BY TELEGRAPH. Agarver, OF THE STEAMIR ARCTIC IVZIIPOOL lifa aim., I I Liverpool, Jan. 3, 1851. • Cotton-,The market is dull, but without I any change. Sales 28,000 bales on' speculation, ! land 1500 forexportation. - Flour--The market is languid at 21 ahilllnga Bacon is in demand. 'Lard has advanced to 6d per lb. a - Ciinsola arc sold at 93. ° Some political difficulties prevail in Prance, and it is reported the ministry have resigneil •• - [stiemat vzsr.vren.) The Artie brought 30 passengers, With shell freight of valuable goods. • - • • Flour And Grain were extremely languid,% the transactions going forward hying only for imme'- diate wants of the trade. Western Canal Floe]. was quoted nt 20s aas Philadelphia and Baltimore per ILL Colin has receded Gd per . quarter. r , • ProvialOn..---The'market presents more nets.. Good qualities new are commanding full prices. The high rate of l'ork, however, cheeky ed basines°, but the advance is likely to be Mil tained. There is a moderate demand for new baion, and really fine commands good rates. Old hams are less active. -No ;boulders in the mar ket. The demand for - laid is not extensive, I but holdrs have established on advance of Gd per 100. Fine cheese moves off readily at 1, fall prices. taliorr--Frices are hatdly supported. Freights are' well sustained, especially toNew Took. Passengersare plenty, and the rates are . POLITICAL INTELLIGENCE. I The resignation of the Ministry arParis was caused Ity the open hostility of the President to wards Gen. Changazier; who, in defiance of the earnest rfroteitation of the ministry, was given - permission to v justify his Conduct before the A ssembly.. The right and left warmly applauded Gen: Cluinganier, when the ministry abruptly withdrew; mid, with equal abruptness, resigned inttlwdy I ! The President experienced great difficulty in the forMation of a new cabinet. M. Barrett re fused to accept office. The baulref England will not advance the Vete /:of interest- The bullion lathe bank amounts to 14 millions sterling. • I I The English securities 'are well supported: -American stocks have increased in demand. Penna. fives sell at 81€t8.5, and U. S. six at 108131081. - - . - _ _ CONGRESBJONAL. Wagon:orris. Jan. §enate—Serentl petitions and reports presented and diaposed of. Gen. Shields reported a bill to make Scott Lieutenant General, for his gallantry the late war deitfi, Mexico. House—Thai noose has keen engaged all morning on thin private ealender. GOVERIf T API'OINTMENTS. , .Wasunsdrosi, Jan,' 2 .Tbe following appointments Lave been con cd by the Senate. Milliard Mil, of Vermont; second Comptr of the Treasury. e Elias S. Terry, of thins, Recorder of °enema Lind Office. • Itobert Halpin, of La., Bupertn . ' tentlent of •Dranch Ittintiat New Orleans. I W. Du 114 s of La., Treasurer of the 12 'Mint at Now firloms. • ' Ed. (L. Dale, of Pa., Treasurer of the ?al Philadelplsi..., I • cldeon S. Holmes, of Mass., Consul to Cape of Hood Hope. • I • A.s 11,n , 5. of New York. Consul to St. Cn tines. John Sloan, of Ohio, Treasurer of the iJ States.' BENNETT, THE FUGITIVE SLAVE. ' PIIII.ADELPIITA, Jan. A Stephen Sennett, the Fugitive Slave, who; remanded by - the Unite i dSintes Conimiesinne the eurtody of his muter, him been pure; and eat atilberty. . . /MOIMILLE, Jan. —5 - Tliere are tax feet water in the canal. The General Scott went up this morning.! The weather to pleasant. Thesentenee of death was passed to day on the negro eouricted of manslaughter lost week. Hods to be hung on the 2nth of February.. PHILADELPHIA SLARKET l'i!rtAinartun, Jan. :25 The. foreign tlelix hall no effect upon, the market, and prices are generally the name us last quoted. • . • Flour—Tho market is dull at sl,filje "i l l bbl. . t Provisions—The stock of ald mess pork is un-, nasally light, and sales have been confined -to small lota at $12,95 Trl bbl. Sales of prime' at ,$8 "ti bbi. NO new western has 'yet snivel -1 Jemmy new mec 14 iis held at $l4 bbl. City 'mess beCf La heldpt $12:250412,50 - gl bbl. Sup. plies of It come forward very slowly, a the article .18,,wanted, partimilarly Side,O rl r the South. i Prices have advanced a .fractiots with sales of IGS Idols in salt, part to arrive, at Si° Se for hams, and Go for shoulders. Old hams range from It to it c; and new city cured at. - 10P lie "e lb. Sales Of smoked sides at qr., and shoulders at 7c 1-1 lb. Very little new lard is coming in, and old is getting scarce. BalCsl6oo -kegs No. 'I at Be, cult. , Some holders refuse 81, • 4 months. A sale of 30 bbls ne* wes • lard at Bje 11 ' Butter—Limited sales in kegs and firki 097 n. and of prime atlOn Ll Tb. Sales o en at lic ? lb. Cleese—Sales ot Ohio at6i(i_e,6le, and York at 7647ic - o . lb. • Lard Oil—Hales oriununerat6Ge, and ter et GSC 11 BALTIMORE MARKET •Flour—The.tuarket is quiet under' the Steam er's news.. Sales 600 bbls Howard aired brands at $4,554.. City Mills brand in nominal, at $4,-. 60 per bbl.'. . Illye Flour and . Corn Me . al are without change. Oraln—Eales of {end and prime red' wheat at 99651 02 c; and of white at 105€5110c per', bushel. Yellow Cote is selling at 59, mid white lit OS® 114 c tesbel, . Sales, of oats at • 47€148e per beisheL ' Prorislime—The market is him, an prices are fully irmiutdined. -'1 .ket is quiet, with moderate Alrian--rfbo marks. Inn., tales nt fe'rmer quotations. ' - whiake - s-L4 a l ea '2s6a2.6c in khds NEVI YORK MARKET. I=ZIEI23 i • • January . 25. Cottot t—The market is unsealed and, dealers awnitini; their private letters. - 111 2500 tails At ' , 55 for Ohio round hpopl , : ed. Corn is scarce d:in—Wheat at'6o/ f 9 r new. . Provisl ow —Sales of 150 bbls mem pork at sl_Ql^,,l3l. Other qualities are the name-- Beef ts in moderate demand at s.s@tl fv prime, •and $8,25010,50 for mess. Landis firm. with Wes of fA Ltds at Sc. :isles 100 kegs hew' city rendered. nt Ole. • •• • • -t,dy, mica 115 . 0 bbls Whiskey —llnces are . Mean ) , it 26e. Oroderies.--Sales 100 litals Nair Orleans at 61g0.1 per lb. • Sales Zia pain:mak at tars. , eel Oil—Sales 2%000 galls. since Than: day, at Mc cash leaving none in first hands. Nsw Xotuc, ,an. 25. 6tton—llan declined le, with salon of '7OO • Flour—Miere in a good demand, wt eaten of 4,500 bbla ats4,Bl (5,4,85 for Alichiga. Indiana; and Ohio: 8A1,254,5_ , ,.5,50 for teeny Ohio, Mid:W . 4623i ®5,74 ter extra. - • i . • Grainr--Wheit is nominal. - Corn is scarce, and held higher, with sales of 400 hu new yellow at 67c' per he. l Proxisionn—Pork in firm, with Hales of 600 Mae old nines ak 812,121, and some at $11,5 0 "fil bbl;:. Salon _of oldprime at $8,25; mid of sour do. at $7621 Vida. 'Beef in unchanged, with sales of 100 bbls. Prime moss is held firmly at $lOl6 hbL Beef llama are nominal at 6ii 13 kb.. Pickled Meats are scare° and better.-- Bmill males norm cured hams at 81e8ic'ef M iklos 80 bbluxhouidera at 6c.-. La.M. is firm, with Ales of lid bias at noon prices. . Whiskey in etcady. with sales 226 b Tobacco i 5 unsettled, with no gales to report. Linseed Oil is firm, with oaks 6000 kalloas at 870 from the wharf, and from atom. C:afreo—Salma 200 'bap. ill°. at 11/61140 V'? CINCINNATI MARKET. VINVINVAT -2r Provisions--There nos been a s hea . v3 ,43 b n niiin ' es • in Provisions at a farther ad Mess Pdrk—Sales of 400,0001 1e'. rj, 2311.4 at 410351 and 6.1,, wtor sho' 8 41,3 Of 500 .CIAS L.u,l tt( 11^aas• atand -000 keg. • . airhieLanah Tramnintftmal thinAkmintr rertiflcatu. • 01Id then doubt. If;1 on fan, the triumpbant pm. . mini by thln ;yard manly. •: • ' Cranbury thunnhlp, Tem nuef ' h:. Dm.31.1847. • ! Mr. Eir-1 tutu ploamm itt Inhuming You, ib buttk 4,Dr. WlAneet VrmAt.ii. , ihkh I Par • rhaintl from rem. ben Aaiun rue entire a Entirdit;r4 r mine man balmanfal of It, and . panned 117 - iftuntat The acct :waning 100 itCr n U51T000,41110... irbytl gin hanto4 ; 4l3 Imam the next tumult, 1 vim bet :Om; nnuetPamatilT, atal oho pamol 1Z mom .; num. an •• • " - • A . :DIMLY WNINU , Tor nth hy; ; J. KIDD* • - • - No.CO 0.4 it . HOME MATTERS Cif,pturr Coicinr.—A concert of snored mn ecie,! for the benefit. of the poor, will be giren at Layflyette Hall, to morrow evening. We trust that the room may be crowded, since 'the pro ceeds are to be devoted to so praiseworthy an object. Tickets can be obtained at the music stores of Messrs. Mellor and Kleber, and at We • doer. COURT OF OYER AM TEEIiMEI ' - JAMMU! 25t11, 1851 present, Judges BleClure and Jones The Court room was crowded this morning with :spectators, as it was generally known throughout town that James Kelly, the youthful, but "hardened murderer, would be sentenced— JUdge McClure directed the officers to bring Kelly into Court, and in a short time he entered, quite unembarrassed, and perfectly self-possess. ed, lie was placed in the criminal dock, and sat down. Ilia honor, the President Judge, or dered-him to stand up, nut asked him whether .he*td anything to say before sentence should be prunotmad upon him. Jn n firm tone, Kelly an 'swered "no Elf." dudge'lllcClure. before sentencing the prisoner, ;lug-erred that he would any nothing to him, since he felt peredrided that he might as well reason with a tiger, or a rattlesnake, Mit he had a few observations to make, which he hoped that those around him would hear, and ponder upon, re garding the administration of justice. Among die laws of Pennsylvania 11113 one, meting out the punishment tif death to the wilful murderer. That punishmenttlamea Kelly had well deserved. and that he bad not reached the gallows was not the fault of that Court. Of the blood of the in nocent, hereafter to be shed by hint, he declared , before God and man that his skirts were clear. The'Court had charged; the jury that the prisoner l i was• guilty of murder in the fire! &veer. and,. had not 'attempted to insult their intelligence by charging them relative to what constituted man. eLinghter. Neither had they explained the law relative to murder in the second degree at any length, because the prisoner was guilty of a more atrocious crime, yet the jury bad only found him guilty of murder in the second degree! I riat society should ponder on, was, whether It,, members should entertain scruples which would eh's& above the law, and render its salutary pro- ViAO . ll9 nugatory ? Whether jurymen should violate Weir oaths, influenced by feelings of mis taken mercy? For his part, he called on Cal and man to witness that , so long as be sat on that,berich, bewould endeavor to du jostler to all, and mercy aboulll never cause him to deviate from its paths. Theprisoner'a guilt had been rendered apparent, by the triple cord of the tee. tiMony of three witnesses. There could he no earthly doubt of it, nor of its atrocity. Malice afore -thought, had been expressly proved, and the murder had been cooly committed in purr.. Mice of a plan 'which had been previouslylaid, yet here be stood, to receive a sentence which Weald only consign hint to the Penitentiary, while the Court should be sentencing him to the lows. There he stood, spotted all over wild the leprosy of guilt , and how slight would be his punishment! Society should think ors this—that society front ainolig'N' shunt jilroris were selected: 'should any person was not resolved to do his duty, lie 'should never enter the jurylliox. The learned Judge proceeded. at some length to comment on the duty of : jurors, and the atrocious nature of the prisoner's creme. Ile addressed himself to society, ftir alas! his winds would doom good to the prisoner, steeped in guilt as be was. Let all who were present reflect that where there was no distinction of pimishment, there would be no distinction of crime. If this were the case here, the ruffians, Wandering about our stniets at nighrwith their bowie-kuives, would kill their -unoffending tints as well es rob them. for dead men tell no tales. All that would be thine with them, in ease they committed murder, would he to send them to the Penitentiary. Another evil resulting from this state of affairs, was that good men, losing all confidence iu the - administration of jus ticeby a Court add jury, would no longer trust them,- but would take, the law into their own hands, and bang persons whom they know to have committed murder, .without waiting fur their triaL I Judge McClure proceeded to illustrate Lis po t' tion by referring to the case of : Daniel Mackey. Convicted during the preseet tern of the Court. - of murder in the second degree. Ile felt per- Suaded that if that wretched man bad murdered Melchior Belt.thoVer, subsequently to the trial of the prisoner, the byettmders would have hung him on the Tot, while kiS hands were yet stained with his victim's blood. Ile would say, and be said it with sorrow. that the acqUittal of Daniel Mackey, and of the prisoner, of murder in the first degree, had weaken - est the security of socie ty, and cheapened`the value of human blood, in Allegheny county. his honor then alluded to the facility with whichlsignaturen tit - Petition:, for the - pardon of malefactors were procured, nnil censured those who railliliappended their names to them, in the strongest terms. For bin part, he•wonld think that he was gniltx,,Lw..- -- p --.- •eat crime, if he did not pass as-ttertreb - 7a ekntence as possible upon the prisoner—he would feel as though he had introduced a tiger bib, the dwell ings of his fellow ritizens—as though he bad placed a rattlesnake under tot infant's • He - did hope that his observatioos might do some good to others, if not to the wretch I.efore upon whom they fell like spray upon the solid rock. As to the testimony in the case, he could not advert to it. • It was of too horrible a char acter. Never had he heard or read of any crime so atrocious. _ No case was to he found on the erlynitud records of the United States, or of Great Britain, or France, so full of horrors as this. James Kelly, you have - been indicted and found 'guilty of murder in the second degree, committ ed on the body of James Cox. For this offence .the sentence of the Court is, that you pay a fine 'of six and a fourth cents - to the Commonwealth. together with the costs of the prosecution, that yon undergo an imprisonment of eleven years and nine calendar months in the Western Peni tentiary, awl that you stand committed till this sentence is complied with. James Kelly. you have likewise been indicted and found guilty of larceny, committed in steal icig a portion of the goods and: chattels of Mr. William Hurst. For this offence the sentence of the Court iD, that Ton undergo an imprison ment of threqyears in the Wesem Penitentiary 'said imprisonment to• take effect at the capita Lion of the tact term mentioned. - • . . . _ • James Kelly, you have been convicted of lar ceny, committed in feloniously biking away some of the goods and. cliattels, belonging to Meyers. Townsend, Carr dr. Co. For this offence the sen 'tense of the Court is, that you, undergo an im prisonment for and during 'the term of three years, said term to take effect at the expiration of th at last mentioned. Theofficers.were then. directed to remove the prisoner, who 'during the whole charge did not manifest the slightest emotion, nor did a Tingle muscle of his , countenance change, except once ichrti he smiled. Ile mut taken 'out of the dock, and removed, through .ihe "Sheriff 'a office, into the county prison. The immense crowd which had . aPsembled to cane upon' a wretch who. though young, hod been guilty of a mu Cr so atiocious, then quietly disperaed. Haitian Itoann,—/—Ataheet one o'clock on Stindaymoriting, the upper hri4e over the Allegheny. or, ao it is sometimes term ed, the " Mechanics' Street Itridge," woo disco.- meal to be in flames. having been fired in three places. Owing to the coniustiblernsoure of the materials with which it wan Iconstructed, the whole bridge Was speedily wrapped in. flames.— The engines commenced playing on it, at both ends, but it was impossible to nave it. The night •17,37 and still, and the spectacle prevented thehurning of no huge a mass of dry timber, was one of the most beautiful' which hue ever bein witnessed. The bridge anon commenced falling, and the burning fragments floated down the river. In a few minutes nothing but the na ked piers remained. The lower bridges Were in great danger, owing to the luirning timbers lodg ingagainst their pierS, and it was found ineces nary to introduce the hose into the St. Claiirt. bridge, and play upon a portion of the burning wad work. ."1 The bridge originally coot seventy-five thou sand dollars, and was, we understand, insured only to the amount of twenty thoustutd.— The kiss will not be very heavy, however, as we learn that a wire suspension bridge eon be built *at a cost of from thirty to• forty thononnd tars. The inhabitants of both cities, who have been accustomed to croon thin bridge will •ic sub jected to great inconvenience. We thick that we have never beard of a more wanton,fa*ociona outrage, thari that committed by the Si .'ll who ' &id it. If is evident that there is a gan or in -cendiarieft the city, who, undismayed by the fate ofSims, nit punning Steir most h rrible occupation, and we trust .that our; poll. will exert all their energies to chiwocerthe see , circle, and have them brought to justiee,- Ati - carren Iscaamaamm:—Whitc. the ra Engine mat; at the fire yeatirriLay nriore i attempt wan mailit to tiro the eng ine hou the company returned and, ietfirigniah flame! before much damage bad been don', 11=211 ATTEMPTICI. ITIMIWAT'IIOI.IIISIET.--JOb Esq.. ams•stoppell towards the close ofln.l in the Sixth wont, by two scoundrels, tunneled Ids money. 'lie told them tint none with him, when she rascals, who I have recngni.tsi Lim,lhiuce one Maid to [hi "Oh! this is Atr..941e." went nwaY troubling him ATTEstrTr.n 111011 VAT A Fitscuorriv Nos btopptd htst week, 011 1.1 road, above the Arterial, try two raffia. demanded ;hit money. Putting Lit ham patina, lie drew out n revolver, awfl pr trigger., The bomb had been in for ton lina . the cap failed to explode. lie Fr, trigger 's second time, with the Fame The rands tied, ae reoUiss they NM the IlitcorsitY ow Taxes Goons.—A box of dry goods, and I of boots and shoe', together with a him coil of rope, worth from eighty to a hundred dollars, were discovered stowed away in a depository of Oaten properly, by Mayor Guth rie's police, on, sturatty. They are supposed to linve been stolen by the thieves who hid such n quantity of plunder in the basement of the Welch. Baptist C.ueeth a short time ago. • MAWR'S Orrice, Prrrssonnu.—No business of importance was transacted at the morning watch returns o\. Saturday. Eight common eases were brought be ore his honor, 'and dealt within the usual mann r. Maron's OFFICE, ALLEGIIENV.—Four “tenr.nt, of the iambs"Trere brought before his honor, Slayor Fleming, owSutnrclay. They were Corm !pitted to jail k)r . twenty four hours each. 113141",f6.1 The invincible Fire Company of. Cincinnati have presented a teal:l'ol6loft au marble to the Washing ton National Alo omen Handsome Donation —G W. Smith, E;1, No. 5 Exchange street Boman. has made a donation of srio tonne hew England Society, for the IMprove. meat of Domem Poultry. The BMW, chip Arabia (nun Liverpool; arrived al Quarantine this morning, alter a Paa , tee el ' , earls' ',evenly days. 4he has no board two hundred Tan. +engem ' about thirty or whom aranut with the chip fever. Twelve ' ted on her,ge.—[New York Corn. Ado. ...Great Deutruet on of Sheep —The Rochester Amer. rime ie intorund that about 400 fine wooled cheep were killed by four dom., on Tuesday night. upon the limn of A Chan pion, run , 1a the town of Gets.— (Albany Argo,. • Tte Het z Company at Lawrence have ardent for building nixtrea k.,linietiven, an Upon aa pmenbable. The cue they bit it recendi is no much nepertor to tuber', that 'bey ould procure ordern for forty more at soy day.—D3ont n Cote ' la pulling down the walla of the old St. John's Church, at Limerick, a large mouton hull was lOtiod indeded in the Mortar. It is thought to be a twenty lour pounder tired by Crumwelt's army during the mice, an that vas the recipe spot Egmont which be directed hi, attack. The business f the Rink of Prance IS at jiresent so extensive that . the diserdors have just decided that lorty two clerk• who. bad berm taken on led, poliwily, must still be continued Worn the begin aing at the year; with a minimum salary et 6,000 Imams The St. Louis Intelligeneer states that the flour. ing null of Mr. Joseph Pow!, in dint ply which was destroyed by fire on the 2.11 at October last, was rebuilt old ready for operation on the loth of Juno. cry, just forty eight days after the old Chill was laid in sshrs. As Mr Preston . King, of K., on Monday morn nipped tit. the street at the alarm of fire which occurred on l'enn.ylvattia avenue, neatly oppoote hi. Edgings, the street being covered Sella um, he leg and broke the knee pan of his right knee The scut. dent is not sitrunts, bill will confine !tondo his ludiongi fur a short time--(Wach. Moon. The Senhonrd and ittautuake Karl tiled as Sect have heretofore announent, has already been gompletial to Franklin, • Alumnae or intrly .even nille.,. and there la said to be nut the slightest impediment in the way of • its extension to 11. Sothern'terinantr to corniest with the Wilmington road.—l Itichtnonit , „ gineer. • lititvetedy ol . Roeheeter.--It is certainly a credita ble, as n is a tarit.eurbat remarkable, fact, that in lees than dueaear ' 6Olll the opening 'of Pubseription'tee he establirhntUnt of the Unlvereity of &wheelie. about $150,000 have been bubsenbed, a tall faculty (excepting p president) trishalled, and about 75 flu dents matriculated. 'hex students are scattered. through all the clime, and the ling coiameneemen dl be held duriug it:a alumina &gamer.— IN Y. Corn. Ada' '1 Somehody,—name unknown—has left at the land. log at General Harrison's farm, at North Bend, a tiusgoificent maible Monument fa memory of the lustriocrtex President. The Manly have not the least intiintition from whence It coat.. A lady ofdistioguished wink to Paris, lately gave birth to a child, which, although otherwise well formed, was totally without brain. Thy s yeong crea ture, like, the sensitove plant, experihticed the bee lest emotion upon being touched Tlk lop of the head won completely flat, whb-h, joined to a long and narrow law, gave to • the tare the resmo• Menet, of the bead of a !Md.,. It lilted twenty gm hours, In the pent astonishment of the doctor, who had amen - dried to inspect this extraordinary phenomenon. Frdi:llestickv—A word strongly expressive of Con tempi It croaker alt reply When'a lady once eoyr .Fiddlesticks"' he is a bold man who Otte& noolnel word. The Albanu,Thnehman raye in.ra r. a ma n u p Wnabinrion 81. jealou. he count:. bin utile'. hair every day, 4. Nea ii the hag not sorra a orienicnia during his &bream. A wag watt jugging borne rather lair and a I tin happy, wlien,.pitivoug by a dark alley, o two toted fellow "lapped ion nod aetnantiell hol money. vAlonry," raid the wag; "money! I have none— but it you will,euq,la Ilion:rut I'll give you a aloe at ihnly days. A friend of the lamentable Hood, on 'whom the powder's 'oolitic yeerun le have fallen, .ay. of hint, “Poor rierrat!—died of pore peiwroieiy—W pettily the undertaker, who artrtefs to nen a Amity. Hood," Tole the hand of the !needle's.. Smile on the imp and dereieil. Sympaihoie with tan., trlve,averyartex to drIP a around you run• idling, and joy • If you do thts you will be sure to be Ga. Hall, nt Bridgeport, who ban tutien some mini. to ingestistaie the linia kings" in Sttatfotd, and elsewhere, to ulythyr public lecturers on the "art." He ton "Cap" anywhere, and in any rectilired quantity, equal many of the 'palatal Olen 71 y. ung lady wrote to het brother. who in alarm. erin Ohoo, to ash whether he hnd no good farm. lure now, no when nt home He replied that she must not bother Min with such querttens, hilt to give her wine idira of his style of living, would atone that his entire farm sass wholly fenced with black walnut. " . • W0,11.M.'6 .111.1 T.— Old Genlleroan—Say, boy, what's nee reason your mother don't tear a pats', on your ITOOffeflOOns nod send you out with a trifle cleaner face? lloy—Cez she stint got time Old Getit—Aiot got no time? 'What's the reason he,aint7 Boy-abe'. bony getting op resolution!, for the Win: man Right Convention, no else hasn't got • mnme to spare for nothin eke. [Exit old gentleman, profoundly musing on "Wo men's fttata,"and the rapid Widest of human progress, and wondering what on earth people would be gel. tins at nett.]' Extraordinary Surgieel opertlion —We kern, says the Banton !mast, that Or. Warren, of thee city, weevily took (Finn the 'tinned. of an Binh girl, at the,ldraneehtinetts general banished, by means of an inewion, * tape worm forty one feet end eleven incite. in length. The 'operation wan perlormed while the sufferer wan under the indeenee of ether. She °hennaed in running to her settees, "Oh! 1 here had a &want dram, and feel relieved." The "MUM won drenned with great core, and she has merely complatned ol pain since the. operation Thin, we nn, told is the only rune on reeord where the tape women fuss been laterally cut front theft:o men inumeett. The popidation of Memmuri. according to the can e. jtra completed, is eat, 547, has• neatly doubled the hot ten year,. • New. Fuel —A loeomotive engine in building in New Tort, for the Erie Railroad, in which pothole ton alcohol In to be wed (or beating the boiler. The principle of ih conotruction entirely new, but it in to be eiperted lolly succenaful.*„. The Eno del Cornercin, of 'Vera Cm, informs Os readers that letters have been received from the frontier. annulincinfr that the entire Slate of Yucatan, with Ilse excepiion of Compeachy, had declared in favor of entire independence from Mexico. Printers in ',wk.—The half of the lwelve thou sand dollar pme, nscertained.yeslerday to have been drawn in !Jhelum by persons in this city, wan drawn by a couple el. young men who are compositors in this office, and have been for yearn —lMobile Daily Adverti.m. A Curi.ity.--The name of a colored woman in Craoriord enmity. Pennsylvania, is yiueDav:s. She is enginy nine years old. She can see in, pick up needle in the dart, and in the daytime cannot see aeross the i can So writes the marshal upon his auras schedule. The Portsmouth (Vs ) Argus states that a movement has been made towards the establishment of • 1 ne of steam packein between-Norfolk nod Now York.— Twenty five thousand dollars have been subscribed by one person alone, nod the balance, It is suppmed, will be proinptly taken by the bminens men of Nor. folk and Portsmouth, New Yiwk and Erie Railroad —The section of the Erie . Railroad, berween Dunkirk and Foreqville, eight miles, was opened fur travel on the fith inst.— :A mile. more of the western cVvision will 1,,e eample fed and : in' running order on the first day of Feruary, and on ihei firm of May the whole line from Dunkirk luLtiriont Panmel Hnmbleiee, E•ri , theist:tiler Purser In the United-States Navy, died at his residence in Taitint county, Maryland, on Saturday lam, at the advanced sae- c d i 73 years. Mr. Ambition wan the Purser id the brig. Lawrence, the vessel bearing the pennaht of the gallant Perry in his memoriable acuun on the Lake+. fie served with the etnomodermbitutelf it the lane gen fire tram the brig, and was desperately wounded by the dischnrsosfrom the enemy which dis mantled the gun and left.the vessel powerless Mr. Nambleten has resided for many years past in Taihni Cl.lllly, enjoying 'he high and distinguished esteem of a large circle ,g 1 friends. ' LOOK HERE MY FRIEND! RE YOU A FATRER, laboring for Ow kuppnrt nt n family, 0,! Inlff,il3ll fr.nn g r.n,at dt. AWITIP a burden. Arrr•u a Moth•r, nave - lug from din.n.n. r 9. to ,hloh mnlraamfmn.:rallr ag... Dr. S. U. Holm's blaki.r Falmararlll.l.—ll • ill rxri..llnl, cum you. Coyle, It week, ho do- Ihe hod med to lother, ithoot Old st our to one of mir anent, and get a I gams"'- pratie. ahem on will lind that the Shaker !". D. 'A° of r..11),"Z; 1,:=7,517%,".tni";',1? h ! Itttruav 'demand., of 1 4 1/171.PlIii 11. orrr yet brotocht the 1 h t s Mabllehed its lash restitution hr its Jl u nmmoun god trnil catmint rums. it b. put ;up in quart bath, awl le the only Pannourill that sea o p th e liter, Kidne), and Direstt ' , time ~Melt rendera it slbontlicr MON nodule to every eine.,toulloulnrly P.M, Pe Purr .d emptire for Dr. K. D. HOWE'S EllAK.Ell SAIISA PADILLA. snd take mother. Prier /I've: taittle--0 hottim for or saki.). • Dn. C. D. 110W1: k CO. Proprietors. 1 e s illene Cinch:matt Uhl To shoot nll noir. luny headdfreeed. tu f ,,, ii,v . . i for on r.di, by .I. :, k. , Joneob J. Seboomunker a c o ,. W. ra. 'll7 l ,l4T m citr r iv7ieli k ,.. - I.Yed ,„ iitob Jiandienter: Crraker, Jan. t d IL G. " odinainee2 . . • . , • , . ' '.. -. , *;/..o‘"'f - ,` 4,- ' • ' ,6 ' 4 ' l ' . • _...,.,... .. . - ..,. ...,,,...- ....,.. ..,..... _.. 1111141ARRATITI' CASE! IN OUR MIDST.. Sta Kari: . / obeerrull y comply lr.ith 'our that I you, give you m arnauut or the &honor turroonsload cum of my ILule - doughOrea cyo Ly the toe or your - Pot" loom." Phewax attaeltegt with ti very sox rye in Tehrnarl Or Hurl Met. • hen I itomedialady spoiled to 'the bet mech. cal aid In the city, by whom It WU pn.wouvrni a .very bat eye." altil 'all gave me DO hope of (John, her any umd. Ah ter which I toot her lot , , the evuntry to an old lady. who had been very sucmasful fn enring tlhe told tun that her cue wan hopeless. as Abe would certainly hoe nut °nil that one. but aim that the other would (01100,1 being o scrofulous affection of the bloraL dud I tIO eettif, that 01 Use time ray father (J. D. Vashon/ came to the conclusion that we had Jetts, try your Petyoleum. she mu Wiwi, Glint of one eye. It is now about two month, since Ow heitan its on. and she can now iwe with both eyes m Mod we ever she dill and. as far m I can tett. I I.lbc. rite ha, with the of the Multi:hitt . Iwzo clued by Youn,reeMdfnilY. 31. Pll,l-3,1013•33110.3 Pittsbumb, OD, IR5n. pale 01 Key., It McDowell, I.lo'lctw,.l gt.., R. E t. 7 %1,.J FL: D. 11. Corry. .1. Ellitt.l33•oo elm,. an.' 11. P , h , rlrt4..lll,,hrny: 11.. by 1.1••• ProPri" tor, P, M. EIER. nov7:t.lisT:s Cmud 11%.411. BOOMS, MUSIC, &( IVVEW BOON S AT 11111,NIES'rpti i...r, hiiiaih i Third atriail, opiai.lle ' ',...z...4/ Ay, Ptial i ifla, ' Iles, Siiii.huin: a Jarailiih..tor, of Ihr Rehm or lienir, I. 11, 11. I'. H. Jaaais. EIN. ' Thr 1/uchra , ior Whulana lain. nail l44iulatii'a 1151.—s Oita Shaugauilah, a noval. 11, airs giialbwiirthh . ~. . . s not el Or the null., of Tb.....ei1vh... - ll.llllThthien, n Tab. f.. 4. Moth., awl RIUVIIICI, 11) tirnce Aonlar. Holll,, tiram AL•10/0l. Ilsoker: Mtanziro• for inottetr,. 11121 r himanar for 1 , 1. No 1 of tho Amorlean IllnminaW riliGoo of the Warerly Novolo /Ali AZI N ES FOR FEBItIIA RI. at lllloto , tolvrary L tml. Thlnl oppoeile Nort hni,.ll Boot for Prbruar,.. (Inatome,. Riftg.irm . suHaitin Nbonfrino , Shanuooul, s norrl. lo 17r. ;km1131.1111. Home Intltionr, ft lain for motion. sad dargad , r. 11r3re Ag9ilnr. . • . Alotheex Hertaurvn, 0,10.1 in lInno• !Olney,. Olive: a amyl. By Om Kothoor of-elm Ogthio. no. Whig Alumnsr for No 1 of 80. Auo•rkanhunk...led ...1i1..1,0 of the Waver)) . 11...1..ap,t edition et, publiobeal. Jals New Books, just received. 171 HE f1.,r1, rJ tbo Bible: by (kon,..r. (Ma hn. 1 vol. i.onwk "Ilendlatf, lwing pec.n.,l••• exhil,ltkat Of th e I irammur..l...ivoi.,l f .r I., In kinwk. and Nx -, 4 fur and Antliel C. Kendrid, I .0..121nm tuu, • . . Youllio eitponttl. H. Hannah Flare 1ina141..11 vol Isron and l,nuter Isharm, B, Marla J. Mr 1 ‘..1. MY, , . Thr kt-00111Pril.' : a 14n...1 W " fly , les¢.lll. and 14,41.11. , A. , Journal. vi Jto.t .Tort r NEW BOOKS! ANIALEWS' LATIN. EN.LISII LE/11 , \—A cnnionA Anol crilkAl Latin. En1.71I•11 LA./11,11. Gr1111.1. , 1 ... bun,. LAPA.Prnnen LeTitApnlPr.ll'elliAnnAtnal. ith zuhlition• nod nnrnAnl.An , ll,ln the of FarcintAll. P...runo. 1.. E A .11..11,,i 1.. 1.. P. TAA '111.411.1w I.tevir: Len,: ,A.rAuntl tint ralire end n+olt• 111 rug..:l3 ,nisolnirh ur Ilan. rthAn gur.l.Aberjcsrld ,o 1 11.1. nena. By Rev. Hen" T. (lino,. - 111,11 bele And bpi Anne," P enontrine, Titsmi ostrt , tarlialrr,hr: mor,url La. Hamm 11, 4;rrs•—r Acuity. 11.. y i.J nua Li . . .13 • IL C. 1111111KTON. PI, and Ara.rlr. (ay, ljA PER,ISLANK BOOK S& iiTATION ER Y X and w l'vvrof ell AIIVA end ru1..1 and plain. blue ill. Eg2MEMEZZ=I . . . Stationer, —Eni:l,ll. 1 1 ,nel, wad A111e1i , 213. tw,' and r1e,,,1, f.,r ml.. 1,, W e. HAVEN. 1 1 14,15, , ,, ,, ,.. /tl ,l . Wwk. , l. M. erinwr of 11.•,,,,,11. r(X)N AND JOll PIIIN Il NI; —Every 111, i 3K71 ~11, , n .11,a31.1`...un1..nie1. ,t'teauth et. Culisl and unl fund Printniv.. v.v.....1 al 245.. rt Toth, ima In 111. 1,...l mops r. 10, IV S. '•tinting 081,, :or 11.1 - ni .1.. 6111,411 lark..l suJ F..rt/. lain 5 1 TATION Fla—W. S. lIAVFN, 'eOrner 1.1 II ...LI .14 51. t..- h.. for Pak 1.. g. .1.- 0 ILL , an annrlniunt of fen, dishonor, 4 14 over lawit nhenoil In thin nr41,.. Ifonhaine oupplifil with one, article In thl. 114 On Ow moat fainrahh topif. iota )I .a tit rFolt- —o a, Flio, l'-ko• rominorrial mind . , iimitan h. Kll.l 1 . , l'apor. a ifirwo.upply of ail qua n,. rifled and plain. bluo and ahito. for sale on 11141.1 term. at ' lain. ft. S HAVEN' , IVEIV STOCK Or Pl.l-NOS. ill st tho finkton Ilarp. fin 'WI nilwi 4 . — II. I: IXliiiit is t, rii,li Mg A froAb I.W of 01.-.. Pix.....n.10 .1., ',Ns+ A: CLARK. Nr.r V,li. allow, Mom. ii •plontibi 7 .tire rarhal Piano athe rwhon d. orrihtion of 441,r ant too, It la ma& in I tio Rorini ft, h. in sowin- in 114 ralirn of laini. XIV anti \l. .11io it new Wa ..2 1 - .t.,i....1. , ... awl lanwiliir 'him , . and an rxtenalva 41.441 of Itrait. Inalpinnenti. 110141, Annum Melodeon,. owl e4ri iwrioti of muritail tine,haih dire. JAM ILT EW BOOKS.—llumholes new, Work. 1 1,N or nada,. or o Vhracal rirrerf mina or tha 'Own, frarnon.:r nerrla MOM MENIIMININI HuiWl... • UT LINE Nlik epleollid Out II lin: Map. art• , as fatnalut la all 1.1, la.llar. in ,laael v ark Mr !rata obtrata •al Ile. aaeur,tm Mu In la 1111,1)0,1e, aml 111•111. trarhen Snd ,ahaal rpaaltl.a.• to ....II 10,4 r.autute th.s“. o. I—Map ..r thy IV/ 'dem , • ,2 3 .1.• No.rth Arno., • Aneeriett AfrterL. ;o anl Prirr the norira. with . 32:.: or the Prat two Ilem phers Map, with ker. CO Theer,mapa are ithri,allot triao-vrary. haute . tuet cheap new, and mlapted to the wawa of.tle. primary, uratertr..r mei 101. th, 1 Imo' rtqtee n 11,1.4.1, r". n•l.lltfnu nr lt f.1.1.1•% . 1'111\ 11. It. lok • •- ••rn. r - IV OW IS TOE TIME. M.V.i.17.11%; ES Fox 1.1 ,t Thirl qrrei • s, pNV the ' Mutter.' 11n:rtatm. Ilrr It-:Si!n, Mn,nrn Nntelleviv.rv, v f err.v tllln n ll.. Itnnvntne Itnrlnt, tharnnr.' Vlnenvun. . . tiraheniv Ma.anne . . Satain'e Mew:trine International Marton.. . titneketr•l v Mvavrthe Ilertteuttorhe . . . L Cubit:a, The Jvnunn number nl then. Itncarhn— nth , the tirt numb, nt nen voluntr. 1,1 .111 the ter t ever hound. N . .rer 1.• no, texiiittittre tte ilelivernt fmei iil poirti tilb tn,.. y atrua tre. kiln:: quite satin. lo Our , euleirritilua A lame >IA ...It nLrL.I otiwk of niscniturot ANNI'• ill, WOKS. Ac guiNt,l% , fi.r Chrirtinio ,m 1 st• I kw'. Prrernt.. Aloo—Ara ev.ortment ,Novci•lLTlll,lrap rub li4-Lreno.,tattonory. rani, Lc. All .1.. x atCe.l , I,nl , .4metpxll3 • J B. 11.11.,1112+. . ja9 No..7lThinl A.R.NOLD'S. lIIRBERT'S..IIOIiIN AM) n TIIO3IPSON't , , and Ilarrimn'o Mark. 1-4.1, rulln. Ink, • linolaJn% F• 111.71 . ,. Ir•multnnet noel Jrsekl44, mJ Mounw's Mart nrul l'rncliw. • " . Ink atand• .leYerfolomelinoll'o, Cohen,. Let, ysel other inannfarluyey Stnel hq. U. P. PI. Smith'. Imarre....r to A.ll. ILL) kV A Gold font. a Ilh 4,1,1 and t flyer try.. \Mart:m.l'Y linstrinu Pyper—anfinuariAl. 403. ble elephant. allay. roluml.l..r. raper YoS my.) and ltrielol ear, .1. my and mrdium. Perforabyl IY.anl. fan .paly.r, plain mail ad other. 5.4.1..n1ery aryl fan., ni•iArgi rafe.r. atyl ',lured ynyetyrY. liabogymake for Caney lox,: prepartel pardaneni ni onfL.l.l. for theely, eyy vol Prenvb ..ofe poly,. abr.,. on band. the nmet .IYvira l le .I, and lYilteri,y. ',it, roll.* ,e,I and eilvervel. enotable for bai)s, party., vt land 111.11111114: • . Frrprh note etlve plain and letter envel op,. while and blue: hod nod 'dalu adheal•O rm rolopea, holt blue and rhlts. • 11aforr. wafer rap, rarionr patierne: areitli,z rand: brim lin l r..ros and Turk«, Inn reel ,and troter,ogoine. prrlo•er. 1000-hr, Fren..ll and Enrllth nn, nit hoot, and oil gooier, tiortie impor Of 1111 rotor,: r.. 1 and a Into Vltent Idot oar., Ar. llo• a 1.., with aft other article. Stallourt holli lane, and trap!, hatethar with large a.ortmoul of blank hook% and ineninranolion hooto of sit,oumu hold. of roll., In riot, rt, or loialnot. and ;pis, ol tore. n it i l r /It t . ro: i for mil, Sr reduced (; . 411 11 1 11 maoor• Illank Itoolt and Flalltirn•ry 1r arelam.e. no/C. Corner of 11arketnial lrevond rtroola The Greatest Bargains of the Season. OBT. 11. TIIOIIIPBe9N. N;,. LIB :klatlet at, m fro liurit.t. I..1•11* . I.y the lirrt oi hpnl. front thin dat, a.ll hir eut1r0.,....k et P.., soul Pr) th+.1... , f0r (12.1 h. Thia rockwo nt., Id psrt v follow c -011Y.,z, Paramettts... C..hunt Cloth. betels+. Cs..l,thereo. and Alpsors.., all rulynt: Dean SilkA I side I. Marie do; Shawls. Lung and Squan.: Ac. 11ENT1.1..1).2'S WEAII Cao.sltnetr, Fatincl.; Vrolles,.. Cravat, Mkt, I/rawqr. tr. 1101;SE KEEPIM; 64.1,6-11anok., hl...Caw, 44..4 and 124: Cntlnn 11...4 Table Liars. Immo sod Mewls-41: Iht2 2 n 4 ahle 6,141u1 Napkin', 1N.,. b., 2 .1,11 Mos. s tart, s,eartrartit WhilDrY (lath Illoaktols, eihmck mu.t hr tgr• Iltvt At, il. o.lollm kIIBT 11. T1111;11'.40N. • EVENTII GREAT SEAII-ANNUAL SALL 9!.'" O.T f!".*-1 ticanatmem ECM= . . Couunor,,,,, on Shan y. tlrrottilrer to coullour through the mouth ..f Januar,. Tholr whole roIALIA.IO tuent Lnr tern thrown Orbell for Rotall Trodo. suul thoir tenAlre otork. amount!. In Our Hundred not Thirty Thous.. MU In Wren., nt fllll, nor fourth Ines thou non. prier.. The untln of their Snial.Atinital :nolo In ony ono of tho thoworel. who Atiroolool the nle of lA. rear, rill he nuifi rlent nil:lronton foe 1111.n-c.0.. Th.., will. r, month. • row of lbe owl the lw.tinf.t ti 4140 who Intro moo, altendrel 111,1,0, vlz • OWL Carhutroo 70 cr.., o-oal pro, it. toll ult.. Cotton nod Kan (I.luneno. 2, eento, until Rrh+a routin 1:00 pin.. Cotton null Wont WI 11., IS nrul lY nont,, ,uul prloot) , itnd rout., on pit . ~ high colon. plant 11m. V.1....MA. prho. rnut , tOI stritod and tlf 0 .• lbo olovo Inolabolnk black twilk.d. 'err nue. A 1... Pre, rb fint.,kina ant) CaMmerea, black nod Caner, and tilack ' 2atla VC40.0 to. prior, for the ,uaht, a.% DOLL' BUTTER.—T.Ton lads Roll Butter ll neetvoi and fnr sale br Jolt • 13. A w . LIARBAIJOIL .y~ ~~k~:,+ibis'.=)~. STEAM BOATS. ECR CINCINN'I. LOUISVILLE Ar a ST. LISIS—Tbe tut steamer NETTIVN•Qtreets Chuiee rill leau. her the slum and lotensugue reets. ett TheeleTi. the Ilith Ivey at 4 P. AL Tut freight ur hem.. WIT au Mud- . Jar. ...._._ • • __. ST. LOUIS. The fast run afaa lea &Oh= RODGER.% tiNsit either, will lease Gsr /be above sad hues. mediate wets this day. the It7th Wend. .110 A. IL rori btoe passage. eater iisa bread. tar, . FOR NEW ORLEANS—The new wW rklemlid Meaner FEDERAL ARCH. • e keo3totmem tentmerter, will knee for &hoe and intermediate ptle ou Paturday. the Zth Inelard, at 4 firigh"' Mt .t igelOrg= t° e J. FOR ST. LOUIS—The eplendid wwwer .J IIISTENDEN. tibmarrier, .I, kare ler atom. and Inter eree=4 tordink Porte on Saturday, the =kiwi. at 4 e.ll. For (might ac raemme. akplr nn hop d or b isi:!.NEWTON' JON Si dkellt EOR LOUISVILLE—The splen did Kamer Veritwal Capt. Ilaalati, a Gothr stern and all trrm«lLtcgvalat4 oa Poi f ri g ht the 2:141 of at 10 delrek M. Mr (might tn. Damage. apPIY 0. bows , . jam= RAI ULA R PACKET' FOR -- 110CRINGPtillT---Tbe Sue steamer Pl. Cart- S. N. Crain, .111 leare an adore ecru Comlar at 4 o'clock - For freight or Peerage, • 4.L11 - JOI NSTOji. Ara roß LOUISVILLE—The splentl- i Fe r4 hl steamer MILTON. CapL Darla. cern tho abore and intertuollato porta cm th 4 day at 10 o'clock 14 1 , ?dela or pamg, old! NO h 0.- jalS FOR NEW ORLEANS—The light draught Steasoer PARIS. tender. . Jr. will Imre for the shore and Of In., mediate poria on Monday.* 10 For freight or pa.. raac cut laanl or .. Jot O B MILTRNBLEOLE, Agt. IOR NASHVILLE. Theft running ral:mart/ NNVA.Capt. no I leave for the alien =1 Intermediate torn. on Monday, :WU) WA, at 10 A. M. • RP f•lalet or pumice, apply an toatA. inn EOR LOUISVILLE—The fruit ruttnina Ammer NAVIGATOR, Captain n, Will entre tor the shwa 000 Interatetli ate porta. thlx Jay. at 10 A. Al, Tv trelaht or puska, apply on Leant. • • jail VOR ST. LOUIS. The-splendid JI Pen steamer FLEETWOOD; Wzn. Colder. commander, will Pure far the store and Inter mediate par.. on Saturday. the 1111 wrap!, at 4 P. N. 14r-fr..4l''''"""P S l . Y NTVl'ltrkf/ONE4. AI Jut F lOR NEW -ORLEANS. -The mrleridkl neir k r=er th y.DVFOß, A. d i ... Mi. il In:al . :Pr thin morning, IA iconannnt 10 o'ckiok. For freight or pannage, appl.r an &ant ran . OR NASHVILLE' .The aplen did 14w:on FORT PVT, muter, • OR Dm the above and Intermediate min. Mtn day. nth Insane. at 10 o'rlcok. A, For frrlubt or truqrre..pply on tonol. • in 9 j1.4 1 0R - CINCINNATI AND ST. I AE I ' LOUlS—Thentleadkt ;trouser ZACHARY EL UL, Hunt wader, •111 kenofor alone and kit...rm.:lWe porta Ms day, at 1.0 o'clock. A. M. b r fm i.N.!"TU.•!MIP 4 .. 1 -;HO G URICLA — IfPITISI3DR - GICAND • AL %MERLYN° PACKET—Therplendld uev.parlet steamer DIURNAL, (bou rn. roas ter. is Dow perfaizabau her rtunslar tri.weNtly trip, l'uluruo this eltz 1,13,1 , ST:rug. ironia i r PrAbr:l2 . 7t r lo r. V . =,,, iEreP . g ' r: d cry TlYular, Tbutstr And Natureur, hs curb reek. ' for freight or irsrace a roo board, unto poll AREINTRONII h ,OZER, Agents. 4/7 EGULAR PITTSBURGH AND WELLSVILLE PAOLI:I.—The eleuiser ,iiVEILLE. D. E. Du, muster. will Uwe riUsburgh.recry Tweeday.Thiundar and Saineilwr, rettll7l - Welleellle ever) Iloolay. Wwleiewine and Ri d'''.For a*Whi. EGULAR WEDNESDAY PACKBT, CINCINNATI, John nalnsamn. Tble enlendid bad was bat br a - the owwere of the stPanwa Lam Nowt., ant! o th er., for the Chninnntl nod Pittklmigls Pnek,t trade, and will leave eivorf. N % o l:t7l . ll/11:y_FT cinelnnntl , lance, of the New Eng. las . X Yr IlltiVOlimragor uEa uLAR WHEELING AND JAL StINFINIT PACKET—The WI runnlnc.ll., lt2 vnener WY.I.LAVILLY., Capt. 11. Yalta. trill run.. a rranlar packet Whaelinn. and and lluntish, Icarian Ma:iamb every btrinday /Memnon for Wellsville. Strulnovilla. and thiclparrt l and 1171 an pert and Sunfish eve, y Tiamdar afternoon. and ltnn.h r " Yon". nft 'r' ric p " h ll. Zarillrtk AReat EGULAR LIVERPOOL. AN!) i IVELLSVILLE PACK KT--'Th. Ilabt ary,•••• tight ztearner ARENA, _D. P. Kinney. m ter. PittAbunat on Mondar,AVednesuLmy, and Friday, at 10 n'elne.k. A. 11, `Law" Wel,hrille Tnoslay, Thum d'in 17 rgtVg eel rk. n A. tII.I. RUBBED GOODS UNION INDIA RUBBER COMPANY, 19 'Nassau sired, .21 - tto York, IittNUFACTURE and' hare for sale on favorable torn' the !arrest trtark of (NXIDTEAII'S 1 1. A . 1 T METALLIC MUMMER lltanat In Monica; war. ranted to Maud all climate, emulating of (Nub, Cloak, Pontine, to.grito. Paul. Cap, mn , Weetery, Blanket -I, Plano and Table Coven Crumb, Carriage. and . Hot,. eloth9, Salim , and Trarelling ' hag, Diggent . Exploring and 3111/Lary formsro. Itrea,t Pumps, Sylinat, ant artieha. 4,0 dr0c,.140 et..l • 1111,111. Engine and Ihev, Ca. Tubing. lion. remlon, Knap,L Pannt Premium Co. MilLer. Machine lieltintr.D.ll, To, Life Pret.crwer, Cwhion, Led, Whip. nridin, Waxen tai TAW rim... . ItoaD,Knanmeke,l'antovna.i.T ster Tank:. toila, Inv Ducked, L, Anklet for the Truk made to Outer. 3alTallat Professor A. C. Barry's Tricopherons, W MEDICATED COMPOUND, infallible removing the sew? : 11. re 1n tired. and 7 rlea=2:Vtli b e ' v h m s fi r t: and end. random, on the akin. disauen of the elands. munch. wog baumutnenta. and relieving sainukettha. Mtn. west, serail.. kn. ith (hit ineparation .. there Is no •surh t h ea WI.. The find journals In Atneries. medial 131.2 of te highest rIIIIII , III, pturningut eitigens of all wee. can ladies. who have Mod It for rum In the, thew 'the Mane sat nurartiew admit it with one vernal. that fill Imparting allot: glom. Insurienon, and curl to the hair, end:eating:tend .red dandruff: bathing ItIAMIN curing Weamain. dins, te.. anti enlacing diseases of de. dim the glandA ntal the munch, It has nit equal among the multitude of rump:nude adtertised in (Inc put. he remit:or need in private prattlr. le thespian., nev all gituater. Ilarry's Ttht.pheous unnvalltd. The Itu. raldl , - .1" the article. hate enabled the incentoe .upply it at butts per tout, whieli fnun tn 101 prr kw, than the twin. of any other preparation LT the ham' nu in nw. 'The nrientifie treatise en the hair and the skin ernbraring the valuable directions for the cul ture met pnwereation of 0.13... eboicart ornament. In in which tweh fautie is madded. in alone worth the mono,. The enmity between the membrane% which ennutitutethe skin .0 and the hair. whiett Ito sustenanee from this triPle ..rine'. In veer r lmo. All disease,. °rube halo on' ginate in Lim skin of the heed. If the purrs of the scalp are awned, or If the Mood and ceder fluid. do not deca l:tie fonelj through the •small vessel. whieh ford the rant with moisten, and Impart life (a the hind, the remit le wart dandruff. dieddi. of the Instr. gravonewt. drynesti, mai harshods of the ligaments:, and main: baktunset, SAO. rase may he. Pthoulate th e akin to healthful action alth the Trientherens, and the torpid remelt, red:erring their. tnicity, villa tUate the Mete.. • In all attectiontnef the in. and of the nubstesta of math and integument.. We angers matte .11.01 are the same. It is upon We Wu, ihe Muscular lihre. and the the Trimpherous hae the dawllLa aellota and in Witllons. inlenT of tn.... on., It Ls a sovereign maw', Pohl In lartm luntld. add 23 awn.. at the Swindled tt floe. 137 Deo:tawny. New Tart and hy the principal merch ant` and arUFRn4 throughout the United Phatai and Can ada. deenk3m brls N. C. Tar for sale by ill BUILDRIVOI: 2 IhillithAM LACK, - TABBY VELVETS of a very on. mem onalthy, foe langm. to beltati at the store Y A 11u ItClialhLD, Jail .1 tor. Fourth mal Market ate ir4 INE GAUZE FLANNELS,—Murphy & - Brachfkld hare on hand . anorthic. of *bore tin.. , i, a io,',. y. Welsh, and domes ti c dm al., Wide Flarawis for Han rm. . ' Ja. Q - I UP It FRINCH- BLACK CLOTHS— ajid mit,. a Buerliticl.l hestrar modal ...lon on tl. ale. deportment of their burins and Invite per. wanting eiriths of .1 dogniiition lo gs,them a call 61.. mr... jal`i s VEHIHIFUGE, Di MfLA!xts CELEBRATED. 00 88. far axle by , J. KIDD a CO. plI 1.0 Wond et. I 1 , 4E11 PILLS. HIL MCLINE'S CELEBRATED, 0. , ro , . 1 , br WA J. KIDD tKO YIAI. 6111 K- x) iffi gross for sale by /Ili" , J. KIDD tCO QPOI4GE-2 eases fine, and 1 halo extra mow, rOf nee ty jalB J• KIDD &CO IPSOM SALTS-15 brals fur wile byp A JaiB J. KIDII kCO U N DRI ES—Fifty Lurch; Family Flour; LT .,- Dry JOHN WA,, A (~N, QTANDISII, TILE 'PURITAN, n TALI or the Amerlroo Revolution. lly L'hirr.lOrrnArob FM. LibA o ry 01 eb• Ilrforenatlon_ of dm tbsteenth Cenbor!' , 3 br J. IL Merle 1.1;Au1Ann0 . . „4 1b , p. ,, .... e ,, n , t t ol t rZ . fte . kk 1 . 4 '1 TZT ' lnied by 11. WILIto., IL A, Trinity cor frtrenlnelL3Y7reLlistory., AnUqultief, and Ilkrraphy. 14 lu.tratnl by k'i te .'"'"''" B IL L 2I 7 7I C aI) . N.' . The above wor for role y r • Instorner bbollmer. WO • Corner of Alerkrt and Third rte. ARUN'S TItiZOPILEROUS for sole by R. SELLIilig. Li Woi.l nie agent foe Pek mats per IvAtie. della MCHANICg — AND otuliits. The extrusive limits of build Inn fornwrl P Leech nut ON., at Ile Point. betweenW awa . nd Ilitiptcone Way. will toi 1ew..11 fur a term or They ain readily twinnti•li with deem nu.late nvery kind of ni.snufweintiog busituvit. Prein-iwou given irtnnoillately. Jpply b CILIA H. GS. Apmt. Fourth street. toh. PLACES wanted and pereonn nupplied at ..hnri ware, with number of lernti rala.inen, lontn men. and men and biy• of nil a., In sloe.. mu, bowie, or hi trade. or wit machine°. lingtice; wiintrucr. or Inborern In town or country. Wet and dry nu, rhntolvinitald , ....AAA , Money , or lent. aria all of /Ai:ender itly witentlx.l to for moilensta charge , Ph.. exit nt I S A AC IlAttlille Agency ant In • telilgence Mice. 111th street- halt . _ FANCY SATINETS FOR BOYS' WEAR. n mrr oy d Unrrisarld hmite the M Ihrar wantina aona• 'bmpi wear. m thi r amortsorra of tbrm mut other ,tty Im or mo.a. adapted for thig purpoen. jab) Lo.crt r rl BROWNFLANNELS-One cam) just re lved from clartufacturre, fro for ralo bfS Iwl re MURPHY t Lm}_ L -- ED .FLANNEL-One case on hand and ta stir by MI6MURPHY LEE. . „ LANK ETS—Single and double bed, stoat pfra, aml math. Llaakete for mar by p 3.11. MUMMY t LE.E. riIWEEDS —Three cases aosortell Tweeds lust mmirml from mumfacturers fur sqde by • Jala know' A, LEE.- t1141ii:l--Two tone Sumac for sale by t 7 too • MURPIIT a,. bur .BlllOLASSES—Fifty-fwe brie new crop, per ticatarr Milton. a ••1 nd for • • 4, b in y JAMES IDALZELL. fa Water rt 4 111011ACCO-8 bms No one, 6 twist, receivel per 'taper ,ndf, deT f , 016 JAMItt , Dr. L. trt Water rt. rtRANDIES, WINES, GINS, &C. SS tad( pipm Coronae Mundt, IS mita k pr. alto do do • .Porle,.. mrkwur elnYs 10 rlo do, rut mart celebrated broad., Open Rolland, Gin, —Roblin , Anchor" amt 2 sowbelly I rub and Scotch Mull Iniatey. do Jamaks Runs, 10 bbla. N. E. do. do. nn or. cacti. Sort , 2.5 'do tlaileira Win. • WI do Sweet Malaga Maw. 1.. do Dry do. du. \ " 10 do titrea7 Wlltu '25 boom Bordeaux Claret c to m m o and .r sale by JOIIN PARRKR jaol 1211 LAbertr.stre.L - LARD.—Tvienty brls anffRITER d fifteen keen t ar w 4 of ae.t.s s BAftim INSuIt i ,' Marine, Fire, and Inland Insurance.' IF Insurunee Company of I r =te hiladeiphla—ChartenAlSt. ary I:4ael hll,"-L:e fol. WIN tialintre and their tiaseent, thli et t ett renperty of every deerrietioa. steel ether Terre!: attaral • • •• ,T and vidnitr abo' . . DrILIM-2.1. . .. , Arthur (ldln , -Ptet, M.A. P (Vint • Samuel W. Jones, . - Joh• P. ett,. • ' .. • ' ) 11tranl Smith. Richatd D. Wcat, ' Atha A. Crown. b' Willis= Welsh; - 'Samoa S. Faulty " - Trancic Ikellimt . . aamnel Erwin, 2 , - Awn. A ll lbone. ..: Chart... Taylor, ' Wm. E. , •arrni - Anal.n,se %Chile, George. Anaran. laei.h M. Thom., James Vt.aon, , S. Mcorrir Wain. 11. D. S "rg, Sec y. --- Tht. la the ohhat I woman. Cola inns to Unita:l3W. .1 snort ~ hiCh K.minr. Wag eatanimen.antria MM.. 401 avoiclion all rirke or an extra Itasardons characterl t m. In e.tchhred as offerins -Llarnplo smartly bathe Pun. 11 - ILAM It JON , AS, Attent. ,_ia2.l , .• Tio.illl Wont Want:. American Life and Health' francs CO, OP PIIII,.ADELPIIIA. • .:IYritt fur Pilltt,urgh. 1,P.1.VL. D. TOWLE. Vinb et, above fteltbSeLl. . Patophleto ronlAiwsr... newstarr 101.0111 ess be chlaioell to. Ihn 11thicv. Delaware Mut=lj Safety Insaraaie Co., PEKE. I N ,NOIITII I:00310F TILE EX ell AMI on' thus!t -r. Qc thll.oring nt a the Ann a the ento9.ll. publl.hed In .nttylnity eith's trurithit of Id Charts , 19.51 e Prumottoupirriled during t rat tttling October:Li. 012 atuine and On Fin. • Manrl'raino. the w ooec.l9 nlin On Marin.. tux! hiland SMS.DI nnd eAvagr• .92 rte. 111.12 Mui L.3"" wa . o E tllr g landill a acrwaticla durb t= gigf" • • Fire Profit nal aw._ 634.33 Return Premium. - .... Itodorunuerer A wary rhartd, ....-1.. ......"... -. 1it5.5.02 lixpetteres I:col-Solark, Statiottory, ix-- e 444.92 i•ae- -- I ifi1a.351.117 The Arista of the , Company tun •• Talmo • Bowl Mortersarr. and fetroural gent,.......—SNlP! ..... ..... ~_ .. . .. a Jrouvu ..ent ._ s~ ~.iw u~u.:i""~~e.; e~ nv..~oi, ta.o__....._...•~eee=w 11:11,000 l'ennnv Urania 515,0110 " vire Phlladrl'acity 100 !Malys Peet., 121.11 lined Comps. T.- 000.40 ]loom Hank .4 {, I L__ blit:yrbNuGt an 4 Manufacturer. Beak. _IL __ '5 . Phi adellphia nal ILmed,OraceStenzi-i =WA Tow That Company .. .. - ... --....-- 2 Evehanire Scrip end Stock of ruottry 'Mutual ituurance tk.pauler .. ....... .......... -.-..... ... Eine ncelvabie , t nen 011 h 2.1 • ITl,E7t i all Inter. due _ 141121AZ1 litlannte In the hand. a Arent, and rennin= . Bhu-ine Punch, recently tirdeci nutectintionfl • , 41b, lkin. • The Boned Itimetore'llare thistle," declared a divldnat Ff SIX EEC CENT. in eni.h. nn the Capitol SUEZ and hi EE CENT. on. the &rip of the (nnipauf. papa. Ole Seel oM Ileiv.nitter let, 'B.O. Ado • dividend of TEN PER CENT. In Temp. on. the Capital Etnet end Eanled Peer* um, Certinntes for It Lich will leaned n ' Irarrn.• . Wam Marlin, William ' O. &basica. Joeerh John r'.1416•11n., Ihunnhl_E• Stank. E. A. rend,. I. It. Al. II artAT h Jame. wnoinur. John Junes C M 71. 1 ,4 • N. Burton. T. reintllng, . cl.-Ear. John It. rely., 11. Jmkra Brooke, J.T.Legars, Pitteg. Elvrnnle. 11. J nit7g= 4 (I. (I. Limr, • rm . . • E. that,. WILLIAM MARTIN. Welland, 211.031 AS C. LlAND,..ileePresideaL Jol! Gnus. Seeman, fly tbn Art ineernorathm this Cm:open', tbe partitelbettier rine pn.perty theme air runnel to a ahem el the vredits of the' Mental., viMout subjecting therneehre , trrond Lin` Tre.nium Pa" • Tb Cennal dart and nobarripticeNotne rue roledred by theLltarter nu the payment of ken= awl tbe-prodtr Me Orem reef ere direct/41 to be Invested and 1.... AM to the nowerion ef the C.;, , rfantnotr, feed the the fruiter se egglty LpfS,n n. aag i ll t.r TAL4flrld vlll be L 7 . 4orreertred br the Ltured eterkh,;:dera 01, rata Per , upon the umemt of earned PreMients and enteral Stmt. • Mustenah Agercr, Water street. . • jan2allm- - P. A. 31.1.11:1133.1‘. State Mutual Fire Insurance Comp Harrisburg, p a . nu very liberal patronage extended .to .tfd, rartopon3 horino ieumoi yolleles to the tehtmEnt of uru Oar aul n Yell nZl2ollark, doling t 11.1•21 Lbw. 2nnott.s, ja ontrkient okanitestation of the era:Ma= and oon&leora del Cream of Rases, grant gIM balm Lip IlmplaTYY .• heoilsowy Peonlem for malodor soperlbsous halm Pearl Powder, Plash:re gle hong, Anenstie VilLegla, I demi& ll e teet.pasitimm. Pretton bolts, Mettles a meat variety of rebel ankh*: ggn mammas to be moat in this aderrlbr oot. ~,hg e ettep Lemon to maintain the Prpntatingt which Ode estahlithaunt lint smolt - M. by dapmarer N not Ate; 1,, mat rate still he nappy in furnish thone who any kith go yatroolm Mem tithe. w Weal& orseta as reasonable te tom as any eatablistment In the hound Mates. ;AVM: DAMN, :rbogressor to and tnatter Mortry of hen Lahnratorf oT tuo'r.s,l rtousEi.t. Dmr l Bsitta asinthe s Pi . nifininn i r hi far Wit by all t he .rnaelial lIITEfo BEANS—Ten barrels prime, r • V V ..'""" ° L lall s ilt k co '4 *ad .1 • /PUBES. TUBES;TUBIZ- 2 Theundersigned j_ Niue mmlatit paantrakal from asul SO di. C.11.611111i111110•1 lL Dirto/1101.1n. PATENT LAP WELDED IRON COMPANY. Mr Um /ads a Weir asap esuallent. awl superior BOILER and AIAKTCHESI iy bare mm, ll quandues. •Tbme Tuba...are mei irry tem= 'bulb In E.t.d. awl the eutstharut {.f Lump., "t? sold MED Orli • /tau 711. nide slerchauta, is IrAi ...a. New York- - 1.1n.' 5 ]biomes Las.. Cita • .4 140 Duutsatiaa t, `i~eiaii"'r'r"' orth Alneriegl, - tb,7:494 Mal