The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, January 23, 1851, Image 3

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    iII'OTER Ara Tzszanat. •
• Jmersmi
• litesent--Hon. Wm. t. -Meet
Jai:l;4llnd Sinitiel Jones, Aisociate Judge.
•lTheames in the' cave of the - Commonwealth
Kellyva.,J,. indictment Murder, returned
; intP;Cdnittitis Morning. .They hail been out all
might; and de:hired:that they were unable fo
agnmi!, - "They - asked : .tii be discharged, but thi
Judges refused to grant their request, inasmuch'
•-ae it would be impossible to gather the win:Lewes,
toge' , ther:at the next Term, they being eompose&
of pepsin's. in the jail, a portion of whom had:
- f-beeridiseluvrfvd. and othero would be discharge&
before thietarne,
Th.47,Rirjr.„ - ifere sent fiitak — M theiriviona, and
• after a short absence.. returned with a verdict.
I: of atliLIT or ant atcOstii Draltr.C.
The .. jury Woo them discharged, unit the psis
•oneimemandeil to prison. Be did not manifest 1
•i thetslighest: emotion, and we hammerer before
• seeti'So'tach.; boldness even by the •
- I, mostAiirdeAell erimiwil. llis mother, mother
, . lite,:ch E ng hi him to the last, but his father has*
girOci him up, he haring been .
guilty of macrons crimes, and convicted at the
dastterta of thoCenwt.of ta'olarcenies. lib had
• -; formerly been sun to the Howe of 'Refuge, but
-.managed to make his escape 'Malsemis maimer,'
doultleas • be sontened to the heaviest
penalty whielccan be inflicted on him according
to the verdict—Me:let years; imprisonment in tie
• }- IF•e*im &AWI--Stiory.
COnatatinwealth . re; Willihm:Ross---allio;
Elteitith''' The prisoner bad stolen a Horse, ;
;Tithe Property of Mr. Mine's 'Vance, of - Butler
reuttutlf,:mad brought: it to Allegheny county,
eiwiterelte.linbi it to:Andrew Jackman, keeper
.44, 1 ;:f for.fifty 'dollars. Vance'came
• ict . Pitisintrib; Auld finding the horse in litr. J's
pimmensipit, -demanded awl finally obtainedit.
- liffanektiMM thin 'went to the Pei:Mimes, real-.
.deneeNtral-liod_. hint irrestod and committed to
tritium putt for too borne,. - and 'en. ,
• ! deirrWhi4iet him off, lint.friin the evidence
f of Ittiuorili& of !witnesses,.. it. appeared that the
! Me:Mantle, tdmineter. had been - bad for some
1Te11i 1 ,44f4;-` -
. . .
diAttle4tsitielk T(63 made to,ptote . that,be
irasizieitte; utterly-failed, tqtd Ike Jury Drought
itirlitrtir::.ildlty."-. .
soner,as .remsndCd and sentence de-.
fared. for theyrtsent.
ArtErtxpox 3E8510%0
. .
wisinkto up . in the'Quiiter Sessions,
in the afternoon the nature of which, precludes
the lfourihili . ty ol , pesring.ia our cS4UP:II:I2I. -
Prali : tuctvpiuttpx.—.4lti unsecupled
sto4.l44o)Mise up Itoberts — streefin
astiatarst-roraa estim Ewe by soma incendiiu7,
leattelitY anti:n.6o", and burnt to the gonad.
Cate4V - Ibirsolllonte of cotemporaiies
yesteriTap,nklvioedtbat as iiiceatigationehould be
madebvto the condition of the county prison, ow
ing to the tuott bonible developments made lutlie
•; trial . Of 3 . 111.(1 . Ke11y. for the umrder of poor little
Cox, in its Belle. We have visited the priscui of
late, several times on
,busincis, and having taken •
the 4pOrteinity te make a thorough enemies
tioe-of its couditioneeavr &entre our readers that!
the present . jailer:qt: John Fox, performs his;
duty:falthfulli,visiting each prisoner personal..;,
ly, daily, and keeping - every thing neat and ,
cleats The ventilation of the jail, and its said,
tary,:condition should certainly be improved, bar
t or does everything in • his power for
comfort of those intrusted to his charge. I
Fi1.114.110 ,C , OUNTZUFAIS Monnv.—Mr. Kinges, a'
storellexper of 'Manchester, yesterday lodged an;
inftintiatiotittainst Minerva Johnston, .eharging'
heriritTiftsains nteu,:lea t•cmLnierreit Maynei
burg I::tannin upim him- the Imo committed
to micantin,rnetLly, on a similar charge.
, t
by tbaiesideace of kfri. Totten, in the Seventh
WaSd;,clS.Taisday,,diecoserid light id the oel 7
las.tankonaxitminatioa it was discovered that
some fiend had fired & lot of tomb: edibles, for the
parposi3Ot btirning the house 'The fire was
tfagaished before it bed done much damage. '
Mrs. Totten's house hisbeen fire at least half
a thited times witbia the past two weeks.
VTITLIi.I3 Elrri A young)
lads were brodgb t before the Arayor l ot Ableghe-
ny, on TniedaT,:cluir e ied:widi disorderly and ri. l
otone:ccmdtteton ffient of the Beaver street fdetin.)
odist Church. .They were fined five dollars each;
which one paid,' and the'other was committed 'MI
:MU in default. •
Counzmurtm,Aser.irlo.—Minerra Jeffries,
arise Minerva Ann Johnston, ass: arrested on
TacsisY. by George. A. 'Boyd, of the rndepend
tot Police, and committed toprison by Alderman
Major„ on a , cher;e,..of uttering ; counterfeit
Mr-.c. IT- Wrifitrong—a6 'Ltece•rt store at
the toner of Centro, &mune and Pulton streets,.
swore that she pasted a counterfeit,ten dollarbill
opottlitm. , She has before tient:m*4.d of ' 1,. .
ingeohetined in toirmticifdne ''. of this kind, and'
Os supposed to belOt4 to . . a., l'ett4ixddY..orguoixed
whi). -hate hem quite successful - of late in
their,infaMons oceupation: -.-. ',, - I
Mr. Boyd effected the arrest with considerable
difficulty, and. dmmtves • Ceedit for the tikilfful
manner inWhiclilie.frreted tier out ,'
- .
named Jaekson Currizon, Nes committcd to Fria-.
• on em Tuestlay,.by Alderman Hilands, of Rosti
townthip,••chargtd with passing enunterihit silz
Ivey‘torrron Mr. Robert lietiooday. • , 1
311. - YittoeS.Netrell; also lestifiett.that the prdeJ
~. ,
one; ituttkOtsed counterfeit money nit= iiim.—!,
Ala* amount of spurious silver coin is in dr-,
-enlitiom,and ere advise our friends on the Coon
try, rtutre the - rogues mosegennally attempt td
Bliatmetd. 2:einni..r...*:2dr. Chatits Brown"
crane gentleman who acts us clerk for lifoltbYA
4 .
Maltby, - ender the Bt. - 'oeles;'yestenhif nicety
'td aleimgrridde dcspri from Cutalieriand, don-.
• yfttiCitur meloncholy nielligcisce that Ids faffe•
• • . iiir: pan: Brown,"bid teens* frightfully. Man-7.
_ ••• ,byainting menutact: with a eaw. in awe,
.1 scae,that pincei that death-instantaneously:
(100 D APPO/Nsur,N7.-.—lt. gives us pleststre to
nninineet Itlutt Ilnyor Fleming has , zelected Mr.
'tlLain Ariams, very efficient nitieer; as Nigh
..• • .teroTAlleOcny
3.l.l:yo ' oii.iiiir: ; PUTIMITIIGII.—Not a Single
1 ens Nip brought before bin honor at the .moro-.
, . Irgeb - retara?; , yilterdzy. '.. ' '', ' '`. -
.. .
' • - "
Afars: yptag mimlerer,
al,t4gd yesteHiy - :itrko I:43picoareyed back to
fmpl the Court Room. Out he would be
I*. —tenced to thanyiyears imprisonment in the
tenitentiory. ~ O h," said he, with 11 laugh,
what A- 7 -- . ', good ehoetheker J'll . ,be tii that,
Reported fax and for;
aSxrditirian Inatitute,VnahingionCity.
• ....
JJaaarr 07..X11T. 711E1 , -3101E7TR .
'Trim Jinuary 15tk m January 2lit.
ti.tuai*e;9 a al. 341= 9 p m. Daily mean.
16' - ,:40,.- 63 60 , •62 t
58 'l6 •16 22 18 , i'
. 18 v 4 291 , 25; -
. . -,, 37 .• 30
..-. '
~1001 C HUE MY MUD! ..
-....- A .-1700-X PATIIEft; laboring for iba'
miTorii fauille. sof marring, from, itittiera do-,
.... t r , , 4. !=.4. 2 M,11fe elrarl to e. Norden.:
.., Arrival a liable,' , :lerltii ' grati disirwee to 'Fillet n
>. =NO , O.? ff.0.0.i1( `talon,' aro Mr. s. D. floret Shaker l
k wt
• - . Clal ot e.rdoltet. or be i,no of our ationt.‘ ead Set w
oblet. foul, ',ben, Sr will find that tbe Rutty. Su- ,
ma prepared by Dr. e..D.' Howe, hlie, been' Ow
05"0r" Poratalte .'-4151 L ' ) : :: tr wo " : ' oe '' dite n ' oeft. to which the ''
• Llhtuitert fatally' ere rotainuelly, auteist. than pay other
• v•rgion, e ta-34,15111,1a-34,15111 , 1 tore rot brcutibt timer kbe '
Tbisittetbdoe has ciatithateal in blot revatblibo by Its;
'.-.,; nme obs elute-ell attestol curt,
kftflow i lrotniial " A l it . ' " a l ' a ' ar ,,tZr rifia .
tzioap, Wide* tenders tralttooder more valuable to tray
.;..1 Ber sore odd etiotilrel lir Dr: S. D. 1101Tet BIIARTIII
APAItILLIie and take moth,. .
la get bottlo-0 leant. for 8:,. ..
• fr'or
VI 7. Wt .
• • . . ' I'M...F. rtujef=tZlia
• . Toliibina ail c ,,, ..7 to Marmot. . .
At., fob ank. by J, A. loncl, J..actworimarer i• Co., W.
Itloelb3Ler, Aftwoe, , J, K. owner , J. Robles. W. Job.' 1
• &aTti vr
i t 4 : ... 3ja1 t e%! I. ll = k - N. 1 7 1# :LTA 7.16.K01t .
1 Qt:
li gie JAL Patter..., tout. 0. U. moron, Bt. I
ut C /foto, Colo. tw2toitittT . 1
•.• - •
. ..
4111117 . ,
County Bs' • - . • - -
.. 1 1: 1 :4 1,3 , , IIFt, c:1{1 at 4 3 /tl3bUrgh,
Inert lot eakl empty. on the .lEth day of Jaaouy,
- the 11nrevettle William H. 51`Char, Poesklent
JatOtt v D~olromn gflT at-Vow. ottono, , ate. --.
.klataitoAlto r.-,'. ' 7 °, lt.tVAK ‘ r ' . ° ,,i 41 V,
Fga moreted, ,nettl e
.:nettle fotth that the rthl derodant aka too
ha haviamt to lawful Ito. nor mama! paste lar tlaw
adM " : 4 f welf iira . :!lt nj h Ai• di or ' rot 4 wro fi' o b' eul dr air fi t;
La tileatalth Kart of Cho ellyer oopt4gb,. soylng a re% 0
an la m espagtowstiest Wet,. footzbaud
book Of
=a , h'2 iftl't grAitedlZll.,M4,..., "" .llgl iolt
'or.. .00roal y ,- .. trot of tigiatorn Malaya.
roke. lot of arteso4 which. te wad ace enwrap:al
;to "=„ l 4tooa. OoaamL seal iterehel prep,
.. lEr _ a.*
.4 1 4 t , ..1 &hal It th day of October, 15f7.
, Teo tatereat of 4111:ate-ate Nine tha oullekled ono half
'apthata t ralizaha nom Wing no venous! ootata to pay
lb* de
_of _ . thiamin. toarloa ( i.e..% Wan. , ..‘
• trr.......f . flat , Y.l mate, An the paymootad the
, behleglaat.thaCeatt enter 404 tilted tint' the eakt a&
125hilattatwo agog the tats to public salt at the
M .k. 1"36. d.r . or rabhat7 th"4l7 A. m bar on
ael " tho r aante "b.
l ip -beaklatboahat can be lad.
I aha .....!Pwaloa elide thae acaftrof i ll u al
to law WA aft rote of th.P_Oonyt, snot that alto
tar metes edema of Itio Namdlikili hh 04
MIS stated Orphan... Watt fly thoConot.
Annunnox , usnam moms, Cal. I
9d presented several peti-
P • .eal of the fugitive alav
do the table.
Szwers--Mr. Se 1
thine. paying the
law, which were lei.,
.. , ..
Mr. Foote, from 4, Committee on Foreign
Relations,reported • ill for mrganising the
State department.
Mr. Clay's resolutto to provide effectual mea
t surestfor.the supprdssr;ll of the African slave
' trade was then tak* p •
Mr- 4 lale oppose d • • resolution, alluded
r to a paper signed b' several members of Con
' geese, declaring that .ey would vote for no'per.
son, for any office, h• wee in favor of disturb
ing. the compromise lac s of the last session of
Mr. Clay replied, n avowed himself , one of
the signers of that p p
Mr. Foote also de • ed the paper, and said
he was one of those w • • signed it.
After a. long debana .e resolution was agreed,
ta-4Yeas 45, nays 9,
The , French .90olint on Rill was then token
Mr. Rusk moved : a. end, by inserting that
no payment should p ads under this act to any
assignee or any insurer; which, after a long de
bate was rejected.
The Senate then sajolarnetl
i ts
Hotisn—No burin 41 importancewas trans
acted. At an early 1 o , the Thiuse went into
Committee of the R ' ) qt, and took up the hill to
supply the deficiency inithe public expenditures
for the fiscal year en 'lig Jteie 30, 1831.
Mr. Robinson gar notice of an amendment be
intended to offer, to ay the extra clerks in the
Third Anditer'S andension office, engaged in
facilitating the bount yland business'.
' Mr. Hampton, of 'Penns., made a speech on
the tariff, in favor of,thc modifications made by
the President in his annual message. •
The Committee them arose,-when, on motion
of Mr. Bayley, a resolution was adopted to close
the debate at 8 o'clock to-morrow.
The House then adjourned.
New Onuses, Jan. il.
The steamer Philadelphia has arrived from
Chums; srithLhree hundred and fifty passengers.
She brings very little. gold dust, and her news
from California, which is two days later, is of no
Donny - Lind has- been wonderfully successful
in her concerts. She expected to arrive here
about the let of February,
The:steamer's Fanny, Smith and Oregon, left
benrthis evening for Louisville.
Nrsr °amiss, Jan. 21—r. M.
The fire. commenced in the roof of the St
Charleallotel, too hig r for the engines to reach
~In.httlf en hour dm auliola was wrapped in
flames; and in a short time it fell, with a tent.
Wa crash.
The fire then caught the spire of Dr. Clapp's
church, adjoining, which was consumed. The
sparks falling on the. Methodist Malik, which
wasia mitiaro off, that odifice took fire and was
consumed—the ailjeining buildings to which,
wwlao much injurOd.
The Lehigh office was in much danger at one
time, but escaped tusinju• red.
Asout COO boarders were in the St. Charles at
Idiot of the fire, who lost the moat cf their bag
The loss of property, te., is estimated at about
$500,000.. Steps have been taken to rebuild the
Hotel. The lessees hare taken the St. Louis
Hotel for the present.
Jenny Lind is expected here in about torn
weeks, and many persona had enmmed rooms at
the St. Charles on her account.
. BOSTON, Jan. 22.
The Senate, to day, voted viva voce for U. S.
Senator, which resulted in 23 for Sumner: 14
Whig's and one Democrat for Winthrop. About
11 Democrats voted for Sumner. It is thought
it will have no effect upon the House.
. Navy Yong. Jan. 22.
The Pacific ended for Liverpool with 35 pair
sengem. and $225,000 in specie.
Cotowsos. Jan. 22.
A joint resolution tp go , into an election for a
U. S. Senator, and other officers, was lost again
in th Senate. Both the Whigs and Deiamcrats
have now got all their candidates nominated.
I sewevw
Cot t n is held firmly at last quotations.
' Fl The market is quiet, and "Janda:stand
good' !axid.l are held at 84,621g54,682..
'- is in good demand at 62c.
eries—Sales Rio Coffee at lliffi, 11Y., and
N. G. Sugar:lttfiehtlic,
limy sells'at 2.4®26e.
Provisions—The Stock of old pork is unusually
light, and sales are confined to small lots at SIII
for mhos, and $9 for prints. Sales of mess beef
at sl' 25. The market is poorly supplied
baco and prices are war maiatained. Hams
rang from Bto 10Ie, Shoulders 7c - r6 lb,. Sales
of bu sides at 7c, and of shoulders at 6c 'f? lb.
Good old lard in kegs iv held at 81c—aaale of
new astern lard at Sic I'6 lb.
Cheese—Sales of Ohio at 6.1(?}.4c.
F la --S
Se ales of 700 bra new crop clover seed:'
at 75 11 bushel for fair, and $4 ,87 Ca for
i Bainsoaz. Jad. 22.
r—Enies 000 bbls H. S. brands at $.1.561-
14 bb the market closing firm with mars buyers
than Hers. • .-
Grata—The market is quiet. Nothing is doing
in Wheat and prices are nominal: Sales at 100 c
01049 11 bash.
White - Cora is telling at 63erfvle, and Oats at
of R?, inn
Sal €4 yirat 78c.
CoffheL-Small sales of Rio at Ilenl
Whit' key is dull an 2502 k.
Jandary 22. .
• .
Cotton—Cotton is steady and quiet At hut!
quotations: • •
Fleur—The market is quiet, with sales or
1200 barrels at 1i11,0415 fur 'goal . round hoop
Ohio: $2,2585,50 forfluicy Ohio, and $5,76a6,87
for extra.
Grain—Wheat is unchanged, with no
Ohio is held at 106a110c per bushel: Corn is
scarce with fulmar new yellow nt 67e.
Prenrisiona,Perk is firm, with sales of 160 bbls
at $12a12,50 for mess, and $5,25 for prime.—.
Beef is unchanged: prime mess in morn active.,
with sales in the last two days of 260 tierces
western„ at $l6 per tierce. Lard fain good re-;
quest, and scarce, with sales 100 barrels old at
19cents r and of 100 kegs old at 8 1-9 per. bbl.
Whiskey—The market is quiet with sales 30
bids at 260.
Lead—Sales of Galena at $9,87;
Linseed Oil in advancing, with sales 2,300 gal
at DO.
Cattan—Themarket is unchanged, with - fur
thee sales of WO hales. Defilers are awaiting
the Arctic's news:
Flour—There is a fair demand, with sales of
3,000 bbls at 'f-1,94 for good round hoop Ohio;
$5,24q.5,50 fur fancy, and. $5,6267,5,75 for ex
tra Ohio.
• Grain- 7 19heat continues quiet, with soles 1000
bus prime Genesee at 1,2613 but. Corn is scarce.
and firmer. with sales of 6,000 tin neW Southern
at 67€667/c ? bo.
Provision—Pork is steady, with further sales
of 400 bbls at $12,133 for mess, and $9, 25 for
prime. •Beef is more active, with sales of 260
bbls mess at $5,601512,50. prinie is selling at
ss@ts6. Prime mess in more active, with stoles
of 100 bbls at 15c to bbl. Laid is buoyant, with
sales of 150 bbls at Sc ? lb„ Obio Butter is in
active request ht 9el2u.
Whiskey is steady, with sales of 200 bbls at
25c ?
Linseed Oil is better, with sales of 5,000 .at 90
82 c 'Ft Kall.
Groceries are quiet., Soles GO hbds Orleans
Sugar ht r Sales 2001sigs Rio Coffee at
@nit. .
Tobacco—The market is quiet: with sales of
40 hbdS Kentucky at 9 e.11, 0 ? lb.
NEW YODK,. .Thn. 22
' Beeves—About 1450 head were offered; 000
were left owr, and the balance sold at $228,75
gross, per 100, which is n traction higher than
last quoted.
January 22.
Provisions—Prices are advancing. Sale 4 of
400 bbls clear pork nt $12.20. Sales 200 bbls
and 800 kegs prime Lard at Vic lb.
The number of hogs packed . in Ohio. Indiana,
and Kentucky as far as heard frvim, aro 838,000 i
againat r,17.5,000 last year.
flaw Oaanans, Jan. 21—P. M.
COttee;-43ales to day • are barely 2,000 baler,.
Ther article In dull.
Gronai es—Molnases his dulined, and u not
quote mime..nt =Se. Rio coffee is selling at Ile ' I,I , AISINS--Ono hundred and fifty' bossy and.'
per barteL , alio ball box... ramivro.l and Or al e lcli. to
OttaWa k KIRK NorniCK 1 -
Flour—Sales 7,000 barrels urn reported at ' tal'''
- •, . ..
I $4.25 for!, Ohio, and 5A,41.1 for Illinois. per ! Q lAA Al.--- I w..ntv lib& new &iglu- on handl
a 3and fl,r 'al.. 1., lard Brats: , S KIRliPATIII(71(
Corn.—Sales at Giaille per hu. ! rroliAt '4 'I I-- Twenty ban W. 11. Grant's; 1
Provisions—Keg lard has odcones4l. , and we I in b. oliant & Willlanli;
I, 1,. e, A. Itonahr,
hear of sales of 700 kegs at 9c. A minty. article , .s, b. Hamar), half Irian& • ,
LS . worth 91 per Ih. , -4.'.1,..", to -on hand lied
lor .al. , o std_ • 114011'\ A KIRKPATRICK
ARD—thie hundred ke go prime new Laid
Whiskey—Nolen at 27,,1e per gal. ',
The following are the orrivaLs at this port
to day--Ship Kentucky, bark Ilrend4,from I,Y,"'d end f " r " I ' B i l owN L ~,K rAnu, ,K
'Boston; and bark Teuclou, from New Sock. • 4 4 ; I.; MAULS.--
...--Tett liiP S. :rolfllllllN ersCOU;
4 bre Pn-eton's Brume:
10 las
.du Eagle Chocolate:
.1 , 1 ter 'Pleb, 1.11. 1 1".11F1(11?N A(Kr111P11240.!.1:h"a
,a .
i t „ Llter. , 7 LWI.A., Thlld vtrret, oppvite GAS I)o)IPANY , January M. IS.A.
e : Other,- , I Tte Tenet, of the fin. Company hare that
Henry c
on a laroldte coney Of OW I any 111,11014 a Invid, ml of kli . err cent. out of the probir
Rel. of Ihnrae I. l'h O. P . .11..1.1, L.q. lof the last six month., on the Capital Rock land in. pa, I'
ri ", ~,,,,,,,, , W 0m ,.., L „, , m , 1 ,,..,,,,, ~,,,,,_. I 1114. 1., ....k. ht.ll. re. or their I,lnd repreAcutatives, fotb.
...1- ' - i with. at the °thee of Hi.. Work,
?hewn-Male. a novrl. Ily Len . 1 turil4l, .IAHI, Q. CllltleTT, Trer,urer.
lilies. Fs note!. Ilr the autle, of 11..1,..i.-Irs..e't Fr ILE 13EST OF It AND link N DIE, ,
Home Itsbucnce, a Tait PR klothem and Daughter'. 11.) ! x suitable 1, ncanal p ur l.. ni•ol• on hood and
'. 3lorh A er'e Vto r :x , pen eßy lr-, .1 1 for ,ale L. 11,14 Iliillitls A 'IA11(111111.
!Muter,' ?ilagn m dite for Junu l rd-y! . A,
I I . - -
Whig Ali:lona.: for 1 , 41. 1 ii , LOL'it-Three hundred barrels just reed
To lof Ow American itlnMinithd ..dition of the Warerl, 1 2. nod tor ml. I,i, lICIIIIRIIRIE A INDIIRA 11.
Norcl'. \
' No 110 Wnter st
___ ___
New Books, just receivefl la. ']
I Cli n A VANA SUGAII-I'wenty boxes White
lIE Bards , of the Ilible; by George Giliii. ,
ll '
lan. 1 v01....12mn
Na 11, Water rt
tek 011ondarl. ledne. a pionr,.leo exhibition of tli, - - '3l‘ .
fir,k ,"l--ned for be.--inner. In hook. mot a. a' S pier 4 Ciy.,j,.l, Pimento, Pepper, CIOVCA,
book of vareiem for o.mlemi, and college,. 8., A.aliel C. '"
Rendrl.l. 1 vat 12sno nit,. , I and Nutmeg.. for ',ale b;- ISAIAH DICKEY A CO,
The 1 . ...W.1...mi11. 11r Hannah Flora 11001 , 1 1 vT,I IEVIO ' i. - 7 , Water A Fnnit "qr.
Chun. and (7.• Charm.. 11,- Mann J..!itelint,h. I p t • TTER_Ei g h t },,,,,1., p,,,,k,.,1 for pole by
1 vol. Pane. cone.
The Mcdher'.ltecotnprnoe: a .a , guel to “Ilon a : lathlener. - 1 -1.) rail 5 F. lON PAiNNIII.IIIST A CO.
By Renee Amnia, • ' ---- -.- -
Mech.:ea' 311maine and. F.ngitierrr.,- Journal. . Flrvt I I ACIDS GIt E.A, SE-'fen - Lois No. 1 Lard;
ram b.r J olt IN mired. , t 4 4 Nis lire., now busting L.,. oteorner IVo,hington,
Ht tno . * Dietomael of Mechaniet tin .l Engineering. No f. 12. ILa eat, b, - 10.01.111 DICKEY A. C. 0..
.104 reed for wile by . - It. HOPKINS. ; r.. 1., 11 an r 004 }root ata.
1 021 , V: Ann - 110 }Haling. Fourth at. ' . "-
isrEw BOOKi! - • J
- - - I I A I:It-Sixty brie No. lin More nod for Anle
1.4 be r.i.13 IF11:.. II DICI:EV &Or-lion-el Front rte.
A NDIIEWS' LATIN, raiatasn I.Extcosi-.-1 . A - I itEAsy r„ ~ f ~ i, 1 --'' • re• for 'tette
eopiouv mid critieri Latln. Englldi Lexicon founded gi , 'n • ' ~..,,r i :47,,74," , , , .., 5,5 .. . .
est sterner Latin. Uernion Lexicon ofWillosn; Frennd. - ~s?,
ti .11. r owl Front et..
with siblitions mat corrections from the Lexicon+ .4 . 1.1...ner.. ' -
Farciolatt. Sebeller. Georges. by I- A. Andrews. 1.. L. D. piSSOLUT toN_Th o fans of Kpnnods,. ,i..
Twit LOat , .Ivor tlit eArtrit, bring the twrnintni m. ,
Lire and results 0ttr.,..1 On-north the Sandateh or More ...ato er wo. a,....,a0.4 ..o u,,1.t Ina. Th.. b•lnr..
alma lalards.aud other parts of Polyncrin. 11,- Cr, WI VI i be ~.iiitino.,l to. I,..i.dofi,re ti, Thom:. KentiFi. dr.-
T. Oman, author of - The litiabe and hisCaPtors." Wit The name of the lam firs will no ril brlther or in
e' rtirlftaxe , Insca”mtc, a Fennel to II e trifltienre.- '''' 'lNti Vl" . .''''''.. ViTl . N . 3 ' l ' .s.,U N t :) :!' ' M-
ler A""".
14'67 11 . ..V17T1CN b . ' 47 31 Mt I • 11 EST IlLArli TEA--Sarne kind
Chtortielr. Port. and Arne... copy. ' * ' . II England al l Leaf, denim and Coe, plearunt fla.
n,rod. free Irons all
Ind..--ori, 7:. tents s, ound,
111t1PER,,TILANK 1100 K S & STATIONERY ,;;;, " ,,,, 1 ,."0 1 ,;',1!,. , 7, 1 , 11 , 1 1r,t 1 , 1 ,;;;' -0 " 11 . i" 'h"
Di'no Tall 'n'
Paper of nil AiCES and qualities. rulLd and plasu. blue .
nm whtM. • iLj ELLERS' LIVER PILLS ..amereede all
Blank Ihroks of mery description. on haul or made to I 1i „ 5 5,,,. r h,„4„,,,,,,_ I's..
.....,,, or. isZo-Hr. It E.
caster at abort nottre. 'alley , , o s s
• .tritlenery-trialoh. French end American. fancy mid ~.5,,,- , .7;:5Yr,T. '; ;;:..1.7,;;;;M,'"'„,,' , ' 7,.. ' re a ''' ..l l- , „W:N., ` , I ; I L ":
staple, fur axle br
..!..•', ,S• ,H.,• 11 ,,,,, - E,':::. Stationer.
~,,,,,, ,I to,. or Anti -Bflbou. Pill Tours. As., .
'""''''' - '-- r °. -:.=.:l__. i [therm, of a set ter.l J ANIV.S A LEII - 1.
I • I. IP I* 'l A.
II .th
00K AND JOB PRINTIN(I-Every de- ~,-Lu Z i7,:i,,7,3,,,,,, t ro ut ,;,,,, ' e 1 1. ;.r1,17..Li " ,,7; k:
pre of Leval. Commemsal , Nearnbool. Canal and , liad ' at No. ,i 7 IA oul , cool nfDnig,o4. general], in
oil Rout Printing. ex cub,' at .hort LOU, and in the I the two cities andriciiiit,. .. ralto
6,0 manner. be 11. :4. HAV RN.
Pruitt., wk.,. e.o Third a.. between Nlarlet and Ferry. l I
8 110(131S --One hundred d o zen for sale try
I tolt S. I' VoN IioNNII.DIST A CO. .
QttinoNEity-w, S. u.,...,, turner ..f . T iff: BEST PI„ICE 10 lID V ' I'E.I . . -
k i l t.. ...4 ......,, andkilrlrols..hal D forea vr, le a. lir:i.,, nn. ...0m- I 3lu/iltl, I HAWORTH'S Tea Sl..m. oast Ale a the
0p.....1 in thl. market. )4•rrhantk n 341,41 vritrx ever, ron ' I novonti Ten. at eon cents r pound
article in Wile line no the most favorable terms. MIS i rt.. nner.sunsitt..., at 74 d-, r" do .
i t jAiiat-Firlio, Packet, Commercial and . ~ t',„',„`r,",.71,„„''',",.","`E,...„,' :Ind %), •
• .Quarto ant alul (Su Paper, a large annuls. 4,01 ow.. 1 +1 o ld
' p . .iinti.ein i ell! '" l ' ll... b •kl. !.f . T...7. ' w.Y. ' V..:X;
it.mi. nand nod Walt, blue and white, for ear.. oik libentl direet Imo% 1,1101.13.1. '!llri Ow, room , . I. bought nt any
1 t; ,,T rma t ti l t v.
sTaiii m o bi l.,
pi 11..5. lIAI /.., I._ ! other ntot-,. in,r.d.. , , , 1/111 _
PIANOS ; --.
8 NGLISII G1N..01.0 J A lIAICA RD:11,
I ..I.lq . al_the Holden Harp, Nix 101 ThIN 5t...:1 In the quart or a 1. , ,1ve1e, f4.r wile by
I IS.LEIII..It L. now revelling a Drell liA pill • NIORRIS ,t HAWORTH.
'l'; , !ega.ot Fin., Mad. br M•asim t Liam.
. . •
, - ,..`,,,,,,,g1.41 - 41,74.1p1iz ;
.7j , ,; , :' ,,, ' , , taro corr. , ' Bs.. i I BEEN A PILES- ' I
liFla. Plpplllti,
."..... and Ion". II i'' made i ILI f,r ~.1• bs 'I V 1 ON stns' P . +T A CO.
In the Masco style. in vogue In there ign of Lord. SLY and t.i ' , ..
. .'
Xl'. Alpo, a new 1.0 of fa.linumble out popular Shade. - '• -
I. ha ... e.i '" Wl " '''''''''... ° I Br nv . i tivtniniento- T.D. , , j_lEttiti N1P . .., iIID IrCli Lubee sealed, fair
, ` ;,,. 'w" " m , `"' " '" ' " ' d `" ,7 '''''''' ".4 " 1 ` .1. 7, , h 'i„ .- : sale by - ' .te.,t7 . ISAIAH I/ICKET 1. CO.
NEW . BOOKS.-llumbolt's new Work, . 111111 V. PEACHES-Thirty brl4, just landing or aketchre of a 1 1,eirakda.r.riptIon of the I - 1 .- , nn,l'un lobe by
Herm, . soll , 5 P. VON DONNIIOIIST a C . O.
ecyrnore'k krthe. a Ifirme•ota. the Near nr l .o or •
lb. m.,t, 1 red. 12 me. filli'.ESll-Two Imniired - has for sale by
Derno'r. Methatileas and Engineer.' Dictionary. 1:1‘t No. I , tall 5 I , VOX lIONNIIORL-T it Ca.
Ih sr uri t il, Sermon, Th e , a„,.....5s ,a„rh troll - 1.7L0U oe
R-Tnty I,rl. Extra, for .sale by
Fir vale by lI. HOPKINS, I' roll e I %0N.11./NN itcpr a' cu.
.wo .
Apollo Buildiurra
----- ----- --- - - -- ' ( LA S_ , -.Eialit hundred bx 7, WindoWfilass,
ii r )UTLINE lIIAPS-l'elton's splendid Out jr .ylO, for ~.mel,
1 Iliic Napo are row being introduced In all the lanai,- roll S. F 1110 11:1NNII(SRST A CO.
or ieol. in New - Contend and New York. W have obtain
ed the tourney foe them In Pittsburgh. and furl. teacher" lkiif il l'l'E FISII- Fifteen brls for sale by .
mid whop] committ... to rall .01 examine them. VIP sail
No 1-Map of the
Ilatol.phrre, , 5,2 I' 00 Dube..
2. do Eavtern d. do . - DEAlti. A Sll.-Ils ea4ks tor pale by
j do Nr.rth America. to a ..,1
.I.__ ran. . I: DALIIIL ACO -
.1 do Coded st.o., 7u a all -
5 do Europe, it . , :.?? . i 1 II ESTN I'TS 'fen bus. for sale ie c L__
6 - do Aoa.
It bALTLf.L A. (N).
7 du America A Africa. 7tl a ~ 1 ~--• , b''' .. _
Iliac of the eerie, with ho, , or the Ord two Henn. • -
riser, Mapc. with key. *II, 1
I ALOU E.-0//1, /111.1 red lals au per fine Flour,
Th., rimp.iore unnt MIN inaccuracy, beaut, am:cheap- • recei"d Per omnener Filut N , . 1 . nod 00 ' vat , ' b. ,
alenew.. and nuanted M the a.. of fir Primmi, strummer . ra t . J. alt ILIA D. Round Chure_h 11 01141nR
high vlica.l.•• of the United Stub,
For talc at Publiaher's a. without Manion c,f fr,i• ht iltrniSii.-Teit CuYkr,. ' , ore, in store and
shaes.a., al. the I . :DUCAT/01 , AI. BOOK STOtil. . K. 64- hr ~.1 r is. olt rtnto.
Jant. CI,I/iT of Market nal Ittirtli .t
."---- - - - rtWIWCE.---41 lir]. joime Roll Butter;
lv 01V IS THE TIAIE. " lIAGAZI NES FOR 0 bill No l o re. ,
1 . 1 .1551, at 1101451EA' Litemry Depot. Third stmt. no- P bill ClarentPe
'melte the Poor other, Pirtsbnreh. - a Lazo prime Feathrr*. reeeteed by
Banker.' Homo., per year Il tom , wo,a. .n .l for .ale 1., ill J. 1 It. FLOVD.
Hunt', 31erchanm . .... do sto
Kukker:A..l,k, Hagar-use do :. P - i ‘ a : A 1..)1t1N.---3 brit Salmon, No. I, in store
Am. clean 11 hie Review.... .. do sto ' 1. - 1 and for •rale by no RoBERT DALZELL A CO.
Laken, 3lneatine do 6Ou l '
Mn. }:air'.. conin g c0i1...._.... -- - - " ••• 00 .II EIIOV.IL.-On a IePECK has removed id
..rt.& . -I . awn'' 1 , - d° .I .0 ' All, 1 ilert, ern, I.lon Pio Ni, 103. 011ie...m:4watt.
11,10, 1.44, . Rook '''' .'
4. I an, in ;he btaldme . ..,ig:.lllim
°rah... Ma.mue oleo Fannin . .. Mar:name .. d° ~ '''. ' ilr P.I.Sli I' LA NN E LS, ,d the difforent
I aternattonal ltagaainc do 3to •
Ul '''''" l ' M '''''' .o -' • n " '''' ''' . ....,r..1 1 ""‘I'"' so i rl “"'"i'. 4l ' ' . f irriti - 411 1 / b 7- -
fe., , e, , ,,e.e.‘ _. .k,
..:, !,,,.., , ,
I.llloratra• "."'" -" i lASII " FOlt TIIE DIFFERENT GRADES
LittelPv Idvaig Age d u ~ ,a,
The Januar., Litunb,r of the, ?dextrine. will t e st a Ertl, V' of W0.h..1 Uool hr roll H. LEK
_ . .
timber of the new volume. oral will be the twit ever I
11.ned. . Alt FOOLLEN GOODS.--line ease ' Searlet
'I .Toe ,trove magazine+ will be delivered free of lamb ! V 1 !home!: 1 ewe Brown Flamed. 5-4. ..! ak•lr, White
aca ak &a, ogire, being onite a uring to Dime votioerilang , Flanne l . Ze.l., 3 ca,s spring Tweed.. 41,17,o1; •.: case,n Far ,
Lie )
, MI
ilibi,7 ----------- --- --- -.
A larch and wrll erlotted stock of morn, Ifkrnt ANNU. i 1:11111lUN , 1111r, Waal for 0a1... by \ All 11 LEL-,
A" 61r1- 11°°K8 ' ''...''''''''.. ehri.... ''''' ''''" : g I I:ARS—Fifty thousuml , l'lgtin, received
Vexed Prevents.
dl...n—An extendre naorttnent of Narebt aral Clump put. 1 and for .ade by 'all Lt lld .11A RBA 0/11
liratknu,Snitionery, %biting rant., tr. All drdero atten. I J
' •
ed to pancluall, J. it. VOLLEY. ; 4.11111 - rl'lNfi 311;SLINS S. 11{1S/I LINENS_
Tap Nn. 74 Third *lr.+. ! 1,71,50r,Ly a. 11 rrl,fudil roittkont. . 1.0r.d.r idirtkenlat•
niSRNOLD'S - . 1111113Elirti, iIt)IIAN AND 1 '`, L 4,,"""" '` P6,.",, bL i r r , "2L'ir,"""'"'"'" • V "',l ii ...."" na
irtiulireON'S. nod Random , mod:. tum, :.mulct 1 and haah n at ' l , .arrrir.... Go. poacit t y th . r""'"'"
- .all '''.
Cartoin. Ink..
Gontals% Falw.r . ... Trnolim. and Latno.n . a. Jnel,co.. , V III N ESF: V 1:It M I LLION-74 Itto for solo
and 31onra , o. Pdack. and J4.1 ‘ 1., ' ...1 retail.. .
.., ~y jail J. rottu-a co
toktuult of An .-3 drodliptlon. ilillott... C,,tds',. Pratt , 1 . , . , ---, ,----
I...ddt, hied, 'r. loduro'.. and ntb.r Mt nufuotte• , of M.. 1 : H EIIIIJ SF: E - -e.flevn ImrTNII (hoar crop)
Pr..: a...* E. NI. ,dalth , ~0 ....... r to A. li PA.', d 1. 0.1 v.,,,,,,. t.,. Id/1 .1 Klldt k et).
ediel,nttrd i:01.11.,,,.. with gold •od direr c,04-...
~,........ ". 11, b Dras. 1.
, og aP r d — , .. ( , LI:E. - Twenty five leirrely, fnr side 1)V
I,l...lephauc atld, , ,dutahler• tap,r ros al, to/al anal.- - w
at jl.ll J. KIM/ e. Cll. 7.1. nil 11 - N.,1 .1.
pt... 11rilb.1 Wank, r , .1,. and tot.dsuro.
Parlor:dad brwrd. fan,y Ins nat.+. P`Ght l,o " .t.l ''''' ..., ; ( 1 LASS PAPER—Five hundred reimit of
“ottu.too tooth silver and Cann toluml pada, Fuld and . . '
eularrd 'trip. and come.. on.l Ilthocraph. Mr faney Lox, 1 1 . ~a l llf . Pat , nt , 1, ' , O. I, ' ,
propared parchment of .11,u.... t.uthoo,, ou. decdt. chart- a l l .t J. lill.ll 4 CO., No COM 4.4 .d.
cr. ID4 .h,11.., rr , 0411 not. Ippon'. 1 .1•111..11 [Mad. 11,- . T ,, ~„ -
mod dr.orabld ttylor. qm.a and Istlarn, Own. rilt..tnt....- ... ~...,,,,'
1...4 and rilVen‘l, oultoble fur Gall., barldid. wcd. l .l l aaa sod .
.--..- •
ft 1111- 7- 1 liii:CCE I
lerroch note ruvrloper. glaln and erntemvedi lottooadterb A _ . ___. __.: _ _E--respectablo young
open, brnna., hite cud Nue: laid and PIM adbrol•e rn man. nkb.lno to travel. with .. ropltal of fl 4. to 1:13:
yelp hum blue and white
WIZ.: aaferPa yarinne nat.n. v;ritinn nand: braes ' .4 t , ' ..10g r.- 1 d' ',11,1% . %el ' ir - 4?• ‘ ;;;14 i l? t... ' aro.'N '' ' ' ltt ' l l eloTtr.llll ' :
tin, corm and Turlav 1a , 30M/Li ra.t tos”.eoprlng Pr...". : tnon ' thr. ran bra: of thlv 4414;nr0. ne " nroerk , n , F...., Due s !
ink, lorn.bev , rnd , ob ona Ennlkl: envying loeolo, and NI 1 tbrounh the rod .71.. stating ado . .. au ~ t r • , r'r r.. r"
Pa. , . LoOno•Papor of all micro : red 2.1 wLlte patent blob ; hod t ( :a14.140; CIIANIZg t x/ r 3Illk):Cro
"' A r' Zo n " Ir d rit .
e a ve.avl a o er ankles to the gtatlonere Lino : Boys. SATINETTS.-3lurph . Y s:.Burnl.
both arm. no. ~ .ple, t0...1... with . I.M - o ..-Pm...t o , : nerd have rt . -rely - 441 • lot of bnofanue Faun' )hard
blank books awl ISICIPM2IIIitIIII books of all common Pomo ' ~•,„ . t ,' w.,...,. w , r .I'. plaid Ord Plain Cag - .rm.
of ruling. no nerly rifle of htuchng. and paper of' all tiara ; i.-,7::;, ~.!°,r,,,.•y,,,..„', •,,,,„`,,„' ,„.. u,,, L . k ,j e .,.: gii - ,. - k
and q ,. . ,,, .. r.r ..', •, Md. , ' r" .. .. ',......' r , "'n , ! il,r,i," v•Live4: . o - r - ....v - t . to - d4d4Teast -- -- no - ru - er - of 10 - n - r4..h - and
able terms. at W. e. HAVEN' ,
• .16
Blank Iknk and klationery WorrliOure. '''''''''!"*. _ _
cola Corner of 3farket au': grnrad Annie
- - i , i IIIESII FRUITS. NUTS. &C.—. 424 IN.
IL Taus Cots lam/ Ils o-olle s l'xistur IMI bxs xl
The Greatest Bargains of the Season. ,1. nseqes Si a r inss as. do: '.lO or los * dn. 4....: ill..!" ii.:
WELD. TILOMPSON. No. 116 Market Rt. ' ';',":''. ii1 r ,"ZPV..7,17;1,,,,„' 4 " . • .;!4" 4 ' . ,..., t i r,2,' 6 17' 6 6 66 '
me doom
of Lllortv, baclum: deterwined 1.-• ass I, rr le 'r / r i Mem and hams' ' Obeli AinsOnds: d rr dos u rms awrori"l
ms by Dm End of April, will. from tb s day. sell 1 I . lekles For rale 11 • J. II o'c .
.0 a Co.- •
him entire stab errancy alutomplo Dry Goods at aux for dain r Corner Wool a rine eta
Cash. Tbls stock bong new, lard.. and well selected. ion- 1 i • ----.----
tstaindwrt as follows:
I/DEM GOODS—French 31arinsl. Paranzettax. Coburg C 111,
Clotb.Delain, Cashmerom. sad Alfmmam. ell <Mom: Doom i , --
Sills; wide Black Glade do: blasts. Lonk end Sonar,
Gloves. llmiary. As,
..DENTLINEN'S WEAR—Cloth, C•Seirl.l7, Satinets, 1
liVilf.°C(4lll4.4PUl Ta r l ? -) . If rlD' ' . 1.1;:, . 6 ' 4 l_l EAVY WOOLLEN GOODS FOR SALE
arot 12.-{: Cotton Shreds,: Damaak r TOM.. Lice. bnonn I
and Wooded, Damask Table Clo th s: Naplcim. ori.. M. i .IL . ''''''' .-I f i th— `."."''''''. of the '''ll°.''''. Dents
Ahm, a larco asmortmant of Whilmey and BALM Blanket, ! i t,:',.',,gt r lT I..t . im Bk. end Un 'T Lk ""rb4
lankes. ohleh we are authorized elm*
traglAr with •ltdl Mock of. Domestic D0510.... is nt ..,,.. , reduced priers. and will to mold on famrtable terns - •
am MIR sttoTmVll7. l cio r a r e=h r y r iErlg r . of Apr& '- ' . /all 11 , I.Tr..
jallzilm ROD?. D. THOMIN. l.._ :
• % i OLASSES--liftv brin new crop for rale
. iv e by doll 'BROWN a EIRKDATinctc.
91 1 1/1: undernigni,d, nunoennorn to Arthur. A'
Nicholson, beg 1t.,. to InGarto the sitars of IPittie
burgh and the public grucislly, that they have rebuilt the ,
EAtILL IIIUNItHY, and are now 'in foil operation. and
hare part of their patt,,rne ready for the market Anannaet
which are I.l4oklng Bnives. Opal andAVisid 14thvee, with a
splendid dr tinlaLkool Store. which Is new ouriereodlog. to '
other cid, the oF innwiti round Stove. Also. 'a clown owl
Co-king Stor,vto ' Hweirpleal for.fituall famlllenwlth a full •
Wrtrueut of Common and Mantel Graf,
e would' partiorlarly Invite theattention
to rail nt our warehno, Wore purehaeing
where, and' examine Index:did .artieleof enamnielled
Unto. 'finished in nee Style—entirely new In HO. market
Wareholiwc—Nm Ltlo Llberty rd., ninon'. (fool at.
(gEI - ri. "-- & -' IIEGREATr SEMI-ANNVAL
10 of DItY 111101,S, at the One twice non. of
A. A. MASON o'2 and GS Market +levet.
Commenced On Nroodalr, fictemlwr 10. 11100, to vontinue
through the month of Jemmy. Their whole ndahlltitt
ment hose town thicwo open :tx Retail Trade. and their n
tenalle elark. amounting to One Hundred and Thirty
Thum/sand bollara, w i ll In offered at Retail, at fully one
fourth h..,4 than usual prima
The online or a t ten d ml. Annual Sale to suy nue of the
thousands who ed the sale of last ratywill rufti.
tient gnaranteo n.r a rail this ...on. 2111, will, however.
mention • few of the aunts and prier.. for the henellt of
thaw who late never attended their sale, viz:
evoneres 75 1,13
W ll,
Isaiplects. l Cotton and oinl ri
eentas usual
1600 ph.- pal ve; Cotton and Wool Detainee, 15 and 11 evutes
usual price and 2.5 cr4l ,
al pt.,. bigh er.lourti 1.10,1 dn mot., usual prier
(21, end..
GO rim 0111..1 and Omtred Stiks. 50 semis, usual
prier 70 ern,
thOpie,Y, Satin de Chine and Faith. 01.1. relit., wind
. prlordti
00 Mee., Mack Silt., reduced 1:5 pry rent
100 pier,. Fennel 31erim`, wind Jain. 1 1 . ,1 71..i.
Ltal pin.: , Prywinettae and L 1 ,0 0 ,0 Cott, redueed
all eolori minced 10 ta.r rent.
2000 Ltmg I , oJan-1-bawl, which will he .said ft.dti 111
o.s.teet than ueual toirea
• PAM yablellt.nnet Itlidons at a ant 10 note, mould
nrl•r 1 0 . In 25 mots.
pod ,ilond Calico, at GU eenta. 0 . 01 Mier 00 -.
lon ease. Ithalleh and American Coll,ww at 11 and 10
neut., noel .tier lit and 12 1'; eenta
po raw, 111e:oiledredtv
grad‘ed soon per e tad.
210 brown Muidin. all e..
G I ov A, rit t i ltttlr . 1711X ' a b' n, "
.lenn , 6l.nortb, with nn I . mmen.6 . wanpxy ' nf U ntn " r tr j
all of wlnell •111 Marknd 1/11.1,/ Low . 64l•4l , ;thannti7
f theirprv.tour
They Invite nn early ran. KO /0 41.117 of thrixchoimat
{mods WIN 00.1 bO. wont. 11r. Inwrpt prter named at first
A. A. MASON Cl).,
jalo K 2 and 64 Market at
iIkITEI3I.I'S Normal ltendera, letiuthe'.a do.
V Arithmetic', Grammar., OrOgraphirs, Pls.
tamer, Map. Globe, and evert work %mat in public' atki
print school.. Alma. a 0,0.031 mmortmcat Ifitim
tor whoa's, dwclllll,n, and Alaa.Cartere 'Du 's
drIP ILalarkat al.. comer of fourth.
Craw.' under the Unmet/Late lai r the lurentor
mut rrtablirlied for upward/. of thirty.
Tide elegant' prrparation It ern/mm..ord In aIl
He, arlditioe, Indlgiation. gout, am/ gravel, e . oga ,,
ear. eiw , / • end clfretioal form lu which Magneeia 'may. and
Luton' the only one In which it might to estiihitral.
arming all the pros.ortiee or the Megue.da now in general
tire, witimut loin hable like I. to finol tonere.
tone In the bon clog It effectually mires heartburn without
injuring the nada Of the atom art,. rode. war, amt their
mrborsetre , am known to din it pn•rente the rocd of inlente
turednif sornjo e4mterallz ... a pleating •pe . nent. and
1 0,171 1 1 :: n r, b 4 . DevIrlestaled that this anlutiun forma
ohM comb/nations with uric ark/ ..Ile in raw.. 01 gout and
irnmrt, nib
thole injurious tontlency.
whrn other alkalize and onto 31egcrela /Wit. bad Wird.
From elr Philip Crampton, IMM., r. urge , . lkornd to the
Ar' lTerr mwrhr r can ho no doubt.that )leinemis may be
edrolnanerrd more mbar In the farm of a conotnatrated roe
WOOL Ulan In euldtenam for OM. ma Many °Carr meow.
ed"ritroninour liar /lo
edr Jamas Clark, tie ,COO prr. Dr. Brinht 01.4 Wren,
tluthrie end 'forted Mayo, of Lamar.. enem/1 1 / ...emend
Murrerlaaluid Alemorsta, ae being lermltely. more lido and
coni,nlet than the solid. mod 'ent. the &neer attend.
in the remnant tire qt eala an ham , . • .
For sala by the trutnter's and proprietor'. now.
• Cor. Waal A boot Ma.
ht aie•-lt ...or r f the 1..1 tbint•. to the world Lir I um..
11•11-ci-Thou and. on. ..orgy coo il by ths. thotruciii
IL n.rer Lot , in alettri Rio•t
it,., 1 ninon Itloir.. end all Allele of son. 11 too unequal
117 ‘1.413.1, sod Atone knew Ile yid. in ca.. of Peon...
, 'on` Ihre`re. Die/ 'would Owe,* apply IL to althea..
wiped accordion to threttion, it site, rein( in • vet" feT
Among the boo are dirertiono Fir ming 31eAlluter's
Inntriand for armful. Ur.. Complalut. Leis/pal.. Tatter.
Manakin. 1 , 101 need. Pore Lim Quincy. ti... Throat.
tirearbille Nervotto Atlrctuma. Deno. Intwase of the Poise.
Iliad Ache, lntros. t cons all M.A.. of the ntin. ,
Lira Pimple.. or . . Petelllntrof the lambi, Rom Rheum.
thtm I do, told beet. Croup. owella,l or lirokt a Breast.
I crab Act.. Ague lu lie two, le
Fro. Mt Remit*, Ewa'
Thi n e war. never, perberw. lelfainc Infloght before toe
ptihik,that boo th I. e 1.% a tie ., woo web a 1 , 1•12010o0 op
31rAlliatree All Ilealieg or World Pidre Ahund Pr. 0
' f',l,`:i:'„, th
,1•11:= 4 11"ej r I
the ' l 2 '. ttri • = r =l.7l . 4.
, ax . ll.7g . l4he o ril . er. a thied of • ioniolcome rain m th e
(north -o f swelling In the Ilagle.
If it deco 0011
, r ,.. ; . 7 . f a tte r j al. ever)" ere tt. ester do rta ininrl.
As'agher scale
of the woudeyful beefier,: N. , ,' few
aceenl he nth. rale, we rubpriu the following rertliwate.
from a respectable eitleen of 31Millinervel towthhip. in thls
T -
llaicarreek. Darks ro..March an. 1147
?forts Bitter A Co-I Moire to inform yint that I .ap
PP•IT cord of a trroso peat In the lock. sr Os , use sr
MeAlludeer Alidlcallug Paha which I mothered horn
..,•u I'offend with it for about teenty Rare. and at night
woo unable be ARP. During that time I Dian . ..Roue
retheallo, who :b wort Prawriboi he me he pbyeiriaro and
other nohow. without. Reehhis any relief, awl et feet
madonna of fhb Wee, with a remelt favorable befoul ert-
Prettlau lam now ronrcly freefrom the pain, end calor
~..1To' i l i ' "11 47i 4 1 1 1:e1.1 7e7o ' ti l o ; r pPet7...ertg=;
nappy mune ' Toni friend. Jura llotlawnwil
hola Moister of the above moildno.
I Pritelpe 0111ce. 7.40.11 North Thlol st. Philadelphia
I•ItICE 111LNT1'-)11 E ChNTri PER BOX. -
Aumth ta l'irterolude-li. A. labneOptk A Co., meter of
Wood nod fltist eta, Woo. Jackson, No. :49 Liberty . sitreet.
L. t 1 lima Ire. cornea. of 3holort atreet and the Dfamond,
oleo corner of /Math and eithtlrlield ets.; .1 11. Carel. coo
ra o r,:f . Wele i t . n , t a r . rt h l t, ti d er . litall u l i h . : l ll : it : and
loam =the
IT I3 :. 1 4: 11 tili fi ' m k f tr
• b LL! ' Dr . ti b fr.r . ,2_ , l ,4 l;."l4n.rsi
...Le..., If Rim and, o.elfetapoTt e . ......m A ...111in•
igr4it ' lig y john N Ettk i t 'n tttcy. :r. 8 r1;t:1 ` 1 4. % T .1gr... ''''
7-. u.-,.. wonhoght A nr;slo. slchester. ' AI fatly "' .
T. the cure of Conghs, Colds, Hoarse
iii: den. lin:melt/W. Croup, Asthma IChowitut Cough.
mei Cotoiuptin.
i. truly valuable n • 0.11 for all of the I,ung.
and Timed. Lee tivotalle the chief reliance of the affikted.
pltl. Oh, inlet certain cure known for Ore above taw
illow If bite it I. a pinerful nmedial emit In the molt
dreperate mad elumet hopalese mows of Ordonmption. it is
al.. ha ahnlubitiol Mara one of the miltieet atol 1004
egnenble fthilly roedieluee for common coughs and adds.
I head below the opoimu of rata who one kuown to the
...mid eud the world re.jeei their . ordain.
1 111011 Plinke d L lIITCIIKiteK - . Junes C.Ayer
/ ur-I hare use your MARI . 'Would, lo my own ewe of
deep olio/ Drotichltet end oto wattsitod frthu IL. ebourkel
...dilution that it is en ealmirable competind for the seliel
of tar, stale' owl Innorlanl elleneolle a If toy opialb
1 its atthethir character mo be of uty reek, /no
I eirty le owe it ne you think mid.•r
£011.4110 111711111I0C11. I. L. D, •
(Trient of Amberet Dollen.
I DIRECT El IDE:Vera-Dr J C. Ayer , Learn-Dear Fir
-li eeling under obligations to • rola flit the mtnrelfon of
, MT health, I e. ml you a t ropin of my now. which you are
teltr . l.. l. ll,:t o t tits sh e he Vii , t i of . ritt7 , 7 . a
,otm tity . n..o d 1
made tor of moor tnedierrit. without obtaining Rhef. I
1 wto nbilord to rite up bio; Donut idly robed blond,
sod could get ut, rher. at night A Merl earn MO • ball.
of your Cherry Pectoral. the u. of which} immoli=
commenced aelwrillug M deletions 1 hare nest parch
iias nos kali.. mod of nearly cad. I now el.,
well. my couch bas or riot. and all by the use of your val
uable Mcillethe E el STONY.. A. /I .
Prineipal ML lime Smninary.
i ram De. Bryant, Druggist lad Ponanaster, L td pee ,
Valle. ilarr• -
Pr J C 1, er-D..elr-i °aw Oen, god remittance
for all the Liu cry Pectoral lot sent toe. I c a n unbend.
wolf .0. that uo molteine we Bell glyen ouch rietofertion
io your'. da.• nor have / tore Peen a medicine which eu
er d ro merir rows of laugh end, Lung Complaint. Our
pip.olonit. arr feting it eater:Ord, In their pron., and
with the happLed e th er. your,.
Pn•fermi by .1 C. ATER. Chemi.t. Jewell. 11a.
fold in 1 1 11nthurgh. wholesale awl retell. tu J 11 Tiara
tend, Pa Mar Let Orect, and Joteph Douai..., Allaghene
city. ,pee 1.1. woo* I TT
, i i
1 21. 00 a v o i o . ? 1,1 PA
___ __ .
g I iiiii P. 1111 3,
P 3I ARI6 OI , 7 7 5 OR AC IULLE 1tES- - FIVE
k. I ..
1,1. I I ,1,..1. loono II riot. end P.a. k Toile
nu. 4 10111% 110 4,. Imp nod I:0o Powder. f
. I . IL niii, - 111,0 our to., oi/p, to,, and . h e ir o il,. c 0..,
.11 0000 . it.... 11 o ri , .110...,. .. r0.i.... the A11.,1...ny Hove, and two mil.. troth the icor kn., tot
P. .I.i I'. Itoblto.oi A 1,. 0 • awl Oo Jet. , lartiro no,. It too to. ore.. e1...n.4 an apple melon! of
.s. ak. I .1....... ... Dame.. .Om tr.. a sere. of Lotto,,, J, is mud., awl nod Lot ou I
1 , or. Iwo,. 1.1-1., 111S61 lime ...I AL. 41 ' it. I Is, Into.h. n doubl, porch in front end n ecllir oil
14 . boar. Jame. linimpern Jr. indict. her!: .her it It t viol le .old soap, oAd . 0 bon Up, op o p o o
B Lump. ,,, .ton -tool For gal, by . nor y Ming laid. poor-Arm will le ultra 1110.1 11,00 00 /
)1,1i._. JOIIN PARK FM aCO the n Wale, Ph. w mil et 111.1 AC lIAIIIOI4
- i . A , miner and Intelligence utilte Zith st
I N 1 Ew OItLEANS iiell.,lll
.1,„ „ r 0 ,,,,,i. ~,VilT" . c ' s ' .l.. r rs ' er rt.Vs,: d 41 01'1' ,tr,''''" ' I-
I,' biol. tld. od prin. ot. .Inel re nod 6 jal .111.1
4' 1 1 100', JultN l'iliKflt AI ti -
• i 1 , 1E11.1(' .11C T WOOLLEN GOODS.-One
d *OR N Li fil 11 ) . .11 S 1 .A. bowie.' soil nib pm forgeries/1 fled Illauketo
% an any... lon, Drool. in awn. awl nor orb 1. - akt parrs l'iit. Itlatiketo emeriti,. article
3011. lull', l'Aithli It A tar 11.0 do [team Boat Illenkeht, Mao. booed
, - I. l i do tray Coding blankets, heavy
di kLi) HIE IViiifil(l.l 1.0 do na b '
do do do
l_jr 40 bl.l. pore Ili. O fork y "Ivry oh! raid choir , " l•fl du .aloe do do do,
t.t li. 0.1 11.1 yeah.) WhieLef in atore awl for Inert ftlitikel Clo th , do eel, I. 1 Jan /, Jun N PARICIIt aW. .... I
Jo ....
Meow - Orr, flirted. d o
do ....nor Mirk }reach Roadeloth
N ,r..1% , : r i c t . , , v ..., 'At 1 5-- 1,.., E ,i , „. . , , , , ,, ,t. ,, 5 ,„7, i n ti , :,, ,,,,10 Ci : : „. cinnati • . t i iihr: ii .,,, ir v,i , .. ,.. ,, .. ,,,,,,, i „. T . 7 .,, ,,, b 5i ii. 5 ,.. .r. ht ,ri., , cizi: :
rill; nil A tell 110. s. Co J .., I ila rty.el
I .10 .atite tt..l.lack ~ go nnior
11 . 1 . ..11 . L.11:14- Prirlie Cincinnati I.c.if Lord s n ln M 111. Twilled lb , und o yanl web- I
Ipot op In ltea •for Omit, ... am/era Or rata hi qh‘ .l,4 ° , ,14.;:b,r",,,Lt. errs ,,, „ 0 1 %,,,..,., , 1
,-,IJ ~, ~ , ,i, Id Pe. kO, ....snug atodarlitrorg.ron *nil ~ .....c, and arc air .1. to •
nitttron Cliff 31irie Idaral teem.. la. tri g,
t a t
to mat lte.tern I inidt.o. ... __________-_a_-_- - _-- I
111AILL A6ll--5 casks:prime reed by
4 Li5._ ,,, ,,i 4 p‘lo , s ,
11 0 11 1 WILlitlat. al Wed et
,sn I ix brim fries 1 ni DIGBY, No. 136 D'art) street. begs
,„, . , s ,
tir cale he reopecilldly to franc. his unmet... encode mod
.1 A DILLti ORM ACO I coetomera. that be io_Jurt receiving his new fell et.. kid
... ... -- . . I f Will, CA c r 1 1111,111•41. awl TL
oil of the mare,
. 5,.., o os ~..„.
( 1 "... A.,-.., 000 n IN Lt. :sugar for onto by idyl., talented for the apirtonehlon fall sad winter anima.
I_ no::: ' DEOIAN A KtllltipAllllLn, tar Life., at 1 All thoeti to went of eh nap faehlottable. awl good clothing.
-- will find ,be !argot, utoet Dobintieble. and best etock In tbe
VEW 11.cISINS on consign entfor sale by Westem this tsublishineut- .PI9
, ' ` t
. j " feed ntO forLD--rola bTire
q f tY
..1.1_.1 , 27 BIIOWN MAD PATRICK.
_III_ Sco lb. for ml by 1 Jal) 11l • A lifi REITER ,'"
)ECTIFIL'III WHISKEY, --- l -P Lirlltgs- ---- fh - h" 1
1)11 .1) P . ... ° te l ei ‘l .. l 4l A n n _ D r:_ mf .i i ii . s
Dried Peaches lu do. tool Merely be
brlisGrtm se Lard
450 bhp beet hoctiged Dlrlok.. In atom •tal for pie .. . ' *L IV RAILBACOLL
'mall 4t1112i PARKER A CO. )."
25 bbl for nnle by
IL MEAL—Thirty bap Oil )Zeal, received
riiel fee .+ l,, by - HAABACGII.
1 4 - 4Loutt—one lititariretl• brk: Extra Family
ja r i s :•0 A. I.
QALEItTLTS.—.S tone Saimaa.% in hris and
1.7 us ,, , ao R4d br. sa 11011mnr1/3.I.ZELL A CO, 1
EAF I.AltD.—Leaf Lard in bile arid kegs
4 owl for eel.. by 03111E111 DALfAY.I.I. & (IL
111 L 11331.3 333,4. '
- , .
LIGAIt.--I5 Wide lir no N. Orienne Sugar,
I 3 be 40..esnd for rein by 0110117 . DALZKLL A
CU. '.
ae , 11.C.rrar sd.n , el.
14 1 iSII Fifteen (Irony G.. B. Codfish;
11l We N. 3 314 , 14.....1: 01i1.313 No. 1 Lae 1 , 1313; 10 .0..
. No.l Slvokervl. in doe. owl for .13 1.•
1.11 , JOIIN WATT A 10) '
1 HEESE---49S he Urns.. Cheese•in 'tore
1...c0d for eel. 1.3 .1313 , 1..11.Z13.1., ' 1
.11 N0.131 Wait., 31rort.
s i ALERATUS-4 reeke, N0..1. Silerntue; • I
15 13.11 41.. .1, 0 ' 1
In 33n3v and for c01..1.3. JAM,„ , e,;t,, ,, ,m4.. i
, ll
1 "005ISSIne hundred ton,4 lenne,iee i
Iv t• 111,,,,,,,, ..!” lon, Tetitli , .• I etch, rrvolvlnlifron. dram.
03, owl for ...1., '. J.(313 . .... DAUM!. I
.11 e3 '
N. IA Water 31.....vt.
Alrisoow (:LASS.-Five hundred boxer
4 V ....nod 'lv. In nom and 114. redo I,
.11 JAME, DA1.7.3:13-
- - . •
I JOTASII.-- 5 casks Potash. lust received,
.0 , 11..0 ...Iv .3 .1. 133.113:11r bni.7.11.1, A CO. 1
, -
: V r t EW LIGHT. •We have received a lot of
11 t.x.mrs. of 3.31..... 313.• Awl km.l.. r.f i 11,
...31.-trot..' 11,33 ....alto v0.,4, owl entovlvt.- -vane vro , w !
Alpo. the ...tide to born 11111.3 in. roll. .I°llornlog fluid: . 1
... . r 1 .. V '7 .T 10i1 .; 1.
' 317 .r .T. '" 1.1 1 !3; '' Ino l' 1 " '''.. . "'"' al
Coo- , 1 .3 . 1. ' 7.. " 7...3.......2.1:...- .. vo „ unn.l. - ...7,",i'L-y, 1
. ~..,,,."--, ,i,..,,.,-„,,,,_
1,,3.. .1... plrxw. lw rail we ny will IA ,buno dm povu-
. lisrlll... of Ilw 11 , w 1.11,.1,
1 re 111.1 a 11l e'll up], 14 11...f10at and 1..... 333.3 by
' F1•1t31: l ATKINNiN. ,
.1. 1 , . 1.1.3.. 1.33...... 11....Fa1.1.310rkt.t.
JL E.—A - 11!”-
k• n:.,. North Amerirt,
nroplr to rlA111:D L th 1114 Herr , hel
BEII'ER.-Thirty keg , -
bur, runt rettiverl hrrdl tier
• rsIO
. . .
, a r . IYORNIA.--The. tow mail oubdanthal
. ...3 ,- ~..o- ' ••• '
.... 3 -‘l , ll , ci.i....u, will leave Chacionati, "c.a. , 14 .
Oblo, fur San, Fraud., on SCSDAY, the ..... .
! ' ; 4l , ity of lfetirunrl nett. Tbe (Amino:al • , CO alIL
: h t . ,, ,,, : t .r,Or t t . Tl . et i ttAtier i IN Mud op with eta. Mown
and being furtiiitued with tuth steam arid salja h .Zell ah‘ to=
Itretriplu &haul 110 do l t% Prr,.., •Lehiavr t...iffg , to wiforuni. tot ova". w their Wall., will 1100 la the
1...1. niMortuulty that ' 1.0 beep offered The TO if
robin paianoete tan Fm(prho iu will be S. bed and prim
4.1 . 1 . 1 . Th. PawngTOotary man le pail yea areuring
the tieke Each will 1.. albrwol 130 Ile. of ha,
ant. The utittarl. '" il l eket o ha • been limited. and a
.010 portion aln-ady dOprwed of: a:orlon nem.. *Acta.
Paw.% ...A Pomo. 1k1i...t. wen. Further Information
regarding Paoage or Iteight nan le had. hr addreceing•
nowt paid. „ • • littlE W. WILES.
2 "..retaer eiChwititiall Inning Co..
/..I.l3l2O—Ctn'aa. ',. ' lAncitinatt. Ohio
VOW I.S Yi.,Ufl CIIANCE FOR A GOOD INVE... + TMEST.-71 - he eulocriber onera for cal,. till
i t raload. Proleal.,tuated 4. 4/44 4 Corner of liollidar
anJ Nowal. 'tn.., euiLowing ewer eirnen tlameand nee
hundred iquare feet of ground. roentoeuring at the of lller
of Wilda, and Pleiteagt etneenk. lint 'ina unali Mi .
Pet, 11,in ac.t.i2 feet. laen math 4 , 3 Vet. tie Lum . we.t.97 (vet
by a diaiowial One reran:it anuthward. they Inwoitherly
direction bounding on horth meet. 2. - • fee t 1U turbo. and
Out. from ad:. point 36 rod. thCn South 1110 fei to Pleroant
400,1. then Ina to the pare of begiuniug 12: fiat. TWA
Proberty I. now knpmei by . large and rommollniiii &Asp
and Candle Alanufactoty, built In the mod ertl3 , toutbil
mann,. of the hod niatenaki arid workmatudhp. and a
marinade Erick Duo/000. with a tar-,
_ganlev. The fag
tory I.:11 lea wide by 210 fort deep. with • fine yard. The.
!Wilding elubrucce Iwo 'furies and-.o ottia btu four large
ctd Jinn Soap licalca..uuromity -... gene. curie, Son Lop
Van: 3 tale flint . uudell tho whole building, and lot-ui
throughout.. 4iort. films et - curt:weenie:ton for corn ing
on a ..Ty ex wore line era. To licoirium ileariug a bear
tit ti Rea. Forwarding . One, for the tranYartlnn of 1.0,1.
141, via. 111.1timore yid uiquehanna lirdiroul, ails mule,
t/ l'o`cent , ' a too uppo oily: hewing alio:K.l,M oo North
greet of 23 feet far lb° intlntor of i took. which would
...immolate tlinv fore.foling boom., Ann A Mum track
ou Pleacant anal. if ut.s.waarr. Any further Information
ran be ulitainol of the albscriber no the pretuL4.4.
laltdlw—nalt. Pat. fg.
SCIUIjIR trniiink antler the firm of W(N)D G ALL
tii rs j d WOOD, ALIDVIT 4. CO., termlmon 10. limit.
Lhe buslteoltrM sel.tlr.l rilho.r of the ntlomiLwre.
rl,l Zo ' Ve t trl 4 o 'Lll.',trin id the firm ~u'llrmx In
kt.t arrrt. Philadolirbin
DermatorillAt, IC! " 8,10.05.
lIE FIRST OF 1,00 . 1), ABBOTT & CO.
halog been Weed, ea above Ntlaeli, the Lotion..
le entstintted Lyy lb puhrribert.under the title of
WOOD. DAWN, CO:; thr old nand . No. 127 Market
4n I. Philadelphia. IIIeIIARD D. WOOD.
'HART A. L.p.Avrer
• Phaadelphist, January *l. 11 , 51.—jan113.141
. _
ISSOLUTION-4The pennerxhip of Rev
. noble* Sine naa &rived he mutual wane. on trta
the 'attn.,* of be Inn ;gill be Nettled he either
of the peril,. the name the firm to be nprd for that par
pose- r L. 0.. REY:COLLIS.
I j. .41114:: •
In vetoing from tha 41.111[1,1 of ll. , ynnlda k Shoe, I
u.‘tr..l; I. Ski., lo my friend. and the
tomerx of the Imuoe.
I 'sale Grocer, Commission
7 1V11.1 Paper aml Ra., eortier of
UEL LF:RS' LI VEI PILLS—"CouId not get
t:/siona withoui.thens.- t
JrCounellsellle. 0. J. 5.0. 1801.
M. It. E. Mrs.t.un.—Yruari are the oul, Liter Pills that
sell her, I could not art n o k. then , anit ' , et,
one that makes use of the speak. lia the htutuut terms of
eauntueilatanti. Yuma rep trolly, J. UItEEN.
..v ..7 ,1 A , , .. zt. . A.. ., , ,: , , L , ..i. .ELLEits. 07 worst a..
, r ,•
ICE—Twenty tit rocs new crop, received
L i ttsli day, and fo;Ori/ti t by
ta 5 BRIM N 4 KIRKPATRICK. 144 Liberty st
ILA"Eit . 11 . ARElpcams, Forks, Ladles,
r) Butler Knives, !litho - Tea &Its, Cur!, IN. menu.
fakun4.l to onler *rut an li al% for sale at the low. ratsa.
44-Want,,Ll. 50u . ilref Wu, W. W. WILSON.
ialu r Cur. Market & Fo ur th t a
toLAN . TA(LtSirIdijARI) R Azo ft sl
,„Kt rt,,1ve.,1 by rsprots another lot of threw olden.
lart„'rVar".. Room., the . 41, "d ITtII‘..r.TIFILITg.s
-I).A.ItI'NERSIII.P ' POTICE--11. LEE / has
s g aill •...“12.1 With shlm hi. I , toner partner...l. IL
th i:u , , , , g..t i th . r l l i V o nr o l A n , , , 14 , tr i e11 ;.. 1 . V0010n business, ander
\IL:R.I'IIY tt, Le,E, wooL DEALERS and
A II: 57.: ra!,"K:,." IT i t.3`; .tr r Itt;bVr:h." Am "'"'
Januar, Ist- MI.- ' ' . •
o • 31.,hant, aual Jodi
mutt Iniu Atrel...
14r1 :, 1 1! T r., E n 1 0
Nap Ism br,
I 500
ifitg S. EN A
5 ilimeoz I east 1k
Tumaxma. fm sale
rANNERS" 011...--rwenty 7 bris Bank Oil,
to Kw./ mit, fur a4l. &Iv J. B_IL YIJ.II,
- VIOLASSES.-3S Ws new, in store, for
mie by J. • n. riot/
ARD.-44 brie I. now landing for
.sie b r dtr , L.I.9ATAII DICK CI
lIKA - TFLOUR—Twente sacks in
I, J . nh. br S. S w.
4ON T A INING !demur:, nor other
Mineral. The foliowln, noelinaonial . .rou Oven by thy
:loran.' Dr. Woc.ter Meech. the author of the great medi
al'lenrls entitled 'The American rractece of Mnllicion not
Family Ph, ile.111 ”
llattng Leon made acquainted with the logenlienta
which ectoncewllleAllbtreaAll-11.alingallnunent.and hav
ing nrmareined and h•. 3.1 Ii In a...n.1 ewer. to nay onram
rhad,nt.• that IL. Inranlionta ft. WINt IL. they an. end
Lt..l dirt , trehr be al, torquienw. ern not only harnaLm.
Lan yf , sin &truly Seicutille 'remedy of great
not elle...dully rec....mend It en a etnniganat
Lae tella . h . Maat. mad ..nleb aelannetl to tba
;on, of a Ursa tario4y Lf ran,. Though l Imam netrr
te.lardall'lla..l engarel rwl. of 'awn , ' ne•tli
regapi Ft IL. traly Innen humane
ehatraen, of Lho nreqowtor of that waintent. and the value
i4 t! f: I?V."
HougOsVFAints:& c.
.. •
SALE—The subncriber offers fur 54
aka large and Wren bat 'ark* lions, itth eve
17,07 r nem aground. situated on the Fourth greet
' , ad. within there'll:as of this city. Pnweasion given on
the of April next:
Alen. w very desirable lot of mut ltd. containing over Four
Arms. with a erring of excellent water them.. situated .
nest the above.
. .
.11,a lot of rronal 45 fret 11 Odle bf 13.) fe,qt, adJaio-
Inc thr rs..l..nee nt )Ir. A. Stmer. near-the city oppoodt.
the Seventh %Vast.. On ivwis Armue.
IL it Lew certain that the Plauk Haul will he enrol :
apply to
read. near we brat yrowrty. Jattillf
Von it ENT OR SA LE—The
• will .11 or rent hi. reel it,tralile l'uttntey . b•
&ELM. in Allealuno ell,. situated ..o Ohio Lane andi.iw•
Allenli F. wei.t .. r.f the enamor!. The honwelle
larer double brick Wlna. In rucubleteUrler. a
.•nr, stably.. ew.l water on the groutulk.
.Tr h igu= P i r i; Tr.`
Plueewibin eitru wheuerer .leuri .1. Jun N GERHART
FOR ItENT—A splendid Hairy tr.sill
ailtniniug the city. nth a good Dwelling Ilmiee.
I am, and Bur Bente h•-banl. Aim. a Irsll finhdoNDuusw.
o uns/SMansion, °MMus style, night rooms. with out
buildings and ner.arru issound. within twenty minutes'
drive or.the Court UOLIFP. Also, nertmli 1411.1131.0 and
Dwelling [louses in and nut of Dar rift, ni 1••• n•ett4l utt
seasonal", terms. by ROD? A Att'y at LAI,
wkwltT Brant .tress tear Pnertlt
R It E N T—A two story I hrellitir TFAS
A Iteuss.m flay stmt. !Muftis. , nr
JAllain Imo D. r. rnfrr rl.• •-••
winpH for akh. or on iwrivittial Wm, one Ird on
eo lii n ornet,2l fewt frMit to Inn
lio 11.1 toSpejne ,L 1
pring 2G4 on whert Damn. J ,
, I'M to i‘Wroin
.111.1. Alio. 1,710 fronting F.r,poontt wnwl. Wont,
Mainly o,plawiti. tlai Ventral HOW.' nod containing
45 ow,. I JA111,9 1.:11AltA •
IVOR lIENT:—The stone room and vellar on
It. watt. Vol corner of ttirket Arri.t and the ft.a.
h rtl . 7": - T "'" rr."
..a. 15111 1, ;),`;`,: 1 _ .0 .,.T..". 1 1.1:
of April ne.ll. A NO) to IIFTI . 111:WIN.. •
1 , 0 tt at. until.
n..Tkir.t w.nt Puha, ,
ahleh it In odd either wparateli twiwwww
Cdhow, to nail Rumba:wry. The lot In 111. tot wide on
hord Oh, and lO.lilefo. on Diarnantl allot
Any tid.iiiional inf. salon Oodcwl will he iffren. and
Wane of tom mule kno on application In
JOHN O/2,.kitKEY.
lirwri•l. IMAM Dinwtora. at No. J 7 and 55 Market atret.
ian2l lm
n two .fiery brief etwelllne lino, on Peurtetyl.. ;41..
a Avenu.., Wan!: modern nn1.1.3: haring ten. • .
noon, double La/atom dtalniz'rnom and kltehen nu the fit-4
liner. The lot In twenty four by %nine, four for • ide
alley feu
the rear. Thlo property met t.1. , a1. am! he
wdd for V: 00— lo TwYttlantA of taltl drum VS. In n une
helwlttnew laity,. )ear...
r il t r , ua l re t ot T. Ilmrard. Allow, at Law, Fourth wtrert.
between Smithfield aztil I.lrantatrecte. . Call In the morsdnu
boron. It Welnek. THOS. 1111\ VAUD.
FO LET—A large Muusiun now.: with
i l
lown.. of LAW 41.4r.11.11, rkl ward
•- -
Real Potato worth $lOO,OOO.
VEItY I)ESlltAßProperty in Alit , eztt."'
T Ybaoy City for agile, Too aplendirl rraideure• 4::31
ma lint bank. lot Iron!. op. haring a front of .
on (o.aLh Vonnoton by 21.1 to Water Ktreet. fl. ,40. r. IP)
fOl fnmt by =it I. on alb,. InApruvoil in the Lea manner.
Allooll og a delightful rkpe Uar oily of thr
Allegheny and M.A. rivet*
arca. nal .livt alley.
31 to,renr.
the !Inn rt.a D.pq.
of the nustet a•alrable propert ) now °MTN for aale. This
Ira oft 1,,,nn.1 offrer Indttreutrob. to gslabva. Apply
to Jalit s lII r Sa•rond R.
rPO LET.;—That reeriiience at itO:
by tho riohertitorr, eitetated on
thr Itn.owtrurah 'Wk. Buntoah of Lwienr....e.
silk. The house I. large and rootrairot. ha. 12 man, 2
tor.l erllare. alut waelk boar, Ale, stable asxl carriago
Loma, Werth, with a fine;antra. motilning rhaire .finite_
lerry and fruit taw+. Thrisranilme .tan Ott la a c hart
port. below. and p.m , . can it° in at Aar h ear.. Ear pat ,
tiralari inquinr of ROM D. Fit 11.1 /N..
talldlot tit, 110 Market etre,.
T OR RENT—A 80t - Miu. in Root Binning
wril 'award for a
busitar.: It oan
Itgot entire boxiores Of the Orturby 00.1 Ilall rotal.
It will he thoroughly rettairtil, with tow bollemand learest
for • tenn team
Ala, rxrellent qltr fof trririt roaking—cLay deep.
Alwo w-vrral good ituarrier of rarellent Rom. Innixtro of
iall:tlLkawt:w It 1 . 1111.1,11. M. Let.t Itirenletthant.
1011, BENT—. I Fet,
tenor, in want ranair. oral will, largo ;
/tat. on I,leral .trert. Rent EN:, Mr...."
prim( . for
24 trod 41
Al;;;. A STORE in Marl.s4 street. PlUsburnh. A Int.
arrankoft• Go Thin' nirryt, n.l.l'amoral Rogan. In Post
Office Bulidinv.
164 Second rt.
Ittmcdrle- PI.L and Tribunn copy It vreckn.
t) LET—T
IV Io. Throe
-dn-.1, o Story ,Ilwelling
Han, No ITI vlln At prmont .ml
1. 7 oho U. I.lvin,lsin. A. l / 4 /mnblinina tv.o
dming mom andthr Am itenr. Popruion
eIJAM en on the IA "I Apr.l. Impure of I: FLOYD.
Round (Jumble
Pir) LET — Ory• Two Story lirick ' 9.4,
mntsinin, 4 on Crl(ColinAveum.. .
liwd. Lent mom.,
Enqiiin. of
LH II 111,
re. ived
-23 hags
r ‘, OR RENT. The store, lIS Alarket 7.7• A.
.1-rt. the &NIT from lb , . curtmr Martet
s,dL/twrt, -treat, drrn th.• lgt
ext. of 1/A VI 1 1111'.1,11.
10, l'«no
nuul twat Os. le.. 161. hr.t
'Alt, to fee tine or wore .ears, panne large , t , tnt
lava on-anit !war the Alle,throther. In Me :Ninth 11arit.
talaltf Fourth q. near IVotia.
1 . 4 1 111 t 'U.:XT.-I'lw following prolift:r-•
nr. are for tent. tit,
sajtatil. he Dr,
ta,..rat IY Port 0111 e• In the rat,init and
third st,tirs. rote:Ale for Artirta MEC., On,
A Ist, anti etinrenlent DWELLINti nouer. in tart
otrt, part thr elev.
1,4-trlon tit the It.rivaing ran ;tarn on the In of
Apeil neat.
Alia• SMALL STORE in Third rtnret.nett ;eir to the
Crteette Ontee. gi.etl Initonttatelv.
vow SALI,-,An ont . trired .brnart pt. the Vran.hota.e. an
Third rtrat.t. brialt•fort•orrupal M the late Mt. A. Rafe::.
Ica trnsit, a lulu tit
E. D. GARTAM. Ifi at-roort eittvt.
ant or to Third iron
ItENT a •
I 4
14,, h.inip ".t " 7 FlUnn. ""n'e
i rth a.. ..")
ttrm,. ..1,„mn..: emu.
10111e.N. I ITFLE
...s.3Libcrty Sam .
Lund, Yard. ticults.l emMd.'s.. nssr the
an t. end:tem:a rtam to boll eighteen hundred thousand
. .tea nf Lumber. to rent o • loth; Efaintre
Corner of Penn and Irwin tamers
rLET, tho Store Rnorn No. 65 Mar- =ll
itet stmt. attaiultat the ald, and Jeaa-lry 11:Ffi
n am] traotaly arautitnt
Itoltnas a t.. 0. as a banking and Earl.=fttc
Ibk ,
n ft !math.' I. tb. matt mortal acd.l.vrlaqtars•
phut to am atty. and well sdatata far a Ilantrit.: atal
tfiu Ofru-n. awl luaursore yea, ors stare. A nplmatal
e ar n
thy tr (maeat .
li wi rrth Enclult Plate filaci. win kw rat in am acre
Pr,atala. nu tha drat of n•br,-. if a - anted.—
I:na!ara w. It'IL:ON.
Cnrwr nr Markrt and Fount tterata.
I,jOR SALE. III." Three story Brick Fern
■ 1.. , 1111:
}`rim y atiq. 1 No. jar •I W a ; ,, q
rera.n.• or ` a- ` :ttlij rec r r ' LL on ?ar 'the
C j tiaxi::lll.utubraucc
110:11:11 Lawny • tn.t
9 1 0 LET. a four etoryihrelling. Slate en
rronf t e b ffer, loth rTano. vas rla.taree. and bakaia
'" ittla at el taixtAri,t
70 the Readers of thelPittshurgh Garet la
131.111L1C ATTRNTION io reepectfully
,ited 0 e follenting truths, Pet forthto relation to
uun of the moot iintortant manlier. of mode= times!
PETROLEUM OR ROCK OIL: tt ts not More than tme
year ago Mr. this mold remedy was himaght before the
public, Mr the relief and cure of dhow. Its great poen"
to hml. haft. Onn then. become hilly ann.:Jettd by the
...immunity, nod we allege that the longer tt t. ttled the
mom certain 111 its groat fastureprrad. It to not the rem.
edy of • dy, mu np ter 1.1.1 .0 primate of making money;
one. which we concelve, will continue to Int 1144 when
all other nostrums brew bean forpatten. Tbo Petroleum le
• Naturist Itemoly, olatoratod In Ow depths of the earth
by • tower and agency that laughs to atom all human
competition.. It it our duty. when we voile about a toe&
tine, that we write the truth—Otat we toy nettling calcu
lated to deocive those whonay toot our want or put molt.
genre in or elatesuellt.... tan rick ere rm . ,' apt to catch at.
any thing that wombs. relief Lain diem,- A nary ran
!unlit he too highly wrought to answer We °Neel. of gull:
log or humbugging Rome of them.. Now, we du not demo
to do MIA owaro anxius , mly that. the truth in relationto
our remedy should to o
told, In order to secure for It • repu
tation far exceeding any •Ingionrtlele In the materia mud
kn. Plain unrandelnal fort•—faete that may beatwortelteol
lu our city and iselpthhorlexal, he. ample testiumny in fa
rof.tho petroleum.
. • •
Within thetra.t two motalut two of our worn
. who.were totdlr blind. have been nstored to re,
e 'ream of Wades, ha lb. Slate of Lilian. have been
emd. A nti. don, the rase e gentirman in braver county.
There are other, Lu11i.... am' rarer near home, del lazy
be referred to by any twrion, who hare doubt. on the rub
deed. TLfre mere wen, rum, epee they had been ahandoa
Ir b n
! s k e i r m ern . i tn g pedrneaetio T n h PPeaulenu •ill ra
hhcetmatuan,llaut,,jeurahvia. Eruption..the dkin.
Pimple. on the leer. Chronic Sore Eye.. Ringworm. Tette; pals. hi the hones wad yolnk. old aro., I.ltere,
Won , . Ague. Chrtate Cough,. Asthma. Lironehille. end all
Pulmonary affection. of • ebnaile nature. lending . Pro.
ante ConsumpJun.
Ilan,. and of the mod.. gad Kidney,
Clavenn 111husb, Eas.rian..l hipide., Cons and Dunham
In fact. I. ••OM At N1VE.111 . 41.1.T. and Ima teen :Hod
in aunt of the above dlwansa within the no, year with the
moot tenet Certalteteethat ankinSh air In
the Isands of 11.1 proprietor. wherein Leta pletunce whew
t.i?tel:g/11 11 ' 4 o feT ' e t to% i ir a ltelr med . tripe.. thy
Petroleum the greatrot IS:ns,ly of the age. Ph, stria.
of high ...ling in the begothin g cur it
In their preens.. Thom. whn at Ern looked be with 4001,1
and unerridoty. to. will,. to eward it . due prebut and
mrtsairrath. thlore medlar year mutat ail will be
onturelled owinder 111.1 the great.
eot medleite. ever di , cocend. For .wle, wholeanin and re
tail. hr EEL t+Elt A 1 4.
F_ Si Wad airs, It )1. ' rr . It. A.
M ) . Allegheny l'ity. A •hy the pas
prletor. S. M. I:1 Ell, lam! Rani. Seventh strs.t.
burgh. alt)
T i ur Admtil6trullun cuk lho relate of Anthony Booth,
ale cf the city of l'lttAborch. glee.neod hevinkt 11.1 e do3'
loon grault‘l In Use crolernocoo.l. notice ke louoley cheo
ell feerfone Irukl.l.el 10 0041 ...ital... to ;nuke ncooelielo
1.. either of oc, nod nll 'e.t.a.. lm, OM. ,
will refs. are roucrole.l in pre,nt the emu+. •fulf sillico
llestfol. fur felllernecl, at the wurelemeo 1a1..1f oeeupsol hr
enkl A Dell.. ne Tiont etrol.
ANNA %I. BRELIN. AdmiuLtratria
t:. 11, 17AZZA..11. Adcaln.4l4r.
4.II.:I.LEttSr 131PERIAL COUGH SYlllll.
Addlilollll ..1 Ito yhtrer
Voorheld. In., Yopunt am. 1... th.
Mr. 1•1 K. Srllrr..-11.1.‘ Attila"! Is.r on.nn. tin, with •
boalfhugh, I Irmo ren-nnlnnrthhntl.. n... 1....n. 1
Syrp. hy ynttug fringol Mr. W non ,
t u
hr thin ploy, 413.14.... It hut the dn....doh'. c.tribt.
xun of rough thml hml n y n y. y
had um,' nlttlont ewer, thhau llw Ii wt. In
tnl mynnanntnlltng It tn, 11,, piahllr ..n.• O. lust
that ban ennr hen, prrparnnl It.. CUM shlch it
In Int, ti. 1,1. JANI/nn H.
,y n y no m hn. It. In, n:T.I.ERS. 5. Won.' •n n e
• . - _
1 4 itENcli BROADCLOTILS.-31,irilly
"..i.`7"'i rY tb it
hlnek nunl fitnry stni Db. k rr. Alm.F
h.nttn MN:. It MY low
pr.., for the
t 'rlS
. -
T IMES, TUBES, tUBES-ThulllldCriiigtied
hos , . rirrod.rd idwial iwrrilibbidrk !ram nod are In di-
L ' id. u Ti l ' aTlTlV. b erNi sri p B i73 l ft" .. th . l.4 3 T , l 7 l : e &lity;
..r, exivileut and.
lm Wilt yak GA:l=lz tn
lar, or sumil au k line Tub , * KfZ oded way k•k
-t adielr ligdil irk Erliclikuil .11 the eautlwat or bump.
d ' ud raid eudarlrel , . lir
Iron k Tfu Plat* Menitant.g.
44 Won ntre.t, New l'ork.
Martin's Lane, Qtr Loptlon.
and 140 Btatanste gkeet,Glamnr. ' '
uOLL BDTTSR T n ho. Rollßuttor
Ls rewind and ibr de by •
fl. a W. WARBauciu.
rlkit NEW ORLEANS--The new
and rplendid Reamer PEDEDAL ARCM.
eaaman.rmatuander, r<W leave M alme
I Mien:radiate rorly on Saturday. the 2Gth I nt at 4
0'rh ., 31., P. at. For [might orioaf s pr w japlir o v hoar. or to
VW{ ST. LOUIS—The splendid -
nentrif .1.3. CRITTENDEN. M. Sterling. at
order. will he for shorn and tote
• U r
U l
... ' NEWTON JuNEA, ,
etomior Trrtnord, Card. Iladet, will
taro ( ~r the above and all intermallahrl.dott
Mthh arrothe lark_ at 10 o'clock A. M. [
rot froicht KIT'S on Gant. ran=
11KKINOPORT.—The lEme nounerll.
ant. .
crab, 1.4T0 .• \o re
tmiFht r" "'k
n 10.1 tn
,Zl " Vit. ' 11. Jolt:inns. Art.
FOR LiUISVILLE—The splend- •
Attwatrr 3111.T0N. C.O. J. win
leave for the atxore aud intermodlatop , rta on'
lint. lot EU eolock a. )0.
F. or ra.,..yrr. applr on Med.
hokt drsught Stoame.r Grreraer.
lo.oltrr. Ftll .torn, for the mbar.. sLiKI ¢ll iota,
1.1 . t.r.rt.l on Hooch} a 10 AU. For (might nr Ia
nip!, on brunt or to
LOU Ig---The fast flu- -
liltaLal•• o.r. 11.nnler.
Yam Innuht apr,ly nn. Want. jartl,}
14`OR NASA VI L I.E. The Ilk
II num
~if I...nninr"EN EVA-Capt.
lens , . for the e... and Inn median-porta
na Mood., . :Ann 11.4.. lu A.. M.
Vor fn.1.11( or on board.
. - ---
I4llolt i3OVISVILLE--The fist %
runnint,.tramer NA VIOATOR, Vai3ALA
an. will I.Av.. far Oe above teal tnt..\rmoNli
bon.. 11120 tla, . at 10'.A. M.
. 1 , , (might ,0 is , ..ntx,n,ml, Of/ board'A... jali
I.olt ST. LOUIS. Tip! Hpleirlirl ar c_m .4. • ,?
i 11.. w .leatrter FLEETWiA)D. Wm. Omit,. - .......
mtnntand,,wili Imre for the alxm , and Inn,
0r.1L44/. port, an, , attirtla. the lith itt•twol. at 4 I'. M. .
For (night or pa ,, MON'aPti, ; ~,,,,,,, nr t 9
Jo ,
,1 J. N kArrON JONES. AgMal.
I Aplendi4 new 'Leann, EDITOR. A. O. 31. a. . ...
onn, En.a.t&r, will leave Ibr glare end itatre
...Ent,. Immlbamt thia moral.. oth itt..tant, at 10 o'clock.
For trriutit or rnesanr, appl, on Ward. Jan
-41 d im ill , :t r en o m&rC t. ol , tT PITT.
thik Mb j'"i4
' , or night nr 401.1 y on.
EOR ST. LOUIS. The fest run
tdag atouror ODGERS,
ther, • •111 leave fo ROBERT r tho R
ahoTe nod tate n
mediate I^ - t. lAN day. the 11th fathom at 10 A. M.
For ft-eh:tit fir poiparte. apply no Fount. jal4
1.0111-Tile Pplrnditi Itto:u.npr ZACHARY
AYLOR. Hunt inn. , tt.r. VIII Imre for above
end interrnetlin. porbi Gib tiny, e 1U o'clock, A. M.
1:9 . - ( !1i.0q7.-I±-ft_Nrll....r .. t . .d._ . _ . jail',
liiI:GLIGXIt PrrtsitunGft ANDr
i,.. ..
1 4, WHEELING lULTET.—The rplentll.l6. A- le
nelt fa, it 1 , .. Irr
t tr. DURNAL, I:not:14 MU -
ter. IA now I...rtimning her roculnr tri.reekly trip. La.twern .
1111,, .It.q,d Ir,eliz :, Trz. ::6 Pttobu . rg.h ., ot r llo rn r , larit .,
1 ‘ ;;It 1441i4s .. evory Tu A Llay, Iturna;gy . .ll SntnrdnY.
ear, "wk. or freinist nr inurnotayirt:%l 'on board. nrto
_._ _____ _ .
EILLE, M. mods, .111 leave
Pittsburgh .eery TE, sday.Thersloy ano,l Adonis, ret
log. Iglu. Weltsvilre every Monday,* ednesisy - . and
day. For freight or pasizse sy,sly on boon.l, or to
oetl. • WIIRELER. ASent.
maim:loon. This splendid boat to. built hy
the worm, of this [Kane Newton. 2nd nthem br
the Cincinnati and Pittsburgh Packet trade. and "'HI 'lcor,
svery ‘Viilncolay for Clutionatt, In Plot , or OW 'Net. ,. .*.
land b.. 1 'For fret oht or paasact. on baud. or tn. •
mr,n, If. N. 3111.TLNIIERUkti.dOsdas'
111 SUNFISII , PACKET—Thr faq running . kg A QA
Wagner WELLSVILLE. Capt , D. YDEIO. will
nu, ex rarkrt I.l.lween Pitt.trurgh, Wheeling.
Ileidzeperl. and sgantleh. leattna. l'it.burah orrry Maude,
eflrrnoon for WellrYillx. Stknbereville, and Itridgrpart. als4
err Thurdny . efivregonn fsgr bmiinc ,
ligArel.V, earn:mm.l Suntoh: mtigrning,*esrallnd,, , ,-
wrt and Stinfkb overy T 111441,1): afternau. and Smite&
Lard. Friday egfiernotnt. For !mullein,. peexar. evidT on
bard,' 0, (4.07 I Li. WILKINS. Agent.
w}:u.svirctx PACK ET—The Ught
rato:ht atexcarr ARENA. R. I'. Money; nom.-"
tor. leave, Plthaborgb Mondar, Woinnality, and Friday.
at It/ o'clook,'A. Leave% Wellavllleqa Ttanday, Thula.
dor, 2,1,1 eattanlay. at 7 o'clo,k. A. M.
Par fraialit or p0.0.u... apply oo board. 005
Itefereuree-.l . itn,.nr Fitlitruta. Editor ollittlinan'a.lons-.
nal: Prufouor I) )1. XlItel.,•11. ,4 ii, Uillaill.Ai 0h....er1ar..: ,
Iy; 1,3 - .. rt Peter. ..rk TrAt.yhatth refirrulty., ' `
.y... Prolear , lr l'lte.i..r benc, - .15.1).. m.,1 , ..: - :cent.S.al4 .
I . rnfoe.or 3. 1.1 . ....... L tr.' 1..,r1A.1 r)ttrrroct,. 0h"... . . , ,
Its Pi.t.ln.r.,h-,t. W I.hani..' .tohn Ila rt. r. - WiIIVII Nl,`
. Caudle..., 31r. I. bird.. I , j_,,41.,5n. kk,. 1 1rtka..3.3i, ~
_=•• 1 111liaut, 31u.tor. 1intdin i ,...1 . ..? , . A. t=L John lrarlwa ..„
To Southern and Western Merchants. ! 'n L ,;,, 1 ,';‘17:;',.. 1 "....,,,1i '..7:1;... , " , 'i ,- ;!,!;`.' -h 7 1 ,!;,!t•1T.; .. 474 T 7,
4OP SP,LL'S .112E)111:1 PEIIFI'3.IE WY. ,
Orphan's Court Sale. -• . • -' - .
, Tins nl. t.• n.greettall, loathe. public attn , ation !
o %extends,: /....1, of 1 erfumery.l , nt.. , tkein. ertsdo, ILN puismtii,, Or :In' t:rrio:r - ,.1 - thi , ori,hanir
111... to a hail wren Silvor and two Oulileti Al.• 111. hale. „,,,,,,,,
~,- ~,,, . ~...,,,,. ‘,..,, ~.,.,,,,,,, . 4 e;
~,,,,,.. -
W ith'. Lb , ' lu n l . l. ~....' 1. . n. ' n. '"' i I. • l ‘ b " ln. " .. "' r . 0,,,,;.. , .„..iii., • . .'n.... , , - ul j• lit•thr t / 74
". r '''''' ''''... n " Ph ' l ' lr ' i l' h. ' th. l ' t ' r l ' ing "' i Thur.da, th.. in• -, 1.;. " , P .CrUtort . A ' . l: . .;,1 al
n` 1 '. 1 ... ' 1.. " ......1 ''' ... ' d 1.. r ..ri.L... ” .l ' in.r in 1 ten Wrlnel:.... u...f0:•ett,.., .1,..4.if, , ,1
Euro, or In thi. count, .
not .rut•s• rakir o.i.Aa, Sart, I ent.n.n. (Altunn.l. Woe. 1.. 4. th "'''''' ‘‘ ..n '''''''''' " l9 ' . ' '" . `i. - -•
,„ All that r. ruou 1 , ., 1,../11411, ~ , el, nil „ ,,rere
and Atubr..4.1.1 Indrer.a!li .. 1 :".. ,1,4,. . , ` , n ' l ' t '` .4 ' ..6. r- and rattan, hark 1.. tle ~“:,..- 1 .11.114 . ....1 , ..t. t 7, ..:rni alley, -
any SIVIVIII. Ovum 111 Ilit, roma, ,tr horot...
A a 1 ~ Idelt i, i r. , , .1 , arn..l.and en•IVP.Gt,I. ter u rtar,i'lrttine •
tMi...., ~ ..,... 1, .. 11,,,, ) ~,,,I ...."L .”'• dt , dliny hou,.. AI ... ..,11'11., , flt, ' lca ...I,,,Dinut.' tile
. • , ......g bIhlY S.Pon.'""t. ' . ..1 . . '” i'''' , " r6 ''''. al me • round, if ., In nirW, , , 1 , 01,11., rtiret ,t cr,l:..a .
~., , ,..,..”•,,,..,,,,a; A.,,,t,....1 A 14111114: Tat , et: Ilibta. ... • "•
mu tat= I,arl, 1.) rte. ~: . width , t-', u.el to Elm allepanfa.•
Shavai, .it,at,.
lot tP , ZII/A 00 1 1 ,1 /,, ,, , tr.,,, 41 tly di tatus..4 1 , , feet„
,CrIStINE Toitzr ... , ,,o. A 1in0,.1. 1t,,,e, Milledvitr, noir.
qa..1., I' tact - 11ti,1..1 host.l,., Ilualitut, - C. ? . i ' rnni ' ll. ""'"'
farms mash, itn,,,,,t ~e. it. of id,
TrAn ,part L II iL u ott. o Wm.. I 1
.., an. t.7rr.,ukot.
Ell Itu Jag .lill , Erli it : iiILI;;* ' -,;.;
rram-1, roe MI. ~ N ataillol.-u. olin, Raw .. ~ .
1..1 d. - Caudine. I teraueita, Jeut,y Lind. N10u. , .-hooJa-k. .. 1 ' ... ..•,! ildtrlec'd.
ey Clot, , lagtio4ia. Cleat..., 1'ta..0r11... out. and Litany • .
Spleidlid;Giftrilonks. • • .
other tr arietl., mall mstv dithr.ut perfume, ,
TOILI, tc‘rre,-I.lrida )tator tlartdo Tr.llctte, Q .ruane
jb:IF.:%IALE POL'i':!', ,if A,iericu: by .T B Read.
Plower Water , atal aural yartety of tnlatrtart and L ate n-
Our Ei ' ltalite .:,i, r,•,!...:, and .traklr.... lly Itet--•
Patranals.u.. rya rat clam-Gruttine DeareCl.Antiotte. . I. Wairwright.
. .
Oil. Cu:aloha, Kau La-trate, Oleitat, Compound Ox Ihu. ~ ,e tte. In the UP 4,1T0., r. .
Hair 1. , ) ea. lapti.l 3.1 in pn.rder, and Philocatue, Flirt- notate o.llilliellSlZ, ull the lo r lMoro,).fly Dr-Tyn .
and 3,
. P any LiwPouttult, 5. , -,ruil Seen , 11 and Ot:trirtoi - ,. Ily 3.t. Ilerally.
UDWritlfata•acattaa..--Italltonlc Elixir, Bose ,Too+ll &lA - rel.-11y nu
... Lartr,
Br .1. T.. 1. dly
l'o stn. ntle.. ' • - ,
Chloral) Nutrinre, loath. 1111trtra ,, I:led,ar, - .1.., .41 to, Verplan c:. . .
r• , Sarl , l Putg ef r.a...zi,c , 1 nal AT ry,
C.n.Sar , ...ltahl , ` C ,, trn•t/a CrltUl...,lpDaPditio for Poclatallzra.L. -L.1:La1...4 - -.1i15...1..,11a1,,.. - , -.... .;,....
haPPed hand 12,1t1 (7,,,50 of llow., C ID ` do YAMA. e, Llp I Eretan•i.s a, I, t.2.. , ,a MAa,r. Cr 31,a,31,Uaba)a.h.
S3lv. I:44, , barsr (1 , ..• .r. Gene. nt 11,u, ..r 1,...,1 •. • • , 1
PoD74 . lt Te l Sru h del!: , ng•r.ZfifirCltrar b. . '7 llgl e rt.t ' ” : ; - 1:T.I . :; -"7 d 1 4 '" : • - .
lair Cxanno.4l.inn,.Pra,tot, 'alto,. beaidla... great Tariet,' at . The ,r•-...ra.-., • e! ,,
other article, nk , nunterott, toile , narno.l In this arlyrrti.e. I The iria ‘l4,
rh,. Eentet...r :4- ' .h•
Tb. •nhecriber Inv.,. In niaintain rtputall, ,elt , el, I Th. m o th., •• 1,.,• ~„.„.
r_ le. A g ,,u,.nit rr i ,if' •
th......a.16b....1 hag acotamt. hr d ,P4+lll. of unthltu., ; th.• Val , of , 1...,.. fa,: rate ariteh, um! , aill Ite bap )to furni:h then , Vie,. or 11,.. !I:. ~...”.i.- 1V.,r1.7t hr John 1tr0,1,1.,,d,T.
II hn nor vrt.h 4. Illtnad., hint. ..ltlicr hnle,ale or plait. ! Pal , hath 1,1,...1 I'm, - 1.00 k,.. In_ tan., InindirT.l. frboll.
nu a. ru.s.... , naldn trrtag rs. any rrtaldlebruent in the Lulled ; day prenent,. I'.+r ..l. I, i., „IL EN l CO.
:tale... • 2..A.V1E.11 11.t215. . Jr!..- , I 7,0 Wood st
uteet.., to and former Itirectnrof the Lalt.ratory ^* '
. 1 . .t . :Kax1i1tR , ... , E . L u 1 , ... , ...
11,. Ilasin'a PekfuLi2ry 6 for -. l.aat by' all the principal
Drugglato fu LheeBautry.
-. -
b.iont ultwice• felt its bienefaial effeets. -
A :6 111. R. E. SELLERS—Sir Sulirring from a
4,14 and-ennui, for whith I trinl tuape.
wit ou.olaininn leilvf. I war. prrwutr.l vrith bottle 1!:
G. E. sellers'Coukit %azure." 1 think-it a duty which I
we to both VOl.l the ruhlie Iv oeurrai.ts . e.lttreir
ae rt. ilat te,t tfx.l it twin. before I felt lie leoed
l ramie. and (under the Ihrlno bleteltigl had tro orruion
bnish the bottle. I teetify oleo. aa to haring' witne.ed
tus itnnwrtilis.on friend,l.l . tainel one iu particular,
h uie
who had a tutu.- attook on her oerotutninitel with a
uutro,tix courG. Verily the mar Eerttiarin.,whet"r
veughe ancl the sufferer) haadeaernatalamougat
ue 11.1 H. E. Cough Mixture."
. .
• 31. viEr.4;ELIALE). 17.11rylie et
Pittaburgh, Jen. li. 16 , 1.
Prepanri end rold In. E. E.
Isl 4
wad onbl
R Where tilktu. who thaw not appreciate the
share\lf auy there be, we do not adders. our.
pelv es to them? Iltd, to all vibetw we my. if you wish to
fowler clueing a plainly. puirhase • bey. of inkes limas
Ahxon4llolohjo,ariiitabrostal hhaving Cream.. It le
terly intioeslhle to litelJworit• to describe the feeling , Of
penon—who Imo been used teelmring with ordinarreosp—
poo smith,: trial of this for the tint tome. It la .'robe
=Nen 41 wetoter, admiration, and pleasure.
JI .
Clikall la cacti...ll=h
emollient, rendering th e stiffen and WOK wiry heard so ot
and pliable. poalnentx admit - sista lather, and by It. ex•
mime!, mild naturo all.) log the irritation...l pmeriiting
that Wuplowant and [did hnllPe of Ute Ain
oftruexperimarod after sharing.
Gentlemen wine Jules 'tonere filmeitingream, mar fsee
tile eolde,t a tomeet plating w imp Immeellatele after its
twee, without the skin Lemming chapped. And those who
011.• we two safely .r, ',rut never tree any ether,
one great .idirantaire.—whielt will ho erpectally apprecia
ted by 010,e who wear whin/tees—ls the fart that It will not
discolor the beard. Which most xr•im wind. giving it rawly
or ro•ty appearance to the edge of the abider,. ,
Jule. Ltauel,Thaelingereameanidellehtful preparation,
rennfoonded with skill, to the utter earlusion of all .mirk.
ralculat.l In render the operation of rind impieasant i
and will to . render
by all who male trial of them.
Prepared only be
JCLIIS HAUT:l.:Perfumer awl Chemist.
lCheonut street. liladelphi.
For wile. wholesale and Mail. by A. Vahm,hork Co . ,
awl ILE. Pittatntrithi and liana Sargent. and J.
Milehell. Allegheny Ott.
UST RECEIVED.—A new work on.3le
•chani,, Engine Work. atnl 3,:ineweinz Dictintury
N Enwitn• IV , ark. and Engine...ling. tle•
nignud tor practical vortincinen. and qv* inten..l for the
rnginecilhg by BMW. funnerir
Math.lnak, CtUege 1.3 , 111 Engineer., in
Thin work I. of lamer II to. .12, emmitalulng ?wart, 21100
mtge.. upward, of 15Wobit,. .n 4 Utah wew.l rut.. ...lin.ll
orvnent wottlitx dhswing:. dtv,riolkme of the nwort
Import...lA otweliiii. lotto Uoited Slat.. I teleprudent of
the fa olt of Mordent, la.:molt, It will contain cualptele
pmetica trentllnen 3leclouthw, Machinery. Entine work
and En howling: with elf 1.1.1 tt•efill in mom th an 2.10m0
worth of folio 'rotator, tosoci2lll.. wml other Woke. The
Armituliiect of tbim public-AU. itto plea44',momethmt
men owl fluelent.. murk au amount or tteorctlewl 22x1 mei.
entlo.2 knowledge. In o vondruse.l Smut, a. etiall ruble
them towork to the be .t advantage, whet to avoid thove
mil.take. which they might otherwiwe routtolL
yoshltsher. are deterrulood regmrttle. of rood. In
mule the work complete too c,eible. and R hot.' ei.
cry or, thtlroom th obtain the work. will omen r , .
eel hem umbers. and Chum
Publishing in 40 numbetx at 23 n.ob per number. CD be
contolcted tho ye..
Twenty nowt... reeler., tit i mg46 ,
Professor A. C. Barry's Trieopherous,
OR NIEDIcA T ED l'031POUS1), infallible
Ti,,' renewirtit,rinen , oratine, and twat:U(sln. the hair,'
remortne the wort &indent. and all alllirtione of the amain,
nod coons reuid lons nu the skin. dine wes of the clam's,
' muscles and Integuments. nod rehert nu ethic, eon, hrub
. sprain, .
Th e ith till. preparation - th..r. I. no such
word a. fall,' Mit iournato Arroirlea. ho.heal mom
the omini.ore. pwinitnent,iitlaew all proa,
and ladle. who have nerd it years in their dnuo
Wag neuni and [sets. admit II oue "tenni. that for
urtanre. at curl to the hair.
ieurf and driodron; ,u 1., eating
the the eland.. sod the minie!ert t to.
the mullitiole entopoionli , adrortlwal In the pall
he print, or wed In viral. ertieliee. In elteatinewi *swell
oe°, ,nle. of the arnele. have enalded Ti.. lurentur,
t„ it ot t h e ter bottle. wbieh , fnutt WO
tar 1,. than the praw of an, other ' , plantain for
the hair no, In two. The tmatire un the hair
mod the skin kali-Tiring the valualile directinns tar the col.
tureland.onvervanoti of uatures noicert
, h r ru boltle eurl.r.l. IA name worth the Molter.
The ansuite twtween the metobranea iirblcbconntltutelbe
[Yin . NIA Ow ale. which drawn its sustenance from this
io env. lore. Es
of chrw. All diseases of the half Ori
ginate in the skin of the brad. If no porn ed' the an/
daisowned. or.lf the blunt and miter fitlida do tot P
late (mfr through the small resaela whieh
Pith winittUr. and impart life to the Phnom, too mls
curf. datidtulf, shedding' of thin lair , zrarnr,.., dryurae,
alai bantams. nf lit. - amentr, and initlpihedditm, !with
e so ., may hp. Stimulate the skin to healthful action with
Trimphe-roun, Ti,,. tonal reasclx,ro,werlag their
set:Pelt, will annihilate the dteran, Ai all arks:thin, id the
pki.U. COW Or lilt ruletran nl 11/.lreks i teed•
:iss awl the effect am We num 'lt fr uten the run.
tlx nuarular Ohm. and lb. =lauds. line the TrUurhnua ,
hue IG eperellc bale. amt iu all al:ketone. and
eben 'roan. It la a mycelia:l retool.. '
• ibald lar:a prix nuta at na prlncital Or'
err. IX; 11rzwilway. Tow York. aml hr the prioilp.sluirmh
:ll...icl. 2.4 lhNltellouttlia tuned ;
ha:fphCohrdac Brandy, "Pala and lurk."
.1h aka k yrs
mks do do u1'10.1." ratio. aloe..
10 do do, and tons relebrand
h ptpeor Holland Gin. 'giddy:a Aothok"..De -list.
2 purzhchtla I Nsh and Scotch ?lon WidArr.
I do Jamaias gout.
Ma. v. r. dp. do.
.33 qr. ranks Port W.tto
do .todrirsi
In do tweet Matago ttt
trr do Ors
In do Plictil turi .
boxre Bordeaux Claret. rA Ran L
in otoro arrt for . 4. b i .131 Llbertt rtrett.
- - - -
AU ad AR.
.) Mb and Sikenkea tur
h i YLERIV Et t
Q AM. P. ROSS. ttorney at Law, Office
k - , N o . 10 roarta lesnartla, Saki
LEX. 'W. FOSTi:R. Attorney and-Cone
n.llor I. No /L, Fuarth Ariavrt. tame °matt.'
nwburgh. boTlCt.thmlTS'
irt.OULTEIt s lIAOKE, Wholegale and Re
kJ tea Dru.i.n. 4...T1NT WOod sud Thal streets...
der Ow S, M 111401.arir. Iltih oh, tartlr4S
Join...Tv,. -
‘I:3IITL EY & COLVIN, Coal Xerclant4
k. 7 .. , 11..1.-... 1,. Di:, OVA, Gr. ,,, rie% ho. Nuillei
rt.turrt.f Walnut Stitet unit IV kehicirleu Turnpike Peed, '
tuipernerri in,
I le Rump Body Must Perspire : .
Q 0 :1-11S N'.TIS:RII, to have a healthy Up
ky reiranti. an.l ter....n. mho do mt Perspire. are Data.
to re. met 11..t.u.tim ?Ain i.i.10.5. Noir. lone' Italia.'
Cbetnicat A...t.in0..4. a 11.,. Dcrrpt...-nt3 - .1. and at Viet a.
Vote Wolin - a, and 441...0r the ekin, niettitt lithe te.tra
of an infent'a
'Scare,. Salt hh.unt. and F....t., re ant only heale.l. bat
can't y balk, Ja• .1 its...l rhpqrin. In N. Vork.k.aer,
sta., b
itu in null ea.... And litni it titaiiiiiiin—ilit
Pimple, Illotebte. t.n .1,1,, o,n otherakindLwave. Ile
reader I. a....0TM Ilua 6,.i. i. 1%0 it.eler., paint a 44
one trial will tw , te. I ,Vlii youcwale- - tit itis=ity:
wriiiinii eurtii iif sr, In ii•i!iiirr. te.,,.. alai writ beard. .
Hay thin s
ih.. ...:14r i , .... -,l I would intern:
elll tell it rm. m. ~,,,.. aat... I amir It la all I rale.
~,,,,,,„ ~, 1,0.14 to ‘ll.e. A. traeted....r eltattleel OVA
;rill hnii titii 1 , 44 I, ri ur, t.ut a prereatje, sty 1 ~.,,,
, 4 .. r. only. a./.1. tliztt 'ine.'ne ail:lined with any or the'abeve .
or rantllar .1 /../e....". ill mei t la. am aaj.,..,...., 000 ,,,,,: ,
rata, ,i: pi... rt;..., it;. , . I .tay. •
iseesitist. U.l:ler. in. , .4..r..5. an. ateZlM'arltb tat
Al., .„,. ~o .t.t., .t.,....' taliaatai.taleattea
hay It old. i.l' It e
tl LI Ar,li SON. 141,3' Agent In l'it ,1 irgh -
le-ad of lcoi.d. .
P •
.i:Ltiv MI, e•.,`Breath, to
• - .I: - bst are boson.'
Hull if thor rrrr fool, or thiaj,
teeth ' or rocrolol. ‘to.l.wltil tartar.
that tL out 711111 e r T. 113 141 'kill, talker
to rut... 7...4,11!•• 1.l 011, odorlfrbrArlY
Sold noir al .IACIZS9N'r. Sulre, 210 lalrrtyet, heul 9f
A Scientifw ![air Tokio, L•stnrer and Ban
tsiffer.—Trial Patth , who hare .611 '
/oat.' iladr.gento.Nr . rent.r. know O.+ earodlent
thaw who ha, r u. ire afaura a to pIItION, UNI
1.11 hair llncrosr on any pattnbe.
nature Introdnd 1n. , : to nn•a; 'top eM. ent e want
or dandruff: and snake , 14,1.. end.. orgray wrote dark..
Yur randnri..-tin , hair soa and may, nothing no canted
tht..-it ...a.), truly' brantifulL nod Itaet. n.. It /a. in•
Oh, moot erononocal—ynt ruper.s--arttelo for the
•• • '
only nt JACK , OV • `. re.
head.of Word, l'ittA 1 ttry. Übnil°4" ‘ " "
JONES' Solutivn of Jet, a Liquid Haman
lair Dye, for the changin,... of nhitc. rol, grey' hnfr, In
bffutlfhl b7lrtzr a t4..r.A . fet rolor, n fen mlntittn..
Sold by. Vl'3l. JACKSON.= Liboltystrtot,licadolir.
Pitut - •
• .
JONES' LILLY AV II {'PE. --Ludies are ca n
ticamed apslart using the cennnon preparral ChiJk. :They ,
arc not avarr bow rriohttoW tnjurionm it th,f.kto.
how °Lamar, hoer riOsab. bon nallon. yellow. and nnbtailtbr .
the akin apivan,
injurionn, routalninc a tar, [Outwit [4' lead! -
hare preparist a lamattillnl vegmtaldaart4e/m.tlatlmblnao , ::
41 JUIICI , :tausi,./, 1.1111 ll Litt It it k • - '
tf , " ,,,, nn0 , nt belnailurifmtl of all r
21 Z n i t etn . liTr ' .1}i i .t r s k relIi; th et ' iti k . i".U'Und.
turtle on thr akin , tnakinm moft ' enan 4:martla. - ,
the Amont, 1131. JACKSO, =Liberty etwut,. •
head cr,,,j. Pat , Lutglt. 'Pnce, ctAlt. •- • •'
.fre ..alma 1,,
ni thr tinnit Mtre at Pittilotr‘b in P l.4l.l l t
31,m1kmal thud. 7 - 3 11.1.11 . 1/ ' 41h .., li tin tof llttabutab Do.
,ettnieß,• LAI rm.. of Coat and Vest StolrA ant "
For sale In ant , tuauttly. mit pnerhamenk'bx • •
• Anil'Jalthtla
jp.013.., SA L retail supply ur
.wriu, ul I,rttre Enter; Latent Fern mod
en Low! 'ainV Slate Pracila: Inkstatal,
IlDlack lot a 1;_n,i,1x,:„.1 a few 411.1M: -
u RepubliW . M .. 3l,to IteMv* tional
rnm no.l',lDtg tot
amle be JalOalllamAS ISAAC HAIIIIII ,
IMAM'S OVIICE—S. • hof,)11.2l• d• - : MONS. sk. ra''
.:„ ..11 ',!..t 1 .[A 114, .!.70.,... 4M:hat:p.m: nu all they tern—
nern oo k torkfak. 1,110, tom+
i f thr
irin ,l 7lja7 , a n n mina. Net, on . mr rat, pant.
otm.. 111. 1 11111,1 nrmutauttal.
4 grotot if that
ruled. led.
fie. Ltr, zynkkring 111Psn
Iv water ion. 4. 1.1"0.1,• rv..11 itiwu Th/A
ankle vet-ratite.' au«verr r;g., re-vmsdnte,l, - nr
the tom, Fnr rulo 1 ,wh01.4.i1e nal rmialL. at 7
;Ad Wood t I J. 11.
in' ituosJ. .J. DECKER,..
W,.DW.I •Blii4h•ro <l.l En...v..4 .Liwhi,
buts; Itudt net mirntivh. !Mt At (hit
or at the P. t HE.,
Ftrtirth rtn,;l, Ulna, bet
Market nod „ ,
Q TR..t COW—Canie tit the V!, enee •
1.3 a 1b... 31 ,- KT•eKTTL aTnr tame
azn. a lie.] Cnivi abou...nnrt nr renr. On.
umrk t . Ty, ,nnrinr in rrviller,l In comp
nnl. prove prninzli - . (K•Y P"ar•
jil;zw3tT tll .1 LI Ns
POOL . F OM I.t. 31n , . F4-flit 11.1..
141fIns of Beauty ! , a• Th.; 11 int, l:; ,:p 11,1661 •
Cabina rf Ar&ro Ate Tile Trios .
Theo Itenv. )1. far
'rho Iler
L.! Or Chan. t. 7 RVI. 11. A.W. • -
: , t+enee , to th.a . 1.16. of
Tani and ma an.l nttlioa. •
: ,, as of Tentf,ran.,
Tho f 15;;L
of 11, %Yen, VI World fry • •
'll2O Anu.ricau 4,1-I.IILL
I,lter, /L.! Pmpert. ,f Pow,tPonrf..
Repponsex from the ,a•-rPi Oravt,.. Ifulawou..
, Rerr.ries of a Dael,, 3.larvs:.
'AI., a ennaploto..,,eto,at of t f oluta7 R"hbol rhino-'
Floats. na burr Eitainz thr Cbrifitaaa pr 0.41/ the
your. fin halutaull A igale i
dir-rl=S A. IL f:SkfL.ISII I. CO. 79 wa4
irrxcALLET. FOI: 8.A.1.A...NeE5.-,smta
i ‘,....) meat of lkomttr and I.loLlnr, of Depaelta in, the
Bank of llttebrogb. or the amount of ten dollar,. and rt.
't dim
frat.??lllnitl=trle thjn t st?t U eitr Y fr.• 4 ;t= 4.
1 or drtntrdrbrd. vita the name, of lief deporltors. the . ..late -
when fetch 'derv.. nor,, made , or balances mated. end.
the emonota thereof.
,Tbh.ruternent excludes all &print
gllZlthr:.l , l l,7,t ry<7, 9 =a- b kr'"=t:
5 harem;
the Cramoontreadhf
.., .
,ores IMIn Jove Douherty.-- jr...—Npr. .4 1%i:,..:.. --....511DU •
hteplaen G r a nt., , nt Thera.Kea. Atm. 5 21 t. 16u. f land.Vo
Jatnef.iituart. I Donaterd... -lan. 5, im.a..- sem
Wm. Tamllmou . - -Juno 10, is - • two.
I eertlfr that the fonmotdd appear,. On balances, doe
the pawns named. oral hating rernalned in Ifmt: Pt
chancy fur thrm 5. as: -
.11/1 IN 1 , 5(1 - 14:11 Carlflen. ..
Swona and auteerlhod leloro me. thh. lat h deg fof/Je-.,
eember. tice. (I DO. AVATM)S. A hlerman.
derttml.StAn4DS • of the Cite of lithburrh. •
CoLmgr, •
Comer of Mini and Matte! vim, Charted A. 1). 5
IM.. The only ChArtared Itoutute of the kind en hen. :
Fanner—.ran. Ti.arto. Drlmlral Ihdrtietor In the
gelener of Armor., -___. .
O. K. Ifudnutauy, Tfo.d..e.or of Peonmantlor. Sferran-
We CoMptitatinn......
4 . . ..
LL.1.44.M. It. ll Anfax fm
. LAnA•Leetfr no Comma.(.( -
r. . .
Boast , or Tar rtsru..,lhrf. It'to. Wilkhof... flan. James -
rat, Iholtanan. Mo. John 11,1..0.. flop. Charlet Naylor. floe.
Moree Ilsodffou. Ilia IV. It. Loot., Dr. J. If 1.1.51:11hloolt,
John An/lemon. boo. to o. J. K. Z.orebe.l.l..tatilsi Dun—
lon. )0., In 11ere..5. 1.... n.
15..,,,,...,,, 0.5.,,m-ot.—,Mloa T. coehran. 'Attorney 'itt
'tan: Jan. Tn.. thmloton It A. Drtur,..teoutuitant.,
etudenD eau enter ltd.-1,141 tolloo at efoyftune.. and ate
Idol netrortlro lohrldually. 1011, dry and Prenlital 'While
..titled. rat molt.- a dspkaua..t o by W.f.' , noutf antLa
Exmoloton Cenuolltea.
Tno.o.dttning themrb kneArtedre .e. Cock heeflog. lr
Ittoranan.hip. Aie.t trill I . AZ.i'l Wed that fhb, in
Maljr •
151aartend College of the inlaid Itchrt.l.orgh. Couttnantea.
floor vbireiural to It. K. ehainio.rlin. mill tleet - witliurldnipt •
attention. _ . :Alf ..
A3IF: to t , th e resideme of thtesehscriber.ezr ,
no fd hoot the sth or Deennher laat , ft dark tn! Coe':.
ur • white fOrlpe on he, Lae, about lone - year, yid. 61Y. .
lett nolk. The 1•Irle r I. heron, onwa r d to . row, f,,, r n a rd
and prove properl,, or the .111 be 60151 Cie the lane dwarf.
1.16. - wratT hAtIFEL MOYERS. Cue Dear fp, .;
_—________ ...
FOR SALE-4 boxes or 3lectieines, rizr-L -- -
The !alto of Lill, Ire. Orson'. Atealyne endLaJ.Dr.
pill.nera_ratent 1 egef aft Elixir. Dr..t 4 vana' fhoorreffo-,
1 dIA r. Evan , Ferollon, . yrtop tor Clo.dron T.4rbi.g.
Fever and Ague 1 forlf Mt. Dr.-liont's Dab, fortnemenre,
lott. If) 'pew., and (Aver tlanddstntl . h.q ., ' o .e h , r •
C nare 44 r.le Avail Irlfol...alg and rt•... 11 I, • ' .
faltulmktf IS ISAAC: ILADDIS.IIfIh rt- .- -
A CAR..II-1851. " " L : ',,..'
xfultPirtY & lIIIRCIIFIELD, scatbXask
men. a
IT amen. Fourth nod Marl. -r etr.etr, .11ttabursb.
rave, at the rmnoteneetnent httle Nett Ifor. to re
turn their thank. to their cti.tonforr. end th e malflietAtlon.
ally, fur tho large rhare of mi.tom eal.r.d../ 30 ILKIn. a: d.
invitelbn Contillnanon eft thou rater, 'Matte- mervolye
enlarged and Duero e3-Weir man. 1/x.l - arc...third h. keep
on hand ft very e•ttemme ...,rfrovat al 54.1.--and buyer.
4111 ham the ad. - natant at pence of ItTld la exam.,
gr...sdlff, and malfo Idoir reretant,. TnOY .'l;ti nidi.t./11
thou , ertoldfibnand. an. Mr or yirvtimble. } FA.SI LI
STOlttt, • hero every artifle Irt the I.ln foe , ' f hoe , ner•led
for the wants of Donal, mo be procured—an al th..r
of etforld tu telret. thr Met Jas.], nod mroll at low
morel. they bone to ma), it the .ot.rf %t of fmndies and ln
dlrtdualA to Dm: them "nth thew enrtorn. .
. . ,
e 3sll,ll.Eff&llf. *id be erotiuunl in
lower room.
the 1,012}1 ;v i
arii.--entrsure num 4th wreef. ur tlituugh
EN3IANSIf I P—Those wi:bing to become
f,ZlV4;:it,l!:;go",; n n
hour Veer,. .1. )f. 10 P. 3. Thu nutnuf rof ' l,...frus '4 ,
i u r
r r
t C ~
unt Ihrutol. butyl! 010 , arn . p.77 , oy e d 4 2 11 f
7 1 . fntd • •
OLASgES:-25 Saps tome,
.01 , ..a LOO. Ileteerrjurt re.crlrteL svd Ibr ltde .
RoffEla & I.ttertr
31 , 111 E t' t off, ,f,t• 'ratt."62.
I term ene er•re• Neer, Itetele,e,,,,
nett tuyeu.:l al, a e4
.111 n 11.11
rearteehamar.....l,d .RWrcel. There ratbe
land lar. quint:l:es tte CL, .:4 , 21e
The werte !Ito lue
veerroary • buikon,. tlle eer', aro flreted.. A
ale, tcrmr. aprle to Itte - vl44eriker. ete:allag
them =ldea north •
I.ll ,, e...a—Weettn. Pen, ..w31.. JOILVSTOTt:'
Fire. and Marine Lisarance Cam Caput awl Surpl4..iw. •
Potucres ISSUED Ci.V 011 E Dos-! PiTOKAIIIX
. • _ Tzars, _
! ' BT CMGE JilltiOLD:Ageif..- •
PM: - Yosull4strzo,4, ,