The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, January 15, 1851, Image 1

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    t- .
Al 11 -
fp. X wm-r.
DALLY. , —F , Irn
Ha Dint.. ifink
Three etddr. pci
. ELY wpl.a
Tea icDtee
Twenty midi,
Nod The yet.l.rt (r me)
to b. raid invitt
ba mit viler ilia yr
&mart f'
. al 0 fn
110. ' ''' I. ms'l;Wiill•;(iii - lit; - e - stiUn- 0 Ile
tin. threc 0(5t.t....... ...u....... 4 . m.1
Pal:0 Mrs. , mouths-- ..... 9 00
WC- ' faun
tmmtbs 10 00
- 90. • sir tnnuths ... . . -....._ ...... 12 GS
1/0. Imo; mouths .., IS (0
fistulas!. Card& ft:llm+ rx Is..
One Dolt. Pm rush 91 litLonsl line. 1 ...m._0 ~,)
One ;lints& shatsmilds at plsssuso (Ter lat•
torul rxelogre of the 0.1 , --1 ........ '2l 00
Tat cob zullltiorml ssrlso,limstel 0 'ei nne . SMantli. mat
L vault add‘thmul s o uaro Ins( ned utids the (.arty nut,
A4mailsearumts stousllas a ROLM ant Isms Lamm
L Ilu.s. to 1 - 4, elmtged as a "tsars .0 a 6 f. , • '
kubllsllssi ertni vrfourtint.l., Mr Isgsl serestiseusents ha
-1-900 the olusamt fismus.l far Omit pa hl 0101011.
• A(19009
sfialrett (ll(9 ostuU.laUlseumuts_ s• fits Ohm. to be stufsfied the tons
umbe '
- • .• • .
,A.dvartiataien. itioth.rd nit the copy for a...Tarif"'
cf loreriloio. bo ccailltiaud till forEtl;nmlvar
.':lan% ptaetad apwnliticly.
hit lt , ia o firliega tratinual air•ritiora ttrzgoi . tgl f to
tsnicVor otiio; t fic L g=rll ' .. - :ll a ct ' 11
01l itivertircitionto
icaabedlabely cramacird talth thcir hoslocos. an•l all
thcpc pl•crti.cincntr, Purth at othrruiso. beTocil
eriga,ol, pin Ic chargod al the 1:110111ratec For
al/ mat" trau.Pui 1Y111,19 LT. 11111 11 M be teporstelY
sch.larc4, and prompt paymetit desired.
All Pitartlfmiont.. for charitable larilititions, flre con*
lataleo,•c - opt, too roo.ip, cool .Oher public niertincs. acid
" Mai litr, to ho half prim • t.oyable strictly hi ad
Leas to be
CA rent.
Leath boll.. Poe nit without charges manta ...Pas
hied lit funeral inrititiniti or obituary antic., and, when
an aecompanied t.t ho paid for. '
• flegular onlet mise and all other. neadinx
" tinPta'nd notirde desi=.l tn calf ratentah
Wait; Parini, Couceria. or any public entertainment,
Where etarde. nm male r notices of Te
l.". nationiattort - --every miller &tanned In call attention to
Idiratennlerfatz.o. tat...dated nr intend.' to prosnate• had".
'Metal Interest, rannoir In in.ertoct with the arelerotand ,
ins that the mine Is to he rill for. If handed tar• he in ,
. ..Val In the Iced oitunin. VIII to eltargel at the
r tia ' lay, ' : ' , in Zi! b il ' l ' VrYZZl " lrtl m i . .l " ln i rl ' ijd triple prim.
• Tavern Idecum Petitions rat],
..._ Heal Estate Acesa.' end AiTictiotinre' advertieemente not
trl be <gavial uaier year!) rate, v. hut al a
<Mint of thin three and one th i n per ln
centlowed dir
from the
amount of bill y ,
If [CELT n 8 11:1-,21CLT 11 MILT rArcr.s.
Fauare. there 2l 50
~,115.,1301nnal 37
. . .
'a One felonry. (DI lima.) one 1nt.erti0n.........50 rent,
• Oa oatrll atlttitlc.nal inacrtiou cent.
Unnalrnt AA ter llerment ta trti,l In o4raora.
ijOILN; A. Alderman. Fiftl
Wank. pc nn 011tramAl Walnut. Al
promptly sti..nd...l to
anAth t.ot or, en Smithfield end Ortat
It ANC I S C. F I. A NEO I N. Atorney at Law,
N 0,141 /*north
-1:1.11111. nowt ................. attsox.
Attotney a at Law,
Natal Fotirtl4 wk. Patamora v
ELL, —A to yam!, a I', - Toted Snyder, tr.,4 lltr
r.m.11/.1.4.n S I.!, Wm. 11. 'Jghia Flomints. Al
rWARD P. JONES, Attorney at Law:
• Fourth' Firoot, taicren Wand and E mitb-
~-IASPER BRADY. Attorney at Lan*
- No. so Mk Pat-Igawb. P._
•44- CARD: . I have' taken
the yrerthe r.YII, L•or, toy .11..101131 11,311 - P.
ortihelt ;,',.",-',1n%1.`r:1,17 tVrArgt.V'tilltl.7,
ml Venue m>' t:artintetthnut further Interruptlnn. Aup
the yehournowor Cc cufru.f onFre.... J
.elllbe prthiptly att him, tft.ern
endral to
'lll4ll.:'eier•elge that la's rte
II 31.
Weehlugten eit .lalt.l,l3sl.—dlyhtlelmhll3.3l
V17111.L.5.11131ER, JIL, Banker and Braker,
v T. No. adjoin...l the UL.! eZrittlb3r.h.
SvIVILKINS CO. Exchange Brokero,
LothCororr or Thir4 an 4 Market street. AU
duos M [Dort 111.rnt nil.. •
ILOLMLS SON, llaler4 in Foreign
• Icad Dazae tie Rill f L I Gatill Its f
n 1.11
e atkA,lll;:f
7.lmmat out the EIJI,
:•prEoRoE,..E. AILNOLD & (..'O, Bankers:
Don In Ilzollenyo, Coln, Rank Notre, t.c.,,it , 74
earth - tweet, next door to the Hank of iittAbanm Col.
. kotioul c‘rtfully ottooded to, and the pnetede remitted to
Im==am of tb, ruton
. I RAMEIt A: IL A - LISU as ii3l, Bankers+ nnd Ez
i l
Jiro B-7kg;lfi t "t i r . !. r i l. r pVtra. D N'ot,-.m"'''...-
; ,c,......:t Mint mot Weal etre4te, directly orPotito
t the Et.Uterlet Bolo!.
..__ _
. .
CARO'rliEßSunkiv House,
• Ye. 15 Weed etreet. Cum . 310 tte u . ,
sod on Item.. Calle,threet maAe a.ll.llet art el
cities af the Gonna State,
s.Ginn.[sr“. an,.
MAlR l DCmnmi=_:innMerchants
and 130111rokr.r, So. 114 otte, t. Prtsna.l 2.1x3
=ate v. , frum :100 al Ita,A baud
' VAILILII 01 Pi.. ... ... ....1.,..J1 VA 1101,.......-101. G. OUT.
r3iElt, HANNA & CO., Successors 10
Itntrui, itsutna 1 Cu. liceststs. Ibtcusstos Itangiva.
a drident in Sena and Inattook Es hence. Cortlttentes
q:dVtle,g;;;r:,°l4=TroNl.°".'4 '..„,';',:.'
Twit. tiesbt Clum.k. for sale, and rollortfons toads on near.
ir sal the rotor:dui pOrds of Ihe Veiled States.
IPA blgbort premium bald for 1 orolgto ,and AlllCrial.l2
4Cid.. .
MMus" wale on essuignmeuts of ['rod use, siting's , ' rut.
I CD D II I-D ; rt t TAYLOR,C '. '' d 811
- r t.A - lue . krr,rtr. rrsolst ° I. nl =Tau n
c: ,dii t b.
... . all Loonies entrustol to Ida rare. Pittsburgb
stmaGutured arucks always on bug! or Proorded at etonS
.... r,...". Boors, Merl..., as* negotistrd on &rub .
'a • a tonna Meaner. mule. trroquirod.. 0c23
brooKfirnams AND STA.TIONENS.
11 e. : STOCKTON, late Johnston & Stock
- •
yof V '.t
aosteTkonsTnhelrn, F A r a tm h e m ,
lini n h n han.d Binde, cor
'JAS. B. 110L3IES' Cheap Literary Depot:
Third stmt, ntgne.itoo tlin Part OfflrA. New Bock s.r.
blt s o b y eg
lovett IVAT.
110PKIg3, 137Kkse and
No. 78 fourth rtnrt. Apollo Bolkilogr.
'Dal, and Cenfktr&dvr. Fnurth Wert, Pittrborgh.
.ddlnit uhd eon fretiduttry, tt wars on ham?.
All nntrlLltiznrtuullr utt:ulnl In:
JI'CLINTOCK. 3.l.laufacturrr and
and .4 Ncoul rt., 1 WI 4,711.
lOIIN C. BIDWELL, CommiNsion rind For
syrding lircrl.n4 133 Waler,rtrWet, littAurgh.
M. 11. JOHNSTON, Forwarding and
Cart , 8 ani-,1 )I,,hurt, No. 112 Parowl
YMn oryti.
Corn virtirl, Canal (Win. near Seventt
Meet, l'Aut.Orh. •
/f.t. A. 3I'ANULTY S. CO.. FArwardin,, ,, and
Cvanni , non ltrrehant, Canal !io. littebanch.
CHIN McFAIVEN & CO. Forwarding and
Ccenrairi.. Meeettentn, Cane; 14.1 , 1 n. Penn and;
TARIES M. 11.111 S &Theo. Produce and
C at °°°° =
tznels - Pinent , "ll PerAure,..itilte °°t
.. Jon,.
ARM ; JOYES & CO., .B . nocessors to At
•,..1), A . enmnic,l.2 Fanrat4lug
e ant; dnkr in l'ittAnugh 3Lanufartureck UmdL. Vitt,.
• Prstri iu Faury 1.4 Murle DriGcol , c Matte
MURPIII! & BUltellEtf:Lll, A% F
.. r rtOL—FAIA
and ltrton Dor rhea-. Itemhoct, cronour a Fourth
wart V.ltAntrA.
•Z , Plilit.rrt VI.. IL REIM
deg ForO ppgh
.Z. Sml Unenstio Dry O, :sho. 101
§oll,ll,et. 1.110-1.1r.11.
RSEY, FLEMING & CO., Commission
untbud,---r, the Rol, of notnenle. Wooltn, and
Mode. ial , o,.l.ilizrt ill all klmt• of Tailor , I . thour
11.7 Word street, fourth dose nun Falb, lira
(Succe Dr to
to no-, k
• yetiton tirac, conic or Fire. t Virgin Miry.
yrrartrititros craftily catoyconiled
CO., Wholesale
ssa Ra s p Drorgtax, carrwr Wood and flout
LIVICKIIRS LIAM, Wholesale Druggist
eakuKIDD & CO., Whole,ale Druggists:Oka'.
• anilin Panto. oil.. I.y• Stolfa, andlaudnalnantn—
tart of Dr. 3.ll.arar tarbrand Warta enad fk a 1.0;
Ilia and Lona Salvia No. W. nana a n . 0 .3
Tpa6. dream, Yrustokrah. (mart will be granny pado
aaia.t.tarranla tnaktlnparb.
'SELLERS, 1 1 / 4 10=10 Dealer in
• Drog, P.Ontr. Pre Stun, On, Van+ln”.
7 . Wood irto.t., Iltbbnlnh. P. Wads wan-Antal.
0 0112 CD. MORGAIi, Wholesale
Dealer 1011. °tuft., inr0t5011.1.1'..1.14 , ....
. a 113
ortTtool nroct, umdwr :south:southa DWl:ma Allcy,
• SCLIOOVALAKER P. CO., Wholesale Uzuo
givta. Nb. 21 W.l sL. Plltstrtrgh.
4413A11N & REITER, WhOlesale and Retail
Valois mane oC Utsrtr sad 84 Chlz da, rate
,on r. Dllrrorrn trico
Jo-3.N rrra.
TWIN S. DILWORTH. & CO., "Wholesak
Grocyrr, Pr,./nre aal Com totrion Mrrchnot.A. s 1
'lts for llar..ari Porraer Co., a 11aa.....1 rifle. lam, No.
3 Food rt. l'ittrborgh.
a. W. utnatrn 4. EU. V. MGltAlalL
Gruen , mrti Ccm naLeif 'llextmmt.a, N 0.116 Wale
ea.l ILO olrect.
11E17, 31ATTIIEWS CO., WilDie , niit
linirrs,Ccinnuivimi and Frirrranling Merchar"
grar fer Crichton Gavin Yarvi , . 57 Wkier
3 5 DO
9 00
13 0)
. Al 00
I.lpe Pars will
scut for
ultra Hiravul kNIC.
'R it IVER
rnShderclboghenCnn iNiebNsi.l3anurDeal
&mit street, Itetwevn Witod and Smithfield, Pittabutith.
aorix'vrxer:ion , M.".
1101 IN WATT 'k CO.. Wholesale Grocer',
••Cenanabeino Mercbaula, acid Ikalers Pradnee and
htlaborah Ilaucdactuaro, No. Marty elrrat,
jC.A.NFIELI I , late of Warren; Ohio,
sale.Dralrst"W=llteservv.'f'ZlN7Z.hl'lnuttP4r'd. POtWh:nl7l
Prsrl Ash. r.ndle.wrki PnAucc generally Wltner
Iwtwegil 1...014011unit
ATLIVIO, VAT... Ir. 11.
S. NVATEII3IAN d: SO'SS, Wholesale
. Orerre.Cenntalt , inn and Fortran:ling Merchant,
In all Linda of ltrntlucr and ItltAtntrell Manufartre
red Ar n ett , ,n Agelltte fur the tale of Iltrinnorrl and
Lynehernh Marton...m.3 'lttbtnxv, N. 80 said al Water
Altoet. Pln.bartfl,
Q 7 F. VON BOIO.:11011ST & CO. Whnlw
• ealellmeere. Forleardlue and Cosanelminu
'ance. Dralera — let PittAatyl, afsaufacturea and Western
twain*, No_ eseraer (.1 livut ntrret e¢d Mane., Lane,
DALZELL, Wholexale Grocer. Com
*l minion Mrtelkaaat. and Deldrr lu Madura end Pitt,
tnuaah Manufulnr , a--Tio. TO Waif, at- lattalrurah.
luonlla Warr.
SAIAU DICKEYS CO., Wholesale Gro
cers. Comml,lon )Grebants, and nart In Product.—
561Vett. and 101 Vront ptiret. PlP.buruh.
NOLISII & BENNETT': I.lto English.
Crallaell;T A: Co, Whol,r4le Gmerrs- CommLW= ault
nllvc3lerclumt, a¢.l Tinders 1¢ 14(...thm and ritu
borgh Menuruturra. Wax' et. Leto tan, :..coal ad
Thinl street,
h115 . A N.
eiro,ra. mad Imparter. , of lirandim. Wines nd
on hand.
/OILYle‘3l-....--/.1.8 D. 11 . 0 R 11.718 C. DOD.
& ROE. Wholesale Grocers and
L um pg ,,, nginhgeinn Merchant, Nu. - 2:.7 1.11,r1y Aron.
ILOBERT MOORE, Wholesale Grocer,
Rectifying ll i,tlller. dealer In Finding.. Pittsburgh
, anuragturew, andall kinds wf F0D10,., nd Diwrowtie
'lVbars and Liquor, Ng, :115 Lllawly street. On band a
Inrge •rtock euralrior. ohi Monotigabein Whiekgr.
which will he nil lour for
atd Pitteburgh stauntacturall. No 243 LilertT s fret.
110 BERT A. CUNNINGEMI, Wholesale
Omer, Produrr. Forwarding. and Congailimion 31er
c aut. Ant Peal, in Pittsburgh Mantifertorew N.,
"burl) Area, Pitteburgb.
ts, ......... .....
13A0A,Lit'.1' CO— 'Kir°lesnle Gr
V Vrrst, No, 1 ,, and 20 Word l'lttrharah.
/MIN A "'WC. • 14,11 i CANIbLIZ ,
I S' ea 'U rZ e i= r : ,l i
.4 Coma:Lt.:ion Wrsalsta. ealer. se Trt.u. s:. t ..
Cotton r.71:14., anti l'ittnburais Mallufsents.s
corner ri tSo.I and Warr rt5.,K!....,..1'i5t.1,0r,h
rt. 6 .1,1,1
CULBPIIV , PN tk CLOUSE. Wholesuli.
• On•vra and Commlaruar 31crelvanta. IN.alen in Pr.
ocr. tel Pittablarafi Manufetetumt Artirb, lEgr 141.. rt;
atrert. Pat,burgh.
•111.30. "L
I WILLIAMS & CO., h ole .Msal ant
V .E r . tiagran r d'agrTittiß`iV ,l T '
t.nA, corner of 1. cnd nut ViftritnT'llu.ouruhl
LAwrly rterA.l%.tpurA. tt holnal.. Gron.n...
and Ormumo Mr.r.-1.213t^.. and 41...11!rq ittlllt‘bur.:ll
JO= FLOVIP .... ......
4- FLOYls,legale Groeer., Com
-4-.! • Inivion Mereran, and .D
LMTh Mali., (multi.: ou arbl Eixtb
'Meet Plttltoargb.
TILT k R. .WCUTeItEON, Wh o i t , a k. G r 4.
I r'. Na 11... Chi", mad
ritt,lmrgh . .%lattufactms . ..l Lihrrtl ~tro
JOH` Pkluirx CO, Wi ''''
4 ," ...........
VVII. YOJJMI R. CO., imaier. in Leather
MU, ae, 14.1 Law'', et.
1% two (NA sell 4:4u.r.
t ir OLIN IL. 3IELLOIZ, Dealer iu Pi 3 Ell I 1", s,
M usic, 3likkal Instrwatta, awl
I. agent inr Chiekerinie. Plano Vast... fur
Waster. l'ennrylvanir—Nn.M Woad 1.1..
11ENIY - KLEBER. Dnaluf in Music, M
steal leurtratnerit Mort. c:porta . a Italian Ftrin,
wont for Nun. k' grand alol oquarc Puo.
with Cokonotio .FAleas, Mood:moot. At.. tor Poulson
of eery impeder 44 lilseetlue. Carpet Chain. COMMIS° HOME ALMANAC FOR 1851.
nTwine and Bonin. Penn Mill. Iquebur2l).
I.“JoNTS .0. I'. ---- g . Gr ".f.
TONES 8: QUIGG, Jlanufuturrn: of Spring 31
11 , 32,4 1111eGe Steel. Plough Steel. ;Gel Moue, ,%.1t0...e. r 5 F. r
=r4 In VattiZ r AL ' 473 . .L l Tlt. ' llo clu r r rn d li : : : i Z
Heath Trimming" gq.neraliy, corner of Ito., and Fror,ele.. 2 - 1;Z: 2 - i7 - 7 -- I , 8 , 2
Illteburgh, P. I . ' 1 , 10 11 149,t
Q CAIFE S ATKI\SOK. MILD u far ttrer of
Carmer 1.1 !Meet Iran WsFraut. betvecn M 0.1.1
and Market etrert, I,t,Amr.7b.
Per, * Manufartsrn.r. a Ash. Blew
Powders. Mori.. and Sulphur. AeLL. Wards.o
No. e. 3 timer 'A.. below fen,
Stimulator, o f illect• 01., ,, R4 11T. Itott
• Fla.lne Porter. FoAch Ale. Miters! Wake, iintirtat Ite
elicit, and Wine Bottle, cf every de...notion. Also—Wm
tow M. 4,4.
Keep, cionstenLl7 on hand • gencral amortinent of tin
shore article.
MAO Wale—as the oth; . l Gnien Maim Factories ere I
stopped (all is the custom In sutatuer..-this Pastor} Is ni
in toll loperation, end will continue In operation both on
liner aod winter.
OrUers respi•-tfully solielled. and will be fillml on t
shiniest notice. .
'W.171;12.3 . 07,=N0. 112 kraut.' Wert. bctlrcerl Waal and
smithrkhl eta. Pittsburgh.
WALTER P. 31ARSIIALL, Succet,or to
famuol C. itni—lmrorter out Dotter In Fr..n..11
end Ann...ria,n Ilanfong• gvxl ItOnOO.
lloasq Print, AL,-Wrictoo, Painung.
W.Pr grn ,Lco..r.Word atm t, lAtn-ttn Fnulth
and Diamond all,. ritl4 , 4,
MORRIS d: HAWORTH. Tea and Wine
/TX 31,thata, Ea. Mt the Diaronna.Pittnburul,
riVst. A. :TI . CIA Rti & Co., I;raner, and
Tea Deniers. a
Nn..2`.. , ; Litt.””"" nta..• AVnal
alwara on nd,e e.ftprtnvnt nt Chnire .Iror , r.
1..4 'rine Ten, ha ruitn and Nuts.lVb.....
nit sod norm!. INder. pow 11-1 0.1 thu lont,t
TOHN A. CACCHEY. A-tnti for tha L:
Erie and 7Atlntlirm 1.. !key, end the I-211,
titter en tlwrPrner V,ier mrl t-rnithi1r1,11,......_
TAAFFE & O'CON N EIL l'ivprietors , of
rittrburat. rort.blr cora, a NI.
n. otml,
j(\l CO.; Trangporter4 by Car
) end Vnrartnii. Mervhant, cum, a Null .t
az the Canal.
,•[4.71.1..Vr1T, EFTI•VVIT.
WESTEItVEL'f & SON. roll known
. Vet:titian Mind Maker, lee p conetantly co band or
m e onier the heet ankh. in their line. at ” tholr old
.tend, \a. 13 Et. Clair otrret: alt - o, rid Market tteret.
neennd etom,rhtranoro in the Diamond. Vettillan Fhott e.
made to onlor. and old blind. to,atlt vonnivol.
TA. BROWN would most roxpectfolly inform
ethe hublie that he keep.; ou hand a hie.nttol tho noet
Went' the Diamond, Al levheny rllr. n "sortm nt
of v..ollian abo tanttian Shut., are mado onler
in the Loot Ark. onrenol,l Null to any In the Cnned
State!. Ili, without the aid .1( 01
!M . S . driver. Itavlno t.nrehn..e.l the and
of the eshinet ertoblO•huarnt of ltammty 3 I
55. lcaellawl; I :nen
lrelf4l gt: farnf°h thr; rn
" "
the 1.
Ar.c) on R 5
Wood Pol., Plttaborgh..
malty .
. 4 1.),1)1 lIARDIE, Vetermary Surgenn, into
from. Edinburgh, he,,finnd. Veterinary
q the hurdle that he has eornmeue , l rnetle, in the
°. prnfe•rie met, he
enrrlul attention to whntevet is
entrueted him, he hop. , lo -ore entirfArtion.
In ere/nn sub Jame. llardie, Home Sinning end
Illarlotnithing In generni will be curried on. of the melon .
a 'lnane!
and Etnnrrirnnia Memo,
If LEE, Successor to 'Murphy and
Jivsler and COMIIIII,IOO Mrrilmut, 6v tbe
(it AIDITif9O IrOattlg, Lifierty. oppor.l4. gt
HARRA.O3II, Wool, Merulkants,
Pokier. in Vionr and Prod/1m vnerally. 5551 Elor
ording augl ennatioinn 3151565nta No. 115 iirot Knot,
sza 118 6/555/$1 Areet.l.lttAhuran.
WILSC!N, Watches, Jewelry, Silver
yr W. nod 3lllitory Cicrx!r. uarncr Markrt rod
Fourth rtrear,l'lttaburgh.l'a D.-11 steins orulelooku
rarrfoUr rrouth.t.
XIS. D. ituNT, Four
Corner of ti
I 1 .on-u,ceor t.,..0r0 Market end Fr atnats,
NEVILLE JOHNSON, Engraver oh tooj,
nal. Hall, Ithint story.) tottsburuh. Pa.—Vieare of
,Kno, Itachincry• limbo of, Protilltploool.
ItnOt Isthele, ift mint. arils for Difittoos.
Oak/hand tasmlationo Colton SPostof. Le.. In the Mat ttl
of art, and at the haven
Cittatomh. Mana,Luida - npr.. , kott.lta. Shoo bor.
inu howls, Draft... Boot, ttachina
tint n ue
Ail, and ..Ist the Mott mon.-
abl el rrt,
'p(}SN, ifILSOrd; CO., importers an
hardware and ,alert. No. LW
~r, Water Werke. be
tnairl betwixt la A. M. sod 6 P. 11. at lax eetidetiew—NW Yl
Madam . street, Pittibunth. . - jittaft , tl Y.
r "i ni.t E r C ues " gE
pA. MADERA, Agent for Delaware Ma
teal Rafer Insurutuv 42 {Cute
1 GAIIDINER COFFIN, Agentfor Franklin
Virn Tururactee CaturatT. mart) cast eon. , of {Coed
zud Thtnt guru.
GLENN, Boot BrtnEn,-WooStir7 - t,
nA glonr from (lin nnrocrf Third, e herr ho
t,l dlvaldnty.
on.' ruhunntially. books 111.1211CM y Ot ...kat
hound cnrefally, .v
ding Nome. out on In Flit Irltaan.
Tlnwe who have binding art. Inrittsl to call. llnces low.
ero tu Domestic and For tuhnrgh, Invite eign
at:e .Dry Go o o f da. NO.IOI Wood .
sit„ a b n u d y 1721% tv!) ,
ry arenitoodaungtorma.
'%ia"r large
Mr mai ' ring fools good, during 100
aaa..on, and mutat an ex don of our: suck by arat
ern merchant.. and other , visiting our rid T:
M'COltll & CO., IVholean l ,' and ‘ll,:tui l
Manor.lntrra. and Rider. in 115tA, emp. and Ymm.
ourocr of 15"4.1 wal Fifth atrtels. Where , tber
Mt, • Inn and eranDlete rbrk Mt, C. Fora. te.. of
quality and etyle. by Nrholeattle and Retail, and In.
clll : ,ttlrliTe=l l .ll7:P ' :lro..r d o:l.o "" t aTa:
wM. DIGBY, Merchant
. Tajlor, Draper,
owl thialet in Ready Mode Clothing. 1n Liberfi eL
New Coach Factory—Alleg
A. WHITE & CO. would re
meet/till. Inform the public that they here
err., a n op.. hark, laden+. 'Federal and Sautiroky
alive.. They are now making and Pre Prelarnt In reeelte
nyder, Hr vier yth.cerlption of vehicle, nadcbea Chad..
liarnuchrx llnggiel, Phaetons. Co.. Xr, chola fn m their
long experience in the manufacture of the above work.
and he facilltkm they have. they feel confident they ten
enabled to do work on the mist reniornible terms with
thaw wanting artiolee in their line.
Parkin particular attention to the welectlon of material,
and haling none hut competent workmen, they have no
Lecitatino In warranting their work. We therefore eok the
attention of the public to fate matter.
N. li. Iteradring done lu the beet mawner. and no the
meet nergonable terms.
rIRST STREET, between Wood and Mar
ket, lanvaurgh. mains. Is manufacture all ktrula
Illneknnith Wnrk.
. .
Steamboat,. both to order.
attention given to /dram boat work. .
Have 411 NMI% & Eno',Fremont of Corner and Pram ,
Krttle, Tan Wan.. ke. kr.. Steamboat (Aoking Snob,.
Portable Mcaver. oulr
for Suazobn-its. California ondstraut, or 'WI [load C.a.
panic, •
We would restaolfully Inrl4 Stranabnaj,. men and other
to call and wee our &tittles and prior.. befam rorohming
ell.ewberb. • aO7
AULE MARBLE WORKS. (established
Vault*. Taman. Headstone, key mantra I.i n br m a r t , eaktre end
Pier Topa:always on hand, and mole to ord.r.
S t ead.
N. It. A eholor iwirotion of Dravin, ins bd. join
.•• • •
& CO.,
Gann%l...ion Merchant... Na. II North Water Orr..
.'n. 16 North Wharemt. Philadelphia. and
I & T.:II:DOS. Contmimiion Mcra
e/ • ant, Na. 411 IA Lee, ~t., N:w urleana. keep m.o.
band a L.-4e wortment .r Brandin ot the 101.
lowing Areal.. w MO, they off:, fur sale tta Awrwt. far J.
Durand J. Co.. Iktakaaa. 3Laglore. J. broad. J. I,ll
rand Co.. Intrartd.l3,tur. A. do Uout,
nut, A. L. 1L147111r. A. de .11. , ndom. Jean Lot . tia. Sr-. .4e,
e ' td . c...l, "'"u ne ' ll . t!Te . d n :gr "." Cr t !al: 1 1; 1 .1;1. ' 1n
rtde• harnpaPaa• , Vl•te and sw.ot 11..rgun , l. Net. L , ; :I>^
lERCEII & &.TELO. (literal
SUM Merrhant.e.. l'hiladelphia. Liberal adrunrer
made nu enn,Ltomen. Pr?lner './.ataTAhita
untadluur prompErr
lOIIN 11. ItANkilN, Atn.rner Rift! Coun
ei Penne at Law, and Catntnice.r.ner the State qf
" Re74l74 . l4 . l,e l itto n lirl i . nt \i ' . l lllTZ ' A r ,
5111ler. Sleandlera a NlrCturo. John F. Parke. PL•aella A
S.Lutplu.sicCotal Ca aucll ly
Y. 11. VOni.l ..... ..... anti,..
-1111 vl~nrM_r• . so. VI Markel 4 el43total,
W. POINDEXTER. & CU., Genet-al
(lanrtil ,, inn sko.l Foryruqms Ilrrchan4aUd Eltmr
Er, Nn.4tl street. l'hUaltlrthts.
1111 - 16111 MA.I%. Manufneturer of nll
Limb of mum 1,4.1 wonllwn marhlmr,. Aliwgltwor
rat. The alure Iwork , lwdos: m. O In foil and w0n , .. 401
opcntinn. I a preyarc4 warrutt fwd... with 41x/witch
I, 111 kltula or machinery to nt- mutt wißowx.
tlt k & r :g l .7l..tM , TW.e ` i ,g
or .•Intflr. far merchant or coutt - •ora, /awl,
Aide n.l teal and In grorml. All Una,
of rhaßlog tomb, to malt, of plan. giwco km rear ota Iwcta
-00. or tnlllo at erawmable wharm-
Ilfrfx fo—Nermedr. Child, a Co., blact•tort. ftwll s G .
Kivw retumck it CO., Jt.. A. G.,.
NOTICE. We have ass ociat...l .1. A itll•
COlll alth
W. WILLIIM4. ...a 4. Mn,
, 1 , 3.17 term
and Thlrd strreta, /47tagr:T..
All truneaetlont wade on Ilttral ter., and cnlktitana
pramptlT attended tn.
i „~,_
1 1L
3 :1~
II 5
,e lv
3 .G
1f ~11
1.1 1
:7 a
la 11
1,1- n. ,1
Ca-IYr. 1,11..1" Nq VII
,vo. s .Varhl n, toticrru Tht•
V.,..r.henaa Bank of do Par
31cr. anti Man. of in- per
flunk of Clalftnen , Par
Bank of North Arnerica....par
Clank .17,11.11'n Liberthee.par;
Bank of Knesylvania--.pari
Peek of Pene r townplup.-parl
Rank of the Lnitni eta Lex
Conneurrcial Dank of Pa.—var
Barmen' k MerLetarelik par
(Brad Bank Nn
Ern.vinglon P.513C. • •
‘lanufae,..h. )10111 Bank-Anti
Ms...genie! Dint • ....Part
tolanirru•ltut flank par'
Phfladelphho Dank ..... .••Pari
Southwark Bank Par!
Tradv.usan's Dant pit ,
W,4.rn linnk
Clint of Chautial , hurp- ' ll
Dank of Ch,ter Conn •,—•par
Bank nt
Bank of
Bank of firretanto4n.•...•Par
Bank f tett,
Dlnk levri.tow n. .... -
Bank of 311.1114.4 , . - ti
a1,,,,,,,,uaerp Cu. ilank.....Pat
Dank of Sorthumtwliatallf.
Carnal,: .......
Columbia Ilk k Dridlie Co-Par
1., lawn Danl. Par
I:a.tim Lank ..... ....... ....
Erie Bent. ..
Farmer.' DI: of Du. ~r
Vattern: Ilk ..f Laucanter.par
Farms', Dunk ofnenulls. Par
farm. Ilk nr: , chtlylkilleo.par
Far. Don. Waynreburah.
Franklin Ilk. Warklugton par.
lian-lehur, Dank
11....111e Lank—.
!Ahmed, Bank Nt
Lum-uter Count, Bark --f
I...hanou Dank
Min,: Dank of Polt.liiir
alnnotralthrlo Dank lot
West Branch Dank .....
W llk.,Ullke , hann-1. ,
York .. .......
Ohio Ct... Nan0..:..._........
Branch at ..... do
Branch at Ilrikinoort do
Branch nt
llntuch at elcrclanat ..... —Alto
Branch at ..... ...110
Branch at Boma dol
Branch at 1te1aantv..........d0
Branch at Onturntoo .....
Branch at Anhtabu1n.........d0
Branch at Salem do
Branch at
Branch at..... .do
Branch nt LinrinnnU
Branch at Columba. , do
Branch at Wanhingtan do
Branch at (tolls do
Branch at Lane.... do
Branch at
Branch at 114 Vernon.---do
Branch at
Branch at }arras
Besot g r=lll.
Branch at
Broach at itt. Pleatout-...ct0
thantch at ...... .dn
Brood, at ek. .....
Branch at M .do
Branch at E5t00.....4. do
Branch at
Brandt M Chillirotbe lu
.11raorti at Cayahopt.-
Bra at Ta1ed0....,... ..... .410
nPdO.,.Dolklere_ot..treeterre kr Light.
.0. Fourth Arun, makleaco of Dr; between
Markel and ferry.
Remuers—Proftwoor POTloara. Mar killthanh , Jonr•
nal; Poor= 0. M it .llpr i bell, of to , i el=l,ol.= o ..'DdrO"ke.arrorIVe.rtor ' l; r 4e ' f, D.. 73.1. D.. New Ir. 1!
rroferrer J. h. CreereltCl.melanO UnweregFbi,
Into..pirt.roogo—A. Loma", Jahn r ,. r, Ctn . .= Jd_c_.
Corol Ho
ding. r. Opt
Witham. 31.1.10 r Hording. 1.0. Arrook_kOk Ir! is
oavlDrat.. me EWA sad NTert., Btcrio. to
' IC= )71• Itri4.l Lgmel, au the sloe favorable
terms, at Ow LA4 Kazuo of --
(12.1JECIE S. Allpv!.. tal.
is" N0..4 luorth stave.
V{Yeipv:lol*d:o44vo3:l l l:tl:. l34 iNig
fer Vo: wort, nefiruo Januderri 14,1511.
The weeb Jun fool hat ban mlothet:of gbileral
nak• in the markol, and nothing of marked intri,t bae
trunoMred. Thit general enathy in trade to themetwerteg
emelt of mid-winter, and we meet antleirnto nothing of 1..
Wien in the waf of crude. until we more nearly approach
the notnitut oretnp. The danonei enttkitttbi. tun, nr,ooo
being coomunmatml, whhh or hope, Will nimbi 00 = 00
Linn gonera/ goal faith rod purictxdity, neeemotT m the
comfort and innuperity of our whole Moineoa eorninuMt7-
ne weather, for the moot outdating the past week, 0000
been exemilinaly mill for the maw.. Our riven (Minn.
fn•+ of ice„ with en abundance of water for nil the purpo , oe
of trod,
. .
Itmcitit. of atorrbandire from the Weed .4 South ham
bmin inc.b i ndr. Hama and other hog modued, from the
cot, menu, to the routigiood high prices or thme articles in
that quarter. lime come furenu i d wry imaiinSl7, mid r.T
little arre.don ha. beret made to the numille. Of 0019
Sugar and Molaidee Lave come forward more tom'. adil
tontine, are Quito mitul to the demand, with no maenad
Mmogu to quotation, Drealftulla hare ceded qtdto
;lowly, whirl, laimuver. have not coateriallr alloctra the
AgllES—Nothlng of tot•met has traantar' rd in ArboNtbe
okmantt for all arttclee seder title head, belaircotaparativelY
light. The rates of ends Ash during the treelt.sula ato atme
30 tam, iu vartaut let., of 3)tett3X, on the aural twill- In
other dretiptitate Iluic bete tame doing. Woo Odatle Petri
Leh at 6lie; ttalet , tot, Welat; Pot Aah.334@3%0 0 W.
reeelpte of green Amte bay. boelt
eoridlering the latearee 04 the wawa, and ectulilatable lots
have Loan piekol bp on tle teharf, at prima gauging, ate
cowing to quality, from If: to 111:20 it bbl.
ALE—Prtees of the TirriOlN qualities range toga 13 WO
yl bbl, arlth a tale regular bueluee.e.
• ••, .
lIACON—I{r ta.tlre vn rarLation fa priera tine," oar hat
weekly rwriaw. PtitT3 ruin Teri WO. In xam/u,',.e eC
which. ask, bare been Pritirely onrie.w.l la the lattordlole
atta of thr aaae. sa skies of ,Vll.,llinlee earn yet ar"
Peanal in the mad..(. Nrw ettred Should., arc rellintg
pLan lianas at ar. a. 0.1 ettrr,l catmassed hat. at
UtrITEII---Supplies are bit, nod with this exception of
ebolco qualities of MI, the inArkot is Anther inucti‘A. W
goof. fwAtquAlitica toll, in btlA, At 14 . C , Plic: of Comm , .
Jo., At 11Sixt.V. Keg I. nontitud. At ..Pcfc.Ue ID, as to
BEANS—We notice Ihnited supplit, in the tuarkrt. with
salo , at prices oohing from suu.: fl 111.15 - 0 box SM. , '
lota of extra quality have aa9.•lgh AA 11,r. 'A4 bu.
I.IUCKWIIEAT V4ll/11—rerr little it arriving. and mva
pliva an• lunital. we quote at Sivel.lZi ii rack
CIIEESE—Vcry little ha. come forward fur time.
but 'unpinn are adequate to the dotount. Sale. bare la, n
ormfmtvf to vmall lota. at pricer ranging from SV: to,Vit,pr,
fur tbe tarioun qtulitica of Wietern lie-verre.
' CRACIiEItS--The s.llowlng In a but of the manufactur
eri print
It'ater callekor. la barrel 14.0.
butter 4.75
• •
Sugar Cru1....r0.
COIll),11.1E,. COTTON 1 - 411Ni.i, 3. —We omit oar
of prim.. lid. went. diem having change. !minter,
tiee our weakly report. `tort, of Vidton faro. m. s..rf light. but prier. hare not alarivii.
DRIED 11V.ItY—The moilptsaf western rived driod
limited. W quote at TO P.
Dee DYE STCFFS—Irt all the fa
linos artieles under this heal, ur Raind • fair mitilar
hares dal.. at lagriseries Quotations
have on. forward "Parinal,
but supplies seam nufhtient to the demand, an we 11.1 no
Tarlatan] In print. Fab, of Min bus Apple, from atom, in
Into, at inc %i hue. Prathas are In meileratr requmt foam'
Ito, St $1..241aZ it tit. a. In quality.
Flsll—The owlet ii siba, rrith nutria stiPnlire. citing
have lanni at the lialkowltuf nateoi-e.alsoon,llls 4 f :had,
$11; 31sekerel Ni 1, sl3;"sa 1, SloliftlnAni and No. 0.1
Sk, Herring at mini 11 Fri.. sad Coil Flidi at 1i.1.2.5ft.
3.44.1 jt 1 0 cs. Sole. of White 314, at ST ..3'}l
YEATIICILi—We notirr mad 'online. In Ina maf , A.
with ,ales. In lot.. .1 51X) W lot flt.r., at 5 - 41•34 e. and Itistualli
sr quantittex. at 34 6 !3.' ,
FEED—We note eiiirald Nut ties haul.. at hif.1.12.n, and
from anireat 1.36,1410. Short, from otore. are ...fling at 'Lie
}l.ol:—Not.l.lnz Intere.t hap tranarirrd In flow dm ,
hog the. na.4 an.k.an4 pekoe have varied but bale Crum our
tan report. Item-nte hare he.en retry light. either by river
nr vra,..-nn. sot Punplf•ti s atpra--ent, are manivallaiealr
A ..lerute lArdnenyhaA beep J•loc on the nhait. at St.:W(l ,
3,12...nd In. tante in dray lotad lota, at 63A1Ri30:
the market ehuitnet.mtl, hem. at [brae figure.. oaleo elem .
Mtn, at 1...102,24 "tA eat.
live 1h0tt...-51..inu tho mrder.t rrmlirt. met halt
xvprtlic., prima *no higher. We quote umulgudly 6r.sture.
at and fr.m EM hand. at 1.1X03.44 t 1 bbl.
Cots .1.1.1.—N0t much doing In the markt. Wm belug
mainly routhaed b ratall iY. ee UV:4Oo 1 bu. ,
FRUIT—Th. detruad L. fair. mith =leant (Isidro *Cram
: of Ahm...1...1. 14. - N1.1.• 't 5, of Gm..d. No., .5
$1,2,4 1.77 'at L.: of ratert. at be. of cream N cast 65. 5 i
‘,14.: of 7 ....Currsu. of g55935c sad of Eltgliah Walnuts
Sc. led of lineal l'A",r. lac jt c.'Pah. of Orsava at 5 3 V
two 1,55. m.. S.:11 hex.
GlitOetiltta.--Sugar and blolastcv have come Amveard
ryto.hterattle goal:WS:est bat oaring to the comperathe);
ractlevaty thvosott dodos. the latest:LS dull mut. PA , .
as velied Witt; v moderate httaiticyv. 110 lotkio
ate Lily etosettos , —.vattar. fsl.6'.Y; Malay*, Sal
Carry. I'lbatt2; v c; Isnaf Sugar. thg, the ; slate Havana, SA%
hire. &tie lv lb. Teas .al other attkles under this host ore
without vbso;:v.,
GRAIN--tluhilltti Lite MVO tieeeettl 1.0.1 wee..
Ile" 11. 1 . 4 =Make oh the mulct The taming tree the
fleet lured trattatetione , —.Wheat 743 30 e: Ite ,, Ont Boder.
7tepl. , : Cum 42.1.t4; and ilets el bu.
(IL.ll33—Var Wind,* (Man the rurrml. rm. az, fret city
brzzulr, 6nUners:-3 by 10. IS,.AH ID by U. II: 30 by 11.
anal other +Jay In I.rnt.rtk'n.
Country brand, rohl at loner prirr , a; but no wiry*
rban.te [rum .ritt . 4. rel•rt. .
llON—Eastern eortadirt, held at Zif.437.11 lb.
lUY—{re notice a Pert demand for Timothy, Rum wiz
cm. at $l5"11 tn, ao totlitY
littfiS—Small lot, am taken by the bufehere. at 114,260
1111,E1t-4triulttr sales of dry flint. at :lib.
LEATH EE—We anti, • regabm• &man& at fall
far all articles under W u Lcul. , botro of Dahlman , wile al
and of New York dm, it 1u.1.14e it b.
present ruling rater are 5A0,410 frm lba
flier. and Silk/411ff= lb. for mammon and deux.
LEAD—Timm M • regular demand In the marke t : et bfjt
01,, for pig. and Stitlfeie for Lir.
armee. ."i
21 2'2 '..M 24
C 7 M
12.13 14111
. , isim n.a
. . Z 127 12:12:
San, Lut , --11,,031. Wet m LSI, by tla Fliert. and
Vi Lrs4 at , 4= nsul Na. I LL
81.50 I ).a.
LARD—bale. m bbla al Sr. and Jo Lost .173t4Y:ak V D.
deb .u.l
I Ig It
IG It Ix
..124 23
a) 11
ILI: ,
.Y) II
MALT—SaIe, lean hture and the hrorerlee, at Stel.W;
onti, • row:anted fair demand fur Lard OIL
at LX fur :in. 1. nod 00,03 , fur 10- Ltno,db Path..
01. In limited loLe
1471111511.--flaranl. Duran.. and Lmn b Enulttia
Powttrr ..T Iw uu.rrl In large TUZlltina, 11214.7 i: and h)
alngle Ivry, at 6.7t,..!,,2.5.%.1.0 '0 keg. Ithdr. Powder at
tr , V. 50. fir lamp. end ,mall tflantatte,..
ItAgS—We quote tr,t haul rah, at fir mixed. mai
.Milt Sc far white.
lt , ),VN—Sal.• at 1 , 1.2 S V LW Ga. No I
,ALT—Zaire Ina regldar Ira' at 1.1,2:. 10 hid. whult is
the regularly mtahliflanl price abet .
FlWT—Salea u f1.a.tw51.62 i hag
aI'IRITS Tr ItPENTINL—ralea in hhl. et 20. - 0
rut,—hbb. extra charur
tl'lCh --Cnr . tic . Chorea 2,12,, and 'Nuttneg•
for No I. 51. 1 rw,.31.. , . 0 a..
,UP awn ( - AND LE,—Sal , of tEctn liwap at halt., af
Star Canal, at Mould tallow. ii,. ml Common ,
Dip,' at tw
TAR-241, at Sl=i hbl
TA LTA , * —.ale nl ett hhl. at tr. raall.
rwgular non , for 6..1 quallthw man n.
fa , lured ate 21.a.U.M, atal annuanudu. at 2.:4C-Ta - n.
and •,ry
VlNEtiAll—The regular ',foal., 4 , a1 Cbler Vinegar,
frit, atom. Ei. cdr jt gull.
Wi N.H.-71m btultrew.dplng In W,ol. at prewar.. hilturrly
worth nnthiug. Si. nun. nominally. at a mnge for the
melon. nnulew from,. to IS.
I.V—Wa null", an mamma-11 fliTanaas Intlirtne,
kat. will, wale itupnrerment. Ikalithsi la rutting at :Mao 22,0
In wall
SUNS, Bankers.
on.l AtartB Oa. ?strawy. ,
',teak et
Ilranas at Nona.. slo
Hanh . I .
City bards. Vsorskrass
3 k s k , !ln I IL%k i - ....
!Olsks Lit; lon. kTr G.
11, ..lo
Hank of ......
Ncw vohy.
I,\• Vii
All solvvnt bank,- ‘•
Bank of 1b.......
c , f ilkhcnoul
Narth r 11.4.19 Bank-
OWT!' CA1101.1,1 A.
Bank 0(04. , •
Ilk of YL of N. Cerullen...
Fr sII article. not iv ale hbost 11,4, pricer car grarrally
lart atak.
Auxnurser. Jan. 13
The qfferinco at the inl. on )fooday, arm tankrale.
with tv , scurl:rd ctn.,. fr.. 1 .“ Moe-
Jan. Ti,
There 'rm., at markvt thin weeL.l.l4. bred of larrof Cat 11r.
h..lMlnq olint 4:l ll .lrken Ti, Next Tfork: L'7s Caw. and
tlalrs.2.lollShmp iamb..
l'ri e rro—Doel Cattle hant bevti fair Amaral...l rr1 ,,,,
yran, from $.1..75 gralb a few /We, of choice it, at
"e1r141.. Them nen...1011,4A lit over unanl.l
- • •
et.talenial Ilk. %Cllntl:urn
Mrrthanto Dunk. New bern
nk ot IM SA. of .1. eurollna
Bank ..l Srnlth l'Auolitut....
Bank of CladrBtun—.—..,
Ilantrr. , Mrelmalre Ilk 2
;an knf
of Unoi.wir6. Auusou
• • .
Cown an. In limltnt request: Vn,II Cow., max.. In= 0 ,
In 1,0; No-lagers *l2 112.4, and Pr) - lion at 87 to $l2
Ilk of Kant uck v. ix.n We \
Ilk or boo farllle, Thornton
Northern Es. 44 lirotarky
Southern 111 of,.ki
• • .
e•beep lend Lnral. mow.. [rum $1.25 to .1,50 "e• 1)440
ennlimt qualley,—(lmulmr.
BALTimour, Jamtart 1 0 .
Mei , nlfrrrti at the netilt. nu 31.11 , 1. T, b,.! If
"„,„' *"4" r;',; .1%."„ i;;,7112ge. "r`
^•p= r tj,;,,,, l li e n m ", 2 34.1/.” IDr boa, hinal t” ELY,
(475 net, oral immtldrs: v. 17
nogp—we ollsote nt 11.1.24g5.541.—(AturrInan
Bk of Stain of 51k...,61
Slate Ilattk nod brnatcht"..-:,0
Bank of Monti.
. .
1 31artur E. c 111...
Fanners' Manhunter , ' Bank 1
lloaernineut Brock Bank.— 3
Peninsular Bank 3
Insurance Oninpatar- .....
State Hank
Ivan.—Them were :amt. DO Inches la ehanstel, et clerk,
by metal mark, 44 evening, end
Dk of D. N. flincric4, Toronlo:,.
Bank of Gar People. Toronto o
Dank of Montreal
Dank of G. Canada, Toronto I
On Neve Zork,Goorn , .....
00 Phlladelsma do..
On Baltimore d 0..... .......
St. Louts.--
Doubloons, apannk. 10.011
Jo ..... H. 4.0
Eagle. old
Eagle, new
Ten TRolers 7,60
2,overolgro... 4,e5
Tool:Older. .
Nllehigan, Delay Deaver.
Bearer. Darden, Beaver
Mak Bennett. Warn/Mlle.
Atlanta, Paadman, Brownsville.
J. McKee Rendarkeen,
Thai. Shr i ven Ridley, Wart Lhartm.
Revee, Deka, Elizabeth.
Valent ill i Anti. tlermley. Kt 140,113.
10111.. 1.1.011. 01.0.11.
Lady Byron. Portanautlz
Diurnal, Conrail. Wheeling.
thevinnatl. Birmingham, Cloaca:all.
%ellen., Minh Be rA aver.
Haan, Donlon, Beaver.
Dahl, Bennett, Brownsville.
Athodie, Dahlman. llterniallia.
J. McKee, liendlieknon,LlcKmayort.
Thus. Shave . Bailey, Wert Sena.
Reveille. Da1 0 .41. .
Rob. Dale., Butcher, Onetime&
Hibernia No.; Belehelor, Oath:matt
Jae. Nth.. Moore, Wheeling.
Anna, Kinney. Wellsville.
NM So. 2. Duval, llotklngrart-
RT. I.OUIS—Isma. liewlan. 10 a. M.
LOLOSVILLB—NavIzator, 10 A. N.
wurraxia—taww, lo
OlNClNNATl—Oincinnatl, 10 A. 0.
ll :
. Homy °akimbo.' ontardTeills,sultatdo for down b ..
Wog on Awning, recelynt on ronsigontont, ard for
4.11 - . ' 11811nNY. FL}i3llNin At 1.. V.
_ ~ . 1:3, Wood airrot.
WEATHERS. 16 Racks now - lauding from
" 12 " x°1 ' , "`"1,117,tu weary a
fiRO- stew and Yracti
.~. s~'
thllmt °tau./ •
bo. y,
Alk:hc•ur Co.
L..- coup: iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
amp '
rittyburcb city vg:
• •
Bank of PittalmyElt. .i—
-)le.erbante and Mama: Bank...i. •
Farmer. llopiAlte ....
14n1 of Bronimille..-
• • .
Monengahala Bridge
Pc. Glair St.
'rand tit. ktridgr
1,,T241.7 FMK,.
Citizens' Swum/en
Manel.l°3 Fireman'.
Cihrixamtl4 Louitfinc..
JitO FTIX.X., •
iittehlugh Oae
m...tcovArrit Nirs.kno.l !TOMS
Movoncrihrla •Slarkwat,r... ......
irton. AND co!AL zap.
rrnn Centpl
Ohio S. P.m. .
Cloveland PrnLarthltall.}toadl.
Turtle Cre,l.: Plunk .....
De. dn.
Payette 3.1.uf .. - ... 4
corr . ut rrOC2I. .
Pitt,bt:uwA k - C.tou (Cliff )flaw).
North ......
North ly<rt. ........... ........
Imrt City
P unka ~ .. ...... .
.... ....
Ridge 3liniog Co-- ........
o r w ISOoktoro
Douglalut floughtnoa.. .....
Ohio T~np lloc[.
.10 nbR Mira, Slone[ Dank of Pit
Delaware Mutual Safety Insurance Co.,
CIIANOE. onllslnVnt..ll.llwielphie.
ho Statenwnt of Iho Affair* of the Cnwany,
6 rra I ..LTV "
On Mull. od. Inland 13.1 i,
On fin! !Wks r.
1' , 011.9M.10
' Eern,l Premiums dull. the )ear 1)41 . x.F pa_strove:
On Marine and Inlntxl WAIL.
On I'm Itl4, " t . ,:7,LrElir '''
V.11: , ..29.1.92
1te.,e14 ntiLl ittlt war 14.337.91
tbe mune I.lm¢
Martnramt I 01 , m1:1,10.4.11.Ti0rk Lt.e..5111.7:93-97
Fire ...... . . ... ........ S3,4KIAR
PrAlt. and 610 , 4
Agrury .....................
Erpctssen Rtut,S.ldar4, .5.J1:21
Hoar, Alongny,, and iiNutrd nett,—
812, , K* Unti
pitied ed
lento, SIX
115.51:11.11), 1 . 1
^ Else
. . .
. ~....- .
$2.).004 Philaderarll4 :ix " .. '''''
1..000 ~prim ltaPleu 4 31 '. . ........ ...... 4,7:A1.1ar
1.) Alarr..l'znaryltallii. )tail 60a4 5 . 000 . 00
70 .• Union Bank of Tennesstv 4.110.011
.50 - 31erchanta and ,Mannflreturan Bank.
.4 1 . 0 . 00
6 Phllad.lphinand IhmrileGtire Steam
Tow Bnat r.01111...11Y =O.)
Scrip and Kock rd fuzulry LutuYi tuntreure
.112 . 1)
11111. n nnlde 117.076.=
Coh rm Imn4 T2z142...t
thd'nr. n 1:; - brinkl. nr Agvu .. mod Prvissiums
. on3farion',
Suberripci.o Notra .
Norprora 4th.
The IleArd of Direrlvn hare ttde day derlomd •alvidend
l'Ell CENT. In e•Alt, nv
n.e r tb..CapitnlNWk., aud NIY
Ca:NT. nu The .±.{.1.1p of the Ctnuppuy. PaYatuo. o u
a 1.....•31,.r 1 .kleaidgod
CENT. Iv t4.1-ty. G 4. o Capital,• Olv
*NI Earw.l Pr.sni
usaa. ki-rtataxtea far "hi& will In. homed ea above.
NVI Martha. William knirell. J. O. Johrmr4t.
Jtoo•ph "al.._ .
John h. Un.
hazonel litokon.
A. hoodoo. Dh NI: Huston. Jnotho,
John C. Doll, Jan.. C. Haul, S. Sl'U.,ny6
IL Ilanon. T. P3i4kli.C. IMAM Ken/.
Jolnt R. Wetinse;* J05t.e.4,11m4" J. T. Lune. I'ft4'
Y. F.4lwnrd.. IL hloall. D. T. Moyne,
• - .
CL U. lnap , r. W. I t. ;r. 1141,
Iwan avis.
WILLIAM lII.tfITVA. Pllft.i.tellt.
TIItCIMI C. 11.01 U, Vkeldera.
Jaunt W. C0.,.12-,C11.417.
Hf the rat ITropuranng thli i .Conipan . z% the reties hum
; ' f ' iiiVirktitioV:li . i r o ' g ' 4,l7.Wir ire:jet: h e: talial
lisiollinraymint the peraluin pelt.
Capit! titadoond nuberalpi Lon Notes are pledge/ by
the *grater fir the piquant
of Lamm mod the tomato of
the (11rapitra are d ra tted to he Ineimted and nonain In thr
pamitelon of the Cparallea, us 411114 for the Portrar
amity of the emu . Tide fund mill le to bd by
trelwuml r egee ' Vliidil ft't era "
trimerood—Pavanrall• awl Capital Rork,
ntLsbur n it
4'. A.MADV.Iti.t.
Penn la Inonrance Company, Madera 4l GENT IN PITTSBURGII, J. FINNEY,
Je, id the Oita of the Western lneuranee Comp.,
o. in: Wider ecre.t. Pittaborgh.
Pamphlet, allia all arameri IfMnati , a mud blank
f mom will be rarni.hod.
Ittphera• ran Inzare their hvee Ihr the benefit of thei
tile. sad rhitilr" dlt.-• the 11,. of their dehtnre..
The *bolo - of the linnrany net divvied away ill •
bottle, 01 1.110
the eklende of the Tetgt tten rears have brett elzbtylw.
mut. each year.
Western Insurance Company of Pittsbung. b
IPI'EAL $300,000. 11. 311.1.1.1.:IL n.
VIII wzaloYe LIM, n.k, Rye End Marine
All .111-% will 1. , librrally aolputed anyl prnmPlY Pwid-
A twgur lostitutiou—nialmml by Inrertory •ho are wel
known in the i , r, wyul h..nre damn:nod h i
they r.,u4-4 '4 I I 3:•TV ,
who tle.ite hair 111.1,13.
.E . r . roti. L .
l'lnarthonse of ‘..1
PP.; k
Delaware Mutual - Safetylnsurance Oomp'y
Third ,treat. l'hiledelphia.
Itterattsca—llutliltugs. Ninrclundin, and other
pswerty, in tern and ctutntry. tunnel] against loam ur
damage by lir.. at the '<meat ratanf premium.
%ante that lett,.—Tber alio tuttant Ve• - nle. Canoe,
and Freight, told. nr brie. under wen
n r , tpeeml
policies. as the asettl,l mar .Nairn.
131.0311 , Trot •I'ellT ills/N.-111er al., !IVO, ,
tranntrittsi t.y Waztsn, • flail runt rank Count -ionic. and
Strut. Watt, cu rho, and Ink, on the mintliberal tout,...
Ility..,tunt.—J,..rli II 'al.FAtound A. 6.-tmlre, John C.
liurtrn. John hl'ehttee., ththltlei &hest+.
I..trer. natt and Dasilit,telllease It. Dar, It .1 ,
1 , 1w.11. film Itr. It. Si. Hugo n, dam, C.
Hand. The,hilut Inolling. It. Jnnes liro.s diner
linatt, unfit intne, rrlll. eta-neer 31rIl• ant,
Charlt-a }Cody. ../. It Otto. Hay. S rhetutn.
John "rile, Wm. nyn-.Jr
Parc,. Ittmtacnnti-11. T. Mcrunn, Much Craig.
John T Lognn.
11 - sttatu Mtcrre. Pre:nntnt. Tao , . r. mar, Prat
loot .1....d.ra U Ct.. tn, 1,-reiart.
Stite Mutual - Fire Insurance Company
llarriaburg, Pa.
THE oery pitrolt.l ; e ex:eli d, de t
on who., It. 1.11.1 mm. tr coarlurtnL
. .
To city or comet, correhnott. and owner: of tlviglintos.
and Inolated and country ytt . y , tat'. It ‘`'.';
snny affonl. adranta:r. rt r. nut of eheapom.i.4llntY. and
cnuelly. Inferior
arann, Conapany'lnAllb , country.
Onnltolrd on !In. multabk. and arcntly lowlnenilnyatros
of elanktnatlon Inalta. cult/Ain't all rlavkal Inansola.
I.ollna ~nly Inltnl amount so ashy nue lonialltY. Ono , Pr , '
cludins, frenurn , y and orcet. nronc tddenre fin, and
elet on both the ntorl. and Mutdal pllo, ttot. uoly prn,
thqainn.:. •12.1 .u.-roustno•latits of both on.tlnda,
hot .01111.... thn nann.ll lo vartlvinallon lfse , j,rolita.
It n eontrol'..l' the fullowlng Ulm tar, , . John
it Ituttedinnr. S- 7 . J 0....
Alms, A. rarrhe, l'hlln C. Solgnlyk, ItobeTt
.1. ItUTIIERVOKIt. heaklent.
A. J. tIILLETT, Fve.n2tory.
A. A. C 1114.10. Actuary.
Ofnee for 'freeform renorylranla. t 4 Smithfield
r ims.lshr*. Pen.rns desiring InsuraneaSsill los cur.
*Mt boo. of the Company by calling et the 10m
ire and Marine Insurance.
Auwrien .111 make ocruunneul anti Hunted Innorance
nu property in this city and vicinity: and on ohlputets by
Cau.d. Riven, Lahr, and by Pea. Tile propertlea .1 this
Company are won Invested, and furolah au available fund
for tha ample indemnity of all petwons who drain. to la.
proteetrl by inattraitro.
Wit P JONES, Aarn4. 44 Water id.
Franklin Fire Insurante Co. of Philtura.
.PIRECTORSI Charles W. Baneker, Geo.
W. Richard.;n xnnleealuLoot,, Told,.
g1:11: ;!:1 1 :11V51‘ ' .. - ji '' A r iln . ll ' 4,4 " V "00"
CHARLES M. DAZiefailr, Net:dna.
Comm. O. nr.t.tra, fgeretart. • • ,
Tido Cowpony mu anon. to mate Ingdranrer. perninornt
litoltal. on every deaeriptiou of Property in town and
country, at rate, as low mu are enosioteut with vueuritY•
The lompauy have reamed n Lazo analog.' fund,
which, with their Capital and Premiums, sa.fely invested,
ar , r a uvula proUriton to the usuppl.
The aawtt , of the Company, Jutuary lot. 1 1 , 0.. Pub-
Halted agreeably lo the Art of Assembly, were its follow.
Ton porer 7 Lcuttla
Rork, .........
Out, .Ite
141—i 5° 'WY 71 4
Shire their Inenryoratlan i a aloel of tititetnell y
hero petit uptrants of true Mil ',bur Hundred ThEkinanll
Milers towel. by Id, thereby efloollort orbit.", of the
of ventage taineuroor i es well or Utah... Wily end die
poilliori to with promptness all liabilities.
mid Gmat ri. M. earner of Wood and ill ete.
Morris aid Willis's Home Journal.
ÜBLISIIED ovary Saturday in New York
CDs, at Twb Dollars a roar. ParnTu , In all
. •
COISIAIIOI.< of the Homo Joural, On.
107 Yalu]. Fern.; New York, December 13. 1150.-1 b oil
whom it may concern: This may certify that J. 11. llama
'lt duly authntimil to act WI Knot for Warm /I
.lintie Jnekkat. and that all mccipts Owen by blot PM
moat tor sal. P.m. will he dub . Imbbentintilibli by . 7 . , thb
o.lm, of pubilration. and it la eximeael amend awl male..
moid, that newntrtlma are Sayable ova M.' 1..1
•21=1 The colt. will comme th 1 t ofJnitt
• arr. Kiiberrlptlnos rece ' breil be J. O. Ilottort,l4l7o, Streak
i . tptetlfe the Vont o.lm. 1(1111t18 a lirli t tdk,
plitt • and C noprlctor.
11ORTS.—One thousand Ins just received"
k 7 per epeamerJeany Lul, =I fur
We by
dera SIIITIVE 13,(101f..$
1 Vti , i , a q: b lf l G ,.... A . N r 1.) P q ß2llii: . .
o 9 W. I', 30.11511 ALL .
(t i OTTON. 2.1 bUICS lIOW Landing from the
tumor Gram, for solo lir
. . IbLIA Wette r ILEY & DI.
.d. pc. , . t.
;6 bbls. No. I LW;
.1 6 . 1ib r ts. mnr it= ream ?nun.
Water andlit7ol.
CormfyMan:, of the Danl. ritntrtugh Gazette.]
(der 'd .
1116 C 2
10l IV
S 7 ..I
Jantrawr; 100,2850.
Dos , . q:Ntrs.n and (1.! writ of arrni--61. 'E. D.
Baker—Contetal E.ttion erne--:UnUarittsorte con
di:del Whigs to it l s--Path itrfds-- heap port.'
as9 l — t is AFl :Tore i' d t 1° :1i ' afternoon th at disp atch
has been received fronktiew Orleans t day, that
'Judge Gholson had signed the prec pt for the
Arrest of Gor. enitmon. The MI issippians
generally aro great are eaters, on paper at least,
and Quitman has been long enough among them
to have became indoctrinated with their notions
of what their valor requites them to do on
such occasions, and. to attempt, or,to threaten
something very silly. tint I fancy that nothing
outside the limits of a legelresistancetoProeess,
will be done by bins. In • the meantime, how
ever, I admit that there ratty be something in the
plea understood to hare been advanced by him.
of exemption from writs which will take -him
out of the S. ,th for trial., during his term of ser
vice as Governor. But it is a point for the
. 5 11 i!
17u+) 00
50 Og
Hon. E. -D. Baker, 'of Illinois returned from
the Isthmus in tho ship Georgia, .amtluaa taken
his retain the House. Col. Baker is ne of the
most remarkably attire and enterprising men of
his time. When a member of the liouse,.beforo
he suddenly left his seat to raise a regiment for
the Mexican War with which he fought gallantly
ta Cerro Gordo—with the commander aßriga
din. gen. At the close of the war he hutried
home, passed over own district, in which the
efforts of another ,loblier of the Mexican fields
had rendered the apceces of any whig hopeless,
and, after a meat-rapid and vigorous canvass, me
rieff by fifteen hundred majority the Galena
trict, which 114 always been democratic. Since
the end ofdast session he has formed a contract
with Messrs. Rowland awl Aspinwall, to furnish
laborers to work upon the Isthmus mil road,
and by his energy Sind activity has been able to
collect between thlree and four hundrel, and
transported them Id Navy Bay, where they are
now engne.ed clearing and grading the road:—
Col. Baker will return to the Isthmus as soon as
his official duties will permit.
The Rouse of Representatives to day, after a
three clays debate, decided in favor of the dem-
erratic sitting member, by the vote of 9S to 90.
This is a toast erroneons judginent on a very
ricer matter. Taking the vote of the district as
it stood, when vacated by Gen. Wilson, and it
is admitted that Mr. Perkins the whig, has a ma
jority, builhe whole body of the Southern Whigs
could not be brought up to his support, because
the Democrats had the cunning to set afoot a
charge of Free Solihull against hire, as if there
could be any better reason for keeping? a free
soilei out of a seat to which he has been duly
elected, than there ie for turning a pro slavery
man out of one which he has only taken„ - But
this is the way—and the reflection is painful and
mortifying to the hut degree:—this is• the way
that things are done here. Some southern
whigs, mho are instant in season and oat of sea-
KM in alVieatione for appointment. for tigeirpo,
trst: and friemit, were appealed to look into the
equity of the care, endyoe Mr. Perkins thehen
clinif their voice, influence, and votes, bat they
coldly answered it is of smelt interest and no
importance, and they lounged outside the leatr,
or voted for the democrat, who, they, were {old
KU anti free soil. A Pemasylvania 'Whig, the
opposit, in fouling and action on sectional
questions to Thadeas Stevens, bitterly remarked
to use, how furious Would have been the deriunCia
tions of these same mett, had the question affect.
cd the right of one of their Whig friends to his
seat. bad their exertions to his behalf boon 're
palsod with— , •Oh ! it is a matter of little account."
There UM a ',very besutifill' little triSCIISSiOII
to day in the Senate, on a bill granting to ifis 7
consin 50,000 acres of public laud for rail road
pm - peace. The whole policy of granting sway
the national domain to the WesternStateafor
etikail improvements, the., .Sze., Came into de
bate, and it was maintained all day with warmth
and real by most of the leading minds in the
Senate. The 50,000 acres were at length voted,
ayes 32, noes IL showing the strength of the
give away policy.
From the signs of to day and yesterday, I
think there is a good chance that the cheap pos.
tap bill will fail alwge ther. ConEideriz6 bow.
nearly unanimous the public sentiment of the
country is in favor of rtslnetion, there ii a
strange diversity of opinion and luketrartnness
in the Henn, while in the Senate, l think there
is n decided disposition to do nothing whatever
Beside the deficiency bill Which I noticed vex•
tertley, the l'emmittee of Ways and Means have
reported mix etlserli, among which are the Welt
Point Academy and that for the ,npport
and extension of fortifications. . They are not
yet reported. and of cour, I am not yet infarm
-0,1 how they compare to the amount, with
their PredrecAsor, of !art year. Jr:ill"..
11.,rtuos., Jau. 11, P. 31.
rth 1T;:;;,,,;
Cl.trrwi,l3—.ll.,rvy .11. et —Tra-
—irq C~.~,i., d
tlavery agttation. 1 thmk, ha...1.:1 a good
the ;' , oath. It I ,au,ol the ,lave
to 1410 k more Clo,ely to (11CirtAVII
eir owe intereMe. They have gone to
o Lsil t cotton other kinds of
aeries, in !order to supply their wtpits,
r own labor and enterprise; and they are
ing lines of steamers to Eurepc, which
eprte.l of before. lo Charleston,
:atm necessary for a line to Eu
rope ;as boon MI scribed in a few days, and Hal
timo e is urging a similar enterprise with all
her nergies. 11, d the South been let alone,
and Ot been iir,ea, eil by the factions at the North
until '"forbearan e ceased to by n virtue," she
wolf I still he cup ying her Rip Vail Winkle sleep,
and ha North wo d have been supplying her
mar eta with de. estic goods and shoes. So., as
Rho as done for more than,fifty• years. . The
South has now waked up, and, 6 determined to
I not only manufacture for het-self, hut to inatiort
direct that which she needs of foreign produc
tion. That this result is of benefit to the South
i tot to be denied. for it will develop(' her re•
sou TN, and give a new impetus to the euery
mud e nterprise of her citisens. The North, rdo
um. ollieve, will, n the end, be. much . injured by
this sell-dependence of the South, farther than
it m Y curtail her, markets. It remains, how
ever., for time to unfold the results.
1 ,
Onr city eolith ucsi to be infested with daring,
thievile stud bur darn. The residence of illirs4
3lePh il, opposite the "City Ilall,'''llolliday,
street sees entered about noon yesterday, and
iSSOO a gold stolen from a bureau, the drawers
of which were elf forced open. The residence ofi
a ieullemon i Canal street was also entered
last night'and r bind of about $100; and to-dayi
the afore of Ge . Hickman, Ifarket street, w
robbed of some s'san.
Incendiaries are alto busily at work. Las
night a sbthle on Cathedral street was not o
fire and horned down, and nhortlymfterwards a
lumber yard of Mr. Evans. on Garden street,
:11 i
was fired, and before it was fairly extinguished
in one part w ignited in another.
Our Reform ;
Convention is still busily engag
ed in doing no Mg. It has been in session °ter
forty days, msd \ has 4 - irtitally done not a sinkl
1 act that it wan elmied for. The
heartily tired of the farce, and will remember the
actors in it hereafter.
Money is abniidant and can be land,
cont., in large amounts. A large irtaixislaidi
invested in stocks„which bane tneeetati, exceed
ingly firm. Baltimore and Ohio liall.,li '
shores hare zul l ransed fr0:n.41.9 s,`i'2±s with itt
few days. -
- ,51,5Z1 ,
In g oer , peorielone and ma:erica, I bear
n6biug earth cor 4 'nuicatizi' beyom4Rhat,cij
hare already mated by telegrapb,
Western g"" hantBl . lini'gzgin.cobetherrtbi
nwabere, and thit parle hard-bee
try fair during the week. Our market is better
supplied than rhave ever notised in any gnarl.
ous season; awl is rely brisk business will no
doubt bodone. The following era thowliolesale
prices of American cotton goods:—} . shirtings,
medium grade, 50Gc.; }do., best d0.,6c.;11- do.
do., 60a 7c.; 4-4 sheeting!, light, sioTc.; do.
6., ,8
medium, 70 71e; do. heavy, 71 0 }c.;-do. ex
tra hoary, 9}c.: Light drills,. ; do: heavy,.
Gic.; f Osnaburgs, heavy, 10
..; f do., 9c.;
4-4 do., 1010,11ic; i do., 'twill - ' hoary, .12a.,
Ticks at Gic, up to 19e; as per sit mid quality.
Bine denims at 70. llic. Poetic prints, , Blc.;
fancy do., 56)10c.; indigo blue, te; Mer
rimack blue do: 10e Cotton yarns atlBe for No.
4e12, 20c.; for No. 14®16, 21622 c. for No.
17021. American broadcloths, cassimera,
jeans and satinets, are in fair: demand. - •
Local news in the city is exceedingly dell to
day. The ireaEht;r IS 40. eptitig more than mid
winter. BCPEST.
The following is an extract of a letter from
John S. Follansbee, as emigrant to California
from this. city. It is dated "Shags, Nov. 16,
i e long
intervals froi4ciie,
iffia w t hi im eh e
l ela Bs p o ß . e " d • wiAllerthonsttahtli4earin the
eighteen months, owing to the dß:Unity of re
ceiving letters at, the mines,, and after giving
some particulars in relation to the death of Mi.
Johnston Lecky, of Allegheny the letter pro
ceeds as follows:
'"There has been considerable sickness here this
season, but not to half the extent of list year,
but ct small sprinkling of new comers being here
this year. As far as regards this vicinity the
people will winter far more comfortably than last
year. Then many, agd among them our own
mesm, during the first three weeks rain and it
rained incessantly) had mothidg but n poorly
pitched tent; we had not even a trench around
ours to carry off the deluge of water. Now
nearly every body will be eseonsced in comforta
ble cabins, with provisions, laid in and at rea
sonable vacs, instead of paying, as last winter,
two dollars per pained for provision.s. Prices
now are' generally moderate. Flour 40 ets.,
Pork 75 eta., Beef :WOAD eta., Sugar G0(6)70 els.,
Potatoes 10 eta., Butter seldom Been, Milk , an
article that we hear, about, but never see it.—
The living, however, snits me tolerably well, as
I weigh nine pounds more than I ever did in the
States. Out door exercise accounts for the dif
ference in a great measure.
I. have the agreeable prospect of sleeping un
der la roof this winter which I have not done for
three months altogether since I left honie. The
weather is now cool and fires comfortable:" The
rainy season, it is generaly believed, will .be
late, as several heavy rains occurred in Septem
ber; since which time-we have had fair weather.
The news of the admission of Californiai is
received with universal approval. To myself it
is no little satisfaction to think that I am again
in the Union, and indeed the distance from bathe
-seemed considerably lessened when I beard that
California no longer claims but possessis a place
„among the Sisterhood of States.
As fch. returning home I have fixed no definite
time. At one time I did . think of next spring,
but now have doubts whether it will be before
the succeeding fall. find I-have enjoyed nay
health last winter, and possessed some qtkital to
operate, with, I should have asked the, assistance
of no genii to insure me:a competence. Others
were !accomplishing thin before my eyes, and
many who realised fortunes last year will double
them the coming spring, by Parehasing stock,
mules especially, at from $3O to $6O, and selling
diem in the spring as they did last year f4r
$2OO to $3OO, There will be doubtless a great
rush for Scott's River (tributary to the Klameth)
next sprang. This river is nearly up to the Or
egen linct and has been worked for the first time
this fall. -One bar was exceedingly rich, and it
is I : apposed there are otherdiggings in the seine
vicinity. Some will winter there ; but ateonsid
erable hazard.' It is about eight ramps from
bete, and it is thought the travel thither in the
spring will be through this place, and as this is
what I might term the bead of "Kagan rinviga
than," I think its prispecta are flourishing.
s'Aroar merrons" as the editors say. I have just
seen a lamp' of gold brought in from Scott's river
weighing nearly thirty two ounces and no quarts
in it whatever.
The emigration via rho plains, 'as you are
probably aware, has this year been beyond pre
cedent. Many have experienced authors prob
ably yet to undergo, great suffering. The-Hum
boldt or Mary's giver having been exceedingly
high, many of the foremost emigrants ware com
pelled to cut alLtheir grass in the water. or swim
the stream every night to obtain food fur their
Ilitilllibl. In many places the whole river bottom
was inundated. The greater portion, knowing
that those who croosod last year were ton heavily
ladened, in the exercise of their caution'were led
to the other and mono dangerous extreme of load
ing to light, bringing an insullicienCquantity
of provision. Tho result has been thatifor want
of grass an immense number of animpls have
died, and the emigrants have fed on the starred
carcasses to save themselves from the dreadful
alternative of starvation. Many too who would
even thus have eked out a subsistence to the and of
their jrney,were wasted by disease, tindery now
beyond the reach of either sickness or hun
ger, and the sterile plains possessing hardly a
redeeming feature will long be remembered by
many as the narrow house of some relative or
The rapid rise of towns in California is equal
•a• onlyin tales of fiction. and almost. staggers
be'''ef. Places below, that but a few months
blaze had neither a location ortt name (for torus
are now laid out and named on paper before the
location is selected) now number fifteen theo
rem! inhabitants.
.tames Conner has just been here, stating that
he had been to Sacramentp City and saw a num
ber .01 Pittsburgbers there. t number hare
neon trading, and done well. Ile was at Blair's
and also at Deere, his son-in-law; from them he
learned that McGraw had not done much, or
rather had been unsuccessful in what he has
been engaged. The two lugs (relatives of Rhine.
tart the tobacconist) had been engsgedin
ing the Yuba; I think, but with them also it had
been labor without reward. Sinclair had made
al“lut $2llOO, and snot about to return home to
31ercer Co., Pa In addition to the above, Con
ner seys that he has done only tolerably
lost by men, ith whom he has been en
gagodon Trinity. Re is going to Salmon River,
three camps north or Trinity; and thinks' . a good
prospect ahead of him. Ile will be hemmed in
the mountains and will not probably have an
opportunity to write his friends until late in the
spring. I •
Conner also brings Site the eat information that
Mr. Francis Pickering, a camp mate of mine
lmit winter and spring, o friend wham I highly
chicaned, was killed by the Indians, while on a
prospecting. ' ' with I -- a others. A
Mr. Tom , killed last
week by mouth of
cct, of July, tells tho following extraortlinary
" Late one evening, a person came into our of
fice and askaLta-see-the editor of the Lancet.—
lin being introduced to - our eanctnin, he placed
a bumlle upon the table, from which he proceed
ed to extract a very fair and symmetrical lower
extremity. which might hare matched "Antlan
ta's better part," awl which had evidently be
longed to a woman.
"There," said ho, ?tin there any thing the mat
ter with that leg? Did you ever ace a hand
somer? What ought to he done with the man
that cut that off?"
On having the meaningof these interrogatories
put before US, we found d was the leg of theviife
of our evening visitor. Ile had been accustomed
to admire the leg and foot of the lady, of the
perfection of which be wus, it appears, conscious.
A few days before he had excitedhcr anger. and
they had quarrelled violently, upon which she
left the house, declaring that she would be eel
„ ng ed on bito, and that he should never again
erg the object of his admiration— The next
thing he beard was, that she was a patient in
the hospital of —,and • had her . leg amp,
- rated, - She had deelaed to time surgeon that
She suffered intolerable pain In her knees, and
begged to haverthe limb removed. a petition the
surgeon complied with, mid dna become the in
strument of her own absurd revenge upon her
We aro glad to learn that the Itar..Joseph It.
Wilson, of Washington county, Pennsylvania,.
eon of the Into Judge Wilson, of. fitenbontille,
Ohio, has recently beeri selectedto fill the elude
of Chematry . and Natural &late,' in. liampden
Sydney College, Piinco Eduard county, :Virgin
is. Although but nicking isun, Mr. Wilson is a
ripe.scholar, and will, tve feel assured, prow
,gaits an acquisition. to, the Institution to which
Ile Las been called by the unanimous voto of the
trustees thcreof.—Xiu.. /OW.
Tae poor people in Ltnrencir %rte aocYinttin &pals
towards Waterfowl, ea thew way to America- • In
Waterford the index of people Item all the surracari•
erg counties, en route to the. Ina. of the far West, b -
An Lny,loh paprr Jays o f th voice el Galatia'
o bo t h woo Ow torrent of snood she wanted at ego
'pewee', deo the gieerk globule per4Lat Irclll, t
teldra charudelicr, were pawn fairy syllarta a w l
wrack whist each ether.
• PlivtArtori or . riaan
TheOrinterretrhloille Correspondel 0 7 1 : 27, 02! Ova
„itatisoal inforiastimicOneellalt.rlsm.
pry and 'Transylvania, Irma "'Welk wis:Cato • that
part which concerns Ilia population. Aieurding
a census of LB4B, llousary coatsitred4tra oo
habitants; but this was an esnywratitxr. °lmpala.
tion of Runinary,unthout the Yoitrodiat, is 13,014.101
so Is. or this number 5400,000 are Calhollea,l,ooo,.
000 non tamed,. and 600,000, united .followeSs
the Oneeb Church, 700;000 Lothirans, and 1,302,000
belong to the Horrific cofftessfosi. , The nhatibtir of
Jews Ana eireo.• The population at the .militsry
frontlet* is 1,226,403 patinas, more than half of wheats
are of the orate sex..• Thera are 514.545 Whales.
529 ; 603 mon.united, cud 62.743 united Ilreelmi and
about 40,000 Protestants; The'W,' are bat 537 Jews in
the frontier districts. :The number 'et the
tans of Transylvania is 2.1132:700. There are 721,403
Rotolo Catholics; 725,700 rtoresailted, and VAX°
untied members of the Grertr.CharehifilS7ool.uthe
ransandealvinists,44.6oo Haitatialccandgtlrrigs.
Tire ads! authorities have to omitted as is
what pre port ions the 4ifferent raves are... '
, ..._
Soccrssrut. Sturrato ADVSSITILS —lll. blew
Bedford Mercury reports the return hme' of Captain.;
W. T. Weikel', of that, place; lota of-ship;Envoy, : .
from San Francisco, where he left his ship, after
disposing of bit cargo there ' Tire Memory Wares
that the ship Envoy, which bad been tormeehr ena
ployed in the whale fishery, was mid in , lB4l,aa a
•vresetTo only to be brokna up; for the sum of ..i_.....-
The purchaser, Mr. Wm. O. Drowriell, refitted her
lot sea, having fortunately engaged Capt.. Watket to
command i her who pntehased a quarter part of the
ship. She sailed (rem Now 'Bedford Idly 12 1048,
and, being deemed by the insurance ecanienieCtins
seaworthy, without insurance- -Stiepromeded to the
Island of Whytrclache,i where Capt. W. had 'ati a
previous, vOyage • toredi a' thousand 'bitmels'elt oil,
which be had -pureheeed (rein 'a wunc,hitil Vessel:
took the oil on bouid, proceeded with It to Mende,
and thence shipped it to Loudon, where it bas been
ecitil et a nes profit of $9000.' - . ' ---' 'e• i.:
He Men proceeded. hi the North Eaiifin, and ,i id a
entice of 55 days, foolt i2sol3.berrels of wha le oil
with which he retained to Minna, in thelsil 01/ 849 ,
wheeen he bliipped to Leaden 1503 bartehrof ml and
40000 lb.. of whaiebinlch oil which was made a het
profit of .s.r.noo. • The' e lip then proceeded again to
the PactS', and darter, I , e ;ant titan?) tetoll.-2:40 bete
rele more of whale 011„ ith which and the /,_.
_,_ 0 0 01 x 0 :
role rercnirtion on bonfir mil MOO ibs• whale,......._l°i'm' be
proceeded to San Brunei co. Gaps: W. allet... th ere
Nov. fi, cold his oil On h ad for 533,1513,111400 a his
whalebone for,,entustated worth EdValt cud
had an ntl'eq of Sioo4li - orhic ship. The Mere try thus
earns op alb result of the voynge:. 'L
Neil pntfita on 1000 bltl ... of oil chipped HI .= 7
London. -s o .s ooo ,
Do. do. en oil and bee ii, catching of first r -
Iferl9:ll3, 31,:00
Sales at ban Francisco, ' . 37,450
rake of whalebone shipped h0me,_12,500
Value of ship, tga- ~- , 0 003
"A. Wooor M &Ns-DO:mai:mew "—A bleaches.
ter (Eng.) pow rays tUit about tt °eatery age, Were
was Lot the lee famed town of Glastonbury, onetime.
trio niati, who !web:midi the guiles of a clerk at a
Presbyterian meeting. Ills friends deemed him e
poet of no common cider, and the plaudits of bin
associalea contributed nUt. a lade tdi foster eputions
so congenial to Me own. Ho was inked to make his
talent benefimat to the pubbc. On one nib of Nor,
after en immense aerofoil had been Preached, this.
man of once atmd up; and, in We broad Somerset
dialect, into. "t be ovum to gin own hyand Of_ my
in the d y that was th Si night
When papists did conspire; '.-4.
To blow up king and parliament .
WO dreadful gr.m.po*.dire !" ' '
111$TORY ur TIRIDIX r4jiu—ltto Diz rear is
unquestiouably, a frith of-theltighest excellence,
and well deCervev tie attentiois. of all fruit cul
tivators. It in ono f Vie . hordidat of pear trees;
and although the tr et ,ks • not come into bear.
lug until it has atto ett oonsiderible she, yet it
produces obundantl , and -frees ' , its habit -will
undoubtedly prove cuinikably hug lived, and
free hom disease. Theyoung bianches are pale
upright, yellow. and slander; ;,the original tree
Is about thirty four yeare'Cldfand etande,in the
garden of Dr. Dix. of Boston : it
,Elrat yielded
fruit in 1831. Thu fruit' is large, oblong, or
long-pyri form, skin rourblvb, flue dicpycllow at
maturity, marked wih diatinct remote dotsierel
trprinklad with russet around the stalk. , Calyx
small for so large a trait, basin narrow, ancl.but
little trunk ; stalk rather gout, short, _thickm
lug at each cod, sct Octrather obliqicly, hut„,with
little or no depression.' . Flesh hot ' Very' flue
grained, but juicy. lick _sugary, melting and
delicious, with a slight perfurne,--.lfess. Horti
cultural Jou rn al. • - ' - '
Iteceptioo of Chaplin.—Vlra. Chaplinwho Wail
the Cori actin in the attempted abduction ti two
Cam belonging to. Hon.. lament, Toombs abd Ste
yens, bast spring, tact with an enilintinatio reception.
at Syracuse on Monday Jaw. • TbutiouiVNitdidual
church in that ei.y, represented as having been
crowded in every Fait; eevenit hundreds
were unable to pot nrhuntaacn' addresied
the ow•Honee lognme limn an how: ginnitallkelet
of his recent adventeivs-ovoiio-Ci.i.wherof•Colonibia.
and Maryland, and attempted it: jettificittbnr of Ida
Electrical CI ck.lll. Peyron'of Sh, - Euminernaor
arranged .ran atomics{ cluck, after-ad-believe, an
American invention;abich, at a small tiptoe-ond
by means of communicating wires, will' indicate, the
same moment umin a myrio4 ot clock ram , .In Odamanner,
manner, or e Mock will iteron a who!, city, and the
inhabitants may take Timo into - the - Bode* and
t, , ;Lbj
,:hva.nula of do for
,g b a n a , : i t a nd w a ger ris.
'oovery opens!' No more inaocumcy dinner u
nveils—no more lining caught at home, by difference
in crocks, on hours -arrangeil far friends or creditors
Death of Mrs. Martha' Myers.--:Died at the ,, reSi. , t'
!dance of MatlisoriF.Mvere,the soh-In-lowan King
.ton, Lurerno:csooty;•Pn• onthe 4th pay of.lanuary,,
A. D., I&sl;after a brief tanens, Mrs. Martha Myers,
consort and relict of the late Phillip Myers, at the
advanced ego of shoat eighty nine yeare.• Mrs. My
ein WWI tee hut of that generation who Witness/oldie
horrors of the Indian blaaracre. lller father, Thos.
Bennet, was one , f ihe forty whitemen who built lW
Stockade called Forty fort, s name blended With One
01 the Deepest% tragedies, that marks the: page of
Adman'. histor).
Thomas D Shalicroa., Special Agent °files Post '
Odlce Department. arrested in Alaatio, Georgus, on
the . I I B. Einbrough, on foe charge of steal.
fog a geekase of ate thousand dollars mauled at
Charlmton, Stittia Carolina,. uo the Zahn November,
Kimbreogh was tateu to Columbus by San derma
and Col. Lee, Postmaster of .Columbus, and five
thousand three hundred 'and twenty
. dollars of the
money was recovered, Kimbrough, is *said to be a
member of a light y Tea pe ctabid fnmdyi and was ate
, a temporary carer in the Columbon gold OGICe •
He emanated toe ennto.
Thei Bishop of Loudon has dfrocitid r tbe pleb des•
cons of London, and Middierei Man ,a U Ars
chino-be a and chnv.i's to wive. it aibaJed thsi-Ra
mall ceremonies aro practised, and tovirpill act inm
every• CM,* in which so: ceremonies or reforms an:
used notinuniorizni by LIID rubric noraancnoiled by
established cuetow. • - •,
The Chickasaw radians ere said to have contribu
ted 5.1:10 to aid of .the Washiogtop. Nepooet Mann
meet. • taring- the discs:Asian of, the matter,. wee
stated by theinualtars that the Neition had nevotitied
the blood of .the while men in war, and thei.they
reiterated the ineinory of Watbingtort much es
their white ivellifca •
• ,
lYlore Yaattett Invention in Encland..- - rtm ouast.
of England is litzely to be film - Irked with Francis'
Metallic Lite surf boats, us ell therEogilitillfo boats
tmare faded. Tito first bmis . cre now building, by
orders from Engl and, for MIS use end wilt bet'esact
ly the time as those adopted oti cruC•Othi cone by
order of Congress. -
The pruniiin ;tenni ty of the weathering induced
the Bahia eau truti ehininastera to avail themselves
of the safe red eXpv.titious Mille of the, Calideni.
so canal, raihoe than me rho riak of 'venturing by
the.dangeroua ewe of the Puadand'Futlineld.larest
Coast. •
An English paper wtfei lo thu VOA lm•
provements which have lately been made in
ship building, it it expected that areangeinentniwill
aheirtly .lis,eniered betweenithe,.let4htg
prietitts of the mercantile marine navy of Intl wpm
try and the United Suite:, 'for n. MCO 'nil:6llh°
Henry H: Prone, at Worcester, has re:mica by
the. lag steamer from England, ins•iiciteta vale=
which secure to hint and ens.hasocialti the benefit to
be derived for his gtand•clacorcry by the people
Great Britain. ; • .. : •.. -
The Ann attempt to establish a pitinie •totAitup
company in Paris since the rovolonoo of February
easiest. been med., bY" the formation of, the firm of
Lehorchere, Angina' sit Company.. The :revisal of
such e terprisois hilledet a . sign of -returtigtecm
There is some little talk of the (trysts) Patted for
the World's . F.xhibitioo:Lein.( righted by' the clew
tric light, which would certainly; if found . item
five; be an tirrangetont appropeate to Mal novel
Compormd - nurrentul to Prielura Off irithhi ne
. abed,. - whet. need mAta.z Laud. Ira nat..
huelnehrat run., a n ., .bf ninth a eurtn: In aftectod in the
Dour of abort 131, trut. • , • •• • ,
To MALII pourd
tW .or Sour' add 11'0 IPS,
r g eogn i) ;gre , ..., d. zn .
panel tour *4 Jou ran ..rir mot 64 - 1dam5,),,,,,..„
sad rare; n r.,1 water ol krill man. the 4noun the usuet
tak Vannul arra not h !WM Ohne* federates
henna patinn--nnt or too 111
should- bnmined glue& ituuner;'' end teptra' ate oktnef trot
florbo Usti , Lr inind Lou au. thtuttr unmade e• - „W.herrf
fa ao .muse at nehinn err much of MI inTlVstattnisUin
neon; it will ant turn thelnuad pdlnurs aariTathn dont
ypy p e ue put the td.ureCurnpontel tea ,, I MIL.% MX, mice, nark.. lut
rater. men tarn& Ll:ter...lo49nd. tumult,
v bp...;.nna,nppin n 4,1 balui44
peppun Jot rmuired and farp...l.. hr. - • v 7411
Ve , • • ti. SI:LT-WS.. irN 4 rt.
NEW 8001it0...1-11.6r1...iiirugult . :r.
A L T 11.01,31q5'. LITP;ii A 11' i'TlßP(rl7;lllird
, . riser •
. _ •
• , _
;~ ~~4