tkcC - wns ' ' 'CO iGE 1.10:4D 1N TUTIONS. worn POOR 1101111:E.COIMMON., 1 ; Citizen; beemjegeteentian • thelein e ek eg ee Putrnuant to public notice a tetrot: Ysri bel kl at the Court House' in Pitt'', ort•Wed 4: :tomes N•4l V - tn.. lime ry. . -1 dANT. '' - .1,,, ----,tqntltermehettagef GEL ne Ida), January iii,elSeil, for tli purpoee of . cell. titian-, Prevident.., A 2s_ ti.. si a ,t ar ,,,4 , r_. ,_ cal ling action in regent to a Conn. ; Poor 'tense. tr i 7l"... . "',erriti'tg r evrt ebee bler e" • " e` nu "`!"'''''''.. trier motion, S. McKee, of Itirmlnehem, w as, l e teettelteen'teeLe ler, the .lope me intemite of the es'awl to the Chnir, end"G. E. :Appleton chosen who e. su eitinaii - etPittabureh. the ;fril l s'a b d e tvy In orsiblr d B w e r t ,ro S er ti . e a:l b s r f . ) V E . o t w .L l' th e ß e te i f r. ° oll t in o e w .n z i h t ti b . g en d , i l , ' s atri a n n o e d w tl i a r o l . n i E n t irm a the l i u r ghTn; I :i k."7lll . llt.c" ta- .. C ;'70717 : . '' s . e r r f : e ir t ltat h':i. r Ea r :al j e7.W 'l m. '4. l.a "W ritt 7 r. ii ld. 1 Jr t , yell, Bra ant, 'lingh D. King. Edgard Ilmaelnal. win twp p„ a 1 Jct. Haworth, A.Ziarinuch. e. NL. hier. aP:stl.l I CRlneemol°l-teisl.,aTihta;wt was we adjourn!'we adjourn L Fo od reign , and American Hardware. , to meet egpin on the first Weihreeday of Feb: AN, AVILSON 5; CO:, ruary, at 'the Court Bowe. in Pittsburgh, at II : 1 Ho. 129 Wood Street, o'c lari l"l' M 0 , ,i0n theta Committed of tee be appoint- : . n. full and cum . pio l te ß e t t.. l". -Pt7( ri , ... I .E N E.t ' t: T A ‘7.. A r. SLi A.Y.F...111CA-v I 1 ed to giee notice in the Poet. and Gazette ef the., ilek.ltlill " ., : iEF„ ; 1 next weetime, 'Of this Convention, and to r guest : the tdernships and boroughs to meet at their '''''',.'" ' fle thr a ' 1. ' 0 .,.7....' t ' .....' " ''''.' tel.... ' h '''' r.." ''''''''d te'Fifoell, P. 31., in the borough. and betiveen - - ; '•'‘..- '•'-' '" "2---" ; !'-'2 * 1 '''' '''''.."';''''''' ------ places, of election on the lm day of February, at ' tier "•' ' ir - : 1' '''•- '1" th' "'n ''''''''" • - the:tours of 2 and 5 o'clock, P. 31., in the tovm- • PROT ECTICIN - Ili slily, to elect - delegate") to the told 'Conven- • Fire and Marine Insurance Company. Lion. ; Ammo or, m oon.. ca r dat Mork. and ...undo. funs ; Thomas Blackmer°, J. E. Hamilton, Wm W9t-; . .S1,000,00(), eon,-D. Chess, and(e. E Appleton, were appoint. Pottietz3 Ise en o'o .1 tir. diver rvVon intr. ni t. toltilE E til3:olth Agent• I 'ed that Committee- , i 'legate. Resolved, That the said Committee procure ! a copy of' the charter of the Washington Coon- 1 "'"' ` ...,....7.1 Fourth Arm, Pataburgh. ty Poor mouse, te, be laid before the next Con- ' I PDX HERE MY FIIIKND! vllntion. . On motion, it was Resolved, That we are ill , A L I t2: 1 „ 4 1 1 , 1 . 1 , ..... 1 .; . -% 1 : . 1 1 7,...1-fit,..„ilulso,orimng..for t rra he favor of procuring n Poor House seat Rica for !Coe,. al /I Ow .p,r11.. ,m't . hat life aludat 'wets a n burdet. the use of the county. ‘ I ..... re ; 1•• ti 110w..'• :Mak, r Santapartllal An you, tdMotla r. ..01. no, tom doeatra t.d which f,.. On motion, adjourned. . • cal.. , art. e go, mll, ent e ....t. use Dr a. b Howe's Shag, S. McKEE, Chairmen: eterereeelete;e:ll;seevieir see. revs G. E. APPLETON', Secretary. - '; e oi oar ..., ow of uur somata lid eel • R andall , . o ratm where you wild bud that the Shaker far o empardla.l.o prepande 1 0 Uri s. D. lines, toil beam th e o g a n. of .getnetworty emit, mote du g ..., to which the Imola. taul, an , cnutultualty Lit, than an y r Freer the Beal, dent! . 1 I, , :vrtrtel of Somaparillne,go.";,‘brulat Made' the CANAL COIeND3BIONER. -, ehe nu•Delne ltileatabll.M..l u' slat reputedun by Ini 1 nunn, mu, and gal atteddlatue, Mess!. EDITORS . --Pleuse permit tr, through i a ltl .r .l4ot ;ow orrt hurtle, and It the rally Sarmparilla the columns of year paper, to present to the eon- ; u m , whet ren . ,,,,`;',..; • :,,.!= V,,, m ,v„„n„ , 1::::,:;. sideration of the Whig State Convention the name: otil ,, vtl , i.or, to , malt' , ^ - ' I of THOMAS NICHOLSON, Eeq., of this county, a At'elVal.i,',i n ,",(ZiLie p ai r e e'e.s l ' " " Wre " lA"}"t for the Office of Canal theinaii ;shiner ti men aon ' I'lrt , 1 ,1 1 P. r Intl(-.- 6 built., lor t., , 1..07 mule b, • doubted abi li ty lied ineusruptible ho onty. 'tom . Mt it Ir 11.,orta: L Cd., Po d ,rtelora. Lined with au intimate acqueitennee with the n • ~,, ~ ; . , e I "ellee. 11 . 11 . ciremeee. th ee rutn,iat tora'theu o f the State. we latlieve that i _' AD, toc'..d: ' l,';'.l' r ; '7,10.r...P.-' . . •1 Ler d 170 .Iv more sigilent, faithful, and energetic officer could t e net:te„le,'," • ,:eret e t } :".l e leesteeittle 4 . 11 .. .01der,.,n, lte,it not be fomul; end we believe if nominate:l - to that ; ei s te.e."Aa e esne tti l , „ t ,, ii'.:a t.:r t.Zi .. ..7 . :::.l . ..;:t o lr.g . ... r da. , .. l P . aii , responsible office, he would be meet triumphantly ' te- • :',si, • te'Velet elreted eIANY Wilkie , I!" • ' ''' r !‘" b"!"th' ergartAwT , t t , UPARTNERSIIIP-We have aseociated lit wi .. hi at rnotiroc. Mu. late Cashier of the Farmers vearerres. , f , ,. 2 .7. t !.. ~;;,,,, . ; ,. ,,0. 1, , t 7 1.. his pergamal attention to the 'A clerk wan recently .I . l..thiiiesi front :I fancy -, a i • - ' "."' r ". 1.." \l"ti t .rrittitdo atom in New (Menu+. bre ia :,, sn p i i e t l h id hi e.. , iga eo rs , .1 EXCHANGE AND BANKING HOUSE He had a contract for ployer, and brought alit to remover wages for the Or whole time of his engagement. The trial took : A. I\ll,Kl NS & CO•, Corner of Third and Market sta., Fatah gh. place on the 18th else and the Judge pee netehr,s; . , s diet in favor of the defendant, expreesing - opinion that the ennee of the clerk's diemisoil woe ,Itrme•lte one Feween thrhanyr, Bank Notts, a sufficieut one, in clew of the nature of the ,•.. i l ;old .1 &leer, Bought, Sold ‘ t Ertharayed tabliehment. e 1 ur ' EXCIIA NI, LI; A5l l HANKINO HOUSE The number of here that hew , emeeed the • Cumberland mountains this soo enn, for the eenth, ; , . M' M. A. HILL & CO, . by the two - rota& through the Cumberland hap. . has 'Mounted to only 31;000. Lem season_ the • No: 04 Wood Street, Pittsburgh. total number driven nice the sense route air:Cr.. • e- O dom•, abumml ta tint rdrodt. ,"cwt 110,000 4 , 4-‘ N mnivert-Itcad the allowing mruncate, The Boundary COMllligaioll have remitted fire dad then d..uta, if t oo can It. (mantes n ew hundred dollars to the family of Tennant, who .. et.ea ' suse ere" teoee , , was killed by Turner. is San Anton en io, Tens. lo I (''"`" , '"''''' t te e 'et'etie';' he s ' 4 . on ' l )spneg. ' •• ~ ot Mr Ob Nt 1. 2e4-Dear 1,111.- I take phnsure m lnformtmg „ Chu. the -al, of Dr ..ta nial, Ve. which I P ' There are now thee etudeuts iii the Universes ..hagl hda, ycu, haa elfeli tu•• enure'satiafactran.. m .1 0 001 eot Cambridge, a number exceeding that of any ~:. ‘, 1 . " 0 , 1 , ...,f l "‘i..'" l " "'lit.. and 4 '" 1111 ... l 07 I kiitairees year nines its foundation. Ninety five I e e,,,, ~; en e e,',,' , " •,,,,,,"'':'"!:, 1 n • e v " . „."' '''''', 'nue"' mare . of three student 4 arc from oilier States than I de ;.„.. nonstop. an .i 7 h ; e „„,,I ; ,‘,‘ Li ! e „, ° ".. eb tee e e .r e , `` Miusachusette r - ANDREU DutV:‘; I:id 1- KIDD t CO, Mrs. Bailey, who is renowned for her patriot- et ,„. eee b neb.le be Nu nO Waal st tern in furnishing means for prosecuting the ld- , • - • - - - -- --•-• - -- - ties of the Revolution, mu, burned to denth a ' et ARRTED. . few days since, at her residence in Groton, et,- ( A t teenueete no the lath mat .by the he'. Se Nichol polite Sew London. She was upwards of ninety, ~.,,, ~,,, AS - . Brain, Le t . of Ildnulelptda, hest reo. years oreges. • 1 ....r.,..0, ,•f t h,..thie and Pennsylvania hall Ilmot. to ATV, 0., A teasel is to .nil from New nrlennti for le- ' l ' m ''' . '' it It '''''''. ''' .. 4 " . "'" . ' 6 I'OPIESS nritu*Aact. , berin, on the 2 . oth lost , under the auspice. of tit' II I.' RC It 2., OTIOE-Dii ine fierseee accord- The fallowing is an extractlfrom a letter, dated t the Louisiana Coloniretion Society She will ,e. le 0,, e.e..e.. r the het, :toe. me..... e .0 em,wie ..entltome, December sth, of l a correspondent of 1 • 1 • ' take out a large number of colored Chtigrant., " . 'l l ' l in tha 'nllf l.ol 1 0 1 1 - I t . t .11 1 '. .."I".,"lll ya.lbrtlt '.oho London Daily Near., relative to the sappers- I, e including eighty.five now on their way to New "' ' er "" ! '" e•n" '' ' 6 ' l! e••••4 ' (err - .., •. -Orleans, from i leeritucky. Tenneesee, Ohio, an d 'tea PER, BL .eN K BOOKS et STATIONERY , .ision of the American. piece f iscre-hip, in that I em sr of all ,lars - and nuatltte, ruhrt and plat, blue city: I I LEGAL eft - atom-A rii . :o to therereemliet Indiana- m., whn. ~ , , __,. 1 litank Packs a every .I.,gintem. th hand or m a d, to ed -A.' few weeks Wince, a man named The Boston Transcript says that Bohn 'e cut- .y. , no -. I have (rdready bad ociraern to Menden the 1 Enfdthe; • - tee e r ie , kr , "tio:s of the English Clnesice tire feet supereeding ' e r ite r t 7 t,eter ' et7,7,-re, ',i4.l t ., Feene,!. : ,,, ,,- .. , , !, fan ':'.l ' service rendered to the eccle iestical authorities .I Rieke Imps hone in Lewrence eaten ' the American editions being-superia Cl n qualitr. 1, 1 t.' Slariel gl,. r ortin 0'11,9,:0rt I. , . 'by the eunalean ceares a" .7 . fce,a, Air. Case, our- I the murder of a ern maned Allen, and died pro- - ' • • • ' -. es well as sold nt a lower price. ; e ing the rely of Rome, and tte gratitade proles- I tenting his innocence. Eutracquent development, 00K AND JOB PRINTING -Every de- • tod to him i ty :the inmates f the Propaganda I The Maryland Trent:lames Report fee tee Feet 1 1.111 ...erten , r terse ceeerneseme hkarthont, Cavil the ; go far to thow that flecks wee ineezerd of th - r: Uedirge, teetering theuced e trimmeiri to allow 1 ; e yper shows te.c receipts to have toe to $1.e27,Ue11, .:;,1111,,..1 1, ~, , ,, ! .11.i, ......thnd At • LT, u11t1 i 1i.. 1, T . , .4 lu the t f , t h ereed eu ede „ e l, I murder. The Natehe: Ccurier, of the 31st vet. and a: oostromements $1.4,17,0G5 enter: in the temeee' tint, .0 Totsti tt. lot ten liastit ana'Frrer', . teem to remain unmolested b, - _.. etleree •I: Was, in feet, i • erWing to.the repreeentes ; farnithee the fellewing sheen:ant re the hen in treasury on tee fart of Deeemeer lest, h 376- d" es steno :el*. CalD that .7h4 buillng WE; Itat t eclat= to tele tre- e ml aah. 000. (.. 'TATIO:N k.:ItY -IV. S. 'levee, corner of 1 el eseree awl Max kot ors , hal L.: lule tee no:, ateledanl. ...tuned lido ta - eraeL. -, The Pope, upon his testi. I _ , _ • In the Kentuel:e. Legislattul, which commenced ite ~..:, .Drtrt.l.ant tot NA.? rtatg,m. n, 1 , •. vs, te-. 1 e •.; .raioneerereeesibirezelf in-the meet teetering.; • Lae eyldenee on Which he :sae con - deted metre . :sits soesien 5n the teth itiete ia the Snore, ale - be n "' '' ''''' "' IL " ''''!" bn "" l' " , ''''" l "l . ° "11 7 I ' te r m,r to Mr. thes,,theel'indhith repeatedly f•er 1 e ' rel y ebe`="3"o/' ca t " b "‘p rowe th"ine " llullock I.- re.ented i. petition from eit Ilene ''''''• th " "'••• "" ' L ' . '''''' ''''"' re'Le " re ''' . " 14 • eraeohot in the•bset of the head, the tell psseteg i , e , _,, " _ l ', e _•• __ _....._ - e .- e , e - I.II4PER--.1 7 1t0, Paeeet. Commercial end :stet Itched done, and proftesing thegresteet af ..eeeteet, , fee tee .. e eeLee e eee , e , tee ee affection I . aut wader the eye. Hick:. Iris therefore bung for tof t rial caking et!' eleereerte" e ~., t te - e , e" „ I, e ee . p, ..„., c:, p,„ o ~,,, .„ 0 , 0 ., sn od ,. 1...,.., kr ai t. , 4 ,. j .. 4 i.. t. thentee . J. ,tad by tiii . gr , re. , A,,,,,, t i r e Apia, 1,, .. ea ahem,,,, ~, ,„, „ e l to tne the . . neetuery i.clonitalone , ditty a -1.,. rand di . t d a :. ,ti ., ,,, - ~ , no u- n, 1. , ...., ... '. .oielveed item China, aMeoristei e that few Roman' I ;,. ~ ... Imam at at a. 11.. S a I clerypuen attending Lim the might befere the ex-1 anent lee ' " e g" be f'''' n i'" en ''' " -- --- _--L._ I , her. Attention To Arnships =1 Boroughs. ~..m.h„,- „ weee , o ,„e s , three ~A. w i t h death by I eention, wad, mgt he, his wife, and Alien, wry-, . , • she , d „ r ,,,,. r , dpc d h ,,,, t i ca l „„ an d,„ .r i d; h a d i crave:dig together with a teem, and ~e, . out t , A diamond watch. of the value o f ,110,01 m, I frill; ettizens. of the Borough. and Town -: - beestre-orel e esee impend' fate by the timely !IV night; that while he wan away from the comp , which was about to be raffled fie et New Orleaue 1 Ale s eeeet e eeeet T-g1t ... 4 . , ,T,....... , :,11,r, t i !l: ; ,.e , . of - , lesi ,,: tl . 1 . , ~,,,,,1 , ..,„, i.., 0 ., ~,, the u. s. : eo eel. His ii .e 1i r ,,,,,;..... me morning of Allen's death, he heard his was reeled , ty mii th s e Cns t i viui k ll e e e u r, s ,, e m o u ll e i 4 7 ,..d re in e t n . 1 c .a ba Lt r : t ::,,,, 7a i i. ,: .‘ , 1 , 0 ,: t v I it ~ , 0r , ,,, , ,,,e 5 :t 1, : t., . . n , t....t .,.. .. ,I; Fil , tt t a o l UA L ' • „ der .,... ot. co u l d some .p p of ee ede , Keetitede,ei w w it e. e t e , c ip re v ial, r, tu , sd ii 7a ctm with e t • fi li e ac e.6 l:, d t , ouu ra found Allen ' , t t h b e ii en o t r h t erity of a dispratefi from the Collector of itc,:,:r0r.v,117.i2,1::1,..,,!,:..tL1ib7.:,..,:,:c.:.:7,:1.a12,...i..1!k:::: 5..,df... i , thati had - . 111 unht be could afford no teener: one than that I ePParentlY liPelere. Be had been drinking, and : Sew Yore, „ ,of e grathine, ? Sr- Ceti perm • ion to open a pro- , - ;; P • , ; ewe ' teen the Id dg,of g and ,1 m Emu dlttaa.t la i of unggeng anal insulting her . ` She told him eco. ,; • turday morning reit, a ledy, the wife-of 1 r e'd'''''''' b- '..• , ",.itt •. ;17,,,Hm00,0, es tee.tent olutpel within the lie of Rome, for the eral times to go away, and When he pereisted, :lie e ; geed . . d . .. . • ee. -we A AnieriMen vie:tors!, a len which Lad been nee resi mg In Brighton. Mees e gam : , e K HAMILTON, 1 DAVID 111.Eg1i, `Commute. .. ,' .itt contemplation for come me, Ad for the rest ' , truck him upon the 'tend with th e ' en g em lenen- birth to three fine boys', and mother and child- I I , :et- intiou Of which, a conegeritious and zesloue ' ener, which the hod in her-ear:i e.. ;1 poi:letting coif e ; refit are doing well. . . I pd) di tivrtfehlit it E APPIXION. , '. l . - clercemen. the Rev.`•3lr. !lasting, came hither ! and from this blow alone, wi th out any further vi- I - - : _ . . Kit seem= by e stateni ! cut made Ite le illinm L. 1 tti Ati AZINESIO R I El BR UtAlt. V. at , - from the United Stated,. 'ail °whet more then a ! of -Not his death; was oceneioned ' : year age. • Notwithstandas the Pope . . entree , i rt -Notwithstanding his proteeta . nonv ca gutty,. in- eered:eel e nt an anti-fugitive slave low eon. m a te. : itlionl,l„/.lnly.' Lit-cur La.oal. Third' re,j . ..pplette IDs ' .• •• Pe eh rm ape r i e ll,r ee m t. he any op t i e n t e Li t I ,, a6 . t e i r t ,r at. : o '. . 0 6 ,,T . fl i t ' . ' i ' tt ' h u' eK ' di n' ll e g ' ..11.111cein'int71/e"'hie.T.l'wlidlla rifle, w h Li b rl g tte r t h i Ts id re a l t ean y e r ZsTe . . e ih n n file ti gen to t t t I I ' l ° Jit t s ' h i li P t7to c in ur iTd g • • elit ; :e l ; ;. i. Le eitee ' :elle " i"'.ll : , ie '''''''• n e miege eenvoted his;Co tremee in his own ; leo upon 111 temenoseiv mere') value- ; elirnylend was I ik;,': ; ,?i'elt • ' '" •.- .r.. ‘," . ,t r , 6 " - .1 .-' ' . , i, I lees, vatic, that mode of death had Lson cowed- ',I T,be, otewfuendland steamer's repprt. via Ilos- I er a ,. '‘diol,'e ''' ' ' ''..' era .""' d " '. s4ritmeres. every thredey °ruing, and conduct- I erett se proved. And new remee the Anne.' ef - I ton, that the British government had agreed to ! aier i ere.,';',:eTn i t 'eg"!`e,,,"„7.lre,!,Vl ❑s e n e e . eienet'an ear eine eurnme there re rding to the preeby to rile. During teed: a theme lit the 1 1 fre e. at j ter development; The denier cf flicks had mark 1 :such an impression, that it was thought necessary guarantee tile loan for building the Noun Scotia , ee. w tee Alumna.: fur that part of thrPortland Halifax !leeway, is promo- N, , , , , , 4 1 .. ..f the Amergo, Illututaudartgditrtn a the Wdvrel t .Tear tewevem'all objectio appeared to be over-', tr.,' meet.. t a laum met. pr t oll.hed .19 , ca nt , a r. - eitable plate tea hired in the Via de: Ito e-ththina th e tenedered bode, th'erdee te de , thee, If not frdee , ' Ce CYTIIES.-75 dm Wet Grave Scythes Poil esei, and fitted up an 4 chapel at en empense.i eteed wi t[{ ideeetf Miele' hameieie, fry thew - Joseph Dellner, sail meker, Feet Besteri, ler , 1 - 1 - ".. of- out fee:tht end !.1 r. liestiny, folly out - 1 the that . len wee naked killed with a rifle ball. . three day. , after the emeithoti. e , O l o c n c a ' aai r;i t in te g e l) ,:e ' ' respect:dile citizens sat Al-r,t,f.tln ""'-''' 'it'''. 'been arrested, charged erth being e. t neerne,} with 1,, ,,, : i ‘.,,,. ~,, ~, ~..., ~,,,,,,,, . 0 ~,,,0 . I.rt a remeite. The !emit of then- investegstione. -' ' 'tee e '-‘ ; illteEee- lal doe Lest eetet Steel Hoe, 1 kof the hultlLimlordintul • where it ',Wed the • fool 'lly the: governme t, okened the ehepel- and , the emu tin from the eteenelep Neigiare. el.- e a., , J.!, e jo e .si e :, , , ,,r a: ..1 , :; , :i.u „. u .. 12t. commenced divine iv eblie just one mon th ego. . , • • • i Londe given •, .:FraM what liar sub totes ntly, taken place. At. I t. nee hi that the suite vet eitetnies, who had la- Pres'. he lid e reettembie daltltt dint. :Men wan :to ' s 2 ' s " Me. Boutwell erne evaugurnme Oeverner of ;; ! • ; `;;;;; nr "" • "" ' ''" '' ' ' 'l . 2.: , 0 d'rtliZMlS ait s. : .11011rti.10 prevent Mr. I ass' plan from being eve., ne ene 'het- Hie skull, upon extentd - Al s o• eV - I coo Rh t.,_ 9.., due best men steel flay lei4ii to the whole ~,,,, ie-ared to have been forced in be I blow urea the 1 usassa • thusette on the lett 1 07tH 011 f, Tegraged top tft top e eri e a , soon es ponelle , Aliseordingly, last week. • '''''' s- J J I Lettere from It eitevideo of thee etl; eli stem • A e., do teat liartran gel Jo. Ate Cane received a cone tricetion front (earth- nee b • 11. '"" the b on. 't e ' •e " "'g ib g In ibe th ' - ~ i at extensive p.grmrntiorea are tuakin!! in Llraco , ,„ ~,,,,,,,,,,,,tt our :,,,"";1`,,...' '''''' d ' l ' m ' . " L '' ' nal Antheelli, to the effect diet; 1 i n eee-everace I nonce in the *kale which were driven in from the .. .. for n war with Buenos Aeme , . tees I. 5. , .. 1V ATERILtS 1 Arse fractured, bet the ...let, et , Tbe psperc ate lamenting reel tee ; a d, ~, uses. 5i1 , ‘ , :21. , t . :. ~, 1- . . %. ,1 j.: ,L r. .1 1. 1 3 - 42:i roe n, peteoi „. he ~, , ,,e , „ 0t ,,,,..., ht 0 , the, cdi .,„,„ i i ,..,, , t h e effect. of the blow. The beam rannieg Innoti the . doc rival decisions of the neyee,:rnion ,7f Props- I left .s . Wan c ...ligittlY de fide, end the er , ~,,, 1 .,,,,,,,,, e or • . 00 . 3 the eye:. 1111.1 the fruited al the fade lbure 11.. marks . Girard, the wife of the Islilliol.4ire, reel. Iu :In , 0 , ....,..., •- ' ' ' 1 ' ' . l , V ti. 43.0 1 .,, ~ 5,,,,,,A - En lesh end American Bo an Catholic I,lEident3, I ‘tt n bull het.tee. touched them aides place in Philadelphia, Th ithout 3 nuth nine la. , -,,L ... A i i:s I. e p iKee e, 4 .., ~ L, I ante h ga or V In all prebabllity the etoryllicks told was true, ; This ii not no I slot hoe a nudminent ft, A well . IN ~„ hie Holiness had been relmiteutly obliged to with- : I. s e rerateiss e S.IND • I find he le e another victim to um:erne:lllnel testis • known part of the coy J sr the pennies:lon which, he had granted with LIE A.R L ASIL -Fe risks prime for sale by .re ectto the Aniericen .Proteitant chapel. It .i m ter I A pious Scotch lei:deter behe ...keel ; by ii [rimed ell nits 1.. t. 01 ATERMAN a. 10%,1 , y ea; eee e y heeheeed tb A )Ito, ce„ was qu i te ; : ' We pity the jury Ihah Tried him; him I ; during hie last libelee wis ethertle thoueld ail en abed: by tin. despatth.cepecintly se it was , ---- ; sA! dying. answered, 'really friend, I care net . 1 „1„1.- t„ RD RURIDGE A INIHIR ski , Ito %stet -1 . rtr umtlgnimt by a mese of . ocumente confirmn to , • ter Me Itet•butott 1-1110 , 11. , ; whether I ton er nut ; fur if I die 1 shall ee with I I.'" e. - Ty of the eardluare state eats, and moreover a I MR. Entvon.-Visa Kraft I observe umlauted I God, and if !.litre he stint. with ate ' ' 1 R , , ~. -elf ice for Kale by et , ' htllliftliair. a I NrtllltA M V - o'AV:tea by most of he diplomatic agents: a musical entertainment for Tueidny evening Air - lender Von Ilmabolet, the great oiturne , in ; Home, sefting forth ttel opinion, that even in 1:1 next. The programme exhibit, eeleotioue most ' list arid traveller, has written a letter to the Ber- 1 difficult of executioneend from the most eminent lie Society for Emigration and Coliuiention, es- „ a .• e, o ie t 1 , I; A It e r eIIIII,ASSfiS- :91 hhits Sugar : , opt ees , bang. HoL,N... file • ranteritew r: Al IMIIIIIAH tai l GYM bousel the charge ,settairee would not be I . t 'tied, accirt:ding to the c etomary.privilegee of e preming the warmest syni el: with the urpos- I e •- - teinationnl represeatatiees , to hold prayer I eemposere, She will he moon - the:ldea by the choice „ o f t h e Society , et a ma i l eiele Y, t e e Lie lott o - til I ,e, 1101% lILASei--theer. bee assed sizes, etetiny ol' prenehinge for °there' than the tuttgigul Went Of the PITS', • One of whom is Mr. ; tee, w ith th e kin g '-f' 1 ho t , r •-, vy„,...0'-'"" L " hd ' ib 'ser,hu o .iy, 0 ~,,,,H R, ,N, ember: , of Lis • ewle ramil3 3 'Greet sheens •wee Eleber-douteleue the hoot artist - we have. ~. , _ , ,;;;; e , e .e ~,,,, - ;7 -- :- of the Society is especially direct,' to Centrul I erAlt- Colibrhrß. e. 'fur tor sale bv I 1 II- 10 " 0 • upon the ea enenen ' a "is n " e ' -4 : nb e nn" ' elies Kraft is of the operatic itched, and nos- • Amer:Ca. ' ' n' ' ' at tenti on ' P" . ,0 logiane; agninet which' es flolinths, mortified e e .. .. .. * e_ .I. es a voice ot uncommon compaes, melody t • DURBRILIdE a Wu Illetel I It . LACK TARSI' VELVETS of a very su lle tic-profecee himself to lie nt the occurrence,. aria clear articulation; in her execution als4_ ~, , { plaid, for hog wear to 1g had al the shire could nee ln conscience af; and the danger to there is no effert, no straining, but prompe end ! Desirable Suburban Residence for Sale. ' „ 1 , 1-1 ' ''""- mUKl'llk' A' BURCHFIELD. . Tut Mthernber often our idle the Mode ant r rminds . """ S. td. oar. Fourth and Market dr , the chwth by the Introduction of heretical doe- spontazieoun ne the hind. .She presents peculinr ! W.\ E GAUZE FLANNELS-- Murphy i tithes, and the scandal prettier:ea by 'their prove- 1 motives for encouratientent being trill e tyro in l• hr " " bt ''' re. ' .•; ': !!'"'" on e'" Octet. 0 • 10 n e '' Eetion at the very bend quertere of eatholiciem, I the art; end treading the rugged 'nth to fume ; roUtv • l ' or A te n V7ll. " , ”•'" Itrr i s l 'A Y:t 1 .. " ('‘ ' .:,f..c i' ar 1 1 . .. "" , " : . . 3 r . " r , '''..l V l:ll' ..'".2rtrXr.r, 'I,I:C.:VI= Were adduced as additionall considerations of the I alone and unne.ieted, and bestowing her ad in Timing back 2.11..••et T . h t., CM "ne t --Z - sta - 11:1 - n - g - ur - a . r - ty - :4; I '"' ' '''''' n ' hi: ' . ' . '''''' titirmet importance. Ta giid e the pill as much as i alt lienefolent purposes, surely deserve recipe°. I etre of ernewi and La wound on elver ride le low- et e • ll,' U PER FllENell BLACK C LOT II S.- Poreible, his Eminence hinted that an American 7,., he ,,. a ': ; t Jrturthy a horchttell &Ada trtgelot ottentirm on the ClitiOLL But, Air. ; Editor, ale fe n lle_in , one ” 1 L' t , d ' r , ',7 4 ,..,.. r .:". 4 1,,,V. i , t 0 0d . " . ," 0r ,,,1 d d ,17.,, °' :'n r !,,,,, E ,..d Loon , • algae Jrydrtnunt of their ladin.s.l awl 11.,it. 1'..... chapel outside the wall: of the city would tot be , wanting eloth• .4 the degrlption to ov, them a rad belide ' 1 6 " P' n e. " - I a Wet et ad not. and ...Utah of and rounds, 11,411..4 , p l o,e,„‘o„. interfered With, dr, if that . plan was not palates. TIAL, rho 110 foreign r eery, rest,e but a plain Pittebur her. with a plainronnth her...lA hail. o ho add wide it e teat in th, hart I 1418 tle, he etited that full liberty would be greeted ' c • bat her rare merit g alone - will andl .0:i moat damble tommrr. mad nio . tirgpruol.rtgd nod 1 V E....tiNl liTta.;.llx 51cLast'..1 CEI-EIittATED. to Mr. Cass to open his owh rooms to se tamer - ; og n ,"! e , n ', • • .1. 0100 3. CU, t taunt pew the reptita:loll .111.1 now lam post- , eontahn. all the trudern conrenieurcl.. TWO pump.. vrotb ('''''"l" roe '' 'b, ;As to congreeation of his countrymen as he m , ~,,y; y A , h 0 H f tire, ea. --tor, ....ter tee .ecengs o_ many in lan unfailing supply et bard and snit tester, an , at she ddo ' or Wood 5 _ thought pneper, in spite of the opinions of his I V Eli PILLS, Oa 31cLa.Na' a eminaseee. diploneetic mlleagues on the eubeect. Atr. CRSA. the solicitude that nu subsequent relation eau be Ide the Prtmlima are the neresrary cut building,. da m, I meelnee hokum., Le. 'floe coral' tall out molly na t. 1 4 vent .ears ter ra.lebV empty boxes on I ~. /54° have an intereiew with Cardinal Athrmelli f i "" t - n l ' e gg nel Y neen ‘ i " b nf m ere ..., "": e"" t e n ''''' ront!'" bet" tr''.l"‘ .. . , lr''' .. . finn'il ll ` . 1 V I.AL COletS 1500 grues for sale by • • Pt-day evening next. e this afeernoote but iris vat likely that he will be - • thrub,,urrartuk. , so argeberrtes.manberrles. , , and A nagli V A lt J KIDLrk CO noble tl , CDDdtgg the determination or the parthann i ..... • , g tr ' eir7Min T e b ..ri i"n' e :1:17. "b' b'' , '''''LL iv ""'"""."fl I" e „„ t i PIING E •2. tune= fine, end 1 bale extra of intolerance, who work upon , the Pope by ' Beast Or THE SEVF.U.AL STATE", ..odlr 't AAR- r y . 0,,,,.. T0 „.,, y0 , 00 0 'r 0 z 1 ,,,',:,, t ,':,.„:::', 0 0 , 1 ,7;,,7, -1 „; ~,,, , k,7,..,,,,-..,. fur nate by yela J. KIDD 1 . co *rating his conscience, and thus bend him to Le liereeese, ' 1 vnburbon rtunfort, emerblned with muli a nity to the ril l , i - 1. 4 . from SALTS--15 bride for eale by ,enaction whatever they hnie decided spun in se- , I to tent Pampas,' by my residence In HA. mrhury 'ell la. 1 . Al AM J. KIDD t'DO CPA council. The mope of Aft. liseting'a mis- • Total Debi - An. Int nt a view of the lade Meer ter every mil, of Tern a run, I ....- glop to , State,. Rome LI entirely efeated, tut be came New '',.._. ill 54,7e0 vere , oo o ~,,,e ; eeee , ~,,,,,,,,,,,e;rie ter ~.,,, the „ th ~ , ,....1 . , „ - I.3LACES wanted and perseus supplied at here, eupporteel teen huge Cody' of ell fellow Aew Ji'HllV'''-.'. It idle - 110(l. umurthinnutng 414 o :ether a panoramic d u‘,.„ -t ul , A-„,.. - Vs.n.l,'''.:P.Z.i^4:,;"r t r i "r" .. ° l— " ~,,i ay, ..wren.yam• evnarymer , , to preach lergeterit doctrines in a I .„..'e mb e e ',! , , Porte, . , width the vie otter manes hero boat which enter. r.r home, or to 'trader, or m coachmen. holle, w a iter, public chapel, and not to *et merele as chaplain ne„n! e en ' e bune , ',lst ' 6,1 20 . w, . ~, 45 ,3 ; stew. hoe the pent of eitttatortth uu the 1.0...., u 5..., ~, '', h ome, et Ithrrtrn In t nOr ernn, Wet and dr,' n ~... ~,,,o h a ry o ai da,e+a Moto., Igrmaed or hart, 1. full rim The rt POI,. an I art-and. ar, M../ .moath bI. , 0 .1 ail i d ea. a rt, t enea t . tidla nth-tided to for cortitfah , 'to the American, thargee who may be changed Rhode "be", beer realm-DI from am atinml,ll g of dust. p. denthrt,ve of , rhard ... Plc., e,d I , thittle fladttUtl nesoce me in. every year, or oftener, if gnat be the of of hir. 1 Connecticut, I,OIIC ctaufart and ve g etation. and alfonle a retiohlent ..., quiet I.lcthirt' lll, °ln" , iinu ,0...1, rats government, and who mee' very meetly be a Catb- New York, ger e '.:4,038,121 1,...e1,001 ene peureful as ,l eT•11/•,1 In /01211,U1..tortd. In • FOll SiALK-"-A. gdori Farm of 100 acres, 4,071 The eroere; titles :see at o ta,nth, tad 1,1•0•41, , te Soon . ' 0,11 0., r 050d.:1.2 miles from Pittaburgh and 5 m iles olitt nest time, and tee:rehire not adapted to have , Neer Jeese.T. a 67,693 lea the be. of 461 I:no:tire et tip. 11,rtta ulft, trona til. Milo 1.11, t r. Al.rt • goral farm uf 1.4 &meal es tor. Proteetant meethre in 41,. house. It is ware- Dtheweet, IMO • corgary to oboe:ref:that to: where Ctrl memo. 31a..-yeend, , fr.. Dalt.btarth U.,imsaserteweee, a d u,: orchard U latavamtt7 Intarmatton am tot cloalunt at tbe attire. tat Yriltf (}rand - Concert - vocal and InatromentaL "NtISS KRAFT respectfully informs the yobbo, Orel ohe out air , • llrend Concert am above. Nib MALL. lower room. on TUXODAY evening next, Jon.ry alot. au • Lich orcsolma Mit will he ooeloil by Meier, liiirbintt. rear, Amer. 'sleben and • largo mid well Minitel Orchestra. togialtor with a Monte uf Ono roam. The prima - move will be entirell now, omm id . the ui o eva never having before bren performed to the Euitod atolov. The celebrated Illunbum Volta br perfortard with lull Orchestro; aloo,ver4 Memo foe eight hanlo ao tot Poona. A mole •ill Ilk oe ewlec be executed on Mat COO mdsweeteet 11.5 cell itntrumoutv, the Zither. She Moreetiles March, with full chorus, will be performed. Ye. For per , Umtata, eta moll N. Ile—Two or Nunno Clothe splendidl'iMew will to fundehed by MY Sieber. et 0-PARTNERSHIP Having associated luaiy ma. Leonard. vith rne„tbe busk... sill lee adatton.l mt the old stand, Nu. 0.2 itVel st, under the firm • of W. Leonard and VT, • • The menior partner alb,. firm retina., bit rimer. thanks to the friends and former pitman of the house, and hop., 14 evict attention to business and the orals enatomers, to merit a lull shirr of public patron... All pflS3llll knot ins themselres Indebted to W. Leonard.. =Lyles* account prior matu Juluari W oo c. 11.1 mettle, and ye te. jed,alltetsr-1.6 ' RUBBER GOODS. UNION INDIA RUBBER COMPANY No. 10 Nassau street, New l'o4 VrANUFACTI ' RE and hare Tar male on iTI favuruble iano ILp larrod Klmb tAJOLIII /KA WS ' r.NT NINTALLIC KI BIiI.II UWUK to .linerien. war. Itarld WI climate., con.l.tln¢ of Cos.. Cloaks, l'oneLu, Leff,ll2-4, Pants, Car, eon . IllankaN 11. w and labir 0...... Crum3 l.. , Carrlav, lionEallor• s.fal Lag, Odd Digger? Explaritn; and liulurt Dl‘lng &rad Pump, and artiel.. for druglilot% and surgrous, En:rlar a nd F.cior, 110. e, 0, 'Yntdnif. Fr , narr.. Patent 1,01000) Cow loJlkar, llschine 13.111u¢ Uulls, Pura Lit. i'n „ errrn , Lluhbn. , Yo, Banus.l., s,Artl r2 rld,° 7 an . 1 , ." t,Co.Wster T 1 k 1 : I..tkKnwsrinnvo . tk. ctefoar to nly,.f or p. 17,1 Ito -•-- • -- - _ Q'rOCES WANTED—Bank of Pittaborgilv Nl.rthaut.s' sod llanUfactureri nwk of Pitt , horoth:' exchange Bank of ritunarall; for which t 10• blabo'i print lo w A. 111 LL W. jalii Wool st. monid doer above Fkaurth. S CARLET CURTAIN C 111 NT Z. Plain, fl, f f"of vunevl 13 DURCIIVIELa... 1.10 N. K. no. Fourth 0 11arket • VANCY SATINETS FOR BOYS' WEAR. i Nlumt" k Burebtlekt Invite lb< stleotion. of waotlng wood% for boy.' wear, to a.rtr immorttnent of thane tad other .t) les of gockl..tupt , ll.for thicpurp.r, jolt ik I . RS.. , BICTIA ; BD ts S,resilectfully froaoufflvuuedlunr ItatiZetrfr CI:ro r a r =Vs =log how, Wort- j11:13t W°2ll/4—cash Lit.,„ at BROWN FLANNELS—Ono MAC junt re- IJlPorlsol from manufacturer. nod for male by fat. MURPHY t LEE 11ED FLANNEL—One case on band and it for Pale by ) ant nunellY a me. BLANKETS—SingIe antrdouble bed, amain Mat, crib, nod coating blookka for ralt, by AP; , MUICI.IIII L LEE. lI\WEEDS-Three cares ueeorted Tweeds 1 Part rerrirml from manufartureri, sint ollaipy * fob UMAC—Two tone Sumac for sale by ,al6_ MURPHY .CLER. to-k new crop, per anesrt J.-. 1A111:1 , U%1.Z1J.4 CS Wat, F 0 REN T—A two story Dwelling 16 .1,1=plin , li n Tst wnter TOBACCO-13 lan No one, 6 twi;t, received tars "'"'" urillh 'iM l .ll.,ltzta.L. CR Nrst„ st: Public Sale of Real Estate• %S TILL he exposed to public sale by the salwerilwiw. on the 1010 day of February nest. et 10 0'6044 A. M.. oh the premix., all that mrtaln trwri. of l a nd nitu.t. in Wilting tonthnillin onunty of boutnted wn the north by lends of Henry Morrow - . an the wen l.r .rum., Duff,. ou the znah by Nang Tarter. sad on ate 00,1 hr Jame. helly.eontainlng fitly nine and one bolt ('. ll r 4 , l: ooo.t rle d ' 1 rlloolln7t - r t.7lre I enle* T &Cl 9 orx de ri . _oin row . an !L.% the ground one ball in ;Lel tarul. end the vroye . rtn ' ot n h}..t '"." 3 ' 7lnql . a 111 n e w fend the. plead. trart gerund to new br Jane 31:Cewe..11rs. liententa, ual Mare tle.tuta. rutin, r. end 1,11 0.0 1.0 , en tnna,ta tre r. .;o earlt ow nine en unellttledthl. - 3 part thew af. ..Itpl C. Car..thern hart. bnen L. 3211,0 00 ,11 - 3the 7alon , eaws 3lrn. 'lnsbelLn Herdraen w arrant or ow:, t •..11 , beir rwttertive iuteresh,end Robert Hen). luau, of tine, Jsur 31,Nytt. bleat.: been *nuthertan . l ~.d directed by the ltrylutut , Court of Alleo:Wtre oceouty, teen!, the lutes - wet of the .1 , 1 same, In the real nettle enter tienerlbed. The said fool wall neemdinelY .01.1 to the hirlarnt and bent bltter on the 13th will February neat. at ID o'elnwit, A. 31. 'Tenn, of pale will be /a lert, ' lit.41):11T ILE, . V. 1 itVEI , \V Aiirt—Slwa)fitt, Fork 44, Ladles, kj Sutter hater.. Pitcher, - Tea Sett, Cu , aa, mama- Galant , ' to artier and mt had.. qralltriowert Jute. frrWantetlt 500 or hilt, I.lti W. ti" rt 11...0rta• . tat:, .or Maskrt it Fourth sr • IN -THE ORPHANS' COLItT 1)1 Allegheny c\--unty, of Doi-author trtur A. D. 'S:. No ' In far oattler of the plata= ot the trot tottate Mn to E. l'attertai, late a Elitaboth towntha, ihrtasttl ' Alleglaily Consty, SS: . ..I.' - . : ,i„ .i17, -- ,.. i.:Ltir.:;:z. 'ATP.. cr.Tn':;:. 4 , ' I gull. .11, 1I amour. Thoutar 11. Niel:liar. and Stool, r 1 11;1 h" .alt:i t!rtrinralttaT. P' rE. t: # ~. m. C. Putterata, awl :arab Wit PoOitr, ~ minor, by their au:tram ref ti4n, J. 16101 P Zi McK,4,la. heir., at 1.. of Without I. Pat ter., &rear!. N'otior It brrehr, given to thy ahore named 'rattles:that . by virtroaaf the aioro montiontol alit of putittou. an hi , titteat will he. ken and hell open 1 /.e fuwertwew thrrrt. ' detrrihol to oil raw eertoto 400.4,r, nod tract of laud liitro'faJarillthVtia."Jn'hnialterllZltga •Nlittirg. Maw., thottleron, 3ltehael 11,14.,..u JIIIVA McKnight. and the heir. of este ! Patterwou. rontaitaug about Wu • >ex., with Ilia ettouranount,, Ma& ont. whey certain ,:ic t . 7:l;a7.Vtt :. 4 1 - Ltr.Vf d .,;l o ..., ' %T.l.,TZ 9 iTt P u; ',l 1 p......... —, a., be of Peter rattareon, tantalising about n,n, tt'Zt rten, with the ,tat tat the Sat de} of March, A D. 1841. at IQ &Hort:. of .the roma.. for tla purpoott of nutisirrt isarUtiou cat raluotiou and appralottoteut of raid real Mt..... to the sail. writ reouire4. st which I time sad i''''''''' '"l"'' .tr4 4 ll l [4li l iP h tb: :, Tr o. 1 L.... 141t.i.„h. 4nooari lit Mol.--lalt,wtth LA .N TAGANET UMW AZOIt S- - Jan r.4.+1,.,1' by expre.a. saunte M r Jot of tar anique rva1.1.1.• Razor.. the only. raft and ptifeet rawk,llll. Metured. jals H. W. 11'11 WIN A tjRTS EltSli I 11:E a g ain ...timed ntitb film U. former partner. J. It N cam. of t and lator.llr Wordan g b... a rta .to Wont) Ilurpby 4 Ler.. Mt , It PEI VA; LEE. Woot., and blerebraits for thr Atu..ri:arl Mixt, N0;139 Liberty Pitt.t.urelg... anuar, ht. 1fi51.,,•15 lITIIITE. BEASS , —:Ten I,mrrel, prime,for ir Fair• et 050 red buehel. by j• .5 a 1342U(N)NIIAK.ER aOO .24 %V.a 0 fiLlll , l—Tweltty barrelsju . .it receiccA, awl I,P rot ale ma br the bed - H.10.N N. kvicg ERSItAW;3 1•16 Coco " rWoal a 15101 sts in LBS. CANARY SEED received tnTruilr et t 0; ti 0 A1 ., C1 . 7111 , 11 . eL.. al QELLERS' LIVEN. PILLS—"CouId not get I,yeou l t without them' ll'L'unrrWslile. U. J•el. 9, ISM. Ma. It. F.. ttauala—Teurs are the Dolt Liter title that roll here. I Nutt' tmt get along without them, and every tan that maker use or them speak. In the highest term. of coramemlation. Your+ tVlPArtful!y, J..Fillytt:t. • itirt•repartl and aekt by It. tthLtd..lllt, 5, ITaol at-e and mold bt druatdete generally. lilt ICE—Twenty tiercei new crop received ibis day, itml Mr male by SHOWN it KIBEPANRIOK. 144 Liberty it A I SINS--One bmmdred and fifty boxes end . en half boxes received lira for side low Rt . lal3 BROWN KIRKPATRICK • SVG AR - Twenty hhds new Sugnr on hand . 114 1 _for saIe KIRKPATRICK T OBACCO—Twenty has W. U. Grant e; 15 Om limit t Williams% 15 has W. A. itsnald'A. 151 b. BAITOIIII . II half pound: 25 Ins Usbonse's do on hand and Isls BROWN t KLICKPATRIPK ARD—One hundred kegs prime new Lard 4 1:A" " d C " . liitOWN t KIRKPATRICK SUNDRIES—Ton bss S. Tolman)) Corea; 0 It, Preston's Brom. 10 Las do Eagle Chanda , e, 3by do Gan Pa..., on hand and for salt by ,alfo BROWN & KIRKPAIBICK DIVIDEND—OFFICE OF PITTSBURGH lJ OAS COMPANY, Jarman . 13. 145 Y. She Trusbres of the l'itt...hurgh ties COMP.)" bee 1,0, day tinin , l a Dividend of 15,e ter Cent met or the profit, of the 10.100 months. on for Coydal Stoel , p , . 1 in. Fel s' tie to flek holders. or tiree bald mith. at the Awe of 'the Works. JanitaliNv ./Alll_o It. CIIRI:TY. Treasurer. riIILLE: BEST Oir WINES ; A.M.) BRANDIEd, ro'frael'e Ibra PurrrdlalalllZeArlit'd FLOURLTItree hundred barrels J'fist reed and tut sale by , DCBDRIDOE & INOUILAM. No. 110 Wwer HAVANA SUGAR—Twenty bosee White . Igr No 11 i: aVicagl INoitiutxt, 6 Wltter • p,14 • QUTLINE MAYS—l'dtnn's mpleudkd Out: hoe Mow try cow I , eing lotrdto , d 41 . .1 Owlttut ••• N...c.toulatl wad Neu. Yuri, r here 014/010. eVettry for th,ol l'ittaburgh. nod tu4ite Our Len - bool couurOtt.4.4 0t und craw:due them No. I—Mop of the Ice.n.cru ileutisphrre,, '42,. 42 loch,. 2 do Lartrrn do -do 3 do North Ametiem. 70 tK4 • 4 do Toilet State, 70 I do Europe„ 70182' 0.421... 70 174 7 do •t. AMurica fr''Afries, 70a &I or ofll.;llrhiL4 teY.l23; or the firmt ttro 1101011 Pire;e= sr; tit:l . lll4 ha s‘ruracy. beltuti and ete•et , - sod Mauled w the vent, of the primary. gratnn.q and high achoOls of. the Voltot k • ralr . Yuldishres Oda, Withold:saditPil of freight hit ' s•les. at the KDOCATIUNAL 111 1. 1 :TAME , J.LIO further of Marked Uhl Fourth... STANDISII, TUE PURITAN. o Tule. of Ity Ettirol Grayeou. Eta " 'ffltt:t .oirhailti.rnVia=of the btotomoth CenturA' Dr J. U..3lerle d'Aubb:Oe. _o._p, IllottleoLt. of the Theolo ri M"" ,arttrids. b o ntueky.thellietary , Arttkultlee, .and Blocesrilt: 'wanted by forty tottotelovt. By Leyte Collins. - • The stave watts far ale 4f C. STOCKTON, SCOIMIIer and 2 , Winner, J• 10 Corms of Alseirt and TAW !tly,, TRICOPREROUS far sale. by R. M. RELIXILIVIT 'Wood Ist, rattAtut Oct Rttmartd - HAMS OP tDISCOORI'... eu.skult J. nti rrrtsnitins,G.LlMM. H N. lIOLIOES. $ !SONS; Bankers. - • -Va. 67 Mar; et J. te4smen Mini and P.llliAg. Pitfall:l-A. PEN.NI,I-LVANIA.II,,,eh. Ma.0410n.—....f..a., Bank ,4 Ihnsburgh.----,P.'11....nch . ‘Go.,..ter-- ..20 Excllanp, Bank ..f do par itranch et Xenia_._..._. _ d. , Mer. and §lao. of do__ %-ss __par licb at Yortnggown-....1n i Rank of 0N191130.1,...., ..... par enT flank.. . a. 0n..34 to hulk of N.,:rth Aluenct--par t,nanaeirtal Ilk-Cin , lonntact , Bank ‘4•North'n LiA...rn , ,far Vranklin Dank ...._ no Bank Of PCnilltl•i‘ . llEli3.... , {1. 1 ..f.” ..° °•.k • •• .... - • " d ' - ' Yank of Penn 'fever hln...t.a3Whio Life In , a 'rust Co.. 4, Lank of ti- Cnlted Pilt c.c. Rey., Bank-.-... 1.1 I Co....Mika* rf Pa...rariflank of 7 , 12.1 - ai11na....-_ .. do Bannere aY. “ Lanka , Bkp.l,naall N 0.,. ... ..,. -....d0 liirar.l nano pal NEW ENG LA: , I) Kensinktru Bank... •-..pal!All roPrent Bank , • ..--....0 Mannlar. a 8ank....p., NIIV YORK. Mg-egad:l' Rank._ ...... -.p.• 'Sew Nora Cny. ..... -........par Phhadlnhia 1,u:1: . rail )IAIf.YL-0.11. Southwark Bank... .....p. 0121.Mo:tor , Tsndyssaaßr'k Rank ... ..... .p..0 - ..7..--, ~. ... ... ...... ... 1. in . tf 1 N. J , ..t..K1...D.CLAWA1..1- rn Rank I)ZlNsliTitik so__ Bank ..1* Chamtersbur(,b.. X All soltrnt hitok- , -...--.. Bank of Ch,ti,v County...NO tiIIttIINIA. hank of Danville parißank of the Valley . - ... ..L., 4 Bank of Lt..1.C0., Cliesor-par ilk of Virginitk Richmond ',- Bank of 4iermantOrn par Ex. Bank, 'Vs- Norfolk,- Is Bank of tlettvaborgh....... ai Farmers' Bault of kWiala X Bank of LeWitUnsu - Merchants' k -Mech. Bank ' Bonk of Middletown X North Western Bank. k ) ' Montgomery Co. Bank--par Brauchea......, —..—.. Y s Bank of Nortbutulatoland.part, NORTII CAROLINA. Carlisle Bank .-. . ......-.. NUfank of Cape Fear-- ..... ealutoLia Ilk i Bridge Co.par Bk of St. of N. Otralina.... 2 Doylestown Bank I. Coutmenial Ilk. Wilulinon v, Easton Ilank ....... -----par 31erchantv . Bank, Norhern " Brie Ilank . . ... . .__ X SOUTII CAROLINA. 1 " 1 "Farraereßli of Burka Co-par' Ilk of the St. of S. tiondlaa 2 ' Fannura' Ilk of Lancaster.)). Bank. of South Carolina.... 2 , Farmer' Bonk ofßeading Par Bank °retort...du- 2 ' Farm. Bk of Schuylkill tio.r.r Muter,' A Mechanics): Bk 2 For. 6. Brut. Warteaburg-N A. I OFORI.IIA. Franklin Bk.lflohlucton par Augusta Ins- t Banking Co 2 .Ih/risk/log Bank.-- ..... 4 Bank of Augusta.---.....- 2 Ihdiesilale Book .k., Ilk of Brunsaipk, Augusta 2 Lancaster Batik .... .-. ....par TENNF.s.skr.. Lencast,r County Ildn..par All solvent bank 3 _Lebanon Rank or KENTUCKY. 'Miners. Rant of Pottsville X Elliot Kentucky. Loulo Ills X Alutiongahela Bank- [ea , ilk of Louisville. Thurston ,t, Mint Branch Bank-. ...... t Nootheru Bk of Kentucky ta Wyoming Bk.Wilkigiliarreo Southern Bk. of KentnetY to York Bank.. ...... . .... 2, MISSOURI. Relict N0ie5....,... - ........ 11 Ilk or R.. 01 311550uri......X 01110. ILLINOIS. Ohio Statopank ...... __...,. X Mate Bank . istal branclu,...o Branch at . kron. ..... .. do lout of Illinois . "Zi Branch at Athens._ ....... .do IV ISCONSIN. Branch at Ildidgeport- do Marine k Firs Ins. Co. cliks 5 Branch al Chlllosthe.. , 3111211111 AN. Branch at Cleveland do Yummy" Mochank.' Bank Branch at Toledo... ..... ..-AltrOovernment 100 Ilauk. -. 3 Branch at Dayton do Peninsular Bank :1 Branch at Delaware) do Insurance. Conlon) Brandt at Columbus.. ...... .do :State Bank-, Branch at A,htabola _ CANADA. Branch at Salem la Ilk of B. N. Amertia-Toronto.: Branch at Mansfield-- Bo okßa of the People, Toronks, Branch 1.1 Ripley nk of f. tloutreal Brandt at Olueltiontl .--do Bank of Branch at ILlOntbus.... KASTERN EXCIIANOE. Bianch at Wathington ~,,.... Co New 7ork Odeon).- ...... 4 Branch at Calla ,bs On Philadelphia do • •.. Branch at Laneaster - dodm Baltimore d 0..... ...... 1. Branch at 14.0w:trill , .r.,10 WESTERN KXCIIANOK Branch no 311 0 ernou -.....10 Cincinnati. ..... -...... I Branch at Nturak...... ..... du Louisville I I Brawl, at Elyria ... do ) 1 0 Loral, Branch at Sortugliuld do 1101,11 AND SPECIE 001. f 11 Branch at Marietta)... .... .do Douldnont, tipant)h 111, ( U Branch at Troy.—.-. --ALI do Nottiot 15.10 Branch at 311. Pleassnt....• do Engle. old. . lu,tal Branch at Zarterolle... .... do Eagle, new IL'M Branch. Norwalk do FroliniCknrol , ...... ..... ... 1.50 Branch at Ilona do Ton Thaler)) 7,k0 Brunch al Oulnraa 5,00 Brooch at Eaton do oovercigno 4,03 Branch at Ravenna... 'ferfOullders 4.00 Branch at Chillleothe----du Napoleons .1,0 i) Brunel) at Catalan,. do bor. , ' ... • 2,15 Branch at Tided., . do rrIE PA.RTNERSIIIP OF TILE SUB. SCRIBERS, trulltur under the lima of WOOD AB, 64 66.1 WOOD. ABBoTT 6 W., -tennitiates ho tlw thia day- The will he Reified by either of the sulambers, who an. authorized to use the name of the lino or firms in liquidation for that purr..., at the old stand No. I•J7 Mar. ket oresd, Philadelphia. RICHARD D. WOOD. JOHN VARROI JAMES ABBOTT, JOSIAH BACAIN. Philadelphia, Dosember 31st, 1130. TIIE FIRM OF WOOD, ABBOTT k CO. haring teen dismayed V abase staled. the business he roothoted b She subarrihcra under the title of WOOD, BACON, A CO, at the old Mind. No. EH Market street, Philadelphia. RICILARD BACO ND. WOOD. 00,s1A11. . LEWIS W. HAYWARD, BENJ. V. MARSH, • HART A. LEAVITT. EDWARD Y. TOWNS&ND. Philadelphia: January 10. lasl.—sanNalit nISSOLUTION—The partnership of Rey nold!. Shermag ellegolvedloy mutual coneent on du, om-, the huntons of the film will he eetonl by either of the part, the name of the Elan to he sued far that pun Km. 4 0. RKYNOLD.,., J. L. 811V.1. In rellrion from the hominess of Reynolds & 'Shoe. I would recommend Mr. J. L Shoo to my friends and the former own/memof the boors. Jr.l4 L 0. AiIIi:OLDS.. • TL. SIIEL Wholesale Groeer, Commission e . llarchmat. and dealer to Paper - laud Rag, corner of Vann and Irato Areal, T.l.bur.h IIANKING. COLLECTING AND EX -I.IIANGE 110LIIES sose, 50.57 ket attvet, PM:bur:h. Exchange nn all the ExAern and WeArrn ride. for rale. Collections Sad e In all the prlneited places Iv the Colon,- l'iatAs on all" eolvent Banks dlaenunted. !int, nn.l nepAllstvl. itl4 0—- - E AV' Y WOOLLEN GOODS FOR SALE 1 CJIOCERIES. at reduced pritirs, ...ung of the fallowing:. Drat.. . LA : . . , 1b1 . 11!b , ,, , , , Tom:M.4n en and Elachear_.. ov ... c i, ' •X uTtrilT.ll,l,"Ziltu:::,! 17=V' . r r irl";l ', ',.'A`L'i",i,',.,ti ',tit.' td,t, - . 1 -ne,',.' ,0 ..., d .:, I ' esst price, and s• i s il lss. id ott favorable tcron.lry ', • 'y) d, ~1:. lieb has turlf tfo.., li - a mpl ti - ,, doss . "... , s; FORS AN FRANCISCO, CALL- .r . ,..5.• i .1' «Let, . , sr besis. r0.,....,1 it.r.oor.n.a. ' .• ~ i IFoRNIA—The 1,,, and substantial ..•••••••j_t. ' A I'oLAsSES--Fiftv 1)03 new eron Itin nal& • Li ' at,: tsm.•,..lamet.ThorupstM ir. , Mblit...l.ali ......14 ' . S u f' al- . n . '''''• r ” .... " .. --' `- - -'' •'v t i, e.- * nnon - s , s; Krraz PATRICK. D o‘-rsip. ..tor- ~,5 1...• L: , '• - - -.---- ~ 010 , , 11l ~. Iratos.... •.ts cINIS.S.Y. tli, . ...-• .-• __:_f _......,c; - mt. . ' • SDTZT PATIKEE 1 - COI •cl dac ••f Islo oars tictt thc itnmimatt Imo. n Lunt k.l , .siLtArrus.-4 t- ,f. - e4 4,r Ltu. in hrls and ' • s x ,s,:•,- 1., • ..... ,s ansr is attsd OP IVILL f. ll. " 1 -, 11 . births, an•l has Me ls•st of scommodetiom thrum:lto., . 1 • 5... tor sale hy -- Tio flitlllfßT !MIZELL I: CU and bete fo dsticrl with both steam sod Fairs will toime - ' ' --- -. - the IMP it Xoti 10,1 days. Mrscns w shin; . ....mlnrste tr. 1 il EAF LARD.—Le;if !Lard in lath and kegs oalitorres, or Oregon, aitia tip tr Math ' , stl t' fost this the . JLA rats for sale by 'AUBE= imixr.m. 0 Co.. ''''d k '' ' ''''''' t. ''' s l l "` Lt. if at 6 171... ° W;i 1 i 1 ; n° .Fr of 1 P- „ I.:beitr ,rtct.._ [ln b ll7l7l:he'p4L4a r g, a;s7T w muit he no t t d orreeoir , GAR. -15 hhds prime N. Orheuss Su r, h . t j .ko r....n 1. 9 T .MT "I , b" . anc'ffa 5 I. a e, i 1.._7 fttel"rt and forge by ROBERT DALZI:L & Co s The number of tirkata base toen limited. and a ! .. . Litcrty Atmt. 0,41 portiot silreade disposed of. there're perm,. within, ..7 mom= must latrine freight rate_ Further infermaums j mgaz ,Tri, g ztat . freight ran he had. - by rldms9lM. , lost paid. • hbOItITC M . Mll EY, 9,veretary of Cincinnatt Itnis 2 Cc Janlid2w—Cm .:as. $5 1 - I,clonarn 01,0 CAPITALISTS TABS NOTICE. 4 I vow IS FOUR CHANCE FOR A GOOD i 1 INTEcTNIENT —The subscriber offers Mr sale, ell i , 11 t ,Joshle rTcprrly •Ituat,l ou 1110 tether of Ifollida7 1 -- 1 n:-."' l'hwn...TTl-' , ..b....' 3. ." ,, '1. , . th 99 . 9 m.1 11 . ; 11. r ELBA FLA N NE LS, of the different busmsren.efed of , ormsmenw .111,, corner ' V onstim.4, tn, Scouts, &Mkt.- farther moody sts.' of 11,Iliday 111.1 Pleasant streets. , teed running math bO.l ~,,,,,;,.. 'Tall munpnr% BURCIIFILf.D. Get. Men west Mt Oct: then north p 3 Let. then West tri Itct , - • A•ii..... 1 ii.. '''‘ 9l. sf ...thw.fd• )hen in ....Un'fl ' /I IA St! '.FOR THE DIFFERENT GRADES threction Handing on North Woe, 2N fect.lo Mates. mid , East front this point MI fest. Men Manila PA) feet to ! ' latent -•'. a W " ..4.4-.00- ' b T • Mn lLLE- Pstrett. then East to the plane of localtrning la tot. s This pnm•rty la at. improved by a In and ,oruntaihu, ~,, .11, 7 OULLEN GOODS.- One . mei. Scarlet sa. C9lOl. anubctors Lunt In the most substantial • Flannel; I ewe Rms., flannel. irk 2 cm. Nthite tuannrr. of the bed at aryl wormanship, and a ! Fmoncl, 94, :yaws Poring Tweeds. all wmsh 2 ...Tan , / romhoMble Arch Dellin. with a I s m, g y e d n , Th e f,,,- ; Cacdmerm. 2 rec.. - Jtts . s.recsired on consi t tntactit L nritp IntllL ZL,Ii" 1'1,21,11 .4 L7:, , :i'th,; . '‘,= ,- 4ti,„Tb' • '''7f'''''''''' ‘ra ' o.". "r j'il . mot ism romp hettbs, capar .- gallons 1•11[1: trn 1, , f I tab 9 a tine cellar watt tho 41as:building. ant wind Itanuaboutt la short. it has evert .misonlenee for mem inr • ton T• 111 exteurivr buaine, ~ s wrrionr g a h a - a - , 11-al v ied a Forwarding HMI, for the trammed. of Mal- • • ! or. v lialtorsor• stud thmmtbanna Railroad, this its ! • ts prasents a Ane omtulty: haring t ract. nn North stre. of tt• feet Mr the •tatrace of a tract. wbkh would • • . ant•mmotate thr. furwardute hour , ' 'Rath a M•Pircarach • on Plewant carve[ ,if noressary. Any further information • can be tattainftl of thr subwrilAr on the premise, jaltalls•—ltalt. Pat 13. EST BLACK TEA—Saniti 'kind an in JUIP Ensla nn nil Lsnl. strung anst fine, bbnocant nr Irv!' e fr a P% b ?i.Wkilr nn Where ~ h ar In Pittsburgh. tab& . .. • . _ ... I i ' , ELLEIIS' LIVER PILLS supereetle all I. other , . c'harleatnu. V a., ..3.0. 31. ra..b.—Mr. R. IL Sv lom—Nour I'll have !a.m.,. an popuiar In all thin n•- plon nf or.untrv, a. , very much to superrode MI ...there . a Liver or Anl.l-0111inua Pill. Yours. to.. [ Iliv tract ofla letter.{ JAMEN A. LEWIS. Purehaaers minaret that R. E. Sellerti-Lirer Pill + are the °mina] and only true and crhuior Liver Plll. and may be 1 , 1 at No. 47 MiOnd ntrert, and of Urtmakt, atenen.lls in c the two rill,. and virinit,. lath BARE CllANCE—Arespeetahle yourig rssu, wi.hing 14 travel, with n 1411sr to Ina huods,l , olDrs.p , ee ID sa,litablr and re-prrtable bizax which will do ~hb. • moue, Su lew , than sla tri,oilbs.raii hear of ' atuuatig • few thro,li the fn.[au ititresirw eat , lw bud It.. 11 1 ,) LUNINIERCE. • . . B -1100)1S--One hundred dozen to sale lq sl.l s.F VON ISONNISOIIST a 0,0 TILE BEST PLACE BUY TEA! , I MORRIS a lIAMORTU'S Teti Start, a.l. chin of the I Plimaned. harohl Sen. at :A TV? " d ,"' lot pound ; • Estr4 CIO old.ll.untr, po. - that Iv. lIIACK•TEA. will fitulouri suit Stools µslat. raaetl, of Tea. wr :weirs , I thrwt (flow Enalatal . and tbs., eatuaDl br hough* at on,' "airs 505050, 5054 LINOLISti GIN, OLD JAMAICA RUM, EA by the guar% or etholeste. for rale by $l4 AIORRI2 6 HAWORTH. CIREEN APPLES—Twenty brb. Pippin:4 for male ; F. VON BONNIIURST.t L. jolt+ _ J3E:UMW CQUGH EMU?, '1 hod not used IC [wire before I felt Its bruellobal effects: h I ! i n i &ring fnun a ld and wit6tit obtaining Al;.f. p for c rewnbs; toile 'IL It Feller.' Cough ; I think It • duty *llia I owe to lash rot and the public in pliant to pewilleply uwet, that I had tot axed it twiew before I.felt its bent-' dal efforts. and (under the ithirlll blessingfluulno cagssten ! to finiph the bottle. I testify al.. a. to having wane:wed lie magic proper:Wenn !Heals of caw: one In platicules, who had a tryjna attack on her lung( somnipaniol pit h a ,fi s t s , o pi u “. twin •b. 'Verily the only ttue Eseuhphts ( win!. 1 mughs and golds Ora the potterer) hut/escaladed amannst , us in - IL E. eviler, Co ugh Nlisturs." It. FEISUEILALD, 135 Wylie et 7 h, d. IS. MI. 1 1r. t . - na d Te.T. and Jan. midSELLERt!, No. 67 Wood A ; and mold by druggists nrrailr EAUTY.--lit is oniversally conceded that beauty Is mom coutiono in this country than In any or to r. while at the route Utoo It. is saki that in no other nut ylt it Irs.t at soyouoir ape so.. Now this it true to • A r t ir sort o extent • but the 100 m+ often caused by neglect.' We ray Ito all, do not 'neglect our personal appearance, but F421.L.rti.,..,g/.. e.'t ri...—.... '...rd.t.:litz ~...,,,,,,u=ry p.,......,.. , Jul. Dauer, Persiati toe-Chinese Powder. for imparting to the most talkies completion itradisint whiteness. In runinoo.hahould a persou be nada" careful than the note of a r jar for the skill...many of those sold are very injurl ou /)1,4 Chine., 1...de11s commutated In •welentlfle 11..1111,4 II,4 /914 cususios no libutzlieut which eau poodhly intlict Id --- AU iv . mo. 2. )/ Ja 'napes Depilatory Powder. for removing solwrilt. &IRE AND MARINE INSURANCE—Th i sweO hsi. 'i Vh i n 1 J .gi . ..,., ,, V 0 t1Y,t,1., uh•a" sV u t i tr,r,,,,, Inantanos Company of North America. Phlladelphi 1 Z , .i.,j.1::,-,1i.1;,..,,,‘,,,-;,,,,,..Lr„."ii,,,,rten5g4,' It. 1n C paid Ittal.oo , -Ctrartertal 1794. Will make IneuraMia WI 3 ',„ th, u ,p,, t0....,,,,td a Li qu id - li, to ~ ~iji yu,t a 4a_ udhar.." , theh. .n°.4 ' i n the 'it, and eiani l,F t el ' s . nob, it t.p.d....w.. ,g. , , her, beautifully property of every kind. *hipped la *tram 00 - '' a ti. i hark Mimeo or subur b COOT It will valor the hair in a .to% soot •e.°A. tie W." te•s 'P' - `r t s tius u t . us th e e " .- I rliurblr tine: sail more sew-totally thorn sot cotton ol• e, b. - lIIRY.VIVII/. iI.:.IIEL the nose how 0w1..1111.1e. . . Arthur G. Cahn. Peet. Samuel Brut% ', rottlw. liattife Shutt, cream.-4.t It ro ally aeh Isar: to Alexander Henry, Cherie, Taylor. ' ,La c with this ..1,,111. 'Thu , . In now. of the moaning ten- Pamuel W, Jones, ;Wane' F. timid.. - a:1 41 noodle v.:pa - rim:el in the me by mut ion. Obi ' , Alward :myth. .trubosee Whitt. ills wer. it. lemorw the thin etowillf and KW a, an In- John A. Row., .hooto M. Thou.*.. tau ',awl out-batd+ to heunse ch00n,...1. Joltll White. Jahn .-.. Neff. O J le, IlatuTi Dow Ti. ab Pute--N est to the. her. we Thom. It en,. r ain. It W"owi. • thi Li the Troth Mar intetotted as the grrittiet ornament to Witham Wol.h. I ram, 11.4Yrio. • the human to, but wiwu nezteett , l. nothion L. i• othdicu, If 10. Ulmer]. :We y This I. the od.i..r bworsisow Ctliii.sor in oh" um., ,ran: rin Y . co o' i q"'"Y l ' :r. , + . li'l 3lYl"- 7.ii " , "'6 P 'i . '`[.'n l T-. 4 ' 1 ,t 1 and for its houto otar.dons. Pau t sp..rwuro...ouiple noso.. t '' 1 . t"' - ..' a fi. 4 ..I_ , , s " - ° 0 `'' " . 0 ` T, o Cho. gun. ono and 111..1.1. SIMI awadin• all asks ot artextra liwordoue eharaeoir. it i - ~,. JELY- 4 HAULM. Pufnmer Wiud Chemist. 4 be son Wend cot rothruliarrivl. oecurtu hi the paint,. Lb Chc4not it... I'sllol mu' dot .. ,a, LI. 3.1 F..ttiNt'w Aoe t Nn. 141 Fr.ont'44l.. : Iht -41: ,belegols and eclat]. by 0. A. 1. showteek r, Co., , awl E. Er seilirs, Pitisturi.4o....tod J. Nlnebell. A11..,12«ny. rigllE M'cru,a, BENEFIT LIFE INSUR.' , ,. ''' ' . J., A O - 1.: CODI ANT, No. 141 Marker ,troo.t. Newark . ' T.U.LOW. ?..t tills for sale Id . "11-I'' N..... awl 1,.. U Wall :snort, N. Y. Arcumulausl aottts . jas . ' .1 /3 CANFIELD $1.i5i0,444. w0440w from itio 4.'40 per nut proof tar annum. I ~,,---- The solo ...rib, ivill rw.eit to .roicutinnl fur inintrante no , Fovea In the also.. wore...tut Insurinm Company: the whole t '''''''' h*istt .h.W.4 ''''' lt t attlirP . ..7 . 9 . .s . }:_g_._ Apr. t. .1....5 ' . 0., 141 1 rout strret. Important to .Stage Coacti and Wagon Iganataetnrers, XI ESSRS. SINGER, FIAIITMAN .1; CO., 1 e.,, honeht the right J 1 an ATLI:. inv . , utel by , Leen te=rliy '. .Zrl L 7ii " t i hrtiltt ffi w:TriPp ' ittion!...l to lie_the tons in nar.. All onlioary coach. still o ref of note 1 Azle, rhontnii daily, will couauroe a half !dot ii(oll le nix.: onth, ' The retail quantity or , iii wird 6 , :r.e of the le , I r•ldeneer we have of the great reduction of (Action. and pnviiptently power. greet raring of it will makethe,mach roprietor, to rote:•lper not on thtir stock awl . feed.— Alwi. It will give gnat kii.kty to '3...elem. the tout revole. lag with the wheel. arid not baring ant am:lesion with the rale. .11l eotirrli pitit the .heel from cotaing.ol. By proper ram the. rev patentee,. will warrant thaee Axles to I het from 1 . 2 to 10 yenta. daily rartainre Warehotoie--No. 100 Water, and liki Front etrieete. l'itle. i buret. '.3lr Q PICES. Cassia, Pimento, Popper, Cloien, IJ trot Nottaegiiifinnt , hy lit-Ilan DINKY 0 CO. ..4.i.'" Water 1 'Veuir.leta Q. PLENDID ANNUALS I,ND GIFT BOOKS I V01t1551. . . : i i. Tao Pantie Offering Pir teal, by ltra earth J. lisle. UZI= of Leauly'firi, 1641. The Wieter bloom iar 1941 Catdnet of Iller.haeaVirt. The iris, a Sanvesdr. The iteroincier Ile the 1651. . The lllettnttal Ufa of tiara. by Bei. IL. Weld. . Pereira lit the 1114. of oar Savior. I Pettliand Iftninia, newt alai aplendid edition. - - bona or Terapeninew Offering it. Mat. Tbeirving Offering for, lad. 'lint of the Weidern World for mt. [ The Ainerietut Heepaalerlbr 1941.. ' 4 - Letters and num-not Lear Yogrennfarf: • - Sewn. frowthe nsand Own., .finntufne. • • Reruns of • Derbeleri bTlittnel. 'Bonin .Ano. • antniletn montforpt Of Sundszr &Vol rninn in nun binning 116 V. MARCUM nnenno - to tta Ou hood sad du. ads br " .'nere- e.ll.nrailtilte to., Ts ifcee rt.' . . • tl''' EZ=E ~_. BETriTiAI4II-EigSh?.2l-7. SEtrNKkirlOt..9f2rl ' CO C- 1 - -__-_- ---- F irralEslClßES, TUBES—The tllldel , in , d ! lAA Week.-40.411:146 1 7 Cle.ri on Satuttirl, -,„,, ~.. e“...nsed n.,,al perv , ispin frnast ..4,4i,..,... ..,;,.. the I,Sth inst. :..,.VVll.'',..Vill th .-M r iVi l % b rilP;' , o.• •1 , L ,, n• I' L'CTURF,. ROOM, ATIIENEUM BUILD '; , ^=.7....' '''''''"- Tt '' • ,M Put t ' V .L, ....,l E { L' ' ' '",.l . ' &-IdUAZgrle..ll,'l"iTit',..iVcr -a At g la _ ~ .„, , ,1 . .,1. t .,,b t. ,--,.....p..,4 th. crag...a -..- -.'- ' els,. tuaarint TlKint, an. n e w.,.,.t! The .partnemhip heretofore rtisting under the firm 7 ,.,,, „,,,,,„,,,, ~r the ,„„r„„„,„„„,, fall,;„; ~„1 ;;;;, , r ;,,,,,,,.; ; o lmrt,,, n. T0...0de. ?denims" Tudor, on Liberty street. , All tho.a In want of amp addousbk, sod mrtl elothlto.., 1,,, t., w w, amt.-ally oIIiA.IOIMI nu Jmumy .the Idol. 11. It. , will nut she lantenw'most fa...hnualde.sod nest Aarklu the. " 11 unmp hssittu bought out 11. Vonnele, •,s1 Oaring toted , Western country.. tins es.tablinhmtmt. • wewr," opoublumelf Me duty of plying oil debts of the old firm. If there nnr .nty, in with. the WA!. oven In use the name , ... ./ . S OSeArlf to beconvi ' 31 , XM IN 'III pTh • 'hi ...f ttw oldnem In nil such Settlements. . 11. IL SUOMI'. i ...,,,,d ~.,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ' , L ift, t, ", , ,,,„ ~,, it .. ~, , ,,,:9, (~...., , IL VOW EI.K. i t EIJSVI.WhFir hilnlllrlilltl ill PeO , U.n'tllo-,i, Of YR la . . . Da' D. D. fitirtni , .111 Wry on the same trade at the al hol";11to1 11 17 2,.... ..1 , 1,1 1 1 : 1• 1 ,1 :who: l k en: t l te:i d im m T r ‘ erati:rt: , .. ' l u r td . : 4 rtrusl i 7srtill7l ~.1.,,,,d, and he Imppy tO rwelve his customs', Dalt! , , hes- write an demon coudurrtill l'amL - - - O. K. DUADDIDILLN. In:trait... 2 . D"Y PEACHESi--Thirty brie, just landin, nwl for r 41.. barrels Family Flour bunared bxfx for sale ~bc by 1, 7 25 bo' mporfou• turn , Is , krt . Or , f.41.41.4k1.1§ s s tos„ tba Just T 1,11,... Wad Da . A• 410 IPV • Jr . , , iftu 301 IN ly,vrr sal / 'ante by T 1 s 11'—Fifteen drums (..; B Codfish -,,' 3 a- i . •, ][o:iifill—'rwent. • I L Ektra for . . a 11. TON NOV' , HORST A C O. . 4 Lo M. No. a ' Ol hr l• NO. I Lk. nth; 10 qt ILASS—Eight hundred bxi,Windoir Glass; i, 1. , :g. i n 1 . 1 th ,,,,, • ,, , b. AcaT'Pa , ' , s o ll , : y. h .t v, Arr , ~,c . " '- ' l° ' fm."k.b7- -- , -S. r. ws a° "2; ' :-- it RcT 4 ' w ' 1 VRENCII ftII9AD'CLOTiIS.--Minphy i jr • Eurchltela NoTet oped a Pt.% 540,11 - of Orr . 0 1,0, of the e bove tole. Locltonog block tofilol, ',0.). doe. Ala 3. ',coal Doethint th.ll.l.Ndothres . /EARL ASII.-28 casks for sale by . i block sal Puler. and kllaa 20110 Vening, .1 .the to. I- .1. 3 R. DALZELL t CO. ,Dock. fb , .alN -.OS ci lIESTNUTS.—Ten bus for sale by 1.,‘ 1.3 IL DALTELL a CO. --- 'p, S 1 seri br sorsa e 1 Jan or. VON sosimionnis(xi. ' OYS' SATINETTS.—Month ICl:laic:l , ' ,_..1 told tare wvolrol a lot at iwanusortia. Fancy Vita' ratmetta me Iktrs' atm; OA, Maki awl rlaJo (Aral . r 4 LOU R.-- , -One.hmdred brla superfine Flour,. ; e. F ree, eseieer, mem.. o. , iweee.. lilL,ok) Jeagatf 're' lihol ..- reerirol PaT Warm, Pilot So. 2, and for drib }' . ...DWI) , Velveta, .1c„ at worth raq ..ornrr ct Fourth an. .3 J. & IL. FLOYD, Haunt' Charrh lhiLlaiog.. - I Slararlatr.ta . .. odd' - EZRESII FRUITS . ; • NUTS.: &C.-424 lb: . Zama CurrantA 330 :=atatirarUlna IDlmn sMA 91 hf Dm do. do: 40 ar At, dal. do- . b pßODUCE.—to.brisl)rilne Roll Biltter; Sa Am 25 dram, Smyrna Ilda. acme/ Iltrom d'aloalanja 6 Mist No.l Lard: turr . dune CArair Nader, 2.4, /ars D6 . ndeanx Drarter:' 9 bun Chatnutr.— 9.9 r99r Nbell .A.19299tbc do. jsrs InS9X9.• . 3 bag, snrhi” Volstbern, retvirra ' by Dicklea For rata by ,J. D. WILLI/LUSA OD 'I mn. and far Kale I, ja2 J. t. 8.. FLOYD• I delo Corner Word A 111thrta OTASII.—Ten Ca!sks, pure, in store and to nit. bi i 1 J.* IL FLOYD. GlitiESE-158 bls Crew Cliec , se stor for Pale br JAME S peta gu... - l an tio, v.wr SALEBATUS÷i mks go.lSalaratna; .I..NNERS' OiL.—Twenty brla Bank Oil, - sale by den , J. d YIJOYD. state anal for br L 6 1)A17.2 4 ErL., - • aa Water street fi INSENG ,\ND BEESWAX-2 bags itierrect 1 eri , '& Ileerear. tam teuellea hum steamerrurcr~i Turmoil, ra for le • d.° lA'. I DICKEY it. CO.. Water & Front ire {27,1X1 order. Tor T- OLASSES.-38 brls new, in store, for bY .1119 J. t B. YURI). ARD.--14 brls No. I, now landing, for. ILA .mle by den ' ISAIAH DICKEY CO. UC K.W.11 EAT .FLOUR—Twenty sacks' in and for sale by jail a W.IIARDAtiGII WINDOW Ged3S—Five. ~ ,b oxe' Jett . JAMES VA1;1 1 / 1 1.L.' . —..„..-.1 130TASII.--5 casks l'onish, just.: - mcetve4 ..I_ owl for sale by ' jai/ ECipl:ll7 DALZELL A CO./ _____ EW LIGHT. —We hnvd received tidet d e... 1 N Lanw . , er net... mee, rie,t.t. Laren. et' - ....4 E.. ,, v. ll AnDlt-- 1 coasts. ctiort that is quite !MI il oial , 0111 ;t•LC- . 11 , 1311t, Or' . TIHIED PEACIIES- - Three hundred bus Alec, the article la born In Ulm. enlitel 'lnate ittii•l• _ILI 15 rte , 1"1 ' . r-1. .in store. amt the mie t• 1 m - Et Renal .1ki1... .1t him qualities whlela 'neon.. i jell C. a W AURDAVGIL It to tho uttootkat of 00....7g0tt men, liottl limner, et! a. • . ; lose annex. Ontleaulinuse. econom. atat Million CkIL Mk:AL—Thirty hap OillIeal; recetveu it nuee.paanio use. - ... ,•i , 11_, out for We by jall S. .1 W. 111EBAEGII. Perseus srhu pleat , to call on tu. e 111 lie stolen the rim I Jeans era., no. mtepono.l. • . - tp LOUR—One hundred his , Extra Funnily ' a tonst•nt aunts of the osEco . l. tutiEitc . t.i tr , -'' Z I: Mut 51,'S. F. Flour,ol.l retched sal for We ne : Ce.IIFL .0 SrIiEMIS.. ! lot at- losoicieu It osiatMaiket- s jolt .. - , 11.0 W. 11.AICUM:GII, ' .I.',lSt S 1110:11L BUTTER.—Ten. brie Roll Batter _Lk . oulved 1.14 for Aa M=== aREASE LARD- I —Twenty brls Graso I_P remind and for ealo by INIOLASSES.-23 S r giina r iALia:a a CO.. Liberty greet. Salmon, No. I, in ,store r.nd for aal.• by nontniT DALZELL & co. Jp.3loVikL.—Dn. SPEEN. 60-9 rallOVed to Atrecc lyell.r Pitt. No. 103. 0fEe...1.1.01 1," fn We ' .oune suz3blem lIGAIIS—Fifty thousand eigalli ruceiree stml t.e atle Ly • 701 E. W: ti ~naearm FRUITING MCSLINSA, IRISH LINENS. 211: P t i n S tIst "" b "Z 44.1= artirle—the Ilutnislrlsrrankti M.', er.l st low yrievs fur cimalt , . .1.11 CHINESE VERMILLION-741hr for wale IV . ' 3. KIDD & CO. 11E3IP SEED—Fifteen barrels (new crop) tb . rmicbr `. jail • .7. KIDD t CO. /ILUE--Ttventy five trarrelslor - sale by .ii!fall ]. SIDDt co, Yo. 0011'0,74d. ,1 LASS PAPER—Five hundred ream,: of 11r smith's tutent. ft:r kale IA • pal a. luta, a co, No. a) lTm_l at. FIREBRICK WORKS FOR. BENT. rilllll SUBSCRIBER offers fol. rent :for a t term of one or m• re km,: We celebrated FIN St irk ruibliklituent...ittute lowatttlth Wettrourrlintl tknott, in the 'fillip. or Volk.. sa6lworkskuv tut the tiktylrania and I:rutral Itallrtuut. There Is on the Lund quantituu of Ch. O 00 A) . an 3 ktonr ourtuul. unt raw.... She work" ire tbe Tub 31111 (lest—the th."—eurt buildirigt tar the work nre vrertml. A kilo Is For t.rutA apyly to the ontlucriber, rerilltnt flit rill t f 1 ung town. fault - W.ll l' Itep Wll JOINSTON 1p:L01.11 - 1--Sevems fire barrel Family Flour mr,lre.l.o Wr rare Ey • k DARN-ES. IVAL BlYrTrit,,—lN t r , envy barreht—prime 11, "`""'"' 4 & BARYI BY APPELS—Fifty bushels receivod and c.i t., & BARN E.,. ISEASS—tiiarrels received apd Go• ISAILVV.S. ll2D—Zrwerity barrels and thirty keg . !S No ll "jativEß t BAZtiNtS. it LLOW—Thirty barrelx Sheeiland twan j_ tv barrels 13. f rretiml and for aYI MILIVEW barrels 11.vf all SIIILIVER MO'rllY SEED-4 bands meeiced and for .1. by .4.11 • SIIRIVER A BARNES. if- - I I IESNUTS—Sixty isishola received,- j for by pal / fitairan a waits. '4l a' lifiARL ASII-5 earsim prime reed by poi ,w. a P.IWIIION. tai Wool M. • - - - - TOT I C E.—The partnerahip heretofore lath', day dlcaulved 47an ' ttll ' it l ' Lls ' l, ' Y ' n:i - Vnt ‘ ,Titl d busloces of tl2.llent. . di to stundoi co br John Fltrolletong V Iso LI anthorlavd m kraal... nay gooney doe ti.111,...t . i-9111 1 . 74. mate. I 1 - JOHN FITZ. 1110,M. • ! ' I The uudergignoi will mannoa to rarry_lnt lbe bars ter m tonal at the old metal. -- JOHN lIITZSIBUIrp, • mlodat Coe. Canon It nun a..Nnirti Word. v ,i iiNOLIPS, lIIEBERT'S, II AN AND ' r TIBMIMR)IVII, and 'ferrite:nee B Bad, Scarlet gmt Cannirm Ink, g t),,,,,,' ' aiwoi., - . ,Zrou i nV.V.l.:rt a n tid lied Lad lig t" lag . '''' ' . .1 ni...1. of evory dr...Motion: Gillotni,lrofien'e; Prettlr, ec c, Kelly', lowan's, mat other numufartures of hind ' I' no it 2 1. , M. Scolded (gneormor JO A.O. Bayley 2MO et . ritratol Bold Pena vith gold and ailren Magi.• Witartmateg linglith Drawing Papec—sedldrama t i, d o a: had elephant, attar, eolumbler, rayed MM. Mal amt clot • phimh -Bristol Ward', esp• dewy and roeditma. ' c Perforated bum% fancy pin gaper, pain 'gold and filnrel, emhawed gold. rliver 'and fancy. colored gamut gold mat ;',',:'", ' , .L.W .4 -7,aa'rSVL`'`.l=g,f°47.= em and il Mormon French note caper, always on burnt the moet &Aable Idyl., alms and. pattertv, Plairo gni. mob... got and toted, mat for bang, partuv. wedding* ant. mourning. i'lctith BM. ...M.P., plain and emir:dud; letrav /eel . op.. brown. white and Mom laid and Plan i"." velopa, boO. blue and white, Barra wafre curet ration* patterue witting trial: beam LIN ammo aml Turley boxwood *and boxer, eopaiog lolmmg inkg.tinmher, /much and Entellgh roaring Woke, and oil L./ler: theme Paver of MI oolorg rod and !Mite patent 2104 , — Ara p h e rfie P' wlthrcilter ankle* 1p tbolliagamery Line, lath fanny wad Maple, together with a. Urge argorlsrent ct blank Wall and mom le bout. od all common Few. of ruling. in every Mi. or Ideating. and PM= of al/ alma . and I=e , : i for gale at minced WI op itr..anat roma. 18 - 7170 ,„..., LA , 5a .:4 E5--j .i ift e ); barrels '4.,f crop r t. , .0,11 • , 0, 1 31 1 13% k BAr..NE.s. 1W aid I= Semid bisect_ BLOOMs—ono hundred . tons 'TTertnei; Elmewelal lons Toatareco Blehvoreeiviat Aenrk Amu er vienerA arid for vale by JAMES DALZU.L. Tali - , Me. CA Wel:metre& N EW rr.. , _ _ JOIE, PARKI.I. aCO C ORN BROOMS: '• 1.9 de,n Crala ntuura. mL4ry. in) 1 jam , JOHN P.%13:E1t A.OO OLD RYE. WHISKEY. : kJ 40 1404. run. 11;c AT201,, cjd dc! CO bids. Old Maconcahrls W 1141.0, In 40as ant ". 4:001T [lart9.l JOIIN ARIZEIL t COI FOR SALE—One hundred white nxtd.gre bb.nk a , l nice Teniptrapee Ll.rtdeatt tt, Nam area.. Yin. at Pittsburgh In 1.14. Fisk Pespf llntical Guide: rf Carrie-Ith .110.1 of Pittsburgh i rertnries; 50 mos of Coat and Vest Itateaand Buttons. For sale In am quantstr. to suitOurs-Puma Pr • 18. LAC Flfiki 1. - 4 1 0 R .SALE -7 boxes of,idedleines; The Balm of LIP, Dr. Cramer AncilFre-Cortilab i sulkurer Patent Verrtable Mixt, be. brand Canton; Tint be. Thant.' Soothing Syrup ter Children ltintbil Fever add Ague Herb Dr. itont's Pill. We Etttputt 'Pun, Pi spepins and Liner Complaint; Wanra Cure Pane for stabs ebeap whetter& and retail Ity . • , • pittranteislit _ ISAAC IIAIOUR. Tett st 'OR SALEA srnnit z tetail---eni)ply Writing and letter Paper• Patent Pew and PPE ton !statism lewd; Lt.a aneElat,ltrasilat li. Ono Black Ink: sen..rupplyof Almanart4 irir.2l4 Pont,. e Temporal. . Cbarg a National XV of tbitkutt I rauns fan Itepuldlet a Map ottani !leaven. wad tbe World: sale br ita,rns -- • ISPAC.LLUtItj I N EW HAMS—Evans S: Swift's einelnu; susi. Curt& Mutt, put mexited. rot SPLbY " WM. A. ma.unu a eo. LARD-L.PritnepineinnatiLftriai Put up in kr&t for WWI) too`. Sun ...Al& tbla U 111. McCLl7llti & tA; FOR SALI3.-A few shares CHM . * Stock: ago, North Americo oak Westctitizosticai Apply' to BAIRD t IRIMt, 111 Socood 6C. .:1.110 BOTTER.—Thirty kegs/ and six Wrii butter rust retrirof nut fu i r sale hr isiu _III WVOHTIL CIUG AR-21 hints N. 0. Sugar for .tinlib‘ k. 7.127 DROWN d. RI ItIiPATR I' h. 114 Wein,' 0 . 1 1 1LTEW.RAISIN , S on consignment focAle: undy's .t. Ottil'ATE/Cli I . C ELLERS' 131PER1.4 COUGH SYRUP , 17 Adamon.o koof of it o .pOteer yore. Me. .41 It:',-,1-rf• I '"'"'"'"g=cklr+ tone lmpetial C 0 tht, It h. th=tct. P l r eto. of a eon It th3rl dad otes ' palrodtl erre Doty% tell , had wed alftwit'oon tog that Owns US &tang Ir 1 filrieVoLll mills 0.1 orecomatendlsor It to the public Si ono 91' IL'S.' CID. thitt,tan. evert"? prep:L.44w the clue ter 50h1,!.: Is Intended. JAME...R. SUM': L. - relaxed and 1.1.1 Si R. R. SELLER -4. 6; The Greatest Bargains of the Seasini.l. rto BT D. TUOMPSON, No. 118 3.lntii4t! • thn,' doe. from Liberty,lkVillX tor! by the tint of Aro., wlll,'lram tikt., hie entireektiek of Fancy.. biotite Dry tkeol., abbe (nth. This monk being new. lore. .o.( echeted, - sire. in pert . DILESh DWI'S —Errneb Merino,' EirDnet., Cob Cloth. Detain, C.hreen, rant Alper., all rotors:. E. , :hike;vide Black tilseie de: .tibotri, Long... •?.40,:. Oktvee, te. IiENTLE.I9-NE WEAR —Cloth, Csaeimerre.: Ehlif • T.ting, Iktkl,Alerin , tn.., An. 1 IttlUtrE KEkteoa; 0000,i—Itarnaley Sliorting,h-C anal 124;.Cettcm Ehretinne; fhttnaek TsLie Linen, Ll' 'end Mewled : Dorm. 'table Clothe; Napkin', 11&11 tro. M tVeVA full rtm " l of Y horn map uNageli.4l, r(O9 as We ottek Inv. be eland ent be the Dr. Aprll.. Rola. 10. THOMPSI EAGLE POIMICY: TILE undersignett, successors to Aittittr3 Moholicas, bur:have to Inform the nazi...a I horeh loud the puteie generally, Out (hoz have rebid!, EMILE FOUNDRY, and are now in toll Oporktien. barn part. of theirpottrrna rtinulF forthVreartet. drut:i whirl-axe Cooking . :new, and rt o o, 'plena' air tight toll Sore. which iv niev orpercedlo; other cider, the 9.11= round.rtove. Ape: Cooking rtare: wcU adapted for mill &miller: amorUnent of Comma. and Mantel Crate, " e i,r ~o r rieu7arly hint, too atten-ann cf building, to at our warehoure 1.-fore ptizelavidltiC here, and ca canine arrlenilid or. riraviv, n t inner stile---eoUr tVortid.r., Llbenf .1. ov t e )Lol ,de Weg.r.,e oun - Pedif WEBB'S Nur_mal i'emterT,7ll 7- ...-fu as Anlhonelloo, Georrarhm , .. tir.nerv..3l.,vivo , lot-to. and over: wort; r. oidua.h. gencril etAmur able for rclicvd, a...Po:icy and ern... di,. ty, patilicatron, at • 111E:Yini:CATiON di, l„Fpkr Market fit, corn., _ QIR JOIE' 1i11.711114.,Y'5• lux., Ulthui 1,3 Pretbed. under the Jutc•llde• rat , ..., dy, l i. r ) au! erta Irlied Id' uroor.rds ad therl' - •-• 'llns ei.AS. ItrIMI,IIOR it T , tfuLd • 4, -e, .1.,1 ii, A e d.i bile. strolitieci hoiLierti,o. aroub -- ie, Le . ‘ ,,a, h . tbr J NI, ....Y. nm.l riTertual form la ~..,N.,,,,,,,--h e „..l iniiecd the only one ht which it ~...,:, Y, L e • st htail • ...du^ WI the rroperbei .r . - -i,E, _ ro .,, r.r . or . to ~..., • us, without Seitirdliable 111, i , r - o 0 :',.. - r , 0 .... 0 , 0r ,1 th'ur lo Ilia Wo•on it 45 '433311y cuter laskram - n. al! Wicket.; the two of tie. notuarb.asidle- 9...••• se.' i earen tos boaltre are lu •G latatila to dtc•tt prorenta•the. ford of ti sour; iseee It re, . • rhot•dtit a retir.4 - • to rocultarty. ad.v e du r,,,,,,a,... - , biz Iltur.pheet , Lary twtipert tbat.c . ..olutieu bear' LUl`lo rOut bintst-tous mith utfe d id ml. 'tr eh,. ef , 12 ' g!'••••• ••••okY re..ethic their t -orlids ter.4 wheal °the/Ghana. end ecru liarde la i..1/.ldel feth -- arum air Philip Cratuptoci..B...-. itutaton Geharal ! . Arm tn leclarel:-. • Lime Sir—There ran be no doiLta dont Ilhauccla na • dmt•ir!!'”ol VV., are fn the toren of a corteesuraL Int el thho• le suletatire: for tlee, atel way o th t , ..4_, - I rile ( iipitdan that the Iluirt alatoeri• i• • •"T . ' ••••' ttdditlen to our eth-ILA Iltelarr. ?GIMP fltattlfl'lr !dr Jame, Clark, Mimeoor4 - ,•. Dttritt. tuod V, Guthrie turd Herbert Getettiaif Leaden. stn•raly ream. alureet 1 - Fluid Slagle , . ea teing Intl idtety mote eat rant anent than.thc free from ; . r. Q.v.. c lug th e rtairant - e..Q of our or potan. .. ~ . i rot sale by 114 latices f s and riurek.•7' . •Te•Utl r ; IL A. rAttbra-TOl. • 1 0 1 l I ....• CM Wneal A Frpaai iii r ISTOCX OF !PI.ANOS.M r . ILthe Golden Llano \ Third eC.. , 1 ILLIGIER Ls raw melting a fee.h lot. of elet-ant in.. .ad... by !Li.3 4 A C‘....' • 7., ~.. y 0r .... h . g , the trylerdal : netave robed _:1 och e e c e c ree t &aor t al loci of erterior nod am*. IV la ' l, 1.. th., Mx.° alt., its carne in thee: j ar a Itatl4ll, - ,; "' XV, Al., a new IJt• of tulkionzal, and yolt.4lGa , WI . talonou ac leek* a( 111r5.4Lortnilletlatt:TI ,, iiialtara. lietaft.r4,:azal ~ - , 7 ...Tsar ..4..?..4*,„,,., A CARD-1135L , Avig .x rlr the eAtenat.onnent of the Now )(ear; 11 urns tbelr thante In their eiotmners and the patilln ibr the leo e sham g t h ug. 00 g RIMMTIMET Fin h3l:tOr W the r=tytllstto asta l Vur . ..A.bllstailent: se ler ea pewnitibler, arPAS wrolat whet...on ttlde, ha thy Ur/ tkate AA. the Immo of &atilt, can Atorturorl--and to amAchn..l .trorts ...wry tn. b.41q,n(4., and to sea le': they hope to woke It the moot et LuAllieloill; Woe them with thole...v[6m - , tto 63.11 be WHOLESALE StISISIV.B will be ssitifintt ayAmita »a itatts-ratexarittsmatti• Earl e r. cor tbr) lll i • . . • • -' • .;. a EINEIN