PITTSBURGH GAZWITE Pt/1111E11ED BY PITTBB SATURDAY, ',IIOIRNING I • I:BsVARY, 1, 18.51 .? ', WhigState Cen thq•of the Whig Fhi mnot Cnr.orly, 1431,1.1 the Troldir. 4th 44 robruary .IEII =7: 11 ' n ' t1 1 tt IA full aw 1, 1 nOl4 nthun Committee. Centr..l Caeotnittao ffortough of Ifartifamf,'. no pJf,:'Hoek, P or the of tkolding . t.br COQ' 1(04. Governor. Joidgmt, ie. !ratiT:halt-mext. , rim Page: ilsrrisburg eigu - news; Items." corre,poutlent:e; For 7%1,4' Pagel Tel egraphi ''Ponith 'Pam!: "Consti tu 1 of,,,Stuntqu,":u spiritedTiitsagYnetrY. I ion and future de , tins tide from the London 301:131!PARDLINAND , ihe lit djoloniatm eel the British .onsul, for Nor 'and Gov. 1 e ons of the ln ijeci „ o! c comment hi PiiPPr of ie. country. 'l{ the! tomer v of tho:New il vertiser,.in which'ive full toldoce th . clthject in A tinny not !Live turned thk ouch oul,joct,. we ber2 leavy : E BRITISH CONSUL e-ponfletvie between h and South Carolina,, er State, Is the auh- some of the leading Ire hare already given Iliork Commercial Ad d concur. Rut in order hear light to those who iplr attention chicly to 9 tooffer ..one remarks. I South Caroliti? is a M stitution of the United rt. 1, Sec. 10.) iut the eonsent of Con !novo, keep troops or 'lg in e r nre,e r: ' „ s ter „; F "t : any rtrber Sreign ,aded, or in such immi limit of delay." The art on the part, gr9s9 ilqract ion. of the Coy Statlslrhieh tleelares,.(A Sttite shnll, aitheit geese+, lay nny duty of toe shirt a war in time of tyntworht" iwupert with rl l Power, unle. :irtnnily nent tlatarr ne will not tt And, under ordinary net on_ the }art of n fort ha it:ate:Luse of offeriel the' United States, and iusinnt tircum , tances such an -eign government would to the 7nvernment of 'subject the offender to IIMM! Dnt in this ease;:las government has M^ j. apinst either of the nor , grave nacre of thiO clues , This brings us to the , controversi. cause Qf complaint ies: and herein lie"; the subject -matter of the o law of South Caro rriving in any of her put into confinement, is ready to sail, when vessel, and the captain • ith their prison fee+, •e colored men are sold .ave operates upon all It is welt known that U r i lina,. colored, seamen, ports,. mre 7 inuediately nod kept until the aer ie they are ,ientback to -(heor coMmatelbr chufg,l which Ite.mitst pay. or ti to defrayciiiem. This vesaels, American awl f eign. Daring tie.. Taylor's dminjstration_the Brit. lob minister at Washing n woo instructed by his government to Protest a , inst this law, so far as it :treated British subj~ ts, as a violation of the treiti between the two goverthuents, which it certainly is. A correrudence between the British minbiter and Mr. lepton, then Secretary a State. took place, inlnch the latter admitted t ) at the low in questi n wa's 'violative .of the t rcas of the treaty; flu• put In the\untbrtanate I,sea. thia as South Ca °lino was n . sovereign State, nial of liberty to make such regulations tl, for her own safety and government had no pow nally referring Great I . for redrets. There ternative for that gov to the injury - . or treat haw It has chosen the no sheleemed neeess. 1 protection, the general er to interfere, thus v Britian to South CaroHi , 'was therefore no other ernment but to submit I directly with South Coro , latter. alternative. Our Gorerrypent i 9 in butane from which it c quickly by taking thequ of South Carolina,_ and grouottA franknosl whit terized ii 4 diplomatic i law of South f'ni•olinn c between this Goren:mien an awkward dilemma, .13 extricate itself very stion out of the Lamle eeting it with that in hatv generally charm, tem-nurse ; and. if the Mikis with the trevity and Great Britain, let ib eleentiun be prevent. This lasA of South Corn ina is unconstitutional I bcdh as 14,ta.‘cts Americas and for:eigner.4. The Constitution declares th l at the citizens of one Slate shall enjoy all the rights and privilege of a ' citizen in all the States. Now in several of the States, a colored maxi is a citizen; and as such has a just claim to the ri hts and immunities of a citizen in South Carolina under the constitution: but the law in question sets that provision of the . c onstitution aside,. d subjects the citi zen to iniprisontnent tr,ithont- any charge of crime ut.mhiderneaner. 'lt is not pretended that this lazy is - comuittatona but as their preulidr institution requires, as Lie) , think, to be guard ed-by very peru/hir laws, and o; South Carolina is a state of a ? fru:pm temper, the outrage has been tamely submitted tor,. by the states agrieved ‘'andby the General Cori:llll7mm. AS regards. foreigner provision of the Con,tin it conflicts, with this Constitution and the s which shall he mode id af.t treotir w made. or ler t authority of the soprroor low Si the land; Act Vi., See. 2. ••Tbi i Inlri of the United tot in puvAnuace thereof n which Flinll be wide, iin L'nited Sainte,, shall 14 and:the judges in ever thereby, any in the any #tals_to the contrary State .slatlrbe bound eons/ awl,. oa LAWS of notiriilatndmg." that the British Consul eat or South r British subjects rronj re: and no r.sonnble he.4tate to admit the 4 , 1 s under thin elanAe approacheti the gneern and claims eleniption the eperation of dial man can, fora moment justice et' the plea. • ,ortant feature of till. itnde in which it place. affair elle has resumed .hich she long since cur !IVerIIIIIMIL that of hold rl e. with n foreign State, coo So with the implied • ,t. If South Carolina I Mich .he grved away she may &slime all; ,ay do SD, then may any Union liable to fall /. knee., being deprived greys subject is in the at! South Carolina. In this the exercise of a power .. rendered to the Fesidral ing itiplotnatie intereour and worse time all, she . may-resume one power to the l'efleral tiovernme .>outl, Carolina n 'other State, and 'thus th. to pieces Iron, sheei• we of 2 . 11 . 1 L., power. t is the most important Viewed in thim n4peet, event that over 'acqirre, in our history: It is I with difficulty mltillan run only be extricated etisdioned on every ham gee, gee,by which the coon , by belt' straigld format vent blunder was mode tinily done, the British e l .' ernment of South Carol in permitting South Corm to trample upon .the rig direct contrtisention of tiO =II=INII lit referring, as was sir ciovernment to the Gor na ; but a still greater line, for a !wig period, ,hts nf other States, iu constitution. 'lye apprehend not th rapture with Omar Bri affair p ntid rtill ins do • the 'part of that Gore bonds of. ourTnion, by I of the State and Oenerul tlict--ti Conclusion rathe Imo of our contempora We subjoin the concl ther able article on Mu inmmerFial Advertiser But, nevertheless, the unseal, unprecedente. pokers, highly imprope oas In its tendencies, if cedeut, subversive of al billies.' But how come i existence? Why did. M. inatrifet him to apply to vides:if State for"redre complaint was an alleg We ran find no other as on Saturday—the late red—virtually referred 'to that State for mires._ sabjeet matter of- comp oftener, brought before willt all friendliness ant t•I diplomatic. usag es. ington ought 'to rtave dOettine,- tend thistnornind, ..there is i in this Confederacy," a ry'Other channel for th rights under treaties, tt can be discussed only b —and it !ought. simiitaa Britain to be in the South .Carolina to lobs British subjects. slighteat danger of n in arising out of thiq o suspect a design on meat to weaken the ringing the adtherities Governments into con haatily • jumped at by ing panagraphs at 01, subject, from the N. V is the Correspondence; as between friendly 1 any way, and danger - dosed to puss into a pm- international responsi lthateorrespondence into Ir. %lathes's Government the Gdvernor of an indi s, sheathe subject of I violation. of treaty 7 . vier than that we gave Cabinet unwarily refer the British Government and that, too, after the slat had been twice, or he Federal Government, according to establish- Thal eabinet at Wnsh tmerted and maintain put by a contemporary Ibut one .rovrreign power ,1 thus have chat up eve • diplomatic discuSsion of pich of Tight and linage snverrigutie, or nations •cously, assuming Great i ght, to have compelled 'don the imprisonment of It is unfortunate that this was not done. An a dvantage l et s be VI git to the English Cabinet which surely could no have been foreseen, but of which', in the game of diplamacy, it ha: , the na ked right, we supp, • , e, to take advantage.— Had tireat Britain firs made her application to South lltirolius.,—bails s e contumeliously passed by . tho leicralCoacciai lent. the sovereign power to diploMathr,with_ state—she would have ~,,,,,,,itteit. 4 ..liig3. l nati iial misdemeanor, which would lieeti,!..,e-etit4ed, e uniplest apology before i i friendiy:lnterr.Uurse, c uld hare been restore! betirecn thei two nati rut. "ha now, -remcaa- . ',trance being made fr o Washington, as we con ceive it iltill4e, that abihet will plead the =, .~ . . having twice failed to obtain Tithes . .., and having cos south ~th the turnpike, crossing a liumbhe of been, trirtitally referred to tha 'individual state, small tributarie flthe h rulpehocken. Passel I 1 aridleelinethat the popular eentimentin Eng- near Reolingfurnoce. Womelsdorfand Nemwans- land Will not allowof inaction in the matter corn- : town. crosses Milinick at the eostern slope of the plainetl of, else hag but matle.o respectful re-- i main dividing ridge, and folloWs the summit to quest to the very party tA whom she Nrl referred j within 3 miles of Lebanon. leaving, Myerstown '2 „byrthe correspondence with the Federal Govern - ! miles to the right and Schaff rstown 3 miles to . mend Looking at the matter. with all its Mae - ' die left From the summit the linecrosess the cedenta, an d i n th e e pirit, of candor and fairness , turnpike and posses through North Lebanon, to bothparties, this sector to us to be the actual 1 crossing Market street about midway hetwetha present position of the question. ! the borough line and Benjamin Zellers 'hotel. We regard the application to Governer Means. h It continues on very favorable ground to 'Mil k, fact nsiimply to diplomatic Movement. man- ; lerwown, where the Quitapaliilla is crossed and rat enough on the part of England, under the I a direction taken towards the turnpike compah circdmstanees. and likely to e ff ect what she .14. ny's llwatara Iwitlge, passing, midway between sire* theeettlement of the question in dispute.: Pilitigyr, nod Compbellstown. The Samara is the enforcement of treaty stipulations, by the , i r ni szsl c li u ya l , h , Lb r lg t e ke ,sp e a e l n u t t r it e m or be t t h l e t 11.4 grist t i he l the d Peden,' Government of tic United States. But the solution of the problem of who is ma-cer, , -Fin- and a half miles further on. the summit di the United States or South Carolina, ought never 1 riling the Striatara soli Susquehanna is passed to have been left to be thus settled, nor indeed 1 and the table lands of the latter river reached, mast he. South Corolina, of coure., in her t leaving Middletown ff miles to the left. At the present temper, will chuckle 05, the mistake, : summit the main westwand descent commences but her joy and pride will ho of short eontittu- Int the rate of 21 feet per mile. and continues once. She is altogether in the wrong. and will i with intermediate levels 71 miles to the western be, we doubt not, effectually reproved for enter- i tennitom, passing within one mile of Ilighspire ing into negotiations, as a dwhereign power, in . and the precipitate phones dividing the Sumo, violation of her constitutional ohligation.s. She , hamm tiros and table lands 4 miles below Her has no excuse for entertaining Great Britain's ' risburg. application, unless she was officially informed The length is 2t; miles. 4 miles longer than by the late Secretary. of State that the British, the turnpike. and Makes the distance to Philo- Cohinet bad teen referred to her, which we i dolphin from Ilarri , dairc, with the (lending ra il. think highly improbable. It may wound her 1 road. .1141 miles. or 7j miles longer than the pride to cease the correstonoleare, on the ground' route by way of Latte;mer. ' that the subject nuttier of it is hey 1111 l I her pro, 1 The vast for work, grading. masonry, laving itlee, but that she will parr to do, and site must track, bridge., .h,c, is edtinlated at $1.3:13,04:n feeds little awkward. tato, when sh e relleets, th at - land damages. might.. tense, water .stations, the power to whiel, she looked for continercial ! ....c. $129.521. ma king the entire cost of the road relation, 'rhea she secedes. is the very first to ! 551.462,:,74 dens her state rights, and demand the ahrogation of Laws designed to protect her ?'peculiar ins', tutiont . We• ticipate no senats disagreement be tween the United States and Great 'triton, re. specting this matter. It seed., to us that a way of honorable retreat is open to both parties, and we are well convinced that the far-seeing states man now at the head of the Presidont's tolviser, who, when called upon. has never failisl to vin dicate his conntry's rights, and to nose this Re public in the esteem of the world, will being skis irregularity to an advantageous iasue. lie think it very likely that. when renwthstrated with, the English Cabinet *ill plead its rending or under strunling of Mr. Clayton's letter. express its era dinesstn withdraw its corrosion-hence with South . Carolina. and re-open it nt Washington; that the plea will be received, in consideration of the prOmpt closing of the correspondence witli s h e individual state commenced under a I...eprrel.r:J -si* that negotiations, contest. sincere. and de signed to he decisive, nil! be recommenced ' he tween the two Governments; , .that Mr. Il'elt4ter will re-enunciate those great constitutional prin ciples of which he has so often lawn the ens, vent owl defender. and that whatever 14 jtot in (he'd/tiros of Great Britain having been mow, tied, the Federal Government will turn its atten tion to South Carolina, and fitfully oluelienre .11 her part. If there he any serious trotthle, it will lm with our own refractory little sister THE EXPIITIOED PARAGRAPH It WWI Bonaparte, we believe, who said that •from the sublime to the ridiculous there i. but tx step:" nod never wan the truth of an aphor ism more strikingly exhibited, than by the nor of South Carolina, in his late ole,,snge, mud in the events which followell its delirers Here is the sublime: "Does History, upon a single page, reeoril an instance of a nation ceasing. its opprrtsion from a returning sense of justice, or a feebly of mer cy to )he oppressed' Lot the fate of dismember ed Poland—or ruined Hungary, answer the tries- Aion. Ay! read the history of a nation's forbear ance in the conduct of England toward poor, suf fering Ireland: Alas! the day of her successful resistance has been too long postponed! So voice of her patriot sons can be raised iu her de fence, which is not instantly drowned by the clamorous noise of British drums ! No omit can be raised to strike a blow for her liberty, that is not instantly pierced by British bayonets Sow forthe ridirulous. It happened that Mr. Geo. B. Mathew. the Brit ish ConsOLIVO, present when . the 1110.,, 61 , : , ~."o,,‘ini ng the above poragraph was read in the Legisla lature. lie immediately opened lt correspon dence with his Excellency: protesting against such Inmpoonry of his government. Now. this MIS interfering with the -domestic instit l ntiou of Sooth Carolina with a vengeance. ail,' one which we should havel-stapposed the chivalrous - spirit of the redoubtable Governor would have fiercely resented. But no. Consul Mathew err. rie.s his point. The offensive paragr.iph. after. having been read in the Legislature, nod printed in the carolimart, is stricken out, erponp.d, and is not to be found in any other paper in South Carolina! Its light would have been totally. extinguished, had not the correspondent of the New York Evening Post cut it out of the Caro linian. and transmitted it to .New York. This is the man who blusters so loud IlbOUt se cession, and who asks for -a place in the picture near the *tinny of the your - the man Who j has frightened some of our northern men out of `; their propriety, lest he should blowup the Union: kthe man who sets the Government of the United States at defiance, and ye`l tamely permit:i small functionary of Queen ‘lietoritt to interfere between him and the LegiSlattini ..f the Slate over which he presides—tin interference m in solent an it wait unwarranted. And what renders the affair the more -Puipreine ly ridiculous, is the fact that the grandiloquent paragraph is a part of a bombastic gasconade against the General Government—an agonizing effort to screw up his courage to the sticking point; but how far he was short of that point is seen in his tame surrender to a small British agent, who was bimse If clearly in the wrong.-- What nonsense 'to suppose that such a follOw as that will fight! and in whnt'a ridiculous help; does it throw some of our northern people olio are holding Union meeting,. taut applying the gag to themselves to all others who will slit, mil to it, in order to conciliate People who allow a British Consul to apply the gig to them: RAILIWAD The Amerittulroail - .Journal ropie%healy i',ll of the htat annual report uT the Tthio and Pennsylvania itailroal Company. ntalappeloLs the fullonring troll de erred comment, "Thin road in a very importaot l one and occu pies, and justly an, a very important place in the public eye.—While Win company have ionlle .the most satisfactory progress in the work of construction, they have been equally successful in securing public confidence 'both at home and abroad. Their securities commanithigher prices in this market, we believe, than any other of a similar kind, which is (Inc in part to the judici ous manner In which they were brought before capitalists, and, in part, to the able management of the company's affairs at home.' Jefferrnarille padroad.—ln nu article on thin road. the Louisville Journal speaks as follows: •. We learn, with much satisfaction. that the work on this important road is steadily progres sing, notwithstataliig the incleniency of the sea son. Fourteen milep of the road are now in op oration, and the ca ere making two trips daily, affording a convem%ent opportunity to our citi zens for an excursion of pleasure and n visit to their friends, many of whom have already tested its advantages, and we advise others to follow their example, and we promise them that they will not only enjoy the trip, but will then be able to see, and fully appreciate the advantages that they are to derive from the road upon its final completion. ..4//on and Springfied Railroaff—We ore pleas sed to state that notwithstanding cold winter is upon us, the work upon the abo've road is rapid ly progressing. The force employed on the first of the month was 739 men, 05 horses. The Newton Waggoner arrived from below, n few days since, bringing 6,200 cedar cross ties, to he used in the construction of the nevi, and the Buena Vista also delivered another lot of the iron, making the total receipts of iron to date 514 tons. The cedar ties are 12 inches broad, and 8 feet long, and will he laid ::It inches from . centre , to centre in the road. For size and quality they exceed any thing of the kind we have ever seen. The contractors ore hauling out and distributing the iron, preparatory to the commencement of laying the permanent track, which will be undertaken as c.ll . as the season will permit —Alton Teirgraph. I,rLannn Valley Railrotl.—The Reading Jour nal statesjhat a sufficient rum has been ,uhscri bed tir,thia work to author* an thcorporation of company; ant and is:believed, to authorize tha commencement of the work of con•ttvctiou. The following deauriptioniof the route with, with L estimatel of the cost, etc., will he, read with in , term,t The mad ,eoMlSletleeB nearly upputdte the . freight depot at Iteading,eitrvc, to the left nod bume heavy - cutting. , (•ro..c n the , Schuilkill below the Tulpehuckeu 71 feet water by a bridge spanning the;:river Schuylkill 'and the Union canal. Thence it passes welt ward ascending at the rate 2f4 feet per mile with intermediate levels for 5 miles, and crosses th e Ilarrisbnrgb tuitipike near the (kit toll gate, and reaches the sebeedinete valley between_ - ..South mountain and Slate MIL near theilltage of Sink ing !Thep, where the' undulated grades eon,- )4ence and continue until the table.-lands or the 'Susquehanna are reached, a distance of 44 miles. After tenting Sinking springs, the line cuutmen 11,t1r."1 titet. --A meeting, tall to he the large,t ever u,teniltted Adams county. Penn., was held 21 ' 1‘ l:etty,4llrg,on the '2lst itwt., to cond.], the project of arailroad etouniunication between Gettysburg and York. Col. .13111.`S Paxton presided, twetisted by nusher of Vice President,. ands everal tittle xpeeehes Wore made by It. M. :i111,er,,E.4.. il.therm. A large ventral th t tielitive .l'onntlittee wits appointed, eharged with the limy of lantAilliing upon nod lathing the moxt an oflisL tug the purpose oG the meeting. Siibxeription lope, were then opened. and a nimiher of those nreeent pat their miner down for yeti lila-rat amounts. ,•14.1 I,,Jbterro. -.\ ntreting of the frit•pds and •dorkhohlers of this road .1 , 1101 i ,1 on the nt which romp:mins were orgfinired —to wit. the ••lhalittpie Ki.nikul, i'etniditi North. - moth (I t o ••Ihlon l ite and Keokuk Railroad l'ontiintiy I..lonth " The find 14 to build the line front 1111- litine to lowa ettt, awl the latter the road Iron [own City to Itroktik. It ww4 reported hp 1,0111 - nitti••• op ',toil; that 211:11 'hares of $lOll each had bet•ii i .I . , 2ln.tunt Calvin .1. Es. l wits eleisen ir Prerident of the Smitten') entopany. nod I.leo,llreen. Es 9 . of the Northern jun!, it mi.i1.1.11, 'although Le did not entertain a very exalted opinion of the 91 . 1.111keeq." firm and uncompromising friend of the Union of the Stores. In one of Nis speech. in thingre, he nitric made 11,1 4 of the following language, which should lie engraven au the portain of the Capitol: —The very mention of a of the States is a great public injury. It goes to unhinge dm tone cif dm Wilk mold. It maker men acquaint ed with the part:anti of the thing. and. once ailinitteil into their breasts, they will not entitein, plate it with that dli,renc.- (r. whir/. ovhf f. i'r to Ihr N.Lothal nrrr ' THE CENSUS. The tolioning rtati,thr , of the State, of Rhode Islntel and Vermont_ extracted from the l'etun, returns. tow coming in from the marshals of the lrural Satre. will serve tot-how the of the subject on which full and accu rate knowledge will he attained by the ren.us of 1,.41. The ',11.)01111 , 1 rettirier do sot erourrie the 111114,1111 t tool thine of the various products of agricultural. manufacturing. and other branch , of iteln-ttry , the towl6tice of pursuit, and lode.-ttinct. of health. mortality. &c. he . alit o f which tire multrucett in other tables—the de tail, of all ieh a, Mullen, and tntett inNolre fireat labor a. mull as much time to dissect, tm.•. and generalike under the proper heads. .11 reoltice iton their aggregate.. It is due to the otheer- coneetattokn.eny, what we 00 , 101 , i,01,1 to be the Con. that a mienef the complete re. turn: from tine..- two :-Itate. enahleti the Depart• nvent to award rear pear, itt the 311, hal, for die imlimtent an , / elor,i,e-1 in the ,election of their a•-nctitut, amid for the manner in which they hare executed the trust confided to then) 111= 6e - th• ,Sta, or !?hear .luri• 1, I from Ihr , 'rnr,r C-e.nu hg lice W mhos I op II NIAle Fetivi Bore in IT:el:mil. • - • - lions its sullen foreiri - - . • Idiot.. - - - - - I . :spers, -. • - • .‘ wended -rhu , .l withgti the year. who euist,,,i read or 'Evil, um her of ils:11.1e , the prio isiu- year furrnii. • Value of real estuoi, - 1 - alu, of peroinal - Real :mil aFgreguteii, Notnl4, - 4,f dwrll.o P“pololion of 1 , 10, Pop'Mimi or 14 - .11, \l/1311.•r •leallt, \ unlber of faro,. - - iu.lortrinl4-.1,0111,11/..-111. pr.du.-Ing :twat:llly over $4 , 0. - ROMANCE ,AND REALITY. S,l/ Boy emit: or FORTI,r. The Springfield Ileptililictin furnishes the fol. lowing narrative,— • • Many of our readers will remember a series of articles entitled 'rime,. weeks on it cities plantation.' which appears-II in the Repuldiritit two-he-n:o°th since, or more. In one of those articles, the 1 . 01113111. i. history. of the planter, whose hollitalities the writer so gratefully re clled, was leanly giV44l. Natchur a boy. had 1,1111/i• down the Ohio and Nlismoi sippi oin a flat Imo!, with his father ate! his M atte.- partner. 'flier, hit father died, snit was buried, and there the boy was left by his heart h., part net, wiUnont a picayune. Naturally shrewd, he noon picked op business—sold tickets for the theatre, did errands, peddled knick-snake until he grew tip ton proper 'size for larger operations Ile then became owner of it dray then of a anti plantation, near Natchez, then of an immensely large plantation at Nlilliken'h . Betel. above Vieksbrug. Bore he went into opeculathin, and before tee crash of '37, buppos-. ed himself worth Wquarter of a million. Ilitherto hit ((whines had waned. Ile was independent. Ile then, fur the twit time, return ed to Cincinnati, and sought out him mother and sisters whom he hadileft behind long years 1). - for.•., 11 , found his. family, who supposed him dead: in poverty, and provided for them, and 'then come the reverse. The wife of his youth • bail borne him three beautiful children. These one after another, died, and then the trite was laid in the grave. An interval elapsed of per.- i ' Mary' prosperity. out. of intones grief, what Ite.l wo o .-blet.ed with the hand or one.of the roost, G o ld 4. Kh, r , tr o u g h', mom 4. F'rrl ambit beautiful and lovely (if womankind. Then enure• the . th°r gl that parried in e"L'le degree the fore. • EXCHANGE AND BANKIN4I HOUSE of the blow, and lie was enabled to retain and add I to hi. Imitutifill platation. 1V %1. A. HILL &CO, lairs passed on, tel another family of bead-...... ___ , tiful eltildrvit had grown up around birn, to I No. 64 Wood Street, Pittsburgh. whom ntel whii..• beautiful mother he pas at- 4.e . Icerx—re7 titterre n. Tee neeteere. jele:al niched by almost fanatical idolatry. Two years 1 iopART &- Eit sinp_w, h - . , I apt last Atignst, his home wax the abode of plea- i 4 ,/ with am TenerNet let, late I . !'‘,l ' . ' . ‘ r .e of j tr:7F -' ... ia .. 4 ,, 4 ty and the largest Irpitality, Immediately al , 1 ne ] ...tta Batik. wen .a. ill devote Ize et•rycetl edlenl/it . the ferwards his favorite child sickened and died. i bona, lA 3 Th ' ' l3 i ' 4 . '''' t ' n .."..Nimu.r . b„ A month (Jr two after this, his house was harm. i ed. A few weeks more, and a long pending tam E.XCHANGE AND BARKINGHOUSE suit, originating in hh. efforts to retain hit pap. i erty owl pay off his debts, was decidml against A. Iv ILKIN s &.., 0 ) him, nod his plantation was put under the-ham- , mer of the anctioner, and • the broken sprite.] C orner of Third and Market sts., Pittsb'gh. man moved to Vicksburgh. Ilere another child_ died. . European AgerMy, , With the remnant• of his large possessions he ' The nulerrsber lutetelo eke., (het prainleml raw. nf purchased the beautiful Steamer Mohawk, and "77 , i ,. ',,r . ',: , '" , : ,, !,7 , ::: , ::,", - Y'', - , r .,'," . 7::,.43',''';. 1 . t i ;', ,",::'",,,:'„, 1 , run her in the Vicksliurg and Sew Orleans trail.. 1 i'.;;,, , ~„, -.,,, , „,..„,,, ,„ ~„,, o. n,,, ~,„,„,,.„ „,„,. netitm Xs the Captainldinself. Jere*. charm or n 1,t.1. m.e: II: rnn1 , .1...1 tn le*. 1. A few days ago. they, following dispatch ream re ~e ; 4,m, it .1. , 11 ,, I. I,l'l , _ . . . .. eeived by the Northern papers: ' Foreign and American Hardware. LOU, eVILLF., Dee. 17. , „ Capt. Cobb, of the idenmer Mohawk, blew oat i LOGAN WILSON & Co., his bruins yesterday, at Vicksburg—cause. peen- No. 129 Wood Street; ; , Diary troubles, and death of hit wife. 1 !tore :caw iN Pruitt.: 7 ' ' Another despatch fiom Nashville, q th,, .me i A fell nal enmelete stock t,l FW/Eft;.V A.VP .A.Et:R l ' ,2, dn., stated that,— , -.L ' ' I - I A RI)W A RE, • , 'flint morning, the iiteamer 31ohawk Munk . with ...,.. ~,,. 0 eprte ~„, ~,,,, „,,,,, th ,,,,,',. i .,,„1 2,500 helm of elation'' on honed, while lying iit ' ~ 7.... i. rto purlift,n , al gut'P that 111 manna., tLot city ' : , far.wabli - i.ith 1.11 of ....nr. glinx z i ' l l .: t . n o l::11 . 1:1 , n . I. w .. :77 p i t:in:i lis t error r ti: " :;:l i N l ' i k ed il e ll ' lo . , : t i r:7 l , B i g ' l ,4, l , 77 l :.. ~, it.„,ro.thif.: J. "tht.,,,,.....3,6j,re.,, 1 I. of ,i ,Nr..,,,. ~.;;„....1 T.,,,,),7,,,,,,,,x., .1,,,,:iit.,7 :, ' Penn Mutual Life Insurance Co., .Philad'a. , lIENT IN PITTSBU Ill; 11. W. IL I/AVIS, lit, thii , : • '"'" P' d " r the ‘t'' r•rr,rl,7 * .%Z.L;r4: " . ; I nan II to 12 laud ~ to 0 . e .. . 0 , ‘t t ~ tittr, OH ~..,... I J. nehnuomaker l tn.. :Jo .1. Ix t t.tf.1,_,,,,,,,k.460.0 ~,p, ia' s ,l=t".rZp b ilVt"llll.4lning the pritunuirg and igin:lll , of lag Ituunuur,.iunl Wang fortnA furulnlnal uu .. ; 4 ,,, n ,, lk 'lg i l . nnufitn f 1.1,0 Coutpui, üblell for tbewt two. I ~, ;T. jy - , h o ld jghty Or untt per ugni, ann, 41,4.1 .n g the holders of 1111•41e1.". .., . intv.burg, Jnu. Jl. 14,51...in5ini I r la. .gle and Pont tiiiny two wee ;And elut,Z, thin otkej 7.4' i' , "-u 4 1 .r.—Where ere. at present 1;81 invalid pensionerz,, diving :14-12,1.1117 1:1; 14 , 11V11. '' .or 1.." 4 ."". 2 9 , s272,Qtsl; twidow pensian= ern,' " ,146; i'''' 2 ° , orphan pensioners, 27, $4,07.1 Total nuntLer of persOns, 1,126; total nmottut of ay, $172,928 13. The lint 14 Cll[lll4ll.llP/i 11:1w the let of December. :v-~ ''~' BY AUFHWITY . , Startling developtnent, hare been made in l '"'"' l ' l .'"g ll'' '''''.- 1 S''' ,l,,,, , :f the Tlthi'y first llittsburgh, of the cruelties practiced in the Al eohyrtax. ' legheny (Pa.) county jail, tovanls prisoner,. [Pr Iti.te—No. 1..1 - IThe Pittsbnrgh Journal say, ••That cruelty so AN ArT to, grant the right ~f !me-minion to frightful, tyranny to perfectly fiendish, could he certain l i i u' c ' ? P E i t .c. i .".4r o u r ne tct . e . ' ti a l." l i .i settle rs f ' vo ' r t' o ' f'- ' t ft li h. e lei l. " :l fil i t ''.l : ti to be proved before it could be believe.. The , 1 11 ; ; ;; ; rf: ". I r Cl o i „,, d1 1 ;:: I l u ft:1:1: :,,ri vri l t . h lo o . u .. tle r t ot ec . 1 : . ::: ‘ r:bvfes. - ' , , . 11‘ if ,nnend by .11a .S.T.a. and II cur of Rqw , - ' The Inquirer seems to i have miscoustrveithe or cor:t, of rio ['nit,/ 'grate, of ,linerjet; in Cyr- ,P rn g Ta P h of our e"°",' porary. The cruelty . 2 r ; )..1 41.x,,,..1.1..1, That bl i the event a. n, twit ad- - .11,0E4 to woo shown rty one ut , Ine,prmoners, ; indication by the Court i n fav or of the United townrds an inmate of- the same cell, and the State+ ou'the ••Maison Rouge Grum," under the I (then) jailor was ignorant of it. The wriest tic net hf Congrese. approved seveateenth June, 1 „ i i o „ ~bie j • „ o uld be brought ngainst that of eighteen Intuered and forty four, entitled "A n be" „,,- net to provide for the adjustment or i n ,„( „mi n " ! liver. was, that be inny not bate been suflicient_ within the' Suites of Ilis"ouri.• .Irltansas. and 'ls comfit! in daily making 41 personal visit t.• all Louisintat, aml in those parrs of .the lit o tes of I the primners. The present jailor, Mr. Fox, is Mi"i"liiiii"ii .Ali'""iii; .iiiiilli 0r th e thirt y fi rst degree of north Inti , an exceedingly prudent, attentive man, nail we ttide, and between the ,brae centresin assert 'that , ii l ung . i „, he r ,,,i ns Nlississippi and 'Perdido rivers," elem. person. 1 the first Ntarch. eighteen hundred att.! forty I tilde as that :abided to by our neighbor, will take hi ' heir ' " r hi g el re l irere 'flaliv""n who, prior to . his situation, no occurrence of a tot tun. so hor nine. purclue.ml land in- good faith, and for a' : . i ,1 n ,,.. v a luable consideration. remit Daniel W. Cone, or ' other persons holding till.r.s derived tinder the dons It. Gom m, f:se. -The lecture of thin gen „,,id %i-..; Rouge Ernst, on s the Ouachita river, (1 „(,,, „, 3 esterday evening, was attended by a I in the State of Louisiana. ittal who Ilin, improv- 1 lire n „ in h er 4 oar citizens, and we were greatly ...I 011.1 cultivated the land so i'p'-haell. or any ; pleased both with the matter, and manner adds part of it, shnll he, and he is herel.j. abillorixrd ~ ; ,i(„,,..„.. e . ;Ile comes amongnt us with ft very r '” eiiier, with the Ile g kie r ..I . the , 1. ,, 0 ,1 tilli , t . , high repultition for eloquence and ability, yet we for the district '" 'hid' aid i'''i '"'‘Y by , "'' • wooer,. tlitt , t, who hove not heard him, that he i nearly as practicable. it legal suhdiriAelw, the will Met disappoint their expectations, as is too . whole ..f any portion of the iii ' iri "r ''''''i" "" I o,ten the ease, when the imagination has dwelt i purchased) to 'meiotic 11,0 re,,blet t e e and improve' , open the allegril excellenries of a stranger.— Iwent, neon paying to the l'ltittol State. the min- ! It was nunnurreed last night,lrthat he would re inn.n prier of gultlie land.. , main in' the arty a fen days longer, so that on. I Sec '.! :led re liford,,, .oests./: 'flint in the , pre-time all'Avill tare an ouportunity of listening • event....lootelt tiled (oljtlictition. it 4 0 11 be the , t o and being fill by hit remarks. dui) . or the n!')flrler "I. the Pr"l''' , d'''ll'Wl I° i kv n onderonnd that NI, li. lecture+ thin oven publish ll ttull4l . or the Net in .00. tTwi ,,, por • in,,,Jit the First Itniaisk (111/rCil. etirl/Pr of Third circulating in lite virintty of the land, with It ~,,,i it, k ,,,, t ~,,,,,, e I deelarntion of Mtn roadlne4s of the Land Ofliee to , receive pre-ganglion itpplienti.:ll. tweler this art. anti thiwntitaal every i.ers.ot claiming a right of I COM'For.— We were pleasell to o e that the pre-emption iabler this ant, shall he allnwed ellecect in ,, kelY gamily lant r night woe twelve inontlis4eitliStt which 'to eater owl pay for • attended I'S ileti . ee the (urgent mudiencca, which the Intel en elljitin..l, from and after the olive of het" illsYetittliett title cett`cw k W , • were die t, fiat ludJic ad u•ni.ru.eut, „„,i f u cr"fortnity I igrk 01 with their pgrfortpaners, awl trust that the . the littered support with • which they have runt 4; ;;,,,„ 1 i.,1 I'n,-I will intlueeltheai to giro-another concert notii.n. -.pi:Vying the partiettinr tracts st. etainnsl. shill I.r given within three mullahs niter >nch etlvettii,eeteet, tu the Ilegittter, uP Ch 1 , 04.41 Stllt.tS, 1111111111 a WI solo or ontry •ball be pehoitted t., lasl.l 'within the litn. it, of the aftore+nicl elnim until the e‘iindi.ot of the nforo.,il,l 111. W,.. MMMIIM=:11MIIIINM n10.11..1kb:ill 6.11.1 pre“nptiort utl.ler tht. a.. 1 .Imll IrivP hvett I” the hi if f 4rlhr• Thut if the reAdonee Rll,l 1:n1in...1440,4,f two or more per. n.qntitleil u, pre-emption as tiforesool shall lei found on anyone of the sioallest legol soh divisions of the pNblic lamb!, the some nirty he entered jointly by the portion in order that they may secure and divide the sanie. ocoording to their seserol and in default o f o ne or noire of the poitieii taking the groper in the time prescribed, to seiotre the lieneth of this net, it shall lawful for any one of the parti, of this class ?tomake the entry of tho whoie 1.1( 4nt.ll,i,kon fir hag ,old helietit i tii g oe.ll HMC ELL CORR, Speaker t.f . the Ilou, of Repte,ettfutivr. WILLI \ Pre,Llent of the Setette pro tempore tpproN r.l Juttetr y 27. I , MILLARD FILLMORE. ta.tr 2No 2 1 Ai'T to renew and eiintinue in f,)nu the charter of the ••Viitintine In.urinine enturin) rwie r.l .5,y0u1 , That the Art entitled ••an net to incorp.,r, lea Fee I .i.hra ore I hunpany in lleorge tow, in the Iletriet ..f appro.. el 4, ser..tel Niary h. eighteen hundred nisi thirty ene, 011.1 the set entitled net to amend the chart ef the l'...foosac 1,1. In-unto, Compa of Georgetown. - approved the lintel of \ny Inntlesl :tn.! ?vett. he lad the ante re herein .enaet...l eftewl...l the tint, dn.) larch ry , in the to ar elgitteen hundred atel seventy. mei until the end of the nett Kitn of l'ortgre, which shah happen thereafter: until which tune 'the said company titaexercise all the power.. and have and enjoy all the pried. legws and immunities, ,Tarotto diem ht the saint original net of incorporation. awl the amend m•nt thereto. ,toy thing to the contrary thereof lb. - :• - rinat 11314 advertter otwithauireling. This at ninth continence and Ilwt•na s Jan. l6tl he in forve from the passage thereof. .My lever a the d'h urdant writ have prepared you tire. 0 . _Lodjur ! ler ottell.genee of the total and entire (atlure of Jenny ttockhoblers of slid eitittpany shall he indifidte J Lod,ln set _concert, t the ..bo was to inn v,: performed ten [net,, but owing to the t enant of ally liable for the dtdits nett list/Willett of synspothvi s lin. were duertnnotted on the fooitb. I at corporation to an Irtioubt thibiti to the capPL,l tended the Iterd conehrt, and 3.1 atllmugh me aut,e , shock helot by the. ..sppetiiel). that ' art .t in, .lehay received ! . peal deal I opplaure., such liability shall 0 cell - dined to the etodishol.l- ! or, wino wereis, who . Mr liartuttninttet have lost sn.ottnanowey by the en. tvl or liabilities ii enrrel. gagetneni, to oboe.m it no soon, as he of once Five. I svi nlght•,(s:oCl.l each.) and to all collers tree A ppl'oVe.l Jmntinr:y •Z 7, I !whets were given sway with anu neparnta build Ad '2 415 147 54U 72,U11 7 , lPt lade—Su. 1. swt,were impala:lS to the client of their biniderswild A 1F.4 /111 D IN for the atiditment of IterouE' veotnit acne ,tented In the gale;tros e o f the n,,.hi ryten u,, ,r : n relent, ~nutonop", thr 5.1.0.. and //nu , fr-orn . I . " 1" t'"en" " .. :""q"' - ' I II se. 1 . ElrOtt.t.— 111 r District Court. Judge ag.terahlr.l. That. the tacmidier is the Doard a , e n%„in„, favorvor of the t . on ,_ Regent-,of the Smith-old!. liirtitutioit of the tort,„roith r gain•[ the United Slater Dank, for CI.P , Om.. ....her . too hundred awl three thourand rev tilled by the realitiointinent of the lie Menotti- en hundred :mil fifty dollars. With cost Ind in ellt-v• "" terert, in round numbers, one million three bun 'Fotten. of the city Of Vl.ltill:r,t4lll. •Ireil thousand dollars. The suit was brought to A litiroted December 111, I8.",11. over the hundred thousand unborn annually, which the bank, by its charter, agreed to pay us ,Desirable Suburban Residence Pic Sale. a halos to tie &Laud Fund for twenty years.— hr „„,„ I „ to , The rod ail' of entr4 be carried to the liu „„.„, ~„ „,,„ r ,_,,,,.„, ,„„„,,,, „„Iyn 11,111 e I %Itlrt. nod Will 110 .Imtlit lie warmly eon A 11 , 41,1”, 1111W,' , .0. Un- I i.triti, there will be an orttort to make 1100 nr1.t,.1 rin• ha ig 11a te,t iiinn •ii Park take preecrlenve of the nasigninuilite. running uu i " . " pdor shareholders there seem, but little .e..11.r.ita..1. air( 1.1 barn. I,i.rit I p . P ia lorr, and ri it ear!, 0r...11,n, tn.! PC,. .1.111, 0.11 nrimiinrgi. haling a inn.. ur not a drinii ,•11311.1. 6•1111.m•11 nw,m, Ilan, 6,1 It 1.. bl/11: ti the 1.-. t zeal mint duniin.. mann,. a fir.-inuni ea.f. 11,741 28,111 11, - 44 0,512 8 4 $54,..111.441+ 1.,4 111'N t 811,F4 . ..0 111 onnitnns nil tits nowt,. cnto,..bmose, tlrn rim sn unfailing stem., of hard anti mon Yea-, art al tb.ths, tin tin. tontnis.• :to- Inn 1.....5vat, out twin:lugs. 4.t1.1t. .nrrnos A: Ti,.. umunts Intsrtlfr a lawn. rovensi Inot nt.,Frnetp. lintrentia shrubs...est,. uoswir4rn, a.mnoll garden TIT fruit of the taut 1. 1141. nn. In thiMr mi yioni runtigh firt flo. want. nnlinnrt fnuill, Ti,.' situation of this ortei , rt,... En ',lntuit,' and suburlaancnnaftirOor rontnieusl with enntlmully In it.... not startsuossi lu a sid.orn in ihi. ririnit, It ha. slew of the Ohio.fur tn., Init.. a Trnip.minsn rill, Ninth Inttaburgio cif). it,.. tiro ti . ant Mt. hills annual. (mainaw all...Mier n tvoinmunr .prtaport ,•l which th. s”rinm tr.m.1... it.t rot nt departs from the taut of Pittsiturnit t It the Oliin pas... tit full stow in. msnitno , ant annuals at , 1ah..,1/11.1.1 4. 4 rtmnntosi Inun - ato aro... nt Ljn.t. distrustito of cnnifnrt And v....Mat:nu. and wr..el..•rrtirrto lit as oinirt and ts-sPnful toll low.] In wan. quirt nook in the .nuntr, . Ti,, nropurtt an ata Intraaill. and isnm.oinn Oven on tin. tint of arra. Enquire at tn. u, our D. N. ))lIITC Citizen's Insurance Company of Pittsburgh. NuOt . ft,ti; E INS'r ITU'rIONS. 4 • *, re . _A i, N. !I Haber ~ In the w•rehouce of C. 11. LIST nn. flucnr. Prelittent.... A. W. Mt... ThfolAnnpanr tn!cr prepcsed n.ure nil tnerchamllee In nom. and In trancttu, rescele,Ac. An .mole ,rtnywnly for the ability and Inte!rrlt• of the Inctltutlon..l, nifunlot In lb.chance!, cf . the Inr,lo, W. nee all ritHene. Gl' NH/run:h. well odd favrald! known to the n‘turnonit, thew prwlenn,Thtellh.c•ner, and Int.grits • Ikarznas—C. Iluevey. WM. Itagalm. IVIn. Lorimer. Jr.. Wwlter 11r.snl, Iftn.th I/. Rini.. Edward Ilencelt,t. John Haworth. ~Ilarbaurlt. N. 11. b ier. ay:tirt!" _. ~~: ROME MATTERS The following k corrected lit of the officers „,; ~r the Move of Refuge elected oit Thursday lost: l'retarni: 'Mono. !token-ell. reri. hwad,ot Belt jumin httion. Trram Jorltun Ilanott. Seentorti: S. P. Von !Motion& , lhontyrrit Frotlerick Lorotr. JohOJI. :Owen. horgee, 1.., It. Livingoton. 'Junto, Plmbers. J. h. Aloonthotol. ikorgo IVeyntoth and Robert lelittight.• of Pitnlotrgh. lioorge !Janie. nod %lieu. Kramer, ..f Allegheny; Jolnett Intieron, of Nlanelteotor. Chriotion IhMFI.II. of Binning loot: and William Eichlnturn. of Pitt township.`. itritiuseNl MARKET Mrs.—Two country men yesterday lodged information against William .hickroti awl Timms Borne. who are now con fined in prints, charging them with takinevari ous articles from their market wagons. They Appear to hare done iinite an Eitellsirt , business in this COURT OF QUARTER SEMONS. Present- t -Ilan. Wu. B. McClure, President Judge, and Samuel Jones and Wm. Kerr, AF- te .1111 gr The jury in the ease of the Commonwealth Nlichael Ileekler—indictinent-arson, return ;.l with n rerdiet of not guilty, prosecutor to 1. pay the meta - As no protecutor'n name WWI endp,e4 upon the bill, the verdict .could not be receited, ittel , the jury were cent Lack to their room. The rorirt will !Dec' vain tl,i.r morning nt len Nf.l% - There ww , ten untewmt dearth d 1.4,1 new, ye,terthty. • I , IV WU INIAN • Iliv lotert ndi ice. from Honolulu. xtritethot eon riderible excitement existed there in con e • of information honing come to 1181111.• from eouree4 of undoubted ere tit, to the elicit thm the B:itelwiel, were about to Irr tllr,vn • nel with the itivonion of 'an ortnell !Mee of ruffians from the thorns of California. - Meet ion, t el been held at Honolulu to mlopt wee, ores of defence. and a committee of safety ma, appointed to, tale such measure• a, the etigen cy might iteiitanil. Ma===n=2lMElMZl F11.1.31.111E ,11,111 X I'ABINET.—"For the hint twenty say. the Petersburgli I Va Intelligencer, •• there has not been as perfect a calm in polities us now exists in the United ; States, and the reason of it to sas is very' plain. The. far the'oillldoet of Prividetit Fillmore's Ad- ' ministration leis sorb as entirely to satisfy ' those IA ho were instrumental ill bringing him to the lofty position which lie now occupies, and to silence those who predicted great calamities to the country from his elevation. When Mr. Fill- more sticteeded to the Presidency, the country was iu n crisis from ethic's nothing hut the most confornunate prudence, firmness and sagacity could rescue 'it. At that time a false !deli, or un manly time-sertug paltering with the tre mendous hsm ~ which were then pending, would ; not only hare been fatal to his Administration, hot to the Union itself. The emergency was a fearful one. lost Mr. Fillmore proved himself ; equal to il. Lin message to CungTess dispelled , all doubt and all rear, and after twelve months of I fearful agitation, the country breathed freely, tool all wire calm again., It may be said that, ; in avowing his aetendinntion to carry out the ; legislation of Congress. and to resist all attempts to dibturb the Compromise, he merely did his duty. Thin is very true, .but if men did Weir duty there would be ILO necessity for gov ernment or laws, But how often have We seen nmen, high in oilier, listening to and heeding the suggestions of selfish ambition on the one : hand, or unmanly timidity on the other, instead • of being guided by the' stern tense of day.— Those then, who in the spirit of cavil, ray ilmt President Fillmore has ••• only done his duty," pay hint the very highest compliment, What greater mead of praise can man receive:from MS . ; Ylaker or his fellow man dual thar•ho has done I,i, duty' Of how many of us can it. be :0611, either at the hue of human opiniim or at the tri lotted of Omniscience Neither Mr. Fillmore, I fur himself. or his friends in bin behalf, coo de-'. ,ire for him ti brighter page in history. if, at the , cud of his administration, it east be truly said •he did his duty, 1 , 111,1,—Th0 Litt) remedy ever calhanad Lit the pulaile, whaell hate timer Miami •u inarkina n run, when ilireetantav nn hillmareal. ✓ WLavae'r Liver Pill. It lam anew I r +...arm,' 'ram here, the puha, anal Mu Leen P. 41t2 , 0 lln i tho. t NC hen. at tima Imam t t..d it 11.0 lIU4 tilt 1114u.t triumphant marevaar. and hm driNen out the gm ..L all other mealamnee. It liar beam mod tad., all the Ilan,. Plume" and law famnal enpullc tallienien• In all. • "I'M talc if J LIPID I CO, rehl atlas' I).•. tan AVamal 4. REMAMKA TILE CASE! EVIDENCE IN OUlt 31IDST lion-. Sir: I. clovrf...ll, ovmply Iff )cltir that I 1.0.114 mit 11.,WIra miraculous Intl..d..maarr , by the use of )our clarwan attucLed with • very gore eye in February or 31,,rch hod. o heti I humedlately applied to the best niedi. ai cld It, the ritj, by whom tt ate. pronounced • - very 1.1 nod nll nave tur no b.,. of dolu, her any arotal. 'be. stool, I took bar inn. the cuuntey to an old lady, who bad been ,cr) puree:Mud in miring eye*. Filo Loki run that her me. wu.. boucle., es abr. would certainly Ittat , not only that one. but al.o that the other would being • ..rnfultiu,..llool4oo 01 the blood. And Idu certify. that at the time no hither Id. 11. Verdi.) VE/111 , 14 the conclusion that we lia.l latter try tour Petroleum, at , env catirclP 1.1,Nd of one eye. It in now ebnut two tuontiia !duce rte Linn IG nee. amt die Mil now we 01111 le,tb e)es w uuul rte will,. fur aa 1 ran tell, 1 believe phe with the bbeattut of the Almighty, been pond by Petrol, Yount, real... Wally. 11. Vaawere Farm. C.otnr.ll, Plibluirgh,SepLZO, 1510. rte - Yaw pale by Key., 1.1 11chuworil, 140 Wed .14 IL F. Solid.. of Woad atd 11. Nl,COref, LI. Duu. gla, audit. ' beltwartat•Allegliest, abet by the prone.. tor, S. M. KILL z;or7..#4lrlS Canal Basis. Ssmalt .t.., Piu..bursh. , . LOOK HERE' EY FRIEND! i Delaware Mutual Safety Insurance Co. i RE YOU A KATIIEII. laboring for -the .- rilliE Scrip. Dividend declared by the Board d - corpora nf a fatally. and auGanink from w•rnaral dr- . ,R, , :f Diractor, on Nov. 4, 1.50. La now tweak] at this , ire and low aperl..wa tint life altraNo corms a burden :, , a4Lacy. and mrl, for dlatril.ution. or I , r I, a. llowv't, /haker 5a41.1 1 . 41,11 - The Waning per'. w. antitkal In 4011 P D ,111444 ._. Are 'no a I lother. antferlng ,from diaeraarr to which fr. olcalanal In 1,47 and 1 , 19. rrannlalok In thn•o 4l lAtt wm. ronloc a.. arneralla calor,/ u 4.. lira a. IL Ilcurrs abater tvwl, to delstrr, •bra .01 3 .4 r„,.. ~,,,_ aanc,par,llll-11 elll crrualulf cur , . T 1 •1 1. Call at our 4.^.4. or ..t, oz. of our•anont, and awt w f IS-11, r..‘0,1, .rag, when ..o will ata.l that 11,e Shaker Sar. 1 ndo... a John . a, as , • • 2) 04 wapartlL, io, prc,anal by Dr. S. D. ii i ..... h. 1,..... er• 1 ~...t. Juch..4 4.1.1 r.... ',' :,,,iKt...,...' ....111 . 1i . 11l lk) mean. of ta•ratanottl, curia. mon , dian.,..... to • Ittch alto . link. vr , 11,1 , /,.• a 1 . ..4. - 10 ....1,,,.. 4 ,', . "-. 4./1 00 1/111.1.11 !Muth M.. 10.0111.115111 00 , 3.1, than an,- other Italy all J. l AJ'a- .. — 1 . . 1 ,, ' ' l "I'' . ''''' .--- 10 ln twratan. of aarcapardla ...er )et bronoln. la fon, the 1 0 ..11 J M a 3• 3 , ... •,;.: ~.,‘ti-.1 -° ,, , , -,hc 1,3 '.., putd. , aldwc ll J0hn_....::::::..5 1 . 1 i 1 f4.1; . `. 1 1. ' k .' 1, ._lO 00 Th. mrallcior haa., , tnblich,..l Ita high repn.tlan by ito 1 , :0,1,51,11 Tll O /0341 10 1 .1 1 1.110r . L. A L J ..-----..= 00 nuna•rvuo KM' writ atscanal rural., . a .cliran H. I , ....... ......0, tal,llachon 1, P.--...---. 30 11 ° It lc pot up tu quart hottle., sad I. the only Sarraparilla i lime. M G that arta on the las,. lildne),, and Maxi al thc 1.101111 . 1/01.• .I.lln o ,11 00 %Irk.. a ~.... ' Nil Mcllonal, ' lt k e t: — / - e -. 1 . 1 4% hm, which n.n/l. ra It allogr.lbor mon, a:Lk/able la carry- ' 11rtta Janawll .... 5 laslepon,ok L. L: a° ,xs our. partacularl, to fetnalca. Fraltrk D. 4%. 5 100 l'annuo,. )litChel 11 - 6:10 00 l:e ann• and yaw.. for "Dr S. D. 1111 WITS 611114 MI t , ioffJohn a , 1 1 0 Poo Adatu ...... —. .10 LIU In. . :11,...i:L.....ur:,,r ^,,t.r ,;. ll J. 11- - 1; l eZ S.l RSA PAR 11.1. A. atal nskr , dat , ther. 1 , lrahata N. 11 1 1 1100 $1 11. r la , ttle--i, I.ultql lor 1.5. i liraff lkorr For rah. 1,,,• • on.,,(Thoa I tal ',sous AlO.. • 1/11. a.. D. 111.1W11 it 1'0.; Prnprietnra. : Ilnwant Jaa ACo 111 001$ 00 ,, „I n .. a . ----...A, , :: 1 Ponca. RAIL Cinctutud, Ohio, ; 11, /law /a , ... . . 5 tapß o l,,,, a . ~..., . on , To whom all onlerwmay be addranwal. 11 , 4:0ca It 111 A i Ina,. IN 4111 1114.14n.ann R. A Cu. cl, ut/ AIN.. lor •alc 10 J. A. Joucc. J. achnontnakeT A Cm. IT. 110...., 1 1 . 0 I, lallßalwo,, Jo, it Cu........ ou Black. IL 11 11,3,.../ M. Toy/wand. J. 3h,1,1cr. 11. Jack- Ile, Join, T . ..ao oniMblternan It ..... .5 00 con. 11141n3rgla D. A Ellint, Allearheny eat, 11. IL NI,- llctoan I. T J.I 10'1Cright .1, hn