The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, January 21, 1851, Image 3

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    .COVET-- --- • .—,-----
'l l Jsureeta 20th, 1851.
Preeent—lion. Wm. B. McClure; President
Judge, and Samuel .J ones; Associate Judge.
The case of the ommouwealth MI. William
•. Howard, alias Williantrearce,-Indictment, bar
glary' alleged to have been ennamitted in break
ingl, inutile room of Ir. G. Watson, in Ervywn's
Motet,, curl mottling, a C010.102414n amount of ,
money from him, was taken ep.
After five peremptoey ehallenges on the part
of the prisoner, who is a very respectable looking
Man, ejury - star sworn. . .
Orate Watson, sworn—l reside in the town of
Albion, Erie county: ilArrived, in Pittsburgh in
Octoher last!" stepped at Brown's hotel; there
were three lanta in my' noon. On the 27th of
, 1
• November I lotA *ll -1 :.. at 10 o'clock at night on
'-the 26th , when I. rcti . .t1 to bed, I had the money
.• in my pocket; P. tilark, Jr., nod— Willintus,
Went to bed in the 'MI,* room et the same time;
I was tittnkMlSTby Mil. (:lark about 4 o'clock in
the morning,"whe sLou Led - Iloilo, boys"; I went
- to the ball rope, and Mktg the bell, to alarm the
people below ; struck a light and examined my
pocket; found d.rd the wallet and the money
which it eontnine.l were gone : went to the May
ors olliee, end 'niter getting an officer, returned
to Brown's Itat o h' see found the prisoner.
He was then takei. In the Mayor's office, and
emuched : the money • was not then found on him;
was not present when the money was found ; saw
my money afterwards l y ing on the Mayor's ta
ble. [TOO. Money was ere shown to, and ibden
tifiesPby tbewituessi 'i•
The prisoner asked was
tmy nontey : I replied; Was.
Wm. . ClirMliy, ew rn—Allen Brown nod I
are proprietors of Brown's Hotel. On the 27th
of November, I w3s culled up by our clerk, be
tween 4 and 5 o'clock in the morning, who stated
that a robbery bad beer committed in the hotel. I
• After etamitting the 'bonne, my suspicion rested
:on the, and I wild to his room, where I'
found ffirn up: and dressed: Got an officer. mid I
had him taken to the NI tytir's office, - fiat behind
hint in the Mayor's office, and examining him
"particularly, I eonchelql that be wore n wig; .
al:lege:tell the eireurastnnee tothe Mayor, who'
naked him if Ile wore ii ?rig,,:.:Le tezid it was his !
own hair. Ile:quested OK Mayor afterwards to
examine his neinf partieularly, as I was convinc- '
ed he wore a wig, and the money might be under
it. The Mayor pat his ;Mod on the wig and pull- I
al it off. when the Money which Mr. Watson'
Identified fell won. the,Lloor.
Allen Brown, sworn Ant one of the proprie- I
torn of Brown " s hotel. , The prisoner was not to. 1
ken to jail, but WAS retained in the Mayor's of- !
• fice for two days.
triplis examined—Woe at the Mayor's office '
when. Mr. Watson identified - his money, This
was nn the third day after the offence hail been
committed. • I '
• HUM. Harold, sworti—. In November last I was
employed as clerk in the St. Charles lintel, on
Wood it. Ott the 25th of November last, in the
morning, the'prisoner arrived at the hotel, and
entered his name as William Pearce. In the el
- ening he asked me to go to the theatre. The
next place I Min' Ida Wtio in the mayor's office.
Ilia raaaggqln in the hotel nas not occupied on the
25th.. 'On the 27th, .tre; found the door of his
room I eked when the . ke y was brought to .us
from e mayor's office.
Jihnliectl, sworn—A a police off:Mer. the
Mayorp Ind I arrested tit prisoner. lie wan ar
rested y the Sterne of 'lifoward; said he had no
money bout hint- Sate the Mayor take the wig
off him, and the money'falliog from it. Search
ed-his room in the St. Charles hotel. Found his
trunk ere The money that dropped nut of
the - wig was the same which Watson identified.
Crosiesainited—Thur trunk was taken to the
major' .office, where it as opened. ' ,
The Court here took its usual midday recess.
: 1 - •• 1.511:11501.11 . SCSBION.
Wni.III. Barker, sworn—Witness prmented a
quantit y v of, money, which, he testified," was ta
ke:steer the prisoner.,i .
H- S. Nlagraw, Esql,l , addressed the jury on
the park of tho prisoner; and was' followed by
Attorney General, Mr. Darragh ;
After being charged by his honor, Ju Ige Mc-
Clure, the jury retiredinnd returned wi a ver,
diet of guilty. • 1
A mction for a new trial was made by Mr.
Magra.w, which will - be argued on Saturday
Commonwealth vs. Theodore Messick—BMict
ment Highway .ItobbnrY. The defendant' is a
colored' man, and was accused of stealing:four
doll-sm . :from epereon named Bowfin.
It appeared that Bowfin was no. bet" than
he ihmdd be, Mid that lie hid since been com
pelled do leave Pittsburgh, en account of some
disreputable trausactionj in which he was enga
ged: No evideneevrts-.llffered to the jury, and
they; without kitting:Ott box, returned a verdict
of o notlgleilty," and the nrieuner was discharge, d
by p lamatiert •
t ; —:- . 10-- .
. ,
Tie . 12 HOCSE rAnil.--.lncob Adams,,ef Ma-
• Keespoit. was Yesterday brought before the 1
- Court or Qn.trtkr Seesious, charged with keeping
a tare ,in that &rough' without a license.—
ThrOng his attorney, (oho- McFadden, Esq., he :
entered a plea of "Ilty," but presented a
;laterite t. signed by it e hundred and ninety ,
eight rapes, certif3 ion: ' that he kept a respect-
able hoist, rind Slat he hors the best of chaise-
tens. ' P. C. Fhinnlegin, Fog. pressmted a -peti
tion:not s onumerously sign e d , which was drawn - I
up in a:very pretty manner, certifying that the I
citizeneof Mclieesport were not in favor of any '
license being granterrtsz& tavern in that place.
Hie Honor, Judge Mt, lore, after looking over ,
the-petition Which won most numerously signed, I
declared that be did not know a single man upon
it, but that he knew thrif t many property holden'
and good citizens Ina in' Ted the other. He, of- j
(erred ie take ten dollar off the fine which he I
b l ,
intend to impose on M . A., for every properly
holder be could be pro, ed to have signed the ;
other.. One name was inted out, and Judge
McClur said that he would hare fined him fifty 1
dollit0; but hiking ten dollars att , he would sen- 1
fence I . r. Adams v . a fine of forty dollars,
and s il committed until the sentence be coms I
plied llit, at the same time threatening, if ever t
the de enclont ehould be InTinight: 15114M -hint 1
ngain,' pri. a similar chnrge, to impose. n very
severe Penalty. The fine and costs were paid, I
&Lel:the defendant discharged. ' ' '
.J 1
Ftralmc Casmutiwn.--:Hohn Duffs was yester
day quilly committed tfi prison by Alderman
Levis, II Ile was arrested by officer Fitsmorris,
one a the Independent Bolice,. and is charged
frith did commission of two highway robberies.
The evidence before the Alderman, went to show
that be took'• a watch Worn Mr. Bonnet, near
Wilkins 3ull. on the night 'of the Mayor's election.
A- purse was found in his p ossess i on , w hi c h
Mr. -Will am McKnight, the draymau who was so
brutally ;,eaten and robbed at the point, identifies
as the one which he had in his pocket at the
time.. His wife and son; amnia° positive as to
its being_ hie property. We are gbid to hear that
Melt. is in a fair 1.r3„)i l of recovery.
OffiemlFitimorris deooe'ves much credit for the
promptitude With which ho made the arrest.
Mutes"En.—Louis Reinide and Frank Remble,
were y6terilay brought before Mayor:Guthrie,
charged with selling tifty ;sheep to Mr: Danvers;
a butcher of Allegheny, ' i n - hich they had stolen
from a fernier in Westougton County. They
denied the chorge, but trere l ully eonimitted for
Ineonntim CASE.—The: owe of Hemphill va.
`the gotiongahels Slack IVater Navigation emi
t pany is now on trial in thb District Court Mr.
IL claims one thousand eluires of stock in the
Detapany,. worth fifty dollars a share. We will
animate the result as scion •na the trial it eon-
'.l Fute.—The alarm of fire yesterday, Was caused
by the shirting of the new, Steam engine orMessra.
Bc4il. 4 .6: fro A m tkins ta n 'ehinna Suc e l ;, a tehi T6l n7l c' th o e f bosses
heti( ; their establishment is situated, that the
tag in the street believed that a house was on
3Leron's Omen; Pri4Foireon.—Three persons
were liirou;ht before Ilsior . Guthrie yestonlal,
harm, 1. fri th drankenneei and vagrancy. . One
as committed to jail for tea days, awl the others
oe twenty-four boars each.
. .
. •
CUARG/k or STE tXl:lo,yr ROIIIILBY.—A man
Johneton iroe yo tenlay" arrested on a
barge of breaking open a tnmh on the steamer
Sane Newton: lie was taken to the Mayor's Of
' ee, end committed for farther examination.
Srotas boos iIiCOVZILED.—A quantity of
lea goods were yesterday 'recovered from a
ome in Virgin alley. Onerpersonnas arrested,
two,-wo understsnffi Made their exam
The goods 'were found In the house of a Mrs.
ook, and hare been left at the Illayor'll office for
_lPoiretcren.---Three men, named John Pine,
Sad:MINI= and Stephen; Hague, who were or
*aid here in I Ictober,,luld taken on to Butler to
stand their trial on a chatge of larceny, commit
- ed is robbin , .. o •jcwelty store in that 'place,
tram consicait the offence last week, and all
stolen property recocred. ' ,
. • • MiscwttrtiCa Doril--.1 son of, police off,.
rer Justice, or tho,Sixtb Word, was very severely
titter by s tarp/dog. The enitml caught the
by the cheek, which is very much torn.
Coinctm— r . The Select end
•. 'ioinnionCouncilit of the city of Allegheny,will
meet thin.evehing, in--their chambers, to elect city
,` •
?•; Awarnta.—A large dog.laat week attacked IL
laughter of Mrs. Chambers, Penn street, Bay
teantown, and bit her seerely.
I is
x a-, s : -
~ ~:
8111.11.150 Pic - Mrrm..—.l man named Mc•
Dermot waa arre.,ted yeeterday by the Mayor'.t
police, on a charge of etealing a lot of pig mete
14 belonging to Mr. Gravy, on the wharf. Ilir
ease is yet, we believe, held under advise
Cusssiza.--The Mlyer's office is gin wider
going 's thorough procehs ofsleasiing. We pre
sume that the purification ,, will be f:dello.' to
Ilermsa or tOE COCNCILS.—The Select sod
Common Councils of the city of Pittsburgh meet
to day at ten o'clock, in the room of the United
States Court, for the purpose of electing city
officers for the e t usuiug year.
Boy Sitor.--The Tribune of yestenlay states
that two boys, while denting in the Fifth Ward,
fell out, when one of them named Black drew a
pistol and shot the other, named Phillips. The
letter ut so much injured as to lease little hope
of recovery.
CONSECTICCT Censors or 18511.
Population of State 1790 233,146, I
Population of State 1900 251,002, gain 12,856
Population of State 1810 262,012, gain 1,104
Population of State 1820 273,2-13. gain 13,200
Population of State 1830 297,711. gain 2.2.563
Population of State 1840 310,015, gain 12401
Population of State -1850 571,932, gain 61,967
• Bishop Southglite; says the Courier and En
quirer. has declined the Epß/copafe of California,
which Nag tendered •tb him . by the Epi,copal
convention recently behrin San Francisco.
The new ocean AraMuer Martin Hoffman sail
ed from NewPfleans for New York on the Nth
instant, She woo built and completely fitted nut
at Pittsburgh, and is designed 50 n packet be
t Ween New York and some of the West India
islands. •
The remains of the late Lieut. Col.lialt. who
died recently in Philadelphia, were committed
to their final resting place at :slorlblk on Thurs
day lat. The otticero stationed at Fortress Mon
roe and the military of. Norfolk participated in
the eolemtrceremonies.
The. Secretary of War orders, that the com
manding officers at each military post shall, if
dossibre, annually culthate a kitchen garden
with the soldiers under hie command, to en
able him to supply the hospital and men with
the necessary vegetables throughout the year.—
This is putting the army to a useful purpose.
Ship Fever—There have been eight or nine
cases of this dreadful disease among the inmates
Of the city and county Alms House during the
lest week, four of. which have been fatal. We
learn the house is`very much crowded with pau
pers at this time, there having been an unusual
increase in the number of late. The portion from
the county is about the usual number.—Bak. Co.
Dr. Rusjii was, perhaps,'one of the most unti
ring students that ever lived. TWO young phy
sicians were coversing in his presence Once, and
one of them said—" When I finished my studies , '
--, "When you finishedyour studies:" said
the Doctor abruptly; "why, -you mast be a hap
py man to have finished so young. Ido not ex
pect to fiLislmind while I live."
EVEN with[llly.--0130 of the conductors on
the New Haven Rail }Lund, whoseppeech, smack
-14 of the French or German accent, subjects
Lim to as occasional quiz from the passengers,
was wished "A heppy liiew Ye." by one of them,
during the trip on Ne , l Year's Lay. -ohl tank
you oar, mercy Christ April Fool, Foursrau
ly, end all no rest," was his reply.
Therehas been sent to California from Boston,
luring the last two _years, according to the an
nual statements of exporta in the Boston Ship
ping list, '27,762,206 feet of lumber, 15,501,705
.5,918,600 bricks, 070 house and store
frames, and• 644,307 feet of timber, besides win
dow panes, anther, &c., almost without number.
The export of building materials fur the year
.1850, :shows a considerable fallingitoCcorupared
with the previous year'.
Most:dim Wise,.—We had the ensure of an
introduction yesterday. to Mr. A. Kind:lei-, of
'Herman, Missouri, at which place Mr. K. hoe
commenced the cultureof the rine, and the man
ufacture of wine. We hare received a Sample of
the vintage of Midyear, which is a delicious white
wine, resembling hock, or rather between hock
and French wine, but of a tadte and bouquet de
liciously unique, agreeable and exhilernting.—
io. Drleans Picayune.
learn from the New Bedford Mercury that the
edit Chandler Price, Captain Jacob Tabor, ar
rived at that port en Tuesday, from the Arctic
Seas, via Honolulu, in a passage of 1.4.1 days
train the latter, with a full , cargo of oil and
whalebone. The principal portion of her cargo,
consisting of 8600 barrels of whale oil, was mu--
Chased by the , ngent of a commercial' house in
New York, within a few hours after he/}arrival.
The price paidlins not transpired,
Invention.—A new machine for bersking coal
says the Bridgeport Standard, has been iniented and
patented. It ur operated steam, odd its capa
ble of breaking 200 tons per day. After crushing
the opal it sift! and separates the it different sizes .
It is said to etreet a i1a1f4614 . In what a rolled waste
coal mote thasSlßSlSCicti r t - to defray, the eillennen of
sircrrinnii the machine; but whether it has any ad
vantage aline the machineti in use remains to be
The maliesl profession in Perishes rec.!
rienred • Wavy toss in the death of Hipp.'
Collard, long distingniShed as a professor
hems dying for eeveraf years, from anode
spinal marrow; but be mind ono, Near
philosophic to me last, he he preserved ht
kith msstmiten. He wens nephew of
whore illusmons career 'rote 17P9 tot'
statesman, menet, Phtles"Phq and pro I
given immortality !obis came.
New Jersey.—The Legishtture of New
on Tutaday. Among the applies
made, are eight for railroads, tour fur
Lod wafer plant mad. Also one for a
Company, to-run boars be New Yot
Bronawtek, Lod another bet Ween New
-Barocot. . A El: S Senator in to le ehos
of Judge Dayton; Whig, whose term aspic
present /Mita of Congress. The Demos
majority in the Legislature.
Death of an Old Citteen.—Robert Ai
president of the North American - Fire
Cmpany died this morning after a short
Mr. Amalie was-for many year. a highly
merchant in thin city; he bad attained hi
althoug few !talking at him a few days
converstng with, him, would have believ.
bad lived err many yearn. His last words
ter of this brief notice were, "1 hive not
remain a moment longer un earth than is t
Heaven." He was then le perfect heal
Com. Adv. . I
Spontaneous Combustion. A bola of
brought IMO one of our factories, the uth
woo Immediately after ducovered to be 0,
cause et the combustion was, that the Ewe
saturated with linseed oil. It was undoub
rated *lkon oushipboard, on thevoyage
Idistiamppl.—The Vicksburg Whit m
not a single county in the State in welch th.
• isto can rely!on a majority at the convene°
The .strenges Whist and the heaviest
sucidas Warren and Hunis,an th
and Tippah and Tishemonto, ositbe Othey, •
ly opposed to ihme secenionisie nod theik.
have on foot
The Ohio 'Legistature have under 'co.)
es bill providing that the Directors of the P I
shalt employ convicts .0 priating and hind
nod that they vhill furnish the neissaarypr
end Mbar aamenals In case competed
are not found is the Penitentiary, others a
gaged to instruct the convlota to do the oe:
For Laberia.—P. Thompson ¢ colored
Wetly, 8 in °umber, from Hanover, MO
Lowsvilleon the 13:h, on their way to Li..?
nom The Cavorter understands that toe .
hay colored persons to addition 10 t 6
about starting together to Liberia from •
der the Career the Coloa:nation - Society.
Henry Long at Auction.—The Rictus'
calls lunation Man advertisement of Mew!
&Slade, am:mum:iota that they '• will ce ll
moralug the 18 1 h inst., at 10 o'clock ali
man 241 years of ago. Ho to an espencn.
meant, gpaviny graduated at one. of the
:hotels inNev Turk."
Mn. Oases; who ems lately brreeted •
upon the chaise of oats wfutly approp
fonds of Mt Fa - Mutants Insurrnms Comma!
Maned to the institution all hie property I
pentane!, valued at 540.000. The whole
tog fesiaid to oncood 580,000 Mr. Gr
that In:invested the fonds of the bomhou
speculatious, wh eh were failures. Greet
bonds were foil $20,000,, with four elven:.
whose has mixed a portion of the property'
by G. to the company, with a maw to tad .•
Medical one of tall—Many cues of
stomach, a-teaspoonful of salt is a certain I
the violent loternal pain, termed cholla, a i
fel of sal., dissolved to a pint of cold .1
as soon as possible, with a short asp i
etc); is one of the most eflectual and ape
dies known. The same se 11 relieve a •
seems almost dead from receiving a hese
au appolectic fa, no titan should be lust
down salt water, if sufficient 'fusibility
allow of swallowing if not, the bet,
epanged with cold water until the sen
when the salt will completely restore '
from the lotharsv. in cave of severe I
the lungs, and when other remedies failed
found that two teaspounfoLsuf eglt sample
Oho blood.
Assassination of en Arab Beauty.—An rab
named Majsube, well know at Algiers fork r beauty,
has jean been assassinated at her maiden te in, that
p 1... This girl, who was known to be el nY. dress.
ed with a Certain quantity of jewelry alio. her woe
sitting niece, emoktna on bet divan, when n Arab.
named Silldnut.Hougchrud, suddenly era d and
stabbed brain several Neer, with a pot. end ,At
the same tike he. commenced tearing hr earring.
from her easy and her necklace (Atm he 1101111.1111
The enes of the young woman gave the term, end
jest to the , murderer wan leaving the b. use, with
the jewels In his hand, he - was met b Demon.
*6B had heard the outcry, and who Kr • ted him.
He han'beeit lodged in Imam to hate h e tind
The poor girl expired abort's alter, and her body
was totted slabbed in thirty three places. [French
4 =---
------= A r ' r • YOU A rAllail. latWorittg,fur tire
`LONGUE. SION - AL: . fortZ, pu rr il and •utlrrir. r
rccr rd.'' , 4,
i .11.:ruh :as At:that lur.alao:ro rerun. a tura..
. IF .U•I3IXOTON, Jan. 20. ! awe De- N. L': ltawei 'dit , rtt.i•oll'olPlAila.
alts-reu a Mother. roller - mg frwa dda.......• to whirls
Senate—A. number of ;petitions were present- ! malt, arr. ncteralir Futurv-t. rue hr. & a tlows' Staker
rote I - .tilt r 3 r nr,
ed, praying fur an amendment of the patent; ' c„ l. , i i „,'5V.,,,,,,,,,`,,,V„ - ,: e r„7 r - ,,,, .0 sst s
laws. 1 mee.hiet. emit, +the, ion will Mod thot the Straker ..I.rr-
Mr. lhatolin presented n petition fur ti repeal i - ,,•:,':2, - ', " ,''i'';'..Tt'''''h. b ,'4" v. i ' ', F .:7' l 'i`, 4 istn 11 :w °
of th e fugitive dove la w , which was laid oil the la.ont. lain . a." ." ;;. miriatllTZt..r,74lg vanr ,other
pr,orat,ok v.: hoe...qv:Mo . e,, h r' Idtautt tar - . it:
Five thousand copies of the report of , the En- ' Tbs 1 , 1. d,, has *.t.bli-hi , l as hi,le l•rpotahno by lie
gineerewin the inundation of the loner, Nll,rid- ! 'l7! ;. ' . ' . ' l '' .l:, d l: . .?a 4 r ' llr ' i ' t . .7:l.l * 1r tha tall, . - ,-.y.inn
sippi riser were onlersd to be printed. i Ihot arm ..t. do Lai,. hi1u.,.., ant 110.4 a ttic. l'uto
Ir. Pearce reported a joint resolution for - the f,',t':', ! 4';'',`,=',.,“,,`' t ' . '" -r e r "" r " ' .l "' l '''' t " s '''' .
purchase of the works of Aleionder Handl . l'''..'os '‘'. • oqutsw lee n, s i!. IiowE'3 . A , AK . .I'
1•.110.51• t11t1.L..1. red t. 4..• 11i,..r1, r,
Cort?rade $1 , r i..trh...-al ',nth . tar yd.
'Mr. Clay submitted a resolution of inquiry 1• r mine:,
10.. c. M. IbINIT. O .0., p mee ts tor s,
into the expediency a .kptin g some mom if u- i l'olree 'WI. Lindhhotl, °him
fectual provisions for preventing American vi,s- I Ai . f. l dh•ol.all tad , r. m," .- o. , •Vte'eel. , (,V '.
oat and seamen etigtiging bilk, African shb t• EL. i ;Y:.. ci:ii.l.:;,:i..l:4"i'::;tZi.h':'.:Tiir..;...s,'-'-.-1-
trade, which was laid over. . i no. htttletz -;• DA. Elle4r. AM-thent el, V. h. n
IL u-
Mr. SeVetled introduced a joint resolution mak.,:,'s 1.,,,. it ~,, q„„ - ~."11..„,.,,„, s , t. - n ill. • se
" k" .. t r ite in thtl discrimination Of 101 purchases ..f the ;''''"'`'''''''' "I"''''''' 1n... , '''''''a
goveruntent in favor of limericon, ovc, fore,gu - - ---- -- ---= -'. = =-= ''-'''
nianufuetu red steel. l , ' ' FIREBRICK WORKS FOR RENT.-
Mr Ewing submitted a remotion dinning Film :siliser,,l LI EA: oiler.a for rent for a
inquiry into the power of amending the art ~ 1 or' , ' , .' ~r . ee ” , •o . , l•r••• lO•••"ll l•°`.°l Pin. l°l'A
„hiring the construction ~,f . dock nn the Pacific :'..',7,',.t",n`4'ti',!:•:::;;;';':!trit.q,''...1.P7..5.;1nt:;,i.‘7.,7;14:1'.",
coast, sp MY to reduce the outlay of the rime; , l•dno, .V. 1.111.1 l . iiiiiii tool CetOrol hoot...eel Tim,. on the
' I Lon. I .r...e 411,0114 i ii or L•ta, and ,••••or 1,1, nonvrio.
whiCil WOO Lord over.
cot .4 a.. d. iI, uark... nrd art thr. To'l. thll Cr...1,-..the
The cheap postage bilk from the 11,susel nos 1 '''''''''''rl l'tulu. , ' °'r Me . 'e' .r..... '" L "n '' '
referred to the Committee on Pod titlice Atfain. 1 i7.;::: ' ,1i1T1 . ,...i . ,'T.r t 'i t .::;',....5 ' .'5:',. " " . "' 7," 4..r. r"'"'"'
The bill to settle the elaints on AM.:dent Cid- ' , n , 1 o 0 ., - Vt.e..n. It,,
tens by the French. ens ,'recommended , 14EN MA :CSiill' —Thiel. s: r is s l l l ' n j :g .'" t N : T l::::nno
Mr. Hunter oppowol . the bill by a hen hour. ' li ee , 1•" . ... , ore‘Mv Me , to eon ot / r , d'oetA 0 .....
0..7 . .e..... o:.• r.. 'totem-Ma) ill t . i 11111‘11.:Ii,r l i i OS iqi iit •n
speech: lifter .which the Senate ovijntrllied lvme. 1,1.1 •Ivl h. ~. o V.l n,,. , non d. r orate
till MOIMe• , -A he s hoilltiott ma+ fpiopted that the ',7" h '''""'l:'"" n " ; th ";'": . `l' s . ,Z`”,','"'" ''' "
,econd Tutra.lay in February be devoted to the • Ih•aa2. .dn.t ... .; , 1a:.tar..6) i;.l ' ..itadtr '
considerstiou of [urines relabel; to the District , .''' _.. _ 01, " I ''''" l' ttt`t."'• '"'"` -t 'l r .-
of Columbia. • NEW BOOKS!
On motion of Mr. Rokel.l , l‘ resolution was , i NilliEWS . 1.ei1•10/ ENOII,II I ESICON --A
adopted, ordering the constructien of a dry ..."1 i ii,iiill , ilti ii i erilir i lii lo in. th,loh Laxiaat. 00,0,4
dock ut San Francisco, to be ins ' ended for the ',:':,', t ,",',',.'`''' L ''',' - ''''''''''''' '''""'ll'''''''"'"' '" . "'" l '
preveutt r.......t ' a..C ' :..; ' .1.t1rr ' .:t. ' 1.7." V''.,l,g': . :::':).`l'.*:V.'`'
'Mr. tiriunell muleatored to introduce o coin. , ~,.,1 ' : '.,-...!'"";;'''!''' ' "" o " -I l I '''' is '•.' "7 ''' ' • Pie
lotion anithinixing the frigat . ,,eintstitut;...l to tie '
phteCti itketntinticisioll.
Mr. Duer 1.6e11. but did nut obtain, leave to lite >nrrert,
introduce a resolution instructin g the I . ulitttlitlVe ' an.t t,r rule
Oil Military Minim to inquire Unto the esrediett-
CV of increasing the number of eailets at Weal Ik I SStl 'PION lA' PARTNERSHIP—
goIut. ! • SLR inato.,hit• tuut.r flnu
Mr. Met lernand Ault not
leave to ittlrodu,e vosolution, coning on die hathot 1.r0,1a out nl.l toeing tarn
President for inforritation relative to the conduct
of the British in regard to the Nitutraugua treaty, st is . 11 ^utth
and the.disturliance in Central America.
The mese then took up the bill to ensure the
prompt execution of the bounty land till.
After.some debate, the lleuoe adiourned.
NEIN Outustoi, Jan. 19.
The buildings olestroycd are the St. Charles
clapp's church, the Metlicsl6t Church,
Poydraastreet church, and (Our other buildings.
The total loss is full half a million dollat,, with
nu insurance of $lBll,OOO. On the St. Charles
hotel, there was an insurance of only SIIIO.IHIO,
chiefly iiis.New Orleans. The Nletliodist church
was insuitsl for sSo,ttOt.), of which iwo Oink are
in the Nashville Life lad Trustinipany, and
Tennessee Marine and Fire Insurance.
It is reported that several lives were lost. It
is the.heitviest calantity that has befallen New
Orleaus'for years, espeelnlly the St. Charles, the
pride of the South.
Ilusitmw yesterday was alutuß entirely sus
pended, iu consequence of the tire.
Sr. LuEIS, Jan. 20.
Bettina has been abandoned. Green hue with
(llll9l.l3, Ilprri,on Hough, Anti-Beaton, was
nomininxl by Mr. 'Sims, a Bentonite.
The rote Ott the twenteighth ballot stoo..k
GeYee,BS, Benton 44, Hough 43, Greene 1.. to
the 20th ballot, Geyer to;. Benton 37, Bough
Greene 2, Strangleflow. 1.. Neee,,nry ko a choice
70. No farther balloting nun lad.
Orl the 3ist ballot, Goner rvreived voteg
(lough 50; Itentou Strongreilosr 3.
The river commenced rising thin evytinit.—
There AO five feet eleven inches water in the
Privatai dispatch,. from New Oriean•, .13 , 1
the 19th, any that coffee 11.111 advanced to I IM .
Ilia. Sugar and ,T 11 0 la, S 3Te •jutted firma.
Floor-r-Sales of 300 hbL. If. S i limn& at
$4.4 6 1, . with rather more .eiiers than
Nothing Irtw done in oily 11 , ,hk".
Coro Inca] Roil Rye Moor or, onc'nonq..!.
is grain_
lehent ii}1)0 . :.101e. 0,11,1 ot 1.1.1
(a,lloc per 11 - Lito vorti lam
aids. naleg nt 1,4(0:5e. s o l e - 0( r 0 11,, n , rog„•
iao per - Onts art. •elrittg at 471.. 1S et,
Rye atific'll
1 1 .71;
nr, • rar r•.O /ram Peirl
r rm_ rr . 1r• trisr2l, I in, tr.
I 1 . ) cr.-, VIII, I) .f
limn,•l tt) ttsa italevrf If,'
101. 4 11/ 1,11.1L•II1 r• r.. 0 -01,41
11 ,0-Lm r.rpun..l. .4 noting , :
• nut 14;4 ft.
who Irpr.
r,,,ittntlslit tr.r. narcoi lsirlb.
• 0-311%9 111/.1 . ,
totakl D:ti.r . t - r • 1 11,. 1.• , .. - ,••ry of
Rol SEI.I,
111 ~,,,
.111 . f
t . , 1.• r.! . :10 11.. pr .... - 401
1121:04” , er
d I:EASE-I,A 10-I.4l:rea.e Lard
f•' ul 1 , ,
Inl I a. 4 31 * 11.111111.1..311
I bittEl , 1 , 1:.11111:—Ilimp hundred
YJ •Prud «,•-/. ,:11.1
tt. 1113.
ilk -'llllirt
' " '• "
1 1 11,411 On- hundr,l Lri. Extra Family
E 1 WOOLLEN 4101111 S FM: SA LE
111 ...AL....a 1.170.
urn, ar..l 11,.0..
erLI• 0.• •s- ..00 /1.1 - 0,0 Ire (If, a
LII1,1.! Lroln.llll.l A4FLI 1,11 1.,
011 II 1 . -E1;
oi..tsm.:s. hriq 33,33. erop fur sale
,Y I, 4.... 1110 111 !, hIIt Is PATllleli
. . .
W.ILEIaI;S.-5 ton-. Sal.•ratu, in brie and
/. 1 1.1, 14118110 I/ d
LEA F' LA af Lard in lirls and kegs
A nl•.lf, I•3n!! . .!IT I, tL ' L KM.
I .1.11,,try. 1.
CINCINNATI :%lARKET. W I -, pt into N. t tri e nm„ Sn e u,
t 7 m
o qtr . :aft tot -air 1. , 11181:611,1L7.1.1.1.
• .r.tinlllol rre
The river has fallen one foot, but Ili now ',41.3. ILASSES.—'2S 1,14 Sugar House, St.
tionary.: The 'weather I. moderating: a . 1 Lorutr und for rrtlr,hr
Flour--Thereis a moderate demand. with 11011:1 " "7.'L. z rn_ Li6np""."'
sake of 800 Able at tii.3 .i4/(4::: 57 per 1,14. W A LMON.—.S Sahnoti, No. 1, in Rues
Whiskey—Sales at 2:30,F5,:10 per godlon. I 1.1 ri r . 01,3 0 1,0 tammer ItSI.ZELL 103.
Provisions—Nothing doing AV,Vrtfty 4.,f no-
r ill I:3IOVAL.-11n. $t 880 has removed to
lice. ?At, r t,..:••rr Pitt. NI, 101. OM,
.Prorisions—The market remain: steady. and
pr . ic6 are
'Groceries are km] la,t quoted. .•
"Whi,.key--Sinall sale= at 2.51 , !..9.{ cent, per
. •
ißeef,Cattlct—' , S.dnn of 510 heal nt $2.1.0)(4
$3,50 ? cut., on dr(' hoof. 1
llor,--Solux ore trick at $,3,50 v,lOO lb=
lin boa
Calm and
, °Mar,
or, has
Votton—The markot is without ohnogo
Flour 19 quiet., and uniihanged, wall sale, a
1,001) bids. Rye flour is firm. ! •.•
Grri is held at 10.56. lOU. nye
is dull. 7ith sales of :lOU lush oh 7i w. 11111 is
steady. 'with mull fades .4 new at ti7t.
i aslo e° l7.l
01l New
ark mad
• in pt ace
with the
41,,,ve a
Broriems--Pork i.x uenitered, but very quirt.
Beef Mims are in moderate' request at -
Dreanad'fingm are micable at , Lard 14 st• Bing
et Sr:
, .
Butter—Mhio is Lehi at
nt iwr
Onsecsl. thl—Sales I: 50u gallon, la 15'.. 4 (. ,
Pefi gall!
pe,'Peg ,
t. ace end
that he
the trrt.
.wits ,it
ilog,ti,-Sales of 3,000 plop flaw:Loll! hogs nt . 4 ri:iin it", e.
:nso• litlilxlll,r. . " _ auR . ll,l. us
(7)4 lOpor lOU.
AVFL`qt• FLANNELS: of the differciTt
y y qualities. iletl
Ow grouiuo. art--ts further ouN!l.s. tv..
v. ,— Dritti 'Apples—Sales 500 bushels at SOc per t ~....1 by pal )11:1:1'11Y I. 111:11.131IFILLD
Lust. , , g lAsil volt TitE Iwe! , : RENT fatADEs
FreigLits--To Now Uric:tn.', floor tiOc:. VorklL) or W11.4...1 Ir.' by Jell 11. LIM
. _ _ . . _
80c per bbl. I
- `-' ' - , r OOLLEN • 1.3 . 00D5.—0n0 case Scarlet
Oa was
fire. The
easy l:t ur i•
rem New
_ AI `
il ium+ 11.0=, I.lo,trn A-1,• 00.40
TO Alalra 81, - rrara'l3 SHE WI:O . I.—M m.y puts !
of our country. the an of makutg good baiter au the ! msoafto , oo , .. sod
winter is very imperfeol/y;Ooderilood. Indeed many I11;A HS—Fifty tin - manna reeeived
good dairy women suppose II O. absolutely imprar, 1.." sod 0%11 s..a i%.fIARIIAI7OII
Linable to make it at that senstla . Now, l irme sil ICTINI; IRISH LINENN.
places, at lesat in New Enylaud,n i me.-!
tined and 110 i process is as 1/033101t 05 that. 01 . making to ...loot rho •rtk-10—th el e
broloosarrsotol ours flat.
nod st 100 oin.• tor modify.
butter In May or October. The churl . history of It
is this t. ! frf lIIIOESE VERMILLION-7-1 Ilia fur qale.
Is there is
ne hand,
re strong
, Ines they
, nt nary
g Itti
The mire /
should be stabled and led °avo . ) I.f id sweet 1 ! , 1 II ' J. " t ' D 4 en.
hay, and if miter provender is added no much the I_llOlP SEED—Fifteen Itarrelo (new crop(
better. Instead of keeping the milk m a want, place, 11 fn 'id , I.J_inll J. Flat, a (11/.
1 should be kept to a cold une, - und no matter how . d iLC Et—Twenty Ave barrels for eats liy
SOUP It fr eeze. Fr.m./IlaWl.l1 4 oepI1(1.11: lb." errant td - 1.11 J. g ttdi 4 tit., No. 44,W00d rt.
muel. mum perfectly Man it will rise without, and a
to Mimed' with much less trouble Wet
h, the crdam I it : : 4, -1 , 8 6
m churned, the churn situtild ant be pieced too none, ". '' . 1t 1,, PAPER.—Fire hundred reams Si
' 14. " ~.-5.0. h Y
Jail . J. Ktith h Co.. No.fll Wail . d the fire. The ordinary warmth of the kitchen will i - .
be sufficient* Too much heat will destroy both the . TALLOW. 25 1)1.1.4 for Ktle. by
I F , I . D
comp , exiiin and favor of the butler. It will 'moue I ....f n CaNL to'
../i/11e sort limo m churning than ii dn.. in wormer , r " V
0T I C E.—The partnerxhip heretnfore
,and that in all the ditlicultyJn -melon as - I
I LI .... t i, henn.... tte.:ea.iwaaa-a I. U/1.41.5 411.4.41. ed
good baiter In linuery, on con he mid i al any WU- ' q . p.i . tititt . oitsrist ,,. Ti,.: , ~,,,, , „,: , ,, . •,, , , L1 , . .t,,m, , ...1. 0:7 arm
ion of the year. Butte, cured wt lf one boll ounce w t1 r 1„...: 4 ;* , ..1 . , ::: . ;L 0 tati a, t , :1 , Lr . j , ! ,. . n ‘ t". n. ttj!;
. .t , o,lllf a tt
of cotnoion fall, one fourth onnce of nallpetre, one ' ' V 4 it tt. Lltit V. .
I d vs ,of motet sugar. pounded together nod used : e 4101 IN F117,1N1C1N49.
id the proportion of one aunts to the pound yr butler,
will, on trial, be found to keep env length cd tune,
and haves much finer haver than'When milled in the
naval manner.
• ao, and
, reached
a n'A6
are about
, who we
t city uo•
Law ow La'tm.oao AND TENANT —lO thesupreme
court remind y, Judge Fletcher pronounced a declaims
which is !interesting as the first appltcution to this
comitryth a prime:Mord the law of landlord and ten
: ant. to this case, as reported by the Dab y Adverti
ser, the defendant, Walter Baker, brought a wilt of
eairy to recover possession of certain/pretest nos which
he had lensed the tenant, Sandi A. Adamu, for five
; pats, to.ccintnenere on the Cirri of July, 1844. There
was a pativenou in the Irae tkoit either party lingot
terminate the • • •e• by giving •ix netnihs notice in
I Writing. On I Gth, el July, 1647, Baker gave the
tenant neece i at she Most leave the honae in nit
months Bum lha date.' Thetennot.hoWever r tettlecd
to quit on the cation of the nblice. in these
facts ththcase • s argued lr was urged on nbc part
of the demand t that, as no time Was specified at
which the nun.: should Ire given, It was only acne.-
s eary that six mu :ths' actual nonce should be given,
expirrtgat any swan. The tenant, however, Mite
tended that [her • w. en =plied condemn [hat. the
• derma should o y ;ern:clinic With Sunk) year of Mr
tenancy. The eenrt meatoned this 1301111 On, and
I were Of opinion that [he pro of law and the
cayenne!. in lease did limi t the
the lion , ' of the
tenant to give Mice, sod that this condition wo n
00110 be constr ed asan arbitrary power which the
: landlord could • xerethe without regard in tie COIIISW
goencern By lease a tenancy 'or rive years wit.
created at a tail annual rent, and thu only mode at
doingo rice - men Mammies Wwt gIVOWie
his mutual run' und the ober me oeenuntiou of
' the home fora ell year. The court bad m, hesda
lion in Infultin • the rule th at, octet. it was enpreva
ly provid ed in ese that d could be teruitnated
I at any ‘tme, it tort
minute with 90 • yew of the lenancy.--, s only ter-
on ra v •
Sul I:.
am nulllls
en smites,
1 ICI Cotton
$. perml
care In
ter taken
y ftll3o
mon who
fall. In
0 pouring
mains to
roust be
be patrent
erdarr Al
111. Rush
rly stayed
.pean Agency. •
K ind"' eltlre of
re, sl,sl Gersass, the +.ona. of
use nest. leafing Pitta.PA oa
learn t. attend to muy
II mar in coaolano Na ear,
The rilbaJrflwr
Urea Irityin, I '
Ayril, Mar..and J
1:11.,,, wad will 1.,
.iN 2 ',. /7
- ,
\. , ,
~ s^~~
It. !I. Stim,.t. rnrri On. iiime ['lnt.. at ter old
+land. :ol Idiepr _wily Id. newiwners.
T1 , 13Y,5. T II T
very, ,i-nrell.nd nuell, ntior MILER and II SS TURKS /u
I a , rroi wunll Thew rids, nrr used yr e
and Ile , win/fluent or kuroid,
I r•te .t .
Tin Plate Ws,lannl.,
4.1 Wall elnwt. Nee. lurk.
Ila_rthe. Lan, (11.
nn.l la.n ii1100111:111 /irtNt. 041,71 - IM.
RARE 1 . 11.1N 0 E--,1 re,poetable
m.n. with Cy, to .1x
htin•lr, Ina nruntahlv m,l }a hu•in. mum,
" I 14 I ' ''. I CH 1[1.1;S In)sl\l,llcE,
Important to Stage Coach and Wagon
Manufacturers. • .
I I,IESSItS. SINV:EE. T.IAIIT3IAN .k.' CO.. 7, 4 - .4 - 7 , l ".'liT,, l ,i:L' 4l ' ll7 ,E" , '"l';''',iS'• 7 '-'''-',• , ;:w - h - rlc , onumn•d , g
.T.ll hate lion--lit the right of nn AXI.E. In.. tit , .l br . j,',l.!:.''"" u '' '""'"""`"'`..‘ ' r " ... . 4. " .." U yar
i i •Ir gain.] fleliduger, oiliest -nlicilteld Potent_" It has i ii i-i i - --i — •
1 l..en te.iteil I, our liiitt lonilh , iltilihir•i- lili , l i. """l nl V''. It OYS' SATUNETTS.-3lurphy, S.; Burch
!, the laid In iti. Ati ordiur, ro•ch. n HI, of 0 I . c.. , , -•,.
A.iiii, ruuili, dna,. siill trinstuato i n half kt rd Oil I. g. . 1 field li•ii , rforliisi • In: of lutridentire Vane,. •Llieril
ni oohs. The ilisall .icantlly of oil toed as ono of ilie.ia.,,, i i,ititt.t.., It It, r wenn alio. Plaid staid Plain Cinerluorio.,
et ' ideni•oi we h•se of the ,rout reduction cf frtetllar. and in tinint 1,Itel). Wein,. Cr...hurt - to. Is...tick:, F ourth llbielr
•, trinsioruentlr gat roving of t•pweri It nillinakethetioatil, ; inl,by Velvet:. Sr i it north etud. corner of F unit
I fropriiitnrr towve n.l. per rent. an their elotk tool 15,1. ii Nlarket .itrorts. . oelt,
I Alm.. 11 will give treent
to taw, lon, the not remits., • - - -
' In, vith Ow w 1011. tuul Lid linsinn nn , rnnivislon with tin, i
1 171 , 1 i :Sil FILUITS, NUTS. .1.C.-624 It
ark, will ettell l'reycill the etie•el from enttLiiii , ,1 , ,, , I tai
Cum., 300 lb. rsoollese ltnistruc . -11 hos it.
Ile Unit. , mt ., ttie lintemeee till wariinnt tricire , irir• to i .. Itii.dine. no Id I•ss do. du: to qr Ills i10.,1,,, 'hi li, tits
i, la, (non in t., IN years, didi, to nu i &kill, ill drums rni, rum
.t 3 eatitni Citron: 5 doa Lamm
11 rirehouse,,,ie. 109 Water, and 14., Front etreets. Pitt, , ~,,,‘„,‘,.. „,,,,,,, i,,n.,,,
0 1, 11 in ~,, ~,,,„ ~,,,,,,,,‘ Panm .„,
burnt. . aloe
' haft, I ruin un,l I•apar illuninulti 2 dot jars netortc..l
i I•rklen. Fur e.,:0 by -J. 11). WILLIANItt • al.
To Southern and Western Merchants. - ili PI , . Corner {rood•
• Fifth sts.
, i i 1 1 10USEI.L'ii PILF:NI.II. 7 )I I'F:I2PC:IIEII.Y. if I, lIEES}:—I'JS Laa Crentu Cheexe in nture
I A. n, • ri-j-ritfulli Insitts ,iuldir W.:talon I,_/ mat for salt by JA3I Eh fiAI.7.ELL,
i to as listentixii et.rik of l'erfilithiri.riiiitto.rhAtlng,. 1 - frill No. it, llister street.
.te.., to which icilin '<liter oral too tioldett •loilnle }MTV.. `.
1 ;Win the 1a.., pi( ~,, 1,1, v , .‘e.4.• , 1 hi the Ito titittes a SA.LEIIATU:i-1 vaNka No.l Salenitus:
i Na,e T..rli. It oiton. aii.l l'hifulelphin. the latter beln.i the I, 15 bblii. do dee '
1 vial, tiol.ten Ntotale et, nutirsleil for,perfurnery tither In ' I to ~,,,..,,• nd t vr , r d, k „. . „,,,, ~„,,,,
ii i Ennio. or in tit: , moltr,. I 48 W &W.' street. i
Itiitilful. lisif i r turn fitNerNn. Cr.rol. (.01111111d, ra...... i . . .. "1.
.. -...
. nnil Auilinirinl.i untrori.mll,l roilinowlediril t” l ..tti.t.t . to j it LOOMS--01w hundred tuns Toilliebt,t,
i nny tineint i'renoi lii thie rottritr, nr I...itit- l_ll Illetitiot JP tour Tenneere rlahs, remirite (rota strun
i n. '" " i " ''' " ii i ..r trener.i and fur .ode li, JAMES bAL 4 i.ELL, .
, r o,-,-..t,,.: hi,,ltly rinituaitooto 1,14 . .104411e. litntiertii•ii , ~,i, . , • : N o , ii, w •ter ~,r , .,.i.
iiiininnoious t i ,atiliciund; Amlirvionsi rharien Tablet; .111.11taii i
I ry I , linrlitir lion!,
, E - ,,,,,,i,,,,,,_,1 m0n d . l i IVITINIX)W GLASS—Five hundred troxe...
Ivet., ittarhi,..,,Mueli, lintel...4i , in:stabil, Firie.lun, i, nit...MO sires hi ttons and f1r A 5,11.1 , ,h1 ,,, , , ,, L
4m/train-id. Olive 011. Windeur. and Ciroarialun.
no I 3"1
'''''''''' '' rr l ' i Ita'' ' "'""'" l'7 l f ' ZiL ll ';', T l , nl j . ;;;.L ' . i 'I
joTrtSli.—ir thVik• i . otitsil, i Mit rteeived,
r"i!1'ai„`?1'1'..:?.?, t i11:' . R.,2;ri1'... j i . qi::. 1 .;.,1i.,:it..1'...;.;a4 . 1 ‘,La, I ..1L taut ra, a.t.. l a .
~,c, Itotvan naLzEt.t. a CO.- --
1 T..!i' l- .il.r::-L 1• 1 1:.ia' ','7.,.r.:,i.2 : :;ir',;!'•lNiett, 0.. n„.... iv . EW tteltilP —.NWe have yet ..ived a lot "f
fli.s. ' e ' r ten'ir ' nuil n ii " rost varlet,. of Colt'. and Leven- 111 I,AII 1•Ite of ' ,violas sivii• and kinds. of • new i
I, toniiirtietlori thilt Is quite utopia and tionitilidei—won Ortn- ,
lit., i.ii %v.', reit riti. II ttc—rointiiiie Iltinrisiil.Ants3ise mental. i
11 ie.: .i,i,... tit. Luitri,lt. Will, Coduisotsul ox .•lari . Ai., the arf,ric in ',urn In than, ,-•11,..I -Iturniin, tow. - i
r•,.. 11,11 o et. ii .iiii Arid In pow.ler. tons i•lototiouse.ltitii i er - I,hervil t' 11 Las rare
n,' , ,. qualites srlorti 14,am:timid 1
Dm- 3.4 Jorsoi, Lind l'ott.relei. • i I, to the anotatiou i.f 2i...sauteed 1i,a,.1 keeper, and
I- 1
rtiiiir irtnicirti•e—lt.ilic.inle Ellin-. hoe, Toot!' ' Hon.. friers r.. lico elenrillnes, eruninuy. surt trllllan, r, I
I . ~. i 'inroad lientrinco. oth.ntine. Tooth Note:awl T.,11 , iit •iiirae.e. iiii, :lilt, 'Nimble now in .
1 . 1 , ,111 . V, ~t, ,It'a.i. ( 4 11(11 ,41 us nut am , •hown the Laito
. .. . . .
Tho otoloringuni will continuo to Non ho the bi 01 . ,.
ao owl] in tlin old mood. .101110 }OrZutMliNo,
(Mr. Caron .1 Etna ano Ninth Ward.
State Entual Fire Insurance Co.,Earrisb'g.
design of thin COMPANY is to allbrd
tl.o ow urn of pota.rt‘ all cheap Ito/int:woo Or
hu,t orN% 1,11.( toodorod nor 0, ou Wo mutual orsociplo.
tountituttng more inotoloir -6..10.1t1er. and nulilliug edui
the. profit, 1111.1 by the only tout:gbh: method
In t, n 40,0 of motto! ititurotto—diut of - CLASSIFYING
IT, wn.' moonlit, mo the imi,on,O.
'ri, , Inn dor., notinlingl, lot rollrldtol 110 ir 1140. Inn"
two dintloct clan.-a. the charter proton:to that me part of
Mlr fund, avid., coo I,' appropciatml for tile
momtlitig In IL. nth,. Thu Piro Claok Ia deuoutina.
tod tha FAWIiiIItPCOMPANY, in 1. Itirh 'maturation tun; I,
' lo a n ui, Cur,,., out building, and
onnonal propertn , ndnolbioni wort , allowttl
to In. tok.gia.
. .
Tho rood Ciao , Irt Uno MERCHANTS'
COMPANY, lu which hozuntu, not) tx, touch. upon tuersh
zuol do, :al, kinds or proporly lu Lowum y3l
Th.. orsortiton tears ore only oboist °se strres as large as
oro. t i eharorst I, other astsmonler s tool the Wk.
ow: 101 l rstr)s os the Direst, sr aro tsss of will sots theas
11. neoes.sity of w
rer-I ok In sr aroorossst. Not over
is rallowssl U. U. Insu 10111, on the tp
olleant i. ollorrort thy orisitroo esu o ., with or
th.. m orrosjsk o s so o,
Thol...s.ronsos o triels fm. L.n extess.l.4 L, lb ir Costsrsos 1
•0r,050..t. ~, t, shr 11,..,1 oros s. to the
R/1101110 ..1 1.0 1 . A%l l 1 1 111.1.1 ts of and using
the s. 1•1 1111.1 1 . eh ou r shut Its sperst. sso• duly sq.
pos.sts les s.. Ste 1,11 , 10 .111 10r0... s. II s Ir. sot trts..l os. tho
o otos mot 111r.rolsts
It In so isr ossoot ssl the foals..Soo Isirretorr.—
Joh s s oohe rfonl. .1.1 , 0 t J. 1114 Sow to.l T. Joors,
.% 1 A. Currier, Plado C. Sullimlek. /Lnbcrt Mots, John
D. I.ssekt.r.
.1. P. RUTIFT:11F01111, Pro•ldeut.
J. GILLETT, ie.exclarY.
A A 1', Arttinr).
brunch 1.. r extern PuttlFylvnula, \n. SJ smith
Orphan's Court Sale.
o,ortVpurananee of °MIT or the Orphans'
u1,z. , .,,0 - conut,, nil! I, 0w...a 1., publk
at the Hog, In the ell, oflML.Luruh, un
Tbuln, the twontloth act, of l'obrunt, , A. LI. 1a4,1. at
ton u- thenlgltcul Woo, tutu,
r.. 11. it: nut dict), Ward wa:
lot frt , n 1 .0.4 ., 1 ton ( Lna , "" ..4 '
ntlmutat.: hack by the ,F1,1!1, On Pot. In bin, alley,
n.whlob onotoj 0 no , t'lvfroont.vt It-, nary fru,
,toollln4 (I, lbat usher I.t IJolnntd the
vottLikung In ~t, Cougrer, toot., null
hatt, b, the raw. width I/O I . .vt to Elm'aller,tole
lot bot‘ho' re" L'ongl , r+ at 11,,, that:awl/ or all Get
anal lriAnktlts ntrot..
Tertna wade /own n culday of
. .
is th.. t.m
S% linlo an.l h,C11,;14,11.." 1%1111
d'lcy~nLklWc ct :Amucl l :. lltl,,.fle~'d.
. .
. .
The Greateitaargahls of the Season. ,To the' Readers of the Pittsburgh Gazette,) HOUSES, , FARMS, &c, -
itowr.n.-niompsoN ; No.i.l6 Market I ILMIBLIO AT'VENTION , is-reepeetfallyin- , --------,,---- - '---,---;-
11rm, That ra frtgat Liberty, haring determined to close i _i_ i rte.! to al. following Mort; act forth In eel to VOI: SALE, AT A GItEAT. BARGAIN, :rt.,
hr. netlike by the Erst cif April, will. tam this. day, nil i Cot of the ran.) inthertant relnedko nflandern tuner< j: • two grow tack Threilnellouw., )Darint.
his entire sleek of Fenryand Kepis Ew Geckle at coo, Itir , 1711kOLECM OE. aota ati..; aht not annro thon out yards, Asenue,Fthay.m, mo dern fad,l i .• e r,,Z.,
'`'.4. This shek being MM, large, and well selected. ros. 1 year aro r.ino. this great reateityytut brought hek. the ~,,,,m ~,,, 1 ,,,A,,,,, ~,,,,,,,.,,,, ~.,,,,Itn h , l i ,
• , st o , l " part . 11 , follow,— • rattle. n - w the ,lief and cure of TO great i ttr " Iker. fl. MA te twenty four by ,snort fourW.t ' an '
1311.1...,w, 41 . 1 OPS—French Iteritma. Peron:tot:a, Coburg.. to fowl. linNe, rime. then. 11,0331 t full?Al.yro-w14.1 the ~,,,,,.. 1„, th r ~,, Thi s ~e , „., 60, tot ~,,, ~
ri.h.D..lairt.. Cashmere, and Motion.. :,a rotors: Brest. taawinunity. atal aro olleg.i that the lOnWoLe it 'is tri rho .sOl,l fid. 12700-1:1 i ce
in or VOrd down. s t a. u, ,:
1. , ,a,, .0.. ith.k 61 , , ,- h, u,,, Ellatrts, La - nu arol Sluani *opt ,. ,` vtain will it. ereat fame .11.4. ,It 1 .. 4 the r .,111 * year, so,l thi. balance in taro yenta . '
:Ilan,. Ihwirry..l,.
J • ''''' . , 4 . , vow hi , Or the wilwPorlwie of marl.; ... 1- ` , Enquire olt T. lhawnl. Attorney at v ~,,„,,,,
.:1 . .. , TLE.1.1k..VS WEAR—Clothe. 6,,,,„.„ ~..„,t h. ,..,,,, . tim...n,....Lich we mire. ells .,.d.... u. t..—d aloe 1;..,., ~ m ithliehluidGroatstretts. Catlin theca 41..7
Twain,. Cravata I I.lkts, Ilene, Shirt., thawho.. es. 1 I all otti, nietrum. have Gun Lorgutreu. Tin- Petroleum is ~,,,,,,..k, ~, Talk , . LIOIVAILD.
iloht9i KEEPING tiOODS--Ilarnaley Shectini., i 4. r 1 xra,,,,,i L ,. ....1 , ...t.5r,,,,i..1 In th e dere m of the earth i 1.1 . :li .
and 1.•-,t, c i ,,,,t„,, yt,., • ,.. D aa „ aa k T a hh, um... t,,,,,,, ' Lys power amt .<,•„eiwy that laughs to acorn all human ---.e....,.....—.
and bleached: Dautuk Table Clothe; Napkin, Iw, 1,,,,, ti I . .upetition. It toter duty, when or write ahem) a Mali. .
Alto, a Lry, rta-ortnient of It - hithre to) Bath Monk. - , tam. that we erne the truth—that we my nothing cairn. .
togother with a full stock of Dcarmatii Guth, , labs" 1,. detwi v.. thew. who may tem.: our, word Or put coml. i
Purchowe may upon getting the, goods at nett, I den. .. in or ,tateni, nt.. The ,h, ~,,,. ~,,, a pt, watrh...o .
at UM- r bet mud r e l ylowal out IA the End of April. , I l'oy 'tow: that proodiss
mou ld from .Itowae . A story tan
lall.dlru ROUT. D. TiIOMPTVA. I 1.1.1) 6.1.., hh.hly uld to nos - war the <lbw., l-
I :lngo . bunilm. , ...lug tam. of them. Now. op du iii,t ."e t ase
EAGLE FM:RORY. , "e'„,..,..,.... on an. ion, milt that the truth in relation co I
• lour i , towly should 1. ftdd. In let to secure for Il a repo.
loam' tar .., imedilwr a, ..1t,.1. , nrtsofa- In the plater:a toed-
~ i ka, Ilaati uti t ar0i.1,...t tai ta,-f,..t. that mar beareertailnd
•I I ~,,
...: 7 3” :
i1 .: . , a .,At .. ; 5g51.+ rh 0 ,, 'oar amide testlunny In ft!. I
VI ithtu :Is paat. two rocmha, two or oar. own &tarn
111 alto u<s . .. totallt I Ilmt. have 1.,,ai a, h• ht l.
ti , oral .i,....< . f 14;nar...-. to 11, emi. , . dr `r' L,; ',;
,1 erid. A:A....a11...a.- of • geutl<ruan I Beloit. omen,
, L P o ke, ant ~the rst hot the, :ray 1.14., Ilear ' hollitylittd 1.,'
I . 1... refei <AI to br au, perion< t. t 0... hose douto . utt the so f,.
ot ,, ~.,.: . _,,.....„,,n runs! after they had teen ill
i , 1, 1, 1- ri
~.dLI y,...::: : :: „ ,i.: , . 4 b , ,..1 . w"• 4 , w.. „ The Petroleum a ill rut,
ttII, d , 401 .—blsartt,.., tt , ....m.,....-
11 . 11.....1:11rUMM.1n 11.04 Neuralgia. a' ot. CV ••'kr
l o in on t",.. hoe. Cl,..nie owe Ei ta, 1144,a, ' ,.,e,„f;0,,,."'
Scald Head. pain. 111 the Nottilt .14 3.pint, .40, I:te , u-s, '
~ Wen.. Ague.< linaile Cwtmlie. Asthma. linuiehitis. and all
111 Pulunmery an . . none of a c1,, nature, tending to pro
duty Courumpuon.
Buena and seal.", dowaws of Ili. B . .rehler and Kidn,,,
' Cholla , ' Marl, Eacortoted Nipple... C..rtis tool Roman.
II In la, t. it the max: rolega,,t. nthior, and Ims beeti...;,4
j. In nowt . - ,f ahoy.- d:swis. s within th, lewt year with lb.
1. mod pert: rt •meess. Cvrlint3l.-- , that wilp,e.toto,b ate hi
I Um hunt of the proprietor, who wilt. et k. . Ildleaeurti inihiwo
ilna tlo in to the 5111116 d t.r their friend.<
Whatever others may eat about a te. ded.. the
P.lndi•uni i. the.mwon, Ileniedy of the l•nywrh, r ia
ot high efituillog In the prosolon ore toudni: to .... a
Iv thole erasure, Thew. a host tind lotion with anaila
and invertainty. ore willing to arrant it doe firma. and
coustd. rah.. • Before snotherrear rolls round. all a 111 Is.
emi,lndic." to art:a:what, that, the 11itn.dento I< the Wailtt.
eat ~Nine.. ..ter .liwovered. For Isle. wholesale amt re
tail, by OEI SLR 0 Meth/WELL 140 Woad at.
Ate IL E. Salle.. 57 111411 <tryst: D. !I. glurry..D. A.
Elltott..loweth oloatglas. Alleglwh v City. Also. by thl. pro
priet,,, S. AI. RI):),. Canal Ludt. bmenth sine), Pitt,
.I , , a_lti
i DM tNI ST ILITO It'r; ; NOT ICE. - 7 -Let
_. - 1. of Ail
donisdration on the ...tote of AtithmA Berlin.
rate of the ray of Pitt , lnFli. deetwad. beritt,this day
lawn granted to the II tr.l, •...1. notice'. hereby given ta
F. alLper,us indeht, .1 to wii, eatat... to make mintedlate ley •
went to either of u.. and all persons having elaima riganwt
I , "aid rst•to or.. ~, , ,,,,4 101.0.,131 the Milne, duly 5ut1,..1-
I lienual. for ,ttliniemt, nt the warrbouv lately otruplfd by
Il mid A. Boehm au l'hird steel,
ANNA 11. BEF,LIN. Administratril.
I . E.
Pittburgh. Doe 01. D l ., sn6.AzzA ls .
d A a, mlnhgator.
. Additirsted proof of It. ”larer t” CM,.
j 1 Fairfield. Va.. Augnat 111, 1045.
II Mr. 11. 0. Sel 1 11, — Ilein, antic.' for sotne time with n
; lbw' tough, 1 was rt.-m0m...1,d to n, your lunwtial Cough
St run he
my youte• teen: Mr. IV. Templeton. yor =cut
fair thb Owe. dill."so. It had the desired effect oft oning
me of a lima: that I had despaired of ever being well. I
lied uwat almost everything
l i m etha i wax In my tower to'
IdaMit rwreived no tenant until et with your 'nosh:a.
lila Cough Syrup. I feel Dilly ..athifind In say ling to ymi. :
aid refoltlllll.llnlill, it la Ow pubhe as ono of the best mini.
chow that lias ewe been prepared fur the emu fur whin), it
I is Intended. JAYE:. 11. SMITH.
I. tvfaued Pod sold by R. E. SELLERS, 57 Wm.! et - -tan
' kJ , 3 .-al B. form!,. by [oat) ' nr. m. 7N I. REITER. - - I
'11P11.E....1 . iVil IlitoAi l CLOTllS.—Murphy &
Ittot i t. ' 7l . u h a r illts h' g " tt ', 4 ;:inT..z,ccr,7l',.7or,t;',T o oLliTi .
h„.lllrvi. very tine.. Also. Erlich Doeskins and taralmerea,
i iblack and fancy. and IPsek Satin VcAtlng. , of very low
:Ihriece for the quality. rods
I. 4 (I 00,1) FA ItNI OF 75 ACRES—FIVE
; „„,,IL miles fr. our )tro clUes. two and a half miles from
I -the Alleghent nver. mid too cuiles from the poer.liouteuti
Mill.. n nun If Len N) acre, aPldo °rah. , of
',MO tee.. 0 scree of bottom hind. a hole, and Drat bat on
1 ot.„ The can has Wiloubie )unit In trout, and a cAlar liv.2
der It. It will he sold eh. ap.and on half Um . poreha,
Moy lehm paid. yarwanwlen will Is. Orem nod time on'
1 'the I ne ralanoe. Pleas. call at ISAAC 11AltillS• ..
Agent, WO Intelligence <Mire, Itost. •
Cal-Farata «Ad or rentod, and all klnda of Ammeies at.
back) to per isoderate charges
i .
IL of Thomas (Mown and Alexander Iltlamis, administer:
aura of.Cmiolitou .. , tonal- ~", m ail. And mow to wit< Do
ha .11, L+so, the ()Dart minolat,Euide Washington. nu.
Inter, to distribute in the withhitietwount- Litt'. Court
! 11001 EL MoCCilt011:, Clerk.' I
Take tonic,. that :he auditor will twocreil to discharge
I the lathe of Irb,ardwintinebt. at his ,grim. In Fourth t.,
Mb burgh. nu Fruit:l,ll:o 1. 7th dap of J.M.T. / 031 .1. 2
Webek,•l•. 11.
i ltektir3t , T . ' 11E0110 IVASIIINGTON. Auditor.
1.7 AND 1nu54.1011,5. IN M M
aaoavatm Count, O
. r ,..-I.dr..nnt to a than, of the Circuit Superior Coutt
I 1 Late aml Chancery of eent county. rendered In the eatr
herein Jnlnt Tmwat and other defendant, the under , h, o
id comtnis<loners, anixiinted for the purpowr. will:lnver d
, hi sell at Morgaub.wn, in sold eonnty. au the fourth Mon
ey In Etbruary, 115), (bah.< wart day.) all that:PthltertY
T3lonongalia le, 1 1,--inia, l> fug along land• near
eatt Ither. generally known as the thmotipalla Iron
%Works, and the agate that Was toned." by Mid 40h. nes
rand nile rs to sold Evan T. Ellicott and othene. contain.
ag about 1:,,noll acres of laniLwrhervon'aro a 11010:10 Mill,
or at , , FAntudry, Nail factory. Gel.) and sow 31111, all driv.
1 1/U I gU r d P .7;4 ,' ;, `" :, ` ; ` , 1 ,17,,1t...! h f,1. ' 11 ° (,t% . _'4.. r nr:,:.T.
! Tauber and Lime shoo. Thent bl O. a valuable Ferry
t roll
Cheat River, belonging to the ProPertY.
' Ilia ...ate is well situated for manufarturing purported
In, but of Wool and Cotton, being situated
..-in Ili, heart of 0 god farming 1111.1W , Jui glVlfill. cuuntr).
, about 55 tulles routh of l'itt.huruh. having ono of the hest
l water to
in the west, and water cotaratthleatka to
rattaborgh and elsewhere.
sh Una, creme there have been ramrod." within the
last ton or twelve years. o tr. , . Pfty morel
duller, la the
k a m
1 erten.. of the nulling nalll. mill factory. bloat throe:x..l4
! .ther building,
I The works are now In tolerably goal order. Intrardlattl-
I Isconmehal with We m 1 are antic four or flee Idindral
dor, o: rutwrior lamina land: wane ftve or •mtoller
ALlit . :4„, r te&th , ;;l: r witls . itty or eighty dwelling house , ratio
1 The wale will be ,:n.• math of cue. two, and tone year:J..-
4 , purehawr alshig Iwo' with ea:utility ce the pap:neat
' '' f ' the pundi. , ,baser.
Th,e,.. • lei may Le spos.,d• to mak< thvertmenta, hoof
T ,
I a areat hargam to the purch., of this valuable
ryer.., and the, ...di di. well to examine the nmint”t
11,0 undersigned *ill lake phanure to furubthing un fur , - dewtiption or information which 'may. b, .":ltd by
,rsig.otia virl.hing 1.,,,Pia111utn,,,,,,,
, I 1
IV. T. WILLEY. COmtnissiwners.
• Mortantousi, Dee. 1,1, It.s.....delSwiatT
Jl l oit thecure of Coughs, Colds, Hoarse.
elilf'new. Br
p o t nchitis. Ctcup, .I.lhata. Wheat/Ina Colagit,
and Comoiniion.
flo. truly valuable can fir all dice..., of the Lung's
'aid dt hns beronte t e chief relianos of the >Mined.
dt it e
itch.ertain cure knnton tn. tbe above eon,
Oland.. IVliih, • pawcrivil ntlyalial Tama In lbw 1110.1
.14-por.te mid almoat hop:l+x vases of Constnantion. it is
ll'e. to ~ ,, D l l, l , l g ,i, ..l itr L il,=, 7 .: „rtho ..,,,,,...,,,,, xi , ; , i ,,..
11':`,11!:..4....1,, opinion <f Ufeu '' W - Tif ' ri;: " l ' Utown ho 'tht
viid. and the world re.p.a.t. their minion..
1011031 PROVES:tiIt lIITCIIKOCK.—“JamesI C. Acer.--
3 r- p -, Qtt:l 7 ili ' x ' it tg. l o .' o ' .l 'r ''.7.L",.111;, 1 7..Z,Un1tj
c< tonitution that O. MI admirable ensapiothet far the rclia
4 lary twin! had Lronehial .timeultie, If MY <TIM.... , 0
a sup•nor character ran be of .t scroloo, you azo at 1110
1 ty 10 1110 3 1. , , on likink Vn]...r. 1
. I:DWAilli IIiTCIIKOtE. 1.. L. D.
I . Prerident of Atultendtkalege. •
1 00 11 0 1 e nVDN—lrr. J. C. Ayer. Lowell—Dear - Sir
Flag under obligations to )ott 1.,- the nett:rattan of
' llte ' T ' o! u send l.ll7..r " triVVnf m oto ‘ tr;o ' LLT2g., ° ,f, ' :
k air
" a
t<trt ' cold. to. nipaitied lit•
• serere <nun., :and
1 ale use of canny turttleine, without obtaining relief. I
a .. oldiged to give up huhu..., frequently tubed bleed.
I d ,mid awn nn sleep at ad. A fnehd Ware Mt a bottle
I your Cherry Pectoral. tho to. of 011101 I immediately
i mmetteed arwarding to directions. 1 hare, ju,l purehawn
bottle, end am nese,' ~,I . I ~... 0 , ...) ,
11. my rough has rowan, and al M o te use of your rai
-1 ble medicine. E. S. STUNK. A. M.
hinelpal Mt Bore Seannart.
From Dr. Bryant. Drugglat. and Pug/muter, Citloopoe
t bi, Iheou—
hr. J. C. Ayer—D-ar Sir—Enel,w,al plcase 11m1 reutitnome
oil Om Cherry Portund loot sent Mr. i can unbeana.
I jay say, that no mlnielne we sell Otl
sires mach sa.fiwthin
. y our', doer: uor hall. I ever soon a medicine which ru^,
so man,of Cough aml L ung .o.mplatuta. Our
3 swian. a.. It eau:naively lit their prartico, and
to the hannitwt effects. Trill, yours.
Prepared by J. C. AYER. Chen:lFL Lowell. Maw,
gold In Pittsburgh. wholesale and retail. I, J. M. Town.
ml, 53 Market atroct, and. Juirehh INugliiit. Allegheny.
/pint aininlviet tc. G. '
F untlersignod, suceeißorr. to Arthurs
Nichni-on. beg Irate Yu Inform the eltiten. a pi..
hurth rob
the in, nrnerallt. that they have reknit alseL
}:Alal.E FOUNDRY. and art. tn , tr In fullnperntllll. anal
ha.. part of their tattla . rna read) for the market Atnancrti
alttrla nhttes. Gal uW Whtal ntove,•with
rplctalltl air tight I.Yal I , tose, which I. non tunertaallng,lll
oult, eau, the unnltteni anal More. Alpo. a cheap eon),
ea,bilsv Stnrn. w.,11 allapttal for tntall Canna.. with 14 rani
rarantment Clontmon nod Mantel Grab..
• • .
%Iv mn,ul.l .
ularly invite the [...nth'', of ppm.,
Inn Minx. t., al our aarehow., befon, winch/omit t. 1.-
schrn.. taxi r 3,11211.11, , article of enanunellnl
tn.l.llwl In nun In On , nln , krt•
244. Liberty pL. oppiotite Woml
nur-,,ttf NICIIOLSJN
E do.
vv..) wa..l * in ' ittrt; an ' ,l
pr;tuE. ath.)6. Ali.. a Jr...nem! rult.
.14.• Er thaelliuge. and oflier.. Al..earEer Bro . ,
' Muket ,I.,mhkEof Fourth.
. . . . . ...
- ... .
Q lit JOHN MURILVY'S FIXID 31.40iF.,,1.a ,
1„ - .7 1' r e miner the Intinediate g pre of the Itntidor
and . itahlitind t, uparania a thirty 'ram.
Th P elegant preparation Li rennnovnited in all eaneti of
•hlle. width,. Itallitertion: mint. mid gravel. 31-4 the mat
inf., n , . and rtlntlital hirta in a-Melt Mintorma may, and
tml I the imly 01.• in whieh it ottalit to la. exhildlnil. lan
ioni 4 all the pnitirrtimi of the Magunia tam in minima
ine. Montt brain Rabid like I. to form ilamainnti miner,
thin. in the Invnilic it e11 . ..M.11r mum hmartlnirn WiLtl.l
Injuring Hui mina of the otimnelhaa Aria. polani. and their
arinonte. are !moan to dot it hrment. the food Of infanta
tinning . nnr. in all now. It ¢c4 n. a 'driving liniment:rod
itepit.harli adapted to female,.
Mr it uniphre, Ihn t leiditinl that tini otelutiito forum .hi
tilde .omhinatlothi anti tide mai wallah. rane*of matt and
straiel• therein nanneratiltin their nin.nomt tend...,
alien other alkalie• and oit. Maniteem itself. had Mind..
Fr. /11 mr Philip Crampton. Bart.. nurgeon tionieral n, the
Army In Ind Ma:—
Over elr--There can he on .ImOt that Slagneata mar be
.holnietenal more early In the form of s concentrated a
lutlon than In aubelanerr, for thin. and many ether retrone.
aro .1. oplulon that the Fluid 3L,...ne11ia I. a very valuable
alhlllian•to our 3lnteria N.ill.a I . IIII.I,CCRA3IPTON. -
elrOatnee Clark. Sir A. ton o r. I , r. BnahL and tlelani:
not Iterla.rt Sln,o. Lnnann. at-ranglymalmmend
SI on Child linitnrrin, as twiny; Infitatel, more eani and
odoenient than the and fn....front the danger attend
ing the ode... in.
coda or poLsa...
For .sie hy the lutparteCa ntal nomrletnr4avnte,
11. A. FA CO.
• ml I OR. Woad s Front
thAdrit Harp. No. ml Thtnt
11. fn /UM tt.trlyinn a melt lot
virnant Puma, mule Nt :•,01 a ['van:,
Nett 1 nth. among them. oplentlll 7 nclare carved Nam
or tinr richt.t drwriation of eateries and L0W.11231/••
Im the ittrßCO Stri••• ill troain. she Laub. XIV nntl
V. .taro. a twat Int of InAtiOnalne and popular Mtnir.
Alla ratonn.ive ochrtlan of .trek twirl:meat, k•ic,
Witham. 31elodenta, and ever) lanai' of san.lcal nitTrintu
dise. Jalu
A CARD-1851
ItPlll' k BURCIIFIELD, North East
_IT corner of Fourth and Market beg env, ut the ramoneneeinent of the N., Near, to
turn their thantor to their etiabotten. and the tilet. gene,
all). for the large alma of ellen,. extended to thaw. Alld
invite the eon:layman of little foe., !livingrernotly
enlarged and nortnea..l their rteeni. tit., •voLle lm keep
co tonal a very. estenetre anaontnent of ikoda—und let, ere
will have tbo advantage of plenty of light to examine
and took,, theiraelectiona. The, .deal,n niakitnr
their eetabhalitueut far so practicable, a P.1311L5
Tent!.. where every article in the Dry lived, line, needed tor the ~1 .141, of famine, eau preumi--and thelr
eontantted effort, to affect tlfinbeet good& and to toll nt lov
prime., they hope to ovhe It tliehiterert of Waller toot in.
11..riti,• .4
.t.. and mark,
g 1 1:1.10ERIES.
.A hall nn,l Mark
t Try. .
nt' ° 7 ,
id dn . ,an Itolin•a
A CA.. t.'ft aid 1 . .
17, n'r ' "l ,, ,X . , l '; ' iTr:Z.!ll7l" - -.4.::. Jn
Tburamon Jr. 6,14,1 en TEAT 5 Lump, 111 Sul lit a,k L t
131. PAlth
. -
NV EW (lit LEA SUG it.
I l e l!! •
C.M:\ )313,
, tlazen 14.ra Ilranans in goer nyul fur rale by ,
.pan 9 Jell:, ntifEEn t co
, InannE-shplal, Ithkey. in any.. and Mr
,1011 N PARK E!: A Co._
EIV A3IS--Evans Swift's Cincinnati
Su ,ay Cury , lmrelyell, fur rule by
pan WM. A .MeCIAIIII: it CO, 1::+I I.lberl, a ,
I EA f LA li.ll-Irinie Cincinnati Leaf Lard al
1 1.1 f! . 4 1
SALE.--A few shares Cliff Mine j
,!.o, North 'Am And Wvatern Insurance `,l
.1 5 ,1 y no 11.1111 D TIC WIN. 11.1Syynn,1 a.
UTTER.—Thirty kegs and six Lrls fresh g
f.inter felt ron.irnfiinit for rale b
~111 J. S. 11111TORTII t co.
1; 1 ::11:--21111ls N. 0. Sugar fur Pale by
KIItKPATIttM, I+l Libyrty rt. 0
1 4IC EIV 'LW:INS on consignnient for sale Ly
de.27 intowN a. NIILKI'ATItICK.
1301VDEI Eu F(INt:GI2.I
I„uan Iln for pal,: by MU tIN
tap 01,1.4 bent 11.1nIned Whbker.ln atom and for rain
LL janll J(IIIN A CO.
11 .15 half nip. , k,
C,n,ular Wand and Dar"
cnk, .t or. r,k, do da variona
10 do du and nnwt mlebrat , xl bratnln.
, ow. Holland Ohl. 9101,1 in, Anchor” laud “Enh."
'tourism.. Iridt am! nnotpli Molt Whinke;.
• do ' Jamaica Hunt.
10 bblo. N. E. In. du
or. taka tort
do Madeira •
1 Vrnet 3lapna Wino
to da bgr,.
1.16 floohnntx Chgt.
In stn.", and for role by JOIIN PARKEII d CO.,
janl I.lbertt - .tenet.
111 1 TM. Dti
I f 1 1 ::.1", Nit. 136 Liberty street, beg.
taws nos•tntuera. that he 1. y 10 ,u i r , t k"?
C 1,111,4. CAnr.I.MEItE.N. and VESTINGS. of Lho ?uwept
alented I*,
fall and winter mann..
All Oono In want. of the
fanhinnxtdo, sal good clothing,
will !Ind ohm /nrinnt., mont feAdonabin, and loot Think In tbn
IVl.xtnrn moat.). at
notabllalunnot. .n},lll
1t 0 . 1 .1. , --Scaleti'l . ronteetbrwlll l' re.wired at Jieltarm.
Jill/take county. Ohio, (known an Yenta.llles/until Jan.
nary 21e., 11151. far doing theigruldlituhriearing,andng,r.rg;
111 n,t ••rinn,t1Vg,11,,'Z'l ul"t;olluY'llt 'the . 1„.
dim. State hue. are now nouly. at the Entineer'•
alt. , in obt ai n ed n om
muntx, information
nn N. obtained nom Insol Pemberton, Resident Engineer.
Janua Prop...a ryle Cnt, also be left at Sidney till . the It.ltit of
propoettla will alto In retwirwl at MARION, Ohio. until Feb. Ilk. next, for doing the - grubbing. denting,. and
grading... al.. lu Wks, baton... 3lariou and Ileihdon
'Ulm.. The worl: and profile, on this division will be retuir
ten darn belbre the letting. Information esto'be obtained
(nn Alex. Reahlent Engineer , at liellefuntainv,
and at the (lief Ilugineer'm 31arion.
11. rd. , . are th e only' portions on the mute not yet un
der nn tract. Tht. nva is known as the - third !Ink^ in
the ytrutt ”eentral backbone chain;' from Ildladelnlda
likewne the weslttru Oull(111LIatiott of the
main line. Ingn ilostnn and Now York. thntuab
lir order of the hoard of Director.
MILNOIt /tollgltTe, Chief ):uglueer.
Engineer's Oftlte: Hark.. 0, Ike. le. I 'hal. yal
L"D.—Twenty brie and fifteen kegs foe
' , de 1./ ddA. DAFENES..
Itid, at 110L31.1.1.e I.lterary Depot. Third rtreet. op
'Amite the Prat tare, Pittebumb.
fluid:erre 51w:rutin per rear 1.5 00
blunt, llerelswitd Jlaunsine...— do 5 tkl
Knickerbocker Magazine t r
Amerind. tVlthtßeview do 500
Magraine 6 01
Sire. Ellie' Horning Call .1
do 1) 5
!farm., shimmine do 3 , 0
titaley'• Liolys Book ....... ........ do 210
rahnol'a Alagaslot
!tannin'. Magralue do ;
: 30, 0
International Magazine .... do
Illackwood'a 51agazine ...
llortleillturtat do 3DO
Cultivator do 1 2.5
LittelYr birlti4 Age . 00
Tito Januar, - number of three Magar.lner will the drat
number (1 the neW volume. and • will be the Lest aver
eiode inakalluni will le deliaernl free of p , J.I.
tg,ftv elo, twine quite • raring to thoee aub:eri ,r
A il , . lll fWVOTl:Pes".tt:su' d itnilr fo o r f I .. 9 =7l2l N i7e L ie '
(ear', l'rement.i.
Al..—Adeatenelve rdmorttneut. or Novels rod ("heap pub.
Vbotingbe. All ...dery attend
ed In punctually. .
_ .1. 11,
No. 14 Third otrret.
. - .
. _
• Splendid Gift Books.
1:31.1LE POETS Of Ainerica- by T 'lead
rinsr thavknr with Pn.phete. and At.e . lite. By her.
11 anwright.
:el., In the IJfe of our SaVionr.
Vol:ash...Wary on the Four thestele. fly Dr.TYnit.
haeo.el Stenem.and hharacter... In- . Jr. IletwilY•
acred ottundo.. By J. T.
, Italatoenre. 11l Norplantk.
~r M 14etr ..t h o laud and Amrrka
M. E‘eninwe~ut honald M
enn anor...tly Hal
M. 31eInnah.
lirl3lXlleaut, for t<ll.
t..S,Lanet 3helern Art fur ihul.
Tetnheranee Offering. •
Ihr Ir.. Offering do
The hie
The h. member Me uo
The llothree Ilecompetter. Ity (jean, Aguilar... Me. °‘
the Vale of (;.edara. ie.
Views of the Mienwennie Dr John ItreekleabY.
Enhlwilt Sebool Union Bud.. In Wire bitelitha, for holh
day peenta For We by A. 11. Ehtil.l:4l eth
• iatewS Wr.wi et
Ail 1S 1 Fifteen drums O. 13. Codfish;
u, labN. 3 Mackerch 1%) brln No' 1 We YUU, 10
1613 V . sl4tekrxel, gtur..4 fix male by
HARRISON SEWELL, Atturney at Law,
tihio Flat, CommiyMnurr fur takizz, lkpuraions, Ark
ledzemetan of Davd,.. se. 1)111m--toural ,trret, 31110 NO
tltteld. larLawfr
IT3I. 31. 31'KNIGIIT, tenders his services
to the clan,.of filohuruh and vicinity.. a too
el theuelmon Colloao Retort=nsoyahros. will attend
ottlectlng mut of claim. , thl and tubule-
Rotel.Ll Countiett aelltno aua rentloa proton);
a wing of death, hoofs. utnrh. - age,4and other hotrumenta
orittria. All lowdoras to his lion attended to with
Wotan) Campleell.Jr..F.C.Flata.
Ifs, } Foto:to. Johu llorrieou.letio Wm.3lVatalhoeJdolo Ut , a
Mier, otth Joeeph Wearer, Ltd, Fourth etrort, mow the
3 rot , Other. uortatmeouT
ENN3I,ANSIIII 3 . . 1.1. so 7111 C FOR MANY
. year, L. th ere loon nuch unocrupult. trickery
y clbted nyon the ittlhlle attont INtnnwroutLlyt, .at the
It tot. Pkt.ot 11 lin,rxiint: a= (iv:Waled lluvo./..1a llto
tO T 1 end country. with th e engrai or tt paute tnypr.....l,
In °Mot to Induct , the It/notnnt to Lellovn thetiL to bcyr.
;surhlp. •
I.erttontt thoorotta or bectomi - ng raylel mad clegnnt, ;nmk
111 do woll to call nt 1/UFlor± CIL/WANT/L: CLI lANI.;
nf otaralne tint hand writing of sun. or the hoar i oo
I the et.. *lto have Lev ltottrve.l In Ilea Iratltutlon om .
a,o2:is.:r . .
if The offers for tent. Ulu to
on which
taritles. nint•laudg a
ndjaamt, amounting LOO arra, ataut
r ur Inman,' Zr,-. eleretal, well intprured, and in n high
x ate of cult:l2l.ton. Al-.,. a liduac and Lad lu Skelelland.
t an. formerly ixruplral as a Worn stand, arid no r aorta
nnibrCl nu L. Connor, litMilMlll. e n d Dr. Hiller. Ala,
n•Fartu in l'notou,,,unt), N n., ta , ntalning 2 Wacte-s, ahant
DJO sena alear,"l, mll,OllOl are Ilea 1., Ilona,a large
Frame Darn, and lima hundred la artne. Al, •b• Tn..—
llght .-.lot stacks of Ila, no,. for rah. on said tarn,.
Light linudrud Lead of Vex.,and t. ,, ,yniah 3f e rfno
Sheen. and an bcnd of Cattle., at prriato mfr.
The outaa-ribor upturn for Ada, on credit of live re ars, lib;
valuable shwa of nue Cheep, about live laundt, ilnad of
which are ores. of anal alto. no hand of wetlera, and NA
brnd of bock., hrtd fnm th , gualc of Pertren, ad Brown,
f Ohio; Jew., Edwington. of Virginia: I , ,untiel 31r.Fariand,
Junes and Samuel Putterean, Mr. linnrnlco, and Jesse
Ken,s.,irthy, of Id aoltionton nonntr. 1a... and cutups melee ,
bd. fur tint purptaa of renaming wait.
Vron, the ur,.at aniount of ear.. 414 coat bestowed on this
flack, the outarrilar haa. no hesitation in raqiu,r. it Will
ft/111MM Wi th any Cora in the Giulia, fin i and
(irnin ran Ca Laud until Dia Late
of April, U it will
Letter suit nu mem. .
Clettnan Totrurthip. FayetteOt, sFtlcitazultyt
Farina!). IRsl.—,tftw3tr .. i.. ntmorn tt•nttx;eat
, 3tEnicAN \WOOLLEN 600115.—0ne
huri.3 nod fifty pra NIT/31 Bed Illankota.
..tal pairs t.rib Bket* suverlor artlrle.
... 0 30 toatn lan ßoat Blanket,. ril , l,on bound.
1 . ..13 du Gray Ccating Blanket, hear).
1113 do Drab do do do
50 do Blue do do do
acorn Black Blanket Cloth,du
I do Beaver I:my 111xed.
3 do eanaorior French Br.adrlnth.
3 do all, wool Twe...d... cvlora.
3 do Aeon, a,ortd mlors.
Ca. , ...nnerea. bla..,k and fan,. nolora.
I do Satlnetts, black and itry.r nda , d.
3 (ID
4 de tona .
berrtd Twlllol flannel. I antwhle.
The above I.l,,ribod are all ..n mnahmetent from
wara.m. alanutacturera. arni wr.t. awl are for ealo on
liberal ten. m Nu trade. at manufacturer , prier .
and Tlll/31P*IN'S and llarri..ola 111.tek, ...ear' let
C n n r .• nk..
11, , dtman Jad‘' . .ln ,
ornl Illaok and r. 4 1.00.1 110 , 11..
1311..ga11ft% ere, 1 oben ',Pratt a,
Leq~ 11011 I..tomea, othrr ma 01.001,.. ofbleel
Ptna: 11. a 1- 31. t , taltlt'a to .1. S
BatleyCo.) .
oolebrao.l hold 100... with gold and 'diver now.:
Whoritnatia bra. fog Parer—antiquarian. on.
hh. elr.nhatd. talundder, oup ro
er yal. r0ya1...1,1,
Thant: Ilrh.tal Board,ea', dins, 00,1 tuwium.
Perforated luard. fancy 1.,0 paper, plain and rilaer,
rnara....ed aold. •Ilver and rain , v i and paper. Odd and
and nrnera. - and 111101,rarlolur Laity laaxa•
rArrllweot aliaimo. suitah.o tor demi/. ehart-
,„. a „h note pan,. Idwar• au hand, the
„r„d ra Lle AiTc.l and pat . terlut.alt.ln., Ka. anal*.
wail , m 1 ler Lull, Pnr4 4 wcaldlaga aral
Vf.lell not, rut . ..lop, plain and embueleth /ethyl envoi.
bn , a , . allde ...Id blue: Fad .11 pion adhesive cab
uglier,. war, can., ration% patterrA 414xt aand; haw*
tin. ran. and Tdrley boxa tnn..l hoary. yjnnnraaaaa.
Inka, braalle• krenekaod Engetsh.cvnylni. a m - o il
r--sa mt.t mot.
TB. Love, wlb all oth, artkdes In the- Stationerr Lk,
bath fancy and ...O/ UN:ether with • large wane:went 04
(scubaa" and naelnarandata becks
mutant, forma
d. emri ldodnnt. and Faller of all tiara
and ona/lte, for Pale at redttred eab.el on the need ream..
able terror, at W. . LkVEN'S
. L hook and Stallaary. Wanduntae,
mold Corner of 31arket and Sonnal street,
- ------
EARL ASII-5 cuikx prime ree'd by".
ja , 3 • 14:* Y, 1111.:4.15,4)3 .
• •
TO LET—A !aux , Mansion Holism with
ji nem,' f Lula .tlaclmi. •Itual4sl st atklata
Real Estate worth ;100,000
emus. Fes!, Too eld.ndirlresidenero
lon fort tank, lot uant. one basing a front ..f LetAii
fn South Conn:lon. by :fen to Water street. The other. 140
ee' front by ral man alley, Improved in the tout manner.
e delightful shut of the eitsof Ilttsberals. she
Alleuheny and Ohio rir,
gl piece orrrottn se d fronting moth on Nottb.Connnon.
fiat.runnlne ITO feet beet, bounded by too AR), fres
to and 'AI foot alley In 0000.
Also, twenty acru dined) opprelte the Rail Rood 'Depot,
the moot thodrable mporty nor offenol for rat,. This
I'M., of ground oder. inthlcoMenti to spsoulatera Apply
dale BAIRD i IRVIN. 114 li.lreind to.
the lin.onattrgh 'lke. in the Borough of Lavrmnrer.aa..
ethent. !us 12 motn•.. 2
et_ T, statk and
ha r t . ; w i oaetner thy; gunien. watt/rang Abair eVltg
nod fruitir,... The
.. muni , lis at =n l =6 . ri i, , , c;l di.
tienhv. Innutre
p311.1.1tn • No. 11t; Mnrtet atrevt.._
FOB RENT 1 SAW:gm. in Root Birtning ,
/11..111, shnated sir I% tame Inbilleas: it ran VOW
an 1 the entin. li/0 Ortn.<bv Coal Rail
to will 1.. Ihnnnollr renamed, with nvar toile, and 1en...4
CI. o. nu Jxceil..nt *lto 1. et. belch testing—day tlet.r.
' , vend tpurrion ..f et c.v.' lent Stone. Ind al Iv of
r K pi! Birmingham.
DENT—A. Dwelling Reuse, with erg,
~der rana4 In um ate t W Kt I
ant. on Feder./ athrt. Allegheny. Rent. $l7O
~Ai.. A hTORI: nn. Market ate Wit. isitst,urgh. • kt ,
71 ...Ron... Thinl an...R and ta.veral Ron.' in
°Dire lluilthng, E. D. GAZZAM.
Jaittd2w 114 Siirou.l it L ..
P.. 1, and Tißatno cot,- W/Wk/I.
r ic o. LET—Tlio Three Story Dwelling =LI
1i0n... \o 171 tile greet, at tavaent. oecuoled
D. Living% and ouune e k
dining en. and Llehen, on the tw o th.r. reeen.dan
given en the 10 of April. Itnntire of J. R. PLO
1210, Round CRetzehn
rilo LET—One Two Story Brick rlore. tea
Arm'" •
FOR RENT: The Store, 118 Market
ottow.t, the rcc- o rtd door !Mn the corner tl..l.lo.rket r4lll
awl Liberty kreetA.. POCReAgnn 41•111 ...
IA or April.
stexL In q uitiCof DAVID tlitiaut,
ispall NG Penn a.
- LIM RENT, two very convenient =4
1: DWELLING HOUSES. on Third ettert, e em. eipt
end near l'orteneitta Oren on the first aiiteet•
of April next. ,
Abut. to Loattefer one or wore ream, loupe ler, varent
Lot. , on amine. the Allegheny the Nintirli'srd.
Arid/ to Wtl. 11. DARLINGTON,
Fourth et— near 'Wm d.
• -
OR RENT.--The following proper- ;^..o4 Fern for
and (.Ili.k.trir
AL nnMargre t. rid:
et stung, between Third and Fourth err.,
aultnblv for Dr/. Goole. i
&item] rise.. In Poet Other
!hi Buildings, the nomad alai
nt sturiev. gultidiln for rtieeis liontor. Oflices, Jim •
A large aid mere:dent A DWELLING HOUSE, Ina bunt.
lopart of the city.
oinnsfortof the eau be girin on the Ist.
April M.SC.
• Also a S?IALL STOKE, on Third street, neat ilcor to the
tiered, olliee. Feeorel. give. Inintediaielf•
Wit unexpinid LCILIV the Verrhorter.
Third stniet. heretofore occupied br the late Mr. A. Evoleu,
For terms, apply to • •
F. D.' GA7.7.AM, 104 SeembEstreeL
tent • re to irs:WCOR3IICII. 86 Third street.
r. RENT, n'Tieo story Frame House:4'l
J honk building,: will, tan Int, slturits aj
Ilford street, Sixth adjoining. L. Stir.. sear
For terms, apply to I %ODIN /N, LITTLE C0.,'255 Llbertr street. '
UMBER, YAr.D . ,TO RENT. • A largo
1 1[..i Luellen' Tani, vitiated co Duquesne Way. near the
twit. sufficient nom to hold eight ...v. hundred thousand
feet of Lumber. to Tent on advAg N ia.L. , .
• ile'dnallni COMM' of Penn mod Irwin streets.
TOTO LET, the Stoic Boron No: 6L 'Mar- fen
ket etrret, adjoining the Irateh end Jewelt7
W. Wilson. and tvanitl y by Messrs...*
N.' I trim.. Son, Iva Moulting. and liselianne vat,
This new It Welded in the most central end best bustnees
point In the city, and well adapted fora Exiting end En.
niliee, sad insurance °Mee, era stew. splendid
nen trout. with bingliah Fla. Glee. will be put In to awn
ea the weather penults.
l'oesesdon given on the Ent, of Fehruarr. If wiuttal•—
Enquire of W. W. WILSON; •
jet Corner of Market and Fovirth Arm.:
VOR SALE, 'tile Three ,:lston• Brick •;:;,
No. le. Ilsy stmt. Snytf, Row—
Selloo. Senn., 5.1043 ea:11. SSW ln on. year,
w..t.uo in - Ilse }ear. to be securol morty, on tbe molt
ft. Clear of all Incontbranoe. not title Indi,ntable.l
Apply to 1/Itatl",
MO LET. a, four ktliry Dwelling, Slatol
ntlire. bath tr.., gas fixtures. awl taakel;. ,
oro. 110 Thinlrtmrt.
Inquire at 80 Wat, alma. ati,3
- 1 IA not usid intwice before I 'felt it. beneficial effects..
Ni l ,,, L i l d t.. , E. SE 1 i . , L , 1t... w iL i .-Sir: SulterinFfro t m a
withu eb4ning7;),,f.f...7,,;.A,1 ,iiin ' t,, r ,Tu!";i .
"v.. E. Netters' Congh Illatari.' . I think It a duty whieb I
owe to both you and the.puhli. ingeneral. to roveitiscir
roseal. that I bad not u.ed It twice before I o)3 tv tree 4
clot el. , etri and (under the Nellie bleuina) had no G.-twain
to toolt the bottle- I trstly also, to to haring witnessed
lie magi, proper - ars on friends of, mlne,one i t la r,
n Ito had a trying attack on herlenvoi.accouteled with a
dlitressing cough. Verily th'e only true' pit. (where
coughs au.) odds affect the sufferer) has deseen led isranmst
nn tu all. E. toilet,' Cough Mistore..
It. yypwna at n, larl - yue d.
Fittsb at; li. Jan. 14, 1111.
Prepared and sold by I:. E. PELbERS, No. 7 Woad sit.ars) seld , by druggists generally. Vali
Where Is the man who act tto tapper' r r the lux ary
n easy share) If rty' there 1.... do .. =ldr.. ou ,
selves to them. But to oil others, we ray, I you wish to
. render sharing a pleasure. narelnuo a tea of Jules Natters
Almond Pistachio, or Amtnedal blux lux Clvutiu. lilt ed.
troll hntkesible to' Dud words m d.cribe the Puling , .7 a
person—who has lava wad to Awing with onlluary soap—
upou making trial of fhb fur t rued time. It Is a outubb
nation of wonder. admiration. nral pleasure. .
JULIO 11.AUEL - 6 gIIAVINti CREAM isceedlngly
cmUlient, rendertur We stiffest uld moot wi y beArd soft
and pliable. linaloging an admirable lather. and by its el,
tremely mild nature allaying the h - ritation. mreuting
that unpleuvant and stiff hullo, of the skinwhich bat
often experienced alter shaving.
that/Galen using Julia IlattehintarlngCre may fare
Ilk coition and aunt piercing winds hound' l lw
are;wlthout the skin becomiug disputal. Auff t hrove,ho
oneu use h. we eau safely sae, will tamer roe any ether.
One great sdrantagt—which will be err...door apprecia
ted Ivy those who wear whiskers—la the fact that It will not
discolor Ust bout, whirl most %m k. will du. Elting &sandy
or sty appearance to the nice of the whiskenc
Ju ru lea I !nacre Shaving (Yearns are dell; htfal prelmrationt,
obrupounded with skill, to the utter exclasiou &Civilities
ea/cubit") to render the operation of shaving pleasant.
sad will be appreciated by all who make trail f theta
Prepans7 only. hr -
JULES HANEL, Perfumer Chemist.
Ih/ chesnut street. Phi alphia.
For vale, wholesale and retail. be It. A. Palm tort 0 Co..
andli. E. Sellers, Pittsburgh: and John Nail at., mud J.
Mitchell. Allegheny CRY.
,UST RECEIVED.—A new worl
MofittZ fr al,t i g,.. Work ,,., . °A . Ertift` 4 lß•f:'
signiv.l for practical a ' Oralliantent and 11...e1an
engineering profession. Edited by Oliver By
Prole:sag of Alathigustirs, Skillemi of tlril ."
London. .
Ills work Lt Of Orion Nevi. float contalnini
upwards of Hun plate, add 1All» atollinrOde
• pneent workinit draninirk and dercriptionelf the mord
nuteartant machines In the United Stoic+. lit Toudent of
the reaulkpf Ameriman ingenuity. it will con n coatidete
prutinallreatiros on Mechanic, klachinery. Entrlnu work.
anilloinineerinm. with all that la lawful murc than SIM
worth of folio colon:tee. Inalmsincs. and other twalok The
'civet °Nett of liklakLaditlai,ol:l 111 to place Wont praetical
nom and studebta mach an amount of theoretical mad 'd
entin, knowinise, Ina mound frm, to thall enable
them to wort: to tbr bat AriTILUt2I.I,I, and ayokl (Mere
.orakto wßich they might otherwine commit.
piddle/nine are determined, regabilerel of cork to
make the work mew:opine as preedpic, arid lt hoped ten
cm one deeirmo to obtain tlae work, will precure it as bru
nt ln tiumbet, and thumeneeurams the csaterptico.
l'oblichitic 40 numbers, at T 5 moth ter number, to be,
"potty thia year.
Tomity munhem centered, fur Ledo by •• •
• it. HOPKINS, ith Keno_
‘4,7 of LILY ONUS, at the One price !none of
• • A. A. MASON a Of, 62 and 6i Market ,trot.
. . .
Crunna.oed on Monday, December 30, 155th to ontlnno
through the of January, Their •whole onablish.
meet low boen thnovn open for Retail Trade. and e.-
teoutioegods. amounthog to Out Ilundred and Thirty
Thougand boiler, .114 br ,offered at Retail, fallr'ene
fourth leao mats! rier, 7
The native of their Senot•Annual Sale to any One of the •
thounionle who atlendcl the mole of tool year. aOl 1 , 111 , 1.
matt avarantett for • tall thaw sea.. Tiler will, however.
Mention e. few or the geode and prima fur the lenient of
Wan who have serer attended their oak. .la
Itlehrashineres 75 route, usual price SL I -
SOO ofeeeelhAton end Wool Out:nem' 25 tent., r.ual
pima 373{ mite. I
I:AYJ 'Howes COlllO and Wool Detainee. 15 and 11 cents,
Motel print 20 and 23 gents.'
is pi high coldred Yield do- IS eMthi. I tt , ti 4 pcfm
LO pi cen
griped mod. Ilgnred Silk , , 50 Cent, netaal
price Bo nin e. ' • . .
001 , 0,0 S Moo and Satin, nte. venal
prin. SI 25.
50 Ocoee Black bilk& natured 23 per cent :
100 piecro Frtneit Merino, SI tee. urns' 1.nr0.51.3:15'.
200 Orono l'eramettas and Lyoueol Clotho,' nalueed
MO p10w... leer w. all colors," . rodueol SU 1.3 . Mot
. 2300 Long Square Shawls, whlEh will to vold_from SI to
55 Dos than none' prima
3000 Tondo Bonnet Ribbons at a .d 10 cent.' amid I
pri,ls to 25 mats.
Foot colored Calico. at Chi cent, weal prleeDe.
100 caw, Englah and American Colleen at b 111.1 10
eon.. tenant 10 and 12. ti rent. .
PO MUM ltlearlinl slnollna minced 2 made per yen/.
250 Lodes Drown )lent, all valet , . • .
Also, Law, Embrolderi, Tritentlng,.. lloder7 aryl
Llorna aorta lotho. Casslaneow. Cowlneta and
Juana; together with en imownw . variety of other good..
till of which Marked Down to bower rice. than.y
of their emelt. , sae.
They inelte early call, nutty of their clinlcrat
goalie will noun be told. The lo . T . ettll'takta : Teil a: Let
02 and tit Market tot-
Professor A. C. Barry's Trieopherone;
Vfor ' reneving. inviihratiug, end beautifying ibehalr,
reallrfille the mutt dalstrur.and all affuttione of Dm 'walla:
c roptionson the skin. diseases of the glands.
s ,,d integuments ...1 telleving Wogs. cuts , twirl.
we sprain, cc. With this PrnVEration "there Inc such
woisi , fall.' Tim -tmeries.,m hal men
of Um highest eminence, prominent citizens of I prong
ladies whu have mo d it. for years in their drew
Mng num, and normuise, admit It with one soormi. that for
Importing ybem. gloss, luxuriance, and curl to the hair,
erwbuding wart and dandruff; healing anoint< maring•
manse:suf. sismlus,,tings, an, and rends!. diseases of
the skin. the glands, and the 'towel, it her no Nun!
6.1110T1 themultitude of compound. advertised in th e pub.
!Wynn.. in private practite. In chapel.. ss well
as eitieleum, liarry'a - Trienplufrona Is unrivalled. The inf
lect:UV cloth rake of the article. hare nahlod the inventor
to supply it at 25 cents per bottle , whieb la Dom Se to lOU
per cent Imo lbu the price Of any other preparation for
the hair now in se- The wientific treatise cm the hair
tor t e and
ebb embracing the valuable directions for tho cub
tore and presereation of nature's choicest ornament. In
in which sugh bottle IsencloweLnsalone worth the enormy.
Tins affinity betamen the membnuses•which consetutethe
riga and the hair, which damps its austemmeo from thls
triple envelope, is very claws "Ail disessees of the hair arks
abate he Welkin °idle head. If the poles of the scalp
are elogged ‘ or if the blood and outer fluids do nut cirme
late freely th rough th e =all vemebliyhtch fent the rust
with Moisture. and impart life to the Ingo, the result la
scurf. dandruff. chatting a the hair. gramma. dry...
nod harshemea of the ligentents, and mire babluesa, as the
stay be. kihnulate the skin to healthful ACtiOn with
the Trioupbenms,and the tor accede. recovering their
activity, Will talfilite the riare.. In all allsetitms or the
skin, andof the ouharrsta dummies integunicuts.the
Plumes and th o erica v e t the same. Icy alywn the skin,
the =uremia, Ore. adthe glands:that the Triropherotot
brans spathe action. and in all affections, and Injury of
there egg., It to • sovereign remedy.'
Vold in lark, Write, poke 25 sets, at aa. pal l a d at.
Wafta=gga Y ag r o k e'tViiriraitt P g==titit h :
• de4lnce
boxes of Medicines;ilm of I.(lb,ltr. tirna'a Analyse Conlialjk:
L nm eta Paint Tenni,la J 1 r, Dr. bran' Camomile
D. Evan? &ann.. Snap for Cbildren.Teethitat
Yvan an{ Ana nen 1111, Dr. heat'. Pills forOtanat
Uaa, Dinannia-• Inn ()natant IlranCs Can
Coma f. Rata cbeap •Inhaala aao zeWl - •
'I.4.IACHASS.I2, Etas r.
!]1 'tumor Ternatnr„ earl. Ilaalrft, in
bore for 11. e abara am! ail lotrau.liatrritr,
thr inst., at la. Welark.
For ftFlaltt t‘r , FIS un brant, • • uz,n
11,11E4t 1 7 ."..1, -
IA 'iloctt.lNl:roFlT.-11, Gut ItoLoa o .. r i . lailik
L , t So. 2. Cal.l , . !,Toin. vil feast. tar &tore
ev...-T0....1.-., a: 4 ...0....t. ...
er rs froicht.or,, al.oh od tynanl.4 to
%NI. 11. .2011.,N,TiF4 Azt .
. .
11.70 E . Lift, 1 ILl.l—The splextd-at ia
M 4.-atner .1ilt.:11 -, N. Capt. J. DATIA, will
ravo f.., C.e al , . and Inbornutliate puts on
oLi4Ja,..: 10 .i.-1.,.:: A. X.
Ft, rr.l.ot ..r 1 onille On bonl-4. ' Jaz
14 , 0 it NE W 01: LE A N ..S--The
11,..he drssztt,sssss, r.tats. (imager
Imre r, .11 10.,.e lor the On, And all tu
ava 1. port, e. m,,r.ity,cio A.l. For freight mpg,
sas , ijisl) on 1,... , ..1..r cu ,
lal. .
...., li E ttIILTEINFIFXGER, Ast.
ykitt ST. 1. 4 1 1 1. , 15--I'llet. fast rtku , .
ts, Ntnrhiti. Osphtla
i01a...,11t . .1 Ira, f.r the 0..10r ar...k Into
rordi,,,.. port,
on Monday. tho '2oth init.:,9;11.1 A. 31.
Voe fr , fig ht rr 10 ,. .1. , ...114.1" on brutl. janlS
— ic -- X - 811V fiTil7 -- .. , -
A.Ca n t 111111 W,
Asblrr,• m o re
j a or apply bn
I.OI3ISVI'LLP.--Tho. fast
rwtulplil ts.: ..tcyner NeylltiATo4.
Lean r k. •
lwitJ. Jalt •
F O R ST. LOUTS. The splendid
w i'LErrwoon. {Sm. couter.
:0,-, T.., the :%14,. and Imp
Tio 11th bulant. at { P. 31.
r:1 ~ellray ez.k.
• r ;
.r; A S. The
gd. , ,,l2oow'ett,trier 1:D17014 A. C-11a
ton. Loader ',will knyv far-üboTo !ISM in
130,115 t, momir.Patintant. at 10 o'clock
- For ro,clt kn. rfilr o+o hard. 169
nt - -
did , stitor rOILT rtrr..lll/lerrmlier:
jro fr,ight wteroo,. 0010 , 1 Itoo*o
Ott ST.7IQUIS.• The fast run
itber. tha above soul Into
-ratiritoamt., n thia dar. the 14th Instant. a 6.11.
For freight or pa_virre, appl co tari t 10 rd. jag r
t L utarnn
KYOII. Jediale d , mndti Oaster.
ld cla il y. nt 1 0'604. A. 'nay. fur 'ne
nnn akgMA
and 0 M.
For (non:lltm . en.-2,..n.:nrir en burn,. lsl6
• - - -
am, tairkot iMmurr DI IL:11N AFa Comrel/. m
to in mar performing lirr rettalai Fri-weekly trip* betwe.
cirr, ma >s biavitm d Ilittriburgh at 10 o'clock
T i gglitai l 1 =';'.
in midi inoik. For frolebt piumma.apiyan limarti. arta.
..11:31511111107 Amatt.
1 , 1. A it 1 , 11.1sBUI:Gli AND
lii k EILLF, D. It. Dale, master, will ii. 12.11
Pitt.l.urah mart Torslny.Tbumlav amlftluttiar. Warn
day . . For Might tit paiiiiaim. a 441°,
14. . davit.
Jtiru lhe iPlm. Thb, lr hortt vs.,.
Hilt 1,,
. ' ,llVlrl74;: r ,
'4° X"'
mr-1/ - O.Iu to
_...,....___ ..11RELING AND
„ ‘ L hENFL'II PACKET—The fag runultur ...r..,
tea., WELLSVILLE, Capt. D. Yrlll2l. Wilt
ryn., a 0 nquger par/4.1. I..tir,rn. Pittsburgh. lihreling,
grid ...port. ritni. Sungrh, Lyme rahlutexh ....1 1,10 . 1 aL
at onn for 15 riler r ill;- ; ttuuhrtn,lL, and I , ll . 4l,Tatual
rrid eXITi...I;; everyn '' U T7:e•[`:: g!:=1; lAmsnria4:
port mud Suott,ll every Tur,.lng ahernonn . larul Sardiah
g o a r r , } ..11? 'n' : -"'" g : PTY? r fr''-'4 l/. ' 1;11.1 , 7 '' .1 t4-7."P`r a"
~... Ag.d.
AvELLs“ ILLU PAC K ET.Thre ligh t .
ught strum, ARENA:. H. P. lihnary, rr
ter, kart.* Pittvhurgh on Moular. \ Vrtlneubtr. Ara V•kl.r.
1..? i, u'elork:A. , M. Lraven lien:n . lll,, on Tuesday, Thum
Oar. und Saturday. at 7 0'r....k. A. M.
For trehtyt: or ra..4,4:,,.. apply on loaf!. , Da
• • •
1. ANCE Nn. Marioit :Street. !Cowart.
S. • Int::NC. II N. Y. Avumulatesl'aotette
111.0t13,Up.tlivbliuz fr,:a 4 to 401,1. cod profit yoer annum:
11 Tlin pato:alter' will t, 13=n...ran
itt the nlrol, ..11,mtnallurnraner tba lamb,
prvbts 6.4 m; divkN.l sultun••
-tle3 Cu: Lit klvnt iitztuL
1..-.. t, c.:m cf . r.., North Amer! , l'hllodelnhla
p:tol Vn0.t.40 , -1:hr.r.0r0d17,./. 11"41 mere I wurauce on
bunog., ont tio .r .ont. ot., in the clt, atol Tir...'nityl olio
M MIMI", fit •n ~, Hod. ,lin•nrkt per 1 , ,01111 amt vans
Data, and v<.....1 i...; linso t irno.p.atation or on Um se:
• . • . • ..• .
- uttaAthrr, • °
Arthur G. o.nit, Fret. gAntuct 1:rookA,
A1e...,1er nowt'. ' .ntht , t.
Slt rn ur I W..lAut, , Fuutuel mita,
Edward Plnittl. Marne
John A_ ' , mon.
• Jobe WI:It, .1.4,1, M. Tbarum, .
.I.M, K. NIT.
Thema. P. C 9... litthunl 11, IV t.
11111Labl Frazicis
IL D. tiberrerti, Pavr.
Mb , b• the( Ide‘t !..p•ttrancv C•.mt obi tu the Unit,lStaLts
eat fir Mph Nu: esp.:doom...Pie =ea..
and ..mite:. ell rplin n o tAL, h ,• eltAractsr, It
nay be tvevlLlerol nnauril, amine recurity to tlke plane,
. , WILLIAM P. JONFS, Avet, •
des - N0.141 bort& Amt.
The Ruth= Body. Must Perspire, ---
Q 0 SAYS xATurtE, to have a healthy ap
k-I naninur, and eta dn eat peeaplre, are llable
Vida, mot litA,ll.llU, *ld+, Nme. Jona' Italan
ellemfeal eaaac:also , n fere lareafratlen. and at the ease°
time metllaea cu.,the ebb,, gteiuz It the tatter
et nu intatiCe.
• •
en. ilt i:Leuni. caul YLfri, ore not cal 'healed. but
canal b, kuit 7 phi to N. York know,
kho ow it Su guch 1,1 toad it +totalling—so also. lo
Pimple., Blotches. Fr,kl, oranyotber skin dos.. Tits
realer 4 sosurul that DUZ.I4 11210413P,tl
olio trio' till !novo. I eioil entususto at eltkt/
peon. coral of /ore,..l sore bostiL
Buy it—onti the ieuikr I, Again iwinrcki I would note..
elle sell it for tbe nhoro, outer I lint+ it to ha' all 1 state.
Thna3 also ore liable to chafed, crutkod,or [lsola
will•tioil the. lint only a env. but a preientlec ant .1 am
net only oil, thou not one oriacted With any of the abort.
i•rsiniibir theme,. will bud thin ult. and arra mots (ssirui.
ruble in Ito Fri than I triate.
lir But. reeler: the &mei ore flooded seitk iren
:out Le nuru ion Ask 110 ltalloaCtonsileal Boa
boy it Gni . , Nr3:4l.teKsos. only 46'era ri OMB.
brad of mei. • • •
Pearly. White Teeth, and PurePreath, to
be Leal for 23 nett,-YeVenns vello Lave either, an beams
bly ezettratl th at If truth fa ever en foul. etr tbvlr
taw &carol. dna or yellow, awl entrzudoll with tartar.
that a . 45 cent Lox of Joan Le Amber Tooth Nato 0111 hooka
the teeth of vilite_As than mal the breath atatt,roastr
Lola only at JACKSON'S Liam, ?An 'Moat, st..bearl of
A Scientific Haar onic, Restorer and Beau-
Itottlee, 37%cent,. Mum who kayo' =Ed JoalY. JON.' Cent 'Lair Ite.tinvir, know ita excellent qttantlea—
thee& who havet. Ira n'
Go pawns the follownsig
oualitivve—lt writ! [ nn erre the hair to grow. ori any part wir.
nature trnewleg Lakin iinrin ' , top hgling . on; eure.curt
or dandruff; awl twlre red. to gray hair won data
Fur wale:lna lieu hair roll and inlay, nothing ran exceed
thig—it manes it truly lautinel. awl keep aea it it, in•
dotii • the witut eininutakai—yuaeuperica—ertiele fur thi
only nt IIACKSON'S :tore, VG /Liberty stmt.
Lime or 3Vood. Mireburnt.
1 4 -icoo—bli: war, GO cent% nn4
BONES' Solution of, Jet, n Liquid Iluingn
Mir Dye. fur tha ettingint of labile. fed, outerey hair e to•
beautiful brown, or Mark Jai calor • lira uilutite.
rflrear — iatfeinia.4"... l ll l ..
Sala by W31../AChatir,24oLibertyatruetueauoz num.
IYtLI ..7 3 t- • ‘`.> •
L od 51e
latveltn.. ar
I trird f/r tl
e formerly
i oars in
JONES' LI LLY WlllTE.—Latlies are eau,.
t ono Whin tiring the common Char. They.
net nwase how frightfully illjUrioue It Is to the skin.,
hwy.:ines bow rough. how coll,w. yeihiwoutilonhcallby,
tho chin eptioarc. otter 9/1.04 prct injurious. containing onontir , . r
v have tirilisred a licantrful yegoLoble ortiottiortlob
call Jones' Spaincli Lilly Whits
'lt in y tunocent, tejtor puriSal of all delittctionThi
ntunt it import+ to Mc akin gyinturah healthy. at
tibattcY, cline. living white.: tint he canon limo noting foci cOn•
own e an the okin. wahine It sell. mot aneiatto
Sold by tbo Agent. IV% JACliiar: IN, 2koLltuiy dreet.
bowl f Waa Ilitoburgla nice. 24: soots.
l. •
• •
F „t i t, huodrp n Wilite and
~v . .n
of the °rest F e
in. •
at I.ltl,l4argh Peoßiee i .
(laid% :5 of Harris' 41.11 Mittall Pttlabarah
rrtor i ca; gruta of float and
bur able many g,unatity, totole by_lallUltßdiw '
I -ISAAC Fifth ;t.
yOR SA LE— A. small retail supply of
Writing Itltd Felon; hdent 14ua and kininig
I 'en holderiq ;end; Lead and 1•1..te
I Black leek; a Vll3l F I 11.0 y Of Alinnintr.,. f•vr Mat
13onkn a Terunrraiim Cheri: a ational. of
n - , , iap th.....ilravcur. Work': ka
role .'LARKIN
Attorneyat Law, Office
li 0j 11,11 r ki t, - ree
, hum
LEX. W. FOSTER, Attorney and Colin
Ali, •el inr at Law, DA Fourth xtrt, ec 'mu. Oren: rt.
rauburgh. • rpn 14111v:1618
. ,
vouLTER 11Al.Jib, Wholetcle and Re-
Cs/ lan of nul Third Arcot+,
olur tLa tteharle. 11.0. my-larlyB
, !CHANGE orvire...—N. 111./4.11E t . SONS, So. a 7
ruler ru,eet;!Pritelmr.A. Ezrlrramo on all the Mauro
mut Worterri citer tut! cede.. C!!eil•s!hrts rate in ig u ie A ..
sficiTa . ....lTAftw a Vniou. Nett!'e rm all sertevert
rarr Time hlns,nergclaterL: ' !
AN Lt It UIIBE It • pAsTE.:' 4 gros.s afthati
superb ankle for Loa , and photn, I,l,dt:rink them josp
rli..'delnionr*lley="""V;lll:Allo '3'tlfth'rettyl,t4Fl
nail 9 Wood Atm, [ in9l, t , LI. DIIILLIDS.•
XIITLEY & • COLVIN, Ctal Mercluinte,
).„, and o.alcro in Dry Goats. Groteri o, Iron Inut
rOjUel lit
of Woluut street tad Watlnin; u Turoplint Rood,
4..) merit •of Deporitr - hr4l Bala.. of. Ikreeite Irk" the
Ban: of littrburgh., of thewnrolat of tom el• •
moiling that , 13m, whlrlt,aitltin flo thr,o Tren
the date of thts ststrtneht. hare hut Ole: beerL tr=
vh d ,ln:ltt;tlh,_,,u4,ztgi.,fg.lir- 4 --b°,44ori . •
the mount. 02.1,, otateroc.r.trzchtth, drwrite
wed badances of deperho,rhieh kore“hartefore heetv Fhb.
11. shell for thrre'reore,fro:yran—ther LaYb.4l .. , •••••.dth
Jessollo.borty tier. !=,
James (reaner.)
..... ' l3u
MOO ,•
T0ru11t0•0u...,.. -Jahr .. 100.0 J I
. 0 for , W4vz .7.10 , cri0 1.4 Ciaarteridlie
the person. Ersamed, mho lhohlr; rr•smil.ted 11/03,. Un
rhaagal for-thrre year, • • • -
. .
Sworn and rotiorritant Lcfore thli :Mt dal' of D.
inuatier, WATiKr.S, Alden:mi. •
of the Cny of !gust:wolf.'
Comer of ThiO and Markot .trots. Muted A, D.
TM only' eltorteroll tuft:tub of the but in is..
F. - M . .4026r F11:10.. Princiral halite.= bathe
• . • • • • .• •
Pro of Peanant./4. Mgr'
tile Comuntntlnn. , tn.
• An.n.n.carn. 31. Il*.asn3r; inanre., on Cana..o4l.
Itran or l'aurrtirs—llcn. Wahl, /Ira. Jams
Buchanan, lion. John Iralen, llna. Chart. Nava,. Hex,
37m. timlntan. Wan. W. 11. Lawri,-.1.h..1.
John Anthrax, E.g., Con. J. K. .11wonhra, Jana. Dun
ha qt.:wry. Ex.,
Kx.tatram Lussattrru..—John T. (:‘,..1,2 , .x7. Ammo,' PI
Law; Janus Tamer,lterdratt IL A. thy., Aeorantahl.
Stolents wan enter Ugh Inetitutlra at awr raw, and PIP
taralraaratlon ittallalduallr, Loth tlar rah %bra
rattllnd. will train. a diihnna, tr; irartWitliTAMl
Karatialan Conrafttac.
Tn.. Prating a thoranzliitnowlattwhar-Ktb.P64,..
eranatablp, as will twar'ln trataitcat•lit. - 0 Plaahati
the College the lara In hitithraP. --,, ==fra .
UM. 1 4106.. Ed to
U. K. Chralralat, wino ..1.71 . 9=54
nitration. •
cilaTE to the iesideriCe oldie IS be 4 . 04
or, 'Moot the f+th of bo,tuattrr 'rot
H e il a orhate Wirer took, About four yrolu
i z milt Tire toner Ir brrelLtoil,frja4ortiTok.e