The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, January 20, 1851, Image 2

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    - - • • • .
Meat. in numMenalitrentetlit we virivait Yams:
tn.: . "lii the !event "of on:. enetape. to , coerce
er; stterafaei Might be Made, but weirs Willing
and ready to make those sacrifices. But he did
tun believe one gun would be fired in this cop
ied- . South Carolina would achieve a bloodies.
victory.... But, thoiddthere be a war, ell the na
tions of Europe would be desirous of preserving
-, iirig ' ''' e r 11.4. ii- rive fief.' ,_ their commercial-intercourse with the -ficedbern .
ereze e P"' ° - - • -•-. . Staten, and would make the effort to do so, Ile
Tin-c. ilattli Or. Weans's... tx Re:rt.—The flvrts-.
. .thought there never Would be a union of •tbe.
'. 6 W 7 0 Codas/fat of SeturtleY, enters i nt o le d e fe rlee . Sauthuntll this'State Mikes the blow and makes
. . .
VisAi Pope for mipprrs . sing the Ame rican Prot- k the issue.
4ssiantlice Of ..Worship. in Rome, in which:the j Mrs Fl• D. Richardson Would not recapitulate
Trrataildew • • . ; • Soutli.. Greaten they heve been, they ere com
',.•"_,eriaanisesdnif.''lti regiVr!l to toleration , ire.
, partitively unimportant alien comered with the
mates•elelMLY•elldhiMd then .has been deemed evils to which they would inevita b ly lead. We
. - 'l. - :iirederit heretofoie:-: We deem no comment iit- - must not consider:what we have borne, but what
.....eer.nitinpoirthe ortiele....-En'eh slanderous state- le, mint bear hearafter. There is no remedy
.....d • infra.," and ferocious ' a s t h m a a wry e i i t h d h em • for these evils a We' Government ~ we have
. • alternative left 11S, then, but to come out of uie
their own enfficient antidote. , - Every reader ... will
A overnment . • . .
nee for. himself that according to the doctrines .I , ~ Mr. Preston said that the questien fot tla Le
, . .
of thin lirtiele,l• if-We
. isi wlrether those delegates
. .
..,-.Civil - B r i ni er in this country . ; no Protestant could I,lcoulalie chosen by th e Legbff store, or whether ---.--
• • ' the /uld only , be elected by a 'ennverdion of •.. "To ihia Union with tyrants and plunderers
es le pertaittedsto worship oon aceordingto the .Y. - advocated •- s.. • .. .
. s th e _pe plc, Ile a teu the proposition that we OWE 00 ALLMAN= ; for it we hare no . ore;
-dictates of Ins' own conse:ence„ but would be the Legislature lia! , l lie power under the Consti- under it we MU not tire, unless we
recreant 1 ---
• handed over to the rack, the gibbet Bathe flame. ± tution,to do eo. Ile was /opposed to calling ato all we here heretofore held dear or.saered, to ---..---
L . 's . F r om a c pd..4l;uio„ . - c l ih f li c ..., emaciation bedtime he thought Si would Impede our honor, our interest, the trinzeple of a gallant - . KR. CLAY ON COLONIZATION.
"I tho action Of. this State on the question now be- ancestry, aye to the bright and glorious destiny . In preseraing a petition to the Senate, on the
- . ~. TIIE CRAVEL . DI ROME. -"' ..
' ' I I fore A .
...-.7'-'.it h - E is .. •- • . teem with . indignant ;
object oak,' awaits us." ej 15th inn-, Ste Gimp made the following remarks
...±....„ .
~ e. ET riatt :papers •. ~ ow progress towards disunion. All his "Although I feel Impatient at delay, yet. as', i n .d tos srsi cou ro m a . s
....... keit/Merits (span .what in Milled the .hlg etr Y ll "; dons a Cottnittition of the people applied only we have gene into - consultation with our sister - tza ion :
'• ; iilteteriti6e mee lf e ete4 hi" the ne r e ln Gov ern- to tli proposition to call it now. Its thought States of the Soutb, good faith demands that we I Mr. Presideut--1 own that the subject of co
tweet in closing the American _Priaestant Chapel , .Conv tiOns dangerous 'things, except when the should wait the result of the measures suggested j lonization, important as I think it is for the sop
-,,,,,ait Berne . The report, it wiiuld eeem, vetistsean , '' w: 'ties. of the t cuntry absolutely demand by the Nashville Convention. We should meet j pression of the African slave trade, commends
Ma better foandatienthan a letter. free, that vi,tyi them! He said that lee hail adapted the course them in the proposed Congress. But if all o ur itself to my mind by scene' additional considers
: r .:SlO,„at, .'2•l. Dece mbe r - 9th, O th !,:.,,od.Ore'sed-!to s th s , e ,..."'"'„„.. s hese e, he Ind taken an these weighty matters simply honest exertions to unite the South should fail,. bona. Although I may be thought extravagant
the age, there is none to compare with that great
:s'.."•;"keSilia"esetad l mblienee m that PelPere•Ms.;;m•e'es and'entirely with-the view of hastening the diso- and. South Caroli should !tend Morns:then sot- in my view, I declare that of all the projects of
• project of transporting the free people of . color
';.. :- ildrlctter statws, that the . American. Protestant M otion of the Znion: -. • , itary and done l e t her throw her banner to the
.:.•- h Chapel was closed on the morning of De
,- ,s-emethet: Mr. Keit said, be would sustain the bill for brtne, and /rave the consequences to God." •
' 9th * . le e O ureeence of a sec
r et order er'''''",_ e , ern s .." 1 electing delegates to a Southern Congress, be- "Every effort lam been made to isolate Our lin the United Stens, with Blair own consent, to
''meat, -issued in cOnsequeuee wl: TePl'elenh ..°. ' I cause he thought it would bring attout a more State and prejudice her in the eyes of the other ' the coast of Aft-ice. What i s -to be done with
• '" '•.°ll.lll6;part 9f the Vizer-aenerel e s na the P trai"- speedy dissoletion 'of the 'Union. ; Southern States, by holding out the idea that them! What hes been done with them, I ask
rs . • rial- Perfect of ''Propaganda; which' were of such .4
' ' ii. =hien as to render the cot:tinned - dr: o , l g these .I , -
unon thts, • and ;Whet quotations of like ch a r; she wisher to lead'them. But lam sure I speak again? Even here ; under our noses, within tide
her, universal sentiment when I say that she is District, in the coune of the last tea snail, they
es parto Piot6eint, longer permlsible . actor, the National Intelligence? puts in this
willing to follow any One of her gallant- sisters , hare doubled in number . States ere missing the
•-. sin. linMe. , We are indebted for these faith t o ri d
chaititsble plea in ( extenuation I that will leadoff upon the path of honor or duty. I most rigorous lairs to eralude them f ro m' their
.• s eotwmporary, the Yea' York Freslnan's JorOnat. din this view of the influences under which Alt We ask is, Oat in the hour of her --denger " teeritory• u s Steles, indeed, are introducing
•r It isms - pare of our huatners ro apologize for the state of South Carolina has, though in the ter *nay he assigned a , Plage in the picture near 'the . into the - fundamental law, constitution, a pro-.
.'"•-... °Meets o this Boman °evert:Mind. Assuming 1 iolimn forms of Legislative nets; engaged in an flashing of the guns." , . , vision against the reception of anefree people of
,„ . .•' . thi seaterdent to,'
s o teat; it ieperfectly evident i attempt to dissolve the Union; bee authorized color within their border What is to become of
On the dth of July lest a choice set of Patriots
that ti pernaission so recently gabled
not : her °overripe, by (sending embenadors--•envoye them I ask again, in the name of humanity arid
Lava beets recalled unless it Wan fOneel that its I.
e a
thy would certainly te—or in get together at Beaufort, to celebrete the day. et justice?
s.:. r , ocattinttance tended to vides:ger the Steil-being . tuiP other way which he- map think proper, to Here are a few of their toasts: 1‘ I see no other remedy than that of sending
sse s me." . thtseity.m . the State. It is not supposed } ere • "Urge" other Stake, to attend her Southern Con- .
L By Edmund Ilhett—The Union: A splendid n
pie of different institutions, to live under the th e t em back to the land whence their ancestors
•, " ;pre sume, that Vas! Pope, in allowing American grass; hoe by other measures ahoember,detenni- ' 1 were taken,. and I mite coeceive of no portion
failure of the first modern attempt, by he pee-
Protestanis at Rome to meet for what.rhey call /union, in'almosti any event, to place herself in population of the United States which {C ot
• - Warship, ittended to grant them a free hOeliail to arms aginst the lloyernment-of the Union; shown semesessesnmena . not be benefited by such trartsfer of the free pea
I rte of color tram the United States to Africa.—
. diffuse their "detestable impieties *mann his yit lunclly-be-held morally accountablefor which{ whites Tne whites at the North would be benefited, tha
B J Dr. Talbird—The Union: For it 'we have
s -.. , vinbjests, or tii use their meeting houSefor the be- he= If not morally, of course the at the Smith would be benefited, the
endured much ; for it we have sacrificed much.
- . • pnoposo of cancoeting 'schemes tor drieing - httel netbe held
s e
to responsible. It is no rut Let us beware lest we endure too much ; lest we '
'- s • agein from hie dorninionso_si li:1-1 - 1:incting the •of cur purpos e to hold : up her conduct in eat eacrt s ce t o m much. ; slaves would be benefited—the poor creatures
( themselves would be benefited:for, instead of re
'', 'rkustrilde 'Mutes whicla-alllirded such; delight to light, exceft with the view cif - Showing that whin B y Cant. John G. Barnwell : Disunion rather
•.' • I theMselves, rrid — too Omni of their brethren at she has done eea propose; to . do, upon the pre- shin ; d • d n. . 1 maiming in o country where they never can be el
evated to high social end political condition with
- - s tet .. .
~. Jne. It a evident, on the other limit- that tenter which she sets up, would be justly repro- sale K. nos.
Johnsou--South Carolina : Shed
the whites, where they must termer remaie, a
• • - ...1 ,, ,h use of the pen - aission accorded Would prole -bated in other State or Sines eoseeder the st t ot - the .Union when it was a blessing; l
•- _ ably. be Made. As to American ? rote
same unheppy influences. wben it be comes a curse, she will strike for I degraded, corrupt , end dissolattalase. if married
- : from all parts and parties of this country, meet- I For IS correspondent art, however 'criminals hem at • ;
1 : - ...'•"'ing together in one ho tae for S's.oelel vorship," the eye of the law, committed by any individual ,
that. is all .ierY. Palpable' humbug. ' American in the same condition of mind, as the State of By Cot. i 0. P. Elllott—The Compromise: "The I into an importance which they can never attain
best the South can get" A cewm .a ly banner I hem. Erny conceivable interest will be promo- 1
red; commerce will be,promoted; ciellization will
.., 'L e na - memo Liven°, yet agreed who is the ProPers SOuth Carolina appears to bei-thnt is to say held out by the apoilsola n . that would sell his
.'1,. , .. object - of .religions worship; whethirltbereas a wholly unconscious that the act which he has doge be p ro moted; religiotewill he promoted, by the
country for a mess of potta
:.whether oraSliell; 'whether the Bibleii inspired'. ot attem:pted, is amt. which he ought not to do, he
.transfer of the free people of co m e with thick
ByC pt. F R. S. Ellioti—Th American E -
Union, own consent from the United States to Africa.— '
.•-• . whether baptism is necessary ; whether Satruday would not, if we understand rightly the law, - be I lo a the el: . Ent of adissolutio e n of tk.o • n .
And whet interest, what portion of the papule
'. S , -or 'Sunday' is, the appointed day °C rest. - 'One 'he held legally eccermtable in a cof justice.
th e e '. South claims, as h er portion , the heart or non of this country will be!injured by etch a
meeting Lerma cannot contain'the religionidf - The benefit of that ilk's, whetbr cou r t sbexcept it or , the noble DWI; to the Tantee . s we leave the tra . p .... of these pessuest sis i ls.e, nine
•...; , fireences of the Protestant inhabitants of t b not, we are entirely willing to allow, lug bee pre- I
.: ..,:,. eixiallest village at home; and we ire told the Sent position, to the State of Smith Ca ro lina— I f e t e e l e en o d r i n e iM. aste u......ehe s ou t h , F or e._ whestemvef- detain Senate longer
IWlLame. the „Unitarian, Balumist,l Methodist The acts which she does sind proposes, are not, 1 fieelYb right , she " ••• • • s l ew neither threats nor 1 - will n o t us e u if u P ee tide
.....- Zpiacopalian, Itaptist, Shaker . and Quaker, al however, the less condeninable, nor the object at I ,1' toOo tit ,would subject I should be glad Senators
~•• ' - meet together as bretlasm, and for the purpose which she aims, less criminal, becauve, in her! ewe ', Pf ei l ce A e • J h Th
- .- - 1 ' cif “social worship." ' The Roman ;Oovernmentl present delusion of mind, she considers it no.ots I. ,-YD. - • - e ne ee— _, e Union: ma S e Y • ument to which I have referred, end would ere'
Wm probably discarded by this ti'me, , what twor..l fenee,.moral or criminal, to embark MO cot:side- .... " Mime s new an accursed bond. • ( some considerations to the suggestione which I I
thipmeansamongProtestante; thetiselot prayer." •my against the-life of the Union s mid deliberate Notwithstanding all this gasconade, this ebn- . have made.
but prenehing; . that but one hull ' a dd re s s
• LI to prepere th ways and moms for carryiug - out linen of malignety, treason arid infatuation , this ,! Ali ! Mr. President. if we would only renounce
. •
:.palatable to the motley.assemblegi which con so damnable a design." 1 1 seething determination to carry matters' to the! these unhappy 'mi.:team of agitation which have
'.• ."' Melted. tit • the American Chapelvtbat hatre . l .- . .. I distracted our country tee long. and so greatly
It may be well enough, at this Point In her lasPextretee, we do not believe they will null
• of Popery is the only point on which they ari. Y r the people of the North would only allow the.
fight. But if in this we should be mistaken. people of We ; South to menage their own do- '
........wened aud its speedy destructicin the obi proceedings, tr: put in the plea Of insanity; but
objectin which they can all unite; it has probe however well founded Me. plea WIII be, it ma and matters should be driven to s th at deployable mestie affairs iu their own way-s.if they would
±. s
Dl &covered, that the American meeting hoot soon become the
.erave duty of the °every:pen I point, we trust that the government will send is ; only reflect that it slavery is fraught with mile
'is the head quarters or all the itek Republic to ' prevent her km doing mischief. But let us ! suc h st , orcewhelmieg I . the evils ere nut felt hy those et the Nertb, but
force, Quit the people
. . --- Talos iri
an d and that, from it,l are ‘Wemi" retatr'• by the Way,how unwise it is on the part lof s out h g ti ns; maul an ' t h e i st ." , wi ii m ,.i a , 1 err e vils to where the slave, ari--if we would'
nateatracts and pamphlets inculcatingthe right 1 °by :the ' I only Cease to agitate each other. andegitste our
.. ed• rebellion, Mid the duty of private judgment. !of the older States to truckle and yield to such j once that resistance is impossible, and thus pre- j entry, end endanger our Union itself. by coo
--t- •:••••,- . - For Our own part, w e never alluded in 'tiny matit:ess. 03 thin. Secession --mod and mileidel
' -vent the effusion of fraternal bleed. • 1 tinning Oleic unhappy subjects of controversy
so. "way, to the 'opening orthe 'Protestant Chapel; !Is it i3—is merafestly a foregone conclusionwith , , end strife, and all come together upon this
but we Mite' this opportunity of isipeessing
our tux COTTON. • , great common object, its which the free States
(South °Arent:tn. • She has been determined upon ' .
,J are as much interested as, the slave States—
; " ereli g ia; M its ee*esviells 'hie may in for twenty yearsi and her quarrel with the , An American of the name of 0. ,S„ Leavitt,
= thought intolerant, bat When, we, would ask, did Li a mere pretext. lee all j claims, through thel end unite ell our enenties in directing the tree
. .We ever Profess to betolerantof 'error, or toe: - I North °hoot eleverY eelmer4 o f the;i sew ' lark 1 people of color front the Shotam of Atorox., to
.I'. ---
me th. doctrine that error ought: to be tolets , Premember the nullification :lamp in ISSO, end j Tribune, to be the discoverersif the proems by ; that plac co here they coo coley resl . feeedom,
"-L..... • stmt.. On the contrary, we hate error, we detest j the mmpeoraisn which folltarod. But that cons- I which ilex can be manufactured sons to become I, .uod pursutheir own happiness. what a gloriotts
.. c . it witlr Our whole heart and soul„ end we pray ' promise did not satisfy beryfor she has been rut- ! a sulatitute for cotton ; arid the same thing, h e I resell it veuld be for our country 7
• that our eversion to it may.sver increase. . 'We •n . us s mo snte th re sssweer since, 35,1 at ' says, ran be lone with hemp. There con be ao . ' .
"hold itineet that, within' the Wtll3 of the Eternhl ‘ a n u - 9 -•-- j qisestion but that this i s on e o r t h e eine ,. iMp, The . tiezt , Tork Te .,. ilothe says lMio ttrid „ Peon A
S'•'" cite no worshi . loominable to QV( should ho I length she Des get to the ore of oven sets
, sylvema nett tio3o nOtiet are reolte et. ist en d
publicly corabicted; and. vie are 'sincerely glid To show that the inesuity, or treason. or whet- ; tent discoveries of the age, end Will were a great ' .
, ..that lke enemies .of -Teeth an so lotiger allowedito . ever we may call it, has infected other . besides revolution in not only the citanufectitring. hut I m "" w ''''''' t
. I
.. . .
mee t feY elism . 7°4 at. such in de. "Fit' LL "f ti'' I mete politiciano-rthat it: lois inv a ded even the the agrieultural and commitecial World.
ei:cian Norte. , , , ! , 1 , I'm tie Pitnn e ratitetu'ili
. ..,. ~,.. .; , ,„. ;; ) Served desk—we smote a few extracts. from seer- - Be W make a Shen extra& fi - om Mr. Lemitt's , • • . CORIOSUId.
. ,
•The Cetholicbelievesin the exMtince of Trudi , men preached by the Rev. William Barnwell, I article: The Fe”dosn's friend, a so called usicatial"
• -
I. which it is t h e d u ty of c-very one t Q discover Mad 'Rector of St. Peter's Church. delivered en She ( "net we are en tb • of a great revohaimi tiertann daily paper of this City, is its nuother
~.... profms; e.' mu to neglect or desiy,''Alia'religinno , ete day of December last, and "published by re- in coil:ance . andstelinufts ~ growing out of "Si Jen Oth, trought out the following article:
.... .- principle's me not, to lam matters of opinniu. 1 , %substitution of linen for cotton, there can be ' • ,
gnat." The intermediate remurk see copy from . WHAT LaITILUE tatiaTT 1"
- ••., --thesseire articles of Faith. for the defences, of I. the ietethgeee, cplest , Raw t en worth 4®lse '
'.• •.-± awe one of which he is bound :to be ready to ( i per lb; Whilelineis filler.?ein Inv twocured far less ..• If a person would compare the different pc.
,--'. Iey.aOITTI jlis' life. Re 'believes -. the possess:on I Beginning , hie .I!2aoune with the proposition . t f ee - o ee third e st...p r ises es peceoli ; st at ic ., di, Mesa' pipers with•ach other, he would flea but
'-' - "of the tree Faith to be absolutely - essential to ' that South Carotins "h.:The , . threatened by those . trios where flax Is greenefer ' lb tat
MAY. the ' few of (Lem, that , tits tot bear the motto: " for
... j'" nil:Milan, •sre that every one depaini.rihi .ifs ' who withi the power oaths Generaltiovernmeuta I Bat being thrown away as or
Or as least 1 liberty end right ' ' No matter whet thme words
. ";' . .!.iiitliefit itt . is east into the lake of fir pee s
p „.",,i severetit4„geri 10 On 1 L. l fACkpriatv ,
rea- - 1 the r d s Hems males t L's- '
. 1 mit„, , rort h the sspee , an ds m etass o r ?mind i ng really mem, since they !ram to use therti merely
• for market in the nasal way. s e
„s ha d di str i cts. ; for th purpose of georar.g subset-there
.---, for -rulbellevers. llt is, therefore, his bo .en I t ics r . no „ . -
' '-- -
duty to use every lawful means in his pewe 'to I cn a ' ''' .s. , dal'ean b e procured in the warmed state --.the j • The word liberty has. tho shrill:On IV Wallet
.” • check the progress of error, arid to arrest the i ..That South Carolina hall:eta formally throat- , nry candidata required for yirocuring • tee lin- j thet-it should nit mohaut many a one, and this
•••' •couree of those - who are 'rushing headlong to . I ened,•at present, 'by the General aovenmierit, .en f vr . p
' at the Cost— or about t' o centsper lb , o bject is realised the more amongst these who
ythe wont ler y,. hie mug
... "their destruetion. Ile cannot adroit fir a v ino- t I do not affirm: but he must hive cant as nr.ob- I Then, by the use of machinery somewhat simi.. I understand b rd "Tb t" tl • .I '
now 's a ng esiem a i di e . away with all, or at least with those laws, which
'Meat, that it is a charity to gnat nee li berreto I servant ye upon the current " of. public affairs I lee to tbat which I am .
'.- •Imilsrarted sad to cause the thampttion of.o th ere, 1 who does not discover a. covert but derided ree-' , with curetted hemp, m thoraatrufacturs hYani - 1 they do not lik . e, berg impeded by them` in their
~:, any more than it would be tr: friendly act La re- ' Wane on the psi - t of those in eultiority to prohibit, 1 red cordage . ;:flaa can be beoketeont furless then licentious senorita. no w t en e d l ey!, that there 9.:
•!: - .:,:inarethe chains of a madmen, and to vent Ihim Iby force, the eiercise of hertoseernicemets right ; two ceateper 111. more, p ro ducing cleaned, un- I sash. persre.ewho desi r e t h e l ike , lee. if we' keep in
lifferent pert y organs define , he
' - etturY faellity of dashing 'out his brains alms! !to resume the y,orers delegated to the °mare . rotted 'deafer less than s tourcents per mt.": b ow t , h ,
''.., the walls of Ilia cell. The Protestant, 'on the I Gcverninent, cad secrisf ,- : 'the ream •se :Ss ow !by toy process and 'machinery, , it can be refined I mewaref of liharlY- Peaty Palters. moreover.
other hid denies the ir4ster-ce of such a 'Zig 1 „St." ; and t e n dered white and soft. 'capable" of being I hear the motto: ••for liberty and rieht," at - their
, • two a m t ' forchend. From what position this liberty is to
as =infallible tembeit - tPou math; believes Ithat I ' This aseamPlinn of i thre4 i 'itf Sorab Caroline s spin meths finest yarns , for lees than• ;
th .
.., e
' more being °mulct elm condition which you so ; I / "gsa nr ... .
cars from the net, that they are
Waal , that, mast exiopio e and judge freely , ` l -f le ' jby the General Goveram . auti.wldeltefter amen - . s o y m i re sa ns Th is con ti „ pun 1,, party papers, a /ars decry every thinnot belong
igtis,' eYsteins, and creeds; and 'make 'the bete , to
goes! in his power.
is the great frineilCs I d he i l s + ee. ' :" . e ". t affirm." the Ree• gentleman ! about the Sam cotton ."
.required for cotton, thus . redo. ; Ing le. lArir party er ~,,s ~,,f ins, the, ~in, is
- oflProteetentiste anti the'Protestent who would l
. gees onstesentalis by the fellowing.fesber' gra 'king the price of linen yams fur below thecae:a- ""f"' '".d ""I . °"-
'etietaipt' to restrict. the 111051 nideninded license tuitow itinl‘prepOsterous proposition: toe. From this time forward, as you proceed iti .• P"'" 1 ” , a free St.'" ire o .'"'" to ia."Y -4 .1 1
,Of opinion, by any :mans, moral or eltY.Sieel , • ••In thetieseet 0 - 011trerersy with the Scaals, the manufacture of robries• the espenee is Timm 1 ''' , .. -0, "'di , '" , :f , h , , Scorn . b0 ,,, d.
~.,. ._
__ •_ , . _ ,
... Reyes ny nis very etteMpt thatl,Protestanteen se the menerai-Govensraent is ail usurps," - equal, the recent improvement in power Leno, it
e igd, la° :such parties elteh chile the Conn/.
''' a .d6M mei that hellemelf /Me ' he enefelenee m ' After fOriifriuv. Win ea, he best can— 1 for linen hiving entirely removed all the ditficul- ( tonon ro us ti4.7ldini. — thai of the nip alai that 1
the great 'principle - on -which whisk - Drs no-celled reli- ! - . -:. position . •.. tics which were experieeced in this branch of lof Oa S,4idi.l4: Ono - pasty fights at the other
gonna system is trssed. . . . ehowing,an dcuri to, his want of acquointance I .... facture .... time ago, e t a from
the great 1 and seeks to make itself master over the lima
•- - • I with the plainest provisimas of the Constitution, parity mad whiteness of the linnets fabric by the Slf the one party (Widget should gain the, victory,
' I I end perverting the most 1/Glorious facts of his- I new precenSthe bleaching is rendered quite as lit then would certainly employ the statutes of the
gl e e_ , 'simple and cheep a process fa with cotton. By [oenstltutiou only to its own advantage, Mid Mike
tery—he slander; the "God of Truth and
m met ..., el m a rem _ I the new process we are enabled to produce anon to the suppressed party only the most neeeemey
trOnlnCe . l" by Midertsiting lof a much fuser quality then before. It was .ueessions ; sialuld the other party ttiocialiste) I
nee in the political hersefies of the Rtate of South 1 common in Ireland, when hemp waslow aria flax go vichirious emit of the battle field (which God !
- high, to site the American dew-rotted hem Pen a forbid) then libertywould hare' reached entirely "
"Believing them, as 1 do, that in this whole substitute for Sex, but it could not be ratite fine I her end: for arrogeece and terrorist:Ms would (
crusade againat the institution, of the South, . numbers—randy Situations 30s. It can, bower. I rush into the place of golden liberty.
which the General Government is waging, it is ; err ,
byt e,nerd7~ ess, the new process, be easily run as fine as A Person cell See Oval/ OM statement hove little
acting the part of a Usiirper, and believing land' 100
h ar p o the pound.' I have produced yarns can be confided into the party papers of both
Goals the God of Truth and Iliebteousnes, and I muc fier, in a smell way, from hemp, both parties, in spite of their motto ~ ter 'liberty.
is opposed to usurpation , I would have our State I rotted and =rotted, though the latter is prefer- and justice:" sad .althoegh *lmp try ilmost ott
do ton vino tut acsseince. in the right of the Fed- red. , . - •
every page to Make th eir readers Wien th at the
,ral authority te coeree her" , . ' true creed wasito be foiled n ary with them."
The Bev. Gentlinien, after showing the'most ' XplElfetl' WEALTH OF isEK/kNfidll. Thus, Mr. Editor, the Freedom's Friend con
tinue, to some length further. Raring myself
absolute I misapprehension of the character of entleurored in vain to convince the IFreedem'e
those now and heretofore engaged In the Admin. Frienth.that to the contrary , parties Me no tee
istnainn of tbe General Gierernment, saying that mica to liberty, but rather her parents, support- ,
they are !Milder influences eanfessedly iuom'i. ere, end protecterstbet liberty, without the I
ow," goes on with ludieroueeoesciousness testa healthful action of panic*, who look . each other
on theletingers, could not exist at all—that fee
what hi is saying he in desegrating the House of dome and fanatic movements nre • different from"'
God, as follows:: : I party—obsernition etc.' I should very much like
.. ft is not nu. to speak crib tit dignities, or I to beer- your opinion on this vital -question.—
et condensed to p c
rsonalities from thissocred plan: I Father I am
.wrsmig of the Freedom's! Friend is
but I 'mdy be pardoned for expressing the opinion I crocked. Very respectfelly years„ - 1
that the powers that he at Washington are not of IL P,WDELLER, enter of no Mains annoy:
that • hirdy, energetic, warlike estamp, whose . Yee, wit agree with • our good friend, Mr.
threats are to to dreaded Ps the unerring pre• Musadam, theta( the foregoing be the . ..Dente:tient
ludas to execution. Epicures (!) do ndt meetly
evince.either couroge or strength. Ire not ev- , of the "Preedointes Friend," it's "crecked".sure
c ry
Sordanapalus (I) who tarns out to be a bero. 1 enough. Our country has had panic. for more
Before piper blockades, /loathe - accidental rein- than sixty yeara—sometimes the -whigs are up- (
forcemeat of the garrisons in her barber, em pennon., .sometimes the democrats, ' but we all'
frightenSonth Carolina into enbmission, her op- . love the Constitution; and when
bare just as much liberty as w we ere down we
preasora (!) must learn something of Marion's 1
dinner." henwe ere up.
. Freedom' 8 Friend don't understand our country:
After. charitably ineintusting that all those who !
have ventured to oppose the spirit of distmiondn I yet; but be will learn after a while.' • And It is
his Own State have been nectar by the General I very likely if we were to go te .Germeny, it
Government, be break% out into the following 1 would take us a- good while to learn polltice
rlunpsody: . , th ere. But let ' Friend observe bow
, . friendly the Whig, and Locofocos . are among
"Better, far better, that, in proud and honest themselves, end he will: soots find, that his fear
Ipoeerty c oho gave her Ch re to the anted, end about parties are all 'moonshine. . s
I iler sOi/, to her thaw• and hereon. to the pirates,
nod kormansion.e to Mt owls and the tote:: and her
motriv 11015110,- 7013ARY 20, 1851.
.M 6
'That the political leaden of South C
. . ,
axe resolved upon a SeeStniOn from the U.
now apparent- With singular unaulmityl,
' Legislature, at its late sessiou,ipassed els
riding for the election of delegate's ton So
- - -Congress, aid voted $lOO,OOO to . pat the S
... .
-. . posture of defence . _
Prom a long and ablo article in a late II
of thellaticrnal Intelllgencer we make so
trails. "..lo show the character of the poop
' . 'lntelligetarer qubtes frcm a Georgia jour
. -.
' .., the writer says: ,
"The city of Charleston--the State of outl, ,
..• .C.siollmt--is the very home of aristocrac . It
. is the most aristocratic State M the 13w a. I
, mean to 'my that there is Ices intiinate, ter
-, course between e masses of the people and
those by whonith are governed—less Sympathy
- between the wealthy and the poor t and l'eo
- tad baseless' to do with elections than an other
- State kith° Union. - In. that State the pie do
r 4,
__Outvote for their Gosernor---they do not to for
'Electors or Trerldent and Vic Presider • In
visiting the State one is forcibli strark th the
- . exclonisenesi end aristocratic tone of s • my—
with with the imperiona deportment and ebid olite
- ...ziess which mark the Intercourse betw n the
lordly roan of wealth and tlie working muses-
The same rosti-republienn acid aristocratic fmi
. I tures, im before suggested, Mark the Institutions
', of the State. -The People exercise but few poll.
: thud rights. Fleece they are ices enlightened
~ on the history of the country, and imowleas of the
neeseures'of the Government than the peOple 61
- other Mates who are in the enjoyment of larger
%, Share - of power in the direction of public af-
I, t tide. " .
~--lis illustratire of the lordly tont i..,f her p'oliti
. ' ' 'esl leader.?:, the following extract from a speech
of Zl:4lolernor Hammond, bribe first Nashville
. ' Convention is.given : • -
to &good deal bid been said shout what their
.catatiluents had sent them hereto do. The gen-
Alermai front ihotight they were not
7 - 7.
sent here to discuss measures before Cougre-s.
They 'were e'er& here In propose or discu,s soy
'Measure they,thought proper—any measure
bearing upon the rights or interests of the goo
there people. They were (said,3lr. 11.1 the leo4.
of the Sontli—the oppointsdkoderr of the South
~ 4 4hey were not sent here to hunt up .at barbe.
cove and court-houses what were theopirdoos or
.or that man, to adopt their,. They were
Arent up here to make up their minds as to what
be done by the.South—=that they might go
beam to their constituents and tell them what is
' • 7' tote done.'TrlEPthrtnaril .9 kr., AeliklTZVLit at.
CO9blkarrtk nit u. They seit:{its here 93 lerniers
loin:Ant them to the way of freedom and Nnali
-", frwe shrink Awn nor duty, we cover our
7 selves 7r With- infamy.?
-That such immenselfarre
. t luso should con.
t •tentedly remain in confederacy with DeriOeratie
SMtes is not to be expected' The idea "of
li:t re
1-. ailing in the - Union is tretked by them with in.
• *fable contempt — hear some of the great Men in
Leglilature speak,. : ` Thgy are,dismoming the
'question of arming the patk against the Union.
...Mr. Sullivan Proceeded ;lo discuss. the nor
, - •.eekeigat.y.ol7 die States and thg tight of secension;
; end denied. the right or' the-power of the Gerken.
al Orkenr=e9:. to coerce the State in cute else,
This State is solerein and independ
r•ellstiOu. _ . •
vet eo ac,-5 proper • assert that
sovereignty, And - rifrben,
,aIIOWO • 13Z 'aril:9We
than we are' now ? If we jintendo wait 'oral
Ire become inperie to the redorol Vona..
~~ ;:
ririiirtgion, and' ',linemen!, ond religion io tiorlia-
rim,. than that abe permit hetstlf to be bought
by the factuatt but fatal Liihe of a : corrupt
and corrupting 'overnment."
Better she should do all this than do what!
Thais that nay 4tiaen of the sovereign and inde
-1 pendent , govevament. of otttit Carolina Fi.1014 , 1
I imetzt ., si officel under the GoviTament. !low i
appalling must (not thin anathema he to the re- !
i svieeted geotlemita who hold the offices of Collett- !
ot, District Atvirue.y, cud Poettua,ter of the city;
I hone bring, we hellcat, about-ell
the oflicez in t4e gift of the Government within
i the city of i:haileston.
I We will Onlyiquote farther from thivoedititios
1 luirangua the fglowing piece of getnetnetde : '
..Prittext of ! kinds ellotild 1.0 araidednt pees
`eat. eryetfolly lich as affect tom relations to our
cu-]hates of tb Smith. ;'Shen We tell them that
iRf teal, incompetent or lbtig to teal in this '
1 o pp o stion to ttle.General Government. they do
I not believe as ;lam!, they oughenot to believe us,
' for Litt, I , l3botth ' carolin4,"' to air.:] ore the proper
lardcrntitt:tudt a Colic!. We 'have been lit et be
. fon- tingle. hatided, nay,without the all of a
large put of 'isie abloot dual bast men, yet we
pamedour poilit..
~. lit . . kale, donne gee Ralf.—
, - ife huidd dtdalitt el 41 , 1 brad of the great captain
e f ete 0), n t el ,„ e tidt 1.4 .irlt . la fate tf the Ui liOli. al 1
1 kit , ifiiperat - 'V. ..dedi.t4 . ?nal and - roitl'--:41;41
.1 it has been, anti i,; r d will ' 6iitinuito be ',lull
[ and void'-within die limits of ,'south Carolina—
• the galas for*bilL" . .
•,1 , .
I ,
.. .- _ It, ~-. _ . ~ ~. _ .
'll/e Beterend gentlet ltuu 24019
recolleet tons or bin real ug. It was !!the genit
captain Of the country" who successially del
-4.4 the Nnlrigess, and it :wee nuilifieotion, and
n - ot "the tariff," that...tro ke dawn' 'onthat'oe.--
We now return to the Governor. On taking . ,
the with of office he'thns defines his (Teed: — "
"1 may, no doubt wilt.' frequently. err, bat: .
~,,, i n tentionally; for, thank God, Sear about
rit a Arad burning with indignation at my country',
wrongs, and which has never knosin a thought,
ifeeling, or emotion higher than that which heats
for the glory, honor, and welfare of my native
It is not necessary (says the Intellignicer) in
order to underistand the sentiment orwhich the
new Governor Is the chosen representative, to
follow his speech out further than the purpose
of -oar reference to him requires : Thls object
will bp accomplished by the following brier coo
The New 'Orients Commercial Bulletin speaks
of the mineral wealth 'of Arkansan, which' recent
explorations have shown to be immense,
iron, coal, and lend. The preient population of
that State is not each as Is calculated to develope
the great but concealed resources of the State.
It in, like mast border populations, rota& and
uncouth, partaking more of the improvident hab
its of their aboriginal predecessors than of the
enlightened energy of the older communities of
our country. But like all other inferior norm—
(may we we the Word here?) it will by,degrees
give Oro to another, and then the rich stores
of wealth concealed in and under her soil will be
brought out: The Bulletin 6191:
The discovery of a valuable character of lead
ore is of recent date. This mineral is what is
termed argentiferous lead ore, from the' great
amount of silver. it contains. Ilia only two years
since, that a vein • on the lands owned by the
South Western and Arksotat Mining Company
was discovered, which yielded, after stew weeks
crude labor, about fifty thousand pounds of ore.
We learn from an authentic rums, that this
soccer gave an increased impetus to the enter
prise; and in the fall of thC same year, the maul
moth vein, upon which the company are now
working, • was opened. With only four hands,
there were raised, in four months from this de- I
twit, about four hundred thousand pounds of
ore crowping . the exertions of the few individ
uals engaged dtliis onderiakirtg, with a mea
sure of success, rarely conilled in We history of
lead mining lu the United States. In addition
to this amount, largo yiantites have been raised
from a number of shafts sank near where the
mammoth vein was first struck.
, • Two.or three large, shipments of this ore have
been made to Liverpool, kinglet:el Of these ship
ments, a lot, of about one hundred tons sold at
!•prices ranging front 418 to £2l per 1.11. Lend
made from the ore at mine.s, brought.Ci7 10s
per ton. Three cotes are about treble. the ratite
of any other lead ore found in the United States.
The assay of the firstaltipaneut of ore to Liver
pool was as follovra: •
-rue pig* produces one hundred and twelve
. ounces solver to We tan g
Lot ore 3 tons 4 cwt. cutatsing 77 per et. lead,.
which produces 64 oz. silver to the tom of 10len .d.
Lot ore 8 tons 17 cwt. contains 72 per cl,, d
which producos 44 no. silver to the ton of lend."
The following is the result .of . several ways
made et New Orleans, by v. P. Hart, of the U.
S. Mint: •
-No. 1. Lead ore, ( ga lenwaulphurei.o f
resembling that found in such abundance
in t
linois—lead 85 per cent.; salver 30 or. to the ton.'
No" 2. ArgelltiterOUSlCaare."(VerY 'alfrerent
frog the farmer,) Iced. 70 per et.; Silver lilt) or.,
to e ton: -
• No. 3.7 dUrgentifereme lend ore; lead 70 rir Lt;-
sliver 200 M. to the tow- • •
of ilno, , free from
- No. 4.. Zinc oroonlpharet
metallic alloys, and therefore' very valuable , —
,1:rom 40 to '45 per a,. of meta . •
.~~-'" ~ _
.s--_ice .: ~+
4s s a ys carebeen made }.~' •
..:,.. says. f the area:of - • 82 " ' 4' • • Pre ;de of
Miineti'by cedehritsid acientilfie men in flyieeLi boo mentioned Inst./to:1door' Gilmorin a at
of jg e ,,Tr i de,'
_m e i ai Ltree •' in -i i , on -....., the ..... W ki rere ,
t, Z o l u itioad o.e ,
.(31Ints siak. .) ,
u ntid y,.
j hr ,in o ßc. tfie .
ing thb. mineral to be the tichest argentiferons ;;;' di e d eindileiny on Pride, evening. in Wale"...
ore rear found in the .linion; and isome of their . . o drentriti of the bran- Herattendad a ball, and
tests show sir per cent. of silver 'in many aped- had just • cfnaPleted le rinser; an d. tit down by the
• side of his wife; whits he complained of a strange
Tien is a chance orf the profitable invesim . en ( ' I n ee s t . intr ie n r. G I ri el m t ore lln hit ud bee n n d eri e l n e r ly "l kn wi owtror 'Pea ye ht
id capibdorhieltiattew so abundint in the At- sa I Man of great &minces talent and entrap. He
old , He was • native of Vermont.
lantic citiern . if; we 'may credit what is said in '1.41. 1 cWarcroo.y, Northern, en d p ennen ,p •
the foregoing extract, here in a source of Silver .;'" e il e w e ed, have b ee ,. said to be indebted to Mr.
that will help at tenet 'to maintain the relative Gihnore for their aistence. Physicians hi whom the
deceaseithad consulted had warned m nomad soy
standard value of that metal and gold. Fifty l
...., .. t ,,,,... R e w .,,,i, Bostn y e ,,,,,, t , yeah
enlaces of silver to the ton of lead is below the I, o ,.peettilere, ben died a rich man.
average given above. This is equal .nr least to ; 'The Si. Louis hitelligencer, of the 17th instant,
tains a fiat of I e steamboat ate. en Wegeen
$5O. Certainly the business, if vigorously pron.
i erl. south we , deee see , ere riming Th e pear prdo
routed, would produce as much of'this metal as Th e w h o le eumbe at accidents emus up 124, of
would sensibly affect the currency. i which 40 occurred; fiorn sinkirA, by sulking snags
' Ind other obstructions in the river; 13 from
The metalie ward th i.if this continent is only 1 ing ft ,,,„ ; 9 f ro , i. g p1 0 ,,0r,..; g te a m call sarae; yz
beginning to be developed. Thy copper of Lake ; from fun, and 313 from other mines. Toe number of
Superior, and th e gold of Ca li fornia have both boats Wet gam sop " I " Lives, (tie
near as esecrt , anied)
..T4, of winch 8 were the retain of collation, 4.., from
been brought into action very recently; and wi , o limmpg fines, Ilu from explosions, and IM uoin
popuLstion and enterprise penetrate into the great i ire. .1
Ozark region, stores of valuable minerals will be Anecdote of a lersey Girl.—ln the year 1717, a
discovered equal in value to either: . I yOung woman tising a deserted house in Wood
' b i g i r , L i y. ;ol 7 i vi th w rc i i ., t4g i t i t d he si w ai l y n!o t window an
k i ,i ille p. V ri Ca y •
There being no e fauur within 'a mile of the town..
'bewail home, pion men's clishes, and armed with
old &elixir, mut dto the, house and took the lies
' clan prisoner. She stripped'him of his am", and
was marching him to the Americaacamp, whoa rite
fell with the patrol of a July regiment station at
Woodbridge, to istiorn she delivered her Prisoner.—
Here was really maid of hooornoce of year milk
and water a rti cle , who scream at a spider, and feint
at the eight of a evil tile. She saw planed and Mien.-
ted the capture. Of the whiskered Hessians in ten
minutes, though his brawny area had sufficient mos
cle to tear her WO from limbs
A Gem from an Old flook-4t boa been eloquently
and' truly raid; that if Chrigisuity were coolpelled
' to flee from the mansions of the great, the acade
mics Of Philosophers, the halls of legialators, or tar
. throngs of busy men, we should find her last retreat
with women, at the fk wide. Her last audience would
be the children settle ng orouad the truces of a nether
--thet last sacrifice, secret prayer, escaping to si
lence limn her li ' add hear, paluipa, only at the
throne of God!
4 ,
Macwwber Ft int Policy.—Dickene, sn his
'Maid Gorper fi eld, t akes bteca atter discovar the
'difference between living within and beyond the in
• come. Hu ertrin--"Minual Weenie, twenty pound, ,
anneal aspene., nineteen, nought and me; reeuh,
' happitices Annual income, nattily poundr; annual
expenditure, twenty, nought and an; resell. iiti ,4 ly.
Tbe; blast= is blighted, the leaf Is withered; the god
of .day goon down upon the dreary scene—mid, in
short, you ere forever floored "
kluegarians in Celiforiest.--The Journal of Com
merce learns that 100,030 acres of eligible ettuat..d
land in California. have been offeredhy no ex.alcaldei
on highly firoisb e tetras. to Mr Bretatch a Runge
rian in New York; With the hope of mdocinghts
countrymen to settle it, and and engage in agriculin
ml permute _
Tne "CITY or Caascow" CELESRATIOZI.—The.
Philadelphia papers come IP up, brain full of the re,,
ported proceedings- of the sayings and doyings at the
dinner to Capt. 'Matthews, of the screw prepallor,.
Cdy of Plug...
The following wthscriptiene2for stock in the nem
line, were handed in, In the county of the evening:—
D Little, 5100) .leme. G o dley, 510 000; A. Theo.
Ce nil, 51010; N. E. Thompson, 5100% Lippencott,
gg Co, MOO% Dr. Oro. - H. !Swain, 151. ,
James Traquair,Bl ooo ; M. Neerhirk, woo; A. .
Cooley. 51000; George •Edwerds, $lOOO, J 'Grigg,
S1000;1. Dalton, 5.000; I. C. Davie, 5100%, F. N.
-Nook, 5100% Penherlcanian,.lsloo3; Francis
51000; II N. Burroughs, 01000; C. blegarge k E R.
Cape, 51000, E M. Devi., $lOOO Parish Au Price,
51000; James C. land, 51000, J. J r Alburger,slooo,
E. Morris Wain,.lslooo; riamuel E. Stokes, 51300.
Over :100,000 sea been subscribed, Lad some
£211,000 or 530,006 more are wanted tis complete the
list, and we have a mai monthly line of Lteamshipti
to I.iiimpoid
... .
The Hoe. Charles Augustus !Unity, siecood sod
d the late Ear: of Deutmote;bad nephew orthil Duke
el Blntboo; was married la Boothia to Miss Eliza.
teeth Wadswarth, o( .lieueutte, N. r., -cut the 14th of
• Mr: llintrolt, the historian, tow estimated that at
least• oae•thlyd,'ol the white popoltown alba United
States are directly descended from the twenty two
tbonmuid Purdati.emigranta who that Denied New
'Gambling in Washington dig very loandfre.—
fining faro dealarawas able as buy • property
which sold at 1143,1M0, con c the mate mai:id do
zing this tut radon of Comma.
For tbo ritt.Lurgh Choette
Bard a the holy thooaht—oh shoo
Immortal In thy lota, and
Weak an the word. I've wont, non
To thee atanthlne In tont
Plat 134.1 the leAs.tmy pet the heat,
Thciak tisratLel'a filth 4:o.llappen ptcrane.
Not Lac pare Le New thILL. vbleb earl.
I,lle-hke to tosalta;oo'. dot',
From the world's mode end ricd4rll.7 tout
Stts.R. Imam with manT a thorn beret.
I AM tan fowl one rtim retreat.
one.blooratzug ranieth yet.
With thee my youthful tuory surard—
etlL strap by lobo and le lallsth
end =loth • ...lit feeling mule •
Liu love 1, and moot, 61r Imo
High the better thow4lit hr rm~
Some Wade , sad ttnalgta.• ..ith Ir r hour
tlay mesas wad autumn's mellow hill.,
Role .ales .here thumlerr runt;
Uta•m. Nine ITV Vt'ao• .00 dew".
04 tett aty Ituiequaluted feet
many a One wt farott tnary—
IV bite 'bor. tbe wares I. hest
Woo thakthe VoySo Arb bare bleat
With halm tot myrrh. boor. onorgbrand ra
Where hinla of tartrorol plumaar rcrL
Ur heat the 5000.151 air
Ba.l of tile 1.01, tliour,l;%— , 4o two%
Immortal ha tbT bv., and strouA.
Le-t..amt• vo)
thtt I turt. thy .UIS•
That I: not .<l.lldw ulltuu,
faithygnanlnt Pt It. ,rtais
Vallt,rd wad Ma
WI N BOW GLASS--2000 . Lis ituti'd biros.
FAI9 ""1"""-Th
f"r titiltiffittfl A INOlltt.l It
Fl l . \ it- jti: , tirlu N. C. 'far for sale hy •
I 0 0, aotanlaor. a INGITRAM
[ re LACK TABBY VELVETS of a vory a:. , i ;
) ''' '""'"" b 7i;gliVVgu l irdtViVire:
European Agency.
MI. N. F. cur. Fourth owl 51.artrt tro
Th. .'.'.na.. '.'`'.l. ..i.l. ' Th. ' ‘....-4 ' .' .1u" r'' I INI N E GAUZE FLAN NELS— 31orpl - 7t71 .
G.." B." ''' ".........' G..."'.. ' 4..i. ' Th h . ''..“.,," .i: ! 1 Itutchr.old Gave on hand. artertuveto,ftu vi. i,,,, t
April. t15r.....1 Jur. tkost. 1.4,10t1 Pittitttrt- .. --.. c ...rt. ttacur. yulrh. and dorotatto do - . Cary, Kid. t2Ne.
rah. =I .111 to TattVott to ut to.' to ..r ac.. - -ks of . bu - ; I. r -hrouitof
..,..q chartrter which mut bo Wallin , . to tau clu - t.
.. 1
aolLaurar: JOILN r LIT!,
- - --- i
eeelpter elate th.
Tome the ttareinlr L, fat,
!Jay thee of thee m> helve to. em
. /Uhl gram to letkplevet there •
Citizen ' s Insurarme Company of Pittsburgh. ;
ODD. No. WatET weeet.ln ED...ran-bowed CU.
C. ki. RT.., Poo ....4 W. K.E.R.E, Fee'.., .
I 'The DEEEnpaaT WO. TrE.Don. IA hal., .11 tpereeseelleu .4.•-•
' In 0t......t VI fee.gte. eeieele ev.
k Agieill. Ileeerule G. the ae . ll; awl Inwerity of the ...II IN'Ell PILLS. Ds . I SlcLelr's CELEBRATED,
1 1.....1i1 14, 11L.V.1 ° rPilt>;;Arilf'`Le al D =';.- ' --42 ! "`="raF ""' " ' ''s ' J. K 1 " aof
I tnorm to Ow romEEMEDItY EE.. E.Letr PrwEEN , EEe. EutEDigftw , ;. : VIAL WRITS-1500 gross for sale by
i sad
' •, )VE - . J. KIDDIE CD
1 DruiTERO--C 0. llnsser, Wm.. reersyy, Wm. lariat, 0. ,
i jOtintalthUl. VELltia. D ti it a cl'i.;:° a ".'
i troAr '
• 1 Foreign and Alnerican 'Hardware.
IaLA.CIIS wanted and persons aupplied at
No. 129 Wood Stieet, • ! i ShOrt aiitirk •1111 • abatlefor dark., galena., vase,
lIAVE NOW IN b-rObr • lonia., menowil men . ad boy. Lf All age., to sturek ware
j boa. , or to trade. .ra as obashosea. breaks. waiters,
A full astdrooolota stork of FOREIGN AND ..LIM-IrICAS , ailintovers or Intone In to ji mural". We. and drr
! ours.. <band ernsaida,.satiLte. " Mover borrow.l or Irak
. . HARDWARE , , . , wolill kinds of a s genovairrouiptlvAttettiled to for moderato
idiom , Ploossi call al ISAAC rimuus• Agoner and In-
Sultalda for tbo wing trade, and widelt Ow? arc rlW4wa ! '''' ll4.lo. '''''... 1,01 f Lr .4. • . iota ,
to oder to giorrhasara at Mrs, that will wow+
• World:ay with any of Lb* rksiera atlas:
- --- • -
Fire and Manna Inammoce Company.
premiums, c.pte elect spa thoblialrutul
81,000,000, •
DlGEolltili E. ARNOLD, yen
N 0.74 Fourth gives. Pittsburgh.
VOPARTNERSIIIP—We' have ass Deleted
xJ with us Timms. Bra, late Whirr of Out Foratess
Deposit. Bank.,•ho will devote tl.llptneuril artitalhoo to the
business. The Kyle of the hero tetasins heretefore.
Alp A. NVILKLNB th.).•
Corner of Third and Market ita.,_Pittab'gh.
Domestic and Foreign Exchanyt, Bank Nola,
Gold fi Silorr, Bought,Sold Exchanged
14. _ _
No. 64 Wood Street, Pittsburgh.
dir Iriv'mrr ♦umm ON it. OZOOOII2. JOUrd
-Desirable Suburban Residence for Bald.
To aubwriter oar. b.& sale the house soot ground.
eater...he now ruides,wltuated 1111 Part street, below Trot!
moot, m Allegheny, and about J mluotee' walk limn W.
uarket of this city. Tho Mt le 110 feet Pinot on Part et
,tanning bark 242 fort, to an alley—containing pearly oils
cue of ground. and Is bounded on every Ode by lug+ °Pen
lota. adorird 'OM tuts and shrubbery. 'The how.• I.
musty new, bogs, and estieedinglY writ ...Med. baths. ,
• front of 50 fort, 00 • dept' of 72. end ...wagon fourtont
wiamo, swedes belLe nine Ore Wide. It Il built In Mx last
mot moot durable Manner, mid ha' r Lee-Proof rest, sod
rouging all the modern ocomentenicni. Two pump., with
....falling supply of herd and *Muster, woo et tha donr..
On the preodul are the immune) out bolldings,..mblei
' oamiage tun., Or. The groan& are laid out madly as a
lawn, mumd with eholnirliM ,
litirUbl4.l[l.ll.4l, goombertiet, " •
garden. Thefroltis of the twat kind. and the get" to , In
Wet prlme.and ykkl enough far the wants Out ordinary
family. The 'Glutton of thts progeny. .8 obrity mid
mbuttun eumforU, combined with canthodty 'to the sig.
not surpasud by any naldense in this vicinity. it hoe
• view of the Ohio Giver for over a mule, of Tempenowo
"Me, booth Pittsburgh, the rig, tbe two rivers. tool the
1.111• around,forming altogether • PaoormoW Mwsiowt , if
which the ere neear wearies. Every boat which euore or
depute from the port of PIG/More, on the Ohl.. Pau.. in
full view. Th. romiroro and grounda are O. 000tileolY
removed from any annoyonee of duet. WS &agouti's of
comfort and vegetation. and affords • retirement as quiet
and peaceful self Icated in aime q Mot nook lo the cooedrf.
The property will be wild at • haquith amt gliwo
on the Put of April. Enquire at We Gazette cam.
jalOidd D. N. UNITE..
MEETING of th Board of 'Managers of
et Alt toty Want, - Agricultural finiet• twill he
t t t ltte: m T
.vv . o.tro NMneolef• the tith of etitootry.
Oa no the hoer tvoni ere requested to et.
tend. J• 101 ,
for &mein C0n..0. COI! Elf.. NW 4a , Ite.yer
Av. Took. A large lukklittlttat pot
j_ 45d. IdibliitiZiCeseth fur the handkerchief:
44 dos. nottl • temurtedi
14 I. Jeuut:thhl tetultete. tun
etttht ;
4 , 21 dux.ll edtta
5% doz. MOM. s.ltele.
Together with& fullmull
4rul mll to woritheht of ra.P.•
tuutery.juet ruettived and tor age st I'lallattelphld Uri. , 52
11e1 tomer of Woul sod $15114 idreete.
jadat 5,N. WICKER:3IIAM.
—t .11 Ra e4h,.or rot perpetual Uwe. ono lot oil
rOl2O 02ret. rg feet hoof by IMO to NViOC
joining 100 lilntb W.rd Engine Muse. Al.qone oliollre,
bounded by Liberty, Como. end, Allegheny drool!, awl
4prlnir bolos . a.. 1 feet on Melly, by 115) to tlorlog
Alley. Ale, 4500 feet flootlug on Femora. Atreel, home
-4141.e.ty oplAelte tho lAnotral HAM.] Dora. and roololoing
45 letea. ' 110.2.4 M JAAII:4 O.IIARA.
FOR RENT—The etoro room and cellar on
'tts Math cast c;:ca. ct Mater Urea nd. Dis.
masa, st sauteed as s hasp stsss; all Os issosa
asst uslyAg . at th same traLlAusa.entressca thelha
mosicl.• relator ono as Simon "yang, Yrs= Ulu Ist
of Aptil P.A. APPLY LA LY.1,9,4 uuTtALISON,
SasAPdtf 911 Water strest.
TALLOW-Thi y barrels 'Sheep and twen
. is-k)"'" 4 I*f red tiaare.iimirtai.
/111.51.0T14 SEED--4 barrels received and
Lc We by - ja:.ll fIASIUPS P. sin:lp.m
PITESNUTS--Sizty bushels received an
lJ tudibi lag aeslusa. r. =cum
it A.PPLES-200 bushel jut leed,
=Afar valet') IleaA IC a K WILSON-
itOLASifg--Efty barrels of new crop
1-i,d fart " b -
hal • ah. =I =Second sheet_
9.1:0U barrels. Family Flour
" • s .03 CEL P. glinlelai
)OLLllUTfi:R—Tscvnty boatels 'prime
L SAMU EL P. 6111:1% En.
811.17 APPELS--Fifty bushelsrecuived and
f, sale b p 0) eA3I2.7EL r. EllglVElt.
lani BE.ANS--ti barrels nveived and
Y for mte Ay is SA)IUEL P SIIBIVER._,
1 barrelis and thirty kegs
Ju 1 1-2,.1 rrerifed al.] fat ma. IA
13EACILESL-Three hundred bushels Tee
1. 1 for /7 I par; BAIII.7EL P. SIMIVER.
— Prop:rah' for Bitar*ona Coal. 1
Q, EALED PROPOSALS will be receiced at
1._7 the Philadelphia Ger Work., vwttl noon of YRIDAI;,
Partginvit7 , o g inir , =ts e Zt.t r Zr , i ,,
the en.nfleture of (no, to be dehred el the Cool btuo at
the Use li orts, my
luio c neby the IZith of Ant,
MO do in the month of `.lay,
liord do dl. June.
1 , 01 .10 - tin Jab
:MOO to do AllgllSt..
kOrol de du , hoiden...
3016.1 .10 do October.
soLei do do November .
The Coale mast te ims, IN elcen and dry, and Of a goal
to to approved by the loamy,: The revjoaeleturet 4.1.
1 the partlentar earietf of Coal it is Intend to nixed.; and
If of • kind not bet., unedat three wear., temples fi r trial
will be reviiiingacerelop to the titan of openi . if thd d i 1=
lol t . .lll l tU "' re ' l " e ' il ilile '-i rint V
.I.:;.l.l '' . i llai l e/rthe ' v ' le:eapr i.l7
LIN, ant if it be preferred to delleer by measure, the
etriuk Inteliel Of aq cut. Inches .11 he need. In caeca
bliure to deliver tho coal ereordiag totigreemehiett. Tfi " -
tees of the Oar 'Norte irt.crlfc the right to ovirtheae when.
ever d.,,,- may deem brat. and charge to the contractor's/2y
bl;lltreanTglnn."l=l:ll:alVerttlos74 al tr 7.1,1! .!
r ,
alter ta ken
se vie of delivery, the lah of enamor.
tote taken se the erageof the ovonthlydelleen,orotillo
oidion of the Teti. 1 P65..ut.... ,,,, . ~. .h..., th I. g . '
-17:1471m Co:; t or' freer to dearer tho Coal earlier
then requinvl, It .11 be reorient, bet min:dente will to
reade to date from the time specified.
5...1.12. , t0ry .novelty fort fulfillment of the anemia
.4050 r'' ' ''''' ' . . JORN C. CRIS3OI; lingineer.•
Plia..T.Lent• G t v %Smith. J.. 11,1051. .4211,1110rai
tsi l II UIICII NOtICF.--Divine Service accord
In to the wages of the Protegant 1;030 , 1%1 Church,
eh be held m the Nu prettle Court Roam to-lnorrotr. S •
day ellen., at 3 detect.. Sr. free. • 3alhul It
_ .
Paper of all sines and qualiticsiritirdprial slain. Sion
and Tante.
Mani nooks of cyan . description. on band or mods to
order as Aron maim
• lidationery—Enclish. Fretun and Arortican, furry and
Mel, for oak by • Win. AVEN, Stationer.
joia Market II
st, corner of Stroud.
W u r lin li"1. =1 " snkoV " ol i r . o ;t115111
bort ruanner. " 4 0." W.%, 11,6.52,, P.
rritalug 00Ire, 50 Mini et, Ikt.rcen nut.' sod Peru.
iTATIONERIC—W. S. "Levitt, corner of
&rood nod Morkrt str.:bor for rabi Do Ivre sod aorr
'0 ..e5 been
p= n in " =l:l.,7l.,s`l,Lrgr" ri app . lied'"
artiolo in thie on the inns( fa=le wpm. W
'IJIAPER—PoIio, Packet, Countercial and
le on lib. ni
tentis Al 9 NS'; 11/oli.VB
41,ey Ulerarr Depot, Third rtreat, opposite '
tiol'a Ladr's nook for Fidguarii
9riamm.r_llagiatitio •do
5.1.•ti11& do
a new novel; hr Mrs Soutimortb.
Mina Influence; a tale for mothers and daughter. MY'
Irene Aguilar
Slotticia Ittioomplinrict moue! to Ilimr./rifluence•
011rei a motel. By the author of "The (latlriihid
The Whig Ailttlaar for 1851.
No lof the American Illuminated edition of the Waverly
North, the chespeet edition ever molillabed. tatil
Sc-ITIIES7S dos' boat Grass Scythes;
dos beet Cradle Sertbem ,
lo dos best LLask alto as sonsissat
SO 001 W.lil.add Front st.
, - ;•is: .
H OES -130 dos best Cast
do Steel Hoes Hoe
La o s
4 - .. Garden .:
~,i1:1111,11t.Illi I,r Kan lo
do, L. 8. WATERMAN't SONS.
.--.-- . - . -- •
egOltHS--tts doz best east steel liar Forks;
I . dva 1;•4 Oennta net .lic
40 dm 4 ;matted mictsteel Manure Foam
.. "9
.4"'"'"'" 0.5 " 1 " ie. .
41t.i - rii i: SNEATIiS-423 clot best - patent
177 Sniodh.. es 0,0A10 , /ment awl fur sod. lo
`'.",311.4.`; 4. - SI . I Ii•ES--V2t l kegs for sale be
11 t sts 1.. S. WATIOCMAN t SON S.
_ .
__ , _
1.111•LtIlL Atli---12 task prime for sole by
L ) }:
mi. L. S ir...T1731.1N A SONS'.
, ~ .
E . , -, 0 brie sweet, •to arrive, for
4 laßfc . , s - -:. pt mum:GE 0 INOIULSM.
Ls - , 116 %Valor $t . .
for ale br
LIU Ramat: a isouttAm
310LASSE---3 0 hltds Sugar;
.2.71 harm!. r
019 .111M611.11Xil: .tINGUIt.I..I/41
:SI i
tai l , h; S Burette% benne rep tial ate:Mtn nn the
IIbYVVI department of :bear and Ine1:0
seuue cfuoy dok-ript.o t meg them • rall
iroci fop , sate by J. KIDD t CO.
fall 41. (.1 St
(PONGL-2 eases tine, and 1 balo extra
wem• tie ,ale by Alf • J. KIDD tCV
PSOM SALTS-15 bras for silo by
J Jai. J. KIDb AOO
a ycat SALE—A good Farm of 100
wytt rwyr•••.l. 1 . 2 ntk• from l'lttaburali anti 0 tus
. We Ohio Rive, A 1.... uutNl }.cou urN k, acrua, 0 i to
vount, 0 - "P' ° r* ti „,r t.""n".
from I.ll,hurgh. sem In/PrVit ore
and al., a t t r,
4 " ; ',"",1' . ."=,,Tc111111 t. ono
rata ' tjel l, alauce at tat • year, with intercal,
' Fur further particular., Ora, call at ISAAC
Mpuic, and Lone) OM, MILL at. jah
- voTicE--'rhe Fax - or and Neeh
..:u.nie s'
Turr'Vke Read gnprtwtl slcl:nf l, an fb:anromg.
Ch. orJry . ,at
'tid4.. W. RICILBAUM. Prttlderd.
1:4 1 1tESII ROLL IllrTEß — '2ol.ax4ust ree d
1: Pr rale br J. U. CA. FIELD
L AXSEED —A small lut for snle by
tut; J. R. CANT] LLD
S PELTS-1 tale fujr...nacleAsbA-
B. H. If NFORD & CO.,
INUCtelaCrli to Lean A 11.....)
Nur. 1511, '2f/4, 256, Rid 258, Pearl St., V. York,
Iktetenlt Fulton el ROdlitirliog Slip,
Hot 07 stAND I. amoursamaineat of
In the tuned Stew, silent. to
1 • All 1'.."".. 1° the - - MR SAN FRANCISCO, CAL-
anodes .1f FILIRTS and DI ANVERS, we Soap an endless 4 . ,
•atlrt, Al.. the moat ...Watt., tuntmfarture. 01 OIL , IFORNIO.—The now wad in:MAW:dial
~,,o.; ~c---- -
Cie 1T110.1: awl COVEltgb RATS an the world. 1 neatnehip Cloriumd, .illammi Clinnomn4 ••••••• 'i - b.
Plain mid Fashioneble Clothing 4101 bind. Cataloantas Ohio, for Fan Framnans SUNDAY, ille . • ..-....•F ,
or stool: Mu., wall. Indere pri.ptly attedled to. 34 day of
the nest The Owl
S. 11. IiAN FORD A ar., expronly a; te e Ittemer,' la fitted op with elate mato
Sorensen. to Louisa. Ilardord. I birth, and has the hest of seem throughputs
j'"''''''"' N"
.2'4.2'4." and
1 ' . n ' tril;ruTaltbd‘.l.l.hp,=..Thlrlitzeir.. to
Omnd Concert--Vocal and Dust:Emmental 11.4e=rantvncLL,101.:,,15,41,?..,1
ItIISS KRAFT respectfully informs the .Nara. , lo‘otor t lo sae Ir= war be ize?, ,a bed . r.ed -1 3.,1
Alefit.4 . ' ItittrloVergtr7:Yorn.4l4ltrikVWe'r4 the lir•l Rmrim:seliiM 4 11 be tandrnTa o pile bag.
nem, Jaboary 71n. ma which werselon she urn to wowed IWO_ .. The lobr. , I , ,____„„f thbent ham' he. Waned, e, •
fry',WAR, Ilarbortlt. Yttitie. Anger. Klt.ber.ssid a lam eta , g 0..., {WWI] astetur wan= off tree_for •
T p.l9,.Ti , _ nia ng
well Ituillt,l Orcheetr, together a ith a rhinos of to. 1 l_vry,ye_itt st 1 , ... , 1; ;,...tx,
.. a .. b ..,, j ,., =
.....„.. ,rh,„,-.....,.... ...., --, ,e , L I praix - .0 41 ,". d,... ,
piers. never baron: benne been pert
n the it , , . v . .. t , .
.. C ,...
etaths The oriel - mined Hamburg l'olka sill be ',error= ,
. w . boor
..,..ff...1,.10n .
alth Inil Orrlivstrai at
several pores for bight barge on I _ .1 . _ ,4 3 , - ,.. _ . ..1. 4
two Pliktt. A solo cull likewise be .wind . that new 1 CAratuns
,ThicE NoTICE. 7
and sweetest of an Instruments. the Zither. Thrltlttrwlllet. i
Starch. with full Chary, will be Fenton:owl to, tor pan i VOW _ls YOUR CHANCE FOR A GOOD
-u Vrit i ers Vl Pl Gtfertt--To Le had at the trinviestorew ; 1 . 11 LAVE:A-MEAS.—The bobber offers fur ads, all
1,.. Vikth'sdrug Mores. Wary Rleharthinfa,liritl stns. door. t valuable property. altuated on the te .,,
th r i t ,... f Wd , a l 6y .
N. 11Teth of A untie I Inarit's splendid Pianos will be I aud Pleasant streets, embracing OM' OS
furultittal It Sin Rh her. ' 147 1 himidnel name feet of anninil.ennimenctog at the - curvet,
- 1.4 liolliday and Inemoot street, and naming tenth SO
SU 1 , . - 11 it iFs S—Fifty barrels Fil th ily F lour; I fret, then west K 2 fort, then north 93 fee, tlnos c r ab
97 feet
• 74 brie sardine Mom: Ili brie tee dal e U lambda MY i 1ag.ti1tn.,,t,hr,,...z.,,urr=1,15%,,i,,,,,,,,,.„
oPpl - ' I' 4 ' 4 ' ,- )r ---d ''.; - I,l7,;'AV:r aco , 1:•••trg•• Eta 0.••t•-•sr•••, then booth 191 feet to Pleasant
-,- - --- 1 stroistalain tut to the place of beginning 123 feet. LW.
iTANDisit, THE PURITAN, a Tato of It'iiril d ) aii93.=4.baillainal =4.l=tiS
A the Atherinso linvolutl.. By Eldred OrsiYaW, E.g. . Intitltier of the beet material. and and
- IletoW of the Reformation of the elateenth demure ; ~,,,,,inrabi,,,,,,kk 0 ., 1 ,,,.... r i t b ~...,,,,,,,, ,n,,.....
L y J. 11. )deeds d'Atathote, D. ll_ President of the noon- ; iore w bs 37 feet wide by b..1:1 tort &eta With • sae llml; 'Th.
.1 Rho , ' of Ci'lnliit ii, v t raTivt ,, f4 l ,l„ ~,, , t 1 8., ~,,,, ...,-, rutr , .0,1. 7 .. 2 ..0. = i n. L.,
'l.:'"‘:7lt''',.''',Tr' ' y . ~.., .
, et, I tl:ltPlet'rPrella; 'g.r., z.boietizt...,.,..
k ...zioiLy.l....llLitory, Intinuiti. , sEul 'Ringlet , -T• - . :rott,h.,,t, ,r, s heet, It. h....teryrotyrentettot MT Oarryhti,
hags bu Wes. To no. desiring a loesv. -
I""r'''' 1"
f" 1 "g' I lr' l ". 1 1. 1 r:M.s , s. 1 LT v,.....L. 1,,... ~,, g. t , .... - n° 4 one 4 '.
The above win s for ,nin e e 0
'Root:eater end Etstioner, , urn, „,,,i,:yudeinuereeial nusouthanna frallroad, thla MP.-
. yalo Corner of Market awl Thud ate. . 4 . ,„,,,,!,„„ n o w= t er ha
nm. llitan V ir tual=
ilircfriti'S TRICOPHEROUS for Kilo by R. i =lijrilat. torgratoa boon.. tlfh a rote. track
g. d}: KITS, '” Wood e 1,.. ado anvil fdr fflibalrb. iou Mama gold, if —1mm0...7. Any farther ltdicamatioa
le 1 ..., eau he :loaned or the. mbaermen on the premise,
01 . ''''' iis'il? R .rb 7 -2- 7 . - ' I.l9—Balt. Pat-93. I
4t. - _ . .
. I
EST BLACK TEA—Same kind nn in
• 2... EtWllll.l—Small that strong and flu, plettalent G.
Cr,156111111 1,111111011.3.
CCNNINOII.OI t Mama:adorers of Wrettet
ttstoe. No IN storket street. totteeo First tad &rood.
INttsburrh. - •
VartlruLtr Inmates void to mkt Fixes. Also—Dealers to
It lint Ohs, Lott •.. te;
'Corner of Third em Matietativete..the in6 l then
, 114,.4'. , , rtirgItto , to lb. c
Science or Marmot..
O. K. Chamberlin, Profeeaor Of Prmirmanehip, Mercantile
Commitation, he
Tied. M. ii anion, Km.: Eretunw on Cocomermal Low. 1
Tim. drill
complete towled. , of /look t an: lt
and 1. application to every branch or to
Tic .
gelh " e 4 ri.ff=" b ` r ^ '" """-
Lecture an 1.0 to Law creel Mormer ...Meg, „., 1
I noe to any at' the meld.. city ...ben. lee- ,
' Tbo felatodarmerige of building incerwriyoemipied
he mint Leach ocul Co.. at the Point benreen Water-0.
and lirmucano Way, will be lewd for • term of yam.-
T 4.... eau be manly adapted, with We.. imer-t9 ...p - ,
ulcerate every kind of niknultictortuir butitese. ?MOW=
given llUMetthitolY• *
• Leanly to 1. 9 1A5.
. u.,, 8. TV ,.
pi LLj b... , ago: t,
. - - -
N.reW . BOOKS.—llumbolt's new' Work,
! Cliamot or Sketch. of 'a Mara anent:lke of the
ti!to " r)ia's Eketehes or 31160.* * the-N. England o f
the Pro -
llyrnde 3lcaliaolaf and Eng... Petionary, hot :4.,
mewed. .
thourom'a Sermons. Then are Inn Ircrthresestrin,
I For .ale by ' It. 110PKINE.
Jelii . , Ittan Building.
* •
Lift , 234 Hialth Inirarapce Co.
I f" Pith"r9l4 .7), TOIVLE,
cam 57 ruin a, .m.• fOrath 644.
....64.!ng all ormosortrObnutiqo son bo
• „ 1,4.110
No, 10 Narrou stred, Nca. York, •
ANUF.keITRE and have, for .sala.on
favorable term. the tent. Mott' of UP:MEANS
...Setoff of •
loirtnor, koito. Cork Boo'
Solari, Manama, Mamo sod
Table C rs, Crumb. ked
..C41.1 " 1, Wan' .14 Tray.) tin
r o Eoodi'.:'Vgaph=Erlirestako fpp n=
Wad. foe dragial. mut surgeon, Exorism sad,
Nos How, Goo Oink, Frikirrk. /kospO
toot Premium orn.
I lt l i,gNrll77lld i l o
Boakiainrpirdoklkauenr,Wkter Turk,
/Silk Dro Selector
the Simile =do •to Ord,
rffiratk—li b •• tb turg
lerebetati and lbw:Obits:trees' Ilea ef Fitteletnib
dun ill be ce Bank et riebbanatA. HILL tbe biome
mitt b-CO.'
, Twilled, and hinted: eleVenriwin ]lndies of eerie,.
and Oddities, to be toted at Dry,Cods HrtEllo or
E. one 4 Flaunt; &Market sta.
. 0 . I 4 •
Murphy * Burchfield Invite th• attention of tines
nag geode for bore wear, to' their assortment Niue
other styles of wouls,adapted for this purpuse.
11:;RICHARDS reSpectiully offers her
rerrke. as a la =4 sa Mai Men St.*.
Mermen .111.. ft= r
4 01 : zs rittstmst.
00--Caak W
paid for oo Iby
.1.16 • MURPHY k LEE. LSD LCbert7
ROWN - , FLAiCISTIS—OEft case iIISt. re.
ED ELANNEL-0110 MO on hand and
far tale b jal6 . ITLID.PIIY a LEE
LANKETS--Single and 'double .
bcat, crib, and matt g blankets for oh, b
WEEDS —Three cases assorted Tweeds
use received from ceastufteturers.
lOLASSES—Fifty.five brie now crop, per
Ammar Mita, arid for wine
a , W
• -
- OR RENT—A tw
M o story Dwain g
I° l " . " ll 7r L Ve ,
,2. tAD 53.
JBACCO-8 bze No one, 6 twist, received
4- p r steamer Brlll4dt. and Ssy sale by _
tall .4.14k:4 DALZYLL, OS Wear st.
triVA' • wo' Dr eOM es,
• • Better Knives. Idte.bers,"rea Betts, Cuts: de...
red to order and an MM., Sr nale a Wm latest rates.
rj;Wanted e fAa os Meer Cain . W. W. WILSDN
Idartet Fourth et
1 A ' At RAZORS— ,
Just received by ext... oath lot of Our .alq.
4. VstUablu Ra" tbe only ntensad, plied =am to x.
actured. .w. W. WIDON.
6, amain associlatial *Rh him Ma Memoir partner. J. R.
We g r a . .gi a rhz Artvort . w . .k.
Commission Merchants Or the de
n Lim% No. 139 Liberty st, Plitabursh. of
Jammer tat 1831.—ja15.
AIsaITHITE BEANS—Ten barrels prime, for
• eat $1 sOrszarglii,b&Kß
V_LUE--Twenty barrel," jula "'waived, and
Ili! for sale km by dm barrel, at. H. N. WICILERSItAII'S
AU, am& Wood t tlirth
00 LBS. CANARY SEED received
wd tbraala at 153.,,r.
ELLERSrL, IVER PILLS--"Could not get I
tJalong elttemt them"
?I'Covnellrrlfl .0. ]an. 0. 1951.
Ma. R. E. Stumm—Toon in the o 7 Lim PUB dig
1 , 4.1 titTIT. I could oot get Mona ettlmat tb,m, and mar)
om that makes or of them .peaks in the hisheee terms of
f 11 J.ORKES
' l7:l% " el ' elect ' a-vrrerAtt.t.ena,sl Woad kk.
and .014 by drusartsta generallf. i jolt
ICE—Twenty tierces nervcrop, received
Eta. d. r ..ed -
5 BROWN KIRKPAIRIC :',144 Liberty t
111 — kISIS;§---Onellun4reclafidfftiboxes an
be iE6Rgll (9 `llllll:%aicti
latZ ,
UGAR,--Tvreuty hhils new Sugar on ban
i 0 and for Ala , by jafs BROitf t KIRECPATILiCE
FrOBACC6--Tvrenty •hss IV.. H.
- IR his Gail t pollinnoi
IL his K. A. ROPeldd . . s
IN , nu Bamor'.' Ludt pound: '
his Ostrom& doon InoidA2ol
- -
LARD—One hundred kegs prime new
alsefor onle by
4,‘ UN DitLES--Ten las S. "Tolman% Cocoa;
,7 54w Preston's Broom
14 h. do Ewes Choregsbu
3Ms do Cocos Paste: on Mad
autt for seta br jan BROWN A KIRKPATRICK
aary ;31;4',ITTSBURGH
Ate Trustees of Om
of t;as Merwany Imes this
dsr declared Diradrnd of Slot per mat. out of in profits
of Wm last sis m 00150.40 thstAuttral Block paid to. psaTP.
LW to stock holders. or theirloge, repreen=ves.Mtn
uh, al the MM. of tbe Works.
' Isolgati2ts JA3IES 31.; CIIRTETT. Tremors,
ealVtri.lbr meatccal
° 3 - 1 1 1r utZwoßtlrd
FLOUR—Three hundnA barrels just recd
el end for Weer BURBTUDGE
lqa 116 W•ter
IIAVANA SUGAR—Twenty boxes Whi
"nr. fis VralilLGE t INGIIIIIAX
lal4 No. 110 Rata st.
OUTLINE MAPS —Leltott's tr
trodrmd i Elladid Out
;,-`l, in
COL , fp Kew Int anNew Tort: We hem o the btaio.
ed the agency for them to Platbanth, and Invite Mechem
oal @aka committee@ to cal end &undue theta
o. A—Nlap of the %tenant Illemisphern Mtn 12 inchet
aft do
a do North Ammice. 70 84
4 do ilidted SUMS. TO
mi t t 6 f ..EtroPs. 70 mitt
6 • do Asia. 70 3. 70
o IA Asuertm Africa, 70 r.
, d
Peke of the mint olth Of, Ebh tw the lint two limas
Wee Maps. with key; 810.
The. 2.90 an unstudied in sauna. agar end dwell
news. sad adapted to the scents of the primesT. Minn.
end high schools of the Cased Staten
Forde st Publisher's mime, without Maks. of Dwight
Anil/ Corner of Kutet end Inurth al
' .iounr.Rictr.db.cedar the drat of WOOD it AS.
lA,Tr end WOOD, AthOrT d CU tersoltatee br /halt.
tiond r.
The banes will be settled by either of the suberkllewa,
ho are puthorlawl tow* the tame of the flan or frau to
Iptidition for that moot, at the old •startti Xe. UT 3lsr
hot Wore. Philadelphia. , RICHARD D. WOOD,
Thfisdelphl. Neil:Orr 310, 1650.•
r'fi= a k";_g: l- :berol ° '"U stiVit , a b n
WOOD, BACON. CO., stthe old I=2l, Na Haste.
o ;OA. Phlladeptda. RICHARD D.- WOOD, • •
lelphin, January Ist. 111A1.—SLAI4x14t
PISSOLUTION--The parbierahip of Rey
ooldl Ohre br oosomt tb•
ALost, D
u rk.=
o lb i e h : 1 1171 6 11 b r =tr . =
woe. J. L. EILES' O. REYNOLD:I, •
In mithing from the lineipeot of Reynold. I Sta. I
would recem mead M. I. I L. thee to tat Wads end the
former mamma. uf the Nite.
I L. SILEE, Wholesale cliocer; Commission
Ptpe: and lilko,eorarror
.... — "TZirt;47 - I , Z = Toteels - ao — urFoi — oWoio
Afkrus mmorru. th. D 10000.4 orsi
no where else trryitutoortith. Ala
QQ atilt& LIVER PILLS supercede idl
tl others Chorle= ,S:2O. 20, 160, —Itr. a l L
Se !err —Tour 211.;
ntL .... 4 1:•=1041 1.... r .
fitrlrAtalliotieTtlr • Voothr.
I— Itt=tUft i :t 1) R. L 1; 4 4 Maths
itltlool,otroclolcZtartiAcw, ton ui ttlxhirerllll, and our be
• " rod okinit M. 4"." %"%'"n " 11 '
the two
c ell . 1310
n ROOMS—Ono hundred dozen . foTinleq.
jup no 4 a. 1: '2oot 110=02t62. a co.
MS a 11 .A1R1 2 c•ft; t 4.
G 0 0,10., d
flavored Teas at :4 tents here. tesand.
The deter tirgalittek at 76
Ettn auPerehe at SI 00 • .
Old oountkprle thathee f „. 4 alms
lypb=a b ga, u Thri= gut „ metre
nett. - • t hat
n p
y y a~ L ~W ¢ e.
otei Mm is Yltti~bvrel
1:A .4 ' l* 41°1 ' " °/ " .l `tißris b i wa'co
fiREEN APPLES—Sweaty beta 4 , ins,
11,11 1 1 tor sale by - H. F. YO * FIONNLIVRAT
HERRINGS: 100 bia Lnbec ed, for
ale by - dat MUM "DIMLY &CO.
'Value about 17,000. •...
Ime rams whstmer.) 'MU gale QUI econmenns on ~ ;
miky, .21at Mut— at 10 o'clock tr.
,herdmint, Z, ll 1,, , . •
the enent,..sen,....:,_smt =Maw daily n el cot. .
of. . ths lam sm eon - More qf /mos , ,
3.l 7 Kti . M. - d icoistieet- This miscetki .."Meti.k." ~. . ,
sod domestic Der bout 'will compel. stromt men' ', .
ekes of "engin =nete with the DM Ce.ets T... 14 .. 7 5 - . I. 1
be.lssmbncl the- eMs provion• to 'sae, mut on tomsoMml ~.4
sin be PAnd super.' to any Fetch sper offered Ihe POW • •
els ' t sPrel6==.Ures2l. .se r ti d- trAl= '!
oso • Musrmts , sod amend the, Amnon. m deep
0. , ... -'.
for mme time, meet • siositse ..m , rtunite. Goodsre
put np to gush tots m som Mlit alt , ervt. Jere
. "' s ' 6U b ' """"...4 ' ' Mgr y l iatrZ . , MetleaMoee, ''' '
R CHANCE--A rt•Altable young
maw, R itter, to trav4..ith ...pita]f nee to an . y weirs! dollars, to eneann in n ma.l. t ot ~ .=.3 ,"
Durham. •
Witch will denbla bin unfair in ina sin
. i ... 4_ .
ow:Abe, meleer of tint <lnnen, by dropping a law limas , -
Utrpugh flat feet of fi ce . Minn; wenn anew -flew OM D• , •
twi I inli:lvea) ellAlllS COM)LERCE.
Iniportant. to Stage Coach and iiirf
".I[Ebnßtg,'lGFrli t ,, , , WITMAN•ic CO..
h et an axix. nanmunbr
I.:. tostody our tgoitZfldbt:ll' prii to ~:.
bathe dua lo rum. An optimal . erect, with a deaf thgee
kale, running daily. trill cor.. a half plat of CO 141 , 4 Si
mouths. The email q aud. of eft used is orie of the dsw,
*thwarts wit hare of the oTest reiluctkos.of ftictkei, era 2 r •
couteiteutly great Wing of rwtre it trUl easketbecoadt •
Peirdeteit to we" 25 per crude. their stock awl Pal
also. it will give brut carets to travelers the Put mar- , Li
Viiristho wheel, and not having tor rocaterloo with the - i.
nir 'Petiv:VeZelltt"abt_lte=2=4lcete '':•
bort Prom 12 to 15 reett,_dallr i etitiiiii• . • 1
Warahouse—iro. UP Water, sal lear froot ..14 Pltts- o
burgh. . " • ..
• i ir _ i--i:
SPICES. Cassia. ' manta. Pepp er , Cloves.
...11.qutasegs,tur see by 'SALIM/ EY /OM
der nwsa
I:ITTER—Eight barrels.packed for 1110 by
lea B. Y. vox PONICIIO a
um weaned special rerodedou ham and are ln
ter nnnonieenon ants the Illnaloglaxm PATENT LAP
WELDED 11101: TUBE COMPANY. for the ale of tb•lr
'err excellent and .perfor COMM and OAS TU
BBuGtolD N
largeve small lonnen Them Tate are awed ael7 0 ."
tannielT Ix& o ivund goal the ontneent of
.°4 " Tam • • ';';•
, Icon tTia Plate Mendota n % i
44 Wen alreet, Ne York. • • 1.1
AMartlres Lana, City landon.'
and 140 Buchanan Meet. Glasie•- ' • fi
I[IARD ,GREASE—Ten lots - No: I Lard:
11.1rIsGmue, nor latulirl,from stftwerVelthigtoa
4ebr• tradlAll DLCILBY &CO.
jey ' - ' Water and Mai sta. 4'.
LARD-Sixtybrls No. lin store and for sale 1 ,
Lr jal3 ISAI
1111,EASE--Forty firb brio in store for wile
Water and Trout at.
ISSOLUTIONTfio• firm of Ketip.edy &
Sawyer wes diseoleal ca the I. inst.' TM wan.e
Le continual as bezetctittre by Thom. Roundly. Jr.—
Mee name of the lab Erin will It. tval , brclgtcr Veneer Ia
settlW , the basin... r i g giv m, 4,_,
11e ;4 ' 4 'likg lava Wl=
rith f ...I the I;xioona 'of Gomm
Ihteefolati, &hello, Geom. by KA.. A n L. L. D.
Tar team TOIL! or 7ai nano; haOs the torohol har•
rattre and mono of travel through the Sartarrioh or Raw.
rEan Linda, *Mother porta uf Polytuoha. n a 141 ; 14.7
.T. Choerea, author • of -The Whale and ho Captors. irlau
" rtPargia's •rcu ct th If me Ipytuxrl=
rc.. iikiA
. . ' ugt.m. Net, am Atueneou copy. , • *
I Th. partnenthlp aalating msder th.
&atop & Voegele. Merchant Tailors on Lliarty stmt. .!
lan tam saderaly dlsnolved . Janury,:th i, lB4l., B.
rszm uc" 7lll " . ` :Pritr Aga` ,V 7 i hal
If than. ant • Y tue ille ' gin.; .4 to a. we name
o(aba old arm. all n ' td ' settle:o.M 8.11. SVCCOP.
...1t.i1P1..-4,1••141,:e.. .1.1.1
RY PEACIIES—Thirty brl,just landing
s. P. 1 - ON ice-
IIEESZ—Two - hundred fof sale by
• • B. P. cox BONN - imam *Co.
LOUR—Twenty WA Extra, for ea% by
GLASS—Eight htintlred bxsWinglow Glass,
UN 0. 1 (4 for ate by
jail - 9. F. VON/BONN 11(.11.0"0 - k CO.
1011105iiligne9W=ViTivOrr i
musks for 821:31EARL ASIL-2..8
DA. • L 6 CO.
fiIigSTNUTSeu bun by
I.J ie.: Imuzett. a co.
FLOU R.—One hundred brls superfine FlOur,
received per otealytoy Pilot No. `Y. end feral!. tr . {
j!...1 J. a-n . FLOYD. Round l'bureb Bulkbag.
TASIL Ten Caekn, pure', qtore m7l;
Cur Wry I
_O3 :J.& .I , LOTD.
PRODUCE. —6 brls,prime Roll Batter;
brly Lsyd; • . •
bap.nutx •
3 brim. /Intim" isedvxd by j
.9Cfbrb f hr ale by j 9 3 ! La' n4yD.
oh..4na 1 ewk Berm= Iva. I. li from sibuorr
Tw 7 r‘ lelr trAl fl DicKrr t CO., Wen ermi,
TA.-NNELl',.°,!LT, — ,al l ).;!l'klait k og i, ;
I\IOIAASSES.-38 brLs nor, in 'store, for
I!" br (1019 ' 3. 4R. IiTAITD-
ARD.-44 Urfa No. 1, now - landing: for,
de hl- I ID ISAIAH DIME . / k'CO.
UCKW HEAT FLOUR—TorAv. sisck• •
store snot for We by j U tt. k Art Illitancili :
ROLL BUTTER.—Tea brls' Roll Butter
jil ragtralrad fn rale br
REASE LMW—Twe brlsfireige Lax&
Greceived tad for We by
,•w: : , ,
DRIED PEACI S—Three hundred bus!
thiai Peudica, in dors. and an• 13t
Jail • S. a W.11.1=113011.
FLOUR—One hundred brls Extra Family"
•and S.!". Flonr,just recelsrl sad for de br_
,1.11. • N. k NY:11.1.111111R1114,
at reduced rises. ocadetins of lb* iiknelnil I , rab.
11:1.sirc4t-si=2:.-4 umg4-4-1=
wlueed pieta u.d will be sold fetTliet terms bAs.
Ik4OLASSES.—Yi ftv brb new trpp for'saki
(.IALESTUS.S tons Saleratiks, iii brlii an.
I,7bv, I* uk br » Ron.= osUELL Co.
LEAF LARD.—Leaf Lard in farts andk
ea/ ler sale 117 =BM' MIZELL &DI,
• •
SUGARUGAR.-15 lapis prime N. Orlealm'Sngiirl
stansa4. Ice sale by RODE= DAITZELL Jr, CU,
Librrty streaL
SaS.H2S bd.* . Sugar Mugu; St 4
ALMON.--5 bile Salmon, No. I, in ,atorfl
and tbr We by 9a9 HOBERT MIZELL *CO. ,
.111kifoVAL.— , De.. Sraz hea•-yereoyed tes
M r 4l , ll , wri a. r ritf,.„'SV - 103 „ 1111 . 1 „.. .actdm11 - .
H FLANNELS, or the differ&
quad.; the genui.e arttele—a 'lhrthar_sopply_rer,
ee Dr ,e 1 • MURPHY A' 1111N.MMLD
V . A511 FOR ME D
C/of wialrdlrbol b
WOOLLEIV GOODS.—One case . Scarlei,
Munch 1 eve Brown 7lnnsul. 54;2 won
Blnul:sel.64: 3 wow 8 ring Tweels, all root; 2 csanlYnA:
engsbnenn meg Jen", reanged on cansigninent from 4. 1
saannbetargro. and for NU by • jall• IL LEE- 2
CIGARS—Fifty thousand Cigars roceir
godan. Noble by Au t AV: monizaa •'4
Marshy 2 Duch&ldmatt.. to benOtsyio.sulai:,
At WU to this branch a t heir, badness, id aro casefu;
to relect • sutitrkw tistlele—the h b sa owseiwtrysated btu,. fill
bat both 4loa vices ownu.lltr• JaII
VHIN - ESE VEI33IILLION--7411* sahl
lIJJby • •- ri It J. Klontco..:
HEMP SEED--Fifteen tfarreja (next erc.lll . l
st.rol by' ',j111 . 1 J : 11.0. ,
41 - 2 q LASS PAPER—FiVe buildred
Agith'vvabrut: Vlr wk by
J. MUD It CO_ N. 011100,1
JHE SUBSCRIBER . offers for.' ielit) tot ii
term of owe or tome' o
year", the crtebnktol ..flis livid;
bllshafteni. eltuate 10, Fairfield teal:Walla Wertekorehove
county. in the village or Ilollsver. :veld work+ try arf,th
Velum irazia Canal and Central Railroad.' There olm til.l
land large qoaddltio• of Fire Clay awl hione Cos). feilirefil
nit of amen. The iroiles are ow the tub klllicrook—lt.l .
peoofwary tadidloya flor the• work are traded. .k. kilo 1 , ,
I.l,oloandlsos. F. t.... allhlstothe waboooker.kodelloi,‘
Qom calks north of Youngstown.. ,
ifoillmrldr—W .. Reg. - Wll, aormsits, !.,
nEAUTY.—It is universally conceded tlc 7 ,
enater um. oavaisni time i t
counter , lo Anil
. while tot tbe max time 11. IA said that 10 0 otbei
country la It leat. at myelin age. Now this is Poo toe
cattalo extent. but the lota laoften mixed by neglect. WC ,
say to all, (to oot negleet to. , lerooret .1,P...h.: ...1
roue the Moving. aoil pm need not lad: troottlit - 4
Them articles are pipette prrparallutat aad littt. att
WWI • high mularity. •
Juke Ilautra Pend. or Chloe.% Pop*. he iterateiti
to the toter Wilmot coPtclrota antient wheeze ,
rattblog alsoulti a person room Carelut thsta the tuo.ol 1 7
Powffeljor,_ , ,tbo Wt. P Iwo ot tlacv eo,i ars nu- %oat
..... sly unmet pottier isearerealottot la • attaUlit ta..:
....r t ..11. 2 44 4 .. thatetrest 'bk. eatipoetlity Pall
ah oijo
41 Tl. Platilory Pottier. ettratr . Or Pi&e.g.;f
Ma It• a, bat . mama utteghtlY tb.
~..i n „„,,t1. n,1",,ru1 - ,uritz.. , .. .
Jule. Mud. Ct ' alterbtolold littr-,Dyte wiR IsOtt.Y
lamely Impart tore ed. ebbe, or troy Pir.
blark.hoproe or auburn plc. It 1;01 color te.
&ore+ tlate.3a4 aro effectually atom soy oder are. le
tag allthe tam titer indellibloo. , .i,,,,,,,,,,... ,
Jules )(suers libetineo thearm-It et reeilr •
stun with this crepe. Thera Pew. , or the Poartibff Pr
nth. ...WY esperteeeed .Ito tbr op a( moat tow. (It
to. Pittner, It karmathe atio toomoilath. soft YIOW.; -
hat* and oat thine te •Kom• clruvl- ta4
Joke Spell :a cre Troth isetc.-,. Pi • .
ti t.
Wet tboe Teeth 1.... 4 . 4 ot " L'• =4 Pao ttbffi .
the human facet but .... u .V...7.7,,,,, if p w .
' oftortertinkpolieTo...liiworl{ at Chi .arettiff.heelett l „
lb ' . iC * "rat; Iliffil. Itreuteer ateQuarolak
, ..,,, bo y.j. eeo wall, by N. A. Palteerkeit & Co:
art. N- PUP. 1'11...n0 . • .. . i J 1 lit ' lW 9 ,--, 1,M, 1.... .:
city. P . a__ .... ____:---. ' ' ',. - ''',
T - V. '1,5 bble tor
.3401,5 .. ..
-11 --- EARl,AsaAcwoicrrged•tre
-Vag C E.—The igatcwrobip
al.w 'hentofolf
ito Finjilig Jan lltatlznaa, she it stabeest,
.oar due the !awl nevrlEt Mile am-.
Vus ita3tom.'
The ag eathaae to arm.. Ow kmakie..'
tka al stmt. 01N
0.. Calm Jt Et. its. Ninth . Iran.. 4
EN3UNSIIIP—Those irishi!tg to becom!i
iMR = il V, sail "
boo:afro= 111.M..t0 IttP. TEN. ninair - of
Last...o w/o calif ilse ratltied to relasip tf;!,; .
7.1 V, s".
OCtoa ra=sktir_ •
yll. 0. tataustzw, bilosta,
weittv five barrels for male by
MOD t CO. N.,-00W0F.4 M.
' -