The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, January 25, 1851, Image 2

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.PI7BIASUED HT tilllll3, & CO
J:INFARY 25,1851
- Inegovzsinsr.—ltisdoubtlesS itt.the recollection'
of most, of our readers, that the Leknalature of
• Virginia has pawed a law granting "a char,ter. to
-- . . Company to build a Slack Water Navigadon on
-aloe river, fromFairmont,twhere
: the Ilaltimore and Ohio Raif.road crost , C4 that '
• stream, to the Pennsylvania State line: and thit
,lii. thinact the State has agreed to take three
' fifths of the amount -of stock necessary to corn
plete the work, an neon as the other two-fifths
.. are raised by private enbscriptions. The sum
• necessary to complete the work is about $20 0 ,-
000—leaving $BO,OOO to be i nisad to secure the
old of the State in — the wt. We' ave now t
. fate slack water improvement to Brownsville;
and we believe the companytowning the improve
.; ment are 'willing to complete it to the State
" line; to that all that is necessary to secure, a , 1
steamboat navigation to Fftirmfint. open at nil I
-.. .
seasons of tlie7.ear, is to rsim• n sum sufficient 1,
to secure citedi.arter and fthe three-fifths from l'
- ' the State of Vhinia,_ There is mime danger, 1 '
howcier that, the extremely favorable charter,
r ' . 'ffolia. Virginia will be last unless it is secured
by the requisite private subscriptions itamediL
~ , ately,, as the Convention to Reform the State i
-Constitution. which is now in session , will prob. 1
,Incorprate into the now Constitution a
• clause preventing the Sta id hereafter from sub
scribing to the stock of any Company. If the
tharter. is not secured befiiro the new Constitu
tion Is adopted, it will folkt3 the ground, nod I
the .conditional three-fifth subscription will be 1
" ... lost. ' I '
In order to lay the whole matter properly be
fore the people of. Pittsbuigh, who are deeply
i - -interested in this improvement, a special meet
'ing.of the .11:fiftyl of Trade, are undestand, will be
.' . held this everting, at 'which', time A. J. O'Biszos,
. , F. 54., will be present to plane the whole matter
•••• Inn proper light before our citizens. We trust
' '',• he will have a large audience, and a favorable
. -- !Arming - • .: •
-_; ' , it!. unnecessary for us to. add any thing in
' - :nrelation to the importance Of this work to Pitts
-•• "burgb.. Those who lsow not thing of its get,-
. graphical relations to thin city, lire aware that
it will ppm up to us a very extensive and produc
.. tiv33 . eituntry, and greatly increase our trade and
• commerce with Western Virginia.
• . .
is admirable success which attended the ef- I
Ports Hof the police of Allegheny city in breaking 1 1
up ri4ang of couriterfeitonss and putting them in
way of meeting their just deserts, and also
capprehending depredators; upon the property of
their' neighbors, is a niatter, of sincere gratula • I
The.commission of criminal offences of almost
1 .
every kind, has for some time been alannimay
frequent. Now, however, we may hope fur a
, better state of things. , The present is a time
which calls for a'nevelle administration of justice,
not in the spirit of vindictiveness, but that the
terror of the law may restrain the vicious, wheth
er iri•depredations upon the property of the citi
zees, or in disturbalaces . of the peace.
, It 'iv not for us to dictate to those who have
been chosen to administer justice; hut we may
:be permitted I express our approbation of the
evidently skim determination of the proper uu
.thorities to punil . b crime severely; and we may,
see think, further express the hope that the per
cloning power will be used with great discretion: I
The signing of petitions for pardon iv oftl)
- ratherun not of easy, unreflecting good nature,
than the result of a clearlconvietion of right and ,
ditty. So far a 5 it is what we hove intimated, it
is•wrAng. It inspires hope wherethere ought to
'be none, and it places the executive of the SPlte
in a painfal . diletams, here pre men whom he'
lmows and respect, asOng for what he knows
-he aught not to grant. In g:errai terrns, , we ask
him to he firm. 'and permit the penalty of the
law to be folly dealt out; but inputilcuiar terns,
we' ask the opposite. ',Lt is inconsistent, and
ought not to he. Let us he firm in matterslof
this kind, and we will have little cane to find
' fault-with the Governor.
- ' 1)t. Riddle in Ilia sermon' before the New
England Society, took 4 :occasion to stigmatize
iihnt ore usually known al the "Blue Laws of
Connecticut," ns a eariCature. Bnt within a
' few days the /mom teems of the Commercial
• Journal has undettukento defend the veracity of
the historian through thous ..vre have been en
lightened on that subject. a ,
. .• We had supposed that even here, the distinc
tion between the actual legislation of Conncrtti
• cnt and the famous code alluded to in Dr. Rid
' die's sermon, would he universally 1-e.envaitei.
. . Hut it seems that we Ste supposed too much, 1
. -
nod there is. atlemt, one man f 0 ignorant, as to
coufotml these things, and so 'reckless as to ex-
Pose his ignorance by publication, and try to
' helster it by atipority.
• "',
'The Blue Laws of Connecticut," technically
and familiarly so called, are a suppositions
:code, in which the rigidity and severity of pori
• ttunkeslation; of which De Tocqueville gives 1
spccinfn, are caricatured. very mark in the
mode 'that Washington 'lrving, takes off the
Dutch in his "History of Knickerbocker.' They
Were mitten about the period of the Revolution.
• • • and by a person who espoused the Tory side of
Politics, in that day. The caricature has not
the good humor of Knickerbocker, but ' evinces
. the
. malignity of personal feeling and Wounded
--... • ' Wepresume in New England a man Whoisras
- ' asked to give :his authority for such a sudernent
'. • Os Dr. 11..'s 561111.111 contains, about "the Dine
. . pawn," would feel very much as a New Yorker,
.- ' • to whom "the history of Knickerbocker" was
inoted, as veritable fact. One' of these Yankees
_ • . ,
apeakethas on the point; -How many people
in these United States confidirtly believe that
• • 'the famous code, entitled, .the blue laws of Con
s' • necticist„ ? once had a place =Ong the statutes of .
,thin Colony? Tel oar- ifsthe'rs knew nothing
.ithout them. 'They are O ..ehMr fabrieanon,! for
-- which the world is indebted toy • Peter's hietory I
pfsconnecticut,' the work : of an Episcopal rtles•-
•I)'ssuut of thin colony," (the author is it Conneo
. . ' tient man.) "who, in thebegidning of the ire•-•:,
• ' ]lotion, sided with the en:emiet! of his - counitT,
V' .!spd Sul from the indignation', of his neighbor;
'; to Euglandorhere he employed his time in writ
. ,ing.) , history, ' SCI full ofd gross' falsehoods, that
;the greatest ebaiity can Imagine nothing better
. ' , baits defence, - than to supposelit won not intend
. ed lobe tselieved."—liallb. "Puritans !sod their
principlea,"lntraluctiou, Cage 17. A150....1-Kingn•
... ' . ..ley'a Historical Discourse at the 200thNitniver
. '. , nary of, settlement of lir4s 1.11 : en." ' ..•
: If this "well read" I al editor will persevere
, . !in confounding the earl . Verit.lsble legiAation of
i. '- - 1 Connecticut, with "BM Lairs" he 'lured r ,.(
~., • rquote "De . ibeiruenitlr," Yoe he will fi nd the rode
.. ~. ~itself, from which these extracts are taken. ito
. . .."Barber's ••ilistorical co lectiogs," in the Young
- •
I Men'n Library; - "Historical Collections of Coo
' , neaticut," pagelo.
. .
.Iplsllo, lIUGIIES,
evava CATUOLIC.—BiII4op
to Rome, preached in LOriolo
r' which has been pnblithed,
I lag passages
"In America, as bete, tht
i is looked upon with sus mien!
is, perhaps, to much prejud
but yet the idea of meeting
f'Church with say otherrsr.s,
gamma never enters in 4 p o
1 is there free. , And if iii shoal
, any .one, tlint any •mensurtt
by ,Congress to step the Orogr .
, ,there is not a man of cuiv rth
• I stand up and say, "let tile Ca
I sail tltfnugh the lard, it it c
' I by fair, ormsment—if it canoe
I opt having recourse to the fa
This textituony is creditabl
I op and his country; enl - not
• ,
true. Vat what a.ead etiorm
- , . ~
trreen /hi United States and'
I little chapel for the secular'
I residents and strangers •
: - .I . :But again, compare wl
-4 1
Irith , the following Pam,
~ ttr;h 'Cattotio of last .1
' I from the article Whi ll ClCi l t
,1 oral days since.
- ATM. on r own part, 1
way, to the opening of
hut' we take this opportardty of estiressing
Rim Mc listiond Piaetticenwr.
hearty &Light at ifs suppression. This may be IDi tummies in South Afrira—Progreas of British Ist consequence of the misrepresentations
thought intolerant,lbut when, we Would ask., did Cirilinition.
c c r ,;,,
gr shish
e now - being
, 00 porm aignetl itt bz
which have been eiriculated in- reference to the
The bark Ocean Wave. C a p tain Cu tl e r, ta . - f i a t l in ' t r' r ,, g
we ever profess to be tolerant to error, or to ad
vocate the doctrine that error ought to lie toter-
0, , ~
ated. On the contrary we hate error, we detest
, et tt t
,tht morning, Cape Town. to publish it for the inforann of ail who de
a With our whole homeland smut, and we pray Cape of &mood Hope. December I. The mission- sire to know the truth about it:
that our aversion to it may ever increase. We D ry ship Washington Allston, front Boston. for "The undersigned, members of the thirty ffire
hold it meet, that Within the walls of the Eternal India, sailed from Cape-Town on the l''tli .if No.
e . ',ember. The news from the interior shows tent Congress of the United States, believing that a
Is totisidera le turbulence renewal of sectional controversy upon the sub-
City, no worship abominable to God shoul f d
put;liely adapted; and If e are varr ,i .V :1 1° ' ("
.s, e _ e . . . , y ject of slavery would be both dangerous to the
PrYvniling n . Union and destructivestof its objects, and seeing
ter ens:nits of Truth are,in lutagfr <Wood in tare(, ,. r
~,,,,,,, , , ,
~„ ~„,.1,, in ter Capital of the Chris- incug the diapretabnative sovereignties or tribes,-: no node by which such controversy eau henvoid-
/van Wortl. -
: ,W atol that this fact was causing injury to' the s e t_ ed easel by a strict nilherence to the settlement
dement in different ways. Inc of the frontier
there'd. eft ctrl by the r nano tai Act' i''''.ed
We invite attention to lin article in
PnPets states that. about two hundred lives were at
C'"gres ' " ":"E'r''.-
column, from the Indiana'State Bentinel. as show-
I :i n t o
r uiv o ; - o l . a r t t e io L . d , i , . o l
1 t ., 0 .
o rt f .s o
o i s o t
0. ,d1 at te l m o L.ts is t? ! t r i o , !
t o :l:it:l:their intention to moiniain the said settle- ,
ilost last year, by the collision of different ins age
ins the great impedance a ino.hit.g r'''''."` tribe., and Oita similar'resulm will fallow in sue
our great rail tuna to the West with all pin u c f n:a- ' .
cessme years, if the impetuosity a the 1.-nrnn. .4..1...r.31 '• eat dt the frien - ds ' tf•Wie men!itres,
tile speed; and also as showing the,sprit i n
people be not stopped This. we vupposc. Is ill• and t•• remedy such evils, if any, . time and ex
„Tri, which now animete"6"""l' tens- : tended as a hint for the annexation to Itriti,li "r . '. . '''' ' : m3 de‘e , hl ,' A w n'h , h.c th l
e "r” "
'wising tots re....ontem effective, they Filer sEn '
ing commonwealth.
' The Cape Town Moll giVeY an account of the of President or of Vice President, or of Selor, ,
to., 1..., itr that they will Dot support for the o Tice
i tear—lt PeCMS we were all .
Se.saciTY or Ct- -- -- - proceedings at a seesion of ••Itoer', Itoe,l,• • or As- or of Representative in e.ingre-a, or as me ber :
sembly. One of the mendiers prooreeilid to argue l''' ,. Stith' Legirlatitre, any num. of what ver
at fault about the cause of die scarcity a silver
coins. The source of this difficulty has been against resistance to the English and Queen % ,c- Party, who i.+ not known to be' mposed to the I
discovered at last: and the honor Of the discos- i toria RS impossible_ Ile was interrupted by settletnent nforesaiol. illl.l to the renewal. iu any i
adelphia .
, c h ri im es o f o tzm o t o he i
toit,leieornifnoerzbLrstoornf(...4.e.sri,,,,a.,,,r-n:,,,,r):-, , form, of agitation upon the subje, t of shivery. ' "
cry belong to Mr. 'of phit
county, a locofece, and a member n y the House
with turned out neck and lice!. . WORE FOR THE tEkeON.
of Representatives. In kin prtnimble and re.- Discoveries ore ~„06, ,, ,„,„i regi
'ms hovohd
Wratce /l/ra.hiihr.—Thero are many pe Oil..
lotion (porn in the letter of oiit \ ifurrisburgh what we+ denomniated the Monne, AMong
1- ,, ,r 111.• winter, when. from the mildness a the
correspondent) the great discovery is set forth ' others. travellers hate orrraral front tit Zola
Well may we exclaim, "Poor Pennsylvania!" country. In some places it was fertilemid beau- ri etither, pliwittiting . may lie done. All mei pe- I
, taut with vocetatiou 111,1 hnt• it •• LI sl • 'll -leddd I". mailed of to break up any cry ,
when such blodtheads as this are sent to Make I . ,' ~. .. 4 ' ' '. ' ' e k '." .nit• intru,inhlt , clay., that nay I. intend dto
land was h ouses, with not o tree to b e scan for
her lows and manage her affairs. I miles. The chief food of the inhabitants is milk, be put in spring crop, Ily exp.:M . o to ft ,st+,
when broken up. such lands become greatly in'
nee, and street potatia,
t., !form el. and 10,..- touch of their tenacity 4.f ar- ..
A PuYstotooteat Priontrat,—lt has been ob- 1 - In one place, a party of travelers rainy
served thrsi persons whb have 1.4. , .. limb, or kraal of one of the principal e re aim . .. styled ' le ' ' t "''''''' en -irf worked, i^' , ' e=r r i-'•.'i I°
till. besides Leine rendered better adapted t the
part of one. tire 44. rimes, very .100 troubled Iby the natives En Corson. Here they were ht.,-
With an intolerable itehoigGl ionin times pain, in i nimbly entertained Mr four days Comm. the l' thdth ' i "" a cr"P' But th is meliorsti iin
. neither too wet nor too dry, when ploughed If
the fingers or toes of the extremity whicl, is lust. I chief, rejoiced in the p os se,sian of twenty 5 r,,, , le'lllre• can "nip lie expertral, where the os it is
A cam of this kind lately presented itself to us ! all of whom were daily dismissed to the lal w e. h r , s ,
too wet. the furrows tun, up like .10 many m see '
for advice, which, being a little out of the tom- I of the dela, oxat.pi one favorite Jerk beauty,
at, ern siring on entire season's we king
mon course, we have thought proper to give our ; sec med exempt from this unfeminine era-titration. .
, to disengage then.; if inn dry, the ground breaks
readers. A young man had his hand amputo- ' A cup bearer, too figured at the l'estive board,
Op in indurated lumps, olmosionsusceptible Of re
ditetion to any thing like proper tilth. ;The
red just above the wrist, on account of having it ''reminding the travelers of Pharaoh awl the kings
shittehd by the bursting of-a gun. This hap- .of ancient times—a tall, stalwart native, whose
proper time for breaking up such !nods itowin
pened some two years since , and the deficiency . head was bound with a large shawl, in Orient*,
is supplied by a wooden hand. I stele I ter, ... When seas tolerably moist, when the van
tit, of water i- jivit enough to impart a ple sant
At times he tells us that he has the most Intel- 1 The natives use black earthenwarecuper These ' • '
degree of codirsiven,s to the soil to en. e the
errthleitching lietvFecn these. woollen fingers; in f cups were so beautifully glared, mot of such rat'
''''ct, insupportable, and, to use his own words, I riOun workmanship. that the travelers were cur P l° , ' ° ' - ' hmth i° tarn hi° fu""w slices without difft -
would give a hundred donors for the chance ' prised to find that they were inanufactuml by
Lands ploughed at this season, should be *i
d' giving theta o scratching. At other tinies.he I the natives. pea. ut on angle cif obout forty five degrees, so
has touch pain where the fingers should be, and I The kraal or hut of the chief was surrounded
lis to expnse the greatest surface of the upturn
he eau only obtain relief hy altering their Boni- j for miles with thhse of lux relatives
rd earth rtes action of trust and to form con
lion. When true from the pain or itching, he I About one hundred of these vassal 's were sum
,loan between the farrow- for the free onolfunin
can discover no difference bort - Ml that hand moned upon one occasion and despatched to hunt
and the sound one. He can will the fingers of buffaloes. , tem opted pi-sage ef the water; they should also
the log hand to net Dnd they seem to obey. At Large cops of mealie., sweet p, tat,. ....1 /b" pi 'I".P
times the ends of the fi ngeraare quite numb and .. Caffricorn were men, n, well as humense ° min Ss'i.l.' d'olos --, ore band- should be made
cell ;being partly flexed. , he feels that he has -titles of sugar cane. - - go through the fields in winter grain, examine
Alt expedition of forty vo l oti tcer, trod- the -arr./. ,h ii and isallove all oledrurtions
not the power to extend them. There arc h ,
er phenomena connected with this case, whi 11, ed by the English Crown Prommitor. had und, to the lin.--nes , of water—this..hould be ~lie,, re-
with „those we hove given, would he very difficult plea of stoppingtheincursions oldie •"Bushmen. * P eu", so us t° I n ' y ' tht ' th ll . . e l . ‘ ththbithth a
to account for on physiological plinciples.—lli, invaded the territory of an old Clint,e the idle of venter upon the young plants, valid., always ex- I
Inn ,ilsdical JQa,rnil. the English, Retrial right Lundred of Ins cattle,
en the most unfriendly in fl uence. being frequent i
and several of the Bushmen lavo os cap tives ,It the cause of Whitt is termed winter killing:
Ono day we were siting in company with it • • h. ' t • • . I
i arid acquired him to cede all his .otirlecupied ter- Cround •lircliarced with writer, being more lin-
friend who, a this months before, Haul the tai-- ritory to the Braid., all Venus. he Irad not pc, bl" to hr operat e d ' , IP". 'IIY the Ithithacithg and
fortune to lose his leg. It had hues amputatied rented the incursions of the Ilu,linten The ..4, ''‘ln s l ,e Pnnees of cold and limit. than when
within a few inches of the hip joint. olverriug sots if p,, old chief . di.,onwntea nt iii, nronenti .no,
1 , . nn, the raise
from the muscles of his face that he Was cu r- toga,
. had lied in tYrr"e over the 1t..., II 0, i 0.,, nrnmoi. ,— Thew of evet y hind should
ing pain, we.iliquired about it. He said he as
lust. Pries of considerable nmentlude line. I, • treat • I aith
i e t a , r ,i e ,i, n a l ,„, il attention. lra Worm i sto
according to the Cope T 0,,,.. Mar, In-en shoo; 00- l ' ol . properly ''
subject frequetaly to sadden and very acute it M- er the geoirclphy of the interior of Africa The dos ' po ' s i seltiitherd. well litts C , : re “t il stab r l c e ' s. r s t :fr: ' ,
nations of pain or the Jun of the foot whet!, ad substance of it is. that the grind like before le and rubbing Juan eight and ttrorning, aid water
Lem air rtaltd. We talked over the matter o the Parted discovered in,Soutli s.trica. iilthoogli Co three tinie- a III.), !Ire • great prom o te, of health
time, and amvel Cl . 1.4 v. euncluriot, that th re- ° l, ' , h t ' i o ° l, l , l . " , * ; e, r , i n ers 1 ft 4 ,, :1c 0 r1i ,, r , ' , 7. has lra nay 111.1 /It 11............... the year us suo.ll treiiintetot
mainder of limm•rv. whisk 1 04 ePr!Pe r b se ' Atsed the ouro iif do ' s lake ' a
Asset s:it . : ' lo j i t s ' l t i rt ti: ' e t u t t ° '"J .
r. :sll 0 " :1- .° 1 ' Ora n i t" C ' i l... : : t" tn " '" ,this.
' ti t' tht•
sensation from the to, to, the bnalk, i..1.;4Z all tains crosses the eolith.. and I.c;oild it a eel ' s I .:;;:ttl ' t 0:e a iletc:e: iot :° iti t i t i t . t t ° o r e l i t t t l ti tl ' r I 6°"
1 living and fictive, wits suffering sprite 'Jolene or I "rites e.t,tuni - commence, the stn... nil ..\ iris the °Central portion- of -oh. ash., and
pressure, Cr perhoPa bed fer t nr i a sympathetic flowing to the north. nil 11111111.111,4 to the lime di...ild he,thri, e a etch gilen. 50$ each
relation with the new tle4h which covered the
It is one of these -treatu+. say ' le ucc.rautt tune.
stump, and thus conreyed it senlidion a pain to tout Maraleskatre and his tribe once mat"a rem:' r•soste ~ if ..ri.,1,,,a!, ~,,at. out, ..I. id he
the broih, precisely like that which it was tmigi- v,0,,,,,,. rennet
~h,ce. Thi.
,T,,,, ,.
i,,,,,,,, 6 orthwith felle.l rind h 11.111,1 D. Ile blln ,b. be
y ' ,... „,,`„ wan ' (n , 0bi,,, , a , i., a zolu ,s , "—' ,.. ''' ,7 '," bad ""I'''' ins out. ' fld l "" I '
nally intended to genyey --I'. • Go:et , j
rant, named ehukit, rib near Ite eastern '' "e '''''''
net, south of the latitude sol 2' , Eseaping ox. s ...I -IC I sopply f. or the ”rar lois not
THE UNDYED STATra AND EUROPE. ' from the domination of lir merraleas master I. 1'i,...1t loisra • vein ed. joto h bora sr.l. on& ilio so.
The fitlowing paragraphs:. from a leading tirtis tied with a via 1....1y of hdlieretii- "Ter th. ......./Df hurl it 1113 be Lulled Into thy :$ l -ol Lc
mountains to the northwest. spreading de,. it i fire the l - - et . 1e.... , '" sat oP.a s to {Beasts 1
she in the North Anteriecin, will be road with
don around hilt. as he °rased h.° •etetel t oil the teams.
interest. We like their ledd, generous hate but Hen. i ..
s driven .111 further northword by the $ • ~,,, _i, f . ~„...$ nor e l e i,- • t I sr il
We mold eitilliinilealir lik4III: front thr . P O P." Boers. who, in their tutu were purlicd forv..,td h ' er . i . iffdr ,',,,,,,,, f , ' ff ,,, f ‘ ff `, f „,,,',,, , ,,4', n ,,. ' „
nation a ally physical inlet . ..igen in the alai, by the adVlllleing riNilimli.lll Of OD. f:1101 -h .j,„(: . ''
I '
, 1 D.lti. 1.1.• latter 10.1 k. loest. 1. 6c-t` saves
of Eimer. It might he right , but it woql. not Thus, 3landerkatre. with ht- fer.mious legoms. time. sod i the cheapest i
be prudent. We are a pre. pisiple—the ex ores- I t i o a r i . e l l;:ix o r g et b iri e niiiin o t . i ,, o r t ,
d to ei w ,, t , ir t ,..l , s , tl ‘ s:: ,, c . i , f t o r i , i: : , m , m,
.1,,,,,h1 h,,,
,4011,0g i pionty
saes is DJ lunier ironical—but powerful as hat-
ttwei, ,
. 4 . inht‘ttit l tt „ ,. II ~..
~,,,„f fs. ,„ uffo .,.i f a litter, lie generiowl) -lopt. end receive al ',tat
ther Jimathau rusy he, let Lim not put Ili, foot lie has now tray ass.°l at less t u tioinot oil irate, twenty oil, D 0111111; of cr....1 hat we fodder per this.
into th at sorter. Young, and strong, and rig- from the point lit which his w.itakiritt, comm. re -. be "ilie.h`i labia "":" iil'al. and ree6re, the
self ttitstur. alike rt wool,. t . ....
arson a+ he :nay be. were he rein - scope oitai tried red. at least 1 rinnrr a n century - ac.. , ,
of Sthtill e ro llis in t d ‘ efatigable pursue, dog the steps lescalt out heifer: _•hould receive full "IV
in that quarrel, he would be dragged door.
nein. ond have alresdx begun brute-e- of good loss, be watered and otherielest
A firm and decided expression of our pelt.' les, Ito root Mat from his latest lair in the tehtre oat 1TP11.4 tike nolell r o w-, with the excePtiodect
such on Mr. Webster gave toithe Austrian N Mir- I the continent. The Cope Town ,i/ ra il i ns,rils die the -lops. egad, •hould not lie given to d i em tire)
ter, and the late treaty with HwitMeland. re ell prediction that, before another quarter of n ccus f til :I 1J.....1:1...“ before editor
very grad.; hat i . ey , ,,a4 i v i ,,, , - and g in n er a is, it nary shrill have elap•e .the whole interior nr
• South Africa. to the equator, will be ooccoPola ,
would be unwise to go. We may, howev r, be Iby di - Bisect communities of the Enropeop ore, .
dragged 'int. the struggle in spite of 01 Ft' I and probably under the dionijusin . ef fires[ lint
cautions: but that would he a very di craw I sin Among jhe discoveries in ter new In id of
matter from seeking to embroil ourselves. I promise are irery in considerable quantittes, itirl
onv other orticles of ronimerciol value
At the time .Ithe old French Revolution. nut ' T i ‘e - .., l
.Anglian. Independent, :and Bonn:4 (der
ardent but indiscreet patriots were ansi .as to a It...published a declaration protestiog s
moke common cause with the French : at il no- r.ninnt the control assumed by the State VII this .
thing but the firmness:of Washington say. 1 the goternnient of the church,. The Episraipal f
country. We have seen long since that it mould de''*', while rquolintigtig the control 01 the -,
calor govcniment, make no objection to rect•ivinc
have been a ruinous step, in
. Let us ebroi our- ~ , , ,
aries rom t _ ,
toe, sal am envernmout The Bap
.selre, now. tind before we knew "bet , tY are , i tist and Independent IlliDiq:D's ttjeel alikr the
y find we may - our Selves the nllies of onoth Na- control and wages of the ,State..-fni , t, r-,,,. •
poloon. , I e r , loith.
American democracy and European del
cy are very different things. licn i: is •
established principle. rendering a calm obe
to law ; there it is the wild phreniy of a c
who has just broke loose from his keepers.
use he will niche of his liberty is yet to I,
lie doer flint know himself Should the d
governments of Europe be overthrownss
ple will God themselves lo tranwoolr,
eetubtmhed state ; and all the democrar.
-yet is of that kind. No doubt, in time t
settle down under free institutions 9i
ours ; but has not done so yet, an. ,
DM likely ;V) do so for a long time to cord
Nothing is more certain than that' ill r
pie of this country are bound to stand
will stand by the cause of popular liberty, ;
all it, foes. whenever and -wherever the'
the power to do sa. • That cause is their
and however they may adhere to their en
cd policy of avoiding entangling allintic,
refusing to meddle with the. intestine a;1
foreign nations, the lute of self-interest o!
defence will require, as it will justify, tl
terposition in all cases affecting the seen
the principle on which thiiritistitutions r
threatening their rights of Wide and cool
They cannot permit themselves to be e
from the theatre of Europe, however'un
their presence may be to the adherents oi
rancy end the claims of royal ruler, Th
already asserted the right in the rase of
I ry and they hove laughed, es it hecam!
to laugh, at the idle remonstrances of Au
They will synipatuite with every peopl
who struggle to shake off the yoke of se
and they will, recognize every newly Ii
gnvernment which how the ability to
.ihelf-iyitnlependeneifigninei its form,
ten. !. -
' In the ease of the Helvetic Republic, 0 y have
a direct and Peculiar interest in seeing i uphold
its nationality and freedom i and they I tee the
, .
*we right to league with it, if nikessar , forks
defence, as the Kings ' have to unite r their
=hull proteetion against foreign ;tures ors., It
would be monstrous to suppose they c old be
hold with indifference a combination poten
tates to destidy th a t :ancient republic, b move it
is a repubiic,l and because the latter are : olved
that republican feeling' shall ho
,loni,•r exist
where they have the power to Rut ittlo,wl. Such
, 1
a comidniithot would be nothing short o a coati
'Jinn, virtually, against the United States; nod wo
betide our: royal friendilwlten they shal l embark
Upon Such a desperate adventure. TI • great
of the West, however, has mat t ap that
point—out there is not a statesman in Rump
who does not now .tinderstand it—at ash h it is
incapable of being endangered, while it i. capable
of being dangerous. Power is always r pected.
Auturia may remonstrate, and other Sta es may
little relish our interference; but the me has
come when the voice of the American got remota
can make itself Leant in Europe, even when
speaking, of lioroptoin affair:,
We snake these reniark• in the strong permit
! slot, that the danger of Switzerland ha passed
away,—howe,ver menneing may seem to be the
condition of things around it, and that it owes
its safety to the spirited art and wino p notion
of General Taylor's government in se ding a
diplomatic agent thither to negotiate a eat) of
alliance end vsmmerce with the countr •Men of
Tell and the descendants of the heroes of 'ranson.
and Mont. - This was, as we .say, the r a t re
cognition by the United States of their it der sis
ter of the Alps; and it wan a 'rely meanin g
. , and important OM sad was so . undo, oo d ant
only by the Swiss authorities, hut b the Bur
-1 rounding governments. No tneaatrx et nit have
been better timed, or fraught with beg ire cmt
ocyuFnces 10 the interests of Swifter and. It
placed the American republic by her ide, and
1 betwl
and those who would mak. hertheir
prey) .It Placed the funny there in an eipation
, of the day Of :evil designs, of which the St-cation
is . net "uow . .; likely .to be attempted ion light
ground. i Fririthat moment the idea o • a com
'. binatiotr.aniong', the grrt powers a hest th.
Itchitir repeblic has involed the p it of n
; complication with the United Slates, which it i.
neither the poliej.nor tbc interest of th re pow
ere t , provoke. By that act . or 'wise di loritax7,
in fact, Switterland has been prote from •
certain danger, and the United States acts' .
their proper - Position among the civiliT powc -
on t e stage Of Europe. •
, ANT/ Tilt l'irrq
gtiels, on his ri,ute
His dm.,
ntaitel the tnloa
Catholic Churcli
and dread. 'Bare
co . there, an hem,
this ilOtegonintie
'than far open or.,
, oiled naind.. All
lld be ouggcatO by
should be taken
nap, of our religion.
'ijion that would not,
'atholic religion "pro
, t atuot be arre,te.l
tit be Atnivell with
.rce uf Lor."
to'both the Bit.
zing cnn be More
t is pretristeil be
-Rome, where ono
atiou of American
ot he tolemtett:
i tshop ItuOim onyn
from the
It. ctiruct
iahed in p3rt %cr..
ar alluded, in any
°tee. tint Chapati
Thu Loglith Journals ale blind ugh experimentsor
togh I.n. nu. and acme that lair 'mantel . ..l 1 , 0 ,
tit..nly n u'iaed hy p..!, while
th. p nieel c,,001,0.,. of 1.11.i111111. 1,-at.
''ll6l Lhe ail ll ,00 oi Wen lento. atqne, Wl4 ,
oftote , ar0t.1.1,11 e,ary IMO NI woo I
of lioxl it d wily ma woh u.•? ' loan it not been piuved
Lq•ti-lou 101 l of manor. vett thorough
eel hem, can I,e rcietsed even with i
ii , s: ietation of crop, than by the ordinary Our .
mule it
In , me 11•/1111,• noise. from past experience what I
mild 'IC the re-ult of loupe, commons tile exhantling
1). , tiler not trine , that ins u.O
tarn, o d Vuginia are worn u that tee wheat
V 1,1,1 1).,.41 IF 11/0 01t... per a what it wan FO
, ye , heat ol New
V. IL 0.11 more that. tilleen h 'hells per anre We
' have tom iat,eu that 14..10h u ' mann, 1,01 Menem', I/1/.11 , 10 wheat let acre; that Alice I
Kiddle•on, 01 Croaawieka, N. J , and many olturl,
Labe cite Innolnd sod 'twenty tour htrahek
libelled earn per a sre, a Al indeed Mal all who pursue !
high larnong air/V(4'lf ore render ton their land morn ,
lor crops
We are wed
Ol hearing there Who have mullet I
Wedhvo tin al.d irath, 01 high lan.* a.
rl pin 100 n .11 " 7 bore who hat, tried I
it know belief; Mei:l,oo.d prtilita are always many
rinv6ol,ll 101 101
11 he execs, txprfows
A m„ ula ;liner Whu femme, ono huadred horse
TILE COAL TRADE OF WEST PENNSYLVANIA, I w o h.a muen,ael y, nugld as well do
n bypower lO
AND NEW MODE OP TRANSPORTATION. ni tit:rotten ee1 . ..4h to perm. the whole labor m•i
, wedid ming the swain engine,. fora farmer at
Nln. Whirr.—The coal trade a E.t..,” ;thin dad ‘,„ , 4
e. apptmd tO
Sylvania is undoubtedly very large. and we have I
bb , agriculture
very full ntatisties tn itt utroolut and Val. We hav e isited many Carats dungthe last three
Val.. We
The trade in Blinn - doom l'oul in Went Ponnarl- 11,- etrun eat comumenta or the ..101 and
vania in also very large and is certinually lb. wv ‘'t ,ll ry 1 . 1 a•.,,rt Thal to everyeau; the improv
al wit!, 01 :ail, 'IWo acre. would have paid alll
creasing, but it is a matter afregret that we have !
DO statistics of ill amount, value. or mutual j ahoutd he d, or every termer who has an
increase.anal !fait minuet her roll, and :cads the Working F tr.
, met ottenovely.,tairepable wolf., the advice ninny
. . _ •
...I'M: HOWARD , : u tole founded %In no Ity
D. 11. Barlow, A. M.
by fiety s Buck. - ivritteu
designed equiebilly to mhow the iiriitiriety
cool utility of Life Iti.ininee.
10t nn
"JosEehisc: or the Edict two) the Eo,ti.e.
By Once Awhilhr: nothor v.tritotq hilt.. well
IchotetX the public. For eelLe II Nl;oer
r will
filar to
she i
Laet,year for the tint time Ile shipment of We shouid be glad lo pub
this coal eastward by the canal became tailor th e E t g hsit arheies en the .0,w, , e e , el this
taut in amount, and there is n over; strong prob. o.wie thee Ate to tuned up with itotocal.pali
ability that it will annually inere,ve Already, tie, of tile day, in etroch our readers tattoo interest,
I observe, in your paper an wl4itisement for casino b use ‘1"W1 we cao e
last teal. bred ap iece Of ground in our own
twenty eve thousand tons for the Gun WOrk± ill
philadophia,•alonefour „rata pero L ist heiatitiorthsal, which wa s worn out, altd had refused
at Nar wrmter mado-sa-notlysts of the sod,
sbel would bring over twenty tivegthow-and d.d. and rota, t t .a„, of ,al„,,rra, V bw p n alFo t
h., to
tars to be expended among one people. cool dig d o.wash, and amoomcal matter We mshured
gees, and othya-s. tir s plow with g compost pommy one , dollarand thu-
But it is down the river trade wide], ie becont• ry cam Mho per acre, The. t Morsel and slain tree
ing rapidly so imporbad a source of wealth-to "ttPl',,,:" n ., of iroct , ..P t t
the miuntry around this city. Wt.-have no mean, • rb7
of ascertaining the precise amount of this has du„ a
sineSs,•nor its probable increase annually, but it crop of corn standing on tlhts land wllicb_venl yield
is undoubtedly very large. The books of the rerNiety more than Mabel, shelled ' son acre;
Monongahela Improvement show a large increase I sad alter meanuting; wetirme to be hble to report a
in the amoinit of coal sent from the country a. 111,11 larger crop. and think ti lt , aeglimit the proper
bore the first dam preparallon ill the ground by sithadti plowing, the.,
1.4 ooir 04,1 11011. We Kribie our readers iti visit
The mode of sending the . gold t., markets he •or -
low is certainly very defective unit
The placing ten or twelve,quo:sued bushels to
trail boats whose structure will bear no compari
son with an egg shell in strength is too unsafe
to he permanently relied 01,011. Some new plan
must tat adopted and I WI. g r atified a fel./ days
mince; while sunning along the Allegheny `river,
below Craig's Sa* Mills to learn that Li new
Made had been adopted. end tried with cheering
promise of greater s'afety, greater econiltily nod
greater regularity of supply.
Finding fifteen or twenty men very !lam; at
work upon eiitoe tell or a dozen large flat hoots,
to quite so largo as the largest of those hereto
' fore timed, but much stouter and more substan
tial.— I led to inquire for what purpose.
they were built, and was told that lust fall.
Messrs. Hugh Smith and Son hod' built, dozen
similar boats to take coal to Cincinnati. Alan
that they had bought the Stearn boat Lake Era,
fora tow boat. That they put about five thou
sand bushels in each bout, that the Lake Erie
took four of these lanais in tow, and run down to
Cincinnati, left them there,And caw, back nod
took hair others down and lilt them, hod totted
back the four first which had ha the mean time
been unloaded, and tbmi the business was kept
moving. The take Erie in addition to her own
four empty boats, was able to tow back other
boats, and in that way nearly to defray expen
ses. ' These new boats drawsome two feet lees
water than the old broad horns undlcourse can
run at a lower stage of water;and keep up a more
-regular suPply of cool at Cincinnati. Under the
old system the baits which cost about two hun
dred and fifty dollars each, a dead' loss.
These new stout boatp•will last five or sit yeafs.
no that the padre saving in the cost of boats af
fords n large profit.
The boots now building on Nelson's or Smo
ky Islam! are considerably larger than Mr.
Smith's, and will carry MUM coal' Oft the depth
of W ater. The Cincinnati Company that owns
them, I ,wm told. are building a.stout tow bunt nt
Vcw An.oY, Indiana. I wish them abundant
it'erould be a pleasant rind. Interesting walk to
By the way, Mr. White, I will ,ay,to you that
I u'V'n "h3blicd
Two iron war nteompthip., of 560 10140 e34:11
are being built in England, to .rv-open ,t team et , ro
punlentions from Lubec to Et. Petersburg.
Brn , fir.l .114 re, —Trout there as we OtITUICCI
art maul h.
From thr ,aracr
time. The evening shade,
Sivalv with a vat man,'
o'er nature, as a thollight of Leaven
Shalt the human FRU':
.lint every ray from yonder blur.
And every drop of lulling dew,
Seems to bring db.] to human dues
From 'leaven a nicpPage of repine.
yon hall took the to.lemst
A shuiluwy 4irtionc,
Like gentle nun,. in r orrnv hoVCed
a ' ronml• their holy •brine
Anil o'er them' now the night WIII6 i
1111111 ,till, the toni:ig low
iterin. yob, 1,1 priy,
See,. the iny
son echor4 un
the evening 'air.
ineenve troto the enoth,
awn,' a vr.t.
tomed :
oice, the 11,1VC low hymn
oiler of . seraphitn,
ticousand lakes raise .
VrorAtip, love, and praise.
mi,t. lily
it-i4e to a
Atid o er der
The' lI,Iy.
The tnrr(llt
:seem the Tar
And nil term •
Their song o
terh.d of Ilnarr4
The title
Or lovely epee,
•h tremblinf I.!are of dew
~ly -Ides ;
FIAT. , collie out shove
thhip of love,
hi the eternia dome
viril home.
'Bend IoW t
Or gaze throt
in the
And lite pure,
Like "witres It
To g uide the
I CU of I,lc.Nedne , n
earth and beavon.
, earn the 1..1e,,50 iota;
toinit forgiven ;
There s o
In lair, mu
And unt s tre
016 y 0. .,
M who, ht
ch un hour of love
1 .11 around, above.
Curl Iffl.e on
And not kne.
With. Nature.
down upon the rod
oelf to worship God:
FIBS IN PRILADELPELL . Tan fbcooora Casa —OM-Washington corres. per steamer
Destructire Fire in Markt/ eireei— Several per - pondcni wroes•.— , A and Rehab- by ' J. d It. FLO ..,1D .
' rr ALLOW—Z brls re e d Arena
!went Char& stenalnr.
sOftl injured.—Last evening, about half past eight
"The Bemetary of Slate has had several due:fines. !•,,„,1,-„, ~,,,,!...
,o'clodk, a tire broke out in the.lorge produce del lat e ly ...„„ t r„, tty,„,„ Minister, who ti is said, di,- . I-tsPam B, ll.-88 casks Duncan's pure Potash.
pot of Acheson, Rummell & Cit., No. 378 Mark- a r ea , „,„,. kn0 ,„,,d,,, of th e eth ,,,,,,t oc h rumor as. far nue fi l , „ 2 , :, . , ~,, h. ph oT ß ._____ .
et street, aboVe Tenth, which completely dm, serfs Mr Chatfield ham taken in apparent humility 10 , d i.A K IMITATION—:Paper Hanging in ha--
s trayed that extensive establi,hmeut, - ~il-•lite S ., spilt end, wording of the ante dealt', with awl! I \ , 11, L.ti. ,,, f Oak. and, f oe m u. h, .
11- . EF•D SUL: A RS--2tCitxn d. rrrd large loaf
. • d Broom It i• reris in t bet Mr Chatfield, condor. ail • \ _ _
... NI% D. mARRIAL as Weed AR._
way through-to Hunter street. There war said ,
to ~.., oo im000; ,,, 4 ,,„„ C i ty, of flow and „ tit , aome has In en stranvely at yortance with dae . openpro ,
hoetion• of not sloth:Sir Henry Buttner:hot of Lord rats
... 10l taqs man kat
produce in the; place, and the los, tiAlst hove o'er-doe; and this carom-treat cannct he satienactortly : \ ...70 do crositoth
been heavy. , Nett even the books,wore res'eue.l. I captained tnA inn, by the recall re the obnoxious agent, •
' 7l r NaTirertn store sad
The liquor store oral dwelling-of James Grier, The whets 'natter as tor to England is coaceraed, : for sale: by JX S .- A. INTFIII,ON aCO
'adjoining, on the was in itunduent danger , rent-midi, tine attitude of a boatman looking me way ! i.2S . • az. Fr. Lortit surer Rental.
and sustained Some &mare. Nit"-- Griev. died i and polling nnioner Teresolution of inquiry by ;CI PLF,NaII NEW PIANOS—
the and '''''''a.o wed taolwhlY have the al,Teat 4 Inating•n ! n 11: K L Alt r.r. talon pleasure in
ad to tk te appnrently duo finest policy. If England to:amine that he h.. ,ord ~,,,,...,, ~ L o i.
eorpse had to be removed 1,0 3 noose . hunter , ,
t ' enb at Intend • to carry not the maims, of the treaty, . ria., Pismo of tin. r
mate of
it 0. time Or cave mime indications other than lwee,
nn hear! ti... „,.., trA th af:d . 14 , 7 . 31 ,.... w ,. . 1.7..1
whitib ,;,,,... .e , it ire h i tot ,he7 .
11 , r , c a e o t, ,
th at , tl r za m r . . ,,,,, Lh e, c , d . is m i y ees t :s e li p f ,,, t ; ii i e ,, f e a d mily,
live in !hot micro. , cror ,seem In this city.
OnAlie East. the depot was seporittml by on "Mr. Scram. the late eccentoc Charge to Central ' Am,e,other, one rplenentj octave datable sacred Plano.
alley from a frame, building, N 0.385:. net Opted by Am- iv, .1, ~. hi- re."--)Pa Eng I beats s e a l' rill, ottb ths riew trarroventent of the over
...he lat...t and oust itnoortaat impenveortent, b
E. Lye. limb Doctor. A portion of the side and • fou..ll mil oa h ! :, , - ,.. uA1l Ctark . s PAnoe. Allo, two euperb
hack mull of file depot fell I:cross the alley, ' FLORIDA. U. S Srsa - ron ELECTED.—Tite Wash- ! '?:,V,±Ar..xt,a4.e. 10,4 New mask, call:trade. Jeans
cru.shingln the house of Dr. Lye. henry Lye, ! inatoo.Sonthern Press of ye,te , dav bus a e ''F'' neh !!
' ' ' '' '. .i . "° •_ ',' i l il \t l T ' l. r 7i ' Llin l'Ed rtigTnt:i
dated the 19. h inntant, which ''''' Root. io'...trnal.Cbronicie. and I),,ateb. ro, 3
. a son of the Doctor, who was assisting to remove i f„ ) ,, 1 .„ 0 ,,, i; ,,,,, ;
I his father's things, was caught under the ruins, I ,ott.; _ _ ___
• and would have lietial killed, but fur a bed that I
, Mr. Mallory; democ ra t, et Key West, era, elected
I protected hint. , an Wednenday lust
democrats. U. S. Seimier, over
1, Mr. Yale e, by
t To.g Lye had to be literally cut nod sawed ~ „ „ 0 „,,,,„„ 0nt , 0 „ . „ r ~,v , „, ~,,,,b , ,h , d .,„,,,,, i ,
, out. The most conspienbus ntnong thq.por.. ,,
engagetEin !laving him were. John Layer and S. :
Neff, of the 3torshars police, of Nluyasnensing, I,
I and Lt. Wm. :curt of the Nlarsliol's police of the
' Northern Libertie.. Officer John Layer drag g ed
Lye from his peril ms situation. and he tons tor
tunotely found to . unhurt. Officer Layer es
pecially domino.. led himself by his noble and
I pra iseworthy coed at. .
Mr. Wm._ Hale, ailor, No, 878 Marketstreet,!
who came rohada ily to assist in extinguishing
the flanwo. Was Cr shed by the rear wall. the
was!dreadfully tits internally. The firemen and
police darried LI,. '.., the house of the Dilligent
Engine, corner :, ...nth and Filbert streets,
whior be was attended by Dr. ft S. Brooks and
other physicians. It was thought that' he could
not posailily survive. -
Mr. Thomas Wardle, dentist, Tenth si., near
Vine, Who was on Mr. Lye's house, had one of
his legs broken. He was conveyed to his resi
dence by some of die Marshall's police frutu',eity
and Spring Garden. Several firemen, we regret
to say, were injured, yet none of them, we are ,
glad to state, were seriously hurt. .
When the walls of the depot Fell, myriads of
sparks were scattered over the house tops for
nAtuare4. The roof, were luckily wet, or many
1 . i them must bora:tat:ell fire.- Tito surrounding
properties were saved by the powerful exertions
! of the firemen, aided by the occupants of houses,
who adopted the precaution of wetting theirrnof,.
! l'ollee Marshal Keyser, with a large body of
I his ullicera, was promptly on the ground; •01.1
I rendered the most efficient service in the pr,er
vation and plotection of propmty. The City
I Night Police, under Captains Wearer, Louden
I singer, lionfsell. and Fox, were also present in
strong numbers. oath worked vigorously and faith
fully in removing, saving, and guarding property.
The fire first appeared to proceed from the sec.
I ond story Of the depot, front. The-whole build-
I ing was very coon enveloped, and its contents in
, volved in devastation.
A report prevailrilim the ground that a teem
; tier of the tiotel Engine wan After
diligml inquiry, we were unable to imeertnin
whether such was the fart or not. TIM reem
j W the company. at a late hour, hoil- not
learned poiUtiveiy whether the'rumor was true
or false The general impression cue that the
report no- not eorreet.—North Amer.
L.:111,V RE or Kr smear —•A Lill has been
introduced into the Legislature of Kentucky, to
take the sense of the peeple of the Fltate respect
ing sule.eriptieut the Louisville andlle
nitre, 1. It is the tirst proposition tusdet the
new Otzt.itutcoo for'no apprupriatiots by popu
lar tote. A bill was passed by the Home pro-
Titling' that bills or notes felling due on the
Fourth of July, Christmas. or Thanksgiving Day,
shall be considered due on the nocaeeding day, and
that a note at four months shall ruts for 120
days before the days of grime.
OHIO-THE I.ANV ur 13exan —The quantity of
wheat which Utile raised in 1140 is set down at
atsty sof/tees e . f.'mahrls—zin ',Mount hIIfECIPIIt to
supply not only all the wants of that State, bout
leave n surplus of eighteen millions of bimhels.
The consumption of each individual is about nix
bushels annually Ohio has about two millions
of inhatitants ; consteptently twelve millions 'of
lint-bell are enough. foy the comturaptien of the
State. Allowing the price of FfVOll/N live cents
per tiuhel, end thy overplus is worth Over thi
teen iniltion4 of dollar:. lu lidditimi to this,
the corn .1,4 i ri " , ~11.1 to one hundred lei.hels
to each person in the State. The surplus of
these two article, is equal in value to twenty
tire. million of dollars. Thin shoos whet tuxes
riaultuarl State wftb fertile Intel tau do, when
its ruler is not diverted into unprofitable chan
nels, or interfered with by bad goverument.
On the of May: 11130, on the day nn which
Prince Charles—afterword Charles ll.—was
born. a bright star appeared, nhd shone the
whale day. .In U,sli, the plain. nn the forerun
ner of the troubles which were to follow. appear
ed in London. and raged with great seventy.—
"Upon Sunday the 21st October, 1638, in the
parish church of Wydeenmhr. near the Dart
moorli In lievonshire. there fell euddcmk, in
time of divine service. n strange darkness. MO
that the people there assembled could not oVe
and as suddenly. in 'n fearful and -lamentable
manner, a mighty - thundering was heard, the
rattling thereof did much answer the mum) of
many great cannons• Heil terribly strange light
niniox, therewith greatly :marling those that
heard and new it; the darkness increasing more
nod mom, till rui man could see his neighbor, 00
black as midnight was the darkness. Then the
extraordinary lightning came into the church, en
Claming. that the whole church was presently til
led with fire and smoke, din smell whereof was
very loathsotne, much like unto the scent of
brimstone, which r a n atfrightol the congregation,
that the most part of them fell down into their'
seats. and stone upon their knees, some on their
faces; and some upon one another, with a great
cry of burning and scolding, they all giving
themselves up for dead. supposing the last judg
ment day was come, and that they had been in
the very flames of hell.
I °The minister of the parish. Master George
Lyda, being in the pulpit, or seat where prayers
tare read, however he might be much astonished
thereat,. yet through Onits mercy had nn other
harm at all in his body bat to his much grief
and amazement beheld afterwards the lamentable-
I accidents whereiudo he giveth this testinniny.—
And although himself wim not touched, yet the?
lightning seized upon his poor wife ; fired her ruff ;
and linen next her hod,, and her clothes, to the I
. .
Miming of many parts of her body in a very pHi- 1
fill manner. And one
,Alistress Endued, sitting 1
in .the pew with master Lyde's wife, was also,
much scalded; but the maid and child sitting at'
the .pew &toe, had no harm Another wouton„
adventuring to run out of the church, had her;
clothes set on Ere, and was not only strangely
horned and scorched. but hod her flesh torn
about her . back almost to the very 'hones An.
tither woman bather flesh so torn, and her body
so grievluusly burned. Abet she died. One Mns- 1
ter Hill, a gentleman of goal account in the
parish, gutting in his seat by the chancel. had 1
hi, head suddenly smitten against the wall, •
through the violence whereof he died, no other
hurt be ng, found about s his body ; hut hie son,
sitting i i the wino sent, had no halm, nor sow !
his filth r when he was hurt, thii by reason of 1
the dargness. There was also a man who was
warrem l er unto Sirilliehard Reynolds; his bead ;
Wes DID en. his skull rent into three pieces. and 1
his bin ns thrown upon the ground scooped out ;
whole; and the, hair of his bead, through the ;
riotence of the blow at first given hint, did stick
fast unto the pillar or wall of the church, and in 1
the place n deep bruise into the wall, as if it ,
were shut against with a cannon or bullet.— I
;Many alter persons were then blasted and burnt, 1
and so greviously scalded and wounded, that 1
since that time they hare died thereof.
lAnd ns all this hurt was done upon the boil. i
le9 of men and-women, so the hurt also that was
then dune unto the church WWI remarkable.— i
There were some XVIII iu the ty of the church
turned upside down, and yet ttthich sate up
outhem had little or no hurt Also a boy Hit
ting on a sent had his hat on, and neardhe ODD !
half thereof won rut .olf. and he had no hurt.,
And one man going out at the chancel door, a
dog running out before him, was whirled about
towards the door, and fell down stark dead. Also
the church itself was much torn and defaced;
and a beton rd..., was burst in the midst, and fell
down between the minister and clerlq • and hurt
neither: and a weighty great stone near the foun
dation of the church was torn out end motored.
and the steeple itself was much rent. And
where the church was much rent there wa...Clistst
huit done unto the people; and not any one was
hurt by the falling of wood or stone, hut n maid
of 31anoton, which came thither to MCC some
friends: whom - Master Frynd, the coroner. by
ciicummtnuem supposed she was killed with a
stone. .
There were also stones.thrown from the tower,
and carried a great distance from the chnrch, ;
as thick sq if a hundred men had been • th&c
throwing: and a number of them such weight
nod bigness, that the strongest man cannot lift I
them. Also, one pinnacle of the tower wras torn
down, ankbroke through into the church. The ;
terrible lightning having passed, all the people'
being in a maw, no that they spoke not one word.
By. and by one Master Ralph .flotn.e steed up,
and saying these words, "Neighbors nod friends,
in the name of God, shall we teoture out of the
church!" "If is best to make auf.Ml of prayers
—for it wore Letter to die here Ginn in another
place:" but they looking ninon them, and seeing
the church terribly rent and torn, thirst not pro
ceed in their public devotions, Lut went forth of
the church. And no all this was done within
dm church, and tuttothe church, se without the
church there fill such store of hail and ouch
hailstones. that for quality they were judged
to be 1111, lag as turkey's eggs; .me of thorn were
of five, some of not, and tome of coven OULICC,
Desirable Suburban Residence for Sale.
1.,.r rubrcriber offers for mt. the hole and oroumis
!here be t ma maidea, aituated on l'ark trect. hobo Tre-
wont. in Allegheny, and about 25 mlnut f .. walk from the
market of Ilk rity. The Intl. 140 Pet rout on Park *I..
i-ttnning book 202 feet, In an alley—containing mull one
to of ground. and 1. bounded on everyjlt 1. Ide by large open i
Ime s rattan,' with trees and ahrubbe y. The house ,
nearly new, large. and excerallnaly well larrangrgl. having
Is ferny of !X feet. and a depth of 72, and rectal. fourteen
V.olll}, lx.airme hells nine fiNd wide. It ls built In the loot
and most durable mannet.and has a fire-Proof rueb 'to' ,
mntatng all the modern conveniences. Tan p.n . , with
go unfoiling supply of hard and soft water, are at tho dcor.
On the premises are Oa; neiesearY not building , .table,
carrnige binge, On The grounds are laid out mostly . •
lawn, covered with choice (mit trees. evirgrocus, Dowering
shrubs, currantt. Ittanchenles. ragolgrrit , • ...II
garden. The fruit it of the hest kind. ant the .roar are in
their pintas.' yield 0.4.1, fur the saute of an ordinary
Lanny. The situation of ibis protierty is to salubrity and
suburban rnmforts, Mal hissed with ouidoduaty to the ear.
. Is not suraasid by any realdenno in th i.
' vfelnity. It h
• slew of the Ohio Hirer for neer a mi , of TemPcraac. -
, 01111.2.0uth Pittsburgh. the city, tho o rivers. and the
1 hdllioround. fonuitto idtouither a patinramle &enamel of
whih the eye never wearies. Every bat which orders or
departs from the port of Pittsburgh on he Ohio, issagtv in
full vie's/. The residence and rounds are a.o romPleteir
removci from auy annoyann• of dust, to destructive of
creuttrt and V., .4110 4 and a ff ord. a rgtiretnent . Qates
and twaeelitt as If Itwated in rotor quiet nook in tlnlatantrl".
The prviart) will be sold at a bargain, odoi 1.1114,400 given
ontbe Ilr.d of April. Enquire at the iiiirette oiler.,
tglilditf I H.\. WIIITE.
'Foreign and American Hardware.
No. 129 Wood,.Street ;
Nll zuki complete otto;kof FOFF.UN ;ND .111E121C-4N
!or the !Wog trade, anti vithirit theT are prowl.]
In otter In hurehwwrs at PRICES that rottattare
twvornhly with nip( of the ...ern eitte,
European Agency.
•nlucrlber Intends whiting the priocipol rittes of
theta Rrirmln. Prance. awl Germ-oaf, during the month• of
Auttl. He;, mud June next. lonetoX l'ittnhurgh oo 3lnreh
tad will b.: pleuoct to 111.[111 to toy novocioa of a to.
chnrerter *Lich way be eonfiJed to hhCeure.
Mr. KU-IR—Fir I ,twerfully mantalY .tt.h Ynnt'
that I nt.ul.l Ova 3 Ina an nemtunt of the altnuat
tura my Intl+ dauchter'm e3e 1,3 thu u.e of our - N AN
She vat attaoLetl with a very more elo In rollenarl or
Ntarch last. whom I iinumtvitately applied to the bon medi
cal aid iu the oily. by • Loin It war pronounced a 'Tor/ bad
~and all omit,. sew uo hope of doing hot any extol Af
tor width I took her Into tbo count, to an old molt. who
had born ton aumettful in curing told m° that
her case wee hopolore, at she would rirtainly tote not only
that Imo, hut ltd.* that the other would follow—it [wino a
wroftlieua allortton of the bitori: And Ido army. that at
tho tlmo tot father Id. II Vashnui main to the conclution
that we had Lotter trt tour Petroleum, the our rattle/a
Wend of cme oyr It it noir about two month' , Knee thr
Logat, its no.. and oho ran now 'iv with both rye, , t Wool
ao el or alio an,L at far am I can tell, I believe oho tut/
with the bleoting of the Petro.-
urn. Your.. nt,ectfullS.
a,,•y,,r .0, hy Eo.artß mdkp.4.ll, 140 Woad IL E.
S,ll,rt. 67 W.c.1.14 1.. M. Cru, D Duo.
nn.l. II P AlloghenT, M•n by rtrt PruPrt ,
Nnalllexln:Sertuth Pirt,hurt.rh
't "
I. - It. -
/ IOPMITNERSIIIP—WrIave assoejitted
I. with T0Kn...., late Ca.hier of the ParcnerA
!lank. yr hn mill d,oto bM pv/2.unl attatullon W the
I. "r
mr trot "' l7 Nr l
Corner of Third and Market eta, Pittsb'gli.
Citizen's Insurance Company of Pittsburgh.
oil - , N., II WM.,: :In:wt. in the warrhianw of C. IL
t• ...... A. W. Maass. Saw , e.
Than n.ailnana k n
i t re. nnparwl mown: trawriattyline
In w.w. Alla tntn www.:l2. Sc.
.an anuata ,naranty for the whilit[ nnal InuvTity of ,/”.
In.vitottoc. the eharae.n of the Darretnis,
who are all citiann. of I'illithawh. antl [anon:ably
known to 1t,,. nwvtmunitf Lrt their prntlerww, Into:Mg:maw
an:l intnatrity.
thanwia...—.C. Thawwy, Wm. Hassle,. WM. lwritner,
.Ir.. Waltrr Priaht. Haab In Mow. Manual Ileannlton.
Ilaannth. S. Ilarbannh. S. NI. 111,. at,ll.ntl
Voaturtna--.lleml the following ncrtifiennt
and then doubt. If you can. the triumphant analltlee 1 00
wend by this grand remnly.
Cmnbcrry towumblp, Venango Den. I. 1147.
11r. Illeakely—Dear Fir-1 take pirantre to /nlormhilt.
you. the honk or Dr. 1111.ane'ot Vertnifuge which 1' por
ch...l rnml tn. by tarty me entire tatlataetlon. I Fare
n glail , l of Mine oat bs.Pvaful of tt, and .he Pan..-,t 117.
worm. The nett morning I pa.. bow • 10101 00 4 01
when the rharsnl 113 more: t)to next ramming I go. Iner
the same 4111.0tIty. and .hr putted 13 nem. Yours, 10.
Cur, sale by .1. KIDD A CO..
InINAIOO SO. et/ Wniai rt.
Bowen old romp, Erele.mge, Bank No.,
Gold 4 - Sdnrr, Bought. Sold ,k Eraanjeg
W3I. A. HILL & CO,
No. 84 Wood Street, Pittsburgh.
Li 17, £1103.0 ON Ina tetOtlrt. 001134
1,111 Tlllllll,lilV eleulug A.:Ant it.tant.
under t e do.oe ou( tie. Its elti KIAZIWIL who will La.
Nltiei ICA it , eel Mawr.. Vat , . ILautemt. 1.10..
%N. AStll.l“ nd 16,t1i, with a full awl cell
tviinetl . t r lArra.. Amami, the mukcal unsettles intrv
ilorco, e National airs the Star SP/mAlea Sconce
an.% Iltutu, with orchestra acctimpaulmenta
The Prir--ratuturl will Lc)t utlishoal MilthlaY•
The Pianos and cm this ocreelan with Li, fora:L.l.J it
.Ito hither. from the eelthrated tuanutsAurt, of .Oett
ftekete Ji cents. t., to hailat the Acme, of It. Elect.
Mini gr... Nita. 11.11,i1 Ja611,1 A NlcKniglit, Mar
ket strat mut 0 the door en the et.-ale. II: the perform-
ore. a, 7 o cluck. o:lnnen tk. ealnmeu,aja- 5,1 balf-put4l
auvrn Alork
HOUSE OF ItE CliE—Notice is hereby
ove n. that an Elrtalon for fame, of the Iluive of
it. tune of Wentern Perfoxylnana. !. 0 a Preeideou' Vita—
ifrefideta uner. feeretar),and I feeler Manager, all)
br hrld at the how. of the B.affl ~1 Trude, in the ea) hf
on Thuradat. dannatl ash !oat. at 0 o'clock,
r futfent.ent en. naimetnt to attend.
11St order of the Cowman. , 11. 1 .34 f Aek t tri . , e a t z .bu l a r e.
it.— The menden. of the Central Committee,and of
t o
azimut sub oonnuntaaf., are mod earunaly requveloJ to
tole their effort , in the mean time. to obtain further
naantotatene mod to hand to their reepeetive h. the
Chairman p re
to the daf of the election, ht order that
e am.) Oat of fule,rile,r. ma" preparnl for that co-
Perfons v. Ina have .ton Yet had an nennaonit7 of
ntberribaug, both fn m ibis and other contain , tfl Western
Prinesyl , aids. are Invited to he prepen‘ at the election. put
doyen their toupee an entretabera, and thereby Qualify
hn:.lln. to ote.
[Neetenotarre In the voriouf nountlee Wertorn Petite
eylvenla ere requefted Una notice.] feL
1:111 UltNl'l K.ll ELECTION—An election was
hohl at the toll 111/O.M. of the Fanners' and 3fachanice
tirunikr /foal Como., , the Anh inatant. When lite
rolbulty Perrone se'
\i d ir t gl. f glat_.g ' f'n?lnt.
T. J CamptAll
A. A. Hardy.
' ' J. IL 314:1InualL
- Datil liar Dr.
S. 11. Cra
itnpros paten L Caw I'D. Par Ilgrrta.
. .
lrtiraTlif. Nano.
All Ilia.* au Imed amt W arrivr. Ltr rate b)
1 - 1 1 AMI LY FLot; it-144 brill Ittunsup extrn
rer ., '‘! per meaner Jaa Nekon, fu t ra ws.
Lun.c a
II IWOMS-150 dm Peforest's superior, for
- DOT ASTI—s easkm just ree'd for role f*v
1 is'..l, tionisoS.Lirrixt 61
TA N ..\ ERS 011,--Z trio for sale by
10i nil ):Yi —4lO tons Brush Creek, for sale
TO LET--0. liou,,R and Lot situated .7,..„1 ,
oil ILtU,d Altttt, Kryenth Want bor tYrn0......"4
sip 1. iv
piii-1 lIIIISESON, LITTLE OCO i.iii.s
003 Liberty' 4 -
VtOLASSES--1 40 brim plantatiun, for mil
iv by,' • JAS. A. lILITCIII.stiS
pigs lialetbk,lT3r sale by
JAM. A. 111:TCHISA6:k
I? Illg-31.4 tea prime Carolina, for sale by
le. jvr- • JAS. A. IIUTCHNJN
SHOT-34.) kegs nestheti Not. fur slyly . , by
. inJj 'JAS. AyIIeTCHIS 4 22b.:
‘ I II{LIPS--31; brla Gulden Syrup.;
'fO Lair do for rale by
1141iN.ECUTOIZS' SALL:Nous° is thereby
.14 en:a that. let purmance or an order of the Orphan(
k.." 1 1 1:; ,
In-41r rlllagc
ol brunry, A 1,51, at 11 o'clock. a. 11.,
on the r ream , * the I..lltaing dr.ccilcid PrtlaM".
winch 4cwt.-ale two etom ammo Ladling Boar * "
celll.hniamlud Forty te:,-Ital perdu; hanaded
, hy J Imam.. by tlso xho , l house laaad other*,
on 1, 14 MCP`ii a k nape dtaLle
„ ScrtnOt4oo reales. Wend.
1,, t hl, ..tnnt, 41.11 alley bz the Khoo! holm ca
ioo ncl, hi eecter. a Wa.ron tibT
I mata,alo4 Forty Med 7...lolprielma, been&
h e t e I, \\Penal Charlaa Aten. and
ma of Ade art half cash. drt balanee In tam ega ,,l
mad payments. with !Marva In he POCIIMI
ea ort.cagaa ANDlthAl
le' dd TAW/ART.
sCrsKAS Executors oiJimes Twist, ditc'd.
EsTAßLlsneo 1832, br ED3lif ND
WILKINS, No. 24S Liberty et.,
heed of Wool street. Pittsburgh, Pi.
Monument.- Burial Vaults,Tototatonea,
31midle Memo Ceutre and Pier T.
always oft hand and made to order. of tie
thok , est Marble, and at very reduced
L riz i e. selection Georrines ott
D ' O r A:l P
from Indy 1..-4
Iron. Ilarviar Denny ‘ lllll TlautitiEtil.
lion. Judge ICLlkine John Harper. EN.
Woo. Robnann,jr... Ep don H ; Kerr. Ea., Architect.
John Snyder. Ea. Cash Sous, Broken
Pittsburgh Rank. nianter Rad. do
.1. IL Shoenivnter, EN. 11111 A Curry.
Wiban Pietism!lesit..Eao. noon d &Mink do.
nobert McKnight, Em, Wan BaDDY k Co-
JO, McKnight. Fan Brining. D. T. Morgan& Co.
ham. dod. Rhoda t Co Faders
S. Lahrop. Env,
W. Pals grateful for tbe very liberal PatronnCti fv
ccived.durini motes . years in this Oily. having had the
asid Fest tan entrus rende r in CCM up here present
time. and will endeavor to atiefactionafter.
, D. KING, Banker and Exchange Broker,
L• Fourth street, Dealer In Bank Notes, BBL of De
mon, Gold and oilier. Storks bousht roll.
The highest couket prke pall In premium for American
Half Donets, an& Mexican and Epanish MAW, ft yes
:V. Administration on the estate of Rave Fader. late of
Lower td.. Clair township. Allegheny, ow:intr. deed. laming
this day been granted to the inelerwttned. nottee it hereby
:riven to all persons Indabud to wad estate to triage Im
mediate payment. and all perm.. haring calms against
estate are requested to present the same, dale authr
-70104141:=7..71. zn.l, sn—i.2 . itge
LINSEED OIL-20 brls recd for sale by
ie.' - 2. OW, ILARDIUGH,
. _—
(a [MAIL A MOLASSES-50 hhds Sugar; '
1.3 600 bri• !C.O. lv.o
50 bch x. H. do
'''''"l. f"
J.:2A130 W.,.. st.
' .
Por ?:: CLAY-56 ERMA boo just recd hy
it 10E-40 toys just reed for sale by
I OAF SUGAR- 100 barrels amid uumbera
.4 ft. ..1.• hy In2t BURBRIDOE 0 INGIIILAM.
fi x iT
c !.
i `72l- wm,r and Frnytt O.
FISIL-75 brla and 40 hf do. for
Yale by 0 , 24 - ISAIAH DICKEY t CO.
4~ERRINU-100 I Lubec sealed, for sale
t4OFFEI.:-100 bugs prime and fanry Rio,
iiii4 Cor. Fifth amp Wool ets.
QUO AR—Prime new and old Orleans Loaf,
171CraPhol and PowJervd, forJ.
pat oa
NlOLASSES—Plahta ,, tion Sugar .ib Hou'se;
"'"l:7"iNi.i.ii:m; a QO.
hf ehsts med. to extra fine Green;
30 catty lad do do t do •
10 bf cher. Chu!. and (Mono Black, Inc
..Or by jai J, D. WILLIAMS. & CO
11 4 1 RUIT & -
11 ILniona—N, arid
in extra:
Pirkles—Walnut and martins,
Pre...ram) Sancti, Plumb Ont.. itbd Seraiebeniea
bir as be • jalbt J. I). WILLIAMS 0
SUNDRIES -3 brim fresh Roll Butter,
Wbrio Eat.,
,arks Corn 31mi:
1 tali Rio nur. •
Dried APO.. and Seliehaic ma' ma-'
..".anm , ot and for sale hl 4. It. WILLIAUS t CO
Drawing, Perspeclave, and Painting in Oil.
R.i). It. sMiTli aow prepared to give
v riatriviinn tn frn nnaila in tn. dilfcrent branch/a
leliahtful !art. at Ida somata. In idisoro Sraik
1 Ilan building, Sim, 'MO. I.tsre, %I - n.l and
Nlarket ntrr. n. lloura otinatrui•llon, bi 'Va. Val
fnain in P a. Clurn/s'aind other parranaLtra sari be
Innarn by calltnn Difietaistati at w• mama.
.144, Its. (Instant or Dr. Addtaun. laLMulit
TOCKS FOB SALE—Western Ins. Stalk
Turtle (leek Plank Road Stock:
Yttaborah. Cincinnati and Louirrillo Telegraph: •
alarita• llailway a leek; !Land at. Bridavitork;
10.1 Copp, atnck. 050. E.
Fou AlikOLD CO.
74 rth L I
Itricittn. bate tetcht-d a very' fall turPIT of
q. de, 'width they tart tell at lower pr; al. they aro
,uttally at, also. Black Flgund and limeade do. of
I,orect rtylu.
TEIRC SATINS, of tho most desirable
ihaden., ta to had at tba
IrEA ARE--English AtnericraThitan
ia 1444 Plated do.: Platad Motet., Candk.tekr,
nff , . and Trs.: Plated train quality Ivory' Bal
nce Ilan.lle Table Catirry, Sliver Fork, Spoons, atui But
ter Katy, HAW and 4erman Siirrr Yorks and Sp..
Table Mat,. T. Trays of floe Btrrologt4m manufartare,
htghly nrutuaratr4: Matra Tral of besatifal pat...La
A.v.ry 00,400 rovultr for elm.. and pollablaw plated
wax.. Broabo for elearatz. SU, Vrath.
Burt... tr
y . a r y; e Ki
0, itelt zl about Ito rin•ofa bat, high .111 make „
00 7, k igl ' o U l ", 00)
0 1f1T ' .
I.l,.llarket arid Fourth m
g lOTTON-21 bales for sale by
j DAUB DICKEY a CO, %Cater t Frauf eb b
errortrd Arm jart rereirrd and for lair
b r.-SNLLERS, Whairrae Agrrit
' Weal garret-
lIRIED FRUIT-30 brie Dried Apples;
• is do do Pesch. L'
mt. BAG ALLY t o,
ISt 20 WoLd et
111-U LK PORK-200 pieces hog zourl, well
jfitrimolvd, for or by IV3L DA ALLYR Oa
- -
CINCH RAISINS-200 boxes Kreisler
brawl. le:Mimi from 0rk..131[7 Dewitt Chat= fite sale
.1•23 war DAD A.LEY CO .
OAF SUGAR-30 brls for sale by
lb•nderron & (W Ssrwapatti:•;
WI • Sanmearilla. f o r ..Jr by IL R. SELLERS
• 57 %Vold ut
DOWDER-150 kegs blasting, for sale be
oat J. 3 R. FLOYD, R 5 .15.1 Cburd,
T: ISII-75 brbi No 3 Mackerel;
5 cask , Colksb, foz kale kJ
.1 a R. FLOYD
ODA ASII-25 casks Jnbnston's brnnd
for .ale ty len J. A R. FLOYD
IWX)3IS-450 dez fur sale by
ll Sym 17s R. FLOYD
1 4 - DULAC, Sole Agents
fcr Sourin Corbert Calf Stßee. No. 45. Beaver Agents
New York. A,lsirce accitment7oet received. jastßaller
MEETING of (ho Board of Managers of
, t in At . trZol=l 6t tlitictll
a l,l. at tit 7 lorllft . the , new ton are rtnawatal to ah ".
tttal. 0tt.33
Drug and . Prescription Store for Sale.
lontol in • flourishing said Imprnaing nt
. E . O .
Ihc NI which which in doing • pnarai•hla hu•incws. in of .
ferni flittale upon rain a - term.. Von further patimalars.
apply sr. tha Clinvoiclo cne. . • -
haTitta been ettspefidtat afit , Wann ,, a
fintteittals In mid *chord, prop°. *mina ajpitnar ethead
ter bop , end ald., on ltiond•y next. in firm Mei ILIT &OM
fit the Eirth Preebyterien Churelt, Smithfield ittneet. Terme
low, and made knowll m andlmi.lalt at do ii lalaa
or at the mixed room
0-PAItTNEASIIIP—We : have this ' dav
Letzfi,s,:c::o,7,lll3/101,:io,nrbogrt F.. 1,1.171:
JAMES A. iimetilsoN a CO.
Pitt,tn,h. Jmoutry
AtrANTEIA Boy about seventeen year
V of sac. to .trot ad • %noWide Cariaty Saa r .. ..ho
mad radar tatglah sad Osman-and to maga three yeas
to learn Ow Wane.. cloud Wands. nl to malts.
Inquire at this MS,.
inoICE-15 ca k. Carolina for . BV 2 7 . lt y .
NOTLCE—The pltrtnermhip heretofore ex
belle under the firm Bolltquo. therb.nnor*
eed uts the 14 nlttul) moo , - The Mid -
MY. Will bereaftrr to tarried 011
Ahralaktit t:arrteup, ly the haw. a Datum t thtrrh....
L. 80LL.71.0.
011.11.111SDli. '
• •
N OTICE—.A steetino. , of the coalmine on
.t which time rho men pool. ' et Loocommittrio aot.l of the
ohms t , uloCohnolltecx r. 3 031 to An tramp cp.
otborwlw. /3) unler of the Contrall3monttlm. -
re. 32 . BENJ. PATTON. Chairman.
1[471,, ASSUltANCE—lnrunince on per;
triweethe a cca of IS and. uu may lie aided in
uxiou National Iran? ForollifnAnnaranco Society, by
'P traritit ' ll ". .Xay of explanatory Pansphletl, just
recclrel for xxxxialuits circulation. Enquire ill the Bank,
Inc' Muer of . HILL* 01.
NV no I *Arend door attire Yourtb.
1101.1. ItUrtER-25 brig fresh, in good
jkonitr. to awn, fur by WM. ILiGALF.I: k CO,
16k.23 Wag nt
ITS RD-7 brls No 1 Leaf Lan;
kh+" carbtriet r t CO
SHIES-10 casks Pare Potash; •
1 , 10.1 t.. Falentos{ *a 1. ur
J. E. B. nollip, noun.Chumh.
SEGItS.-,100,000 ecTyn,olll)rll:ul,t,
Bvr .
s n..-16 brls prime roll for eale by
p?-1 J. a h. FLOYD
Soda MELPrice Reduced.
IQ CASKS ItluPpratts' best quality G Isuz
NIP and kap Mum' Fella Laud and
" .11:rat , br-the
W inter Clothing at Reduced Prices,
T WM. IdGiirs Cheap Cash Clothing
Store, 1`0.1311 Liberty alive.
tanpriator of the shove ettabllflnotarit WWI ...foam
of Jlrllvwin. of Wes Let o o of hvg - e ".
rtva. h ' aa or-gamut.; pooh f
odor. Ohm= .1 10‘ , ..k3 , rodtk.d
well tor matt. All thawo •La, went goW. Outdo:cub!l and
well made Clothhu, Sol It vastly to their
to favor tam with • =A. Vag Wird" .A 1 b=
Value about 17,000.
TIM: GOODS TO BE Sel.l)l3l' AUCTION. k .
Inn ressrm whatever.) TI.:. sale
lusel. ay. =et MM.. at 10 Velvet in Um earrnieue. arm
the afternoon. aud.e.attnue delly until thle valuable col- rr
keno. L. d1.e.m.1 Lt the Mel, suntan, Mom of James
nlrKeema, Anusi atreet. .Thlarte.r.did culleetim of fran,r ,
and dome•tle Dry tiomis will ay...1,1..11.04 !MK,. drecrtr - .
tam of article. mum...teal vac th. Dell liemla Trade. artaTL
.rammed the da7 brevlou• gals and on in•fm - non
will he• twand mprrior to ant Mock veer offered Mr public,.
eourriwtitbm en any wat..rll.o teeter
ree. mat head. of Families, woull .1.1 sell to commit their,.
eau intrust, end attend 11.1. An Mon. a• they Mar
141 r pane 111 M. m.rt n Artillar oppartimity. (Sala will be,
put UP in omen Ints as may, Knit ail rumbas.... SensfaLai,....,
will be reamed to atemomoistslalies
JAMES Ll'til..SNA,Aretioneer.
LtlElt. Agent.
iCOO.IIIS—Sa do: for r 1e its •
, wx". ri. JaITYSTON
MOWRY NUTS--2 1,1:4 fur sale by
jan wx.u.JOIVZSTON.
IRY APPLES-40 sacks fur rate by
. )sal . IL JOHNSTON.
tAbBNC:TSO bu unshelbA, , fur sale by
pea 'Wu. 11. JOINSTON
11ThLL BUTTER-2 brk fresh for sale by
X L Jan Wx. li. JUDNETON.
lOTTUN RATTING-100tales for sale by.:
IreuuNbronD s co.
QT AK CANDLES SO JAI= Cincitibliti ma
Qnufacture, on brnd =I for rrle
fv2l W.if.I.LNGFORD t CO.
VI ERFUMERY, &c.-- • .
_l_ 15 doe. Lobites Extracts Ea. the handkerchief:
44 dm small - s. - aarsortcsE
Al dot Jenny Lind Sarle4 large satin;
X 1 der:' small satin.
dot common mall Sachets. .
Toast/14x el an a tall mal complete assortment Of fine Pc;
n.... ,, T,Ju't treelral mat fur sale at Plotecielphla wk., a
the corner of Wand and'alalh stmts.
Jana/ , .S. N. WICKERSILLM. •
TAr.Low—Thirtfbarrels Sheep and twee;
tr tux,' Beef romirect mad for sate by
rpiatoT.ln: SEED-1 barrels received as
for We Id i. 3 3 storci. P. SIIRITIOL
CHESNUTS—Sixty bushels received an
for We br PAU UEL
DRIE") APPLES—::IXI btothel just reel
for yak bi (.149D3 Ic aI UMW?
MOLASSES—Fifty barrel 3 of new -7 Cro:
reliveda W f r"b
r o 1)1UL P. SKEWER.
Ja . 3) No. and In Sao.) emos..
LOUR—Seventy five barrels Family
edrcrYfr arid for rde by ,
jalk/ SAMUEL P. EXtliflfElf-'
1:11OLL BUTTER—Twenty Lanais prim
put recd..' wanl IDr aie br
F LOUR-11X) brig supertinP:
50 brio flite: for
IVII. n. JOIINSTIPS, 112 Sewed at
RI APPLES--Fifty hushelireceireitar.
Lx Bala bi ,L=".l S.I:IIeF.L P. 511111112.1._
BEANS--G 41rrelH received ar
T for tale b j. 20 FAUCTI. P. KIRIVEL
LA RD—Twenty barrels and thirty kegs N
1 Lard twelve.] a.Od for vale by • j
ja,lo , le
Q INCE the introduction of this new . Coi
Ajpound, Coughw arrans and Colds 'art mired In n very ob.
time. Wu will t Dr. Ernst'. Seetural Syrup
mire rases of Coughs Colds, lanoneltith , ledguryills. In I,
time and at a cheerer rate than toy other =.olleine el
ll...brines all sicken the atorrarb ard praline maroon orkt'
b mum di.norreahle than the cough Itself. Tido is of
and In thistulature. for It is a Idealiser ecothing art)
and It .111 nor or Me mono Ira to reendid 1 The
donee in favor of this met-Winn in our city, from our o
eltisens %theta.' convince any one of It, effieser. It D i '
him hi.
of a regular clonidan, and hos been mod
h m In hi. own snooko for a
number of yeala• with
moot heroic .mud, ,• •
OCINSUMPTION —A lady Dorn Sterthenvlllevirrites, t.
her dauildet had been anidcted with ac h and expo - )
Ilion. night ..rats tootle Prer, awl all the m tletrvair
ormiitions of consumstion. and tlud after MAD two
des she sae entirely mired. A gentleman In oohing •
maly who had im¢ered with MO.& and tlidorde Cog
1 for eight))ens, ha. been entirely rimed trul Um on:
removed by the hoe of hello doses of bottle, of thls 1
land Syron. A gentleman from Peoria. 1111labln wr,
that -he knowo the Peden,/ Sf roll M ls 0 good artkie.
, of h
is used it in hi. own ate and in the mon of mead
'of his fondly with the most perfect ounces. • •
IT m oga or . 111,105140=1 )111111711.11 061/ LITOM,-1
Ell 111” In half pint bottles at 60 mato root,, or
Srcaroggras would do well to keep to and.,
this medne ou hand all the tme. too It la one of the m
and ettiesainuo remedies ever &garnered for-
coughs and Wove., of the lung. ond inelpient Cconowyg;
CAUTION EXTRA—Mmy verse:inn
fr y
taunt ye.
buy mono one of the TllTkrtl• nistrurnA liut - do not ti
Sync. If yoo want 10 wet well Lay Inn Emndia's run,
o f'nd take ice other, Oda will cure lon. It hat 'yr
tome the mist. valuable piano n o hots of lb. moti
undies ire ran be
by a person skilled in.thele
inicart. ran be no deroption in thismedirine. f
Prentoed In your awn eity. mid t P 0
0010, Lot!
nu. certificate , . Olen rerwaria In nu
iwn city, atteoUnye
valneable prurortios which will Le alsorn to may pet'
desinno of ening the.
Awes. W A NT.. throughout the Unltst-Statto tiViell
medicine. Lazge illisontda will be made to thews oho
tote on Interewt in the coning .. It wiljnov a lore, 14
to all, they sill Leaning outtrang booms
• eerviee to placing in Om%) hand.- the greatest mon?.
for Lung dieenses the world by ever snlatieed. -.4' .
for vole. wholesale oruf
str eet. by KEYSER A Maid
ELL. Drutintsts. Ito Wood et. Ihtlyburgh. Pa o lo wt
all lettere for osenele. must bo Managed. Alon.Syr self;
D. 0. Coll, Allegheny city; P. Itnieter, Jr.. Innionor
. Omani, Dant, Washington; John IL Ruchamin. MA' i
Garde Kepwr. MeKeeopart; .1. 1). Towel). eationsbY
and by merchonte and druguirte generally. jlil,
roar Orr= ncranzuos, •
January tr. Inr
irIROPOSALS will he at- tlue
p:irtmait until the 4th day et /larch next. fur fart
e al soarnho far the tun, of the ltut Otheor• of the Uo
4tarov four you" tlr; lirrt Ilay April here,
on.lerntl bthe Denurtmunt. 01 the follouring durcripti
Thomme of the (Mee and Siete incircular form;
from • ..lid block. af bud:dud elect. end rude In _
Ite to admit of letters and f;new mdromati
mon thmon and day, _with • thumb senor kesp mob h
and nurse inplane. Snell stamp. end thr -utters am
Inc the sum,. la le of the tame mix as thuse tae n
fectumel end Inuse. 'a footed Mahogany
_handle of
sam DM rim, to be mutely tastatol to WO rands
months of the year Whreetated eo ea to ambles but t
kitsrs each. of the rain. tit me In um, and M. be OD
solid lambi of hardemd Orel. Nguema Lsr the dare to
month. Trim 1 in 31, Inelosi_
_se. to he made of Like-haul ,
metal, and of the *ire Lost Worestlid.
Alan. sLamed with the words `fall" vat 'Doe" a •
Ram of Umee nod la no,
Alen, stamps pith Nubs denoting the ratetbaf poet
sod elutilm fn thus now In . . i
All of the Wove Mud* to he meat of hardened Ma,
The phaoh meet also contain asparate tads Par the
cular stam p,with the months end Odurem
Also, for each separate place, =balsam; themouth'. .
slatturt of three letter .
.Abo, fur each estimate piece fir the days of lite moo ' '
e Abet for complete este of months aunt fcoe..
Alm, for melt esturat piece with the molls "Dan
Alm, far rash wpasts Weee With the Edam dem
the MY, of padam. The reeking of the different
not. however. be al yen to different' contractors. but
pprael tbr th e .ha re uldett 4 deetowl mod thearat!
the . Demrtmont_ will Ls Scooted. The Ewpartrour,,
nerves to itself the right to frject Proludds Jr tho
is deemed extraestrant. - r -
Specimens of the emirate Code of stamp.' mdulred
men at the aypolutzteut office of this Department
La=limidt N. K. HALL. Thetwarter Renee
- -
PROPOSALS will be received by the ud;
000 n.- the 73rD
40otnorr F., .50000 et kadao noel 1 1a , e
a rb = s o c ! co raj::
The Dam. avT the tank.
WIT-11W.Z. 1 1 not lon. and will be
14 hot high-I.M a base of tn e fect In width, The
Chamber ell) be 100 feet long and 40 feel .140, with
feet thick and 10 tot above the moat of Ws dame,:
toi n trarta. to&kr.e.- 10 feet thkk. wl
Tbe lock. and Dame to to bullt
of tr. character rorticularlf descrih:
the report any - Iran. Lotting.. of Pcougyhnnla. •
which will .be fmni gith the ponaietore of such
poen ro
QM notice, to which reference ia
• to roue foil ar4 accurate langmatlon. -
Tho entire work to to ...rioted he 14. January.=
erVol! '"' n ' agaVlC‘ ' r ' o rn"
g e i f El ' 1 " 1'
glit . p W ro4 !" V hd° r retri ' =l ' tel ,a lt tts ' n ' ATtie.
tuatle to contracture la %a nark brugreeet.
The com pany' retool," the right of earenting
ofthroned telt for h
older the atrly romp::
of Ito entire work. By cf the Mho.
TOOO.. 4. Kr.4.1.Y. 3
rtreretair of the Duct River Slack Water havlaanot;
Colombia Tenn. •
.Allzgheny ConntT, ,
THE toinmorkwealth of reno .
"Duna, minor
e. cloth,. under bas a!
th ''' t=ed r
penala intereeted. ac..thi, • -
Where... at an Orphans' Court. held .at Tittsburi."
and be mid county . . .2 the 15th day of danuary..l.ll.,
tho on of Atm Sielienna. Admitlstrattli of to.
McKenna. lath of the oily of Allegheny, doreithsl, era ! :
oersted to the said Court, thieving Oder blob that thr , ,
intestate, by virtue of • certain•artirle of ogreement. •!"
the 10th dc.f of September. A. D. MN. between
sold Trainer. and 'Jamb Painter ,
of th e one put,
Frauds McKenna. of the other part. died se/x.4 C!
lu all that eertelte lot or piece of mound antic tn th.t
city of Allegheny. (late the itmerm Tmet. Roo town:
opmeiter the Northern ithertlea of Diutklutsght help ,
number two hundred and forty thus( In th e
lots laid.out by U. r. Trainer, Jacob Dalatet. and Y.
'onatalnlng b front ow Win street twenty thrm
AteoJlna Lark to Carpenter's slier: having Meted 0,1
hunt thereof • two story Me¢ building:about fume :; (mot by . thirty Dit in depth. and mu the mar • doubt
nor( frame building. fronting on &St - Dent:era alley. ••'.
above dewribod Real estate comprising rod o•nad
of which the mkt Inteetate daal selsoL • oraylo r l
Court to lain% her an tinier to make sale of Lb* sole.
estate, with the appurtenances, Sir the payment m
debt• and the maintenance Aral edasatkm, tkar
chlpren of the nil intonate.. • • •
. . .
— Now. aserefere, we com .% Y.:44( RAI be gad a r
before our raid Court at kirtiburgh. o eatuni.Y. t M
day rd February, AIL then and there to Or,. cum
wr= m up f l'r
,bl . . t. tbw
ltrtnauo:tha *Wawa MeCluna Pria;
January, OEM rid Court .t Pitts l / 4 utla thL!
January, A. D. MA. DANIEL aIteIILDIF, C.
The fortneortity heretofore erktkur between Tr,
Ink/Odor tont,Wot. T.tebbnuct. Dotter tokero•undß
Ronne of norms Ite(tollisto ha. Ikea dkrolct
the rale of all thelotterert of the rata .11cCollkla the . ?
James IMO and James Titan, roonortko R IR
utnlotntittol. 00. lite mambo, Of rho nr.1.1 fon..nt.t
dont fo carry . on Um bolnern urkler the none nrlo.s.ft.
! A terrled b 1 Jston
debtottotereln not frowned to Jolt ,
. .racimst:
Jantsaff 0, 11:51.—j0.V..rk • -
111 S SSL UT I Q ERR":
The Pl.l..";VP2p.c..o"Yre ender iltb
b.,,,Muaestales% at 7.l=thtllV
e*.t.brri.vootnt kceliAtt r u s . pi
Wirlefo U TZul, l l 32‘1 14 UVrirs, ankt_Fo l
of U•01:1 fum aThroclt mulco.“.•
• U. SWAM:
••Jureadaap win ism en the maw Ira& ale:
mod, wad he p.m,. in recrire Ida meta:alma. lan
country la tt. Met at sn youog an am: Nem tbm
certain extent, but tbe Ina is ones. mused hy aextee. -
m to all. de nert.onxlxt Mr permmt ayle-my,
nrol folloolog, IMCd. tmt. lack lo ;
Them articles oto_ m. y to,t.
t4 f d ..:eirrraialiL nese Yosokr,'Ssilipx.
to the .010. !Wilms omplexkus WOW. sailteon....
perm. he mem carrot thatt Om
der Fa theitem, wow or Woe an. ray ~.
0 , 17. m y clue.. pooder • enumoondol lum•mlf•-
ve .4 muta}aa logroduem which am fmteMS
Juane Itauers DonlatM7 IM•der; fur m x i o ,M4
uW b.m. What Is meta tusafMtly thou balr two
This Miele •in mamei It to r.-%
ups, without the use of aor sharp Omtmommy„
m e „,.r e vegetable Mold thdryre tan'.
...a... .impart to red. whites oe Lott ta.K.,abantar'. - ;
ht ar y.lwo., or auburn ceder . It *Menke thitla.:e
shorter Ulm, sod mum eftectuallsilm• my ...Mad:_
Mg at the same same lode/01.M , •
doles Muer. hhas ink eream.-11. Is inns' • fame, •
m o w inch this mom. -- 711tere num of Me motrtn'.-
taboo moan" ttntintns4 We of mip: 7
the vernmu - s. It Mons W e pad
mo, sod not lltdde to - beemse Mapped. .
Juke limes Ilme 'Molts
Ma t tbo Tost.nt. ilbtAdod OA Me wroneetorsaM'.
'the Imams hit. but • co_mmlectol, nethipAbtell.i
r ow . =VW Y l llo;t i ety it lath Lbsta w, v4A.
the 1,1.1.11 Arra aul
For Sala bokaaled br - B. A. ifalwansanW
malt- E- bow, putoatia. sod, 0. xiton•u.