The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, January 23, 1851, Image 2

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; We have no telegraphic dispatch west oc
tnis.t . ! . ,'conscquently we cannot give the •wait
4?;f4lie ballot yestciday for United States Sratcd.
• %SIR MUMS ATLANne. , •
'Another day has passed, awl atilt therit•ltre no
ciil4llol of this i taistftg vessel. 00 Saturday, lost
thetinspranee offices . in• New York declinedrating
aro; 544igomil policies on the Atlantic. Shale!
Saturday, the 28th ultimo;lshe is
therefore in her 2Gth daY. •
' The Lit erpool - Jlerem7 of the - 31st nit. says.
the United:States mail steamship Atinntitt, Capt.
West, lofll.he Illeriey on Saturday, for N. York.
tbentmal malls, and a fair compleingnt of
'!O.llNrCigtTE; being the second American departure
hence on Saturdays since the openiniof the win
;ter eeasoti She was passed during tit l e even
,ing, off the_ Bell Buoy, by the mall steamship
, ,
Ans New ierk Tribune, of Sat— _ ;y, 4:ups.
Nothing bas yet been heard of the Hattie.
She has probably got ont of coal, or bad her en
gbie,t'dienbled:.; We do not doubt that! he
linalli. arriic in drill
safety. 'Sc. ; substantial a ship
cari 40ntride any tempest ever:men ut am. We
new.noworise for anxiety on account of; Ler de
-1 lay:, She ; United States was 'twenty eight days
; - on her lad voyage frcim Europe. , 1 -
i ... 1 / 4 14 ; N:.; r.Cifusidercial, of Saturday aitcrnoon,
but the following officio: I
. .. ,
Hiedidelite Attairmc.—The non-arrival of this
valid-Ma -canzed.much painful anxiety among
,•thette•Who have friends on board. We have er
, eryhonlidencithat the noble ship is safe, belicr
i intthat,her supply of coal has been shit, and
tree Otters hi:remade for the :Western 'ishuads,
St.. Thomas,, or some other of the West India le
' 'midi, to obtain-a supply. •
ae following are the names of the passengera,
b whether - the list includes the whold number
duet, trehre not informed. ; : ;
Pff.".t. Wheelock end lady,' N. T.; W; E. Case
nr,"4. - 1X;ky"; '5, T.; 3. H. Easter, H. H. . Harris, L.
; Pett.inger, B.'..7ltimord C. C. Hatch and lady, N.
17 r ; - .11. ?..-Waker, Mr. Satterfield. 3114 Sutton,
E:n H. Griffin, D. nankin, Z. B Edesejialledel
phis; Abbott Lawrence, Sr:, Boston; C.l4.intrxd
cr,Sli., Mr. M•rnscr. W. Benjamin.
St- ; ;; ft, "T:; 0. Ma:hen:ie. S. :3: Lowrey.; Mr.
fdeiettia, end errant, Mr.We:lsw rib and
;arrant; ill:, dolictein, G. A. Curtis, .1: 3. Lsr
leg- ". I
rcelTi:ablwgica Union says: !I ,
; We hn4- ;;;-, stand from reliable authority that the
Atlantic , LIM. pumps sufficiently powerful to dood
the ship in
.i.ase of ire, and a metallic life-car to
bruttlirough any surf. Besides, the has six of
..Ereinelds m ; etallic.ffre.proof life-boats," of im-
Meese power and site. Throe ofthem; will Car
ty - me hmdred persons each, and the boats can
not be submerged. The Atlantic has serer.. boats
' in dli te n d i..zrach praise cannot be given to
Md. Collins far his thoughtful provision for the
safety ;of his passengers is race of those unavoid
eble accidents which May happen to alilwho "go
down into the deep in ships " s •
Pts:su Evan To Brrits.—We are much grati
fad to learn from the .judo thlit we, are
really to hare a plank road' to Butler , and cer
tainly no section of the country nerd} such an
improrement inure. Its value to Butler, and MI
the *lmmediate:country can searcely i be esti
mated, butit trill_be such as will surprise even
the most sanguine. The Herold says . 1
4 .Thidesirable and certainly much needed pub
lic improvement is now certaila to be nude. We
learn that nr,twards of $40,000 of the :;stock bas
already been taken. The balance of the stock
•, will soon. be subscribed. $OO,OOO io supposed to
' mu:Efficient to make the road, and make it well.
• The charter his been taken nut to pursuance of
tlie proeNona of. the act of incorporation, and
'nething remains now but to go \ to itork in good
r- earnest and make the road.
°lt is - to be hoped the trustees will immediate
ly,serubont - to hare it loCatcd and tint under
'cnodinct. -There is no occasion for delay. The
importance of the work' to tLe interest of our
county demands that it should be made as epee
darns' possible. We hops the truiL ..... es will
elect' practicer and energetic maim men
RIM Will - pash' the road' through wt all' the
Idtrapt Awn Gott.--Rrrotr - tras en TIM CM-
Ci44Mfi IUDWIL—The MCMA-AdilkieS from
.r.ariperamnl approaChing changes in the eir
6ffiitinemediinm, of continental Eurlope... The
Plethora of., gold in filling with alarm the Govern-
meals. Ito abtmdance is depreciatbig its vs
' uthich, by the, way of anumdmeat they are
nhont,fttrther depreciating by withdrawing it
fritntiPtibliOnirculation as a legal tender... The
example of the Dutch Government is catalog.
Prince is about to follow, and to ake saver
• alum:legal tender. , Remarking on dos subject, .
• ' the lietrYork Post says : • I
Tliii;from the increasing scarcity [of silver,
will add a considerable per tentage to,lall mane
tarylianstietion, increasing taxes, and all obli
gations insetting . payment of money:l while the
.additionil demand for silver consequent on this
chinge and the great abundance of gold, dial
• pricini it partially from circulation; will increase
the existing
If gold ceases to be legal money is country,
'while silver becomes, scarce, seriou3l difficulty
may itereaftwe.he felt in money mat ere. The
move:heat; however; will be coated to the con
tinua. Ragland willretain tier goillera tender,
making probably, some alteration in, the legal pro
, paid:thief tithe between the metals, and 'thus obvi
tbf preseathqlloulty. Gold'ia, lay,far, the best
motel., for . legnT money, though no .indditional
ithrerienie may have the effect of raising the
pricddaf commodities generally. 1
'jda , 'teaditieds'uf value will be littlidiffected by
theillY millions of dollars Of gold corn from
California manually. Its displocerne from the
currency, of Enrope would have 'far ;greater ef
fect; but, finless, England jobs in anch Inca
sun; the effect will be comparatirelyolesa. •
Pieca will settle according to the'.thw degree
of ohnindanoc, and every thing. Would, move with.
While, on the contrary, it scarcity of
tffieet,conabbaed with an increased demand for it,
tram Making if the only thia for settlement of
Irrattptiona, wouldinTolre a momentar, -
9iltcr.being /eta durable than gold', does not
, Mani the wear and tear of. circulation so well;
' and it much larger supply of it is needed to re
' plceiit
Swriaxassain.A (treaty of omit and com
v*74, Poi Tend tithe government of the llitited
liMits to Ahab of Switzerland, ban bona' accepted
by tho lattrie with expressions of joy and grati
n:Mei Switzerland tang in thsheam of Europe,
hiVingno ports, and only to be molted through
theterritaritut of other powers, has hlttbrrto bra
no'diplonsitierelations with then un4e'ld stateg.—
Bat now, :when 'despotism is adrancing with
.overteht • 'az Conic tewards the wenriof Europe,
it is ti noble act on the part of this geat Reptib
lie to ante that noble little- one by the hand- -
She is the:only bright spot in ;all that region,
audit is ponible that before another Year elapses
her liberties , maybe trodden out by , the ruthless
foot of the' Commit. B
But it will be 'owe 'pre'
. . ,
ttetion, it Will secure her some respect, to have
the Stars" end stripes teasing over hoer nail. . In
the following eloquen t and glo - fig language
Switzerland expresses' her emot ni on thin, to
. .
ber, joyful event. - 1
..Although th e different ! tip Lions to the
treaty, art of a nature . to ob the approval
of the Federal assembly—altho glib the treaty,
from the advantages and facilities hick it accords
to the citizens of the : two con acting parties.
must bo 'saluted as n joyful evcdt,lyet it is the
' manner in which it a - as conclude --Xit is the na
ture of the eiremmstancs attend c t open negoti
rdlom-H-it Is more particularly the fact of a
great nation extending . to us b it the hand of
t i ,
friendahip; that infests the ty with a pro
found, meaning and alhigh , moral importance.—
.] Is it not an event pf the utmost impotence and
joy forSwiMerlanCa country so often threatened,
to often attacked, and. insulted with . unjust de
' unindato receive from a Stite which appear! to
be'distineg lika very few, others by Providence;
, to be the bearer of progress and .f legal liberty,
1 toms of friendly affection , and a owed I rit,spectlt
1 :-.4 1111 that through the means . of one of its emi
1 nent etstemnen. . -1. , 1 • ,
I From this ' we: derive the coat ction that, on
the ono band, the position croup' d Iby Switzer
land' mace, hex - regeneration in the. European
family of nations, has been fully appreciated by
the., fret people of. North. Arne .;ca.; and 'that,-
: on 'the other hand, the gave -Matt of the
Unith perfectly ,nelmowledges he: importance
of 'the ' relations which 'should exist between,
thetwo States. And, in fart, ram the extra
' oidhittry extent 'of ; the ,comun lal ; relation!, .
from the connectio n s resulting 4 .as. emigration,
from Ithe .alianaritypf political , pinions mul, in
., to de i tiet t ot bocomei a necessity , or, both States
ter attract "each other, and endea or to preserve .
istrtighten the bonds of fries , ip. ;bummer--
able ties' connect. the ancient , g Mideracy with
-,tie mighty land' floarlitiing.repu lidat the new
world; nor am America re .. ' indifferent to
the fate of the ancient balwark . ' liberty in the
t.... ~-,,, 1 , 7, • ~.,: i , • , at
..1 5 1VOALIZTV THE itipHilrr. 5 ., f',,
ealthouiiilche tad= of .etait37 iliaintsrby
the Allegheny' riveLhas become, within • few
years; famous for & iron manufactures; end ha
itiewsmsed r greatly in population and prodadtins
Indrisiry, yet Its resources are by no means folly
-developed. - At present, it, is Languishing. under
the unwise policy of the government in refusing
to protect its enterprising, but not yet wealthy,
people against foreign competition. No new fur
naces are being erected, and many of those erect
ed underthe tariff of 'EI. are out of blast.
The extent to which the manufacture of iron
might be carried in that valley, is almost beyond
limit; and doubtless in time—for this folly will
:not **persisted in forever—it will become one of
the greatest sources for the sapply of this most .
valuable of minerals. on the continent.
The Brady's Bend Company is still struggling 1
on against foreign competition in the manufse
turUnf railroad iron. They get a little higher
price than is paid for English iron, but it Is n
better article. This, sad this only, saves them;
but yet it is doubtful whether theyt are making
any profit.
Th e R o gingigill at Eittanning—an admirably
arranged establishment--is going on, and proba
bly making a little; hat it is well managed. It is
the men whs.:lig the 'ore oat of the hills, and con
vert It into pig metal, who are suffering most.
Kittanning is a thrivindtown. Its population
was more than daubled - darine the last tee years.
its .
It is very pleasantly situated, rind bus fine radii
ties, for manufacturing purposes of almost every
hi n d. ..s. spirit of enterprise bas sprung up. with
in a few years, which will carry it forward in the
march cf improvement and progiias. 13g,t es it is
intimately Oonneeted with the ironhusiness, now
no depressed, its prosperity Will necessarily be
l retarded to.some extent. 1 .
The steam bd;'t trade of the Allegheny is now
very considerable. ITLEP bys•'neas a hnek, it
employs some half dozen boats, Soma of which qn-. Warren; many to Prank Jim These boats
are almost alwayo crowded with panengers—
But early in the outrider, the water generally
becomes too low for steamboats; for not a dollar
has crer bees appropriated 'to inaprore the nasi
potion. •
A system of dams &clinks,. making n slack.-
water navigation for ateambeats.exiending from
Pittsburgh to Clean, It, 7., where it wouldmset
the New York and Erie Tail Road. and the
Genesee .- tallcy Canal. would maltethe Alleghe
ny ono of thetreateat thoroughfares in she coun
try, and we Wok it would be well for the New
Yerkersta thbakof this matter. Wore that done,
merchandise could be pit on. board a bi;t at ,
Olean, nearlY - one hull:lre-I miles east of Dun
kirk, and landed at Pi:tat:ugh. cr, Cincinnati, or
It. Louis 'or It Paulo, or Independence, or
Council IlliuTt! It would open into their own
State, and to ntthin n few hours of their con;-
mercial metropolis, n direct coullintnication with
the twenty thousand mike of unbroken steam beta
routes of the Mississippi Valley. It would open
a direct avenue-of intercourse between Westeri
New York and Western Pennsylvania, to theii
treat mutual advantage; far their natural char
acter and productions are very different,• and
such an avenue of trade would lead 'to a vast
amount of exchanges. At presentwe con scarce
ly get to each other at all. except by way of
Lake Etie'
Now, Whether a elackwater navigation an the
Allegheny would be a better improveMent than
'a rail road along its margin, is a question open
for discussion.' We think the farmer would be
less expensive in the . first instance, andtvould.
perhaps, be a cheaper mode of transportation
whetreomplevd. But either the one or the oth
er of these improvements will earn be iinpara.
lively called for. not only by the growing impor
tanco of the region' through which it will pass,
but as another medium of communication be
tween the east and West.
. .
The proposition to repeal charters. that truly
„ .
locofaco idea, has elicited no little debate among
the members of the Contention, which they ot•
caaionally enliven whiz little fun. ' , .
MeStanbery. a whig, is quitting Mr. Roams
, I
lin, of Hamilton county on hii desurcruey:, ---- •
Mr. St.anbery.—l - ma e this•supposition, be
cause the gentleman fro im
Hamilton kas told tie'
that be has a'`.hely horroaof all corporation*
I was mud/ surprised wile the gentleman, fruit
Licking [Mr. Case] told . this morning; this
(the gentleman from Hamilton had selected bis
quarters in the house (the Hornet) owned by a
corporation. 'I 'mead almost as soon have ex
pected to hear that he lad taken up Lis abode in
a den of lions.. Who tiould have dreasst that
his demcvsatic tread should eserhe hea rdupon
the marble doors of that incorporated palace: I
can see him now in those saloons deaorsted'wi
more than oriental splendor—regarding his dem
erratic feats es before those Tact minors
" -In which he of Gath, • •
Goliah—might have viewed his gbint bulk
Whole without stooping—towering crest and all."
I can see the gentleman -reposing his democratic
limbs upon the yielding velvet of those incorpo;
rated ottomans—basking in the glare of those
erystallampa, biasing with many a row of bard•
ing cressets, and yielding -light as from a sky."
And I can follow him a little fierther,—when he'
takes - his Brat at that incorporated table ; and
Linda before him an incorporated plate, an ineor
poratedknife, and an incorporated fork-sa silver
fork 'at that, with as, many prongs a hay-rake.
And I can ieg.rri Limrstill a little' further, but
with less surprise. i can see him ,dritrk—
' Mr. acesaelin [kaids. seat.) Homo male . Ca-
Mr. Etaabcr, - ,. , —cf that incorporated brandy;
and although he Los always insisted that corpo
rations have no soul. I think, by this time, he
must have.found out that they have tome' spirit.
Mr. ReemelinAin his =eat ] Has the curtain
dropped' ,
Mr. Stanbery._ I wont follow the gentleman
into any other of the incorporated .plases about
that hewn. , • - •
Mr: Reemelin ' [rising.] I would' say to' the
gentleman that he do'it know what democracy
satans-that it, is one of the first ideas of a de
mocrat to list" upon the Lest whisk the country
afford; _..
Mr. Stentery, Yes, if he is a rich roe.
Mr. ileetr.eluh 1;o; if he is-a poor one, as
well. ' •
Mr. litanhery. .1.-shall pursue the gentleman
no further. • / was lad away into an.er4.o-4e,
which I could not help following a little.
Vif SZ Ioi.ZoTELAI/ON.—Tae warla is vary much
disposed so laugh at the eccentricities of the
Palmetto State, and some, of,lier most losing
sons abroad; who are free of the infectiar.a spirit
that aelicstes her mercurial anti impulsive pee.
ple at home, honestly confess' that a great many
foolish things are -said and done by her, really
prejudicial, to her character and interest. But
yet, South Carolina is in intention, at least, true
to herself; and although she has beedipost stu
pidly blind to her real interest, by wasting her
time and energies in the diseinreiun of fruitlepl
abstractions, rather than developing her natural
resource., and giving employment to her populiv
lion, it is an infirmity. exciting our commlssern
t;on rather than our contempt- The vondnat .f
her loot Legislature affords an apt Illustration.
A great many silty lawe were proposed, and ex
travagant and ridiculous sentiments uttered by ,
aandry.of her jejune jegislators ; but the larger
portion of these laws were consigned to the ob
livious fate they merited, and wh en they served
the purpose as intended, of safety valves for the
vent of surcharged steam, they were-laid aside,
and nothing Were heard of them. Among all
this legislative trash and rubboge, r there were
some wise and judicious: Measures adopted
among them, an act. incorporating the South
Carolina Atlantic Steam Xatig-ation. Company,
the object of which is to encourage a direst trade
between Charleston and Liverpool. ,
The capital stock of the company iv $250,000,
with the power to therease it to $1,00,00, in
shares of $l,OOO cash.
The pioneer stcams.hip of the line will be on
the water.tort' nearly by the lot of July next.
On the completion of this, the State appropriates
o sou equal to the building of a second. The
condition of this aid from the State, is that the:
vessel shall be of a quality fit for war service.
and shall be , at the colt of the State on payment
of the original cost.
The Mercury is exulting over the prospective
prosperity of Charleston, and indulges in the
following gratulatory strain:
"The line of steamships now projected, re
moves the oulfebstecle in the way. of the re,
.toration of Charleston to its early comparative
inipoitanie among, ho cities of North America.
nod that implies an amount of importation greater
than our exports, while our' N-arable position is
sure to give to this route, a large portion of the
Southern traveling - custom. That there is thus
broad and "cure foUndation for success to this
enterprise an a commercial undertaking, admits,
we Wait; of- no, doubt." •. •. _
w e would here mention, what we have- done
in another paragraph; that 'all the stock offered
In the citizens for the .ionstritetion'of thn Etat
vessel was tett% hp inOharlVsteri:arithOut'any
effort.' 'This is doing verf irell` with
about one-fourth the population of New Orleans.
O. Con. • • , .
=Ulm Fp: ;;;r4ll
iheree 514 lalaildrytihtFlthetanding the health- atteilfiEsl3BllBlll , 446igggyak
tam of the climate, ere becoming rapidly de- flu ,
r alided, the decrease beingat the reliant about t. ~`!!! ! . Y :!”. . s` eluv"" when •Pi‘l'd or lht
. •
' eight per cent per :Arnim. In 1849 the popuLe
flan ABS 80,641. When Capt. Cook dincorered f' • •Br AlitTlllll J. 5 ivviceitur.r.
. ,
a a a , a f a i a nda, some 7ff.or SOyearsago, itda,sup- ..-... - ... ,-7', . , _ . 1
- lad the poputrition was form times as g - reat as . But I once had an oppriittinity far more tar
... ~,,,_.,,, • . • ,-
._. r ,. _ ~'
_._ voluble, of beholdingthia greateat a men, un- •
it is err. 1 B ottheelee '' ntrwuced e'Y t ' utt 'l'''' s der circumstances the best osile, for xibit
„ad the effects of 'gross licentiousness which for mg him to the fullest advantage. ' It waa o
a long time characterized the intercourse be- I vilegt which coublhappen hut:once to any man:
! :Lad I esteem the hour when I. enjoyed it, as one
tw l een them and the seamen. who visited them.
r k if . r .w he b i ri t fli r t e r , m t em lio b u ra rs . l e was .et ev i er,permtd to
caused a rapid diminution in the population. It
seems indeed that the physical constitution of I my mind—Years have not ditanal o rt s t ' h iv e . vr . t Ore
the whole people is affected- It was hoped that. scene is yet before, me and I need nut say wick
the introduction of Christianity, and the habits • what force repeated public occasions of a like
of civilized life. would arrest this decrease in kind., have since recalled it to remembraime.-r-
Tem it wasemy favored hat to 'tee and hen Press !
population i hot it has not dune it. It is nut 4 . ' , • ' ;,_ ” ,
i,L lent P. ashington address the Congress ov the ,
1 United States, when elected for the lasi time,-,
that the mortality is ao great, but the natural
increase is so attitills.-the average number of ' ormen non ; !Jame, how f ew can ~ y t h e ~,..e ., ,
.children to each pairiming not more than hdlf of I was a seta-Aboy ot the time, nod hod lois!
what it is with no. I lowed ace of the many groups of people, whd, .
.... 1 from a imartcra were making their war to the
Should this process of depopulation continue, , 801 l in Cbesmut street, at the corner of Fifth. 1
emigranta from the United States will take, the ; wliere the two Hooves of Cungresa then held 1
place of the.natiscs, and by and by annexation i their sittings, and where they were, that day, to be ;
will follow. They are capable of sustaining a I addressed by the President, on the opening of
large population, and lying as they do in ii line l; his second
° w n ri d r o Zi ' i ' - f w d6 ny " tiira r. u;a c rr:n:tre; 1,
between this continent and Asia, their eoramer
' Lan men can; at all events, it. BO happened that
vial importance will aeon be very great. 1 I succeeded in reaching the steps of the Hall,
...- from which devotion, looking in every direction, I
. .
lusalaalier. sae BAD Taste .— There tiro few I t4onld see nothing but human heads- a vast
things more offensive to amen of good [WOO and ' ductuating ;• . ca, swaying to and fro, and filling I
• eled ' every acces-dife place which commanded even a 1
distinct view of tliff building. '.. - They had con- I
Fight feeling than that of `.taking some sacred
trath.:acntiment,, or, expression to give point ' uegated, not with the hope of !getting into the ;
to a silly jest. To show what we mean, we clip ' Haiti for that was Kole:illy impossible, but . that
the following from an exchange paper • ' 1 they might nee Washington . ton• IlanY an anxious
'lank was cast in the direction from which he was
• Pa," :aid a little fellow the other day. IVltslft
-ngt, the op
hour, rhe r was the most punctual of men)
expected 'to come, till at iP h
• Jab an editor !" 'Why Sammy S" the !
Bible says he had math trouble, and was a man
of sOrrow all the , days of his' life ! 1 Pointed
of was observable on the °alai:l .- TN of
The Bible says no such thing. ifs whom the I the • crowd, which gradually opened and gave
I space far the approach of au elegant white .
Bible denomirmica 'a man ofsorrawa' was great - I coach,' drove, by= superb white, horamayllaving
er than Job. The fellow who perpetrated Shit! on its four side,, beautiful designs of the four
miserable witticism berroyc-J al once hia
ignosiseasons, painted by Cipriani. It slowly made
ranee and his profanity. • i its way, till it. drew up immedirdily in front of
i die liall. Tiac.rusda was now tremendous. Blot
• _
,3gNNT LLID.—The udirdrein of this charm- ! as•elle coach door opened, there Issued from 'it
Srg songstreis lan irocara her portra , „ i tr,igentlimen. with long k - hite 'wands. who, with'
one diftculty parted the peoples so as to open
sanely.' enecuted.' tit dlalroCs' Literary
a passage - from _the caninge to the steps,. on
oor raeet. wilieh the for tunate school-boy had schier.d • n
. .
. .
, -- 1 Petting. and I.:Leuze. tire whole proceeding could
Era — Ml cork. rbe distinctly seem As the person of the Presi-
We recently attire, to the fact tenet the sear- I dent emerged from the carriage. a universal
d ey o f z eer a migowee eee i o eo 3 . - felt at the I Arent rent the ale, and continued. as ho very de
! e nsue a - seen:led the recite. 'On reaching the
city, oleo sou ht for relief at the D. S. Mint, by
New reek Fast Other. The Toetmexter of thate i platform -
. heputtied. Melina later on the ear
carriage. time aderding to the enxiety of the
asking for geld dollars in. exchange for coin of I people. tee iulalgettee they delimit of feasting
haler l ecom e eth , fi e , h oe reee i ee se the following I their eye., upon this preen Never did a morn
Miler on the seiteect ; , ' majoetleperaminge present himself to the public
„_ , ; gaze. Ile we, within two feet of me: I could
11 . 7 `" CT nI, I. teal:: `'..„.."'..,' C ''' l. i bare touched his clothe: but I should as soon
• e 4 WIWY ''' 'ye"' J I heye thought of touching toe electric battery.—
Sta—l have had referred to me, a letter of 1 Hoe, as I wo ,„ . I felt as in the
poe ... thoe
of . di
yours to dee Post theca Department, in : which oiri .l. y
A m to
It , he enter the HMI, the gen•
you refer to the want et gold dollars in year of- demon with the white ' wands, preceded him,
tee, and suggest your desire to diehrege for them, i and with still greater diffiCulty than_befure, re
'to the Mint, .ttmerican coin of the larger denOtal- pressed the people, and cleared a way to the
nations. s •''great et:lire:lse. ' A;;; he aeceeded. I ascended
Having beet requested l Department ey the Depament to I wi th hith, top by step ,
close to the
eedgess myself to you upon this topic. . I have to , troth ow, almost iiiihio r i by th .e'z,..
i ,, i. ,
state that sot ceeltange each or you propose,
! No nods looked at me; everyeniedy was looking
would infringe on the lundemental purpose of , ot. him„ and thus I woo portayteitn owantiotd, to
our organization, which is to coin into the nn- glide along. and happily eta: make my way
tionai currency bullion not preciously in that , twhoto m, many were vainly l onging ~,a aag _
shape. ' gling to enter, ) into the lobby of the chamber
I can think of but one mogul by which, Mn " f the Home of Itepresentativee. Once in,
perfectly regular manner, we could furnish y o
ou wee 'enfe; for end I even been tteen by the elli
with these cane, which is, by the Treasury
, , eel's in atteudance, it would Mire beet inipossi-
Depertlemel, arsaing on oar bull ion fon ' n 9' r : tile to get me ore aptine I sew ;tear we alerge
the requisite sum., pueblo jo gold dolls e. i pyramid:el =love. wbiell, fdrumetely, had hut lite
I . auggest that method, however, with much .
; tle tire in it, and on which. I forthwith clamber-
Teiuctimee, because we haTeAare‘"lY -a drill. I nod. mail i had obtained a secure perch, from
culty in meeting the regdlar • demand for these 1 which every part of the Hall could be driller:
cones, and•beesuse, farther, et would involve the , „toy and distinctly o „ reosa Depend upon it,
dirainution of our bullion fund at a time meet 1 I made toe of my eyes.
unpropitious to our depositere. ' On either dile of the bread Male that was left
The difficulty in regard to emelt change has' vacant to the centre, over tossembit3l the two
grown entirely out of the variance in the value
of silrer, as compared with gold by which it leas 1 lioness of CenTs'ees As the Preeideut entered. rtll
rom, and retrainee mending. till he hod linen
bo....ome profitable to heard end expert the most
iled the eti,tor; at iiio wryer curl of . tho
valued metal, silver, and employ' gold no .o Peef' and taken hie seat on the repeater's cheer. It
ereble meth im in the payment of debts' It is , wee in impreeeiye moment. Notwithstanding
evident, therefore, that as long es the pre,ent, t e et o re lateen, specimens flour , lobby, pile
relatian of th e two metals continues, the present nee, 'and all approaches, were crowded to their
scarcity of silver will continue unabated. it is
' utmost capacity. not it sound One beard; the M
elia no clear, too, that. the 'Mint cannot furnith 'lence of expeetatidn was unbroken, and po
llee remedy, since the silver deposites which for- ' found . oven ., boo .,
w , , ,,...,
ofi„ , yoodoli. . Ho, wan
teiskt the material of our epipage nmet
' dressed in n full suit of tee richest black velvet
to diminish. Considering titsete feet', 4 ,'P e ',W2 I his lower limb, in Inert (Delete, with diaMond
`lo inn that creditors, and the I' s ' I ' iU ,' ° '', ' 01 ,,, 1) ",. t knee buckles nod leleek LID: sta.-kings 'Hit
limits . ; will .feu smsf sii.sisnl s x.. 9 l9,',.. ' n ,_ "' ea .' I shoes, which were brightly japttheted, were ear-
power ie . / 613 0eUleereerlAble any ceul''‘w pay- mosated with large square alletr hackles His
Meat of debts whleh'itondl aeirdittlibeleePFedr ;hair,
toSefully:aimpia,yrd in' *e s- manner; of the
KM dote 74 ,atiiiiptoi' ,6 f uinkn4;thange cc day, 'was richly powdered, and gathered behind
certainly nnt - Painiteot I :{ilsor-. . „ ',, ' I into a blast -ilk toe, un which wee a how of
' /Jur coins are corµle, letel telestere ..... the I black ribbon lu his hand he eieiied a. cocked
amounts en their face, or for boy Militiplr, Or ; e e l, eecornted with the --eneetican .aadi , , lie
those =omits. But there is ;surely no ti 1.1
e- to l - ware - by hie Ode 3 light, elender dress sword , in
tender a larger piece in payment of a de bt for
„green th „ sTooi , „that" wi th . a richly otho,
which th e Few pros-tiles n =miler Pies ,. A do n- matted hilt. MS gale wesdeliberate.-iiii• man
tle eagle ;' 4. 7 ear t :a n k9 b 0 d' elin ' t if offered to nor solemn Lot sell-rossesved, =dile presented,
pays re coat postage; and if a doehle• eagle
_, , nltogether, th e meet august human f 'nue lined
then ;ley not any other 'coin, except the exec, ' then, or beet sire beheld
half dime itself. _ " At the bead-of the Senate ;deed Thomas lef.
Very respectfully, your faithful !arrant, Berson. in a blue coat. single breneted, with large
R. 11. 'Perenteose Director. I bright basket buttons. his Teo end entail clothes
Rm. - V. IiftAITV, g!. P. Itu: New York.
• Eg • . lof crimson. I remember of being struck with
e- _ v ------- e - w - * -- ' - ' , his aniMated 'countenance. of a brick red hie,
- • • 'THE AGE' =Aar. ' bright eye and foxy hair, no by his tall, gaunt,
Cola - 46,14 inderprdsing steatnehAp proprietor, . ungnmly form, nod squire shouldefe. A per
soya that. be WS then Afp yeiH' he will tarn a feet contrast sent. presented by the pale, re
steamer that ebeel geese. the Aelaetic: s feopeeliore , fleetly , . fare and delicdte figure of J.ames Medi
th shore in a week. :Mails of our lathers what : 'en: end tame , ell, by the Abort, batty, .bustling
on idea ! 'And then to think that it rill really '+, form elides:l. Knee. with ruddy cheek, prominent
cease, in five years, to be en ides but shall grow ; eye, r e nd edit mere Prottlipeut' proportions of
into the full • fruition, of a feet! What. would 1 suelbee b o nd Ir. the teemiellrele ' Wfdels was
Hendrick Hiedeone nod the
,grave icemen who - I formed Lehind the el,alr, and , op eithei hoed
strong their hammocks in Ms geed ship have et-the..Premillents my be/Weave'was attracted
thought, if gothe daring speculative Dutchman, ley the epleudid Attiw if. the cuivier 4 . rr144,,
excited, by Tobacco, and dreaming of that !sonic , the'Spaniatt Antheseitelare the onlyeforeigh 'min.
bark Which matine t fable hes long invested with , ! ister near our infant government. His glitter.
the 'mead of the winds, had suddenly proposed,, • lug leathere. his foreign air tell courtly .bearing
the idea that the atenny, broad Atlantic,'. vith de ," eentreeted etremely with those nobility of na
mingling wares, and. vapory Maul:, and wet cc. tore e fortning who steed around him. it was a
stonns. sr o wild he Creased. at some future period, very lair t epreeentution of the old world and the
in a' week. 'Men Wort immolate-I, or the palmy; new. Haw eften has the lame 'reflectiou occur
days of witchcraft. for .uttering Lime far less red to me steer, on vritnessingthe glittering, and
eating in their flight 'them - tide. The dodging, : now numerods, company of foreign dignitaries
plodding, elowthmeing word woad Meth keen I collected round our Presidents by an inaugera
startled from its • , drenry propriety - by • inch a , tion day, or the recurrence of ow natiOnal- an
. .. ..
proposition - convocation of the beads of feelleg- i envereary.
es, weaddimve assembled,, to take measures in r True, the indisieuale, who forin that brilliant
order to put the heretic-id dreamer down. ' lenSnt, 1 enSnt, are. for the 1001 pan, Men eminent for
Bat this ship will uniontisdly, quo, the Atur. A ; ge ecru! irdelligence. as well tee the eirthes of
dein the given time ; and outer steps will eciett I private life: men who meet, mid* ell reserve a
fellow to divide the honor with her . cal by antTeeordiel welcome on oetee theme and often cam
by, this greet globevrill be girded by a line if • from it the oluccrest regiets: Dot how as the
ships, Speeding with a velociteeetthdreamed of lie personal attaintriente.atl characters of the men
days of yore, from island to continent, and from .themeelves put out Ihtblizi e of the gold and di
promontery to isle • And the Teri ed products of aMonds with which their;geeennenta had cover
of the varlotie elimetea of the globe, will circa- .cd them : And if, oven in the unadorned pres
lete with nnheard of rapidity, and cour.tried I race of hie recce:seers. these de:mullein ['Cam
will tbuotoe drawn nearer to end:h othee i and -per.rile it, t epubliCall eyer, how would they have
people Will more 'and more be brought into uni- faded away and been lost in the chilling gram
ty with each other; and mutual iadustriel late- dear of the public ereeence of Washington.;
recta, and =Stout good will, Mall cement them Having retained his Peet for a few momenta,
closely iii . peoce and brotherhood, Aye not the while the members lammed their cents, the
lusernmene at work - to e.oecener.mete tide outs- 'Pre.eiclent men, and taking from hie breast a roll
lime th • Mtgll . e 0 1 - - the Pee.' I of neneuwaipt, proceeded. le rend his address.—
.. That Melt to letert ttg: rortt eq. His voice was full and. sonorous , deep and rich
' Shall brother be ! I its tones, tree from that trumpet ring which
Aye let Mon doubt rid sneeres they will, the i it couldasetuee :mid the tumult of battle, (and
indushial genius of the world, through the good I which is see/ to hove been distinctly beard
Providence of God, is actively attracting within I; above all its roar.) tett etinecientlyleue t ied de a r
the brotherhood. circle, all the nations of the do fill the chamber and be heard,.with perfect
earth. God speed, the good ships - that shall bring - .case,, in its moot remote recesses The eddrese
the ahem of Great Brtiain and America within' ;was of considerable length; its topic, of course,
a week's distance of each other Wormers Seete I, forget, for I was too young to undentand
them; I only remember, in its latter part, some
referrtnce to the Wabash river,. (then a new
nem, to My ear) and to claims er disputes on
the pert of the Indian tribes Ile read, as he'
did everything else, with a singular nerenity . Mil
composure, and manly ease and dignity, but
without the emallestettempt at display. ..
Having concluded, he laid the manuscript
upon the table before hint, and resumed - him
mat: when, after to, slight poem he rose and
withdrew, the member, rising and on
I their feet until he left the eked:dem
The paper was then taken up by elr. Beckley,
the elerk of the Ileum, and again read from be-
F inning to end. Berkley's emitumiation, by the
; by, wee admirably clear. giving every syllable
l of every word, and, I may soy, he wan almost
the only officer whose official deity 11 is to egad,
f who I ever heard rend well.
This form hoeing been gonetbrougle the Mesa
il hers of the eenatoretired, nee I took ndventege
i; of the bustle to desiend freer my tuswonted nal
I ,presuroptuoue Clevatien. and mingle with the
telieeelying droved. - •
rable by• Dr. Adams in the current num
ber of the Christian iteAlew, we find thu follow
ing interesting : Acta:—
“Ten timeins many Bibles have been printed
since eighteen hundred and four, the year'when
the British find Foreign Bible-Society
ized, as existed in all the previous centuries of
tlui world together. This Statement is not based
°Dionne conseture. -The library of the lota
Luke of Sussex, containing a copy of nearly er- I
edition of the Bible since the invention 0(1
the aft of printing, furnished important data in
authenticating thbcalculation, lt is computed ll
that from the Jim': of the Reformation to the or -,1
pulsation of the - Britich and Foreign Bible So-
ety, (1f04,) there were in °Matinee between 6 I'
and 4 millions of Bibles, and these in some forty!':
different . huipages. Since that time, the begin- 11,
ring of organised effort • for the spread of the'',
Scriptures, more than thirty millions of Bibles ''
and Testaments have been put in circulation, in i
more thin one hundred and sixty languages: and
this in add itionto all that has been accompliched4
by private enterprise. A power press striking: ,
off fifteen hundred copies of the New Testament;
in a single.daY . , is no trifling thing in this world.
of ours. The report of the British and Foreign'
Bible Society contains an amount of information.'
as to the languages and dialects of the earth.'
not easily to be obtained from any other nourtel
Fifty yearn ago the• Word of God was translated
into, languages spoken by abour•two hundred (
millions. To day the same holy book may be
read by • mare than: nix hundred millions of•the
earth's population. isnot this moult of associated- I
charity of great historical importance! Has it no I
hearing on the intellect, the liberty, the life, the
progress, and this prospects of the world'”
A Focr roe Fidutzaa—Dr. R. T. Baldwin tort
recently trade public the result; of several, years
.investigation and experiments upon manures f11:14
the carious ways of tangling :Pro oil diestatea
that the best and speediest ;way ; , to fertilize any .
eon, is to cover it .over weir with draw, bushes,
or, any raw =feria', nik u • ' Campletely to Ski*
it. The issrfsce of_ the Sakti than, reads
coal, darlt, damp , arid •ilose, 04 9P' aW4erPea a
chemical process llke . pittretaction, and becomes
bigblylertilieed:This.Aiiii of feitddlip sum
vi s 3, applied With' interest; Misty sail whatev
er, no matter ktow poor; and the. result will be
I A Shiarrr Mis3.3tm.—When Sir Isaac Newton
nhangcst his residence, and went to live in Lei:
estor place, hi 3 next door neighlsoi was a widow
Loly, who was muchpuraled by the little she hail
;observed Grille habits of the philosopher.
tine of the Felloirs -of . the' Royal Society of I
'London coiled upon her :one day, when. among
other domestic news, she mentioned that come 1
lone had come to revile in the adjoining house
1 ; who she felt certain war a poor mad entleman
because," she continued, • he diverts himself t
+,m the °Meat waya imaginable. Every morning,
when the sun shines so brightly. that we ore obb- ,
gal to draw the window blinds, he token his
sent'in frontvai si tab of cusp suds; andoccupie3
Ihimself fur bean blowing. eoap butiblea through':
'a common:clay pipe, which be intently watches
!limiting about till they • bunt: 110 is doubtless
;the' added, noir at faVorite amusement ; .do •
come and look ut him." The gentleman; smiled.
and;then 'trent tip stairs, when,' - after looking
'' , ,through the staircase window in the adjoining
• ; c ou r t y a 4oyer, .tncned "around and nald My
dear madam the .person wham you x oppose to be
t poor lunatic is. no, other tban the great Sir
non ntori,otoodylito the infraction
n' thin plates, a iihe r tiOmetion of which Is 'bean=
Ufay exhibited upon the surface of a common
Soap bubble."
1111::11 ' 11,01141 WSZITEL
A earreaptindent of the Journal of Commerce, i
writing from Hayti, gives the following account
of • Hayti= Sunday, which is parade day, and
review, attended by the Emperor and his suite:
"The various companies are dashing by on $
horseback, or marching to the music of their
bends. They ensemble first in the Large encl.'s-
ure in front of the palace, and afterwards march
to a beuutiful plain outside of the city, - where
they are busy for an hoer or two.
When all things are in readiness, the Emper
crawl his suite come dashing out, and ride e
round the entire line, when he makes a stand,
out they are all marehrsl before ;him.
lint all that is going on here by no means
leaves the city quiet. Every store end Shop is
open, and the goods displayed more attractively
than on any other .day of the week, and the
streets are full of people going and coming come
with Mules loaded with vegetables, wood; grave,
coal, Ac., some with bananas, plaintnius, sugar
ke., on their heads; some with a few chick
ens; ,some with one thing. and some with ano
They thus eniwd on, bartering, selling, disput
ing, quarrelling, swearing, singing, laughing—
all in the most boisterous tones, making altogeth
er a scene of confusion, of which you can have
but a slightscaneeption.
Dot the great scene and centre of confusion is
$ the market. This Ira large open square in the
centre of the city, where perhaps two thousand
$ persons, many of them from great distances in
$ the country., are assembled, and all.eagerin
*ivies . their bargains and disposing of their so
i Ilona. articles. ' I shall attempt no description of
is scene. s._
. .
Strangely enOlagh, no 1 have stated in a for
mer letter, the Catholic Church id upon a slight
elevation directly fronting- upon one of these
markets. Old gomen who are. busy either in
selling or buying, come along to the church Jay
their baskets upon the ateps--go in and .ciross
themielrer with holy water, kneel and count
their beads for a time, and then come out and go.
on with their 'trading. Thus multitudes come,
and those whisare able to stay'atid engage in the
serrieei fora longer period, aecm to be not at all
disfurb4d by tlieni,norindced to 'be conscious of
their inconsistency.
Atlengttithe parade is ended, the companies
of soldiers, preceded by their music, disperse'
to the various parts of the city, mid-the Emper
of, attended by a hundred or 'more' guards. gal
lops through the principal streets of the city.
,around the market, and pant the church, to his
, residence.
. .. .
Thus with noise and confusion. the day pa-ss
en on.' By two or three o'clock the business be
gins tosubside. and sports of carious kinds be
The boys fly their kites, spin their tops. and
run. and laugh, and shout in their various plays. I
no young men walk. oh ride. or .visit, as they
ugly Freres. The more wealthy hissing fad died
alate dinner, amuse themielves with 'dancing
'or cards; and thus each, according to his taste.
seeks his pleasures.
As the evening approaches. new andotillstran
ger seines begin. The more common and igno
inns pardon of the people assemble in large com
panies is the open air; and engage in what is
called a dance; though it is perfectly unlike what
is called a dance in the United States. Their
music is made by pounding with the flat of their
I . hands upon a dram, which is made by stretch
, lug a akin over the head of a barrel, like r. drum
heads—qtds.dromming they accompany with a
singing, clapping of bands, &e. The noise thus
Imade is very loud, and by sun down you hear it
in all directions.
'. There is something most remarkable in the
passion of the people for this kind of masse and
dancing. To an ear unaccustomed to the sound
there would seem to be ns music in the din and
confusion of a tin or a cooper's chop; and to them
there is nothing more exciting. At the -outul of
one of these drums in a neighboring yard, 1 hove
i tA,
the children that wens passing along the
'tree begin at once to move to the sound of the
tans end hap and wheel and balance most grace
, fallyi as they went an their way; and the effect
I seems mach the same upon those who nre old-.
IMPOATANT Macorcas—turd renderred Flud
Ly miring milli Rosin.—Professor: Olmstead. of
New Haven; has lately made the important dis
covery, that, by adding one pound of powdeval
resift to thole pounds of lard. well stirred togeth
er. the mean becomes semi-fluid at 70'. - Fahrenheit,
and on being melted, which it does at 90°. not
with tandino if melted alone tho rosin requires
300' and tfit lard of heat, the compound
will 001.ili transparent and limpid at that tem
pera are. • As it cools, .a`pellicle begins to ftio
op a ourfano at ; and remaina'a
den s
e discovery of the *boy e. named fort will, be
seat importanoe to those who use lard Lamps,
to lard Ls rendered More fluid by the roans,
. the power'. of Illuminati. incresmel two
s; .yet, after two hours' banning, it losesqs
isnct. on Account of the conk becoming deg
-1 • l'hls will not be unimportant objection hi
lies, whileln point of economy the gain will
oiiirderable, for lard • in worth three or flue
1 As ankh ti s rosin.
o Machiniats, the discovery is Tees import
as it euablesithem to make we of lard in
,' of oil, which is not only a 'sating in coat,
t irbat is of far more importance,llie addition
t • e rosin completely neutralizes the quality of
i ity in the lard. which corrodes metals, par
laxly braes and copper, to arch a degree that
t mitt to apply to anything not in constant
Professor Olmstead says, a thin coating of
compound laid upon a grate or sheet Iron
1 e.with a brash, fet thin as possible, will keep
t from.rnst all summer., although Morel in
imp place.
o soap makers. the discovery is 3150 import
an . lrqpe poun d of the compound in add to
or pounils of common Windsor soap, the q ali
t), .greatly Improred. MA the tendency Of hat
nO p to, grow rancid , when in use, or keep m ist;
is has entirely prevented. A shaving crest of
an oicellent quality, may be made by taki g a.
ca e of good: having soap and steaming it soft
it *a close cup and mixing half its weight of the.
creakoznad, a d working it well together, adding,
a littfe oil or 'Almonds. or any other agreeable
flame, • 1
. . .
olhe ;erne cisre.puund applied to boon and Shoes
deri themlneorly impervious to water, and if
rig lied to the sole will not soil the floor. •The '
erg will be soft and pliable, and notprevented
fr m receivinfi blacking polish. f' • I
or oiling cringes, the mixture of lard 'and
i .,
. ia will IA , valuable '; and when want fur
h vv wheels'a proper copsisiency may be rep
to 11 by adding gheatflonr, or, if greatly lire
- 1
fc (1. blacklead.
No doubt the soap pa* above described riLuld
be a goad bibricniiou for. earring° wheels.i We
hope this discovery will increase the eonsum tion
,of liird, and thereby give an improved mar et to
:the Tarnaer,'enil thus enable Idol to turn hind into
;hrd, and lard into light, and in the mean. Iliac
'enlighten Ids mind, and improve his condition.
In the discussion now in progress in the Sen
ate of tbe United Statea, on the amen ' tof
the patent lows, a good deal has been said n the
subject of 'providing Aline process by total h an
illegal potent can be 'repealetL There is no
doubt that the existing law is fatally defer ire in
that respect; arid that the public oeeurit re
quires the immediate adoption of ram such
In England there are two 1110(1C9 by wit eh an
illegal •patent may be vacated. Every otent
contains a proviso which makes the grant coo,:
-tains revocable by the Queen or any six f her
privy council, for certain causes mentioned in the
proviso—such,' for instance, as if the nt, iv
contrary to law, or prejtblicial, or income tent to
bet„tusjesty'l subjects; or, if the inventb 11 was
not new, or not invented by the pate.teel—
'There is no instance, however, in whi It this
mode of revocation has 'been adopted in odebu
Another and the usual mode of cancel ng an
illegal or void patent in by an action com cnced
by a writ rolled a stir, facia?, founded u n the
record imenrulment of the patent, and otters
suggested to the court sea ground'fur its epeal.
An illegal potent in actually in law prejud tint to
the entire community; for it commands ev ry uue
to abstain from the use of the art or in ention
comprined in iti and dcpriyes every pen . ° arthe
right or libartY ntiicit lle bad berate of i miring :
and using the particillar nit which is m de the
patent grant. For this reneon, enry p .on in
England in presumed to have such an in rest in
a patent for On invention that if he elle es that
it is illegal or void, he is entitled no of Ti ht to n
nirefaciar, in the name of the Queen. in rder to
repeal it:
it is 'singular enough that n llcpubli ta gov
ernment 'should be loss observant thn - at of
England of the tights and interests of t c p h
lie. Yet in regard toehene patent moo polies;
it is undoubtedly true that the tendency f Con
grennionsi and Judicial Legislation in th a junk,
try, of late years, ha: been to sacrifice t e pub
: lic to the patentee: to adopt new niul tm elude(
rules in favor of the patentee: and! to iatroduce
ouch a general laxity in the interpretation of pa,
I:lentti that a patentee': privilege, instead df be
ins a matter of reasonable certainty ou inspec
tion, in the majt vague and indefinite of all sub,
binary things. Po with the coo facia, tinder
the act of 1793 the American public enjoyed tlie
protection of this writ agninot illegal and void
patents. Far no good reason, it was ramitird in
the act of 18.46: and now there is no process
litiown to our law by which tipatent can be teat
! ed until a suit is• brought by the patentee him
felt. This in an advantage over the public which
the patentee ought not possess; and we hopo
that Congress will ado teems remedial legisla
ton. The giant monoliolles of the Patent Office
require watching; and:the'rast Powers vested in
the Commissioner call for some. speedier and
more satisfactory process of testing his judgment
than that of an action by the patentee.
Of course it will be difficult to recover for the
people a remedy, or a precise ; of which they
hove beenAiiiriv .„ Patentees now form tut in-', '
il itentiol and wean y claw; and . it is their inter - '.
est to make their e elusive privileges illegal or ,
otherwise, as secre as possible. They wish, j
of course, to retait the liberty: of selecting the !
time and the torn of adjudicating their suppos-
ed rights. They h ve their agents and attorneys,i,
permanently retai ed for official and legislative,
as well an legalservices : oud the whole class ,
will be active an d clamorous to prevent any i
change in the exisOng lawn that shall be merely. ,
beneficial to the pdblic. But we think that that I
the I,eopie are stronger than the monopolists,
and that they will insist upon such reforms in
the present cv ---, ---, indispee-ible to .their ,
reasonable • ttortions that
are Prattif.
ruts, wfit I
hog W
M LII/It. k
lees turn
. .
bents as in the cape of our friend John Smith.
After a convivial meeting, DT S. was sent for by
It younglady wholwns fond of a sly glass. Up
on being left alone with his fair patient, be telt
her pulse, hut ling to his potations,
himself quite inc pable of counting it—uncon
sciously muttering to himself, as he held tier
wrist.,-"Urank, v i.y. dtunk." It so alarmed the
young lady,, that he fell upon her knevi, anal
implored the dottrels secresy as to her frailty.—
Figaro. - , ,
Tilt NA 'WU, DI ON'z WANT TO DE Ili-&,V.-.-111
nue of the tck ra lowns br a neighboring 'State,
where it is t C f7I stem for 'the district school
teacher to 'bon i round.' the following incident
ocrred, aid it ouched for by the highealt au
thority. A year r two ago an allotment: being
made in the unto manner for the benefit 01,tho
sehooi mist ,A. i happened that the proportion
i ,.,
of one man s j;st two days and a half' The
teacher sat . own a dinner on the third day and
was he,girini ~g. mint when' the man of the house
addressed b r as follower
' "Madam,' I•su so your boasting time is nut
when. you' ,h ave ea tan half a dinner, bbt as I
dont want to he eon, you may eat, if.yon &ease
about as much a usual ! "—Burlington Sentinel.'
• • tot the Western States became
, .. inflammable gas spring, , Wi.b.
penmen!, he inverted a boast:rad
gas had acetnnotated sufficient.
t. n 0, boring agitates hole through
ally applieda a babied candle to
eat tbat was seen of him be was
• top boas out of an adjoiaing m
ad descended headfirst. He wee
• Game a sadder, wiser, and moddh
A gentleman in
the prhprirtur of a!
inn to Mittel:lll
over it, one When
le vented himself
the top - phdtaoph t
the whop Tho
htelme• Inci of •
nal Into which he
rescued and Carrie
er man.
urban Residence for Sale.
Desirable 8
and slant minute' walk Cram tha
The lot la 140 feet front on Park at,
men,. In Allesehrny
markrr of [hi. dlr.
/ 4 to an alloy—containlug neatly tow
i• Founded ou every Ado by.
rurathag tuiL 2.5.2
sen.,l g.unJ, and
adornetk vitL
marl,' ales. I.te,
* of 72. and rontains roartn.
n front of ,50 tirirL
atidroo7tdnr.i.lile manner, and bas a fire-proof rpof, and
contains ail the Lantern convoctir• Two pumps, with
au Illlfalling xlapply of bant and soft water, are at the dte r.
tin the precollwe :Ito ooze...say Out bulldingth stable.
earrhum Ito; I , :i i tt. The grounds.. laid oat mostly as •
lawn, novered Oa eke fruit trees. erergnams. fluwerinti
shrubs, co h., ects,ries, ra.nicrricate.. and • strusll
garden. The fruit I of the best kind. and the trees are In
Weir prime, and yle enough for the woad of nu ordinary
[amity. The ration rn of We property. as to salubrity and
I . condo mbined with cunticulty to the city,
I. not surptowd by y residence In 11.1. rteinit,., It has
a ries ef the Ohio I iver Po. weer a mule. of 'reoperate , .
,it e, South l'itob h. the city. We two dreg, nod tits
hills aronnit.lonnitic altogether • runnshout .hrlanl.l.l of
which the eye nu, wearies, lieery boat which enters or
depicts from thc p p I of ritoburgh en the Ohlo, pwase s ill
foil vie . ... The re.i, enc. nodground. are also comPfetelf
lannovatire of duat_ eo destrortiTr of
I EL, and knurls a retirement rAx quiet
tN Iv route quiet unit Iv the FouOtri.
ioid at a haraaltk. kwl ro , a , aipo Clcev
Ettyuire at the Owlet. otho , ,
, :ri
ratoossd ft,' nni
ronafirst and sSlltst,
and 2.'1(1
Tile prupert ntll Is!
vt. LI, first r April I
: .d American HardwOxe.
No. .1 . 29 Wood Street, •
Reimteer "'4-P-4
• ea.trrn eithm,
Agency. ,
Oe priori,* 'of
strPAiurin4; tbe Fonth.n(
thtt+burgh on 31a pit
to any 4nrrnrios cf. bur
1141p.1 to Ills
; CASE! r • ,
*lf with r svunwa
tL~wor Of r7r.r4tes,
ozde Faro.' or
;died to tho' LOA 'mini-
Orolontotod s Trey bod
No. boo AMY tm d. AP
try lo no old lody..ho
viro - Sher told rot that
I evotalnly lone Oct only
Ilnl I do certlrY. that St
Cll2lO to ilia rOtieltodon
troloom. Oo trot o-dirri,
two month olive dm
thkl on cal.
Lb 110
014 1
with Math ems en Fad
mil ,r
...: 4. .....• WU. I. kclieve,sle• has.
Mg the Almighty. Imes Cured by Detrolc-
To 2., rem.. , lfulli•
M. Diceices Teemoil COL./.
'I 111 . Awt. 30. ISSO .
02 - Fer eby cysts' et McDowell, 110 ITscel etc. R. E.
kil,re.`ol ciAl 4 p. M-DeiTY..l ) . A. Elllett, Jowrh Dos
gleAl.ecil 7 . r. sa. w. 4...„ An.,.,:bet.i: di. 10' the Dceiew
ter. - • .g. M. KIEL
"ticiiligterii phial twig. lbseuth at- Plthiburah.
lOPARTNE tato motiateli
with 4. Tirol 'Clam. late Cultkr or the 'Farm
Pr Pelt* ilerll4.• &Vt.. persona surisdoa u.•
tx.• •A sty I 4 the Lim r•01.4f. 11 . 7,A,
'IW • ' b.
Corner ef Thifd aid Market sta., Pittstrgh.
( 't NC
o ..
. I
'Mb , Ca ,
to %tore, J
!MLitt.] ..
alto ere I
known to I
and Into I
Bur •
Jr., 0
Ilel W t
0141 e 1..
. IfarMe. vim 1 . ,
and then ~übtj
fed by •is ,„
I. setrr r
31r. 01• Itely—
Ton, the ttle b
rhserd froto Yo,
. A ith ild ,r mlnr
...war , . he nes
when eh , . xus..l
the ...Ine untall
ce Company of Pittsburgh.
lowtr t irrtshlent A. W. Masts. tier 1.
1'1nr47..T.'"7,4,1°,4"""' .11..'"cfa'4"'.
Au is for the ability auf IntrAlift of the
Is of lest In the rharactor of thir throetors,'
'I eti .. of Illtztotrgh, well Awl IssOrishlr,
,• ertn units for tlArlr'pra4epee, intellicehrs.,
11. 4.' (1 llosse W • t„, ..,..
f jii74.. Ilnici, D, ' liity t r il6grilesrs ,' ltA
Ala. S.lllarlAngh, A. N. ti:ter. 1 APahtf
ratennoz—llexl the folloaringrertllhate,
NOTICE i ro cormaroas. .
you can. the trlntaptuint qualltles non
L d noroNly . TOROPOS A LS will be received by die under
, ~..1,44 retampto Ca. Dec.3l. 1317. X rhpaed, o f
the Lek
dayf Febrityy next for the
, i e ., rimitrtietlon of Nine Locke and Da ms In Mick Werner le
." ' lr—i '''''' pimento in . ho ,'''''''" . on •or More of them, and far eletMegtheebanuel of tflaber i
0 . w....e. V. l- 1. 01 . 1 g. nmrni I Du , ' amt the banks of tram lesnlng mar the ttrannel.
• ...Wren me until , . setisfaefloo. 1 gave The Datworlll 211) feet king: and ielll b. 13 to
1.11-11 eilth a tam of W fret In arldtta The lock •
me. Limit...infra of it, and sliepasard 117 I , IIZ E . t i c, be Ito feet tong . dd E ... Ed . , Ed ,
Ed .
moonier I nova her a tesispUnfnl none, , 1.13 fort thick and 10 feet above the ninth of the dams, with
ut3 motto the oeu morning I mire boo a guard well 110 feet long. 10 feet think, and of the Maio
I Mt al the lark walla.
' ' O3 d " P "' ed D ''''''' Y '''''' '' ' i. t o ht
Dams to bo b;iln .4"...bir t. the Plant
ANDBF.V7 DOWN 1311 i and of tho ammeter aiittlenlarly
f •peced and dearelbed In
J. HID]) 4 CO.. , the tents of Sylvan. bottom, o reninalranla, a may of
S o Coo Wool .t. • bleb gill be found with the prop - lob= of
al wee-
MT .4= shy =. hh-P. ~f , ,, PtOce 8 wed.
• .
The entre work to to. onuiprebid JAnnary.ll3s4.
.. ,,, "bc' ~,,,, .0. 1, 1 be retaokti by aratauo/10 wet, and
... thifertittl: semen*. , Ci f is , thje , tall afll be
ta P tlnpri . :l43;ig.! ! ne=inttril Y eash TinyMent.s u M u to
mode toicontracturs ea the ' , cork a valve-. .
The ermaany ....reel the right of areentlng the
darner! .
darner! ber for Ito Intererbarat the early...Oen=
of the entire work. Brattier of the Director.
TII(M. J. &MT,
Sorretary of the Durk TM, Slack Water holiamthre CO.
Columbia Tenn. yatellitllyr •
Viiol.ll{—ilfl.) brie eupertine:
' 10 beta fin,-; for tale by
'''' ... Wg 11.1011.311T0N. 112 &mod at.
l'orrign Exchange., Bonk Nor+,
re,. Bought. Sold S' ErrAirnsmi
116menie al
i f
( 14 4 4 . S
FXCII: v. ‘"(11
3 !,
No. , 84
ill - / 34ntsr
*rood Stltet, Prltablugh.
4 UAW. alas DEPOOII72. jaIGA
Oy Turshr.). IL
Ernorian R NI,r !O.
r 21. rt 14 the Rev. ttr...l'Amtvant,
Allrglieny to ;Joscritric A..
Iwtosr. FAcy. of Itlctcituryh.
rspective, and Painting in 031
is note prepared to give
tun fen etinila In the daternal br . atte! fr a
I art , at nin rooms, In !arm.. hallo •
Purl atrek. ta•twaeti Wo•I
an • on, of luatruction. from 23, toy !....1
it. Char., and other nartirolara ran Ga.
(afternon) at the ',Kan , .
aant Addta.n. ia•.".:katt
• II SALE—Western lot. Stock;
tquik Road Anrk: ,
I.citittan and lantiaailletilegranln
Drawing, Pe
g. t). it 4
os Mt. Ale,lightfir
Atkiusoss'4 uow 1
frosii t,, P
laskurtt by calla,
I.rer to Dr. II
4, I I TOCKS I f
Tullio Cr
Mo.row Itulra ,
lbula euck.:
rrv; .ate rrrt fall rxr,p r or .00n - o
a ran aell at lancr yrice , an um" arn
rl" Blank Pllnwn an: B o ina. cr
goul;. rt,el 114
orrall, 011
of the most desfrible
had at tho of
rru — s,
....haie• to I,
Plated do.:
American BritanT-
ab.. Tea 2rt . ated do.: Plated Boehets.Candleetiett.
tdadtore and Tr ya, Plathl trut lo.t quality Iron' Hal.
once Ronal° /Ltd. Cutlery, Filo, Fork., 2poluto, and hut.
tor Knit, flattt aful tionton'tttlear Fork!! tutol :twain
Tatty Mato Toal Tray, of boo Ilinniughttl ....tooth.,
hialtly ortuUlle MA ; "Mated Trays of beautiful bete...
t l y , A EZ , l u tit , :fre ri•l d :lc r a ' r ' dn ' t i t ' .. " l4 " oV 1 2,:eitillIV
11.-Yu llocutints---Forreo colthrthd Magic Kitchen,
about the axe of a hat, which will mate culf.w. coot
,look, ofetcro. ot our Mug che in a tow minute..
For ti tle
BY I W. W %I LodN.
.....-I'"2 j. COY Market Val Fourth .
if 'WYNN-L. '2l balea for male by
L.) aa:: l ViilAll DICKEY t CO. Water 1 Fond
pERKY Llyi.VlS' PAI.N KILLER-70 doz.
SZSOrtild Eirtd• loft rretive4 and for oak by
H. K. SELLER', Irlult.ole tam ,
laM . ni Wcootattret.
blender* k Co'. BartapsbillE
kuIEY kar+66611116, for yalo by R. E SELLER.,
.167= 67 Wood yt.
TIMED FIjUIT-30.brls Dried Apples;
" •'6 far
.6,666 lb kki Wocd st
ULK f*tit-j-24.10 pieces hog icsind, well .
xstrimess:tor sew by Wll. BAGALBY k CO
UNCII TtAISINS— 200 boxes. Kreieler
• ID
Lbrls for sale by
16271 1 • {fat. MOALXT a co.
jokownEn,-1,5p . kegi 61nstia,,v. •
a- Ja= • J.l. R. 71.019. Baud Cbauth-
VISIV-75 brio No 3 Mackerel;
S mks Poke. taloa, ar •
' , ODA ASH-25 ca. 411 Johnston's brand.
Bale by JAM J. 2 R. FLOYD
- I.IHOWIS-1.50 dos fur sale. by
iam •
The hartnenhip beretogito stettall T 15..-Li
5 hillister end Wm. Mehbatinh e llotler lore, under the
truneof T l / 1 1111.0 klOkOlister a C. 6. boo hens diesoleed bf
the sale of all the interest of the sold lloCo
Onto to carry on th 6 business ander tto nano ofJik. Blair
aCo The semen. of the hte him 'IOU secoollnal het
Nettled hy James Blair it CO, to ltsla only all te In
d.-Idol thereto are repterted to malts ;molt. I
• . -
hitteturch. January 9 . 115 1N , 51T''.. - -Ah •
Qt, INCE the introduction - of - ihie Dew 'pout.
pound. Coughs and Colds are nowt in •horn Gist
use. We will warrant Ur. Iheyeer'e
rote eheeenf Coughs. Colds. Brunchlthh Laiguslthh l ten
thee alai et • :beam. rate than any other medicty eves
NI elides,* all dawn the:haunch and posh. nansetie hien
i. more disogreeable than the hough dealt Thla obvi
ated In this mixture. for It lea pima. soothing' article
end It will cursor wow) wall to refir.d,,lt The eel,
il. toe in favor of tide medicine in our city. Rona our own
citizens shoulteontince shy one of Its efilmsk. • It I t t h,
,wwwwijahh of a regular librettist, and has been heed Le.
lo ho own practice for a; number of pars. rlfOa Wm
most [lenge socrees. I
d a oo )IPIIO t
boot Is [ 1 rens wteube 'lle writs* that
stool night aerate. he hay den
ctic fever. and •
all the di and
:I.MArw ‘ AU 't i‘Ttrolttnnli.'"; d Vetil:mn'arn.lg67B.l7l
• money who had ettitr ' ral with A-ethoutoonl ChrottleVough
tor eight 311131 - 3 has Non entirely oilseed And the!'yeloadt
ra mo l o -Vett t4 sl w geNtler t '' f d°" l= l l= l. l . ratei
thahe thei Pectog Syrup to
goOd argiglei
ho boo
tool It In➢
blooms cam and in the was. of Itegaber.
of hie Wally with the moat perfect enmesh
t u owe or SIR
_Ours, 31tniff t r"; ; In c gr f r nre i
, c. i st Lp i. half plot butt es at MI
1 Cogan, Stott Clatilte Would de well to keep a siPPIT
Shallot. en tosnd a ll the thee. es tt to one of the most
perfect and efticaciowl .mmetlYes eler mmered for all
mug!. and disrobes alba lungesnd incipient in.
CAUTION EXTRA—Woo Swoons will tel Inge. on to
hayoome caw ef the ea*. nwtruso,lint do ma beak
them. UT. rant to get well boy Da. bakom's Perrona
totcr, and take no ether. this will cure you. It him Itt
scree of the moot valuable tilants and herbs of
inn Tterfa
mslica. and compoud by a pleat skilkd th heal.
lug Ott. There tan boto detvphon In thhimedtelne. It lit
prodowlin your men city. and Ito proktietar humus:no
0113 erttig.tes it petsene.ln our own city.lttestlng Id
educable properties. which will be shown to on)" , Peke.
&pitons of acing atm.
Aorrts W/13313.111 throughout the United Staten to jell Oda
medicine. Large diem:mt. will bc made to these who will
take. interest in the medicine. It will yety • Wt. MC_ L
' to LS ageette,beeklesetheevlll bathing suffering h.... 7
.e 1 t by plating to their I hands the genteel. tosik , ine
fa: Long dOnoto die world hes weer protocol. i
Par wholneale : nod hy KEYSER IdeDoll ,
SN.L. Druggista.l4o Woad street, kW:thong:oh 156.15 q 411.e:blutifn
11 D. letters
Area% rt i t y- b' P 'd .
owe Washin;tto 'John LI. BurfoinsiT,Telckner
1 1 ;117 liegaL t rame , l4 , i , h D. gatl. thherSanh,
Ind ',bid pat
io of mine I-
medical blue
iaa and Fr!t
AlLegheny Cotmty,
ot, TILE Commonwealth of Pennsyl
e• de
l John illdenn.,
inrt,k children, of d der• the age of
`er: IL ' . i[s 4 ' tt ' f . AltegettM died .1 rto an Otbe a f
egntle persona Intstrated. gueengt • •
Whets.... at an Orphan.' Corot., held at. Pittsburgh, in
ad for told wanly, on thellith day of January', A.D.-11am
the pOOOOO of Atm McKenna, Adadnlnktris of Tram&
blthenna late of the city of Alleglektioleceared. see Prk
Neatest to the and Court, allowing inter clfa that the add
intestate. by virtue oft certniu ankle sareentent. dotal
the loth day a September, A.D. 1030. between F. Lone..
0. E. and Jacob Painter, of the our Part, eta the
rata Franck Macon. of the other port, died seisd, of and
in all that certain lotar piece of around that& tbe raid
city of Alleglono, pato the liner.. Tract hods towtahip,
opposite th e Northern Liboold of Pittsburgh) thing Li
monbor two hundred end fort y three 141.3) la the plan of
boor laid out br o. E. Trainer. Jacob Painter, and F. Lonna:
containlog In front on Mem street twenty three feet, and
reohnslock to Centeake. Ohlt.,heeintriteete fet
front thereof • two story brick batmana, shunt loren b t4 foot
front by thirty fort In depth, and on th ant., *don two
story frank &Aiding. fronting 00 thlikther'. elle/. The
store &scribed Kcal estate comprialng all the rail estate
of which the raid intestate c h at asked. And prating the
Court to grout her an order to mike male of the mad real
Wilt. with the epunrfanancer, for the payment dodo the
debts and the mainknanta and anent:L. of the me
children of the raid &knout
tow, thensforri ere command you, that you be and appear
Wore our raid Conk. at PittsburAh, on natarday. the.tirnt
dab of Febthary, then and than to allow auk, Mazy
you hate, why the prayer of the said petition ahrold not
be grantol, hmsof fall &t
-itanium!. the lion. William B. McClure, Eau, President
Jr.ige of our maul Court at Pittsburgh, nth '7oth day of
le nuary, A. D. Ibib DANIEL McCORDE, Clerk
C.AMEETING of the Board of Managers of
the Allegheny County Aviculture' fkulaty win be
M et lines Taecen. on Victims: Lay. the Sth of February.
0 nYo'clock 114 the new hoard are nstinestel to
Drag and Prescription Store far Sale.
locum] inn nourishing and Improving part of ,pO,
iltenit), which. Le doing • MfiliMble
fired tor tale upon noon teems. far further sinr• - • , m ,
apply at the Chronicle aim
hasinir n been tendiendo. Mn. Mn.. Warrant. Isle
ofatin . 44 7,'4.-. - acrlggr:grettene==
of I hi , CUM Pieidirterian Church. Smithfield Meet. Terme
and out,. known on applimitioF Win 4VEltrer indemi
or :It the uriool rem. , 1•21dly .
10-PARTNEHSIIIP—.We have this day
, ateottiatoi with so. Beijudio tfatehlterd The tea&
will be torah:toed se heretofore, under th. fenzt of
JAMF.S / 4, 011 d CO.
Oideburah. January 21,1851-1.=41..
VANTED---A Boy about sisentoen years
1 , 7 of arr. to' Wend Iri.a Minted. Varlet, Ron, who
eiroli Ilngllah and German. and to remain throe pars
to I. ant hualuree. reference will be required •
I n 4 urn , at Ulla office. -
.111CFc-I5 easka Carolina CO IT R 1e .. ! . .. r0
TICE 2 -The partnerahip heretofore ex-
Tffing "obetn• "AZ - Whams tasx. woo
vJ op the ISt fkoltint;trylearniai nave& Xtur lag
., will hereafter twortoi ow bv Henri Hollaso
I. rah.= ti aroma, Ha time of Holtman t liworloolo
' • H. C. BOLLILN,
IL. .
;10 1 - TOTICE—A Meeting of the •Coininitte on
totocrlittJotts will be held at the Ramos of the Ward
n Trade. mabortday erralus. the Zkl Blatant. at t o'cligt,
et which tone the membere of the ensuatttea and of the ra..
rn.9 Sub-Cnotoxittren aro YeOntnted to moot to perm. or , yr By coley of the 0110.1 Committee.
t. , 22 BE NJ. PATTON, Chairman. • •••
IF E ASSURANCt —lnsurance on per
to fo l,=2. . g r.
.of 15 sod CO may be elbettod by
1 Lite AP9131913Ce Society, by
sitrazr. to the underviltood.
roe. lord frograt= i eiirgsfirt. '"r
nity . ~,P *T ink u iDati j t
iuy Mout. of WM. A. lULL a CO-
.r4...1 , Recd ot...ectrod door above Fourth.
OLL BUTTER—`2 . brls fresh, in pal
Alorler, in gam, for Kik by WM. BAGALES k CO,
VI Z. Word
ARD-7 brls No 1 Leaf Lard
"*P • " w eriiratlra to
A! IIES-10 casket Pure Potash;
l 0 nu.k. Faleratu, fnr rale • •
4 - ;; ;EG , ,tltg--.ItX),OtX) cpmmon for e i !le by
bris prime roll for sale by
J. a L.ll
Soda Aoh—Price Reduged. .•
CASKS 31cispratts' tient qualitylansa
t) rod Soon ) t a ker? Rota Leh. on land and Dar
lat '. by the goantny anon tons or otorantr
Jorbrit 311TcAELTRKE, Liberty
Winter Clothing at Reduced Prices,
T 'DIUBY'S Cheap ..C4ah : Clothing
lore. Vin. T r literty greet.
1..14 &drone
of dilTieht of the I:ll. ll :rmv , r t surk. to mak.
Pr - ott lbo Alt thee. who neng.good.-fsensambleo and
made Clothing. will Led it greatly to Attie sdvantage
gevor lino will a call, rent birginte will be offered.
RUUMS—SS don for sale l; !by n ,
til ICKORY NUTS-2 brbi foriale.bir.
JUL ,521 wat. 11. JOHNSTON.
1[112:1 APPLES-40 suckA ioi;a:liq
Li .2. t 1 WII 30.05412.1.
A . l - 011N- - it 11.7,A) MI tin.helled, 11 -'3 ,r sale 14
NJ ,in. 1
freeh Co. sale by
BATTING—WO bales fur sale by.
IANDLE u bxs Cincitmati na
nn "21
‘.. A t a
- IFRANFEHNuT!Iac, sole Agents
tor k mato Carty Vk Car Sklar. No. 43. Drava . Oar Yr.
: 00 , York. A o 0 nAyyrtrornt 014 t rea3Y-1.
I)ItEUMER Y, &c.‘— • •
. •
dot. to 'a Extract for the hatnEt•Mohleft
..• 44 doo. eln.tU - - • • (aasintod.)
14 dm. Jenny Lind Sad.", taello oath , : '
'.ll do:. i ' small ratio. •
'ado. crintorta small Sachem.
' Too - ether with a full and comp/eta escort:m.ld of ham PlT
furriery, jun emeised and On min at Yhtladelphiarimoiat
dm comes of Wood atightilatti deeds.
..itoint 1 . it. 14..W1C61R8.11A.11. -
ALLOW—Thirty -barrels Sheep mid 4nr k .
t) Moult Beef ret-vitt+l rattl43. tr) .
jsat es XL P. SIIIIIVRA.
'41310111Y SEE[)-4 barrele received, and
shIESNUTS-44sty bushels received and
fur 4ole by PAITLIEL P.N./11411TM.
.1111011E1) APPLES-200 bushel just reed;
nod Tor .41.• br •. W P Wa..SOS.
MOLASSES—Fifty barrels of oew crop
brecred nut ea tisk by
s,vst, P. PAIUTE&
jw.P. 1.31) ad 6.1 122 .s...cotkd greet
ILOUlt—Secenty tire barrela Family Flour
jr ter...11,d and Gar We by ,
in :20 21.011JEL P. aultrrti.,
RIOLL BurPEß—Tmenty barrels prime
J a4 riaivvlathl for tir
-11 The yortnerthip ltentottii. ..limos rnd. tho am
t .. Vg . tge t ra i te= =WM? LL IL
9 .'factVitle; MAZZIMPtas=
then on .01y, to oath the WALL and to otef We near
,of the okl =Etta all both settlement,. 11- MAW
414. EL IL Sucap will carry ask the saw trills PAD. aid
Itetta, sal be tam to realm LLcolttairs‘ MAW
Value'tbott 17,000.
. mem. wham.) This sal* will =mamma to
Wat t05t....10 o'clort ha the moral., to 2tu
the afteruccm sad enhtta. daily =MU thiscalaalile cot
Joel. Is dit2tated .di at the large seetket stare at' data.
VI col meet This spina. eallsetical at
and dommUe Dry'
ductal actitiag mounted with Um Dry thuds Tilde. mar
be crammed the mar Tmeteasm MM.
trill be dm. superior le any stst atm offeced ra . tult.
emapetldeu tuly rano( tit. Velou. atmecktor
ens. and Ilea. ramllies. msald du well to consult them
o totem., and site. this Auction, ix they may wet
Wr pone Outs. wet a 1011lihr OpportUrdt,
pot op Le asee k. as may suit all purehaserm. • Separate .
r" ' """a A. 11.1112142.2 A. Automat
janatti • ' U. Ltal.
EME!tni ,n,a..X._..
IC„CITNN iBOItA.3I alco,, Nuamt.t..., wonor
No of Ballot street, tatooth Toot and neenal s
Partssalar attention paid to add slant, Also—Dealerain
Flint alas, Flab, Bottles, Sc. • ,
American Life and Health ammo Co.
Agent for l'imbanih, S:ILVL. D. TOWLE,
. vitta aan. taateada.
Pattkpfiletti renteinlax all tarrtfary intsrtnstlitti as Oa
obtaattr.l at Mr ditty. Jarvitf
Dtit borheLqreceired arid
far 14aJe 'by ow SAMITEL.P.II.I.IIIVgIi,
.8-V HITE BEANS-11 burth, .receired and
Use ..1# by= j.n SAMVEL;P. 81011 TEA.
LA R.o.—Twentr tarrels and thirty kegs No.
1 Uri reeelved tar by
det.ifCEL P. 888IT13
FORKS 7-95 dos best east steel ilat Forks;
eicca best Germ= etrel -
as n . rodgroroor tiiri 4 Prciidied cast at..el .1/samara Yak*
Jaltl L. &WATERMAN t 80.11.
D OES--130 6 daa be
, : east d S
o G
teellioesi t.4
gm"" k ? .4. es. wArrthi * SONS:
IaEACHES—Three hundred hushels.ree'd
Ihr nfe bl* ZWEL 91111.111 M
1..' there*" DePoh Third etreet; opposite tth
fleleyiladee Dooh fife rehrhern
Sartain's Moyotdoe
d u o
Atententotalet a meowed, hr M. Soollitrarth.
doe /Wham= •• Moth.. nod dethattere. _
Mather taztoefs U7 ll a itror in
. eow u. arum 4
MTV TIOTPI- Ur IllellllMar Or — LW WU,*
The Mfg Almanac for UM.. . .
No 1 of the American Ilhoolasted nfliket of theirs
Iforele, the cheapest edition over publieheL 4614.
SCYTHES -75 doz. best On:,
do: best Orws Sevthes;,
ark' Car sae by L S. IVAILtaLtS a57.1.4r.
SO it SI Water
62 hunt xt.
V,,CYTIIE MATHS-425 doz best patent
Sauthil. ea acids= ent and ix nwby
7a18::• • L. S. WATERMAN' t SONS
N A l l e S 4 SPl"S T 4 e 2 g• i .r for lf B : l :o l g •
EARL ASII-12.estskr prime for elle by
.1218" 'L. 8. WATERMAN & BONE.
ORANGES -;-20 brls 'met, to afire, for
yak by DURBRIDOR k matain.
!OMAR . * MOLASSES-30 Ude Sugar;
• ;.triu,niteramte
XVTNDOW GLASSL—'Xi?O'brs sued sizes,
MAR-50 brls N. C. Tar far sale by •
ias BonmiDula mazerm
PACK TABBY VELVETS of a a very on
• N rra Fr:T=lh sad 34utst Oa 4
rßumlaE GAUZE FLANNELS-Murphy &
tleld hart en hand an amrtment of abern gtedi
a Bazaar, Wdeb. and &walla do atm. iSkla Jilaanala
Mithhy Sorehttold bestow Meet.) ottotteliter
shore &penmen of their bort...v. 114 IstVte
r t= g elothe . of nor PO= Loltarrq.irit
ITERMIFUGE, DR:lllcLAxes crassavnEn.
T.,r 4.603inV1223''
Lmit PILLS, DR MeLiNE's.cturatann,
MKS for Rae by Jan J. KIDD
"ITIAL CORKS—LISOO grass for sale by
SPONGE -2 eases fine. and "1 bale ears , '
mars. for sair jal3 I. SAID I CO '
11,PSOM SALTS--15 brols for r j otle i g a 60
xi ;as
8. )I , IIANFOILD & CO.,
rTanemators usru t ilassa22,) • .
S - os. 252, 156, and 258, Peart•Bl., 11 York,'
.Xtetvecu Pcatra st. and Borlict2Elt4 •
am on am, us samm morncorr
!iiddnee*.4l2lVritelL'apkt.. ttl
Z:1411W1 and COVE AI . tbs mat "'"" In the Md. nen *C l 3ll '
; Hada old Foidonable Clothing ar Et ,r nin COnEOP I
of rtorE sent by coll. Orden proectly situndett ,
E. IL nil% POW C O, .
. • . Smomord; to Erni" A Maud, 1
01711E130w 'Not ESE SE 4.54, and Ell 5 Pad at, N. Vat.
b 3 2.1 LT N DR IE S--Fifte barrel§ FazoilrF;lour
bris moot= ikaz; lirasdcr, SO btabel, xtr747t
atom Ina mite% joll, remind and Ex min
oat JOILE WATT 4t CO .
the lamella= Baratta:Lea
Itebtmatio ja , ltlinei 11 Y 4
Dal. ,
I J. U nIlt. " rle th d'A Mane D D - 14Ideat cif Lha=- : 1
dee:ta, aied D .
laceideat at the &am'
Trozdalkd by IL White, B. A.; Trlaitr Oak .:
k tattu•ky dd ig, :111starr , Authpil sad Illa=ahhx: 11.'
1-4 1. " 1=1. 1 111...... 7.7P1T . . u fi 114.7 w ,„,,, , :`:, ; 3
WO , ..
' • . Oarner af and Thhd ste. ;.' ~;
E. sauna, 57 Rood 44..04 Walt., FAtialluen•
25 Praia per hank. aca.
Co of and :ilarket strata Eb...eir
Inellantlan a( Oho kind In Pillsbuttrh. • ,
Parsuc..-.John Pinigna. Principal Imamate ix tlia
'u. R. iwmieiva
Prof..: of r....htp,*.44q.
Comptdokon, at
Alm W atom,faetarer oh - Commendal UT.
Thom dodriag a tomplete \pealed of nook
atalgaffplitan= to e•try . branch of alp Am 61.51,
IWrittal to tan lot fan,
',don oo Comoontiol Wpm . McoodarrOdellg
Delman to May a the reaah.ot dty toetthaata, [ deft: :
Thellenstre intro. of band hag fmarrly
1.. y ra levet and tb, at the Mot. Jaetarsta Water 0..'
Lod DdquevorWaybe lewd fire tesa a of rm f
s.—. •
They nolo mdily . fdapted.arth atom pacer 10 WOW , •
=dints, am:
pre¢tmmgird of alanufacturio# buslatez.' ii
Apply to _ .1
. ,
LACES vented : and persons supplied 'et
shattnitics. Innis gm:4er of dab, triermen; woo , - .3.
ov 11:13
a, c .12 Rad ooyr of Ron, 1.3 3,2¢. 3 ,03,
booms. - trtarr. or sr. coacholen..tostlerr,.l3Bllers,
nrdrosr• taw. la,torn or.raomtrr.:lll4=2- 3
itorrec ebtattbe=rks. tr. Lowy born:mod
sod kiads of atiort i
rt.rxer., Mrs alt at Alma mut
FRESIT ROLL BUTTER-.-LV bxtrjuat we'd
Tarsal ' 'bat IL CANYIELD
_FL,!?7(SEEI)--.A"zulli lot
S'JEEP TELTS- 7 1 bale for sale by
An %I. a CAN/MIA,
-mr,eX,. 19 N
m.hrneutzau ;tird, Nein• York,
IEIFeTEIREI I: r r a far att u n
=tad to .toba qdi t cgr kk ...:= 4
cap. sew
n 0,,, MAL. Sallow a74 . 717..avi1iag.;
ana Dnsti
drupaista suramaa i4..laaa Lad
radar). S Gas Tablag. Gana Waralers. Ejagaia
Putout Premium OW Malta; Machina Banana . ,
Tor L 4.1
Knop C.Ta
ou rh aaaa .V . Hat Plat;
rfre ifetlatCa r arc
the . 14s& mad.. to linter.
kinona...od Printed; aW Curtaiti Muslim of varloui ,
' 4)1 " " 1". kre:6olg/Hariati.
Ate 5, 4
- cut- touxi, Market Ali- o
M.rphy t ilureVlSela iskttrja &Het:41.14 tbdo
:=Lrgt ,4. fur r
ilkin " TVll=l ,4 l:l77.i";' , :
ligeioL- . —Cull paid fat Wool by%
,p, ote 31,PUY t ISA jay Lnyor
Al 6
Gam onnufacto.reno. Jun) fres
All ED • FRANNW:-One ease on hand and
in, fa :an to 1.1 6 - t
IaVAINKETLSingIe and double bed, ste2iiin
JUllboa.t..,aib, and cooing blanket, f..,r par kr_ 3. 1
11:16 . ULT.PffikIST- •
FPWEEDS —Three cases amorted Tweeds l il iusi received from saassifttieith.
.Sll .l 3 . l .l tlCL—Tive tons Stanse f?r sill.
MGLASSES—fifty-tire new Ctojti
steatturt 311 ton, and forsentil .,:tr . Gs wgyq
rrOBACCO--a . bu iC;o7ne. twist, receli
H i car s was, st.
BEAvw...,, is universally conceded that
t.=r, •
1 y0u w , ,t .,.. r= l}l:
say ta'att. de tleT. t neglect 4er pritted MOmmtme , Lai
,nett the / e l
orint you wed wo I
• Thew articles sot eatrater preowedurr. ht. IQ
titte " Tor ' Chewer . Predr•:. fut' Z
to the mum Whom amplestou e ertatemem, •terj
mebbtf o r stoma be more curial Mee the me of
border for the sty, es =my of Mew told eto ht•
ma. 34 Chteeer porta Iscuentouoied M wieouoe eteo,..•:, •
ere. e , e e =toot Mgmlieot etach cot tomibty tempt,
jtir pant's tkettetory Ikwaer, for reliKrrilat Wi t cllo ,
On, hair. 15101 la Van hut owe ,
tedee has arm* wilt room it torahs`
1=1%3' te,
rontair tomato red. white or nr,r , 61.1 r,
Abort, room; or minus coke, le RIOT eta
abater anl Mae effeetwar them, snr otna dab.. • jr ,
'ill= n.,41%....i.—xt It redly aDleaWtl to ~'it I.
stare with thl:ernot Vow le owe of the leseelbetene.t
tha ace of Man .vospi, • Qs;
th..tetere, tt keret the Mtn aocath and MS atletteler • ' '
fentb, sod ore Wile to become eheywd. - •
J e w thuters bai Troth reste•— , :test, to tto hair , eitO , / ,
boo Teeth were lute:del es the ereet t ee,.....
the feen but wk. wekeed.,
rent, arse a ware seett.'"llyeee Tooth farce
to tLs teeth aomuif Okiteneeet
1.9) anima a. PLC.. - •, s 4 xx:
par *.
..MW ,LL, to , IL.. tanoto4 . act4,'.
Lai aantaa, saa 31Wohell,
. •
. „
Y. ..