BY TELEGRAPH. CONGRESSIONAL. • ' -•-• • W...sinxotoN Jan The Senate did not it to-day, halng adjount nd OT from - yesterday till Monday r 'llonsn—Alter organizing, the House went into Committee of the Whole on private hills, Nothing of gene interest wan tnineacted. FURTHER BY THE ASIA I Nrw . Yost , Jan. 18. . • The,dates from Liverpool, by the,dvio, are to The ilint , :if - miver had again advanced, but there are no,eliahges is the money market. ..Graitt=The market. is hi precisely-. the same :11t6t9 sa-for some weeks past. The leading arti ' aro,!ell supported , and there is little change to notleein prices.. Provialbas—The imports of cured provisions are emalL, Lard is a shade higher. with a fair Tbere were a few sales of eastern baoaa at Egs 11 cwt. : There is no chatige in hams or shoulders. • But little is doing, transactions .. .hehigmostly. in a privati way. Clevelatui brands are selling at 73,5; and India Mess at 845 81 • tierce. Sales of pork , at 1.15656 t for new east tern 1 1 1 bbl. A, moderate buSinees an doing in chats; at for mar raw. . : , . • tron- - - - The =rid is firm, with no . change. ...Money Market—English stocks aro firm, and money is improving in value. The Bank of Eng land his inevasedthe rates of exchange with the condiment, which checks thaexport of gold. ,LMxis Napoleon, in interviews with the Rothe. 'tides, bus stated that he did seek the prolongs, thin of power. • DESTRUCTIVE FIRE AT NEW !OR . -• • . • :DESTRUCTION OF THE ST. CHARLES HOTEL • New Chunake, Jan. 17-11 P. 31. The . St. Charles Hotel vas consuMed by fire to also Dri Clapp's church, the Poydras street chant', Crescent lintel, and numerous ether adjoining buildints. AlB o'clock P. the tire wad got under, in isame . degree, but' had not stopped at 5 P. IL the 'Are:was still raging. . 1 , The St. Churlmtivas insured for $lOO,OOO. • There are several rumors of loss of life, bat we are unable to get facts. COLUSINCIN Jan. 18. The Whip, last night, nominated Hiram Gris wold, of Stark county for 1,1. 8. Sonata, far the long term.. Nsiv You; Jan. 18 The Atlantio sailed from Liverpool with 27 passengers, among wham was Abbott Lawrence, Jr. son of our Foreign Moisten A ship was passed - off.Hallfax, cut in two, supposed to beby collision with' somo Steamer. LOUISVILLE, Jan. 18. . The river has riven mine inches in the Mat 29 • hours, making, six feet one inch ureter in the The weather is clear and 'cold. • -• Thediorth Biter and .Eitrepo paaeed up' this , urnin g• L ' ; . The man,'Keats, who murderedhis wife in thin city, had been sentenacilto be hung, but has been pardoned by the Governor on condition that he lie 'United Stalma I- A elavo was to-day convicted for manslaughter, i.the penalty for 'Which is /death. The man, Ytunda, whti had a wife in Madison, and married another here, has been thund guilty b,igszny, and condemned to the penitentiary three years.. NEW YORK MARKET. NOOS Ittl.ollT. .Jaututry 18. . Cotton is steady, nt last quotations, with sales '6OO bales. Flour--The market is rutclianged, with farther lkslee of 1500 bbl. • Hales of Rye Flour at $1,'?,,57'. 1 I Wheat is without change. 1 Corn is film, with sales of 5,000 bushels Sou ,tent new at C6c Proyisioni—Pork is noMinally the same, with Wes of bbls. Sales!of 100 bble Heef at for mer rates. Hams are saleable at ' flogs us Steady at $6, - 0. cwt. Bales of'so bbl. Lard at yesterday'rrprices. Whiskey is in good demand, with sales 'of 'blast at 26e l' Linseed Oil is held at 90e, with - further sales ~'of2ooo galls. .41 - sykylsw.r,:rorir. . - • Cotton is buoyant, witkfl \ irther Wea r of 2,600 Flaar—The market is unclumged. Grain—Wheat and Rye are ruicluMged. Corn t eary firm,, with sales of 10,060 Imatiela at 66 Provhdomi—Pork is onchangesl, farther "sales of 630 bbls. Beef is firm, with sales of 200 bbla. and b in itnnelt, with sales or ISO barrels . Wbiskey is with Out change. 'Linseed oil-13ales 3,000 galls at Wei. orocerie3ales 290 sacks Coffee at and firm, nearly ell the !stock being in second . , ' Supra are unchanged, witb. sacs of 90 blab Orleans at 61. . Sales 100 bble'toolaases at 81i. ~ , - - - Wes - 200 tierces rice at $3,12®3,60AR 100. Other articles are unchanged. The weather% is very eold; the thernkometer standing at '26°. „ . BALTIMORE MARKET. Jatuty - 18. axles of Howard Street flour to-day; is hall at 54,6211 bbl, with buyers at UN. liBbllL Balm of 250 bbls City 3ffils at $4,62 "61 It thing &big 41;'arbe it. • ; of Yellow Corn at 58050 e, arid of White it 68,G64c 11" bu: I , Sales of Oats at 46,18 c.. Whiakey--Sales at 2 - 6 e. Seetl--Sali?, at 55 la bu. ' • . . eLtiCl_ N . - NATI MARKET. January 18. , Flour 7 The market is quiet, but holders are not premarig' sales. r 500 bbls were sold at $3,53 Whlakey-.-Sales at 23 , gee29i - {2 gall. Clover Seed are active, and all offered are tak ' at $5,60 be, and now held higher, Provislons--Thereis an active demand for Ind t, and near one million pounds have'clianged ' hands, chiefly at ..11S5Vfor shoulders and sides: EYII7 article of hog prmluct is eery buoyant. I • &Decries—Coffee 14 selling at ,Le. Sugar is, • ' Dried Apples are in,good demand, at 5:480o bu• The river. is stationary. and the, weather ex- . 11 '' arose—Nothing Iran done in hogs, and only, lots ate in' the pens. IFreighto are advancing—Flour toNese Orleans ' Oe 1114 Pork 80e - .0 bt.L. : , - L niree.ip. of Flour for bite week nreo,ooo' I The exports of Pork for the week are 7,000,1 '4...11M the receipts 4001,bis. • ! • Si . . LOUIS 31.kliKET. • Jtamary, - 17. The market is inactive today; and only a! Moderate brininess is . rialeiot goodetinn• 07-tror at $3.87. delivered on board. ; ' 1 • Bala or about 1000 bus Wheat at 7.5ev,80ie. Reeelpts . of Com are heavy, and. prvOes, have declined, pith tale's of 8,000 has at 46648 c. on Oats hive doclined ; with~small sales at 4.9 a C5i) ' Provisions"..l.slo olio. go in prices. isles 200 :61113 — mess pork et sly,so6l,sll bbl Lard is in hie dem nil. with sales of_ 700 bbls arid tierces lit 767 i alb; and•of 50 ; kegs at y. Is dull at 43c: Hogs—Sales 2.000 head at priOOlsrangi4froari 118,70 to ti 14. 1 2. 1, 'Vont. the latter price; tor hogs wahrlidag over 210 to 230 lbs. ; Tile - weather '1! and the river rising - NEW iIIII4INS MARKET. ,Nrrr cintuarM, y t , s . 15 . Co toa—The sales , to-day amounted to some MR bales, with no change in prices. - , • Flour-Z.Thci market is dull, without Change. • Corides.'o,ooo bus at 60€63i. Oats are selling at ? bu. PrOtieiga—Mason Sides are 'declining. ;Bales 2,00 q bags Rio Coffee at 1010,11 e Cl tb, -1 Sugar is selling at Si for prime. - Bales of molutses at :24f gall. JAxciar 16. All parties are awaiting the arrival of the steaneir. I - Cottanis dull, and 'declining, j in coaaequenee Alba non-arrival of the A tlantic: ' Flour.—New.Ohlo is selling at S4,2OVP bbl. J'J' Corn fl Provisions—Sales of mesa pork at ;$1.1;76(' 3 1112111:11; Sales of bacon aides at 7}® • Lard la dull; TY' ' Bakes and molasses aro dt4 _. j BENCIL.BROADOLOTIIB.--2 . lahy til 4 tre tweed e. teeth or the wirsuii. /mph DeN ''' Z . se and lAsamesex. MI 'awl Saila Vostltyfilttiery, loVr HOME MATTE ' S p . sniatts' Franvat:—The Journeymen • ‘ -Furtive, in, commemoration Of the Birtitldrty btlferipimin Franklin; took place on Friday eve .i,j; last, at Broiro's Motel., We make di , - the axed reportof the proceedings on the oeca- At s , r:o'clock. the Company, numbering about . . , assembled -at the Hotel of Mr. Brow ,t.— Among them we were pleased to notice Major 'Guthrie, John P. Glass, Earl., Wm. H. Smith, Rag., Alexander Jayne, EN., and several others, • {tot at present epnnected with the printing Levi- Ina. I In the &- terval preceding : the announcement of uPper, the company were entertained whirl ex . Ilent musk by White's Band. l e At precisely 10 o'eloek, 'upper was announced, arid while the band performed the " Grand March In Noma," the guests entered - the spacious din ing room, and took their seats at thevable. It would be useless for us to attempt a minute detail of the good things prepared for the aim". rion--ruffice it to say, the supper was all thatan r pleura could wish, and reflected much credit ypen ttie good taste of the hosts ; and the rapid with which the various dishes disappeared. gave evidence that their efforts to reader satia tion were appreciated. After all had partaken to their full satisfac 'on, the cloth was removed, and! the Company !grunted by the appointment of the followi ng ffreers : GEORGE .T. MYERS, President; ; Jas. F. CAMPBELL, W. S. HAVEN,' it:11. R. [MAW, A. V. Roos, and J. P. THOMPSON, Tire Presidents.- 1 George M. &Win, A. IL Ruud, and sr. Hiron Faster, Secretaries. The President, after calling the Company to order, delivered a fewappropriate remark's. The reading of the regular toasts being then in or der, •Mr. Joseph N. Kinkead, Chairman of the Committee appointed for purpose, read the following : TOASTS. 1. The Day we Celebrate—Memorable for hay mg given birth to an accomplished Scholar, tlis trgrushed Statesman, and ''' profound Philosopher.- usie, "Hail Rapp,* Day. , 2. The President of the United States. Music, Ir President's March." 13. The !Governor of Pennsylvania. Music, i ' Governor's March." i 1 4. The Memory of Washington—lt should be cherished by every American. Music, A Wash ington'a March." 5. Benjamin Franklin—The Tutelar Saint of our profession, and the model of all mechanics, his example of perseverance and industry is wor thy of imitation. 6. Faust, .Guttemberg, and Schoeffer—The in !venters, promoters, and improvers of the Art of Printing, the result of their labor has given light and liberty to millions. Music, " Guttemberg Waltz." 7.. The "Black Art"—"The art preservative 'or all arta." Music, .4 Devil'e Dream." 8. The Press—" The Lever that moves the ••In it all human lotowledge thrells ;, The Oracle of Oracles, Past, present, future, it reveiLs, Or in oblivion's silence seals; •. What it preserves can perish never— What it foregoes is lost forever." Music-- 9. The Freedom of the Press—The Bulwark of ',Republicanism, and theGuardiarcof the Pe,pple's Rights. Music -10. The Printers of France—The Liberty of their country attests the power they Wield.— Mule, •• Marseilles Hymn." 11. The American Union—He whose birth day we are commemorating, assisted in forming it. and the member of our craft who would give countenance to its dissolution, deserves the ear =don of every American citizen. Music, •‘ Star Spangled Banner." 12.. The' Pittsburgh Typographical Society—lt has rorrezted one error, by securing to the Jour neyman ogjust remuneration for has toil ; may its perpetuity' never be endangered by squabbles, nor its influence fail to make such an impression upon employers, us to bring good wages and prompt pay. i 18. The Ladies—We respect them for their virtue, and admire them for their amiability, and ; 4 1?filleve with our great prototype, that " He that would thrive, Must ask his wife." • . Music, '• Ladis Reception March." A large null:ther of volunteer toasts were read. and the utmost mirth and good feeling prevail ed. The Company. separated at about half-pf.t two o'clock, highly gratified with - the festivities i of the night. EXCITEMENT. —Quite an excitement prevailed among the boarders at the Exchange Hotel yes terday. On Saturday, a lady with form children 'arrived here, on her way to New York, and took lodgings at the Exchange Hotel. At an early hour on Sunday, a gentleman, accompanied by a legal friend, came to the hotel, and examined the register. The gentleman, on acting the lady's name, declared that he was her husband, and de manded to be shown to her room, for the purpose of taking pd'ssesaion of the children. Hewes requested to wait until Me Mould rise, when, perhaps, the affair could be mettled in an amicable manner. The gentleman and his friend then left the room, rind it was supposed that they had gone out of the hotel but in a short time the clerk beard. the scream of a female, and, rushing into the entry, snit the husband running down stairs with hit children, pursued by their mother. lie immediately went is the lady's as sistance., and rescued three of them, which he gave into her charge. The husband retained possession of the youngest, and was going out of the door, when the clerk caught it by theclothes; but the father pulled it ont of his hands, and ran off with the child, which was perfectly naked, its clothes having teen torn off in the affray. The servants of the hotel, summoned by the screanutef the woman, pursued, and chasing the man down Penn street, 'succeeded in overtaking him. The child was recaptured and handed buck to its mother, who still remains nt the hotel. We presume that the children will be brbught before tome of the Courts on a writ of habeas carpus to-day. \ An exceedingly distressing accident occurred yesterday, which resulted in tho death of a be", loved 'child; and in the hope that it would be warning to parents, leaning their children alone, the writer Of this has been induced tn. - furnish the particulars. A German family. residing in 'the upper part of Duquesne borough, on the pre mises of Louis Fielback, Esq., and in his em ploy, had the misfortune to have their oldest child, ft little girl T or 8 years old, burned to death, in consequence of its clothes accidentally catching lire. It appears that the mother went on an errand a short distance from the house to film Elelback . a, and.on! her return, which was tint a shoretime after; fin entering her house, she bad to witness the henri'rending spectacle of her daughter stietched out on the floor, 'surrounded With fire, and in ttio last agonies of death. Bhe picked her pup, 'vire one !terrific scream, and swooned away. Mte. Fielliack, at this crisis, most fortunately heard the scream, and hasten ed to the house, and found the Wither lying on the Boor, senselces, with her lifeless child, and the house partially on fire. The child left - in the little girl's care won found safely seated on its little chair,,but pale of corpse. „_ 1.H11.1. FOUND. —A very fine little boy, between two4d tht'ec yearn of age, wos found on Satur day, wandering along Wood street, near Liberty. He wactery nentlynod comfortably dressed, and 'wore a gretm clook,rwitit narrow red stripes. Ile had on a black cap and ostrich feather. The puce little fellow was almost frozen, end wan weeping bitterly. Ills purents can find him by inquiring at the residence of 'Mr. James Cud dy, in. Penn street,. Fifth Ward, two doors from the canal bridge. EXPESnVE TOLL.—Two persons attempted to cross the ktonongithela Bridge yesterday, without paying tajl. They were arrested, and taken be fore Mayne Guthrie, where -they paid the two cents toll, and a fine of a dollar and the coots. ' DIRTCHDANCE AT A WEDDINCL—SeTea young Bien we:v. : brought before the ltlayor of Alleghe ny, for creating A disturbance at u wctidi s i g ,,, s , Saturday night. ..They were proved to be guilty of the offence, and fined one dollar each, anti the costa, which they paid, and were discharged. Arrattrrai, Huthwity Hallam Trorillo was stopped by three means in the Seventh Ward, text week who dennueled his money. Ha pulled& acre* driver out hie pocket, and preeanted it at them, as If it were it. pistol, upon which they fled. SUOCKIXO ACCIDENT.—Two horses, wLich had just been unhitched from a COBl wagon, on Nat lanky, ran off down Liberty street at full speed, and struck a one horse wagon, belonging to Graff, Lindsay it loaded with iron. The shock was so revere, that the driver was thrown old, and the (wagon over Lim, Injuring him in a terrible Manner. • Ile was &iced Up insensible, and carried into a neigliboridg store, where his wounds were dressed, but iserions fours. are to his recorery4 to did not bear the poor fellow's Arrnstris4 litonstar RonnEac.—We under stand that an titl e apt wee made, on Friday night last, to rbb (to Arthur* Esq., maw his resi dence in the 9Fsctith Ward. The, scoundrel, hqweeer, met; with ouch rough treatment that he was obliged to detecop. Attlrare bad Vico in gold,: in hiit'Ociet, which 'would hate been ciaita a P 4" I .° T. 0 0 fellow, bid it not been for the oimer's bravery. • COURT 07 IatrATIZZIt 113=0IIIL E=lnE! . A • Present—hon. Wm. B. 3leCittre, President edge, and SoMuel Jones; Associate Judge: \ The trial of the ease of &Commonwealth vs. .William Caine—indictment, assault and battery —4,ts mussed. The defendant "had Made a most outrageous attack, in Wiley street, upon a manmod McGee, striking him upon the head with a umblea or bottle, which broke, rutting his he d frightfully. 'Pwo other persons r\\ were conCerned in the assault, against whom true bills had bken returned, but they made their es cape, \ • . The jury. after a short absence, brought in a verdict of " 'By of assault and battery." The defendant has n t, as yet, received his sentence. . SzsrEsern.—D ---.."--4 'el Mackey, convicted at the present term of the Court of Quarter Sessions, of murder in the s an d • degree, committed in killing 31elchoir Bel oover, was brought into iglu \ the Court of Quarter miens on Saturday, to receive his sentence. hen asked by Judge McClure what he had to say, before sentence should be passed upon him he gave an indistinct reply. Judg e McClure then 'proceeded to make a brief address, asseveratilds belief in the prisoner's guilt, and declarin that if the jury Il i had brought in a verdict of " ty of murder in the' firstdegree," the verdict you 4 have stood.— Ile would now, however, have ample opportuni ties for prayer and repentance in theells of the Penitentiary and he urged him to embrace those opportunities. . The learned Judge then proceeded to embalm° him to eleven years and nine months i prison mut in the cells of the Western Penite*iary. The prisoner received his sentence with but ittle ,appareut emotion, and was led back to the c un ity prison. Between one and two o'clock, Officer Fon, the jailor, took him over to the d'enitentiary. Ile was not ironed, but walked along without giving ' any trouble, evincing, as he has done, since the commencement of his confinement, the utmost degree of submissiveness. .DISTINatISIILD DEPAIITCTZ.—Joseph Etarker, ex-Mayor of the city of Pittsburgh, left last night en route for the Eastern cities, where he in tends; we understand, to deliver a course of lectures on his own eventful history. STZALING Snake.—Two rascals sold fifty sheep in Allegheny last week. which they had stolen from a farmer in Washington county. The police are in hot pursuit of them. SINGULAR Ceer...--Jobn Mason and Samuel Nut ting were committed to jail on Friday, an a charge of conspiracy. Mr. Nutting claims to be the founder of a new sect of christians, and Ma son is one of his disciples. They both appear to be very sincere and devout, however misguided they may be, and were sent to prison for what is certainly no legal offence,. Mr. Mason, (whose wife has parted from him owing to his peculiar religious belief,) wishing to take possession of his child, which is three peers old, had some conversation with Nutting on the subject, and af terwards took the child. This has been magni fied into a conspiracy, end they'are now both in jail When taken into custody by the policemen, 31ason stripped off his coat,_ and wrapped it round his child, which he took will him to the magistrates. The day was very cold, and he was asked whether or not he felt chilly. He declared he did not, "being kept warm by the grace of God." On the way to prison, Nutting gene the policeman half n dollar to buy him a bible, and on Saturday he was busily engaged in reading and expounding it to the prisoners. Mama's Orrice, Yrrrsaction.—Eight per soim were brought before his hiinor, Mayor Guth rie, on Saturday, on carious charges of drunk enness and disorderly conduct. Some paid their tines, and others were sentenced to short terms of imprisonment. bi SUMO OLD QVAIITCHN.—The night watch men, headed by their captain, the gallant rol. Trevino, un Friday night, (the first night that Mayor Guthrie took possession of the Mayor's office) went back to their former quarters in the, watch house, The roll was called, and every thing went on in the old manner. All the pris oners taken by the watchmen were put into the cells, and brought before the Mayor in the morning. FLOATLNO Inn:—Our rivers aro now covered by denting ice, so that navigation. although not suspended, is rendered difficult. Arrant-ran lliouwar Itouneicr.—,An attempt VAS made, last week, to rob Hr. Wiekershtun, of the Point Saw Mill. A man followed him from Pittsburgh, over to his residence in Allegheny, and when opposite the dour, the scorunlrel pre sented a pistol at his breast, but was immediate ly knocked clown by .Ifr. W. The fellow anteced ed, however, in muking his escape. SENTLiCEII.—John of an at e:tuft aml , battery, conunittetron a colorcii wo man, in Allegheny, tens, on Saturday, setftenced to three mouths' imprisonment in the County Prison. There seemed to be considerable doubt of the prisoner's guilt, set many witnets,es proving an alibi as those who !mere to his guilt, but it tees thought best not to grant him n new trial, inasmuch no not being able to procure bail. he would have been obliged to - lie in prison for a longer term that, that for which he has been sen tenced. TIIE , WEATTILIL—The'wcatber for the past few days has been exceedingly Cold, presenting a stri king contrast to the pre riously warm weather. If it continues lunch longer, stre will have ice in abundance. CLEAN.—The 111,11jOeb offige ATS.. 9 thoroughly Cimmed on Saturday. The floors were scrubbed. the ceiling whitewashed, &c., and tise fresh smell of the lime has banished the unpleasant odors which filled it before. Enna.—The policeman mentioned in some of the papers on Saturday, ns haring been cimccrn ed in a very dishonorable transaction, to say the .F teas, tof it, as, we are requested to say,„ not Wm. edut present Lieutenant of the night watch, but ohn:Reed, late of the Mayor's police. 3lr. Wm. Reed has always proved himself to be n very wortbf and efficient officer New Norm.-by G. H. James, Esq., called Henry Smeaton '• Jacobite story,. of the reign of Om foot, the for sale at Holmes' literary depot, Third street. Tux Pocwe . ~—air. John D. Wells boo been tip , pointed a member of the police ,by Mayor Guth rie, Mee Daniel lifeartr.; reeiguet- MANott's Ontre.—Several common came— drunkaribt and vegtentx—were yesterday brought before hislotior, Mayor Guthrie, and dealt. with in the ustnq Inserter. I.ll.lloLutre the folkoring rettlamda, and then doOld. If you eau. the trlntuldnmt gnititle. OW ...seed by this grand remedy. Cranberry nortutio. Venango 21 . " 47 Mr. Bleakel,—ldear the-1 take adesmlnt In Informing pool, the locale of Dr. Mdlne . • Veraituge *bleb I pur ets..l term you, ban given me anther eatiAtetion. I gore to a ghikt of mine one tenvourddi or It, and the 'ap.] 117 norms. The next morning I gave bar a teltepoonful moo*. when etre Imaged 113 mow, the _next morning I Novo bey the 0110 . 0 quantity. and rho peeved 13 More. Y.. , & 4 . ANDREW YOWNltili J. 1101/1) a co_. co Wood rt For tad. Ly slSalktk By.mAticAßEE CASE! -EVIDENCE IN OUR MIDST. 310. Kunt-I(in I cheerfully comply with yourieettest that I would give ;on no amount of the almost mirarulons sure of my little daughter's eye by the Mot of your 7Petre leum." - She attacked with a eery Jo. eye In February or 'Mush last. when I immediately applied to the best metli. eel odd In the city, by whom it was pronounced a - very twal eye,' and gave me uo hobo of doing hem any god. Af ter Which I Loot her Into the,mutdry lo on old 1.17. who hod been very successful in curing eyes. the told me that herborybles, as sho would mesh/1y low tut only that rase one, bgt also that the other would follow—it being • serofulodiallection of the blood. And Ido certify. that et the time my father (J. IL Vashon) came An We ono:lasi= that we but better try your Petroleum. We Wet entirely 6410! of onswye. It is now about two months know she began Ha use. and she ran now nee with both or.. good ae ever .he did; and, no far as I can tell, I believe .he has, with the blessing of We Almighty, been Wred by Petrotte nre. Yours, reibertfnllY,. 31. Falun. VAgnox Comm Pittsburgh, Sept. 30, 1650. RirFor nob by Herter A McDowele, 110. Wood st, IL E. Fellers, 07 Wool et: It. 11. Curry, D. A . gllMt, J.K•Pb Doo• ant] 11.1 0 itchwarts. Allegheny: Abo by the promis. tor. MEIIEM LOOK KERB MY FRIEND! ARE YOU A FATIIEIt, 14boring for the upp7rt of • family. and aortal. ...roan general bunt.. t . lifo ream • bunt.. • " u . 11.71 4 rull . 11 " f)VUI di:ma to whloh males pro generally .bust, use Dr. t.l/..litua'a Obalow earaparllls—it will certainty cure you: Call at our &got, or on ono of out agen and get a pamphlot. grad., where you will gad that tit e Oar a• Dreamt by Ur. 0. 1). )(owe, had boon ..the mesas of yanapneutly curing more diwarct whkh the hum. family yr eubiat. al. W. preparation of &:stills eser yet brought Le i Lbw nag sactlitirts has established Its high sertubstiou by lb" norucrtni• .41 well attated aura. • •• • • . II Is pot up In quart ballot • •••tul le the only Damobstillo that sett on the Liver, Kldesylt, and Blood tat the none Bum ohlch renders It altogether Mom valusule to e. O f onporticularly to Samles. Mauro and enquire far Dw'S. D. BOWE'S MAK= BAIIS.OPBILIak. amt take on Mho.. .• . him $1 per bottle-6 bottles for 11. for Salo DR. D, DOWD k CO, Promietars, ' 1 Collette CletrAnnon, (Mkt L To whom ell order. rimy be Odra...rd. k. thr ult. by jams, J. lichoonmaker .1 Co, Bt. IL W. alums, 4.11. Torremod. J. nobler W. Jaen. M i ttieb= o /1. A. MAL Allealmny tr. B. Bo mcirt.e3kitti. motor, I'. P. Crce=ker. toro v.. l 2 le• Jae. Pall The Greatest Bargaiaof the Baum R 217 . D. THOMPSON, No. U.ll.lfirket . donee Doti liberty, having deterogrred to claw I:l .' orlnee% by the Dret .Aprit via, firea day, Iderealre,kkek of Vaaey and Staple Dry Gouts at Der •Thill Cork berm aeor, largeeiood well *eke:W. mar 11111.• la tart oo folkone— pick.l,4 DWI/lc --frekeh Merinos, Pararreettak Cobark Oath. Delalue.Caehoterre, kiPaer..., 0. 1 0*.i Dro. rAlk.++ aide tilatie do; lime's, lams amt Clothx, t r kuoiroerea, Dliikallk T' llfZ g l C PSlAMDO M DZ i faule d ., 64 524; Cotton' &walla:, Damask eitolo " Llnen. lictern and blesichoi; litoraek Table Clotho, :halm, Doyle/4*e. Also, large amortment,li Whitney and Hath Blanket.. tortlgr , SIN a 01 fall etcek Dome!tle ?rode. ". er mds at cost, 11 DORT. D. TIIOIIPSON. FAGLE FOUNDA.T. JO. N1CE01.4;71.. ' ... ...... ............. `., k. w. o. PATS. TQE witlemigned, succeowors to Attburo tO 1 ; R. , Nknoitoot, two l oo y to inftace the citizens of Pit a IM brit t t ' t . ; IWe Y. t s: 1 ur. ft t h : 1 7: ' 4 " il ' ,I Isle pax of their patterns rosily for the maraet: Ante: v eh ars Cooking Storer. of and Wool Stoves, wi • apt mild sir tight Cm! Stove, which-is now superoeding. In oCher cities, the commits( round Stone. Also,a with mad Cooking Stove, well adapted ha , rail familleg with • hat assortment of Common and M.el Orates. We would particularly invite Use attention of pens. building, to call at our smrshousd before purchasing else. where, and examine a splendid article of tills market Gusto, finished in tine style—entirely Pew In tills markeL Warehouse—No. g 35 Liberty st.. opposite Wood ot. attg - Asllf NICLIOLSON & PAYNE. WEBB'S Noimal Renders, MeGuirm'a do . tiVry A rl i a l PT,tretV. and ate vbdlrt=nTelrlta'aailll-' env' woolhs, Alm. general meortment f Maga ibblefor achools. &milieux-and office. Alec, of Bro . . punations, at TILE E lli Market or e r IVIIITORY; • of Fourth. IR JOHN MURRAY'S FLUID 20,aliEsi.s. Pre pured %Mit, the Immediate can ofthelnventPX and established for upeueds of thirty Tea. , This elegant preparation Is recommended in all canni rd bile, twidinee, indiffeetion, tont: and gravel, as the newt safe, can-, and ethetual [oral In which - Magnesia may, Itukted the only one to which Bought to be exhibited, paw waning ell the prenverthw of the Magneda now In general met without being like It. to binn dangerous concrie Ilona in the bowelg it effectually num beratburn wltbout iuih rh th ore, 1., of the etomuth,es pOttISS, and their known to dm it prevente the Mod of infante tenting men In all caws 11 artsas a pleasing ancrientonel is La-cull:Ley adapted to female..' ut , l- r . l l l t=nlZnn i Vi l ibt 4'd a' s ' a. l ltro 'nl.o, f), f' -u7tfrart ' d I.vel, thereby- e s then- Injurious tenueney, when other alkalies and even Maguesht IDOL bed tallest Tette Mr Philip Crampton. Bart., Stirtesbu tieuend to Ow Arm y in Sir—There can be no donit that Named& may te adtniMstered mon safely in the form of • concentmted lußon than in galena/we: for this, and map other meson; I au& of, opinion that the Fluid Mullen& le a very valuable addition to our Malone Medias. PILILIP CILAIIPTON." Mr Jet:. Clark. Sir A. Copper, Dr. Bright, And Menem Guthrie dllerß•rt Mayo, of London, ntrougly recommend llstrbur•s Fluid Magnesia. ne being Infinitely morovafa and convenient Lbws the wall a, a ftee from the elan ger nttend lug the onus nt use of soda or leave For bale by he imporleffi ant prop, atm, B. A. FAIINESTOC t .jai Weed a Front CO . s. EW STOCK OP . PIANOS,Oq4I at the ()olden\ f ‘ latm. No. lot Thiel IL- U.ILLEBEII to n receiving a Inwh lot of e legant Pith, made by boo. dyLaltr, York. among tlonn, • aplendid canal Plano of be richest denviptidu of exkvior and tune. It-is made In he Booeco stb le, m Yovue in the reign of Loads XIV and XV. Also,a new Int or Duddenahle sad papule, Musk, nn estenstve selectio\af Brass Instruments. Violins tinter% Mat th ew, met e variety of musical nierthatg lain- - - A CA.B.D-185L URPIIY & BURCIII c :IELD,,North East. corner of Fourth and 3I art idol., Pitteburgh, tt the commencement !Abe Nvvr Year, to re. tuna their Mange to their coalmen, and the public gener ft.,' the large share of custom extended to them, and Inv to the continuance of their favor , . Having revently enl♦ rged and Improved their rrnm. rid,y areenablol Frew ghood a very extenaive worts:tent of Chnds—uld buyen will bare the advantage of plenty of Light to ea min , dds, and make their selection. They ilegign making their establiahment, a. far as praotleab ,le a VA3IILY STORE, whore every article In the Dr, thkala line, needed for he 'rug. of boon.. ran be procundv-and In their llouad ;:ffiril.trotltele,,;:tt7:,!torglriutlnt'l: dividnals, to favor them with their custom. , WIIOLESA LE BUSINESS will be ointinned In the ! rma up stain—ontrance from 4th street, ok through lower roma. Ant. BOYS' SATINETTS.—Itturphy & ttitrch arid have reorived g lot of handannio Panty Spud new, f el or Buy.' wear, al, Plaid Ma Casannkr. a, ay at north eta Ma Jeans be rket street.. RESII FRUITS, NUTS, &U.-624 Zante Currants: 300 Ite l taivirm 3. hen Flialaing hf bee do. do: 40 nr b. do. ho.', 40 t boo dodo: Za drunn Smyrna Flaw, 3 axles Citron; 5 dos Lemon Itoean (kora. Powder; 24 Are Bordeaux Prunea 3 iris. Meal Pater Shell Almondo. dna yam am.orted Pickles. For male by J. It WILLIAS CO. del. Corner Moat C FM.. HEESE.--19S has Cream Cheese in store V and So sale hy JAMES DALZELL, • jail tio.d3 Water street- SALERATUS-4 e.cks No. I Salerntus: it bid, do der, In steer utd for sale by JANIEtt DALZELI. jsull 15 Water stre,L LOOMS---One hundred tens Tennosee I Illontor,_lo tone Tonne., hlale.reeelalng_from steam r i/eness, i.]e far rAle by JAN ES DA LZELL, An. al Water street. VINDOW GLASS--Five hundred boxes rorne slaw Da nom and for rain by 1.11 JAMES DALZELL . _ TASI-1.--5 easku Potamh, jukt received, by ' RollydrY DALZELL t CO. IEW LK:HT.—Ivo have received a lot of LAt rs. of variona an. and kinds. of • new al.trucnon that Im gu il t .Itnide and complete—some arm,' the srlLie to born in !bent. celled ••11tintins .r - Ellerin! Oil." It btu rare qualities which moromeml t attenti,n of men. !Intel keeper, sad louse keel.... For riesullites, ,taus, and brilliancy, t soy thin, turtable on In are. irboillettaa to ran on us will be sbeoun the perm mritim of the tars , romplund. A ronAtent supply of the fold nod lamps kept by 'S.CAIVA: ATICIAnON. •-•. 14 st, between Wont and Sbarket. g lIRRTRIES. • LI bal(dlned. Young Ily.on unl tildck Tow( 35 bond* do. dr, Imp. loom oun Yonder. 9.1 1005. Rune!! d Rob To 19 do. 'P. Itobirmn t Co.. 5 a and do 91 do , 7Ctildnend s'd Toladro. 15 qr.-tin - ids hue and Ilardrudni gd do. cattr boa... Jame, Tbusupson Jr. Ouldrn Leaf h Pt Lump, in enra and fur dee br 10n9 JOHN PARKER 1 CO. EW ORLEANS SUGAR. 111,41, 0/d cop Vitae quail( r, iddre and for W. 4 I/ 41.91 • JOHN PARKER 4 (O. .101iN BROOMS. • du dawn Room in store and for NO, by 0 Cum .10110 PARKE!: k 00. ULD RYE WIIISKEY. . ao bhls. mire 14 ii Whlskey..,rry old and envie," - in I.blit. Uhl Monoriptinis Whiskey in Mort. and fur Pi , " bY ' i pinni JOIIN Altlint k W. IN EW llA3lS—Elains 8: Swift it (Cincinnati inninr Cured Ilea., just mind, for We by 1 0 1011. A. )IcCLUItli .it W. WA Libill3 , st bEAF LARD--Prime Cineind afi Leaf Lard. ,ut , up In ken for foroilr ori i, f , r t r . t , )iraf_sridtt43: 14' OR SiLE.—A few ..hares Cliff Mine WA. torkla Narth Americo and Weatent Inauraace APO, in DATRD k IRS 114 &emu! rt. lalo BUTTER. -Thirty kegs and bene , ..lll.l.,ftetlaad 44r .ale by ! /all) • J. C. bILL,VFORTII & co. QUGAR-2111613 N. U. Sugar. Tor rale by DROWN tr EIERPATIIICK.II,I4 Men, et. EW RAISINS on eongignment for male by _LI Jed: DROWN A FTEEPATIIICK. DOWDEREI) F(ENUGRAEC, Sou 11.. to We by (jell BRAUN, nErrEn, 1.11 ECTIFIED WHISKEY. t 1201 Ll. best Evening Whiskey, in store end feriae. twit JiNIN DARKEN a Co. BItA N DIES. WINES, GINS,' &O. -- :IS half pipes Cognise [Woody, mod Dark.. cake a yr. cats do do . Paler 0,01011. do do, and tuorTeelehrigal brands. 1. pipes Rolland inn .. 11ohlitis Author . and - VIA.' 2 polltheolll Irish nod Snitch Hull. Whiskey. do Jemmies num. II bids. N. E. do. do. qy ranks Port Wine. 01 do Madeira Wine. IX/ do Sweet • TT do Dry do. do. In do ghee, Wine. 25 hoses nordeang In Piers ant for We by JOHN PARKER CO.. Dna , Lihry street 1173..1. 12hGuLiberty,strfori7,,,,begn en5...T....0at tele riTelvingtt " new ' tali o .le,: o nt CLOTHS. CAsSIMERES. end TEsTINlig; of the neleeel adented for the anprenehing and .01.0 All (hone In want of rhea., fsehionabla and good elothli,, will end the Lancet. most fashionable, and beet stak In the Western eetuutry. at thia establiahment ayly RAIL ROAD LETTING Dl' , OHIO. 1117ELLEFONTAINE & INDIANA RAIL r t LIDA Lb—Sealed Proposal% will to reeving .14 'kam •l Darla. Couty. Ohio. (lino , . as %eresillooi unit Jan. nary 21.-111 SI. to e doing the grubbing. dealing. ..I V.I . log. on 25 miles from InravJn Creek. to the Witch , ' with the .. 1011auate.lis and Dellefontaine Wad," at. tte diem. etale line. Pndlies ore now ready. at the Etsginewea oft,. in SIDNEY. Shelby county. Ohio. where Inlbeniation ean.he &blnt front terse% Pemberton Inaident Engtneer. Protenals m oo ale. In left .1 Sidney Ull the of Jean •. wadnatelved .t MANION. Ohio, until Feb. brear. i iny 'd ,l ' ol I, th e gru s tiblog,Lleltr , and relt d iL ng Tre n 'd' orVatiVr i <7ll: *, l762:4l:fit win to tan days benne the lotting. Information can In nb red from Alea. Worrell, Resident Engineer, at Delhi* taw, and at the Chief Engineerg °faro Nation. The above are the only portions on the route nett. on. ' der enittract. This rend le kinnirn ..ton ethint I k" theism. ',antral backbone chain; tn St Louis. tad likewise es the western egmtinuation 'of the main line..fnan Dugan nod New Took. thnsugh Cleve land. fly omit, or Ow hurl or Inferior, )11LtiUR It(4llila6. Chief Eagbie•r. IP.arginver . a Otte.. Marion, 0., Dew. 10, INA. brtn fifteenkPgti for IA Plat by de..'.] HIIIIIVEIt Y BAR I' ES. NOW IS 'l'llE TIME. MAGAZINES Yon IVA,at .HVlAlltt.4' Literary WM, Third alraet,'ol. voile the Po-I. 011ke. Pittaburitit. Ilantkera' Magasitte per year $0 IV !NM? ..... do Ainrririiii Whig Review..., 51rA. Ellle s.loroinii Coll do Ilpore Mwookstrto do W U . a . 0y . 0 Lod'''. Book ........ ....... do tt Sortabe• Ifogor.lon ..... do 2 Lo latrennUouol dbonolod do 3OW Di=kwodr. Muotho , ..... do 300 ilurticulturiat Cultivator do I bittati'm 141Tiftf Atm do a Utv Tim J.. f u. b ry uump, or them Slaasalues will brat end urn ary t • new volume, and will by ilia brat ever • . uS)—Th above tonstalluos will be delhernl froci ef post- MP .ur ortict, 'Add dude a sating to flit., subscribing with me. A Isrge And well selected stock of tnagraccut AN:SC. Al 4 GIFT 130t/K.S, We., suitable toe Christmas SALL New leer's ITwkatl.... Also An exienalve meortmeut at Novels end Cheap pub, card, fir. All orders attends eJ lo punctually. J. 0. HOLMES, No.ll Third otawt. Splendid Gift Books. E3I A LI: POETS of America; by T B Bead Our Carlos with Prophets and Appetit. Op 'lles. Wainwright treys In the Life of our Parlour. Family flumtn.tary on the Four felosrris. Pp Dr."t'Pog• Pun. Scan. and Characters. liy J. T. It nol lr• Parrett Mountains. hp J. T. Ileadir. Illustratel Phakspeare. 11l Outten 'Pendant*. Parrot Posta of England and Araetim • ; Poet's Offering. baud by Mn.. P. J. lisle. Ev o f en fg thumb- sat leenahisun Manor. By Mrs. 31.11cIntueb. Dew IBM. taupe[ of Modurn Art for itZL . . . Tesoperaucc Uttering do TLe Thor Irving Oficriod do Na ng do Tit . o Remember Mu do . The mother'. it...mprente. By Genco Ann11..1.1 • • he Tale of Onion., ac. Views of the Bleroooople Worl4l. By John Brcekle nobtnth sawallnio. Bonin, in W..' Bind , 11.3. ny ' , meninx nor We by 11. KNOWS s a r 0 j. 16,15 TV Wood.ot I S ll Fifteen i drums G. B. Cod 313 . br1m No. 3 3113ckeire%: 23 Ma tia 1. lake MA; • FN. ararazel. I tt story ati4 IN male by JOLLI iTATT • ,fit` , '". ~'`"_`. . . . . LIEIF OF ,ISITBRI3 liniabaNG in the litteletrghPostOliee, tram Mai lat a.....rk...1. th • Lith zonnri• - rs:eu.,eeelles arm Pm. AO tkr. Ladies List, • AII. Sarah A Alatarab. Lydia Anderson Martha Atrt. Al. • Arabarta. Jana A Atkin Jame Hail Math Bentley Mirth Brokaw Sarah ' Hall Janes Blair Mar.% Brown kiw7,B B.( th Hahn= LAW. B m.ry v Haat= Charlotte Bonner Hardt A Lllen Banta Bowerbank Jane Harwich. lone Dear /Math • Boyd Bona Ball Marl DeU 31.7 Beekixtrip W Zwira et • Brewer Julia 8 Calhoun Eifel Dark Farah 'Can:anus Mary • AUne Clinton dira L Corwin Jule Caturnak Mari A Coat+ Farah , Courtewy Marge OwPion Jane Gahm. Ninth Crawford Huy L Carnahan (.Ireditat Cothran Eliza Crawford Marl . 1 • Owe Ana klit. Cahn Elisth Merry hiraHWY Caulfield Math J Collyrhaw Catb S Cuthbert... Ellw Chamberablia ILPOdnul Brbluec Curry,Cbarlotte Cwwi.7 Harr A Cook D Jane lkoper Um. Pay Antainetta Dwarna Hary_y, Dark. Harr Daily Cathrie Dimmunn M a gi Duckett Juke ktra 8L • Donahoe Anne ,Dunkle Sarah J Dean Conle ll ." Hunkberty Unice Duman Marla Edgar Haga r t Muff)! ary J Ertil !Jaw Ann .1 ? Finnigan Mbar Pliath Frederic Markt Fortune Carane aline Fitzgerald Fwytel U ,Ylemingd Flow Ann Gehl.' Mani' Hatton A., awn. Hirt Mrs 31 Ower Delilah (Habana Mitt!. Grady Ellatb ' Hn.Jm tiny !Intl It .• Hagerty 3111•8 Hartwell 111,.. Hough Sarah • Hamilton Jane Ilertalowattliath Barth Haney Alice Hazlett II 11 .83.. itch !latter klargt Henry Lars 11u11 Farah Harem DWI. Herbert. (..thne Humphrey hlargt 3 Harding 1.7 uoth, sw Wa ab Hunter al" Harris .1 Ann Ilutehhana Sirs Irwin Hwy A Ivory Farah A Jark=u,Sllll. Joe. Mrs Huh Johnston Mimi Jackson Mary Joaea Misa Johnston It= Jamas Mary Johnston \Sarah A Re= M A Kelly,Asin Rinkkad Ellstb Kam= Bride Kelly - Mary A Kinks Matilda Keegan Honor Kelsey Sarah KlmaeyNancy NeMer Mary W Kilian Ella= Larubert Rb S Lemon SarahA Loyd Math Lawrence Lobelia Little Ilan= A Loyd - Mary Layne Maly V Lg= AIM Lyman Mime Logan MI. Madden lionorah Martin Nancy Moo F.Phi• m ;114 1 1% b° 31 . Y.1ra? "' ,.. Me 'bl klidford u Ssinr Noonan Jane Z Mason Nancy Milli FLatilel Morrison Mn Martin killa Miller Mary Myers Sarah Moog E A MNlrr S Z Mulrany Nola Mitruhy Cathrui -lie MIN= Margt WVadden Jam WHlnontens Farah Wean Finumes SPCIII Mary 311(lnatrey Juts Mein/ Calbne ArGittlyran Mar( Wharmey Mrs Jam Welurg Matilda WKay WLanshUm Ann M'Crialy Mast WK..* Kurth WLeealtachael A WDermott Mary WKlbbin Susan M WlJnal Sarah M'Vadden Mr, kr.Mahin Julia I;U:=MM:elf!!!! Owele We Geo Orr 14rOts O'Connor Morn O'Brirn Ann Pattern= 'Mrs PahPorter Ulna B PhUllyps M Porter Mary = tenh‘.l7 13 Randolph Myth Redenbark , Call% Robinson 11 M Ray Mrs Itlrhardma Ellth Roblneark lday Mann Riley/ft:7 Roane ogers oClanllll. R 11.1 n% an Charlotie Riley North Sawyer M B BiI4PROLI 31 8th Stephan LILO Scanlon Catb SSlth Math A liteektatt Mar 54arfr. Stt!ph Mrs Smith MP. A Stoops Ebas Saliva 33,, I.lanAbbalth Mt. 33 Salter Strickler Cara Mrs lltuL • doromerrill• MpthSalter Sophia Sexton David Sprawl. Mrs J Swallow la t h Shaw Mary 8 Squire haft Stavart Elath Shepler Matron! Math Steam% Mrgth Choose Mrgth A T Team Cath Thuile Rachel Taman Bah IX omneoa 31/irtb Toler lento C Tracy Susan 31 • V Wade .111, Ants AWeldou MEW= Ilgth Nis4del 8.03 Jane 'Wells Harriett Willluas 3fallk 0 Wagnner Mrs Bah Whipple &. I. AWlndlock 31011culA Ws.llAss Bab lithe Kato 31 WIIL ChArlatle Ward Mrs White !BAIT Wthon Emu. Ward. Once BAB A Wilma Acpe Kn 1111.3 Katy Vitt Gilder Stay I Gentlemen's List A ' Adana B W AleganderJoo Am:Wrong R ' Mame J C • Allingham RObt Arthur. Juo Ackerman.] ' AllenJ Adams 8.11 Allen Slardn = ' l i rl ' T W ' kW.] W . Atanden J 11 Arensteung Ch. Albano Joo Allan 31 - no And:duck. J V Addis Irene Aklrido %Mob Austin And• Adam. Robt Anders. Joe ArthumJ. Allen Dreads Ands". Wen Albert W v 1 14 ' Dawn Chas E Bell .1 Fl Bo7le Jno Harker Henry llerthsl Y Boyle.J. Bane One. Derived Peter Bohlen du Bane A )1 C Illemee Jno Bowden B Miley H Beek Jno &dam' Rind Baker 3I U . Beek Ch. A Boyd Wm. Bacon Chub Why boo Bow Mich Barker T W I.lends Ms /1 lloiden V I HAM". A 11 Beggs Awl. Mu Maine T II Bait Jae Bennett C C Brown Wm II ' Baud A Deltalormer Wm Mown duo C heater W W Web. Jar • Bream B V Barry Jno Iralchelor T rigth V 01.!,,.. 11,7•V'irleEerh'Ciarks Bunn Jac Hint -no Brunet 8 0 BaStmnre 31 Bills David W lend. V I) Wake Jae Brett B R Tiriie l r l A " ' ilitietl YN' - gelfresAlL Tam es UM Bulmaky dna 31 Mulford J. Barn Jril Co Meek In P BraeyGoo ' bell Joa Pr Meek J B Dryer d 1 Bell A 0 Bohn Jae N lira Wm IteD e .lno Borden Slurry Brien Jun lin:hley Martin Bob!,. Ma Ber k e Three B I Bryan Glenn A Co• Boland Jaw Burke PM Byers V Butler Palk Butterfield R A Borger Wm Um. 7.4 V Burt. Wm Ms.°. di Barrie lief Ilurne Lothar C . Onlwallader Soo (3.1 e ins Crawford Bear L Cowl Deal • Coakley ?loses,. Crawford Robe - Meanagh Perk Coll!. Francis Creamer Illehl Carrill 1... ' I Cochran Capt Crick.... V D riwrrick J t as F .,„ eor A ... 1 , n . j r e l= k e..ll , Ca.horts MUM. Mom W 1.1 lrynney Darkl Cacer Jae Come. The Cro w nos Outer J. P Lbw Nob Cro Ilenry Campbell Andw Mmerford Arthim Crouln Ilichl Campbell ADO Coepley lealah l'nowlon J. Campbell Joa C Cmnelly W3l Cronin 31k1I or Jun Caldwell Earn! Cm.lly 31kid Curtis Illbbart Chardrori Jo. Connelly Stephen Mmmltte Park Charehhill 11 R Covill Waslanton Cunt. • Chricry )factrheribarmen A B Carron W K Clayton 800 19 or. Jas Currant Th. Claridge Cyrus Corwran Palk Curry C tleurron Rohl J Cornwall J. Cum Peter B Corkin. VIZICCUL Ora Joe Cullen Thee (blue Mal Cillt Franda Curry Mail Cody Maul Nowt; Crr. Denormanillo A P Drum Renzi Amid* Mary P Novae+ OW ♦ Dugan Thoa Daily Pranins Dieluta Jno Dobarry .11r DaTIMM Mail Mame 11r Duolam I 8 Davis %V 1111 Dimmick Hiram Dunne I Davhi Wov Dimon Jo Dunlila Jacob Davis J. Liahell Akar Donne Wt. Davis ti ii , Doturty Patk Daman A C Davis E . ,•12 II Dimaisarty a. C. Duman Arvil• livan Ca vill Lotman Jno Dunlap 8 8 Rev Dian I W P.l.g Colvin Ilorlrinn Alas Ni ir.Darning J Nedra Yraviela Donaghy nos 131.1..1 net,. SC Delphin Jaa Dunn Phillip Jiver Peter bt.Vitle ./.1. • Davis Davie - . _ P2TV J A I. Zralna Jsa Kne JEllis A T Knew On ENIN;AN Xman lINcuT /We= Torino Ruing Wm. Minot Wm tray Jan J Omar L F Faurn Itarnoy Fdalmmon• JAN Torsyth Robs Peon Jno VlAnnigme .1 8 Foam. Henry It Poona DAM Wm.. O. Vognyth Jon Pawrett Jno inutnAln Jno II I'ment Saml YAlrm Than VorTeMoT Mau Ilvarte JAN Pond Wm tountaln Jen II Year Alex Fioree — Yorrnnot Chu . . kink NI - fltdmmenjOUTNl Lad JrimW' Garin Palk 01lamie W II °memosla Goo Geehrel Geary Gilbert II Omen Kasai Gabler J O Oilleopi• Atm Grant Wm t my Fatal llipla nos tired Tim Gallagher Gwen Gibson Ja.;.l. Orma 0100 It ' • Gallagher Moe Mahatma Jas Gregory Joe itro l to ' gery_TlitiottYollPlTG A Jl! 2 = ;h. J 1 1 .3 Garriaon witorarth Gordon* Rafferty Graham Jaa to (hairy Matt Golden Franck 111 Graham Ilugh Garrity J.o Goma-Jul illahma thaftins U Gerrit W K Golden titmiwick l imy a Jas UarbotJua Glenn Mr lMr Utah 3 tilmmea Mkhl ORLY Um W Wilmot. itiehtl Groonaw blob H 11.11 llama Worthllauser W II Hoffman Wm Ilamiltea Jim L Ilaya Thom Ileas Jo 11.11 Jceeph Nay. Jullua Hogan Joo it Ilall JnoW . lielfm Ad. Hogan Boom Iladmoulgh U Iletemhiti jlet Iliwowd 3 llehi • Maley Martin Moisture Joo Hough Baal Haan-Jeremiah limney Jululikkw Nathan Ha Jim linden Awdw Hopper Dr J Hahn gan it /Gm Ueo llowra Jun H. 'Ci Ilague mow lleusT Jas llopkim Jaa !laminate! Wm Herring ll Il Howard li J ii=7ll ' it= it 11= .7: 1 anly Adam IlonrY W O Ilughm Jr L limburn JEW. Merman - Imi lioalmn IT Hartley Warr Wayne. Midst Huron Edon! Hartmusli Thos (tinkly Albt Ilutehloon Jae Karroo Jaa Ilibbert Jas - H u rle y VA Rohl Hare Hillary Iliad. Jiw - Hurley VAIN euVrei l Co Hand U a d Vdsed ;kV E" 11 Rohl irwlll:Lawla ir e . W e ' . lit ' ut D {Vr nl'" Hulett k - Vrew I (i ' oi ll os "rY a Hughes flush limloop Ohm Ilitehlom PH . • Hunter Dark! Ilanburn Jam numbetWar Adam . I Irwin Dayld Irons David Irwin Fayette J JOIDOPOD David • Johnston Jou Jeans, Chu 1 Jageway Jug (1 Johnston AII Jeffry Jackson Jaekom A - Johnston Hugh Jape ()move I loom Wiley Johnston Joolina Judd Geo Johm Itlichl ' Johmton D W Jeffries Jihad Jetim /Digit Johnston Thu Justice lit 0 I Jame Darla Johns Alf II , K.D. Jou Kelly 'how Klugaland k Scott liouswillaul Kelly Ali Knox Jou 1 KOMODY. II Ka( Moo Kenney Palk Homier 4. Kerr Wm Kite, Urn W , 141 1: 11:n j ou o. ll Kmw JIV It Kilpatrick Arthur Kentied, Item) taatril 11 rarr i l/1 """4 KewhatotW W Kitts Hugh Kimberly Jacob Koustody Jesse Knowlea Lmerett Kiel, Timothy lally Anthony Lo.ll Philip. Lockwocel J 0 Layrock David lambi Orange Loug lim Chas Labbrre Wm 0 Lome, 0 0 L lll Garail Jim L a my Wm lame U V lailus Wm , Lawooo Word Lehman Jacob Jammer A . Larkin A row E II Lyneb J L LanmerJ 31 Imusa k i Rarid Lyetch Wm Lawler Duni t oo ,. y. Iy. Ile Jag Lambe. Jpo I .4tridord — llaa Lloyd David D Lira. 111 k Little JOd II Lloyd 1110 Lemon thigh Liston Jim Lamm blood lam Mtn II 0... LD. W latekett Thus , lawioDarkt Lyle Thm Lucke* Copt IDDIO AL , , Wo e Thal Lynch Wm If 1 3 1.'" Le,07:::0, :Kanter Jas 3 lmMin Atom ati Morner JIMMY Mayer R Maelteroon Jaw 31mo-a Ueo ' o ' ua j i. I llk Malay Jtio &Wm lame ll ' 31tody Raoul Mahn. JII Meads II Neale :Moriarty Jim 31Mmy W A l i dellinggr 31mtlo M o og Mrmlillumph Martin Um ?bury Jno 1 Io t : Ii i t iin r 31artIn Jar . han P Marlin NalJal M ade Jew Moon Joe Marti. Henry - 311110 loom Moon J J Mars/WIG W . 3111 km Thus Monism, Rohl 3.lamhall Jahn Millar II Morrow Alderman Maslen J Miller Jon Mullin Um Takao Miller Witt L'ltiliftW t 31111er Ma Nub j er. Lawis Sliller Joe W Maury rtk .Martherui Joe MI tell All Murray Peter Murry ma Moffitt a MuirowoFell: MO 31 ',D 6 8. M'Crelay Jos X 38Xftley 8 X AultylabixorellrenUy Jewel mo. Jtto Irene David 8814.18 0 X WBeth Ilexgar Ortvrieen Joe Milan WM 31liarA hands Winn Uvula 8 Arddiadlnknatinkt Ltrid • M . Deanna Fre' 0 11 4. rota' WeltateckMed L 111Mormat Peter - tieVraan littab Wean klub u IPDersocaljk .1 Wann Jae Wawa Palk IPfllnte4ltarnar WClsern IPDowell C . WAntil Patk IPClay Mlonreit kflVllltarne Joe )11.Matt Illartand lifllabon Bernd MlAdder Peter bllntyre Doll 3rMullin Patk Wtkillteter Itllmine feat Ifltobernt Wm n'MlWkt*Crackenaltitoltb OVCatina 311farine Peter David Mlielver Bared MThatieM. NeelrW.Angle -Nano. Alfred Theo Nelms Amite NlcoleJtin Neely Mito Nevin. Jseß Nicole:lml Nelson P Nixon iiktrial et) North Thar Neeelo /no ' Nolen (Drmet) Notes Chu Ohne, Mind Obey Cl,, 0 Orr On Franklin 011riiki Mord (hem Cl,, Mem hitt ?Marko Moe Olney Feel O'Connell Wen Oman Jon °Berlin C A O'Connell Wail 011omn Palk O'Neil Felix O'Dryan Mintzer P Parkhill Gm. Pentair= Rota Phillips Wm Jr Palmer B K Patterson Jos Pimitit tilebolaw Payne Jno Pattrrson Dot W /Ind, Job Parki:o Jas Parker J. s 11 Poe Jamb Paul JW - Penny W Porter Dmitl • Patown W D Perctiment J hower Ptak • ISy-tw Wm Peters Henry • yo.t r Thos Bender Lawream • Partaker Gan Packard Chas P helan 'Wm .. Price Dasid PattemotoWm Phelan Al' ' Prim W Patterson Robt*SonPearce Gm./ Parcill Lawrence Patterson Thos B Phillips Jos 11 I=l Rabbit Wm Rller Jas Room Henry:A Raney Rich . Itichanbt Ti IT Rogers Pik Rantetey D Ridenour, 31 Rollins= S=lll , Re. Th. Risher Ithanier Robin.= Jam flecgAles C ' Row Robison Lome Rebell Jno Ross J P Robison fl or Jeft Reinhart Mark& Ear Henry It Itobertssn Ales 8 RePti.t Ley. , Role. Henry Robert.. JI. - Raul, or Deacon Roland Blt Rodgers Cli IGiod. n.. 11 It.. henry Flamm W E Reed J. itoulenEJ Ryan Dan Reed Reed J o w l) R o oc c k h a efor l t e 1 J Ry an Th Wm ) Pan Reed Joi n ' linewortbal A • Ruing E Reynolds Eder Robb I , II Russell Jos Reynold* Jno Rooter Th. litippla Wm ReynoLls W El Riley Sara. Trawls Smith Wm Sonlield A Itaygood Samiderton Job Smith J G South John. Sawyers limier T Smith W Lemus. Il t!, Sager Alex Smith OM II B , Spear WIII:, - , , Sawyer Vl3 Smith 8 Herrin Sp.meAl. ' .. hurt Denis Smith Cornell. Stephens Wm 11 - Scott it Smith J. R. • kitewart.lilathelf Seca Wm Smith Rev Harry StestrYPeter :. Srbaley David Smith L W - - Stewart .1. - .., Seal...Ter David Smith JQ A - Revert - 1 - Son& $ helf Jon. Smith Anthony StetaritTbot Short A Soul Smith Cbes D Mere. WA' Slump Jon shwa. all tri,rlll Steward - IV Sm Sm ell Dark! Stereo= aII ti Ehiol, r Shirleyy J P . Elmo Wm Rout Dont. Shore] It Sinclair Wm !Dryer HE Ammo Wm Sing Daniel Stroud I.ul Slakeih Chancy nell J N Sweeney Jet J Slack V,E Surycer li 0 SUIIIT. Ebed Smith Henry Blom. J. S h am= Pik Smith JI2O Swill Th. T • Tammy Jut . Thomannliold Tiernay Mark Tort Itobt Thompson HL . /11111901)N Francis Tayoutr le A Tliocerson Semi Timm.. Jon Taylor Jan Tem. Jen Toolley )Ikhael i•=3 Joor 'rd TiVenTcual P id e . A 4 ' . Thornburg Jamb Thorn. .1. Tumeure2 Plk Thompson R N Trimble Th. Trimble Jos U Usher Wm V Ylldabille Ch. Voorkok Herman Wale= a Ague: Ward Jon Wilson Henry II Wade P 9 YValeh 31 Wilson Thos. Wallas Jam Wails Samuel T Wilco& WP W Wa m g u.. oner David W W e e i a sveelr.J ackson W Wi tlhex s A G Ca b riel Wad'Rger )1 White 10 =Alb) Wicks WP Wail' J. White Figd Willett* Hoary Waltem Wm White Wm • Whmins J. • WSJ.. Then White It W , Winders Jut Wallace Geo A WhienenburgC.D Williamson Gin Walls. Irwin al ' Wbittbam Rola Witten 'rut N Walla. A 1.1 ' -Whalen Derails Wolf .1110 A Walker Wm II Williams Won Woods 311eli1 Wanton Jos Williams il M Woods Jas E Watson J. Williams TC t Wticei Jos W Watem Henry It Williams J IV Woodward Beni E Watkine Manx Wilson Itenj It'ectiburo J. WWant J T Wilson Wm II Wray Wm ihou lien Wil.n Henderson Whirl. Isaac Y . . . Young Joo . Young Jo.. y o ,,t, Walter Young Sand Young Metal Yarlot D W Iron City Lolgo 182 Editor of the Daily Stessatunt Pilot Proprietor of the City Hotel Sccroary of Conloralrmeo Society Fort Duqueorm Division 13 of T Arorriray Berovirtorro Larrreorovlllo " Ly Nebnolti eurgto Ocean Ware Pittrbugla Star of ! l ope Tout...ado. 113A31t1EL 1 10 SEBVRO. P. 31 NA 001 c, 13113burub, Jan. 13, 1331. A GOOD FARM FOB, SALE.. GOOD FARMFILOF 75 ACRES—FIVE •,A. voiles film our tisi Cities, two Aral • bolt miles from t e Allegheny river. and two miles Item the pour hoc. on Girlie's Run. It has 10 acres cleared, an apple archon' of 41/U wet, 8 acres of Mitten lare. a tarrieso, seal rood bed on IL The house has • double {Arch to front. and smiler der IL It will be sold cheap. and on half the purchase moneT being yold, pcsoeselen will be given. nod Lowe 031.' the baluice. Please dl it ISAAC HARRIS' ' Aortic/ am/ and Oftsx ."". traLgums Anlll fir mullet and all kind, of i . r. .encies at.• tended to 6.• moderate chnntes. jal ;Awl N TH M E ATTER OF TILET ACCOUN of Thomas Gibe= and Alexander Ililands.admlnistm, lof Creighton Stewart. demared. And now to wit Do-' cerober nl, 185.5. the Court appoint Erode Washing...l.' dimr. to distribute Lis the within exeunt. Ily the Court- DANIEL 3IeCURDY, CleelL Take notice. that tbe auditor will proved to discharge the duties of Id...ointment. at his aloe, I. /mirth st., Pittsburgh. = tliday, the 11th day of Januarl.l9sl, at ; o'clock. P. M. jeftew3t•T READS WASHINGTON. Auditor. `iaALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE kJ AND IRON WORKS, n Mogotosus Comer. V= uns.—Pursuant to a decree of the Almon Superior Court ~d Law and Chancery of said county. rendered in the nose wherein Jam Tessoreusd other defendant. the 11•4[11 , 1,11. mmatimitmerr. appointed for the purpse. will proofed to sell at .Margantown, ha said county. on the fourth Ron- . day In February. 11141, (being court day.) all that prime/ In llonnomilla couny Virginia, lying skein and near Cheat River. generell• known as the 51omeninella ]ran Work. and the tam. that was conveyed by said John Te ' rendtahcrsllsa,- of t o T. n own loW, .hernm ate a Tr. Vounary, Nail Factory, Grist and Saw alu l t. ass Ids. r tril.=::l 7. ,: ' ,F. ' l ' 4, ' iu7l ." %%01.. 1 1 1 gr . T.. • Timber and Lime stone. Them Is also a ralusoleee'crrs ' crewing Cl Meer, belonging to the property. • nu. estate is wsll atlantic( for snamifserunng purposes. not ordy of loon, hot of Wool and Cotton. being situated In the heart of a grad fanctio.aul wool growing =UM, about 45 mill. Mulls of Pittsburgh. having ono of the beet water remora In the west. arid water conmartnication Plttsbnrgh and elsewere. On these premises. thee, have been expended witidn the lad ten or twelve yrars. some fifty thousand dater. tha eiveLk of the to 0.11 history, blast furnace, and other bulbllchni The work, are now In tolerablytroul order." Immedlatr ly connect/SI with the mills are men . four orj five hundred am. uf superior fanning taut eomeAtire or nix smaller term. together with sixty or eighty dwelling houses, nab. able fur the workmen. • • The wide will be on eredirisf one. two, and throe 'WV , . the purchaser giving bond with sectullr for the payment of the purchase oma.. Thom who may dlepteed to malatiinwettnents, COLT expect • groat be rg In then uretutse of this valuable iral ' i=grlTTTUe d t?l ' lr ' t?gt s t ' r i sTaliZTYrr: Van. deseTtption or Infermanuu wt.= may be 6,11,4 by per.= wishing M purchase. • EDGAR C. WILSON W. T. IVLI.LEY. Commissioners. thergardown. 1nc.12. 10.50.—.1,15.e5tT &YEW CHEERY PECTORAL, FOR the etre of Coughs, Colds, Hoarse rm. Bronchitis, Croup, Asthma. WhooPititt anith, and l'omomptiou. This truly veinaa remedy for all .Ilseinare of the Lune, and Throat. haw become the chief rellann. of the afflicted. ;as it is the mut certain core known Mr the abovecom- Maims. While it is powerful remedial agent In the most desperate end hopelese ewesof Conaunnitioq' it is elan. to diminished dote, one of the mildeet and irmn avec able. hmilJ modtrima Ti., common much. and mita Read below thr opinion of men who are known to the world. sodthe world roliert their oidnions. _FROM 1110 1104000 IIITCHSOCR.—,lamrs C. Ayer.—' Fir—l have mad your Cherry Pectoral. in my own VAin of deep orated Dronchiti, end ern from ha chemical constittion that it le an adtnirable comprinnd kr the to of ion .atal nod bronchial dilllcultlea if my opinion en to Ito enparior character ea. be of any . you ue at ilb "tr ". it " ' 2ll \Prlft i TirrliltiOCl. L. 1.. D n Pret of Ambeart I DIRECT EVIDENCL—Dr. X .C.X. CA y er, Lowell—Dear Nit —Yeah., s e n dundr ldigations to you for the restoration of my health. I ed you a report of my ma, • MO. you aro It liberty to publish Rath, henellt of ottivi, Last autmnoy I tool alai cold, accompanhel by • severe nnigh and Made me of Many medicine, without obtaining relief. I max obliged to give up bunions, frequently raised idt..l: and mold get nu sleinp at Mad. A Inerultocre me • bottle of your Cherry Pert Oral. nee of which l immediately the acconlaig to direction, I have pot purchual the flftla hall, and am nearly. ml. I now sleep well, my mugh hoe reamed , and all by the cue of Dahl. medkiue. tote val. 4.• • Prier . natnnstrY. Pl® Dr. Bryant, Drnagist and tbettnatter. Chlenpen Yalta, Mara,— In. J. C. Ayer—tkar 64.—Ettehand plea. Cal ...Mar. kn all th. Cherry Pectoral tart end U. I rau unhesita. tingly ray, tacto medicine. trdl dteo, m ine eat!? ion t u jri s n, l nor 1411 , 1ael u zicn i, : us tort o art ,u ou phyrkiana ire orlon It exterothrly In their practice, az; T ftb hn9Pk""ke' TV',I°`IIrINANT. Preparcd by J. AVER, Chendot, Ma,. bold in lilt/dough, nholorale and Wall, by J. M. Towle rend, 63 Market .W Jemortat cite. HARRISON SEWELL, Attos at Law, Au Ohio Egate Commlazionex talt lion, Ark oovrlogicrmauts of Dot.lx, te- Ofllm hw —Fo Mort, siove WDI. M. 3I'KNIGIIT, tenders 1118 services to the rinse.. or Pittaboroh and vicinity,. a woo ers' Bogner. , Collector llsoreyancer. lie will allmal to the collecting and omia ring of elate. In thin and adjoin hot Melee and Cottotier. ogling swig renting promrtm drawlog of dinnta,lculc. mortgage.. and other IroWnsonsta of writing. All louloces to hia Hoe allmoled to with prom ltce. o tTil. A. Wa sod iver. Miwari Campbell. Jr., P. C. Pito- V lLlteg i Johtt Morrie., En.. Wm. M'catolless.pco. Moo. Ogg . . Joceph Weaver. Mg.. Fourth atroct, twat tha Marne. Ofilec. nargttelloct YNNIANSIIIP. AT ill) TIRE FOR suNi roan. ha. there beensorb unocrupulous trickery preened ippon the public ahout Pcnomanthip, au at the mimed- illVer Engraving are circulatcd ilinnigh the WWI] and tawnier. with the otitiaTtit • name eurplemett in onlor Indium thn ignorant to believe them to be pen. manship. Peranna desliona of becoming rapid and eleiant penmen. will do well to call at It errh NI IiCANTILE lm and examine the hand writing of 4.0131 e of the beet penmen in the city: who have Lem Instructed lu this inotltullow VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR RENT. no subscriber Eden. 10 Rent. the to on which POI.. and land. adjacent, =mutton to 500 nut four hundred terra clawed. Improved, and In blob undo of cultivation. Al., a Howe and lot lu Weltnand. town. foruwrly occupied as • tavern otaral. and now CCe Owl by Cyrus b. Connor. Merchant, and Mr. Miller. Alun. a Farm lu Prertun county. V.. contalnina 3t. , 0 &err. about 30(1•411.1. rLearrd, on which ow two LOC Mona, a large Frame. liarn, and th ree howler.) brewing Ap , 140 Tema -22d Or ten Markel of Ilay now fur ..ale f•al I form. Light Hundred hew! of Saluitty and Spud. Merino Dlwcp, and 40 btad of Cattle, at private sale. Thu subscriber Wien. fur pato, on credi t of lea rear. Writ valuable gook of Duu Sheep:about lea hundred bead Of •blull are ewe+. of trod War. 150 brad of yellows. end 1103 head of hocks, tarot from the *took rd Peru,. and Drawn. f Ohl. deem Edginwton. of Virginia: Simnelerx,o. McFarland. James and tappet ratter.. Mr. Brownie,and Jesse Krnworthy. of Waahingtou county. Pa., and ea:Tally Bele. lbr the nom* uf.retuovinn Front Itte great amt of lintand bodoired w ` ill Bock, the subwriber bat on tio to etaytoD, II a r m (77,r r '1.77=1 . 'ftyunb k „ l grro, u ni `"'' if I will better suit pnrcLawtw. • dtmuny German Townahip, Fayvtte ( t o, Pa., 51VICIlar4t0•0 • 1.1. 11. e 2. 1D51.—,..D.weT ttlniontiewn NlZlOttla. A lIIERICAN WOOLLEN GOODk—One buodrol and fifty pro large dud Bed Blanket. .p lOl laden =VI i vAgrica; ib i . ..lcle i. 1:.'0 do Bray °Allan IllarZtaates77. . 11 1 do Drab do do do , do Blue dO maw Black Blan do ket Oath. d o , 1 do Hewer (Joey !Mud. do • a do anporiot Bleep Wrench Broadcloth: 3, do all wool Tweeds, assorted oor. • 3' do. Juana, Morbid color. 2 do Camatimeras, black and fancy colors do Kainott. black and grey 3 do White twilled Ytoaae4 Satvl 4 40 Crow benlal • do MO above thallelibed goods an on mWgemmt Rom litt 2.l"*"fr4l.3 te "o=4nrlarprloral ale 4a9 /LUZ. POUSES, FARMS, &c VOA SALE,AT A'GREAT two lelet Dwelling Muse: on Perisugl-* •••ala Amami, Ward; weaken Weir. laming ten nisenst double iriarlarn dlningmo klrebetton the.ent. Asor. Tbe lot Ls twenty (=y-by ninety rear het w alley In the rear. This propmly met UM and will be !old for U7oo—ln pigments of WO dawn, lac m one year, and the balance in two year. firmulle at T. Monad. Attorney at Law' Fourth lame; between AttilthbeldandUraat e ronmin tefore 9 °Wert T//09. WARD. jantlat, WO LET—A large Ma Man Hoy's° with I. 33 Load " 4 1ThiS t 1M311gri "‘ ;0. 4. .ET: jal3 • Real Estate worth 8100 000. ~, DESIRABLE Property in Alle. i,,.-4 rprlterkT Cl ty for male. Two riOefrild reeidereea.i . o on first bank. id ward, one herring a trot of CO feet on South Common by 240 to Walser street The other, 140 Rut front by 270 to an alley. froproeid In O i l bed manner. dffonling • dellghtfol view ot . the. city of ttaburgh. thy lientreny and Ode etrani. c Afro. a piece of groneel fronting mutt on North Chummy 210 feet. running 170 fret beck. bounded by tito City feet street, ass 110) fret alley ini rear. Afro, twenty Erse le d prop oppralte ltur frail Earl De_rot. of Ore toort &itrable property now offered too ode. This piece of rirourid offers iniureseents to syeterlabsre. APPIf to jal3 BAIRD £ IRVE4. 114 Second et. Fro LET.—Thai desirable iuddance o :it M P,,..7..WTVb.11°. - BM__trzilr . dr t illy. The ana hseise I. 'lige and meet. hs:lz loom% I n .'' = " l•llTra b ilii=M a tatit s gete c =l tars and Reis teem The °minas station loa abed dim rasa br awl remits ean gn in at any hour. ' WV, Pnn Ureter. K. or 110 T. D.IIOSISON. 1.11.11 en No. 116 Market ettiTt. FOR RENT—A SA IV aim t, in East Binning hat, well slttuded fu} alarell •butinsast It ran com mand ttou merebusisexa of the Ormsby Kali Road. It ',FIJI 1. thoroughly repated.wlth near boilers,and leased fur • terra of years • ' Alea, as e_leellent site Om brisk inakints-clar tkeP• Al‘l• "TMEII Rosi quariles of excellent Stolle. lowan, of EIIILLIPS. East Ititmlsabam. - Wit RENTL—A towelling llouge, with g6?t .1_ tenor elosentworo. in , fewl repair, Mm with Lazo IPA Yowl- on l'oloral Arcot. whew - . Rent, 5175 per.... , , .„. . . . Aloo.A.STOIII: on NI 'et e treel , ' , ltt...i•• • = Worth..., on Third wroet. and ,Wo - eral noon. In Mow 1161141a5n,..< .4.•, ~ '• E. D. GAZZA-NI. jalo42w ..--.. -,--' - -'' - 164 &mad et. (Cll.rttell, - I.‘i. MU/ Triblll. owl Tweekw TO • „VET—The Throe Story Diielling Itodzi. No 171 Wine street at' present ocenLieLl '" IL i z c hn.N.r•i=tCetooe u ml . moutinleig tee° L eo. ea. giyr9 an the 114 of April.. 134:ftire not J. &IL FLOYD. Jab/ Round L'horrh. T oeoto O'LET—Ontt Two Story Brick House, . folog 4 tooloz Conti... Avenue, tillacre.. iJioe ...q hoot lro of • ae jalo l, u JOHN WAIT d 0). .FOR RENT. The Store , 118 Market,_ street, the sercmd door from the corner album. otel Liberty rtreet, M Pomerxion ven the lrt of A •Ireia". nest. Itumire of DAVID ri LEER. Dabilm 11)t1 Deno .F 4 FOR RENT, two very convenient DWELLING HOUSES, no Third, Mean- abet , WA neer to Nadthllald. Plateenslon ;Garnett the tint or April next. Afro, to Lam an one or more years, mote logo remit Lan on and near the Allftbeni Ricer. In tbe'Ninth Want. ADP'S to WIL R. DARLINGTON, or BENJ. DARLLNUTON. _Fourth et. mar Wont r i g OR RENT.—The followeng proper- :In iß7fiA""'e lr forobhed •knt .nTt:lFA,Vt:er Thiel and Fourth Oa— sultehle for Dry tltetts. • Ferrol room. In•Pret 0111 m DulldlturA In the ,mod end atlrd andtable tor Artl.t... Rom& Once., no. A Mane convenient DWELLZU LIQUOR. In Lll.l - Tart of the city. Prommalon of the foreardnlftrm be alren on the I.t of April non. Outru Alm SMALL n STORE on Third steed. next door to the n Mee teennion Ellen intoredketely. 80M 881 X—An unexpired Lewx on the Marlowe. on Third street. beretofom occupied by the lute M. Lt.lkt . ,k , ?. apply to D. GA7.7./131, 16.1 Fermi strUet. teal or to 11...11 . tXMLIIICK. 8d Third street. • RENT. a Two, story Frtuno Rouse F.V . , atul Bask building, with two lots, 'anat. pupa' ford ;limit, Sixth Wsxd, adjoining Shroxn. For terms, SPDI/ to StIBISON, LlTThit a CO, deal ' ::,551Jbertg stoma. UMBER YARD TO RENT. A largo Loma.. Yart. Wagon Duquento War, Dear dot mintelent mom to bold elghtcen hundred tbounattl feet of Lumber. to rent on a i tioAm s kvil l a of Corner of Penn and Ir.ln otrreto deltallnk 0 LET, the Store Room No. 65 Mar-2 tor mwt; whams: dm Watch' and N. I alm W •eDru . :s ' i klinVisr Y alt M orotZ . Thls sum Is tetanal In the mod central end best Imalnt. mink In the dty, and well odepted for • Banking and, ba• chasms OM.. =I Insurance Offlor..or store. 'A a s tLet t r .h f . r= i tth Enallsh Plate Glass, mill b ap pat In as soon lksawsdoa girlu n t *. the first of Fshruerl . ...tad.— Enanlm of • W. W. WILSON, Corner of Market and Fourth streets. , • OR SALE, the Three story Brick th,ororq, .Nro. to Rey strset. Snyder's Itow— , . Term, S4OU auth: WO In we year. sal L. eam, to to sa:vsed b) ortavn o 0 the PamE Zl-7,1 pply jeTalAln, to WILLIAM D u lttlfk, 111 Marty Arca. PO LET, four story I.hce ll ing, Slate mi. OW, lath mat gas extorts, wad take orerk. 145 Third greet. trtiatdre at CO water street - srp3 .111132ERS' COUGICSYRITP, had not total it twice heforil I felt Its Isdnefleial effects." Suffering from a deist obtainingld and mot~b. for whbL Lt blo ol l d with e Y bottle P O ' i 'lt lg. /tellers' Cough )ILature." I think It a dotty whleh I owe to hoth you and the public I. general. to I.ll.lrely emelt. that I hot not used It twice herons I felt Its tuned. en.l effects. end (=ler the Divine bleudng) had no isecaskai LL finish the bottle. I tried. sa to hall= witnessed Us magic ma friends of min opit In particular. who hada trying attack on her lungs areimiestikd with.% Wares/Ins cough. Verily the emir true Esculeplus (where . coughs and colds affed the sufferer) has deseemled amongst no in "IL E. Mellen' Cough Manua." 4, 11. VITSUERALD, LIS Wylie Et. Pittsburgh.l 1811. Prepared and odd by It. E. S t / rug, No. ST VA— and wad by druggist. generally. • I t ULES HAUEL'S SHAVING CREAM.— of Where b the man who does reet .[stress en ewe,. shave? • If sny there be. we do not If our eel... to them. Dui to all others. we my. If yon ebb to keret. shaving • pleasure, purchase a box of Jules Ilauere ,almond Pletaelno, or worts sheets, r ms .., t., Look impeexible to Cod words to thwerite the feelings of, urwm—who hos been used to Amine with onlinary wo ot „—, upon making trial of this too the got time. It is a conehl nation of womb, admiration, nd pleasure. IIAUEL'S 811.AFIN a ti CREAM 41 Y1C1.T.1111.21Y render Low the stifled and most wiry beard nett anil pliable. ploductog lather. &MI by its ex tremely mild nature Mlaylug the Irritation. aml prem. eon that unpleasant and Mig feeling of the akin witleh ' is often CSPYtittlet.l Juleshaing Gentlemen wing Hauer. Slurring Cram. May fan the coldest SMIII most piening.winds immediately alter its use. without the skin becoming chapped. And thong who ann. use It. we can safely my. will never me any Mier. One greet adamitage—whieh will be cop.:Sally appreele ted by thole who weatr whiskers-4s the bet that It will not Mae.. the beard, which newt map will do. gietug seandy molt/ . egrearanee-to the edge of the ig see s, Jule. Reuel', Shaving ermunskredelightfu ww lpreparalkini, compounded with skill, to Me utter exclusion of Mi articles releniated to render the elevation of alteringunpleasant. and will he appnelattat by all who make trial of them. Ftetmed OMy t 1 JLLE3 lIAUEL, Perfumer * and' Chemist. lilt ehnut stag., Philadelphia. For sale, wbolemle and retell m . by ILA. Sahoestock & Ow. and FeSellers, littsburgle and hn Sargent. =I J. Mitchell. Allegheny City. UST RECEIVED.-4 new work on ehzek, Engine Work. mut Engincoring:Dirtkwary of: 3 lathier. 31whauka. Engine Work. and Kagirmiging, "Word for practical workingmen, and thwe intendol for the engineering profeadon. Med be Oliver Byrne, formerly Profe•sor of 3latheduatlce, 'College. of 1.1,1:11 Engineer, in London. Thia work to of large k 00. site, containing nearly 2EO Parr". npwarda of IWO andgiltal woodcuts. It will prceent working.drarring, and de•criptlocu of the knot important marhin in the &awl &ate. Independent of W. molt of Aine4can ingenuity, it will contain complete Practical treathes On Mechanics, Machinery. Engine ak. and &wintering; wlth all that la useful in time them 110001 worth of folio. lume, 1114{11110.4 and other books. The great °turn of thin publication le to placwbefore practical men and "indent. Blob an amount of thcoretica/ Pri rittlhe klumkg.l.2, 111,0 ecialeconi form. a" shall amble them to work to dm test advantage, and to avoid thaw mirtaktis which tbagmig , ht otherwise nataMll - roTnotrart i :etible W'd , and k lt W o l f= cr. on . c . tdrousto obtain the work, will 1111.113 aria Lod Mu encourage Wie cuterpnow.• 4bliching In 40 number', at Ts cent. per to to to cempleted thL• year. Twenty number" reek:red, for rata hr 11. IIOgKINS. 4th .c i a EVENTII GREAT SEMI-ANNUAL SALE kJ of DAY 11)0DS. at tne One prim gore of A.. 1. 5Lt1014 4 CO., 63 and 14 Market Meet Commenced on slocelar. December 30. 1150. to continue move l t hz . zo i rgh of 3anzo r ri k. lllrzhole egahlion. twnelve mod, amonn n =to Onet'illundrn aml i not Trit 7 t o ; nt . mond Dllars. will to offered at Retail. at fully. one ft h lees than h e ir prioeo. • The notho of their th e Sale to soy one .fair t ando..who attended the sale of Mot year, `one be MOP el nt guamotoo for mall this memo. Thee will. hirmeer. no on. • few of the mod, and prim., tor the benefit of Lb .ho ademlet.l their ado.. win • Web Cmhoterm 75 cents, moat prim 11. We piton Cotton and Wool Cullom. to mute, usual price X cents. 15M) ph,. Cott i) on and Wool Detainee. 15 and 18 cont., usual priee al and AS cents. • 10 pier. Malt colored plaid do. 45 Mg; ..1 Id. /411. i ce i ts. eces 60 pi ottpol awe flamed bilni. 60 amts. taus/ Satin.s cent. 9) pkoo .n do Chine and Satin, 17.1; onto, usual prim 81 M. 60 pieTo Black Slika:reduced IS per cent. 190 Mew, French Merin., Si Unusual Into, 11,371:. 933 ohms Paramettm and Lyorme Clotho, mimed 00 Nl' oent. MO pier.. Alpeem nll condo, tech:m.l3o per. cent = 4 ° 14 0 ndtsuw SitnWiN +Web will to sold from 111 to . immthan usual prima. • 3)00 To rn io Ilmnet Ribtono at 1 and 10 cents, mual pee. IS in 1 cent. Foot Moroi Wows at 4t,1 mots. non] prim 90. PO cum Englien and American Callema at 8 md 10 rent, wool prim 10 and 1214at0. • 00 CIO. Bleached Mullin., reduced li ants pm Fool. 700 balm Drown Malin , all goad... Also Wm. tmbrohlerlea. Trimming.. flattery nod (Poem Liam, Clock" Clotho, Comintern, Caminoto and 4estrue together with an Immeme rarkty of other Mad, aII of widen will lo Marked Down to /alter Prio, thu, sur of their prndrtea sales. 1 They Metter m early l, no man). of their cbolcest mob will wo o d to Fold. Tite lowcat pram =slued at MM. . A. A. 51ASON 1.10 .1Z and. 04 Market rt. Professor A. G. Barry's Trieopherone, A MEDICATED COMPOUND, infallible • for retxorhur, Insimicatimr, and beautifying the tude. o moving the ecurf, demised, and all atitettons of the= "nti silting eruptions on the skin, dings. of the ; nicks and Integuroents, and relieving stings. no brut . sprains, to d i this preparation 'lbex. le no mach s The dist Journal. In Amerks, tnedl.l men ;rd highest endow grienblent eitimite Dtbfem slut Intl. ohs have wed It for pars in their .1 i n e e, oms and nurverlio. admit it with ono/ment- that far everting vigor. stn. lusetrianee. and curl to We hair, murf dandrui4 lualtror moms's. minis nitudetas wales. Wage, go, and retelving dise:sw . of is skin, the glands, and the 'muscles, it has tati mtual _ • ono the multitude of compounds advertised 1/1 the inds • 51, , , , i5 , , ,,, 0 , r , tm0g f g tgategn=. LnAn• A aL• t nese . T ti . s lie 1 I Tzrirtztoe.'it,%,:?,7ho-, b.1.11.° 1 ebirg*a, vr t~em teen the ar , C = P*r"'''' tkis the embnsing the valuable directions for the wi rg g r =g c=v h,. oe . ne 14: ,,, t m. 0 . The affinity between the Inembraing const e lgted. n and the hair, which drawl Ito mistenanee from this lie O7Thel'ilid.AlilPtr,"" th e ; dogged. or if the blend and outer ' dr:de r ma eireo r fmod through the small yew. 'shish Do e the rent ;Ith moisture, and Wipers life to the Abner, the molt f. dandrulr, shedding of the bile. graven*. &St.. ' • • hatsss of the Ligament, and satire baldness, wt., ; NY./ bthindate the Win to healthful rem= AZ an " nriate thi ten rernjllalkottons of We kW, and of the substrata of mut a n nd intimmosn.,the rime. and the effect are the same. It U open ten < auu.ur tibuoLut the httele, mat me ti as Ite specific µtie% end to affeetionsonso bola. in. ogans. It Is a eistmmitin rentsdr• bold in taro bottler, Pr l . • , 137 Drotobraf, hew York. and t r u druirgisie mranxmut t a n• d ORSAIE,-7 boxes of '3ledicin6s, viz:— The nee of La; D. Orrrn . • Aeolic* Con/W.A.. ..fturr's thdarotlirostabir ODD. D. Drsaef t OaDocala I VD: . Dr. gram' &lathing Pn..pfw (Makin. Tee.brn, rem sod AR= Me , Ms. O. Dant a MD for Coisramp. •w DkrD...sP.Dam;lwr" • ardll CUM tO jai.. • IrtS ULU 111115, yini STEAIVI - BOATS.' FOR LOUISVILLE--The splend id *Bather MILTON. Capt..). Bseht . 111 for the abort amt Intermediate MUM this day. at 10 o'clock A. M. For Prelabt or - Mossy, apply cm /ca r d ; . Jim, . Fb - R• NEW ORLEANS--T• , ... 4, 11g . ,r ht i grattg„ .... htLtes ibo ate . r w, PAll/ .. % G u rew a t akuuo idie awliakorts cm 31= at 10 AIL F o e e.t.a. -- -woy or Iv st or on j G B 1/ILTXNURGFS..4OI. .._____„... ... OR ST. LOUISL—Tho fast um. IF tiny s teamer ISAAC NFRFTON: Capital ° otchbon. will kayo Mr the abate amt fate Irbrdiak. Tcrtr. An Notably. lb, :Mb IYote. at /0 A.B. • . '..- . For mi g ht or passa g e. apply ow tesar.L , • jae cul. ' F 01124 A gift ILL E. The t t i ---- l it runnin g st.torrENESA,Olpt.iillkt ola Pactalarat . ... testator the atom, ml.tatoroacelista ea BaadaY.ll4ll hut- at:10 A. 11. .' • . s .' . /0 2F , Freight ar memo, IPTAT diikrad. ' • ' 41113 r . L0ui5v....,,„--, runnitt g steamer NANRIATO.II; Captiths , • will leave for the atorn m o t Warmed at height or poc 10101. t his day. eaRN onDIF alt 111.04.. • WA FOIL ST.SY. LOUIS. The . splendll r now steamer ruagrwoorkw,.. ia„, k .,.. ' • noataler. will leave Or th e abase wad tat mhtto port, orrleatoolay. lb. llth InstaalL at 4P. 01. For height or Istossre. apply on 1.011, carat. . a IJ. NEWTON accuM U. f pon..N EW. ORL E A g STflu,' • .1. - wea. m d u n t d r a w e l e sltTcAaTeTo er ED OI I .m T .. R g rAa.B.. all Lag mediate, landic u ra thle morninz.Oth instant, at 10 ticket. Foy frel g ht or jr.5....4.,, apply ras,. h.... 4. ., ljs • VOR NASHVILLE. The 1 ,p1 en .7. ----- 7. did steamer FORT PITT. Mit t , wader i tl:l!l7l.7ri I=7lstlt i c n lf r f."7. I ' M, ' For ...Lola or DATA.e. Apply to bcpra„ .• , :, ...II - LOUIS. '96- ~- - _ ...Li ST. _ OUIS. The fast rung' al lit 4 nitt....i 13011EIFF 110D(1=1. Oaat.' 3333telwr, will Imre for the above 3.1 inter. • mediate ports Mb day. the 14th leotard. at 10 .A. !L' - For frvight or 1 32 . 3 333:43 3 14 , 13 - . bohrd. . . Jal4 M OCK /1 401 t.. lIOCKINGPORTThe fast on th run 1: 'feature. Filet N 0.2. Copt. 8. 5. r. will leave Az the whore awl intertrielt."o4lllll- ... parts, thle dap. at 80'4.8,1'. M. , !, or [mail or 88wet, aPftY_ww bet.M. or til VOL 11. JilltBlBT2i9 `Ate. 294 F - ot - IR CINCINNATI AND ST.! I.OIIIE--The rpletahl !Wearier ZACHARY: . I'IA)R. Hord, nutter., will Lose ter Move sod totem:K(lBh. loot' this day, at 10 o'clock, A. R. For (nicht or patwure. apply on twwnl. .. jail; EG Gait Pll - I'SllllltGliANn 1~ WiltiELlNd PACRPT—Tbu nun et drunter DI ti ILNAL, Dinned; tcr, i ron psrforniiughcr madb trbweetly trips burscutt this city and Wheeling: !cavil.' Pittsburgh at 10 dulcet every Sintidny, lgulnenisy and 'ftid... and tsttirdng, Whecling every Tursdny, ThUnday and Saturday, In each rect. For :might or induce, aludy board, or to fitISTROM CRUM% Struts. iIiEGULAR PITTSBURGH AND I WE hm..01, LVNILLE gemer gl LIA:. 1). IL Ualc, ntcr. nlil hat, m Til.bub ..vvry Tnc+ltty.Thrtmlny ur).l isatunlay, trt 11Grolay, 1yn1071:1 0 a . . , / hi ;Una. IIaEGULSR WEDNESDAYI vecHrr, CINCINNATI, Cuptaln 'John n :h... nit Nule mita birett utobullthr 16.°u:tr.:, of the ,Arntoor Intur Newton.. awl oater~ br the Lloototodtooll , litt,Loroll Piaui. tmle. eml •Vii."" " 0 :7 Yrp...- , lly for Oar:moral, lu plan , of tOe New Pt. laud No.:- For :Ye tht or in.own:. noplt• on hoard. or to mr-N. 0. 11. MILTENIIKInIIII‘ Anent. WiIEELING vt,suNFIM PACKET—The. is,t mug.: tratutr IFELLtWILLF. Copt. It. loung. 13M gi';;.=.`h!::74141r4V.14,4"=2,f allettionn tor. StrobearilP. wad Itrbte.c.-- try legrz . dAzi r. en , f , 27l ,,,, Mor . atrabotprpla. I t IFFettng. part and Surtkott irrry, overt - Friday alteruoott. For frright oweloo. appir on board, or to NTT) D. WILKINS. Agent. ItEGIULAD LIVERNIOL AND, WELLSIALLE PACK ET—Tba 11100.• unlit staandr 1112111.1. D. P. Alonc7, ter. leavto Pittabnrab .11ondac,Wolaloalar.lakal tlO o'clock. A.ll. Learco Wellsalllo onTury, Thur. day, and Satqaday, at 7 o'clock. A. )1. For ou 5 000 5. • • .05 iiIUTUAL BENEFIT LIF 3 INSUR ANCE COMPANT. No. lat ]locket Etre t, Nna. T. and No. 11 Wail Street, coat p rat MMUS $1.111(0,00U, dhldinz tram Di ta 40 or p coat prat pee apn.z. The sutwctiter will receive applications for Immanuel , om 11,4U3 the 41..0 nieee,fq lusuranr ,d_ Compaar; the I.tholo Pr" 'tin; gleN No. 141 Fllpat Street r j IRE AND MARINE INSIIIIAIV-Llho ...nom Company. of North America.' Hadalphla burktilrrtreg rbr ' crmi iI n,Tith ' u V ell '" &iritlr e yy, tm - e , , -- ,c.r. P4 tion '"'M or " the hes. '"' Dll=llll. llythur 0. CoMn. Prol. ounnel Moot% ' Aloxamle r Ileum Char!. bimonl W. Jone,, Samuel Y. tullh, Folward Smith. - An:lmm Whits. I Jiihn A. Bravry, .I,tat tV hit Thome. (.1 . 1 151111.1 John K. Neff. Richard D, Wood. Fr:Lade llosklas: 11. D. Siteigeri, _ Thil in the oldeat Ina - on:2w Casernay lathe United Shama and tlfr its high 'landing. long experience, ample mama, and avoiding nil of an extrnAnzardocua eitararlara dp may' la cam.idarad . offrlng arnnle *emir. ta. the P..70Nt3, Aged, deU ' . 111 Pr = meat. ----- ,• Tsr Southern and Western Merchant's" OUSELIIS PREMIUM PERFUMERY. substriler sexpeetfully invites !ratite atiention to llµyyccrtrmtra of Perfumery.Scopt.Shavingereano, *a. to which seven Silva: and two Golden Modals have. voithin ho lad eta 'yew, born wended by tho institutes of New If rk, Mahn, and Phihelelphia. the latter ham the only Gplden Nelda ever awarded for perfumery either Europe or in this country. itocatat's trouvatarn Erman en.. (Ah:l. Non. and Ambrosial.) universally nkooriodwd miss thefti. any Shaving LWato In this country or Emote. I. Owornave sox Soativo—Licatilithlly - transpasent, and poasesclur hichlySnowmen , and emollient_ manta% Sapsna Compourdidmbrosial Shaving Tabletdidlita ry Wavier Soap. . I • Summar Tenn ;our,—Almond, Roo, ' " =srlrn i t liPlitr'elUtTr=__'4l..ClM'M'C PioWng rciasva ; Ertworf rot Balt Qua de (-Spline. Gnancur, Jenny Lindedlowselliosekek oel. Club. Magnolia, Clentatlte. Citronelle. Itceat, and mums tter varieties, lo oil sixty differentiae-flumes.. • Torre iiistsso---Florido Dater. khan do Dollt , ZOsango Flower Wale, ral a great variety of Colognes Laver. dc l.ll l l . l7rova von liant—Gemilno An in OIL Bandolinc, Eau Lush-ale, Oleito, Compound 0011g erts..tliole Dyes. liquid and in porde, end Plilloccons,Diel• nine. sad Jewry Lind Pi:wink, lIDOSTMIC Safari onow—tilalsamle Ma% now Tooth Pute. Chantal Dcutritice. ToothPaste.andneth Powder. Corwricst—Vental Cosnutie (awn, drandins for chaplet! bands7Cold C r Cronin( R., Cream de Panne PP Solve. Handorry Cream, ac. --Dejilatory Posravrs, for um ,pg pryNrilpnvio het - 4 Pearl Pon or. Vinsigre,le Nou Anwatie Vinegar, 71 velum I lair Compseitioui Prune, holt, besides a gm; twiny of other ankh, too Inunetors to bt , uninid lo.thle advent', went. Th. auteerfbordoopc., to maintain thrrepotatioDwhich ibis cetahlrliment ',tined he disradna of nothing but first rate label, anti will be Lynn . to (arida& Wow who may wish to privative bin, tither wholciode or mall on as nasonable Unto. tot oug ectalaishwent in tie, United ettates. ' • . ZANIES. RALLY.. . ?Sincerer to and farmer Dimfor of the Laboraton EthitliN IiOUSELL. 11-felSis ' a - fff 31r. Ilesin'o Perfumery Ls for sale br aU lb. DrbscLALl Drugarse in themuutri. R II OLD'S. H I L AN AND ONIPSOOPS, and 'Harrison's 131ack. SSark[ K T mec Inks. • „ • Gamuts .i ; Faber's., Brookman aml Lan:abut% Jealuesm. and 110ermos Black and lied lead Pottila. Inkstands of every dour( (Mom tiWnttb. CbtemPa, Levi's. Relies. Lunen's. and otter manufactures 072T1141 I•crc Smith's (successor too-a. O. Bayley St Co.) celebrated Gold Pop, with geld and silver ewes Whartmatin English Drawhou Paper—anUtuarban. dam Mr elephant. ell, solutubler. super royal, royal and ele phant BOMA flonrcla. cap. deter Alld merilmo. Perforated hood. foncy lox paper, pLain gend and silver, etabmsed ;old. sllece and limey calmed pam3r. mold surt mitre ...Me and mr.....tend Lithographs for fancy beam/ Prepare&parclunont et all site, suitable for deeds, ers and diploma. Prensbloote paper: always on hand. the roost desirable styles'. ebo. and patterns. plain, gilt. maims esel and slveed, suitable for halls, parties, waddlup. nod romarnien. Franck note envelopes, plain and emhowed: lettoW kneel. °Po. brawn. white end Me, laid and Oran adthriee en rehapat WE, Gine and white. afono, wafer cp.. •16.10-4 patter= Irrißg sithrli torsi Unrentos and Tur u key thermal mad bother th n pyinkprthenf r ink, brusher"; Youth and English' co n rn Ormn, and oil PaPrm Booth raper of all color; red white patent blelo doe rano: pen lather, L. • The glove, with all other article. In the galleon,' Leer both fancy and otaple. tforther with a bake atharthrent ot blank Bask, nth momoraohun looks of all yettorms farms of rylient. in every style of binding, and lorthr of all Ault andqualities. fur sale et reduce! rater on the moot rose. able terms, at W. 0. lIATEIVB Blank Book and Stationary Warelorm, wl6Owner of Il.ket. and &wool ortreeta. J' OR SALE.-One bemired white and green blank "To Leto" gth Mee Temperance (ere_ r flormar 1.0 of the Great rim Eittsborgh 101:,0 Fick rmsteth Berthed Gnirk: 75 of Barris' 411 wilthn of Pitlthrthar stortorio; 50 grow of Coat aml Vert. 31bles and Batton, For ode any quantity. to oak permutes., fei jaithigtrmith ItkAll BARRI Fdth et SALE—A' small retaa suppla IFWriting and Letter NW: rateat Ten a nth an holder. Sand- Leal and SlatePenvila; .thd-• Ithiek Ink: a futon Chart f Alinanthrt or` few Blank Bonk, Tumporence Chart a t National Slap of the Athol. can Republic. a }lapelk: Hearths and of the Warkk_ sale by. !shall le W=o , • ISAAC HARED: SAM P. ROSS, Attorney at Lavr; Office No. ItA Yu an's street. =AI Grarstan Laratsettne Betid ing. 111.1,borgh. aptetel T 8 A LEX. W. FOSTER, _Attorney ana Coun ssllor ne LIM, NC.. 161 Email, asset, aesslirsot rt. lusbursh. IsarlaahrzelyB Artislll.3tllt & lIACKE, Wholesale and Ite ktail Pruaulst, Carner or Woad and Mira ottaets. an der the tic Charles Ikakl..Yittabartac myaralyti I ANKING, COLLECTING AND EN ' I ciwiciE UFFICE—N. HOLUM E. SQNS, No. LT szkrt "erect,. Plti.bnmh. Encino:me on all the Eactefo airt We cilito fur tole. Colkotheos mode in all the , pp to t d' Note lynloo. Nor on all en rent NDIA RUBBER PASTE_ 4 gonad that eirperb article for torte amt shorn, reoderino them _net` ar4eleUrr rorß=iollat; the money refunded. I'm do trootdole and retail, at 'I e a V Wood street (ion. J. Ft 11„PliiLLIPS. /011:11. ~. RAVEL • QIIITLEY COLVISi, , bual -Merchants, viel 'Dem to Thy Goole. Covert.. /ma and Noilei. corner of Walnut .net oirt'Wathinv . too Tonna. nos e . -oelvcittely.s T.mvorancerille. UNO:111ED FOR. BALANCES.L-State moot of Dr t. nod "Maw. 0ft1...T.1U in the Batik of Pittabungb, of the ammult of too none.. aini ...nit that raw whirl; within the three tears preowilnit o the date of this Male... hare Pa 0M.% or tilminielten,erith the nem. of the deporinaw, the date ;Lhen .tech demon.. were m.l, or b... atemted. and e natounta themot Thht snitimerelodec deportee and tale. of dep.. which bore be m ret.. been pule too there soneratire Jeatee - lher Fnitne'enrhea wl the Commonwealth: .. . /este Uott,thertf etephen Count.-- Thomas K.rns-..- —ton. an, taw.i.- Jam.Stnart,(lninlef. ) ...- I nn - NU" Teconnem ... -June 10, ... lento 1 oertlfa chat the "forecotott.P.P belasKes doe the pc ., and Lath= rentaltml ; in Batik nloLnirdl. deer SNT/0161. dultiet. Deerealin sabecibrd. t,fbra ate. this 174th NJ of Ife. tit O. WATSON, Al len.. of the CUT of lettiOuntib:. pA.ITTSBURGIr CO3IMERVIAL Comma. fkaavar of Third and Darkot flammtx. darint A. D. N The nob' Chartored hotatoW of abo Flool to Door, 11.3=ta, Pit:Wad Iwtrootor In the nu at of Amounts. ...... u. K., Prtassor of Nam:F.44; .31.rcan. ale Mcovoteko. L. ' Aumornis M. If kilt" F.<44 Lraexcroa ltalsognia Law. nt~raaa or llneaanaq Mtam-1 kn. Wm. 'MAI% ma , Ilarantou. Won W. Antra, nr../. AflCLlntuel," John Abderman, Jaw. Dun- /OP, Hervey. Lima= (Auninrca—Jobn T. Corbran,,Attarray at James TaueY, Ilerasra; IL A: ?Mr, notountatt Studituto eau rani this Institut:ion in any Um., and uto- Lelunrucelan ball Ss, and esculut: IrDen ort g titlod. dlplusaa nnant Inalutully .litoadran gy p, screen. r • Uwe cannun • tantough TuUnaanan na, Irar •Und - - Chartered C.r.amo of the Id• norm altlnurt4 WWI*. "H }.: ~'i :~~: ~~