iII'OTER Ara Tzszanat. • • Jmersmi • litesent--Hon. Wm. t. -Meet Jai:l;4llnd Sinitiel Jones, Aisociate Judge. •lTheames in the' cave of the - Commonwealth Kellyva.,J,. indictment Murder, returned ; intP;Cdnittitis Morning. .They hail been out all might; and de:hired:that they were unable fo agnmi!, - "They - asked : .tii be discharged, but thi Judges refused to grant their request, inasmuch' •-ae it would be impossible to gather the win:Lewes, toge' , ther:at the next Term, they being eompose& of pepsin's. in the jail, a portion of whom had: - f-beeridiseluvrfvd. and othero would be discharge& before thietarne, Th.47,Rirjr.„ - ifere sent fiitak — M theiriviona, and • after a short absence.. returned with a verdict. I: of atliLIT or ateccen.tv ant atcOstii Draltr.C. The .. jury Woo them discharged, unit the psis •oneimemandeil to prison. Be did not manifest 1 •i thetslighest: emotion, and we hammerer before • seeti'So'tach.; boldness even by the • - I, mostAiirdeAell erimiwil. llis mother, mother , . lite,:ch E ng hi him to the last, but his father has* girOci him up, he haring been . guilty of macrons crimes, and convicted at the dastterta of thoCenwt.of ta'olarcenies. lib had • -; formerly been sun to the Howe of 'Refuge, but -.managed to make his escape 'Malsemis maimer,' doultleas • be sontened to the heaviest penalty whielccan be inflicted on him according to the verdict—Me:let years; imprisonment in tie • }- IF•e*im &AWI--Stiory. COnatatinwealth . re; Willihm:Ross---allio; Elteitith''' The prisoner bad stolen a Horse, ; ;Tithe Property of Mr. Mine's 'Vance, of - Butler reuttutlf,:mad brought: it to Allegheny county, eiwiterelte.linbi it to:Andrew Jackman, keeper .44, 1 ;:f for.fifty 'dollars. Vance'came • ict . Pitisintrib; Auld finding the horse in litr. J's pimmensipit, -demanded awl finally obtainedit. - liffanektiMM thin 'went to the Pei:Mimes, real-. ! .deneeNtral-liod_. hint irrestod and committed to tritium putt for too borne,. - and 'en. , • ! deirrWhi4iet him off, lint.friin the evidence f of Ittiuorili& of !witnesses,.. it. appeared that the ! Me:Mantle, tdmineter. had been - bad for some 1Te11i 1 ,44f4;-` - . . . diAttle4tsitielk T(63 made to,ptote . that,be irasizieitte; utterly-failed, tqtd Ike Jury Drought itirlitrtir::.ildlty."-. . p4tr soner,as .remsndCd and sentence de-. fared. for theyrtsent. ArtErtxpox 3E8510%0 . . wisinkto up . in the'Quiiter Sessions, in the afternoon the nature of which, precludes the lfourihili . ty ol , pesring.ia our cS4UP:II:I2I. - 'i Prali : tuctvpiuttpx.—.4lti unsecupled sto4.l44o)Mise up Itoberts — streefin astiatarst-roraa estim Ewe by soma incendiiu7, leattelitY anti:n.6o", and burnt to the gonad. Cate4V - Ibirsolllonte of cotemporaiies yesteriTap,nklvioedtbat as iiiceatigationehould be madebvto the condition of the county prison, ow ing to the tuott bonible developments made lutlie •; trial . Of 3 . 111.(1 . Ke11y. for the umrder of poor little Cox, in its Belle. We have visited the priscui of late, several times on ,busincis, and having taken • the 4pOrteinity te make a thorough enemies tioe-of its couditioneeavr &entre our readers that! the present . jailer:qt: John Fox, performs his; duty:falthfulli,visiting each prisoner personal..;, ly, daily, and keeping - every thing neat and , cleats The ventilation of the jail, and its said, tary,:condition should certainly be improved, bar t or does everything in • his power for comfort of those intrusted to his charge. I Fi1.114.110 ,C , OUNTZUFAIS Monnv.—Mr. Kinges, a' storellexper of 'Manchester, yesterday lodged an; inftintiatiotittainst Minerva Johnston, .eharging' heriritTiftsains nteu,:lea t•cmLnierreit Maynei burg I::tannin upim him- the Imo committed to micantin,rnetLly, on a similar charge. , t AesastrektActinbialast—Ageatlensanpassink by tbaiesideace of kfri. Totten, in the Seventh WaSd;,clS.Taisday,,diecoserid light id the oel 7 las.tankonaxitminatioa it was discovered that some fiend had fired & lot of tomb: edibles, for the parposi3Ot btirning the house 'The fire was tfagaished before it bed done much damage. ' Mrs. Totten's house hisbeen fire at least half a thited times witbia the past two weeks. VTITLIi.I3 Elrri A young) lads were brodgb t before the Arayor l ot Ableghe- ny, on TniedaT,:cluir e ied:widi disorderly and ri. l otone:ccmdtteton ffient of the Beaver street fdetin.) odist Church. .They were fined five dollars each; which one paid,' and the'other was committed 'MI :MU in default. • Counzmurtm,Aser.irlo.—Minerra Jeffries, arise Minerva Ann Johnston, ass: arrested on TacsisY. by George. A. 'Boyd, of the rndepend tot Police, and committed toprison by Alderman Major„ on a , cher;e,..of uttering ; counterfeit Mr-.c. IT- Wrifitrong—a6 'Ltece•rt store at the toner of Centro, &mune and Pulton streets,. swore that she pasted a counterfeit,ten dollarbill opottlitm. , She has before tient:m*4.d of ' 1,. . ingeohetined in toirmticifdne ''. of this kind, and' Os supposed to belOt4 to . . a., l'ett4ixddY..orguoixed :lag, whi). -hate hem quite successful - of late in their,infaMons oceupation: -.-. ',, - I Mr. Boyd effected the arrest with considerable difficulty, and. dmmtves • Ceedit for the tikilfful manner inWhiclilie.frreted tier out ,' - . : ALLIOID COUNTER; EITEd...4IO2IIESTED.—A MILD named Jaekson Currizon, Nes committcd to Fria-. • on em Tuestlay,.by Alderman Hilands, of Rosti townthip,••chargtd with passing enunterihit silz Ivey‘torrron Mr. Robert lietiooday. • , 1 311. - YittoeS.Netrell; also lestifiett.that the prdeJ ~. , one; ituttkOtsed counterfeit money nit= iiim.—!, Ala* amount of spurious silver coin is in dr-, -enlitiom,and ere advise our friends on the Coon try, rtutre the - rogues mosegennally attempt td Bliatmetd. 2:einni..r...*:2dr. Chatits Brown" crane gentleman who acts us clerk for lifoltbYA 4 . Maltby, - ender the Bt. - 'oeles;'yestenhif nicety 'td aleimgrridde dcspri from Cutalieriand, don-. • yfttiCitur meloncholy nielligcisce that Ids faffe• • • . iiir: pan: Brown,"bid teens* frightfully. Man-7. _ ••• ,byainting menutact: with a eaw. in awe, ,••• .1 scae,that pincei that death-instantaneously: (100 D APPO/Nsur,N7.-.—lt. gives us pleststre to nninineet Itlutt Ilnyor Fleming has , zelected Mr. 'tlLain Ariams,..it very efficient nitieer; as Nigh ..• • .teroTAlleOcny 3.l.l:yo ' oii.iiiir: ; PUTIMITIIGII.—Not a Single 1 ens Nip brought before bin honor at the .moro-. , . Irgeb - retara?; , yilterdzy. '.. ' '', ' '`. - .. . ' • - " Afars: yptag mimlerer, al,t4gd yesteHiy - :itrko I:43picoareyed back to fmpl the Court Room. Out he would be I*. —tenced to thanyiyears imprisonment in the tenitentiory. ~ O h," said he, with 11 laugh, what A- 7 -- . ', good ehoetheker J'll . ,be tii that, 1 •istrE9EOLOGICA.T. PLRGE. • Reported fax and for; aSxrditirian Inatitute,VnahingionCity. • .... JJaaarr 07..X11T. 711E1 , -3101E7TR . 'Trim Jinuary 15tk m January 2lit. ti.tuai*e;9 a al. 341= 9 p m. Daily mean. 16' - ,:40,.- 63 60 , •62 t 58 'l6 •16 22 18 , i' . 18 v 4 291 , 25; - . . -,, 37 .• 30 ..-. ' ~1001 C HUE MY MUD! .. -....- A .-1700-X PATIIEft; laboring for iba' miTorii fauille. sof marring, from, itittiera do-, .... t r , , 4. !=.4. 2 M,11fe elrarl to e. Norden.: .., Arrival a liable,' , :lerltii ' grati disirwee to 'Fillet n >. =NO , O.? ff.0.0.i1( `talon,' aro Mr. s. D. floret Shaker l k wt • - . Clal ot e.rdoltet. or be i,no of our ationt.‘ ead Set w oblet. foul, ',ben, Sr will find that tbe Rutty. Su- , ma prepared by Dr. e..D.' Howe, hlie, been' Ow 05"0r" Poratalte .'-4151 L ' ) : :: tr wo " : ' oe '' dite n ' oeft. to which the '' • Llhtuitert fatally' ere rotainuelly, auteist. than pay other • v•rgion, e ta-34,15111,1a-34,15111 , 1 tore rot brcutibt timer kbe ' Tbisittetbdoe has ciatithateal in blot revatblibo by Its; '.-.,; nme obs elute-ell attestol curt, kftflow i lrotniial " A l it . ' " a l ' a ' ar ,,tZr rifia . tzioap, Wide* tenders tralttooder more valuable to tray ~.,.*tpulactilatiy,tttwooloa. .;..1 Ber sore odd etiotilrel lir Dr: S. D. 1101Tet BIIARTIII APAItILLIie and take moth,. . la get bottlo-0 leant. for 8:,. .. • fr'or VI 7. Wt . • • . . ' I'M...F. rtujef=tZlia • . Toliibina ail c ,,, ..7 to Marmot. . . At., fob ank. by J, A. loncl, J..actworimarer i• Co., W. Itloelb3Ler, Aftwoe, , J, K. owner , J. Robles. W. Job.' 1 • &aTti vr i t 4 : ... 3ja1 t e%! I. ll = k - N. 1 7 1# :LTA 7.16.K01t . . 1 Qt: li gie JAL Patter..., tout. 0. U. moron, Bt. I ut C /foto, Colo. tw2toitittT . 1 •.• - • . .. 4111117 . , County Bs' • - . • - - iii:a .. 1 1: 1 :4 1,3 , , IIFt, c:1{1 at 4 3 /tl3bUrgh, Inert lot eakl empty. on the .lEth day of Jaaouy, - the 11nrevettle William H. 51`Char, Poesklent JatOtt v D~olromn gflT at-Vow. ottono, , ate. --. .klataitoAlto r.-,'. ' 7 °, lt.tVAK ‘ r ' . ° ,,i 41 V, Fga moreted, ,nettl e .:nettle fotth that the rthl derodant aka too ha haviamt to lawful Ito. nor mama! paste lar tlaw adM " : 4 f welf iira . :!lt nj h Ai• di or ' rot 4 wro fi' o b' eul dr air fi t; La tileatalth Kart of Cho ellyer oopt4gb,. soylng a re% 0 an la m espagtowstiest Wet,. footzbaud of book Of =a , h'2 iftl't grAitedlZll.,M4,..., "" .llgl iolt 'or.. .00roal y ,- .. trot of tigiatorn Malaya. roke. lot of arteso4 which. te wad ace enwrap:al ;to "=„ l 4tooa. OoaamL seal iterehel prep, .. lEr _ a.* .4 1 4 t , ..1 &hal It th day of October, 15f7. , Teo tatereat of 4111:ate-ate Nine tha oullekled ono half 'apthata t ralizaha nom Wing no venous! ootata to pay lb* de ~_ _of _ . thiamin. toarloa ( i.e..% Wan. , ..‘ • trr.......f . flat , Y.l mate, An the paymootad the , behleglaat.thaCeatt enter 404 tilted tint' the eakt a& 125hilattatwo agog the tats to public salt at the M .k. 1"36. d.r . or rabhat7 th"4l7 A. m bar on ael " tho r aante "b. l ip -beaklatboahat can be lad. I aha .....!Pwaloa elide thae acaftrof i ll u al to law WA aft rote of th.P_Oonyt, snot that alto tar metes edema of Itio Namdlikili hh 04 MIS stated Orphan... Watt fly thoConot. .' Annunnox , usnam moms, Cal. I ESSIONAL. WAPIIIINGTON, Jan. 22. 9d presented several peti- P • .eal of the fugitive alav do the table. Szwers--Mr. Se 1 thine. paying the law, which were lei., .. , .. Mr. Foote, from 4, Committee on Foreign Relations,reported • ill for mrganising the State department. Mr. Clay's resolutto to provide effectual mea t surestfor.the supprdssr;ll of the African slave ' trade was then tak* p • j Mr- 4 lale oppose d • • resolution, alluded r to a paper signed b' several members of Con ' geese, declaring that .ey would vote for no'per. son, for any office, h• wee in favor of disturb ing. the compromise lac s of the last session of Congress. Mr. Clay replied, n avowed himself , one of the signers of that p p Mr. Foote also de • ed the paper, and said he was one of those w • • signed it. After a. long debana .e resolution was agreed, ta-4Yeas 45, nays 9, The , French .90olint on Rill was then token i Mr. Rusk moved : a. end, by inserting that no payment should p ads under this act to any assignee or any insurer; which, after a long de bate was rejected. The Senate then sajolarnetl i ts Hotisn—No burin 41 importancewas trans acted. At an early 1 o , the Thiuse went into Committee of the R ' ) qt, and took up the hill to supply the deficiency inithe public expenditures for the fiscal year en 'lig Jteie 30, 1831. Mr. Robinson gar notice of an amendment be intended to offer, to ay the extra clerks in the Third Anditer'S andension office, engaged in facilitating the bount yland business'. ' Mr. Hampton, of 'Penns., made a speech on the tariff, in favor of,thc modifications made by the President in his annual message. • The Committee them arose,-when, on motion of Mr. Bayley, a resolution was adopted to close the debate at 8 o'clock to-morrow. The House then adjourned. • ARRIVAL PROM CIIAORES. New Onuses, Jan. il. The steamer Philadelphia has arrived from Chums; srithLhree hundred and fifty passengers. She brings very little. gold dust, and her news from California, which is two days later, is of no importance. Donny - Lind has- been wonderfully successful in her concerts. She expected to arrive here about the let of February, The:steamer's Fanny, Smith and Oregon, left benrthis evening for Louisville. FIRE AT NEW ORLEANS-FURTHER PAR • TICULARS. Nrsr °amiss, Jan. 21—r. M. The fire. commenced in the roof of the St Charleallotel, too hig r for the engines to reach it. ~In.httlf en hour dm auliola was wrapped in flames; and in a short time it fell, with a tent. Wa crash. The fire then caught the spire of Dr. Clapp's church, adjoining, which was consumed. The sparks falling on the. Methodist Malik, which wasia mitiaro off, that odifice took fire and was consumed—the ailjeining buildings to which, wwlao much injurOd. The Lehigh office was in much danger at one time, but escaped tusinju• red. Asout COO boarders were in the St. Charles at Idiot of the fire, who lost the moat cf their bag -1114- The loss of property, te., is estimated at about $500,000.. Steps have been taken to rebuild the Hotel. The lessees hare taken the St. Louis Hotel for the present. Jenny Lind is expected here in about torn weeks, and many persona had enmmed rooms at the St. Charles on her account. '3LISSACHUSETTS LEGISLA3URE. . BOSTON, Jan. 22. The Senate, to day, voted viva voce for U. S. Senator, which resulted in 23 for Sumner: 14 Whig's and one Democrat for Winthrop. About 11 Democrats voted for Sumner. It is thought it will have no effect upon the House. . Navy Yong. Jan. 22. The Pacific ended for Liverpool with 35 pair sengem. and $225,000 in specie. 01110 LEGISLATURE. Cotowsos. Jan. 22. A joint resolution tp go , into an election for a U. S. Senator, and other officers, was lost again in th Senate. Both the Whigs and Deiamcrats have now got all their candidates nominated. I sewevw j PHILADELPEILI MARKET. ! PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 22. Cot t n is held firmly at last quotations. ' Fl The market is quiet, and "Janda:stand good' !axid.l are held at 84,621g54,682.. '- is in good demand at 62c. eries—Sales Rio Coffee at lliffi, 11Y., and N. G. Sugar:lttfiehtlic, limy sells'at 2.4®26e. Provisions—The Stock of old pork is unusually light, and sales are confined to small lots at SIII for mhos, and $9 for prints. Sales of mess beef at sl' 25. The market is poorly supplied I,' with baco and prices are war maiatained. Hams rang from Bto 10Ie, Shoulders 7c - r6 lb,. Sales of bu sides at 7c, and of shoulders at 6c 'f? lb. Good old lard in kegs iv held at 81c—aaale of new astern lard at Sic I'6 lb. Cheese—Sales of Ohio at 6.1(?}.4c. F la --S o. Se ales of 700 bra new crop clover seed:' at 75 11 bushel for fair, and $4 ,87 Ca for prime .. BALTIMORE MARKET. i Bainsoaz. Jad. 22. r—Enies 000 bbls H. S. brands at $.1.561- 14 bb the market closing firm with mars buyers than Hers. • .- Grata—The market is quiet. Nothing is doing in Wheat and prices are nominal: Sales at 100 c 01049 11 bash. White - Cora is telling at 63erfvle, and Oats at 4710 of R?, inn Sal €4 yirat 78c. CoffheL-Small sales of Rio at Ilenl Whit' key is dull an 2502 k. YORK . MARKET. ROOK REPORT. Jandary 22. . • . Cotton—Cotton is steady and quiet At hut! quotations: • • Fleur—The market is quiet, with sales or 1200 barrels at 1i11,0415 fur 'goal . round hoop Ohio: $2,2585,50 forfluicy Ohio, and $5,76a6,87 • for extra. Grain—Wheat is unchanged, with no Ohio is held at 106a110c per bushel: Corn is scarce with fulmar new yellow nt 67e. Prenrisiona,Perk is firm, with sales of 160 bbls at $12a12,50 for mess, and $5,25 for prime.—. Beef is unchanged: prime mess in morn active., with sales in the last two days of 260 tierces western„ at $l6 per tierce. Lard fain good re-; quest, and scarce, with sales 100 barrels old at 19cents r and of 100 kegs old at 8 1-9 per. bbl. Whiskey—The market is quiet with sales 30 bids at 260. Lead—Sales of Galena at $9,87; Linseed Oil in advancing, with sales 2,300 gal at DO. Cattan—Themarket is unchanged, with - fur thee sales of WO hales. Defilers are awaiting the Arctic's news: Flour—There is a fair demand, with sales of 3,000 bbls at 'f-1,94 for good round hoop Ohio; $5,24q.5,50 fur fancy, and. $5,6267,5,75 for ex tra Ohio. • Grain- 7 19heat continues quiet, with soles 1000 bus prime Genesee at 1,2613 but. Corn is scarce. and firmer. with sales of 6,000 tin neW Southern at 67€667/c ? bo. Provision—Pork is steady, with further sales of 400 bbls at $12,133 for mess, and $9, 25 for prime. •Beef is more active, with sales of 260 bbls mess at $5,601512,50. prinie is selling at ss@ts6. Prime mess in more active, with stoles of 100 bbls at 15c to bbl. Laid is buoyant, with sales of 150 bbls at Sc ? lb„ Obio Butter is in active request ht 9el2u. Whiskey is steady, with sales of 200 bbls at 25c ? Linseed Oil is better, with sales of 5,000 .at 90 82 c 'Ft Kall. Groceries are quiet., Soles GO hbds Orleans Sugar ht r Sales 2001sigs Rio Coffee at @nit. . Tobacco—The market is quiet: with sales of 40 hbdS Kentucky at 9 e.11, 0 ? lb. CATTLE MARKET. NEW YODK,. .Thn. 22 ' Beeves—About 1450 head were offered; 000 were left owr, and the balance sold at $228,75 gross, per 100, which is n traction higher than last quoted. CINCINNATI MARKET. January 22. Provisions—Prices are advancing. Sale 4 of 400 bbls clear pork nt $12.20. Sales 200 bbls and 800 kegs prime Lard at Vic lb. The number of hogs packed . in Ohio. Indiana, and Kentucky as far as heard frvim, aro 838,000 i againat r,17.5,000 last year. NEW .O=4OS M.A.USET.. flaw Oaanans, Jan. 21—P. M. COttee;-43ales to day • are barely 2,000 baler,. Ther article In dull. Gronai es—Molnases his dulined, and u not quote mime..nt =Se. Rio coffee is selling at Ile ' I,I , AISINS--Ono hundred and fifty' bossy and.' per barteL , alio ball box... ramivro.l and Or al e lcli. to OttaWa k KIRK NorniCK 1 - Flour—Sales 7,000 barrels urn reported at ' tal''' - •, . .. I $4.25 for!, Ohio, and 5A,41.1 for Illinois. per ! Q lAA Al.--- I w..ntv lib& new &iglu- on handl a 3and fl,r 'al.. 1., lard Brats: , S KIRliPATIII(71( 1 Corn.—Sales at Giaille per hu. ! rroliAt '4 'I I-- Twenty ban W. 11. Grant's; 1 Provisions—Keg lard has odcones4l. , and we I in b. oliant & Willlanli; I, 1,. e, A. Itonahr, hear of sales of 700 kegs at 9c. A minty. article , .s, b. Hamar), half Irian& • , LS . worth 91 per Ih. , -4.'.1,.. OthEn.nr", to -on hand lied lor .al. , o std_ • 114011'\ A KIRKPATRICK ARD—thie hundred ke go prime new Laid Whiskey—Nolen at 27,,1e per gal. ', The following are the orrivaLs at this port to day--Ship Kentucky, bark Ilrend4,from I,Y,"'d end f " r " I ' B i l owN L ~,K rAnu, ,K 'Boston; and bark Teuclou, from New Sock. • 4 4 ; I.; MAULS.-- - ...--Tett liiP S. :rolfllllllN ersCOU; 4 bre Pn-eton's Brume: 10 las .du Eagle Chocolate: .1 , 1 ter 'Pleb, 1.11. 1 1".11F1(11?N A(Kr111P11240.!.1:h"a ,a . NEW BOOKS AT lIOL3fES' IV I DENI)--OEFIt.'E OF I'IrfSBERGII i t „ Llter. , 7 LWI.A., Thlld vtrret, oppvite GAS I)o)IPANY , January M. IS.A. e : Other,- , I Tte Tenet, of the Pittala.th fin. Company hare that Henry c on a laroldte coney Of OW I any 111,11014 a Invid, ml of kli . err cent. out of the probir Rel. of Ihnrae I. l'h O. P . .11..1.1, L.q. lof the last six month., on the Capital Rock land in. pa, I' ri ", ~,,,,,,,, , W 0m ,.., L „, , m , 1 ,,..,,,,, ~,,,,,_. I 1114. 1., ....k. ht.ll. re. or their I,lnd repreAcutatives, fotb. ...1- ' - i with. at the °thee of Hi.. Work, ?hewn-Male. a novrl. Ily Len Fonthar.mh. . 1 turil4l, .IAHI, Q. CllltleTT, Trer,urer. lilies. Fs note!. Ilr the autle, of 11..1,..i.-Irs..e't Fr ILE 13EST OF It AND link N DIE, , Home Itsbucnce, a Tait PR klothem and Daughter'. 11.) ! x suitable 1, ncanal p ur l.. ni•ol• on hood and '. 3lorh A er'e Vto r :x , pen eßy lr-, .1 1 for ,ale L. 11,14 Iliillitls A 'IA11(111111. !Muter,' ?ilagn m dite for Junu l rd-y! . A, 1".. I I . - - Whig Ali:lona.: for 1 , 41. 1 ii , LOL'it-Three hundred barrels just reed To lof Ow American itlnMinithd ..dition of the Warerl, 1 2. nod tor ml. I,i, lICIIIIRIIRIE A INDIIRA 11. Norcl'. \ ' No 110 Wnter st ___ ___ New Books, just receivefl la. '] I Cli n A VANA SUGAII-I'wenty boxes White lIE Bards , of the Ilible; by George Giliii. , I ll ' ihr'''''''''' 6'" IIL ' rIiVIZIDOE A INGIIRANI, lan. 1 v01....12mn Na 11, Water rt tek 011ondarl. ledne. a pionr,.leo exhibition of tli, - - '3l‘ . fir,k , :n.mumr.de."l--ned for be.--inner. In hook. mot a. a' S pier 4 Ciy.,j,.l, Pimento, Pepper, CIOVCA, book of vareiem for o.mlemi, and college,. 8., A.aliel C. '" Rendrl.l. 1 vat 12sno nit,. , I and Nutmeg.. for ',ale b;- ISAIAH DICKEY A CO, The 1 . ...W.1...mi11. 11r Hannah Flora 11001 , 1 1 vT,I IEVIO ' i. - 7 , Water A Fnnit "qr. Chun. and (7.•unt.ir Charm.. 11,- Mann J..!itelint,h. I p t • TTER_Ei g h t },,,,,1., p,,,,k,.,1 for pole by 1 vol. Pane. cone. The Mcdher'.ltecotnprnoe: a .a , guel to “Ilon a : lathlener. - 1 -1.) rail 5 F. lON PAiNNIII.IIIST A CO. By Renee Amnia, • ' ---- -.- - Mech.:ea' 311maine and. F.ngitierrr.,- Journal. . Flrvt I I ACIDS GIt E.A, SE-'fen - Lois No. 1 Lard; ram b.r J olt IN mired. , t 4 4 Nis lire., now busting L.,. oteorner IVo,hington, Ht tno . * Dietomael of Mechaniet tin .l Engineering. No f. 12. ILa eat, b, - 10.01.111 DICKEY A. C. 0.. .104 reed for wile by . - It. HOPKINS. ; r.. 1., 11 an r 004 }root ata. 1 021 , V: Ann - 110 }Haling. Fourth at. ' . "- - isrEw BOOKi! - • J - - - I I A I:It-Sixty brie No. lin More nod for Anle 1.4 be r.i.13 IF11:.. II DICI:EV &Or-lion-el Front rte. A NDIIEWS' LATIN, raiatasn I.Extcosi-.-1 . A - I itEAsy r„ ~ f ~ i, 1 --'' • re• for 'tette eopiouv mid critieri Latln. Englldi Lexicon founded gi , 'n • ' ~..,,r i :47,,74," , , , .., 5,5 .. . . est sterner Latin. Uernion Lexicon ofWillosn; Frennd. - ~s?, ti .11. r owl Front et.. with siblitions mat corrections from the Lexicon+ .4 . 1.1...ner.. ' - Farciolatt. Sebeller. Georges. by I- A. Andrews. 1.. L. D. piSSOLUT toN_Th o fans of Kpnnods,. ,i.. Twit LOat , .Ivor tlit eArtrit, bring the twrnintni m. , Lire and results 0ttr.,..1 On-north the Sandateh or More ...ato er wo. a,....,a0.4 ..o u,,1.t Ina. Th.. b•lnr.. alma lalards.aud other parts of Polyncrin. 11,- Cr, WI VI i be ~.iiitino.,l to. I,..i.dofi,re ti, Thom:. KentiFi. dr.- T. Oman, author of - The litiabe and hisCaPtors." Wit The name of the lam firs will no ril brlther or in e' rtirlftaxe , Insca”mtc, a Fennel to II e trifltienre.- '''' 'lNti Vl" . .''''''.. ViTl . N . 3 ' l ' .s.,U N t :) :!' ' M- B' ler A""". 14'67 11 . ..V17T1CN b . ' 47 31 Mt I • 11 EST IlLArli TEA--Sarne kind as Chtortielr. Port. and Arne... copy. ' * ' . II England al l Leaf, denim and Coe, plearunt fla. n,rod. free Irons all he Ind..--ori, 7:. tents s, ound, 111t1PER,,TILANK 1100 K S & STATIONERY ,;;;, " ,,,, 1 ,."0 1 ,;',1!,. , 7, 1 , 11 , 1 1r,t 1 , 1 ,;;;' -0 " 11 . i" 'h" Di'no Tall 'n' Paper of nil AiCES and qualities. rulLd and plasu. blue . nm whtM. • iLj ELLERS' LIVER PILLS ..amereede all Blank Ihroks of mery description. on haul or made to I 1i „ 5 5,,,. r h,„4„,,,,,,_ I's.. .....,,, or. isZo-Hr. It E. caster at abort nottre. 'alley , , o s s • .tritlenery-trialoh. French end American. fancy mid ~.5,,,- , .7;:5Yr,T. '; ;;:..1.7,;;;;M,'"'„,,' , ' 7,.. ' re a ''' ..l l- , „W:N., ` , I ; I L ": staple, fur axle br ..!..•', ,S• ,H.,• 11 ,,,,, - E,':::. Stationer. ~,,,,,, ,I to,. or Anti -Bflbou. Pill Tours. As., . lola '""''''' - '-- r °. -:.=.:l__. i [therm, of a set ter.l J ANIV.S A LEII - 1. I • I. IP I* 'l A. II .th 00K AND JOB PRINTIN(I-Every de- ~,-Lu Z i7,:i,,7,3,,,,,, t ro ut ,;,,,, ' e 1 1. ;.r1,17..Li " ,,7; k: pre of Leval. Commemsal , Nearnbool. Canal and , liad ' at No. ,i 7 IA oul , d.r.et. cool nfDnig,o4. general], in oil Rout Printing. ex cub,' at .hort LOU, and in the I the two cities andriciiiit,. .. ralto 6,0 manner. be 11. :4. HAV RN. Pruitt., wk.,. e.o Third a.. between Nlarlet and Ferry. l I 8 110(131S --One hundred d o zen for sale try rata I tolt S. I' VoN IioNNII.DIST A CO. . QttinoNEity-w, S. u.,...,, turner ..f . T iff: BEST PI„ICE 10 lID V ' I'E.I . . - k i l t.. ...4 ......,, andkilrlrols..hal D forea vr, le a. lir:i.,, nn. ...0m- I 3lu/iltl, I HAWORTH'S Tea Sl..m. oast Ale a the 0p.....1 in thl. market. )4•rrhantk n 341,41 vritrx ever, ron ' I novonti Ten. at eon cents r pound article in Wile line no the most favorable terms. MIS i rt.. nner.sunsitt..., at 74 d-, r" do . i t jAiiat-Firlio, Packet, Commercial and . ~ t',„',„`r,",.71,„„''',",.","`E,...„,' :Ind %), • • .Quarto ant alul (Su Paper, a large annuls. 4,01 ow.. 1 +1 o ld ' p . .iinti.ein i ell! '" l ' ll... b •kl. !.f . T...7. ' w.Y. ' V..:X; it.mi. nand nod Walt, blue and white, for ear.. oik libentl direet Imo% 1,1101.13.1. '!llri Ow, room , . I. bought nt any 1 t; ,,T rma t ti l t v. sTaiii m o bi l., pi 11..5. lIAI /.., I._ ! other ntot-,. in Pitt.to,r.d.. , , , 1/111 _ PIANOS ; --. 8 NGLISII G1N..01.0 J A lIAICA RD:11, I ..I.lq . al_the Holden Harp, Nix 101 ThIN 5t...:1 In the quart or a 1. , ,1ve1e, f4.r wile by I IS.LEIII..It L. now revelling a Drell liA pill • NIORRIS ,t HAWORTH. 'l'; , !ega.ot Fin., Mad. br M•asim t Liam. . . • , - ,..`,,,,,,,g1.41 - 41,74.1p1iz ; .7j , ,; , :' ,,, ' , , taro corr. , ' Bs.. i I BEEN A PILES- ' I liFla. Plpplllti, ."..... and Ion". II i'' made i ILI f,r ~.1• bs 'I V 1 ON stns' P . +T A CO. In the Masco style. in vogue In there ign of Lord. SLY and t.i ' , .. . .' Xl'. Alpo, a new 1.0 of fa.linumble out popular Shade. - '• - I. ha ... e.i '" Wl " '''''''''... ° I Br nv . i tivtniniento- T.D. , , j_lEttiti N1P . .., iIID IrCli Lubee sealed, fair , ` ;,,. 'w" " m , `"' " '" ' " ' d `" ,7 '''''''' ".4 " 1 ` .1. 7, , h 'i„ .- : sale by - ' .te.,t7 . ISAIAH I/ICKET 1. CO. NEW . BOOKS.-llumbolt's new Work, . 111111 V. PEACHES-Thirty brl4, just landing Co.now. or aketchre of a 1 1,eirakda.r.riptIon of the I - 1 .- , nn,l'un lobe by Herm, . soll , 5 P. VON DONNIIOIIST a C . O. ecyrnore'k krthe. a Ifirme•ota. the Near nr l .o or • lb. m.,t, 1 red. 12 me. filli'.ESll-Two Imniired - has for sale by Derno'r. Methatileas and Engineer.' Dictionary. 1:1‘t No. I , tall 5 I , VOX lIONNIIORL-T it Ca. rec,ed. Ih sr uri t il, Sermon, Th e , a„,.....5s ,a„rh troll - 1.7L0U oe R-Tnty I,rl. Extra, for .sale by Fir vale by lI. HOPKINS, I' roll e I %0N.11./NN itcpr a' cu. .wo . Apollo Buildiurra ----- ----- --- - - -- ' ( LA S_ , -.Eialit hundred bx 7, WindoWfilass, ii r )UTLINE lIIAPS-l'elton's splendid Out jr .ylO, for ~.mel, 1 Iliic Napo are row being introduced In all the lanai,- roll S. F 1110 11:1NNII(SRST A CO. or ieol. in New - Contend and New York. W have obtain ed the tourney foe them In Pittsburgh. and furl. teacher" lkiif il l'l'E FISII- Fifteen brls for sale by . mid whop] committ... to rall .01 examine them. VIP sail ..,, / VON IIoNNIIOIiPT OCO No 1-Map of the Wert Ilatol.phrre, , 5,2 I' 00 Dube.. 2. do Eavtern d. do . - DEAlti. A Sll.-Ils ea4ks tor pale by j do Nr.rth America. to a ..,1 .I.__ ran. . I: DALIIIL ACO - .1 do Coded st.o., 7u a all - 5 do Europe, it . , :.?? . i 1 II ESTN I'TS 'fen bus. for sale ie c L__ 6 - do Aoa. It bALTLf.L A. (N). 7 du America A Africa. 7tl a ~ 1 ~--• , b''' .. _ Iliac of the eerie, with ho, , t.la or the Ord two Henn. • - riser, Mapc. with key. *II, 1 I ALOU E.-0//1, /111.1 red lals au per fine Flour, Th., rimp.iore unnt MIN inaccuracy, beaut, am:cheap- • recei"d Per omnener Filut N , . 1 . nod 00 ' vat , ' b. , alenew.. and nuanted M the a.. of fir Primmi, strummer . ra t . J. alt ILIA D. Round Chure_h 11 01141nR high vlica.l.•• of the United Stub, For talc at Publiaher's s.net a. without Manion c,f fr,i• ht iltrniSii.-Teit CuYkr,. ' , ore, in store and shaes.a., al. the I . :DUCAT/01 , AI. BOOK STOtil. . K. 64- ...to hr ~.1 r is. olt rtnto. Jant. CI,I/iT of Market nal Ittirtli .t ."---- - - - rtWIWCE.---41 lir]. joime Roll Butter; lv 01V IS THE TIAIE. " lIAGAZI NES FOR 0 bill No l o re. , 1 . 1 .1551, at 1101451EA' Litemry Depot. Third stmt. no- P bill ClarentPe 'melte the Poor other, Pirtsbnreh. - a Lazo prime Feathrr*. reeeteed by Banker.' Homo., per year Il tom , wo,a. .n .l for .ale 1., ill J. 1 It. FLOVD. Hunt', 31erchanm . .... do sto Kukker:A..l,k, Hagar-use do :. P - i ‘ a : A 1..)1t1N.---3 brit Salmon, No. I, in store Am. clean 11 hie Review.... .. do sto ' 1. - 1 and for •rale by no RoBERT DALZELL A CO. Laken, 3lneatine do 6Ou l ' Mn. }:air'.. conin g c0i1...._.... -- - - " ••• 00 .II EIIOV.IL.-On a IePECK has removed id ..rt.& . -I . awn'' 1 , - d° .I .0 ' All, 1 ilert, ern, I.lon Pio Ni, 103. 011ie...m:4watt. 11,10, 1.44, . Rook '''' .' 4. I an, in ;he ....me btaldme . ..,ig:.lllim °rah... Ma.mue oleo Fannin . .. Mar:name .. d° ~ '''. ' ilr P.I.Sli I' LA NN E LS, ,d the difforent I aternattonal ltagaainc do 3to • Ul '''''" l ' M '''''' .o -' • n " '''' ''' . ....,r..1 1 ""‘I'"' so i rl “"'"i'. 4l ' 4l.li ' . f irriti - 411 1 / b 7- - fe., , e, , ,,e.e.‘ _. .k, ..:, !,,,.., , , I.llloratra• "."'" -" i lASII " FOlt TIIE DIFFERENT GRADES LittelPv Idvaig Age d u ~ ,a, The Januar., Litunb,r of the, ?dextrine. will t e st a Ertl, V' of W0.h..1 Uool hr roll H. LEK _ . . timber of the new volume. oral will be the twit ever I 11.ned. . Alt FOOLLEN GOODS.--line ease ' Searlet 'I .Toe ,trove magazine+ will be delivered free of lamb ! V 1 !home!: 1 ewe Brown Flamed. 5-4. ..! ak•lr, White aca ak &a, ogire, being onite a uring to Dime votioerilang , Flanne l . Ze.l., 3 ca,s spring Tweed.. 41,17,o1; •.: case,n Far , -,.1..... BOOKS, 'MUSIC, &c. Lie ) , MI ilibi,7 ----------- --- --- -. : C.t..pi.in:..1,7;.:;":::.-1,,a.;71-7.4•ll.l:;us..e..todo„;.riff4:rthe A larch and wrll erlotted stock of morn, Ifkrnt ANNU. i 1:11111lUN , 1111r, Waal for 0a1... by \ All 11 LEL-, • A" 61r1- 11°°K8 ' ''...''''''''.. ehri.... ''''' ''''" : g I I:ARS—Fifty thousuml , l'lgtin, received Vexed Prevents. dl...n—An extendre naorttnent of Narebt aral Clump put. 1 and for .ade by 'all Lt lld .11A RBA 0/11 liratknu,Snitionery, %biting rant., tr. All drdero atten. I J ' • ed to pancluall, J. it. VOLLEY. ; 4.11111 - rl'lNfi 311;SLINS S. 11{1S/I LINENS_ Tap Nn. 74 Third *lr.+. ! 1,71,50r,Ly a. 11 rrl,fudil roittkont. . 1.0r.d.r idirtkenlat• niSRNOLD'S - . 1111113Elirti, iIt)IIAN AND 1 '`, L 4,,"""" '` P6,.",, bL i r r , "2L'ir,"""'"'"'" • V "',l ii ...."" na irtiulireON'S. nod Random , mod:. tum, :.mulct 1 and haah n at ' l , .arrrir.... Go. poacit t y th . r""'"'" '''' - .all '''. Cartoin. Ink.. Gontals% Falw.r . ... Trnolim. and Latno.n . a. Jnel,co.. , V III N ESF: V 1:It M I LLION-74 Itto for solo and 31onra , o. Pdack. and J4.1 ‘ 1., ' ...1 retail.. . .., ~y jail J. rottu-a co toktuult of An .-3 drodliptlon. ilillott... C,,tds',. Pratt , 1 . , . , ---, ,---- I...ddt, hied, 'r. loduro'.. and ntb.r Mt nufuotte• , of M.. 1 : H EIIIIJ SF: E - -e.flevn ImrTNII (hoar crop) Pr..: a...* E. NI. ,dalth , ~0 ....... r to A. li PA.', d 1. 0.1 v.,,,,,,. t.,. Id/1 .1 Klldt k et). ediel,nttrd i:01.11.,,,.. with gold •od direr c,04-... ... i ~,........ ". 11, b Dras. 1. , og aP r d — ttondoddl....do , .. ( , LI:E. - Twenty five leirrely, fnr side 1)V I,l...lephauc atld, , ,dutahler• tap,r ros al, to/al anal.- - w at jl.ll J. KIM/ e. Cll. 7.1. nil 11 - N.,1 .1. pt... 11rilb.1 Wank, r , .1,. d.tn and tot.dsuro. __. Parlor:dad brwrd. fan,y Ins nat.+. P`Ght l,o " .t.l ''''' ..., ; ( 1 LASS PAPER—Five hundred reimit of “ottu.too tooth silver and Cann toluml pada, Fuld and . . ' eularrd 'trip. and come.. on.l Ilthocraph. Mr faney Lox, 1 1 . ~a l llf . Pat , nt , 1, ' , O. I, ' , propared parchment of .11,u.... t.uthoo,, ou. decdt. chart- a l l .t J. lill.ll 4 CO., No COM 4.4 .d. cr. ID4 .h,11.., rr , 0411 not. Ippon'. 1 .1•111..11 [Mad. 11,- . T ,, ~„ - mod dr.orabld ttylor. qm.a and Istlarn, Own. rilt..tnt....- ... ~...,,,,' 1...4 and rilVen‘l, oultoble fur Gall., barldid. wcd. l .l l aaa sod . .--..- • ft 1111- 7- 1 liii:CCE I lerroch note ruvrloper. glaln and erntemvedi lottooadterb A _ . ___. __.: _ _E--respectablo young open, brnna., hite cud Nue: laid and PIM adbrol•e rn man. nkb.lno to travel. with .. ropltal of fl 4. to 1:13: yelp hum blue and white WIZ.: aaferPa yarinne nat.n. v;ritinn nand: braes ' .4 t , ' ..10g r.- 1 d' ',11,1% . %el ' ir - 4?• ‘ ;;;14 i l? t... ' aro.'N '' ' ' ltt ' l l eloTtr.llll ' : tin, corm and Turlav 1a , 30M/Li ra.t tos”.eoprlng Pr...". : tnon ' thr. ran bra: of thlv 4414;nr0. ne " nroerk , n , F...., Due s ! ink, lorn.bev , rnd , ob ona Ennlkl: envying loeolo, and NI 1 tbrounh the rod .71.. stating ado . .. au ~ t r • , r'r r.. r" Pa. , . LoOno•Papor of all micro : red 2.1 wLlte patent blob ; hod t ( :a14.140; CIIANIZg t x/ r 3Illk):Cro "' A r' Zo n " Ir d rit . e a ve.avl a o er ankles to the gtatlonere Lino : Boys. SATINETTS.-3lurph . Y s:.Burnl. both arm. no. ~ .ple, t0...1... with . I.M - o ..-Pm...t o , : nerd have rt . -rely - 441 • lot of bnofanue Faun' )hard blank books awl ISICIPM2IIIitIIII books of all common Pomo ' ~•,„ . t ,' w.,...,. w , r .I'. plaid Ord Plain Cag - .rm. of ruling. no nerly rifle of htuchng. and paper of' all tiara ; i.-,7::;, ~.!°,r,,,.•y,,,..„', •,,,,„`,,„' ,„.. u,,, L . k ,j e .,.: gii - ,. - k and q ,. . ,,, .. r.r ..', •, Md. , ' r" .. .. ',......' r , "'n , ! il,r,i," v•Live4: . o - r - ....v - t . to - d4d4Teast -- -- no - ru - er - of 10 - n - r4..h - and able terms. at W. e. HAVEN' , • .16 Blank Iknk and klationery WorrliOure. '''''''''!"*. _ _ cola Corner of 3farket au': grnrad Annie - - i , i IIIESII FRUITS. NUTS. &C.—. 424 IN. IL Taus Cots lam/ Ils o-olle s l'xistur IMI bxs xl The Greatest Bargains of the Season. ,1. nseqes Si a r inss as. do: '.lO or los * dn. 4....: ill..!" ii.: WELD. TILOMPSON. No. 116 Market Rt. ' ';',":''. ii1 r ,"ZPV..7,17;1,,,,„' 4 " . • .;!4" 4 ' . ,..., t i r,2,' 6 17' 6 6 66 ' me doom of Lllortv, baclum: deterwined 1.-• ass I, rr le 'r / r i Mem and hams' ' Obeli AinsOnds: d rr dos u rms awrori"l ms by Dm End of April, will. from tb s day. sell 1 I . lekles For rale 11 • J. II o'c . .0 a Co.- • him entire stab errancy alutomplo Dry Goods at aux for dain r Corner Wool a rine eta Cash. Tbls stock bong new, lard.. and well selected. ion- 1 i • ----.---- tstaindwrt as follows: I/DEM GOODS—French 31arinsl. Paranzettax. Coburg C 111, Clotb.Delain, Cashmerom. sad Alfmmam. ell