ll' ITONAL. ,,, i , !OTOS, J nary 24th. Senate.. uweented 'petitions for the repeal :. slime, law which were , . i! • kid on thc .• The Fteneu ... ...dation bill Wall tikenrop, read a,third.tiine, an:T . passed, I • . The bill granting lands to nid in' the construe• Son of a rail road from Jackson, Mies., to Mad ison,-La,', was taken up. , Mr. Grolerwood nutred an amendment, provi ding 'for a rail road from LoAarille to St. - After some debate, the amendment was adopt ed,. and the bill ordered to a third reading. Alesolution :directing inquiry in "relation to printing the 'muses remixes, was adlopted- The.Benate then took - up the private colander: fleveralbill, were ordered to be engrossed. The Bennie then edjbureml over till Efonday. • Ifouie.—Xt an early honr; the House resolved itself. into Colinnittee of the Whole, end took nyv theprivate'enleeder, and are now engaged In the consideration thereof After parting nearly four pr . ivate biLla, the licoiseadjourned. • Pittzqm.ruis, Jan. 24. A. destruetire fire broke out in Powers lb. Wightinan's. Chemical works, at th . .falls df the this morning. Two firge stone build ings and sereradscuill on., were entirely con- . sumed. • MASSACHUSETTS ELECTION. - - . . .. . • BosToN, Jim 24. ',. On the flirt ballot this morning, for the U. g Senatgr, Summer reeeired 181., I intbrop 171 Bentterins 22, blank 2—Nci choice.! • A ROW' iN CONVENTI • Isotatmectia, 4111. 24. On Friday otternoon, a scene occurred in the Indiana Stale Convention, not oven creditable to .that body. • The quettion under consideration wet in relation to the appointingtit three•Com militioners, to review and modify the lows, and reforal the mode of practice. Many hard things were void against the legal professiMigenenilly; .and Mr. Hovey, a delegate from Posey, who le a lawyer, eakt Ire eould put his fiuger on three men in the. Conteution who expected, to be ap, pointed Commissioners. Upon which some one -cal/ed'out -",name them," and a member sitting near,: called out "Rent." Mr. Kent then. root, end, touch excited, called Mr. Hovey a coward. Mr. Hovey adronced to 'Mr. Rent's scat. and Strinik him a blow in the eye. Both..partie3 VFCTO ordsred into custody, and a long explatiation took place. 4.Mid the ex • eitement, apolitgics were made, no.l by-a,..vote of the Convention,. the reporters were directed to smother thelwhole Affair. • • ARRIVAL OF THE FALCON. ' NRW Your, Jan. 24. • The rtrainer Falcon - has arrived, but brings no later Teri from California. - - She brings 225 - psasengds, and a small amount of gold dust. Mid left Chngrmi on the 12th, and Havana on the Ifithinst. TheCublitti news is uninteresting. MASSACHUSETTS LEGISLATURE Bosroi, Nos. 24. • The,Braise, after a bitter and angry discus atorioioted.to postpone tbe Senotorial question 'tors fortnight. The postponement was advoca ted ,V 31essni. Cushing, of Newburyport, and Stetson, of Braintree; the lattnr of whom was charged by Braining, of Monterey, a Democrat, with-beingiu pay of State street. . CONFESSION OF DUNBAR. , . ALasns, Jan. 24. iDutibar; who was, charged with the murder of e tly.c. boys shot some time since, has made a full confession of his guileto the Bev. M. Beech .er of ibis city, vrho publishes a letter in the Evening.lournal, on the subject of the details of the confession. It occupies a 'large space, and will be published after his execattion. . NEW Yolk, Jan. 24 Therew oriangement of steamers does not in clude the Arctic. lc gill commence next week with the Canada at Halifax. • Yen YOIIE,J6D. 24. The{ steamer .arctic arrived at,llalifax, this morning, g, at which place she put in'for coal.— She brings no tidings or the steamer Atlantic. . • , Lorismxtr, Jan. 24. Therirer htis-Siseir toor iiiehechi the hist' 24 hetws,i and there are now six feet in the canaL The weather is pleasant. Thee steamers Sterens, Express, and rilton r live'passeil up. 1 PIIILAI)ELPIIIA MARKET. • /rIIII...ADILPIIIA, Jan. 24. ' •'FlostrThe - mar et is dull, at $4,62 per bbl. Prerisions—lia lIICS3 is held at $l4 per bbl. Baccittis " -aid:Wes of hams, in dry salt, at 9c per, bbl' d is in demand, with sales 2,000 kegs at 8 is rash, sadness held at 81e. ; BALTI - 1191tE MARKET. January 24. , of GSO bbls ; H. S. brands at $4,66 bbl.. Graln—Wite.lfbeat is selling at 106eall5c, and rid at 95®100c per busheL Corn is selling at 6380 cts for yellow, and 64e05 cents for . , Prorisioni—Largo sales bacon sides at 807181, 'shotilderivietill, and talus at 10c 11 lb. Lard as soiling at 81V,131. ',Hulk pork is brisk, with males of bog round at ; ,5.5,0011 cwt. GroteriCorfee is quiet, with sales of Rio at lic; aides of Orleans fitigar at Gel. 7c. Whiske7 7 -Sales.attskw2Bc per gallon. i KEW YORK MAR K ET • - ', January 24-- Cotion—Priees are's:mining. 1 . Flohr—The market is inore - active, with sal of 1600 bbls at $4,87€16 for fancy Indiana d Michigan, and $4, - 04ferin . for round . hoop Ohio. tiirain--Whalit. is nominal- Corn is quiet, -with*llll a.les'ut Coen6lie Vbushel. Provisions—Pork is dull at :$126,121-e ¢ bpi farness, and $9e9,25 for prime. Cut. Meats .are easier , with sales of 60,000 bbls shoulders it mil Th Lord is unchanged - with sales of 00 bbLs old. at Se. : Minkel-1s easier with sales 0f,30 bbls at 260 per gallon. • ._ Seed-Salve SeedSalce of 100 bbls old at 71e id - Sugar and Illolnseca—Sales 100 hbds A. 0. et ti@ei perdb. Sales' 100 bbls molasses at 80c per gallon: ,Lin Seed Pi1...-Further sales of 3000 , gallons 'at fain per gallon, an advance. srmassi nr.roar. • }, • • Now Yong, Jan. 23. ' Cotton,lbe market la unsettled. Sales 700 bales at former figures. nodd' - "gsles of 3,Q00 barrels at steady p l -• see, including round hoop Obin at $0 per bbl. ' Grain—Wheat is doll. with - macs of 1000 ba. Long Island at 100405 c- Corn is quiet, and steady with sales of !6,000 bushels at 67c pet. ProSisions:—Pork is easier, for muse, and stet-, dy for prime.. Sales '4OO bbls at $l2 for pees, aad,89,23 • for pritae. ; Lird ftim, with aalia 106 Want 6e. Beer. is firm, with further aides' of 100 Dreasol,,, hogs aro quoted at $6,25' y er Ohio putter is lower, with sales at . Whiskey Is dull, wish sales 150 barrels at 26 ; Groccrbs—Salee4oo bags Wm coffee 1118.11 i, and of 300 bags inferior Itio at Sales 100 bblo molasses Tobacco le is gortd' request, with sales2do, lads Kentucky of Bala., and 70 do Marylajid at 70 per Itu Saki 100 . enses Pin= seedienO, Obi° do, at 1 4 per lb. CINCINNATI .3IAAKE7. FlOat•r-Tbe iaaiket is'eteady, Mit ant with seas of .409 Dbls et $.3,60 bbl V. and bbls lined, delivervd, Peovisigns—The nlarket is active, ani,, baoysit B$M 1,800 pieces eider' and should/ in a" salt, at 41@,51c,per lb. Salm 6011 , ' k ap pr itr a . lard at 6e.., and 01'62 bble do.. at 7y .t ., SWldakeybas advanced to 2t a good (livamries--Colice is in • act:rm. dendttid, 'with Sales 600 bag I. fair nit.,llki. !el Vie . / 811 gar .steatly, at 046 . 4 c, li4.t stocks.;* 'Molasses tft.TY st 2 610;',. 9 " per gu don. •Stoeln Tt 4-14, er Yaa riAen , inches .'th' Nit 24 botui. - Thrr'reatlter is clear and rdeaaaat. with light;Emsti: .- • ' ; ; ? LOUUS j, 4 ' - • • - Sannerry &receipt or prodnce to-day, sad transactions' - ins.vary doing in sehma. &thee ard unetningni, ' • 1-- , Plaur-'-The'n e t sales of ',so ; inerline at $ 31 ,37€,3,110 and of extra, at ve4,28 -.; ala4-"ara notice but .animation, meatis in:tolerable demand, trAllt' salei 150,000 to ".00,0007bn. idionlderi,..liarelii salt, at Atile;and'Of INS,lAlll4sideant tslepen lb: Hares, I in sweet pickl,e, at 6€,Gic. , "Lard is ; . sellini at 7@i l l for prime. - Mb' grantee are unchanged: HOME, MATTERSI COIMLI OF QUARTER SESSIONS. January 24. . • Present—Hon. Wm. B. McClure, President Judge, and Samuel donee, Associate Judge. Commonwealthvs. Michael Dillon—Two indict ments for keeping n tippling house. - Joseph Justice, Constable, sworo—The wit ness. stated that 'Wiens constable for the district where Dillon resides, and that his house is fitted . . spas 14 - Dpphog house, with bar e counters, and glasees but never saw any liquor sold in the house. • For defence: Maloney was sworn, npd testified that be was in defendant's house once every week, and hail nut seen any liquor 'sold in the house since the court had tined. him 5 , 30. His wife had since supported both her and him twit by selling cakes, muidies, Se., which ac counied-for the counter and fixtures mentioned by the preceding witness. • The court stated that the prisoner had neither paid his fine nor the costs of prosecution, which had been remitted in consequence of the prison er's poverty. Mr: Mahon made a feeling appeal to the court laid jury on the part of the prisoner s observing that it was the unfortunate wife .4 family of this man who would be the sufferers, if a film were inflicted upon him. District Attor ney Flanpegin addressed the jury, who retired after thcludge's charge. After an absence of about twenty minutes, the jury returned - into court, with q verdict of not guilty, and County to pay the edits. The prison er was discharged. Commonwealth vs. John ilaslitt—lndiettient, keeping a tippling house. Joseph Justice, sworn—The witness (a police officer) made it his business to go aniund his district at night and examine these places. Had seen severat persons drinking in the house, but could not tell whether it was ,liquor, or what they were drinking. Saw no money paid by the parties who drank. lie knew by the smell, that braudy, gin and whiskey were all in the house. Mr. Mahon addressed the jury at great length for the defence, and won :replied to by the Dis trict Attorney. • The jury returned in about 10 minutes, bring ing in a verdict of "guilty." Mr. Mahon re quested the court to be lenient in the sentence, as this was defendant's first offence, besides his poterty incapacitated himfrom - paying a heavy' fine. ilia honor, Judge McClure, in sentencing the prisoner, stated that he was disposed, in all Such cases to inflict henry fines, if the prisoners were able to pay them; but if the amount should be greater than the prisoner could raise, the Moderate amount otherwise might base been paid, was loSt to the county. lle had 'made inquiry as regarded the defendant's circumstan ces, and bad learned that he would he unable to pay a heavy fine. The sentence of the court i therefore was, that defendant should pay a -fine of forty'dollars, and expenses of prosecution. The prisoner observed that it wan not in Ida power to pay the costs alone. The Judge said he could do nothing further in the matter, and the prisoner was remanded to jail. There being no cases on the calindar, which could be called up, the court adjourned until this this morning at 0 o'clock. SPllls(7l.—An old adage says that one swallow does not make a summer, but when several of them are seen, flying about, it is proof presump tive that it is not fur off. The sameobservation may hold good as to the '• organ grinders," who, if they are seen; are not heard, during the winter, but make their apperince as soon as spring ap proaches. Several may now be observed every day, delighting the younger portion of us r com munity in the streets, with the music e•f their hurdy mardies, and bearing testimony to the pleasant weather which has summoned the In from their winter retreats. S6NTENCED.—inhu Ross, -alias Stewart, who was found guilty during the present term, of grand larceny-. committed. in stealing a horse. was brought into Court yesterday morning, and of to pay a fine of fit cents, and th e costs of prosecution, and to he confined in the Wes tern Penitentiary for the period of one year and nine months.. • DaCOVEIIy or STOW, 0001..—A lot of stolen goods were yesterday discovered by the Mayor's police in the basement story of the Welsh. Bap tist Church, in the Eight), Ward. Four kegs of powder, and four barrels of flour whit. h are supposed to hats been stolen from the West Newton wharf boat, together with dry g >ad., lamps, candelabras, he., Sc., were brought to the Mayor's office: Two persons, named William Jackson and Thomas Bogue, were arrested am suspicion of having been concerned in the theft. They Isaac always, we understand, borne good characters heretofore, anal we trust that they may be ena bled 'td prove their innbeence lof, the charge 'brought against them. SVlCini.—We regret to learn that a young lady, residing in Williamsport. whose name we forbear to meittion, committed suicide in the early part of aids week, by biking arsenic. She was engaged to Lave bean marriednn Stmday next, bat her betrothed, unfortunately died, and the "melancholy_ event so preyed upon her mind, as to induce her to commit. the , rash net by which she was deprived of life. Thomas Itoor.cos.-11r. Quail was stopped last night, at the corner of High and Wiley 'streets, by two ruffians, who demayded his money. The Doctor dreg a sword, which he carri . ed in his cane, and stabbed ono of them. Whem the other scoundrel pulled out a knife, and made two cuts at him. The first took effect on his forehead, slightly injuring him—the second cut through his coat and waistcoat, but fortu nately did not reach the flesh. He was then struck on the back of the bead, as is supposed, with a colt; and knocked senseless. While in, this condition he was robbed of seventy five del..' litre in bank notes. ' • Fiax.—A room occupied by Mr. Schuchman, lithographer, in Singerley's building, opposite the post office, was discovored 'to be on fire yes terday morning, between ix.° and three o'clock. The flames were extinguished by the workmen in the Despateh press room, before they hail donemnch damage to the building, but we regm , t to learn that Mr. Selmehman's loss amounts to neaely ono thousand dollars. ' BEIE3E, ToOCGIEL WELL MERITED SENTENCE. Wm. Howard, alias Wm. Pearce, was yetterd,ay brought into the Court of Oyer and Terrainar to receive his sentence. He was convicted, ai few days ago, of burglary, and since that time, had behaved in the most outrageous nutrier, having attempted to kill the jailor and turnkey Ito - had been ironed, but tawny. .managed to slip the hand-cuffs off, until the ezrperiyucnt of fast ening his hands to the extrerrdties of a long iron bar was tried. to this coruPsion he was brought into Court, and when ached if be had anything to say before sentence war pasted upon him, he made a harangue which. woo anything !tut be,' corning, and did not exhibit the least particle of contrition for his crimes , His honor, Judge MI Clore, in sentenci og him, alluded to the enormity of the crime of which he had been guilty. The decocrity with which it had been aceomplit .hed, proved that he was M. novice at his nefario us business, and it was to be regretted that- a tam , evidently possessed of considerable talent,. and force of character, should have placed himself in a porkiea so humiliating. It vas very evident that if he were placed in an apartment with twenty sill 'erectors, he would at once be the ruling spirit, among them, lint he advisedthim to behave well in the l'eniteutiary, where he was going. Major ileckbamrtta. keeper, was a man In ten thou-, sand, and none" of the hardened criminals sent , there, hod , sver dared to resist him. . The lee reed Judge then sentenced him to twelve years and nino nionths irepriaonmentan the West‘irn Penitentiary. The miserable con vict woul d seem to hove been unprepared for so severe n, sentence, if we might judge from the extraordinary change which took place in the expres den of his countenance; no he was led Re was at once—together' with Roes, convict ed of horse s.tesling—taken over to the Pmdteu tiary by Ur: Fox, the jailor.: - • COIISTEIIITITERs.--Corrimxm and Scott, the two men arrested on a ebarsc of counterfeiting, hare been fully committed tbr Vial, by tie bon- Or, Moyor Fleming.' The counterfeit coin bas been. principally passed in too country, but few attempts to get it off, basing been mode in the city. • FEMALE COUSTiitrEITYL —' NCR' inform. 6 " e are daily. Icing made against ,tlizierra Arm John skin, now confined, in the county prison, on ,a &argent passing counterfeit Norsk notes. She seems to have done a very good business, the notes which sholiassed, being so seen executed as to deceive any but the most imperienced, if a minhte examination were not tnatie. Arrzart ro ESCAP.E.—Jobe Thome!, accused of stealing a - large quantity of leather, and boots and shoes, from several persons in AllrgbOnY, mado no attempt to escape from the cells of the watch house on Thursday might. Ile had suc ceeded in piercing:through the wall, and hoot made a bole which he could have speedily en larged to the roquinite eire4 her net been dis covered, lie was at once ironed, and a guard placed over him, as it was thought that some of his accomplices had aided him in Me attempt. MA.Tores Orrice.—The clEcc of Mayor Clem lag iu literally crammed with leather, twat& and implements for the manufacture of bogus medley, ac.. The Allegheny police dexervo great credit for the skill which they base diiplayed in ferreting out rogue..., Tae Wmarnra.—The weather during the past two or three dam, has been quite warm and pleasant. ~~~.:: ~> MMM COMMITTED.-40 1 . 10 Thomas, .accused of com mitting numerous extensive robberies in Alle gheny city; recently, teas yesterday sent to prison by his honor, Mayor Fleming. Ornes, perlinns aecueed of drunkerinefie, vagrancy, &c., were brought before the Mayor, yestelitay; and sen tenced to various abort terms pc imprisonment. Itior.—Mr. Wm. James,. of Mifflin township., yesterday lodgea an information before Alder , man-Steele against several young men, who are charged with disturbing the Members of a sing ing school a short time age, and committing an assault upon one of their members. It scenes that the toisailanta took umbrage at the scholars assembling in the Public Sat.' House, nod broke the windows--burst in the d00r , ., and f ommitted other acts of eirdenee. The But:ELI . PAnit,y." quite .popular musicians, will be in thb city sometime next Week. .They have performell to oyertlowihg 'louses in Rochester, and Bultato. REMARKABLE BATTLE OF STARLINGS. In October 1621,;e , mcnt remediable battle of star-' ling• was fought over thrg ityluf Core, I tightening the cameos outof their Wit., , and auspiring the who',. country with terror and wonder as to what it might I portend. Our author sea out in his preface by stoma to the "gentle reader," "to rt port menage or adine I rattle accident. In .object both to danger and disgrace l —ot danger, in that they may he held as prodigious or ominous; to disgmee, iu that they may be reputed fabulous. I need not tear disgrace in reporting .0 strange an accident to be reputed fabulute, being able to free myself teem any suspicion of such an rope. lotion by muisticatent letters from tarot honoraole persons to Ireland, where the aceni,it fen clot, to nght honorable persons at court and deem in London al thu. preseni; as also by ttesiimony of ~.., right bononatee and worshipful lie as sod otheis of good reptratiou now ID London, ou Were eye. i ariatewm, beholding the same daring the time neon- j tinned. I .. .. "Taconic lobe tight of thene birdslThey murdered i together at the above nettled city at Cork emir lour or five days before the lump% every day more nod more increasing their armies With gdeei +unpile* &meant:no (rota :the cast, others Item the west, and so accord ea ly they plared ibenevlest-din it were, encamped themselves —enetwerd and irestweird about the city. The eittzens more curiously tibserv,ing, noted that front those on the rant rutpd rota those Mt I the West some twenty or thirty to a cOnipaity would pairs from the one side to the other, at t it isnoutd teem employed to emtiasengeti. for they , widuld fly mid he. I ver in the air over the adverse pally with strange i tunes and noise, and return bard: again to that ride 1 from a bleb, as it scented, they wereknt I "And further it was observed:that Innue the him they assembled the started theme., night their mem. eootwnrd, as th e mere, of the wt ' I did the like wentwmdtime me flying in the elm, le of the elite,, Tom. courecs and meanie continue with them nt,' tit the 12th ol October, whren day being Setordny, about nine of the clock in the morning, being a very fair and sunshine day, upon a 'within, wend and mete made as well on Mc wide an on the oilier, then ft/Mbar ith at one negattt took wing, and Nil Molesting up into the skies, encountered one astihn r alit, ' , itch a lefettile shock an the sound amazed the wit.° city trod all the beholder*. Upon this .o lden and tierce encounter there fell down into the e in and into the river nthltitudes of Karen, some with w men broken, come with legs and necks broken, tme with eyen picked out, came their tolls thrott tr io the breast, and' sides of their advertence in so +trainee a mintier, 1 that It were incredible, except it we - continued by i . lette••ol cteild, and by eye 'wane s with ilfat 4, .. , ', ranee which is without ell exception Upon the orrr , encounter they withdrew themselves back ward run, ' end wont, and with like engrenees an fury enrol,. .: tared several times, upon all which hese stares re:' down In like, strange and admirable ;inner a- mon the first encounter. They continue thie mite ad. : mutable end violent battle till a lade beitne ii ght. at which time they eeciaLd to vanish, no that ell Sunday the 13th of October nom eppenred oboe, the city. . . "Upon Monday the lath of Uctoher, they made :heir return again, and at the name tuba, the d.ty being as lair a "mishear da arias II was the Saturday before; they menaced era the air, and encountered cacti other with like violent assaults as formerly they had done, and fell into dor city upon the houses, and into the river, wounded Lind slaughtered in like mangier astir Moore re poried;but at this last bat• Ile there wit. a kite, a raven, and a crow. all inteu •ound dead m the streets. rout turn, und man gled." Isuisa_lavintsrrna.—A new paper Mr the Sioux Indians, called the Dakota Tawaxitku Kin, 'the Dakota Friend) is just is tied at the i'brte tee office, to be published monthly, at •.:Zi cents per annum, under the superintendence of the Rev. Gideon IL Pond, of the Dakota Mission and printed in the Dakota language. done in o ur alphabet, very imperftsitly. but as well. probably. ns MIT alphabet can lie made lo represent the hissing, sputtering, hawking. grunting guttrials and muniturals of the Dakota language, compos ed as it is of wont , which" fall upon the tympan um less like snow Rakes than like a mingled temmt of tomahawks, hedge I will cats. After the milsionorie, have Inhered faithfully - with the Sioux Indian=, now for more than sixteen years. treating them with the utmost kinduests, they SCUM to have made but little impression upon them, and urn looked upon with distrust; (sr the Indians suppose that the misxionkries, in acme way ea another. mum be making uomething our of them, or that they would not stay. They call them whrie:Mi,—.llinn,ntrt Ir/A3.40..11 EPOPTED ATTEMPT TO AIVILDER IN DEACET.- WO I tarn that a young doctor has been arrested and held to bail for nttempting to stab a young woman, n schnnlnti.tre-s. She had received ,i,v eral I esters threatening her life unless vlie con sented to give tip her school. la the evening. n mon martlied urin a cloak, rang the door bell at the hotene where the schoolmistress resided, and, upon low going to the door, and replying •4ui' to his querittion whether she meant to give up the school. Ire struck her with a dirk, cutting her dress and grating the skin of her side. The dm cummtancel implicating the doctor are yen• alight_ The young _lady hod recently been married to n reverend divine, and had left him after a short cohabitation, upon learning that he had another wife and ehila'ren.—Boeon Poe.• The •Ofttrioto Coin fonnu-falth" says that Mrs. Stillman, who wsR charged witlfthe killing of )L. S. Morse, on the 234 ult., has been examined and acquitted. What was the justification is not stated by the Commonwealth. The Baptist. how ever, lets us into the secret. It says that "from the testimonyin the ease, it appeared, that dur ing the absence of her husband. and while en tirely alone. an attempt was made by Reuben S. Morse, a citizen of this place, to enter the pri vate chamber of Mrs. Stillman, about 7 o clock at night, with foul intentions; and that, while in the•effort to raise the window, he received the entire contents of a well loaded shot gun imme diately over the right eye. of which he died in atantly." • Encrust Borneo Brassy, at CINCINNATI.—A fire broke out in Cincinnati on Tuesday last, in the lard arid candle factories of Measr, Gross &. Dietrich.' mithitern Row. This building was entirely consumed, and the fire spread with gent rapidity to;the adjoining building. and before the flames could be extinguished, about eleven build ings were destroyed, including the cooper shop of Mr. Doppler, the White Borne Tavern, two coffee houses; and a mindter of dwelling houses. The loss cannot be leas than $150,000. Grace S.l.tietrich are the greatest losers. The trinl of.Gehial C. Hayes. at Nlithilebury, Vermont, for the murder of his wife, in June last_ has been stopped, as the State Attorney could not go on with the evidence before him.— It will be recollected' that ylr. Hayes was ac cused of administering ctrichnine to his wife, who died very suddenly, and thnt - he mnrried her sister in afew weeks afterward, ',Two of the three young grimly bean lately taken from California, and pieced in the Regent:4 Park, Zoological Gardens, haring lost their eight by cid - oracle. hare been successfully operated upon. They were first put under the influence of chloroform. Madame Du Sabina, who figured in the eel, brated poisoning case at Angonleine, arrived nt Brussels a few days ago, accompanied by her husband, intending; it is said, to take up her residence in that tits. The Knocking Spirits, it "Milwattkie, break _ chairs, wing,tip over told, anti hawed no bad, MAI ROLL BUTTER-20 las:luta reed on one . °team that mortal/1 had to interfere to t for otit , L. /317 J. CAN I uhu atop the row. • SEED ----.t small lot for wile by pall J. U. IteLl . 4.F •During violent, tempest on Lake Wallenstadt . , Switzerland, recently, steamer wan lost. Six- I PELTS-1 hale' for esaler teen pen.. Fero drained. I - 1 J. 17 J. nrc.istin.n by The Pr'exce soya that M. Krederiek Bastint , umtter „f the repro/tentative of the people, liar arrived at pale ,„„ a Malachias from to reduced that hie life is t t!. ' Anti 4 na. re . trlt: . aa;:arr ;il.ll, 19rd, on motion of doepaired of. • ' the eon appoint Jager v ita to audit mud a•Latt Oat t0.....0nt. and dintelladu the baJatne. i. fIAFIPL MoI.IIIIIY. Clerk. Zealona efforts aro being made in the South ! I !teen. that I will attend at tur otnee. of Ireland to extend the eillture of don. LSO tv, tarred, In On. enr httaLurdh. nu MondaY. • o w rth nor ..f F A.m.!” next. at r. a.. for the L"A"LAo Allegheny County, u: tin Irplaans' Court, held at Pittsburgh, Dtk ''' Jot,. ,ata tine. Joie, Aasuriate. TOO tern:sal:ail !motel I . llol .,..'Sdnattl.lrslor or all and nice the grarla, 4Z Catharine MeCuttn. derearual. .& prevnt..l. eattna forth dint the aid decedent lied le,tate. is Ili. Natal Ivan.. nor pertmaaal cantle tor the palm..., el her debts. tlutt, she Mel ...teed in her dotnaln of ler of end in tmertain panne or lot "r,eruund dtearle In ant el the ell, , legit . tt...lough, haring a fntnz. on et teliitt,toll ',net thirr, at-al esterellnu hack eu,d ...Ili on a Illie ~.nratlet 'be aLreet eft> f.et. • %Ito It an. orn-led tete `Lduellltu ana* aulde. , Collie frebritlant% onelrothurine trCunt.. deetwed. tad Marstad Sietotti. le Jame. lhanotel.l,, meet dated lath da .ti d e d d.l.l7.. llre toter.. of auld Int...tato Linn the undivi on,half of runt emote., end there Irma no ,srLad miato sal de1....1..tdtl Catharine. ora,lnt: the Court In lirnutt . a. L-r the sale ut mhl real ntate, for the pa, tarnt tithe dela, the rottrt order and dtmct that:the add ad ...tor Cl,. mid lirenteuls public:rale, at the v llottee, in the city at lanlatatrult, ealunlay. the fifteenth de, of retort me', Fell the MM. 11... leat nein. that ran he lout thentro, Irking. du. ,tublie Ted lie and ini.elt maler.dlhe 'hoe awl red hat s.,,ellutt to Inn and the rule of thia Lima. and that lbw etild tulultuAtrator make a return of lils'nreeeedlino Ph to t r io o,...dureinow court- Uy the Court. /a=atrorcre ' t121511:L !hr.:LOWY. Clerk. CABLET CURTAIN CH LN TY., Plain, t7dwnl U, amt hint.* alat, Curtalu !tuella , of various WI" ` 4 "ridi,rl. l 4 , ""'l ll k"" 11 "r t) HU L Jape we. Yourth I. Miami W. The Queen of Portugal in again on the ewe of an acenuchroent. . The Homestead Exemption. Diil hms; been de• tented in the Arhatoins I.orgi'llstturo. LOOK HERE Itri :FRIEND lr AKE :YOU A FATIIER, laboring. 'for - the cupfln , of a ,fannly. sullcrurg /era, gansral de. nes ;..17.71Inr.TeiVE.•11'iltt71,".111.'""" h"r"' Are you a Mather, sulf.rin, dlo.s.nes•hleh mesa are nencrodly 5010... use Dr. S. D. !hoses Mad., lortalely core roe. Cellor en 'n. Of our sore.. sea Dagarkhlet, grail, when , you will lied that tie. che e r Mr lla pavimrod hy lir. Y. U. n the 0u ..0. of , t neutis , curler woo. diseases. w hich ths Pitman farilllf are ronlinually anvet, than any ~ther ofs oaration of in ever i.e brought the blu established Its hinD re - entatinn hl ratand Well attrotol cure , It la rut up in quart bath end ed is the only FurorApar - ilia that arts on the Mort , Kidneys, a Mond at the roma time, Which mar. it....nalower Mery valushis to ewer, OD, pisrlicularlY Wfwtttnks• cll Alt ED De sore and enquire ha Dr. R. U. acnvws YAIU , APARILLA. end take nonthet. fl :to, hottlaa for For oda hy 1101VE 1 01., Preprieter, I Colkore Onantrati, Ohio. • Tn niece aD enlers Om, Also, far sale .py- J. A. Jones. J. Selnonrusker I Co. W. Diaek, li. W. Means, J. 11. Tow wwwl. J. 3lehler. W. Jack al/3. Pittsburgh; I, A. lanai, Allegheny IL. Mo. elellarod_, Manchester I,l:meter, tinorantl J. Paull I (kw Wheellaw, J. hi. Patten., and Elcben Extol. Owns. oea.lwi . =ELM BOOKS, MUSIC,'&,c VEW BOOKS AT HOLSIES' H?: 1 . 1 . . i !...1 1 %. 7. ner..., Thin! street, °prod. .1 „ -„,..... e . Itt!lons, Siaitittftl: a Jacobite ;story, of th e 1 e•L ~.. r .Acco__T,..., b.. W. 11. Lialtlit'S: lan of Onsrge 1. I_ll U. P. R. June.. 1.5.1. Th.. Duchess; or Woman'. Love anti Wcanan's ILste.—a 15 a. A. A Williams% novl. 15 la. V.A. Ronald' :I:annondalo, a novel. By Mr. Solathworth.. al hai Barrow'. half pound. • 5 base sborner do on hand asad OB.: , . novel. 1 1 7 the ...b.' nr .- Tbe . 0gd...." for sals by jals BROW:K.4 KIRKPATIEWK Brune Intl lielleel a Talc for &Intim. and tighter , By oraee A ands, 3101... r, Recompense. By Oran. Aeolis.. , L ARD—One.hunthed keg. prime new Lard sit. tier: 3lnganne for January. on halal and for nate by 1, hi,„t :astir, Le If. jun BROWN A KIRK:PAT/Ih% N ” 1 ' ''' Am. '" 4 in"':'"" ..Boon ‘ ltb. : W j e ,J.J7 '4' QIINTIRIES—Ten bin S. Tolman. eoco:1; Nor.s bag Prvaton's Brown It . I , AGAZINES FOB. FEBRLIAILY,at " IV bast do Eagle aloe - obits , ..: I Rm. , ' literary Let... Third street, oppowite tha 3 ha. do IL.Firve. Paste. on hand I , r.at t Ittee -. and for lisle by Jals BROWN A KIRKPATRICK ... __ _ . , 1i.i.,.. I.ada's RNA Cro February; araltaiTs al ...In.. d IVIDEND--OFFICE OF Pirrsßl:lttill new.. Nlaaasine I n ll iS (XIIIVANY, January 13. 1851. !harm. odale. a :Lew no. ,•I. Ay Mr. Suuthworth. k i t frustree of the l'ittsburati ti. Cuast.hY h.' . ' hi ' Mune haloes., 1. tale Cou soothers and daughters. By day declared a Dividend of Five Isar rent. outot the ',runts Gr-,..• AJuilas of the last .11 months, on lbels.pital Stock. pahl us. pa. 'dot her . 1i..-otopen...: a sequel to Mane Influence. hie to stock holders. or their ieJal representattyr. , forth 1,..- a L., 11, the author of - The Ogilvie. : with, at the other of he Warks. The Wide A Imams.- Fr 1N31. , . istil•Cd2ve JAMES 31. CIIRISTY. Treasurer .. I ..f She Amerie. Illteninated edillres of tbe WayenT Nwreb. she elnspe,t edition ever. published. 10 5 TIIE BEST OF WINES AND BRANDIF-e. _. !suitable for toodisintsl p as rppews,_alwaa , on hand ao. , New Books, just, received. THE Bard. of fir> Bible: by George WWI. I. 4 l ' .() . l. ' fß— Th l'l ' m ' ee l' hundr ) :irl7i l itT s. . .eti.iAj,N,V,itiit'rreller, d 1... 1 ‘ol. Übe, 'Lud for eel , ' bt ObIllill11)1111 & INIIIIIIA NI. ook inleudarf: being a progressive 'evlalbition of the , e ay No. 110 A Vat. rst ; met.tiranuoar. .lesdaned for Is•aititter. In 1./ tarok, and as a . . - ....1...r....,.... for arativittles Lod erotica... By Asaltel C. 111 AVAN A SUliAlt—'l'wenty boxes.ls bite Kui.Jrt. k 1 vol. IJann. MU.. The Tuutliecatnual. lisiiiMrsah Fisog °mild. Iml IRmo 22 - Uharni• and Counter illaroas. By Itruil J. Mclintosh. ~,ll i, ' '''' ''''''''. i'llniii i i n. D af,l ete lS ,. ° l lßA ''' 1 r01e 1 . 4 - :”! , 4 .4.- • - - -- -- - - The 3rtali:l4 It:v.:owl:1A.; a nrviuel m' home thleaa.." IF. i:rne., mud EnglcaYrs' loursmi. Firxt Dirtlonars tS .11ehattle. and ftgin.qiNt. N. 22- oak. h., It. HOPKINS. 7 1 Apolloltliugn. Fourth xl KEW BOOKS! • ii h NDREWS' ENGLIEII LEXICON—A lath.critcal intim Enull‘h Lexicon. founded ,;n t larvor ilennan I,clronnf Dr. Willianatound, crlth additions and oorroction• fnna thej,xicous of Gamer. Ihnoolatio Seholler.lloorge, by If A. Atoll...we, L. I. D. rsrtr, loing the personal ner rant, od cosult. of travel thriniph the Sandwich nt oho,. I. n land. and other pert,. of Yololestn By It,. llcurr T. l'ho..wor. notion of -The NI halo and hiseeptora" With nvullar.ll) and ftil li , n ynrona... L.Er. , %IP/X.l n ,n.nne In. I MU by In Dome Influence 0,. 1 , 13 STOCKTON, 4 Market gt. nu,l ntnericuth cop,. P" R, B LAN K BOOKS& STATIONERY Pm., of .11 'II, and rult.l and OAK mu. uud wha. Blank hook% of mom demription. on band .or mule to aneh so. lIA d Morrie.. fan, .d S WEN. Flntioner. MIN Jlarket n, mazer of Semna._ , !WK . AND JOB PRINTINQ—Every de wriirlion of La gal. ConiumerlNl..qmatubmtt,Can'al and 101 l 1:. a.l hinting. 00,0.010.1 m .bon notice, enit the boot t 111:11 EN. MS1111=1;11=;= - T.ITIONEFIY—W. S. ['Arm:, corner aT Semu4 ;pt Nlarlet has the nab a+large alld pietenn annortment fan., Oahe., aa hap eery . I.en in shark., Mewl... wilh eery tyrtiele in !hi* lino on the moot f Grumble term, 1..1 v 5 • .\ PER—F(4i., Packet, Commercial atTil Qlll,ll. hoot awl , larae aupply 11101 gale nam 60.1 pita lam , nod ter role cm I.r• W. F. lIAVEN't; A EIV si - iici lIF PIANOS. 3 - • lilt Ihlnl et II nor rierinnh a frealt Ina ..f .1.-not Pao., mad.. •N Clate New art . tunoule lhvca. npletulnl a nal el, melt,' Kano of the rt heat , ... tof extenor hale. It in made %he le.. neat clothe retar, of Inv.. XIV an.l \l, A 1... a f.ex lot .1 fanlannahle nod ...tar Mani.. n.I Itrn, Inetrumenta. Ilel.l.ohn. alai etev) nnnel, p; amok.' merehan yak. "\‘' 13001i.S.—Ilumbole$ new 4 ,1 pkeulp.. tat a Ph, steal denerlrueaa of t h e 11' Seam,. ..f the then Inla nd !the II ....I I fol. ot.• Ml= Ilnometre Sennett.. Thent• an, well worth mting. i•+r Tale tea IL HOPKINS, d ` (I'" AE MA I'S--Poltml'A aplendid Out s ) ure mot al all the lending .Lonlt Nt /OA N• • 1.0.. U.. Laao el.L•ine ~t th na..114 L..- them In INOLLornit.and Invite teachers r.tl telest emnis tKil etaanthe them. \„I-11ns of the to aten: Ilemietthem, t,! a S:t. Inchro. Sorth I J,. I ntn-I t. e. do A.n. 7 "Jo 4. Azarrhu. Africa. 7U 1,154 thP with w,.ur the find two Wunle 'lin,. with LI,. slu utata nr. tn art - nranr.b.tanta and annan. .... and adapt. .1 to Ow annta of the anat.,. gr...., and high ..1u..1• „I tb. atat,. • V,,, tn. at „rim, u Ithout additadt 1.1 Irnight at t arya.a, at 11,. I:III'VATIONAL IIOt.I( h'rOlt K. . Mart..eatz.s VOW IS TIIK TIME. AI AZINES .1 1 , 1. at Llu.rnr, Tlord 1• , •11.• ilv 14..1 I•ltt.l.rult .prr roar L. On Muhl, Nier.l.44to.' )la„ r... .1.. oxl Nimanrim.r .4 4 04 .44.14,..3 41.rx 1441.44 Mr. I:l4..M.uzarmr. 141! Magarat.. . .14 .1 urn .1 ,, '2 .../1 An al . .1.. .1 .10 on . .5 Uu .In Thr.44.41., MatArlsr, will Ik tbr. firr4 ~,,, 14^. 41,444.. and 414 be thr bin! over will lw ink. of Kw, /ow. a ...lug Ilur aut.litinC ivah .1 Iv-'.. asrl well rtlrrtod runt of mkknilk , riit ANNV k kr.. rullablr for Clkriwlmak wad New - . 000 , rtonont of Nnool4 awl Cheap polo. loooinno, kEoung rood, kr. !MI node...attend o . .N. 1101.314:S. d Nu 71 Ilonl •trool. p' I I:NOLD'S. 1 - 10QAN AND an,l L. Red, sonriet o .. Ink• . . , rinigtat. , Igniiirr .. llngrimngi :,m Lanirilon'in lJralagons, nod liming. , 111 n.,, Anil 1:ca1....1 Pencil.. . 1ni...t0n.1. ,if gitg rt •Icn ringlet, glllignt ..1 1 1. In in.. Pi t on . , 1,..• i .. hell, 7. Lman,. nod nth, nannufacture. of Ptglici .• 111.1 - I , oan'r 1...31.1114 I Ir r1.1.1.nat.n1y..1 end Or. nnt. Ne.r, I• , s and r rraor•,l and ....rtr•r., fan, of .11chart cn cud .110..eue< On .41! gu.G.• 141, , lurud. tM Pr,. 4.301 latt.r - rn.. Oa', 'gilt. cult.. and rwt.11.1... fur ball% yetrthrs. v0r.1.114, a./ rtrusrvir,. Ynnoril nntn rn , •lo,..nlnin and ra11y...4A Interl.nn.n. white and lawn bad nd pkin adhenine ran vr.lnry... hull. bin. Awl sin, %infer, war., rniw, vartratonatterloc airitiag ...at L . ... tin...a. and Tnrk... bora-N.l,mnd boaria Ink.. I. conch and roPaqaa laapatant Mot and lir paprr of all ...lona n.d . and . l2l . ng 04,1" p• 11 1, 114. stro,Vr. with all abor arlirle In law Ytatlonrar Mar. F,..ct. tan., and aunt, 2.l.,iher with a Ina, aanabarnt Mani. taaalk an.l moor ran.lolo Or .4 ....nom foam. rmlit.22. In vs..; 1.221...¢¢. azal pap., of all alma and p1aJ121.... ...dun.' rat.... on (ha intra ablr tornia, al S lIAVEN't. • 10..4 IL..k MM .S.Lionery %Carol...toe, rornitr ••1 Slarket awl Seerso.lftmets..., The Greatest Bargains of the Season. ura. D. TIIOII I'SON. No. 118 Market pt, rlirw from 1.11..11‘. haring In don.. ;o• 'arrow Irwtho r,..1,1 Apra, usu. irrol a*, ..11 hir A•.- nI Vann; and M.. Dr) Gond/rat Corr fur Ord.. TI;I•n a.w.Oatul well web-clod. cow rr.l. la part tw fr'll.nr•.-- Dnt,:., w;DY --1,1;r1; nt Al;.1 All 1[11, Pozhaietto" Coburg WI:All Cwalmerer. Satinet.. Cravat, 11.141, Merino% SIM,. !Int...yr., ac. • %I. K. EX1.1 , ..; 4, 01%—lluirwler %hrellas, 1.4. G 4 l. Lt In U ltmala ~ Al,. a Inrwr aw/Atr.snat IS ban, awl Ilat% torrtltrr wIll; (toll alert I.lMarwmtle i•wrrhw•nr. mar n.lr upon wrltlug throw gl at rent," 1. 1•11tra mart IIWII;SON. 1 EVENTII GIIEAT SEMI-AN :cf./AL - 7 .1 Dr.i . GOODS. at the Om. onterr of A. A. 31AlnIN A Or. GA awl 44 Market ...wt. . . . Corninlenn.d n.t Motnlne, 10/. mntiolne lbrnonh cn danhnrf. Their whole estaLlleln ,rnent G., thrown onen kw 144411 Tend, and Thirty es. 4.ennine nnunintiod to thle Ifundred Nod Thirty , Thn...wrnl tlollarn, will te offered .t Retail, it fully one fount, le.. thntinnunl The toner of then 14401-Annual Yale to any one of the Unmeant!. whn aLlend.l the rnln of lut ear. will he rh•Ot nuarnnte.. Inc coil Lintylvols. Thry will. however, nlno l loll. ••frw 0.01.1 n nod prw. fer W. hewing:ld tin, who Late never nthnaled dude fait, Ihel, 1'2,10110n, :5 enntte, wow! prier 11. :AA once. 11140t0 Fint/1 easlanemn ern., usual • ton , '• 1500 pier., 1,, , 1t00 and trrol thdalnen, 15 and 14 rodta, • unual ,vrtre dd . ) 2.5 rlt/nn. hint. rulorpltdd to.. 15 rent., tonna prlen So ta. pleoen t: ennta flnnn , l Flinn, 50 rent. usual • 1 .10 I,l.err ratin Chao. an,l Satin, 07 1 ,1 tot, tonal vrt, 61 •Z, • Innel: en4e, nkhent.l 20 per rend. 11n pwa,,yrenoll 11,1.11,0, El Iwttonal I Ann 11,37 1, 1. pi...nn:Vnrnunettan awl Lynne.- l'lnthn, en. 11.01 33 .11p.wvan. all dolor!, ftnlticed 30 fnr e•rit. 0.100 Long Munn. rlnnwla which will he sold from ft to 0 td than ununrpriece ynoln 15,1.00.4 1111.10,0 x nt /I nod 10 ennin. tmusl IA reu. rolorell l'abroceal ldn,oenta, 0111111.1 privy On. , 11.0Elnclith and AM.-lima Cnhon-I at /1 and 10 w•nin. o‘unl prs, In and 12 1 i ' , nu. llunUne. nnluend ornt der yard. . . . 3./ Leh. lt,nwn flvAfn, all wrwlep . Trinitnin2s, llnsierr and 1.11..".. I La.,..wm4.1... C 40.4.41 awl with en lumen._ ta ty other gush. all •tf will he 31.rki+1 IP.wol to Lower[ rima than any tto Ir luvt. SII eftrly call. a+ rtutly of their eholout will ennn w. 14. The ern. valued St SW. A. A IiAIION L I'o., J.ln and A 4 Market at 'a , : , '' . ~,itt,,,-., AISI\S--one hundred and fifty boxes and I.lk 300 half balm remind sal for see low bE . BROWN A KIRKPATRICK !aids new Sarar on hand L 7. ' 4 ft..xl.bY jah RROWIY B KIRKPATRICK - • DICES. Cassia, Pimento, Pepper. Cloves. b and uttargs. tar pals br !SA'S II EY de27 Wstrs a Fn. c e . UTTER--Eight barrels peeked far sale by I ialt S. F. VON DONNIIORST a Co. ARD A. GREASE—Ten brls No. 1 Lard !qtr. (Irma, aria Landisfrom ..aurer Wash IngLon rale by ItrAIAII DICKEY a CU. jal3 Water and Frrart LAltll—Sixty lola No. I in mire and for nab. to Ala ISArAII DIOSEY 0 CO.. Water & Flout at, GREASE— , Forty five MIA in Fume; for nab , ja4 ' IS AIAII DICKEY & CI), Water F ut Front eta. 11111ISSOLUTION—The firm of Kennedy ii . tawyer vraut diranlved no Ile Irt ltsal- Th e turattera Ithe r b ;:rnrol'ilV I:te h t= f r c trt bo b y u th a.afT"e 4 1174=1/ r ri; oretthuu up the lapilunta • 'SID IMAS axENNE,A. JR i jaVath • AWLS M. SAWYER. BEST I BLACK TEA—Same kind no in Ett.clancl-2.mrall Leabstrung nod Etna, plearant tin. gr aSe r rr t .. r l7l/711'11M he rnhA t tlIVIV,"In 71 t6r l i tratil.' Tgi n yawn el s lo llttahurgh. jal4 _ ELLERS' LIVER, PILLS st percede nil ahem ChPrleeton.ra.. 5414 1 1 01.—nr. R. E. Se env—l - oar Mil. have bier... No popular In all thl.t f i t o v?.r o o f rllrillra7l l llr n.h " , • - . . .. .. f Letrart of a loiter.( JAMLIt A. LEWIS Purehatters reenliert that R. E tiellen: Liver Pill! are the nriginal and null tent awl genuine Liver Pill. and may be hot at No. fir Waal attn-t, and uf Druggists generally Its the two title. and tidnity. tale BROOMS—One hundred dozen fur nude by Jekll' A. F. VON HONNIIORST Y CO. T/11: !JEST PLACE TO BUY TEA. MORRIS a HAWOISTIMI Tea More, nut ottle of Lhr namond. heel Baron"! Ten, .t .50 ern. per reeund. 'The 111:1, loralitint at d, • Kxtra Ruperttne 15; 00 - do Ohl (kelntry prnple that T hr e e ACK TKA, will filmdom. Pult their paha. kind. of Tex. we twelve dimet from Buchend.end Ihey reurot be bought at any other Mere 3.3 I' other (iiN, 01,D JAMAICA RUM. "I hw ""''ls! wouTir i v t- , 1 ; 1 2 ; . b o a % land Li ERRINGS. bx 75 1, 1 111, 1 ‘ 1 ., ,, „;:a.t,. , 1. „ 1:1r Nalt, by D RY brl., just landing i~il fi ' r " 6 " h. F. VON BONN twit... 7 k Ci . if I lIEESE—Tsvo hundred hxr for, galt. by ,11 • YrF. Vo% hosNrionei ak, • 114 , LA.IUlt—'1'w..nty brio Extra, for hal.. by 1. 1 .11 sl Y. VON Ilt , NNllonsT 1,1 U LASS—Eight hundrCd his Window U MAO. Lv ule bThPIJ ~%THITE 61511—Fift e e n ()EARL ASII.-28 emks for mule by Jai II 1/A1.7.0.1. I I:, ----•- lIESTNETS.—Ten bum for mule by R. bALZELL FLOU ll—One undred - brim mipertille Flour. rretivnl onnuurr Pll.O o. 2. and fur *ale 1, 3.0 J. Y IL YLAIVD, Roonal Cl.urrlt DmPiing 130TASH.—Ten eftKits, pure, in ntore and 1. Mr *ale 1, n i 47 J.t R PL4IOO. pitoDucE.L-G brit. prime Butter: , LOA N. 1 Lank, . 9 bux 3 Lrc. pnme Fezlb , r, vr..mn. and 41, W. by 1. 1 JaH Cg I.MON .-5 I,rls Salmon, So.J. iu attire 1,7 ssa IoY i.e 11011ERT It.t I.7.ELL ot Coo. Fe it i r OV A SI•EER ham , renlovvii to tor t , rty . : e tzl kul ,.i, PILLS, auusits emo E t: LA N nausi h 11 1 11 . 11 Y 1 Itli tIC llFikEdo I F ASIOR TIIE DIFFEIIENI' GRADES k. of la./red lEnel by jail 11. LEE.. .o GOODS.—One ert : e Soarint na. nine £Lanni. I-ti ]rue. erring Caulmerre now. Jean, received on ennvign i ment from the tuanulsetunen, and lot Pak by • sill 11. LEE. 1 1 11.i.-111.ti--Fifty thousand Cigars maiived and Eor e. jail S W. lIARBAEIiII _ I 11TINO NfI , SLINS IRISH LINENS. I. Mun , loy Ilurehltehl no - onion... to hefitai. parteoulnr attention no Mil branch hf lb. or louoynoose, and .aroo rareful to ...rimy a Anterior artiele—the lionotte warre o llisd tonn , at. end loth .1 lea pet..-..ha otualltt Salt jr N ESF: E 11311 L LION-74 Ihn for sale by jot • J. KIDIo e I Ir—F 3 ' . i , fron harr;2l:ger , Tp I.l' E—Tirerav five barrels for Rale by Njlf J. Kllak R CO, .1 . 41 N -4144 I LASS PAPER—Five hundred reams of li patrol. fur Rale by .1•11 J. KIDD t CO_ N o , al W,RI a. frIALLOW. bbls for sate 4 x cazirie RARE CHANCE—Areepeetable ynung T.t.z.ve le business. eh kh will double his too., In lens re ' s% months, can, bear of this chance hy itrohning • fen lines lar,""e Pn1`,.17,1 -I ° 2 7,177,11.4°,n1tRPE.'' OIS' SAl'lNETTS.—Murpliv & Bureh foold hue peel.,!a lot of bunion. inner Mitcl j i aletts. for Boys' rear,at, Plaid and Plain Cii.s . sicurrrs, I PetZ'vm,tll . l l ,r_e t T: Mulct steccts. min pIRESII FRUITS, NUTS, A.C.-624 Iby rt.idDie Currant, Zer) ha. M. lif ban hi. do: id gr bre do. do: 40 ki Kt, dnpdn: Siivrrria Flag 9 cae.Cruii. 5 dos Lemon loM Pkidep. .ICmilis a CO. 'l ^ dein Corner Winet n AI lIL ME Al.--Thirt hags Oil Meal, received Ly nod far rale by Jell it. A Ir. lIARTIMVOII. Ii"LOUR—One hundred brim Extru Family X; anti 60 S. F. Floor, just received mi for We by W. LiAilliAt7oll. I_l WAVY GOODS FOR SALE 14.1 and Crib mane/ i e .:Lich we are azonorilll to al reduced Nice, and lei be .1d OP favorable terms by MO ,, LASSE d S ., 7 7 - ITIPAgrICr.I ALEIt'IIIS.--5 tuns Snierntus, in.brls and J tors, for ..le by iv ROBERT DALZELL •M. I EAF LAB.D.—Lenf Lard iu Loll and kegs 1..4 and ior es& by RObERT DALZEI.I. t OD., jelk !Abort, . 00 r , QIIGAIL-15 prima N. Orleans Sugar, I. lu Moe a 01.1 for ale by ROBERT PAITILL CO. jolt I.ll.erty street KK. 4 I S -- Fifteen drums IL B. Codfish; brls N 0.3 Markrrel; brim To 1 Lake rldu 1U qr iu 1 Mackerel, lu .tore and lOr pale h. jail .11/110 WATT • 1.. N) i'IIIEESE--498 las Cream Cheese in shire kJ mut fur mill Ly JAMES DALZELL. • Jill N. J 4 Wider rtrret _-_-. TALERATUS--4 rusks No.l Saleratus; trl : do tkr, . 1112 4011. awl for rale by 4 5 bbl. JAIIGS VALZELL. yanll ra4 Water %trept. BLOOMS—One hundred tans Tennesee 17 Iltrwang LIJ toes TVIIIIMIG• blahs. heal slegfmot steam er t:ontkava, sod for rah by JAMES DALZELL. jall No. GI IV., street: IVINDOW (LASS--Pico hundred Laze* surt.nd dnv la store aod (meals b )all JAMES DAL7.ELL I)OTASII.S ear*); Potnsti, juxt recoivwl, •nn fo'r rale by. ROBERT DAVIELL • M. Ihi lt / ( ; ) , ( IL i g t k i r E ala S Vanng Hyman and Black To.. 3.5 ratty buxom do. do.. Imp. and Gun Powder. al boars Russell /titan:um kg Tobacco. 19 do P. Itoblaumn k Aka. GL and ko do. to CulAnroo Tolmona • II tartly loom Pr Jam e* Harwood's dn. 11, hoaso Thnantoon tr. Ooldon Loaf Lump. In Mom and fur axle by. ton , PARKET' k CO. XTEW ORLEANS SUGAR. n tf,7 l 10 [1231 old crop ytime q ".11 1 11?.e?' rant 'URN BROOR ‘cn SO chum. Corn Brom. In at j/f)ToarilwllniKaaabi CO. 9 OLD RYE WHISKEY. lJ 40 bt IP purr Rya %hiker “very old and etdiloa" tk I hln Slonnegnhola INlSlolory In nitro and fir lak• 1 r Itmt9l .101 rtmon 4co LW HAMS— Evan, & Swift's Cincinnati Sto sr (Aux! 11.10,,t melted (or role Jain VI SI M JOI t 01l WIG ACvI, •- Ly Llhorty EAk' UGLY—Priem. Cincinnati Leaf Lard s" I lnketra for 6ndlr'u,, iu. t3lVlLtlradAdAr YALE: —A few shares Chit Mine e toe k SI, North Arnerlost and Wrttoro I romranor oft Ai ph In BAIRD A Ilt% IN 114 Second at. JOU riot —Thirt . ) kegs and tax logs fie _up Lotter pan rove ...a a ul fir oak by 010 J. S RILIATORTII a CO . ULO tli—'.l Idols N. Stlgtlr fur saleLy 130017 BROWN KIRK PATER. h 144 I ilk rt, , NEW RAISINS on onsignme tit for only ley _ 4 r- 7 mom se A MAKI ATRICh POWDERED ECEN UGRA reen n tbs. oalLby [tall EIIAUN It AITRIt. j.1}T2111,1.12 r ale /Kull Joll4 ' . AlthEß A CY, . 1 / 2 4 OuLuthnhi,,,,Z.-442513,..L1;rfr1a S i. u a gt .. r iAtt li r, u y il y s: . , St . • " IREASE LARD--Thelllybri/ithrenSol 4 trd movived mul for lola 14 R. ItR.IIARDAVOn. _DRIED PEACIIES—Tbree hundred hue Ihial on.. 4 .1 Ib , 4 .11 A. i W. uannanOlL HOUSES, FARMS, &c. - - VOIG SA LE--The subscriber °Geis fur mil I_ rah , a 'arm atal writ built Etrii , k Ilnuar. with hrr Lho lrt of April nrrt. • Al.'. , rrl dEalrable tat a un.uipl. Fortl" Arr.,. with a ,ptitur: turribuit war, then... altuated too.. thr aort.. Ate, A lot hf :mu.] 4A feet 11 Intl,. 1, 1:10 fettl. all n itat; the rt , hlettrA Slr TttrA.r. he.nr the Litt . Appetit.. the rho enth 1 , 111,1,31. A 211,111.,. .lAttette,Atutt tti,en It hi tatrr nrui:n that tlw i l'hint Rita.' it mknqq. : ! : • haul, hear ILI , . lint .li-withal tsnlain, . "`FOR RENToR LE —lll,. .11041,1 her : crIII tell or rent his tcrs lk.untr, Itcsi• cnoc. In All•acn} n 1.,1c Allealn•ov Acenuc nc:t oi thc Thc have Jrnihle hrick tuihlinv int.l. onlcr. Thorn n de•criptlon frno. •, rn.o-c npo sun 1•wa• lan gtt cn nhcnc,. r .1c , 11,1 tol I N rnFOR IZENT —.l -1.1..itdi.1 Dairy Form 11.•• •••+.l 14a. ,a.. 0 and Foe A ppio• wellanl 'ult.., I •,•-•-••• Ft.l.•• •••rla n.ontx. ugh 9 111 411 131d111!, 10,1 Mi.. e I qrta.n, .atria Irir•ofth. Cou wor r( .01,0 .1,41 I , a.lllnt I! .u•:In u,.1 wit 41 - e 1., r.•nt.l"..r. 41.• trna.. Irl 1:4 .1: I' Al,l II VII, At!, 41 Li, gt . ,2 - 111.4 a 4 14n1.1 I ..grth V 0 It It N T hvo .tory 11.•tzie ..n Ilnt •lr,1•1 .4114 JAME: je ,17 nt, t~nnOß Salt; I M (IN rEitrtlTl AL 1.1 . ..V41 —I wilt .11 f•a rah. nroit , rrpettn.ll.:, gn. oln,•1. frmit lIPY t Spr.t.., K.a.tng, tte. ar.l Om. buout.4.l 4) 1,6,1, t'..n.L.n. i 414 4ntl Spring All,. bm,g; 2 5 4 1..1 nn lA. no ~••prinyt All., Al., (1.11.01 V ”Il gre*.t. tuna. i 11414-1, 0,4+,44. llz. Azi1t..,4110n,•41. mid er•nbittlia, acre, 1,411'.!4.1•11, J 111 1 ,., 1 VILA E.A. .^— 11 4 .1 01 L RENT --Th,. ri,om and edlstr nn I ~,, .‘ler •••,n1 11, 1.1. mol4l. nl t on.d.third 41 11, cu... I•tgldni,..tran,..,, 11, tn. 0,,n1 1 , 111 4,• c. 41, I'., i•ne • r 111 I 1 , 1 .A,Sra .01,1, 4, 1.4l11: ,% . • . ALUABLE Fu l: SA LE...7;', which it nand., I_ Add • ither gi.th•r. 1.. Suit This Lit I. 1 Chet,' . acid lilittnioti Mkt - Ant triton. raid terstis nude tt' .14111:1 ‘11:12.4,1:1:1' Pres't at No 4: net:... 11...1,0t %tn.. t . - FUR SA LE, T A EA'l' vr . i ‘,„„ ',irk 11.nw. cn Penn. rant. Menu, nth ant: ntplern 1,n.12n: rta;lor,dinna rwm nnd kitchen .11 it,. fir., ilcoor. lin. 19( 1. "mut; tar IN(f.ur n to thn n.a.r. 1111. proper,' mutt SVeno. and will uld 0. , ' $47" ,- -in .9 - 11 1 N N IN. Sq..dnwra, rme and it,, halnn,. If, tn. Endnin. T MifITTI• Nnt l aw. taint, .trm. Irt ,nahtirld .nd,Grant brfnm 9 114)1.‘111, • • • Fro LET—A hirg , o , Mansion Ilona” with '.., x . .h. arm. of I. attArlull. ,11111. at ,iarma..,,, ...... . inu - . JIM:IeV,J,L.,.III • Real Estate worth 8100,000. VF:111 - DESII:AIthE Pniiii•ty in AIL'-vf.'i ahenv 1111 [ln.( Ir.i.t. 10 o. ..Ton 1.0 11t .f thml.l 21, . I. 110nSfront C , r . I. m. 0.. afronling 11•11,i111111 %I. Yr id Ihr thr A 11,1,,., And "111 n A 1,.,,..... to.ettlnz 740 biluarl,! 47 tw. , nll, • A 6 n.•!1•••••i ,, 1:.411,..1 pie, of,n•u:.•l JIB c• • , )•••••111..0r , trb 1::11%. /11•—•..nt pro LET. -.not ...• I ,1.11 t•rwet un;v1. , 10.. • +LC ~;, ,'t.,. , ~r,, ~~~. ~i,,,~c.:;,r ~,::~,:~ S.‘ .%1 A 1. , . AIL e t .r l, l. •LI t 1 - 4 1olt RENT - A I , ,Voliitg,: With 7r, r.g4.11-.,1.4 1 • 111 3)21,..... 'sal, Fogierml ggegr Al., A STORY. , Ltr,htlAavrvll. um.... /. t: tf7 1%1, ► vi dinlnz nOw• •a.. 1 ~..t, ~ 1 ii. t: , '.. 1 , ,.....50.. ! gkr..n F. 13 an I•t ..,A l •rtl. Il ;1n:N..4 .1 .1 r I: 11!)l 11. III() LIT -. —t Itt. , Ts,. St..r. Itri,k 11,,, , . = 7,•:!:,. , .1,..."" 1 7:',C.:' —''''l.;:,'„:;:',7 ''''''"'• s " — . ii-':— 14.01 .Iglll, SI 111 .t i',l FI)It RENT nev. • I'l%ll, ztt . s t,V,•• p log rj.!.,..; an•ltwnr I h.. AP1. 1 2 , ytSAtf h T.—T t..;1.,v. Tg . 11.t.1, E-Ern •tiarthle I,t. Dr, IMP! .t..r • _ Professor A. C. Barry's 'Trieopherons, i oR .r M . EDICA , TED COMILO , !;,NI , ), inf a llible: 7.1111,1f.4 Ihs. or.irt. dal/drat. and all atiretions of the scalp. !-'7,'!.:::if.=:!:7".!'",,,t',.; . ',." . ::.`4, -- ,Ti,n%(Actt'lrdl: ~.. ..., z.r . .„ „...„.... 1',7}:',1:„. ~.. r ..,;-,...;..,a:,7.,i; ;2'h 1., • b.- h , i. l. atrml. on Ameri.n. medical Isten 1nc10...1 . mown. , /0r... Cu.,,! /noon, ot all of.. .... e. no. And so/ •-010 t....1n.:t f ir woth • so. romonl. tluot for tlito.r. too-, to; ,o/roanro . awl earl t., the ldr. er-ottou, .otorf .aoo.l 0b....0w/NIL In snot atonal/. ehnow tin .... the wk... ..s.l o. mooch, It los. too snood .toto. Ow 1,11.11., .4 ea sultertl.n.l in the yule 1 N't do.. or to Nod 13 ,i 4 ,1, ,rortli, I orlmapro.v. av well ~...1:....n.... 11.. r, • Trw,ol...n . tao if uorivallool. Thy In tl t00../.-....1. ..1.....f Ilin 50w1... bate snabled the Invest. . v / t ~ It at .t., mot./ per !wane. which Do from LAJ tO RAI F- OR R E NT. a T . . , , , . m. , ry Fr.. , " [ kn .. ' 7".... -. I ' r ' swo ' n ' ../0t10... than the ,whe of an/ other onionyWoo for • and itsek loollolonA. /ad/. t.... I .. ws...on .../ it; . , the loa.r now //1 on.. rho ...Swathe trestles on the hate Ito4ford .tre. t, vt till M ant...l,hour I. lin. !stows , 1 anal thy 410 ..mbra. tat the valuable ollreetons for the cut.. Far t. nn/. stunt to. It. On,* . LITI ..)., A cis. is I tan• and torwwertatl. of name,/ elsookwat ornamtrut, fu 1 deel2 .....: 1.0..ri..1nv0t I , no /stool, owl, bottle I.enelorwd. is alone worth Mao money. - - . - I The sthow, twtwern the no /Ow., wlokh tettiltalMC the TILAU NI 13F:1: 1.1 ICI I To RENT. .1 I arg, .kit 1 and the hair. whkh drawr in . ..W.1121M, cram thi... hut olwr N.ort .nostood no 1/..n0,...... u. ./... /nor th tette ooutetone is very Ow, , All :lira of the hair tort. '..";'''"" n ''''' ' '''''' ''''''" '''''''' '''' '''''' 1 ; V - I " n ' ot.. ' !ool ' .%. " r k l ' l n t;;:o VIo " sal ' Zol ounts!rh'fllTZZl th ° " d " • In, .rva foe,. of Loluvber. to. not ../. to ow, 1. /..... Ilortin. tor • LI/Vt./1.1/F A vIIFI, o ute fervat [brunet the it reawela which feed the rtat I I with mohture. and intftsrt life to tbe &brew. the result Is dettlollm ('''" '' I.. "" ""' '' '"' ''''''' / seurf. obtnolrull.A...hhh4 or oh. hot,. h ry,h,..... drynow.s. 0 LET. th.. St..r , 1t ,,. u. N ,. . 61 )I . l ' - ": 1, i = ' A ' ,Vr:... '' ;intl li rtVr n ,riu .'L iA. ' ,:itttil::ZA " ,& ,Kk t . : ..r :1 r rr.. ... : d 4 , : , :r n,.. f.. , :? ,.. r , 1 , 1 .. v.. ,,, h ,,, n1 , lesol ,o rt j;/. 1 the Trsooroberons. and the torpid venwlnt rerovering their \low , saw/ I :emu,. all annihilate Ah4.lllwww.. Dann alteellonsod the N. Holm+. A non. a• a n r ...),,,, tooal t.n. han.....V.• I Prins sod of the aulwtrata Of muscles sod lutenumenta.the 'flow room I. I.sato.l to ttoo.noowt ....toed vo .1 1...1 it........ I pr.,.... and the ettowt sill the game. It Is U,lllll the rklu, pop!! in the ett/ .Al 4 son alatot.•l &or a ll otttu.. ../.1 1.. o toe muw-olar more. aullthe gland, that the Tn....idler/tn. . ban, MU., sod loonnoso,V. I Mo.. .r J, .1.. r, ta I. u s lel Ito 1. ot• /tev olle own. and in all affections, and injury of o ..1, 1 . Ran ao. the w.valo. r e.0.m.. :told /to Carve wyd,..rrhY••=s nu.. St the Minch. , oft Powaetwoon .1.11 on tin trot or I, hroar, I , a anno.V.— lon, 147 1: um .No w Fork. and ll the prtudpal mereb. Ewen, a . t, . 1 ,...,,, ,nu and. drttgattote thrum:bout the Lulteol Stales sod Fate BIT 1 d. 13:111, 1,-4 0R SALE, OA. Thy., st,.ry Briok ,•-•.T-111--.111 il Ma , . C . Tar for hale by N ' DFRBRIISAK 4 I:ltIllItANI ig ' sVt: ' , ' ::, ~.,..' 0 n . „ %..' ", .,..t. ., ' , :' ::,..;;; ' ;,!...,; ` ,1 . ,v1,7.7,,77 ti LACK Tamil.. vELvETS of a very ta rt • Clear a all Ittratuhrattoov.. awl tine itodl.tatable. . rrnor quality.. tovitsmo' wear tabs hod st He st AMA/ t/. ;‘, 11.1.11 M 1.1..1t1 . • MUILIMI'I BURCHFIELD, jaTallue Isl Loh,/ •n.+ t. I tall: N. E. sew. Fourth and Market ant . . rLET, a four 4torr s pu,•lling . , Slat, 7.f. L : I 1 1 ENE GAUZE FLANNELS—Murphy k. "...,,,,. , „„„„ , ...n. ttst tostures. and to to '`' , :l o Butebbelol have . 1 . 15.1 Rh 1111M , 11.111 , 13t Or show• goods ovn. 339 Third rend. ..,;;,I_ ~ :, ..A. FA‘.,A,. Welsh, omit domestic dot also. Whle Flannels luny:ln. at CO Al %ter atm/4 lallt ' UPEIL I'RENCII BLACK CLOTIIS 1. 71Itirph, 4 Iturrbfeld Anton twon-tal attontlon on OW above department of their business. and tuvlte iwnsans a-sotto,: elowls of any dtwerstotion'tu SF/nth...rah before porel./../.. Alti A ''. lt }Atm 11 , 1;GE, Du. leL.t.NE's (KU:MUTED. V I. Amu far ask tm .1. KIDD & to. ta OA Wrwsl st Arr.: n 10. , T..1:1' P. - t•. Fr, UNITED STATE, • WHOLESALE CLOTHING IVAREHOUSE •S. 'H. HANFORD • OWenmonr• m Ltnn, Nat. '2.a12, 2:4, 2.14 i, anti 255. Pearl Si., N. lorl. Between Yunein wt. and Iturllnn ,11,. nAea 0 , 7 , 1 ”1 . 15 Till 1,40.1,1/ .11 . CLOTHING In the UnlWd anlicln. ofSultcro end Irf 011'1,11,. wt. •,1 • ..". Plain and r .I.43fsn:tine r.f Innd , 1,1 004: not 4,• 1f ILI OKI, a Co. • rOttlitS--9FI 1 - 111/ i.PI i'2l -I SI o.'l II d•rt Ivr, I %,.:.tt 411 di, I • V'n"'"' mudfnr .1. , I, 'fl s: • soNx i - 1 t , Le Am,lent; Iteroltetinp. r, /I . lr , xlflrArnop. F...i HOES---11111 do/. 1,,...1 1',,,,j I.;I ~ , I M., .111.1 , 4.. ..1 tb. Iter..rtnluot of the ~‘i,...tala Lentury: I, J 11. , 1, rl...l'Aulizne. 11. IL Pre....1.1,1 of the Til ~,,, t ,, br marhmen. hornets. wait., Istr.n.r. In 'awn or ernattl,• Wet and dr, hasnlalmadr.[enoka. . borrowed or lent. and 41! land. or ...rail.° prnmtle attended to fur Pander.° at. IdA.K. AFern7 and In onu... Iditt Junet. 4ala FOR BOYS' WEAR. m..r,b, Itorehriol invite the attortlion of lhoor o,r we d ar, to th•ir 1...50t - Mont of them gr, I odaptod fur Lith purpooe. jolq paid fur . Wool by MURPHY k LEX, I'M Liberty et Il SOWN FLA 'NE—Ono ease just re ,wd man meal (nctirren, and tar vale hv i+l.. l • 11121E1'11Y 0 LEE. I / i:: !., :). , , , I:l 6 , , ,ANNr i l i .-4 ,... ]iito. ca .. , 4a l o u ti l 4ani x. a l... nd 1 I:A N K E'fi9sinitie and double hod, steam lt boat. nil, and rt lin.blanket, for min!,. ;ILIA MUILPIIN 0 LEE fr NV EELlS ., —;f6rojcases assorted Tweeds tale' —l "' ''''"), ma''''"`"" - 5ti.;7114 , 1, LEL . ,- - - S U i 3 . l...4:ke—Two (mg Sumac . 1 r sale by I . N ' I ' II:PITY O . LEE. • 1k,2 °LASSES- 7 . Iftydive lads now crop, per 17 11 , "'"'"' ""`""li't,:rtgiiiirutd.. as w..or ~ Ja. b _ . . . FilonAAil..6--8 1, , Nu olio, 6 twist, received . .., oo t .teaser Ilritll , ii..;;V:r,79 , ..4,1, ~..,,,,. ~... INN ' ""..- ...- ---- Ill:AN DIES, 1 INP.;;,iiINS, tC._ k.., " i.:Pit,,q117.,,c.,t inir,141::1L,L"`......, Ott ''o . * • ..' , '"•l7l7ll::k b t?!. b rd n lii , A.- ' P 4"" -A ..., .:i., w-hb.k,. -,„..h....,, I h awl . . d o Jalmic. )r . . ii . 1.14.,. N. E. %1,1.. ''' ''' :7 1' tt r al ' Ar.; r l.^. i ~ 1 1 . 1 41.. Sweet!. 511g.a R d l o n . e. . .10 1:: A r 2Th Wl7 . te. frln'tt''''..'LJß7.:•;al"r'br"rrt"Li . JOII.N PAIMER i:120.. Ott Llbertr rt.d. i poi __ _ •i LALD l;y —Twenj brie and Ofrae:rke INSURANCE Marine, Tire, and Ilderid_Thuisportation Insamnee. Fr If E I mntralm , 0.1 - IhpanV Ni,rtli America, Phil.h.lphia—Chsm• 171.47 ltmilal tato - AM. Asarti JaLauary O. IVIII mat, Insurnom nn buildlna. mat their thi• Lite and airituty; nim on pn.,,a, lit , frFtll4l. %hiPIM, sumen Itnata and uMer riihar tr....tamtntive or on lb. ht4...rt1...CA • Arthur,:. tfl.dir;. Pl - 11, Thrlatan 1'.1.1 , 1,.., .... } 0t...111..1.,11, • J:lin H. N0:4, , ~ , ,,r,l ...mall lo{haal K. Wi . .1,..1,1, 1 ',.., . %A db..l.na WelAh. rAnu4.l ; ruuth. . . Fmnr. Ih.kin4. alutt.l Ln..r.,„ S. A uxtln Allit.t!.. l'l,.rh. 1,, Um.l:.llooen. ,• J....1.N., Wlatt,. rwr _.4pinws.ll. ~ ; :in... N. 111ek....,, . .1,01. NI. 11 ,, ..,.., , Mon, II tr,ll. IP 11. :zherntel j r J. Th l,l, t,,ldcg InsztrA nee o.la. to Mel ed tlta.s, and fron itthl,...l‘ . 1 .a3.1in--. lons , •,..ii.stre, ample ammo, and rirt,,,l,e, all rt,O. c.l an • erns he..zardi.t. clutrueter. It tus, t. , ~,. ., ,r 3.1 3s -0,11 • wraolp ~.ertgitr to the tattle. IV ‘ I ' LLIASI P..ll , Sti. Air.. 4 13:,, N 4.111 tonal stta.t. American Life and , Itealth Insurance Co. • • or .11111.0.11ELl'IlLI. ii.l)lL- L. TOWLE', • hall st,nbc , t , 'anithfiel4- 1`..,111et• an 9nin r.ll iula9ttattir:.ntat+g chtgkio...: at I== Delaware Autual Safety Irorartee Ca. )l e T a l , _ \ l• 6 l .: lN i N i y , 111 , 11 ,4 1 ,. ?..tv i Nf b .I . )F THE EX `The fol!tt. too etetenteut of the Atfetre of the totrerater, geltt h g i ta lhatt On Marine: L old Intend Iti‘he ...... r 02,600.34 • 5.340.1if.2.111 Emmett Perini oat. ttorio..T the!yeer attarte ea 31arine Or Fire r. thrren, the ...am: hod I islem , t , 1nme...511.1.7.14 Fire Lcwvn ..........:............. Vim'nd tons Pri . ..114 AR tte-htuvue , .. ACcu Expecz.e. Rcut.reluric.,:itanuncr, The A:tett r 1 the (.11ht.t $ 4 714_, Hotel, 31t,r,rae.. rahl ~ 4 , 4.4 hehte Sr.t.te.e) nitttl g her rrht Anth.2.s IMX=M • 11,111.00 Chiladrrarity,:ix •• 15.M.M.00 1.1 khan, Pecatv.,lvntlia Nrijl,l4,l Company...-. SSO/00 T) t 11;i4.1, 4.110.03 . ..... 5u a.I 31altattnr1 r 3 Lank. 6 1 . 1111.1r111/lAnullievmdeGrauStaga 2 U" t twig. .audry 'Afultul e Conian, 11.11270 rr.t.. 21.1.. Ab . .......... 111,n-t st, Agenlv. ' and ProAeura ' Gr0!:04.64, • • E.W.1 , 1 1 9.1: 6 Korr eth.10.50. The. ..t her.. this day doehtreilattividensl 4, SIX P . l , :ii , ct::or. ~ or. th tlapltol and VIX . CI (TNT, iuT,. end turd Proust- Igrut..l kr above. • r owininu, %Lain, Mtei 11. J.U.Oh won, S.'/.5. .0.1, 5. ‘....411. Sszeu,l Y :Itokes, r. I:. I I J 321114. Tragualt. I• • Ches. Kelly, n. 1...1war.1L. D Itory.eu, G. 11. L.u.r. Jr.. nwoh oo 11.1. i 1,1 MA President. AS II 11,11. Vie. , President. JMEL.II r. !up,. Aet i 116.1,[1 , 1zotr.lbel ,1111. it. t.1.•....0 • ot:•.1., ...Iw,, the,prolits .4 Lb, I. 111.-14,1TEC., . Vahnal rh.tihn hour:art 1'1e0.,1 the Chan, Yet tb/ mei prbbb. of the tr , •.. b nitd in the prmtt.....tn •t Ch. I bunt the Myth., in enril, .4 . Lite 3•-, I hi, bhtl repretentt.l by I•hrint rent. dit ided sum. the Inmund awl ~.chbehb.s, . thhi. •Ihnh tlth .ttnt , tnL in I'. A. IADI.:11:A. State Mutual Fire • Insurance Compiny, . Ilarrislmu-g, Pa. vt.ry p:lttTi ,nua exteitlNl - to to Elm %mount r.I 10 an grit:..." . rlor: ..r In.liare.,lrtritt= the liot • Orr.. 00 - ortn... 1 , ~ 1 , , 10,..• rt-rtion of ...,tieurt.Um i . a rrrr 4 ri. I.o4.overlthifl.om. rr.or I s tir 01,0.0E10, oafery. nod n.. Mb. rerun try. . . ~- ofl' I O. • Clip..tn. FJ • • • k•J•I., Ikasarau, str t, r•r•-• • • J• ••••qt,t,r•• br, mut r:lart. it hut s,titl.•-• t 1..• tu.t.r.•l 'Ow Pn.litm. It I. ntr•••1• - •f Pir,lol , - - Jnhn P. Path,: .nl. J. J. .7•,:n flu levr. •T. Jun.,. .t1.41....1. I Jr: 10:. 0.• PJA,Grt &Jot, , . -J. I. 1•11 . 1f1J:1 , 111:1,,Pn.4.1.uf. A. J. I:11.1.MT, I. 4 ..s.retary.l A. A, A•ll,r. Inho.an will be r-Sti, ut the Western Insurance Company of Pittsbargh. ANTAL ssooooo. R. MILLEII, All hpu.., j, 1.• •1171 , , • Virr nn,l Marin, A I..rne I n•tau..t. - .1 lnr. , an. 1..11 Itc,rArn in Ow 7,t1 nto 11,0,1.1. 1.. Dm , stu.in the emrstil, %Meta lb,' It. • tll Ulm? 0h64!..—ir.• to it. Mill. r:.r.. Mack.. J. W..l3taler. N. 11 tn. 1.1 W. Jarkt.cm, I,tn. 31. Jantett Aulr. ATin. ll'- N.• twar.. of ED.* k ut. • • iutnilT Penn Life Innrance C , mgany, PhiPAel'a A (:E\'4 IN riTTsrxiitcar, 7_ FINNEY, ' l`amphitt... n:L ).‘!nnaation: and blank form.. he 6itir hve, , the benefit of their, Tr j, MY! .•. er44 , ..., the It iv,. of hair debtors., el among • , , . The whole t•mtite•of the Gettp:lity *re tlienttel aiming the hoble, 'life Thekliettotei. ei the par t two el:art:have teen eighty per eut. tetch • • Fire and Maxine Insnranle. riIHE 1.;.51 . 8.A NC E- CO.M PANT •of North . Araerl., avlll mat, prowrly In 1b,.. II ir-lintyi and O. shipmonto by 11 1 ll nal. tI, pro,rtse. of LI& Company arvi...lltni,Jo.l. furnl..is an available fond . lon thoapki.lmb malty p.tlnus ark, to he i.rolvet".l hi in,ane, ii. Agynt. Wot, Delaware Mutual Safety.lnsuranceCamp'y • FY ICE, N ORT i ROOM 01?' 1111.; EN \ Thks.l4,,t. Fmr. property. in 1004 .51.1 ronn ll o,lL. , or dams, b. Gm. at the 10er,..t rale of prcmiruu, Maarst. m., Cargn. ZaYirlic=l;e'',tngjo nononl r- ""'r INLAIttr To 0/A 4TTTATILT.—TII. , he C a Mcn-Imndla. tranarurled by Wa,nr. torn Canal • boat. and Steam boa..,at riven and Olt 1h , m.44.1ib,ral tertna. Ingcvvona--dt..elklt Elmln•J A. John C. Davi,ltota.rl. 11nrInu. /leunn4.. nunuel 1:41”1 1 / 4 li..orge C. Lriprr 140.0 barllnch.o. I:. Davi& Wll- Jtffin br. Is. Si. IluAan. Jam,. C. Maud, Thoophilmi rankllnK, Johll 1710. Eyxv. Jr. In AT l'ar....ut".os—D. T.. Moron. Ilegb John T. Logan. PreAideul. Tim. C.11,1N 1% , 1 1 . .Juar. W. C..aia. I garOrrus of Ow Compa:q. No, 42 Wel, 'tree,- I burgh. (0r:1....111] I'. 51.(1/E111.1, /4,4ent. Franklin Fire Insurance Co. .of 10 riLm 111F:f3TORS: Clorie, W. Bmucker, Geo. nichn.la, Zllirrt- 7h.nlml L . Lerrl. Told. er. Adolf Le. h. Loa rr ~ amtrrl Grua. 6:mid 6: BitAril. ul Jamb IL S 11orri. ratlonort. . CIIALLES F.•CANCISEIL PermirleaL OutuLLal ..D,vnre. ,vortotar:• Thlf Compila, arrisomr unmake in.ararlekpornasoent or Ircorted.ou orror, .Ic..ortirtirra of INVTOtrtY.ill win] r.pd mortar.. xt ram n.rro, emoi•tent eah rcrunts. The e1.,:441, Woo remr.verl Imr, flrt!.lll,Cot toad, whirl, wall tl.oir 1:5o1.: tr.l tool rr,ly iLmerrlml, eurrrlo tb."" n ' The r0r....M...f l'.rarmoTrorr err:rm.:o4, to IL , Arr. it .44 , ' ,2 ‘ =.7 11,4:14, Ural . mi .0 • . t.` . : 71 of nir,lrve..7,s7s..th47 bxe.ln.. ?i111:,, 2 or- Itunds: Tlionsaut tht rrty /12.1,17:17.7 era... of the r.s 117,7 r abilgi , oselda• A: 77 71. oul In, 5. nem, t 11"erot rmi &t sts. THE MIrt:AL liENEFIT LIFE INSUR ANC!. COM :on. 151 :±lsrliet Ecreef...tiOrtrir. VI ~. N. I ' . AccuninlataLuerttn no. di vidoun Irma cont rnolitper annum. 'llao rulnorkber u - 111 rrrnirn ni'vorat'or.4 for Lawman en lire, In the arnro sucoaodul ) not:ranee Crorarnn.l , th.. l . sl . rotas bang ,Innt.nl nononn n di. ao wournl. • WILLIARn I'. JONES. Ainni. X. 111 Front silent. To Southern and Western lierehants. iLtOUSELL'S PEI:1111;M PfIRFIT3TERY. k , The Pa... Tiber np.,Sallr Invitee riaths re to is eatntai eloc •o k of l'erftarrereo.f.oapr.S.havinFth•earal. , to-. to which ..aeven Silver .4 two tio!deu .Reuals ham tvithin the laid viz year.. been awanted by die In :taus of New Tart., tlo.tm. and hang the only Crolden 31tditla eery awarded vian•r to DIM. or in thie rOnntrr. ROCOILL'N 1.7,111,1-1-an . ra.,llo dZSAM. f/1.10415d. Rms. and Auihroeto:.) i.4,..nnovd. to beenperLarte Our . dharilid Cream in tin,. r:urepo. Chard. .we. 17v.eparrnt. and ypeeeaeine 1414 pryp..rpor. , alantanenn , terotennet Anarro.o. ry Ohn•Illo Sem,. • urtarts,Vp..tr tart. etetaehiro. floatimr. ',,ranerarent. 011.0 Od. cinder. ard Extatt.r. rot Trio lit..vrkontio ,-11 4 , Jaatn:n. Mu, e . Jt..v+eltue.Joc4- .ty .1 It..rent rerhannt °.T'on.;:rit.;!'l7l:erle-I.ia %Ler. Eau de:Toilette, Lum en voa t Corietr Coler . ,ors .nr.4 Laren. der ilatere. Parraatein , roe II al . Rears'Oil,Antlque 011. Dandoltne, Eau Idirtral. Cdrlkortlld Pale.o flr nets. and in ',Ad,. and klidoollar.itirr• and Jenny IM Naiades. edrAVIIC Petraurtext--Randonte. EtOr Tooth. Charcoal Dentritke, Ottontlnv.ToothPlatt,andTooth tolde• tiametie Cr.von. Aniandins for e heored hand, (Ad Cream or Redt.x. coon de NM. Lip Fah, happberry Cream. de Depilatory 11..wders. nqnoving enorrfinotte bah, Pearl Powder. Vinalgro de L o up`.nue Vinegar, Vienna Thor I'..toomition. •drotntwidea a tivat. variety of other article, na, unincrona to In Zolllthl id add advertivo ' "‘ 'i n h L e sohmeriler hopes to inalnlaht theroprfn..,.oh vrt:ich lhl.r.tabliddne nt 11:3 arr,tid:rd. dil.ierin". of no,,hDE.i, but fir, rate artlefe, and trill I* . O l e th , w a e h o wi,h oatrordes hint. Cut r wlieleectla crt on le. renannalde terms mai ,ur tatatdi.lreent ha the Ilnitrd Stat.t.w, •-•, • •'7.,AriNit RA7.IN, • Satre,. In and former Wreenn- r. 7 t m 1.440rat0r7 Of 4tnut Mr. Maxlt,' ,,,, Ttrfulnq'y It fur ,41.• 1,,114 41, all the priteltml Druggl.44 In the rottrar?.. • IVIIITE4BEANS--,Ten I.; , 6rrels prime fr . V tale el $1 41/r, butte:l,l,v ' - I(AXE:: XIQ. 33 17,41,,t BLS, TUBES,TUBES--ThellilderEigtked have 'ventral spnial taxminlon from aml ar Itt Mulataghana PATF-NT LAP WELVED IRON TIME COMPANY. fur thn .0. 6.1" Owl], vevy areellentnaprelor 1:01.4.131 and 4441.571.114 S nr nuanlltl.v. Thi.r Tut., arnl4.nal onvy en. tesnivnlv both in EnNlaad and Lb* madman-of KO O or 4444 and void cu1n.1441 , by - WILLI au EIRP a - • • • Iran R Tin Plata 44 Wall 'drat. Manyott. s.7l•etin's One, QV Lon . iaja,..f sat .1.10 /tuba= Meet. Glerlieer. Effl . .