The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, January 22, 1851, Image 3

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    _ELEGRApit. t
New Feet, J.
Cherokee and-Pramethiva;sr
ea to-clay, with_sl,7so,ooo fa
ihrod fro6C
hsemg VS
The Feleon.
.eitee it Penal
, : •.;.!: , Both Steam
• California had arrived at Paw
'eneed -a bears gale.. '
iced at Chagres, and the fetli•
'n the 716. -
at Jamaica. '
ring large number of pai7
, Wesmsoros, Jim 21, • , i
st.-: new Union movement has. been started
here.: An addl. se boo already received about 136,
signaturint, alit. ig whom are. Clay, Foote, Cobb;
4 ,1
Toombs ; , and tephens. TIM signer* Pledge;
themselves not t support any man for Presiden
who le not op y for the • presemation of thi
Union. "Cass Douglass are said to hive re-j,
fused to sign th address.
. '
..1 - : 1 • t l ic , . - . ..
. ,
.. .
ifsentscrros .. 21
~,,214' Jan '
.11r. Situ geot presented a petition
merchants and others of Fhiladelphii,,
praying the establishment of a line ;of steamers'
Wween that city and RtoJanerm.
~.Numerups other reporti and petitions were
shit presented, from the regents.: of the Smith
sonian huttitute,. asking that $150,000 surplus
of interest in the Smithsonian fund, be added to
the peptone ftmd in the treasury. !
Mt. Malign= offered a resolution which was
adopted, to inquire into the expediency of rear-
gajwi tig the State Department.
..; The resolution to amend the roles was taken
pp.: The first to allow a motion to be with
',chasm at any time before actiOn, was adopted;
. and the second, Prohibiting debate on all ques
tions of priority of business, w e ts rejected. ' ,
, ittr. Seward spoke, in favor of the bilk after
which, he 'gave notice, that to-morrow, he would,
at in early hour, move the Senate to go; into
executive cession. 1 '
- -TheSetuste then atotened. - - i
ifousb-The reports from. the standing tom-:
taittani Weis . presented. Nothing of general in-'
testae Was ettbmmitted
.The Speaker called attention to the fact, that'
there were many bills on the table from the
Battle, cotta Of which Were laid over from bat
-Mr.` Dailey. then 'made some pertinent
Inertia In regard to the condition of public busi
ness.. : h -- --___ 1
Afteithe reception of repo rt s from Commit
tees; the authorizing the selection of school
had teethes. found to be worthless, was debit
ted by. Mr. Mead end others. -
Before any naiad was taken, the House ad,
joerned. -
. SE
, • • . Pitizarmtalus, JUL 21.
kdestructire fire 'broke out list evening, in
AChcemi, Rommel ie. Fry's forwarding and re;
ceiving depot, on the north side of Market, above
`loth street. The building; occupied_the whole
distance from Market to Hunter street, which
• was reduced to a heap of Mill!:
• 'The st‘joioing houses were saved through the
untiring exertions' of the gismert.. The More
contained n• large quantity of flour and graN
whisTh ke ylm, seed, lc whiCh were consumed.
e ui r is esti mated - at-vo,oop, which was
only partially Insured. A. man namhil,illm.lllll
was fatally Injured by the -Tolling of, a well, and
eavaral firemen wer6 aLso badly injured.
The National fbebtre, at 'Washington, where
Jenny Lind gave her concerts,' was opened last
night, by-Gen. Welch, as' a rheas); After . . the
performance lied coramenced, the boxes erected;
for the drere circle, gave . way, 4 producing, 1
far some time. snitch' alarm and confusion. A
scene cif terror and excitement ebsued, but
stxonge to (say, .no one was:BeriouslY irdared,
though about one hundred persons were procipi
toed a distance of about 16 feet into; the base
ment beta. .
'After some intemrptions tbe,perfonaenee was•
• We learn from Florida, that Mellor]: of Ke,Y
wadi a Union Democrat, has been elected to the
Dated States Senate, over Yulee;by a consolida-
CAM of the:Whlgs vrith the - disaffected democrats.
, . .
AnotDeX Eldistonts hod for,truited States Ben
itakend 'Germ: is not , yet- elected, Dist will be
this aftensomm Shoongf,illow was nominated,
and enough voted for him to prevent an election.
lids 131218. is now wiihdrawn, and great excite
rAnathor /406 froinipTetsan City irrarninies
that this Democratic Cannot held last night cold
not agree. . Injoint.sessian this mor n ing, all the
emendates were dropped excepting Geliir and
heew);:dit fortheilititte. Gat,at the hail ballot
-1/%.'-aer:r wfilbeepc4,L,
,f I T. LOMB, Jan. 21.
trader resolntion adopted to day, in.Legiedn
tore„ the hd balloting for U. 8. lieoittor
take place tomorrow; when; if no election is
- 424 *plaint session will he dis' solved--;
Gera received 77 votes on Jut ballot, balitg
tiro 7osili,af an election: . : . .;:.- - ,
. ,
T. ritinte, of No*'‘...hiestot, dm, the Gresk
Bileinlautt"night, at thiArt lhtion distribution.
ParEanicruza. 'hp. 21
Illn• um, 0- tater, residing in lirarket street;
whit tau eistsierd at the An het night, died this:
Nmr °amass, lan. 20.
The atimner'Palmetto bound from this port to
Tatan;innick mra bar; and wan totally lost
.1 4 0 ,1 )4 2neDitux and crow were saved. _
linsieturts from the 10th ditittict show Scud.
der, Ilihig;electisl by considerable majority. In
24 district, no choice 3d district, Donau,
!Ng, elected., In 4th district, no choice. 6th
.dbftict, Thais; Whig, elected. 7th district, no
7Lere"ite Ere fee( nine Inches anger in the canal.
Ilufweather Is cold and unpleasant.
Therateasner !lief Juin= Marshall passed up this
• gig, Mr St. Cloud and Trustee posed up this
1 , FifiLADELrlia MARKET. • - -.
, - - . PHILADSLPUIA. 1m..21. ' •
Flour—The market is (inlet, and the demand ,
!,00t shipment limited. Sales 500 bbls 'tendert]
at $4,02, and • some of a bkter brand at
' 1 14,68 <V.blii. Upward of 2000 blds — weet con
by the tire last night, ' .. .
Hie, Flonland.Oorn Mel—No.transactions
\ (=toiling is doing in Wheat. -Rye is
. , and in demand at 70c 11 bu. ' Supplies of
' mi‘couthine Moan, with sales of 5,000 bit new
ow at- Cc.- Oats are. anted,. with isles of
0001niptime at 46e V ho. , . i ,
°Moan:sand Prorisions are without change
imporfaae2Beeds—Clo;er. 'condones din fair demstid,4nd
lots have beep disposed of at 8 4 ; 0 4 ® 5 4 8
-Whiskey is doll, with sales in bltl4 at2so, and
n tifis'at 24a V gallon: ,- , - -
1 CotttniThe market is- stemly, frith sales of
• bales middllog to fair Uplands at.151€414};
• to fair. Mobile and Orleans at Ife,l4}
/ 5 i V tb.
in '‘ •
ace... There is a good reenest with este e 2000
at° # 1 ,,R9 34 es s V bid, foe- good round &top
Ttinialltherti is doll.. Ohio IS held at 106 e,
08 V. tin, , Rye is firm, . with sales 2000 bu at
Mcm. " e';' . '.C°TO is steady, with salts 2500 bu. at
... .. .. . - .
• ' '
'ms New mess Pork is active. Prime
a.,,,i,ix„,„a...5.,„.,. tibia miss at $12©12,
and of prime at $0 ,00,25 V bbL Prime
-.mess brings $13,50Q,14 V ma:. Beef is
Fvitt, tales at $8,60010,50 for MM.
EGG for prime .: Prime mania heldatsl6
II Missed Hogs are better, with tale Al
letedis stCarce,, with sales of old IA bble at Sc
100 kegs4Bin • I ....- -
Whiskey le active, with saps of 70 bbl s Onto
,„____ 26 ital-Wlit. ': - • • 1 ,7`
l i t. ..thl'lS -ftti, with' sales of 1300 gal:list
Other_ . _- .
makes aro without change. .
entinm...-Tbe market Is nimblivd, vithftth
tr tablet KO bales at noon,quatations.
mulct Is more.aetive, with fart*
Irsides 4500 bbia at URI '
1-Grem,Arbeat is bx better [demand, with
fr 0000-bn tendnuse Michigan at 1120, sis2l!"4oo
fit .00 3 4 5 gre ark% 0 bIL COTII ISCF.:Ny; ad in
fatieideiand: Seas of 2000 be new Ast,..7oa.
Trooksiono-4Thl 'Sao Pork is funstr, and otb•
r. deseritdixial,.sdeidy::-$405 of mew raps:at
1111;80, and of sow da.' at $11,37 bbl. Beef
leiat'saltaaor bbl. at *re: 25-10.50
It NM % and %eV falf"Viiiat
bbl. Beef Hams are Sale
keit meats are scarce, with
rut hams at 7;c N. 14/11
.1100 bbis and MO kegs old at
is held at:s l6 @)/ 6 '
able at litc. Pay
sales 7000 Ms nit, g
is Arm, with sales dl
Sic? lb. ' 1
Thatter—Ohdo is n better .ffenuuld.'with sales
atiff9.EAl2 V 100;
Whiskey is amie , with sales of 150 bids at 2C
€:231. closing 'at 2 411 ga 11 .
To6ncco—The arket 'is quiet, With sales of
30 hhds hiaryland t7i c. . -
Linseed. Oil -Th market is active, with sales
3000 galis at 05c.
Groceries— , Suga is q uiet ,
r with sales 50 hhds
common Orleans at I®3 Ic.Molasses Is easier.
with sales 250 bbls at Illc. • Coffee is firm, with
sales of 500 pigs 'o at li f e, It.
i c
stanroise, Tan. 21.
At auction to 11'17;121 hoesbelide new crop New
Chicoos Supt , seild a $8.10a3,70 per 101 WNW* i t "'
Cnifie, damaged. at 1 1.'2.110 3 4cash •
FlOurZ-Seles 400 lei Ei S. hands at 54,64 per bbL
No sales ot city bdil
Corn Meal and R. Floor are without change.
Grain—Sal nof - what 10103'1041,1'nd of white
at 105a1140 per boshe . Sales of yellow corn at sffs
50e. anclof white'f4a ' per bushel. Oats are *slimy
at 47c, Ilya at 75C. pit bushel.
Nothing doiog fa PTvisioos.
Groceries are 1 sndy Small sales of Rio Cof
lea at lie. SaleS of Whiskey at 751 . E,a in hhds. and
bids. i
entersnstt, Jan. 21.
The market is , wit out change.
Sales 900 bbLs tlSn mess York at 810,25 11
bbl. Sales 1000 kig.9 new Lard at 7/e.
Flour—The marks is firmer, with sales 1200
bbd at $3,00. St on hand amount to 50,000
iThis'key—Soles of 231 C 23j ?
Bulk Meat—prices ore 4ls for Shouldero, and
lc Tor Slaw'.
Coffee—Rio is selling atie. 121 134 lb
January 21.
Navigation on the upper rivers is impeded by ice,
land business in consequence is very dull.
i Floor—The market is inactive, with valet of small
'lotaof superfine at 3 57a54 per bhl. Bales of fancy
and cu exp. at $4,37 1 2.4,50 per bbL
a rime aid choice wheat a141:180c
per be. Halm of yellow corn at 40.43. per birdie!,
tacks included. Miles 4 Oais at Yckifilisticr 'hush.
'Provisions—There is a. fair inquiry 4u the market
Pylon pork is selling' t 68,25,18,50,and Mew at 010,75
add of choice small al 1111 per hbl. Halite of No. 1
, Lard in bbls. and tierces at 7c, and of very choice at
3 14147 1.40 pet lb ,
Hem Sates of 111 bales at IHN per ton.
• aka 1000 pig, upper mines, nt 54,35 per
1100 lbs.
Hogs are otiose, and in demand, with sales of 500
;t0.700 km 403,70254 per 100. Hugs weighing 200 pr
o*, bung 4,12 1 2a54,15 per 100.
The weather is Build. There are 7to 71.2 feet
*suer o Cairo.
. . ' JASCAZT 20.
Cdtton—The Asia's news hai been received.
Cotton is. quiet, with farther sales of 1000 bales
at last quotations..
flour—The marke t is quiet at $42.4.1 11 bbL,
for Ohio. •
Com,and Oats—Salee of corn at 68e, and of
Oats at fdo id by.
Prorhsions—Sales of new moo. Pork at sl2€.
$l4, and of prime at $10,60 ',/,) bbl. Sales ha
eon aides at 71, and of ahouldere at' the mole
• Groceries—Salea of fair Sugar at be "e lb.
Arabians has declined, will sales Of prime at
.23 c VI Salm , •
Ezscrios or C'trriOnicksta—The Select and
Common Councils of the city of Pittsburgh, met
yesterday. in the room of the Supreme Court,,
fOr the purpose of electing city officers for the
uunent year.
iJames B. Murray, Esq., President of the Se
lect, end Robert Me 'Knight, Esq., President of
the Common CounOil took their seats, and pre
vious to the commencement of the joint ballot
ing; Sir. McKnight annotuseed the following stan
ding committees for the ensuing year
Pinanee—.Larens, Day, and Bruce of S. C.,
and Garrison, Riddle, Harper, end Bissell, of
C. C.
Water—Kiacgid, Edgar, and Josses of 8. C.,
and Cordell, A. Scott, Friend,, and Lowry, of
streets—Ban ehart andallorrow of 8. C., and
Willock, Gribben, and Wilson, C. C.
police—Gallagberimd Jones, S. C.,ltrid
lock, 2.lelion andlteis, C. C.
Fire Engines and Hose—Kier and Dar, 8. C.,
and McFarland, Phillips, and Tindle, C. C.
Claims and Accounts—llimell and Kelly, 8.. C.,
and Young, Pollock, and back C. C. I
City"Property—Edrards and Kennedy, 8. C.',
and McCartney, Drum and T. Scott, C. C.
Acqueduct• and Canal—Jones and Day, 8.
C.; and McFarland, Holstein, and Cunningham,
hiarkete-L-Edgar and Rinehart., 8. C., and
Black, A. Scots and Wilton, C. C.
City Printing-481 and Bruce, S. C., and
Young, Metter and Rein, C. C.
rWooden Boilaings—Wilson and Gallagher,
C:, - and Hammond, Thomas' Scott and Kaye,
tianitary—Cassell and win, s. C., and Corlell,
Pollock and Shrom, C. C.
Appeals—Kent and Kennedy, 8. C., and
Drum, - Gribben and Lowry, C. C.
. Lipting—Pfason and Edds, S. C., and
Rerghter, and Philips, C. C. war
/ Monongahela Wharf.—Lorenz and Wilson, S.
C. and Garrison, Harper, and Cunningham,
Allegheny Wharf—Mer and Kelly, 8.,C., and
Mock, Diesel and McCartney, C. C. •
Orditu' ices—dtruce and Rent, S. C., and Fllends
Mellon and Riddle, C. C.
A resointitm, making the Chairmen of the
Cetittene, tx officio members of the Finance and
adoPted. : Committees, was reed three times and
The nomination of gentlemen for the office of
City Vermeer, was then announced to be in or-
?deists. 13.,11. Johnston, and' William Algeo,
Were nominated; and on motion the nominations
The members of the Coto:mile proceeded, to
rote; vita TOGO, as their names were called by
the clerks, with the following result
8. TE. Johnston, 31
William Algeo, 14 •
- Mr. ,Johnston was declared duly elected.
The nomination of candidates for the office of
My:Solicitor, nos lao,uninced to bo next in or
Messrs- James J. Kuhn and John T. Cochran
were notnizu' 4ed,*and an motion the nominations
The Councils proceeded to ballot, with the fol.
hinds% :tank:
James J. Kuhn, 80
John T. Cochran, 15
Mr. Kuhn was declared duly 4iected City So
licitor for the ensuing year.
-The election of Superintendent of the Water
Works was neat in'erder.
Mr. James Nelson was nominated, and t mo
tion the nominations closed.
Mr. Nelson was their unanimously elected.
' The _election of City disessor was next in or-
Minim. John Rippey and John Sergetfnt were
nominated,,and the nominations closed.
The following is the result of the ballot
lobo Rippey,
-John Sergeant, 17
Mr. Rippey was declared duly elected.
• The election of a Street Commissioner for the
first district was called up.
, Massts. George iliimilton and George D;ugh
erty, were nominated, and the nominations
The following 'was the result of the ballott
Angst •
George Hamilton, 31
George Dougherty. 14
Mr Bamilton.was declared duly elected,
Messrs. 'Thomas A. Rowley and William Alex.
ender were nominated u candidates for the of
fice of Street Conuniesioner of the second die-
Thomas A. Rowley,
William Alexander, 18 John Stoditart and Joseph-Irwin were mutat
- •
Mi. Rowley was declared duly elected. 1---,
r` Meal electLed.'
"-•.‘. emit or own-Irma. r• • DOMM WEAMMCMA
Meatus. John Major and J. W. ltittne warfin',.. William Murdock, Ebenezer Derby, L. Walter,
namiated•sa candidates fa the oleo of eissk r Ira. Brown, .1. Sprinkle, Abraham Davidaon, J.
of Conimittees, had the closed. a Todd, and E. Willever, were nominated as con
Rohn...Major, . 09, -1, didates for board measurers.
J. W.-Riddle, _stir ' 1 Ebtnexer Derby, of 'the 9th ward, received 18
Mr, Major waslitelmedi May ih 4 ,..*1 - votes, and was declared duly elected:
William Murdock, of, 'the :td ward, J. Sprinkle
wmummanas„ or. 100 nroxosaLiete.i *'(AZ
v• of the st, and dames T,odd, of the Sad ward;
• MeaSts.JOhl9o.w.ens and Willhon ,:iv gt hs iere worn du l y e j ecte d .
nogkia ‘ ted a candidata' fa ttWifie The
TOY food:
' \.— --, f - ;;:'4 e'l aAIT LaffrECTOA.
iZobw Owens, "..,,-- ' r'''' 3 ' 5 , John Btoddirt, 22
William Forsyth , 2
r 31r. Owens sc r u d e o ut a .c.- ,i - ,,i -- ;' " fr' I ( ' mr ll ..s p tod .B dart.' inf ' ird ' : declared duly elected.
WitAitratArtr i lt or Ty e lected . ,
- -- ‘4l4suiL Bnry xi. . m amaturat -sellat tr.
Mr. T. 1,. McMillan was imanimonsly elected.
T 4 5h.... were., :Joseph Bow - tart, and Jos.
max 1111mEtt.
'The rota stoic', ,
Henry °mia4Led' '.' ,
- Gustavus Guralbaeb was unanimously elected.
:mi. • __ -- -----
- ' Jsme ". T. Shannon , - - .
.:. .9 s
' JOrrph Bowman, '.
3 .ti ‘ Earl was declared 'dub, ei ce k t E .
&F. Pratt was nominated we Itq teaser of
the Committees, and was elected iiii - inclattia-
Idmotts. James Scott—and Jena• Fi. cmg were
notolnited, The Tote goad a:fol low James Scott,= .
was dodcwel ,
Stephen Northam., ant* nominated Sir the office
of City Guoger, aid, on motion of /Leafy Har
per, ms elected by acclimation.
wiemmunzu or NAYSCALLS.
3feasre. David Drennan and Jesse Young were
• David Drennan,
Jesse Young, • I
Mr. Drelman was declared duly elected.
Mr. Aaron Hartupee 'nu nominated Weigh
master of the market', and, on motion, WES
inanimounly elected.
Mr. IL E. Mcflowin was nominated, and unan
imously elected Recording Regulator.
Messrs. William Bayne and C. E,.•Gowin
were nominated, and unanimously elected.
Mcsars. Allen Lunn, Col. Diehl and Frederick
Seideetriker, Were nominated.
,A communication urging the claims of Mr.
Seidenetriker, was read.
Jacob Fodder was nominated and unatiimou.s
y slotted.
George 19:,Gardner was nominated, and unom
oualy elected to the above office.
John Fullerton WILS nominated and anent
measly elected.
Caleb Russel was nominated and unanimously
John McKee was nominated and unanimously
Joseph McCullogh was nominated and unani
mously elected.
Richard Hope wee nominated and weeniueoesly
John Lowry was nominated and unanimously
TAX cou.scron OF AUTO WARD.
Wm. Thompson was nominated and unani
mously elected.
Hen 4" Lytle wsan nominated and unanimously
John A. Sergeant was nominated and annul
ntonaly elected.
George Dobbs was nominated and unanimous
ly elected.
Leeky Baler moved that the board measurer
be elected in a body.
This was objected to by Mr. Kincaid, of the
Flrat Ward.
The Councils then proceeded to nominate can.
dictates for the office of Beard Measurer in the
usual manner.
William Evans
James Lytle
Solomon . Rooms
Mr.igvana was declared duly elected.
E. L Er rim
John Creighton
Mr. Evens Ives deflated duly elected
James Mc'Airmen,
John Creighton 2
J. Herron Foster 12
Mr. McMasters wax declared duly elected.
Rowan McClure
Robert Walker
Mr. McClure was declared duly elected.
rein WARD.
Robert Mahell,
James Little,
Major H. Naive,
W. it, Whitnr,y,
Joseph llcerreaa,
Charles Se:A,
Mr. Mabel - iras declared duly elected.
John Se att„
Mr. Scott seas declared duly elected
Lewis Cook,
Robert Young,
Mr. Cook Was deelored.cluly eloctel
Flemming Morrow o
Jame/ Little,
Mr. Morrow was declared duly elected.
John Paisley,
Dr. I. Black,
CaL Dtehl„
Capt. Pratt.
31r. Paisley was declared duly elected.
Mr. Murray announced that the business for
which the councils had assembled in Joint ballot;
bad concluded, and the Select Council retired to
their chamber. Both Councils soon after ad-.
ELIXTION or Cirr °mesas is ALasanzar
—The Select and Common' Councils of the
City of :Allegheny, met List night in joint ballot,
for the purpose of electing City Officers. Tho
meeting was called to order, and Col. William
Robinson, Jr., President of. the Select, and. Wi
lliam Boyd, Chairman of the Common Council,
took their seats.
The following resolution which had previnusly
been pissed by the Common Commil, was re.d,
and adopted in the Select Council.
Inisamuch as the principal and heavy wiMk of
the Water Works is now 'compleited, and it $o in
cumbent on the Councils to me all cconoty in
their power, therefore be it
Resolved, That for the year Is3l, the Staes
nor of Water Taxes -shall 'receives of
i i i3oo and the Superintendent of the Water mita
' On motioulhe Councils proceeded la elec the
following officers
Jonathan Rash, Esq., was nominv ed and n
imoualy electeit
Mr. Stephen H. Geyer, wt.. nominated, and
Inuminionely elected.
Robert More,
James:Roy, 18
Mr. Raiwai declared. ddly elected..
- -
William En'ett,
Jno. Clannibere,
Roland Arinstrorag, •
Mr. Scott war deeatrud duly elected
Sylvester Tyler,
Henry Beare",
Mr. Tyler was declared duly elected
.Ales. Jahr/stun, •
Matthias rilcillounigle,
Mr. Johnsvoti.yras declared elected.
Arc Vie f 20 Lucre
Mr. Tlsomas McMillan was unanimously
REC,CIRDING .11EnitAion.
ne. W. A. p. Everhard was unanimously
Jonathan liesb, IS
Henry Campbell,:_ 10
Ur. Bash was declare d duly elected.
The following:ia , a list of the Studint Com.
mkttevo for the cement year: •
Pinnace—Marisluall and Dalzell,S. C.; Logan,
Walker, and Dagjuy;
Stmets—Boreland and Debann, S. C 4 Pattei•-•
Egg ire, and _Weed, C, C. - •
Wharves and Landings--Slisell And Dulfold,
IL C.; Cralg,lteed, and Smith, C.C.- •
tngines—Caiopbeil and Mad, S. C.; if.l/Wilior,
Mclennan, and karksi C. C. " it
Markets—)lnflit and Graham, .9: C.: Parke,
Eggara arid Gilson. C. C.
Claim:* and Accounts--Dnizell and Lehnetza,
S. Cr Schwartz, MCKennan.; and Gullets. C. C.
(Ordinances—Dalzell and South, S. C.: Weikel:,
Bagley, and Craig, C. C.
Police—Moore and Gmhanz, S. C.; Craig, Ray,
and Gilson, Cl'
City (Primerty—Marshall (and Moore, S. C.;
Logan, wa rtz, and, Reed, (C. C.
Surveys--Bulford and NlariMall, 8. C.; Umber,
Ray, and Patterson, C. C.
Poor Farm—Marshall and. Campbell, S. C.:•
Mclennan, Schwartz, and Gets, C. C.
printing—lintelaud and Snuth, S. C.; Eggars
and Craig. C. C. 1 •
Water—Painter and Moo e, 8. C.; Logan,
Walker, and Parke, C. C.
.bas stir 21st, 1851.
Present—Hon. Wm. •11. McClure, President
Judge; and Sallied Jones, dissociate Judge.
Commonwealth vs. Jones Kelly—lndictment,
Murder. The prisoner, a yoking lad, is charged
with killing James Cax, in the county prison.
District Attorney Flannegin, and It. Diddle
Roberta, for the Coninionwealth ; John N. Mc-
Clowry, Edward P. Jones, nail John 11. Hump
toe, for deMnee.
Mr. Flannegin opened for the Commonwealth
in an appropriate manner—reminding the jury
of the aggravated circumstances attending the
alleged murder, and bespeakifig for the prisoner
the merciful consideration due to one aids ten
der years. !
William Glenn, sworn—Cox, ) and Kelly were in
the same cell, and occupied ie some time before
the death of Cox. I think on Hie 2fith of Novem
ber last, I was writing at the desk in the jail
office; there was a call for me, and some one
sr id the boss had been lighting. I went into
the cell of Cox, end found him much abased, t
Co. was beaten very Much about the,(uce; there
wenn wound on his arm ; I asked Cox how he
had been abused serauch, and he-said he had
attempted to get hp to the window, and that he
had fallen down from it, and hurt fimself.
told him 1 did not think he could bone hurt him
self by falling from the window in'that way; 'he
said he did fall down from the window. About
a moment afterwards, he told nie that he bad
fallen tram the window... Ile asked me if he was
in the Monongahela house. Ile died the next
morning about five o'clock. Doctors She'll , and
Gallagher made a post mortem examination.—
' When I told Cox he could not have been so badly
hurt by falling from the window; I did so to find
whether he was telling the truth. The shirt was
off of Cox when I went into the cell; Lewes en
tirely stripped. His wounds were such that they
could not haw been mode by one fall. Never
knew of any difficulty between Kelly and Cox.
Cross Examined—Ono of the colored boys in
the cells and the decem,ed, hail ai scuffle before.— ,
The boys name was Alfred Butler. I went and
sensured them for fighting, and they, said they
quarreled abort a loaf of bread—never knew of
any other fighting
,among the boys. Dn. the
evening ef the first fight Cox hnd his eye very
much blackened. This was about a week before
the murder. Cant say whether he woe inbred
in nay other pirt of his baly, and did not exam- 1
ine him. Con sirs not every robust looking fel
low—Cox said lie was tired of living in jail,
this was before he was hurt—lie said he was ti
red of living, at the time ho told-me he had fallen I
from the window. It wan ten or fifteen minutes
after I was in the cell before he told me he was
in the Monongehela House. There-were five
boys in the cell, three colored and two white boys I
—[Jr. Geis wan in the cell_nt the time.with me.
Dr. George S. (lays-S worn. •
As I was going from my othce, bite one even
ing I met Shaw going to the jail to see a boy who
was badly hum I saw the boy in the cell, nearly
naked. He seemed very touch bruised and would
show symptoms of pain wheirmovcs]; the inflame-
Don seemed to be general over 'deface anderms
—I told Mr. Glenn that the cell' was full of of-
I fensive air, and too warm—that the boy would
die Him was not removed. He was removed at
ray instance. I would think the wounds of the
face were recent, recent. His hips were
much swollen and were not blackened, but seem
ed much intlamed—Kelly told me that Cox had
fallen en the i pipe' and burned himself. The
woundasnuld not have been produced by one
fall from the window—no one injury could have
produced death. I thought Cox.nrits very badly
injured, he had uo pulse.
The death result.] from general inthimation
caused by the injuries. The cell itself would be
very injurious in its bad condition upon any one,
and tended to produce irritation. Cox was a
boy of a good constitution apparently. If the
boys were kept in the close cell fur ally length ,
of time it Is manila to infer that the inflamation
of wounds would he very much increns.l. Cant
say how long it wan after he was hurt that I was
called in.
I asked a colored boy why they had been fight
ing, but ho only replied, •rho (Cox) in math
larger than I am." 1 would infer from this that
he had been fighting. Kelly never wed each
language to me. Insanity comes on gradually
and not instantly. It in possible, but not prob
able that Cox might have been sensible and fif
teen minutes afterwards entirely delirious.
Doctor Thonu. W. Shaer, sworu—l found Cox
lying in the jail upon his face, entirely naked.
Ile appeaml to be much injured, tool had a
feeble pulse. examined his arm and found it
much swollen. I had been told he had fallen off
the pipe; and had injured himself. 1 found his
arm was not fractured. I asked the boys what
had mode the discoloration on his body. They.
said he had fallen- on the pipe and got burnt.—
There were injuries on his hips resemblingbunis;
they were burns. The other wounds I RIM told
were;burna I had him rernoted into another
cell. ; The air was eery vitiated in the ono he was
In. Dr. Hays and 1 agreed in the preecription
for his burns. The next day early I was tattled
to a poet mortem examination. Before: l lf
the knife I examined lee bot Ty. then in
incison across the head from ear to car, and
I foun d coagulated blood betweenthe scalp and the
scull; also a watery substance. At the back part
of the head the skin was beaten loose from th
sleuth—Amirante otT entity. I then found the
scull.'whe not fractured. C took off the scull cup
and examined the brain. There was no injury
to the brain more than there would be in a alight
conctimion of the brain. After the coroner's in
quest I made on examination of the aria, and
found it beaten from the elbow down. I found
the left leg bruised also. I woe convinced the
roundel were not burns, but bruises. The right
leg was much bruised. There was congthtion of
the lungs and clotted blood in the heart. It woe
notTsiblmfor hint to have received hie wounds
by ling fro m th e window. The death' in iny
opini resnlted from the wounds. The conges
tion 4 . the Intigs and heart does not necessarily
folk,* a beating, but it may. The injnry onthe
head ;would of itself, in time, have produced
death! The woituds were of recent occurrence.
. .
Crtiss examined-1 think Cox was a delicately
formell boy. I was inthe boys' cell about aweek
before this occurrence. I bad been called inter
it to ere Cox, who hod his eyes blackened very
badly: I did not consider him much injuied.
lie was thCll lying-down. I made no examina
tion bidl in relation to kis eyes.l prescribed for
Lich, 'Five days before he was Injured the Last
tine: wee called to see him. A high feverthiuld
`not hove i .produced the appearance of th e body.
The o'rends of the head might have been inflict
-44.1 at the time of the first difiieulty.
Dr. Thomas J. Gallagher. sworn—l aided in
the pont meter!, "examination of Cox. I found
on him extensive bruises', Olt hi, heed, his right
arm, and leg. In connection with these wo found
he wad burnt severely nn his hips. The scalp
was separated from the scull. and blood found
between it. The wound• were of recent origin,
lie found the, eyes hod been struck Home, and
were block from injuries received name time he
'ore. The bruises on the arm were deep, and
the' muscles much injured. There were eviden
ce, of concussion of the brain. We famed some
mark', on the body resembling wounds made by
bl u nt instrument. The :burns were some four
or five inches in diameter. They would not
l ine b een i mflicient Co destroy life. The wounds I
would hare cesulted in death without the hums.
Cross gramilned—The wounds might have been
produced by fre,:ment falling—l 111C1111 the bruis
es of the head. •
. . -
James Miller, sworn-4 woe put in jail about
the fourth of July last. I know Kelly, the pris
oner.- I was in the cell with him and Con. I
saw Kelly hit Cos with a bottle on the bead—
over the top of the head. I saw him hold Coo
on the steam pipe, about five minutes- Cox tried
to get, away from the pipe, but could not. I saw
him cut Cox with a suspender buckle tin the
back, and then put salt iu IL James Kelly kept
Cox's bread and soup from him, and would not
give them to him. I . did not see any thing else
done. I could not teil Glenn, as lie never came
round to see us. I saw this treattfaAnt once or
twice. It about three days before Coo died
that I saw Kelly hit him with the bottle. There
were . pieces of boards hi the cell.
Cross examined—Kelly prevented Coi one day
from getting bread. Ile only kept him twice from
getting his bread. Cox did not cry out when
Kelly beat him; he was not able to cry or com
plain. Two of t us slept on thP bed, and three on
the floor. Ile said ho was sick. the day Kelly hit
him, and had pains. I never told Glenn. Kelly
told an he would boat an if we told Glenn. i was
not afraid of Kelly. Con and Butler had a fight
in the cell; Kelly nnd another boy put them up
to - fight- Butler whipped Coo, but did not strike'
him with any thing but his fists. 110 would whip
him sometimes for half an hour.
Alfred Blitler, sworn—Kelly told me that he
had whipped Cox because he had tallies on him.
I saw Kelly beat Cox with a board over the legs,
and breast, and side. Cox hail'at his pants on
when he was put on the steam pipe. Kelly made
him take them off and give them to me. The fel
lows in the next cell told Kelly to kill Cox for
telling RCS on hint—tepid him under the hydrant.
He told him to May on the pipe, or he would
knock him on the bead, and then he eat there.
Sellylitd.Coa wider the hydrant, end let it, elm
on him .for shout an hour, and made hint open
1111 mouth. COX had nothing on then! but his
shirt, k never saw any one beat with a bottle
whetil was in the . cell. There wan a spoke of a
cart wheel and some. bottles in the cell. Kelly
told James Cox to tell Mr. Glenn, the jailor, that
he had .fallen off the pipe. He told no to say
that he had fallen off the pipe. Cox wan talk
ing about the Monongahela House—the floor be
ing glass—and other things, when. he was hurt..
Kelly only gave him the crusts of bread. He
told the boys in the cell if they told on him he
would kill them 'when he got out.
Crotis-examined.,4 was, in the cell with Cox
and Kelly a good many weeks. He whipped hint
every day—he-could not hollow for Kelly put a
gog in his mouth. Cox told * Glenn that he had
fallen down from the window. It was at night
this beating took place. Cox and I had a fight,
his eyes were blackened, and the next night
Kelly blackened his eyes. Cincinnati kicked Cox
in tile bowels and in the mouth, and hit Ifis mil
otT.He kicked touch that he got''`weak
and Kelly told him sot to kick him any more—
he the lifted him up. .
- Will am 'Jay Vox, sworn . —l wits in the coil
with 1 City and ('ox. lie beat Cox with bottles
and et cks, and pot soft soap and milt on, his
wound . Ile was -beaten on the shoulders and
breast Alfred Butler took' the pants off Cox.
Kelly wan not doing anything when the. pants
were being taken off. lie would not let us sleep,
but threw water on us. Cox told the Doctor that
he was tired of living. Kelly made .him lie 00
that thb Doctor could not see his eyes, and he
sprinkled salt on the places where he was bleed
ing. Ile seemed out of his bead when the Bai
ter came—ho said it was a shame the way he
was -beat and bruised up. He would give old
bread under the betito Cox, and keep his seep.
I never knew hint threaten Cox in any way. lie
did these things beeause he had told en him.
Cross-examined.—Cox tohl the jailor about the
fight. We were not out of the cell—we were out
five days in the week. I never kicked Cox—Cox
and I never had a fight.
Mr. Bowman, sworn.—Kelly told- me that 'he
would kill Cox—that he was u son of a --‘—.
I understolld this expression in jest, and thought
there was no meaning in it.
,The evidence on the port of the Common Wealth
closed here. A greaLportion of it was so hor
rible—so revolting and disgusting in its details
that it would be improper to let it appear in a
phblic newspaper. '•
The evidence fur the defence was opened.
William Myers, sworn—l sum-frequently in the
cell of Kelly, Fox, and the others, and Coo had
his eyes very much blackened. • tie could •norsee
out of them for perhaps longer than a woeli:
The matter was running from his eyes. The
boys were quarreling. 1 have been sent several
times to get the turnkey to come to the ee11.. ,
This boy, (Cox,) said he would not live in jail,
and that Kelly did not kill him.
Jacob IVampler. sworn—Butler said he had
whipped Cox, , and both his eyes were blackened.
He was out in the hall. Joe Streit:et- mid he
would knuck the boys' brains out if they called
any more. Cox said Kelly never beat him; that'
he wns tired of living in jail, and wanted to kill
himself. He mad it Myra him very much when
they were carryinghim up stairs.
%Mimi Snyder, sworn—Cox mad to Glenn,
when he was on the bed, that he was tired of liv
ing in jail, and that he threw himself down from
the pipe.
The evidence on both sides closed here, and the
Court adjourned until seven o'clock.
Seers o'cLocir_—The Court met, and Were
addressed by the counsel on bath side., niter
Which his honor, Judgi, McClure, delivered en
eseeedin,gly solemn, impressive, and affecting
The ju'ry retired at half past ten o'clock, sig
nifying that there was a probability of their re
turning a verdict at eleven o'clock. During the
whole course of the trial, the prisoner appeared
periixtly unmoved. Ilia !bother sat on one aide
of him all night, weeping bitterly, while hie littlp
sinter, about six years old, eat on the other.
ELIMSN o'ci.calc.—The jury sent down word
that they had not agreed, but requested the
Court to wait a short time upon them.
HALT -PAST arrm—The tip.staff informed the
Judges that the jury had not yet agreed,/ where.
upon the Court adjourned to meet at 9 o'clock
this morning.
Slitanan.—C,oioner Arturo yesterday held AD
inquest on the body of Cornelius Blakely, who
died on Monday night, 'at his residence, in the
Fifth Ward.
From the evidence, it appeared that two men,
named JunesA/mine and Janice Nicene), beat
the endued at a low drinking 110nall kept by
them; on Christmas night. -They struck M. •
ebows- the-bead with bottles' and "ri
thereby causing a cencussion of the brain, from
the effects of which he hassince died.
• Devine immediately decamped. 3lcCool was
arreslt4.l. Since then, he too has fled. The jury
returned a verdict to the effect that the deceased
came to his death from injuries inflicted by Jas.
Devine and James 3.IcCooL
Major, yesterday made out o commitment for
W. 11. Montgomery, a colored :barber, who was
accused of beating his wife, and officer Fergu
son was taking him to jail, when. he broke sway
from at the corner or Wylie and Tunnel
streets., and ran off. A large crowd gathered in
a few minutes, and purnutul the fugitive, crying thief." Montgomery, f i nding that Fergu
son wan gaining on him, drew a pistol, and fired
at him, fortunately without doing any dam
Ho waS arrested at tho corner of Fourth and
Market streets, and, committed to prison to stand
his trial fora more serious offence than that of
which he was originally Amami.
FALSE ALAII3L—Tho alarm of fire last night,
rras caused by a chimney In St. Clair street ta
king fire.
IRE YOU A FATHER, blaring for the
P n . ftf anal y a and
li ne ring fron, tow/k1
um in. a D740,..!:er0,' kee 4, , :e171
stems •
Are you • Mother, 11111T•li14, from dhos. to whieb *-
mono! are generally sagest, use Dr. W. I) obaltsr
Caßapluil , -4t Will
to sum you.
1111 at. onr depot, tw one of our acata, and int •
pamphlet. grain, when, you will Ilud that the Shaker Car
ina:trills. aa prepared by Dr. 0. D. Move,
toots the
Moonof permanently eurink more aeon., to which the
family to soollnually aged, than any other
Prontrallon of Yam ever bronahl. Ms
niedkele has eatablishtel Its high repatatlon by Iv
nts and well Wasted maw.
' It le pus op In quart bottles, and I. Me only to
that asta tb•
i t, Khlneya sad lllsal at tha woe
time. *Wen readers it altogetha mart valnablo to avert
one. putieularly to (mules.
Do nun aml amain for Dr. S. D. IIOWIftI3ILLKEIt
nALLIMPAKILLA. and take aeocher.
Prim 111 per bottk-6 bottlos fur *l..
for nth by 4lL tl. •
e 11:J.41 . 0y
a Pro dm p .u. rle %t ic,
To - whom all fallen may In addreowd.
tif.ytifr W. )f ats, J. A. Jot*, J. nehcommakee co, W.
J. 11. Towinend J. Mahler. U. Jae',
m i trArgl . D. A- plant.
Cnetrlleikeny eity•;_ W. It. Mn
Co.. Whe:llosfr :Tr. P.".
Clainallnt Mellon Jo Knox. Culls: Oh.
. ..
XOT I C E.—The partnenthip heretofore,
o.lealha Lobwonohooderehenwl le Mb day dhow/led
i.' =bent: Th e urthedsbal imbue et=
will he %Umbel to by Juba Fltrotmono. who I. azz
to naive toy tomber obeo throb. and roan* for tbe war.
Thu saleregand still ma''" us to carry on the 'Wntw
SA ILL the old stand. JOll.ll Yll' 110.N'0
Jalesl3l Carson A Etna sta. Muth Ward.
ES II Fifeen dnuns G. B. Codfish ;
.10 br4 , 101. 3 31askareb ?A Ws No. 1 Lake nib; 10 qr.
N*. 1 lbacksrsb In alma and IM sale by
lIIEESE-498 his Cream Cheese in store
sod for rale br. JA/IF.B DALZELL,
jsII • Nitt. VI Water rthrt
SALEItA'rUS--1 easke Suleratus;
lt , xtom and for rale by 15 ,
JA.3l d /1 3 .9 DA LZIEL.
*tit CS Water stree
ir . •■•• ne hen. re. tens ennesee
Ineeees 'Y. tons Tennesee Flans, retelelog_firo strum•
terms. and tor pas Al' JAMES I , AI f ZILL,
;all No. CA Niter street.
WINDOWFive hundred boxes
.ssi mu ' ' fr '" ' 24
IDOTASII.—.S casks Potash, just received,
sadribt' tau hr jog ROKERT DaI.ZELL Cco
NEW LlollT.—lire have received a Int of
LeWilt,of various elsea and Umls. of a licw
. otioa th at le quite simple arid contiviete—Kue.°T..
tAban triejlest4leUrnlng
l ietbeott OIL"
loth. attention or Steitni r Toit ntel, acePreh
Ron. keepers. Poe cleablineen mummy, anci
it our.. any thing portjblo now to
Perrone who pinta. to cull on us will be shown the pecu
liaritiee of the new ormoveuvl.
A conetantaupply of the nut' end Imp. kept by •
delh let et, between Wood and MarkeL
. .
60 half chests Tomas Hymn and Black Tease
.1.5 ratty boxy. do. do., Imy. and Gun Powder..
2./ bores ftwearn I Robinson Lea Tobacco.
19 do INnoblemon Co. 14 and be do.
V/ do Cublnera Pr Tobacco.
1.5 cr. boner Pak* and Ilarwood'a We dn.
IS catty boxes JanterTnontreon jr. tiolden 1.4.1 ld
• b
leu mp, In More and for sale by
10 1°61 ../ 11 6 .T. Prime quilt In einrw.d foreale
r I 100 l JOHN I'AItKEIt L
('URN liltoo3lS.
110 Jaen Corp Dram In dare and for sale by
ejr 40 bids. pars Rik Whiskey, ••orry old soot oboloto"
C 0 Ltda. Old Itottongtthola ifblokon Iv don and for
41, b y I tottgl J014:4 k•AIIKI:14, W.
NNEIV RAMS - -Erans & Swift's Cincinnati
Soggy Cum) Ilk., jos: reeelond. fur sale b y .
0 W.ll. IIoCLUJUI a cv, sad Mort:" 4 :
.EAF EARD--Prims Cincinnati Leaf Lard
" 1 / 6 'r "P k'g" ' f " Wr Vi r si. j rZatlenVe l .
litokOß SALE.—A few eh.--
Stock: aim. :foe , •
. to
FOR SALE.—A few shares am Mine
• &mit: Lw Ntsdli Amnia= sad Wasters leunrssos
Apply to DAIRY) A tilvrir Eacond NI. is
UUTTEIL—Thirty kegs
p and six brla fresh
iestniedrse s.r.e fur ie y
SUGAR-21 hlifis N. 0. Sugar for Bale by
sso= nnowx t KIRKPATRICK. 14.1 Llivrtj
En I RAISINS on consignment for male by
-"no Anwebi Dal] BRAUN narnte.
493 bble Bactlll.4, qy
• Jiall • Jana a ye•
TO the Readers of the littsbargh,flaiette.
pUBLIC 'ATTIENTION is irpietfolly in
riled to the tono.thstrntluy op km, lod.rnl to
1•1411 th ael ! )1 tmR th: (1.11 . 11 ° I; not Emma= Ong
ago time thia rota. venally oaf Leought before the
of to.they
ima. TWO::
lon/rer l" 7.l triel the
irsiorT:4lllit will Vg . rt. n r rd. I tie t o ' Lbe rem
' ad, of der, got fr.rll3r. puruole of ataklug roomer
ti N : t = r il z :n zur:tthoreal i lltr t a ., lippitut of'rota nillbriarth
ogniwtitgoa. It our Y d ' u l tt when we write shoot anted}
eine. that Ste Ir.n the truth—that we eat malting Cairn;
land tu ,I
or who may trod war wont Or Put rojtf:
den., In or matertwata. The ..lek era my old rw."
tut, thing that
rellrf ham illeces, A !dory can
hinAlf 11.. too highly wrought to Jammethe oineet of gull.
Inc humbuggiue Nome .d them. N,., an do not dedre
to do till, w. are er rfou, only that 11, truth in relation to
out n`13001) l
w. told. i onter e.enn. for It a N : .
tahou fur rm....ding glngl n e
artideiu tho materla mlal
-1 Ica. Plain un.arnle.l fssti.—faeta that may I eecertalued
In our city Ohl 1..1u bcar ample EtStLIIIM/r to fey
Tor of ll , ..l , troleutit.
11dhl, 110. m runnels.. two ~r our own elate.,
who wen. tonal) 11,0,1 have teen reatoral MAO. Sev
eral man of h.lindor, In the Stam of Ohio, hare bent
urd. A 64, the t.f lamtl..matt 14nrer eounty.
Th.:re are
turfah hut thaw are C., Ile2ll . home, and tn.y
be referral
;Wet. Thew. eaara wan.
Wiehey ha 4 law.n ahamion
ed lir n1e..0 . 0,1111. ita hopelei, lit, Prtrulaum eurr.
Pimple, on tn. fere, Chrouir " sore E)Y, Kbajworm, Teeter .
ikald Irked, mine to the loot.. RG4IOIOI, o Porn, Ulm",
M'ena, Agar, Chronic t'ungb., ArAhura, Bronchitis. and all
Pulmonary affreLone or a chronic nature. tending to pro.
dive Cnsumntion.
Burr. alai Scald, dleetoe. of the Bladder and Kidneya
Chtignod Nand, Ernorian‘l er.rne and Ilmilona
In fact, It I. OIMAT ratermltt ramsr, and hen been vied
Its mat of the :dame within the land yr. with the
loot perfert einwea.. err:Allman. that will antoulelt aro in
tho hand. of tin. proprietor a 1.9 will take laraituru in ,hoe.
rardiehire.' the
troleuin ls the greaten: Remedy of tho• o g le. Phi - Adana
of high Mantling In the profeagion are li,ginnng to me It,
in their, aractlee. Thore who at looked on with doubt
and urartainty, are willing to anent It due prniee and
ameideration. lkddre anal/wr year rolls round. all will be
rotala'lled eeknowleitat Vettan
err? diaorretrilh For ..l,a, wholreale aml .nt.
tail. by KEISER'S 1 1 1r1 , 011 , ,k3.1., 140 Mond oh,
aleo.—lt. ttellem, hi Wo.l 'dn..; D. M. Curry. ft. A.
Jo.eph Alk.gbeny City. Al, by the pro ,
it. 1.1E14 Canal - 11am, Screnth etreut,.Pitta.
of Agn;inlrtnitlon on the adore of Anthouy Deena
.ato - of the cite of Xitteburnh. dommepl having thi, day
been granted tA the undamignetl. o'im ia hereby given to
all peroms Mgehted to raid rang, to mak., Immo:Data pay
ment to either of o 4 and all persona having dolma epaulet
raid rotate are - renumted to pror,nft the /lame, duly imthan
•-ihrtgoill. far bettlement at the Pap:lmM. lately °manila' by
Tffird stort.
ANNA 11. agELIN. Adeelnlatratria.
IL D., Admlnlitrator.
Pittalntrgh. Dom PI 1 01g. -1,3541m
SELLERS' IMPre . " '
tte 'EItIAL
Additional MCC of Ito
airfield,rower Wear..
F l'alugnat 30.1515.
Mr. Folirilent—llelng ardietral ;for Porn, limo with_
bad romrtt, I wag nwntioneeded to it,e your Itnterlul Cough
Syrup, by my round friend Ali. IV. Templeton, your went
for thin 'plane. I dal do. It had the dtutred effete. of noting
me of a owtth that I bad &lathed of at or being well. I
hadu.wd aim." low, - thing that It woo in my tanreeto
cat, but LlerVlTddi bruellt. until I mot with your narniun
ble Cough Syrup. I feel fully eatttlhal In raying to you,
and recommending It to the robile as ono of the boot mod
dun, that tum ever been premtred for the cure fur whin). it
id Introdni. JAMES 6. &VIM.
Ilninnal mut Fold by n. E. RELLEILS, 57 {rod ate
lur •• - • .
:AU Els for sae IT Dell BRIEN e Errnn.
!Durehts ill havedint oprind a !mill intredy of the
lesions dualities of the atom article, Including black
twilled, tory fine.- Alin. French Inineklne and thierinteres,
black and fanny, and Illaolt . batln Venting - , at very lane'
prima the the duality. nolit
' miles final our tow dile, two and • half from
Allmln by rher. and two mile,. Iron the {nor honed on
lathe's Hun. It haw 30 &me dramaan nalile neehnni or
400 tree*, 8 awes cf Isettolalecid, a rewlen, oral coal bed on
It The adoub,e nob in 'rent. and a cellar un
der it. It will Le sold rhea:,anti on Ina the porche s. limner being paid. pcsiseselon will heeke, end ne in e ia
the 11]1/11.1.3. Meow, rail id ISAAC . 11151)10'
biri Aenc and Intelllnenee Wre. sth
-Farina wild o g
rrented, and a
kinds of Airmen rt. %
tended to for innieritte charges.
of Thorium Gibenn and Alexentl, LIIL nA.r, adruinietre
.of Creighton eltetnirt, deceived. And turvz to vin th ,
ermine 31. 15.7.0. the Court stopoint Iteade Weshitiaqou, an.
Sitar, to distilbute,in the within ereount. II the Court.
Take notice, that the anditair will proceed to dirct.own
the duties of his aprwintateut. at his aim in Fourth ot,
Ilthibiarult. no Friday, tlui 17th day of January, 1851. at 2.
Oleliwk„P. M.
• . .
jarew3t..T READ): IVANIIINGTON. Auditor.
1.. j. AND lIION WORKS, IX 31nrottoeut foram Vt.
trata.—Pursunntro deem. nf the (Arendt Kuper - kr Court
of Law and Chancery of
of wooly, rendered In (demon
wherein John Tessa, and other defrudants, the undersign.
ed 002.1191.140MT1L appointed for the loop., will proceed
to welt at Iltergantowar In Raid county. en the fourth Mon
day Febeuary, ISSI. (being . ..or day.) ell that property
In Nunn county. Virgin* lying tdong and near
Cheat Meer, generally. known ea the klottortgalla /rob
Work. and the tome that WM rtillTOyed bytoll John Tao
;f, and Other , to said Kean T. Eilleort and a ..aid.
ig *bout lima. acme of land. whereon tire a Rolling Mal.
Forge, Foundry. Nall Factory, thin and Saar 31111. all del,
water poser, together with trim hlarJ Yurnanta.—
On this Itual there la an abundance of Iron Oret,Stoue tusk
Timber and Grote Anne. There Is also • valuable Ferry
creaming Cheat Meer, belt:mart. to th e prone.) ,
- t. alnuted for antettufeeturing 'naw,
or Iron , but of Wool and Calm. ing rodei
In the bean of • toad farndog and soul growl. country,
about 20 miles eonth of Plttaborgh. harlot one of thee lett
nth an d ren, In
elsewh the ere.
week and water noroututdcallan to
. .
On the. premloes, there bare been expended within the
lad. ten m twelveeas, mute tiny thousand dollar, ill the
erection of the rollin g mill, factory, blast farnnoe, and
the `eorkA men.. m hneratilt'at.l aver. Immntlalo-
ly connected with the mills are some four m flee hundnal
ammo of encerlor farming bush Amur fire ar six smaller
famee, ur seetather vith
11 slaty or eighty Orating towns. suit.
able f the N0rt.1114..
The xalo rill Iw uu • mkllt of 00,. two, oOd tirrwe Toarr,
the kaTtogJl.,l with •ocority tor th% raytolcot
of the porrtuwe
to mks Iv
-wee a acct terrain Ina the purchiume o ' flrt22l 3 ;
1=rtfill " WITr, " .1 d 1?1 " 1! Intt,ht
ther tlairripoonl or Informatiou w r t " tleb. cony ' . m=o f bs
pers.. wtsling W purcham.
W. T. WILLEY, CoullawiatuTA.
llroTantowst. Dee. 121.
TOIL the cure of Coughe, Cobb,s Iloitree
-1 twat Onm - -tatis. Croon. AdhPaa. AltooPitdt Comb,Consumption.
This truly valuable remedy for all diereses of theiddlui;
and Throat. hate become the chief rename of the aiefett.
It is the mod certain cure known for the elves mar
p/sints. Is a powerful nonedial agent In the mod
desperate end almost hopelees macs of Mos.:intim, it
also. in dlutinithol oboes, tuc of th e tattled . stel rand
agreeable family menders for mum. coned and cold,
head below the opinion of men who are Llama to the
world, sod the world r0.p..0t their opthious.
Fir—.l here meal your Merry Pectoral. In uty own an of
dee f Domehltis. mei am satiated from Its chemical
constitutima that it.J”ti admirable compound Gar the relief
laryngial and bronettial diflloultles. If TAY orueort eete
Its Portend chuscter ran be of uty 'service, you OFOILS.IIb.
arty to woo it sts you think proper.
President uf Antheret Collette
DIRECT ,EVIDENCE.—Dr../. C. Aver, Lowell.F-Drar hi.
—Feeling tinder obligations to you for the re i gralkel of
ray health. 1 send you • report ofotay.nue. h You me
ftgabtrlta'AlPnrb br 7 . :itld 'l l t o l a t ieTZ . re . , . 00 ,M
male use of many niedre In es.
without obtaintug tolled. 1
1 wee obliged to giro or business, frortently/ rated blood.
and could get no sleep at Wahl. A Mend gave me a honk,
of your Cherry Pectoral, the ura of which, I immolistely
the rfttro'lll.-1, to d r. ' re " roVor a p
well. my much bar ceased, and ' all be the use of your Jaz
nable utedbalue. EL
IL A. 3f..
Prindpal OIL Hoge Begginagy.
From Dr. Bryant; Drur.dlt and restmuter, Chleoyed
Dr. J. C. Ayer—Dcae Sir—Enclosed pined 40.1 rimittamte
for ell gm Cherry Pectoral loot Pent me. can unberita.
tingly sof. that no sordid. was 11 gives such satisfastion
rrisu our nos '.. ! '"u oT UTaltit ' l? r earl n Lterttm i ll ' a nil d f h (F '
phosidans using it extenadely In tiled Need:, and
with the happiest efforts. Trii.l73iorgirANT.
Prepared by J. C. 4018, Chemist, Lowell. Maset •
dal in Pittsburgh. wholesale and Mall. by J. 31. Town.
04..1, Ilarlet street. and Jueepli Douglas, Allegheny
oily. theta.. ewe I pl.
JIIARRISON SEWELL, Attorne y at Linr,
Ohio gtolo Cocommodourr for takirmr Dot4tiozw. Arlo
Loalv.gratestm of DoWs. !cc. Oate—Yourtb area. glorm
Tit. tenders hi' services
to the atheism Pittsburgh and strietityos • gen
eral wears lbilectorgmal awe; wee. Ha tent attend
to the collecting and socorleig of claims to this and adjoin.
t og @tate. aisi Almoner, selling and renting PniiPurM
dumbny. of dents, horst, utortgagra, and other instruments
of writing. All Dnepr. in his lbw attended to with
protnputor and rare.
Refer to 11. A. Wearer. Uproot garrittrell. Jr.. P . , C. Flan
nalti,Jotku blunts°, Leg., IN tn. 3t Curlier, Es., two.
• .
Unite, z.. 1 Joseph Weaver. Esq., Fourth street, near the
Mayor's re. tunthertionT
JENNMANSIIIP. AT so vire rote miiir
rem, hes them been ouch mderupulime trkkary
practowd nmo the , pane about Primer...Mt, no at the
preeent. ['Mem. Engmfing isie circulated through the
town End anintry. with the engnerer's barn. pure...el.
in order to Imlnce the Ignorant to believe them e tor he lon.
and eureka, the baud writing of roam of the hex martini
ti n the nit, who been been Met:sided In tlilo ImUtution.
The subactilair offers for Cont. the Fannon whirl,
seiddea and lands lubricant, annointiing In blin acres, about
four hundred wives cleared, yell t/nand. and In a high
Nate of enthrall.. Alen. a Ilona- nod Lot In McClelland
town, formerly" oncuptm tartan Maud. and taw neon.
pied by Cyrus L. Connor, Alendrant: awl hr. Miller. Alm,
a Farm In Preston county, Va....tinning acres, about
TA on .1 th pre Iwo Log /louses, a boas
Vssit a u r a m lL e i l = threa d hundred hiVn. inn Apple . Teas
Eight or ion stacks of flay now for $6l/13 on mall fartn.
filitt ht o l d 4 111 . 1 r :1 ' 1 b iF a llilg., S' aNv att r er .."
ThWatibscrluer okras for /Mir ant rtirdit ni five roars, his
valuable shisk of fine Sheep, •about, fire Lituntre4 head of
which an. tome, of anal snookead of written , . l5O
brad of burks, hr s.) front the of IM p.. and Dr o wn,
of (AIR J.We Edgington, of Virginia: Santini Ilel'arland,
dorm, and Penn.! PAIIVIMII. 31,11rniairdre,and drive
Kenwortby. of Wilshlnatnn ono nty.l . a., and carfully selec
'qtor the purpose of remold ng west.
r., the gnat amount of rare and instLestowed on till
flock. the anbarriber bat no hisallation in "stylus. It will
compare favorably with any fort in the Onion. Hay and
tilnun can be furnished until the foot of April, If It ail)
better suit purchasers.
Germ. Tmmablp, Fayotte Pa, M'Clellandtown
jamaarr 1M1.40'4.31T g , !ninntrn••• Domorrat.
hundred oral MIT pro lame s teal Bud Blankets.
pairs Crib Blankets, superior article.
iNO ntinua Itoatlaulcats, ribbon boUrsi.
1.3) do War Comtism Ithinkst; brass.
100 do limb do do do
40 do Diuo do do do
3 eves Mick Blanket Cloth, do
1 do Dearer tire) . Mud, do
3 do superior Black french Bnaideloth.
3 do all wool Tarre., sanirtril color.
3 do Jesus, 000Otoot colors.
; do tiusimsres. black and filmy mama.
1 ,do natinetts, Limed and yrrl loaf.
3 do White Tw3.11.1 Ilmnel; rani Ohio.
4 do erra horrid' do do
Tha üb° ,o driaTneld itisnisars ail on roroduranent ham
various manufacturers. stud Lai aod are for we c , O
liberel terms to the trade, at on.onfactur.r.' p 30..
drel 11. LEE.
rtaION'S. and llarrbon's Meek. thed,bearlet
I= lel.
llama Febresl. Bronkman and iLingdoria dah aova
a=l 31onmen Placa =.l Red Lead Pearl's. a ada of every dom.-4101m; 6111 Mt's, Cohen's, Pratt's,
Lear's. Kelli't Leman:n. and ether manutartuset of Peel
pie l
* 1
a ted i '
Noll A.".
4 ' l" e",
a W
artmsei Enalleh Drawing Paper—antiquarian, do.:
elephant. ails.. ml e, super P.M, ropsi ese i d e .
phant: thistal-tlearda. rap. dl4la.
Perforated hord. Caner be: paper, plain =hi and Cr=
embonert/ gold Alter and Puler colored psper, sum fl ed
=land AMP. mai ....ea . .4 Ilthtrraph• Par Amu b
* ung
...hole= of all Ms, attllable fur deeds, art.
m p end d d French IlEat paper, slave on hand, th
acs&airship styles, end Posttc ,. he:
and macs and eilvered. .-)falls
kw Y.SI
man waw
hew= no= envelop., plain pod onitasat letter earl&
pees, brow, white and bled: bad end Plain
elars. Mu d, hive and white..
Iv am= aster cam ratiOLIS plattro; WrifiAir hiii4l I
11. coma Ital Tartesp borsood read bcdos,oelelp.....
hoes brurbes, leen. sod English ipat bOoki.T6Tail
MITT_PTV d i c okdlOntra d whits patentbloP
lirst r 4, P AlL ail other USIA hi the.
both AM.:rand staple, irti b
blank boo= aad =emerald., tac,,,,
rn . every stile of NMI
of eod roder ot all rim
"". rell,4l4""''
Blank Doak sad
_IIIEARL 413 H-7.5 rim reed br
• •! W.,111%),1151ira:41.
will POMP e•jb. or On So:pet.] le pe.dne lot at
r a r
nu Week= feet hunt by 100 Peet to Sp*,
cizantl4 . ltirlia IT;triL „ .Seigizilor t e ii ,
Spring Alley. bolo,. tX4 Piet ocaltierty3Y /2.11 * Spring
Alley. Ab00.1,4*1 Got frontin Peron i not !name.
.11.sti1y oppcolto lb. Central RiOlrosil Depotonal containing
Diiii2lllAf JAMES (SIMLA.
IVOR RENT—The Aare ,roona and etliar on
tao math daq tomer of blerket Ftrort Our the bia•
mond. rrraen oce,upied NI a lan* ether: 010 the Armed
and thin' 'Winne( the num building. contra.. .1 the Dia
mow. Will toe mutt.] far uale nr thme throe)) fn. the. Irt
or awn next. lapis to, Lewis fIUTLIIISON.
iltraNttl I IS WolertltmtL
•T h WAN &bud Ifoun,ond eite nhkl,
it ;non stand, Irlino gold ntlber i mporately or tAirat.h.lin....
ilyoge d re. r wldo on Cherry
Any aldinonal brain4dition
pa ired be and
mamana vee r .
Wyo. of tali, mndo traonla, on spoilt:ann to
14,1. Bonnl Ditselnts. 'No. and 3.lnrket
isn2l Im .
a two ilorr brick Darning Waive, on I'ennaybr4.l
rants itrenne, Ztli Ward; male= Dubin: baring ten....
menet double parking dining row
:natal kileben nn the first
floie, The Lot le twenty Weir br a:lll2dt four Art a wide
In the rear. Tlini properir cost tc,.Yak and will lay
"ott teininenta of 000 doirn, Vkai
pil e. and the balance In ler° retire,
~nattier et T. !Inward. Attorney at Lae, Fourth AMC.
lapr ne.y Gruut Weer liatolkeimrning
W LET—A largo Mansion House with
13) ann.. uf Land atisebNl. altuated at Oakland.
Real Eatate.warth 8100,000.
VERY DESIRABLE Property V Own,. City fur .ale.. Twn spkTudia 'resLleneett 17 , 1/
tnl t bank. 14 ward. one having front of CD fret...
on South entotoon by :An to . Water street. The other, 140
feet front by ITU to an Alley. mprvet4 In the L.tst summr.
alforating delightfal view 0 thy city of Pittsburg', ther
Ally bray an.j vbio deem
110 4 1 =1 „ gT41 , 1.7. " . ` 21f 7:1.7.14'`,?,0 c 07fai
Arne. and 31 feet alley ID,rtar.
twenty acre.dtn dly ot.posite the Rail goad DI jed.,.
of the Wort deg.ntble property now ollerml for lade. flan
pito. of ground offers inducement. to sreculatnra. Apply
to jal:t • ' BAIRD t IItVLY.I.I4 Smrond
10 LET.—That desirable resideneeliite.g.
k Promot cireuV li al by itho subirritvr, sittmted Ms '",131
Orrensburgh kr. in the Daturiuki of Larretine-ra....
vine. The Lor i iii, 39=1 convenient, has 12 mum, 2
C.11r74 , 4 1 %:1. will a Hoe itsAlen. etitaining rimier shoal,:
bery and fruit term- The 'omnibus station is a abort dla,
taom Wow, pod j , C1.0113 puma In at am Mum , l'or7
(Aeolus Inoune or ! I 130/37. L. THOMPSON,
jallilltn No. 116 Market street.'
! .
FOR RENT-+A•Mit.t. in East
tisis, well situated forj nI. bofillven; It earn- -
mantl th e entire butirke,. hr the Ormmbr tbfill HAW ll,'
11 will he 11m.,0110,13i with her bulkrr, a*
''r A n.
tt r en n .Ult7;t Pito for hliek ankh.-
itTZ;Z:gr" ?""kri4itilf4
TOR RENT-4A. Duelling .
or eleven rainsozood DePolt.oL
rani, nu Relent steellerthenr.
.tom. ; •
Aire, A STORE 013 Market etreet, long
Worelemeo oa flint street, =I novena Rooms In Poet
Mee Dollttlgoe. 'D. D. GAZZ.t.D.
ralOallhe ! . lot Smoot:el
tCltroolcle. Poet, end Tribune !err 2 week.
yrlo LET—Tho Three Story Dsrellit*Esl :
Arri.l .° lXwi l" tr ' lla n . * X i t''nl;34l=l:7=Zl
dming mom and the Bra &me. Mewed.
Om. 00 the 14 April Io tlr .0 4. 1
0 LET—Ono' Two Story Brick House, ...7 , :j
rrontainlng 4,a ms, o' antro Avenue, Minerr ; EM
te Road. lignilon. : . EnQuire of
.jalo . ' • . J011:1 WATT & CO.
FOR RENT. The Store, 118 hlarket ezq
rtrept. the eurothl door frpm the carrier of 31Arket 7,:a
ima Lawny FtrrviA Dokorrhlch wen the DA of AprlhA* r
jADrllor 106 Amu A.
T. 11F.Jit.1 tan), very convenient pg..
J °04114,7, Leal . la'
,of DD!
AI., to Lao for Ono or morn ream. nnao cooant
Lou. noil mor tho Iffor. SAirNloth %sof.
_Fourth at., moo
VOlt. RENT.I., The following pEoper- %.•%1
ties eta fur rent. via •
• A Dg, aril hatched, and, , reenpletrlr furnished 441 1 .
EsTORD nn Market area. be ar en Thinl end Fourth et,
suitable for Dry Deeds
Several Nunn In Dur. Oakes Belldhlar, he the wend and
Mini .tortes, saltabln fur Aril/des Haan, Morn. De.
A large and coneenkat DITELLINU LIOUS:i. In a bad.
LA. tart of the tityi
I'munanion of the anTsruing lain he gives on , the let of
April next.
AI., • SMALL SIDItE 013 Third stmt, 0001 door le the
Curette litho, Poreassiun given immedlately.
FUR—Art unesalnsijLrece
the the IVarehoune, on
Thlnl stead, heretofore uscal by ist,: Mr. A. Ikelen.
or tenan. arab . ta I •
E. D. DAtZAM 164 Sueond state .
lens or to 11. AITUR,IIIC6. 60 Third street.
EolltjtENT. a Two otory Frame House
aticlAtu-k bulklbre. Irbil tem lots Allude on e ,
etreet,4tirth Wort adjoining L. amen. et.i.•
A rut trrlns, apply to itbIILOO N. LITYLE d. Co. '
35 Liberty obreit.
Lumber Yeel. illtustal Oa Dodo.. Wet. near the
tryetrinir n.txt to hold ehthteen !intuited thotuand
fact of lattatir, to root oo m i a of
411.LtAlm . Corner •f P 4nn
oral Intin tdtvett.
TO. LET, the Store Room N 0.65 Mar
t otreet. w.tbe.ning tbti Watch and Jewelnit
ea V. W. 11.1. and recently . urcuolesl by ble•cr..
N. !Wines Sun. &As nankin.; and F.:change aim.
This JO. loudest in the musbeentral and best Mud....
Mint In the city, andireell adapted for a Banking said
change Office.'and Unkirance Office. or •• store. A •blendil
new (mot, with kbwitch nate plans, will beput in =soon
as the weather renal* • •
Ifce•esskei alerst on the first of rebreary._ll rensitoL—
Enquire of • W. W. WILSON.
Cofrniffr of Market and Form meta.
OR AL', t • ,T = :to • B
Ihrellbag„ No. 16 nor stavel, Enydees
aria s :> no R T , erras io Stlii 11.14 Q $ 501) Iv we ge0,, , r1 -
64T ' Crenr I a f.....l , ==tili,tffigatat7lr'' .
j. ..,a615 WILLI& I IIAntavY,
rWbrt 161,1. •
PO LET, it fotir story Dwelling, Slate 74.4
raid. elrise, hethiroom. gat Ilstaree, and tat.a .
oven. lin Third Areet. '•
In q uire .t CO Water;snnet. kyy
"I hal not used it twiot (0.1 feltita Scoff:Mal effect...
mlt .R. E. SELLERS Suffering from a
cold and coo.. for whleb I trial many recipes.
w Moot obtalni. relief, I vas' mew.. 4 with a bottle of
elt. E Sellers . Omorh Mt..." I tidale It • dtity which
to !fa i t I:=ll‘ ' l=befo ''' re 7 r . f,if.
` to
etteete, and (tinder Vied/Mine blowing)Pad ...ion
to la. the bottte. , I Irma also, sa to bming witnersed
magie properties on trim. of mlne; am In
who bad a tryinw attack on her, 1.. SM. tat with a
diartminit much. Veitly Ltio on ly.. Emu spina (where
o. etentio. mu! mai sufferer) tas descended amongst
i P -L. E. Bakr? C rB I I2rEILLD, 173 Wine W.
I . ittsbam.ll, 7.. 14, 1861.
Prepared and mid by: it. E. SELLERS, No. 67 Wood A.,
and wid bf drosotists .nendly. jali
jtyhenbtheroan a don rot emanate* the InAurp
e eft easy than! If sap ll o these be. we do teat add rees our
OCITI. to Mond Dot 14 01l
we .it OU IrlAb to
reader ebeena • pla , ter. mayhem a nay ofJu S kallisel's
Almond lasturhe, or Andgoral Sharing Crane Ills ut
teat inamesilde teen wants IA delicate the •feelingn of
1.1.0 —ho he Wed lumbering Irith ordinary so ap-
you making aid of tee for the last time. It is • comb}
tllllollof wormier. admiratbn. and pleasee.
JULES fIACEL'S SHAVE.; CREAM 1. exceedingly
median% rendering the - Wilke. and nee wiry beard
and pliaLin,prodneing as utterable lather. and by Its ex
tremely mild-nature allaying the iretation. and preventing
that element are sad Meting of the akin whieh is to
often experienced after ahaving.
Gentlemen using Juln Ilancre Sharing Cream. may fun
the rebut and most perdue saute Immediately after lat
nee, without the thin becoming .LehappaL And IbONI who
once nee It. we aui safely my, trill nee.' ethcr. '
due gagd...Pranlagng-wlsich will br especially Appel:ela
ted by - those whawrar whiskere—is the fact that It will riot
discolor the Laud, hich most leaps will do. siring &mealy
or Mgr ePPearenee to the edge,. the ' , hake , .
JUlPllllAllera Slaving Creamer.: delighthil ittemaillona
nanpoundal with skilldto the Mt. exclusion
of all Realm
calculated to reruler tho operate. of ettelmc of and will be appreciated by all who make trie of them
Prepared onl Y
ET -
Jbl.E;f hIAUM, Perfumer and
Ile Chesnut street, Philadelphia. •
For sale, wholesale are reel, by IL A. Fahneucek A.
end IL Mars. Pittsburgh: and John bargee, and J.
allteheU, Allegheny ULT.
JUST RECEIViIIb—A new work on Me
bwilr, /Moine Wert. and: Eingineminm, Dictioury of
ldua, Mechanic, Yogi. Work and Cogittearing, de
signed for practical .art lusitien and those intended for the
Prgineering prufeseion tattedby Oliver Dime, forrocrir
ofaner of 31alhematici, Cobb.lab; of Civil nem, in
TM.ork Is of large 3 vu die. contaluintt nearly :M4O
npv..nts of Itel Plate, oat woolouts. ft will
Ez , glzto=fb° , 7,ll:;enitadZOltdoefralhjegat
We moult of American Ingenuity, it will contain complete
promiva treatises on dl hooks 3laehinery, Engi wort
and hoginceriM with oil trudiri useful In mare than ne
worth of Milo volume, magathat, and other boobs. The
areal object of title publication le to place before , practical
men nod students ouch at amount of thetnetiral sod rob
entlbc knovrlidgc, in a rundeneyel form,no Audi enable
them work to rile best altrintage, smd to avoid those
ululate, which they ntlyibt atherwbe commit.
The publisher. ore determined. reganilem nbeteet•
mato thr work ee conydes as pbetlble. and it le hoped ev
ery one deeirrom to obtaitithe work, will prneunt It a bat
ed Ile.m. and that amount, the ent,rpri..
Po/dishing lo 4.1 number, at::, cent. per mutiber, to be
plosed Otte
year. :-
Tweoty numbers recd, for ,eole br
jolt/ HOMO 3S. 4th street.
, •
Professor A. C. B arry's Tricopherour;
rrw.wiZiir rin 'il, 'Egg= rl d ,i= l :rth h :Z:l i ; , ..
and miring eroptktne on the al. dimes of the glands,
munch, god integuiticut, and rolievnts Ming, cots, brute
sex sprains. Itith preptimtion - Wm Le au such
etr the
tate The firAft,nrnals to Anemic, medical am
I the higheet cuticule, procaloant clam. Aron.-
Mtn, who have used iOtto rears In diva
pani, room and nurseries. adroit It . With oneacoard. t for
I:meeting vigor, glom. haruriarte sad curl to the hair,
eradicating .our l laud dandruff: healing wound, mad..
t e n, o and racists:or disease, of
Nhe skin the glands, and the to,,
It has no mull
ammo the multitude of coinponnd• advertised in the pub
lic prints, as used in mimic practice. In therm ate well
~,,,,,,ne,navysTylmtherma is nudes col. The int
mope mit roles of the tt...le. hue enabled the Inventor
to supply it at 43 cents per botile,lwhich le horn 30 lto 100
per cem less than the mica of oar other imentaratkett tut
thr halo pow In We. The nientifkt heath* on the bar
lotaando embracing the valuable directions tionthe tub
pnurreatan of oature's ohokeat otibuln
In which mull teals htenthwed, alone worth Woo '
The eninity between the ntembeence widebonastltotethe
Akio and the bar, which draw Ma inistenam trots this
triple envelop, Is very elms. All dlseasea Of the hair ode
gloat* in the skin of the heed. if We poem of db. scalp
rtfre'kftfirilVtfghbrit=rt ikaritreg:4"":l'.'
with montore s and Impart tic the'llbfa, the he Ault is
scurf. dandruff., shedding of the heir. acrerenese. thrum,
and haroh. , af the ligament, and eatirebaklnees, as the
am may be- Stimulates the skin to healtbfkil action with
th e trimplurous, and the torpid teasel, heuvering their
marlin annihilate the dhows. thallaffeetions of the
skin, and of the uttetrsta of Muck. and lOtegtunenb . ,tbe
gamey ale, la u y , :pm il;ft h kit
has Its stoellie nat, amt In all evelltros, and injury of
Wore 0.0:21.5,1t hi a userelgn ramedy•
bold In lance bottle., vica eant, Mu nrinclud of.
flo, 237 itromiwy, Mew Tort leally - tU minded ...Tie
Mite sad at yam throughout the United itnalbraud Cam
1.9 zs harem Oosidso Wordy . Pola sod Daik."
15 aka or. cgs do do 4. /•a1o." rerious river.
13 do do, not rucotrelehroced handl.
5 pipes 11911=1131ri. "Boloilos Anchor wad .11/0
• 2 puncheon., Irish sod rootth Ilurt Whlarr.
2 4.0 Jamaica SIMI
10 Mo. :O. IL do. dal
gr. mks Port 111.oe. ' •
- • ,
al do Sweet Malmo Moo.
do ry do. da •
10 do E D
bony Win.
:LS Mum Bonteeux Claret. __
etore a.,1 fee tale by'. JOIDI PRItZB A CO.,
Iml Stl Liberty stmt.
1V31..11.108Y, Nb. 136 Liberty street, b e gs
Y ref pectfullf 4arms Lt.; oumerouo Minds awl
=dome., that ho ix foot . rocelring•hio ote. fill gook ot
CWTII2. CAYSIMMEO, oful cmriNOM, of fbo• =moot
T hies. oktgiptclib t o tito h oolaA a l minter oessona
maters cotuc..4 mo.ofitnror a tatamtmtty
Weatern country. At thlf of • lohnsoot.
T ARD.--TTfenty brls arid tlftaenbqtrkxr
and rplondid storzuer. PIcDNUAL AILL
nr.Boninsronoudrrorill Irmo Gre
•od mLerrordi...l. rt. on :n..40. Um :Stta inStset: fit;.
o'rbek. t. a. Far rrriat or rarAarr, &Mr hownL, tp
nal • d..NEWTRFJON Arront
V------------- •
OR ST. LOUIS-The splendid
_n• roamer J. J. CRITTENDEN, 31. Storlitr,
oancnander, will lease fht above MI Isar
thedust., t......t... a S._,lnnliy, ilia :nth. Inst. At 11... X. '
F. ,. D , Lhbt or na,55,,n.. apply an Mani, or En. . •
Fi.!..! J. NNWTON JONMaigant.
FOR Li )1 . ISVILLE.—Tho spiel:7 ll lu
did ptea.reamerv,re,,,nt.gapl, lioatett. WM
r 10, the above and all fillet - mm.IWD
.tWedneadar. the 214 1n..d... at 1 4 .'0.1 4 2 ' k. " _
ar (fright ar par..., apply on Wall. 1
.1... z ' •
Ai.EliULAlt PACKET lORidge
, lI(N:KIIVIIINNIT.—The flue -.... Ph .
o v ag, cevt. s. s. Crain. will lean AO abore
every Turalay at 1 eelock P.. ,
For freight or haavnge.nprlr en
. bothr to
jegl 1111. 11 JOHJITION ie..
r L a T lSVlLLE—Theepiettd- h a t
Id elonfner NIT LT(IN. Cept..l. peep:. au
jire fur the enure end Intermediate Ram Int
1 01.%.ehl u nl(T.In v t.' n II wa bevu. .. Jali
_II: light draught :gamer PAM& Greentqad.
master. will ' , Ave fer the ele/ve end ell tn
veall a te .wt. on 11 , nday at ID A .1L . V. *Oat et t•A•
. e- , • •
cage Reidy an hard or to I
j,-,lf G II MILTYLeaIEGGEP., Azt. -
EOR ST. LOUIS—The fast e. •
ee : 'wee, Nl:tyros, o.e mu.
nron. nth leave for the above and Inn.
menn , port, on Monday. the 211.11 Inst. nt 10 A. 31.. s .
E ‘ .1,/tt or neva,. apply on " JUGS
1 4 1 01 t N . AS II VILLE. The fan
minnow .1o:unroll KNEV.I.Carn-WillUno,
w I hone for Use ol,ore and Intenawlinns
on Moons: Usth h., at 10 .1. X. •
Po' froi;ht. no Wows. apply ow !vont.
—•_ __
Olt LOP IS VILLE- - -The fast
E t “,„,,,„ ; ,ng azher mptonialt
kav for the abovot Auhl tuteriFhodl
tth. ports.: thin I. et 10
Tor kvicht or pax-sre. avNsmb )J, :Jilt
VOR•ST. LOUIS..The npleritlidia t
ju rtenmer PLEHATOOD. Wm. Corks.
ronnormdm, will leave (.r the aharn and intod ,
mediate, tnns. on nannlay, tho 11th Maud. at 4 P. X
Por ferfuht or pump¢ nnolf m hnLni.nd,r. •
Jae • :oar/vs .10:1E8,Aient . •
F 9
,ORJ.I: A N 'The
nm mdemnd nen - strarour EDITUO...t. U. ibk•MEg*
arter. tr il l bare fur anon. aml Inter
merman Innd Mk mooting, nth WM/at, at 10 ledork.
Po r frrlnndnr Moos.. rrrir m I.oN.
FOR NASHVILLE The splins i
did atumner Four' PITT, 01111 , i. mina,
vr I lino fur Um above and intermedinto polio
tld Oar yth hulann at 10 o'clock, A; M. • • • •
roOrht tumor. arid/ on Imml. lra
yoR Sr. .lAJUIS. The fast rim- !- •
teher, 1.111 lexre (or the store And Into •
mMate parts Mix ds) , the lath 1.,,t...110 -
For RIuLL urariaGe, 'a tt a r M, boats, •
Ltiltltt—Tha ntrataer ZACCIARY
YLOR. Hard. maater, will leata
and atenandiate hhrht thin day. at 10 o'aknlh AI:
lon fraiaht or pansie. apply 011 barnL fate
LieP - 61.'81itat(11.1 AND
WIIEELING PM:Et:T.—The Pplvir.jejlaid
new wicket fleshier D I PIIN A ectisWit,
ter. is nciw rest:wining beenwuler trisweerlr he,to,o
this city snit Wheeling, leering Pittsburgh at 10 othselt
every Merslay. Wennewlay. end Frites. sad retavtliOSl
Tuseelny, Tbanialit and Wants).
1n each ~ttk. for WWI
vrolg 111 1ITT M St11:01./ L i n. tn.
Plitabumb everylay. nnd:ly 024 S,etuntar. retara
tlj. /erre.. ery Mowlar, %%ed.:adv.. Mt
" 4'4 h P " . 1 1 1 11 - raiirß k :. 41•12 t •
ghetto Title splersdid boat vow ballt b,
the owners of the steamer toeute Newton.~ and where, ta
the aneinnal and Pitt•burgh reeket thole, awl will keno
mv.) o l , ..pwr.r.for , qu o cintistl. plate of the ;.i . e• Ear
''Vrfro for " . "''' T. Vi'.74l-iiIRMRATift:Tx
ChM .. fast running
run ais a moll. imackst listtsburiih. Wheeling.
Bridwport. soul Purillsh. hurl rig Pis Isburgh rerrp.llooday
milers:won (..r ...itstsheusill, assi II Wit,Wad
rhuni.lay allernism wh e al s .,
Bridgrport. Inn. end Nunlishi bless Ilsidgss
part sold Stio.sll awry Tusiilay sitterrain, Paulloks
Vatity sitterun i ii .;p7 r. tresglit gitsmag;tegi
Lt Amcor: D.
ter. . Mondno.ll"rdtioalny. and Aldo,'
dt 10 o'clock. A. :VI- bonves'Wellevilla on Tardar.l2tol q
ay. and Saturday. at 7.aclock.• .
For froight or atTly 0,. land ; - _ DON
ANCY COIIPAN Y. No. 141 14arkrt. Strad. Newsrh..
.. ml• No. 11 Wall Smect, N. Y. Accumulate; assetts
411.0alttur. dirlaluu faun to il.O mat met rceasusum.
The sulenibur ree4re apollcotlort4 for 113/1311MCS
Wee In the above rucr.n.ful I usursoccl>/rtueum the eboie
Moats bins Mcblel ourevz lho sasuard.
N Y. 0.11 Front ONES. Aea. s tr ee t •
FITE ~....:c1• 1 .„ 31.1.1i1Nf.: LNSURS-NCE--Tho
p:pit.itmin—ci"i'.-r.zWl3'.4. UM . ker.. oo
oetitgrwrty their •nvleuu. Iv We dtr" 'kba'r' osa,a 4.*
booby and ros,,els korlatand tr4,oario=rol
Arthur G. enalb, Pee D l, Enamel Brea;
F T . agr ti
• Alenander
nuouel W. Jones.
helward PnAth, Anubnore White.
Jahn A. Darn, Jacob X Thenwar•
Jahn {Mtn. John E. Neff,
Thomas P. Cone, Wuhan] D. WouA r
Walrh, Francis ItaalnA.
IL D. SIII,Tred, Seep.
Thlr Ie the lAdrat !neural., Courpaur llnltAl Stars
am! An. It. high 'Lana, Fax exneneure.aTle sataba t
and ,roiling all rho of ea extra Itazarlooa 42aracter
a. k r be conenleral au utter n .
JONE% Aeßtelt.
Id. 141 M= West.
To Southern and Western Merchant's:
40IISELL'S PRE3IIO3I PERFUMERY.The en broriler rerooetfully Invitee public atburolou
extrude e deck of Perfumery.licamaarhurcreaso.
die- to urlikli rovers Sliver and two Golden Medals tiara.'
(thin the lad dr. years, urn awarded by the kw:diastole of
Net Fork, boom. and Philadelphia,7the latter haute Um .
Emy Golden Slidida ever awarded for FerinineiT With= to
uropa er In chi. minter.
ZW67-1.1..3 UST.ll,ll. , Snemo 0121.14 Bum,
and Ambowill.) unireroally acknowledged tobesupgrior Ito
any Fhaving Cronin in tide roudtry or Enron. I
inzerwist tom rolovio—Ekwutifully .trawbaraft, and
ponicludnit highly Faponaceous and emollient proite_ir„
liaponaryous Compound: Ambrosial Riming
ry Sham. roan -
Serving. Toner boirs—Xlmond.,Row, Sfllletleurs. Bar,
i' Vt i illre ' SiSs i l= " oll C=. 11,11z6 !
EITFIALTS run 21E6 I UNit[lielitn-it—ltern, Jaroain; Wow
Trot de Caroline. Gera:iron, Jenny Lind, bionaselhoulaik
ey Club, Wagnol is, Clematite. Citronelle awl, and many
other varieties, in all Fitt) . different .6.
Tony, Wm.—Florida Water. Fan de Toilette,
L ana
Flower Water, end a urgai variety of Cologiung wad an.
der Waters. non •rue flutu—Gentdrin Bats' 011, AniketH•
01l Baudniloc, Eau Luiitrale, Ulelne, Cintasinuod Us M.
mw. liair Dye, liquid and in wader, end Philotioptenthili
tihx, and drum, Lind roman , . • . •
. i 4l . l PlaAnass—lialpeaule Ikea Tooth
Party, Chnteont Ihutriecc, Odontlur.Tootlitiastu.sttTooth
Caiotairs—Vraviable Cosmetic Crkto,, Atuallna for
chapped baud, Cold Cerium of Awns, Cap= • Pone. Ly
Pal Fe, Ita•pbrry Cream...
Depilato, Powders , for retooling impertlromsbalr resrl
Powd, Vlnaloni do lioue. Amount% l'lnegar,..ttorta
13.1 r .Inopuollaon, flreston neat, beddew a great t• of
otter articles, too numerous to be named to dila
The sobsetiber hopes to maintain the reputaliost *bleb
this establishment has aequind, by dirpositig of nothing
but and rate articles. and sill he happy to furnish theta
,rho may with to patroolse hiss,. either wholeaslr or reta
14.1 reasonable tams no any establishment in the Dotted
Stater. E.tVIER RAUH.
7drumitwor to and (after Director of the Labsittut7 _
Dr. Daalter hirer:um is for ode by nil the ptinclpd •
Druggists in the erant7.
important to Stage Coach and Wagon
I hi,e bought the and XIAL Immune! by
r. eantuel IMAitlgrr, “Shillteki Patent." it nu
been br our bvt marl, builder, otePpronotirced
he the beet in nee. .twi
l l rnnry mech. with sect of three
Arlie, running daily, wiava.. a half yin Cur oHebei:
Mouth,. The ottrall quantity of oil wall cn• of the ban
erid..neve we have erne great•rettortion of t he a
conesquently greet earl.of tenets: it win teaks the el.*
Proprietor+ to sae, P. 5 per to on their stock and bed.—
Aheb it will giro sreat sat
wett to travekrs the
,I t 2V; h rel e r;
lis. woivr rue jalanteni C lon
rgrrant NOM A.Skilo
Wt from 12 to 15 3 ram that, running.
Wantouse— Water:nll44 Pront stmt., Pitts
burgh. taf2s..if
11 IMIIII. at 1101.31 i hr Literary naval, Thlid Stteat t pp.
puede the Prot
Baniccre.' 31444.razi0r por year $3. 00 ' •
Merrh.anta' : 4 1aaatinc.-- 410 , 603
. linlekorlarker Iladas4o4.---.•. do 00
Antreiran IVhla *tiro— do a o Ederho do 600 '
..... do ,
nok• ....... do;- 2 20
tirninuti. !fa:maim do.
Sat 4 Maw.
1 n trroathaud .11444.4a5in0... ...... do
3. 00
Inartwoa eh, 2MI
Maim:Lariat .........- ...... .... 41444 :100
' 4 1 1 ' 4 ' 4 014 ' a
Th.. Januar, number et titt3i;;;a1044444 Will becho bie r
newt, 4d the 11C1C volume, and will be the bort -ever
. • .
ust,_Tbe abut, Cl/150.40[1 , 1 VW i* dellrrrui fera l =
witht my ollts. Laing quite a saving to those ru
113 e. _
A large arta atoll seined Ar.-k of mu - ILLS:at ANlttb
ALS. GIFT 1100. Kr. :Ae., suitable fur Clansbotaa and Zior
year's 'Tumults.
Also---Am extrusive asonriuuraL Of Novels oral Cbr
Itrahur., tatkus.yy. VlsitUss clouts, A. All orders
ed u punctually. J. IL /10 .
No. 74 Third stmt.
.... ._ ._
ment of Derealts and Ihdanaa of Deta fa the
Bank of Pittsburgh. of the amount of test dids, and sr,
cording that 1.11213, which, within the three 3 ..enk
. r z nall „... Z
the dam of this statement, have Lint tither been
or dlaanirhed, alththe names of the depot/nes, the date
when such deposits nem made. er Weaves acensor s and
the =moats thereof.' This statement esekella al/ &poen.
aukbaJancee of depeedts a bleb , Dave heretokre been Ads,
Inked Er three storeseire tvans—they having eselsostal I.
the Bantams/wealth:
Jena uftamiii= .... ....., :I, T;47 .—.— --SI
Thomas Kean. —Aug. Rt Isda--ao-1340. , 0
James anaart.(nalnleed.—Dfe-` " 7. --. ^ . '""" "X°
W. Tomlinaso... . . -.June lu, I . ---- Itett)
I eertlff that the Vi;folrei orPea / b. - ".....
the perm= mused, and harind re In Beak sat
, * , 4 0,1 f. the ''' to "' .1911/: SNIDER. .2
... % ,...Nct.46.
Sworn arid sobers/Lod Wore me. I.lllg *l.O day el D..
comber, INSA //Ist NVAToON. Alde rm an . '
dredealarkeinS - of the Cllr of Plttsbarelt
• -
Third end Market Marcia Charted A. D.
PO. Th. only (auto:v.l Dulauta or the hist la ha.
Famtrr—.roux firatto. Draw-pal. itiattartra ' qa Da .
SClenea of Amount,'
Hk _
O. K. Praffiler Of rwiraaanow•iaalatt.
OwarootOta.... . •
an, arottlaT Oa Coaaaraffil •
Dough or Tarxrua—Han. Win. Wilklnst nil:44E6ft
1100. John (Davie Dayloallak:
)loos ihooptota Hon. W. U. Lowrie. Dr. J. a. itelllato.k a
Jolla Anderi.ll. Geo. J. a.•Ilcorolstal; Juan Dna.
r Eamon:al Onata In 11rr.a
I .t
Law: Jatoca Tamer, licratouit: Da-Pryor. Acronntant.
rtnatuta Can enar this ln.witution at any taw, and L ,
taielivtoiriloo lailtralhall, bah as, enter , frer - Ire.eti
,tfiu,d4zuk=adlploatai ingnal by lb. Focry , aed
Thom lintlbilig • ibillta kn o wledge of Zook triVi i :
Prantnanahip, ha : will hoar in mired that this la Ora
Cbaritowal .11'01.AD:din littawirab. Cnentobakat
a ttentkrti.
thaw arklrened to O. K. Cluartbeektorill
.1 ).A.311: to Mu teholoace of ttze u,e7,
thr• Lilt at the L 7k — . a last, its) Ok dark s
hs h • .hhe shils.sss hss Nick; %Ism! tons years a. 4,
112 K sahk.. The owner Is herstry nastifat SO MUM fIXIIII4*
il i rgarryqq !
11.4•U1t , SA 1,V,.--7 boxes of bleciumee, riz:—
The Bann of I4?n Dr. Drcatia Annt,i-na Onadlat Dr.
canoes Patent t , - .b 1 , 1,dr. Dr. ME& Dunnage
ffla, Dr..Dran? Snolhan *rap for eaddladdidtdon,
Item and Herb Pins. Dr. Dunn" Yallaha pl y and ir tz a. Canard'a Funs. ax.
.• 34Aab-#1364_1
.... , .