The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, January 17, 1851, Image 2

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Tl'Blll[Bo H.
Y.IORNING, JAN Y 17,,1061
, . .. .
1 . T•I'Z -';'. win' E O A O 4.
lii , the . ' . - -- E eII '
~,f s)R.lrs: numher off unr !i! . l‘Tal..e .l
i he4
'--,. vortne a,tt excellent work( by the way rib
-, /1- . -10reet n -in pi.t 14.2 puti k h s o, 7 ' li g ,,,-
• V)ir., - il. - •4 i., tUt intemtiniartiele on the sabjeet 1
.;.o . .l'husl: At Rads.. From it ism fetru . that.plunk
read s Were brst constructed inltussia, Vie next
riadrfictrt Intraduced into"&sn' 3 , by Lord sy
' ~41eriltim.- '.'Thjs use ,
somo ten ' r' twelve . years
'ip s o- in .5441; the first plank 'load was built in
the tridt4Lßeates, at the
.silluge of Cicero, is
the:SMto r ef - Nen , -York. dineei that time they
, .." havennatittliid rapidly in 'that sink., and are
the grelit tut:bunt IA coannuni4tion between the
iiisSltieer and consumer—oßen..c," all kinds of re-
Aielts—reiir helleneial to the onntry at large,
- ISl3d..prefituldelo the stockholders: - In fact they
rink araol* - ther.erst unehesi li of labor-so tin,/
eeeirireneea.' r • Asrutch, Lei us , egrust thea, an
are another itc(pturcesenta in tile art of trans
portation:'. . i • . 1 -
•-••• 3 h.Ylears'ngo goods of cations kinds' were
transported froqi rhiladeiphia Tort Pitt,'
. 11
Vi r oit bit tioi"' The
. pay orse-.
tor of tieing &is oilre ti large roportiyn to ' the
gaantitp trunsportisl. Neut,--when roads were
. 1 4 1,4 4 over _ .. which , wagons could pass at all—
goods.-were: carried In wagons) ; hut the road
were bad, and although the rel ative proportion
to '. quantify was red soli it was sttir
~..,Thenfolloweil the turnpike road, with
, • •,naUler grades, whigh r'endc;red the Proportion
still lower. This in iliac gave Place to the yalril
enesed su initnense redaction ; now Oho
,rtitliiadyomes which, tf •it does not reduce
'*U• kiwis of transportatinn ens further, sees
iraseenselyin thee fit we see.. they , all resolve
ttlemuselvcsi simply into labor and thee saving eon
•trivaneds.- . '
the some reasoning willapply to,plank
xotids—they . sare Libor end expense intranepor4
ttion. And, as we said some days ago, as the
read is adapted to the trade end intercourse
between distont cities, so is the i plank road,adapt
f4to2the wants of 'the farmer and the wants of
illietpeciPle of villages, by:which they-may become
united:-by q cheap and pleasant mode of convey
ymcw,with elands, rtilroads, rivers, musket towns,
besides affording s' delightful medium of
Ititeie:ottrze arum* thetnielves.l ' ,
Vie close this brief article—twhich by, the way
webtare written mainly for our tillage and rural
readers-with at short quotation from the article
, . with all their value, and they ore
oC priceleas worth to man, are yet the thorough
fare for the citizen amity froM his home—for the
Setleiler• the travel; the teert+et• the plank road
is the home ase—for ttuusit-whith. is be
itut and "ended in a day, or its fraction—which
glees to him whcr,wes it a donblo.value or occu
,pation for the hoursa-the day—which Merano:a,
the.lappitiess, comfort and profit of the ferry
• thitetomulatien of all rhe institutions of society.
It cannot but be of interest thus to place on rec
ord thei history of its first introduction into
State-great link as it Is in our , chain of internal
illll'lleeemeht- • . '•
.1 - •
a- There are always some perMitssodongitfaced .
that itchy go, farther to pleasocirtalif parties in
the itu . pport of an obnoxious, and donlitful meai-
Ure - than eventhe friends of the measure them
afilves eould'desire.', They more royal titan
the Bi s tig—tnere Popish thin he ear
ylitio-si-rving Sycophancy excites the disgust of
all IrtieLlieartzd, independent:men. This class
of ?erect:lure sUverely.rebuked in the following
extraet from “independent.' the Washington
corm/Handel:at of the North Am erican:
is Gov. Johnston 'a message hos given great
satisfaction to candid then of all parties here, as
u - doCurtilit marked by ouch good sense, ability,
and patriptic sentiments was dell entitled to do.
/bluermelt:calm-tett the .prauses' of the'. Union,
Vihleli;altisotigh although at biast a doubtful eon,-
yfiiinetit„ shons. how little it is; liable to excep
tion,:mienititlOthose who, area disposed to find
canto erixonplaitat. The manner in which the
moist interesting ; feature of the . Peace 'Meas.
nres' lets-toted, is such as ought to commend
the candor magic strong understanding of Gov.
Johnston to the highest respect. There is no
mast Soadh, who is at all. enlighttowil
in tutrard to his marialittdionali obligations, that
Can dissent froM the views on-that subject CUR
taiti&tin the ineeenge; while 't..tatiust be alinar
entto every intelligent reader, that he rebLes
the gratuitous soul which ha's heria exhibited in
the &Mita:don:en thieF4tiT¢ Slave Bill in a
Style and with a cleatums which'hannot fail to
Make'. u'decided iMpressiou.
.is within my .
porions a knowledge that many of.Lthe taut die
tinguistcd. Saiuthern Statesmen regard; Mat act
0 . 1 - being PO kaS hnpeafect as Ci by.%) ollnSten does,
and consider it as conferring powers. - deter de
be vested by' the Constitution outside
of, the; s!: tribunals.. Thy are Filling to a ‘ o
unitiii removing-411e objectionable points when
the s Get Cl6l be brought before Congress with
out the i dauger of etchings nor Controiaertiy."'
.'. We - ti ticed'in our paper, paste-day, That Mr.
Wm:" lißlinight.,. droyman. who resits in. the
filist.Waid of this city, . wash assaulted...lm- the
night ie4the election, and ieri - vcierely injured,
se tha inlifeidered iti ilitneur.
--.' trait ,- -sr' ?dap); who goes into &lice
We .our new'Diayor, who goes Into on.
calf around him ii;PoliCe of eluae
tie and eisieitey anti by pritinfii'actiVeiterintip
mamma put 3 atop-to - these euttatees. Ile may
colucifed that be ;will be custititted by the pos.:
Ple in - the firm ..tad iieerous ,Idisebaree of his
day: -Law end =Pp.-easing vice.
diet ttiriatio. was in type, we icanx
t titaperpetratot of
,the outrage - was arrested
while trying to piCii the pookets
aamtliec mann. ,
. . . . ~
N ., • ... '- ‘, ;; A -. ' ` , (cane the Detroit Dell ids'eruser2 ; .
. .. .. ._,. . .
•-- - le every exchange paper which' we Oneeed, for a
tlme we see reference made ion proposed "Union"
el:Weed:nen to be.compoied ..ise &Jegmesi'"withoui
,pevicm4 party • distincitoo" 'favonibly.dhmeed"pav"
'wards the ex:NW= end prem-vailoo of ,tho.l-Llonon:
eThu' ob s et has been abandoned gig being nomewhat
, tetioemn reberesivoin - its character its oliguratore
ine4in ogr,mth.great itifnenitine for want of all
show , nnertionnad, like tho "ranch" philanibrov
piss prat anstiegod en sesimotion yor.the iesseioitra
. Lien brevqY things its Prkiectines Wen' fah' to Oben;
d o n it Sem ine very gigantic lunge, • it Was found to
.contain be the Whimmit e alithei•LiMifocon . ..Here
• • venenparttfog you", nil Catilignotems said of his
' famliyolininefeen obtldren! • Ai linaheadcf teiir par:.
tin wasipeuipd Gein..hogris Cass (deatitobsof tonne
of-ail#artiprvatelictiotes,. end all Oman I •eliiiin*-
' appearing simply in his in wehaitteeter of "Preserver
e of the Ulaioe;" its ptatforineto be Me vim:neut.:Min
' ed and *lamented by higini: different times. or the
last 35 years, (bred enough in all eanscienceliind its
. object tee prescreen:A.of tee Union - without 'prejn•
dine" the Meaner of common Eight end••air , -the
truths of religion—the freedom iefli speech-Aud • the
!AFCliberty.{• liberty.{ '• • -'-'' •.•.1 -. •'- .'• • •
fodder was choice, l the - eniV wee waYa4he
Battle al' was rah ed—the spirit of content An refe:
oil, ihe elements, in short, of nefarious victory Into
appared-sexceptlllleneinyl—That maim where to
be doserled. . I •- - ' i• -
If Itenter bad - existenee, it had beim frightened
back to ils Egioneases by the form,debte prepare:moos
for on sommney subjugating - , or verbena marched of
in thet7 , :i of Mat Aetna nod number ten band of red
shinned ardor* who simian Mohan res to the leg,
mid oar et Gen?Cata• at canard Bridge, when
relloobnable command/4 was , moving upon Malden.
willin - enve ioincicai to 'Cori! vp, and gear him b ac k
to Sandwich to be reinfuieed by , Wiltiatei tag. or.
gallant Mary! , le• • I
..The" midesbrneht• an Union party en the North-,
ern Slll .;*ll , so obiritab4 futile and feoloh,...that I
men ask eaca o th er. arienctively; Whit' device Of
. smug mos cobeenled losder. lin . nod what was .
, wiltslitt ribiTridliettlysiiinuPliihcd by bb 07ani=i
mg. '••!Ttre•scheme maroon tphe a, notable one,
end I'M COrleetiMlCLlt under •tbe . eireumebances, about
as succisisfullyttionased asthat of that threwd nstohe
..," 5111 /rni,.` ,11,16 Ifber"Nrdoe" With eta beadainder i
-M e bank Waiting fur it, prey, iviving..its body stick.
ing..ouOnitirs tail *tasting willt , ',ery delight ,al
the eristplete 2i:seem of its nathwact ! , ~ . ..
. . But !, , peyoe lb inehifi," if !hero iv enoegh lett (4
'it toterrettsbo.. 'lt hu e had its hOurt it 'has 'Amin
ita.totirlt ' upon Ihe timM" 'and not, let it-:sleep (m
-iser with Locke's Moon liongi B o nd Piths ;t:.r/ff 1
The ketoivn'ao4orten pfe , i,,c;.l,'oppoailiten Ofitee
Whig patty,:lei the ...te.sioti or ettt+ety by ell - 006}1i. 1
totiotnikanceni, cribber ling How,VverlAver.. has haaf I
eoptd'taed_^?lth it th e first eleinciebnot bovinity_ to the J
ictegritlyofthisElnimer. endue, bo they high or•low, -- 1
great or Inimble, office or eince necking, wt.) 114; i
dertake twratjtcsent otherwise, and thereby to driyoll
-or COILT. Whigslosin their parivierviecAtions are dem.
tegiarne_sAnd Moir 'schemes,, Teen throughlied• 1
hendedeni,gooften githey are attempted. •,. • .-'I.
• Ata"VAioneu Tsar:tr.-4pm of the bowl ,-
area eyelern awn Wllfelt, present: Tariff',
fs framed, is that Just os the nrito of an artiele.
tag, tpd the.manufacttirer therOf begins to suf
for t the duts - tiponit altm falls, 'and lets in an la:.
(remand imnortation; which mien tura work of
theLtnartufseturer. .Aggrt. an the vices rises;
antitlitinOtmouer aboted bare the utmost advan.-
'taga!orekimpetitlon between - thodainestii and for •
tip producer; goon thee following the
valuerill it baronies absolittely.lwohibitory,
It. sittialtl be dif&cultto.cOnceito a elimsier eon—
tricance,inlittateriansilin di, ad rataicin
1, ..ri;),44 1 14 431 .44
life Wilce ;:
Goillirstinother year in the lihrtory'Uf
the Mercantile Library and Mechanics' Institute
lute Pd , -tidiiniul 'the Boma '.lDiitctor4iiiie
,structetLme,- on their behalf, to submit for your
'enitstil4ifina, their proceedings during the year,
urgniipun.yrour istttention such imigestiOns
-as may tend to adva) . lce the object of its organi
The Board- would be direlict to duty, and do
violence tot heir own feelings, did they hot, with
ynti, deeply trgret the death Of .lon.X . Friritirs;
Esq., late President of the Institute, Which oc-.
mare,' on the Dab df December. Mr. Finney
was n prominent ond.flevoted member of the As
sociation from. Its commencement to the period
of his death. Hit mime appeisss amongst those
Who originated, for laudable purposes, the Insti
tution of which you now reap the benefit; was
Chairman of the first meeting, twice your choice
foaresident, woos Member of every Beard Df\
Directors, nod thereeords of both the, AssoeM s f,
Lion .and Board of. Directors, bear ample tes
timony to the faithful discharge of .I.ho duties
ImPosed_opon him; every draft upon his time
rindraleutslu favor of prosperity of the As
rociation, was promptly and willingly honored.
Sorely such services cannot forgotten.
To know him—not merely when acquainted
with him, but to know-him, was to admire him .
. .
lot lff,s cha rOcter, unostentatiouerlibends
ity, and cluistion Virtues.' IVe dare not uter
i mar at the 'lefty, of ',.Whose thoughts ale
not:not-our ,thoughts," but our common humanity
allOwees te,drop a tear over departed:worth.
. At the datb Of the last annual report, Ratted
dot, members--including ,10 life .members.
Since that period, 76 new members have been
added, 'withdrawn, GG, leaving a net inceease of
10, a, very small number indeed—hut wcom
fort'Ofourselvel with' the reflection that nettle was
-nut built in , -
• The tioardlearly id the year, canvassed the ,
business portions of the city; to increase, if pos- ,
Able, the list of members, securing therebyGO ,
and mffsfetjuently 8 ; making CS of the new mem. 1
bers,lenving S: to ldiereditefl to the efforts of the
Associatitin generally;' if they do not claim to
hnie joined without solicitation. And here per i
;nit us to remark, if those well meaning mem-1
bees who have been disposed to condemn the
Board of 'Directors in advance, lied exercised
themselves to enlarge the list of subscribers,
their.seal would havabeencommeuded, and their
labor found a just reward.
The library has claimed and received due at
tention. Believing-that- the stability, as wen as
the usefulness of thelustitutedePends in a great
measure upon the, attrnCtions with which this
feature of our Association may be invested, your
Bonnl felt exceedingly anxious to add largely io
the 'volumes upon the: shelves of , the library.—
That the appetite for knowledge might be in
creased, strong inducements be held out to these
- who read to read 'more, rind to those who have
failed as yet to Cultivate - ii taste for reading, to
delay , no longer, for he that spends itturs or
.days m robbing his intellect ef the nourishment
it sea ' s formef.l to feed upon, is greatly to be pi
tied... Satisfied it would not do to rely upon the
current receipts, to accomplish the desired ob
ject, at a mectingorthe Board held in February,
_ VOmmitteeswere fanned to obtain e if possible,
by , voluntary subscriptions $ 5 OO, to be appro
. priated solely for the purchase or books. :Though
all we aimed at was net reached, the addition
Of 110 volumes to the catalogue ' melted from
the effort;, and we accord ,our indebtedness to
thole with cheerfully' respohded toiltil Call made
upon'them, mad Placed at our disposal $225 to
beespeutled he designated. TWelve moths since,
the catalogue tauribered 1168 volumes, at the
present date 1477, increased by purchase, 140
volumes, by , binding periodicals, 72, public doc
uments from our Representative in COWTOSB,
&nations from S. Anderson and N. B. Crarg,Esp„
25 vo.l each, and from F. H. Eaton 24 vol.
total tai,mber of books in library at present date,
rs stated, 1177. The donations. , from our res.
peewit fellow citizens, 11. 'Anderson, N.ll. Craig,
tend R. Eaton, EsqS , were' acknowledged at
the period of ' prnsentatiou, end 1 am , again in
structedlta thank theta for the evidence thus
,rinsed fttr the prosperity of the liwtitute, end
their ro*lenee in its permanency.
• 17 ohld that: a larger number of our. citizens,
the Minot litilto be linTrersed with ,the übso-
Into net-6.41y. of a public library in this, their
native or' attoptml home,lwtho cannot be blind to
the advantages, to be,deriscilfroin it, wouldman-
Heat their 'approval of the tneicrtakins•lby lead; •
ing lietpiugliand to rear a auperstra'lture
the foundation Which you have laid. The
~,.,:ice moot liOlVOVerbe erected, with or without
reference to that Librarians re-leder, we
Lod that during thof.yleir i 849, he delivered-to
tuombers.riir.l•soltinos, and in .the year l&iO.
2572, showing an el' as of 780 volumes taken
fronrtho libritry duringthelntteryear, ortalme
tion orerthirty -two per tent. This inforation
poitemes interest, sal it srolibits a marked in
crease of reading, if apt of readers, and promis
ing the friends of tbp. :Library full compensa
tion for. all that has been" ormoy yet be done.—
The-newspapers and Periodicals Lave also been
more generally:read ill the year past, than in
any other since the or...nrillation of the Assoein
These items indicate clearly the present and
mining usefulness of the lusllttite. , Luni, encour
age us to persevere, until it shall. amid .upon
firm tmalt, Lamt ohr attention, slid. command
the ;.patronage of those who. liars. heretofore
.ivishetins well."
PtilLiCATlONS•wkerarn . .Kr TliDlitisT#lSTE.
. •
lierabl, Coitilerand En
quirer, Evening Po't, Journal of Coninierce, and'
Still-it - of the Times.• •
hitodelptio: North American and :Nnited
Stales Gazette; Pennsylvanian, and Coma - teitial
List. . •
Wirehin.if 0,1274 . , Washington Union, Nattdjaal
Intelligence!, Natinnal Era, and Republic.
.Nrso Orl ear. Picuytine, and Price Current.
litaiinir Ater, ,
Bultimrc: Baltimore American. •
artrin*lti: Gazctte.
Louizsille Journal.
St. Missouri
London: European Timm
Pateburylu Gazette, Coninterrial Journal, Morn
ing Chronicle, 'Morning No, Dispatch and Mer
Democratic 'Review, Ainerican Review,
Eclectic - Magnxine, Ilorticulfurist,
Littelre Living Age,, Sillitonn's Journa l
Knickerbocker, I " Plough, Leeman,' AnTiL
Mining Jonrnal, gunPe Merchants' Mag.
'Railroad Jonrnnl, 'Edinburgh Review;
Lonilon'Quatterly, Wedmiwiter 'ReTiew
NoTth Briti th Alos;azinc,l3laikwoocl;
Journal oI the Franklin , Institute.
- To this list—whleb ba received the very gen
eral' approbation of- members—the
would have, with great! pleasure, added o r t 3 l ( : l 4 d
but for prudential eunsiqemtions.
Tveu hundred 'and thirty four dollars: have
been' appropriated: to the,Library Committee do
ring the year We respectfullyrefer you to the
report of thli Committee, for mutters in edetall
'relative -to tho Library.
• The Cabinet of litineraLs has been much en
hance:l in value, by the liberality of F. It. Bra
not Elf!, who placed at our disposal a rich col
lection of specimens, which are worthy the at
tention of those who derive pleasur and profit
from the study of mineralogy. For this himd
some donation Mr. Ilrueot has been tendered the
thanks of the Association. .
. .
In July ex.request wag' proposed by several
mecribds for the free use of the upper . room for
an aSsocintion of gentithen, who desegned estate-
Hsiang's Picture *Gallery, preparatory to the for-
Rae tiorrof an Art Union. The request was grun
ted, •Suitlecting the use of tile room to such reg
ulations-ax the BonveLof . Directors might see
Iproper, to prescribe, - and reserving the right to
repossession at :any - time. This enterprise
should vective yonr countenance And command
such - assistance as the Association can with pro
priety 'extend., Should , success crown the et
fort, Ise auryfilalms our ellare of credit, the cap
itoli pri ce in the fi rst distribution.
l' Toweirds Abe close cdi the year the Board of
. Thede ached' for and obtained the appointment
of it cominitiee to confne, with R . Similar iommits
tee fronitheir Board, upAn the propriety or prac
tieshility of uniting upon satisfitetery terms the
i two institutions. • Upon consultation the joint
conimi ttee reached to tlieeoncbasiontlhat thermion
'might be - effected upon grounds promising devil
ed allvaptsges'," The joint action woo noli-concur
nal In hithelloard of Wad° for reasons,no doubt
satisfactory to themselves. We indulge the hive
, time a iv:donut - ay yerbe.htade,Vipon es Nish, that
Fl will , dve . increased • elliclehei• - to the Board 'of!
. ..-
i • ' 1 interest
Trade, and. Impart 'add tiona to our
I Institute, -•• ' ..-.' ' 1 . ' - ''
' 1
- Fur. an eclihit of the i receipts, extenditurci,
1 and 'financial condition of ;the Association, you
Lureifespentfaliy vieferred to' the Treasurer's re
, poit ;'which . " places'. heron you - - the gratifying' information that we are. free from debt. The
liabilities•-of the Institute ter the 'year, (1851)
takitigtlie past as a proper 'Frithrtoil, may be
estiniated'iri'' round numbers
. st 91500.•' lite
emeries,da'6oo. leaving s, deficiency tor . the year
of.V00;; ; to meet Which we shall have the pleal.
- Stereoraddingtiro hundred hew members-to the
anthej..ctiOn ; to secure thou needs bat a deter
'twined-Vert upon the port of the new Board and
IWe wish the Association to . undeistand - that
. tli,defielency" bed • its ' . .liirtie.. r literious to the
' eleclion'of the 'present -BoirdA . l Directors, and
:come-onto; existence . ;by ,the; Appi!vriation In,
r , r e,j o iu n it3re of a ettprien!:reteiliti:for - !le
-purchase ark - KA:7Oo- an amount the , chrtiti - t:,
,e : peniet, i l r the:cfefriivald - 40.1tOrV theieb,y.
pladerilii itifocespiiy zii., ' dmir upon • #4,, :re:
. .
, ._ L • • .
sources or the yesr.coulng in ; und thls,mlsl4l
still 14 .. a n% hat it is',:sitich better that'. ea*
ccaishould'ray. its own.'way. , , ',..„.., - ,•:;.
:,The °trine of Treasurer: is one of tutteh and
abuts labonr, rind stinne the faithful Artsclisie
of its . autieedepende not only the progress, but,
the =dilation of .the Institute:- -Those.,remarks
r icatoddered gratuitous. but they ore . nese:-
the les founded in truth and deserve your 01-
'1 teniion. ‘ ....
We (=galls to you,(Getitlemen-of., the 11..
and M. Instil to that. tire expirntion of the year
Mugs with it,brightenid prospects, for 'the final
ilecomplislnnent of the object contemplated by
those who. on the 18th .of July 1847, pledged
i Ihemselves, e:ril to the othei, to put forth stren
uous eitirts to establish d Library and eleading
Room. ThO . Pledge is sulewribed to by 23 young
men, most of whom arietill laboring in the good
cause. :-.1
, The Institute has passed from the crysalis
state into practical life, yielding facilities for
the acquirement ofuseful knowledge in its varied
f0n 3 . 3 .q upon the raii4 ftevorable terms. If the
',impulse given by 24 ciersons, three years since,
has been instramental in placing upon the
shelves , of the library, 1500 volumes, upon the
20. newspapers, upon our tables, 17 periml
what May not, what , should not, ,ien,
Wbnt "ougt. - not,loo members effect in the next
fwelve inenths, •
Do you ark hOw it is tOVmdane T we answer
not by absenting ;yourselves' froccio. rooms.
week after meulc, mod month, after' month; but
by your presence giving countenance and en
couragement to those upon n'uoto 'you place re
sponsibility and, who also feel it. Not by sub
scribing fe "encourage the enterprise," thereby
• inducing increased -expenditureq for your tenlii
and withdrawing your membership at.thc termi
nntion of the year, under the impression that
`your aid id no longer needed. Neither can it he
*done by depending too much or entirely upon
the actions of your Howl of Directors, they can
--if of theright materiel--do good service, but
they miunot accomplish You
may regard the Board of Directional the Head,
but the Head cannot say to the fiends T base no
need thee.
• The prokress, the onwant march of the insti
tute to great usefulness, is retarded from year to
year.: by an annnal list of names returned to
the Vireastirer no haTing resigned. Will it be
imPfiper, or out of plate to ask these gentle
men why they have relinquished their mem
bers up? Can lite fasten still 'uporeour city
her king standing reproach—absence of public
spirt t' or public institutions.? Can it Wiliam, tbe
acne dity for to Public Library undßestgug Room.
oiei 'YUdccin'to all, floe+ riot exist i'''C'un it he
call indifference to. the diameter - we maintain
abrf d, or 'lore .of the "mighty dollar?" Tide
wet re not, we would notuay. They are fel
low; tizens, all reepectable, many of them weal-
thy, etljoying enviable posinous is society. If
•yon a• eve no sathifactory reason for leaving us,
we I g ion to resume your membershiv, cheer
no I r your presence:hid us by your conosel, and
coot 'bate your abate to render the. Institute
pert =cut •
N: wo uld urge aponyou tlieneees,wity of uni
tint... :IYe hive.severully the same alumni:
of c ftital invested; are a like reNralasible, and
boti! by •th'e teim; of partnel-ship . 'it. increwr
the , pital stock. • There is work to be done, and
wor Which all can do. ; .We need, and must have,
vi mi eh larger number of members, to maintain,
give efficiency, and place the Association in a
cow bight before the public. - ton it be
don, le it to be suppose.] tbst oat of
loth nof 4000 persons, bat WO can be found
why feel tbe weat, necessity, or advantage. to be
from public ,institutions of w literary
. .
anti ter ? ite are bound to believe better
"thid of our citizens, so noted forthcir SEII and
entt prise, until the contrary is madam appear.
B new the.pletßre mode in 1847; whin the cor ,
neri stone of the Institution was laid; or pledge
yell elect each to the other to cell ii.ll onceNtic
pre nt list of members fo double iU. size, and
our ess will crown the effort; being napretuUd
wit! the conviction, that 'his intrtenee most be
Brat cd indeed,mbich cannot draw to our support
the I 'du( aaingle friend or acquaintsnce.
e should. have a much larger nuntleer of 'life
met bens" and may we not expect mire:moo:ll,le
aug • eutatiou at this during the ensuing
yea ! •
A, we not entitled to this marli approba
tion • • the part of one wealthy ci tiz.Onsc! Sar,ly
we j aye atuongmt us more than •ICen pe.rsons
'''•- -• • .
trlici bare, in addition to their means, ,utlirient
libel aliry and "city pride•' to contribute once in
theii life time, the meagre eon, of $35 to ..stah
lialij in their midst on institution, des . tanc.l and
well calculated to interest atrangers and impart
benefit to the reiderit population.
Fs= the NrcolA ,-,
ovimtAND menzirrs.
18. ....... . ... ..... ..
Trtcricar. Itlrrn, 1 t %'
A Road, 7‘loniliy, Stpt. ;11)th, IS.O. I
` .W. P. Unincitos—Dectr jrS : yap, of the
4th I f July, written at Clinton, 310.,,wa3 taken
out i f the officeet Sacramento City, and kiddly
forst tided to me by Mr: A... 0. Blakley, and gave
me the latest newt I have received from .your
sett! m of Moamar!. •
I eve now been on the hdrrible road mere
then one month, during which time i hare wit,
ness d every grade of human snEferitx and nati
ery.l •Too often hare T mem fomlllea, who from
all a •pearauce, bad been broupbt up it the en
jnyu •t of every luiury, feattingupon the car
C. 1.30 or dead oxen. Captain Duncan; of Mich
igan stated tome a few daya since, that the
heat food he atelfor eixteen wa efaithful
dogl hat had followed hint ftiom home: that he
mava him ailong as be could.bu Xfinally killed taxa
to r) • eat etarvation, and divided the raentamoipx
Olttwenty men. I hate' seen hundreds L'‘,.;
gmthat they reeled and ,tttaerecl ex they
MOI along the road. Bt lll' one plan from St
Loral on Ifmboldt Aim., a few digs since, ly•
ing the side of the goad in the list agonios of
cleat ; caused by star ration. Have just reach-
ie point, after s'tcu days journey ap Ili=
boldil river, where I f6untl 17nalqjlei:soo; with
out 1 e pound of provhsions,Althou f gh four hun
dred miles (him Sacramento 'City. And what
mak. s their situation'worve; they Gave rofrer...l
• '• "
trotnistareation until they are qicweutt they c.,
Tbene people finye been robbed
1.1 Indinne, even to their bliinkets, althenell
'Or z ghts are cold and chilly, and it requires two
ett tls cc blankets to' keep o man comfortable, yet
min; of these people knee heither blankets or
eon The ',untie Indians are 'very muncrous,
• o' ingverylsold, nod are killing the Ciolgrunt •
t all • They conceal themselves ill the thick
ts ; d ravines, and fire • upon the emigrnn
. s I . y piss; those on foot, being ton weak 't
their •guns , fall an easy pray to the Sav
Indinns have taken st great tlea of :nook
rum the emigrants, tied are coasequt tly '
.. sm. ed; and by picking up the fire:lt thmm
wa • ..y the weak and exhausted, they are al,.
well ruled, which makes them far run danger.
. 11/3 ' , they Lave been at any previo s period
Man believe these Indium are hesultsis4sl led o
ty w 'to men, whotsb object is to secure' the end
. a stock. Several families bare dionppeared
or • ;ich no aceountcan be given, who !rye salt
. •. killed by the - Indians when off th road, or
. prisoners.
I . no only mentioned a. - few of the ,thousitsn
ala ties which hose befallen the overland end
• ti' of 1850. Such an amount of sufferins
• en— ,as been experienced by lite America]
. I , . . ; • the settlement of the couatry; au.
sins' s. hope that it may never be .my lot du
'.g fe again to. witness ouch scenes o suffering
•.d . i . The mow is now four in; hes dee
pon, :c ountnin, and the rivers risim., and is
It da from this time, in all probe .ility, th
sou •in will be covered with snow f •. five I.
en f t sigep, and in many places mucl deer.
Thent will not be a trader on this sit c of the
too,m alas after the sth of October.' •Je great
er of them are now leasing, ,w tb their .
to for fear of being in the snow sto scot the
Sicrrrrrrrrllll From the best inform; ion Icon
get, t • ere is yet between 100 and 200 families,'
and p bably 2,000 men in the most per ect state
of de titution„ far buck of this place, without
stock .r provisions, and many of then without
blank Is nr comfortable clothing. If the winter
sets it early, I cannot nee any possible chance
for th '. people to cross the mounteinst I base
at my command 3,000 the of fepteef, 'end 3,1
lb of flow, besides 30 mules, and horses,. which
will a tower fur food; but the borses opti.mul,t
are tie oiled to transport the feeble women and
belplt •• children over then ountains aid acistss
the d ierts.•• * -
I It re fitted out an expedition, and Will le-at.
hero t . tight to relieve the sufferers on Cho Hum
bold ' tu d shall carry back' flour and reef sulk
-Cleat'. able 1,000 persons to cross the Desert.
We lo ve relieved emigrants from every Stole in
the 1 elan. .Those from .the city of St. Louis
i t
base b the greatest sufferer=. Then comes
those. ro Ohio -Kentucky, TellnerlsoC, littliana,
Winer ,si , Michigan, lowa end Missouri. Prob
ably I fty from Now York and Pennsylvania hove
been 1 li red, three families from Louisiana, and
about t nty men from Georgia, and from every
State, co re or less.
I h se With me "-Thomas Kinkade, of Benton
Co., le., and Ewing Story and Washington
Pond; ofiSt. Clnie C0.,.310., whp have pledged..
them ord - ef honor - to remain with Me on the I
east i his or the mouhtains until \ the list
grant, 'as posited on, or baslmen,called to u'fitiel 1
accoti ;t. ,, . , . _
Old eying that The tenders 'were \becoming
alarni . find tearing for the Settlements on as.
count .f the approach of winter, and fettiMitht;
effect' .f !his course on
. th& men Wittinte4 de.
termit ed to know whnirouid retiudu at, any Nu"
ard, ind Irish every consequence.. I stated ,to
them ..yresotution. was. formed, and that I - ,14
not. It , ad• to croak - the Mountains iss:Jeng as
Were;as reason' - to believe that one emigrant
ri,caai, lat - behind` nllim' that they.nli knew the
circus stances in which we were placed; liable to
Leap . kedikt. - the numftions - tribes of :hostile
bulimi.;enstjorthenMentSittn; and elninhi;ten be
Po fur , mate :6'4 iScapithe U s tower tkey' w .
awe the *RI - ce1 . 13401., aria nß~[rom
tlic ahithit 00ft3i** =MA'.
aft* the ltllßer ecj In4ltd oven lorbenAric
thuil enhsisd tffitnectatahnt, rcitturilia*throtieli
tbiklntlinn tribes on the west side; by ',both so.
many Murders were committed last winter and
'spring. After consideration, those I bare
named from your Section of Missonri declared
they were willing to risk ; t e e con Sequences and
remain, cad deehireff theywOnld never attempt
toy tross.the Sierra . .. Nevada until 1 riossed with
them; itoyitt may rest limited, if you ever bear
or our amml in Sacramenta City, that the last
of, the overland emigrants of 18.30 are in, or out
or danger trom starvation. an we shall go in with
those in the rear. lily company to mail but well
armed. each man having u title, four pistols,
hatchet and bowie knife. I,`l have duly consid
ered the risk and reflected upon the consequences,
and should I never reach 'Sacramento again, I
shall at least die wiih the consolation of having
attempted to discharge n painful duty to suffer
ing humanity under diftmulties too great to be
overcome. My respects to friends.
fours, truly,, WILLIAM WALDO.
LettelLs froth Rome state that the presence of
the French srtuy is ,regurdqd its so necessary to
the maintenance of order that the foreigners in
Rome Rilil have taken houses or apartments
have hail it inserted in thew leases that in case
the French urusy should leove Rome, their en
gagements should be null and void.
A SexNisi! llawXlllloKixa EerieLiennYST.---
The city of Barcelona, in Spain: possesses-a pe
culiar pawnbroking' establishment, where loans
are made without, interest to necessitous persons
on the deposit of any artittivo. Two-thirds of
the vltlneofthe deposit ace at once advanced,
and the loan is made for 01* mouths and a day;
but, if, at the expiration I§f that period, the
,depositor should declare hitimelf unable to re
deem it, another petiodof six months is allowed.
At the end of the second nix months the pledges
are sold: but if they yield more -thou the
amount advanced, the difference is given to the
original owner. .TheNlarunio de Via is Presi
dent of this charitable establishment. and he
has jest addressed 'a letter Ito the Clergy of the, praying theta to make its advantages
known. - It bears the name lof the Pawnbroking
Estahlkinuent of our lady ,uf live. In the
your 1849, peritoits attuned themselves uf
its generosity. Akaseny,
, , . .
The MI lutettm tame *hover the emhoze at the Mier
sh Itcladelphia ithqtrit Mc h.tootti tit December,
. i
Double eaglet., 15),821 $3, - .991,420
Q.rier Ju. IL (lOU ! 112. fAX)
:fiver. .
Quarter dtAlare, 114800 $16,700
I)fine.4 1L1000• j 11.500
/Lilt dhee., 1290,000 14.50 u
1,479.50 - 84,037 6Gti 47
.' The prealmui which fureigu silver at present bears
has gritily checked' the supply of It for recomego..
HINAIL TEA '—The Journal. of Commerce• has
been favored by the bonged derveral of Brasil, arab•
,dveral specimen. of tea 4rown in that Empire,
watch on trial, it Gaya ane found to poorer
agreerible flavor, and though i net equal to the beet
quglo Ans Conn chum, are much superior jai the low
Desirable Sublarban Residence for Sale.
Tog:rubs...4, otters for rate! the hoe.. and on's:soda
whore te now reside, estuated 4 l'ark street, below Tla
mnt. plt Allrdhoti, and about trOnistra' walk fnan the
nsarldd 4nd. city. The Mt is 140 feet front on' Park tt,
runtong Lark 'di, dvt. I 0 an Mho —edntaininst nearly one
lore or gnAzo4. am! d. op every ,idatby latue °yen
tidorned 1r.:•• and .4ruldrer,. Thr boom. 14
norIU new. lat'Uv, and ezero.l.l4ll noll aid. h.q./
foot cr.:., fo,L mod, depth of jd. ...noon" fourtuoa
andLomds, aloe bet w It is built to Ilse Lear
Ini,lnt da rabbi • tuanner, nod sm a nn-proof rut. and
all tile waciikin osavenkinlv.. Two rump.. with
guri - , ,1y ban] atni W,ll sr.. at duwr.
teat Lunt:lna.. i.tahle.
.mai, hour, 4e. anat.1...... labl 1./1. I:llngir si 6
wah IT , n.rrrgrceuz, ranoTlaß
.hrulr, currant,. tz..n..1.171...5. rw , pirerru , ..i. , .. and w entail
• Tito fruit it of 16< t,ct hind , atal the Iry io
• 100,,a.n.l .r1 , 1 , 1 , 1n0t.-h . rOn the amt. of ail c.a..,
• j the pr,yett,.. to ealobrity and
.whwrl r,taf..rt.. r+nAln..l I .r h (Jr,
I. 6. , In hilt.. has
nth, r.,
Pni. ,, im.rb, the , Ity't i tt. two Orra.L. ml UN.
,1611: - .1tr 116W1 , 61
6... L whit enta, or
p.rt l';ll,l.nr4;h thi,,hiw, pew. Iy
Thu ale.. completely
nla , et.l nnr- oritn.t. M de*lavetire or
tairjig. a tvre
t , ment.
• if l"rat..l ~tne!luiet. n,ot in the ronntrl•
al &ban, .n and p00.....5hml aitea
• Ann!. Enqiur* at <t.naetin aloe.
Rd tit or Dz. 111 Lo3t'o Vamirratz!—..
Amour the huotlml• lollert, or leak, awl order, tr
Mred.l, rho Pro,nittoro of thLr I kir,. the fallcorl¢g is
relectol to Abu.. Ito ammeter • etlect of it, wtkr in f
Ito , Meet. 114,..;3 rest. Coltra are Dry
N1...H1:1M, hut are ul , o air t, for the oan of the
rholcort nonllcluo,
1 ,..d
.. irt3rnmlr ~I3n, Cent IA re/7.
^ Mg..., Kn. A Co.—We hlpp• ut . get a lot of 31 , -
I..lne'l Cenntfort. 10.1 riming. yr,r rnt by 3ottr,t,lse,. e..
'SOD au- Lite 1 1 . no/fuge no. , IntnAl Is Our community,
t 1... Jetnat.,l 1, , 010 , gr , ml 4,4 h. our ruel Ira! ~..13
o.Sh3dst , ,i. It ha, 1,c.1un..1 ti•,.. he t plfort ni.on - err it bar .
Iwn nra.,l lo till, riMlll,l9. andltAjn , ry tripobr smon,, our
pen, 10. 11".. an: Jrnroun of Atniultih.. olulion.. tutu
..11.,,,1]r,t fmto I .Jg - ,1,,,. 5..., It ~,, 1 1. mon. rapi..ll, than
313 ,41,..r to,bein,.... 1,, 19, , +.n. ~..1,,1 us a “uw., nom,-
&ay!) U. ./..1 J. 11. 031.70.0..
J. K lila/ 4 (ti,
No. CU 11'E.,.1 *I
Europetui Agency.
Ihe ~ .I,..ariber urtnnln r mk , the rities
at Itritaile. nualy, Jatin, tataatts wf
grril. ' , 1,. and .I.m. Ntazeb
lith. had will Iw ptra.....1 .1.1.1. la an, agelteier a a bu
rin.", ritara..t..r wLieh ma),: la coulalol rare.
jr.ll7ikrtli ' JWIS U. LAPIS.
lily.—Sir. 4 r.lwl;rfull, your
that I u..U1.1 you hte arroynt 41.. al.. wiruculou.
un•of my 111i..{1,11,411.,,,e 1, thr iv, ,TPllit
watt a ter,..+re Ia February or
tlerell I+, abet, I Ituni+lktely ni.plled In the beat
,a 1 sal In the rit)., br telt+tn Its orumtn..d v ewer, bad
• le.' and all gave in Ira 1101. of dutog bur any put. ,AF
t..,w 1.4 L I t+.l. her fol., Ile. +iuntry to an old lad), rho
I,n,ery .to,-c+ful In c-nrinki.yrs. She tot:lute that
le+ <a, gran llonele+t, an the mould certainly Itre not +ray
that on., lot al+, that the other would Ihllow--.11 being •
u.tufithat all,thal of the I,ln J. And I thy cvrtlrl, 'halal
the time ntyLktihl,l4. It. V+bon) 'rata. to the oPorlusion
no had . better trY Your FF{eolFutn, she. ant entirely
bli”.fof 0ur..... It I, now alnut two tuonth,i educe elle
brunt, it. , orv, and the ITU ten. uw vrlth both •0r , ,1
aw ever ,he hr OA t ray tell, I beliere.alte hap,.
with the 1.1.,, of to lavu cured by rwrrole-
31. Vta VULION Ooxars.
S•opt. 30, WAIL
- • •
1.1 Kr, we McDowell, IR) 0t.., R. E.
111.4,14 Wcw.l 11. Llurr7, D. A. Ellinlt,Jowl.h
Ono, nel,l IL I. echwurS!. also by tba proirio•
nol7xl.l,cF CanalPln. Eitenlh a1...P1f6/surgb.
Foreign and American Hardware.
LOGAN, WILSON. &-• CO .; :
No. 129 Wood ;Street, •
A full aarenthrtlelr ortork of FOREIGN' AND.LII6RintIV
guitsi:le for Ow oi.rit, trade, .4 which they ore prepaid
lb offer to inirrlovery• at Petit - Li that ♦lll rompare •
brambly with Iltir of the, riutern do
Fire and Marine Run/ranee Company:
.tunual prumittut, 010.1 :Hoek and durplus - pusni
N0._74 fourthEittitEukth.
RE YOU A TATIIER, 'laboring for the
Ito S.D. is..wr . o. * Soaker Sawunoritia.
o.of 31..flpfr, suffenng from Aiwa!, to, wtoich
utfol.•A on. go tweulif iIN-1. UM 6r.'3. D. Ifooref.
r. f la—it will c O er tain lqy.t .cu t!lo on.
F/1 1111,f. hpot ron Po "°f
a u th
A etnht,
Flak ogota
onfr•-.1 ho Dr. 'S. D. Dowry boo. been the
tw.rinsonoull,nrinr nom, dinfloeff, tof which the
nutoof f n Lowlly fsre offntiffoull) ...10..p.0ft., than ffn), otter
ifrfp.oraDnn of A.t.ralitkarilla trer Tut Ifronoulft beton: the
Tlitio vied:fino ha+ aelahllfflpfd itiffh reantatiAti hr
r. tl , ounw.,
It 1, put ulo In opuful /4WD bilir I, the only Sarwaparilla
that arta ton the 1.1, , r, Kuhn,. and Ilkol at tho emu
too...falloff roplerA It alloorellior'nufne talualfig err[)'
m partleularly fflnait..
/111.1• and cmouln. for Dr. .f." D. 0101lfrA :DIA KED
anol take non Infr.
Prioff. Ii if .r If•Atle—o; LiAlltfro f r
DD. 0.. D.j1if% , 111,1 3 ,c0., Praptirtur,
In ..„I,l=nolltAati, Ohio.
V 'o fiffel:
lAttnhurgh: A. Elliott. .1/12nvily ritv; it. .11,
klAn°D , Dr. I. ..erfwktqf Drrownsrilki_Jaa. Paull
NI loeellia.r. 4.11. l'attenke • and 0. Muroran. &-
VDU - Tile; '3oeltan t lino.. Caoll .f oteLS..rJawT
Citiien's Insurance Com any oT Pittsburgh.
i(lfftrn No. 411% ator the wandloisw of C. U.
Pw-110111- .. : 1 1V,hfsings, Pee r
eississiny ti wow n tu,nr. ell merchandisein inMoil to tiwrisitn, tt,Pllt,
Int C. •
Anll.* ios tioi lity Ist,rits tbe
1 , µMinted lit the citaiattiw of the Directors,
who aro All durum of ,IN [ trDutCy, isth.,, µ 4
laws - Wl° the muuvw,lll I.f the itirsµ4 µ ,,
111µ,y, lathier.
Jr Walter Urzarit. 11µels D. &hip. !Award ilenwitesi,
j o b ' , ii,sostb, -files. µµ.S.litt
aPARTNEIISIIIP-14 hay ° n is co ninted
wi t h COVIIYVIN 414 Isle kiNILL..e of the S'arosers'
dew We his per, µµj a
lousiums. t'n9 TA*llllWiiis/
Ia \ CEEISPE e : a aousa,
Corx*OkThiri and t pts,.pittirgh,
ew:fig sad,rprrismardemige, 'Bank,ifrotzt,
:Votelt Sgoei; Sold i trs , 4 . , , ritied
No. 84 Wee;l -Street, Pithiburil
../4"-Drlnucit uprorro as 3.2 =MUM pal<al
- tc otreewlr to Lane k Ilkseow..) '
Kos. 252, 254, 256, and 255, Pearl St., .N 1 York,
Between Fulton wt. owl Nulling Slip.
In the United Mote. adopted to All; Marketed Li the
wrtiellw of SWIM nod IJUNWE/114. we keep and endless
I.3.MlNti Ai reelltVlVlPLVlnitr=
Plalu sod nal:Oa:kW Clothing of slltlode.
of stork ecut by mall. Onlers lawmptly alkmded
Euekewora to Lewd.* flanKod,
.iullklood3w 34., s3tl, wad 050 Pearl M.A. York.
American Life and Health t ee Co.
Agrizt for Pittsburgh, &lin, Li. TO I LE,
OfOre, 87 iltlb rt. above thheld.
Pamphlets tentalni all rommesmi ihforroehol mnLe
oLtalned at the ,
On Tburrasy. lath Mt., Mae. near Dana, :god ' ream
tellet of John Dare of 31.1rUle. Pa.
The (rhumb of the to ll, are hotted to attend hi funeral
Into the Lotus of ulm llorper, Eah, IVllkinab rah, to
Atoned to the Cour ry, on Patunlay, 18th hot,
Crawl Concert—Vocal and __lentaL
m losne n tf u ully. r O4, lnfor* the
utoti.lNS HALL, o ar K ranzt
. on TUESDAY . ovtatiZt
oast January 214 on . hirJ4 mouton oho will balastiattal
by Meaux liarbordb I. • no, Klebectra • tante mitt
Th e Urals. Lvether with chorus, of Inin
roloat The pro or,. eutirely sob Altai , of du!
pirava novo. Lavin before loon lauforntettiu tbo hullo."
Mato, The colobrabat Ilatuburit Polka whit, be ht Morainal
with full laruheatra; abut wooer. for elubt 1 audio on
lir" Ilan. A Adu 0111114. mi. otocutiat on .t uew .
taut aartok.:4 ulaUtustrunteuto, tbe Zither. the Sinnott'',
Merely , rl fill <tom, will bo laWortnAll
titulars son
of Lilly
N.8.-4'lm of Num.; A. Clark's *kWh' Illa Be
torttintod by Mr. Klobor.
NOTICE --The Farmers' and
Thruplko &ad
and Outuiwny will bold c
IToran. ' o=
lA, !Allow*, Echo
u. with me. the 6
,piankuod at the 014 stand, be. 0.4
.4%1. Letelard aLut em.•
TUe aeutor {armor of the Bra Li
to the friend,. and funned naltnag of the fa
•talet tatent•on Iglnuine.atul the wan
nollt a full dare of publlepatronagr.
µµ All knowing tbrauelieg indebbd
by lauKgr. anenuta or °Wenn, prior to
will plan. nail Aug ..1.18: tad .are awto.
No:19 Nassau sireet,•Nexc
33,957 019 OD
and have
GTor.ld. Lone the
It r e rt s s ea . .
muted ta Stood ell
gnats, Cloaks, Yearlos,
lesttdos, Pants. Cap, tkar
E esters, Et:meets, runs and
Tale Covers, CrumbetErviage. and
Hun* Cloths, balk.. ant Travelting
E.:L.4.00M Diggers' F.:skeins and
thuds, shying Dreams. Ilreast rempoy i;TriLC
anteing !o drugatsts and surgeons. Engl end
Factory use. tlas uldne. Hone Fendelts, K stes
Extent Porn!... Cne Manta. Iknting ; sle,
To, Life !Yemen., Cushion, Sinus, 11.
Whips. Bridles. Wegon end Boat Vita
c..e.ll2,lVater salts. I .
Palls:Etre Lisakenste. Ankles tior
Use Trade made te tinder. 1741nt
FU Rola, uuTTE,i—W bujut
fur mak br J. 6 cahrf I
'L'ILAASEEIi---A Antall lot (or elle by
j: Jol7 J. B. CANYIfLD
`]JEEP PELTS-1 bale for sale by
jal7 J. D. cAn LD
_ . . .. .....
ITOCKS WANTED-14ukof I'itt4argll;
Nfrtrbanne and Manufirtuntrx . Runk of il9l.lsbnraPi
arbange Bank of Pi,cburght: I , r a ni,ll the W
/prim sill he i. 4 WM- A RILLCCU.
1 A. Vrmal at. tev dn. abova Fourtb.
OTaillod. and Printed: also. t., *alit Muslin, 0 rations
Aden and qualitlea. to b. !ono i i i r,„ liirts Ilunkinf r ;..
teln Nt; y . a 1.11,C111 , 1 L
N. K. sr. kourth t Market ats
i• 3turplty & Burchfield inrilete attention 1 tho.n
, wanting good. tbr boy.' year, to t of the..
1 and other etrir• nf ,cooda adapted for this porno.: Ali'.
RICILUIDS re4l.eifully offers her
Ke'rvicla to a to 4ru u T nTquirr them
11ti;:i;11,V1,,,, e h u tea. t:-..".)•iu gym. juiliio.l3t
VOOl.--Ca..11 paid fii Wt
- ,16 )11.10'11 '
JUlleahed from martamtarert. I
11 for ale by .106
EciVk . E/ 77 .T11g I e
..15bnat. era, ond LLsa
rilinEDS •LThree •
mien 6141? Ll
6 2 umic-:—T wo tow Sul
0 yule' .
OLASSES n Ffty-fi
eunct MAllon>r
pi 55 . 'JAME'S
- IVOR RE N or"
1.• Mount on ILsy4tre,t- Eng
rrbikieC ( )--8 LES NJ"
.c.uneiErillian l A li t t
Public gale of
Le expos
A. M.. on tre Irroniows
lan! .itulte in Milking roan i
buuni.bal no lb. n...lAby
at by .151115515 DWI ; ou the non
tbn hot by Jit.nua. Kelly, mold •
own. or le.. 1..1140 I
1155kil 5405 Into Jamet• emit*
int nrir lbe Pratiludovu'n - .1.
.-I=..e ' ill r er? ', l, l 44 u n[f!t ' itlth u o t n 4
re ...Lund Um pros
Lail, frau the etntral Hail It.
ic13.1 1,l Mc', 4,ne.lleCor
. . . . . .. . . ~ . . .. .... ..
ood Mar Jan, Ylriruti.. a minor, arid bola by ;them.;
.1...0tr. ly u
ft /NW.. no+ owliiiig . utallibloil third tort
thrmit And C. Ca the haying breu cutpuvrort4 by Irv.
Jane 51cCuirso and /Iv. ',obeli& 11.1 m.. by nt of
att.irtiey, to roll their inten , ita nod R obertllrmi.
augoinlLati of bait Mary Jute lir:Stitt. haying been
thorised and directed by too Orphans' Connor Alloirlieby
eoutity, td .ell the lutorml: of Chu moldminor, la the roll
r,tat.. &hole doreribri.). Th. raid tram olll lowortlingly lir
*I L , Ow big
ritherit and bmt biterr ' ou lbw Cob dat - of
I y aria, .bliirehielr.. A. 31.0de Teta. of e alit be
I. . • C. CAJOITIIE__I - ......
'attn.:4 ., 1:01:1411:f . 1.1):Iti/314,:...
Li 1 L ‘1.:11. WAItE-L:siiWiCK, l7l ; i'nri --- pa, L;illss,
.t,,7 flutter Knit... Yilchtra, - Tms Sett.. Cup di mann.
tartar...l to utd,,r itim n Innulit for nal, at 1.1,.. low t rates.
Va-W.14.,1. :KM,. hirer Colo. W. W. W11...02:.
itas Co, Market a
011,P Ittzth at
1 N 'flIE 11 ANS' COURT of All gheny
I County, of Drv'mta.r term A. 11.1340. ficL —.I
In the matter of the partition of the real rotate ufiCert. If.
l'allereoti, hite or Elimh , th towtehlp, demand. -
. ,fileybrny VOltnfy; SS
vt; „,
. o, T l ittar P=l r. Sarah Iritrtan,
)1V.,. am, '" a 'minor. Thom.. B. flea nr:. nal bomb
.a ,f. i ' I lt&ititt:At ' finttlfrl ' ie l ,= . ,
. ' 417,•,1'
r i .....
into C. rattenon, 001 :war 10.11 Po int.,
relltOraehr their rtutnifAn ad We*, femora
...McKnight, halm at taw of Willlatn ti. Pat
Notiot, Wheteh) . given to the above =7 . .1 partim, that
by ramie of the adore mentioned writ of partaken. arder
3 tt*„ft!`7l.. - 41,1 1 .°!:" .rti ."' =lra'
tam 4 unt
f ib en ' tit th o l f " ,firtMet ts7 l , Jtin BAstitin. ' Jogn VelLeltyl
ilenderon, otanael harm.. Jena. 11eKolphi.
and the helm of Peter Patterson,
o f about 150
wry., with the appurtenance.; alto. one other certain
1n...! and' tract of land Attune in mid township of
Elisabeth, banded by hauls of Jame. McKnight, Thomas
Patterson, and „the boas of Peter Patter." containing
Mabout =acres with the appurtenants., on the oth day of
amh. A. D. 1941, at 10 o'clock, of the Elms:now- for the
P.M.. Of =king Partakm or valuation and aptwahiemnt
btraki real estate. MA in the mid welt n, Wm), it whch
limo awl plan cold piirtimbain attend If tr.,. t
n h s i k prtm i e a.
cdurrzi ome, ah,
hherEf's OAm, Pittshurith, January 15, ISsl.—jalecentit.
glint received by earl.... areatber let of throe unique
.sra valuable lit." the only vale end portal an,, man.
factunel. , tall W. W. WILSON.
uunin smoriehel grills him his formerpartner.
a.. In the Wool mJ e Dcanuartio Woolen btuMem, antler
tJau firm maxi etyte of Murphy & L.
IT It Pll Y fi, LEE, Wow, and
I Commloidou Ver.-Immo far elm nolo of American
Jan'Vri;lri4 PitlAkoroh.
ILITE BEANS—Teo barrels prime, for
We at $1303.rr bughnl. by . ,
J 613100NblAh ER C 0,24 Woad '
ifILUE--Twenty latrrels just feceired, and
Liam role M. brthe hand, at S. St WICIVERMIA
jar, Cor.of Wood & dlith oda
1 500 LBS. CANARY SEED received
isad Ibr oak at N. N. WlCKF.lterit3ll.
On. of Wood it Nxtb N.
ELLERS' PILLS—"CouId not get
o g lorl, without them"
SEConnellevlllo. O. Jon. B. Pl5l.
M. R. E. brutal—Yours are the only Iloor MIA that
tell here. !multi not get &Ong without lhoO, and tray
One that make* um, or goon etneake ln the ILlgheet loans of
j.nd add by drugglste generally.
lAlCE—Twenty tieree4 new crop, received
day ..1 . 0 for pale by
a ' BROW N
111A1.SINS—Onn hundred and iftv'boxes and
3K , half tom, nretml .01 far "Jr In; nr_
UGAR—Twenty hhcier DPW Su
Onnd br. ..14114 nuowN kKi
iIiOBACCOI-Twenty bas W. H. Grant's;
IS I: g i i ge
tad Damne d halfpnendt
Lae Oolooroo'n do on hand and
fur Fair hr J 0.14 nit° wN t KIRKPATRICK
dLARD- s-'
-One hundred kegs nen. Lard
" fi ' t l au'irN a KIRKPATRICK
SUNDRIES—Ten 0.. d S. Tolman,' Cocoa;
5 impt Pmtun's thymic
1 ?1.,!: .1:: boon --ante '''
. •
- Pante, an hand
. .
am . ] for eale AM DROWN KIRKPATRICK
01A.4 M.IMPANT, January la, MI.
the Trnnloen of the litohnrTh ttaa limpany have thin
(Dr &flared • Divklend of the per cent. nut of the pmfite
.1 the Ims via month*, on the (UMW Mock 'nald in. pata
kle la Mark tickler,or Met . Imptt reprmentatlim, &nth.
MM. at thetplitee of tbe Works.
oollcator JA.IKa M. CHRISTY, Trrusure,
ituttible Stxr Medicinal PartreMn•Paarnm bond and'
for eale,hy ptl4 310Fl!11 141111fttlh
.I,iiii)oll , --Three hundred barreleid a ust rened
4. =ire. iat. DI/AIMIXK
Jain r •Mk 110 Walerat •
"'AYALA. SUIJAR,-; enty bc),Tea whirl
7 us
""U""= l . 7l . 2l b itDOl:i Ka
sit . - 'o.lldWatsrp.
raw ne, nmirses nacerz,
• rt. treer•ra'rita tint Ankh P,
[tank 4 Irlit‘hrnb--.W.
ENclanncr Bank of do ---.{.1 d0.. -L -par
. Bank 4 trininaerce----rar
Bank 4 'eel Asiniirica--par
;Lusk nrNortlen Litercimpar.
Bank 4 Pninprirards--.par
rank of Penn l'ianuoldn—Par
Think of Lb* United States 12
cummerrital Bank of lia..-par
Ilarmenia 31rehatila'Bk joie!
Birard Bank tarl
he:Lunn:ton Bank ...... .-...par ,
Niel:awl& Meek Bank --par
%negation . Bank-, ... ..... par
kimanneaning Bank - pail
Plaßwielphia Bank---par
.. 1
k 4o okkoKk Bank.-- ...... par
Tradrmares krat------par ,
Wenterefank par
Bank of arnbersburrh,. Ni
Bank of 'honor County.,par
Hank of Danville- -.-
Bank of Del. Co, Chester-1:v
Ila'al of
flank ai.
l, .t:42 b "....::: , 4
Bank of Niddletnret.,.:-. A
Monti - ea:wry Co. Eank:-.,..jur
Bank of Nualhumberlanki.par
Carlideliank o'
Cohan:6LO Bk & Bridge Cap-4 .., r
Doylestown Bank par I
&eaten Bank . par.
Erie 8ank._....._ N4
FarmenNlik of Burks Ca.par I
Folic:n.l Itk of Lancantery.r I
Mariners ,Bank ofiLeading par I
Yana lik of Schuylkill Ci. kpar /
lank Dr&r.Wayneeburg.. Ili
Franklin Ilk. II nabington par.
norri.tur r Book
Iloisertiale Bank-
LancOnor limit
.i.nneivle r laginty tan k__
Ndiners . Bank of Pottarilie l %
alonongabela Bank- ..... ..piln .
Went Brach Banh-
II:you:in Bk,Wilkeabarrepl
York Ewa
'''fi' . (gil'ar - ..... -- :
Ohio Statinßank ...... -......',0
Branch at Akont__..-....d0
Branch Attirpx- . ---do
Braneh at firidgeproi----do :
Branch at Cbilmothe .do
Branch al Cleveland .do I
Braoch at Toledo. .dol
Branch at Dayton— .. --do I
Branch at betaware„..„ I
liraneh at (Nalumlots. .40 i
Brawl, at Aabtabula-...--do
Branch at Inaleln Alo
Branchat Illannfield dol.
I Worhlagtou---do
Cadiz Au
iltetthearille do
, Mt. Vernia.--do
',Newark— do
~n~'luaOeW du
.. _Au
!Zanesville do
, Maui, Ao
l u i o ao o
Toledo oooao
iii.l7,A; at
Branch 11
Branch a
Branch a i l
Manch •
Brawl] a
Brandt a
Branch {
Branch al
/hawk a
liraneh al
liraneh al
Branch at
Brandt a
Walsh a
Ilnoteh a
111Elis, trailing under the firm of WOOD t AD-
O , atal WWII, ABBOTT A CO" terminate% by Walla-
Dort talc Bay. •
The hurl wae 'Will be settled by eland. of the stibartiber,
kwho's. en Dal to we the name of the firm nitrate in
e n or that putwate t nt the oldlatand LB Mar
ket n Philadelphia RICHARD D. WOOD,
19.11 phla. Demmber Mat. IE4.
hae:ina Wits ditaolead as abate Hated, the bush:tem
:the tantlaued br the enbacrlbertalnder the title of
WOOD BACON. t CO., at the old stantl,fio. ILT Market
Iphia, January let, .
Merl uaicei
the abgre kwus
, Y Jtu , - nt
, soll
to .
ulury 1.1,1,
nILUTION-The partnership of -
nit ßeyEr
Inge i Shoe tram of the
mutual content on the
the-01.1nm. of the Cm Irill De settlarby either
of the parties, the name of the Pm to be used for thatpur.
.I L. . i JUSXOL/el,
• J. PULL.
In t'etiritte from the tenth,. of Bernet& "k Pher. I
would recommend Mr. ..I. th. Shoe to Any friends and the
fenner eueteenere of the house.
jets L 0. RETNOLDP.
T L. SIIEE, Wholesale Grocer, Commission
to ;,' I! 'Thant. and dealer he Paper and Ile" corner of
Penn froth Allele, Pittetearnh. ...
ciLvwx 110LNI17$ k 51)778. No. 57
rime, Pittgburgh. Exchange, on 411 the Emtertt
and Woftent cities kx Kole. colirction. Made in all' the
d t a tn t e ro lp m a o l t l. am oea e 1
UTimico .b il N l. o tuems na l.n
W. liNl.4.—The our rod nibetential .. _
Mr./12111 , 111p Cintinmtl, will Inn° Cincinnati.
Obi.., ft &Nan Vriumireo. on SUNDAY. the
'AI day ° . l:ebruery mat. The flaatutiiii bee .0 milt
eahrenl, On. a io.t ninon, la Mud up with Mate room
. -bird°, han the Mot ,if smoomicilattion throughout.
smil Wog fur:lido..l with both gleam ant cello. will make
the trip lei about lin dare. Penchi. wiel ne immigrate to
Coition , * ie . 00.ron, with 'their foodito. em u wad 0:,,,, th e.
AO. °manually that ha. yet Men of! The prim of
cabin I...mete Situ Freoetwo will he MO, teal and land.
moludedi The tialestie money tuna tie tat
MI, reetiring
the ticket Each peasenner will be allowed 1 , 50 lbs. of bag
owe.nit lumal.r of akketit have Leen lintiteol, teed
aced portion alma) , dim Qgwl oil therekme twomm otabing
o. Phwure ticket• won. i Farther lamination
n'T.Mik.4 to
panthin , or freight nu be loolL tor addrhaing,
'1... pal% GEORGIE W. 011iET,
srcreary he CindousiU *Woo Cao
moliei r —CIA. tipa. Sh. . Mocionath,Ohlo.
IN MaTMICCT.—Tbe robsriber offs, for sale, all
valuable property. situated ou thy comer of Holliday
and Pleasant streets, embracing WM' ors thecae.] flee
hundred Munro dodo( ground. montdetering at the corner
of 11.11 W , sod Pleasant etre.. and running lamb Ma
feet. then west E 2 feet. tben.north 93 fed, then west 97 feet
by a line verging tiouttiward. then in a motherly
direction ending on Bonk street, 9.5 fret 10 Inches, and
Cart thb point 113Siet, then &ntlitill feet td PIPIVILLIt Can to the plane of begiturfloy Hi feet. Thit
P r:rat Teu La nts=. b t 'lt laneii fel . "=?A".1%",1
manner, nf the tact materials and ), lnirkicusaship, and a
curufertabir Brick Dwellirk. with a I ridden. The fam.
tory WM' Soet wble, by tad fret deed,lB4l aft.. mat. The
Building azobreees two ,tore.
, nt atfir bee four large
andiron Soap Kettle,
th e gall/in. - each; too led
Tete e ll* miler under the adlt. buildlnyr, and pored
throueboot, In abOrt. It lase every convenience far sc urrying
on a very
buddies, To mnotts deelligg a. lack
din Sir • , Vorweniing House. for the transaction of busi-
I t oeta lialtingire and Sat wham. Redraw'. this proper
nesnr a due opportunity: baling anolo.lil4 WI North
I snort of ''.s Get for the entrance of a treek,twlnh would
scriardarglale three forwarding boo-re. tilt a nturn track
youldgemait atnset..if . armed., Any further indamation
es ho obtained of the aubereiber ou the ',minim,
pfikditi-1471 Pal- S 3.
• EST BLACK TEA—Sane -kittd an in
1 I_ll Engtsal—Stall leaf, strung and due..4 , leadant'fla.
cored het t n litil.S b 7 b 6ATlTiPtrijire tVLezn.t
no whem tlee Inyttlabotrgh. . tall
(1 ELIAIIS" TA YER PILLS suuereetle ail
C other , . Charleston. Vs- dept. P 1 1:41.-s-Mr. R. .E.
Ps firk-41.• Fine hare heeolue an popolerf all this re:
f t."' " t filßirrgc l ili r . """". " " r ' yo " l i '4h".'"'
71. 1 . ' o r tNel l of e letter) • JAMBS " . 111:1915.'
Purchaser, neolleet that It. E. Seller: Lie Pills are the
original and only tree and genuine Liver PS • 314 may be
. Imd et No/07 Moist street, and of Druggids Fendrellydu
1 the tiro cities arid vicinity. la te
..- , . .
1 --A R 'RE CIIANCE--A regpeett de young
man wishing to Centel, with a ellj,ital ff fire to six
builder/ Hers, to engage Inn profitthle. rentectablo
businem. bleb will donble hie toter In leas than lot
afoot*, t hear of Oda chance, by dropping. a few lines
thndteht post °Him, noting en lu t t4rriewrun be
had ( ialthril LJIAIILLS lIMARCE.
B ROONS--One hundred dozen for sale by
riIIIE I, :I I I 4 EST PLACE TO BUY TEA: - .•;,,,,,
11 . SIORIIIi a HAWORTH'S Tra Store, met side brf LW'
Dm:numb I
. flood earoted Teas at 10 onto per puttal. .
The Cum qattlitim at 75 do do 1
Extra auperattFaf SI 00_i_ do
Old Colour, people:7th. um BLACK TKA. will Baden=
reit their palate tretly. ,Them lamb i of Te4a we emote
ILita n W ir t:K t. t , k , r . ...att they.eenno be ilught 2. lt , toy
by Ilia quart or wholesale, ibr gale b
fIitEEN APPLES--Twenty brie. Pippins,'
1.,11/for sale hy 5. F. VON BONNIIITRST a - CO. ..
4.14 1 '
. 04:a
acfor 'sale liy
mcieri LEE
' . brls new cr iri, perl
le Ly
ZELL. CS Stater et
StOrythrelling .ts, .?'
I e Gr
1.4. IA iverie .t.
ne, ei twist,:aceived
r mile Cy .
Mate. --
public sale lc the,
el of Jr.:Unary neat. at nr
ail that er-rt.Hu Haws of
i o n f HenryMr A ow. rghn th y e
o b i 14 LT.72l4tt i h:rf •
lbe rata, Hest annual
rerldrd. Saa r l÷rfrtl
P:d ilk about ten how
ear. of the grt um' ara
r fermin t r i iinseorr, about
s eal or ate and et half
. l of unto
' ll.- . 1. ...nUS "V'd...,
9 had tot tFlon hciere I felt 14 benellelal effector
1 1 411., SEl i .LElti f Steering from ¢
"ILE. Pell Count. "fithlnk It a duty erbkh I
n bottle of
hare:to leap you and die public In iterand, to tarithrely
moles% the; I bad nod need it twice before Glt 14 booed
eial affechaand (under Divine bleadnul bad no cceaolon
to fltilob the bottle. I Realty aleti.. to having aline
11. magic phawalloyi on friend. of niftlei one in ronlenlar.
erboßail a loylng attack on her Juno, accompanied
dintzeiedualiough. Verily the only true RecuLaiAlla (erbero
ouughe anitoolito alert the etilferer) has diacended antoniyet
us on "R. Sellers' lkaigh Elature."
U. FITSdEItaLD, 115 Will. rt.
r4-,,,t,hltiviliVE. BELL Nix al Wool
and mold by driwiloto geocenllY , isle
Inenretere Oxopany of North Ainerlra. PhILO Iphls
SW s3o,ooll—Chatterodll94. Willem 1, 1 ' - •
bulltlltep, MA their eanteoLe. to the city and ' ' e m kgrty;Tat
on prow , cof ."."1 kind.%hipped per Amp and
beetle nod trsele by helop/19etportopon or on the .`"f"
Artt • O. Frn't, Santnel Drynka.
Alexander Henn, Mule. TaTlor.
' DV: M C 171.'". Yanntel F. flulth.
Malmo. , White,
Joh, A. Irrown,
John Whit, Jamb Thoman,
'John 11. Neff.
41'11cii.-Par Malan' I). Wlad,
Frattela Braking.
11. D. amend, Nee . y. •
T. in the nil., Inntranee Company In the United Staten
Aral ltalblah atanding, long criverletn, amply meant.,
and nroldlna• all Md., of an extra Lasanhain character. It
may be conewlend a. offetWitattllL lle:
der, • • LI
ANC FtiMPANT, No. 151 Market httvet. Newark.
The aubat , rlher arid rveeire appncaucau Inanrance
Hem In the tame nucceeafid nintranta Compans; the whole
pnAu ba' + di"kd
,141 Front ntrmt.
Apt . toM Stagfacturer% e CoB4Eand Wagon
hoer teiught the right of an AXLE, lorented hJ
11. 1 4sununi Orieln ger, mild . ehetßeld Patent." It has
Ivan hrnl.ll or Mort conch builders, and plcutouneed
be the bestdii me. An nrilitgiryeeneh. with awn. of these
Arlen, ‘14..11T. will coalman. a half pint of oil 14 •1-1
111011111, sepall tioantity of oil 0111.1111 not of the brat
svidenor, T t base of the great redoeUen oflrletirin. and
enneounent TEM. 0.7111.7 of power it willtaake the taut
Pnilinetore to save in per cent'ait their Fiord and nerd—
Also, it will idea great "hilly to traVelers the nut trent,-
log with wheel,and not Italian anrreinne2l•ll with the.
sale, will eptirely prevent the wheel front ensuing off.
tip priapeteare. the patentees will warrant those Aides to
lan from 13 to 14 yearn daily running.
Warebour-.No. 109 Water, and 14u float streets. Iltte.
burgh. , uoinly
PICES. Candi:4, PimentoJ Pepper. 'levee,
and NUU/1111, far..l. by Ma 1.411 DICK *
deV !Water • Front).-
r on band
t.O -
Th. i l / 4 , itr. of&rlrm IBA .t.r ?dm Sarah 1. hate.
rlkautj• Mr MI. :frn. wint,r ro, Iga
me{ of Ilwero An. The Iris, s Boosisoir.
Ilesmber Ale AA 1(1.
The Illustrated ISt. of Cbsist. by Ike. IL Web.L ••
Nunes Iry the LlP•of.oor Sssior. ' •
Psul Vlsoloir usw sod irolsoAkl.ditiols.
Poe. or Temp.. thlssing (Pit.
The Inlay kSlosuot for ICU. •
s i. is k ts ufl Lui.
clottstr sod Papers of Isuly Poserscoait • -
JASSpooisS from Ns ISiosof Ors.kl, Lisklnion.
or. Abo , • ..,ascipitie .sellottelig istuxlis , 15 , 1031 ihibs
boas. la tangy bissllog tor lluistotaa "psoneatc to :
. gss
TR.X . 14 437. "4-A.Sretatiii4:o- TolreSl'
y. vox - wminoor a txr.
Gorda' prradation twat aqt tits ett
eturllent nod Pamirs. MS.,. and GAS aalltSt
uablities. Thema Tubes are uardarerfau-.
L.r.1.41 and the cuutruent of Rum,
ated exaluthrolr `by • •
Levu &Mt Plate erchant..
44 Wall % - treet, New Turk.
Martiu e Lean, GMT Lcabbah
131341 m mat .140 Booltanals ctreot, Wawa,
- - - -
Branch at
Branch abYeaingixttorn-
('lt,. Bank. Cincinnati do
Commercial Bk,Cincinnahilo
Franiklin Baak
Ohio LAM La. it Trtot to do Western %mime liank_do
Bank Simeillon_—
1iena11...... -. . - 4:1!
, All eolrent Bank.--
-.--% 1
Nur York Citr.--._.___.par !
• miiiiCiVi" -
13 2tVg.qBYTHYCYWIIII. - ,
All solvent banke---.... 2
Bata of the Vaex....--...
Bk of Virginia, KY:Mom! 4
Ex. Hutt Va. .1 , 4 orfolk...- N
Barmen'. Banker Ilrglnis 4
Merchants` t Hoch. Hank S
North Wearene linnt.....- te .
Bank of Col. Feu_... _.... 2
Bk of St of N. (Srola.- 2 1
Commmial Bk. Winning {I 2
31erchante . Bank. Newbene 2
Bk of the ,Pt. of S:Carolina 2
Wink of &Intl Carohns_-. x
Book alCharbarron-. .... , . 2
Mak.' et Alenbutt& Ili 2
Altercate Ina t Banking Co 2 .
Bank of Annusta....-.,-- 2
Ilk of Brn.irk, iingaista. 2
All ~Arent tank ... &I
Hkof KeKENTUCKY. ntucky, Lunt/milk l'•I
Ilk of Louteallle, TburstOn N
Northern Ilk of Kenturky 4
Southern Ilk of Kentucky 4
Bk anal. of Mtaeouri to
'State Unit and Lrapstren.-14
Rank of 1 Ilinok -,..
Marine t %Ire Ina Cm chke I
Enrneern . blertuutle, Hank 3 '
lioreeranent Stork M.N.- 3
Problx3D3` Bank 3
Ineuraner Cosily:ay_ 1
Mate Hank 3
BR ofiEN. America Toronto:.
AR].) & GREASE--Ten brls I Lard;
4 brl.n. (Ova, novo lastdinc ftinxiatamer Wahltigton.
. ',l ,1/),11 DICKEY KW.,
.ARIL-Sixtv brla No. I in store and foisale
I:4* by yal3 ISAAH DICKEY CO..Wabyt k Pract eta
CREASE—Forty ftve - brlsin store, for sale
Wolter end Front sts.
VISSOLUTION—The firm of Kennedy&
halryer was thaeolve4l m the let the. The buemees
be Tattooed as heretofore by name R'outudr.Jr.—
The mma of the late era artiLltemet by eitlwr lm
.ttilmt t ? the
. batutre.. • 37 a . j . ,
coploug earl eritk&Tsu Eualfe4 Lakrra . finmailnl
Ir , ar Lath.l.o.
.xte iiiit, - ileit — taicamies3l37a itiraal
with edlltiotte end correction,. from the Leykorte of thtmer,
Pacelolati, &teller, tkorges, by E. A. Andrews, L. L. D. ,
Tor MANI, "Coon CM T. WO= befog the personal mar.
nth.° min...lts of tr wrel through the &Hutt or How
nhan Weals, and other parte of PolyneelA Britt, Henry
T. Cheerer. amthoe of "Tbe Mule nod ble Captor." With
" era,
' Dux marmato , a petal to llome
Untte DreeirLand mole bl.
Clk ." gkle. Poet. mad Atomic= ,f.• • •
The.." partnership heretofore eaLaing tiater the grin
oi Succor YO , lrefr. Merchant Tatara on Litiertf.
has been eatically Simpler.: on Jannarr ftb, Itlsl. B. H.
Cilecor. taring .booplit out H. Voegete, acti having taken
ajar. him:cif the duty of paying alledebts fu the oLI Ono,'
If there are any, lo Nettle the teeska, and to nee the nat.
L ef the old firm in all such eettionants. 11.111.8000 DU.
11. VOW ELY.
.amp mp eve aweade at M. att
Idtal. and In e:par t hi, jalltf
I PEACLIES—Thirty brig, just landing;
_Cr AAA Guide br
(111F;ESE—Two hundred las for palo
!!m# Tm°W.C.
i 17.3, Wr Wu, i' ' ----- - 1:s . .
Bank of %Canada. Tomato&
on New 'Gar (p.m) ' k.
On l'hilsololi I S; 110— ~
ch, lbw do.. „..„:.; I
WKSTEth laellifitiG:
boulville.... 1 1
St. 4.1.. --- • . -.1
GOLD ANu Fifeii '1'16.4:
boablouru, N bit- • IWO
JO_ I II riot- ..... ..15.:4
T Vre ' d:;:e ' .o4 ' i' - L=72l ' o
IClfiru i titn 1. 4.03
Napoleocls ' P. 89
VlGOUR—Twenty bris Extra, for sale be
J.ll 8. VuN BONNUORST co."
GLASS—Eight hundred bre Window G luxe,
UR . Itx 1, for male by
,TE - I , lBll—Fifteen brie for vale by
lIIESTNUTS:-Ten bus for sale br
tra R. DALZELL a CO.
FLOUR.t—One hundred Vas everfine Flour
htVirrli 1.1. Alm:Der Pao. No. 2. and for
J. a R. FLOYD, Round cismob Vultiltra.
DOLISII.—Ten Casks," pure, in store.tind
Am nab by Jn7 .I.t R. FLOYD.
ILODUCE =f brlo:prime Roll Butter
t t rt :
.span.i'and for Itale 4 . b'4P' . ja.3 " J. &R.
irIINSENG AND ngE m bags
‘,4 swAx.-- filweo f wklkannot Inning from gannet..
&IC?' ISAI/Lli DICKEY & CO. Weer & Front 'ots:
"I 1 wenty br : ,
smod wk. for Bile by J. t 2 YLOTD.
‘4OLASSES.-38 brio new, in store, - for
ITI:ro, by 4‘.19 J. dR. FLOYD. .
ARD.-44 brla No. I, now landing, for
I_4 rale by del9 ISAIAH DICKEY
UCKWREAT FLOUR Twentysacks in
13 dam aaa tar sale by ifal 8. & IT. ILABBAL'OII
DOLL BUTTER—Ten brls Rolle Butter
=I for Ear by
Jolt 9. & W. ILARRAL'OLT.
fIREASE LARD—Twenty bris Grew& Lard
Jelland for wae tr
irkLIED PEACHES—Three hundred bus
Dried Pod" in slaw, and fu br
jail 8. a IV. LLASBAIraII.
fill ME
gur end for iale by
FLOUR—One hundted brie; Extra Family
arid 50 S. F. Ma r,.bart remind and F or Ade bp
jall 8..1r IL(RILAUGIL •
tvolurett mime. °melding of tbe &illowluto Drab,
and Gray Blankebo Blue mud Gray Beaver , Cloth
114 and Crib *toter. width authmirett Waken at
.nsluotql rrkvao and will be sold us favorable terms by
roll 11. Lg.R.
A 4 ()LASSES—Iift, }iris now crop for sale
A_LEILTITS.-5 tons Salcrutio, in Irls'aud
b., far mde by jW ROBERT DALZELL 4: CO.
LARD.—Leaf twl in bile and kegs
alnl for we by 11.011EZT DALZELL t CO.,
. Liberty amt.
UGAIL-15lilids prime N. Oileatus St r,
tj I,,Arne and for pale lrf Ilf/13DIEEDALIELL t CO.'
an Liberty MISR
tOLASSES.-9..5 bris Sugar House, St.
Louis Itsbnomy,4 aft nmeiv.i. and Am iml• by
DALZELL CO, Liberty rlinuit.
QIALMON.-5 brls Salmon, No. 1, in stare
ADEMOVAL.-Drt. Srreo has removed to
LllO.-113 - ntrret. below Pitt. tin. 103. Moo rohl
the ramp bonding. ang:ll3lll3a
WEL§II FLANNELS, of the different
of IVuhnl Wool by 11. LEZ.
WOOLLEN GOODS.--Cone gaze Scirlet
Flannel: 1 moo Brown flannel, as a a, White
Thonel, O 4: 3 cot, hrring Txredr. all wool: 2 noses Fancy
lar-ohnore: 2 awn &ow, rewired on ionsigronent fn. the
rosnutocturere, and for role by 2.11 IL LEE.
!GAM—Fifty thousand Cigars received
andlut rale br Jell &t W. 11112.11ACUIP
Ilurwhy re Burchfield enntlnue to begnw - parttrulat
at eutlult branet .thelr,tw,inetta, and are estwful
to petrel a twtwelor wrack-4h, warranted pare fla,
and buth at knit mines fw. oualitr. • tall
E3IP SEED—Fifteen barrels new crop)
(or rale. 4r ja) .1. KIDD &
LASS PAPEE--Five hundred reamo o
a co, Na 00 Wood aL
Tag SUBSCRIBER offers fur rent: for a
firm of out. or m.m sears, the rolebraind FEin Brisk
intatillehttent, situate in Zelreehl tostuhip, Welealoretsnd
uuty: i 0 ' , WU , of Wirer. Sall worts are on the
lieustlennin Canal and antral ItallsoaL There - is an the
land lunn quantities of Fire Liar lug crone Wei 000,001.
oil of ...Tv,. Tbe snake an, en the Tub Mill thselt=the
tnees,qry bultlints fu tho souk sin erutetl. d kiln. to
sloistitudlng. Fortes= apply to the subretiber, reekling
three tulles north of Suirmp:torn.
/41 , WM. JOHNSTON- '
FLOUR—Seventy five' barrels Family Flour
f " ." a Bil*L4
)OLL BUTTER—Twenty barrels prime
Ant recelt.nt and SA rale by
it It 17 APPELS—FitIy humhels received and
1/ for mi. fir eIIFL IV Ett. t BARNES.
VMITE BEANS , -1; barrels received and
LARD—Twenty barrels anclthiety keg No
1 Lard rekelred and Err ;tale br_
All • 8111111•124 k BAILNES.
rriALLOW-Thirt ! ir barrels Sheet) and twen.
A i :Alone . L. Bed rece ived aV n tir v eg i r b
a y umem,
TimoTirf SEED-4 barrels seeeived and
for.maleby ' iui 811R11173. a BAlLsin.
J, I.ixty .as •e. received an ,
Jrr-eb • n 3 ER : , .
DEAUTY.-It is universally (=ceded that
beauty be mote mom= this country than 121 Mir
r. while at the mate •tline It le mil that in no other
• oniony to It ket at eu young an age. Now.thie It trur , toe
entairt extent, hat the lona is Wen camel by neglect, • if.
my to all, do net .neateet - your peanut appearance, but
mad the following, an
ring, need not lack good lookaj
17leso articles 'are melentlko preparation., and hare all at.
talent a high pouttlarlty.
Juin. Muerte km...Maur Chino. Powder, for Imparting
to the most blillous complexion •redbird ahltenese..-14
nothlog dwell] • moon be more careful than the um Of a
powder for the akin , as many of thus mold are ee Injuri
ous •Nly Chime< peederlacompoundedJus ranee
taus mid contains no himredieut, which ma panibly hallact
ataireliepillatary -raider for re..MU rarPeraff•
hair. What more unsightly . than hair urstatface
or alma of•
• lady. mu article will moor. the
Ina abort
time. without the um of any sharp trixtromeot 4 •
Jabot-Hatters Vegetable caged Hair Dye will.lnatanhe
auburn hite, or gray hair • a beaufally
black. brawn, o coke. It will roar the hole in •
Ibortiir time. mat more effectually than any other dye, be
ng at the same time rindellible.
Juice lintel's Shaving Creain.—lt la teeny • pleasure to
.hare gith this cream. There It hone of the amartiogrerg
tonally experienced in the um of meat / m the contrary, It leer. She akin smooth and eon as antra.
Lanes, aminot liable to hem. chartinii
Jules Hamrauel'hem.
ROM Tenth Paste.—ye ar
to the Pair, we
Udall the Troth wart into:4k se the greateat ornament to
We pitman fang but when neglected, nothing Is m
rionne in quickly seen. My Itoce Tooth Pane will impart
to the teeth a pearly whiteneay at the tame Uwe keeping
• ,
on firm and heattlia.
JIMA>, lIA CFI., Perfumer and ChentLet,
For sale wholcialc an Iff d
Checo b l a b P A. Yahneshck A Co.. It. Y. Setter, Pittsburgh, and J. Mitchell, Alleglinly,
der, Pm. • Osnr.ii
rvALLow. bbls for sale by
• job .f B CAMTFLO
)KARL ASH-casks prime reed by • ,
see , 1 F. WILSON, m-wssa se. ;
Al° T C E.—The partnership heretofore
Os'si i 4P; b ` t ;t7i n tl="tt l Z d n haLD ':s h ,li d trell 4
- sin att...,1 {0 05 J61.1q aothottiott.
to reektto 0 0 3 0 tootry clue thelion,2,,,ra . Tairaosame.
n "a 1 1 . 72eg...%1 glf.'"`7,3
Cor Carom t Etna as s Ilium.R iy
11011PPOIre,' and Ilarrinsaa's F 1,414 not &vitt
. .
. .
Oontabe, Bra2Mnan and tattiMes,
an I 1M Me, Blak.mni I,mal Pendia.
dt.aapbon; filliotra. Cohen's, Pratt's,r
Leers. Kalb'., fentanS., and otter ossnufatimm of &l
Pea s O. 1.. M. eadtlis (ssavessor to A: U. Balky & Co.)
cOrbratal hold TeLth void met &her taw, •
Whannetes Eordish Walsh& Paper—antiquartats. don.
eolumbies. roper mat. swarms" Ma
Ph l T e= i hs=ft m atr 4 . l l =rid and eilv
es:os.'od told. Payer and tam/ ...MI. paper, pad :pr
wipe and menert,rand lillostraphs for Patsy bode&
prepssed pmetnaontsd 111.01. sulfates, doves, sham,
els 1.1 dtploolas; french note paper, N a rt hkt sei hmad,
most desirable tylus. Masa and patent... asalgoto“..
nod and stlvered. eultable WM&
fr'sench note envelopes, plain and letter epee}
alma. Ithlto and tine; laid and plain adhesive en.
1 , e1 , 12.14 bun. tame mal • 14ter..
%mem wafer enps, eartookparbeen; melting asMat; brain_
tin. cocoa and StMtey lbasnood vend home, meetly,
ink& brushes, rienth and Zunintt cowing .boasril
pew% paper at all eulut:4; re 4 Lai Pbla. patrol
" T?etraler larttbkilltZ IbeEtatiosaw UM;
ththimMr .4 Pup's, torellterign lama aaanment
, blautc Waal and metaaraalua Irak, at all ea r n farm
L r a I. " P_tralra. Ira ere a g T r a
tict . t 1 . 17
'Hu . the 8«,1 w 'uirrs
Wu: mat arta ma Beccaa
lurtv bags Oil Meal, received
jolt a t W. 11.4.11BACUIL
LIQN-74110s for sale
enty five •1• fo •1. b
t CO, No. CO Irma rt.
c 2 IR JOLIN FuTtb-31.tanshq.
ti under the intmediate lan , of lid Instatoria-ro
. a ,,4 bed her omens of thirtytoner-
Thi a eteoni. preparatton Ls Monanicailed Maim
mi e , ermines, inditrestion, loot. and antral. ea the mart,
tat:. easy. and eriettial form in sdateh Magnesia marf,alidl I
indeed the wily oDe in *bleb It inudit to lie enblhitedjgetiaA
.radita all the litortlee of the' inialetia non Irt btentralb A
to, without Web liable Like it, Lit font. dan rineame
nous in the burelic it effectually ennv lithrtinno piths=
maibion the meteor the etmamh, ex aide. reraee. at r. el
mat:motes are ammo to der It prevent. the fool
tarnintoton 111 all Priem It artsjra • par
ammitipt. mad
/tart 1.4161 that this ff .1% •
erontanatfons with mit. add 'alto in ...tee,. out atid.
mem!. LioemSf .....netiug 41,1 r role r.... teettenef e
whetted:4er alkanes and even afintteei n tue e a hail Wade .
atom Cl. Philip Cracapton. Ear , . bne, tietmeatlt‘t li eu r.
Army in !Menai
-Deer Blre-eon mn le no ,leeebt (her Lisrw e m "ti
ailndoistered Atone eafely in the form • eepstMetratrd4P-'!"
'anion thin in Anteeencet for tile. end maps a lto, neyeada;,.
I oin of ' , Palan War tl
Phild iop e esi e e'er, e
addition forme Shamir. r Lima. ex - tmeays?.! -
mra• StrtgbCamr.Mriernlel
'toddle and limber Maroon Irej,yo, etninflrmmmaintel•
flumee field idattorela.m brat, infinitely more .n and "
min eminent than the mill, and re o r em th e
Mr the conetnet nee °t
Pot aide brt- . ,b.-rt.... rrAir=rll2o..-'.l:.
Co, Waal* infra
at the fiol4en Thiel et.
1 1 .1CLY.BE ' ll it now mailing a' freih
cl4acif,,tehan::.etitj,Wei licaadejtpt -
of the 'kiwi deaceingt :f= i ee L i r a... 4 -T e4 ,0 1 . 0 1 ,-,
I_l,l_llo lienvo Ingle. In the 'alga of LauliMN - Zif
. Abe, a saw lot of faahlonable and - ponalaie . hkihe,
ana an eternal.- nelectieo cif Jam, Ireareineinte i
on lt
Meladeonc i and eater randy or IntrAce f.
_ A
.A. C4ULD-1851<•
A _
A. comet or north ANI Market- etreetr.;.* Pittabbreb:...r.!,
Am., At tbe, catantroceterat or the New Year to
, " •••
turn their thAni.. to their euetabers AtAl the Phhite , Ercur- ..,'-.
Any: tor the. Were 'hare of euruAti ext.:Actd to therm, And .
melte the continuance of their tkrars.. Alorteg
entletpd MAI hammed their roma. the ,, _ . .beroshiceeie.s , ', L.
Int hAtula rerr.erteanire a.artatent Qt..," haerre -,•:-... ,
Tilt bare the almtase or :a 144' to ...amt.. r.• ' • •
groAtx, u 1 ataliet Omar - oeischutta. 'llie tiaLairli ittekst.;•.7
their rstAbliAtoseat.. se , ihr AA preehtittle. et FA4iti,t.:,--.-
non, InstIVCIMIT Illtda iU the Dry Waal 1 1.-; °Mina, .:._, -;,:....
forih. ...4.0 [milk; eau Asa proebrod.—Ao itt _
11,,,,,,ty...4 .turwo ..1.3 tbe beer rscelA. atet taa!M At 1..4 If"
67'M; Erbar.—thr.hibtha=,,,,.°!..?*474_l!
_istitbi - aralaitia4 : 7
. ..t.L1......., !"4 . 1:671 I Waco tr othAth street, or t.ttr2 , ,
. . .
. . . .
Last Week—Pcsiti2 close on salmi:lay,
titirseek, sated s te.l.-I.tai sfetatto
extifJol • VOTAG - I. T6l 13.1 LOPE. cobra
thth Ileum of-Botts.llitalitth. tho
All Ilverpcol, Load
n ant 4111:31% - f0;‘ . . Th =tt ' rr/ g e
tiro ”mnrump Tunnel. briluan4t thutoblat,th staff tatm
tank.. ut Abe boualtul Itivrelth6thas
An mbibition on Est.:ley 3 dt3oelt-
Ad.wium ti tent, thaldreu tosier.l3: ..1.4 of UN'
ehm th 6S etkpi—Paroratoik fu 11.16112.Me1l
moving at 7)i dart.
P E ►CIIES-Thn r. 4rett bashcle reed tri '
k , I11:1% ER B11:NM. •
IIivIOLASSES—Fifty barrel: , of new crop .1
_LT crafted and PA. 'alb by
lI7tINY.II d 13)LILIW..
/ Ja n . Nee. 120 nal Lti Poebacl meet.
'l3O VIA. Eartdied Whipter. in date and Ma
- • :WA! • -101IN P.4.AFF/I t CC.
B -55 half pl.Cohttilc Brandy. "Pale . ad -Dyk '
15 eel. qr. fete do .. do 'Tale; vationa tiara . 't
10 do • dn, and ntoel eekbratod &nada
0 _
• pipes flolland - hrthllrot Anther and . 11dte •.1
poneheolat Iridt htd dent , * Ural Malden
tt do Jamaica Rona
S e ar. rata Port Wine. - ' ' •
• 11', do ?WriteWine. •
dn sweet Malatta
, do Der 0
do. do.
• d She
.111 ave Bordeau tr x y
10 :tore and for rode h 1 JOIIN PARKER CO.;
kotl L'
. 3 - 11 Libertr street.
W 3 l ,l: t r— Pe D.f t% i le V t . o I N ti -" l ' :ii• Li ntl rt eTete 'Ai f Vet. l Y g o;
enat.nete. that he le ion tie...lrina new fall atop of
er e neves{ 1;
AvL".. 4 1 4 . , fr." th..1.1....M.t , fall and wint magma
All thaw lo Iran (of cheap foahlon.thle e and mot clothing;
er end the largeet, most fooltiowthhyrnal Isatetetk to tbr
Itetieto country. at thin ettatliguttent. • *PI!
VENNANSIIIP—Th.se_xviZng to l*Axane
FalTd petspom . .., ri!..l !all cytt.tettm* (Wow
Zug fr=TAN n t.o. " re ', :V. " 117:,;,73:V0r=1:
L.:t 3 t1 . 1.r . J, ,, ta1t . .1 v i tro tnr4altrw:tl4,llo wanks tl2l
krtm. imitte 3f.trltet nuarthint tttwet.. .
0. swort.ter.. • • ,
UND It Lairds Franiiv Flludr;
brrx Irds nun Jt( I.aubola Dry
Al.'Plo , n I In' ggSF lu.t uxeit lallfm
SII Fifteen . drums G. 11.
Za 1444 N 3 Mnrkl, LlI
erebria No. I 1.41 r, pith gr.
No.l3lockureJ. n.1.0[19 and I, eed, iv. • • -,.
TVIZE" . NCLI • BROAbeLO3 . IIS. , .-314" . 14
. 12 BurrhGeld lore foot opetwa frelch - AKIN", offito
sari... qualities of the above' =tido, torhohsig hiha.
twilled. 'feu Ate. AL, bench DorALitol
black and fanry, tool hatitt Vcollut.„
prima h.r tto quality. •• _ • '
11,GYS' S --
ATINETTS.Niurrkv•6 Bunk.
tioll bare •rrevird a lot of l n wl w w Y.'s:y - 3111rd
balnieltr. fur Buy,. rear, 61., Pia:a and Ilata 4,./arktrern,
matrader . . Merino earAlwrrr.r. hrutsu kr A.m. Mack -1.
Tabby Ve.treta at. nerve trmr.r Yourlb
• •
r 4 RESH FRUITS, NUTS,' &0.-624
Lute Curranlx 3:10 eendlei.Wt. 3) tax M.
E414i4114 bf la" do. dn.; 40 qr 4u (1., 404 tU Syv
dodo.: Zdrumn Sumo. 1'44 3 44..4 C1u0.;5 dn. tem.
Eltri4l ' 4laTtePt e ll ' .44t . . ..„ " ,= . l
Y 44. bal. by 44. 1V44.44.,34i, q).
11..111 earner WWI 4:1 , 1416 rtok.
Gil and
bLs Crennr Cheese. in 'stare
and tbr Ask. br • JAM - ES HALZELL.
Jail Nu 49 iVat. =wt.
c-.kiks .No.l S.
15 FAD, do dm
JA111 , 3 DALZW..
to store and for sale by
LOOMS-One hundred tons Tennesee.
fllonaveal toca-Tenoefee r.4,cirisor tmet
Am 9+34 tbr DALLELL, t
Nn. 68 Water street,
WINDOW. GLASS—Five Mindred . .Mizes
assorted alum la store and for Pala be
. ens etas „juSt: reed" . 1111,,
for .. i 9 110,BERIALLICELL co«
IVEW LIGHT :—W6 Imre iceeivud n lot of
IN LAMPS, of imrtaill silsct 'and , of •
toruitntriktt that IN quite isitopla aziticontplgto--000toltetts.
tO burn lo tltem:vali.l"Butrang Ma . 'I
00 4-I gh t c l ga It has rate tinalltits 'ditch rooomittol
it to the attention of Roan:tbs.. tatty Hotel /mope,' sad. •-
.use limp.. For cleantio.t, minultioy, axed t.
it nitivoitic nny . thingptirtaSlO war In itoo.
Fem. alto VI ettoo lit tall on itti wilt It shown the pep
liaritks of the new coatfottod. T.:I ,
A cot.t.t .urpir of
4..,betirtvo Wood
VW' :Sd half shots Young /13,06 •.114 _
r 35 teddy. box«r 'do.. imp. B=l6. Poddser.
box. Russell Itohinstss 'robssod.
•VI do P. Robinson Gm,
boor :is land Ws •--
csort_l. ;
lbLump, Isistore and fur sale by • • -' I •
Seal„ JpIIS: tIERS:II4 j
bbdo. old erry prime qutilit,. In ntorii
(j. 9 . 1 JOIN PAREELL
• .
SO dawn Corn Etrome..lsx sten. fve ale ti ,
j=9 . JOHN P.I.C.N.EJL Ole' j
nu RYE WHISKEY . ' •
Ur. 49 Fib!. pare Itre Whisker. "serf old awl chnior." -. "4
bble. Old 31enovitnihelia11 1 hirker. ln store arid Skiliy - k
rale by , . DUO] • - AMIN 4142.1 . 14 fir DLL
VOR'gXLF.-- liundreal and green . 1
;Uank. •To Leta . 2;0 nia. Temper-arty
ea °Rie-I:mat Fire at Citletearvb slrk u a f
31olleal Ouble; 73 of Ifarrie.fch eilitloa of ilataburth
rrjeerlia3.oo., 4 , 32 . ,11.. of u C i oat avid
. tert. 31nlia ant 4lnt.tmatia t
V rolOatkitarli4 4 : rl t0. '41-.l.lrChiriafg:
EOlt SALE-7 boxes' of 3ledieine.• l / 2 itiz:--•
The Baba of 770.. Dr. Crevant Ancelyne Comal. Dr. I
lkorer Patent. I' Elixir. Dr. krard tilasamile,
Pill, Or. Erats' Frrap for LlGLitytiTeerhitE 4 -
Velar arelAgne flair Dr. llama Dills far C0.....p•
tan, Dfsprp.. and Liver Complaint Wool'. Cora trir
Lkirria for tale cheap. aholerale and retail by •• . 4
J.lctd2uhne• , • leJac moms. 1111h.1
JR SALE--='A'• small retail .
Writing and letter Vapor: Patent Pe and Maln
Oen boldone e.aai Lead and • •Sate P•melle:Jbartaref,d n
Black Ink; malleupply of Atm..: a • Lee dlPAake
Book.: a Teemperanro blurt r•iatlonal Map of ,
nut Republic: • Map of Ora lioaronoundof the PI or..d• Mr, •
Jale bY talddltterdS /SIAI3 /La ARZEr. -
NEW lIAMS--Evans b)rift'a
Panay Cum! Maw. pus Penlll; l l , 42l'p by
1.1 • 1r H. A. a.. Laney', rt
LikiAFLAßDPriale.einlitarrati LeafLiark2.
gat up In' krge for Lenoir •••e• J. ren,l for
• 1 1 11.A:11K Lb PM
SALE.—A.ew e',, art , Qliff deodd :tort? kworletr. .I.llwt.t.ria honinsiarl
Al. ply to 'LUMP . 11411 , 1-• 14 Second A.. "
------- -
pUI'TER.-Thirty I,rl > , fielo j
Imm o . justrreei../. analfipt sal« - *
DILLIt 4)1:711 is 06,
QUUAR-211::Ittle N. 0. Su gat for sale.bri
0n27 144 Liken,.zi
614. t
ULU vire l ocate. : 'T 'a
• 1..9a „h- , ,
MY a a ough' that I laud dmpainal °Cm.,
lad neat *limit earty Chang that it vim lir any truer - to e
recoired no Lanallt wild not out
bit Clauglitylitt. I fix! fully RI) Wit Wynn,
eudirur It to Qin O. of tar. tieintanadt- i i
:Waal that aver init.' pretairod for 'ha yury litle millet It
Ls Winded. . •! 4..‘trzil 11.
Prepared and sold by 11.1 t . ELL}iital. tr. aa cod it.
The Ilargelas of the keasea..-
n 015T :3 ,1 2;T 110 1 3,1 6 P t 50 0 7. ! , Z! , :a 16 tylc i :! i te;
tSII I rd r b / 1 .4: 4 4"1?ft . 7 % d 4,41
s ,La .40s,, buu •141 velszteM fass
sista In part ussTollorm—
DRENI (100 Mt —Treat! essune. Pammoltm. lbsburt
Delalum essimmtsm aml Allusive, all mamas Dremb
PlIk; wide Black. talaria du: klbsissb-, Rotor sod flquestn.
u tIIMEELY.:-A WEAR —Cloth , Mtno f. Cassl i gtrrm
as i . a
ma MI; °Atm Ebottings; Datumds
_tle famm,-bmals
and bleashskl; [Amok Table Clotho; Npkin.. DM Int Sts4
Alm, a bugs mssofttnemt Mutat". mbl flab Iflanifte,
Swot/set with fall st4ek of Immestk Gmabb
lltxrbmwrse uuty UPI
grubs; there toads at toot.,
thLtatost must be tloses! out br the brrt of April s -
- - ' EAGLEOIIISIDRY - ; ,:1 .1 4 -
A ,
Tin.' undensign;l, suc'eef.(ws to AltbureNtF.
Nichobana.' beg leave to luhri, (be , eitineu ee e . lie,,: A
burgh and - thrpuhllerpinezullv, tbutilev have kabala ghee
RY, and arc _in ,hdl apesna Sa/ i,
heavyset of their pattern] rea los the martet, -. ....; ...,.
able', are °matte ('torn. keelant Wool titan.. W6' lit vi
antendld sir tight QOO Mee, utvkb la nun rameirmtiairiW!-.::' .
other elttee, the column mutat:R., Abu, 0 e.t.d. cad ' ... q .
Waldo': morporen a.lapted fur small %Millen .111. a foll:•
areortment of Common and Mantel Mates ' v ii .-' • i:! •
W e retold pertlettlarin Invite the Oast: km of turanne n 'il
building, to tall, at'ourlorqi_ f o:n before punch:ping date .:.4
aril., and -evuunlive a Antal vticier of ern:1131134E1441 .',-,•
(babe, Unhand la On. Or toe taro by tid e .„ r 44 , Ki
Warehoueu—No. ieqa /Reit! 0,4 nun Wee Wald K. • rf- 2 : 7 •
evuunt‘de , NiCirr.—.4xv.a. rArs.t..-',.:-....4
WEIF S ,2 . ; T n A I r •e a i G‘ /env yicGu6te'd dd.
tyi Max, Wawa, sat rrery wort taal aad
private schools- Alm., acharal arn o fMaa
a, k r adasala daclllagssal tme. Aka tarter/ tha* ,
r.den - G 3 Masted fit, turner of Warta. ,