, : PI TT SBU ROH GAZETTE PUBLISIIID lilt NV LUTZ k co ~P ITTSBITTAREI .gORNING, JANUARY' 16, 1851 . 'Tat fain. Etiterrtos —lt may not out of • . _plaee to offer a few reiairks upon the arab, af r ritts6igh at the present juncture., The electiMs,of.Tuesday is by all regarded us 'Stern relipke of lawlecineas, rowdyism and . fatty feeling Was laid aside; and men who heretofore have always been found 'in :opposition, on. that day' stood shoulder to ratundder noble and successful effort to re demi:the character of .the city from obloquy,„ aluead and from misrule and disturbance, at . win a , glorious moral triumph, well • worthy'of the:politica sacrifice with which 'it - ••• The vote of thet day may be ceipbAlcally re :" itaniedai a rote of instruction it j the new city adtsillistrittleu. - Instruction to separateat and sePdented from those low and bad Witt ' caeca which never fall to render all the censer Tatirelais of the State and Corporation of little - effieU - to lay a heavy hand upon vice And law ' 'lessnetni, let who, will 'be the offenders; and to -.1-lip nelose eye upon those hot beds of vice and profligacy—the doiqeries—from whence come , titearly the breaches of peace. nue new IlayOr , whom we believe to be solspti _firt n and energetic, MAP, will feel that hirayyresimabilitiei rest open him, he will feel '-.•:l' , ');:gri..seoareti, at the sathetirno, that lie, hos - a constitn7 that :Wit) Imistainlim in the moat strhlgcmt '*c* . to zit hick the. good 'old state of law distinguished thiVity in foiMer 311415•!.:' • 2:...`,l34,itiiiint*-thesMnre only that they have Wpoket l / 4 :: Tiiipituncirennd,the Coiut of Quarter Sessiens hive iiisSAMini l responsibilitie; in' the worli,now so nuspi h eimt4,:litigun.., They too can effeetntuali. The failliti..;,oll)thieh men obtain lieenSes . .for. the sale or . intexiecitheedrieks is a i.Monstrous evil; for it is an ititriteto„eontmen sense to pretend that so many or 'neci..44), • • -:we findln,every street and alley orthetelty , nre , needed forss legitiMitte parposeof . Are strangers to tie found in one of them, or one third of them? This t be paraded. What then are they for? and by tdurt-infinimco ore they sustained! Their object tato makemoney; their effect is to lure the ring andthoughtless to practices of dis3l - Eatiallr enang in ineiritable ruin; to fill the po • ....lice coasts and quarter sessions with cases rais - . lag - frorti - breaclies- ef- the 7 -pirace; and to make , Sight hideoas with the noise of carousals and . irawla; sad the influence Which:keeps such an abomintiblo state of things in existence _di the sell , toarenient use Which con made of it by corrupt' politicians-and aspiring deniagogues. This woof thin evil is of longstanding; and we put it to oar readers whether there has not been :.. too =Chem= connivance on ilictinut of society . .at an mill which is known to be sapping tho very funadaticins of.morals in the community, and dee- With fearful rapidity theiisingtpuera.- . . . , 4attnoste Pnoncrs."•—The .popple of Wells. burg, Va., are at preseht much Excited in rule- - , • time to'railroad projects. With very commends, , ' ble zeal they'are endeavoring tollectire for them •selves some of the benefits .to result from the ; :inignificent Linea of milrolls now building and „ • : 4 projecting. between the aria boned and the great :•1 west.. They have seired:,..on. the project of the ' Ilemplielellilroad, as offering them a hope of ',., -"being mode a - point IS could:east slid west line, ~.; where it taps and crosses the Ohio river. To Hoe ....C4140 . 3. the practicability ani.l feasibility of. mak .- dug that place a point on thdt projected toad, or ~ .•-terminus - of it, they have eMployed George R. -•'..Eiclebatun, Ras.; Civil Eapneer, to sarsey , a ' . roate from Wellsburg to Whingtan, pa., and .'-'. '.• * report busiliemelnebli{h4 He pronounces I ..t.he rinete a weed one- sk lt Mikstmup the - Miley of -Iluffale Creek* Making the dettatten to the Tir-• ma J r `••• gins Sate line 8} miles, MlWashitigton '25 —miles,. The highestgrade he estimates at 50 :,-, feet - per toile, and the est radius 150 feet_ ~..lhe probable cost of • gradelatlon, masonry, and .. 7 talidging, from Wellsburgl:to Washington, 25/ :tittles, is •eitioneted to be $311,400, being an ay, •.:,,;_ erige of 15112,456 • per mile:. , . The cost of_supar ,,:, structure, With rall-weighing 60 11)1 per yard,, is o t '. ' ...extbeented at ,20ctim. • o= -making on the '25 s ' . miles $230, d matt wth,e,total *muter • ' estimatedpro ble east of aduation, bridging, 4 1 $ 154c7tril with rail — , ss4l,46o—being . . **¢mirage colt of $. 0 1,656 per inile. . , - . .... :, :•Tlorptesltiole is said to bo faverable.for !icon ' • neethm.with IthiStmiticHatilleJuld Indiana Rail ::...read, :Frtm Wellibmg,torittsbh, by way of ' Deride Creek, _Mushy ran r •Leet's ree and Char- I - tier's crook; the distance as h estemnted by Sir. ''' ticlebnum at" 45, miles. From . Wellsville to . . Wheeling, at 15 • miles. I Pro; Pittsburgh to • . Wheeling. by way of Well bei ~, 10 miles. The , t disturaie-frorn Washingto;to Greensburg, on the 4 Item field reu -- is estimated at - 15 miles.. From ,I lYsiddligton to, Wheeling,..4o milks—total from ' ATilmaling to Gr ensburg, 86 miles FrOmWheel , • 4tig to . Pittsb by Wellsburgh, accordial, , to Mr. Riehbaum 66 milea—add 'distance from • Pittsburgh to Grnensburg- 33 miles, and we have ' the whole atance from - Wheeling to Greenstiorg, by way 'of Wellsburg and Pittsburgh, 93 •eulle - 1, . .;or 614 4.mileslanger than the route from Wheel .big eo Greensburg, byway of Wellsburg and the IfenipfLeld route, and, acqurata surreys woidd '' - rrobablyiehpvt:tho tettsburgh route to be really ' , the shortest: Whaf ftilly,' then, to.spend capital : -,- on thallemnfiild projt? " . .It is possibloihere iday, at 'some future day; ~..__2 be a *abroad' constesimeel from Pittsburgh to . ' - WelheleKg., with .s brunch at Washington and ' Wheeling, bet it will t§ after the great and mar: :.prominent lines are epmpleted. Capital is too ` goatee at'pre •en t to he loul for investment, in any / • but the most premium* trunk lines. If the poo . Iplc of Wells are Amnia put. their shoulders to / :the wheel, sti stait a frond to Chestier's Creels, eli there is a , g probability of its being ktcruf / ita to rittabingh. , - : -•- ' , .. 1 ,y• :A correspondent, •sui,grets, in au artigie • • lecoUiderable length, lima :it would be to ilm !.! :Attest, of tile Ohio and Ileausyl7ania. flail lip! CoMpani to 'insure an 'extension of their oho ...• tcr, so as So authorise them; as snort omtucti ' cable - it° eine - Mutt a road from Alliance, th ugh ''Acrati,lf4dieta, ithidNorisialk to . Lower Sadoluk icy, what be contend4l;kolild shorten the distance . ArkTil 'itts'buggla to tiaati illaer,. and places! be xond, Cl miles.' Ho Sala the country through twohicloye welsh' pae's ir;a fine one, and well , adapted to so rail roil&', . : - Now es the speedy, pr,oSeention of the , sin line *ill require nil • tloc , funds, ciellitomul 'or , -! gy ot the company; 0.v.,,,..we have already two Votes' by which the lake' Ad the rail road; • ,-tkinlkparallel with its Southern Blame c be reachea; - One .to Cleveland; and anotlim t`.. • - dusky - "coat :Mansfield near it; and an 'ton tic •---!\ Mai been lay out froth Galion 'to Chicagi, v '`think the road from Alliance to llandUsloy,l ol ! . evek. desirable it may be,socue day, is not . c: •acatial u toi petit) , the Ohio and PMnisyf, ani . - Company in taking bold of it, eveli pro c •i . ' --1 ' ,,,,4 • O-. or h e \l r a' policy of that cowipani.is. s I lariss tome through the fine ;region' olai lcoo between - ato keg and the river untiltheyi! '. • LiMir ultimo point, where it will be Mk' 't_ ~ by Other co - ca-to the Missishippi, ill .sect. • . lag", in o ‘ ts Tir y,..a1l tho•roads leading - No and - iflonib, and nailing us, through theo2;_fo. io ncia, - . mill, Chiago, Cairo, and. indesll - with - de the .great eentm* of commerce North and-,llVest of ' !Pittahurgit 1 `„ ~ ,!, - ' As the article - of emir'. ‘liolrrespondent is long, • , -• ire decline pnbli Mug it. r l ! . . The Port, with commeCtahle candor an re , gartkto facts, di otatraing the eloction_or-Ntr, ante victory. editor sap at the Whigs. Ti and. Democrat: ho result is • c ra vietcay.qf ity and do- Peency, over tardism, and I!Barkeristu. the \ city. has , hkett fairly cc' no / citizen of Pi*burgh wil ang his head In ame when speak of the qatoticipOkovernmenti of stir city.',' Ito farther enwsdedges •' that Itundrnis ,of goOd.• IYhigs, 4 4 , , st.eela . the reFltatfmai . und Pr‘asPOtY of ,fittahurgh above a . mere party quertiona, OA tillin their Power to bring about the triumphant . .., • lileetion" or Bir. mitbric.! ... . .. ~ . k„ls\ ~ , . .''',_ , . . WO , idlit /KM" pv,es,of- IbC sickly papa, Ektbe4( l 'ai the coaatez - muiptott for pnblic documentl4' • - • In oar paper '`iYt•eatratY ._ :* eiaavored to' ehovr ant the Jetirai;taw,fakteiinten gross er ror in regard to the Eurilejill , :icllftiirtt resume the subject; but .before . ,9,4. 0 donee, it may he will to re-5ta11 . ,,, 44 " 'position. The Journal maintains' that }be rtk grime end early seqlani - of New England didtlide or nothing for the adjencement of learning. tnt • was with them a very mall concern," it Its inti I ,gasge. On the contrary we maintain that the PiMitans whesettledNewEngland made early and •liiieral provision for the education of . those who ,were to came after them--end any one who his read oar former article Must, we think, be satis-- fied of the truth of mu. position. We shall; how, ever, cite one 'Or two;passages from•Bancreft., lit addititut to the one already given. grating of Connecticut, he says,Avol-2,:pp:5 - 0),: • "There neviiexisted n persecuting Spirit in Connecticut; *ldle] it had a scholar to - their Ilisiista in every town or village-. Ethication 'woo cherished; religions knowledge was carried to the highest degree Of refinement, alike in its application to moral duties, and to the mysterious questions on the nature of God, of liberty, and of the soul." . _ And on ppge 59 ho says:__ • "Education was always esteemed a conarn'Of deepest interest; and there were iommonechoole s from the first. Nor waalt long before pr_eahall 'college, such ai the day - of small things permit' . • ted, hemn,, 4o bo eitablished ; and Tale owes. its rth A birth to tan we farmers, who, in 1700, an aembled at Branfo and' ach one, laying atew volumes on a table, •t 4 ' I . give these boaster the founding of a college in this colony.' " Again; page 60, cPcaking.ofthis colony, he *says: " For a century, with short exceptions, its his foXy is .the - picture of colonial happiness. To Anscribe its condition is but to enumerate the blessings : of self-government, as exercised by o f community. of farmers, whohaveleisure to reflect, who cheriseclucation, and who have neither no bility nor a Pdpuince." And what is true of Connecticut in this respect - ,tai# lie tanned of the other colonies. Speaking iiTNeisNetherlands, (voL 2, pp.. 311,) Bancroft. mire : - "The province had no popular freedom, and therefore had no priblic spirit In New Eng land, there were uo poor fin New Netherlands the poor were so itumerou.sit was difficult to ; pro.. vide for their relief. The Puritans easily sui ported schools eies , y Aere, and Latin schools in their larger villages ;' on Manhattan, a Latin school lingered, with difficulty, through' two years, and was discontinued." But it is time to make Inn end of citations We will, however, give ono more. Our limits - Will not permit us to give the passage at length: We shall, therefore, give the substance of whatlTrumbull, in his History of Connecticut, says'nn this point, in as few words as possible: The education of their children engaged the first attention of the early settlers of Connecti i.cut, so also of the other colonies. It wee provided ty law, that every town containing fifty families rboulil support a common achool, and in every county town provision was made for the support of a gratnroar school. It was made the duty of. e magistrates to see that the children of every fa were taught to read nnd write, and the I•aren • of those not en taught were subjected to n fine. • Pr:iris - Ml:raw made for the establish ment of a college at Newhaven 53 carlyjks 1(134, (only seventeen years from, the commencement if the first sethement there;) but this, owing to the troublei of that tiMejilid not succeed. Cam bridge College had been early founded, which vas sufficient for the education of the students of all the colonies at that early , period. This received support; from time to :time, from the hthabitants of Connecticut and New haven cols mica. Atone time a law wan palmed requiring every landholder to contribute one peck of petit; for its support " This abundant public instrvier tion, and econsuutt. attention to the morals and , geodeoaduct of the inhabitants," says Dr. Tratn I bull; "has been the means of that general illu- I, ruination, which has- always been observable among the inhabitants of this colony." : .'' Brit we must Moan ,We hard, as we think, shown by the most abundant and the highest 1 authority, that the Journal has grossly erred in imputing to the Puritans indifference dis the sub ject of education. - And him does thiit paper at tempt to sustain its position? By a few disue- - nected extracts from old " Mintdrbothata," which do not by any mesas justify the inference that' the Puritans regarded learning as a matter of "very small concern." • • • But, ah the surveyors say, we have" the marks on the ground." The village church and school house have existed there immemiorally. Re would not be understood as saying that the•de stendants 'of the Puritans have made no improve ment on the system of .education established by their ancestors, more than two centuries ago, bet we do insist that-the Puritans planted the tree of learning, and that it bore fruit even in their day. --_-_ Ml32lle=l of, either of which, it realised; will cause no mall revolution id human affairs. One is Paine's water gas, of which the Boston Chronc- type and other papers speak with such conk-, deuce ; the other is a newly discovered process by which :lax- can be r prepared as to adapt it - tu tee ovinufactore of fabrics resembling silk, and to - the ordinary machinery used for the manufacture of cotton. . . . The first, if what hPsald of it be true, will giro to manljud a power which ierather ap pallint•than pleasing to contethplate. No as signable limit can be placed to the mechanichl power thus placed at their disposal, and as for light, not only the cities but the whole country may be lighted. That water can be decomposed and converted into inliammeable gas is a facE which cannot be disputed ; but heretofore the process has been a 'difficult one, and considerad of little practical utility, Now however we are told that merely by a. new arrangement of tha'hclicca, a• galvanic current of such tremendous power is obtained, that it requires bra en infinitissinual proportion of the effect to produce-the' cause, or keep the machine in' motion, leaving the remeinder, which is nearly all--to be applied to other uses. lleatiand light can of course be produced atdin expense little more than nonevaL Now we are not sufficiently Credulous to take all this down-yet, and if:asked why, we can only say because it seems to betoo much. The theo ry and allege 4 experimenXii contradict no law known to us ;?and although it is really a "per petual motion• ; ?—that figment of many is'eloudy intellect—yet there is a difference. The old idea of perpetual niodilin VAS made up of a con fused notionof wheels, and springs, and poises, end counterpoises, all' the elements of which were in themselves lifeless and motionless, and er could by no possilliTe combination be made any we thing else. But this other takek, hold of the sic w-. tine powers of nature, as we do in the production xs- of steam power, and sets them th work in obedi. tie once so our will. Thrtssierely mocha nical pell et- petual motion is an impossibility, becautie it conflicts with a natural law; bat this new die to covery„whatever may some of it; does net. And . .9 incredible as it m seem; it is not much more di wonderful than th t a man in Cixicinnatti should daily send a little "glitningalong a wire toPitts burgh atoll. hoW 'many' hogs have been killed that day. We will wait. We are not tries enough to pronounce it a humbug, nor'aredulous enough to receive' as verity all that' has been said about it. - ... -.. . The substitution of flax for cotton,' although, belonging to a very different deportment of science, ii4poipt of iinportance is only second to the ono of which we have Just spoken. The . announcement has been made by the . London press, in very 'positive and triumphant tones, that a taxies of 'novel improvements has been effected, bi- which, in the first place, the fibre of the flax nail beaeparated from the plant without any of the Taber, cost and injury of 'the steeping process; and, in the second, the texture modi fied eons to deprive it of the 'cold fed' of flax, and convert it into a substance—a new .xuateri al—possessing, says the Marainy Chronicle, "all 4lrwarnith of wool, the softness of cotton, and the glossiness of silk," which it is said so strong ly to resemble, both to the eyo mid ,touch, that nothing but die 'actual samples of the remits exhibiting in oneand the same bundle of fibres, the. raw flan at one end anti the quotisilk or cot ton atthe Other,". would Induce belief; while it 4 , I=M==lM , - .1, faand—and this is pron'ounced the crowning ~E . k i„ : l6 .;,b„i t the Bar:, thus prepared, may . be 'motto the cotta arm -14. and there by the ordinary cow . tp ,61 8 ,,, \..„, manufactured into ~vsda„ts, . k 5 7 -Ctil The flast " c°ir mui ta la i e *." , l ", reP elt lrtd, it is, Said, for sea,. ea.sixteesithe of a peinyper pound. Ito-adapt. c il toott to cotton mai tinery is what renders it comport.;„ ; for ,#' .it 641 be • produced at Ut - rs,, cost, mad is superior , it most inevitabl 15 5 peat Measureappercede cotton: ..The bona 4 suggesting the application of cotton machinery to its nianufaotare, belongs to 31 - rolyariter, who read a paper on the subject at, 16 1 0 44nal meeting of the British Association and lmo, the practical success of the ever lemur in tlntelloWiug language :\ lathe cliglikef., , the last week, the inventor went to ManCheal4r, Withatunantlty of his "flax cotton."—placed lein 110 - hinds of a rpinner arid the result sooirceilitd ta be doubtful. The • Bottomspituiles toeleics'Agyto the new mater ale as - if it andthey hidlfeettelpre_ssly made for tStschatherr. With a varyitAihßakteration in then i i i i i e achinery it sritl i e d h, i h ts ciwevei, ' work I ntrott lr be re a tire o d . Saturday night we were-Shols•VAVrvit , of I of the invention, in the shape of a't. nAtitY of 1 'ravings' and yarns of mcimpeachahlooknality.; and color, Ina state of perfect readineWfor thy, Blether processes of weaving and manufahture. , We subsequently commissioned an intellifents gentleman, who has devoted much attention to' the 'subject, to visit Manchester for the phrpose of porso y irapecting the whole process, and, the result fully oenfirnial the information Ishith we d previously received. \Should this ba realised, Great Britain. and Irelaud raise their eau cotton, and we in 1 the li , and,Westsrnifitutes, can produce 2 oars; sh ..,, t ear southern iteiuts ill. are talk. , In g of lea,gns, will be apt to stay where they are, and mumfacture ti:eirs. .. • A Watton correspondent of the Wheeling Times, m es some statements relative to the Wheeling Bridge due, now pending before the Supreme Court, fieli,'perhaps, require a pass: ing notice One' is, that lice lion. J. B. Walk er had indmatert before' the , Court that if the de cision wd pastponed, the State of Pennsylva nia wockl4 take the law into her own hands,' and deiddish the Wheeling Bridge. It is hardly worth while to contradict or absurd a story. In the first place, the People of Pennsylvania are a law-abiding people, and have full confidence that the Court will do what is right in the premises ; and In the second Pince, if they wore not so, the Supreme Court room would be the last, place to avow so lawless a determination. The corresponded adds, " It is most evident that the Pennsylvanians will push this matter to the bitter end." To this we Lave only to say, thntif a lawful endeavor to remove on obstruc tion to a great thoroughfare be a " bitter end," it is all true. That for, they will g o, but no far. they. • Torso Mitcuinc.—Mr. George W. Terley, of Washington City, has invented o machine by which the yea r s and nays of the nonce of Rep resentatives, or any other-legislative' body can be accurately taken and recorded almost instantly., The process; at present, occupies from thirty to fifty minutes in the House. - • Agreeably to public notice, a large and respec- I table meeting of the citizens of Allegheny and Washington counties, was held. January 1464 at School House No. 7, Snowden township, to I take into consideration Vie propriety of a Plank I Road from Findleyrille, in Washington county, to Jones' Ferry, in Allegheny county. The meeting was organised by calling "Joseph Miller, Esq., to the Chair; and appointing 11. It. Phillips and T. P. Adams,,Smrstaries. After the object of the Meeting had been sta. ted•by the Chair, on motion, Col. Hiram Edward Riggs, John V. Rowland, vp:p. and Robert McKee, were appointed a Vornmittee to draft resolutions expressive- of the sense of the meeting, and tit Imam a memoriul to the Legislature. During the absence of the committee, the meet ing was. addressed ably and eloquently by the Res. Dr. Estop and Esq. Ingalls. • The comlinittee returned and reportid the fol lowing preamble and resolutions; which, after amendmen't, were unanimously adopted. Pend ing thd adoption of the resolutions, the meeting was ably addreseed bx Rev. Dr. Estcp, Esq. io galls, Edward Riggs, J. V. Rowland, and Hiram Wurizzatti It is believed that a Plank Road— from Pindleyville in Washington county, to Jones Ferry in Allegheny county—will be bene ficial to the inhabittuats in the vicinity of the contemplated road, in affording a ready facility in tho transportation of produce to' market— therefore, Resolved, Tina this meeting petition the Legis lature for an Act of Assembly to incorporate a company to survey, lay out, construct, and make a Plank Road front Findleyrille in Washington county, by way of Baptist Meeting House, Thom as Williams'. Hiram Hintz's, Crocw? Tan Turd, Pollock's . Mill, and liege burnt mill, by the nearest and best route to Jones' Ferry, in Alle gheny county. t Resolved, That the proceedings of this Meet ing be. published in the Pittsblirgh Gazette 'and Post, and that o copy be sent to each member of the Senate and House of ReprOSClltlltiVCS front thissounty: On motion, the meeting adjourna JOS. MILLER, PIELS'T. • Ducal:arm : -- • - .. !'."" _ Yoe the l7tl_•burgh G*.ette PLANK ROAD. K67OLNa.- IL 11. Piramrs, 1 T. P. ADAMS, I We sea it stated in the teleg raphic intelligence of the newapapersthat...Mr. Xbrahum Lincoln is likely to succeed Mr. Butterfield as Commission er of the General Land Office." The report has been industriously cikculate4 ln otherl quarters by the personal enemies of the Commissioner that a change its his office is an contemplation. We have the best reason to know, and are anti, orised to state, that all theSe rumors, telegraph ic and otherwise, are entirely adtliout founda tion:47o4k. THE LIMO)! INDLITEUL EX11101210 , 1. - to c., tral Executive Committee: of 1110 London Industrial Exhibition at Washington, hate addressed a loner to the President of the United States, stating the pm. pose Of theiVortraniestion, and detailing their otters Cons thosTar. From theletuir it appear* that the I are out:of funds, and that sufficient is now wanted "to lend and set up.the prodiicts of American• intim try at the place of exhibition,, red to pay a commis.. "stoner to oversee the same, to order that our citizens scattered over a wide extent of territory, and none. qaainted with the ordinary methods of commerclal I ! operation, should not by accident to debarred the I privilege of being represented through—their works ,of industry, science. or arse', Several other reason. ! I hre also given for the necessity of suchen agent be, Mg present at London, and they submit for the eon sideration of the Presidentthe necessity of providing means to tneet.f.he repulse attending tt.; President Ftllmore briefly; replies as follows to Peter FCree, 1 Esquire, Chairman of the Executive Committee WASiIII I IO7O , I, Jett 9, P 351. Sia=l ;have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of the litter oldie ExecutiveCommicee of the 31st , ultimo,atating whet he. been done by the ComMittee i of which "yon are Chairman to make the necessary arrangements and provide the necessary means to en able the citizens of ILLS country to citutict their aril- I cles at the World's Fair, in London, and also what I the Executive Uovernment has proutisedio do in aid of that object, and .nforming toe ant there will still be a deficiency of means The Committee have most generously devoted their time and money to tams laudable enterprise, without the hope of renumeratton, and evidently with no other motive than to advance Mc interest and sus fain the honor of the country., i The Executive authority ban one to the full ex met of ifp power, in aid of Abe Committee, and I re gret extrmnely tosay Shat It can do no more than it has promised. I ca mtos gamma toadvise in this dilemma, bat. must leave It to the committee o adopt such coarse to supply the deficiency as It In ty judge best. Tows, truly, • • MILLARD FILLMORE. the wane given to Culzo, In tilS\ article in by Wm. Hopkins, of forme the ; birds Of the poultry ystsl against '.Tug GRAND TORE " 2 —ThiS that degructive insect, the Cori the Horticulturist for Janosry, New fork. He is for letting Is air grid the inhabitants oftivel him. He 'says; "1 bane put the following rrestions, to the oldest people to the neighborhood, and received, invariably about the same answers.. lArO your apples es sound now, ad those you raised thirtY, or forty years ago tn 'Oh nolt,they're gnarly anA wormy amt eons met nygood as they usedto be' 'Are the birds es plentiful now as formerly? 'Oh Is. no! they sued to mire none enough to deafen you, when I wns young,' 'Do you rave as much poldtrY?"Why no! gums not,sre get more b her's meat now.' It will be readily observed by th And reply, that those persons have not the least ids t the present eltPle of failure—(t do not Insist that eurenticr then only troublenoree thing.) I know a scolitafy applistree, is a tarty norm dent, wham fallen fruit Wows posetal cemeant shaped soosoumh : .I have Poser yet cootosof Tuba pm" who cm, • • • • - I se the oatetektirtrory tit ttseeurentimr_. The oa ty =item mgMeest have ano.previcus = idea dn, . wee au lostunau to outipialaed tome,W his Platt Were a lll4qwolhe“outd. it ra rule M lellttetem..m one whOtwall ilium to met a• bohttte iiommenetd emplanailoo—lra suddenly threw v p bdth hands, tad =Claimed *env it It o babfuttaili yon. roam? by ads, and by tbat,l ah mays minded the titintf, 8 token or brml lock, lad *a I did' By the way, lutt is t atitrelaY wil;and that dra's save tom. Paving tut dyer the Imes, or white wuosing the fritift may :mete crop, but teith""Slies are etkpetutie4 tug oven vheo,spc ravedeee tO-‘thagreatcia Plgilapee is necessary, ,b.muse they are full aurrctended by the enemy. Nothing short of total eYernsiaatioa. Matta be the aim of.the frug straiten—fel him explent mime of this insect, to ovary whoewes a ere ,10 every,men, women, and child, on his Ipreuraeg let him be a grower of poultry, m well al a gromret kat let him give accommodation arid encourage. meat to the buds of the air, In every framable way, let bin petition the proper authorites, that stringent , laws may be enacted for their preservation: that ill ! dishooent persons may be prevented from coMingan our land to shoot, or ensnare them. The Mud honest may appear too severe for this plaeo—let it pea. Thaw who feed the birds, (namely, the oWtt eas of the soil,) have especial claim to their ,serro ere, and no straggling sportsman should deprive them of it.” Tag I/mobs - muss or vas lasi. Bars Chotholl.— There hos been no period since the commencement. of the world, in which so many important diecnVe• rfins, tending to the benefit of mankind, were 02dt:tan in thelost half century. Some ot the moth Standee. I , lltl results of human intellect have been witnessed in I the lag fifty pairs. Some of the grandectintetheP, !Innis of genius have been perfected. It in remarks lbrfc how the mind of the world his ron into anima% k t ilthes ' non, sod what achievements it haft erected In thi .on period. Before-the:pout 1 900, th ere wet note a le steamboat. m existenee,and the op_plies- Ow, oil. IT to (machinery cm unknown. rano launched the firseramboal in 1997. -!Now there erethree thousan d=whoa, traversing the `maths of America, attikthiitime allied in navel In Otlonl to seventh plr ceat, _The rives of Seery entry in I the' world, coarty,exeiraverwd byistealirt In' 1600, there wits not a eagle - riiircsd 'ld' *Odd In In the United States alone there are,newifi. miles ' of railroad, cosong 5259,000,000, fsebtaltil, sad *boot 22,000 &dies of red - root in England :: . and AinerieX,-- Tne Incomtive , will now travel in notnany banter A dub:ince, .which, in 1930, requiredheinativ days to acoomplieh. InilBoo, it ttibloWeelnlinconvey Intel,. ligenoe between Philadelphia and New Oilellelh hal" ' it can be accomplished in minutes throush the trio telegiopb whiah only had Do tistrinnincial , Voltatsm was discovered in Match, teal, a I I clear° magnet in -1 ' Elecireqping was rise • : -Mil ered only. few yeah ago. ki./.. printing capable of printing 10,000 -copies an boor is a v.4 , ,A, recent daroverv, but of a MOM important dinsacteraj [ (Inc light was unknown in 1800, now every eityand tom, of any pretences are lighted with it, and we hove the , arknoemeement of a still greater discovery ' by which light, heat and motive power may be all produced, from water with scarcely any cost- LaN• , gums commontcated to the world his beautiful inser tion in 1830. Gun cotton and choloform are discover,. but at a few years old. Astronomy has added a number of new plane% to the solar system. Agricul. I ral chemistry has enlarged the domain of knowledge in that important branch of saleable reaeorch, and mechanics have increased the facilities for candoc- . Tien, and the means of accomplishing an amount of labor which far transcends the ability of united taanunl eflorts tO atcomplisbi The triumphs nettles , ed hi thin last bninch of ditteothrY nod in vention h ore enough to mirk the Inst halt - century as that which boo moat contributed to augment personal comforts, enlarge the enjoyment% and add to the blessings of man , What will the next half century'. aecromphsh? We may Icktklar still (realer disco**. rice, for the intellect of man to ' , mike, exploring every mum of knowledge, and searching for-metal. informatoln In every department of art end industry. —Phi/. Ledvr. tirscas oc Tax Berme Srstocuttl fittclair— The European sweeter Negate, which arrived a 1 Boston on Seedily morning last, has been seised by the Collector of Mat port under the follwing memos. ounces. It enterers that on Monday night, Mr. Charles IL Stungia,lettooria houire watcluatuth)•Who,, was on duty on Canard wharf, had Ma attention drawn inn beat leaving the wharf. He balled the ! boat, cod upon, bearding her, found a quantity of sake, satins, end lace goods in bags, lying on the bottom Two safer officers of the mamas, Theinum t Wentworth and Hooter cook, who were sleeping in an orrice en the whorl, were called, nod took pos. ! session of the goods i n thoboas, as well as other. of a limiter kind which were upon the wharf In all, nine ' I bale, of gouda were recovered, and on Thhesday they were removed to the United Sutra Wora henna In the ineanwhtle. a pore of custom oaken visited I the eteenter, and made • thorough anorch, bet &alma. • ered nothing further connected with the matter. The value of the goods ieeovered is protteblf out far I from $5,00L1 The boannan states that be Witplontat of the name the man who employed him to take the good nd binned to Governor's lotted Tim I facto bel eommunicsed Witte Collec:de, in order i'esi the pods to be reteitte4, had etotioned oaken n board the steamer 'to keep , poweestion enill te e ~,tter" hid been represented to the Hemet*. rye of the Treaettry. None of the otrwere of the steamer are Implicated in the tmataefion. Upon this feet being establlatied the proper marten, ' the release of the vessel will probably be entered.— : Becton Lady -4drer. fixer. 84,7).! , sos rtre.Orsomotoses.-7Tie New Orleans Piespitot thos steel Corrects at ogee the love and teatolott of the ..B.4kens Prcar." prime addnewee. the defeated &tacks; "spy Georata witb words-of eueowegeroent to •perse• were, borrowlag *bat It calls .the iospiring words cd 1 -- "What though the &V be lac? All is not toot. aseenquersible will And .pint never to eubmit,ot Theta ere null lett "They ore Mtituo's lion although not eery cor rectly rooted. , The whole line world probable be a mom fir expression of Ike feeliap that dictated it, puructdaly as it In put by.bdrltott into the month of -Satan rallying th 4 fallea angels, after they bad been repulsed to thou attempt to rwroluttordse Heaven .. The tospirmg Words of Smarr were ti •.I.Vhst though the Geld be lost I All is nut loot /las unconquerable will riody of rerenge—irtmorfal hate And courage never to .obmil or ymldl' ' , Argue:wow deduced from rio mations ate not of• ten good logic, „kit the biaguage of 'the itaaritata nig& haw an uptneta which was ant intended to en. pre. the deterraioatioa 'to wage, by force Of suite, eternal war.' " b•cs or Taman lloseratirty.—Wherever I et. I rt peered most attention, I mot with wherever a Turk had been the ,bject of unu ual hos, pitedity and kindness on the banks of the banes, ! he was pretty sure nut to make the kmat ee l rn to art I F.ogl.ahman °tithe banks of the Btr3phorus. I was forewarned by-old English re‘ldems. that Mt* would Ibe ,he ease, and so I eertalnly fonud.st. viral one eaten , ion If Mew Turks had risen rapid yin the i world , they did norhke to be reminded of •ir foc i I our-humble settione;* sad if their Imatrthad not been ' favorab'e, they cbd not like to exiiMtt them present I hoot nom°, There who treated me with ) the most ; megrims.. and ease are most of the information I wanted were Turks-! bad never wen before, to whom I brought no letters, and towboat I idtroduced myself as an Entlistt traveler. But the eternise of timpliality beyond the giving, of a cup e,f negro with the pipes „seemed to be utterly unknown to!, all of them etcept . two or three—Turkey and its r ,„, I: ...Pliny. PATRICK'S OLT. . A gentleman who favors U. ith soma ;comma echoes reapectots; the t sty. eattlemeois of tit ; place—formerly uhl Der rygeldralatet the followingi anrcdfcc : When my grand , other resided at Ontritown andi Dertyfield,.tten settled by work Irish, he hired a wild) sort of atvl nehmen to work on his one. One day. 1, two otte,his arrival, he told him to take I bridle and s go ton to the dell, and mite!, the black cell. "Lico COto home wohout him," said the old gent/emir ' Patrtek started sod was gone some time, bat at fool returned meat the bridle, with iytu face and hands badly scratched, as though' he had received rough itestment. t•why, Patrick, what its the matter — what 111 the name wonder ails you 7" ' "An' faith, isn't it toe, yet honor, tbainever'll catch the ould black court agater bad lock to film! Aol didn't he nit but scratib me eyes out o' me heed? —1 An' faith as true as me shuttle's' me owe, rhad climb op a three after the cook!" "' a niter ben! Nuntetute! Where is the. • girl 41 to the three, be t*, .n' tU bolter." We all followed Patrick to the spot to get a suluf Oen of the difficulty, end on reaching the field yr sound, hi' our no tomtit amusement, that be ha beenarsine, a young black bear, whlelt be hal succeeded In catching after a great deal of maga usage on both stdes and actually tied jt with tb bridle to an o'd tree altruist wan keptl for • long while, and wearver atter know:the 'Tauten; Coll —Month ate, 9rnrriran. • DLO, ET NON DIWIT ariclful hope. and un cowardly ft*, 1, lord of my br.e4 EnyllShmr rather, hl.rretrgort and cl,r Teem Duty b 7 Provideore The good, n.yal motto. from Normandy Cpbehls him by day awl by bight:: Adyerety's moon and proverlty . i sun A...hitting In wdol ant my Right: . • My Invil rbe =eat avant. them.' ruler mil friend: 1 Why made mu, and guahr, SA Ile - will— My itraht whiff bit annual:unit heir, In &km'. i Area tad, mu Alai up thr It elllk The lamer that h. trusted Him well dove he lot•. And nil, It with heavenly II:ht. llutunvnt ul,m etyrth glib all imam from amt•, And rtuttlag mai night • Hy Right, the right trey—oat tar Rlght.the Mgt., um And my Right. Um true rights of the cam, throng. honest, der ming—tho triple-tied therm That lievpo a num well In his Ogeein. With them roll slang no. and God over timed we fear mt. whaturer we th:he Then rater war moral who failed, or who n.'d ThOr motto wos "Gal mot my Right", Citizen's Insniance Company Of Pittsburgh ItiN COUIt A d E lIOME INSTiTUTIONii. Calm ;I?.4l.lWeter Caret, In the natabou,of C. I. NT." • C. O. OMMT, Prryldmit. 4R. Maga. Pee . • Me Cmonany to non prvpared to Insure all mere ill store, otel In 5,,,,,,,5",,.."'1'11' - 5m1"1 1 an ample Romani,. for the tt Allay and In—.l a tb . 10.04h:tam, li inforMAl lir Ma ammeter of the Innaanta. mba mar all.titlmus of altlaborgh, sell and fatal', , ktonra to the roottouniti for M elt. ottekotot,ltat l4olo "7 %Ttrtt2l94l,llll3.llllirktielVelbaliot 4 1 1 . 1 1 1 - alltytth, .../15ohetth, 15, ht. ttt.. 01 _.. . . .. . 1 . I=MEM MEINEMEN MEE f, ; Dearslib SOMA& Itatithmee far Sale. 1 ~ Tou ma... A.. dr.i r.rr iia. ea. Mi..- 44 p...i. it.....b.imitiegiee, &mad on Pak ma•L beim 'lre moat, In Alifolany, and Mont Z ranitos* wan from the Market of tilt. My. The It I. ISt= front on Park st- I maatil ark 52 let to m alley taining uarly are. : we of grow:glom:1 is botualed on weak eta by 00X 1 alwa • lob; *darned with trees and ahrubaa. The bona I. nrathy nor. largo, and wtheedlogly well smthited. baring • front of 60 fed. and a ariall of 12. and cantatas fourteen ranee, Lade. balls Dioe i.e. wide. II le bunt la the beat and oalt durable mower. and has • ilmorard raot and scatalns ill the palms canvenienra, Tin Jana, with an unfailing supply of had and mdt Mar. are at the dm. On the premises are the neemat7 opt Witham stable. carriage ham, ko The womb are taid out manly es • I•.a. caved with choke frith lam earlamm. toothy drabs, camas, onewearrira. samara.. Its, and a small garden. The trunks of the best kind. end the Ma are in ,nd Odd enough for the Warta of an ordinary Willy. The attention a this aoptsry,..a. to alntnity and 1 suburb.n canthete. combined with contimity in the city, 1 Is got summed by any realdence In Ills TiClaitr. It has 1 • am of the Ohio lam for orer a Mlle; of Temperance. ails. Pouth Pittsburgh. the city, the! thro Men, amt the bills mood, farming alt.:caber a panorama ,protheet of which the eye war smirks. Easy boat width ram or deaths from the port of Pitrobtmb at the Ohio. parts In 11111 view. The mldetice and groandi are also empletely Monad feat any anmyana. of dirt, to destrUctive of Mem and metalon. eel affords I . vrtirronent as quirt and peaceful calf located in some quie natl. the manta. The property will Is sold at •hargein.and 1,040.4i011 given py. the Ent af.kpril. Enquire at the 'gazette °lee. jalOsltf , D. N. WHITE.' _ QrINDIANA.--Bthr. oP Mt llsLangs tothattos! I Among the Madre& of lettere. certigala, and orders, ne Mad by the Proprietors of this medicine. the &diming b related to show Its Muscat that the drat of /th new I. • distant Part of The Zest The lima Colton are Dry glands Merchants. but arc also agents he the SA* of the "WPCIIMTIND, Sept. 5J.1847. "Theolut. Amp t Co.—Re homed to .- get a lot of 31c : Lutes ieratlfuer lest nerd: , tercOored hy raurrltca e. ` Amon et , Ma Verscdfuge was Introduced In our community; 'the 4nicut became co great ft It that our stock vac own telt fed . It bee preduced the beef:effect wherever It hes becieued In this ocrelou. end Is very popular among our' peoplet We'sro desirous of of dateleg the mender her. eiter &ed. from yo l ukselres,. It rpl. more retedir thou salad. iiAloins ea keep. Please occtd cue woe; twee &deb. ,t p. Cane.. J. ODD CO. Am 00 Wood et European . : ••• • The rulnaiber intendr 'lilting be • urinal dtl of Great MUM. Tram, and Germanri Gat • the onmrna of April. Star. and June nest, leminnl NOM • It on Garen 17th, and will Inepletamt to attend to any a ncles at a. W -40.8 elmeadniNenkh mar to oauflAoki to • P rare. MoMlnarlT JO N D. DAVIS. SI7CARSCART:C I C: •1 EVIDENCE F.'S o'ol MIDST Km-1511, I cheerfully .0 , 44 .111 your requen 1 mould eire roo as arrow:it of Lb< almost mirseulu. of little daughter's eye by the use of She was ...eked with a very Sore eye in Fehrstme or Marsh last. when' Immedlvtely apOlied to Use hen meth. ad all bite city: by whom It was grenouticed a "very had eye." and I in. the no Lippe Of dOlog Ler any good. AS ter which I took ber lob thr.countfy ban old ion who had been very rutorooful in cndnoleyra Phe told sae that her MOO Out 110 . P111 . 3:. she woOld certainly tear wet only that one. diod alm that thectber would follow—lt being a scrotal°ub idfeetimi of theNonl. and Ido oertLfY, that at ths time myrnthero.ll. VMhoot tame to the cosscholin that we had beta try sous . PWlieleum, Ins ...NMI/ Naol of oil , oft , . it I. obw about two months .It,. she. liSgas its use. and 'di. ems onw see with Loth etea its goal 4..000 shy did: and:sis far .a l l ma tell, I belle. she bas. with the blessing or the Alivightyj beet cored by Petrels- YoUrs.resPeothnlY. raittiOg COMM. Pittsburgh. tiegt.,,30,1&50. sirror dale by Wyyter t 31,11.011, 1 W Word mt, R. E. I , ellon, b 7 Wood D. lt. Cum. D. k.V.lliolt.Janyyh Don dash and 11. Y . &Imam- Alb•ghOky: Ow by tbr perprie. Canal Huh, Sirenth K. rittsbutith. Foreign awl LOGAN, WILSON & CO., No. 129 Wood Street, lIAA'N NOW IN STOKE A POII gomlomoolnestockof FtARR/alr AND AMERICI HARDWARE, linloAlr for the spying terdn swilwrdell they no. prrp.ry4 in offry to purrhwwt* AL mar that will roman. ' ' favorably with apt Of tho etytern title. PROTECTION Fire awl Marine Iranrance Company. ' Annual prmitns, (NOW it and rorrlOs Tom • 81,000, 00, • POLLICLES . BATTU ON lIOOT TATORALLE TERNS. -r-*-- . • . ' AY GIXOIditLE T.. ARNOLD, Agmt, .1 .Iftwl , Vu. '.l rflarta m am... ranaarca. . /00K IMRE MY MUM! • , 4 ItE YOU A FATHER. laboring for. the Itl - a r7grtp,,g,tre'itrira'a,..."l.7- I'l'2l4' um, Tir, A. D. tio.o.rao,rl 4 a.ntiaraa.:'" " ' ''''' Amy., a MfAhce, ruffed= Ram dl D . to which to !We. yire=i t r i ~.:= and Ix. A D. pewee 00.10,, ' ColF . :11. our or on rxw of 741: artrnt., sat gat ImaCblet. MR , "hr. rra .111 And the. snarl , rail' , ...pant. am ptvparwf by 10. A. D. Ithae. aa. Agra the I meaty% of ow eartaa mare 4A.M...1..rbkh tip human family ow Undo oak.. th. any other IllwrOlow of rump/jilt& over yet bortopllt brft. Ito zzuria , h.,,oxtauta.., n, tkat agrackiala ny As at{ owl woll stroArd L and fa the ialy Sormpatilla that XL: * tli=r; Maxey sad fere, at the maw time. abkil readers It almed.4l mare nimble to .eery orAlartirelarn to araa d lma az. pl M a r x 110Wra ELtAlati Al sew bottLe-6 bat Mr 1 Yoe ma try PR. A. .7 ACO Proprietor, - 1 AWL LinetimalL OW. .to alma alt.adam mad addreard. " bij: t ''' j***' r k" 4 J ''' lima, R A W. raw 1L T J. cake IV. mi. C ' tw i rru. I u A. i l t*..,, "ta I. l ` - ftti a tn.. , kaarusr. AI. hatenni. and Y, t r t i tm, ra. charm* mama a Roar. Ordla. T MEI= COP ti t,...R . :ZERSIIIP-W ‘ o, In t ro , e r Wed l e gjl lw 'Ttgill.4 ll . l = 43 WILEIII 00. • mimes ANDI&NRING HOUSE . OP A, WILKINS & CO., Comm of Third and Market Pittab'gh. Dom *tie and /Weir Enlange, Bank 26tes C/Okl ,11.• Saner, Bought, Sold ¢ Exclanged AI TOR .ENCTIANGE . AND BANKING BOUSE Or W M. A. HILL & CO, Sit. 64 Wood Street, Pittsburgh. LZ.1)111,437 =OVID 03 it. WWII& 3a/111A • • DEED, • • thituealay averdott. J. iirlau. .3 , 420 VW. Puy% hearty most year. • faithful appfenika to M W. Not,k4.lltha Q(atetll.r i•MICHIT •.• 1 moral übeesoad by W. glopka•r 1.4 • budy'rlyels of hind. Ilia funeral will taw blare= Thi,b•- day. 0.2 o'clock P. M. from tha tanner •CVMalth nth./ next emlthfield ( 1 . TOCKS WANTED—Bank of Pittsburgh; 17 Mimhant4' wad 1 1 / 4 1.11fact . lava Molt of Pittamnft“ Crebaa~a lank Ll'lll?N t rAl L ß . . n tir . er k bt o, ta the blights/. rah - wooad door wane Fourth.. lanadtilla Party and Dancing' SelLooL BON ICAFFON'S Second Putty vrill take •Istsee b•Vnil2,, January at . Wlllans the ucand quarter la daudng will rolArreehre au Thursday, the :at Whl. I:rutin:mem tklreta Walled to tea, to he bad ut A. H. blzarelt No Whole sold at the deur. Parents are reepretfally InvitedNoettildreu admitted eseert whaler*. Fur P. , LdaLA , aPPIY tp A. IL, Market and Seemed owe, .1.10.111. ("a CARLET CURTAIN CIIINT Z, Plain, Trallett, and Milton Cuotaln aluatint or 'viola sta tea bud gualnlea, to br. foutal at Day Gault House of Manila - BUIICIIVIELD.. jai@ N. E. cor. Fourth • Market to , . TPANCY SATINETS FOR BOYS' WEAR. Inaptly At Burchfield Walt* the Lama= or of Vatt g et i Vle f s o u r f = w ad= U 4l . lll= th"" . " RSI RICIIARD§ respectfully offers her' ILL orrrkea a. 7icar, to nub a... 7 .4.4 T 1b... ' VC! :Arbe r Vtar I lttL =4=lnd hn ' or ad! PM 7 40, 1 , V L---Clush paid for Wool b Ala muliellY t LEY. LW Warty et FLANNELS—One case just r0rt47.1 rt47.1 frau martufarturent and 6±7.01T„by.. Lim jl t ts till ED FLANNEL- - One 'case on band and Pl-110 loon! . by .14 bIORPIII - 4 LEE_ riILAi4KETS--Single and double bed, stcatu boat. nib. and cottlydNanlut. by 1016 AllftYlef LET_ t—Three cases asAorie4 Tweeds ked7 .-1-4 °4—'-t—Ntwil,v 7 . ". umAc_ir.. tons Stdditoio7 Mkt by into - • )14111 . 1r7 lb LER. MOLASSES--Fittv - flee brie new crop, per trant.r idttion. anefor • JAOXO DALO7.I.L. fd• Wet, et to be sure, ye),, jtiOß RENT—A two story I: Ii rAVDIMIT-1844..t. No 6 twist, received JA.110; Public Bale Of Real Estate. " • WILL be exposed to public sale by the I • anbeoribereztbn 134hday Pettrum _next, at 10 of I . v& k ir .tdttnalfair.h=kal onlittyVrik= toundo.l tho tooth by Wade of 11.007 Morrow the bolllfLe wet h 7 Soma ILI~7. tomato ! Thr:b o Til r,t.: tf•er,oo,dl.l"ol.l','"l, o.' ;Dewar th4l-ank=rn nod. and le dont ten noik ' S 4*. frTs the tit of .Pataburt.b. 40 atm of the arous .b al are ot :=llroMeld. " == tl toll frau lb. Cetral Hall lima. Dud taw of iyaunnal in tool corned by Mt.. Jam Mellaw.; Lovell. Herta. n, and Msyy Jaw McNutt, a minor. an d Wald by theeo; ' so fru•nts tn rianvonn. each ...liar uivided third tort !I ant Cereloi k w ilP:l " tur,o7l -1 ,!.,,..by, x f:f . . 10 0tulory, eel) their reopalsolutemeDaittobrtt 141. .o tits, blWeisgr,2.7tArrirat—t 000tity, to till Ito. 1010 00 4 of the' Osld [MAW, to to. :el oasts atom deteribed. The mid toot will acouvilnaly be sold to She bighen soot loot Dater... the B ela dm. of roofs. ! mat, at. to echoic, A. DI. Terms of oat , will b. roofs. jattlorS, 'OR ARti Lou , r c _ i tw vobasdid Ana.. ZACUARYkard ClAilt, Iliad. matter. will Dave for goys and intortovollata poets tb.bday, at. la o'clock, A. M. For Nista or yuoua.a autdrost loeuL Jae IhN 11.,COLLIER, Atturnerut_Laa, office • lo Lowrie. itoiklinau, fourth rt. shore daring fortoot a tonne with goorptiataqc, of' Wathinglan Qtr. Monterly of the Laud Won 1 hanL la pa*. Dacca to rif• prom &Amnon to tha procuring 'Warrant , . Pateitona,ac...und tha ancircution a•lma Woos Ocintrete, or any of lb. ttapartatenta. TAMES 3, KUHN, Attoniey at Law, office, In ifisluaso OAP. coma annuli street and Dlatanal Iltubunth, 5463.117 WAlLE—'!Epooss, Forks, Ladles, maw sohskrisosors:s SOU. Cup, ka.tellto . y e w ades sad an PILL Itir sid• Um, lowa raw& /Crusted. IA OS KIM Cola W.W. WILSO )&16 ultet a nanii IN THE 'ORPMS' CO1111:tof Allegheny coactrotthrombet teas A. Ann/. fn tee smatter of we !Aga Ina atatnallfraL. Panora, of 'S"WP. ca 4 ;, 11.54"‘Y Th." ' SS: Ir, Farab Pattortta, vidow. It ia r= 7 . •=. ll *lllllag7c: mu C. VaMermo. i t i ft.phnery rotten.. A6l/11.1• Pagertimar. ,. am! .8.0 mi tbetr CPSVII.II.I3 h 2.4 n tt heir. .1 lam of William E. Am. Botha lo heetby Riven to the above named porde, that by virtue of the ultra. atentienel writ of yerUnm, dam lured will be tube. nod held area the rotative. therein dam:libel, be wit: nee cereal. —move . . and tact of land situate in alinde.th toernehla to wed tonatT, adioadne land, of John Iliteltuatu Jobe Rankin. John Ile6elty. Niters. licaderenn. -Michael Italian. Jima. McKnight and the heir.. of Peter hatred, avian ..but lid 0000. oth appurauaretvi eh.. .t he erd.d_ l . avuenna . and true of land eau* in add tneaddt. )01.abeth, bounded by Weis of Jane. 30e11ttielit. Thomas Named. and the heat 0f Peter.fattered, vaadniat stout 53 vete with the artrutenadoes, on the 12/1 day of Marra, A. D. 10,31, at 10 o dock. of tbe foremen. I.a . ttue pa' ;pope —. of Making tudtidOrralastinni tendednent of mkt red estate. se In the maid Wit . at which time and pinee saki parties caa attend. if they think paper. CMITEIt URTIS, aberiM Sheriff's O. Pitteburnia Janakt7 LasL—ral.k.6%.B • lILANTAGANET GUARD RA ZORS ait roodwot by anotber lot of thaw =done RAZORS -- aßums, o only info 004 pofert razor ',onto footoron , • • • fon • W. W. WILSON. VARTNERSIIIP NOTICE—II. LEE haS 'Rain sawiriatal with him Itia' Eimer partner. J. R. it r e irit,g i ttz s todr D b i 7 utirtic Woolen buskins, main . URPHY Wont. DEALERS and ammLation Mare:ante Gm 'the sale of American co eu fitotta, - No. 1:19 Marty et. rinalintrgh. January Ist. 1851.--1.1.5 W S HITE BEANS—Ten barrel., prime, for ale at 151 50yier bcpbel. by J tieIIOONMAKFIt CO., WaQd G LUE—Twenty barrels juxt received, GLUE—Twenty Su gala low by the barrel, st 8. N. WICKERSHAM'S Jas pct. of 'Wool t Sixth OA j..• OLBIS'orLAott.IIYIVCIKIT,II7fCte'I / • Cor. of Wool & Sixth SELLERS' LIVER TILLS—"CouId not get along without theta" Mtonnelleville, 9.1951. Mn R. E. Sintnes—Yours see the only layer Pilje I . het. sell here. Iwould me art &lona without theta, 4 of one that nukes um of them eiwitke In the higkezl n te ry k eotoendetloo. -Yours net eeirtilira aiii-Prerertal end add yR. E. hELLERS, et.. ICE—Twenty tierces new crop, received 4 5 t h isd il y. r d far Fik e N.i KAM/UT/LICK, 144 I.ll.rty RAISINS—One hundred and fifty boxes and 300 helf boxes received and for wile Icc , be 1a1:1 . • 11/3.011"N k E.IIIIOgrILICK (.1(36 AR—Twenty hhds ROW.Suptr on hand k.,7 eon' for rale by jal4 BROWN KIRKPATRICK T OBACCO --Twenty hx.ti W. IL Grant's; tt. Grant A Willorne; - It bno W.A. Ronald* 21 , Darrznin half pound: • 2b. Orlorrnes doon band and for min by Jals BROWN A KIRKPATRICK _me new LARD—One hundred kegs pri n Ja n rs l'"l r nRO«N t KIRKPATRICK SUNDRIES—Ten bx.e S. Tolunins Cocoa; tcl ' o ' Cbocolide: . Ind do *woo Paste, oo hand and for P.R . hr isls DROWN t KIRKPATRICK OF, PITTSBURGH OAS C6l6lPriniti,7anuary 1 1661. no Trustees of the Pittsburgh Ow Cuttlisurf hgre day &rimed a Dividend of Five per Dent out of the profits of the hut lit months, On the Capital Monk paid in, pt*.s hie to notl4.llolavrs, or their legal repreteutativrt forth with. at the offre of We Wuka. .1c014,02.t JAMES 51. Treernror. T PARTNERSHIP OF THE SUR -SCRIM:RS. trading under the grin sir WOOD .t itPe I , and WOOD. ALLOW k terminate. , by Wulf. tlo thin day. w Th. basil* will be nettled be either of the enterribere, who are autboriget ta nee the unser of the tern or Onus in liquidetiott the that furpuee,gt. Uwe old stand Ws 127 Mar : get Street, Phdodelphia. RICIUOSD D. WOOD,. 11V401112iTe. J 0216.11 BACON. Philadelphia, °Ninth., Wit 1664. Teiiiim Hardware. HE FIRM OF :WOOD, ABBOTT L-CO. having bairn absolved Ina , above stated, the boalia. L. roatlausi by the imtiaanhers nr4e, the title of WOOD, DAWN. & IXL, at the oltil Inaba, Nix RE PatAket ttrevt. Philadelphia JOS RICHAR IA D D. WOOD, H itacoN Lzwis W. ILAVWARD, DESJ. V. MAKAII, DART A. 'LEAVITT. EDWARD Y. TOWSSY—YIE Flbliadelphla. January, lats pISS'OLUTION—The partnership of Rey_ onlAr A Shoo no dnolod y mutual cocoon on thy ost. bsol,tlio [Anon. of the Inn mlll to Petaled bv Han of tho non. the fume of tlanlna to bo food Satinnu -1.... I. O. REVNOLDo. J. 1..51LE6• In retiring (rem i boebe‘ge ' of Iteyneld. 't Shen. I nutdd„re«enaterel )Ir. J. L ebs< to my fliende and tbe termer radon:lent of the Louie. I. 0. ItErsol.os. jell SIIEE, Wholeoufr Grocer, CounniAiion Nlorelvnt. and bele, In ranee end Hen, comer of Pen: and Stein etreet, Plttehurnb. pANKING, COLLECTING AN!) EX OPTICK—N. HOLMES & FON* No. Eastern oriel street, Pittsburgh: taeluours on all the Eastern soot Western entre for sale. tJollertleas nude In all the itett%t i V lab:dUlsll'oste'titlr'i"'n.4o4saltarl"'"'" FOR SAN FRANCISCO, CAL ILYORNIA.—The tww and iolbetantial ~k••••=t Ps...tap entritutatl. will leave Orwittnent. 0. Vdtt Ohio, ihr that Vrantiont, on SUNDAY. the . nt day of FetonouT tne.t. The Cincinnatiow It expznisly lat • ins Ws:on; la ottotl no with' date nom bletbu and has the beet of aeotesnatelaiksty tinnanbotth ssat intim fonnithmt nith halt stotal , a4t s tretill.itste the nip Lot about 10:10tarit. Pentane; enthreatoto 10:=11••• wi ll 11114 that. the ro;•trt pennon lo Son Craw t oppmtndtT that Wt ls will ge WA bona .nd E~rnl Inettninl. The PRAM. 1.11111 b. "Mid . moorhen Ito neut. .Cminh tottemner will be taloned 10010. . but ton., Then umber of sachet. hr. twee lintllnh . and • gnat port*. atemodyntsposnl on Inneeire mute irlshlan tr=ttet Prwttri tietete ortnot.l Inrttrr Infttenonom no• P•htt P". 4". or fft464 O n itlZlM. Xtlltt r" , "r " dientarT of-Cincittasti :Mining Co. • fist. tlntnnastt. Ohio. CAPITALISTS TAKE 1113TWE, tiOw Is. TOUR CLIANitT FOE 'A GOOD .INVERTIONT.—The subscribe eine •rhutor . rty . 80 puss, 7.1101 ousel, easkinetkelug ores dataa at the new! of " tlaVk 7 " ia P re 'Von= IStt, '' & l4 l Ire:24r% rib Magma '...3r4.svoatlarard,lben In e eetice toundlaig clett. Meet; *el east East from the eltiVAllset, then Mouth 1.0.1 feet to Pleven stert.theu Zest. to tenet* of beginning 132 bet - . This r e re: 211. re h =l, b 2 Issas 1 ' eV 000.0 c fl ‘d i '°l b elex kV tees% of the het underbds and wariemeshltend mantel* Inien peeling, ellth • /me Olden The fac 0 8711 . 14 gar TA . tkikolo e 4 '11714.=. Lw ' fo . :11 . • Litt rut no gee Kettle* CIALdt7 •••• 0000. 0 to. bq IVA a flectoilAr under 0.. whole bundle. .04 Dem throughout tek short. It barmen convene:tee go. akellan , en • nkry entrees business. To we kindling .I=4. ne e Foreknew Howe, Ihr the trauseetiou of ten. nese en Belem eel !inkwells:km Wired, Ude epee lir=it'f,!rfa°r%reistniar2 g a . :ger:s:ll u = aeremenkle thee foremen ellen with a teen teek. on Timken steel, if neoeserr. Any further Inforketien cou be obtenel or.u. seeerile 00 the premises. lend Ten IA • _ ' nu "4"" ; 1; .11.11 sulline. Soma tin- - iihnt,Ltrea than aU btrby tittft, Tt. milts pef•ponnal, tn . tale In 3ILIRRIS It HAI& (Iraqi, in the Wm i n , aj i and ttrt tatty elms in IlltAburgla. t.S ELLERS' LIVER PILLS surereide all A other.. Chatleaton. U. bent 10. ISAA-31r. it. )t. V reru—Yous Mk ban become so PoPoi.. lu ell thls re -4m of rountrr a na wrj . much to suparord• all other. la a Li arr Auti-Elltioup MIL Yours. itr, int or tract of • leiter.] JAMKS A. LEWIS. Purchasers troollert that IL E. Sentra' Liver Pills WV the 1Ve1i . 17 9 .X.172:r grorigZiOlatVall; to tbe two oTtles and •Iclult;.- , jaw it-. RARE CriAtiCß--areopectable young Nan, slotting to Imre!. with • clotted 16 tAr AN tNNNIoIIeP . • to eslg•pe In • profitable sea rcspectable bp A ipepp, stitch wlll doable his money in leo , than Js CliZ hear of ALLA ehanoe, by droppltkie • f ilnes through the Kett °Mee, Atalltig when. IntAnier can be ledl N11:1w.) C f. 4 N L fS t%)3131131CE. BROOMS—One hundred dozen for Bale by .1.14 3. P. YON BONNIIIMST • M. VIE BEST PLACE TO-BUY TEA. • 510E11.19 t ILLIVORTIPS Tea Stara east stle of the Unmoved. Cm/ flamed Tres at 50 rents ter mutat. The finer qualltlem et TS &I du Extra eurerEoe et it 5/0 do Old Errantry people that we BLACK TEA. will find aura pod thew talata smartly. Throe Mode of Tr. we receive dinat Jona /}t¢latul. nod they cahoot be bought at any Other store In fittahuratt. fal4 NGLISII GIN, OLD JAMAICA RUM, 1 : 4 - h° l - 4 ")fgari: IIAWORTIL F ret ! UP: r all?lki ' u l a S l . p l 4 . ..", ; a l l )- Aton ßß LiTn for L, xIAWOETI4. i IIEEN APPLES—Twenty brim. Pippins, N.)/ oh. by R. F.. VON 110, - tp:tur . r J 1311. A. 14 IDUj—Tllree hundred barrels lust reed aeade by BURBRIDO V. i. t ,.. 1g1M1. 4. not 0: bores White n "''' s " 8p " , ". 17.eadmixix a mil/MAU. jali ' N 0.116 Vatmx. D.EAUTY.--It is uuiversally conceded that beauty is num mamma head& country thao la any r. while a the Woe boor It la mid that Lo m other country Il it Ina at Poyang mW. lfillt• ad. l• Wl. t• • ' ,retain iattat, but the Las is often awed by meal,. Arc m: to all. do not morlatt Your gethataMill•mntawitott T'a the fothowing, oat: you and not Lek gong too hem milciss are scientific preputhas* mglato al at. U.in irl ' . " llte r i P = T M. Clothe. Powder, fir 'ware* to the most bithom complexion • rodisart Mika:hem la mating /Mold a p.m he more manful thou the um of • warder for OM skim oa tomytif them sold Ono very I.lo* . /um Ity•Chinese fowdee ts compounded. In o ociroUlle mom uur, soil coutoba no lomodient wEileft ma pagiblyinfliet m thry. . r/ J lo ules Wooers litallthary Powder, kir Mmuctor Fo,ral_o• n o r both or lio . 'h b o od t y. mom umiak 14f n timit ar.we11r...g...1 ~,... without the um of on Tbk % 14.1MOrlagieoL ~/eN, Job. man's Fthetake Livia lisir,Psx will ithooto., block. MIMI. t 4 .4. , 1 .401. 4 0rx.v..1.4 , . I._ besk b te4/1 • block, Mown, is out aim .. it Wilt color Ma It ' „r " tot the sg,',,e ' lle.= lie , thii. . 0 7 qt.' 4•3... - 'Jules taa.r. wawa; Crooltit lo molly a *aorta to r iltat b lZ=BlTa =I( waet th" =" . o: th/ cootrory, it leaves the ala taxA. oqg soft a. toll. roues. and no t Mails to become e Ades Hamra ituth Tooth "__-l est to the hair, we think thitakeeth were totemic/ al the - mostert anameat tit the Immo .bats hoesMted, nothing is so thilmic clog. or on varkly mok . Tooth Pea. will Import tothe Math a yiroltailtrocas, at the matetiota keepiag this gums keks ond alloy. ' • JP ' 11APEL.Perfumer and cherakas 1:11Clomout et, Phila. . For sale wbolmols mid retail, bY E. A. Fatthrolock ay.; Ind it. E.. :eaters littularth, and J. Illtelath. Allegheny. , itr. Po. ;' JaI:LIH nt ALLOW,. 25 bbLa far sale by . gltE AND MARINE INSVRANCE--Thed .131 CANFIELD 11th his J. 9 , ita l unt;_%•Lit•T a il' ..h utr r t,' rh---..P E IRL ISII-5 casks prime reed, by I SAL, Mai a 04. 11 m ruarthee ma . a I ' luta and their contents, to th. city mad vicinity: also ,?,..kad /• . SY. a If:WILSON, Pa Wood th. linty of every king shipped Der steam tad eami •,.., . -.-.. .17iai ' Zola smelt by inland Mospurtatoo or cm th e ma NUT 1 C ..:--PLit paFt.P,arthillii, ileretofOre MILMILA. les stim hrtoacts tlkitatals day dlmegyed Arthur It. Ogg. Prel. Path.) Ithata tua' Y u I imioot, /TM .4.ntleta. Intriews,of_t= Airsander Ileum/ Charles Taylor. . . •, r, gt t,,,..g.,: g g e g te,* fampithelagoos, who lo so . I ' Samuel W. Jove, Parma F. Omith, , ~,, r ,..,..4,,, pgy ~,,,,,g x us' the thotomtreeriValtuthasota ti 4 ...!' t i F ia, i . t. . )I.' di• • • 1 . - e tl ) ‘X ~,,,,,,, MY/ ' - - EiELLIEREr COUGH SYRUP,. "I bad not mud It iwice berate I felt ita betel:kid eifeeta . ivit R. R. E. SELLERS—Sir. Suffering from a 1, coWaal cough, rho 'which I triol many' without obtaining nvileB I wu prevented with b bottle of "R. F. Pelleng l'opgh IN:store:l I think It a dutrohkh I own to both you and thn nubile In general. to pragtively gown, that I had not soot It twice horn. I felt Its hewn: dal are.. and hin d er the Divine illiwnlag)ha4 no ...anion to gulch thebottln I te4l. ut.w. set having eit...rd led pme, proportin on Mends or 1.111.[ gortl , C . olor. who halt • trying attack on her ancompanled Ith dietresaing cough. eerily the only trunitniulaigua cough. and colds abet the M 1..) h.derecnikdantonXid. on In . qt. dellere Cough Mixture: . YIIIRIERALD. 71i Wylin sc Pittahurgh, Jon. 11.1851. and v Preparel oid drugg and •tva lata ge ld nerally. SFAIARB . No. 57 1 . Food by 11 • . .. . ..... , Jahn A. Ilrovn.J .. . . M , amb M. Thannia, ' Jahn White. John K. Nag, Tliaiina. P. Dom Richard D. Wood: Hallam Webb Francis linakina , " 1 11.'D. Shengni, goey. • i 'KW I. °khan 'wanner LIMIP.Y I. OP V.dt , 4 st.we and fin• Its highotanding, king exiled...in; aiola agling tad agaiding all risks of an extra basantang clitbeler. it bay ton outioderni . (ening untie n•Kitilf to the public. V Wa.ill ki. KINKS. Agent. !le 5 . • N 0.141 ?hoot street. Na..E MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE INSUR ANCE COMPANY. No. 151 Mattel hit et. Newark. . mul No. 11 Wall WM., N. Y. Accumulated tuuctia SiellileAS.dleldiug from Mi to di Dec emat moat per attuum. Ther mbactiber will melee awili. lime Me iusuratwe cm Wee. 10 the stow mumwelul lemma., Cututanr, the whole Y. 44 )0402 diold '''"ajotttirtuel?!..JONES., . t des No. 141 ?turd street Important leStage Coach and Warm Manufacturer,. WSSRS. SINGER, HARTMAN a CO., hiten betwixt the rigt of o, AXLE , tweeted by i , a myl Clebsinger, called •"Sbeibeki Patent" It has ' teen tested: by oox beet mach builders. and prtmeemeesi to J e q k beet to we. Au ordinary mech. with • set td Weir Al =Mu dsily. enti ty nsume a half plot of i six two ;She small quan of WI wed M aste'of l b .bast ittencealre ham at the great reduction of frietioa, sod swam:l,9r xrat aasiostof room It will make the WW2 twee. 13 per mot cm Mail Hoek and sal, I,,t u Fn gri=aeggarekrc the not iii - ar, I laier will=ly Preverthe obfer=7l ;` , 14 * DT the salaam will ' , unlit Axles to Wantfirr..NoraNisks, faU4 PittP, . . .) '• BUTTErsEkilil packedlor ink by i+l 4 a F. VON DON-NUOILSTAk TIIIES, TUBES, TURES-Theandessignod . 5 . w.4 , ..t Matta perlabakm tam and atria di twet cotatwlßON with lbw Itroattchato PATIaNSI—tP WELDND 7111. 1 .1 41111PANY. (nettle Se e of their very excellent and =mine. BOILER sod GAS VIM In tug." , WWI bosalltiew Thew Tubes sae awl wan')." tenalreiy bath la Enan..l and the contliwat of Sara, and mid excluttrele De • W ILLUNI AM Co - lroo & Plata Siatehabta. 41 Walet. New Yogi. Illarthen Labe. C I Lownon and lin Boehattaa Meet. Gluten., I ARD A GREASE—Ten brie No. I Lard: na 4 er G. ""`" I. "'""a h niTntrOrY../ ial3 Water and Trout sta LARD--Sixtv Lrlx No.I inddore and for sale by „WO ISAIAH MCKET &CO- Rat.. t *cat ~e. itßASE—Forty free brie in more, for sale G br Mb DICKNY t CO. jets . - . Water and Front sta. VISSOLUTIONThe Eno of Kennedy & Sairrey! wee ellteolved ext the let hut The 'blames The rre;tr.:gela n ie b =l . Xtlearry.fi, K* VE T."l ; - netlithir up the Who.. THOMAS e.cNNEut.JR- , . JOU SAWYER. . ik.NDREWS' LATIN, ENGLISH • LEXICON-1 onloßo add etltkai L.tta Ragßeb Leak.. Randed e larger Latin, Gorman Lexicon af Dr. William FIITIVA, with additionr and corredionerfrcen the Lexicons of liesner, remlohal, Scheller. Gemmel!. by E. A. Amlnews. L Lb. five. an te d wor 202 elm= being the peromal nar rative. and mea of Ravel throne:tine Sandwieh or WM ahanDlanift. and other eared of Polyndes Br Rev. fleory T.cheersr. drat= of -The Whale and his Raptors." yin, cifered Ws , Tam atornra's r.E.aroln a manel m ilaois inSacnoh— Or Grano LAMM, Received and for Mk Dr lan R. C. STMKTON, ILirket st. Chronichs. Poet. add American brTY. • pI SSOLIJ T lON OF PARTNERSHIP-- . The lartershlp m heretafore existing nix i t t e: ,t tbe .t n47 tAlS=rl.liO4..l!626l.nd;ott.kix'n7Z797, ISTZ i t t tpa g t : L yll , c- e t.be n's;; ll:: „. a [lx old Buu to all mai .111.05,732„: . • agrD.ll. Ste . eeP ein eirry on the xeme trade 4 the old teed. rad be happy to mei ee'his custetnere. jalltf RY PEACIIES—Thirty brls, just landing _l5 sal ar ale by v, S. F. TONl3OrillollsF.k VIIEESE--Two hundred bra for hale by kJ j.II P. P.VON oossnonsi t co. FLOUR—:Twenty brla Extm . for SOIC by J et • _ R. F. TON so, SITORST t CO. LASS—Eight hundred bxe Window Glass, tislo. 'fur oIE - bi E v. VON BONNTIORST a at FISH--Fifthen'brls for sale by • j.ll b. P . VON ISON:MORST Y CO. - DEARL ASII.-2 caskerfor sale by • R. DAT TrI,L &M. eIiESTNUTS.--Ten bus for sale by R. Dila). CO VLOUR.—One hundred brls superfine ,r reorirod per steamer Pilot No. 2. and for al. by Jai J. it B. LOP I), Itutuid Muth Building. •TASII.--Ten CaTiks,- pure, in store and Our ale h, ,0 - ' J.tn. PLOD. PRODUCE. -6 hrlayrimaltoll Butter, brls N 0.11.4; • 9 bum ghtstzt.g 3 bawl prime Feathers, remand by agon, 333 for ink by -ja3 J ft R. /LOYD . . fIINSENG AND BEESIVAX.-23 . begs. ILA Glarecupw e ek }ker. - az now }gnaw haze steaaer wearer...tr l • del° }WAR PICKET k CO., Water k !reef ets.. P ANNERS' ' ol46—Twenty brim Bunk Oil, In ■ntd order. far eale by dei J. LR. YLOYD. MOLASSES. --38 brl / I_ nit bi del9 A"--44 lads No. I, now landing, for. Pak br dol9 ISALtIi DICKXt CD. nUCKWILEAT FLOUR—Twenty sacks in ju store for We by jell &t W.IIABBAtQR OLL BUTTER.—Ten Butter rereired and for ale by all 9. i W. ILARIIAUGIL ./UREASE, LARD—Tyrenty brie Lrt recrltalsact for sale by jail B. l W. Iteithittort. TAMED PiACHES—Threa hundred b In !Wm and lon ode by _A \ jail P. 4,W. ULignitIVIII IL 11LEAL—Thirtv bags Oil Meal; itc' aired nwlAn*Anle .411 a. &.W. umai.tualL I:4 I LOUR—Chie • hundrrd brbf latrii !Family nnd 40 S. Y. Finnr.inetrderived and Ad saldbr_, W. lIARBAI.4O/L • ~ n iEAVY WOOLLEN GOODS „FOILISALE, e reduced _prim , eonsiatisur of the fiXotrirti: Drab. and Gray Blsokete Moe-sad Gray Deaver CUM. it ‘t and Crib Blerdrets. obkh Tel. authorized' to close at mitred prima sod EU te add 011 parable ter ro roll MOLASSES—Fifty brts neir,crop for eale 1,1 by 1147 'HEWN k KIERVATaxcr. Q ALERTUS.S tons Saleratufs. kris psol t-1 tn. foe _. jab RODENT DAUB:L.. lk Va. EAF. - LARD.—Leaf Litdin bra ¢ndkegs J 1,4 and forvala by ROBERT OLIZZLL ROCL. • Jag • slave , roAR.-15 bhda primp N.ithleangugar, 0 to One au& frwls br ROBERT DALTEET. & Ye , . \ Litany Yboa . b. 1 ILASSES.-25 ~brbt r Done, Wt. Loth, ReanenTjaat received, nal kr 80. PO' BOBtOtT DALZELL 00, libartYAbbe - brik !Union: No:. md. Ibr Mao +7 .1.40 / in gtoie .., Aunutrr navy" ,app, 1 ftEMOV.4I.--Ds. Sr's Laratr 5t!4.4,b.k. , Pat, )sc , _ the game bulNlai. rELSILFLANNEL ptthediff - erent n001i... th. gamins- WO farther nd kIURP BIJILIMIIKuu tualert;til 'WOOLLEN GOODS. I • e . quo . Scarlet 11.22222 tame Btor r ; ... l T. 64; mes tm . Manzi, .2ek 3 ma !WW2 iroa2 2 eso n't filhatey Camizeurre: 2-210e2Jeass.rocelle2 eassignmentftmot_th• makulacturen, 224 23.. sok br , 3221 ,22.2. e e A oua ... ~ ~ llirDn meei - .oalorWb7 311 ktp lUiD GU' (1-11IATING MUSLINS 4IRISII LINENS. I, Murphy Datrhi routtales to bertosr partikuhr at erticas to this brutish of their businesa, ant are careful to 'sleet at article—Lt. linens warranted- ppre tax, I jat VEB3IILLIoNL-741ba for sale ‘J 1 0" Ja 1 J. KIDD A CO. lit3l , LS L E , }ll)—len barr3e.lgtotvg.ap) LllE—Twenty five barrels for wile by J. KIDD L CO.sa #3oWwl V LASS PAPER—Five — fmndrod teams of beeith'e ptent, tot ale by • tall J. KIDD k tY).. N 0.60 Weed a FIELEBRICIE WOILKS TOR BREIT„ rrillE SUBSCRIBER offers 'for rent for A tenet Of one or mere yes et, We celebruted The Thick esuddiehistent. Utz:gala /ebbed tcrornehip,Wettatereland county. In tho tillage of doltrer. bald rake arc on the Volm - IT:dna Canal end (Neutral Railroad. There if en the hart !Arun unentitiee of The Clay and htoee Coaldoortecol rut of erect,. The wort" bra on the Tub Mill Creek—the nortentery buildlugs for the sorb are eeontM. 'A kilo le alto mustang. Tor tenets aptly to the sulturtber, rooldheu three ranee north of JeultdeAT—atttm. hen. 1411. JaIWTOL IjLAUß—Seventy five barrels Family Flou rerelTat sad for saioly? jail SIMICErt t ILULNES. RM prim barrela pri vest received and me ode ba RivER w i cas. lull a 11RY APPELS—Fifty bushela received and XJ , fur ale be all SUBIC= k DARNFS. WHITE BEANS-6 barrel') received and tor .1. SIMMER & BARNES.— 1 A R 13—Twenty barrels and thirty kegs No AU t l.nl rvcelvol awl for we br rilALLow—Thirty barrels Sheep and twen ty bowels Beef tveeteed ant 1 . 3 r sale by jtal SURIVEIt t BAILNES. TIMOTIIY SEED-4 barrels received an. fa , .1.1 , Y oil SHRINKS k nex.vits. 111F.SNUTS—Sizty -bushels received an. V.J 6.r "d. by • -jail BIMINI:A a YARNS. • ",'• —rola P1T7.31 . Tb..•74lmgrrl um mill od eund . , iiibi. joit io N ra y az4 rrrnet ul t , lrtna . "..P9 , 14:1c k Ztn• Ninth W. I. it N oIAyS, lIIBBEItT'S, HOGAN ANI) I TIIONIPsONI, wad tharlaotea II hod, runlet Coral. lob. • Golder% Lahr's. Mooktpan and lwardon's, ltioces, awl Ilona" Mark and Red Lad resale. l 1:1111on'iscolowea, Pratt's, Lea % hen? latan'a, bet ocarrralanararea of Nita pyre r F. rueeraor Ur k Oa) trcaust tiold Mau with gold amt Mho:awes. I Vandal:tee Eagnah,Draodowaor•walki wor th, dad. Dir elephant, slaw. ealWder , royaQrnyal and ab phant Onotol lionala, am, Way =edam rerforthel 'both Liar naw Mar, plain add sal Car, eastared rd.% arta and bury oolong parer, add sat lo'Vrtern4_.areil=Vrti,l atthfigtbtrrr eye ath othkeaaa, /reach note Lamer, always ow hank La mat dairable otLlea, rhea ard ratterar.plata. wed arra *tared. r‘dalbla for ballr, auk.. *radar'. a hd 0.. war ..thwiwo, Ditho and ccracesollpttee meet. mae. brown, white Inut Nun hid bet phut, wthtatth 'akimbo, bha and hir. I IL acne Wahr ram aria. maltrae, wart haw try cora and Turkey Tozweal sew beam roil thy pram Lob, lanahml rend, sad raethik aniodnty hooka sad al Pthrearm. paper a( 14, ailerr,nd .4 wait* pcomal um WLIP hairS The ahre, altEall other artbin in Mr hdattarry U,,. . Ittlttu anal., Worthier with arre waateant ot thole arol heart...kw lada Or all mar. bd. 4W wollad. In wary Le of balding, wal Lc all aro wad ama .t . thlgeo,Jkarle at rghtowl aawas mat nano- aw - Baak, wal StetbewleVaanaak sat Canaan( itaxlart mai MAI Om% • ....J. '.:'.. ~" ... 1... last Week-Positively y clam on Sattreday,* the lath inst.. • b EcTURE ROOM, ATHENEUM BUILD. • ING, 1:111, week; Ilayue• celehsbed ...firma' &la% ' . • . Oltfial.Al, entitled a VOYAGE TO -1.1. - B.OVE.,inabrir• clag trokireareed wk... a bad., lu Ibutpr. kanna. a.. I 19,..,..147X: . 1 i . Loalcm. Irmo the 11.11 scow. pr4 ..i gni' 1 Llse — rbaasto.3.ls.4, brAVI th Lltioucutird."'ast• talk baits of Its nieamit.li tido., An elbStalticni an *amnia, •Aczonoa. it 3 eck.a.... .. AdatimicaZ tents Childlen nixter 1.2 retil d &M. Doors VM 6Pell at C. , " edict. Paxeram.7.l=.oo. =Mat a+:7: ciekvt, 13E.A,C.IIPS—Three hundred`bushele tea. •M wle by 11,1111 STIRIVER t. 11.1A71C9. , 1V1 0 9 , 111- . Fly bi bOrrels of new clop KEW BOOKS! =GMi has moo vedto isas asks swab ma dyne. lank 1: , AMUSENLENFS. f4111111:11. t HAIM& Seek Im Aerotd Amt. ItEGTIFIED WIIISKEY. 460 bbt. bon IDetlnedWld.key In W. .02511 JOIDi In a ox IP • BANDIES, WINES, GINS, 4.G. 11. 33 tad( ripen Ctr;smble 8ra.2.13•0115; nod Dark.. • IS 0.0 &VL &•&& do do _ 141, - ralicor eta'. • o. lu do d sod lorl....:lgated Snuntn. S 1:11.3 Awing , and "IWO • 2 punclrcons Irish wad s•ostch, Sled's 2 do Jamaica Kam, as qt. nuts Dort Wine. • • 23 do.. )Irian Wine. 25 lid . - Sireet .s.lllsen Wins. • Dry da. • . •• 10 do nberry Wine. 25 basis Donleans L7aact ' In :ion dal far =de &DUN PARKED a al. • sal • 241 Lltraly sawn • • wM. DIGBY,Iio. 136 Liberty sircteC begs, 1_ ..reopectfolly to loft= hi numerous felealt sod elastomers:that toju_st receiving hie ut-o fell Wok CLOTIIe, CASegIIERMi. out VtoSINGS, of the tenon t otirlrf, adapted tor the apposrhino.all mad :rioter seam.. An *heroin trout of cheat, fuhicatohle:sod goad elottilog.' 3 will and ate Zontext, moat fashionable. sod bola 'dock In the Western °motet. at the. e•tolhthoseut, . toolL ENMLNSUIP—Those wiEhing to becoma 01;c:tert i ary. Latin-Alto , Camotzt . 1 Laura 4. 4 a AI L% il!ftlifiTs ' sr ' = ssi hunted. WI all the enter are perunnol to rennin . tat they write, an elegant cottmercml &res, corner a Market and Third dteett. jall CIL(3I.IIIXLIN; btructer. 5 - UNDRIE S—Ttity liarrels Family Flour; falp dm biullejs 11r1 , 1 , AvrleN 1 lur Zglr; .de I '#--• • , JOIIN WAR . 2 !tn. II I --Fifteen drums G. B. ,Codf4; 4 54 13,11 , No. 3 Warlor: 'JO bris343. 1 Lax p. , h; U. G. • No. 1 Mackerel, in ..tuo ml far pal. 4pll , • '!.• JOIL' WATT &03 VinENew 11110ADCLOTEIS.- - guiplay ir Burch&l.l have 'at .prued few/714%11)p1y a lb* rpions qualltl.s , of. the wee art.!, 'sncludlr.{{ trilled, veer 6122. Abo, Frenett Doak/Los and Cagabarceo..., 1.4 a. wad fancy, mad Blacl wk. for the quality. .• ml 5 • EFS' SATINETTS.-- , nerphy &Id have rweirai 4.lat blrlilklMP k.. 7311.4 ty, Uwe ru Caubstert.. 4 ku •ftt67;alr_rzz, h ett t!‘• r i Jr4t/a th 4Ebtir. Xll4.d&Ot. •" '" • • RESII 'TUTS, N UAW' Curritotr. ZOO 14412