t- . =IEI Al 11 - STABLISREDi IN . '1786 RCELI6III. , fp. X wm-r. DALLY. , —F , Irn Ha Dint.. ifink WEEKLY—Tiro Inn' t:artintetthnut further Interruptlnn. Aup nJ the yehournowor Cc cufru.f onFre.... J .elllbe prthiptly att him, tft.ern endral to 'lll4ll.:'eier•elge that la's rte Court II 31. Weehlugten eit .lalt.l,l3sl.—dlyhtlelmhll3.3l ILMbMS Lino MROK:ERS. V17111.L.5.11131ER, JIL, Banker and Braker, v T. No. adjoin...l the UL.! eZrittlb3r.h. SvIVILKINS CO. Exchange Brokero, LothCororr or Thir4 an 4 Market street. AU duos M [Dort 111.rnt nil.. • , ILOLMLS SON, llaler4 in Foreign • Icad Dazae tie Rill f L I Gatill Its f n 1.11 e atkA,lll;:f 7.lmmat out the EIJI, :•prEoRoE,..E. AILNOLD & (..'O, Bankers: Don In Ilzollenyo, Coln, Rank Notre, t.c.,,it , 74 earth - tweet, next door to the Hank of iittAbanm Col. 1 . kotioul c‘rtfully ottooded to, and the pnetede remitted to Im==am of tb, ruton . I RAMEIt A: IL A - LISU as ii3l, Bankers+ nnd Ez .4 i l Jiro B-7kg;lfi t "t i r . !. r i l. r pVtra. D N'ot,-.m"'''...- ; ,c,......:t Mint mot Weal etre4te, directly orPotito t the Et.Uterlet Bolo!. ..__ _ . . CARO'rliEßSunkiv House, t • Ye. 15 Weed etreet. Cum . 310 tte u . , rui sod on Item.. Calle,threet maAe a.ll.llet art el cities af the Gonna State, s.Ginn.[sr“. an,. MAlR l DCmnmi=_:innMerchants and 130111rokr.r, So. 114 otte, t. Prtsna.l 2.1x3 =ate v. , frum :100 al Ita,A baud ' VAILILII 01 Pi.. ... ... ....1.,..J1 VA 1101,.......-101. G. OUT. r3iElt, HANNA & CO., Successors 10 Itntrui, itsutna 1 Cu. liceststs. Ibtcusstos Itangiva. a drident in Sena and Inattook Es hence. Cortlttentes q:dVtle,g;;;r:,°l4=TroNl.°".'4 '..„,';',:.' Twit. tiesbt Clum.k. for sale, and rollortfons toads on near. ir sal the rotor:dui pOrds of Ihe Veiled States. IPA blgbort premium bald for 1 orolgto ,and AlllCrial.l2 4Cid.. . MMus" wale on essuignmeuts of ['rod use, siting's , ' rut. I CD D II I-D ; rt t TAYLOR,C '. '' d 811 - r t.A - lue . krr,rtr. rrsolst ° I. nl =Tau n c: ,dii t b. ... . all Loonies entrustol to Ida rare. Pittsburgb stmaGutured arucks always on bug! or Proorded at etonS .... r,...". Boors, Merl..., as* negotistrd on &rub . 'a • a tonna Meaner. mule. trroquirod.. 0c23 brooKfirnams AND STA.TIONENS. 11 e. : STOCKTON, late Johnston & Stock - • yof V '.t aosteTkonsTnhelrn, F A r a tm h e m , lini n h n han.d Binde, cor 'JAS. B. 110L3IES' Cheap Literary Depot: Third stmt, ntgne.itoo tlin Part OfflrA. New Bock s.r. to blt s o b y eg lovett IVAT. 110PKIg3, 137Kkse and No. 78 fourth rtnrt. Apollo Bolkilogr. MIZERS AND CONFECTIONERS. AVID 'Dal, and Cenfktr&dvr. Fnurth Wert, Pittrborgh. .ddlnit uhd eon fretiduttry, tt wars on ham?. All nntrlLltiznrtuullr utt:ulnl In: CARPET DP A T.TFt JI'CLINTOCK. 3.l.laufacturrr and and .4 Ncoul rt., 1 WI 4,711. COMMISSION AND FORWARDING.. lOIIN C. BIDWELL, CommiNsion rind For syrding lircrl.n4 133 Waler,rtrWet, littAurgh. M. 11. JOHNSTON, Forwarding and Cart , 8 ani-,1 )I,,hurt, No. 112 Parowl YMn oryti. Corn -31%11a...tr.: virtirl, Canal (Win. near Seventt Meet, l'Aut.Orh. • /f.t. A. 3I'ANULTY S. CO.. FArwardin,, ,, and Cvanni , non ltrrehant, Canal !io. littebanch. CHIN McFAIVEN & CO. Forwarding and Ccenrairi.. Meeettentn, Cane; 14.1 , 1 n. Penn and; TARIES M. 11.111 S &Theo. Produce and , C at °°°° = tznels - Pinent , "ll PerAure,..itilte °°t .. Jon,. ARM ; JOYES & CO., .B . nocessors to At •,..1), A . enmnic,l.2 Fanrat4lug e ant; dnkr in l'ittAnugh 3Lanufartureck UmdL. Vitt,. DRY MOODS MERCHANTS. 4eui • Prstri iu Faury 1.4 Murle DriGcol , c Matte IMtututut MURPIII! & BUltellEtf:Lll, A% F .. r rtOL—FAIA and ltrton Dor rhea-. Itemhoct, cronour a Fourth wart V.ltAntrA. •Z , Plilit.rrt VI.. IL REIM BACKLETT k WHITE, Wholesale deg ForO ppgh .Z. Sml Unenstio Dry O, :sho. 101 §oll,ll,et. 1.110-1.1r.11. RSEY, FLEMING & CO., Commission untbud,---r, the Rol, of notnenle. Wooltn, and Mode. ial , o,.l.ilizrt ill all klmt• of Tailor , I . thour 11.7 Word street, fourth dose nun Falb, lira DRUGGISTS. (Succe Dr to to no-, k • yetiton tirac, conic or Fire. t Virgin Miry. yrrartrititros craftily catoyconiled CO., Wholesale ssa Ra s p Drorgtax, carrwr Wood and flout LIVICKIIRS LIAM, Wholesale Druggist eakuKIDD & CO., Whole,ale Druggists:Oka'. • anilin Panto. oil.. I.y• Stolfa, andlaudnalnantn— tart of Dr. 3.ll.arar tarbrand Warta enad fk a 1.0; Ilia and Lona Salvia No. W. nana a n . 0 .3 Tpa6. dream, Yrustokrah. (mart will be granny pado aaia.t.tarranla tnaktlnparb. 'SELLERS, 1 1 / 4 10=10 Dealer in • Drog, P.Ontr. Pre Stun, On, Van+ln”. 7 . Wood irto.t., Iltbbnlnh. P. Wads wan-Antal. 0 0112 CD. MORGAIi, Wholesale &a— Dealer 1011. °tuft., inr0t5011.1.1'..1.14 , .... . a 113 ortTtool nroct, umdwr :south:southa DWl:ma Allcy, Plttibb. • SCLIOOVALAKER P. CO., Wholesale Uzuo givta. Nb. 21 W.l sL. Plltstrtrgh. 4413A11N & REITER, WhOlesale and Retail Valois mane oC Utsrtr sad 84 Chlz da, rate MIME THE GROCERS ,on r. Dllrrorrn trico Jo-3.N rrra. TWIN S. DILWORTH. & CO., "Wholesak Grocyrr, Pr,./nre aal Com totrion Mrrchnot.A. s 1 'lts for llar..ari Porraer Co., a 11aa.....1 rifle. lam, No. 3 Food rt. l'ittrborgh. a. W. utnatrn 4. EU. V. MGltAlalL BURBRIDUE & INGRAIIAM, Wholemtle Gruen , mrti Ccm naLeif 'llextmmt.a, N 0.116 Wale tivt., ea.l ILO olrect. 11E17, 31ATTIIEWS CO., WilDie , niit linirrs,Ccinnuivimi and Frirrranling Merchar" grar fer Crichton Gavin Yarvi , . 57 Wkier -•- =l= 3 5 DO 9 00 13 0) . Al 00 am I;krftaN dr I.lpe Pars will scut for ultra Hiravul kNIC. I 'R it IVER BARNES, WholesaleGl rnShderclboghenCnn iNiebNsi.l3anurDeal &mit street, Itetwevn Witod and Smithfield, Pittabutith. aorix'vrxer:ion , M.". 1101 IN WATT 'k CO.. Wholesale Grocer', ••Cenanabeino Mercbaula, acid Ikalers Pradnee and htlaborah Ilaucdactuaro, No. Marty elrrat, hargh, jC.A.NFIELI I , late of Warren; Ohio, sale.Dralrst"W=llteservv.'f'ZlN7Z.hl'lnuttP4r'd. POtWh:nl7l Prsrl Ash. r.ndle.wrki PnAucc generally Wltner Iwtwegil 1...014011unit W.md. ATLIVIO, VAT... Ir. 11. S. NVATEII3IAN d: SO'SS, Wholesale . Orerre.Cenntalt , inn and Fortran:ling Merchant, In all Linda of ltrntlucr and ItltAtntrell Manufartre red Ar n ett , ,n Agelltte fur the tale of Iltrinnorrl and Lynehernh Marton...m.3 'lttbtnxv, N. 80 said al Water Altoet. Pln.bartfl, Q 7 F. VON BOIO.:11011ST & CO. Whnlw • ealellmeere. Forleardlue and Cosanelminu 'ance. Dralera — let PittAatyl, afsaufacturea and Western twain*, No_ eseraer (.1 livut ntrret e¢d Mane., Lane, PitteLurah. DALZELL, Wholexale Grocer. Com *l minion Mrtelkaaat. and Deldrr lu Madura end Pitt, tnuaah Manufulnr , a--Tio. TO Waif, at- lattalrurah. PAlin luonlla Warr. SAIAU DICKEYS CO., Wholesale Gro cers. Comml,lon )Grebants, and nart In Product.— 561Vett. and 101 Vront ptiret. PlP.buruh. n. UNCILIiII -MTV. J. n.3E - IT. NOLISII & BENNETT': I.lto English. Crallaell;T A: Co, Whol,r4le Gmerrs- CommLW= ault nllvc3lerclumt, a¢.l Tinders 1¢ 14(...thm and ritu borgh Menuruturra. Wax' et. Leto tan, :..coal ad Thinl street, .111. h115 . A N. MILLER t RICICETSON. Wholmte eiro,ra. mad Imparter. , of lirandim. Wines nd rzz on hand. • /OILYle‘3l-....--/.1.8 D. 11 . 0 R 11.718 C. DOD. & ROE. Wholesale Grocers and L um pg ,,, nginhgeinn Merchant, Nu. - 2:.7 1.11,r1y Aron. ILOBERT MOORE, Wholesale Grocer, Rectifying ll i,tlller. dealer In Finding.. Pittsburgh , anuragturew, andall kinds wf F0D10,., nd Diwrowtie 'lVbars and Liquor, Ng, :115 Lllawly street. On band a Inrge •rtock euralrior. ohi Monotigabein Whiekgr. which will he nil lour for atd Pitteburgh stauntacturall. No 243 LilertT s fret. Pittsburgh. 110 BERT A. CUNNINGEMI, Wholesale Omer, Produrr. Forwarding. and Congailimion 31er c aut. Ant Peal, in Pittsburgh Mantifertorew N., "burl) Area, Pitteburgb. cs.,..s.rt. ts, ......... ..... 13A0A,Lit'.1' CO— 'Kir°lesnle Gr V Vrrst, No, 1 ,, and 20 Word ...vet. l'lttrharah. 'VICIi /MIN A "'WC. • 14,11 i CANIbLIZ , I S' ea 'U rZ e i= r : ,l i .4 Coma:Lt.:ion Wrsalsta. ealer. se Trt.u. s:. t .. Cotton r.71:14., anti l'ittnburais Mallufsents.s corner ri tSo.I and Warr rt5.,K!....,..1'i5t.1,0r,h rt. 6 .1,1,1 CULBPIIV , PN tk CLOUSE. Wholesuli. • On•vra and Commlaruar 31crelvanta. IN.alen in Pr. ocr. tel Pittablarafi Manufetetumt Artirb, lEgr 141.. rt; atrert. Pat,burgh. •111.30. "L eI I WILLIAMS & CO., h ole .Msal ant V .E r . tiagran r d'agrTittiß`iV ,l T ' t.nA, corner of 1. cnd nut ViftritnT'llu.ouruhl LITTLE OBINSON, CO.. IC 2.15 LAwrly rterA.l%.tpurA. tt holnal.. Gron.n... and Ormumo Mr.r.-1.213t^.. and 41...11!rq ittlllt‘bur.:ll Martafmtur..n.. JO= FLOVIP .... ...... 4- FLOYls,legale Groeer., Com -4-.! • Inivion Mereran, and .D vakr! LMTh Mali., (multi.: ou arbl Eixtb 'Meet Plttltoargb. TILT k R. .WCUTeItEON, Wh o i t , a k. G r 4. I r'. Na 11... Chi", mad ritt,lmrgh . .%lattufactms . ..l Lihrrtl ~tro JOH` Pkluirx CO, Wi '''' 4 ," ........... LEATHER MERCHANT. VVII. YOJJMI R. CO., imaier. in Leather MU, ae, 14.1 Law'', et. 1% two (NA sell 4:4u.r. t ir OLIN IL. 3IELLOIZ, Dealer iu Pi 3 Ell I 1", s, M usic, 3likkal Instrwatta, Sc.bl awl tatkosal. I. agent inr Chiekerinie. Plano Vast... fur Waster. l'ennrylvanir—Nn.M Woad 1.1.. 11ENIY - KLEBER. Dnaluf in Music, M steal leurtratnerit Mort. c:porta . a Italian Ftrin, wont for Nun. k' grand alol oquarc Puo. with Cokonotio .FAleas, Mood:moot. At.. tor Poulson ==''AenUUrEtS (RENNEDY. CIIILDS b CO.. Manuf.tu of eery impeder 44 lilseetlue. Carpet Chain. COMMIS° HOME ALMANAC FOR 1851. nTwine and Bonin. Penn Mill. Iquebur2l). I.“JoNTS .0. I'. ---- g . Gr ".f. = TONES 8: QUIGG, Jlanufuturrn: of Spring 31 11 , 32,4 1111eGe Steel. Plough Steel. ;Gel Moue, ,%.1t0...e. r 5 F. r =r4 In VattiZ r AL ' 473 . .L l Tlt. ' llo clu r r rn d li : : : i Z Heath Trimming" gq.neraliy, corner of Ito., and Fror,ele.. 2 - 1;Z: 2 - i7 - 7 -- I , 8 , 2 Illteburgh, P. I . ' 1 , 10 11 149,t Q CAIFE S ATKI\SOK. MILD u far ttrer of Carmer 1.1 !Meet Iran WsFraut. betvecn M 0.1.1 and Market etrert, I,t,Amr.7b. ngrITTSBURGII ALKALI WORKS.—Be Powders. Per, * Manufartsrn.r. a Ash. Blew Powders. Mori.. and Sulphur. AeLL. Wards.o No. e. 3 timer 'A.. below fen, VAGI.F.• GLASS BORES.--J.. I) Amu., Stimulator, o f illect• 01., ,, R4 11T. Itott • Fla.lne Porter. FoAch Ale. Miters! Wake, iintirtat Ite elicit, and Wine Bottle, cf every de...notion. Also—Wm tow M. 4,4. Keep, cionstenLl7 on hand • gencral amortinent of tin shore article. MAO Wale—as the oth; . l Gnien Maim Factories ere I stopped (all is the custom In sutatuer..-this Pastor} Is ni in toll loperation, end will continue In operation both on liner aod winter. OrUers respi•-tfully solielled. and will be fillml on t shiniest notice. . 'W.171;12.3 . 07,=N0. 112 kraut.' Wert. bctlrcerl Waal and smithrkhl eta. Pittsburgh. PAPER HANGINGS WALTER P. 31ARSIIALL, Succet,or to famuol C. itni—lmrorter out Dotter In Fr..n..11 end Ann...ria,n Ilanfong• gvxl ItOnOO. lloasq Print, AL,-Wrictoo, Painung. W.Pr grn ,Lco..r.Word atm t, lAtn-ttn Fnulth and Diamond all,. ritl4 , ..gb. 4, TEA DE A TYRA MORRIS d: HAWORTH. Tea and Wine /TX 31,thata, Ea. Mt the Diaronna.Pittnburul, riVst. A. :TI . CIA Rti & Co., I;raner, and Tea Deniers. a Nn..2`.. , ; Litt.””"" nta..• AVnal alwara on nd I.tr,e e.ftprtnvnt nt Chnire .Iror , r. 1..4 'rine Ten, ha ruitn and Nuts.lVb..... nit sod norm!. INder. pow 11-1 0.1 thu lont,t TRANSPORTATION AGENTS. TOHN A. CACCHEY. A-tnti for tha L: Erie and 7Atlntlirm 1.. !key, end the I-211, titter en tlwrPrner V,ier mrl t-rnithi1r1,11,......_ TAAFFE & O'CON N EIL l'ivprietors , of rittrburat. rort.blr cora, a NI. n. otml, j(\l CO.; Trangporter4 by Car ) end Vnrartnii. Mervhant, cum, a Null .t az the Canal. M!IITIAN BLINDS ,•[4.71.1..Vr1T, EFTI•VVIT. WESTEItVEL'f & SON. roll known . Vet:titian Mind Maker, lee p conetantly co band or lo m e onier the heet ankh. in their line. at ” tholr old .tend, \a. 13 Et. Clair otrret: alt - o, rid Market tteret. neennd etom,rhtranoro in the Diamond. Vettillan Fhott e. made to onlor. and old blind. to,atlt vonnivol. TA. BROWN would most roxpectfolly inform ethe hublie that he keep.; ou hand a hie.nttol tho noet Went' the Diamond, Al levheny rllr. n "sortm nt of v..ollian abo tanttian Shut., are mado onler in the Loot Ark. onrenol,l Null to any In the Cnned State!. Ili, without the aid .1( 01 !M . S . driver. Itavlno t.nrehn..e.l the and of the eshinet ertoblO•huarnt of ltammty 3 I 55. lcaellawl; I :nen lrelf4l gt: farnf°h thr; rn " " the 1. Ar.c) on R 5 Wood Pol., Plttaborgh.. malty . J. O. BROWN i'Sa4o3:4lof;l:atu:(Vill . 4 1.),1)1 lIARDIE, Vetermary Surgenn, into from. Edinburgh, he,,finnd. Veterinary reercerfutir q the hurdle that he has eornmeue , l rnetle, in the rib °. prnfe•rie met, he enrrlul attention to whntevet is entrueted him, he hop. , lo -ore entirfArtion. In ere/nn sub Jame. llardie, Home Sinning end Illarlotnithing In generni will be curried on. of the melon . a 'lnane! Are and Etnnrrirnnia Memo, WOOL MERCHANTS If LEE, Successor to 'Murphy and Jivsler and COMIIIII,IOO Mrrilmut, 6v tbe (it AIDITif9O IrOattlg, Lifierty. oppor.l4. gt HARRA.O3II, Wool, Merulkants, Pokier. in Vionr and Prod/1m vnerally. 5551 Elor ording augl ennatioinn 3151565nta No. 115 iirot Knot, sza 118 6/555/$1 Areet.l.lttAhuran. WILSC!N, Watches, Jewelry, Silver yr W. nod 3lllitory Cicrx!r. uarncr Markrt rod Fourth rtrear,l'lttaburgh.l'a D.-11 steins orulelooku rarrfoUr rrouth.t. DENTISTS. • XIS. D. ituNT, Four Corner of ti I 1 .on-u,ceor t.,..0r0 Market end Fr atnats, kaburak• ENGRAVING AND LITHOGRAPHING. NEVILLE JOHNSON, Engraver oh tooj, nal. Hall, Ithint story.) tottsburuh. Pa.—Vieare of ,Kno, Itachincry• limbo of Nolorm.rs, Protilltploool. ItnOt Isthele, ift mint. arils for Difittoos. Oak/hand tasmlationo Colton SPostof. Le.. In the Mat ttl of art, and at the haven Cittatomh. Mana,Luida - npr.. , kott.lta. Shoo bor. inu howls, Draft... Boot, ttachina .0;1411.1ldtlnu Cat',7= them tint n ue Ail, and ..Ist the Mott mon.- abl el rrt, rrt, 'p(}SN, ifILSOrd; CO., importers an hardware and ,alert. No. LW ; . NISCELLAIMOUS IVICIIOLAS VIVIAN, Civil Engineer, ial.l,rilgi=g;T=Vcr.°,l`,4'°` ~r, Water Werke. be tnairl betwixt la A. M. sod 6 P. 11. at lax eetidetiew—NW Yl Madam . street, Pittibunth. . - jittaft , tl Y. r "i ni.t E r C ues " gE PitUburi pA. MADERA, Agent for Delaware Ma teal Rafer Insurutuv 42 {Cute 1 GAIIDINER COFFIN, Agentfor Franklin Virn Tururactee CaturatT. mart) cast eon. , of {Coed zud Thtnt guru. GLENN, Boot BrtnEn,-WooStir7 - t, nA glonr from (lin nnrocrf Third, e herr ho finding t,l dlvaldnty. on.' ruhunntially. books 111.1211CM y Ot ...kat hound cnrefally, .v ding Nome. out on In Flit Irltaan. Tlnwe who have binding art. Inrittsl to call. llnces low. ht,lLly I UACKLETT 4 WIIITE, Whnleralo ero tu Domestic and For tuhnrgh, Invite eign at:e .Dry Go o o f da. NO.IOI Wood . sit„ a b n u d y 1721% tv!) , ry arenitoodaungtorma. '%ia"r large Mr mai ' ring fools good, during 100 aaa..on, and mutat an ex don of our: suck by arat ern merchant.. and other , visiting our rid T: M'COltll & CO., IVholean l ,' and ‘ll,:tui l Manor.lntrra. and Rider. in 115tA, emp. and Ymm. ourocr of 15"4.1 wal Fifth atrtels. Where , tber Mt, • Inn and eranDlete rbrk Mt, C. Fora. te.. of quality and etyle. by Nrholeattle and Retail, and In. clll : ,ttlrliTe=l l .ll7:P ' :lro..r d o:l.o "" t aTa: tageonx wM. DIGBY, Merchant . Tajlor, Draper, owl thialet in Ready Mode Clothing. 1n Liberfi eL New Coach Factory—Alleg A. WHITE & CO. would re meet/till. Inform the public that they here err., a n op.. hark, laden+. 'Federal and Sautiroky alive.. They are now making and Pre Prelarnt In reeelte nyder, Hr vier yth.cerlption of vehicle, nadcbea Chad.. liarnuchrx llnggiel, Phaetons. Co.. Xr, chola fn m their long experience in the manufacture of the above work. and he facilltkm they have. they feel confident they ten enabled to do work on the mist reniornible terms with thaw wanting artiolee in their line. Parkin particular attention to the welectlon of material, and haling none hut competent workmen, they have no Lecitatino In warranting their work. We therefore eok the attention of the public to fate matter. N. li. Iteradring done lu the beet mawner. and no the meet nergonable terms. JAIMS MM.". SCAIFE & ATBDISON, rIRST STREET, between Wood and Mar ket, lanvaurgh. mains. Is manufacture all ktrula COPPER. TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE. AL., Illneknnith Wnrk. . . Steamboat,. both to order. attention given to /dram boat work. . Have 411 NMI% & Eno',Fremont of Corner and Pram , Krttle, Tan Wan.. ke. kr.. Steamboat (Aoking Snob,. Portable Mcaver. oulr for Suazobn-its. California ondstraut, or 'WI [load C.a. panic, • We would restaolfully Inrl4 Stranabnaj,. men and other to call and wee our &tittles and prior.. befam rorohming ell.ewberb. • aO7 AULE MARBLE WORKS. (established Vault*. Taman. Headstone, key mantra I.i n br m a r t , eaktre end Pier Topa:always on hand, and mole to ord.r. S t ead. N. It. A eholor iwirotion of Dravin, ins bd. join FOREIGN ADWIaTISENENTS .•• • • & CO., Tohae.ro Gann%l...ion Merchant... Na. II North Water Orr.. .'n. 16 North Wharemt. Philadelphia. and • I & T.:II:DOS. Contmimiion Mcra e/ • ant, Na. 411 IA Lee, ~t., N:w urleana. keep m.o. band a L.-4e wortment .r Brandin ot the 101. lowing Areal.. w MO, they off:, fur sale tta Awrwt. far J. Durand J. Co.. Iktakaaa. 3Laglore. J. broad. J. I,ll rand Co.. Intrartd.l3,tur. A. do Uout, nut, A. L. 1L147111r. A. de .11. , ndom. Jean Lot . tia. Sr-. .4e, e ' td . c...l, "'"u ne ' ll . t!Te . d n :gr "." Cr t !al: 1 1; 1 .1;1. ' 1n rtde• harnpaPaa• , Vl•te and sw.ot 11..rgun , l. Net. L , ; :I>^ lERCEII & &.TELO. (literal SUM Merrhant.e.. l'hiladelphia. Liberal adrunrer made nu enn,Ltomen. Pr?lner './.ataTAhita untadluur prompErr lOIIN 11. ItANkilN, Atn.rner Rift! Coun ei Penne at Law, and Catntnice.r.ner the State qf " Re74l74 . l4 . l,e l itto n lirl i . nt \i ' . l lllTZ ' A r .Vamy.tc , 5111ler. Sleandlera a NlrCturo. John F. Parke. PL•aella A S.Lutplu.sicCotal Ca aucll ly Y. 11. VOni.l ..... ..... anti,.. 'IIItAGA LI:Y. WOODWARD Whnle -1111 vl~nrM_r• . so. VI Markel 4 el43total, W. POINDEXTER. & CU., Genet-al (lanrtil ,, inn sko.l Foryruqms Ilrrchan4aUd Eltmr Er, Nn.4tl street. l'hUaltlrthts. PESIN MACHINE SHOP. 1111 - 16111 MA.I%. Manufneturer of nll Limb of mum 1,4.1 wonllwn marhlmr,. Aliwgltwor rat. The alure Iwork , lwdos: m. O In foil and w0n , .. 401 opcntinn. I a preyarc4 warrutt fwd... with 41x/witch I, 111 kltula or machinery to nt- mutt wißowx. tlt k & r :g l .7l..tM , TW.e ` i ,g or .•Intflr. far merchant or coutt - •ora, /awl, Aide n.l teal and In grorml. All Una, of rhaßlog tomb, to malt, of plan. giwco km rear ota Iwcta -00. or tnlllo at erawmable wharm- Ilfrfx fo—Nermedr. Child, a Co., blact•tort. ftwll s G . Kivw retumck it CO., Jt.. A. G.,. NOTICE. We have ass ociat...l .1. A itll• COlll alth J341U3,7 W. WILLIIM4. ...a 4. Mn, ;21. , 1 , 3.17 term and Thlrd strreta, /47tagr:T.. All truneaetlont wade on Ilttral ter., and cnlktitana pramptlT attended tn. i „~,_ 1 1L 3 :1~ II 5 ,e lv 3 .G 1f ~11 A:1 ' 1.1 1 :7 a 1111, la 11 4 1- ..%! 1,1- n. ,1 11,. RATES OF Ca-IYr. 1,11..1" Nq VII N. HOLMES ,vo. s .Varhl n, toticrru Tht• PENNSVIA ANL', V.,..r.henaa Bank of do Par 31cr. anti Man. of in- per flunk of Clalftnen , Par Bank of North Arnerica....par Clank .17,11.11'n Liberthee.par; Bank of Knesylvania--.pari Peek of Pene r townplup.-parl Rank of the Lnitni eta Lex Conneurrcial Dank of Pa.—var Barmen' k MerLetarelik par (Brad Bank Nn Ern.vinglon P.513C. • • ‘lanufae,..h. )10111 Bank-Anti Ms...genie! Dint • ....Part tolanirru•ltut flank par' Phfladelphho Dank ..... .••Pari Southwark Bank Par! Tradv.usan's Dant pit , W,4.rn linnk Clint of Chautial , hurp- ' ll Dank of Ch,ter Conn •,—•par Bank nt Bank of Bank of firretanto4n.•...•Par Bank f tett, vbur.f.lt Dlnk levri.tow n. .... - Bank of 311.1114.4 , . - ti a1,,,,,,,,uaerp Cu. ilank.....Pat Dank of Sorthumtwliatallf. Carnal,: ....... Columbia Ilk k Dridlie Co-Par 1., lawn Danl. Par I:a.tim Lank ..... ....... .... .4.ar Erie Bent. .. C....a. Farmer.' DI: of Du. ~r Vattern: Ilk ..f Laucanter.par Farms', Dunk ofnenulls. Par farm. Ilk nr: , chtlylkilleo.par Far. Don. Waynreburah. Franklin Ilk. Warklugton par. lian-lehur, Dank 11....111e Lank—. !Ahmed, Bank Nt Lum-uter Count, Bark --f I...hanou Dank cr Min,: Dank of Polt.liiir alnnotralthrlo Dank lot West Branch Dank ..... W llk.,Ullke , hann-1. , York .. ....... . OHIO. Ohio Ct... Nan0..:..._........ 8ranch...............d0 Branch at ..... do Branch at Ilrikinoort do Branch nt llntuch at elcrclanat ..... —Alto Branch at ..... ...110 Branch at Boma dol Branch at 1te1aantv..........d0 Branch at Onturntoo ..... Branch at Anhtabu1n.........d0 Branch at Salem do Branch at Stnntdcid..........do Branch at..... .do Branch nt LinrinnnU ........do Branch at Columba. , do Branch at Wanhingtan do Branch at (tolls do Branch at Lane.... do Branch at FOuttenclile......do Branch at 114 Vernon.---do Branch at Nottark---.-.do Branch at }arras Besot g r=lll. Branch at Broach at itt. Pleatout-...ct0 thantch at ...... .dn Brood, at ek. ..... Branch at M .do on Monoh_at Partannoth......do Branch at E5t00.....4. do Branch at Brandt M Chillirotbe lu .11raorti at Cayahopt.- Bra at Ta1ed0....,... ..... .410 LIGHTNING RODS. J. T. DEORRR, WOODWARD k C nPdO.,.Dolklere_ot..treeterre kr Light. klegga-= .0. Fourth Arun, makleaco of Dr; between Markel and ferry. Remuers—Proftwoor POTloara. Mar killthanh , Jonr• nal; Poor= 0. M it .llpr i bell, of to , f..lu i el=l,ol.= o .. 11..tr'DdrO"ke.arrorIVe.rtor ' l; r 4e ' f, D.. 73.1. D.. New Ir. 1! rroferrer J. h. CreereltCl.melanO UnweregFbi, Into..pirt.roogo—A. Loma", Jahn r ,. r, Ctn . .= Jd_c_. Corol Ho ding. r. Opt Witham. 31.1.10 r Hording. 1.0. Arrook_kOk Ir! is CIOLD, SILVER, BANKNOTES, SIGUT oavlDrat.. me EWA sad NTert., Btcrio. to ' IC= )71• Itri4.l Lgmel, au the sloe favorable terms, at Ow LA4 Kazuo of -- (12.1JECIE S. Allpv!.. tal. is" N0..4 luorth stave. PITTSBURGH- GA Z ETTE. PITTSBURGH, WEDNESDAY:" MORNING, JANUARY 15, 1851 COMMERCIAL V{Yeipv:lol*d:o44vo3:l l l:tl:. l34 iNig fer Vo: wort, nefiruo Januderri 14,1511. The weeb Jun fool hat ban mlothet:of gbileral nak• in the markol, and nothing of marked intri,t bae trunoMred. Thit general enathy in trade to themetwerteg emelt of mid-winter, and we meet antleirnto nothing of 1.. Wien in the waf of crude. until we more nearly approach the notnitut oretnp. The danonei enttkitttbi. tun, nr,ooo being coomunmatml, whhh or hope, Will nimbi 00 = 00 Linn gonera/ goal faith rod purictxdity, neeemotT m the comfort and innuperity of our whole Moineoa eorninuMt7- ne weather, for the moot outdating the past week, 0000 been exemilinaly mill for the maw.. Our riven (Minn. fn•+ of ice„ with en abundance of water for nil the purpo , oe of trod, . . Itmcitit. of atorrbandire from the Weed .4 South ham bmin inc.b i ndr. Hama and other hog modued, from the cot, menu, to the routigiood high prices or thme articles in that quarter. lime come furenu i d wry imaiinSl7, mid r.T little arre.don ha. beret made to the numille. Of 0019 Sugar and Molaidee Lave come forward more tom'. adil tontine, are Quito mitul to the demand, with no maenad Mmogu to quotation, Drealftulla hare ceded qtdto ;lowly, whirl, laimuver. have not coateriallr alloctra the prices AgllES—Nothlng of tot•met has traantar' rd in ArboNtbe okmantt for all arttclee seder title head, belaircotaparativelY light. The rates of ends Ash during the treelt.sula ato atme 30 tam, iu vartaut let., of 3)tett3X, on the aural twill- In other dretiptitate Iluic bete tame doing. Woo Odatle Petri Leh at 6lie; ttalet , tot, Welat; Pot Aah.334@3%0 0 W. reeelpte of green Amte bay. boelt eoridlering the latearee 04 the wawa, and ectulilatable lots have Loan piekol bp on tle teharf, at prima gauging, ate cowing to quality, from If: to 111:20 it bbl. ALE—Prtees of the TirriOlN qualities range toga 13 WO yl bbl, arlth a tale regular bueluee.e. • ••, . lIACON—I{r ta.tlre vn rarLation fa priera tine," oar hat weekly rwriaw. PtitT3 ruin Teri WO. In xam/u,',.e eC which. ask, bare been Pritirely onrie.w.l la the lattordlole atta of thr aaae. sa skies of ,Vll.,llinlee earn yet ar" Peanal in the mad..(. Nrw ettred Should., arc rellintg pLan lianas at ar. a. 0.1 ettrr,l catmassed hat. at lu}ello. UtrITEII---Supplies are bit, nod with this exception of ebolco qualities of MI, the inArkot is Anther inucti‘A. W goof. fwAtquAlitica toll, in btlA, At 14 . C , Plic: of Comm , . Jo., At 11Sixt.V. Keg I. nontitud. At ..Pcfc.Ue ID, as to quulitt• BEANS—We notice Ihnited supplit, in the tuarkrt. with salo , at prices oohing from suu.: fl 111.15 - 0 box SM. , ' lota of extra quality have aa9.•lgh AA 11,r. 'A4 bu. MMMEiMi I.IUCKWIIEAT V4ll/11—rerr little it arriving. and mva pliva an• lunital. we quote at Sivel.lZi ii rack CIIEESE—Vcry little ha. come forward fur ...no time. but 'unpinn are adequate to the dotount. Sale. bare la, n ormfmtvf to vmall lota. at pricer ranging from SV: to,Vit,pr, fur tbe tarioun qtulitica of Wietern lie-verre. ' CRACIiEItS--The s.llowlng In a but of the manufactur _ eri print It'ater callekor. la barrel 14.0. butter 4.75 • • twtv;.:, Sugar Cru1....r0. COIll),11.1E,. COTTON 1 - 411Ni.i, 3. —We omit oar of prim.. lid. went. diem having change. !minter, tiee our weakly report. `tort, of Vidton faro. m. s..rf light. but prier. hare not alarivii. DRIED 11V.ItY—The moilptsaf western rived driod limited. W quote at TO P. Dee DYE STCFFS—Irt all the fa linos artieles under this heal, ur Raind • fair mitilar hares dal.. at lagriseries Quotations have on. forward "Parinal, but supplies seam nufhtient to the demand, an we 11.1 no Tarlatan] In print. Fab, of Min bus Apple, from atom, in Into, at inc %i hue. Prathas are In meileratr requmt foam' Ito, St $1..241aZ it tit. a. In quality. Flsll—The owlet ii siba, rrith nutria stiPnlire. citing have lanni at the lialkowltuf nateoi-e.alsoon,llls 4 f :had, $11; 31sekerel Ni 1, sl3;"sa 1, SloliftlnAni and No. 0.1 Sk, Herring at mini 11 Fri.. sad Coil Flidi at 1i.1.2.5ft. 3.44.1 jt 1 0 cs. Sole. of White 314, at ST ..3'}l YEATIICILi—We notirr mad 'online. In Ina maf , A. with ,ales. In lot.. .1 51X) W lot flt.r., at 5 - 41•34 e. and Itistualli sr quantittex. at 34 6 !3.' , FEED—We note eiiirald Nut ties haul.. at hif.1.12.n, and from anireat 1.36,1410. Short, from otore. are ...fling at 'Lie }l.ol:—Not.l.lnz Intere.t hap tranarirrd In flow dm , hog the. na.4 an.k.an4 pekoe have varied but bale Crum our tan report. Item-nte hare he.en retry light. either by river nr vra,..-nn. sot Punplf•ti s atpra--ent, are manivallaiealr A ..lerute lArdnenyhaA beep J•loc on the nhait. at St.:W(l , 3,12...nd In. tante in dray lotad lota, at 63A1Ri30: the market ehuitnet.mtl, hem. at [brae figure.. oaleo elem . Mtn, at 1...102,24 "tA eat. live 1h0tt...-51..inu tho mrder.t rrmlirt. met halt xvprtlic., prima *no higher. We quote umulgudly 6r.sture. at and fr.m EM hand. at 1.1X03.44 t 1 bbl. Cots .1.1.1.—N0t much doing In the markt. Wm belug mainly routhaed b ratall iY. ee UV:4Oo 1 bu. , FRUIT—Th. detruad L. fair. mith =leant (Isidro *Cram : of Ahm...1...1. 14. - N1.1.• 't 5, of Gm..d. No., .5 $1,2,4 1.77 'at L.: of ratert. at be. of cream N cast 65. 5 i ‘,14.: of 7 ....Currsu. of g55935c sad of Eltgliah Walnuts Sc. led of lineal l'A",r. lac jt c.'Pah. of Orsava at 5 3 V two 1,55. m.. S.:11 hex. GlitOetiltta.--Sugar and blolastcv have come Amveard ryto.hterattle goal:WS:est bat oaring to the comperathe); ractlevaty thvosott dodos. the latest:LS dull mut. PA , . l as velied Witt; v moderate httaiticyv. 110 lotkio ate Lily etosettos , —.vattar. fsl.6'.Y; Malay*, Sal Carry. I'lbatt2; v c; Isnaf Sugar. thg, the ; slate Havana, SA% hire. &tie lv lb. Teas .al other attkles under this host ore without vbso;:v., GRAIN--tluhilltti Lite MVO tieeeettl 1.0.1 wee.. Ile" 11. 1 . 4 =Make oh the mulct The taming tree the fleet lured trattatetione , —.Wheat 743 30 e: Ite ,, Ont Boder. 7tepl. , : Cum 42.1.t4; and ilets el bu. (IL.ll33—Var Wind,* (Man the rurrml. rm. az, fret city brzzulr, 6nUners:-3 by 10. IS,.AH ID by U. II: 30 by 11. anal other +Jay In I.rnt.rtk'n. Country brand, ..no rohl at loner prirr , a; but no wiry* rban.te [rum .ritt . 4. rel•rt. . llON—Eastern eortadirt, held at Zif.437.11 lb. lUY—{re notice a Pert demand for Timothy, Rum wiz cm. at $l5"11 tn, ao totlitY littfiS—Small lot, am taken by the bufehere. at 114,260 DY, 1111,E1t-4triulttr sales of dry flint. at Ilt.at :lib. LEATH EE—We anti, • regabm• &man& at fall far all articles under W u Lcul. , botro of Dahlman , wile al and of New York dm, it 1u.1.14e it b. present ruling rater are 5A0,410 frm lba flier. and Silk/411ff= lb. for mammon and deux. LEAD—Timm M • regular demand In the marke t : et bfjt 01,, for pig. and Stitlfeie for Lir. N2iga armee. ."i 10 111111F11° 21 2'2 '..M 24 .'..yoßneu C 7 M I 12.13 14111 . , isim n.a . . . Z 127 12:12: San, Lut , --11,,031. Wet m LSI, by tla Fliert. and Z.L.wlledesat. Vi Lrs4 at , 4= nsul Na. I LL 81.50 I ).a. LARD—bale. m bbla al Sr. and Jo Lost .173t4Y:ak V D. deb .u.l I Ig It IG It Ix ..124 23 a) 11 tl ILI: , .Y) II MALT—SaIe, lean hture and the hrorerlee, at Stel.W; "o,tmettel. onti, • row:anted fair demand fur Lard OIL at LX fur :in. 1. nod 00,03 , fur 10- Ltno,db Path.. 01. In limited loLe 1471111511.--flaranl. Duran.. and Lmn b Enulttia Powttrr ..T Iw uu.rrl In large TUZlltina, 11214.7 i: and h) alngle Ivry, at 6.7t,..!,,2.5.%.1.0 '0 keg. Ithdr. Powder at tr , V. 50. fir lamp. end ,mall tflantatte,.. ItAgS—We quote tr,t haul rah, at fir mixed. mai .Milt Sc far white. lt , ),VN—Sal.• at 1 , 1.2 S V LW Ga. No I ,ALT—Zaire Ina regldar Ira' at 1.1,2:. 10 hid. whult is the regularly mtahliflanl price abet . FlWT—Salea u f1.a.tw51.62 i hag aI'IRITS Tr ItPENTINL—ralea in hhl. et 20. - 0 rut,—hbb. extra charur tl'lCh --Cnr . tic . Chorea 2,12,, and 'Nuttneg• for No I. 51. 1 rw,.31.. , . 0 a.. ,UP awn ( - AND LE,—Sal , of tEctn liwap at halt., af Star Canal, at Mould tallow. ii,. ml Common , Dip,' at tw TAR-241, at Sl=i hbl TA LTA , * —.ale nl ett hhl. at tr. raall. rwgular non , for 6..1 quallthw man n. fa , lured ate 21.a.U.M, atal annuanudu. at 2.:4C-Ta - n. and •,ry VlNEtiAll—The regular ',foal., 4 , a1 Cbler Vinegar, frit, atom. Ei. cdr jt gull. Wi N.H.-71m btultrew.dplng In W,ol. at prewar.. hilturrly worth nnthiug. Si. nun. nominally. at a mnge for the melon. nnulew from,. to IS. I.V—Wa null", an mamma-11 fliTanaas Intlirtne, kat. will, wale itupnrerment. Ikalithsi la rutting at :Mao 22,0 In wall DISCOUIVT. SUNS, Bankers. on.l AtartB Oa. ?strawy. , ',teak et Ilranas at Nona.. slo Hanh . I . ..uukrty.tn.. City bards. Vsorskrass Ckinmearkl 3 k s k , !ln I IL%k i - .... !Olsks Lit; lon. kTr G. ..to 11, ..lo Hank of ...... mvll NEV. EN. ILA Is. 14.11;.,1vw5t Ncw vohy. IMBED I,\• Vii a DELA% ARP ' All solvvnt bank,- ‘• Bank of 1b....... c , f ilkhcnoul henk. Narth r 11.4.19 Bank- Drench... OWT!' CA1101.1,1 A. Bank 0(04. , • Ilk of YL of N. Cerullen... Fr sII article. not iv ale hbost 11,4, pricer car grarrally lart atak. Auxnurser. Jan. 13 The qfferinco at the inl. on )fooday, arm tankrale. with tv , scurl:rd ctn.,. fr.. 1 .“ Moe- Jan. Ti, There 'rm., at markvt thin weeL.l.l4. bred of larrof Cat 11r. h..lMlnq olint 4:l ll .lrken Ti, Next Tfork: L'7s Caw. and tlalrs.2.lollShmp iamb.. l'ri e rro—Doel Cattle hant bevti fair Amaral...l rr1 ,,,, yran, from $.1..75 gralb a few /We, of choice it, at "e1r141.. Them nen...1011,4A lit over unanl.l - • • et.talenial Ilk. %Cllntl:urn Mrrthanto Dunk. New bern I'AHOLIS A. nk ot IM SA. of .1. eurollna Bank ..l Srnlth l'Auolitut.... Bank of CladrBtun—.—.., Ilantrr. , Mrelmalre Ilk 2 H ;an knf • of Unoi.wir6. Auusou TENNI:Mk:E. • • . Cown an. In limltnt request: Vn,II Cow., max.. In= 0 , In 1,0; No-lagers *l2 112.4, and Pr) - lion at 87 to $l2 .11 Kvrt:ci. NMEN=IMMMI Ilk of Kant uck v. ix.n We \ Ilk or boo farllle, Thornton Northern Es. 44 lirotarky Southern 111 of Is..na,.ki • • . e•beep lend Lnral. mow.. [rum $1.25 to .1,50 "e• 1)440 ennlimt qualley,—(lmulmr. BALTimour, Jamtart 1 0 . Mei , nlfrrrti at the netilt. nu 31.11 , 1. T, b,.! If "' "„,„' *"4" r;',; .1%."„ i;;,7112ge. "r` ^•p= r tj,;,,,, l li e n m ", 2 34.1/.” IDr boa, hinal t” ELY, (475 net, oral immtldrs: v. 17 nogp—we ollsote nt 11.1.24g5.541.—(AturrInan Bk of Stain of 51k...,61 ILLINOIS. Slate Ilattk nod brnatcht"..-:,0 Bank of Monti. E. . . 1 31artur E. c 111... Fanners' Manhunter , ' Bank 1 lloaernineut Brock Bank.— 3 Peninsular Bank 3 Insurance Oninpatar- ..... State Hank PORT OF PITTSBURGH Ivan.—Them were :amt. DO Inches la ehanstel, et clerk, by metal mark, 44 evening, end Dk of D. N. flincric4, Toronlo:,. Bank of Gar People. Toronto o Dank of Montreal Dank of G. Canada, Toronto I EASTERN EXCHANGE. On Neve Zork,Goorn , ..... 00 Phlladelsma do.. On Baltimore d 0..... ....... WESTERN EXCHANGE ............. St. Louts.-- GOLD AND SPECIE VALUE Doubloons, apannk. 10.011 Jo ..... H. 4.0 ma,ol) Eagle. old Don Eagle, new Ten TRolers 7,60 2,overolgro... 4,e5 Tool:Older. . ARRIVED. Nllehigan, Delay Deaver. Bearer. Darden, Beaver Mak Bennett. Warn/Mlle. Atlanta, Paadman, Brownsville. J. McKee Rendarkeen, Thai. Shr i ven Ridley, Wart Lhartm. Revee, Deka, Elizabeth. Valent ill i Anti. tlermley. Kt 140,113. 10111.. 1.1.011. 01.0.11. Lady Byron. Portanautlz Diurnal, Conrail. Wheeling. thevinnatl. Birmingham, Cloaca:all. D ItIITED. %ellen., Minh Be rA aver. Haan, Donlon, Beaver. Dahl, Bennett, Brownsville. Athodie, Dahlman. llterniallia. J. McKee, liendlieknon,LlcKmayort. Thus. Shave . Bailey, Wert Sena. Reveille. Da1 0 .41. . Rob. Dale., Butcher, Onetime& Hibernia No.; Belehelor, Oath:matt Jae. Nth.. Moore, Wheeling. Anna, Kinney. Wellsville. NM So. 2. Duval, llotklngrart- BOATS LEAVING lUD DAT. NASIIVIELE—Geneva.IO RT. I.OUIS—Isma. liewlan. 10 a. M. LOLOSVILLB—NavIzator, 10 A. N. wurraxia—taww, lo OlNClNNATl—Oincinnatl, 10 A. 0. t STEAM BOAT BUILDERS. Extra ll : . Homy °akimbo.' ontardTeills,sultatdo for down b .. Wog on Awning, recelynt on ronsigontont, ard for 4.11 - . ' 11811nNY. FL}i3llNin At 1.. V. _ ~ . 1:3, Wood airrot. WEATHERS. 16 Racks now - lauding from " 12 " x°1 ' , "`"1,117,tu weary a fiRO- stew and Yracti .~. s~' Pawn AND BALD OF STO, rIr:: thllmt °tau./ • bo. y, Alk:hc•ur Co. L..- coup: iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii amp ' rittyburcb city vg: D°. • • Bank of PittalmyElt. .i— -)le.erbante and Mama: Bank...i. • EVlmAge Farmer. llopiAlte .... 14n1 of Bronimille..- • • . Monengahala Bridge Pc. Glair St. 'rand tit. ktridgr 171114 1,,T241.7 FMK,. ITretem Citizens' Swum/en Manel.l°3 Fireman'. Atlairtia Cihrixamtl4 Louitfinc.. JitO FTIX.X., • iittehlugh Oae m...tcovArrit Nirs.kno.l !TOMS Movoncrihrla •Slarkwat,r... ...... Toittzt&gitmy irton. AND co!AL zap. rrnn Centpl Ohio S. P.m. . Cloveland PrnLarthltall.}toadl. Turtle Cre,l.: Plunk ..... De. dn. Payette 3.1.uf .. - ... 4 corr . ut rrOC2I. . . Pitt,bt:uwA k - C.tou (Cliff )flaw). North ...... North ly