PITTSBURGH GAZETTE 'P • RDkdSUED BY ITIIITO k CO PITTABIIROB WEDNESDAY EdORN4Na. JANU4 Ir •T' :I2, /851- w. .T.itrasiie War Gss.--All doubts of • • alitY_ of the wonderfnl discovery of Mr. Psixx, of Vre'riniter, -Mannoeb.3eqs, pee fat i•TIDE Away before the sicenmulation of facts. - Ilavuig secured his . patents, both in Europe and Ameri esOirZPeine now freely exhibitts his gas manu . feetneinicPenitions, vrithent 'hesitation or re eerie to all who desire 'an 'inspection. Ile has accepted the Dostou wager of $5,000, that he could not substantiate his claims, and measures prison he taken to test the reality of thedis . Oery ni Conclusively as human ingenuity can -do it.. It is rinn ceilthat ho will soon repeat idlexperitnents New York before, some of the best aciitatific P (assess• / Mr. 3. R. Nichols, of Hav El, co ywith Dr. .IYelter Chan tfing,efloston, s recently present at one of .Pain's exhibitions end gives his impres aions.in'one of the Beaton papers, as follows Shut isrlic nature' of the gas' which he pro dnies aticopiorudy friim water ~ hydrogen, sialageotts'to that pranced from water by other inithoda or dkomposition? When lighted, be „foie passing the turpentine jar: it does. resemble the'common hydrogen jet,bat this, it seems to me is insufficient proof that it is constituted . precise. aorinnon hydrogen. In repeated experi ments-in milaberatory, I ham not yet been able produce that effect: upon the purest hydrogen, procured from water by tine and acid, which Mr. Palno does upon his by passing it through . • , Jathough r,taiententa hire been Made by cope lantenten, that they Imre sueeeededinimparting Elnrcdnating properties to this gas when prucur ad 14 common methods, yeti am very much IBS perd An doubt Whether they have obtained any thang like the perfection of illauthmatingpow exithich'characterizes Mr. Pallea light. -ob -tinned; in my experiments, a. very obvious in . ;crease of luminosity at thh apex of the jet, when passed'through turpentine', affording a very lighp but' nothing at all comparable with what thave since seen in Mr. Paine's jet of light. .....InntlStrer to the inquiry, ha informed' one that Inettselthe turpentine of COMillerte, the same Maio...thyself. It seems to me that there is atttro in this question as to the•miture of Mr. l'ainels gas a very important inquiry, and that itlaniinatter whirls should receive early. Investi gation.. Can any one-can lir. Paine himself -Itader/ positively its exact nature, which see - ifaiiiilhaf it is produced 'under very pecuiihr eirtmnstances, by apparatus new in itscharacter tr. and tremendously powerful in its effects” ; theorising prematurely and without ex- Penment in relation to the chemical action of this ariangement of Mr. Paine, is manifestly wee!, 'atidtmprofitable. The construction of his boli -oos,, constituted as they are, of a thibuliu• coil, . interiar of which is filled with -water, his el beiredes parsing down into the water, terminat ing in said platinum points and these points into 'cups of caned platinum wire, are nets and inge nious aiming,ements, and introduce to the scien Life world a new:subject for thought and study, - "and time alone can show to whatneb - results these 4E3eOveries win lead. • In Ms discovery Mr. Paine has evinced un common perseverance, besides great mechanical . aind'icientific aktll Ile is henceforth to be reck oned among the greatest discoverer; of our times andif be'neveit lights a dwelling with his gas, or. setae; Wheel in 'motion by the power which be is nottfidetit.helom discovered, he has already done enough to render his name Immortal. — Alava not in this communication ileticribed 'rtS'aPpeoratits,"fi 7 tr it, Jetumot be done no as to be intelligible to the utisitientifie, and the 'scientific bare 'already had descriptions which brine the mutter home clear and distinct to their minds. " In relation,to fhb practical resulti, which are to from this discovery, it is 'impossible to it4te it the present time what they may, be, - With this apparatus evidently in an Imperfect atitte, With the decomposing jar leaking, badly in generaied, as well as could be ascertained, 'about twelve cubic inches 'of gni in four minutes, en bough to supply, foim, burners, with a moderate motion of helices. - Ho Rag confident that, in its perfect state, it *add supply : tWelve burners, and tliere Ls no sea sin is doubt this conclusion. There may be ob 'Marla in the way of its .eniploynent on a large scale; but there": are none that can be thought: of at the presenttdpo. The public mast not e - xpect the immediate in of the'benefits of this tthscovery into their dwelling's. It will, necessarily take time to construct and perfect aiparatus, , and remove all obstacles in the way of its general employment, STdere dye any. ST they will shortly secure the iacalealable benefits and blessings which it wilbeonfer; I :have ~. . . •:r-The subject of the emprtreasien of the dmeri- 1 . - etits"Clutpel at Rome is still the subject of Lndig- ' . smut comment in tbe secular papera oethis corm- try. T he New York Express takes the Courier , with . having been the apologist of the Pope and . theVardinals, during ,this existence of the re- Pnblic itallome. , We cimy the concluding para .. graphs of. Its article. ~. In the, meantime we rcmark,j that both the .courier and Mr. CUB have received a short les . sulfites the real character of the Men. they bane AO etrangely.been induced tudefend and eulogize. Whatelaisn' -can the Cardinals, or any other of the. Pope's friends lum.to the sympathy.or re spect of-American editors or repreientatives abmad; displaying. such ingratitUde for a favor, whatever they may tmppose it to Live been:— - , WharrtiMect can be felt CT= by tbeirdefendem, . . •for teen who hare disgraced thcruselvei by such an arbitrary end narrow-minded net, as refusing !-American .citirecis in Some to meet for the wor ' atiip,of. God in their, owit way?. But We would to theCotwier seriously as Amerieans,*and ask it Whether it ia not now at least Male eti dent, that there is no excuse for one of us qta . raising with that Papal party at Florae, which es the open and deadly enemy of liberty', and: now . shown to be the esil oppremori of the people? We.would. tisk . lib; further, whether the flepub lies= et Borne' did not, last , year, .I offer the strongest eiLlence of the excellence - of their cause, ita ~ ddentity with our own and of their Worthiness and its championsl . , "Let the Courier consider for a moment, that, 4 . ...111.. Casa , deferred so much credit ',for saving " . : -. 11.-beitaisrs or two in Rome, (supposing that the .. .etories load teen - true,) bow much more honor 'was - due to our American hearted C mut, Mr. ) liggink for the ' frank and generous stand he Mule, taring many an innocent fro m brutality • and murder. And, if the Pope or rho opagazida timunire an enioginin for pertuitting an American - church to be open for four weeks; who a . gLorious set of men must, the Roman Repoblicans have been; who introduced and sustained perfect reli "gloms, as,well as civil liberty, through * out ell the country 'as long as WOy had the power, and, :when they resigned it temporitrily, swore to adhire to their principles for ever. PLANK ROAD INPROYEDI7B., Que seeders are aware that ts. company has C been famed, a charter secured, and al route our- Vieyed. for a Plank Road from Pittsburgh .to lelestown. This road will be built speedily, as 3itis in the hawk of the right gat of men, and • will be'of great utility to all that region of coun try. Betides this, it is te ho theparent of other lines of similar impVeiement, nil tending to -Pitts.- haegh from - tliffertiat • directions. Indeed, the Boutb part of the colontry promises to be covered with a perfect net of Plank RoaAe. Atnong these ha:a branch of the Roblestown Road to the Washington turnpike, which boa been surveyed • 'and found perfectly feasible, as will more fully appear by.the following report .• . • Ptrisuuson, Jan. JAW „2'. ? M. 11, Ilaows; Era, Wn. FOSTRIL, and others: • Densameatt—l have surveyed the route for stannecting the' Washington Turnpike ; Road with the Noblestown Plank Road, The route envoy ad commences on the Washington Turnpike Rood at*COL Lee's houss, thence through lands 'or Glenn,.Foster, Drown, and Bells, intersecting the •Doblestown Road at Simnel Itell'erasidence,mak lug the distanee two miles, which ; will not dent-. ate from a straight line more than .about four him:tared feet. The ground is very favorable' or eneh road, and the grades will he Manly on a laTel. with 'the one exception of the -ridge at 'Owns's Run; avid& place the gre will be Welted one half degrees. , - It R. E. spedlYd AIeGtrYEN, Uhl ngtoeer. The distance from Pittsburgh t Col. Lee's Ahouse, by the Noblostown Plank "fto , and • .braneb above noticed wilt be miler; 'on, 'eaar'siorter Moo iy uragthurup 4rnpiir; and linitend of over:hills* on 0 giade in acme planes of degress, thanew ioute will.be corn positively level; in no place.over di degrees. - It swilltherefcce tarifa' the travel dean "Washing :, r t:nat turopMe f9i.tb2t distftnee. . A bill grunting a charier for this branch road; -Witiiitiler to go to Washington, iallowTeudixig before the ,Logbilataxe,: and we hope" it will be Lowed :Without any unnecessary !delay, as th ere :"an be sooppr.ition in any quarter. to so corn. anindable siiiipisrirtnraent: We susaeptansl.tbit mass me e ting in shortly! intVa 3l4l2 o s , n county, to, 'taw tbo:iidiiibry tavords founding =Mafo building • Rink toad frxß l that' placia —r „ttt4for*re got ti4e bo 0-*,c4i 4 t the lllirsalikngton tiliapiko. whs4e the Hohlaataill 3)*44/!:ttert___ ThiW'rUnte, iritiP Hickory, worddtu;arer for a intim trenk , kola . to Stenbanal.e. WelLtbulg. or Yiltilingt 4 u- Let the citizen of that region go ahead anti lidikeithesuirids, and they will double the value of their farms, and give themselves nil the ad vantages of eiceess_to a good market, which they could dusire. Tits AshisTlC. —VP to.litst evening at 9, this vessel had not arrived: We believe yesterday was her 24th day.. Btlll, ape may he safe; for if her machinery became disabled in the,easiy part of the voyage; and she in making way with sail only, she has not had time to reach New York. in the quantity of sail she mimics is very disproportionate to her site, ..hemprogress would necessarily be slow. Facn.—We heartily concur In all that la inid in the subjoined panigraph, which we clip from the Philadelphia Ledger. There appears to be a movement going on among, the fanners of our vicinity to petition the Legitlature for far more effectual legal protection to their fruit orchards and gardens, and which the Legislature will doubtless accord to them with o promptitude becoming -the importance of the 4ubject. To large cities fruit is not only a luxu ry, but an element of health, life, vigor and en -ergy. However profitable p it may be to the far mer, and nothing is more so, it is infinitely more conducive to the health of the citizen. Thus far a very imperfect of the salutary power of fruit on the, health of cities is entertained, undo( course nothing 4 the semblance of reality juin ever yet appear in regard to this highly useful branch -of social, economy. fruit should not be a luxury of the opulent, as it now too much to, but n . common enjoyment of an classes. as" a means tor Ate, • Prencrvation of health, sad diyerting from eroded citice thy visitation of pestilence. Its cultivation ought tone promoted, and no legislatire action Ought to .be withheld which is necessary to its protection. It in not marvellous that farmers should eo much neglect this brunch of cultivation. when it is remembered bow liable they are to the depredations of the bile and the *ions. We Isould suggest that, the offence of stealing fruit from the tree on which it groWs should be declared petty larceny, instead of- being only a trespass, as it now is. This enactment, if thought to be too severe joy the state at large, might be confined to the vicinity of large cities, where it is needed. In fact many farmers are so dis couraged by the depredations of vicious persona, that "tkey forbear to plant fruit trees, thus not only depriving tkem of the profits of fruit grow- Mg; kat leprisiog the oilizeks„ in a measure, of the opportunity of ;purchasing fruit. 6.1)!;94'44, of this kind is much needed 'in this neighbof i hood as well as in the neighborhood delphis. Sitemois will be well represented at the War Fair. The Detroit Unify ,it says Mt several articles from this State Gift be transmitted, among which are Burqs Solar COM pose, Wilder's Lee-Way Indieator, Fog Whistle, and Rotrii7 Steam Engine, as well an control spe cimens of fancy work, from the fair hands of Wolverine Ladies, among which are a pair of Fire Screens from peacock's feathers, bye *Die Creek Lady,. a beantifol case to contain which,• has been manufactninil lq A. Eiciamond, Book binder of this city.. CONOttiGATIONAL CLEIIIII3SCS 1 t RIARAICTIC- Frerrs.—From an article in the Greenfield Demo crat, it appears that of the 1350 Orthodox Con itegational ministe4ln Massachusetts, six were pastors of the same,churchca at the beginning of the nineteenth centirry,. vin—Rev. Timothy hi. Cooley, 1). 1)., Granville, Feb. 1, 1796; 'Rev. „TOhn Fisk, D. D., New Braintree, Oct. 16, 1796; Bel. Isaac Braman, Georgetown, Jurie 7, 1797; Rex.: Thomaa Snell, D. D., North ißrookfleld. June 27, 1798; Rev. Theophilus Packard, D. D. Shelburne; Feb. 20 ; 1799. At the present time thereare Only five; the Rev. Elbibn Fisk died last week. • 'FLAWING MUTT TREES •John and !planted a hundred apple tyres," to day said a neighbor tome one morning. lie thought he had done a fine day's work. The fact is, ha did no4plant one, and 1 told Lim no; although in was true Olathe had stuck that number in. to the ground. I told him that I and two hands had worked bald far 3 whole day, and only gat aboutfortY in. He seemed to think it strange, and wanted to krinw bow 1 mutated. / Mid I him. I first take care that the roots of my tree. &tenet injured in toting them from the nursery. Thep I dig a hole from three to four feet wide, and ten or twelve inches deep. Whet good soil is on.the top I lay by itself, scattering most of, the subsoil around. kVith the top soil and some of the subsoil I mix '6lmost every thing in itin nature of manure I can get 7 rOtted stable ma-. Mae, coal ashek, a little lime, the scrapings of roads, mud out of &Sip or ponds (this is very good) and even old clothes, shoes, hair, bones. the more the better. newt things are mixed with the coil aforesaid, and the whole more than half-filled up with the compost. Then I act my tree, with a stake, spread oat the roots nicely, throw on some more compost, and a little water to make it adhere to the roots. tread it a little, then fill up entirely, a little higher than the sur face, wad it is done. The roots ere then about roue inches below the surface, which is plenty. Now, if the tree le -worth the ground it tree pies, it is worth a little pains in planting. It will be healthy, grew rapidly, and prOduce more and better fruit than. if ploutetl in the ordi nary careleta mameor. If too SG4 PI 4 tough clay; a little sand it good among the other things, but it is not rery essential.. Jilt. lb,N iO < intunr.) TWO GAYS LATER FROM EUROPE. 'AIIEIVAL - ok . THE ASIA. dU Tranyuil--RareJ jam Liurrpoal and Lcndon Ain. 4th, Parir ?d. The Cunard Sieatacr Asia arrived at her wharf at Jersey City rt about 8 *la:* last evening.— For some reason her mails were not distributed at the post office till near 11. , • W t s hrtwsuothing further concerning the Atlan tic by this stairal. The news is of little importance. We give below whatever of interest we fial id owe files : ENGLAND. uwor or ESOLAND-11.61L or 1113COCX/ The Bank of England announced on the sth nn ineinuse in their rate of discount from 2 to 8 percent. This measure was unexpected. and crested considerable excitement in the cations -Markets. • aroiMi.NY. • POLITICAL krOSPECTA• The Deutsche Attgesseirse Zeitung publishes some interesting details concerning the nonlidential conversations and consultations which pregtitml the formal opening of the Dresden Congress. It Is stated' that Prussia, an well aa Austria, &Dieresis:, the'principle of u duality or division of power between - the two, but merely en so far as tlntaagan of the executive power is concern ed; while ea far aaregards the legislative func tions 'or the CorAdaration, they ndvocaie the independence Om farts eltatinastances will allow) of the individual States. They are agreed to propose that Ate kyisin tive Board shall consist of Id joint Stales or Votes, but it is not their intention to enforae this ' point. On. the. contrary, if their plan ehOuld happen to. meet with ri violent opposition, they unprepared to minima to Lave • the 17 Votes of the old Confstierntion, altdough in such a way that the smaller Dimes ore to bise two Totem for the benefit of Austria and Prussia, which Intend to. Insist on hating two.totes each. An essential change will take place in the manias:• of toting. The old pion of passing resolutionS only tc.sta. con. will be discontinued, and the decision will lie with the majority. The minority will he bound to such retalutionn, al:Attie casting tote belongs to the presiding State, that is to say, to Austria or Prussia, which Will take the Presidency by rotation for periods lit from two to three yenrs. Among the most important pointe is the re ception of Austria with the whole of her prov inces and-dependencies Into the Confederation. This question occasioned the moat animated Prussia could not censent to Austria's! , Tosseating a pow& in the Confederation equal to her awn, and a still greater Power beyond the - pale of, the Confederation; while:Prussia, by the : Incorporation of the eastern and western pros, bleu, a nd of Posen, had noel-federal territories whatever. No definitive decision has been taken en thin delicate point. • Prdeeia protests that, if. only the, German province! Of Austria are to ta ker the new ConfederatiOil;:il will be necessary for - her (Prussia) to remove East and West Prus sia and the Grand Duchy-of Posen from the 'Fe deral lalm — da: , Bat anOfferlu bean** Mb*, tune time, tat the Thole of the Austrian mato - 1 - 4clii shall :lie admitted ted ntn the Confederiann; Mi,nt least' ill the provinces, eieepting Italy; lit4nry,-.Tran,sylnuna. and the Banat; and that if' thy nett zranted. thelvehole of Pro.sainiroultl remain in the Confederation. This last•plim is most likely, to,prove accepts-. ble to Ambit. But the presumption that, be sides this Confederation, anothersmaller (roger) league will be formed on the basis of the right . of forming separate (freie Uninmg,),and:i tharthe legislative:pewer Of this league, or these leagues, will be seated' in'a poptilar represents- tion—othis prestimption," rays the Deutsche Al gemeitie Zeitupg, i"rests on Tagne premises I and inferences, of which the realization is not, infant, intended by vitly one of the parties concerned." It appeari, them that, _Prussia and Austria propose kit a slight modification of the old Fed eral Constitution. They propose a strong Ex ecutive power, and one which is separate from the Legislative Board—a mode of voting by ma jority, and the reception of sundry Austrian pro vinces into the Confederation. The other points are of secondary importance. • Almost all the States of Northern tiermany consent to these ar rangements, but they insist (and espetially lion over) on adding a popular representation taken from the Diets of the individual States. Bava ria, on the other hand, supported by the South - German Sloth and Electoral Hesse, has again preferred liar Old plan of octal graup• pen, ) according to which the Executive power shell belong to Austria; Prussia, Bavaria, Bas enji, gaunter, guitemberg. and the Grand Duchy and Sleet - irate bf Vessel while' the Legis lature of the Confederation is provided for by the representation of the individual States and by n popular representation taken from the Diets. This plea, ,it is stated, has not the least chance of iIJGCOS4II. In conjunction with these etetements, the Kol ner 2eitung publishes a plan, which is being proposed to the Dresden Congress for organising and - distributing the votes in the Central Legis lative Board. The incorporation of the two Ho henzollern Principtlitiev (with Prussia) and the impending incorporation of Lichtenstein (with Austria) facilitate a reduction of votes of the old Confederation. Prom li - they are to be reduced E° 1¢ Thp german lialaio3 tower the King of Denmark are henceforth to be joined under one appellation—such as, for Instante, Frisco, and Nassau, which will be entilled to one vote, will be converted into a Grand' Duclij. Oldenburg. Brunswick, Anhnit, Lippe 'and B'eldekwlll have the joint appelation of Eastphalin thede Sum% as vellum ebb Thuringian States, Will have one vote among them. The 1G votes world thuo belong to the follow-- I ing States: Austria, Prussia, Bavaria, Saxony, Hanorer. Wurtembers, linden,: Grand Duchy of agsse, gi t ctprill Friscia, llecklgeherg, !inrsen. Ltlxembllll, eel the Free Tom* A - plenar meeting of the Bunil" takes place every fifth year unilbn the presidency of Austria, and to the intermediate time the be- ; illness of the Confederation is discharged by its I supreme board, or "Federal Council," which con- gists of six members, and, which is divided into two ',!courts' . .—one foehome affairs and one for , foreign!offairs. • The two great State's, Anstrii ef i neint each two members, who ternatelytako the Vadidkiny at the two Conrts. The other two members are appointed by the 14 remaining States under the honotary Presidency pf Pravda; thesehro teemberswill act en Serra thrice to the Austrian and Prussian members. Among other details the projeet mentions a'. , floNri. of Arbitration." The ?residency of this I Board along/ (5 the four lesser Kingdomewhich appoln one memildi edhb, while tba renfoining 10v es, - (of small States) under rim honorml Presi cy ,of Bavaria, appoint a Secretary. The..! King of satiny presides In the 'fburingien States the King of Hanover has the the honorary Predz deucy oflastpholic and the Kiug of Wartem berg that of the Free Towns. The honorary i President has, of course, the casting vote. The .Hasoborgh Borsenhalle states from bees den that Count Reveotlow Faye, the Holstein a gstit. et the Dresden Congress, wan admitted to I an au dience by Prigno Scirgartsenberg previous to the departure of that itploniatist, for Berlin. The Priuce assured Count Rerentlow that the on ly advice he had to give to the Stadtholders was, that they should make an act of instant submis sion to the federal decree, and that they should disband their inny. Prince hicwiuttenberg do dWred that this was the only way to enable the Confederation so protect the rights of the Buell .; lee according to the resolution—of the Fi.ileral Diet—of the 11th of September, 1846, but that if the Stadtholders persevered in their resis i tance, and if the mission of Count Mensdorf and of Baron Theisen, who have .been sent a com i miadoners into Holstein, were to be rolled of dr ! ebjeet, the Icerninge and threats of the Federal I authority would he lip by ON , . and Psusoia and Anstria would not for o single ino- I meat hesitate to enforce theirdeeree. ''To this, the Holstein agent., replied, that the Stadtholdern and tile : people of the Duchies, fut. I ly convinced of their right, would prefer en hoe- I prable downfall to es tame and dingracyful pub- : mission to term which they were .juntified in considering as emanating Dom Denmark.— These explanations have virinally pet a termi nation to the mission of Count Reventlow, and the telegraphic despatches of this - morning, es tablish the fact thetAnetria and Prllerie.are ful ly agreed and resolved to have reepuro to ex treme measures. 'ibis thin , of the'case in further confirmed by o semisotheisl article in the Gepterrcichinche Cor respondent, in which it is stated that the two Cabinets of- Austria. and Prussia are fully a greed as to their phinnof operations in Holstein, and that the troops will be permitted to cross the Prussian territories. The paper : which we mentioned, adds that the Stadtheildera will be forced into salmis:ion, not only because such is the will of the Germanic Confederation. but that Ilthe Military opcopotion of Holstein at the pre, entjtaictare . takes place in Consequence of the London protocol, of the dih of Jury. IF is also i stated by tbememe journal, that Austria, faithful jto her federal duties, will never go beyond the federal resolution of 1846, and that the incorpo- Iration of Holstein with Deismert would be alto gether inadmissable. THINGS IN HESSE CASSEL. Court I,e4;tinglin,, thelAustri an Craamiszioner in in niase has sus ended the functions of the Standing f.lominiitee of }he Gift. The g it the terror Counf Leiningen'ti decree : Blaze the Permanent Committee of the Ravi= Lien has, in Its present romposittery placed ohdtaelett in the way tit n recognitiou of and obedience to the Elector's demons of the 4th 7th and 28th of September, and since that board has used its rights of impeaching the public. functionaries in a manner which was calculated to produce, and which indeed has produced the most lamentable consequences, I Live, in she (mugs yo my duty ,as lettere] Commissioner, and mate sarciagh of the powers plenipotentiary which 1 hohl, prora to prohibit to the said Committee elery otticitif =acting and antic, ity. Any act of disobedience ettaiten this deems of mine will meet with immediate punishment according to the forme and providions of the ex isting state of war COUNT LEININGtN Federal Corardasioner. amel Der. 26. 1660 . - The fairy, Zeitung states, from Cassel, that 14,v! paw be no doubt as to. the reasons why the Feder s 3 gnairsistioner has thought proper to suspend thellatiftinEg' ) ErW e ' for that cording to the provisions o the Consti tution, it will within& few weeks Licari Pe duty of the tloyernment to convoke a Diet. ff the Diet be not convoked it is the ditty of -the Committee to impeach the lab:lister of the Interi or, and as it is not the Elector's intention . to convoke a Diet it woo thought convenient, to re arm the possibility of another impeachment Tlik; ,E.;a4'E. ,OF KINKEL. The Nen Prußsian ieitup s :q $. , 41 , 10, 1 ., the follow ing statement relative to the late mail; of gru fessor Kinkel.: " Every fact that gradtMlly comes to light contested with Kinkel's escape from Spandau ie -a proof of the dangerous energy and the power of united action in the Democratic party. Kin kel flkl in the first place. from Spandau to Strel itz, and thence to IYarnemulde. On the whole route, at every two miles rtlklit Englieh) were relays a b:orkxp with acarriage ready, in wait ing for three days in),ltikthta. The proprietors of the horses were in moat . tamee the drivers : more than a hundred individuals wero tutorgm.l of the plan. but of course not one of those urtnist special duty it was to knovirof such matters. in Warnemunde the ship that woo to have received the fugitive, was not ready to Anil, 111/.1 Kinkel *as taken to Rostock, and Concealed in A house aearlhe gate for eight days . , till he mild 'rm baric Aft yyripl that landed him In Scotland." • • 11 1 41 W-Y KOTArill CO/11310 TO Axim. The Comer l'olski announces that the affair of the Hungarian Refugees has been finally arrang ed. America Lao offered them no asylum which they have accepted, and Las undertaken to pro. vide for their wants;' the Ottoman Government pays their expenses to Liverpool. and the En. glib Lhoygypment , their expenses thence to Amer ica. This arratkospent was propoied by the Ot toman Government sand Acceded to by England and America. • , SLAVRar AMONG TIIR MORMORa."—WP feel it to be our duty' to define one position in relation to slavery. There nre several men in the Valley of the Salt Lake from the Southern Staten, who have their slavenwith them, There is no law in 1 Utah to authorize Slavery,lneither any to pro hibit it. If the slave in. dispor.ed to leave his master no power exists there, either ,legal or moral, that will prevent him. But if the slue chooses to - remain with his mister, .nroze are al• lowed to interefere between the muter and the shave. All the 'slaves that are there aPPele to beperfeetly contented and satisfied. Wheu num in the Southern Stares:embraces our faith and is the owner of Waves ' the church Berl - to if:jatir elwranslrith to remain with you, and to govith.youpiattsm not sway ; burl WI *Me to *mop; or on SOL satiotled t 0 raiuga *ith . l.3., hie fireyou to sell Oleic orio)ei,:tilem' ~., r , tree, is:your t•onetie l ie t . ashy duvet -4, 3 ,,, i „ : . . ut:i need. 'twat .tint. opp.iu• ,fLICI ~,:. The eh r urtiliouthit point assumes not, the , re-" • georl simian: • •'Jacobite . More of the . ri or aponsT.bift to direct' The Wei of the land re-/ - a 1f,?,= ',.. .. t i : j ".,' ;'^ g i• 2 '"'' "' '.'''''''''''' ''''''-' cognise S !very ; we do not wish to oppotte the 0c07.1. ..,, } ~, m , s o .. t h. or th. lowa of the country . If there is sin In selling a • nun: e wea n tt;;1i...6 , h" , a - Tb^ ° r -,---.-- slave, kit the individual who' sells filth hear that Maur Indliritcr, a Tale tor Mothers nod fxoy,hter, Be Ida, and not the church , Ifisdotn and 'prudenee ° T o ut i gtmlapwoe. ns Omer Airuilxr. dictate to no this position, nod we trust that our R..b . .. '''....... rq j.... "' Irhig Almanac for'lls4l. position will henceforth be understood .—Frostier No lof the coule e s Illuminalod edition of tbe Wayerty I (7116 f dial. _ i CV B°CIICS AT HoutEs rur, , Dedrable Suburban Residence for. Sale. Tun subscriber offers fur ale the bowie and , ground. where he to.. male.. Filtrated on Park et.reetrbelow Tre mont. In !Met/hear. and about 25 mit:tutu' walk' final th• market of this city. The lot le 140 feet (dart on Park st.. running hark tit fut. to en alley—containing nearly one sere otground. and is bounded on every aide by large ore. lots, adorned with Deem tut shrubbery. The halve Is nearly new, larue. and eseervillturlY well ...gut. ...h. 'a *VIA 4.f 00 fret, and a depth of 72. and wintains fourteen rooms. Ladd. halls him feeit Witte. It L. built In the hest end most durable manner, and has a Err-proof roof. and contains all the modern ronvenieurrn Two pun.. •ith an unfailing supra, of hard and salt water. a.,' at the door. 011 the ruralise, IMP the unnuary out budging', stable, roan;. hoop, 4.e. The annul. ere laid mat madll . 5 lawn. °meted with ebohe fruit tree. evergreens. dowering shrubs. eurrautu giseeberries. raspberries. tr.. and • mks/ I Intneien. The fruit it Eddie le" kind. and the trees are in their prime. and yield muutgla for We COOI, of an egilln.7 fund,. The eduutaon of this propert). at to salubrity and suburban eorafurts. eadolonul with etionaulty to lb. , nitre Is bid ' , enamel by so) redden,. in this Urioity. It halt a view a der tibia giver for over • mile. of TAUNT..." I tille.tiouth Pittsburgh. the en), the two rivers, and the : bills around. forming altogether a tumoral, dprogneet of which the era never weuiea Every had Which eaten Or • departs nom the part of Pittsburgh Oil OW Man, Too as In '8" vie.. Th . ... 1 3.. arid tic.iuts are o. flmiaruir morel ffmn anuoyan.ae ot dwt, 110 dellilll4l. of =WWI and we e nnuticom and tabula a retirement as quiet tad higui-fol Last located inmate quiet nook in the country. The prop sty will be add at • bug..., and I...aseasioi given on the first of.soul. Legume at the Gaudio office. : relo.lll Co WIIITE. EuropeanAgeney. The enha. - riler isitoods 'intim, the pebatA. Ghia of Great Bl'l4llll, Trance, srul . oerutan . , Jurhalt the inonthi of April, Mop, arri June 1,,43, Inorluit DittAbito‘h on March nth, ant ' , Ai ' t ,o t-leas 4 In attend ta any &gondol of a tor Mow iitirecter wWch um:y be =Wed to Ms cue. lenT,Grorlz JOILO D. DAVIS. yglif A RR A TILZ, CASE IN OU UIDBT. M. linix,ltir I rXxre.. - titily comply vial your request ail, X 3,ouliirttir You In =count of the elinostrairaratow Citre of my little ilati6liter's3iye by the I of 3 trfirr "Petro. Mu wax-attacked with a very fore eye in FebrentrY nr Mar& last, When I Immediately applied to the limit moil• cal ail In tha city, by ahom It wazpreneunetsla .wary bar' eye,' and ail gate zoo uo hope of doing herr enYAFDA. no. which 1 PAM Ler Into ttre regnmy wan old lady, who pad la , tt stieSosaitil fit carling e) ea. SLa sob' me Mat her moo wAs hopeless, 14.1 she would certainly hew tzol cal f that onr 101 l also that the other would follow—it lain, a aerofulout allss.lton of the M.A. Asel certify, that at the tit. tnytabor LI 13. Vashoul came to the conclusion that was had 1s thr try I our Detrohnto. the wet MADIP want of one ef.o. It is thor 111 , 01 ut two months since she began Its nee.; mud ohe to now nee with I.th'iyes as goal az ever she did: and... far an I can toll,l hour. she haw, with the blaming of the AltnightD lawn cut , ' by Petrol , " • Yours, respectfully. PnaWcts Demme pawn. Pittebuljrio Sept. :3. 1840. 'Past Pl,O lry rsoyA.r s McDowell, 140 irmal st.: R. Rs Boller, fa Waal et; D, M. Cuiry, li. A. , F.lllottNeeeph Dou glass, and 11. Schwartz, Allegheny; also by the bromic, tar. S. M. ELER, nov7hlar3 Canal Ilui,Serenth et., Pittsburgh. 10PAItTNERSIIIP—Wo hale associated v.) erlth to Tzuvr.r. Bra.. lets evader of the F 4703.1, Demsito Wm. who .111 devote Ma perahttllatteatlon thew tasuhe. TL style of the lituk echt.lpa u betctotore. 100 EXCHANGE AND ItANEING HOWE or A. WILKINS & CO., Corner of Third and Narket sta., Pittatigh. Citizen's Insurance Company of Pittsburgh. KNCOUItAGE HOME INSTITUTIONS. • oak., No. it Water rtr.er.,lu thowarchotow of C. H. NT. C. U. Maur, Iteraideut. A %S. Matt.. titte'r. This Coutwoy I. nt.w prepared to IT= alt r ittertharatlaw ~114411; AO trattaltU, ' • Au =We guaranty Ilor thA ability and Integrity of the itimlitYLlOn. atiordt-t1 the character of the Dinette; who ara all citizens of rittaLUrah. well slat fartwably known to lb. romotoutty for their prodpnetOutelligeme, sod itit,gra,. Dtarattiot—C. Um. Ilaaley. AClta. Larimer, Jr.. Walter Hugh It. King I,lwanl Heaselton, John Haworth. r , tlarlattugh. S. 111. h . fer. ap:gt.tr Foreign and American Hardware. LOGAN, WILSON 64 (Xl. No. 129 Wood Streit. lIAVII NOW IN 870111: AMI and complete Cast of Ft,/ . IEIUN AND NERIC.A,V ILVItDII' Alt for trod. , mbl • hph-tlemore prewel p. 4 1 ao puma/Leen at. edfo tl l ll . , r Eirondeler with way or a» FattiVA rillr SirMaJr-le) VaJourroa.—Nevi the talluollur eerClersok sod then /Iyou on. the triumpbsort o.lllle peered by thli gnaol aomedl Cr o oterra toon.lop. Crnovgo Cu. Dec.lll. 1617. Mr. 111eJlela —L4or lilt-1 tale p!esoeure to lotorealog you. the lottle of Dr. 311-oree teruatUre• whiet 1 par .l.A-el from you. lam kireu me entire malisto4ao. 1 gave ithiU of Woe cue tongviiaculOrll. itnai Obi Pee./..„ .117“ tonne. 'nig lieziJ.oroly, I 'gait heels Seepooorn/ more, what eh. pooe.l 113 mon, the nest morning 1 loan her the 'am. qubonty, stbl elle ‘*seed L 3 won, Correa, ANIIIIF.W pownsg J 611aD &CU. So.(ealVocel .5. Fix by , Ia1c112•S o.ld j- EXCHANAA A U . BANKING HOUSE WM. A. HILL & CO, • No. 84 Wood Street, Pittabergh. 4 I.lrms, attn.." 03 1O orecerte ,&114 • Ag. 4 .1 `,Y, b .', l =` l 3ll - ,A c afe.E.V.l2:: Sm.. neer teb ream - r. Tire ele,eh larcan bo storcrrrly meirtimed by ...re ...I tremor... Lie krailice et' ref. reintirce. reskitort U ern' mei others Iv St Donoir. ' • On the 1I Wawa in Aronnar onnar, YlHnb. Mr. Castnnn. S. linnorcson. of Pittsburgh. on Morass, the 2011 Ina, ant S.a.s.n Qcom, avi 'so 111.. (mural will Lace mr I.l.lonre a Mr. ri , nrT n. 1,16/1. dLarMLurCL, uo Wt.t.lue•lay mutant, at is ti clock • v., anJ pkwo.l (jr T. best rti.ce fur barn. for olllrma to our eitiaeto In the bry'slonla line, • ill I. fu A at IteiLatina'a A llellaP moyLltia. 1U stout Lll.Asou rolvigti 'and Dutrireat. la Filter and Etaple Dry flood. of .11 attlea, '41.1164, patterns, and limy will Le open t,..wilnatleat thLttlar. Itt to erhrt. on the Urn ounr. Seats will be reamtni far alnrmilit^ the. sale. ml, ,lark of goof•• es, na,tld atplj,ll7. mtl• In Pittsburgh et our Dam. The puny on agutrnwl that the .ale will h. p 04110., and the v.'. nil t, put up in I.ta suit all HAl:mon( pureharera en ~ht i, atun, who will attend the Ni,'. Ding and Prescription Stare for Sale. S. PRESCRIPTION STORE rotrl•:ling and Int mei art o I_, E R la n dttly; a prolltalde P trem rem, I 4 fcrml Tor Mit. rallf tom, I.or Mahar parilettlant, apply at Ow Chrottirle °SI , • ~,rj, rj •-- - - • THIRD WARD PUBLIC SCHOOLS ?laving hcvn mmtomticd r . Mc a Has. 14nrrnot. lata l' nnmpcM In raid aeloads.prnpcm opettlnit • Yritate rehnol Iroyr and girl.. on Monday next, In Om Ihretnre SM. thr. F.lMlir pn rbyterinn Chun+. Smithfield ntmpt. Tame anr i p at .). known on application at No 47 hand trteret, cr et thr 4rhocl ronm. • (10- PA ItTNERSHIPIVe hace this day Jas—aa.at vitt. a,. Boatjatran , flua?,111. 1, 111.rjuo• *""r on-In cas. Plltannrah, .lantwry I,4sl.—Ja=dlM WANTEICLA Boy about Seventeenyears v "tee, teatiem In a WholeiialaTmiMY RUM, •lio ran epeak and gentian. and to remain throe riatta t b10.1,1), 1) ant 19.111.111011; /11100/1 1 11) <4ll, OR RENT--A splendid ta, lendid DairyFarin, adjoining the eity,,trth a Good Dwelling Hot EL and fine Apple Orchard Ali.. a well finlehMemii. Country !Intuit., enttage , rtyle, eight mom, with nut Initldinua Rol arre,,of ground. arttnln twenty Minute' , Arlie of the Court noun, Alm, toteral Itlnnluesr tan Dwelling limy., In and Out of the eity. will he rented on reasonable hy 110117 Ally M Law. I.2,2lllnotwitT 41 Grant amt, neat Yourth FUlt DALC--'iho op!ricriber offers for V, Irrye and well hullt 'Brick thaw,ritjt tire seat.re set,. of grnd. situstril nll. Phu alswel.ww." - within thine mlls% of this elty. he ns , the lot dr April nosh Ann. awry dreirablo e nroll emungt. eontalninu s ituate dCou Arm with s spring of ent mat., theme, near the three. Alw..• lot of I. , :pousl .0 feet II Indies by 1 . ..111...t, rplarloin ug the re.klenre of, Mr. A:Stenter, near the city. ni.teolb . the Seventh Rsot, on Pennaylvsals Aronue. Possesekas siren Inone.llately. It Is now rertoln that the Plank Mad will be slat the slew.. property early In the rrnolne summer. P r further iuteruistion, spill , DAVI . ° BEF.LER, Fourth st. P.a. near the fret dexrihed property. 1;11.11i SA LE—The nulJseriber rt. P '11;t407,','; !it; " . .n ^ a AllZheny Avenue, tael. r.. 1 The ' lmuse le lan, double pick buntline. lb ersflhtNo•npler Thera le earris, stahh. slut t I 4 aster on the On•lnd.. widen ...molls , . two aro, well no prove.t.motalultur ever,' . 4 troll , al. , • sprit: low,. and annoki . house. / . 1"..,10 11 giteu whenever .10111.1 tit:IMAM% tst...Nltf PROPOSALS •POR STAM. • . Inn . ? Ottinn i. tt: ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, IPOSA LS will 1w TeeniVeti fit thin Do- I LlitiLeht nt.lll.le 4th day of Mundt twah tor fornidn n o : hon`thr th, 011 . PO .t IJr thr United roars from U. Onilnlay`nt. 44fit onstemi lo the behartmetit. viz' - The name oir the age. and pmts In eireniar Mtn, rut loan n roltd hit - et 4 . 1 Itaxtenni ;deli. and nnule *nett Man n. jo adtust of tottera nod tlnuto , 11,igumte the nn d . with a thumb wren to keep tart.; letiera ; ; i in Once. Mort ataglp, and the bite. eontia. , hot the .stne, . tbn thwe onw• mann. f.eturd tnnt UnO. Atonal mahogany handle of the nun. hint mix, to Le Petnalnly fnetened r at !tamp. The on 44 the ttwr Othre , intod no as In enntaln hat three leiter , nub, of thn run. Rite now In Um, and•to to rut from 161 144e,k0 nf hardened lquei. Plr unnt.tbr U. lAedarnof the 1tr4tc 4 1 1 ,t4 , ..;1 3 1 , .. „ itite , p , :h ..... t0 , p 1 e: nude of like lasadnnAl itatona VIM the word, .pahl" and 'lnn , of the fnrot of Moe now in Alan. Amain with eure, denotlny theratel of 1 ,- ntafe •and thou how iu n.r. . . . . „r ktunp.• to le M1L.1..11 hertlettt4 Fleet. Moat aleo promo huLt for the dr ..der +temp, vita the utoutta At, for earn metorste thuu tuntainteg the meth eOA- Pittitnt (*three later. mut eh to puce for the dure of the mouth. AD, complete Debi Of mouth. lull drum. „fir m, / 4., ,ugh se(lllate Litre with the 1r00.13 and Alo, far twit etperata rime with the thrunis derutlng th. we, of wane. The making at the Mt:fermi Ms lull nut, harem, be ultra to different contractor. but the ropnel far the whde uhieb is.de.tued the DeJurtwrit nufmill to .erup t ed.. The 'Peuurtment errndeemed ettu it.if the righ eut. m reject ell propulab,ll the *ice Is ni .Itpectmerat cgtheustitete hinge . Of thugo*.oohed mite re i tfir i =ut. timers]. RIG 4 :g-15suko Carolina finis:lll,l„. VOTICE—The partnership heretZietia a....ung under tlw brut of hollmane Garrim. wan red on' theist lontaut, by mutual cothemt. The Iwo nem trill hereafter be na m e by Henry L Boh m ,. m a Abraham la th of Bulltuan Garriam. 11. V. 1101.L3IAS. L GARithtftN. : I I • Ilj. . ;.. IVOTICE---.1 Meeting of the Committe on litkiltgalTevh;lL'ititt%lt 00, of the Qcnl at w [eb time the thalObrlll of themulitt:l . nd ' n - f the to- orhe r' lrtgr C 4' Zirtz.in p 'r '" ur BENJ. PATTON, loahlowm. j IFE ASSUltANCE'—lpsurance ,n 1 per son,. t.0...0t the eglo , of sod fOr nay Co OSerted in Nallimot Loon Fund tan Amou r... ono.ty. bY "t i PalLfor q=lVrTf d ;,plarottory pazophlotr jut rePlred (Or gratultoue en Ir. at the Io Y.Yr -u" of • Wood Pt ‘ - r e. M. !Ico n L r L istZ. -Fourth. N , the matter of the account of JanorA tdtutuit.trtnur d. Irai u l n rum A John Ilumell. L/Kli O [Abater T. BSA Atut uow, w tell Jutuar, =h. Ml. no motion of A. It. AttlEr. the (Suet optodut Jtutitter E. lusty. Ittut, to audit gad otlituA Bile ..mt. cad distribute the ballotrc. By tho (burl. • • DANIEL 31eCCEDE, Cierk. Nutlet, to herolty gtivett. that 1 .111 attend at my onto, No A 9 Fifth utzret..lll tho city of PlUOturgh, on Mouuler.. the 17th do,ydt3" February .next. it 2 o'elark. tho Purlu. , or aPC , JUtment. J. BRADY, Au stu ditor. Junuuy ROLL BUTTER-25 has fresh. in good order. hi slur. fur ..11.! by WM. EbbOALEI 1,, W.. 4 ARD,:--7 Aria No 1 Leid Lard; nrata r CO SIIAS-10 casks Pure Potash; lc cut& Salertatts. for oak hi J.l. It. FLOYD, Bound Churrlt EGARS I — . 100,00 U common for nate by A. 2. 2 , .L aO. KAM) EILITTER -46 I'd,' prime roll for sale by *at J. k It. VLOVI, Allegheny County, as: . 7an Orphans' Court, held pt Pittshurgit. /1. In and for add ecnoty, on the 10th do of January, 'Oat, hanore the Ilnurabie 101111arn D. lititure, Preaktent Judge, and Mgt Parnuel Jorge, ituodate. The petition of //etrad Toting, Adutiniatratnr cf all and eingular the gcuts tr., of Catharine AlcCuntb draw:ed. nu preaerited, eating tddb that th raid deeolaot dual In- Oda.. !Arn( nct &KIT Id low oa rpenal:all ulate for the oniont of her debts that ebe Out robot In Ind dunnitt of 'o of t In a certain teens., or lot a prould PII.IIIII in, he Plath Want of do , tit) of nitoburglb haring • front nri IVutilnabal dr.% thlrt, 1,1. and eat..ndlng lead .00 equal width on a line parallel with O',`lie .trees idly Il•et, pon which ere erected two theelllnd lanne,ceoldod to the iti ‘ 47Thetatt r e2 b eret t ritrd " .:l i hrel o t t wel . ... ' t2ell L M n e,t; i e l' eN . ID earl M arinot M'Cutui. denuded. and Maubal 1I ' (: run, by June, ananteL by deed elated Pith layof October. 11.41. • The Internet of raid loteetate teeing the wahrlebal on" lot ( of add pngaioo. rod there tenon on wraonal to to toy the debleeof +ail Calloat boo, prating the Court to grant an nnler forthe sato of Fall realendate, fbr tbd payment of the JO. I • Wherettpnu. the Court onler and direct that lb, old Li ndularator eapose the odd promisee to pUblin ule, at the Court House, In the tilt' of FittAburgt, oq.SaturdA), the 1 1. efteenth day of re nary. A 0, 1 _5 , 151. and ro ta the .1.13. for the heat price th t wen ho had thadebn, ng due Ilgiw ...o,,satl. 'notice of the three PAO rod phkreg sale. Ltd n -Itlond.',.."rieetgltuhtau'i. and wall ^nt"tT the - next 401.1 Orp :(knot.. of the Court '' ' . ''' lalte-' , II I .LIS l , 1./" 13:1EL AIeCURDY, Clark. Soda kdi—Price Reduced. 31111 CASKS Muspratts' best quality Glami 0 ii"Jadi Soap liakvri Sod. Ark. on Wail awl 10 br ll* quantity of fve o , un 0.- ja.nullt SIIIVIIEVTRU. - Liberty 0 • Winter Clothing at Reduced Prices, A 1 WM, tIOBYS Cheap Cah Clothing 'ffAl";;L'A the wt..; Ip=hlistnent being ‘1.....irnal ZIL.U.Tgof the is h gr ' l l trZurM k o . rtt 171; 1 rive. hte detrrtnlnew I to olfrr them al ,rreatly price]. t rash. , All thaw. who want gru.d.t....hhalnl.le 11 mule elottantr, will hal it wrratly to thrtr Rlvevt to favor him with oall, a.. great 10malnn will be utirre.l 1.21 COATRAGTOB.S. P tqceired h the under r2 17a; , NOTIi pROPO'' Irf`F.th 7 r. - ;% 12:Z=L13 EttE2ttitlM ritEletinti ::M=lM=l3 =NI heMtp; o the .. hullt agreval;lll 1, , the plan. and of the eh; .1115 10 the ertant of, nntp, of Venue, tranla a copy of ' , .111 , 1:4 , 1 4) the Ptupefrior• of ;web spy P, whirl) referetary Ix not. fer mote full and ;al.:l:rate Infloulatiou. The entire work to, Ist Januar, 10.54. unka• thework la be retanhel oottan•llY net. and then/fun unfavo xessono. tto r trVore will 1 17 71 ‘ .e l burnt Len . tZwonu r iVeluth I.l7met,a, ; t ilt 0. Mad, to nottrart at the wort Il;e o Frellena The etannany raw the Izws ct sereptluz the arc, leavelleented I,r r e e:atrelfie and the early etdoplenon of the enlin won. RI ‘""" the Uinrtw.. eleeretary of the , 0 k lalver ' , lark Water eaunthia Tenn. L_ Boob, pat received. . , FIE Ba.ON of thr ihlo; by ueor t , two lao: vol. ;MllO. Teelt.i.nlendarf,' heln• • pr,,,triat rahlhitiou of the tlreet Unmet , drtlyue,l F lu tirt.el.. and • look exert -a to; etYleturna and collemet C., The taw Gout& 1.4 Ulm. Chan: • . anal. ;gums: fly Mans J. Methanol,. V . a. ttothet Ti L • ecempanoe ; •1,.1 to ' 'Rune It:Mane*" Ily Urn.. A • lat. 3terhainca . Ma ulna a1;,.1 Engineer,' Jour..M. first number joW - vat. Afr"ll' Y4Mf"lnh ' "° tiale,l / ° 4 90 NO.l ",: =e &17 TSkr4i.ri d 2ki.lll Ft . F telrialn4o4 ir.l 1.0,W 0 1/ 4upa r i ß be by Jan 110. U. JOUNIWISN, 112 Seee.nd 8800 S--R5 din fur sale by la"t.Tri. n..IIIIINSTON. . [TICK 5..-- NUP'2 . brls for sale by J•2l, Wm. lUJIIUSITQN. DRr sacks for sale by . 1021 •Wm IL JOINFZIIN. COP . :1:--250 bu utishclie44: o 4 . sale b ROLL BUTTER-2 brit' fresh 11,r sale by eat W.. 11. JinINSTOSI. (10TTON BATTING-100 bales-for sale by 1,, MO WALLINUICHID &OD. atilt C7I.I)LES-30 Us Cincinnati ua I,7oufactake. co bawd ead Da Varmyour, aAhlligtflglbf the Board of Itlmagers of the AinghenT (Want,. Apricallnral *Arty vein he nnllare's Tarern a tna Rwlne.JaT tha Lilt of 14.b{ttar). 1,41, at h)thnorka , the Can Want aro naquelted 10 at tend. jati.7l DULAC, §o),4y Agent, for Souris Corbet`Seblf Skips, tio,'4:l. • Y "" 4 :St , Or_t t.l "P A j"' 4l* pikkViiilEßV;•.- 4 • des. Lubin . . I:l,tiorts far the hualkmblef 44 dui. - Web/et/old 14 dos Jennyynd'Aorbets, loess oath,: It dos moll sedift ; t.t4 dol. mums= mall &Onto T9delher with a full and maple at s , esaortesent of floe Pei , fonaro, Jost leaden. awl Ls sale Philadelphia Idioms' Or ...Aver of Wood oad Sloth street. jould , S. N. WICKYRaIIAII. IVALLOW—Thirty ltarnds Sheep and Wen- L i atoarela Dee retrirrl lutaat I. eblntuvra. rritmoTiiy SEED--4 barrels mewed and for Juts by 0..1f PAIIVF.3 P. SUMTER. filiNtsNUTS—Silty bllShols"r,oceived and tusale br YAIIPIKI. P. sualvEn. inst rre'd, , •1 , L I DO)) W 3 V WILSON : MOLASSES—Pith barrels of ne , ,a. crop rwcolrol 004 Ely aule*b). barrels Family Flour sauukt. P. SUMTER pIARR—Se v f livp rmilnlind tor aat by prA. ROLL IIUTTEt--Twenty ilarrplg prime 2- .1:11.‘" n " .17.4. ' d 5 r. PURI PER. DRY APPLES--Fifty bushel.reeeireil and fb, ub bl' SAIIIIEL P. NIMINF.R. ! EA Vir'`'ll 4 J•l„g-3.i,1N}T. 1 A RD—Tvrenty harrelN and thirty kegs No t LM ,r0ki..44.1 tm. I. by • PAUPPL P. SIIRITEII. . Proposals for Bituminous Coal SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at the Phlleelelphle lho Weeks. until noon FIIIDAY, the 14th of rehrusey. for awe y. r ert, or the whole et TIV TalaVog t. Lll the I. If or 11. .47 Inoo tow by the 15th of Apell, IMO do to the month of May, 1500 do • ' to Jon... . The Coale vn 070 10 bent.. clean, oral dry, and of a qualitY .40" 3 ...1.1 - „.1. -1 'loth; fro I, slsyn if I a kind tiot o btfu ' ret‘dat theve n wur n ka,ealuora fur . tnal :1 7 1 . 1 t h r :v iror dz v. to the Cline ibf , opeoli&tbarus.e •eight lidetuled in the PM= toner. " 13leraf=17 atatrd, stud if it be prefermi to deliwer ley oteiunire, the Motet 694.4 of tergieuldelochre .111 hr lived. lo roe.. of Nilo.. to deliver ton reel areordlog trer.it. the Thu. 7 pool of Ilia I/ea Work. reeve's the right . winnig* when. everrhey mol deigi 17•74.1.1e11er1fe In the r. 11141114 4. 11 n) b 111 oa or qu daunt., ronseent on atieh ailure. The 700114 be mule lo two INUZI f 1 moults at 4 and 0 700.717 then - 4410rd periodabf delivery, ,melt month to 1e7 , 101.11 oath.. average of the monthly delbery. or the 7 egthm of the Tnarteoa; payments will to coot., who. legal • litteted deducted. rbould the 154atraet0r prefer to dellVer the Cool metier thou roguirol, It will hr noolnd. but pommels will he IUVIP V. data from the time aperifeod. Oallafeetury retotrify for the frillillnient of O. 0)(A0Ei VIII to torphro.l. 7 7 JOHN C. C114:17041.11. Engineer. Pattteet4oo4 (110 Wiet, Jon 11, lig,l. 7 , 7 l o ardlaw:7l. UAPER,IILA NE BOOK S A. STATION ERY M 011 410 , v and 71,11411t1ev, rulol raid 03004. blue a white. • • 111. k liwkp of oral d.srriptiou. co 4.4 or maic to nNrr •t And Wive. e‘atiolmery—EnAll.ll, anew . hAmeriran, fancy litui staple. for rale by • W. • fIAVEN, • MIS Me4ket rt, hl4lO/ of FtVOISti. nOOK. ANI) JOB PRINTINU—Every do wliptiosl of loga/. Ikenmeretal, nteanaboat,..entiil and u,ssi 11.1 Manna, executed at short notkoand in Use hot manor, br. W. S. IL(VIN, Priating Urike, 60 Third at., tetaseen Market and Ferry. jalo. • TATIONERY—W. S. !LATEX, corner of becond ml Market eta, has ft.. Ude ka lure andm y et• an alwortement of f levy ,Pahavvrry as h. y ever L ' Wn opensl in this mutat. Merchants eopytkety with...eery artkle In Ilwe thi. 0.4 favorable terms. talk VAPEK—FoIio, Packet, Commercial and Quarto frost and l:. YaUce; tart..opolr of pll . 0.- tams at Ala W. a. 11..tVEN.8 FORKS -95 dot beat enstateelloy Forks; . .93 dos host Glenna steel ec 40 dos 4 Merged mat steel Manu cl re rotis cn ernssivuseul and au We by & WATEIIALLN 8099. UOE9--130 doz, bait Cut Steel Hoes; lIotK 114 1i i misa jo t,. Oadm IL RAZlgiala t DO& EACHES—Three`hundred . bushels reel P ...I S. W. by eleuret P. 8111tIrE6. /I)RM 19 . _ . A.:Z .. 1 , De NES FOR .F . EBY.IJ A4YO4 Nt. Thmi street oppo.ite tbo I;.l;y'ol..dy's , tinr,k fur Febru...7: • Grahams Magazine do iartzhis Magstirke Armolutale: novel. o hr Mr , Sou , " ^ " h. 11., ludo. on-: • tale 00 mothers and d3.l.lder. 13 .. r °ran , Aguilar. iteromperi, • weittel to nerve Influence. Olive: • novel. the monitor af`The 010 , . 1 . The Wllle thosn. roe 1.11 ' No lof the . Aluennt . IllemilhatAl editScos of thelTsweatr Novel, the rhea,. eation ever puhlished. Ole; - - C YTHES--75 doz lx of Grose SeNthes; L ro tios rod endle devt.h.o 10 dot toot Coro Jrs 012 eoredspel. and for sale hl L E. WATERMAN a SoNr: , lath Su t /11 Ws.r and 62 Front st. YTII SNEATIIS--125 doz best patent Y Swath, w cor.,nrocul and for sale hy L. S. WATERMAN .t WYji . XT A I LS & Ice; 111 p.lO WATERMAN a tt0.07, casks prime for mule by 1, WATEILMAN k brie oweet, to arrive, for nenunulldvk Ixoltickm. 11G Water at • 11 ICE—al too for onle by Izl9 nClrßt ttuiF. l INGIIRAAL 11IULASSES--30hhdo SMg2.l7 2.sohsrrala Moismeaisr lo.h. 1,1 RCRBRIIR/E C INOIIRAIL 887 IN DOW (.; LASS-2000 bit weed airez.. ELn ht-ert's hntriLL ha axle ts . OURIWIIDG ES !NOMA sr; Lrls N. C. Tar for 'sale tiv 11 .ssis buraminox c iSrannA3t n LACK TABBY VELVETS of a very SU- P Pi-v t— '* u v• t-t oiraglOVVitelt% i r:' l " . j. 14 • N. E. R4ll. Fourth Sul 'Starke ot• N E i AUZE FLANNELS--.Murphy' k Iwx IturcbdOd bars 6c ban. ail /wort...lent nf Aare •=.1.5 • Co- l•bruttc 5•x....r. Wel/b. awl eltanectic the •1•4 WI& TDO.O.jalSling: lupER Flit:Nell BLACK oLOTIIS— Murphy Itareblkkl heouvr, c.rptdal attelatkost cm the shore dri.artMUlt of ILO. btolc••••, =4 WOG per.. wtotiug cloths of soy dolcrlpll. lo•irolb.:m • oak Wm. purrha.s...a. j•DI ITERNIIPUQC, 51aLiats CIELLDESTYD. 501 gross fur .ale by J. KIDD& CO. into' , WurNl i 'Eli PILLS. Da IlleLaae's - cat.Enlcari;, 1:4 3151 jrr.ll me try . jolt J. KIDD At IC) iri Al. CORKS—ISOO gross for sale by v init J. KIDD - 43 CO QM/NI:E t -2 =men tine, and 1 halo extra 1.7 nun.. for rale by jail , I. KIDD t CO E SALTS-15 brain for x j olz i l i z A CO )LIOES wanted and peroone supplied 3t shortlion}, with • number of clerks, saLnnaten, ato nner men. and turn and buys nf all agog, in stores, watt hon., or to tnuln, or rosehnnen, bunion, waiters, nneticarrA or laborers. In town or manta,. Wet and dry nurse', rhanahermaid...e.,uks,.tr. Money bm - rowed or lent, and al) kin& of tly attended to fur Intalerate rnarn, I . lenoe call at Ir'.UtillAitltin' Agency and In tellhotner 0M.,, Fifth stneeL LIIIEBII MILL BUrrElt-20 ree'd. fOrnale Lr Jilt J. 11. CANFIELD F4AXSEED-A small lot fur 'oak, by Au J. B. CANFIELD aIIEEPII.If6-1 halo for sale be kJ 307 J. H. CANPIELD UNITED STATES WHOLESALE CLOTHING WAREHOUSE, S. H. HANFORD,it £O., (Star...loon to lams L Ilantoto,) K0..242, 254. 256, and 258,.Pearl St., N. York, • Betv,oli Fulton at. and Burling Sliµ • TIM or tun , ter Ulan, ♦uelna,r or CLOTHING In the Utillcal auv,. aloiged to All Marken.. In the ot A . , ±2llt , LS sad DRAYTEED ;. we u k 6 e2 to r i . e o n f aizt CUDIAINU COVERE In t El ' l7/Vn tr. wurid ' . Phan atol IfahlonibloClothlng of allyJnds. Cninkif.ff of nook Pont by Mall. Drierr too aptly ttended 11. H. , \NPODD et. loLrd X/ . S Inr , t , o‘En , ;spa. (molt Concert—Vocal and Instrumental. it , ‘ll ISS GRAFT reewetfulle 'intermit the IMblie, th at !ht. will er4s. Waal Concert as above. at L&INS lIALL. lancer rob. on TUE..IIAV oveninit itexL January 1:11d. on which onzsakro she Will L. &misted wll imbed LlarbardL Felon. Arm, Klebe chorusme and Orchk,tra. together with a of fine yokes. Ttie programme will sorely ther e , ame of the rive. never having hoax, perK.wmed In the !Vatted nate". The ortehratni Member}, lUlka •111 he performed •Ith full the.h....K eererat. 1... re. for eight. bomb' bo too Hama A mho will Mewlr be executed en that new tzeolor,per ortenll tall.. TICKICTS El ITV CENT:L.—To to had at themitair aturra. L. tl ilcot.'sdrun .tore.4.lltnr, Itlrhard.on's, and at the door. 11.4 , Two of Nouns epleinikl Yuman will be fortnot be NI, Kleta.r. Jal7 61 I . NI/RlES—Fifty barrels Family Flour; tea, lapel-fine Vlm, %a/ brim An. the MI busbels IKy Apple, I trl;l4me poi re.vixed and for rade by Jute JOILN WATT A CO Tip; PURITAN, II Tale of = iii.teri'r&it,4"o" l i%ter p t r ePtirge fi e r al'et!'nra l ;; by J. IL Kerb, d'Aubleme. Presluent of the Thome. gicat Sebtul of Ocoee. and - Vice licsklent of the linekte Kraorlitt tttl ue. TranaLxbil. by 11. WWI, A., TrinitY k' lisotdAY.l , ;lllatOry. Antkullia, and ninirrandu. 11. ludraod forty engravings. Ey ielriSl cab.. Th. else. work, for sale by 'LC STOCKTON, Bookseller and Ntationer, Li Corner of Market amf Third .04. 'I . III-CoPLLkItOUS for sale by R. KELLI:R.S..S7r Wool at.. bele Agent Pittaburat. Pub!rub, per bottle. 1:1117"ISBURt,11 CITY GLASS w. CUNNINGHAM A (XL llsAAA(ctureff of Wraaor Al‘. No. Ilac.k/t (tre(A., le arcen /Hal and l«..1( p(ttsiourgb: Partirolsr rt•.entbn eaktio odd fife. Abo—Deslax In Flint (1.1(1, Bottic.. lc • IVITTSALTRGII COMMERCIAL CouzuE, Corn, of TLlal cad Market ureeto. The only eLv •red lnAlltutkal of Om kind taa Pittsburgh. • Po:um—John Fltnluoi. Principal bastrnotor la tliu Oxience el Amounts. BERS====l Ea, basun Osannenal aw. rt Thom &Aa • complete knowledge of Book lamas . . ad PalaZa to are henna of businereLaboo a ele ment and sapid proomaship, are UMW to all eed la the (atom t ' L%ssoercial Law wary Monday genial % iuternme to any of the mama city menteena ne23 TO MECHANICS AND OTHERS. ent.enstre rape of. fcsalrac x ....nad by Ile•F amt. and LW, at dm Pad. between atm gm' and leu tame an. will be lead for n tam of yearn— They am be totally adapted, th steam power, to mean. irmale every Lind of aaaanfaetnrloa Mama. Pcmossion Oven AMY CHAP. B. ECICILY, Arta, Mete/ north street, Plitsbask. NerElV • HOOKS.—Huinbott's new Wor Work , Camphor Sketebee of • Ykydeal deseratica the. Ch*. terin a ea's kete l2 as of Minas" the New Insald-ot e West. l . mo. th lgyro 31eannicer aad Ingincea nktlpn.rr. nst No. • Attsrvonb These ere v tuylp o rMy. th "le ' we' by Aswllo StallsjyYt. Lmeriesn Life and Health Intiorance . Co. ub PIILLAMI,4I , IIA. Agrnyor Pittsburgh, SAML. Z'OlrZE,. aim Qa . 0 1CT Filth et. Odra Innitbneld. obtained at th ,... e aim Ugralt/fb. RUBBER. gOlpl3 UNION INDIA RkiIIEIFIKOO.IVANy, AI% 19 Neweru end, hem lurk, • E and have fur wale 0 t.NT M)TALLIC 11,11113—ft........• Atmrr.sq arm , nulled to 10 1 l all ellmata,eundatlitd Pc Coats, Cloaks: Pusebos. Leggins,:limta. Cap, Sole Wasters, Pilly4el., Mop 11TOT DI Z7 groVa l cod 76 e t. ",m4, 1 , 1 V, atal article. dru,eist. and auturoos, Ettline o and rue., lloas, (las Tnithig, Hem Taut., Konya'. Pam edam Com 311Wer, Marbloe Tovs. 1.11,• ITtsserwra. Cushion., Pllkrus. ' Whim Bridles, Warm arllloat. IF/oots. I..l..Kosprucks•canosserts,Water Tauks, Tails, Vire AIL les Coe • Ltm Trade mule to Order: („ICAIILET CURTAIN CIITNTZ, Plain, iiTlalard. and Matted; ex, Curiain !hullo! vviottm rtylel ling! paella.,. to 1. found at t 7 17ond lint.. or' 11)111'111 1 tiunclirizi.D. Jatel N. E. rar. Fotuth :Motet MK 11.4 1 ANCY SATINETS FOR rtoys. WEAR. !Jury!" llorrlaieLl Invite tlie att.mtion Of thorny anling garcl• Is. Inar, to their assortment of, thew mu! yther ofYyml4 Iylsptssl for thLy-yurpme. yyltl WOOl,--Cal.ll paid for Wool by Ysl4 111.1ftriff L• LOP 11110 Libuyt7 tf BROWN FLANNELSOne coon just rt rvised loom [muaufssturety, anti for sale by .10100 . 110E1'11V .t LEL 131E1) FLANNEL—One moo on hand nod for mIY by • lam MERrtIY . BI O ANK ETS--Singlo and double hod, steinn hint. crib, tml coating LlmMets fur ml) OS , • lair NlL'ltYlrf 0 LEE. TW EROS—Three curry inouirtetl Tweeds ~& xtrreenol fmto numufarturem si V i Al l try .& 8 l 11 tons Sumac fur role hV - OLASSES--Fifty-tivo Brio new crop, per I rsre.` "`"n- ""k' ' I - 4 , Olt E T—A two story l) wet* siti nooses. limy tmt Eltquire of jaler JAMEYDALD:I.I.. no we., it. t—it hiv NOYIIm,T twist, 'welted. p•r steamer Mlle Bruth" likVit f ` i; VittL 09 Water st. Ig LV yilltf.--hpramm, rarka, .11.adles. 7 MILL r K¢ iVee, ' Plteherp e r Tre. Feta, L'ube Jr, manor (erten.] to order and ta lama tar We at tbe lowa ram air-IV/alai, COO Coil 3. IV. IV. WILAIN. , Market Y. Yourlb TAI: AN ET (WARD AZI S— _ Jiat naiad by rem,. smaller loLof taw 7aTtun t r bl. "fr awl I lrfl s . ' ritZ.V, ' . VIIITNEIISIIII . Nvilyr: - IL LEH has eahl esaela kb 14 at former partner, J. IL I remit. In tbe Wool and Mantle Woolen balsar.. , the tirm bud st) le of .11nry.by 2 Lee. X.I.I.IIt.PIFY & LEE. WOOL DEALER' , and COMMIX/4011 Slrrrhiluita fur the rale of American aco eo (.1.43., No. 131 Liberty at., PlUsturkti. January hi, 1651.--jal:. - WHITE BEANS—Ten barrels prime. for WHITE ma '4 I4 7 CW:ViI t AICER 4(N). 21 Wood at GLUE—Twenty barrels just received, and Nr wale low by the burl. at 8. N. WICKEItttIIASES Jals Oar. of Wool t DWI At f in LBS. CANARY SEED received u... 1 for rata eV H. N. WICKNICSIIIAWN Q.. of Wov.l math as. • GINSENG AND BEESIVAX.-2.? bags alarm, larA *taw= rut.D.Dast Amaze &thi s ' ' ll7lAlf DICKEY 1 CIL Walef & Front/Li ANNEBS' 01L—Twnnty brie Bank kV gaud order. for sale by dab R. PLOIrD. MOLASSES. --3 8 brie new, in Atom, for we E 7 dd o 7. klt. VLOTIL 17AR.1).--44 brie No. ir now hiding for .1 e by del9 ," Mail! DICEZT 4 CaLWILEAT ‘ . FLO_IIR— in s :r1 , 0=10k ; 11, w. cin .LIP don nut La Las PI ILU SALES BY AUCTION. Via!lne...about .: l7 000. • , ' a. RAY GOODS TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION. Cue merle whatever, This sab wfli eatusteoce eat y. =dal hut-. at 10 Oriatek in the tnoraing. and Eh the ettsetuasa, ayd minims daily until this valuable cob bettor. .• an,si or. at the base suction stare. or Jam. 11'Itecout Wool Mast. Ttis sphulid