The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, January 30, 1851, Image 2

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LT T:ll'4lT - 11 (t
Whig State central Committee.
Tux ~limlre, of the Inle Stitt , Canted fkmmittoi viii
.teoTerfet lintel, lit the Botfattth of Ilarrtsttatz. on
:fatestai, 4 , 11 of Telattatt nest. at T toTthe
pm.. of tsloz Abe tine and PUnt theCon
'roan to notniontorantltdatato rm. &tarmac. Jua , w. de.
,•• 1 " 1 /" rnt*l attrmlaoM " In t'L ltil •
, • 'WARY , 111. VII I" TOL rot..
Wiwevaarrv.4anuarr . u.....lg s 3. -
Pinar P.(nt.-IThanngton Correspondence--
• ; ,,,f.,.co::it i ekvioir; 41 an Atbireey," an interesting
; tale; tbe,.renntinder r which wHi be given to
Newß: Lxal Itend9
ike's Stem; Speeek,
Fot are I
ac. —e.
Clot OREOON. .
treer of California,
Oregon Bie l cast into the shade.
We 'sehlonXbea. ai and when we do, it
in the simple ann+ of infant settlements,
tlentlY contending with the difficult'. Incident
•• to auch.a things as exiiiis there now.—
~ But from California , leomes the sound of eager •
...'.`thousands, SernmCling for immediate wealth.--
7`:TnAil'e.iline, the adverlturer is trying to amass a
foitupti to be carried and expended elsewhere;
.in the other he iiilayr the foundation of a per
--•mitnent empire, to h the future home of him
xelf enil 'lid children. One is the work of a
t . ...!ew.tuanths, and in dial time it is either aceinn
plialicdor ab.unioneil; the other is commenced,
n and will never be alialadoried.
`••Thee, history. of the y world has shown that gold
impoverishes every Toby in which it tuns been
"found; or at least s eh has been the fete of all .
...,Ettelrcountries. Why is this t Is it because that
• partiCiffar pursuit enervates a people, and ren
'ale. ahem unfit for; other and more essential
'.putWitits:t This is pirtly so; but it fails to ae-
Won:tat-for the fact we have mentioned. There is
. ,watoilier cause more potent than the mere mar,
- ..7itingintlucnce of Old placers.
• As water, if not forcibly' restrained, will and
its leve, 20 money, by a similar law, will Sow to
‘thi , e . m places Where if has the highest relative
_Money is the representative of.sal
:- 'tte, beinot the standard. Perhaps the best stan
dard is the' price of a day's labor, or of a bushel
'-of wheat. In Pennsylvania one dollar will buy
'either 'Of these; while is California either of,
, theirivill cost three jor four. ,For that reason,
• money will not stay in. California, neither will
the men who own' the money settle down perm.-
'*itly ; because by remevirtg tnecnne 'other part
Of the world they can treble the availability of
their money. Great Britain anKlolland abound
cialicapital, because; !hero 41. given sum will
- -'cOtotirsed the largest amount of labor. Mexico
and Fern ere:very poor, :although possessed of
. immense resources in the precious metals but
=tatty', bearing a~lowrelative value in those
vountrica, tloira aw
• 'We7 - may reasiMably expect, therefore, that
' thesante cause will work in like cif:eerie Califor
hat that Stare Will never reach a coridi
,. Monet permanent, substantial prosperity.
' on the oilier. hand, in its natural fea
tures and reiotcreep . prontiSes to become a coon
* irk of
o khstantial and of immense coui
..mereialdmportaticeo. Fortunes made there, will
• remain there; beciteso like the wealth of Old
England and of New' England, it cannot be re
'moved. It will cons i st in farms, and forest., and
:::';nrel mines, and furnaces, and manufactur
,ing: establisbniesitif. = In' Oregon a scalk of pri
' ces will rule, which will admit of the prosecu
tion of fittsinesa of mere Lind. Ships" can be
' built and fitted out for the general commerce of
the world, ri thing which' cannot he don; in Cali
fornia, owing to the high prices which do and
e'ter will Tole there.
oregan' , has'a heldthy and deliebtful climiite,'
one Ithicit will beuethel ilu tit tioll to
highest 'and Most perfect development--
linch of its soil is! good, and agriculture, so far
as it has gone, has been l4gbly succm.sfut. It is
' said to abound in iron and coal; and ire' know it
has abundant ;waterpower.
Its location, as a commercial. State, is unrival
led, commanding, as it does, the entire Pacific.
And being admirably adapted to manufactures,
it bids fair to heroine thec Great Britain of this
continent. -
1' railroad to the Pacific is now a favorite pro
ject; but the great anxiety seems to he to reach
Can Francisco. Just nett that is, perhaps, well
enougb;. but the day is sot very distant when
the branch to Oregon still be the great thorough
fare; and even now a road to Oregon city would
bo of more substantial I.ervire to this nation
than one to San Franc:sett ; For as sure as that
irreversible law exists, ofwitich'we spoke in the
heginning of this article / to sure the attempt to
make San Francisco a great
be splendid failure ',. la our opinion—and
we have given reasons for that opinion—Ore
gon is destined to be thg Empire State on the
Pacific coast
THE GRAND CHARITY (~.ONCEIIT, for the benefit
of the Allegheny Orphan' Asylum, takes place
thin evening,. at Lafayette Ilan. Judging from
the high professienal character - a - the performers,
and- the .excellent, t programme presented, this
• concert will be, one of the best of the season,
and'well worth the price of the tickets. Surely,
then, when ao rare a treat in offered, for the
benefit of no noble a charity, tee may look. for en
overwhelming house. Tim Orphan Asylum is at
presetit Areatly in need Of money, -and those
who= at all afford to spkre a stadia= for ita
,aid, should embrace the opportunity of:enjoying
aftelightful evening while discharging a pleas
link :linty.
Tax. AftaOnc.-Every day adds strength to
thiipainfal impression that this vessel is lost.-
1301 wo do not yet give up hope of its safety.—
xta trent silo and strength., we thtet- would en
-.nble it to outride the eeverezt aortae, even it the
' eteilinery was disabled. . .11 at having no bow-
„raprit, and a very disptio . portioxiato aaiopat ol'
carrya.a, its progrels, without steam, would be
eery slow ;.aud et this atoiioy season it probably
would be unable to 0311 weatwarl et all.
. . _ . . .
The Pregdeat, some yed:re ago, was probably
. dettroyedbycollisiohwithan ice-berg; but there
ire no ,ice-bergo noW. We will therefore Lope
d' on far three weeks yet, should remain out
pitting, . • 1 ;
illsimiuon Taus;—We learn by a tel
';!. .-
spihic ditiatch fiom Orleans, dated the
instant, that thd case of Henderson, tried for
i"tinliting the neutrality liws by a participation
la the late . nectudon OfCabs, bas been brought
chme. Thejary,:aftMl . haviug the matter an
': den Coosideration for scam time, mere usable to
.agree on eatthet, and were coltneOently die
' charge& Ht. new trial, ii;ia linppOsed; would be
Weres'i Sicunese is CALTPORIVIA.---We
o)3serie, by thn- , Plueer Tinief' of illyl2th De
cember; thatumonefitho accounts presented for
~.....Auetnient to the City Council of Sacramento. is
-.-... Ate fOlinving bill of expqmen attending. the ill
rites of the late Iltinyor of the city ofSaerameeto,
• wounded during the squatter riot:
Mayor.of Siernmeato city,
- To J. W. STILLMAX, Dr.
To cash advanced for sundries during
dllneis.atiny :
Teal' h paid out for Irashing jchitbes
soiled by his wounds,
To five weeks' use of the beet and lar
gest tun in th6lioire, at $lOO, 000 00
To one oarpet, ruined by.chloride
lime used in sick - roots. 77 00
To kaslu paid for pit. boots, 10 00
To sundries, bandages,extra: candles
ettrdrefreehments, wines, S:r. for
self and attendants stnight,•&e. fire
. weeks',
'To, five weeks' attendance ,of Mrs
!.,. Stillman, night and
. . .
..1..ta15r4117.13.t.—The resolutions sustaining the
'Compromise offered 'by Air. Thompson, in the As.
eembly of New York, a few days since. have been
referred to the judiciary committee. with itmtruc
tions•• tuld other resolutions of a similar charac
. ter .were offered by Mr. Varnum, using in pert
the language of the Prmident's message. The
Sewaid whip have nbn• introduced resolutions
that . no more 'skin territory . athnitted—that
every citizen be protected in his liberty, and the
fugitive elaVo law be mioditled so' as to gliertrint
by jury in the place 'where taken.
wim rummy qusenoit
owingletteT fromllifivas C. Esq.
LtainitAtOt7..7.:..WALnr Ten 1. 41 . 11 - 4 led th . c .
January untidier of the 'Plough, the Loom, and We
AntriL , Its is 11„ , brief, concise, and powerful
*element of the questions now at issue between
'the ftieritis 41,nd-opponents of protection to home
industry . , t. it is a plea for-American independ
ence and peosperity, against these WIM prefer to
support-European Workshops rind .kgriculturists
to sustaining the same interests at home, and
whoseeluo evils in the rapidly increa. , ing and
alanningindebtedness of this country to foreign
capitalitts. Let this able letter be read and pon
dered, and laid up in memory,
Situ—As author of the Tariff of Mill, you
are regarded as the leader of that portion of the
community, commonly known as the -free trade
party;" nod, It such, you have been appointed
chairman of a Committee of the Association.
denominated "The Free Trade League," and in
that eaPocity it 19 that I now address you The
object erthat association is declared to toe that
of endetwiring to bring about the entire aboli
tion of tariffs, whether for retain° or protec
tion, and the substitution of direct taxation for
the support of government, with a view to the
emancipotion of trade from rill restriction, and
to the substitution of -un economical government
for that which has within the few past years be
cMite so eunrmously expensive' and nothing. is
I courbire4 tuna be more desirable Irmo ijo
The League, thus formed, Is composed. ns I
understand it, not of statesmen, but of teacher:,
of statesmen. As such, their position is even
more respOrthible than that of the statesman him
self, yet the high responsibility °nits'en the tot
ter is so Well exhibited in the following passage
from a recent British free trade journal,. that I
should seareoy feel justi4e4 in entitling to in- '
vita to it.aperusal, nut only yourself, bill nil the
members of your associatio n :
"It is of the lost moment,; hat alt . who are, or
nrelikely, to he, coned to administer the affairs
of a free' ate, should be deeply imbued with
the statesmanlike eirlnes of modesty and cau
tion, andahould act under
. a profound sense of
their personal reiponsibildy: It is an awful
thing to undertake the government of a greet
country; And no man con iw any wsy worthy of
that high calling who does not, from his inmost
heart, feel it to be so. When we reflectmmin
the fearful consequences, both the lives, the ma
terial interests, and the moral well being of
thousands, which may ensue from a hasty word,
on erroneous judgment,. a temporary carelese
ness, or R lapse of diligence; when we remember
that every action of a statesomm nregnnat
with rest/Its which may last for generatitne niter
he is gathered to his fathers; that his decisions
may, and probably must affect for good or ill
the destinies of future times; that j,eace or war,
crime' or virtue, prosperity, or adversity, the
honor or dishonor of tus country, Om right or
wrong, wise or unwise solution of nano bf the
mightiest problem; in the progress of humanity,
depend Upon the Oourse luonay pursue nt those
critical moments; which to 'lordinary men, occur
but rarely, but which crowd the doily life of a
statesman; the marvel is that men should be
forthemeing bold enough to venture on such a
I task." _ . .
It is "tut awful thing to undertake the govern
ment of !a great country;" and "when. we reflect
'upon the fearthl conaequeeces both td the lives,
the material interests, and the moral well being."
not only of -thousands, but of milli... and not
only for the present but for all future time, - that I
may result from error on the part of men eliarg
ed•with the duties of golSimment, we may 'well
be surprised that "men should be forthcoming, I
hold enough to venture on such n tusk-" Still
more might we he surprised at the readiness with
which the thousands of men who, no editors of,
or eentribntore to the daily, weekly, monthly,
and quarterly pre., undertake the yet higher
took of enlightening the governors, as to the
mode of proceeding most likely to' promote the •
physical, moral, intellectual,. and political ; well
being of those over whom they are placed. With
a large portion of those, the sole requisite for I
the office with which they charge themselves,
so entire an unanuaiutance with the facts by
which they are surrounded, that errors of stele.
tarot aro perfettly eicusrable, because they know /
no better; while Many of -them have obviously in
view nothing h4t the promotion of their nwn •
supposed and temporary interns", caringlittle,
if even at all, for the community whole inter- s
eats they profess to advocate, and solacing thew-
selves, ter the ruin of thousands of their fellna
eitilen.o„ by the fact that they themselves lent e
been enriched. At one moment, they teach that
the community is to be benefitted by the expen
sion or banks; and the making of roads: house
they og their friends have land, or lots, or
stocks, - to sell. At She pest, the banks are de- I
nottaced as having produced :speculation, and the
denonneement is•the more severe because their
lots or stooks are sold, and the greater • the de. I
cline the lower will he the price at - which they
can repurchase. They arc bulls or /core on all
the greet questions of the country, as their own
particular interests appear likely to be promoted
by one or another course of action:
Of all the questions by which the country has
recently been agitated, the only' one now re
maining to he settled is that of thclroad by which
we may, speedily and profitably.reach perfect
1 freedom of trade; whether it is to be by means
of the immediate abolition of custom houses, by
continuing the collection of revenue duties en
arranged as to give luelfreient protection, or by
complete protection.
In regard to the advantage that would result -
from the freedom of trade, theri can exist no
difference of opinion. We nreiall free trade
men. _We all feel the benefits resulting from she
existence of that freedom in the intercouth hes
tweerrthe various states of the Union. and we .
all knew that great advantage most result from
the establishment of similar freedom among the
various nations of the world, whenever it Atli
become possible. How to render it possible is,
however, a question In regard to which there
will be found much difference of opinion; and it !
is, no I suppose, with n view 'to the discussion of
the true mode of arriving nt the poinrof entire
and absolute freedom 'of toile that your League.
has been formed, . and not for the purpose of
I teaching that there exists but a single mode, ex
cluding the consideration of all others, no is the
custom,' without exceptiut, as I think, of all the
self kyles! "frets trade" journals of the day.—
Their editors can see hat one rood leading in the
direction of the goal at which they desire to ar
rive, and they denounce as "obsolete," the idea
that any other road exists; yet, if we take the
Preaeitt House of Representatives no an index to
the eMiticf opinion,' not lest than three fifths of
the voting population of the Unicmf are of opinion
that there is another, a better, and a safer road
than that by which they would lead us; and if
we take the various Congresses of the past thirty
years, we shall find that there has never been a
single one that het not tarnished evidence that
a large majority of the rarity populatitin•was of
that opinion. Such was the case, as you know,
with the Congress of 1846. how absurd then is
the effort' o stifle discussion of this most impor-'
taut question!
'lt is one upon wining men may, nod do, .hon
estly differ; and the true mode of arriving at a
decision upon itio to have it fairly, fully, and
honestly discussed. The truth gs to be found,
and those who feel assured they have it need not
fear the most thorough nod. complete exposition
and dithussion of the reel facts of the ease. To
misstate a fact is evidence that the real fact will
not answer the purpose. To avoid discussion,
is evidence of conciontness that the case 'is n`
bad one and will not bear it. —how 1 cannot be
lieve that the gentlemen of whom the -League"
is composed would degire scold full and
free discussion, for to do sn would be to admit
their own doubt of the truth of their pOsitton at
a moment when they ore assuming the bleb "re
sponsibility" of teaching tine persons charged
with the of government, nod in relation
ton question affecting in the highest degree the
physical,' moral, and political interests of the
whole community, their friends; and fellow eiti •
tens. It is the greatest of all questions for the
Union, for it Is the one that lies at the root of all
the disquiet now existing at the two extremes of
the Union. It is, therefore, the one of nil others
that needs full; clear , and calm dixetres3ion, and
Mach it is , I doubt het, that 'thieteague • would
desire to give it.
Thoroughly impressed with the advantage of
perfect freedom of trade, 1-woes for Many yearn
lot te the protective system, and a believer.'
thedoctrine which led to the passaged the
gompKomine bill in 1880. The results uf that
system of policy led me to roc that there existed
' some difficulty that I was unable to compre
bend. The universal prosperity which followed
the passage of the tariff in 1842, strengthened my
[ doubts, and induced me to examine the subject
More closely, and at length I was enabled to sat
isfy myself of the existence of on, artificial
cause tending to produce an unsoun, and inn
! poverishling state of things, which, it. woe the
object of the protective system to thrrect, and
that belt, as in many other case+, thin common
sense of the Multitude had outran the specula
tions of philosopheri. From that hour I become
satisfied that the true and only road to free
-1 Qom of trade lay through perfect protection, and
had there remained a doubt upon the subject it
would have been removed, when, after an inter
val of many yens, upon a perusal of the Wealth
of Nations, I found that the essential : object of
. that great work had been to teach tie people of
),Great Britain, that the system. against which it
bas been the oldest of protection among. our
selves to guard, was not less manifestly destruct.
Five of themsrlres than it was violative "of the .
molt sacred rights of mankind" at large.
The taritr_of 1840 has e=ased thetotal ruin ,4
:thousands and teas of thousands of the most
useful men in the country.. It tencts to the utter
$2.646 00
- x}l,llohorgh I:Wriest . , Oct., iB5O.
Federal numbers give to every three voter!!
Routh of, nteoit the power of
eo north of that /lac. • • -
dejitru qihn of the coal iron, the cation and-,
thew en interests; .and unless Its progress, he,
'Wive . atithat goal we mast noon arrivejaa
bonds. Med even by. yourself. For all'thie• we
ahmilt "elsewhen• find some compensation. If we
Produ e less. coal and iron, we yi ew ad haye more
food to sell. If we make less wooren cloth, we
should raise more wool. If we build fewer leo
tortes, we should export more tobacco. If we huild
fewer furnaces, we, should .export more. naval
stores', And all these things we, must, do, or
largely diminish our consamptioniif cloth . and
iron: because irwe do not make we must buy
them, which can be done only by producing com
toodiqes which their profiteers are willing to re
ceive d in exchange for them. If three things
haveihappperted, there may be 'found therein
some t•ompenottion for diminished production of
cloth tool iron; but if they have not happened,
then there is no eamperontitm for the .volt
motel..s we hare witnessed, anti are daily wit
neesiv g. .
Hare they happened '. have we more food to
etporl! On the contrary we have less irons year
to year., have we more cotton, rice, tobacco, or
naval Stores to sell! The answer is found in the
fact, that the quantity for export diminishes from
year to year. The demand for ships diminishe.
a 44.1 the demand for labor diminishes, and in
stend.of thiA country becoming from year to year
more and more an a , ylota foeilte down trodden
people of Europe. it heconte4 from year to year
less so: and with the diminution of immigra
tion there is a diminution of the number of per
sons frith whom we maintain imrfect freedom of
tradt, untrammelled hp the interference of cus
tom house officers. • Under the 'tariff of 1842 iin
migr Sinn trebled. awl with each immigrant we
ert.ab i;hed perfect frcedotit at trade. louder the
twill of 1818, immigration has bt , Coam station
ary,l, ith on tendency to nicotine, and the number
of ar vete in the last fiscal year is to grouter
clot,e was three years before. Perfoot free trade
has ceased to extend. itself. We trade now with
a mil ion of Europeans, still resident it, Europe,
who, wit for the vault:meld of the tariff of 1848,
wont( now Inc Americans.
is a mags of facts that should be account
ed I , and they 1 4orrespond exactly with those
whirl were taltibiteti 'to View its ihe"thouprotinse
tariff became operative, es you will see by the
perm. al of the following Magee, in which We
move eot antler the various systems of the lost
tweet years is fully exaininod. They constitute
my contribution toward the transactions of the
.Free Trade League" and I desire now to in
vite your attention to thou with a view to the
diioussion and settlement of the ,ine;tiOtt, wheth
er the road toward perfect freedom of tradeslies
thiough perfect protection, or through tho total
abandonment of the protective system. One or
the other must be true. Incidental protection is
a fond, and the sooner it is abandoned the bet
ter it will be for the nation. If protection is
right. it should be ndopted, as being the way by
whim we may speedily. safely, - and
reach perfect freedom of tra.jit. i 4 not
right, it should be at on, nal entirelyiaban
The facts here given ore, an I believe, accurate.
If any of them are otherwise, it is because of the
exceeding difficulty of obtaining information in
relation to some of the subjects. brought under
!consideration. If any errors exist, I shall be I
glatito have them indicated, together with any
error of deduction that you may discover. I in
vite you to a full exposition of them. My desire
is to find the truth, and that alone: and f you
can account for the facts In such manner as to
prove me in error, it shall' he as Wankly admitted 1
as will he the ease, I ate . persuaded, with your- I
self, when yon shall have satisfied yourself that
ilia result of the four year? experience of the'
policy of IrAti'has been to diminish entry Where
throughout the remitry, the value of lame end
capital, and to deterierate the condition of the
people. I have freely examined your views, as
published by yourself. Be as free with . mine I
It it time that the people of this country should
learn to think for themselves on this important
subject, instead of borrowing all their ideas from
the works of Fnglish politico-cconotnicid writers,
who, while elaiminf. to belong, to the school of
the author of l'Ar FarltA of Nation', repudiate
all his doctrines. praising what be denonnced,
and everywhere denouncing what he advised—to
wit, the careful cultivation of the home market,
by means of which th.' products of the land
! should be ransomed upon the land, to the ad
vantage el the laborer and the land owner, the
manufacturer and his operative , . the ship car
penter and tho merchant. From the day of the
publication of his great work to the present
hour, English political economy has efeadily
receded, antil it has at length brought the nation
100 0 emu of naLasibtion, from which extrieenee
world -arm nhunst imponr.itile; and yet free no
we claim to he, we adopt all its errors, and unite
with its teachers in repudiating the doctrines of
the only snail political, economist the country
has ever produced—Ail:lm Smith. From biopsy
to the present hour, it hoe never, to my knowl
edge, made a single contribution to the science
that will stand, although theory has followed
theory, end Ricardo and N 1.1041115 have been xi-
I most deified no the great benefactors of mankind
in discovering and announcing the existence of
great natural laws, in virtue of which famine
and pestilence ore to attend obedience to that
first of all the commands of God, " Increase and
multiply :" and increasing poverty among the
masses, with increasing inequality of condition,
ie to he the reward of that growth of •population
and wealth which oilmen follows obedience to the
great Law of Christ, "be unto y-our neighbors es
ye would that they should do unto you." The
object of the British system deuotinerd by Adam
Smith, as calculated to diminish the return for
labor andcapital both at home and abroad, and
advocated . hy all Isis successors, as calculated to
increase the return for both, is that of making
England ••the workshop of the world." To at
tain that object. it was necessaiy to underwork
the world, and every where supplant the Dative
manufacturer in his own market. It has been
done in Ireland, and the results' are famines and
pestilencert, of such constant occurrence that the
country lies almost a corpse upon her hands.—
It has been in- India. until the whole class of
small landholders tint utterly dimppeared, and
the productivelrowe4. of the country is so dimin
ished that the government must become bankrupt
from the hour that Chinn shall.acquire poser to
prevent her people from being demoralized nod
p.nsoned with else opium, to secure the power to
smuggle which England battered down her citiri
and destroyed her citizens. It has been dune in
the West Indian, until they have been ruined.
It Wen been done in her North-American prov
inces, until their first desire lm: become that of
abandoning "free trade' with England, by which
they are ruined, and obtaining admission- into
our Union. It loss been done in Portugal, until
Per ancient ally in reduced to the lowest abyss
of poverty. It has been dune in Spain, by aid
of the smugglers of Gihralter and of Portugal,
and there, ns every where, the result has been
the eame—poverty and destitution - on -the part
of the people, and on the pert of the
Having exhausted her customers, the poison
now reacts upon herself. Her system has built
up the fortunes of the few, who hive lissome
the sole' possessors of loud, while the whole body
of small owners and ocopunnts that caisteg in
the days of Asians Smith, has dimppeared. The
day•laborer hog' the plane of the little fartner,arel
from by to cloy the tendency to the acoutnuln•
lion of the hind in the Lands of large owners
inereas,e.a- the productiveness of labor
decrease, 'The nation has fully and fairly re
alized what was said by Adam Smith. when be
- .
spoke of •, nation of shopkeepers." It is a un
tom of middle-men. ~living at the cost of the
producer on the onelrand and the consumer on
the other, and-.haring for its whole rode or roor
'al* the obligation of r•briyihg in the cheapest and
....fling in tire dearestmaiket, - to province cheaply,
the large manitfacturer must have labor cheap,
nod tire more land io centralized in the hands of
the few, the greater roust be the “competition"
for employment, and the lower must be the wag
es of the unhappy laborer ur workmen, delivered
over to the tender mercies of "the erreater,l
another mad& min. who stands bet Ween the
tradesman and 16 workmen. The coliserpletiveS
are precisely itaticipate.4 try Ur. Smith.
The class of blab mindwl English merchants, re
nowned in earlier time., hag . diFfippenred. to give
plate to a !may of gatatArts, whose dishonesty
and rottenness ore brutight full into view, on the
occasion of each' sum rissive revulsion—the little
agriculturist of older times hasherrome the oven ,
pant of the cellars of Glasgow, - Liverpool, and
Manchester—the artisan has become the slave of
the mirbile-man,3—his wife ekes met the wages
of her husband and herself try the gains of infan
ticide:l—or her children, if allowed to live, con
tribute, by aid of incestuous interconAc, ;rto the
maintenance of population—while the nation. be
coming daily, weaker, sinks from the station of
the Proud England of olden time tos,become the
mere creature of the lords of the loirm.
Such ore the efforts of an insane effort to coin
pet the world lo permit her every where to in
terpose herself: between the producers and the
consimiere of the fruits of the earth—•wilt the
results of a long series of lows having for their
object the esktblislanent of a MOPIOp4II/ ev . tie
hihuhinrry for thr prtirtuction fifth and iron—
And stint ns they are, they are precisely those
predicted by Aaiun Smith. three quarters of a
century since.
It is to aid in the maintenance of it syeem
like this that wegre invited in the hely names of
friendship, and peace, and . freedom of tnrie. in
their names we are invited to close all our mulls
nod furnaces, that we may have more food and
!Per a full understmudiug of this term. and ”I
the horrible sysdem nideb it indicates, I moat
refer yin to the Autobiography of Acton lArke,
one of the most le:medal and interesting 'boob
of the day.
See The S wearer's Den." in Alton pick!,
Vor tut account of the organized 9ystem of
infantiehle in, ma now rapidly
spreading through England. sec Kay's very in
teresting work ou thesocital condition of - England
and the continent_ To rescue the poor children
'it to nnw propose 4. to hnveptddir ourScrici:—
The barintrilm of Sparta is thus to be repro.
cotton hi'.aentlonbriStil to: enable the' .cotton and
iron lordknf Aritaittl - to swell their iitimerase fere
harm; *monopolise more laud; pull dcUrn'mosi
, cottages, drive morelaborera to the lanes and
talus of London and Liverpool, Manchester and
Glasgow: increase .tbe "competition" for em
ployment, and ilms enable the cotton lon] to buy
labor_ in a sanely cheaper! market nadisell a
deirer . one:. - Tiz they names we are invited to
send more cotton and more food, to pay more
taxes for the support of armies to be employed
in enslavink the 'people:of India, of Ireland, of
Scotland. and 'of England herself. In them
names we'itie Invited to. contribute toward the
maintenance of a srstem that has done, and is
doing. more for weakening, demoralizing, and
enslaving the people or the world, than any that
has ever been devised, and that musk be anihilat
ed before liberty can raise its lmel.f
To the maintenance of that system we ore now
the largest, contributors. Withotit that aid it
perishes. Lank you then to reflect whether, as
men, no Americana, as statesmen - ,
or as teachers of statesmen, we are not bound to
inquire, before we adopt any measures tending
to render us the accomplices of the great monied
aristocracy Of Great Britain-in the perpetratiop :
of such a series of crimes ?
Happily, the effort for the annihilation of this
cold bloodedond detestaldp system need involve
no sacrifice. , An examination of the tables here
given must, as I think, convince you that, under
a system df efficient protection-16ot system
which boobs to a war upon'monopoly for the sake
of perfeCt freedom of trade, the return to labor
and capital both increase. It mum, I think,sat
isfy you that when we build the Most furnaces,
we produce the meet food ; that when we -build
the most mills, we produce the most cotton ; that
when we make the most cloth and Iron; we build
the mast ships ;that when we most diminish our
neecsaity for depending on distant markets, .we
enjoy the most' power to go to those•marheti;
that when - we lobk most to home, we enjoy most
influence abroad.
It is to the inquiry whether this is, or is not,
the case, that I invite you. Your influence is
great. Your political friends are accustomed to
look to you for instruction on this great question;
and tire isnot ! , rt...sporbribility a the .eeee..or‘.
failure of the present system—perhaps, indeed,
of our whole system—must r.t on you. You•
have heretnfoke acted, as I am perimarled, under
"a profound sdnse of the responsibility" incident '
to the direction of affairsinvolving "tor good or
ill,-the destinies" of . millions of your fellow citi-.
rens, and you will not now forget titer "every
action of o H.VesiunU ispregnant ,with results
which may, last fur generatiaim"; and, therefore,
will pause and reflect before you undertake the
further adverse - ref a system that tends to lay
the nation prostrate at the feet of Britain. 1 ask
you only to inquire if the time has not arrived
when we ehoutd emancipate our-selves from the.
control of such a coal destroying system as that
of Britain has proved itself -to be; if it is nut
time that we should eci beck to the doctrines of
Adam Smith. reptpliating entirely those, of the
men who lorie repudiated hits. • That emancipa-
tion must follow the establishment of your asso
ciation. provided only that its members deter
miqe to study, gunt discuss 010 great question
proposes ry to undertaking to determine for
Itioncvelvcs, crr to. advise others, as to irhicla is
the true end certain, the speedy and the profita
li road to that perfect freCdorn of trade which
we all so noel desire to see established.
I am, yours seep respectfully,.
nrIILINGION, Dec. 24, 1850.
ItAlLttoAD Conoacit6ss BETWEEN l'lrritir Con
oat, Ciseinasn.—yesterriay, in ''....ame. , •-t•nrarks
°oncoming the Itemptio Railrookpreject, we
incidentally referred to the elforti now making
in Ohio. to secure a direct Railroad between
Springfield. Ohio, the tem:thins of the Little
Miami Railroad, and Loudonville, on the Ohio
and Pennsylvania Railroad, passing throngh'del
aware, Mount Vernon. etc. This will give us as
direct a Railroad to Cincinnati aS Is possible, ta
king the nature of the entire countrT between I
tli`o. and Cincinnati into view. Thee following
article, • 'deb has:just come to hand, is from the
(iaaru, and shorts the state of
feeling •he _object in that region:
TILE I 81 . e- le is with no ordinary aatisfac•
tion that eon er the reader to the abstract of
the annual rel. rt of the Pennsylvania and Ohio r
Railroad C. t. ray. irimaking any connection,
so iMpOrtd • • Ml' . intere'its, we desire to do it
understand sgii. Believing the future pusition
oT s r i ng p.hf to be identified with tieeittral com
munication with the East, 'we have carefully
studied thy varied routes. and acquainted our
selves with their prospectaand condition.
Or first impression, we are free to arkripir
letige, were favorable to the Wheeling and Balti
more. route. At the time the Pennsylvania
ios.L_ its proSpects and trickle of eotiet7etiolti„
were but little known to at. Of the Perorrylva
, nit and Ohio Railroad we 'knew even leis Ac
tire rifts were being made for the central route,
(as tie road from Wheeling do• Columbus was
termed 1 nod strong assurances given, that the
leading friends of the enterprise in Zanesville
and Columlass would Savor the most suitable con
. nection. '
These assurances., however, soon faded in the
dim perspective. and it :became evident that the
western connection at Columbus, should it ever
' reach there, would . he Made with the Xenia
route. Our smart friends at the 4lnpital might
consent to a branch et London, which our char
ter granted. hut dead weighta enough would be
interposed to cut off the main tiara
The great- distance yet to 103 completed from
Cumberland' to Wheeling, with its Alpine grades,
has already been alludes' to. We express a
doubt then if Wheeling would ultimataly he the
point. Ricei , by the route now designated, the
IBaltimore road dehooches upon the Ohio at a
point some mdes helowl reaching Wheeling by,
running up the riser banks. This is the height
of folly.
It is, besides, well known.; that the Directory
bar .triven fur years to wring the consent from
Virginia to paSS down to (Wyandotte, or some 4
point more p,vorable for river naviiration. There
is n now movement now on the tops, which may
yet effect 'the change,
lie 01l this as it may, the Legislature of Ohio,
has recently chartered a new road, connecting
Zanesville and Cineinnati,-via. Lancaster, Circle.
rille, Wilmington, very direct and feasi
ble line, as represented. A charter, .to be sure,
is a small beginning in the way of constructing.
one or two hundred mites, of railway, us our
friends will; find. •In Clark county, et least, it
! would not be worth the_ paper on which is
ed, if we may judgedry - the past.
A cos:mention with Columbus nerely, irrespre.
tine of nay . alventage that might accrue from
being a link in 'lie main chain with the greet
Eastern-route, would be every smell affair. It
could not pay its running expenses. The Clore •
. and Columbus :passengers would pasi on by
tbe_.'Cruia route, centrelledand owned mainly by
titc — iiitue stockholders.
The same interest must control the passengers
by the Zani•sville route, lbsiald it eyes reach Cu
loo us. The citizens of the litter Piste would
ho very heavy stockholders; insl:Alsky _ have the
reputation of being shrewd Imalkets 'ineu—tkey
would protect themselves.-
Harried and brief us iv ottrexPosition, enough
has bz,n stated. we are sae, to satisfy every
one how very frail must be the reliance, on any
connection that way, which could enure to nor ad
vantage. Our central position, as n grearcon
fleeting point between the East and the West, la
There is hut one way open to retrievothepust.
and secure the Allure, and we way well congrat
ulate onraelres,it is the very best that cculd wi
der any•eircurntsunerl,' le4roponed..
How 13 it, then, in a . hirrtter that so nearly con
cerns eu. there is so' mucliapathyouch a strange
indifferruce ! •
Clark has been put 'down for $160,000.-1, it
ton much, with our copntyeuhnCription ?• Why,-
Springfield could mine it in u day, if it was tut
/I bank charter, with thdussurance of ti dividend
of fifteen per cent. There in no doubt the tend
would pay jell per cent. al least, and us for safe
ty of investment, therti could be• no comparison.
The incidental ads•antages; reitl estate, has•
Mess, developement ofiour manufacturing facili
ties. br , would outweigh all the rest.
Union has pledged . 1 000,000—and, what is
more, nhe will raise it. •
liclowore, though n henry suliscrther to the
Cleveland and Columbnia roilertty, with full con
fidence it would pave through the shire town of
the county, will not foil no for the smile mount.-
Cirem,tancer will enable her to do more.
Knox, we cannot dolibt, would equal our own
sull.rription at leant.
la dceply iMerested
it—guile much al Clark.
These amounts woniti he all sufficient to insure
the completion of the whole line. The nod once
ready for the iron, the Rubicon is pest.
This will be the lost appeal Ire eau tnoke to
our readers. The organization of the Company
iw soon to be attempted. The issue is with yon.
Under any circumstances, we may claim the sat
isfaction of having done our thity--you.ore the
best judges of what the common welfare may en
peit at your hand•.
in a word does the imterprise strike you no
important to the intenesto of Springfield? if so,
of course you will manifest it by your sults'arip-
Don. P.emember, the ugyregatet tell. Do some
thief!, and do it willingly. Th. v er 'y , mount you
1 ,,.r done, may insure ite rumen—he It one
,c ten, or fifty.
Timm Lows.—The local editdr of the Journal
i• tillononifesting his
.hyena propeuxity. Ile
tlgoiu exhuming, or trying to do 90, some of
fl;e neaknesses and fmillie4 of the pilgrim father,
lie has no admiration, for their heroic eirtnen,
their high-tone 4 prinelplea, their !Hats and 929-
, rifiees in the canoe of Liberty nyiThit.q,
Our controrfrey-arills !lim oujrA pith NI Ad :
oilsaloa that fliaCodotaWel .- Or , M 4 / 1 :0 allotted
n his sermon Ras a fabrication.J We iiirre no
Arai issue, We Welk it. hardly -win-tit-while to
deiend men whose, virtues have been extolled by
Draughtita; 3Tacardey, Everett, Charming. Web
te'r.,. and a host of others, and whose characters
ace entirely beyond the reach of injury from
suith l writers as him of the Journal. Dr. Riddle,
in 'his sermon, seemed to anticipate such -criti
cisms, atlditi doing so, has sketched their char
, ...,
to the life:
. ,
"If we were curious and so disposed, we might,
too', pick out some "dead flies" amidst "the,
oipthtent" of their memories. If we taxed oar
trading and recollections, we might trace some
"little fo i Dies" in there men, deservedly "in rep
utation or much wisdom;" andwithout bearing
false witness, probably, or being blamed witli
macs, we might give some darker colorings to
the picture. Such things bare been done, and
there are some who take special delight, and
evince peculiar capacity in such boldness; men
who, in a lovely landscape, hare eyes only for
deformity: in n beautiful portrait can crier upon
the slightest defect; seen or surmised; in a glo
rious character, or class of men, can feed-upon
infirmities or infelicities, apparently with no
taste for excellence or sublimity. "If," as 34-
cnuley says, "in any part of any great example,
there be any thing unsound, these flesh-flies de
tect it with nuerriug instinct, and dart upon it
with ravenous delight."- To such fingers, op
tics and taste, we prefer to leave the ungracious
task. We srauld rather imitate the conduct, and
inherit the blessing of Sheen and Japhet, than
telleg in toe dark footsteps and bring upon our
selves- the fire curse of Hem, the- father of Co
nan, the rst on rsfiaril, though the race is not
lik:py - soon in becomWeitinct, who gloried to tell
hi brethren of their common father's naked
ness." .
he President recognises Theophile de Butte
•'ire consul of 'Bliitzerhind at San Francisco:l
ruin, of New York, sends a cnse of hats and
,s to the world's fair.
of our exchanges complains that whist'rich makes the sidewalks slippery.
lose who lire to the future must always ap
! r ,elfish to those who live to the present.
' -,4 .- -------.-- - -.-- --:.
iKK'IDt. 311..terrIo LITLE P111...--The astonishing demand
fie ervat mullein. 0010 d to boon tholnerease. Whiny
it , N , n Intrielnw-0, 'lt hag online.) a popularity im
p ! ~ ironed in the enuale of medical practice. Phyrldane
arr!ti.lna it in many mem. et least when they no obtain
it. I'talent... however. need not he under the expense of
old g method .4 Tit, Wi they ran porrhau a lon of Liver
M Ine
U with •h directions will in famished. which 0111
seed• • epordy cure. Th. Cottoning letter from en .cent
rhOes U. popularity In the vertion hum whkh the letter I.
4.41! Burnt Cation, Bedford Co., Pa. '
, March =.l, 1447.
fr.o3 .t Ca., knurl st . Pittelatruh—Oeottemen—lre
find o. can aell, wzreat nanny more of Dr. Klause Pille
thin your . gaol left with se . Thu, Pills are rapidly
els cm in farm awl we'dyro almost sob/ all that wr had.
If lion ell tet.el tie no cr Melte damn more temet, they
will hot. Pethlipe, Mail your ...Twist on. bring us• new
A*o3 . . . T. 0. J. KELLY
1 Vat ode by J. KIDD a Cfr.
_ Allititord • .
Desirable Suburban Residence for Sale.
nr., subwaiher offers for sale the house .. .dad grottoda
el ere he now toddies, Wastrel on Park street, below Tre.
In Alice/Amy, and about 0.3 minute.' walk lueni the
m rket of this Pty. the lot is LID feet front on Park et,
Dort 712 feet to en elley-,ontsining nearly one
or of grated, and LI bounded on Emery ride by large men
I. al adorned whit tern, and shrubbery. The lours Is
n ir, new, ferret and exceedingly well .1.04 hteltier,
a nt of 50 fret.imil & depth of 7. 2 " 'i
Le nk tgatalue tourtnno
r ' , eel holideol hell. v. 17 .-“
;P:t , ".. 'lt built In the teat
a limos; 4ualLe , rummer. sod has • Ilksprcof MO, and
Lehi MI the modern moontienres. Two ptimpp, with
s Middling ropply of hoed end soft water, are at the doer.
0 the premieee are the nmearary not buildingedetable.
irdre homer, an . The umunds are laid out moray u •
la . trowel silivelnier fruit tree, evergreen, marringohrnbe. currants. moriberries, nupberries de- and n 'Mall
girdle. The fruit Se ottbe best kind, and the treed are in
0 elr irinto. wad 01014 enough far 60 wante of an oldlttarY
1.1.410. The aituation of thin property at to wAuhrityrkal
sDurban comforti, combined with insibruity to the Pty
ill notxurP....l b} any l:t . V.,,hoit x"ltt Ode rifted*, itt has
a leg or the Oltiallieet dm over a wide. of Temperance
'le., &AM Pittsburgh. the Pty. the two river, awl the
h LI around. winning alto/C.llle • ponornolle,proetpoet of
.. g let the or. never .111614. Kverr Lust which enter. or
sl s from the Port of Pittsburgh on the Ohio, tweet In
t 1 Hew.. The rendre. And ground.... alvynnittlen•lr
retooled from oar manure of dust 'so dertruitke of
evlrmort Sod ereetallon, and admit • retimenent sers quirt
'ard peaceful esti' keatol In 501216 quirt nook In the nimistry.
rite property trill he sold at Alamein and pneenniett Fiven
t the Pea of April. Front!, .1 the theette ogle..
041loitt l. Si. iVIIITE.
PRltt tiß l74 Rtlc CASE!
Zhu Irtra- r flio the marl/ with roarrntuest
tllat 'weal wire you azi sernout or the almost. mirseoloo•
rare of air lint , daughter's eye by tbe ore a Door -Petro
was attacked with • wore not. ryw Ss. E•linyary or
March het, when Immediately sy;,,VO/4 U. the Lew teed/-
eta old In the city, by • tiozzls was yrecounced • •••err bad
err,. awl all g•r•itu• us hope of doing bee tau raid. At
whith Lick h er into the roarday to us old lady. who
Lad twqm sialjaustrol I. curing errs. obis told tom that
hie titm w bowsleawess she wield certainly lzwe nos oar
that ie. butt aLwi shoe the:Aber seduld Idkow—it befog •
affortka of the blood. Awl I do witilrY, that at
trie time toy *abet 1,1. D. Washord mile to the courlorlou
this w• had better try Pour Nrroltrum, std mar Wirt!,
Wissl of one eye. 'II Is slow stout two inouthe awe she
Legal:l,Bs use..aud she eau now we with both eyes as good
ar eirr ,he did; and.., Ler as I eon tell, I believe she has,
adds the Weyer' of the Atmtzlity, been Dowel be Dttrolz
um. Yours, respeztfolly.
foram manor Coma.
PiltZturgh, Bait. DI, 1550.
gretne rale lry Keran.s McDowall e 110 Wood aty R. E
47 Areal et: D Curry, D-11. Eltiott. Joseph Dow
ears, and V. D Schwartz, Allegheny,. also bf th• isropthe
8. M. MDR,
Canal Resin. Errrath at, Pittsburgh. •
Citizeifilnsurance Company of tklilirkrtt.
N.. 41 Nl'Mgr t 4 W. 4 C. 11.
Mears. Fred:kiwi . 311a.r.5.
'This Cum luny is o prepared to insure all merchandise
la stern- awl In transit*. newels, ter.
An maple guaranty tar the ability autt Integrity of the
Ihttitution. U Whirledin the charades of lire I - tweeters.
who are all citizens of Pittehurgh. well and &stealth
known to the community L. their prudent, intelliirewee.
ahil Integrity.
Inaertuas—U. 0. Hussey, Wut..Bagaley, Wm. Latimer.
Jr Walter Itryant...llugla D. King. Edward Ileatellow
Jo r lin Haworth. S. when g S. Yd. Mar. ap.3olf
Domestie .cl Farris,' Ppionsr t
Gold .5- Silva, ?ktishi,Sold E,
• AT T. •
il 7 lll. A. HILL & co,
No. 64 Wood Streq:Pitteburgh.
MPARTISTERSIIIP—We hare associated
Ij with se Teownsoll Btu, late Dobler of De Formers
Ilerneito Book, who will devote his perronol mention tope
begins, The style of Do brat reit:mins as heretofore.
A. )yiLKiNs & co.,
Corner of Third and Market eta., Itittab'gh.
• 'min Agency.
The sUbseriber intends visiting the prioeheal chirp of,
deist Britian, Franc, nod Germany; during the menthe of
April. day, and Jona nett. lesifour Pitteburgh on March
soderill be pleased to attend to any ageorlea of a'ine
treitareeor which may be epothot to Lis care.
aeasttgarli JOITSCIk DAP/S.
Foreign and American Hardwate.
No.' 129 Wood Street,
A toll tod romitioestorkorPOßElGN AI ND AMERICAS
for the 'lotus tradh and which they ane whored
to wirer to purrhusers at root, that will compare
!anoxia y with Uty of the mom
l tvr.a Newt Eltneunth)
fIESPECTFULLYanyounce, to the citizens
11 Patxbargh, they giye • Minical Entry
won.. of VO C A L. AND INSTRUMENTAL 00800.0
WILKINS lIA LL, on Friday erg. 31st Jan.
whfrh necnton they will Intro.., a m onnt cluiety or
. , A U n' lCltrol t .l,flrEe'ii=l%,
twdnehtleuten. Orchettn. rllllO PUNe four handy, by ton
ladle., Aro ant Polo. Violin and der le Itttew
The Vocal of the Blakely Vaal of every
variety. hunt th efMule melody to the Illgb.h tohnic
Oyle, W. their norument. )lode 1p an euttro new fro-
tore. so connected with hood Canortilog Famndea. It h.
app nweivcd with unbounded syphon. W.l.'. Dor
I hope menl.
Uu , n otoo eeltek—Conoot to catutteneo at 7!t.
Closing ont the Entire Stock
ft lICAT BARGAINS--A further redue
,lLttion lu pears The ontwriber stishlng to clove ant
ol his stock
wouldaly atol Staple Dry t/ooda by
the lit of April next, respectfolly call the attratban
of his oiden/homers awl- the paid. rho wln 'rant of
poolilovrls at Day .Iwr cool. below fonder tottws.To .3'
prima wivhing to onntnenee towiltieva. Market Arcot, this
Pool ODPOrtattit tom. will dispww of the hal
onto of the work on liberal , with a tow, of the plan,
which he bas orropleal for over 11 teas, .1 expel
lit fornliy trade. .51,1/AllltAltD,
_.111.13 1 New York Stem. dMlarketet. Pittaborph.
ttEMOVAL.—Emcnasit &BeziNe — rr, ifh.ole
tale Urtetere and besiege In Produce, have removed
us. 12: SenAgn nab 121 Ilrat eta, between Waal and
bnaltbltent Ptentee.. inn:et
.---.. •
1; N E LOP E S.--Juet received, n large
2::.1 4 .1=1111 .1 9 `14`"Li; Li m
t '"'"" l '*"'
la ''"AvZ•rilLtittlflEW"a:74.o.
1 - BrEITING INK—Arnold's Writing Fluid,
• (outing and Red Ink.
ilibberre Chen:dee/ Auk' and Rol Ink.
Columbian Ink—red and black.
Munn t Tbomiumes Commercial Ink—black. markt,
tad." Frrueb Carmine Ink. For rale lip W. B. MATEY.
orEs AND DRAFTg— Engrnyed nrdvlt'7=llllrl:l ,
na ,
lance• tut
rale at • ST. N. ItaTEICS Monk il:Ok • Store.
, '• ll • Con Market and
. AMC Mi. Journal, and Pont oopyP ) d -Lt.
017.4 JOna inront.
toJohn geFailen it 041
• Cana/.111161, Penn Strkt.
PennaAtail Road Co - -(.entral Rail Road.
rritEl uloicribeisAutling ,been lippoink4
ihitnln4 =ante Inc air Pennell to or Central Rall
4Aaii, in po the mibliis that re am now prep../ in
seini anrimsretaisillse or moduli for shipment rut on the
trteninz of the canal. • • .. •
5 14641/ i sPilltarlitisitipllliie tarried thintrzh lit tlre dari•
and•all consigned Pius lonlo4Qtil pre ni cdsittotir
at®nr ebuts for Whiners,
40131thituce Co
declared* tha Board
, 1,48 nos remind at tab
e p entitJetl to &lip Diridend.
remng In the ottoo, antl
Jed ntr. '
Tliefierip Dividend
of Mercier, di lide. 4
edeeey. wad wade far dletriby
follayind 'peeee are
declared l 0 1147 and p 49.
ready be delivery. ',boa ealc
Andzrlrs 3068. 83 00
AlB.l. Jena A Lb 6 00
Eakeirrll. Crurn 1 166-10 00
Bidwell 3. C. Aet- 16 06
00.11 J. NV . 6 C0..-..AS 00
Caldwell John. .. _— 6 CO
Cunpbell T18me66........40 00
Vialoli'. R 6 D '"" ----- -- 14', P.°
Dab.% John 21 ' 518
@• - 0 Jam.% 11.-- - - 5 0/
Frolsok D. C ' 60
11011301. m ..:.:.60 001
(lahmu 61. W ._._6o OU
(11-611 Ileury 10 011
.Vreffpg.. .. --...7 00
im,ii .
11.6.1. Jeu... .... _. 16 00
!Winne 1660 . 171 iirn...l6 1/01
110...., C. 11 16 011
um '.._...._:N 1, T.-... .... --X5 00,
3.bon ^o CO
LauschnoJro 10 fo •
Mellor kJ. V Ou
Marla. 0. P.-- 315
McKee Sam. aCo---. 5 0)
61cDrinald D. D. 0a.16 OD
SlcCormirk J. L.... -...40 00;
Pennock. 0100154 it - LNk-10 00
Poe Adam
Pretley Afro 6 OJ
Shocriberger O. J. 1410 0)
Spank. [Co ..15
Srott John it Co - 0 tar
Robinson 10m. J ...... .-.40
Iliohltoon 111 Co.-- 00
Italeko John 111..---10.00
1 1061teuran It .... .. 5 00
,100100 30bn t Co_ ...._lO _lO oD
110.rrey C.O 900
Hulett J.ll 6 U 0
Kllartelter 61 (X)
Klmber J. Y. 2 J. T..„10 GO
1.4115, Oro ... .. . -
UPPinnott 14 . 064 . 60n...20 00
Luna XV
I.olnnomullotMuniColo Un
Liteh -56 OD
1.100 t Co 5 Ou
Lippincott it CO., 26 01
Monier Sam—. ...... 00
6leentehron 1 . 0.111:...-16
314K0r S. Ca-. ..... 600
M iller Itlekefrom.--»54 00
iller A. (i. N. 11 -- 10 00
(101varli 40011 e...-.., bOO
11410r oIol mkk l .Per•blen t•Co MOO
111114 .... oo
Mantle V.. . -....--55
Sisson A. A. SCO
Mourn flab) 5 00
Morehend.42.o.6onlo Co6o
Muerte. . .46 00
Pennock, 51Itchef - k C 0... 6 6)
Palmer Mil-- ..... • . 6 00
Price OO.
Pepped 5 00
Phillip. J. it 11 10 00
Selo Berger 01 OD
Robin.) J. 0.0 01
ktobertams t Repnert.-.10 (01
lIT Jaw ol4 .3.1 00
Srott John 6 00
Semple 1100 ........2... 00
Tb?W0 000.
001 a55..4... ....... Ulo
Tbomptun 6i 15 01)
William. !lantana J.J..55 10
0101. ......... 00.
Watson Colt 15 CO
WeaterJarob-.... ..... 6 00
Ward Wm. 5 Or,
Wool Jmnes Co. ..... ...• 500
Wool Jas. IV & 01
Wool& . -111)
Atirecal. Jones Ma 5 1X)
Alexander Dar 10.40
Blarkmore Th. 5 00
Brady's Bend Ihm C0...15 000
Duller J. W. 0 Deo .3U 00
Duller L NI. II 05 IAI
Bakessell, Pears
. 11C0....10 00
Bidwell J. C. A¢ 't 5 0)
11,.th 0 Pune., 6 00
Ihirnext`haa_ 11 oto
Illately Janus 6 110
Bingham Wen 11..,
11 0101 tleo. .. . 500
Cunningham 1t.15' 5 01
Calhoun Jas 51 00 1,0
(lark 0 Thaw- • .... -3) 00
Cuddy. Jana 1.5 00
Caught,. John A 1(
COM. 1.1111/1 .05 0)
Uunpbell 500
Colemati, Hallman a ColU 00
Calhoun Metd— ...
Childa 11.05 00
Carothers, Miller : 0
Co.-15 0)
151111er Y_ll.l V.O 15 00
Cape W. II 15 iU
Campbell Thomas...-.... 1) (00
6 00
Duel. t 5001[h:...... ...._IU (00
Dalsell 11. t 1)o 3) 00
Dean Al .3) 010
[harts Ja e s. x
II fi 00
Dales John N irt 00
1000.11 Jan •10 00
English Ir Bennett 5 00
Cberbart 30 00
Islttelmons -10 00
Fulton W. II 50 lai
Farmer .......... 00
Fi5her......... .10 00
()midis° P..-- .3) 00
UrrenDanlel -55 00
;'",:usfrj,i7i 1 - 6 °„?)
Umy ut-- J................ 5 01
Hutchi ..55 110
Hart Win. If 5 00
Ilowanl Jas. 5 Is./
Hazlett' OU0)
Ilarbausd) IS. 0 ‘V. ---31 Olt
Ilmnutooj (.0
, ;c...:.:._...._:.:00
Watermstt L 0 10 00
Wrlat. John
DEIII4. Agent. l'lltAmegh.
A. v.= k , atetroinal Metes
li,totto Pearls,
' ,
Mame. plat and quart flask;
2lo . .taxee alai/la.,
•Ittbosre tool 2 are •
. •
Pella. Cora Broom; •
Taranto hemlock Paused Sole Leather ,
Wor ale by MULISH a BiNNErr.
oral I 122 Sweat .4 lit PIM eta
OR RENT—A; beautifully located - Lot,
ycontalrdrur 8 arses,
store or lest. situate on the it
ek Plant. bad, the greater part deer bottom. admirably
salted for *market garden. with a 9nantity of rad
Tipple tiers,and only half an hoar. walk Item the b' ellg
Val e t anti and tuAlhrfr'hrtgi April,a g i llte tf
. TIIOII.NTON A. dittdwtaf a ,kiw“
Lowrieeihnlldlag. Warp.) Fourth lth •
a 38.11
trwll wldd and charge this easee.4
10 KEGS tl Twist Tobacco ;
LOU/. Tarmer's Oil : •
300 bozo: Prime Chose: For sale by
'au 30 JAS. PALZEL. GS Water at.
ScIINDRIES-150 bags Rio Coffee ;
p boxes
tireen roslott
Co oured sod
tOr tenf:
ts) et Bre en red Vartat
Water and Foot streets.
Fce gad. h
Inn 90
CASES . Casdnetts :
N . .
3 ''''"
' n'''''''' Fur"
1 LEF-
J. 0.1. . ~,
enalia — RBIS.. N. O. MOLASSES;
AA", :..,, ladm freak Roll nutter;
HU kelp N., lard;
OM bus Driral Peaches:
3,0 10. brled Apples;
. LO Ws wan Family Env, For sale by__
Jana) 8l IV lIAIUMUCiII.
DO Idly Tallow;
Do do: Broom,
IS bbli Prbrituhl •
72 Joyce pore J6Jorator; • .
31 lAD I:pll /Fodor;
ID bow do de,
Atr g'. redo; .
30) do ' Common do:
WA do VAlleh'llalry do:
4 bblr )1/cluvry.jiou:
DOu bueb Dried Apples;
6 late Er; . '
A :or 1117=i Pelt, For vale by
vFi l te , tutor, to talctha.. a rt
in the ranftrr. opuditleailatu , A g uto :kw:
of the bre-nth lengueire, Nei de.' nod the Yhyrf.
el,l 4 Btie Fmk further infbruuttloo mlulre itt the
ofdee of Derid Eourth etmet, Yftbhury
VITA NTED TO BUY—.s6les of ifielVesteni
wwo o lkt Stock of o.l.ltl3b.rilitVikaro:
100 brie extra as
isso eels. , ro) /kris Na a Mackerel;
IS brill Sast. ._ . , • .-
ILO Imo Saltret.T. ,Ave tt ., v„ .
Produce lsealei; axe/ I.Xatenlarese itirellaute s
ja.l el lt ater street
.1 00Q L a !! MUTTON ;TALLOW;
,500 11.4-kvheat noun ILJALicar
Prorinee - DcalLl r t 51e145b54
3. , Z5 455 , -r Wad -
Jitl,s, CiatiN;' •
330 tom Ooto .
MO tam eltortoc for male by ''"
T. WOODA 2 SOff.
hoduce Deafen and (..bcorolsoion Iftfokingto.,
41 Water greet.
brls and 30 sacks just rec'drby
OLL BUTTER--25 brig in More
harreti in store
j 14,5 J. S. DILWORTH 1 CO
PIIION-200 dons on hand •
1•. J. S. DICWORM 1 CO
BSMALTS-1 calm for sale by
Err ado by la'.9 J. BCIIOONMAKIIII. CO
(ALIVE OIL-10 baskets for' Sale by
1.-Ir J. KHOO:MAK 611. k (N)
JUST RECILI - ED per steamer Pocahontas
fo boxes SUN BOLL TOILAOCO, for rale by o
BONN, Elia LX), &be Ageols,
Very Valuable City Property for Sale.
lIIE -undersigned Administrotore of ihe
am. of Thom. Falun...deer:wed, offer Abe rah. the
re real evtato ofAho raft Thom. Yolustan, onnelvting
clone ta) fort lot fruntlnn on Liberty etrect. running turn
to • ton fret alley. Al., its tavern Omni known to the
Almelo° horror. with Ito guano& And stable ennueetpl,
fronting Oa Chun alley:thirty three feet Amu' Inches. •
Abu, three loU trotting ou Cherry alley. each eighteen
feet front, oval running hack elaty feet farallel with Plum
alley. all of width property will be .1d to private/tale, hy
3 1 1= ' ..Vflt tfiletr!fuieb,b,r - 1 1 0' 4 .
Al., the Tavern viand Is offered fur vent. Apple to
ya2daltl.l.s lal Llterty
'JEW cgot , CASTOR OIL-10 brls
1.1 No 1 fa..t resolred for pia by IL E: SELLERS,
. LI Wood rr
joNS It. K. bELLERS. La Wood tt.
UCKWIIEAT CAKES—If you want good
Iffi Buckwheat Wm.,um Rabbet's klermaing Cm.
leau , aL mt. BY PEN IL E. BE
4 11 )t ) .1 1 ,: R t r T t — c " 4:tri titn No.
oorr or dn . rood Mon.; ai.d._Gar Innaratune or
brok.n".. a 1.,. Apply to .12:n W. W. WILSAN.
EVOLVERS and Allen's, for sale
at M•rket ot, - conarr ea'rth
W. Sr. WILSON. •
OTICE—The - partnership lutely.existin g
between the trynierelsrned. under the Erma of SAG
altronor a cl.abliodelphlw" sod . IFOonnoe. Atklwe
Cr , .. Plitetruir,h, was &mred by mut..)
ttre tab day of J th e
F Ifeneen Atkhee le• C oo. at
Co tor the male of Atkins. O'Onektkm• tCo at
PhilelelFhle. end Joao.s trCononr U. ohm.: ouLhorleal to
wee the mole of 01.tr000r, Atkin. St Co. lltteburgh. In
Hauldation. lIANNY.N ATIIINS, •
Itrtteborah, Jon. 13. Prol. JAMES OIjUNNOR,
James Ct'Commr, of ytittabur g h, Ra:, and
ovoaser, k Cu. have fhle der entered
Into eo.pertnerehlo under the style of "Jane. O'Connor
httaborgh." and 'I./Connor. a Co., Baltimore," for the
puriceie of trannecting Cr banner of the iditebargh Trans
portatin Line,. well es Cr general onmmlaskni and nten
chenille harp... JAM'S °VW:NOR
Idttaburgh, Jan. 13, laid. 01.XINNO118 a CO.
A CARD—We tender aro thanks fir the
Mut patluttage exteuelod to ns In business Am the mat
%even t ear, and would Immo. our friends end the nubile
that sreenuemenia bm the WU. of 10.4, Anil be of
the mut extesuive end perfect nature. WI. still display
them teem fully In future advertisement.
JANI KS O'CONNOR CO.. Pittsburgh.
Pittsburgh, •tin ° .El.o. l latitt C Yci Mmn"• ' •
F YOU USE BLACK TEA, 31onnisiiirri
Ilawbeen. In . ties Diamond: Fell the best I,9AF,r ,
Poloirgh; Ms le net pug, but apneal.b Cu asst
eomparißal will prove. ' ' • •
reetritas oduslly gore llnl r
Gi at same prime. . do
All at this establishmt als• retallol frnth tha
Original Chests. bring far supe en rior to Package Teax. from ishiell,
In many lunation', hare been pus UP two or Chic. loan,
and you might no well sop pe , e I lay would Peep as well in
a mall bundle as in a stack. ea lo think that Tea keeP
Aswan In a package sei In the original chest. • jai.%
BEEN APPLES-10 brio prime, recd in
killgotal order, and Inc sale by .
H -- --
EMP-110 en Missouri de* rotted, in
~ D re awl for pale by
LA Pl ,
CANDLES -40 his mould, on consignment
lIIINGER ROOT-3 sacks prime, on hand
N.AsnO toe wo bY E. N. WICKERSHAM,
Wuol Vieth Ms
NEArs,FritlT bris just required
II Very lUparlo2 art Je, rot war lir
4,2PANISH wurrisoLal brie ist store, fur
quilt , by j0 , ...4 S. N. WICKERSILIAII
mallows Worrhowe No 541 Literty stmt Uo
Oo7FI sr sea Liiivtt„.lll mord, with the 'tow',
-lag? ft - th 4. 1 1,f
WiIITE BEANS-30 hufor sale
T4IIIII.I.CEI,AIL-- 3 (mass sinsil stick,
if , k3iti . 4lStg*S " :' -- 1 -'
• •
br Etna en 11111tr11 , 41C evening rota:Ugh IMnat
at' Leta,. that arelarfl. direct,. of 1111.M1InKlIt Eh. who will la awavwd by blue KW - rand Met..
Feria vare.r. Ar ne, aud Teen, laced.
with a fell a. wel(trahied Orehettra. t a l . ""
Procratutur bentleny wv, the plena inn= tteTR been
petfunned before a =trt r h ‘ a_ ,..... udla r tat L- • ••.-
& (nen., "F Kamm " full ort4estra-21 3 r..• •
I ..relnet .. ft r ibe' Mi k a; qern, Dueth
& Overt
t bi ePurgit. :4 ;.l. etti hand!, on two Pl
eirrariZt.e.,,,,M.K.l.Tari l u ta= L i Perny .. -11=-
then" Saarr—lAure. -' • •
a Violin .I,llaster Wcenetaar- . Thirwall. •
.. Dallad...s.ltrunee aathering. 31e. ELIMEA-14..
7. 3.larseUles holnand, with Orehntral
1. tyerture, .I.etilSlthr.' fall thetles.-11.1-
E tj r .16 1 , ,,,T;r4 . , ; .'".. - „.."••i n ", Eel , . Tana-of Imo
IL inhibit Polka: full Orebestra—ilerenu. ,
J. Yang. wt. I ike am. ea vitartulna; , ,lhr.
S. Mar.. Walt..
.11 firebeatra—Feine.
a The Par an.led nmfull eterus,
with orehestral
, ElfgadlClEfit 1 •
The Mane nacil . oe.kna will be furnished hy
Yle.Kleber, tam the ted roannfactory of flume k.
Clark. •
Tktite tO rent, te be at the . .. of 11. lifehea
Thirdetrect Wu. and Joaneo MeNtiluttablan
bet Meet. ard at tot dor'. the reciting of the pertra
Douro ripen at 7 e'eleult.,Feaeerll.l'...,,t.,9l.U"
CONCE I =red !dude, for the baw
l. at
o ID chn .
vgl li .lt tt irlz: Tu i r:dit c =4.lg
Acte...or I. It. ,lo..i;:ol r i - c•LIV..7 do
to Llciort SonEkwann. do
Hallelujah to lb. ranter-. ...._ ..--floothoren.
Held, St 11.4
Tim Marvellous It'ocks- 111741 k.
Eve's lcuttentatilAk..., ,Fankt.
Whom n 0.,. tl r Boom , - ItocAnt.
Wand Ifollolojob Morns-- -...
Mkt. orots,—to b. otJ.)I.
If. btkler. IL tllcbtoo..autl It. C. Stockton. l'ot .titt nontet
niced Bath. door jiac v i ur i ti
3 a
( tilt
v -15.. aMkt
ftESPECTFULLi announce that they will
Kitea Conrert Ihmiar evening. Fehroark act, at
TI lin. Hall. Their prtvramme will contain • choice oe
betiork of Sum., Duch, .
Tickets to vents—l 4 be I=l at the =34 P.m..., at
• • openDann al 6!5 cr100k.• Concert will _not of 'bar
11(e No poetponetrient &Cocchi of the weather. -
A collection of Conan an d tfoartottein ne - rtriat bribe.
A llowlinnions. can hal ot the Conn.?. ROOM • ,
17 isackh prime for isle by
Irk 29 . llel Alder Ea- .-
T ARD-3 kegs for sale,by
J. 2 . DILWOCTIT * 0.0
BROOMS—SO doz 'um, received by
F RUIT -100 bu Dried Peaches; , '• .
150 bu Dried Atmlea. fn-usle by • . •
j,,z i J. N., DIMONTR 4 CO'
YEIt3IILLION---11 caso genuine Chinese,
fn. Li* by J. KIDDACO.
J• 24 ' . CO Wool O.
AMPBLACK-50 brig by .
Jr 1 2 ,3 a Klaht CO
CASTOR 011.10 brls Blow's hest, for sale
sr , . . J KII)D4 CO.
V Ihwfk,Commerrial Vuuk Norpingl
rn Stan Root Book lieriung. -
Rlaakr for tCe etwre work, jurt irrrivrd, a largerupply
fur rali by Jogs Fr4tka.bokl.
iea h 1 Wood Pt •
iIIAUR WHEELBARROW was.'takea away
115 (rent one .t, on Pride, the 16th of Jannarl.ll7
men (XII. 11.9.11. Of Wm - William - ' and phi to )11, thellvey.
of Allegheny eft / . and taken to I'. 31. DatetAngtion Room,
on Monday the 111th' and need. The gentletinsit Irbo ror•
eururel tbn raid •rhe+ll...reow returg:theAtine,
ana get his tenneg Ito ro doins be rill greatly
oblige Jail p.* 1 . 1111.1.1fte.. and it nod et
IIECKEB.'S Ca.SCA fortkpie by
8123, $l6O, and $1.75 'per gallobti;
AVERN 114:EPERS had bettor try Morris
k 'flannel* Pang Vela Verna Bleser, etthe abce re
1,25 I .
.11174 - We atIaANDIVINE
Eau s Dian:ad.
111ICE-3tl teS prime Carolina; for sale bv
_Ls ie.': - JAS. A. 1107CIIISON-k eO ,
cgnoT—so kegs assorted Nos. for sale b'st
1..3 isa... I. - JAS. A. litTelllPoN kb,.
canitips-3q bri. Golden Syrup; •
Q .- ' - • • ' lb ` l ' cl 'F.rlg. a.'itKMAO;iL.
brls rec'd per steamer Arena
•z " . " 1 "Y-. - - itouSttutilnai.>S.
I,lOTASH—SLeasks. Dunean's , pure Potash,
cos sus .I, Y J. 25 J. a FLOYD.
O'AK IMITATION—Paper Hanging-in int
,Winn of 002. g.)..1 varnished, Er pale by
" W. P.MAILSIIAL. Wad st-
br u d. rrr d lft , rgeloaf
170 do K: ri rd i c .d redi
A.Vil*:lll66st ' Ar 444
les et. - Lards Stim Barr*,
Proposals for. Chain Cable, Iron
• • Neer Autvfa:Oaricr..
EAL EA PROPOSALS. in dupheate, en,
k 7 dorsal Peolosals Ihr )f on de beet . will to re
ceived at Mx a t until neon of ay, the to Dabreo.
far next (o farnlabing end delivering at the !fan e..i
at Wax/an/gest DPMet of.Oolumlita, - all the &sin cable
hw tocntionod in the following - table, vla :
!"'"' No of fathoms.
-4 17 gtliigt2-1
Of *Lakin, nrl
1 el. ac
••• • • Total
Ali the aforemlet Mani cable iron mad be of the' Veer
gang quality of Asuroare moneforhom free front atinthr
auto of foreign re aet Le hammerral from blcoms ire
togh bars. not for the links roust th en be ant,
piled, u and roiled to about an Melt to thug' ,, ... - then main
mk plied, and a rolkd to thepo remind aims and eat to the
requid &oths That rtion ha. e shackles, strimth
t. . F re
aut pinemnst all to wrought th under /helm:arm to
vuovi ma shapes which Mil be furnished to the:coninuton
TM Made mud be autyoma m 00001 ht lethttith Ind from
ell raggui Mil or nip., ar other defneta,,mityort to .
such Mut& and tests as the Bateau of timstruthon.
ment,and Repair any direct, und he in all roseate
entire sidisfertion and approval of th e commandant of the
Navy Yard afuremill, or 01. will not be received; nor will
my part of the add iron be mbityled hs but mei Proeture
unefartory erldeere is ' , maimed to the oda delabnitti.
ant that It has loon numnfactured ea hereinbetups tokil - *
reth •
Lint rag a ilirnlria t ricrelt: ' rterem bi'd re. !Wind ' Ikti
ai de .
"brat daynt June erd, for anothey oCall mid ear
hies on or before tho best tiay of Oetober . nein land
the mumbler 00 or koker the thirty-nut of •Itemuster
'Persons -11,50000 of tarring' to funthli the add nett
(vhould' any further. lafertuation be reetrilud to enalde
them to make their talent am refund to the uantaaralaut
or entainatelum More of.the Navy Yard et Wadanitton.
Linn. of Columbia. '
M uler m dtfiW
ntions orboono ourd m
eci i p n l er s iff of o l r o s
m c ot
portions of nob Min/ of. Won froditial bo (=into
ed. whoa he mutton in preporoit for execution:, sod to
oblob the raid troo moot random. •
. ...
'titteraatiiU album the .
quantity Mildred,and, the
prim stated by thcp.ovt, stud the Mfitrettato =Mint the
ITYI . KiWert aud carried oat. . , '
h e equal to the eetireittel lawaint of - MO
contract will he nominal in the manner sot Roth that
lootrtiment, and tent. centumln addition will he withheld
fora the I.llllllli of esettivOment as collateral security fee
.tho faithful ierformauce ef Rao Matruh Ninety per cent,
tif each
, decry will he Peal to' tha Nu/ A u at ct
%Pueblo:don within thirty dm s after the presentation of
bill., in triplicate, eppruicl try the commindent lbesaid
Nary Vent,
'Every tater must he aerompanki) by &written auirsnAT,
Ohs reamoullillity of the triataWem , litiemototfi to to
certified knownour went or other official melon, or by,
cee to tot 'bureau of ainetroctlati, Sc.) that
If the tithe be seceptol the Udder fir lihtdors wlthwithin
tett days Oft.' the rimn ipt ef the ointment the pitat Mike
dealnated, execute Me .terne, with Root tual eaffrient
'enrettea, to furubb the eaLle inun, agreeably tre
the terms
70nrAtt,"{11 .
ANA forliiir, the oonialersliai of all MailLuit trot aefritn•
Ridden are particu .eautioned to noterse thrirrewe
as above required, that .
to noes be dtettmlufrticd from
other Guineas lotera, 1u reeler to Pm... th cfr.tiebtfi
opened before the day appall:dad. . •
all often not nude in ettict conflarmlty with MIA
in every partlealnr, will be enveadmodeit no.
fr W.
etni. at the option of the Raman of Construction, Ennio.:
talent and Repair. Thomann wham offer nay tel ameliled
.0111 be =Rifled and a mutreet tiewarded wiViutit ooetn
serydely. . •••
Venom offering re directed to dettgluto
through which a.: tg hn iniiiimpol litadlheitery•
agent to whom the contract Null be sent La . ex • • • •
And also unwired to make their
4.. t accord to the Writ
hemtoannued.• • J. LATllltoP,fravy Agent
A l rchi it e nva to f Ar"' orolaii 4r allicllecr at ' ' tie Nine rd '
tat Auhlogbas, District ot Colombia, in con... Dilly erttb
he ten. of the rulvertforment 1[01:4 .tbi: - navy A tw4,111'4
Mice at Chublionon,.of tha .Iral Duroary. 1,51,
1,n0t,12.2 lb .or chain -cable iron of Om eery Lad quality.
or American oroauttectum. ;be rate era,— cents par
IL, mu/opting - -
If mr idler L• anreptod, docire to Le Ablroetall throne,
tba post, onion at mar the contract to scot to
tbn /./,,X Mcesint—.E.
icrY n-mmtfrallr, Tune obedient artlnnt,
7w J: tl7 . atmor.E .
Navy Aim t. nitot.. D. C. • '
IV. the. =den-Ivied, rentrotn of a the Stall
Stnfartty Nut, in.ehm the fettrgoth.xLld of - 1K .
tethtel, Irak, trlthtt. ten do}
after the retetht eontract d the poet afire de•lont ,
exeouLer the Ingle: with good stet eothStfht" roKthx to
tarnish the ehhltt Atblit hut therein rpeethwt, In ennfh.tict
tetthilie tempt of Lb., a4sertisecntlit under whichvs..
oettiff thot, to the bed of inr thoololge nod
be!ltt. the abottortwt
ko.otope to be ethlorsett "ProttomattOthhtegoeilot,i
. .
Value. about 17,000.
..m memo alistearr.) Illassle , slll oxonaar.ost
salaY. 21st last. at 10 o' the meaning. MA 2 id
theSittertaess. and mama. dally until this valuable tole
dl n.frel of at .the large portion stone of Juries
efianna, Rind street. - This ![ , teed id eased. of Itemilru
sod domestic NT Sleuth.. rill competes. /Limpet merrydeeertle
tatmeat ergot's. connected with the Dry Dade Trade. MY
be examined the der 'Perelone to eale. and oo fNpeettca
11111.tre oma mr.i.• to any Motel: seer offend
Werdatition in andpart of the Vole. Pedlare.=g 2 =
ere, and Linda of Famillevoroold do well to
own interests. sod amend this Aortas. sa - theY may po'p
for amts time. more • similar cue:meaty. °oats Al
pot {74. to such lots 23 may
nit pureessers..• &panda 7,
" U ! JAmesiNi.'" d miAdir.
jait.llatf • . LEEN. Agent
THOMAS WAD, - .11311.72.11 . 001. .1, , .
. aod codurtiosion Morehams, No. 61 {liter Innn. :sr.:
Patoborgh. - ' . _.
'I7. KL Elll/11 later. *name In ..i'
wowing that Do b+.l. Jost oron.l
rholco Hance of the relotiraled toot., o j
None Cunt sod Dc-suks, New Vork., .bleb; ititb Moo
bno.l. Ibo the 10.4 15?:‘ ,1 0.1f. 1, ..
."* . k. I ti
er.r_o.islblitft* ••.j. t r -.doable esl4N4 Pta o.
'iteso - Wagroitei;fenitid 'rotate.- _ __ _-it ~..,. .._
Louie [IC irt7le., with the oe w Int utoneinenn t ot et.r
triage: the latM and tot import.= ha witnrentetit, to ho %
found eat{ on liutat t Clark'a Platten dial b.' ..prop ~.
..a-do eltelVt.
or 'Cori Mute, ettlinieing Jenny i.:
flog., and lb. thearett new hong% Polkas, Walter, Jig. • .
iaijf billiN OF THE LIOLVSN II Ali P,lOl Thini st.
Mt, Journal, CliraWcir, and Despatch. ropy.) ~.:
A - ARn:a WOB.Ka. t . ::
ErriatAsim.Dl332,hy,EDßlOND f.
WILKINS; No. 245 Liberty. AL.
twia aw.o flirt. l'ittebulh, Pa. •-',
Moronnents, Burial Vanilla atabettnate.
litli a,,, Mantle Pirol. tient.. tbitd POJT.A.
. stra en band and made to Ord.% of toe ...'•':
• . chokes; Olarldtt . and at oUT goinntii
rt '4 chnieetelstion nrionstagg 0n.."
s. Sr•graat -- . ' •,'
tuipurted: ' ...`
, _ hoot Italh , .
•• ...,
F:-. • :
_ . •
- •.- -•• inertmtki. '
. .. , . _.-.
n ol ipi.,,,F D.., :: - • clot, Shama Tot .' • , '.i - ..
Itm:=?l ' r b" ., 16 , ,' 11"1 1"P".. k ' q '
Joan Studer, tap, C a • • ',
• • ,en'i,,,=.: Althitett
Pittsburgh Bulk. ' ' ninon. /.. Bon.
' do
J. 11. thoentazei: - 11111 4 e....r, , , "4l • .'.'
Wilma Shea E wa.' :Ilan! k largett. , 4
RA,. me... 0.,.. _ ..,.. - w... En.l.r • Co. . - ' "•:
Jot. hirtlulght,Cao, tormtnioD. T;Xorton k INV • • :.'
ion!. • • .
.. Joahtut It hitt & Co Freres
- -... . .. ~. ~ .. -. ...
E.: It'kela fractal or lba-ver Ilbona pattoassra'tta _,
seltra dutiti.a. alateen year. ta
Ma city. batibad tit* '..t
tarrest tad trat.toba entrusted ta Ma rate ap ta t. meant .`...,
Om, artiarill aodsarar In 'radar ostlafsrtina htreaElst.. . ;
OITNTY LANDS—CAP-L7Crui.s. Nirzaz,
Attorney at Lour, No. 1134 Third 1114 coma of Man
on haring toada.orrazonctnento , Ibr Um wrong; rf
procure Bountr Lands for cellar, and Inkling, emir
idowe and children. and W "Ural to, my nib', boid
,"thur=24,,%Tnl-'ol.o"renref4r. D a - rif
GIIM OPIUM—.SO lbs for sale hr •
b k .% ; J HYDDt CO
U6Alt LEAD—I cask' for sale by - ' '
'PO Kith) CO ' v'
4. 1111 now :, ELLERS
ne LidR PILL— " The rery best Y .
0 -
17 In r' - • • • F.
KA:1064 Mr( MC= TO.. J.. 4.12 11 1
- Mr. it - E. Sellere—hcer Mn ,I trill gtnta tn Tun th.t It t
le lay opltion_your Plll to Tatham the *cry eat till imr ;
In one an • Li•Vr 1111. and to aumiarnott by none uen
. 1-
'Autt.Fllllona PEI.. It 1. very Lighlp esteemed In litlE oho!. ,
ntIV=I,I3IIIT tfrom 41, nt , : v d it= nigt=ting all 13.
pelt.: =Aloy &kali nod enstcaters. . , • -3
P. A—l am pertained to Alter the nrightal letter, ha i
not to publich the letttees name.
' ' trendier? err. Pills are the WWA. o . gt 'P.M mat t
Okra... All a fi re counterfelts or bun tatkown . t
Purchasers,recollect dud R. 0- Seller.' !duet Mlle we i
the orlglnel and only true and genuine Lim Pllt, and
. i
may be had at tin 47 Wood meet. and of linigrUda gene ,
rally in the Mu titles and vieinET. 3.01 1
ILVER COIN WANTED or every deserip4
otki, wd the telgieoed Tend= paid La the, ratOpeire
leetern Facterude, rear feral& or eurropm.
- •A. WlLlalie A. ON re. I
Cm. Thlld and Market WA
QNDRIES-41 bales Cotton;
' lO brie No. 1 loot;
.y begs
2 bags pealed l'earben
2^. Lyra leathern
150 h Yams:err Rare, lllhnean
Foy' landincftamaisO, %Tr0w1...4 for raielry ,
.1.27 ISAIAII DICKI:Y CO. Wm. , i ft:Wag
.EAILLS-15 casts superior. fuPr
4.= , - ' WICK k Ilt•Cd-CDLLBS.-
(lORN-200 14 white Tellow, for 84143
. ica WICk k 3IeCASDLES3
B u T r z ,Eit_lo brls ine roll. for *ale by
.--VEAT4ERS-3 sacks prim*, for gale bJ
. { WICK I. 31eCIXDLVa
• VALILY FLOUR-20 brls extza, far sale by;
iv: - 147 - , - • IrICX t IIeCANDLIZS
IIMIST OP. REFUGE—Nutiee: ia. 'hereby!
'airen - that en Montan for oMorm of the A J
au of llntent Pentoylonal. tn.*. • thealtht.Tloal
Prthident,Snetoaxer, Othotary. p.I Twel. Manaiarla "ill
he heal al the BMW of theDmrd nf Lathe city of':
Plttihorsh, Thanday, 311.11111LLT 30th I...AAA tact
r. st. All enbeerlbersafprequeeted to elm. •
bl.mine ate. Othoonalth en behalf alba anitrlbetior4
BIOLL.PATTOIf. Makatea •
o•LTb...gansber. ilthe Centrel Comnatter, sat ath.!
itrions.imboontolltura, are moat earoeetly mne. to their effort 1* the Paean time. to omatn further'
cataxibllll4ll3,-.41 to handit . their em*ethe to
Quarto. tore... to the of th e elon, In cadet ' th an
a ea' solneribent /he prepand•for, that
• c.a. Peron. obi, have.. yet badaa -- Opportataty
eut.erthl. ,aft batb - Ipptet this aml other coon.. of limo=
Peewit tarried to be present at Mt pled:Km. pot
down o.ll , namea o aahenther• ..1 thth•tet anoni
th.thaelve. Pr ante.'
INethipaper. In the eatione throttle. allforterOPena;
.3 1 . 01 ...11 , 1•M•1 to thar thin notlee.l _
EAD -14PE—Corriell'3 improvia patent
ry VD!. Mtn WaiMen.
FAMILY' -LOUR-lei brie Itimasy:a eztni,
tes . 4.l-per t eteesbeelluilNelsota ber male by .
- fu BOBL - iNi. LITTIS
12Rooms—no doz reforeerei superior;foX
aais by ItORISON, uftts.4 oo !
poLAsus c. alksju lT,:g. for Bale
FIItANNLOS' OIL-25 brls for sale by.
1-• leas ,• • ROIOON. Lirra ico
klitiN - -50 tons - Brush Creek. far sale
14- noalkoN. LITTLE& ••
- 11010LASS.ES-400-brle plantation, for ink'
' . JAS. A. nrrcintON kV°
Gatenajba ilate byy . r ;
- LC/4z.7Az. A: i • artmsai - tixo
. .
L L M EED Ol4'-2'9, bri t
r e' rr. d li f" Migll7.
' SUGAR k MOLASSES- -50 htilie-V4l
EL 81311131iIDOE
ER3IAWCLAY----58.taajunt rec T -b i,
,afli BUILERDXI2 isatta..•
1CE,44 Xes just reed for tale by
jeA. BURBRIDGZ 2 150112.4 X-.
QATSUI:I4E-1.011 barrels anal nazaberi
14 Reale b'r 11:4 lILIIIIREDGE kINGIIRAM.
• MACKEREL -4S qr' ta-la .extra
Aar* med for ads ar ..19A1.111
aw DICKEYei).
Water ProataLa
WIUTE FISH-75 Ma and 40 hf;
111r.suer'/SAME DICK= ON.
4 1
WI T RJUIs . LatbmisVced,
VOFFEE-100 bags prime and tangy
M,../for We'.l. D. WILLIAMS kll* ,
ey • , . tkre. Flttla sad Wad AIL
QIIG.AIV—Pt. time now and nld.Orlcankloata
LOCruxhril ,ad Powdered, tar •y,
.llU P LAS§ES—Plantation Sugar.ll ; l:
rran. for Fr
raqr - .1
. 1- 7„A • c' ! " "l.n. w* co.
rrEAs-7-30brchats med.,to ex;.ra fine Grria
3o t E boot h d i :
,iiid do w - do.
stdo l O% ". WI fi n
aI:A3 ft 43
1171EA•WARW—English 1. American rditit/14
nig Tea &ea' Plated dit,
!staffer.; rad Trays: Maud limn ben quality. Iron. Balk
awn Mandl* Table Cutlery. bIL,. tipeocia Ina;
ter Kenn; Plated mid 0 , 1111. `lver rair.o 1:114 , 40%.
Table Main Tea Trays a( brie Hindus:bun num Wl'
ornamented; Plated . Trays of leautlfal Lgedikerci 4
A very carnrior. Powder fur cleaning and 'omits g grate"
'ware. &when fug cleaning. aninunt ado , . ticaMicii
• Ifirgas IlitArtrign—Suyefs celebraed.] .Kltebeei
shoot the ste• era bat. oldcb will crialia
I. lto
gicaa: ondonk *any thing ere in a nines.
• /wind, by , tt.
• - • C.. 1 1.11.411.111 VOli.112;111b
-21 bake for sale . Dy bat I S kIAII DICKEY k OD; stet YrceVitst . -
- iiptitx DAVIS' PAIN KILLED--70 };
ji" icn
; itui .
kRIED FRUIT-30 Nis Drled Appta
. dnwu"aGAigtaiP).
- HULK PORK-400 piece++ ho round;
Alt/l.miod, far ale try : WM. BAGAIAT a:co
- ,
ItAISINS-- 200 boxes' KIVIIIE
kngad, laatnt hem summer Dent v .?.
OAFSUOAIf3O biis for /We by
. wm. ELWALiff &CO.
ilmirrsor t Co'. Earsarsaillr;
ours Earsapf Alto. for sae Or • u• s
Y0WDF.R....150 kegs blasting. for asie:by
' .413 - s n.114,Y1N Cocoa .ft
8 ..
EA V T Y.—l t is universally Ogrethdeth ea
IP beauty to mum conunon In thhi trs
owes, 'dale at the nuns tone it • althat In no elks
country is tt lass.: so young an ltga , hs. thil , ill srun iss l
sssstrala Went, but lb /so ts ono causal It noisalts la,
so la alll de not widest sta. Pana.a. ... ton,'",, It.
mai Oa &Slant% ana 7....... " ...t.1. 4 .....-
Thus lutielsii an ssnssun. Pm . " .. .
=i,g,!.=, cia... iff b.P.el
..4 1: 04,21.0. 1tfik.... :7 4;: mw. ga.10a rc 0 nclifinl . : telmesc k.fr_2 ,
aptv wend thin tiMr We illg I
/.0.1.. farthe W. .8
1t1VC.34 1113 sto 0w,„,,
ow. Ily Claws Mugs? Is in 1141:643111e ma.'
"' Sae:IMN DnalOrr P. ,,,,,,, 1 Ihr r06.111:1 3114..6. -
OM hair.''* hat Is lama unsightly Mau 5.,0",.. -- , - .. ,
„, ~,,,,,,r .e 47. This ankh, will snag. 4:n a skiii
WMlrittalt then a( anyhastrastart._
j ,, , ,.. u...r. ....4.44 .4. .du iambs. ;
meeethquesel :used. re. ee gro I, a beantifullv
14,,,,ka.a, or auburn wins• it nal oho this train si
short . tin. mai stOrtillarg, th an say, co, 41, b .. i .
_arp vr.„,„7..... ,„.
p ~....; ,...e, .... n........., the atiortiagren
i 4att '"" f rot tis The uss or mast 110146. 4./1.
• t h„, , e ,t e err, it leases the thevegoaxti tee .41-. 4 ,0 0 ,
- Vs, aml•not N. in h.ssane el:1m
Jules Singel a Ras South Syste.--Xast ta the ail 4 st 4.
Mat as nulls awe Lemke so Ms xiesteth ' 1 , .
tbs biusati nau: M.N./ sullisstab uathlis4 In 3
als&M.4oddr arm. MT .... 1 c.ltl VIIA• sill tozpul
~,,, ~,,a, . izslah l i th lssnon. At Ws. awn than &SOWS.
tb.SLL'''''' slillai th r i , Vaiinsisre and (liskag t.
rour f
Vas ado isbuleada b., a , ..„......ik; _,
snit- S- 11, ler". Mkt. - LI, "*.t:
- ,