The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, January 17, 1851, Image 4

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;t1a1: ". *nal= as ANTIMSOPIC. -- the. Fennel ,
:4 :P*lvrent hi, efeted..a peiza of s,ooetiranes fot
- shsdifiscovet'y n sutsititute , for Qtdryde_ld
linnitinenr-Cf feign, .Prof. llama, oflitovirfari, I
i - recualzaFilds -eholorofone as a povimldi• awe lepi.
tenets - nes' comminf .141 Rochefort
hinimatdd nitmeemis cares in the hcepitid them
with Mich regulirity of sucents that he feels wail
ratititi in recommending It an a isubstitee: tor Qui
:Ile 'gave it in doses of from io 30
. gmins,
. iteeindmig tne seventy cf symptoms! rubbed , up
with syrup and water. It woo admini e f red before
access M fever, =I fin am cominu for several
tnr P/11 , 51iCILIAM 013vecu:,—Wo team from the
Siliee Crew* Mail uf the hot that at the keeerit
-Meeting the ituUnto Preebyteny, (Now s o t oo n the
, fulkiwtnitnautetionn were pied unaniinowly
:ilB4..That Boma of the provisinm Of the Fugitive
Slave Law are obvionaly iti coeu et with the taw of
,"2,1: That A in tho:duty 4.l7every man ao obey the
law, of hei country, tip to the point wiMre they eon
' ILot witb the Irs of God, AND. NO FURTH : ER.—
Iluft.Com". 411 V. 10th.
A Ducit Hcs u i Erraaommtaas.-11his •4rmagh
reintes the following ningalar circuit,
dlondsv,PirAtrilliam Verner's ,keeper
•' +monocled a wild duck in the lake in ii dements at
- _; - I:3turchill, It swam to no inland in the: centre of the
and it was' necessary for the keeper to make a
• I'cotisiderable (IMO_ to reach the boathpase. Before
•eil;ict his purpose the duck was wen to
• leave the tslxoJ, purtued by four oilers; They hum.
ed its trail along the wafer, :Li the "Lamb manner the!
a hound would do that of a hare on lame. It dived
oe thetacoming up with when they
Idhllaoeoely dirappeared„ and contieued their chase
• , trnder.tho water. It then, mire more; imight for ref
Mtge on the ishitid,cloiiely pursued by tie win"; nod
though the keeper, who hastened up with the boat,
heal the island closely with the drip, he only sue ,
f‘cceded in delodgioti two of the Weer, the other two
having, coma/probably, ay that time, sueceede . d in
satplutina the dusk, of which no could
1: Cooed. It'ts'lteown 'balmier's 'frt plead.; prey on
r.,,i ' dark's; but an Occurrence at 11 kind, in the
eight,of ao ninny pehple, is quite imp redented "
'The following etobraCto46s , ihe A
Minot - Motisth, the islsee where the
galeen formerly rtnod, nod whew th..l
ga,w qtand.......11 Antrated in it. book
r ti•;the Rev. hlugoltnual t
;•'. !The site was formerly a plowed field, pc.cssed
"in common by two brothers. One a 5 married and I
had se v eral children; and' the mhei m ~.... a bachelor, l
neve:lle:lee:7s they lived together in deer concord.
"catilleattng'ttar patrimony trey jointll inherited from
Ahem lathe{..- Harvest tune arrived. The brothels i
.erispedtheirsheares, and 0131KOloon e them into two 1
• eqaal hap.; which they left in the hi d. During the
- aL t rat a: happy thought occurred' ioit , lie " unmarried 1
Arrothei: he curd to bonself, "bly,hro er bus sr wile
•_aarteldldkert to • suppoit; in it then, tref that my fwd • ,
Lon oilhe harvest should equal tiler, 00 that he a. •
...retie, and took down from the heap I.everal rheavav,
.._ Which headded to his brother's Tlnw ith done
-•tis•iausebnrodesty. if he bad been obtervin • eau t
while dolor: abed action. Hp mon* was that Lie
rratemal ofiermg should not be fn d., The other
brother. awoke the same eight and said to his wife,
~ il vm
.. M.y.btolher tiv. alone and withOt e mpauy; he,h, •
ho one to Itsri-t hint in his labor or to reeempente
him for his fatlgtres while God has g ven me a wit.
,and children, It is not right that should take
• tiom the field sit many *heave, ashe,,since we have
. already Moro domestic felicity Marline enjoys. II
you coastal to it, we will, as a cortmerositoo,.and
• without his knowing it, increase hothrortion of the
.liarvest b,l;arl•linit to his. heap a ceitain Deader of •
our alielve , ", . The project was approved and patio
etc-Cation: ' • , .
-The next day the brothers repait to the held.
Each was surprised to see th at the t, o heaps were
kW' eqtral. Hornig several nights the. same condom
was suit repented; tor, as each of theft Carried to the
portion of fits bnather the like numbs of shraves, the
heap 11.011,1105 remained the same. Hat, one night,
both re - solved to watch the cause of llitsuriraele,when
they Met face to face, each bearing the /heaves
'which they Mutually de.tined for th• other. and all
w. ensued. They threw themselves into each nth.
• er'g arms, each thanking heaven torto good a broth
er. The !NO where so good a thought occurred of
'MC Ur., tint WHO !O much' credit 40 two brother.,
=tribe a place agreeable to God good mon bless.
' ed it, and Lisael chose it tubuild tbereda a house of
worship to the Lord. to [
• . .iutn 'pain ot driug nrAt he distintintshed from the
pain of the previous disease; tor,when life ebbe !CO
eibllity decent... As death is the Mad extinction of
es:yeast:4 leel.nx, an numbness increases as death
• corner, on. The proetration tit disen a like nealiblul
fintgue, engenders a grown,. atupor—a StlitaltiOrl•ol
nbsiding ,fily into a coveted repose. The tritest
...Simi :resembles what may be etr..llthose lofty. mom •
• Mina . Whose - sides exhibit every clime in regular
"gnithhiow vegetation luxurintei at ;,their base, and
dwindle* in the approach to the region of f.llO[Vl7ll
• ittfeebleat manifestation is repressed by the cold.=
The weaned anony,ean never be More forniblable
. than when the brain is the last to g¢, and the mind
preserve.. to • the end a :rational etnirance .01 the
elate or the body; yet perAus taus a mated enthrone
lait4A that there are few things in hfe leas painful
ban the atom.
I had strength elinovh to 6o d a pen," said
~.Wdliainlinuter, "1' woidd write hbar easy and do
itabitfibit is to dle." `it' this be' ,41ying," said the
"nieris.of 'Newton, Phiey, "it is a - pleasant thing to
Idiel." , ?the Very , expression'," add. - her uncle. "which
k,4ther friend of wins made a few Years ago The
name words have co often been uttered under aunt
tar eircurnatanet.,, that we could fill pages withiin
hers which" are only varied byihe name of the
'sybaker. "If nbe dying, " said pad; 6.. touchy,
is:the: no calks' thing imaginabl& "Phoncht that
• ,',<lyittg bud 'been Mote mail Louis XIV. -'1
.. did not suppose it was no easy to die," said Francis
tipani.di theologian. At agreeable mu
' pried waS the sentiment of them all, thee expected
the stream to terminate in the e...,13 cf the torrent, mid
. they found It was losing itself in the gentlest curve.'
~The whole of the faculties seem stirnetimes concen
'waled on the placid enjoyment. IThe day Arthur
Murphy died,. tie kept repeating fr m Pope,
`!Tairghi half by reason, half b 4 mere decay,
Tia welcome death, tour attend pass away.
:~~ ~.
~: ~:.
Nor does the calm partake of il4 eensitiveness of
Makaisa. There was a swell ml the era the day
-Ca'Ringwood breathed his last t prat the elernrin
- .which had been the scene of hi ;key. Coolant
Themas eleprw,seti a tear that ho "rens disturbed. by
. - the to.ring of the ship. "No, Thu ne re
plic.f• "I am io a ateie lh which noth•og in thin
world mat disturb me mare. I an( dy me , and I am
ewe it mull he consul wary lo ,Jou, and all who
'love Me, to see how comfortably linnt .coming to my
A second and common condo is of the dyine is in
:: tie tor: to theuaselves and all around them in utter
• unkonsintemea.l" ' Cruntenaue,t and gestures might.
in many rases suggest that, howeVer dead to the el,
w h at wo ,la,,,, a vnithiior rens , totti, still remained;
tut we have the evidence of iht*e. whom dtseare
las kft a the elegenlh hens, that while their reppeaed
sad - triage were pi red by their fr n oat, etdttunre
was a bloint' Montaigne when stuired by n full from
rah twee, torn open his doublet; btl. be was coin,,} •
renialent, and only knew afterward. that An did ii
from the information of bi's attendant,'MA:Jelin
um of lever tad:Stressing to wen t; big the victim
ewnke. from it ath froth a .heavye ml.,,totally lan,
. : rant that be hoe pa r.,11 deo,. and ..n ch, Imss ng tees
• rily sod talking wildly. • hampers which had no.
•-• th
Copied the entire an, ATM'!" hard, ,be obliterated In
the ialaant - of recovery; or, if any tin were metaled
to adopt then:A:dims, three ma yet proof that the ca!•
104tranda ei teal, in the uolimetioglu.soner it,
bed sorry ate rolled arm, that are too teoder to bear
•.. toughing when sense . cantered. Wherever there it
' i
iniseastielity, there a Vif and death Well, and to' a 3..
-is td,ilWilati n atingle/ World. I ' •
••,• Mere musky Cie Mind is in a !lain intern:ad 111 It he ,
L 'lnwete activity and ehlivion. Oteervers, uevelt?.
Vend to Et by the, bid of i deat h , readily mistake .
.- increasing langorforiotaf intewsibe iy; bet those who
anielt closely ash middy •diating Ise' that the ear,
,tbortgkl dila', is riot dent-that the e••e though den, is
.• net lesene r ittiws, i.iii'tenSa bystander remarked o 4
. Dr: Wallastan that Inn mind wise genie, the exp.ring
' I phiknopher made a 'env:tailor papenand pencil. wrote
• down SUMO figures and own thein.Stp. • Thu superior
lineay of his cheraeterwas this principal ditterene.,
b . DtWael2 luentrltllo.ll2o*sinds wtoi die and give no
open eta 'lE6i...fact:Wes: =mai, though averne to
even the faintest awl; and theybasdly Wag in ittol•
'gap and looken - phrasef 4ltat the torpor,of the leafy
• 'more mats keeps pace with tbettlerinertf.octhe mind.
•Ttes sine report to given by Unite who have advait.
sad to the very better of the =nark from anent,:
no traveler reeson. Montaigne , after his accident,
passed tors creme, end the. beet feeble indications of
=turning, life emerald:id acme Of the commonest
symptoms of death; but his Oven feelings Were !how
of • mart who' ie. dropping 11110 the.sweets of a alaim•
' her s and his longing woo towards blank rest, and no;
for rev:ovary. • •Methoiug'nt," he aoye,"iny„lifi'OnlV
' Loops:pen Loy' lips; and 1 Ant my eyes to help 1,
.. . thrust it out, and took a pleasure in langaishing and
• • • letting invert( go:'.
_, Inmate/ et three instanter, as
*. 63 cove sit scipeinetron, there :are amentmocm '
which via Leine icarni• to araociate erne 'tufting,
beenntn, constantly conjoined with it. A cold per •
tpliaticin bedews:l= skin; the breathing is harsh and
ItilX;red; and sometente.,esPectallYie deth.fe ( ram — ,
, - death Ls ushered in by comodeive Movements, wh,;,i,
wee net relation to pain,." ',hero. is hardlyian °era •
im:lake% the patent firs : more Vehemently for life
thanitt an attack of last nut, whteht is feet, lan suf.
&ow, d is s rst ssing disorder Defoe,' the sensibility i 1
, .
blasted and the etrenath i subdued. Bat the fermi.-
' raw is Pulgr.d by 'the beginning.
.- .'!. Dr. tainipbelt the well known. Scn!rh professor
Lid a seizure Which all but carried him MI, a few
• . months before he succumbed to the disease. A cor•
-- dial ow; nacweeted relief; an.? his words were to
express astonishment at the sad:coneientisce of hi,'
friends beCi ono hie earn mind, tin told them, was. Is ;
,such a elate at the trials of the- ittlick,Trom the 'es.
pecan ice of imineniate ; &monition, that there were
no other ley to describe his feelings than by . saying was-in raptum. ' Light, indeed, must have been
theadtroring, as be gasped for breath: since physical
-- - i'i annoy, hadit exined, would have Tate subdued tilt:
. ' •Attlittle_w toe death Sweat forced inutbY enatlish
,-. Data ...1,:, bia pulse nesrly gone, "a mortal ;imp,.
:..7 '' ratient ran down the tawif , of tA • Boctiei the i - riewl
:' etadoelainot; • uoit it aerie at this moment that roassvi
• •".app; the wiceephee cf ids icistimW:= exclaimed, ".Who
".. "hair that anneenta Me thatr?• o.a' what scat•de you
~,,,'.:'aokr7., t6.7 , ..8ha fandiamennia ow/disturb =inv.('
-.lsit subtotatiuid the dyiag amp iarienstraie by looks
-- , -Slicisabey canner by words Hard a? it may be et '
-.-. : :.• 'Oontrollemettian mutt the very ii.,,.arbiuritige ready 1.1
;'7 .anieki niey.dowanda an ;e (fat in - which the stronge•t
"•-•,., -. election Will bef.eurrst* sucti.ext. The grief wi I
' :not ha, bitter iq the end, then to keep. it law:
Imultsseit the. fastacrwicn of lova: Tenraare a tribute
- -' ! !-aiitorbleb those wholleatuw it shield bear all the cwt:
•-.tairoriati garment le .MC attenipt to arreat. foreiblYi '
~ i . wreak of lifsc by: pssnbg; cordials ; down throws
• . -!,,,- whien can up lower swilluw„elizere madly lo gen)
. - she m a enudess body taw: a manifetaatima of all
- - .ibylistatinkiention of pain ~',- -'m likeithe plunge el
.- tea ii,de solo the eide..of the - creatier;.whieb roused
- - klaireate is isusag to rite Siii) boandbeforis be
• • al.tysto alio to mOres - 1 . :'
1• k .:
buort ,- t: co's EXPRESSPIM;
• Abuvica.,,,w. biee autd* k.
to t bM f.pme daring the rittter Ft=
k.sztl. .I= u ttr.. l 4Mlrm :4T'u,.="7lWpsrk
stan Inas nate iaam.. D. ILEEefI
41.174:413 . - t Canal Raama
Thirt, aix mur,
Dtr e give.
4inod iota. Teleirrabb PapoieWfloo Stu" c-rw
-slx dolly Llocv of New . Co-mho. far 111.11..LIDAYPEI; 01
anT from by the Sow' Pentiatlearila x.finsoct 10
Iwirinp the vueroncion of Cabal Nathietlon. Sir DanY
I.lnr, oreoitchee kora twi llollidayaborgla eml from
thence by . the 14,04 Przowylvabla Rail mat (44.1 mil*
Plaihalelbelb lime through 00 haurri-
Para to P 1.110141140, ....... 00
faro to llalthoore ie 10 00
leava every morning, at 9 r; clod, Pm -V ,l l ,
vW 11.1. et the same hour
EXTR.A2 to Igave at way nine, .1.01 4 10 4,lo thil e.. no
I, lb; meetdirect, comfertable• sal 011 imetc
1t50 , 134,r1a
1 . 1,1.4114:era Halthiabra tote 11a9NO. ruel
04 iN
41 ` , ilirerte Go ertivel el thoeva , et that 0 1 1
4a or ivfurmcllon itrylr to cr. CharU^ Ito l. ooo
or to J. P. 111.01.311:1, 11...erivolahela
PIP - bora, lei, 4. 100.
The xalretiter for,nala the Gl.t. got,Ll
Arardwu, Platodelvlua , .of the Htllunce
1.11, laze uutroaruu ttue eutahlt•heal rortrern 4 well
Ig2illu " tl . r k .l
In the curry n' tna crude. An, tue alu.:4aasuraang lot taking
far the rprlng banuete, Li liaporcuot early
upplleautU - sloal.l W rn.uh.
.;turrivlng rattuir of lobn leYealutt a Ca,
tatul IL.utu,lvuueirret.
. .
1 Splendid Gift Books. 1
r l nt ALP, •POE'I'S •,)f Alnerina: by T B Bend
- e.l_ , avirAtt WPm
iID et.,.. i•na Arnalee. Ily Her.
. w,a,•••right
• eee1..... YU /hC Li 4, Mohr Rovisur-;
tuoily ronwutor: on Om F00riG,543. py Dr. Tyng.
'arrod .10 , IP J. C. [loudly.
Arty.t, Ily J. T. llooilly
/11totral...1,penro. P.) thollyn V..tplanek.
,Awrod l'oetA tof I.n,land mot Auolrira.
pro er i Potiny. IMlted hy Mt , . F. J. Halo. '
Cronin y.t At bonAll , on N1...0r. Ity Mn NI Mclntosh. -
Oen:). .1 Pe:lois' for ISA.
Calonot of Modem Art for 15'51 4----,
TotopoyAnoo Offering Jo ' -
no Jct.: totteriDy ,17.
Th.- Irl.
1 hr POroomber M 0 . An
Tho M 41..4', Itemwroure Br Gem &valor. author of
tItP V.ile of Cedar.. A,. -. ' ----
%log! 74:n 31kcn,..t.p10 Porl.l Hy. Ji hn Brookresby.
Fabla 11 iiou.ooi Pi 11.311 Bodo, to lase. bilo.ll , lg. for 1.1.1•
tlay pro, 41, tor Nilo r..j A. 11. P...111.1:41 & [AI.
yo.aor4 70 M'or.l at
'Pr 'virtue n writ of I:ovnri 'Facing 'seated
jjloot of the Ititttrict Court of, rouotr.ane
rn.• 4:11.01 tnt puttle L. moot.
the Court
lloune. thr a Pittsburgh. on Slon,tat . the 2:111 Any
of, A. 11. 1801. at IU n'ttnt. A al.. the ft.llowing
de•eritstil prnltertY, to 'nit ,—
'All tint etroutt toot of grout,' situate to the Iteerrre
Stott 071.0110 Pitt,t.urgh, and knot,, the ow= oil ots
'No t.ittttel .07, to a nhat ot 1,3 a Cam.att. kilt)
re , rrrAttt in the ii,41.4.4 .11•1`. ' , L. 3F. not. Page
b‘xinultut. et a et..., lot NJ 11... n, mulling
along h... 0.11, t 10 fo r
ott I;tadt ,1010 t,
delve ti n t
titheroil ,reet 101 l to Shot. ara thvoce
oleo;i10, irrA •Ll ntruer of lot No. al. am'
thouretaittna l%ilOr lett krt. to the Fla., betriuning—
brinq 1,1 0100 i , a 140 in Tint ottp , stte
Pitt,oUtult, t
he Nt,rth C.Ur,a.op.'sta 1100 NropFh of
Alt . be tatudri Fund ant' .ttnntitla eolterl
ant:, itt I:. b. Cava.. an be retire., i.Pdeed.
tvcordttl In dt bet,l, F, rvl 4.), pater 077, %rill mom bait'
auresit t... 1 the F.tut II 7.. Cn.ttbatt and PF dv.,t
dateA the 7th day of Aututt..l. I, ,,, ,enntrreti Ito wool
thlt boil John Atnbeeson. in 't '
ro. who,. recant...l
Ot-t1 book tgt,r. ttoth..t. vial all ant eugn.
la.` .I. F.e.. and epntattt naurea • teltatottrAer.
It.trttnttt F , 11,1 •aut tat.n i , rstrution e.
lion jr, pert.' Jttltn Arolstmu, at the ro il 0011. Mn
Cullati.Vt..tstiguett of S. S. Queet; and to be Fold In.
C. CUialt , ;Atria
ttry F. IFsl.—iebittattrths
be re , preung
mple 01 Jeru•
trvitie of Drat
just publt. bed
I LEX. W. Fa"rrEit, .6.q., , kihey and Conn
,11vr at 10., No. 164 fourth case., pe, I ;rap .
ritt-burth. noTlGaltuti,..?
eierCLTER EL HACKE, Whoimalc and Re
,741';'.',..T1,111! in l ir . itc Y.:' 4 V Ti4" . : l
or . it, dmri., .
ilLiti...i. OF LETTERS reniaining in Wilkins
IPT . t lee. Altrsl3en r,-...nty, Pa m.",
- I'..rfl ilrlz..nrki kirjts.' g t . Sanuol ' 3161: f r -fj;
1:1,1 111,. /11,din• Ilaub-lb tirprr Cb,... - 2
"Bart L...-.1,t. 11,(1,.. 4.-c 11 , Mey..; I. rl
11 , 'r. r'34.-.....i• ~, liG.uritiin lirx. M...r: John V.
lisrl , ab ~.Ir.b.- . ., Jonalt:..m Wm 2 NVClintb..k..3 E.
CIL, .../..11n1.17,1, ,,, U.brrt , SI 1eir.,112 1,1, rc
CrAip4bead Ant. IV. 5113‘,...:,.... 1V..1 J.. :,FlVlbibui, NI:,
Carr It Iserlms run.. :door,. T 1...., Nrnsuts am.
Cr,..bcr.i; J6l:u 11.ra...1.1,, Tilnou ./.1:111.I..
LL,nrytior Ilk& . )11.Furce.lo4 , 1 V4b il ,-1 : II
le , . 71....1,;. 3.3.135 13. DAVISvN. 1N.A1“..V. ,
1 V I.)iffics2.---'raken up try the subscriber. on
,4c7b i i .t:',r:,..`',',',T ',i Z,t - ', l , 3 :r`'', K .;:t.?:.l, 3 r. l .',V;.<''''e..,
. bi„..,. IC thy ~,,,,, ,-.., t E.n..3 413 ' rc.mad .0 othar mark..
p...z4btabl. 11... 0t,.. - mr La :,..,...5i.L11.. ,. ..Ear for,ar.l. rr,..
pro .rty, poy ..1 - ..rz:, .. - .33.1,4:i Ora .. - .9 .
tri....i D. PRIOR,
L:4F . ' .3,5' : ibbt ,, , ,, . SAWA 7:lLstbur.h.
Q n !A:kl. I ' . ROSS, ' Attorney at Last - , t.ittie,..?
1.. - • I N0.1.r.S Fr.btth rtrc...l. ocar iicaul. lb L5t0. , =. 1 b , ' 1 %‘. 3 . 1.
Inn', Pict:norwb. .44.,c13
The Human Body Must Perspire,
CID SAYS NATUUE, te have a heaittly
.ink..11,"0 nod .v.a.,., - ;• fret. pt. acre
rtptmlierh and thr tattle
tiont mai akin the trz ~,,,
of an infarra
Eclat's', Halt Rhtunt. ,rd :Wes, ~,t• pat only 1tt...1.d. hut
curtsti t., us it I tot 7 Yak
It Isi,tai :at t., and it nut.,
hrotrb., Fr,eklt.t. ~r any oth,r tale
rmlor tt totturtd that (hi. , tt putt,cl nottrutd:Ls.
01/. • trial at.ll prays I c...uhl .tittirwrate ielOt .s4hly
PtOODA rured 1./.t.t ht.nd. AO, and ItrAtl 't l—n t l tau rt..alt, It zzain at - urmi 1 uniiht unt /Tu.
.111 4iii; for tht, unlett I it on 1,,
an. Iht hie thahtl. cratkra, or rltxtped tattth.
trill E... 1 laid. ad uttlt run, hut 3 1•11,,s , ar. , l Ima
nt.tuonly add. Mut h., nth , 4fliietttl
any at Oho AL, t,
thmilair , 4, nun lit.; 'bit ..It% 11 mate laltu
rahlo tot It, Itt,ertio') than 1 4 , 4" •
an ' tf t,"lft . nr;:;t 4 Lt ' l ' ;tl t r g
ha , It mil/ rt out, ACcut in raa...,n-Fab.
taZA a Wad.
r. I 1 I
Peoxic 1, and _
Pun' Breath, to
hf.:l Lt.t , Lave e lit. r. aro L,r.ut
Lly than rtali- lull, or tLeir
4 4-eurrustrdi with tatar,
that vat Lot of Jf. Ltaber To•.th .I,•re win wake
the torth o hue , 4•4Lr“W• I I
&tido:11, . a
A Scientifir!lln Ite , tnrer and tenik
tie, —Tr..' rhr`.. whr. La.rurid
feral Hair lt,tanrr. 1.. on - .t.,xcelt....t qualltive—
thr., vhs tact., Its tolloun.;
ottxittlee.—lt will th.. L.UV L, n. , o. ALL, pert .i.err
mxt , tre nx.l hat: vszr. , + - : ‘l, , p td; currwtirf
F ,
ttz.sultuti . tmd otat. tki kur dt.rt
For th. hair ,tt turotaw, ca.(girt.l
thh—it tt truli
thr Ladr~ul.ti:r—.rtkk be thr
tR,PI nnly WM
ltttr .ite - ,“.2r2 .Frioic. 240 LitTiti Ftrcet.
1.1 of PsitA.h
Ptic.-,— , ;>, . aid el
JONES' SOlution of Jet, a Liquid ilupan
Mir V .' , for the .1.4131ri1r, Lroy
hurttm.l hrou - n, In a ku
AN•111., n.I
F..):1 I.? WM. J. 117):,,:, 2401.11,.rii
JONES LILLY WHlTE.—Ladies are eau
tion•4 ,nttlantlo I,l4Ntrti Chalk Mt,
at, tott avant tint.,intltm , t , it tt theAtite,
thr 0,01 4(t• Lit..t.tetttttit.
't.e,ttg.Y. h Ire
<l.ll h t.tity
H IA tnaketty t,ttrz otrit..l rt Ali ilel4,l,ltta
rtttittr, .3 at itut- txt thot .tkin tmtitral.l,4titv, 4
allsrter. hvitut tot, t.vete nettne ... 4-
11,11, nth. 4111.14.1.41 .11 Atttl tau:3th.
Cold JACI:,tiN, '240 t0. I.ttcrty rim I,
NIII A, I: BIS 6. 4 gums of tllnt
xupe., [wk. ft,
r . :l-terin,.e. them Trr
r;f914.. "
cviaranuait .
A iv CL 1 . 1 1NIN(111.1.11 Ci).. Ilan.loll Gran of lard.a. ,
No 1 , rtrett. 110.1 and t'eTTar...l.
Partuolar atoation pal.l All} —Idalcra in
'Flint Ida... Viala ar
TN TT 5PX1:42.11 C(C‘13I1:11CIAL
a Thin, T.n
L J aid In Time.. cult rain
ot 10.
a' Teri rt.—J..1.11 I hunua, Yr/0 , 11.01 101rnrtor In the
O. ClaTularho, Prafearur of PennTuanTliip.M.scantile
Ccmptitati,in. £e
diet. fl. Watoon.ll.l.q.,l. , tnri•r on Cr•Ii0.11•1631 Lek..
deririoe ron.pleta knoalado of 11,4
and it • naplifatidn etc., brawl. of bnrinra.ol.o an 141 ,
Kuut arA rapid invll.l to rall and anat.
Ice the arrstoineula
onl:4ll,nierrlal rwer, 31ondaY
10/0.0:0 to Tiny of th resident at; torachanta. 010.01
. _
ibo ezter.literanat of building furnwrli ..eeuplo.l
cod Ca.. al tbi. 1 , 1 - artd Water at.
Wdy..41.11 1, 1. , :m of
to: LT- TTL.I.Iy adapted. nth rtmini powar. to T.T . rona.
•raddate evart . W 4.1 of mdnufoattring 1.00,.. r: Poa , rdOn
11001 11114.
,11.1.1. Ca CiiA: .13 Ki.11.1.1:....aar.t.
I KRA. 0.1.011 ah.
" -- A ti,vr wink 'OA Me
.Moall Tc
..,uT.rr o
houiWan anJbn n n Y g an.err o ,..l.
I , Alnl l a a.T.inUndn l fr the ot,oo, d
True, t
tlf M CI r ll 1
e m r., ri n
11,1,..1 n g )1,11 .v a n y. el • omow I•
O g iTi lo . work 1, of 'arc: ro ,Totoinlng
0116,0 0101 1 , lad 011.0 •no,,i rata It .01 ivorldna drairindN and d...,riptionz of U. ta..3
in tha Ir.depaudent of
tbnr re.ditt of Accarvari lnganitit,T. II will contain ronaphda
t ex 1.1 tr. - aTa on aleehal,l.-4, 11...1, T:ork
ifal t auvinrarinai trob alldhat tu n4n. Than 111.1
;Forth of fullo vrilatno. Ina.TaTinta 1.0,1 To)
ytast obTrer publioation It la Oa,. I , ,fore practoLl
to.. and Ttadandd nod; an omannt the ,011 , 01 and
enunc kauvrieilf,e.lll roniTtnol porn • T.hall enable..
rn 4 worn. 1 , the 1.., .aliacto,o, and To al,l-1 those
auTtatea 'Thal thia Tina ht othiTriria. cTautnit
The yul,lll , nra art , Thaornauad, regarda.,, , , of rat.. 0
=AO the 'Tanrk a , cain;l..t, ond It is hoped ea
u•ry ileilrnitT 0 obtain !hr work, will prvdiro d
.1 ILI 111it01,I , 7.010112,111,.. 1111 ;Z;h •
dun.. 1, 1 ,, at= on. c r admber, to be
00n01.11 k..or
Tnt, slucarat..l - ,ci05 . .1, for - all or
4th nsect
Allegheny County, SS: .
the Orphans Court, of said County,
th. Mall, ao A.lnanintrntnr.? aronunt ito.hort
4a•ortil. .Ulll. Ailaaiwar:Ara r,lr J. 2 Ft.1,1,1..J, deed:.
Fat. 4tb. FS.SI, on asaisis 0% u.
I,, ne, c.f Adinicataxa. motion:nal InlAttn
honli. tat -jwyno Brolo. srro , r"
diantaao non:rant.. 1,3 honil cannot , thn conthtora
and tair. nl tho.
• DANIEL li'CUiaty. Clcrt
N,nl;7,a ?.‘."*71.:
al,. J c for the
Itu j jX , ',:tj J f. ifILADV.
• Authipt
D . ARM'S TRICONIIIROUS for sale by.R.
frALLOW.---Fifty Jet , : iced ttnci for sale
.b 7 dial 6111.14 00 0 hAILNES
Yrod.datt will to at
e. Da lm Cuuntrr, thaw, it;.
l. ~not
mar Ihth doom gr
tirumtr ,uldice. cud
10 7 ; . 4:+tt* *3fr a ' ird
that. Stab. I
Matt at boa - r,ad tnr Engird:ter
Ord, ut :±111:01Y. Ettotltty td. , 01 • Ot.u. t.".
ram I.tubtadlard POillfmr,,, IL. Watt }ltuutddr.
Ittd.w.cla way. f4fCf ul uhit,y WI 111.,
ee..1. - 4 rat-Mantilla*. be at MARION, oLi o
uuw ra.stb, 0,14 k 4 •14414 Fldthhht«. dt , rtu. tau]
...du:Ai corn; ld L.4./11,71 dlsayte And DeletOn.
WWI /he 'tort tad stecuth. cat dtnasnu 0111 trt read,
teal dant a the, I*.fmnalos t. be tititlislul
1.0 Ike. Wonal4 Riaidcut rlillf,. at baboottat,
aral at the Chief rotonttro abee In An
alae an the only tallow. the mote trA bet 1111•
dor mann. 'Ms road 13 rndladt tall tin - Mal liok`
lite gt.tit...detUral taktate dna." Van Ilada4elobto to
bt, anon* Mo voiratt mall:ate= of the
= ll., At. D.ou Nor leont.
.14 coda of dot Door' of Director. • . ,
• - ••• • • -W. 241.120011 , ILODEDTO, add
Wit F.3).—,A Ei taltian ili si Whalenak
T y Ratan lliverry Row: trt • nenwetrad•
von ocsualnyi with coto Wanes.
Address Pm; ollee, litzahorgit. 4
1..,X1E - .V.NEQUALII3J , treass-. , 4i-i.ih
, , h. ittended the tumortumor mown - zeal Inzumer-
)IPOCND AND BLOOD PL/Fl l / I .NR. DO aefectoldly
~..f . I ragthi33.l - ftert andLentet Ltreeterale Mei N LNVLAW 1
A N.. TICE FARMERS' GUIDE. . ' . fc ' tra !' ltiihr.:=. .T.'"4". al l
. t""L"' .2i*"
LZDNAILD ...on a co.. a u Geri
,fte.•,. nm - HD.Dwilla .... , .....r v , brit,' k :4=tit ta.i... -
~.,.... ~.p ~..•0 . . 1.,,,,,.. 3, 333 . 33 ,4... R e. a/ninth...fro. thrhad.twee been lurid.Wenn tlabAt
3 .=, 3 , n d ru r twoodts Magazie , In od.ition ta• ht ......hh__ ,I. I L I. Phr.lEl- i t flinzte hilttlethere rum
il3, ban 3 ...„,...11F corarl.oWd the pahlication of . : aim- Km. , + l - 1 " . .- , ~ , . , .' , “ -- ,. .1 h 1 . 1 ir M itct.4. - the um,
bit Agricultural work. rallot the F.tnett Pubie to e. '•Lth.L 31 .1 . a P.M Vern chronle " etwe of lona
~,,, pte i practical Atairailturc, - Le ilenrr Stiletto ~, M utilo6; hhd hi , hope br ht.tletr h.. 1 been •ei ea
F. IL .9., of TclioLx,,,h, author cf the oak of the I u.'
o w
lie Wert . Moro neent d 3 ).„, „ h , 3 ;•.:., 3 2,17 .
~ ,,,, ,3 t, b . j,,,,,
to 31
;,, s ea lu re ., owner form. eetv wren, AIL bowr.. r I.eldin the won.
Profewww of Fueirtntifie APLetaltllte le Inl , Cllge , Ar. a dhrfal .., tbD m.i.., nud e
lyftwoht who heti
Tht„ , , ,, ,w,
.. 3 „,.. r ., ,•,, ~3 3, ,,,,,,3 3, , w.„., 3 ,- a i rwa1i0....1 it• betwfttw,owl ore now hi the on. hunt Of health
octavo aunton. rontrAulng orce 140 yap., or la. ; eon tot ...ten. the orignial whsturerer .:d proprietor,•
eploodhl steel enaroringe. wed more than itai entrrome". i b".' , 4 mh" ,, 0 1 . '
co wool. in the hichest Ay le of art. illohtrating almuet i It I* sw II toown front the metier.. of. the paft, that DO
et ery itr.pletoent of lmbawiti . now in ow by th e b .1 - far ; outuuni appltratir,o co nuowthly effect a remanent
mull , th e Lows method rd plouteg, plaottna 1.)10, hare t cf hail dreadful d 0."... try the applhatino of ftimulating
~..hog. 1te...... the tub. domestic autznali in doh high ....1.. 1 a t.. 1 ...I. I. hOlf. n3t3.1. MT 11.2. °ldaho.]
est . perfection; 11113h/4i, the pietraiol f•-ctunt Lf the snot i. ' fur a
tub. But all the white this divan, In fittng liz
~,,,,nsollTh.tue.or..m,icrtatuirwilb,loinzrrc,,r,,,A,,u, I
a er. „ ll p. . l l: w. • Itch;::: , •:: ,... o h , : z titt: t hrhte u,.. t 0.., ,, aud . onOtter a...k. .lo r :
. will again develop, lteelf in • more dreadful forehand after
.of o 4 paces null, ...Joliet of th e .1...1 r0gn....... mei 1 , r whi,-h, if bat warn drrewtedi ruins the indiriduz for lift.—
.tear tiS rend, cash, Or V. for the entire ...b. luicamLeil t , th 1,.,..., by hbwbiPhttil of lit , Ph. In .3 1 l
of which there will be al leo•A Merit, two • nod more fullr cmoniteated he the Lin o . f 0 , 33 d 33 1 33 3,1 al
The Initialt Pancaked , reruldisled .re . f ollaere ri..- . Ott. w IL , 0 0 1.' , "•.' td tldh tscor.und, A pc, ( a hy wteral
The Loudon Quarterly Renew, lir ee 1-113. laundr...ll o f those oho h. , . pawed 3.13:1rr . his instoodiatt
burgh ID view ill IC., th.; North Britton 14.‘3.333 31n, 1.33 , 31 Ce 33.3.1 Irintlueut during the tart few
, .
~,, „;,....„,,.. h .„,,,, ~,,,,,, ~, Hl * , fltibtftll.Ell'... ItilEE3L , Cfle 1A11111.1:ND a 1 FitnaJD
wood's , hew llivrazin33 (TM, P• ; 0 , 1(11.1E13 14 au ItinAnsi no...di-cent..Zee ' .1. , Oen,.
.Itheugh thew natl.... disltiortfthed 14 the PelithWl ' .".. a ."...D. 1 h...h.:M. 'original... an u in , u3 ii, f a.
I ahader store Indlreted, 3et hut a 'mall portion 01 - Dow , the hlend. 1.. ,,, titroutth the whet..., ger., to . n t ra lt re i th e
t ointeLL3 PI ..13,331.3,1 tn 14.11(1.3111s311333113. It i 3 it... 1..... tottet. or ~0 3 ,` 1. .41..0 , which has fe ttl e d o r.. th e
character which gifts than thcir ehief solu.• and tu (hat • • 3333•Mbrane , ruirch....l 1.1331.41.--reirinsn.. it entirely tram
~..,,,,..,„. ~3 3.
3 , , , 33 . 3 , „ h .,. ,„, 3 ,,,,, 1 4 11; 0 1, the ••...M. tad ter3.3.r, the totivutual ta. r fart health.
claw. Illaekw....i. doll IlLilir the D.:3•13•11 3 onlline , 01 lii tt0.3.0 .1333 11,
s,“ 0, 00 ,„ ,t,,, , ,,,,... ~,,
ehrLstOpher Nurtb, lawnralos It• oorteut cel.broy, and i 33 3 pill aow of Chic tonlictue ha iotig, at until their
at MA time, uhueuolly uttr.11.... Don, the ta e ei f u ror .ore di .1...0Dd :A. etc...did to •ur . h a dear. that
Bulwer and other litetur) noratdr's. a nit tax that our.- i the. ..... tairrie.:lct life. The ....,, e ,1„,.. , imwd.3,,,, Cl
zinc, and that atpcartutr ii. ID column. 1.41. in an. , th.........d• de tle. t,,,. we ll a ., 3 , ~,,,,„,,, 33 lb .
lain and in the totted F1n13.3i. Such nor. as - fhe Cow• urewnt that. dcotto.trat. I the fell) .4 onfetttog terms.
to and -31 r. Nor 3.4,i." I (Lath by 1tu1...,) "Nl' Drain 1 '.la . t " . "' If tha . h.thtd oPohowt.n•
Mr, ~,,,,..
i ,... n t h „ , ,.. e „, 3 ,4,,, l i,-,,.. .4 the Brunet:oc of this Taltwohle medicine knot. ftorden
. which nutywons rival editicrtal lire Dwied 14 the leidin, . peck., that 0.-. cutwuni appit..ctioit can Ix 4, WT ede-t a
I pa 1,11.110. in Wr
it uttottl, lire ,41 In reenat....l hp Mu, ix rui.u, ot ear. nit:, thill din..., in third, Axed In ' the
I p i
~, ,
, !).. p. : :
d i , : b e; z r 1 f i Fat h
..,,..,.. o , the
~,,,,,, r i E
_, , .1 ,,, 1 . : :
, Z a . .11, ,, , 0 , ; tit: t : :.,, F .. :
. .:; ..,1 1 :.,, 1 ,
.“ 1. ,
~,A ,
‘. t .
the i 1 , , , ; ,
, t. : . !....
ti . ‘,,, liii t
i . 1 ; 1
~.:, .
,a. l
7 : ,.. l .
~.. ;:i i i i i: in n i,„.
,:, : : 4 ,
r . . ,... I: :
, Iti T f....,, 1. ,
~:::::,..e: i 3 r b : r C cz ar,. i r
estrileed of. Wax faeatulina tile.
TllOlB. an mtental rerun; , m produ. the &Alta elfeet. and Idol
, For any le uf the four Renew) Peru nnum 11 C3l 111 , 3330 ,,, itheutow , CoMPOoni and hlw a l pn fl o or l a th e
For any two do , , I , 0 ta, ;cite rented.. that haw en.r leen diw.,rere.l. either in
0.1. nor three ~, ~v All..riew or an. Giber 11(4.iLti.11.11 ...11 riholually cut,
'For all Icor Device. . do nto thin diwa....
For Illockww.its Moir.... tdo 3to ; TM, tue.licitic eau te lind. wholesale or retell, at No 73
Tin ~,,,,,.., ~,, 3 1,,,,1, 33 ... 1,,,,,,,,,, o te) : TlArd 1r13.31. next to 1111. 4(01011h, Ititt.hurgh
I , %:llfortoitaxt and the Our 1t., - 33.... , J.) In Oci . . Al.r. fur whin Pi...burgh. lir il Not..
Om Thoth,
For Fanners' fluid,. (cndtplete In . t 2 N . C. ) oCe JD. 11...... Lt. ~, 1 . .. h . -IL ., WO inne
Put Ineot. w he mode 111101 gawpgawp ill harm., l•rteo 1.. 1,1 bah. , nt IcAtIL d A.n
ter SA), .4 aft. tree ....
CLUBBLNO. . paurehlets eau Lc hal untie of the oc.em
A discount of twenty One per alit Doh. the al,re price. t....... 1 , II II 11 lillAllt Agent
all,, t.• duba erdering four or wore cup... r.f eiCiA. e ' .
3 . 3 „.,,, oto . of (I n . eglion• stOrk_l. Thu. 1 eoph• of 1 , 1. - k Murphy ' s Self-Sealing Advertiaing Erma-.
wwwl or of nr.e Heriete will be n tin not od. , Mr $9l ..
a n0e1... 4 the four lteriemetael 111i.d.w...1 1,4 fAll. taut ' apes.
\ 0. 263›: ST.. NEW YORI.---
: Oran, from club: roan La wilt diners to the puLllther., . . 3., , ) . 1 , tt .
laa no discount from th ew fence ran le allowed 10 agent*. , L ,_ • ..,,:, .",,r;t . J 33.
,1 1 ._.rt!tlF the patronage ot all who
• Wooer , curreat in the Statoe where ........i. will Le rend - T, h ,i, ~,l;) , ,, ; ~,....,;;r7,ait, 3l Z ,l3 , t h a t of that behltOttal
t lure the I.ublic 11u.
ib . ya tatt r.
mitres end commit:lc:dim. rhostl.l It :away] it tt• ll " .... '''' " I ' ~..” ith . "WeL , ..“ l Pe. .1.1'1.10 Le
)etal .311 3,.....(3..n. anal be confutes:al, set re to the teatime,.
drrwed, tent aid . fronted, to the I' uln•hcr
1 „. 1 ., . , F 1N . A1D ,, , , ; . ....r, , .1.,°,' , t 3b. . V..l ' 4l ' l:l7: ". rt m .l ' ll,lrlr. ' c m it.T.itig l' a ' olt h ..z . , ' Vp ' s'uo l i f h o ' f ' llu. '" go li rect-
JaID ' .
.i.'21:2 ' ;... - '1 d '''' '‘,.'-= : ''' 4 s' ;• f.l,,wc ... . 4 ,,, a ( , 4 , ' 1 ' ' ”rr o,l e.
~..... i,c. nn o.ll.,.ixcopis,l he the seal, a porton mar
- 1.4 1 0 R TII E AFFLICTED Will In' 1111111 d if i • 1.. ,.. tt LII, Itt.', b0w.... and t d i ,. , cotaz3,lcuotw, ) ,,t
.11' Dr. Ikwitt C. Kellingorta INFALLIBLE 11,111 EN 1 i." o,f 11
'Pll 4l,lll ' ..t d int7 .l'' ''''''' anal ''''''''''‘ ' le.
i p :
ri 11 „ ar „., ...1 ,, 1fi , wi t.. .a h ,.. 1 Ha ,
‘ 1 , ..... , c
~ , , r , ,,,1
, f t l •
i t .. .1 „ .1 , t , 1tt ,, f . ), „ ): , a ,, , , :t . . ,,,, t - 3 ,- . ... 1 .,.. ,„, ~„.,„,,, ~,,
~,,,h ou, ts „ ,, ie.
• ilv.. a tuna:and. of tudiTidual.. in oltuod. evers ..t. . 1 ,
rcl.ia ' st.lri ' ..r..otl .f diteatc. We feel that Ire 6... id or- . l At . l' L t,l t ,,i n .,,J . ,,,‘,. 3 .7. i t ' L1 nr i t:1.. 1 ... 1 P...
; thing in r.a3 in;
thk I. the only ronlicine that h. Nen . . 'l s l e'
~3 4 - ,
~:,,,, (.., ~,,,.,t,...,p ;, , , , :z21. , •vLi,!.!..p . ..9 .. 1
arkr,..l I, th.• afiline.l. that dpne, In every wow ~, itE rOr.l. . ... ,. .1%, , IIL . 1,,,,,, Mfie, ' Of
9 1, ...' .
what it 3 e 01.14.4. .; f...). The Etst.lopez'are Banta:B.l at almost the some
lt. ha, ehred.,:tosid i. capable of miring more diem, than , 3 3 h , , ~,,
anrOtter mencinc ollored fur 4313., ..3 31. , not 1 1 . e . Ml''' . 4," Itell letter maii,l It o rocatork e tir e . 3 1. 3 tiwo h ant,
1Mh ,,,, tt . e ., , , ,, , , ,, ,... ,,, ,, ,i1 1 . , 1‘ ,3 & ,,, ,,,,„ , , h . ~,,,... ~,,, ~,i.'. . 1.1..... le offset ti.. altrAdifn Of nil through whew., habda It
shot it 01 :34 . th, .. ‘ 141..!1t.u..11L.p1.-.11 , 1 h , ow r0 , nr , . , .1i' L ' ,, "" -. I f '
patent Idolidut • that baseser Nen patr...,....1 and fecete. , , 't. .....4 . h 1. , o Frt,.. for Dus, 125,1•63333.1 CD
hr.., aid antra mil tact for nears tail of EnteatOrrt. Of
r ..1 .. tb , 3 , . ,, p , ra i,,i 10 1,, 0L1te ,, e r 1ir fi . , 37 „1 1:101•31 ,, 1 r 1y;, ,.. ..v 3 1 , 3 , ,
u tn ,,, ,rt ,
1 t . ... 3 . - T n - .3 , 1% ' ~,, usual 0.... 1 white er hull ni good rer.r. and
• mode of :Ace, , nth num. adtreei, he
thorn, v 133.• - • -
1., 3 ., 3 , :Cl, ~... • Prt,r Ef leicl,:es war co
The Bum Alf.. 11. dritsocii. late SI t The Jim 11,.1.1 ... . _ ~•
IL Worth , . late Ala.or Bun Jdho A fet. I‘l.. I' :1....;:t... 1" ''''•`',, t. , ".' ' - 101 fie.... ~,„ SLID
i tor. Willis. 11. Porter. B r et . Edit, of 11,. .. 3 ., r .r., i 1 0, 1 . ~,, ~, .., , I• ' •• • ... ••• .. .....
1 ''.. , ,., „ .
Time , tad a holt of ether diatinpo•led cairn.. of bow I tr . ,t ; ','
, Teri, who haw, fully tewed it. to. tit . 1.3,3 termlttol the I JO 7„:., '‘,"‘, la,: . ........ --- .. .. .. 5 1,':',:, Ll . _ 1 9 At
proprietor ID refer them. Plifeircsll). . ....
I' wit lL '„ l , ll ''' h „ l e . " l, l t e r 'ff, n e j,.. l '‘, l P ,..,''''',, hl ,, i ) ,, Ll e n r, ',7,,, n ,,,' 1 g r :„.1.` t , - ' ' l4l ' it o 'il'i - s . 'hOt mar. been(
to fOrwanl . ;;;tl..3Ct'd ...
I 11 - ;;;•,:iF,„f;ibi;, - , - ; - , - , - , - . - i - A•ci o ' r e . ',A - Ri . r ... - A -,- .....ig:ii,..1 : 7....: , per manor <spew, • rekretare to • ro•peetr.ble New fork
, c „.c. • - , I t','. .! - Ilttow. will La eufbrinaL Ali ordera will meet with larcanid
l :v g ,r. i. th t7.., ig,7.1.-ii%-,1;',..,-,..;,',',„1 . ,.....',,'!:•,',• ~,,.... a •LL ' - ' ...4. "''' LIIMIPHL •
N0..9.63 Moths= stroet, :sea Turk.
, eir,-orealt and nem Thiervet otloolf.d1) t. Alrong ai l
; c0n..., 5..... f of It. ger.eral tie:folios, god aura ; ,T - L'th vt' , , , ,ltt; h , .;td-ita,,,l , MlittAt , :/. if ivn ~. the Mr.
, onallties Ille • ....::;,. pelted,. t w all ...tout disemea. t',l ~, tt't ,e- V.. , ~,, t i ' 23 .,?", 111 1 . 0 . t't . 3 . 1 . - hrh. IL
I rheumatic ..tir.a, witofulOtlawelltle. i iirl... L.deeh, aid - 1.. 1.. 17"2.8;,!1g - .;; ' (...anis ' . It ' n ' ilte - ..1 in mien, fecal name' ,
I '4. o ' -!: ,' Zi d .C;A l ..ZiTtli;V " an ' e ' t.T,..2.;ll „ ite,e. , , ,,,,,.. , • LO:, Cl ' , ...'. 1 { ,,, ' ile.r.l:lD,_
:it 1 11: '
I :• "` .l, ..!.i1;•:: nt ' i ' .;lLl. " . ' : ' t°,..t=•, `" r b:•li:: ft r `.
' 1,...i..,•_. ' 7, • IMPORTANT TO THE AFFLICTED.
..i.....,...,-.1 Lc ~..:r rcarotaion. the rtrooret 0w... mi.
• •L•mc,.
' Du. 0 1 11 ire or nAture's remedy. le prepared from te.,f- 43 11 -1... J.:3%.,8 ,,,, lbe die , ....t ....1...: 1 . , mui.t. i
mho. tor internoi at well salMt.(1131111M. It a. tc tilbel 4 l'r • 1,1 'lt PCT.+, end be...h. , .c.... 0. th. l alt. I
I li 1 0 a 0 C • . tl:4 ' ,- - tr ' e'l:;t. l &C l r o rt., 'i C n rftge t a ". . illtl. n . ' ', 11; : .i ' 1 ' , C . 0.- .C:Ci o lTa, ' - ' :-. -.. ii i 'f : ',... ' t I l,, ..: " :,:', ` , '" l: l ,lV,l m :if•! , -1 ..' , a., 11 , . `1n a g ,?a e - '
all ,tpt• - mbl t c di , eliAtu 11i,4•114.* rd the ii tine,. ...4.1 4.. •4 that .mstarot rh......n, Docmr. Ittbril4. and 111 a
I W ...h...." . at lem. ,, Dom a b.f. , ' e 1.... it M... grad Lute of the I: oletrt.t. of Brunt) I touil.and lot thin)
hove originated 1.......0 .. 1... tem er,,,a4.- 4 en the in....tla.tko of due
; Ft, •
Le It r. Sellers, 11,4. road • .c... arei . r. wrint... td eemtd... 11 .t.."
; Lc., ~at 0,1,11 .1 I•irai...sarn: and be the r. U4ll Dru,l , t, Tufo u s At the h. /4 hit totlanag LW ; forst:am-0,0 with
I ....nerall, 'lt et fat tip to tour. la, asol aO.• .11/11111, 1,11. lite 1 . 1, , I1I.'""i r 41.• ..'d ~Wry '' ".. r' ....IL - I' klr . l''''`
• rh , I 111 , . ,111 • ; 4r.t4 .i. unpawitelm emit..., di curing Mee dr. ii.lful
...I fits, nedadt... 'l.ll..tral.r Couum.B.o. cen....
I .1" I MES W. "WOODNVI:LL, ' ,o..lttit. Ithvoinatrio. Afthnow Fere, end Av., 1 I,
1(1 ABINI:r ruit:;lll:itt: I.t.N t --. .!., .%,.1 . 1'..;:;;.”,','.'",!::::.'"::'"i".1' 4, ..a.. 1 1:` ,1 ; ! ,"1 , 'W::1ii4';"
...... 1
1 • It. wrew.r. W....0...7'a He fliaz .i......, ...Blew turn+ th e ow of his noodle.. i s welch humani
lIV 11. r.5p....10113 3131..ain• Liz friend. ant... W . lt. he ,- 0•1 I. hh" . 4 a t .. .. 1 • 1 "Be a " riot
e33.13.3r. that he r 1.1., icor eumeletel tle• tareew - . 0. 11......... mth'lthr.l4...chlla.• Itat ..r.• ... of ;
sod nee , , .33,3.1 ef Leo...bold comae « c , c.. lef.t e welt a; , 1... ri..eaien, •33J13131,1 to .10.1 pr 3-3,3133331 ET each ...ohne 1
(Me dlr. as he 3. deterthine.l 1.. uounid the conla. with - u.rin ,
1 ;7. 1 ,1:1triLe3 '' 6, t . , U: ' or kt ' f .
.rune l' in ' l Z-7114 t F. ' • . 1, 01 ..4 ' .;: - , ' ,..i.: ' i;:• ' S ti."i: -. ' . 1 0 z ..1';, 1 1%,!1;1'.,':,.':,1: . 1 °,1% ::
rat:Vii;7:',F-" , !rA7. 4. " ' 1 "'" '''""`"'""r7 • 1 ' ;'..,•" ` f,. " 11-.. , ; . ! 1 , 1 •,-17;:. '"' . 1' ..r. `,1.' di: " . 1', C 2 .tkr ,''' Pz
Ile hae .1 , ,i4.4 4.4 • wn - ipic of Octal!. in, the 1a • a oatt:d. L. Pot I.colt, I • Ve.4.1.. ,, th , 1'........f01e
ers' intereat with hie otit.tlie..., , e; t.uti 1...."• '... 1 I '•'. '. l ft , 1t..... We . e ' , .1 Deo , ••,,,,, 4'" • Lwch 1 1 . 1
.lerai, no hand th , mate.ot 1•4261" o f [A, I•••••riu1140. ,, It withrwta t...‘1.1.1131. La. tc.o .11 iti the tor.w.tol
farrolore. fr.o., the obeetreet awl ithuctt. ...Toe t0...1 ..,- It". ' , OlO ~••• 1r'.. ,,
g-aLt end ...ell,. that - ...ID. or •••01 ,tat • t :hr. YU, 4 lir .41.0.4"....• t... 11 1 .Pea It. , • .Chni and. 1.1 . 1.
turniuhed Coon Li. .L.. 0. or ta.nut.cteco.i on on-al) 0 et. ;a.m.. c.n. f f the Owner, pwatorb, .. ateling u doted..
333-der. Ile h.... tctLit• tat thwect.c.. tk...t the ....o. .......,..1.1 .. l 4 tit' ll .Flo• .
tap. cf. hoe tecoldedanent co., 1... Luce Pr.. 1 , ..1.1.,. I. I t... 1. 1 11, ,11 , .... the ail. us. .. ...I.! r .cco-t drag.
L es.
I 0.1-,iel• la 14.11, Of ho a hich for ..100•-• .; ,-.1 , • ;IL, ~ .....1 the ~ ..... r. •i.. I en. tlt rauLof tc. •411 , ,,, , , tr. .s., 4 IL. f..ututt. li. itc• • .... f 10,1.1 fat 4 itz•t,
c Les. . i t...t ..4 1 , :c.... , / 1., f 1..... at
vatict. r.....n0g .1 r.....•... 1 owl. , wutr ..t..1 .......1 h • it.
.IDaht Mu, twoicrlat.w.e seal U.., ...14..r• .4 w.f. ... I . pi r ~..... 41,01..,,, A 1,., ••••4L, 134.
tif13.,.3.n. Court..< 3333.43.3. T. 1.3. 1 , le .301 1311133(3A 3, 1,3.9 .....1 is /.11,1 f.l.t. •:. I 'lle, • • ..•
i ,
Fn 0,1 ... - 3'.11 - 13. 33mtla-rar. 4.1...... ha.% e.... 1.. ..3.1 r .13333.3 113-3333... •
Dd..' earbs itillant De..., ...oft. chide Ai :It 14111-. •• - !VA I.
3314 Intl., inisid wad music Irdc.B.. •....4 A / 0, ••e• "dtt'ht ... _ ... _ ..._ • - -
.D. thta et he a " l • ...twat . ' 1 0 1 "'hit. , ..A.ntl h.a • , t.- ~. I •. , 1111+ liilS.. • '.. hit.: rcintor stsx,p , d..l " ; , r luie
131, e1ten,3343.111313.33 331313, tll 443 - 3.1.1 ILe 11i..1 in 33.3-33333.1 ~ I• lin MAlll4lll' • 1 C./
and dcrid...ll) Ow ton toed Lic.ic, c.d. I,IIJ/1..1.• lAi/ 4.4 '•• ''
I • , .. . •
uter. t•Llce . war,...1... 1....14c0de no I .... , 1411.14•. , 4 • aell t. Z " . 4 L Zo• la t. per.' Nrir Va,tile
rz " it -b n ~. , „ , i l'N ' lll/;1'.
rriii,rt,t,t`,.?:,;.L,rW.,,',..,,,';:::-.,..`.-17:_:.',-..;'.'i..-;n: 44 ~,. ~..,,.,,,,,,,.,,, , ..1,..1.,
frOtbliWee 1.11 ric A Cl)
are Mx, us 1013.1 net, h. •Str.r..l-..331.3n3333. 31301 , . nil. ' 4 ••• • • 3
and tot. 6.1 :Lithe. 1.1" , cow.. th ,,,, . 4 .• ... • a tort LE- 'A.; liai-ltk. tor r.,1.• It , •
'r. ZW.:.ts?'.:=7:Lt - ,V ! !:it.n r ,:,!: ! t: !L .%., ' ,. 7 1.• I . ~ .1. . ,
or t t ... 1 ntal• I Mal fili,hte aco
mtv, ' :I - Clot =ca., . ,uerti...l .11. . „rt.,. tf. Du. li 9 , . •
I, F. Ti II i. to!. Lap , N. .I. Nladwrrli
3333..r.he.a1. .13. J 1.1..3 J. T,3•33.3.h . :*•eitlite• dog , n not:-t• I 10.'..00...: I Batt....e. 11•Intr.. - '
Ail orders pomplit ott.lclrd , t... ' t, ac.a.i ..•Ittatt, turall. Ity
. • ' riIIEI.DATILEWb • Cit.
31:AILIBTF-119 0113T1M1'. ' ~_____
co NT AIN'S ti 'no 3lero.t v ..n.r ether' li'-' 10 , , / iOh ' ' :•A- 41. - - 7 - A
‘ - ' 1 : -.E.d,
, 'AI , ';' , II' !. 4,
it,0,., Ile foll..atr;,, t.unnuu:...1.;.tae., ,, •0 . o.` ...,;;;' .. . 1 .,!: . ".": ..•
" r .tulttrtn ‘ ,.: . l . . ' ..ttl ' aTalT , l P J ' a ,
... dtrate..l IT Atrx....tir 1t....u.1..thr autl4.: ti th,....reet ..I, '.' ,. r . ;',..,,;' , ,j r . ~:...;,,...,
~.,,,,,...,;,,,....„, ~.„,..„. ~,,... j.
t wort utotttled 71 - ta: American Prartn. . 41. ...ton. and . ',...L., . „,.,„ „.i .. .. ~,,,,,,,
..,,, ~,,,,,„,, ;.,,,, ~,,
Tamil) Pl.,tcloo.
...7 in. ,„,, ~,,,,. ~-,,,,,,,,,,, att th the t n ,,,,.‘",,,, t y , ... , ..1if Lrt„:t m at , t , -J , . „,, tat .. .... , tt ,.. t01 k eLf:unt .., t , het211 , rru ,,, ,1Lanta ,4 1 ,. .a . d .
.14 ~, i ......a..,.. , x,,iit..v , .An 11. al: otrunt..ot ......11....• . ~, ,j
~ t ,... „.,,, i. „ ~..„," •11 „,,..... , L .,, ~,,,,. ~,,,..
.„,','" jr.,' jt2t . 2,;:.:;.7 . 1 ,.;:) " ..7:.71 1' ... " ....t ' , 1 ..4.1 . 1 . ;;:tr r . '- 4.1; '''''', '''''' • " I '''''''''':: .L"" ' ."P'''' ' '''' '
111 . .. k 1'0..0.t ir lirto, di . ~,i,., • -.0n0,. ,-,1 ...,,:t.i.., • - "I', „'F".'" , r ' . `,. ••• •'''' . t,„:i,.?„,..;jiil i rgl °.
'a u i that 8.. ttu,ndtent. -.Th.1.:L..4 ... tt..., ..te ar.4 ": IT:, - 7,7;. - .
poweru u dotard n, LI, ta..pent..t. ate tt radli, - - - -
../ ‘athe. l.'hw a , t'tt , t''..' 1 " . " 4, ri .‘C'' j LIS I' III:L:1.1' I:L. 6..10 ;4.4 l'billipATille
u.l 1 aterrfutly tumuntoen.l tt a... n ~ untroitt..l , ~_ _ . ~j' .
whirl hue done cw. 4: uw.... - 1, and wh... - i. t. , ....laphd L. 4i.e . r i,. ~...., r . .
~ ~. 4 ~ , ,,,t ~ 71,, i ~,..„. , 44 • ‘r. n I 114 - r .nt t:latht
other ritotnoun:Jed or en,,-1..i nu the tat: uf n-ctet .Al: ) az4 I 1.1. 44 .P.
dna, re,mr,l 1... r On , troll ta.A....5. c.-ar.rhotiont, hitt-tat.. . - , ut •, VI , T-- I Watuat ttii Curtir.
, to ihs.t.o a.,41.1,1 ult.. , Tat.l.. 1at..1 1.G.1 Bureau
.b " • ' ll '' alb ' I. " .rt" '"' f ' hi ' '''''''''' '''' ('`' '''' I '.,. o. ot ace t leatiarr bunt, and teannfili potteno, 1,.r
410iati1...,,,ry.0ri,.. ,,, .. to .., ti.o• h r..unottn.. it t
... '... 0 .
.. .
Noe 1..1 I. Aprd tt. DA, • St ht. ut.:IL L. l: . '...' '.. -..n. ''' •".."'" .% ‘''' " fl ' • '"'" ''''. ' '‘'' s
to. , J a a 1./lILIAP,
. • -_. _ .._--
11&ami-lt It .t. of the ta-t (lane - tin the wort/forturn t f p i., .1, ‘v ii 1.... A. f r Lo u li ,
raiau--Thoueand• are ).-arly ..-and In" tat.. thottoott ~
'weer taUu ;i.: u•' . "°. r".' J,,, 1 , ..., r.uut....1 bat t .le ht
'l , ter Tonna,. 1'a,..0..,01 nil Jur:duct ,4n.u. tt 1...1...equal rlrrrrir . : 1...1t i.1',1111
If Mott--re goal Nor-tretnea st: lane In eau:4i ~t holl, o it 01, , , - 5 , 1 1,,„ 1 ,.„ f „,..,,i, 1 ,,
t., Breton, tne, tat.. 1.1 1.1.4,0 rti,oly a. lea no •rif •,..
'leafed 4"4 , 411411 4...11n , ti0i..., it tilvo. t..t0l Ilk 4 1 , 1) . Iry , . ~,t . it il LI .IitIINUTON
1 Around the le, h s te 'tltr. - t.cns far attune 41tAlloter. t s LIN DRIES- hire° hundred bbls. No. 3
I Ointunent far Brtutola, Idler t..toplatot 1.r. , itu.1 , .... Toter. , ~ ~,,,.., i , u ., , , I .
~,.., do . ~,,,,,,. I „ amm , ,
Chilblain. It-ald fj..n.l. 5.., 1.,.. 4.. t..... t. 11te....i. ' .1",.. ••,... , ''• I. '., ~,,....6., . 41 1 , '
I Bron,hltia, Nertaue Adt:i.r.r., ras, U,,..: . ,d :14 :Id, ''''''" .l , ". •• r , I • _ .• - • -
1 Head Att.. Llorou t.. :.'orn... all Dluenar.. of rho .rein. A..e. 0)(1 CASKS .NICSI'ILA.TT & SON'S Soda
I ht. ' : ITn i . ' i . fot . .l : V-...r7.1itr0"u‘,..‘,‘!.t., j,,. ' ,' . : ' L ' 17.,' . .Z.,.! ' i 1,',T...; ~..4c,/ AIL in nett. , 41.1 J 1, o.le 01'
Tooth Afite At, to. to the I- im.. a: , ' . ' pi/ 1.1 Jr: 141.7E1.1.
N',.....n0 the 1, 11, fa.,' r
Mil , ,5,, - . curer. Polon a di..tator 1a,,0,ht het,,i e ,t, II Lit I.IS--- I.ittefr ittHerB, Sage Illtd litilitant,
roldir.that 111:41. u., th , t a Itn... non ut.1...,.....t10n u. .. neth 4,1 III" s,Lvtod and for :ode ti
t . l.•Alli4t-ee All Ileatiliu' .u . 11,1.1 naive. AIIIII-41 et,' 101 l 1J 0:11,0 a 14) No fat IX erA at.
../...1 tbot ha, than., toalof d •,..1 • ....mi , to ~,,j,,a , .,. . . ~,
I I r I 51 ' 4 - • A
.ito. ban b.:a...pared let It of the oto.d putund .1.....tnat1.t0, - Ant. 11.... ~ o revel , . p_ 1,11 consigl,
ancth, of the pilt.... t• thlill 4 1 14 1.1-001.4,4.• pain to the . A oo*.i, ..011..r ...tied,. 11 AL1...N1/FORD AW.
.1... a fourth at a .nelitnur in she turn , Se II 11., aut .., , Ja .'.ter alrmt.
e.lre ttannultate n het to ev..,...a... it .14 t..lntort. .- ,- -•• ~ . ,„ -
limp appitedaitwardir ' . ‘' 1). 31111..A:•_ , SES. .1b briS 'near crop, j tool
' AA another uridetire of the wouti.Tful hr.. Goat , Pe , . I( ~•., ~ a ~,a1 user at). LT R A CI. :.., VIN 013_)1.
sautud by tho alive. 11, rolot,in the ...lowing ...atilt . .., . ' ~,,.:.. . • 41 3-.{.1.14...1' .I
I Ism a t. , TectabLe moo& of .11.-1.1..n.-ro. t. tairtutun , lie tils.
....i . lt,j , VE,Sii. 1101.5 til - rrrEIL. ,i),rh ju,t. reed
Moidrrntrk, IL its ro , 11.,reh ... I 11. I' ~,- .1,...S It "A CVNNINIIIIA.M.
Mr.:n-3 hitter s (.4J-1 dolt, ro infottn too t:., 1 oaf , . _ -_ - - --,-. -
r.ttrelf I , trtd ~, • •.,•. 'run •. ‘,. ~,,,.• . ..., .".. , f CiNCINNATI :NIOULD CAN LILES. Ilill'a
31eAlliefees All./halltnt; Sulu, ribkh 1 porohaard, from . . .
0,4. I authr,iinith,nly..year... and 11441,..4, ,tilt ''' .... I. '' . ' 4 ' 2 ' . I ' ^ cr'N""im
! , ' , " ,,,,,,,,1r,., 1 , tht.1, " ,%,, r- p,„.,. b" 1ii„.d " r„,..., " ,, m . Ly 1 ,, h ":;''.,.•,',"::,',' ‘ B:i 111 T E FISII - . 7.7. 1.r14 nod Ilf bole for
th .„. ~,,„,,,,,„„„ ~,,,,,,,,. r.,,,,, 0,,.l , L , 1.. , , - IaAIAII DIEhEY A Cet
~ .
'''''' "'..1 ""L" ""' ''"‘ 6 '""11 aTn"h" ' "" '.• ' 1,14 C Kliii). \ I:TS. ' t, I'i ~f,r-aI.INi
i InTtatiou. lam now,eutirelt free front tbe pat. anctelyo, r . r• J, r 6 r- r
at night ape., ful and lefut :deep. 1 hate:it...l/4,J 11, I.
.7 L. P. WATIALNt.i.ia & fill! ,
WI.. SION, far lob ache wad othot COOIFIIOOI., I , llh 2.4411 fir ', - 41111, :4"" 7, ; --,. ~„ ,„ ~ ~o , r ~„-, , ~ , ,
hat.. r,oltu. Vauriglend, ]our lloitt,l4, n i t T.IV , LI t-.-i , 1 , . , ... ..4 , ta.Teit tor intle 0,..i
Noinii , roorutor of
hit titoir &Alen., '
Prinrlpa - 10te,,X.... tibith T rt. Yhtlx.h.loin. . I,OAl'. 150 hazes Louisville ;Va. I Itosin;
PRICE TiVPN'fi.Nl V i. CNN•Ni PER 1104 i„, b Wee, CaAlle Coup; far ealr Op
1 /1014 . ..1.11r..-11. A. lialarairlook A Co.. corn, .4 i ~.4 WALLINUFLIRD 0 CO.
' Wood and I.lrut et, it in Jackson, :to
LlbtAtt taro 1 .•
L ittiraia. Jr. oorio.r of idarUot atmet Anti the liaantind,
atll corn.. ut Fourth and ~, u nthill.l.l 11. 1 11. (..viel. 0.
lje ,o r oil: t o nun Prno tut, titth iTsi.l; nod .4.5 AN tho
I Lk k state in utitlJ tureh tIAII. door Iron ...'coond '
, in Alloollon, oily:
, t t ,f 11. P Schwan.: and 1 D , ...1...:
!I 4. 1 5. l`ndtht nriiii .1. BtrtnouGtuttn. I'. : , :let. 1 , .... , ( t OTTO N 1 AILN. 2000 dozen Hope iar
‘,.r.x.lty, 11 Ittro lan& i - Nrraporti J Alt,ordiria iirn. on. , f,, ~i,. b ; lu7 W.I.I.LINUFOh.D a CO.
citauttcla dr; .ti. B Iloozan k. Crt, anJ J. T 1t0,.. --.-. -
Br o urn u tuini 'John ilarhler. Barer, hut John it alkl.r.d . A i0 jF 1L,.. ,., :.; ,. ( . .; ,, r, , 5. 33.• 1..b1e: just received und
Bunininti , :, ‘ l o l , N ,r oAin l. 4...ii,
Ellutseth; Utdahrlght A Erwin, hoe/testa. tall4lli
I -AILD.-Twentv bolo and 1111,4h1 kegs loc . I^ • ••
,14 wkle br ' de • l3 SIIILIVEIL A. EtAIt.NE.4.
: F LOUR. 160 1.1.14. for bal., by
11[111I3IE BLACK TEAS )11011.ENGLA ND. pa • 11U11111111)(iP A E.:OWL:aI
... -..-
: 1 . irel, M pr n"i lttlinrp U., '.. l r n u 'h' ire rft' abo 'nd ot • h? laUti '" l th ha. 4d f•l ' l, )DIVIDIriNi.). r ile. l'resident and Board of
I Stlttift li.r.Li Rallgh Fla% cant Black Tau, the ern' hearthat T an upc, of the Nortliern Lthertit e Ihidue Company
,old la In tin, Eugitali market. Prl, l'a,
i- ,asnig ' ll.l. aay &elated n ditrldendulf one dollar and fills
and 74 ount• ',tit, ...,,, ow t will ',hare ..1 thr 1,1.101 rttek of uaid rompany,
The Tea St.tritet In th,Tharnottd, net side. Jag 111, ,tll4 , will 14• p.dd to the etre:Madder. our alter the.
' 11.411t.4,41.- t) E. WAR-NEll, Tnutturet.
. XOW IS TIIE TIME. :iIAGAZIN ES roll i Ani.0..,,...N0 10, 15:51 -jalurat•
..I.‘ 1541, at ID11,1t.: , ha. rat) Depot. 000.1 Atql ote . - • - •
700110 the NAT nth-., Pittahurgh
ItanCoro' Magarine ...... . ... pir i oar 1-4 00
11401•1:4fet;h4nit' Ilnwatthe
Echkertun.aer 414e,:ine ..
Atoeri,•un i iolth. IL-lien . • .1.. upo
!dm 011ie' "anthill, Cu.. Jta., t.....
• thump' 41af stn., i .tn
th.J.,•. , ,1..1, 1 1444 a , rA)
oirabain . Maaaal,... .
, 4, ,1.1
I 1 - .14111.1161141111141ta1. ' do III, ,
b1.44,..1'. N1.1,,01.114-
, liorticulturi A ....
L'ultiraitor .
ar i -. 14.1 i.l 1b.., ii ......o.- .ilii I. tin 110,1
nn T i, t ogcl .' aTik.: " row - aoltionr, :.n..1 .. 0ni [... it... i . •,r' ~,:t
I loaned.
u!,,ifit: at...,.n.,:agaiint., inil ~i st,r , a Co. tl . t . : ' nit " "'"'
''''''"' ' .-""' '' ".•••• "
r i. •
ii large and 'cell et•li,ctad - ,, , _1: ..r maJottut.t.t A N . ..i 1
ALS, 011.1 r 11001:_, ac, aolt..dilo ~ C1a1.111., it4.l N....
Twaft. Pranotita
Airri.-A u au:wore 4sartmput
~.1.,...0r01....d..111..-4, out ,
liintiOns, iitatioutri , Vliinaoi ri•iao, A.. A 11'..t.1t l'-'4l. 04-
NI to I.unitnaili .1 F. atoi.mi,.. .
jolt No 74 /laird
EW BOOKS.— LI u no it'9 new
Connor., or :tetchy, of • Phytical .I,orintion of fLo
111.1 . .14
.s.ltraore , " Ittotehes Mlnurocta. raoue 1 t.f
the Irma, 1 vol .12 too.
J.lf me's bleennuint . ornl Feint!. rrte Diotinnori, ..Ust
Ilar..oute• 6.ormoot are a.. 11
l oril i t , g i ti g.
ear !
JelU Buildings
•:1 TA &DISH., 11'1 1 A N, Tule of
- tbe./Inerictot Revolution. My ml,,.,th•Pre,
,lf of the '
Reform:m.lßn of the :31.11.:c0th
•toietnroe. ty 11. Wbtte, M.A. Trloiti :- Cot:
at:tun)) its lli-rtOnt. - ett.r.tuitize, .Itiottrennl•
Itrume..3 by forty ongratinxt. lie
the share untrt teruolo C i ON,
j ecoktellat told Slatiou..r.
JUR: I Corner of ,toter and Thai Its •
n QIL I TTLINE MATE.--Peltou's.splenciid : Out,
lino M 144.... con• binnn.!ntsndo.6l. to a.ll the 1 , 141.4.' .
i• in N. 4 EinP.ll).l lal.d . .... U . linzli. , lie blln awn.
...dttn.ll.l:llC T 11.4 tbms In littenuten, and Isnit. t.d. , I
and nthnel CiltralaMe. tO WI end elmninz :tn.. ,
}.• 3-- . 1 . 1 .1 , nt tne t‘ nncen 11. m n. 02 n S'.: Incite, .
'• • d. )nnern no .
3 a:. Nn•th A lin,, 70 124 ~.
i , in en 14,1 nuanl,bh • i
•,! IIJ 1.,,,, In n S'.: . . 1
7 It 1, - t.,,i,... Africa ' ':(11 .7 5 * 4
P6e.U.the......., rich . 4. tn./ cc 06 Uzi two 11=4
Arno nos, filth t...r4510 IS •
Th....P 0. ...M.A.' b. ant•urszy.nonntt and cnn.Ml
Earreest AM =owl to t.t. roma of the wito..l. h"... , ... ,
Wofff.h•, Unnad litates.•
ns.. ramows• .
_sp_ ,_ wftlemt od4ltioa of freliti I
,b72 . 404,ta ._. ..7 i :•,jaillawaitile.loo/..
MUSTARD. A constant
61'5'111'PS AND MOLASSES Extra Rofin
'i* t o lf o r Uorkl - gtruc n g i" '
tooogtor 4
M l y eo.. l.a..ttr
SOl/A ASH. „. 1:5 casks , K . ufp_l2railft , t!roJe
1.1101.. L 111111:11 20 bbla. prime, reeoiy.
k r.l to, & it. fi&Rom:un
'FA LLOIV. Su ',Pia prime for solo by •
d W nArti3Acdri.
(1 IIE EA 50 hoze3 W. 11. Cheese for pale
LOG METAL. 1,76 . tow for. rolling all
_ _.3,r 1111 E. 0, marriltit:i tr co
DEACLIES. prr Ituttlop•or, for
g_mre to a.. 27 & co
;:t3 10 ) 1H roll, for s pi ? l
u , ),.?
ituif,is. devil h.q . Bale by
EASE. bbb. nalr kindine from the
" 7211 L nitInCELV a. 00 .
J."' • .h 818 ancl.b . ropl. etre..
.1L1:1: k VIT 1001,0x*. for ;ale 10,*
7"; o, I 11CANVIELD
QIIOOL BOOKS ..—Educ.4tional Workt , t
mation/;,,- crater . * put,
thucnrioNwt, 1011.0.t/1.101.
al nLr ru5t,1..14
-3.„„ 5 a W
1 - ..fffr1(7117.
ty_ e. Iv I
1131:511 1).111:111. . 1 1500 lbs just received
k r 4 MAC!:
Jai Cur., - S.. Chir ata Llburti at,
HARNESS. lu donin pairs Horse arid
.•• N. WATEIMAN ♦ 141519.
lil bwre and for hi;
12.A1M1 loam' CO.
-SS lbs Spauish Float, Madras cti
sll{e by dc3o J .EIDD Jr CO. ,
SG--House and Sign Puintin#,
!v,t: T 6.4a=1,411 1 :214...
!otuce pLi=l/11
'=" z°4 ` 8:-MUV•4..
. •
Niiibtry Scanty Lana A gen cy,,.
•:• SIAtELEW MOSEY, would respectfully
Infursi tbriewiethesated that b. has In peu
cpliorboUrall isanda maker the nom& Isse7rruessra.
By Md. Law. atl who has. •Mtualli ...wad la am trd .
wars sham MU, or Moir widow, or minor titllatte.42. en.
titled W &Minty Land. Qom id to
the term of serrka; and as the law diprelttr=
apliVt the tem:niers, no benefit can wawa to the
until hit 1.3 to !ward. 'lt tit thereat:re also evident that
Individual claimants must - select their Lila eilherlngermou
or br Al The One 11111 he found ton etyma 1
otbef+to Moho ,
maw tion. Anent pl o to locate by .r method
p ee in the red entliiv. To accomplish WO!, and ol
pi the nitre battlement as ruddier. In the ecoursoleal
Ppirit eLtantinlausel by aaigiefe. and recoutmetand by the
rferartatent. fa no main Obwet. I InitPwar , thereftdo. at
triking tinware to procurei— Lai h Loml
Warrant for thaws entitled. 01. To surerintsuriperamalty
the locating of uld warrant. tbrereby Want/in; and gmarao
tociouto thc soldier a taticinut wlectlon, eithe r in maw of
npation or %aim 34. To obtain a.P•talt. fur sald had.
tomitier wi • dmerittion of Its ninthly, locatice,ta, Mau
enabling bl ot to form an estimate of Its value
Term, libido ill be reasonable, made known on anvil.
Addy.. (prat raid) P. NATWEST HOPEI, rinkuille.
Clarion manly,
htrtite tire tame of your Pont o®m. Count/. utl
Rate, vorr 1.9 - • '
A. P. DELANEY has jnst , o , perie.l hi. April, atrok of
t ' Utb' 4*-r tLt;:. gar ZIT;
yzeat os;rfrom Wait tothoirtatiorts, and odr.prire h part
r ,vry thing that I. acv and handsome. for Minion mu
rumuire wear Toe aosortmeut of Veotlngs on troosinilly
lane soot vaned. both In style sod quality, sod ranuot Is
strelli-4, if equalled kg any other estabutlunam dila
6 1Ist th ale:rAteTI ' 'gr 'u titntil:1= . ..uptul Ice Earl
nos Cents mid ranta Summer (foods of titan delierlntoo.
mach lweedit. Carhtneretts, Italian Cloths, Deep dim*.
le. The (nitro stork will Carrimblt mama nib sot
Work of pools opt.ord herntstme liatablanh.
Mr. J C. Watt's well atown sUll and tame as a ulter.
will prove sai ample unarm:dim to all who may favor olds
establithment with Mir orders. that dor will L ase
good nod fashionable work i aa moths prthlueed auy
house In the Raab and at much lower mires, as Itam been
acknowledge , " by many who ham tried both. I would bin.
then state. that I will furnish ae good sal fathimatile
tlonda mu lor found the Eastern curke4 asod at notch
lower priers.
A large and ji tr e n i
la on hood, —7..i.fl.*T . .,rrnt,l'att o n— , " tvg
Deem, froek ao4 (Mato of th latest' '-e
of Fiesela Moult*. *el America* ClOt..h.s, of all fae r hint
hie colunt. Pinta keas of era,- derriptioth et plain and
aory Co
Vets e latest style Cloths, &WOO< !LW
boa t aer e.t.a of the lit`tf deltas aul FULA. p lain
and toner Martteillee Cloths Cashonerv. sal nth ' ah r'
tides In Ma Clothing Dm. All Oarmente male at hi m el
Ore rand
to be en and made In a an .1 F
aryl, and 011 l be told low too cash.
al s oalone but the bet of Workman mato rat;' full
I•rue. {AO. All Gamete wale to order ate, ets.
netted_ _ . .
tome Minim will AM the rank at 40 • scion
desirable ono to oelert • cheap and beautiful assortment
truss (niarltnntri P. DELittilq.
State Mutual Fire Imam= Co.,..liarrisb'g.
FIVE taiga of tins Co3iraar is ' to afford
the oeuvre of property safe and cheap Intonate , Jul
ht,tlnoss eoutlntte4 on thd Mlltuut
totothealng band
i•very ouster strictl eloc y
kholdor, and entaline him
to a shard of the matt and by the caly eqenable method
In the system of mutual insurance—that et CLASJIVIINO
ITS HleßS—Ahde affording equal &Tient& In yttetntutc.l.
The DinAlott, ardootloglt. hare ditldal the ma. Into
too Melina dust, too charter pmeLlltt; that no pert of
the funds of either can b. appMzlated . fOr the pal Sent
lows occurring the ottn.a. Ike liratttleas dentenloo
tra the FA ltnEttS' 00-NITA-NY, in which. Inturanee may be
9 45 0 - „ g rtr,:2l - .2ggi rt7:l:l4ot'l'e°,sl.o:l •
Ow is denoir.inoted the 3fERCIIANTS'
COMPANY. In vidett luannune any to made upon useirto
...lire. idyl the safer hinds et property to iodize end rib
nett, ore cot; about on :mill.
thou Lowell!ehar,zed by other copay 3.44. and' the rides
loo; but such es the DireetA Jte cottfident ',II ear. there
the nerlie . 01 ever iniißreg an esseednent, Not 01,7
SU) U awed to be insured In One heathy. sad the op
piknot ix allowed the pritilripi of hazuzing ado, with or
without the Debility of premium Oct..
Th e patronage which he. been extended Weis Company
since as organization. (ItaeLeg Mauna! pmperty to the
amount of UNE AND A HALF 'MILLION of dullaradurlog
the teat I.” NW. Vs ' ) thaws that its merits are duly op
;Ilan ndiana.' by theguldle- Ali looses will be nettled at the
It 1:1 2f no l w tinder tfrcontroror Direeterr.—
John P. Rutherford, Albert J. tlillett. danfuel Jon.,
AWOL, A. Carrier, Philo C. Sedivelek o llobert Klotz, Sohn
D. Packer. . . . .
1 susairwm Jii.lcii.
BY virtos of inadry rents. bf Lea rn t Fmk& and.
Venditionl Exponas, Mooed out of. the Milne'
Court of Allegheny county. atid to me direciekwill.
be opposed to mle. at Ma Court Unaseictitygeif Yittst
bo•gt,, on ilonday, M. Tith day of Jimmy, A- D.
1:31. at II delopk t A. l / 1 411e following deaerlheel
u0i.ny04.44-- ~. . , ; .. , All those three tartans los or I:Meanied ghtend,'
s • WILIe ill Stdneyelhe, tit Clair township numbered'
12,33, and 36, .tad a pone of gritood &Opining lot No
I iM, to cold Sidneysides, bounded 'and described as
,eITTSBURGII COMMEII,CI4L Couxur, follow. Mgioning at th e walkeast eurus.t uu •
Cork, of Tani Hakes an Hakes atracti Charted A. D. lot No 19,004 tannin, sottih 3 degree. Ind tannat.
. Tar only cbartmel Institute or the kind In Penn. M pereaos and 63 100 to a pott so the poblie real,
inkraule- LilellCC smith 81 deem-es t; east. alorg said- sond .17,
iimittrr—lacy n.r.... rtinellPrl ittierric , it , the I pmchee tiod SS AS to • post on the corner of Centre
Penton of Accounts. street cad sand road, thence . l o ng *aid meat north.
O.R. Caostaistm. Profs:my of ishomaniblo, Wrenn., hc , . de ,,,„,,,, p ~.c,,,s
mud ,
-100 to a poet al
111;Frica r ,,61.i5i' . , ,,.. 1 ,,„,,,, , ~,,,.. g. ,, , ,,..,,. = 0 ,,,,,,.., th i me moth west corner Of sold lot No Stctlenca nPrth.
stig degrees west 17 pecchts In the Omen( beginning,
Doan or Tarrnma—Llgn. Wm. Within& Ilan. Ammo oontruning three acres and fifty Iwo pctelies, mire er, ,
Du.,lrsanan, hop John Braden, Hon. tameles Naylor. Hon. ! lama gamed and takemin azocutton as the property,
31. 3 „ ea Hampton. UOl2. W. D . 14nrria. Dr. J. R. BeCHnterk, .. John Woven, ribs anit , pf chHatinal AnClanto,lnt
John Madera - In, Esq., Den. J. K. Moorehead, James bun, cf .„,,g ti , h ,,, Fon ,i.e .
lop, bo,_ In Items', Est. •
Essorion ConutrroJohn T. Cookson, Attorney at ' . - ' ° ' ALSO. •
lac Jouw. Thr,..ty, Mrrehont 11, A Prim. Att01.141111.. • A t M.. TiSii Oilst bit...* nil 4 . ol ilin't Of Coley iiinlii•
Btudents no enter this InatituHon at an, time. and oh, ' gan,oLln and in 111 that certain lot of ground o.llate
g g i r etogrsetum tudirldmlly, both day sad eseniogr than m the city of Pinsbargn, on tho moth side or Grant
~,,uu,g, 0 ,11',, , ,,,,,,, 5,,p,,,10t0,, signed by the Virally and Wert, and fronting Oh said sums PO tee/ r oad extend•
Esaalanng Committal.. ” ' , tna book Ott which is mot ted st three story
Thiseedeitritig • thorough incrohere of limn kregAng, • b„,, g,,,,.., and ~,,, b...,,,,,,,,, th s ....,,by prop,.,
Pernimmehip, te,, will kind n In
that this Is Cut Duty ,
o Carney McClellotid, on the weir by property or
Chart.rat 1.1-H ere a w irk Pittsburgh. Commune.- .
~,,,.., ~,,,,,,,,4 t k, a )1 . 0,,,,,,g,,,r,,,,nt men with, , ,, , Thomas FloceL, [Scud and oaken in common as the
.I.W:than nognen vopeny of Peter Rtgan, at Om soh of !Milton,
J. P. RUITIERTORD, Prrridont.
A. J. I.IIL.U.Tr, :ecstasy.
A. A. C.reton. Acirorr.
Vrartrb Mare or Vieotozn Pawasylvia, DO. 64 Smlth
11.14 or. Pittrboral,
roitilinr - .6,;;;d i;T:.;ia - 6. -- --- -- '---
JALANCiS ON DEPOSIT, which !Tare . c cURT/B,Bbvid.
Ithst onehaazul fee thus yeses ath upwards, 10 the . sheusf e stolen , la th ery 4.1051.
.L.. Rusk of PUtaborgls.—
ti sllitau Dan. usidsthe urtkuoun. A 44. 4 - 1491 ,1-=, 1111/LUlVirt SALE.
BlAtt - er /laalex. 2-usesuilet. 0 , Ou. J. LSD% ths t
y ~i., of sothry 6rlett'tof Vthditionl D-10.14 1
I O,IAD-that tth 01,-Alug betalues ePPeo. , to to dn.!. . 1,,,,,,, hAefiss,ls t iteil onto( the Disuse% Coast
tountrAsuanuether tlthr AAA! represectto.Usak Ateoomboot !
to th e bock:of of bea k . ~ acd Coott of Calm.. Otis of Atlegtunte county, suut
T. 11 DOWD. Caohier. ' to toe ntrecteJ, will be. uposea to public sole. at the
97orn bc..ltatrribe.lL.• fic, Co We 'alb day a 11..., 1 coort itotom in the eit, of qtttborg 6, on Monday,
bee, istu C. 11 El NE January ts 7, A 0 11L1, et 10 cOnfokk A. 01., Ito tale
_— tiottes Publ.:
_lowate ,tetouthed pit pony. fo th.
-14 --
A1131E102 bi - :YOSHI: BANK orFiTea- , all th e right, title, an d and elalm oilltec,
IW.. fottelol, 31, I.w. The following it a Utt . duce F. V. tiht, oc, tn, and to, all theentwo N o
D0t...4s o ich. for ttror TWO 1 ,, t. UM Mu, Lott' , ' lots orieres a - ground, marked and designated No
rosodoe4 Ila ads honk mattered, and ottchdry.d. together 1 4 .. d , ~,, 30 , & i n .. % pi . °now;
mcord , , .. fi.
mu. IN sow. uf &war..
dste tiretosta. -
:., H.....55a, Ito, eet„,,,t,„et y et ~ Ibtl. - -4ktrA book, vOL -, page -, hounded and described
'"•d. f• tralauff, SOO. do - Sept 01.417 . • as !allows. Vsr.--mairtenrinit at. the detanee 01 44
4 1 e:L 1 ,...1 .11 .11 . . 1111. " ..L..1.....8 .1 ".. "" Of 6 ' . feet 2 'ache., torn Erin dreet, m (.eerie &Mart o
'. ' 40114: ILALIOFTIN, Cashkr ' at comer of lot No 3, therm Mang raid Avenue 4,1
Allytterd unto .64 ou2srsibod Wm' rt. N o. , toe. 6 torres to lot el Alta R. liana, thence admit
, J. Ma) OLEN!, wt P0h1.... .
Fiftsturst...linziar. 2. tsil-j.l.llttu2tts M. lOl 76 Inn , to no alley l/ ( etc I . lllll e, Meade
i T NC:AILED FOR RALANCER.—Stute- ulottg .aid lot parallel Mita 'Erin street, 71)4ect fc. ,
. tatnt of Proadtt sal of Deposits in thr I piace of begat:dug, bong th e Caron two lota tteniett .
h..r.1. of rat:rurdo, .4 1 . 4 . ... 1.1. 1..4.... 11.1 ' .o . ' 3no. S. Irwin and:dant:a 21. hie d , tle, bed*, &net,
.t.t1..'`..,.1.1.b•."'"''' thm "'" k . '“ 4 "l doted It 7aofN • A. 1,&01 ' and rdedia
the ca of that outrotent. hare out strut' Seem trams- te 1 ..,. 0 s D. .an eo
or drat...bed. with the to of tbsAspositort. Ito dots ! deed book, vol. 22, page 21, granted and eonteyed
1 let:rt noonnLe:md.. etirL , rti,e . „ . . ,. . - . ,0 1 = . 4, 1 1 ! atehenaidThecteoro F .I.Y niht. . &need and taken
Z..' , ~,,,,,,1,1 g ..1,11- 4 ,,,7„,,,.., „,,,,, i,„„ t„,.,,,,,, : 0,,, t . „„.„ 13-,,i, to execunoo as the property u . Theodore F Wright,
04,e4 Sr trtor rultsoolt. soots-turf Ls. /my rwiramted to ! al I,bnisilit of John Wan._ _ _
toe Uotemoamito ALSO,
Ida , Dater . Acinfir.ll I
Jeer . ut, An, Ira. WO; All the right, Oda, Mem; and claim of Andrew
the. wont • Noe 4. 15C. :Moo Emandeof. to and to all that ,nun 101 Or pie. of
00g. Ithe . . astound, Monte ia the Repent Tract, Blots tamenhip.
J......,tuArt,tycaptor.) . Jan L. 15.7 sthro opposite the Northern lobernese Of INltsbOwthotAing
Oth fatolmoo.. - 4 100 . 10 . •• • , l aa,°O ) lint 510 in Kaplan of lots lath out b 4 lkorolle
I certify
the formanthe arPear • Jeteols Paimer, mad
the pa named. apol hatita othwood to 0. 4 oo -
Mooed for three se sr*. ao V net, maw omuoing bock to .
JodIN NNYDER, Cashier. , alley It feel old, on wetneb flieelL, • 'WO stoll,
a non , ~p 1 sa t ,;_a L ob r i t.s.rogs this Lthb der of tle• ' brit& hem., toga 04 with ail nod map tar Ine Ma
ealalarr. OM WATSON,
.Aideruma. proryereirds and tippet tenant.. on sold lot.' Mime:
mode -t h aw to. a 11th C. Pittsbonh and taker in eletwoon the propetell'of Madre.
Allegteny County, SS: - Empanel It the sutt of John Gent.; ; •
1031 - 510NWEATI1 of Pennsylvania, to the I All thetight,l hatront 3a. and 01•141 Of John Aeh
C , snAt i 'ter f llrf tt , Llrers . les ,i a t t , : o •ll , o47
g oLts u u n n, of. In and to all that cenant lot or piece of
o D mi goon, boll n
the gith dea of leatermlot. 1: 5 ). • , mtoate alanelemer,em int north ride - of
W e e of an. l'oun. dministrator-of all anl . 100 .1 00 4 11 . 1 .111 514 4 alley Pith* dikloOMl
doted. Wee aoot ode. esthete wan uf Canaan. MoCoon, ice) feet west (rein Chant. weer .a. containing
ILth or the Me Illothuthh. to raid noway. otenost. .1 In front on SA, Mid ousel fees tad
*0,0., of
the time of Ler death, .12.1 dint fo r thea-thp that the that meth notthwattly torollet with Cballser stied
Pied inoatnie left b. lasful ma. nor peromal math Mum 134 teat, to otog the note psopettgisoldea ..
month. boa thst Ito 5 1 (el witesi Mr tor eel Biotite et by deed COUTAI64 Jobs draherson,
et te. of all ra o f message or Ice of ermelol Mock there le erected a two story bock- dwelling
Hera eioth Ward of the City of Pitlauurgln 'Milne A
Bone r ,„., , sn c Moo., othajeet to a tourig•ee on the mama Which Is
Gael of toad' Math on • Mel parallel wale Wylie eared :toothed an nuartgag. taint yed 14,1.40,61 W in. the
1)..m. oparo which Is onated toes dwelling Ithithes, sub- torn of UM OD teethed add taken. to alectellan •at
sect ta the pro mect of . annual vote. rent of akahteen ,the
o( John Ambences, at the iiitt of Aadteer
dollars. Br" the ram Int of ground iota are roomyed 'Ackley.
la roll Catharine Methepth by James jfammell„ hydeeddr
tad the Ithh of dotoleee A Le MC.; Tbe hams. of pthl
intcrwt. le., the
comb.' part of said
to Ail the tight. nth% ln.lere.Se elabin of .I.olt Roll,
..3c that thine are deb. email. the erecte as WIWI. to so or, Ift vs oh that eerthth lot et piece of gstiand
J ontute In the lairtyht court of nu I t tot [war sitoato to the Neventbaliord af the ety of ?WOO. nth,
of Jaho;llselett, Oar ern dollars. with th i lamtll ato'd desonhed as follow., wit: beglantog at the mother
Jul, late, nad Mats Moomong to prowthly thirty .
Ltdiar.. sod espene•or toiresgtoussid tnerteirtornta . and U." 4. 4'tcaae, 4 dienceelong
bat toot furt, or tiff,
Mot sexy!. the Coorpm Arthur aorrtt doolthra rally :a Oct, throe parefiel
;La s„ loth ,t-Wntre MI, thence parallel wink ht.
not him lnt of ground, lab the opportenomes, the payl.ut of Wm st. 4 ft, lo Centre Arta., moo thenta by Centre(
the starenild tell,. •MeenueSoll., te p Wee 01 beginning, the d lot of
Noe, therotow. crenthemi you. .3 orb of yeaso the motel hoeing thateon
a two ator, brtet
heirs sod legal rearesentorlym of odd Catharine McCune,
0 , 'motto and Petro Improsoomoi Salem .red bkea
abater Court. at Pitteburale,. the lath of Ja be app
nuar). 1551, In Of 101 l at tat .11
a b out it are, You hare. telly the praye l4. r of olds p o of Vor. l'olgoes 0, renrood.gresbytenan Coogro.
tanner about! not he gronted gatthe of l'lllebeergle.
; A -4 , N4) •
tit old C tee atom t 5 m. B. ll'Llvn. P
of o f to
All the right, Lge, lot meat eat ' ed Mahn 01 - o rbart - More
A. o.11:4. ion, Of, It, and to, thl that r d r' pteee'
ground, ctealeto the PPM 'Ward orate etty 01 Pit.
torah, trend Pogo a 1... tomtit feel. and ezi
beet hy the tame width 100 we
m il !gab..
&fey, mote on• tett, hooted by prthteny of onathan
TAKE NOTICE. K. LothOmoo thmenral, MO Malmo of Janitor Loewy
op the east on which fe, erected • time miry Wei
CIIALLENGE T(1 TIP: WORLD. Tiyeltty derellieg hnew oodtek,ato.oooo.duaso
a. hon." reward .11 be plOdlo coy om With Will the pre pen, 01 Robert hioneth,th t. put of limp=
~v4prdo • spot of minl green or dry tbet thanot Ire es. & Mintier, tor the use of D. &J. Far.
I th owit With 11011 . 0 Itopecrowl Chemical 004. I hove tba
ortlrlg A.l .... K m, tide. ititerat and Heim of Jobs Kole
redlontlblirountry own o YeEtZset o 0 ]4 lll,E=llO, pita, 011, pits. of, in; ants to, ail that eeesaiu lot or piece of
kande of geth ge and on tans eciaela at Cherry
ey and - Oath Cm I,
raufO L IVOF ladlosT=ll:ll:Tialda Sprott/4mM. pth oath of kith burgh, beano twenty sea
se ' ls. Winn' hanttetna .° l- 1.14"21 ebealirfroolOni BIM Siteet, cititahog il l a . ok
entpure teeter wlll nos %lure. !Wm tom one thona
musk nt par
ut ts the colinth7 bore teatime they .....i.°olo.l•Cl'ddri Ort& MOW.; tins,
P I a o k e . 1,, 4 ., oh on watch in enema a tr. ethry httel, /throning hon.,
bap w mom than JUOirlitici of /eclat mthettrithohth !Moose!. bloat attheo Lo,oo4 mareekes in Motto
cod roam% I bora only Moth throe Mom ploelk a ettro 110Ik ptopaytyrof Pnaolitapplts,di the aakt p.s
gear ak., on winch it changed Wee eet /lowish& i„. , A I stet!,
Moro. leg .< puttee,' an alight drea d tdd ts,aco, Pie All the right,tllle,lanathstandeloistof JacotiCtin r,
of the armeellrth 1 Wet , lAM of. 10, and to all IBM mraa el tot okroond Moats to
to othowarwthl It .4 stranger woo. 'ht zCJalf l MOW Ward of the eity . of Pittsburgh, betog tel‘No- lo
Hors Jolene from roomy merchants mile. promptly Blatt'. PI. Or Ipte.lan 'OM. wrath fr.t.4 a fear,
attended to Li) Illt:obteriber. • it 11. dLLIXB, more or less, on Gibbon areal and emandlng 131 feet,
d‘lee 47 Woad eg wore or lest. - to' Locust street, Pnelerying the mama
Where le the m m who diis not appretloth thelMorT as We pfapartf elMote. 111 . 40i0 or John
n easy shaver tf say there be, we do not address our
y of , I
J r ..71 el . e lot
All the right, 111.1104 , teriell add elohn of Thomas
Atmore kiethrrilo, or AtAtruclal 61311•112{,.1010. 1110 tit. Alders., of' m, e• or in 0,..11 that earth. Iwtor
• an vesttte but Words to dewribe the W e
of thecae groonth pen , Me in et. Clahr
poreotro-ohe h. ecru uthd 10 shaving nittronlioani awn- ed and described aa MUM* gige-begioldua el
ens of trial or dad too the brut ltdo• M • ...hi . b1aa....k..4 runitrig ny lards Ot.latitthlemg,
thation of y lAt owle. wothatrallon. and Rlthenarg no th 7&deg. west el perches to a blade oak. thew
O tb k . ll44 ,.,, lLLl t ti ow tlibA . A
w h il a y er ,,, og i ref by landinf Itllhaedson. south dm oast
end - pliable, producing . witotrable lather, sod ba ev 7. • Ptt , che• • •••, toe.. by 11131.16 ,of
nth nature *Bertha the Ltrltattothwnd prermling Boyd, tomb 05 deg. too, 1/ Berate. tes a past, aod
that unpleathot awl slid foaling of the
which II Ad thonee by land en the bow. M John Worth, eSeemed,
ofton es ptl perwoord oft. phasing. north P.O deg , mit 51/ pot e ono thine pl. et. of broken:ea,
Jule s htho r ca Sharing CROW. IM•Y Colltattll4o Idknotesmsid7 poach more orlon& so
the coldest sod tend thindoir 0441 Boatel Lotell .err t u settee es erect a two
imple,dvrellthg booth, a
th e 41. 4.yta. A 44 I frame .n Mid oat beans
•Iso. another paler! or etoond, wporred Irtrln the
thaw elm wear whistry• the tad that it' hot ; above by the old Wealengtoo road, at II des-d as
Jarrolor the boost what'll Mot loom will do, tietag o amity followv, velto-beg loons at a post um,. h. , osk,
or meth appear.. to thil edge
of the abattoir. ' at the lens tiro.. John Thome. and &demon
JONI tfauareVaavlngCrearramogrllitatfol,sires=lT. 00 the thee leading froth
to 'Noah
'tar ' WAL L . th. tt VlAA•kUtkr°e=o'Nhaslos'onplensattl;; lvava; and meat. Err.. *aid wad
Vied t
ethl .0 1 ,bo otPr'dr° l ",. br ' I Toreepio - ralggyes P reC the!. c b' e. t af e rt7 77.1
Prepared cam el
JL LVE.IIIUIL, gerhaelarated Cheroot, Lne month 65 a• 11 deg ,Aitth 10 perches, tbenee hotth ' tt
• Cbc.iat hews. bildbutelptuo. east 4,y • strat•ht line till it inter•soth the tend
Frr,A), gra mow by B. PaLrmtoet •Co • twtwoon John Thompson and Polootran atone, attd con
ant Pittathorata sod .lothat dwomal. ...I J. ditional betvret n where et now ntandoto the be.glnetag,
stat a itett . , Allegtnine . ...taming three am.. comer bat Soiled and taken
le execution ris the annietty of (hoses Aide .I.
fakir. NO. lin store and fur auk. bv ,
I_4l deg; DIOEEN't OD a ate mkt thrloko Alderre.
CIIR . OSIE YELLOW. egill IlrfoLfa111) , ;;
p y . tvi e of Jobs P'
JOSE YELLOW: - 01.1 Ibs for
j alllty , -
yea , 1 by: conditthual soottomedly Methuen ' .
above mentlethed los to a white ollt". the .oatt, n a .
BFANS. 'l5 bolt fur talc Gc .of said lot, Mann h long Oa tenth floe raw 40 painter,
• •-° • • son °Veva. tea pile of moon to IBM CMS, thrOCt
LUNl.lmardly *los, yew of the alto. mootioned
(moaned tniChr...Caeray, mid by sold Cluj...
Gersy to:reyed Is Mort Harkey Nen , art die place of
heatnnuag, : contaleing 1.3 aorta, ma...Tteys Bemod
and tater. to .an We toliaptlty of John P.
Weise, at the senor Dare. Woe.
Ali that eettean lot to pore of venal:a Moak, la too
Ninth Word or the oily of. Pittibmgke sinned wad
not:Oared en the ptan of lots laid out by Oed A. Bsy.
.ad Ware, air le+l , lo. 1, Winded and
ed es follow., to wit begisn mg at the comer of gems
and Baldwin mt, ind.runoing teen. east along Pan&
atreet,Sifeet. MUM/ of Ltd fto t, *mansion
the lino[ Lot No, UN f•xt,le a 0) (actinic.; (haute
aloes said alley t feet, to-Daldwinyteth and Boland
' along said Bildwatiatt.t. BaSleetibl Wad Woo, Om
slue of beginning; being part of *beset lot of gene.
conveyed by thati Cgaeoloor Of Jaen Uttar', bi Aced
dated Ihm 17th 4
r pf $
esnestaa, A. D. JpllP,4o4laa•se
• A. Bayne,. sad doweled' bT 6y
4044. dale At Jane. 641. tad; tel
Welty; OS &fear.: V''
*MS all and almealal Qs • its, iel=
:000rovio!,botuthir,, are JaWaricusag.
ttae u imilusouri eta , sc. die mall or
Attest.---DANIEL Clerk.
Awl the Court order that male. ot.the lianing of this ci
tation le given, by publiattion in C u r t: tsburgh
ilazetts kr three neck., NI the -
i s- 10BN at) brie in mere and for sale by
lIROOMS. WO dozen for Nth: by
1.1 A 9 -.: ' st - M It :tOHNITGA
A . GAlfitT. : r sale by
.{II.LVI.It LOIN WANTED, fur ichich the .
bagthet, yeetrdona la be paid otthe Es ehoade hr..
A. tt MONA h AA, I
H. 9 Comer of Thlrd hodlaood ete
Li by HD = MN.' HVI.INTOCK -
ta the headeomeet a riortamat .Y.r u btult trOnt“-
AL".4B W forty ki for tale
'L W by /Lbw.% co., ,!
. .
_ ... .i.,
M. - m.
ADDER. 5 !Ida No.. 1 Dutch, for dale .
tri /• ABA.O LV141100.. ::
INSEED 91 14 ; 30 bblo for . asle c t i
GARBONVI'g AMMONIA, 'itatrtabarn.
lbc gap fry- BRAG 'S IC BERM ‘,
_ • —,___
VLOUR REDUCED.---Wiltuarth
11‘,41'. 11trarrirb
mt 111.1.316.1/1114t2i0BLV..
IDES: ' Dry' Elides: •
R2Dr7 O&M=
1 bundl*r 8"24D A,
etel9 ' • ROBERT
- 7bere aro nu. &Imp In beacon and nab,
[hen are dream,* of in lialoacepby.“
TIIE VIRTUT4 of this remarkable remo.
dy. and the cattat applIall? ker It, to the aqui.
d i =o,,, h t lir a t aefilit t f trre b tee I b V % 71th l ! -
me PrITIPLNUM ht procured flan • wed ilet this mu!
ty, at • depth of de s red feet, ir a pant, Itutadultora
ted article, nitbo &mid thangs,but tun ea it
no. than. header tires* Labrataryft flat. It =Wu
../PnTecrilca= a
, nter ..oef,dlaren , ? .... reri totecr . lt
scene. of
cane of aunt, whlgig in io= medgletrara 7 Tatt calefeed
, !zit allevisdng ern , Led
,Lo te
t hdr o g
Ib Ite t ai ItTor Manny* sebera.
tlt•LtletioNlit o
vte c t= et .r t Ir=ea..Lhael* eirt4 - I
formed.calt ford. and metal restartable outon a lLe per- I
et a puce badleation of Its future potettlaritY and
j O It o ; il ' c ' e . l 4 ,l . •alo th ietat ' a ihnT , :t e p.l.lMtii,:t.., v '
; we are ampule. that tbeinedieloo an •roort , ,,lorke, lue . w . a .
1 I ' •:j e r,Pai ' l:; " a t, fglilin a l - !;11'. 5 `.4;i::„‘ . .r..1 ., ,i,ii& b ,g...,
zgranz.f.ltriet-t , ...zi!..-1,- tMu ......%; 4:
1 .Imo:whited-all diteeeer of the inuenatus uncles, soon ar
1 Clinerhill bItUNCIIIIII9, CUNTLIMPTION, (In ire ear_
dare,) AdTIISIA, and all diiese of the ntrsateantet e LIT-
ea COMPLAINI. DYSPEPSIA., hoe. Donegal . ..l the
Bladder ant hileincyr i Poly. In. e hart or Side, Serum*
1 et.. ' n ' t; ' , ` ,117 ` ,1,,V .• ...., "`15 il Rh.
aldy, '" l b lf . °° lll=
are ay. In awes of debility, ' rt . :r front %sport^ On'
hem Red
It nuts of . { - h it M• 11410. WV
I brine{ relief. It wdl - wt as a general
_IC eat ALMA
, ATI VE In each carer, /aplenty tow abet energy to tt l e
ramie (11Vil, trace:mg de • .., 111i0/1 11.1.400 , 4
1 strlt7 4 4? .'' =33 4 ,1 1 .r e •
~2 • • he tml4..
' tfe a t i ' relt l ere I of
Fee ,
ir.... neu neer* To a i tart
of tho .1% - niunft3l a `..7= t•i'1771,1 5 .,=-=:.
gl on tit: syz%nAtt a nwitu. i
~ of th e proprietor.— 1
Pad bet , 6.,rietor.
~i 31 KIER, Canal Ba tear ficrenth erect. '
Ai' IIINP E cT " a IMITI c e?'
corner Weed anal • 'Virgin Alley, who era
nay?. dly hit ITCiliarlilaPP•deettel Agana. ,
' c
all men vita) a sick and afflicted
with ditto ter the Medd. end /Mom, with rbetr
c Rains in Wk or limbs, AIN PIM. 014 eon, minnow
Ices. re that Wel' eat b e r y taking the PETall-
LEU II roue, y talk Omit It, a nontrnta,sit made
. 4 itr, t......... , .. r bx l b,. does not m . lt , c t a i rivz ,y.t....
4 11
,l ten
which art not e011tr:12 ill IZQI4 7 A . ''stood'. The men
who se racked wait pelt and epletior lrero diem=
fur rem
,am , am vn um
iler w) of tae Ill. en
hol ,
headed It Mee Teri little to make s trial. This Ten*
lcum 1.0 110 el ixtun—no common s pot VD . Re th e puryorw
of Imposing Ott th e toonanniti It In o rentedyelabera.
OA b) the ma:lel hood or nature andlobblee nr from the
team of our mother earth. In 0 orients] Rattly t i
e re
to suderluk humanity a remedy. •
It cured Piles. alter Ohre reedlotat bare hilel to
render any roller Wham iihromattem, or ioas
olazulle.. sod of the Warn and mei Datong eleuisiar. ,It
has waved Chaim Islarire. by mu or two dotw• It hem
ts ' ar 'n int i aZrer :14 ' . In I tcoVrn ' terin togs Not
a 'scrVitu '" V: 4rertl Y oure I= ',° l ;toted tot
its • hit er Zola.; nieloabled jean kw flinaht
ol of the truth contained In the boy etatement, by nine
Iti&Ztylal , tl .4, EL , AL . /Ltit, Canal o llas. Seventh street or
Tryeer et McDowell, cane' of Wool doreet sad Then
alley: II E. Salem La Wood etre* D. A- Elliot. aselD./L
Curry. Allegheny dlr. ane the •• eta
_-+~~ -. a ~;_..!rt'A~si9=:.^.~.`ah4'F.~M ~-ter_:.
"Alt 6e rr td. title; labrremond biabi"of Jas X
of, to Ood to, andmat ill . mum two me ti
s( bud, mmato Levu M. (noir Tillg aip, bowed
by Mods DI WLlum Cdcso,flooms lairs% am arm
otWOLom )LM of and Goo. Lordboi mash:tuts OS aetrp,
men of leis, mmHg um sem* progeny not to co* 4
eopmzey It mud James Kamm. Sorted and MlbentM
CIOCILIIOO at um propmer of James learn% m ime imti
Ot let Foot, GaattLa, of W m MO!. moil
ynm Mids.. I
, . • • .•
AU the And. tide, ttirtrat, MAO
.4 e Nana( Jobn Vabi
bap, or fa and to, at oat of so that amnia lognit:go,
000 no.; ph op fond, sawn to 3obittanar Tura•
slop, bounded and dosenned as fano., oix4 bee:mint
at a post 00 the 000 k 01 Mar.. Oink, al too 00. 000
of laud of Joento Dannitle Men. bs , aid Doolttnel
1.1, North '3l dog .44 est gOood 240 praden than.
hotth 3sa erg., haat 3 penned, Weans North 34.34
West MOW 610 amanita bun tkaWainueileh•
ardson, Men. North 113441eg, Son aroma, * o , h o d
of --- thence ttnant Oa deg Aim 103
b.mbos, In
deg., w tone So
en 19 3•40 oilt dtf En 6/ pe n nal:94 thence
and d
oak, lance Sauth 41 deg, Enna to a grtl
4,96, unite Note% 7:1 deg, gda.4o 6 6411143perebes .9
a synsatora oothe bank at tanntetti rte., 01..10
Manners CtsakOiosib 51 deg., Ent 3 0 pered44,13eoes
•,„„44,439 dea r East 49 pm , 441 4 Wen. 944643 31 deg:
};tint 49 porebasoheode k dn.; Mot 15 5
pare:. to a 4.1.1. am. thank 34 deg, Wen
,paehes, thence bond 31 deg., Wen 3 penkas l 0
'gar tr., and wteee 639 dag*Won 14 010 pin eoa
Oa place - al lAgnunng, eoultuntog 54 atlas. wad s,
pa 761105. 811101 030_111010 1 . and 00 116:00 la tallettdil.l.ll
10011 Immo Matlack.. and stable: alto o mom
kg noose and balm, together sal* at kn.. &US
and ult. In ogee.. all Ito prOpetit 4144414C49.•
kageTatthes. of !dr - 4.31490v gandg„ „..
• ALSO, •
All the nett. title; interen, and clam of dolintial:
of, end to all tau ear ath ;nue of (roiled, anteurysV,
the *nese rnoporacevltis, being ont of lot No g •
In Litanies ea both called ...tratines node by .
o,W4tearta)ttba,ett the Pinata:sit at Sllibedellld
tonight. , road—Segnanag in the corral of los No 10, is
ab plan, 1110101 thong ans titte of mallet No 10, sunk •
0.40 leteeet 12 0 4. th ut Abel ellftwide,thenem aIeAS
nod bey,a and paraneluth tetanal:44e, meat* degt
-40 shin. wart 6u fret to /hi ho 8, thewe ethos the tL.4 •
a( art Nod, parallel velif the late of t AN. 16, ste kod
b toil %aroma road, and tbeaeo WWI the Tampa
teet alter. pilau of benantes—twas the monk othl:
ia turL an pope sad loth, try deed doted 411419.14 114
lath, old treordtd in book J,' Me 0 7 0, euveyol m
Jmm teen,.. synth% Is Mena Out sair•rttnj, name-
dent ins house, with stone baseintat Fund and tahl
en utagrOnillil 10 010 PeePeny *Mte,Ottlf,* the ethi,
of thaws Robb - '
'• All the tinebt,iltle. W4..14 mad etrain, t f Milano;
Chaerthers,*, to, or to, 400 tonovnag desetieed Ann:
or wee of land, allude In ',arab. larasbip,toillalf,
ins Of thane, map , .11 ten, and riwanded by lends of
Jattou Ahem Jobe Ltd y, amen %bun, 'Nous .
Payte, • d other toads of .024 L'lntalbrtrrr4
1 big the same land *wawa Nary. Hobo, true of mad'
tononeth, do oiled. SW oalablek arra hieratic-el'
d me th o gteuc a libitrl4ll.o. - Sated, end'.
taken 111 eacerdloo a. the psoperth of Wlnlatta Craw:
ben, at tee gaited Toort haellan. ,
Abate tight, title, noun I and elate °Minima Me.'
hatter; .1;111, and to an Wet netAln plKeeipored of
510•11.1'1ling and. oxisi in be township of fdttlint, •ab:
us beneded and detente , * an *WNW% to Nil: 9040-.
Nag .Ipeat mat. by taestaf Denedtel Collier, north
701 deg, vod k a pent.. to • poa, that ee.bp land et.
Dr, Guise ohne, south 74 der obt lo Pablba, to a'
degertand, by Dad of and {YOU", Illanalky, , ,
.Mau. 101 Jag, rut 5 11•10.prinks• 10 a pea., eolith 6.11
deg, nut do reecho. to a post, and north it des, not
30 pushes, to the piscs of hogianing—eoettlalus •
refer, Otte( stelae, leiog part of a thug' of land
owned 01, . eauthlemaltry nod nom lathe penman of
Anton Swann- Seised aud taken in rleetthell Rothe' ,
Imopeny of a.Jam Alehade)„at the suit of Hence,:
Merles le Co. • ; Ala% •
All Ma ogin.Orle, lettere, oral Oda of Jabal TVs.
do, Jr efoo, and to use: of land, ea tho month er..l
boar mite nth, nannies mode erJasee4l6l•l4, Wel
the heltiortdonthir ot James tPllara—Unitattling
acne., then pa y abl e Italject to an amid gtonal lent i
of 111thit 4": llabtrali 113 Jules al Dna ea `,
*ties la meted • log ;sable. or dwalins,, Ittni Ito
',mind has beep emend of timber. donna and takes
In enemata:lon este. proudly of.thante Ts/dinar, lathe
Dalt of Oeolle.ledlm•
All the right, ads, buena . and claim of Jamas !
-Doery,el, an and so all that entaist lot of nosed
• adobe a tea Poona Wail Mina call olAleghe.y, •
sod Instated sod desetated as /01101a0 bestowed ea
the south side ef Mlln manila aetd ell,* ate masa . .
era lithOtalotlto %Ott In %mar • rnletel% Plint of
lOntilatacs by said menus Iwo, of aid tot, ;
moony feel,3lloo. or lc., to Saw WU alb?,
theory menuadly by end *ley
• Sad feet, more or
kee, to esathra flue of donut klethemPs Lai, banter by
the eon. norborbeT arm fen, noes or kis to Hain -
street aforentd, and thanee by the sane eastwantly
1171 feet, mote Or less to the place of besiuteg •
owns the whole of lot oataber;233, and pan of lot
No aal) 00 tend 'Pisa, and banns • thereon erected a
two story frtisti hooey, and aa a dmeltats 'itadantre, -
and a Mon, twills .1112 the aounenances. %belied
and ulna In oneeneu as the properly of Jean
Deny, at the toll 411,,J0n0 uiluo, Inc en of kOn l o ;
and }t Eggers A FJ 22011.
All the right, title, Wenn end claire of George
Unto Dome, in etc %And* of Us adman:outer, T r wl O w an orate., Oe ,og In and b bra
isrlala lot or Wes e voted, end lot betas Nollt fe
Jeti IL Imm tab , Pil s
e. .Nine no Centre Aetna, and ,
henna • front ou Centro Avenue or t 4 ten, a ex- '
thuthas In departed feet, to
wad au lent malt,
tcoordrd bed book 4 It, r tams Ora lame *Abe
deed ordeal. B Irwin, deed std Slay, 5067,betthey
en to fisol‘e Jacob Hen. enact sad taken ma els.
eouon u the property. at Howse .1 !cob ihrtarr,to 2./20
hitatil of bon Aaannlob Oar B..littan MOO, olb
not•ne ta mbar Alp area, by George Labon, their
Dena., at the tot of James B. Irma,
• ell the DOI; utle,lnienet sea elate ef..7. 7. ft ;OP 1
pey, oi, in and to the fotroung describes propene, -
nano... bey nun; being pane( lots Nose; arid It •
in UK GPO Of *bush, Cows about 18 feet hoes on
, thy 'automat antennas
_back the tame width Ith •
feel, 20 151 fret allay, toenail:Nemo onsilega of the
comma, use of ao.d alley, en retrial is evened a there
'toned bract hove, ben g the reverob e, Rao to SO"/ •
41 :Oa row of tine stoned brick hewn; Hnienuejel
the upper imam. in raid sow, anuhaneg Don the
upper I,.aae, end tab; sac 5n01..1.1 eon./of ty
e n ,ft A a t . ste n,. tth oerd emu the don Of 0010brt,
2000, eel reeonleo an .I.ed 110141 N 7, page 51', baba
(Dopey bused end thine La ex•c•no• 50 'be pro
Nue .I,tho (rope). at ,he sou or Idnrard Yunnan
Ae* •
g not, a4le,. louse* ellim, and dressed of
David elnlyea co ated, In the hands of kW mnakum
to. Juan Blnflet,lonti nottes to widest, Aura, del tar.
. in e' ..Or unt *ell that eenven tract or pincer or read,
Matte In Peary township, unnamed of three parcels
cantantitrt 114 ire taCrnd !Qr.:team...MOTO of e4'
n tnng eery mad, of raid bend Shaer, (new dlUtt •
o n an.a inns, and ranotirr hart! I.lwori.ged tai math
f Er. luta lantan, deed, and ilium l ch tle Lusa
meet [cited and taken ID execution aa ptimeny,
of David Shad. deceased, In tae bands 5,0 st
!tutor John Edtstar, - Matt Mice 14 Ithefforoarig.
um allots Ouse Uttar ardth Neat, ittmePb,Eiall.
bath, Rua i, *bran, two Sarah Sealer, by
tomtit (:sonar,Erg , and to Andrew,
n nn. - lOrro, and 51a11 InOo I/ la. of tat •
l~hlid:der , eam (I, al the and ur ELF* =AV now
for 0..0 at lV~LLuam &ISM •
AI the right, bile, interest and clad* of Peter Smith r
peers nerd. to all the spen d, eser IX Or
• peers earn 'harlot% Job plan et Nth.
Lana endear la ate t o of Rinainstunn,
a t
id and dateable! as o n to mit, bagman gat the
earner of let !Node, on the a c
ode ttienes
unt. and at ate o t t tka, o f to
11,tnosy s un, tutu aloes Kidney
ty '•4•lgret a..atodase, to inda 01 enthuse lkonies,
theme Woe/load Dunes line end patella with nu- .
bony morel. tanaltvnediy Nth fun, to an y fa a
onde, thence *mos aid alley Mestarantlytdafe et ft d
tnelleautrthe niraer of- tat No IS,.•hetwo anus the
S eam latiNklo 15 atd 30 nontailrdly'l4lol,34
id,' Moor. tto Obra 01
~ e roe tett
!e o n It Ipt.A.:r With • c..e.trnt Whet .p no
R. rd. tb tountall the 0.39A1 pit ee of
pound, Rh , Jelin Bow. sod t
to esti
rein Postabetger by , red dated Dm II b day Warr,
IRS, and reeerited ded bOO% 0, page 15 , a Seised
ti &takes in execution as tie property Of Petra etnith•
bergs:, el that/ohm Vast sae Rube, for am ate of.
/vote Gray, 4th at •
All -the riyht, 01110, Innen, eat/ Claim
. 1 Jan..
Vann, of la, and to. al l . tau urine let or Fleenor
*vend, stthath id to homage of Taunus, among* '
IVO 1' and one health bt no 4, ad &hid Waugh, (tot I
I• s on the Peusylronle Cann, en whieh ate tutted
001100 awry brick balldiee, us shop, one Mena
.12021.1, being the thine which onte ettanuedth Defen
dant by Tams. Donnelly and W.fe, by deed leouted .
in deed lock 4D, tot 7Y, put CO-I. Pelted and
Ashen in ex:notion u the piotorty of/stem lirattea,,
the mat *John lognanon . .
All ,the •rlght, 1010, loteye3.l mid tin= or hints
McCain, tar, in and le MI that gestate 110 V Or Patel
of land mate in the borough of fdattehestar; Aoudad
and desetibed as callous ...nun* tone westward
ly aids of Preble street. at the corneae( becutetsce;
thuto ezte 4114 le nut en Prtadartnet 7187 fen, b .
, Ike ties a( Wolr as Weer-ben.= aloha am vaunt x 43
feet flinches, ka Ulan street athlete panug the nun
Mine and otos/lug Ohie strool In to 011. &seri
thenee demo 100 sthdtiver ill fest 4 tutu, to souk.
erly ups otLectinttreet,estendots thence etuunn.
th aloes the stadlioe oflmantstrent. to the 011111717
line of taint taut, int awned along n sneer ._
4 1 0 feet teat,. pluenflegituth4Leshruins sad cop
-. .'nee tartin said boanath lots Nos 168, OR • 17e. 171, •
• 412,171, and 174, In the OM Cl told berolo Of MVO
cheater, which to recorded a Alltueny 1.1011, la
Wan boot Not, pato 10, the said entente Mang eat>,
deer to Chia suet Saran aide. es • Peale lughway,
lot No Pt bens 671001 ou Pnblat suet, and SI feet • !
Ai Inaba, • 9 °tibiae*. and all the other, touttethed
I•dsluns. each 65,feet On ?teeth street; and 69 feet
7# inches on oho .treat • • - ••••
A,lto,"ll.thoSiatt. thp.' Interne and of Mad '
fileKeta. of. is aud to all tilt means -lot ,tylpient of
nosed Sitnale in thehonniabl of blumbudert begin.
Wu on tbe easterly side of !Mutat taut at the dis
thou er 47 feet ovithwaselly fern the tonal Of 81•4 -.
ren street, thence ending t 5 front on Market street
43 fen, to the line of lot rito 51,•04 In depth eattwatd
ly parallel wittraemptho soul. Preveretel the time
. width lop fen to Law* alley, and being let, muted,
or 010ntran,d.11, tho plan of the boroett of MOs.
,atkester. regarded is sant mender's neon, a atlrbet.,
" 4 .41 to plan bank No,7,pega lb belted and taken
lit tem:anon as the pritherty °Elutes htralsim. at the l
kW! of /MAMA. Fuer. ' ' '
All the I . :slit, tint, interest and claim of Jaime Shay..
of, in .d to all that oast.: piece of lard In
the WIT of ritistagh, Tieing part of lot No MY.
Woods' pl. of flitsbargh, boonded and dereribid ao
atila es. girt- bermlng at the West side or-Markel
street, at the • •1111111•8 4 107iy CAM.' Of. Market and -
Poona ittatm, tbenee extending to width, or fr zt
along litsiket street towards Tort sow. .sot.
more. lea n to ...Id ill Joliet ROO! and in ,o,t
or ikoptitn'o• Fourth •treet was,wardly ynt
Fen,. atte.t, prowls:me the mime width. 14 4 weti.
iMor or less, mother 1.1 er Jere.. Riddle, en rabic[
an ended a large nitee story brick bonding oeea
pied as SUIPItII,I2Q tavara home. and twa name
iniMinga Annum/ on retina street Belied end taken
or creel:aiming the property of James Gray,,Betmek
-1,1y,, at the suit of Brooke, Tysena Rata,
'Ali titer gin, title interest a. elabit of Wm. L. 141111.:
er. of; in awn to n 4 Mu ord., week af.tand, allow to
Verities Tosroikip, bottacled and desenlmd as fad
loin. six: beginning at • past as Tart., Comb. on the
line belts*. in, lona of Wm. Ar Cmart and Mime '
of Geerge.BAnton.l.wine4ll Celled 'rant> 'Man :Or
land or wool Brit on, Sonata degrees, Btiot dOperekmi
to • eon. Vacate Moth ri diAreet. Earl 45 perches, to
poet; Mettot, is. a Id degrees B•st it perches, to a
poan then. Som.. 73 deg., Bast 30 perches, meson
Borth g, }tut 6 punier, Moen Pon 71 dg.. Vat
perches, thane. North 41 do., East lO insches,tbents •
Bash 71 degrees, East II pelotas, to ape. Meads
North 7117 deg „Conf. per...hes tot par, acneo North
.15 depot, Emk 1 4 pc iaties to a Monett on, thnett
m ot ya ning l Cast 11 perches, dome Narlit td deg.;
Fart to to a alone, mange Cksail 42 dtia,Ellit •
;El p* , ** - * * post. thence I.orta ties, 111
rankles to a eggs/ tree, latrine raNinn 43 deg; Weskit,
yeiekes to a poet, dine cSenh deg, 21perth. •
bon:Amok in the passion. of Jul.. BMW thence
y Ike said lands smith Pt/ deg,West 34310 pertain . ,
to pm; Menet Booth 25 11.1,East 13 310 perebes,to
Me lands of John and Wen.aham Mom by thel
lands. Snub arc g, West 4,1 pereitea too rernatteami
Nor:W degrees. Wetted pot ewes to a Most, Mena
Beath 03 clmr. West 66 perehn, to . the Ploongenta
co n' a c nc • " ilthr thtft* eatto n"tne7bift4-land:sa".eall-l'edT u tae se" Mod7. l •
• Ponswi Geonte Wallate, oa Ms Ilth dor of /alp;
1.00,an am la tbi poOtollonet War. I... Minoring
Melliade7, Ilene Greentsod
Alan tin Won, m 3.111 Le at beginning ; ono
lag IMOMInt soma s men or len eta mien am ternied.
a Imagery from doing bank large frame ban "
. bun Oddes,lnd Moo tenant non. -
V Milos
right, We. Munn and old= ot was
..S.Mof. Mama M loss No. 103 std Non 40,3. 4,
. S
Otsa C 1153, 14,15,15, 17 19 15, 15 4 11.78.
,W .o4 e. f 'Vint*, in it Wm.!. Ittlier'apotrat. •
Pern,la Vortallealn
• and Is_ rpordeal in in licaordeeit
_ofins la Ind
,cd ,IJAiiimbs Dan MO, t.ritin&T..
laud' sib. agicettic.3 proNal Ta
t. Inallisros, Orli of Jas:Palnsa i lr: •
Ale.ots Wong land chant of Ws.
atlller.ot Is sod prlota No. '0 and - Nos. 4. Sa • '
11,2 . 84. la, 11, It' s, ie. is, us, q, m.. -
01 .adaN47, isd IS to the said -Wm L,WillooN oh. •
at enemas of rots Parry,. in Versailles yrateli .
phis to reoorded is see
n ßorde office, to
l t ' ,
to of Allegheny, is Pla Bock VOL
art takenlassoestirot lathe property or Wm.tatill•
sr, ai the rah et s't oiler di Lintbefio , .
VI the'nemtltz, IstoSNlCatiil lhiOAtJalsMa-
Naamea ,6 e , of:is,moreteet:lol these seriso ninth!
and baseannos nitin art devilled by Jahn Ma.
PlalNoa r Jr. bt . ( assar.l.l and valastiscits OMNI
In Will Bock. Vol. &pass ne io his son. Jeroll
Madinat; ord.; larbieli tics o J
saki oaryieldeldontors,
died , init. sod iractiate. Ana toarhieh the
gold Jobnadefts•ice*, Jr:, la eowed . o, awasoisited
blame*: tttala Oa betty all at US amid brother, 4
Joar, Ph BaSlaitNa. autiott to se: Lia Baum ofilseist...l.
Behlastare. mother al the-said loornii, sire— Os
isolanag half mil/101Ni led Thomas McMullan) ;
of that hotfoot trial: att areedtaad or. Pavel Waal. '
KUNO is Isersth'p..l which le trootoblhrol.
hag boom lrna ii and cart
nom all live AMI hnaeeA o.lll.thr Go
ono tines, in the +sty af Pith and the low of
mond coo whisk tsar hre heifer: yord is '
~the rear, below nie hoe me stitote4 In raid dl.,'
rat h Prepercr tr, . tbo 774'4 1 =4 •
.A..e;till Robinson. trivets 121
Wlth toe darelltog bosses, lod ethoo moron
meta. Soloed sod, tem to execution sir tha property •
ofJohn !Winton, Jo, so 'lt eels, of Raab/Akira,
Kean & Vho immooa slid ode ta
- • •
At) the eght, title, tetenent end ele;2l. Of San GU-
ham, of in ands , all that certain lot of mead,Weill.
ho balldings thereon. *rented.; ticeinniryt torldhedie
. alky, &toad Nerd,Allegloray stmts.-the ASTAnnt
' fine between hire No SO ant Sl,llo.llte nee Westwards
le wimple Pump Inc- 110 rut; %bents eouthwtsdly t.
to/Li` Menge numeral. INft, ldnattelleet Annie i
111/dele alley on feet to lie place of beginner.
'the *not Wag pan or lot NOM, as sltscribc.din Bac.
nett's:plan at lots at said tory,ef meant in vet 711.
page; = Salted lad Wien IS extent/NI Sci the Oft.
pen, of John °rattans la dm sett of Sarni (Inethet,
All the 4 04 We, interest ern elairn of blheberb
Cooper midis. C o
In ens to ell that Swain ;
gienterk together with Is. butte - Mrs
thereon. stupor. in the Immesh or ittraunghtteg,
bounded and dveribed fonttws beelnotnt eses.
eon .ettenosi the tnto of 'property told by deritla ,
Joseph Cooperi deceased, to John as 4 Gtargitynna-.
Witt enlllllll,lndryldint Web p tha it. p rneerty seven
est by s—,lo.l test or thereabentk Onus ;
•'eng uePne °reale propeny fen, the - •
'paoprrty ownd Y Even Ctrutlents end Josh Spice , -
teepee along la d
id line 1114ott thereabosusito
son asset, and thence alonrttld Wyatt dd ,att,l6 .L the
~saiLee tiesinataa, rt6ttua partiot -NO DA 12 . 7
ohm of Ritainthere.Cenneyed by. John ramie
w1fe.,14 deed dated and mewed
olk,tao ar:alcaaar
p od -. the toe JoephC BetsA e n
n executions as tbs peeper*, of Easenette Cesium
Jana COORI, alAle utast winiaix:Piptaaaatiala..
Gitlin, Nte cuter sof ,Joseph Cooper dersesse.
All the right, iSle, inured and elaketit(Anjilludg,
Thermo. mai thttherne Jsekllls, Of, IMI sod SO Ae aao
half part ark ...NIB In and It, In Wei deanery
bat m Annuresnlle, alpines ;with. do. beilessess
therm. and Appencoances rereento of h l=
Wnleh.geld half parttbanfol is oarniedand
as irdWwe: beginvine on Neetleght tinny, at Ate cop' -
ray of tat Nob in 'lnd plan. andruittag ft:enceinte,
the.line ihe:maka et lot in 'gang with Arttan
street, tit 'Wilkins street a distant:tor 144 feet, thews
stone /V Ittlner Peet Ina like Innate/ Alta tanllanq
allay,* Matures 4131-ket, thence In: &Unspent,*
• at b Arth are Smell a distance 611 - 1 feet; thence In
Iles parallel. withifealinglalleh - ;In denotes Of,n l N
thrsee paysilnl-nrins Atthart Waal, a .dmi/ilintY p oL o q
' feet 'thence Wong Keane& alter a Matinee lir 1
..feed,,to the,placepf the sum
'aground rerovered by mid aliments by proceed;
bags In the Dietriet Court elAllegberry e saner, at Aped !
• tam tfid, SS , . Reined sod taken In cessation i
. the property or Ann Merin, Robinson and .Cellariad
, Jenkins, at Anhui:et Snouts Renford, now (or awl of
vitiates ltdr,fitV, , • •
'AG tbd insh‘thlt, taltrab LS t
end elides of joluetNN
rie.on nod Hook Ilanultcos, e 4 in end to ell.theaSteto
lots - or ground Situate on Rost street; In the city ft
-Rtsteharik. and befog lots numbered as and PIM '1
. Patel B FeturnetarN plan o f 10t.,666a lot conutinleg
44 tent from en Rose 'Street, and • extending tae;
Newnan the some slash...UP tees, to a tinfeetelsep,
on widen an erected • tame doable brick dwelling
boar., with separaterepettmena (at difertm tenants.
beised and Laken In execution Rallis p,sPeny Of Alin, .;
Coniston end llsgb Jfanuftne; at the sou of Swab 11.
All die tight, tura, interest; end 'Aim of Rabat
Ateratakea end fdatheir MeKerabas, of, ithesd
to althea:ohms 4Xtbnin bat. In Ettaicoott'a Plan of
the Borough of Aneghaty; borindpi and daterbetS
is follows, begintifhg at. the northeast meet
of tot No. 161 ia same - plau, at the,Ustereenticei 6f ;
lancet : gnat. and Labelle alley, tbenoce.scant bin
raid obey 100 tto Arum street, the'nee west by, !
• Anne start 92 feet 3 tidebee, to tbet line of Yalta:
164, thence oath bieatil lot '
100 feet, to Leant:
street aforesaid; thence. en's by Lactate greet, 92 1
feet 3,inchca to the pac e beg:ening, on liblab, is
- gated no loon • tawdry and other gogareaents.
Seised and taken to enemata', se the corataityrat.
L i
Allanttew bleEeraban and Robed Mamba: hat t
the toll lof Amigt ft Gwate, fei one of Wdliati
All the sitslit,, title, interest. acd elurh of Jokac
Ifteksori, of, ta, and IN ail Mar serlairl 101 Vectuerl
of ground, situate in Olno township; tweroki act
described as follows, m war beginning on Lomat
abed, corner of tot No. 14, io plan of loft oldie
'hairs of P. Pmbles, dred, in said tot:Mishit:4 thence
sock detr.-55 min.. eastG 6.10 perches. ta l 6l/10 ;-
1% thence south 54 dog. 5 min , wort 24244110
ebes,loo4 he No 12. io the centre dine fleas* j
road; thence airing said road cnth;f3sdegnteme&
min, mem 4 1;40 pmehea oienc4;tfoto Imnorthetr .
54 deg. 5 min, (1134 24 24-100 pert Cm, tO
street, the puree of besrinving, containing - ens acre.
more' or ;Me, mi which is .erected a brick house;
iwo swim high, and apportennorm. Seised mod em ,
taken in execution rot the properly or lo ) lo inottool.
utbe snit of Chas.. Gantt. • • '
All the right, title, enema. and awn of dam, ;
Taggart, of, iO, sod io, and cot of all that. certain, '!
id arpiece of ground, saw* in the City or-Pins
l kseedw bo d . iteg sztl i cAlls ,
31r-eeid lot Emmons on Fort " n; t7ezett'S feet: end'
extending beckon a parallel bee won Minh wren;
a distance of 112 feet , bounded lots inn:band.
30 and 32., sod by Fourth street Toad, said lot
*object to it grog rent of 51E5,00' per itintett—ei
There is fleeted pa said lot two frenie'hongethfiett
etories knit, thteh botch borne , „ two stones high,
abed' roof, and two - new brick hoosee, two stree:
high, unleashed,ip t t i . ty oofs.: retard and bikes lo
execution es the of 2-ten Tergap y nohn
snit of Bernaid Mee -
' ' ! ALBO, • "V"'
Allthertnht,tiee,hiletru, and Tdailta • efittirailse-
Boothia and JorepaTelwa of„ in v ited to,eathqsa,!
' wo =nein kin eipteceteof ground, situate in, Tem,
geranceSille, in .91 Chit township, Alleghecy Cc,'
and narked and enahewit 146 end 147, utliffeedigit -
de !amender', of 14,te by 2„)V , Renting”,
g m boogied nod rlbedes
ache corner of looNo 1459 =id Ven t oeiVe ;net st;
:thence by Wel= sweet:4 l feet, to the corner oflot.
No 140,,tbence by line of said iot 150 feet: is Wet, ..
den sweet; theme by Vareleo tweet 20 *erg, the
'comer of lor No Mk theoce by the Wit of mud fed
-121 feet to Widaerstrat, the piton of inning- !
rialrktg in all two lots, each 2:i feet by 150 feet:
being the lame letWor piece s Of ground meowed
itylobn B Warden end erne; and - John Alexander.
eadvnte, to Johnillatith,hy deed dated Atirti Ist,
who moseyed to the said Abraloutt.rorskin.
and Rack" Wanda; an which said 'fie lota oi t
g rotmdere erected a two woryLtione hctee;nibleli
Z.feet i 0 freed On:Walntd street atoreigid..-
s ea and taken 'o S.leentiCel es. the properly of A-, "
Unbent Dashing end Joseph Valtou. at the snit of'
- Jona . .I„l94lltdt, for geed Willtsza•Magee. -
All ti; rtgbt; thle. interest add taii. of !rune •
rotrow or, in and to all tint **item lot dimmed;
*hate in South rittsbough, (kw Lower Et Oak/ ;
tersneddp) and bounded and detcnbed an forkreet„.
r. beginning ; ogi the sittitherly side of Jtnephin e .
ellen, at tbe of grciundot 4tridi
*Vie distance of 91-,feet 11-4; 0,00 *OM, OW
of Fifth allot, thence extehdlogia heat to
efightun - stmet, wattetiy 24 Wei, - and In' dew'
nediedys.gresenng tbelittne width at +lntl-tong-ten.
street, I.OP feet,lo elm= alleg,-;ow
-, orb as erected a two stag brick dwelling house
.Seird end inked is atecattret nett et'
oPerti haae !Kenzlair, et the auk Whlte;,
. i
..' ALSO, -
'rail the riehciilbe,inteses,and Maim of Alezno..
Or. IYlReGteer,.ti, n, to, or oat of,all Inas renvies'
k I ffl i pece•of peed , auntie to the Second Wald„
it to Allisahenyobeinn lot No. 33 io'Rohinarn,*.
an Of the esuisolon or paid -"city, talker...Bads'
- lost," bounded had described es follows vim, ,
!matting cm the north video( the North Coitus:dm, '.
i tihddistsined or feet west front the earlier cf .
4 *MAIM strati thence ?truing wen by ..ibbavd:
.losinions ground, (114: ,feet to the rosier of lot fig,
ir7oltenee north by line of said lo(170 feertii:llli
i 8 feet allay; thence read by stud alley V. 4 feeito
ale of No X, and thaseenotsh by and 1,1111:1,17Di
tot to the place of beginning—being the Same lot
~ . .f grocrodarblch s Wliltam Robinson, Jr if ue.lay
1 eeddated Angina 07, ISA conveyed to said A.
311dcGrear. • &Ind and takes in' escadims as the
.sopmsy of 'Alesander 0' •••eGraw,. at the strati(
',Marla B. Train:in trust for•Treitt, Brother feta .
! All the right, title. Inter. , ard claim id.l..t: Me
, Joy, &teased, in the bands 'Cu I.'P. Rims; and
' woe Comm, his adannistittors (wnh rotten-to'
' ltshn V.. Rowland si al. representansellOt
.aid - J. C. 11deCally.',9sms• ed) of, in, and to. an
sas certain planation or. tVlet a lend, situaif lei
upper Et. o.aiaTownshilf, bounded by lands ra - Jas.'
' 'Menet, Shoos Weal', sod othemenetaierislahous
. 5 sorea,more or Wm, and baring Memos sleeted.
-•••• two atory frame dweiluili Nitre, sad icg bun omit
it buildings, and also planted dirreon a poling or
ad: .. Seized and taken in eszeution as the pro p- .:
trty of]. C McCully, deceased, its Me hands of his_
',lmlsonnuors, J. B. Ram and Jesse Cmseer, woo
s' nee to John V: Rowland, and Elizabeth his wile,
' 'alma Glenn and Rebecca. his wi fe, limn ebt•
isOmasEtnley Gilkenaon. and EbsubihG.lLesocs..
• . tor children of James Gilkeson Anil Frsocm his.
. i rib, lam FRUCCII McCully; add Thomas , NeCol- 1
i 1
.1 Omira and I , gal • representatives of said J.O.
. Cully, deceased, at the wait of Sarah Jinn_ kJ(
• is
t the nkviii, we, intense, estate, property Maim.
• rl . -od othroes it Speer, out re'rbe- defect.
• of,•in, and to, Mtn:at eertala tot ar piece of'
• • *imam in the lira Warder A.negketatretry,•
gybed Lod described: as lotions, to erm—Eyelge,
lEoo Canal Street, letect Crow do ;urn.: rimer_
• • • bye hoe pantie with Robles,. errier;•l2(j•
• bo Qs* Went, theurnaloracrat street nonh•
y 19 feet, thence by a line patattel ern Rub
day&reask4.l."Lireet,eiretut Chri9al
b oamme ibes. 'eo ve nt
enig, being a uproot c r unimproved, htst.
ad and taken in , see
„.4ser, at the sa9 - 01 . F. Van ftouSyliy
the rigbt, ieterest:and claim Of firm i
• • , or, in, and to, an kit tenant tot or Viet,
to the city perutodwg-• b . ,. on Me Astalreast
tr of Burretoon went and rorbre greet %M.
It Stevenson street about al Tem, more °Stem
• -.dins task ale g Forbes Streetat this
about 100 less, =or or km, and Isstoded Oa
• •-•-0, Wad Oa la. enni
; tn, en the econh - by prramis of - -:••••-••• • •Seitz•-
„,,z - by ground of Set , s, 7,od.kgs:4
limos messed taol mar brfek duvet Itte
.:-,:mlth the ammtnertmouna' aid taken:
. ries properly a.LIIII , telSsez,-,10445
UN* ElagklE10;11,0d to berudd
CPELTlSlgielia °
.• !sailli!oanaelniti