The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, January 18, 1851, Image 4

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____ —7
' . . IDE il a ttalife. STORM I'
Soventy-two years-ago-•2itit of Pecember,
It crowd of men and boys were helplessb - freezing
on the deck of a stranded brig in Oral centre of
Plymouth harbor. In. sight, and oncinst within
t reach of the laud, witnesting. Tantabie like, the_
Warm dwellings, and curling atooku - erdhe village
.cr" Duabury, !Gigaton end Plymotthilla a safe
, daarbor, but with a hark flooded with el ice-filled
. `Muter, and with the 'I:I3e.EZ north wind on their
..-. Wm s-4 unalra.rarcal Make, they tact al, fate which
. ' rbtoli no" parallel he American Liztoryi.- - The 20
.... gun b7:O-Ger-,Arr.ekl, Ja=ils Muics., eft sal! from
dieseth Me tint le of Doce.rahrr,Tin,'conarah - _,,i07,1
for a privaramir.z . ctieliti ,n.,' at deo. :irk:: en be. A l,
in ~ 110 pa lens, The recceeff ' r . day E. n
flight utmost - el the m eat' terrain: lit cln el mow i
and cold known since the, memory of man. The
Gen. Arnotd- Ineurgrodovitit Some realty, to
reach the shelter:: Plyr.ora havire. !std azch-
. ered in the COTTT3rd, near Poach romrcirat der- I
inc the - night, either ilrezzril her Enchurs, or, i
ftiding'lrar '.anclo rage too idetiraw lard unsafe, i
slipped Mr es:isles end grounded cas..ifhard. saud.r.'
flat and hilgr.l. The rising talc *ilea the hold i
. and cabin, and at length‘coverod Ulf deck to the
depth of two or three, feet and ebbllig, left them
litho better, - The morning ligl4 the 27th,
brought them no relief. 'Surat catraordinary suf
fering required. extraordinary metrrm. All,
diottactior.s between owner and .I: l', captain
ariffertiw, - ‘ i vere broken down. A - ctiok of brandy
vests set in pad, the head beat inlead all belped '.
thonmeivet. ;Ardent spirit, in thefe days, was i
- honcitly he'lictuth a real &felted agalltEt the evils
or lifo, - 13%7. while 33111 e drank of the, burning I
.. lirpaid, cab , VS porhth dm more 2arely...pd speedily;
oStters, the cuptoM ranothr, the reit, tided their
iota m
. and bathed their : - cad Mails. ' !lour:
'passed on, sea one idler ttauthor 4a,Tcrap to tinvi
hitio- frost, and Elie - coca into a lifclein corpse;
cauLins; yet watt, icy arms to the 01tmested and
wove beaten us . cak. But hope rth yet in Crave
Jr thc..therainder. About pusholl off fro. the
Plyerraudi snore, audits g1.',1113t ere rtvbre ;lowly
tsar ony...ratula Wrei,zotailJg the of et ralca ht the
`way of their . . re:Cue. Already irk the worm
" Leatth stoats of tlie Pilgrim km, I the thy gar
, ancuto, the lionetiftiirhfrealerients, be kind voices
. of officious friends, vividly pictured bin imagine
tionaiewerred - to the survivors; lin thelienumbed
and erffunkted boatmen begin ,t faint. They
my. within hail of the sufferers, it learn the
mine and nature of the brig, but t eir hind soiree
.) aro tle only relief. Discouraged i the ice and
rola . , they torn empty towards th.l.t. homes, nod
Commence again battling with i 4 and water to
.•.. effort their safe retunt.i• %Wit a raomout for the
poor mariners of (the. General Are >ld! The ser
vitors affirm that fifteen fell at or ce to the deck,
awl despairinolisub.raitted to the king of terrors.
Hours pees, might comes Ilia g cs--men and
boys embrace each other to Cheri. heat, and fall
`into - the sleep of freezing death. , Another day
brings a welcome band of men loin small vessel.
;The crew- err tenderly piled on 6 deck, living
aral.'deati, almost alike stiff and ice-bound, mad
tenveYed to Plymouth. .
'Oa the baryon; hill in PI oath, near the
' Southerly portion, taftd near the ase of the Pd
.' gdnas' fortideation; may be, foun4or could have '
• been a for years 613C0, a hollow ea, unmarked
. • and unenthozeol There rest tianes of sixty
. eirayeasons; unclaimed, unknowd tuacoffined,
- • buned in one capacious gravel,Svcry care and
attention-ins bestowed on the pairing, and the
charities, and hospitalities of the surgeons and
. people were fatly drawn out. Off tho whole cora
. • paw, only about a score could fie restored even
- to a lingering and crippled ens nee. Seventy
two were dead., and their distof tell forms were
thawed in the running water at lie foot of 'spring
hill, wetxc
eepeithe few claim `.l by friends hr
high In rank, buried with solem* service in their
common tomb. If • Was remark di , that every one
who partook' of UM breadv inteforally, died, and
died at an early period of thiofhtelaneholy his.
.- This unprecedented - snow storm has since been
knot= in this vicinity 113 the MiGeo storm. So
!offers vas the cold, that a p 'a.Y.ty of the hardy
young of that day, in returning a mile from a
&ince in the Southern part o 'Langston, came
. - tear freezin g to death in the dr Ind path. Gera
diEficalt at this Into day, end az. er ordinary dr
cometonees, to imagine any asible occasion
which could permit over sec hu4drcd shiporteiz.
I ed fad beings to rer_air. urdeaccored within a
/ - m m
toile or two cf the toe, in a lict.faarbor, for a
... 1 . wfdolo day and biht, mark le a can we 113:44":33 I
.:"..7 . .... eiroamirauces w hich would compel a boat to re-
.": tura empty aft rowing withi i hell. It seems i
'.."' incredible that a =inhere!' wet cal wearied tarl
toond hire susvived thirty-2M- liars on the deck
,; cf the wrack, whin no one co a 17:71ELI=a :be 1
- cold or tear through th e inc to • Mr rezones But .
I ...: el it feceincd, and eve have 73:1V3: /C.7-rle.a that any i,
remintocza co lack cf cotrzle. r cefmrenec was i
-... 'charr,ctimpouttuy. Pernitlyti. frat slim . bola; '
'the haVerth Might have ciltdien kr O. i' - zeir effort,
The :soma teaches tea how tot r y as the power of
man, 'h t^_ Stulect aps.inst lhofp wet of the eic
citr, end tint la lino ed.!: of life we are Cr , in
. 'irira.tlt..
.I.icrenty.two periaris trishcie keVir,ty
tin/ pimr.e Lilac pasted assay The i.Ctera and
the eitsiemath era gone, cc just depot - nos. ."...o
p.oratranout zomfkr. the g rave, oh trace' of the onto
gallant In: is revealed its thetkorlior, and quite
iteperlect and car-trod:may ac stunts wrist 61 the
calamity. The facto hero imtirfeetly proseated
rre gathered M partfrom.Slders Epitaphs, pub-
I 'fished in 1214, and partly from ordinary vert al
couraes, • i
Thu V.S2 of altrahol. if mot iftetraracatal is the
''' c ..immerecerarat of • their disairar. hastened the
coon - ararautien of it to mar.y,lad it is: ili ffi cult to
. End a mere tea: temperer: e lecture than the
harratina cf lhodizaster of le McGee storm:
Old Co:cr.y lapvta. ,
- _ _
, ,
. "e MEPILITa LtikGo.
. ' - One of the novelties cf Calif ixia ia. its Chinese I,
.eating-hcase7,—and. by the ,
,y, the Ccidaniale I
disitup sublunary 'foddr.r.' in a eery geed style.
" I.n car own manse. they keen e'aarp look out for !
era.'" article of food which . - c. era, tram a ,^:: ::y
bear to a par.. - hign. It was a :a..ter et:carious it:- 1
- calry with mire-el:es, bow the' hating - pi to under- i
stand the calls for diffcreed ai'ele, made by their
elastomers, when apparently none of them nrafer- . 1
stood or spoke 011r1212,.,,taze... i Dining ere day ut . 1
their table the mystery was abeed. sane of the 1
proprietors who nealcrecood Efiglish. and talked it i
tolerably well, posted himself during meal time, 1
ice the kitchen, to euperinten 1 the Fooling, and I
-translate the callsof customera!to the:cook; while i
the waiters, rho were totally' inaceplainted with I
English, a-loathe demands lipen the larder, 'of
each person at the table. Onp young gentlemen
called for a plate of 'mutton chopg,' and the w4i
.. ter not exactly catching die sound, asked, be
plain as it: Chinaman could, Tor ' - ,tt Maid= of the
artier. 1 : ,
"Mutton elicits, you chaddelsod,' said these:nag
gentleman. ..
, 'linden clips, you cAudi' l . i.cad!' shouted the
• Chin costa to the kitchen.,"
/ This caused a gcatral tan li around the table,
' and. considerable emotion in the kitchen: The
propriettar's 'vocabulary of English embraced no
'eatable de mace hearing Ole title of 'chuckle
head.' The joke took amen 'Fil ta o cue tomerS at de:
and presently one of. e called out:
goat ong-tailed =lie,'
echoed the welter. ---_A -
'A. barrel of, ltomcepathie e p, old smooth
head,' shouted another. 1 -
`Barrel bomopaty coup, old smo tit head,' echo
: ed the waiter.
'A hat full of bricks,' shouted a third. •
..- 'Flat of brick,' repeated the waiter.
... . -- -By this time the kitchen area in a perfect mate
, . - tof confusion, !and the proprietor in a stew olper
lierity. Perspiring with alisiety to please, end
-,lgnerant. asregarded the character of the dishes
t, called for, he-presented ' self before the hungry
`assembly for a dmeription f the different thing.)
they - warded.
' 'What do you name by p geonnailk, homopatty
coup, and de brick? lien you , cook Lim, gen
A roar burst from the tple, . and the shrewd
Asiatic sawin a moment that they were hoaxing
hie subordinates. , -
. .
elle gentlemen make Ana all 11.—d fools!'
raid he, rathkg asuin into; the Smoky recesses cf.
ri l
• XS =Ca= 7 deputzes:at; t whether he meant
that the genticlaes were . -kin; fools of his wal
. t o= or thermiclica, , one of the uncertain
ties cone:vent open of Crie ,'s incorrect
knowledgs; tf our len,. tge--S:ce.tcr. (Cal.)
.Teearnat. 1 -------- L .
. .
A'S=7 , GAS ME're 171....y......L::—The ee•M.ittee
• ' 021 the C 7.3 contract thint 7 are, and they haee
• dereted specs . 4b in t et: .seer. to this :rat
;,rx.f, to entitle the= jed,, tat to corvilderetior.
But we 'will ~nivc .e . ' that ,' point. A .E:v. - -17.17
dealer once hid otrowlon ,resteni h . . 3 pr=ise,
. . : makinf-, additional lights icevaltry. Thr.F.e Le
• theargLe ware chrtegth c .oebitently, ampere.'
-frith tbe hill for ta old , biz. He thougLt, t e
• . .117 the meter and hare a l ittlest. n':faction, ht:
- • ' Veedd burn "Ann heir a dies ligitta on hie roc •
' Cad floororhere gfte , tzt - s were It. He .k , e.'
. , E xcjat after A . hill he , teen pail Slime foe
nent hill • Catao in, at the ad of the manth r La
• ... said nothing 'of haring ha. ed nightly thee!) stair
-.--` liFhte; bat wieh,ed. the re. 3 an to see if the metre
, •dtd nat.)ealt tip stairs.."'pen examination no
leak 'Oat foind, and no di every of tad banks
- made. The dealee eon aced this for clerea
• ' Teentk% having the'meter regularly examined
"hythet7ta m.ta evaymor. ht, when, deeming Le
' • ' had eat:areal - I=a he le. the eat oat ofthe halt
Not, if the meters are nccatc,,tible - evidenCo,
/end the onl7 - cmdelme the,
..ns company he' of
--the amount cf gas eeraz.=ta by it,di , f,dnal'e, why
. EhOr.l'l tiZ truntlre.azfam_ detection for - elcrta
.. ...Zoittl +'ado— r.,..t a ~_,ln.c this ohm Celt
Vs to:ll:tr..lo . 1:r Tacsi, and' al a he't
' ' ' tr3,ir.:zray.c...l4 , zrt. Itp 6 tz—N,, rcrigr.
• , -
Ln. Ltrla 'aettrairned by v..
-:really in vteor of thi, lapp
in-m.lolin) •to sit ter p
nnim ncdiaw 11Wition ,
wilts silvur 1re,31 tea
TnE ," ilicutritpL l' W;--.1 arlidrirr4: l l Nagy-.irate.—A eat:respondent, of WO Kent Comity At... ,
las' tells capital !story; illustrating the 'force of
conscience ona atingistr ate. The stary goes, that
a few' years ago a "respectable" ihn.keeper I
was arraigned ore a worthy Magistrate rest- ,
cling in thterount of Kent, and remarkable for
his indePendence -sterling and npwrigbt
- deeisilins, charge with baSiq sold die, nine,
ago a
strong liquoq!n less quantldes than ten gal- i
lont, without li ose, Cc. • Several witnesses
were called' ort thtf.prr. of the State, bat none of
! whom, estild ormedy-reeollect for n certainty that
fithey had. Vonolit'lany liarar of the' defendant,
and toms cf. tiarr; althongh they hod been hit
neiobbcrs 'Oll their lire, yet' .teetited with such f
cennienticus caution es to est:viva 0n1y.% belief'
iin the era:rinse of the defendant. The. defend-'
. an; was in tine spirits at the precinct of 'his in
f mediate discharge by Li: friend, die Mr.yistratc.
l That worthy atheist ga-re Judgmeht as fellows,
fist -The witnesses do not 62C121 to know much
lithe:it the canc. There is no int:tits ony, whstorer,
i against the. d•cfendrin:, [the defendant laughed
t aloud] brit this Curt ccinot shin its ereactli
within it: non latowletig.n — Tais eurt has it- '
self Louunt liquor of this defundsnt and must
therefore require Lim to recegraSe for Lis ap
, pearanee at Coin,
to o
i' AIL
1 ."
. THE PAINE L inr.—Mr. Paine has received
by, the last at.% er his English letteth patent
for his so-called uterrgaS discovery. A wager
of $5,000, prop sod by Nfr. Paine, that he could
snlathintiate hie lain.; by expeperiwental dem
onstration, has been accepted by a writer who
signs himself T. the ilestou Atlas, with the tm
ders.tandiag thahe electric circle is not to be
complete—that Luce slitdl be no possible ran
' inction lietweeo the poles of the battery, either
he metalic. luidi or any other elect rie conduCuot
also,tlatit there 41,11 he no oxygen !venerated, ic o
free or conthinid state; and further, that Mc.
Paine shall sho-r, to the satisfaction of the sit
, perrising conint ttce lee proposes, that but one
. of electricity parses through th e fluid. by
the agency of tpinch hydrogen is alone diseuga
god.:-I'a. In.
! —
, . e
Preffs FMB"( Errofirs is ORATORY,L.9OOI3 af
ter Peel was born, Lis father, the hist baronet,
findinghimself rising daily in wealth and conse
quence, and Fiches-mg that money in thetie pe
culiar day 4 could always command a seat in Par
liament, determined to Laing up his son. expressly
fur the House of Commons. When that sea was
' quite a chUil, Sir Itobert would frequently eat him
on the table and say, "Now Rubin. make a speech
and I will give you this cherry." What few wont,
: the little fellon; produced were applauded. and ap
r plause stimula ti ng exertion, pro,lueed such effects
. that before be was ten yeay. old Le could really
address the chtnpany with some degree of eh,-
• qilence. .1s he grew up his hither consmntly
1 tools him every; Sunday into his private room and
made him repoitt, as wolllas he could, the seamen
w - Lich hail been preached., Little progress in of
; footing this wa mado, and little was expected a
first ; but by-steady perfeverance, the habit of
e j
attention gr kmarerial, taid the sertatin was ret
peated almosteimbatim. ; When at a via distant
day the Senat r, remembering accurately the
speech of an Pponent, answering his arguments
in cermet sif • an, it was little known that the
power of so do g was originally acquired in Dray
; ton clinch.' ilfemorrs, by' ea' Dean of 11.7 k,
Cototwe Pura rr Extuaciatiorser. —The "Glen
eur d'Erst-ot.loir" euconnts the following, of
which it guarantees the ruthenticity :
M. Dessomme, of Goals, a small commune,
about a league from Bazoche, a few days ago went
out shooting, accompanied by his dog. The day
passed away, night crime on, but SI Dessome did
not return A second and a third day alike pas
sed, and still he was absent- Stimulated by the
entreaties of his wife. his anxious neighbors Cr
prated te general EeFch for the missing sports
man. For seine time their labor was fruitless.
At length one of the party discovered him in the
I ca
wood, dead of . poplexy. He wartapcn Ms knees.
Isis hands stiff ,
hung by hit slide, and resting
•on the ground supper:ad the upper portico of his
lx:sly.creet. hefacial portion of his head woo
covered by d p Ie2TCS, ;maned there by the
wind. By his body lay his faithful animal, a bitch
suckling five panics, which she had brought into
the world since her mastur'e death. Gnu of the
neighters lock the puppies in his ammo, trusting
by that =eats to draw the emaciated mother from
the corpse. She raised hmocif easily frtm the
grramd, fellows! a few paces, thee gaup; round
upon her dead matter, with Z.
, . _
el—f.delity 'and estnqueretl aterzuty. age poor
beast had made evocy tatemit to d:ecever - to
others the situate= of ccrretteter. She had gro, a
to the side`ef . the ne.crolr. real. and. when :my one
came up, :cocci wirtfa!ly at 7.1. - on, end trio red to
tl:2lit:t I , ti.Te I.l.r.:Lnag lay. "Ult. 1)C.A..,-,:.:1,3 she
7:.'s ar2.7 ra... - ,l:rz mod. '2,. - ey did net folk,
c-id CAI::
:ztir . iiente;l„:l.l
:he ha ,
co‘apnrn;;,oly n :.:erit date.
few years, the Aitit.r:=l, is iMprocing the chap- I
nel drf the Danui,o, carte upin La towing pat
cut,by the river in the time of tut there
inn cavern found the engine! Let deo,s of the.
Roman ovorAoar of the ;moil:, re; bray! of
Wood, with hin;es. se:enclosing two or four
zges, and contninirit'tbe aces of the quarry.
men and wage3,due to Each, nit written inn run
uing han'd, identically like that of modern times,
except that thq creas tit., been but nn
oedivary Anon:net learned writor, un
-I.ko ivote qUite a work, to bore that
the Iti.r.rini wol•e not n:qe.a;ated wax the use of
g:eti3 end 0-subtle:, 'demonstrated .
tied' satisfaction; when to! within the
preeiiely line our.ova have
need alico:cred Pompeii.
izo:.=:le isTIEND.LNI G biItr.USINO IHL
nISD3 IS Motu!: LEAD —Mr. Corae, in a pa
pa: tathanuetl to the Parts azalea). of ficiene,
..ltatiag determined ou ioustigating the quee
t.;:ll shot:crate employreenfbr liquid tiolphtmoue
acid for moistentilg the hands would predate a
sensation of cuisines,, whea they are immersed in
the melted metal, I immersed my Lands, preti-
Gusty moistened with sulphurous acid, in the
melted lead, and experienced a seatatien of deci
ded cold, I repeated the experiment of Immersing
the baud in melted lead and Wining cant iron:
&fore experionetting with.melted iron, 1 plueed
a stick, previously moi s tened with water in the
stream of liquid metal, and on withdrawing It
round it to be ablest as wet as it was before—
scarcely anyJof the moisture wits evaporated.
The mamma) a dry piece of wood was placed iu
contact with!the heated metal, combustion tiedi
piano. M.colvet and I then dipped our Lands
into vessels br the liquid metal, atal•ptessed our
fingers several times backwards and forwards
thriingh a stream of metal flowing from the 'fur
nace, the heatfrom theradintion of the fused metal
being at the same time almost unbearable. We
varied these experiments fur upwards of - two
hours ; and Madam Coulee, who assisted at these
experiments, permitted her child, a little girt
of nine years of age, to dip her hand ixt a crucible
!of red hod metal with impunity. Ire experiment
ed on the Melted irou, bath with our hands quite
dry, and also when moistened with water, alco
hol, and ether . . The same results were obtained
aaiwith melted lead,. and each of,us experienced
a sensation of cold when employing aulphurotie
WISS Al 0g11 , 11109 WOOL EZPP.teSED —in the
biography of Either Ames, .writtery'by the late
Professor Kirkland, the - following jest end beau- !
tiful te.l3tiMett :
{Chen vice-approacher the y - untitful mind in
the seductive form of a Letcoed chmpaninn, the ,
ordeal becomes threatening and dairgeromi in the
extreme. Aery possess the prudence and on. ,
yielding firiLtkeia requisite to past it in safety
Those who have accurately been observant to the
dependence of one par: - of life on another, will
readily concur With us, that . Ames ' future clone- ;
ter derived much of its luster, and its fortunes'
much of their aeration from the untainted puri
of irreproachableness of his youth. :Slams-
lite virtue is t 3 necessary to real eminence, as i.
powerful intellect. He that is deficient to eitb.
er, Rid never, =dose from the Wahiawa of for- .
teltsma circnrastarnes, be able to maintain. him-
self at the head cf Society. Be may riot and n oar
ish for a time, but hit fall i 3 ascertain or his de.
! meant tr tkc grave. He who holds parley will ;
Tice and dishoner, is sere to become their slave
' and victim. That heart is more than IM , If con..
ropttd that does not burn with' iIICLIL•att.iOI I at the
' attempt to corrupt it."
HOT in itveNner...—A correspondent of the
en. Vera Cell elate, that in Vaany of the
mott decant dad ezpen3ire dridbog houses nutv
in pagress of .dection in lift Cl,y the modern
appliances fee cupplying these elitlees with hut
ea are I:elriz . cur,iirla.:,...l le,ol dinegrard
of th e D, ilia:. arc;lear,i, if., too tale tran,
lathe Jn of lot :di lh Lame the piece are in
contact with the overt ai the Lase, in utt
er, the apace !Jet, C. 7,11 tat,:i that irt.tu,z,
for ail- patypico of oaf. ty f.ato lire, be of no
ai ail . lie eays toot they wife not only warm,
but eventually bon the Luau—, by neaten of this
defective ecnttri.etic,a lie urges that the cam.°
preclutions against tae which ore required for
hearths and Ecatde Luce saoult he tallest in re
card to hat air liner.. .
Ono ,(1,13 , laft:. month, the people of Et. Peel, I
Olive:eats.) ritnceecd a superb eilar,
Prost sr-nrise to. Elltlbet. three 'Buns • cf crona
lirghtnest, and too .n.irrting for the naked eye,
apparently artsc et once in the horizon, and, the
zroand being c.rarttl - eith /mew, roared forth iL
leizza or light,. fox 7=1 , 3 intone than IS um:L.l.lly
vituesccd. 'Antrum of powerful refractedrityi
ens blezing down from the real eta in the: center,
him the Linzing.hcard of a fiery comet, while on
C 361 aide of the sun, like the teepee:de stbich form
a parnnthin—that,;,(.} hung a brilliant sakdog,
with o local pointin the centre of early intehse-
Iylnannons; en that the tiro elm; the' offspring
of the sun by refraction, eltone in equal splinulor.
WC/ 1.1,111
- Puma, Idlalstry. apra
amairtt depreciatioa at
litavota to the Assafabiy
Law akiag Gold, equal-
•GOLD PISS. \W.1):1 VG DORon Irlnd , ll
haze steet of the L eat tiold Pru.. - frota the kulaM
turogeturlerm New Y0rk...1 mute anaemia to men.
In cleas z elate venett Gold Nadi Ow
Pon e and Pm:lllolamPearl !ilium
Cure Pia - mut galena do.
All ter ...Ile wholtrulo and Mall ai:tea . Vara pears.
4427 - _ R. ta WILSON.
ATENISON HAMS..-2 hcaes recired and
V tor iti) W. it V.
~CALLIS'E R'u 01ST+iL :I'—_ res
de:u r. A!P.;
L IRD 01L-Iblolo for Bale by
J. 1r371 a C,
tbnsErutllC -,kr_srnic
Pif;lrca. for nil
Jae a U.,.
QUNDItIES.-8 Lrl3 f:111 I:Ai Lalti.:r.
7.1 lA—. Elm.,
i... 7
' • 4 tr.s Dr,d ..3.- - 11,. r•,',..! t:
JO f.•: - .,,,,,,.1 , 1•11.1. Lt.?.
No. I in storz, onri for Ellie 1 y
r pit A s , i ., i :TA 1 , [9,;1.1.NE FOR SALK.
j 1, 1.. L.l, ~ .1.. •I. rA, 11.. .I.• A. “A.:l 'AIM '
-- • l ' Att. C' Tl:r; . :2l . :.; u Art ' il ." l . l " [A ' A . . tllt.K 4 ,tj:llt t ll
I..j_OSE YELLOW. til , 4 .1... tor 6.C. , ... i.:,. • x Art I;0 • • • N.. :ution . t ~e, •:.,. , ;Aluuti ..". , Ar'. lit
. .1111, AO .1 liITI. kr ~ tuel, t.,.• ...... ,e .e 0.... iel.e m.o. I nifenli ... ,1
- 1 ~, • :„. ~, , ~, t • ~,.. , T d .111. ;:. 4.lanrlg fee making'
A MEIIICAp;• 1' EII3IILLION. :fsu 11,3 for i ..... g , , ,,,,,,,, 1.,. ,i,,,,,,,, ~,,,„,,,,,., eualercutant call)'
.1 I I ler , A‘' . uppl.h.-.4. eh
.—..— •
.1011,• 31a.thEN,
AL_ 1? h,. ' pw ,
A v ill i Eli LAN S. If, 1;r i , , , ,,
, I:o . . i r i lL o l , e ,
~I :o „. _
~,,, 5.,-.1,iu,, ~ , .- 1 ., ,11 JAlulViol. u * Cs,
lust Ita.ln. Penn cheer.
1:0311. YELLOW.
--- - ,
ir‘bllN. 50 Irrl in store and tor sale by ! ' , V TER' :....zTOCK. OF PI .11%0S. •
4, j i, l
1 n r....,16!.. cu.. ~,,,,, Fvlou , lil.ot•ortmt ill.q •
B ROOMS. LOU ;:inirai for .lle l'Y fu
,j 32 wA n )0 ,,,,,, !of ri,, 21 ..1.n.. i j,41 1111 , 1 lend, 1.,r ...,I.:. d.... 1 •
—• — ! L.,1 PIA:NI/1D uit'T emoks, , 67 4 ,1 4: 2
' t .ilic for nnle by
~,,,,, 1 ,- . 1, , ~,,,, , f :.1.....r, • Cr., ~f i,,,,, f ,‘) i'..4.
.s.I I 1". ~... Art 1.,1,21. ....
ti,,,,L.10ri I M'erto,- l, uo., 111 n,
i6.ILVER COIN W AlsliiD, ii, is tiniTthe ;,, t . I 1,,,,, . Pr.LA.A.,4i 1 . ...i.,....u.: 14.13 llook,
~,, Winn, bo 1...‘ , .0,. ,, 1 ...h.q. , ..ce .P . lt :OW, - I.
Y %,l I 1..1.1N: +, 1,1 . 1.).,,,;, :,, i.r 1t....1...
~le .11 f
1..0 n
~,,„,.,, ~,1,.,,1,...1.t. Jutrt.ll,. h N.,..Lh•IA ...i. 111 1. u..
_, ~,, }AAcAT,,.Ah../h
,TOIE. •
... Nlark,t .t.. 7or, Of F..urth.l_,
Mortis and Willis's 'Home Journal
ty NW. I.
W htt.
b) UNTO,
~..., ~
AL1.131. ...t5 ILL; for salt. L., C, .,... i. Ant...el-0110, Lf tho Home Jourtiol, No
' 107 I,llnon eiro. t New 1 Ltd. 1.r.-tutwr .11..1.1,1- To all
.4e7 IN 41 1414 . AI Ey e, 1. , ; vt,„. I t L ,,, „....., 4 , , Ti, tu., ,ovhf, th.t J ' li . ilmato
Iti ADD.E.It. 5 hints o I littwit. for sale 1 ri. j .. ' 0. '' .4.,,T., '; ..1.. '"' ..e ' . ' .1 11 . 5ur..11 " 1, , .. ' .17-ts ' a t' h r es, sli l,.7l ' itt l i ‘ a " tt ' :)-
INA 4, ,a; ; Sill Uttl ALIA I Cll I f • L i ,aVvr p ;7l ~., , , : r r Sl - 111 I. -Ltd , a, kt0w141441 6, ars .1.. the
. 1.4 t h .,
j 'sEED OIL 30 bid. for dale tor : . u. a. 1 .2.1 ....I ' .'s". ‘ Z t ti. ` a i t " .:.!..! ' 74 1 . 1 1.r1V. r,', l ,l ` Lti: 1
.1 a maSi II 11. twat: T 14.... v. 1.,11111, • 111 4010404, ow tin f.t orient,- , =
- - ' sr , rot radio.. rt, haled 14 4 IS liutule., Third 'need, . t4l
TALLOW .—Fill' I,OIL r(* , elt m sad 1.. r stile ! opt:Lite tln. 1,,.0 oflue .ilLohltld all MU:, 1 mrsti. •
6421, Silitit Lit S. ll IIL , L., , .21', 100.. n and Prourtetor• In On the Liace mad 41 the n.l. • pent. army
i. - .i. , L . •-, •• Cu , , . 'Ch ia i hose hie mw, Lusnes. .0 thartaa, touswnwously ...1
QIIOIt.T.S.-01.1e I.l”,usand la. , just r0...-Kod .14 , F -I' % •s l -' I • Nu.
.i , ..,,,,,„,..k
.Leont. Ila 104 , 14... the .:this d,-Ile d htutitt .fledaa read.
kJ 4.,:r 01.....04er atm." LsaLl, .4.1... , 1.0011 .
.„,d1,..,, ~,,,., , ... e - 1 t . t 1t I . 24 Tin hotolofees 0-auttut Le opened without betut de
-11,:o SEIM I id: 4 hit • Id- , ~, „,,.,. , , t : ' .4 ut lo lal 1, a,,• " " • ,
. ' u.L,....5.,11.,„.',.."1'.", le. t: ' h ' " ''''''' ' rii "" .' ' th 1 . V
Neither in hot waters oar njoired to sent IL in
'' To \ I i.A...1:r.Z....- To L .:_,.. It t.aud of fi.dw add two le l 114..0 ill ado .1 G 1.. ., "...I IG3Ger '...
V ..., 4.1 e 0.1.4 - g. : - .1- ...I quantltio. ~, . , .1.... ha.. C.-uapoul.l 51.1 th. toad dutorthle 01 , 01 ad: 1 immediate mho. to lb. armlet, lowed at tvlna hurled
4.40 " I. . -" L. - I"L ' . p ! nu- , Ilea.-as II- t, .I, .r .1 I It, Isi .1 s 4- mouth. In the land Letter 0111,
c ~,r,r us . la brae, ~L , hndh ,.. fee. the .. ~..,. .r. " : ....or m ` .....1 ' ...r:'.:m... A ....T. ' :tufa' ape ,:t " l ' tunt , ..,1,..t1 fah, The !develops me turoulted at a/ramt the M.
•-au.ol, ....t. 1,1, a. I. 111 watt ‘l,O dough the usual , Ptav nri.0....
' 54,a17.../ . 4.1.00. fur rale t • . 00 , 1 , 04. kn. al it 0, 11. an-1 kt 0 5t44.1 410.0, miLutet . 601. )./Cl3 tutor mailed it • most efferhve alvertlamcnt,
f t at ail fIICUE 1' 4 It, I, I, e , L 0 1.,,,,.. - a ,„ a , 1 w „ 1,,,, r , ~,I. ~, , aa 1,,,,,, uheatt , aut. to arts 6.1 IL. attemlor, of all tbruuoh .10,1., hauch, it
~,o 9 0 tder an,i !'rout rte 114.0 . h soh oft hrol, 'blunt', nod htdol at owe, but . mav Ins
ulli a, , ta hurt to ttate.l hams nr tre,.{, .1..,,,.. 1.1.-rt The iolloeiot 0a: litrof pH.. for D 1.14, ernarosed an
LARD AND STERINE Li no .1..,,..., of ,4 tr, 4. 4,.. hof thie 444,,,,,,041 It. lb.: arc. aul obi. Luill Int lot ouro. and of ELtalorits. of
a LEL. 'lO 1 I. 1 11 , hi. 0 .01 ....1 ,41111 i... In, a.. 1 , Won'. at taler.tut Ind . the usual sin. either white or butt 0 auxd pap.% nod
6 ' , bin Ahrine. wow lanliit. from ;ma t. u rto nest whin u.. alO ... . , nano us arate, .04 mato, whiten,: -.
For old by' 1.?Alt1 II DICK /11 Co . ' t0n,.,. 441 0.1 .line, C.. 40-0.1 11.00 1.0 4,44 1.4.1. Pr 1,,,,1 Pew i . rate ctj
Wore waft or
3 cf... Wore
-'''''' - - --- ----- W '' ''.!to4l--I ' ± t'' r ' fit2.1L' " :; . C..t.1..L.0 1 t . . " :;1.7..... " :;:.....1r.:.tit:....... " L ' ::: 4 1 0 I t ' o u V . .' t " ..?" * .. Wan.. . . .
MO S'VEA..II 110A'r 111. lIDEIrS f..t. J ttstst r. 1 . ,. .3.,....t05m........ t.... kw. ...J (....1 Lo.tar Jo 4/ 10 - .. 44.) 400)..-. . .....- 7.14
CVO it./ 1h..10
.1. lit.) Usl.lnaLinrai no.ard Ts.‘ll, volt .hie fLt .Law 1.1 1 04, 1 °.. , 1 " •t , . 0 ltutl , hlt 140 ' lot .. . 40 '`' l ". -
I t ,K 11.1.4, L. 04 Lot st. 10 to eu .... .... .. Itlatt WOO . 13,44
leetethLiiLt or -to /114: t , oe 0 • 0 I ln dln.“ ..- ...4 ''' ".9 '
salelow. b, 1.11141:I. F1.r51 ISG a Co, 1
V-75 .
IV - ,....1 r-veat NEw EGoEs 1 NEW MN:IES I . 11 he ii t? IW .
le 441 .ateuieot to Sataa . riamoullt of order
11.0L:11L4' LITEItAIIi DEPOT. T hi rd it ur '2:'lift:',Wit:T l 'lifror:' rir - -b,i; t N h . prom ' '"'
VFLATIIERS 10 racks now landing from I A1m,..,mt....4, tss Pont mato.- L sm.:Lass. tr jarmostt n". Wl ' l. " l Ultrllii, lad
I: mramtr thood4 - 0. for rale 11 - , lattvri 3144;00.4 fur January No 2121 Ilatilsou stress New Turk.
164.1411 DICii,EY OCO , . 411,e.. nova. 1 the aothor of . Tht Otilvira" , Orden will be attroded to promptly, if
at. the stern
ltc9 - . Watar and Front st. • : The
L une timtr, a st ew Hy draw , AtvalLt. ,of Meows. 611.41 0 Mott. to Wall AMT. or of )( a :R. 1.1.
The Lunen I le ; or two munatew-a hotel. ' .I.4ollmast L. Co., 131 Will
lato et.
IN THE COURT o}' COSI'...ION PLEAS ~.,,,., 0, u ,,,,- .. L.. , " ..., N. 11-flualume Carda
ha colors, from mama
To Lhve tm.. to Ite Loral--• tale . Dan. at 814.0. Par Iboonral . rato=lm
.._ of Allsgbou, Cottotf. Curollho err , Brnot Lit U. iV hi hornmid Yetanylnuan Rad rmul Cmmtaul r• hd il• The Ituread Cordruknd.
Shot:et - II To a 3 / 4 rth Taro, 1 Ed.l a , a L., hot to tho ./toults. Or Dr her -
To the shave defendant -14.1 ar..'hol,Ey u'
1 1 1 J. thor i 1. ,.. , L , . 1 ,, ii ,., ~,p L . ,,,,,, 1 : , ~, c ~, , , , ,.e . ,,
the atom 1,1.1.,ift hat token arLi appooalat4l to oW, F._,, a ,,,,,,, ,
the Nilo:flog. Vorrhat 01 at , teal n , n.' i° al" d' , aA ' ' llonsd Jour./ O. No Itf wow volume I.a i
hen,. It sua part Gf lota Nos 14 owl 17 s FL-. Sara.
pie) IJI•n, 6.-I.b) • U.... , b . 00. h v et 01 ''''': C.-.. I Ta - TAN I ED. — A situation In a' Wholesilo
Ire line of add rail Mad, taw mmmunt; tnatttsa ....J .... 1 v ~,,, ~ G . 0 ., b .
ais a tom-ity 'alfeet trials. G draft awl do.ri,dvon et .1.1. b. 01 . ... ,1 ' ,1 • 1 .1 0 . 1 . 1 . 1 d 0 lourdi
maw 410 is 4011 ..rshtol oaf. tat busmen
raw Wird to the 0it...1C-, __--, A..idll oi .1 t:. 5.1 Doc No 9 Post MIL..
-Da. Jams Rosa, the diecovern lad sole prognitter
ins moot popillar and 'beholds! Medicines, nod also .
the ventor of the celebrated lest... Meet for tannins the.
Len., is efforties • cure of Chronic (Hewer, was • clip
dent of that etelnent•lehTgehtn. Dont. Phial , •ed . •
grideate of the Cnivnsity of ronerylverda.and for thirty
IT. .S. (2.)CIIINT.S bears since by Wen ensued in the leyeetisation of dle•
de......1:3ye • - f..lint , r 4..1. hAilltiff , .. , , , eve.. cal tbexplicatinst of remeellee thenelo.
('!OLD SILVER., ' BANK 1:0TEB -- , SIGII 7 I ' , THE BRITISH PERIODICALS, , bi llfga,b,;"ttr,',°,l,tt`. l :22ll`Jir,dr=tm' ve;,
Li .:11.,.,, Drras on tho Idect and Wert. Stool. no. I iNT) TIIE FARMERS' GUIDE. • gained an empandieled eminent.. le twins thooe dreadful
Leught ena :cll. ' ' LEONARD t.C./IT a CO., Sn. 50 (fold Anat. Nen 1 ~_..4 , 4"i„tica1 . ..."F d rob...nlar ectontnlntlnb Samna
0. ,
~,,,,,,,,„,,,,,,, oho ~,, L, , , ,,,„ „.„,,,,.,.1,, , e . • a,.......a....b0ureautr0. nna Fever and ague. eeyersof
/Ireland )farina. pollees lance] to the ntest favorable i ell Lind, throttle Er
steels., and all those Ostinate Me
tre.; at the Bant.ins House of
tiLultli47 , F. AbINC.LID 1 CO- . tee,, and Lilssaoicil'o 31agar.....i to eddlleon to which '
;cry ten re.s•ntle am...nerd the robiltatichor•eales. 1 ... J ...J1 ' .... " ..1. : 1... a. v ... 1 '.."(:' a
dig - No. ,1 fourth . 44,, ble .4 1 ,:proltural nosh , ndird the a yeemen. sonde h, ttry.. tanalshcf under tit... of Isle remegiasi to which Lemuel
.„2, ~,,..,.„,„„0 , :ty le hair-not by the Mu er ee. ecautoond only, for that
THiiii.'cSUß SC RIDER 'INVITE S THE "';',';`';',., Vatfi : ', 4 ,4b . t . clip,g. " l.'iil, l,. .l2 l ,n, L b. ?...,1 . niniwierwou , iii with Physiological La ,er but bribe vas of
aCeritiLa of ciereLezia and others to ha lat4e s(Li a . cc:: usitt(ei r Jobe. I, Noyme, IC .4_, ten, au, I f0rm i ,. ....en0., adapted Would prasocribeg tor , each yeaullar
isi ...aric . . l cork et 11 . 4 . 4,- I. ti 1 ,.... Chdler r hjfa. and . irrl../or rf brac.lfc .1.41,cu1t0, in Yale faille... I 1„,.,, , ,t-r,, _- ~ ~,,,,,„ . ~, ,„,,„ ,
D r,,,,„„ ‘,..„„ arucisi s v ia,
'....5...,1, henna. ani III:s bizbly ialcitie ircrit one
tao .one royal , Ur.
..... - ',..,--, ---,..---'' - -5 :67 - - --• -• d .-- -
Cahn. 4(411 tau Chd erica, censtat.hy =hand Lai 141 . pier, y-.....c.cmfaintry over - 14 f, M.,. s - lth IS or J.I • 7 ...a-1...a:L .,. . 44 an,PITIor al/ °U... el • Lc...
sell le. br cc= F. Li. 44:70-• • ryiccolid r•crl erarsvairs. nag tie, site, eirFienrarLog. ' , _.,"..„___o'Sf Pffi,l"Fßiiifif ( if Lkifi late ilia ho. if Pi,
_i i on . 0 . .. , 1.n thr h.,..1.4t style of brt. tenant., althea: : _,......., ,5...... in 4 .9 : e...... WM 1d... 04 /den I'llle en ed•
EICEGA OIL-rive 1 . - 4.1.3 received, fa: c o-ie ' <very inrienrat ri bertandry . ne, .n au bo 111. b 0.... Mr. : ,_.,..t.dbY the fanuty,Mfenrsargolsar,versrte...fer
Sby , Cics stravys a BLF.SFF. co, tic to, c.sii.olcf ricii.ia. Plaaihig.
of hars. ; 7.......74:.. iti r „. ,i:Etal.a L , fial.fiSsii.f if ial.
osting, ac. 1, . tla ne.out dema•Se. az:Mall te bold by 141,.. I .....5..., J.• nat. ena been ena...ent...en
illai UTTI:R.-Five brie End ter, jazeprinat :ell iioo r, ;!...,,,,, -va c. , rhe p.. 4,, ~..- s re vf the ...e,k L. , Lb , fLariicsa.
nn...,... , , sr; ... , :l ,it of londrud - ..ble value to sttl- The afEleted are Inottni tocsin at.. the aCcaa alit jo -, :o
LIP hut:gr.:or fair.iir cr.,. 777 sal. iii cure (Krell.) ono of the Dort..ra umpbt.uaninnS•d4-ail
deos' 'i'i""-.2.7- 'l' r ' A2NES - '" ;.. 7, 4 .. 1......T. ' n ' 4 r• 14 tr. K.:n...ti11? Nuz.ben. : IS' ...J.• sot se'. r`Prr 4.1 hi - irr.;: , .....
•AT O. S ,
I : , ifty '',l•lc , , to silica, of r •, :c' , • ,. ."' . .7 1.1 .` - ' h , ! ..? •' ' ' ''';''/ " -Tf r '''"° ' ``',l '' i ri;;tr, l tiVigilt ' =l,l,t !"'""'"'' m"‘"''''
.1:04 fr, .1, I:, (eel HIM , ' 1.3'..r. L.Lb!. 1 ' - . 1 t.: ' ;•,.,'. ' .!.., L .Fr.:1W ' i.... ' i1! ‘ .1."4:17 , if e 1eur' ' ' '''''''
'''. ! .1. e
t. &Cs Wend , tt , T .- .lttrorgh
..•,. ,., ,..b , „,,::.
~.., ~..-__ „..:____
~,......_ , , . t. I our...rel. Pm: 4:e, 15 ...ret r. •
.1), UFF'S BOOK li: EE P I:: G.-A canFiy "r.,..:::'T,,}1'1,1'4',.-.1,......"..,.-;;;',.;,:0r.„4-(;;,,:c..„7,:;y74,•, ,',1;,, , 141,A, ractbs.n. b•reeclet. tear the Peet 00.,1,11es'ar
,' ~. • r d 'd ....:1:2: - .. : ... el,. ....,d-tr..... - r . :,..;„:", i:::::::-......, f....,k . , --,.., 4 ,44", , -. ard•os:.... u•er count:. Is:
' John oaten seer. 1 ab•. - " • "
......., r L 4 .. u*3 .y..... '2.-.- .1..,4c ' ...• • .. ~
rev1,....1 an.: lor r•4:c tr
!1r"....! , 4:: a -AI, 'r_ •;cr,. r:t r 4•• •..., ..c1 , L,M1 . .. , .. - '' ~.., ... 2...,
• -
J. ,,,,,..0.g.r.r.4. c.v..... ere -V .-,.., try --,.. :. , . ,•'•,.. , r....1•1. 1..." vs' le '73 I, ~ -
ILl\\Papa .t
Y „1
' 7;1:1 ' '.''
'' ' it' :`,..,' r' l, c i''..:.. - . c: • .. - .ii i : . ...._., nc - . .'.• li. .i i• li IX 61.1.1.) Olt. 5 brie pure New I. ogle
- .
.: . -•,. y , -. ,. .... : ... c, -.,,
.i,...ii. ,.... . ,.
~.-, ....,.. or: oj i r ,v . zij r.: ,. „ ,...1 ; A.A . ;.:t . ,,00.: r.iso•cl eiri for •ei , ..2.,.• . _ , .
It. l'if) , ,Lierll.4 Ca..
te 7.. ..., -a .. : ....bed at.- - ..... •...• ~,, ..: i.e P .01• 11 0 0111.: E. '213 bac. , RIO for snit. by
a._, r ' HUEY 11 trrunt 9to CYO.
t OLORS--5 l'ori- -- -7P.4a4. Pink, Per !Ppd., • • :la Given Lat..' sn ohrr airtshr ..f .-- ..,'".. --..- . _. ..." . _ -__- ___
~.• ..,1,.., ...1.,d - ne sr, J
any thr Id, liffSil. 1 - / 6 brie lar , e No. 3 31aekariel,
ii, Ito !,, , n - e. 4...er5, , , •tI I.: -. it ~..• •.-,....r.. la, ... 14 rror:otot by Ito. , • . • S.
Is Lela Nn.:l tattle:tore tfcernal
VI rua Ceram. 1ca0. , ...g0 ,, ...max yete,.4.. tr.., :I, res., et 1.1,1/......., /ner a I.W. ban
For by yala J N:Verv•eel Air LP (i • t •rrut , l by Slr.,-. .1. , -.:t ... C.l, ... the: autaeritori fa oho • . a . . l ' ' . ' ...e.“i ' i “ . a r ri . E.,'''' . ,..l Y -.,,,,,,,,, ,y . Co
- tr Eiiiiillids:•t7 ., ,, c ;:: . ''-v.-,' -, P''' " " 5" ! ,e °"( '''''''' roar ''" l '''' ,. - ' - '72-.- -- ---
.I.- , co,nr, , .. IP , . r- ev• ~...4 th,.., ta., ' I.P )1 FOP S -I.LE -A FARM, aituate in
-7,..,..0.-.... :ow, iwrrowi voranacic 1', ,, 0 i 0 ,.; , c;. , 1 ' • , mot, . ~... • a . ,
b .. fa a0»... , ,c.1.f. 4 I . r. ••• -" r rce: , f th• Lee Per. , IPP' annum Fr , , r , I r a North Iluntingdon Uri...00,p, ISenenoreland 'an.ntY•
~.. .44 5 Oonontalolus Zit:erred of Graf laud, bounded by Weds of Jr'
I:: 1.,r L.., Ihr... a., ..4 7 a. rob run. Mr• Nutter, and ollycn-..bnut 1.•cre...-1,...a1.
1,, •JI f. oe .........• : : ju . .a. talanre fp heavy stmt. - , within one note tar tho Vouches
.• F.. 1 1V...r.......'• ray.n... I.' , a • abet" blurb 11 ate, ...o mit, from the Iveneyleania boil
1 , Inset oord a-si i , e, the,. .11...1. re an oa. hoed and one rod+ (met Ric Inanronmente an,
F. ISlecsroo4 .1.1 . :: fo , 1., uod... Jo 10, t., ' .ist of 0 twa story Lug 1.41110 g Ileum , Wilt Hun, lertir
F , r 1- 1,• 'ran. •• , ..1.4 sn, 0., -, No. I • sab Iran. ruble. and ncorurary out b.dilings Applethrlonal..
13P 1...:1...151AS lII,VE-T on Ic ves oe. 1. tir l o lo,o lw io tea. b. elraa... fen. tbler Proi, le , 'lltle atunntable. bonen:cue...Juin ou
C1.1:11111N4 the Prlnd . .. 4 ILOI3hICT lb I.IYFIILEY,
- 1 - J . : l' dd .a do ' d " """"''''' ' ''‘ l '" ' :.' : A d . ....-nent ~ I 1W ati ta. ay ' ant fora 11. , 414..: raL-.• `;Latta
1 A . 1:1 1 01L.-Lard Oil of a anporior qui,,,,: . , .
~ ., ,,.. , .., „ 4 . 4 ,1 ..„ . • ; ...,. ••, , .'..Z ., :. , , , ,, , i, , , , 11 P.,, , ,f ,, ,_ ,: ' , TC , ,, , , VV1:: , ; . 1, 1 t ,..,. ., : • ---- r i usT
/LECiAVED --- frWal the Phillipstill4'
1...1 -.0.0.' , oe lan 1 lb. ral.t...
jatO Ilalall DR:EL i a d... , V. - ator d frbut "a 4 •° r. ‘ pb.: l 1 .31 . 1 ' 1:: 4. ''. . "' l ' bry ` t.. a .o l 1...:10011%.5.0'w0rni."0147.11.:0 ter .1
Sir 6 ..l.,, C 4 'b cyje •- •-4 '' llone Ott Cloth.
X 0 L.A 66E S. -rwenty one. Idle priL.L '`'.',. . . „ yoo y erste 44 no do
ii.t i Seg. , lid.. , k:irs... . (as , sc.epi..l mai tor oe le :. r s ')" ,..l s `. , •frt. o ilitl i at rb4 t r . r? o , - e o a l .:=.l3o..t ' airt b 4 L. :ri.. • .13 Ir d".4 ".''''''''' Chip:
,i 0 1. i.. 11'41'1.3:I AN A tr,), . r i ''"' " ten arvurted elk" Table. Stud and Dome
) :.I.c. r ut at the ',ere. where kaatuat, will he .vast CoKers, or e.oe , Wahl.' Maids and t....r.i Pettenta f ,
rt . :ff. I'LY A' I) INo BAIN CAPA'f LS. '' ' ' ',1,: ‘ ,„ ' ,',7.f.,,„ .„,, ~,,,,„„1,c,„„,,, 4,,,„1,, t o ~,, . ••lle . .hll......Jdn'ta l b at . 4 sarchno. N. 7 arid a•
' ' ..I etre, lie • J t it PHIL! IP,
IT M.4. , inter•t 10t.e... yorobaren. to the I.r,eco ...... dros.,l: isot 1.4.1 or tlr•ol..J. tie tot Pub1....L., . - --- -• ..
la.. W,..ilohi :•.V.•••14,2,11 of Titer , Ply and lorrauatls , ....• 1.0 Mali NV rrF -I 0 , 1 • , 11 , LICKWILEAT FLOUR,
44er 1,,,c, - 1/.. Is tlre martet, eu4 t•l•vrkap ti.,.....,4 .2 o.• - .0 Folton .r w e t, Nape Votk. ' 30 be e ," tocrieed hp sal. by
caatetra :110.s, ' WY 111 (lb an t.o tail and vi,.. 0,0 Pto• 0. 1.. i ., Vetran , 'al 'pita ore. 1 - • . a %V 114.1111ACId 11,
UN.. , f ourth st.e4 we. :v .[..y e ast -- • • ...-
. • . • -.
. ..-
' ..."
J 2610 %, or. - trsue ,- . CONTORT AND REJ. I7 P . I I EuPS. 9 toile% for mole 1),‘"
_ .
.. g I
' I.IiiIING.S.- 1 : . AleClintook : (.'OR Tli I - 1 ,IEFLICTED will la , found in ; __-''' - WV 11 d°LTN'T''''
1,14,,,, to y.up.,,,,e , •r• 4, b 4.4...,.. . irr I.vultt 1' ervllincve. IN OA IAJKLF. lAA 111 ENT, -
.lat a. thattast: a. ~.t- t he nes, a 00.0 •011 a.. ., fib,. •laJh 1t..• .1,4.1 tb. era of that, 1000050"
~1 ~,,./ ca, e / bf,. Cery, üb, e ~....., 0a..n1 ...........y.a.,. • doeti... ...... the toenneur ear- •
ke., '.'" '.. t " :ta i rvr sta ', 4 l" Tll ‘ ,..%t " 11'1. 1 .71 ' 141T 47prlar . tra i
I_3OW DER.-1131i1acing mud Itide Powdel, , no.. io oolaci l ' iloo obi* r. the onry tnerll•noo tont no. t 0,...
~i, n.,1,..... ic, EU ~•117...,d for .41.• s. .41, re,. in the ...natal. lb.. Jury ku prate of tb• •tati.
tali o .1, 8. I,lllVtavial ... 4,1 .h.t it a 44
CI AFETY' FUS ',.-Twentr lirli 6 , 01 , 1 y Fio., .2,`,',X7.7.'f,',Z!!,',',"..';:;":!,!:;',.. ° 4 - r - ,...‘,L, -- 01
~ „„, 0 „,„,,,,,.. 1 ., • • loa.l. or -of 4or 1.. eta. ',ann.
a•...........n.1L1A Illy tp,r4 nt Itare rvv )
j o " ' 1 2Y ILI • S"."" 0 ". that tt p ar t / ...Pr artlel• knet tura net.. ervi Ve rn 11, Yalu of
• lilt Y AI'PLES.-thio huxidrril tiuohelo for :tv . I : 01.- b ,..-..ll. '''' , .a'a. , 'a" taxl ‘`'<x o . -
.1... , , tit I.; 1.10 l_ . DILI.WoitTli aCu ~,, ;; ; ;;;; ,... t .,1 ,, ,..„?i, , L , 17. , ,!. : = 7 .
p Ly .: , l tle
1. 0
-.--. -
1) R Y l ' W " Es. ' I . 2 ' l l s i '`.`l l l: l ,`,'.f.?liil l,lls . ‘ l ' l 'i ii ` ,.jo l :Ti': ', :. ' Z ' ,4 l,i, o uri ir , 11 '.io t ;st A. n c i;,l,, L i. i. !.''s n t. 'd
0. 1 4
4a at aseta, 11 t,rtta, E,..,. . Editot of the !plot of ttor
The Old Printing Xstablislunent, Too. ..I .0.. , ~1-.,4,.., theieeehe-s. ode... of 14. a
114 A'l'E dcdinoton , lid Stocktozi'o, and Blank • '.. ,,,,,‘ ", ,.' " L'7,..,2," 1' f,t'; ' ,r , .---•.-.......,-...,
Bunt: aril' latiattvry W tae Lou. : " /aft ' te '. 4 ell t..6a:n Plat l'xidat Ml.4l.''slect am nal grlavt- 1
..2. lIX VEN I. lanarcil hi. arr-utv vv. - ) .1/ b 4, I : 4 4ab riur yotrcaii...l Ip Pro Irtavurd sr aid" laxl PO , . , trta.a ,
.tanowittl. Canal. anal :- tea. Boot Jbl, Paoli,. &al 1 , ..1t , p1(1,1..• ...dt,....e11y • tigLt io NIA tarrvel of bielily Pr.` I
Wadi,. end iternioh erer, 01 - 1.01. .0 (hr Mae, 11-01 I . a, teal " Tt.t. a,51•100. Covnpuural bat
a re ta t
NS., mad etedenerk b., at thr• alarvtve l uat••••• au , uu a r ra• •ar• tv e,•• thv lta la,* ttitxtaa are aunt ax
tar:l:Wm teatxnxl,lo I.- zu.• .1‘ , .., -I .4.1 1 , .0 ILI, aunt n. 4.4414,41, I. 4i.... 1
WV.. lavA. awl etattatarry 11 arrtratrev, are, 4 , Mirk , ! ~..”1. En, neao oi la gra. ral taxf,liontox tat Amihatllls.
and sea
drone , utadlea It.. f•rwer.loo OTEUeII, tar •11 netv.,,,, etiveranes;
Prlntlng Oftve ad 11,4 Iltalery N., P. 1b., 1 a leo ' re.,aravii: 0.1••• a:to/trip.. govlltu.t. ayta.l..., 14141.4..1J
wats, xi..l .11 rue
an.lavhav that Patel Pl ' heir 1..
New Books Just. Rectivell (kart Lc.,4lool.4tlte,.kale lA4/I txhi •.111,,,,,txxxalsixt,
an! .6.1, ne....‘t..1 tiara
utoc,LiuS cu., alter 1/U - other
L m sup Tailor and l' ,, et , an unto reuse:db.:, i. 4.4, oo ocoLirw.wooo I .oi-f, Isla xe toot
j bmsupbe liebl 1M,..., mus 5115,1.4, ,a..t• .0 ...Ur pg - aiiiio, tar atria:scat laulido i 0 1-
MMMMocular latecasom, fix the u.e al sane. 1•1 t05e1,...,, ; doLsa .
~,„„“ ,„,. 0 ..,,,,,,,,,,,,,„ ~,,,„,, ~,,,,,,1,,,,, i 11111 unti.elo, <a naldr.'s nettle 4if pre rarsl from .04.
sd n......4 : 44turr0r th • 1.44.1edi. , 0 oft., ... u.... owl 11..10e i n ebb a , fifac., la .j. ,, . e4h:..1 ow , II wu /era , '
of Iltptoocuistina .f the elate of bliel.igo if; [AY Lloy •( 1 1 iiisi , i•••• ' ,,, 0." I 1." (-- aifiiiii ii Loafiiii asil Ms aeih. -
h,.. , ,
, i,,...,,,,,,,,,,,,,„,y1 ~,a, ~,,ur,,,,,,,, trot ' 111. a tea. rue..... te.nlies:llszot... Inflow, Choll.:, oud
42.......• .11 st.o.crail ado , 6:4, ,11:44....a a 0., iaaeci., ~...i
aLicat's Sew 1141.-litricry or liasiasiio holaaf• IP 30.0 tt e r.t.p•rt ilk Li.lle td. 1.e.,411., eioth• ..ha..... et caw.. It mat
" b ''" ""'''" “"'''' '!'" '' """' l '
.... ale is
i•na1...5,0. b., It F roil,. 11, or, 1i.1,1.1 k
valuta. Glib. ',Tatar blunt - L.41 evil., tut rah , b.
'•°' 00.10.0' '' 0 ' 0 1' F 4 .' A P ll '' t .'±!, " ' ".. ' '''""" ',': .. " .:11 " "liZ ' :3 '''. lu . t . rir .' l t er '' ".'
0"g t?
'' ''''CE CO.M.I'AN I r . ni.
.o a i P. P . u, au! au •• riplUtrrt
IItOTECT/C/N {anio...ltu
, 11 ., of! 440.P . , , ,14. 041111. 114 i 1iti1,,114 rtll.l '
. - -
ik: SSES TIAL 0113-1 C. 211 Oil .11 Sur:sal ral
'2 c.v... Oil orL/..rer..lPr. I Pau 011 cf 1:-.... , e1.:ar; 1 ....,
th oi Le 1..., . 1 ma ta, 11..r0r...7c, 1 bat ..111 of t 11...,...
5..,1 I VII. Oil ctn...., 15.,1 n..,......1 L.: :ale to - 1
jalu .1 St Witt0 . ..31A.1i1,11 0. t'l ,
---- - -
_ .
!ha tinclarmprood La.
and ra•pcwocillot•rounpa ,
and ill rt.!, 'Ol.. It ,
tuani cat an favor - Ala t
121 0' °ll7linttlt
eet for c. 1.1
Ir. tw frays. 11,..e.
at.l aarlur
I s r o of Pltut.oril,
THAW G 001) Grtene Sc. Co..
.Ilatatitacturvr. of art..lPateent , :qraw wood,
call the attenthoeof to their Gcols A.r au.l
114.> t. 105 Aursamat , a seat tan., of
80. to purchaarix 410 to) ty the snauulacturrro .
package Hamptre rxhtl , lll,l at their .tun. ha 139 r.arl
curt . PfiLll . 4., Nutr Ye IL. ' d•r'21.124.1
ELVET PILE CARPETS of , the riebust
o! Lai In lay 4.. f tt.aast.rti . vtwa
hil SE ilkt) bnea by
J a cAxrult.
PEACHES. eacka and 11 I,ble
Ay 'forma'. b? L. 1! WaTEVIAN n "0:3
_ -
ROLL Burn:4. I , s t ie . . h
for : . a
pLAiN OIL revnved ttr., e.ty
rt ttyCt.rrt: ..•%
ti Mt
OLASSES. '5O bril f.,r
. _
t7;13 ri. I, o
X tY /31f , j tLt:ol , .l:t
ortexttl , t ci url:re," o.r v....rtru—nt
4.-o.rrtott, •tyrt. •Ivj• I •
‘C.itp..t attl.m:er. ;
Fr A.PrSTia .A. 11 1 . 1. .. !7' I titor t•t
(11,A ,lil - 11c1, 11. L fal,
:11.1, .1 II (. 1-3.14 I.
pLAIIL A.ll. 1 , 5 1/rl6 fa
ViirsTif,Tifii.77ii.l(. boa b r
j: Ts, Iced &ill' b I (Jay) J. 11. CANYII.I.IO
YlCHLE3&c_j i ust received at 2 Liberty
trukt-i—Plilanl Vl: hrs. In Tian sn - -: Pict.1....1 11-
p, 'Slar..,u, in bslf put P..ppern, it. qui .1
.snuk. I . iilsl h e.rt 1 : P5.1.1“11...p.11:Pk.
cis iurynsrt I,tl Hunk:kn. 10 quart iprP.
• P.S.P4r rri , as
Nkl. 'cur" ; (lid p suplers pur lbo nun:
ku•Plailbun,lk, (pa, II 11. is. wciunt. h k
700)bs for Hain by
Kim, c0,e2r...a .t.
g , TEurpd:J
PARIS URE;;sf.; COO the for sitie t . u l7 n
us fur sale by
neh and AIM
OA and bgegy Pre
1. %WA.
,• • •
Pica fug/817
- -
AL:I.IIII.I.—trt Lire ma'., , tanktr.tarnts for mak
rttn_s• tEo albcr ono., d briar; the vOntrr vratrE. Er run,
to ItoraityPtorith,sta ft em thence Er, l'orturrhanla 15.1
to eb.bribtlyhis. Tbrobgb te , boort. !tomb roo@
aSaa only cm 4 ttken. D. LUCIE 4 Co,
del. Cult! Swot
W 4- .• Wrt7 +ix Tit," to liailaaiticrbia..l-213
rot,. Ltaciru.
Go&•ot z.;rort. Lod L i F r,floanr.
I'vrorrtran:r. o. rra.l (243 attar) to
Corqa , r..
art! r dot tome hoot.
, 11,[1 , ...15:,1 Jr., , apt readir,r. Tlaa
I. ti:. or, :t. carr.lll-oue rout=to to
r•altim 'he r.oru,4 Una . .
rrr:r;.l tr.< ran at tlastlOace.lor
L.zz•a''' r• rtr , i,
•• I lat.r,rahrOt
6, I tv.1:1.1."11E1. riery Satanlov Nett' York
I 101.11,1,
fi AIIINET HitNiTuitE 0
1 . winter , v viaoins On Third street
J ai AV ref oersteds Informs lA. friends, isail
:wooers thYllY . Ms , W.. eninpleted tLe 1 ***** se
r,d finest wen of household Its/v.llin, ever Lefori fkalt /9 1-a - -
' 1'
" d''.."'''''
' "PI'Ll
6 :3 '.."". 'MI'
piviDE - ND. The President and Ward of
under - Ws, boot norlisuatielap, nessuit do- .
stout and fr. m one ern ot ‘4 Isis den and mollify In Mahatma of lb. NorthowiLlbilrues IsrLia•Liontplino
toonufeeturtnd. h, II rnit,lel to produce ouronted fund. astoir this day doctored a dividend of one doilar sad ftlly
tun, at the krioist price ) share of Use capital Wools of “LI .....r..7.
CI. has info ond Ms principle of Lictillfesne the ritotour , the um* will La paid In Ufa islockholdon wow; alto, the
ere interssit N. ilk. his lan. In znalisr and girlie. ismi Isialis • to
inat.L. . 0. le. liiAlLsfilt, Treaourar.
~,,,, o h hand she rtea...lst 01.111 C.t rign of i dlloiihene, Jan. 111, 11.41....-01.74131*
furnittan, front the cheapest ona plaint, Ad the newt lie
t . ‘ .4d t" " ' ''''' ' 4" '' ""? 44" 4i 4"."h. SYRUPS AND hIOLASSES. Extra Ritua
unkikLet frt.La his steel, or connote:A:Jena risprcalr 10
order. tin tC,r.fcl . . galcit., en, that the odes. ed, Now York demi, • enaWl"
Greco of his I.liiiibthlaszt Saar se, or.aun. In. fdlioelhe , Go.den Myrap tram lA. Zl.n
artielsa consiet. ei pin. of his awl. whirls hr riihnsid of !
i stsizti Hour 1101aslow st ji do
.1 ' ...4 4" " 4"' L'""rs".4 W '''n't "'"&"`"', '.)l.l ° ' l ""aNyai. d 2. atecTula co.& :a [Part, st
rosier, dre.,no thrj"' and '''''''''' `b'''''' °' "°7 1 sope ASII. 75 c
~.„.„., , rniedr..he of rownowl, frodsognnr usil eroint: , saki, Kurts brand for gala
I.4,sal•etben, l'ons.o4otenra .4 I nor theirs, DI tots / doe ' by eLs3O B. A W. lIARDAXOTI.
Irt4c. t.:.,1k...A, Sof.. Town-tale .4 Dresno of Lhe lanai
._ .
____,_ _ _
lure son :Elverson tallavas, Taikues, W hot Lott. awl
, 4 . 4 .,,,L a s 14.0.• of oarless kiwis. leork Tall,.
l otr fao" ' i' . tos 4, 4 11,00 . . 45. . 1 =kid , . and holders, wash!.
.--P, e-onsaati;. rec,--roed , and ornlniit centre and sofa, tie
r,ii ,ii. Li•c:, 1,,,i4. - terve; oil we, of the 155 ,,, 1. irar, ,,,, 1•
.-.1 Z .ie.i:r I.'n.. D.: ,i.k.11.01 , 1,. .40. i't astarle hail snl • ---_.... _ .
1, , r s , htei, s's•if , ...'il b. l - _,.l''''' 4 .4l `‘. -.4 „..„'“ . 1 . ,',4 f ,'..r.,h r : ' f ,
1j I
l IELSti. :JO boxdi W. R. Cheese fur nit
~...,, ~.......t. ~,,, 1 1,..,... ai d 1,....,.....-.1,.... --- - •
41:41 ' 9. ff AV. 14110141 011
, ..-,,, i -, • ..4.r. f ,s. 51....,i, sni osude et Lod. , to
4 . , 14; ,
_,, .i.r. o. lap, inelis ri n ses 5.1 , na lees.,aL0....„ ishi .islold 1 • 4--, furls,. se. a r. Ac.
...-- -L.. nt 10 Coming, It "Lauer co,l NV's, leer
ei .' ,,iJ ' " -, :e . d.i.i. tuu,l3 .'...i.,:... ”11.1 nil nrt,:ii in user
pr , min.
• fit."14:1,5/ 3,l...bc.tiortcst
111,L.1.1.N.,11 to TIM
r-..• 1.• ,:•,• to: an' pup ,111,
") of (tint IL.
. molt wand, uuri.
..."LL, • ,arra.,l ;
r rt.P: hill 11.4 k ILO L
.11,n t, thin.;
1 . / FI.Jt I.lpit, Mo - tt,t. I.IIOL.
", p;,r1.3 of Ile tal too t.Lc.r
It If II root II lit tryiL, Lim
InL, licht 14,1111.14ata•
I 1...1 cult firti,rl (hr., o. rill., IL.,
tar. iaittlnG /i At Whit L,,
tat 4 fit I Lbl'lbta I uul Jeletealta. tic!
~, ~ . Ataruger titata I km,. to LA: Flrietb
4.1 ‘,llare Tomptl,
to L', IL 1 1:. er.LLIA,A.
47 W.. rt.
ON - DEI'OS.II, which hart,
fur thre4P3.11 , 11114 upwind,, in thi
1. ichau:in Rook or,
W Moan Orocn ulignowu, Anir. I).ISUi, $223.
Spencer. Maul aanaroik, 0., 0:t. $44
j•vi,tify, that Wane• . appear to be dun to
1-14rnan Witncti, nr their Icgal reprocutoti , ol, wxoftti9C
to Up: LoOka ads
T. a. nowe, Cashier.
Sworn us..l eolimitwd Wort me this ll+ lb day ot Vorsm..
bar, (3. w..EILS EU', •
dc:4:J lm • Notary PDX.
.f.)1t1314 BLACK TEAS nail ENO.LAND.i
)Im-ris 117..arth, In tneflnonpud, bmpo
poach tlatontl disk .4-atlat
told os pecarml In the Ending market.. ;Ms 00 alai
" ara = b in Us . Disiaaat, gut &Is.
attended the use of itIORTIIIIIIIII ItIIEDMAT
IPOUND AND uu.x.w rs; tins& rAtelueily
curln' the teraraed and tout metre see nos, 0.! isrb...m.
A.ND le a sutudeot
ratarantoe mat reonmattondation iudnee 4.n whOwre agile.
MI with this drawdfol Dome to try its etrhaea.
iiModmdl Of elowshinatty of Muth cithens of IL. UAL ,
and others fromeabrowl, bare teen eared within et
few month. In the city as. fosuis acw. wbil.lettees freer
events abroad show aim diet it perfbming the mum
whereete 41... of them were chronic cars Of MI.
tanding, and all )M any
of teeorawy had been given up.
Midis vier.. wera, ot mem teettnt. dtte. lbw mute tam.
matery fern!. 1•77 nature. hp...e1... 6 1d to the won.
timrfal t imes of VIII 1:1,41V... Watt OW do who hare
ranhe bereft... veliere Ll , .:lltheenforment.cfbralik
ran hot 'Wt.. the runnel &toots,. .4 greprater. •
benefx,hr cf manklod.
It is weak...den fros thawsperieno, of Ma para., ...Ono
.PeArl anfileatlon orwell4l allot • Men of '"•••
drewilul drame. Dr the app lication of .timodwing
ilmmer.ts. poriOnlief. to mane ee nmy bet owl
Mr flout time bat all the theft diraiase to 11:104 we •
grorp r.erei perre•eentl7 rite ssrarats, awl said.-, or inter
will ago: doratope Imelf to a 4e - etc drt sore; Dm. oaf attar
few pertadiml return, tt 0,1111.2 into a ehuvie form,
which. If net uuon arroOxt. renewers !he indhoinsi furthfe.—
Tr, esrd by the hlotory of the loot In all .0111.1100 ,
ypd fully do by the h i s
...outdo; of
Isle to the programer of this compound, P. elope oe serel
hundreds of them who here paved trader Mr Immediate
treatment durlut the last few montite.
eeltittio IfILLCUATIC CoNIPtit:ND and IILOOD
allot Internal remtd)--rumm,,,,,,
• !ion. a hem fiat diu , ane tire( onninatet. Lad in parnt
the bitvl. pant sthroneh the whole Fyglem, steutaldln, the
impurecr rattan.: &aliment, whteli hat tettlott upon the
niutionnea,m we're 0/1.1 1t111...--.I.{IIOTV. It !MIMI' from .
! 10 01 syetem; and reertoree the individual to perfect health.
Let throe who pre Witted gml deceive thomwdeve, and
put off the OFn• of tillstuNielne too lona, or until their
Iltalu err dialcealvi or cantractLd tosuch a degete that
they eta hi , The asperknow of butolterts of
thousands during the tyst. th e ll as a Multitude at the
preweit day, detnonstretra folly hf Perm.
tient tellef frbut external spplieasione.
The proprietor of Ude 'minable medicine grams flora ex.
0,.t notwehl lap,lir at/en rate owaslbly ado, a
pereumwnt cure wham this &wow to heath bawd In the
myttene. Ile ma and doom prepare and aptly an cwt.:yea.
$ l in t In very lunar rave, whiebt will pre relief In one hour . .
Buie, halt shim m.lll no ethwt a ',permanen ru.. The tue
lure of this abet. Is . net “hat It requires t oup ee time,
$.ll 1n.1041 remoli. to produce the desired effect. end Mnr.
theatre.. Ithentuatie Compoundl blood Purifier ts the
nal, remedy that has ever bee aw n di...veered, either in
,Mutes, or an) other country. that ill effo,tunlly ante
This needieine 'ran be lint. 'wholatale or retail, at \0.:7
! Tistid stew,. lie, 11..111.• Pref. OM.. Pitoieroh.
Aleo for sale Inildliehderto by 11. Impair, We,. listen,
4. D. Morgan, 1,. N. illiemreiduo. eel .1. A. donee.
p s .h,p3 pot. ImOtle: Fir brittle% Dr $3O, or Ho pet dozen.
P.lphleta can Lt hod gr.. of the agent.
waled II D 1.4114100, Agent
.......all 00
• • 10 CO
Murphy's Self-Sealing Advertising Envel
Um sultan - ILA., An solivltmg putt.uage of all %h.;
may ter this .4l trlisemrut, tame el that hrsaatum
with tu,h new artArle le hrought Axton. IL. Thr
axperleime of years estabhatio.l their IS.
)otai sli amatl o n. au.l Is*.hl.l.lently'rrter. to the teshmo.
uy thwe bust... to aim have utt.l tmn.i...
dto hi. rapidly ihm,talhy mks, ta proa of lira •1.1.
lencr. •
1•11.414, ate • few cf the thrir I.pti
A 111) 011.. 5 ;iris winter strained for ,ale
0 , MET. M rrtt Ex% s
SUN) RIES--Three hundred bldg. No.
11w1,....r.1; :0 half ltbl4. da. do; 7 161,1" No. 1 SKlazton: ul
tore anJ r r Nl. bT 1.11 J.LNICA DALZELI.
C i !.'IiS ‘, 3ILIF I A I T Si. SON'S Soda
0 .
1 : 11 - idtBS — Eltler Flowers. Sage and Bonan.t.
j a fresh lotJaal rvri....l sal able b,
J W..,
1 ARIA L. $ 1.4,13 re... 4.41 on ;;;.igi
_ •• Vs %Foto.
V. MOLASSES. 36 lAN new crop,
ly.l 64.1 fur Wept,' R A CIINNINORAD.
J Frre
IREEII-ROLL BUTTER, 4 hrls just ret.'l
Ltand. Itkr !alt IL 1.
WII/ T E FIT, 75 1, 4 1-111 and hf brls for
HICKORY NUTS. ti Lags for vale Ll'
jal L P. WATT:RUA!: t PUMP.
M 0 CANDL ES. w !! A tr .. a ,i, f i o , Lo
SOAP. 1511 boxes Louisville No. 1 Rosin
oil taus C.-..llr!kap, It.t sale Vp
iustAy a Burrows's relebrau.l tic:Attn.,' Mustard,
t Lti rha wurl,l, szul for tale
COTTON YARN 2000 dozen Hope Yarn
for .le , by jai WALLINGFORD 1 CU
9RANGES. 35 ma.. just roeeired Mid
tor sale by sunumnon. it INOIIRANI,
' 47 116 Water Mixt
.11LOUR. itiO lible..for solo by
OLL BUTT R. 20 bble. prime, recoil'
, M f , n . riao b, do:10 La{Y,IORC II
4LLOW. 50 bble. prime forged() by
P 31 P., 1141 IDA
1)10 31ET.1.1. 176 tuna for rolling mill
rarnof. 4,17 ItHEY. MATTlir.moy . . co
ILDEACiII:S. 173 ban'a par Mayflower, bfr
f , flf‘h> d.O st.trrfiEws,c. Cr,
C 371111. !.:O 1)1,14 roll, for onto by
13 ROOMS. 10 dozen for rule by
REAsE. 0 Ude. huAding froth lhu
1-1 f " lIICKRY a CA.
Wut., aml Front .Irooi .
(a A LEIIATU S. 100 boxes foredo by
QICIIOOL BooKs.—Eduvutionatl Work 4,
f, Ma., Maw, lorrrownta, Stralonor, eort•or'r ru b .
Walton. , YUCCATIuNAI.
- Hark at
1 0[.s1 MEAL.
d j . , lalgo twOry oar, &,} Pble b. .
. a. Vt „RAUH/MGM
1 IN El,',D OIL. 10 buts received for bolo
dr:10 . S. k W. lIARDAIOUII.
U.M.)11 DABAR. 1500 114 just, rreeived
Cad for rale by ' BRAVaI A rawrzit,
Clair and i.llrrly au._
ARNESS.. 40 dozen ..pain 'lone uud
M.l.lbr Fuila bf
TOFFEE. In store andinr silo 6) 7
x.) dun , /MAU 1)11: KEY a LX)
- INDIGO-848 lba Spatish Front, Madras .1.
Mudßs. fOrsala Lr t 1.30 J. EIDU a CO. ,
- pAINTING—liouva -. and Sign Painting
IV a iL,=„ = P ast= tbaitr i O
mu do
uq..%`..4i4=X;i1•21141 Oar. paintors tba
.1. a u. rum=
GOO fir a& by Dal BRAUN f MITZI.
FLOUR REDUCED.—WiImuth & Noble
thale Fitts Tkrar, 12 tar Na rm.
supergaa at V, IQOII. Ittinamajy§aMl L iar . ..
HIDES. 126 Dry Mies;
sr pry watts.
1 bundle Dearlikirtr, landlngftraslo7
heave.. cod
natantcite phiecat,
TLIE VIRTUES of this remarkable rome
dy, sod the constant application for it. to the rrorrh
ber, him le...isced him to hare It put up in how.. with
ts cod dirimtenne. for the beuest. of the pnhlie.
The PhIPOLEL'hI I. procured tram a well In this nigh
ty, at a depth 7f r.iur Medea] get,le lea rum uhreitilthrs
article, without tiny chemical . ehsrlo; but tort /telt
ton fern. Natural Greet LatrouaryH That It coaslr.t.
Morale. retchlo; a numb*? of dimmer, la en hexer •
matter of nuniteinty. Thera are raspy thinm to the m
eans of nature, which.if known, Poleht be of mat useful.
nese to silev‘aucg ctszerlnt, and I.ton:fp the bloem of
lin•ltti and ets. - or to Many a... Hera, Long before the On'
Prietorthinght of Butting It op in WO n repute.
boll for the cut. of CH..., The eminent and daily team,
Ina calla too It, and serestremarkable cone it ifes pm
harmed. la a. cure IMlleation Cf its future populari ty
wie We e unlimited:lln the cure of diatom.
a. not w en to make n tool pnr.tda
are munch:me Ohio thetneeliti,ne ran soon work lot way
Into the moor of thew who
. sulli.r..aud with to he heeled.
er r st no do not claim for h a urarereal aPtihmtlori ht e of
err diem, unheratatiogly my, that in • number of
Chronic Wan.* it le uhrivallot •Amutip the. oozy In
eounienited--eh dieearox of the mono. hours. mrb
•144.T.1 AiTIIS7A. and en Wenzel of the air pesecuse. LI 0-
Elf COMPLAINT. DISPEPOIA, Wartime hides. of the
[Redder Mid s lo g . Polio In the Back or hide. herroua
Nature, Neuralgia P•lity..lllieumetc Palmy (too
eta Tetter, Hume. Scolds.
coo n
Old mn..,
lc. Lc lit cases
debility, revolting from erportire. or
bug and
It ear., of
dine, thin molicluir
bring roller It ei ill act aa • general CONIC taut ALTELL
ATIVE In each msee. Imparting tone end euergy to the
• hole frame, mooting otistructions,vpeutrig the Oliagglat
I Intcttnnv, wLicit cause
d i mm ers n
a broken conatitutione
and kuerw.d and rsHored oneruT to all tho orgena
of lite The proprietor know, of eereral cures of PI Lh7,
that retitled even other trentuleyl. get well under the tam
of the PETNOLY.I.3I fora abort tier The proof 7an be
pies .
n to tee 1.,1 - Kru at,,, dor.:lnei II
Nun. genuine ..ho •
ot the signature of the prep/fen - m . .-
B.w by the proprietor. •
E. N. Meat, Canal Basin, near Serenth•treot.
. Alva. by It E. 7 ELLlthel. 57 it 00l .
and hElnkilt't 51•DOWELI•
comer liteal street and Virgin 011.1, whti an
nos2.dly hl, rerolarlY eye-toted Agent/.
Ir NOW all men who are sick and afflicted
Jil t Wit h tlitra, of the Muller and litstuers. with rhast
tua.t,assys,i;:,t liut i t , ta a fgllfttlti t uLtrgz.7 , faj .
1.11:1 - 10.7clay VIM about its being • mush
toas to.. ..
Silas this doe. sal make It
the i.. housat cutumunitt, has virtues
which are tot nattaitted In any other remedy. 'Eta mat
ho Is ...el.. rich aain, and statfertug from &Rase, eau,
for Cu ...CIA, ^et rthef frtm ans of the 1110 ownwratcd
H•retee it coot, eery Intle to nigh., a trial. Thu Petro-
Immo it Ito mlttore nmpotad. pot up for the purpose
of imicAtqc on tLo community: but it bra rented, ...labors.
ted Is, the mute hand of natant and bubble. up from the of one souther earth, In IG oriwinal purity, and of
fers to sottering lmortanity a ready numb - , • Certain and
It tae cored PileC, after miler medicines hare failed to
reader any relief. It ba• cured khrumatient. of long
etandiner. and'of the it aret and mart painful character. It
red Chteora Murb. by ono or too dose,. It has
mullet out ciSO. al Mart-bra, In minch every other remedy
has been of no Avail.. As a Jowl remed, 10 icon. and
Scald.. Ili. taller thanimymedidol compounds or ointment
that Or lat. of. It rill con. &Millais% aretfroetet tees.
in a ten 'applkalloonuntioubtul teetimotty can ho furnish
ed of the troth manacled In the ibOre Maternent, by call.
ing on enuuEL M Canal Lakin. Seventh etreet: or
either of the Imonts.
Key., 4 \taboo - ell, corner of Woad raced and. Tirn
alley: EL F.- Se/lets-0 Wend street; L. A. Elliot, old D. AL
Cum. Alleglovay oil,. ate the ancims.
D Vmane or •aodry writ. of Lenart Patios and
Veudaiona Cryostats, stand not of the•Lhrrne
Conn of Allegheny county and to me directed, will
be .100.00.1a...1a the Coon H.., city of Mast
burgh, on .alonday, the 17th day of Janosry, A. D.
1.51. at 10 o'clock, A. 71, ton following described
property, to wit:—
Ad Mose three contain lots or pieces et gruund,
• tame in daduemalte, St Clam townthay numbered
32,33, and'Ja, mad a piece of greundmdrobium lot ISO
thi n an mad didoryrole. bounded and described an
follow - It began:mg at the tennth rant corner oralard
lot 510 1.9, andninon. south 3' degrees and f west,
3, perches and 631st to apmt on abrepubhe read.
thence *oath 61 drerees, tart along said road 17
pent.. and 56 ILO to a post on the corner el Centre
turret •nd nod road. thenre Coup 4,4 street north
tall/ a degree nest 117 pmem • • od bo.lcO :no pact at
nue math west corner of said lot So on sheer. nerd
•OS cremes etc.( 17 perce.nt the clone of beglett.nie,
ountairon, 'Area •oses and filly Iv , . yorcher, Mare Or
let, de.scl and token to roectlL.ol3 ao the prarerry
o John !hewn, a: tae mu of Cratastion "air
stool John Forsyth.'
A'l Pm right, title. 'moron and lion a' Pow, RAI.
gala, et an sod in all Mat cert.. Mt of cmond
In toe easy of Pttoburgo, on iho anotn woe 01 Grltut
eL , tet.
00.1 tenting MI raid Mr.! uo few-, on' extend.
1 , ,
anti 40 fee•—on winch is are. end • 14100 stnry
ta•lek house aml t• pounded on toc etc o; rtcperty
Burn, McClean.. cn Me weft by propmty of
',howls root. ecaren nod takerrin creectuen no the
Non,. of Peter aisur•n, s• an•t
l'o nor oar um, and 1. he /pa he
at CU dila , Sheaf
trol • °d1r...1...n0 , • 1•41.
ll y ..n..tunas ..F1.6 Vcn,,,,unt Exoc.os
Les an. k is.aca act of Ino lbstnat COllll
e,itimint I t .ess at Ai coanty, sac
dtreeiol, :im • irsti.eintri ca p e, _t tsie
sosiill. ire riir cf . ittrt :rrh,
is LI Le.t.l. Ai n'uu:sti , 10.•
g 3“ per,.
A:t the right, tide, thereto aud c;ann of Tce.
dot, P A iym, of, .n, and in, sat [box two oeriain
:we or nieces o ground, maraud end dealgu yen No
4 and 3, t a Jobe trwill'o plan of tote, recorded in
deed book, vet pa:m battened and destxrtPed
WI known. va.:—.inutueticider at the &entice et 44
teet 11101f3. tram Erti: rimer, Centre Avenue,
ma c. rutr of to. No 3, teenca along maid A wattec
lc,. c ihrius• to tut of Mies it frirr,ii, thence .L 0,43
rapt n t i 5 tart to al:eir 31 feet wide, thence
aa....t want Riley 41 feet d inches to lot No 3, thence
&Lae tad lot paranet can Eris ahreet,;76 tent to
pke.• of beistrieling, being the tame two lino which
Inn S. Ireen and Manna (: this wits, by their deed,
dozed the lth of Nue , A. U. 1849, and recorded in
deed book, vol. P 2, page 21, granted and conveyed
tot he maid Tbeea t ore F. Wright. &aid and taken
an execution 41.• the property o Theodore P Wright,
at the twit of John Watt.
All We right. this, interest, arid claim of Andre.,
Emanuel. of, to and to ell tins certain lot or piece Cl
ground, innate in the Rexene Trset, Ross township,
oppoaite the Not then: Liberties or Pruldritrgh. being
lot No 63 in tho plan of 1..0 1..3 out bi G 6 lA•riser,
Jamb Painter, and F I Ili ra. eirmanung in hoot on
the Gullet nit opine xt to et, If r &lending back to an
ahcy Fi feet wide, on whichcinema inn note
brink boots,bet min, and •tnviiihrim
proie•munts and rippurteisenees on ran, io, tit,Sed
mid - taken in carnation arithe Prnruri, of Andrew
Emanuel, at We salt of Join Gest.
Al , the right, t tie, inlcteat and claim of John Am.
Canon, of, in and to ati that Certain lot or ptece,of
ltronnti tomato in alanehelter, no , hc north ride of
tthellleld atreei, beginning at an alley at the distance
di 1, fret meat horn Charlie: street and containing
In flout to She died aticel 42 feet and erendinit of
volt width •Lortliwaid.y parnliel with Chanter ottect
teal, to an allny,.Lemg the FAC properly Which
11oddi..1 it by need cnoye,ed t o John Amberrotil,
which hero is ereetid atwo story dwelog
hoes, subleCt n . mortgage on the name which I.
reenr2rd in mortgage Loot eel 14,1ageeti, tor Ma
cum of IrdVAi (cited and ta km. to execution as
the avian y of JohnAnaberecn, at Aid not or Andrew
All tAireght. tale. irtteroot and claim 01 Jacnb Roll,
of, to rin4 to . 1 1 trott rtettain lig or pa-ce of ground
situate sta Lite %tr•rd of the ct •
desertt•e , l folloWl, tow ll. 01.1010 c, o, the
of Ar.hor •treet and Cowry A baor, • d Om" , ol”ng
',rhos out.. nortm•rdly :4 1441, locate parollel
with Celiac,. A•toze le feel. thence Naafi.. with M
t..' at 74 it, to ecuiro A•wouc, and Jhottoo by
A gede autotl , l place of beginning, lb. ... d
groeh o d baor.Og Malcom torrtA . two ...I idwg
dwelling tad other lospro evacuee Oeized mud te.Len
in exenowwe gmperly ur /aeon Awl•
re , Trgyege ol Secood VT...venni I , 00gro
WM,. or •
All the nett, 0110,11w:1r...dela. it Bober; Itl.-
too, of, In, and au, all that certain tot or puce of
aroond,..ia in the Filth Ward of tit- ear et rut,
burgh, fr.., Ott Penn Street tweet Id., annex; •
tending back by the wone width itti feet in Slolherry
alley, ran. or less, hounded by property t (d 0...
little, on the west, aid the hairs of hoot, Lowey ,
ten east, on strhlzh if erected • Mee story h.tca .
431.1114 e hem. Seized and isk, re. C.llllO
Ihe jr/ 04:M ut Robert Norma,.t tar-van et 1 11stipt..1
111.ilet, tor dm use of it. A I.FOrae.
A L 44 0, •
All the r•glit, rick , lute.rt and claim of Raj.
?us of, In, and to an tn.t certain lot or pie,: at t
I' rind on the evroer ache., aline and nizth strool,
the city Cl Pituborgh, twine trocniY•r4u reel a A
eh. In trout on Birth el-,1 earendine h.. the 4
sam w e width alone tfor•rrl onf ; . fon.' .4 •orr.
en hich la ...died • ...or! bet. oven, dln oat., •
trontiog 0., Viata sued. treated sudiakep et, F ll•
11011 alnc propc ny /onto lioamnr, a use omit • r 11• 4 .$
110•FlInkl. A
Alt the riabt,tllle,llool . olAnntlefivna. Jrte..b trtv, r.
0f....d to •Il that orgro.tos.toxis th.,
reghtl. Wa , d el the city of Pittaboreb,rethrt lot to
Black's olan of lots; in 10011 ward. frontine el Ice.,
more or le., on 04.0 n riter t, and v.1.1 1 / 1 4 lit toe .
n.eto or teas, to ten tart .Irc• t, preservroa um Err.
width twou atter t. 00 and. la e.t.a our
Outride book Kea.. on, taken in c.d.ts
o the property of Jacot. Grt se, at th• can of John
Ail y 4
t b, r;aht, utle. Interval and elates of Thoma•
el, in, to 01 041 of. all 11111 moan lot or
pates of pound ettoole to :rt. Clair Tow us;p, t .4c .r•
.1 .4 drrcre•cd as Mit, a. wit4-4bccloning at
small blot 'oak, an runetteg land. g:1 J 0... t, v ,
tu 74 dog. was 131 mane. to 4 We. oak, t4f.ttue
by lard. of Wultant hlebardaon.south 23 dos root
7,13 to • white oak, thence hy rands of r'r4e ntas
Boyd, asoth 11.1 des. caatOU men. to o pa ,, , 'rood
147 land or th• berm ot dohs N0rte......1,
earth 21.4 , ca•tXrpne , ..• , othe fd•ce nth, and, ;4.
milatrane Ii 3-4 mitt and 37 parches. NOM orle..
when It cret t:a a two 1.1.111, trarov rlarr;4l4ca• ;more, a
frame barn a .dosols-ur. •
- .
Aloe. onothe , pot c.I of eroncd, st ato', 1,, t 0t tho
above LI t... 14 Wpoditr.M.l •rOIO, potd
, 4
01• itt.t ttc•r oof,
az the laos qwecit Jolla riatenottoo“ sod Solomon
line cot to, 10.4 toutlitke from l'ttator,t. ','.sit
ALLll:oyert tem,' •.,t4
h:li.2 , cast .11 t.r , that, e. 101 @1
J ka J I - Jl,l 1,1:t tlit it t.t, ct.tut
A.., t no ro,. wt... a:
Col r. it par.C.,,, the L. gt • ~,,
tltwat. 01 in Nr.st4 a.... 2,2
IC •sc eat , •L ;I,,pccly v , I Isam. .tl,:etsou,
tLc ea:, or
All tt.e nght IV,idterret and claim of /oho I'
Wnss of 1,, and to el that omelet part of lot NoltOS
In Cu. tnith nes dudrietnl depth...head nrgic
stn. eta pust n If,. can Itae of let No Itch and run
mug ut•d , g sold line, untie about 21 tenth , . to , let
opsental nonte , of lot No Itle thence aloes eels °net
eat not won
toll plink, more. or its, 0 a post.
I thee by es nional aouthwardly through the
41,10 tneadnued lot b.% el.te oat on the 'oath lieth
of staid lot. tbanottato ng the soots hue .net 40 pretty.,
tool, or lees to a pith of atones Deer Brock, threes
nurthwardlitlnt , g poet of the abeve mentioned I 4,
conveyed to 8er1... Cerny, and by' told Chet...
Bcray C..,TCZI to elate !ticken., to the place of
briontong, containing 45 aura, Waco Pt ICO 90'444
and lake.ll Itl exec.:lon 00 the property of John
%Vette, at the nom( David 1V :r.
All that certain let .or piece nf ground elms. to the
Ninth Ward of the coy of rittsbargh; walked WO
oaotocted the plao of laid out 4r Bee A. Bay
ard,. said W r ath,. lathe , I, 1.. , 0' d ,
ed (0110116, to ern: lull. cc et the relot
and Baldwin err, and runtslni teepee out *thug yet.
01 feet, to the corner ot Lot No thecto along
Na hue of Lot No,gloo feet, to a 00 fee shill; thence
along aidalley It feet, to Baldly. notch and thence
Om said Bather. etre/1410 0 feet 1,) !Weals
pls. a .reletherlot etf.gro
conveyed by thec_tecutodi of Janes_o'll2ll.
(o decd
stows the 11111 day
~,,e!,Beylnter, A. LI
A. 1 ,t; ,..1
tj'r,dd, and h day of L., A 0.4047,101al
.I , lln .A. Deleby, Oa defeteaelt.its • fer,l ismh,
ofand atogalth the eggoncaltheeS. tO meld
lot of grazed) ttelorsithg, seethe..
.1.1 =VIAL oz 000•
two the O.Part 1515,01.71.14 Ent of
WalgoaLoadooft. • , •
ALS • -
,A 3 th . right. Lido, imams: a d 6.lini Keann ,
of. IC card 10,4430 • tit of rEi tEot licrUCl4if.f. r tri.C.l'
Lawer iii.l . adr b.. , <4
E: Ja WWI,. LE..cs, Thom. No-u-u., Ott tiztn
• • t •.., ccoac,cOutc.:JEg Ca *curt
rnau,. Jr it... octo, Le:caw pc:petty ro 100 Oo
ccpaccy t ut loud Lure to. ScUrcl Ltd talon 13
ciao:won .a ice cf Kum*, at Qs act
of Err Prow, Coaric/cc cf =lnt 8 . 9 •
c, oat grow' .
al; din silt., (ate C.,1111 of Jhbo ' Cob •
u. std to, or oaf o: • t last <arida aituitt-gl,
en , l'at/ . a.
Pub.aa loa
.4.a,bnancexisantliZscribraasar Iwganiang
a, a i-otia 5. - 0 asisk ur CLat
and 5f J.,.nb D/ ti.. 1 , 1 tad Doolituies
laitu,:,...ritrinit West 9.3 anti ?..1/11, rents; iiisnor
it - ptectits, North ',rt.,
Wool2-Obu i d alio pain,. to isnuoi
intact \r. 15} a, g, E.-at 42/nii eat, isload
deg iO 3
.4eLce eLosiiis,/ deg, best Stroctaa[3.o , nia
peltaca to a si:iite
0514 taaTica r i -ain 11 dip :East 13 rota,. to a ; what
istact i 5 ,5,1, 774 Oa' , Las ili•ulll:lo,traiies
• to
siii 3 Orni;ilin lan -4
Clor a Cacti:. Z'on I/51150g scs,lbenCer
U.L.. ' 4 deg.. tisst 49 plit mecca Sour, kleg
19 p u % e u v e , x t
0 1 31r e . it: g 3,1
•rt pero hen ineLc , ztutt... 51 4tg., %Veit atronc•to a at.
P • W.... 1 t 1 3 pcitati,
We Lace u 91 Coati rod 131
nica/urc, .1 ut. .• two
Lin.: Loose a id /Lubin, alto a sutail
gb• b,gtliter wait out boasts. *canal
ha Ise proper,' of Jolla tidy.
I/40, at thessit Mrs. Nana, f.isiing
Ai SO,
e •
All the nett. tole, Int :lest, and claim of /olui 0 ,
o f . m 1 10 .11 tbei ecr ptcer. af (wind, 0
the vilotao of 'reopt-reoerettle, boo t , raft of lot No •
11l the pl. 01 tots called ••• tblhou's Feud, b y
Z W hartunatoo, tte Pot-burgh and Rietibeitadt. road—Lictionitus •t die rornei of tot No 10 lu
loud pot, Locate alortg the toe of raid lot Nu 10, word
95,1,90 to, east flitt.t, to au alley 19 ft wide;itteiloa tatting
.std t hey. and psfal 01 WA, we bar:pole, aouthi 4 deg,
40 win, wet, Or act to 41 No 9, Melon slooa the , i.el
to tot No 9, peredol with the lee aft .t No 01, Itti fret
to r oil totopite rood, and theuce with the tortoni c 60
Oct to tut inset of tepooma—liesog the aoote wbteul
djuaortoet Poi. dud relic, by deed d•ted Auto,* (5/
11119, and reeordad to book J, vtge J7l, eouve..ted to
lot is 0,11, ou *kith is aieeteu woo tote-191u oat.
dboote, "nth atone besernetd. cuatJard It li
eu 11l ezteatiou 9. the pritparty to 1 N' .GlOl, at Una kiln
of Robert Robb.
All the yaglit, le.' ibtcrest, 1,1 clams t Wsllinta
Clhatnneo, of, la, or to, the•lonnteing, uncoiled tract
or pieceet InAd,stioate iti Jefferson triwnstiy, eontsib
rag do .ert a, more dr res., and bottedeu by Jabot of
Jacob Aloe., John Lary, camstel ilson, Jiriaos
Payte, a I otoer 'ands of raid 1.41.14,n
eing tee • -me laud of sem: bi Jiati ktdbo, late of said
to died, ea iaeA . hied on Whicaldere Is abased
a'v.,e tog dllrealatt 00112 C, • barn, /cc. Seized, and
tailed in eacemorti a. the ;imparts of IVlllnow Lamm.
ben, at the sun of Thoraa.
All the right, title. Inheteo And Mahal oh SitUiata
had:, ~ufr r rt, and to oh, I .ot err. tonittevn on Parcel of
ground hying Cad trela.g 101rellinip -nb
ng to,tteded and deee•ittco •• 4ellatra, *lit begirt
clog •1 • pmt, !little. 0) Moil of tienedich Cobtes.t.o , th
Ddeg, west perches, Ats poi t, the. ee lima of
o Gcotitn tnteet, south 74 deg, we it vetches, b• a
dr gwood,tees.ce try limo 411 said tilfSham Shlchalet.
scum rOS dog. RCM 2.1.11 teoonce SO post, et,on, Ad
deg, caul le pe-Intm •tt putt mill mirth 3s deg, ',art
Ohl ;LW perches, to die piano or
ante e, .1,1 C: MOS.,. leg pot - or a te.P. Of 1111112
owned us sari , Alehalley and ono In the yomerrion of
AIIIOU Yteinne r• deism! and taken in eicwittron a. the
oropety of tctolma tileialle7, hat the sort of Samoa,
Sionison fr. h ALSO,
sit we r lg., tstle, inane,. al.tlrlollo of Innen Tfah
tio, Jr, el, In, and on land; on I:.e •venters
r o ar mt 'au. aocrussng , mods of jeloe: Oaf., and at
Ito bun Of d4•1•C• at !James ttilai a— coJtationg
arT,e, 11,01 C or ler., sot meet an annual grow...l.:mit
of Slob On, royal. <faunally to Janne• b Chan; on
which is erected log ',cabin or dswelbeg, sod the
/boom , boo been mewed of bmber. • ' , sized and taken
eaceirtton prefierty of James Tostu4Jr, at the
• ,
DMrcy the
pp e la tehart
aadin islut
of ground
sOOPLO in the Phan. Ward of am city of Aiteghouy,
and Donisiied dcaortlie . t, as 101101/O.:trg m. 34 on
the south side of Moto .trest. *ant city, al toe map,.
ern ttne of lot I . ct nOt, In %Varner k. Punter's plan of
lots. thrnec by said wbatottr use cf raid lot, south
waidiy lOU fent, mono or loss, to data , Min alley,
thence mardip by ear/ alley '27,1 feet, mare nor
:tie, to onsteru hoe of Jonas Mosetu's I. t„uncee. by
ale wane sonnersrdit. Val font, nostoor so Hain
siren aforesaid; 0.0 tUenee. t,) And 'same a...wan:llY
•dre feet, 10Ort: Of tee Pi tho ploco rr 11;glattiO,,
Imola trio of lot etunoo, 0.34,11w1 punt of lot
Nu YO to awd plan, and Luau., rested a
novo awry I,:anro how.; used as a rhaeliol and Mere,
and a lama: titalior with the aprsneuarces Posed
srot taken to cleettnon 10c prVerty Or dooms
seers, at the sail of /bus Biters, far Oro hdraitif
ad.d Ezpora Etitott.
All the right, %tar, latercar and clatm of tkotee
Llaroo treou, In tee hand: at tut Adatienstratot.
te l.a. Wan na.te, he, or, to and to an oat
-re,. lot of pit en o. 'round, sa,d lot being No tit i t
[era IA .h ap' •i .P.lAle C.c.:l/0 Men., and
lariat, a noon Ccorc Aeneas 0' 'A lan, a del'.
act.... 113.6 n 44.11110.1(db, Li allee• 4tl reel ra t tie, bud
ecaid. d . deed Luau'4 Le we/ Letng the uar: la:, Or
Jeed at hatter II lobb, .0:_o 011 Awl . , tint, cogent.
• to 6: kierre >no [Aran ut rig •
J.* at k.c. Dr•,.."
nr Ga.ulV3 MU,
Jen.ea b.
Olt therto..l,th:i,lvtotc, urt, atm of Jo , . Klp
p; Ake OA:pee:pp Et:se:M.4 prop , .Y.
o:t lin) rt,,,:tct..p ea.:, Of .04
:.t t 1 sl:te.tvph, t.cmg tell troh.t
017001. att.l 011014 the bock votath ILO
:0 a In Ce.t aoC).l{2Clll4lltg
t,13.¢1.t. elk 1, on +nu: ctcetut Ita.
.torteu ,Lc,etvcuth hi Coe in S.-
's tow cd - lpfee eitinea prick hoore-e.tormcpcmg
-a I.:roper 1.'..111...Pr, taumbertor (ram 11. c
"pp. 00.0,1141 .1 tap .1100 prLin•ty CO/OrgyC
.11 0,110 I.
4a:td 01 OetJtet,
a,4 .00. rder.t tr..t , book II 1, pm: to
3i, pc oatI:tal• ia .00; ad the pro.
y .1 1 170), the 2)tit tro.poon
A. the riclit,innrect, eau, and 'demand of
David enecd If chntes of Ens Vlnt.s.
01 John ens ,ge•, twlne..ouce io widow, lairs. fee, of,
in t•. or out of Dias colt .to Dart or pa. eci
sinele in Finley iovneadh„CotnyOud of dine surrey,
oma:own lin acre.. alio tei perches, Mate or Ins, ads
j of said load Shaffer, (now deo%)
chimer , Byer., and elites, beer. g heoeyed its untie
if Es-kist lainao, deed, and autism aa.the
dint ti , eired and Laken LO awes to.. as the prunerq
.:(Raid Stisder deceased, to bands of his addle.
Joan with cot ea to—Shaffer wid
ow ot v•i I Davie dnulfer. aid to Noah, Josrpb.
betn Raebei, Wthiani, Abran.; and Sarah Shaffer, by
~ein g ;engin, Jo.ehit tharyier,Eaq, arid to Andrew,
~,ho, Davi:nand :defy SLialfor, heira sr law of sat
ti,,vic <Dees* d, a tit stid ut Jobe Ylevcitre new
or en: La Withers Deer.,
All ,he oile, Interert anil e i g i m o f
berg.. of, an, and to all the foil... Ohs described lot Or;
piece of sround sitoete to Joba Brown's plaza of lets.
and near to the,borough tot Oireninalynta, bound."
ed and deteribets as taloa., to sot be Is. at tbei
eorn enolle.t No 10, oit the Reath wardly side to Shiner
, se ,
and g rthe nuance dill feet easwarardly frnen•
Igarmonfcrnel., thence Coca
„,Sidtley stweleastwaro..l
r 9 feet 4 1.e4 Ineltee, to groundil of Chvittian Ibrawn,'•
throes alone wild Ihuteen's line and parallel net tar
meaty street. sontbwatiliy 120 fret, loan allay trioin
wide, throes. along said alley w••tdarilli tr 2 feet SI ..i
rehes. to the at ,01 No IS, linden obog
noes of lots Ow 15 Old SU not•loseardly inCtfeet
Sidoey.fireet, the plate o f begintire, erterraearg. iota]
Nos It 1.4 Id, together eattio a esnain ;rhos p !Are of
around, that a not nootteled, briar the canoe piece of
ground, which John 11r00o ago wife eonvered to esigl
e m ,o,berirer by red tlsool the Id h day of Slay.;
ISO, and ...e.t.a.] t.,.4 eal t.,nk pagr Ili Seated I
gird taken I , eareutren a• as. property of Prler Satan
iterger, at thermit Vogt and Roche, far thes usa,,of
3.01E0 Dray, ellth sL ' . , 1
• • ALS O,
All the
unhand, So t, -rea ertatn• and <laird\ of Janie.
Vance, ul to all t hat c lot o of
sround, .00400 no tar borisugh of Tazentaw, fineyn
Na. 3, and doe Ivan , lot No 4,00 yarl borough, kn. , '
an the Seeirtyleadia Canal, 00 which ale erected
e eery betel e, ore shod. one Dad..
Moose, the •ame watch roureyed to Def
m by Towne , . Donnelly and w.fe, by deed reeor.d
g.eo too 4D, cot 77, p•se 170-1. Seised and
th e Pit C• 11.0 tbe poperly or lanzel• 'Vane& all
the son of /oho ingral.stu
All the rich'. ilt , o.„iittris-t. and claim of Jame.
1110144 in of, in and to ad toot, remoter re, or parcel
of land 'rotate in the bornsgb.of Nintnehrsler. bounded,
•std described as follow.: nn annong attn., westward
ly side of feeble street. at tbe comet of Locust street,.
thence tote. Mum in front on Profit street ,td7 feet, tm
its line of Weltrat street, thence sling the tame :343
Yet V ruches, to (thin greet %beige pagning anum,.
tootle and erosriog I dtio Street to the Min Biter,
'benee down the ssortynver 417 feet I lather, no soolh
or eat-mitre thence eastward
. 7 along the odd line - of Locuet Street ter •
the easterly
title streer, and there , slope LOCatt •treet
1/0 (eel to thepliree'or beginning. entbsseirm•oti eon
tanning ',Won said bnunds lots i‘nz 169, Em 170 17t,
VI 171, and 174.1 u the flop of sail borough of Man,
elegies, which Is texciiird to Micmac. Cuaily, in;
plan hoot No I. pose It, the 'rod protrertl
rent StJectgsld... n fublit lorth•say,i,
Int no I? , twice 37 (00300 Irrel It *tree,. and GI feelC
II ruehrn n I Min creel. ~,ii all the other caerrl'anedt
„. peer, uses,. 01 . 0 tm (tell
a inert, .10w street
711art,httl the righl. nue, toter,t 0t..1 rTano of hand
Mei:Kin. of. In 4.d to all that ce.1.1..2.1 or poon of
etrottodi inmate In the horonth of kler.rtmter.-I.egto 1
nt...t. tot the ear:nrlf ride of hlarkrt liner at tha dinl
to 17 fret touthonanfly Cr, en . the comer of Itakep.
. I se
•0 wee.. thhot, este...lir., to frnr.t no 51orket outer
tt,to the u.,e .1 . 191 No it t, and to derail etteuvaol
ry raral , e , with ' . t.topsOtt cleat, pretervm; 11e. •arne
irtatlt Ipu ierz to I.aatetAl:iy.•od being In; matted
1111 . 111bItAi 3i tr. the pint of the tottscgn ct 514 n;
Mr. fre,dt, t ti r l`letirik , E4(See,, n IlcoltrLY,
Chatty, Ii plan book No 1. page to • :tett:vlond taken,
eireut . ott thrittoperty of Pitons hi,Krtin, 4100
.tat of iAtll” ti oplet
All lit lie tit uue, integral and claim of .1
of, In And I. 'hat a alma , pirCe of 'and giipave trj
the age of PletgLaraft, 13e , np. page of tat No WA Of
Woagg , pl .Act [ and dasenixd
oac.r.rii:a at the meet aide 01 .lUattee
gir-at,ce gat aegatoveitarly •racr of Marker agd
rou•01 vac a, tttance cafe dint ni width or 14.01
%long :t1171;c1 street taward• third 00 'cot,
flare p.,4 laratli R '4lc awl to !angel
M_ .I'lo a'a•A Faun:, .tree: wesaranily viaraceig
terry ato, preset Ines MT gamegatdelt, 144 frt.
wog , •0 .aud R - dd'Aco 1 0
en arca 7ir, Mem" gym) brie< be. d , ec, oact.
..,111111.1k froacne r cunt •are‘ca , a ,
ni.gccacoo ma cio,riLe Jaw'? •t+ l o lal a: Grua a,l", sec A Iffeeli
4 . 11 ,
Tor: e I:reet. on the I
bYtwj , ea t 4 e •of 11•6i.ney, and thou :
of tf.rotpef.qtt..ton.(formetlY Henry rapt) by
11:2 of
I nte r n :tooth deerree,..F.tottnpeep4,l
ton pool. Intern North 71 dc rect. lot 40 perehee:tot
. 1
4 post; thevce &or hell ,leen:ey, But It perches. to a
poet; un•ro SOaal 7J Jed.. Reel 30 pescbey,
&tete , Elks , parte et, thence emnb 7 1 de
6 percher, thence North ee l l,. Fart le perobes,th,o,a
71 degree, Fan a
to slow: thence
North 1.7 dye' FAS{ 52 pernhee to a per, thenee North •
•p &0re..., Fast 10 perches, to a Cbegon oat, thence
122 tog., t o 12
ethos, 3tenee North 23 'deg,i
~,q- 1 11,6 to •
won. Menne So2lll 67 deg , Eut
101 :I,C/eh .
so a poen. thenee South 4 deg ,6„}tst
wager tree, thence Rooth GS dea, Wen GO
porn* to arms; thence Booth 16!
w e . 31'pere
ee to to
In th e posse , sion of Jamea Riddle, thence
by tha Ind told, 60111i1 HI deg ;_Weat.34 3 11/PI7C het,
to a th,ce Sotth 20 deg. Eitst ld3 10 padres, to
the laudtorJobo at•d Wm. Stine, thence by the 'said
lands, ttomie6s dca.,.West pe rches bel to cost, thence
North 73 deirres,West 50 p to •
locust, thence
South 63
so d
the West 65 perches. to the 7donougabele
• neer, and thence ,down the rearra, by the several
emirs,. thereof to meet of land Greenland:l'
patented to . .Georae Wallace, on-the OM day of /Illy;
1, and haw
by nslon oft m. L. 51111er and -!
Wm. Mc/Gooey, thence
lion Greenland Mut,. '
•NorthlGl pe rear sto the piece of beginning: contain.. ,
lag a/mut= acres, more or lon, on which are created
two story Imam dore.llog house, • lime frame bant
bare Ind stable end three moult booms.
Alta all the right, irk , interest and elatot or , Writ
Idtller. of. In and to 1014 N. 1111 sod Not. 1,23'4;
0 a, 7, P S, 9, 20. 11. 11. /3, it /kid, /7 • / 3 ' 12, 1 1 4
. - 7/ 1 ,9442197 end 531, In said Wm, 1, !Mini plan
the to wn t•r Port Perry,ln IfennitlesToweddp.ortde !
• mud pito Is Mended le th e Itoooolora offola 14 tett.
wanly of Ablobbogy, bt Plea boob, Yet 1, page WM—I
Saiv asd tako. lizeinita4 matte fivii!Oof Wok'
L Marx; the salt of /as Farseaar. ' •
illJi r itarre ii lard ckspa alga.
--- • - • •
4*- 4 11 1,4 *- rfaJt thay iiiirhil at* - ,
; ,—, ; —s,
&boa?, of. >a and to low N 0.763 &ed Nee. a4ll* -0 4 ,
6. 7, 5.0,11411,1*, -3 14,13,,k8,17, k. It ea itt eta,
91,, sajart, CT, • - d la to Z. Mad Wet. Is ]Duets 04 4
et aha &Ica of Part Perrhf Ilarrralal Tie r...
plan D Molded In the Hero or'a olee,th end ereat-' , l
1,7 a? 'AlleSatty,ta Paw Bar V&I-1,pase jefl Itirt 4 4:4 r
Yd tit:z I. axecall•dt ad th rillwrlT Ot WC Lt 4 WV - I
tr,alliSto autt ot ;V4 alley & satberlc. --' ,
Allitbo visas ItVe. 'mteraat atd4clll/* of 1011 MO.
Nla,bla.S , 'O4 In. , a a: oat al *I? those owe o Iso4 1
nod ter.rnsests a* the same is. divivel by John ale- ,
veme4r4, Jr be ta.• last Yr 1 I V....lair.= records4l
In tVIII Iwk_Nrs, a pa 0G .1 - 2. . to b 4 ~.- J. .Ph
eotlert- rs, ard f ty&ch the taw .Toarsta:Mcaleater*,l
10-0;,4 d 14.... a , bad, Asa ft.telati and tr . :v.' , h Wei
~(a ..n n,A;a tees. Jr.. to erttPled wart 'aediyieed
~,,.. ~, s . ~,,,. i 1.,,,, b.yra eil yrs. or hie w 4 brreaeri. ;
.1,,a, ph Yettavert , tee het estate oiD•ehtt4l .
hichtacety. avg., of tee iris 3t,hert,, cu.— tSo TV )
clatotng hslf pert tOOL Yet Isd vel•bsaats MesSay.,ll
'of tha.,l balfant Mat. and ddood!ard or P. *sit me
, i
thee sta ---- Totsoth p'..611, 'attach I. ega5t. , 1•4•21.1 i
ant oa-e.. balmy, asd outer buitd air.. ' I F 4
4 t: . 4:41. tys. are sorry I bow*. frentias 64 LDP. 3.,,
arty trytton the at? of .Tatbrogb,,arJS terstetaijr 1
00 . 0 40 ~,.. sst,e , ,, dhey and ted:vd: lrdll the r•ldd 13r i ,
11 , e riot, .Leo Me lea war, toned 4n . ieid . Yell. It disl i.
:&sh ttas ?lepers? froetvatt tavern porpoty,andl
we-. rYty tarts , * the tell, nose sr lately strewed bpi e,
Ateldhaid Raton... - . Waite in ---Towehta
web Y-.. sa.ities bortbea. bl , ll, and other haprovej 4,
=c J ra. Seized and tat coin execution as U- preport
afohn•Nlcalaprafa, Jr, it the *Watt( David-Eds*?l. s'.
1:e .-t& Fad•fiatao..d other. ,_ •
'no ngh4 titte.lotetem and claim of 7o lm Gra.
bans; - - " "• of 115t'
41L111' of and to •II QM certain lot of groaud.arldhi
the buildings thereon elected, bellinDloo Allad l, l
Ward, Allegheny city, on the sirridtuff,
line :between loot 9n sod No It thence mestantroli
Is bin-area Pump 'Hey 110 feet, thence soathiimmllf,
121 n, nonce evacuated} 11011, to Ittledle alley, thentor
nfong alMy 12 tam to Ise place of begina t. 16 .s_
the came being part of Mt No illota derctitted.ln Ben
plan of lota in raid coy, of record in eel 704 'E.
pain 12.' Seised and falteu iu exteuttots as Q.
.ipealy of Johnfitaham. at for suit of Suitt 11/album.
All the 0 04 tido, inte c
rest and claim of Elizabeth 11"
Cooper and Jam Coop er, of in an, to all thatetrudn
1.10. peer of genital, together with the MUMMY*
abetcos. ai in Ito borongh et BirtniAghtuati
boo:need and dt•erabed • 1,na1v3111411C.,1-
SOD; Street, 00 0110 use ekt pcopertly v.bol by
morph Cooper, ilect
o ooted, beet to Mho osd (leorga
ed hr Chelan t w e i t i . ' e e r 6 , ° :,.%ratrob ° 4: ' ,
Achy tt lose ofamd peoporty 32 fe•t, te t the line of t i
prOperts °moot hp yot so Williams mil Jacob &let t,
nonce along told lot"C,101 kn.!' lbtleabOtal:lb Carr ft„
sod carte t, hod otecce •long told Street. 21 to the *2
pfai , imeimong. , homy part of tot No 124 , 10111
plan of Oiratingloori cosset edLy Johii 12.E•nr.1
ito,l teed dated —, and rensled to the
recor d
e w s'd Mee el Allegheny county, to area hook
par —, to the lato Joseph Cooper. .9.emed sold taket
y 3
In a,. cello., •• lbe premien) DI MW, I ., <UlCOOpee
Jaw coop", mobs mot of IViinam Noodle aytil John
Kiecuium of Jofeph Cooper, ileectimirt.' '
. ....._._,
lAll the right,,inloreal and Haimof Abn Muth. 4
Rnb los a and dYna ins, al, in and %fogless= ';
I balloon! of lots Nos tu and It, +a Vy'in Anhwei plats YL
.1 of lots In At thorsvdie, r ysoll'lne. Deihl:co 4
,4 theiroaand 11t1iA111e,271c,17 • iNcrronin - bClonglsof, .1
orbich slid hall tun tforeot la loan reel awl described.
sr kJ Own: brg/I11:1111. L 2 IS-atia4'a af el, Of the - cud.' - .1
I sea of lot Nov or San! baan. and rbt.oesl Mooed aldng 7.
the line of the abidly.r. io altos parsildi with arthhpo h
street,to NVUkka meet. a'. disisnce 0(112 leoq,llasueo b
along typhoid ylrew lo a 'lna panted with Ifahltnee
It alley, • distance of 171 scot, thence in a Line parallel V.
arid, Artbars tweet, a Lii.Wate of 7I ken, *coca la a ,
! lot, pidivlel wills i.ntincholley,A distance ofd ket, ',
i ibbree i hlf U.{ wtt,!, htitNiid sdrect,h dtwehele of 71 t feet donna 2 , oqt lisnap's alley a duttance stf.:l4 ~
Pc:, to Ib, Wien of Legturu—g, betor, the sato•paseal i.
1 , of ours! , f,!;00-, ea' by bald de.leavant , h ht proceed• 4 ,
no.o , a the Iv', it: Coati of Allegheny elunly,elApell t
Lets IS41: Nu 05 . iected nod oast, in ezebotlion as b
. 1 the property 01 Ann Nana, Uohineaa and C*llllatia•
: Jenkins, at the suit o: Scutt! tkrzfor,l; now for 5.0 of 1
1; Chattel, hi. It-tilt. . .. '
All the nth', tile, imam, and el.nm oflonit Car
ion and ?flab llanithon, of; In alt thoto tiao
lota or Iroand 'name onttrret. thalltv of
Prtaharab, and belly tots oticohered elk culdral lc
arah It FltininntiV4l Om of f ie. eo cb :at coltish:nor
le kat in (rout on Boa- street, and .vending, beet
pre:ervlng the Saran a Irk, Itatieet,tothtfeetAlley,
0n,,0 ).. p.0 are !reeled a large doable brick earthily
1 ere. with retinal. rrarteten'a io• Me - trent teranta
Setteni:nr.n taken In.l. t•nn11011 as the property o(Jolia
flotAiton art truth liamiltok at the inn otliarlth
All the right, tale; Interest, aoa cicual of BOUT
McKeraltatt and hlauceiv hiclieranan Ot, is, and
to all those three certain Ic4.,, Van of ,
the .Burougt, of Aileatteny, hounded and dbeenbed
aa begtooms at tbe-north castOorraat
r. of lot No, 161 in none ohm . , at the tatoitaeheo
Laeock street and 4ahelln alley, Liaoe iamb by
said alley 100 fat to MI. street, :Deana 'NoOI , by
sweet fG trot 3 inches, to the line of 14SLZfa
154, thence north by ald lot, 100 feet, to theock•"'
street aforesald;.thenee coat by Laeock - Watt, 0
Cot 3 ineba , tee place of beginning', co whist' la
craved an iron laundry nod other inaproerninhus.
Betted and trace 711 corralled as the property at
Mauheor MaKcraban and. Hobert Melte:than, at
the euit . of Smith La Gtehrie, for tko of WilianVi
ALSO ; ' • , n',. ;.
! ' All the right, title; interims and 'claim of John ,
Mason, of, to, tied to all that r. stain lot or areal i
of ground, situate in Cbsto • township, handed Sod ,:
desentied as follows, to wit: begu:dog on Legnat i
siren!, corner or ma N, . le, al pan et Mask the, 1
hop. of P. Feeble., os e'd,r in i.•aid township, thence
south 35 deg 55 min , care o 6.10 perches, to lot No
tf..., thence tenth 54 di ; 5 non „wet 2424 100 per
w Mies, li take lot No 12. to tie centre of the limier, '.
l road; thence along maid nistl north, ''', de:grda r. 5 . 5. ,.
I' rein., went 06.10 perches thenc4;Nololontoohet "p'
I ,' , 54 deg. 5 min , onu 24" 24•1CLperchm, to;Loonst ti
street, th- place of beginning - , containing tine acre '...
, more-or less, on which is erected, s- brick house, 1;
two stories high, end appurtenances. Seized rand`;.,
mien in execution as the property of John Viakton, li
~a , theta d Chas. Grant.
All thl right, titleontenest and olatne-'0( Jan
Taggart, elfin, and to, nod into of nil thaleergiin
lot or ptece of ground, situate In the City of Pitts- - ;
burgh, named nod desenbed in the ‘ plin of iota laid
I.Out by John Elm, ott High street, in tied city 210. -
' i3l--sald 100 fronting on Fenuth street 29feet, end !
:extending back oda parallel line Whirl:4lb = !
a disowns of 117 feet, bounded by lOts'acm
30 and 31, end by Fourth street road, lad lot being
subject to a ground rent of 01115,00- pm Minna—
There in erected on said Int two fmnie hates, two :
stories high, thorn brick homes, two stories high ;
abed roof, and two new brick hates, two einem; ,
high, nadnished, shed' roofaL Sewed and taken in
execution as the property of John Taggart, at the
snit of Bernard McGinn. . .
All the nab; tii!o, interest, and claim of Ahraledin
Poishin and JoseptiWaltita, of, In, ad tit, all those
two certain lota nr pimento(' ground,siltuatc in Tea.
- peraneeville, in St CIO: township, Allegheny Co.,
and marked andnumberrd 146 and 147, in Warden
3: Alexander's phut of • Irts.sby 2 .W Rtmingtoo.
and bounded aid described nifUlowayirbegitming
at thearner of lot No 145 in Ea id plan,cinWithint al:
thence by.Walnat Neat ,50 feet. to the corne d lot
No 148, thence by line of said lot 150 feet to Wet
den sweet; thence by Warden ntreet 50 fat to the'
. - corner ot lot No 14S thenie by 'henna of mud Id
150 feel to Wel= street; the p.ace of laginitar,
making •in ill two lots, eacliZ feet by 150 feet—
the Same lots or peecaOt +Maud moneyed
by John B Warden mar wife, nod Sohn Alexonder ,:
and wde, ItiJohn ! Smith, by deed dated April hI,
1947, who conveyed to:the said ithridnun ?PAM
and; Joseph Walton; on which said two tide of
grociud are erected a two wary fano house, which
is Mimi in front on Walmn tweet aforesaid.. Set.
zed nod Taken 0 electrum to the property of A
braham J'onshing nod lofty!, Walton, at the sun of •
John J.Smith, for use of Wills= Magee. • . ,
An the right. title, interim! and dotal of lanai
Kennedy, of, in nod to all that certain lot of groom!
enema in , South Pittsburgh, fate Lower St (.Salt
township) and bounded •nd•detoribed' as foliate,'
mat beginning on the nontberly side of Jail:Mina. I
cam, at the corner orgthend Cl StowliM Phdl , Pan
and at the distance of 91 feet! 1.4 inch fraf the ••
corner of Fifth street, thence emending in front to .
Bingham street, easterly 24 feet, and .ins depth '
fatherly, preserving the ranee vritahld right angle*
- to Bingham street, 100 feet, to Chesnut alley—ois
which-is erected a two story brick dwelling house
and kitchen, Seised and toted in execution as tee
property of hone Kennedy, el the snit of White,
fi & Roma
All the right, title, inteeeot, and china of Akan
der OldeGsew, of, in, In, or out or; all teed', e l psby t
, lot or piece °lammed, shelve iota Second Ward,
c , t ,, of Ailegbeny„ . being lot No. 3Bist Robinson'; , :.
Plan of the exten sion if' mud city, .smiled "Soso .
Vieth," batuded and described m follows, mm—
• beginning on the north side of the North Corr,nient, :
at the distance of 18 feet 'oest from thaeorner ,14 ,
Palo Alto street, thence running *'act by the Enid
• Commons ground, 24 feet to , the "omen of lot No.
37, , hears nosh by lice of laid lot 170 feet man l
IS feet alley, Intact east by mid alley 24' feel to 1
n. &lot No 39, and th thee .titli by Slid i Ile 1.73 i
feet to the plsee of beglcturig—being Ile eu,,e ii,, ;
of ground which Witham HObassOC, Jr., et int, by, 1 •
,1.d.,,,,z,,i Anyilat 17, 1848, conveyed to told A.. 3 ii
o , sleGriew • Seized and taken in exectnion tre the - I
'nroperty of Alexander .' ciirew, at ion our of
Cbarloß Truitt,. in trus , for Truitt, Brother.: Co.
. . ALSO,
, Alt themght talc, Anon. , nod claim of .I. 6 Mes
. .o,',,tity, deemed, 111 dm bads of J. P. Rosiothd_ _
' Jenne-Conner, his aninut'stratora (with •,,,,,,,,, 1 ,,,,
John V 'Rowland et el, teuni. repicaentatires Of • -
• said I. C. McChlly, deceased) of, in, and to; nil
hat certain plantation or tact of land, tinfata to
Upper St Clair Toivoship, bounded by lands of Jas. ,
Canner, Simon Crouch, aliA marry, con lain tr g ;boa
55 sere., =Oft* fess, add having ihoneen cr o wed
a two story frame dwelling house, e,...ryog lam and
out buildings, and also planted inerea a yams Or-
Mnard Se Sczed and tote..- in elecution au the prop- i
city ail. C 'OlsCully, deectinert,lo t he beads of ha i
otatonstrato , no, J. 11 Ron, nod Jesse. Cramer, t 0,502
nonce in John V. Rowland, non bonitos:a nit wile,
James S. Glenn slid Rebeica his lade, Initienthl-.
kenson, FlnleY Gidtensou, and Esiabe th fitkenson,
minor children of hones Wiesen:nod Frances hi,
wife, late Frances McCtilly, and- Thomai.McCul-
Iv's heirs and Ygal rcyfesterantives dr twin A C.-
' McCully, deceased, at the son of Smith Jona Mr,
. All the rich', lire, intermt, oldie, properti skits.:
aniadiernand of James R • Speer, one of the &fen- l
duos, Of, in, acid so, ill that costain, lot or pieta of 1
. ground enuele in he it rot :Ward of stilegheni coy, ;
bounded and desembed as follows ; to wifr-sbegin- i
ning on Canal Street, I , l6leet Bons Robinson.etreet, i
thence by a line parallel with Robinson Street;l2o ;
1 - feel, to Craig sweet, thence along Craig ousel north- ',
timidly 19 feet, thenceby a line parallel with aches ..
Jason Surat 120 feet, to Canal week thew? South
wardly.along Canal street 39, feet to the Owe of
beginning, being a vacant no unimpeoe,d 1a...
Seised and taken in ccemnion a the properly - it
• Jas. R. Speer, at die snit of S. F. Van Benuthran
I at. Co.
,I Jamn brayl
,I.ll , lan..arn
to, all eerta 0_
itria oryiece of
, oe.l
eorner*of Szereesca sleet and Forbes affect, front
sorry can
ing oo Sreseuson street *beet SO feet; roma
an ditnandeut back slot; Forbcatrei of the IMMO
width, about 100 lett, more or leas, aad bounded on
• the north by 51eve0ton etrebt m tne eau b y F 0rt .,..,
street, Do the tomb by grounds of -- Seitz,
and on the out b¢ ground of — Souo, red boo.
tog tberece emceed it two story brick .deitling
woe the aftabitenances. Seized and bleu
Ia execatice tts Ux PfellertY of DarlitMlijj'arthe
La w. J ae & Baughman, anites be *old
. • . 'CAIRT4 j Der=
tßagSti Otaf,Jaa:l, 1051. i •