The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, January 29, 1851, Image 4

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Prost I 'sheen Ih4sioi Bann E.V , Boot
THE rooLim eumszl.
I "Bosh, _foams 'ts !irate certain
r t i 11tot We' cosixr unmoor ewes;
'; OWnlyouf error—Vll &mire "na—
-1 Why so slobhons in.the wroog?"
"You'll forgive roe? Sw, I tate yoa!
You have used cde like It etnal;
Have my senses. ceased to snide me?
1)o . LINA. lam a gal I .
"Oh, no! you're algid no longer,
Buts nomad, lor,ued to please,
At Alv time you should abandon
Childish follies sods as them"- '
"Oh, I hate you! Bet why vex me?-
ti otd, your older still;
no longer be your victim, . •
And the creature of your will."
"But, Juana, why this ;miller?'
It might happen). mm wrong,
But If common sense inspite me,
. eatl that coffee ins not strong,"
"Common sense! -Ton never had n!
Oh, that 1 was paver born
To be wedded toe "'tweeter,
Who repays toy tore with worm"-
"Well. Itima, we'll not quartet—
, Wbet'a the mica bitter strife'
Hot I'm sorry I abt married;
I was mad to take a wile."
"Mid, indeed, l'rn glad you %Lanai!
But if there be law in Spain,
l'll be tied to yeti' no longer -7
run weary of sbe chain."
"flush, Juana! Shall the servants efsllo, ever rung?
Can you not hive done with folly!
Own ihe.coffel was not spurts. '
son eoad rne,pdat endurance,
Trifling with atwonarut's heath
Bin I loathe' you,:and deteit you—
%than ! 'hloniter I .Let ea Tart."
Long Ohio foolish 'quarrel lasted,
'Witt:inn, hall afraid .
That her,erapire mui in peril,
Suminon'd never failing aid;
Surnsnort'd tears in copious torrent,
• "'rases, god sobs, n"all pneous swiss;
'Wait she" hue* ihe'potent practice,
• Tbe artillery of the eyes.
Anil it chancednashe imagined—
Beautiful in grief was she—
Beanntal to beet adinunage;.
And a', wader heart Clad ha t .
Koheliecat her !side he sorniii her;
irwas wrong;
"Dray Juana .
Sev7e — Coonsge w onTreCtiOsiOo —
But, oh, make my coffee strong."
TOM Etirilatticz OF Tire NIIMPAPEI
- - I. - ' PRESS.
, 1 •Pl'he times of which we are writing are re
markable for the extension of periodical litera
ture, especially; for the übiquity of the newspa
per: The authors of the Spectator, the Tattler,
the Rambler, hid no conception of the modern
newspaper. It seems like putting the uravity of
Our readers to the test when we name this as one
of the most wonderful and powerful agents of
our tithe!. It is made of rags, ropes, rushes•
and lampblack.' Great pains are taken in fitting
eip'the visltant,to make a respectable appear
ance in our mansions; but in its best trim, its
pretensions are very humble. It is dumb, yet It
tells us of all which is done upon the earth.
~ It bears in its own name the initials of the four
Points of the cempass,N. E. W. S.—news. Reek
ing, in hot haste, as if out of breath, it delivers
: Its - Message, and then is thrown into the waste
• ;paper brisket to ignite the morning's fire. - Yet
there .is nothing more worthy of preservation,
i - ifor it is the great dial plate on the clock of time.
.. 'Go to the archives of an Historical Society. and
; consult en old ; newspaper, let it be a file of the
1 Boston Nara Letter, commenced in April, 1704,
the first ever published on this Western , cond
ilmprienee nsupposing
Read p o l f ete African
extended to the
in. the
1 town of Beston;—perluips a fresh cargo ofstrong
.1 limbed Gainenmen Lave arrived in a Newport
', 'Ali in Virginia; turn rapidly over the leaves of
1 the Toler.; your eye catches a succession of
-.! great ,names and events,—Benjamin Franklin
I resisting the censorship of the press.; and making
1 the lightning of the skies a pastime for himself
I and his eon,—the stripling s u rveyor, George
I,Washington, roaming over tho spurs of the Al
-1 leghanies and along the banks of the teleran-
I:dotth,--tribute money, unjust taxation, Matter-
1. togs and rebellion; Lexington, Bunker ILIA; Rev
' elution independence, confederacies and Cansti.
i . Miklos: Fultoti's humbug, commerce, arts, peace
prosperity. enterprise, expansion.. May we not
-rightly call the smutty chronicle The index finger
of Providence 'pointing to the hours on the ohm
, nemeter of history t An artist expende great
.- time and. labor in painting a panaronia, and
crowds - find delightin gazing upon the cunvass;
yet it is of a limited space—a nun, a river, a el
. ty, Thebes or Jerosalem, the Nile, the Hudson 1
, or the 3listissippL• But d newspaper is a da- ,
' gaerreotype of the whole world, its wettings
and diplomacies; its buyings and nelilings, its
governments andrevolations, its marrying!, Par --
, turitiora and dyings. A - newspaper is a real
mimocosm, the world made smaller, held in the
hand, and brought under the eye. The huge
telescope of Sir Jolla Herschel is so swing that
it reflects all' the distant wonders of the sky,
- whichaweep across the lenses, upon a email ta
ble tinder the.eye of the observer; and amain
, gents to this, a 'newspaper brings all the. occur
rences of remote continents, incidents at the .
North Pole a n d the antipodes, under the light of
your reading lamp, and within the spice of your
parlor table: ' The evening has come, the damp
sheet is spienad out before you, and with an ill
concealed impatience you sit down to . 'ace what
new spectacle 'Time; the scene shifter,' has pre
pared for year astonished' and delighted eye.
, The whole world is in motion before you. This
• ,is no small gossip about what took place under,
yoir•own windows in Cock Lane ; hut, as Isaiah, ,
in the.visicess. of prophecy, beheld theconcourse
from all parts of the earth, the dromedaries
from hlidian and Epbah, the ships of Tashish,
and the force of the Gentiles hastening to the
reridevzoas,, so in. Sober fact, the most re
mote and improbable agencies, from the tour
winds under Heafen, are hurrying through the
air and over the sea. to deliver their eeperate ti
dings-In that small sheet which you now bold in
. your head.: _Caniels, those 'ships of the desert,'
are now traversing the arid wastes of Egypt and
Arabia; steamers are naw entering or ileavmg the
harbors of Botabsy. Odessa, Constantinople, Su
et, Naples. Genoa, Hamburg, Cadis, , Southamp
ton and Liverpool,—ponderous engines of speed
Mad power 'instinct with life,'
• 3 . Tramp, tramp, along the land they 'ride,
,- - , Splash, , splash, across the sea;"-
-- the L.splander with his deer, the Esquimau: with
Lis dogs, the electric wires at Paris, Berlin, and
London, every instrument that ,can convey
• thought, every agent that can communicate in- 1
telligence, in every land, on every see, in every
aitY. mad in bvery wilderness, on every road and
on every river, all are in motion, at the top of
their speed, to open their budget, and entertain 1
you. an humble lookci , on at home, with the
shifting panorama of the whOle earth. &me
clines we weep, - sometimes we laugh,: we pity,. I
we are in - dimnant; we fear and we hope by turns,
and are always wondering what will come to pass
The newspaper, then, is the peculiarity of an
age, of intercommemication, an agent of Kaman
sympathy. What else lies at the bottom of this ;
conception but &just idea of man's fraternal re-' I
lotion? It is the cheai correspondence carried
on between all members of the human family.-
-What a man puts into a newspaper on the tither ;
- . side of the globe, - is on the supposition that it
• Will blleTtla , the rest of the family on this coati-
• - nent. As we learn more of our fellow men, we
feel a kindlier intermit, in them. We rejoice in
',-their prosperity, sympathise in their calamities,
E. and Cheer on their struggles forthe right and the
good. There are now too many, newspapers
abroad to allow s man to live like a mall. They
enlarge the world to oar knowledge and ourlove.
Why Is any thing mode public bat on the belief
that It will be olinterest to many others ? Why
- .
is it ennonncedin your paper that Tease and Itc
, , t
,aerice . i were married on a certain day last week,
- • . but on the eappeeition that it will give you plea
enro to know it! And lower down on the sheet,
under that startling word, Drabs,
your eye runs
along, always with apprehension lest it fall on
• ' some well known noble, and reads that the aged
failier, the young - child, the beloved wife, the
rich, the poor, the admired, the honored, and the
beantifnl are gone, is not taken for granted that
even strangers will heave a sigh for the afflicted,
and the world respond is sympathy la the is
cif a common foe! Bead in this light, the '
.-• -eoramonestadvertisements which crowd our pa
pees have a kindlyodor about them. Say not
' .. with a cynic meet, as though yea were doubtful
-whether there sop any thing honest in the world,
when ri eterekeeper advertises his wares, that it
Is all sheer aelfietiness ; for if it is pleasant to
one to announee a fresh supply of tallow or wool,
hardware or muiline, is it not just as plea-mint to
-Seine other one who vriehes to know it ? When
ae of young partners in trade insert their
'- . advertisement, informing ;the world how
_ I F
he py they shall be to wait on customers, can
' you read it without entering into their fresh
hope% end giving them your, blessing in their
new career'? Business advertisements! West e
pager.! You know notwhat , you say. Those
• ships which are to rail to every harbor in ilie
world, those fabrics which have arrived from
017 commercial mart On the earth, this Iron
. fro. Itneria, tea from China, wool from Smyrna,
14trgletraiwildalagn, Coffee from Cabs, cotton from
' , sugar from Liiaisimia--do, they not
~ ..
preset to us , at the corners ofu.r the streets, at
entering in on of the gate, o docks, a t
custom -houses , and ' exchanges., sermons on the
)'':mutual depondence'ofmankind't
. ,
V.°l- yre dildlng tordnew res.
• ber called thrkraabis b asd tbe Perris, witch
. =Pie be ready, if posuble, nest %trimmer.
CCRIONTIO OF is rather singular
how many men hare directed their energies of
mind to perfecting toys, which, although deploy
ing wonderful inventive power, let have never
"'en purposethon'as piece ;
of onituiement.
, :Thus, Jerome Faba, an Italiaiapriest, and a
native of Calabria, exercised himiielf in a species 1
of industry, wonderful from its' difficulty. lie'
finished a work of box wood, which represented
all the mysteries, of the Passitni, and which
might be put in the shell of a walnut,
To the same person tins attributed a coach,
the size of a gram of wheat, within= which were
to - be 'secs a mail and a woman, a coachman
who drove it, und the horses that drew it.—
These were presented to Francis' I, and Charles
~ . .
Iti China, the tomb of Confucius has been made
in a small miniature, no larger than a not, but
:Wonderfully composed of precious metals. and
adorned with a profusion of gems; but its value
i conlists of the labor-of execution. Its land
rcapes, dragons, angels, animals, and human
-ngures, Would require several pages of de.serip.
Ilion, which would, after all, without a view of
'the model, prove tedious and unintelligible to the
I .
Charles V., of gpain, bad n watch which was
epnfiped . in the jewel o fring . ; and a watch
ber in London presented George ni, with one
net in the same manner. Ito site was something
less than a silvertwo pence, ansl it contained one
hundred and twenty five different parts, and
.weighed altogether no no more than 25 penny
weights and 7 grains.
- &worthy Deacon in Connecticia, hired a jour
neyman (armor, from a neichhonng 'own-, for the
summer, and Induced him—although he wan unaccow
towed to church going—to an rompany the family to
church, on the first i'abbata of his stay Upon tarts
return, to the Deacon's home be asked his tired man
'how he liked the preaching. Ile cold he like
to hearsay minister "preaching "
"lam very • you beard no politics to day," said
the Deane-
'I am rare that I did.' mid the man.
"Mention the outage," raid the Deacon.
"1 will" He said "if the federalists scarcely are
saved, where will the democrats appear?"
"Ah," mid the Deacon, "pots ur.rtake.. There
were tht words—'tf the righteous scarcely are
raved, how will the ungodly and wished ap•
Oearl" ' .
•Oh yes," raid the man, "tie might have used
thaw words, hut I know darned well what bw.
AVoLosarim.—One of the most papular vulgarisms
of the day le embodied in the word tipatrenage." —
Vie have always been at a lost to understand this
term as incorporated with the language of the times.
If man buys a pair of boots, getttng the full value ot
his Money, he calls himself the "Name of the manta,
facturer. The purchaser of : six cents worth of
tobacco, or a peony Worth of tape, is 3 "patron,"
and looks upon ~these "on whom lie lavistes Ma,
•ipatronage" with a ,coodmeending eye, nit if he fed,
clothed and sheltered them. One's patron, regarding
the-term in its true light, is a person who given
one alms Patronage, an short, tscharitable protee•
lion. It is no patronage to give money :or its full
value. The term, as now most generally employed,
is one of room servile; sycophante, character, and it
should be expunged from the moles vocabulary.—
rrioah's Times.
Literary Doled, Thin! Mara, appetite
Ilea, weeten; a Jacobite Wary e. the
RAM alio:wt. I. By O. P. R. dam, Ere.
The• `Duchies; nr R°man'e Law and Wwwwiellate—a
. Shannondalw > navels BY Mr ,
Oliva; a Carel. By the *ether af - The thillvice.
Remo IW:turner, et Tale far Mothers aid Delwin,. By
Orem Aguilar.
Mother's Retwapente. Broca Aguilar.
Benkezi blegaWne far deuomry. •
Whig. Almanac . for
Not of the Ameriwn illoothtited NUB= able tVercely
M • • •
Holmes' Li Depot; Third nreei, op,dte We
net I Mee:— ,
thatey'et Lady'm Bonk for rehrttolT:
Grobwn'e Slanoslne Lto •
nartalcie l.flunalne do
Bann ale nen novel, lo• Moo Southinoth.
Romelnhume, tole for mothers and thLughto , 113 -
llenre !WWI , ,
01100. anoret. 1l the.otbornf`Th o O;;llrtra
'fkoi'2g‘i",it="figili.....imi.finiet the NC no,
Novo, WO cheopeet edition evenpnblhota. LW+
New Books, just received.
TrIIE Bards - of the Bible; George Gilfil
kn. 1 vol. Moo. '
~.‘ollendnrf; t w inpre , ,, , lTO et binition th
Caret Grammar. deAnnod for hrninners On Gera. amt o=
book of exondror for academies tool eollogvn C
Krndrirt. 1 vol. 1 . ..n0n.
Meltwater Conmal. ltvlionnab Vlnsr:l, iSM,
Charm , .
asnl Counter Charms. Ity Marin J,nfeltnto.b
1 eel. IZ - no. rent.
The Mother's Resnmpenee: s :vessel to stllotne Influence:'
By linen Ansoslar.
Mechanise 21. N -Ina silt Engineas' Jourseit. First
immber lnrt vertved.
Byrne's Lictlonsey of Med:an:mum:l Ensineerins.
Just reed tor me by IL HOPKINS,
le2l 7S -Spells Buildinle, I , shrt l h st
copious and critical Latin. Engiiih Learcen, finuided
is lamer LetiuGerman lelieou of Dr. Willoon Freund.
wi thwi addition. and enrrentinns from the Let,ll.l of rem,
Ytkilath Schaller, Georg, hy II A. Andrews. L. L. Ls
Tilt isLatti wain or tot ramie: being the ieromal nar
rative end results ot her ve through the Sandwich or Ilan..
shitnlslandh and part. of Polynesia. lit M. Henry
, T. Cheerer author of . Tii. Whale and hit Citirom. n With
rtr '''''L
usturtin tuireatvretr a sequel to Home influence.—
E 1 Grace Aguilar. Itemised and Po rule 00
jal3 lt. C. iTOCKTON, 4: Mint. at.
Cl:motel, Pont. and Anierioan rot,.
_ _ -
!tar of all more and qualltlea. ruled and plain. Ida.
Diann nooks of every daaeriptio, on band or made to
ardor at rbort oak,
Stationory—Konrcro, Froneb and American. fancy rod
staple. far rate by ' HAVE:, ntatlemor,
ttarkrt rt., roma . of 1,...r0nd.
7 7 :1 " gl i t goL
Prirdlog (Mic, :A Third of.. betweva Market and Fern.
TATIONtRYW. S. avex, comer of
Second and Market Ms. has fe llale a. larre aial r6lll
- rte an assertment of fat ey smtannery its has et retteen
cpcned In this market. Merchants etrrelted with ererT
arttcle in this Um on the tenet Meerut& Ulm, jut ,
- ------
JAPER--Folio, Packet. Commercial and
Quarto and Qw Paper. a lame ntipply of ail gnat
r 4 ruled tel plain. btu , and white, for rale on 10100 rat
we"ma at jnl AV. tt. HAVEN'S
STEW tho Golden Harp. Thin' FL.MI
hLEIIP.II Is li6lt meriting a fr.-11 ta I
O z Ue cyst:lll. ° m tr , l
ja de by Ncan . d o . Casse.
of the Ached a.!Zip.o.•
I. onnfezterbr ...,,-11V;f7 r 7 7 _1,\
_t i ''"n
In the Gore. rtyls s , in yoydn. Intl, an
r'S 1,014 .SI I " :
XV. Alma • noel lot
co o n o r nablo and' pn t ddar 31t‘crel
and au extensive 'election Brace lo,trnroenta. Viel'lns,
,Wit.r...l Menden,. , stel beery varitty of 'unclad u nroll.,
dlac- _ Gala
EW BOOKS.—llumbolt'm new Work,
or Ekrtrti • Yhyriral drirritalen of the
Some /tea artehea of 51Iopraoto. the Nrrr England of
the Weal, 1 on n
BTryeti'llerisapla Engineers' Dictionary. 21rt No.
Ilinieran'r Serene.. Three are non north resilinri
Apollo Rol4.lntia
OUTLINE MAPS—Prltnn's Eplendid Out
h in Kew
eat the ames' for thew In Psitselrgh. and York
Invite teurlires
and nehool
t he ta ouniu , to roll vid
No I—)lap of heetern Ilesdephere, .2 r. Inelee
do Modern do do
.1 do Vold, Anietse.. 70 a a 4
4 do T on! rude., 0 4 4.
de V:.!.7" •
, 75
7 to Amine. & Africa, 0a 04
e. of the ith Slls or_llr floc two fiendi
pbSe ßl;eoT ' irol ."..?; L,1,1, 5 111.„, in 1w0. , " h.misr and ronl.
anti sidanhat to the want" of thr gruniner
and high rehool. of the Lnitod Etat,
dr sale at Pnbllul• 4. once., without addition of (read
sharpen. at the, I-DUCATS/ 5, AI. BOOK STOSE.
Ault/ Corner of Market and Fourth 41,
Nov TILE TIME. 31.111AZ1NES rou
1401.0105' Llterlirr beta,t. Third noes, op
pohte the IVA off., 15chbordh
Bankers' 31apatne r, year to 00
31,erchabta' Slasaaine do 5 oil
Ilnmt' erfe
3lagavele _ do 500
Ameneun Ida lies le*— /On
FAOlnie alsesitne ; 0. 00
, Like Slornhict Cal - 0. 00
Ida.o.4lne do
Sod fat...ifs hook do /
- do ' dOO
Itlarkwoore mtal
Mugazine _ 00
llortlstlitsiet •, . An I.oil •
Lan I.lrlng . On
The January rounter of the.. Ihia.dioew n. Grat
tanntber of tho nest anion..., and HI be do heart veer
010.1b0 above rnweditrdd 0111 be 4, heeded hire of par.
age allay Ofdre. loin& golje 0 ..0.0 0, 'More rolateribl.
with me
A large and well nand& 401 . 1 of trumpillount &NMI_
ALS, Din 11.151.1fi11s Or.. suitable for thrtAttose and Nair
Year's Preciautt•
Aloo—An extonelre asecirtmout of Novel. and Cheap pule
ell to punetuallt.
00 .71 Third Are.
2110k(SafIA'E, antt Darrlonia Black. Heal, etwriel
ontalm.,i7al'ee Brockman anti 1-anattnee Jerk: weak
and Monads Black and loW bunt Peocia 0 • ,
hataantat of eeery tlearriptlon: tallotes. Colten's.Paat
tory', 101rylit, lenotar, and r manufaclarto w Otte!
Pekoe U. 11.31. IS
level to A. U. 8.T1 , 7.
ottchratodlt.:;.l: with gold anftl,, r—tm a...
ble elephant, atlY.QeTlV,l'l%rer roral, opt elo.
/ h Vrfc=l a tr i o: l lVln t e o rV2r l i :v a
etatennel anti, rarer aull tatt ' i control Pryer. gold , l , s• •
colored 'alto ttal roman :and ithoorapho fur fanry 1021.0
prepered fwalWatut of all sate. mutable fur tlatle chart.
ea and chpluma, Fan.b note raper. alwaye ou baud. the r dedrable afire tact awl peat rom,plalu, n o m
nal god altered. datable for boll, parts, wedding. ota
m ortnalw . ,
Pretteh note envelope, plain ind onbuwed: lettur envy+
opt. brown. what: pal blur, laid ad Flan abed,e me
atop, hat, blue Ind shirr.
afvra wafer asp, variou• otters,: writtnn •urull lager.
thatenetes and Turin, boxwood •anti art, roofing leeek
Into bradw... Yrentit and laolub tottlatu heet. toll
wate, tame parer of di calm, rat and ahem patent blot.
link roper; pen luareit,
above. with all tailor oracle. In the Stationery Lbw:
both Anti and Okra. together +rah a large adortment of
blank male and mancruut book• 0P all ammo forma
ofndrulaff. e1 0 71 . 7 . 7 , 1 , e t o r f,lttl i nu. and bTer of all AIM
lblegrutla, ti.IIIAIIIII.In‘
Blank Boot mt Stationery Waretton,
Cortow of Market end &mewl street..
'BB'S Normal li,iovlen,Mcf..uffio's do.
77 to, 6 ram rum G 73* h S)
0 .""T• • 14 ' "ll'"
yrirate 1t,;1'.)679d B.
rdbeitel". I
Ct, et. 11.4.. t Fourth.
k s lion
. the Arnaldo Reeolotices." l By Mired Itnye., Beg. 1
. hy
.. fliffelr SZtlnh-r.i7stoof ge.thretro'N'TaT
,F-45,1::=1:1.744.1yrtg,G,1r A o .:*M l by
'4„,,,,a,.. gin - jun:, - Aufb.liw, .. , 1 ni.g.rh, 11.
Itotroled. bi tarty Mips_ Ittp. BiLFlAlaim _
The &bare teetßif.r....F ''keelkr end Station:l,
)610- '1 • . Oar= af Virket md ZtUd et&
far &u CZi
arters Oaf alan. 0 5 .4.3, BeverStreet,
York- - 1 Luse wortmed pat rewvati
- 7 - ECirr-D ,5741.. es •
(Encore:ton to Ls., L lionara,), -
Koz. 20, &4. 20, add 2 228, Pear! St., N. York,
Between Talton rt. and Darling 3119.
, lure as ;LSD Iry Utnror r.sroarnisi or
In thr Coital Mato, adaptrd to Market. In the
articlrs of and DRAWYLLS, are "lump an endlrm
Id. not OIL
PO4O ti
nnd awl
Volakalablr el tdATd
othlnpot klarla • Calitlognm
of god, mut by maiL Orders promptly attrnded to.
Hart •
mann to Levin Ilan
jar:A..l3lr No. 2:tt4 Zer, tad ZS Pearlt r S. York.
No. 19 Aileron am}, k,
I., f ‘NUFACTURE and have. for sale on
drtNnittriT3 the larznt .lock of
rantwl to aland all climate, cnaelittlnCof
. Coat; Cloak, Poncho,
laiCclw. kora. Cara, - tiou'
Wrenn . , Blanket& Piano and
Tattle Covers. Crumb, Caiiiare, taid
l(on. Clotho, Faded , ' and Tnstellitur
roma Gold Digger** Exploring and Minn.)
Good, Them, [owe. , Wean Pumpe hytinnta
and artirlea for drum:Gut and intrarentae haat.. and
Factory tfoec, Gat Tubino. eFen, Analm's
Patent Premium Cove Milker, M achin e Iteltipc.latill,
Tore, Lire Preeerrere. extellionec Pillow. Bed,
IVhip, Grade, Watm , and Etna Floats,
,h tta,narka.Cannicusitltt e sT a r t h a .
llueartc. tr. Acticicatori
the Trade made to ththir.
- -
U II ES, TUBESVT CaIES-- 2 the undersigneid
L Kaye received Unita term) sOon from and are
1,1 roiumuniention with the Illrmicahsan PATENT LAP
IWELIAD [MON TUBE COMPANY, fie the sale of thalr
TOry exo•llent and superior BOILER and OAS Tt:BES in
large or small quantities. These Tubea are tool very ex
troeireld both In Enaland and the eouthtent of hurope,
end "du t\IVEZSI BIRD &
rs .tTin Plate Merchants,
44M all street. New York.
h Martina Lane City London.
)al. and 140 Bueloituul street, Glencoe.
Marine, 'Firerandlnland
I:HE Insurance Company of North America,
l rt
bilhdelphin—Chaen.3 VW. Cooltalwanco. Aspen
1111117 10, 1551, 51.1010256 50. Will woke lonurevoo on
bullibno owl their contoolb In this city owl Flo
enorlptlon, thltord ber A. boats
'ailPTLlPer=citilier by inlnuil kin..1.05,00100000ii We
.0 v
=mural, .
Arthur a. enMo. Pre'g Thomas_ ,. pe.
Samusl W. Joni, John I IT,
Edward Smith. Richard D. 11 and.
John A. Bnitto. . NVelth.l
Samuel F. SPUD, French; Hankins.
Samuel Brooks, Aurtip
Amhm+eWO. Wm. E. Bowan.
ilearue Anpinwall.
Jsmir j 1; Thho'in'an, James N. Dlebnitt.
Morrin Wain. H. D. Slttwren4, St'a'r
M. in the olden , . Itonrance Crinpanplu the Unitnl Btu
.d Rum its hi gh 'tainting. long iitpurinnra. litat=n
...I wroth. •11 rink! of an extra barsnlir
" c'"ki"'d ae
No. 141 Front 'Meryl.
American Life and Health Inairunee Co.
Agent for. Pittsburgh.' L. D. TOWLE,
Pamphlets rontainin:! StIIL
TP.l F .Tot=tter
obtained at the olllre. jai _a
Delaware 'Mutual Safety Insurance Co.,
CllA.Mlit, On Third et.. Philadelpiaz.
he following Statoment of the Affairs of the Cernpanyt
puldirbed in conformity with e provision of its Charter.
Premium-4 received during the year ending Onotter 31st.
' 19htr
Ort Marine and Inland Hist...-.
00 fire ItisLa..
Earned Promhow oho - log the y.oorondi 11103.9V.19
On 'MAW, nod Inloud
62402. Th
14.1 , 17 dOO
rt.!t an4l
IMka EFIKI, , A, due. the ma.. I
Miarinc..llUlan.l Navi.nation L05t,...0111.7 0.
Fire .
Prtlat an.ltesn
11.etrun Premiumg
Re.losranms. . .
Agency chergt , Bent, f...abtru., Staalonery,dr...—
'¢l 351 AM
The lmett of the Cotaratny are us folloarr • •
Fi: SOO Penitsytt-anta P".. • 01.• .00
015Ssto •• Floc ........ ..-12.2515.73
viLai,Philadel'atityhin •• ..... indr.s.oo
100 sbares Pennsylvania Boil Read Conapany...— 0.000.00
.• Union Bank Tenne•tre. ..... .. 4.4101 V
•• . 51cre.bant. and Manufacturer" Bank.,
Plushurptb..- ' 2:550 ,00
5 Philadelphia amlllirre deOnice "team
lon Boat finmpany... ... .. ...... 230.00
- Philadelphia Machanga - dot Company....-. . 7580
.ortst asol Stock 00 ."undrl
tiompantta 1511:-'70
111110 retoi"ahl" • - U7.975411
Cash orthmid t - • Mi. 282.00
Interest Mae .
Batutro. to the bands of Anctitt. and Prenduran
on Marine moistly .... 67,1 0 1.04
sutormlio. sot, .
Norma' lth.lßta
The Board of Merton hare. tbla dor &tiered adividend
tt SIX I'ER CENT. In and, m tße Moho' nuelf, ,, N .
PER CF.S T. co the Scrip of the Unmoor. 8are134,,,,„ _p!O
after Intro:ober tat, Mary • dividend_of Tr.ft pr r , t r t .
CENT. to Scrip. on dm Capita/ Stock and.Earnea
rime. Ccrtifleate• for Which MB be Loot as More.
Willinm Brent, William koirrell, J. O. Jobrno,n.,
Jcreph Seel, John e. !media Samuel I, Inoue,
Y.. A. Muller,Dr. IL IL thunoadaroc,.Tranteon ,
John C. Darin Band, S. .
11. Burton. T. Pardding, Chm. 151.11 1, ,
John R. Promm. IL Jtom Brooke, J. T. LOgsta. ritttlr.
S. Edward, 11. :Bonn. T:111=
U. O. Leiner. Wm. kit
I' l s l LI.I ARTIS. Prerident.
T11031.M C. 11-IND, Vice Prraideot.
Jolnt W. Conan, SerretarT.
By tho Art lorory77,tir:f.ntlalo,pf.tate nrkt.,111.,.=
Tlng:raZiLlt, theo;oh. LnY
liebility beyond the prroauto pehl.
The. thpital Stoke to te
Notes ore pledreo op_
lb. tn.r.r portooot of
tore ro 4.1 the profl o te.of
the Compeer are direetni to be torero , ' sod retutql ..
P*"'7loo ""'".`if:T.`lt,"•,:',llb:ilrallf—oitLf
?"" 1 , 4 ‘ ri b. n . rs ‘ rt ' i ' mtrrort d. pet
the In.ornl sea Stookholdore. pro rate: orno the mono
of +/word !gel:Mope ar.LI Copilot Rork.
khftehorgis Arrfo.T.l6 I. A. MADIIIRA.
State Mutual Fire Insurance Company,
's.arrisburg, Pa.
TILE very patronage endueexed to
11.. this ersopar4, having lemma policies to unt
es near thin and a 11011 Millions of Dollar", daring the Mat
three months. le soffoireit manifestation of the estllnation
awl nonfidence 01.the . pnblie in the system of management
onbarb its budnews le nowineted. e,
To city or country merchants, and Owners of dwellings.
awl leolsdol atel country. property, It la believed this cone
tnel MVPRllll.4olmtecers, puiut of 01,0001100. safety, and
...entity. inferior to no Insurance Company In this remote!'
Cowl noted en the equitable and
of elgoYnration of Risks. escholing•all hounds. In
suring only wilmited amount I y one lorality. thew pr"`
studiosthe frequent I Ind oreumenee, of large Arm, and
glen out I.lh the elncli !Instal plan. It. not
th cheapness and accommodatims of both method,
b. eisth ot the Ilanized 10 • partietwalinl Me profits.
it ie Jer the control 1.1 the following Lfireetore--John
P. Ruth 'fool, A- J. tlillett. JD. Pulter,P. 'T. Janes,
Cartier. Ph"'
A. 4. OILLVIT. Pecretary.
A. A Annan.
ofilm ror w.r,rri,,Vonouirsran. W suathriew
t he r la
ofb e h rr e onCr.4otrnlny g b Iyt cattlr n. iee be far
at the oflee.
Inenrance Company of Pittsburgh.
1T Al; 9300,000. R. MILLER, Jo.,
ra snared all bind' of riche. Mai arid Marine.
will re
lutjaalcat atla promply
Inatitution.—inumart by Iniatiort who are well
the etaiimnoltr, arid who are determined try
eta eiZberaliti oraintain the character which
re ecru oliering the bob protection to thoee
Geo. Black. J.W. Molter. N.
trioin. IL Doha , It. Haman. tiro. W. Jackal',
It= "m"
teitWatar etreet, °carillon* of :liana it
totally .
Life Ins - mance .Company, Phiadtiro.
~ at Wilco of the AVISSZTII Inearanew liempany,
dieter firma, Vittalonigh.
ibleta with all neciewary Information. and blank
will be furdialled. •
sale can tom , thefe. tor the benefit of th
ad children. Twilit. ir the lira* of their dehtorw eir
Ownpany It, divided among the
lifici.4l% of the pnW taro mars hare been eighty 3r
f m ,
bet le,
The dl
vent. eke
, Fire and Marine - Insurance.
'rill: IN'SURANCE.COMPANY of North
j_ Amalie. Oil mato I . 4.rmament and lbaltial Inauranrat
11,f2V,1„,..1°.'L5,4".",:dt,''',',.,.'"r0='..,70Zrutg: I
~ ..w , .,,har..11 104,eirii. and inenlili an avallaols fund
.0 4. it o atoll. Imientolie of all pereona via ilemrs to be
rn iuy l ift7V 4 ! "" 771. It. JONFA4, Agent. 41 Waire 41.
-- - 7 .- ------
D ware Iditnal Safetylnsurance Comp'y
ur CHANCE. Third Fiera, Dliibultdolda.
Ma faeratafr.—BuildlnAtt. Derrliamlife. and f.are
Ya r jiZt r it i i ),'„.°7,11 i t:',::,;Tge, „Trrlhlte"` to" or
~,,,r..,,,,,...—Th-, 40, thine" Ventele, Carrotte,
ond reatiebta, fornigit or ertattalor, under open or special
pollt,e, net tbe meitiriel may deciro.
as s TitAner•itriatioa.Tbry Alm C ool red
Anansporifil by ilagnllm. Rall road ti ara . hada, and
gram-AA., on 14v, , and It., on [haloatilbeenl j Vaj:
lori VZ; lirtrit!'nnfot:o'lll.roLio, ..c tWn ;Inuel dai,
Deur 'e• C. L o ldt Darlingtint, _ Dome .R. Davi, D 0.
Ilain'?,lwelt. John Newlin, Dr. R. 11l ilueton; Janice C.
Ilan( , Tbeoptglae PaiddloA, 11., Jones Dritoket, hoary
41nan Duch .Cra Ocorgr . D.riet. iDem'er 31411rmn.
Cfmreite Kelly ,_2', 0. Jaime., Wm. Day, Dr. B. Thomas,
Jobnlftelleni, WM. DTlr, Jr.
John 00. ilrrecriion—D. T. Morgan, Ilarh Craig,
WOADui SlarATtJtreildent Too, C. Milo. Thin Dri,it
dent. iotern W. Cowan, Secretary.
2."Ornce of the Company. N. 42 Water elm.. Pitts.
inuita. Diefttlfj It. 6. MADEIRA, Agent.
1115 TORS: Chnrie Moniedeke, Geo.
if. II bard, TbocZilart, D. 'awl, Tobin.; .
agile, ntEho h. Dorte. Samuel omit, Dacia S. Drown,
j, ' It. ' '''' r 31'7.:IVIV.Srl,n..DANcKED, !Incident.
1 CHtxt.ra 0. Da kerctary.
• MID Conipany continuo. to mane iwctintneca, prnitir . 2
of lit. t i". , , r . *. e ,..." .*Y .„ d:-. 1 " 1- c,'I'f4:.'7,(Vith=t , .
'''''l'he".6iiparty hare wirted a latga continwont rand,
which with their Capital anal PremtuniA, safely inreattwi.
afford 'ample protection to the /worn!.
n=gythgVZlTAJ:.lll. l t ,l '.. 9l,ll ';' , t' -
I‘- - ,,,,,m.4-...-..
heat h0tat0.......
* Tecarracy ican•
$2.=3.492. 71
line Ihnir inern - i..1 10 .• 10 0 4 "agr r ggr o a‘ t Z
hale ,A.l.lpyvant. of One .111nort Your _ _
DAIWA L.-. by Y. therAbr agoralriii AAA? .
_ . t AL .
TVArdarAP InAurAore. AP,..11 AP thPA !Mut? APP.
'SntratMFiliV: Agr.
Amu ,. AT'
• 11 , 1 Market Ftroct. lOrrrrk,
301We , nr "dividing frouPat;girrl: Viront.p=
oo 4 , ...tingi . brr rocrrio .nnpli=rn. for insuranor on
Met , being diTk bur
ied alma I tt‘r=r w ' ur'th"th"4.
dt4 ; wiLialat 1!..1171q1:9. Agnar,
II 1 , 10.1.41 front And;
MAR-50 bits N. C. Tar for sale by •
100 LAC K TABBY VKLVETS of a very en
nrrke ilikaigr;tai hi , bia it tb..tin ,
.• • • •••. )( EMMY t BM:CHYME , .
E. tor. - Fourth ...a watd
hdrebfleld have on band. assertodent of above laifeliC
Fawn , Wallis. and doreeafie din elm, Wide flavals
far Sheoxidina. -
W h lEiCiii:EN6lßliViCTlTalts 7-
PhT t Buxnnva tir to. erpedal atlrnitm
'unite .rg aIS
0' 0 , .Z
gaining cans of wig ddrainition to em w® a On
YTEft3iIFUGE. Da. Metem's cr.LEBRATED
cote. HIDD CO.
fatiale by
J Woad 55__._!
_LA MO 'crags far oak by
SPONGE -2 eaes fine, and 1 bele extra
wars, for ram by jalB J. KIDD t CO
PSOSI SALTS-15 brats for sale by •
jalS J. KIDDt CO.
QUNDItIES—Fifty barrels Family Dotal'
1.72.5 brlatmlfrrftne Flaw: A , brie rate dee fru bitebete On
Apples; 1 bri ttawc. just receivek and for Fate by
A - ARM'S TRICOPREROUS for sale by R.
F. SELLERS, 47 Wood rote anent-for Pittsbab.
115 tents net. bottle.
zr , t I n
of tp,V
WOOL -018 h paid for Wool i
01.6 3113111.11 E k LEP, LE. Liberty et_
FLANNELS—LOne enrerust re
it Myra from muolfactrnvro. and for Fair Ey i _
1.16 SILEPII._
TIED FLANNEL—One attic on hand an
.1.7, to yak by jalo meßnm a LEE.
BLANKETS—SingIe and double bed, steam
boat, era.; Wad coating blaaketa for cal. IT
3016 - , MUlli'llr t LEE.
'TWEEDS —Three eases assorted Tweeds
.11_ j.. 4 received from manoketuvera, for sal.' b
Q UhIAC—Two tons Salim for sale Thy
toed 'mama C Lei
MOLAS.S . ' illth, —Fifty andr. :fiLth b rls new crop, per
.tmm.1.1% J 55102 DAEZELL. 63 Water at
iOO — BACC --- Ima No one, 6 twist, received
a- i -8
j Roamer rtlllant. and for vale •
" it !,111r Tetr.ll,-.-r0w4,11 2 :°-4„itk.:;,, ,, ..
10 do '.'
do, and'moot celebroted tn . 's ' mla
'6 pipes ibillarid Gin..floblicu Anchor - and ;Fade
2 mmebrocia Irivti mid Saadi blurt Wicialcar.
2 do Jaarbira Riot.
10 bbl.. N.IE. Oa. du.
30 qr. cavtql Port 'Win , , ..
21 do Madeira Irina. ..
Pi do gweet Malts Moo
'a .1;
..:.,. Pg., 4y...... ".
35 boars imam. Claret.
lo Mara and far rate
by ' , ..J 0115 PAARER a co..
sal, .:J.'.. 331 Li. PtMIA.
ARD.—Twenty bets and fifteen kege
IA =le by &ZS. SHAVER L bAbNES.
(MOLD PENS. We have now on hand a
1..4 largo matt at the trot thdd Pens from the trading
ntannfartories la Nrw 'tort, and mode exprewly to order.
Aloo, elegant Cott Penell Coro and Pen,Wolders. leer
Cwww In rivers . gartoty. Poreuptne Pen flaiderr, Pearl do.
All to pale wholeala and Trial' Ot
de= .
VENISON fIAMS.---`2 boxes reeiced and
Y fur sale by 41.10 W. iF. WILSON.
vale 71.03 CV:MIS 544 .
NIDD k 0).
IT/. for Mk' Dr .140 a. KIDD at CU.
- ARD bbls for ealc
j b . y a
13IG IRON.—Fifty tom. Brush Creek Furnace
Inro for oak by RI)131501S1,_
• 9:4 latrrty t.
‘.l NPRIES.—fi brls fresh Roll Butler;
k t r en n ta "
jil, • 1"'
D VUSZT, ' LWAVA b rn.
brls recaired and for sale
QIIORi'S.--Opp'thousasl bus just' received
,1,7 per 'Valuer JenoJ Llad, and 8v
tit & DASD r.s
V vf sale in b"vT
VOTTON. 21 hales now landing from the
oframdr Geneva, fur min DY
feud , Weldr and Kraut mm.
G bblr. No.l
Graph. Storl °°/ MIA DICKEY a cO,
, snel 'rent rt.
For oak Li "
ru.vr Oa rd and ilowont Tvllls.sOltablo for am
tooting or Awning. ree.irrd on rdwirTorocob =I ER
es/okor. by 11.15KE. FLEEI
129 Wood otreet.
• • •
1-41EATIIERS.. 16 narks now landint from
du Ammer (level. Ibr ale br
1.3A 1 / 1 11 DICKEY a11 . D.,
tau') Water and t OA.
d Time itralla tut the EV. awl %Teel; Strke. te-.
bought and gold.
Pro egad Marble Policies bead on the wort Favorable
'-"'"..nt th .
B'''''F noose
v_ Alison> !Ai.
JO No. 74 Fourth otreet.
.16 ''' ' ''''''' sut ' k. of IlitelTry.'"=, UtTdle t t .ye dillte. '4 3
Drawe sortrd
rs. The a 1.,. ankle,. In 6110. Wool. Merino. n o d
Cot... of .11 rites and prime, cauntautly oo bond and for
gale 10 r by otaT V. U. EATON.
SECA 01L..-Firo lola recoil - ea, for sale
BUTTER.—Five brie and ten jara prime roll
&br'''''' t'ad''''' for
' lltillTElt a narcaa_-.%.
O. MOLASSES.—Fitt brbi, to arrive,
we By ee,a silluvEns BARNES.
Ff'S BOOK KEEPINO.--A. supply
of Bair' Book Keogh:m. 4l Blank BoAm reed br
TITL PE-Alunlirell bus juqt
do 5 I ' d " 811R117.TC & DARNER.
/COTTON FLA.'.SYELS—A : farther
• Fupply
lJ th ' "a " " 4 " "' rivavlor,tamPi.L,
VRETCH LEAF—Fifty bundles Frencl
Flarenra. Dutch. field and Sitar,. I. far rale by
J.lO J BettUrINSLAJC.Y.R i I.D. %I Woad rt.
brls BONO Pink;
b 0 1b Boon, atsomol:
10 caw* Chou. Follow 61,4 i Own:
For sok by isle J 1,01100b11.11i MY
ArEIMILLION —Trieste, ebint-se,
'' '"' " `" P ` A ' i r ' rm"ll rAfir4 , ligt y nKtu OCo
OILS---1 ,orSasstiOns
2 mum Oil ,ALatrouleml cat Oil of Roormary
. 1 car
a of Lemma ; • 1 otos Ofl of Bor; 1 boo (HI allo.
end I bot 011 of Boort, Jun nreolootllor tale b_
TriiiiUßSl AN BLUE—Ten boxes n. , or
ll I.llb. by JNo 1 beIIOONMAKER a. CO.
.ARL)oll.—Lard Oil of a KU perior quality.
% V . V.+ iterri d uren wet., 1. Front ne.
L A SSE S.—Twenty one Ark prime
sup,: lluwe Nolarmkjmo ren•ITKI atul tor 331. .00
UTTER . .—Thiity kegs irrtd r six brim fresh
B butler m.MI ovelvol ronl for mie o
AR-21 blob N. 0. Sognr or Pa e
to QUOIT:7 k KIIIIITATRICR;I44 141,22ty
NEW RAISINS on con.signmenaor sae
.1. , 27 • DROWN k KIRKPATRIC ,
.N4lllO for rate [ATI BRAUN REITER-
4506014 beat Re 411114.1 Rear AM fra . naie
sbll AM , . I ARKI.R al_
OLASSES.-2 5 hrts Sugttr Rouse, St
Tired VAITIP:IituI'ILT,':,"47,,,,,A.
ir4ItEASE LARD—Twenty brls Grease Li
`""laril ~ d
111:IED PEACIIES—Thruo bun
11 InirdAwbrs,ln azd for rale by
tsri niC " 6 ' 1 " . '" 4 M' LARD—Prime Cincinnati Ld,;r. ard
az ilot = t grbzw rin :i t tv. ..,, u ,..c.,„
er brow ht t7tlt math and 11049. any o f th e
e 9
eattern 11 Intile. alllO ran and etunine 0111 . •
at No. 01/ /mirth dryad and 79 Wood
McClin tockV otloo to t ho m il !tn i g l e i ,Pp S.—" mehue ; 'fry h.rdwl.
..... o .rtnn•nt or Sail, Ilrlaltt, hanatbs, of the ward and
heat style, at redumd Om. Call at .tbe On/Tel van ,
Motor." No. rint(llo.tflxl. lalo
The Old Printing Eetablishment,:.
bATE Johnston an Stockton's, andittank
Bonk and ehstiorars. Wocebonee.
. B. lIIAV F:4 I, preromf to execrate er,Trt7la unE" , •
Conmectiol, Cond. oral raram IkatJobl'ciuting sna
Binding: nal furnith even, oracle In. the Meng rank,
Paper rad Stationery Hue, at the ehortest notice. onl on
the matt cetera:era tram , .
Blank I .k.k. BlutrararT W....h.:trammel. ornate'
and s.coooteeets.
Maio g Orrice and -Book Braden, Net 150 Third JO
New Books Jest Received. a• •
ALTON LOCKE, Tailor and Poet; nn auto
bingraphf. 1 rot. ihuO, rtes.
Falneatlon. for the we of 'parents and teachers.
cordfoe eon if perm. of both Fermi preferred and lleb
ed in meardanne with it mAlm of the Senate and Howe ,
of Reprewentatives of the Stale of Michigan. Mr Ira
be, .k. 31, late mperirdandent of publie inatraction.
linitio. mug.
M/4W New Berik-11111nry of Cahoon Rolaisib hboist
S. C. Ablailt. with el/wrath/0i emir/inn rillli the former
.° a ' S m" " nir r /VlrS h . l ll7l l gl i ir lit,thlg V.." 4, ..
t : ' --- ' - ''COMP ANY
of Ranrm , c.a. cardad Etna and SurPlue Pend.
,DUo. Chartered 11e2.3/
he underrigned by teen appointed. //go of far thlr old
sad ~,o coa hl• company. In mewed 31r. Fayette 8r...
end la ready to Low fail Leleiato the Ore and marine - Mind.
mein on am fmorable term wi any other row howdble corn/
a /NO In th ilVo y Mth et. nert ' Mrtollge i ol ' ilttohurnh
047.4.35 41
54,724 63
65.501 K.,
. 61.3
38. 6 4 37
GOODS.—Iii M. Greene & Co..
3lnnufnetatow at Pam Ign And tlntocrtk. e flixdr,
. th e ar bar.. W . !Celr ',mats far lalleo
'Weed,. They will °tier Iron math la great of
wWw try the inwraltmetnivr ,
paekag , eau.ple, exhibited lit thcir en,. lin. 1:34 Marl
street-, lup.talew) Now York. • '
CHANGE °P3nks—N..2OlMM k PONS,' No. 47
ter .tree[, Pittsburgh. Earhsture on all the Eastern
awl Woolens cities fra wale. Waggons made in It the
ti n : i lli T ii m io . o. bu t Wenn itri . spat
INDIA RUBBER PASTE. 4 pains at'. at
.prrb oirlielo for boar and doom render' g tbao.for"
werr 11. of old ptiablo s pima ofelot.h.
r.O •uranted mower t . he_ piqvu . e. ,rywrotite. or
.14% WiLirrlr Woe eel , 1.11Mat.7
AND IRON .WOllX5,c. -31mmiounk.VetwyreTtl,
nrias—Punnant to a decree of the Circuit Superior Oport.
of Inward Chancery of said coney. Pendant itetheemou
wherein John Taney tad otber defendants. the nodennelle
ememissionerk anPeetml 11w the
to oell at Morgantownio ohl onanty, 'on the lb Mote
day ill February. (Mine court day.) all dIst.V.PMI
in Sicamplia noway. Engirds. IfieZ Moser and tela
Allot River. generality known to the Siounagnia Iran
Works, and the mate that was renamed 11l rid John T. -
my and otter. to esid -Evan T. Ulu. aW other, eonalo.
lig about 13.01. acre. Of land. win.= Why MM.
Vona. Foundry . , Nan Tutor), Orin sod Sur 31111. s I driv
er water power, together with three Mart Matures.—
(ho thls WAthere la an abundance .I'l.o Ore. Stotto_mail.
Tooter and Woe stove. There is alio a mailable Yetxl
crooner Cheat Inver, belongina tint property.
This estate in well situated tor manunetering pe
rmt only of hon. but ef Watt amt Cane, to pitnand
le the heart of n good (armies, and weol growing . reentry,
about b. 5 miles moth of Pitlabergh. baying we of tbe lost
water power. In the west, and water communkation to
Tittabergh and anew/ore.
•On them premise , thee bare beetrexpended within the
I ry e t :as
. ? or f the II" ~117.1n = qt. ‘l' V. 1 *"• .11
. The war. are row In beeped, goal sager. Immediate
ly connected with the mine.* come .four or five hundred
area of superior farming land, tom. Lae or Ms email.
farms. together with arty car eighty dwelling bout., imit
able for the workmen • ,
The pale will be one milt of obblwo, and threw your,
the purchaser giving bond .nth mectaity for the payment
of the purchase money.
Thome who rnay b. &mooed to m a te inastmente, ma,
expect • Treat bargain. in the number. of this valuable
rtreVlS:2leiriTloW aP.l=Verilstlt:lfirirte
ther deregytkin or in
e tation .hbr h may be. andgd
patens ornhillg to numb...
w. T. WILLEY, Commlesioners.
Mon...tram bee. 12,—delBerStT
4.1500 goes foi pale by
V Tbe aubsiriber offer. for Rent. the Farm on which
',side, and lands adjanent, amounting to SOO acres. about
four hundred atom cleared. well improved, and in a high
state of cultivistkin. Alai, m honer and lot In McClelland.
town. formerly °monied so n tavern'stand. and now occu
pied by Cyr. L. Connor. Morchant.and Dr. IBM, Mao,
gum In Preston countl, three. about
Dal arrem cleared, on which are twee' Log HOW., large
Frew Darn, an d three hundred beating Apple Treca.—
El Kl ` g e b7 11= s {: f
oL l ayor''4`..%r, i , w .`.l'sptcrli.H..
Phcep, and 40 head of Cattle, at private rale.
The aubseriber often for side, on credit of Lae year, him
valuable clock of fine F hero, about five hundred .bred of
Vl h 9 fllZZ ' al r ig. ' it4 l e , ?l o ol d =2:l th t r, f , i
of Oh. Jesse galgington. of Virginia: baronet llervosl4,
James and Faumel Patten.. Mr. Dr , Seek ,
lienworthy. of Washington county.. Pa., and carfully telt,
foe the puzygame of removing west
I the great amount of tare and cart besiowed this
Cock, the sularriber h. no hesitation in saying, It will
compare favorably with any flack in th e Union. [lay and
Onto can be fundahol until the Den April. if it will
better thit fourth:gem
o.rman Township, Fall. 11 4 11 a., talliellandtow
limns, 1. I.6l.—iafeveler !Unk;ntrnry. T.romnit._
Proposals for litabsinons Coat
SEALED PROPOSALS Will be 17eeeived at
the Philadelphia (las Workaiihntil won of FRIDAY,
the 14th of Yetrturtry. 0,00 nniart,ir the whole of TWE.NTI
the manufacture of Hu, to be &lived at the Coal nom at
the (las Work. say
IWO tons by Um 16th of April, .
1000 do la the month of Dian
11.1.0 do do June.
lbal do do July.
3000 do do Aucust.
MOO do to September. • •
4000 do. do ....lobo ,
&OM do • db, Norember.
The C.N. lawn be fresh. elearhand dry, sod of equality
it:,*.°Ar,z-V,b.y,Co!,i'arlrt-I'f,b,t:rufsVe:= elite,,,
if. kind not before medal these work.. .maples thr tried.
will teeafPprerlous to tho Ilene of opening th. Ong. -
'flab. The gram ma of 2240 pahrids win be consideml.the
retold Inputted to the prop:wets. uniessotherwlsr eilireselY 1
ken.. end if it to preferred to deliver by lasagilln. the I
Amick burdiel of she cable indult will be need. 10 mot Of
EnhinZloll . o . l.o the coal according. tott.Teednt r gle.Tr .
rt r e ' r n ttiey n'ted‘DrbeZd...n3Ctr7gt the '' Arittantors any
Low Or consequent On enCh fallow. The laymen.
Fill ho made in two witalicatidrosolci at 4 nttd 6 monthe
tift,W thespoclawlperiodsof dellvery.thel6th of each month
to hr Dagen as the are:meteor the mouthlydeliveryor fit the
obtain of the lintstecs;.peyntents will be owl, wdb legal
Interest dedneted. • • i 1 . . .
Sbould the Camtnititor prefer to. deliver the Coot client's .
an rontrund, It will be received, hot payment. will be
eccortr U .g tbe falfillment of the andrwed
I wlllbe root:drat
C. CRESSON, roßineer.
PIIIIADIEIpIir. (Us Wm.. J., 11.1957_ jelAullawrA
FOR the cure of Cotighei
nem, Brnochitia. Croup,. As ma, 'Whooping Confh.
hin truly valuable remedy for all Mamma of the Lungs
and Throat, hoe bemme the chief rollanm the
It is the motd certain runt known far the above com
laint , Wish, It is /I p9lterfiltreMCdial .ge n t t.b e
denueratt end almost hopeless en.. or Cottromption It In
alaa. in diminished dm., non of the mildret andoat
moveable family medicines fur common cough , and c old..
Rood Wow theopinion of mm who are known to Oho
world, and C, wond row. their opinion ,
/lir—l hare u.I your Cherry Pectoral, in my own ease of
deep armed Rennehitl, and awn PAtielld ream rberobal
entetliution that it ie romnad for the tiro
of larynnisl and bronchial dießeultles. limy ottinket ,
tits euperior character ran he of any Perri, you me at lib- !
may tome It an you think proper.'
Proddent of Amberot
DiRF EVIDENCE.Do../. C. Ayer, Lowell—De. Sir
—Feeling udder obligatieme te you for the mato... of
my health, I .00d you a nnorl of my eve. which you are
lINIty to publish km One henentof other, Laet
1 tcok • bd cold. acsionapernal by a smut usurb. and
mete me of M.} LIMUCIIXII6 without obtaining relief. I
wee d iand ,, to Rive up ., b , tair t trelepttently ra i l:V . ldg; !
' o? your Cherry r'retnrel. dire of itltr numedlatel
ernomenerd seem:ding dirmtloem. I n tome juetpurehaani
Wen Mitt bettle, aml ILM beat,.nor eimP
well, my month has croanl, and all b y the sno of yen. TN,
table medicine. R. A. RTON.C. A.
Priunpal Mt. Mope Seminary.
From Pre Druggier nal Postmaster, Chimp,
Fails, Mean
J• knot—Dear inr—Eurkaed pima e find rernltLince
for all he Cherry Pretnnd tot mut en, I eilW unhent..
noref. that Do 1:13Milalle We .11 gir. numb ratlnfeetion
an, is dean nor bare I ever amu a nvalleine, which run
red ' s. ”' t many cake-of Dough and 'Long COMPIaI end
PhYsielann me ming extensively in their pr2tke. end
with the hanker. canc.. ' Truly your,.
11.! M. lIRTANT.
od, Marae nreet, end Joeeph Doug... Allegheny
deedlareowl y 1
Ohio tat s ensomilesiernet for taking Lion, AA.
nowledgenaerttm of 1.1.<114. at'. 0r..“--Fou. street, &boys
. . .
TN. N N'KNIGAT, tenders his serviceß
ban' Elam , Imo ,ountic, Wilt. and In
properl ' r. '
dr:oring doecni. boob. mortgagnAand other Inatrunitota
of writing. All burinekn lin. attended to with
r. riCanabell.l r. C.
Ueo.Flayll4 Eara,John P.:. 1101 uCandle r m.Y.N., .
Qtal..;l "" tli Jogenn Wearar. Esp.. Fourth atrert, near the
year, hoc them Area mach onaorupolout trictio7
neon the
. publle about rennmaronlp, to at the
' I toil th the
I;a " rand 1 X7100 . 0 V . 7 ' l o lr . tirl= ', 77 „
ha tinder to honica . uo• Ignorant to holler. them to to
desirine of boffin*,
_rapid a
will do colt to call at DUFFS" lil RRCATIER 411:1=7:.
Io the
0110. oho hate b:on'tg=11011r1ohtt:10o0rr.'"
Fire and Marine Insurance Company.
Animal prentionik. entatal Stork and heirplua Ruud
81,0(10 000,
• - TERMS,
•BY OFIAUR R. AftNOLD,_,Agent.
iontowT Nti. 73 Fourth street. Plitabungh.
1) . the Readers cf the Pittshingth Gazette.
iIIUBLIC ATTENTION in respectfully in
yibe to the 'following truth.. set forth In relaaon
',llAlthaValhalltAr one
dint "'Zig
on GI.. horn. since thee. hereto. MIT .TrOvuttrrl the
rorgtV,l;, vi-r:,,,s.'":rftinhsedortgeloola!'lltge rg:
edy of • day. loot ndi toe the ale purpole of making runner
but, one, which amenneeim, will enedlnue to be tired when
• A ' Wt l
ultl ' lon=":l:7=. ' er " tr am,Tt." =ra,
by • power and agency . that ',tubs to anew_ all humeri
7y melt
o.PI, tarh'n'otiu;c7nalmi.
;awl to * drcepore throe who ar bast cur warder put
deuce in or statententa. the dot are eery aptto Wet at
.nr thing that. peon...eget Mau diem A glory 000
Nulty Fe too highly wrought to answer the object of gull.
lug or butritotlVtialg rouse of them. how, we do Oct dmtre
to do Mixer. ore antioue only that the truth to relation to
mar reinedy litiouhl be told. In order to recurs for it • mint
lotion far crowding luir'*lngle article in the matetta turd.
Io our dry :=PLirfrotz.tvt,rprczn7ll - ft
r of the Petroleum.
Within the not two mamba, two of nor own citizens.
who were totally blind. hare been motored to rI ho. • Per
'nal eases of blitalnew. In rho eten of OW, hare been
qbelart'o'ilh'ete'Att hrr4rja"esiV,cl;'''poi'X'hi"t7,7arT,ZorT
M referent to by attr wino. who hare double no the mite
met Them Moe wwwwired after they bad born ahatidon
ed by phyairlaite homier.. The Petroleum will enta.
hen we .d ..ling to direetionno—Diarrham
Rbrumallutt, thwit. Nnical gin, Eruption. on the Pain,
figneaoT i psli rte.t r..abiy.rragt:s7.q• TYirm,r;
Weer, Ague, Cline:ge t Aethma, ogjorhitia, w
Pulmonary allertlo. • &nude noting, tending to pro'
dime Consumption. .
Bum , and ....cold, divan.% of the Bladder and Milner..
Chappell Hind, Nzoniatnl Nipples, Corns asul Penile.
lat tact, It IM a tram? ruivrageti./ me., and has team tried
in must of the atom disco. within the past year with the
meet period mere. -RiTtiticaten that will estnntsh are to
the hand. of rho pen i mirtor,whe will take pleasure In chow
Intytthan,n=m their b Ment ir
yrir 4 *l iir L eT go ih neseTiderr h e=l
to to
thei rpetoltl4r
practice. Th. , who at first looked on s with doubt
WO uncertainty. are willing to mom/ it dud maim and
ecti.4.lerittion.! Defosre another rear retie round. all will be
ampellol to neknowledge that the Petroleum is the meat,
yet medicine awe direovereth For ode, wholmale M re.
tym. by KRTFER • hIcIiOWNLL,I4ti {Toed 0 1.
A ott, E. Seller., 47 Waal etro c ct: MCurry. D.
Allegheny County, se:
AT an OrphanS' Court, held at Pittsburgh,.
in and kw raid county, Isti the 10th day of January,
; before gm IhinOrahle William 11. WO., President.
.l l Mr •
,VlL"re= , i t
e ' ':•;^1 %111;4
Wm; ~.. narne to, odf'e iLwl teib
Annular O.AP d
wan prowntri, Netting forth that the raid derdant died in
tefireMl we' q niV e d tro t -I'hr gmeleor eTOi ee l e ik e d L wVl
intor to anifin engalit messuage to rot of An ' tia
In Wm bbith Wood of the city of Pintibmieh, Wirt= • fmot
,oriVarlikngton street thirty end ymtesulltar bort ol
Tinerat WiClet''rwseegeTr=fiVeAlt,"hint,..o,o:4l4<Too!'reit;
tr`Ml:r. trol root
e ll h arid e 400 e he etly
hi said Catharine 011.hann.domasal, andidloahal &rm.
Fl I The ftrreniterstl=Predn t t Pe d gl e f• t e tt&
~,t;rarliariy and them being DO peromal earate to pay
raid Catharine, yaw, lint the emu; to Know en
order far the role of mid real eatate,lbr the payment of the
Whereupon. the Gaut order and direct that the toll ad
tainlrtrator orroor the toll prirtulres to yublir sale, at - the
tireloliNte‘nti VA'o`.ll7°,`A!t".l`4lAb:l2
best price, that ran be nag tnerefor, giving duo
Nl the "007
pulille potter andtimily notion of the tlam aral Meer 'doll ,
...poling to law and the rulo of this Omar. and that the
odd administrator make • 001000 of Mr pomeedings in, to,
lea oe:t e'eted
UrPhe". Cer!ZIIELUI'arIITt Clerk.
N the matter of the account of 'James
Distort, AdMitilatotior dr bawls 110. of John Hammen.
creased. No 2- Omni.. T. IPSO.
And nror, to win January anti, MI, on motion of A. 11.
C,airt apymint Jasper E.
Eat. to twilit
qtreVirf.e..7-a• *.tlPai'Tntibeatrberk.
Eigke hetoto 'given. that I ill a tt end Lt. 111 . ortiee
No 09 Valls rtrcebin the oily of w Plllrhurich , on Weralay
the 17110 day, of February next. at 2 o'clodt. r. st...for th
11Ln:A ot
uT 4&arritarriat„.., J. E. BEADY. Auditor.
iELLERS' LIVER PILLS---"Could not get !
' 34 ' 4 th "' " Wennriasooe. 0. IP 7.1591.
31a.jfi_ Barna—Toast ara. the only . LIT I . llle r th ,r a;
.11 here. I tanatt nut get alonara:it.h.gte t, ;,a t l m .
....that mat . . ,t. In
otataendatitat. toart! r 1.9 Li {final .15
and wad auttenalr.
RICE-i2rWenty tierces new crop, meek ,
thla dim and far rate by
ja i ti a KIIIEVATAID: lat Wanly rt
%Mk poo7o, k orkE La
• e9,'
res. Pitehrre,"res Pette, Orme, arr.oreseree
sad Da baM tar solo at tiadotnat rata&
rat Weer w, W, MILBON, •
Car. Mailed A" ToWth• it •
airigazud. •
let inl4'
ta the Itberre express doting thti wintey bT ama".
liallida>staafgh.and tram therm by Palntylranla
Ikea to Philadelphia- Tbrongh In ?A born, elnall pack
an. may can be take= dal CO
• .
,-t Thutr eiu no u. to I'nn.taphi.-2 44
:us hailrnad—iii taco lititairia
Gout Intent Trleurseh snit Exp.. Line StageSpaopoay.
fix doily Liner of Sew Coorhe, fire DOLMA% DUltelf
Ralhoed tlz
11111LADlitagild.b. tifTli.r" 80
During the auspeodon of Canal Norio - atm fir Doily
Lines of Goodie. will _hone far Llollidayitiurgh. and from
rhouroby the N.. p e on, Ivan. 1.11 rood l:14d mils) in
Thor through fe , talon.
Comdr. loth ran to
morning. et 8 I, fka• 1 1 . 141 . 1 ,TY
and every night at the cane hour.
EriltdS , to leareat any-time, abrafe In reddhlette.
to the moat direct. cOnaliortoble, asal rupoiltionC ratite to
the 0 01110 e. -
Pe...enderePuma.. foe Baltimore tote Ili; M IS road at
risborg, direct. on the arrital of the MIS at that P 1...
lounge or information. apply to -
MO(011-1DAD, St. Mario" 110101.
or to/. P. HOLI lES. dlutiongobels
nttoborgh Dec. 4. ff
The sulacriber offers for sale the steer. grad URI.
learn or Warehouse In Philadelphia it, of the Relianre
Idue.• The palsonaue of ibis old established ounown k welt
worthy the consideration of persons wisblug to embark to
• sorb business. or of those who mar be already in1et...1..1
lu the currying trade. As the time Isadtanciiiir for making
arrangements for the ming badness It is Important early
applkatices should la Glade.
Surviving, pit arjner of John IdeFulen Co..
Caeal Basta. Penn street
pi - ENVSTOCKOF PIIN6S - 7 - ti m
John 11. 1f0110r. , 31 ntroet, har
vul 'i r:4Wly &meal,
1...) Leaflet% of Mornorf. ono of Downy. "Lig .... 1 7_4
Oabinot hlodern Art. Atnnranth.
FrlefulAhip'). Offering. Winter Bloom. ", 7 '
Snow nate. •Pro,bytorion Imfm ntol Hsu) took.
epIe1;1411y toun.L
flu Dermal Duey, Docks. Spine. lr tomd. ,
Jeterulle Preeentation Ihnke. Alhome. tr.
For rale at the EDUCATIONAL W e STO/LE.
ileN) eh. cor; of Fourth.
Morris and Willis's Home Journal
rEBLIS_IIED every Sattirday,in . New
Car, .../110 WWI a year, pay 10 all CI:WI 10
0311/119405 Aarittx-0111roof Om Home Journal. No.
101 Fulton street. , New York. Danaher 2,1. lget—TO all
warn it to
concern) This may certify that .1. B. lima.
L duly authorial to net 110 agent for Iliume a Woott's
lloarJorast. and art al ra.eelpta given by tan in pay
ment for saki paper a l ly be dulyerlatarledued by of at the
altos of publkritiou. and it is expressly agreed and mar,
Mad. that all subscription. are payable one year In
10111 , 0 The new volume wilt comments tin the lo Of Janu.
./z...„s,:tri,p,rvrrmma nh i t i lo .‘ loT,,maThrd One)
'PAZ m!m•
. &Mars and ProPriettirs..
toned, relocate the Post 1 -Oita"—
Fsrperse Itftrasine for January. .• •
.71 1 := 1‘ R by
The Lutterells; or two maAnam—a novel,
The Ladder of Gold—a English Orgy.
To Igoe and to be Lored—s tale.
Caroline Of Brunswick. BY O. lr.M. gorholJa.
• The IMmish Confessional.
A Leeture oh the Xenia Do Dr. Derg.
Dr.lierg's Reply to taboo Fiala, ors the , Decline of
lom outset. No lof aw eaume.
'•LUESARD PCOIT & CO.,tield street,. New I
or =Ulna in par Par leading Quarterly
theyad BleckwenTh Magarinct addition to which
they hare meetly ematerali the publication of a eel..
bin Agricultural werk r calial the "Fannene Gale to
ar. &xi ooOsted by John P. Norton, II bvrgh, onthor of nu `11101:
New Haven •
profeemr of EM ntille Agriculture in Taft. Collect.. tr.
, Thiebighly , :aluakt work sill mama two largo royal
octavo rola:urn containing over IPA p y-cs, rith 11 or DI
.plendid sal chgrainms, seal novo than COO engravings
, on rood. in the highest style of art. Illuatralingalmost
every implement of brobandry now In use by; the best far
! e'st%.l.c..V.itethVni%r tan'tiltVrogrYl' Ing, hazy
est perfralta ' in short, the 'mania feature of the book is
ttanue. and will It it of incalculable value to the ea.
dent of eurriculture.
I Thr work la being publialand In aenamnnthly NUmborx
of a part each, exclusive of the oat engrarmas. and
sold at Lo oent. each, Or 0.1 for the enthrownrk to trupbeix
of which there will be at least twenty too. •
The Babb Periodlols republlshel are a fans, vim—
'rho London Quarterly Review (Cooserratirok thor
burgh Review (Whig): the North (dial Review (Free
Church): OW Watmarater Review tlateralk gad '1
wears Edinburgh Maga.. (Tort).
Although these wrote are diatifornithed bY
io n
shades 111/01154ndinged. vet b at a email portn of their
emnient4 11. devoted to pola r ide s:.ankect It Lair I t , al
chara wall arcs tam their (vane manthat
they stand'eonnoselly far shore all other journals of their
elan, Illarkword, rill under the masterly guidance of
Christopher North. MaILLLSine l ee, arienl and ix
a Da tune. unnotelly Mari from Om serial works of :
Pular and other law]
•Otten for Thai te&lra -
One, and CM appearing in a annual loth In Great lid.
tain and in 100 L 11044 amt.. Foal works as -The Ca
ton?' and "Yly New Novel," tboth by Ratter.) "My Penln•
slater I n "The Green other weak of
which numerous Oral editions are heal Lo the Delia
pant s een In ibis country. hoe to be retirroded by Iliac
publithere Mm the pekes of Illaratal, after it ham lethe
hi liessrs. Pat a Co. to that 40Clibeil. to
rosPria or that Moraine may always r ely- pn haring the
earlicet of thew,,7;
For any one of the tblii,lrtsi . ewsixtr anima% 11: MI
For any two 1 '" dd 00
• F i r Y any three' do do 7MI
r all four 'lesiva, do NMI
For Blackwood's 31ammlne„. •
For BM lot red and the flue Ilmiews do rt lat
For Blacks - nal and tho Tons Rork". do 10
For Fanners' lint , to in '" N..) Ti
Payment to be made aia i rit i
i te s r u tn suleance.
A dlvonnt of twenty Ire per cent from the abuse yriom
will afloa to club, onlarir. four or more copies of ant'
one or mare of tho shorn treas. Thum 4 anties of Black
wood or of nne Review be sent to on, alma for Sir;
4 espies of the four Italica, and Blackwood for and
nO On.
kolcra from club., most be scot direct to the sublhherS,
o discount from these prima can be allowed to Atlanta.
Romer, current la t h e Mates where.Ltemod, will )ro nect
ar-lam Pat.
• Remittances and nimsoncleattons ahonkl ba always ad
dreteml,l.lrl. reid or Lrankod, to the Publletax.
LEONAIIL tralti a CO,
TO Fulton street. New limit..
f,l Gold street.
_--..----- _...._ .—._—.
( 1 )0N TAI N ING no '3lereury, nor other
Mineral. The following toetitrowilal WIN lkleen be the
re ebrated Dr. Moder Dead,. the mortborof the great merli
n] work entitled "The Arleriean Prartice of Medicine and
)'.mils. Phreirik." .
- 11aviou been de sequalnhkl with the lugretlleute
wLich eceliteweMeAmoltleter'a .111.1tealiug ointment and har
t. preowribel and tertml it lu.seeeral uses ma 'cur l pert.:
rtrrrth;:.egle'Xl;oll'etrerattalnTatti, r=f4tn'teftaiTrl.
s't.r.l''''", Wttrelro'n_7s,'"„`,.°.-I.roLir =_._=.l.
• out of " great value. miner a truly ecieutific Rented Y er awl
tlilgsht,"l ter ,l,'lzT l 2,LE — ...l ., :gb"bve'preTVes
1" ugh I Pal, never
' eTirerre:r.nuneoLl rVetluoil In tow to b* ral orkeeret namll..
1 rnw!e• PIM , ' Ihr the truly honest ennee;nt/nua human.
character or e the rroprietor of thle otritment atot the value
of I ,4 l: . kli t me i gilisie fra . o eat tht%ruge z h A tzrink It
llckw , -It lame of the brat.thines In the world for burns.
le,m-Thounands am yearly cured by this Ointment.
It sumer fain ciring
or TlllllOl , VICCa and all klnds of Fere, It hm vie moat
If AIM., and Numan knew in rola. In came ofgiatol len
or Core Breast. they would rdways *MIT IL In Menem".
if used melding to direction, It Clise. Mlle , in WsetT few
b oors.
Around the boo are .direettens Mr using Slerlhater's
Ointment 4IT &Taal. User Maintain, Erysipala. Tatter.
Chilblain. P.M 1100.1. Pam Elm. 01.10°F. Soon ,
Woodall, Nemo. Affections. Palos, tasemo of the Spin,
Ilead Ache. 130[1:1114 tonne, all Inseams of the ftin. rum Mre
Limes. Pimpla. kr- of the I.lmb ~001.
! f t% t r ed . F.ret., Croup, 'Swelled yr Peahen Meant,
Ague In the Farr. ike.
Poem lAr. llm.uupp Thad , -
' Them was never, memo, a Medielue brought before the
LT.tigA• b ritii: " .;d7 b . on o a r
mmon that has r e nd trial of It meek. warmly to Ile pouf..
her bean curd by It of the met painful rheum ais6l,
another et the pile. is third of a trouble... twin n the
We. a fourth of a swelling in the limbs. kr. If 10.1 t mu
o ld immediate Mier 113 every cam It can do no hinr).
Ming applied outwardly.
An another residence of the wroulerful healing tiomt .,
aimed by this mho, we entifoln the following muffled,
(rem • respectable Masco of Maidenereek township, n this
Maidencreek. reeks en, March RV.
Ritter k Co-I desire to inform yew th 1 an.
entirely cured of a erverw_fsdn inftho took . by th, war of
McAllister's All -healing Satre, lamb I Pumnamst Mein
too. I aufieredwitli it fur aloof twenty years. mile night
oe unable to tamp. haring that time 1 hied TOT/011.1
remedies, which were prracribed fur me by physidatis and
other permit, without nnehring any rellef. and la last
made trial of this war, with a remit favorable beyend ex
pectation- lam now entirely Mae tram the palf,and enjoy
t night a peaceful mot tweet they. 1 hove a= the
%hi. slum Mr tdith ache and othercomplaint. with Miler
happy molts. boor (Mud. Jom
Sale proprietor of the levee medicine. .
Principal Mice. No idtt North Thinl Philadelphia
Auccrs m Primmer:n-1 , A. Feline:tort & Co.. corner of
Wood and First Ms; Ibm. Jackson No. 240 Liberty stmt
L. Where. jr., earner of Market stmt and the litomend.
also former of Fourth and iimithtiebt Rai J. 11. Omml. cor
ner of Walnut mad Fenn sts, Fifth Ward. and sold at the
hook sire In Smithfield street, third door from Meond.
In Aliegbetip Iti by 11. P. Schwartz and 4: ',walla;
l'gkt litl=sl7l-,=°1 ° 11:1. 1 :d
7geal 6 . l.. _ ty 3 ; 4ll"ltrlrrinv a re. C ;i4 n A:i ,l- Z ' alZ 7. :
xi umbright t Kenta.
Where is the num who doe e not sPrirmiate the luxury
o an easy shave? If any them he. we
sayt addl..% mu
wives le them. Rut to all othen, wef you atilt to
render Amine a pasure. further. , n box' of /dies
Almond Pistachio, 0. Ambrosial Miming Creams.. It is ut
terly impameble find words to disecribe the Medium of a
mown-who has been need to Miming with unllnary male
upon making trial of thisi for tee Mat Mon It hi a
11 bead euo
flaVa&sr . . L r ",tt',APenti a glttt d . I.7,te:Vd
y mho nature allnying the irritation. and preventing
that unpleasant and stiff feeling of the skin tf bleb is AO
often experienced after shaving.
Gentlimen 12.1[1; Joky Hanel', Shaving Creme. may tare
the coldest mil need piercing wimbi lintnedindely after its•
am, without the skin lemming chanted- And tnom who
often use It. wenfan safely my, Wiit MTV , ' my other.
Ono groat esimintiem-which will bu alitimem
by those whey wear whiskers-le the Met that it will not
dbwolar Me beard, whlchlllroft IMMO will do. uisuM
or rusty appearance to the due of the whisker.
jnoan"proLidnle'illh:lllll.'L'7lV4,7,'',*Hrt !,1,11 =711',;
calculated to render the y pv. ot ' shaviiik Implement.
and will appreciated b all who make Mal of them
Ihepared 00 1 J I ITLES !LAPEL Perfumer and Chem - M.
ISt Chesnut creme, Philadelphia.
For exile. wholesale and retail. by R. A. Imbommork A Co..
and F- letteletraln and John tiargera, and J.
Ilitchell, Allegheny Pile. - -
UST RECEIVED—A new work ion Me
•J laides. riming Work. met Engiboarbem Dictionary of
Jlaettnen. ?halm., /trudge Work,and lingineming.
• algned 11,r itiewthal writ e., and Moot Mended for the
mu / miming , oregkeedion .• Edited by 01 leer hyr.4.funnerty
irate/wit Sallteritatwe, College a uth neers.• in :
' London.
This work inaflame El .O tam. containlng nearlY iX I IO
room, uowards of lint rind Man , wood cute. It will
meettettLitorking drawium, and &sedation+ of tbo roost
impet:Mat inarldmet In the UMW anx badoperetent of
the result of American Ineenaltt, It will contain; tomplete
ee e
prarttral treatima Ott ileeltanlea, Zogine Mirk
and a:oat...emu, with all that fa metal In tome than SI OW
worth 01All t o , •tilJtute ,i ti ti fgattn:‘ , , , , , ,, , l . Oh ,
h e , r bud,
utert''Lthl etnin ' lsM r telt an mironat . of tloreUmeand twe
entitle kremlolge, lu minden...l form ea ahall enable i
them to mirk to' the bent a/Inmate, 11:int 01 mold
misname which ibex might otherwise montatt-
The publlghers are delete/tined. regatellow of mil, f 0
make the work as
complete an rromlbtm atid It Mimi.' er•
eri one desirous to obtain the mak. will Omen. m Mem
<4 In nnentarel and thus atiOlUrect• the entrrioMe
liublightimin 40 nitrate" at IM mai* tiniMmr/I 0
eomplotol this ywir .
Twenty numbers reeler Mr nate
jab. 11. green
hmairwl mai 110 y pis largo nixed 11r4 Blankets.
19 do sinar tkattna ithinkfaist bowe
r. lOO do Drab sio do •do
011 do Illue do do do
3 rases Meek Blanket ClMh. do
1 do Bearer Grp Illi r g th 1 = 4,1° , 1.
d do tonTr,ornri Tl:feds. arourtmt colors
0 do Jenne, vacated
• 2do Mark and fanericolor.
1 do ballneus, black and Mop MIMI.
3do Nt rues barmi d him Twilled ilannid• lard ifid ,
do Co
The Moore dennibed meals d ds are all an owslanntent from
various mmtnfortmess. and WOM, and ate Om min on
liberal tterms to the Mae, at suanufmturemf priors. •
It LEE.:
wN..w Pehated; alao, Curtain Itnaleas of warkaas
W Vauirucirezia l -
H. E. Or. fourth It Xarixt sts.
•,,„.......,--JWAYGWOO D W ILI - --..- ,- . 1- "'" ;
CeIIGNET FURNITURCSIArt lt,w•mm, 97 1999 791=7,1
J. - IV. reapsrtfultr r . . ms ids
cuatuitorm that h. Elm now completed the
and troAt stuck of hemothold furniture ewer fore seten.ln
tide cite. as ho la deggslained t..W 999 91,1 ,2 1 La w e..... 4"nth
well-eriumed materials, ben norkmatteho, -- d '
497:m and irOZO the extent O- op orders Wad • Utility In
manufacturnm. he b enabled to produce wares*e.ttstal
- -
• • .
tore. at /bele.rat .
Ile too niopted the yrinefrde of hientlfylng tha Macao
CIT . foulest with his afro: quallty, and Peke. feft,tri
alwayt on hurl Ow greaten variety of oral. fem. ,
lartuturt; from the cheapen awl Mainert. to the hr..
rant and amain that a bolo, or afar hart • of one. mar
to torrarlool
from hi , sleek. or inaneartored 'freynaaelr
order. He therefore ...lhOte to furore-lion. that the atm
taro of bit ertablifbroent may be knorn. The
arrldeo ooindet. to fort. of his stock. which for rid=
fly le and Mush cannot be summed to my of thy laitern
. ,
*Wok •
....kterpar, &saint. dining. and beelerouto rialto. or irrrrT
vanety. coaristlon of rosewood, mahogany d rlahollc
Cencercaloire and tore Chain, of .., rp
Couolms. &fa, Itte.aexte tot hick. atilt tatcAt
Preach and American pattern, Taelose,. What.NovN sod
i m ike mcior WritingWeekr of carious kin], Work Takka•
ewl tenet wird,' elands, mask Nara* AM locatler, marble
top, mahogany, rcacarceal amok walnut centre and aob., tre
bIo e pr e a.cieh clhalag table, all eine of the met Initatreak
Land d,vldNlt,lbe N., kind mule; card. Pembroke hall mai
pier tables. w.tdtol I..olateada aral nagatarola or each a
large asoartrocnk rothie ball awl parlor reception ekalla,
(Atolruna carol .t o ole, mercury and hook owe, ride
hoe ..creena, ravel rack, hat rlancL, and roeolo Knot, cribs
rid cote for ckildom nwclaN and len Ts
IDurhogany, r0w,100.1. and pearl Table" tri'ke.
A large.acentroeut , of Coromon Furnlturrpairul
Chaim Cabinet makers ,applied with all alticlek Pa-their
.s4xml.atta awl Halal% tarablual at tberakartol notice.
'Ail a.k.a....Tait attended to
INTEr-THENT.—TheI. Fuld - titer diem tura. all
aluable potterer. situated cm the mud edalollday
nd Pleat:ant atrod• embrdiug over sixteen
thontand flea
hundred square feet of grOund, commencing at the corner
r Hollidayt and Pleamot 'dared.. rado • run
t north tiO
Het. then went Si net. then north •3 feet.then,weth 97 feet
17 a diagonal Hoe edging rouard ti n
t the in, aoutberir
thnetion bounding on North Morel,Zi e 10 Ind. , . and
Fast from this point neriethen South UM Feet to Pleasant
Fi t,.
then Fart to the p 1.% of beginning 137 fed. This j
pourerty Is now improved itc barge and ernatmodiord Hong
and Con Shmutartory. built the met. sahebs:dial
manner. 1
of the beet mated. and worainanship,erl ,
T f rr .
t Dun laid.
lioildlng embed n T is i mat ride
two dories l7l fret
and emelt. hos thus
t Hon Soap Kettles. estmeity walk. each; ten thy
Vance tine cellar under the whnlo buthlims. and paved
throughout: In short. it has every convenience far greying
no • der extrneive buriness. To tem. dmdrirtg a lotne 1
non for a Forwarding Hon. for the tratometion of bud-
Imo vlO. Baltimore and Surouchanna Balloard, this Pron.
prow. a line opportunity: haring opening
.on North
rtreet of 22 fret for 'the entrance of • mean wine. would
accommodate three forwarding hour.. with • return track.
Pleuent •trmt. ueresonrF. Anr further Infornitgain
non be obtalutal of the eubt•riber on the prom..
Murphy's Self-Sealing Arlvertisint Eavel
1 1 V0„.263 MADIscAL ST.. NEW YORK.—
Tbe aubwrlber, in Fr:Britten the tratron.age of all who
y ran this advertnentent, feels none of that hesitation
ni n th which • new ankle is brought before the public_ The
e denture of yeee has efts:AH..l theftsperloritY
nod nll noesnon. and he coutkleutl: renws to the WHO:.. '
of tldee bit/aunts men .00 hare toad envelopes,
ed to his rapidly Ituamming aanftruf e 7 Unit ring'
The Oloning me a fee . of the renewer ge their popu
larity: . • . . . .
Ist. On the place occupied by the seal, a pOrooll VAT
have hie name. !twines, and Warmth convoke:l=47.d
h e ntalfully embneved , minted or Dial., them nenneinne Per
Get amority asslnst fraud.
Oh The Envelopes comet ho opened without ban; di -
Osumi. ,
d. It - eitter Wm nor In me required In nuns them.
k ith. Open the miscarriage of a letter, the sell imusesibt
immediate return ot tho venders bulimia of being burled
monthe In the Dead Letter Oge. The Envelopes air furnished at almost the same
mire as plain omit
Oth. Lech letter mailed le a toned elkMMe advertisement,
run, tn attract the attention of all through srbsee hands le
1.1114 pant,
The f01....ipq b.., Mt of wkme for'Enet,'s , ' nn
imps; end amen will last GPmare and of nmrtorge. of
the tittlat Mee, elther•uldte or buff, of Mend PM. , tted
teadem above. sith name, addle's, Les..
• Priam,' Dies. . Priest of - Earengse ant& to
. .il lettere or Ilse 14.00 Mare. 0
4xollloo. . ,
1,0 te tiO
.--- 0.00 :IRA)
:10. to 01 O,OO amo. 1040
. ,
toi ....
When It i; convenient to forward amount of c;ecT
r er
=Ur Cr'gj:nr.frvr„,,Y;4l7,7=4":o-17,
attention, if allnersei. MUltPlil'.
No. 2(3 stroe Now York-
Orders will be tittended promptl,4 if lett at tbo dor.
of Memo, 51ott, PU Kali airrot;nr of Nowiro.ll.
J,eolltrom lai William et.
N. 11.—Buidnera Can la, etaboooed in eolataifront same
Pim id slo,liO per -120,1 m
CAidi , OIL. -5 brls winterstraiued,for mite
°L ).
_INSEED OIL 5 brie pure New Castile
_L/dii,joat rionived and lurueour _
14 --- 71 . 1 a ' 2133 hags _Rio for salo by
/ d oll
N 1 °F'"
- RIMY, 3147711FA5S 4 CO. .
14 -1 1S11. 1113 brlslarge No. 3 31ixekarel;
11: . 14 brie Ilk 1/33111m0. I.lenenz
JUSTR-F.CEIVED from the l'hillipsTille
lio Oil Cloth Factory-
CM yard/. 84 Floor OD do ll; . •
noo 'ants 4.4 do .
Coy re7or 0/ 1.14. 1 "'" 'el
y.."' dW''" filfal °" .' l4lo Urnl o pt l i.. r.""o,o°
aale ' lenotnate and retail, at the werrhonen Nce, 7 and 51
II ml Itmet pa J. k IL. PIatLIPS.
l{b''''r"th'd f.'"i*b tl . . t Jr. nArautfon.
I . IOPS. 9 txtles for sale by
A - 1_ s 9 . Ism If 70111.-STON
QIINDRIES.Threa lorndrid 'bblo. No. 3
Maikrtek 3 half link do der 5 tAddlEal Pallnan, In
rune and for anlo hy jall . ' JAMES DeczELL .
Arks In Own and for gala bir
ERBS—.ClderFlowera, Sate Boneect,"
Akft.,. 10tp.4 ererl,l land for rale by .
'.ra I , J. KIDD & IicLOD Nreolst. -
LARD OIL. 8 bbLe received on consign
meet, awl for sobs by AA DO N S
gtreet. . -
NT 0. MOLASSES. 3G brls new crop. past
r......ired and L.r ode by L.A. CIINNINC.I
dell :729 Liberty LA3I,
114 1 RES11. - ROLL 11U'r'rEll. 4 brls jostrec i d
• Dby .11..42 , U. A. CUNNMICIA3I.
A.,' bmod. for rale by ‘11,24 0. A. CUNNINGI YAM. '
IaTIIITE FISH. 75 Inli and hc-hrls for
V T ode by de:7 ' IVAIAII DICKEY t CO.
MKORY NUTS. 6 bags for gale by
OULD CAN PLES. 20 boxes fo sale by
M 3. 7
610AI'. 150 boxes Louisville , is , i w o ,4 l P l - tosiviv
5 b 5"
Cs lVka f ifiliFQll.l , k CO.
Ih t eupplr of Iturrowe's relebrat44 - iterducky Mustanl,
t w wet In the world. an bawl and for pale b_r ,
g iOTTON YARN. 2000 dozen 'Elope Yarn
,i...) for sies Pr jai - WALLIZiOI , OIID .t. CO.
g tRANGES. 35 bids. just received and
IL., Gm sale Er nuumuule. a I.7iGIMABL
ia7 114 Water tdruet. _
jiNIA)UR. RIO bbls. for sale by
-3 aiae;kP'-: gei.:Rwlr r°
geg: vt.
'O4-k'-"°:r,-d' do
heir entrant
for We b
Jo 111 A. IXIIIBO atJ.2
Liberty rt.
(..10DA ASK. 75 casks Kurtz brand for sale
t .by - de.lo 8. LW. ItARILAUGIL •
-DOLL BUTTER. 20 buds. prime, receiv
xi, re rot tale by 440 S. At W. HARD/a:011
MALLOW. 50 Ws. prime for sale by
tl a w. lIAILBALI2II.
d 'MEESE. 50 boxes W.. R. Cheese for salt
1 ) br - drat 8. A W. weamAton.
- 111110 METAL 175 tons for rolling mill
11_ Tatra., deli B.IIIIW,VATYIEF.WB ten. _
PIIACILES. 113 bags per Maitlower, for
Iffrit. ..t.`.o bbls roll, for st . ll T 7 c t nELD
1 - 11 - 645. down for 'sale Tor
11 RI:AS& J hhls. now lending fmm the
VL """""'''''' f "Vai,itt DtcHrs a Co..
Warr and Front strootot
ALERATUS. 100 homes for sale by
kS—CIIOOL BOOKS.—Eduentionol Works,
Globes, Slaps Instrumentlj Statincutz,Ssrtien pub
natiruu.CS Xlit
fhr .4! l /I'. ithRIIAUGII
I INSEED OIL. 10 Mils received for Palo
jeer- d... 4.1) VW..IIAIIIIMMIL.-
ArIUMMI - DABAR. 1500 lbe just receie.
lP and forSala by BILUIN RXITEIL
al Conley S. Clair arniLlberty Abe
'HARNESS. 40 duzeo pairs_ those and
JUL Mule lLune."2, For w. 12 bL_ _
i.OFFEE. In store and for sale by,_
delft ISAIAH otgksa - CO.
1 NI)100—S48 lbs Spanish Float, Madras . dr,
AL._21jr ... 1..._ far Wig 1.. .1.411 .1. KIDDS CO.
.11AINT I NG—House and Sign Painting
ialo J. & 11. PitILLTPS
12.11 Dry !liars;
I ruse.
32 Ihr Csif Skin,
• 1 lanxifelN , r Skis, .Isakihmlrade by
1:011ERT DALZS.I.I. k
VELVET PILE C.&F:I.I;TS. of the richoit
r 0 1 1”, and Istrt tt,fra, , an hall at the Caxpet
F..urth Vic , a-'s the y 0 .
Le had io any of the eastern ebb,- It'CLISTOCK.I.
■ if Iip:ESE. 11.01130109 for Sale by"
IPEACIIEtz. 305 sacks and II In.
j 5 a, sale be jle) La WATLIMAN PANS
Burmit. 15 1.1)1A fresh roll;
. 5 bbl. iArted; •
• tote. _ do fat Yak Ty
I_OLAIN OIL CHINTZ, meired thia,,day
At the Carpet - % % orobovoo, ST. Fourth et. •
WM. .111<currocx . :
AI ° , I I:O SES. i nn s
oiN I- n e at i ;?gt Kby
expre amOther la a Ott
we ratine
µ...orrohe only tale sad pw , ct , ?......n. -
factut...l. jalir W. W. WILSON -•
ItiLANCEB ON DEPOSIT, w 'eh hare
b ''' ''''" u6 i i gi h • r tr '''''''''''"'' d ''.' "b. -- LEBS' IMPERIAL couart srgur—:: : ,
, Vvirdf2ltt:Lid,...rt -- . ..,...m_ f' — -- muum—dpv.t.4 it. P.-"Pue. . '...
pester . 3lsnlertZsnseile, ~0 itt. 24, 18r„ SW . •. , ; Isinheitl..l...AoPust 95,1445.
I testify thus the fennning trimness! app., in Ingo.. to 3 , R. B. aileset,—Enns engird g,tr gime Mho ntth t..;
ssineongsealsti to use t o •
Insreskal though ,
the persons named. our theittegslYrphssehist.‘",....".K InetMatt l..— bung NI IV Inmplettnt.Sont tam -..
In L 40100.10( this Danl. n v ap., bx MY Yhu.tS ' •
T. 11. HOWE, Cashies.. ...- - tins puns. .1 oa en. Itbstltlia denizen edict of essnitg ,
Strom ang subscribed beam ant, tin. hsttinny of Wort. ..' of crew a thin I, hstf dc.palted ors-ten bring nell. . 0
ber.lb4U. . V. IV. ERNEnp,,_ I% ,:,,,p siw.t every thing that it nu, In on Ps's+ hil . .ti ,
&Waling .. . Sobss7 ?alai: et, tstt melted no haunt nnt4hl MIA titte your erldua.
---1— Ss (bosh hyrnp. • I tee' fully,vtiltied,tltlst t0_3 1, M,:,
pIIBIE BLACK TEAS piiox ENGLAND. w.w..... 0 .,...
.51=fit,,ZV,: f ,,==:,,1
3,w.,,nwh.t. the Ditnnortil,bsee ibis day se. L. imAti . . ... - _
_. JA51.1.11 . lIIIITU. :,-;
wool. per past ship bvnwhint, sprint 150i1 itss oPrinn ..,„,‘„,..„, .yo yyby by 1t.E.11.1..LE1M LT Wootlinn - te
.kuttlig sat Secteate Playorkli Mask Sem. Ile very best ths •
ethh .diu ld ib be rs tnehma x.d.i ib i l l lb• the . 1 =... 1. 1 0 - 61,... ...". 7 0011 c r,,,H.8...,..0 1. A L E„,. r m; i rawst lA, Elsartacerim:
prisomm OR ROCik,
-------tt.i..'wailaup in Vegallti Sal
nib. are &Magi Of lu rietiaggia , "
T U X, VIRTUES of thi... rentarka be
.", glitelveirattup in n. t
Weasel dinoticsa, Ith the bereft of the pnbUee tin .
Mae -
The PLTROLAWII is procured from swot! to I '
ty al • depth of four hundred fat, io • rine; =deters - - -
tel articke, without mr death. I Thong , KiW it iwi ..."' ' •
gars from Nana s that lahrateerf I Thee
pawn. mating • tartan lof a en 5 ,1 1 .0 . __ : •
MAW' of uswertaisty. Jr... ECUMS ......
=tlllltrl:bktarCAZlti =rg 0. d . I
hi•jah Mt Ana to many a steam r. Law lathes dept` . e i'
pact. tainglit of gutting it ~r e ‘ hottheoat had, rant. ... .
tim Its thocineof aim, The...lnt aat Mall twee e ....
4uscano P.M.& wand atuatable air It Ma Pa :,,
forawd, SA a ram halloatan of la futurn yeopolarthf end 4
ei,ye o pread appikation In thr ewe praises.. ^
tie do not enth to moth • kap parole al eattlicatek a• s
wo are cosociono that tbo modkia on thou we& ils af ' , .
Into the bar of thaw who eager nod with to bo se- .
Whiled, we do not claim fur It a salami applinthbus Ina - ,
ea disown, we ulthetdtat.l l o .1... that a k numb tot I •
Clara& Jtheront it he utiaraltni. Among thaw maybe ..,,
ea morated-wil &seam ith the mucous Kagegte that am „T ;
Cartthlt) IIIIONCIIITIF. CONEUIIPTION, (in It. ear ...a
"t"*) 000(1)10. "de,14.17,--4.4,tt...=e1t;
tax1LLAa.,D,,, ,.. 416 it‘,,,,3.,...814te, Fero.. e C
yup e oupe, J
r, FL, }thew:osta red Uout. tally
ass. Totter, Amirweentaelrfa, IT ld , : .i`e tthi taw.
sr. 1., la anew of de IX r..J. Tr 4,1',4„„" ° •:;
Img sal protracted an. Of di ...J _
teethe relof. It will art . a thew ry.l ‘e IC eat ALTFK , •
alit Ato each ezete. hitherithe taw , oat t tealii:a
who!. tame, TO[o.o.llg otetructice..«posiug en
fuestiona. which moo ae. sea a .v.• 2 toOglto ~
and chtheinreseed and rnee' o stagy to Al the organ. 4
of lin; Ito , Pm nage tams of eared ea. of PLUM 2
tbat re.ned every other troatue re, get woU 1.112.10 . the lik.. c
of the PE'l HOLM. 11 la bort Unice The proof can to .
t`wit„ to oca Fero. w toe 14:itee it ,_ 'T ,y
wa. autune wittoriut the olguatune of toe propnetur --
tl by the proprietor. .
ON. LILA, ("that Meth, ...13E1111 area
Also, by IL P. eLILLIte , c 7 Wad 01.
ALA. a WDO KL ,.... 1.,
cora' Wad Weal em! iras 4 lea an
hie regalia!) ortavard ta.
VOW all men who are .irk and afflicted -
th diornee of the litodelef and Lillie., with ewe
anshi bark or limbo, del Auto. rl4 wow, ranwitqf
ulcer, lee, that thei ,an be corwl by ult. the Mita ,
LEFII Ica shay talk .boat 110 Ming 21....ituwAY Wad,
you plasm, bu t thee dews not tooth R of fume Paean:.
On face of . haat communety(Jhat It twa. f_ th... , ,
which, art not ecatathed 10 ouy ( therlemody , 'fn.... '
ois "OUR with in. and rolfaing from &Wane
f feo mute, get relief inth RUT of the ilia ralaPira....
10.400n.400 It coa.. Very Mt* to mate • • trial Thin ”. . -
lowa is we rulabaro-aw,nthpoetal. put up ibr the parPein
of 1t111.1 , 10$ on the commo.“ - : i ot ,t I. o ”..yehttore.
401 by the manor laud of data, and hubblea op tee. the
bow. of our mother earth, its Its eilosl purity, .d 01l
'farm suffering autanaltr • nudiawaely. a mutate sod
Moat; care. • • . ...- ..
It Dm cured •Pilm. Miry other otellrlrsa bam bard to.?
reader my relief. It Imocuml ILbrzusslUM. e( ft
atandlog,Mb of 110 worts aed,leort painful character. ft 'L!S
- mrod Chi:arra Marta. , hy . orac or two doom It has
grboXo'flcVlfralDr.tb;t3=l=Terorsta mil
molds, It La better than oeF wake roan %vend" ateltament
that If o know of. It will rum chlitasicw 31.1 frame! bot..',
to a for amilcationow.undoolitol teolmooy eV% ha fland+h - ,,
of of th e truth oanlimod 'M. the Moro by ,
lag on MANIUML 511(11:It, Cmal hafirt doer or..z
,eltha of the soap. .
ilcycer 41 McDowell. corner of Wood IVO
l - , IL r...bellers. 57 'Wool stmet; D. d. WM., and It M.'
Curry. Allefawny My, am lb. omo or. .I
has attended the use of RORTIAIT.R'S unITIMAT-I
1 . MPOVND AND BLCOD PURIFIER. in effseisrm .Ir,
rotting the marmot and most lowtorate rem of PS FLAW ,
illATultT AND CHRONIC RIIRCMATVAIs is ...reek 00
druarantee sad remmesemlation to mime all whoafe aiblei
bal with this drondlui Baum mf trs Us valuer. 1 . .
00.00 , 00 of 01000, many of th em ,deem. ntrf4 6. l..4-'
and others from elated. Were tern emred within- fates
few month. In the city of et.. Joulsalone. while fetters from ;
aerate abroad stem also that It Is berformine the •oene.
whereon . trted. Marty of tbch, were throttle rmea/ a , ns;
standing, and all hope of remerm had Irma oral: ill: :
while others , erne airway went arils, of the mots tier,
watery Arun way /clam AU,
th e.m yield fo rm e . .
derfisl •Irtam of this medicine. .001 omande who ham:
rmlisel Its beartlil. and are now In dui enhollnalltnt b.atab
can Mamba= rho mixing almotorer amt yeropMetcf, et
Ws...factor of tothkied..
It is moll too., than the efrp. , thance of the mat, thAtne:
0 u t ...i. 01 ,1i.a.w...r.0.ib1Y offmt 0 Pit"..... 1 I"'l'..
of th is dreadful ddenial. By the application of anted.
liniments. partildrellef. In so. , easeu. may be r
fo ,short Urns. Bat all It...while this Daum Le firma
amultaions the sydonsc and smarm or Wet
will Linda deselope Itself in nab.. draudlßl ham. and oftet
a few periodical returns. it settles into ef ehreates two:;
which. If not soon arramd, ruins the isullsbleal for Ilfe—,
This Is • o
full by the blob of the past toe of co
n od osero fully dementlmted try the Itiathn , fnmblin‘l 01
lath . thh mita - Mar of this °impound, al glen b 7 momm l
b TreTtrlti! h atnUt b ..l " n " nn o : tlrest T 1. 11"
_o h" . .1
PURIFIER lean Internal remsdy—tummenere Ms mt./
bums ahem the Maned Mat, orlielothm, and in woMinc
the blood, larmea Hithofth the whole system, normal** the
Impure or canadr cilLment, wllkb bah ermied•tpon thA.,_
membutnesonnarles and tendona—mussees It entirely frtm.
the 07 stem. and restore , the hello Waal to parthet hoalth. I,
bet those who me afflicted not deoebre thermals.. m;
tut oil the n o
this mediethe too lamb or unt/1 Hod:
malls are dfothcatod or euatmetel to Frms. 0 dermas. thaf
they are eripplefer life. The expence of tunadoeds el_
during the past, as well 00 tik multitude al the
present sly, demnsrates. the folly of experuncaernse,
unit relief from external appiletinto. "'. " r
perTkhe,,,,proutito=o.l4,ris r,l„,o,:lise melir
kalivL loep.adlthieereritreaati
l.rinanen i t him whore Ono armiso Ls . firmly fixed In thi
o d oc , ao l,Te r Z,Tess '' te " :l„ a 12, a lllT;m4mterf an
time, but tlid. will 000 effect a Pert..llMt cunt The far;
tare of, thiediscase ifi such that It nag talrafkalgai thakhn i
an Internal nmsdy s to produce rho desiroi effect. exad men,
Ranee. lie thentemool said Woad fe,. la th ,
only remedy tha hoe CVO, teem diarmorear.ol th er to.
America or rmy other eountry that will effrommtlY. Lori
this rea..
This tordicioe eau be had, arbeirsale. or 'Math also. 7: ,
Thiel street next to the Peet elfrmalttsborglt , - ~I
Abe for sole In ' 4. 11. Ammer, C'Thor;
.1. D. Monsen. S. N. WSikerthato. and ./. A. Jonsm.i. s
Price 4.1 per bnislef .13. loco. It. Lys" or gm, P. , 4. 11 II".
Paraphlobs can be had genie of the amot, e
melba .. B_ 11. lancer, Azint 7
—Dr. JACOB 11000, the dirociater and tele proprietm
o me road ob.r and boo-eft:Jai mediate. and .10
the itiventot of The celebrated hatrument fca• Wallah th. '
iltil'irtf In
rogen.lyrlfce=ior t"ric.i ye " rasej It
gredeate of the -sa t of FettLeylvenla.nal for thief: ,
year" erace tar lawn embegut Muth. lfTt o "llilidki• Pt ak
mot, hod theeepplication of mem. thereto. . . . I
gh W e Me of his lubsdng tube, In etenweltrairlt
hiep lead. P Tap. tad Othe r abet remalles, lie lial
glllll W .
c3ca otoloreach, coring those gateau
thd tal etc _Tabora:Liar ramption, Canceri
cats. Aheumallotn.latbals. Fettrund Ago. Yams d
all igiodv, Cleronic Erythrehr. and all them obstinate Illi
cases pientiar to fentake. Indeed.' tied Lem of Bawl
ranithee ender the me of Idei ramedlVowhich-tatounio
of IA belt—hot by the nee of ,ont, tom nd only, for ling
la locompailble with rhytolologital Law but try the use A
hie rental:ice, whipted to. Aril _ for e each presillri
hum of &soma • . -.
- Dr. Ither'S 'RCM Alterative Me. whim med. mu: invert.. •
litttt,',lrpici.ll=::-..: , " rib U eltal b r7tTe to ' lle=
le-4 Doe loom metatneng es talre Me Gomm Fills are at '
milted, by the faculty. to pm.. ye p
prn*PlP.4 +.01.;
001 tr. - frm.h. &sesame bat hobo matted that it bare trh
hi sullicierd ,P set.thrh what boo toW4-4554. it, the salads 0
the moot ekelteuL , , , ___l
The afflicted ere Serltra ha .11 upon the trait. sad pry
onn, (meth) one cf the Doctor. panaphleluldthill • -
ed a&ol3llt t uf elicit remain ...1 I. SPIP/k54 , 5 33 ..
For wile nr the balmier seem., .0.11 Mo/ mile' Are, ' ; ' , A -
giver thtoughont Its roontrr • , 1 ; a
.1. Set... meeker a ab.,114 M'ePl 4., •IttoliOfgti. - • 1. ,
J. 11. T01f11.3.1[1. b3 . 1.3t1.43 4 5 445444 . 4 'ln' " I •
tee A. Beckham, I/roguish mut the Poet 0111ce,ADegh.
or city. • I,
Joseph Itarkliy, Darthecton. Waver amity, Pa. '' •
Jan )bulb. Boom Valley, 0 •• 0 ' '
T. Adam, Seaver. '. i. t ; 0 '-• u.. 'i t
anulthdly ' . , ' ~_,
. I
~ l •
COMFORT Awn RELIEF z , ...i....
ZDR TILE AFFLICTErrwiII be fauna ti
7,r. Dewitt C. Kellintreel , INFALLIBLY. LINUILENI
gie Yield. w hiehlao ste.l the ten of Wirt,' Iranvie
netieuce.bal has, beyond a doubt, loot the memo or nr.
log the liven of thotounds of ludividnals, in alnuat; Weer •
clammed tharatter of Menem. I . Te feel that es Ward 11`,
It it el=esgiz o r t lth o lLi; the o
t ly . ttialltine that lumber.,
very setae of the • ' •
What it is mid for. ''' S
It Imaeuted. and to capable of curing more dlsomeatibri
auction - medkloo offered fur sale, we rale {tot. In. Who)
niedo Or sad. or by what name...,.. _
As a st ro ng asset convincing Omer Of the oboe., ti t st_l
that it to the only article that hes thleered le the terms •-
re nt Medicine that has
ever heal pate - onkel and recede
i ' - ' d i1!,7, prate of the elite generally, se the most egreel4
t uolly itodbitia ever o%ted for sale. or toed by '
X' way - ,
The llon. Moen Lt. Grinnell, late /4.C. The llarblii
"' /1-31ortie. lea Barer. llon. John A. to. hie U. a. son ~
•• tor. IV illithelL Porter. Eel...Diller of Spirit of tle. -
Tinw. aml 0 bad of other dathignioled Utile. a Net.
tart. who has folly Waal lie mesh, hate Rebell:tett t 1.1.•
'proprietor to refit to llowo._ n
- , As it is well known that Patent slftlkiL3s. AM =A . &
ally patronise:l by the hunted: wealthy 'sad tedlte el
welate undonbtodly a right ro fuel ooreelves MPhil' littl.l
- ileged. Thai Wonder ireingerniponnil hag teen near,
0 "even years before the bhlk e la met Weedier& mar D..
Matured and tett :Th is most undoubtedly to Steen' tiri
-. convindreg proof of ha genets/ awful... and-mead
1 Oolitic,. It is a reveatign remedy turfrit p=reens Memel
rheumatic porno, ecrobilout nirellinge. gyrate, brirlies, 0.,
coma sod all the habil and aches bleb flash a belt to, .i•
• tirm 1,000,01.10 Uhl. Lave bp - . mid without complaint
endhave perla fed eruct astonishing move, alter alAtoth4
"remedies ham felled. um would Mawr, belief, had lielp
offered, and to am ponemion, the stiongeot powdblertil
-..0r, moody. Is prepared from tel.
* TM; irmlieine, notate
4, 4hk , '""W`"....ta " Tr i lt heal ta' It eet o dl
atath:r e dinTali -' 4ups,thlionti
siketioot, e m the !sift..." e.A
W Inmate at female, hem hatever mum
. M
h Telfe j fein ManbscMhw R. E. gelle , re, ke4 . 6
6.. eat Urden • tonenitm met Irr the retal liewe
M to
tem, Mel one'awa ixrq
IL h pot .P •Jual-24
VER . VESCING .C0.:41p0 . .•
Cl.yound ir wfunankti to new the Man dl
Ben ate. when used for ma • man" ka
beekvbeat 'miter, tau b w kg acted in tb
'pear of about la per • 14 . ' •
to 11.3 lies,--T auk of •flour add tio ten.-
menwhilsaf fkimmorml'and the ti6'of ran, wird
diem thoweighty touttbm while dry (UM mates a twit
pared Boar th at - you own vet aside and ime m
klrej then ,
add arum. ooldtrater aa will make dm Wargo the
10 MlMl:sem knead it well, and tot it rtfurf Mesa mintibi) •
before MMus—owe ar two boom wade,. b u nt, ltirceill
should be mimd m h M 1.., and laid at wt.,
fed will do no Lust to stand MUwa or twrto Inlanten- Tbetel
U tw danger ofkettlug too, niudi of the Conism.llll tle
lam.; it will bit tees tlla bread yelloal as salindwadwil
meil to eseadot - ; . • . ,
you arn put-the stare Ciiintroarid (to teareikei;porl
dine, johnnaltat Indian ham. niMow inkes,.taMmici.
enk. comi , brown bream, bieruk maw', bury,
wheat esker, app itualpfr. Destine, and for all . Wintil•
WM., Just received pool for own by -
.100 s '
. X. thod
Ar:4 D: : Trentl
Dullantreirard will It baki b any atin who
produos a opre. of twied, mane sr as/. tint crowd
traded with lion's Immured ilistaloal roan. 1. have dal
tufactlai of mding ke the noble of tide that. tht',
utiele, by my' own Insiwaretinat on It, now stands 'word
mind ist ibis muutry for ex ritelind armee. tanidlatb of
realtt...F any other minty rdwts. , o, from ttert,rt remi
hemen or Mine cloMininrinrsh , table sptr.dh mK ~
haul, b orefe t r . Ilyannit OPT thine
that mum water will not lunr , • lion- than cam th aw. ,
'perm.ln different pares the country Lam told me tbe.'
274,TArl!rlild',91,Atti,..",tr rhswtr
Mut maim., time o.i.r found thaw doreest ' d
of al pacm, and four of onat which it ch.Sedtben.
alefelt.r, tot p, pottier on a light dreesi try a
moat L
or Mot tirst. 'I aim ills km." 1 00
iaaf to
10 relatimend an yntronger than I Mum tone attic.
at= V' Lava " 11. ' SkiLLM 'P
Ilhle' ' dealt' . ° I . • • nt Vlneet
TErtini.S . COUGH
b.lloAiske bt:fwe I feltnoi benodelalettertni
-- noel. •
Ain.R.ESELLEfts- -Sir: Sufferingfrtimi ,
• .14 mush. for whkb 1 blot' many Meier,"
p rtrig itaTl wbkb
owe In both the nubile to reure. : •
arertrt laudAM of. It twimi bin Ddb , t,
eial einem ed the Intim 15sord b*l . meas.
. ohm t hsionle.. tmtlfyas In umlaut, witner.,
•Ur br a evert. eui &kali w
oo,fmins: CM in ylbstieular.:
who b r a e ryitur attar; on Mr lon. eMOMPI.MInfIib
he 1 crily theymil true eseularirurprn,,.. •
weurbaall'l i " ^ .ff . " 17 5" . 4,77,2
7.7°'77' C ST 11TtI1GLLAl11 13n
pittph:Jtai. IL, leZt.
p re and *old by IL r..• muss& NO.S7 Wool et 1-
sod .0 by• „ Min