PITTSBURGH GAZETTEJ ruDusitrn DAILY A 4 WEEKLY, BY WRITE & CO. MEE TEM. tl,llars ior annum. ratable l'ettAT. rtar. . C3 :4n " ,:! - 79 ' ....r 1 =e - nuttm.will &Pante. et [99 by 1.9 t. 9101 : the , . 9.!!;,trit, eonditiostat 19s 9 00 Tvn ',JO., 4., 13 to T 99919 .9:t a) Ito Thu piteltt Ur...1-h (191,1 n be cillzeyed t wan iornon, 9ZI to To t, Int tr,!t tbrtrecwo No Club Pews %rill to •er.trittte tlo I.!res, uulyto the moue; it tout for • rette9al • RATES OF VERT7IIIIIO. 009 L , .uz r , (10 lino, f .N.parell less) n.. 1- rti Pno 60 4,11 tn.arrtion— 0 25 entry it 175 tlr t,s three 7 t 5.0 one tr.r.th re , rnoreb nth, ... 5 00 m 0..... faar months.... ..... . •It uq otnoth. ... ..... 19 to ftrr. One .Itar can!, f ;tool., kw, i:000 0 , . tine :1, , 1141 ent la at plreaulv (r. , no now, r•v1n....5.. of tho ..... 00 for ea a.ll urn— n.ooth, alat far au.), na; inara.l no.lfr 1.1.0 earl, far , . half teri,.. Ifrrt.••enn..t, rwt anpar It., 1.1, eta.. .mar. half ot I , l,ll.hrra I,A r tenal on.l the salon, mr ;... 1 46,1 1 / 4 . ...11.10.11, I ,•• u.r.h.v. 0. ph..nal the maze.. t tom'. .1 “nth.caps,‘ 14 a rfaarthed nm', cf motionmi t•llfort.kl.auJ pat • utent . .1117/417 to tn.., n.• ',oe for. In 1,• ti. salr , t.lae:,, • .17i1,1.1” innhtationa. Ore rani., 'mat, s.4.hor polar. tat...tine,. Soul auell G. 1...” lotyable atvirify ad• n.l:.•n:+ra will I. r•ratiburd rtr.-. It .1 01 ,i.er an • • • Nlarrnt, too,. mot, Mod Dt too fo,-,t 10., o,loro olotoary notlova. and aluot W rterclotprollo. , ..• oat./ Reolur no, all ~;hen oonulinot oxontrtunloto tint., or nr.por,o, , looloroool to, roll ntn.ollon to ran , . vo.. or mot public ontortalnotest.. whore rhorg. aro too. 1.• Cr• ronlors nf pri.• rode olaaviatton- totwo dohLonot loran attoothut In Minato entozi,o • •..ktoalstekt re inNooled to ' , roman lull . rklual Inter, t, oolv los•rted lb.. Emden...andlnn that In, Any.- tr. I. I• :•t fr.r. If tototknd to tor in. nortod tiO. .-,1•11on tto...onno will to , eltor-od at tn• rain of not ?Inn it, por lino nidlon no Jto'- o.ovo to no ellargool trifle prtor. I..rnal tont nolwol tol.o•ro...nooni rhanod at foil pd., Real Lrted.• nt..' kuotlono,ro . advortlornontle not to Le clan.ot toot, 1, rrl- but to 1.. allorroot n du. moist of thl•tr nor mod one thin! per eons bore the marmot of NU, ilt..lSttr 1,11, Pk1 , 1:71.. 04% &Mt, till. , ton ruon. SI ..seh nEldnionol 00n0 - llnn. .13:11.1„V PAP,. Opp SnunA.. 00 ~,,,, riox. LlO. nOOOlOOO ingercton 25 nont, All Irunxient adrprtlmomoAn to he raid In naTannr. BUSINESS CARDS AL - DERMAN. joIIN A. PARKINSON. Alderman, Fifth Ward, trqvrern O'llara and Walnut. All biatloc.h procut,l) - TV ATTORNEYS. _ L . a w—O mb !t ri c h e ri . FRANCIS C. I'L ANEG I N, Attorney :it La*, tin 142 Fourth Are., Tittrbur.h. torn. H. VIVRE kitTiMEfi WATSON, Attorneys nt Law, Co. Ile Fourth, Iltbmt.. I . ll.l4urgh. cm—Al....kr Iram John Snyder. TS, Item 1;35. 31 . 0rH0. t 4`,444 Wm. IL 1 1 / 4 4 / 1 ,7; John 1 , 14,mb0u. Ac countant; thm. W. Jorkmu.Pittxburnh. EIDIVAItD P. JONES, .Attorney at Law: 0151 m vo Fourth etrect, I.tweett Wool awl Smith - TASPER E.I BRA_DY. Attorney at Law, fp/ No. Fr. Path pamet, P;ltAburgh. Pa- A emw. 1 have taken into partnership, In the practice of the w, myeent. JCIILN IL MI , ILA tan of,ltrtiee in ointera e win eargie W La on the than then return to the Her, anJ On.. an: :actin, without teethe interruption. An, ret....1./al Inv.:war entrn.rted to between this end the .I.journtnent cf (..: - 117..nar.05, alit be pm:aptly attended to br Insu. 'a. h., me inned",rttle once that perhaL Ms °Mir opprelte the Newf.:me Mute. 51 ILOIPTUN. Weehlngten lA7. Jan. 1. lllA.—dlwatelraS BLLI4ItERS MTh BROKERS. IV 11001 E, t: SON. Dealen , in Foreign 1.11 • .. n4 of Exchnog-r. CcrtlEcaLra of De e 4 podto. El, h,,,..2., : . No. eft 3.l.rket, ar,et, Ito, t.hreu burg h ghoo . the 1 . 1,, .ISts uml.c. on 411 the prionial eithqs t tep. iIrI„EORGE E. R NOI.D & CO., Itankers, aljitl Pealent Pt 1. - teittmre Pont. Pant Nolo., rt No. 7.1 TonrOa rtmet.. n•at I:r.a. t. , th•• Dank Pittebnrch. trot- Ctsmt tarettlilt zo, noel (he pet - weeds remitted to any part of the *Cnion. 'retsw SLtXJt ....... hum. RAM.ER IZAII3I. Bankers and Ex m.u4. Eirrikerri Ipelert m sr.rogn d Vhc,itil' Fircharige, C, redirect of littiettlet. Beak 'ohm— orner of! Third chil Woctt tract", directly eyper-lhe the Et. a lotoL o4F I: OTIIEES 6; CO.; Binbag Roust; • tyeet. Htiebetr-,k. Current Money en &feeonne made rot nll Lhe yrineipal elan of m, 'BAUD k IR.VIN, Commission slerchrmts and 11 , 11• :11 Fnn,ntl Pitiaburub. ALNIER, II NNA o. CO.. Succoßsort to Hanca d CI.. 11,117. a. }11,311..NGL at il dealert in lomi,n tarharga. lirrtlrteates Dtpogt. hnnt ar-1 rnrner Wad Tbl , l Nlr.nr. nn o f pant. 54.11 t Cht,t, fe- maile. uear. ly an the pout, rv , 00. • Ueda hiohe.alrn'n u. r . fot furri a,.1 Accerkan Advanret ,71 :I^7 •nt.,111%.11*. r.-211,.1,1 nut. on If Ix-rail, rm.. - BOOKSELLERS : AND STATIONERS. an . _ sToc TUN, I, Johnston & Stock -IPP, 11,,! , erter. Print,. *pi cor p.,:or Matte, pm! PiPpt•prgh 11 - Aa 11ULME:!... 1 heap Lit..ntry fut Thinl gmrt ofh,. 5 Pnok. dtlly hp mY of the t tl.. pul•h• , w r'• Y.!!!' t 1101..'1 IN S, :trl Stationer, R• BAKERS AND COWECTIOITEB.S. PAVID ) 1: IV and Baker St-A r. r f Pitt•hu,h dlng Cakro. 11,1 i,116 . , ma hand na.n!,.t CARTET DEALER W 'Ar et IN TIM.T;:11 a n Net tire; and and .9 Wood ot.. I COMMISSION AND FORWARDING. ,1. [arm AIRD.:4 I VI N. C.anntission Merchanta gt.. t-1 .. 1 Z:ii 7- C,. ‘ •'a, ; 7 17,31.11:Zm • 10IIN c:c 1A E V LL. ( 'ananismion and For d u .1,1 sr . n 1.11 rtrr,t, Pittmbutgli. WT M. JoitN: , TOX, Farmuding and p a urx l;:mni•••••r. !i•r, Lao:. N. , Arret. .. L. L lIIIL I . EYNOLT , ..L: SIIEE, Forwardi a d ' , (N.mn ‘1... , 1,...:, (..z• ihn Alleahrn; Rlv a ar e. dettly, It. 1;r..,....... 1•n.l Pitt Crunch 51anufw two, wl ClAprule f.r 1,1,,nr. ••• • . The highrst . mid ern' Lim. for emlntal . • Cnrner Pc." :mei Irwin otnet, 'Eft it JONES. Forwarding and Cam- lvalun 1/1c relvanta. larnlc.ra In I'v-callarc nM risco. . 514,11;1w-I anal r.ru..L.,. 0.1.1 11. .'ornr Serenth L Httrlrur: h. A. 31'.1AULT1' & Cf)., Forwarding And Cwa o.n 31Preb.m., Comal Datin. Illtaburgh. OHN Me FA & CO., Forwarding and I. Nlin town. Calul Mein. P aim.. bun.. AMES M. DAVIS S CO., Produce and nally rartny.. Starkrh and &Aeon:anew* It. hy .Itbny at the show. as • n.rnus If hyninire hlthyr Pause. mr6 W. P. JONI. ARDY,JON ES S CO., Successors to At woo..k.o. and Forronlind Mer• • • &a p, In rittddlrib Manufadt.rd Good; PM. DRY GOODS MERCHANTS. odA., t A. MASON A CO.. Wholesale and Retail Dealer. in Foul and Staple Dry Gordo, 62 Market Putobur.h. ~ UROHY A:- BURCIIFIELD, Wnotzsate no t Ratail Dry Goods Mcyolltota. corner of 'north ... la& am . % IsO,lntrob. a. C. I.3llrylC=l iI.ACK LETT & W I flTF,,Wholcgale Deal 121Lc a r rti c Dry Goals. Yo. 101 and ATOM. Ilttalwrgl4. rjgrr rtrtatr. . t. ruAtaatt ERSEY. FLEMI CO„G &Cotnmip.sin I tfrathatas—For Ow rate a Pau.:at n Woolen. sad . t• • . Goaictn all kind.of Talton,' Wam . b. :t c ,. Ltd aod rtnat, fourth door from MI6. nits DRUGGISTS: ,tysEit M'DOWELL, (S,ice. r ,nr 4 : to to Korn r Whr not 1.4.111 Drug nt Irt-nd vt and Virgin alloy. Itn•nnf pr . r.,notnor .. , Fattonctlrd night sod ITA7EttINEsTorK & co., Inoic.A.ain .DG Beton Ilran,/.t.. eAI.I, tVrcyl and flout fJ Druggist, and deal- LY• or to twrdr.l.l.n-en, Trait - Trot, addleoltornl AnICOIII./..tr. r, Irc Pittentr.tb. i, • • KIDD , .' cO IVh 1. 1 D .... ' '''''''l ,- - .. ~, t.l v rif girls: Pea.- . ,1,1, , ,...a n r i . ; .,....., , ,2.-,.:,.., :•.I 06, ii -1 . 4 / 0,11•1111911•111 Kr r . 411.4,..„4 Lui5. , ,1 , ..... • .1,..E.......1 -, ..rai rr.r:s•. 1 4v. %art ~ n t .:•,:, T'' -..•': ''''. '^rorr cr n 1 ,4,1 and 9, ~: ; ,i ~,,,,,,, , :.14,,• . re -in to ,arrrully j•nrit• paE. SELLEEI. 4 , Whelp:mit, Dealer' _ Drum. Point., T)ve Stuq. 0.1.,.V Ish de m . T WO•Ni C tl,l, ph,,,, ' . T . • e.i ... tt.. hie. law. .nr A L. l'.. Uovils varruat.l. O . OIIN D. '1%1D1;.. - G.P.N. Wholesale Druggist. eluffs Palm, Votenishes.Ae.— U e. fr 3 'Veal meet.. eue Our ionell Diermeed Alley. taburvin. - • SCllOOi A K IVholeinle Drug- A...t.tvw it.. littAborcb. •• - . .............. O ¢OI. SESR FAUN REITER, Wholesale and Retail Dim ' arrxt .4 Et. IV.ILKLNS CO: Exchnn Brokyrs, zut Cm A rdi Tbiduct . .l.la ga rlut iamb-AU ITHE:.- - _:DAILY TIPITTSJUIRGII'r'-'"-""-'oAZTTE GROCERS. J. . unLJ.J in. J. , Ir.aum. URBRIDUE INGRAITA3I, IS holesale jul Ona - ersCmimi•rlon Merchauta, No.llo Wets street, andEIJ Vint Pitt.t.uNtx. 11E1% 31AT1'11EWS N. CO., Wholomle lirnmrs,Commi.•inn end Forwardina • ots for Briailton Cott,. '••; NV.,••••.t. ',gr lCElt t 4 ` a BAIINES, Wholesale Gra s.J mrs. rosauo..,od C•Aanal•rion St..rchtakt, and Dent. nn IL l'ilt•Lurp•ll Ilanufaet,r,l Artie`, Sn: and ccoul .trmt, F.. 1.4 l'at•burgh. DJOIIN WATT S.: CO.. IVll.eles l ll,. tirneerw, 1.1.1111/..ior. Nierchsra , litmbur.th M•u.u.i..turr, , urgh. Pa. 1/. CAN FIELD. late ~ t Warrell. 411/ • 'umt.qnn Ft - a - am - time 't.rh.nt. and M bole •aln Dr,lrr tn tn ttc.,rt - c Iluttrr Pnt and A5h.....1M urrtllV .ttn , . bet Me.o ,rnitho , ll M oral. fitt.t•urett , 11•71 - .11.1.1,..LEK, IA I, aIS. WATEP,M.kIs; SONS. Wholesale /. Cozorpiroon Frre - rthri. Nletcheut, cr• it c.f . I n.lorr orl.l ht•burgh 31anufsetu n.1 kiclabond &rut r0t.....1, Nor. .4 awl Watt, strwt. Pitt,/m,b I'. VON PA J.NN 110ItS1' rn., Whole \ 7 • .31.. mad 4“11,11:141.11/.4. and nent..ru N.. an.ll.'han.,,r) AS. I).' \ I rower. Com •lenr7l,. 1,..!.1 Ile Prodelry 4u4 Lurek 11s,ta..rTnr., 70 lin:, . . . A. CU., Mi..lcsale '::4niart.:!;t:l"A.tr7o!CTl'r.:.r A 141 . :\ sErr. La, }:ltgliAh. A Gr.'', 1,, A wkr..l.Ant... emi 14,1, , in I,lkarr •tall IL 1...1 41.peu RICk ETSON. Wholesale hod IL.,,rt , r. ..f Itrairtiir., Wines arut '.. gar.. N •••rt,, , f I.zlo-nr ml 11n.- hordh. Pi. In.. Vnrn... Rt., roirstantly d ILLS & ROE. IV h01..,a1e Unworn: anu Stvn - siAnts. 110pE ., T1' n, p Grocer. nr Forn,cn euVI I.Zl b n ' aLf h tant Liqunr, ML !Awn, ftrprt On hawt n r.l7: r rtozzltl Mallon:all/4A %11.1.1,-. OBE 1tT1.7. I.: I. L & CO.. WbulPsal 11 I mevr, C”tuutv,lnn Mr.rrhnnta &ale, In 1,1.111 Pud Nlanttfletur,, 2:41 Larrlf btreet it.Lor4b. • • 013 F: .t C NNIN(: 11 A 31, W Prlnev. VnrvArdlng. 11.11,1 antrnt.iun • sat. nll4 1...a1., ill iltlgl.rgh Illmorecturr.. So H IV 3I . BAG A CEY N. cu.. y yrv.N, 1 :t.I •zi ttonl rtrn.4l'lt4hura It. • JO ICK O. PIA W T MrCANDLESS. to 1. a. J Grumr, Fu.r.a.l!aq uuni Comnumicra Slorelsaso.A. dovaler. Imn. ins" .ct Vstrn... anti IVO.huralk IlanuLuntunv aroerally. owner of Wwv.l and W. 1., .r•-• 1... Pkt4t.urxh. CULBERTSON a- CLOUSE, Wholesale I.reeer. en.lConnanerion Ilerchaute. Dealers In l'ree due., ales Meaufeeturedl Article, lea In etre, -kart . aarr I D. & CO., Wholo.ole and " .7:g6ti7r4Z,`:V.iATLT'l, Waod and AIM ata.. Pittatarala AOBINurn SON, LITTLE , N CO., No. 155 Many gun., Pitt , laugh. hnle , ..ale Onaetn Pn and Connotsalon llrrthanta. and Aral,. Iv lituburth Mangrcturea. - - - -farm r,r113 url”anlaorix &R. FLOYD, Wholesafr l;rocervo. Corn •• 3lrre.l•ag.C.j. esnti Denit•r• 1111 . roducc--Itltn.l urch Ltuidiugn. tr..astlng rlx,/, . ..__ . arc ileA - rcnnnt .1161 . 1 CVICEDISr. ly6-.. 11. M'CUTCIIFON, Wholesale Gm ca.nr. Dealers in Pnalern. Iron. Mill,. Gnu. and Pitt. urnii IlniTufn,tun, nnnernilr. Linn - h . ntnnt, Pitts- Irnrnti. JJUR, PAZICI. OIIN PARSER A. CO.. Whol,vale Grocers- DeTilt, Inyr.lure..Fornw,. Liquor, OW Idur; trAt;ta . arg . t711 ,.. ...1 . 1, 104, —Ni.. L. Cortum.rclni flu, LEATHER lffifftCHAAT x1e.11,5;.; ........ .................. ... W3ili.,:Yot . Deniers in Leather. MUSICAL rtisTauirrins. 10ir. , ; : NIEL1.01:, 1)..31t•r in Piano Porto., 45 Muni, and Mtv;,.l In , entmenta. hn4 a,l 11,1.1rn fk,=t ftm H Ch., my, Mann Ecrtev for i , nrllvarn.,-An. 1V.,-.1 .1. .111ENRY KLEISEII, Deal, r in Mu..ic, 31u awl Icatrun.ent,ac4 of Itvlan Relng". al z . =w i g 111.1vag.ain Ii F.1~U1 ' l:~~IYUAN;2:~ -.-- - F L ENNEDY, CHILDS 1t. 7 770., Nflnufactu rf ,nrrk or: lsb ertmg nrry. ur. tr.gu au,illatur, Perm Mill, Po tslusrgh 1.11,r J ES osa.s - TUN:I Q I 'lt ICI, Muvif v!cren ni Sprmg , ZVA kfralri. 11, , 1 Pl, Pnci ,•rm Lump. CmchT'sbnuon, gscsrslls srurbrr .0- , •1 Pittsburgh. Pa SCAIFE ATNIN!,t ~ ,,rent 1,33 nre. rr Market .\(..KA1.1 s , 11n , .1,.. , ur f Powder, •tOr.us. mtrr . ,•,. • I AI; LE ;LA:•, , , . It,EL.L. ‘.l • ••••• %pr. I on,. f•-•.tet. AL...4:11,ml 3t.•. I,l”ut prx. El= ke..t4.. •a. the , 4t,e, y, ~ ~ 4 " rtnlu y,clie, t• tl”. 4•,tri ru Iht• I• U • sil ."—tilll.l.lo t4:+l. r SEMi2 emrtb'.W PAPER HANGINGS Wl,: , llEl c t LI ; ~ . ..m3urt;, ani Atrtrr. , ar: l • rad nn,. /1/14, } .- I a 1.-.• 11 ram, Prlurtar and 1% rapping r. t,. U..ot l'utrrtl. vurgi Irianem, It. I, TEA DEALERS.. Al °Ski 11.11101-9'll. and Wit] , 1,,h3nt.. Kn., .1 , I , lart..n.l_ htt•burgh hare rd rm.+ ”11 /I.lllli it lan. Gre.-er lex awl nip- Trll , . 11N• - For.lv. 1/%14-, rn.l Nut.. 11 Pair awl retwit. .s.pplt, - - TRANSPORTATION AGENTS. 1 - 01 IN A. CA 1.1:11E1% .Igertt for the Lake *Jr Ell,- nil tlirlthran Llue. 4, 14:tver And Lake. Office the turner of It':ttor gni ,nsthfiekt ith - JAFFE ( - WON N Eli, Propriety', or the PortAhlo {tnt r,tter nr Penn and 11 LEECH & Trantiporter, I,y Canal i ttr th tro Vonta.nlint: N'terrhantL, owner of Penn ttr.nl VENITIAN BLINDS r5r17.1,1 Ji. IVESTEI: q..I. VELT 5: SON. wr!ll WtRCErt.L.T., known Vanltian II Makara. keep lams; on hand or tna e loonier the bert artlele la their line, at their all atand. Jim 13 Ed. Ilalr dreet. ala, at !al. ad Market atm, mammal +tor,. entranee In the Mammal enittan eNutter made tnanlar. and ahl ncattly repairml. avid JJA.BitOWSMOUId most rogpect fully inf"rnt the ptt blla that he keeps on hand athia stand on the we.% aldeof thelliamond. Alirchour city. a complete amortnsmd fto ct ' eVe n t Etat.. ' Mind. ran ho removrti rillamt the ald of a 'cram driver Ilavind parch. ..ad the Mork, tolls, and 0. , 1 Of the cabinet eatabliallmeol Mama, k McClelland. sat la d to rowel, thrlr old miat , tnerr.a. as the pnte ha large,.arlth every thine It their lira dMennr, lto. thatd etrret, Ilttalntrah. mylYadi J. A. IIItOWN. 114 01 : 4 4;10:41ftu:4):0);1 1 6 . 'DA31 HARDIE, Veterinary Surgeon, late from Llinburah, Fonland, would rrooryttollY ta - La s nt the pubLx that he haA caann.t.4 prullre to tb.. p _rofeenio, and. by careful attentlon I. a,,,t;lrtyd to Mut. he lurp.+n. glen rntlnft,tho /n connection with Jamep Rant.. Homy filmy., and Blackatnlthing In gancral 0111 be carried on. at au corner or Tunny) greet sod rennaylranla Arenu, - - W.OOL NERCHARTS. LEE, Succor to Murphy and L,e Wool r nod Connul n, Merchant , don Mehant, for Um yal cit Deade ric. It mien. °malt, NM al ,t W. lIARBAUGII, Wool :%lerchant,. lers In Finar and Prtxlu, k,n.r.11, and Fin Ing and Cutonilrainn 115 Firat ,tnu, lb street, 1914hurrIl. pjaviothoool L'!:4:lN, Watches, Jewnlry, Rye, Dia , / LISTS. t. D. 1111N'I, Dentit, Corner of Fourth RawlDorztar bet.veo Market gad t..Y AL ENGRAVING AND LITIIOGRAPHING.• E 1 I . ,SSOS, Engravor WigJoi. ;Id)" nhint , 1 I•ln,ipen, Fnrintla. , ` Land, xi , . In, 1.4.1., ri nnen Inrisfoun. iottnn tn.. tint F iyin o[ art and at n ANTl!!k . l;l. , i 7k i, i h SCß , _ , , l , t3l , A..);',S , Ll , th t not; c, ritt:burff b. 3lnpo. Vhow Rill bold, fmnr. Dow]. Lnl , l, clam] Drawixp: Hurinvls anc tul Oittar Card, ora vr,t Ds • HAIIDIVARE IititCALUTTS. wILSoN s:TcO., Importer, and Whplowl‘t Deal., la Ilarlwve tlery. 111 .4 strict, ITthhiugh. arrsozr,LJblii .111111 DII MARTH- & .Sol3LE—Citp Flociring Jaz% xo. cas Magi wit Adams si, Pittablugh. 11) A. MADEIRA, ,Aqrnt for Delaware ISlu toia Saretv.haurnn, Company. 42 Warr erwt- JGARDINER COFFIN, Agent:for Franklin and Third Ft Fir. InsurrectAu, ernataar, monli eat cLawr of Wood TAYLOR Commissioner and. Bill Broker. 112 Second rtr.o. alder attention will be mom aII toreitims entruetol to Ma cue. Mtn/burgh naunfactonal artmlea ellraya ,// ham/ nr prorrtrol at abort mAle.. Note, Donde. Moment, te. nap:a/V.l on Wear/ able torn Advance. mole. If rentOrral. BINDmM dmr from the n E r fl ib itc , ,v:ibutiTetete Se i; r=r t .tit'"iTririnn w"^ nptoen .• • .r0..1 ..T Pattll3, and Lori enbelentaalla-- 1t.0a./ in umbra, or 01 k. ~„,alune, or /...pair/L Nem, put on In Ott inters. Tbno/ •ho hale 1/Indino are Ito ite/I to calf . 1/rmes lnv /af,/lle , IVhulemalo Deal -1,7 rrA ti..mr.tt, t 0..! F.tr. tot Dry tlondr, Net 101 IT otud ttyret.l'ittobstr,ll. 0101. ho all,llon of Int)ert In their lartre tlnek of cpenine, end 01 they prrraml 4..11 nn nor,' I,,, Tanntellnw term, it e onnran:ly prey/ring fr , h gccdo dulitnir tratno, and r.tn, ertunitati , tl “1 n o el , by west. ern Inembtot, mh.r. tr,%lting nur tltr. IV 'CoRD & CO.. Wholesale and Retail " Itsuute4vrvrt. nal Natm in lint., enp no ,l n u , o f 0,1 1.110 etn. le. I t illsbur.,o. Who. doe ,t an Mid menpltte .lock lint*, Cep-, Fu, Le. a ve, q.llt) and so In. Whoterttle eat it.lt.ll. sad in. vlte the alttattrtn 14' :I.t.unvro au l purohn...reortier en.urtng thotn shut than'-11l owll nn the mt..t taKenn. ten.. M. „ New Coach Factory—Allegheny. AR 31. A. Wlll & CO. would re rtimtfullr inform lb.• milige that they hare demo sod duty preps order. for ever, otliiri et rehiring. Minseree. Lluirfom, llereiort i re. Brjo,lrri. ite from their leag extiotirteri in the toormfoietirr of the aterre stork. and the lorditme Ilim hate, Ulm feel ie.n6dent thei are enalitott to do oriel:no Me n•-1 n a rnuable terms With thooe eantine s in their lino Peving par. tilAr 111...1,1i,, of roat.ti.al, and ha, iyg non. but r..utp,tool world:nen. like) hav4-610 tn,..itzttion In warrnnting th..•r w.. 04 tben,f..re sukt.h• el,ntion of Ito , nol.ll,- Wat • tirtiler. N. 11. r, ~,rittu dottc in I+, manna mann. owl no Mt mg, trtmnable jalTral nu. JAM, VlClS•clet. BCALFE & ATKINSON, IRST STREET. I...twen and Mar hula In nnier I=tthqL .11 Kl•rn ..t.am bnwt vrart. 1 1 : ev.....ut , 0r Copper mod . Bra. Krttlrt. Ti,, 5r,,,,. . .tv tlgkow for Stvalnl,nl.l.. Caht.rtma migrant. or UM' 1 panlea. V. would reepeetfully IW/he Steamboat moo and O th er. to call and see our arts+, and orlom before purednuelna clamber, L' i AG LE MA RR tE WORKS. (es - iatTtl7K — ed JS r LT EIIIIEND WILKINS. No. 14 Meet/ ale ele nf Want etreet. Patehurab. Monuments. Burial Vault.. Tomb, ll,sletove, dr, Mantel limo ()entre and Pier Tor, kin, a on hand, elki made to order. N. B. A choirs eelection of Draw Inge on hazel. All.) FOREIGN ADVERTISENEFTS • - .K fkatunEALlL RUCKNOR Tobacco kelnn Mo 11 .ehant4. Nn North Water Meet. .'o. 10 North it bars,. l'ldlxtelubta anal J. J. TARDOS, Commiesion Mooch eir • ants, No. 31 Oil ',ran New Urbana keep you. ' , tautly ma hand a tar, tv-Avtuunt of Brasellea of the lbd. loaltng bra/al, hub they otter for Ade Amu for J. Durand A Co.. ILddenut.Maalory. J. Kraal. J Dix.• rand a CO, Lar, v hrile. J. J. banal. llarnsg, A. de Muhl. ..on. A L. literal, A de Mondoer. Jean Lout., ar.. an, Anchor Um. Bordeaux 14.1 *Ol lAhlte Wines In ....As and era., 'elected with ck.r, .141 t Durand-i. (IL: be. Chanapatruo and eye., Burgundy - A . M. ru7:lye Ik4ERCER AN p TELO. tteneral Commie kYiat, ,;(117?;:gt.. - r AVID C. TUTTLE, Attorney. at - Law, Cosostainfoner fur Penns, tiaila, Luuls, Pcammunkallorug Dna:aptly &warred. 0ag.2.1y TOIIN H. RANKIN, Attorney and Conn *, 11or at lon. and Caunkeloner Da the Mem of Cenu ae frank. ladtia. Mo. CPi ate of ttabusand Ilef,rneoa—Ptheburuh: floc. ver.,ket. ifaluntrus )111kr. xllndlea. %Clan, John t. Dark, Manila a DeConl a CO. augLkle IG . -WU r. oww.ll.l.Vg. VI IL .o.lWalin ILEY. WOODW ARD & Co., Whole .'" Kale 0r0c,..... tgpt) Wenn, W. MIN DLIT. .... ..1111. r. LIVINISTWS.• W. POINDETER & CO. General • Cmultimb...x../1.1 Fortranlins. Merchditoatal new link N... Ntark.t /Tl:5 PENH XACHENE SHOP. .WIGIIT.MAN. Manufacturer of ill J.Ol ructon arutn , rn machie', Allaglarni Th. Norlu, In full and octrorrarnl p.ratl , l3. lam praydr ,, d .scar.order. with dinatela for all Mud, nf anx,blmtr,,- is 111% MCI Yr 'NW ma - a2,lllen, wa,a, yar eanis, double finjl3 ' a, f lU'rEfa. mo'" , aral In general. All lElials It;,:n 2 rofironnly,CDtila ~ Clneluatirk, Berl t Co. King, Provoer C,. Js.. A ,in VOTICE. 'W e have aaseeiated A r .5 . " . 1:11 COFFIN with w , , , r vi 7 , s i yi h rxim , Ty:klas Ilstplktu T ll. Jancarr 1, 1,51.-33,,1w wv. n vlutanw.. P. *VS,— enrwts — WAI. IVILLIMIS 4 C,0.. -Bankers lanf RlWlten;:ilw,tcrt. Nowt!, etwner awl Mira •Itt-Cl.O. . . All scandal-none made cr. li , sral tens.. and collections pmcuplly astrlclrd MIIPICIPAI. ELECTIONS CITY ELECTION wmu A:;1, ANT1)11:101 , •11' TV KIT Irr —JOFia J iGGP. W t 11.16 S i'ouncil -- T KI SC.III, C Councll—ALLf:N DELL. R(',S .10 .11', ,1711,L(14:1ti,. 0 Iv In, • - 1; JOSE , ' Council— 'OR OIAM GAHRO)N. ~ Hcrimat, IicrARLAND 'MIRO sr"Ci.4l '- Council-4 4 NIUE!, M El Ell. C. I 'ouncil-W I I.LL%dI SPLA N It McK AIN, 3 L LOWRY. - TIIONIAS SCOTT, HENRY ,:OULTtai lurnoi 'ouncil-F MENZ ruuncil- R Nick NlliilT, .1 RiSS3:I,L. t l . ITN!. YOUNG rocru ur•nu. S. Council-J. II I'AScIEI. C. Council-JOSEPH KAYE, CHARLES FERGUSON II UGII NIcKELV Y. IV. G. 11cCARTNEY. SIXTII K. Council—DA VI D D. BRUCE C I 'ouncil—J A NIES LOW RI, Jr. HENRY REIS, ROBERT A. CUNNINGHAM JOHN PHILLIPS in - V.ITH WARD. S. Council—ROßEßT ARTHURS. C. Council—ROßEßT KING, WILLIAM C. FRIEND. S. Council—GEOßGE C. REIS, 2 year, JAS. HAMILTON, J year. C. Council—CA PT. WM. I.:VA:SS, SINIPS.ON HORNER. NINTH WARD. S. CounciI—NIATTHEW EDWARDS, C. Council—HUGH HAMMOND, PHILLIP URDU. ALLEGHENY ELECTION. WHIG AND ANTIMASONIC TICKET. GENERAL TICKET. For Mayor—IIUGII 8. FLEMING. Derertor of the Poor—JACOB GUYER. S. Council—COL. WM. ROBINSON MOSES BORLAND. C. Council—GEOßGE. DRAYER 111.1011 JOHN T. LOO.Ck;, H. I'. SCHWARTZ. S. Directare—WlLLlAM D. HOWARD, THOMAS SMITH. Assessor—A. WOODHOUSE. Judge of Electionr,—.JOHN KELLY. Inspector—MOßßlSON A. KNOX. ConstahIe—ALEXANDER GLENN. R. Council—SAMCEL MELLVILLE. C. council—JACOß STICKBOD, J. B. SMITH, WILLIAM RACIALLY, WILLIAM JOHNSTON. 8. Directors—THOMAS MrCONNELL ANDREW BARCLAY. Ang,sor-1011N RAISES. Judge of ElecUout,--JANIES :%IUNDEN 11111(1, WARD. S Council—WILLIAM GRAHAM. C. Council—WILLIAM BOYD, WILLIAM WALKER, ROBERT RAY, GEORGE RALPH, Judge of Eleetionn—JAMES" : RAY. Inspector—ROßEßT CAMPBELL. — S. Directors--11. It. BELL, JAMES L. GRAHAM. Assessor—A. C. ALEXANDER. ConOnble—L W. BCHOUP. FOCELTII S. Council—JAMES MARSHALL. C. Council—JOSEPH CRAIG. JAMES PARR, Ji'., DR. THOMAS MeIL&NON, D. C. ;STOCKTON. • S. Directors—Dß. 'JANES 11. SMITH, .3 yrs. RICHARD BARD, 3 yrs. ABRAHAM HATS, 1 yr. Assetsor—R. DERBY'. Judge of.Dlcctions--G: E. WARMER: ICGastsblo--. 4 . aricßiToolfr 4 TSBURGH, TUESDAY 1% COMMERCIAL: CO • 6 :- .3 $Ol - fiE ALMANAC l/351. gg;';'?;f4 . I 1 , 4 6 .1 c : i5! ...,g 14114 11 lb 14'1'41.19 ifTgrgh - tidza .. ...,, - ;; 6 ` 7 4 1',:::. ......... ~ "'' I iil ,iel ilt, n ilk .0 I' iTt:? ,71 . 7 -' I AO on On 11 1 , 1 •2 1111 l ' .'oo 1 0 trrIzmut....36.1 ' llaza,uf 1.12ak ...,1 fAa NI IGII;4f1°. ..• 1 1 . 41 . 2 . 3 3 , 173[1:7 1 , hol!. ... ... ... :.000 I .2 .f l''''''''' I-, tit , ,, , v. , , , , , ,..,-tv. , ,,., ,, -- ~.,.,, ~,,r „ ,„ • , ~ ~ ~r-, i, I. : ..11,1..t... ~ .iug. 11atik .. ... i 1,, (g. : ! - 10111 1•2 13 , .i.“..1, .I. . l' ' ' '°:;ll ' !.: . ;l •D it L4l " f . i : 11'1' TI: f r ..,P :t71„ P i t t ' . '. 1 :4 1 ,0i5;31 - 1 .4 , ... i IlaoLl ~ ,1 Ilndg. I '', .} . 1 . ,..11 0e,..,.e P , I.i 2 3 1 Snrlhtrn Llterti... . . .• ..1 6,..,6.1 . I . 4 `; CI 7 +''. to 1 1 willtun.por l 41ra1g.... f 1:;,.). irt ..c,,, .11 4, 1 ,41.17, g , .....,., , , , ,:zz.,..1,..:,—..,: , !...C.1.7 :7.4 . Z4'3l ... ! Cilt3110• .ln.luaner 63 ... . ! 1'.?.' ,, ocrr ,,,, , . , .... ...,I, 1 )1.treistr1„F:01000).1, .j,lol 1 tL.;111 , 31f. Allaplir : 1L (4 . 1 . i ) . `:it ' . 7 ;h7., Phil a , I 17115 ?0If.:..1 , 11 ':." 2 11,!F.1,6rF1:.(17clunatIR I.flutorlll. I I ,0.tr,1 .... PIP PIP 4 i ' , FOCI, . I ' ',1..' i 6 Plll.Lurch Gm. 11 rL "'" a I 1 4 1 ''1': 1 111- 1.1 .2., ,111.21 ...;'....:;,.; sl..;:R'. . I I ''''' l I 4 1 1411. Nq 17 , 1811 , ..!'29 I 4 .1 ,, , , ,t.111.0,81.1,1iwe1., . „ F 1,..... ; ,. . ,..., ... , 1i2.5121,,,.."7 i 1 o..lol.egkvo, 51.,L...t..,.... ll t 'l''" .•: '1 ° i....:',.,:";:..."11'''''' I 14.. 3. Peen . :. It lii .1 .7 . • i ..0. , . 4, ..0 eh. velz rul x NI:- ht,,th Hall It., ad :Abu 46 No, ruril , Cr . ..k l'huk. 1t0...) i . ~ . Itre*.;.l 110t.i...111,.... — ,.......... I 1',.,... 1..., inc..). nn,,ste 31:1119( (74. P 11.1.1,11 et 13...t0n kella 1110.1. ,7 ,,, rth .1 crieriratt . . .. sr,rtl, ~,. .1 I .It, i.L.41.1114,i.h17 l',/.141 C.,. ..! 4 . 1 1: :1 1 . Y,1t,!,..F1 1..4 ,1 31 1 7 -° !''r. --:‘"".... n 1 71 e 1 41,,.1,11,., 11,12,!.........kd ..1 ' . SO, . 1 '' l ' j 1 21 1111.1 : 1 1t11 1 / 1 3 - 1 '. / 12: 1:-VP114"411•Igr1 '''''' i ,- 5411t,141fd1i ! 1 .. , 1 , 171.i1 , 11. II - - 11~+ r•t flail tztvr---The time, tit' aunt, tirreivint , Mat:aline ttaminrrrisi i• mslt N, which we hail n. x witleviint tititrir it G11..l with • tali It ot hitt, 'tin.; hurter,ihr hitt,bwhi nrN oterhani, - Ap. PII76BUR6H MARZE.T. orrus. Itilurrituu tiktrrari ul..rsun, Juounr, 14 la , o . 1 Ito• market tuau11....r...1 it. u...“41.111111,.....114 tothlng ruomoot trao.,ltl l'lml.lll.—lan burr tnarkc.l change 44,004.11,11af,114111ur mark., about hail.blr wura.nur f hratof. Ohl, 'runt nut I an the wharf, n 1 f. 1 ,111 N bbl. and other mall low. 5ai.3.60 ,Gifu 14 LAL Ennm num al.. herr Veen roufm.d 40 1 1 1 ,11- ular nuall 11. t. for eit, ......omptlon. at $.11,, : a7 1111. Sales ml.llAucie W.I. at 14 . 14 .11'4 V Ida Ityr. Vanua—V.., lat . , t. ou 113, market, andollo sztlcle to 11.1.1 hint, quo. flan urn hand.. at If..4:::10 &Lat. and fraun .t,re at .1 1 . 1 :. 5 ...116 1 .: j 1 hld, the.. are 1.1, notalual rate. CU. %IF tte—Sulee ere ivoLluul tuLul r!ut and the pull, al :444.0 f hu. Ifrcrogonr ...Ival 1.1,451.1 V-. net of WI, • "uo.eviiii..o.—lg e [ume no in the.Qm market Val,. here ttcn to a mndrrste rant gray at the fnlinvring quotation,:—Sugar. ra Ria Sugar. not tit Ilavati, Sag . , Rine. i.S g t• GRAIN-014 e gander-ate huAine... tool doing - in grain, mei:. bring light Salog Mg in. moo ,alFox 'Com. et trio (rum .hue; rai_th. , wharf at o'. I.but - • Wheat at ~, .i•talit BYr 1. yr,uwt nom mt Bari. • IMO data it 34e ,mall BACON —Treuractlung 1.• rt are lintito.l l‘hould . and fnr plain Dam. at ritrg.l..ausaMr.l aat 11 m In Sidi,. roißring• DRIED BEEF—Small tale. hare logn•rirtoi at •r , i,e 'frt. DRIED FRUIT—SaIm. of MO built frrly •torn. at 75e.. Sale, :100 has Enacting. In lota, sr p LARD—Set, in lilt. m in 7i40i.114•. 1 1 E11S. 0 —Sales In small lots by the tiliL al 111.15 BUTTER—We quoti qualities mil, to I.lils, at ~,g { 14; caller ;I , er - IMb:it. al, dull awl out ma.); dom., CIIED4E-IV, !w.f.. of tir4/iro I, , erri. In stotv. with sat" of iv...a at %El., and of cream at Q, amsollog to list TALLOW—We note thrtbct Ralf. at ',,,,:./a -witistczy—We male. • rontltar.l ranta..... ,alka of refilled, at 7 gall, mat, and time THE HOG TRADE. The number of 1.,:g A g.,1 gred frr., /112 d lot Anirtql rtmart..l.'rtvcr &DJ .anal, 1.03 Xerts.uct.,, Slntate.teertl Covittytatt. Fltculltert..l ut 1.1.11.w.-111, - Prevbnuly tirosul Total. 7Z:-.P.atrst The utesee an, out !Deltaic Ilou, reetive.l mtiotry t0tt.,113. titlt eritiracut all that hate teen !atm!, tiotrtr ors tor reozusopttoo As mon tot tossineus illih" 01 , 6 , 14., .I ra n prm. nut figure. t, obtents, es, Gm...she= tar J. •f . Iv y parlitosi At solvent et the lanail points eo thr OW. ever. atemo this phis-a. thy pa , kin u t Loom,. has tees. hrmight tos nod. ao expse-test. !h. deficit-sum is •ere tt nue pars the triselooas d 1., seas, M tar u hu nj R.iu 1' 4.1 .. . - -- . 1 ' Ir.. . . ~, 1e.,.., r: , u , i':•Mr.•• t": . , In the :ie.:laic, the rinnoirang offices rr•re fin,i Farr en Igegtergegr* Igr Deneetne, —......—. 1 g lereg gg , g ..ggrr rref grg , grgggn:, ae •.. eel, mrtgeely. by the election of tbe Irhig crndidnte. thr