.... ,I. A' , . , k.7 (1., tfir 1 €,. e it 'Niirl be - percetvea, lit the 'inemoranta DE • • - • - 0 31 44 ' ca-cbfnnr that: Itbefßisbopitas-spo ill Vai:Viss EARLY LIFE. I ' hetiCf bis mother: hba ' d fle t'-'l3lritip-And • ti, -1 •• • father; -•- - ~. rill!' ..g„ cm P lB ....t. cernilfg him, other; than that. ha 'ava.s a 00011131"... Advocate, given some faMs in ;regard , Pllte,(mrly life of -Bishop Masoona - The of poverty and a ' affileti°°' during aill'i . : . ,thiterlyc•am. 1t is 1 kely that the pecuniary lialetwing - from Dc.l4:scom's own pen Wm 'reverse alluded to thememoranda, was he read with biter •-t - ' ' • , in . ' net greatly =pro ed by his 'Western re '° ill '' ' . e close of the,. eighteenth century move: for he Well -io hard been a child of gaiame birth. It would seem, from lam- Aver :lei' to the el, se of his life, and had ay records and tradition, that I :tai Fifer..topple opportunity to test-the filial devotion I Wally descended from a French Mugu not 1 , of his distim • ~misbetl son not the hest of!, , femily,',which, driven from :Fmne/ lin the t Whose. distinctions it ` was that he roam- reices.tion of tile Edict of Nantes, settlechl hertil the coternand,,qllonor thy father and M. Europe, in one of the :border counties is thy mother') - Whew he was about to enter near ~the Clyde. It appears further -that'. the Itinerancy, he, pm-chased the horse on ` llireeehrothers, amend:tuts of this fetidly; .which he traveled liis first circuit, and paid during - the civil disturbances and n•ligioust for it by splitting' ails at '25 cent.; per hue ,- oppression whi e l, d rove ~.4 . ; 01005. of dm dred. Quere-1 ow !many of our delicate .Englialepuritans from the country of their y silk' loved soft -I andcsi young parsons of blrda t emigrated to the then new,aucl feeble I this t daY colones, of Nort America- Two. of the this; ordeal ? ,-Surely there was a deep ear ' brothers remain ; the third being disrat- neitness in the'sent of the yming roan who -".. - isfied, removed 't one of the English West ; could press Omagh such an ordeal hits - India Islands. e remaining tore settled I, such a work as tho Zlletlieslist Itinerancy in Massachusett - .'ilieand their deli:end- P II would eto the ministry through resented to all who entered it:3 fields. We ants shared the ate of the early pilgriins o f have intimated abuse that llenry'S father 1 the`colony; subsequentl a divhikM of the .W3.3' poor and afflicted ; it is said that lie family: removed to -New York ; Of that i was bed-ridden' everal years, unable to If Inacch of the family I am de-SeCtlded:.; My I help himself, in eenSetitienve of ilietilita '.., mother-was a German, of the Didlemau. tiers. , ills place of - residence was some few 'I- family, of Gr e enwich, New: Jersey. i 11crII miles! from. .Nlaysville.. 1)r. Stevenson in , ednemtion,Vra.ining, languagel and habits, -formed me that ;while lie was stationed at - : ,however, were English. She was nalitrally „Maysville, Henry was,at the time Professor Sensible and sprightly; a-Woman of ardent in Adgusta Colldge, mid used to come down leelings,ratrof sting and in nar y pur.' ,to Maysville, wheuee he went out to skit ~ pose; combining in no ordinary egret ,ills ' faller ; that .le used, for a week or toe, ,natural vivacity and plalyfulne 01l tent: rto temain there, cutting and lauding wood perianiont; with great resolution. al Joel- ..for' his father, a d in every other way in his f. - sion Of' diameter. •My mother owed n thing power endeavori ig to contribute to his c0rn ,..,-, t . O the philosophy of modern refinernent,:and fort) Here he sal to sleep on the floor by ' .'. 'was tooumbitions not to regret it. ;. ]Yet I hiS father's bed ide ; andl in tinier that he 'have. known_ few -women who professed a "might be wake td, he took a block for 'his "'larger share of. the poetry of feeling! My pillow; ,that b would remain the ern _ '.. personal recollections extend far back. ployetl tilt he as worn down by fatigue, .whe .... n he would return to his friend's house • .: !‘.I have distinct and vivid recolleclions of numerous occurrences connected "th' th ''' stay a fe w' (-1 37 till lie could 'i'ecruit, and , . w .l e thereturn fourth veers of my life. During infancy • then to tut father's cabin, to as.sunie and childliocad. nay health Wag per&,t, and his Pmr*..' of fl Mr piety. As long as his i -fethti lived, this dutiful child contiunisl to ~, iny'physical development rapid and teady, minister to his wants; and' after hiS Nylle . - fop never forget that the early el enenta parent, sled away from earth, he of pexioni. ,.eiijOyin a e e n t f ivi w ty ere : zun so nin ugh g t , l a e ld pin f g o ; C c ii iirri d biliE;.. - co ra : i nti l mitid- his kindness to the surt4ing ueated till his brothers and - - ,',lng, and the like, were my daily taetit., . 1 4 F uilY:§..ne • . - was meat a cm . l io ari n, n .. k n . d Titshechloavnece"oafaaimidve_ngturew slst N ers- on!", Idr_ bl - itor, 1 have dwelt possibly me intc7te.mptation. My adventur4.weie too lon g ou these P utieu6rs . , )et.. they are Points on wide 1 love to alwell. Henry rarely shared by another; an enthusiastic great pulpit orator, is an ' . lote of nature led me to seek solinide, and }3 ' 133se6m, ! it '"to shun society. Social Mischief 11 never object o - • admiration ;but I eon , was aadicted to. I was from natunt averse fees lam more inteeeatedl in henry B. Bas com, the dating. son, who, in the midst of ' - to it:' The usual petty or more Iserious a world-wide renown, never forgot the cabin crimes of childhood I rarely ever Tommit in the moUntaids, nor was ever ashamed of --. . WV-13nt. 1 wits not without faults; by any thepoverty of those - who gave him birth, means:, I was passionate and indocile. I but loved to minister to their comfort and .. ......' . , , ,tri vaa ct .too res * tra o i ch nt ir wi el t it h _ ea ,7:t ra im y p u n pa tie n ti .i. .e ; and their relief. We had a great deal more to 'say, but this communication already ex . ,illPFUlaail aa Correct.' Fearful and ifartling seeds all % -writ my struggles when a mere child be- 'l' reasonable length. So we close Awe= my own sense of what was right and ' JA.MES O. ANPD.F.SC • .... alayrablo„ and the very different decisions of' "parental :authority. To my parents I wast.,nevert'disobedient; my affeetion for 1 . them' always held me more than ,the armagtia; of law. At five years of .age I - was placed at school, which I continued to ~, 'adend till.l. was seven, when I UV. placed . 1 1 ' et school at Greenwich, N. 3.:, and lived in lbw family of my kinsman) Henry Ilidle - ~ aiin` i-E!4.,ttfter whom I was named. Here ".. ] ..: - . 1.-reneamed till I. was twelve ye r ars old, viten ii-reverse in the peetudary,icircum ,; ' .. StalleCa . ofmy father induced him4remeve vrestr4rd; and:nettle in a wilde 3, sur f- rounded by savages. A section q I twenty miles did not containmore tha half a -dozen fimiii,.- . But even hece I was I: 'dieerfuli and happy, perpetually i ' deicing 41, areante.and aspirataons comics:t i ed with i,. - 2tIM ftainre. 'My information was U,ces,..ari . i. -.Ay limited, and the means of incn, sing it P-..,txp . mlly so; but this did net damp!iny 'itat l:,_,'"..pril fader of feeling in pursuit of Whatover I', ' dOuld amuse or excite me. I wasipassion i atcly'ftm,d of reading ,and, writin- I . and to 1 - . . „ thme exercises I applied myself Willi a per. ii r . severunce wliieltl. know not how account II - for." II --: - ;.':' - ',Thns far our lamectiedifiend : mid I nosy 1 ' ':Owlyadd, from mementnda . supplia by Mrs. iI I . Bascom, that Bishop Bascom Was . Ik,rn May I 27,1796; married in New York ei l yMareh i ...7, 1839, and died Sept. 8, 1850. A t what 1 period he became a Christian, or the at ! tendant circumstances of lee, cont . rsion, we I. • have no definite information, !Mrs. B. ,-- says. that' she, learned from himl that his . . ;-mother and himself embraced religion 'ii the same hour ? somewhere in the imitrhher : - I ' blind of Maysville, Ky., about ilhe year 'lBlO. He commenced preaehitig at tine gage of 15-,.and had been in the; ministry -10 ' , •'years., We. are _not attempting 'anything ni like a 7, biographical sketch of Dr,lllescom, I . - .and may therefore -be excused fiem enter ! ..- .ingitito'n minutereview of hii.clieraeter 'as I'ti- writer or preacher. ' We hope . that some / '", - abler hand till undue time. preseCT to . the I ; , -ChwralYa-volntudon this subject, which we i ~; . .a re Ore; if judiciously compiled, iaunot fail 1 , ,to'. , ..be h . a work deeplyinteresting to the and. the country. We shOuld like very much babe able to truce the 6 1:niggles ! : • of - mco'' a and heart connected withithe early .• 1 ; -, Christian and ministerial,experience of this , . ' ymithful- araltisradem of Christ,; when he r i "'first wititit'farth to'publish the. great truths If ~ 'Of taod'ilualvation; -but wilutviiido data to I: '.• / , guide oaf' "His - early fields of labor wer=e in 1,.- -. a rough uneultipted country,isi4rsely set ;ilea, -and beset with dangers f from wild •1, . . beasts anctstivage men- I have ainderstood k ‘..--• that his first circuit was abort' 300 miles it :.•!-::,"rocncl, which he performed i four weeks; ta ,,,, I t 't: - and duringall that time he ' rcely ever 1` -.t: ` 'et:if:Ted the 1u..i . 0f bread; hill constant !4 fooct was jerked beef, varied oe4isionally, , .. perlatirt,by a dish of venison or Imlhr's meat. .. ' , Yet in thhi, ruggetlfield of labor his love of it reading and study did not forsake him. 1 -, Still his seal thirsted for knowledge, and !.......those laftY,and deathless aspiriatiens for the 'good and glory of a brilliant tititre, which • ruined" Ids soul in the days f childhood, -...iurged' lieu forward imthe equisition of '. ittiOwled,ge, despite every hi draftee. He 1 1 had no 'snug 'chamber where , übtlisturbed . . , by eompany or noise,.he mig i sit down in madisturbed serenity to commttine with the rightty spirits of the past; ut.then the ' - 'almoit tuatOkenl solitudes of the forest, ...:with thewild graxideurof the ciond-crowned rommndus, and tlie'roaref wriery.falls,vrere -,111 bainaisonwitli the feelinglt of his soul, and afforded•full scope for, the indulgence ~...... of that.love of !solitude aria communion with naftWe. whlel, to has recorded ms a • 'trait of, taractelr.ll May , not ; Vo9o 4;i:A ;at with tile grand , Od glor ks of Goa have. had some it mug tilt love for • which Was a distill ': ... PictimP le'mi Was ,Icio ted to I the foliage of wine . '. Icla"!=c0i1 him a tntitablc' place for atm eats were not, how . otei alt tafety, bat,' the follow ing incii lie feta sought a ~;:gettable and fentid,it, a.; lie Lade of at, tree wimse ---, beautify 'g top awl dense foli. proteliOn.frein the scorchif in. I c:,scatbd him 1, , self, tin hand, aim atteinill. , a 1 • ..... to 1T.3.. .but_ an i oventhelnunt , and itidcti rabic ' feeling. oil drat! came lover his se tlutt he aro.se Iron' his fr'ait and Walked a w.,v. • • '. But scabcely bad. he proctedel a litindt;d • • :.yards when he perceived th4friesid with whom he lodg:ed!creeping cautiously to the 01 • Aiirieti 11. of the ireelie had jusl'leftal In :a I , ~ • moment or two Mom he 'heard thecreek of - .10.5. rifle and froin the branitheS of the tree ' I :-'•-• ''' 'under at - 'eh he had been sittirio . tumbled a , ye. , ry . , e pal:tiller- . Dponierainination lie .1 ~, --• • trip that th r panther , tuMet.liave beet! ' ; ... :eronehe within :some eight 'o,r‘teri feet of • hiirr and very 'probably a fojolcia of a few - • moments 'mot? .lin'. that spottinight .have . brought'hisr. *stry ,to an abtupt termini!- I. : . don. \ , • . •,, II ',.., I • m ',-• e. - . . I I. ', ; i MISCEt AIcEoUS.! . '"Nelol2,,_ HENDRY AFTER DEATH. ' We often hear of the terrors of death to the wicked, and of the misery that awaits, them beyond thisi life; hut what instil , dnents are to Be employed in the infliction lof 'retributive' justice'-is not directly and positively stated. That Memory will act a Ilcading part in the infliction of punishment on the wicked, cannot easily be doubted. It may be fairly intiirred front our Savinur'ii description of the final judgment, where an appeal is made to the sinner s reeollection. The Judge is represented as 5..)-ing : "I , was an hungered, :ind ye gave me no Seat." 1 And without admitting the ageuey of this faculty, we,mn have no consistent vier, of future retribution. lint if menury into be employed in punishing the finally itureai taut, how fearfully:kill it tell on tlicir ever lasting state . What could be more rev alt lug and painful than thc unintercepted Mal unending presecta iof t.OO past transgressions to the quickened perceptions of alost soul? What Christian elicit tmn hear the thought of being necessitated to fix the mind's eve forever and ever oh former sinful indulgen ces? From this we may form some faint j conception of what memory will do in the lease of acondermied sinner. Nothing is ever en fully erased .from the memory. This has been proven by the testimony of persons Who have: lieuu re _stored, after .I.ifo ,was almost eitibet by dir.iwog. While sinking in the*ater, the seene - S - o(fiarly life, awl events long forgot ten, came 'rushing : through the mind with awful disiintitheas., The events of this life will he remembered - -in eternity: 'The lost one, in the regions of 'despair, still forever recollect , the erimes which- hrought him there. Mercies slighted will ever he before his mind. No sermon, exhOrtation or , pray er, which he has 'want on icirth, will ever be forgotten there. I fancy that he will , °lien_ solikspaire thus: I ' "In yonder world I was near the king dom of heaveu,• but I refused to make the Mansions of bliss Any everlasting abode. There I had pi:lca:4 before etc the opportu nity of being happy forever; hut'here) ant tormented 111 this Thuile. There 1 knew Oita the Son of. God had bowed in Geth semane and expired on Calvary, that I Might live; but .I chose death rather than life, Jesus wasiny advocate from year to year, while] was in earth. Yes, every day, every hour, be interceded in my behalf; but,l . rejented his. interces.sion, and chtem rather that the wrath of tits] should abide on me. Often did the Spirit of God visit. me, and invite me to. seek salt;ation i but, thinigh my heart was tenibT and the tears flowed, I quenched tip Spirit, and here I am, banished from my God, and yet forbid to die." . THE VOICE OF PROVIDENCE 'Dore is a voice in all dispensations of Providence; a tall, a cry in every rod of God, in every chastising providence. He therein makes a declaration of his name, holiness,'and power; and this every wise man will endeavor to discern, and so comply with the call. "The Lord's voice crieth' unto, the city, and the man of wisdomshall see thy name; bear ye the rod, and. who bath appointed it," Micah vi. 9. Hearken; not to any who would give any other inter- , pretation of present providential di4pensa dons in the world, but that they flue plaint declaration of his displeasure agminst the sins of men. Is not his Wrath in them re, vetdol from heaven against the ungotlliriesi of men, especially against such as detain the or the hypocrite!truth in unrighteonsness, eal professors of the gospel ? Nth he not also signally declare, the uncertainty and instability of all earthly tujnyinctits, froni life itself to a sbue-hatchet.'?' The finger that appeared writing the doom of Hel, Ammar, did it in charaetchi and words that no one could read and understand bid Dani. iel : but the present call of Hod is madti "plain upon tables, that he may rat that readeth it, If the heavens gather black ; neezi and clouds, and thunder come over us, and these that are journeying will not be lievu there is a storm couiii.g; they must bear the severity of it. • Whim calamities,' public or private, tahe place, this is the time wherein we may au espneial trial, whether we be spiritually etitidtid or not. If grace be resident within , us, it will, exert itself in a dilint searchl into, and a holy watch over ourselves re! Sieeting ihose things againat which displeasure of . God is declared. ft 12 . . thinly cur duty to search - diligently, that nothinio*.found in us against Which Heirs afioer is manifested: No. greund of Loin respentinOtire spiritual condition, to. !coca of our sincerity, in our duties, no vi s ible difference ',lietweett. es and others in ON world, should divert its from diligence in seltsemsmiti:lfieti. I.Tow.m persons pretend to he spiritual:. 'the' current • nf whose "tioulighh run=_ into diner etinOrriety: to the wilt and ifisgethhitiittSior Gof put,- 'if tlu,i hth thing lierranttog, rest will not avdth EVE . . add Adt groinids hive you to judge that lair, are so, if your thoughts are; airectly. contrary to the" pmetit calls of God.?l,ll' at such a time,-when, his judgments are in the world, or his voice in the city and king dom; if when there are manifecit.tokens of hisilispleasere, we slight them, neglect his yoke, put it, wholly from ourselves, atideon. tinue our love to the world, and our desk& after it as before; if the daily contrivance of our minds le not how to attain a:eon, I stint resignation of oumelves and our all, i un t,,, th e will ~f God, which mullet ha done 1 . without much thoughtfulness on the re_ orand maims to it, ! - cannot undenitafid , how we can judge ourselves t o be spiritual., I ly minded. . - If Any, therefore, say they would abound more , in spiritual thoughts, only they know not what to fix them upon, I propose, this in the first phice, as that which will bid to the doe performance of present duties, self. examination, and holy resignation ; of per sons, byes, families, :ill` our enjoyments, unto the sorereign will and infinite wisdom 1 of 4104.—Dr. (lawn. • Ile,re in trlle of the idle slolies that used 1[1:103 torrent A•pectitg'(llirer Crumarll. Car lisle did good FerViCf, iu diseipat,og all ,11c11 traAtt— CITOMWVX'S LEAGUE WITH SATAN Lou the at of September, 11:51, the folnuns tat tle of Worcester w:m fought, in which Charles I do force, were routed, three tho!teuel killell, and six or seven thoteiand taken prisoner, ; The following extraordinary event is recorded by. Letutrd, upon the authority of C.ohnitil Lind: say .4111 this memorable flunking, the general (Cromwell) peek Colonel Lindsay (who sans his intimate friend, and the senior captain of CAM well'huall regiment, ) to n tromlside, not for from Om Ilkley, and bade him alight and follow Idol into that , wood, and to take pailienlttr : saber mf whet he Nast and henrd. . . . Mier having alighted anti necured their hoses, and walked some little way into the woodi Lind say began to torn pale, and to lie seistil with horror fro.. some 1111knoWli cause. upon which Cromwell asked him how hr fat: Ile ah r swered that he wins in such a trembling and consterna tion. that lie hail never felt the like inn all con.: Alicts and battles he had ever engoged in, ha whether it proceeded from the glisiniiners of the place, or .the temperature or hie body, he knew . —now now'!" rid Cromwell. .i-Illint!trouhled '.with the vapors? Crane for Ward man:" • Viee bad not gene above twenty yards further bahro Lindsey-,on . sodden.iittionl mill. awl cri I d out, ..;l -Ity all that ii u ... el, I inn seized with ouch Ml - : in ountable terror and asiiiiiisliment that it ii• We loseitile for nor' to stir a Om further!" Prom ichlidi On - nly-ell cult rd hint faint-hcartc , l fooli,and bade biro •istand there and Aiserce, or be witness."- - And then the genvral, adviinehrz alone to t.ome i - I QEA l,E1) i'IItIINDS.II.S will 1.1 , reveived nt 1 , , .. dittance from hint. 111101 It grave, elderly num, ~,..0 I 1 tlo I 10.1. , ,1,111. ,:n. NC...1,. ant, nioo of 11111 , k1. I I with grail or parchment in hi 4 hand, irlut &Ili- I ~ • t 'l.‘ Tilt: C„ritT or (.11NImoN 1.1.F . As 1 Vii•T!'tl. tr i trg:?lii: r iArti`i , i rr k;'•trk i i..",',, T ,l " .llT• ‘ :. 1 ' ered it to Cromwell, and he eagerly permit, IL 1 , ~,, 1 mi. tii l iovnTrei ( A...., to let tl. tiled:Kill, 1'.u,1 ro.r. iit , ~,,.„, ~,„„,, Lindnity, a little remtverci from die fear, henrd 1 ~,,...,.,,“ ~,,,..,,,,,,,,,, t,,,,, ~,,,, 0.,,,,,,,- ~, 1..,,,,.• i t ''' 4 171, t.:l-f- I L . : t'll'ir 1:1,f April. several loud words pass Between them; partictl- ..` l, !'•'" 1 '...i- ' ll .' l " : cr. l .t• '• 1 liliti .!.. in lin. ~, , ..1...1 Me• • , I it, Ow Own. t h.t,...laiit-1..0 A, I, r..1.y, ti. sail, tt, , ~,,,,, ~„ itt. A OUP Jarly l'rolnwell , aid— : th... 1 . , , ,. ph,,,,,at to., t.k...,, ,0,.1 , area, p r ipt..ll.. tt• u..... 1 i. ,„, ~,, d„ .101. .•!Titie iv hut for seven years: I was to have . 1 . • , ;J:':::':', ,. “•T v ....,! 1 :,i',,V,, : ,,,7:‘,:.:„1,,, ' ,,,,!:_:.1, ' ,. ;:1 ... :!:: ,h, ~ it for one- and -twenty; and it most and Anil he ~,,,,, ,bo, i'2!on..h., ••• , to , ~ o th , no , M 'A-. ~,...... ' .:::: ;,, 4,, ' .541.1' t re 11,1- A,. .ai.l till n w l. nn .1 tannin., 1J.r.,,,i, .0,11 1.,.. I ~‘„, ~., At, ~ 4......,,,,,,, .1. 1.. t Sid.: a draft en.l .1.,r1,..... At tr1,..1. T „ . ~,,,. ~,,,t , ~,,, 4. 2 . ..7 . . 1 , 1 , 1 ,'!;;; . .,,,, , ,,,,. ,„,,i ,„ The nther tint him, po4itively, that it eon. ar il t 1..1 ... ti. Ai. , •• ,-...-- . A tr. 1,•• .1 , 1.,,t4.1 1,. Ili. I.o.rint., Th. prnntectle mu, tta... W , 1 1' , 1:11Pr'.1T Dalt, for Illtite Ilia, Ctell. , -I .' ~.” ...War rtri, , t, at t,nl It It Intrct.l.lta fitoni-h- nail " 1 ` .1 " . ' it . 1 '' .. 111 ' ' :Id. ilei.l rr , t I. A•.. u... 1 et t1i,.... earth...wall-4., (.., tri.a • ll•ttl'att Which CrOyliVell cried, with great 1im,...- 1 • .„, „ ~.. , L . ‘, 4, ,\ I • ~,,i,..., ~. • 111 ~1,1.• I - 1,111,1 Vt. - A. 01 1.1.. Ow IR., 'II orenitiv th.- re •. • near, I•lt shall. hou - ever, he for fourteen y lir. • i if i t ~'''"..• ''''' ''''' "'' •' ' •''•• '' ' ' -l- 11. , iiel-i. , ii . tt...-te 'entail. et, , r- , nr..ii-n , a , tl , . . . ' ... , • ra ...,.1 Tun- Prot,. IL !IL. 111..1 nt4 I ....t ',el e. A ! . 1 ~,..,t. tat. 1.1. A /II 11... t .n. t ....1.....1 , - ,, t1erri......t.r....11 1 • nit the other perooptorily•deelinco, ••It 0,•010 1 !.. ti_ht ..n.I ...IA not pn...itily lie for any , longer time: and if he , . , F0:' . 1 , , ,01: 1 :: 4 1',,',„; ., :rL,'; ‘ ',': 1 :7 -L ' " '''l ''''' '''''"' 1 -,..',;::: I ;:: b '':! . .. -- ;` '':,''..";',;;;;„:'!„';',.;'', ~..:;',,;•-',",„:2. 1 wo,thl not takr it en, there.. were 1,01,1, 0,0 1 ''''' t.1 ,. 13, - r. iir.vorn ei ext- I to- 01 . tho ' t.lo tvork7r-elrve tlip nv ' l.t v. narel.a., win, 1 mloild."' , ovi • - ',., 7 t bowl , .tr•-.. , ....r Oa . me, .1.. in 1., nmt ti,er, v. tt.......ntrart,r- w. I UTion which rromwr'll nt :,iid look-the parch- ' ityg II c '.l' Isr it 11. Cl.l\ll9Es'r If V. , 1 ',." - , - I'i:.';:',.'',..','"',',:','„", - ,",",',',,,"1,,',"',;;;,,, 1 ' ,`,l,'"„'„' , ...`, l ,'.'; r. ;„,,,,. , "i''''': ""'l '''' t um i n;;. t " Lint'S with g r '" ..i' : ' ff" . l .. . t,:7117.1!;... '.'' ' .1”, ' , ' ....71 ' „ ‘ .1. ‘. 7.1 ' ,..i, A . ... 1 1 ?V... ' _.'t' ' t 1. 1 ..'.:..t. ' ..'ii r j„1c..1 ' . : .1:11 . . 4 ..t'1 ' ., ',' 1 .. i ' 1 '' .: I . in :hid countenance, lie erie', ~,„;,77";;,. ''„,,..,. ~,,,,,..`:',:, .N. 1 W 1., 11.1 th, - r0i,......- ,o- io ie. uili In i.v.d.. eitt, ii-va , -Now, Litn - lity the l- nth one own: 1 Intl.,' , " 11 ." ll t" 1 I ''''''' '''''''"':. T.: ',,":', 1 ;7:',' - I '"tA, ...,...i.': . rCt i ,',..a,l,,r p r . A r ta A,,..r 11., e.,al Pi tin e n,.:.. tti be enioterit ' • - • - .- -- - - ~, thnii i--,,iited, n oiii 1. r.,. I. ..1 hot ~,, nn nt. ri 11 tr ' 11.. ,,,,,,, ru iii ; ,-,„„ „,„. the ~,,,,,I. they r 0 .,,, ,„ Lh ,, I SF ; \ 11. 1111 I, - Ft,. lot- rei in, 01. l or ist• ainh to itio.. frt ni th. tt,n, .1...11 4 ,1 , , ,If 1;1, ...II , II 4 ,1, 4 ! . .......i.Pter ~.-t.ria,or tll. f.i.l.l.mtAtt ..f In. ~..W.., 4.4,,1, .e f.,,,..it t 1.. . ttt ..] the "Eh, with the ile-ign , Ili I'Vr Ix _ F ~ ii liri. -toil too eiu , tit Imo roll , „,, , t. ?, , ,, ,,,,t -' . • . '1L • ' ,, , ,,171,1 - el i d s i,, e rti:sin . i....,:, I I to leave the,',Arvily an noon. •• '•'-':' ''''"" r " '" 4 '' ' I AYER'S - RIIERR.Y PECTORAL After tltltirt Charge, Linoliev departed -111- - ; ~ Ii MIII. l . :-SI . ,S. 1 .-- 1: ii Iv+, 0. ,0.1••••• • 1 4 .4 01: 1 1. , ••urt. of c,,, , ,z1,- , . i'! , 11.. 11".,,.- r t tt, awl rode away Wttli :ill rt,,il.lr. vi .... . il, eln . 1, t. 4 ht. 1 . 0.... .11,1, 4 . 4 AI, I: \ t.- i n.. 1,..m.1 n. Ather, IA lar. t .lng Couch. null Meld, till lie rime into the county a 5',,r1,•11.. 1 - hi ilio loin, r.f n'ti intimate frwild, one ir Tho. • i h l FF ., ~ II 1111 1 , , IN 1-: F. l' I:,I i —A - -ttrplY .o .`' ""'' 'n' . ." - r' - .^l , '''''''''' rt I th ' 1' .. " rotrz , o.l. tititti,er .4 the pariah of (t61nt, , ,,,., , ~.1 ~,6, ... ~,, .. 7 .. ~., ~ „ th.. ~,,.. .. ~,,,,,, „th. ~,,,,,,, f.,,, th,. ,th,,,,., ~..,,,.. , , tor- it .- . i ..e. r,t1r...u,,11et somt tn I., nent , I a-i. nI.I e nt ...el 't .i. 111'1 V IV, ' 'et . '. ' IIn ". ' ' ' ' I 1)111 l'EAellES.—Tiit 01 . linn.tri 111. In 1 i-eerdi - ..lei. iiit , .., , , , .. it , :titer hllll, At ttb it great reward hoary tJ ul t shrub; , ~.., r.0.1,..,....1 , 6, - . . . . „ , i ,r.-.A. t.tne r tt....11,11, , .. Pr Al/111111111 ...lat. a ti.1r...7,1e, tiring hint aline, r dead. " I '• "' I ' ' I" • ''-•• i ...i.t• ts iio. Oir o r iik. ,I ra it, ..,o a. I.oflau 4, th.. Min, Mr. Thorowg. , od lan - hi. , frier,l LititiatiT 1, 6 , i am N FLA NN ELS -- A l' , "L' r 'll'I'':• • ' *";:;',....;":•,'!;:k.:7:`;',''Z ',1;.1 . : Vt';',raT i ?."4';„..., ~. ~,.._ tutee into his yard. h ip line, aril Itintoell notch ',_'l, • i 11.. nt.. 1.. ~.., n ...1,.., , , 0r....., !. r.: ~• '.,. : 1,_.„. „.,, ~,„r ,„,, 1.,,,,,1. ~, m .:„,,,, ~.....( art" 1. in n Fort of max. te ...I.l 1 - 1111 ~ 1 i:111*, A 1.1 1.: I•virl :1 i 0 1 i ~,,,- ,- 1 / ih • ~ • I . : . •,, in 00... tr.., 1tdruite11,...4nt..tt1a1..1 , 1..4 Tit''W 4" l ' , "'in.'" W r i."-'‘r iitnreil" Il l, ':•• It'lt ENVII LEA F- -Filly 1•01,,II.., Vr,•,,,... ..• 1,r,,..,. ~,, I, ,0:i•,., 0m000,••• ~ o,‘ ••00••• ,, .• ~, tl,• ~ liettle shortly What' find from our ,II 1. , ,,,,n,.. 1 , .., 1, 4,4.1 A., l.er rer ni- to -• • -ii•-•ii i • riei•-•ti - v , -.iii to ot .0, 0..0 , ,-•• .0. 0 , 1.1- 1.. I ...: i t' A • .1 4 4 ,1 0••••1•• ••• ~• ,• ' , `-'• 0 '".:•"'l . ' colors: IT Tilt I: It I- L "k 1 1.100. 1.,,id I.:0.1,1y: -yes, them lia. rees. (l I li.lill.:". --'i loin I to- , i‘t:ll-. ' , mrc.. - r lA - rut:Art - in- Jc Ai t'. 1. 4, U- I, w SW a }pally...Altai an o sure the king in beaten. Ind , . ,•-iii,- eel., .....iati.to to ' ,in tir do: awn nf 1 , . • I, uty Yell., A0.111n.,.• If lever 11,.=trike a .strokP fort:multi:cell again. ma) Iv. oil. to I .t r.1•11..1,11 I Mll., ~. I tn. 1,-ettl.. I ..iAli.in a vvoirt e.f nt, rat, elm., ),, nn et I,t ,•rt. t.. t .tal.lult fAr t_t‘ t...n..fit a.m.,. 1..4 ? mum.. I rerinh,otertiall,' For I ~,, ~,,r eh ,o,„., nuole I 8 - EItAIII.I.II , N —'frie.t,.. 4 '1,i,,,...., A, ..... ~ i'l ) ~...... 1.., ....i.t.e.,...a. 1 .,ni...: t,, a ....vt, ...I. : h. en,' ii en. , mt , will, the devil. and the tivitT will lisA, • 1 ti 1 l 111 : .1 1 „,,..........1 man ! 1tt..1,1.,.......11...tt nt 1.1111111, 4 , 11. I Lim in due time' „d„ , - - 1 , ll . ..•” "F” '"I . „„1 ...1.1 r ,t,.......,:, ni..1,1 I tr.-mt o.y. m, .Iv tti, 1...1,1tel 11 . 11., , WI 1 4 .11 I 1 4 .1;•1.4 1 1. I, ,Ifiten desiring hie protection 11 - titti l'romwell , ;-.S 1.. N - 1 - 1, % 1.1111. S -I cAlt Oil ~l *.i.,.... , .1r., , :::,,';',:;.'„;:,,,'; !,74,,,,,, . t.:,,,',.... I ...,,,: 1 1,.., 01,4 0.01. ~,„ a ittituinitorii, he tent In, and retitled to him tho 1 6 t/ 2 ..iie iiii . ro-ii I- i 1 i iii o'l vi 1ii^.• , ...r , 11.. .11. 1 4 ,1.41.. 1441., n.lO 1.1 012, 1 . 10114•1,i1 I 1 4 IP . •,... r .thry in all its ctroopiitaticto.. initiernifirg- not, , t „, , ~„ ~,, ~, ~,,,,„, ,„,„,„,,, , ~, ~,, ,„ - ~,,., ~,,,, ~it fir We: t., A. m. Ow, rytnallltiiie wont= that • .1 1 1,13.,, , 11 ~,il, l ! .i.vi 1 , ii.., • ..t.,1 -t I i [ r. no.l,it Mt. 14 , , :waren, eertaittly die that day iivet-, year. that the linttli Iraq frittelit.'• . 1 itt ig iievireel it eregviir) to ioninil Ilio render ! t tvt Cronitvell Weil Um: di. iievon yeurg—Seti• 1 inkier 2, jliiiili. Still leg, neergeare eon it tie tii!i ii preigg our 'oilier tlnt, tint fo r il o t F o l., i , i : 'wild never it:IVI 111, rd of th e.i ,b ove , thrs. .Z.VCrMINI.COMMICIOnfaIar-rrelreasiarl 4111:il MIS', I tEl'llSli% HANK - , ourell. llrr .111 ter 111. 13..0. l'be I.ll.wiswi jo 3 I, .f. Ile, file.. wiorli.fm 11 , 3 e 3 Ter` 1. 1.31 3 3 30 1,11. 1 113 i, 1,,..' i Aii.3l fu I.liiellitoli incilwreil .1.1 will.t: ViTA:7„::Vil:r:r,'..',,T.'i d i n . t, l , "!:'WlV ---- ' ,N;u, .1 olore “0133.1103 Fire at Ifilew W. 41,11.3 rote of t.ur, 1 W - 1330 3• r onlioni .01111. TI 1 111111 , 1 , 1 N, 12.1.1. r , ; • Anlruie4 onto ono] • "133 .4..1 I, I.• 0. 0.. 1 ~ . .1. 31e1/.111.F.• b. ! , :t.i. , . PIO li • ' / jl'illehtergh..tennre 1. 1 , ...1.-- b,e.l..t.i.nbt , •• - . SHERIFFS SALES. • li Y virtmt q.f It Writ ..I' I,.ittri ranilts 1,01. A ,t fir. the 1333trirt Corl. of A 11,1.3.1 wtint i. ws.l oi ; I..lirveV.r. will be ete,...4 I. „,Itle Iran~ ,t t1...1,nit 1 111.nr, in the ell, .1 1,3/ lairoli...n Sleet,lny.. the ...e.11,.,,, , z r.lnnunry. A. I, 10111. nt 10 tirli• h., A. V.. IT. fulluninz flefiefile3l properly,. On.— . i .All that re.runn It.t. el' ~.Telnel tilonte In the 11....er, ,tneL ~e {eerite 111.1.1.unth. and lsom a I.y the I..zac. of 1... 1 Z e :l " l,;l . l:=ll;: r e i. e ' l4im b !. 'l in . rt , t l. !!! :' ..:lrVb.%h.::. 'l. q.. i, ,„..„,„„, ; .„ t 5, ::..eerter , 11 . 14.t r ! , ..:t !IT , . r i nsth.nn I &P , . r:lVr;leni.rel.r.rtt l 7 ;o . L ' .....7 h:T.t-..t,;1 ..ig.t.i.f.;::, WI. .41.1 e. 11.9 to fe..l. I”,re menet. .4.114 0.,. 110. owl 1 letn , tale.nir llte envie Inn Pet. I. the pinhe 1.1 e.ulinv— I ,ttn, part rot rmt nu N”. 1 ill ill the Reeito , Tri.t ei,i,...4.. I 111thureb, ne:tr the %fwd. 11..mtrn. ttl the 14.1,0,41, el )11.- n ... %Lich by 'mein nnerl awl xithicien, .4,n,y. min , . hecegme np.,..t..1 ... 11 S. ( . ...nll. it.. try ret.n.ner todenl. nrce.nhel In ileetl Ire 14. 'ewe 311, 01l guar. 01111. , : 'r..,j,j,, l ght4:AVAttue B l . . ‘ / 1 7/V1V , Z! . ... i i: i v.7:: 1..11, ? .:11 ; '? • t the ra..] J..ha Ilnahnrlnn. in fe, wlteee. dee.] le e.-..n1...1 t i 1 11,1 Ir.ok tnl. —. ,entr• - .. lo.retlier len'. nll nod eineu hir the ient r: ~ante., 0,.. .... nt.r.0wn ,,,,, whnhewrer. 1,1.en,111. , lehan.l . ll,. 1,17.11 met taken try er,nthni ~ prote,tr et Jebel linl.er...n. tt the mit of 11.41. Ile. .ulluite.b.A..eigner of Y. b Que.,. nod to he u. 1.1 hr 1. 1111111 S. biterili. 1111,111*111fler..knonry 1, . tb1.1.—m,111.fe.11.... tyrics.—Tal,n up by M.. ,1111nE.ri1er, till 111 0 nth in•lnnt. n It l't i 1! 111"...h.ntt 17 Iminle hp+. er. o; earA..l.l. nit], a rt., en her terehe•tol. Iwo I.lnll lett WO pto the ,evt..r.... . ; u14..•~.11 1 hliml: no.o.anmrl., perevphhle. The hien., l reque.tet teeILITIC tueitnnl. giro., revert, nny ellurgee. argil Oat, ber awl,. " blhAk D. PCIIIII. lunt. , ,, e..titlk PittAeervlt. . _ . 11 01.: SA 10).rg of 31,11icinog . I 11 • Annlyni Vonhal. nr anlkner'a Patentl'etl•talde Fakir. Dr. Evan,' Clarn.mile 'tilt. In. I:vane herald, ilvnt. for,en .71,1i1a, 'ever and Aaron Herb 1.0111. tin Ilaint'a PAP. cm . Coneni, an. li,...penet.a. and hivrr COM,lll.llat. Ward , Cale thr ehran ratall letthinka-1.9 ISAAC JIAlt1:14. et . 11NC A 1.1X1) FOR RA LA NI ' ES.—S tat,' 11_ , meat of Ilepolle and. Ihdanda hepreita In the haelliof Vittahorah..4 the ..f ten .I..Hari, aril dt• r.e..dimt that aunt. which. *Wan the three yeara prneed.l.a. hr date of Ala ...went. have not ahker ineinaatv r l dindnittu. • ills the mane. of the &maid,. the dale when each dried. ade. thr .I.erenf. Thisdatenntnt nveltidea eh demi., wit WSW., of 111...1.i. which hate hereldfore bern pub. tor thine 1 , 0M.X.v111. earn—they having rethentn.l to the Cntrinniarallta . Joe.. Ono vdterty . ..... 1,47 ........... 240.0 Th. my Kf , 111.. an. it. 1.411 .. Stuart...pointr..). ..lan. lar; Wel. .. 114 ....... Daum. 1 cern!) . that then'l , l:..l l :: 'L.A., to he halm...a the inn..., naed. vial hating renadted In hail. an m rit(111,..1 for 'nat. .1011 N Canhirr. SWorm and tovilbre relnr. 14:o. t:Fir AV VNlre. Al.rrortn. J,,l:Ltatritz , a In.. I'd, .1 I'o.lnm:li. • _ . _ . )1/ASK I N 4; - ('OI.I.HVTING AND I y4,F, 111,FICK k .arker 1. , 1,n60 on all llar V-tern .arul {Co.lrrn Oil, for rala 4110 /lon. ...Or an prittrareal pineor in mon rooor non,k. dfrootantral. NA.. tool .14 NDIA ItII if 6EI PASTE. I gr,t1.14 , .t . that rt. ria , . for 1...4 nn.l +-ropier - ow itort . prr. oxf nr,t, sm.! ra paoo raotla. tardolo O. • rfxratztl t . ;,; "J.a J x IL a J x IL i'l1IITA.1:." Allegheny Connty, on: -Vi.• an Orphan , ' Court. 11.4.1 at Pittqhtlrgit. In and for .3:.1 .I 11... loth 4:010 , r, hoon. the huno ... .11100. II: M Jtulhow*. lhu oetii rl tou V.utn.t. A.unitth.trotnr uf 'A., 0in41.1.0 . the :ue.h., ..1 ,tll3 ,11e pownh.t. erthn, tooth that ho h OOO O, I,fol 6,1.. I went of her .11.1.1... that /1,1 .11,1 en her of ou...11•1111 ill IS to ••11:,... 111 of gonuna qt.tule in the Statlt ttnr.l 4 - ,1 11. e eity othohnecle. n I,of on Wuxi - to:Om plrort thlrly Pvt. et.% ostetehnot bhe I.i ,uel 81.1 th on a Itue ,ete.11.4 otroot fn; Pot u 141. nee erucled dn. 11•1111 1.11,, .141, WU., 1,711.0 l of nu lot groutol rota of +U.:Jaren John... .e t o lot of 0,31111 uhlth erno'nold roue, cut , to utut kr.'unn. 1hrn,.1..00..1 110,114 31"Ctintt I le' ,14.eme . 1ta1un...1. 1 ... 1,1 dated:lsth dzy tortntier. lot:. lnt.Lonh. te11.441.., Undirldest on. heir tore., en -1 *hooot. twine du 111.0,..1 rant, taw' the &LI, of nth% t,,hohuno. the I:..urt to giant."" unlor fur throat,. 01 , 0r.1.1 rest 0..L44it Cue the OeTntent of the : horrnoi.n. the Court ..111..0 no.P.llnut thnt the 011nOttnitorox ge.u. the .11.1 ormolu...to noble: ente, ot the Court 1t11.42A.: to Ilto hittrlntri, - 11, lhanrthq.. V..hruhr). A. 1.141, nrof ',II the doloo for 11,. 1.4 t prin• that ran to 1101 ttleine doe nol.llo rtutostuul thoeq m,,k, 11.1 , eine nal phew of rale, toruoting to hor mot tloh rule of thin Court, th^t the mitt naullowtrator !nelson letn. , c-td 2 rho neht.etolott UrolutrurPutrt. He the Court 1,%-baSy. _VA NIEL KleCulan.Clort, • CUIITALY C II IN TZ, Printed: ttl.tet Curtain Murtha or various et) lea vett ttualltle, to be food st. 7xy lboala Hoot or 1111111 . 11 Y k BURCHFIELD. 5113 ' ' h.te. us. Youth k Mkt Oat 511SCELLANEOUg. • in OLD .N5....,We hAvo now 'On , h:Ozwl4i .trek llte 14.. t 14n. from the Imar mannfaelneang Nec York: and n 0 4.• ovno•s4r to. wa- ' oki n'11.4.1,x. Aig Wer s,Pr, All f, nth. la and rtlnll dol.; V.'ll,soNi TLIEI N rIS I) N MA MS.-2 oTivoil nits Ar. A F. W11:/N. .11101V1)Elt 31.1 N iiA NESE. _t. b, • J. Kinn i pl. 1171 - 7Ai.LisT -- it's .11/11_ fk.r ti,M br • J. KIM. 5 A RI) OIL--; for sah• / ,11•Vo , 1:17.11 1101 RON .-ir ;fly [,nu Brush( 'r,,k Furun, bb; EA.:Ade by 1:01:15),. UTTI.I: A CO. •• BA! Butt, I ;; .11:1.1., hug I;; elf IS4 L 1 1 .11.1, n A III). No. I ill rt,,, I,v Ji4 .L:.1..,1‘1, ill ELIMS - . aLc 0, J jal Ktl.ll 1 1 3 ()SP; 54:1.1,111% 911 IL., 1,,„ 1,, 4 0 0 „,., 1, t N 1.1,10 N. •.!:,i) ilk .1 KIDD 4 • W BEA \ h. 4 lirl-. salt, Lc I q *()RN. So brl. iII 014.• liv NI II ../tr.STIIN WO .1,4,s p GAllll' 10041,14 51, Jo! rat Itl•N a ,!1111, I'lll\ 1,.r v.lti..lk II will to ..... ~r o 1 rl, 0,110 . • . . A Mr() I,lh, ut3I , ER ENGLISH SII EEP SK IN AT, I. ti...- er a. 4u , 1,1; 1.1 1.. 1,1 fr .r. 1.• 31T1.( 1,1 1 1 , ( 1 1r. A LI.;JI. 4114.1.1 m. for " . 1 0.. I Inv, •41, A 1„ 1""L ,„; '' 1/1"15 - , INSEED I,ItIN 1 . .. r sale' by IA , .s I'VALL I IW. •- 31111 sa Lr 1911111311 L. 1131,1-1' U . h.: rensil C./ 11`!''""' 11' IL\ PPINII A.N II PRINTING PAPE T T ,Lt.• in 13,- .m3ll lir ITTI IN. i 1 10111, , In.', Isilditrz from I 111,1”1n.rand •i. I :11i I 1 .I\II . STEIZIN • • I'..r mak I, I 111 1,111.1 n s'ir STEAM 'BOAT Kxti lieLLtml nrul 11. , unt, ,ilale 114 ••••a , tm..1.,+.1, it, mt.. r•c , akek • .W . ..1,10,1...110 t• Irj.,r. 1.111 1.1:,/.1. 1.1.1:111M: 01. 1? II E Salk, Initdintr. Iroi I nn I.y , _ \... I. i• J ...11t1 0 1)11..--1.1r , 1 ,, i1, 4 .‘ , F n oil ti All Itt , Kt , w..ter „,, •..• pri, 9111.1:1.:E 1'1,7 AND itAIN 1 , ton,. tt.311 att., t Vt - ..orth ttrt-ttl nit,l 11, , I \ Ilt)1\ II \ , -11 .51, {into I V • „I, I 1,4111 qt I.! „..f, , ‘'".. • a I 11 0 . v,ri • j , 14; A , nry brill , I:110 • 4 tott.f.‘t 1 11'.. , 11 ,, 1 , / 4 1, 11.4 , ..1 , 1 , IkEl' ht.itole for ma.b• h " 141141 .1 1111.1.4,1411.1.11 4 el • • The e Old Printidg Establishment,. i . 1 A TI: dloskitolln, I j Statirltnqa Nl'nnitoto.s. YIN in yrnpanal no 4 terla..r.a, 1.,,1. (Innmesall, ...nal, and su.nln d`a , l'r11,1m: nod 11. , x an.l arnele - tn ! llnn , and snahavnr, ,11,r1.-1 haties. - an.l •Ln I 11. stunt sw,m and 11/.. n•rnt. Mann 1,13. Slnti.ann ..f lamlnnlJlE Awl 14,4. Bind. A41'144.41_4 . 4:-. liewlia - oks Just Received. J.Tf I,Nr"fi)( . 1: E. Tailor rm.! :414 7411 ta, j t 1,444-4441.1 I Inl. Nina Edlanlinn. for tho Pur. and 1, tan ,Inn an... 4ll 'th Inn. , nrnond nlatttsr 11. Ilals,an. 1, In IL. I . 1u.11.. Inn. nni..rinnat , .41 4444 ' 4 k 11,41 . 444•11,441 1 - ,441 nma 11.11, , N. w Itonk .11,444, P.4411t444.1:0.44441 I, .14.14 n S 4' nlllt nurnylnan uninant nitls snninn.....l nnpnlar .a/t It, 114/Pli I Ins../ , l'l•artit . iIatoTEPTII IN I S SOLI NPE 4:031P ANY !Hurl lani. 4 ..an 1 . 411414115nak mrtl l'oint. I 1a.4.01441. 414:.4.14.4 - 4 411'42:4. .1 . 14•• nruirlvtu44.4 , l Inn born amninfill no - n 1 f-r ILI/ nl.l aursnl II r. L... tie Mon n. In fend,' In llm nod 41) 41111.11,.a.33. t Inant nn n...favoritlole r4t4. 4 .. r1 , 4411,, , , "?: a,th 6:1'1:All . (lOW 6.-41. 111. Gret 4 rle 117 II annlnctursn ..1 Fas'nn and ItnvitataiStstn ,. ....-.. nll U. ntlnntbak t.f 11, i4..1• n.nl mt.... FM, In/Intntnalln n grant tnr, t be. Irn. lia_nurullusqa w 114.1../ lln tuna...sin , ' mirk:, S,nlll , .11.11a1..1 at tia.:y tut. !t n. rark.. VELVET PI LE PAIIPETS of lb.' mi ,," a nd Lafsf, gylen.' tan 114441 n 1 an, Inn's , Wnr , l ~,,, Yourlll 4.st prin.,. no Inv an It.• 1.. Lad in nny nf nodurn ii. I'l.l\l 11.4. 114 . . I I FFSF • 1000 .144.X1r....5 r141 . 44:111: Lc .1 111'17E1E1.1 , . . - 1) lt 1 PEACII :: 41 5 nnekn and I bid g fat *alt.l , f,av LS ATEIIIII aX Is l I I'S . - gl, Burrr:it, IS 111,114 fr.sh • 1 b 1.14 In In/ Pais saa ' L S IS a VEST, N 611, I'IIINI7, revel% eol thi. any „ t tyan boos. ti Fo.erib WM. ‘1,4'1.1,11.011: LASSES. :ILI Erb cr.„p for by IsgoWN 911 ANNE li.E4 111,-4..431.y brlu • I/J .41s1 PIISSELS I! P )attenilsln t. rt. our Inr, ..! rin•Alir”rt 71m. r- 1.11.; lamit l far, , ,tur..,.., of ntul rich i.,, th.. 1,1 la. v u -h,...1 tit a.' I 1`,...t w0n.h.0...., So ~ .i,Yourth 11.1 t - I.INI , ICE . T• ' PESTI: Y P. I:TEl . Btry .111 for • "LA from...mil -1 IN , r Ch.eini. ; l.l; nt.Jl fur cal 4 I, .1 I, I' I • FICIJ o. I, 11. ct TT, Fah! hy I- I J. li. I•iNFI L • 1 411tEs ,!!1 1 :11,„ 0„, 1 ' 3. 3 ;11 -1 1 1 .;" - . 1' 11.)1i:K LES. j tit rutio,ivol :tt 1,0 wt.! v t tI.I bit lurrt j.or In LAI' Insllou Farr t r yJn., Hatter Num, iu wr, 11.4 rrr, n.l art Y arn: Mftritiv-g, fnn. Ih.. utone "nr 1ate,.,.-k- 4 Kvivhnno.n....J.rp It., n„ 1 .1.1 so 1,11..10trA. .3:'.1 31. a. 111 OM E ILEEN. liar 11., f or It) • Ellito co. 111 A P.IS REEN. _6017 111, lor K.lO by J co IR.I A PrI , ES. 115 but' for sal,. by 1 . .re , • 11'11 II Jj117 , 61 ,, N • - • ).PERii:tNt;iNflS: .liiirr -1 LW, rower Isr play. fur NI. 14 1.. tut etrmL FriRMS 'TOR 'SALE, &t V ‘ ALE OF 'VALUABLE _ILEAL ESTATE 1.7 ANT) TnoN worms. Ilnlrogrhotat Cogirr., Vril nta I o.—Parnavnt to 11-err, thrtlrrult Vntrtinr emu/. .aw rind Chrneary wahl nuanty. reralenwl theraus, Jubta Tura,i'v ...hal, defendant.. the. avklerrisra. ro"..aerPladn-4.d for the porno, will j.nact , nl tr, nt Th.ruintrarn, in gait] .I , tr. ou the loom. M . . - doy . lIJ Falritterr, 11 , rinw TAMIL datra an that proprrtr 5tr,1,.1?;!. Work!. att , l thy ram., tontat h. raid John Tara " r.tliera 01.wid ETSIT T. Ellirott and tdher.. rnotain. in , at... , nr - rar of laud. hennua ar , a Polltstg forge. 1-.00 , /r), Silt lagu,ry.tirnd and haw Mill, all aria. h,tx.arr, truether with threo 111s-1. Furrar...— thl la.! Lieu, It an ahntabonee of Imo 1 1 r.., Stun Tanta., and Linn edam, There Ig nlnn a valuable r na-ing Cheat 11i,.?, b,langiria to the pn , oartY. . Tia....t.no. I. ,kind..]antoulgetoria , not ooly of I n.ll, hitt of H ~,l and C/glon. hriCtg otmled th-heurt n wand fgratlng and haleain motr, ugh , : roolli I'ILIA I I, II . g thr.1....t r in the we.t. at, nano:yank:tar:a to 11•Ihar,-.11 and ela , wherr. . tla.r hiar r, petuled Illdn li lb. a urt.... rt,ne in tr.h.rahly ',pot/ order. Instra.liatr rt. with the mill. are ann.. foror or fiv.• hutulnd a e nu. or ..ai,rlor hawing 11 , .11-• , ,iar uve or da ening liou.ra,sit. The err La eredit of nne. in, wad Ihrve yanr.. LL panha.i.r gLvisia Lund vrttli recant, 1.,r We 10,1n-al a toe j.10 . 1.10.11 1 ,1m%. touv , be thrjer.ed to mat,' in.,-sltnrrat , , may ,r,t. hnegnin thn pareloar valoablo u lel Cho ',oak' do veil In et radar 111.. pnnu ruhe ~ten•nrr In rartihhtan nu, ,u , tla r th.a-nutii ~, or tng.rtontlon alai la gra, I, denirrd nr..lnng In Pan'hw - e. F. 1111.111 I ‘,1,„,„ it'. T. Li v.t.l•l•Ey• • _ PRI PPEItTi it.ENT.I r V Th.. to.lownlor MI." (Or 1L 01. thr Farm.. 1411i1 . 11 ntol tolparcit, amountilist tfl ttOU run. 1un.1,1 cloannt. ire!! inoirnrr.l, tsit.l In o loch 1 4.. , rull" al inn. Al., n 110, , nth] bot n Jlrl'lollautl tot. O. (ton•rk .oupt..l, IlL,rll 144,11A1,,..1. awl row:h ht "trio.' 1... Connor. )Irrrluttit.nwr. fir. 'Hiller. , count,. O. mutaluit, tr. nett, stl,ut on a lark urn tun 1 4 .4 Hon,. l• Fran, Trerh.-- t or out .4 1141 SIT. fnr tulo on "MI ham I Imltt Ilutt.l"-.1. bona ..t , mot Stroll...la Nlotrian to Immi of l'alt Ir. at ',runt,. ono" tu....ltt or tiro yenm, lfir of fun' rh, , . litont f luto.)".1 loud of 11 " n i or " t! 1. .1 "hs • Jo"— of ituitOn: homuot MrYarluml. • mot Motormi 1". \ Ir. Um. n l re . K. e"..."1"....1 Wu:Mint:ton and r.rfully 1. the tun s ",...f r. .••1. Orlo rnost amount of run. nul ...r.tloatown.l nn tho no In•-iInthon In hat tine. Ii 0111 0111 ,•outtnr Inrotal.l) nll4 nut Mal. 1111 the I Mon. llnp .111 "n. 11117111 :rind until 134.1 ul April, If it .111 hot tor plot hurch.." rTIWILLE. Toirivlttp. Fa,tll.o. Pa.. M'Clellpoilturrri !. —..0 Portorterat. A GOOD FADE FOE SALE. • GOIA.I FARM OF 75 ACRES—FIVE I ull.. ii'ur Pro raw, tan eitol a half mile. from ..0.1 mil.. 111.011 t. 1. 01 h0t...• on j litin It 111,...11 een..1.;ar..1. nit orrliaill of • :ter. , of 1.4 ton, 1..1. it gaol., mot ri,al oti II 11..; ha, tiotil.l....rvi; to Isotit-itiol ..Ilan n n. t. r 6i 1... ..,141 *lv nod ou oat pitri j wo. Iwo., void s . silt ....IL imil,tsuit• • Ito. 1.1.....; ;it 1r %Ai' 11A1:11.1.5' • awl 11.14.111,1.0 r r. V" _P.n.; iol , l rt 5..1 all limit. of AC9•II/1.•/ , • lo t;r I Itunfirlqi white:lml gr,et. In 1 , 1: Hirt j k, of 4itt .1111.. n ol _me. t,t I.4rn cool iillit4•ll.. ; :" "", 405'1" Firth ; 1410 LE mnall rStnil purply of I 1,3 -.all imp., of Alnianiii, a li'.. [amok F Y '! trtopreviro Chart: 1. National 11ar 1 . 4 qo 1.. 0,1;1w. a Mop of tho Heat.. and of Mrf..r In inll.lllA,-1, IS 1 1t• 11411111, Proposals for Eitaminous CoaL F.l) AT A —l , ar 1,111...1 -• n,lrrlTi ll.r prm.tor... 31 1 I• VII, %law. I{l H k HISI .S SEW ELL, )1 tt,,rnev ut Law, it ilio• Itla t-..,,,,, 1k 4.1.• r, It It. ~!..,.p4 I .it., Pk - % ' 11. )1' M . K S 11f1 IT, tellilvt, his nen Vhe • 1 . .t...1.1,r,1s foul ,t Iln 4,1....eur and 1,111, Ilu rill of ~Jnl u...1..1 rival.. In maul etul runtinu drawl,: of lu ...I. l• uuml..ll.ur %Wm.: All nt I%l.nd:A •,tl. atul ..r.. u. 11, A ' , lv. nut ..... 11. • X ' al; r, • Puurth 111 n 1 , u ton t j•Ltl ,I',nnman,l.ln, ut I.,,rus - err $.l •• tlic name “n I. r onl ka. rfjp,,n I, .1.41. , thrm r. :;t: n sin in 10,1 r,rn.. rent:ten 111..., IJ , 1., put rni.1.41 In lid, twill. 1,, PIV)TECTION Fire and Marine Insurance Company P,510..i.v0. 1,0,1 ,l I. ne and :+tirplu. () i 1121.1 81, ( )( 000. POLLOTEM NsVMP OW TUE MOsT rAVORALIM TERMS. F ARNOLD. Agent. f.intrirT - No ;4 Fourth Ono, littehnrch To the Readers of the Pittstmrgh Gazette. littUttfiC 1.1"1 to lit 11.11m-mc t tor& In n•lation .t...f le. brat num. 'mood,. of ini•lrrn Ilmre •1•1:1t. ILI-A 11 tn. !owl.: 1111: Itto! morn than 1111,0 1111 •.11 , n 1 n 1•111 na , lin nab( ...tor , 11. , volAtr• hmtim r. 1...1 Tool enm .l. Ito tarot power. t» to .1. 111‘11, -,I lo.rool/1 1011, Appwri.l,l tl». 1110,11/111, ••11,1 111e11 the 100 m... It tableteortmo w 11l 11 a _gnat Am. 111.1.01 the "it of n .Inr • bot no tor the rolr ingro.l , of Inatome molter: la, 0r... at itto.l. re., "mum , . 11,11 MIEIIIIIIII.I. he moat when 1411 011. r It"- /aim formal.. The P. trotroot la alond lit iahonmil 11. , .1.:41, or ow ...di, 1,, , ny-Oom tlait tonal., to morn all en/amt./in. It ota 1 , 10.11 we writ, ntnot imito rtm »w, ant, the omit—that ar erg nothing mkt.- Int". to who nmY I roftinf Pulr)tnfi .l.mir It. or -Itormenni. '11), rink on. rem opt to "mill at got newoltia.• tilt Man alto, A ati.m rags I,nnllt 1- tea, highly w m»..111 Mena., ..14.41 of pull. to,nr 1»,».1.....,a1», ....or of then. Sofa. .In not olerin , tom. thi, ri. noalima onn thnt (betroth in rrlallon to amr n.llOll , all , nll be lobL a onto? wmtro far It twllon far ainele orllel, In Pm matorto nor'- Ehon no torn.ehrii rms.—fart, that ma, lirarerruittind 10 our rill *l.l 0,1,1.1...r10ai1, hear an/1 4, hoMmont 4.• 5m...1 . the Pi tVlthsn thr t.tOrt Pam mrnahn. non of nor torn Htlernw al— winint.nil lAttal. Isnie I•iro motor"! In "obi. in e 01 I.l . llbltti ia, In th , Matt of Ohl., litre lawn • n., .1. Anll.alow 11.• maeof a1A.M1.1.11.1111.11ea1l r "mot, Then an hul l lome ten no, mar ham., oral am, Iw n e o.rrial tot" ant perion, who 1 - 11, doubt. 0111101. 10 /- j..t.row ) arr.. rttroil aln r th.y bad herr. I.) mom.• a* limairia. Th.: It. troleunttrill ran, 1 rl. o 11.1 arronlow threction•—ltiarrhota. • Mit Itheinnattem. tom Neuralf , ..• itet :AI., .... Min. PA... I:Mg - warm. Ten., I F A. F .l l l.l F ...n. " %ir F oril F ;rl;• F a t i?.r . : .ll . lan ..... am rhrml. stator, I,ll.llnit to or, I ' barna mai -rabli. dorm , . of the ithultlvr awl tiolnetr. 1 bi.rorniml•Athrli". I orn• Itunami. It, fgt. it la .. or.ra, t we , " r.. orat, ha• herr. "ant in ovot of the 1.11.. n• Mei". ?ear It h 11.01 t..-1111trnta.• Poi( will art In th , loom. io or,ptirtot. who wit] lake Orman, Ilk Moir In.: ihem to th..r..llltettil th...r flit 111...t....r oil, r, nog en. alomil their troallrini, the 10 , ra,,ar it molt i.P the I ' ll t•trt.rn• ••( tool, not. tt in an la rlitt'llur to main to masa,. Too". alto nt ant 111.10 .1 00 Y 1 ,11, doubt W. 1., to :marl A doe prom• owl tinotto r t rut . rolls mood, w lal roint•llial arborwleibri. thol the P. trol•Mm la 111.1 01.10. t e 11eiwi\t •W• 11.-4. 11 . 1 . 1:‘ , 1 elrvel..l l ort t. .0,l till it) llr' l pr. " „,„ totrusTit.vrows . „r the ratan , ..1 Aillhanr Ma Mt. lif 11, .1 1 1 ..1 1,11.101,11, Ammo. 11.• t.. the invirtimood, i.oirn to All .ra notelmil to mot • gat, In make boumisan. 0. nml all tarwm ,l ....nr Malmo antowet 0 , 0 ,; ,0011.....1,1 imoirot gm mOO% dill, mato.... Jl.-an.l. g • it th , w lung, •ati hr '"' A A ""A'".'.” AMMullin atratrir 11 itZA I I I•ltnitrator I• .w• "1....2...11t0 • LIN:EIi PILLS- - ISuld not gel 1111...,11"1111.• 11. Jan. 9. tir. 11 it wur 1our• lb, vitlr Lint Pala 11,01 ....pi "- 1 ".•.1.1 la bi.t mho:, Ile 1111 a.. and eat.o ..o. It., suali , • I 111, I.l..fhmt lon.' of .ono omit , I.wir. e• gaiettolly, J 11IlliEfa. to t air."..l Jul intil .It. pELLEII.4. Ati•al oto gm, w.ll Aro, tit.. m nab ,„, 11 [err era) t iercem TIONV Cr4 , [l, .1.-r. ratA 14• A l, 1 , 1 VATRICK, 1t14.11 , rt,' 4 I WA it E—Spoon, Forkot, 1.7 roatter I‘,lt, ral ad I , nr•-•1 Alii• t s M • Car. ?. . ri„'iNTAtiA NET 11A1: Z(l.llS—.. Joot trrtirot by axpiro, ' miql.ll, 4ett.... ' aLot vuabl, Ilanra,thr only nala tr7frrt ran' r menu al fa,turrrL Ja.ls . • W. W. WlLri/N. lEECII 5: CO'S EXPRESS TO 4.11111A.P111 Nov, mvlN arrnarrinent4 for !rm. oaly the al...re duricur by,. *n, awl from th.-44‘. K" 14.1 4. 14.11,..1,thi. Thrcath in ISA boor. Fnotll {ltek. “ralr mr, mken. C.., 14,411 PENNSYLVANIA RATTlioms. INTER A.RR.INGEMENT. 7711; 1 41 . 1M Si and tman th.mn. tm the, I,ones.lranl. iLi115.4 1 . 1t11..‘1 , 13.1•111 5. 1..1% 11A1.1.1.11,1t}... . Itnrahr„ . . 0' LauAl Nartzttt s. Sit , That I,ltr.s t.tt Ctortts &ruts, tor Ilttllttlat•ltimb. as from Ito It, It, the St., lAtunk, it anis Itutt and (211 trill.,) to 1•1111.101tthLs. rano throw:ls bottrA. Fan. tt , . t 00 FAts an italtir.ttre 10 00 I `earthy, tin bail,. 4,417 117,111111, at t tirlrk, trrra - LTIT. ato nt! st Ito r,tutt hour. ENTIi AS 10 Ittive at any Hot, altrnytt'lntrratiltssst. This tlto ttrst direct, ottultn - Lably, eitrtlitittu.' mots to tts. rat.tertt Itnlticotre Ittlottlst r. 1.4 st thrt rt.. tt arrival of the t-sr.t at that For ' apttl t. r 11% , 51Allt1IE Al T t I, IL CI: rhA ai, J. It. lit ostn,ahel Utr, ItitAtatrt-h. IsAtt —thst: ' • • ' • - 'RAS SPti I:TA'r lUN LINE Futi SALE. Th.: , sattcrittts oth-st Gat I. Um it, ). httt ol4,ol . Irttse cr r.r.lsttrts In I Ittlistit-Ittlsa. Oct. GC 111, littu, Th . 1. 0,0 • 0, 0 , of thts t'ltleAttthlittbtAt rotttstrol ,, rt II north. th.,....04..r.tit0tt..f yrnmrs yttthlnt: tt. etults•Jk lt (:,aim,..,-.ttetaimsst-. ttr nmarla. altsa.ty ILL sjtlttl Iv, the euxrvitut rtstie. J. the fins. tantittlltstitst for runtkitr., for the tprtst: Itattitatt, turAirtutt rat,. ytt-. .tlsl.tott Alt.tttitl L. tustis. DIF:N. • • Stlrviritta parts', of John AlrSts, Irn itt.l or Its:tint. Kam allts.t. EW 'I; OF PIANOS. Jobti 11. lirth.r kelV.o.l riot nrut a.rotut'crrg • gf' Tom, op,' And v for ~ n 1r..1.4:11 PCEN.I•II. ) ItOOKS. 1 h0a11,...f Moro,' woo , of Itrauly4/ 7 ' , 1•,lotort MoArrilArt Amornollk Pnmdaddn Llnerow. R titirr Prorl••-ri..11 1 , 31r0 tool] 1111 ma hooml. I.lorr-01..1.11,q0r .1. :r.sle Pre-rutstmot Al•enill4, • Fr, nal.. at 111.• FI , L.f 'AIMS AL lir -t.. o of F,mlib. Morrie unit Willis's Home ournal. 1)1TM:411E1i every Smoltlay i New ),,rk I ('it.. a 1 Two Dollar a 1.'25. li s S s iii s Com3.ll,voox 01 As2-54.1.--1)1`i, .1' the 11.• Sn. . Irloast s[ 11%.1 - 11: Ti... Os t • gs 151 O,lf ‘1 , 11.11 ItA .4% 10 1.12 A 21 ipls ms , vit i 4 ray., ntrut for 5.41 ,113,• r itl acktv.rol..L.,sl and 11 1. v 5 1, 5. 5 5 .1, 5 v s ` l nl Lbnc .sll pa ibls.. ?ar ,l 1 iissrws.;4l,.”. Holm . 5 1,55, ~,rztells.. mt.", Mil4llls We. nu. I . r.g.tivl.r.s. • ~ NSW BOOKS! BKVik B•OKS! ' 1101 111 . 2 Fr Iv 11: I TI• I •.. . . ) .t l A Arr., 1,4 1 MA,...141i,. r JA,..tar, • ;INN., a I, IA til.• Wl,' /.I .. The 'l).. Al. th. r 11.A , .c10p.AL. , A 11..,/. IN AtAilar. 111 A 14.1.1rr of ~1.1-511 Etleli..l, 44, / 11ri4,,•.• 1 11, A.A.IA n4h • A I...tlsrr lIT 1,4”, Mr, 11.vOun or Ppd. 4,4.1... m. IlAmr. A.A3, •In 1 r,llnntr AAlutn.. lit ' A NTEI).- A n WWI; v 114,, hr ono:: mn. A - Ita sninnalnl.Al Aith 1.4 No. u. 1.44.01 Are. IiMEt2I.ViI:II. 3 2.ITA=I ANil THE lN al , I , ,t,TY tb.bl •nnn Nair rtmttenttt- 10 nt,lll,l' tbe heir I. 4,e:tree-Os P.lterkut•er addilinn t.• tel.ieh I he, )I.lle r.. 111, 11, n of n~rnluw bla lonbanltural wort. tkw tbaranera' nuala ) . n,'u aa.r de 0, navnto! by John I'. Norton. A.. N.. Hebert. I'n•fin•brt of nrieunfai Acrioultnn• In Yule, Collage. ay. • Tiny blubl valuable nurk nlll ronaprine two prtyal vete,. anntaining taar 1.1,1 awn walk nr :Yr naandin F11¢1 4 ,1 1 111,. and star then 0, ancrnrinay Ana wbni. in tho I,lcltee't otelet art ilt.tutrnivy 'alnnvt. I vr. onbnaaer . t naw in 1.. n br na e. . the rarwt. salin'ale In the, logl• ert rf,. thee, rt. the pteteetial elm of 11. ttntr,nn. te retel• rlt at itarnlevaribla anhw In the nil: dant nv analaulann lie u an pal,listant an ortninntwolilv Notnlanb r.r I nwn n nt ww.1011111 , ‘ , 1104, 004, 11 041 41 4 4 1 • 4 ••• nr 1, the.rentlre stork- in num,.., •le u lw eta, - 'n... reptyltlith..l art n. rellnurtt. els— bttr,,L 11. • 't - es Ingo .brth liratwh •ww • I nv. aln. .•:nnitatar Vargas.. ilalannb. rod Idyl .- , unnf • Eatulan-nb alri,ainNYlbr, Ylltna,l, al.. ,••- wntaza Ihnthinnnlnnt a . , Tb.. Nankai - .nlnna ,a4:but a entail v... tt , ate , I. 1-ti to te'ltt.,ll mt.,' et.. It I. tl,-Irl..rte -- . t • I:.r. ter e eltief nt'll in that tat, nnral ••-‘ll . i nlvan .211 atbar Inl rn,l. of l ettt.ke.7.l , . Mill au -er ti,.. r.saettn . — a wt lli nuke , et, • 1/0•14 urtlivn for that nava:. -ant fir-I aa.re.,, Iv; anloanw bon. in bn.a. I twn tn , l thv I ninni Santa.. ktr.ll, nes zn met etc tlttat hl ILAN , . l'entu •tatar Nt..1e,1 ' - The 111 4 04 4 0 tutil ,tiny , nom. wan nrul •nitioyn an. annwd I.v tbr lending I th, anantr, la nnwinant th.nv anon irog•• of Itlarttor,Rl, 8at0r1.4 , 11 nnlhkt n. nemi to th, 11w,e,itle trut, ultra, e rely nn ttananc 111, ny ,er en, the (•afr Y. ~ e r annum v. re .1111. no „ da 7 .0' nowtana Vnr In.. 4n•nry a<,•V. an }nr I: l ..ana nu. thnw ar.11 4 ,t1 0 vl a, I r ,,, r 0 r 1 nva rya cant'invin St, nbore aria . a 11l In. ailbnnt rtnl-marl-rinr four ar ova: yon of an) naw or nn, •.1 glnnw work,. Ti,,,' annlav cf r a.. he law wnt bne fier n.a.nn th< Intar lataalwood E.:, an, *** eta:. enn-1 lt*** *,t rnan twin, nan al:nn* , l t*, nannt *r***nt ln ttn• Futtn, nrlnn - r. Ittn-11, , rh..111,1 ho nl tray 0.1 t h. V' :ll4 " i ' l`c 1., r.fit-nn. -,... OENTICENT. .(I Ni' A NI NI; nor M 1.,. ' Inn It _ toott anon tal ;Pr, rm... la il. coarLron al 00. tl-. — ll,, 1 1 rohr..1 11 ,c. I to in t al, an 11 oat c.c. tnerlo 1110.101.1 vat h thr iupmdtul r 1.101, r once... 11r I honor .111.11ortll a o- nirtnortet mot it, ,Ii••••• rola-I,nd tra -.I as 00rral rm.-. 10 , ler l r 1.1.0-. I Ica rcc 10.01010. en cal latt 01 `..tat; olla 1 - I cl et 11,00.1, . otattocan ea no. tu I trtral o cel r bah err Thal Or an otrairn u• tahlnerl a.- ho t aro.. 0001 clinornod I. t.n.trlohr. an. one 1011. r harm , I, ad" a matt unto. hour at ton I ern. lit city i•O weal of n crl 1 oh r rlOll. nr.oo .00,1 a ao a 001,00. mu. aclantool ..ocrto 01 t non etriet 111..neth I i. 3 1, i • •11,+ hoao.c.. .• ralut :trier.. c0n,...1 In Iho onle 1.1 n 0001 100. zorot rho tinny 100 r roast. 1.c , ,, I' ,o,oi ••••• At.l 1 1.. 1111 t . 111 It agul ry.lnnrict.e. 1.1.70N.11! •latrz nr , Ihnn Ontinnt It In 1.. r 1n.1.:n~ • u ft.rl l .llllr., 1.1rer...nn.1 nlltin•lnvf ',ga h~f rr..•:u It Alul 4,31..1 Nu r..., r. yen it. talon In •Nni....11 1 ,nr..1S n•.. 1:.,. nitny l t. .11n. two. it gin...2,11(i 11l Aptonti bit( pa, 04,14.10 rpr (/%11: ts• tit!tt, Othipi Pot. Iprt 4 . l.tit.laitt. 5i4.1 , 1 r.t t , pro Kits. ~ ~ t.i. titre Tim Ilia ltt, Nt.r.pits ‘ISt-ttnist Ititrst t•I lb. Spit Ilript litirpr. prit, Iti t.t Ittisplitti.te . pit• Opp: tit W.I. 1',1.,. 111,1 t2rtnip.. pr Rritteti ~ c "- . licclicciticcl. ictlit ilint Liu mule trial,' it :cp. 0. 4 , tctc - Pm. ~ Ica- ecirmi IA It .4 el, ic.11,101 col ictailc*cinc• itc cci nui 111, ilicthe clit It it A.... raccce it VI tic. pt.ulu to c icc the sticliclocrlullicAlitur Pow , taltoc. cctilcinist how ct ititeti Maicicciiriwk it I Wes.leueru-k. Wert,. 4,,_ March a 144. 4,44 Itlwer .1 41.4.1 r.. to ...no )141 1/10 ••filt. • rtor.l .4 Cl reern• [Min 111 41.4 Intel. In the is.. 441 31e.,1144,4,4 /11.1144.1.4,4 1en.1 , 44 .141..), I porch:L.44l Gusts ..14. I .40..4,41 with st for 4.144.4 t luenly ear, esulsst 44. MirotA.• 1.. 4 , 1.. am.. I Ined wirs44,- I s h I 4 were i5e5.,,51.4441 14. r so , uht ... sot 40,4 wllleast nveiviuss relief. um, 'nal a 110, .1,14. e. 14 Oh Cl rues, hes .440 4 4.. penal ion. I eta soar rstsrel, ie.. the to... Land .44‘, 4 . 4 s4l nuati st rentnitel ma rut, 441.4,4. I Isale :she 5e.4 , 1 the .31/,•• `III, 4r1444114 nr.l ollter -onsulniula 1 4 ,4,4, v. -Ws, 'lame (Hem). Jen, 114.sasrusst .11,11. S r”,th •••-•• Iran". seioelral IlCro, N. 4 5.4411, /1.1,15 Plussolelphos T‘vv.NT‘,IIS aucae., L. uut4 - ra1tre.4 14,1 4. A IA • of N1'4,441 And nr-t Jerk .. . 5401:1,1 , Irees I. N, Hsu,. fr.. eons, Nlsultel 4.l.teet nosl ile .4144.4 . ... el, 4,14.4 eursset it Fourth 1.,1, 4 [411114.41.1• .1 i! Cne.4.l. 4,41- use 441 W alnot end Ps on e Film 1i,41: 941 et 41.1 ea the We/. P• 101.• 111 en:4111044 . M elt, el. Until dune Into Seeutul. lu .111es:hens rlty 1., 11. I . sh Isseartz PO J. Itstutlnee: ha J.,.th 1,111,21. t. Ilinninsthraur Cl Ncalre. 1:414er1, , II k,,s Int.. J A ley:1111h, al 5a.41.4.1,1 et, W.. !Sculls./ s.n.l J. 5* 1,44,4. lin.ass., Oh...l . ases 1144.1.1.•5. Wee. r. I.ls•ale.th Itenhrt-hs x Ern.,,. - • __ _ • • I Il r.v:s i I A liEt'S SHAVING CREAM.— i op wt.., I, llpo than who /Imo not npyrurtnte Ow luthr/ of at •n:y Ots, If apt there 1, w• do.t, ittidr••• en, twill , to thpon.. lint t• 311 other.. trt,nt. It you • ith to 1 it ./.1, •Irtytt, • pint.iln, pl2l - 011.4 . n I.rt. of Jnlp• 1 13,1 /t A Immo! l't.tathltt.:, Analettrial Shaving Crams. Ito lir. • t h... t ,t,•11:1, 11.1,1 ••••1+ lo .1,..,1, tlu. k.p.h.., ..I ft 1...rp...• -It, 11,... 1...• u,l t• ....11, •tIII , Plthmt, , , •1"-- I th•t• ',Um: trlttl of 11, by I, I.r-t MO, It 1% pp tole,. Ing " ;I ' .\ l {P.i. t lMg.T 'l:lll7 ;:;i '' I. ~...—ii,, etn•III•Ith r•Ittl••Int, the •ItlT•tt •tul.,:qPlml •iry lottprd -.ft nod plmltlo , . ',mine., tin pt.lutiral/10•Inthrr, •Irl In :I. •••- tn.nt.l• Ittthl gm.,• •11ypt... Ow Arritntl..ll.plut:pn•rt-Itt . .:: II•nl 11111.1* . a.nul a".l 'VII 11. ling or,the 1.1.111 Whirl: L. v.: p:11.• :,....... vend 10,r Aluttl, ..."' :entlone• u•s,..lth• 11nori• tll•nvlntttlrm,n, mat E.: , I . 111,. et.1.1...t am! t ~,,, I plerp.l, :11•1 , in,: .11.th-1, all, It. I n. trithont tlpt• tklu I••••ittluut th•Pl."l. At•l tb.••-• I, t./. el. tt.. rAll tutft.l, -st m Illthet yr tth• ant •Illt:T. • t... -rue. wiNlch • altthr.t.t.itt. t:.I 1., 11,1. wh• •••:, with...n-I+ 4 lP. V.I. MO it will itc.l I 11...1.1p , c Ow 1•••rt1. •Iptrh iortl tm:,:t vp p 1111.• /Ointit •rattt!) I or thtlt tp,st-t.tul. 1:p thp. ttl•an ot the •1111.1.,.. I 1 it, 11:0p...1'. SI;al 1, l b .. nn &lig lilt., to •lethtlttpna. I e.,,:ta11.1..t ~-a p, .k 11,,- lb.. thirt.,,lithottn: ollarteel:- I ..tplrtila,l 1. r: lA, op•thttott •I •Itntle, °int/Ir.:mt. I••• 1 .11l It kp.,ct..nats•l t.l nll loth.: nutitpt tthtl , Ii ltw.m. i I,•4l,lnniy , , . tIIILIIII II WEL, Y•rlntto.. an:II:1,1;11A, lot etwthut itr•vt, 1 . 1.,1•th10n. • For .lt, elphlt•Alt. am) m 1311.11- It. A. Faht3l•l/..!: ,t.l:‘.. I told I:. 1:. 1tt.114,,. Itittol•mth. 31•1 J• 1111 s.rsi... •atl J. I Slltt.bell. Allt.gllkt, CII, ' I 1 ft I...'iT RECEIVED.—:\ 110 w Arm c on Mr , - ! iti;it4t' ir :i.•:i::'.: . .. " l'l.?..;',n i vat"i::::illt . ;,=7,: r . r .l`.! 1 i Atpttictt h,r prt t ruml.orlt,mott,nntll.lll•Printt tnitsl h.cill.. ~141,10cr.11.- ~ 1 (,1"El. 6111.4 Ity ,11,,,-11,, 1,,,,,ri, ll•pic...tr t.l Math..lnytirl, 0.114., of Clill It. ,Int,,, 1,,,,,f..., '11,,,t tthrk I. ;,r 1.., A No. ril.. erotl4l)tiing !awl.' ...) • • • . . . . , aa....... 'tau:till...l' lam Nat.., awl 1,..101,14wid Tit, It a. ..,.U....nt a..r1.1.4 .Irautn,... alal dra.riationo al Ma .nuat w.,...rtattt n.. 1 m+ In U... tuttall. utat..a. Italaurn.lrnt .4 1 11... namit of At.. , fi. on uuunnut). it-alli coallkitt n.ntl.t... ',maim] tnattirt, on Mactuattc.o. .11aatiturr, . t"..ut... aura ato Kt t ulta.vrua; vita WI that 1. t...t0l to nit nu. $1.•0 worth ~, ~.lio ‘,l.lpiu.a. tua,aziavt.. anAt atlt...d Vut.... la,. , u,al..lurat.,l t./.” , at44,...1aun at 1., Oar: kfr a•-•••••••al ' us.-. 2 atxl otteleat, Fultll au autuntat al' 1:a...r. ..-..1 alal •. 1.. ...nal. I. wocitalar. a a a...Limn...1 frm, tat oltall rm. , . : Ilierta a. vt...: • to the 1-..1 a.haataue.nn.l a a...i.a 11,..... 'uti•tatua whirl, Om, rulubt .41,rwi..... nantnt i Th.. uttblieher..l../orniin.al, awarult a of enrt, to '., ot, tin. workfao ...tura,. ta. 1.......1.1., and 1 i.. Nu., ... vr.. u. Oraurnus al olualn la. work. wl!, prod.,. it ............. 441 in 11.11.....1.....5. 11" , ....-...orate. ta - rar...,.. luthiutlinu lu ..I.unn a tl,t at ,t.. 1,1113 tar lausol ,, I. 1.. eunaplutaJ thui'vva . .r. Vanity ~. ra.a.,....1. An tole by ', - .0.10 , R. 110 M it..t. ItIL 0n...t. i . , i MERICAN IVUOLLES 4itHil)S. — th... ,lik. bunanal 11./1.1 Cal. la, lat . , ~ ,...1, . .. CO L.O'" . . ... ~.atr.. (,tiltllletiAo-a onuertur arta.l.4 209 .1u Ftelszn taut 1:tau1....1 , r. 1.1.... N.Z.11.... 1.. it,. lb,I! rontu alanke tn. 1... aw, a.) au Iliw. .1.. .lo .1.. ' u........ lUnrlt alanluge , ..th. .a. • , I L. IP Atu..raul..., Ner 1i1.......1. .1., 3 .I. t Jo I tt aa u aa ra r. .al. • t.and fa1.,. 1 . 1. ,- ' . I ao Hin. a.tZa,aa.s Iln ..o. V. h.... T . % illed Flasw.i. )unl attle. ~ ~• t a , ..t,', ,j 2 ,..., r" ;.:a..17 ' ...,a1.9 are ' nl I ..a I. ' d o: ' *utuNtt [rem 1..m.-I;ua-us-iUtu-iieumra mgt. alai ack. and a ibr :al , ~a liberal lan. (4. the Wale, at soaaufaalatrailtriata. Sea ' • •1L LEE. SAXES W. WKIDWELL t I Alll NET FURNITURE naliti-L-; ,, ..,., fa:tater, Wa,19,13.174 4.1 'mud , . . Vr.t. J. W. N. 0.0 etfall, menses him friends ana.—.onent, ~.. eu.o met. that-be In:. 00 , . oannletral the In. - 0. 1, -et And 0..4 . nu,. of hottrwt...kt furnltnro ;we befine sees. n LW, , 111, ... 111, is Ih.torlolo,l VI ta0110:.1 tbe..analltY 'n't, 0 01..0,0001 mat4o.Slc-I,t norkmloo.hTo,l. l acne. , .1,0. und tn.. ll;.. est...o of L0'001..0 , 004 L.ality n , 0. nr,...!..tin0.11,. t , na.t:l,l to ft;tl.. , w3 ” .“ " if ' rl6- t.,.. at 110 1.0., , ... rie.... 11.. ha5.n.J94.0.4 I. principle or idenllfyo= the eu,lollo et,' toterreet ,h In* ~ , a..n quality 00./ Vth l, n na ,,... 1 ' L 1 ' .. awn', ea hand the en-at... 1 ',tin, 0f eve, de•c1 1 0 0, ... run!r, , eOOl 0.. ,1....10ret and 04.11,4,0. the tut...l ele. co Ind edvt.y. that l a Won., II( at nut of .13,11 11 0 . I. turcil./....1 Inn. hla eks.:, fl, .00‘1L0,n0N - 1 eclnvo , ls to .ftl..r. . tor , iirit..l., ingretian, tbn. the + ol, nt o 000. s. f 1.i., egtal.:24ltreent tone he known. 1.110 follow - 11W nrtirle...et.n.o.l.. 01 tort. of but .....k.•hith 10r richttem of ..-trh. nu.l 0.001.1 eanunt. he 035045....1 In any of the F-04.0rtt etiies. L ' . . slot, armada, dinin, aid brd.rnrin rbalrt. M rrrnl ar,rl,. naialluz of manatral. laatarvanr land anahant. Crne—rantron and fr.a.. Chia, td etrey.dra rrintanc Conaltra, Sara.. Teararta t: and Dist.. the taunt Frrnrls and Ay:nun-0V ,aattarne, Ta. 411,11 tad-N., at i parl!r ri iu.lbl. ot kindaa Work Tabira mai taw nt1..1 mora. anxi oa, and laallerl.„ anarbla srp, niab , or.an,. rarrarrnd !nal walnut rrnlrr and'rot, la. I,lra.•atrintannirrnr: l al , lrrg all ai,arr thr aocntlannravrd. a nd on. 1.. t 1,4 1113 , 1 f, rani, n.lanar Lail and drr ral.trac katairall. ara-htaynta of amen a r.rtna., rd;,arltnll :aal in.riar rrcentlon nod Lad. man tide 'Karam. rn, 1ra..1 .tn.t.. and fairraile, and ads for childn na.t . rr a T orta,. WA? and tea I.ln. nsaltocann . rarra nulaal iaarl .1,1,, , L, dr. Sr. t I.r, nnartitarnt of Cram.m roranturr nal Wind., Chair, a'alaurt sallo:ra art la na %hair li. nunnba.la and nutria - I'm - pi:1.11 tad!. aharlezt All artier. pnanid1,..11.1.1,1 lu EAGLE FOUNDRY. • JO, FAST 111,1,(400 . , , TI unde n .ipierl,& to Arthum to ...krul of rate hur,h th.. rota.: woe rail', Out tho havg-u•built tio• EAt:l.l: 1 , 01:Nt.1:1. and am now in full op.,,atwat. a.] Irate iurt ui vatlyrus nadv Clur he Markt. t: .1aloow•t arr FOA nut uxi gUrre, with a ..pkotti th:ht Coat St..t AAtit.. , whiat W nuu owiwrodinaAn mnnuou nutc..l 41,a. a ch , al- , .. , ntitlidatti fiv ram!l fatallirK with a tall a.,...rpoent I,4lEsnot, 11, wt•ahl wolieuhaly, tt, attrotiuu 14 . perroitt. . ,a.ll at - !tar 1C1,4t0n. , 1,fr.. purchaAnw riot when, seal r,nuurn• a .q. 1,31.11.1 asticlo at ram:m.lW lint•lst.l litu• .tfle—...utiml new in 1510 umrket. it ar..1,•,u ...—No. 50 I:Ratty t.r.ite W.ntl anus.. ht hICHOL. , .ON a P.STICK. _ . CAPITALISTS TARE NOTICE. ow IS YOUR CHANCE FOR GOOD j'INA drTtl —The idtlWt.rdwr o:Trt, for war; aII lot proprrty. idtitat.ll nu the wwwer of Iltilltloy bn.rlLlttl ir,wrtnr OTtr Stvlentx tlroactsatlhe Prt of twmtierd.wanmrtwiti, Ilw romrr 'or 11.11 , 1 Av Awl Pk:want rtrrtr., and running wont , . ~..1..11w0 Mort h:d t• Ow. UnttlirwA wdrging routliwunl.ll,rn 111 ..% ,rly 141 Nwtl). •twwo :.•:, tot 10 Indlwa. and rdt,.,t Irwin rw00.1,1,1.1.100 :tooth E.Ai fret to I . l,lwatit - Wo rt, thru Fa, t.• , d l wgiwwitltt 10 A . rOA fhb - I. ,, Ww , ty tows 103,0,1.4 by a lon, and romtnnad, root. 11.11 I . IIIdIU 56[111 . 4C10r, built Ihn rapt ...In,. of 110 1...1 nintrrial.. mod orlanatorldp, owl a wtornrtoldr Itrlrk 0.,: with a lArro.t.ankni. ftie tory in ..1 (wt. mir 101101. h,, tawtart. Thr rirldind too .I,rivA owl on altir. 10, four lon, odst rsworitt each: tr. t 1:11:, hr t. welirt thr 101.0, IdnPling. and p.. it ~r) w.n.rntreire fwrcarnlnr sert rstenlf•P Idoint.... To 101,110 deraint: a niro. n for it Fri, =lnn, Ihntw, f o r Mr liwi.artinu I.f burl ati.l rollnotot. Mt, ntntowt n tirr,rnry.rtunltt - . hod int: an otonlil4 on North .trevt Itwt fir ;hr entrdwe twirl.. alotth Would fwmatding hon., with a rrlttrll , Twk 1.1..0.0pt strret. if met...tar.. Any fdrairr intimation wai lot thr war.. rilwr ad. 1411,11 u Ertl. r.d ltd 3Trirphy's Self -Sealing Advertising • O ..'4A.opes. IC. 263 DISIAN W m ST., NE to.— . W O. enlieirilier. in ...inciting the ontri . irtace of nil 'wo iefrrtieetneliti I, • that boriitatkinii wait hew arta, l• le e. itiire the tititilic: nee .11, rie r , r e-labliebiel tieir .1.• 6 1i 1 Y. re , fern i ta the troll:hie rl , are a lee til the mamma Ga. their. P.P. in, it. flari• neeiniled the :nat. n harem tnay anal• ronehienottel, and th""s"'n"l'p kin,llninie in I lei Eihetteit without being de ] "t aakiiiite, nie w.f.."' :ire realtlrtid I. :lie iiiierarriai.ii iir letter. them-al : lihthe eq.:. r. of Initna 11.6.1 lIIh-,- ee tarte him the amine " I'le7tLierirtni n tat nf ll ,pre for Pim epaniaerd an ra n , and whieh will Leet ienra. n 1 Ikr or boll.l aaiel a plea , . rollnilitrete. , nranl ama„..l of nArr •+.l- mni a rafenainn ro a nNannoblL. Nen York unki I, -anneal .111..rnerr va with pro 1i in•nnan..: , uf. Mn1:1•111% ”adiaan .Inr , t, :star York. oonn,r, rill I. n• ,n , a1,11.. :I lull at die elan, Man. 1, ad anal. nr .n.rattian a 1:".. 4 II haw Carl, 4.nia,ed in calF.rn fram Inn, at Sloni. por thnn.an.l. I, ARO 1111.. 5 I.rlg {Vint, strainNi, for sale LIMY. MATIIIiIIVM t CO. INSKEI , OIL.' 3 hrls pure Newl7llstile f ronii4INAITTLE , I)VFEE. 213 bo. , RI. for sat, hr --- R mirrituics .fr CO. . _ NIL Ilr hris Ergo No 3 Markard: 11` 141,1. No 1 Iletltnnnrn lfrrrin, 1 , dr.. 0.11,1. 0g...10 11111:1 1 .1. , \ TrIMICS 0 CO. I UST I: E1 . h . .1 V El) fr l'hilliptvilke CP 0,1 1-4 PI", (111 (ion, • ;Ws 4-4 do do rd• 1,1 linzon la ~ .. 50.1 e. 51 - ainl and Barran c , patent I...‘ther fro,li. and brapltrul 1 w al 14 , nartbollge ; and 9 11" , , rcl .1. , PHILLIP, h. NV IIEAT FLOM:. " -); ; 5,...,5. 17 IV HARRAHHIL 1 fl I bae (1 , 1 ; S : . 9 .or 7 u - st II JIM:\ nos • DR I ES---Thr••••• hundred blots. No.'•;' • ,• half 1.1.1.. do 41,5 nWr n.l Salavm. fv • , 5 " 1,1" ..!.‘54 ES 1M1:51..LL. 11 1 1 I . .ISi•S 111%Si'ilATT So•l• • 4,1 P ...inn. ntni t.lr nnl , ITT .14 ~ 1 15lES 111112 ELL Sage and noneeet rrvstved I r Abt .01 • klillt 4. 1 :1 1,61.4 received on cunsikn ,.4 nun, stnl Or L 2.6. I n I% ALLI9/:111111./ R. CO. • 94 IAOO.O 41•001, V. 0. MOLASSES. Z( brls now erop, just 6,-.1 nod o.r I n P. A. VI:NNW/61NC :1,1 lA/OT/, 1. illltE ., ll WILL. BliT11.:11. 1 brls iust reed g , , 1 INC! N Al'! Mt 1111.1" CA NOLES. X Lm/01. 10r -0 , 0 In /4 , 20 IL AXIINNINOIIANL. I.' wry F - 1 bits :out brk Lir f. l. L. Fr a.. 4 1... Al All DICKEY I CO. • S i: „ 1 9 i 0 1 4 e r if .1 .4 1,1 1 . 1 0 9 r;:111,: i t:?: 4. 6.l()Ap. 15111.. x., Louisville No. 1 'Rosin: 10"/ 6 A LLIN/11 , 613/ CO. 10. TUCK' ittltSTA nib ,innstant reree,., 0.101,010.1 nfatarkr Nuiooo.l. ..st io 16. w nr1.1..'1, 10/401 nO,l for Wl,: WA1.1.1N.:11/116 11/. - - , OTTON A 11. S. 2000 dozen 1101(0 Yurn - - a l/.ALIANI/F4l:// S Co. 11/1 Water Ftr..t. E 4 NI,OE; I:. ILO, bjvii.ENl l . 'rho I'roeident and Board y 60.0/zer...4 /o.rlLern 1.0/006, Dritp• Con/pont .1.000001 0 .1./..1002 .4 .10. 401Iar Ind 0 0, , ,00 ..opl/01 rtnek of 'pain mums)(.. .the .00. 01111.0 to /he nockl/01.1., on nr eiler /60 0 ,. /0 . 0/ C. I:. AIINE1:. TO/00.-or. • A Ilenlo-0/'. Jan. I.L. 11,1.--04:11'.0 . . 4,1 l'S AND MOLASSES. Extru Retin t /.• Yolk ro. ver, sp, rinr hom. Iho totowory. - r M0b..., do do ouga Orlolop tio for rmle • II t M.l.Elti: a 00 Llher-‘) 4 .• Q.O DA ASII.. 75 easlCs Kurtz braid fel' sale 10 d 07.1. a W. 11A1:11.tr1711. • A 10 --- 01.1. nurrEn. .2.4) b. prime .re:veii i.Ck 'l,l. 1,1• `_ W. 10y.0.t . u,:0 rinA L 111 . . Slo 14,1 N. prim.• for Slav bp • • II A it I : .IESE. W. It. Choose for BRIO k HAILII/2.12G1L 1)10 METAIi. 170 tons lbr 'ilting mill .107 lo1i!!! Y. p V.74 .Irlll f . l VS k gill nF:S. 1 sl%.ekrayEow . S f , or 1 , 71'E IL. 20 iii inr Fab' 11V inD .1 IteiNIFII:1.11 ; 40 boon , forsok i; now landing frmn till' 1 1 101:1:0 A: CO- UstOr sTsl !'mot 4,,,IALEIZATUS, Inn havis for sale by • I -1 -IP, J CAN 111111 IIuUL 1.10( jot 45 Mark wt h I r V. INSI 7 ,ED rraieivial for pale 01. II I A ! I A ifA IL Pin Illajtipt received 'll il(pipi Int aale tt C..rner (IlJir 1 ; 1 A.IIN 10 .05 pairs Horse anti 2 I I ' 1 ""' ' • virrit k coy% sale - by • h " tacitnt 0 CO.. sp . :ri ‘ i: J. h Float, m .lip e lrt a I t tpAi NTI:\ I,l I I nap, and Sign l'acniing ,„, pettn,tl, ail es/nit/41.t on.h-r,.//1 that Ice no 0., ; Isatnl", , ant idt,ll., rle,‘• 'my othet. { at Ilk the am, ere Jelrnautied dr. it. t. 11. l'lllll.llll 11111F:6. 12 , 6 . 1 Lona. 00-r landing fc.rnal.l,- 1...1:41.1a DALAELI. a. Co. 1..} A 1..1.Nt 'ES ON OP:POSIT. mitiell4 'hay. P linve year, tee • unl.gorn. A U ,. 9. 10, !A...Ars rend y. 111.1. nov. to be duo to the pet.on.pi..trekk. , 1...ral 11. e T. 7•421101 TE.• C.x.•hlee. Fount hser.belbot.re ma thuc • C. W. taL`i.L,T. . - . . a_P EDIE BLACK TEAS iron ENCILAND, 11.. nark IL Rau orlb. to lila Diartaal, have this Ltay ra n• eal par jaaket Ti11,..1,111411hit,:5t.0. 1910 Mt at Ilan Ft awl Itooalt la Ulm Ha, eary.bod that am .1 al uracured la LI. Eyilish auarkta. Ira Yu 'pail.. 1 1ai 16 a utx per IL. 94e Tea Mulct in Ma DLssaacal. Mat dd. ' ja9 .. I . .... . IVIEDIC :113ROLIiIII . ;Ot Roc r OIL: -714,, , ,•' . ... t.r.thluzaln l e mma mat earth. -rh. 4., armaut. ad ,w,ts•il...Th' TUE. VIRTUES of this rewarkable 1rm0„,,, „,,, ~,,,,„,,,x , .. ir-r it, to the read' .tur, hisfir:lVettl ' hito to bo t at , it f utthp In bottle., villa hr• brie and dattliona. for the lamed of the puhlio• ' • Tbe PETROLEUM ir 7:1.11,1 tam a roll in this mum tr. at • depth or fear bon fwd 00, It • Phu , uttu , • 11 ...",. ' hal article, without env chrelL',l yharmr. turt' /ma •• ur tlowe from Natural. .Ir.wt tat:Mary% That It coati.. peraertim nothing a numbor of divas., is nn looter • W M umertaintr. them am many thin., 1n *mu , lir a of oaten , . which. If twat. truth( he M met osalt./- nest alleriatiog suffering. WA ramming the bloom of heath in and slyer to many a motif,. r. Lew Imfere the pro prieter thuutuht of poll,: it up m bottler... It tea • repute tlon Re the rum of dimataa. Tbr• . •rorMat and daily tumuli ping rolls for 11. mat salami tervaraablo curaw - lt herr ter if Is • sure indication of Its taloa: I' o Pa/trill” and wide on ad ear !Usti.. in the .... of dinewe... w o Jo mg rirbh mmato a hart ramie of mutllkulea. YI 11011 A thatthe in,llc-u,eslo emu v,nit its tray iotuthe Poore( three who 'ant,' and wish to be brutal: alillot ee de not errata for It a voirreml applfeatinn In er e, disease au uuheaitellualr r•-•,, that irt a masher et c ha „,,,, 14,mm it' is iostiraro J. Amara these mar la euinunrated—all •li.eam.. m thew r ,,,, o ,, ~,...,,,,,,, iii,a, .., CilltirNiff ifIatINIIIITIS. Irrt:,.•IIMPTION, pit Da early statr. o AS2II)IA. Mal all._.o.l',,rlholQN, di! , ...., of the air I aairtarea, Lil -1 Ell ttretlPLAlNl`.tit,PEPrtt, irktrlara Meares of the Platt., and litheys, Palm in 11, It or N.L. Nemo. ! 111-emm. Neural Ma. 1 . rd0.. fthrtaaahe Pain% lieut. Ih7OP . et, tam,. irrnmentup., non,. ,-.widr..`ttrutert. NJ mire. au.o7. In me . . 01'11..1414. P. , it:SRA' rm. 05r....r., dr Isar amt Umtrated craw of di ewe. this medicine' will hobo mite, it will eet as a umalart TON IP and ALTY.U AT/ VI: In such raem. imparun r Warr .11.11.1 energy ba the whole frame. reounine Mart rar Cr rot oprulug . fbealuggith halation, which mese dherwr au I a harken namtitollon. nod u .. lrunt lumtaartl alai rearm , euergy to All the of lit Tro he pprier'S know. of' •ererat 4-411,1 of ItIM, Natnartmal ..iver other trestment get well under the um 01 f 1 , ., i'VEltol.hl3l far a Minn time. The pas.f ram be • 1 vireo ..,. to war teram • bode:46a it. .* rz,..........111.0iu.....itn. , 10 ,,, 0 , U.' P . ` ,.. " ... Fold try theproprietor, ' tr. )1 KI E.:, II \mat lfs:10, mar Seventh street A 1,.,. ht It. li. at.l.LElta. fiT Wood at. sad KEA rEII . rt,+.lw ELI, emu, AT.ai.t Matt and 11,10, !diet - . who au tren . 2,ll, , his tormlarlf al•Pointed Atm.,. - • PROOLAEtATION. all Nen Jr i ,Itre sick and, afflicted rt,tat di tZa • litliitt i ;:tV . 'lttfirat' r . 1c that they I. br taking the .I.tlahte . 'L M You unty I I. ale eat it, loin g nogtrinaba, mar us eon plevo: but th • tlee.a aat,,,a., it it ttrrehum. In tbo b.ett of an holndt rottonuotte, that it bat , virtue , . vine/Caro Ind contained in cot 001.12,111 M, Tits ttan hal le rarkt.l truth _pan, and rob...ring from diva*, ati b,.tat. get ,rellet. from an; of lice tilt ...ailment.. above. !leader! It reatAer, little In. toile d trial. Thin 'Petw . haul uo mixture-ono romfoto... hot • . IrePhrho..t' of hopoting co the tonaraolutr: t.ot it if a reiritalt eialura . the toaetee haat of uaturo. Int boablea or from dor lamas of our mother earth, ht ire trarooat Cara to sufferlto, hantnatty a real, tatoolr, It la, runvl Aftar tither inotliiiinos bar. of to oilor any vvio.l Iv lA," eon il Itliormiatours, of toot viandlnit. end of tW worot and tn , ..t toinfal 'character. lt bap ourvtl Cliolvra Mortino, liy iktie tir taro ilavos. it tun kirivl Ihrirrlvin. in stitirk ovary other reavodl 1.-no of IV. 11" Iii. At hievil reinitty in barna atut aiaLlv. it is bet tert ban any mvalir.il 1,1111,41.1119. fir ointment tittit Atiovi of. It rill ctiri. fivetoil Let. 'lna tow applkatiotin m141°044,1 ran lieNrniolr nit of the truth oiiniiitnoil inUooliovi- sutrinont, riAMtit.L :'.-truth Aim!: or I.ither of the norm,. her., t 31 , 1 , twe1l corner. of Wood •trrot. noel Virgin , elle,: 1 11 !_ I II 1,0 etroet It, .1. curTT.leeny city:ant the aurnle.. 11.1311311ATISIti: CURED. UNEQUALLED - SUCCESS ivhih IL IL ha attendid the inn .toacrim Kin= IC CO3lll ir% It ,t It Itt.111)1J 11 tffratuldly T ~nrittr the P. 0,1 awl most Int ehyate entott of ttattitY .AND I:IIECNIAM. neuihrient atant. , nod Tennuntemlation to induce. all who gni tanks 1.-I with eta .inadfu I .111 WIN. lo try la i rtner. hualo , fr eween. mnny of Mein citizen.. of exolt. and others frTa tamed. bate halt t , prott within Ahr Isst 4 feu , month. hi the city tfrt. foul , al.ma.altilo ' , taro ihmt 01*hoed Idea- a. that It It An -Tanning the rater 1 nherever tried. Many of there nen , rittonlo ria , ” Imnf -holding. and all bop, of henry Itad .1.11 to nit. — AV hlie Tlltt rn ere Id mon. recent date. of the acute Inflow- M2l4rf Mesa tyry seven.. All, Letdown yield to Ito. won- .t • clnuer a 11a, 1111:11/Cill, 1111i1 thontands who Lllll i nail., Ur N0.111..411E1 olCllllll' In the tniontatut 0 . 0 eon lott Ihe oristinal tlienwervr and .hroPrietot , IntleartoT of mankind. It ir well Inman Irma the tett...0 , 21.f reutAhlit. no A outward appl.tiou motorwild, 0 01 0 0 0 %writ} tnitottiLc a r ii. of thin dhadful hon.: By thr,ntridloation atimunitiftZ .1 • liniment,. partial heart- In acme now., may he obtain , for a nltort 000*. liot ail the t ote m , t dlintoo La o r ita ;truer cm aytnanettly the t and owner or later , .111 wain develorw laelf in a mote dretelful armload aftrr 'n few perittle di return.: tt nettle.. intn a chroule fcerro. 14 Wei, I,ltr/1111 mned.d. ruin.. the Intlitidnal for Thlt - verified ty AlO. lunar. of the part in nil onrintrien, nod too, oll,letuun4ruqui by e tilm.hintory fun:tithed tif late to 1 he An-on - nett, of thin Toutpottaii rrYrmi hundred,. nf three who hate under immoliate trianneni donne the Ix, few inoutlut NlollTINICI: r II hIINI ATM eat PURIFIER. trop Internal remelt —caw "Ita'or,ett . tion, when. the haat. llott orisittator. and I. PUTItYMW hr Mika, 1.,64,1111,11.1.,1111:v witnle 'vars. netitrallae the num.= ratulle .urinount, hh-h hod rook upon tha ntetahratt and andoiti—n•utotta it r.firots fr. ntem, awl net ind,sidUal to. twrlict lonwhnot ho are nIIIEN,I out detatte. then:act - rm. and put ..11 the no. of thh. medirin, • tot lott or. until Unit. ,ti h• toe dltarated or 1,0,4-ad 1.1 molt . a, der,. eo that the, are emit...ow:for lifr. of hundreds of thonmel• during the nett. n• well la tauftitthle at No orogent do). drmon.trNu the • Telly 1.1 perms uent relief Ina external Implicit:lout. The proprietor of t hit athothie mninine bun.. (mu ; r..rsenre. that am 1 11 , mate - a opplanain pmetibly effort a pernotonnt runt AIR, 111 i• firmly hard In the nyehtn. 111 can and dant prepare WA apply au ambito., toom In eery at o.tor, whirit 1000 relief att one late'," rime. brit till. }ill led eff , el a permanent' rum ' The Tu.- twee o r that It rr , lttit , rlr , th,rifftahat , d an Internal hinted v. to preduce an tholF , l ettect. and 31nr timrea Illtrountie Compound and Mani 'Pari6er to the 1 . nrd, remedy "that hso,wer toren dimmer...l. either In arrwrira or any other rountry. that will effectually cure 1 , thtyliratt:, heat ;am be had. wbolitiale or reiall. of No. ,4 Third same, Dart to the Poo/ Otter: littPbar,gh. • Mon for pole to Plttaborgh. by lip :3,:t)ocr. Km. Thom i. J. D.: Slormm. e. N. M ickerahom. s*.l J. A. lone, Pairo SJ per bottle: six both to; or per dose. Pamphlets flat lv hoal a,•rati , of the a,, ,at. - .li. WILILABT. Airot. IREE'ORTAIirt TO THE AFFLICTED. It. ROSE'S CELEIMUTEITRENEDIES. JUIF —Pc- Jam. Lbc diecurcrer aod nosCconc or dn. mewl popular and brood...Ml nudic,AMd oleo he ismentor of the orlehnited tructument fort iWGti Ibe r p hung, in ' , fleeting !CAM. O Of Chronic diterme", 311. WSW thAt eminent Oneida/I, Doctor Phyaie. and to a !, ry,..1.• of the rol.greity of Cenic. , lvailla.and foillbtrtY j - oar.ime Imo bin nu aged in the lurtoltgatton tone, nod the'application perm...tint Mend. • Through the nee of his inflating tut, inrounectiontrith hicl . ronbylaelk Syrup. , and other of boo romedic", he has gained an unparalkled-emitionce in curing than dreadful and. landumbel .teer Tubercular Catonruptiou. ncrofuln. itheuncidiern. Actium. fr"er and Ain.. FORTS a all thul". Chronic Erywirelari and 1.11 thole obttinant k =a - ,ll;gohrhfltkl. bt.l,72.zzrz;Vmfbai'l! i" heir—not br the nee of onc compound only. Inrthat In tm'onnratibie with - rhiandonical Lan, but 67 the' me or' his r. mettle, adapted to. and Orm , riied for. eanh It!gtflitt , form ne..., . . - 11;211;e7ef.tie Alleratl. PtHr. when med. are Inearta-': bl; artnowbeleo.l no he superior to all othe.... a lateaw-, tire c.c. liter 101. ina.wateh ar they Ira. the W.I. ter roily fra tnn, aim bk , blokket 11U, wad., ated, b) the faculty, pewee I daviwer: but being s.attelied that neat. trial: runteieut ta htahll.4l what hal been =ld, in the Intodrur uwel rteyur.l. The %Mickel am inriteit torah Upon the event. weal' pm, e "trat.) one ef the Ale•WO Tlllrlylaleta. wising •datall. aceouut mels er -ale be tbn 6.llowing og.nt, u.< ll . 07,2 . 1 *9 -, =b through...t the enuetry. . Faito.DIZMWIT d %cowl rt. rilteburaV. J. 0. Pruggi`L 44 Market rt. " Lee A. Beektata, Oruttairt near the Itel Office,Alleabe-; nv f,. h ci oeph Maley. Daelinc.n. Dotter county, • Jebn I.nnon Vane). T. .t.iam.. , l , aier, . `ancl2,ll, • • • COMFORT 43.111) RELIEF , 1 TII F. AFFLICTED NM be found irs4 1 I.r. Dewitt C. INFALI.IBLE 1.1N1h1F...Vt.1 \ la,te Flund. which ha. el , o 1 the tent of thlrt) tenet n..1.1.hee. and of rn , , - nod adoubt, helm tlx. , means of rae lug the brea of the...nen& or ludlrkluaL , , In alrneet every'. • clans andeharaehr of apes., feel that we thing iu 7.31 . 10 LI that thin I. the 01113 mettlrlue that hashaent. ...T..retlto the atelnhal. that Joe, In every ...ogee! the Nord.', abet It is ^Ad her.• It hen rand. and I , eapahle of raring [MIT 41analem there; .any other tuedleine.ortemat 114 r •e earn not by whoa , mint` or nold. or by hat tuna, A. .teor and n.ovinent: i.o,uf f the above. .34 that Li thy only artlrlo that has .01.cand In - the thrall MI - . a indent >lnflame that boo et e t been tastroulsed end teen,-t ; the pralF.. of the elihrgenerally, as the mot aareeshlr: kandly Iledkineevor olleml for sale. er non/ by any thew, via: The Iron. )Leer Chinuell, late !N.C. The Trort.H 11. Morris. late 31a)or. lion. John A. Ins, 13.0. S. Sma 11 11. Porter. SJ-.1.. Editor of the Slollit 11..4. 1,1, and n of dedlng - nothed enierna of New, Vert., who have fully t...hd its merit, have permitted 11.'4 py.yri..tor to refer to then, . e It cell known that Patent Nedieines are notgener;;; potrotsivli by that...nett. weallltt and polite eirclo ❑re-of. Thin n.t ..ndouldedly a right In bel ournolscrehighlY Wonder working Compound has horn Itearfl3 ..ten yearn In.fon, the fr!thfie. Ile tort friends ttretale ihj .tronge.t and 1... A. Th., nowt undoolot...lly 0300.0.14101 \III,III new( Its veneral 0n.1aba..... eau •nauative nal , ,Iti.a. Etta a enver...,l record, 1.. r all pu+. nerofulounnwelliot,...t.ralos. oh.l n.nod ell thrum t.. end ael,atl.at In bele to. 11. li ter 1, as, honks lucre and. bareperferte.l mach ....i.liwr eon, aft, b li„.e, .mutethes have 13.1.4. to ouhl ktdeer Omer.!, and in tAtr tho Allan:vat pasoiLip • nil: un.licior_ or unfurl... mrn , ..:r. iel.n9and from seri , " .rn ' tg r lr. " "l Wtedale.ht mni n Gr man wirahrt, CaUPO Into For rale in l'lttrtourNh. by 11. F.:Snlirrs. Metwro. Kidd I% en.. ..1 Ogden rnowdrn; and 11 Ow r•Wil rrnrrrily.. IA put up in lour; tut, Ow inW 1,i;;, tler. . 3nntr.2m UFFERVF.f:INI; COMPOUND.' • Thi::?.. , ta hl em " t: hurl{n heat mkt: dr, by which a .tring•in eireck•ki th ilenr orahnut In per mu . ' r r4 To 314. each .1% A or elf mar add two 44: opniufuls of (Impound .ml the u..onlountitilof 041. nio l them thsretichly to other dr).•lthin ofake4 trn4l P. 14 flour tlud Tau Burt set WiliP and unt ttte./ thr ,, add no 'duels roll valor as will souLr 11, , dough the t0.u..4. {mewl It vr.:!., till let it 'Amyl 1110*-I1 - Won, La/dug—me nr two hoar. vitt Th. no Ittlrt... ahuuld he mixed toueli thinutz.and'haked at our... In no hurt to .road t...nrF minotra. in no dun., of p•tlinu t•Yo [noel& of this (lonr.ouuil Su It will not torn tho hrrad rt,s ,al rating when tined to V,,NI. yoo nn rat the olure C,m,ona into tea er,kn. dlnytiJchuor nike...3lldrn bread.),we r A m s. slulit redo-.. apple duturain,.. mlf for all twk.toN Jartsorelsed ond vul< . It. U. LT-Worsi TAKE NOTICE. • it t. ENI ;E TO TILE WORLD: TwonV.:4 lJ nee 041aia 1,01.1 a.lll be In tay !Aso who cryen or .:r. hal ranu,t trart.4 With II it's linmat , l Nuttp. haw tttz. ....that of nylltz to Ow thlt Ware that arrirle. hy my own untyrovenwht a.ow atatuto nor , ealled in lilt erathrrY Ito eAttattitt.; tar 44.13. ud rant , orloy othet grywy aubetapee. nom all tlwtart Urn:a:tea oriatti.s. etotiong. carp, lahle spreada,rnertYZl bratneta. ae.. without hymn. my ahlor - i , that pan water ad! mot httnn , 3 1. m than ha., tittattnr , i towns. In different tart the n sots bum UZI th':a "wad ',Abe attbont it If It eat Et a tut, 111 trying /Zort, on wore tLan . ..V.Aiartielea..f bill matata..haet , .; and calk...sea, I halo only losold yistra 44111. alineaoottat four of taboo. tat absent: elranim4 tlot rnhy,l tlattlYe. I.trtc 'putt:, It on ali:tletL, ,, a , try a tanipy, of the doom En.l- I ylai.• tla. beet. , Istadeterathi.l of U. Yo,othnterat It any Ytront - er that, I boor to be 0.0.1 1,1,rs rrorq emmtry nuTchar.t...t,.l r.nars rarnipte attinut,i w a.s lbe.f,rsawr.' aI,X) . L . ; Wont at:, smuts' COUGIi SYR , it ttrke tehew 1 Pit itd hatief•diwrhai•eth...i ILR:E. SELLERS—.Sir. Suffering IVA It aral•triadh. fur I.ltkl. I tthwi many aitl.not obtain's.; trlxl. 1 Ww. lw , Whti with di. 10,10,7 ' Fwihd , t•-whrth Illytahr." 1 think is a slaty awe to tadh ,ou and the. riddte in vonmd. la pnaltive:, ...add. that I Inal stat or it twirl , to.fasa• 1 lidt eth.rhi. and innikr lb.. idvina his,inajhatl t aa •so )Inbh the boffins I testify aw, to hawing it. stiaAio ptosartiri on (heads Si tfttliAtt Me its plattellltt Rips &let tr,ind attack an her Inaohtincm;twaltil di}t,,in,: mat h, Yetilr the oily testa Yacht:Rica (re hp , - ' :. .etruabo .01 whir afters }he sultdret)tasail , retal,}l32l}On};,' Sit th - K. E. touch Mutate.'' • • • "pi. iTtioi.aiu), Iw ceyne Nuplumgh.lan. 14:1 , 51. . . ond .4d by E. FZLLUS, I.ln and gold by tiyogy±.4.lll - • • ,:014, SELLERS' IMPERIAL COEGII Adaicksnal port of 14 Vnnd. T.4v2l:ll"Yut,y RRfT ti )Ir. .r.A.,14,1 fur lathe me vrgi,; tad moat, f war MlTtlClitilitkil 14. ypPr ttttterl.l Caw=.'- by eond orliol Sth. tevooletana. I, do, blare. Tl l dia tt I 1 Ithd the desired effector cars L ba. o f thath U,' bad degaired of ever beithorriL. Lai turd ainnat ever) thing that IL Ir. tr, fl uky viver.. t ‘ 47. , 101th reronagoathaz it uritat putt. iLa one of the that the': Li b ,y bm errs. Lae. brelaral kt Ilternre fur lr VS FL 3.111•11 , rreparal 3.1 told 1:• ILEl.l.lth.i. Wood it'AARBONATE, - AMMONIA,- liartshon).:T. Cl' RE fon gab 67 Linn . BaAUZI =Ult. iM2CIIII =IN