The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, January 14, 1851, Image 3

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    Jeynsue Stsouto Settooms.—Mr. Kammer.
nrOatafru4 rilludeilia, we ate plain to learn,
Is about toiteach inland classes Of_ children in
this city. the artof singing, for which he is ad
tetra* Mdctilaid, Lasing met with mach M
au, aid gisini' grraCsatisfaction in New York
and Philadelphia. At the clone of the session he
will glee a jirrienile concert. We understand he is
already secured for teaching the Sabbath sehool
children oil eeseral of our churches. Ile chug
unothing for teaching, depending upon the pro
ceeds of hie concerts for his remuneration. • The
following description of a concert given in the
,sx uscum, list mouth, we take from the
Philadelii4le Sun:.
"Tot Y'erisur, Coacenr.—The Coacert of
t p
one thous djuseniles, that hare been tinder the
initracti a of the Mums. Kemmerer, took place,
on Sa ' sy es - ening, at the Chinese Museum.—
There was a large audience present, and the con
cert morbe set down es entirely suecessful..:—
The sight wu decidedly intresting. The youth
aof the singers, tended together in
'micer in
perfect harmony, and the t' ne wan so aeurately
marked, that the. words o the songs could be
distinctly heard. • The singers were . uniformly
dressed, each holding a boquet, and the audi
ence were highly delighted with the occasion."
Sunman Cast Attorney Flanegin
received a letter, a , e ago, from the Die
triet Attorney of Beaver County, relative to the
ease of
, i ,
person - who - is now confined in the
Beaver j di It teems that he le accused of strik
ing ar..m FO violent a blow , in that coun.y, that
he died- mthe effects of it, in Pittsburgh. The
-Court in Beaver County ' be li eve that the prisoner
should tried in Allegheny County, where hie
victim diet!, awl threaten to discharge him un
tesn'theinathoritiee here oend down for him.
' 14r:z/lanegin applied to the- Court to know
'tarot", they Considered it proper to pursue,
and the kain is now held under advieentennw
DOXATIONI.—The Economy Society. has eilthin
the past few days made a donation to the Benno
of Ftefuge of five hundred dollars, and also tee
handled dollars to the Western Pennsylvania
llespi . There acts of liberality are highly
ereditab a to the Society, and will be_dody , ap
preekt by every friend of humanity in this
comma. -. The institutions which they have
chosen , bestow their benefactions upon, are
every way worthy of benevolent regard; end
commend therateives to .tho notice of those whoth
Providence hoc favored with the good things of
this life.
Itrorcat .tEnierrn. --The armed expeditien,
eindertaked against the rioters, working on the
Chestier': railroad, who beat Mr. Nelson , Janes
and tie ferrymen, lately, having proved a fail
ure, the nil of the police was called in. Our
worthy 4,lgriff, and a posse of about twenty
men engird:Lod themselm on the bridge, on Mon
day Morning, for the purpozin of arresting atone
bey 0 the rioters, who wcro inderetood to be in
cons, and who ¢eueroily crossed the Monona
hehe bride nt an early hour:
Alxmt two or three tieloclr„ a party afire men
were arrested, three of Whom were identified and
conandtted to prisMi, and the other two discharg
ed: Jonovewore poeitivedy that one, named
' lathed Manning. had beert concerned In the riot.
in lower 14. Clair township, on the fourth of
January, while..A. Barclay, of Robinson
, township; testified to his haring been engsgedin
a riot . in that township, on the thirty first of
Deoanabcr. The names of the others were Thos. -
: Donate° and John flannegan,
The Grand Jnry have returned true bills against
these three defendants, and about eeventeen oth
ere; so that they will probably be tried at the
present tetra of the Coart.
ronro-Stan's 11 cscastitt
uta.—The meeting of the members of the Young
)fen's fl the Library Association, held last
night. to UM Library room, far the purpose of
electing officers for the -ensuing year, ems organ
ized by. calling Itobeit E. Sellers to the Mary
aneiliPpointiag D. W. Sell, Esq., Secretary. .
The follesring gamic:men 'were then duly elec
. Pruidatt—R. E. Sellers.
Vics Presioe . ti r .-Wm. P. Townsend.
13earataryAlvin SPillaaas
Tressaror,-Wro- M.' Hersh.
tohicteri=A, 04rdon, E:B:4lllinat.W.ilhav,
J. Hanley, C. McKnight
Likkicia , —George E.7Arnold, J. S. Cogan,
Dastxxo Orruxas axn Rounsur.—We are in
debted to the Tribune, for the following =acme
2i:: of a daring -outrage :
• 'Last:night an old man named Cook, who Lad
• arrived on Saturday, with some produce from
- . •;t, Ohio, stop* into outanan's eating house fur
the purpose of getting his supper. lie ineau
'-' dowdy polled out his pocket book, before some
t!' young men, who were present, and exhibited
considerable amount
,of money. After be' was
done eating, the young men on 'some pretext,
permuted him to accompany them to the Alit.
glienyriser. On reaching there, they - made a
fierce attack upon him with alone knife; in en
dearoring to defend himself. he caught hold of
.•.o1 the blade, and had the fingers of one of his
.41 hands ma off.' The robbers then took-from him
wallet, about forty-five dollars.
• .
Pie; PIXZETS.—DanieI McCurdy, Eq., clerk
the Court, - while attending the Barker
I .:visaing in the Diamond on lust Saturday night,
";1 - bid his pockets picked, -and lost a email amount
et =alley.
iiri/707 07 lUD .FMST WARD, ALIEGHZ77f, as
os TOCR OCAILD.—We - are informed, not hating
spin the ticket, that a coalition ticket of the Na
tiees and Locofocos, has been got up in the First
Ward, ' Allegheny, to defeat the regular Whig
nominations. The Whigs of that Ward geoid
he on the ground, and not let their ticket be de
hated II neglect tb attend the polls.
Fns.—The fire of Mr. 110.1lorg'sfinuldry was,
ibis asserted, iL us e 4 by an 'incendiary. Some
Amain certainly rivelling the notorious Simms,
since several houecv have been Bred of late. A
reward of five hundred dollars is offered for the
detoction of the rascal'.
Wert or Boor:.—A fellow yesterday
matched a Pair orb& ots from peg, in front of
Yr. ' Robinson's shoo store, Liberty street, - and
nu at 110 suceeeded in snaking his escape-
JAsoAstr 10, 1851
Pretient—Honorable Wm. B. McClure, Presi
dent Judge. and Wm. Kerr and . Samuel Jones,
A.ISOViatC Judges. - .
The honorable Charles Naylor,- asked for a
postponement' of the cam of the Commonwealth
vs. Kirby, Minims and GiUiam--sgainst 'bora
tru. bills, charging them with eonspiracy .
were returned several terms ago.
; The Attorney GenOml, Mr. Darrah, Opposed
the motion.
Aftws — argument; the trial was postponed nu.
ill Wednesday. •
Comutowaestili T 9. Daniel 13erke—Information
amity 'of the peace. The defendant calmed
eatslderable tiont,lo by his aingelar smamina
:ott of- the witnesses, and was advised - to be
more patient, byldlio court: From the evidence
liSAFTears that the defendant had attempted to
lies& into s Minis in Temperanceville, asalgn
iiog as a reason, that some man who had struck
bintirith a crowbar, had escaped into It, and he
Wanted to get out, as be then' raid is .1,41
:Ida. ;The prisoncr said that he -was itarhiy
'Mink Si the time, and only wanted revenge for
• thi - blews which ho had received; would
have Paid for the %indorse which ho broke, only,
I anfortanately he had no money.
file koteor Judge !McClure, sentenced him to
gsnieriu ins imprisonment of thirty days in the
ei) int" Jail, and to pay the costs of prosecution.
The 0-Lsoncr espreste4 his thinks to his hen
tar; and Said that he could be cry willing to
the cosi, only Ise,kad no money-
CoMmotraeolth va. John James—lndicts:teat
-:Larettly. District Attorney Flanegin for Cony
excaterealth—E. I'.„Jones Esti, for defenee..—
0 0, Prner seemed quite respectable young
! istut, d was rev well dressed.
~ . .:.Thateffectee awe dearly proved.. Eir had at
het:opted to rob the till of a shop, 'Mr.
I.loldt ISitht.lO the. Firth Ward..and vacc"de4 in
getting a ten dollar note, and some silver.--
•Whim detected he gave the money , back,' sad of
,feted to s ire the etorekiner c oat Aid watch
t it bermgd let ktt•
July stt44 • Otort *Omer :Wawa a
1.4 0 0 .41 014 7- 1 '
I "g'
The prisoner when asked what he had to say,
before sentence was passel, declared that he
was innocent, Mid that the money which he had
given to Diehl was his own, bat that he gave it,
for the purpose of getting off. He begged the
;kap to hero mereySon him, for the ante of his
poor wife and children:
llis Honor, Judge hfcCliwe, said he was ex
ceedingly sorry to see so respectable looking a
young man in a poftlion no humiliating and
painful. He would be obliged, however, to pun
ish him. The sentence of the Court was that he
should bo imprisoned, for one year and nine
months in the cells of the Western Penitentiary
—pay a Eno of Ci. cents end the costs of prose.
cation, and restore the stolen property.
Commonwealth vs. James Butler—indictment
burglary. The defendant was charged with
breaking into the 'variety store kept by James
O'Brien, in :he basement of one of the houses
in the Diamond, and stealing a lot of knives,
rings, b t pins, and several other arti
The p ' oner, when arraigned, pleaded
“ guilty."
When a ked what he had to say for himself, be
declared t at ho had entered the cellar while in
a state of 'ntoxication, and taken away the arti
cles ref to.
Judge it eCture sentenced him to undergo an
impriao nt of one year and nine months ire
the cells o the Western Penitentiary—to restore
thestolen ip
roperty, and pay the costs of prose-
Comm° weolth me John Smith—lndictment,
assault an battery, alleged to have been coal
untied on tan Eliza Wedson, a colored woman.
The pro utrix swore to the assault which was
committed upon her, in her-own house.
The j returned a verdict of guilty. The
prisoner w remanded t0,,j08, sentence having
bl "5Pf
ealth vs. Henry flora—lndictment,
feraDiati and bastardy. This case wan not
conotaded hen the conk ndjourned.-
ARE lOU A FATHER, laboring for the
sop of s foray, arid entfcring from general de.
1 ,,,,,,, to ,
t otrit=t „, lise ahem stems a bunk.
a. lotrilr, netirell - g Gum dfsenne• to which f
lap. taw molly Mit.j.C . l. I.e Di. 0. D. LlGiole • irlenkro
tolll c0rt311317 curs you.
CIO at depot, or cu one of our amnts. and gat •
funahhist, a , where you 0111 nod that the Shaker Kan
l iM
ammailh. as tapered by Dr. S. D. Howe, has been the
means of t wanentlycoticur roore discasca, to which Oss
t rait l e y ==s i i . suall y e. ltdect,
, i - . 1 3 ,11 to ., suli k e , ::
Thls med rine hal e•tatlidlif4 its hi4h toputation by its
000000004 • swil ath rod cum.
1 411 1 :cr,:1 It'gilr,r °fit_ x r d .L th LfZlT.l%"`J - - 1 2:
idioms which muders st ' altogerner more. valuable to p 1..,
Osse. portico may to &male,
11,.. Fore a • cuoulre—fur Dr. S. D. lIOWL'd filAliEß
BARSAPAK LLA, and take upraise,
Prim 31 a e bottle-4 bottles for Ido
'or sule by
• DK- P. D. 010010 0 CO., Proprietor,
- 1 Collet,. Man. Clochanatt. Ohio. -
To w . os. all orders may Ire addressed.
Alms,byJones, .1. 4.lsommakerW.
Slant IL W. Means. J. 'I. Towneesal, -I. 3lsshlu, W. Jut-
Miird " .- " Il- ildic b •ict I `.l. ! =, no filru! " erli.2.Y . 0 0:11 ' 4
• Co. lOU lin::: J. if Pattorso,...orsl .. O. fut., et.
Camille. Ire. 0 Knox. Cadiz_ or2bilesser
.. . . .
—' - • ''
- he... r. Waturoons, i ll A . V.. Third stmt.
J. . 01. •-reetfully ltdonnt eas friend.. and
t he has moo completul the lateen , .•
sal finest tof bouiehOla (welt um serer toff...rem In
thie OW, 0 imp determined to-uphold the quality with
wellweasus usiatesiala. bat ',a tmusostap, and newest do.
slanu and flora th e exteut. of bit order. and Cswility In
manufarto ng. he Ls conbled to pcodure warrantr-.1 lump
tore, at the ioweit Niro,
fie hat optul ttu• principle of Ll•ostifyma Co. custittte
4 ,
noi lotere• 0 lth hi, tot o. in qt.,llt
. :, .4..5.1 prin.. and 1..., le
isgr . a i t t a of: h er te4 , l the
, igLnter:,,l,ssafiet std d •-• Llrlarl=.lL . f .
order. f'4l‘l‘4 ll °'" tt . : "Y'l ' fo ... re l' au l l ' i L''- ell: ' 111 -. r rn. " l'a c- u e L o% .7' or,.ft .S4 a . : l' lli o e . 1.1'17 bo
isr .
Wes of h retablishment 0007 be known- 'llte follestou
Mirk% K. sisl, iu Iwo, Of hie oluelt. which for dela./ of
strip atul 9 4.t comet be surptooe.l In aux a l.t. Eastern
• tea •
helm viuu, dialog, and Ledo... etude., of toe, r
I:=ltken, Cogrgt="= F2M21"..00r.,:7ir',1t.
wr ench Ou het.,..retea.tote and Di nth of t 0. .. sotto:
French and merican potteort, 'floats, It amt
ludas' t a rt Writhof reoderef 10, o,o+ kitlo. 'Moro bath..
mut Lowy to .1 i ttou4, and Lelartazkalde
174, r :1 ' g:trio tltrotn7l:l,Ca. arl'ete's'eTite";;Tirtere:::l".
mat dot:16311 tho t.ot Wad male:
PoloteoUe WI semi
pin tabl e ts
outotrubto, looleteado Soot wathstatuts of ea:IL o
looms amortmept:
hall 00.1 polar rosytlon emirs,
ettomona and .00.0. 3.,- - -a tory and eLetti 000.4.•fi1. 11. ,,,,, ,
Sr. term, tool.] rook, Got tdottl, soul ettea, 000,1.. veil.*
and eta. hr children: paper marbe s Gale
t.a Se7t., wet 104001 eltaa! Tables. le An Je.
A Jor geg wow - taunt of
Furnit mod Wtodoer
Chairs. Cocluee tuts Can ouiodied vlt• a llrtkea to Ue,tr
tAtaaatataLt nod Hotel.. tatstlaej at the atAattat
All Ordeal pnauttly att.-let to. jat,
RNOLIYS, T'S, 110 GAN Agl)
TILOMPSONI., Hamx.".. 11:ack, ned, tearlet
aticer. .1. - nont am/ Lomodone, lackseni.
and Itortrue's lack o n, nal - Load PmullY.
Mkatands of emery diaactiptiOot <IMAM Cohon'a•NaMa i
110)'1 101 l /Loll Lyman's, an.l Ml= tomotacturra of Stea l
rang ar.a.ltt.; (sitioresca , M it. EL Bayley CO
oth•Mared rith odd amt. tiMor mom. t't
whamman't Draultig ragiantittuarlan.dOne
Ida elephant.. as. yolomblor, •uper WS al, royal and e:-
plant Bristol / ar. coo, darn; oral modinni.
box paper, plain aold and elver.
erubeasiut gold, 'lye; and fancy co/mid payer, g. 4.1 an/
ooLorcil et4ipa ctonertzatet lithogniphy for fan, bc, 4 ,
rmp..l • •• nt of an sive., anualda per dyed, Mayo
ma and d Ezenola note rarer. stony, on hand, tbe
F ed dedoMAY stylat,
and patuirsia, OM. 4m, mato.
Fed and oral/unto fit Ma, Partno. .md
fronth YMOMYCIog , /, I.l , tin as craboyadi letter envy/.
mom, Lifor. trldte and Mae; Lid and Plain adltto ,lo
yelogor, buff....1.1e0 and shlto.
1.1 Mona tralkr cam, rariony raturnii 'minting PULL Draw tin, me. and Turkey boiarryil isad hot.. yooyma orroct
ink, Moshe.; For a ob an 1 kagiot. in.. taw, and 0.1
tiunt 4 la/P..of all • hue 1.. a al Um
i ~ ./Mnery
Loth faun. and Ytafly, ttmlyo.r with : t org.. eumortment 4
blank biota and mon:m.4lon. 14413 of all ctgamon
of mg.,. in Ivory styli of lAndloo, and lop, of all oho s
and pualittre, ode td ridnyyd. rater on 11.0 mo 4
able tem., at la, F. HA O.N'3
Blank Wok and Siationim Wary/owe.
noll Comer of Market sial gooond dopey..
11 12 , 401.1113.1 1• warranted to ptteltew the within de
scribed effects, whoa need to mailing breed. the rake.,
barked - Oat rake, de- by whim earths. le effected to
lour of about Id per rent.
To Mk. Ilth-thei--To <aril pound of dour add two ti •
eptionfille of lkantiosind and the venal quantity
m ann. salt
tnem therratehly We:ether while (thie e k es •pe
pared tan, th at rota tan art aide sod nee at leisure.) th en
add seithneh end water of will make the dough the venal
Wane.: lowed It wrll. and let It stand fifteen mint,.
before lal7btt or two hour, will tn. bort t
shoed,* be wood much Winter , awl bakes thot
will do tea Loth to stand Mutt. .a twenty minutes Then
it no dearer of netting toe much of this Compound is the
bread; It .111 two mon the brood yellow, so salcratro dot s
abet. used to 01.1..
. . . . .. .
Yon can put the abara CoartenVto tea canal, pad.
ShalrEjohnty catch Indian ratan. cant eat,. am=eel
cake; corn breed. realm brad. bin b batter oars. il=l--
t, cal, a . p t p r ie ttnit i t-a io r r tit , N, and for all bakbre
nr '' . ' t ' ce . It. E. tit:LEERS, L 7 lined at.
~t,vet.,El p asit4 the Post Office:—
dere maim/ for Jostherr.
Olive, a non , by ILo author of "[hc Ogihies
The dlothrea ithAmprn...r., a noted By these dethler.
The Luttercils; ur marrladrs—•
The Ladder of Gld— ten. sts Engleste story. most.
To Late and to to Lostd—s tale.
Caroline of Mantel/I- Br U. W. 31. Reynolds.
The Barash Cm:teeth:nal.
A Lecture on the Jesuits. By Dr. thee
En ,
P Dere. Deldr to Itlehop Duels, on the Declum
Home Journal, No 1 of new volume. -
BUTTER.—Thirtv kegs and six Ms fresh
bailor pot. reexivoCand for Ail. In.
.1 .10 J. tt.I.OOLWORTII t CO.
U Alt-2 1 hide N. 0. Sugar for sale by
k.. 7 it= BROWN KIRKPATRICK, 144 Liberty 4
'MEW RAISINS on conneiggnmont for bale by
MOLASSES—Fifty brie new crop for nab.
by - de? -DROWN
ADditlenial ntaid of Its power to vim.
Pau - Beal. Angoet 30, LLIA
MY Xt. Bellent,-Belng allicted Or lime aith
bed cough, I arm rectharinalacto_thea Toni d im eria (khan
trat , &L.= te , vb . i t tr4l i etz t
mat *magi! th plan I
at .1 had dethalthl of ever Whig welt ' f
had turd alma. every With th at It .11/ ha MY weer to
get. but maenad heurfn tuna I met with Tour mvata,
bla Cough Synth. foel. folly tatithal In aafinc to yin,
• anti reeenniut Winn It In au, nubßt as one af the hest tunlo
data that toot awe, been prenatal for the (the for which It
Ls latethled. JAMES B. SLUM
Proyarat rid by 11. IL SELLERS. by Woal st. Jul
TALEETUS.--45 tons Salenitun, in hobs and
LEAF LordLdrd in brie and kegs
nol br 141.1, ' nutria DALZELL 0 CO.,
ja3 • Liberty atn.,t
- O n Utak:L - Ir, hhdn priun , N. Orleans Sugar,
io Aron and fur hi ROBERT DAL-ZELL 000
Jag Liberty ctreet
MOLASSES.-25• brieSugar Hout,e, S
[pals Reaaer,j art msrivett. anl am rale by
11011IdtT DALZELL a tar-
AL3ION.-5 brim Salnion, No. 1, in ntora
azd Lm .aht b 7 iv 1100ENT DMZ ELL I . CO.
AEMOVAL.-1)n. giiin has removed to
Meer 7i3371. below Pitt, No, 103. Moo not
n the name 101114107. n0331710m
TALLOW. tl5 bbls for,ffale by
PEARL ASS[-5 casks prime reed by
iss k V. I.VIL- , ON, lld Wuxi at.
XOTI C E.—The partnership heretofore
erlstlast between thetahrityned is this day divolet d
remits I.IIY ILOWI dur toe nl7O, end Tmelpt Ihr the oar,.
The undlershoNl thatlnue to carry on Or battiest
sse usual at the old stand. JOHN CITYSIMONIIy
._.— Cot. Carr. t Lassa ids, Myth Wani
QiIORTS.--thse thousand bus just Inceived ,
1.„7 per Mesmer Jenny Line, anal en na/a by
dcl.3 MIR! VER k R,IINFP.
PAPER LIANGLNGS. French and Amer
kan Paper Ilneginga, and Lenten., from 6,Sie to $e in
rer rale LI - P. MARSHALL,
a ILLW Ilfrltt 7
Jane TV Pr tole in large GT qtanettlro,
- - -
COTTON. a bales now landing from th
stemaer Gar., for sale t•T
rzi.ttell DIMITY is CO..
ina9K.lar and 1.-reat
e Lhu No. 1 Low;"
B LIU Eleatic n0w.4.1) na tram stnoscr Gram.
For td. tn. Utu.A.o DIVIZICY t
timer and Front .to.
diREASE. 9 bbls j iw laudingfropi the
VLA !tamer Geri, tor We DI
end Yr.; ettsee,
I nTHERS. ' 16u4
aboann:Qesarkftcr •,4
no* , *din,s , from
use amtiams fax
• ll'maixoros, I=l. la.
Scsars.-31r. Cooper presented three memori
als from citizens of Pennsylvania, acting for a
repeal of the Fugitive Slave Law. He said that
the great body of the people were in favor of the
fugitive compromise acts. The memorials were
Mr. Cooper also presented a large number of
petithfim, praying a modification of the tariff.
lie also gave notice of his intention to introduce
a bill to change the mode of collecting the rare
nue on imports.
Mr. Cooper also presented a petition against
the extension of the area of slavery; and one in
favor of a modification of the tariff of 1846,
The Senate then took up the bill to cede pub
lic lands to the States, on condition that the
States should code tliem, in limited quantities,
without (Wit, to actual occupants only.
Mr. Welsh opposed the bill, and had not con
eluded his remarks when the Senate adjourned.
House.--John Brisben, of Pennsylvania, elec
ted to supply the recency occasioned by the death
of Hon. Chester Butler, appeared to day, was
duly qualified, and took his seat
Mr. Pliceniz moved to suspend the rules, for
the purpose of introducing a resolution making
e bill to return the duties on goods destroyed
by fire in the city of New York, in 1849, the
special order of the day for the 2bth of January.
The motion was lost.
Mr. Bayley mused a imspension of the rules,
to mats the hills making appropriations for the
'Military Academy, Reselutionary Pensions, Na
val Pensions, and the Indian Deportment, the
order of the day for to morrow.
Mr. Bagley's motion was disagreed to.
Mr. Inge moved that the first Monday in Feb
rum"' be set apart for the consideration of the
business of the District of Columbia. The
House refused to suspend the rules.
On motion of Mr. Stevenson, the House grant
ed the use of the Hall Stair. Whitney, to explain
his railroad achemeitin Sat , salhiy *Oa •
Mr. Chandler offered ti rtaohrtionto radars .
the value of silver cola, by tacutaitrig the alloy,
so as to prevent exportation.
Mr. McLean, of Pennsylvania; offend a 1110-
lution, that it would be Inexpedient and improp
er to repeal the fugitive else act. Objections
being mode, he moied a suspension of the rules,
which motion was lath
The House then went into Coto/nitlee on the
cheap postage
Mr. Potter, who reported the bill, defended it,
and was replied to by gentlemen on the other
The emanative then rose, and the Muse ad
XVAsznxcrox, Jan 13.
Official information was received at the State
Department, that Judge GUls= will immedi
ately issue his warrant for the arrest of Gen.
Quitman, on charges preferred against him by
the Federal Government for his participation in
the Cuban bnsiness.
Ciscrissn, Jan. 13.
The section in relation to the State debt,
which has been under discussion in the Conven
tion for several days, was adopted this afternoon.
There is to be II oinking fund sufficient to pay the
intMest annually; and also $lOO,OOO principal.
That applicable to the payment of the principal
is to be increased annually, by a corresponding
interest at 6 per cent, until the whole debt is
The State is prohibited hereafter, honk con
tracting debts which, in the aggregate, abaft
not exceed 5760,000. blinking Fund Commis
sioners are to be appointed.
thicw, (N. Y.) Jan. 1•"3
Tim first Presbyterian Church, the largest
structare in this city, Was destroyed by Are last
night The loss is estimated at $80;000; insu
rance $lO,OOO. The Are is aappnsed to be the
work of on incendiary.
JACLIONt (Miss.) Jan. 13
Tho People's Telegraph Line has again nom
incend upends= iwNew Orlaaislagstjufftus.
idgs total alernallies from awnslnt Kiwi acme
of the 4th ult. Scarcely • mile from Baton
Bongo to Louisville, Ky., escaped injury to some
extent, and whole miles of win were carried
away by movers, in whom, way it fell.
Business will now be prosecuted with increased
LOCILS.II.I. J:111. 1.;
On Wednesday 1.4, two coal boats were sunk
about 16 miles below Helena, Arkansas, on the
Mississippi river, by the waves from the steamer
Belle Key, in passing the. Five persons were
drowned, viz: Ambrose smith, of Allegheny city,
P., Joseph Kendall, Jackson Young, Peter
Wood, and Joseph Graham, of Ohio.
A difficulty occurred here yesterday, between
a number of Irish and the officers and crew of
the steamer Gulnare. No one was seriously
hurt Nine of the ringleaders were arrested this
morning, and held to bail.
Loans - mu, Jan. la.
The river is still falling, with five feet seven
inches water in the canal this evening.
The steamers George W. liendall,_l4ltu, and
Empire State, paused up this evening.
The Wm. Noble is here, and has laid up until
the river rises.
The weather is very pleasant. •
Flour—The market is firm ult. $4,62 bbL
Coffoe--Pric.-halo advanced lc, with sales
2,000 hags Rio at I lo Ilib.
Cotton—The market is firm.
Hemp—Sales of a lot of dew rotted as $123 'V
Lard Oil—Sales of White at Ctic gallon.
Mm Pork—ls held at $13,25 iJ bbl. Bacon
and Lard are firm.
Wool is Arm
January 13.
Flour—The inarket is unchanged, with further
sales of 3,000 bbls.
Rye flour Is quiet.
- Wheat—The market is inactive.
Cotton is easier, with sales oT 600 bales at Fs
o Provisions—Pork is the same at yostarday,
with sales of 600 bbls. Beef is quiet. Lard is
inactive, with tales of 100 bbls at former rates.
Whiskey is steady, with sales 100 bbls at 26
Groceries—Sales"l,ooo bags Rio Coffee at II
cents. Sales 200 hhdo N. 0. Sugar at 006IC ji
lb. Sales 200 bbls Molasses at 32a la gallon.
Linseed Oil—Sales 2,000 gallons at 90c.
Other articles are without change.
Daemons, Jan. 13.
Flonr—Salm 400 bbls lloward street brand,
at $4,5i per bbl.
Grain—There is very little Wbeat in the mar
ket. Sales of good Red at 100 c, and of White at
1050 per buslieL Sales of White Corn at GO®o4e,
and of Yellow at 60e61e per be. Salts °roma
at 47G48e.
Whiskey--Sales at 2.6 c In this, and 26e in
Basnmont, Jan. 13
Beef Cattlo—The offerings to day reached
685 head; 205 were left over and driven off, and
the balance sold at prices ranging 'Wm $2 to
$d ^ n the hoof, equal to $407,60
Jan. 13.
- *•.."•#11
. 6 demand
. . E4O. ta-day, at
.1,10,0 1 50 Th 3 dry
and 4 cents
equal to •
$4 .2064 . $3ll
We shoulders sod
York—Bales of 1,200 bbbia 8
iilo 76 for umos.
41.4--84144 400 MO gut kir
-:. . •
.. r il •
Nua Once::*, 'Jun. S.
Cotton—me :market is without cbsinge, but
Floor—Saks of 600 bbls at $4,66 for Ohio
Cora—Sales at C.-leaSe per ha. -
Whiskey—Sales at 27ic per gallon.
Provisioas—S,des of Mess Pork at $l2, said of
Primo at $9 /4 bbl. Saks of Placa Sides at 8
eta tb.
' Naar Orinnans,stan. 18, 4 P. 81.
Cotton—The market is dull. Dealers are
awaiting the Atlantic's news.
.1 /
Flour—Oble is dull at sd, - .2 64,30 V bbl.
Provisions ,Sales of Mess erk at $11,87612
V bbl. Lard ha, advanced, with sales of 800
-kegs at B(.efikc fur Prime. ,liacen Sides have
declined to Ike V lb.
Coffee—Sale, of Rio nt 103610 kc V lb.
Whiskey—Sales et 27c 14 Mellon, and dull.
' Oats—Sale, nt 62668 -,, Np.
runnlng4awamerGEN EV, Cot Willr./66
14444 fiir the a14r.4 arul Irttomal l / 4 , 60141
on 166 don
66 .1 . 4 A1. 1416 16,4., at 10A. 31,
For freight or pamace. 4601'
Fcß.ang lit=l2l.l. 110iiElh
bo.„ . -I Intm.kaa
ti l ft h o Ll: x as a t r c u en n t -
6"" '
fr" S
l' t . e l4lh ingtalt at 10 A. H.
~..dig. porta thloo AT, the .
...rd. pill
F or u ht or IS3'..' "'"
Till K-110(.igINIII'lt n—rent" th,,t.
. 4. 4-ial
Clila, *ill le r are Pie e jle 314:tr;• AO lent.
pvix. title dal, II 3 **dock. POI.
1. " "1" ' 1 ' 6 ' 4 ' 'Ptl'iln he ad WINSTON, Alit
_ _ _
OR ST. LOUIS- - Tliofttst
ln6oguars./ ISAAC NEWTON. Captaln
lar.u,vlll kale la. the afore 1.1 Inter
mrdlr.le port, on II olnoolsty, Lim Ilish Inst.. at 10 A. 1T
For freight or pnonne. appls on Scant.
VOR LOVISVi LLE—die fast
aianZin c't""'66^l-r
r l l 4 OR ST. LOUIS. The gplendid
stramor FLEETWOOD. WEL Coale,. •
lesr• LI: •Emr.„ Exull late,
MAircullS new Ammar EWA B.A. 0. M.
iit•=git=r34: " 4=ll)..ckwl.
For freight or you.. an ;00. t*.v.rd. lag
Iraeoa T. , L , / •
Iv each
Holy •••'L m;c4,.
LILLE, It. Dale, mast., will lure
Pittsburgh ever, Tl.llll7,lbilValla . %WI Faturlay„ sybant‘
fay, weito <MIMI 11.1blay.
11110 VI,
.A c ft w l , y s l A : i ! NLE t S . y .
.) A 0 ' h ! .. ,1
rmil , ,dm ul t tita ,pitnaliv;ca sfa., built in
the otrnero of .teens 1.4.0., Newton and °there: Orr
the Cinch:o.llml Pittobiersb ranb.t trade. ea wilt
rila " d r ,o - . ‘ P. " I' 2: .Y fltfolit ' ,f 4 T 'a . t .l - ,!.: „, 1.1 r z. , 4, , 1..„,h- or kZ? r .
#u -e . u'EfEig..COF.lldra, Anent.
. SUN/ISi PACKLT—Thr [du mooing frifi.e-A
sow wta.L.s., ILLE. Cart. fo 1 odn,.. gill
run . a u color rerlo i Lowe, litt.d.argh. Wboelltur.
"d"?'" jui. "' iti 11 " th. ' ''' l '4‘l. l l ll "b an ' i ' it; .'".".""" ni
i f r ',. .rrltarala . .... Vto - engi ' Ar , 01;."at e lening,
Inda'Et port. C.0.0u..1 S , enll.h: dmind, trot,' hrldoe.
port and Slltli, ,:try T.Orßilq rafters ,aoon. mud Sannsh
.4.-ry Fr
ofterroam ear frugla or r. , - a ...-... 1.0010 on
boort or to, -,cor7) , ILI% ILLLe S. Apezd..
11 }: \ C I ; / ! 1 . 1: 1 1 1 1.L1 1 . 1 . 1 ~, , li t i mb,A 7 :
draught swoon, :WEN.... 11 I' Einar', ato- , =-euueo
Ur, h.., Entoboruh ou Mon:lee:W.4lol4d.. and Friday.
at I . o'clock. A. NI. Earea Welleoll, au
day. and futurdae, at 7 ociccE, A.:11.
For co froeoado. et.plf On loard. 00.1
UDR: lIENT--A Dwelling "louse, with rza
In x... 1 we.e..o with I .nre
• I A. uu Soaeral surxt. 1,121, Sl:a Nr.sooss
Ali, A STORY Marko'. rtnrt. 1111,tursh,• loss
Tlarl seveasl Its Pest
Vera b.tiltlings. 1i 11. GALCAV,
J.1.312er 161 Sermn4
((;Crook', Ittst, an.lllll,ser .net Y c,sks
LET—The 'Hue., Story Ihvelling7l
ta h . , .tree. I.t (avowal ~ e cupie...l. 4 t
% I :; ' ".. U nss U l=trn i n ' itr Wi lin n t 4te
Ow: the I , t 4 Arril. Ickvire ruiyi,,
4alo Lam]
LET—One Two Stars Brick Roust!, 11 '
zee • , I
VOll It EN I. The Sture, 115 3lark.t.t
Jt: a.
arret - tts woo. 3,.•r from ths earner of Ilsriter..".
null Liberty streets Posoestioda glum the la of April
ora x Lmantry :g _ , - re.. 1111.1. 0 1 113:11.. ,
IL —RENT; two Irti .ctatvetiiciat....4.
LICIELLISO 11 , 11.`SKS, no Ald xttert. nhene s
om. to Smithfield. Po
given on rho ern Mua.
of April r.ext.
so, to Lena for car or mom; ear, some large want
co and titter th e Allegheny Iltrvx. In the Sloth Ward
ea III:NJ. DAlll.lliunlii.
jatdlf . Four th 0... nrsd liro/
IVO LEI, the large four Btory Brick „„....a
1. TrAlli/OUR M 1 Litany .I.rwt.oht..osth. Fif th at., 1.41
now o c ru. by 'l-Lo hash, ItaLet. Alto the
Dwelling 11,u, cit , inLc I-C-dtf E(5)1.0f LEY
F OR itENT.—Tho fullowing proper- r.r7
A 11 -":2 ... r .%rfi:V.l t' lissl hantdatt
...a behaean Mint auJ ',tab rm.
anitobbr. tar bry
thtrst!IIITP ' 11;:l o
intr ° 2;tltr.!.. il itt::,=rte ' . 4and
A tar, said . onunhut In a Etna,
nel. part af the rlt,.
Atirll neat of the fumghinh ear be alten on the Ist of
A 1.., a ii‘IALL strum on Third mint. ',oat 4nor to the
liakette "diet. Poe... ton c 11.,.
Olt I.ll:—An nueaplmt the Warybot....ii
Third Ltn , et. flerrteon , meuphd by the late )Ir. A. !leek..
Worf term.. aPpIY
K D. OAT/. (11, '16.1 ..trnet.
4111 on to 11. MUthitillt:K. 140 Third
. . .
__._ ___ _ - . _". • •
OR RENT, a TWo ntury Frame Ilouse;z% ; "
..d Task bwaling, •Ith two at, Attu,. on je i
.ol Ftr.t, Fait. Wva, alir.lcang I. Eta..
1 . .. r terros. aniar In 14 M 1.17, tarrt.e. a co.
t1,c1 . .: 2:4 Liberty .ar..ot
141U3110 . :R ICAILD TO RENT. A lorp,e
Lamb, Taal. ctuato.d on aninana. W.!, ars , 6.
Lto, .1191.1<a roam to hold
lean hundr.4 thon,and
et of Lumber, lc Trot on • long F.h.paro of
tI"!taLLM • SIII:E..
L1,V.t.,11r, o . ..rner of 1...nn and Irwin .treets.
... . - - . . .
0 LET, the Store Room No. 65 'Mar-
kat stngt, ni,olnlna tr.
and Jrweiry
T IT. +Siam, an.l atzwntlw o , uilal 51 31ertr.......
Ji. llolaa• a a.,u• Banlata : pad Ex.rhanra, 022,0,.v.
Tisl. man I. I.natel lathe aloe( antral saJ bra boatruna
point in th. ail', nal rail ada.p6,l S., • Banking sal raL.
` e! ' f!t, oZZitr .I . 4 eVenTlt; )B tl. " ;;;Vt ' iat A to n' . l l=
as tor wrath., errama •
Poo given on the Lt. of Frbruari, If Immix!
Efigniev ~I W W trIl.:4•N,
la,. Corner of Martrt and Fmvill eir•ets
FOIL SALE, the Three story Brick 7,7•A7
Dwelling, No. It flay ttreet. Snplea now-- ,1,1 t.,
prite 1,:400 erms,l ,, k/ clb 1.50 lu owe yr.,. auct+e.
I=o Irk the rent, to be vented toy untie
on the premi
se.. Clear of all incumbratterkund title ludisputaLle.
lezdtm - INI Übe., stry,tt.
IrLET, four stony Dwelling, Slate,,,
mo: n nnk., loth room, ga., o,Murel. and e... .";41
ovun Its Third street, _ _ ,
Morris and Willis's Home Journal,
pp i tiLl o .911.Ep every Saturduy New York
Y, r.o DO . ye. ,par able
, able in al twee In
Conics."( or AMMer—ollice of the Homo Journal. Nn.
107 Fulton etrtst. New York, December 11, ItiNn.--To all
•liona Il may cemporn: Mile may certify that J. 11. Houma
Is duly authorized tetaet u wot tor Ploanal W”. 00
ItemJoaaam., and that all receipt. glean by him In Pat •
anent for rall paper will he duly ackmowluised by wt st the
aka of publlcatson. and It la expremly agreed end under
stmd, that ell subwrlptimie aro payable 01111 ytir Md.
var. The new rolume rtnnteenre on the N. ord...
ary. Pubwriptione ieceirml by J. !lola., Third street,
oprewito the Pmt oShw. .5100101.4 and Prop Editon and Proprlehwa.
To the Readers of the Pittsburgh Gazette.
1031i81.,1C, ATTENTION is respectfully in
1101 to the following truths, wet krill In relation to
one of the mean Important Amu-dire of modern name!
PKTIPOLCUPI Olt PUCK OIL; It I. not more thou one
year ago t h e
this arcat reedy eres brought before the
public, for the relief Inlti n eeoof diseeew Int great powers
to hoo.l , home. then. become fully appnwhitod by) the
*lmmunity. and weallege that the Mum, It D Died the
more of
11. rune spread Stn not the reak
edy of • day. Ist op Me the sole 0001000 of making money;
but, untoshkli we eoureire, 0011110,000. 0i le and when
all other inedrunie hive been !enroll., The Petroleum
a Natural Berard,. eleboretod In thy depths of the math
hy power and agency that laugh, to name all human
entapetitgin. It la our dilly, h. ere write about a melt
L' W.t we write
U t utb Yr r ra gnaVou
put noutl.
deuce 00 or statements. the tick a u very ap soryl t
to 0410i1 at
any (Ling that prowlers relief nem diseases A atorT tan
hardly be WO highly wrought to aware the chine, of son•
In. or homboggYng some of them. Now. we d o not dn,io.
no do tale w s h ou l dilieus may that Dee truth relation to
teenorkemedy le told, In meter to semi. for It a repo.
n far ...ceding any +lngle artick In the materle mete
our'lena upturn/bat fat'SA--fOrla that May bee...Alined
1 0 eity end oeighborhotst. bear maple testimony In fa
vor of the Petroleum.
. - •....
Within lb* yeat two lioonths. two of oar own clan.;
who wen. vitally blind. bar. been nwtored to eight. o.•v- Llindures, in the State of Ohio, hare lawn
And. el, the comer • gentle.. in Lane, cOonte.
There are othenc but these are nace near home, end may
mi e ri n d to by any parlona whn have dont.oo the sub.
jeer Th,. no, were cured alter they had been eliandori poydri a ns a. onless. The Petroleum will cum.
when tind accordion 0, directiona—Dlarrium. DrienterY.
Rin.nmatinn, dn., Neuralgia. Eruptinns . the sklu,
Pimple , on the race, SON ErfS. Itingworm. Tett.,
Heald lima, rain. 10 the bon. anti p 1.., old mi., tilecnt,
- Wm. , Chnin/O Omaha. Asthma, Broothlllk cud all
Pulmonary abet/on. or • throne mann, tending to Grte
dm* Ocrnamn anon_
Duras and Saadi, disencies or the Bladder and Kidney..
Chaplin! Beads. Eccorbited Nipples, Corns end Hui:done.
In lart. It lea ORral 071•19.101. ROMS?, lad h. le.. bled
to tooat of id. atvre within the put year .each the
most pane aunt.. Cretin.... that Will astunian are 10
the band. nr proprietor, whoa - PI lake ple.un, ;those.
them to the afflicted or their Mend..
tlrhatheer othwmtime mY abmt. their .thectiein, the
Prtmleum Is the great.. Herithly of the age. Pliyedebins
cir bleb ;lauding in the area...lon ore litkinnikalt
In their practice. Those who at Dr. kinked on with doubt
and uncertainty, are
to Waned It due aralw and
row...callow Before another yetir rolls round. 111 will be
Yelled to acknowledge that the Petroleum I. the greate
ein C•ll. discovered. For. eale, erianicialw and re
tail, by t(kTEkrt MeLIOWELL, 130 Wood A-
E. 01 Wool meet: D. ki. kttrYY: D A
BI Dunglas, Allegheny Orr. Al.o, by the elan
kt Copal 11 1 re in trea tmgh.., Paw
.ll4 Ten
/110.03.1. E GREEN. 700 lbe Cur sale 10
1J in 9 KIDD •.^"
LRIS GREEN... 000 the for ellgio
Ry APPLES. f)5 bus fur Eale by
iaß arm u.uhuisrox
47 '. DO bsa Lubec, ofor
.indo by — 4. DICEEY t ,
"Me Wets. [Jail 'lsitivas'klanzzg:
TANNER'S OIL.— Sirtybrls N ,
o. I .
bY , .140 - J..9.IITLLIVOP:IIIk Ca
atterastm of onrclai.-4 ro oar large anortratartof
if.rprt., lalrh aro Ord tram lb. garron 11.. ,
artacalacturc, rf Eta,' Uhl 1.1 Ftl 1,1. si Pr i me sar lor,Or
oaf can to Cdreborr.l le any of We rastrra date. Call at
th ar P 4
fIA.PESTIRY CARPETS, direct from the
Import''', earl,- 101 l riA trylrl, In .ton atd for . falr .
rgri xr0c.....1 orlor, at. TV. Utak...els Carpet ,llnf"'
hook,. No. ail:oath l'i.
'OLASSES. u 0 brla landinfromsteard
er kbrekenatl. lied kr de by a.O. CkNYIEL.I4
bcturm Wood et Snail •
PEillo J. U. CiSTIII4D.
DER,OLL BU boxes nnd
remived dKUr bY J. An. Drlf
VICKLES, &c., just received at . ^56 Liberty
Kr.ohea, inco-not Po-Plod Poo
lark ktntikleg.,-?"Int
ane PlrkladCaulleov
mo-ult., end .E.suo ron.lors our : 1 4cloont the mat
unnploto In Plttnburgh. (49) WM. A. NIVI.IFRO CU
Liattra4 . co Company otTittsburgh..
;pm. No. 411Vater nowt, In tholtafebonse of C.ll,
Gelfrattr, President A. w. Marina. ihr'f.
mi. Corm:any Le we prepared'. lasuco rnerehandlnt
stnre. and in trualtu, re...els, kr.
An mule nuarantr for the ability and fritetnity of the
IThrtituttoth it offothal in the ehanteter 1 the . thrertorta
'ethe are nllritiarat of Pltttlatrch. Well and ftorentLlt
'known to thr ndritounity for their Prudence, Intelligence
'and lute:mar.
Inutrzone--C. G. Honey W. Ilaa t n, ter, cv inricner
J r ., Moe, Bryant, Munn D hint, Ittiencd Its ',Mtn
Jahn :Untruth, h. Itarlduch, 8- M. Kier. 01 a
tiONT ALINING no Mercury, nor other
C ll, 1. The following trithomeal iese given bi the
/gated I.r.looOsler Bowh, the ninth. at the groat Mods.
'ra/ ra p er...fix/ 71he Antarleso Praeliko of I.,,lititte and
r. ... 1 L ' ? tr . mull. acquainted with the inoralient•
whl ,Clog onapcwe AleAllieter's•ll.llealinnOtottnet. and has.
hig proscribed an.l tested It In wteral sues In n toy /Meath
Denny.,, fluter oo heiltetion fllFaring no or certifying that
1 11 It Si 1 egetabig Itertowly, matalulng mineral subliming.
witalosnr, that Its ingredlente combinedas I.lw, are. and
',unal ws dthwted by the pmprietor,asevut only hatnilees,
but Of great Yalu, toil •I ruly gouTitlfle Pained, - of great
:= 7 1 1, 1n! ,, .`k , 1ftgL11,77..r,:vi i ;,..1,:,,f,..; to di
con of • rival terirty of eases. Thratab I hare noir., i
s tn twootnnirtsle.l or ennagod In the axle of alwret Lanai-
ctn., rogard for tho Ind/ honest. rouse/cottons. Litman•
iohitrartyr of it,e pronnetny of this ointment. and tint value I
t.f h. dlworer,, °Mir Loy to as, thus mush regarding It.
0011 tuft., April '..3, latfa. II LIKACII, I/. le
13.00—1 t I, we other heat thin,. In the world for born` ,
itirw—thcosacls are y.arly cured by this Ltrintment.
It never Oar Inswing rullef.
kw Tuonans, L'lre,ri, nod all kinds, f Sores, It has norqua I.
lf.%other• 104 Num, know its rain. , In raws of divot'
ree Age breasts. they woula alwayi apply It. in thrh f , ....
it.we act - v.11121g to dirwououa it Otos relief In a very few 1
•YOUnd the bob ve directions for tiring 3 fork/lVtoesi
Olottooot the :kroner, Lnor Conuiloiot. net envier. Tetter, ,
Chilblain. rwahl Ilead r. }Mr., Es, O to-r, Nies , yht,ot,,
Ilruochltla, Nervosa AlLoothme. fain, pia aso of the Epltel,
lied Arhe, Mar., Corn ~all Ihwasse 14 the Skin. Snre
Illit, Pimple!,,11.11: of the Limbs, Sore; Itheturta-
V= l ;LT2l ‘, ,A u gte l li ' llio7:: ' ,.• o 7 ,lk4 " 11"'0 ''' . l'`
_. .3 , Peoe. le Anxiing Eaale.
Timm SILI [toter, perhaps, • Medicine brought before flirt
Igle,thot hoi In so s/ort • time won such 1 reputation a
.„,,. All.llyallng in World noire. Almost even.
that has mode ism/ nf It spreaka Warmly In In rata..
a. hortt:ftrel by It of We inert,nomlrh,
painful thtomottott,
ono or of the oil...third of • troublesome pain In the
ludo, it Worth of reliefling In tbo limb, der. If It does nett
giro -1W mediate ln etery cuts It on do LIO injurl - ,
lailrgg applied outwardll.
culd'aLl'ro.ii,jfiT.'tS'n"st't,4.7nirsfi'll/11',V1::: power
Oral • reopeitable eilits. Of vs./evens.
odilp ni - iI,.L/
CO/Otte.— ..•
_.. Maldritcyrek, !Woks en . Math 30. 1•433
Nate*. flitter 0 Ccs—l dee], to inA,rui /null,. 1 win ,
La by the use of
Mosillioter's AII.I leafing eisl-e, 011140 I purchased right
TOO. I 'uttered a Ith It tor about twenty tears...Yu/ ie
tree, uttahLs to Moen. , I , nring that time 1 tried .fo
mantles, widrh gyre pinscrlled lbw man by physicians nod
ollinfr venom, •01,M11 receirtnn uty mllef, and art la.
mole trial of ibir faire. WWI • r,ttlt fas'orable tcycool ex.
pentad/ma I on. woe entirely frew from the pain, and•onini•
et hight a pesos-rut and . 0 . t shop 1 have id., wet/ the
nice rare toro, too clinch, and othor,,mplathis. with similar
happy rewnlts. tour friend. lona IlothlwaLin
reil)t, lol i F ; .,l'''.. .fi ri § t ,f4ll " l . l .. .ft,ni...l'll t iT2,t• io n' Ul.
TI."1: NTI.FIVE efINTS Pllll IN)X..
Andra to P111,4( . ...t—ii. A Ealin,,,tok I Co., coiner of
r.t i ltt l , 1,W.,11'/AlOrlif..tfLiLTe Wu, to.
Wormier ,•I Fourth and On.itsld /Is.; J. 11. Caiosl, rye
eitr or Waln Venn its. 1,1,1, Want and
at the
literL'lhres Inu Smithfield lins, thlnidoor Crum .rolvul.
iq Allsghenr olly_bi 11 It &hauls and J. Doug/gel;
tiblit ' ;; * o ,l l ' lat ' .l,,tr i h l' ere n ttg n .ft.,t,, \ l*:,: , } ,',V !
il 4r. t.ili .','' ) '- lo N. U .' t i t"'"ita ''"! - -°.il;l•l;'t''''''" ,
&1'...,.i,,,ii,A,,r, g;i, r 111 . 1.•:,:. , " ' ;01Lii,'" •
R A111:1'S ritICOMIEROLS tor sale by IL
it 141.1.111.... GI IVukl 4.......1e ~..,1 C. l'at,lai,ll.
116,ast. ver 1.41.1 e.
T.SLLOW.—Fifty brls received and for sale
tr . dr'n SIMICER 0 &USE.,
LAPI , -''wants brIA and liftnentegs tor
sate by a.',.1 sipuivint a liltillSE: ,
TILLY PEACIIIS.—Three hundred bus just
Ay retert,d :nal Iht sub. by
den HITRIVER 1 If IltNtif
QINECA OIL.--Five brla received. for ..ale
k,:, by 6 , 2.. Snit Illtat l 11.4.11tir..s
--... B. —,-
UTTER.—ve brli and ten jars prime roll
batter, for familyu.u., Cr male A.
de.:. 9litictit k AAR:cut
____ _ •
I}r MOLASSES.—PIitt brl,, to arrive,
Ir br Jr_. 1 1 11 RIVER 6 lIENEN.
F F'S ITOOK EI : II ; ING.—A aupult
Keeping and Idant 1 1, 11,,rrr'd t:
note It STWET , A.
1100.01110 N.—Fifty tons Bruti, Crettillltit ace
1, 11 1 )1 1 / 1 , 0N. LITTLE 1•0.
Jan fr, I l lw. y FINNL
brit fresh Iluil Butte
to, tiuttert
10/ bu. Inlrd Applor.
"`to Loa Dr1011.1,/eln, vp,ll - .0
Jae 110111 SON . 1.1 .e Jt
ysuistat/.I3IBE.RWY 811.
I . E
r ty teraLtreesdrecharnzi Ingrothtia Lame and
we I •ortc.l stack nf Wove, ruder dm, nal
bran./., Tne aboveneleo ull alt., Wool, V rluo, sealsealCrum,Crum, If all raw. and ar pliees.iveutauttr on h d and for
yak los by mr.o Y. 11. KATO.
ERICAN 'WOOLLEN 0001 S --on,
but.trcd and fifty pr, lane oiled Bed Ulmtsa.
• pun Ctib Blanket; Fa me
lU Jo Etc= Itaat titton boo
11.... N do Iltsv Oootlna Liz/arta, tr,
If:, .10 li:at 110 do do
6.) Itlap do .10 It
.10 •nywrl, 11,1: 1.00.11 tnwdelotti.
d., w.•. 1 uytya.
d 0. Jeans. as , orod, btu: sod Amer mar.. '1
, 1 ',Until, and arty'olzod.
d 0 11 Vlannet }ant wide.
I du 1 . 211,, barre,l do do
Tta J.0,111...1
t o wo cno/dKa=clal from '
Tledd• mxxxtsfacturer, not and amt., and an. Sro salt. on
11t0ral lama tn. trade, at tuanoluturera'
dec) LEE.
11 1 REESE. 1004) boxes - for cal. fit - --
n taarvtutri
PEACHES. 316 sacks and 11 hhls
jj, br sale by Jab L S 11 - ATM:MAN t SONS
R ,
OLL 89111;6. 1511,1 s fresh roll:
VILAIN OIL CHINTZ, reeeked this day
st lbe Carpet Warehous, tid Fourth , L
lt,toLassEs. brla new thr sale by
Splendid Gift Books.
EMALE POETS of America; by T B - Read
fear Earlour, with Propheta and Aponllec F.,
. L Wolnorright.
to the LID of our Saviour .
!;aintlfeesoner= h on t , lze Four 03 - i.ili fr ig y Dr Tyne:.
4 :4701 ItlL7t7l o n)
try J. •
Illustrated Sllkepeare. fly 01/111,1 Verploork.
daered 1,./ of I:12,1am! and Aurepea.
P *. en 'L l ' i?ati r L "' &ll= l d b l ' atl " 4k b.. 11. Matt nth.
ete - m;of nea l ut,- fur 1151.
Cabinet of Modern Art for IPA
TO • 10pc raw", Ufferin4 do
The Irving Ottunoy do
The 1114
The Remember Me do
The Mother', Renduromee. Br Waco AVM. , outlier of
MI. , Tait , of Colas, Ac .
View •of the Slicer-weak. World. By John Brcekleeby,
Sabbath lothool Union Book, to fano , . Eat:Mind. fur holi
day.meute. For calf by A_ IL ENIILISII to,
79 Wood et
4,1 Picks. Cousin, Pimento, l'epper, Cloves,
)...7 and Nutmegs. for sale by ISAIAII DICRIX k CO.
0017 Waters Front eta
John H. Mellor. 81 Wood rfnnt, hs'°4P3
rll Cre. "' n ru n ' e
Loallets or Memory. Or. a 1 1 0,47. •••
Caljnet or Art
P" , : d ilqrgz,..2,"7.llL — L, nem.. Look,
rylesoldly butdol.
MT .' . le E r r ' Ygl i trin ' ll4l , l 2. '"'d r ' d i tLt u , to.
For /ode at the EDUCA a ROOK STORE. -• ;
dr3o OS Martel ot . tor. or Soorth
(POLO PENS. We lino, now on hand 4
Ls lame s
I. took of the bon hold P21:111 fond tho
tl d ,r,Ulll ' grfatl°.
Cam-. in every variety Portuolne Sou I oldeng Pearl do.
All roe nle wholen.le and retail at N ew Ynrk plot,
'TEN !SON /1A315.-2 boxeß reel red and,
rar nle by dom IVII,ON
=OO am s! by dra, J. KIDD &
T. Mr +ale by 4.1.11) KIDD k CO.
LARD OIL-4 !Ala fur male by
cl,ro J. Imp ,t
ND1(10-:-848 11,8 Spanigh Flmtt, 31.1 rad
%mins. for rat,. by dn.."4, J. KIDI k Cr).
. .
. .
t)AII!:TISGT- I lion se and Sign Painting
and Olasina; promptly ..I neatly daacutt.d.
Pai. IL Wr whillt dindluelly utuhrst..l that ~... nan do
nting add (fluxing sa rlavap aa war dacr In ate
city, and cam del.rmined to do It.
The subscriber niter, for Rent, lb. I.em un which he
residea nod lauds odjeceut, amouutin. touo nen.. about
four touldred aura cleared, well lotto"( , 4, dit a high
Moto of cultivation. Also, a nom* ana Lot In Mellon. I.
town, formerly occupkd no. tavern Maud, and now °cc,
pled by Ctroe Poniver, Merchant. and Dr. Millor. Also,
ram In Pretton county, ha., coutainlng 3 3 , nerve, eboel
Homo . eleered, whlch ore two Lag Woos.. aWO
Bane and' lid. hundred beapuit duple Trev.—
TEl4feelPt4h,roctriFdOW"'l'lleesthood f e'r.:J1711,:°'10:1".100Lfi"'"1"Ina
The oubscrlber offer. fur rale. • u croon co live yesse, hit
valuebte stock of One Thesp, about Pre hoodrod bead of
LZhofol%;Za."bgi'fl'fllllo; go°clhofs°: wrthcra
of phhc Joe.. Illgington, of Virglnle: deinuel MeTasland.
Jame. nod Patonel Pattersou, Ile. Brownlee wed Jeers,
Benwurthy, of Washington county. Pa., and eirfolly Belot
' , led, for the ;atm., of TeMOVIII lend.
11cCk7V ' so=1 0 b,tlas "1 :O
It 1111
pan fivorably with any flock itssoirffar
It tool
°rain on ho f noletked unto the PM of k I, if
hotter sult puzet ' ume
Orman Towilthip, Tayet.
l'Ost Oftect
.I.fnuarr tllS:Jl.—lavatT 11..1 141‘ . 4 .,
bo a
31.fiffeurenrot Foreign and Da , 'dice'r'tot
„.. • f b
the attention of ou„. t o 'h o t,. J o „gas w i IQ} },r,L. th. Ore and for 8010
misers. They will offer irldtlen.l.lll.l ‘ll. • ~"0 5.0 1 ,,, 1,11.1 . • defy IP_AIAJI DICK yy
*tyke, AL. purcbasere.who br OW — VP va
OampW c.t.dbit‘d their t O. MLASSES. 36 brie new el
n r er neve) New York.
Tired and for sale by no A. etTNNINI
mkt. s.nd latest:style;
a eon ho
•n 0 e,..-*Po
Warehouse:NO. SS Muth aL Prikt,
be had any oft& ““tern citlek ....04..--,;:r ot exta. to
- -
:MD t M. co W
• • ........ ....
4 LF.X. W. FO' n.R.Attrney and Cotta
,Kr at Law, No. 11G,1 rottrtla sheer.brim (treat:L.
rito ("qt.:111,10y..
J. a.
triptiLTEß S: li3Cl Wl;oleje
QA3L P. RO4 ,S' Attorney at Latv, Office
kJ o. IGS reurth t, Er •
likte Pitz , burch ;Md..
. 1111VM
11"..CCMCINOI WI &CO- Iluaufalum. of
InttFnurrtn O
Market street. betnnen Th=l 1.4
Particulnr attontann mid to odd she, A.l.Ao—.Denlern In
Flint Ilatt.les. Sr.
HARRISON SEWELL. Attorney at Law,
ikv. State C.nnli•Aloner for taLirkg IN•preatinnP. Ack
ncoyslo.itzeruetr. or ne.,.6, I )Zre—}outtli rtr..•t. dare
Smithfrld. r..r141-wIT
1 7 t , : m t„ . u'. 1 ....I 1 .`"..,' 1 .',ILtr.dv.„,tiis„7,KIce:
" n " * C ?td thr ' 9,, e' :,‘ tur.. r ti„vv, n LI."
to the mat AO& . I,{ 4 . / I
lag Emtx. ad tbuntlew eellin and renting prerewty;
drawing of rad; Iwndo; mortes. and other inotrumentA
of entinr. All hthitneri in hi l lino attended to,v/th
l''' 'l "'" t;....ll ' 7l l 7 . rer Iliad f' m hell dr p c,p,...
ki - .;: ' ;: ` ,...,..., , 1;.. mg - k.i, Li., w,:. Jtc.,,:ii,;. 644 tie.
8 : II ;; Y . F "
.1 , 1 IT aver 1 . .. - 1 Fourth 'Wet, Jar the
3(a o 7 l ',. ' o;ZA ~—'" •• • 4, ,:„.,,,,...,
4 ,,,
rear, hat there hcon rue unxtrupulnno trickery
iraelixed min th e pollir m o a t winmanahin, e aa at the
prowent beetle of Enerarlug . are circulated thimrh the
tern and ro.try, with the . ecie name tuppwwwed.
in onler to itelnui the lanerant to beltere them to lw pew
mun , hip.
1 . ..r, , ,,,i,eirtwel of Iva-online rn4.l and elegant he
will dn wellr el
at 1./LirtritlfiCANTll.l,' COLLEtir.
and el - Blain, the hand writing of .6m. C-f the he`t nerunra
in the city. h o have been 'attracted in thio iartltuticra
hmiattended the use uf MORTIMER'S BITEUMAT ,
curing the %evened and moat inveterate...a, of 10FLAD
. valorem. and PIPPOIJIIIIZIId.II.IOI2 to th at. all who. afilic
-i,-- .1 with th, a,olful dtwasc to ta7 ha virtue.-
urrrsn IT Ihi II CO MIERCIAL CoLf.r.on, ! mo.-re. or r,, ,, ,,,r,.”. or oson 0u50,,, ot: EL lows.
. thd otiose from abroad. have teen enrol within the last
I_ Coiner of Third and slarket stivets. The only Oar-
I for months in the city °fgt.. Louis aim., while lettere from
and lioDtet lon of the Lind in Pittsburah.
u s . , apnle wooed 'how abo tied It is performitig the Paine
Sc!« .' l: '. . L o '. l l.- A - reo ' Vnlnr "'lng. ilkaar
where , er telol. Many of these wore litho. eases of long
O. K. Cluituberlio,ProDathr of Peanut/MA.lp )Icrouithe i ..q.rll',. and " hart of ^sorter , b. bon giro. tIP. -
v, lIP others were of mon, merit date, of the lento in..
COnlrallatt,o. ge
=dory form. very nearer. All, however. yield to the won-
Alex. 31. Matron, Kay., !Aril., ou Commercial Law. i
Tho,-ro„lrino a Ample. knowiedge of n.l, Ess - Ping. , thlt '".,_,,"' rth "" thi ' . n r ildaa . a ' d th1. 9 . . 4. ss ' t hl. ' a
soa It, enelicattm to ether brooch of Lembo-, also an ele- , ”"9 1 •77. 1.4.1 5 115 V; , s y_sl's ssi , Is theenforMent of health
Cent and rapid peninsothlo, are in.. to ca11 . .1 ca.- , r : ,, , LTI , 7-4-
~,a. . du.• , .= eod ProPrieter. a
int the arrangemerds.
, It Is writ Immo:, from the experts.. of B. put that rea
Let ore my Commercial Low every - Monde, evening.
Reference to oily or no, re:Ml...a aity Menbant, idt 23 Ontwortl applka2lo/2 ca upwwibly ed.; a permanent cure
of this dreadful ilinow. BY the •PPlicatien of ethloolatiM
0 m r .A. AND °TILERS. inalment, partial relief. in mime opien, tray be ottalneu
. Th ., „..,,,,,,, rss ,,,, , ~,,,,,,,, r ,,, ~,„,,,,,d ', M. a short time . But all the while this disease la fixing ire
I JKI, , Ira alt.( Co. at the Jr. betel.: Water et. I tr, t, m '74'`„, s r r n t' a ni It a th ' s ,...,„ kra lt o ..tA'i r7,„.„'""s,a,rar l ater
‘ thd D ' lth " n° W.) . ell ''' l Inll ` *4 f `' ° a t'ln't 'lt 'rata.- ' a r few IIII - iirsiicalndurres„ . it - O - ttlos Dili. a -- ch - ron - le mom.
nos o sobs tr•sd , ,lS adalited. sloth eta,. Powerp el a n .' • whch, if rot wan arrested. ruins the lodividual LIT !M..-
...i... j joor, k'"4 cf . j.j j
j.. ' . ‘" j4 1'..... 1ji.... ..".3 ' .. ' This iv verthiri by the history of the wor. in ell count...
Given Itnninllatrly.
Apia° tO. ~,,, D. ~,,,,, ~,,,,,,„ Pad more fully demortstratod by the hlatory fornislud of
Edon] or,. L eitrrcril), laic "'""k"' f u rl . ..fa.. eartlf 'and.. given bf several
• hundreds of owewho hare gaoled t ow
b. 1.121,,P,
1 1T :ST LOT , LETTERS rOnisining in Wilkins'
'ltp,t Otbre., Allenbenc county, Pa.
- V1ev...1. 1:1"erl. It m . f Mara Wm. ar ifflit a i a l d 3tl7T.taliftlal a AgYfrrlll l l7o4lVo l l DLOOD
, PURIFIER hi an internal remoly--commeneee its theno
. Dons vb.. the dieiram -lint originates. Lod to purifying
nrue . - Jleitirich Ilotongli Samuel } lilts 1 , .,.. ' th e Mew, pangs three:l4th the wholes fetnit. neutralises the
rl ' r t''?
.'• 11,UtT"e g V. Zrzk:',,,•.' impure or walk sediment. which boa ear th ed upso Dm
noidecia-remorse it entircif form
B:6 ' '''''' b n.u.hth... ''' ;, T r"' 4 uh. V. r a ostem a st.7 'l" tote ad e the intilridnal to perfect Pahl.
a I'c l antllth I l "H„..thaD Wl' • ' C 1 „„1at1.,, , . 1 .,..!' . let thew, whet ' a ' re ' atnoot not ooros. thotthalvea. tad
. o JO. KiletheiDdc ) r-rsso l.sori. ' put di the u of thir usediri On long. or moth their
cad :oho W. Murdock W. J. 311; blot& Marl limb. are re d
or eontrecr to such • degree that
Car. owe )Ica Nlndre Thump sl'Martin Wm. they are ethohles:f o 1.6, Thad rexpe. of hundred, of
V4John Me" AtatTaw "'lt.. Ah . thde I thousaods during the port as well as a multitude at the
,1 , . '" m' lll ' fh_?Avi O ,Vs. " [V,, ' .. , P ,- „,..%,.. d pi , a, t o r tr z . „4lr foli r.. of .. P .U. f. P.thtal
VTICE.-Taller tip Bs the subscriber on , ''Th ' 'Prt ' lll°l ' ' '' ' ' '': ' a Ibi ' " 7 " w° '''''''''''' ka ''" frat° '-
the la th inntoit, cat\ 'CRE. b. ti; i m<id h 1 ' that ''' ' ‘luts°l ' d a q u-ur- - r•-•'• ' 4 ••• •
4-00 . ~. ...,„,.........a,,,r.%0z.i•. , :b-,..,e,ri:r7,-va- 1 , 1 , 7 ,.. ,-,,,,,'? '''' T '
white. up to the pooors, and A oil round: weather mark, ' plait i t11 . 111 „...,..':„.......:Zrzr.1 1 . : 1 „7,iva,t 0 0 , ,7„
FereciAltdc. The owner Is rrted lo ono` forwarthilmol . thme,l4lt thle will not efect a perm - spent corr. The nee
Illia • Partf , Pali theta', and ta _her . . , . , 7, ... PRIOR. tun, of this tt loam lo such that a routraw I r timend
FlLth 0. " I . Intent/0 remedy. to prolues the desired Otect. and 31or
, riceßiett.S. ,
__4Llonloepa. Scuth PitObur_ch. ' timerw's Rheumatic Compound and lvithd norther Le tbe
a- Nut
TOPKAtliff2--A PARK, ,iomt, in : 7,t,.,2 - ,;d1 0 , ,, ,, t , ,,,b",: . „7,: - „ , -,-,:,',tr= 'Tr 1 °
a - N..,-th .uutintio n township_ D.:Amor:owl eurity. this , 1,.. see. • . '''
ood..inum 314 .I,PPA Of ,Kool boob bouroteil 001 ~ .f Ja- ibis tooth., eon Is. had. wholesale, tr. read at No. 73
'Fob Lou, 'Mr, Palnter..imi ration-41.0t ithprorieleand. l Third atrert,itext Mtho Poe. o th er. FORA/are,.
belanp in hears tiodetn withoi the mils,( the FrozOlio-. Abe Pr vale ro Pittsburgh. by IL ems Wm. rt.,
gheny Sloth D ater.,tath miles from the reously Paola had ' J. D. 31orgen. S. N. PRl:e.t.a, .4 ./..Anfoor,
Road. and one mule trtm.lmi.vonmlle- Imprcrooncotormm I Price 43 per Little: six Lout. for I.lOi or SO pm d.n.
vast of a to etory Loa Dwelling Home, lank 'Barn. Lir.. ; Pamphlets can be had gm. of the ascent
femme ntalite, on) ni Pesaro outbmitting, Apple Orchard. , rmsgal E. If. 111411.4)7.T. Amcd-
CLlerdlr., dr Tit. imilsoutlible. For terum,enquirson I
the pp.., of . . ROBERT 6.111 BULLY. I Murphy's Self-Sealin Advertising Enval
- ~2Lett'S
~RAIL ROAD LETTING IN OHIO . , VO. 283 3LIDI , S i rST., NEW 1 - oi tic.-
fiLLEFONTALIE S . ,' LNDIA,NA RAIL km The suincrther„ in olleitior, the
".o th_ ad a/1 who
ROAD -Seal.d Pn, ,Is will be vr-..11,1 st Jack.. mai ow lb! , adrethortmot. Gels ioo , • - ..r Ltio '. lisotso - o
111 1, , barge County . - fMlh. Imown av N. rootlet, urept Jmo • care whilth a now othele ie bthoglit token thr POW' , The
oar, 21,/, lt.M. lord fining the grubtino. clewing,. grab , It )'.. has eathblith. their enionamitY be- '
Pg. on 25 all, Dorn 1, - Idroe Crock,. the junction with • load all gee.. and he emoudeotlf rafas to the tretimo-
to `I
State mad 11,11..fintalne Lail Rosh" at the In- 'Ol Of tit., business own who have used thew anycloper,
Manz State tiro, Shelby al, cow ready. at thernutheor'n I fad to ids MPhil,
slde4 a , Pm. or then ...I
cin Sills:EY. Shelby rdintv, t Pip where int.:nation hen,.
csn loodeirod Loma lon! Pendertor, 1:"• : l oot Enginee l 11 , . following are .1. few Of the reasons for their papa-
Propaal, way also le left at Sidney li t the Loh el ' harps:
Janette. : 10: On the place Peopled by the twat, • person may I
.4,1 protheals will al. he reecipd at MARION, Ohio , have hi. mum. buttons., and .---rows renspiothuely and
milli Feb. Mii, next fat doing the grubblou. charin7. nod ' beautifully einbeeent t pluredur plan, thus affording per.
ffe a' i I g
:. -',. .,l. ' n 'a ra . d m ilt " fl a Vcal l e .a ., ~' l l t ta 'o ca ' VI I I I k. '• 1-, a t ' ,f . ; oa lti ' . 'n: Fr Y ll a u g v a Zpe, "' eattot tar craned withoct boas do
t.'dor, 50 ,, , the Irt 'r tinµ . . " ,lnfa t emstoGn ',... Is t , cbtaincd 1 al
I film 01,1. trerm/1. Ihwldent Ihiginpr, ct'. IS liefoutoine. t DI. Neither wax nor waren Pe required to real them.
oni at ...Ciller Fatultieer's nth. in 51,11,11 ' I Ith. Upon the totscurritthe r , f a Ittter, the seal insuresita
.To. Hoye are the only moth on th, I o oral set um ' itninedlnte return to the eepler, lustcad of 14114-
der 0.n.0.. TLIO road Is known o r . . lh, , - third link` m munthe in thw Deed Letter Ofihr,
Vegg. ma --1 Z. 1 74 k a b . "', 1: 1, 4g...P.°U2t717.. 1P , 1 1 * . t : I prt1.? . ..7,1:„t . rra-- - forw.h. , a ',most to aatna
.. a h, to,„„ f,,,,,, ~ -„,,,p ~w N ow l oo k, yhr s . o uh 0,,,, , ft h. Lech low- mailed lea meatcfMtive arivertleemlext.
land , RUPP I J O attract the attention of all through whose hand, It
By on!, or the Davi of Din-etwo. I may not
. W 1111 M: ItoIIERTS. Chirf Enulneer, , The 4.llowing Io n 144 of prim. for Dim, augment on
. Er, -inicr , .Ific., Marlon... D.,. 10, IA:3, jet I bras, and which will lot fur par, WA Of EN‘2I.IOPCS. of
U . usu. vim, either white or butt , of good paws, and
' The Human Body Must Perspire, made as ahoy, , with name , address, te.l
:'`o SAYS NATURE, to hare a healthy ap- I ...,, i i ; r t:', L.2[ 14 .. , r , od its . .. , V E- -,,, made as
' . .1 , ....7 1 , 1 , ....t.: arol provi eha Jo um tempi,. aro liable Ifoto Mr 5 1 . u) 1000 ' 4 , 1,00
to the apet div,ai.olou Shin DiAawo. Now, .1.,m - b. 1 7,0 to 10._....... ............. . 8,00 1.1,0.1 7.50
Chethical Cost , •thi , .; a fr.e pem3lryticr., sof at the same : 40 to ao 8,00 3000 1,47
time zoollitet amt sot.. 0, ll_ln. “1 , 41,, It the texture no to So . -10,00 1041 ......-............._...15,00
of an itifant • 80 to 100 ..... . . 1..00 5000. • 15,00
Pussy, Suit Ithento. and Sores, arc not only healed. but 1 When rt Ls not thaveniemt to forward arcomnt or order
I :lf ' olt.L ' I i t t ll o orb 414 1" .. ' ; ` ,„; Etil;:%..'"(l:l,: i. T"'
l a"' 1 r ma" " ra ' r.. " . a tl' ' ' l t° a -T-bie N- , took
i.--as • vo, In lop. will be soglelout All orders wi meet with prompt
Pimp', Ithitthm. Freckle, ormly other skin diseww. rio at.ntion. If addrmael. {FM. MURPHY.
reador is wooed that this is no tvel..s. 700 , 41E -um. sts No. MI 3.ludison street, Now Fork.
one trial 0111 prove. I mold enumera. at eight, . Ord. will he ettcnirl 1., promptly, If hot at tin, elon4
pathos cared of core he.. so. has. old ore • of 31 Sibell A . Mots. tO.l Wail meet. or of Mess.• It
Buy tt-and ti,... real-rle , again a”txr,d I. , yrould noun- Jeronimo er Co., 134 WWI. an
• •
lli b eelll , 4tr . ll . l44L i n r l. ,„ tinbr i, l kne k w ,i ß o todoe all I Mato.. N. 11.-Itueineas Cards, onbuseml In colors, from tune
ltelnoth Beth. Du, at $lO 00 per thuthiand tewtoa so
erlltilnal des etll - 4 cure. but a pteventlnte. and 1 ma ;
- ---- '-
now col. tll. t hat an orm open! with anfof the oho.,
or idmilar 0. oww, will find this all. and even mop (xlmi- •
rsble In ite properties) than 1 thite. I pn. 1,0,5 E, S CELEBRATED RE:4IEDIES.
arcaPat. wader. thr , ..,A ow tinted with hollatsm, i
end to our. !oci n 4 Pe JONJW !VIII. IliAlil.lll Satup.-,•111.1 j -Dr-Jar. ass', the dieoverer tad soh , propticor ,
buy it .7 ot DM. JACCSON, mil. Apra in 1 . 11.1.41, , 1 ,`,..t1, , , , , ' tr,,,/. l ra hlthetkla , ...nal , ID. also I
Lead of Dons. Ptah
- a instrument fur lodating the
........ , , Lump, lu ettPting a tare o elirmala ditmases, woe a Om
. Pearly .. ite Toith, nnd Pure:ll tlto 1 ''''''' " 4 that '.-twat tth r" -.lth- I '''' ta° Pla'''' mod i''
r.-91-Il t • I gr.imde of the University of Pe ylvarda. IPr till a
be hal her ...3 .4,w:lYr:ow ,dc, havu clther, or. honors- I trail since Ito born • -earl to Lisa inVerittion of Siii
bly smitrul tut If th ey breath, Iv ever eo foul • or their I le, .1 the applicerin a ir f remak e ther e t o .
tothdrayed dark or yellow , and muctheted with tall.. I aa Tlanntub the on of litvaluflaticur tnbe,lllcOnneetkrOleirh
"flat a. .. ..t Ur :if . DretrAndlklr Thoth Paste will make i his POphylantle Byron; amt O th er Of BP rentwilm, he boa
the t.,,th . ...I as wow, 0,124 it. Wrath oloillbemelY usliswl an nrmaratMled eminence in caning those dreadful
asowl .1 fatal nodadlem Tubercular COnsumption. Csomra
Sold only at JACESON7I Rem ire) Liberty at, head of Scrofula. Rheumatiam, Asthma, Ferrer a nd AgUth at of
Wool., all kind.. lanamie Erpdpelo, and all t/tree 0b.... dis
- no. peculiar to franalea. Inviced, every form of disease
A Scientific flair Tonic, Restorer 011 , 1 Beau- vanishes under the me of his remodise, to which hum.,
tth, ~.__yr i a t p,,ffi, ~ ,, ,I, ~,,,,,,,, Tit .h o , b are ..,,,,, d lty IA heir.-not by . the use or One OninpOULld MAT, for that
j ,,„,„ ~..„,,,, ~,,,,. f „, - „,,, r, ,„ 0 ,,,„ ~.., ~,,,,,,,,,,,_ I le iraconthatible with Physiological taw o but by the um of
th ,,,,,,, ~..,,,,,
~ L .„ ,, ..„ ..,
~,,,,,,„ the i „,,,,,,,,,. , hie re , m , ealifv, adopkal to, and preoribard for • each peculiar
qualities-It will force the hum to :now. th y pan where I L T r d 7 .4%, ti p ll h
nature tutended heir to n fall., o -:...scurf i , "gei e a ° - terathe la.. ee thsod. Do 1avarbt
,,,,,,,,,,....., r ,,,,, ~,,,L ~
~,,,,,_ E.,... r0w ~k . ! hl) - acktiovriedge4 to be enj."lol to all others. as a puma-
For rcodcritic the bur oft ..I ea,- uo thing two eneed . th ' ar I's... pill, l ' amar b • I s the). kthy° the Dowels Pth
teetlY nos frum csistiveocew o, al. hie Bolden Pills aro w1,11,..,t1Lum.
, 11 , .. , t1Lum . Ler.v , it o t , o ,n ti ‘ i ,m is , : . .u i lif y i , tl ; sr4l . .k ri e ,r et_e It eo th. . l, l , ll , , e i h n; i toltich by tio. Cathity, to p scow peculiar propertles, aLlnp.
hall 1 , 4 to ovule dismapc 1. being satiated that • bare trial
Is sudielent to establish what has been Bahl. ha the mludsof
0,1.1 only eat WM. JACKSON'S Sore, MO Liberty etn.„
Lead of Wiol. Pitobirego ' tho moat skeptical.
[lrmo-471i rent, Ou nod, and el. The elllietel are Dmitri to call upon the agent, and prce
core (groin) one of the Doctora = O r . giving ail...
ow-JO:NES' Solotiott_Tf Jet, a Liquid Human i "l i"eior re t h a l fb a nrOritiago aa lbs, a ir ' V a t '
flair X. - D I- 77WorlipsetroTriing et white, red. or ory hair. ton IRI J . thova-nOut the eoUrair: "' " nla'aalrag
le•auttfl inoth e ur black yet color, 1n a few uthautes. . J. Si boonmaker .5 Co., 3.1 Wood et, Pittsburgh.
PP ..-30 emits. an d al. J. )1. Tovrownl. Druggist .15 Market Ow 0
boil ho WOL JACKSON..., Liberty street. head of Wood, I Lea ..4 Beekliato. Drug.," oco the Poet OM...ills:olc
Pittsburgh. ny elly.
-- • ..hooph Illarkley. Darlington Bearer county, Ps.
JONES' LILLY WIIITE.-Ladies arc Coll- John Elliott, Erman Valle,. 7 l l "
T Ads. Bearer .. . ..
boned 50... ring tit. , ~,,,,, cy . ,ep acc i Chop. They- '.,,,,,,,. y, '
Lviol aware how friohltulth Dour., It le to the start
a. ' mo o L. rmyli, bow sallow, 'on e ., am ] ~,,..w i thy
the thin appose, ofter prepatell Chattel Beast, a itts AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL,
luit,t,,te..;,..,l,ont.,,i.rrduin,,,,ehis,rnm. c1ayti30,1,,.„..0&1;-;,11,,,1,....,,hkh,‘„, liioll the cure of Coughs, Colds, Hoarse
,.„ll doors. opatilili Lill, U ' 111 . • .. new. Droothitit, Croup Asthma Wll.llMott Congo,
It . Icrfeetly I 1 , 1 4 Puritled of All delrb.rira. nod Consumption.
mualitlec mid it imp:vita° the skin a moors'. heralthy. al. This truly ',ramble roronly her all dive.... or the Lace
0 5 .,,,,,, a s ., ii,,,,,, .1,,, at yi-, ~,,.• o n , s p,, s , , ~,. nal Throat. has lIPRIIIIP the chief rel Lorn of the offlleted.
meth. nn thr ttln, mating D 5... , 11 and wank. as It In the oast leertaio cure known Pe the ahoy* eon,
N.:1:1 be th e Arent. Wth JACIOON, 04.1 Liberty etthet, plaint, While If is a powerful remedial agent In the roost
heal of Wood. Pitt,burgh. Prins. 25 thno. deeper:L. and almost hopeless roes ef Consumption. It is
_ _ al., in Diolnished dose, one of the mildest nisi most
supeable fendly medic.. for common coughs and colds
Real below the opinion of men who ax kuown to the
world, mei tbe world respect their epluith,
Sir-I Imre used your Cherry Pectoral, In my own rase of
deep prated Ilrenchill, mid arn eallirtied fnim it. ehemicol '
eamstitutiou that It is arooda ., n l , Roble compound far the relief
rO„ l :r%Virt'd.,L, - =, LT - .1,', 1 1 - ,r,if:,,l'l'"atill'o!
erty In use it as you think proper.
President of
DIRECT EVIDENCE---Dr. Ayer. Lowell-Dear Sir
-Feellow muter obligation, to) u for the restortin of
my health. I sold you a report of me cao, which yo aro
at liberty to publish for Um benefit of other, Last matte..
I 1 took alma cold, by a ...ere cough. aod
Ili:rustle Una of man' toollemes. without obtai r olng relief I
, l i= ' et li ri al a.!f cri eri.e a p r et a fg h g! a 171,unt.,r'.11, h u ed,
of 'our Cherry Porannal, the use of which I inamediatelf
coximerind sowed., to direethats. I bare just combo:TA
thr nth bottle, sewl am nearly recovered. I now Alwep
ll': ° .?„,lT:g. h . I- '''''''' 'F.." 11 9,-.1.1w:t. f 3?..u . aa'-
Principal Mt. Hope i n
From Dr Dryant, Drought and Postmaster, Chlthlwe
/Ole. Mow
Dr. J. c. A i rr- no.. Sir-Es , losol please llnd remittals,
far all the Cherry Pectoral last .0 too. 1 man oohs.,
tingly ray. that no curriklue we roll gives sm. eatiaDethiu
. ' our, doce, tier hare 1 ever seen. medicine which ripe
red o ni.y non or Cough and Lung Conanithota the
th the happiest eff ythrlans rim olio,: it
ts. tral
extecolvely lo their prectior, aid
pt vum -
D . y M.allitTANT.
Prepared by .1. C. ATER, Chemist. Lowell, Man.
Sold In Pltriburgh. wholesale arid retail, by J. VI. Toro,
rend, 53 Marl. street. and Joseph Douglass, Allegheny
city. declawoowlyi
111.1111Elt I'AsTE. 4 grois of that
KA, 614 66rtanbe 6666.6 the plrp,r. ret.tx,ehted. of
the tnoncy nintletl. }or .talo whol..inho retaLl, at
nod WC.4 Petal. (JD) J IL t I LLIPS.
1l 110tH..t Haworth, in the Natunnd, hove fhb dry r.- Per ;octet phi:, Dowoli•l36, 416611 11210 lie. dr Ann
t 4 teuu,r and Hough Flatorrol Mu k Tlaete. the very b.-st that
oaOhl hrectiml to the Erigt,t, market. Prift ill cents
and 75 cent, per It.
Tha Tea .Market Um Plan:trod e;trt 146
AIU) OIL. 5 brim winter ...trained, for a.
hr ati).%. A'IT Co .
LlCS r ,r,l'.l) OIL. 5 brim pare New Ca.tilo
mck4,661 463 far .3lr
1:0817 , 17i,131`71.1: CO_
1 OFFI:E. 21.; bags thr gale by
41fli[ - Nl.kl - rtiLiv,i ken
1,i4511.. 116 lorls lark 31ackgtrul:
10 L,1.. NI , I I.llltimort /1..rr1n6;
dna. etillli9ll, for tale I,
del: CO.
1 iIICK.C , III' NC " L'S. 6 bags f0t....).a1e by
ill yn: I. S G.“. 9
, Ikjotll. - D 44 LS. 2i:.T;f.Ts.le l , w4i, l ,ni : t„...
•(;U.IP. 150 b o x,.
?tz , ulr co.
LICK STAIBI A - orkutalt
It .tu.isllmlll, L CO.
YA 21)00 dozen llope Yarn
11_1A.GES. tilde. lust receitQ and
Ijr fur =ale by nuaanninE. t 150/
it, • 1111 Water otrt.
1, 4 LOpl. , 160 I „
pivln .N 1). 1 lie .1 resident and Board of
MonOrt`r! of tho Norilturtll.llA.rtleo 11,ddyl tlatur2` . , 2S
e r ' s "" digr "t uth d' 4 2l Vtrt l lr ' :` d e t niTtnl d .o ` .4:. ° 2; ' ,ll!::., ` : ' .. ° :, ` , ' .
ttut t. ordar r udit ur paid to la• . storklydder. t:or otter thr
10 . 1 `Ititt!,', Jon. Ist. IS , l.Ljard. ‘ l l'""l' '
{ .) Y1t1..14 - 'S AND MOLASSES. Extra Hon.-
Nru. lurk Syrup. nvo uniordi. o
Uolde,l Sr rup ludo •tlu. Lc,. rroner
bturar' Holy, lludr,es do du
Neu OrlvAto du frd rah, hr
A. 11eCI.121:t1 A 'AA A :, LibortS
QODA ASH. 75 cn41,4 Kurtz bra
by dro) n 11,11,
pip al, BUTTER. :10 bids. ill
1.11,a1 fnr Wel, S ..t..•A. WAR
'FALLOW. 50 lib's. primeifor n: I
I. d." 9 _ S. .1 IV. lIAR
V HEESE. 50 boxe , . W. IL Chee
%...1 by .teln S. A II HAN
1310 METAL. 176 tons for roll
A.: yor l o a .Irll 111!EV, MATTII
YEACIIES. 173 bags per Mac)
.04 der ILUEY, MATTiIt
RellOOL BOOKS.- - Educational
11r . 4 n.
NI. U n " " ''' P..l 7llaMS7=il7.7i.ll .l
.1.1 65 Mark I
LAO fur by
INSIIED OIL. IU bbls receive.l
.11-4 by 41 , ,W tl AV, UAIIO
UNI.II DABAR. 1500 lbe juttl
lair me a.. vle bt ROA UY L
COrisar li- Clair nal LIN,'
1.1 AiiNESS. 40 doLen pairs 11l
Iluta llariania, for sale Or
N. .IYATXRiliall &
ROLL BUTTER.- 4,brls
acne • 2. A. elns-N
- k s 2A W2 r ;
, tt,
H. 75 brie andli brie for
1:1 14U,LUI-D1 • ' C 0,.,
• SALE QF VALUABLE - REAL ESTATE 1 Militari Eotnts I-.
ANDLEON MIMES, ci Altarmors Cdrwrr Yu- .
annt.—Parmant le a decree of the Circuit Stareritr . Conrt I S MATI I EW . HOSEY,
of Law and Channsrf•ti Ltid 41,1 18 Y. nwalerod in thereuse Liftman three InteradaTtLa
whtrein jrhn Tasacy mad other defendants. Um understate enring - Botinty Lords under ILI
ed cOrmattoloriers.aPPolnncl for the PnrPoes, will p cal By that Law, all who bare act •
to sell at Morgantown, In said Munty. on the Ater . sate Mons Etkt or their Vidatea
del in Yoltroarl , /SM. (being won , / dm.) all (het woven, , olio! to &matt- lamb from 40
h., 31.•,,,,, a th ,arnty, Amanita, lying alma and near I liet term It smtrice; and tut tb
egos Ric e r. vw.lly• known ael elm Motragalla Iran / magnet the trarrfcre." no jemet n
Works,. and the same that was convoyed br wild John Tare , until his hand is Ware& • /t, la
oor and others to said Evan r..Eniwtt and other, .01.11112. indlrithial eighteenth Moat MV
Mg shoot 13 WO acres of land, whereon- area Rolling NULL te by Agent, Tim one w ill'he
7 0 ,, pcpaas a , N a g eetory, Grist and Sew Mill, all dm, other to Loi effiient, t o I .
Sy wan, power , together with three Blast Iktrimara— ormipenmaion - Attempts to lost
On thie lend Mere Ls an abiaßlanee of Iron Ore. Smarm natl. will pmts. in the end &tort's,
Timber one Lime atone. There to elm a reinstall Ferry clew tla entire business of the •
i s Cheat Brer, belengang to the property. • ridrit eontemplalrd bY Con - rest
This estate LB well situated for rnanatattartnir Purlreest department_ f t g, g,1,, , 4 4.,,_
.., o „, of 1,,,,,, b,,,, of Wool and COLLOI2, 'slang altnated notoparatireir vagina salt
in the heart of a good fanning and wool growing el:glom, Warrant ter ibose enntlet. 21
about It miles *math of Ilttithurgia, hating one of the Lest the locating of said warrants th ..
water powers In the west, end water communleatton to
cm teef t. n•
, ti n, t , h: , sol.. s cr , rl 1 4 uln ..u m • •
~,..• ,
Pittsburgh and elsewhere.
Ott thew preises, pule lure Leen expended witldn the together a ith a &weiro. of I • •
last ten or twelve rears. come fifty thousemldollant loth* ellAbl , c,- Um to Lg. an estintstiem ymaramit, -- --•
entrtlon of the rolling WU, stall factory. blast fornate. end Teru.,which vill ter sm.:unable, m4Se known.* op* ,
• other buildings. cation.
: The works are now in tolerably good arc-fireord mmediate- Warms , mi.]) & MAT/TEIV -MEM Pinkrifll%
I ly connected with the mills are wane form
' • ••
. acre/ of superior farming latish Nome Ore or six smaller N. 11.—1 ribs the name of yonr Port 041/M. Chant
, fartax, tr,^ether with sixty or eighty dwelling how., snit- Stale. eery Iseibitt
, I', Z b l r b f lar e jl ' itflq ' sk wedit of one, too. and three Team,
I Me titarch * asor sirin g bond with smurity tor the payment
I of the purchase money.
I - Thaw who may he dugm..l to make bar:ata mar
expect a great Larttain In the purchase of this sal able
y w ddo well to examine the premises.
T"iertgreven t et h l e will ' tsepleasure In furnishing say for
Were deamipilon or information whlch may Lo desired by
persons triehing to purchase.
• W. T. WILLEY, CoMMissioners.
Morgantren, Ike. 12. 1830.--delliarfitT
To Southern and Western Merchants.
ho aubserlbernapectfull) Mel. public attention
o:tnnalse "Mak of Penho:ery.hropchhavingthnom n ,
Po. to which seven hiker and too dolJem Medals lion.
whinw the Mat RI; year., been aaanind to Malamutes of
haw Leek. 'Joann. and Phffralelphia, the latter being the
only Uold, Medals 'err rJordid for perfumery either to
Europe ar MAI country.
hohartf. UNIZIVALLti. Hui C=Bll. (Almond. Dow.
and Ambenalal.) unlyrtatily aelhaneledped tubeauperiortu
= on tit. f ru—
praLoung highly aspanareausiand emollient_ proportlea:
Truman,. tompound: Arobro. blaring Tablet; JUL.-
ry bhaelna !ham.
huirorma T•gan
usk. E.o4ll—Ailor nd. Reone, Milleffeura /low
%"...n.ean ' a ' r O en TOO lmmenantwara—lta., JB=lll3. (ton -
qua" de Candi.. tlereneum. Jr.. - Lind,
em CM, Mogan, tlemottle. C rfuno oat!, Road, toad many
varieties. in all xisty differ at oer..
Tuner I , 4rota—Florlda Wale,. Fall de Telletta. Orange
Plane, Water, and a great vatic* of Colowoca and Lave:n.
der Wanton
P=1.91831088 eon rut nu:ne fkars.(lll, Antigua
OIL Mandolin, Eau Luotrale, 0 ho, Compound 0: lta,
roo, Italr n, Equal &al in po der, and Philoonue,Rtrl.
nme, aol Jenny Lunt Pomades.
Onorcestn, ee AAA nuan--Bal Ell Ar. RC= Tooth
fasts, Chat - tool Doutrllle, Woo ur , Toot/albutoott4lTooth ,
Comet/ Creato, Antandi. for',
Ammo" hands. LAW erram of at cream do,Perat, Lip
Calve 11881.1=88 e==l. 88-
1)1118tory Powder, for ottooviaittoto4rfluottibalrt Pair!
Post rr. Vlnalere dr Rouge, Armaatic Vinegar Victoria
1131 r Camtnahlart. Preston halt, Plea a greaCentirty of
other wend,. hw autumn. to loomed in this talfotb.ak
” T ' h i t• solocribar lopea to main in the reputation villa!
thl. artabit.hrar. hos roire. by dlipaing
hot [met ra.. ankh, and alp bay,. - h
retch to patron!. him, thee viholnale or Poli.
r00 wry. . any blbhment In the L ,
!Rat.. ZAMA DAM,
51,101123,T 3.1 tomer Di
UfgfE Rat: u.,'" f
soli by l al 4 l C r o in t
c s l t ya .
d for sale
;HAL( 11.
41.1d , t
• f r role
L 'roll.
Mr. Dohs Perini:imp Ia for
[hands° In then/awry.
The Peet's Offering Mry Met Push J. Mao:
Gems of Diautp for 1651. • a %Tutor Bloom kr 1651
Cabinet of 31odero Art- •e hit • Sourndr.
The Rommaber Mo for MIL
The Illustrated Life of Chris by Bea. IL Well.
Boma in the Life ofourba.r.
Paul and Virginia, Ilea cut •*. estwo.
F. 131 of Tintilla dva Offeringna Offertuff 11151.
The ha foe DLL
that of m g
s Meehan World ft. 1151.
The American Koemutke tor I •I.
fat,••7.." 4.l "PeatLgi,"'wn*TCL.
liercries of •Bachalon tau ] .
Also, • onmplote sasortmsed 4and+7 fnenn
&tub, la fumy binding Mr en mot oototott to tho
• On haal sad for side b••
dtelhaS. A. IL -II a co.. 79 K at
011 Cloth rectory.
WO yards $4 Floor 09 •-
300 Tares 44 do io j
Ilkyards 154 Wessel 09 1 70 4 75 - •
50 Owes ueorted .see 7aple, Stara sad
Comb of latent lather Web. atla beaut!folyatt . e , fee
fob: obobealo t
and total•
.(0 lat tee ereba 11. oven
MUL Nola L' 7
. anO 9
'Wood erae
bg. "" l " 4m " k. UADAUXO;
TO. 49 LI BEILTY - STREET, PittsatriOn.
1 . 1 v. DELAN}:r hot inst ogeneel hit Boring irtoalt- at
Cloth li
(rum tra latest lobetationat amL mrars...pste.
of erery thing that hew and hiorleotoc., Mr going
bummer wear. TM: asp:atm.:titof %Latium la mommajb.
large and varied. both lo et c nd quality, tool mono< ha.
excelled. If <quail."' by any other establishment. ta this
citn either in annlaY. quarAlt, or prim
Alan, a net, rtyle of Tyra,' Caselmore.aidaptaL far
nee/ Coat. and Pant, Swum, Gouda of every demelittloas
twitch Twea.l... buhm..retb.. Italian Cloths, Drap d Ilea, •
Le- The entire 6 ur):. will favorably mutant siut Any
web of Muds opentll bra:to...we In Pittsburgh:
Mr. J. Watt's nc:l known rhlll and Mete tlt a miller,
will Mete an g.nple guara to all who may taus thla
eatabliqtawat . with their callers. that they will hage
rl d nse ' d trl-Mt.b.ll';rlo.,h77.r:r.b'k Drodaroa by toy
sewn...wt.:Mal by twin" who hare tiara
.(could fat..
thee 'Late. that will , as. goad .4 fuhlotable
I lover (Muds as can to found Intim Laincm market. and it Inaba
A large and general ......enatutla. of ready la ®brio
on made in the prawnt raxhion mi
Me, Pmek nod ilvaineas ("<ats of the latest style, nape
bf l-moch. Jingles., anal AninimA Clothe, of: all fallansia
le miner. h.saatraws of eatery dCwijuion, of plain bud
tamer Canhoryte of the Intact Clothe, battinot
hammer Reds ('tote at the beat baths, nal, RDA plain
A nd (0000 Clatbs,Cuhutere. Oa. and r an'
tkles iu the clothltur inc.l All thameuts mildest No, Oh
an wart - snot to ta. cat sal made in a scat wockmanllte
sm M. and will la. odd law fey Lash:
mar a Ncue but the Met of Worianen ettiblaiia. art fall
wages paid. LJI .larcurats made to mitt . .4 abaft, war.
erlaWholcsale burehassra sill And the stork at ati a emit
&drab!e one to' aeleet o clamp vital: beautiful etwortmeta
from. causel.MYertf I , 'P. DELVILT. •
--- -
State Mutual Vire Insunuice . Co.,.Hartisbg,
KIE de alga of this Cox - I%IAT is to afford
the owners of property rata and cheep Insuntner its
bus cut being ma:hutted strictly on the suutunl Mitt
emsiltut log twery mutt. Ft , ckholdor, and =Wilma •
to sb ars of tho•VI4ILS and br the only equitable method
tn the ertent of mutual insormse—thet CLASSIF VI:SW
ITS ftleliZ—tbut meal benebts to the Ilispre.
flu DOnbane seeonllngly, have tllstded their stab Inb
two distinct CLL.., the charter wroskiing M. no pall' otf
Ito, butd, of eta , . 0 .0 he ebt•sonristed tun the jwylaent
it.ct calming the td her. The Einstein,. is dencultun
tot the It .Any COMPANY. In which Ituturaneesoar
coad, opon country d welling& Lam, out buiLlin c rsh 0104
Peottny; o.a nothing more hasanteus Ls thawed
to_Le taken.
The..' , l fr. deorualhated the mr.nQuA_Nrs.'
O'dl'A\ V. In o.
mar be made upon reefell..
andlaa nal the !Al' 1,11.JA of properly In towns and eta
I lase.,
The premium not. ere only about rlTtlit as longs, us
thus, uroallt charged by other erropenlea and the rates
Ion: bat •urb w the Plrettcr, are osubdent .11.1SATe than
the ogaraeity Of eller maklen araesment. :1104 over
In Id INI,I art be Insured la one headily, and the air.
'heath Is alltrartl the brlrilece Insunn: ather•oltla or
without the liability of premium note.
Thar anonsi..7 , oldeh tars eshoelell tothf. Company.
S ' ln n.' eunt a tlVll l- A 11'21 1 %. `ll:7l.iik•
the 1-4.2
ay utetaltas :horn that fat merits are duly ase.
rtoriairtt ay the public, All.lo:rte. alll be sottied at Ohs
luar, nab thoundhem and iltreallly.
Its, nun under the
root g l and
of the followsla Directorte.-
John P. Ilutlii.rfOnt. Albert J. Gillett, !'cannel lows.
Mort= Catrier, C.,Ertlpricto Paton filets, Jain.
11. Packer.
J P. ItCTIII7IITORD, Presldena
OILLOrt, Scceeterft ..•
A. A. CAIITIM"., Actilvry.
Praha, nth.: fr Italtren rent3TITIPJa, No.64E:pith.
Cold rt. Plt.”bat-on- colfeara.
Thin! .1.1:0 Harker FUtitit. ChOird A. D.
.a 7.0. Mk: Coart,no hothote of gos I.Dul i Par.
tylpanis. _ _ . . _
Warn or erstrtrtllnn. Wining, non. Jnintat
Doelmam, H e John 11,1 en. lion Chute,. Naylor. /ton.
Motet Ilantrten, Ilan. W. Lowrie, Mee/Iob:MS
John Andertton. they. Men. J. 11:. Montt head, Jamm Duct
kgeWttr.? ai : rtfL.icl T. , eiltrant, Athaney
[mac Jame. instep, Merchant. /1. , A. rrYtte, adtad Int:Went. eon rob e Imtit n tun let any time, and ¢b
tein - Inttruetion tottlytaltmlly, beth tiny and evenhart, triton
&milks', will diyhttart, tigned by the nettle) 0.1.
ptr,,minin tintmnlttce.
Thew der' net; thormtnh knonledre of Dook &mbar *
Pennthanshiy. Win b , llt In mired that thbt the only
C ons Pelle, of the 14nti In Pitttburxh. Conuntintme
Cons addrt 5.,1 to O. hi. Chamberlin, will meet with prompt
attratton. =teth
ALA i D hn E , 1;02 . 1 . 1 . , a !az,
Dtcn nnc-
•et.. emn
httrifli , tra
A., D, qr.....
1 5 , h, so
W"'"irrnme kittnen tfrt= to due to
tluyrmn~ tMt
,L e ifwa ' I rcirreatailres,accorling
to the booka'ufnthiAnnk.
. .
T. V. 1101 TE, Cashier.
Sworn aul eutr,iihrd Leihre me. this 23th dar hiller:hi.
her. ISio. C. IV. xns.r....m, ."
Jelididlid Noun . Politic.
xemamed unnk aualtemt an. unclaimed. lagalkul
with lb° ndatd or .Ic-wit-arc and date ler danucits—
It. llnllctock. 2-4). depolted duly 'IS. 15-1.7.
Una. WninhnlT. SCA. nep. 8.1847.
Bath at atuve dernittcv are at Inter.: at the rite ni Cali
Du mot or amunc.
Atramul unto and tub. j ,7 - 1 , 43 . bi1fi1 , u4:...; „..Trax...
Pitudmruh. January' 2, IS.ll.—jebialkara'S ,
of Itcootit4 and %beret , of I.cLa , ,lyi , -tha
bank of Pittsburgh, of the marmot of tott ders. ana
reeding that 'UM, whlch. willtin the throe 311414 jercealag ,
lbw data of ado tontoment. hero oat either-Wont
or dindanbed. ulth the name. , of the deoegltorai,Tb date
ther. moth donotat were made. or batattera
he amounts thorrof. ataternent earhohn All do:gotta
nod balmier. of ticnottit whielt have neretothie beer. pub.
Ighed for tbme eurteadre seora — tloif ittartaFrohcalogl 1.2
the CY - tempt:tot-alai:
Jena. Dougherty
bleidien (trout- ....... 11:40 211.17)
Thoetto Kearn5............154A.........1......13DC1.01)
Jame, Stuart. (gan..r. ..... ..tan. 5. 50 , 00
11m. Torolln.-eu Juno 10,18-1" 100.00
1 certify that the fnrvortiog appear to Ito baltuacra dun
the yertoro named. and hating remained in 411.205 Lirl•
rhungol fur ter. 'ear, •
.R3111)Elt, Casbkr.
Sworn and batt , .grifod I.efero me. tbig Orb day of Dr:
nattier. ill. GEM NV:I7AM, Alderman, derintal.iltrtti of Use City of Pittabutnit.
Allegheny County, SS:
ItO3I3IONIVRATII of Permsjivanin, to tho
Sheriff of mid County. arectlum.l% hetet& at an Ore
s' Court. hold at bittebutalt. in amt for tali county.
an tho :flet day of lweemter, lttble -t
The petition of Pao!el Young, .4lmbilettator of all and
stostnlar the Foal w ts, whirl wore 'of Catharine McCann: -
late of the city l'ittahurt e th, in rata it-aunty, tlereesteed, at
the brae of her death. who died intaatatet ebearimethatthe
sold Intestate lett vio lawful tette no: baronet eatata IDr lhe
Tien... of her deft, that elle dial Mut to her dunce.
of fee, of and in a certain tocesnioa or lot tur ground alto
fte lu the Sixth Ward of the g_tb.c. PiTt.burch. haring
ront on IV uthinat stn.. of thirty Icel. and extending
back gtf enti,l width on
line on a tetreflel with Wyllo.strett
hilt fret, %q.t. which le erected twit dwellint: hone., nib.
let , the pat meta of an annual 'mond rent of eighteen
dollar, BON: the Rm., lot of around mold and emarnyed
to raid Cat/Janne IteCunn, by James /Lanentell , by dectida •
tad the lath of October. A. D. lttls. The Interest of tall
Intestate .clog the undirkled who balfdart of will Wirt.
cc that there are debts again et tin rotate ea follon'wb wit,
Judnmento In thy Iltmrkt Court of call County In tarn
of John Ilaelelt, for bay nee dollart, with interest !Inn,
July nth, IaLO, and rade amounting to probably thirt7
dollar. end the exbt , tf4" - of mina clog mid trun willprolra
bly reach forty or Idly dlara And braying the Port to
grant him an order ton e rale of the no tnee.rnaaro or
lot of cround. with tbo eftPartcuanocs, for tha bayracntraf
the aformikl
sos, t erefurs. Wt. command yon, and ooh of you. the
holm end begot repnoentaitssn of .1a Catharine IdeConn,
and all others interrahnt. to to end appear hefare our Ur-
Phan , ' Court. St l'itt‘bna - si, on the Dalt of January. I±so,
t til o s ktner sh how saou ldute. not
Le y 7 granbal. .-tt hare. who the (rider Gratis Ise-
. .
tho lion. Dot. Itc+ !dont 7n,1 of
our said Court, of l'inAlutruh. this 11th day. of DCWIIIbR,
In A.
And tlae ()curt order th3t tamt, of tho logning thl.
tation given, by vablicatinu in the kittaburkb
Casette for three week, llr the Couch curt.
of Th,rno Gibeo Loul'Aletauder
of Creightcou Stewart, And nun to ,
rntnber 31. tbeCoart ttt , ddo Watanniat.., an
dltor, to dodril.ute iu the within armuut. .11r the
Tab. natio, 11311 the audit:10111 prooml to dlsrfiall
the dutiee of hie appoiutuu.nt. -at to, odAw. in fourth st,
Pitt.turgh. on !Ito till, Jai. of J.321 , 2i17t
o'rlmt. P. M.
C. 'D
gee Dollars argent will bis Paid to any we un hn , p i ll
proidu. he F,1t....r paint. mann ear ,try, that Garnet be ex..
teamed alai Halt, Imp means Ctwhaical reap. I have the
mtbfarilpo of airing to. the listPln oft 33 tame thatigh
article, t.,air nail impairemett On it. nirg Mudd and.
railed in thi.annitm nir Ptirmltlool Kr W% tar, lettoht.,ol3,
rant, or any other ann...y put ocen , la us all Linda of genii
Prawn': or lath,' dothlne, carbine. fahle spragele, Mar=
hawls. lintir.' 3,3onrm. ap, withrint thjoring emir=
that pure ri Liar , ill not lam, ?imp Umn one ti
persons in /lii . fovnt parts of the country hare tan me they
would not la notional it If It mut gi *cake. In tiling M.
Pam 0111 mum chartMU articles of light silts, mgr. atm.,
and reograw I hare only Maud tome inn,. of silt.-two
° (aural melimethrighieli It changoillhe poke;
therrnore, beim,. putting a on alight, re, ' tar a NP3OPM
of the drins 1.1. IPt this berth.. lam detest:3.W wt
1 ,,,,
to remonmeuil it anY stronger than I 00 to be atrial/
atti. U . rd if i' ed to ft' b r' y th4o. '"m lttoseri "' Lict ß . "" ''''.
it rIi".SILM. air
&go 13 W non ii,
4ULES 11 AUEL'SSlIar1.. - DCREAN.—
When, Is tly. mart who lota art a meta. the Mann .
an ew y these' If any there h., we . not addrese nor
warm to theta But to all mho, on ay. If 1. with to
render sharing a plinth.. purehane a I -nf Juleellfailere
Almond Pistachio, or Anthwial Ph:min Crearos. Monte.
telly Impossible lie Will wants tostarel • the fee li ng. of- a
pig h ou_ a Go boe limn used tp shaving th tordinatTrat
upon inking trial of. thle Mr the first ! me. It is a eatten
tiatkin of render, glardeation, ang plegouro. . _.. - - .
emaillent i misdating - the rtlff.t and 111632 wiry heard text
and pliable, prothrong au Glutirthlp lather, and le) at rt.
Gamely mild wthre alio, Int tar irrimunn. and t' 'malting
that Unpleasant ant stiff Galli.; cf the skin. whithit it .o
OM. rringlidemodlaller abasing.
Gentlemen UjilVg. Julia Grow. Phasing irately ay frae
tbe coldest met own blrrang a Inds tami after Its
nth, "'Ghent the skin insworilor I holitest - 3./W toora llhto
owe we it, we rain ,wkly Irk, calla came urn any other.
One 'groat sitrantsgc--wbrit • ill la h....0rie1); aprecia
ted br thaw .ho wenr nth kgrre—in :I..ten Malt Mil not
diet-dor the Leant sr b igh mint .soli. will de, griing awed/
ter rusty apprammee In Pa gab, eh the lit ,tpm. ,
Julep. lianas :looming Cremes are &brittle' yreyarations.
Pounded with istlit, to the otter eseirmituo 01.11 anklet
ealculatist to rand+ a r th e gineration of abai”Maatekatattaite
and will ctipm nbel by all who make EM1L10."... -
Prep. - ad onlf I ,
303'011AM:1n lerfunter and Cheirigt,
110 c 4.•, of stmt. l'hiledelptibs.
For sale. •hooraair and nail,3,- M. A. lahnartoxy. it 13s,
and h. ti. eel:era. hateettrah; and John Morgantown in,
Mitchell, Albialopur MG ,
it' I , — 4.lti3 i 2 tNI ,
° A ,
, T i .k . . ,,
bp A i'Li r lAPll:l 64 l3. n rtz .. b orp — ;
N.,... , ‘.—
LOUR ItillJUCED.—)Vilmarth , Noble
own their ntro, Flour, del veml. .1-1 ZS Des ]ply,F
gzperloolo , - !Oberst dbrannt to rtWers.
HIDES. 1.215 Dry hides; , •
nrr corbun%
buttillo Doerbklsm Lui4lcs. far veleby
Ronlurr. DALZELL k
ARD. No. lin store and for'rolo by .
dc27 Al Ail DICKEY t re.
emtont;YELLOW...Bsolba for B lab
ROSE YELLOW. 1914 lbstur,
male by ,i%9 I- - KIDD kW
WMITE BEANS... , 15 brISTor sale 11%
V JO IntetuTarsrZii_
CORN.bO brig in stern and far sattilm..t.
___ 7 ismiraotnis.rox-
1ik00.115. dor.t.n for tale