PITTSBURGH GAZETTE: ' Wlittit CO PITTSBLIIIGH TUESbAT . MORNING, JANUARY 14, 1851 WU2O CITT FOXINATION MR NATOR. JOIIN J. ROOOEN MUG 210SIINATION TOIL 11ATOR OF ALJAGLIESS 8. FLF.IIING. 'We hare reading matter on all the pages of this paper. . En ELECTION TODAY. i t y s i We ireassured that oar citizens feel the par =mint importance of putting an end to Barker -66 to-day, whatever else may be their other prethlections. The city has been deeply injured anddiillonorcd tithing the term of the present Mayor; and thin dishonor and injury would be tenfold greater, should the votes of men, whose object teems to be mischief rather than nay thing else: be sufficiently numerous to re-elect WM. Let)ievery good man, therefore, attend the pc4le and Tote. How lie shall vote for him. n 523, to may. All other considerations sink tato Insignificirace, when compared with the re damption o' the city from misrule. .•Our attention was called last week to a serie, of articles, in the editorial columns of the Coa st:midi ✓eurnel, entitled .•PrltlT.cts is Quo :Jas." At the time of their qprearance, tce were not utile, owing to other eliptgeolents, lo do more tLen in give tliem,a cur+ort peraotl. - Since then, we have readthe articles in question. I and now purpose briefly to rev:, w them Li the article published in the Journal - iiii Tlitireday lent, the Editorassumes. all.l Pride:nag, to main tain, the position that the Pi!grlyie , sail Early Settlers of New England, made uo pro vision for Education. The Journal say. "It was with them a very small concern—nor did their immediate tieseendant improve upon it much. We admit that at a later period learn ing has been diffused uvre that whole lonil=and plane of education. of the bei , t Elul, hove been adopted. These pten•uree, however. have main ly originated in that region. siuee they got a I Considerable sprinklingaif "Goths nail Vandal," among them." Nye might quote much more to the ••some par- Tort," but the extract which we have given_ suf. ficiontly indicates the position of the Journal, and the Footle and hearing of the article in ques tion—and we will now endeavor to 'how that the writer Ens fallen into a gross error in regard to this matter. Ent first, let us understand each other.— There is no controversy with the Journal iti re gard to the - present State of Education in NOR England. It is conceded that •'learning her been diffused over that whole land—and that plans of Education, of the hest kind, have been adopted" there. But it is asserted that ••these measures have mainly originated in that region, since they got a considerable sprinkling of "Gotha and Vandals" among them - At what period in the history of New England it NM. that lid; irruption of ••Oaths and Vandals" took place, or from what hire they come, and how many school masters they brought along with them. or at what place they landed, the editor has not !eon At to inform us. Perhaps if he should take another peep into old "Winterbotham," he might be able to satisfy our curiosity in reference to these matters. 13tit our objection to the article before us, is ; its denial of the fact that the Pilgrims and Early Settlers of Now England were the friend, and promoters cf learning, or that they did any thing tOritrib the establishment of the system of Edu- Wiwi which at present exists there. It is upon • this point -that we take the issue with the Jour- • nal; and we assert that the Early Settlers of New England we ' re the encouragers and patrons of learning and edacanon—that in the infancy Of the Colonies, they established School:, Ace 'denies, and Colleges—and made liberal previ etiOn far the etlncation of all the children and ' youth of the land. The Puritan: of New Eng hind, eo far from considering learning as a mat ter of “very small concern," regarded it next to religion in importance—aa a matter of the high- est moment. But we do not desire that our on imartion shall be taken as proof of the fact We intend to establish our position to the sane:ac tion of all candid minds, of whatever pursim 'ion or creed, by evidence of the most unque, tientAde character and- of the very highest au thority. Bancroft, in his history of the United Staten—a work of rare merit--( Vol. 1 pp 4'5E -9 2ed.) Says: "It teas ever the custom, so I it •ocii became the law, in Puritan Now Enc.lo,l, tiiitt •mone the brethren shell surfer so taue.. tisr.tartim at their families, as not to teach their children and apprentices sn much learion,e at snot enable them perfectly to read the Englisit tottitue'•--iit, the end that learning inoy not he tiar.ef in the grates of our foreftth-.- , 'a ions ordained in all theihiritun Colonic,. .1617. ••L:..l‘ t c T.tern chili, after the Lord hash suereased thtim to the number of fifty householders. shall sppottu oe to teach all children to write n t.. 1.1, mid ali en any town shall ineres, to tit: tot:oiler lif one hundred families , they shall set up 0 gracutuar school: the master there:a - Lein,..h, to inetruet youth Co far or they may be hi Pnl for the UM -versity." The preen be;;: tt it- cork is Itlt:a.— ••When New England w... poor. nml th;‘y.. were but few in number, there no. 9-,rlt to encour age learning. Fie :In,. he arrival of Winthrop. co P.:311, the trenet..l e..ort vet, el IL EtinVeqUal to 0 year's rate of the olio:, Colony. towards the erection of I. In 10,th. John Harvard, who arr,ed in U. 1.1,y t.ty to f,.1 victim to the most wa,ting elTnoite, desiring to connect him-.(" imp:on-hal:ly hill; the happiness of hi, h:opt:al co .:fitly. bequeath ed to the college one ball of ot+ ',tate. and At iti*lrusrry. The intact inetitutool wys a inter tie;-Connecticut, sod Pl:,antotth. on.! the town:. In the Ernst, often onitribute.l lit:'n otTerinan: to promote its success; the gift of the rent of a fer ry, (IC-15) Rae aIA WO . of “re or the State: and once, at least, every family in cue-h of th•• Colonies, gave tut& college at i latulaidge twelve pence, er a peck of corn. of value in unadat - treated Iliampumpeatr; while the magistrates and wealthier men were profuse in their .The college, in return. everted a powerfui inanence in forming the early character of the •Country. In thin, at least. it can never have a rival. (hear Meczti,r, ..Iprrsoity 811 OM lax, - tatFUSkfrig coninivn 4r/.L,, lieu the secret of the liaCCeleamicharucter of New England. Every child, at it was burn into the world, was lifted from the earth by the genius of the Country, and, in the Statutes of the land, received as its birth `right, a pledge of the public care fur its morals and its mind." " We have copied the foregoing extract at length because it folly sustains our position, and is con clusive of the question in controversy. The it/ancient of Bancroft is fully sustained by the authorities cited by him in the margin, as will be seen by reference to the following—Colonial Laws 74, 164. So, too, in Connecticut MS. Lets, tad In the New Haven Code. Folsom'! Bsco and ltddeford, 108. Pierce's. Harvard College. Win throp yd. 2, 214, 216. EvereoC Ynle Address, 3. tai OVZILVIII JOIINSTON.—It Win be seen by our Itaxiitiorgb Correspondent that the Whigs, in niacin, nominated Wm. F. Johnston for United States Senator, and that he respectfully but peremptorily.declined. Perhaps the Whig. are too four in number in the Legibiature to hare had much hope of electing him : but be that as it may, much 23 WC would like to cue Oar. John itkee in the ;Senate„ne would rather hare biro mere ko is, and try to keep him there another _ term if Ae Tag GoresNotc'e xessAoc--We find that the Whig preaeof the State us far es we hare seen it, is strong in itz praises of the admirable mes sage of Gov. Johnston, and in this it only echoes the voice of the Whig sentiment of the common wealth. Ww - give the opinion of one paper as • specimen. ; Speaking of the message, the North American says: a very able and instructive paper, pre senting & very lucid exposition of the financial condition of tbeState, curl embracing many ju didous auggeetiuna and recommendations on va rious important topics of State nod national in— 'West: It breathes throughout a tone of manly sense and patriotirn, referiiiqr temperately to the irritating questions of the day, rolo.king in promterms the di,luyal rpir:t which lra, f"uud Utterance la seine quarter,: and in temme a. , proper, aseertinf, , th, , ever faithful derotion of rennayivania to the Constitution and the Union. Szow.—Tlie papers speak nr Leary snow! in Western New. York, Vermont. eel eleowber,e. Here in Pittebnrgh, January le, ere hare not bad .. otke Ineli yet. . ~ . • • DALT Pita.—Teo proprietor of tees Mamas Pioneer loss Weed a prorpecrua fora daily paper ai et-rat.d. Cam• Fir tho Pittsbnivb Goixtb!.. -YOUNG LADIES IEIBMIATION FOB THE POOH. Mr. Editor:—By reason of the rawness and inclemency of the weather, and by the many un mistakable evidences of approaching winter, It becomes important to know what provision has been, or is being made, for the poor and desti tute, daring the cold and gloomy season now in prospect Oh! yes' the poor,--how seldom do we allow them to occupy our thoughts, or engage our attention, until chilling blasts and inhospi table winds, would prove us as totally devoid of pity, as of feeling, if ma did not at least bestow upon them a passing regard, soon to pass away iu total indifference, leaving no fruits to evidence these blossoming, of the heart. "The poor ye have always with you," sayeth the Scripture; and it is certain, that as long as sin, disease, selfishness, end oppression, shall en - dure--. long as our social system remains no defective in theory, and unequal in its operations, its we now see it to be—and as long as oar land continues to be the receptiele and home of the penniless, the needy. and oppressed, of all coun tries end tongues—so long must we expect that our poor will form a large, distressed, and piths ble body of our population, which iv not only to be tolerated, hut actually aided and supported from the happier and more blessed classes of so ciety. The duties, both of legislators and citi rens. appear so plain "that he who rumseth tiny rend" indeed, they cannot escape being aware of the necessity of their personally interesting themselves, end being accountable for the giiev • I atm effects of neglect or delay. No romancing, In our paper of yesterdny, we published a sy no misplnced enthusiasm, no Utopian nopsis of a stupendous projecif of a rail road I need be employed in urging the claims, in on. from Nova Scotia, through Canada, to the Pacif. gesting methods of advancement, or inimprov- i le Ocean at Pu g it.° tog the condition of this dependent end suffering There are two formidable obstacles in the way department. Food, fuel, clothing, mid enema, of this gigantic enterprise. The first is the high -ag,ement, must come from those who nre amply I northern latitude of the proposed route, it being able to afford it; or disease, despair, and death, a region of lon g nail intensely '" ere win ' er " — from those who arc illy prepared to suffer IL much of it, perhaps, too inhospitable ever to be ' What, then, is our duty iu the promises! What • come the abode of civilised life. The . other does humanity, and all the higher and holier im- the great and unbroken elevation of the Rocky puises of our nature, contraot for us, and hind Mountain, being in that latitude, a region of al us to do? Mote over our cheetful fires in indo- most perpetual snow. In all the British do lent self complacency—told our arms with sloth- I minions, from latitude 49 to the Frozen Ocean, fill and alniost contemptuous indifference—make there is no such depression as the South Pass.— no allowance for misfortune, calamity, and die- The project ts certainly a grand one; but in our o „, o ___,„ pi „, none are worthy o f ass i stmce or opinion it is closed, (to use tl.a language of Isympathy, because all are not—or, finally, con- Thomson). sign them all, indiscriminntely, to the commend- -11 y essioni+ thaw, with eternarbwrw. ed. but rather equivocal, comforts of the jail, the But we like to see John Bull looking in that Ito,pital, or the work house. Alost air, they direction, because it will stimulate our people-- . 'jest at scare who never had a wound," and AO i who bare a good route—to exert themselves to do ouch pseudo-philanthropist, and mock-moral. reach the great prize the awaits the tint tuition lots, who make light of the pangs of hunger, the that will open a communication to the Po ; pinchings of want, the griefs and sufferings I cite. which know no cessation or alleviation, because experience, sml and hitter, lons not taught them to pity, or to 'loot for others' woes." No one, unless he has actually visited these abodes of vile poverty, and haunts of wretchedness, can form any alleluia° conception of the squelid misery, the object depravity. the disgusting filthiness, and the total deprivation of all the blessings and comforts which should attend, and which alone make life endurable: and of the suffering, degra dation, drunkenness. and Tice, which crowd about the filthy euburlis of a populous city like this. If the imagination should fail to call up, with sufficient lividness and distinctness, the tremb ling and famishing groups—the cheerless and comfortless aspect of their dwellings—the fre quent shiverings, and thick crowding pains—the mutterings, dark imaginings, and heart-bunting sobs of the afflicted and desperate—sod, to finish the picture, the ravings, naockencs, and Canes of the reeling drunkard, as he •.matches a tear ful joy." and purchases a Inoluent'4 respite from —and oblivion of—his wretchedness, by the ex change of a body grown burdensome to him, end n soul of which he knows not the value, let him learn from those who make it a practice of visit ing those localities, or let him go forth .d ex• amine for himself, and he will and to hi, cur prise that "die half Lath nd been add him." and that "there ate more things in heaven and earth than are dreamed of in his philosophy " He will di.to,r, within the limits of hie daily walks, dark passage. and sombre seen, of life, which defy conoeption and which moo' certainly beggar description', where the tragic is more la , eible than the comic, where the idron' ii heard rounding above the glee, the cpte, wreaths bound oftener than the flowery eiraplete, and where distresses are counted 1.7 hundreds, and pleasantries by tens. The work being the, large nod increasing, the laborers, and the efficienq of the Aid rendered, should he proportionably increased, the-greatest difficulty is to animate the apathy, and remove the indifference, of the willing and able Let stifle miuse of , ii , trtriv. o..uu appeal to the char ities of the todnlnc nod )-enificent Iw mentioned in the papers. or ,rlll , ,lnc.'d In,e dire desk, null money :rows in lihe water, and relief comes rin pentliundantly. Careless about troubling them selves with finding nut ouch objects for assist ance. they content themselves with giving when asked, though often' unwisely, a nd di• s iparia g their charitable funds through channel, neither life-giving nor refre,liiric It is a maxim la• trite ns it is true. that •icharity begins at•home. - Treieures spent :n proper and approved crueles t have their effect, arid. we 'verily believe; carry with them title I:desiring. from we think tat least more immediately beneficial, if not mere really cliaritdide. to give liberslly, where the di rect efforts and manifest Imppy results of his bounty may enlighten and Mll large hi , experience, uui rejoice and make OA his heart. -•Mercy id IFIC,LIen,OII, it ble—etit him that gives -and him that takes, - s the immortal Swan of but to gins blindly, ing and through unknown 1 , sz.omies. ;though it mu; he bountifully,' is to depri or t Ids most noble impulse and celestial quality of our nsture. of half its value as a beautifier and nu elevator of the character. There are numbers who ore really anziau. to make themselves useful, nod to do ao much good us possible, but are ignorant how to make a commencement, and how to etimoruize their rime and means. so no to realize the greatest practi cable amount et benefit. both to themselves and to others. Ilere now is a came which commends itself to their sympathies and their assistance, in which they can become ministers of mercy, softening afflictions and soothing sorrows, restor ing wronged and prostrate virtue, and righting end elevating obscure and Buffering Merit, de , emoting evils, lessening troubles, benefiting so , ciety. and diffusing happiness where none before Fas felt en - ; in needs not that we should be lavish and I prodigal of our sympathies, that we should make frwitlez, effervescence, of feelings, or useless ex penditures of holy and sacred emotions over im aginary and fanciful distresses, which the ro mance or the novel bat, in glowing and vivid col ors, pictured to us, while there are cases, with out number,of uhsulute suffering and unrelieved , want, within range of our vision, such as the im agination of Dickens, powerful as it is, could not call up; and such an the experience of Howard, thorough and expansive es we know it to be, could scarcely surpass. No one can, by the possession of wealth or luxury, opholeter - himself into happiness; but it aCCI9, more readily acquired by an active, prac tical benevolence; by a otriot observance of the golden rule, ..to du unto others," he., founded upon an unwavering faith, accompanied and evi denced by good works. Compare, for a moment, the fictitions and fluctuating delights derived from a full supply of all the luxuries of life, front a felicitous repose upon downy cushions, the spirit's ebbing and flowing with the changing for tunes of a hero or heroine of the fancy, or even from the more permanent and healthful (because they are the more rational) pleasures of intellec tual pursuits, with the lofty feeling of solid, cheerful comfort, occasioned by the revisiting of blood to wan and faded checks; by the recurrence of light to a hollow, spiritless, and lack-lustre eye; by the rejuvination of a feeble and attenu ated frame; by the smoothing out the wrinkles of a serried conscience, and the pouring the oil of consolation into the tloubled breast, givingjuy and peace; and by the transposition of cheerful ness, contentment, hope and plenty, in place of want, misery, and despair. But, to use the legal phraseology, we have mode a “departuro in pleading," and "hare wan dered from the record," our object in this com munication being to acquaint- you, and through you the numerous readers of your excellent pa par, with the claims to a sham of th4ublio fay Tor Ana patronage, of a moot valuable ,soeiety,. organized Or a more thorotipb, exteative, - eitl meihodleal relief of the.wretchaand seen* poor of our cider, of which more to Morn*. exuaria. We select from the Poo, with pleasure, the following article, in which a high compliment is paid by Judge McClure to Mr. J. IL Kennedy. As Mr. Kennedy is reporter of the Gazette, deli cacy forbade his notice of the compliment under our head of .4 Home 3letters," but it is one which deserves • place in our paper, to which his whole time Ls at present devoted The Murder Case.—Capt. Naylor, on Saturday, in the Court of Quarter Sessions, made an appli cation to withdraw his motion for a new trial in the case of Daniel Mackey, convicted of murder in the second degree. Judge McClure observed that he thought that was the proper course—his impression was,. and had been from the first, that Le was a wilful murderer, and perfectly sane, not only when the murder was committed, but up to the present moment. If he got a new trial, he would swing —his life had been saved by the great. and ben evolent seal of his counsel—hilyoungfriend, Mr. Kennedy, hod done himself great credit—his address to the jury was characterised by a high degree of eloquence and ability—he spoke in a lucid and logical manner, and succeeded in creat ing a favorable impression not only upon the Jury, but upon the Judges on the bench, who • had unanimously ezpre•sed their great gratifica , tion. Ile would soy this from the bench, as he had repeatedly expressed himself off of it. . Capt. Naylor, the senior counsel, returned his I thanks for the high compliment paid his yonog friend. Judge 'McClure said that the gallant Captain might make this life which he had saved, an offset against the many he Ind taken in battle. ROUTES TO TIE PACIFIC Tar Wnta ALMAN•C.—This valuable annual publication has made its appearance on our ta ble. It contains n great amount of valuable statistical matter in relation to politics and com merce, not to be found any where else in connec tion, and brought Into so small a antupa,s. Eve ry Citi.ll9l2 who wishes a reference always at hand, should. by all means, secure a copy of the Wing Almanac. Published by Circely and Mc- Elrath. New York, at P2i cents a single copy— sl per dozen, and $7 per lOU. PI ,7.111/1.;,;11 This song is alledged to have been sung at a meeting, of a Literary Club in ScoMind, at which Sir Walter Scott, with others, erns present. It was the rule of the Club, that each one, at their meetings, should sing a ballad, in turn: and the rest should judgo of its antijuity, by the metre orthcepy. This song, although to tact written for the occasion, wan pronounced by Waiter Scott, judging (min the first line of the second verse, to oe then, more wan too centuries old 1.111 ImmLl na Pear IMMIk- ... b.•, my .L.Y, UL hami a ye'cr matair 1,114, Th. as,. that Lae lawyt may La bar Fmk na .me IMLAY, ou MY, my Mr, Sae luck no no lightly no me - Or' gr.r.t r, st Lam. rrar, Ji.ar Liar. "- Or' AA at rarrii L.rLrru gra,. a.vh.r Orr.Lt thtll3l.eit, au attire. Lauer, Slay. wan, ' 15 a.e an atter, tram )1., 'Ye myna' ashen art v:,.1 in Wingleu..byw T. Yak, *tyro Yr. voy na Wlayely.u. yr d. 417. &wee wad, Yas ottm 1. way war herd van yre'cr byway- Yen. tb.rt. Jean X..inat An• CU! Lord van year byway - men 11Wa. Oh Qom r• wire • thing to ene, Joan Luna Oh then t wene • ' thtnn m And thensuento se , sinsl Uc CC. l nl. f the When Leann' tLe v wz . lb,. J..n lAun. When tentlti the uu•en wt . thee I tanned t a bawee,l.y_th• latela .tran Lma, tamed S• a bow., by the hada But dreamt vs that helm, a..e sae to the hew That foarmthe wad tak as atwa .temt Ilmt tartan° wad tab he a tera Ye Lark fine, in fatal , fu' Era, J, f.. 12 Luo.in mu... 1. • r J. 4 4, • • •trd - Alfu • fill, Awl I'l 1e pu•l Jst J okfl And Um 0 pa, J SO fILT.II ING NEW 4 4rag Sistak, ln HMS., • —After four days' hallow:1g, lien W AMC lan, was elected .Speaker of the House of Ro presentntietta of Missouri. The lientonitss ha: candidate to whom they stuck most lellattonSi. through the whole contest. The Alittiltentonite hail one also, bat tieing the weaker party of th. three, they gam up what WOO to them n perfeitt: h o peleas contest, anti threw their weightlnto oh Whig scale, which caused the result ahoy...anted The Whigs am more numerous than either of rh. democratic fncti tilia. I=l Tb- Wantungron correspondent of the New Cork M irror gi yes th rotorw ing seemiut of the manner. or our later Presidents Mr Firimore is in hoe hearth •lid spurts, and I think 11 will be conceded by every body, that he is tbr tacit Woking of all the Presidents who have oc' copied the n soon& mansion. I hate seen the gloat part 01 theta, but certainly for an •parleiledly polite and reurteousttentletnan none could compare with the present isicupani lobo gurney Adana, with-whim my presidential remembrances corn menet., wan choitng cold, and unsterile] in 11.mm:tiler 01 moving yrotorii he made you keep your distance Kroll:eel ir too General Jackson was frank and dignified, but not very cordial; hi. successor who glorified in wathrng in his lootsteps, but didn't, Wllll smirkingly civil and printery gracious; Gen Harrison, poor old man, was kind hearted but feeble, and was woo worried am of existence. As for 11r Tyler, ti Is hardly possible to carry awn,' any other impression of him, than that made by P. very prominent nose blr. Yolk lair a very marl president, and easy in his manner; but ing. he always appeared hire an over worked machine v la: ry leero , f . r o arn=deoldg . re k T i pzi fio d . rd no i Ll n eaß • Our neighbor is even harder to please than was the soldier under the lash of the Drum- tor, beuv-n rest his honest anal, received rat al Y .; men '- Strike higher!" .* Strike lower '" were ; grandfather does his grand children, and you left his the alternate cries of the suffering soldier But I,77a7:B7,lrytoyravbr been lit:7l:l7Lanadd. our neighbors do not wish the Legislature to act est old Pool in exauence. at all at present. Wellsburg and Holliday's Core he amen Ftllnsore differs essentially from them all; are too high up, and liaiing Creek. or Inland t hp piajo te ri s ty ' r a it r n P rnhrt=it * lnt in il h yl: finely Creek, and Parkeraburgh, are entirely too low formed, in good health, with a bright eye, clear coin ' prelim, erect in carriage, 111:1d sudimmuly stow with. down. out being corpulenr, he is a repruentatrve of the The fallowing in the policy of the Wheeling : American f!ntlemen whom his countrymen may she folks. To prevent We passage uf 'tiny more laws t Prrda Ha,....aaaadrartY winning to moiler for railroads to the Ohio river, until tho Bahl- :f.r.77,;:p'n,t': " to e v e ry ' r: "Y'' smiler itn more road is completed to Wheeling, then to tome lathes, and moves about the room wlthlf ° eZ Y se apply for a charter fora railroad from there to rj n t r ,ro u e r . . r ir ni r i r" o 7 . l7 o 4is o fri k, e b. ode p l „. ..h . ts . soused with the Ilempfield road, or with some ally popular with the people, let them think of hirn, as other road from Pittsburgh to the State lion, in they may Praia-ally. Mircav or Wtirrtiso —The eorre•pondrut of the Wheeling Time•, at Richmond. notices four applications for railroads—one from Holliday's Cove, near titruhenville, to the Pennsylvania line. One from Wellsburg to the Pentisylvimia line, both above Wheeling toe from the Balti more and Ohio Railroad. at the Three Fork, to Parkersburg, and another frork the Three Forks to the Ohio river, in Tyler or Wetzel' county -- The two last are below Wheeling, and either of them would, of course, become the main stem of the Baltimore. Thr correspondent thinks there is a terrible conspiracy by Pittsburgh, Wellsburg, Peakersburg, and Baltimore, to ruin the •. bead of navigation." Ile boldly asserts thut the Bal timore and Ohio Railroad company is still anxious to escape from the wide embraces of Wheel- the direction of Wheeling. NSW ELECTSO-CFEIQSAL TEI.ECiHAPII ding the es,.ile leclmg in South Carolina, th e New Etigand Society of Charleston celebrated itsanniver, The Eamon Atlas rays that recent and wonderful I anry with the ustrel spirit, and among the gums were the Hon. Judge Gilchrtst, Hoe. W. I.Grayson, IL W. improvements in the transmission of messages by the CVII ' nor mid others °route in the Palmetto State The electric Telogroph, have recently been exhlbitod g feet ., ~,, prim. o.assacometts was in France. Ths Instrument is the invention of Mr. tanned, with the wish (hat "she had yet enough of is called an etectro chewiest telegraph, and t the pure best blood ill the Puntan and Huguenot to 'coveys message in the very hand w ri ti ng of We- slough slough the vile taint" of Abolition:am The lies sons who send them ! i t claim.. have greet • L atTlLle.G:iftmnadnonna,:leurrdni,a9,;‘,ljhretn.lnlinau.enn,qm,m ade vantage. over the etee" .tWhehe telegraphs Southern Conferacy become necesstrry, so event general use. While the latter transmit despatches which bedepreciated, It would not be "without Its at an overage me of eight words per minute f or Plymouth here " During the course of the evening was received from the New Health, each conducting wire, ital. new inventing can Imes. init trorn 200 to 400 words per minute. A Comma- I mac seoument Fro wi n it d ihr 7, l,l; tee of the French Legislative Assembly, at the . forever " On lbeiarhole, there is a glad deal of ,e -head of which was the celebrated astronomer Le serener fur one ” o hle j, t , tutiow , yet Intl to South Verner, was appointed to Investigate the ;ocelot of I Gn ohms —{Phil. this onvention. They caused the experiment• to he repeated in their presence. A message consisting of several thousand words was unnstnoted io Lille and haat, alum et single wire (the wue ben-I-untied at Lulls f. an to carry bark the message.) at the ruin of about 1500 leueis, nr nearly four hundred tete• graph., words per minute. The committee reported favorably on the project, and the Govorunteut or dered a let of dr/carat° , to be constructed to be placed to the first Otnionce on the line between Pans and Calais. Thin line was completed in the early part of the la.t month, and its performance was wit. ceased by the correspondent of a London journal, from whose account of the discovery we gather our in'orntatlon. Hu own despatch, which would occa• py about 'a column of the Attu, was 'Trammed cod amtlea by itra apparatus la bat pmacuse at the, rata a 1200 lows per minute. The characters were per. reedy dieting:* and legible, and the despatch was read twat tbeß 4130 i° his Metes. Nint.l3o.•Poent, a D., mined GU 'Vadat:May, fat EvuoPlhetni?lsgibe lolly plaengen in the owner It is remarked by the 'Provideoce Journal that while the manufacturing Liminess is so teach depress. ! ed here that over one third of the loam to the even try ore still, the reports of the businese in England ere highly favorable. While Lowell and Providence are suffering, Manchester is flourishing. The tara which bears with ao much severity upon our own in dustry, opens a new market to that of Great Britain. It was not wrhont reason that the Home of Lords raid to Mr. Walker, then Secretary:of the Treasury, the comp Irmo' of re-printing his Free Trado Re port. It wes a document admirably suited to British Interests. Desirable Suburban Residence for Sale. Too snbeerlbor offers for gale the hems.. and groundl when he now millet, situated on Park atm.:. below To r' moot, in Allegheny, and about 1r... minutes' walk from th market of thi. city. The lot Is ti feet front on Park at running Lath feet, to an alley—cmitalning mearly one •mre of around, and is landed on every aid. by large °pro lota, Wowed with trees and shrubbery. The house/ ut nearly new. Inrge, and exceedingly well arranged, baerpn • hunt ot3o feet, and a depth of and containa fouru reams Weide. torte Get wide. It Is built in the and molt durable manner, and harn - tre-proof rcof and motions all the modern conveniences. Two putupa.4l . a unfailing supply of hard and :oft water', are at We &,+r. On the premises are the neeeamry out building, ruble, carnage house, Or Tbe grounds are laid out mostly coirethl with choler fruit trees. evergreen, dowering shrubs, currant, g , sawbertiee, tarpberriet.ac.,thd a small garden The fruit Is of the hest bind, and the me, are in their prime. and yield enough fur the wants of an urdlthry huolly The situation of this property. as to salubrity and suburban comforts. weabinod with continuity to tho is not thrpaseed by any rooldence In this vicinity. It has • 'low of the Ohio River fur over a utile. of Temperance , elite. &Kith Plttahurgh. the city, the two rivers, and the bill. wand, forming altogether n tanorainle dauthert of which the eye never wearier. Every boat which enters or departs from the port of Pittsburgh on the Ohio, passer in Nil visne. Th• residence and minds are oleo need from any annoy...* of dust. so a...mei/re of ma y or , ape vegetation, and affords a retirement as quiet and peaceful Gulf Ithated in some quiet laul its the counts - , The property via to sold at • bargain. and pea ession given NAVE ATIO, or TDE Rio GRANDE —There are con• ! on the Got of April. Engl.* , no the thasetth 0114,, "There will be four eclipses in 1851—two of the son and two of the moon. 'A partial eclipse 01 the moon, en the 17th of Jaounry, will be invisible on thin continent. An annular eclipse of Melvin on the lot of February, invisible in North America, but eta. nal nod vertical in the Indian Ocean, near the Isle of Java. A partial eclipse of the moon, on the 18th of July, visible throughout the United hinter; first com tact with shadow, 1 o'ctock. Goon ; middle of eclipse, 2 o'clock, 30 mm; test contact with shadow, four o'clock, 8 min ; mean time, morn ; mognitinde of eclipse, 52 5 &nein on moons southern limb. A to. tsl eclipse of the nun, on the 28th July, partially via. on follows Begioning of eclipse, 7 o'clock, 30 min. A M ; middle 9 o'clock, 37 min. A. M end of eclipse, 7 min. P M. This eclip e will be total at Badin's Bay, ',chador, a part of Greenland, and in he Mann.' Ocean, east of Newfoundland, eclipse on the sun's northern limb " N dieting reports n• to the posslbility ut navigating tl"`"" SiIIIIT or b ß o i r o de ß r re de e te b nC e . . '" Gi n 7u "' lt ' r s ui a t e r a l: a t a of d t re b e e t T ite "n l :re f A hp. r s 3": t. letter,,b nnMr'Ltin..ll:.."‘nn.m7romG"3.C':rn--- Chapman and Rat.bet to explore the river asthorougns Vi:, " L br in th iiiio P er r l P roi ri t 7 l ' : " o tr tn'' mndinin*. ‘ t bn rnil'n'n ly as the means allowed them by Government will distant part of the Wash .11ninuaStInseeffecC o f Ito "'el" n u an also ug.am fur the sale if the permit, while Col Johnston a Investigating the land " c.a.'aa not I" :communications between the Upper Rio Grande and ` h°i "" the Golf. The result thus far rather favor of • -Hain,.lllo2 o'l "41. the land mote, although, the most discouraging of th e lane', Vi s vin . 1( Lot tnrine;!7re7h u retl 'i by ' g r. ot n Me. river surveys makes ioesin navigation possible be V. en or eight hundred miler, to Frlmutto Rio Grande, -- " Ln'' , "'rnnn - 3:33 nn7 'tn- n"73' "" thirty Indus below Fort Duncan. Others. fix Eagle ussit u.'d in t th o Ihs..i.er'i'olri.ur"sadth ea r ' r ;.• ff is7o ‘ ar b ' az:n ." ol g lt 11 7 Pass, and even the Peons, oue hundred miles above, moots. Wr are deuroue of obmiedec the mcdielt b he the no ,ittible head (0 the river. The existence .fi "' dir ` ic ' 'flarr. ~pith rhea I of coal, Iron, mien, and gypsum, In immense quan- d ay ether medicine Cr keen. Pleane send O.& groes Imaio- J. t J. 11'. Cadeoe.. tin., and parneslarly the latter, at the edge of the For ...le tif J KIDD A CO.. sterile country shove the pacos, is LIOnCVI On all fall:slaw% No. 60 Wool bands. It in said that a plenty of ground gypsum European Agency. (plaster of par.) nil bat is required to convert the ru The the p un the itio Grande border into etch clover field. °tee , h e t te ,„, y . d or ,. th e ment h e h e April. !do,. nod June nest. honing Pittaborati on Miirch DESTRUCTION OP A PORTUGESENA.II-0P- it t h, sad alit be plowed to attend to any autuctes of atu. WAR. alone. charaftnr erlalch tua, be molds{ to Lill rare W• had a Telegraph report a tow days ago of the _l!L.._","°*l7 dudsDIVIN" accidental blowing up, to China, of the Fortugeec MEARYARTa; CASE! otanoil war Donna Matte, on which it was stated EVIDENCE IN (JU Ii MIDST. there were a number of American officers belonging ft. Bin—S4: t cheerfully nanny with your raven to the sloop of war Marion. Painful as was the ea- that i would glee yet an mem:tato( the almost miraculous L‘totty , We are glad to lege, that t u t eh ig h t *h . mo d, cure of my hut, danehter'e eye by the hee of your ''Pttrn . dun oohed by the absence from the fatal ahlp of all fr rh; we+ attacked with a very n u re eye In l'Atuary our °dicer+, who fortunately hod not yet assembled m eet , t e ,,, • h e „ iyom„,n.yely apalthe h eet , hte dt. to enjoy die enteetaininent which had been provided cal aid In the city, by whom It was pronounced • - .dry had for them. eye,. and all cave me no hope of doing her any .nod. Af. The accident happened at Macao on the 29th of • Lrr ehlch ' tuna hen Into, '°,'"gt7 to en old Irl(. eeho nau an. surre Cllralff yualu. Lu....t October. In iffing • salute the dip took dre, which her now wee hopele nrait ss, es she would ce eyes. etaltal kwe almost immediately communicated to her magozine, that cue. but Ltd Mgt "ZhIS s hlow,ng nee up at about the hour appointed for the se..rottaws uttiou of the blood. Aud Ido acetify. thut et dinner. There were on board some two hundred t"" time my V " her (j • " .1) ""s".. the "'""1"d"" Mat. better try your Petroleum, eite was ndinly f.r.""" ""d very row at w hom will.. Olen or en. eye. II is nos' about two months IdULIP ale luell live.. Some of the particulars are dated in the beau its err, and she ran twee raw with both eye* a. goad ollowiog rotruci from a letter dated at Kong Kong ss ever she did: and. as tar as I ran tell, I belt... she has. on the Mita of October, published In the SolllioemploO with the Westing of the Almighty, bora ran 4 by Petro/e -ues,. Yours, tospedull, (Eng ) Advertise, M. Sodom, V• 113111. Ccum ( "We have the painful task ta record not merely I . ll.tsborth.e.ePt. 00 . 5100 . the dean of the senior officer, but the destruction of zgyii-gar sole by geyser 1 McDowell, ISO Wood 11. k h ship, with nearly every soul on board On the &as". by h hood D. 01 Curry, D. A. Elliott. Joseph Don the aontvcrsary of the binh of the Queen'scouw ) olda, and If Is &hearts, Sitaghsor who be the {rood*. a. ‘Don Commode,/ Capt. EVAN!. Silva made se non 10114.1, runcoenle to give o party ty on board tat slip, the orsTelaw-S Csrul Duly, Seventh st..,l4ttebOrwh. Donne na !dove il, of 32 guns A number of ClVlrinn• from Mosso and the officers of the Untied Bunn. PROTECTION sitnip Nletrion Terre Invited to attend Fire and Marine Inatirmice Coinpany. At noon the Donna Mario fired tt rpyal salute, sanest prseulums, Capital Suitt sad Surplus Fund shortly eller wh ch several of th• invited melba. 81,000,000, went MI to the vessel, which was then lying at anch or in the Type At half past 2 o'clock, PM. the POLLICIES MCC. ON TUE 11011 FAVORAOLEI ship blew up with a fearful espies on, entirety des. Trams, ruyina the vessel and all on board, except the capes 111 0110 bu rl? RNO Acret. son, and some lion IX men, who were taken out of leerms N o -71 Wm_ Mtreetinth. ___,. me antler by the butts of the lla led Stales sloop of Foreign and American Hardware, war Tee crew consisted ctoegy of 1.1131,11F.,114,1VC, allot, with European martoes The nturib/r tin LaGAN, vinsaN , s ,„ cy) board •t Ole OM- .., he raiartrophe cook! nol have •-t‘sers been car snort et 300 wails. The American ctricers, No. 1.29 Wood Street, it o believed. escaped, as they were ahem to quit HAVE NOW IN STOILE their own yeneet when the eeOltettoh took Piaci , A full and carucirts stisik of FOR LIGN AND .I.IINRICON Who were the c.. iliens on board m on: yet ewer. Coned 11AR-1)1\7-ARE, Power...no , or Wrereart VIROIN, —Return, 5 , 1.34 for the spring orals. End which they are prepued of the now census have born roomed at the Audi oiler tu r. at u"' that ariD "...1." ts., , rsbit srith no, of m. swum sitar. toreu ,tfire to Richmond, V•.. (or the core District 4. irX , Otn, I wh.eb theft BASER OF Discourr. an of rr_a- Ito who e Blue mkt,: :En 011111 rtr. rsrl.o.A.c,a urrts, It Ad of 404.7 N HOLNIES & SONS, Bakery. tiA472--atone •n Marna.. 01 1.12,i7+ pd..; MO, the Crtittl , l and • total increnr•e on 20 year. PE boshSA •IlraVol. at Maaelllon. . _do ! Bank a fit ... Alas Branots Voodoo do of 1X:,04-7. Exchanae Bank of do ...par lirknel. r.[LI.L.. do Mer.and Man. of do II -1 Vonivstorn . do Bank of Cotokuorre r.• City Bank. fine-m.Ol 0..40 Bank of North America-- par crcial 111..thoculnara do Bank .f Nottliallt.erne.... par Iranklin 1140 k ._do Bank Yennal trams- . parilafayatto Ilaak... do Pant of Penn Inaln.hlp...par.ollu Llta Ins A Trott Co Ao Rank of the t f . st.ted I:2lMtetent Rcaen - va Lug.— -do Commercial t of Bunn N 4) achanlrs• far: , mall Note, Girard 8ank....... par NEI. , ENGLAND Kansanaton Bank. par. All Bank., $ 0 . Mumfat k Bert. Bank- • for NEW luOK. Movi.l.nior Bank ...par. N ew Y ork. Lily Moramenaing_Eaak partCountre... . Philaielptna Bank. par; uwitytAND . Tara Bank par•BalUmore.. . . _par Trah-roaatittar.Country IV tern hank pall X JCIttLI DI.LAM HY . I Bfk. ~ (Chatun,,bo,h A 2 1...01 101 s ti . Hank of Ck of heri., Count, Bank of 1100141 e par , Bank of uze r ant; )I'n "" .tra r rt k a .11 ad NG:th ..torn hunk Ilrnuctur• , NOlrf 11 kIWLINA Bank •ar I.lk sl. l'Arolius. C .42 !orne,usi Ilk. 10 tle cu rrhant. hook. N lArt.ro I C Bk or th.• St of iarnitua . 1.14.11,....1 sou. Carolina_ . Lllank Plant."' Mrchaou.' Va. U 0 ,31411.0 Anar.uta In. 1 Ilantzny ,11. an of Anaurta Itruulekk, All molrent hank...-. .. hENTCCE I Ilk Ilk t of Loo .fErta l.w.lllo ky, Lout:1 , 111r .. Northern Ilk of hent...-L, &althorn Bk ul Krut.uk, 111,:n .E 11l Bk of Slate of ILLINOIS State Bank and bran. has .0 Houk of WII 4 (XIN23I . ti Marine A Flo. ILO. Ca, cb1...; MICHIGAN Farmers' Mechanic.' Bank 3 Stock flank-. 3 IPouln.ular iln attr i etl . C 0n11,40/ •• t'A ilia of lONAinerl, Toronto:. Bank of the People. Toronto 1. Bank of Slontrpsl Bank of L' Canada, Toronto RASTEBN EXCHANGE On New Tort rm.)--. • 4 On Philadelphia do 4. On 801Gr00nt..... . WEF11:IlN EXCHANGE.. Cincinnati ....... I LoulevIll• 01 Louis. . . . ... t./01.11 Doublo.na. Spanleh 10.00 do Patriot. ...... -1540 10.00 Frederieked'ora..... ....... 7.50 Ten Thalers 7.80 &Tertian.. 4,53 4.00 Napoltnne 3,SU It ts vetted Mal the ebb. aad Indelattgable Postm.- her Genera Plea completed s ctel.fitwilon of all the Post Odice Lawa,:wamb will be sem to Coerces In faw dart. Nrsosarsta E.glsO —lf trs Mr Palfrey, who eamnacoced edittua the new Free Not Organ at Mrs ton, broke down-to two days Llke • goetd many others Otto rut d haute In dos world, !her 6,,d that when that come to anyllong so -tat as new paper rd t t .tg. t, 'r no go. It to t/rill t . n•ter titterers. per to utak, great met., than it ~.or them to maker i'01 1 1.14,105 of IRK P4hCIPALIIII of tas Urll. KID RT•TIS.--T4e 1cA41415 C4lcll of the l'nved 81•Irs IR,' 1445, under 'he new eentets, as to populatinn ;- 18:10 1840. 817,000 312,000 l'n p H+ir. .0,1 Lots.av,;, Uud.lo, and Waah.r.gton are about OCKI each ItIMINF-REI OF TEI FRESIDEHT. Snt.twx. I Nrw ENGLARO6IIS EN S. CA.01.1,0, —Notwith•tan GED. TWIOO'S HAIR DYE. ♦ friend tn New York sends us ,a private letter, from which we make the following extract for the benent of those Interested . 3 A' lady 3n a neighboring Mtn, whose hair had prematurely turned grey, used General Twigge'v rem. edy with the hope of restoring the Color. In one week her hair was as white as the driven snow 3 W est eays tour reporter to that? In one respect .he ha. gained : the hair has st..pped falling out, and she doer lives to the hope that the ham may grow out or the right color from the roots gradually. It may prove Co possibly. Even Pandora's boa had soma consolation at the bottom of it." A. our local reporter is here appalled to, we moat permit him to reply for himself. He mys "Such may In some eases, be the lint effects of the remeay, though ihis t. the only ene.of the kind of which we have yet beard. But, by persevemnee in the application of the ittletttm, the dented end will be attained. The instances of sweats Ire too nrc memos in this elty - to admit a doubt hi par mind as to its egiesay. Hair that has become Isharotha by age, or other came, Ulan:idly mace :by it ro original colon The proems is slow, nithig SSW cal weeks for its accemplishmeith, *Seat en Ard iippuyist at the cots, btu ultimately exlertd t• I FOR SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. the Itltecultilta. 11,01 tNIA.t—Tle ncc and eubrtnuti.i the care above described She hair hs. r r itt.n eb tai Stil4ll. thr stooped (silk( ut.' This is lucky, for it Fives u so TA; ,t, ts.e ,t u .. but t assurcusee tbas the lady will not fall out with uS om fortayin . me . dathe re . r ip t ..n_ig,,p u bL birth, mut har tL. bew ‘ t aertnntordatlooa througl r 2Ottt. furwh,..l with twth lad all 4. will make the ln.- u, ttl.tut I.‘, tiny. Perwm.. - i.hing tot.mi,nte to oh their famille, • (ant Oat the ot,urtunitt that lax. yet to«. oTere.l. The toi of pu.wzip. to San Pratte..., .111 be LC' bat attol 1741.1 Irseluded The fawtape vivuer mud be paid n mecurtng the ticket lane will I - . alhooted 160 e ltot of bUt wage. Thenutute, of th.l.et, have Ineu ar.l • tro.l purtlho dromir det,...lc.f. them.e person. w R pr...11r. OHL*. an,.. Further iuformatiou nntarthutt I...nagv or freight ono he had. by athln,tiug 1 , 0 4 t rail, ilhOliGE W. COREY. Se..reta, of Cirinuttd.l Misting Co.. tau 14:12w —CI, Una. 45. Cincinnati. Ohio. B o o f f te:v 7 trfullel: a )1014.4. Wnt Xi flentgotu, 11.5. i. l'xrll.l. 11.4 A \t, 1441u.uug liuton rs. Bank Farturr• tit of litu is Co-par humor.' 11.4 I Daulo. 414.441ny pnr Cann Cu plc. i'vllltapu i4ualut. IX rauLl ..4 pa lllurrl.burx Ilsuk 14.auLuter Dank . I.N Lar4giul er [vont, hank parl LA.,. 1141,1.. . mu LlAnt 31.4.nngkbel• 16141: lux \lust Ilraneh llwub. X 11 ,uuung Ilk.Wllk•o.b•rrertur ok l !lulu., Ofilo 400 WO 238 000 10,000 10'2,000 145,030 ON 000 I 16,utAl 41.000 11.. Rata Rank. Brooch Aaron ........do Ittatarh at Atbaua. . ..... Brooch ttrattet, I.loveLml ... do Branch Toledo. .. Branch at bay 100.. Itraurlt at Iletawara hooch at C.altallohua. Brawl Addabola _do !launch at Salem. do Brooch at Manafa.l.l . do hooch at Rita, do rawl at Cluclutottl ...do Brant b at Caloroboa ....d. Uranrh at WttabtOgtoo do Brooch at eadla . . du Brooch at I.arwaster... ..... .do Brooch at Steut.roalllr du Brach at Mt. Vernon. Drawl, at ....... . do Itratteh at ....... Au Itraach at SprlogiSeld do - Branch at )lutatta. d od Bondi at TN,. ...... ... o Branch at Mt. Plosaaut...-Ao Ilnutrlt Zastravllle ato llnuleb at Noratalk do I.lraoch rurtmouth.....do BrandtEatou.do Brandt at Ravr0va...........du Braneh at Chillirottle Brooch atCorahoga.........du Itraoch at Toledo. do , t 731. LARIMTR, JR:, Banker and Broker, 411 Aran, No. CC adjolving"thi 40, 6f PitfAbutsb 10PARTNERSUIP-14e have associated with us Immo,. Bitlate Cashier of the Farmers Deposits Dank. uho day penonal attention W. business. ilas style a Lk* liras remains as heretofora. 143 A. WILKISH l Cll. EXCHANGE 414511) BA/MitiG HOUSE Or A. WILKINS & Co., Corner of Third and Market eta., Pittab'gh. ANKINU, COLLECTINU AND EX CIIANCIE OITICE—N. HOLMES • SONS, Nn. 61 talestreet, Pittsburgh. Exchange on aii the Eastern and tern ethos for sale. Collections mode In sit the prinelpsi plarTs Is the Union. Notes on all solvent Banks dismnated Note, and Titus bills negotiated. sal4 /OHM r. 1,10.11.111 /OM. 1/11M0.11. OLIN S. DILWORTU & CO., Wholesale o,lnoe and Commlotion Motel:mut, .31 t Pr ots for 11..4 rwwder Cu., of Ramat .tiv. 31 Woo,' rL. l'lttsbard,. 1 L. SHEE, Whotuna° Univet, Commission Merchant, and dealer In 'ParecAssui gags. corner of Penn wed Irvin Am., Pittrbursh I VICLIOLAS VIVIAN, girl! Engineer, IA Draught...a, anal Cradles' MloLag Agrat. Makn driorglita of Mo4ela fur tlx. Patera 0210,e. designs of Muhl. very for Mara Water Works, 11.1234 All to- May to Ibutal Mats/ 111 A. M. and k P. M., arlMa raalenee, N 0.21 Marburr stmt. 11 30e14 IVID END-OFFICEOF p 1 TT OAS COMPANY, January 13, Itsl. i rt Trustees of the Pllttaburah (Am company have Oda day dxiarnr Dividend of ,FIT• per mut out of the pronto or the hott els nurotha on the Cashel Stork paid In. psya• Itle to awl holders, or tiler legal Irpreeentattres forth with. at the Ulna of the Work. t Jaulishue JAMES M. MUMMY, Treanuer. HE PARTNERSHIP Off' THE SUB PCIIIDEI/11, trading uLor the tdiso of WOOD Alt dd eee „, WoOD, All/11)17 CO., tam/wave Of LW.. U'o The buth.o:se off Le settled hi elthr; f the suberrit/z, 0110 are authorleod to we the nor. of Ile Dna or trots to Thiuidetent On that purpose, at tn. oldllenual Nn 1:17 gar let street, I . lilledelphln RICILARD D. WOOD, 0011 N: YARROW JAMBS .11111071", 31,4 i t o Odlddl DAWN. HE FIRM OF WOOD, .tIIBOTT & CO. hating been dleeolved ae aboTe bud, the budedsi Id to enetloned by the indeeedlede loader the bile of WOW, HAWN, it W., at the old enunt, No. 127 ]Jacket *beet, Ph/Lae/phis. 1111.111.1111/ D. WOOD, JOSIA,11! BACON, LEWIS 17 1 1 / 1 1 - WARD, DUN.). , 11.111011. Iteltr LEAVII7, RDWANDTOWN , END Philadelphia, Jinuari 1.1,11 51. -la/deo/It ISSOUTION—:The partilerabiva Rey odds t nee was dissolved los so:stosleonsept on W Inst; Me Dulness of aim veal be settled tQI es lb* paties, tbs =As ts As us.v) Pos pOIS. • , L. fl,l ItZIINULD4 EX= • Sicta nt e== g l . l Is* ;11 gni! IStrei the ILMOLDL w,~~~--.,.., _.~ IVOR SALE, AT A GREAT liAnc,ArN, U AY an A 1m1,,t h 4 r W ik nk . L r u l n n, erun u nh ;barengLrn r, molar, double real - 1011c dining rrountul knrhrn on . tbe Vinur. The lot twv.r . four L. r r nzti a.,, rn „ nr ,1 171t 1 4 efoci-L% il 1. 000 of T. Itoonrd, Atturnrr at 140, north street, between Suilthneld and Grant street?. in the rooruinn t.fore 9 oclock. TIIOk. HOWARD. jutil.hnt CAPITALISTS TAKE NOTICE. N OW IS YOUR CHANCE FOR A GOOD and Plnnnt stn•ets, entbrarlng ore, slotren thourand 13. n.O of e hutnind frr-t of gronat.cotou.ncit, at the el of Holliday sod Ile•rwit .4 running nerth feetthen wert 52 I,el then north 93 fret. then ice.,d Si feet ,11 Yry .. ct l ioifZt ‘ t i n l d ' inc -',‘ ;tftVi u ,Ti:e n e tt fifc 7 t ' lll:nrcs, th' al Eat from this point 20 feet, then Scab lob fret 14. Pleanut street. then nod to , he 1/11,t1 of L,..nunlng IC7 fret. Ibis omperty meg improrni he a lorgc mod rumnodinus Soap and hullt In the root subilatittal roanner, cl the beat ma.rlalo and orktuanittp,and • m.n.,fartable Took Latino,. 01th • lat, o. Thu fac tory I. n feet wid. feet de:p Triih a One yard. The ...mos. tar :tom , and an attl, hot four large t., , t ,ao he. e , rh. t , 4 Vat, a Lux cellar undEr obole and pa. throughout. tu rtiutt. it ham rued cookene.oee for earring on a eery e,to.n.r, 1..k41t0.r. twin.. deArlng 1....- bon fbr • Foraar4i. Hour, tor thr. Iran:4,in, of bus , - Baltauon. and ,p ot r: Railroad. tin, proper. ty o f a nne opp.ztunar: haring an open) ouNcrth atom, of 251..4 for the I.lllltilltSt a • truck, which tronld went...late thrre ftorwanlitip hours., with • ratan:tow:a on Plearant rtn et, If rata:raki,. Ai, forth, nalormatlon .an obtain...l of the lute:tit, on tho prenasea. da1...1n--Halt Pat t RARE CHANCE—Arespectable young ootii,tu travel, nth if capital nf fav b dnllar, to n Druntnblv and nan,tabLe .lublo bl/ mo, In Iv.. i. Inunthv enn Inn,r of thin nnv, tbroufa, the office, flan,. wln.ry nub.nriva ra.n b. LW i 3211.1wv, CHARLES Co3l3lElleE. • diIISEEN; APPi.ES--,-Tootify lonls, Pippins, E,r vale by d I It)'. ON BSIICILS7 .1t CO. )ml-1 11 F NN ROOMS—One btnallr7tl dozen for sale t.y S. t , ON COilultsTco. BUTTE -- REight barrels packed fur aale by tali $. F. VuN ORST d CU. TILE BEST PLACETO BUY TEA. 11l A RD--.enty barrels and thirty kegs No. imams a HAWOUTII'S T. Stoo-, mat aide of lb.. iu 1 Lard rszeived ..n.l for sale by , mmond. . fall _ L SHIM ER A BARNES. , end' flavond Tem at SO eent, pl. r .,,,,,d Tb• Ilawr quallOde at 76 &I do Eau,. hoperene at fl .0 du rr ALLOW --Thirty barrels Sheep and twen ' A ty barrel Ittwf reeecr...l and for Bale by Old Country Iwoole that 13.4. BLACK TILA will Oudot. ! pall 1 SIIRITER a BARNES. tuft their palate exa.ll, Thew. Linda of Teas we swel.... 0 .11,...et from England, and the, cannot b, boudht at any ! rill lOTI - ri.: SEED-4 barrels received and utber etore iu Pitt•hueub . l! ‘" : tOr wde b tall SHIFTER k BARNES. IN NGLISII 0 IN, OLD JAMAICA RUM, l CIIESNWN—Sixty bushels received and '.4 by the owsrt or wholerale. Kr rale bk , I for aa/e by' All SIIRIVER a BARNES. .w. 14 LUILRIY HE BEST — OE — WINES ANDBaxsoll.l,, pEACIIES I —Three hundred Imshela recd , litahle for ruedlrinal purowee, al way• on ba ..,,,,,, . and for gale by [Jail] SHIifTER dr BARNES. " ' I.: ll.' 4 ' —101 l "° "" Illl " A " °Mt 'Ai 0 LASSLS—FiIty barrels of new crop 'REST BLACK TEA—Same kind as in 1 /NI rervi,a 112 d for ask by mmivEß 11 BAR IKES, - I_l England--Sreall Leaf. errand and ere. ph,...t 0. , J a n _ N0...130 and 133 Second etreet voted, free from all herb teate—orke 75 emote per pntnd, i Sro rade by 11001118 d HAWORTH. In the Illatntald. and w• - • ''' -- no wne -_--- re elm In Plttabureh. , triO I IIECTIFIED WIIISKEY. 400 bbl. beet Bemired Whb•key,in stare and far sale ;lul JOLLY PARKER a CO. BRANDIES, WINES, GINS, &C. I JIP 35 halfpiper Cogolae Brandr, "Pale sad Dori . 14 caks A or. ..k. do do "Pole," various vines. 10 do do, and m o d. celebrated brands. 6 Ldp. Rolland, Gil, at Anchor" and "Ptah." 2 2 punc o heotot JI ame rish !. Rum and Knotch Molt Whiskey. d, I 10 bble. N. E. do. do :V, qr. casks Port Wine. 2.1 do Madeira Wine. % do Sweet Malaga Wine. ir, do o. do. 10 do S Dry d herry Wine. 25 Loxes Bordeaux Claret. In store and fur mi. by JOILN PARKER t CO., heal 331 Liberty street II VoIIACTTY.—It is uniremally conceded that . twoutty is more mammon In this mint:, than in en). 1 . ..".„. 7,.:7M =, — ,,„, th — ..' 1. 1 :. ''?.4.:" Iv other certain extent but the ' N.. Often rewind by neglect. We ray to all. do not ne..loct your perwmal appearance. but mad the In ~ and you need not lack mood look.— , These articles are wirutlffe preparations. and bare all at ' Mined a high popularity. I — re. Dane) s pervion or Morse Powder..for haparting . I to he meet bilhuos conacl . exion • r-i 4 k i t , ' , A.?... o i: i 4 ~.RE AND MARINE I NSURANCE--The I . ',..i ° .,gftt sh° ,. diliiiiri."Zl,..rXtii`Tetild :17:41tii,,i- 11:111.111.1,0 Coo:tram. ...f North America. Philadelphia t ous My Chinese powder iscompounded itli.dtraffiC UM. tai {3Co.ooo—Ctrwytir"t Etat wiii goiee lasor a peo or, . oar, nod captains 00 In which am iacealbly haffiet 1 bra Idioms and their cooteata. in the ..ty end ...Mit, aim I en hoover. on orrnert. of er.ry kind. dnote..l per .team and rams , Jule. howl's Depilatory . Powder, for rem...ring aupertge temp. and ......I. 1., lola.. traumartoduu or on the sea_ low hair. What is more modghtly than hair upon the LIAM nriamorusti j or ann. of a lady. This article. will remove it In a short Arthur G. (Mtn. Pmet. 9anattel Book.. ; time. without the use of an. sharp haelroment Alexander Leary. Charirs Tatter, t Jules lanai's Vv.: Dahl.. Luistal Hair Die will irotantee Samuel W Jou.. :Samuel V kohl, I ...pod. import to red. white, or gray hair, a beautifully Edward Smith , Asthma.. Whit.. • Mack. hrown , or auburn color. It will color the hair in • Jahn A Brown. Jamb ST. Thema, 1 honer time. and more effectually than any other tit.. be. John Whit.. John K. Neff, . mg at the some time ludellible. Thomas I` rnpo, Poluv.vi D. Weed, I Jule,. Hood . . Shaving Cava/rt.—lt Ls really a plea-rare to William Weld.. Prrogos Ileakimi t .have wish this cream. There 1... none of the unartingsen. 11. D Pherreri, 5....'y. I votion o.oally ITlPaliell.4 la the use of most soap. lin This Ls lb.. oLle.t Insurance C.Papoof in the Ended States I ohe etoWerr, It lee , . the skin mouth .W MR O. Mai. and for it. 'high 'tomboy, loog riporien i e, aropie mean,, I lout'., and not liable to Leconte chapped. and timidly; all risks of an extra hoodtdous clurarter, It . JUle. Ilsoas lime Tooth Pas - ie.—Next to the halt. we may be muaLlered a. offer", Imp. vomit,. to the public. i think doe Teoth were Intended MI o:totters/est is to WILLIAM I' ./...N Et. Ayent. , dm Pomona Cam but whma neglected, nothing iv wo diefflru doi No. 111 Erna erect I TIOIj. or K. quickly ace.. Sly Raw Tooth Plies., sill Impart t • the stoles • I'.' Is - whitener; at the same taau looming TIME ...6ICTI . AL BENEFIT LIFE IN'SCE- ~ .....k...^, i 'n-ithr Jctm HAVEL, Perfumer sod Chemist, ANC.. .:0 , 11 . 6 , Y So 151 Morket,Street Neu am, 1 .36. i. 0,..., 7 Phil. . ".d .." '' '..' ....`-'''. N. '.• .. e ...... 1 "ed ...et'. , Ear wt.. whol.el sou real, 0•B. A. Paituadock A Co., ,'..-, - ''''....th 'du , : fr... "'il. ''' l'r nut P" th 1 .........- '':red it ir sat rt. Pittstur,ll, • J Mitch:4l, Alloch.3" th.. :oh...ice, ...ti . creive app 'snow fur halumanee on .. 1 .. au • hill.. guar.,. mr,...ful Inatutom Cantaltar the Ward. a r ty , " - ! AU.= :-......t. bona dival.d ~....on the ....-ntred d i 11.1.1461 P. 5e..6. a ge ... 1 AVDt. DIG TIN'. No. 136 Liberty street, begs d...., Na 0 1 Frani...amt.. i V V reltivolfulli to inform his outrun.. friends and Women. that bets lust roceteins hie near fall stock of TUBES. TUBES, TultE...:4— The undersigmed j florwi r CASSI3LEKEd. ...a vrArriiti, a h. tweed have remivr..l rierod gg,voigv,on yrog, and a”, ,o di.. 'cries, Wanted for the appruarbirta fall sod winter ses...ons. r communication with the Birmingham PATENT LAP : all thou in Went of cheap foshineable• and goad elatldnif, WELLED IKON TELE COMPANY, Li tti, , sole of their' vrdl tud .11e lamest. mon favhionable, cad best stook lathe •cry excellent and aupernor, BOILER and Ii Ad TUBES to , d.vterto connate). at this establiehmmat. er9lo '.r" ."; ""." p ""9" 1 ". ih" %i i"..n L'''.... ‘ ' v.. " '.. • VIEN.MANSPIP—Those wishing to become tetwise v hot it, In: am; and e rtatuunt of Loreto. and elf cx...10.h. lo I. gmal penmen are turned to call el .Pitilbto - 0 annum, WILLIAM 01.(1/ a 1:0 . : / knae,e, • bete 4...trurtlon in Penmanship) given al ad Iron 6 Tin Plate Merchants. . 1 Lour.. from LI A. 61, to LO P. M The number of lepton b' 41 Wall street New York [ out ihnitaL but all rho enter are partedited to reMs/n till 6 Martin'. Lone City London. hey lento so .I:ga it conamercisl hon.L A13.11t0 and too Iterbenan um., ......gow hoots., corner of faker and Third street.. - ;all 0 K CfLvMBERLIN, Instructor. FLOUR—Three hundrnd barrels just reed roe Fait by BLIIIIIUDOE t INGIIIRA3I. ytl Yw 116 W.try H AVANA-SUGAR—Twenty boxes White Wlt b irRn.E. tam . l a l4 No. 118 Water at.. SE LLERS' COUGH SYRUP, `1 had not used it twice Ware I felt its effects." XI R. R. E. SELLERS—Sin Suffering from a _J.". cold and' cough, fm whkh triad many recipe', without obtaining relict I was presentttl with . leottk of 9t. E. Senora' Cough Mixture." I think It • doitY *blab owe In bath ion and the public In general. to polthely art, that I had ant used It twice beton I kit its bent& dal elkets. and (under the Divine bleAsing'i bad nn occasion In linisb the bottle. I testify also. as to hawing eritne•ged aagie prop...sties on friends of mine; one to tuartictilar, who tu hot . trying attack on her loom. sow:ottani...it with a dbanwelng rough. Verily the only true Esculstdne (where coughi and col& effert the sufferert. has drsconaledantonget us in - IL E. Sailor: Cough Misture. - 11. VITS3GERALD, 135 Wylie rt. Pittsburgh. /2..14, OM. ',pared and sold by It. E. SELLERS, if. 51' Wood A, and •ohl by droggine generally. iota LRD A ORE -\ SE--lets 1,1, No. I Lard; --''- - • 1 fol. fo you, f..•r ho4loof ff ~--. 40 forfor I Xa.htaxix. - .- CU :k; lilt I E. 1,t1...11 DICKLY 11,.',' 4 Z - f rrl. , ur. r inn 1.10 hater end Font .ts • AT:ries, 1 art Ex,,. LAilii --SIXIX Iris .k.O iin store and for sale' ' 4l ay iala loAlrAlt DICKEIs Co . O etir a tr..nt 4.1 - 41 I S 1.1 !din., 0...8. Codfash, d I RE ASE—Forty five hrls in staler. fur sale. di- ‘' u 'ft* n belt No 1 Lake Ft,tx togs CL Nu 1 Al and far sale ht . I,_.b. Is AIA II 1)1CIALI 1 01 yell .101 IN WATT d go __ ___ __ . II ISS , rI.I. TI?N , - ,..., -•yk , e „ I:yr. :,i,LEr.L..,.1v...1.5. 1?Rl..;: - `l4)'ff.l.S.-3.iuthy & ....u...i • mm sup y of the „r,..,„,i0u.,1 4. !for. toi.of. lo Thom,. F.4offeOf ..le - •• If '.. ...all!. --., „--. c!,. zu•_tir.l. , _ usc ,1 , 1,, uubl.c_ l• •rb• a..... 1 th. lat. rou, ...11. ft.. I.t ...her pool ro.r le. ',.. no. `..e , um , .. , -n. en all Ur tithe amt xexsinixe.'", ~ohm, t. O. hoon,-. TliffSIAN K ESN EloX, ,ip, ...0...k aod hon., and black satin le.oo. nt ter) lov ~.,,,., ' lolls M. f.AtS,I.I.:It ~:1,... for the otuday nolf. lIIN,I LEI'- A large Alan:don !louse with •rs , ' nOY :S.: SATIN Errs.. --.3lurphy - S: Burch. I a., acre. of Loud fata.}.4. 4f1uxt..41 at 1./attendr,;l.s ' g_ll 1.10 Lay.ass.celt..,l a lot of barallonte Fancy Mixed ~,I, ittitlOV` lON I, / Cr. ...es. ...too tt t for Boy: wane. al.. I.laid mud Plait, Caoduteros, • ~. goat ...r.ery. )lenou Ca...lsnere, li,i.tte'l Jt1.13/. Black Real Estate worth 8100,000. 1..bi0 t ..1...r5. 1. or north eakt nu-I:Ler of Fourth and c viz`` .tnot... cold I' 1:111r . DFISIB.ABLE Prcuaertt in Alle- . - .c• 1 04. n, CO, f4r of.le. - 11.forlfleu.li.1 r0..41.14. , ..jr,N , fill:E.Sll !lib PI L S. NUTS, SA - 2.-62.4 lbs ..t tiro la. , lt ..ar.r. sae h.. , 04 4 'root f•I ffo foof ........ I taut itirnu 'Lilt Ito.kidlet, /Wein., ZA tree M. •.n . .nth X.inwon by 2.1. tr. it ater .rre...t the other. 1-4) o . 1.,a41/ 4 "..., 1 d1..44 do Jo .40 or ht. dad a . . AO 4 boo rrf { nvut 1.1 :0 to an alley. iworo ouner v, alu ilo. box w, lu.do. 24 drum., :sruyrna Ph..-.. k cr.,' Citron; 4 J k os Latau tIo n anit. • dehahtful ,tea of th, city of Pittsburgh Lb., ,ogni t dor Currie Nader-, 0.4 fare noraesut •runex It A.11..y1a,u, and Own river. ' tale. I sna and I.ar. r otill Alta.-I:C:1 Au jars ed A 1.... 0f.....t voualfrontinx , outh on SArth Coma.. helt.l.e- Inc tale by J - O. WILLIAMS & CO.L 04u foci, r uum, 170 Flo .4'14 buff bu 4Jol by tv.o Ilft, tot drib Corner Wind A Fifth .4.' 000 t. ou.ral 1'..0 Ale, hl rear ~:.., te...nty lox- , dirertly omx..tro It,, Itall Roof Li.. f , I;LESE-1,98 lixs Cream Cheese in store of tile ill,l fit Mali. ;mown, woe attend tor oall lb,- L, ,rd ~,, rd, 6, JAMES DALZI:LL, .' ''''''' a '''''' 'o"." VlVl ' llre " lli,77.l l ll `°," . "''' ' I'll Na id Water street o.Jaya - - ---- - - --- B "-' OOKS! - - - SALEILATUS--.1 asks No. I•Sakratus• IMAI lk ifbi.o do do, :we end fur ....le by. JAMES DALZELL. ~., - • .4DREWS' LATIN, E,GLIAII 1.1 - 1. ICOV-.. A ''' ', ,ri - • Gs wal. , , uu•ct. I QV 1 .T 1 .4.N.kl MAPS—Pelton's splendid Oull ,ik i ..Aphare awl :r!th al lotto ; k:fittli-b L. ....n. ft ~,,, ded - ' . lue Mint are ~ossia.lng Introduced in all the LOOMS -.One . Ono hundred lung Tennesee ..c ' In ir . E land al - kf • • nar k.if h er: Vitt I:rifrn,t i f t:..l%! , 7=n ,L rtZn ' 2 " ih r e i re , :l.. ‘ ,! ‘" o ' f l t=e ' r . BL,?, ~i s ~,,s , „,,,,,,,,„„ frss , . 55 .,„, 3 -1„.. N-1..._ - • -.b.u.. ucy txr tura. In Plttiburgh, and Invite Issmern 5.,....;,,15ti. Sholler.l4'ol,.. R. A Andrews. I- I. U. , t,,,„4"ssid f o ' , " .,,i e b . , '" jty,3lk.,u i ; A..-r""` ! dna schkol conattitt..... all andeaanklnn than- • ; raL DIAN IP •11.1.6 or TIM P tclr, bang the ik. ,, onal oar , all 2,,,, 0., •1,.. •• ,• ; 10 . 1 . I.No. l-M. of the Wedern llonkulti re. 11.2 xby tithe..., nalif arta motif. of lrof el thn.ugh the Sandwieb or Ila.• • I 2 do Eaxtern do ass I.land, and other r5.....ar P 04... in in. It.nr, 11,7 - IN DOW lALASS—Five hundred boxes: •.:. do North Anoxic. 70 aSI i T Cheer,. author of - The Nt bale awl 1.1.Ca0t.,, ' %VAL a 5,....ed .f.., ~, ~,,,,„ ~,„1 t• 0 ,..„1,. b . , ' 4 do tidied Slate, Ili xSI t .10113 111, • JAMES D.ALZELL a do Europe, TO x St Tot rev'. [4,31111 . 1-NMIC a eetiorl to lion), loth...we .-. Je". . e. do Asia. TO a 9 nY the ` l / 4 '..". i ''''' . ‘" .n d t n r xele 4 ptrAsti.-- casks Potash. just received, : T do s. Ass/rim* Atrim. TU XS4 , Ala It. C. STOCKTON. 47 Market mt 1... end* , "Alc bi lag ROBERT OALZEI.L. a CO. ' Put" eg U. is.'h . , wan ter, kttl tx the tust um ligini.i I.`hroni..le. Iket..d Anonitvu copy ' Dir.. Mane, Vlth key. ay, ... VOUNO :11ENS' ;Fit - CANIILE LIIIRAItt.—,k IL EU LICIIT.—We have received a lot of nces, 'h tt . d "4 :r ‘ pt ' :l trgrerTm. ' e s iTh ' lPATJl, ''dc6", o:reenter in..etina ant be held at tin. 1141 mOh ore., 11 LAMPS, of various has land kinds , of a nev and hhat sehOtols of_ type [lotted Stale, ; Mnday evening, Jatmary lath, at T o'clock. runetuel construction that bi quite ottOplo and coloplebi--roome urns - Foe rake at Publidieeekrlas,ollitout addition oFfrekhi sib ate"" hCr 'ET"'" d ' .. '''''''''''' "' rt.' '"1 b ' n.d ' m* V ol d 1J In Lures ith tu railed 'II ml Itnid.” ' d'rjr* lo "tk* " I l' ' '''"N r A 4 . I tAltigk' 'ar " . • t and JIM eleclloll r oilleers fur tio cologne ~.. vill tab.. •.!'i U. m1.r.;.! ... , : .. .4• ! 3..., - _!_____ ••‘..r. - ~.._. l'Unla Xt. plane. DAvri, NI . mu ., .or Etncrlat on. it nu rim gown.. ofoftr.O mood ialrklat • SAr.rettry lLte the eth'sdhn nf Utxemboet sae., Hotel L ktotora and I - Li RE N C 1.1 , LEAF—Fifty .bundles Frei:tali Iron.- keepers. For eleanlinees, mono*, anu.brultancr. ! J: Yloreilm, Dutch. Ovid and bile.. leaf. to oak by .. .! I S.SOLU TION OF I'ALITNEESILIP— '''. 9o '""" , th '" r ' n ' bi "'"' 1 " . '" : „talo J 2143100NMAKElt a 1.51). - V.t Wood 'la - 1 Penous oho plasm to call ca tur •pi be shown the porn- , ___ _ _ The tartnervhip heretafury existing under the ton Ilaritio , of the new vompoural. onemp * N °mete, Merchant Talkies, on Ltberty stout. A constant eußply o f The 11441 end lamp kept by has been amicably dissolved . JitalvddT ftk i5...1. H. n. , semPz a ATKINSON, tincrop h . azi t rig btaight tint It. Tpxtele,"anal having taken . dell tot art .. helve*, Wind and Market at lIM f the 4att of moot all debts at the old firm, ' finery are nny, to nettle the Woks, and to nee nu mune ( 31 .1 ROCERIES. . i o the ohl oral loan such oXtJrttente. D. IL bUti . ail . ' in half abode tonna Ilyvart and Mark Tema It. COM/ • I.E. ' sr, eau, boo., do . do. Imp. and Gun Powder. tAI boars Russell tflablvasta 5 . • Tobarea • • .tat r. ad l ioNiZ&V i tZ,Ve at.=-. - r - k,tl'; L om . ,i 4 2 , r.i,1,t4.-r t.co-5... V. de. n ohamo D RY PEACIIES--Thirty brit?. just landing IS or. boxes Prim .d Ilarereal's gad. V , SS ... BN a T , I , A , i. i.!.! , 1..L ., -- 1., 1....c.m 0u n Cl o a k.....7 olSist i - ~- .1 „,,, iot f Lemon; I ran Oil of liertatoot; I box OU Carer& . I p s ra ln tx . y th b , :x . end. f. rtrl-T . roa r peak ar. ,- 6stiss Le- ,-. ~ ....,,A b o , th, of n,„ j•• •,„,,,,i ~,„.., by . 4 fallfor de by fall S. F. VO2 BONNIIOIin I CO. a' ' L' o . . joltS pAttICKIt it CO. 'i •j4lO J ECl l UONnmatt. k co. . ....._ _ . .. - . .... _. lIEESE—Two hundred bit, for s:tle by pat s. F. VON Ito:0;11011ST 11:11. - IPLOUR—Twenty brit, Kum, for Pak b -1: oat S. F. TON DONNIIOIIST CO." 5 i...,_, ::: , ,r ,i e i .. . e.t i .y. ,:: :::.nr, .. , ,,,0 ri, q,.. 7.. , 4 C ORY BROOMS. tot. I constantly on baud for lo Ity i g :tR,, i; ... L O A °.s s IAL L A— E u fili dozen Corn Deanne in Morena) for rabibY i -- --- - t , rt 1.19 OLD RYE WitisKEy JOIIN PARKER • ea. Sugar Rouse Molasses, just reeelvc3 and Car Pala lo' A - t ---- " L UJET,F.;i ii I b b l i t:..nt - NT R ooo r' Pg•he k leVltrjer, °l4 l: M r d .r . L. " .... i T - 1- 11 9 1iE . E PLY .A:STD -1 1c d air A S T ENT E1.. 1 -424 ' W" sale by Daniii JOHN PARKER A CO. ......_,. _ m McClintock loth.t ktturthatters to Out lame* ate. _ PEARL ASLI.-25 casks for sale by - pm SALE—One hundred white and green '. Owl glmitte , ramentcf . ithrt, PI) arid ~, ....I ngralo at . jail It DALZELI. &Co 1 blank - To Übe' . tZSO nice Temorramm q FAl,= 4 i :171,Mtiel w. iv,,ii tV.11 0 .17: ""...). 2 ti e ifEsTic CTS.—Ten bus Sr sale by a t o, Or,. rim t eitototrall la 161 sit NO 61 Fourth !Revel and 79 Word imett. '''' • • i Mi‘lirol it lode, 75 of urt, Mb aiition o INttAturith IA- • -. .. Muo IV. MoCLINIOC6...I R. MA LZELI. LCO ' , ROM." i5 O •rotts or Cool and Vest Moles and ltuttitt, For nate to no) drunitity. to suit archers, br PLOUR.—One hundred torts superfine Flour. Pillkdthlto lib 16AAC RAIL/Ili Fifth M. , ! F received ;sir 4teauter Pilot No. 2, and for .te by )I'l, OR sALy„ extol of Mediebaea, viz, .1. & It. FIuYIA lionod Church Bulldiog. ' The Bait 'ti.i . UV.. b fq. , Omen's Attlyne ytertßal o6i i) i r , .. 1. 3 DOTASII.—Ten Casks, pure, in store and ;"""..• .P' '''Pt ''''" I : r En ''krii v an."r; if:thing. „, , i tlis, Or Laang etooLlue -,ros X far Web ) mti " n ' ' Ur" ' Fever and A•ue Ift.rti 1111 s. Dr Mont , Pills for COlllll.l, L„„ c,,,.0tt wane. Can for pRODUCE —0 brls . prinie Roll Rutter; t1,,,,,,,,",,,Di1,,,'. 1 7„n!„,V„,,,,,,,,dr i t t tul Itz 6 Fri. No. I Lank taltitßilwit! lAAAC 11,10111.9. Fifth st. 0 bus Cliestourt• 3 Raga Ortmt I.eath,r, mcilvt.ii bi 1 1.4 1 0 It 6A L 1..-- A mall retail Hupp of wagon, and Gitr sale by J• 3 J. • r.. FLOYD. ‘, V 9," r g ~ TI I " " j::,,i P T.l . Bl:trit. l :4T: IkrO i l.': (11..INSENO AND BEESWAX.-123bnp DLl,,c'l,-tn :and 00 ,,,i, a attaawy. a taw aaak UK Colosen• - . 1 rank &caw.; now . lamhit• from steamer 1ta,1.,. a - fertiperatwe CR- • Nriid ' h i , ' . I ili. .t•iil' Tuscrra. fur We by ~,, ~,,- . m.,. of the liellyr. ainl of the Mark t; fur Tur d ISAIAH DICKEY A CO., Water • Front it, c• Falt. ' b . : . ' . ..i.M.`"""'" lAAAC If ANIMA ULASS—Eight hundred las G him 4 8110. rut mal•loy Jan S. F. VON BoNNIIOIL4T & CO WHITE FlSll—Fifteen 1,r6 for rui by pai V. lON ItuN.NITORST & CO. _ • _ MANNERS' OlL—Twenty lids Ha air Oil, rLW ILAMS--Erans ii, Swift's Cincinnati J. in goad order. for sale by doll JAI IL FLOYD j Mug. I. inly's., inn moired, ter siLlikb itIOLASSES.-36 tugs new, in. store, for i ! " --- "- A t'A-el''-±--c-2.-:41131.'):" .IUL .1• by Jell J . IL. FIAIY I. , 1 41 1.1A1 LARD—Prime Cincinnati Leaf Lard pat in. in Leg. far Cozily me. just me 'd for .1.11, - I ARD.—I•I lids No. I. now hindina., for • i ,, o 'WM. A. NI4. AMUSEMENTS The Greatest Bargains of the Season. IRLOBT. D. TIIO3IPSON, No. 116 Market 62, Mime doom from Liberty, hating determined to claw iiiminem by the gret of April, WA ram thle day. sell his entire slat of Farmy and atertile Dry Urals at co.: for tuak. This stock being new, lamps. and well selected. Mire alms in mat as follawn— Dllked 001)7331tench Merincemettak Canty Cloth, Detains, Otskinerce. and MP Silks,• wide &wit Wiwi., .10 t hhewhe, g and butane; Uloset. licoseT, rte. Urn ILEMI-Vrt till Alt Casitmeres. Satiteelrti Vesting, Crarain, Mkt, Merino, :shirts, Draw., an 'What: li.EEPINO 00011.6-11arnaley Sheetings, fel, 64 and 1041 Cotton Sheeting, Damiuk /Vole Lawn, brown and Mewled: Darovk InalerClothei Ar. g law assortment of Whitney and 6•M ie, together with a full vrock cf lewd, molt mai he upon nettinrt those rode at Mak stock mustihe dared out tie th e not c Patellae ain't. D. N. EAGLE FOl7/DRY. sort 5E101101.24, 0. tr. 0. PAV.R. liE undersigned, successors to Arthunt T Nlehol.on, be bare to inform the eillnets No, burgh and the 110./k generally, ties they ha, rohellt the EAbLE FOUNDItY, end ere on. in fulloporstium mat here part of their pattern, ree4y for the Morket: Antonin Whichare Cooking, Stave., C.ol and MAXI Mover. trith Wend.' air tight inel Stot - o. ehlott it non Aug.:bed:oZ in other cities, the egranmn round Stove. Also. elotay COOL C.oklng Store. 11,11 adapted Su small Camille"; with a,futi assortmout of e...0413au1a and Mantel Ureter. We would partirolarly , tnrite the ath-lition of pent., banding, to roll at our ri ottrattOng where. Kod examine • ,10.141 orttrio of enauttuelbel Orate, tinisho.l in hue myle—eutirely nee in this maskob Wembonar—No. gIS Liberty et.. not.o/to Wood ft. amr,S,tif h1c1101,, , 0N clt PAYNE. WEBB'S Nuruml Bearden., McGutlie's do. Antlmictira. 015313.., St.. dupery, Mapa, Uiobeti acid mrpry war, timil ht Intbra and whocils. Alw. a geiwral anutia.ut of Mar. putt able for lichiad., all“ Al.o.CArter.k LAlLl.nd{oria, EIM:CA4IONAL 1%):14)11TOGY, delb 4 Market K. curter of Fourth. III? JOUN 31UttItAY'S 1.7 Prepared under the tolonallate cur of the lined:dot eslaslisbed for up...ardent thirty tears. This el...rasa bmparatiou Is irCuMme:bled bs MS. of lac, acidities, legkertion, gout, and gravel. st tha molt lode, easy, and effectual form lo 'darn MarmeeLa may, and Lome the only one in whirls it undid to be ethibltul, TOrr melanin all the pent...rite...of the Ifaoursin now In gement donsdlund brio.. lia effectual) ito form danger.. row, In the bonak ity cures heartburn 'without Injuring Um onto of die donowhom raid. totem. and naelr carbonado tire known to do it prereute the tool at intkoto tun:d r 0 1 l all rases. It trio a.. hlematut inietterit i mad. Is Tern laxly adapted to females, utophiny 'As) . entitled that this solution forniewid uble combinalloora with Or: and mile In cares of goat tad gravel, therebycounteracting their lotoriow tendency, alien other *Malin and even diagnosis, Waif, had felled.' From Sir YWlip Crampton. Hart, Sur,eott detirral to the Ar " m in Ireland.— D y ear Sir—There elm be no doubt that 'if autwel• may be administered more solely the form of • comentoded so. button than lo eubstanor for ibis. bud foe or of her manna, I am at opinion that the' Ft eh! MactuTla to a Teri rainable ablition to war dtatiThi Medic. PHILIP CILANIYTON.. Sir Janie. Clark, Sir A. Conyor. nr. Bright, and Mew. Outdate erel Herbert Mats, of tomb.. etrenuli moolitinend Murray's Plaid Magareia as being infinitely more sate any eattsrskiebt than the solid. and her from the 'danger atiend• Into. the mod,mt tar of rails (7 pl.'s. 'par soda by the ImpurterbrlS Mr. - Air:beg *V .1.. AlLNEsrmit. k CO jail Con. Waal t Fran Sin. N . EZIf d O OO C , K 1 1;1 ; k t:1 ,1 ;4 '0g .: KLEDER to now relieleinw • neon lots . r .‘" of elegant Pianos, wade by biniiv, New lark, aiming thew. splendid 7 inane carved Pinllei lf the riehevt deecription of exterior and tone. lt Is mad. athe Rococo style. in vogue lo lbe reln Uinta XIV and XV. Also, a new lot of fashionable and peep ;Aar Husk, and an extensive selecrion of Braes Instruments, %WU.% Unitive. Melodeons, and every variety of musical cambia, disc. 1•10 A CARD-18M. BURCIIFIELD, North tut throw of Four th and llseket etresta. PittatMethe e. at the nonunthorment of the New Year. to rt. tune their thank. to their their the public grace ally. for the large share of enelorn extender! to these. an./ Invite the continuanceof tittle foram ILaving recently cutout/lee:4 Improwcl their roma, thee are enabled to tee,. on bawl a tore eateuelve assortment cf (katele—and buyers will hare the illiTILIltl.3 of panty of light to ext.W.na good., and roake their selection, then Julio:a tog tjojt establishment. •A far as protleable. a VAIUL STURE, when, every ankh, In the her O.& line, for the wan. of foonllier, era 1, pron....l—and In contlownotettorte to melert tho bent wool., and to veil at km pr, they hope to wake with ' it ot o ranolliel and UP • dlstlonlot to favor tkeon Oh , Or 1,13,41,11. •• • • • - - .. • cNThehntIOLESALE DURINLPS .U 1 be continued lec the room. up stalre—erttranee from 4th greet. or %brunch lower mob. /Mr Important to Stage Coach and Wagon Manufacturen. MESSRS. SINGER, lIART3IA.N have bouilit the riebt .f au AXIAL, Invented ter ensuel *Seismal:, called "ehettlatd Patent." It has been tested by our bed-marl, builder, and irrersouneedrtd be the brat in use. Au ordinary hatch. with a sal of thide it c an! ' if,:.2l " : g attl il l e ilgtttytrit wawa:Lees we have oh the peat oduelloo CC wri Mat easing al power, It will mate the Morll Idorrretora to sere her not. nn tlielt stock and Al., It will glee great subtle to roar alert the net resole. Inn; fit the erbeel.and uot having anyrorstualon wlthtbd hale, will eulltely prevent the wheel tram haulm, Ily junior ewe, the patentees will wursat thOse.taholltai last hens lb to lo W years, stall,' running. Warebeuw—ho. ltn) attr..m4l-Iti grant atr.cts, siIeZZUF • ORT NECENSITY MOYUMENT.--Thi agents eppolnted Lt reeelve contributkaos to ras aahlnataa Com.. Went:no:Maud and Somerset maw In old M the Waellngtou Monument !taster. at Ng-malty, are temeollulle mo sns.nrstal Inlay over Any Alone In Melt honds talhe underslamd. toVelonto • • r demUlLterAT idlAeSELEON.Tniansreit. • ATOW/STHE IT 3I E M dAZINESTA .1.1 IE3I, at MIXES !Mann. Depot. Third etratoo3p- ; panto the Poet c 11.., 17tetbrirch- Itantori 31aga4na-.....jrc I.i. 55 00 Merman& )1 _ do 500 noicaerlsocker lia•mir.o._ on 5' 00 American 1014 Devilry dc. OW FelneCe Menem.- di. 5 On Mei. UM' Mnrninii ....... . do 00 ..... 2' i! •,11 Gridsmao Napalm -- ‘1.7. &wailer Mumma ..... . 254 • lideinational .- do 3 O.) ilortlmiturist ..... --____. ...... do 3PO Cnittcntar .......... ...... .._....... do 1 L:riDA•__ . . do • (r 3 The Jannari 1311132L0T of tram Mr•anne• the ninal.cr thr Li C , roluma, 004 101 to the boat 111.11 r !slued. 1131-Theabove marazinci sill le delivered taw of Tip* age at mT flt r, bolo. gun. • inslng to those salricaiting A lame 4 well selecteJ rw.ele. of =gufflcent ANNZ. ALS. WIT . KAM.% for Chralinaa and Ntr irar's Also—An extuusir, tm.reaant of Novel., nal Mewl I'vutlog cwwl... Sc. All onlart.l4* . wki to punctual', j' 49 _ No.f 4 /14W13rtawat. OTTOFLANNELS--A faxiker supply cint the who FLANNELS--A goal, a eupwior arlole,f, u.t reo'd 1 11:IlVillk IttIItCIISILLD. NEW BOOKS.—litLvAbtat's new Work,_ C. 0., or Stoorlfr. of a Phi alooJ dr....JAW/wag lb* irrroo. ele3more's Skrlchwr of IllooweoPo. Up, Yew Floglawet VC the Wrst., 1 xnp• Hir oo. • ItrwhafaLla Airlf.u.porets . Ilioiloarr, nit So. Seriztotia. Itte, air wed worth reading. Fox rah. I) It. 110PELN/4 1 30 Apollo klulldisurr. A T NOISH. To L' TIIE PURITAN, a Tak, of the. Arnettean Reeohalo. Hy ALA,' OntymAt. Eq.:: Ilistory of the itelorAntinn t.f the ebotantAb (Autos"-, bLi;.ll. Merle d'A . ublon. fra =ite..' of V=.131 br White. A TrittltiO* lege7CAntlifnlCe. lientuek.r, Wear, AtaqtnAne, 0100 AlottrArkr. luetrated by fan y entrenviar, LA`wA pqtr- The •bore worts rut tole by AC. 8.101.1..111N, floloooler LAI Station r,' Cann of Ntuket and Thud att. COLORS -6 brie ROllO Pink; One Erma, rase• Chrome Y•110o, z 0511,00.011 ./.10 scum\ n. a co !or sale by ERMILLION —Triestp, Chinese, limed .. and Imperial Vermail..4 Gr min by% 110 J• J SOI/OONNIAXIR ttC4) .DROSSIAS ItLLII.--Tea ',tabsl, 44 pal, by jai° J ECIWOrIikICEItt CO. - A WINDOW HANGINGS.—W.Ince 'Om to those wltlAng to perches , • eery houtatar! exiortment of Sate, Ihllin, thuna•kr, of the ustent. tort rtyle. at reduhed prices. C• 11 at the Carpet. War' hear. So. S.S k'ourth ctr.vt. Joao i OlVDEM—Blahtinq and Rifle Posrdt MO kegs. miLitulue. far 4.4.!.. ' lalo J 00.. ‘4AIIETY VUSE.—Twenty brim Safety Flaij foritlam.k.r, Sw sale J. S. VILLIVIIITII k.C& APPLES.—Ono hundredbushel% L. J DILLWORTII t EU; KY PEACLIES.-241 bushels for sale lala J 5 DILLWORTLI a COJ! The Old Printing Establielunent, — lo ATE Johnatou and Stoddon's, and break .ad Stationery Warebettee. n. ILtV}v 1.4 preps.. to ensure every siy/SOSUR., Caanner.s4 Can.. Ikal Job 11.10.8 ant uo Irladlast sad fitralah every smelt In the nlaat Isve Psper end t.seloorry tine, .t th• •, tekr• . 1 4 L . 4 the 1.. ',wash!, Ism.. .111.1elb.b sod gtallormery Wartllou.e , rot*. Of Muir. sad ...41 Weer, Priallas tribes and Itack 'Regime, No. V) Tkam • L. - New Books Just Received, ALTON LOCKE, Tailor and Poet; an ant 144.0,,. 1 vol. IZno. MILL . ~,,,d.,, pen .. far llie two of yarisrla sod tateig, ',... iact tor )0000 1.... of b , O l + ...., Po moo ad pmblir:,`; od In montane. abla a resolution of Ow donate aadilow of iterreosordedivta of tr. War. of NUchlmus.. i t lea la, b... A..n.. roar raisrlotondont of public lartivdtica. AI , r.a.... moo. Abboila Sew Book—Atory Onfadan. Mind. bfotard 3- C. Abbott. rlib ongravlnov nubbyn vlth the laidorrl volume) of thly,teopd.laol . drtorital aerie. Yea .. by. , '..:. ..j.il / 11... tiod Farad. 1$ Apollo bu11a1Za1.41,...p; BOTECTION INSURANCE Co3IPAIi, - , , , lil Int AM '. • 0f 4 ,1491.i. CoTt i Capital flak lad oil? ~, 1 . 4 = 4 '&= been llbboinbet limb fixi.this c . ... r . 1214 tooposd oonOooy to ammo! Xt. ilinftl. itro• - am IN tadr to Immo la the are And moms, dna; imam it gliveroir UMW ANT °Ow born k 3 ..,,,t. yam oft, (WI &Mot° - ~: -*A - Te larada Roil la Rasa af ... _ ! . ... .i ! . 1 :~ idi t ,~_ f`'