth street, near Umtata Lankartlua
Ma, Partabarala
LEX. W. FOATER. Attorney nail ti"
Aio. ot.lkrt .1 tali. Na la{ You;tl,
.bersn. .0..b..41..r.ays
— tie Human Body Must PepinTe, --- T
Q s o SAYS NATURE; to hate a healthy air
tj pm..., and perteiat who do NA paratire. ULM.
to the maul thauuttliara Skin Diva.. No, J 0... Italian
ebetalral Snap maws a fere permit and at tha paw
titter enallifaa and scalar. the alitt.' aititta; it the tartar*
at as W. O Va.
:Scums Rheum. and Sorest are not only Main!. be}
nd by u... on at Iran yabiatan in N. York knout h o me It in .nth own, and find it
nofailiat—at. to
Plmpt.,llll/I,liea, Ymeltlfs. or alayotheT.Litabeaie. Tito
rend, U aw.ur..l that this It no owl.. onflnO 'tantrum.4
one Viol wtII prure . I multi enumorma at lout eighty
portico:. runtl of none bead..ore jog.. amt
tiny It—and Owrrn.lor I. moun astound I would notrrn
It Mr the , h eat I knew It fb tw all I Wk.
who arr linble to rhafort cradled. or rbarpe4
will tul thin not oolt a rare. NM • stommtlynt sall. 0 , 0
now only Ma. that not ocen afflicted with any. of the fawn.
roMull. dim., and Ibis gland seen more Wolf.
bin in IM proprrtleny than I ream.-
atUut• floCOnl nttb I37llLtlitm.,
MO sure ott AA for .104' ,1, Itahno Chemical Soto--. 4
buy it only of W3l. JACKSOY; only Agent in Pittsburgh,
head of 1%041.
Pearly White Teeth, lied Pure Breath; tg
be had for . d.S eeeta—Persons who hare either, an honora
bly assured that If their breath a ever PO foal,_or *oh'
teeth &eared. darker yell., and eorrostad with tartar
that a 2i rent has of Jesus' Amber Tooth Pasta will wake
the teeth w. white ail saow, and the tonah twkolfereataly
swßt. . .
Sala ovly at JACKSON'S Sloo, 2W Marti at, boot at
A Scientific Ilair Tonic, li.e9torer and Reda
tifter.—Trisi STSi 'end. Those who bare used
Jos.' Coral !lair
know asellent qalito
thoan who bare not. rot assure it to poem. the LaloaltiA
qualidea—l t furs. the hair to grost on any Fart Itiotrs
nature intended hair to knot: atop it /Olin; earesatrt
Fdandruff: and wake light refi t or Aral nOr dark.
or rendering tho hair mon and silky. notions en slssee d
thts—it nuke. It troll beautiful , and keeps It ao. it Is. In.
deed. the most esonontleal—let surratior—astkis OF the
6n ly at IV O. JACKSON'S Slate , 210 Liberty start ;
b e ad of We 1. thtiatuttgh.
F-Ire..-47!.. done, 04 art/, and Al.
JONES' Solution of Jet, a Liquid Human
flair Dyr. for . the changing tit white. greY hale.
beautiful brawn. ar black Jet color. in a few tainno.
Ebki by IVM....IACbibyN. 10 Lilwrty strbet. Gum, of
Pittel unzh.
SON ES' LILLY IVIIITE.—Ladies tire C4ti, -
tinned ^anion neing the trepanslthelc...
are not aware how frightfully injuriutta Ea to the
hcar area. hoe rowitt. how wallow, yellow, and antwallby .
the *Ain appro... after unto( prepa,4 1-lialkl BetaleAlt
loOrieux. onitainina a large qoantltl imrlL
have prepareda beautiful rasetable
call Joao.' .panish Lilly White.
It le perfectly Innamot. p0r1144 of all deleteiluni
nualiting aud it hapPria to the natural, healthy.
stealer, clear, Ile MA white. at theratan Ouse acting aa ow:
tactic on the ?kin. m akin'lt AM oti,l 'mouth.
Sold b the Anent. WV JACESUS, 240 Lawny 'treat,
Pataburgh. Price. cents.
dor .rilawlynt
AAminlatratleu on the ritoto of Roar reeler. tate At
thl. " ll S y t i " ; .d i i lregtf
nyyen to all twnama Itslebted saul estate lo mate.lital
mediate payment. and all "enema haring claims analnal
maid carat., are requeete.l to present the rame. Linty au then;
dented for eettlemeoL •,
Lower St. Clair, ;an. =I, 15 , 51.—Apil.wWS
Corner of Th ird Market 'tenet.. ChariotChariotA.
0. The Duly Cluatetri 111.0h:tie of the kind in Yenik
net - VT—Jowl - Punrllo. Principal Instructor 14 tha
Science of Amount,
0. K. Co "mums., Pewtlscoe .1 Nunn...Alp, Stria..
tile Compotati.A Ar•
ALLTANDLZ Al. Ways., Ern., teeturcr ee Canniargai
litruan or Tacarty..-llon. Wm. 'Wilkins lion. ,1,.t
Buchatuul. Mo. John Inriten. High Chit - hi. Nay hir. With
Dampton. Mu. Will. ',nth, Dr. J. IL 'DCltutorg.
John Antler... Koh. 6..n.J. K. MCKATIICti} lan. ti
Inn Esq. Ira Heruir. Lat.
Coalitircg—John T.eighran. Attarnry at
Lan: Jasura Tansey. Merchant: 11. A. Pryor. Aigooniant._!
Studrots ran Rorer this Institution at Wine, and on
min In•trul l figlll.4l.lly. high .layamt
nirvire a thiploma. Waring( by the Acuity Li. 4.
Examining Committue.
Thu. drairluLa thorOugb knorrlrdgo of Toot
Prnmitaxishlp, r, • Kw In sand that thht it th 0 .013
Cltrlrrnl Catlin of thr kind In Pittsburgh. 011.1..U . ...1 • .
addroger4 to, Lliamberllu..lll pool vitb protogt
attrotton. not*]
glTen thaL In piroav eno(au orb, of the.olpb,a4l'
ourt of Alk,banv muhry..ea witl'axPo. to jatbh , . 4 4 1
lu the ening, of - Cllnt4n. Allegheny usty, ooe
last Thumb r of Yobrunrr..o. D. tXa,
at 11 (Veloric; a. tr.
on the tweak..., the ( ollow,cm tlemenbed orptalty, Olt'
Lot No. I..ontalnhoc Thirt, j boatAii
by Judy Whetaal. the atryo. Wido,r 1100 l sod 011.1,.
whirl, 0. envhai a two ..-to,y Ituna Datlhat:
Int No. 2.rentalahrt F“rty V!.100 parhes.
tlia ' , tr.,. h.. , Patl.r. i..lhe Isonae M. 4 .0.41,
on which is a Fen. , tqable.
Lot No. 3. contatnnurrhirtv 50t...116)160r... , ,1”..0.b0uni.•
nl ty the Areal . . b, 3, b: the sehonl ta.o.e. lot.
which I. rr..Mn a Wool.,
IM No, t. eotstalninl I ,, rtr .2.l9lpervhA Limo? ,
Jul.. Aten. ad.! Dr. If , • ,
. .. . - . . .- . . ..
'T,ln...f •al. , 11, half cv.h. the talonze in too 1.14.. , Li..4-•
nowt par. fit, .eith-tutzr...t. to Ur m.eurrd a:put:fru q:
1...1A 3.1 aront,ol.4m. . ANIL/GMT 31...CL1'..t.,71.1:-
_is•ffew3L. . i'..:fin . ..of.lttatl•alti.7l: .. .?,L .
Orpitaa's Court 021 e. • ' ,
N puri.anct. or :fli onion of the Orpliayo'
flirt .1.11 , ,h.0) 'l4'ounty, wi no /11,4. 1 1 tr. put. 4:
rt=.l ' ,... " 11: ‘ 1.....U1,1.11 ' ; ' ,T.;, !° Pct ' :,1 ' ,. " 4. -I'l X - . * ::: '' Zi:1:1
tess o'coock. .t. m.. ;Le (Allowing dere:if...l' Iffal I:state, ritu.
ate In the Sixth tt pl of ,si.lrits. tol o l.
All tint rritala td froulawf 4/ f.jet on Conf o
mod mooing 1t....1: I', Ch. 1,11111 1 width 1.1 feet, to 0101 alkf.
on whkh i. rt.......1..,,, , 1 zitll-gtvnif..nt. two p.a.:, [none •
dwelling bo-. Al,,lnil :hot oils, lot inltolt.ons
whore, mistain , /,'ln (Mut on rall,D l l l ll par. , :t . 1./I.A. 0 0.1
ronaltor toot. 00 th .mine */ l.lth , S, fret t. , Hint Mir, tilt.
lot low.f;nz :vi 1'ia,.....11..trf. t._nt the diA.1.1 , 4 of I , J: tat
froml rossklin 1,..t. 1
'l4.rbu nsh. I.uhuta.on do.. of Mb , .
• : JOSITII 11. WILL, • ,!
jals..,:r.ti+ ' ..t.liutrat..,r of FlonoolL'. dill, dr , ''.l..
INITIII': 01:111 1 4.NS' COURT of 41.11e.;illoi:i ,
enint.r. of 15.,..1nt ..0 t.rin A. II:Ift:A. No.—.
In ttn. matter of too lartstion of then& enntr.of 51'fo:If.
Pattemni. lota of E1...110th lown.lstn, dm...trol. - I •
Al egheny Gewtctlii S S: ,
“,„ ' own. Patterwm , v,. Sarah 1•3&;,;m:"
''S.r, widow. l•roarci.Putter.on. Jr.., 11. MM.,
aiTin.twz . . r n -1 ; , . - ,1,47 . 1n i ,... ' . -
1 . 1, r, Ifelrwsw ratt,ann. Amanda l'attr,on ; EI.o ,
4 it)
4 :..,
'' ‘ e .o .* tT1f.1 . 1.... h " rrg ' atttli ' at ' fr la ' .11 '...
kill''' . Melitth:ht. bolt, at law of Willis. ' E:. in
‘ ,. r ... 0 „.a„., •
NIA.IIV bl I. r .1, q!frt,i In the aboto awns& fiwrilef, Mit
0. virtu.. ot tloe Adm... torationed writ ofiattition. an In..
1 oitcAt will I.• tr.o anal held nu.° the pra tterresu
i ..h...-elLrd. to wit h one rrrtaln forams, Ind greet - off bond
to in tJtz.ztet h tornatan.-In Ptt , d county. ad,oittln,f
404 of John liktttnan. Itanktn. John Melia*,
El , Laelrr llondero.n. Illeht:1' Harlon. Jona, ) l elCaloth ,
mid the twit, of l'ottr Patterson. , routs'lnto.t about !ld
tchtt wlth lothnet: alAu. ono .41ter torten'
totoomuce and
m att
of Ito.'
In •aE.I lownthip_oi
Eliuheth. troutd..‘ lo loud.. of Joint,. 3letgalthte . ihontaa
P it t .
rad V.e beim of l'etrr
annum.l act,. with Ito. apattettootort, ott th. oth day ot.
)lire...). 111.1. at lo o'clock. of the forenoon. fir the
rant*, of notkiug -partlhon or aluntion and 8p1.6.6rUL
cdtatl real .01011.. In the. t'tid writ ',Attired, at which
time and plar , rahl turtle,. mu:attend. Ifier_thunk be,
CARTLIt CURTIS, hberiff.
Shertra otT.o, althbargb. Jam/4'715, IC•1.--ixt.tvon9
Athoroirtratorn , tLe reabl of Catharine Slequnn,
,autrel to the , tunkndgnett. AU p.`
goo. Intleh will mate tountgliatetsyment: Ulna haeght
claims will
the 'tame tn....Men:mat.
• . •
. . •
DANIEL VtlUNii, Administrator,
ALlanbrny sits. •
Public Sale of IteislEstate.
1171 LL b
au e exposed to public male by "the
• tweriber....t. the 10th day of retreat, next, at 10
fielo:k. A. M. the. premise, all that rertaln tract of
Ineal .itttate Arilkino.howurhip, Ailrahenr.
hounded ..0 the north by lend. e.f Henry 3forrnw. on the
went by Jam •e , huff, en the aauth Nancy Taping...end on
the :wet. I.y Rent cont..nit tx , filly meta and mte ball
if.o3ii sent, mere er helm; tlvidame tea, of ground
which the late Janus Crawford prodded. :aid PropertY
hew near the Franiudown Rai. and h. about t e n WI,. em,,,
dm city of Pittaburgh. ahnut 40 neon ti,annwl are
ehured.and hag,deultivation for fanning latrine*, abnut
one half la ca d. and they :awns. i• enl) one nod a ball
mile from the t7entnd Meal. :+ald tenet of,p.oun4
n owned by Otto. Jane AlcCown..tlra lierdnatth
an ow d
Mare Aane n • stud held by tb..en as
1011.1110 in rUMI3IOII. earl, ownlnn an undivided third part
thereof. And C..l:andberl harlot loon empoaremtb.rill7l
Jana 5101:owan nod Odra. Itabella lierdmmt by . „Faarrant of
nttornery,to bell them reeposdlve Klrtrert Hanle
Irian quanlian of Ktid MatY Jana M0 , ..11, having been
autliontedaoddtrected by the Ori•ban , 'Courtnf Alleabent
neunte, to Fell thy intere.t of the told minor, in I:Wheal
eatateabove dwecrtbnl. The raid tract will aceardlunty la
to the hinbeet and twat bitter, on rho 146 dor et
February next. at 10 o'cleek. A. M. Tonna .011 , 4
%.w - 111 ha
- ROBERT //Eltb)IAN.
A L TO. 49 'LIBERTY , STREET,.Ptip.urnan,
p. DEL.I.NEY hatj , tist opened his Sirtiont Peck of
Fl ' orla i d =2rTs
great ran front um latorl natiortotiona, and comprise • 1 , ,,rt
of er,t7 thing that to o es and haryllaome, tor nyiritig and
tlintuncr will, The viortinunt Vhstono viaus,...ll,
lame awl vitriol:Loth tr. !ark. ond quality. sail cannot
o • c aki i t, if equm)l,,l by watabllibinsot in Into
city, Either In qtiality. vitionity. or
Alm. a now etyle of Tword 11..soroare. ailaytOl fur riot[
ra. Coats and faint. Simmer Owls of everraletwaiiriott,
auch Cailunorrtta. Italian Clod. Drop it Etas.
ith She online ',rock frevrality n rynra with anY
EVa?j. 7 st ' Ul Via; tfitt b •s a cutte l .
will poor an ample irwasuntioi to all 'who rimy T‘lol.
,4.ablishroont . with th eir ortlorr..ltint they will haw! na
goodautl fashionahlo work as. uan -. • prodtierot
Loo. the Cart, and at taw+ kor mks,. ha,. h ‘ ...
~,kuuwleditnl faia.l - 2y who hairroxfoil bo th . 1..14 fort
ther state. that . I will Nandi goonayid ,
(liwala as ran to found Oho taatarb mar t.,. tad at morn
litufrf YfinFw-
A largo and-e;ner - ale - wentrnecerof ;oat inada clotbioA
A on Land. made se the rnaent.taeb emprialnit
Ineva. Creek and Ilutlneee C.ata the Wert el 7 14 g
of )ranch. En-in h. Aad Aseernan , Cleilla. of all fasl:enn
eie elmr . hi lateen. e 7 avery
.t denerlynon. of plain Sad
L ihn ' lef ilitt2=l:l Vi t a=
saner Nln.C.!en Caainnere. .nd other ar
tr Its lo the Clathinnlira , All Garments t ad, IC No.
o'4 arm tmanllb
er .for cuh.
ve._..n,ne 144 teat rf oirt.C.4l] etzr.loy ,, , ay.! fun
wane. wn.l. .•aneente boa. A, am,. a. o,er, war
ranted • •
Vbelaaalu nu 011000 will (Int the at,:k at 4: a meat
dedialde one he aleit cheap and Lenntetel
then. lrnarltant l DEILANLY.
.ARM FOR , SALE.—A r Ream, nituate iu
1' North Iluntogdon tend:LAIN 1 1' estmondand county,
zarduc,:lt.erm of 'lrd.xl Nod. bounded by Isudt of
dv -
6 Nun. Mrc Paititer.und Mhmv—abord Itvacrt• enema.
b•danue n Ivan tmutdr.. witivu nib of the Youghn,
ghnly SMek Water, two milm from tho Yenurilmnh..loo.
{trod. intone tail. from daeksuarlde. ImprommdoMemr
Met df ,ILAwn Mum is; IMelliug Noma, bank Lan, hulas
frame Stable,,m.peary out budding., . AngieUrcluu:d.
!.',derPrem. indlemuable. Vor I.mcm enqmmon
the prmgdom of , • 410810 T S. BY
nond:vettS. •
.1t1.7.11. ... . ...
QmtnEy ... CALVIN, Coal 3ferchante.,
CI and D•alvr.lll Dry C,...l.*.aran-rlen, Ir., and
cerna, etlndt grht and Wrulonalua.Turypikel:4.l.
T;faterancerllle.' • rc19.16.4,7.
Mil Land Agency,
.3IATIIEW 110SEY, would redpeCeftlThr
Inform! totererted that le boa etva,mt: 101+, 4 's- -
curing bounty Lluril under the meant law of Can...a.
Ily that Law, all ult. bre, actually verged ln any of the
WPM miner 11, re their galore or minor ehlblenr, are en
-14101 to llounty Land, frt. 4. to 103 wets, arrordlog fn
the term 0f .71/, arid am the, law' exprowly prorate.
&genet the Ulu:oder, oo benefit C. accrue to the readier
until Ur land Is loaded. It is therefore .1... trtlentalait
hadleidual clatemute must .elect thdr land eft/atria per , .
M Agents. The taw will be found tidriamteralvf—the
other to be elidizot, requiem liberal patrooage nod fair
eoropenmatlon. Atumpto to luate by toy other method
will prove In the rod abortive. To aoconablleh this. amt to
ChM entire bovtne. tba madam', In Mi•
..iHt entatemplatod hr Con and remanmended by Um
•departmeoL is my main otoett. pram., tlicrefore. at a
Karroo far
triGtou'exlegoe to proctire--lat. A Laud
{Sanwa far thoae rutltbd. 14. To gropahnterel pent:nadir
the locathut of paid warrant. thereby lemming and valuate%
g.elog to the sailer a lndlelona soleetkm, either in raw
oroupatton or rale. :M. To oh a Patemt for raid lend.
together with a ileseriotlou of Tia n quality,loraung t ,4 4 ., /p ga
euahliog him to Prot an estimate or Its valore
ma,whicD rBl !b mom:sable, mad, known on
a: yll-
Addeen (Toot Pail] 8. .11.A.IIILir 1105Ey. Ilolortiile,
Clarion county, pa.
lb. 41.—Writo the nun of your Post Ofllee, County, and
84, , Midbly. Patekvalin
6 Bank Oil
AI store, for
k ❑LOrD.
of the sobteriber, MtSee/tort, soon time
Air% • Red Colt; atout moon or :HO& dram old.
Bad oto oar touts. liso wooer Is o tectootot to nan 1.4.-
11.417 P"'"tr" "' 4. " .
. .
!lAMB to the residence of the subscriber, on
or lame, the ,51. h ttemsawr but.ivdart. te..l Cow,
• vain stripe oo her trek. about four zmws otil.lo
- The owner Is twit= m . or d ra c ,
lorraitT7 t . 7 ' tag. MOYYII4•4O:T
' '
5: . 0
• .