The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, January 29, 1851, Image 2

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    tilTane4 of his 'tido" of the 14th ins ~ to, re
,il44"t:l4°..ausiS/STA fice. vf.seur, ,4c434m7 Al ortaZigialX•xtre to-the opinion Of the "late At
. togaellaeneraliWitt, , elaborately Trifiten under
r • tilt' ednintimakettlio .116 n; .7:0- ;
„ t p 7 .- dentof pad Didtq. Staten, ataLptieted;in,"M...
• ori"Dipro - io. Cade,' (Appendix, volume it., page
',ll'.,l376,),eonelnditig in the follouriug.
.01 - efia of opinion that the section Of the- 'w
• "" , soider conilderntion Li void, for being agshist ate-1
'enstitfition, treaties, and law of" the 'Malted
States,:and incompatible with the rights of
• lionshi amity with the United States'"
;'• Thisepinion; your Excellency under
tigied;efracelees; hold to be well founded an the
power of treaties, as ruled by allitriters
malittornaidonst,laW, and briefly bit
lylaid4win by Wheaton, in his 'laments of In
s emotional Lew" _who itates,{page chap. i.
"pan 2) tinder head of the “Rights of Self-
APredoreation and Independence," of ,Jnations:—
"The only exceptions to the applications of
these t'',Ctleria rules arise oat of eomppet, such as.
~' -1, : treaties of alliance; guarantee,- or mediation, to
whichahe State itself, whose concerns are in
- restintr has become a party."
The undersigned feels fatly alarmed that B.
We. Goomment may confidently linty on the
justice and good faith of the Lagislatare of South
''" , G'arolina to. arrest from the presek moment the
operation of annct which he apprehends will on
''':ecroplention, be Totted liable I r by the individual
~IMitation it must cause) to create the results it was
'deigned to preclude.
(SlPed) GionnEl3l
firs Excellent-Y . , • '
Thfi Gommor of the State of South Carolina.
• I Cokameta, Dec. 19,111800.
Thoundersigned, Govmmon over {ho Common
. wealth of S. Carolina, has the henOr to acknow
' 'ledge. the rect;pt of the - noto of the 17th, from It.
consul, and infoims him dint it will be
-traranntted Co the I,cgislaturc thrtl4vith.
;Tiohnders:goad takes this occasion to renew
4/13' 1154jr.S.V.CCurhi.3 own friendly feelingo, and
thoth orthe clam Over whichim had the honor to
toward U. D. Government, and also
141 individual respact Surlier Brlttatio Jle,jetty's
• _ll
(T h #:e.a)•
IGeo- ,,, a E. ILlthew t Esq.
. -
rae-Virgiain gesolutioaß, rely;
. ,
by th 3 Lr..; , -Izinture of the'Old Dominion,
Etc !az.
'lll •
. orals, The qilCati,llS whichilately agidited I
iiin•Uprwicis of thS United StateM and threaten
. xd Sht pa .en of the° country, anal toe very exis
fahce of t'ac Union, have been happily ternsina
. . - teA•by the several ants Isnown US' the "Compro
mer.aurcs;" and, •
Wilma.% The adjustment of thain questions
Res effectedwithout contravening, the position
taken by Virginia. at the late s4sloa of the La
; :." gislatura; and "whereasthe said caMpromhe mea
tuarna are regarded by Virginia as binding upon
;:. I talAlle Suite of this Union, however they or in
diOluals may deem them short the full mea
%trout Narita to the Glare Staten; and rrhefeas,
Virginia canaiders, as she ever has considered,
I...the Union a great blessing; ana whereas, also,
.:Virginda regards the compromise measures in
the nature of a meaty ofJenne blatween the non
airmail-eh:in and the ale, holding States, There
•Be it resolved by the Gent.l Assembly of
Virginia, That Virginia will stild to sad olido
by those megeures in good fatsh, and will not
anemia or countess:into any Statel in the violation
of tiles,
Rao:re% That Virginia dissolution
tine re
peolef the fugitive sle% law a dissolution of the
Union, nod will, in case it islrepesled, rause
any longer to recog,nisc hertelf_a member there
"..',llcualred, That Virginia looks with profound
• Upon that reckless and lawless party
Strike North,jrzown as obolitioeists,ruad regards
.'themLs persons destltato cull i claim to the see
:pod or :Olt:sr:on of • mant„ira, and that each
State owes it to its sister States? arrest 01l fur
, thee agitation of tho alaverpq 'e.stion by them
<'Sitltin :h it iimitt
Resolved, also, That oar Seriatrirs, in the Sen
ate of elia United States be inntructed, and our
members of Congress bo requested to sustain the
eampzentise measures in geed faith—and, in
ease the Lew, generally known as the ingitive
law, is repealed—or, Congressi shelf pass nay
Levi abolishing slavery in the District of Colum
' bia, or abolishing slavery in, s i r The slave trade
.between the States, that see Said Senators and
members of Congress resign. their seats in the
reapective bodies of which theiere members,arid
return home.
Resolved, That the Governor of this Coalmen
, wealth be requested to send a espy of thetie rose
•• Indent' to each State of this Union, and - alio to
• our Senators and Representatives in Congress.
We mentioned, yesterday, the arrival of the
steamer Arctic at Halifax. Subsequently the
following intelligence was sent on by telegraph.
..'The Arctic brings advices t 4 the llth of Jan
!riary,lnclarive.l She was' to !leave Halifax for
- New York 'at Midnight, •en riday. She will
- probably 'arrive at her dock Carly 4 Monday
• From England there is no news, if we except
. tLe eingle'.fact,lltax the Board of,Trado returns
fon the month Fading Decrh , e L, ahows au
Z4ICILOC en .the exports ova. the .corrsapond
121g month of the provioas year, of rising £Ol7l,
Dublin and (Away r;11 road isadvertis
e4o op , for travel on thelirst of June. A
fire inn bulldoze estsblisbmsot in Dublin. bad
dest-oyed wordrof property..
Great es:cites:tent, had ; Fain/led at Paris do.
'''ileg the tree:;,_ in_colmequence of the resigna •
Hen en paciso cf thiMiniraryi; This ma cansed,
Drat by the open hottility, of the Proficient tow
ard General Chang:tinier, and eetondly, that in
' :defiance of the open protcatatien of the Ministry,
the General received perinia'alor., by a deMded
tonjorlty;il justify, his; conduct before the As
' ociably. Both the ' Right aid Left warmly ap•-
:',' plaudedhini,.When the Ministry abruptly with
' drew, and. with equal abrupriesa, resigned in a
' 'bedy. The president ciperienced great diMcul.
' ty bathe formation. of a newl.Cabinet, M. Barret
having refused to accept elite. .
On Friday main, before the sailing of the
Aretic, a' telegraphic despatch was received at
. iveiPatil; eanottacing thuttho Monitcur hadiap
..pear4 nific the Prtsideat's firdelf, and the odi
, clod atincuucement of Dltuyta do pilule for For
eign tff'lra, and General Heynand des Jean de
. Angity,- for the War Ofifice,l; with new appoint-
Mode also fn. 3rUll3ter of 31arir.e, Public Works
and ComMerce. • ,•
othrk decree; aigned by the Minister of the
' Interior and of War, is, published; revoking . the
.decree by. which the National Guards and the
- . troop of the firstdivision wore united under one
.- ednunand. The. effect orthiS decree is to abolish
thq p6st liMetafore held by. General Changander.
• GOteral Perriot takes com,4and of the National
GittinVand the troops of the first division are to
be commanded by j General I.laragusy &Millers.
He enters upon his duties by general orders to
the anny'of PariS, in which he explains the'ob
.• ject of hia mission', and says that he will main
. tainthedlsciplinewidch his'predeeessors had ea
tffhlt.tod.l • Ho aMe says that fie trill uphold the
• • at‘theiity; established by the constitutioa
tan, andlgive hie energetic support to the execu
tion of ti laws.
t 7
A lscript co the deOatch under date, 7
o'clock, Ds that a inotitin had been made in
the A seufbly, that the uminbers should - retire to
- tireirLiitiCeaux to (raise a commimion to prepare
molaitions exprealive of the Legislature in re
. wad to recent estate, which motion use car
ried., g:dust the , ketive opposition of the Minis
'-try,' by a vote o 660 'to 35:2. Great confa.ion
'' Is' reported to have preraMed In the Assembly
v 4is i l i t t ize o l
was dent
ofth t' e
i hO te. eon Friday.
' to ed opened at 0 MS. art closed at 94,63.
• I
The intelligence from Germany could not well
o m6re indefinite, The Mete are, that the Enf
pror of Austria and the Sting of Pramia were le
cetlat Dresden, about thOniddle of the month,
' o eon:silt once again upon the affairs of State;'
ti that.tho federal commissioners, appointed to
raegothe Schleswig licisteiu difficulties, had
rrived,at Rendsiarg, and had given the author
ties I.hreo days to decide 'Wpon what course they
, -
. uLd purs!ley . •
[ltfendsburg M a strongly fortified town upon
o Eider, In the Initihy f,f holstein, exactly on
frontier orGermanyand Denmark, 60 miles
north -West of Hamburg; and has about 10,000
sopulation.]' 't' . ••
•The - Cpinion teems to prevail that the republi
caM, or at least a revolutionary. movement, may
yet tie , made at 'Rome, thelPrench soldiers bovine
becomp,csccedingly obuoilous to the people, and
2dattitu, and other Italian refugees still Ending
Opportunities toy conimunieatc with sympathizers
the Holy City . It is supposed that any earl-
TL difficulty ati Paris wquld Supply the Roman
people with- an 'opportunity to revolt once mere.
Little chance °slots, however, for any successful
Imareteeatiri that 'directila, o th er Catholic pow
ers tieing new fit liberty o aid his holiness with
-.41, little more grape," if tut nee6it. •
.~~A'friendof ours, envying, yesterday, the
=las' of the buildings which lately fell, on Twee
tyTirst it., obierced a p i per woman, clad is rus
ty sr4eds moan:dug, 'wandering abcmt the spot,
COLE ',despair pitti .l...A.h! red o said a w n letrery lineanient of h
couritenance. orkman, • , she
ino or the whiatris: 9ho fs crazy!" " What a vol
ume of woo was expressed In that eitlee son
' Y. Courisiatalovizer.
PI: 71 4 =1 r"'
_ .
wzDnsDAY 310IiNIN6, JItICUAILY 29, 1831
- ----- r ---
ne z..... 21, Courier, of the 23d trot, con
-hisisMan editorial article on the subject " of rail
made, which takes the extraordinary ground
that 'Pittsburgh has given up the idea of being a
point on the great railroad - thoroughfare between
`the east and the west; -and to prove this the edi
tor quotes - end reprints an article from a late
nnfaber of the Pittsburgh Commercial Journal,
headed "What ought Pittsburgh to do?"
The Editor of the Zanesville paper rays:
"Pittsburg's, for a long time, condoned to in
sist that the different routes which were
plated to pass through that city, were mt
favorable. The proof to the contrary is so over
whelming, that even the leading papers of that
compelled to adm it the superior Toed
• 186,091' lo 2 20
citypre now
advantages ;of the Central Oh i o and Ilernpfield ,
roads. Per the evidence of this we need only re- T he present prices of iron, according to lest
P r to the artiele which we copy to day, from the mica, are as followni--300 tons Scotch pig from
Pittsburgh Journal. We nob ourneighbors of the ship at
i s2o,soaand 115 do. at $2l, 6 mos. 3®
Miami Valley to read it." - 400 tons English bars brought $38639 from
Now, we beg lo be excused from beitig incite'. ship, but the principal hoidens ask $4O; 100 do.
Staffordshire $44- and 400 packs damaged Rus
e,' i n the category of those who are "competed to i ,,.
, hot„ ~ cis. ,
,:, teas. .
admitadmitthe superior . 3 ".tekle. of 0 0 C. ,. .u . " 2 Ohio The borne of this iron we suppose to be rice
and Hayfield Hoods." We have never believed ; YILLIJiiS 07' OOLLAnS, and three millions of it
and have never admitted any such thing. We ! railroad iron. Oee c
an eat dly realize the miner
have always held that Pittsburgh, tieing the can- I .1 „. .
contesting point of the drainage of the country, 1 and we suPpose it is such facts which have pro
is the natural focus for the union of the railroads Sliced the change of opinion we bear of nt Wash
to be constructed in the region of country which 1 Wigton; as to the . necessity of sone modification
our rivers dada. of the lariff.—N. Y. Express,/
Fire •
We know that the site of Wheeling it not point- Five millions of dollars to sit out of the coun
esnut by nature for a great city, And that the try, and nothing to bring it back. Of these are
town now there hasbeea built by main force, and 1 millions, onatenth has been taken from the pro
is sustained by main (exec. The folly of locating ! prietois of iron Works; and nine-tenths from the
rail.-oads with a ruler and pencil upon a core- , methinks, laboreriand farmer*. That is about
mon map has often been demonstrated. We' the division. Of these five millions, three mil
hharn great deol about air line
,distaaces tram ;lions !were for railroad iron. I Now had we an
&embus to Baltimore, and from Columbus to ; adaleate tariff, this railroad iron would have
, Philadelphia. Mateetaias, livens, steep grader, I been made at home, mad would have cost perhaps
l ord short local curvatures arc email mutters to ! 15 per., cent more, which would have swelled the
I :gentlemen. who locate rail reads cau the bird flies 1 amount to $3,150,000.
1 through the air. The air line distance from Now see what incoanisteet mca these anti-tar
-1 from Wh e e z ing to haltimore is 222 =ilea, while ; iff democrats are. They profess to have a holy
the length of the Baltimore and Ohio &thread 1 horror of wealthy emporanana--nionopolies,"
I between the. same points is 300 miles by the , as they call them—and a special love for the far
-1 Grave creel:route! This shows that it is seventy ; leer .aud the poor man, while their anti-tariff pa-
Iper cent. longer than an air line, add yet to save I hey has deprived the farmerand laborers of three
' distance it has grades of 116 feet per mile: It millions of dollars, and enabled aVA of railroad
commit down Grave creek and terminates ta -monopolists," "aristocrats," 'ispectitaters," and
Wheeling the corporation :pace yard; and in , all the other hard names in thelocofoco vocabu
' that grave yard it is proposed that the ilempfield ! la.ty, to lave fear hundred aid fifty thousand
rail road shall begin, whecever the Legislature 1 doll:wain the tingle article ofitilread iron! Can
of Virginia can be persuaded to permit it, of 1 greater folly and ineousiste ey be imagined:
which at present we ice no probability. Now let US look at the other side. We will sup-
Toe cadent borough of Greensburg, l mburg, to this pose I 1 farmer needs two hundred Pounds of iron
State, which contains about eleven hundred in- ; in a a year—many do not require the half of it—
habitants, vans the birth-place of the Hempfield 1 which at three and a half cents is seven dollars.
Railroad scheme, and its father was the retire- But joke fifteen per cent off and the farmer
sentativo of that town in our state legislature.— ! would nave the enormous sum of eine dollar and
Now, it is a singular feet, that if that road should 1 five .cents: 'This would compel:mato pretty well
ever be made, there is ho probability of its going I for a reductiOn of twenty five per cent on all he
to Greensburg: From Greensburg down the 1 has, to sell'. Seriously, ouch is the practical
valley of Brush Creek and Turtle Creche, to the ' working of iceofoco political evooomy in Peau-
Monongahela near Braddock's field, la the difficult ; sylthnin.
. part of the Peaaativaraa Railroad. A straight I We oometimes hear the question asked, Why
line upon the map gives no idea of what the road I arc I Penasyleania democrats' so infatuated as to
will actually be. One election about a utile long I favor so ruinous a policy! We think wa can ex
will cost $130,000. It Is absurd to suppose that 1 plain this too.
two roads, leas then fiv.e miles upttrt, will be I i Pennsylvania democracy is nowt:nide up para
built through oath a country, when one will an- ly of two elements, we say now—for it
aI:CS every purpose better then. two. The fixed a lweye no „ Th e e ra ', i s y aeo f e m e ,,,, 9, !,,, e ll up,
expenses, the interest end repairs, must be borne dithatisfied, disorganizing, spoils-seeking'," and
by the trade. They would be twice es much for h aha jj,h ouo d us element. The other i s adoul u_
two roads as for one, and one goisd road still a face-ism"—anew, very awkward, bat very exprea
doable track will be amply aaffident-for the ho- rive term. This very pliable element is careful
, sines. The estimated Cost of the' Pennsylvania ly guarded from any loath except that of cotton .
I Railroad from Johnstown to Pittsburgh, 78 miles, planters, who have the exclusive right to mould
lis $2,715,000 or $34,800 per mile, and the lino it jest as they please. Now as these cotton plan;
proposed for the Hempfield Railroad is decidedly 1 tors believe that their interests require just such I
mere difficult- The Pennsylvania Railroad has 1 a tariff as the present, they twist sheer dough
grades of filly 'feet per mile, and Mr. Knight ; faces in that direction, and tell them that free ;
proposes for thiallempfield road grades of eighty I w a d e tend d ew ,,,,,,,, ‘ „ toe and the tease thing. ,
feet, and . ionoclei . 10 .. of the Icloo.og.ho la I I This, we take, it'is the scant of this anbutalous I
1 Speed is en essential clement in Railroad opt- state of things. The democracy of our state have I
rations, and time is the true tat of data.e. About tamely relloquished the right of private judg- I
one million of dollars Will make a good Railroad, maw; and like all p eop l e who have s i v a up',
generally on a dead level, along the Ohio river, the privilege of thinkirig, for themselves, it Is ni
ftier, the Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad lit most a hopeless task to reason with them. They
Beaver, by Wellsville and a teubenrille, to Bridge- follow their leaders, and their leaderathemselves
port .iippoaite Wheeling. The stance will be follow other leaders, and se they "go ifblind."
about fifty-nine miles from Beaverto BaclgePort. "A Protective tariff in democratic"
No triunthipuient will be required, and no crow" leader. in 1844. "Burrs for a protective tar
ing of the Ohio ricer. From Pittsburgh to ; iff." shouted the rank and file =tsea protective
Bridgeport can be run in three hours, said all I tariff is not denfocratie," shouted the leaders in
the intermediate towns will be a... ommodated.— ' 1848." "Down with the protective tariff"' was
From harm to Beaver, twenty - five 'lee , we shall the servile echo of the . multitude. Is this a
4 ,
have - one of the beat roads fur • speed in the fancy sketch? We sincerely wish it wen; but we
country. - I a ll know that it is a plain statement of a humi
aloaneVernon is much
nears r
the centre of . Rating Chet . We can pity the poor olive who is
the State of Ohio than l Columbas, to which point I driven to his teak, beeauriehe cannot help It; but
ill distances for the Hemptield p ojest have been 1 the poor creature who voluntarily bows his neck
loc i
calculated, and thearraagements hive just been ; to the yoke excites *Cry different emotions.
perfected for tho survey and tioa!of a Rail- '
ilel - from the Ohio and Peroasfil .vial Railroad,
near Lendoncillei to Mount V aa, to connect
with Delaware, blprin„lield, and Ci eirinati. This
,is a =O5l important movement r the interests
of Pittsburgh; and, at the reel est of the ele
ct.= of Mount Vernon, who In ve raised the
funcls for the survey, • pea its resalta
will be prepared by the Chief. neineer of the
Ohio and Pennsylvania Rtilroa 1 Company. it
; is believed that this will prove to ho the best
' Railroad roam between Cin - ate, Pittsburgh,
and Philadelphia. „
We aware
; the editor of the ganesville paper
that he is
,greatly mistaken ie sat posing thet the
I superiority of the Hemp field mite 'amerce been
admitted or thought of in this regime and fur
-1 thennore, that there is noreasonable probability
' that tha read will ever be haat! Rut that will
act prevent. the Ohio Central Ili:roach or the
Sleabetrille and Indiana Pail: sad, or any oth
er improvement from the heart of Ohio leading
to the river between this city'Wheeling, frod
louring the very best ecazectio s with Philadol
phia by th e Pealasylvacia Rail oad, as we con
tend that the ricer roate Ls'th shortest. and
host, sad cheapest R thread Jett which can
be adopted.
Furthermore, ehould it be thought neemary to
cross the country bctsseza the Maaang.thela and
Ohio Valleys at any future time, the route by
Pittsburgh will be found the shortest and best,
either from Wellsburg or Wheeling, as the diffa•
.tittles of the country this s h e, of Greensharg,
Osseo-noticed will drive thread ea near this
place, that it will be found bt to come hare.
jcasl l llL Mr.xss.
t<irra CAZOLINA Cnit-Jun
respondent of the Net: York
that the •following passage •
annual Message, but was s
of the British Consul,
rtudly ritioereci to the LelirLi:
S:ata paper! Hens:.
"Does history, upon a sing
iII3tZEICO,of a ristdon ceasing
returning sense of justice,
ry to the oppressed° Let t
bored Poland—of ruined H.l
question. dy!—redd the hie
!,tonuice in the conduct of Eny!
fenny lielartd.' Aloe—The
renitence hat born too lolly pat,
her patriot cone can be roiled
sot irutantly
,eratetted by th
British drone No hand ear
blow for I,er liberty, that is no
Braish bayonets!".
opinion in Slichigan aboli.
death for deliberate morde
ago, Emil sufficient , limo hos
imprisonment thotry n fair
the Cleveland Herald has rec. ntly conversed with
intelligent men from diehi a . and without ei
ceptioO they agree that undo the nen law, mur
ders are much more frequen thourundur the old
one, and the cireumstances ttending them more
atramohs. The Detroit Advertiser gives the
same opinion, and adds the following reasons
for thdincrease of murder udder the now Ina:
"We punish alike then, him who with malide
in his heart brings desolation to the hearth-atone
of a family by striking to the earths husband
an d rather, and him who, driven by want, eahtil
the WC= of alleviating hunger, under the tont:g
ing lath:tease of bad associates and evil commu
nications, commis an act of dishonesty amount.
Ing to embessilement.
When tho death punishment is abandoned, a
large,class of evil doers are left without a mond
ri i stsaint. it each are incited to commit rob•
hairy,: they may .as well add murder, for the
punishment is the mete, and "dead 'men tell no
Anic:s." . • '
A bailing' may live, and take his_ case and
enjoyment, even is a penitentiary, and may look,
as he often does look, with comparative kiddier
age upon being in - oar out, of it; Ina he Ags only
one lift' to tom and he fears the loss of that quite
as utarlit as the pealthat and resumcfal"
Lit seems like a work of superenogation to pile
fact upon !art, to prove what is perfectly obvious
to every man who has eyes to see, or two ideas
to rub together, that our country is suffering
.severely from heavy importations of articles
'Arhieh we ought to produce causal es; but we will
add one more.
IMPORTATIoNS or laoa.—The [following Is a
statement of the quality and description of iron
which entered this port for the year ending De
cember 31st, 1850. It is furnished, for the Ex
press by lirm. Jackson, Esq., Examiner, No. 12
Broad street Such an importation of foreigp I
iron fur one year, into a country as full of iron
as this is, seems to us to be enormoule t
\Too'whets from.
. Cwt. Qrs. Lbs.
English Sheet and plate iron, 9;576. 19 1 23
" hoops and fine rods, 3,618 11 2 6
b ars , 50,919 12 3 2
" railroad bars, ' 70.032 19 1 25
•' pig iron, 38,951 15 2 2
Russia, Sweden, and Norway, 12,993 1 3 18
8a7A31137 171,5-' 4
.M.Sti Olt AM:RICAN 7:11
d. friend has presented us with alarriml7.e
py of a letter from i3E/saatm Frosamts, written
from Loudon, many years ego, to Humphrey
'lli/shall, of Chester county, Pa. We e/tract;
and publish a portion of it, to chow the eFuct
greementbetwcen the philosopher of those times
and the friends of labor ih cur day, on the su.
feet of protecting American Industry.
'wrote the Amen?iz sentiment of his day L•+:
',. If our country people would well consider,
ithat all they lava in refusing to purchase fox
„eigu gem-gnus, and ia making their own app.-
el, being epphcd to the improvement of their
plantations, would render those more profitable,
1 es yielding it greater product, I should hope they
I would persist resolutely in their present Commen
hiable Industry ;tad Frugality.—And there is
still a 'further consideration. The Colonies that
produce provisions grow very fast. But of the
Countries that take off those previsions, some do
Out ere se at all, as the European nations; and
others as ! the West India Colonies; not in the
same proportion. So that though the demand at
present smy be suEmient, it cannot long long
coutinue so. Every manufacturer encouraged in
our Connery, towhee port of s market for provis
ions within ourtelves, arid saves so much money
as must hthermise be exported-fur the wanufae
-1 Loxes he supplies.
. [fere in England it is well known arid under
!stood, that wherever a manufacture is establish
ed which employs a number of hands, it raise”;
i tits value of lands in the neighboring country all :
around it; partly by the greater demand nearer I,
at 1.41 for the produce of the land, and partly
i from tire plenty of money drawn by themaxtefee
tures tolthat part of the country. It seems,
therefore, the interest. of till our farmers and
owners of lands, to encourage our young manu
factures in preference to foreign ones imported
, among . from distant countries.
1 lam IXery much obliged by your kindpresents
of curious seeds. They were welcome gifts to
some atilt) , hiends, I send you herewith some
of the new burley lately introduced into this
, country,i end now highly spoken of. I wish it
may be Found of use with ua.
I wea l the more pleased to see in your letter
s f o
the imp im pro vement of our paper, having had a prin
cipel oh re in establishing that manufacture a u many years ego, by the encouragement
' I gave i .
If in ything I can serve you here, it will bo
' a plea to
t Your obliged friend,
And humble servant,
intent= Slatestau..
—A Columbia corgi
ussziny Post, says
a 5 its Gor. Mcusi'
_Helton Gilt on the
citer it had brell'ae
, and printed in the
e page, record an
.0a oppression from
r a feeling of mer
~ao Into of dismem.
ogary, answer the
ry of a nation's for
', lidlotrurd poor, sof
ti of hue saceessfill
So race of
her ikfensei which is
clamorous noire of
be raised to strike
instantly pierced by
o power of public
l,ctl t e penalty of
As c e lry thing relating .to the prospects of a
modis tiou of the Tariff is interesting, we cut
the following from the Waalaingtan correspond
ence of the New York Courier and Enquirer:
1, nearly six years
!lapsed to give the
I. The editor of
The friends of the Tariff, from different sec
tions, have now settled upon the terms of a pro
proposition, to be presented at the first favora
ble opportunity. They agree upon 37i or 90
per cent.;, 119 the case may be for iron, taking
the average of the ten preceding years as the
standard of valuation. They agree that the val
ue of imported articles at the time and place of
shall be regarded as the value In
assessing the duty. They agree that all mann
cactured.articles consisting in part or whole of
hemp, raw sugar and wool, shall pay a duty of
10 per eat 'more than the raw niatet t al. They
agree 'th the recomeadation of the Secretary.
of the sty, that the time that imported
goods ay remain in the Custom House after the
orightal entry, shall be three years instead of
_one. They also agree upon restoring - the free
,list Of I sl 2.
Th are the material provisions of the ar
rangelmt, and they concor,i3a Mast respects with
those municated yesterday, except that the
disc looting duty of 10 per cent. in favor of
the la material is confined to three. articles,
and that Mr. Corwin's suggestion in regard to
the worchouseing system has been adopted. No
plan tufa yet beef adopted for submitting this
rcrierg.i o CouV'Aes, And the various augestions
wilicL Lard bccr.• Rad *ill probably be held um.
der consideration for several . days. In some
quarters it is strennouslyurged that it should be
united with the River and Ilimbor Rill; and in
others; that it should be reserved as a rider for
that omnibus known as the Civil and Diplomatic
Bill, to which Mr. Walker affixed a clause in
18411, constructing his bill, which has never yet
been observed it, the true spirit, and which au
thori+es a pretty good tariff, without the consent
I of CongreSs, if the Secretary were disposed to
'twine a responsibility, which the terms of the
law justify, although it may not have been so in
truded. 1 may close by saying that the feeling
on this subject is improving in Congress.
Almost every science which is rendered sub
servient to the advantages and pleasures of man
kind, Is studied with due intereat and strongly
advocated, 'Seth in private circles and in public
halls, and whenever the human mind, in search
of any preconceived object to be gained in the
pursuance of art and science, accomillishes that
which is beneficial to man that accomplishment
is readily transmitted to other generations.
The science of music - hail its origin with the
first associations of man, and its commanding
influence has been appreciated by every succeed
ing generation. It is nut only the polished alai
enlightened nations of the world who have found
their highest source of pleasure in, chanting the
songs of praise, but the uncivilized lied Men of
the forest have ever employed their ride concep
tions of music in offerings to the " Great Spirit ; '
and that a love of musical harmony forms a con
spicuous item in the natural development of the
bunion character, is manifest from a voluntary
disposition to render music subservient to our
several religious and civil purposes.
Wherever this science is cultivated, the accom- ,
plialiment is considered indispensable. it should
be among the first branches of education taught
to every child. When the mind is young, the
Lent tender and uncontrollable, Music is taught
with more valilable results. Indulgent habits of
recreation, which almost invariably cultivate dis
sensions and strife, will be exchanged for musi
cal treats, which. subdues the passions, elevates
the; mind, awakens those purc emotions that
suppress every inordinate desire, and fills the
soul with unapeakaule pleasure. Parents cannot
impart more valuable education to their offspring.
it moulds a cheerful countenance, fashions a
merry heart, that sing away its tribulation in
after years.
When music is employed in aid of military
puri,oze, it fills men's hearts with enthusiasm
and love for civil and religious rights, and ban
ishes fear ani danger from' their memory. The
song of the • Star Spangled Banner," that waves
her •' glorious stripes and stars" o'erthe altars
of liberty—the grand superstructures of those
hands; whose spired - ashes nth moulder and
mho& with the earth. which beard their memor
ial at Banker 11111—tie glorious song, associated
with its thrilling sentiffient, is ample persuasion
within itself to arouse a spirit invincible in times
of war. Yes, our national airs will kindle firth
in American bosoms that the engines of no po
tentate on earth can extinguish.
Sir Phillip Sidney was not Ignorant of the
controlling powers of music over the lumen will
when he said, " Let who will make the laws of a
people, allow me to write their ballads, and
guide them at ray will,"
Then !et us join in the sweetest accents of ac
cord to swell the songs of our Union, until the
last dissenting voice shall die away in the dis
tance, and our sentiments, our interests, become
one mil inseparable. Nor is music lens effectual
when associated with solemn occasions, when sor
rows shall come upon us, when clouds of allliction
shall arise, to dim the rays of the brightest star
in the constellation of relatives—music, plain
tive, wild, enchanting music, will dispel the bitter
griefs, altd elevate the soul abase the storms of
human afflictions.
--Me have a divine command to worship with
secs') and instrumental music, such no the trum
pet, the lute, the harp, the organ, &c., though
some well meaning persona of the present day
denounce the instrumental accompaniment to the
human voice, in divine service. I would refer
such to the 50th Psalm. No langimge is more
comprehensive, no command more beautiful. I
hail with rapture our sacred chants of Taal and
instrumental music. Such offerings seem to ex
tract the ills that pervade the human mind, and
inspire the soul anew with more sacredemotions
—no purer sensations can arise, no offering more
holy can emend the throne of Heaven. Seraphs
will join the thorns to swell the song of eternal
praise. Oh, sacred music, lend UM thy enchant.'
ing strains and all earthily tribulations Shull bel
wrapped in
thy glorious charms.
Farnosm; N. Y. • I. 11. Minos.
We gather the following items Irons o lette
of the correspondent of the N. 1' Tribnne, , da
ted Mexico, Dee. 16,
Arista was to take'the chair of state on du.
16th instant, and the question asked every where
was: "What will he dot" Some thought he
would seize and apply the riches of the church
to the necessities of the government; „while oth
er., and among them Were many of the wisrsi
people of the country, held the opinion that
would immediately deliver the whole Republic
over to the United States. ,Such, it le said, arc
the despondency and Indifference of thegr3t
mass of the population, that be may do wham -,
er he chose' without much opposition. App -
armee, every where, favored peace. The army
had disappeared; those composing it,lhaving
covered bettor moons of subsistence; and the
country now enjoyi the benefit of their industry.
' The people had found the dolly of internal
H and were disposed - to quiet, repose, and
the stability of premium:it Mr. Doyle, the
British Charge d'Affaires, had protected ar,ainit
, the regulation of the interior debt. The proleht
of opening the route across the Isthmus of T
huantepec was looked upon faiorably.
In Dajrica, the rel, I :11elender, taking adv t
age of the panic tensed by the cholera, hid
mode an attack on Tehuantepec, on the let of
December, and was repulsed by the troops aid
populace of the Once: 40 his Sight, he 67 , 1
eeveral villages. The force at Tehuantepec h
been increased nod made ready for anyeu e
quent. attack.
• The production hf gold and silver in Mexico
had been more prosperous thsa in any, fonder
times, The following statistics, taken from the
report of the Minister of Finance to Congress,
shows the t0t.7.1 amount of these metals voided
in the saints during eighteen omuthz, from the
let January, 1613, to the 30th June, 1249.
Gold ' S. 2^R e dni
•. ?:7ji . h. • iVie;)
04517 I,4ti.te 1.:6+1•2 4
311,it , 7 1 1:A 4 X*
Adding now to this sum nine or ten raillionit of
dollars for. the six or six and s half millions that,
...cording to certain data, are left uneoined. and
which, in virtue of permission, are fraudulently
exported, the result is, the whole amount ex
tracted during the period above cited • exceeds
The annual product of nll the mines of qu ek
silver now worked is put down at from 2000 to
2600 quintals, which is much lees than is needed
for mining operations, the annual consumption
amounting to about 14,000 quintals.
Tho number of estates in Mexico is stated to
' be 13,000, the value of which is ostimatod at
$720,000,000, and the value of the city proper
ty is $033,000,000. .The real carat° of the Re
, public is worth $1,356,000,000.
LONDON, Aril 22, 1771
Gunallur• .......
San Lows .....
By the Falcon we have received letters and
Oregon papers to the 2let November.
We perceive that Anson'Dart, the newly ap.
pointed superintendent of Indian affairs to Oregon
has entered upon the duties of his office: Ile
has iavued a proclamation calling_ the atten
tion of all concerned to the penalties imposed by
acts of Congress for attempts to, dispose of
or spirituousliquors to the Indians or to intro
duce them into the Indian country.
A meeting had been heldat Portland, at which
seven hundred and fifty
,dollars were subscribed
for the relief of the overland immigrants, many
of whom, it 'was said, were beyond the\dlallas
river in a sefferinghendltion. n
The Oregon Spectator,publishes an important
decision by Judge Strong, or the United 8 tea
District Court. Under an att of the Legis tire
1 Assembly of Oregon, the proper authoriti s of
Clark county selected 160 acres of land a the
! site for 'the county buildings. The kid has
I decided that the act of the Legislature is coli p tra.
ry to the laws of the United Stites, and all ro
' eecilings under it are null and void. . The rea-
Sous fordhis opinion are—The act of Coo as
on which the territorial law was foundeat , 'yes
the right of preemption at the mlnimamV,
for a quarter section of land, for county -'
BM to each county in which there am bm be
jlonging to the United States. This not t. 14 fee,
; but the right to purchase, and the qualltity is
; designated as a quarter section, a legal ptibdi
vision The jade does not consider 160 nuts
as equivalent 4),ln:cue' it is the amount pf a
quarter section. lin the absence of surveys, is
could not be told 'whether they might not consti
tute parts of two or more etarter sections. ;The
judge says:
Tids.Cottat is bowel of
thee all the lands within the limits of thill-thrri
tory arc as yet unsurreyed, and in fact that the
Indian title is not yet extinguished to aatr-,
tiod of them. Under the organic act, CO 59
bits expeesfly referred In itself the primdry dis
posal of the soil. The , Legislatire Marbly
therefore hare no right to confer antborit'y upon
the Judgei of Probate to appropriate üblic
lands in Oregon territory for any county or any
other purposes, unites authorized to do so by act,
The paper . above quoted publishes the follow- .
ing paragraph. If it • shall indeed prove true !
that coal exists in large quantities in the territy,- j
ry, skid in such I% position as to be easily trans-
pert ' to the eon c oast, the discovery is one of
imm I nse importance, not only to Oregon, but to
the mmerce of the Union. It is now tolerably '
well !ascertained that there is no coal in Califor
mhile it is equally certain that the day is
not ihr distant when an immense steam marine
willlte employed on th e shores of the Pacific. A
sour e of supply of that indisperemble agent in 1
I stenos navigation, near at hand, and within our
I awn Xerritory, is something greatly to be desired,
and we hope that the announcementhere made
.may prove to hove a veritable foundation:
. A gentleman handed us one day last week a ;
piec of stone coal, which, in our opinion, ap-
pronches very nearly, in appearance, the anthra-
cite 'coal, as found in Pennsylvania. He inform
ed 4., that it was found in Admiralty Wet, by '
Mr. Hancock; he states further that it exists in.
vast quantities—that there is a sufficiency to pro
pel ill theateamers that may hoot on the Pacific,
for tenturies to come. It has been examined by •
scie stifle men at Portland, and has been pro-
Wouliced coal of a superior quality. In burning
it Waves no cinder, and makes very little ashes. Letters from the Rev. Mr. Roberts, auperin.
tendent of the Methodist mission, say that the
weather in Oregon, November 20th, was remar
kably fine. The grass in many places was six
inches high. A considerable number of initni
grabts had recently arrived from the States, and
suety steamer from California odds to the num
R ev. Mr. Hoyt and lady, from Newark Semi
nary, New 3 cr3ey, arrived at Salem City, Oregon,
Not. 5, and entered immeilintely upon their work
in the Oregon Institute.
For the Pitteburgh Cantle.
. •
llnrvih is WOMAS.—V , C find in a California
diary, the following glorification of a quality we
should like. -A man of few words" is very
well, tut “it woman of few words" is a matter
open to argument:
I encountered, to-day, in a ration, name three ,
miles dititsnt, among the gold washers, a ROM= 1 lx/ AsTED,-A prix ate tutor, to chit o
from San JU3e. She was at work with a large .VV e; it...,taluon ors 1 , tr. , 1F Inc xitrl t .uic elett I.
wooden fowl by the tide of the stream. I ask- ' t a l,g,`,7llT - 1. , ,:,.,„ . „'1ri,24t i 11!',1;;;i1,,..`,2t,':'iju r .1bt pi,
oilier how long she had been there, and bow .u.l .7:C1r12t,...) or . titr . ther ialorlsmtlou, Inquire
much gold the averaged to illy. She replied, , °%11,...1,,,Tr.."".'r.i-}'.'"."`"r.ii'''
"three n'celn, and one ounce." HErreply remind
ed me Ot an annecdote of the late' Judge r , —.
who met a girl retaining from market. and ask-
ed her, 'glow deepaidyou find the stream? what
did you get foe you butter !"
"Ilp to the knee and nine-pence," was the re-
"Alf' taid the Judge to him:ult. "she in the
girl for for me; no words lost there;" tamed bock,
I proposed, was accepted, and married the nett
t week; and a more happy couple the congugal
bonds never united; the nuptial lamp never wan
ed; its ray wan steady and clear to the lent. Ye
who paddle oil and on for seven years, and are
to last, perhaps, capsized, take a lesson of the
Jlidge. That "up to the knee and nine-Pence"
ie worth all the rose letters and Melancholy
rhymes over penned.
The Syracuse Journal gives the quantity of
(Inondaga salt manufactured in 1850, at 4,269,
9 bushels, against 5,068,369 in 1849, showing
a falling off of 814,450 busheli tliwpaat sezet.
The falling off this year is attributed to the un
n_sual large amount manufactured the precious
year. The markets of the lakes being over
itocked, required but little until the let of Au
gust, and the importation of foreign salt in 1849
exceeded that of any previous year by 397,978
The amount of Onondaga snit'' reaching tide_
!water anci,the ports of Buffalo and Oswego from
1845 to 1800 inclusive, appears from the follow-
845 883,845• '582,695 • 817,770
1846 692,442 566,572 1,529,475
1847 382,290 667,592 1,668,965
1848 343,618 1,136,276 2,186,610
1849 282.333 1,070,055 2,308,648
1850 ' 176,907 682,429 .2,084636
l‘cadtctrt or Par.ctotm fdrrata —The unfortunate
holders Of bank mesa la Amina—and the whole
popular belong to th at category—base been at.
tempting to make thernftlfC3 cad in the utter
absence of the Precious mantis, by inveaung their
money in copper. This made that ;metal mar
and raised its prices come SCO per vex whercupot
the mint dry toeholds. the rale et copper to any per
sons who could not show that ha needed it for acme
.Alabetna' . aignifits,_ is the Indian language
• Here we real" A. story in told of a tnbe of toil
ant who lied from a 'Meng., foe to the trachl
forest in the southwest Weary and travel.worn, th
rmrhed a noble river, which dewed enough a bea
gel country. The Chieftatat of the band amuck ht
tent ixtle in the ground and exclaimed, ..Alabama
Alabama!" ("Here we mkt-Here we mut")
srp. ?11...Am... Lan Pitte—The astentehing do •
La tbLe Grunt miWieithe menu to be owthe Wawa,
0 kw bean hatrolimedi it ho attained W PAPAW/ '• •
prenelentui In the animas of medical tirendoe. Phyak
an ming it in ouni wes at lemt.whas they can 04 •
It.. Patlenta, howirrer, wed mottle =Air th...1X1.. •
Wing mfdlnl Wise, to tbsi can yrirchme a tea of Li
Pins with whirch d11441/0.11r131 be fowler& which w.
work a enewlY ma. The following fetter Man an am
Mums ha huomibuity In the amigo time which Um letter
yr e d ; . Burnt Cabins, Dedfoni Co., Pa
Mardi Md. Via.
J. FlLld Co.kWool et. Pitteborgh—Gentleoun—l
find we ran WI • great many LW. of Ds. IPLanifir Pi
they , year .Gent left with oh. Thom Pills are ray
riungln favor. an:Pi. Lave :Mout WI all that we 13
If yen can send us ten or twelu damn wire burg t
will feet, yezhalm nnill yom agent eon intim us a n
auffilf. T. k. J. KELLY
I• Tor hale by J. KIDD t CO.,
jelfitikwa tio. GO 17m1 et
Desirable Suburban Residence for bk...
Tut subsereber offers Icr sale the hoots elf. tnTee it
ele:elle ono' ree ,
dce. ettietxl nu Past , tre 1- Mk,'
moat, In Allegheny, and about 25 miniebil ualr. from
market Of this ear. The lot le 140 feet treat on 1X:11, at.
running text 2:3 but, to an allergy.-etnitoralm; nearly I
acre of ground. and Isfrmanded OiTeterr erne ht large <
lots, adorned ettla tues and ihrulberr. The how
~,,‘ p er usx. boo", and osereehngirteedi arranged. ha , 4
a (rent Rd 1 , 0 feet, and a depth of 72, and cotter.. fou ~ R
'1 ..,.
canna. teskies halt, oboe feet wide. It is beat n the a.
MO 1100. deleabie manner. aud hat • Ilrelme -not aced
e-males all the modern errterenienem. Too par 44, niih
sr. metalling Ronnie of hard and Format.; are the Inqr.
ti Id
On the premix.< are the ',ream oat 14.4111 a . a , d , ~.
estrsge hum., le. The ground, ere laid our MI,. a a
'alma. eterered wish able fruit tree*, ecel•precila, Hovers g
shrub., currants, te,oseberriee , me•PhcrXebda..and aen 11
garden. The fruit is of the best hind, and the s are n
their prune, and rield enoOrla I.e the wants of • ordi r
bendy The situat i on of this property, ea to ea/ laity e
Ruhurhen cnneforts, eennbionl wilt enntagnity t the el ,
. rms. surretasßd by any residence In title Adai r . It Iles
• of T peruser,
si 'hoe of Om far over a =lle, o.
glle. FOutti Pittsburgh, the di, the MD rice
hill, around. foweild4 eludutbm • luu...k d
...Noll Ile eye 0.-err ire•ries, Eevry boat old
deports from the bort of Pittsburgh on the Ohio
ioll vita. The nunienoi mid ground, are abo
removed from any annoyoucc of dog, so dog
comfort sod fez - et-too, atid.allOrto a ntirome
and feinceful wit localod In rAme quielocok to
The property will booold of o bargato, nod '(
oo W first of dog:. Euguleo at the Gazette oft
ralo4o D. Y.
31R. lins—Str. I ebeerfullt romply with k
list I ...hi .a....` , . .. account Of the aim. I
..ry or my MO,. dam:h.q . 's 0e Ly the ...a of 1
bhe ems attacked withern
March tostorlien I iminodietelY applied to the
all in the city, by it was pronounerd
oe," and all ipureinie no hope or doing. her 1111
ter which I took her O. the country to an old
had been very sueressful In outing more. She
her nuts*ad hopeless, to she would certainly
that Ono, but also that the other would Odlow
wurifolous nifortiou of the blood. And Idp au
the time my father kJ. It. Vashonl cause to the'
that we bed better try pour - Petroletun, the
blind of one eye. It. Is no* about two mord ,
began lie use, and she ran how Fir 9 with both
As ever oho did; mei, no far to I ran tell, I hello
with the blessing of U. Almighty, been enroll
Moun t relipecilially, •
It. Foam Vase
fltlaburgh, Pope 30, 111U1.
/5/ - Yor melt by Keyeer A McDowell, 140
&Um, 67 Wad st, D. M. Curry, D. A. Ell
Klan, sad U. lichweds, Allruterpr ob.
t 4 t.
novipilwet. Canal Ilmin..beventh _
Citizen's Insuranee Company of Pittsburgh.
Office No. 41 Water street, in the watthouse of C.ll.
C. U. 1100100. Preeident A. W. Molt, Sell.'
This Company le now pet-pm - 04w insure oli unrcitandies
In stem eml in transitu, reeml.l6 ac.
Au ample guaranty for the ability mnl Integrity of the
institution. le afforded in the character of the DUrcbew.
who aro all eitiseem of Pittsburgh, well and faeceablY
known to the community kw their prudence. tnteiligence,
earl intercity.
buttewee—C. G. Hussey, Wm. Bagalcy, Larimea.
J Jr, Water Du ant, Hugh D. Hinz /441musl i1it1.1.01.•
Haworth. N. Harbaugh. P. M. Kier. spat -a
Domestic and Forcign f.4dtangr, /lank Notes,
Gold .3*. Scher, Bought, Sold ¢ Exchtiqcd
. Na 84 'Wood Street, Pittsburgh.
sap 1112/435V1 . oa mrr navvrrnt.
GOPARTI4ERSHIP—We have aasbeiated
wlt.h noon. ittah, laha Guider or the Estop,
odle Ilauk,Lo .01 devote his ifinonal attent.ilm LIAR
latuitla". TLu urkof b^n 4o6 . ,
Corner of Third and Market sta., Pittsb'gh.
Foreign and American Hardware.
No. 21) Wood Street,
A tall Acod complete stock or FORM/ V AM> AMERICAN
Eoitato fOr am. hprlng Walla soil which Wiry an. repared
atNi to patella/en at rum that win ...Paw
favorsabli with any of the'raiwrit calm
• • •
European Arley.
'its antwerlcar Intends visitinz tb. principal ritica of
Orrat Britain, Frame, and dUriaU the months of
ADS Mar. SO Jane wat, leafing; I.4l,bargb an Barth
litb, and will bo pleased to attend to .I , Y ...Icl. at a Du
lilnalcbaractet •11.4cD =ay by =Dia las eare.
jai:dimity JOE: D. DAVIS-
• •
Ou ' dlnday, 27th kutunt. at 2 o'clock, r. M.,jELTIA6IIII
Aar. Lair daughter of Samuel garr.
The funeral gilt take place thls afternoon, at 2 o'clock.
from the residence of her father, on Fourth attach Tha
trial. of u. fticair n.,,waralts .1.0(01 to ith'thi-
At Now Mahlon. 013 the sth !natant, in the; twentletL
pr ,,, l , .fdi b ; ace: — l ot the late
11.1! funeral will take plane tomorrow (Thnialay) at 3
o'clock. r. ti, from the mittenee of Mt. Johu If: Campbell.;
No. 27 thy Alava. The friend. of the family 11* inri:fxi to
ette4l without further untke.
Virlig:fitate Cential Committee.
Tux Members of the Whig Slate Central Coniinlitin
tat I,bverly's Hotel, to the Baronet of Ilanisbury. no
Tuesday, 4th of February next, at 7 o'clock, r. fur the
ponnue of Islas the time sad plans of bolding the Co. -
Tention lo nominate ci/xlidales for Governor sludges, ke
j, full and prompt attendones Younelted.
lIENRY ' , CELIA, Chid rnuo.
Wilkediarels, January 15,1451.
glren an TIIVIMDAI meeting nest, nOtb instant,
at Lafayette Ilidi, under the direehou of Ur. %Willi
KLEBER, who Will be waisted by iiims iteartmel >imam
lismoater,:tsania. Maim. and Yodels together
with a full' mad well trained Ilichastra. lbllowing
Proaranitae is entirely new, the pieces barbin tamer been
performed before • Pittsburgh audience.
PILEIG14111114•—•!LIII • I. 1
I. Orerturr, 'Tr. Dist°lo.. full Orchrstrn—Anbor.
t 13A i nt , ) ..l
f qeZtult tte I 210.27
Ili•ertUrt. "Stmt.:lolls." for rittla bat:14.041.; rt.
i. 101111.1. i tlrlterr Inv. (f 111 1!14•'.1 evdrdr:vs SGpuy
charmo." Vito Asst—Mtn,- •
S. Violin Solo,.Nlmtor Wo,orthrtrt—Thirlyall ,
O. P4111./1...310/..,:ne8 liatherin , ' Mr. Kt.torrt--1.,
7. )(law:Also , Eau tutd Chsrus. with Orarrartst
accompAtillo , r.L
• ,All 2 IL
1. Overture, "L dame Mistral,. full Orcirritm—Bolil.
2. Pont, .•Ran. dre raehrt," Salts Salo ail/mot Miea
litusrt tool Mr. Halirr.—Stalsbran.
ll.mburt Polka, fall strawntra—llrmot.:
4. Soon, A. I vivre tlaruting,"
5 ttafrun - , ITs:tnt, f!!,Orehretn—Felni ,
n.. Th.. Star Bann., tun Oxen...with ernhen.tril
l'lnnn, 11,1 cn tiu.4 omaninn win ..turnrltal bY
Mr. lilelrer. front the c^.!el,:atn.l =oat:etc:7 of Nuntiaa
f. 4 rvont, to Cr, had at the Et••=3 ;i . ii - 10 , 1 r.,
IWO ntr...t, Wen. 31.11er , 13 and Jant , v A. Mrg.ii=bl4. ,, tr,
tat u:.t4 and at the dune on the trycute, of;Lb, perk...
Door, nt.,o of: o'cku.l4 Cotner:to [1,131-94.1*- at ball-4,44
b of:4lll ., i't
" tr.
I 1
tr10,14.3 . 1rb0n53 , a iXbrt a sn.S.
..i. • b ud ', turbaulLasa 31archasta, .: , o. of Water aribar.
100 br;r ' arra do:
1.6 tagse3l, ! •
. 1 7
(.....0 1.r14 No. 3 Marken:li
7.5 brla Tar: . ' ! •
13'J Is,. Saltpetre: for gals by
S. Il Oblar ix EON,
Pnaluce Dbalen• and Cymbal...ion Ilerebabts.
..129 GI Water rtseSt.
bu Vora Web
9.500 'ballad:ahem /. OO lim D: n./..r simln by
T. W" fo EQN :
Pralace Ilealerm and lkacutimizal licrebants
GI 1% Alen rtmmat.
200 US S
I;I. C 12.1 1N;
100 btu Short,: for astir br
Vials.: Dealers and Caurmistdou 31ercbsstr,
la:! 61 Water wisest.
HORN-40 . brlo and SO sacks insi
J 1.4, BUTTER-15 pri3l,9oiitt,s,tl.
iIAR-40 Lan vin in store ' • )
k jeJ 4 J. S. DILIVI)RTLI & I.ll_
. 1
11_1111.1 11103:— . 2t)t) tuus on-hand •
.1_ JaN J. S. DILAttIITII .t CO
BLUE S lALTS-1 case for sale by •
ll pav • •J. SClloo:VilAralt
it for .1. UT j.k. SCHOONMAKER
,LIVE 01L-10 ba:skets for sitlo by
JUST RECEIVED per stesuntg. Poen]
75 born orus IWLL ToIiACLXI, fur iale by
114)N N. Boo D . W.. Solt Amin,
rR SALE—The subscriber offers for,
ole Bs large and casontudiens Briar Buildhoralt
Ellubetlitenen, blarehall county. Vet. • Tne above
tr . : , r ‘ orra ,d ie f w r ell tnkniated fur's intil iteuma l sera.. ol he.
e pr o ,trit attvir=eheralrsUirewrlfd Ohio itetirt l, eid
tiler. ' ile unto Itivir, and very mar. WY Praveht
1 7 3=, tt o telinri,tie.llllTigr74._lißPe'n' -dr. V=
and toe tuna, utaue ' easy. tiourselun Oleo Ulm let del el
April. &Brum port paid Wel_ 001elitiaii,
tirive Creek.
hißlhall County, Vsu,Jan.l7, ISsl..—hifhiltkvW2t e
Very Valuable City Property for Sa.
SHE undersign6l Adruinistrutors of tho
estate of Timms I.ll7.ll,44eceased,Mter fur ea e the
en re real nvlate of the add Thomas tairmanuensts Wing
of one in) feet lot fruoting en Litertretriet, emelna be,
to a tell feet Bier. Also, the lament eland known ea the
Manta. Moose, with the grontate and•atald• rionneend,
(rooting no Plain alley. thirty three Awn thee loch.;
Mau, three idle [renting on Merry eller, trotheighteen
fret front . atahruurdrur bark doll Awl, Penile' wills Plum
olplpe 41of
etlkh DrepertY will
of.Lsb, will Pe IScred et aneLL2l2 ta tht Balton biddure.
Aiwa the Tavern Mud te offered . fif wi w A vv,
1151 Llhatier et • •
EW CROP CASTOR 01L-10 - brls Woe
NNo. I. jug. w. 11,1 far oat. Li E. t i r . L x r i p.
and EtEll3l OM far ra.l4. try
ie9 • it I:. SELLI:r.
Arrbaut Ceara. 4.ff C,311.
Nand. f, rale br • iaJ 8.1 E. '
TO LET—The Store .B.00rO; No. 65
Marta meet heat ' , ration i the eltv
`or or 6'oc l. gottiol.o , fat _intortist,
broker. el.. Apply WIS. tV. WILSON.
, K EVOLVEIZS--Colt's and Allen's, for stile
tetti I , lzeewt et, evil. !
• . W. WILS , IN
It t •
:ihttpa.F•tft , llsitiklt'telt.`ttla l l ., .7;
.. - . tLl, ‘ ,..nq • i„) , t7 . ;ll , ‘•:l.. ” tta , ne ,
' e I 6t C e ' lltV;;:: ' ; ' l ' llnZt .. Y.?; . .. l' . ' llarL ‘
', entitorixe.l tte• tlte tau,. tit Stk tete k rtt
Ilotte.delpbJe., snd .7ttrt, t'.'ent , r I,..tlonte eettb,riet..l
tte, ..o.c tiCttattur,
• :17.iii:01aA ' ..q 1) ?... '
James O'Connor, of Pittsblirgh, Pa., and
O'Connor% 0 Co, of lialluzure.
under the et:le On• JUG. 012 , .r
Co.. e:s..l - 0 n tql4l,lll.ltua, , re. f ,rtb
I'UTTO , / of treoriwung
awn.: Imre , "
ntittw.r„,4 Jan. Iv. 0'C,1.T.X011. ,
A. CARD—We tender qar 'thanks . for the
" 4: 1 17 a.l`;','J'
Y"". "'d
Kris of 1 , 1 .11,01 '
` b , ° ‘',,?' :IT't . l7: TX, ;;;,,, o , ;till
t tt ; " ar
vitt.' 0 ft,. [Wt.:tore
1. Jo2tlntld
we of
lb& Orr.
F 101; USE RLA(K TEX, 310KRus
ttAwor.Tit, the Di 219,111. 0411 Lb. ttst In.;
)tuburgh; ill. in as ruff, but apm Live ract.
Xlet au
l a
p' C j rl;l:Laeant.... no .
be,t unpor.t. into the U. S. . The
Grren tem cqually gaud at Amor primp.
Ail Tv.. at Oil , c•tahliahment are 11,6 frank the
Original Cbr qa, bring far ouiparlor to.Parkao2 Teas. 'which.
la easily Ingranwa, Intro Levu put up: two or dam
and Sail mlkht r,
3,4.61 In a paekagv the original awn , ja21,..
1 REES APPLES--10 lirt; prime;ree'd in
am% for rule by
4.131UEL 011trY):Il.
rotted. in
[l. )11
Mee tal Lvsale by 7i/ur.A.4
11 , 7 t,
.137 viont et
bruary is
ltest omit. I,
I td intl
o vho
AJat that
not only
I It bang •
ify. thht at
conCin RIO
• (Am.,
;• Ant. blo
LA la rt•oi
c alto La,
b) I trolir
A:siiiLE.--50 las mould, on consignment
vj fur ids lay jaIN ALF.NLANDEN tiOLLON.
d 1 1100 T-3 sacks prime:on band
_ CO. 'Woo-I Sixth Pits
rifiTS FOOT OIL-12 Imls just received
11' v" ' "'' ' ''`'" ""' Lrr
PANISII brls in store; for
17"10'Y . S. S. MICKY:HM.OY
coranardlonz Z. 51 Ltherti Art7 l . now
orAulled ikki t k . Ll4,y o en. l 72l, , b u e mut:d. with the bubo
j:lrAltf '"0
11.111IADT WYLIZI6., at
'W HITE BtANS , 3II MI prime, for 'Bole
.%4 Wood It.
• IL E
Ai Do.
MERY-15 keis assorted, for sale by .
.LIQUORICE BALL-43 rases 'small kiek
fr oak irab . J. SCIIOONSLAKER 1.
1-3 caeca for sae by
8125, 81 50, and 81 75 •ei gallon.
TAVERN KEEPERS hail be z• - try Morris
ilmrmtles Primo PorstaErm or, at the Mono
"7h2"n4 4 : 117T h r i ,A . 617DE STOEE,
Es. 4 MO 4 • . lamoond.
VEATIIERS-17 eacks primel
13U/111111DGE k
la.Z3 316 W.
LAP. 0-3 brie and 15 ktgs fo
i t MOB'S-6V doz jusCreceiced by
lip iem di 8. DIITORT II I (Xl.
FRUIT -100 bu Dried Pc4ch s;
140 bu Dried Awlur lo by .
Rai a w e. DILWORTH & 00
A7IERMILLION-1 casci genr.
we we r LT t
.0.2 • ' . Ct, K U.
LAMPBLACE. 7 4O brig fur side be
VATOR 01.1.e5-10 brls 111V.Nr"
%JO,. ,13. • ..,
mat far sale at the brot atom of
Nee Wardle I'b74<i'so rusltel.l
from them:idler'smanurerlat or
lam • tabular laicals( the et
diseases In •hirb the , an. usrd."
lbws af medicine fur the alkie war
Amite Flatten and 'hurter°. Seger of
full nimbly of all the meal/aura
nerd by }
.different deluseore, trituratlaus m
hshed Ilonerattabf , Ow."
Sale Agent far the Ileurropelblr&
V V Dull". Comutereirti Boa 14430=
Dun titt.tu Bost &KA. B.O.:.
Blanks fur the above waulur, Jur. rt`L'et
for ealt. LT , JOHN
.4% S
o .- Ftiatr, the IGt
a.. uazue of Um. Ullll,nr,
/01.glirnr Htloyindlak,
,I,ll::judgZi.,,ll%ro.rro• ifitt
kCONCERN of gourd Music, for the bene-
Lor1 1 : em ter,o TursdAßT , mg 2 g , 441
I s 0,,
Nslir. Worth. ...... ....
eer.] ts the Glorious Work-;..
On Thep eat Elvin,: &all do
nyllelmjub '0 ttrw FathrrOthorea
The Mrolog- - aCaotzto- Reims.
sh Chorov.. ...... --ItolodoL
fintatt Hallchu._
Tickets 59 cents.—to be lad atihe more or J. IL - Mellor.
11. Meter, IL Itlchardson. and IL C. stoekto. No money
meeivesl at the door. is=3.ll4‘
OESPECTFULLY announce that they will .
gtia a Cenll,l, on loralay avraing, Fa:ea:wt.:id. A
!•'as ? Thar pa , frauttaa A , atala a tlaioa
lien cf Duett. Thca.Qaattaftaf; aa•
Tickets SO nuts—to had at 11.3,13.0 places mil si r
Doers r. 4 olak. Ccinecr.e: Will C.IIIILISCO at half
pa•rt 7 &okra.
Ail - No lastiaateuvAlt onAraulik of the ',Mahar.
A n3ll , cura of 501t.2. Quart,ttas,A attag 1,57 taa
Aliaatar.Se, can lat had at dm °uncut h onor. )1.27
caPLES . DID KEW PIANOSI.OII. IL EPEA Ware plesonne lot
trouncing that b• boo Jolt. openei a lot,
,hoe 1-.0000 of th e wActra.-,la
Ncww..i A CU.'S nod proe,,, y o rk,
bang tom trO. otortAleo.r.4 tatted. m.
veer ofteretl 11. thie
Amoogothert., ono Fpfettdict 7 octal e double carved Fiona
Tntns l it' ay!, wAh the new itnorteremeot of
•teioz...the Eswet weet :scot Important Onroorwe.o.
l a
once en N 0000 Canoe. two
l a
N.B.—An ext.:ex:re In. of Mute, vallmf i l_ng
and the . hoi.vst
new 10m Trld.
j,24 sitiN I • h
[Few. Journal. Carourel, end w -Po ...MP),
- ...em ESIABLICHED 1832, by ED3IGND
WILKINS, No. 243 Liberty 54,
.. • • Imad of Wccd Miect.)hemburgb, Pi-
Mormamnie. Da-ta, Yaulte.Xotabsomee,
lc- Mantle home, Oemare and Vier Tom
ibraTP cal Mold mod made to arderolf am
150,14.' 313:151,. and a'T 111 , reduced
, ,•ss,., j:= A choice alectims f7J , es
!! The fillePt e - ,-. _
_—_-,-. .., . r.
. ,
.. . • . E rr ' m p 1 A r
, 11...
a l . L I
4 ,.. 5 % -----
~,7, r Mum Italy. $r $ , I ....,
• .:,
Ito. Harmer Denny Chet Tiernan. Cel
lists. jcPpo v lVilkitu. Jahn Iligrarr, Es.'
41....11:: jacrr, Es e., Architect.
2i, T,'47,.,-;',..,47,12, • . 5..., Itroltera.
Plttahurch Dank. eitatoriCt Rehm, do.
.1. H. lqtrenliereor. E.... 1: - lull a Corrl, do.
NHL., Mcennehea. Eat. Mon 4 Sargent. dn.
,obert !lei:night. TM. Km. Th 0 . 1.7 A Co.
:oe. Mcilhight, Esc, letning-D. T... Morita n a Co.
ham. ''-- Jetties Ithol , n kCa Frultirs
E. H'. fecal er S. a Ln trf t el br Z L a " c All er °g l h the c' re. '4. 1 Datremgo re ,
cord during nintcen yam ha thra city, having had the
large:4 am! heft lobe entmeted to him rare up to the mend
11,10 '"
4111 ealearor to render Wallet.= hereafter..
ICE—.3t; tcs prime Catolina, for sale lei
jaLtr. , • • JAS I d. HUTCHISON 2
(a HOT-50 kegs assorted Noa:for sate by
1.7 ivy .l.l.N'A. HUTCHISON k))
SYRUPS -36 brig Golden Syrup;
brio Clarilkd do for do by
J 025 JAY.. A. 1111TCHISON t CO
VALLOW-29 brls recd per steamer Arena
11. and for ode by J.l - R. FLOYD. '
'`. Round Church Bulhihun
VOTASII-8 casks Duncan's pure Potash,
La by 145 J. &a. FLOYD. •
OAE. IMITATION—Paper Hanging in
quaisn of Oat., sailYetrabbowl for mle by
uW. P. 3feweatet, Bs Weal
fer SUGARS--`-'0 bxs cl:ref'd large loaf
Ire Lrke 1.4
lao do rrukhot
17 Z ' t gaVglia Amy End
].L.I. co
Attorney at Lnw, No. 114 Mint et, comer of Chr. errr
harrow mule arrennernente for the uorpose. wtil
groeure liounte Lamle for officers wal soldiers, their
tartottwatol &Wren, and will lateral to any other bud
r. eer. er•nneeted with the government on.y of its Depart
navies. the Pension °lice, or the Courts alba City of
'Warta:meow rsXxitt
ti.USCOfflik-50 , 1bs for sale l b i a DD
VW Jc7i
QUOAIt LEAD-1 eta fur sale . by
1:3 KID`D* CO
SELLERS' LIVER PILL---"Tbe very best
I_7 Pill now he tue
gari twp I Cern II“st. Ts. Jaa 4, 1841.
htellers—lkatathr I will stale to you than
10 eey opinion your MU aryierhape the eery tor nil
nv nem
In nee we a Liver rui. ...I br
Awtaltillous NIL It la weryijitahly aneetneu In our eons.
Int nitr as family Wirt.
li or ape:k Iron tai own esprehtee, and loom the ex
-3 ether. , of teeny of toy friends oral =Rumen.
.P -9rl alum tbe hiller, but '
rad to puldlilythe wediree
it '
otherse are the (Menai, Only True end
Ghtuine: it air counterfelta or bare Lautelicias.
Purrharena recollect that IL E. &Mere liver Pllll are
tki orbit.'and W
only true and genuine Liver 1914 avd
taw , he hail at ha. 57 otlil avert. mil of Draggled crue
rally dm two ride, saidiattA
Trepan's Tor -Clain Cable Iron.
• Socn's Orms,
iCaudkaton,J2l...r M. 1831.
QE LED PROPOSALS, in dujilimte, en-
Pnvo,e..l, fnr cntin calAr fro." .111 to.
'rtdred War until a n d n .V
sr =rt. tn . farniAlang drlln.ding Ufa NM'Y. , I
at - Washington. Ififtrict of. Colunfb. all the chain Intble
final:twat/mad ate fnlimencla.l3l, .1.: •
Numtr. r. . I
9 , F,l •
5 I ...71-1 LS.
I ____
_faith*. aforddattl chain cable tarn mud be of the very
lard quality of Astoria.. manufactured lam ftam mattia
tura of ftastmt iron; It moot Is lasoostersl from blooms tot
ra-taZualk!,l roVI to r egt f f n anteln ' u t tbrgaltr
attt.Mi,azt,altitt tbz ,, t k a,:tur dart=gt ,
-"tate , . and tosm must all be trelabt under We hammer to
;t7o d ltegia I r al ' glir la Zar.t.Virrrbz ==
• fatted, ramted elute° , edam., or outer defer% &Wert la
'duet setts
lettd 00 the Iturdeo Cmadtruditm.Eautir
r=...,..=7,:sattovial of t t7se b' colo n ett=4 ' :ttrt
a '' :l7 7 malr i ft r' t d t ralrt% 'l.suicre!",ibt.'t:ill rontV
, tem astidartorf eattlettee at ' atueed to We .14 C 6111131.1.1.
ant thitt It had taro manufactured A 3 belthatfh. Moi
ne otatatitt required to make cree-ttant of the tilf
fdrettt 4.4 .061.5 tat. he ildllerred au or talons We
first day of Jul. th for another tatal of all data m
ate. cm or before the ant Or of °mg..' 0 . 0
the remaltler au or before ate taletl.ll4 - 4 of Ileortaber .
. =notia .lealrotta V . °M il k !. farad= ,l,l:Vtar b t
Inane , grie ' lltel ' i r call are rderr t :l t the comeatuodant
or cosunandbut aka . of the Navy gelid athington,
District of la.
To the poems whose offer awn , be acoried 'Peuticular
whodales drawls.. and mach drecaiptive of the ports
aid paha° of tarn Mud of ins nalared win t. t.t.utt
-..11 when the °strait ho prepared fire execution, and to
witali the geld Lon must °again . c
Offers touct enthrone the quantity redtdred, and the
price astol it, the woad. awl tiw osicretroo , of ,
offer given and °dried out
Approefil worales °psi to the crenated amount of the
°masa v. ill he etatund in the manner set !nth In that
histrucecut, and ten per °colons In addition wilLbe withheld
ttoin the suouut of etwb payment to collateral mei:tray fbr
the faithful performance of the contract. -Nina! pn . cent.
um of each delivery alio ve i l by the Neel UYht. wt
Waslilliston within thirty day. a , roo , .toti.o of
ha& to telphode, approved by the commandant of the s/.1
Navy Yard.
ee e rr o ffn woo aciausianied . by a written guaranty,
(the °awl:lability of the guarantor or gusts., to be
wertibal to by a nary agent or alum Illetaust
Fume one br
known to the nunsu•of Con4ruction. U.) that
if the-aler be accepted, the bkider or Udders will, withln
tat days atter the
role of the °attract at the poet on.
denguato3, wiectitc the sae, with goal and rtifticient
macaws, to furnish the raid chain cable Iron, agreeably to
the tenim spealled In Ode advertsement, whwi, ny e y
ombodkwl in the contract. The law of the Nth of Acosta,
old,by the cotobleration of all protesab!
to led by loch guaratfty.
- .„ 1 „, v ,, h utcuodir cautioned to °Worm their odors
u above muntrid, that they may to illatingulthed VOW
other Lanus. letters, la order to prevent Their Weal
opened Whim Chedd ar ovioasdool. • •
All °ger , not. do to anal birdconfor ad
in every paticular. will ro.
,y re4 , at the option attic BC. Of Coostructhat, Auto
od and lietair. The person 'utak, offer may be accepleil
will to notified era • °Attract forwarded eitttuut tinswan.'
owl delay. , •
Ilemona offering aro diriatzd to dadgnale the pod ahem
`through which they deem to be aldrcesed and the ha y .
ewes to whom the contract Wall basest Sin examon
Aod maned to sake their Ida sornalling lo the form
hereto annexed. LATIASOP, havy Agent.
fur sale by
dale by
tine Chinese,
best,for sale
et publißhed
Ilerunin wkitleu.
sna the
I hrieby agree to fumble end &drew et the Nee) Yard
nt Waehingtun, District of Columbia, in corternitity with
the term of the elvertiannent rtona the relay Agent's
ad. 01. Weahhagtou, of the 134 day or Jasinia7. te.a ,
It.. or chainratde iron of the very best weelitr
of Arneriour toenufactom at the rate of- cent , Der
ataoontin g W 1-.
If my odor be acreinul, I 'deam to le addreteed threoith
the v.' ogle orel the connect to, Dr kw tu
the nary agent fur cumbers
eery ttispectfullY, •
A. B.
hit tl nnucs
bule Plaster I
..13 dam In the
th e wurks pub-
doe, aml Book
rt, It
To J. EL Larotor, Ext.,
Navy Agrut, Waxbisztoa. D. C.
the andritigooth rettiente of to the Ftate
Ett , tbt auftrauty Ibut, in cam the fzreatotat
bid of - eeteptett, ertil.
.a n tea dots
attn. the rttteipt tht: comma at thn can tlettguett.
ed. rtecutt htute, wlthantal etteactett mart.. tO
tumult the thaw La 04 ,
trout ot the hltertartattot. wet, wlteh the mai
tt 1.
wrol .s
takria n Wll,
of January. 11 a
Id to Mr. , halfrer.
ft' Auchol hoato.
tirr[lll. who po ,
tvtura the utria
he will matly
Lad 9 Waxt
I• au, b,t at my 1nt0. 1 . 1 47... ,
tju l jt:7l== .
Ltivalope to be eadused - .Prq;b6 4, — --ic.upra•
'Vane - about 17,000.
D. cone whatever.) TEL. adS•will twintitaore
err VS lost, at 10 o'clock to the =col= . 24 2 2•
the afternoon. endssotinne deaf until tide ealnettie <oh
15t 4,12 20 0wwwl of. at the Lep , motion store of Jam.
'silicone. 11 ood street. TEL etueutial notleet/on of iN
and domretle Dry Goods, will owsprime &boosteveryldEt
Don of articles connected .Ito U. Dti Goods Teed*. mV
evonined the day `pnvia. toWe, onono inspettloo
.111 be Penad superior to arty ptark ever altered Itte PAU.
competition in azy part of the Dates. Pedlont.llo o • 4 4r .;
era. at. Weds of imam wroth] do well to marsh f
awn Interests. at. ate. this l t d . GalsW . 4 5 •'
tor some thug ow. • similar o .11 is
put ow In molt lOU al May mit all 'Michael.
Miktt Will be rolern4 to lecootrowlate ladles. .-
JAMELS M'KENbil.,Avetloo. 2 .
M. LEER. Aga.. . •
SSolsosal the highest premiums mid" gse IL i g. ` b. "'• l4 " . AVILMISS k CO.,
SUNDRIES -6 lutle4 Cottoii;
10 brim Na 1 I..ibb'l
ILe Tele.: • ,„
.. • 2 ca.lo o.—svar: , • ,
' bu byrkbelantlr. •
.. 21.0 rea1.....1 Pcsebac•
=bass Fratban j
• p b.ooLwevr; ,
]LO) Na pplet Ftage IllbcatuC
X0.,..1.bi1t0g from etaxo, slavfl... - rr, mt.*. de by
...1 10.011 All DICICEV 1 01, Water 41 ribOt
- 1101EARLS-15 casks supalor; for sale by
.iaa7 . %Ma SIeCAKIMM.
bu white i yellow, for sale by
, Ariel; 4 3"bcANDhs.m. 4
B u n .. bits primeb.yr
FEATHERS -3 backs prime. fur sale by
4A R LOUR—"_O brls ertro.fei e bYI
OUSE 'OF •REFUGE—Notice is Jit , rob) , .
&rather an. Iliethsa for affirms cf die llourie
cf Western Peruarylvams, orr a prom...
iliessurer. Previtery, orht Tne-etee li.agerarsrits:
to had at M 011... of the Da.sol of Itedo, In the rat
t a r n; at trickce . .
By order of the Crenvltuee m r. 6& of dm cor=or i ,
r--The.crebera Clare tiontral Comittee,ai of th ' ir
rarelos sob ocossaitter are mart eanxttly mellexted • the. etrorm in the ...Imo. to obtain fort.;
cramsibuticam. 1.1 to:hamt la their mrsimelyeute to th
Mem. m.o. to the dri el the ehehu. In ord. the
a rreerral lig of cutorrilion mar iv torpor. for Mat
emir.. Pomona hare mr. had empeetehit7 -
eubeeribinc, bath fro. this told other mint. of Weatryo
rellnlyi , /111. ere Writ.. be at at the elec.. prri
dos. their riMan a.s, riebaultcrie and rfoeSt
themierlme to NEC. . .
[helmet:ea In the varier. eon.. of {Tatars Po.
eyirmia are requer forio des
which, with thaw
ad exteuaitie stuck
rrrapRNPIKE ELECTION-An electiOnica
he:d as Lb! toll Iroaseref the Farmer e and Meclualc , ?.: •
ulk.• lituu COLDIAI I 6 rm.,th.• -Val ladaotottmatt -
"'" d " W r. '" 7 . slu VrtVglatar. 4 . 41.ut- i .
.I.D.qati MIS, hustler. ..
. .
.... '
J. R. /JeClinttck. 1'27. c.F11.0.41;
D. Belo,. A. AL. .....Y; • •
N. 13-Cr+lg. . ~, . 0 .... C. a.i.
I EAD Pl.P.Eiirnell's . imp;oved. patefi
' ,
IA 1... i tries titilydrant%
- Ll dtatoolotto.
• ' . Osten., to.. - • - -
All slu. cm liond and to orrivo,Str rttio br. \-..,-- z l ll .. • , ALAXANDIIII. GORDON, Wohorta..--
IVAMILY FL0UR 7 .145 brls Ramsay' ii ‘ extx-.
,480 brls &oleo .
rm-',13...4macr Rm.!. c '
WHIN). r . irrnx /Tile
SItOOIIS 7 -150 do; reforest's superior, fr.
kale by "J,CIS . 4 ROBISON'. pistil t caP.
130 T .ASII-4 enatO juitt reed for sale by f.
rrIANNERS'-.; IL-25 brls for sae by
IG 111.0 N-40 toniiltrush Creek. for auk
j.:9 ‘ROBDON. LiTrLS a CIC
OLASSE .r . p ,ntation, or nn
br • res.A. IIUTCHISON t (X;
pigs Galena, fur exile by -•
Liao JAS. A. utrranso's or;
LINSEED OIL —2O brls recd for sale by. ,
SUGAR g MOLASSES-50blids-Sugiul .,
•brla 14.0.111*
!, •50 LA: S. IL .410,
EL Jsznes Wu:y, salo
nurailincx a INOLIII.III,
3.2 a L 116 Water
OEILILAN CLAY-58 bre just reed by
tc3juso4e'd for sale by .
Ris.24 uurrtangsl-7140.1111.11.
LOAF SVGAIL-100 boirols"ass'd numb
pr !sale by 144 Bunniunch a 'smilax
-AjVLKER,.. As E tt B qr : 13_r . 113.. eAtra No. 't,
ana' Aut,
1 cater. 4 Yroot. , .t. :.
Fl9ll-,75 brit) onM 40 hf
V br Jof.3 • • 1311A11 Dmicirr t
II ERRING-100 las Lubec, scaled, fez
xihr ;•24 !I:WM . IIIMT le IX
COFFEE-101Thags ‘ pin:le-and faiicy-If.
Litz salt, by . . AD. WILLIAMS ADO,
D .
Fillhlgrid Woad o.i',
UGAR—Prime new and old ix;
QCrarked nod Powdered, 4,r/e
Jolt* • U.L. 201,_
111/101. A SSES-7-PiatitatiOn Sugur Huai
-1-7 .1 • , ' ckA6 ' Mar= .a
T EAS-40 hf chili' . med. to extra fine Geo
Le. tor . pleA J. D.WILLIJun if CU
Rating—ti, g. and 3f bn 3 1 . It;
- •
liebb.—Viglont and GerbbA .
=lb . ..aced bochey, Plum. Gana rod M.Th."
Ly.... 14 by is:4 J. D. WILLLILIIIS C
Allegheny and Butler Plank-B ad
yHE tuldereiped Commissioners heti,
ug r p z ll,,,a t tgpoelcho t h . le;raX . tt lo gi,leittra t
Pnicdont. Pre Manuel,
ac S .
Trentloter for sainnotnlt
Al i l l ett h n%• '" ontf
the election to comm bo
a. at eleven lo
eteloek. A.
Jpbo Bonin, • - Cosa. C.
Jacob Mechlin jr, • Gen.
Wllliam Campbell. Wm. B. Boyd.
P. C. titena.n., '
It . . Carnahan. • Adrlted Caraf••• •
MOler. W. nerd.
Neuly. • D. 1.1
• T. IL Tr,. Pder it , r`dy. •:•
' 11Yitar;h1PA. &hr. 31 , 711.dd•- •_ "I
ThAtaa. Atradrt. ••- ' •
J.uary Stdit,ll•3l.—xl743l.ratdT
GAS COMPANY, kanuarr lty 1341.
Trartees of the Iltdbucth (da Coadsshy hart
day drrlarrd a Div:dead r•flOsd Per .tnt out of tita, D• 1
a Om last fix tadolltd . tbr Capital , htukk Prdt
41e TA Iddit haldrrn or their wat rcpresentatrokt, k
with; at the ottre of the IVork.s.
j.l4Alnr." ":" 443115 31. Trramt
RARE eIIARC ,—Arespectabld yv
trawl, with • Go•ital . af Are
.dred rill
a hrottablr and natl.{
Urn.. which tl.bln Ms - money in lats dbat
I abs, carr - bear ,O,ta ehauct, by drtrppitur fedi
; ren ege the put °Mar, dattac tt herr an taterday ea.
I had eautu:s t%llll lack
TALLOW. 25 bbra for_sale
QUNDIUES-3 brl4 fresh Roll Btater; 3 ,
brio Eg
sack. xt .; u.l Corn 3teal;
3 ..ado , £e313•1"4 •
2 trim ke now; '
Apralarnt, 133 . for kd soj A p nr. '433 l l l2 6 lAZ_ 4".3i
Waving, PenretiVey and Painting in
MR. a R. SAITH is now prepared to!
,4tnititialtraVeit-r,V=,4=Z -
Alkhootth new buildiot hir.t greet. ettruuitiet ,
Market Meets. Hoare o f
inetruetioo. ss to t!o:
from IN to IN P.M.
otol other tottiloolort,
4 et thu tooth, -
Beef to lir. ttasorim or Dr. Addienu.
61„tOCKS FOR SALB—Wesiern Ins. Se
ht.:7 Turtle Creek Illiok.Ruatt Sock: "
Pada/rub. thoelnootl Telegroplu
Marl. baibtay Stoat Mod tte Dlnok
Oupperhtock. tlEt).ls. AKNOLLI CI, •
. • 74 Fourth
PLAIN. BLACK SILK &--31 , ittrirl
luqt,-antta taw. tteelvallta rtrs full aupplr or
oc.lsorb.lth ran sell at lawn' wino than tbei
veurrally at,LI al; utea. flgtar4 Ultarola
T URC.i SATINS, of the: most detir;
rho:P.4W be tubl st tbo otorr of
twirr tundicra ,
IDEA WART —Englifh & Arueii6in Brt.
Tea Pew, Plated dw Plated Lobar, Bade.
Souders and Two; Plated mug boo*Avality Usr
Rom limb* Table Cot err. Ailror swum; so
tor KuPer, Plated pool German Sliver VortA Lod Sri
wArAwr, To Two of thm
bbobly: orwornted ; Plated Troy* of boasittlful
'A rary • ropertor Powder tor otesAlnA *AA polio/A.4
ltrorlort AA , clublog. Moods )dlana -
.14, - lunt Starttoso—Soyereo .Ns Sc
stoat thy rim u4M hotoeblch maYo dotter, AKA;
Arra. oyttert, or Any th ing etc Ina Am Word...
1w We by • W. IP:WILSO_
Orr. Martel stet P.M
Alf IOTTON-21 bales fur sale by .
1 . ) AV' MUM DICKFLY CO. NVd , 2!a_ .
assorted UM, Ina real yed and 1* ale
R. miens, V bol le ALI
jaM r 47 Wool direct. • ,
D RIED FRUIT-.-31.Ybria Pried Azlt
sine by ia do
HULK YORK-200 piet,.. bos roand,l
0/...t l ormed. Ada by NI 51.11.1 lALEY &
UNCII. RAISINS—"Ird boxes Kn
Pltd.nd, landlod trom steamer
it . Mod, C./
SC= , M. It&O.LON
. -
koOAF SUOAU-30 brls for sale by .
is= - WILII.46ILNI I.
nusisussi s oh. sussium LN ilui
jr7r. szuj
10,11 . • baraatadldsfo , .". L Y 1 1 . 67 Wood •
OVIDER-150 keg.s bbutlog , for ea:
J 2 It 'LOYD. Booed Cai
4EAUT):.—It is universally conceded
beaoty L, moss aLmto. In Ude meaty alum _.
„lat. at Um w. , Woe St Ls add dud In la:
~, art bow Ibla is to
ro .'""e.Wtletorbel rairadiXeda onoted br amt.
M 7 to . B, de to* nested lad wool* ame.e....
n anklod dm follow
ere 1014.11:4anAitl..
Thor es „ L. .
b i.d juk ..,,...d hg Pr. vedao" ..-i or . Cbluoaa.. Fodder. few bai
d didag 'aboald'4....bli.""ntrodiddatund'''l tho ' Whia. ttaTst 3 -
aa gym' Of doom add an very
~.... a l b.,„ .-- ~,,,, it extmsculattl, ha adeletsUft
..... YTLia - sas ingesdiadrobith can poadtdyt
rdr, fLItI ,S
atten..,r. ywydoryPoodld , fees remewhis co:
m y:M . la am" ...WWII Lfiw".fr .WWL_Vt
..... o f . iejy. 11. attar. seta move It I. ;,r;
r..e, without Moose of sas diary foatrtunded: t
Jam /lanes ladeCableigrt t /Lada,. , all m tal
Idaelgstd. orstI trd: Z.ll,lf.'lt.lil an y tha h.
bodes tici d `adm an eao <factually tbad any other csi
132 g at tbe NM Uwe Indelbble. .
JO. Halo-lb gbasing f,:tvn Ls 1.0,117 leite.2,
staes via: this mom lade tanoos Of Liao atoarldel
...,.. ...LILT s..l.Pencocel In Oat we of bead sco.ri
1.Z.,..-yr,y, :=ltte ;kin gr/th area non 1. : 1
ifZ..lton ado TcaTtera4 . .i'Vit. la Lb,, 1,1
dunk taa Toe vete 1,2.0/led se tip Zreatlst tomb;
the I.lll.lllavr. 4ut • lam tryl,4F Z. rwthala b ... ,
wa. 11l 443,4 I wtia I'amedll.l, '
i.,, dated, a •aarli aliltectas, at lad tame idwe I:
O. ouzo teta ' aud Isran.hy. .,
A..1...1, illit:Ll, bosons' mot 1.2,41 i -t
. I.lll.:been. st,.. Aura. , '
For fade dboldabs and reted). ay .:1. 11. eabordec
add /1- X.- 00/lebb illtatotribe atafah llddtoUsltad
i d l l. l-6.
. .
Q . .