-mg twadtion designed far her by =tun.' and pointed out by, the unerring finger of Providence. • Your memorialists respectrimi Pray that th. chertar inconwination umy ba grsuatcd to the --.-"PentleAvenie State Agricultural • Secicey," by 'fileifttitiveetistent; and thadsuch'• approprie tina Ffi2.T.l.e. :axle for its icliefitutd.anistance as to lame honoriblobodien may rom Just- and so And your memorialists wilt ever pray, •••••••'.ftarrisbdrg, Jan..• 24; 16 51 . After the the of some bnportant buni. 'lawn, Judge Woodward returned thanks Los the Convention for the honor thoi•hud conferred up. on theta amt the Convention, I 1u Executive Session,' the following- nomine tious of the Governor were con . firmed: Solomon • Foster. -as Alenoctate Judge of the '-j Ccairt of Common Pleas, SchttYlkill county. .• The ?canto also confirmed the nominatien of --Joseph it. Stemat AreoCiato , Judge of Court of Cotainon Fleas of Erie co. r Jr., and Mark Dixon WI Associ ite'Judges of the Court of CommotiPlens of Ful `43amnefft: ItustmL•an Anociato Judge of the ••-'Court of Common Pleas of Adams co. 'Alentuder llollman, an Anociate Judge of the I •••'-', Court of Common Pleas of 'Venang,o Co. , • Daniel VOrMill and John Cooper, as Associate . ...Judges of the Court of Ciantub. Pleas of ilootoor i< , ., James P. Lawson and James Paws, • AS AF.Vi ate.Jadgeti of , the Court oe Coma:inn Pleas of .'••• Clirion ' ..entiruel Crows, p.be an Ansociata Judge of the - , • •tottrt. of Comnion•Pleas of Tork co. . • Jared B. Evanfi,. as MioCiate Judge of the • CM:l:ft-of Coinuion Pleas of JVlTerson co. FEM. AdITTIORE. - • OnT,:aiondnae of the naririttiburgh Gaulle. „fro Array of Baltimore—Canal and Rcaroad— Ncliotiosh'i Bvitult—Maiktis .5, ... - -1.. ~ . . , BALTIMORE, Jan. 22. •;: . .tAi4•• „. ;'ACcording to the reports of OTT Corporation ;',...••4:iiitilfiters, the progress of BaltinXere has been on , ,".•;;;;;-)tard and its prosperity unexampled. The as Lir••:tessable property . has iccreased in the sum of '1,938,030, making the sum total $83,105,022 ", •.; in value. During the peer; there have been 1827 ....;'.houses erected in the einrratiots limits. Bal ."! - i• • tinier° toren waslaid gat about one hundred and • ,„...;:twenty - years ago, . and then contain.' some ir . ..• dozen haute's. • One century ago it contained ;'; . t treny-five "lonises end ttr,j hawked and fifty -• lands:. . Iti 1775 the population was CAHN ; in = ; :1790 it was 13,608: and in 1851 it is 169,112. '• 'Of f the present population there are 24,023 fine; ; .•• iierilared persons end only 2,940 slaves, although ' • Ote emporium of a Slave State. I give you these athatemants as interesting „to those who note the i. , • ; progress of our ' city. 1 • • •• Ari excellent resolution is before our city 1 • • •lcounidaln reference to the western works of in ; • tertud• improvement, 'and it will no - doubt be ;adopted: It looks to the; appointment Of a Re r. ' • 7 .-„lact committee to ascertain to what extent the _ ' - . ' 'the coal trade of the Balt; and Ohio RR. adds 1. , :- „, the . business . and wealth, of .the city; the , 1 ' tunount of trade reithiroArn by the Chesapeake I ;:red OldoCanal from thecrity, and the expediency ,i of making a cross clot from the District of Co -1:: iii to Baltimore as originally intended- In ri.d:l: Ao the coal trade y the railroad, it will • , .beifound of immense benefit. Siice the road has • ;;; bra carrying coal; it licit produced a large Mil "; loge on a point *friend opposite tho city, where wera,ardy a few farm houses before t and now ,it a s common thing toea twenty mid thirty •••• . vessels—mestly of, the 1 rgest class—freighting, ; ; with the Allegany coal or different ports. In „ , reference Loth.) withdraal of tirade from Haiti ,: iaorebY the: canal , true statistics will astonish ,', frioreitizens and give aril petns to the old ' pro -1 c , . ; position of a cross cut, at I think must ensure tOaticouneils,and lilayili still continue at war inregarrlto the .bequestof Alr,McDornigh; His •Illmor basing twice vetoed the bills appointing agentsi;han in turn vetoed the bill appointing three ccmiasel” on the pint of the city - . The • Critiiicilt; us you are aware, are democratic and ",.11.3 . Mayor is a whig, area bothelaim the right to •t. the rieerita and e counsel—hence all 2.P.! ,, . lb 0. daezat.y. . . , • 4 mentioned a few weeks since that a project ....Iwas on foot to secure a Legislature in California - ' iierahle to the repeal 4i' that part of the Con stituticin of the Slate which prohibits Slavery. thinthern..papers assert 'hat the present' legishe tore will do so, but ihis certainly premature.— • ' -•;• That a strong , and_ pro bly surressfel attempt r. „., cif the kind will be made, is hardly to be doubted ,„.i . —then ; again 'We shall have another tempest in 7 ;;; Congress, witib what result is not easily divined. ..'; The proposition to senli out President Fillmore the World's Fair at L odor, has caused con - -a; d - la di • • • ' • ' „. ... era e vensay of opinion CO to its propriety. - ;• -.I doubt not if the .Ihiesident of our prosperous ' •;". ; epublic, would not be, however, the . greatest .. . ,c riosity there. If he should see proper to go. • . .. i i s, to be hoped for the credit of our institn . iin th at he will dress in the manufacture of hi; :. . wu ti l.:d . , and 2 strictly . die. l card Al di court. dresses. ..." __,.. t hum be a plain simple :of an ' , American In thamtmey market 1 have nothing worthy` $ . r f ,Irpecial note. The ;weather. to-day has bee 'et and disagreeable, and has in some meager:ill iled out-door operations ••• ' The Dry Coeds market is very brisk awl heavy ' -..•' '• aware making. Western and Southern men • , hauls are still crowding into our city. Brie. , , "-•-: firm on my previews quotations. • ; 'is • • Feothers ore in good demand at 34ffill5jc.-i Stock of Western not heavy. . , • ;•; ', • A smell Sale yesterday, of No 1 Foundry , - Charcgal Fig Iron at 1;24,75 per ton. • • •l• ' Sides of bard oft at 65666 i Winter Sperm r '• $1,35e1,45;' Florehie, 30 flasks to the box, at - , • $5,00(a90,25; Whale Ot 1170. i I -•• .. In-Provisions, Flour and Grain , the trans - ,;„ ' • /ions are fair foe the reason. The ouotatiZs • ; .•••' you have already received by telegraph. -; The local columns Of our papers arc extremeli , . , barren of matters of; interest to your renders.-- , • I hear of uottring • ye to-slay worthy of note. iteenr.r. ; . r . . . • PEON - ASHLTOTON. - • . (Cmitersonarneo of t e Daily Pittsburgh Gwe n, I . • • i --, • ' WASlTrienTom, Jan. 23d, 1851 , . , 3fr. Hampton ' s speech on the tariff takes well. Its facts are unansWerable, and though there maybe a - vast deal f ingenious generalization and sophistry upon the principles and theory of Wen trade, lint Tet little will be advanced in opposition to the p lain statistical informatiOn contained in r?ilr. lit's exposition. Many thoh sand 'copies of the I speech ,have already been "subscribed for by his colleagues and others who agree in opinion with him, uprin this vital ques tion in our polities,' Another scene in ;the “free farm, for free men" flunimery was played out to -day. , Mr. Johnson, of Tennessee.. introduced his bill proposing Jo geoid to every able bodied white' man who lull :have resided upon and cultivated his quart -r neetlon for a year or so, the fee therein, to hi n and hishcirs forervgr. Mr. Casey made as aisle and animated speech in opposition to the scheme, showing that Pennsylvania had a full and com plete right, us due 'one of the old states, to her distribiitive share lof the public lands, if tlOy were to begiven away, and taken from the proper guariliansiziOstal ownership of the federal giiv ,ernment- 76. Orre!en, of Missouri, replied with , a great deal ofwarmth, 'contending that the old states hod reeeived l their share. ' The. debate continued for .an hour or More , . longer, when the s'ubject gave place to the deft . . ciency,bilL. 1 • The Frenih spoliation claims bill passed the Senate to-day by the vote of ayes 30, noes pti, a most just and righteous-verdict. There ma : samble claims, whichthave been urged with on . wearied pertinacity for more than half a century, arc nadoobtedly titmis fide obligations upon Use treasury, and ought now to be discharged. Still it is eery doubtful, whether the bill can pass the lower house. Indeed, I fear there la little rha lon to en , DOt,that, it will. , , The very bast comment. upon the seimet plc, among members Of Congress' to proscribe II fellow citivens of 'opposite opinions, that co possibly be made", has been given, namely, pnblic.stiou of the paper and the withdrawn .. , sipatures from ,it. I elm not bow Toner, .., and authoritative, die names attached to this per, it was in the, highest degree indiscreet , arrogant. Were members of dongresselertz Control the choice of President, Vice Prcsili 'Senators, Representatives,. or Members of .' ~. . Legislatures! They were not. and it is a p • of very ern anil insolent usurpation for t ic. to enter into any league or . engagement if ' theseobjwts in view. I. continue of the opi dr, which I•Tiave on many times before emu, Ned. that the most dangerous enemies to tho a id are those men who. are seeking to raise the sou .cif union or disunion, and then to.• throw tii question (so Made by themselves stone) inti tb arena of , political contention' Tbe love 0 M 4Merican thoion,l only another name for A , or can Nationality,' Le too sacred a sodium t 'i OM) , American ;heart to be made capital 'or faction. You and your reader. must (roar wit . my plain sienking, when I describe these MY ~who denounce . all who decline to support ,ver One of late compromise measures os d sin . - I/nista, me alliei and confederates of alsditii Didl i and nullifiers id the work of underminin it strength and glory of this Union—this Ante ice '..- nation, this one united indivitiblJ; collar. ' Jitive a right nil speak plainly, I rim 16 arise : span.. .I,am oppoecd to aboiitioo aid nal tic, '-'." - tion. -I cm in favor of a fugitive law. I to, -.; ground in this i correspondence in favor of '' mare efficient performance ofjar exualiln run . 1 .... duty on this . painful and distressing questi u -'' '' returning one fellow men into bondage. lon h Toni the fugitive act was thought Pr. l. ha . e s ways insisted that •we must pay,tho utte , t 'farthing , notiditated in the bond," though take the pound of flesh nearest our hearts_ life - 1 . . ' amdenenneed,rhated; And despised , but itl hottest isse.rtion of ivy ,oirn convictions 1 I BIM i.r:Yg..f.‘4. - • ar piturnioniempt; „Ayeg table sW. obactirli, no I ate, I will astOn t ;aint will Vitali tor ldoffy and tonight, W 10,1. , defend' with Voiceand pen. and With my tits the Union on eatablialled 'by the Co. titution.— With my /*natal, detnagegues.ahall, not put up the Union no a stake to be played for, to be won or itilit'neekrding ns n skirmish beta ., en accession rind treason upon one side, and fa alien! aboli tionism on the other, admit dote e. I pm. notate the secret (tong - re:Aortal pl Igo to linvo that leidtney and uo other. in tone it is a mistake, in ot h ers a piece of design rig mischief. It is a I.rocrustenu bed which will c' off the legs and heads, of many a noble and pot lotto lean in this liion. and cannot, by any possill lily, staunch oe or theihi(qtliPgßOUl.i.3loilth whit, the country ia n afflicted. It cannot allay nod au preen nein, tiOn, ina must embitter it. It ot make one I.4a.idential candidate. but may 0. make many. Let I.IA ilriVn an cod of nil such FROM IwOiszußo. St. tforry.pmdeuen of 0w1 , 216 Plitibu4o . The fellowingresolutionsweie introduced into dui Senate by Mr. Ivluhlenberg. the Senator . from iterks: . , . Resolved, That the late settle neut of the questions ut issue between the , orthern nod Southern members of this confm..eracy. meets with the approval of the Legislatufe of Pennsyl vani, and that it reflects the highest honor upon the true patriots who originated toil supported those measures of compromise, w ich have pre,: se ated . r in :itimpt to dissolie the ihtion., Resolved. That the. A(!-rptaid Measures, com monly known as the compromisnact, should be looked upon as a Solemn contract between the Scathe= Mid Southern states, niain the proper performence of which tine fate of the Union is -dependant. and that no attempt tel interfere with any portion of the said contract should he en tertaunal fora moment. Mr. Scofield, iu the Howe, offered the follow ing preamble and resolatiomi Whereas, in the opinion of. the Legislature of Pennsylvania, the reports of the decisionsof the Supreme Court of the United States, containing ns they do, the only authentic exposition of the Constitution and nets of Congress, nod embedY ing the Supreme Jtdicial Low, of the Union. their dissemination should he co-existent with We vast and wide interests over which they have Controlling sirens:, therefore Resolved. Titan ii is the duty of Coniress to provide for the distribution ;hp reports of the decisions of the Supreme Court of the United Staten, in such manner as will hest promote the puldia interest. Iteaolvtvl That the Senators and Representa tives from Lis 04.;p be requested to use . their intinenee in procuring (Inc fnis.mge of a law Pre7 tiding for the distribution nf ;4 decisions as indicated in the foregoing re-solution. Resolved, That his excellency, the tso.einor. be requeSted to transmit copies of the above res olutions to the presiding officers of both Houses of Congress. and each of our Senators and Rep-' reseniatives in Congress. The Agriculturril Convention adjourned last night sum she. The Convention was•quite a full one, and its silting% were attended by iv large number of deeply inuertsted spectators. The cause of Agricultural improvement receivd nn impetus which; it hi hoped, std rier;:y it nearer that perfection which it should .attain in Pennsylvania, with her population, her resour ces, and her unsurpassed natural advantages.— The constitution bad been signed by one hun dred and twenty-two members; among whom are Messrs.. James Carothers, It. C. Walker, Morgan gol.,ertsoti, T. J. Ingham, Mimi', Holtz, Geo. Deride. of mu county. Mr. Robertson, of the Senate, has lonia; giro Mr. Walker, of Erie,' Mr. Reid, of tie sense county, Morris Leech, of Mercer, Win. Evans, of Indiana, YOU //P. of Crawford, C. 'Myers,. of Clarion, and oth rim ers from various quarters of the State. I believe I mentioned to' you (toe. Johnsont tins selected President of the Cisivention. lie declined the boner, fur reasons staled by him in a letter to the nominating committee. lie nt tended the converiti. nu Tuesday afternoon nod evening. and paid marked atteptinn to - the pm .ceedings of the meeting and the rerniwka of the members. He inns since joined the society, and with him his popular secretary, A. L. Russell.- - When the best and most -prominent men in the State feud the sanction of their great and hula ' enlist 11:111.1.w to the glorious enterprise now com menced. of mud of itopmving the condition of the farmer , of the State, noth ing but culpable indifference oe the part of the farmers themselves.. can heat the price now of feted before them, an the rfqrartor ita.blAry one! skill. No business of, italerc,t 'except your readers wa.. transacted this morning. that the bill nuth,vitiug the Sheriff of Allegheny county ti sell certain real , estate on bond and 11.ortagt passed the Sent{' this morning, and is now i thettands of the Onfecttor. The bill to incorporate line's Mercantile A.s rociation of Pennsylvania. wan reported from th committee this morning with an emend:nem. ..• . ' . De iturssm. PITTSBLIRGH GAZETTE tILI:4IIED ITE kCO PITTSBURG 1110S1./$7 10111,11tif/.4.INUARY 27.1851 A ctrsTox , HOUtil fl FTITSBIIIitGE. HOUSE or Iterne.srier,vrtemi, WASIIINGTON, .411. ; Sin—The Committee of Wupl lap) this morning. it my reime,t, inserted in Ow I . ! it and 0111. tm nppmpriation of ,rl' ly fir, th4F,311711 kid onorteh Cro the salt. of au ordinser Until. Me titnatinn night. Prnnolf •un to nularltr nut Innturrtnn nanktro. tutnt.innt wttl. nuntlennty to the riff. I. n .. 1 an n PL•lll. , n , in thin It hag n view of lb.' lint. ktver for over a milt, nf Temperant, ti1n1,11 0,107 , 11 . the city. the tan ritt . i..lol.? nr.tnyi, ttnuttnlt nltte,ether a Inuttramin Att . ...pot 1.1 whiell the et,. tuner araritn. re, bat which enter..... an t ra,. font the ...rt. nf Plttelturrh ttn tlnt Ohio. loons in fun vow- The reeLleiteet ant loa n am stint enntftleketv reutnotd font nen mann ann. on. dot:trued.. ut n.ttlfort and ‘,..tati4,n. n wend pen,. Ist to if loured in Mini, quiet nottk thentuntr. The property 1.11 Ito hind at a barrain and fotetnpnou given on the not of April. Elllgnite st the liewritr ntbne falittlll 11..11. Citizen's Insiunnee_Company of PittsbarglL NCOUItAttE II0311; INSTITUTIONS. ( 224 Mere No. 41 Watt, 1.11,V. In the I...wawa:An of 11 11. It "sr. iit Prs.oident k strr.s. Fon.. no. now preswed to Incur,• sdl tuercharcll". u ,toro. and 10 trawitu. ve,d, Lc. Assg uarantl for tho ability and Intcntity of the leastutinu. alfordc,l Its the character of tin. Director, who arc ull .eurs of Pitt , huruh, well and farorabl, ;omen to the community for their prudence, intellineue, slut lowsrray. Istuteloac—(7:4l. Wtu. flacaley. Wl2l. Jr.. 1144, Itr) ant, Ilugh Kinn. l'alumnl Ileurelton, John Ilaworth. ilazlnutth. 0- K. kler. .p.rtr MrSlif, 017 - ;,I Foreign Exchange, Bank Noe', Gad 4 didrrr, lhaight,Solll4. Exchanged EXCHANGE AND BANKING -HOUSE op WM. A. HILL & CO, No: 64 Wood Street, Pittsburgh. Ln brain mturrrn or rivr. rcpwarm. J. 14,1 honnt 'Ulm trot . noint• Lttunle. on Ow tit Instant, AWL. rat St ~t,ife .4 flowill C. tril ClsomOlo, Mewl... and tinuottlor of It. T. 1..001t. Into of thou - • - - AIEN'S I.IIIILAIIA nowlipu of tbe orioorintino will In hold al tho liinsa. on Minnlof ovroino. htAtoal wow k. A full moil ioanotinil ettonilanoo Al.{" Svc', CHARITY CONCERT. I 'ON CERT of Snered Menlo, for the bent•- 1,l to go rn I. an 0,01,111 0811. 1 1 :11..4 Lea,. at 7', •,.v1.0... . Ai•11... to• tt tint ', ti,el, Nal... rr A. lalorrd [krll4l.. ent-It'Llt luv a t4ntl A IlattrlttJkli Irk the eathrr Part . 1. t.l.witiutt—rt Caulk. ,g.int tiert Ttr. MArt..lk,e. IVorl.s Ilat aro. lattnettlatirn ht.rrthy • • 11...r1tt. tlraul ItaltrlojAlt ...... A 11.1.1r1. Tirk ren..—to Ir. Junl nt 0,0., a 11. RI. totr, J. IL 11. Itiel.r..ll. askt the tlwr. In rigen:tedli:lAA4 THE ALLEGHANIANS A . ,4 (),.. 1 .11 , 4 , , ii ,-,, 4 , ~,..-,)... ii , l , 1 .-.4--;.!\_.,i,ii__l,\ ESPEI7FULLY announce that the w . tv . r . uag Quartette, Zr. , at 11,0 wiwl at ..Ina al et, Ititrivrt will rortimettre at boll p.. 4; 0, N. , aivount weittlirr. mai AIL eau nt tiiiiiivrt pa.; • OUN TY LANDS-41Am. Cita, finale. P .k I al Law. N.Y. 1.1 Third stun of l'hwrry huthr: S I,' arrangrukelltfit Olt Kn.% lank wkwl Ek. wkwl 20..1 to WA uknto.whl lel. the wo w werunrut ur au m k u ut iuk turkat•. thr Powoutk ur the Cuurta at the city of Wa.lkin•Aote. i s /MYER 11 (IN NV ANTEL.I ecnv doet•rie & oarlo-.1 pry 11l ill Co.. wmm buf tarn Elrteu.l,.. pro. 1.1.1, or currikurl. A. IV I ItalNU 01.. rot. 1 hint *tut Market 111. ISI 1)1 lE$--I'l bnIPA COMM; 141hrlo No. 1 Lard: 1 hrl enololt.wyrals: 1 . 1.111. • 'm.* ~ .Ithrr, • illln'n i . p.lruar 1.4 - rain by 1.17 ~lAt Prmit lIfIAI:LS---1.5 cAtiko gliperior, for Alli;4; by ~. w ICE. e McCANDLM.. . ... 1 4 01t•N-2 111 t..41 whirr! A- yellow. for 1•Iale by S Is o . i. L IteCANDIPSS. - —...----- - ~ 1 p l'111:1'.-1 4 . brls prime roll. for nalely cpo'lll. 4. IItirANDI.I.3.:S. . .. 111 ,,, .11'11F. it. S--; ,io•k.. prin.!, for - role by • I or:: 1, IcK e M.C.%11,1.F.. , ., . . 11,4 1 ALILY I' LOU 11.-2 1 ) Id, i,xtru, for kale by ji 010 K .1: MoCANI.iLi- , , --.-- AllegheurEiiiii - Batler Plank Road. SHE outlersigned CarnmissionerN beroby x giv.. notim to the si...klmlderw or Uo. Allrahmly nod holler rPlankCompany. Iln , no e1re0m , ...'1. , 1 on , wr...Went. hoe Mann.mr. nod x Trrwurer tor naldrompany, 111 be 11.4.1 at. lb., 1,011•41 Of Mr. Tower, In ilaker.town. in A11.,,,ben, 0..y01,...n Tbn-ri1n,.110.....71h of February mxt. Ow elerlion to I,molm.re at eleven oclock. I. v. John 11rolio. no , . 0 . ,!lllll\ All. Jana, M , cillon,.. jr. Ilea. W. ' , mills. Ugh., Campbell. 0 tn. S. 1,,,1. S. C. 5t.,...a.n.. .f. 'Zimmerman. 11. C0q..., Al:1411w Caro, tleor, 31illrr. . - I:. it .14.,1., ~ 1.. t:. Curtis. Wm. bait Jolm 0,1, . , navel pal ter, Mono:. NlVlautalliu. Tlnwon.n. 1,1. Stewart .inane! 2,111.1,1 —j.,';',17.1.114-1.4T State Mutnal Fire Insurance Company. Branch °Ole, hi n SmithSfield et Ilitnatuireli, Ja field a TIIE heat evidence of the miresof the ilir r etan entranorine to utakr tbe l'itrAec_alter tt t iNest .LP S . " t the umnhiof the anditmoulty th.• unparalleled nuomtat of which Ilan horn than i nd air The Directors are farrind tia rad • that tuarlf nil prte.rt, ie lb. eat , Lind, In (man re.t.r and a far, ymportum Insured ter leaf liumberof 61MR! a.wa ,ttuount of {import,,nAmount a gwrant, prva1ume....1411.49 6 to . Amanita ofhath nreunl 1111 l no Amount of guarantee :met, Amount of here, Mt ini.Mltirmd fmnit the a 1.... Imlaime. Incidental e pewee tif the offh,. r lt etupan) ir condn u oled etrielly i on d llt „ a ven t , .and L) ale Quit euultaltle mediae' In t ilt ryrtem of nititind Inentrance--that fl..tiledrYlhlillleKF—Lbox nitnal ben. Itta It. the Inc The it. are areonlinht, dim in, di.tfurt amen-, the start, onniding that tio 1..1 of the fund. of either ran Le aptinifirmOld (.3 m.. 1 a tor* aretam the T 11.• [lest Iwe in .lenotuitu.tral the brine trlatelt lum, anea. may too made atp.i. chute& derellinen, linen. not imatlnt, .ml pralaiß, nothitm more I/amnion." ir allotted to bat tale], Ihr lineon.l Chen I. denominated the MillttilAhTS' 1 . 0111 . AN1. in nl.l. ineuranon• itity tnnale the mfer Land. of pruned., id haw." atati The pivinlinu beta , are nub intput aria tin..d an lar,m mnintly adaidynnl L. otberdfondrinieh mul the hot its,, Iht-fint 1.. allowed is, lie th.unsl In one In e ‘ 1,,,. .n.l the neplienht alloyed the pn. deer of idem.- tairJ liborallry. It d. tun. under the rentrui of taw foli.tving atinedn't Jelin P. Itutllerfont. Albert J tithed, Samuel T. Joint Alan. , A. Canter. Philo nirleeve k. k Robert Kilda. John II Packer. J. P. A. 3.1.1112.,f. S.arat.lr). A. A. tinted., Artuar, jal.l7,aT c()Ncgivr fir, tit,. A !MN F. FIT ..f the AI.I.IIIIIt,NT tilll'llAN AhTLItNI. :oven 111 'flit; USD Al, einninvneat, linth luelnot. inkier tier dinati,a of 11,. KLEUEII, whn Xll b.. mni-ted by Itin. hi. ter told (lend, ' , man, ILanindinr. 1.4 N. ..kaora., nod ineether with full am{ ir..11 trnined Orthertra, Anionic the nominal mdeltiennititro don't will in the ISationnl sir, the litar Ppattultsl tanner and 1 . 1.r....111,111,naa, with maim-dm ateetAtianieteldn. The l'neidantoun will he piabliehnl on Mond., be Pint.... tined am thi. eresnion aill be furniMed Itlrlier. (man lh. eelelitatral tunittifitett, NUtin 4 Clark. Tlekent fad rent.".li. he Mid ht the Mama, f 11. Metier. Mint tdrort, Wm. Ilemb and inns. A. Man ket idreet. and at the don . in thr earning of the perform ance. Ineini open al "'Ouch. Chneert to nommen, at half. pant reyen l.loi] SE OF ItEFUIII".--Notiet:_ in liereby' p given. that en Election for unimeta of t.ho linerof it.. of W...n. 1t...e11en., to Mt: a l'netitlent, 01.- Prrellent...fr , mun.r, aterielarer...n. Tool.. 11makeera. m ill tm held at the 'la., of the 16mq of .Trado. In the tilt of Ilththure o h.“ Thttretla, January :10th inaL r. at. All enheentama are ...atoll to tateutt. 111 order of the Committee tat I , ltalrof the rentriltotora. VAITt.t.N.CL.IJnatm - N. 11.—The ofthel'entrelTotamittoe,a.. tat tlml robe ommittemt, mmt. earnmtl, rrottmt. l ht. rethollde their. effort, In the mean time. to obtain further ~.utzibutions of I/3 h.q.! in Uteir Tethealite lita to the Chairman prellil/tl// In thr clay of Lim elev.', In under thet a ettere' hat of ettletenhera 11101' Ic prepared for that I,nran. •Ito late nut let lat.l nu' ompartAtnny Of ,b,ibitnr. both from 11in anti Miter t,uttlitet .1 ll rate,. Pettne,lrattl.. are intittel to he present at the eltettm,imt down their nantre tat rubeerile•re.. nut the,b) thetnelata to vote. Pirwcrarrrr the mins U.. of.irrrirrn lk nrr r.inertra rnpy thir not 10..1 .ncr. rru ItS P I ELECTION 00110 I 1,1 r t t h e 101 l lamer of the Fan{ ee... and Meeltanim , Tontrilo' 1l of l'otaratty, the Malt itt•tante when the ""' Jul .•l 1101,. Tnettirmr. atm MEM, .1. R. TIMIInLck. T. J. CamPisli• Devitt • N. B. ermiu. C. Uri..J22... 1 .r.: irEAk) PE--Cornell's Unproven ivyt.•ot 1..5.1 Pipe ror linna stut to . arri!....! , b,, 3.e.!:.nttr ALEN ANlitit • FAM I FLOITR-14:, ‘ltaTsay's Tatra =ll4l. N. 4/ 'I4IP" LIVIA: I. 131S—dor. Vriots•st ..ipvriOr, 1.,1- spar 1,, la!h I ,,,insi.s. IA tali AOP _ . 130,T ASII--$ ,siskr just risl'.l for salr b 6 JI, 1:411sIsoN, LITT(.I: A , TAN N ~..fts, 011.--.25 r sal,. Ilv • Ja2A luIllO t;. ON.. 41T1(141 *lll ifilif i'l 116 N— 40 i.;trt Ilr,iji drelTC,i , fi r Ttiie .1. I...c.!)rtISON. tarrut t co., 1.101..,i.5.5ki5--100 lids plantation, for nalri, 11l b, _ _ 1 . ,4 ' . : JAS. A. lIVICHJONt. 5 {V. 112:,-.0 Galena; fur sale by N L 03, JAS. A.III3TCHISOa). 111 IC £,--36 ief. ptime Cdr.Ai= fo sale ',v itt ~-, '.. .. ./.1... A.,IITTeIfIS,Vi 51...)t) . (g tiliT--.50 kept assorted NOR. for sale be I 1 012. i • -'JAR. Jl. t1y21.21 . 1 , 43 ,1 A 112 ' r , Y 111: P.S.--31; hrhi Golden Syrup: tr, t'.% brie Clarls,l 11.. for Wet At r,1," • 3.1o1: A. 111)11111.91N A AY) *II I A I,I A ) W - - A.!).1 hrls reti'lli;r ;tertuner Are.l!a a aml for .r_le A, 3. tIL }l.Ol - 11.. , ..11.ound 1. hurvb I.lulkjll , K._ iloTA.9l_, ,a.skq 14 - '. it. j ivn 'Potash, . unt..tn i a f4r .... Ay i,AK 1 MIT ATlON—Papl.r Hanging an int ; Ilatinll of 0.k..m1 ~ruo.h.J. 1 , 4 ....1,. b! - 11.1•. , 1.111141A1...5. , Wrinel .1. Eri, sro Aus-L2.)1,s ref ,fiarg6 loaf 11. ,J , ‘ m.,13.4, 111c1i1,.r1ito note nod JAFIA. St. 11SNn 4t. I.mr• -7 I'LEN I/II) NEW I'IANOS- I L I: It Ell Lit,+ pl,a,.orn in n•Tontinc that he lest 0n , .41 w Int orrilpg Pisn , w Ow relehro,l ate c.f . Nt,•<.4 k etoot and Ilt . wlttlt. New ink. wlorlt. with tho.w. tin nt ,trie.r. and ,xtrn,tisc,t4wk try. Sri io thi; Amon,: 7 went, doubt,. rartnl isont NI V with the urn tlw ov,r the Int.-. 4 nod to.nt i iEfl It itzw!•rvt . twent. to Ulla .o N 11,11 14 0 ChtrlCA liance.. Alm. two xot.vrt , Att.ntbnwot Pinmw. N. IL— tn nntnndre hn. of N , ..3lttnic, erobrvinz Jermi Lityl , t, and`he rlttlived nrw Som., Polka, Wwlt, , , Se. iw2 l GN tiF Tilt 1101.1q.;..`i 101 Thinl nt T.,1- Jonro..l, Clinutickt. end Dt7twi.b. , ltv.l EAI _ GLE MARIITY. WCOM • ESTAIILISIIED 15.32. by E'DSIEND WILKINS. No. 245 Liborty st., trrrut onereal Arert.l•ill.barA, P. Mohumo•nL4.lluro.l l'.l4s.Zatetnam. Ar- larttlr ("rntm amt hrr Top., Myra). nta h.dl snd made to onto., of Or AlarblcA,AM at wny redt.4l .1 Ourior &,tOO, Drmeirrpl . _ _ LT - • iton. 16,711 ,, Jock.- John tiorpco. Fcq. AVNI. itolinoon. J.+.., Kerr. Kno-.Architcct.. socd,r, F.,. Sou, Divkerc. Pitt.t.urch Honk., ...come& nalun. do. J. 11. Shocnte.r.cr. 11111 Cont. .10. Ilblon A Sar,vnt. do. ladwrt , McK LA, !Mtn. Co. Jr.. McKnight. ..1. Cruluo,l l . T. Mor....nn A Co. loom. A Co Fruit're I.4.thr9p. Alleghent. Mterut for tic. Tory !Mend petentutge,te ccircd during nintecn porn thl,eity, haring INA the I ,r.u.st bent toto entruntedleati.eare up to the pre‘ent I me. nrl will endrovgr moiler c.Aticroction herrulter. U. KIISO, Itanker and FiKelirtnge Brokw, . Fourth ;011 , c1., 14nier in - 'lank Ha, of En -4100.tc. t1..1.1 and Sib\ el', AWL , I.Ught Thc hiwhicct market j•tin. put.' In premium tor Anwr...n 1:01. 0,04, 00.1 .ohl Slcod.h , tt , . I INSEEI) 011,4-20 10.19 reed for snlo.hy 14 t aa - s. w. II Al:BA con. SUli Alt R NIOLASSE;S--50 hlals Sugar: NM Lrla N.il.3lolmec, bets it. U. do \ t. j'n"' C"r "d 1411t.r.1111t1 1 1: Y IN./WHAM .1-21 I Itt Water et- . g 1 ERM AN 1'1,,V1"--.sti hxs lust no by .2.1 111'11mm:11 o imilitcol. _ tem j ust ree'd for PIIIO JiJI num:mien:a Piu104.04 I I.IF slit; A 11--14k 1 lntrridn numbers I (dr ‘a1.."11.. nc.:l INIIII/001. IVO\ EiLEL—IS qr hrls extra No. 1, iQ and (nr -Alp Ann. ISAIAII DICK EV 00). ' Wand and Enmt 1%711 FISII-75 brls sort 40 14 do. for V .c. 1.• 1.3 024 1:0IAII DICKEY J. 0). 4.1 ER Piti-1 00 11IN !misty scaled; fur 'We Ilu J .V2i ISAIAH DICKEY - CO: 1 11FFEE-1 00 bags prin..• and fancy Ilio. J. D ILLIAM:I uxi ntl Cll. jadJ 0 W 111) and Ws. lt—Primo new and old Orleans Loaf, ifrnonoi And royden3l. J. A. WILLIAMS 2. OLASSES—Plntation . Sugar House; ("Id" Iv 7...T.";511.etai . : 44 co. r hrt.iw b ts med. to e Vra , ?reen " 14 1 ill rr.l ri.riV ES-- . and 1., M. It ' ant n.I f.rlrJa, • 1•n-m.rt - rd 1...a , 1....r10n1..1/rattr. and F.lrsalanlin+, J. WILLIAMr‘ lints freeh Roll Butter. enra Mral: mn.t• Ily.• ck.er. Inl.l Apia.+ and l'earlim nn eon. - ak 1./ 100 J. p : AVILI.JAMS Drawing, Perspective, and Paintuag' in la It.' it. 1). R. Ssll'lll noir prcwured to give lot ructl , ll In a fl.n popil. In the dllienrnt branclzeq ei 11k. nrt. Ing roma, In Moans, thdfc Lin. tio 11.1. inxt tr cL between Ward and html.l of in.trurtton. from . 21 1a434. and fr. n‘C`, 0. (Sham.. , and nth, particular. can be t.l ,, rn oaltern/o , n/ at IN. 11;31-"M Ad. 1.443. _Sa=ultr _- I 'IIII . RS FM: SA LK--Westiirn Inc. Stock; I - 7 lamb. en..k Knadlll. l lr.: I . l!latrzh, Innati and 1,114 - 11IIn Tcl , Jrraph; Call Maud .I.llrielgn H. AN.N.11.1/ Co,; 7J Fourth 40. Y.4 . V . N I:l. t .tCK :•: I L 1i..,.-Filmerior k, i , .....s 1., ~,,irrtt a Verf MI iloikply il: taiiie ....),. wlth , h the, lail r• 11 at low, pricy, than theyare w , ..u.ralt, ,141, al., Mark Yigur , d and - Iteneaar .10 .of ICU Ile S.VrINS. of tb , . 1n,..4t desirable A_ ,b.,.1.,. 1.1., had et the store of • • ,!..: Ililti.111" a BUItIfIIFI Ell, T EA IVAllE—EttgliFll,C:Atuericall 4 4 Plate& ilaiket, Candle , So oil. r. aro{ Trzti, ru n e bee:quality liwry one, Handle Tublo Cutlers. 'liver Fork, 'eri.ons.. end that. 11.114,1 th.rman eirrer Dort,: and rlpmme:, Table JIM, lea Tra, tine ilinahmtata manufactam. hi4lll, - ornanivot,l; I'lal.l Learitlful pellernr. ter, rup , .elor Moder for rb.mum_ and relishing Pia.d wore. I:rot.in• for cleaning. eklnr. Feather Invr, U, Itieina,cr—.`orris ,lebrnted ,Itagic Kitchen, about it-,- rise of a hat isKich will makecoVe. nook beer rl...alt.os Arra or any thing el^r in • few mlin Wl tlef.... • t-' For ralc• Cur. Ilarket and,Fioirth sU ./..orrON-21 bales for sole by ISAIAH DICK CO. N 1 inter It heat eta DAVIS' PAIN KILLER-76 (loz • 'n2l s 07 Word strnnt. WLED FRUIT-12 ig . 1.1 gil d ed ° A 11 1 .41.41 foe ; 7, ~, by . WM. tiAOALEY & e' , 1:14 IN et :,,, Wool A II ULK PORK-2uo pi,e• hog round, well UP trnam,l,fr rale. hi . WIl. DAGALEY ACO ..-- LO V Nen ItA ISIN S— '-'OO Mixes . Krekler 1 /Lrand.1..1”.11,7 frrom ,431uPr Ibmvitt COntnn. 5.r ..a., 3,-, WII. u•q•Lr:v • 1.7.) . • 1 OAF SUG tvIA, for sale by lIIIIALET CO. SSTS 1 h'S ESS. lllNC; Ell; eel+ Sa. , ”.l.aill= zbtr.m.rslls. Ibr gab. by ft. E. Woul Yt • 11110.1VDEIZ-150 kegs' blasting, for role I, E. fuV: .J. 4 fi.rl/1Y11:11uutul Cburril 111 : illSef --75 niekerel: rs4,l,,llixt, fur nalu LJ FLoYI.I u !,:ft • CI flea ASII—'2S ea.Aks flolmston's brand. 1:31))!4)0.1)) VIIJTII I I lstl dor rocralt• 12r , ELov 1 - P I.t;Lte, Sole .A.;;Ilitt)1 pi Co z‘uurito4,rl.o4l'alf $OlO,. Co. 45. Denver btavet. New Yuri, 0 lan, norhud. MKETINC; trr the l3.;:yPof Illanapnf-of Lw li A i Nt):o " ftVA7:;::".."AVAd A oZAT. fi tinir l A . tV " 1,.). At 10 n'cluck 0. /14 1211.• new board aro ropiest...l In •t- Drug and Prescription Store for Side. 1)111!0 . &.1 , 1:ESCIIII'TION • ee-sual ht a 11.tri,111nc nod Iloptoting I.rt " • tit...b bi, le .loin 4 Prolitahlt• of fenal .for gale 0100 rai, leen, Lor further 'partirtlars, • ullke oftlm. it== • 11111 E TI1112.1) WAIL!) PUIII.IC SCHOOLS having I•een emrpen.led. fin. k IViirrrips. late Pr s in rehooly,prniu.st R private rorla.l fire and ..n flooday nest. In the Loam , . Hoorn ol the }WI Prerhyterian ehnivh. 2niitbfPLl evert.. Tenn , low. MO nynie known on Al•riklitkal IT Hand Ftroet. n. at the echonl nwtin. . .• g ict-I,AlLTNtat.stulk—,Wer In i ve_-this . !Inv pith 111. F./litlchl,in. The hit.:l- r.• wilt be neutten,l 1na....11 , re. under the firm of • .IAMY,I.V.III;TVIIISON 2 W. PitlAhstrels. Janina, - 214. IS4l.—ia!allm AV: ' ,.... '" ::! ), ; - ..l ` . ' t 1 ,! ' ,? • A‘ g- 1!' " ,,,- "` ," T.T.•',";*. ,, '",... - ".. 1•:. paral, hitril.l) mu11...n0. amt lo .m.lll tone yew. to lenrn tlu. 1 timner:. thud n • leant , will he regnire. lonvin at ad. Wit, _ _ ,A-,.....11t ItICE-15 casks Carolina for 0111 e by ' ''t' . J. tIL !GOV/ Wrict'—' • ilw fl trtnervltip lleretofore ex .N. 1L”,.. nal. r du • f rni or Bolivians A liani.s.a t . , T t asolyed no the 1.4 11 1 .bt... b) . 01 .' 1 ' 1 .... 1.1. ' /V". 1.11 lu r A. r I. evritd / n. br LItInT "I. lloilmun nal klrrltron 1.01 . 0,a1 in It. name ed tiartAn i l,(az , ;.... _ VI F . MI 1.0 1%. .1.2-^dl, • .l A.AIJII.6 O N HOUSE OF REETTOE. , OTICE—A .11",turz, of the Comntitte on N.,,11.1 01,11 ,, n+ will lu 1.1,1 Al Is /la.. 01 , 1110.1loard i 1 .1 , nn 1 bur.l., r•• 111113 Itie ..,Ittolud. 0 . orite , t, al wk. li tour 11., ni nil. re .1 Ih. eommittee nal ur ate a runt. ,11)4 ,nutnitte , ...n. n.,..i..1 to npul. in PL•rnm or them a 11, , onter of the 1 enlnd a...at* , pal! IIKSJ I. krilet..l Kalman - 1 irE .I.SmUIIANCE--IrPmromer, on per -1 ite:;i::r ;tV.:3:ll,..::lTt'giig.LlAtrnlLl•4l.%ty.tll",, ni:t..14:17t,:T:::jr,"7•71-114-1.41 Ponnhit o tx .init n.. ore.' lor .nduiton. ro niln; .., Iw i lle t at c .il nazi ' n ' ''""' " r \Vt..] .L w.rund dour ahnvoinorib ' , Tbri,TlTn.h.ln,.o,l 11.0,..11:10,,,,i1tt1r2:0,1.1,7.i...., ~ ,m ,1,,, tun,. A ~,,,, In '-' 1.U1...1 a. - -- I i I Mill-7 brls No I lAN'S 1,1111 I; 1:4 2.11... do to' fur iinle by I i.,-, mu itl uALta kro : , 111 . ." t—lm 1.4 4 Pore l'ol.a II: _ -1,11 la ea.A.1 , 11. mu. 1.. . le l, ,a-: .1..1.11.1•1. , 111 . 1 Masai Chun+ ....... -___— S . I:ffti:lt,-100,000 common 111 sale he it ‘. fTER---16 brl. - primo roll fln :- .0(11) - _RI ...-- 4.A IL le Ltil t, Soda Ash-LPrice Reduced. -2 3 44 :t. Winter - Clothing at Rediced Prices, kT MOM'S doirkg -CA. Clothing A :Mr, LATerta titopri,tica , the alms, tatitilfilutnint Was 4ortront nf IlinimMig of Abe lialanen lot M make Vim Or td. eitMniiirn nurebtam SK fairloat , Mmtia m ar• m, Mtn attimmintal in nCer thinit at spaal.l7 reittited lake, fat cm& MI Ihnitii mho mutt miind, Lmiblntralki and ell mum anibling. mill Mal g Wk.-Maga to EMIt him mill) a call, m gamut tem.. will be Wend. la2l ALES BY AUCTION. st) • : Value about , TC • E LDBY Alien° , PR,T•G ~,...iT TO .Bwer..),Th, rah- will mammon e Mat hurt. at 10 o'elnet the %Mtwara; era enaliture dad, 'rub , 10r: Jams lectlon rli•poord uf, at. the lann.auction tont liwcLa. FtTM. Tht, sra,alid rollmika of sod-Jew...tie tore eftxrlaotilleetutniaraltuoat tinu of article, rennertea vril.lt It, o ‘ . „t 4. esartiln.,l the day will us I , nm, ruprrirrr stuy,rtet ever otrettri Alm etaupetitya Yu mar part . tr ttun redlars.llo%.= pant ,d atu k i na lier i rtr i, zlto th rrut l ,oO for ectufiu. =net• • similar nm.,etunitry. vim ha put up hi putt !nit Dint mit all tutrharren , &WO. •tor will to.:11-trted 7t ,,, , ,,, 77 ,g t. tag, • M. LEM:. ' . • • 111 ROOMS—S-5 dor ler rale by ' ' • , .1 p boa. HICKORY N UTS—for ertl eAW -- as2-IHi. H. Jultisins. • -- ,:, 111 if y . APPLES-4U sark.lf . ) ,, r r i,, A t : , . ...„-. Al ,a.. 1 '''''.?' ' i• C(I)RN-250 bumushelle,l, for Pale by ' -.• i,ea Wt. la. agfarreN 1 I_,ll 0 f.I. BurrEß-2 brit fregh for 'ale by • AL sal Ms. IL 3011-N eIIA. t. , OTTON BATTING -100 bales for nal° by i I_,• J.:I • • wAt.t.H.:9 Timm 4W. f.: QTAIt CANDLES-30 tax Cincinnati ma miaow, act band and. for sale br A OYORD 2 CO. ; 111131IFTISIERY;Ac.— A.. 4S iin..l..ribbv. latrderd for ihr buolkerrhki; "-,' 44 dot. 'mull - - - . (Ardorted.) 14 dos. dem,. Thal Sarbetn, lame nth. ' 5 D. d..., •.` ... rm4ll yalia. dtd. common finfill Noche*. .d. _ z ToOtbrr vith ,fall o ffing re, fumrr),, Xrt roreard and for pale at PALladelpEdlt prirat..l the' A-11,r 1.4 Wool and sirth Amis. .es N. WICKER:MAW i ALLOW-Thirty barrels Sheep and ann.- tr barrels Dmf meeived dilknd En rain br is". 3) • . CAV IJILL SICRITTJL riIIMOTILY SEEII--4 barrels received and firt rale by I j..11' BUMUE.'4 P. HIIIIIVER: fillESNUTS—,Sixty bushels received and ‘..) fur e.ak. by WI) SAMUEL I% SIIRINCIL .l' DRIED APPLES—L/d0 bushel just recd, 4 and far rah. by [1a . .111 W a i WILSON. • i - I% . IOLASSEN-FiflV barrels of new crop .•.' .IVA_ nreived strkl for ealo-by ' SAMUEL. V. SIIIIII3L re.II N.L.130 nod IM around stood- 1 11 - 4 1 1.01.4i--SeVelllr fill/ barrels Family Flour i. , il rv...trod sod fn. rata by ' 'B.6rnrc p. anutras. • :,. IllfrrtT--T7enty Inurels prime •JAMCIFL P. SUBURB. 1,4 1 1.0118-100 lain superfine: hrbt Ern: E.P,101. by W,. lb J(IH NSToN.'ll2:.ixmal mt.. k ItY_ APPLES--Fifty ic4shelsreeeired and 17, . F or rale by .la.a) N. 11,13. P.:11111.11'ER. 1, BEAN&4ltiarrele received vuld V r!!ro.le-by 1.31 SA/lIIEL P. NIIIIIVRIL 1 .4 1.1 . tr)..--Tnonty barrals and thirty kegs No. • 6 4 137UE1; U . EIWYE& COUGHS & COLDS CI 't,7 RED IA asons. LI INCE the; introduction of Oda new Ono- Cookbn ati.l.eokin are runnel In very 'hart f time Wo will srarrant• Pr. Keyser's Porlors.l Syrup to cure enee of Cooklks. Cold, r.ouoloo ti 100 limo mid at a dueler; rate than rani - other medley. ever diemend. IT 11.1tt AN.ENTIRELV NEW MITION—The oldikaugh tiediritice all sicken the stomach anal mutat,. names Which f 1. mom ilionnealdetbau the cough iteelL This is obvi shit In thin uilstun, for it Is s plemeint stiothing_artlele,l - it will rumor /iv 1.410 tail I An n•froard I The ert-1 deem in fovea this medicine in Our OM. Oct own! Annex Amok' nun-lore any ram of Itn efflessey. Ist the: eon-ripthn of a n-aular physirian. and has teen toed by II bitn in his 4.11 piTtiits • for • nudist/se of yin" with the: m heroin medvm. ININPUtt 17111 N— 10 , 1) . from ,Pleutenvillo write; 0.4 her Ilaugh 11 ter lest, afflicted with • ;rough - and espeetne . , Won. nimbi sweats, hectic fever. and all the 4/141MANCI 2'11117';11•1":Ni.;•rgn."1 . that U. jl kl W•Yri: b‘A:` dn Uml. relayed gad the =t; thefar Ngol nse d ladle I do se n I e lilt ;all 14A1:4 esi rots A tr.. that limn, the Pectoral Sdruti to be • gaud article, Pe he hes used it In' his own eine and In the mesa meatier, of liswith the most perfect snoreen. Ir as ON, 0, car lwr 31groMmta Wow coatis—lt r ot up in half pint Wilke at SO tents each, oe dr bottiet , t fldiemsr Prosuarrrran woad,' do well to trop • m 501.71 this end elne on hand all the time, m , la 0011 . 0( tb• terfect and rah-minus medics ever disenverel Sur esuelis and dinars of Ihn lungs and Inchisnt firunstrAtioe. CAMP.* o , —Wank lemma will try in g e t taco buy 00,.' nor of the various tantrums. but do am breg thew. If 3ou want lo ...et well buy .1.1. PECTOWI, Prase. and take no other. this will cure you- It has. la I . of the Most edited& plants sal herbs of the volallTh! igt iyth,..,41,4 or I pernon skilleddo the beef. 00.0 There eau be no deo:client In thistoodirina. kl 000 i oloor ono., rity, and the proprietor has =mew sertificates perNIIIN In our own city, attesting WI volumild• belt will be shown tn any perm diwinudl of seeing nu m. An iris W ik - ria throughout lbw United Rabe Patel/ phi; medicine. Large discounts will Ns made to them who ad': take an Inters-Id the medicine. It will papa laski/Drcer mrente.beskies.they will twining suffering Ild. . erice by phasing their handy the mostest miklrp far Lung &yawn the worLI has ever pnalmwd. - for Vald.•liolosnle and kotail. 'KEYSER - A Iftl7ol , j ELI. linproisto. 110 Wood ern.. Pittsburgh. Pa., to Wile nll lettem for am-wife must bo aiklreasel. Al' Leash ld Curir..Alleoheny city; P. Iliskrker,..re, °nem Land; 'rethink - Min John }turban.. ilickorl George; Keyser, McKeesport: J. IL TowsiL Ihnousbur. uerchaute and drug:trts cenmatlP. `h.= . • PROPOSALS FOR .STAIM • I rhir Ornes iervery.l6.l;6l.4 rßOlVettLSlvilt he received Ant thin U a ind-men* tall the ath day of Meech net. be fund, 00 rump. to We use of the lbel Wire. of the Veit ` SW.. fur B wr :room from tho fine day of Aptil next. whs onlensi by 40,.. Departments of the following deserhstest rir.- The =DP of the raise MO Aber In rinulatllMen. , * 11 .a, La .Jll.l I,lack of letters eel mai nada I sle 11 no Mahan( letters end thenres W. donate mouth and day. with It Thinnh•neror \val. Sark kio; d fiamr, IA pl., nue!, +Mop. and the Intent tweet Incl the game. WI be Or t hen sin ea Umn now mar. fartUPRI and In EWES tuned malotrettY blowfly L t m like nen. to be ...utterly fastened to veld Munp r months of theyou . aldniated so se tom:dein but thf letters narls. of the serve enema In use, end lo be rut ere solid block. of hanldned steel. Ifiewnsslor the darn ON alma, from 1 1.31. V, to ha walla! Ilka bazdad motet. and of the sine Lot ettrnedd. ••. • t Abu. stomps se the *runts - pale t Stine of then Mot la mUt• .4 be. tenant w illt Gaon.* &holing the Talcs or pada; and - streilla to those now tv ogee • • - AU of lite shore moo, to be wide of hardened anti t Tholloun.sels rated also contain separate bide for the s color stump, with the maths met down.. Al.'. for rati. seturn. ne e pi, nenteinleg the months Meting It din', MAO, r • . Abto, On each densest., pine fee the daya of the nuati Men Also, In. each venerate Inn with the we eds"faltr Alr . for n ark venerate Intons With the fl dnad the rates of peahen, The matins of the chinned ens not.. however. beCI,M M different contrarian. but Proton/ for lb.. *We wkirk le.daewd mod beroralat the Inmrtment will be eneptelL Tne Departmeiti ernes to itself the 11501 to reject ell 4 ' . n deemed ntraregatil. • • eperimene of the minus Wolter sterepanturinlnt coon at the appointment Minn of this Preantment• ja-,llavrit N.K.1141.1. POWMIner Grans • NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. 11410POSALS will bereatived bylhe and timid,' until the 10th (lay of trehtnary nett, fitr onstruction of Nine tricks and Darts In Duck Wm, ot to naive of them. and forrlearingtheeltanarluf tint . t di tlc h i nt. of tn. leaning over the channel. - • 11w D a me will average =II fra . lollG.jald .111 be r l'i feet high. with a tape of rgl feet in width. The 1 Chamber will be I'll fect human+ 40 feet wide, with IX MY Pi, thick and In feet above the numb of thy dn..' guard wall DA feet lone, 10 feel thick, and 'of the 0 • 'hetght as the kok wall, . • • 1 • Th Locke and Dame to be hat; agreeably:it; thirly ' ; and .'the character particularly spec.. end thitentox the engirt of rylv thus Lathrop, of Pennsylvania, 0 Mr %%kb will' be illutal with the proprietors of rock la papers as publith thie notire. to whirl; reference Is tc fm more full and aceurate tufttromtkm. • The entire work to bk....pbod brut ,Jantthrbrl• unkes the work Mould he entartird 1.1 wourthdr wlii tberefore. unfavorable ham., . thintrartant wiL te ; iplirett to glye µWham' nernrity for Dm conatrnetio, the Imprvermdut. bantstuntat 1,31k1l PILYISKIIIS wit ; mode to routtheturs as the, wort Peughmer_ • • :. i• The eminpana rearms the .ththt of reeptlng thee to mar deemed b..w. for Its intrrert alai the *AMY runt* til the ma n? work. • Dy order of the Mermen 1 • • lTilitn. J. beLLY.I • ler=3;_ief_the Duck Alter Mack 'Water harlawthent . 4 bh " r '' ... i ------.2211 1 1 Allegheny County; ss . ....,3" , •,, . TILE Commonwealth of Perm, • ' • irZt,uzzonaiN:, - . l.raT:i f .. 1 -,... ,• t' Kf111121...13.11.1. thildren, muter the to.; •.: i fourteen year, of rho-4. McKenna. hi ;;.; the rity of A lierheny. deed. and to all ie ". 1. 71rT1 perewir Inkreeheli greeting , 1 Wherent, at an Orphan, heart had at Pittahnem and for raLl manly:cm Die lath day of JlOl6lll/7. A.D. e theyietition of Atm Merieuria. Adminietratrlx. of Fre McFnuna. late of the city of Alleglerny.thheated. limn tented to the said Oath, Amen. iwhy 01 k , that the; iuteetate. ty virtue of a certain mtkle of agmenterth o. ; I irti."llllllZ,lntr=iy4itOrtr, !•I " t ' lie * O b tri n Yr Lo i hid Francia Megrim, of theater, other parbdied ached, Oi in all that certain Inter here of Ground ritual, in ILO. eliYof Allerhettlitlate Oni !Perry< Tr.t. ILms tooth opposite the ' Northern Ltherlier of Pittelitinth) twiny numb , two bncalnal and tort. - three (2.13) lit the t it, lota laid out C. Toney, Jaren, Painter. mid leLtl containing in d a ln de thin afoot toeutt Dime feet extending hac l'orpenteta hul l; haeirinerechM t ilt feint theeetifa twomere hick hultilinx;Mxtut teeth g front hy thirtr feet to ti and ta the tear thlontgi Mary (tame e l o f per Carpent,, , ,, ;,. 9 Mane theetthel Real rotate tanuptiemig And real tt m i rt i ph theitaid intertate Deli mixed- myth/ heart tor mot her an linter to hake rale of the mi.: elate, with Die appitrienntooo. S.rf it.. moment ,I detth mei the ntailitenatin. and education of the ti th I khan of the mid inteetale. Not, thereto, we mennumal yon. that rim In and i t i talue our said helm... PittehttrylL on aktpfdkk, .(b,l Jay of February. ISOI. teen and there t00t,,., eak i, irme, why we prayer of the raid petition ex 1M... hod the l i ri;t7..fV f a t ,lo,o, 11. 01eClunr, "r.. , 1ad.. ., p' '... ,,, ; lodge of nor rail Court nt Pittthurgh. t1a1.. - ezo, • January, it. lt PgA. . DitNIDL Sterx - IliDkr...a .pkiSOIAVEION OF VditTNEILSili The pafttlenddp befetoforn tatiang lathe , . 71 p DMA, awl klebbautyibr taakette,magl the'M Thou., Itb-Culdetee , by, D , of all Multilane - 4 to (lee alttlalltderabbi .rani., Beer end Jatnes 7770, 'rho papaid/get tee uteleteidurd. one of the members of the eaddelfw,s ti nue earn' de ate butthega muter Ma Dame otaami Cm The amounts of the -late beta .ill neenralte Pled ay James Blair ,k Co-. Watt:mu Daly all t0rn , 404 , 1 thereto ate youttgeted to rata 1., meat EICILBAII Pittaburah,'January 0, lesl.—bt=',l3l. I SSO L ITT lON - dfi'AIITNERSIi runupTbe paMrl4lp l trn i tiore T risslag %mace ban 0 d10 , n4v.1 JaultaryTth h , i l ban Doctor theght out aud We Open blubeelf duly of letting all debt , / of the or If there oft att. to teUle the Woke. azel to nee thi of the okl firm molt melt letth went,. IL 11. 0 10, . VOMX • 11.,7 - A. IL 'Sum+ ICU carry no the moo Irak Moral. nod ta: Camay to rerrive 14.. mato:Erma 'Jai nEAUTY.—Ipis universalLeoncmie iji bmxats it more'txmennoli In this UT that; ono. white at lbs Oat, too It 0 ...!.16..1 that ht ti, eroutri Is ia k./I at : ~,.iwn, -, t o 2,. hot Mit tit a, , cote% tottoth Intl lb. 1.,. rogtot mood ht •,,,,=. my to all, do rot ant...ot yore prootutl ot Om Colhort,,,„. in.), inn tool to trott t het Theo art irie,t, ire *Orntint. tretoratifooOnal hitt,- ):ling) a afikh ,ornitottY• ' t• lutot 115.1 a' tostan or (Thou. thonter. Cr lot to dn. Otto biltona maple a ttalLott obiteot milting ilookt *tenon - a" latt , .. avatar tans thok; . pOW , frf Ho the atoll, as hony or thaotatald so , tet,,,, Ot. ' 3ty Cannon thoOrt Lotoponottrl.ittlatiehtte, no, aol ennlata s In, ittlattik.'''9ltat •attlitatOtiti , • an .111. , V• ~ 'i Jut, ,moots DrpiLalori Mdse. E.i maniac mr-li 1,9,.. Loin tch.ru more mtt-tat, than LW - nom 4•.; nr arms or • anti• This s5l I's alll mama . ; ,. r , [ 15mo. Nothout Übe toe at Inty ahoy 1ntw0 r ,,,,,t ~ 7), Joh. 'toter., Veortahlr 224a14.21,,,,,. ID, T. =Cotl 4 S Z4 l. tor l ort, ' ltifil ., _t a :l-41 ~,,,,,,, tonr:tra no. eftertnall2 non lot,. ottro;•,- . Ins at the same arm InanUible. _. • ,4 4 ittob •Ilaneto Roving ltotot.--It la otilr a ple:?: . .are with Una roam. Thou /A poop o[ 1.1, ~,,,,,, 1015555 ....lax' wsperittwar in tha whet - I. I, the earararr. It Irarrethe skin r.(141, to n t pit ranttood sot lialtle to - beano, erlaq.,,,,t• ,• .., Jul. Mears Won Tooth Paohy—titot b the . thi,o, the - Toth ortalOtOtaled lui the Dray the b k nnin tam but Ober Moto:tot. ambito, howl tn. oO teeth rti17 1 .7. ' Yr lama Toad Porto wilt, at the Ai. drlbt 110 aura Ciao and t 4 V .'*""4 1,.. • : .• - ',-; ,• Aid • [SAM, Parflancr'sad aa';'•': 120 lataarat at.. Phil.' -.' Tar age 7 . lagmla aall ratan, WI Jac e .1:e•U. It. A. rah:aste any " Dalittettutih t Mt J. IA N,l ". *! .' - . -. • ~: `tea =::.