° 'T'[IiCELLAhEQU - aous WITH THE 16,PArta. we take the following ruttier interesting . article 'from "a late number of the Honolulu Several ship.wrecked Japanese being in Ben oit:du, We requested one of them, *holes acqui red as efeellent lmowledge •of our language, to Mike is risit. accidopanled by one of cutoartynien lately brought . hither. We shall first =traduce our reader to .ffie interpreter, JohnMang. This person, with , four others, were - taken, ten yea= ago, from auleaolate and uninhabitedialind, where they Lad been cast, and where they had limit &rent hundred and eighty . dam cia sea tails. t They were brought to Hon olulu giCapx W. Whitefield, of Fair Haven, who then conimandeof a whale ship in the. Pacif ic,- Fear -of the number 'remained here,' one haring died. John 'slung was taken by Captain W. to the,United States, where he learned tbe copper trad - e,.aud.enjoyed a good importunity for going to SchooL His education is highly respect able. . Helms been ono whaling voyage and then With the multitude wait to California. There not seeceeding• to. his expectations. he came to the =laud, indulging . the long cherished hope that he might. . obtain a passage. to his native, shorts. It is his ambition to command a Junt, and nirtigate„het with compass and quadrant and show his Japanese countrymen, that the ”Mitside barbarians," understand navigation; which science he has acquired sufficient for all practical prispohes. Would that.' his fond wish might be gratified! tin Mr. Mange artiral at Honolulu, he learn ed there ITR3 a fresh arrival df his shipwrecked countryirien,.. and for whom Le ie prepared to act as interpreter. By his aid we learned the follow . int fAts respecting . die;Japanese, taken from • Junk, by ,Copt. Clark, of the Henry Sneelexffi, on the 211 of April, in 48 deg. 11. L., and 155 • deg. B. L. - Tearimolly., was the name et the Junk, eon, mended by Capt. Husky; with Mr. Eekurero for mate. .There were thirteen all told on board the 'wok. We May as well state that Eekexera the mate. has famished= minutes from his "LOS." mud' Ire have nd - doubt he has noted down the facts in true Japanese aautical style" But to proceed—Mr. Hung, acting es interpreter, end, Ketweero dictating to him. The Teestru- Molly was gamed by a soldier or nobleman, in a torresitosted in the S. B. aide of a small island, W;fremi liipht=„ The name of the island,. cur.ear 1767 toe dull to catch the sound, although a part of the name, we aver, was The town is twice the rim of Honolulu—the pea , pie err femme and fishermen-OEly two j un k s . were owned them, but a plenty of fishingboate."- rico is the principal product, besides all kiredi of 'vegetable product'. Both junta were owned , ' by the ll= Mr. Sommung. • Tee lecr-sumorty had taken a cargo of rice to dinharged the same, received PaSmint , ' partly in aver and in paper money, (we -have seen specimens of both, as for the paper mow it appeara as well is any we erer saw,l and started en her homeward passage, ordinarily of enlydkree days. but was overtaken by adverse winds. . Their &apply of water wee exhausted at the Madbf. sixteen daye,:r.r.l their rice at the MI •cf twenty sir. They were then reduced to same refuse fieh wades and occasional choime, but by the merciful care of Divine Providence an wet* preserved, until at the end of ea dayi„ their junk; rudlerleus and dismasted, fell in with the H. Eneshuni, Capt. Clark, who took thens ill • en board hie vessel and supplied their wants They cherish the Most grateful feelings towards Capt. Clark and his - ship's company. Sabot euently Capt. Clark delivered six of them to the hull= authorities at Petroppaulelki, under the promisethat they shonld be'returned to Japan- Two. were taken by Captain Sherman of the Nimrod. end two by Captain Damn of the Ma , There is an impression Chewed; that lapaneee if.taken back to their country Will be put to -- --death. We are positively insured by. Mr. Ket.n- eeto,ihrough the interpreter ?deplane, that this I is not the fact. He asserts that should any ves sel take them back to their native tillage, the in habitanti would rejoice. to hail the Teasel. and would put on board n supply of fresh recruits. without charge. We, hope soon to !care that some man of war, merchant vessel; or whale ship: is bound thither, on the beneecient errand of re • stoemg these mfortanste persons to their rUmn try and home. Referring to their home, leads to the remark, that seven of thee° ere married, and their families reside in the village where their junk was owned. Our Yankee propensity of ossking -question" was weaderfelly excited in our interview With Mr. Eekamre, for we found that he could feeniah much valuable information respecting the Japan ese ielards,, and the customs of the people.. The following farts we record; respecting his native village, containing sixty idel i eemples, which ac counts say are full of gods.. Every temple i 5, prerided over by a priest, who nits ex•efEclo as ached teacher. The children of all, botierich and poor, attend school together, and, nearly all the inhabitants :can read and. write: The people are all taxed :for the support of the temples. Every farmer , paying about hie bushels of rice, per acre. We asked, "how do the laws punish the thief:" Cur informant replies, "For the fast and eeem,d of fence , the thief is impriecned, but for the•third, . his head is cut straight off." "How do they punish the murder - et!' • "His head is cut off direct," 'the wars of the interpreter) do for marriage, a man is allowed but one wife, but if she does not please her husband, he can Bend her back to her father s house, with the contentof the old people, otherwise the husband tenet support her. Touching their ideas of a future state,. we learn : that the bad people are believed to go-to. a bad . • place, after death, and the good to a good place. When ' • person dies, a record isipnade of his name, and it is hung up in the house of his friend, - "and the household have stated periods for pray ing 14 the spirit of the deported In Jepaia there ate six principal sacred days, including a New Year, which occurs in January. • Ati Zasr.oorso CarrALß.Tlre captain of a cruising frigate in the 31editerranean, , on de scending the ladder for his coat, about eight 'O'clock is the evening, and contemplating the felicity , of a doter, hours' uninterupted repose, left seeders with the - officer of the watch to be made hemiainted of any change in the Weather. Teener - 1s 'midnight it soddenly began to look bleak' to windwaid, the breeze freshening to. a ,long continued squall; which obliged the lieuten ant to shoriew sail to the foraail—the topsails were !clewed down rot-resting. Here the captain, was informed of the change of weather, snit the' sidles ship was reduced to in consequence.— "1,h,", said the captain,i"it blowa bard, data it." "Yes sir," replied the lieutenant, "there'll every appearance of a gale." ' , Very Vell,", said the captain." At 12 o'clock the first lieutenant, who had been for the last half hour watching the r. etatfpf the. :wwdhor, made up his mind to dia. :orb the captain for the permission of the }e•dA, telling him that he thought it necessary; to ens the top gallant yards down, and mako all snag, r .frrit.was blowing n perfect gale. "Do so,' said the captain, - "and-any—lot me know if it Uwe; ~! harder, or arty thing particular happens," Bath Ii yaddand roasts were struck, the fate and adz en s ' mein, taken in. the fore sail reefed! and cot agan, before the watch was called ; link after vitrich,the retard lieut e nant, in Obelimme to the ardent left him by the noble first, went down to report; tho toss ti the xr.ain top sail, whirl had blown elm= out of the 'bolt rope. - Tad, gallant .ccuananderliad - hcen awoke by the 401$0 occa sioned by the splitting of the sail, and the ma meat the cabin daar openz.l, and the CirsCer of the watch entered,.as he had erpieted, 'prompt irorderetibize, .021 hoc stating the case, to set the stoma stays 'ails, adding, as be laid Isirnielf dowtt tigabt, 'and, yea know—ahl let me be called if it Moan harder." .The ship labored much. and ,inst alter 'daylight ‘ahipped a moot tremendous sea, Whieh made 41 ; shake again, washed away Wiles way haanneekhetting, and with is nearly half the watch. The gale, if parable : was still increising, - the sea ruining mountain. : The of ficerSrt the watch reportai the alai catastrophe. "And it blows very hard, lies itt" seriously said tka . captain. "Very hard, indeed,': as mourn - , lieutenant; think I ark.. tally isplial the Heat, laaewit to blow so hard. dea tLe cyptaia, as be tar9ed dialelf,ro thought of 'some farther order , "what, you.ieo, k ....,... -. „ er keek - it blow so bard' "Never, air, add ' "I 'l. U.' kur of the lastuckg uf tbk, cp the liguteozet positively . "Then sw I tatty. by a ureu L r the VII brh it recta the „...,: y o u . , , it MY kryratty La tr.," kgiolf Wien ,it moderates ." —Ncurical Standard a,nan y. 1.5... a hIhILL U Ni CRltTri Cart - -p,itITICE ral.en up l iv the , uhserilier, on Ateilora os Pots= er laccsan —At a nweusg at th. l '''' l" t " 3 " • lU i ' Ll:Pl " ' b "“ r ' h. ""q h. Tho kilt, Chita Mission Society held in London on ' 472,l`' f . t '''' ' "u' " hl` 1' 111 J. "°'" ``` , , pak con -e end .1,1.11..111J. tko other totalark thp 17th of Dec tbas Key . Mean. Dallas end emeeZ'sas L rt.;'''..,,n' u -f 4 1,..' j ''''''' " ' '''''. • Greif, of Dublin, gave a sketch of mair obseniatiens ~,,, r ,. '. ' ' . ... r.r : I lytck D PRIOR, dosing a tour in Connemara. They (gaud that ia, -- . -3 --.: -7-- - _ITT , Pee ',yak Pkttoburytk . some p.m of that a„ ,,, ofe . re ~,4,, tad ief i, ~,,,a State Inutual Faze Insurance Ca, Harrisb g. of this Comas, to to afford Roman Ceilbolic Church cud joined the Prutemant i THE ilesizu Estalawhinent Between teed and three thousand i baa.uef ....7u're.llll 7P '..l r :kk.'. t "7 o k:k t e' n uk P ! o. 'l7Y. o a7fr ". pRTIWTST DOW admit the emit ut Seriptuas nadr -- rz , .:;;, ,, ,.. , - ,, -.. , fr.L., ca.' huhu. okylornatlD t o This taw non mate of things . AnothrS equally riei. in thy :: '..`.%'1.,`1i s';!* ..` ti ' r1 1 1_4171. 4 1',":. makable tact wasmentosped. The Protestant Bo ih it f i '''' - '7"t . ' ~ .r s; , a i, 0 1a5'i..,''th5.,,,..„,„a op et Tl.lll bad: publicly coabrined fa, hundred 117,R. , ...,,, , T,rkaku . kh'nortr' ri d = j k l h :k i rr 4 l . ,!., il Ies t.COIVIT Mr Glee SISO reported Pa'khe meal re loakes au urrlTl't'a.”'"'a-kka'"'XV'',., r." T;. 2 7mk " ut of that t amr he bad visited idly one Ixeduics ''''' ?1,,/,'`...gil„,v. 'l,,, i l's , r, I to a h iai";;;zt.a:= , , ,- , , ,, . -head Ofb‘u Divine worritsip was per as i pemsnal P " re ' lkerta .7.7...:1rr":,itr,,, • ')....".24.6,,p,...,,,,,,,:,,..-ia uy La Wet. the presenes oi Cellerceillotaik, IDOctcalk twentieths :she Paunki Clyty a dr:lcicle at,. tho at ot %dote had been Roman CaSOlics; he also Met C'.. 4 '''' . "". ....., wa Lywyay i .P L .,, u Ii .. A akatllkke.aukllluk Later hick.P. .1 p.c.), ku tor„ ; 0n.T . 010 thaws,. brdamed ; clergymen of the . Establish. kir._ ~..,,,,,, . n... is a moat allot whom had been Itonain Catholics, threw . sha;irsilr',Eral'is," 'ir, 7%,,,',,,',(4.c..,:,,,-.,.. h.,,, . cid= lett e r in sub4wo dm following of ta• ,Lllt:I I. , 'f r ul ,' '11"..„'t,''',......." , " ,:i '.. ,"4,1' . t.', u ; a . from a letter in i b' London co.ropondeace of Lho sz..a.o ii-,:e;iwcd toe To.og. ,t - o:: - =`..:rill - Z; caution koirooole ]:= 6 i...nt 1”.#4" ~ ...4 .:tt,. woh ,-, the Dakhla , acm 'Rum ague Weigel opery is tasking all this gain En/Isae. d ik. am f=gll hAkt s . ,. ..:aa esker...llo thk0e,,,,,0, ylow. that Ito aped, am dot, op Sbel"611111101* Pb elga to Matti nu Irelan. Theta the mamma ot cash .cirk ItaqS i a.T. o4 =shrill i f wg resis of mcmotarst truth, ni the blob tongue, op, Ms ....T 0 n......" , pears to gowns Importance daily. About a twelve Illtralt r b -,,, tv . t ra,:. , ,,,, t ....... 00 Sloe „:„.,,,„„. it wavitated riot the Bishop of Tom hue 1110 000 insirr t arena rir the follokrtye partners - ~,,d m p r e, e m u fear hundred eo t entes g oa , lam P. Ituttierfard mess. , 4111att, Pummel T A - 4W, Boatsmen% and now A is atoned teat not One has rii,,tV:".", Lil o t. .1., wid........D.1... Jut. soon toot tq tusfonaet Pt? l e p ton it I. moreover z I io. fIurIfERFORD, Pwrienit Illtwed,lhaglais wale prwate is Felted to dedwe A. , AJ. eILLETT. tlrnetary in ikthr l .• ... ill. Home °( /'" di l i b ' _ biswilh " rsret=" lterarti iwurrYlluals. No re EmlUs• •ha 1/011th of Lis ducom, not lon dal ma ikza , 1,4,14,a,zitta orav-wo i • sand converts from Popery. Thin is a new and won i dirful thing Inaba . history pr the attihroa coa.try.-- hi the city of Dahlia, also ti'mturf ha imovenient VS irt poltyats, by Yrbieb . msuly are bemocoulit a the Bible, Rod man y' are declaring the . es Ree tliatinda Polnore. Ftw manif yeah the .11" of Dublin bitabeen Whenv in the hands of thatYCon. aril MAY. Id commerce, now and - then-a groteritant bovine apy place 1130 hp -them, tar at learnt a Protestant of 1 weight or 'temple. At last, however, the city ' grew weary . of • the degradation under which it lay twine Bitch muntnetpality as had been in power for Fem.!. • Th Chamber or eomerne, therelort, revol ved sidsta ing a nutrililbra retpectable men, aiming a , Charnel r and oveylholrtir o party consideration. -- This re}.ult has teen a complete reform. Tony csi• tied tb4ir etindidates everywhere, and now the vast malorivy of the menthes, are men of work and intl. once, god Withal, Prmestants .. • __ -- 1 ; • 'Aitention, Townships and Boroughs. , .Frlii,.. ‘, - izens of the Borcinghs and T0na1 .2., .2., tillio.nre regarded to curet at they. niPtell a eleetkm. mt iatords, Vat In. 1 , :t1. Cr the maw... nf elate , itn Dlezate , tn a Ct.oLls enlale.lll.;4[l..d. h; r -/d e.t , tpe IWI'. ..110'Ir,',P,',X.7:1'.';;',...:,'hIrr'lltr:1;',.,:j ..4'l•=it% sth . 1,5r,,,1,rh.f,'';',.;, i c :Vi t i !Z1'.!,`,;°:! ., .. ,r‘h:.T.,i - Inn".":.? „ `_ ii,rtt;4.l:l4.the how. of 31.1 S r ta , haelti , 4 „ ll old< tlt "a . 7.‘".'.' "n:ItiI;.Z:.'n'ACI:NIIIIIE. . . 44 1 1'1 il!''C.ll*.t4'.'N . Comm itt ee.• NV:11. 1111,0 N. j alt. JlLLirtfebltt tl. E. ..P . l. I'I•YI,N. 1 itATitSii;iiWiiPikisiTE BAN tt p - r, ---- ~-,s . .....4. D.—.0,,i ra. Iso The CAP.:vim: it • 11,0 o write,: • tin+. tor three Ye. , Pai`ar h , ttne Atate. bare retnaintli in thit Bank nnallen.l nrt..l .Inel:timid. together '"h 'V 'J'„Ta„-"1.11Z1:T.'.7 , ! , ;° 11,1,d ..a j '' ilen. %ValnbOtr , VW. Jo Zet a h. th '. Both of ed.uve depontn are at ltdr/n at the rate of fin= nee coat per anourri. • .--- JCAIN ?LttiO£FlN, Caglier. AtArmed unto nod rur JM u u t t l / . aar ralSe. . 2. otos} Pattie. pie9 h. January_.lSUl --inliglitetB --. - 031 NISTRA'fOR'S NOTICE--LetterA of Adroiniatration Orl the•estile of Call:mi. per , &al, Loa bon granted to the untlerouned. All per , pans indu i•1t...1 sill make immediate payment thaAr haring fill.. ill nreaeut the tumor:J.oll4.CM. LA-111.3.211!..UgUit1lgtnirtrtter. CO.-P kR'CNERSIIIP— liaving associated 1 . m , . O,IT. toooLyth. with too, the Lo. Meta lota be motto. st the olt Itsr.l, no MI Keel M. on4cy the arm of IC. Loo rd mkt cost 'rim m r patina of the firm return. MA:Metre thank , in the id oda mol Wmsr patmot of Me Come. and bow, by strict Mott., to tomictts tot the manta of natomer& In moist toll chore of public yo , trootr. , ..., All pet • kommot th,totelt ea lutobtod ta N.Lomat bity book. rill or Mbermoe, Amor to JtlitlYar ht. iSSI, r Fin blot. call ond milk, kikt !AM rata. malclltiwtMl Public Sate of Real Estate rf.L be eie.l 007 th e f ifst % , A a o'cck A. on the {=43 t =a% t:.r lead a re t he tastonly , 0.147 91 .6. 1 kgh.01 , beresdre Cu the north by Well of Ilea* , Z. 11.1. C. Lac nest on too eeulls ty banzl 'ea) /en erel the PM by 10=25 tali), .LtaitlLF: till .4 tr. null C iLLS o 9.I) seles, ante er Ica, being Interne Irea of loon nhlch the tau Jerrau ereneinte Ce &Li kronen/ . Iles neer, the Treutaesen /cAul,uni Ls unsut teu to from the taty,cf Plttabnren, anoet 00 errea.of the etnuni eat licere. mud in coal militia.= ICS 2014.4 an..., 1,14 at tue Lelfls rcjruniendtbeyrepezt, 0017nue sud• Leif •,- Cell Carl treet of u-lens . Cls o ,000 no alms, n, r".... 0 E. 110: thire yen Caretheratemug LNAllec.mrczni by - eln: 01 Are Eleni=als =Gyres: ef ,ielyz/VtlrejltterVief.o3 TrlVL,eltfai, t ffi Inn4tnt..ri Allenh natcrevt of the ulei F4Ol, turte to ,F 2 Os ,`ERATitic if r oli n &rilrtg tO e . thr.k. A. It Puma ef re u ic oil be 4RPITINS' COURT of Allegheny ata tar. A. D ISZA. er of the ;arntlza d the sea eat. of of Ababa. naraltip, ':our.iy, SS: Pater—, Oz. .saraA i2jazternon, ,‘,...1,,1tm,tx.A.A...:41.= I . silk, a mtaor,Vti - .alarra Palaraza, 71. canon. C. Patterson, as.l &tali bell Paled*> zdzarta moll guazdaus ad Alma damn ltdaagka, Laza as Las of William H. OW lam is iTer ' air giros 27 thz a. e nor:el prinks, that by rut, of the plisse taectionta lost of partition an ha g.* iFit he taken and hal upon the Friers , tiiietrin IT trat:ertWittla ‘ = % Z ..L.l..Z hale of Jam Li , * itr . i•ip .I,4tp lisolatt. John 11.14 1: r Lletarrsott. Units,/ Union, J. Mat wail OA tiara of Ferrr rstterrun, 04414 m about til p.,er, Irish the apparttosares. alsii. 000 clgrr PCII.I ir.M.1611 aril Part at load situate in sea toris - rds of I 1 hvibetis. bourrlel hi lands et JAW. klebitileitt, Than., Mars., and the hem of litter iietter , , c, e rtnilr i nntri Itis-11 ' 7 . )1 sV h . the Wrt. ` : ti I it; Tbr,to.T:'lgAbe 125p`-.1 1 `:V0 1 :s '"'"lt 7.11t111 - V4P7t' , ftlg , i L '' '''' l' - ` °c l`,l'A. -szriv...lbat:!i,,r , ..,..6........,...... 0z.. , ; 11. ~- , 1-1 •1 ;... I ERERIErg BALEia. BY virtue of 3 writ c.,f Levari Facia issued !ant of the Dietrich Conn ef Allegeny cchurav, and to i .r, cow inwted. will he eshoevi to puddle ale, at Oa• Conn dlo se, !n the It eh Ilttetodayb. on 3lneday , the g7th day of 3 urzya.tl i lee+l,..at 10 o'clock, .1 11., the following'' ' '' jf I that cre ' hoTri t F. '"l of a n ritrate in the lieeerre onyee:lte hat!) !!egt,. and acs's hy tho name of hoe da !ii ant! .1d t g In! al., Ida 001 10 . P. 3. Lseyatt, eat! i rad In the recurt.: old:-!, da ueol. 3F. eel 03. rode 3 , te•Jintang at a earn , of 3 - 4 No ~.1. :tette ennelhi a' Itman! etre , 4to tel to a menet on 'hood etteet tn ce Oen; a l ley 11 - ert re/ feet ht tlerhare alley. thew. Id g raid alley 4! avt. to e od'nee !d - l'A dir gt. and 1 the en Glop, tho Pg..71f . i 1,0 fi,l. to the place ea' oed!oldng Lel ¢ at ha 5e.143 in the nteezer Thot ogtoote "rat , to turgh to ar lb.. Nutt!! leen:=!er- In the liertuth ef A Leta - . wthla ti 'attire .. ,, , , ,a and eendient ccovev! u! tedanae ',nal lu E. :1.417.4a. Lea t!!! referent.: td deed. et cal In aced lesaa'd 3f, fcl. f,i, p. 001, wid mere fully FI .. ; 31.7.3 the f‘ , l F. P. Casson. sli d bus stn. by dood •la thelth dos ed Antrost. 1.1). ISOts, soweot • -, t the soo3re W st ied Jam Amberson in free wt.. .t.,1 is teanded to . teen wen-, store —,wtotether with nil law the woos, watem Sr., Lod 5nurr......r...• whensoever. thelmsto helossitor. twins' awl token to execolos le the toyerty of 3oLta Anthems. at tho suit of 11. 11. Ito. Ca Intb. Aontros ofd t.t. quest: cud to be /Qin by C. CU :Ie hlarrltt ' • .. esta t e CHTIce. lantary 31,1051.—pati10t5r...33 . , 1 Military Bounty Land . Agency, ISIATIItW lIOSEY, would revectfully inform Shoe , inttrested that to Vat engaged in ',to ': jiirt.17,At'11'1t',...t.f:.7,7,nr,,1•4,,` ViZroV the rII edT:7l.l;"t`L-..1.'f,7,,g'T0';'.-f f:t00.t—',1,''..,r,r,,,hi11f,,q,,-, th total at e.•; anw as the la• ,sta,sl, 'lotuses .3.n the trnsodwre, no bene.'w own s,rue to the suldist u Ibis land is irwansit. It is II ~..r alsO evident that 'lldual elaistoPatts nowt seissl their Iwtuleatneriniernal nI Ann , . Tbe own will Is. found too exleutitelhe ihrr to be aftlerdit, rmauddri lirival,liddiiiime,„.3l4 t m r 'orl AR tee inifaViln'rlottr a t ifra to ''''' Ti• rim.- I t?ili.h h tlies...3 l l es are the ea., hasinrsr of toe rayon, in the arr.:aim! [ hie t cr ctrarylotod by Cony - rem cod reirmamcodel ta thi IlrMellt , .mi ra3lo Mama I prom,. therefrrer, at • cloMparataely mating heir t 1 procure —Pit A Land dr anima for those mulled AI o rupanntrodporionalli tt r Mastitis of cold warrointi tlien.l worming and guano Lieu. to tat tiald. a radii/. I 4410 0.5, auto , di view of amoyalmo or mlr TM 1 i obtain 0 VA , nt TM odd hod. t ;error vith a dearriolion or Dr val., Imairrni A .411. 0 abling him to form . moms. of ibi value donna, Wlllth 14111 to riaacrAble. made Lam. an aimh- Adart. fo ot talil) l- MATITEdi 1102E1, Pariklfriii, 1111013 0011 r, Pa 2i ll —lt ode Da ammo ed ima Pon 011 L, eiouritTi and L . eery legibli riurtuaira. 15 - 49 LIBERTY STREET, PITT.DIIOI/. ' P DEIJLhEI has 2u3t oyrned Mr itprin g atom of ery descrlyttcr. 4 ‘,11.11 namable sot cdi Made The I.2o..Comancorrii t oA I era..., Imre beta sideet.3l with • * a cme form the lad. haporturomi.. 4 cora ynce • Tart er, tLlo d .4 m now arid hamrsomei . eatraill and am:dyer wear. The 50.... a 000 ,0 0 13 000.0.0.) 1 oust rarlsd tab 111 at,le Lai qualii, mil canhat Le e mil. if agnate.. LT 007 '0 , 0." •,O,OOIPOFePt to al. - to. althea In 4../4, datimitt, or Trim Ai, ~.i at-,1,i a T,Lnki (..-,carre, 64.14 far hlbd taCimita and Yard. BAWASer UA- 10 01 . 0 00, Y 0 e , n 0 . s cla a. rn=4", Casbacerats, It.. Clot. Dray a DU, 'The cobra stmr. wag Torr./dr omiapere with say .. 1X 1 m..x.rna".4,4..a1vgb0., —, utFil:.".lg fi,Tl ,Ae,-`,' g.*Af."'„lii s Zfret ood ani Le r aii can i pr... by 0.0 , • tu We r.... •.... istua 10. 14nier. as rout.en darmwlialyoi by many o brim tr.... ! far or TM. Mal 1 win f . eir Lima .1 retold...tr. .44 43 can Ls fou.d in h. Lung= markt. =I at .... 'was yr.. Brian -, ALE CLOTIIINie A Istic AAA 4enmal ii.. rtramt 41 roily) made elothiron on head, noolr In a. ;Am. kii.tanA coraldadat rrin..v.t...z:i.clttl,ftthb:.wg,Lyt4 oi,ode .Ics, calm. Paatailacna of roter• amarydan. so ;lain cad -, C. - -LlAero of the 100414 Ape, 1-ZiCA 'AJAITIct cal macaw ga... 2 - 01t0 Of the tart. 2...4 rd. aril. =1 Thai rsormillra Cloth. Colhaerc ac_, ohl Mbar ch. I . V r lfir- 0 2 ‘ il h gtr i r4cd A ulaVe 0 IiTrr 41-‘tmci=lt :Tic. cod .111L4 MIT I. far tr . ,21,33ii bat Uri larA of Work. a ememiel. .4 fail ray , . prdl All 1i.......3 made te arks C.II 01.70 - 0, VA AAA- in-Wheitmle Trorchafera`adlfir. l the stma.m. 42 ...... Imlyaldri enc to orlon a dump h. ...t D hrill ...est - [maxl4 Slott) Irk:LANAI Allegheny County, BB: • ),ILiIOIIIIIONWEAWLI of aTicanie... to th 6 Sbetiff of cull County, creFT;botran• at an th • " Cont, boll at. iittoborgr. In are: for cull maul:. or the :Lot dap of Denorater,lssC•, Tbe ge•titiou of Lenart Toting, *thin ks - et= of aII gni ynbola tho triell, ath. trtiob wort of t.b.theuise 51tonn. defl of the city of Flttiburgb. ill tail county, detuund al. ro rise other &LILL who dial Intedain shooing tbat . tho atil tht==elelt c 0 lunful OD, IT.per,tualestale forth' ponent of Leo nano, that ate Ain! wind In tar & s nag of fee, of and lu lith , t . . centifuttarigatinliZof voitithtitu- Erg' too . ii .. fOtlirl ' ;tt r il t Aft-ei nf ibtrti toetr and'esienL: kohl,. of equal tahltb on G hoe .rallel with Wilk Watt 7 An, fre, upon h blob to etentalo dcelLog bathes, cut lied-to IL. phytneut of au annul ti e rent of eighteen I ittleictlfg,,tblia.mttt oi L inzral lola Ana tour et cd iter.treolftb of °other. A ..b. 184 i. Iheitt l :l ' eTt d tg i al 'lintel:2o teing thnunallLini CDC tuff , part of surd rt., +t.'oll3T;•.t;iti: flVagirtg2olo.d.tr ratiraptrrnt7;Vr. o f ruut wri e r, p c t. fif f bee dollen, vitu Intertet mate ' July 17.11, Ibs o . end rate smoothing' toTtobably thirty ,Latina, end the et pen. cd hennaing laid tract hlllprobs• 1000 :earl. Lanz or hay gollaie End fraying Co: Conn to ironic nlto an Grant to thane 1,:le . Of the . tald messusge or `lot cf grout.d. with th e. aubortenturte taf the Dui poetic u 1 the afontaalg deLU ,' I bur therefor*. • — III you , .r 4 ..I. 0 r .. 0... 1 'ttf:tl-. - ial fa , ? ..o.lCetharinc i etabhoi end alight.: before unr Or I , plant' Court. et r. 1 to .1101 , • C3IIIA, If • tax lith to ..I.olAdj, 1851. ,Ib, th e ;rater or mi. to. r, itsdas c ;our said awl. at m is CELIEP: • GOLD PENT.TVe have DOW en hand u larva Rack ot the teat OW Pens from Abe 'Manta utatradsen:ni.to hor Land made axpreaelrta nett!, A1.... 1. "" " ' I P l r =l=a P 7fr e" Pe= C '' '''''' ...q..'llT.tal am •:.: I' ' n "... teaa . An far nth • ale. a, re . A T pr . . --. 2 oilms -- ThveL , .. INILSO , I Nif,;;;IS.ON RAI6.-2 I..ses recited and i - ---.--- _.,,,,,, fur ~,,Irl., ag&) . W & P.A.:IL:PIN. 1p: ....d-t . li a , t , - - - e , -/ "., . --------. ....,....7•••"ha Thirto 1.1 o.:. t. rorl- -1- 47,311 , 0 OotA Intont 111.1t o lropl,o. 4 otly Lin , . of .s.s . Con ~. PowPEK lANGAN ESE •Aw •CALLISTER'S UI.7s;TMENT—'2. gr.:A ill for , den° KIDD d CO. L tED .,, OI P 10 Ilt.(.P.'R : 17 -Fifty tow; Brush4.,reett Furnace Piero. (or sate ly 2.013120 N. I.2ITLE. A CO. .110; Libsily S ibrls frVsh Roll Butter. 21 kelp Butter: lu) Lne Dried Applec ' u La% Mint I'vethr, ermiresi Ly is RUEIbiON. I.IIIIX I ARIL No. 1 lin store and for sale bv .4 de_- , IrAl All DICK BY'S CO. VIIROME YELLOW. KW lbs for sale by lli iO9I J nu, a lb_ 1 110 S B, YELLOW. 914 lbs for iia . 1;5 D 1A ,,,,,, MERICAN VERMILLION. 7.50 lbs for Ade 1:1F ,AD A KIDD 1 ey, WRITE BEANS. 15 lirls fur sale by AI II W JOIIN.,IWN g AMIN. 50 brls in store and for We by l J 3.9 wm m JumNstoN _ ROOMS. 100 dozen for sale by iv to m it !haIt:SION GARI6 for Sale by pa BRAUN 0 REITV.R COINER COIN WANTED, for which the o',llgheet yirrnalutu will to pal.) et the F.rchmeo abet, A IVILKINN s let Jag Carper ht Mini cod Wood ne :1000 AND SKELETON MAPS for sale XJ,a.r NPCLINTUCK. SUPER EN'OL i. ISII SHEEP SK o IN b MATS, b.a4VV, ALUM.. 4B bbls *for sale by. • tar WM BLOALCC 2 CO ingirt-raAao:r-rtuTtCribr sale by '.isi WM. bAtiaLEC 2 0) ---, LINSEED OIL. 30 bbla for sale by 1-1 jaS) J UCA2. FIELD TALLOW. -Fifty brla received am ba gliOtaa T ontr b tr trr aT T.l.d E.i, _ - W RAPPING A.ND PRINTING 'PAPEIi I"rF"'"iigitllVA7l-sitALL. g 'OTTON. 21 bales now landing from lJ tlca.x.cr .t a tir au Dicm . a CO, Water sr.3 Vera it, LARD AND STERINE. 6 Ws No 1 3...1 bbia icaur, tor Mria sm . vy Worcr cal Front sly. M c LSttA.;).l 130211 t;itra Ileary Oabluul and lloward sctlablo far "'-'lWlLlciltrtgllrlic W. WgIV. by 17dVdood wee. FEATHERS.' 16 sacka now Wading from '"'"°""°f'"2lWiAil W DICKEti to sal ir.uo C. N TUE COURT OF CON 0. 'k.. of Allegheny Conn* , ohlo and VerrbirlT. lll Rad !in& Ccansany va A Lsdls. Abotwell • Tp. O. Yee' Tann 1133 IMPORTANT TO THE AFFLICTED. UAL , . stones dcfendant-lou sr* 'gcnobf wan that this above ,rolalntill' herWs& oral Incliunihni olo to 0+,1., R. ROSE'S CELEBRATED REMEDIES tenfity.`"l2,,Prr4igli yell VIV 'IT a 'i r a oN1.141: .-Tin Jacob Roar, the discoverer and mole proprietor t... ~.,,....„,. owl Lenenelal nalitinta, and silo 4a . plon, hounded by a line au the north chle of ti toil- the leretttOr Of Ma Mebrated irciprualent foeilutisting the line of sahl rail oad, and running through wad bleb Lungs,_lll *Beefing a cure of Mende &wave, wee a stu. durAnicallt 1./ fort veto , • drat puici description of width hint or that'uninent physician. Doctor Philo, nod •is s ate gleckin the store to. ~. 5. 0,55a5,5.5 grutuate of the University of Peepasylvaniaand for .fern Sill o b u be. engaged in the Investigation of-dl decZainw Solon. Ls Planing . Au, and the application of Riuollri the SILVER. BAME NOTES. SltillT I THE Bgrrisa PERIODICALS, T Lawn to thause of his Lonathur tune. lorodisection a ith his Prophilavheb)rup. and other of his reutNie., ho . gut GOLD. .s runs Drafts On 000 goat sat West. btor.o. as.. ; A ILi N 1) 'l' lIE EAIOI.ERS' '61.1.DF... othr...l an auparallriPt atoincoup to cooing live. dn. I LEONARD ;care L cu No '.I (Add on -el Nee I ond ~".‘ fi.h . a k. Tuu'u -u4 I C °3 . 313.03.1., Cuu`''''', b ltt.ll 4 2 ,1 3 4 4e3 , Polife“ i• Ytte4 bla the mast fat ofaLlo I I Tor n - . et oy f u1,11,h IN finer h@iiiir t:laai ' ite. 1 ..f. i. .• 1 'ii ... " 4. • /".... v '''"`"‘" l A . , "`i " `:"' • tams...title b....tinsr.uswe ci 1 i ....a et.t.......r. alacine . In adjaaup t o atop 1 . 1, tthd. b.ob' En' nlivbis• and . 1 / tho,w. V. list die - OLIAPIE E. ArsilLo &Co i ~.:' , , , ~,,,,,,, . , ~,,,,,,. ~,,. ~,,,,,,,,_ eases peculiar to (melee Inipad. Perri torm of &watt. j._?______„_ No 7 . .1 four th ort;eb I 0,... Y •, " “- '. .1 "-- tirl r‘ , or i L 7' .l , •ll.E . l,t , lic ..-111,-nris',..Yobste;.tl4ob.,,, rthil. , hfw under the nee of his lewd,. to which huntani ts ts heiroo Ey the until sus ionnoonil only, for tly. Fr lIE SUBSOIL IB ERlti V IT ES . Tllll I ' f ' P ' s, 'a l. EZt , .sn. g1.i7 , :r . .n ,,, -.0.4 07,i,....:„.: ; ;; ;, , ,,, :trt z : ,, ,, „gmbl. n t.-:- , .1.-„:, 11 ; , ,),,;,b , g:, , ;,;, ,,. . A at-u- " - . 1 - 1,-,..t:rita, '4 ,a.hzll.,frhr.,e,.:: ..fti 1 tt-r.t..%;.ra V 0 .4 f;s''SbiZalcrf:lll.lUals''cLlNq,:t.''''' '' ..3 o f , th...T., a lert=. , peawars. The above .a.ruclea in l oplli. 1 Cwt. Slerluo. asal , 11,. bighli obi abb. work will rtymoria• two Ay,. r1y,7•1 „ I . ' , 1131 . s, -°- ins sbi l u 3 . 13.00, sr* Ai's , ' 10 Cotton, of all gr. thd pners. cobstaotly on. It aud for , n elas o i o h o., ~., t a i o uic pc.c. 10,a, pag ,... su p ta, .. „,, a , , opi whnovrailgui be • uporior I, .01 0 10,10 00 0 ~,,,0 0. gals low by uoiA, p 1 e . p,,,,,,,,,, , ~,,,,,, ~,,,, „, ~,,,,...,,,,, n .,,,,,,. 01.011 ,o, ,i,,,,,,,,, , five or liver all. inannuch se . 1[1.7 lvc . thenenvela per- . -- - -- , ~,,, ace., in tb.b heat nil" , r tst. liluatratg sliont I t'''4l7r,,T e r i ..Tl7 . 47 ‘ ' s° ,V " ; ' T . =”7„.7lj.7 3 Z;p:l ', _ QENECA OIL.-Fiw brls reeeiverl, ;for sale r .i.., i, , ,lrsiiiiiii r f hoilocreler era - tu nee bi , . th e lacst far- w w i c , ai. ....,,,,, , , - ~, ,, ,,,,E - ,..„ ~,, . ~ ,, - r : , , SO Or ,4,.•.•4 ' . 1110"." ' " 7 " ' , n.,y r :. " 1",. ' ' ' ,...: " y r . d y-Y!,tr gleyyt.T . :fs . • Jir.fy tt,g,.. !l• ,Mlib . wor to ntablith .rat boa 1.... ra.A. In iLe 01104001 ti IITTEE ::II Ce , tole 411 , 1. :oil ai - . pfllne roil • oat ie-if."11,,,..C..crt. the. k.of.c.rial trKa ..ice:hy hook Is I 0b°,17,k,zr;.,, , , r. „,,,„, to call ~,.‘„ ~, ..,,.. t. .., i ,,,,, 1 ,„,„,,,,,, 1 ,,. „ ~, . . .. 17, .. ) ,, , ,.. :,,,,,,..,,....,,,.„..,..,.”., it of mrslculabirto tb, sta. ~.t h, . ~,,,,, „„th of t h , ,,,,,, ‘,...,,b„,5,,,,,,,, 5,, deL:LoH id% FR .t. bAINI..I_ . . ii , ,„,, , „..,..,,,,, ,„, ..,,,,,,,,,, ~,,,,,,,,„.. ed yfc,...uut ot 'bob. rewily. and Ice apignation Ni . 0. ,MOLASSES.-Fiftv trts. ir.7 , lrrivii. i ',' ' F'... , `" *' "'• 1 ' 1 "..`,", 1 ‘ b " ''''''',.'..."7 r i ,"'„'::l. 4 ' 1 gi l l.. ' e ' crro l' o' h 3Liti.. t f ice '''' .. ' opfp.fit 'ar' : ''''' al t. ''''''''''' I.‘ for rain by 3,3, iififili iiii i. I. sti . ,s_c .c ,,,,,.., ,7„,._., 0 ,. „,`,,r,,,.,,'41-0t.4',„ ' ''' ''''• I J Selnoot.Ser * Co.. 30%3.1 st . rtmialre , • ~,,. ~,,,, k .,,,,,,...i• ~, , e bk.l.d .., ~, f 0 n 0a ,,,, _ J3l Twervocul, Liroggib, SO Nlsrtet et - - It I: FT'S ROOK Kli 1.: PI IC Ci.--.% sig.piy Th,. ~ i.,„ (e„,,„,,..,,, , ,, a.,, }!,,„. , Lbe A. belch. , tiruggict. ti or dm Piet Othre.Allrglyr _i_p of Bare Bon: 0 , - , :ing et. , PistA P'. o : - i , ''' , Li oionii ii••••" 0 ‘• Pi ' d'" N°3‘it !w ul. 6.. '`'''''' C 43.. "' '' l ' ,..Litt Poricl" 8 , ...i.0v - oi Bearer mom - Vs I, ii c ci.a I. 1, , N. . Church. ifs, '. - 'L..? o °` l,s " ....i t' "A hick -_, 'hob illicit intivii . iralie . - - . • • _--:-.-------,--________ Li1t!,..„,,,„n c ,,., I' o ,, . 1 tiriY E.1.C1.1t,5.- I liter liUndr3 i litiii iti."l, littnightb...l t ! tLe-polit.eal 3 • :.,tr.,':•,l,..u‘' - - - I_, rceriven cna kr gals 1,7 ~. - -- _, 3.....0 ...kill i VE:: lit Ills I L , i c. , ohne, , -, ebb," te it it s P.. honor, , lien Orel silt, od ar ti.st , 1 Miii OIL. :", brl winwr iitriainiiil, for stile ‘OTION FLANNELS---A. faltLsr silo* y i iiiii ii....d. . . sr.., all other socroole -if th....yr ;1A hi iil7 MIPS. YUCITIII.I , , b (..3) -, ,„,, p,, ''lee Wee 'alit the inc.:eels oulbance or - ---- -- - Nici . tt. slu'''e 4'•' , 'ttiffi'g‘l'ittrttLiri• LEL b , acts arils, y.. 11 qua , :or aisit mlaakij, awl 10,1 I INSEF.L* OIL. 5 Deis pure New Castil , • -- IktAs me settee term L 1.111 0 .1.1 werlra ot 1 . 4 TI Ito rerrived ad far wale by VRENCII LEAF-Fifty bundles French. , =TT-if ..t...l***. tr. the. -....,,,- 1 db.: . ' 1L0101... 3 .0!.. LITIIJ • CO. its intl.:no both in °rest Btu---- - .11; Ficrecee, Dutch- Ciold end Picea:. Last. isr . s.tr t.* “,,„„ ,L, Etat, worts as 'ea. Caa. lil sOFFEE. 213 lin& Rio for isairi lir ,both by Boaster. , -. 31y Pct. , I , _• do- lillEY, mantis:4P CM. 2 ... _" 4.1-o_________L____...• -J -Cl/(3ll3_3Lahls & CO. Y... t 3 11 ; 4 co , c Au r..,p,p , milt , 3leit Hood." and other serial , or j ' ' COLORS --.5 Ws Rose Pinit: , lytu , , ram ous • re Imo.' by the le•dio. I FISH. IR* Deis lay \u . laelsarels, rip ine liwAni, ...rud; publirlairs have to Pe nnrintel hi thou , 1 11 , cave Chia. pilaw .4 EL , ito:Ph,. .i Illortsval, after it lou term lo taleifin 1 Bening. For mala,Py 0110 4 riCIIVONSIA ELS &CO I issued tiy Co p dlo that subwribers to the IS drabs CatfigeßfAsVemlkimiEws C,,,, a - stirs/. buy cu haling the A'ERMILLION -Trieste. Chinese, Amen - 1 ~*,..,,,t, ~,li.s.. tsts3l. Y ''''' end l ''" v. "'"J"k c iiia ., W ,,, .. , e‘) 1 F.. r Levities per enown 113 CX., Alo . -.-- 1 Fm so d', 01 5 W i lp i : S'SEN TIA L OILS-1 ..n 011 of Sasso* ros; 1...,,,5p, .3, . ,11 *, tt 2 ram !Oil of LaVtl3.l, I roe oil of Boaconar- I van ' i"r oil is , . i : . , ....I`. _, . .of Lemon. I tau Oil of licryythaot . 1 ty...r. oil of clot.. , :i: t ii,,nr . , , :::: .1 ::11 . .....:L ,.. k.,,,. 0 . L,,, .., ~. wil I lobs ihlof It.. Iwo , twOo...V i tg,ltrilioqy 1 Ni. for LW to- I dui toe rur Beileo• hr 10 NI /4. : j ' . ____-_-__ -_.-- - -L. - i•iT {arm.. eililde 1 , ...1'.. I” •:, 3 i.- i • isi rofussiLs BLUE-'feu boxer No. 1, Sor i P.... to *,*, C o 1 . th y‘L 1 .,....r.....4•...... L.,. t a islo 3 bcilliciONAlAELlt a (31 A , th .,.,,,, „, ~,,,th) r .,01.7,:..;, ~,,,,, th, 014,10 v,..„..„ iAid) OIL.-Larj Oil of a superior quality.. ‘.,, ,^.*,,,..11:.7..14,,,;,:.,,,,,,,,;‘;',;.rr',:.? 0111,1? 1 1 147„ . .r,; In" Lconstantly on 4.1 f. , mi. ill awl or of ow hero a viol he cent to oric shirrs" LA Sh ialo IbiAlall DICEEV A S, ikeder A Front sts I , ~,,,,,,, an . 1 _,,,, ~,,1 „ .1 „, 8 ,,..,,,,,..,,,,,.., , 63 , . 4 IL oLissEs.--Twenty one bils prime '"' .", , (.., from elute man he ,111 , 1irect to the publpphers ITlliltugia Bon. Stridanie,-..,.., ...t ~ .., bi : ... ditcouut iron tn." grieve can be al4bied 41 agents ' 10 0 tiATERNIAN a ticlis 8 , Maury', Zorn of to the :islet velure igyubl, will be reoet. riMIREF:I4LY AND INGICAIN CARPETS. 1 L!"'''' . 11:1111. , 4 IL/ ~, M llllofltA.llll.l * . t1114.1 . !4 Miway • sal bil-s, i .rantip• 1 ,Vvig..11'47 . 1Z1 ite s ,tatvtl I 4 - - --' —' - ' -,,,:1k‘;,!.1,-.ICIIA sr ever brout IA to lb ntsf&st .... , i.. r , -- -, , lh: ,4 Fawn ono& NYS wk. e ye,. ci .a,, tie nal es ail 4 , ,F. 1 1.... ............ I tat„ E.0.m.. PI liohl Axe,. c - - , st N. ''''.,,,' 3 ' .. P '''''.'' '''''' " "‘.'" V. ' lia•CLIN - F o a ' COMFORT AND BELIEF i-__----- 'IL.-')IrINDOW ILL.NCIINCIS -W. MeClintork 1 - pioil 'IMF. AFFLICTED will be foupd ill V v oilers to thcwearistnng to on . haw a very handsome , ll' Ur [marine nelliturcra INFALLIBLE LINIANNT. assorunant of Satin, Lielain listaleice. of ths Des.. sod , orlfarie !WILL whirls lace cued the lento} 0,11 . 6' tare av ian ally at reduravl prone Coll st the Garnet Warp perienbo, end has be,mot a doubt, loon the ruciins of tee boas, hojf , Fourth Strvt rails tooth< livee of thou:ands of tantlitusia. in stitioat levees , chow anl character a ..... We kr! that we tward rue 1 - 30Tif 1714:1172-71ilasting an . d Rale Powder, , thing in rap ungthat this th , onlY n0d... , that Webb. i'atki 0000 . in niaganne. and for eel< Ly ofiered L , the atniet...l. that Ana Wet., isnAof thewurd. 1010 J A.1311.1.3/Oiiill &CO - . o bat it It iced for —_ _---- - --- - ilt hal. rUm.1...0.1 i+ capable 0:1.7th2 roor. ‘l ,, f•r t r ,, , Lot QAPETY FUSE.-Twenty brl!'dafety Puce ,5.0nz.,=0",,,rx:1,1.**. , 1.0. ~. 4.-jiMbi"u"' lot Pi. by 4 , T' ll • Lw " Rtu ' c° . tht:r. ' l ' .: ', ll d sTin i lt_f btr.` 4 `` ' l l l b `ir; I":.,"Zi .. i ' ev-r teaTiatointrd and Trail. '.,1tt,',;„11!':".14t...1 , .. rs ' oUr . 0 00 *rod ~.13..0 4,4. „. Fstolis Manchu ever odenat gir 41e, or used or the ol them. cis The lion. Ilessa IL Grinneklsas lI.C. Vie Lim. Rob! II 31ania lateAlspor lion Jona A. of hell U. b. Saw WT. Uinta. al l'orter, Esq Editor of the hpirit of the Timex sad a En. of other .i'd....i..b.th ..... of New lurk...who Oars fallytsassa.totrits, have gestenitted the Proprietor la Mir to than Olt is well worse that Pstent Medlar. are not gene, &lip pitrolitrof by theltelned. wealthy Ana tabu decks, we pane opilailitedry • right to - in-to...iv bights . Priv - Ileged Tins Vender labelling CiaiepOrl has {wen tslio , F _Teo reap lbfore th e public 4 1111 an t friends are now it, . c t.zsgtssa Col ~ le=o Y .:‘ ~ ..i . n4.,iir •• .„; .„Igx: 5 ,...11,1. 'IV i1t.,...i:r..1.1;%``.1ir ,r.tht.4.. , ra..amistie paiis.....,etaiouilivxoWings.iiipirsiir.e, brumes, old sorra, nal nil the pat. and aches that lieth labia to. Over 1,00,000 battles have been sold ablaut complaint, and have socrinled ruth eslealskdng oures,atter all other offered Pave foiled, us ocokl qtaggrr bow& hul ether hot offered, and In our porwrion, the stroticAl possible evi &we. Sins melt .toe. cr r..iiiirez vcr.ei F. is roctLrii from veg• f;'itroli tre=il7:llt 1 . 4 I r t litarttij ron ' riT -i' It le 0 sore cure for liiarrheo.l3rsuipe, Blame Chalk, and al eptocioalic affection& &wawa cf the KLIONYN and Weakacca in tank or female, Bum whatever eau. It notY Lave originated. For ,cle In Pittsburgh. by IL E. Seller; Aleuts. 61,11 A CO . ant oiiiirql a Foot ten: and Lir the stall OrogiL , ^onerally. Ills put op In four, tWo, nod oub shilling bot h'e.. roisw.lirre Ajppis.—One Luudred bushels fur '.• .1610 A. DILLWOATII tCO DFpraegg.s.--.24 bushels ley'llale by 7.9 Dictmoana & CO xt 'rhOa ratogy• JohDltoA apor Stqckt.op's, and 104* b6.7r 4. !1 ssy/s Camar,lsl=" Ilissas.Stlobileng Ilt.ala sal fun nary -Is in Wlsal 04, P4Ss . ssa tistiosidlnd, &UM.. the tarot rsay.askds Urns Jasak Dor.t. sal Jitsik.kwry Wsretraze. =nu of nate sal Sscoad stlvela rth.ttsg Lea. -,...4713.1, Nc Mini AP • New Wok& Just Received LION 'LOCKE; Tailor and Poet; an auto. 'R.L " tae'Vofiedlo4 *L , gar s the ow of ..reata teasido• oak 100041 plasma of prepared awl putth th e ed --R;4tha''''T:"''...s d .:Ptlte Mats at 0121 tleaala ,%12. /S ma li t l bath A- late soliwirderstrat dyed:Ale ltuaria.tall. 1 oil AL rths. botta Nth hook—thaithi cf 31adatie Bohol. et Jc.be S. C. Abbott. with toxemia:o unitotia with th e loather thluthas of thlepopular 403.1.01001 serith For We by la 9 W./ V/ilt4B, sa /speaks tlolLllasa. roar= an COTECTION INSURANCE CObiPANI ar Mulford. Cann. Cipital SOwth e.al famd• XV. Chartered I=s. oW otr3thrisl pa, beta twolotelx:pitt t etta his aad and Irs=to rothatraor wltztra dsTsrl:. =rut Da as throrathe terss u sa. Liz reepthsible maw ,ffai°."`,lll4i,ah nett d. l lSrtOlO koAf n b §TRAWI)OODS.-11. DI. Greene & Co., Shlaftsrlicata Forelats and thwthstie Straw Othda I the attoolith It buyers to their good" fot that Ther twill otter faith:stomata to • sre 4 vahiy trftt, trua 3oo4o ::: 00 erWLte al tL 0007, N 0 100' Phrl New York. eeadlm %:"ELVET 'PILE CARPETS of the richest T epic. a... 1 West orylek ran 66 bad at the Cathet Wththeoise. tO Fodith at. at pekes as War an they 000 ita bilrci Um mail. Wies. 11. II Cl.l.Ytiath. iTIEESE. 1000 Loses tor sale I,y LsA AO J WCANFIELD KY PEACIIEs. :30 seeks/and 11 blots 47 foe saie )th 1.1 WATZILMA N t 75(thsi IDOLLIiiI 41. '6ure .lud .1441 Os; of Voce IJILA/N OIL Clll\'fZ, rqeeivetl thi , .flay J_ tt, C3ITZS IVarrttax • r • / 7.•:•1 • MOLASSES:: fiO trl, de . .l ; • 1311 OWN KIIIKPATIIICE :JtFr. n'cn:xnr. c.*rF~ rip -- " — AN;NER" . ',6 011-- 171.- '' - f l ' mt, r a -No. . f o r x.D. i. al ,d. ..i DILL - OnNill o Cu.-,- 111RUS$ELS CII.P.P - ?','e 'mac! ,t.t. TAKE NOTICE. 411-i"""1" " '''''" ` ur i° "` r''''`=".:'..! 'C II ALL 1 - :'; GE TO TIIEIVORLD. TWCI:MT ruteletarpen. which an. dt - oct floe, toe .1 , , , , . ~, pasnalichaer.Cln, .1 nch nylta at 1.11, , . , 11 . , , l, v. pollen Toward w.ll IA rind loam . mu. 0100 nal they tante is in any cram !Mte ,lii Lail na p ro jo... a uol of pout jrl,ll cr -11,.. thn ~,,, bur a . tbe Carr. woroboclae. Not: , i'Mrth vino , ... ~ . , tre , l.-.1 wlth non'. luu r.ool Chouncul nom!, I have tho 13111 O V , Cla .•, 0 4 -o ; toe.O. to.tho koohle of thi• iirwelhat thl. 4------- , I afoot , . L. me con unproremeta on a. goo sh.ude oun TAPESTRY CARPETS. direct flor a 5 ,.. ' .4a-a ir. ‘, 11 , .. rourJr. lor ettro , oh; ono., tot, Inch. oil. ''''''' a ''' '''''' ' `P l'''' t5::Tr.".",`,1,',-,:`:- , 1,141‘.1,.`: 4'.L'l, h ..7 Ar,lZ„*", ,‘,•:r...i.`r.!Vgll.'gX,•". , ' .my -....-- 1 1.1. , ..• a " - 1 " - • )41. 1 01., v ~. 1.1: , loonno. ae. without ' Mo n aof Moue ' - 'Soo. E.',Lou'.._..-__...----------- , that 1.4, +l,lr mil tot hour, 3ltte Mon one thmanod . I I.'cra.i'r,‘,4' t"Oninorrittce.h.s7;7^.lQ,';"'i::t..k,m6dl's F.tqlp...le 1.1... analog of light nit, Nana,. alpaca. MO 0100 , .. I hoot onlo up Mow pines ot risk, too of Oip. SO, ond four of en i.O up which Itehany , ..l the colon th „,,,,,,,., b o on. nutting it en a leakt dm. tty a wannle ot en. dn.. , htu I nate ti. ten.. Inu detertnlaol hot u.. oeuroeni a tut ettoON'ithan I know to be 'noon) . nue ~,,,.. hornn r.. on awl ndlate teen, nn i YU zlvd ul a. o .ht - n w x r il. IW i l.WpN,rtde:o - )3ALANCES ON DEPOSIT, which have 1.... m ott,ha.ll,, , ti iJI tlAntel one atul Otwunn , In the arbauue Neat of l'atelannh , — ‘t dhoti non.. roonleufauukooon. hog. 9, 1E1) 5220 Npenrer Ilaolet, Zanenllle, J.,' ..), .4,, isif, so / wear. that the totagrang I.Mkorre enter tn be due to I,tiett=undt;tr,fteir IcTol nprentaatters,seemdbur T. M. Jicinv., C.da„. Eworn and subnaonllaLet hia, Ole neth dee cr Decem ber, W. L, W. tliNtr, deal dl Notary Polak, lilll3lE OLACIL. TEAS HMI ENLII.Abiro. /10erle it . [ lament, lamb Milte thLe Jar ree c‘"a PardlateM=ltteli le, eLleiratigt LAD. p r 0,,,,,d lb the Knellebe =ut. hien 0) ant* WI lb Wrte ort lb. ' . Ina las ,Uarltat , la UM Di o =oar ustas• dd:t M4l ,Lci...561,E,..8al Ibtfuldir. firt becw. wool a 'era Illax 41 _ - PEAR. ..ASII. I ts bri;.ior sale A_ oar JB by CA-SITELD 1 F fir.,...}fS,,LiTi daily by BUTTER. 7I 1: I, J Al B oi c e A s N t E dl l; -DICKLES; Std., just received at '256 Liberty i ote.t.--Yirklrd Peal.. iu . qt!arl , .1., , r, Pickia No", IV.Titri V3Vet&V.t.,l'iirtrt .raVs..diulgitiNe.r. .r.. in nourviar.; 1,4 , 4 Martine:, 11:i . antat pa 1 be atx.a. t.Liltioa, to our circuit Ltrev Stact of Slade , . littehoo and i'aul. , rtnEktni out Mourtufent lb. mon r' , .+Yl , .. iti Ntuturgb (;.U) 1% U. A wcaufto a (.0) .IlitoFlE oiatN - . - 100 lbs for sale by IL) An' I JUDD C CO, ilt? itmj . 2!. VIA ILISGItEENT - 600 Ms fur &Ile by 1. isB J KIDD k C'o , IVY APPLFp. I;siiiifor sale tar - - - - - PI P 6 -: . • 'Mil It Jd/INSTON lial r Ett - IlAjtiiill , ;;Ui. — Tioncb andi-mer 1. kat, FILM MEMPISIV, ~,,,C ,_. vu taw. laraabaw Wlniritgat v ')? JUIT . &I W col stn4. • PHIL r`, Effili- k, Wo L CO'S 1 " PRESS ,To Atinputa.—a e made syrenzietteate Sir me uttie4ore enc.. Ju tut the-Cuter eutogou-by iftVe to Bfollia.tplesrgh. eat f ~ • tams toy l'etweehlteda Kell Road to Plautelptlie. T nab In 'chest..- - etz•Lti . ..... 4 - w, oulf eau he taken bi..l.Etall a tat., de17.42= n I rcl (twin thenre hr W I'ILAbg , PIII.I- NE During : the na,net..lnn Line. of Own. mill 1,41 then , N.•vr Venn. , PhD.,JeltAtn. Tun.. ti . .. Farm m P)111We11Ll or wle Lc' J. 'ODD A Ca. 1 Os to lialttroore... Crsirhss.sorill leave aml essetl , lnight at the ea E—N:THAS to hate at Its is tho runs! dsreet. to • the , eastisrn eitt, Inasfenipsr.s haltitat,. is.turs,SsAiresst. arn the va.sms-ss tilissro.rtnatsn. r Vt. It Ms r to J:ls. 1101, iht1.4.‘11,4h. D4r. 4. It, rrIIANSI'OItTA"•ION LINE FOlt Tar ttlttaTilor n far '4.IW :the etork, tirnbil will. of %Varela.. to I .tlnktelphinr, le., of the Italian.. ', re .. The pet omaao of tbi, oid etatibli•hal omentu is well worthy theet.neet.•rellr.of 144,011N' adehlog to embark to such Moine... or of too • It to Tose. to strotalr' totPIT S t , J to the ram tug treat , as th. that So Making for the bY404`1,:. It le Important early application ehoutd Le tualt. JOIN MerATIEN, Pursiring portor aJohn Mcnolen IteraJ Pluto. P rat ittreet. XtW STUCK `F PIANOS. .- . .1..1t0 II Mellor, 1 Irma stivel. h.a.l " . ,.... 1.... , tot [ .... VI% mi :1 urw ona rPionial. ,, rtu. ll ' nr P.. ! . ' ... ' .i r n .9 n't4111.?4!!, d"? _2.— li SPLENDID OFT BOOKS. Lis t , . et.• o Memor Orme a )leitrity 1 V i .r.;: 6 I?rt of t :Mod. ro in 4trusritutti 44 . --,.. `,. tg';,1.12,!.thg.',',.r7::"4 1 :,'"%d ii, tttob. rplendidly 1.... a. I.pitoTol Piero' T., E l, eh brood Jtiv.ollo l'ngt tact . o Aw Album... ~r ,_ _ __ For . - air at tho . :01.11: m 11 .„ 0: , , , ,..41. , k , 10 . 1.r ,ra T ,, r) ... 11 ...L E, b. de'...l • 1) 4; : ors Do ars a —Olll. 'Sr Ycak an: Ilk la till .I I bo d It Aldo Ink. Loin • I t, am Is im tIFIEUVESC NO COMPOUND. Thin CA:CDOand Is n• ntol to Donlon 'the within the raking brand, ka oak., ,ff,t 4 , tavck 11- k t 44 the buckoksat rotor, it. ntach • anon c dour °labour Id pare nt To Maga Dun o— -h nd far m! .or rer a t ' a j gol ' l ' ldriat , r whiirty 4 , labia sit'akaa .Len rod Door toot au, au set said anal tam at lOW , / tlta add &Smock cold watcr as will make the done( the a.* thictuass: knew) it IL and lot It stand valuta. bcfcro Um:log—on , c tLo Mors nill do no hurt &col) La =lard to di thinurr, gni Isaktal at curt•- Urn tibia no butt to rte bo,c, or twenty rontutok fop . nt :Loa, of atilt. to tor town cf this Car-pound LM lir<6.4: It will t i t u the broad SiirlF to calrratut dm. Then ;and po ta HO, tin Doan Johnny ma-. oak., corn bread. Lr !nem nskra-Ittla n s prport. Jurtot tar Morris and yarBLISIIEF City. et Two 1 Come:num GT SQL IQ Tetley Wert. No wheel. it may epueers ir duty acti.ortieni t Bove JOIASAI. and i user.t icr irald yaper • puke cubliection elccei. that all hf sauce The caw c - c) cry. Suterriptionr olyierite the I oat ad for sale p_AILNL.+. NEW BOOBS! NEW BOOKS! } T LIOLME ' LITERARY DEPOT, Third street oplance.the Post um_.:— Lers' flasealne fur JanustiJ. Olt., novel. by the sulk.* of - lb. Olitllsivs ' .. RI The Mother's • m pence. s'veavl. BY Use.te AV... The 'Ann:sults. o Is.. ms. neva. TL'alvoilvs of GO —an English story . To Lots avul to be Lonnl-0 Isle. Carotins a 011901 , 1(1. Mt . 1, M. ReTlsslkbt The Rounsla I.ltnivalonsl. A te57.12,117 j" kolNlZted, on Ito Dctlint of 1 .. ...461.11t5i.n. 'LW.. Jsurosl. \.'l of llva 1.011.1%an .1•0 • IV AN , :l' , E!). ,,,, A ri si ,,, tu , stin n ,... ti ,..., AVt i. cle y ' o st Mau. elto Iv weli litutittni with Li bllobei.S. AkiAlluli C. M.. t .1. N. 0. I,st Off., ratAlturgb ~d, . -- - Parlor. drawing. dining. sir! 'fury f of ere, ahot.. - and ralnui. and Eary Chalm of •vor, 1,4.-I.4ete and Wn. 12./OR a nd 00,..-Lryn paituina. \fIAW:wW. and riting LMJIO various kind., Work Table. end fan: , inlad atand• 11.111,1arand, and fallen, rnarhla rc.a.r.....1 and walnut ctn., and rota, tn. hit 1.1.-L.l Ja.ilEIV all 10....110(11t01171.I4111VMPW. .1.1141,11, Ilk k,r.l mod,: cstd. lemhroku hall and ;.,1,100 awl Isa:hatlllii of each a ...c.rna.c.: pal.lhall and ratan renrptlCO f 11.4.11.,• ord Look ,aran. fade layd., raa l.ttcando. and mu.l. a 2,1 raihin, o:per 0r: 211,14, and .00 tnabcran,. ra1ca,...1. and milnd near'. fable, 6._ Yr. , larur CoArrion Furaware and WitEtlNtm t rt , t mater •n;Vii..l 7:th all crtiv:r. an thrir ItATLII.OAD.' lER ARRANGEMENT. ix 11 , 1.61 n PIIILv4eIpII4-24. 1 i+Ong 11.1:;'-'171:110r6.13'!/Vitrtinli: I I , ap.tutolis Itailraul r. Cami N1,4'4311(41 Sir. Dail. rrr " Icmda Itairrtoral 1'2,13 mile%) tr. 1;la . ..... ...... lu fA , rtirrulni, it 5 o'clock- proliely: Oils , In naIIOL Th route in N. it.. nt.t st Ila Ipir is nf , Art at that plan.. Yu. (Marl, lintel. ' U.tttrattstmla Mita, 'illis's Home_ Journal SattiTday in New Ycltk • lu Jl clad la klq utthe Mute Jthrusl. Ni lucthat..l . —l%, .11 Mar t nes's - Shad. 0. us 1404 Ar /Louts 1 11 reuslyts 0h tit ty Glus In 1.1 - duly actuouldtpsl ty us.tth s o t Is asursiab' sstrual awl wrier. tnsusso itusaths caw rut lu mi rth c. . a.. on Um let of.him yr"ith'altithitar Witors 5.1.1 L'lrMietCrri 11.4 • q1tg,..1 'l7:rinon i l :4: l . ll sl .4. l, l:L .. ; : l"d at tl4 :!; , T llr Nrlmal"b:4l. • • DANES W. WOODWELL, ( . :ABINET FURNITURE MA.NU-x ; .1 furore., Watt-rooms Kt 99 Taint MUM J. V. W. respectfully .intorcat hie friends tuid mestomore that be to now completed the largat - this(meat suck of 1e0...h01d futilturtr awe belbre men thls eity, as be la determined tO tilthold qualitY with welt.. .muted melee.* hest uniin and newaat algae, and from the extent o lio his order* and fadliti d in umonfacturing. he it madded lu ye wartanted forui— tuta. at the Incest he • Ito ber ate adopted the principle of identifying the monom ers' tatete at his 0.6 In duality wo4 pries. ant neege alway on hand the greatest variety .d de/mutton 01 fur:aunt, from tu t tbwt and pleictoot, to tho mon etc pant and wetly, tha a house, or any parrot ouet Mar nw unshed from ewe, or taanumoturml extursaly lbu tit wl 'ace.'ll.6 lie therefore W pct 1 •rb. flioZi of t; i itouttee runnel, to nut. at his stock. whit. tor notasers qv le autt Own cannot Ito surpowni In any of Um It:astern henv nu.] Ilotrp. rOtnioh,lll -, bt ilrorten tctim cxdf:y rrrAr.ol, tatenAPJ EHBIIMATISM CITB D. . rUNEQUALLED, SUCCESS whidi attended the... or 3111flTIMEli'l. , RIIICVNIAT -1 Il h"'11 1.0Iltil/ AND RIAJOU PURI VIE*, In erfectuallt maiing the sevemwt and [Mail inveterate twee of INvi..km lIATORY AND CIIKONIC olio ...Selet maarmitee sal n.eturadetailation in.. , all me etin tat nub thin iltrwtful disease m try Its sirtuee. /lundreds of caw, many of them citizens, of et the Louis. and others frnins•shropul. Lave been cured within lset • kw mouth , in the alt}} of tit Louie alone , while letter. frum antenna aLrulail Ida. al. that It 1. performing the paw. wherever tried. I I , lp.ay theve Were chronic been otto. cf lone. plandlue. and oil nix. of rerovery had olven iitherw were of mon. twpwat date. of the acute intl., matory Lkso. very AIL hotteier.;petil la the won ekrfol.virtues of 1111 A medicine.mad th0n...1. who 11 5 10 I realized its benefits. and are now In the ....lament of health • eau but extern, the original di- rater and proprietor. a benefai.lor of mankind. It It well known from the eruct . ..nee of th , . past, that no rum ;rtlifl ' ilgad d i2tirto n uniments. partial retie], iu 1160.• mar In obtain... foy • short time. Hut all the'aldle thia din.. I. fixing it. in tnure t rier. 10 the system. and w.uuer or later Will again develope itwlf in a more dreadful form. and after fee' periodical returns. It ruins lute chronic form. able! , If take anon a rt 0 10 4. ruins the Individual f.e . lir...— Thi. welted by the history of the pant id all rountriea. sad more fully demonstrated by tile hittory furtalphipl of. I¢e.• to the prortlemr of 1)1' nooioamW. a..riven by .moron . —;r3llglrerh'llo.e , r , V.: s, l i r f':,7, , n," 01 1 . 1 . til 111.001; Pt:hint:lt then Internal rem , d --emir...ores it. pera. Slone where the illweaw drat originate , and In pork roof th e hbod, wee. through the whole 014.1. n. nein ralizkithe impursor ....tie Pediment. whk hp ha. settlid r at the membranes. toile tendour-temory. It entirely frt m the system, and restore. the indi•iduzl N rieet h e alth. Let those who are annelid not an d mwiseik .11 put od the use of thin 0:1"1/CiTIP WIT o n until their limbo are dislocated or runtmeted 110 a, degr ' that they or. eripples;lby 111, The 1014..1.11.1Jer (1 . ( bonged. of thoup.ids during the past. an well as n multitude at the nreiteut day, detour! ten the fully of eapertine The ell Table mnei knows from es perkuiti that ro o mite& Spylleati. CAL etlem pprzo.ent cure where thin dines.. In Cr IY Weed 10 the dos Iv ""I,oara'd dra" =ire °1 ;0f 'rao traa' tam.. tury . uf this Ow but ts.l. n. le each tint the m n longer titzleiptid 'WI internal remedy, to pm... the Mud ettiet y met Woo Onee Ithentriatic (kenimund and II ruritier in thy only named) that has ever been dl either 10 America oz May other country. that w I ellettualtY run this TbU Medicine ran le bad, whoksale retell, at No. 73, Third Ovet, belt to the Poet Jmrs Yin hltrah• Alm fn ml. in Pittsburgh. by IL. Orotr.r, orro. Thorn. J. It thaws. I. N. Wicket .. .ham. end J. . t. 5 per bottle: d 0 bottlee 411.541 i; or at 3 per docon PazdAhl!te min be had gratis of the Yr.. Murphy's pelf Sealing Advertising EnveV Opel. • • I 11j0.0.63 MADISON ST.. NEW YORK.— 1 . 1 The subocritor, in whetting the Daffrodffe of di oho :111. tri"rigids: frilA'tC',h,ofel.r"tto."pl;k6Vdtt.7.Mb. ;firV I:ll ".* 4suou gad h:cattildently mere folios levant. 2 d 0f . 11 ual i n s :mia tnen . 4:o'hazo s yrr , y oe l f h , s- t r:7: 1 , 0 . p4t . Score. The follOwiag or. 4 few of the Ml.= rot 0,6,1.5. tag. On th• plate ocrupied by thr dd. o Poo.. ma b eau bO. nanui, loffiruta. and address., ronspienously d foid beautifully emloossrd, colored d tilos afford 00 against trued. lid. The Envelopes manct lie opened wiffdat Mao ffo 42.'dN. ether wax nar alders aro rarsiffd word nods Ith. Up= the adffortit o letter. the his.und its hamedisto tetras, to the dodos, Instead ofburied mouths lu the Wed Leder fu n. eth. The £OOOIOPI , II are furnishol aladot tho dam price as plain onea Ot. Loch letter atte ntion le o moot effective advertlerniont. W e to effract the of off through uhoso haud• it ' 'S'irttilualog Is o of prices for 1104 s. engraved on brad. sad which alli toff for year, and of E.M.34lrp. of oho ususl else. alba whiteor bu ff, of good paper, code Not luro.'with Immo. oddred. lc.. l." - ('71400 0,019 =ale 10 lettere or ..... _41,00 abort. at to al 4.03 1000 .34,00 10 tow Offd 7,40 40 to ou.. o,ou .Xrd 10,4 u 12,00 {Owl® 12,0014000 Oda %lieu It lo tot conropient to forward .000000 of order U.T 4 ... `,..l7=TtitUrlre altenthl, If ad/roared. wat, multrity. No. 1103 Modisoa street, N. lurk. Orient will be snaffled to promptly, it!he stores of Ileoirs. albeit t M 94. Al 01 41 drat; or o M". U. 112 fro $ thoudnet. tiofflogini WARM FOR SALE.—A FAILS. 14tianth North puntawlos pleol& Wexmoretaml coumt• trXtel . ,Voltie • TlVino..u . "%ne "a lr Ludziare henvy timber vithin ono oallr 1 Z l :hit. ttt.'Earbkve" IZT:L i o3 . t " ut " coo! t ,art.l 1.4 1!.•111n¢,117., bout Ham. la.ot CU, Vroos../c. ' lltriZrgtagi, ,, ;„ B r thy yreiol.wk of • oo:2l:wtte 1 UST RECEIYEp fiorn the Phillipsville 111 J/ Oil Oath Futon. AN. 84 rittlT Oil Cluth; ) anis 44 to do ;NO yards 10-4 Wmou Oil Clth: • &art% worted t o Stand sod Burman tt/terr, pacut letabrr bui.b. sod Iritlf . ul V:Li 'XLt L. ".r . I Irptiit.i.ire. BUCKWHEAT FWV , D 3 bagt-Tirnd.'d RARD4VoII . _ ilops. 0 buten fur male by 1411 U JOUNtiTUN QUNDHIES--Three hundred bble. No. it nacterel; toff Md... do. dn.: S t.d.brio.l Salmon, In stare end for nada by Jan J. 131119 UAL.ZZLL. on CASKS MUSPRATT & SON'S Soda' a A.b '" °" . °4 ". " I° ".itor ll ne DALZELL. EIEHBS—EIder Fitment, Sage and Boneset, • Dub LDtjuJi nKDaD • fey ODe N b. CO Weal - ,A. 8.1) OIL. 8 bbis received on consign _l4 boent. And RA Yale by WALLINGFORD 1. Us WWI . ytybet. 1 -- V 0. MOLASSES. S 6 brls new crop, us rersire4 and tor WeD> R A FRESH. ROLL BUTTER. 4 brler.ju9t reed 4.0 D. A. CONNINtiLIANI. fIINCLN NATI MOULD CANDLES. jfill's Wra.o for sale by tlea 11. A. CIOiNIN GUAM. MITE #l9. 75 hr and hf brie for sae by oder 0 der 188 h i 80 MEIN co. 11,11CKORY NUTS. G bags for side by 1111 1~ L. S. WATERMAN SONS. MOULD CANDLES. :20 boxes for rude by .13,1 0.7 WALLINGFORD t CO. SOAP 160 boxes Louisville No. 1 Rosin, m Loa Canna &Am An• mac bp .• WALLINGFORD A CO. • KENTUCKY MUSTARD. A constant sapply of Iturccare'a celebrated lientacky Mustard, t In the erockl, on hand and tor dale by ' jai WALLINGFORD t CD. COI'ION YARN. 2000 dozen Hope Yarn rerssiv by , le WALLINGFORD A CO.' URANGES. 35 bbls. just received and . fatale by ' DURDRIDOD A INGIIRAIL Ir'l . ' • DO Wan' Greet- VLOUfIo 150 i bbls. for sale by A . jai BURBRIDGE • INUIDDLIL • il k ivinEro. The Preeideiii and Board of st.era of the tiortlAtro Liberties Dreg. Colo Y nog tialsay geelue/ . sl‘ , ld.al *ae PnY ctnuan vath sauv of tbi [UAW .to- . k of sat:i rptoperis, the sataatelli wei4 to the stockholder. oo or nr lu 10th instant. U. L. WARN MK. Tle.lllNir Allegheny. Jun. Ist- lFil.-I_Aet _ ` - --- QYRUPS AND MOLASSES. Extra Ileitis ed. New York Syrup, • very •uprrior article °Ltd. Sy rub from tbo Luols retba , t, Etwar Iluune MoLimaes • do do 1••• Orlesue du for tato by _et/ WM. A MA21.1304 t CU.. 7.Z Liberty et 1 0DA ASII. .75 casks Hartz bramlinr sale by • al-. b. .t W. 1.1101.. L 13E17E12. 20 bills. priine, Mt:4lV. rt titt sale by tWat s • r fiAltItAC6ll rtilLOW. 511 bbls. prime for sale by JOU e 6 W 11AftlIACtill lIEESE. 5 boxes W. K. Cheese fnr sale IA; 00 S W 11.11111A0111. IG 51ETAL. 175 tons for rolling mill 'purrs.% 0011 111.1.K.1. MATTHEW. , a (7.11 ba ßif.t. e s r big i r i :Z e a r i:o fi'r !ale by del: ,WIll 7 Elt. 20 bbls roll, fur • _ ROollit, 40 dozen-for sale by a e,9 JII CAN FILLD d I IrEA:11 toblY. DOW landing from the 'fr'"""es'7' mr ISAUn DICRLY 1'22 Wee: SVTELD `ALERATUS. -- 1617ios;a i.,l,Ctic t -tOC BOOKS—Educational .1•4 4.5 Mari: cigliN IyIF.AL. L , AILn R.t Sand) um, Sr sLe bT KW • - e 4 w uwßoAuoii. LINSEED OM. 10 1414 received for sale by • da'S 41 .. e• IX HARBACCIII. it'S.U----MMI DABAff: 1500 lbs just received 1)11 . and for nda Of FIRSUN A iIEITER, Tal Corner S. Cbdr and Liberty sta. tiARNESS. 40 dozen pairs Horse and ~ 54u/ ' """' ". 'es tr wavignitaN & 50551/_ . ; - '4oiiiiiE. in store and for sale by . ) den _ _ISAIAH DICI:CY ka). IINDIt.IO--84S . lbs Spanish Float, 31utlras S: 4 . tKlNTiiiif — lionee and Sign 27Lipting teir(in„tiiveci),-2.=.„,,,,..4 5 , 5 55 ;Yhiunig nod tils=r d •• 501 othar valatsra ta tn. city, *Ware Sr .tsl, t°4'it' J. aa. rimirea ' : fIAIiBONATE AMNIONIA. Hart , 'hum. 1 1..) , cn0 Italv /ale ua DI: AL'S 1t13113t. IN..0171: REDUCED —IV ilmarth. Noble t (lair /atm Floor. cltlivn . ..l. 12Sger NO lb• n 1 npettba at tin lb, • libel* T. trul Wll.l tall 50 • H IDES. DIC, Dry Hides; Drv . Calf SW. I buigll.• Deer bkl. Inaulingfianle by del; ROBERT DALZELL t W. PfiTgOLEIIM. OB BOOS OIL. ..There ere more thence In heaven and earth. - nom are dreamer. of •In philosophy , " VIRTUES of this remarkable. ?erne ." dy.•ard the constant application for R. MM. propri etor. has Reload him bo bare It put to Inhottlek with be bete and directioua. for ttw lament of the puldir. The PRYPAILEUNI ia . pmented from swell to this magi at a depth of four bandied feet It a pore, unadultera ted artirle, without any eliendeal change hot Jae a, fl lt oss fog. Nature's Ureat Labratoryll The. it totataira properder rearhing a number of disease", It no longer • matter of uncertainty. Them are many tedium in the ar cane of ordure. which If Moan. might be of vast useful men In talkeriatlng suEoring. nod restoring the LImMY health and rigor to man) n sutler., to ny laggre the pro prietor thought of puttlog It dp e mi ne nt Lt/ors. It had • strut. ilia tor Ilse elm of disease. The no dadir meraw . sing culls for it, and several remarkable cum% it her per formed. Is a sure Indication tf Its future tuft:tariff end re le dread .pvllEllllOO In the rum of diarear: We do not wish to Lela, a long parade of curtllkates. as I we ate the that them...hes. an scoot o yowl Its way Into the tacos of lbw+ all...idler, and wish to be headed. Whilst we do mutt rime foe it a unbent] applirtation In at• wry discs., ice mdweitatingli say, that lo a number f Certain , Disease. it is unrivalled. Among them may lie voutorrate.l--all dockers or the moraine tisanes. latch as CHRONIC lIRONCILITIS. CONSUNIRTION. (In Its early stage.! ASTHMA, mai all Wawa of Om eir..lPiiee•VN Pll eXIMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA. Rialto, tmetasea of the gladder abd Kidneys, Pena in the Erick or Side. Nen./ Inagua, Neuralgia. Palsy. Rheumatic Palow clout. E7l4P elan. Tetwr. thou - um - ugh Man, *Aida. Etrage, Old some. tr. tr. In au-of debiliti.r , ault.ing Wm e.Pwe , long and protracted rams of ditrava, this, medicine will brio; relief It will art tea a general TONIC mod ALTER. ATI% E ' , itch sera, iropartlog tone end *arse to the whole fresh, court reli obstructlona. openigg the Aug:glob functions. which min disease and • broken emastitailio and Orion increased and renewod energy to all, then • of Ilfig The proprietor Loons of amoral cures of ' that reaistol evert - Wag treatment, get well under the 4.10 e of the PIITIKILEEM tor short ma. The pant n. given to any ine pert. who desires it. None genu without thesignature of tea proprietor , - Sold by theproprinth, E. NI. BIER, Canal Nein, near Seventh street. Alm, by IL lIELLERR, 117 Wend it., and EtitibEß t'SI•DOWELL. center Wood ertet and Thule Allay, who are his regularly appointed Agents. PROCLAMATION NOW all men who are sick and afflicted. 11 disease of lb. Bladder and Kidney.. with rheu cpains bark or llmbs,.stiff pAtits.old ens. running nicest se., th at they tan is eared by taking the PKTMS LEI:3f sou may toil atcati 10 Woea matrueas much oa you plots, but thls does not make it . o f orm; form; proclaim. in the ass of an bawd community, that It has virtues which are of contained in any other messily. The man who la meted with pen el auffaing from divase, 00, too 30 cent., got relief I d io m any of the Ilia entonerslat abase. ' Keader! it oats eery little to makea tr ial. This Potree loom to too mixture—no compound, put op kW the vesper or imtsynup on the community; but It 11 • remedy by the master band of Latta*. ed bubbles op from the 1.000111 of our mother earth. 10 Its crialoarpurity. and of fcm to suffering humanity a ready moody, • curtain mei cheap con. it lysa cured Piles. after other otecticlmw het feed to landing, mu relief. 10 lam cured libeurnatisse, of look standing, and of the worst end meet painful charseter. It has 0,00,1 Cholma 31orbus. by one or two dosw it has cured old came of Mania., lu which .iiry other malady Its be. 0•01 no stall. As a losal remedy In bums .04 that itbettor tbausny medical compooods or oiatment that we I[llol, of. it will runs chilblAtus and fretted fret, In • few appliance= undoubted testtmony ran be Waste ed of OM truth contains! to the above statemeot. by ee/1 - ieTA.T.:I3t3IiIELIKIE.II. Canal lien, brienth Arcot; ur Keyser NloltowrlL corner of Wood street and Wires I alley: I. E. Sellers. Oh Wax' strait; D: A. Elliot, and D. 31. Curm.Alirabmi mtii me the ...Ma. • 8111611.1Pr11l SALMI. (tensas of sundry (: s ee LOT•Si Facht• and , tionl Ripens+, out of the Dane Coon of Allegheny county. and to no direttsd. will t be exposed to sate, the Coart Noose, oily of PIM+ I lough, on blooday, 7th day of January, A.D. I+3l, at 10 o'clock, A. M., the following described I , property, to win— All, those three certain lots or pieces orground, sltuate in Sidney vibe, St Chur townshipnemtared 38,37, and Ss, sod Noce of ground adjoining lot No IIS, to said Suinspeolc, bounded and described as j follows: be/ironing at the tOilthcoat Corner of fold lot No en, sod mottle+ scrub 7 degrore end I west, as perches and 1110 to a oast au me public read, throes smith fl , tart along sold road 17. j perches slid SS IID to a post on the corner of Centre went sod raid road, theure *long said ,trees north a half a drama rostra perches sod .10.1.00 to a post at t the tooth ve e•E torn. of old lot No Su, thence limb rug degrees su est 17 rerel,s to the place of I,oli:ening. I coat:tiptoe three mere. and bo as T two Pe,ra, mores? jlest te , er.i and taken to nactittnan ea iLia propurtl u Cohn Blow, at toe tad of Christian Anclurts, tor use at John Forsyth. • nizo, At tbe nab', aisle, Interest sod elator of Peter ford rat, or. in • 1111 .h roam lot, of ',found a4note the alto of Pittrbutec, on e south side nt Cirnt '411,, and fren.una un,said .tr e at le feel. and ettanad •r.g Lana Ott feet— eh , ihren rs cc ecc rd n triter. story an., and L• bdatnled on We ens. by property .1 lion , c, MeCitli4Vd•ll , ll the evert t, property toms. cr:.rd upd taken in erten:ran a. the t itorstly or felon CI me sou or Wrlbsra : row+ tor ow,. and t• he sold ‘o , r I' CI: ICI 11, riberiff SHICILIFF'kt GALE. I aid Col et an r, 01 Common Neal or Alleehen• coon., and ,a mitt ,f,eee'eft, arileto rap...ft fn rte sole, al the mitt f ord. e LI, ell, of hatyls, on Monday, , Lennart yr A 13 1,51, 01 10 alrteek A. 51., the to 4. ! drver.t.ed pt, per.''. to XII Inc right, Ode, didereot nod clam of Theo dote F.'t root, of, and to, ail those two certain tots or plectra o. groonkl, marked tool dealgossed No 4 and :/, in John twine plan of toot, recorded in deed book, —, page Wooded and desclibeti a. reboots, v.st—tunotteneina at the dollen. of 46 feel 2 toebeb,lnon Eno Street, On Centre A1101:111e, or errant . of lot No 3, thence long card Avenue 44 tees 6 Inches to tot of NI, ft..lrwtn, thence along will Ile od reel 10 au 'alley 11 feet wide, thence ulong said alley 44 feet 6 manes to lot No 3, Ranee wit.* tol.l Id parallel woe Erin street, 76 teesto ylatt of beginning. being the same Iwo 1044 which Jno. S. Irwin nod Martha C. his wile, by tbeiideed, dated the 716 of Nov., A. D. 1649, and ream:let:4ln deed book, vol. V 2, page 21. greeted end convdyea tot he woilTneoi t ore F. Wissak ttjelsed and taken' in c.v . :anion as the properly o Theodore F Wright; at the null of John Watt. ALs(i, twht. uge, inwreYk and clattn - of Andrew Ent loc. In and to all that eettatn lei or piece ol gro d..onanoc to the Often, Tract. Noes townshtp oppoutl the Nut :ha ro Labeters of eldshOrgh, be.* to pin dd of ne p.a. of 10111100 Oat h) 0 E. J.. 1,101,, F °rens, containtne tronion at leyonet otrbytke Ita lc., and extending back to nn ato trot wide, ott h in elected a tom 'toe, brick bCoake, cog< bar with all and Moran, las tol. prOveme.• and •ppurtanaoess on said lot. tiriZed and tato/ in caeca:ton Si the proyerty of Andrew , Emanuel, id tteuutt of John Gent ALSO, All arietett and ennui of John Ate atent, id, in aid to all that certain lot or piece ofotsdn, iiipate 111 niaorneater, on 'hr north aide of Shenfinl4 "vet, Dritioning ai an Whey aidne dowarree of ion wrat from Chain. .11071 and einnaintog itoni on 14.41114 *keel 41 fret and extendiva of that width nertheraidq parellei with Came/ Cited Oh (Woo Sc boar; the same pteparty winch Donn, el al. by died rani/nand' b JOhn Amberwat, Ott et Web there te elected a two war, met dwelling hintaa, nainact In a inoVaise art the *Awn which retarded inruoilaaan book vol 14. men.% fin the mass el 114.0 twrard and taken in carnation an nr Tarty of John Arnaerson, et the and at Audiew Ackley All theinghetitle, interest and claim of Jew oh Roll, ot, to mid to ell Wet cortaln lot or piece of grouod attune in the Savona Ward oftho.chl of rob,s rgk, desconed us follow to wits beglinlag of th e corner of Arbor Wool so s,t Centre A•entio a d A ff ord d p s o f , Artheretreco cootbersedly 74 ljet, feccoe parallel end! Ceinre loscnne 20 feel, Innate poodle! with An au, et 74 ft, in Centre Avenuccund Won. by Centre Aypoug the ptace of beeinnlnig, then d lot of depend booing thereon enacted ttwo ow, brook dwellig:one owct improvenseiney Seised and Isnot illllooll,loli a• um property of Jacob Roll, Id Ina salt of the Trustees of lhe Noosed eresliyterian Coign dation of Pittsburgh. ALSO, All the ilea, tale, tonne...Rd clelm of Robert Moe too, o 4 In, and to, all lti.l OULU] kin Or piece el gram f launt& in oho Fifth Ward of she city 01 thtto barge, fronting on Fenn 111001 twelve feet, end en folding hack by the same width UM feet to Molbefty alley, nacos or le.sa, boabded by properly of Jonathan R. t he on the west, and thc bees olJewes Lnsery on the east, on which is erected three inlay hick g house Felted and wt. ot in executive as In p lbs r petty of Robert Morton, et Mena% 01 fiarb r lOU Aliller,iorthe two IA J. Forge. All the light, Lille, allet.al mg] claim 01 JOII. toe. pita, of, In,and to all lion cert.m lot or plocc Cl gr. and on the need. of Cherry alley sod 010th strati, in the oily el Paul...rib, Whig twenty ate feat all lu ebtain front on 8101.11 Intent ' Sod eltendln o g heck lb. HULL, swag Cilarey alley, On fret, mwr It., on which it elected • two story belch Gwen m g liguse, fronting en Silas Watt. Seised and lat... es.. teen as n i a property 01 John toppla n at the Ballo f tworland. ALSO, Au the iight,6ll4, , lniegew and clam 01 iota, of, in, anti to all that veva.n lot of rronawingte In the tallith Ward Cl emelt, of l'itubutg eing la. No.-. 11. - Black's plan Of, tote, to 00th wall. (,slime Cl fee., mote w 1n... a n Gibbon Meet, and rite Lding 131 fee.. • More or lc., to 1.w..“‘ anent, prewero.ng the time .width loom anent to oiler., on whin.. is clod one doethk brick haw.. Seised and tat, 111 wit as the properly of Jac Garet, at ill . twit of John Forsyth. ALS' r; 411100 voila, the, inberet end rharn of Thrw. Akita..., LI, 114 to or 0111 of, on ;ha r,iu ltd Or . pmea of gronnd. nit.. in I' Clairimgankip, Loan. and degcrand as (.111000. - a. • e ms.t black oak, and (Udine. by land..ll Join. • Long no th 74 deg weil al pe , edieS 10 • black oak. them e by tonal. nl Wtillorn •vd.rd,on,. swain trJ deg real 7d fondle. to • white oak, thence y lai. of room.. Boyd, sow Lop. to peneneg In It pat, •ial limner vy land n. lee Cl Jul:, mon., deemated. north g , pet cog wtbe pl. ccol neginiting, id:l-4 acre, and S 7 pei rhea thon gr teat, on wh I. erected atero santy 11•111, dhlo,uoy, • (tame barn it a out h:ogea Alga. /myth, ',tree' of ut mini!. ler aeve,d elm in • i thoo n by m e oni ggionaten.roail, d a d oe :o M•rUo...e.r • g.baiook, •I the haw tn owe. John Thamtwon and Solommi Stone, on the roaditend.ne from Intolurgli to' Waal.. Ing Int., l'ela.)1••1 1 / 0 , and et alone the 001 d mad smith VII deg , 7.0 p, re lig• land, line bOtereen Jon T o , an d heir.' landln, rt..lnt,g ne o no., t.t!,teg , ca. thence . ..l 'AI e e. emit er a ritaleht aim alts Internee.. the .ann tlttWen. Win rhotnp.n •no totem.. atone, goal Cm. dtion sa hetw,i ". ere inandalo an. hrgolnitig, cant nntng three ocr , g, mato , les. nod oaten In Oli ga the ...Tem of Italians Aldeinnn, •I Ina of Ram Alter.on ALSO, All tic TAM No; to,crolt el Joh, P and Co thnt etrlare - part al Int No, 109 ..bunntogit on. dr. two ot ;le, lioda, beg.. ains LI a biu. W.. ....Intl of At No ine, and run steng said, line, worth annul 03 porches to the .ortglual enrne• el tot No 1,5, thence along rain wigt net line west 41 perchh, /new .rr :es . ,e a host. .nee hy a conilistonal hoe south...3ly through the shore meocceoll.lot 4,a whne eta en the tooth in • of .ald lot, thence a.nha the south ..ne. ca. 40 perroes, more Or .res, ton pile oittrotog DOtr times. thence , northvardil .1000 Dort of the above mentioned conre3ed.t3 1711.11nan Cierny, and by sell Chrt.ftan Gorky conveyed to Clary Hickey elcw, to he Place cr be atoning, containing 43 acres, Wore nr le.! &Ile° and taken to exe.lon Si the Property. al 3chn P. Were, at th e sena( cu ßain ALso, All that certain lot Or piece ol and .Itoste in the Nitta. .word of the cry of Pitt botch ; mked awl MILL.II , I In the plan of lett laid ut tor rico ar A: Ds! . aid, in swd IA era, as hat Not t, boorcheiund ..senorOil an follows, to wit: beaten nif at the cellar( Of Penn and Beldam its,lnat renalng teen.. colt ening Penn street. 21 feet, to the cofnerol Lot there. atora the line or Lot No. 2 100 feet, to en rep.at.•• thence elan, said a n al 21 feast, to Baldwin wired, anJ thence aloof said Baldwin street, 100 Ire II Penn Meet, t he he place a b.g.ning; .Pn or" ''' toeyed by tin eateuto.• IM!. LVlrOtri, Or re cv dated the 17th day of September. D 1,79.U.Ge01e A. Ba)t. and eouve)ed A. 0.1.071 by & deed dated tin 7th day of Jane, D. 1917, to aald , J. ha A. Ltolohy • the defer...to in fee, fOgetktr' rIerLOCGO, &Ir •to Innis skink an and NW' th 6 L a t . , ' lot of it rev tr, Wong aetaoub...n 00 ...the. w.t of non as Ow gsaPnnin i Jekul DainnY, USa Wasgand Madre. • • atko, i , _ AWN. AA or ught, 44 4,: 4 + 4 . 444 +. 4 ‘ .14i*.fj"-4' I a ,4 + sae K.... 4 rel.( atthio .ttt.llk plots.. __.,. 0 W. . 41 reed. tateale In Ltdrear St. faqir Teasnaltip, wan , . L y feuds et WOl,lO. Chet*, name. Learns, llth 1 99 .. of W unarm Mellor gaol Geo. Lade; elatteinnag 4, .....n . lanill •r kw, betea the seam repeat, new la Ike we ..P.er p 1 veld June* Keane. Seated and theta II .... 9.9 lth the orepette of Jester Kearns, la thle all 9, Ildt Fre., (Aureola of Wm Mallet, fteni maurouLd Cyr*. Settler. All the neht, tole. Wreak and eleiek or Jolla Cab i'' bait, el Itt and to. or ma of al. Um ea taus rselle.l•4 o . wel Irvin or pieta ea wad, enema to Wawa Too a ehlp, beenne4 end eetenbra ee fallovr vie : brittle:'* at a post al tee wet. Are thaer.iess C. .al toe estnet. at laud of J.rob lancattle. Weer. , Os .aid lloolledis. lea, No)* VI d , s :W en 90and 7.19 tee.; 100000 iNella 24 erg., Ca..l 3 petchee, then North 7/. eis., West :An .ado IV }4llilnl,lo thud ea W.dosallielic .e..., Cleave ree.r.l. 4 '4 deg, Etat 4 : Palehnit 9 19 " at -- —, thenee death. des, wed .1123 Krona thotee 2.11.3. des., Ewa 2eS,anekes, thane. South YU deg., West le awl AD. • -palate. So a wk. oak, ae.•• r... 1,41,1 I: , Eut II kWh. to a white oak, teener. lewlA 771 ded , Vas 49 welt Mo.:lame us tll'oUtio'/Nrecek.":.lobs7r2Vdei.brear 3t . g. ' re l ies, th T . ‘P ~0 , ,0, Ili des, had 59 pcfc.e, them., wadi, 21 deg. K.. 0, pereact, thence Vot. It I3d West IS 2 10 perches Rut history, theme hae.l 36 deg., Weat 2 pc macs, thrice elan dl des., Weal 2 path. to • is set tree, awl nonce 051 des, %V.,et lid it plicate, to a place at beget...eh, cuelanting 91 bert• and 13 Wen.. 1111111 ineayare, and en. wa c.s ia erected Slam .torn name dere has house and sage; also a elnall kg boons dad 0.111, together wok ott Geer.. • Screed aW Gwen In asceolien as Me pieperli ol John 'Cab- hag.. et the suit of Mrs. Naas ea rig. - I ~ • . I ALSO, . , • Ali the red. Ude, Int 4 ll44,and cleat of Joh, 0 di, , of, L., and to all that ter lit pieVe of sloalla, ...we lo ' I the •illege of 'reiwrreocerllle, bung pall ol ha No II , to lit plan o: lets called - Ethod't 111 , Ighl," mad: 4._1 ZWr helanodon, , ell tne Pincher's ad 16.eabneille 1.,. ...rop.ko toad—klesinaing at the co, rot tat Na it la' 'sap] plan. then, along lichee of seed lot No la loath 23 d,29 re, ea et 129 it, twee ratify VO h wide,thenee along said elleyrand paranel with the tarn Ate. SOMA al deg, 40 ndo, west du feet to lot No 8, thane along din lu:. , lit lot Nn 9, parallel 11/1111 the Lue of 14 NOI9, LIU feel to owe utruplee rood, and thence se th Um thropthe 69 mei to we i;iacia of 6411111l1K—beal Alesanges Popcszll WWI, by dm( and molded Lu book J, prge John ucu, bb wbibb r. ..cetto ow dead C bOds.lo.l,h •10411 bale ky MY Gil It CIE CILLtOn Mu prqler la I of Itubort *ebb. died Asoott VI, conveyed to uo-ootty grew retard aid tot. • 6114attio .ou ' '-ALSLI All the nett, *lllO, interest, , ad Chronbeit S.l, in, or 10,1110 Mawr or piece oi tatid,ultate tdJefrearan 100 01/ etteg, Mort or We, and bo Jecou Aber John barge, Salle rays e, • 4 other sada of and WI smote mc store and of Sallee glary twonatip, died, wised. end on erto • a pre log dwelltog h0d...• o ort aka 11l esocutial w the purp) ben, at the Pat of Thai.. bleLlort ALKO, 4 . All the right, tide, Mara. sod iti . of sabredMus /11.• begay i uf,so, sod to al. tha eer piece pa of gtound. a tog and being to he to alp of Illighe.alt ug at and datotued as rotlera, to writ s' beg sing at e poat,theace by lead of Douche; Collierimarth 1.0/ deg, Veeet:A paretic*. to a at, th ew. by. land of Dr Deurge ulna. sank 74 deg. rot lb perclies,la a dogwood, theuee by lad of mad Wl.lllon Idebathy, tosimiti degorrest 5 $.lO alarm la a poste swath Al dmy, sea ;0 kesca. to a pact, and non 1111 dogs esut sut 340,,..ee5, m tar plat al bogioningweuelebrlng 0 area, it encasere. king pat a van a land °weed a act Ildeliatfayl anew. the peaitegoe e y, Antall Vanua. hated aud take , in eleadloo alto oh/ any of W want lichilleY. id eat of ueaa, gleffrisath CA-. • : All3O, „ • ~ . -: , j . Ait ha ugut,title, inane:, aud a arm 01 Jgallio Tit. du, Jr„.l,m, end to a arta of on the waters Of Mot tal.o fen. adjutalog.luels of Jame 8 esOnd of the heirs Or or me w l 4. tellers— annual.' fa e a., taro or la . , abject to an lanai/ ground ma of Om ce, payable quarterly 16 ame* 15 Craft; fa which it elated a toe'cable sr welling, aid the It. °and ha botataland .1 Umber. eased and token In elee•liOrittethe gin.pelly 01J • Testa,Jr, Vita hat of Clarge,Lradlie. • • 01.60, . . All We right, title, Interest en claim or /ewes' Deory , f, to and of all dist tartan tot of grand 'AMMO 111 the Parte and of the tly of Allegheny, ad Wended slid death...llW lull erie begteothg on the south side* Maui street, In se d try of die west- ern lira of lot ho shl. in Warner Palatcra. plat of lout thence tog 0510 ereetefli lute of aid lot, multi, worthy 100 feet; fa 0,0,00 !tea, thir. Kai hie Mum, water - 1041r by said alto V* feel, Mere' 00 Orr, to eaten! boo of Jones blot 'it's 1,1, Woad - liy tito write lion/ s adly Lut. feet. re or I. its 40 *WV t ifenestid, dthcime,by lb acne easheardly Al2l f e el, mole. or lees, 00 the p •00 of beginning, b e ,,, we eirtsaelit tut transom hu, end Part of lot Nu :Ice 411 laid RIO, one taaelnslneteon <1 11 a .1, two *troy fielOollpitim, used as a weitiog to sate, all 1 intol,etlnylv arab the eprotteriancev. 6.4.1 Wig tete. fa etv,eatian 10 Me p eg of r e e i es, Deers, at the 001: 01.4004 Milan, SOT ago Cl .honcisf and I. tgeert A 5111.61 t. LSO, All the right; Utle, intereso DOA clang of Garen - Jaefr licavcm WC lowa. ot hot drainstalar Dv. atom Tres, who noose, an , o , le ad ,t, MI dad cattalo I . or No co of gatuad, - sold at beiory No el in acme. D. ItWina plea, elleate on eedt re Avenue, and ioorial a final on (:cane Airehar of 11 lea. a d 11- lcialtlig in &vat 12 , feet, to si nice. 401000 , mm, and Mont . & it in good boot 4 amid Woo' the tam lab tir used .11 Anna u 1. win, 401.4 24dat0y,i5„7,e,,,,,,, esi to Oro,. Arson Ilona, Swatd and tall ell la 010. canny lie die prOpett) pi Gate Jacob lima,. the hada . of el Annania.rotrr, Lantana 'fret, WWI mode to minor cep a..., hy Largo titian, their heathen, ot the: sall.01.1140e• it. It %Ma ALISO, • Al, the tight, utle,haterem sr Vey. 41E1 tight, tO the follavrix , alnitile on r o sy etreet, belt! pt . .l tic cite i kll there', beteg foo l y virert, er.d evading b foo, lo sew 11 to , t 3.1.4, olelai4ll eunilnun of and ado, on cored burl. to we, Lemg the d...• raw ed 14,06 stoma Uri ail LI, errs( Louee in 0.1 to tiVre , W, and I. the wan Craft N. *al k al i. t.) acid oate. 1801, ~,,a I. e.,o:ara Ili &el/ two 11i..... -y bailed and Wan lo gurny of,Jptin noise,. at .he to A:I the rota, ~ ..l.e, tairecal 6 f lalen, tied &mad- o t Dam.. aw (Dr. 4. Calte , d,lll I boa. fa . Slit admit.- ~,, y e s, paaglea,stat.luouce to widow, ham Act of, I , in 1.. 00 sat uf all thaearteln hue, or pal ea I of WA Wei.. in Holey towaltiN 'c posed of duce parade, amigo og lIX Watson Wyk cats , more or less, ad, /..in,ng Panel tan& of skid Dew d Shafer, (taw d ) . e s aaa yrs, toil othea,_hse g belonged to 'Wale , r E. ,.,,,,,, t a ms., &OS, a eaten as tha-letan ' vat Celled sod teters lo ex 01:1taan rts the ploceity. ot David Nailer deem... 6 lo t e hada of Si, adedn. Meal. lota Chid-a, wdlt uct 1, to —bh.f.,, . ow at reit' Davtd :Rader did proa,-yea ph. k,,.. , trth, Baehr 1, Willis , . Mira and Seradhaticr, by , 1 , ~ jai, arty .. enepa Cain* E4O, and to Andrew, 20 ,,,.D..i ~ end glary to, bee , bi In at law of soar Davie. clorraed d, at the run 0 John Pavenia.., now fo, Ins al Wtlllein liattil LBo All the tight, title, batmen a better. of, to, and toall the fo man of g MIMS Staten , in. J above Sad nearto dm taroas ed }oddment:led es follows, ...weer lot No IC, on the so. Merl, and et tee • • of 1 Haman, swirl %tierce elope a 00 feet 4 7-8 itiehe.., 10 frrall thence tang sad Ihman't lin on]. arm, roc thera.dly tee wide, thence iloug said site nch.. to the sinter al tat Tines of lots Nos 15 and 1 P.M., *mei, tar.plate of Lit Nut It sod W. meta., watt Nan d, this isnot narghen d ground, which . John lira,. retel.l,lllthbetgee by led 41 Pe, and recorded to d ea lai d takes io rleoution a ut boner, at the wit 0 - Yeat 1 James Gray, 4th st 1 cleat of Williams, Ig 41,50,1bett MCI % • wastahcOotaio• • acted by lauds of 1 Valsoo, James • liso, . tatambeco— got., lath of mad li mte is cnotiod . Li. 41eited, and /. Wllllalai.lokok. /.1 clams of -Jam Rip. g deserited protwnYi trot tote ?Man and Zt about IS feet Isom ott I the rams vrldth 11l n the prtarlege al Me 'arch le es tetedet tame !seventh I, awls Shy ,ll Pourer, eormnenesng , pent' from Mc 1. ropeny eauveyed by , tue UM - of (Paster; ! H 3, pegs 54 to stud /caseannv as the pt. .rt of Fdveild" gimps° n • claim of Pet. &Witt eerier dextltted lot or 'i . o l t k il ' lt ' og i to " s ' ILO= ~ eat : beetled., g It the b madly mile a *Hever 0 feet eutereOPY gout • iener street eattethrd.— de of ClittetLan Douai, and patattel with Hat. feet, 1.0 W. 11114) , 114 feet eeterardly r 9 feet 0 I 0 13,thee 00.11 the neribenre iy let. feet, to gonine, ent tohreeter lets en me whet race of eta, the time &toot 4 wife unmoved to etad r .4 the Jr k dot aM•v• ! o k 4 .1, page ISt W 1 property of Pour W lan], '4 Socha, foe the not of ALS 'AU the rish4 dos , In" Veneer of In, and to all the around, ribose in the boron No. 1, and one half of lot No it g Lou wo tee beck ..S. one t story btuk en*. boner, being the same wets i d n ee d t ,ed by Te boo ote k .: D. D0L71 7 17 7, thkee re.cation as the pr . the suit ofJohe ' -• • , c••n l m of W ,am animate, bawds.* , In mid botemib„l tan on mbiell am mecicd one shop. OM Goo*, loos tosOrfed w Deka, Id war. by deed nc , rdcd I • Vu-I. &dud end ' • y Miamo• Peace, In h't and aloha o Jima z "t cerni• pine* or pnrcel at hinnehnsusr. Wended ',Wain% lathe . 4 , 441W4Xt• 1 *woad Loolnksuent. Prneln , unotan7 tau, lo 1 . &bag the mai SI TieriT i zitz=7, 17 feet 4 halms,. 44111 3 4 , .nett' dance easiwand , !Winne% us 1D• aratedy !nee taunt 1.44441 4 ..4 1 mbl•einr "Ai 04 , - 11: : g ile• len. no 170. 171. iol 4.14 bow .55 dr bran. in Annannuy ...my, In sant rope°. twin tab, 1. ,•• • pebUn klit.aY. . leble sittel,4•4l 111 feel all the inner mandoned mons mann, Lad .59 I'nei Aft the, nett, Otis, intero Mealn, of. in and to all the of land minima In the beeeligl and deeenbad as fellowet to ly side t( Preble stseet, at th theuee elle-Meg in front re Me beget %Velvet *Vieth feet Pioche., to (Min Wast. eohne.and crusting Uhto a t thence down Me said hoe! erly line el Locust 'wet 0 ly .long the said fine et Mee el' Ohio etreet, sod th 1 It 0 feet to the pheo al boot teMlon within mid bounds 172. 171, and 174, la the plan betel, which. Is ieconled planna No I. pos. It, lb !eats Ohio etwet.3o had et lot ho 174 helog St feet no Si Inch.. • nAgtie Wed. SO lttta being each 33 feet ea il Inciwe Ott 1.0.0 street Alto. all the t.gtit, title, i term! and claim of said Megaill..ol ill and to all U. t eettain lot or piece a ground alto., In the 00100 0 of Mattnitentee.begin• Ale. nn the eawrrly aide of want at the Mt tenet: et ;117 (ret setilllta•rtll 1. (114000 Gerrit or Semp• - . O. a meet, thane. ext.edinel to from no Market Whet' 45 Wet, to ti,. lin e of iot No I, •.d in depth eastward ° iv pnenne: with •nmpoon • rect, p Om same at., 'W (inn to 1.00.01 al 1,, end being lot m ttttt • or nunthered St In the pl. of Me Weave. of Man enevier. It eroded 11 ...id enedee's place, et ithXhenY cutout', in elan hook hot, age le Salted and Mara' to execution a. the propr et of James !ricksa, at,Me , su , t of /awe A, opiet. . ... [ AL • O. All the .tees. title, Interns end claim of lames Gray of, In end_t o all that rettaid piece or land situate in the city 1 Potoborsibeheing oats o nd f lot d No Zl3l ea . : Woods , oleo at POl,buritt, mended aescribed folio. a .•11.1 hens, - tug • the nest ,stdc la Market street et the roothommert earner of. Martel and fntoth manta thence es adiag in width or M a tt, t. atone Nista, rm street toisl• %Mord stew* id feel:. 1 . mom or 'ese,to ground ol James Riddle: nd nib:tato , [ or Aloft ' , a [ ro.g Fourth •trner wesmotrdot towafortrd,. Ferry erest; prescrems the Swan midta, lea ,' mot • or s tem, to other land aflame. Soldlot, en which, are erected a lame Mere a ry belch buildlng, mew n i . Mod m Mores nod Macro se. and two smad haute . bulldiner (immune oat Fog ilias Petted and Bann in cacrabon as the proms o es Gray, iSemake . IeY,I at the .nit ul Boditr, Twee. ghat. [ ALSO, •• . Alt the t. rkt; title sourest and claim of elm. L•61111.[. en. 04 In Ono te 4[l th•t e ttttt n tram of land, 0.1112 th in' Versants Township bounded' and desenbed leas. am: bestming at a pest oo Torun Crone; °lathe: i line between the land. of Wet A10ft...7f, med those 1. of George Brinson, (formerly Henry Funk; thence by. I land of mid Min on, hentlb II degrees, Ehtt WO perches,. . to a poet, thenre•North 71 dogrel. Ewe 413 pereltu, to • post; thence Sotrh Iv/Mimes, Eh,/ de percent,. to a pogo thence South 73 deg., blot W perchea, thrice. W. 1 .,, • dog . En.: 0 tomer., therms nonth 05 dg, East 0 perches, tecnne Noob WI p r e. da to peretles,themest Sou hOl degrees, .bleet 21 hes, to •poon Menge North Red eg P. Salt ht pereoes to n pia . *eve North •ig d e gre, FAO 16 perches. to a Glacial ode , ' thenie North tel deg, fast it/perches, thenee•NorUt 00 deg. I Knee 44 ~,,,,so a stone, il noon Sloth 67 ltd , E•trl IhA pnieh -s to a port. thence South 4 deg, haat UR ~,,,," tot . ~,,,,,, tree, thence South G 5 deg , West Alt perches to a post, thence Squat 11l de g,,Eut3l reMbe , es to tondo In the aid Mods m pmseaton of James Middle, • thence by tho s oth Mg deg, West 24 310 p.,,,,b, to . pest. theme Bach 20 deg, East 18 10 neschea;to ". toe lands of /osn and Wlll. bill." thence by the sua 1411d South at deg, tVest4oltonAnn to • I not ther North 73 degrees. West 66 petcbc• I.o•,lotasi, the cc !teeth di deg., tiva• 56 palates, to she Idonong e la neer, and Menet, damn thn ;ame, •hy the metal comma ittitentto.a crucial land called .. Greenftwd, ^ patentad Cr George Wallnee, Mettle fith day Of Jill, ' -it 97, and tow in the yoseesskonof Wm. L. Miller sa d . Wm. itleitinneT., thence by the acid Greenland mkt, Nora, NM perehesto the pine et beginning; eonutin . tag about 250 sem, snore or las,. which ant erected; a.m," story frannsthrelltag hone, florin trams ban . . born tad stable, ind those tenant WIWI. ' '. . Also: all,the tight, ink,. Interest Land Oita of Vico. 'l.. Idillor. of, in and to lots , No. - 160 and - Nos. I, 2, 7 4, - 5,11,7,6, 9,10. 11,.111, 13, 11,1d,.16, 17 IS 111, 44 gilt, 113.14,116,*137 and lei to held .WM. L. h1i11e247 111 4 of Uto urea of Pon Perey,ln Nreraallso Township, lola k loud plants wonted In the. itestonlier's ass, is s 6 h 1 • etotatr . of 41116106ny,bi Plias book, 7 /01., /I Itlnittaam ' 't ~. th;iiitheitictit I - L. Mater, s,.,thuoutitud das All the eight;tit .. Maw , aril claim of Ina. L. dList and is Mts, fa laited Pion I. LA 4. 5, 0 . o. l kl o . vt It IA les 17i 14,111.11kti. 11.87. 30n 30,17;e -d OW the aid 1A en 1. Millet% plea et the tam . e 1 hoe Peter, in TemtilleaTP*Wkids plan la Matta in the Recaraees offitsiAls .a. 6000 ty of Allorhenyiin Ptan Bork Vol. I,paga Din Selm a . abd 'Shea ii eleesUen as the property of Weal. MD chat Me salt ot Wittier K , mberly. • . \ ALS°, All Me right, title , Uttered:and this of Jan Ya m u ter, yte., of, in, to ot„ost of all those titian lame . 1 and tenemegMeanthe lOTa ern embed by Soho hieStele,4l. by Ms last .0 and Umamett, theordol. pilau' gosh. Vol, pay An hie an. /Duel . pr e m./ars, and • f which the VOA Jewat McNemar, - wet? dierd,..se iced,. and internam. - and laohleb IN sal John Me ht5.1..... 1 2.. ia rattled min ondthltei. intetengsse toeJ at w lase the ithilis.e.stdomta Vat.. mother of dot said i oe.. huf part not wa led to mamas Meldasion) omalomg f Me t. blatant tract; and whicho, p et oen quo, einasts in ---TowtOW, on e tatted Ca/. Nag baresd oiner. Aiplm 1 g.., ox ftve story thoesol. !Metter 00 Llh• ear t ee t he ody of rinthorgh, and tha lees da a high they . ate erected . otth theysed slase, below the Me eruntioned in said will, as dl. l. Maw MM. property fowl the tavern propielytand amer Me farm on the hal , actor lately • c T n f omic:pr., Aretabale Robeson. situate , fa yak tee dwells& Mmes. bent; and Other betprere.., • mews. Saba and Wan Mammalians* the twaMY nfJohn McMaster*, Jr t the suit of David tilgar,., Kean a, Pda,itatette others • ' ALSO, - • - All to right, title. Mimeo and claim of John Ora ham. of. to and to all that tannin lot of grand, will the butte:imp thereon meted, betimes! en Mhl4lll ' MN...Second Ward, Allegheny rut, onto dividing Itne between lam No 90 turd No It thence trameito ly mama. Pump alley ito fret, tam. omthasm ll o 15 ft., thence outwardly Ito Poo Middle alley, lanai , along ?diddle allay 15 het tote plant of Mental.; the same being pan ed lot No rikAaduaribed in Bar. imm's page It. plan of late In said roenzd In vol 70. 1 Seis ed and taken toexecution as the pro-, pert, of John Graham. it the salt of Sank Darla , • 'ALSO, .All the deo, latereat and claim of Eilizsbek , ' Cooper and Jane - Cooper. of .in rote to all that masa lot or puce at g tomd, together with the banding Maroon sinus In the Wash of Bonitnalak bounded and deo:Obit as tallowy begitutki mato". ea lIISTS4IIA the One of p lOOO1 t 1 to ale -- fourth Caper, deceased, to lobo set! George TM saes, and usteading beck to the boo of rostrum Ott. cd by Christian --,ltl ket or Oa, eaboau, Mesta a'om tic hoe of mild property MI feet, it the Bee at - 'propsrty owned by Evan Wdliame andanob 113441, therm along said Una feat or therantroath. Ca- - WA mom and Menet along *aid tuner SI led- be doi • plata of Maiming. being pan or lot fin MOM as plan of Biratingliab conveyed by /oho U. Pall mod -.. •ife. ny erect dated and reaNed la duroPead , : net alike of Alleakettl etat7, dad tdoll.'. - "," page kale late Joseph Cooper. Seised sad tam eStestlar a• the salt Mineola Cara nod, /me tuoper, the salt of William Noble nod Jib L.Vreettom of Jooopb Caper, deatased. • • All the tight, tide, littered and claim of Ana MM. Robaea and Data ot /talus, el, to and .to am 0.6 half parted lots Not to and iu Wm Arthstet of bets to Anharsolla, together Will the bandana thereon and apputionance. Lbtteliate. on.leb saldhalf panthereor le pe:relrmkid sad at t= followe , beginala on ateatines allay, at the' ea , POT of lot Noll let said plat. end ornmiNi therm Wool am Wm of &said let tt a Use pazalM wish Mateo Wed. le Wilkins stook& dismane *fig Amt. - Mom come Willem strops in a Ile. PerelteleethWar - alley, a dietaries of IX/ feet, theta in a gas oil dram lowa a distance. of 71 feat. theta la a parallel 41111 Keatlnea el !cr.& &rata - at bet • thence parallel with Amhara street, a &mama of 71 'feet ;home ea," [satin's alley • &Junes of -164 • fret, b the plot of Deginntrp, bele; the MAN Of VOALBA recovered hr asiddefemods. by praetor , Main Om Di•lrielCOMl of Alkahany coantyud Apol lerna,l4l.No •. .geiud and taken in extant' ea . the property A l AIM 'Mali., Robinson and Catharine , ankles, ate salt or James ttenferd, sow for we of • • Amiss U. Ikea.. •7 . . Ali the - meta, tille, Imeternt and alum of John Coo - •• , elan and Raab tientiltoh, of, la sad to all than two lots of toted Minato on Yews street, in the sly of' , • Piusbangh, and being lots namb , am:l.2l4st . , r • Farah Fatteraumht plan of km, each lot emultang. ' ti feet tu rout on ' Rose street. and extending bah r r preferring the Ise.. width, lea fact,la aft feet Clef, - • ' an *blab are erected a lease doable brick • dwelling hone, with liep•flilt seamen • for diferent bantam; . Salem and taken in execute/I is the property as ': • Coniston and litigh Hanalthes. at thean of Saa b S B. • Fetterman. ALSO, AU the right, title, interest, and clam of Rabat hicKeralien and Matthew 111c14emman' of, *and I to all Muse three certain Iten, iikftobinson`e Plan of the Borman of Allegheny, bounded and described '4. as follows, tie: beginning at.the northeast earner. 4 of bit No. 161. in same pleooit übe intaseetims or - Larvik street and Isabella alley, thence omit said alley 100 fat le Anne street, thence grad by : Anne street 92 feet 3 inches, to the linear kt No. 104, thence north by said tot,igo feet, tcs Letemdc street aforesaid; thence east by Lacoek street, 92 .; i feet 3 inches to the placed' *toeing, on widishii . r . erected en Wm laundry and other improveimmtn' ‘• , Sacred and alma In execenon meth* . 4 ..4 at ' • 1 Mathew NicKerahail and Hobert fd the snit of Smith 4e Guthrie, for use of William- ..: ALSO, All the right, title, Mural. and cham or mot . Dickson, of, in, and to all that certain lot or pond of ground, situate in Ohio townstap, bounded sad described as follows, to wit: beginning on Lomat! greet, censer of lot No. 14, in plan of lots of the heirs of P. Peebles, the'd, in said township, Chen* southi3S de. 55 nuts wat , east 6 6-10 perches, toles No r *thence e g arth 54 ski° smin., 2454100 pee' .k.s lot No. 12, to the centre of the itsinter • ; rood; thence altHg- said road n0nh,135 depict:m . ss • ann., west 6 610 perches Menet Nolo Wreathes. t 54 deg. 5 min., east 24 51-100 perches. to Locust street, the pace of beginning, containing Co. acre more or lea, On which is erected a brick home, two stories high, and appenenancsa. Seized end . damn in execotiret as the property of John Didion.- ei the snit of Clam. 6nn A t . . All the right, title, MUMS:. and chum of Join Titular', of, in, and to, end on dull that certain lot or piece of awed, almae in the City of -Pm* burgh, named and described Wan yaw of Ws laid cla by Jahn Rugg, on Hrgb street, Inlaid city, Not - -x ; 51—said lot romans re Fourth sutra 29 feet. and extending tack an a parallel line with High "met, : • distance of 117 feet, bounded by lots numbered ' ' 30 and 31, end by Fourth street road, said lot being' subject to t ginned rent of sl6s,oo pee annme.— ' There is erected ref said lot two fame hones, two, ; • atone high, three bnck homes, two stories high, abed roof, and two new brick homes, twe'staies high, unanahed, shed roofs. Sewed sad taken In execution as the property of. John Tagpn, at the snit of Bernard McGinn All the mat, nibs, intentat and chant of Abraham Porshin end Joseph Walton, of, in, and to, all those. .; , two wo certain lout or pieemof groand,altuate in Tea - - perauceville, In St Mir township, Alleghee_y and marked and numbered 116 and 147,rn Winder Alexander's plan of Ws by Z. W Itemington, 'and bounded and drecribedas follcres,vig at the earner of lot N.. t 45 inlaid plats, on= i . thence by Waco street 50 feet, to the contact teat , No 146, thence by Imo Of said lot 150 feet to den street; thence by Warden street 50 feet to Our,. Corner of log Net 145; Wince by the line of sandlet* 150 feet to Walnut larbeCtlelPtlke of beg_twiny,: taking to all two lots, each? 5 fast by 150 feet being then e° lots ar pieces of strowd Convoyed' by 10hn.13 Warden sod wife, =4 John Alesandeett -.and wile. to John)* Smith, by aced dated Apra by IW, who conveyed be the said Abraham ?ambit and Joseph Walton ; as which mid two lote of :Ewa are enstned a nes nosy forme home, wkkb 35filet in front aerWahnteweet dereend. , red and taken unmake no. the ;minty of sitt* brain= l'orithing and Joseph_ Within. el the snipe - John J. Smith, for u e of Wimps Magee, • ALSO, All the right. title, - interest hind claim of gime • Kennaly, of, in and to thatontain let of Mena news in. South Pittsbargly Rent Lower at Char: .. township) led bounded and desenhed as f0110ww.. ,, sin beginning on the similarly side of keratin* Peet, at the coma of grinned al 'Sarah M. Phillip, and at the aims= 40 91 foe 1 1.4-4,,n, lent-the tomer of Fifth street, tens enending to Irma Bingham street, enateall 24 and In da southerly, preserving the lame erkkh et right mal es' to Bingham street,.loo feel; to. Chelan —on which is erected a two story Hick dwelling bans „ and kitchen. Seised and Wood In =anion no the rp.kof Isaac Kennedy, as the snit'. of White, in All the right, title, interest, and claim of Alexan der 011cOrete, of, in, to, or out of, all met ettain , , , tt lot or piece of ground, situate in Ike Sewed W ud, edv of Allegbeny k belng lot No. 38 in Robinette, plea of the extension of said .11oetta Vtala." bonded and dmonbed as :follows, nee. beginning ea Ow anal ride of the North Coontsoaci' at the diespeo of `4ll foal west from the corner Palo Alto street, thence, rennin wen by the and 0000MOVI. ground,' od, 51 feet to the 'unto,. of lot No. 37, thence twat by line of pant to 170 feet to an 19 feet alley, thence can by ran alley 51 feet to - 'Me pilot No 3/, and *core soot, l.y Had Inte 1270 '- fret tjajbe paws of tirainning—brang the same tat of an d which, Wilt mm ktoinnioa, Jr., et tai, by deed, dated August 17, 1643, conveyed to said A. 015gOrenr Seined and taken in eremitism as the pro(Krty of Alexander O'.l erne w, ate the suit of Charles B Treat in trust for Truitt, Brother at Co. ALSO, Ankle right, tide, Interns and claim of J. C Merl . Cory, deceased. in the hands of J. P. Bass,and Comer, hi. Lanniiietratogs (with, oogaytecee to John V.:Rowland et al, legal rep vet of maid J. C. McCully, demo -W) of. n. am to, ali t - her cartaus plantatiom or traet of land, -grew W: Upper St, Clair Township, bounded by Wads ell Jas. ouch, awl coutainle 55 acres, more o u t ass, and h ar in gg thereon a two story frame dwelling house, and log Marmon • I out boudinp, and also.planied ante% a rung ott - I chard Sequa and taken in epetniOn as tie pop * arty of J. C - M'Cooyi deceased ~. io the hands afire t! administritari; J. B. and lees Cooper, notice to John S. and Enzabeth wife,t James 112 Olen and Rebecca his +de, Howe kanson, Finley Gilkenaon, and F7ikabethGillotescie, 4 mien children of James Gilkeem and Prune ha wife, late Peaces McCully, and Thomas McCut.' I Iv's heirs and legal represennuives of said J. C. I • McCtdly, deceased, at the suit of Sarah Joao Mot2' , Al th a n ght, a n interen, estate, pr 4 tuty chain -' and demnd ot Janne IL Speer, one crib* *fen - deem, of, In and to, all that certain lot or pia! I or .1' ground sintite In Me Ward of ItaleghlasZ tio HnO t bonded and described as follows,to ae Canal Street, 146 lett from BObtaaona4OCCte - .: thence by a line parallel with Robinson street. /W., feet, to Crahystreet, thence along Craig greet 'evili-S nrantly 19 feel, thence by a line parallel with Robti,.^ talon fteet 120 feet, to Coal street, Mertes som=a warily leap Carat Bates 14 feet to the pine or begieuing, being e recent ar mu se p and Wren exectnion as ate moony of Jas. R. Speer,ht tine sin of S. F. Van - .Bienfiong , artk,ewrig.htd, Inigrest the eitypf Pittsburgh. on tbs oa roe bom a Dit b a o lou pn t l ~. eonser of Stevenson street and rode' street, trtetb big on Stevenson street *twat 60 Gm, sad t estendinir beck *lose Farb al urea or tlattips,. nruhh,sbout leateet, moos Or less, end bawled Ce the me th by 'Stevenson seem ens the eta I.g , F or ba , we doci um • tooth by grounds of ---. and on the east by towed --- Urn, Ind hal , ' ing thereon erected e. two staVrick ciliates Wee, en* the apportenenees. sixt low fo suc utkm the PrOPOra a to b D a rmitsittr i lathe satteq,eob •C. CURT dd I /g2 Shsver-'