The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, January 31, 1851, Image 3

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    .np3w . %),.TTmts.l
..T1 rialcrirink dispctch.iiaa 34:calved
,tarday, by the O'Reilly Telegraph line
,- .-•- - ' .. ' . "Plifansi.ints,•il
. 1 . - , - ..Edvy's.l. Worktami, Mir .04 and h
• 14Maed.Merk.. died in New York on
.' Idea. ' lle had just returned from Chao
. , visit .reiMted well when he left the s
• particulars - ore known is to his tampla
.:Will inform you fully as soon sereeeirod.
':!Err; Workman had but iiteiy . left' Tale.
' .. ,grakh t4 . ee in tbl4 city, and. had antiaged in bit
stnesS stitirlis limber atChsgt:ks. - Flak mi.
ny friends here, who. will muck moat .his <mak:
Horse or nEFCUE.—A meeting of Oho gen
tlemen who hare subscribed towards the erection
of a House of Refuge far Western Pennsylvania,
was called yesterday afternoon. for the purpose
of electing, according to the terms of the act of
incorporation, a President, Vice President.
Troseurer, Secretary, and twelve managena
On motion of Thos. Bakewell, Esq., the Erna
Samuel Jones was called to the chair, and Thos.
Steele appointed Secretary.
The lion. Denj. Patton, chairman of the com
mittee to procure subscriptions, woe called on
fora report.
That gentleman rase and made &verbal report,
from which it appeared that the total amount of
subscriptions already procured, was about Men
lo one thousand two hundred-and twenty four
. dollars. All the bookie handed to various sub
. m
• comittees had toot been as yet returned, and
i .
Stoves probable that the amount actually sub-
Berthed, would reach twenty five thousand dol
lars. Judge Patton was happy to auffennee thia
result, because it entitled the association to re
ceive the appropriation of twenty thousand dol
lars from the Legislature, according to the 12th
section of the . act of incorporation as follows
“Seet. 12: Itesolveit, That the sum of twenty
thousand dollar:: hr. and the same is .hereby ap
propriated, to aid in the purchase of ground and
the erection of bindings for Alio use and objects
of :mid essociatiou: the said sumto be paid by
the State Tree - .,:trei: on the warrants of the Gov
ernor, to be drawn when he shall be satisfied
that an equal amount has been bona fide eubscri
bed by other responsible parties, and the war
ratite Shull only be drawn for amounts equal to
a the aggregate payments made from time to time
• .by such other contributors."
It would ho ssem that the citizens of Pittsburgh
and Allegheny county had contributed liberally,
but their subscriptions, and the donation of the
Legislature, were iniaithstly insufficient to carry
out the purpose for which they were designed,
and the Board of Managers would be compelled
to rely. for the requisite means, on public gene
rosity. lie took this occasion to congratulate
Me fellow citizens on the — remit of their exertions,
which had been productive of so much good, in
asmuch as the establishment of a House of Re
nege would undoubtedly trod greatly to the pis:e
motion of public order and morality.
On motion of Mr. Robert McKnight, it was
Resolved, That the meeting should proceed to
the; nomination and election of a President,
Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and twelve
Managers, according to the third section of the
ant' of incorporation:
, IReetolved. That the estate and coneernsof the.
said corporation shell be conducted by the fol 7
losring o ffi cers, to wit: a President, a Vice Pre
• sidint, 'a Treasurer, a Secretary, and. twelve
.Mahagers, of whom five shall constitute a quo--
rata for the transaction of businets, who shall
. appoint from their own body, a chairman and
secretary, and prescribe the duties of each."
The following printed ticket bad been peeper
edi and was lying on the Secretary's table:
Fresident, Thomas Bakewell; Vice President,
Beajamin Patton; Treasurer, Joshua Hamm; Se
a !
ry, S. F. Von Bonhorst, Managers, John
IL hoenberger, George Deride, John Idecaskey,
• 'ellen Ihmsen; J. K.Mootheae, James
Aid:nano,Allen Kramer, Robert' McKnight,
Fredrick Lorenz, James Blakely, William Rich
. blare, George Weyman.
• ' - Me David D. Bruce hoped that the meeting
would proceed to make nominations for them
iselies. He thought that there were not enough of
practical men upon the ticket. .He only saw the
amine of one person there who had ever been an
"eiPprentice" to any trade. -
. • The gentleman . proceeded at some length to
explain. his views to the meeting, and concluded
.by nominating Mr. dimes Chambers as a can
didate for the o ffi ce of.. Manager. i
'Several gentlemen whose names were upon the
ticket wished to decline, but the meeting did not
seeiiinclinel to allow them to do en.
- - Mr: Thomas Bakewell proceeded to answer
. - ,Mr. Brithe's arguments.
: • The Revreeted Andrew Black thought that Mr.
Bruce bad not read tho names upon the ticket.
At {least the half of the gentlemen mentioned
there bad been regnlaily.apprenticed to various
trades. The Reverend gentleman proceeded to
enumerate the various Wades they had learned.
After some remark by Mr. Bruce, explanatory
of his position, Mr. Mulvany nominated Thomas
Bakewell as President
The Hon. Samuel Jones nominated John H.
Shoenberger, and the nominations closed.
A r,- Bakewell wished to-withdraw hisname as
' a caiadidate,for the Presidency. He preferred
that his friend;Mr. Shconberger should be elect
ed. Still he wished to do all the good lie
could to the Institution, and if elected a mana
ger, he would labor, to the best of his ability.
for - its advantage.
The meeting, on motion, retuned to allow Mr.
Be to withdraw bin name.
'The HIM. Benjamin Patton, and the Hon. S.
i Joitei were• nominated alt candidates for Vice
President, and the nominations closed.
4 .. .Joshua:Hanna was nominated as a candidate
''' for the deco of Treasurer, and S. F. Von Bonn
' horst for that of Secretary.
.1 Judge Jonies thought that his friend, Judge
.) Patton, had labored so strenuously for the inter
',esta of the House of Refuge, that he deserved to be
.; unanimously elected Vice yresident. 'He begged
:.: leave to withdraw his name from tho meeting. •
1i Mr. Shemberger's friends then withdrew his
li name, and nu motion, the following gentlemen
were declared unanimously elected:
President, ThomaciLkewell: Vice President,
Benjamin Patton: Tresaurer, Joshua Hanna:
Secretary, S. F.. Von Bonnhorat.
After considerable discussion, it was resolved
that the gentlemen present should "mark" for
Managers. A large number of persons were
nominated, among whom were Judges McClure
and Jones, but, it was suggested that their du-.
ties as Judges were irreconeileable with those to
be performed Irtthe Managers, and their names
were withdrawn.
Messrs:John Coyle; J. M. Cooper, 19m. Cris
well, and the Bev. 31e.e.srs. Black and Biddle,
withdrew their names.
The meeting proceeded to mirk, with the fol
lowing result. Those gentlemen to whose names
stare are prefized, were elected: .
''r..-R. Livingoton, 34:*Allen Kintner, 39:
* *James Chambers, 29j*%Vm. Kiehl:mum, 35
•Johla Anderson, 39 R. McKnight,. 42
!P. Loren:, 41 John Bissell. 11 1
4..1, U. Shoenberger, 43 *Geo. Weyman, 401
*Christian lhmson, 36 WM. A. Hill,
*J. K. Moorhead, ,261.10hn S. Cosgrare, 81
James Blakely,, '25 John Sampson. ' .71
*George Dania, 30 Joseph Pennock, II:
John Mecosksy . 111MIlliam rt. Crisp, 81
Mr. Thornily Ilikewell then offered.the foUor
lug preamble and resolutions, which were nnan-1
imously ncloptel:
. ,
~,... • Whereas, The 'Legislature of this Commcn; l ,
wealth, at its late session, passed an act, ineor- , ,
.•., porating the Reuse of Refuge for Western Penn-,
•,; !pintas., and appropriating the sum of twenty
thousand dollars to aid in the purchase of
ground and the erection of buildings for the use
.:, of the same, conditioned upon the *all& sub;
:.; ocription of en equel amount by responsible,let:
( li N iduals, 'which condition Is sow fully complie d
with, the sum of $23,000 being subscribed wi n ;
'7 4 cipelly by the citizens of . Allegheny eounty. 1
:,. . And whereas, it is bettered that more eaten
' g lee premise'. nod if larger building; ill be ret
,i; qulred for the reception sad comfortable accons:
'• toodation of th persons who maybe scat to each
: • House of Bert, from this and the adjoining
'cmmties, than the resources of the Association
I enable the to complete. Therefore,
Resolved, That, inasmuch as th e bouldia ef.
, is of this iniititation will be extended to all
•• e counties ins the. Western District o f p.,,,,,,,.. t.
' Tanta, it will ho just and equitable detail 5i,; 55
• ..,ties that may participate In its advent/HON
' ' • *tribute towards the east of its con,
. , tion, and Should exercise some control ha its
'• • ... gagcment.l Therefore,
'-Resolved, That, the Board of Managers, initmclati to memorialise the Legislature
'of the State;
Commissionersesting such amendment of the
•, odd omits will but horite the of the
• estern:connt es-of Pennsylvania to subscribe a
s •• dot excettling ten thousand dollars each,
, such hour f refuge,. the same to be raised
, • a special tair„ not exceedittell mills upon the
• I in; any ,one s*, and further providing
a . for:each Sum of 2,6•0c1 dollars so subsetib
.• • andrid, t he Commissioners of each county
7 • lei auMarixod to antoint an additional
firt onager, of s-. a Associatiou,; ~
On motion o 'Jolla Harper;-Esq., it was
W 110 3 .0 1 ,4 T tat the thanks of the contributors,
!gland the entire :omraunity, are due, and are hero
tendered .1.0 the committee, through whose So
•••!-•4five , exertions 'the stun of upwards of $`2,000 *
bcertaub.,. 'bed to the House of Refuge, and
• , e Stateliwn action secured.
'....• The follow; g gentlemen compose the Gna
t ? ,.. tract *Uncial to in Mr. flarper'n resolution: r,
le. on. .Ectija ' . Patton, John Anderson, .1
, z. , z,
..sterth i g, 1 • George Dania. , 1
B. F. Von Bombast,
'.-ef. Bake Well, J. I. Moorehead, •
IL Hamm;• T. M. Howe,.
..:;lolus {kyle ; , t . - ••• joke Itlncaskey. - t
: During the enurso of'. tlie afternoon, Mimi
tow subacriptiono . wer!!azuzoww.« . l , 50 that
rencleivnesstale that, with the sums which hate
ue't beeu'retnmod by the memberacf the various
enb coma:Fitt/ea, the total amount already col
utitedleeetteilleratils otos
!Atter providing for the publicationof their
prriceternim the meet:hag adjourned.
' ,Tlitirollovrinfinmes have been, added to the
Bit of - Imbstribers to the "Young men.' Mere.-
iity Isibi' . tt*" and Mechanics' Itiatiyite," during
the motith of January .
'Alex...Ranter... Robert Bruce,
Jtihii Floyd, Char. F. Pinang,
ThAa. M. noire, . John .110 D. Cromm.
Thos: Kennedy, Jr.. W. WeE. Morgan, M. D.
.JObti Dlneuny, , .John'nerehan; . .
.Geri. S. Haysy E. Van Rensallser,
'44 - Ilend.raon. Samuel Snotrden,
Ai•B. M'Calment, Geo. IL Holtsman,
.John.3"..Kirkpatriek, Wm. McKnight,
W. a nug.l, G: L. B. Fetterman,
. • W. Wilson. • Daniel Roger.,
H. D. Seller., M. D. Wm. H. Davie,
Edward Simpson, 0. Miller,
ISevi Matthews, ' John 11. Feeble.,
B. Washington, Wm. A. Scott,
t G. Coffin, L. C. Hepburn,
C. B. Spangler, E. W. Cook,
J. H. Wilson, U. D. J. B. McFadden,
P. R. Sawyer, Reese J. Thomas,
8. P. Shriver, Martin Connolly,
J 1171103 Parke, Jr. David Logan,
J. Kennedy, Dr. G. H. Keyser,
W. R. Moorehead, Henry Kieber,
Chu. 11. Biasel, Dr. W. F. Irwin,
Thou. H. Rabe, Geo. Watson, Jr.
. W. H. Prior, Wm. Church,
Samuel Gray, B. J. Batten,
A. Kirkpatrick, N. F. Hart,
Jim. P. Iliuma, Geo. Malthouue,
W. T. Friend, Thornton Shinn,
E. M. Stowe, Jassy. Kerr,
(I. 0. Stearns, IL D. AleM Watson,
James O'Connor, R. EL-Campbell,
t H. Caasiday, J. F. Griggs,
N. W. Metcalf, J. C. Reno,
ly. Forsyth„ Hugh Lee,
John Bissll, Jr. Alex. Black,
Hon. C. Shaler, Capt. Chas. Naylor,
Geo. H. Anderson, H. C. Kelly,
Wm. H. Kincaid, A. tt". Marks,
Thos. Marshall, Thom. F. Hopkins,
Wm. M. Sinclair, Dr. S. Dilworth,
B. 1.. Faline.tock, Jas. Thompson,
Oka. B. Taylor, Geo. W. Taylor,
Florence Kramer, E. Rohm, (life member)
Wm. McConch, Jr. Wnde Hampton,
Jas. E. Cook J. Benny, Jr.
Daniel Martin, Jos. Horne,
S. Duncan Oliphant, Henry Errett,
John Permnr, Thos. Richey.
S. 11. Smi th ere, Geo. B. Jones,
Wm. G. Johnston. D. H. Fralieh,
J. M. Oakley, Samuel McMillan,
Wm. Means, John !Moorehead, ..
T. Mcßurnie, Lewis Black,
E. Dunlap, Jr. Chas. Hay.,
T. B. Anger, Dr. James King.
Alex. Speer, Caleb Lee, Jr.
James C. Petigrew, James Rohb,
Evans Darlington, Wm. P. Marshall,
Thos. A. Rowley, Abel Dobson,
Chan. Barnett, P. Caughey, •
I'. M. Davis, G. G. :McClintock,
A. McTighe, Jos. Tomliu.on, '
Geo. Beane, Jr. E. Woods,
C. Yeager, Joe. Fleming„.
Wm. Colvin, Jos. P. Haigh,
John Ridal, Henry Carter,
Tlio. Stevenson, John Miller,
Minot Holmes, H. W. Williams, -
Raba B. Laughlin. John C. Selland,
Oeo. Edgerton, J. L. Shee,
Samuel Eakin, H. C. Israel,
Jacob McAllister, C. A. Holdship,
D. H. Chambers, Cham. Barnes,'
W. A. Irwin, G. L. Moody,
John P. Glass, Alex. King,
John McDevitt, L. S. Waterman,
FrA. Smucker, M. Jones,
Dr."W: A. Hatlock, A. McClintock.
Joe. Ledlie, Alex. Coulter,
Wm. Frew, Thos. It. Sill.
Simnel McKee, .7. M. Steven.,
W. Wills, Chem. Crane,
Daniel All, Jr. Samuel Douglass,
Thos. P. Beck, B. If. Carnahan,
David Robinson, D. Fitsimmons,
James A. Cotter, R. If. Beeson,
P. W. H. Latahaw, Robert McCuteheon,
John D. Morgan, N. Waterman,
Geo. B. Miltenberger, James Mills.
C. C. Bennet, Dr. J. R. Speer, .
Wm. Pollock. Nelson Hersh,
D. W. Henmine, Joshua W. Gray.
Then. Howard, Wm. ff. Murray.
&somas CUM—We learn from the Enter
=that the Sheriff of Butler county, Mr.
brought to this city night before last, two
Germans,• who were tried last week in the But
ler Court for larceny, and sentenced to four years
and six months' iqtprisonmeat in the Penitentia
ry. There Is something singular about these
men. Their propermities for thieving. were so
great, that they could not resist the temptation,
and have carried it on till they have arrived at
the advanced age of only years. What is more
remarkable, they are twin b,rotfiers, and plunder
ed together.
They were both well enough off in the world
to live comfortably without stealing. but their
pilfering desirtrwitreo strong that they had ac
cumulated a -large amount of farming utensils
for which they had noose, and the last article
they were known to steal, was a door from a
new house.
When going to prison, the old men displayed
signs of heart felt repentance, end borror at the
idesof being confined within the walls of the
January 20.
Present—Hon. Wm. B. IleClare, President
Judge, and Samuel Jones and Wm. Kerr, As
sociate Judges
The . case of the 'ornmnawealth vs. Michael
Heckler—indictment arson, ea, taken up. The
defendant is accused of attempting to fire Cap
tain Bip;ert'a barn, in Lower it. Clair. township.
Two policemen who had been Oct to watch the
barn, swore positively that Heckler had attempt
ad to commit the crime, but a maes of testimony
was introduced, which seemed to us clearly to
establish thedefendantS laaorence".
The jury will retarn a verdict at ten o'clock
•this morning.
Csatz.Crime appears to be on the decrease
in this city, if vre aro to judge from the police
reports. We have not a single case of any in
terest to notice thin morning. t.
Num.—We regret to learn that Mr. Fergu
son, a. carter, whose arm was frightfully it:Oared
by as accident noticed• in the Gazette a few days
since, died from the effects of lockjaw, the con
sequence of his wounds. -
IPttsx's LP. Plus—The utont.bins drmand
Pm this gnat medicine seems to be on the lorreue. When
it tow hot. Introduced. It ham attained a PoPUL. I 4
Pimmdentoi In the wombs of mediml practic. Physician.
am =hug It to many Sue. at Imu.when they elm obtain
It. Atka., bovine., need not tq under the extome of
asking medical asks, am they aut much.e a box of Liver
Pitt 4 with which diteetions 0111 be fornhated. which will
work a speedy can. The following Wire from an agent
Won Its popularity In the section from which the kites I.
&Muhl Blunt Cobb..n BolGird Co., P.
Marva Vol. 1647.
J. Eldd 2 Co., Wood st.„ Pittelanwh—Oent.Mmen--We
End we een .ell a great teeny mete of De. M'Lenes
then year agent telt With we. Thee. Fills an rapklll
thing In favor. and .r have almort sold .11 that we had.
If you can end o. ten or Miele. dozen more boom, they
"Ella* where, until rem agent can bring es . new
T. a. J. KELLY
For sale br J. KIDD &
Ko. fr) Waal 112.
plrlifAßßAl4 71 cam
ebeerfolly comply oith Tone Mined
thst I would she you an idconnt of the sienna minteitione
elm of my IltKedasightkeeeye by the tow of Your - Seiko-
661 watt attacked with • I'm wog eye in fetkintrY
March lad, when / immediately applied to the best toedi.
Wel dd In the city, by whom It WWI pronounced • ...very bad
eye, • uat all-gore MP m baps of doing hey any good. Af
ter ihkh I took bar Into the country to an aid 1d7..h0
had been very trucomfal In omiog eye. She told me that
Mr ease was hope/oda, se sloe would kertainly lo hot only
that kW, but also that the other wOoki follow—it being •
oiroftdone affeetion of the bleed. And Ido eertiff. that id
the this toy Lather (I B. 'whoa) woe to the conclusion
that we had better try your l'etroler.x, r l .. eaur"a"tv
Wed of new eye. It is now about two mouths Mtge eke
Ist= Its use. and Abe tun noir see with both eye. u goxl
as ma the did: mkt le far se I can tell, I believe . .he haa,
'with the bleeding of the Almighty, been enrol by kebob.-
Tom. respect:ally,
SO, 18
Slitsbnigh,S m. Vallo3 Cotorr
ept. .sa.
art sr salebyKeyeer k McDowell, HO ivekd Ai IL X
toihe. tT Wood N. Cum, D. A. Elliott, Joneph Don.
Wk. end II P &beast. Allegheny; also by the Protolk
tor, K. M. KIER.
scerlYttwii Caul Ilashrentb rte Pittebnigh.
ARE YOU A FATHER, labor; rig -tor the
wor .„ t , of awl "utterly. fixdititorteTal de
tas fitrtj Ih dcrwsthri=l,=l ...L. • h . q.%
you a Mother, enifttehttu flan disesem
. vitieb
=fart% II s
< yn ~,s oe depot, or oti om of out avnt, Ert •
pstirpblst. tirslis. where rya iltid that the Chaker . tiar.
poportll.% !moan'" br pr. P. D. h.
or Jormooolur emnacmolo Olossot. whic h boom siott•sittattl
yet lm my it Nn
hatmlistilia med yet lamed. lettere the
This poodlelto los established Its high remtallou by its
oomovas 0334 lion attested corm
w IV up ha lyre IVO. and It l tbilZy 'Saroaparlll.
b a e. 11:40i1711 . 0= Valaat th
P. :g7 ‘ I V Y rdr i l:Dl , P.. n. HOWE'E. EILAIEED
EANOLPARILa. and take moth,
rrios a yet bottle-6 bottles for IP.
oar .slab
D. ROWS al. For prirtors.
1 to clootmosti. our. •
To mhos a .4.4 ow to Wooed.
by J. JOINNI. J. fo r bolomator Ati W.
8 . 1.. - ICH. W. Womo J. 31. Toonote. 4 ielst
2littab=it r ityl7,,,M
03 4 .fthollier. J. • Patumn. sad 6.)±,r4
CliWtink MePig Cid*. atvtystti
Wisfuntirok. Jan. 30.
Horne—Mr. Gidding , maken effort to intro
duce a resolution calling on , the President for
mipies of any correspondence which may hove
taken place lieriteen,EngLand and this Govern
ment yeepecting the , imprisonment of British sea
men in any American -port. Ilia motion was re-.
The House then proceeded to the consideration
of the Senate bill, to provide o list of the retired,
wounded, aged, and infirm °Seers, of the army
and marine corps, and to provide for the same.,
After some debate, the bill was laid on the table
—yens 94, nays 89.
The House then trent into. CoMmittee of the
Whole on the bill*te establish Branch Mints in
New York and CuliforMa
Mr. Chandler epoto in opposition to the mint at
New York
Mr, Vandyk-e adrocatellJerecyCity as the best
• Mr. King, of New Jersey, obtained the floor,
when the Committee rose and the House ad
Seiars.—Mr. busk offered a resolution au
thorizing the destruction of the dead letters st,
San Francisco. The resolution was adopted.
A number of petitions and reports were pre
Mr. Ewing presented a bill directing the pay
ment of the $150,000 remaining in the hands of
the Regents of the Smithsonian Institute, to be
paid into the Treasury, and to be added to the
permanent fund of the 'Treasury for the endow
ment of the Institution.
Mr. Gwin offered a resolution calling fur the
correspondence in relation to the proposition to'
purchase the possessory right of the Hudson
Bay Company, which was agreed to.
The hill relating to the California private land
claime, was taken up and adopted.
Without taking a Tote, the Senate adjourned.
, mom
Cotrunt , s, Jan. 30.
Nothing of interest transpired in the House
this forenoon.
At 3, P. M., the two Houses assembled in Con
vention in the Hall of the Mouse, Imd proceeded
ballot for United States Senator for six years,
'with the following result: We omit the blanks
.nd scattering. There were ten ballottings had.
Crilnrold. !'Dyne.' lidding,
1. 44 40 11
45 40 12
44 40 14
4. , 45 45 11
6: 44 ' 43 . 12
42 39 , 13
48 44 10
8. 42 41 12
H. 46 . 40 11
0. 42 39 . 10
The Convention odjourned without making
11.U.TMunc r inn. 30.
Thu United States ship, flymout , from the
East India station, arrived at Norfolk this morn
ing. She has bean absent about three years.
Adams & Cos. express car, running between
Baltimore and Philadelphia, was robbed on
Tuesday night last, of a keg containing WOO
Mexican dollars. There were several similar
'kegs on the ear, but only one was taken. No
clue to the robbers has been discoverd.
A private despatch confirms the report of the
loss of the John Adams. All the deck pass.-
gers and hands, but two are lost. The boat is
a total loss. The disaster was canoed by strik
ing a snag at Island No. Sg.
Lernivrtte, ‘ Jan. 30. ; - -=--- -- -----=---- ------------ --- --- - - ---
There are five feet four inches water in the ea. ' EAGLE MARBLE WORKS.
ml thin evening. yr..; E,TABLISIIED 15.12. by El MU: NI)
The weather in intensely cold. . - W I LK INS. No. '245 Liberty nit.
The John Hancock boa arriied front below. heed 0f14...4 stlxt. /111-ml.tirgh. Pa.
Ibalumer... Burial V ana....
-.......-- I .1,-.. Multi. , Pi..., Ceutm and Pier Tra.....
lIALTLNIOILE IkIARKET• i niwny. no ha n.l 41h1 mad.. U. 0n1,...f the
rh.,..-...1 Mar 1.1..... end .al , vrn remluakrl
January :10. , „ L.r .7. , ..4 ch.... , ' , L..... fte 0r.....p
Flour—Sales of 900 bids Howard street dour !
at $4 60, also 100 bble .$4 56. On change, sel- sv•vh•••• :-.'"----
• 1 rn 1...r1r 1 j . .:.... -_-_-
lent were asking $4 56, and buyer, offering $.4 ~.,.9 ' - ',-..r. , r".. I.•h• r -=-- - -- '
50 per bbl. Nothing doing in city mill.. '' i , ' i . 7T*T. . I , I
Rye flour and corn meal are unchanged. .- • - Lhfl,l:. ... It i
Grain—The market in. steady, with sales red; . ..:, 1 ,
wheat at tooq.lo4c, and of white at 105(5 115 c . ' r.ErI:RENCE,'
Pe bush. Corn it nteady, with sales of yello• 114:11:24:1Tht.tilLig1:1 i'li, Ttrrium. Y..... 11....,...r. E...,.
at filc, and of white at, 6:c per bush. Sale, of trm. hois ' iii via ‘s. h..rr. r.,., An•rt:i...., •
oats at 4.s®46,cente, and of rye at 66 cents per : .1 1 , 1 ' r l ' l,l '. ~.I.CIIIII 4154. Ur4i:ah,..
itl.burh Moat ...ant a Rahr.n. dn..
buish. l 11. 5......1*.ra.r, 1,, Ma a eurrr.
Provisious.---The market is firm, and price. are ' 7l ^ o h Mechhothss- 1 , tm , a shhrihMt d..
-- . 1,110. rt neituartit. E..., • Wen. 11..a.x1ey Icn
unchanged. I.w. it, fiaight. req, nnatesi. n. T 31nr,,,..n A Cr..
boos. J,wham. 1113.. tr. 4 Co Irun'rr.
Groceries—Sugars axe drooping slightly.a. I.l.thrcn. 1-.. , ' ~ A.11.,E..r
Whiskey—Sales at 24/®251 1 0 in Ude and It. W. fool, gr.t...41 ire the serf l iteral patrennar rr
bble. .N.15..1 donna. rancren ...aro to tha Mr. h,lng turf the
. Ltrarmt end 1..4 'rd. entrust..) 1.."-ht• rr.r....r.1.• the 1.....
P.. .. • On,. and .111 m.. 1....., a. rood, Wt.:Urn...a Lerrer.Fl'
' - -
. Ilk F.3i 1,1 1' AL.—lnt . 5r t: La 11a.... twos:.._]s..
I It. Wort) rtrr..t.. !slow Pat Na 1...1 ..Iter •tr...t.rl'.
Jimuary 30. ..!J._t?'''''.'''°?'lhi. sei.nostn
. .... _
Cotton—The market is quiet, and nothing do- • IiOUNTY LAN DS--f' irr. Cu iO. Nirii.a.
Ingo • f i at Le.. Nr. 1. Objet mt.. sort ..1 Ohm,.
ry, hm...01 11,41. arrar,,nr... a r oa. purnr,..•... 4 .
Flour—The market iii easier , with sales of 'recur. lint... 1.....1.. 1, sia...r. eel tallier.. .1.4
I.tsoo barrels, including Nlichigan and India,. ~' '' ,;.' . .7,,,,,' , .“ ., -,' , Tic ' i d T i. , ';',l,' : ' , ; , 7' g l , ,,.' ", _:.;" , .(l"l...b , ' '''
at $4,75a4,81 per barrel. Geed. Ohio is .along ~ , , ..ets. th. l'elisem r.t , .. , or 01,. 1 ram. a , sl./.. C., 4
• ..S•Y
at $4,87 and fancy do at $.5,25a5,44 per bbl. • I . 4'' ' '' ' - . ..
Grain—Corn is quiet, with salmi of new yellow . 11.:I . NI ' -)1.1 I . M -0. 11 . '1-, rak I ` , .
at 65c per lau. . • ' ''' . P h .P VP Ii P I
Provisions—Mean pork is in demand. with 44, -5
`.:11: /•1•.%. i' - I o ' rt h r ... , 1 - '
salon 100 barrels at $12,2.1 per barrel. Prime ' _' r" .. ._ .
is unchanged , Beef is steady, with small sales. s E LI. E Icy !AVE li I'l LI. -- f!:^ . er , 1.,
Lard is in good request, with sales 50(1 barred,. I -, t - ,,i , ..e. ~ • •
new Ohio, at On per lb. Dressed hogs are selling . -• • •
.1r - F . .....1, 1....
at $6,26 per cwt. !
Whiskey—la easier, with sales of 50 bbls at ',1'„;',1„,;;',1 it.',:' - , .:--;:.,
2.51 c per bbl r4i.a
, .
Linseed oil—The market is steady , with •saie.. 1 , 0 44 ••,.44 f 114 ,„..... ~, „,.„, , ~..,. L.
of 1,500 gal. at 111, 0 per gel. ' 1'... h .. ~.r . ,•1ft.4
, I in ,rtr0r....1 r. .1,.... hi.. ,r: ....1 ~ 1.0., Iht
Groceries--The market i, unch.,u gad Salon ~,.7.,- . ",,--..!,,,,. „,,.,, ~,„,, • •
100 bags Rio coffee at Ilf 1... r Ih. IS, T..- , •r• iv,. r 1... a. .n. th., .), ..,.1.1,,, . 0,,„ sn .,
. r
tn• ...nom, sal 1 , 3.1. 1..... r.... 1 , 4 001,4. 1,, 11 1 ....I
CINCINNATI NI-kitKET. ' a:, ...1,,0 n• N. ... 1t•....1 .1....... a... 1 4 1 IPTII4 iv, ..n,
I •1 , 11111
CIFCIa NAT, Jan. 10 th ,, • • ” , ih , 1... •-kr.-• ,h., .'"'
The weather is intensely cold, and the canals `I LV F:11 i'OIN Vii VIEli of ~ t ory ,1,-...i.ip
a re closed.' The river is low and filling. There. 1 . ,,, 7 ,„,,",",),!:',1,. " ;;;,:".% . ',!,.; . ,!:;'...:.',": ,11!,,'
•'.'"' a '' "".'•."
is considerable ice running, and it is very diffi-A h t1.1,.‘.5, a I`..b .
Trll/4 and 51ar1...1 .14.
cult to affect the nbipment of freights engaged. , 'a" 4,4
Rates to New Orleans, on dour, 75c. Pork 100 c
per lb. The underwriters refuse risks , on fiat
Bulk Meat-Sala 6,000 pieces shoulders, and
12,000 pieces hams, deliverable here, on the
opening of the Wabash river, at 4-1 and 54 per
lb. Sales of 400,000 bbls here at 4}, 64 and ilfc
for shedder., eider and hams.
Other articles are 'tithed change
PCPCLATION CM Tel Ctrtae or Onto cc iM5O—
are indebted to the Scioto Ga
zette for the following tabular etatement of the
number of inhabitants in the principal cities and
towns in Ohio, per tenons of 1850:
115,4111 Elyria. 1 442
17.407 100m4111 4.441
. 17,074 New Ptilladelpho9....-...1.410
10,971. 11111414...- ....... .....-...1.31/2
8,007 Metrinn 1.247
7.09 A
0 7 1
1 shlDvd :141
7 1.2 2 4
. 5,109 11164rrin 0811. 1 11.0
' lt ! ng . 1 . 4 7- 1071. .. : ..... --....- lit:
4,071 Perryoburgh ........ -.....1,196
.1.619,1'ar5011003 1.149
3,001 C 5.116 1,114
1.567 06104 1 114
1.413 Krntoo . 1.013
U. 411 Cuabri.l•44 ..... .... ....... ..1.041
11.1.1 1 4 1 11reeoRskl • 1.011
3.1193.114rmr 1,00
3:S.S , 31541186 • 11x14
11131 ilarian ' 040
, Pol,
i t,M t/..[IZ 449
14,7 . Z3 St. Alare l . 117 "
2..seps C 04.000400 450
14079 6•111010318 421
2.070 CoonesBl... Rl7
DAM Logan . 4
1.936 Sew 1,1414. 79
1,790 Fremont., 7111
1,4111110rter51114.,....- ...... ...... 771
1,67 D 11071008....._...._........ 441 , , ,
1.000 Waverly
1,4117 11.71r41114--... ...... .. ... 140.
1,491 Washing., 08 7 7109 .... Z , i l
1.1011 AleArtharstolrn
Ni nGt
.11t. Vernon
- -
Onle. ills
Plan. -
• ..
..... ..
Mal3nonepivilfr ....-..
"Tee PHOXIIIED LAND".—Tho Frontier Guar
dian of the 2fith., just come to hand, states that
Ilisbop Holliday, residing in Utah Territory, on
South Cottonwood Creek, about Den miles soufh
of the Great Salt Lake City, raised, from- one
bushel sowing, one hundred and eighty bushels
of the choicest and cleanest wheat, measured up,
and it weighed plump nixiy pounds to the beetle).
The grain was Rowed In drills upon throe or four
acres of ground and irrigated. The Iliohop felt
confident that a portion of his last crop would
produce two hundred bushels from one bushel
dewing. Utah must be truly a great country
fur wheat, but it is told the crop requires more
attention after sowing than is usually bestowed I 1,
upon it in km fertile contrite- Far vines, and vu-
getablea of all kinds, it is said to be unequalled. . W pall ISA IA II PICK EY dCO
limo, Lubec scaled, fur halo
It in not favorable for Ladino corn, yet it It
b gr us ew hei n . we acre theire ti andhs been made to produce fifty
b E y -100 bags prime cud fancy Rio.
D og C.GT. Falb a o l Wood
Fant le begin to sow whtiat there In- August
and - continuo to now every month, and perhrips
every W'es..k , when frost does not prevent, until 165:illielledit—ereil'ir.eiwin:'"I*7.7:'7.4 Ai
( rill Orlcuns ri::71;
the next ' humand about the 20th of June they t. •
NAOL.SSES—Phintati, & 4 4 .4
begin to Itravei , tond continue harvesting their , ,• .4„ruo. tor .sfi; hr
wheat until the fit owing November. Elder 14. P. WILLIA3I
Orson Hyde, editor of the Guardian, left then, ' retkat,._344 m ed. eStr& fi ne 4; roll
on the first doper October, and . the vines were J N. ostty
I " to
io Cbalon and Ilotonß Ellark. toy
all as green Is in eumwer, end Many pieces of „ n.wo,l..lems • _
Wheat. were not he:vested, but were just turning
white. -.Surely, .says he, this is. the country i 1E.% American Briton.
where • •the ploughmen overtake the reapers;' qk.".fitYs.tol""
Unlike the wheat of ter .other :gentry. it may ! I.ol:?.tizior, Mitre
I'4"d in th e hell a " ' "tb •C' r it i ripe rt o ;/
take no balm. When Carly • emit is harvestett. artasmeni , d. Noted Ire, a ....met estilL,r , i
by irrigating the stubble gear ad a S@COZPI growth non I .4tP U' i , I;e11 - e;
springs eat from the roots of the stubble and not, nouns. ss.
from the seed, and often cameo le maturity the f t ;'.e.t e N s , ;;;;.,72,„.'iKr, e at ia „, e „ i n,i m rg e ,„„ R it e t.
the same year. Thin is usually the Cabe with. sOva trs, oaYik-141:.1 , R in • kw—Pdr d .` .
Oat& laY oak by .
J"I 0044*."14114.19W114114.
Marae Aettbkst. Ykiniel.Brown, well known to
tkr' sh .soComodaturyand aensleitou-.
ly propronor of the A.. erimin Hotel.come fo his death'
on the 210 itmt., In t io.tflwu melancholy:manor
renctlylie had yea arpoiniql to an Aeon
ihn , West Newton .ml Cumberland Plank goad -
Company, and taint engaged in stte discharsfe of
his dais , at mm of tn Partahle 2di115../ 3 trAlei
went of Ciaulnerlan , was naught in the tuarhioety,
and ere oreman r. r 'd be. rendered. • bolls- hut. legs
Weir sneered from ich,44. It ukstktd he expired
almost instantly. . .-
Elie remains were. taught to Browsorrllleand :eon;
maned to theulam no mg place ou'Pndii4.—..l3rosers
VIII. Pipe Pre..
floret, Mannier, ..—The Emporer of Austria
and the Prince,' idonin. of Saiony, ore to he
tnurried next Mu , with great splendor. The
Prince. is 'only I . and very beautiful. jler
father, the prince i ohs, brother of the reigning
king .is, owing tot e. latter having no offspring
next heir to the t tmne. As the princess is' a
Gowan Catholic. t e alliance will give greet sat
isfaction to the Po e, while it must on the'other
liana be disagree. le to Prussia, from the addi
tional weight like! to be derived by Austria and
Germany.. •
Crntotre.—The htlodelphia correepondent. of
the New Yorklsrib. ne, rotates the follo?ring
On the night the the remains of Stephen Gi
rard were disinterr d and conveyed to the, un
dertaker's resideuc previouo to being deposit
ed in Girard Gating , a curious circumstance oc
curred. The coffin coo to 4eopened in the pres
ence or control persons. `As they were about re
moving the lid a slight explosion was heard, and
combustible gag escaped from the inner case.—
No damage resulted. however, except a slight
scorching of the coffin lid. It is not known
whether the fear of ghosts had anything t 6 do
with it, but it is certain that the occurrence
caused the room to be vacated in the shortest
possible time.
Citizen's Insurance Company of Pittsburgh.
(t:tNei) l; RAGE HOME lIC 1' sT Tl 7 lON S.
,m... Nn el Wan, -tenet. In the newel:nu, C. 11.
1111 , nomp, w In man, all morr)landiae
In •Inn, nn.l sea eer
. • . .
Att enarx•• ,, n.r the. ahtlltv .Is.l inu•grtly of the
lu•lattur•n. al , r••-,1 %IL •I•• • bnm• - ter ••I the
who ett:turt• r.t nnfl fit,rably
known te• th• n.lllllllllj 1•• r Met? rrulen,.
and I:l.min..
Wrn. liarraler, Wm. Laricarr
Jr.. Walwr Brrant. Hugh Klng.horani livearlton
John Ilavorth.F‘.lll,l.angb. C. H. hiPr. •nVirktt
Domr,nr and nrelyn Exrbange, Bank Nntrx,
(PIN „1. 461,1101,54t1 4.
WM. A. HILL .& CO,
No. 64 Wood Street, PittsbuFgh.
Purtat, tuol•E, rm.
VOPARTNEIISHIP—We have aseodated
bwirm.. Thu nine of the Orm muniosheretoforr.
jel.l A. WILKIM , t CO.
Corner of Third and3:f . i . trket sts., Pittsb'gh.
European Agency. ;
enteeriber Intuit •4•lttil: the prinripal eiliro .d
Great Onjaln kranne. and Gamin... during tin snunthF of
April. Nit. and June neat, learlng Ilitleburgh on Mareh
11th. and will he pieweal to attend to an, RCOLICIPS of a hu
clutraeter ahicl, ruay 1.. reor.deil tri his ram
lanialt.mrl7 JOIIS D. PAU:,
Foreign and American Hardware.
No. 129 Wood Street,
11.Alt1 ) \V ARE,
Sultabir for thr Vole, and ithirit they tow nil
OIT, tiorrlwrian at Ir., mrill romp.,
favorably with at" . rworro raw,
(;.. u tt,.l‘
Er! Tsts.• . .
.asks lar•soas..
is tags Planate
2 hags pralvel ac
22 Issgs r asthrra
tag• Oirssang.
Na,rlsr Tor,
Eseoliu g from .trwm.,ll• l ll.,w,r ; .1 . Om /0,1, hr
16,11A1l 1/Ifli . k Ur. Ct k Front Si.
VIEARLS--15 Ruperior, for kale by
; WIVE A ,16,111:DLF...111
t,oßs-12(g) bu white & vellow, for sale by
1.27 0101 &
1.1 brie prime roll. for tale by
"JP A. 21 010 E 2 14CAND1.11.11:1.
14 .1 EiTIII:ItS---1 'tacks prime, for sale Lc
FA LILY FLOUR-20 brie extra, for idle by
1.1% 010 K & Mt-CANDLE:OI
EA!) l'iPE--Cernell'a improved patent
Lolul Pam for llrdranto..
1.0 m,
17;7.1n.u1'm Ram..
El.tcrur., to
All oises no hand suAlLlr..arrlve.lo 1.
r1 : 41,1.7_
Pareltf EVAN '(11 41E110,1 . . . i.
I FLO 145 brie ltatumay'n extra
:="2 ,1 hrl• 1.41, t 1.4
ree4yer Kramer .la. Nolom. ha- .1.. h r.
, ROUE. oN. 1.1171.0 A fn
- -
itl)ol,S—hilt ti,,. l'eforeet•.. superior..rfor
pt.. , n, Mltu,N. LEPTEN L I'D
I)1)1 , joet for sale by
4ni5..10 1.117 LE A.C.,
rilA N N 0 brie for nab, by
is.2l. 111,01e4i1i. LITTLE & C.l
... •
VA/ I itON.--.7/0 hoax ltrueh Creek,
1 h t wt n0111uiN.1,1171.0 2.0 n,
IVEOLASSES— , IO O brie plantation, for ;eale
JAn. A. 1.11111•111 , 41.1 A Clt
SAII -pig' inlnt,llirl7b
..5 ,LA..,,77,1,4
INSEEI) 011,-20 brie rec'd for tale by,
14 1+24 S. A 0. lIAIIIIAI3III.
f... 1 ILI ;Alt Jr. NIOLASSES-50 lihdx Sugar;
1•110 hex 0.11. Maltase,:
in help b. 11. 4o
01. j'"'" for sale L) a INGIIIIIII4,
prl , l 11110.1., /4,
it I ERNI,AN CLAY 5S big utit rre'd
VI -
1 21 lit:ltllltlDUE 4 Itiottibtrt
jib CE-40 ten just ree'd fur gale by
jL 1n2,1 111'11111111X/X a INGIIIIIOI.
1 OAF SUGAR—•IOO bat - rein fumed number:.
fia sale ny_ma DURDRIME
ACKEIFEL—.44 qr brim oxtrn No. I, in
ir store and for rale by ISAIAH DICKEY k
enr awl trout OA
WHITE FISII-75 brim mid'hf do. for
V V rale by DICISLY k
;Value about 17,000
inoieserre thatever.l 'Fhb Fate cmnenen, 1,1
neadar.2lat hut, conti nu e o'ock inthe morning. and
elm oftetMeati; and daily nod/ tbloolaluable
I,itom in dispriad the largo auctionstore , of James
)FKanna, iheal street. Thu splendid coll ection at for ,, lFu
nd' n
domeAtlc Pry Gonda will compel. , sinned evo ry th.fenn
fl ill aetloleaP• ...IA with. thPLl.ry beds Trace.Trace...y
bo - esandd the tier pea•clun• to ado, and on inmeetion
found aup,Tur lowly aleck ever offered M puNie
Part. wouldo ian, Wm
era. and limbo of Famine., do vel u m on.ult their
own inteetyds, and 51.1e1.1 thl. Auction, ao , they Duty noL
Ibtaotue txmk*lnacts a ll :idler nportunltc. Gersj. ill Fe
pot uplti torn ItlL a. may full alb pnechaeora. Separate
seats will lc reAerved m toolvenunalate lanes.
J .
KVA A, Arctinn,...r.
L. LIIKIV,Awrrit..
is - unirersally c"ncelle , l that
. beauty Is mere nanmon In this country thin in anY
uel while at the none Utile it L. mid that In no otit , r
maintry is tt loot at Kt rounn OW, Non this is tO
Pertain eswitt.. hut g a
kw. ui often caused by nee..., It'r
ray In ai4 nid neglect your nevonal planrnnM. Lot
tend-this Rilluerlug. and you need' t lack g...d
new. artiehm are ,tentlite preparati no on., and hltr an at
tained a highpopulanty.
Julesllanera l'endan or Ellu,..yder. InlPart l n.
to rh6et billon., complexion a Thant iteness. In
noththttah.thi a perwn C. more ulhe UV or a
powder p,ethA akin.. many of those nold are rere noun
... Mr Chine.. yowderismanryound,d In anclentifie mere
vier. and contain. ingred)ent which van ponehly inflict
'".ll:l•7ll.anei's. ro 4 dor. , foe "" ' u r` l ' -
oue hair. What nom. tinalehtlY than hair
It toe two
aran.of lady.
i ll. artleir •ill remora It In a .hurt
tire. without the u. fate Omen tirtrument.
4 .thw !Inners %ea.:Lisle Llnuld flair Ityr will Inman..
neetudz Irnpart tn ere,
white. or ern/'Cale. • litaunfolir
anhurn out,. It In color the hale An a
e 1.., time. .1111. ett.etua Or. lly Zan en; °thee e. le
:In tesilarrull' urea s
tn. ll, • 4 --
char. withithist 'Then. Is tame of the anirliug sea
ration urnills able
In th• toe or 0 .
th" ronle.r.Y, It leaves the skin .neoth MIS; In
t.:Wm. and net liable t•narne chspr.ol.
C0W.... thong's Rose Tooth to the hair, we
think the Teeth writ Intended as the gtratest or
the human are: tut when nowlertnt, tualtlow IP disligo
rin;hw en quirkl, My 1b.., Tooth I .M.
alto Until • 1,313 ar the none lira.: V.P , ldte.t
the gauss brut and Ileultlur.
JULLS HAVEL.l'erfunter and Ctieunt.t.
Chnoutet.. l'hila.
, •
For a.. Ir
dh01,..4.1, wad H. A. Fahnmtbv.l... t Cam_
end R. l'lt.bursp, and:J. hlitene.ll,
Ps. • Se II :2.1
Drawing, Perspective, and . Paintingin Oil
I . lt. D. H. SMITH is noc prepared to give
in.troeti,l In fear pupil. In the daTerent ht-anehrol
t 41.11.ithtful art. it hi. muMe. in
Atlttnenrie twwr buthihr. VITA street. bettreeu Wuxi and
Market !burn.! ittAtruction, from 2S to 5%. and
item t.,1.5.„ P. 9. Charges and orbit Irrtieulan .an 1.
k 111.19,1 by culling al the p.m..
rillA ',LOW. '25 lible fur sale'bv
UNI)RIES--3 brim fresh Bull Butter:
fh harkit'4lll.ll Com 11r41,
h .4ock. F.4ottorrs: .
h 714 11;4 Mom-.
Dri,4l A,1444 sod Provhc, on con.
,41..mrno.nt. hn.l for ral. to, 3444 4), Ivni'll.l.lAhlS k 471
ftO.KS FOR SALE—Western Ins. Stuck:
t Ttirlir Cr.4.k Flank Raul Sitoek
. I.4lour4ll.llnrinnat4 and L0ni1441114 Telegraph:
31nrno. 114,1419 Sthrk; 114341 rt. Ilri.l4,Stock:
ILLIge Copy4r mock. OEO. E. ARNOLD A 00,
,413 74 Entirtb 0
1 1,.1( f .Z: r i rtrip• ,
t,h .”11 .t 10`;,1,':•):',,Z ur tTi v o
g-rnrr,ll, L.
ett: 111.4 hrucatle dn. of
nrgrert.styl,A. inLIJ
• - - - - -
URC SATINS, of the most deeirable
pima, to be hut at the .ton sr
' Nllllll'lls' t DIMCIIFTELD
I ICE—Twenty tierces new trop, received
4 this day and fni WM by
niowN K 141 Mont, .t
FISII-75 brk No 3 31:ix:keret;
s rtok4 Codfl.l, for pale br
al J. • R. 1,1.011,
`(IP.I. ASll—`2.s yawlr.A johngton's brand,
t - Icor . 1 .. t IL VIA MP
B ROOMS -150 doz for sale Ivy
. .
MEETING of the Board of Manager: of d tricaiturwis.wwqj win ,
1 , 61.
are r,ursted r t
Drug and d Prescription Store for Sale.
end Impnninc'lart d' 7
ic„'„ l ; 4. ll‘ • Thi"r" 1 ""
i:;11.71,:,;;,,L.... At thy 1111,110 r 4.01,
1 0-PA fNER w, SIIIP—we ha thi. dap
1, a
•an Itenpunin F. T 1... 1.0.1
u..+ +lll b e.munu...l
Pit.i.nrch. January 21A. 11+51.--lea2allza
ICK—IS cltNks carolinn for nal,. by
,"-" - J. a Ic. FrA. , i,
catcl:--The Ileret"Gore ex
nr...o kv , r1.4,11A r.rri,l 'on ' br
At , ruhas tlurrim.. In. the acuvo.l . llolltuan a tommA , tr.
/10,2,11 w . A. 1: AILEINJN.
lIF'E .1:::ZSU 11A NCI.; —insurance ~tt
Sa I.‘r-
Antt• Frprnrnrar tctre •.i um, 6 , ror"7:1 4
1.'1.1,1 lliquil*runosm
ho.) grulat I.lilr 4 a t, • .
, Inusw f .
, U... 1 overa,l V•wrlt,
ill (ILI. iii:TW.Eit--35 loll; 4e..1., io ee.ei
111.,..n.1er. in mare. t.r.a.le 1., %%IL KM: , LEY 3 ' Co.
r..,... 1., .... 15 ~..t .1
'd. brls No I" Leaf Card:
zr krop, do dm 16 ...Ie by
:4".! 5551 lI.V.ALL,V A Co
.tgI.IES-Hlu cask. Pure j'eturiu
.:- • le rub Sal,., p r gal.. 5 ,
,a.: .1.. ratu
1 I: 1.1.0 VD. Iteal litirreb
aEG A its_: I 04),INIO eoumen flial, by
.0..,. .1 a It YI,CT ,
, . .
IiCITEit —l6 hrlp prima r"Il 11, rail: by
.1. ll F1..,V1:
Soda Aph—i'rico Reduced
ti~ZO \ SKS Mum , rattm'bri
I 7 111
Winter Clerking at Reduced Prices,
t T NV)I. I , I6BY'S Cheat.
• • t .
, ht. ttitrott.- otr,..•••••
ti-t,strto ./ 1!,% •I ' ,..rttnti
•U ••0 2 ••
• Ott-Tr tt:t
• ell a, ',Si r.ttto ttt tt! t , tei
111 1 ;.?`;''': - '` ' 44' w t ,' 7 l , 11 Jotls .1-, •
LI •h t 11;
- - -- • - •
1•••:—.40 ..v-10 (oral,
I •• • • •
f . 4 .- ttlit-ht-rottl, Ca- .11 ,
. 81.
I -Tyr. •" frt- , h -.11.• I.N .
CA lt TT INiti —il , l;a i l s t:% . f yr t salT
, h
w y
!*l - .1 NI t LES---to la . tt Om-Intl/at nrr
Karol mod tnr maL
;a.:l NALLMOFORIi 61'..
a r . i. l ME l.' i 'ln rt• ihs
hawlerhwf.l 4,
44 414 .man - tr,m , rtml I
14 410 m. Jrnur unt 5ar.b , 14.144g , . 4 441 i,
4=o I.lnll
Z.' 44, Mtnrc....l rrruall
twith full and rtrnlo.l4 menortuDnut 11.1. Por•
J.t nMr..l uN Oar mlt 41 19t11.1rIphia
thc rem, of 11,41 and Slith
N wirxErua)tAm.
?FALLOW --Thirty barrels Sheep and
• lv
SEED— I barrels reeeivetl and
• fnr dan by ).‘,/ SAM VEST SIMIAN' Elt.
( 1 lIESNUTS—Sixty ifushels reorient •
for gale hr 012 , 3 :SAMUEL P. YIIRI VER
lIIED A I'I'LES-2 11 9 bushel just reef it
1.1 ana for nal.. ley t ja2ul IV A V
M (ILA Fl b f i ty barrels of new crop
• y eAstvEL P. Slltlll'En
fin Cv. 1:10 and 132 Synandatr.t.
VLOUR--Serepty fire barrels Family Flour
retnlgnyl awl f, oar. by
A. 01,1. lillTTElt—'l'wenty barrels prime
A. it
Joel n,nen.n.l and 6.r.41. by
FLAW It-100 Leis bujuirline:
hrln en.: art nln he
la2l Wu: 11. JOHNSTON. 112 f 4 ...rnnd
1 II It Y A bushels ',reit et' and
.11 c'c In'ladi I•ANILIEL P FIIIOIO /3.
111 . 4 11 TE 111:A bft'yrni, and V
Cro hr PO , SAMUEL P. 01110 VIER .
I Alt lb—Twenty barrel; and thirty Itiii4s No.
LI 1 bawl rrnll4.l end for raj/b.
ABll FOR Th E I)iFT.EItENT (ill( A fiES
I,_/ of AS eolml Wool by jail 11. I.Er.
T Yltion.l ; I cam Mown tl.nel. 5-1; 2 raw. V,lnto
Flannel. f.-I: arasr. rqtrltr,o'Vwooda. all Wool: 2 ram, Van,
Vorwilor.r, 2 114/441.14tao,Kvelvw.1 on notodoonent fnkoptha
eneuuluctutvra. and for .alejall 11. LEK
(.111111tIlk0 111(1,titsINStt
1.:7 Morph, & Itarrhildld nmlintoi to bratow intrtirolar
atlention IMP braneb (brit butiorm. and are care - ful
.alert noperlor wa y. r t ar t ion , d na ,
alai bah at low priors fnr quality. Intl
i I lIINESE VElt3fliflisN-LY:llbd for ;air
by rail . KIDD C-0
irtisll' SLEI)--Fifteen barreln (new crop)
it 1 for Pale by All .1. 101/11 & CO.
_ ..
NI LUE—Twenty five barrels for sale by
N W All J N11:1f/ k CO, No. NI Wevil .t.
g LASS PAl l ER—rivo hundred reams of
i.voo. for 1,114., h.
Jnil J WO a M.. Wo.o
OYS' SATINIiTTS.-31urptly
Orld have 1.., 4 , / handAotne Fancy Mixed
ehnotro. for Ito,' alon, Plaid and Main ea.t.lm re.,
In givat rnnrq, (7anaiuterr, KeaturkT J•anA s itln , k
Tata , Velvrth to, at wrth slot corner of Fourth 10A
rtrr.rt. mid , I
A IS.] N no hut - 114'M and fifty ii xot. wad i
I it ono halt 6 1 2rf reerrlrml and for node In.. hy
101111 W N 0. KI It K PATRICK
ALF:itaTUS--4...iu , kr No.l Saleratuts;
, L ".",. i . 4 ba.tbr i4"b" :l . ram . r.5 20 ,,, ,1) t 4;
r, t , ots .
vrl;.orca. and tu r otk, toy J.%'i 12.1.1 . 1.1-3.4.
WI Watrr.trnt
IViN DOW , Ctl.4.SiVe hundred ',tact ,
01 ." 7 ." "or°
cask. Potash, ju, , t received,
ondr..l , lo'r nth ItODEDT DA !ZELL a co.
.IZRESIiiiTLI.. * B,UTT.ER-2.0 ust ree'd
fer rate ,017 J. D. CANFIELD
rl partumhfp bairn. Tbninaa
sill;m'c'.lll);4l7ll:Vaol.C;l".47tl7-11:471:',"., }:.ilia
0 1 2 2tniZItt., r 1T,
thc fah: of ail of.tho raid McCullbter,tharrty In
Joon., Dluir eon Jame, Thor, Cron coonoettou :anti lb..
unobrolonod, one of Up tool/n0r...0 the raid tin:Rl.llli
%Wu. to tarry Quaff, tartness under the atanat-R , ..
C Ca, The acconnto at the .loto Tian ant !warningly
wiled bo Juan Blain Ca, sthato only ail loanous
dcbted`tfiertin nog Minoan! tonteio raylornt. •
o • wittlerilta2
jilOili RENT 4' beautifully located Lot,
my,tnining am, wore .. lemaitunte on the Turtle
reek Plnnk Hon& the greater part Herr bottom.admirably
suited for • mnrlul unnlen, , with • 9n.ant/t)' , ef 6 . . ol hr . wri , n ,
ple tree, er.,l only ha/f en hour . wall: from the Court
HOW up , l'assereion riven let 0fAi111.1,,11
For terUu tual further rartienlara. rlusUiri. of
TIII , I , NTI N A,' SlllNN„itto,rney nt Law.
I..wrie's Thilltllnt. , .sl a 0r,..1 Fclurtl, rt. al., , re multtield.
saLLatlnt • .
(Poet entr,i,tud,eltertu r thi, ~f,,,,
1 1 0 I.V.T—The• Store flown, No., t•. 5
The 1,4 leraimn sn !. tltv fpr
I (11, .ter.- !br itt.urann.
bra- r s p. s 111 .. Apply to pe.f.P IV. W. IVILN/N..
11i:NTL—All that portion of ru y river
hnlorn !vine 1.-1.. - rbn llp- 1111..borrIt and 1,1,1(1. - -eksb
!TM ['lack !le.! nnd the rirrr..l(l,.. II b. (--(nuilarbonl.
to which rill 6! Atlacbe.l 11 Pao Nun, Prpnar
malt nrserel-16-nt (+Hat un.l.-m-Talsas:,r-Tb‘pl.
:;? " :Tt . 4l- ' 1[1417- ' l . l
lb. -, 5!!1 ,, a(1(5.T..( 1 tamp!, unlo-To ran min.- null
•.-(Pmen(l , -.1 rpr pktpl i5,(1...1rr The
',ale= (-, PP(rl.r( AP- Ms , . «( l 2( (IP
. (1.• .-cupnot bill bay.- tn. rlbp'b ((f anon T.,
Vert r• !pl. Pr pall 11 - 41-1 f,!l- hl.
. . .
1a,..1:4 ',1.1 t. 11.tiVEIS 4
il_ r. A L ESTATE F()11. SA LE—Tito. molor
it ..iennt 11., for rale a tar oncol.or .4 ontonl4..
ittl.llto: loto, ono] some rt or I.—inohl ..trq for matntra...
triar. In Ihr Borough of larratn4lnun. 1....41•41 or., the
" So r' ?Atr ' F ia n ' ?* .lll : ." o ' f ' 17n. } it7.11. " 1 1:: 1 77.a1 ' . ‘. .T.t..1
Munufaeltultot vtrith. and IN. reaaotat4o onn • at which
loto-rollt le 'old. trill lon4or them a utfo aro! ,ofttable in
. ro•trnernt. „nth. torfort. Term, r.v1.0 , ' , .. '
. For prattritltull nc4 .....rftm nt,llitr artto• nt.d.rrlttnnt. at
the ofhtv .4 tirortre F. Garton.. I, , on tiraut rt... t, Itttoo
buriib. lotator.e. Thlrd and Vourth rt.. tr. or .4' Bata.
SYntenoo Alai N. Pattr.o.on.l.on'a. ttt do tr .-.r....... to Bata.
trtwiliint. .14'.. , 11, .:1:, u KAT.,.
i , 11 . , , ) I.Er--One Hunt, and L4t situated 7 ,1, .:
1 i n Itodf.rd tan.:.. oo,onth K.N.Err trrn.r. ::,•:
ollt • .
Itrl/11,„ , .,N. LITTLE i ('r:t
• ' —.
C IOR SA LE—Tiv , sulrierilwr offers for 7.z" ,
a rate a lartto and well I.nill ltriok !ton... wat. inv.. i ... • • raoro.f around...OW.4 'on 1t... 1 ..11 rii. rtn 0t..........
noat.l. withi ro n fhn e nnt. • ..t tin. r;ot . P0...0r10n u.svon on
the 1,4 ..f 1,•61 neat . . .
Ala.n vt.ry lot a .17,1114. cnntainiqz or. r Fniir
4.epri6.: wat., Attunt,l
Al., 1, Int .1v II by AlI Pvt.
" Mar..l " nrtirt Ihm th, PT..* tovi
nrrly 'gummy, Fnr
f.trlbnr 11.1 VII. REF.I.F.H.
radar thn
1 4 11 IR It tr... N 5:
).firar.blable I,nek hnihlie.. lu ramo•l-t , anler. Thar , la a
•tal ... nTal zt•ol water t.a the aroun,
a loch twok :Leta.. wan nopaltal"taliiina arar,
of fru, n!aa. a •pnaz haw.. (Old .rna/... haw.,
l'oa•aaaaols givro ala•nt,
. -
Vnen. n R R
InEN 'r—A
] ml4plllle n 3
E , d
Dairy F ahnronw+. 7:
D ,l, o l nne lh t l. t. In Al], u. i ll g linDtewl euw.
eultnwe piele, eight nem,wltli out.
I.ll.lings and nu. urns tqfll
wall twe my mnute ,
Sri n(Ow nowt 11.nee A 1.,. tern] eunl
Dwelling Iltweew in urn, of the elle. sill M ...eel nn
terounnble teeny, /D,117 Law,
44 0 rant atrynt, 0.-ar rot,ll.
LI() It 1Z1: S T—A two story Dwelling
Hon, on lial orni,
DALZELL, a. an.a.r.
1.111 .0 far va,ll.
Iro att.,..4 (nail. by 100 fart to Spring ally, r.d
nn rte Ninth Ward Engine Ihnh, antiar,
lannnlel by Lihrrtr. Corn.. and Allrnhru• nrycla, and
r Ap ar , atel.iberty, lisl to Sprain
fbyt inonlinn nn ar.ann imrut..
ninnnio it,. Cant, Ifininnol brrnt. Rn.lmntaining
J.1311 1 -S 1/11.111A_
f;!()It RENT—Tho atore room and cellar on
it Ito .aon rn.n n,rner Nlarbrt .tort end the Inn.
mond at bino aarunir,l ar , a lamp abay; a 1.,, thy 0r1.01 , 1
n.l thin! Morin. of lb« .anin lanhhnn, gastrbnrn an Unit,
man, 01111, ny.1,1 Co inn Yr thn.. ,rhre. rn,ni Ihr
Ahril In". A o pl, Lawn. 111.717111,,,N.
(4. .111, L• i• n on
1, ../r aml 1,1 /‘l.,anit
An, arblitu , nal Intnnnatvot 4,4,1 “Jrrn. ,al , l
tortipt FA: , . 11114.. 1,a.r1i..,1$
• •
10rt.,1 len
J. .1 large ManNi, , n 11.... with
I o. nenLA LAnd 4t.Ched. .auat•.l at Chiklamlk.
ILUII/1"../ONV,i a Co.
Real Estate worth 8100,000. •
V ERY DESIII.I.III.E Pr”rwrtv in All, ze^
:.ikeny Ills 1. r snlr. ,blot
oei b. Nods. ithbl. nor tins . .nn is front of ets. , e's
.01 enuesson by In nter istlyvt. The nillers Iln
...(11,1111.1 thilsthrsrl in Ile le-et °LAWN r.
stew nt the city et Inttrinir,th. the
••( nrisinel rnntinn ~ . nth on North einntii.
teri bniiinisil by two nit) feet
atral ,•I 111 RI,.
Air-. ririt r nen.- rtinir ti irntrin.tri thri !tall Itanerl Minn,
irt nrriro iv/ otter-. Ist -tirrinrintrrn ADO,-
tnltt II 111% 1%. 114 Seentril
rn irrittireri I, qr. irrilrrrritrir. atll3,
tin. irrnirn.trurtill air,. in tbil Itirinurtr • r . linnn kn."-
rrire inrir riga. tri•not,
ti nun-. I,..tirirr with tr ittintrr..rnutrontnn
twi, ..'l. • tl.l ,4111. 1 r
.1 Farr:
F• .r parr
. . -
cse.l4 Iv lu:rea
itit(ll: RENT—S Dv..lling midi Tr;
II ter., ...v.,/ n. la 41.1repair.stail 1:1.,
czavm `
A ST n Prttyht.r.b. 1.,:z
arvb 'T 1.2n1 rnil r. r.. 1 .n
I ,
T 4
• .';
~~i~:: kß'.l
n ~~i::~ .
c -,~ i.,..+.,.
FIE FEN • - r-
.on e•.ott. -t•
. .
otry:, 11, 1.. 1 . ...1,,
!rm.. *VI..
to II , E1 , .1,11r E. kr' 14nro
l i loli RENT, a Two story Fraiiiii„.ll, , ose 17:''e
end Berk 104.clinu. ult h iv. Ict... Ki•out. i‘u ...:
I...ltcnt 1.211 , ... htath I I antsht. , notr, 1.-bon, ' , A.. ,
V , t 0. ., .1,0 to 1,11:1,os LI rm. a t'o .
To i.F.T. ~,.,,„r,. It4oni .o. tis Mar-Tt: 1 SELLIiIIi.S . LI liEli PILLS supereede all
0 ••• sie••••••••1/••••,•,••• the "•",•• .nod '''''..l Pit I nth,, , ...He..., %. Sr Ith 1.J.0..--lir. H. E.
tI %haat. •Iht .4*lntlf a , Taal 'II ‘ , ..7.t.- . , f.talt,, - Yaw Ihtl• hair ta.route to popular In all lb. rt
, Itol.t. • f , n• fh'• n•tddrt-I at.' .•`"•tff.' '''''''', I gam of ...It ro at tort much to tole le all nth,. as a
Th. room . loratad ... ff.,. 1..1 at..ntral an. h., laft.t... I ~,,,,,„ 4 ,„ . , tt ;,,,,,, 1 .,,, . %„„,...
t.aut m tie. city. and ueil .1,4.'1 for • Illtiltinii awl Iht , r p.,,, r ,„., ~/ ~, 1.,,5,,,..; JAIICIf A. LkWIIS.
,Ames ton., (.11 , , hops' ,, .inlet. or s .t.ra I..plandol r„,, , a .„. 0 „,,,,,, t th at It C . ~.11,....,f,ft e0 HI, . oa th t .
now font., alt/s Enalith VI., h.., sett he but in s. a..,f, 1
~,t , ,,t .7, 4 ..„,,, tr . ‘ ,... , ~,,,,,,,, Lts ., rm .., „ ~,,
lot U. arvalltar porn.. . i had at No ..f11....1 atryat. and of Prticciscahttatatrally In'
1ha....1..t. gIVrIL ..I tho tent 4 F.d.ofho'f• If ..Ift".- - . do. two it
and v 1 ,1,1 4 -. o
. ' tall
ththt. ''.' II It W11. , 01. '
fif ef.oh , , M. ,,, . 04 F . ".nth - `r" . ''' ' Professor A. C. Barry's Tncopherons,
1 4 , i1 )11 s.U.E. the Three story Ilrirk •;;;•'?.. dIR mr,Die At En CO.)IPOUND, infallible
1 e.slians. No It , I. tin., hr...1..r . ft Loa -- ...1.. . 11 . .1/ fee renewing. Itivunwallux...,l It-autlf) hut the ham
~,,, ~,,,, r, t . m , 1 ,, ~,..h . ~,,,, n o„ .., a . a t . oantoolna-tha ...sof, da.lrohtot.l all-nnal wt. et tin ....AN ,
itftag to n o a tat... th lat ...wont! I. math,. t h tha pram- and m.o. erttahant on 110 pain. al...we, of the .land,. ,
tat. Men of all lortiml raw, 111 , 1 W1..1.11,0,14.. mutt... awl Ito. anima., and rallarita Ointment, brut.
IPel, in II I 1.1.1 ANI In,: V. .....heMti , With thl. Pr,caratiott -them la rib au. lt
ji7.hltta I. t ut., f ti .,... i . word at lilt" The fir , t ...malt in, metlical tnen
• . ... ', ~1 the hit:haat t talhahrh. prominent calf:pus of all rrof,-
T-/ LET, ti four story Onetime Slat„ ':r* • seas.n•ll.asss•••leiii•asel a air "at . . In their dr
. , - •.. noart• mad ini,,elce. a.lmit I: utth cue omen'. thst for
-... 1, ... hatl. man. .taa haw., awl hake y, ,rudertitlA th,r. gh..., tusuri+ncr. ana curl to the han,
obrn. I Itt Thlnt air. t '' .1 tine ...of and , datatrattt lwallutt IroUlu, tqlrilli:
,thrjliltr• ol .1 5l Ma . .taut pe,:l
' llT " :l:ll ' l 4 ..iat n anllV. ' IQ ' i ' L . .. t7atl72. " ; . L ' if.. ''' ‘7:7„, q :
arthv the attatlntilo of ohntitotthl. adoa , th.l In the Put ,
Ile ,`litre.. , , or 1...11a trloate prartio.. In cheapuva. atm...lli
at attrion, . Ilant t ifftrot,h , roitt . nothiallad. Sh. hnt
rip. , oult ad, of .... artlow. I..a.te at.. 1.1.1 the Inventor
to nupply nut .....,,..... t. e 1.-ttic. 0111.1. I. Irma 'at w IA! ,
per .., ut 1... than llu. tree of env of
I , I.reticn t , r I
tin. haa now in .., t ie , ..riautitio 'nat... ..11 tlte Am
an d thale,. i almild.. •,1 ....thatt Int Qat .tati•
tura and hot. natal a a noun. , ch. 1..... i sruninent in I
in v.lti.h ~..11 hot tle to...ttehttod.. al ,, na wrth the mn, '
Th. &Rh.. halt...ll'lhr tnotohn.... a hall ott.attuta the
tf.. and the hair. a moll art... It. ...t.tchnnee tons
Inpla ..n. 1.. 1. T.: , .tro. .111 .:tsars of the hair ori.
...mat, in i1u..4.11. cf thc lulu, If the horao of the teal.
„.. ~.....1. o f t If ti.' 1.1...1 and tatter Mud. Ito not drVtl.
I. t.. (nob thhat.:ll tt,.......11 n..... all h tr.l the rrot
w Ith Lad. tor„ mat onhart 1:t. . the nbrre. Silo rtault I,
,„,,. , h .,,, tr „, .f t ,.f.f., ..t the hiar. erar,•uriss dri•ia^«. •
stif,,, l l ' ,..l l is. s i•Xr ' il ' lL ' S . ,7.•i.7.?•;.2l: ',r iZ. , .7 ‘4" ; s .:lli ''''
' ' awl Ilar‘ln , .. , `” , 0 1 ~" ."'I dnr., tilt
i rvo, tu., Its. htnnu IA! U.. I kill to tkrtlllolll Onion .111
I. 4 l l,l•XtilE lb-A sinall lot for ale 1i• • ne•••••ea•roie. on , Oa'" , is.• - ••••. , n•ewsriaii tliir
aelloftv aill annihilate tho 1......- In ell ffection. of Ilic
J 1 ' Jul': .i. all s F 11.1. 1, -kin :uul ot the,tu of nnt...chs /ad tute.,itnenl, the•
„„„,,,„ ~h, t t t r, the mn.e. It le umn the ki.
kaiiEEP PE LTS , --I toile for sale by ; the ina..cuL, r.lko . and thc gland, that the Tricuphemus
kJ je.l7 J. It CI , IIELP . ha. I. th. , 11 , art . ... and In all alkchnto. imil hour,' or
- -.„ -
St:(; A ii-Twonis hM, new linbr on liana 5e1.t .. in4...ri.• ,:,Fit. „ J.r . i... , y , ...• 5e11!.... Ai. the principal oi
l. and I, tale I, tan. ft Itt.WY .t lit IiI'ATMCN
a n;;;;,';; , ,',:; . T . ,!;,' ~. ~,,,,,:„* „ . " ,:,.X. le. i iti .,4 • eAti , i . n . lj , n,iii r l .
- • - - - - -- --
TO11.111.1).--Twonly Is s 11 . . 11. Graf-; . ^,.. dattl;tlrn
1,1 , , tiraut a IS Munoz.. - ' L. IR ' JOHN 314 - 1:RAI"S PLuto MAGswis
1.. lime , 1 • ...'n. • 1 - 1 1,1,1,1 teu.Arr the inatnectieto cam of the Inventor
~,,.. ~,,. 7::::, ,. : ., ,.,
~.,,,„, , ,‘,
, i,..., , ,, i! 71 '
~,,T h.: ,,,. .:h .
~,, , , L, , ,..., r , e i 0t .hun
, I , ..zeT , tut i l „ ,le . l l l . n all ,
.ec a :
'..,. h-N. , her.... k.
b” ) ....j. .11 ...11 , 1 , ..1 ''' ul`auulc PI thirty yen,
1 ell , eo.] th.e. in whtehNi . " '!' "'" u ""'"
LA iill-t one I, ,I iell•-i k , '.: , prim" "''" 1-"'l 1 in...i ' ihe ' ; ',' l, e... whieh .t .Muhl I; , Ze " eltl'7n . I 'd
.1;1 ', . "'l 3'.1
1 '. .1; ,,,,, • hi! I. 1; 1 . .1 1 hit h I 4 •11 . ' e '..1 . ' - ' l. ' a , 1 . . Magneela tatty ta m .i' , ta ,
. , ..... lattlhnit la ha ...M 111., It. - to form
he ar •lout oar.,
• i . T ---- i ,T t It• 1'..e..t , h.., nt it. Itrt.rh. It htl.quallr cwt. heartburn ,It/mut
is - N , Rik,..._ , , ,, ,,.. ;... , :., . --, .. ;,,,,,,:,.:. • , ~,, thh nuta of the et.niuit.t. MAR. path., and </sett
' ~rttn..... are known to do: It o yrvrant+ the Anti of Infanta
t,. ~t , ~ I,:te Clot . „ tamp.: 'a an
In all
to It artls a Ideuatu arerieGL and
i • , I, i , •• ... na." lc ievull..rts ednile.l tu fetnele
... . . • '' 'ltt.c... l, 11;I 1 , 0:1•.1111i. h .,,. ii • •
utnybrve Da, toptUlect that thhi tohttion fan, tot
Oh . onatlanattonn with aria held calls 11. rewl, of /Nat . .. ,
~nett therchr rounteractltm their Stuart-Ina toralau,.
win It otter alltalloo and er ah ila,,,,t a h a ll h at t Wed
.li tn. tqr l'ltllth erantigon. Batt- Surpgcu ,eueral to the
my in Sir
- ,
Ittar Sir-There ran le on (Intik that Mi,,61,11110 0 tO
linaiusterel worn tidily la the term uf a euct.ntratcd .•-•.
liust than in subettincr. for t LI, and itrut‘ other r , " , . , .?'"
I am lit rrphAteo that the }DM stamen,. I._e' very 5 5,131.1 e
tehlittoil to nor Ilettela 3lstirn PI lILI I' CIWIPIt t-N - .'
Sir .Yontee Clark. Sir 'A. Ca, or. lir. Briwtit. awl M.cerr !
metres. and Iforhert Mayo. of Letathtt. clrmigl, eeernktnx.'
Murray'. l'ltihl 31eaue.ilti, a.. hems tuninulr Min+ ref. awl 1
emectitent than the nll,l. end ft,. trout the dat, atuutl.
tog the rim:4.sta we of rola or 0tit.....
1 or rale hr the Ina . tx.rter)....l vurricler'e n Fe,n,.. ,
h. X. e'.' . tllNE.,loth g t
tall 1., ti e I•tunt ct,
J• 0 , •••• • ...
1 1 01. 1 1,TER lIACK E, Wholesalo and Re -N
Thlni etre., tat
der Cl., St I' hatlea 114,1. Inlnla-ch tnyl:wlytt
irk sso I,U 'l' I OF vAitTNERsIltr—
Fartnerehnk lan,olare eSI.OO, %it:der 'the firm
.tuerana. oettaie. tlerallaut Alan, an Lamti
11as bean alaa 0.1..11.-a/tea an .1 tatlart 7111. 1,1. 11.
lnteeop hat a. 1014 11,111,:a.t . 11
1,4111111,11 tht• 'lt.' al put on. kl. Id. r 1 Ii
It than. ara , nat. to ....We the alai a/ t la• name
nt 11...MN-111ln all SW 11 Pet 04,11,1, it 11 $1 ' •1) , '1':
.1N1) Eft.,N4jr.,
111 ,, ‘n 4l r"rr 4 44
J. ;iI
LID n't:Arrel, reed at.l , ll, 1 ,, 1 , 111111.11 , GL n IN41111:01.
.014 Nr , et, .t
l\mnty4oso, White
1 u.,,.,,. tre .ui lainm.:
!In It .a.r
6 . ! NI Peprr, Cloves,
r 1,7 Wider x inlet 9 n.
it ETTER— Eight li.irests packed for sale by
L -ARP it iiIOEASIE—L-Ten brls No..ll.ard;
3•14 . Water end Finot ote
I AHD—Sixty brie Neil Ili otore and for hafa
Ai by Jal3 IS 1 . .411 DICFCri a CO.. Wet, Front it.
ItS . HL kSre:=Forty iiref brls in .tore, for sale
.ilf IS:LIATI LICH 4.0 vo.,
\Vet, mahl Frill on.
EST BLACK' TEA—Same kind at in
ansisas—tiasil Lind. itrnn i : an.! One _ piiorint thh
toneLftee Irhui been , bv . te—pite ionti h er houtd,
Jon hy )101110, e In la ,
oben• Ow In Chieborgli. 7.d4
viROOMS--Ono hundred zen for sale liy
•-• a a Ja. .11 , 011--uro vwmtrr,ti nt . -
I:mtruhrting Ammer EXPILLF2,
uter. will !thy.. for tht abrme and a:Pit:ter- it
txmliat• pun. thin aflotrttooo. at 4 tielork.
For hTlaht apph. no I+.ll.
AND l m
fine leanier,
Ilen, :awl,. will nm
pp,ulat pocket betwnen tlti. rity We
p ".- Monday. We 11..., aml Friday,.
WPlork. P. N.
Fnr or p.nmage, nn Mani pan
piOCN AS II V I L L E—The fine
tn , n. 9..,,. ~
nearr 31AYFUATI:R. Barlett.muter,4-e..
will bare for the ahavansid intermsdlats ports.
on Friday. at 4 r. u.
For frrirht nr nn.n..e..POIT on heel. ia2 ...
kiliki ZANESVILLE —the 'fine ~...
' ev.anter EMPRESs.4.'ox;rtiailar.will !rare -- ".•rr
4 aborr and hatermelllaterortothlsafternOnn.
at. !o'cick.
For fr..lght or ratwart. apply on beard. ' jaL. 3 .3_
l' Tho Oct Jitentm.rl J. Q. ADA3If: Lora,
ant., will kay.. for ntnee and haterintatiata .
t..r.• nts We.ltir.dny..Anh Inst, at 1.1 A..
For trrlght or pn.ntr, snob" es board.
A ST. LOI , IB--tlnt rut rtlnnittr.soamer_ .
AA(.3 NEWTuN.Caplaln.Clsrler IFraol,wiii! .
im.• fur shore and Intermediate. rani., on Tuentay,
th0...1.,th In.t.- at 4 P. M.
For frright or pamagp apply onbnanl. . .tti..1 ...
j?Olt ST. LOUIS. The fast run
. sung summer RORER,' ltoDaritg, li.
nolo, nll hoer fr :hp ... above and tote : .....
uni . .! ... i . A1L , 711.1 , th , it As . y. 1. 1. r . Intl.!! 10 A
, 3I
tr. , r I.raal•• apply . • . l.“
.....ji..4 - , Olt NEW OR LEANS—The neir
and .rplrndld ntenawr FEDERAL Allf/1. 4k. , i •
. I ...nsan.rotantander. will Ira, D.r Above
and int..rtundlan. mrts on Sattirday. the nth Instant. at 4
o'ehrk. P. ia. For freight t0ia.....a.e. apply.dri to-ant., to
3022 . , ' J. NEWTON JONF.S. Agent.
- 1. - i 1 01: ST. LOUIS--The snlendi t o,l ,l ßeth 4
li . st..‘su..r J. J. CILITTEN DEN, 31..Saring.
:1111.147,. will hart fnr env,. and tn.
tliat;nortann Saturday. th.. 2;dl hut. at s.,a. •
Nor fo,lit or pa....,. apply .0 3.mant. or to I
art 2 - J. NEWTON JONF-3. Arent. '..,
1 . 4 .3 01: I.6i.'iSr I.l.l.E.Ltie sidtiil:
I', do .1...un, Vrrruont... Capt. /Itudott. 1 .7.
Ina PJrtho shays,
intertnediato point
rdi thi. dn.. thn :pi Inn, at 10 o clyck A. 31..
1..0r fivirlst or pit,ure. uner o tt bmia. \ j...,, , , m .
tini.,,,01 , r,5 n u f1 ,,,_ 77j h0 p . i1 1en . ,..).
. 1
'Earn firr tC " .bove ani Ilite . nn:nint:tar ' ria s ' - '''
. il) WrieVit A. Y.
'h l r rP( s n'illtt Or pa.sarr. antd, nn brand._3.33
V ON st tI NEW ORLE A N S--T •_ ,
liwlnsistrht Striuner PARIS. ternl ..
limner. will I. are for Om a1.n... and all In
nniltate 'oat. on 310nday at 10A 33. For on NM'
S34t aryl,- on hoard or to '
J. a Cr 11 WILTENDER4I ER. Art.
Olt NIS II VI 1, LE. The fast
running ideamerGENEVA.C.apt. Within..e- 7,:!'
a 11 leave for Ilse Stio/Iff• and intermediate parts
on 31onday...3ith Inn- at 10 A. 31..
. . .
For freiuht oe tammge, apply on Mani. lal9
14 , 01 t LOUISVILLE—The fast
at hill lance for the re acid laterm
ate nn. this day. • A..,
For freight or it. gr. apply on Mead. tali
1. 1 -1 01 t ST. L S. The, splendid _
A new wham PLRETWOOD. Wm. Conley,
enintnnodrr. a .1 'vary for the alma and itster ,
metii,te tittmlay. thr 11th Instant. at L.
For (night or pn.4agr. arpl . Y lonnl. or to
oph.rafid t ill 4z
EDITOR. A. O. 31a..X5r1
M. owle; will leave for slay, and Inter
mediate landing. I hi. morning. MT In..tant, at 10 o'cloil
For freight or 0. apply 0 300. app on board.
VI did 011 NASHVILLE. The . splen-
oPIT. er.
lols, Pr. ttaFORT T
he...and inte 3llll rmediate ports ,
this Jay . nth Instant. at 10 o'clock. A.
For to2l . glort- pvwxv, apply_on hoard. iao
_ _
' K E L k l i N t tl i' PA7g l ,7 lUl T l lie " pj. ft lenl ) .
t .163..uirr DILL NAL.
ter., rtortnitiw be: mzular t+ , P ,
ett. I.arit,r Pittsburgh at ID o clock
W.l:ut..dayal:4l 1, - I , bis, and n.t
..ver3 Tuusdni Tharsaar rd eatunday.
Jartiar k. lrur trwtalit or imsra,....rtlrt , or to
w• v4mwr
F. 1E11.1.1.4 •It. masts, will leave
Pit t.,hurah yen Ttuz.d.F.ThurNinr and Pattullay, return
-I,arrs every mui Fri
day Fr.r frvb.cht or pm ...a, 31,1, ori,.t.rd, or to
W. 11.11 eighLER,
Eat: L.lll. E I) N E SD 17
CINCINSATI. Captain Jolin,. l .
Itr eplrfulul bout wto built by
thr 'own. ry of tht• sti.amrr Newtno. and otbrn. Oir
th , llttoburgh Parkrt trade, and will Inave
....T. - ..In..tday for einclunuti. in of the
latuf 2. For frvight orpis.nure. cal board, or to
G. B. Nti Agrut.
SU PACKET—The ruogiu ft • • 4 1,1"
u.thh. r r tt ELLSVILI.E. Capt. IL Youhe•
Ls. mzular Pit.bur,b. brellhg,
o 'l 4 ' l ' LLl
?'•-ver) Thur+lar , shernTo for . S4til.epvill,, tihfe . thg,
I r"" ''""''"- F ur ' aft. "•1.
Ell w t! !.!.Y: IPiA,'ii T-11.4 light L.
P:rattit otttptitr :WEN A. IP. titt,
eipbilr.flp pia !I Pb!tp v. It tpltpeittlay „end Friday,
nt A. Wrlltrtilo Tue , PdAY.
not Saitortips
frpttplit, ”Pt
-11,4•1-Z1,,,t,IIPT-1-1, ,tenzpv.t
, Cap, P...., Crum. Irate at altrpre
t.r to
TPir,Plnt mt. 1 r. tx.
ri vim.) nr fn
" Agt
INC E the introthwtinn rrf tLi. nor Cnm.
%:11d. r.`ll-11‘ rni./ 1.1. .14.1 .4 a Au:T .
„.. 4,4,A.: E., ...E. i'4 --r4 r. 41
:• 4.4 4. 4 (C. u4:14. •4,444. Er-m.lot,
II E tr•♦ EN I I''ELV NEW AcT. 4, -14 44 .1, 4-4- 44 E 4
.44.44,4444,1. , ,11.43 ',II It. it. 144.
Ir 11,1 1 ,:,
1, 1.-r 4.1 4 Im¢ 440 r ,4•444
. .
I . I t . , 1 VT It: . .
_ A la, ILL. ilLat
L.: :au, had awl: • ro.:Lh rs,,r
ror, i:trt, all It, :lig:ca.:l:qt
cf:1•11M1`.:111. tud , tbst aft,;
•••• ^tit,: A w.rOletatan tu a.himal.r:
A•thrt:ft an Chreui-fouzb
h• Nrat• tv.• I••••-, • ,1•0‘,1 mad lb. .ranch
• •
, . . .
fr .::1,1,11 . ..
nri , llll the es,e, m.rni - cre ,
f !um, rah the fit, , ,t f..(fref
er Ijr.rm,o, xxow,-.1,
r e up in I,,aLf •110 , err, gia bon!,
niro arerrai , would do well tiyr a •urple of
medieiti ele
hand nit the time. at it Is of the mut
iyer,and eflieaelini..!'rymodiet tninireed for all
Inn, and Ine erre
loytit tmonarei
Col lin, EN CL.I -Mtn, dun,
uie one ..I %y et.. Iri , ont hoed
aye, to nyt ...trim, lit
14 ”Ipt
C. thie Yore too. It hart n
,aiiittle Innen. and heel- of the nitteria
, o Yet YodoYdnl reruni .n ill sl.
re eat , in thlanivoloiny. It,
pre.,..“1 Irk -a it city. and the nroprietor hoe num.,-
ow. 4-,11%011, nin onr ow Tit". sites:int km
ahle rraperue uh
, leh all' he ahooln to rug peram
.1. urotto motna
tYit e. It tans throrichnot the Urill..ll,,trt , tr. - OCD this
vii..,llllte till tc made M thoye who will
tak. an ititervo In thyMedittne. It till a larte print
to ail tedoing earn-ring humanity
yerttee bi plarinc ice their hand. the arra,. medleine
Co r ms thy wierld.h.awerprialimrd.
r hole+ale and retail. I, liEttElt MeDOW. ,
ELI. ' , ratio., 14,1 Vliud etre, Pirlehtirth. to whom
all lytter. lee smear:, ton.l ly.raldreared. M.,,n.for wale by
'I. Ctn.,. hytil eny, P. !tracker. Jr.. Bruwnartlle
Wa.ltitittoni John. IL Buchanan. 111ekor,.
tieye.o. llelter.port .1. D. Vowel', Canonahurr.
1., atitl,leuttlet• generally. jaM
mEci,ANies oTh ERs.
no. namm rf build In., itorrueriY^, ,,,, t.frol
by . rArp rac
.bh :.t.4 at lb. Point.,13 Maier n.
natlate ,ery kind cf tnuatems. rotsmadou
givtu irtualedia.ely.
CHAS. 11.:XCLLY. Agent.
• „
1.111.:iC i, stunted utnl pert 4 oll/t fitappljetrat
r h. r , nr .- courbrocu. uritlere.s•uitra,
ur.o a nJutxt. Wet..l 4y)•
- • . I''*"
11N ,
VIIITE iIEANS—Ten barrels prime;for
la, 4
To Southern and WestersiAarehanta.
The mabecribrr crepcciftgly . inrites pobllc h ittenttou r
sztenthre arcaegof Perfrituel?.tara m =a
u ttua
tang ab. Til;Z:i r wg d *s . : Mcd ' br the Irdittatu
'Me Vora ILO.. and Philadelphia, the latter tilting the •
only Relden'Mgatala toter ...led for IgrOmmet7 tither to -
Rural. or to Rase...try. •
Raceau.'s transit. Ritmo CMS. (Woad, *ON
and Amtlaaial.) It:Orem...lly acknowledged lobe superiesq.
ao I' :Charing Reran In tale coontyy Or Einar., •
Ora Sperc..—Destatitalyttanarmord• and
• Pr risme Tetior bom—almoraii Rome. Millefonme Rem'
g;!=h4t !%;I k ..NV I It . I "' It I ZA C'"Lib t.
am roe elm ii. 011.17311.111, Jambi Rea .
nuet C r. milne. oereueutu. Jenny bind, Mottecelito.J.k .
C , t r t7 t erZ Resat. end Mang
Tort. Wnto--Florl lan etiZogettz a
Flower M. 0., and • great rerte.ty of Co MT,
der Aiatens.
FIM,C.0101(1 ma ma IT ua—g,guin s , fte,,fol.l,Antiartit.
Oil. Reodaline, lan inetrele, Melee. Compound 00 Mar
eon, Rair HP , eol la Wader. and
nine, end Jenny Vol Pomades.
Otemetme room irme---lielesanie rtoi. Tooth
Pane. Chmor-Ilkultifor. Odmatine.Tooth Paele,and Troth
Lximaomaeragetabie thanctle Coma.. ireasallne to
chapped hand% Cold Croon of Room Cream de Pena LIP
&Me, Raspberry Crum. re.
Der lietrY'Pmeatcca for Marring ruperthmets hag Pesti
po,,,yer.arpmjma la Rouge., 'Aromatic Vinegar, Vietorta
Mir Compoettion. Preston MOO. btailm pvt, carte. of
other article, too numerous Who gamed In this advent.-
aubeeMber Impes to maintain then lauMtion oblate
this Brat
rate h. sopilirl. be oberoala,,f
but Prat rate prizele, and apt [clumpy mnerateb thaw
who may arloh to pethmire b li
V holm!. or mall,
on. reammJale term ea..ay eabehtlahment Intl. enltol
States. . ZAVJER
Sir. Darin. Perfumery 1r Om • role (2:=
J:orurgi.ut I nJtmoUrgYr. . • •
C0 -PA RTNE R SHIP Ifaving associated
m y on. 0. 'it. Leonard. with rne, therhneineea n'fli be
'eown tinned at thr stkorL•hro. re! Wood st;under the Am
tW. Leonard and ann.. • • .
Th . ," ;.rnior . pnitipq " ..oithr lint returns hie ette; . eri
.to th e friend, end termer palms of the bon.. to bap..
by grid attentfori to Ewan., and the vents of nateetters,
to in,rit n. full sham of pnhlir yntrotte,.
All pr.onn knon - nc themaires Indebtrd to Waeanykyd,
by book nuroant or othrralor, prior to JanuarylLlA.,yl
111 I.lraM talland nettle. and tarn JeliNUttte=.s
PROPOSA LS will 1w reveire4 by the under
e ow,i. nnlll th.. Fclvi , nrr Coot, for the
vest rim of 7. toe hawk- end Dam.,, Durk River. or for
. th
me or own,. of them... 1,1 fore:ors, the ehatuatlof quaber.
Te tanks of tone heating over the channel.
he Dame wilt avenue 2se, fret mug, sod will be 13 to
la hot high. with a law of '3O feet In width. The Look
Chamber will le list hot long end In fret wide, with seelle
feet thick and ID fret eleote the comb of the dartu, with
a grluta unt wall lad feet llls.out. In hot thick,and of the wane
be as the hot we
The as h Loc and Dem.. la built agreeably the plen a
end of the erub, funicular]," cod ‘ L. ,,, r 1 b...d
the report of ...3,1000w Lothrop, of Penneylratds, copy of
which will le found with the prolwictom of such newts
Meow. publish this notice. to which refiwenee ts nude
for more full eml around° information.
The entire work to to •cOmpletnl-by let January, IPS4,
ranMw. the work should he retanled by nutumlll3" wet, adet
then fore onfatoreblo nauen.u. Contractors 'nil be re.-
tired to grist. sallshetorr severity Ike the oonstructlon of
he impno sruant. nlal-.3t/11.1 cash permowt. wi ll
The ~stage,,r Clews,. the rittlit of arceptlng the pr.
poled, droned beet Of halt:demi end the early completion
of the entire work- By order of the I/Image,
31109..1.• KELLY,
Secrktary of the Duck Itlrer Sleek Water Nengetkat Co..
Columble Tenn.
10 of DRY 000Thi, at the One pliaa shirr of • •
A. A. 'MASON & CO.. P2.aud 61 Marketatterb.
Commenced oathy.. 16.50. la continue
through tbo wrai of January. The., whole ratattlishi
men! bra been thrawn ppm for Retail Trade. and their or.
trardra stork. ...ranting ti. One Llutatnal and Thirty
'fhourand U,llue, will to offend at Beall, at folly arm
fonrth ilni ram! Mi.,
The haler. o ftheir &ran-Annual Salo to any One of Ora
whO attembal tht ale of lAA year.mlll be Win•
l'ones/, n... for a roll OM, !COMM. They will, however.
:t?tio • foe of Lbw, grwals " rice% far the benefit of
thc itrr n =g ' 7,77r.rg i -l!r pi r "4' 6l. L=
SOU phra.. Cotton and Wan/ Cad= ,5 teas, W.M•I
roue contr
Loa "wow 'l5 and
.111 and;
ward price I.T. aml con.
h 0 pieces taxla colond plahldo.. 45 cent. usual pica
623 i crud'
50phrei attired and TAurmi Plll% 60 crad...3ivil - A
price 75 routs.
90 pirr.ra liattn de Chine Mal Sada...T..3i rente r coal
Prin. Si2s.
pier, Black Silk% reduced 25 Peiren '•
100 Nem, Yrrnelt Merin, St .
MX - usual p t. rice 111.TTN.._,
ZOO men. Paramettas and hruncra Clo th % maincratiA
Par mnL
7.0 p'...,rew .linear, all rulurr. redutid Myer cit.
V.OO Lung Swore thaw!, which will be ...Id from it to
than multi pr..", 1.
3000 ymilr P4orat iii; lose at a and lu cent% ustud
yr..« lq 4 mar.a. -
Yawsrrairel !Mien,. a . usual irk* 9.1;
10..... re English and Amorican Callcoca at •artd 10
• .. rata tura. pricelD and n!.; Punta—
. 90 rasrarilloactird redurral 2 rm.. par.yard.
Iraalw 11rOwn 31.11.% all errata,
.thro Lam, Cohn:dacha.. Trimming% Ilmierr , and.
Glove*, Linan.... (Irak, Clutha, Cmaimermx Caertnata and •
tugetbrr with an humenee rurkty of other
all of winelr will Narind 11000 t o LowerPriara than any
of their prorlow talc,
They :mitaan rarly as many of their - dearest
aunts will rt. la. odd. TAO lower. prme tuunrsl at first.
A. A. 11)11501 A
.ialo 62 and 611.1asket at.
The Greatest Bargains of theßeason.
rbOIST. D. TIiCIMPSONN.. 116• Market rt.
IsLs • , f hoar :atv.l maple Dry Cla.L coz ; 'for
ush. Lolmi Lew:haver. ami wet! trleet.6l: roa-
I,ll.Ezr, GiX , L, , .—Fren , h Merin!, l'a..-apactLiA Cob..
Clot]. azd Ali.aecas. valor); 'Drove
`•l:.+ lr Black Co: .sluorls, 1,4 x acal bpizarr:
GENTLEMEN't. WEAlL—arniu. CarAservr. Brithuir,
VIVV sFRlt4lzg'%7-1.,%f
.! 6 r.4 A ortlrr i42=!: • t Lari 4,r
sr :t F 141:t w. 74
~11, a , L I Ir - orrr-rt . .i. , ..L. •
_,2114:Ar. "OH `•
'-ars , iccrived
WIRPZ - 41 NCTS. 11,6
/ , f i.• . 4. ff r 1., do .1, 4.1 yt; •
. • _
. .
e....;.......:th - 71,1; ,zu • r..., ;',..: .;,,...C.arr.o. 5.14.11 ,. .. , ..“
‘..". 0 .10 , Cur , . 1 , - ,-.^. ::.1 jr,C BE.N•sur!Pran ...
b.•li, /%1•.:. ..t... 1 . 4. ~ :.,...:1 Alm..e. ..:VILLIAM:. ant. Tan s—ritvl
. - i 11. ....r Co .
, , leln _ (~,,,, Vrev/ a Fifth :?..f -
• .
• , 11111.1.14 r the
hl L M F.A.L—th v
— Oir.Mtsal. n•c0r..,4
7 and I, ,a 1 ,••• II ltDdrq k!
hua.l,4 EitraFxunlv
.• •
rEAry v.'o ,-, LLEN" GOODS }OR SALE
lir/ le • V:et-11;7 , 1r.: Drab.
Gray Ikaver.Clatl3 , s
tOt U. no mathnr.a. to etc..
rrditeod favorablotrrma
p.ll 'IL Y.F.F.
A jr.r,,,,n4ezt=r&T.k
A L Ell —4 . 1011 h Saloratuh, in lirls and
I LA Le:d in Iris .and keg.
...ztv rtreet.
priln N. OrleitrA Sugar,
1.7 in ravi fDr 10/11:11.T I)447,ELLi
• .te.
Litr.rtr &Wet
14 1 15 II drums G. h. Ctrchish;
rol ' JoitNxi:taco
hie Cream Cheese in store
k.,) and for JAMES DALZ:U.T.,.
s4L stmeet
‘5ll loon; scrl Ylnex Tzar.
raa, otn.. Irnp. and (nits l'osrder.
.3) Runn.l: a To am.. •
'l9 do P. IZnlnn..ol, and S's do.
.31 .10 et.l.ine..., ' •
1 . 6.• and 9's dd. '
catty Venn, holden Leaf Ii
L. !Amp. In st. , n, and ..ale
..1.11 10 I‘hd.. oi.i ~..I.l..l.llequalltr,instmogand 1/” . • . /.l*
Da.l .01/IL , . S'AIIICL/1. k 0..
- -
I: 4 NORKS--95 doz best cast steel flay.Folits;
:110 14c4t &Y.
.1.• 4 ,4444444 cowl 414 vi Nanun4Y4 , 4k , l
, 4dl r n 4414 1 r
`"" .. g umv " r 41. t FONF.
4.4 s
litoEs_LT.,.„,ic;z I,„ .S
. 1. tee' *106: • •
~,. 40 . de. (lard= tins: fln,igllttlt v. Ark.l 1, Sib. by <
._ ,--...--
111EACIIES--- Thr,•e Iltur,1:el" cubliela ree'd
r . ..,, a vu -,31. 1---
—_•,+, -: , .‘,11TEL1.. :41rIztvcE.
- -- ----
QCYTIFE,S--7J (u. Ladd.
dna beat Cradle ."*.V.han
d01.....1C,11 r21 ,,, d , d
.45% Wat,TlititiTZ FA , Lit
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p EARL A5ll-1:2 ca,ksj,rnme for sale I , y
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1 4 ` 1 Olt' : Sew ,a'a l lircs Cliff Ztlttuy
Stmt: Azurlran I.llVatera
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