CONGEEI3BIO . ' , Was: e t:4o ai January 29.: -,- '-'Blsker..—:3lr. ifale p d petitions for the ,11:teal of the slave law, which were laid on the le. I from Mr . Sturgeon presented petitions soldiers ,who served in the mar of 1812, asking bounties . .;.- l if 160 acres bui . d. ^ 1 i .. A number of other petitions were preeented. :,:l The Committee on Fest 0 co I reported, with -"amendments, -the bill 'from th e House reducing `: the rate of postage. ' A bill for the idler of clen Company in , 'Virginia was debated fo r e time, amended, ~ a nd finally postponed. ' .The bill to settle privatclaims in COAT. :Ws was then taken up.l : - - ; • . Pending the amendment ofl Air. Walker dealer ;.rig that-the potent issued by the United States. [ . ' shall only, be deeined as a relinquishment of the 1 i ' title of the government, was, after along debate, . .' Alter some (either delete, ,he Senate adjourn !", ed, without action. • , . . lyerran,_—The. House proceeded to the discus ; gun of the .pending questiod, which was to re weiusid' er the vote by Which the -Homesterul bill 1*- - - was referred to Committee of the Whole OD the . ;;•state of the Tinian. I ;. Mrjt .e tulzocated the policy of giving lands - to actual sett: 1:- '-' The question was into " passed over, and the Souse resolved itself-in Committee of the ! - ' Whole; and took up the bill making appmpria- 1 ' —tines for-detleiencies of theearlB3l: - The question ! being on ' relevancy of the amendment offered yesterda by Idr. Strong, of t t i , e Pensylvania, the chair' num decided the amend . ,L. .. meet out of order; and the Committee, by a vote i',,, . - . 'of 102 t 0.87; sustained the jecisiOn. , 111.enera- Sackett, Tuck, and Sehenek, subse . ',..klitentili proposed Tariff amt:dments, with the .. -Rover ll4:l4l Harbor bills attach 11, which were file i.' wise ruled out or order. I Several amendments were 'made to the bill to wapply the der ciency of 1801 . . ~. The Committee then rosetheist action upon the previous' question. Thill was then pass . The Howie again went inCOMmittee of the te Whole, and after being 30n30 time engaged on the bill to establish branch'mintii , n New York and :San Francisco; the Commit e again rose, and :the Mouse adjourned. 1 • FIRE AT .kportion of the splendid gbiss works of "laiweenY &Bell, was:thin mokuing Loonsumed by fire, Including the cutting paonng rooms.— 'Tte loss is estimated at *40,000. The blow-, big still continues, and before the ;fire was well 'subdued, a contract was niece for Sebußdin,g. L . CANAL APPOTN7WENTR. t lIA gauf sawn, Jen. 29. The Canal. Appolutnients or your L city are— J. F. McCullough, Supervis r; John Hastings, Colloetor. • . • T. It, IVeet, Buperiatentlen Portage Railroad• Barr, Collector at j lairseitte. SIARBET. ' .• PgILADELPULA. Jan. 29. Breatistuffs are dull. Pre, *ions . are firm, trithomoll stocks to operate tipon. Beef and Pork—Very Haiens doing in Beef end Pork, and prices are withbut efionge. • Holes of city packed mess beef at 512012} Mesa Pork is held at $12,7.019131 bbl, and prime at 89,25. •• • , Baconn—Supplies come foe the indents thus far.hare bee Green Meats are scarce .14 Bake of hitms bids; salt at 9 , }o, and of smoked sides hams range from 10 to 111 i p &9}c for old: • BALTIMORE MA • Floor—The market is quie era S. brands at $4,561 Mills; it is bald at $4,56. Rye Floar—Sales at $3,621 Grain Sales of. Red Wheat good to prime, and of White a Corn is steady, with salea at 6 62e for White. Sales of Oats, of Eye at 68 to' 70e: ProrLsionsThe market le / tales at previews prices. ' •, Oroceries—Vhe market is of Rio Coffee at Ili . for ,prim Lasses are quiet: Whiskey--Sales- et 24141251 c .aod • NEW roui SOON ItrpOSIT; Cotton—The marbet hi dull, but to change in flour is easier, with 'isles of 1500 bbls at $4,- , 15€4,87 for Indians and Michigan, and $4,94(} 5,00 for round hoop - Obio. , Oran—Wheat is dull, with sales of 500 tine now yellow at fanner prices. I • Prorisions—Pork is emehangid, with sales -of 150 has old mess at312,12@i:2,25; and prime at $9,1210 ; 9,25 ? barrel. Laid is in good de mand, with sales of 100 bbls o d at: 8c.,. Hogs aro selling at $Ol4 cwt. I Linseed Oil—Sales 5000 gallons at 90e . ,t 91c ' I: Whiskey—The mike! is 0 ' , with sales of Ohio at 2fic. -- . . . TrtSl2lo =Poll I January, 29. - Cotton—The market is doll, with aides of 800 halal, including middling to fair upland at 131 181, and of fair Mobile and Jim... Orleans at 1 ' 15e1411... . ' . Th e market is esale with sales of c t i 7,000 bblainelndirig Indiana an Michigan at $4 7_41®4 87,and Ohio at $1 Si 4 91. Sales of Ohio soak at $5 18 ® 5 44, d of fancy at $5 5005,.75 it bbl. Sales o 25,000 bbls on prirata toms: T • finin--Cons is easier, 'with ea; of 10,000 bushels at 06 for, new South and 67} for ProvisicaThe market is Orin and guiet;- Thedemand , is principally for filling contracts. es of 800:- Ms at $l2 -18@12 25 for mesa, ; • . $9,25 foe prime. Ohio nevi mega is doll at - 18 28por'obL Salmi of 1,800 bbls ft 'sB 25® ': 50 for mess, and $50.01 for pinta Beef hams mow., I NEW TORE CATTLE MARKET. I Jawill7 29 . About 15 head Beeves, Cowe, and Calves, and - 00 Sheep and Lambs were offered to-day. Beeves - Then market for Secret Oaring the .. ,4. week, has been dull, bat holden' being firm, • ft is difficult to purchase good retailini: qualities ,' t• low' fic 11 lb. • The fair average , of the market $ '... 7€,So itt lb. ......a. CINCINNATI MARKET. 1 • tixtuary 29. , '' The weather is exceedingly co d, , with high , '• . The river has fallen nine icnoltes In the ' , 24 Lours . , Frour—The market is firm, owing to the cold , • . titer, which threatens to closol the Canals. es of 700 bids at $3,5748,68 per bbl. Whiskey is i better, with sales at 24ie per i i. lon. Provisions—The market is Imo. t„ with no bongo in prices. Sales of 400 b Is mese pork k 511,2 5 per ,bbL Sales of 1110,000 Ars dry . t aides at 51e, ,and of 50,000 do elyulders at I.ic per lb. • ‘ • Sroceries—Soles of Molasses. at .V3ia."ffle per ron. • Sugar is selling at pinfijo per lb. . Lot:welds, Jan. !..19. 1 . 110 river has fallen four :inches s t int last j oin.. the eutiaL Tbo weather in very , cold, atm There have, been uo arrivals from below in the! ' „-:24 ana houra there an Thet tla Or li e nu g , 7n i w inno g lifeneetari.l6 cold, *seed. The Vermont is loading for New Or- 1 testis. j Bales of Coffee at Ilif4l2e 11 lb. 4 Band's woolen factory, at Lexington, Ky., was ,*ituyed by fire this . zrentsing—supposed to be .„W vrorit of an idrendiary. , The boas is estimated l it $15,000, with no /111 prance. * w The New Orleans Velegmph l i re is now in dee from this point. - - Co;reaponee of the Journal oflCoosrnerce. - _ W.Asetsoms, Jan. 23, 1851. .A. lase Delegation from the American Color& 17.... ,,,, y. tbfs mor ni ng waited upon the O, L Mr. Webster', Secreierl of State, ".raging recognition of the Liberian Republic by our Ole strong ground presented war, the &dean. b aud, etet , we th u tt id E sult to al o o ur itt m eommw tarries ltttii: • __with Africa that amounts to no less than Milk.= sterling, or about $25,000,000 ew reu'! ..•c should share more of it' tium we 3lr: • R ebt ter received the gentler= in the 0.1147 im ner po a nu t th t e . Deputmo ub Jett E nt e lo e f iren ßtate, cd azut i .4:opiw ds p m lessu a ie th a e t p th n eir i.a calf! n id g th his e etten wnli ' - thm 'tlll i ted "T ra te tal t. wo u nl far d penal " tit,b"Heinrecconterests plitrim:Liiktu"ionti.....owewarevlx.l:6.tht co e or Prni uteonsi lds °ent ' tere, A y. recei bY : h i t t " : t Ischemo of African colonization; and his 1/4talittloningtodpvttmroznottet. ito rtts plan i , t ee theatts far le ble lmtt Pub- to 1" , tI Aft/ends ef the black man.l If '1 House or Iteroas. , —The election for officers .of this Institute will.teke place to day, (Timm lay) at three o'clock In the afternoon, at The rooms of the Board of Trade. It is hoped there will be a general attendance on; the part of the contributors. , Tea Status CONCF.B.T.—The lovers of Music will be gratified to learn by . advertisement in another column, that thelfiakely Family will give their first Concert in this city on Friday even ing. From various notices of the press in re gard to the Iliakely Concerts, we select the fol lowing from ntockport,'New York, paper: I "As we have elated in a former notice, this troupe have but recently presented themselves to theeriticism of the musical world. Last even , tog was their first appearance before a Lockport assembly, and they were fortunate in having an audience capableiof appreciating musical excel lence. We bad anticipated an entertainment of a very high order, and see are free to confess that our expectations_ ere more than realized. No coneertcompany has ever visited this place, em bodying ao large . an amount of musical ability. Their singing is of the highest, and their selections embrace the best pieces of Mozart, Hayden, Handel, and Arnee. We question wheth er the Misses Blakeler have any superiors— (certainly none have visited this place)--in eom-. pass and sweetness of voice: and the style of their singing bears the impress of those celebrat ed master,., Prof, Webb, of Boston, and Char. R. Horne, of New York, under whose careful in struction these yonng ladies have been trained. The instrumental music of the company is mag nificent. Mr. Blakely is an amateur upon the violin. Mr. Sherimod is ft most brilliant and ef fective pianist, and the eternises of the Misses B. upon the piano remind us of Hertz, Hoffman, .Barker, and other distinguished artists to whom we have listened. As a whole, the orChestra 'will not suffer by a comparison with the most celebrated In the country. This combination of Instrumental and Vocal music is a novel feature in concertizing, and we predict that the variety and quality of the music discoursed by this troupe, will place them among the first compan ies, of the day." Tun Corctstan Hogan or Rcrece.-We ore indebted to a friend in Cincinnati, for a copy of an address, delivered ontho occasion of the op &dug of the Cincinnati House of Refuge, by Alphoniso Taft, Esq., a leading member of the Cincinnati Bar. It Is an admirably written doc ument, and reflects much credit on its imtlior, 'who is well known, not only as a distinguished lawyer, but as a true hearted philantropist. We will extract a few particulars from it, which may not be without interest to those of our citizens, who are at present so laudably en gaged in laying the foundations of a similar in stitution, In our own city. The first /steps tak en to secure the eharter were owing totlre Rev. James 11. Perkins, and the. funds necessary for the purchase of the ground, the erection of the buildings, and other expenses, were raised by a tax imposed on the citizens of Cincinnati. The first levy for this purpose, was made in the year 1846, when the sum of $6000,00 was raised. In the two.succeeding years $19,000 were collect ed—in 1848 $19,082, and.. in 1849 $20,760.- 1 The levy of the present year is one and a half 1 mills, which will produce nearly $66,000. All the expenses connected With the tNtablish meat, are to be paid by the city, unaided byany ' grant from the Legislature, and assisted in but a slight, a very slight degree by the contribu- Mona of private citizens. The citizens of Pitts burgh have already. contributed by private sub scriptions nearly ten times as much towards the erection of a House of Refuge for yestern Penn sylvania, as was subscribed by the citizens of Cincinnati towards their own. We mention this sot out of any spirit of invidiousness, since their raising the necessary funds differs es sentially from that adopted by our citizens, and we have no doubt that, had it been 'toned neces sary, they could have readily collected a suffici ent sum by private subscription. 'After alluding to the character of those unfor tunates who are to find a home and a school in the house of refuge, Mr. Taft says: "Hitherto our city has made no other piaci- ,ward aad tn uuridly :11 inquired for.-, lc; of labouldcas at at B,ic. Smoked crib for new, and SET. Jenuary 29. There are buy- No*elee of City slon for these suifortrinate children than tile com mon schools and the common jail. In the for mer, their influence has contaminated others, and has done much to injure the otherithe ex cellent character of our free schools. In the -lat ter, their own ruinhas been completed, by 81150- elating with the worst of criminals. The conse , quence has been, that in the midst of our city • been sustained at public cost, an expensive institution, where these youtht4l delinquents, who, from different causes, hate • been drawn away from the advantages of schools and church es, are taught the very science and mysteries of crime, from its lowest to its highest branchee— an institution whose professors are the most ex pert kousehreakers and thieves, whoselectures consist legit:ming tales of successful villainy; and where crime, with all its fascinations, is inge niously expounded to the young and curious learners. at 1000104.: (or 10.5(116o 1.3 for Yellow, and at 43 to 46c, and firm, with small chaiged: Sales Sagan and go- I • Per gall, in hhda They become charnied with the heroism of daring and undetected felonies, and when dis elisrged, whether it be in twenty days; or in six months, go forth with bolder and more law less designs than they bad ever before conceived. gush an institution is the County Jail to the hap less youth, who whether guilty or innocent of of fences, great or small, are once confined in it. Aware of the degrading influence of this coun ty institution, courts have spared many children guilty of minor offences. It has been judged bet ter, to Suffer the mischievous consequences of permitting them to go at large, than to cifissign them to certain infamy, by confinement with old and irreclaimable rogues. By the law under which this institution is es tablished, it receives no males above sixteen, and no females above fourteen years of age. The badppaass . b tex o peri wn lnee of hat reformation,tle world to be inri pson su dieripl i t u n l o must in ;general be commenced at ages sot great er than those to which the law has limited the privileges of this institution. The expense and effort bestowed upon criminals of more advanced ages, with a view to reformation, is generally wasted. The character having become thonfugh ly corrupt—stereotyped, with criminal thoughts and purposes, cannot again be made pure and innocent." We are truly glad that Cincinnati has succeeded. in founding a "school" for the reformation of those juvenile delinquents who would otherwise 'become accomplished criminals, and sincerely trust'that it will not be very long before a simi lar institution is established in Pittsburgh. Chrism/D.—The motion .for a new trial in the ease of Joseph Barker, late Mayor of Pitts burgh convicted of mielemeanorlsi office, wan mended yesterday.. We do not think this news will distress friend Joo much—when it reaches him, since he has very wirely.takeit himself out of harm's way for the present. Fram—The blacksmith shop - attached to Mr. Wilson's Coach Factory, on Third street, took fire yesterday, but the flame. were fortunately extinguished before any damage had been done. ANOTIMI CLIMME or Cot , NTLIMITING.—John Coniston. by trade a_ painter, the third of that name who him been arrested within the past few days, wan. yesterday committed to prieon by his honor Mayor Fleming, on a charge of counter feiting. The evidence agaimit him `rent to show that be had offered to Bell fifty half dollars for twenty five. A . prase for the coinage of counterfeit coin wan found in the house of one of Mn. brothers, and another wail arrested un a charge of mining counterfeit money. LUICZNY.—Three persons, named John 31e 'Cluskey, Fraimis Wilson, and William Bignell, were yesterday committed to prison by his hon or Mayor Guthrie ' on a charge of stealing a basket of olive ail from the stare of Jocob Wea ver, Jr. Arrawnrn BItROLAILY.-A gang of ruDians attempted to break into theltouse of Mr. Robert Palmer, situated two miles up the Monongahela rivet, on Tuesday night. They 'mule a noise whith awakened n German who slept in the km erAiry, and be aroused Mr. Palmer, who latelyseiteda fowled gun, and went down 41tairn. The rascals fled an soon as they found that they 'were discovered—but not until Mr. P. had fired tepee them, though it is probable that he missed t.tem. > Acmmvar.—Blr. Tbirkettle, a baker of Alio gbe,sy- city, wbose store lesituated on Robinson street, near the canal bridge, injured himself se .yerelyyesterclay by a fall from Is bread wagon. 'Several of his ribs were broken, and it is feared ,that be has received some severe internal injo .ries AMIN Tirrxre.—Mayor Guthrie, in pursuance of the Ordinance, passed at the last.miteting of the Cannel is; authoruing him to engage fire ad ditional ds y policemen; has appointed Bernard Dougherty, John Marceline and Jades Recd. . Arrammarr Eira —carim,-A very respectable look ing man, onataiVJoseph 'Hill, from the State of Ohio, yesterdarattempted to Commit suicide in one of. the cells of the watch .house. He ens c;.... yamded' klamelf by cans of his .handkerchief from the upper liar T the iron_grating in from: of the cell, and lino namable when he was die covered sad cut U n. The usual ristoratires were appled o bsit it a tong time before lie ermuicionattess retum d. ' Ile was laboring under en attack of mania a pan, of the time. • Summar Paxxxxxrs—,- A cam/. --A gentleman, whose name wo did not, learn slipped and fell yesterday! in Penn Street, near the Exchange erel,.bresking bin leg. and otherwise severely itikarin himself. ' A carriage was procured, and be was tak kale residence. • ! =cm=ll • • - . (MAZUR C0'032 or - , Janunry 29. Present—Hon. "m: B. McClure, President Judge, and Santa, Jones and Wm. Kerr, As sociate Judges. • , The notorious laniel 'Snyder, was convicted on throe several in ictmenut of obtaining money under false preten e, was brought into c our t to receive hie sentenc . When asked what be had to say before sen ce should be passed upon him, he made a baron , declaring that though he 'was guilty of obta ning the goods and money, yet he had intend to repay his victims no soon as be got money tm his father in Germany.— Ills remarks gave evidence of the acuteness be has displayed in d frauding the community, and he has escaped wi . a ,sentence of his month's imprisonment in tb . County Prison. To-day had been set apart for the trial of the tippling boitse lice era. but nut one made his appearance. • Despi the number of policemen in the city, whose duty it is to return them to Court, there have been but half a dozen trials, and two three convictions during the present term. Alfred Duffer and William Jay Cox, two young boys who were thethief witnesses against Kelly in the recent trial f r murder, were brought into Court to receive the r sentence, they having been convicted during th present term of some petty offences. The Court, after a consultation, or der.' them to be remanded to prison: Considerable sympathy has hen created for these boys, in the \ ininds of the jurymen who were empanneled in the murder case, and it is probable that the ',Court will' consent to their being bound out to some farmer. The 'Court adjobrned until nine o'clock this morning, when the last case on the calendar not already disposed of,:will be tried, and the jury will be discharged. CHAN 4 or Weainta..—The chilling air of winter visited as once more yesterday, and the weather was eta cold E. any we hare had for a long time past. The change was the more per ceptible, as the air was very mild and pleasant on the precious day. Fn., the W.L.ftteDh PBZSENTATIOR OF THE MEDAL TO GEITHIAL - • • .0a Saturday last, at the Coy Hall, in the presence 61 a large assemblage of persona, among whom we recognised the Hun. C. M. Cortaat, Secretary of • War, the Hon. Litwin Cass, and other distinguished citizens, and several officers of the army, the use. dal of Virginia was presented Major General WRIPTILLD Scary, by toe hand of W., 81 Heimann, Esq., chairman of the counuttice,dl the Virginia Leg, :stature. . Mr BerMatz. addressed the General in the fellow. tog words • .„ Gasteui. t The diatingnibbral servile winch you have rendered the Republic have received the gral.• lode of your countrymen and the admiration of ms world., Entrusted with the organization and cunimand of no army of itliabitni, we have area the debarcation of your troupe—the uniestruent of a fortifed city- - - - the approaches—dm siege—the capitulation end our i render succeeded each other er lb the r. gularily and and precision of a programme of conquest. On be MU' h of invasion, you have demonstrated unbound ed resource audeonsununate intlitsry skill; while the enthusiastic obedience ol your soldiers boo evinced implicit confidence in their commander. With an army numerically unequal to that which impaled it, you have penetrated acountry in which every moon; tain eras a rumours, and every defile a dick Itrtifled -by iniluary skill, and defended with patriotic despe ration '1 he wearers. of your arws Was traced in iod and blood, einerging from a terrible and protracted struggle, amid deeds of exalted heroism, you have pl Wet the banner of your country upon the citadel of her toe. • hi You rested limn e coal et to a chieve the gher lor ot moderation th in ; the hour of conquest. You g ranted ton -prostrate eation terms it: which triumph as tempered with mercy, and the interests of your country mail: to accord with the diciaten of your heart. You have aubjected 1.1 your valor the proud al and the most inment City 01 the mmuneul—s city first conquered by a race long rival to your ttwo; bin the iieroll of your renown will be unstained by'the blood of a people tortured fur gain, or scourgod erten coniumed or inerclrew superstition. The :dory of your conquest will revive with IN brilliant successes the uminorien of the psi; the l o v e r of chivalrous adventure will. read with calla, atin the proilties of American valor which it re• cords whilst the plan, progress, and consummation of your campaign, detailed in your deeptitche, will be studied with imdruntiou by the suategist and the witt.renn. General, your Note will be eternal, for it :w en twined with the honor of your C000lry; to suls'er. re I, tor a haw received the applause of the civilized world. Yet, to those who knowtour heart, that fame would be incomplete Without the approtau eon o f the Sam: that gore you birth. The maternal approval of Vrn glnie will commend to your hew the 'squall.ns of your genius You will spur... Una, her masers:v, for she kiss never spoken the language of adtdelion; end treasure her affeelim, for she has never forgotten her sons. We are here in the mono and with the voice hi Vuittn, to confirm the honors which where have bestowed. She does not, like the republics of th e pan, welcome you with a inomphal tram Sordid captive. were not at your prnwess—nor does the tn. bum gold of revered cities insult your emanirymen by enne'uli^g w theirneolityno votive v•ctime heap the altar to hek o tat gods their approval of your actions—nor does the glided arch or the miner. ; al title lore you to forfeit, for en empty fame, Ike solid honors which you have woo so well, and woo so nobly. But recognising in your matured renown the con• firmation of your earlier promise, Virginia regents mob .pride the 'added emdtmees of her capacity to contribute to theStepubliciherervices of the hero and the rage, nor deems it evidence that this capactty is exhausted because she has in yoor, person united the atirtbutes'ut both.— General! Vlrginie . htdrus air you tbis r eilt. lis sculptured surface bean faint impress of la. scenes of your glory. Its motto Is significant of your sago. city and of your %nccns. l It is a gib otuatirquote to esprem your worth or her affection But 'begirt rm. bbdict and embalm. the emotions with which she regards your viriues and your deeds. Receive this medal and preserve nom the gat of a devoted mother to a cherished and illustrous son. ' During the delivery of this address, General Scrut repeatedly bowed in acknowledgment of the en. C.C9ll.lllif conferred upon him; and at its conclusion replied: GINTLIMLII OF TEM Cavern= h win no fp.. thegm of Pericles,-thet where the highest renuarrir are ghee to public eirtme, there the but of patriot, will be foxed. The maxim of more than °minor:lent republic may also be claimed by my native State, the honored Commonwealth of Vitamin. Indeed, her loyalty to our glonous Union has, from the first, been most con spicuous in the honors she has ever been prouipt to bestow upon all her sons who have devoted them. wives to the service of our common country—the United Stales of America. I, one of those SOO!, and who never directly held trust or countossum from her, have, in pursuance of her generous policy to sumo. late by reward., a second tune with a third of a centu ry between, been made the ohjsct ot bee distinguished partiality Al the end of the seeped war with Great Britain, Virginia, besides giving my name too cone ty, presented me with a .plentbd sword of honor, which I Olen weer with pride, and shall 111.111111 with my affscuona If .sweet are the uses of edversity"—and I have experietilid those trials and persecutions, to which all public men are •übject—so 1111113, prosperity, roan the glory of this moment, tench a lesson tit humility . This beautiful object of an, with its moat euniplimen. boy Benue mid inscription—the audience that hon ors the occasion, sod the eloquent battering address delivered in the !Janie and in behalf of a great Coin moo wen ltb. certainly thole faint, and make it. impossible tor me to say that, in respect to distinction, I have tired wholly In vain; but when I contrast my career with the fond a•plrations of youth—springing from the study of the great example. of room and usefulness a& ancient and modein history; Including the hatory of America I am made humble by the scone (rimy own mediocrity . Gentlemen of the committee, I most gratefully accept this medal si a mark of the continued appro• Ninon of my native State. It will serve daily to remind me and my postenty that, won a and to worship, each has also a country to love, to honor, and to obey. Thn,other membete of the committee, Messrs. Ay lett, Beane, Carrington, and Barbour. Were then individually presented to Genera) Scott, as wens Nam a large number of the ladies and gentleman present. The General was in Nil uniform, end au also were the (dicers of his still In attendance. • . LETTE6 'RON TUX HMI. ASCOT LAIIIIILXI._ A friend has received a letter from Abbot Law rence, our Minister to London, from whirl we make the following extract. What it says dfour, growing indebtednesS to Europe, and of our large importations from Europe, is important to those engaged in trade, and interesting to all readers. The same letter contains a high compliment to Mr. Skinner's magazine, known as The Plough, Loom, and AnzlL"—Neci Fork Ez ra:. Locos, Dec. 31,1850. • • • • Something most be done to nr rout the importations from foreign nations which so far exceeds our exports, We have now in Europa an hundred and fifty millions of dollars of United States, State, City, and Corporation bonds, which hate been sold to pay the balance of trade against other words for the pro dacta oY foreign labor to the detriment of our own. Our exports should balance our imports, and to that extent I. am willing to go—and not further. It is not creditable to our great coun try to borrowjarge sums of money of our rivals, for the purpose of obtaining such articles of lux ury or necessity as should he produced at home. We are recklessly squandering our magnificent reiources. . When will our people learn wit. a m , • o a Believe me, dear air, mosefaitlifully. • Your friend and Olt servant, ABBOT LAWRENCE. JKNAT LIYWAT EIAVANA. -. Jenny Lind gave three enacts at Novena, toe reeeipts of which, says cur. tespoudent of iite N. Y. &prow, d.d nut nium than flair defray the espetwes of the same, The music or Jenny end of was much applauded, but the nevrapapeedhe Dimity de ta. Marine, di•liked the price of admission fixed by Nir. Hameln, and that and the lOCIESEtiCiII of the people.for filament epecien of etnumments aro said to have been the mamas of the thin attenda'ace. A fourth concert was given for charitable purpowse, at dhicb lie said the receipts exceeded the expenses by $5,000, which. mutant was distributed on follow.: *l,OOO to the-Lying-in Reunite]; SIM) to the Charity Horiitel of , - - SC. JOh o rd On 1; 151000 to the Canaan Beneficent Society; $l,OOO to the Unialine CAMIVtat for tbe.Education 0: Poor Children; and SLOW in else for the descry ing poor LOOK 113 - 233 IttY MEE2Th! RE YOU A FATIIER. laboring for the roe hr. 0. 1,7110. r's ehaker Sarsaparilla Are yuu • Mother. suffering front thee.. to which fe• males see Fenerally tanned, um Dr. V, Howes bb•kur nanssparilbs—it will certainly eure you. Call at our dere. ne on our of MI? went, slat lag • Patnnhlet, gran& where you will nal that the Shaker ear even-ilia. uDrmoerarl bf 111,,e. It. Mare, h o been the means of pertratuently curing more &rear" to taint the human family ere nontiuWly subjeet. titan 'Sur other Prenntwinto of earsaltatilLat err, yet brought before tbe TLin ntedlelrso by establlobed is blab reputation by lta and well atttiDed cur.. lo d tbe mil/ Turpati time, wltieg t ' ore n T l oluatle t g emery one. ula l to found.. IMWEJ.3 IRlcm el Ent oak by lilt. b. D. MUM 0 CID, Proprproo . To whom all order. __Moo. for ,otlo by J Joneo, Seboonontkor IS. Diu+. . 11... J. M-Towt.o.l. J. Mohler. W. Jack nx ...,,.hmrob.: A.CCy,utl~te•.k Amr lleohou mot y city: IV. Mulle. Prown,rlll/ Jaal Slella'n Knox. Drawing Perspeatite; 7 tind Painting in Oil. , Ai R. D. SMITII now prernreit to give tont twthllog. !'lot .toot. boluern Kadati4 NlArkot Hour, botrortit.n. (non .1 , , to .1%, and fro. , •t r... rbortoot and other inuttoutsrli ray be Gnoivo by (ortoreo,n) ot tlw room, ItoG, to Dr. tiguraun or Dr. Atllltook. jendtt ALLOW. S this foie sale by ' Jan .1 II CANFIELD 1 UNDIII ES-3 iris fresh Roll Butter; 3 brl• eark4 ollu.l Corn Elval: auks Frathenu • • brie Rye Fkonr, Drial Ai plow and ['melte.. on eon- Fnle WILLIAMS l CO TOCtiti FOR SALE—Western Ins. Stuck; Turtle Creek Plank Monad Stout: ' Ittaburuh, thnelnuall and Loutarille Telegraph: Marine Railway Stock: (land .0.. Drilla, storlt: DAV Ylck. GEO. E. A ItNOLD & .131f:1 74 Fourth et DLAIN BL.ICh, - S I curtly lc 111...111 , 1[41, 1111TP rnn.i ri d n very full aupply of above Whirl. chor ran Poll ;a1 lower prima than they are ueiierall, *ld at: Illark Flout.) awl. Braude to of -_e)leer__ Trite SATINS. .of tho most desirable - Tim • ° ", ( . 4 ' . nuncivinD TA . - li2E--Twcrop, enty tierces new received this dav, and for rain hr ja 5 IIItOIVS t 11l IJl.'rly It lirls-No 3 Mackerel; cork. Codflela, for .ale by .IaZI er.t IL FbIlYll V, 01/A casks Johnston's brand, 1.3 for rale by„ jr,g, ./.4. N. FUND B ItOaNI,S--150 do: for halo by' , J. It. FLOYD . • mr:EriNti of the , Bottril of Manager, of the Allegheny County Agricortural tforletv *ill k. . at Ilare`a Tavern. on 11odueulay. the oth 0f Feldman. lasl. at to o'clock : th e new board art requerted to at tend. 11101 Drug and Prescription Store for Sale. Dit 17c; PRESCRIPTION STORE, arllt,T.l.l l T,P4il:A;4glrmitf„..7o,'`,gZt freed fo r ufle tpert vary term. For further turtlettlarr. apply et thollb ‘ roniele °face. fat: - 91 1 .111". THIRD WARD PUBLIC SCIIOOI.B rrtt.a. late F?1-;j17.1L'f„I, Wsu . clad for boy, sod gtrla. on Monday nets. In tl.. torture Kum i of the blob Fverbyterlata Church: tr-lattlattrld rtrueL Terror bff , sod unole knot. on &VW/ail:km at No 40 11.1,1.4,4 or at the retard rot.. faaf.`..lla 1(3-PA ItTNEitSll.ll'-- - =W - 1! IIoVO llllff tiftV ~areed with to, Benjamin F. Unteldron. The heal near wil hr continued n herntoPur, nuder. flit, firm et • . JASIFA A. II A CO. Flttel.orgle J.1.111.11,11•C I a:A.—p..22,11m VICE -15 cask's 'Carolina for wile by ' to Jnt) J. a IL FLOYD N l ol ' lCE—Theartnership her,tofO re en lr.•l .m the ull. under Irt t llv a n t r Itonftitua iltuann ronamt. The o I:r llarrien. ua i r fran l - fler , wilt hereafter be coml.' on by Henry le Rottman and Abraham llarrhan. iu lbe name of Rottman A blarriron. 11. F. DOLLSIAN. 11. L. DOLLSIAN. ja2),ilw A . DAF,IIIYON. IFE ASSUltANCELdusuranee on per oat,. of 1.5 and CU mar In flleetfrl National lenn Fund lAff• Arourann• Foricly. by appheallon to, the uadenrigned. ablitlenfal quantity of expLinator) pamphlet, lust • errelted for gratultour circulation. Enquire at the Dank. Ino 'lnure of W:11. A. HILL t ja= 'Wind rt, Nunn,' time alnveyourth. DOLL BUTTEIi—,2S !irk fresh, in good I,llnntrr. non.. far 'ale 1511:DMIALEV CO, 1•22 14 lAltll-7 lags N 1 Leif Lnrd: 4 = key. d0...A.5. _'.! A. l et!T . I. kli , ALM a CO t .,.. 5111:::. , .-10 casks Pure Potash: ' in CiLekk Pc. ..w., fur rile 1.1 - '. -2. J. 1. ti(. VLOTD, Itousal Churrb. (.:EGAIRS--1110,100 common for only by I_7 1.. J. a R. VIZVD iyUTTER-I6 lA+ prime roll fur r4tle by - ..22 - J. A R. VLAIYIC Soda Ash—PriceßeducesL (- 2 la CASES blnspentts' bestßfuttlity Maks ap Mtesro of 7 i ,de A4l. on hood sod for i;'2'l' Sy, ht ,i7t. it W"" " LI 11. MITI. I Itt Lett, Winter Clothing at Reduced Prices, T WM. Mt1111"S Cheap Cash Clothing store. No. 1:011.0.rty Piton proorktor of thr shore .rtolasltoirot'b• ins Jeoiroun of dipprelo, of the t.lani, , inter tohk,• rooito for till oatonsive port:Noes for Sprlog. ghort4 . rive. box dlrter-roinol to nIT...r them at ,t rnluuJ Trk‘ot i.e ea...b. All throe who wont ftahloriabl, nod writ mad. Clotbln.. will Ana it ¢ - ri.ollr, to thor aaranta?p. to favor hi., 0110 o evil, /11, ,1•11 bargain. will Ie offend. la2l j;or.lhr rale hy • p at; .jl2l W.. H. J.41N , 1 . 0N. 11 111.. i ritY NtirS'e—t: lirls w i k or u sal:4 , l , ll . • Tos. 111 RY APPLES—UP sackv for sale by 15 Wu 11. J011 . ...5n0N hu unshelled, for sale by ity 11.1 JOHNSTON OLL hits fresh for sale IT tea 114. 11. JOHNSTON. InOTTON BATTING-100 bales for sale - iis WALLINGFORD t CO.. {,g TAIL CA NDLES,—;to bag Cincinnati tan -I:7lnutar7nre. on hand and Ow tale 1, WALLINGPORD C CO DERFUhfEIIY, 4,, Ana. Labia). Extracts I , %the hataikctrltGA: .1.4 doe. small • dot. ATM., 13x1 Subeta, Tarp. main: 1 dr dox. rouiroun emsl.?aelv Tngutb, altla and torn n• oso jh rn-iront mat km ale at • , A p ne e ,Pr at '"of WPal nud JaaW WICKY.RItIII3I. TA LLOW —Thirty brirrols Sheep andtwetl- ly Larrel, nor( r,rlrot nod for riklt hr .I,a) E T . . . . LMOTH rrels Y SEED-4 ba received and fni ssn bf 1.30 SAMCES SIM trcit. 11 1 111:S:11'n.j--Sizty bushels receiVed and i.r.1.1 by le9 SAMUEL P. einuvrat. 1 k RED APPLES-2M bushel just rec i si. A" nod fur vale by bland • iv & wtuuNt MOLAS.SES—Fifty harreLs of nun . crop recelYed .4 tor .ds or, PP3IUPL P. kIIIRIVLIt. N. IJI emd Permol i , L()Ult—Seventy five barrels Family Flour I xna far rale by BA.MUV. to LL lyl'E!—Twenty barrels primp I.lAt rnr i r. t r A AMIN!. P. PITRIVEP. 14 1 WI/It—WO brls superfine; W ',rho Awl for Rd, by it.2l Wm. 11. JOIINSToN, 112 P.-. 4111 • .I) RY 11' I'L fty humheln received and fanl~lr not SAMUEL P. Flfitll'l:t. WHITE b I!E A N l i4 ul A T - t d: L rr ;i e t i i lir w ! , lu . I A Rl)—Twenty teirrelm and thirty kepi No. Jui Lard rm. 1•44 asstl for ule' • ' 1' . • FUR'TILE DIFEEEENTCiIiAIIES NJ or wished wool t.r 101 l 1 1 1 . 1 :k. A1T0C) ,,,, LLtiii ,.... G( . 3: ., () , D5. , —0n i e ....4 e!Lr Scarlet Flannel.::; are.,, SorluuTLeul,'•"ll . 4; , ,i: 2•l4 Cam!!nen: 2 mml. rors.ll,l on ...w.f.:merit (en,, lbu utatatfurturrn.. rari fur nal. . Jail IL LEM IiTING AIUSLINS 1111511 LINENS. I 3 Murphy a littr.llll.ld moll.. to I.uhm particular attention to thin braorl h of thelraurrlnr, nut are rar.ful ... to leet oor.Prior Ilutu• warm:Fled pure Ha, tub! both at low mire. outtllty. jot I !lINESE, V ERM I lbefor gale 101' J. 1(11011.1 lIEMI' SEEl)—.Fiftden b arrel,, (new crop) . tor rule by ian J. KIDD a Co. d LUE—Twenty (le;bncrely, for wale by 11 A ll J. lill3l/ a CO.No. CO g LASS l'A PER—Five hundred aquae of sndtter ( arm.. U, ,to lintJ. 6 1111, a CO.. No. 310 Wad .1. - n OYS' sATlNErrs.—furphy d Burch. .0 11.1.1 hare nu..lved • lot 01 hanofiamo now)" Nilant ratiortto. for Mu.' 0.1.0 1 al, Hula nod Plain Cualrurrem. Ip nf ritt , • .l l;l . l . .tz, 51 , :r1;1 1 , Cam ° horn,. lituaucky Joann Mack u rth root corn., of Fourth and oda lid_lA S MI hlai r lusea n+clrnl ant 60 ~lo , f , ty t l „. , uses and _loth IlitIlIVSl A ISlTZk'rttic}: 0. ALEItA TU S-4 eingkii No. 1 Salerntus; --- i. 7 . It, Mil,.. .In de, In Mon+ and for gale by JAMES DALZEI.L. ,nll rA Water ntrrrt. BLOOMS --One hundred tuna Tennenee Illomm, '3, Inn. '1 . ..pup...8.1.10m mrolvlne frani rtram ,.....,,,...nd rn,..,11,. by J A3IE.S IkALZY.II.. POI . Sn. r.. 4 Mottpr strrrt. WINDOW GLASS.-Fiv, hundred )oxen aernrild Mg. otorr and for •rtlt• by )01 AA 11E14 bAL7.ELI.. _ _ -". • • 130TA.SIL--. 5 vu,kl4 Runsl t, just rucemml, *nu s.uuo bT 1.9 ROBERT DALZELL A CO. FRESII ROLL BUTTER-20 bxsjust reed by . jal7 • J. 11. CANFIELD trIISSOLUTIOIc OF PARTNERSHIP.— The i•ry&.r.ddy, Iserrlnfnrn e‘l,llllv betwown lin , mon• odbot, and St to. Lk-Walnut, Doll, innkrbs. nib!, the move of lm o. 31..:1114t0r • b.. t ho. been di,nlY , Lll4 tb•• of Ow .. St..lll4er thorb.i. Jaw, 11/air and -Imre Tlbmo . , ohm In vonnortinnvlth th. umlonlJnol. one nf the tnvinbbn. of ttmoald firm, sill obn. witim by J.tnr• dlalr Co, to whom only nil rirrollYll dobtol tbrrylo om Ing tto•ted 1,, wok,. In moot. LICIITACM Plttobufgh, hinnaryo.lSsL.M.l3t 11 I SSOLU TION OF PARTNERSHIP— ur The partoccrbip beretonne eolalirny under Ltb firm ot noccop Vomaln.llorchnot Zino., MI Wooly Wee, h. Wen amicably illmoloal on kro- H. rrln art any. in ocono lark% and on ork Ito none of tha al tam In all such acttlemenla. 11.81UNIP., 11. 101XILLI:. ./ri - 0.11-5...7.411.3..7 =eh, nate truly the .14 thomt,soll to kitty to Tattoo Ulf customer.. - at I It MEE rj 11. RKST—AII that portion ar my river Ia I Imt Tog between tho eatnastreh and Biaddca-lie ett and the river. r0pp....,1 ennteln about any err, to Whichwill be attae..l • two en, frame below with ant:retina trtoneeellar underneath. an i,reliard. • utable anclbarn. It la all in • blab 14111. of cultlvatitat. and would be *ell calculated' in, dairy or gantening ?ar ra:am an apply '- entamendtql for boneety. hriety. and inituatre. The facilitiea for gettlux in naar ' ket are onual to any In the routdrOw. the menpant ,iii hate hie choice of the river, plank mad. oersit rood for hh. accommodation. WM. HAWKINS _ InEAL ESTATE FOR SALE—The under ~. stoned offers for kale a laraeow , tt , a ....I ' d ''' . Lulldloa te k. mai wale very &Arable o c lu e G,r manufar -I.'St' normnrh nf Itirntingbant. !mated that the uw Public ttehnOl 1t.,,,, and Ettaliah Lutheran Churrb. The rapid growth of Itirminaharn in population and manufacturint; wealth, and the ft...unable Mire a at wh ic h h. will he eold, will reader them a rare and prolttable In v.:meat. Title perfect vree. favorable. For partleulan. and Inuit. eAre of the'under,howd. at the olUoe Gramm V. Gilmore. on Grant drrt, bun:h. letvrern and Fourt otreetr, or 4111111 am Syttuneaand Patterron. Men', at their *Mere' Ittrn, Ingham. MOSES V EATON. TO LET--Chte !louse find Lot situated =7l. finttord eneventh Ward. For term, t;,l aI , PIT an Itt,lll:4 2, yd b, d . rj o h . li , CO it .ALE—Th subscriber offers for en - - mute a Irmo and we built Itrl:k Home. with five ire tnorw sews 4 mmand mitaated raa the Fourth ytevetra. , .. , I:nral, within three Irak of this city.l . 4 exaelim ah.n on llor Int of April treat, AIYo, a Ter, rierirable rotor ground. month:an 0000 Four Area. with a epritia o excellent water thereon, altuatrd near the above. Alp., a lot 6f trround Ifet II Inches I.y 1611 het. adjoin. Inn the rcrldenre nf 1t . A. Toner near the eity optvolle thr toren:tit Werd..l . ennay Ivan]. Avrune. Ikoo,sion K It la non nirtato the the Plank Road will he e0eu1.1.6. pant the alure proportyooly in the continn n:lure. For further informalk.e. Itgl:LKII, Fourth owl. nor/ the drat do tined Itruyerty. ta:r2-311f 7rolt MENTOR SALE--The subseriber'rc! - . 4 will or rent Ina very dt6 - leable Co.try 11,1. A"..,1 nce. In Allegheny city. nitonled nn 0h63 Lane andAraow• Allegheny Avenne, went of the Common. The horn is large double brlelibuildlng. In 00111 Kit. order. More In a ewreiage bon, ratae nd evol water rothe ',mond, •hleh rot:grin:6l.w. mere, well barmy:4, aining rvery anwription of .0010 Ono, a orring linun• end 11000., bow, reeol:velon stleen whenever derainal. J(IIIN jatlgtf I‘OII.IiENT—A splendid Dairy Farm, ?mi, joining the lily, with a pod Uwe tog L. and fine Apple Orchard. Alm. wel eon. , , dahod Country Mangan, cottage 14ylc, with out buildlotta and one arm aground, within twenty minute,' drive of, the Court Hon.. Alen, ',rend [Urines,and Dwelling 'Lwow in utd out of the oily. will he rented no resoonahle terror. by 110111 . Att'Ext, Law. laf2lllw4wltT dl Opal atm*, near Fourth OR RENT—A two story Dwellin 're. Howe no liar tarred. Eriquire or Jaln ,JASI,EN DAL'LNLI... Watrr id- n om_ r'ruOlt,SA LE ORON PERPETUAL LEASE —I will .11 7L. rash, or on perpetual loon., nnr lot on n 60,1- 24 livf front by 100 tot to t± ring ad eunnk:ltiT!y_nlirb rt W r t ei ,F- gt " . e a l u h rZir-t i e '. 9L " tk u rmi 7Prlnit 2 . 74 feet on oibrrty, cart. Spring Ailey. AI, 1,500 feet footing on Femme.° amt. item.. diately liptawite the Contra] liallmad Der., and roninining 45 wow. inainhkirtrj JASIES ARA. 111 08 RENT—The store room and cellar on , lb. mouth enot corner or Xlarkrt, street and the liier andat torrent oreupird no a lamp shoe; al. the •erond and third onake of the same entrance nn the Dia ond. Will ix. noted hir one or than ear, fn. the lot of April mar Apply to LEWIS 11111111 CON. jawfficilf US Water Street - VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE, .:711 The Third Went Puldir Fehot , lllotter.and , olte on which It old either reparatoly or in-kr., `Cherry tile= The. diamond lo 17 . 3 1 441 whit ln „Aorglalitional i1)1 natiZiorirrd rill be a - 11.r], and terms of rale - nude know, on applieation JttldY .11ECASICEr, ;Wel Iktanl Director., at. No. 4: and 1.5 .I.lallut ntrret. ran2l • 'llO LET—A largo IRansion Rouse with rzr. 20 00111 of Lau/ attached, attnaled at Oakland. jaIaHARDY. JON IX). Real Efttate worth 8100,000. VERY DESIRABLE Property in Alta.,• it, Smith 0.11,11011 by :ail to 1 Vat, strivt.. The other, 140. f, , et lewd L T 270 to air alley, bnprvard In We ben wanner, nonling a dolialstfid akar uf 111 n titr of littabarah, the Aand Oslo tiarra a i , lkarofymnind (muting anrib nn North OITIZIIIID. feet. rooting 170 feet back, bounded by Inn My lint ellrr In nor. • .. . . . . AI, twouty art....s dir..rtlv ippon:le the Rail (laud Del , t. of the tuo4 dr.lrable propir4 so. °arr.,' fur rah, Thk pie., of MI1.11470;1 tokloennetsts to nww.olatorw. Apply to JaL , ' ! BAIRD h lIITIN. 111 &rood rt ..- rim LET.Tinit desirable residence at .....:',..,.. nn....nt orreulrd by the smhwerllwr, altusted as tirre Pthe naborgh kr: In the Borough of Lawren rllle. The honor lahm sod 'our...neut. Mu 12 P.M11.1. - nra rollari. old Ira.ll bona, Abe. I. otable and earring.. how< we with att. xatd.n, containing choler. abrulw .Iwry soot fivlt trey, The numfbuw Mallon I. a 'bort din. lance lobo, and perwouo ran go In at an. hour. For par - ticuistv Inquire of ROIIT. D. /11031110:1, .1.11 , 11 m . ho. 114 Market Wed. "OR RENT—A SAW MILL in East Binning wol d tuand fa • I•rwe buslnovq . It nu eton- Itivt tho ,- nitre ha tut". of th e Ortntbr eral avoid. win IP! thnmotrhl repairraL with new Lahr., AM ham,' fur a ttqqta of ,trot. .Alw, ausareilcut alto fur Mirk walklntt—clar deep. Atso. etqterat goqtt quarries artiyetteot Moue. Inquire of cnato Thinitnii;rlW - ; it:siiiV.OP.i:&." - t — iiiriniiretiieii. li!Oli. RENT-4-A Dwelling.llouse, with =l.l ti„. tit; or elererwim• in want repQr,and with lant• ;:,., 1.04. on rodent /UV.. Altentonty. /trot, $175 perwwww Want. . , AI, A,STOII: 4 ' ol Maxtet Mixt. inttabornh. • long War..howe .on INA newel, and owseral Boom+ In I'.t I/file,. I:wilding. E. D. IIiZZAM. j'in'l Ztroniele. flit, and Tribune ronN47 - rit• W . ' il T o ,LET--T;e Three Story Dwelling llouwe. No 111 - O. •liswt- . 0n . ..". 'sn - f" Er , 1,,, Obn 0. LO togs no. and oounfiffina two par.,. ww dining moon anal 0 dont, on the find noon haw•wico 011 rn on. the ILL a Awn]. Inuit. of J. IR. Choral-10 FLOYD, ali Itoutol . . . rIET-Oitt , Tiro Story Brick liousikel c_ct3l.l9z nin.n.y.. Centre Aro-nue, ilinerillE{l vt noul. :WU 10.. .11 , 0 n, JAW /MTN WATT 4, CO. VOR RENT.; The Store, 118 Market 2 st ree w f. the ,erond, door ham the Turner c.fMertrt en4l Libert, etret.. Fromuion uiven the IFt of Arra 13.1- Inquire of DA% TO OITCF.It. ja•hilm . 106 Penn rt. 701 t RENT, two very convenient DWELLINO HOT:YE: 4 . no Third etre.. shoe end neer to tintitheeld. i 1144.1,4031 Oven. the srst Jima a April rkxt. Alai to Lewe tor one °imam)... enme large reran LOo on awl non the Alleghen, lin.. In the Ninth Appl) to WM. M. BARI.I.VOTON, or. BENJ. DAtiLINWFON, .1411 Fourth At. near {Void. 11, 1 1 0 IL RENT,—The following proper 1. ties am Air mut, tiro A Inept s,ll aud mnphIPIT fuenhand STORE. on Market ,Arent. between Ttded nod Fourth eta, .unable f, DoT theak , Several mount in 1 . 04 Dul:dlno. In the ,venal and thtnl gotta for Artio.'t thann, Ae. A Isom and ennrentrat LIWELLIICtI 110VSE. n 143+ ne..e.reet the glty. Poroce.ion el ilic . fluTtolng . ma be given on the let of April next. . VMALL 1310fITI on . third ourret, next deer to the Cixertte "Mon. Preneuritni given homedintel. 'ALE—An tineXldred Leuee . the { t i ..rhou , cut 1111rol Ann, turetordrn occupied hy the Lale rA. lierleo. For ter spray to r .. ' r.. D. ft )I. 14 Reernad Ntre,t. janl or toll. 1111.X,RMICK, Ntl third 'beet. rit:lllENT. , n Two toots Tram-, House .ers an.l 'Dark hulking. with ty7o lota, Mtu•k, ouill Cord at mat, !IV W. adjoining L. Nbrorn. For lento, apfdp - to !WHIMS, LITTLE • co.. •:i5 Liberty altwet. :Jr.l LET, thir Store Room No. 65 Mar ket /Amt. fahnining thr. Watch and Jewelry W. Wilnaa, and .nanny ,avunled by 31.afra.....f. N. flt . tintaa St Mu. as a flanking and Lanham., afar, TIM man la fiwat,4l lbe nand and best burin., 'mint At the dlr. and wrllsdaphd for • flanking and {lg. change Inane, and IMuranne nllee, or a ann. A splendid nee front. with Engligh Plate liLw, wlO beintt in mown /fa thnerather nernlit. roaseaskaa Oren On the trot of February. If wanted.— . Enquire of • , W. W. WILSON, In 7 • Corner of Market and Fourth stmts. "OR SALE, the Three btu," Brick Dtwillini. No. In tier strarL Porter's fine— ;mire Waal,. 'terms, if. rash. PUO in ono tar, and.... giall) In nee year, to be secured b. mortalte Cklr rd.g e et/I " efr e. Ist AV E' t ° 101 Liberty etreet P LET, four . ,wry Slatu2 rot not, Lath gas ras, datu and bake orrn, ICJ Third itmet. It:lgnite at 01.1 Water Amer- nrP., FLAXSEED—A small lot for sale by CAN VIRLD QIIEEP PELTS—I bale finale Ly , J. IVAN/ lELI , 4 1 UGAR=TITA,nty bade new Sulzer on band 11. r role by hIS MUM, a KIRKPATRICK P BACCO—Twenty ban IV. 11. Grant's: 1;? b.u. Grant a WIIIIlome; •18 Lap A-Ilanal.1).: bole Ilarrovro half pound: • :kb. l0aono.)4 du 00 Ilona aml R.r pale . jsla • lIIKiWN I KIRKPATRICK , • LARD—One hundred keg p , new Lard ou bawl awl Po pato bra . BROWN* KIRKPATRICK SUNDRIES- • -Ten Lxx S.:E i t:hntuujeuvoa; F.Zekborola, 3 bilt ofir Ilwra Punt, 011 hard and f..r BROWN I KIRKPATRICK , . 'PRE REST OF WINES AND BRANUM.. minable fur mrdlcival 14irpoor Away, on loold rind for MI.. by 31ORRIS t lIA% , • • • • 4 4 LOUR—Thiee hundred barrels just reed 7 1 !awl ha oak h h III'ItBRIDUE A INUBRANI, sill No. 116 Wakr AVANA SUllAlt—Twenty boxes White ju- " ME INUIIBAM. No. , IILIWILLur et. t. 14 ‘ l , VICES. Canino, Pimento, Peutier, Cloves, 17 mi, nn sal. by 'NAIAD DICKEY 44 CO. thai Won, Front OA. BUTTER -Ei g ht barrein pocked for sole by 4•14 N. F. VON DoNNIIORST 1 CO. & tiltEASE—Ten brie No. f Lord; 4 brio (Inoute, non landing horn Otloner lytohltortton onle Ipf 11144A11 DICKEY CO.. t J. 13 ttod rm./ eta IL A ILI ) —Sixty brie No.l in dor° and fdr rale bY JAI3 18AIAII DICKEY ICAL,Witkr hout.t/ /'1 lIEASE—Forty fire Idle in etore, for itale XII by INAIAII DICKEY A 4.44 'Water and Front 11 EST BLACK TEA—Same .kind ini in I_, Enularal—ftnall bell, Arntyi anal fine, plramant Ita. the pale Inv !row all herby WU—prier 15 cents Per 1..1 the pale hy MORU:. I a IIAWLOCI IL in the Dimond. az no where .Ire to I'lltrbandk. j. 14 B ROOMS4—One hundred dozen for enlediy Inl.l 0 .•11. V. VON BONN - 110MT a CO. ITHE BEST PLACE TO BUY TEA. momue A IIAWORTIVS Tea Rom emt able of the “anntnl. . flueomd Tram st-SO mute per pound. 'l'lo. nue, quall}le. at 74 d, Lalre nop,rnte m Si 00 du Ohl Country ;wool., thst u, BLACK TEA. will find our. sun their md.b.wxn..lly. 'Rem kinds of 'few. we recelr. dint., irrtl Atom from In Lulland. and Ow) mount bo bought et any fl I , ol.•huruh. UIN, (OLD JAMAICA RUM, tb. quart or wboleente, fur rale by poll MORRIS t fIAWORTII. t. l*: N APl'LES—'rwonty.brls. r 4, aI yby 2. r. VON BONSIIVIINT CO. & w. Pauli t.:ALMON.-4#4 Salmon, No. I, in store 171 and Om owe b BM OU DALZIILL CU. EMOVAL. • a.. firr.ra has removed to Libertr greet, below rat, No la 3. Mee atal darn mita the maw buildbotb • atiatialtaa W.ELEs:II F N ELS. of the, different T V qualltlero the X.1.11 , 2ie1; attleloa—so briber suably too aotaat : - • 211:1OVIIY to UURCILYILLD•• VOULTER & Wholesale and Re. DragrAst, Comm a Wool azttl Third utv• &ems vt. 1 atel. Pitubnr - MEM= STEAM BOATS .111 — .4 • 011 lA./VS4OW, .11.1,VIIRPCN5L --- AND WELLSVALE—he hoc atealier 3 . inVEILLE, Inn. Shedden, roaster. will Aln 11.. rnwolwr packet hrtweett thla city 1.11 tollsriDei lew, ton , Ilirsturnh i.very , Matulay, iVednentinninna )111111 r 1.1 1: I. chwk. 1" w. Far freight or onsnwinn. apply Ire itolnA. I . . 1113° .._ ... .1.,j 1 011. .Isl ASII V ILL E--The fibe _,^ inn, 51 A1FLOSIESt. Mule... WIWI , - I ' 4o, t/ II I.nt.• tor the aloresplinterno.lloternel-0. on Fr..12,.ut 1 v. Y. Far 'night or in/ uhrti; on Loan!. I, in: I4 1 ()II. AA NES V I LLE —The tie .. riontner I.:sl PlLE , ln.Cornna..Lor. will 1 o „..011:611.,.... lorni..v. tirol luterm,linieti,np,h4nflorpn, For trvlch nr Dri , .... annl) on luard. :: jaTi. y_ 1 4 101 t CINCINNATI & ST. 1.01.J1S A The floo ntattmer J. Q. ADANIS: lAA, .......0 111/101.1. will lenve.for alo.p. and Intorpodiglw ~,,n 11 .01.10•0143..hh lint. ut 10 i w. I V, fnicht or im......nr0. app. on loinn.l. i JAIN 1 - 1 - 4 NOtt r 1 .; , 11 , N , : , ( , :1N IC 'I, LOU ISV I LliE ..„. i i • A At . s :sr-7'..;.`;',`r,",,l.':TC4ii '..*' true.. Pr tho slylin nod harm...lPP port*. of TumulAF. thr 1.1111 hod.. nt 11 1 . 11. For tnioht rr ponner. nOn l l on honnl. ( ~ w ill: . _ . FOR ST. LOUIS. The film rub- m .., . olnir ntenruer ROBERT hoismßs. e4t. hen will bare li , r tho nhowe and inter inetlutto porn. th 4 dor, the , 1 7th tooPot..t. JO A. 51. tor o f or innn , ..1 1 1 , 11 on 101 .0.. l' J._n tiiiit NEW OItLEA:) . ;... s--rt.,. niw , rtr,. , e it ..,. i ' :::, ar b r . . , . "' r, " l,_=g ttilTAVif;'ellrt, rind Intornoninte noro on . Satoolni . Ilto :nib h oot. at .1 .i‘ l l t. l l ' ' ' For 'rote' t or .l r : ; 7 1t4: 1 K ''' ./iNkL " . ' l,ll;. ' ;J. lO 11 4'4, :!„. / ;:.i it .,.. ) , L 1 1 , 1 r 5- C,Z: I I , 7:IIIi,' I LTIL I ' I . t a F;tp• ..::11=.";,rir•c"'" , , I ,?"*. r "..° L .'..' - i/IlrYtt - 4:P.11. ir :I On • 11(11 3, .A.... !'"r fr''''' -I''''''..Pi .i i . i d,llo . s " .} . ., A„... .f.t-^ _ . 11. 4 1017 Iy()EISVILIIE.—TIie. ? T ien- itTE . .. , GI , 1141 rteruner Vermont. Parr_ Itnoloth will let, .1 lents• forth.. alnre nod sll Inleirtml att. point. y l — , -- on thin dn.. th... 2.1 n o n at In o'clock A. 51. , . 11.111 " ( nil. oll no Povnvo , whnii on hon.). ,in;.l ._. • T., °R LOUISVILLE—The spleml, ~,- ~ 1 11 -I:r t. l ' l ' ,: '. To : 1 4%, T , ' „? ' ir t c ;eltslirt. " l ' 3l.7/ 1 1 1 ' ' '''rr"'4' irs, dr... 10 11 . 1 . 10ek A. 0. • For ereight or pt./wive. apply on board. jaPi L'I O oli NEW ORLEANS —The m r, JII' light'clonight Romer PAD In, lireronlon.V. , 1.....7:11..../tit MN, will Purr Pr tho above and /ill Intel Moho. port, .311 51norlay of In A 31: Vor might or pop lipid, on Weil or to ===!!! F OR N sIIV I L E. Thu last runnd ,dazdner Gant ~.., H iti for the above tl EN ta and inrmaxllate port.. on Monday ...341, hd-, at It) A. 31. For (night or WNW, apply'on meal. LOUISVILLE L.l.The fast'cu.; running Aram, NAT cantaln,_ nal,. will Ira, fortho Onto nail hatortnedl- , ---- , ---• ate porta. thln day. at 11, A. II: For fmiltht or toilvet6... apply on talard. • ..,jal4 I. l l olt ST. lA)UIS. _ nrw .tratiter FLEETWOOD. 01. Conley,. r..tnoinder fray. .fort he ahoy. an.l tartr, Fattorday. the I Olt 1..1.4 at 4 I'. 31. For Instal or_plaasato apply on I.aue. or tu tau NEtVTON JONES. Anvnt. VOR NEW 011 L EAN S. The lj • aph.nolol new ateazarr EltiTt/It. A. R. Ma. ron, tot,dor. will b.., (or atul., and lobs, —4 oo,hate morntnn. inatont,at Ib u'rlork. Far freight or Mono,, aPPIY horool. lag lltloit .NASA VILLE. Thu splen w I itdid Aan:ter Itler PITT, Milk.r. toa..dr. for tho aboro and lntaranto ports , thla day. Uth btataill.. clock. A te .3l. `For !Ni g ht or i.e.., apply on 14613 d . ' ja9 OR. CINCINNATI ANI) ST.. xplyndid .d...antor tindor. will leave ror ahoy,• and intorni r ollan. jam'. tih day, at o'clock. A. 31. llEGuicAlt PiTTAITIftuIiANp . WIIELLINII PACK ET.—Thr 4alendld ...r7 a new pork, raceme s 1/11lItNAL. Co o writ. max. 6.r. 1101 F ta.rfortdinnber regnlalltri.lorrtklytrlpa hotareen 1.1.11 city. and Wino-li ng , trattng Pittrboryhal to o'clock ovary Monday. Wetinavolat and Friday. end. returning. IVl.,llto g earn l'uOaday, Thoraday and tlatur..lay. In each week.. Vortrclthr or porn., apply on board, or 6. not LHOZER. Agadats. EGULAR ANTI 111 . 3 , Al;a i [0.2, to .1 e 'r:l;a7ortileatitrtlar, loarrot Monday, waeueauay" En d 4. For freisatt or par....a g e. Apply on hoard, or to tx•LE W. 11. WILEF.LEIL Aunt. L S . I) Y , the own,. of I.ln. Avant, Inane evroh. turd other, 6,r It, I; whatati afol PlOrhorch Parkrt trado. and will tem., for Cler!onati. In oho, of tho New Eng. land For frrialt or ,autos a n plt on lonard. or to tor-At It. 11. 3 / I LTENIIKDOEIL Arrnt. AND : ei.L..tita.e. Capt. It. • 'itourr'all run a. a traular ictrlat betwren PilObur g h. iVhcadintr. Ilridneport. and You9+ll, !rayon: g h rrery Moods, anemones (or Stru6ral amt thidavrort. and esidl Monday oltrronon. for Stellt.C.lll, r i Z ' ll7:; " . Z l2llthrtil Vlltl4 - `'•nr2 l .tf.; I '7 - amtl'l'l;llth . GT2 - I. l. O r 'r atni For "girt:" lEGI .12 TLAR . WELLSVILLE ACR ET—Tbr at to.rlork_ A. ,L la-AIII.MI are. Ihttrhn r:L no lan Velintille on anti Thor, dot. and Sal at oelork. A. 31. For 11014.1 or nn bo ar d. nos P: , will Laacv aloft' 'V jr T,!r•-tNrp ,`.' l •"! . ' • n traln/. orlo .talll W3l. 11. JOIINSTOV. ALrt. MEDICAL COUGHS & COLDS CURED IN 48 HOURS. , Q 1 INCE the introduction of this new Com niZr.'7..! nua tl;P:Fl,...onfrlntr.T.,Al"7n:bTo rn,.. 011:14, Oruniini 11 , souzit . A.!iu P le, time SW nt n aiwnpre enu. th3o nn) k thcine mrr IT I !An AN ENTIRELY NEAV ACTON — Th a old Cough Iledaintu rll sicken thy stunt:wit 4,4 0,11100 I•nuwa which is mim disaoteral.te than' the tutt;th Wulf This I. o.'l - In this an:Atu re. for It laa I.l.want anoth ing ankle and It will ern , a nu. atenra tri7/ le rrfinrinl! The pri ,lt are In favor ..1 thid rnedirine In our ray. float our orrn .liken 'honk! 01.11,0,- .:n3 ton, of lad ellio arj. 11 id the pr., ription or 0 ',Gies? ph, ririon. and has. lwen wad! 1.1 tiro In bid own prartine tu a none, of ~'ant with tha aura heroic. 'news, CONSJSIPTION—A lad 0 frmn Stylthenrllk. wrib , d. that her di:tighter hal Id , it all!leteil with n ;virgin and exp,rinn 'alien railcar torah. turtle fever, and all the illdtresiing sinaptamot of consumption. not li/3 t affer taking two law Iles she . .. eutlirly eurril.' Agrant . ..a in SS...Minato. ell - init . Ishii had auffer.,l with A• 1119141 SIMI ( * Munk-Own:lt fcr sdaht jeitra hrid hewn rutirrly nifddial and thy ugh I r. tun 14 hi lb. tide of half a Joao of Iditned of thiniv, t , ..a S,l , A gentldman front Prolix. IlliPl.ig. Writ,. hot 'hr loon. the I,toral , rya lo he a mddl :trade- hir h' to 11,4 It In his man rerun and In !lir mars of tarmlwrs of hi. loudly with the. wort lideturt , indidid Pr la ONG or 000 Clit tn,T Shan:tugs sow rgna - u-1 I Is put up In half pint 1..1, at 10 14103 .m+. fn. six bottled fi.r 111 .ii Catirrav Saintarturer weld do well to keep tout-ply of this media-int on hand all the tone. ar It b. one 4 the roma n-rfeut 41.1 rni.oraind reniedira u`ter thud-demi for all " V.A7;l ' il ll' Mlr.t 'f -- U' isi l i o ar n' :V;X!l! ' 4. 4 lll l' ; ' 4 l ' t., 4 ,7.7, ''' iu ' l . t bur mutate ma. of the variois. nostrum, bui JO inn ' tio..l them. If rot, want to get ng.111.0, SM. litaSigga lis.rtia if. e.wcr, and taki. no other. till. will you. It lvw In it memo of the nsoet Yaludd.. plain+ and herb. , of the an m.Ata-a- and id n,trodittolli,l by a ;diarist in Ito healn ing arr. There ton Id. no 1i1 , 41.00 I, thldruodielnu. it in timpani! In i our town rltyn and the pruprienie had. molars , tit.• rertitkruied trout tenons in mar own eltj.e.ttriling ins Ti.lntdole pn.portlrs. wl,hh will be .loop tO any Irmo tie-in'ut JI - r....1. them. Al/1"%. W.I. Ilinmghoot the United :Usti.. to yelo this nuallehte. Lard, thorium. will br romle In tip.. who will trite an Interudi In the nudlitiair.- It will pay mbar, proflt U, all in....n..1,41,, I n will hedoing.doffering humanity a ...tried, be Oaring In their hand* the creutrdt inodirlue for Lung dfdroarr Ilse world bac turf lunation'. . For dal, wholrutle mid mail. by KEYSER & Slrlalli- ELL. art., 141 , 11i...1 stroll- Pattetturgla. Po.. to whom a ll. h-te, trite, for a gentled must be oats...rd. Abut. far dale by It. SI. Curry. Alleglirny ea,: P. I L l i , jr., lima naralle: o...rge Rand. WitiMingtoin John IL Ilitehtumn. Ifirinr.,; th , ,,, heyder. 3letorvr.rt; C. 11. Vowt.ll. L' alOl lir wombatst and dragilstd cenrsidly. ,er, 4 , EL LEIIS' LIVER PILLS euperceile all t 7 other", l'llalituton. Va.. Sid. Vt, 1 , 1 1 .—..',1r. E. E. Salem—Your litlid bade Idut , nso du tduntinr in all this tv- E0 , 1: . ;...f r e.A12 - d i ai „. 7? il a i utarla to auptio , , :tr ,„ l „ ill uthera od a la.rtrart or a letterJ . JAAJ'.!S .I. 4 I,i'AVIS. Purehayyrw moollryt that It. FL :` , ...11.Ww . lig, Pill , an. Va. original sad ouly true tool miontic I.lyer Pall, and rimy hp hail at ho. tin% ord stnuf, 'sod of Druggistr,grarrally In .7....... iglu tbr two silks and al.-M16.. Professor A. C. Barry's Trieopherous, g itt mEllicAll;1 47ilIPOI:Nli infallible N., 11,0 rvtiv.iny. It. tool-atom. and lountif; kw the, heir, nn' olitor lb.. roorf. ,luildruf, end all nen-tione of the male, and enring ernetioni on the .kin, diaataa of the nbuide. 'lnterim end ;ee - Imola, nod talhainii .1 , i3 , .. ~. “4 hr. ,- -,, •ernit,... err ,%‘, ill, t hi. ovens - 01 lid, - then. is nii eurh word a... foil. - The firat eittrtiab let Atneriest, inalleni men of tho Ithibe,t eminence. enamour citizen. of all en fee. pi..., atot lath.. who ha... 0101 Whir tear. In their dn..- ging moot. Orel noreeri.... admit it tints °newton'. tlint for loneutlt,4 rhior. gin., Ins orintoa. boil curl to the heir. eralleatin, •e of and datitlneti. haling wound.. eUring ......kin...aeratne. etlima. Ai... and n Irking diera.aa of the elan. the ohm.. ,otel the totoeles: it lota to, ..tont 1171: ' ;11Z . I.Tu 'ItU t u.'" "l.,—P'7'"'7l'""'l7ri—l inn '''''2;."ii .-• ~, IT, .. 1 r. , • ...-:.i• env n , ex eelrioner. litterr'a lricoelionon, hi unrlialh.d. Ti,., Int mei..., mill eishe of thee/1101, Inv vo onabled lloi Inventor eupply It at . .i.l "'mtge., bail, whirl, is earn, Lat to WO ja; i :...nt lees than 1111. pri, iof an.. bill, toviainttion for 11 hair now It an, !Thotkleuttlie Inane, .n, the hair t'at ' s. .kin enibrailij: the , alnuldeolitae,llona to the rut -1:IXV . I Zirb 7 iit? ,ll :grlT. • : . :ln. '"„ r ,' .;;:. l t: t .r. ' int. " ; ' ,::. ` ;... i , " . 4:Tnb.:341,`..",,!;,',!.*v.v,',,';;;;:;. 1. 7,: - ;„':,".4c. 1. ,.;g"Lft,U: .. :1 1 ,1". triele env/dope• 1. react char. All illanaa 1.1 the huh. owi. ethato to tho etin of the head. If the 10.001 of tat ern', withlgrat. or if the bloat anal outer fluids do not Tann rfowl, th met, the intell whirl) feed tho riot tlll/I.thiN, Id initart Ilfe to tho fitireN the 1 . 1,4111 b ,eurf, dandruff. wild.; of the halt. insane., drynem. met hadaloea , of ho ili.uon, 111. and o tinil.ldnexa, ostho re.. no, ht. Seidel:tit, OM akin In ho 111101 'teflon willt the Irtropherees. end die tnhild rem. 6. ravel . ..rims their i i netnity, will ri litlatit the dia..... II :ill eillectiotn, of the Alta Wel Of OM Itill.lN, of muNcltx tont ittleguntenta the era-email.' the elhea a the mnie. IL la upon the akin, the enterular hilt, awl t I. ginuoln. Stmt the Tsiroidierous Nu Its meanie action. end 'I, ell ellirtione, and 1111111 r of tit* organ, it In r, envetal o ratnedr. Sold in ar s e. 114110, plea In lola, at the principal' ria het i IllnvelsOr. Ne Vora: met y the erincleal thumb. ! nide a n d druahr6.. titnetaltontw b the tinned State, and thin. oda. , ' .1 0e2.4 :it ni Witi-JOIIN 31131t11Ais FLelo 3IAGNK.stes 1.1 Prep:old under tho Inanodiate enre of the Itirentor asal intahltaltod for npirthle 01 thirty earn. Mei elegant erceanatien la remount,. 'tied In all CAWS of ell., sel,llto.e Inithoodoin. iniut. Anil e *eh oi the nowt \ Imre. ea.ey. a wl elfertnal form In wheh Milan...ln ally, and Indeed theoy ono In whir', it ought to ho \exhibited, to.. wealth; ell the proiNatim of Ili,. lititutala now In nenensl U without halm; Rattle like it. hi form tlani . r ‘ rnua cones. .. noun In tin , bowel', it rfTertuallv rm.+. heartburn without Inntring Ow nal, of the othinnth.a. ioda. poto., and their rerlwanlee are known to die It prerenta the tiod.of Infnute turning eouri in oil new, it a , .'lls a pkoduit aperient. and la reaultarly lelnet to (enrolee. sir Inunehrei liar, liatllled that 11,1 inhabit, births enl• üblri ninthinaliona with uric nth' mite 11l 004'0 of gUllt fuel nrarrl. then+, niuntemellog (boil , Ituurioue trader e, when other nlkalhe owl eien ilaineale lewlf. 1.1 tanninN Pr Sir (lone C.. 11404111, 11001.. ,, tur,oe, tieneral to thlt Army ln I retsina:— .• Ilettr eir—Thero 01111 la. no doubt that NlNnaorin nosy be adtninirtenol mote .1141) In the fonn of a nuseentrated lun Innen than In ' , Witten..., for the, awl mn, other newierui, inn I of ciethion Lin a d the Fluid Maanfais In a eery reliuktota 641.111 inn to oilr Illaterin 3loillea.' VI lILI l' t'llA.ll.PTeth." Sir Janie, Clark. en A. l'io:tea, 111. thight. end 3lothm. linthrie and lar k. .11nyo. of Landon. at n.nely rtheththend Nlittray . , Viol! 31someata. ee brlllij Inanitelr morn at tad renient that, tlie wilid. wad rniernita the dettarr attend. too the 11 1, nee of wile or learn, ..,1. vale lit the inthorlor a ll atel . orepriator'a earnta A FAlthaelth.ili & CO.' .. ______StoL,ll:aial_a_FrOnt eta' To 3IECHANICS AND OTHERS. The extenalve rouge of huibl Idg firruerl, mended A !oat., Leeeh and Co., no the l'ihd. between Water U. nod Duquesne Wiy, led! bete:unit ion term of your,— They ran be re... 111, 'Abated, with ntetru paver. an umm toratnte veer, kind of nuumfarturing twines. romarrion given tmronlintelr. d APPI' t o CHAR. 11l FRULLY, Agra. . - eeno Fourth lame., itittalmb. PLACES ., anted 1241 pergonn supplied 'nt e tn , , t' l l ia7.:n t oa " TI 'p be, V,Tll l i..! ti.7rift-.T.rm ft. Winer.f to trades. in on icuirbturoa, lumtleri, %oaten, or Wiwi!, in boon or roman.. Wit end dry uurars,cluunbenusida,eunkr,ar. _Moony forroard or Dot. end nil kind. if auencies;dam ptly :Mewled to for tooduram rburou. PirlYkl roll st 18dA0 11ADJLIO' Auiner and In telliorneo Office, Fifth etreet. join WHITE' IEANS—Ten burials prime, fur nate nt 514Owne bu,lant. tr J tCHOUNMA.I.I.It & C 0.44 Wood of To' Sotrthern aad Westein Merchants. . gOUSELL'S PREMIU3I PERFUMERY. entemelber riespectrolly Invites public atletithia n a:Canna norkor Perftitsery.nape,gb ee v e .c,,,,,, Maiokhieti aerenliilver avid two tlen Medan have, the bud six been award br theloalltutos of ime - York. Maim aod Philadelphia, latter bet* the nly Wilt* Medals ever avrardol kie perfumery either in bliimpe or in this ovnalry Rocortre ilsaffstarn Paamo CUM (Alnotaxl. Root and Atubroabd.Wnlrenkally.knonlodord tobeateperior to any &raving Comm In this country or ilusopo. Otbornans tua Enamo—Boantlfully transparent, and Ktrouscenus and emollient . propostkoo Saptsmenotts Lampotiatt Ambrodal Shaving' ablet; Malta. ry Shaving Snap. Memory. Vat" SlLTs—Almond, Rom, Boio Tort Pistarblo. Matt i _Patchoasly. Otaalbaa, • Ykothaii. Ttadstadatd. 011ra OiL Windaor. and ClicatalalL Y.ST LAMS ma VIZ nANDSLIMILOI4—Har; Juitully do aarollae. tlersuetuiL Jenny Lind. llotureiltua,Joelo y Club. &lagoons, Cleandlts, Littman, Band, aid maul , other varied., la all sixty Oltenia performs. Twit" W true—Florida Water, Lad de Militia, Otani:. Flowor Water , and a gloat rankly of lbiagcee and La m, d,r Waists. Plursarrtoss ros THE IlAre—rientline Aottorte Oil, Ho odollsr, Ens Lush.,le ' Olds, Coropourst Os Star- Vir., ilsir DP'S Iloold Inporder, and rhiloooole,rUtS. e. and Jess,. Lira %mak, morrusto Psersuross—Habonale Row Tooth ruts - Clorool Dentritior, GlajltlllV, Tooth Pasts sal Tootb . • Commas—Vegetable' Cermetle. Cream. Amandlos Wt damp e, .] hatrale,.oold•Cream of Rows, Cream de Pelm lap valv lard wiry. Cream. te. • Pepilatarlatartleta: for removing Inaperrlnotte bah: Pearl Powder. de Itougr. Aromatic . tineasz. 'lair rrtaano AMP , . balder a Kara variety ofratter ankh., teo ouroctotte to be DULA ID Mir adTtstis...,: meta. • • • • The rathaylbor hope* to uttlntalo tho trpotalr at i tia! !hi. onahlatnnent has antu!trtl.. Crpt!...17..° but firl , l nan Drtmies. and I , P) lah Nat ITZ h t n lt h i ' l;ftrolai "L' °^ 4. `"^'-• "171.1r.M Yl: QA t'," 114 Cbeanot Mr. Basi. t.rfontery for tole by all tl.prioctial bruyataalv lhemuutrY. • MISCELLANEOUS. roj'ARTNERSIII? asmocinted u. r Ain 11. W. Loomed. with cor. the Ludlum; .111 In vonttoued at the rid Azad. No. b . :. Weal 4, under the lino' of W. on ond The 'nolo, partner of the firm tetarna rloorrre thank" , thr friend.. 61.1.1 ibi9lol . pan.. of the Ito., Log boor. brAtriet attention to hu•ilmrea and the wanta of ellotuatera, to merit n full rharn of OK bile imtrone.m.• All perron.• knowintr OKl.Jere Sudeten] to W.l.:mord, by book Innollllt or otherwise. rtine .tan IN, InZ• ill w plia7or roll and rettle. anti sate coat& Ulr taw= NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. )&OPOSALS will be received by the under ettmol, until the 15th day of I'Am/try nest, for the nosainktians of Nine Locke and bolus la Duck Mee, or fur one or snore of them. and far clearing the eloostod of Mahe, and the tanks of tram lemming over Me channel. -Tho limns will average 1:- . /./ feet loam: nod will he 13 hi VI feet high. with a lama of 50 feet In width. The hock Chamler will be 190 fort long and 40 tot wide. with walla w ths tot thick end 10 lot above the comb of the dam, with lsirht mciard roll 150 tot long.lo feet thick, and-of the same m the lock welt, •• • . The lado and Darns to td built agreeably to the plan, anA albs character particularly unrifled and denerlbed ht the report of ay Isamu Loth min of Pei:l6,7lnm'; • copy of whlclowill Ire foundwith the proprietors of midi morn. papers ea publish Chia notice. to which inference Is made Sro more full and innurste information. The entire work to la. completed by Int January. 011ielA the work rhould be retarded by unusually wet, and therefore ordirromalsle *awing. Contmetom will be rr.• rmlnrl nice natlnfachrry ...unity for the nuottrnetlon of • the Unprierement. &minimum] melt in, nsenta will be made to contraria-a as the work . prod - renew. The common' renerven the maid of th e ' ! rm. pconla dumul lout to. IMlnterent. and the early enurpleike of the eotha Wu*. BY order of the Directors. . . TIROL J. KELLY. So-rofory of the Duck River Sliokyater Navigation Ca, Columbia Tenn. fan2l.G2w QEVENTII GREAT SEMI-ANNUAL SALE Ej of DRY GOODS. a. the Ono priori irtore of A. A. MASON CV. 62 and C. 4 tlarket street Commonetat 31norlay,Itetembor 18UL in continuo through ` t he "d of Januar.), Their whole establish ment hos been thrown open for &Nil Trade. and thoir ex.- tenoivu stock. lamountlng b (Me ..11undred and Thirty Thousand Dollar. will I. offerol ut -Retail, at far one fourth kat thou usual Nip.. The antler of their eannbAnnuai Salo to any ono of the • thonsandswho attended the solo of last voar. will to sulk- Oen' guarantee for call thisseseret. Thor will, however. mention a kw of the good.. and price. for the Isorbt of those who ham never alto-Weal their NI.. rim Rich fisthmeres 74 ern. usual Petro SI. 1000 pieces Cotton and Wool Cavloserni 25 cord, usual i.rioe 37.4 i ftnt"- 1301.1 pieres Cotton end Wont Detains., L 3 and 18 renta, tunial prim 21 and 23 amts. 90 plan. high colored plaid do.. 43 tonts, usual price 70 pima, striped rind fornrod Silks. 10 rent. usual price 73 cont. In pits. Satin de Chirac and P ila, fit% net,, 41.111.1 Pd. SI 23. LO pleow Black roluend 23 per root . Wu pieces french 31erinas. EL 00;1.111li prim 10,371.5. .ssu Nemo Paramettas and Loom. Cloths, reduced 73 Per cont. 310 Sleet? Alp.rx all rolorr, rxdoned 30 per rent. =al Long Sous, Amok. which will In sold from 51 to 13 lois than usual priers. 3000 roods Rennet Illbbomi,at 8 and 10 rout. usual Priw 1a m r, coupe Fut colored Calkkee at CV mot. usual pries Pe. • 100 mew Ensibb sad AmsricaniCollooes at amid 10 rents. usual and 1211 oent. SO eters Illescholllosllns. Nth.. 2 ream per yard- NO lairs Drown podia. all wradot. Alen. Loves. Embroider... Trimming. lkeiory aml Mari. Liner. Cheeks, Cloths. ilkiavieneres. Casainets and Jenne, toJethor with so immense - .Gott-of Mbar Nods. all of which will le. Marked Dona to Lawry Priers limn any ofthoir pr; i viotts sale. l bet- In to an early .. 04 , many of their 'choke.. j Footle 'will moon Le sold. Tbo tonsil pet named It Ent. A. A. srAsuri d (.1); ed and 01 Market st. The Greatest Bergsma( of the Season. 011 T. 1).-T11031PSON, No.llB Market st, F t s . ; 111.. y ra fr , rta Melt y, determinal to that era i v ra, tan. from AU day. tell_ 14...nt1n• Wet of Panay and rlay.te Pry tlo-ala at Pcmr br Chat. Thla ttork abt A fa put vs Pllova— • 1/111,0 Goollo—Yroph rlnato Panatellas, Cohort; Cloth, Dt./aint. Cathmermt. aml AI dl colors-. SU.: aide Black Glad. do: t'hattlx. lamp nod Mann; tllatra. Ifodnrt. all. - GENTLE:\ NU:An-006v, C 32413101111.. &abets, Vertina,Crarat... Mikis llt.rinn, :Rau. prawers..ltc. , KEEI.LNII (1001/S.-15.,w1ey Shertint..., s{w Er . lll4:e i trit i itr k tiriaz i Liti i me Table Ulm, brown • Napkin, 16 , _ gm. A. azi‘, . ;.===a - BUh Yurchwn rt.) nil. twat gallikir pxkl., at amt. Ilibt.acck mud 4•4.1r..a0l 6,1 ApnL RUM D. TINNIPSON. CIGARS -Fitly thousand Ci=rs received !miler rale by jail S. it IV. lIARBAUOR KRESII FRUITS, NUTS, ,to.:L•ti24the Zonti Coriontn 3..0 11. s 0,111,1 Robins; by , M. azin, 1.13 IJ hoe cba.4lo, Ll,lr boo do. da; .10 3i b‘r do. do, L . :. &limo oa. run Fig,: a moot Cart. 5 dos Leman Sugar; ti doe Corri, Powder: 0.1 jar+ Rortleoux Prune, 3 Itrt 1,1.1 atoi Pat., !bell Alntronbr: • doo jam ommted Pickle,. For rale lo t J. if. 1L1.1A3L 4 CO. even, Wtotl Flllb t I I. MEAL---Thirty bye Oil Meal; reeeived and tor sok by jail 0. t W. BARD-MOM LOUR--One hundred hrls Entra Family anil SO 0. Y. Vlotrr,jumt nvlr J are 6nrlolo by jell S . A W. HEAVY WOOLLEN 000DS FOIL SALE use mlnne.l prlzr, ronsiminii or flip fed 1.n.. Dral, t"',l,Y.Anto rd earloce.l Am' wall be solsold ou raro ' e,bse aerral , 11. LEE. MOLASSES—Fifty brie neirerup for sale 11ik by d 71I.ILOWN a KIRKPATRICK. . ALERTUS.--5 tons Saler:llns, in. brls and bee, tor rear by., - jag 11061.:FIT (MIZELL t EAF LAltll.—Leaf Lard in bras and kegs wml fur rear by Rennin DAL7.I.:LLA yen !Morey .t.n.eL [dis prime N. Orleans Sugar, J In Mon, and kw rale by ROBERT DALZELL CV. _jig Liberty merest. ' SN Fifteen drums G. IL Cuslfish; CO laL: Jlarknrel; W) LOAN. 1 lake VA, 10 .2r. (•olr No. 1 Ilackend, In etoro and for iris be ' 3011 N WATT a . CO Cream. Cheese in itture Li and La PIO by JANMe'D.,IL7.EI.I,.. No. G 9 Water 'Wert. g ROCEILIES. ' la chext.. Voting HP . . nail Bina rd. SI rally brman do. do-, lcup. end lino Ponder. boxre Inseerll a Itoblnnutt SY Tavern. 10 do P. nnhineors .t Co., We end h's do. 1) do Carew. Ye Tobacco. qr. Wiere Prior and Harr ood's We da 13 ratty boseeJanna ThoLLIPI.II Jr. Galen leaf!: a bunn,.. he rose and for talc by Ian!) • .1011 N PARKER CO. N EW ? ,,,, , , ) ,, R ti I . 2 :AN s rstgr e SUGAR. !ft- to itictlVidar,z,-- 1 4 'ion k S-95 dog best east 'dead liar Furks; mdee. 1.4 Herman onyl dot . an del 4 Dronorod t a at $14,r1 Mallon, Fork.on ron.ignr m nl and for mit by . 'al+ , , 1.. S. WLATER3LAN & SONS. ---- 11 0E8 7 12010 . z be d S , I. EaSt , !terl u lloe ,,. si i., on con,lgorarnt sod Sr"ale by IaIA • . 1.. a. WATERMAN A SONS. I_,EACIIES,Jhree hundred bushels reed JR .. , x1 fi , r , sle 1., f Pali SAMUEL I'. SR - RIVER S C 1"f I 1E 6-7 t4 5 , ~d , .o zi 2 A s ese t GL•ts Lez then; IS dm Look Iltru 114 on olnalgn't and for sale Sr Lt. , . WATERMAN a SONn. ials SO Ji SI. Water and (I 2 Front .1.1- I CI'.'TIIE S.NEXI'IIg-415 tot bent patent I. Snratbs. on roomignment and lier fa:e lw ptIS I. S. WATERMAN & SONS NT AILg & SPIKES-120 kegs for sale by 1 I lallS 'L. S. WATERMAN A SONS. 'PEARL ASII-1 2 cootsprime for solo by -I- jots-, & SONS. 0 11ANCKS--2.0 brls sweet, to. :wive, fur role by BURDRIIX/E A IMIIIIIAM. ' ._ ii 6 Water ,t Jots • LI ler- -20 4,14 for sale by • i'L .10 BURRILIIKIE 2 INGIMA.M. I U. GAlt Sc MOLASSES—.2 . 22I . ht , F i lar ; ,I rl, jail , IlllnnitlDUE .2 INGIIRA 11 WlN t L r innl t ieLA . S- .. 2.1:?0 bxu ass'd siaes, JOY IIIIRB(CIDOI: 2 INCIIIRJ1)1 tILUE.-Twentv barrels just received, and irror oak low )4111;: lanai. at S. - N. WICKISUILAWS Jan Cor.of Wood & elarh ' e i n. LBS. CANARY SEED received „uty aud fur rale at A. N. ICK ERNIAM'S. Cor. of Itiwd d Nth sta. iNSENG AND BEESIVIA.X.--23 • bags Mew= 1 cuk Beckwag now laullAi him Menton I' ISArA b IfDICENS Wider t. hoot stk.' INNERS' 011—Twenty brig Bank Oil. r lo gond artier, for sal. by dello J.& R e ' 101,ASSES.-,38 I store, for od.or dnl9 I. a 11. NAM. , ARD.-44 hrls No. .nose landing, for \LA aaln W' delO ISAIMI . PFKEY U Hare ood CKWILEAT FLOUR—Tents netsin for bi Jan. 8. &W. IlitilßAUoll 0 - RAN — GE tERRIES. • P. for role br [MI BRAM; a num, ' pRENPII BROADCLOTIIMurpiIy Bortbfkhl haveilea owned a truth /overly of the IMATIR 114111liVell of Lbeabove ..tiefr, Inelutling tame twilled, renter- Al h French IkeVkine nW 118.08erer. 'black atul font and Ulart nib sa Yathv g , at err ) low brim ler the quality. • •• 111OLL BM:FAL—Teti brie' Roll Butter it mxt , su sod ss • s. w.IIMULTCIII._ thmt Urcuino in Anne and 4hr 'On by Jong PARKKI: k OR._ d kLD 9tYh Wlll - 811Ei.. NUI 40 1:40.. wire My. Illthd.Ay.!'l , 7 all and Olden," h.) I:Lia Oil Monongahela irhh , kne. in lA.. uhl fuT rate bi - I lanni VAnKr.ic A Ou. XTEW liAMS—Evans k Swift's Cin d chin4ti' oireniv.t. fni Pale b 1 17,t'S' C 'l%:grAt. Larly r., SALE few shares Cliff .Mine ft.k:s..l". North America:l aal Wutem I :AAA. -Apply to ULUd1...1.431;f. 11 Becond . T QC AM. P. ROSS, Attorney at Law, Office 1.7 Nona Fourth O, t, eg.Ar Cram,{. tapactloo BMW -10.0. Pitbbursr6. al,akvrlys ALEX. IV: FOSTER,. Attorney and Coun sellor as Lim,. No. 1G rouritt Arai. apt . Onal at. orgh, •> vltialtormlrE The Human Body Ittiatl'erapire„ Q 0 SAIS NAME to hare a healthy: i t " . ' ll ' = " Di. b" a " Z g lirg rP ro ' xnntallaa Cheinical ttrlyi ea free airreitation. aid at e he same tuollincs aureate. Die Aka it th cf • teatace Scurvy, Rheum. and Som., ate wet omit harkd. hut ‘ .. Y" , ltr. arc, its at best 7 physician. In lb. York know, who tue It 10 Wleh Mk, thlti it unfallinc—ae thO ir g 11 .0.4 W010f... otanyother sklndiserute. realer is assoced that this ir no nklifaa natal nostrum, as DDI will Yenta I nada enumerate kart .11111t7 want. clued fir fibre bead, wee {Mc Duy It-wral the beaky is a,nrin usual I would pot m ac scll It Car the irle,r, Irak. I knew it to hew I stye. • Thom who anionble to chael, crankeor chap ped lean will and this ly acne, Ina a fecrentler; and now only add. that arry one afflicted with any of tin dmilar deuce, •111 end this all. and even more befhab cable In 14 pay , rtic.i el an / L ila, /11D - But. main, the toile eta thesicd with and be rice yen ask nw - Jortc' Dalian Chemical boy it only of 11 - 31. IM.fliStriN. only .t.7cnt in rittb. head or Wood. Pearly White TpetA, anil:Pure,Breath, to 'he had for 25 rthta—Perrona Ith. [with either... havara. FIY "muted' that if Ordr breath is doet‘r 0 lout. or their teeth cent dark or 'rile, 61:11i ated eat, tartar, that a 2.. hox Joxth' /tinier Tooth make the teeth iIJI whiter sa thew, mid the treattroiktriimthdyf wort. • • Gobi only at JACIiSON'S Sloe, 240:Liberty rt. inekl • A Scienti6Alair Tonic, Reitprer and ruhfrrut.4.• Thom irho hare mind Joao' Coral lialr excellent matinee— Lilo. who bro• nut, are axon, it powers the following qualitlre4-1t will F•rue Wu hair to grew on any part wheys nature intunilad Lull to gm.: whop IL f o lling ntinii.. 4. Fordandruff; and auto Light nab or grey bale grow dark. For maturing thuThair roft suidi May, nothing can exceed. thie--IFmaktu It troy y beautiful. awl trete , Ito. 1110, in- Ihesb. We =nut e'en:maid—rat etifeYkir—nrgeki ay Wa • . Soonly al {I'M:JACKSON'S Stotv, 211) Libnij , bead or Wuo. Vitt :burnt, .I..kek-37!; rcot., SO nuts. and V... • , . JONES' Silotion of Jet. n•Lignitl Aum to ihar ter the chum:inn . wb I te, t.Tey hair, tot 4,mt11.11 beim, er Wiwi; jet color, in a t'en Wonky. Prinei--zo cent& atiit Si. • - Sold Tay WlLJACK. , ON.l3ol4hert74trew46rallot Woad rids) orxh. • JONES' LILLY AVM! TE.-•:-Ladiee are can... ....eet.4o;l the 04:010.00 prrparrd Chalk. Chalk.. . • .A swum .1tov• frightfull.) 10.0.1000 It In te U., akin/ haw how rough, I.ow the Ads 001.4 - 0. after n.inu yrquniltlloll4T 13011 , 1v0,1t InjurNus, m 14010104. a 1031, 410001.114. of W.V... W have prvp!...11.0 I.antiful vt,ll.ol.l.oartlelrorhith Ire J tall osmi 011000 , 11 hilly Whit, . • _c It hi perftctly itoom omt. 1 , 10 , :e mirwdetell 41 , •e'ertee. • quallth% 00.1 It hapartg to lbw. Flail a mtursh elae ter, at the fatoo.llioo sal= as coo.. meth. co th” rtin. 1001,10.0 Ft mil etturrtsoutb, &II Lr tho.A..OIIL UAL JACI(t4IN. ItllLibat(ohnst, lit.l tVOr.l, 10010. cl.. , ,Jahm) 3,8 1.611 N IsTrATOIVS NOTICE--Lettera -1 4 ate 4 ,;n . d ee.a, 01,,., to 011 o,Anng uhd to the to aid, ....ta d. to to tnalte bOO 1001001. 0.1 all mono., In.‘ito: elnl.lo =alert ralcl mut, am tl - quofto,l to o,oooot. tlO.. 0 , 0 _O. dull hu. F.41-14.10ent. (MESS: Luvrrr 1 , t.C1A11.,100 ttl.l ja...1.1.0f ' • " '1' 1 ; • ,ituht. ummEnciAL, coLLEOE; - 1 311 Corner of Third an Muka Atreet. Cli.setn.l X. D. no, emir luAltutv of the klud In Pep. • . racume—Joire . Amuse, Ptiociftelatietrtutos in the &ileum of ACCUllflit, O. K. 01.0,16ERLE. rtolimor of Pontnohnehip, W Computation, :to: • L ALCtI3I4II, 5/. It'arma, Lol a • Loeturee Cumnseestiel ew. . „ BoA/ol Torstuk—ltoo. Duebonsw. Jobn 1:rolca. Wm. Mule" Moar. lion. Alooes Ilatuotott, Hon. W. 11. Lear}, Dr. 1.1. It. licellotoOk. Jobrt Aadorson. D. lieu. J. K...1/oorabood, Jam. DTIO - anclayl2,-.101113 T. Cabot., AttotnoT to, Jame/ Trook, - , Al.Tehout: ILA. Aletiotnlsot. liettdento nn color lbto Intlitutko•At boy Moo, nod 010 Loki InAtzurtko brar do" onamtoo:}then entlthrl. 10/11 rood!, o diorooo.A. Fls/1.04 bt , AL oil lhlosoolang Cumniatt.o. . • ml Thom dogrloLT Ilorowzlz Imosolnloa Bock korpte.. Penoasanohip, bs-ar 10 MIMI that this, i• thb..o4/T Chortend Collego oath. him! In l'lttrborolL • Conuomis ti, addrosooti t 4 0.2 C. Chomberila will enrol tIimDe B OIPA alloortlon. BXECUTOLS SALE—Ntitieo: is :hereby given that in prirettanee rill onlei of tho Oryluur urt of Alle.rheny rowdy. w Ojeda-1n prtbilepatle, in the village a Clint., AlLealtony . county, Pa.. an the Tart 9111rulay.A.f navy. A. MUM. all 0'c10ck...1.4 nY,r4frl.m.NrisPiT•ii'df TV:I 4 ( s n ' t rt etk . blt - k hr Judy the street. Widow: ilono and ottiVre.'op • libleb In metal a 154 story Frame Dwelling, House. : Lot No. 2._ cull111:1113317 trZelled perch., bounded b j the street. by. t. Parker.d, the nchrdr.l xnal other+. on arida en trot a :Frit., • • • ' Lot No. 2. eat:mini Thfrty fithal nevelp.e; /viand ed, lertbe Mixt, be an olley. h ots . ° ' 9 4.. t 0 whlela in union tfag,..t )litt Plv.p. • Lot No. 4. am MI, ittr Forty Eight i,loop..rchre, bonsai. by lady 11 hetwl, Charles Ater. and ter.'ls ilmn. • Terms of pwle arr bat( reek tir o [edam , ' inawnequal payment...with otturtzt. 1. t*iint bonds and mortgarre, A NMI 3!..t:Lemvp .•• -- - Erten:or. id:dr./Leo Taaa.'4reA, 043flivis — Cotirt Sale. • lN pursuant, a 111E.thfleir of the oTh:true court or Countu, will to ettrotut loahtle at the new.Oeurt getter, ifr rut, - Vdtebtirith, Thurulay, the twentieth doe 14 telooary, A.ll. Inid, at ten o'clock. u. the tellovelnk W,Atrito, ate In tho _oath Wen) tt raid city. to Situ All that