PITT.SBURGH GAZETTE Plat. SHXD BY WRITE I CO PITTBHIIIIIIC WEDNESDAY 11011:11310;JAISTABY 15,1225 MC MIMEO ELECTION ' ,' By the Subjoined table, our modem will per- Wry that some 13.•Gellialt, •Esq., the Demo exilic candidata. In elected Mayor of the city.— Ibis remit, which has been expected by cool end . unprejudiced persons for some days, has belta brought about by a union of- a large por ti of the recall of law and order, of both par * Opel Mr. Guthrie, as the-best represents tits of the sentiment they wished to uphold and enforce, of-opposition to every species of disor fly, rowdyism, and lailestheas. A large num ber of the mostompromising and long tried, and fai th ful Ind of the city, not only voted for Mr. Guthrie, but openly electioneered for u . ,, him: and his election can, under no nape - eta:bit claimed as a poll iced victory, and we have,rea ism to believe it will not be claimed as Inch by Ur. Guthrie and his friends. A large number of Whigs were dissatisfied with the manner of Mr. floggen's nomination, and with the alleged mode of electioneering pursued, and they deem ed it best both for the Whig party and the city, that he ahouldnot succeed; and their calm and unflinching sacrifice of strong political feeling on the altar of duty, proves them to possess the true nig spirit. ' ;• The defeat of Barter, and the complete and Ina prostration of Barkerism, is a matter of eituntreand heartfelt gratulation with every true Mend of Pittsburgh cud bar interests. No man could feel that his property, charsiter and per- BM were safe under, the reign of misrule and 'lawlesanees we have just passed through, which has Inflicted a deep stain upon the character of the city abroad, and has worked a great deteri- -- oration of Month at,:home. We trust this sad lesson Will never have to be repeated to convince our citizens, that when they lay aside their own saV-respect,' and desecrate the sacred right of name, by voting for molt a person as Joe Iftar)ter, at the time expiating hia_offences in laid, they sow the wind only reap to the whirlwind. Let an hope that a bitter day, and wiser connects have dawned upon the people of Pittsburgh/ DIATOWS LLECTION '&11. •' Warda t . 1147...Ou r tpre.ItarksT:11'en i a¢...iutp r. t . .. r L9.# 1 1, 11:1 iv. .71 in Al . E c 271 :575 V. 0.5 414 ..51; IU I' P ) ' '4 V. 1 05 162 1 2 5;5 ;Ir. • IV,. 111. 41 sl' or 7 50 •0 100 ict • 100 ,5,• 6* 147 • 56 51 047 ,44 ' ;51 1147 1903 1143 091 15%4 1151 TOW 4115 201317059 7101101. 4411 Oathlite," D10307i7y 0707 Darker 768—over Roggeri 761. We had not received the vote far Councils from all the wards when we went to press. I the eth_Ward,. DAVID D. Banco, Whig, is elected to the Select Council over Dr. Black. We !subjoin what we have. TUFT IVAILD--COITXCILII. Brlect—J. T. Xinmid, Whig, Cotoraen—A. Cordell, Whig, John Wiflock, Whig, R. M. Riddle, Whig, Cyr= Black, Whig, James Gray, Loco., .• Mr. Lent, Mr. Greenough, Mr. Lee, Four to be elected. The rerular. Whig ticket eocceeded by an average majority of about 200, while Mr Ro,uven bad only 102 rotes, or 200 .:ruteillerM . than the average cote of the party, .osttl Me. Guthrie had 220 votes, or 120 votes Moro than the opposition_ The irreconcilable irtmattlstacon of the Whigs with Mr. Euggen's ItOtulnation is thus clearly exhibited room' VALD--COUNCILS &L —Frederick Lorenz,W., W. W. Dallas, Loco., Constr.—R. McKnight, W., John Bissell, Sr., W., Wm. Yorog,„ W., John Scout, 1.., • T. A. Matzo, L., Keyser, . . . . . - The average Whig vote in.this Ward is over "M. Mr. Roggen received only 121 vetest The +morsel:l - re:3•:&•k:ri vote is a little over 100, `;ithUo lir. Guthrie received 2•56 votes! ,Row ..:cotapleiely in examination of the vote chows that -.Mr. Guthrie owes his electionlo the Whigs, and Gait polities T e rr e Lisa aside. ~ • , sreFsnr eraen—corscrts. Setiet....Charrca Kent, Lee.. 103 P.. Artirare, 'Whig, 82 Cocunon—Lewis Shrom, Loc., 103 Ge0...N.1'0%dr., Loco, 83 • ' Wm. C. Friend, Whig. 100 Rota. King, Whig, 85 Tiro to be elected. AILEGITENY ELECTION. - The election in Allegheny resulted In a com plete Wbig Tictory; litan S. Ft.ruisu haring bean elected by a handsome majority. The Col toying is therote: --. Wards. . Fleming. Scott. Sample. 1 211 to Su 2 95 30 107 .a 828 31 112 ' 4 273 77 98 Mr. flemingla majority over Sample, 452 visor all, 2.7.4. The Whig Conn - ail tickets are elected is all the wards. PEICSAYLVANIA U. S. SENATOII.—A telegraph, ie diipatehinforms us thlit Richard Broadhead, the Pemocrithr.nominee, has been elected to the Senate of the United States, from Pennsylvania, to take the place of Daniel Sturgeon, whose term expires on the 9th. ofMarch next. Mr. Brmsdhead Is from the Eastern part of the State, From which, both of the.presnt Senators hail.— Western Pennsylvania is not sufficiently carotid of her rights and interests in this matter. Lo : imfocroisni has, however, to answer for-this. TB6 PIU3T MAYOR OP prrnstomou At the List' election under the city charter, "LOT Ebenezer Denny Inns elected Mayor. Ha was a Imre, toodcat, high minded gentleman, of • ample fortune, and did not consent to hold the lifficti long. lie was born at Carlisle, Pa., in the yeti. 1761. his parents, though respectable, ' wee is reduced iciretnstances. A brother of kb father was killed at Quebec under Montgom aty. Hit mother had tan brothers in the army, cat of them, Aroj, Parker, erns an officer of in allIMCO and distinction. .11er father was a weal thy/armor, but, as was the custom in those days, left every thing to his son, Ebenezer Denny, at the ago of 14, was the hearer of Despatches to the Commandant at Fort Pitt, in the year 1772. At the age of 18, was a volunteer an board a Let ter nf Marque and Bernical, which sailed from Philadelphia. For his conduct and courage in !an action with three armed cruiser" of the ene , mT, cif Trillii4d, he was promoted to the cora. - toond of the quarter deck; and on hicretunt received the appointment of Ensign in the Penn- sylmtnia of the regular army. He woe in the battle if • Jamu River tinder Wayne, and Commanded the company, the other officers ha, tng been all wounded at the first fire. the di. tingtdsdied himself, at the officers of his regi ttaent all did, la the capture of the redoubts at Yorktown, sad after the surrender of Cornwallis, woe selected by Col. Richard Butler Ca plant the fort American flag on the British parapet. Af ter the peace with Britain, he was in Ilermar's and Bt. Clair's campaigns, and the bloody bat. thm whlch'they terminated. On the 14th of December, 1790, President Washington conunn adeated to Congress a military despatch from governor Bt. Clair, dated . November 6th, (see elteraMote of the Ist to the Eel session of Con great,: volcano 4- " lndian Affairs," page 164.)- - thleAimpateh, Major General L4t. Clair writes to the Secretary of War. "Mr. Denily, the gen ' othwean who takes General Ilannar's despatch skim,' beg lease to mention to you in a partleu , lag manner; sad if you will be pleased to do so Nto the Piestdent la hLs fever, you may be ea "tared that be win act disappoint any expecte odors that may be formed. has every Vast •j that I could "lab a young man to pewee, Wide" sosentto mai the armylLs profemdea;-. fflorbilea - are, korner, acme othyr traits La his . • a l'ehanic4r . . :" taMn, ,that 'are hot geaertillY . "kiewn, th would .deir Un - - 7 mA aas lit 'GO pittane s he receirei, he lute supported two "aged perm for a long time." , . 111 Brigad i r General Itarmar's despatch — tit, the Heeretei of War, which follow, on the game page, and is dated Nor, 4, .1790, e ft er'eksizig an account of s engagement with the Indians, 'the General wri ete--"The bearer, Lieut. Denny is "my Adjutant It will afford me great saties "faction to know that some mark of honor will "b 1 shown him. His long and faithful services "merit it. There lea root deal of busiama in 1 the Western country. If there is no imgropri "ety in giving me an aidAe-cemp, I visit him "to bo the person." -At the foot of General Harmer's despatch, he writes:—N. D. My Adjutant is really and truly rat offices." lie was subsequently promoted-.and Mijor Denny commanded the expedition to Le Biwa in 1794, the real object of which was to aid Gen. Wiyne by cutting off the communication between the six nations and the Miami Indinna. Ile retired_Prom the service after the treaty of that year, and died in Pittsburgh in 1821. DEPORTENT DECISION. It has been decided by the Supreme Court of the United States that the Ordinance of 17E17, -establishing the North west Territory, and pro. hibiting Slavery therein, is no longer in firer; it having been superceded by the Constitutions oc i the several States formed out of that territory. The decision came about In this way ; Two slaves, belonging to Christopher Graham of Ken. tacky, it appears, were metered on board a steamboat at Louisville, and transported to Cie cinnatti, from whence they escaped--to Canada. The owner brought suit against the owners of the boat, in the Court of Appeals for the State of Kentucky, and got a judgment for $3OOO. The case was then carried by appeal, to the Supreme Court of tho United States, by Messrs. Strad= and Gorman, owners, and John Armstrong. master. The plea of the plaintiffs in error was, that Graham had sent, or permitted the slaves in question to go into the Stets of Ohio, and per form cervices as slaves, and were; therefore, made free by that ordinance. It was proven that these men were musicians, and bad gone to Ohio on one or more occasions, to perform at pubile entertainments ; that they had been taken there for this purpose, with the permis sion of the defendant in error, by a man by the name of Williams, under whose care and direc tion he had for a time placed them ; that they had always returned to Kentucky an noon as this brief service was over ; and for the two years preceding their escape, they had not left the State of Kentucky, and had remained there in the service of the defendant in error. The ordinance of 1787 declares, that "there shall be neither slavery nor Involuntary servi tude in the said territory, otherwise than in punishment fur crimes whereof the party shall have been clearly convicted; bat•that any person creeping into the same, from whom labor or per , vice is lawfully claimed in any one of the original States, such fugitive may be lawfully reclaimed and conveyed to the person claiming his or her labor or service as aforesaid." It was argued that as these men did not escape, but were taken as slaves, by the act of their owner or his agent into the territory coveredby this ordinance, they had become free; and certainly there could h no escape from such a conclusion, were that ordinance still in force ; but that is nut the case; for the Supreme Court has declared that that or dinance is now no part of the law' of the land, caul this decision makes it so, unless Congress interpose and restore its vitality. The case was dismissed for want of jurisdic tion, and Messes, Stradon and Gorman most pay the money. This decision will astonish thew good people of Ohio, Indians, Illinois, Michigan, and Wis. eonsin, Who doubtless imagined that this de funct ordinance still cast , its bread mantle of freedom over them; that the liberty of all its in habitants was secured by charter from the Na tional Government, a thing in which they gloried but can glory no longer. The Washington Republic eap "It is under , stood that the court were unanimous on the question of jurisdiction ; bat it understands that Justices Wayne, M'Clean and Caisson; dissented from the opinion on the ground that it decides points not essential to the judgment, and there fore liable to be treated by the State tribunals as extrajudicial dicta 1 314 316 210 138 113 I=l FSCOEIMION OF EILINSIY. Mr. EDITOR:—MtIeItdiSCMIIIO.III has taken place of lath as to who was the,auther of tb first pro position to prceent the introduction of slavery into any portion of our country." The honor has been claimed for Nathan Dane, Rid. Flag, and Thowas.lefferson. In no case, has the claim been dated back farther than the year 1784. In truth, however, neither of those distinguish ed men was the first to proptlth such a prohibi tion. It is now more than one hundred years since the first ordinance for that purpose was en acted, and Georgia woe the field of iie operation. A friend has lately lent me a volume of an old work. "Harris' complete collection of Voya ges and Travels, &.e., &c.," In which is given a full history of the first settlement of America, and from which we gather the following facts. In the year 1732, George 2nd Issued his letters patent7or the country from the Savannah river to the Abitameha. There were a large number of Trustees under this grant, but the moat active I of them MO Gen. James Oglethorpe, a gallant soldier and n philanthropist The first care of these Trustees was to provide sufficient funds to send over a large number of settlers, and sure port them for a time. They next turned their attention to the most proper mode of settling thesepeople. Among other regulations was one prohibiting the introduction of eleven. "It wan foreseen remarks the historian, "that if a white man kept nee o, he would be less able and less willing to labor himself." In 1734 the Trustees passed - an act for main taining peace with the. Indians in Georgia; ano ther act prohibiting the introduction of rum and brandies; and a Wird prohibiiing the introdection of black slaves no nestroea. These three acts were laid before the King in council, and after n fa vorable report from the Board of Trade, were ratified by the King. In this same year, (173-1,) the colony of South Carolina drew ups memorial to the Ring, setting orth their condition, in which is the following passage: • , Wo must further beg leave to inform your Majesty, that amidst our other perilous eirciun. stances, ler are soloed to many intestine dangers, from the great number of 'moots that are now among us, who amount, at least, to twenty two thousand persons," &e. "Insurrections have been often attempted, and *nuld at any time prove very fatal, if the French would instigate them, by artfully giving them an expectation of Freedom." - The historian remifics upon this: "flow just and how prudent the precaution of the Trustees of Georgia, in prohibiting the introduction of negroes." So it seems that South Car Olin& did not always look so favorably upon the peculiar institution, as she does now. In 1738, some of the people of Savannah were clamorous for acme!, at (be very tithe the peo ple of South Carolina were under alarm, upon account of the negroes there. Several negroes had mode their escape and gone to St. Augustine. The Government at South Carolina sent a depu , lotion to demand the skies back, but the Span ish Governor refused to give them up; and decla red that ho had orders to receive and protect all that would come. When n few of the people of Savannah appli ed for leave to hold slaves, others at Darien and Ebenezer remonstrated, representing the danger and inconvenience of having slaves among them. In June, 1730, the Trustees made a long and able reply to the application of the people of Savannah, which I cannot copy in full. The following p or ti on , however, we introduce, to arryout the appeal of both parties to pos terity. “And the Trustees readily join issue with them in their append to posterity, who shall decide who aro the best friends, those who with great Labor and cost hod labored to form a colony of his Majesty's subjects, and persecuted Protest ants from .other parts of Europe,. ”or those, who, to gratify the greedy and ambitions •iewe of a few negro merchants, by introducing their bastfol excaniodlty; whiehilt Is well kiLOWIL by mut experierree, has brought our neighbor cold. ales to the brink of ruin, by driving out their white inhabitants, who were tho 4 glary and eirangth, to make maim for black, wio ere MOD i, , ,,c0m ike um? of their tioadrired matters.l 1 . '• There is much more in the reply 'worthy of no tite, but my article II already long, and I nmst conclude. __ The history was written in 174 G, and of course Comes down no farther, and does net:inform as .how slavery was introduced. Did it'd:lenity and insidiously creep in, in contempt of the regale 'dens of the Trustees, or, were a more accommo dating set of men, men who conla "conquer .kheir preJudice.c" substituted in the place of the gallant Oglethorpe and his colleagues. Lhasa not the means of settling this question. But be that as it may, the fact that slavery was once prohibited in Georgia, and now, exists there, shows the danger of its extension wherever not prohibited by express law. C. SEPPILESSION OE TUE AMERICAN CHAPEL. .A 1 lion.—The New York Cmnmercial Advertiser has a long and spirited article on this subject.— After speaking at length of the perfect liberty which Catholics enjoy in this coantry, a liberty which God gives them, and of which man has no right to deprive them, it says: "And now what of all this? No one denies, no one can safely deny, that all we have set forth is true. There is not a shade of artificial color ing in the whole statement The Roman Catho lics, under the nigis of the American Eagle, en joy equal liberty and privileges with Protestants —perhapi some would say even greater. In no other Protestant country do they enjoy religious freedom to an- equal extent We concede that England gives them toleration by law, but toler ation is not equality. Recent events in England have shown the vast difference between the two. Here the establishitent of additional bishoprics and the creation of archeopiscopal dignities has excited no national animosity, and even Protest ant clergymen, according to Archbishop Hughes, in the full recognition of this princitile of reli gious equality, hare waited upon hint to congrat ulate him upon the recent extension of his spir itual juristlletiou. Nay that gentleman went further than this, and was pleased to contrast the liberality of the Americans with English in tolerance in this respect, while hens the Roman Catholic organs and priesthood are ever loudly insisting upon their right to all the freedom they enjoy. Very good. To that, we repeat, we have not only no objection, but will always co-operate with them in the maintenance and perpetuation of perfect religions equality. Every religious and ecclesiastical right which is oars as Protes tants we cheerfully concede to them as Catholics.. This is our position. But there is such k thing as reciprocity of good feeling. It exists between individuals and between nations. It is a com mon law of courtesy; it is a fundamental princi ple in morals; and it is matter for astonishment indeed when a professedly Christian church re fuses to recognise it in practice. And yet after all the liberality shown to Roman Catholicism in' this country, the fact remains that, where that system of church organization Is in the ascend ant, a handful of American Protestants are pro hibited from worshiping God according to their consciences. Not only are they forbidden to do this, assembled together in some room consecra ted to that purpose, bat their pastor may not ad minister to them the Word of Life even in his I own apartments. .And this bitterness of intol erance, this returning of evil far good, comes from the earthly head of a religions donomino, don claiming peculiar adnit7 with that great Head of the Church who, atule on earth, taught indeed another doctrine, and gave to his follow ere an exactly opposite rale of conduct. Nor are the circumstances antler which this prohibition has been enforced, unworthy of note. Abbott time ago, on the urgent representations of kfr. Case, the Papal authorities conceded to the American Protestants at Rome, permission to hold Prottotant worship is a small room within the city—returning in homceopathic measure the universal freedom which Roman Catholics enjoy n the United States. Later adeices are that such liberty (!) has bow bum taken from them, end a worse Intolerance than cent. is exercised over them. And this, too, at a time when the Pope, who &roma even go to church to say hie prayers without an escort of Preach soldiers, Is extending his ecclesiastical jurisdiction both in the United States and in England, and the papal hierarch; in the latter country are appealing to the English public against even so slight a re striction as tot being allowed to assume territo rial episcopal titles.- Woo ever ineoneivieney more glaring, or impudence more positively as tounding? In England papal churches hare the amplest toleration, in the Gaited States they en joy the most unshackled liberty and equality,— the Pope knd his priestly follower. ar.e daily 'asking for more," or taking It without asking, and simultaneously are prohibiting the AmeriCan Ilinisteitindpiis Probtetantfriendsfrom worship ing God in their own apartments. Verily fil -1 tolerance lend Inconsistency have reached their clithax in Pope Pius the Ninth and his Cardinal Minivtern. We knolk not bow for thin interference with the prirate sentiments and In door, dothestic rights of the American Charge may conflict with the treaty or international law which precedes the appointment of en embassy to a foreign paw n% but It is at least at variance with usage in such cases, and we should not be unwilling that, common gratitude .and decent courtesy having deserted the Court at Rome, the effect of a Spir ited remonstrance, and of a peremptory demand of what U really right in the premises, be tried upon the weak and variable old gentleman, who has of late become so exceedingly somnolent about international comity and reciprocity." L' Par the Pittsburgh Lisa. TOII3O LADIES' ASSOCIATION FOR THE POOR. Editor:—llaring in yesterday's paper held up to view the rant and surprising amount of want, detitution, distress, and suffering. exiat ing in an 1 about our city; and havingendeavor ell to make manifest the propriety, and indeed the absolute necesaity, of the humane and char itable of our citizens interesting themselves in a cause which so imperatively demands their aid, and appeals to their sympathies, we proceed to call year readers' attention to the "Young La dies' Society," organized for the purpose of re 'laving the poor and destitute, and affording sympathy and well directed assistance to the wretched and afflicted. There are other socie ties established in the two cities, having the same object in contemplation, but we consider this deserving a mare particular mention, be cause of the novelty of plan, the vast amount of valuable aid administered, and 'because of the earnestness, seal, devotedness. and disregard of all labor and unpleasant duty, manifested by the lady members who compose it. We very touch fear that we will have but space sufficient to call to it the attention of the coil:annuity, explain its nature and mochas operandi, and allow its easily distinguished Claims and merits to be its creden tials to the respect and warm partizanship of the public. The chief aim and desire of this sow, elation, is, to afford aid, comfort, &e., col t to such as need and deserve It; to effect not so much pecuniarily as morally and physically. It is ev ident to all that a large proportion of our impo tent poor, and distressed, are rendered su by un avoidable circumstances: that they may be so ber, honest, and industrious, and yet have been reduced to penury and want, by calamities Im possible to be guarded against; to wit fire, sick nese, Inability to find work.;.probably the Intem perance of one on whom a whole family are :de pendant for support, and from various other causes which frequently occur. All such, by means of distribution of labor, by numbers of agents employed, and by ward or district com mittees, whose duties are accurately marked out and limited, are visited and relieved, without what they would consider the degradation of coming before We public as beggars. Untold amounts of money are absolutely squandered yearly in our city, by giving to idle, vicious, and Strolling beggars, of both sexes, and of all ages and appearances, who make mendicacy profession, and who are as frequently able to be the donors Is those by whom they are supplied They are generally a vile, degraded, and hope less class, firmly entrenched in Idleness and profligacy, and highly accomplished In all ratio ties of vice; they ramble from house to house, from store to store, and from factory to factory, and generally succeed by Niobe dissolvings, by stories of moving accidence by flood and field, whined ant with low voice and "bated breath:" by very wonderful and easily arranged crippling" and distortions, and by similar devilish devices, and metitricious tricks of trade, in divesting those who are kindly and charitably disposed, of money which should have been spent upon those who need it far more—and of food, fuel, and clothing, which should go to those who are suf fering, and,' probably perishing from slant of them, In nine cases out of ten these imports. nate applicants are entirely worthleas, and the money and articles totally,mbiappiled. It is im.. poiaible for those who thus glee, to visit person- ally all who damiad of 4,am, and to aunts thehundato that they are worthy objects far tom. pasahm and relief, for thO' generally take the Incaution to bog ao far awaydroto home tki kJ- Oble. It it plea, therefor 4 that some eciimeav• jidiciona, timely, arld inairicirig moth -44 *ram besdoptad, by.whiehinilieltizenabon:A Ofiit*, Tice oil Idlateit # 1113 LIT - 1111014. . . ~ , . ... . lienlde,•.kemotetA'And .decreasedf -Ana's - ample, abondant relief darted to.: - real, .deserrineelr jecta of charity; of all classes and 'religions. This association seems fully to meet the wants 1 and deficiencies 'Of ail our schemes of benevo-! lefice. The Indict belonging bolt &relating to undergo all the fatigue and labor, in the place of those who cannot - afford the time, or who will not take-the trouble, to detect deceit and impos- i l l tare. They undertake to visit personally the; . houses Or abodes of all applicants, either com ing voluntarily, or who are sent to them; to 05,1 amine and starch out for themselves the merits 1 of each case , and to afford a certain channel 1 through which alms may flow to the really needy and suffering, in the proper quantities, tthd n the proper times, without abuse, waste, or per- ' 1 version; food is applied to the famishing el and clothing to the freezing, physdo and th b t medical attendance to those who ore &seas a d afflicted; mod kindneas, consolation and en • ' agement to all who need. Profligacy isrep r vice checked, work supplied to the idle, 4 ne (l glected youth induced to attend Sabbath a week day schools; and in a hundred diffe .ca t ways thin excellent, e ffi cient, and only roll ble eleemosynary system works for the alleviatio of grief and sorrow; for helping those who re willing but unable to help themselves, and mate rially to assist the other charitable institutions 1 d k ,,,. of our city. Burdening themselves so much, ca d no entirelyrolleving the compassionate and be- nevolent from an intolerable nuisance an an 1 oppressive task, it certainly deserves and eh ld ' meet with the warmest sympathies, and who is of more benefit, the enlarged and munificent - sistance of the whole community. As your 1- sooners., they consider themselves bound, a d declare themselves ready to distribute yo r bounty, In whatsoever amount or form it may come, in the speediest, most judicious., tooth economical, and most satisfactory manner: The' are rich in promises, but richer in the perform) I since; guying little, but doing much. The.' claims are numerous, cogent, and imperative The number of persons visited and assisted, ion 1 the amount of substantial good rendered, would much astonish those who are ignorant of thS wide-spreading influence and - efficiency of coal' carted movements, attended by energy, earnest' men, and numbers. They are now entirely de 1 pendant upon the public,• end it is for them t I say whether they most cease, for want of inter. est and means afforded, or-whether they may be i allowed to continue their. work and mission of love. For some weeks they have discussed- the '1 expediency and propriety of ceasing from their labors, so stinted and unfrequrnt were the means I afforded them; but . they hove determined ito , I make one more effort to procieed--cne more p peat to the humane and charitable. It is to bo hoped that It will be fully answered by rene ed interest and generosity. Committees of ladle., by personal solicitation, and probably unwelcome visiting, could have no doubt accumulated quan tities of provisiona and aderchandixe, but atter moth consideration they hare deemed suck a course tandvisable; they desire not to ow to ha. difference, and inability to refuse Ladies, what should be the unbiased tree-will offering f the heart. They have -a right to expect th t the ends, objects, and rationa li ty of their in thud, "will commend it to eiery noble Impulse a cl ex alted emotion of our hearts; for ••the - quality cf 1 charity is not strained, but droppeth as the gen tle dew from heaven." it should especially be ttrl :;, I considered the peculiar privilege of C ations, to exert themselves largely in such a au e, fez they know that lie whose example they s rive to imitate, was "a man of sorrows and scq ted with grief," who chose his dearest con ions and disciples from the humble, the lowl , and &anised of mem and to whom the poor were always the objects of comodaseration and Active regard. The holy Bible, too, by which they en deavor to guide their lives, abounds in injlinc- Eons to care for the destitute and needy. "Thou shalt open wide thy hand onto thy poor brother, thou shalt surely give bite, sod thy heart shall not Ise grieved when thou givest nolo him." All above want hale something to spare, and di \ Ifil pray and expect charity from our God, we =ink to be cZnisistent, if for nn better reason, gins it onto others. and Ire the quantity and frequency of our gifts be regolatel by the remembrance of tho location of our Lord, that -wit h what no 'lyopmete. it thall be measures! to , you' are Itelatioll iueets oval - Thurrsl4, at the ressin room adjoining Dr. Baron's Church, fay the purpose of making up clothing, distrillhtiag, Sc., &c. Any useful articles; - of clothing, mer chandise, he., will, we venture to say for- tbent, be gladly received, and wieelPdiepoeed of. Mer chant; could give many old fashioned goods of a heavy texture, which would protect many a par and suffering body. Grocers could easily :pare flour, meal. Sc., which would Make glad many a sad and aching heart. And all rtiulci givenUme thing of their abundance, to cause smiles inilead of tears, joy in place of misery, sash blessings in place of cornea. Cli.talla a PANTII V. SHIM—The well-known - hunter, Mr. 1 Charles Peameter of this town, who has been I out in the womb, the loot two months deer-hunt- ; ing, killed a few days since in the town of Bel- mont, An Franklin county, a large panther or Catamount, measuring 9 feet In extreme length, and weighing 247 founds. Mr. Parmetrr came upon the truck while hunting, and the next day, with a dog. started with the determination to I hunt him up. After'a short dbtance he struck i the trail and soon came to where, with o single bound, he had killed and spilt entirely open a ! huge buck. apparently curried the same about ' 20 rods and partly buried the carcass. t Following on in pursuit, Mr. F. soon ean e to o mountain ridge with huge shelving rocked inn chasm under one of which he found the panther's den. His dog, with heir erect and exhihitiii,g extreme fear, refused to enter, when Mr. P.lying a rope around the dog's neck, entered himself dragging his dog after hint. The Panth • tied by mother entrance nod took ton very t pruee 1 tree near by. tin. I'. now climbed the hedge of rock, overhead and that found himself id a level with the tree top and distant about fifty feet from the same. The Panther was almost hid in the dense top, but catching a glimpse of him he tired hi quick Succession two balls into hit body. The Panther had now placed himself with eye fixed on Mr. P., in the attitude of springing, when . Mr. l'.. having quickly reloaded both bar eels of his gun, fired one into the back of his neck, and the other through hiNtiody, the fourth shot brought him to the ground. The dog hoe , tog now regained courage, rushed in upon him; hut one bite of dindying Panther sent him back howling with ii ., sfii.when springing to his feet the ferocious animal ran soma 20 rods and fell dead. Mr. P 4 to make sure, put two additional balls iutu hint and then ventured to approach him. Mr. I'. Intends to bring him down in a few days and give our citizens a chance to see thin rarely found animal, whose strength, agility, ferocity and tenacity of life, render him the mon arch of the forest, and the dreaded foe of the moat intrepid hunter. —Potsdam, !a. Y../Irrestry. _Desimble Suburban Residence for Sale. Toe eulderiber offers for tale the house and gm..ds where he now reßldra. situated on Part sired, below Tre mont, In Allegheny, and about 2.5 minute , / walk from the market of this oily. The lot, is Ulf feet front on Part 4-, I running barn 24,2 Lot. be bean el4l-4ordalning nearly one mn. of ground. eddl 0 hounded 014 entry elde by large olneu lora adorned atilt Ores and ebrobbery. The house L nearly um, Lame, and exceedingly well cuTungni, hating a front of &I feet, and a depth of 72, and contains &rotor, beßldes - hall. nine feet wide. It to the best and mat Jacobin manner. and has a Iliwyrodf rung and contains all the toolern convenience,. Two pump, with unfilling supply of hard and sofi vale,, emit the door. On the pristnime are the roseeetnry out butidlige. stable. earriade houw, to The grounds ere laid out ieotlli as • lawn. corer ith choke fruit trees, erergreene. Doweling ehrubs, ourratta ,tweberrles, nopberrin. fir, and • small garden. The Dolt Is of the best kind,'and the tiers are In their prime, and >old moue; Go the wants of .4 nt111..! !orally. The rituatlun of this ploperty,. b ee nowity and Robutlum cornatte, combined with andignit) tb lice 4 4 , le not surinovwddo air residence In this vlelolif. it hoe rtes. of the Ohio Direr for over • mile, of ThrisPeran. - Pit.h.rgh. the city, the two rlreri, and the hills around. forgoing altogether a partoramia - ddospoet of ahl'h the rte moer W 4 4 11.5. Every boat WhfCh ante, or depart. from the . port Of Vitttbutall op ti r e obi, pow. in hell slew The Polder. and gluturds are elv eotnidsdeli removed Pau any sinanyanes of duo, war destriletire of ...fort and e,tasuon, nal agonls • retirement en nun , and pearoful glncated in.. Quiet nook lathe tontg , l • The property will he Dahl at • borgaln, and porwoldri guru on the flat of AMA Emprit• at the &ome omen P.lorlif D. N. WHITE Citizen'a Insurance Company of Pittotmrgh. IiCOURAOiI 1103 IF. INSTITUTIONS. E Otnee Nu. it Hater amt. India warehouar at 9411. tivANT. C. 11. llcithzr, Preeldent......A. W. Thum, Stv'L l t h , Ca ThnP•nY i.nvannl to Lawn all more Alm In dote, nun Iq tranxita, rove', De. An t attitu i =ty fur the and Integritre the It are eltiranVol oi llburgla. well and Lem-li kesOwn to the nommunlty, fur Age Pruden., int , tigt.. , and Integrity. • 117gatte 'a p. aT John Linn:aid Fa limbitugh,& Wu. w'rd I Q , if ill come r IIiCTEOTION .4 Marine Insurance .. MGM . rs Or a INftli. qitital Stock and StreV / ' SLOOO,OOO, Potucres sums . ox von um roma . o Taixs, . -.. .. 'pats , WI kicullilistittl"ilts. ,-.',./ornattea.-a4l or Da.lielsUars Townsll r— ids°. VII Loader& or letters. cettlfs'a.: Wel /41.14 7 8 e Visbrbteis4 this medicine. the 11,11se bit: is Selected thaw Its character. led the...trek of Its we'll, a dlrteat ball of Use Wed. The Ileum Warn are Irer but sre ales sands Or the .lost the ;est medleimra .. ~ • • • •.• • 971...- S4i• 40, 18C. "SLIM& Kfno t ed.—lfe . lotineemd ta 0 a DA di 2d. . v.rmirup 1.4...1.0. ranand la YOnmelaea So 40 the Tenalftore Ina •lotnalmml ID Doi tatelnatan demand bream so wet for It that oar Ark Ir. Alm attaiateaL It Imo wetland alai baet effeet Idwilmer It lute 1 ibeen b rl w ln . dd. tectlma, m. dnlnm. gad 1. MT P ll t .:: Inf antmlll. ono Peop after dime from youextro., am It sells more m eatAdll final 1 .al order =Mid. me teen. Please Mut tee.meg Imam. d 3.411. D. .1. a J. W. Comm." _. - . J. P.M 1 co_ Ho.GO Wood et. • — European Agency. The sill/Tribes totem!, visiting the prittelpal cities of G e ms, Feud., Frame, met Germany, timing the mouths of Apra, /Jay, and Jane next. /caving Pittsburgh.= March lith. and Till he pleased to altend to any agencies of a slum chemist Ishich may le rdolidni to ids are. tanivitmrll JOILN D. VIZMARVAR R CABS! EVIDENCE IN OUR MIDST Lt Kow—dilh I cheerfully, comply with )our request thut I would wire you an amount of the .!mart iulraculow cure of my Uhl@ dawahterW eye by the we of your "Petro ..... She was atarkal wick • MT ton ery• In Velfrtud7 Or .3 !Jamb larkfilten limn lyoppded to the beet ,mrdf eal aid In rho oily, by orb It Woo primounmi a 4 ,,,i-y Ind eye: . and alltfore me no of doing her any good. Af ler which I took her ltd. ...tutu to an old heir. who had been eery succeenful to caring .you. Ple told use that her nee woe betake., at she would certainly boo not only that ono ha} oho that the pawl , would follow—lt tel. • wren:lone affection of the biro& And Ido eertlfy, thou of the thne my rather (J. B. Vuitton) dyne to the eoricluelon Mot we bad better try your Petroleum. she ova manly Wed of one ere. It I. now abort two months slum atm began Ste onk and eh. rougyper see with both eyes as good as crew ehedldf and. la fart I ton tell. I believe the ham, with the bleiedsta of She Almighty, been cured by Petrol. um.• Yon* noPectfair. 47-For We by Kept., t McDowell. 140 Weed etz R. B. Miens, 47 Wool rt.; D. M. Curry, D. A. Joeeph 1/00.„1 end 11. I. othwerte. Allegheny . ; also I.r lb. proprhei tar, M. KIER. I riov7sitenB Coral Deal. Seeeult. nt.. PlOsboewl4. Foreign and American Hardware. !, LOGAN, WILSON & CO., No. 129 Woad Street, • WAVE NOW IN STORE A full ould*upletraturir:of FO/i.EfG.A' AND AMA'ItICAN HARDWARE, Paitable for:the eprtag trade, and yr bich they are prepared; to otter to purehascla at Patna that,,tll entapam faynyably with any of the enJilfril. entre. GOPAIiTNERSIIIIP—We have associated with w 'haulm% Btu- laic 01.41itT of the Varney, Dertoilte Wank. who will &rote hla pennant .Mention loth* httohto Tha stria of the aria retualna sa haratofitre. lial3 j A. WILKINS .t CO. EXCHANGE AND — TIANKING HOUSE or A. WILKINS & - CO:, Corner of Third and Market at&, Pittab'gh. BIER, • th Turaday rvening, Jun. 0011.14 aired ZD yew. . for nearly rerren ream • ralflifid •girrrniird. to Mr. ' 4. . !irnie. Third aired. • row= mszrof Meiling Integrity and .1.01-4 ...Lb, .4 night: r•Unv:ni by his oMP , °). •• 4 • lardy envied frkinta lii, funeral will take pier* rdt Thum day, at o'clock P. M. Iran tint coring at Virgin alloy and nrtdOillciii d. kg IL COLLIER, Attorney at Law, office e LrArrie'm DoUdine , . Toarth'et, above Sailde tbkL' lavbra fanned a orauveciloo .with Um. Naar*, EM. or Wuhttistca C c. (rorthrely of the Land 011100 be I yor panel So give prow attention to the proctor.: of Leal Warrant, Previous. S. and to , the biteeention of dathar Ler.. Uortgrewa or any et the deportmonta ial7 fA3IES J. KULF,N, Attorney at Law, office, IO Tilghman Uall, ecru. et Ore. stmt. and Diamond y. NW:mock GaILVER WARE—Sisspas, Forks, Ladles, 1,7 Ben. Koller., L'ltthrts. Ink *et., CupA,Rr.. mono- E.-tuna m ora,, .T 4 ov local, ay fslestAts•is - cwestcs. eirwscoo. os :WM Coln. W. W. II ILSON 11.13 r. et ?LANTAGANET GUARD itAZORS— Jae. rersire4 by emote, knottier tot of them unique rentable ansers. th e only We beternl' 010 • W. W. WILSON. raNERSIIIP NOTICE—TE LEE has amochtud with him km:raw tartrier. J. wrui. lo the Wiwi mut timmticAlorAeo Mariam. under Ma Arm ral of liurphy Lfr. %111 PII T & LEE, WOOL DEALER:: and ♦ eti C r ' neas i . " N " . ' 1:7144,1,:tb. cf A'""" 1t• WHITE BEANS—Ten buTels rime , for nb`.co _24 Nrixd .t bell..koN MAKER a Ltili--'l'wentr barrels just received. and Like ma. b. bFtbi band.. F. N. WICK 131:111A3I'dy lola C.. a If ..11 A eutti r LBS CANARY SEED received I yam, auf fur al* MCISMSTIAWA. .1•14 ear. c• mod • •tith cca ELLERS' LIVER PILLS---•tenuld net get nithoot owns.- coollevll Jaa. v, 141.1. Ila. IL IL Satatehi—Vehh. err theonly 1.19.1 Mlle that Noll hon. I d‘whlthet set slang • about therm. and trete tar that makn life d theta moats In the blgbert tems of oratuendattota I.hre fops - 0111 y. J. efil.Y./..N.. ...1-Yreeirted *ad he It. R. hfra.LIMA NWakl J ed MarhellY. 1915 Br air d.r. an l-7TiC;e7C - ty *int , ro; new_crop, reveived al k. MU 14 . A WWII'S a KIILKPATRICK . 111 Melly rt I .111 AISI N S—One hundred and fitly b otnnwed ! jut ,WO MOW... n.,breml And for rade barbi ~ ' , .......e.`l'.! DROWN A 11.11111PA711 . 11. CIUGAtta--TWV/141 , bhda new Sugar nn hand toafid an ...lent jab 11111 OWN It KMILPAVWCE ' TOBACCO—Twenty ban W. tl. Graut'A; tr. b. Omni 8 Villi.uat •15 bra W A. lionahl'c Xll ad: h „„,, slizws k LARD—One hundred Or prime new Lull bsnd sad for sal* 1! BROWN 2 KIRKPATIIILIK UNDRIES- —Ten bx , ‘ S. Toholing Comm; 5 hos Pregnorn Emma,' lo Ina do Eagle tltoolttr. A Igo do lllerg Pad, Land sod fir sal.. by ,13 60g/WN t KIIIK PATRICK / I :AM E to the rtgidence of the Auhseriber, oR ) about Denrot (th of her Wt. a dart and Mo. og • arbl.atrEnt her loot. slang tour aeon old, giv. In, milk. The °gory. le hlgaby laglltod 10 gAne Omani "111:',ZiF°""" . "`=IIINitt l x121. b "•.,VV,rir... • (.!111Al COW—Come to the rm,iderte, me sulagrlber, got , - •xo, • Ertl Cog. about Prom or right rare San Mt Mugu, 'The tom, Is regorged to esa. jward. prove property, pay dun, ml take Per away, j el.rg - JIT WAVER ETA N$ j)IVIIIENII--OFFICE OF PITTSBUItIIII tlAn (NATANT, January 13, 1011. Trosteeen.f She Pittsburgh Ass CotoPant hate da , ' day 11vr , 1.,1 a Utakletal of fire per cent out of the ptsolto. of the last on maths, 1,11 the Apital Stork paid In, pa, a ble to ak.ck holden, or tiler' legal repnstootatives, follo with. at theolßea of the \tusk.. ssullsl2* JANIE,. 11. CHRISTY, INsworre. PKIE PAILTNERSILIP OF TILE SEE- Aculiiritti. lead!. anderthe arm of WOO D k Ali , and WOOD. ADMITS' k Ois., terashostra by Ilatita lipll this day. The toonsesa•lll tes setths) bp either of the aubstribers, who are K(1[10411.1 to cow the mune of the Ilan' us 04t0 liquidation for that Now., at the (Ad stand ho. 1 . -1 ?dal , Net irtmet, ThiladelThla. ItICIIAILD D. WOOD. 40110 TAKILOW, .I.tnEs • .10$1,111 Phaadellllla, Deeetataf .list, Pial. TIIF. - FIRM OF WOOD, ABBOTT & CO. IthethA bee:, tßunireel ae above elated, the husker.. In be rththemett b, lh. thluerthersunties. th e tillo al WOOD. DACON. A CO., et We ns ota,l, Nn 127 Muket I'hlWlelphla. RICHARD D. WOOD, JOOl All DACON, 11,W1.1 W. HAYWARD, 10:NJ. V. MARA!. MART A. LEAVIIT. PIDWARD V, TOWNREND. JertharT fIISSOLUTION--The partner.hip of Rev pr„ , , b"----ntrw:4T,..1.:;,at,v,, , wit; of th i r " parum i ttle Dame a I.lojlrm Lord Windfall% L 0. REYNOLDS, .1. 1.. MIRK Io rrtirin from Me haeloesa of Remota. • Sher, I maald reeemimeral Mr Co w Shpt. to tar (Mende and Or former euetomore of the . J 614 L 0. REYNOLDS. L. SIIEE, Wholesale Grocer, Commies r. Ilrrcharduoul aealrr P•per .W 'Baur; corny :re awl Irvin otreets, llttaburgb. .pANKINO, coLLEatsu AND . sX CHANGE OVPICit.—N. 110L3INS 4 SONS, No. 57 tet Are. Pittsburgh. the Z...m and iherism cit. Mr .114 nuyle ...II the htinsital Notes N a . i V lm.. Notnee .s=atl a d e . gruut 1.4 VCR SA FRANCISCO, CAL- L IFOUNIA.—The new and rulotautial ettion•hip CitolunmU, USW. CominualL Ohto. !l f oorf S an e Frn iso, SU NDAeT,the m n - MpraylY F or buaryMwatt Th C tt e il n p o it u s w te r 00 0m Molt, and hue the boot of accommodatione throughout. al being furniebol with both Mum and sidle, will mete the tip 10 about 100 &ye. Promos wiehing toonlinste to 'California! or Oregon, with th eir amine.. will end PhD the Left opportunity dui has yet Leon ortorod. The price vf t i fl=air r c h !to Su:p . m:l4nm will be mono art bil:U9, to Paid oo rtit og di c e dote(. Dor 111 bo whored cute. Toe nuMber of Li Leto h0..m00 Melted, and a ' n ail portion already diefoclid irektre _Timone wlahing calomigionut Komi» tirkrts I.oo[l. Further lutommilon remailling mamma on freight not be had by adder...stud poet Paid! WORM: R. COllOl% liceretary of Cintintiati 311olog yanliAMr--Clu. U.s. Si. Clochamil. Ohio ligOß SALE, AT A GREAT BARGIT,IIi,h two edury bath Dwififild llottem 00 Poimu Tonle Memo, tub Ward; 460.1.171 $01.1; baring mo ruocov double carlovi dining mom and on the Wm Cour. The lot la twiddle tout by 010.17 01.00 0W • wide alley in the nar. TAU property mot VW% and will tw wild for $2700 ,in pile:tents of down, L'2,o to me tear, and the bellinM !ntro yemfo' •' ' Enduire of T. Howard. At at Law, Fourth Moot. between entithflell &mahout street,. Call in the morning before I/o'clock. TLIUS. 119WAlilL mulf.it CAP/T=811.3 TAKE NOTICE. NOW IS TOUR CUANCE FOR A GOOD INTEST7dENT.—Tbr eubredber often fur ode. all dot valuable powerty. Palmated on the cower of llollltay hred 'greased deeds, duhreeinef over datren thourturt flee undred *OM. helot awed, oommenclon at the came of Ilulllbty and Plwasnt street.. and running north KO fret, then efeed , £2 fret. then north n 1 feet, then wed VT fret be ',Steinmann. VrTyllpg aouthward, then In • wottbdia ametion bounding on North Wert )2 het to Weber. and Gad fn. Ibis point 26 het, then Routh 13) het to New.% rued, then 14.4 to p the plate of beginning 127 freh Tlila P enTralel i tenral,4Zln . " trtt:llTZ manner of ilia brat Istataresla and en ' eltinnuarunand a reenSurtible Bradt Dwelllalb•ldi a newo garden , The Cac het la )11 (retort& by 12) feet deep, with • hue yald. The lluddlng emtwareetwo dude. and as Meld has ban large tort Don Kap !tonne. eabotalf itakcav each; lan be T late, a line cellar under the whole building, and laded thrunstwut In alre=earp MIT nklenzg=4 C:rte7 j=ut ' Home, S et res tremens of tent. neva et.. lialtbnare yea taipoobanne Rained, Ude netts. , t att " rfg "felart=="j s ee'rger 4V4 eatonneenete Mae Ibrwsnling Mt.., with •re Creek ea Nellinat Arad, if antener Anf further ean be obtained of the aubenelbeb On the preathate. .65r131.401 Mt.—buns Ain't an. in itvir tssi tz ins—en re 4l rorau. ingali v ans t asi; isesisst.4. nsvnassissis . - - AILME CllA.24CFArexpeptable 46 . ung oios. irlAtiing to Trawl. Irtth ookitol of Ow foi , :t bt 4 4 ". =trirritt tr 4 ooi s ie:7 nooolaotiotlaeor of thugs boo oo s, 4.V.4 f tbroooh the Ix* ofik, gating , on no tr ,, i.0, 0 0n. ho hod „ CILUILES LX.331.1114%.K. ROOMS—One hundred dozen for sale by ao4 a. F. VON BONNUORST 0 CO. Bl.ffEß—Eight barrels packed for sale by jall el. V. TON BONVIOReFf • CO. lIIE BEST PLACE TO BUY TEA. mots WI )founts a WORTIII3 Teo Store. coot able of the orof. I hoot flavored Tess at GO cent. per pound. • The Otter mantles at 75 do to Norma 00 Old Wuntry people that rsl we BLACK TEA. will Gal ant , . nth their testate exactly. The. kW. of Teas we revolve direct from agland. and they ettIIZIOA ho bought at..tY other .10}0 t oPittehunch. jal4 ICGLIS II GIN, OLD JAMAICA RUM, "ati thel "" d "" h ` 4 '` l 'Stitftrs h i DANFORTH. Fil i tiE BEST OF WINES AND BRANDIEG.• for ettfalr btu raitir w (4.4 it 4 1111tEEN APPLES—Twenty bris. Pipping, Ibr We by S. F. VON BONNHORST a W. yanl4 FLOCK—Three hundred barrels ju, nod F0t,510 by BORBBIDOK .t 10611 R. jolt No. 11G %Vali t. reed '_i I;4_ ~.-. HAVANA' SUOIR--Twenty boxes 'hito 111.409 Sugar, for lode ley BURN/Ulan k Mall jal4 . No. It ti Water et. MIXES' COUGH SYRUP, .'1 had not need it beteg. twk•nt I felt Ito beneficial Ilect,.^ i !;i i d i L S c. E . l, b l :.f ER k S T - k ,` l •3:il;:? e lering ror a .bout obtaining relkairl .. yrogented with it (yo u. 'lt. E. Seiler? Cough 311.1turr e I. think it a duty bleb I owe to both you and the nubile in general,...to lev el!Ney of thus I had not need It twice benne I felt. dal effects. nod (under the Virtue Mead agiluut no . ion to blob n the bottle. I totality olio, as to haring wi fleeced llr magic pronertier on frlestdc of wine: ono In Pe 0. , who had it trying attaek on her innga ucoonitanied •ith illsoinuntetg cough. Verily Nue only Into geculitOus where cough, and colds affect the pilferer) has deccendod naort tin Ulan. N. Sellers' Cough Silature.^ • • 31. VlTStitiltilia 1:15 Wylio at. Pittaburgtal. 14, 1831. Irreparni 0001 gal by R. IL Erxims, No. 67 IV. end add by drottubde generally. FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE 'lmmure Company of North 4mmina. Pllll.l bmint=rortz,t , rtth‘gt;.e.s.wg, fondy of every knob ebipped per steam:tat atonal. by lalatul traneportatlon or on . . DICACTOIIB. Arthur A. CAfllo. Pest Kauttuellinmk". Ale:n[o,T 'lnert', Mark.. Taylor, . Samuel W. Jonent Ftantizol Y. HlDith. Minn! Kratt.h. 'Asobn.att White. 9. A. Itrt.Arth JwcbM.Thoman, John MIKA. Jim K. Nett itkhnrd D. Ward, Francis Matins.. Tho . COpt 11111huu W I h. • 11. D. Eherrent, 'MD It the ntiett fnevranee eolapeur lathe Dal enl ter ID blab etruellna. long eklarhaea. atael . .t . erztllt i ll Dean er e . extra - laszerdone the " ' l l s9l.lloirja Y F . ..... t f, rlth No. 141 roma TIIE MUTUAL. BENEFIT LIFE ANCE COMPANY. No. 151 Market Street. . and 'o. 11 IVAII , Stok.t. N. Y. Amanda $1.041.P0d. dividing fn.:into ioirrrent profit la; The nutoeriber nmelve applications for tnn lives in the above eneceesfid Insurance ()Maras", • '000 41 U 121T3T1 7 . j ./ON ES, I des No .141 Pm; riIUIiES,TU.IIE.S,TUBES--The and ,rsign bare remitted rptelal nernahvion hewn are *twin tit Tort annmunkation with the Blentinghanr PA .NT LAP wr.l.OEO ntagg TUBE COMPANY. for the tale WI their very eseelknt and enterkir BOILER an 3 G 1 1 1 11111E0 In luxe or mull quantities. TheecTubee are Ms ea t...tell both In England and the rotathaent 4 Europe, end "' Val h i& trrim A CO.. tr.. t Tin Plate 31errhantr, 44 Wall greet. New York. 3 )lartlnte Lane, Lltr Lando', and 140 Bachmann graft, GI A f ‘ r • t . ~.t tn. 1111 LEASE--Forty five lirls in stun,. _ll- !cafe I_ll . hi lAAIAIt DICKEY 2100, int Water sru as l Trdnt W. ARD & GREASE—Ten Lyle No. 4 Ter Urrun, ow It.ldlrm from rtersorr Rr ISAIAH DICKEY I 1213 Wakr aryl FT .ARD—Sixty brim No. I in store and -LA br DI MEI' CO, NT stet k lISSOLUTION—The firm of Kennedy & Sawyer war distalml on the lrt Ink Tbii Intelares ernitlaried as beretettne by limas@ Stetriettly. Jr.— The 1111.11 f of the lute arra will belated br either barmier In rattlingaplhe barbican . THOMAS R.ESSELVS. Jae yabit3 JOILN IL SAW 11:IL rpo LET—A huge Mansion House *ith 11 9) smell of 1401 •Unetsd, Aitoatml at ... a . ral3 LANDY, JONES it W. . Real Rstate worth 8100,000. VERY DESIRABLE Proyerty ent bjkFr.r Fink a ttßotn IS)focLi on Math Common by t:4O to Mater street. The othrr, 110 ttet (mot by 1170 to an alley, Improves In the Irert manner. alto - Mina a delightful Male of the city of Itmrhurgh. the Allegheny and 01110 Alm spine of ground fronting moth on 11 COMMA 200 feet, running 170 feet hark. Unaided 0 tern tilly feet etreett and 20 fret alley In rear. Alm. tweedy aces dimity oppmite the R I P.oel Depot. of the mat derbabte propetly mm offered Data Thin piree of gentml oder, Indurentente tn epects tom Apply raIX BAIRD At IBTIII.II Preond HEW BOOKS! ALCDREWS . LaTI hi, ENGLISH CtIN—A A norinne urni critical. Win. Engirtt lola founded t lurr Lein, Orman leakind vu am Errand. Mt i alt. ' irnittif 6=r:by E. t ' lirdriiTlf:. r er ". Tnt MA. 'nano, ra t runic leing the 'r ivrenraisl nar rative and r.-ralin ranee) thmirah the nr flair alien Leland, • •nd nth, run. cif Polynesia. lie Iter. Weir, T Cheraer The ITlrate arid Lavender," With etwrritnsr,--", Tutu rrnen, twoury,m a 444ctel to Homo. lialluroo4— Hy Croy, Arrulha. 4:401444y1 404 M. 14 hy ,41:1 R. C NI , CKTON 47 *vial 41. 111 SSO L uT I ON OF PSRTNER,4IIIP -71. ben been aintretny n.seolynt nn Jaittlaty 7th.1611! IL IL r "" ll i gerTflb=4 If then. , Ono tatty, to nettle the to. ml to the nun. of natal nrrtrln nit rttre,ettlt meat , R.. viaviz. r 0. If. Sauey rarryun tta. oaate tr.& .t the at sad be ham to reedy& ht nutawro. 32111tf PEICIIET:: ,I2 IIkirt,y hrle.klat law]ing .61 6.1 rak , ).11 - ,L J. VON lIONNILORNT a t.N)._ hundred las for rale by a. V. VON IiuNNIIOIIISt a IV. • I,NLCFCR—Twenty brie Extra, for sale by Jr ion s. T. COS lIONNTIORST aco ILASS--Ei, ,,, ht hundred las IV indoxr,4ll.A 11110, for Ai jail S. P. OS BON NTIORST a CO. vritin FlSH—Fitleen brls for sale to' iall F. V. VON BON NOOF CO.' -131 EAR L ASII.-8 casks for sale by no , IL DILIE!.L .1; OD. ( 4 1111114 NUTS.—Te n bus for sub; IP, 4 t - 4 , I R. DAI.ICO L o . 14 4 : .-one liondrtsl brlssuperti e Flour, vo.l pre IL-am, r 1%4 So. 2. and fl.r Rah. I, Ja4: J. B It. VLOVI.. Ronal ellurrh Hnilaing. IJOYASII.—Ten Casks, pure, in store and jk Or ml. by p. 3 J.lll. FLOYD. I.IIRODUCE.-6 Ids prime Roll Butter; i .. fl brk No. 11.n1: o bur rissamd, . . . a La.n rritay Feather•. eta-rivet by warm, and-for asir by la- 1 J. a R YUJI (lINSENG AND IiEESWIX.-23 bags 101 . tiirwm... 1 reek Ilevraralt now la ding rem Flamer turrarorst tor du by ttelo 'Pal All DIIVEV a CO. Water d Front rte. 'TANNERS' 011.- , ,Twonty brit Bonk Oil, in gonet!rnler, del. .7. k FLoYD. NI i t I ;A SSES.-3 L b ur ls new, j iu ,, M a f , ur LARD.-43 Y brig No. I, nou7l;knding, for Joao by drlO 1 ISMAIL DICKEY A CO. BIIeKIYHEAT FLOUR—Twentv backs in gtorr and far ludo by jell P. kW. II.AKIRUG7I. DOLL BUTTER.—Ten brls Roll Butter ” o ryoi and for ale by =n= EREASE LARD—Twenty Lidatlreaxe Lard 1 -1.11- 1 - I.. nd (Or i i W.II.OIBAUOII. I VRIED PEACHES --Three hundred bun _LI Wird Pritehos. air for br e. k W. 11A1111.M111. IL MEAL—Thirty bag. Oil Meal, received and for ale by AI C. W. 1111 M M/011. FLOUR—Ono Imudred brL Farra Family I, )till 8. F. jun rreelved and fnr all.. S. & W. 11/1111.1.k1.7011. 11.1,AVY WCIOLLEN GOODS FOR SALE at reducal_ptio, emit ...ring' of the followlnai Drab, two end Gni Blanket; and tiny Dearer Mitts 11.1 and Crib Illebtela, which we are autherired tirehwe at reduced prim, and will be sold on favorable to L. by ian • LEE. OLASSES—Fifty brie new crop for sale ; -- ALERTUS.S tans Saleratus , in brls and bxs. Ibr We by J. RC/Bina DALZELL 4 CO. L EAF LA RD.—Leal bard in brla and legs Lam! pr We by ROBERT VALZELL k CO.. jag LibOrty .trert. SUO A li.-111 lihrls prime N. Orleans Su Itr. In koro and for matio bf 1t0111.111.T DA LIELL ktO Liberty street. MOLASSES. ~n brls Sugar Bousr, Si lautx llMlner, 41.4 nmelved. lby min by MDDAI.ZELL • ca.' Liberty ylrett. ALMON.-5 brim Salmon, No. 1, in store L.:7 and for nil. 6> jam 00010 T DeLZELL kCO FLEtl;l,t boo; P t E 1 1 0 l a D It o®o .00dre0. .To t t . ,_ minx butlalDA. A tig3lnlflia TAL LOW. 25 11111.9 for Fiala by 1w 711 CAN FIELD Y' EARL ASH —5 mi.sks prime reed by ladNV Woixl st. OT I C E.—The partnership heretofore ciorting betwoon tho!nalercar s ri b is:pl•dareiroly,l 41POrge:11 , 17:byTh:reastllork.:wt:71Liblird receiveto cur mousy d'"k"' Plitttlft4A MA I '? JOHN FITZSI510:0. The andttslaned arillsontinue to rarer on the bitabley se nand) al the old Maud. JUAN kIT7,ISIONS, . - ear. Etna ata. Ninth Want 111BBEHT'S, HOGAN AND THOMPSON'S. aq.l Han. Hon's Ulu), Ettl. Scarlet • 01.2i111. J.loottipti.Fsbris, BrEck.. sod I.angdwia, J. .10 .1.10..1%x Mark .4 Rod. ~1 Nvori . —. . . . . . . . . .. ..ln\Elands of creel. ihweription; 01lititra, Cohen', Pratt'., Levers Kalif r. Leman', and other manufactures of Steel: paw u, a E. NI. timlth'ii (a iceewor to A. tl. Bay 1,,a 140- ecletrtated do,. Erna, with mild an. Alter iwriec. Whartman • Enaltch Untiring Ilper---antliinarinn,4oo. Lie elephant. iglu. colionbirr, cuter toyed. royal and ele phitggattliacq lioatd n.P ijn r a a .e ' ;. ' l.ll l li7o ' id and rilrer, e mix.ami wa Id, silver and fancy ' winced Pare, PM. mii. colored Arita and cortient.and lithoghii for balm Wm, prepared parchment of an slam, imitable Yoe derits, chart arc anti diplontar. Wrench note bane, Many. on hand, the Bola nd Able Etylew Mario and tadlernl , Dlitlisi . r. ...wit - Ertl a slirentil, r ultable fir Ealla, molten, w lain mid iniximilaw. . Stanch note envelope& plain and bowed; letter erol. opea, brown, whita rm. blur. laid awl Plain paw... Ma 7kit hntf, Mao and "the. iihTi. wafer tumwartnue_mtternic cnitini mad; bram Chu WOOS and Turkey boxwood rand bos,cos7ngpromice.. • Ink.. Intshea, French and Eactlah ansdina . .Wca, and al: rpm maw. navy!' all colas. rad sad amid pal.: bid . I ltrannilli au= ardclea ha the Stalhniiitha. bah tuff aad mph, taindher with a lama amantnene r 3 bily atit hooka and nannaratahno beats of all =mum Emit ,yr In miry style Of bitaltnifi and haperof all Aced, a Oa canal tadactal rat.. 44 the mat ream*. *Ma „ - IY. B.ItAVEN'h... • • Slant . Bent and Statinam Warehonae, hat , •• 'i ~ , ".931:111c!kat Nalid, andl &mod stmts. . . ... 7 LET.—ThiE 4etira idet'sicientii ,, Lo ‘ i 0I" ,AMUSEMENTS. .., ..yrrwilt otevplLLl br lb. ratan; , sitnaidalna I ' II lirertr,ltorgh Pike. in the 12Lra.u211 g 4 Law ville. raw bowel" 1.0..2 roarrakai, Ina Utast". 2 =irrt=iraLb bow. AUL, IL sta.bbe awl arils.. b.* . 2 4 frolC Ln1.. h'1 17.....1.7 ,4, r. -- = ', ..T -. .= !Moon ado, and r .c., rya vt hl at 1632 V boar. Yoe par. 'Oculars talon,. ROM 1). 1 21101LP202. Alldlat No. 1151trzket street . : F UR REST—A Sam - Mtuln Earitirming. 4t.ted for • wr in ZZ m It ran co:a u:tam entire Outlaw of Ow tbal WI Wad. It wig be llogroughly troaltott • with war Atal for a term of years. an excellent mite ibr brick matioit—etiT den, ma, ...rend good outtniro of ~.Bent Row. laddiot of iauta.ww valuars.r.rt ab.thurb..=. EELM FLANNELS, of the different qualhlft. the selleh•—• ta/ther impair re. by tall MURPHY DURCIinhLD GASH. FOR TILE DIFFERENT GRADES V_ of Waxtked 35 - 3311 yr mall • 11. LEL TOOLLEN GOODS.—One 3330 Scarlet •V 3133331; Ime kiu.n 3133.1.144 emsrp WU. erne). 54, 3 cues liming Tweeds. 1I wait 2 coax F.. 333 CanAmerat MK. Jew, 33 , 43.5. 100 11,13,41. Mt fb.g. tee unatesettarm and for 3.31 e by • Jat IL LEIL CIGARS—FiIty thousand Cigart received an d t, p a da a, jail 8. a 15.RABDAtUI1• SIIIRTItiO MUSfJXS IRISH LINENS. 31orphy t Burchfield auttinue to hec•cor mrtie•h r atteutiou to thl, Arsnch of their boeirroo, frod we rueful 1. •eloct • cuperictr artiele—the Doeur twat:auto! Bore Bob. end loth at lor pricer hr po•iltr. All • NESE VERMILLION-74 Itni for sale 11.) by jolt J. KIDD t CO. • I en • (new cn.T) fur eele by jell J. KIDD & CO. illLUE—Twenty lire barrels for sale by ILK jall J. KIDD t CO. tio. al Wood rt. ~LASS PAPER—Fire hundred reams of Nfi Smith's paLrut, tor saie iall KIDD 2 CO.. Fare Weinni rt. FIREBRICK WORKS FOR RESIT. rlill SUBSCRIBER offers for rent for n term of one cr mare yea" _the re/ ant rift Ilrick• . Islanent, eituate in kalrfleLl lownehlp.Weatmoreland Iroomy, It the village of Bollrer. Sold workt axe on the anneylmola Canal and Central Railroad. Three la Oil the land large quantities of rim (Nay and Hume Coal. tormeni. cot of memw. The work. am on the. Tub boll Creek—Um nerawary buildings far the work are alerted. A Is almetandltm. For ternia apply to the ewbarrther, Hann mike mythof Tommewww. imalm:RT—tkefolo. Rep. WM. JOHNSTON. - 1 4 ` 1 1,01.111—Serentv five barrels Fainily Flour 1: remind laud for Paco by Kati EMIIVER & BARNES. ' DOLL BUTTER--Twenty barrels prime juk inn and lAr • .I=ll RBRITER t BLICIF3 • AY APPELS--Fifty bugtelsreceived and" fat wle by All BRRIVER & BARNES. -WHITE BEANS-6 barrelß received an , for yede by jell 811111VER k BARItES. LA RD—Twenty barrels and thirty kegs No I L " r"" .od for roleaso2 rm A BAIIMO. rALLOW—Thirtv halide Sheep and bran. ALLOW—Thirty , bel.rrly Dorf yeberyed and 0r oak by ail BIIItIVER & RAMS. rIII3IOTHY SEED-4 barrels received and ro , mle nr .1.11 sinurzn a DINES. iflji.ESNLITSSixty barbels received and 1._,/ formal+, Irr jell sultry= t MILNE& EACHES—Three hundred bUlihele reo'd P omi for Pale 14 Ural] SUMTER k DAMES: Al OL.,%SZES omlT , ! ift wlvty barrels of new "crop 33sadIn i Nt:;. ;t p bu t " hi aka may by J. D. b3ILLIA)I6 W. e...rabY Wood a Mho. if I lINESE—I9S Li s eretun Cheese ie store L.) nut (.r NJ.. b.r .htllE..t pAizet.L. eat 1: L .54 WALT street._ LI ALERATUS—.4 casks No.l Saleratus; CI C. IL tßas. lid bel ill MOM Ind knt sale try .1:13114 DALZELL. pall • CC 'Water street. BLOOMS--Ont. hundred tons Tenuesee nliv , mx Trnnence Elairs,reerlrloglnan ate.. cr tien,. and Ca• .arr by JAMES IDA LZELL. No. G 8 WsLi street. 'WINDOW GLASS—Five hundred boxes V V 2, itmrtlrti Lee in rime and fr A Mbi watax. 1)10TAS11.-5 cub, Pettleh„iust received, and far bale by }a9 ROBERT I)AL4LL & (X). 10HEIV LIGHT.--AVe have receixed lot of LOIN+, f etiue else nd kinds, of e nee ndrtion thut o equite donde dotconipLete*eueo,no. Aleit . tle. article to bunt in them. miloil . Darningllnid" It. - 11thecial 011. - lt fine ram qualities wialeit 'recommend to th e attention of Steamboat men, Hotel keeper& and llonee twelma. k'or and bsintmWr. It Verrone tlpTe l" dittrain the yteu- IWitles of the new oaosimand. A constant eip ply of the nal and lamp. kern hr SCAIVE i ATKINSON. iteln Ist to., between Rood Lad Market. IROCERIES. rhet44 Toque 1.1) . ..04_•kd 131 .ock u To.i, d 131 Wg.trk•ll .ellobiktoia ' tr Trkco. " 13 do I'. Ilobltook to Co., 14 all We do. V. 4. o bok e ni "b l i nNo tice 121 T Itarroorit Vs do. 1 ratty tkkek Jaws Tboutrok jr. Golden, Leaf ik Lump, to store and 14 pee D.T JOLIN PASSER t CO. pi.EAV ORLEANS SUGAR. 10 Idls. old crop prime prisiity,lll store and Goad. ' (Jardoj JOlOl YAM/11 At CO. CORS BROOMS. 80 Breen 07ra Braes.la stare and ear raze JOHN PARKER IrT CO. kLb RYE inskEy. Ity 40 bac. pore REe Walskey. "wry old md thrice.. 60 bale Old )InanimEhela - Wafstey. In duns and eV " le I j. 0.1 301116 PARKER a CO. lOR SALE—One hundred widto and green t ' ntA.k."ll, Let;' . tla Alice Snot...ee ra of the lienat Vimat littiolnergh in 11443 Sink , Peoples Medical Guide; 75 of Carrie' 4th edition of Pittsburgh Di. nntorteen ale geese of lAnat alai Vert Moira and lintion4 .ale in any quantity, tn suitpoeThseers. by iallnlStayeltS ISAAC, IlAititl6.slllh R. . )FOlt SALE-7 boxes of Medicines, %i2:— The Balm of Life, Dr. Urnen's Anodyne earths]. Dr. anlknees relent Vegetable Elixir, Dr. Leans' Cainninlie Pills. Dr. Evan, EaAblem Syrup foe Children Teething. Freer and Av. Herb P‘lle. De Hunt's 41114 for CernmiliP tin], D spriena, and Liver (.I.l.l2.luU , Wants Curiy tra Cora, for eale cheap aholcsale awl br jalleetillnlS . ISAAC UAltßlB,lfilth 4 'o R s A LE--- A email retail supply of Writin g cnd Letter Payer; Paula Atha awl gulag lAtt r' s 1;714'1 Almaha Book,. a Texavranee Chart a hatlonst Map of the Ahaeri va Republic-. c klat. of the Ileum, and of the World: am .10 h, ralualltewAS 'ISAAC MMUS ik - r Ely HAMS—Frame a Swift's Cincinnati 'lP g " en'is!n: Jnel e ' hr) et LARD—Prime Cincinnati Leaf Lard kegs for . 6.14 000 jot teed for nold m. - WA.. A. MOCLURU a co. 'OR 'ALE- VOlt SA feu. shares Clift Mine stock! at, North American and Wotan, Innerance ea. Apo, - Io DAI RD 2 . 1RV1.1..114 Serond Jalo nUTTER.-Thirty kegs and six Ma fresh butter jtot.ncelved'asti far , sk Lyy J. S. DILLWORTO CO. lihda N. 0. Sugar for .sale by AJ n 0 .27 DROWN K IRRPATRICK, 144 Lavril lkfkW RAlSlNSonconsignmentfureale by dA7 BROWN it KIRICPATRICS. SELLE'RS' IMPERIAL COUGH SYRUP— Additic - woof of Its papier la runs • . airfield. V.-. August 31),18/1 . It. R. Selhiny-Being all:laird for souk Mae kali Fail movie. I vela reiroosmendat la we four Imperial Cough brew, by tar frau frkad W. 7.0311.1•1" JOU/ went for Dlwe, I did It bad the &rind Mkt of ragtag me of • mann that tad despainet of ever Wing wail. / egad &karat Merl thin( that CZT gtit bad :i halier,gtad z ir 1 1 3ealltalp=lr 4": d that bsr afar the of ell 11Zr rat Yt ieund e d. - JANES FL' LIMB. krenwed and ip51111,7 azulaus. WOOS- 'la . Lint Week—POnitiva doze on sataliday. ! 4 4 1 qi, ....... -XICTURE ROOM, ATHENEMi-BUILD -INtl. this Irma. Bayne* eriebrated aeries of /WWI* 'el 011411A.a. anttled a VOIMIII TO .lOllttOlf, anitera- 1 cb , de CoMmineent rtmo of Dodo.. Itt /Wt. , . 0 "" " th. if AL...,_ 64 . Lioomal. London. from Cho Tbainea.Pdoloall. do' ...4 &Warm and manna with a tamodfned Our d . Um • Than. Tem.!. brilMattp Illntninatsan • MA' Wan , banks of Om beautiful Rivet Woe. • e ••• a an anbibltkm on aatarday Montan at 3 o'cloes ,t• A.lntLoion = euuta Children under 13 mono! at .. / 5 " cents. .. , 0 "... 111 .P.0t a..‘: o'clock. Panorama to enummdca 4 .moaner at :Semen. Jan The Greatest Bargains of the Seas= gonh)BT. D. TIIOMPSON, N 0.116 Market et. , 5 doom Dom Llberts. hiring detertaleasd to o SAS at otnem by the Ingot April. will, from Ulla day. tell hit entire gawk of Fancy and wawa Drg im o g, at MM. This mirk bring WV. dFlgid , llft in. DODDS —Trend -Merinos: Pa l ratnettwa Da= biota. Mina, Owthateret, and Almon., all Worst. Draw Mika; yids (Haas do; ;Shawls, atm, and tknma; Worm. floaters; KNTLEIIDNI2 WEAR —Cloth& Dasanerra,Ballneta. Watts/Fa, Crimpy 11.11 M, Merino. obis. Drawers, fitt, .1101,31/ 1111DPIND UOOO9-11aratlay gheethoga. fra, 64 ! and 124; Dutton Shoetieu,w; Damask Tattle LW bleached; Dannut Dade Cloths: NUM.% DM= Mao, a htsgs woortment of Whitney 41114' Ba th Lan together with as full stock of Domestic tioads. Purchasers onty y upon getting Mao goo& at rag, aa this nook most he m Mani out by un.144 of Agell. Jalbibn MOW. 1/.11111DM:1i EAGLE POUNDEIr nu, Wit 1101•01 ...... W.Q. Urns underaigncd, successorts to Arthur!. /E. Iskboboa. leave to Inform thn tatinagot tntr y l ( . 3 tear t titio . verally. Uusltb n er retadit the 1 oposak.u, harepert of th eir at.. teary fur the LIPP which are Conant loom, Cod and Wool atu.s. A = polendl4 air tight I.i SW., which is now Puppreetllog. In Cther. eitles. l. comma round Move. - Ain, a chap oond ooking Sloe, well adapted fie .mall tamillen with • rpli . spportment of Comoro. and 31antettita... 11- ^ 111 . 11111 inthenints Invite Uts attention of paw. banding. to rah at in d pare... before outdating rt. I here, nod mu.. a pp1..141 artide ot Pantruillad 1 gent, IQ D. gyle—entitoty nett in thl. vart.d. WarDh..—No.= Libedint: opted. Aunt pt. - augrfnedtl • PASIgR. ! WEBB'S NOrmal :Readers, bicOnfrio's do. Ara...Um Cliammem nevertsphioNPlettl, aer, mme t Illotet.,==4.TALVeW. rigo ' llehoZolerellitlem.4 Alvs.KatteietAlo . 4 soAllstlorut. at Tilt KOLLAVOUL ItEUnt.W . ee doe __ L__ CS -,!atet 'neer of Yoelstb. . . .. 1.7 JOILN MURRAY'S Atio aid CNCern. Prepared under the I'S of the Inventor ; and mtabllshal for worsen of Mint nen , • I This Octant preparatica 1.1 Meemnamodol In all rases of byre, endittes. toil ton.' gout; and graver.. the mat t safe. may, and effectual /ono In which Plagnena mar, and Indeed the eddy one in which It on ht to be exhlbitedslanb • agaisto a/I the properties of the ntarga non in general l ose. without Wog liable like it., t ooform deponents tonne. new In the bonder It effectua ll y them bsarthurn without ; Iniustng tho roan of the skunach.m ruin, rotas', and their t cannon.. are known to dd it ,the food or Infernal 'Mb fbr. ' eT nh" t l d ' rattt oWm'"W"' l W4 !! u'l .. ATll l ajbrey lbw,' Winkel that thn sofuttetn farm acsbi rth tom nations nllb,urio arid ants In taxa of Root sod. gnat!. thereby count...nog then 'Works," lemleneYll when otheralkalim and Men Idannesta 'twit dud WWI. Prom Fir Mint Crampton; Ent. Surova,Gtnrrsl to the'. Amy in nmr Ple—Therm era bentrdenlst that Sfattiosba May ba! administered num safely In the Wens or a ounnentrand we; lotion plum In mbstannr, f ield On. and mono other reason*. I sot of opinion that the Maktholt, Is Tergesleorblei mlditlon to our Minna Medici. PIIILIP CIIAMPLON." six Jamem CLark, dlr 4. Comer In. Bright,: nod Menge. Cothere endllerbert o, of Letidon;streautif mothetna, MorrayLs Auk' „Manned; as being InOlnitelr mom nae • eonrenient than the mild. and Ana from rho danger Wends/ :inn the mutant too of sods orpponlon.. ; Yor sale by the Importer's and proprietor'. B. A. VAILNESTOCK U. • Cor. Wool A trout spa , NEW - STOCK OF PIANOS, .1 th. Golden llarp. No.lol Third .etn. receffing a frog lot , I of elegant. nano& nud e IT gmal LIAM ben lima, among Wag a .plendld 7 octave are at Vlann If the rkhon deattipUon of mtarlor and tone. It madi n the Ilocoos .13 k, vmne lathe rrlgn of Lot& XV. Alao, n mg lot of faaldnnable and popular Moak, ma an eaten:Ave aron of Itrar. In.tnungots. %IMMO Gol i tam, Melodeon., and lectl 00007 anxiety of modal] armmtcmg disc. . la u A'CA)III-4,351, BVIICIFFIELD, NorthEasi earner of Saab Mkt Market streets, Pi re, at the etameneemeut of the New VearfOn j tam their thanks to their antonlen and the pita. Pan, ally, kr the lame Mare of eastern extended to thenu esti i Write the autumn.=of Weir farm= Umiak re candy enlarged and improved their ram. they ere enabled label on baud a vat entoislre assortment of Deeds—andkroyeri will have the advantage of pPlmtf f Unlit ,tas lima; and make their selotions. They Main. titaktiti thei r, establiontaent, al far at practicable, a I.IIIL STOHI3. Theft every article In the Dry (10.1/1 iirte,ilekts4 for the wants of remillirS, be pm, out t 6.14.0 .• oentlaurd efforts to =tat the test ;tad, and An WU al boa, 1 rioter th ita`r..7.llT,V.,llgh4etrr"b,..xd ;a6thovitousslix nuniziEr.T., , :oll caittinsid it the rotas np atalre—sarstioe tam lth Meet, nr,UZltk lower =am Important to Stage Coach and Wept . • Manufacturera . MESSRS. SIN ER; lIIRTMAi.I, fVt Lan honeht the right of an AUPaXtin bunted b; 1p martieet meth ealled Wille mand pr been tested henot a.. opeal be the beet in we.. An ordinary math, Ir. a eet or th. Amin. running daily, sill artiernne a ball plat ideal.. months. - The mall quail:trot' oil n.. 1 le meet _Unit. evklensee. have of the Brest ...on of rrktie. non anvoquently greet rVitut of P.eniLlirill make the 0.4 Vet r ririllTipre " Z4 4 I=l . ittrtelegVett reed; ing ntilk the wheel. ell. leavinattey eanarban tetth .14.11 e n tirel y be I. after/ Ront By proper rem. the Intent. , will vermeil 80. l lareVoletronoTC‘ltte l i: r L2 iTgY e oni 1.6+,44 iite unh• • - • • mrdp ,IFQRT NECESITY ,MONUJILErNt:-Th! bi ttents trpointed to reeelte emitribullokain=tte In • akl. I= V ictmei Monument ti M"'e ttne mt-it in their monertfuly reimemed to,ry . aver natti in tbeir numb to am mai der3).IIAWAT ' VttLlV.it,E.4ol'f.ll•6. j NOW IS THE TIME, MAKIAZIXESW, , IASI, at BOLA/ES' Litman EtristV/litrilstratott of the. Post ottlar. Plttaborsdu • • • . l+ast owk, Itagedur— du 100 . tsmipui m l2bl.2 Itedow— ...... do ; 1 . 1 taq ; 310."Ellirt ..... clad U nll do 2 'JO ; Graham's ....... ,• 2 1,0 I Ltslo't4Alzara m zo . - a .. ;; . .... do .2 far I llortioultoria - ; Voltirstor do. 12i Littell's Living Ade-- I Ttro danosry umber c./ Mew, Eattartrult bo Um/a , Mr at Mr as% Mlulao, mot S. bttsAnor:. IM.Ttu , emir masmatum will to delimird ltreeoeproi aro atou sere, bang quite a ematog to throe sabattiblra ebum, A Jams and writ selected irk& of nificrrest. boo.OliT BOOKS, mitohlo fur lltdsta * Proorata. Alm xt —An eonstro assortment of So els emd iksitmutdtotSuirry, VUittos roads. tte.. AauoritittOu' I ; woo pmxtuall/. . J. 1int ... , . Jas J: I . N0.:414,W Kra& COTTON FLANNELS—A farther =KA ae. abut. &me, ariperitir article. in.& ree'd:lilt_ /all & f I XEW W -- OKS.lturnbolt's net: WO; ettuot skrnbe, se' l'hyfikal delair tlao . „ th rAto t s , l l l:t): . of the Nei England - rm.), 3.l.arbaala n tual Etarlucer.: Dictinaary,'llat Bass . ,Carti Bernlow. fl are .mll- ...rib eoaain Yoe /W. br IL IlOrilL M4ll‘,ll..thlin'ot. TANDISII, THE PURITAN,..4-Thib Atoerkea Moroi atintr. olly Eldred literooo, YAri Isfory of the Ream/wino 1.1( the a/x.1 , 41th I.kuhte be.l. 11. Merle d'Aubigrot 1). IL. Pere/dear 'of the 'I geoZ eal &heal of Oeuvre, nut Viva /'teal/hod of tho Have, .rattsVe. Troadated - by IL Mlate; //. A., TrilultyA, , Am/hark/ . to Ifirtorf, Autlatatlf!.. col .ellirthlff,. I ho 00 b 7 The reborn to .o llagra:go i // k. /g roc Boulteellee klatialaer, itao of Market mat TA/nt alve . li ne MAPS—Pelton'ts Rpiellaill 01.. , • line Main are ca. beln3 Infra) nerd in all Ine WWI; ye la In New Eastland aud Nrsr /Sark. We have ob.. Rd the &Evers mites ln lltteltallth. and Invite loathe and Reboot otto call and CULtaille V,. _ No. l—lap of, the Wedern Heselrfener, n. fe jai do ' ' Eyler., • do 3 do Novas Amelia; Ter. M . 1 4 do Nnitcd 3tannt 70 a 43; ;•• f, 6 do Europe. ' 1',1:74 ;', 6 do •• .taiat 7 de.S,Aturtica /deka. 70 xat• • ;I ['eke of the eerie-N.170 kAr, =zs' or die pet tire iraw. ohrre )nut., Inn, Key MO. -• Timm nine are unrivalled In seer . cr. berustTendebesi, :3%V =Of ' zerutgr= For hale at rs.bu...b.,e, IL - .1. ftNCH LEAF—Fifty bundles .Frene Florence, Dutch. 001.1 teal Sheer Leaf, tor Web, 10 SCIIOOit.ItAJLEIt LX.), 04 Wcutt tt COLORS -5 talq Rnse Pink: 100 flrolase, .0000101: 10 ou. COrtuke lellow Ind °IWO; $.lO b 7 Sao autooNmeitrailt, • TIMBLILLIONL---Trieste, Chinese, Anie, ...."'"" crw l 4. `"' lm .r.4mat gtma k 010 CGi SSENTLIL OILS-1 can Oil of Saaserf3 _EA o raw 00 of LaTend tan Oil of Itcormart; 1 cj W Lo.o:03.; 1 rola 00 of er Bezraolot / Cos 011 0{(1i,..; ' n ' d joV X ' "1 '41444'. PRUSSIAN BLUE—Ten No. boxes webs 440 J SCROONSIASTR. t. 00.1 tiARD OIL.-147.40i1 of et euterior qualif;„: ' o,netaotly 4n2 band lin isle bi ' • •• ' . 7 '1 alo W.W.11 DICKEY 4 IX)., Win,. t Front lels; .; 110 LAS 9 il S.—Twenty one lot . , s Ix Sara: now. 31olanota , jun rengled sal 'fin ßile l I I _ I..B.II•AIILUAN a 603i07, rlinikEr. PLY APID INGUAIN afilat lentint er''• A 2LlV=:2 4 4•Fl:.?,lritr' .g.i.vp; erret Inuanht to this market. CA elknaner than aarof t! einem title. M e Invite an to can nut avatitine . ottgatq at No. 941 Fourth Meet out 79 Wunt amt. • , c jai° , ' • It. McCLINTDCE, WINDOW HANGINGS.-,W. Meelintel,' .affer. to thaw .11.hIng to potehstar • 'ear bsodaxl of of Esti°. Detain, lihunwk, of the newest beet . s. at rialitottl Wen. Call at the Cann% IrK beam.. o. Br !North SUN'S; »luj - DOWD Elt.—Blasting oudßide Powdi ..11. MOO V.v. In otwt.lll.e. aud E/r hl t: AID J. s. DI lilt OWIII4 CO • -• _ - - AFETY FUSE.—Twenty brls - & - ifety - ku 1,7 for blartirty, alb by Jblb J.B. DILLTrORTLI A 00 littY APPLES. --011e hundred bushels U./ rale by Jalo J. S. DILLWORTIr Jil3l), I)itY PEACHES.—'24lbushels foi : Roie WO J. S.. DILLICOM CQ - The Old L. 4" en -), Printing —lishm - t, BATE Johnstmvand Stocktoien,and , BW. sonk and eatimerr w•fthou. •_•• '', ~.• . lt. HAVEN 4pm...a tottetutt'ttttl rtYteettet ' ; eatetrercial; Coml. teut Mena 11.4 Jet, Prieto.* tett.t., Illeding: sod (urn refry settele tu Ibe bletelt Paper cal elallGuery Wm at the titan...et teeth:. 441' . the wort rot term, ..... ;. }Meek Dna and etetiontry Marlton., corner Or .ster . ' and iteentel 'Meet. , Printing Ottlee sal Ronk Metter. No. !4 TAW at.;... .' New Books hat Received.' --- LTON LOCKE, Tailor and Poet an . raw 11 warspby. I To. 100, roputar Lineation. for the not of parents and krtehea: and tor p.m pent. of both wt.. , Ptttpared and 1d.107 o l.r= "'" Vtlts Tbterakto 6 un S r be97A. itt.r.rim. 6 dc.c nttblie Inatrta. r t i ltNiti ;le lkok—l6ttary tt 31 - 30iinfikai 14111IiraMiNi:74Wi CIT . ECTION INSURANCE COMP • ihr om. Cardtalltock sad Surplut an ' w ir d 1 7,, ea =winos th. Are ruacur. me* rrdprtrr!" ItzmaltrAttil=i TAG Itarth rtaieUtp?: le ft.%