MISCELLANEOUS Taking the Black Veil "*"The sitjoined account of the ceremony Of taking the Black Veil appears in the col- umns of the Saturday Evening Post. The subject of it was a twin sister of the writer. They were twfdtartS, and at the age of fifteen 1 114...#ere placed in a 'Boman •Catholic school. After remaining there for, several years, notheing permitted to see each oth er, eicelit - in - the ladies' parlor, and in the presence of stame of the sisterhood, the time approached for leaving, wht'll, to his aston , ishinenf i the brother was bithrmed that his - Sister had determined to take-the Trlt ior I 1n7 4 . In vain he remonstrated and entreab ed; her purpose was fined, and accordingly, .• on u set day, she went through the ceremo- "ny of taking the White Veil of the Order of Mount Cannel—all of which he describes in, tones of pathetic grief, for, the loin of out: „ heloved so dearly. Twelve months after wards she took the Black Veil, ,The de scription of the ceremony on that ecuctiow is as follows: • 1, / 4 The Ritual of -the assumption by a no -vice of thdßlack Veil, that is to bide for ever. the world from her . eye—the.pall that Is to hide forever the. brow if the living dead—is, let me tell yon, if you have never r,een:, the august and solemn tawny— ' ninelt-naore profoundly impos m than that of the imitation of a mere postulant by the reception of the white veil., For weeks befoie'the impottant day ar ' - rived, a rumor of a novit.e being anout to take the black veil, went all over town and country'. The awful ceremony %Vat, even , then, so .rare in this country,.. thatsau int. merise crowd gathered, and from the cash ed hour of its being opened the chapel was '.." crowded ? . I repaired to the chapel slowly and''witli a dying. heart. I. arrived late, mid finding no seat, was. forced i to take a .stand - in one of the aisles nearthe altar. It was :a beautiful, eorgemis and solemn autumn_ &V; the Warm, still sun Oys pour- - . ed richly through the stained glass of the gothirwindOws[ flooding the church with glori4ne,` though niellowed light. Amid . . 'the-great crowd, an awful silence ieignetl—. an atrj.Letillness, too, moved only by the k i wive — it - of the gor.eons., marry colored . . .. . , -Presently, as before, the door on the right hind of. the 'altar swung noiselti.ssly gen, .4144 train of sacristans, in robes, entered, 'Frceedinsi:the bishops , priests and deacons, their -- canonicals, and followed by the holi:brotherhood in long procelsion, and tool:;' their places within, before tuikabout , • the'altar—the bishoP occupying the etntre. The door on the left now sw ng none . lessly open,- and a procession oft the holy sisterhood entered, preceded by s CrOKi bearer, while the choir chanted an before— "'Veni Creator.! They langed t i bemselyes • quietly and eolerrinly•Lanse the altar. ` The novice approached. from tunnug them . , tend knelt before the altar. The nct of pro . fossion, with pen and ink ; lay near her. The: bishop now intoned from the altar the 50/Ell.llll 'Elllitte Spiritunin tun.m,' Sr., ' Send forth thy spirit and they shall be created,' - . while the novice responded, 'Aral thon.shalt renew the f,co-ef the cart h.' Then f•Aloared a pre en by the!' the close st which he Ide, , ,a - -d tile. that lay near the altar. Then a' t • intoned alternately by the hidtel candidate before him. the end of which the bithle , p spri f blank veil with holy water, and in or the 131estted Trinity, at tba,elopi rite the goapel foethe if thy officiainn2 deaet by ont. 41t Lvly ST.rior and the Suh-ptio led, the 111111Nite 'Ol the ortt,, when interiotrdted as follows,lv the bi' . . t. " Itlyiehild,-4hat do you demo d?" ' " INly father, 1. most humbly cg that T May be received in the holy proqssion." "My ( child, do you consider yourself suf- Eriently instructed in what regards the vows of religion and the rules and cor . .stitutions of this institute? And'do yon know the. obligations you contract by the holy profes ,.. Mean i "]es, my father, by the _rack! of ( . 1oil." “.3 1 aV God grant you TKirstiverance in your holy resolution, and may He deign in t "His mercy to consummate what Tie hits be gan. Ili the name of the Father, and of thit•Ban,!and of the Holy flhost.i Amen." Aftertnis the organ pada,' forth' its rich tones, at regular intervals, announcing the solemn Moss of the . Holy Ghost. Purist! all this time the novice continued knc-sling beftirc the altar—the Lady Supe li ior on her right, tite.Sult-Prioress on the let. At the end of,the Mass, several pritycrstiere offer ed up, several psalms chanted; and then the Sub-Prioress, taking the lighted!taper front - the hands of the novice, laid the act of pro fession before her. • Slut arose, (wlt it up, aura:Jelled the grate, and holdii g it in her hand;cl anted the "vote mea DoMini," &e.: —,"I will pay my vows unto the Lord, in • the sight, of all His people, in lc courts of the house of :the Lord: . ' .Thei , kneeling izabi,Lie Conditeer4m.Lsaid ; after which, thebishlop pronouncing the '• *rani: non, sum - dig ils," &c.,—"Lord, I Mn not WIPr• b.. thy the . Thou should:it come' under my roof," pproached the grate I l learine the Holy E Maiist, which be held Ibefore her while she thus pronounced her ttrt,—read .. "In the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Chriet, and under the protection of His immaculate Mothcr, Mary, ever Virgin, s l, VeronitM•Tuileigh; 'called is religion, Sister Veronica Ginliana,rof the Most Holy ;Trinity* do vow. and 'promise to God, per ' :pettial poverty; chastity, obedience, and the =firm of the poor, sic!, and ignorant; to .peraevere nnto the end of mydtfe in that . • tuStitute :of our Bleased Lady, of Mount i Carmul, necordine.-to, its approvMl riili; and conitiintion, under the authorfty,. and , in presence r.f you, tay Right _Roraima Father in •God, Paul Pctcr..A.ndrewS; Bishop of , . this*Dioicse, and of -cur 'Refereed Mother, Cad:Mile IVilmington, Callell `in "religion, r - /patio, :Other f_.'-`iptrior of ti is Convent of, our Lady' of. Mount Carmel) this 25th 1.5 day cf . ; October, itsthe year d our Lord . Then.wriiing.ht(r name, and.; coking the - • sign on the cross after it with t e .pen, she • passed the. deed to the Lady filterior, who knelt her right hand. 1 • - . The most interesting, ' the r ......--- ofmoment the august eetemoni eome—khe moment when, hay' herself to hor divine spouse, elr ceive r i I return, his pledge au mystical union . t . that instant ' ' -when the bishop, reputing t , words, to her. Ili • 'Cliarist,--ri‘What Cod has co' ' • thee;inky Ile himself perfect, ' Lortl.f ses..elni,,t pree.erve i , life eve lasting. Amon." 1 I . _,• To_ g from the grate, and 4 ....t.,,, ~.., Superior, - Veronica r' . . her: he. d the conseeratO rin whole' hoir rang out spin- i • .: poriss. diristi," "Cotne, Spam?: l'erortititi then :.-mu with .91cnin ing,. elidet, - "tu'cipe MO, 1 . 101) i ... times, in: honor of the Thest-t Then kneeling, ..lie rncolved th' from . tlin bishop, who aid, 3- , on her cad— , . . - -- 1 , a l "Re4r • . .''' ire:the holy veil,: the eltaiiitl and modesty, which ni carry beforoythe judgment stay} Jesus Clarisf; that thou invest lifer; .omen ::" - i• . Theril,ring from hci•knees; • tip;- holdiUg herf lighted taper,l Proksut LIIITt• sang the." Youth '- "Ilc...llpieced Ilia seal u 1 ,a ' Lead," 'V.. Ilea folliitred th ' of tiro hishop's benediction - fro _ . • . - • re.4pund dim in- every clurise ; kneain nun. 'Then rut; ' n "Pe'. - . Muntli;" at the op i a ... Veronica "prostrated herself, and - while thus lying .metaphorically dead, the glorious "Te Deum" arose from the whole Holy Brotherhood and Sisterhood, in full choir. I saw no more. My head reeled. I felt that the shroud, the coffin, the pall, the Imaumung in darkly bet!een me and ail I lorrd on earth. Ido not know how I left the chapel." The Cldnese Term for God. . • From' the New'York correspondence of the Northern Christian Advocate we learn the following on this subject, which has already been noticed in our Columns: Vour readers'are probably aware that there has been n long and interesting dis cus,,ion among the missionaries in China, in relation to the proper Chinese term which Should lle employed to express God, in the translation of ;the Bible into that language. I The terms proposed by various persons were Shangte, Te,l Tien 'l'e, Tien Choo, Shin; while others proposed simply to transfer from the Hebrew, Aloho or Eloah. Unable to come to a satisfactory conclusion, the missionaries referred the matter to the Brit ish and American Bible Seieleties for dea -1 sion; but, in the meantim ,e -prosecuted the. work of translating the New Testament, leaving the words affected by, this question blank for the time being. So far as the American Board! is concerned, the matter was brought to a very happy issue at its last monthly meeting. The committee on the Chinese version made a very able report, I which was unanimously adopted g recom mending the Chinese term Shin. The word Shamite meaning supreme ruler, was .1 objected to, because it is rather a title of office, than expressive of Deity—because the Chinese now apply the word to desig nate a material idol, and also because it is a title applied to the Emperor. The term To simply means ruler, and, therefore, is 100 limited in its siguitication. The same objections lie against riot Te and Tien C 7,..). '' As to the transfer of Alai° or Do- :di, it' was objected; that when transfeired; some of these_Chinese terms must Le em ployed to explain it, nr it would convey no meaning to the mind of a Chinese and ! therefore the real difficulty would still re main ; and, indeed, the introduction of the new term might, in itself, be the occasion of difficulty, as, in fact, this very term has al ready been regarded as the proper name for some new Buddhist deity. The word Shin, though liable to some objections, was thought to be the best that could be employed for .this purpose. In opposition to- Shaagte, it is employed par ticulat to express spirit, or that which is spiritual. The objection that it is employ ed to express indiscriminately the Chinese gods, is of but little force, as the same ob jection might lie agtinst the use of - the term God, in our own English Bible, since that Menu is often employed to xpress idols l &c. The committee also re judiciously re' mark, " that much relianCe mug be placed on Christian instruction, in order to form in .t.lX`binese mind a true conception of God, and thus to incorporate in the word Skin a fullness of meaning, which it is freely grant ed it does not yet contain, but which it is better capable of receiving than any other word- yet proposed." Id China, 55 mis sionaries are in favor of .this term, 10 in favor of Shang.te, and 6 iu favor of transfer ring the Hebrew term,. The report, of which this is a meager term,, was unatii- MOUSIV approved by the Board, and the Secretary directed to communicate the re sult to the British and Foreign Bible So ciety i hop, at likek veil hunt n as aid if,. r, at I h.,d the thnnanr ✓1 of which 4s chauti-d ins.. i re.s then e she was l imp with- Anecdote of Tather ,Sewall. The recent death of this good man re minds me of an incident I heard, of him several years aineo , which is too good to be lost. Ile had been employed by a Baptist church in the State of Maine, as a stated supply, ;doling a seas.ini when they were unable to support a settled 'pastor. 'His fervent piety and faithful labors won their Christian confidence, and even veneration. At length, 'desiring to commemorate the Lord's Supper, they obtained a Baptist clergymen to come and administer Gte or dinauce—a:measure in which Mr. Sewall very cheerfully concurred. When the sea son arrived, the brethren were much embar rasqd about Mr. Sewall. He was present, and would probably partake of the Supper, unless forbidden. But how could they for bid such a man—their own preacher, under whose ministry they had sat with so much delight and profit? No wonder their best feelings revolted at the ungracious task. They however mustered courage to signify to bins, that according to the rules of the Baptist Church, he could not be permitted to commune with them, on that occasion. What'." said he, "is not this our Father's table?" "Of coury it' is," they replied. "110 you tot, then, regard rue as a child of God ?" "Certainly," theyanswered ; have far more confidence in your piety than in our own." "If, then, lam .8 child .of God, wily then May I not come to my own Father's table?" More confused and em barmased than ever, they could only reply that it was contrary to the rules of their Church. "Well, then," said the old gen tleman, "if you will not let me come to own Father's table, I wilt go and Yell my Fothr,.." Ile rose from his seat and moved' toward the door, when the Baptist brethren, overcome by the obvious and irresistible force of so simple an argument, begged him not to "tell his Father," and they would receive him to the table. ,` M'LLIISTER'S OINTMENT. ii -, oi , :TAINING no hlereitry, nor 'other [et tiza...131 troa 01,10 0. tOe Dt.'licomicr heath, the author of thaartor aamf rat -work ettutlal 'MU Amor - Ir.:a PraStlue of M.L11. - atte Farnlir Ph> :mon." 1101100 Lavamodr cah the Inerritenta whirls a. Nt0..1111 . ..r . ...111-11.-AlinaOtnttornt•ond pro,c.rita - .1 and terfrd It In tirVtrill tn." In tot" Lob'ato pr.totln I tor, no hcatatan onyinp c crrtlf, hag that it Li V,,,gcla.LlC Itvaartr. containing Du mineral outatanre a hater.... that too-MO - at , cou.Lio.r.l L o y are. anJ atorl 1.4 Orop. 1007, 01,1.1 0111) harrolrsa. but 'of 0-nr5t•01t....1e.h.,•• o trul; i.otent4e Itroardrof groat ol.r.:1 1 claarfall; ovrommeod It as a mataarn I hlO kaa s don.. tno:h oral. which h. 2a..pt , 11 to lb, corn of Gnat Cr cam. Th ong.. I ...tee notor .111a.r r.wron.. nil., a.r.,. , -,Lrot in the aalr of arr 4 mall ra.,-ord ur the Ina, ronoricntintor htunann otroraztrr of the pourrietor 4i tithcintraenu and the falov of Me dlrf.r.rerr,cblitr!llle 14 L'u••..ti ',villa; It Nat. La,h. Arril 'On, 15 11. 15 111:AC/L..1. , L. one of the tart things intl. wort.' fur burnt. Var,—Thaurand. are parly ciital by this Ointment. It never faun fn liPaoh or Turner!, Clara:aid ail Mimi,. of Sores. ft ham no equal. I,r3Lotllm. and }urns , knee In rain , . to cans oreeollrn I or Sore Drauat.. then alwaysapoiyll. in such cata, )(nud arrarling to throctions. It _-fern relief in a very for • brut,. Around thrt bait dire g ent kr u.ing alnADidrra OintmentSea:Cala Liver Cor,plaint, kity..lprlaa. Tetter. Chlinlaut. Stall Hood, ki)aa ikOneY. err litourbstie, Nat Aeration.. l'olua, of 0110 , . itsal Aria.. Damp, all lhaa:aa or the ...kiln Earuple.., tootling of the, hanha. hbontaa-1 tiara Croup, awelleil or Mohan Lirra.t. I Foot!. Actor, Agu. In Ow Fur. AO. Henkng Thrry a fij: the rsaas grtiVib..Vab.l‘ll.7l:..l=r a Vrtl7l ' .:al.a •=1 that tan tuaclr hial S of it ! ! rove ....AY In It. W. 1 ., Our her 4,... , 1. rum. by II of moat valuritl rhiloatin., a t of the a third or a ttlibiciesbuio Fain in the raia ,urtli of .a.ilhoh hal... it dots u ,, lir. tirry care it eau do no iW uhf. 11'.1it vq.i lilt fo loa worularrullling Irmo tit.. Nail. lb., th.; rettilitate. Irmo a I...tairlabia citio o ...f .11aidttarraek to. uaLtD. 1/4 etas Nfahlenrr.-..k. herkr 31ards 30, 1847. Maar.. Itittar (.6-1 Oma n. to tutors..you that I gnu. elstin II curect of a curet. rata lti Um butt. by the use of U r als... whirl, vurelita.o.l from you. 1 ..wher..ta ith it for alvut tisenty year, and at niitlit vim Lux bio to nisei, During that tide. I tried varouti whol. a,t.. proweihmt for ti de. by phyrichualaJ tAhrr 1.41 , 145. any and at rood.. tr.al this melt a r. , .ult favorahiee. trestles 1 Sh. raw entirely Übe I rem the pain, and , at night 01 peaceful and rant alley I bays. also used ttio salt , tiara the tixith ache and other unubt:inta. with Unglue lunYi moil, 10u. tricul. 11.4.cr...Lu .1011E0 MeALl.lni,ll ebleyiiyirietbs el tie. abate medicine Fe TienVii n 'euTi.:ll-F's? r !i l ? ........ aft amid 1 had n Pledged r- C3IIICS of as arricid, fullouittu itoli 1n im nu d in lid 1n y cur unto line( lin,4 to eired fn dr Irbil.. the ° the “N.ni , of Chris":• and tcueh {me," three Trini.y t i e placing i IMOMI!U • . . i'magruOn—li.. .1. rnhoo:dork A t',; • corns, of I\'tW awl }trot At.; tVr.. Jerk., No. ..`,AO Laortr •rr,t, Wilcox, Jr. onrO , of 11.'1, PLINI.Ot Ant it.. to-vacua. AL. earner of lOortto altl thnithneld rt, J. 11. oar 0.-of - Walnut nit! Ato Pifth Ward: 'awl uula At the Vora Wire in SlatithGeld ritovi.thLoldoor (rota groacd. la JkileFhonf city Of SellAntrts um! J. Dolods.FA: t.y 4.1. - radii,. drum., Zrootna'hatri; rty: IJftowland.,friii,Aport;J. AlArfol, J4....)f0rr konliright kigrlet.ltorbo.ter. 14110411 emblem of Inyeqt thou our Ix rd e etcrual liiiiiTll.C(rRCDS. J. T. DECKER, 111/1/14V.11111 t cal.. Builders atal Cr...tars of Licht. nine Bolos seicsdiße principle& Orders left at MO can& s. or the rest and for personal latorrisna.ein seen en north siren, re , ldenue at Dr. Ilunt..Lsdaseu Marker and. Ferry. . Reference....-PrnLiesnr Bditer of Billinateidniii. ran Pnifrunr 1). 31. =Obeli, vf the Lturliarnti Worn.. TT; Pr.:donor llabert Bet& ..'llssisrlsanta lirdreralts. iqulssior Coster Leiser, D. 4, hen, Twin Prureenr J. L. L.Sssel,_l.3tereland Bair eMc.r. 0114&_. - • .in Visranursti-.4.33'.'Lacnis. John Kamm& Bi lk, Ü b e- Celanese, 31r. ChM& Cs.l.llernan. -Bat. .31.45,:k-s, . li'ell' Suitor .S In t s d . u. L iv a.trie E L st asl. 4 lljairsak sect. IBurm Bast& ril;oschniter.Do ml standing the newly t Signuut, n my fore. august rite the oltar— Sr The now anted the of winch MISCELLANEOUS tIOLD PENS. We Imre non. no hand n Ix bore qteck ar the•lxat Gal Proefroni the 10w110.7 tosorifsetartesin hew York. and Matte expnewly to enter. MAN elwgewt Geld Powell Coen awl Peoleletewo. ere,.eor{etr. yorrnine Pen Helder% Pnrl Jo. 71.11 for Mae wholweile wrel retha At New York, F l o ,. W. 1%.11'11,41N. itISON HAMS.—_'. boxes rechl&l LUDI for mks. by del/ & P. Wit.,yoN„ - "IOW DE MANGANESE. &ale by &KID J. KIDD 'CALLISTEIVS OINT3II:ST—:2. grasa .LY for wla LI • , , 1 , 141 J. KIDD /4 C. AM) 111 L-4 bblx for tiafe.-by A dam ___ _ • _ PlO IRON .—Fifty tons Brush Creek Fu nate, —Pie Iron. for talc by R02120.N. LITTLE 1 CO. ja/ • .1:31 Libert, no+, S UNDRIES. -6 Luis fresh Roll Butter, 21 kegs butter Le: trierl ri gllo4lr 1117 ""4 -r LE . L ARD. No. lin store and gm sale he I_ll &27 __ DICKEY - A CO. fiIIROME YELLOIV. 850 Ibo for sale by Itj jw J KIDD & to • USE YELLOW. 014 lbs for sale by , J KIDD eCO MEItICANIVEIIIIILLION. 2:10 lbs for it wile by ,ja9 • J KIDD .5.(71) • • WH i l JE BEAN S. , br 11 for sale b~} ]I II JOAN TUV 1011. S. 50 brls in store and for sale b , .• lJ as 9 W)I11 JuIINSAIIS n moms. 100 dozen for sale be SoliNTros • OARIC fur sale. by o jal BRAUN 0 REITER. . the I.J COIN WANTED, for )chic k e 1. 4 p highWotpretalaut will be paid at the Exclutage ofti, ••ta A.. WILKINS 1 1..0- iw Carlow or Thin! nod Woad at+. . A 'We° AND SKELETON MAPS Ilkr wAlo ij by Jr , '! WM. NITLISToe . !:. UP ER ENGLISH SHEEP SKIN MATS. kj thr barmbraurn rouortmeta ~..r bruoyht to Pitt , burgh. Mr mak b, tat, •11'11. IrCLINTOCK A Li.lll. 44 bbis for tale Iv ^1 Da wu. 1111.44LE1 .1 01. X.I ADDER. 5 1111%14 No. I Dutch; f.e. sale lira br im7 WNI. 11-‘111.1.1:1 0 C. -- LINSEED OIL. 51.11:1161 for sale by ld J 1.1 CA F% P1E1.1: MAELOW.:L-Fifty brit; received and for sale X b) , ' ‘1,15 5111:1V1:1: 0 11./.11N1..-:. CI.IIORTS.--I.lne tbdusand bus not rereirod w.J nor Rte.. Mazy bra, .04 fur Mil, by .le:Z. S111:11 ER 0 DARNI.S IarRADDIND ..4.1. - a PRINTINU PAPER LI , for.d eh:. largr or rromll :paltullties. by . " 11. P NIARALII..L. POTTON. 21 bales hew landing from tbT Li steamer Ocnero, fur We by lOAIOII DICKEY b. CO, 3.29 ' Water Yront .t. LARD AND STERINE. . bbl,. No 1 Lod: 6 6 bbl.. Sterkur vox lauiing from ...ma . &ono, Foe ale by . ISAIAH IVater DICKEY CO., t•ts mt , o obi hoot • - - WO STEAM BOAT BUILDERS. Extra i. 1k.. 7 Oakanit and liosrahl Tullis, .illtable• for sham boarD,...ting or Airtang,'emi'ved on sorolgntnept. mkt tbr 5:%.1 . 1 „ 11 ,... w, br UEU3II , PLEMINO r. CU, 129 Haul stmt. ' EATIIERS. 16 sacks now landing from F steatant O.u.rs far aalo b. ISAIAH DICKEY a co, =o %I at, sua Enna,. sti, Ils; TUE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS of Au.attnT County. • *Ala and Petinaylvasda Lail vied Company as Lydia Stuatvell. To. da tiara:arm 1651. To 11.0 ;byre defendant—Tod uns tirrYby tir.tifidd, that the alasat'filalutlil lass Vit. arid stypropitt.l to loghed1011?, t l 2 600Ttt1ofl"?1.'"lirit l 'ILY of Al" plea pun tgatot'' ' t the layrtli . oia. l e l rAlli:etuo: try fine cd raid call gad, silt standing through raid luta dhadtraaily it) fen wide. a draft and daicriptani o f an filial so the Assay caw.' w., COURTNEY', derinaliss dully/tor Itir Plaintiff. GOLD, SILVER, BA_NIZ NOTES, SRA.' r end Time Undle on the Een . botightLenn enll. k7ru4lo Marine Pteictem 1r,!e.4 en the meet tatnrable term* at the Bont.lo, Muse et 01:01RIC C AILNOLD .f.• • Mt. 74 Fourth ...et IHE SUBSCRIBER iNVITES THE attention of merchants WA Won, to 'lns largo sof nwrtra neck of 1.1.4ery, Cod, Rim, mot Mayers. Thg abcr. nrtnien tqlk. N 001. Monaw ant C.ton. of all bit° and onto', constantli on t,aaJ nod, O, tar low Os o= 11. EAT, (aENECA OIL.--rive br!ti rec,ived, fur sale b` de-am" •LIRICKII LIAFIN.FI , BUTTER.—Fivy brls and ten jars prime roll h"""l fer mar for "1 ;11111V Eli 0 U.41,N1-,. IV 0. )10LASSES--li l lv brl, to trr it o. 11 tor ..11r &lift] V V-11 & BA I:NES . 1)13, F F'S B Of. ) K I'. PI N of NO'. !L Keepillg - It NY 1111101 4. .1 juSt •rervit 0.1 sod fnr old& by dcttS 11AVIN i itr - .. A. 1. S--A farther supply ). " th" "' g'd'''''ciiiiirrtlitViriii!iiil L. nal 17RENCLI LEAF—Fifty hunilleil French, ii: "''''''' 1 ' .6. J''ZilWm = tirir.:." t,1.T.V.:::,.,. . t „. coLoßs- , -ii brb Hose Pink: 1 :.) It. Ilstatc. it../rlctl: 1 Itl case. Llmtac 4.115. anJ Cm a: For We by jalu " J I-el toON NI AN Elt aCo • VERMILLION—Trieste, Chinese, Atnrri- T . and lasperlld Yettullllaa t be aalo hi sal. J bellut.N.MAl: tat A oil' 1 . . SSE N TIA L OILS-1 can Oil of Sums:dr:v . : • 2 ran. Oil O[U/render I no Oil of Itomonar, I e.n uf Lemon: I can Oil .1 14r t: I Ica Oil of Ckir, amt I 1.0.U1l of Room lite. oreived ri/r utin I POO . J iie/PlllUll M A lailt a (..1./. 1 1311USSIAN BLUE--Ton boxed No. 1. nir 'role h) DLIU J SCWOONMAIi Eft LAU' ) olia.` - lArd Oil of a superior quality, 13 . 90 hood for pale by I. lll l fri t t , AlAll DICKEY t CO.. Kate(A Front 03... I 'i tse Al L ASSTS. — . .ranty one Iris primei ..I.!F Sugar Houol....c,julit 17:m11,1=4 fur. AI F 1, I L. Is. {1)1.7/ILM AN It SONS. • Yr lIKEE PLY AN 1/..ING RAII4 C.I.IIPETS. W. 3frellutock I[l%l. purd.aa.r. w al , larget .101 Lvt Arlrclrclnraortrot.nt of 'Throe lit taw. ever brouhht u lbl. tuut.rt. nod cheap, Ella.. au, of the .ten 010.. We Write 111 to roll awl revalue our at No. itS Fourth stmet .4 W. McCLIN'TOCK. offer. tbok..kbins tn • rueorttoeut of &tin. belait., DY.L.A 4 P.• of 313.. 000...1 6.1 ton.t at rv-ilto.o.t orkrs`l. , 4ll ut house. No. Fourth otroet. PO , - DOW D and Ri fl e Powder. JR. n7OO L.O, In plogailor. nod Jalo N. DILI. VOler.ll QAFETY FUSE.- , —Twesity brk Safety far t 0, HEY . APPLES.--One. hundred bushels for usle Lf Jelo J. u. DILI,WAIITII c 1:0. _ - UPEAGIiES, —241 lipshels ter sale by .111., JAW J.Slol I J.BJnTIII Cn The Old Printing Establithuient, bA'PE Johnston and Stockton',, :vid B 14111: linkk and Ntatleinery Wurtmmee 11AVEtito km. r 1,1) Commercial, Cartel, awl :ilea= &Ai Jr .1, Plinth , keel linkk al 4l i and furnish cyert euitele the ki k Ikmk. Paper mper end iftatieiriery the Medial ite . aml lb. reametabti terms Blank kirok arrilitatiormek Wkrii.inee ecn, flit I. M:Second streets nuting tam and Ikea. OIO4eIT, do 60 Third si lob Nowilwk.s Just Received,' • 4 L LT6N 1/3Clikl, Tailor and Poet.; an onto • biorrati.hy. t vet. Llrho, I apolar Mucatira, tor the hat of hernia awl r.r P'"'"'4 Leah rain .i Ft '' 7; d rentill 'h at of I=..f.iTtlfi;r7't t Ctit - hew, A. 31 . Into ruperiblatiltat of 001.10 quintal._ I vol I=that Abbott's Nay Rant—ltatory of 'Mahn,. Roland. la - John 2. C. Abbott, with env:matt"hhifortit wi it lh the frith. , Faint... at this p., ) ,atra Irraot ic.4l ail., For Fa la, ' It. 110110 NY , Apollo Dull:ling, frotath . -' ltur .---- EcTioN INSURANCE. CO PANY. t Hartford, Co.g. Ccrpltal SW: t . WSurplus Pout, K c tX. , U. Clustrrrd 7 t.... 5 TIO .4/pianism-I hal beta appointLl iscut for `pl. old and tosp.xxsibic conuoult. to succ..t Mr. /C.o.:tic bruu , , and Is wady Winn.. polteks in.thu bre, awl ranting. Jvicut moot on as tumuli< 4. as tor olltrr retpoolable rum , any In Ibis city. ULU. L. AHNxiLM, iulC 74 Puurill sL next door to Dank utPittxburuh .._. _ GOODS.-11. ()reale S Co., )Imntaeturera of Pereign nal Domestic L.ltrao 11 the attenticu of buyers to their nonli for Indira anti tabu.. They will offer. induccroante In a great tacict yof sfylca, dt... to purcbawee nba buy by the to.nuird.umve package decoplo exhibital at their rue, No. Lin Pearl aneey. / op .loin,) Nor York. TELVIT PILE' CARPETS of the rieheit a h I, bad nay alpha rantpm cairn W.!STOOK VIIEESE. 100Trboxrs for sale by A J 119 J II I'l LLD WY I'EACIIES. 305 t,:1,1:',1 -and 11 LH+ / f. , We I, la. 'I. t.• II ATEIBIAN A : 4 0 N,Z 11l OLI7BUTTEIt. 15 balls fresh roll: a L Jo ... w keg* to 1., le sa h, P WATFUNI AN a SON: , PLAIN 1)11, eIIINTZ, re .l 1 bo , dor eve at the Carpet W'arehutp.e.. Fourth rt. ~,,,, Ott V.:CLINT...CA '.•—- • - - - • , IV.. • 51f brie nor crop for talk by IV.. de27 woolys a li IiIEPATItI. A irANNER ' S OIL.— Sixty bris N,.. L for anir jby . taw • J , 011.1.Wt.tall A (At jiItUSSELS •GA,ii:PEVS—We invite the titration at purr/mar , to ur hit, amull/IaPIAt of ru,..l.Can.etd, whleh are .llne - t fn.., the Impvet,er ...., 0/1111.trattOrVI , of wir MI rich rtyler. at pel.w. to Icor ar they nut he Rumba...Nl i.a aay u(theranteru Otte.. Cali at the Carpet rrarehuu.. No ,:., Fourth Ann t Yalo . . w MeCLlNTta:fi Tm'ESTItY Ctuil'ETS. dirtal 1 tho iowayoya. ann. awl rteh rtyles. itt ,tore and 1.,r Pale IM very rmtun.l uriotr. itt W. 31 , tlititoel‘ , Carp..t War.- haute. N. F 5 Fourth 34 ~..•---- Pao MOLASSES. 30 brim M landing from rteam . oduosti. and ralr D C)L.NFI DLO, fiat rt. bt.t.rrrn 1i Uri t thnithlirld SW= PEARL ASJJ. l 5 brls for Fate hv in!, J. IL CANFIELD. ORESii ROLL RU'rfER. in boxes and brie koo.ned dolly by ' pdo J. IL CANFIELD. '11111111Ci,L1,&c., just 'retired at 7 2f;f0 Liberty .I. ntrmtr—Plrkld Prattle. 11. 41.1 J.. 17, Pickl . o.l hit. p...r )1.4....,i. In balfellAAl .1..... ', " T i nr.j .. '4 ° l °,r,. Pa.. l'ir.k4.l.lluttrr. luta In avert 1...• '. ° -- orV:l u or , XI rkkled 3lnttinestr=i, or Nat Ko !hum Ind .. 1 4 ' t ‘ r,. 4" tUr i ty . .sir 0.4"A...t..Ltk0 nro./ ...plot. in Illtslo.=. Ale.") WM. A. A ,, J1... , ACO C 1 1 ank l E. GREEN . fiat lbs fur sale by ina .1 KIDD A CO. us Wow et- • .. .._ . . -.. _ PARIS GREEN. -66 0 .11,s for :late by • Y- isn J KIDD k CO • ... IRBY APPLES. faibria for sale by Air to . wm it JOINSTO It, _ pAVER DYER INGS. • French and Amli, , i n . pun! Kuala ond txmlors. than Oti'r to SI W pa peke. Fur ale Lo"' W. P. MARKIALL, igiVical MM. TRANSPORTATION EECII & CO'S EXPRESS •TO PHIL- L made arran.,run.uts for nirt, mots the abort. em.w daring the rtuter maaun. gtag,- to llollidavalmr, ankl tram rheum hr Venvvylrarda Irall Itteut Kilatielf,hia. Through In l`Jl . hour, park- WM. Only eau be:Taiea. LEECIIn Cutal Ewan PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. .A.ItIt,VNGEMENT , miler IL ‘T‘t‘ , 7;l::;ll l l l ;.'''''' Cool int , nt Telegraph Ana Exprew , Six dally . Lane. of Sew Cuaelte, for lIOLLIILINSIIVIJII. and fn. theme I. the New I',-no, 'vaunt Italln..l to Pill LAUELPILLI. NEV.' YOliE. and BALTI3IOItE. Duns, the Klipvnot of canal !.avlgallon..sla Llne. of . o. , aehe. will teal.. tor IlsllhlarAntrall, KW frau theism hr the Now PennAvls"anla 11511 riled ( . 211 wile , / Is Ttnie through al hour, Fan,to ~ $ll UI Farr to Italtmore I'narhe4 0 111 teale ewer, morning, at prretwil. bone • •ate an, tiro-4 Th!. the mo.t thr,et: n.fortahle.klua t:out.• h th....at.tern rifler. -eogor, roe flallinton. tat, - N . ew tad road at Her rbaJor4..liret - L t 6 arrival ui the ear. ut that Oa,: Vor Pmxagc .or '"C" N n i St. Charlea or to J. P. LIOLNIES. 3lonsugahrla Mune. Plttsburrh. ber. J, IsrAl.- • ' T I .IN:4'OI:TA TiON LINE 011 SALE. I The "tiro-tiler 01 , , for id tbn stoek. nu 4 wilL %Port h the ed.u.l.l,un Widailir ruharl. In 'yob buone.....r of •ho intereated In the earl, nut I ra.le. tt• the tilite I•4 . d.ltralriu: for snaking arranarinrut. for the ssnow ho•lth=la, a ittn.rtallt rad) appllrat..hoold 1. wade. 1231221111 . .. . 1111 ..FALIF. n ,dr . • - Su ”Ii In. 14.111., -1 r, of John 3l Menviv Co.. 7_lml i'mbal 140111.11.1111 .trot. EW STUCK OE PIANOS. Al John 11. )101,., tgrool. has rW. r . i. QPLENDID GIFT Boo Ks. I , 7 lor.allount Memory. tient. of 14nnly.. ealanol of Mob.rn Art- illtunlynth. Wint, Snow Viol., -htterinn I,olu nod 11, tun Fur PI, at 11.• EWA' VI lON A I. VA mok MUIR. 4.-MArkol V... , h. Morris and Willis's Homo Jouinal I)I2BLISIIEI),very Suturday ill :%ew York lily. A r,n, th.lLtl+ 1.1. 14 t. in %I/ AM,CI tt,. 11.0nte Journal. No 117 Fult-ti .on.t.t. Sec \ !taw.. 24. I,u. -So 01l whom it Ma) I•.neere evrtitt I Motu , le thtl, nuthort.u.l to a. I ne ou.ot thrth4 , ..& Hour .1.41 • rem uh,ut ho btu) itt ou.ol ft, hu0..1 will 1•• apkik..ut,g.el I,r u. at as! •km. of o d.hrst, . ... ft ,• .n 1 muter. 1111 ill rtile-oulphuso "re hu‘uhle .110 year iu urn, r• 'the new rol.ltu. will pt.nnurit, on 'ht. Jaw, at, mer,4l In .1 R Think Itr,i. oueßre thy l'iot hie 3. M. ill It IR S tr L Propio•Wrs 11 tVESIAMi 1:01%1 PO U N.D. ;this Cotupuln.l v..arnatte.l 1,0 produue the within do ss-n 145 rm... when 110 tnalan; Ere Jul. tea caksr. Lacksrlyst rates , 161,141 s sash, Is rll..msl in the Cane' t shots , I, p.r ss•nt M.ssr. Era ttl'fi erh vniqd of flow add two u.s nat i t; 1 , 1 , 1 ),Li 011, :et srLI st IL” lull huhu. trul te', the klottull the oeuel thiet.tuu , • : oraLl it vull, atul lot It .11/Y1 tin.,ll Lrfro tu.lk, two hunt, no hut,. Ilteutli 0101 te. m 17,1 tnoelt ashl hularl ne one, hut oil, JO bn hurt e.tatul nor le ent, wont.. Ti.re ia co ,1,1,1- of I,lli Vs. 0.0,5 a 11111 Cuutpuuthl iu thu lassul, it will TIO tort the br,ati dora 0h , ,, 0.13l:rex0001 •.•. • . • You can put thc above CompGand Into lea takra., putt jularny cake. bli/1111 ,eke., corn 14,43. brou u bread. bin ult, bat try raker. hook arbecr cl4u iti,ple durlpllol.l, pot pi and for ule , awl fer .11 baldn« 9 12 "" j 44 Wont NEW BOOKS NEW BOOKS! T HOLMES' LITE It:till' piqur. Third [Lc °Ma,— . ou‘ . i Ly .t h o uu u hora roy ...no 011vIrr." Tlr , LL - 4opme. a nurrl. Br. grace Aguilar. LOlL•rells, or wo nurrtalry.s-4 The Loki., of th.d.l—,o Egorlixti story. To.ia.r...rod to be Lorr.l—. talr. Caroline or Brun: Arlon. By 0 W 51. Reynold, The Itorni.4h Contesounel. A Lyrture on for Jesult• Br Dr ikr.r. Ur. K,. Reply to !Whop the Drdir. 01 ProitAinnthr.. pit. ROSE'S CELEBRATED REMEDIES. 1 -ha..1..1 linu. the discosena mid tilde proprietor Ltheme moat pol.ular mad Leueficial medic's... mut alto the inventor of Mot celebrated instrument for luflatnitt Ille Lun, us efl.*Lnig scare of Chroule sibs., was a mu. dent of that eminent ph,olemn. lata-tur nue., or Is • graduate a the Cids.rdt, of Peon, leanla,noil for th.,..1, i s elron has 10•••• LI rm.:wed to tbe insestlgallou of the ea, and Ow application of remedies thereto, . Through the ime of hl Inflating tis.ylossionectioalth THE BRITISH PERIODICALS, , hi, Proph, hulk Nylon, and oilier of Ids molest*, he has A L N 1) THE FA [(NIERS' GUIDE. gained an unparalleled moloanne in miring those dreadful • ~ , ,sAt;t, F, , ,yry L (•,,_ y,„ ta„hy a ,...,,, few : , c hi,,.) WO Malone.. Tubercular Connonntlan. ranters. tot . volition 1•,•111•11111 I)e four I...sdiug. Quarterly Its- -,,r i ,t Ilt„.._"'_•ier.th_iti•ijr_lT !p o d _AU„‘" , _r , ,..! .h... , -,. ,,,, Di." - ... 4 ? '',...''' In "'"I'" '''''h" ." : ". ,;;11 . .a . ; . 4; ieVal ' ee o'' l'or.:ll4 ‘ ..;y7iin7ll . 7ll . * ‘ lse 1 . ,,1i .;, , ,, ",„," .. ,',.",.,:, i ,L , ;.,,, h j . 1 , ,,,.‘ i:,, ,`` ri t,'"":, ~ ,n T r i t : _,,, n' T', , , , , , ' ; 1 : , • 7. ...1 ',,;', , ..1 , ni ti; ' ,., 7 , ; ,:,, ' ,0 1 „, ,, , ; : i 1 „:4 1 , ,,i,.;, , : 1 ; I li u 1. 1 , .... 7.1 1 . n i iir . b r ,,,E . , • ,. : 4 1: 00 1- ,. : I F L. !. r e .... n., : nl c , t. i ~, y i i e r i :. ic ,,, ,, ,, 5q . - 1 e h .s :. :; . .i!‘,i'z'' ' J,. , al - ;;'„ „' „. - 4. Z...„ 1.,„...' 1 , 111.1 reoodi,s. adapted t, nail reter...yi Mr. met. preallar Pa''''''rt ''' ''''' . "' ln ' '''''''' "n ' 0 ' V '' ' ' ''''''' 'r' ” 1 r'''g of J . tbs.-Aire Polls. when 'med. am lover*, 1 0* MO.. .ahti.t. l . "' i` .'" ''''"l"'" i "i'‘iiii; ""i I'l . Lir mho osledesol to I; sulisrior 1.1 1 1 Val l•lhrm. iv a purd.s " h 2 ," o. "'""''' ''''''...""' ' '''.' '''' '.''''' '' ' th h ' " r ' . Om or lir r tall. lossmorfi .. the, lea,. the hotels per ''''''"" '''' "" ''''''''''' ''''' '"'" ''''''' ''''' '''''''''''''' teeth free . ft - ons co-then.- L. also 111.. sieldeu Pills ars .„1 " "'''‘. "' '''" hh '''''' ''''''' "' ''' l '''''''''''' '''''". ' mlttaal, Ls the (Leah, ts, Yi5....e,. peen 1.M.en...d.1. ese. • 11111• 1 •1•11.014 r.n..bessuey tune 1111 use to. Ilie Is st fat-' thi to , thak o „ a. , Lot „ tha otho „ that a bath ttho " i- '' ''" h '"' "'''''''''' ''' ' .l "'" h "' ." " ” "i' ''''''''' Fury. 1 is sotheoent to e , t,:hlisb *hot Las born said lu the miSdant ...tin, 2, a th. ,al ono donteine attune aus then nigh. „•. , , . est , rte• hew. In It,- the tirturl.l Is...tnn. of. too !se. te Le0n . ..`.if."1„ . :". _ ~, ... ,_ ~..._ ~. __,, .. " .h. "•` . '" . ''' '''''''''' " f .".`"'"'` `4" '''' ' hr.. " I eu;n,g7X.. ' ; ' ,:ol. " ora ' s.! . l ' ...Ces.7.4=lL ' l ' ehl.,7n-7.1e11.1. They ore,. le ...., pul.ltiloal to *Motor." LIP S'imie ts. i ' . -.."',".“-P,'.' - " '' '. .,. h e r' s m. ... ‘ - 1 .L . .1 " . i 'T, a ' s " se i r ". ll L k t, ni 7 aft drug of CY p0.,-1-, • aril ...eltisd....l the steel • o,stimulge. am! is ~_ r,; -•_t o :/,,! . ", it!' • . .7"_,_ "i ''' d .'' " h '' '''' h '-'. h ' '''' ''''.' h ''' s '''''' ''' h ''''''''' '" frlaut ‘ a, " .r.. , : ' ...ll ' il red st . PlttsLurell a whi , l• tin, ~ ill li. at lo ,t venn.' tslo I . 3 03 T..,...,....,,. 3‘,... 3g 3.., 4 . , 3,,,..., , ••• 7/. / 1 1, 1 -1. I`. i Vols., 5et.i.1.1..1. t.l'.r. as 1i,11..55, air - I ,„ , ~,,,,,,,... 1,,.„,,,,,,L ~,„.„„,. 1 .,„ t ~,,,. ~,,,,, Theneaodon Quarterly herlea it'sdosir,allic, the Mo. _ _,, burgh levy a • n I.rt. Ow • ....sib Ordt.t. Its 11,4 illon , "i,::: ,, ,. „, ~,_ __. _..„_. „ __ _, __,,_. „_ l'but.h , the I‘,. etnetts. ler 1,11,1 ,1A , ...r 47, and !dark- . d t..Z 7 :1 1.,. , , ,n ., ,, ,i1.. ......:.- rn 2 ..., • .. 1•10/ 1 /1 , 1..11.11 area i11ea.1... I Toe, - doh' ", T %did., !haver " .. " 011Lotoi, i 10."... oorl, an •Itseitioubd. dto the rollti.al ' ao ~,,„, • , shr„.l.-. ...oe .6,1..0.01. ~.. lin. 1 "Wall portl..o of their _ e 1,1111r111•1 3•31L11e/11•31 1 •1 141, 11 11 1 fl,. 11 1 11111 W) i • ~,s 3 . 7 ,- . . . •• 3 p 3 stmt. ter .0,11 girt s them their floe( valor. and in that Ants in te. 1-/ in, irtnWr xtratneo, fm me the. swat roof. L.ill, far shove L.I other plumed, of their . A 'Ly del: Illirtilltilt a 2 ea '''''' '''''''."l. 1 11 '''''' r "". '''.".r4 'l".'h"'.. ''' 1 I INSEri) OM. (i fir pur . New 12..itile Chroti.plo . North. neunto.... Its oneo.nt ret,rll,. mid Is. , . • • . , LI ih. time. onuivalls 1•111/111•Ut1. fn. the serial .0.4.1 . 4 0 d.,..,,,,,i,,,, L yy.l a.....b. b, 11..1. 1.. r hien, ...t.1.1e, annten fer 11,11 maga 1 • .I.e. ItiajthiON. birri.e ACo :Ine and first appeal-out 111 1 1 .• oduntos Into in Ono. yr. m"...." , in the ' "It'd rut.. rove i i iiri''' •• "The , m - , d ' , OFF P.E. 213 bags 11011 . 4. r .1.• bv ~,„.• ~, • ,i, ~... Nos.l. - •ledl. 1., hula. r,, - My Noun 11, del: MIMI. al ATTllliirie k et. solar Iledel. • 'Tt,.. tleort. 11..1 '' and rube. 1 1•1•130. 1 . t 1 .I.llC ' 1”.”..rn.. c oyid ''' .llo ‘ .. " r " 1-10 ' 1 1.0 110 1.-• "'"o F ,sii. 111., brls large No. Mnekarel; puldielo.re iu 11.1•re.....try, hair to he nidluted h. stn.. . I Hive a sal ever 11 hash en 16 Idls sr, I Itaitimo Merril.. [sailed tn. Messrs Verdi a 1...., o' that stit.s.nbers U. the , , I% anus telish, for 0..1,, Reprint of inst Magarinel3llMl alllll,l n•i) 141 harm., the I _ "a' l,ll .V.M.AVTIIIitIIi AIV earn., of the.. fselnatlog . ooles F: 1111+. lor an, nor . f the feor 1,..i was is r aerosol 7 , .0 1 ' 1. , r an, too .1. . da i, u 0 1 Isar 03/11 thn . do de is. t..... 01 Our ',shoes, tor Lila. k0....1's Movoa,..e• .1.. :.... rot isle. 1......1 au.111.. lb,' 1,,.......... , 0.1 for 0,0 a ....I anal the four Itereor• do 1. , Is. • . - i ' •-• . Horne Jourrwl. Nu 1 of uon volun e - 30 IVAN:rI4I. 7 -23 aitualioil 11; -- 13 Z. ! shy.k". n ni "" g Audrc. J C. 11., ihrt No 9. 1,4 tat,. i'll.1•11,h. • . . 1.1. T far npl. m In Nan. I ^/ 1 . ,' lw 1. intant Natant.... A lwent a to. ...I (haat ttr elgt. piny., will In eltit....nlerion ',Lir Id. inn, an). one nr 11.. wnak.. Thu., 4 a or nein,Si)! In. In .+ nw 4 wont, .1 Ow ww... and Ills. f.'1, 1 , end Orlar. !twin clnlal 1.. awl kla...t to lln. n. ran... Kll la. ra11t.."•.1 Thln• 5. 11.1 . 1t r t7 r a10...• nal •ors . :ll ,, k k u , sll- . e i t . ..... t 7w H. e1 b. 1 , 7 always la 't"""rt. ""' "r eo_wr OS. 9 lullsv strwst. w s alo • Entawors• lista ,arret. COMFORT AMD RELIEF - • Nipl: AFFLICUI, kill I. fnut(did Kumn,.e• INFALLIBLE LINISIFY... muou .pr (ball • t-tuul unnniu ..1 Iltu u1au...1 user, lu •.. talt tann t. the .J.I; t.hul Inn. burn nitur..l F. th 9, to the wont. u, gl tu,. • 4,Nau.03...J1,11 - 1,4 mon. trona., thun ur r %lint won.. fl tar.... t.rk—f .1 the Khtt.. ete rot that it h. ch.. nrll. -, tw..1,.,1 in s mt.ln rrry , l,,t. twvit .I Flit v..11i. e• 'bp In.ot Family tal+ or kvimf 1.% any • I • • 11. , ,, IL—, ii 61rIntoll. 115..11 t' The llno lioht. II kh. %la or lion John Atel\l.r, leth.ll ^ ,Intnl If I•o I,:tior of I}.r Spirit .4 us..l 1,0 1, 1 .1 oth , *r.lit'tintott.l.l.4l ettiren. of Ni . I ork Otlot it. wont.. hue, pertnlit it thr ,t t- Lam Patent Th , ll , int.. at , t,t rencr• &I, pa:l , n,, 1.. lb weatth7 nil prate rirelet.. no too e rt,ht to 6,1 oitr...lsto, h , 4-14 Ile,l rt.,. %I owl-, Connaun.l hat bt:ot ne.rle •I. , re the tothll , -. 114 tattt trmn.f • .trn 16,114 WI At woo,. 'a ml Thiontott unttot,l.,.ll,- I. .trono And toorintlr.4 toot, to it- is m oo - ornlowt ttnrl airs I is a tiilervigia moot, toall mrtronsdlt.ew.a, di. Ai IS 1,1 ternfoloo. werelitn,.. sprain, t,1.1 1,0r,,..ta 411 It, to.tnt nittl.lotA that &lb 1 , heir ta user L 000,004 Wttles tate hien bold withnotet , tnitleint, nail hove tx.rttrt.,l turh mtuntehint; ash..: aft, alt other .line hate holed. a.t wank" Plena, I,t , ltef. lout we not atlt.rni, end tu to.twutton. tha tatongest pa:4140 71, .1111 r y. is prpartd from wg t..1,1... e a rls •a real 0.0. It:rtrilirrl -11 ‘pm the.li.,,lp.t—giTlM,lthealaandstren gth.— It l. fliarrlon. Cr•mrti, Biiioll4 Volk, and all aff..rtlnow, 11u. Slot WeALLoo., lis ..4 It Lel e 0r1,11.4,1 Isr ;al , . ty R. 'E. Melicis, 31, , Tit. KIM c o ., a nd Bnoloodn tbe Ihvggit.t gr. ,,, !" t. t , t , kur. tv und our $.1.1111n,, bet. Jankk3ln SAXES W. WOODWELL, AIIIN ET I , R N Fru lIE 31 AN r. Waro-r.x.tna t. 17 d der Third rtnl.t. J. V. W. rv.ry ufoht ltdhrat.. Stlkola and rldonler• 11,4 t he luta unw rotnfletr-I the and ancet hrawhald fornltnte ever befnrer In eitr. drtrrtnlned I. 11010111 th, qoalitr afth or,:ll , ..ra,..p.,llnatenata, last IrorlonroAlp. and .neu.at sltrt= and 1,+.0 thr ea tent nt his I.ntrrs and jaclllt,ln tnanutua runt;:, h. ir ..nabled to perdu, a - art...test taint lure. at Ihe t,t pri.x4 lie ham tan.t.tt..l 1111. pritinl , Idrhtlr, ing I . l to era' Inteor.t wlth hi. owl, In quality 11/11i prkn. and keep. Arra.. (.. hand the areal.. varl..tr rrell th.int, , m or furniturv. frnni rltral., and plalnrrt, to Use mostul.. Iptat and hou, nr any pan nta turnr•hrd trout hi, anal. or unnufirturol oxvrtsnl, to ordrr. Ile thervlbre aolicita an Inn/anion, that the adwon tr,... of hta n , lul,llAimrntmay be loplan. The I a part. r.f hi, trlste9l fo &Altera of ,„irl unb.h BUrP2AVII .3 - r the It o .tern • • dusinu. and brd-lortn chair, of ever/ Tarn's, ....Ong of Irak!, inahcarsn, and walnut, ElizbelLen. .trop and Taal' than!, of err, dr, tildlun I , rla. 'f,t,a•lrte aod Divan+ fifth, Laps, au I Au.. Wltat-Not, I:unre . ), Mort .na.l rani) mlai.l • WA.. diarlo rlaudr. aul hula., tumd.. urhu:an,. rt•••,,rca.l arul walnut mo- alla. ett..irloo thidng 131.1 r, all •dreauf the no, horrui,-1. the Lind nuuhr. cad, IN.n.bn.te bun r wardrot.., ac ,ll r , ltAkild. af • ear.re a- or aoltn, hall nud yarlw nth. rhnl,e, uttoulaur at...A..11,1,01 and tr,C bu.rd, I . wurd mil, lint +Mad, and Inu.lr ut rout/ table and lea WI , . inalnlloll Intel A.• . . A k r ,. t..,,n‘nnn I unnittow and w.tt , w Chain. 1..1.1nr 1 w.f.." .orhlira with all cr4rlin In th..lr linw blewinnat. rant 1 lan.t, loriti,:n-J at tin! rhuritnt entice All ..nn, taninntly utuwnird TAKE NOTICE. g 111 .IL E / TIIE 11 , 11111 J). Twenty retranl 0111 be paid to any also 0111 pit rivet. ur dr,. that , antwt be ea - I with 11.110. h..' hr uiti•facto.• v.: Inv to 11, proplu of this platie tient •rtiele. 10 tos imprtivcrurut. Olt it. Toro uun rail, it 1., 01,0 mom, Cur eltrartiug pituh, ult. or atty other preit•y Inteputre. funo ell of tirmun • or2 , ..llps' o r n ),, , thiog,.t-trpot,. Utile inepito i lltra t 4eart "' " ' rui7lroit " siA tiith ft.lltll the eunntry.liare told ns. t nty would 001 he with,. if It. nut II rxke. In tryiug ti mure flip., :Vv. 'attire a Huta ratlna. I haft m a l l (wool three p 1...• ofreilk. too iif ap.utad four tifeatuo, lin what, it chatired the eel.`t , puttina It .m • livltt &vv., try a 'ample .if qui Jr.,: 11.1 1 fhb litualp I o determinot nut to , in , m ound it .itnitiurr tharr to l klain to to true. atlr'ultr.:l" ,rum amntrF hauls .111. , . :,7 • - • jji A LANCES UN I iEI'USIT, which have jo. ouge thi ul been ulran,ir iitf. or dux. tram upwanht. In the tiehnk otuirgin— Wilinuu Purl+. ruddent, unknown, Aug. 9, 15.741, :r.n). Ppnrutirr Rattler. Z•nuirrlll,O. 1147, 14 5 that Uwe 6.0.0 Vi tialaheu..l.4r io ho dun to tuthe tirruonk.• (if f suatn l ed. or them hvalrrptv.utqlsre,ryvervil.: the tux,its Piaui:- • • T. ll. WAVE. Cnqlnter. Swore wad tln4. rilwd twAn.r. sp.. LW...sib 4. - of Ikons. C. W. I:ItNEST. '' DRIME BLACK TEAS run iNdiAYO: n.gu eat mull to prorund in the Eng Cal outlet. Ma CO coeds sod 76 eoote po , lb. The Th. Market l¢ Wi Dismohd, curt Ode. 44 =EMU . 711:21:. CURED. riE UNEQUALLED SUCCESS whVrh I , ....ttrizded the ume StORTIMIVA'S ItHEUMAT. / • COMPOUND AND BIANID 1.1:111PLER; inffectually .enrla th e eeverek and Moat Inveterate rangy of INPLA.M. litre AND eintome LA • enfadent mtamntre and relMnmemlation I induce all who are an/fe ted with LlM , dremlful dievae to try 14 virtue& II utkin•l. of caoen many . of them du..na of ft. Lottia and other. from alaed. hare been curod within the lad few mutitha In'theeity offt. luuln alone. Wilifr letter. from agent, ahrund ,how also that it Ix performing the vane whrevver tried. Many of three were chronic mere of inna ',Waling, and hoin. nf ...emery had been given OP.— While calm" 'tem of more recent date, c,f the acute intim. matory form. very Ift,err. All. however. ylehl to the elm .derful virtue. of medklne, and thorminda who hare it, aro mos in the emm mentor health can but edeent the nriginal db....overt, and laymen., e. benefart , uf mankind . . It is well known fawn the enwrienne of the part. that tip outward appllattlon npoesibly effeet a I...rum:wont mire of be linim thi ent.: partials dreadful direlief. In ne., B) som the e •npileatiPti of stitu ohniiiwd ulatil. n) far s abort time. But all theLw'e while tido diw nt awe it fixina it: will tln ti 6 ft. r r a few peri.•lictil return , . it jot., s e h ro k, which. if not sum nrre.ded. rain. the Individual for life,— ~,,Hl‘ . „l by the lipliwri• of tin pool lit all eontitth.. and more demonstrated by the blatom furnl4.o nl L to the proprietor of this oonuamnd. all by aeveral hundredr of tattle ho hart Lanni under his Immediate noon and treatment during the hod for. month.. SllRTl3lklit l .4 and 111.11(.1) PI:111F/ bi the internal reined, --euninwinw. Its °wra th,. where the diwww Brat originates, and it, pwrit)lnit the blood. pawww Omutal. the whole ....tem. neutralizer the Impute or eaustie fedl/1111t. 11101 L. nettled upon the the.bran... towel,. and tendona—removev it eutin.l, a, .ten. and reetorea the Individual to varlet., health. Lot thaw , also are attlicted not deceive thelmanivew, and ri " u ' ilfart. "' dirWa o reP; ' tu .d ttti, q td 1 ,.:7; they are rrippleCor life. The CninliCtirt• hundroln thou.taudo during lb« ta.t. •1,11 - d„. ul prewmt demon.stmt. the 1.111 of exPeetim; twrmfe Pent relief . ftwui external appileatiwna. The proprietor of thb. valuable usodielne fnai exa twrienee. that no outitard application eau powibl/ mi n a twrinsuput rum where thi. bruit fixed in the ol.teut. ran told doeP prepare ut apply an edmaw tlon lu Wm acute rulawa whirl. pillwive rellPf !it .Then,; time, but 1111,.. will not allot a pernotuept Pure he tm tun.. of LW. h. tomb tlUt rototne. longer time. and' au hoer - owl remedy, to proaltow the deelred ell,et, and .Ibr. linaure's Ithrunialla Compound awl Blood Purifier is the only remedy that has ever lawn either In Am or ail other enuotry, that will ill corr . thin di.www. This p.lieltie nsn I*. Intel, or midi, at _;o. I 3 Third nwL to,t to tlo. litt4purgti. ALL,, for wale it. lbw. Thorn. J. 1,. IlJr,pu. S. N. II Irkt.rwhatu. awl J.. 1. J....R. . . . .. .. . . Prim E.sl..rt.tibr: At bo.ttl.. lor V.L: ur $l4 prr .1.... i•nm Pldrp cll be hvl ~.1-4114 ~f II uvut. Isov.ka It. 11. \ VI.,11.1,1: I. Ag..nt , . Murphy's Self-Segiu,g Advertising Eavel- Oes. Q. :MS MADISON ST.. NEW Yottri.— 2. alout,ntwr In nnlicltiny lb, almnnu . ,nf nll ctT "; hi% nds,r; , ,lneta. (err. , I.t ' e th 1 ent With zsrlirle . laNna.ht u ln ,' !or, .al nlicur+ ot),nrs has «stablkh.t. their notwta.rlt, )n.l nII no,nttot, an.l I,ondently re,. L• the te,llon , - et' .4 flu,. bnutir.n. in.t. who hnv, and In Pie ret.l4l) awararlue. prs, .4 tl, Irn The 4i, a ft...of tha rmn...nt P, their Ponn. ilktUy lnt On a.« p 1.., nemlpic..l by It. *nal. a refrl.l mut base hi, nun, ti11.1141.A. and /Warps, rOntoricuoutly and bnaultfully eruboreed, colored or ylnits. alLn.l.nnts-t -mt Nrcunc, 'anul freaLl. 24 rapant opeutrierilluntt L , loc . dr '"rc j. ‘" ::ailbtt wat..oor stafel,l.l, le,anv,l to 'psi ttwnt. 411, Upon the utivlTV,agr nt lettnu. the !.nrai trnttnsil. Itaroplinle vt,to to the onnJer. Innten.l Lurical Inemtls. In flip Dena Letter 0111 re. • , fah The Entelupet aro. fortdahod 'at nitnoxl the ram• prim nn plain one.. kAeh latter maihal L. a ulna eltectisttolvorlt.mnent, CI, to aural the ntlontion of all thrtualt wtoot hands It Ihe following alitl of prim. for Int a, owl - ay.,' on bra.. and which fir 'tar, Y.! Of ENV1.11.11.1:, of the ulna! &lac, either white or hull', ,mcal Vapor, and male aa shore, with name, addro , a, an.: . . , Price: 1f lnia. Pricr3 yf 11m , Thrts ruath , er , .Z 1 lettrrn. or Ir. iI.IIU 4bure. 7 iou p r i r= mum wlll twpolurimL All orders will me.,l. aria. 1,i0n3 .1 alb-talon, addree,l It 11 31 1, 111'11Y, No :63 , 10,11Pou ettxt, NeW 1 ork Ordas will to sl4ndell lo promptly' it 1-11 at tbt Ntorrs of 01eXAS Nlott.'al 11 all etnrel., or of Ilium. 11 Jerollmso t Co, 104 %Hl*. nt. N. 11.—Brodnfts 1.1713114. enaltwani Itt colors. (tam Imo. DIM at 110,ixt per 415tauark lIMEPORTANTTO TIES BmIOTED• A VRNI FOR SA I.E.—A FARA:, situate in N.rth Ilunti4tion tuvut.h, nrasrson•Laul rvuot, f 0111.1114. 244 crir. land. boor.d.lig lambi a .Is. .. • - - entt tiaan. llrr. Painter invlcittn•ni—vtiont I ertnertereleatisl. balance an,hertry Inithes •Itlsu nue nf - the lont,lnts g Sind, 4% al,. ern. mile. trtint the 1 4 ritia1 14 attbrtvl ite.l. nal one nide rnntJArkinuvilfh. lininisretanntr ¶l,ll ft POO My'', lloutnl. bank Barn. lartte 11 - nunt• Stithle. atni itoriennr) nut ttutlitiapt. Apply itr4aril. Chter Pre., le. Title /or terse, elniltr4r. thy ofloilt.ENT S. 1111:141.-EV.. noratuttLS JUST RECEIVED Inlet the Plulliprille • ul :o .l ‘,lU.'`rf ~, rot 4 1 1.44.; . • Snit 44 an .1. n. urd• 1:1-4 Wlns•ut tot l'lnth. mae% Table, Statil %WI Sins, u 1/nee., of Weld fintrh. anti le-nun:id 44 ICYIO whol,al.. and Irian...4 the. Nor. 7 and v Hurt 4tree.t • ins J. 4 11. 111111.L11.4. r:2=M=U= • UCKWIIEAT ELM; It: li L g. Anp.kuoii. - 1101'S. 9.1,84 es fi,r %%NI it illit.wros : • UN I)ItIES •--Three• hundred .1,6. No. I - 7 31 ietona: halt told, .I.t et.. I,LIJNo. 1 egln ou' 1. , tot •.!.. .1$011:0 , HATT 6: so vs U - • • 1U11.7.1,1 111 er : N tge mid frrAt 44.,1,b, • , 1 J. MIMI rt CO.. Nu CAI 1V.v.1 I ARLO OIL n 1)Lols received on consign en 6 and for *e, ni CU WAII:1,7:4; FORD a: y.Wet, po-.4. ITI.I.SIOLASSES. 86 biro new crop, juy.t 0 . 04 . 0 fr t,) n- A. CC NN I bj. 44> 1.7.^3 Liberty rt. • itotinurrEit. 4 brit, ju,d read by J. A. CUNNINDIIASI. 11NCIN NATI 51OULDCANDLES. !liU' bnubl. the gale by ficY.b R. A. CU:INV:MUD., Vt 7 lIITE FISH. 75 brls and brit. for V cab• by ,ntr ISAIAH' DICKEY 21X1. iCKORY NUTS. L lanrl for 84e ny .11. ite: 1.. S. WAT}IIOI4N A SON:', DULL CANDLES. 20' Limes for sale by la iaY tiaxioSoito a CO. 56.7i.1'. 150 hoies Louisville No. I Rosin 4 I.tet enAtileScairfor Rd& bp l us WALI.INUFORD 2 CO. KN't'UCKY MUSTARD. A constant coni.l6 owe'r celebrated Kentucky Altutard, thr wo r ld,ar band non for rale hy WALL6NtiktAiD k Dist dozen Hope Yarn WALLINGEORD k tot. I elt ASHES., .35 bbls. 'tits received and V tor inlo k tar • Water otrect. . • 160 'Ails, for sale by 011.111111I1IVE a INOIIIIIII. pIVIDEN.D. The 'President end Boned of Melorrterr or the Northern lAbertler Midge OuntunY atitl6 diz dcolnred dlivelrod tme.lollar atebtln, r e t' llu t ' rlll " l=a f t t o h illT r s t irjkll 4 rde . ifri: ' 2rWAlC Nth JoAnne ti. NTARNEIt, Trencurer, Allegheny, Jan. 1651.-1a1613t 6 QYRUPS AND 310LA.SSES. Extrn Reim ctl, New Cork Syrup. r. eery rutnulor f Gulden H, run from the St:U.ls rellucri. Sante Mom 61016reicv do do Sr. Orienre. do foe rule by Jul MV. A. Mcl . LUItIl be CO.. '25 Liberty rt. LorroN YARN ' fur rale hi /..; 67:151:A . 5 casks Kurtz brand for sal ko i.e s. a W. ii.k&RAUG 11. 0 Lf3ITEI 011.11 : Nriij,rceiv it,,;.L , ;Lo ,, i .tin Li T ALL 0 W : 50 bbIS. prime for side by •B. 1 c tr. 11-11:11AU(41. '. t iIIEESE. 50 boxes It .. IL Cheege for sale !_, / by,10.1 8.. t IS. lIAMIAMITI. -,---- DM METAL. 176 t on s tor rolling will fl.. Maid., err, Rif 1:1', MATTIMWN 10. _ . .. __ ... - .. DEACIIES. 173 bags ier Mayflower, rkw I no., Is, Ilk; .1011. A, MATTIit:WS & c.. 1.1 ._ 1 - 1 iTfi C E E. - '..t) a1;..,,ii, for t:af, h up J.. J MCA NYINI.I , - _ .. D . ROOMS. 4 •e 0 dozen forale by LP sat, • JIMANFIFI.I. if I REASE. 9 Idds. now landing fr o m the „ L.l Ftvrsuu'r Ileuva. fi.r••aln by , IBM tll DWKEY 0 CO . . Jan') , Water out Fr at ntrrvt!,_ (`.% LEBATUS. 100 boxes for eale by , . •. .1 Ti . t4x - elr.p . , 61E11001. BOOK 1 . 1. - Educational Works, I. I ilubri. Oil, Itutratutntr, :itationary , Carter', l'ab livotict, ' EIJIJCATIIihAI. RE1N... 4 1111111, . _let t.f. Matt I t ORN MEAL. .. / raibap fur Lumly itt, for Rah. by • ell - aa . iv. itanaanun. IINSEED OIL. 10 bbls received fur sale IA by ,eau • s. a iv. itattnataiii. Cl U 351.1 BABAIL 15011 Ills just received ' Or and fur salo'bi 'BRAUN 0 BEITOII, :• . al : Eerier 5- Mir me Librrtr nt... HARNESS. 41l dozen pairs 'lonia and -•-"` ' 4 ' l° il4"'". r n bY WATERMAN SONB. Jor iIUFFEE. In store and for salsly I_2 dell DICIII . -r t CO. palao-$448 lbs Srusish Float, Madras & mile by • J. KIDD k. SX)_ le - AlNTlO—llousk and Sign tainting 1-tiv=il=tvgdre..r.m.;',; d.! knaktlal . u W nitilss=e t,, beßti ELY Un l cltyo are J. k PaLLIPS A _RBONATE :AMMONIA. Hartshorn. Gu)ll* tor Nile by (lanltAt7i A ItZITEIL LOU iCrtailia-D.---Wibllarth la Noble .01 their rata Flour, delirrml. at $2 25 per Ma F uitt'fira. at a: PT no ' A Moral discount ta H l e a mit WILILAILTIt t 2iOBLIG. IDES. ID4 -7 it .Dr (fides; 12 Dr ) CAM:SkiI. dplf.bundle Doer 416 landips. for man by ROBERT nx DALZELL 1 Oil - AM° - MUDS, OleitOoK. 'There are nion. thing, in heaven And multi. • Than to.. dtwatopt of In phlliophy. rritE VIIITI,7IIS of they remarkable reale and the hunitant opplimtion Sir IL lathe root. has 'nano/ him to have it put up In bottle*. with la. isle and direetlotolfor benefit of the Pain. The I• LTgOldari I. procured from a well in this man ly. at a death of four hundred fret.la A purr. nodurtera hel Wide. without any rhemirld change, but;inet ew It Owe from Natunle Omit t...armorn proorthe. rearisitO a number of &wean., is uoionster a Other of unortaintv. TOre am many tblnsoi In .the a l on> .1 ohm, If annum. might be of irot lu tatiu muttering. and ...tort., the blood health and •igur It ninny a puffer, Long Ofare fro urietor liniught cif putting It oft in bottle, It had A P.n.. two for the cure.' doom.. The conetant and dallY.trierro - Aug rall+ for 4, noo reta actable moo It. has pin, Wined. 1.. :cane, indication of it.. future popularity and ide , iipreodApPliention In the roe of Wool. ' 416 not ir.h to make • long pork of rertiftento: wo ore enuolnte. that . t tuctlielue 1.013 work ita way into tbr tato of ti pea alio suffer. out wish O beelod.. lVlithit we dr. no laim for it a unlopaal aPtilloth. In no t 7;ind.nt it u1°,11% eimuirrute.h—wil dionees the =norm, tour, woo ow CLOWN le it t RONCIitTIS. L'ONSE3IPTION. tler,lta early 11.) etal dieoins. of thw air low,. 1.1‘• ...1101.711MI'L INT..l.WppEPel.A. n lgarl ea. Moora of the not Kid...), Paine lu the fla o zir. or Nemo, Setiralgia. Pain. Rheumatic Palo. °out. &yell, Ip.. Toter. Rlnsooruni, !told.. ItruPo. Old oro, Sr. So. In own. o( - ilehilitr. rerulting (P.O. erpoure. or lon, and to ra.es db...., this I:indictor AIR relief. It will art ao a t i no d and ALTER ATIVE In roo. Imparting too and n th to the ...Ole frame, mooing ol.trucnon.. opening the eltießiah itilletiolk, le can...INV-VP and a broken constitution. and giving loreoll and renewesi merwy to all the or t otis dd• life, The ginuirietor Soon, of several moot of FILM at e reod every other treatment. tot well under the ow of th err for a short time. The proof can he given toPny twomi who. deriree it. None genturie without the eh-it:duo of the 1 1 litßit. Canal ILO I.LL , nor Seonth w h i i ld " R I . ' " )VlisVP. it it. ruer VP...1 street to Viruist Alley. who are tior 2 •ii I 1,. reAularty oPpoinorttoct, PTLOCLELNATION ull men who are sick and afflicted • ix with du , ...tne. , ..f tbn Madder and Kidneys, With rbett: man,. palm. In back or limb...tiff minta old mares,running We. n, Ac.. that tn., ran 1a rand by taking the 1•ETI(0- 1.1.3 Y,,u may ;talk nimut it. haunt a in...mm.0.0211 , h n. 1. 0.a,, bat liar .1, , ,es not make it am fart...proclaim. tr.` , of an howat etnumunyty. that it ban rirtura aF.ide hr. , not any other reita..dy. The man chit mel,d nitA, iLdti. and eltietinif from divan e. ran. for ....rent,. get Inqiet ftnnt any of the ills entimerat.i It met t.ri 1411.4 to make a Mal. Thle Petry n no mixture—no eutufouncl, put up fur the purpore hr nateelne an titi•CiattlilUllity; but tt lu remedyrialera. tett Cy flu totrler hand of nature, and bubbles up (tom the Iraara of oar mother eraih. Hat:right. purity, and of ehrup r futa tulleinz hlnnanity a ready retard,. a cantata and are. It has cured Piles. after other nuriklors hare iollad to n.zuler auy relief, It has cured Rheum...lna of lop stanchn.t. and of the aorta and moot radnful chirarter It bas cur. Cholera 'Alorbua by oar nr too doe.. haa canal OW rope 01l 1)1.711.. 11. %Web Cirri ether remedy h. teen of no arril. As a heal retnrely lu bona and scald, a Letter thanani medical P.N... or ointment that to kcom cL j It•alll cute chllblatnu awl frosted feet. Ina few applicattnie undouldnl terlhouny can La Ihrtdrle .1 of the truth contented In the abort. statement. by'rall. hut r.2.31t . .1.L KIEII. Canal Baal., a...nth 6..4 or either itf the. Rayn p.a.. e a mart of Wood atreet and Tires, Clloy; E. ./lent, 57 Woad etreet. Elliot. and /J. I. um, Alleakunty tall, are the azonts. Cl= EI7Y virMs ul sundry cants of Layer' Facies and IJ Fenditioni lErponaa, trued out of the Diann Court Gs Ancithent county- and to me directed. will' ha exposed to tine, or the Court Italthe, city of film buret, on klonday, the 07th day of hide), 1-Sl. at IC erioct, A. N., lac following deacillued properly, to win— AdMose tele° estrum lots or pieces of ground, • lotto ins endrint villa St Clair townshm numbered 22, TS, and 30. and a o ' leen of ground adjoin:Mg lot No car, to SlClvym la, hounded nod dettenbed as {Onto, and a: tho south east corner of said 30 lot No Z, end hattuln •ottun 3 degrees'. snd I west, pmc nee and 1/3 trot to a putt on Thu pahliduoad t Onto, south 71 detract,