The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, January 13, 1851, Image 2

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arm errs NOMINATION TOE worport
We have readin matter on all the r A g re., of
this paper.--
• I There haring been a great demand for oitr
paper of Satnrday,;eontaining the rsport of the
Director of the °bib and Pennsylvania Railroad,
. Ivo has repoblisheld it to day.
If. Tits Ettcriosi 0 ALIZOICEST.—Wo are proud I ,
of . the Whigs ; of Allegheny—they are true
' consistent, and conservative. They co about
their politicalunties with a steady regard for
their credit and interests as citizens, and with
en untiring fidelity to their cherished principles.
• 'lt !'only necessary, therefore, to remind them
that to-morrow is the day of the annual tenni
'. elpal election, aad that they are expected to al.
pear at the polls to vote for the tickets 1416
,' have bean put in nomination. In Sir. Flem
ming, the present )layor, they bare a candidate
on whom they can all cheerfully and consistent
ly unite. Ile has been triad, and not found
wanting, having proved an able, efficient and
gentlemanly oilicer. There are two candidates
tanning in opposition, and we merely remind
the Whigs of this fact that they may not, from
\ . ' too much confidence, let the election go by de
\ fault. - . '
Pn - rsarou Eircnosr.—To-morrow our cid..
tens will lee called upon to exorcise an import
ant privilege and a boundon duty, by the seke-
Alen of their municipal offickma for the ensuing
year. We have nothing further to say in adi
tion to previous remarks, in relation to the im
portance of the selection of good officers.
trust there is no regular reader of the Gazette,
who is not convinced of thin, and who will not
libur to place in tho Council', and in the May
or's office, upright and reputable eititens,-,--
We have heard, with astonishment end pain,
within a few days, respectable persons who have
general knowledge of the city, express their
fears dthere-election of Barker. Such an event
waitl4 faker un indelible stain upon the charac
ter and credit of the city, and would be ICCIIIISe
of deep mertle...tionto every respectable ciusen
Tbever: - Feessibibty of suchen event should t rouse
up every 0..1.- 1, a stern consideration of his du
ty sis a mete: , eocialy and of the corpora
tioa: To cut Whig friends we can offer no 3Sd
cite in the prc rut lamentable condition of affairs
in our rank., except to rote in such manner as
their consciences and sense of pMpriery shall
dictate, keeping steadily in view the '.,.“perative
neceagicy of preventing' the re-election of the
present incumbent.
Teti Comm ruciontis.—From the lute cc, -
reapondenca between certain Cain]. of Alleghe
ny and the proprietors of the Cotton Factories.
we learn one important fact, that the Cotton be
eines" line been ruined here by the Ten Hour
Law, and that than no hope of its reviving
until that low is repealed.
The qunpion, then, resolves itself this
it better- t, relinquish the buciness entirely,
for the take of the ten hour principle, and per
mit other communities to enjoy all its benefits.
or to work as many boars as in ether sections,
and hove the business continued among us:—
With the operatives it is note question of hours
merely, but o work or no werk—of -half a
loaf," if you will, "or uo bread."
i Thu iutceerenco of demagogues with thehours
at labor, has worked all the injury to commr...-
ty, end to tlaoie meat concerned, tEch we a!
I ways predicted it would. Hundreds of inneeent
' 'persons ore now mitering with hunger sad
kednoes, through the pretended sympathies of
professed friend_. They found them happy,
contented- and prosperous. They left them un
happy, discontented, envious and =ring. Such
is the mad of this vaunted sympathy for the la
borers in the cotton factories.
But, to leave the past--how shell sri, remedy
these evils in the future! How ;Mall we set the
factories going again, and give bresd to those
who are ready to perish' There is only one way,
and that is to work In many hours here as thee
do in New England, in New Jersey, in Lancas
ter and ether interior counties of this State, in
Ohio, in Virginia, and other Weevern States. It
is folly to suppose we eon go 04 in the present
state of affairs. Unless we can work es'other
States and communities work, see must go idle,
and the machinery of the cotton factories be re
moved to some other location. Let the question
be left to the operatives alone, and they will do
, ado to go to work with cheerfulness and thank
tubers. No body else has any right Le interfere
between the employer and the employed.
A New Luvrrirtoa.—We have been waited
upon by a gentleman. of Cincinnati. with an im
proved gas burner, invented by David IS. An
drews, of that city. It cansiste of a tube, about
two Plebes in length, which is placed on the
top of the ordinary gas burner now in use, hav
lug; at Its extremity, a mare extended and wider ;
alit than usual, from which the gee escapes as it I
is burned. By this simple means the dame and !
light are greatly increased. - from trials made
in Cincinnati, it WU, ascertained that jbis in.. ,
creased light was not caused by any increase in
consnmPilon of gas, the meter moving the same
distance pee hour, with and without the applica
tion of the improvement It•is suggested that
the gas being greatly heated in the chamber of
the tube, causes it to burn with greater intensi
ty, and to to more perfectly consumed. We
have tried !me of there tubes in our off,e, and
it was the opinion bf all who, witnessed its ef
fects; that the amount of illumination was great.
increased. it is a simple contrivance, cobble
leery person using gas can easily buy for him
self. .
li d
- We-!poke on Sato ay of the riaItIOLIA cense
*tune. to our Arne ican establishments which
here resulted front e large importations of for.
sign iron mulct! the Present inadequate tariff --
Fr a table hop tielare us, c . arefully compiled I l
from official data, vat: gather some interesting ! A l'lte Oc Es:Ml.o:6e Parra, co an 4slitor's - , ,• .. \
, ,
~ , fie W silt,. now awaiting his. sentence In
and important facts:. I table. afar, en in:awes ail e evli en, i'-, the rapid • •• , •
The total value 1 iron ;uiported during ties pam.zet, :d.. civiii.t... ar.d :rite...igen, on the
ta l ,,i ' io ' u ' s " Ll l ll, ' :l: h '
hit. 7 .:;. ! ' i " .1.i1 1 :,../ "
111 . 1 1 ' ;71i " .:htt U t i" :1
year ending J 11.210 20, 1019, estimated at the North American eaatineut :Whine and Teal, Church wa• Lever saeti. It i, raid that hO
I,hi.llhed his sire, a melt estiuitilile woman, un
place where it was anuacturcd, woe S,
It 'Minnesota and Chid',, New York and Ark.
876. During tho ye t
rendingi June SO, 1650, It Was m.s, every eit; , every State. rvery territory. la ' ,i i ' • l ' II I ''! I " I ', 1 1', ° ,: • :;"'""' ."
, r.l l l • g i ." . '" l ' l ' h . ' l ' l . n .'"l l
i50„,c24,r,41... To in two years, $11,367,417 represented, ull speak.: the same Itiagmage all ' °.l ' : I . ° ' . " II ""`""-rIne the •"w.ill in
The duties on thi amount were $6,816, 60, thoroughly America..
. sheep e clotblng. hi., wou her aireetions through
'pious fraud We hate hut in heard the hist
sentence will to the extent of the penalty al
which, added to ' c first cost, makes We cnor-
vritihVehoeprepneontspek.f_r_oll,n,,Bo,shliapop.innznil..,,setierocltr:cm..inig..ler eoL p ri7 i: ,. / a, n ,1 0 , f ,
w i.y o lp , atl w iy , :' , o e r ..d li c it n n ii
,ri al , i i i . le ,,, e , , i a• i r .. ;
mous amount of ' 'llil,fifill,ha I • s
That amount, t least, of American Iran has little incident • and her popular mos-eon ntv, are
Isc°°° • The I "'''' l " I ' l '''" l' that l''''
been forced out I the market; that amount has all brought under the eye l o wed I,y the law. three year, in the State l'rison:
been least to the du , tr•Y of the country. More Neat ore take up one troth St Ilauls at the and we have hear. I roao - y regret that the term
than seventeen mllione iti cash, or its equivalent. Falls of St Anthony. and not tell yore 11, teed ,if dirt
Lae been sent abroad, which ought to have been - ter a won.nt we teem to te thre,
kept at home—t 'us. ncedless'y making more than
11 \ and we are surprised at the array et every thing W.` f "m"'"'''' W , 't 1,,,,- •,. 0 - In the
biography ,d Fisher Am,. written ty the late
one half the Largt balauce or trade p e w nCYiIISt thus marks a highly civilised and`kfused tutu of
%la, society. •• What: al! this already' would es- l' , " res, " r t d''' fi'll'''' , .sr :) , 'l "ml tea.
tofu! " Intim ' lM occur '
,i 0 co. - Cry on t 0 globe his more or better press the ploasmg eurprsurprise l . l
which ,- Minnesota
-When vice approacla, the youthful on., in
iron than the Uni . 1 States — POrtie.larlY Peon- representative blew,.
Sylvania. Da because our people are nut reduced Scat r „,,,,, one from c e lif orh , e te, ~em t o :-.,h,,,V,:`1117c1-0i:;er,":h.':,::,,,,,i,4,741':;::;1,1:4",,1,"u'i,,`”,';, the
to the low Scala of wages, and the COUSeqUent. be ,rr e ppried by a mo tley crow d, t o which the eett . ' eth F ... pow , the prudence and ..y, ~ -
poverty sad degradation of the over-populated tree loathe , laaracter strongly predominates. ing firmness ',
requmite to pose it in MeV Thus,.
COUntlive of Europe, we cannot make lt. Do the 11,, th„,,,, e i n p i a ng hi., ware s, e nd the spec - . who have been accurately ore•ervatit to the de
opponents of protection trial 1.0 ett them .) re- ulster bia mart. lots ! while the simple Kaneko pendenre of one part of life on another. will
dined ? What say you, you that set yourselves and We cute Chinaman flit hefure tie with all,necdurmwo,i,t:tuifi.l,tstih;tn.‘t.m.7:l fii:it.:nito•rtc,,hnn,r..,
tip an the especial flteeds of the poor man' Who th e i r national pec u h a r t ues. ,But even there the much of their elevation. ft um the untainted pu.
il it thathas seat the poor laborers wander.g squabbles betiv,i. the Whigs and Locolocus arc city and irreproachableness of his youth. Ma,
about in search of employment, haring first re- just like our, entitle virtue is oe Iteeeiettly to real Chainence, lit,
ft powerful mtelle , t.
1 1 e that i 5 deficient it,
deiced their former eroployers to bankruptcy 7 Then hem rumen She irOM OregOS, telling us
You have brought wit:heap iron, have you:. flow that there, tar, far away, is the home of our . ;,, ° :. t. ', ° ,1,7, i , 11 ,,i, n c ,, °° . °r ; eec,,, ber :b i l, e r. :, p ‘ i . :::;,: i r i
Much eheapm - T anti how much good has your countrymen. Ire have before so the vivid im- maintain himself at the end of society. He
'cheap iron dour to the poor man ? • i press and mirror of peaceful. domestic life on the may rise and nourish for time, but hi, fall i.
' We will tell you what you have done. You banks of the Willamette ; and in the lace of their as certain as his descent o the grave. Ile who
holds parley with vice a El diehonor, is sure t.,..
hare taco toe bread out of the mouths of Wu I silent but itituresting iapresoutative vre trace the
'become their tiler° laid ictim That idirt ~
poor, and you have enabled wealthy corporations lineaments of genuine American heart.,
,more thou half L orrup that does not-burn
to tare some , thOuEand3 in the price of rail road The preen has become the pioneer of civilita- • with indignation at the tempt to corrupt it"
iron. Pretty trienda Of the poor man, indeed? i tion. Been our army in Melte° had its new,-
_ _ • ~
rest bon b l e i n ot- mo T t . , Some
papers. Every settlement, however remote, sends i ,
back its "map of busy life.. And the telegraph
is following on rapidly, and noun the dwellerson , t,:y Pis rife ,
aPassamquody Bay, anti those. on Pagit's Sound, , un „, th ,.,. 0. . , ~,,,,,, tho ' u pd ,
may communicate with each other, as though i —.Nmari: Logic.
separated only by a street.
- -11.Nsw eran.—Th - ....e •dor”uu (rotas) nag of
• the tlalJe does for ibe toms IJa o: a at, w .1:sto 00l
r OiEO.IOII3. Tens, co b 3 compo , eli of the test:Wry
-ativated b.twoc.t ihe dabloo sad Tunity nacre—_
bododed on 4t, Doeteonat by a deo running twin tee
Trinity r.der .:, h, p, to! **An :h.: 23 deg. sinnti
had& irdes 104 deg. derntionvem. longitude—
* oven of b,donary of the 'Dan.. e-eloo to
%kind d
ail ,
ile puoanoc wild a ;Lan to3B deg.
: 30mlooto . h a i .4 ~ sali is e , dri cn htuiido. the
.efialTer, to .11. e. - •nets •, - ... - 1
lIEBEZE CASSEL. - =i- :.: PROr I Wesantom.
The pi-strut pee tura of tia,.liale tiertatin sighs, ( ,
Corr ,saidenta; of the . ti2ut„i'lettsbundi (Hartle:ll
surrounded as she is by enemies, is one of the
most sublime exhibitions of firmness and passive ' • Ttlinntaollall, January 8, 1851.
resistance on record. During the panic among N ''''''''''. — , r..ry of faci--ron's I,n-wry—
princes in 1848. the Elector of Hesse Cassel C 1 " m5 "7." . ' 4 .' 5 .. 0 .
gave hie people a constitution. Eat a few Idu not know whether I have mentionedthst,
mon ths tip', supposing the democratic spirit to . at the request of Mr. Stephens himself, he has
be prreitrate and powerless, he began to act in i been excused from farther service on the all im
an arbitrary manner, regardless of the authority ; portant Committee of Ways and Means, and that
of the Chamber. The Chamber appealed to the : his colleague, Mr. Toomhs,has been placed there
people, and the Elector lint to fiy. in his stead. I suppolo it is nearly two weeks
Austria took up his quarrel, and sent an army 1 since the change took place, and yet I under
to put down .the rebellion. Prussia bristled up I , stand that Mr. Toombs has not attended n meet
and cent troops to keep Austria Of. But after i ing of the committee, though it has been sevend
quarrelling about its little while, Prussia hacked' times in session. Mr. T. iv understood to be
out, leaving the Hessians to the tender mercies I favorable to the proposed modification of the
of Austria. So matters stand now. With this . tariff, and it was he, if Lam not mistaken, who,
explanation we introduce on extract from the I last fall, alter the passage of the compromise
Berlin correspondent of the Philadelphia Bulletin: bills, introduced the resolution from the same
"In the menntime,'ltiow goes it with poor elle- committee of which he is now a member, provid.
Ser The country is net's rich one, and, in the ing for important alterations in the law of 1546.
beat of times, the people have a hard work to ' If this member thoroughly appreciates the poll
live. Now, not only has their court, with - its rice a Oeorgin, and her present and future in-
I profits, been dispersed. hut,
in the Got't place, en Wrests, an it is bbesumed lio doe?, he will
vu ,,, ei ., have soled perceive that an efficient system of protection for
I immense force of the Prussians has been quer- '
' tared upon them. The P
kindly; still of count., they have conaumed mior- manufacturing and producing industry of all
measly the substance of the land. Now the kinds, is more essential to Georgia, at this time,
i Prussians retire, and niece upon their heels, the than to any other State of this Colon. Penn
Bitvarians pour in over the laud: more greedy, ~v ae. , ,
a. ~ .
leas friendly to the peoplua, They encamp in •,' "'' en " •" England yet require P.'°° -
--- - - their houses; they consume their carefully an
' tion, bat if they do not get it. the effect will not
Veamort WrstnErs--While we in Pittsburgh pn,visi o ns, force the pewant. to give op their , he so disastrous to them al the withdrawal of it
have neither snow nor ice, and sometimes find it I hones fur the cavalry, nail are, M Inn, bringing was from 1535 4)-184.2; but those States whose
„„ , .`amino: ,t,„, i„ „ ~,
too warm for comfort with an overcoat, the good i the country near °P-- -.---- s o--- - ''-- , manufacturing, interest are yet in their infancy
folks rip in Vermont Midis cold enough. h Low-
the u r ic o f ,), O, i:I on, has 1,186 . 11 heVOIll
, must certainly succumb to foreign competition, if
u.. 11 parallel ' . No Bign . of yicldmg.hewers:, al
ell paper says: pears as ye t , in that quiet, but meet steady pop- , that be loft to pursue its stealthy courseuncheck
'• We liars from a traveller who came from ulation. The officers of the army, to the num- 'Ea. Georgia and South Carolina will be the first
Burlington and reached Groton • Junction last . bee of several hundred,. have thrown up their - to feel those effects, and the first aloe to reap the
evening, that the train of curs in Which he left', commissions and have left themselves and fan; - full benefit of that protection which we demand
Burlington on Monday morning,. did not reach I lies without any means of snpport : rather than . _
. , for the labor of our wboir country. It is greatly
outland, sixty sever. unies, until twelve o'clock help to violate the Constitution which they hose
on Wednesday night They were thseednys and I sworn to obey Deputies of high character have to be feared that nothing can be d one „p oi , th e
n half nn the road. The engine, on Monday ] gone on from Prussia to induce the members subject of the tariff thin winter, without some
night, froze up, having exhausted its wood and ' of the to assent only in part to some I movement at an early day, in the Committee of
I w a ter, near the Middlebury station. While un- ,of the unconstitutional demnada of the Elector ! a,,,..,, and m,,,,,,, t, bring it before the House,
1 screwing the hose between the tender and the , Bat in tale. The people boos' th"`" r,glit, and, ,
__; .
sad it , eetn , to depend upon ihe hearty conem
engine, to prevent its bursting from frost, the r i veil' tlaietlY , hat with a firmness , infinitely no- ' _ ~ . .
, driver was noticed to lean back, as if to rest, , bier than any noisy courage, they snout by it retire of Mr I ooint, vi briber th ere -holler shall
1 which rest was the lethargy of death, for it iifil9 I have spoken of thi, resistance .ii these letter, net he any action tu Mat ~ioniittee.
I ascertained that he was freezing. He was with ; before. I never Can think of it without a thrill o
, ,
ir, ,
unor of the 3 imiver,ry of tilt. Bald': of
i great exertion carried to the nearest house, put , of sympathy and adintralia, f, that suffering t , , .. ~,,
Into cold want nod thawed out. During the I vet most unyielding people Ido not hem.. • j
1 night the ladies stayed in the can without a fire, , illSttlry MU, give -t parallel of a re , 13.11.Ce .
t o an
o busuies• to-day, but adjourned by the late
wrapped up' In ants and such-apparelling as , son , 0 re. , ...Ne ~ ..1 vs doePdeep!foat.eb'l it '.I t-, ..e. Itninediately after the reusing of the
could be found. The wormon the we, side of One wonders, no be le". at it , how 'ho purnal. to rote-the plal 1..L1C ele,kuou of the
o the Green Mountains is represented sobering tre- ' , std Passi° o and excitement ...f mee }m o te l reereie.,....,
menc i ons as w ell in th e effects of the wind, as been governed. that they could act m wi-ely a ' . " ,Forks!.,. ,. mem or y an
tu t o
'ofwhich fell,and thei carefully An open rebellom would hate laid " aro' ate i° s brne, frolic • w i tignean
the perfect avalanche move
chilling frost that followed." 1 their country is i day, Tinder an overpowering pay ion,: respect 5., the memory of a faithful and
I army, of either Austrians or Lta , 111:111:/11, amid the t .,,,,,1 ar c l er k . Mr G ore. v h e d ie d hart eight.
scacnt or gunk. COM
tarent'embnistesment _le. experienced by the
NetrAork Poit.offiee from the scarcity of silver
rein: . An application was made to the Secreta
ry of the Treasury for relief, hot he finds him—
qelf unable to afford it. He nays, '• that
occurs to me na practicable in the way of relief
by this Department is. in directing the officers
of the mint and branches to convert into Amer
ican coin all deposits of foreign silver coin ; and
this will cheerfully be done on an intimation
that such course gill Le adopted by them. _
The Evening Poet complains that to small
131rouuut of dollar and quarter eagle gold
pieces /InTe been coined. Of the $27,555,'4 5
of gold coined during the last year, $23,405,220
were in $2O pieces, while only 401,953 gold dol
lars were made, and only $032,307,50 of quar
ter eagles.
Of silver there were coined, during the year,
7,500 dollars 7,500 00:
227,000 half dollars 113,800 00
100,800 quarter dollen 47,700 00
1,931,600 dimes 103,160 00
• 055,000 half dimes 47,760 00
The immense disparity between the amount
of gold and silver, being more than G 7 to 1, is
one of the estraordmary features of tho times.
Tam LIiTTMASOerIe 1110 1 7EhEENT , •....... . !
reinstated morn firmll, then ever The i h asp ,
!„ _
.. ii.
ii i ..
A most malignant and untrue article has been I simply resitdon their t'oustitution, sni hers i '' T. ' • • ••nni! d•
going the rounds of some of the papers. erode- I, tried the virtue• of passive reestanoe 'I'L., . ehe sena, , monied the greater flirt of the
cing the characters and motives of those good
are i lem ., merely for their rgsbii , and, to ai ' daY m ! tso ettlorttlinat'e debste tune , California
a better act for cotintanetional pro,:rves , , ,
Melt win Were aroused by a most terrible not- i d aP o i : d a d o t t• hoem door,
thie century, rota twe quart •stlo Ctriltilf.. 11:: n! il IS rl, , li any pal,lts unlity
raga, to start the .kritimasor.ic movement. The i ree „... sji ,,,, of the n eec ,.„.. The p „,,,,,, e a ,,, : . toot lSir Benton Anti fir Coen should tight out
article originated in th e B ei f j j a C ones ,, end has l whole people. calmly and rationally letting their their psit ate diflcrer.ces on ti,., subject in the
been amplified Upon by papers <,C the like kid. 1.1 le trampled and Wasted of Its illet Inort,t, ,'," one t.. c h ats ' ~., tt ear ~...„ ,10ne„,,, remark
mintiest b y foreig n taMitit. rather than ynld an of the sort of pr....ceding of i, ie years Sion are
nee, &mous others, the Pl.tis&trhia Sunday 1,47- '
1 er, which has cawed gilt a stinging reply and ' it.A"T:','ra(:;,:rn'',irtrnr.":',l,;r.b::.',h:.:,h'e'',d7: made great by the success wita whit 11 they de.
I merited rebuke from the /foretrbsey, goin g is
that , kri b e . ~,,i i. ,. eie . ceri„ here : Moan themselves .t. the persons' inclierings on a
from which we neleet the following extract: worth defending; public stage Beside. the tendency of this iits•
Than the real rind only ob j ect ever aimed at ly ' -
. ,
I. t h e ..‘ n ti ru ssoniegorgattiletion vets olitaine!t. be- • •ledttalittsar or '`av:t: i't , - , ....t. —lb,' ~ ,oast ....tarrela There i s even now e t ,lus.lgrowing
ifore that erg:imitation was abandoned. The op- Tr,,,,, —Tve have had ft.:, feoetsli along teat the out of .t Mu , -en Foote and Col Tr,
130EliliOn mite not against Masons. indirie lual:
abolishment of n'efints' 'n the attaY would eln mont who is sato to have returned in the
the Antirnasons had no hostile (reline. seati,t . , ... , , ,
Wan ,
any men because he was a member rof me Lodge • n-ste.3 pro , ”. ^ ' , siert' ‘e tn i • roll L. t_rescerit t'it .1 who witi probably hers
It eras against the order which in the he.ght of tt Cute , It is. it ..1".r . • deetinad to tor} a to-morrow .1s the age, stands at present. the I
its power bad done deeds against it
which double benefit— for i t t een, hy the foktestlag ! end,. cf hon.) allows of no oseape to one or the ' went
ino one ever demi or attempted to reality Ice .1,, i . ma „,,, , ,, e4c
ieciiee ,„ i‘nui nritii„, an-) men
n. ,,__
__, , „
, i , i,
in th ,, west eeephoae The L tilted Stain store skip Yredunis, Lieut.
I know this to beethr.e. not only as regards our-its
ore to hail
each i f
,ii,,,ni,iii d u d other P.“. t- 1 i l amintaudant Ne.rdle, arrived at the Brooklyn
menet, hen been given, and teen blows hate i
• self. but other prounnent and ardent opponents
• . when. th e refore. wit c .., g ~,....., . not Serf re know ,t. , that the tr. touchsbaie of ~,,,i b m .,,,, 0, 0 iviii-ii, Navy Yeisl yeaterlay. from San Francism via
Iles H e , e ,„, o f Trans, roo t, ate acne i,,ii . iy.
th Vid e p . sr , nise She sailed from . the former port on
of Masonry
' de like the above, fromthe Sand , Ledger, prey- ! discipline iv dignified. humane, and manly gen.
nard with falsehoods t el extoluti g a tr.slipaity 1 Elity
1 .i
t , ,,,,,, , ,in0
m00d.," ,
of . ;sly lent, and the Int , t_er on the 10th
It is rts.hatile that elm Senate of next winter will
r a eery iluerent hock : ',V. Wi..nt it Wits at the . .
, or. havdog been absent lo months. The
of purpose that presents a bold salve to libel ! A letter to the ,Idera of the. crfoll. Herald. i
the living , who are nimongat the :stillest of our , Fredonia Drought home the remmns of passed
, from a cerrespondent on hoard •11 U. tett:S.ora 1 . •,, - , •
conntryinen„ and slander the rn .ories of tno . ,
._, i
!s, s
dead, ciheee c ,,,,,, e4ee ,.. „ i .ji e li, ~,g. defied the
nip . us. ; . ins . . .. e SI Ii .. eriemee ,
of chie
i . oce „ . „ iii,
aro , . iii
ea.., The", ie
i n o it . d:hLpm ,! :: ,l lll:L 3 a k n ri eli c s . n r
~,,s .lir e w T as he itill ,,ffi ed e. a r, t San
shafts of malevolence, it becomes uar clear and r NQ. , ...
4, says - n o longer r.,,1, T.L‘ , .1t.,..1 that T ,, ..1 Bullion will I crew ll
peremptory duty to rebuke and e. ere. it • •It wilt ra recollects-1 that tbs. "nip woe the I then le 1 member The latest new :rum 1111 - 1 see
The assertion that 'tate anti-mar Mc movement : Cm: that sailed from the United S ate, tinder the , The frigate St Lawrence i being fitted ant at
our: iv:heater that the Philistines have no, , •
had its an sin svith the mcst d ell. graceless Ira, se obolitthmg the inhuman p cries of nog- . .
.. _
.. • ''..!!! the navy yard. no convey the n ou of the
mon of the same. end ti, t rib e care to unite
scoundrela that ever trodo sieve-hither , drank . mug in our national teasels Thi • far our crew • . leited Fates to the Wcrld's Fair; end a large
b a d w hi..".....-." .s rot only motet alignant aril ; 'mare thaw, that the seamen are Ci pabie of bedag • up., ternehrely In pretext), to him Mr Hey- I
e __„- , ki. h „..
Ifalse, but shows !it, rz.a.. origin an the intention ' better governed by kindness. than the. .I,g:sating i ee , an time men and ese etheziNfkug , st y m i e , t h e a n umb er it. 'ea nat tare et-sat e m p l oye d . Lurie
et the author Poch ft:ls:Moods I.: an clootix. the j sererit7 of the .14 1, on not me v than too or ,atb, t chance of coming i, lii, pi e ,. t• e segh. t i pextr.tinn of having her in readiness within the
ignorant but before it:Tel:lige t men. they , three mines or violation of ali•e,pl no have !wen , „ cc bee t ,, 0c0.i to , .., jc , wicithrop 7.,,,,,,ecaccia. i
cart thirty days The Southampton is ready for
only cover the uttersrs with since. .1i is I report,' to Capt. Mos:ruler ism: tho sl..p 6s; ! , „,„ , , „ , ; sea, end vs d
ay s
sail within a Any or two,
! lie t!...1 a t :re...A.7. sir i nelplt, of t.crintint. of ,
lineerr to !,11 it know any thin of the matter ' been in curntniarien I with +tor, fur the aquedrrin in the North .1
-that the. •t anti-ma-tome moeem ut had its itri• ! -.I word of two itlp I e:--rd to ou ollm e r.. they twelve years ttlittildinu lMil eSpeTienee. w ig leave 1 soaeh roe,he‘
on,i rho
gln in the "Le Peg Conreemon leersiely ! are gentlemen in every .er, r ale s tril, snd on Si Pornen. a veteran of n.rly thirty i ' •
Ims." That Convention was e' . -
rimes ttf one I wherever Wee Ismple •tf oar or, outrider is fol.
~ ears ~,,,,, ~ probably , preaeii bi gi o.i. pol . t i, 1 ditien to sad at limy time orders are given to that
I hundred and three •secuding MS, L., ni,,,, sham . lowed, not only will there be no acuie for fioet.
goal I . r,eninni ,
i,iyi ,
0. , ,, , , , iii
cinsni , l i elect The Brandywine is being, dismantled, and
, slaty os whom were Minister,. re the Gospel of , ging, bat -Poor Jack - any bass+ hie lucky star, . The 'treble it , also
\ strong er msv fit in the place of Corwin and : ' iul bd lo " / np in "rdinarY•
, Cori,st, pastors of Churolles is ;nod slandelig. in being under suet , ermasend— his invent • „ , , , . ,_ i being demo - meted after her late extensive noise.
and men of the highest intelligent and puerxt sum haa been to make us all con °tits.' i.-. 4 iii,e• /..,..= r". •''''" .... "P.n.‘‘"**..". I . d 1
morality. Amongst them wait Wt, Rev. Is D py " may know hint no more forever But worse than
i learn' on ub "'" authority, that a new
. line of steam communication is SOOI2 to be es-
Bernard, of the Baptist denowimtion, whose ! The elsove shows how puerile tis to site the all , your own St. grog, who hat borne one half
[Alighted between this port and Antwerp. Five
work, entitled •• Light on M.o ~" which was . .
, laic trials he- court martini of se met, for insub- ' el' Pennsvlsanie upon his Shoulders for twelve
Ightely eircutrawd over the cuun y, probable dim . • • . , • . . d , steamships ere to be built end fitted expressly for
iT &c... ••the beautaft operations o, ! years without feeang even the eerenity nf h .
.a.r.. h . , :irner. pub li c att.:DC:on Lea any Other,
I ca . 'Ely, freight end emigrants. The necessary
or ell others ti er ed. Beside these Ministers the abolition ~f flocz.o." iii the ersire. ' This 1 his slumbers disturbed by the burdstm, will retire
I capital (three hundred thousand pounds rli ol
of the Gospel, there were in hat Convention- : the :Sorfrld. Aro, of Tuesin do tt. in prim; the : to the quiet mil peithte life, n,,, , i, longer seeking
hes already been subscribed in England 7 '"
Judges of Courts , and dit-iteb of the highest ''
P r ''''' !iiu t Ts'f the
Sail ' !"
l'rtial:. !cam- ! 'Tlt asolsaw ...f tousle.; ber.stes I: e..rinnao I '
standing in all the walks of life They wort ell, I .
we believe, the followers of th meek and lowly . • • engineer. who was killed by the exploaion of the
see of Itareel En x who twice ; • • 1 i ei .I.Vat • -rt wd - s -w-bi, art,' I
aviour - arid took the stand tey did as it duty , wee k s on the e _ . ,
~0 r, ...1 o f ~,ff,„..ex, of rourec. I 'obi. h ims sat three ! and yet remoeed nufficiently ! The remains of Mr. .\ 'fret' Stillman, n skillful
„, . ' !!! ' s i `!". ''' ! ! il! ,, . ' An . sio-s t i t ermien. at New Orleans, a short time
enjoined upon them by their , pr, concienee. refused to do duty On tits Fart se—ones otter detefroinot never to forget t h e atgaity._of his
amen, arrived here
eescerele. , ht
ehii. uaie.
Th e i r pro c eeding. and xnun , ration were pub - ' ~,lit..----; r.tinonent and 'ow 'hot or three reeks.: eventful Senatorial to
but henceforth „, .„ formerly ' J , ship ,
. . . sir .StiliMlin beiongea to the :. Ewe tt y
lisped to the world • and froth t'nete arose the
I ,
Ile, counsel ; de f ence it icsam -. end the case s ie., ile ... i. v. i or.:l_,,al ~A of Pe .
"anti-masonic orgenizanom lti nas Mine te the Departinetlt 'Zile Argil! Whir , to Ch. rstisl...l.ont stlis ves t ' , Work,. in this oty
Such briefly woo it
-origin zed ,n ma pro. The Senate nf lee) will be a far le.. remarks- I The steamahip Baltic, Capt. Comstock, sailed
..The c s=e of Grover Sloth war , called , ch.-g
-m-es:: it not ugly enfidhal the names of the heat,
cd with d i sehe,limie.. rin d insulairdinstion fie . Ide lowly th an that , f 1 , -le TM father. ttf mu ' from this I'd" for Liverpool at I2n!elnek boom
and 16,00, and purest States En Una DitilleS,
plead p fi lty to the inHormlinieht if learn ..l s y see rtitag pier o to snotser generation ; with forty passengers, among whom I notice the
in New Turk. but elm in oth r States of tin
there are SOMP had dozen Mare Mattel for trial !. j r , eir . 1 Darnel of the Bev. Be. Potts, and Charles J. Mc-
I n the stele of New York: - whe e al! the facts before the co_o i rt, he se', rune . from the chip i !Curdy, Charge tie Affaires to Austria.
f onto,: 1. g,vt tilitetat, atter a wt.., ...,
in fi t iation t o the ,fitoli of loign were knoWn. U ''''''''''''''• i '''''' '''' 1651 ' ! The U. S. etcanaahip Washington, from Brew
and his I..ilnaillver. were' tried. °evicted, and
.• ! r i to ,. consfitide f n i i s , f , m , a r t t e . ti t t gmbunal tor t.a.
7 ,, Bran', and tae Oasts. / s leety — DtfietfittY I en. via Southampton, arrived here this morning;
• • ss • if ''''',.. 1 l''' .' l' ''''' - ' ,.r.... ' : end one. dap later news from the latter port.
punished, a i l
;Cr trr l o l a '' , n and h" l ' eft t .i h tl u' l u i d rEle F r n . ';!:e trial of
m et ' h t n 7"' il ! ' it tn i ' l ,'- tt .ll - L O . l ' t ' nee man of
so, ibii—ibeitaila Lunn W aaro n ta — ' v ete' , rarey bringing a Intr. cargo o f valuable meethandue.
I Lodges were Boren, and die SilitilOille °rennin- . mime lc, convomence in tins rttplltiottan land •-
tion entirely a'' :intoned. Am ou p , the prom, ! than another, that be is not as sort entitled to. slate tint nerival of lit, last steamer, intelli. 1 The steamer Florida, -which arrived at this
rent Alaiian daen° i n ib ' Sil!'id,",." lion. 34°- a fair trial . that other! tut mitli the gent- ha• litit•nlne pllbil, thet the Briti+h GeTS... port this morning from Savannah. rep.w. the
•ard f iilMOT,.....Prt,••'it''''Lf W t '' "I'''. S 'i'''''. i..• • , f
,I, - dht e r o• tie eminent have given orders for ..napentling the i los. ni the British bark Lord Lexidon, from Liv
fit Wm H. Seward. iem. L S. Senators Ilon. en t ' d!l •l' itti ' n d t d • ri. t ntlidl a ! -ae erl• in -
I '' ! ' li ahove ••e•ter tr.. i. s re no fear f• r any eildi tic- collection •ef .lotie..• at :tan Juan de Nimarsg,un. erpool. 'in this port, on Thursday night last, on
• p r eneis firanger, . rt.stMa bier tiencl under Oen. • - ••• •• - • - •
I Ilarrison, Hun Jhlin A. Collier, lion,on Wm. flail, rectify —LIoP San
{.Li- is prol, l 2y intended :.5 an earnest of tile the Gaston 11.1., near Savannah. during a thirk
• the lute lion Cadwallader D. Colder., and many intention. of clot rovernmetit to faithfully abide foe It is reporfini that she will be a total loss
others who are eminent far theli 011ents public N.,,,,,,,, —li will be scrolhe a I.,lerrat.hic by the Clityton treaty It also stfordsgratifying Passengers aml crew saved
In Nlonetary affairs there is no change to no.
I services, and Private worth: and whe Lairt. Idled 4
_, from .
~ i i , i
loieis! _ ,
ei,,,,,,,, II
espetst. our • i.i, , <Alden in I I i he present adraituStrat ion hove
the highest. Memos in that State! In New Eng- 'no t ic e d
1 istol, the cause enlisted the tiblei, the brightest. If ashingten. that official untel teem , tins teen not here ins item) !,. e.• eau ore, of the preeedings ties Ti. ~.... pr.T.,,,1y continues,
and the best of her cirirons, incl Meg the gr ey , received of the lit teed) iresernn cat borinir order ami ei.crouelonent, of ti rest Piritain in Central . LaFge .leposite are tinily made with the leading
i and t h e l earne d J o hn (nude). Alibis. In Mary. ' c d its agent, al San Nan :Gr.
town , Insl,r,red A m er.,. It cannot be doubted that tills ° b e d. ! ge „k ce „ , I , t., ; i , ~
mho oanatng das,..tioons, nt very low
:!.tid it embraced that of the pure, the sail -neat, ihr, collection of d at , e , , tha 1. ac the Is i lit I' It. ti ptillt, 1t0...q.t. In the indopoodeneo ..i . those i r y e . „f ~,,,o „ ,. Th e
....tgek market e.,....„4..0e,
the, and the beloved hareem 11',._
!In smith Cart-fine, it had the crodidence of the t''''''R. Shot ' '‘"_!...,'l''''''' " [ ih , Inttlit t net' Stase- hi • bt'en prod.'s's l let eenmoidiethees on ' buoyant end upward ellpeelally the leading
Ibrilliant and great John C. Calhoun. Her Ma j esty's niinisters to comply. in roOlt the part af t h is government As this riekno•rt- ' Wetttern Pion& tint] ,kenos Securities, p e .,,1
1 , In Pennsylvania, we need only ! menti, tho faith with the obligati , . of be; in tr ,,,,, ,y .tic ,0 "i dri!dr b " bd"" made," ni")! lirel ati ! fita •!.. ^ "eta today at 14, ( thin and Pernis)l.
I name , or those ut Ler diet, Le, so. who, I waii me tWat il has Lame net:on/minim' with an as- . Canis L'...otts Ste not offering, bat the quotations
who,. lines resist tire bite ot ,Lin ler as a hi e ' A s ea . T oe s, l i itri'Llt —T e New Yee', Mir- ' a .m., llint injuries Millet,' upon sonass i of our are 'Try fall
. does that of a ',lifer, Ellnaker. Ste -ens. Rittier, r i o o r rls th l u a s .. 7:::...r. , :y i, u , e fl; , o ti :g . e r. l. .;! , i r l o ett pli, t , he ,,, : , : , :i .l r b i , tit A r , n , s ,,!. l , y ,„ l l " , - , 1 " , ";. , 1 . 1 3 :ir ,, e i ti:s t, !::: ,, t , ,,,, , : . region, will
Elder, Denn), liildleswarth, , on u countless 1 .-...
Inumber ~,f ea pore patnst. wit tuts agent. don• , • i • , i i
leel Mell. a+ Vs, '..i•litt , Ester Produced Roger•. another mays , . wai Istel eoo'•otel The t ,ontittco ‘.l! li ays and Meant. here to
I Such briefly is the limniry, and katli aro the of obtaintfst sltlS)(l..fs p-ae ring , o f „ ~,,.,,i p.,t1. , 1 the tittlistelte2. bill. which provides atemt
main „.g„ „„... e , t h e oorigineters siellinanager. mall. with ti ',lit!), on the idiutories th tt lie hail en Join ism to supply clef ,es in the apprti.
Of the -"°"' i. '"''"'"''." . '4' l '"" l'''' Stotpt•ti another host...del wi en Illy stsolt, in prmliont ~r ,To is. , l us - s in, for O h, ,„,,,„, „ r
nod of our history hes it ever endgame' :p.m,. i s,. i
, .
..,r ,, ,,,
.nr„ she t), ~.., h ,11 , . trohti re ill stri;sie Wk.., , I s e pri,Prlt fll , fll ) Pm' I eltitel these appro.
pore, more Patin'''. w - ! sedness 's ilea. it spriest,. in s boom in the bah prattions noi follows
„, . it iif this sort of thing
Tante° holies who come out West as school•
talstresses, are not =lds use. Instead of teach
ing other people's Whim:, they soon get to
touching thoir own.
$403,600 00
tyrannical, Stupid d d Elector 11-mod tut ye 1 : evo y
Leer The cDterpriso of manufacturing bricks
at thwannah boa root with ampleto tycoon, awl
tho company aro now ..g arrangement, for
the necessary machinery to enable them to mike
12,000,000 per ma nn,
Additiowd expfm.em tt, army
ekrk. xit , l gvrl Ilk
.Icpartmol t
I.llli ti,ml pas to raLifornis..lo , lr.,
New and legtsliAtare Vtab. and
Pensions growing out or the
pen... under various art,
Indian treative and like ervenneo
M irwellaneout,
It proper I. remark that_ with the exception
of about $.:00,(i0O for carrymg out a treaty with
the et.fandate, the whale of the hag million of
dollar above epproprinted for additional Indian
expenilituree. ie made necessary by the lata war
and its evneequent additiune of territory. Of
cowrie there need be no explumition of the items
embraced in the large emn fur additional army
expenditure. Net only this half Million, but Inv
eral others have been rendered necessary by the
extension of army operations in the wiexplored
wilderneeers which it line IMCOMI! our duty to de
fend and govern.
C o l. Fremont did not 1 , 15 ruppoaed he had)
return in the Crescent City, and it is stated that
it is eery doubtful whether he will come in the
Tho contest between Dr. Gain, the other Cal
ifornia Senator, and Cob Benton, about the land
titles. is carried on with unabated animation on
both sides—bot the general opinion is that the
subject is of that complicated nature which does'
not admit of any legislation without more sada
liwtory information than can be obtained during
this short session. Accordingly, it will go over.
311 - . Denton's speech to day, in reply 'to Dr.
Cricin's of yesterday,ibotrayed conliderablo per
sonal feeling.
I should not hare omitted ti notice the fact
that, on Tuesday lust, Mr. Felt , from the Com ,
mittee on Public Lomb, reports.' back the Rona°
resolution far making the w ants under the
new bounty law transferrable by lodgment,
Without approving of-it: Ido of know that I
feel any so/prize at this &dais; by Um eatornit ,
In, but littualk bolwry much . • ..PlNitited If the
sith hos perpetrated ,
.se, by stay of
•ny slaves were owned
N.V) .'She has hot
t reply of tbeSeisator.
Senate do not 'overrule Ste udeme report, and
pass the resolution as it estne'from the House.
Without it, the bounty hind law will be quite
useless W the miss of humble soldiers, for
whose benefit it was Intended.
Foote's note to Ritchie, repudiating andadvis
ing the abandutunent of the- Union Convention
project of February VA, has excited some et
tendon. I have not seen it, nor do I think
Foote's sentiments on the occasion of the slight-
est c6nsequence, pre re, but there is good reason
for believing that he has been chosen by certain
parties, as the negotiator or manager-general for
the latter thy Unionists concerned in the effort
to 'raise this convention. All parties, and the
most eminent and respectable statesmen of the
country, appear to rejoice that this scheme has
been given up. This new crotchet orputting up
the Union itself as capital to be uied in party
contests, is too serious a matter to be esperi-
merited upon.
I observe that the Governor of Indiana, in his
message, alludes to the 11. S. Census of that
State, and says that her population will be about
050,000 inhabitants. This sustains the estimate
which I forwarded you some time ago, relative
to the population and present and future politi
cal power of the West. I stated that there was
no re.ssorinble probability that Indiana Would
gain a member of the lower House, as contend
ed for by some of her delegation here. She will
:gaud us in the present Congress, with the re
spectable delegation of ten members. .
(Correrroodenoo of the Dolly PlttshOeth Closet,/
The case of Long, the Fugitive Slave, tine I
1 . 011C11.1d1.41 thin morning in the United States
Circuit Court, before JudgeJuilson. The Judge
decided that the slave should be given up to Or.
Parker, the Agent of the claimant The Court
wan densely crowded by both whites and blocks,
aafter the decision wan given, Dr. Parker
made affidatit. to the effect that there Non Jan- I
ger of a rescue, and asktsl the protection of the
United States Marahal, while returning to
ginla. Mr. Jay, the Counsel for the slave,
he apprehended no violence, in which Judgel
Judson sand he fully coit.i.leti, as nothing of the
kind had Leon exhibited during the trial
Dr. Parker left for the South with Ina prisot er
this afternoon
An anti-hanging meeting ma held sotnewhre
rep town ou Monday night, by the oppouenta l of
capital punishment, at which. Judge Loper, of
Rings County, priuide,l Resolutions. depre
catory of the gallows. end in favor of imprison
ment fur life, were adopted. The mooting was
addressed he the Roe. Dr. Rain, John Cochrane,
L It Shepherd, and several other well known
...IVOC7iten for the abolishment of capital punish
! meat —after taking up a subscription to pat,
room hire, lights, .te —the meeting adlourn ,
Since my last. we It sve received another large
'botch' of geld duet by theCraicent City, amount
ing in Ibis aggregate to One million five hundred
thousand dollars: The accounts from Jamaica,
1.2, the Crescent City, represent the Cholera as
prevailing to an alarming extent, though in new
oral •Initriets the disease had assumed a milder
furm, yielding more readily to medical treat.
ogl I lum
Cottou remqins firm at the advance previously
noted. Th e !htle. %lure my In,t ima• bees, 5000
tulles In o,,itr there is nu change. though the
inquiry is rather hotter. Grain is dull, and quo
! Odium. withnot ebnige, except Corn, which bas
advanced to Tie fur new and old. Lard,Js
I bolter, with a good business sluing in old testes
at Se. Pork is selling at $12.51.1 fur toes•, and
$9,25 fur prime, which fur the latter is better.
, Beef is unchanged. Dressed Iluge are firm at
tit. Whiskey is dull and lower; (Ohio andrPrisun
; sells at 266;261, and Drudge at 25e.
%V pr Dept,tment
7,, Eighth e t t January—Genera! Quitman—Seott
paper—Barb—Sir Wm. lign—Charge of Mum
der, 4'o.
$1,500 Oix)
T..-day, the anniversary of Oen. Jackson's
brilliant victory over the British at New Orleans,
has been suffered to pass by without any demon
stration in commemoration of the event. A mil
itary hall to night is the only thing we have to
remind us of the fact of the day's return. For
merly it was always celebrated, In some mode or
other, by e portion of our citizens.
Letters from Washington state that the Presi
dent, alter a long conference with Oen. Foote and
others, relative to the refusal of Oen. Quitman to
obey the process of the Louisiana Courts, boa de
termined to havo the vnlornus GoseruarqfsiMis
sissippl arrested at all hazards, and taken to New
Orleans. The Marshal of Mississippi will be I
supported by au armed posse if it shall be deem
ed necessary•. Startling developments may be
expected from that quarter in a week or Otto.
A new whig penny paper is to be started in
, Washington, to support the claims of Gem Scott
for the Presidency. The first number will soon
be issued. This, with the paper; now publiiheff
and about to be published, will make no less than
six daily and two weekly papers at the Capital
The snow! statement of the Banks of Balti
more thews them to be in a most sound and
flourishing condition. Their discounts hare been
large, and the increase of their deposites and
specie rery great They have declared dividends
of from ti to 8 per cent. for the post year.
Sir Was. Don, the English Baronet mut come
dian, who has been playing so successfelly in our
city fora week or two, appears next week in a
German tragedy, and then departs for New Or
leans, where ho. plays with a Irma compeer,
Bamauns, Wednesday. 1
January Bth, Y. 81.
and sukampientlint Havarti with o SP.nith toms '
pauy..i, I don't think there another actor in
existence who can perform in so many languages."
Ile is a queer genius, however, and seems to de
light in ahlities.
A colored man named Asbury Cooper, was
fully committed to-thy, to answer a charge of
murdering Joseph Patterson, also colored, by
stabbing him. Jealousy led to the tragical re
fltir city continues extraordinarily healthy, the
whole number of deatha (out of a population of
170,000) being only 70, of which 30 were under
ten years of age.
There is some probability of the price of dry
goods advancing before the spring opens. The
falling off in the production, the high price of
cotton, and the reduced stocks in the hands of
manufacturers, indicsfe such will be the case.
At the stork board to-day $1,550 B. !S. 0. R.
R. bonds, 1867, sold at 81i61 82e. GOO share.
111 h 0. 11. 11 . stock at 75}et Itusznr.
Maniniegherve-=The - Fugitive Slave Art—The May
or avid Councils—Plank Borth—Sudden Death
Bstrniont, Jan. Bth.
Another case of manslaughter has just been
developed in our city, adding another to the
large ctitalogue of crimes to be disposed of by
our Criminal Court On Christmas ere; a man
named Wm. l'arlett wtMassaulted in front of his_
residence, in the eastern section of the city, and
so dreadfully beaten that he died last evening.
Three notorious characters—known as floury
Aymer, John Gardner, and Doc. Tracey, have
beets arrested by our police, and committed to
answer for the outrage. Aymcr appears to have
been the ringleader.
The delivery of Long, the fugitive slave, in
New York, to the agent of his master, has given
much satisfaction to the owners of slaves in this
section. They look upon it as a guarantee that
the North intends, so far as.possible, to act in
good faith on the compromise measures. Others
again, even in this community, view the results
of the fugitive slave act in a very different light.
Oar City Councils and Mayor are again in rol
-1 lision, as I have stated they would be, in refer
-1 ence to the appointments of the three agents to
take charge of the McDonough bequest—when
, they can get it. The Councils passed another
ordinance, appointing threengents, but the May
or, looking upon It as an undno encroachment on
his rights, has for the second time batarposed his
veto. This iv only the, prelude to the, beginning
of the squabbling oboot the control of this mu
nificent donation to the city for charitable pur
-1 poses.
Plank Runde Berri tobe gaining especial favor
, with our citizens. Several companies have re
cently organized for the construction of eaten
I vise roads in this section of the State, and yes
terday another company held a meeting and made
arrangements for the building of a plank road
to Townentown. Their utility and cheapness are
undoubted. but their probable profit and superi
ority in Maryland are yet to be tested.
, Miss Abbott, a young and interesting dough-
I ter of Horace Abbott, Esq , of this city, fell dead
at her father's residence to day. Disease of the
i heart is supposed to have been the cease.
The residence of Wm. :Morrison, St. Mary's
street was entered last night, and $125.00 sto
len from the chamber where he was sleeping.
The increased importation of gold from Cali
fornia into the Atlantic ports, has caused consid
erable buoyancy in the stock market—especially
lin the "fancies." What will be the final result
of this great influx of the precious metal into the
country, is rather difficult to determine. It
seems as if the ancient Ophir was indeed opened
', to American enterprise, and was poening its
i golden streams into one favored land.
I Money can not but continue plenty and easily
to be obtained.
In flour, provision, and groceries, I note nu
particular change. ales arc moderate. .
7 ' In Gls., ono of your staples, there is nothing
doing. That of Pittsburgh tainufarattre dons
not come into our market to any great, extent.
Baltimore manufactured may be quotednt from
$"2.25 to :38 per box, according to rise, from tine
to 32x44. embject to a discount of 30 per cent.
Iron i• quoted as followa.—Baltimore forge pig
S 3 per ton; Charcoal do. *200.23; Anthracite
do. *450 . ..22. beet charcoal boiler platen .tio per
lb.; riddled do. ni do.; American rolled bar
1.:1;0€412..1 2 per ton. Hollow Wore std. Wrought
Scrap 1412.C:526: Cast do. $12.015. The above
pricey are merely nominal, however, in the ab
sence of any tales of moment.
Tbc weather is wet and disagreeable.
IlAntusncao, Jan. 8, 1851.
The Senate succeeded to organaing rigs morning.
The two Whip who refused on Monday and Tuess
day to go Into eaves* on the Speaks: ship--and to
consequence of which refusal the Whip did not on.
td last night make soy formal nomination for Speek•
er—gave up their opposition and voted for Mr. Mat
thias. The conduct of Mean. Brook° and Savery
bus throughout the whole affair low been very singe.
lar What their obieet west. pot exactly knave
—unless it was to gratify a Imwortby dente to give
tri;uble; in the. organization—but whatever hopes
they may have entertained of uccomolishirg soy
personal ends by these perverse course have signally
They cannot be allowed the errata of con
ateney, here, in evil doing, bat having taken the
wand, have been driven from it sentient reaching any
anti. but that of certnin political injury. And this is
their just due. All members et a party see expected
to surrender private and personal opinions to the
g ood ie the whole, and should not be showed with
impunity to bleak over all party roles and usages.
If either a these Inca had soy aspirations, they may
now yield them with the hew gracethey can rum
f r their disorganizing conduct of Inte wsuld
lon the lose of the vonfidence which has heretofore
been reposed in here.
An electionl eltre.ed on the seventh ballet.
j The following is the final vote •
For Manilas—Mew, Brooke,
Crabs, Contechnin, Frick, lt.lett, Koningmacher,
Lawrence. McMuttrie, Malone, Myers, Robertson,
; &every, Stine, oud Walker--16
For McCatalin—Metara. Buckalew, Fa
-1 non, Frailey,, Fulton, Hoge, lingua, la m Jones,
Mutacnberg. Saridersou.End Shinier-12
Messrs Forsyth, Guernsey, Met:main, Packer,
I and Maidens did not vote h was understood that
Mr Matthias would not vote fur homer(!, ao would
be necessary to order tocffect s choice in lull Bennie,
but to cfravematheteceseity of this, the first four earns
edebove declined In vote an all. This was a proper
warn of the ..pitmem pad to the other party at
he clone of the chat session; where Iwo Whig Sena.
tore—Mr. Dame and Mr. King, I think—did nut Vail
on the question of the Spenkenhip and thus relieved
Me McCaslin Boni the necessity of voting for him
MouMa•, on taking the Chair matte a few very
porimem remarks.. I subjoin Them .
Se..,VroNS—For the distinction conferred upon me
in electing me as your Presiding officer be pleased to
accept my grateful acknowledgments.
The position is one of high honor, and he who fills
it should be governed by sound discretion and tail
ed patriotism. The poet is not one for the display of
party passion and political asperity, 'Mr is it 00. In
which may be Indulged local prejudiree, or actin.
partialities, But to facilitate a calm and dispattsion
ate expression of the views of the body, to promote
order end deeorem—in our delibertitious, to give to
every portion of the State its one consideration and
promineace, nod to cultivate kindness and urbanity
towards nod among the member', ere on gueationabl yr
dunce which Meetly and adorn the station.
Entertaining these opinions, I obeli endeavor to
carry them out and I confidently rely upon you for
aw.nanee end encouragement In so doing
I return my siecere thunks for your kindness--
which kindness I yowl ever endeavor to int rit by
a outlet,' and impartial discharge of my duties.
The. Governor's Ms page was delivered thin morn.
tog. Your readers are by this time enjoyieg nape.
Waal. It is an admirable paper. It presents every
subject it touches in a thee nod ftricible manner, and
employs no more svon'.ll than ern necessary for the
purpose' of conveying the idea intended. .The sug
gesuous mode to the Legislature are plain, practical
and sensible, and the history of the present adminis
tration—its admuable samosas in establishing the
credit of the State on a firmer fotmdatioa than it had
before occupied l'or a long series of years—the fit.
new of its recommendauoas towards the relict of
the oppressed interests of the State—the establish
meet of a sinking fund which k# gradually but eurcly
pitying off the Stale Debt whith hiss been weighing
like an incubus upon the Suttee Interests—and earl.
mu measures which are now eontributing to Ili: in.
creased prosperity of t h e 8ate. 7 411 oho-.e furnish the
strongest arguments in favor .of the mean, ability
which has characterised all the retetee , ,tdations et
the present State admintstration,
An invitation was estendedlo day to the Legisla
lure, by an authorised committee, to a dinner le
p h ii tt do p hi g on Saturday !nes , to eemitemoratien
of the arrival at that potty( the newsman:L.l4Q,,
of Glaefeer"—which hi pt. fait direct stem nom.
munication between thaf City d . L iverpool. Both
breeches have, Ter! fr ig Ya 4 toented . te
~,,,,,,,q and there i VIII be' Kee= oabaterder:
The sick hearlackellind ell the ather, nanirtil results
of • trip to thn City rimy preneml, the treirilletwo of t
much my 'lmportant ou Monday sea
Col. Jack wu this morning elected Clerk of the
House. Mr. J. Pi king, of York mural', we. IlP•
pointed his Asciotant. and Marra A. S. Brewsler,lJ.
L. Gray, and John J. Alliton, Transcribing Clerks.
The other officers both of the Hone and :crate will
I pnisume be elected to morrow.
- • • • .
The death of Mr. am tote niem'er cleCt
of the House, from Cemberland county. was announ•
cod to day in the Senate, when feeling - tributes to
his memory were offered by Mew.. Hanes and
Grubb, and resolanonsof condolence were adopted.
Dr. Carothera, this rooming, rend in hot place in
the Senate. a bill to Incorporate the Pittsburgh Lae
Insurance Company. Du Qin:snit
HARLISIIM3II. Jan. 91.14 1851
The organization of the House wog complete&
to-day. Michael D. Kelly was elected Ser
geant at Arms, by a 'party sole. C. C. Hemphill
and J. A. Cummings were appointed his assist
ants. Jacob Coleman was chosen Doorkeeper,
and Messrs. Robert Fry, J. I. Bishop, Thomas
Corgee, Franklin Zerly, Henry Ripple, and Jacob
Jones, were made assistants. Peter Awand was
elected Messenger, without any opposition, and
Joseph P. Whiteman was made his assistant
A motion was made this morning by Mr. Rhey,
and adopted by the House, that nominations for
the United States Senatorship, which is to be
filled on Tuesday next, be proposed to day. They
were very numerous, and amply demonstrated
the abundance of material which Pennsylvania
contains fit for the State's service in this exalted
station. They are as follows:
Mr. Mager nominated A. E. Brown,
Bent " Townsend Haines,
Dunn' " Gee. W. Woodward,.
.• J. X. 31eLanshan,
• Henry Chapman,
• Edward Darlington,
• Henry D. Foster,
•• J. B. Johnston,
" R. Broadhead,
R. Vaux,
Arnold Plumer,
S. Calvin;
Daniel Sturgeon,
Aug. Dram,
Wm. Ft Johnston,
Jas. POITU"ek. •
Jae. R. Snowden,
Peter S. Michler,
Danl. M. Smyser,
Wm. Strong.
Simon Cameron.
Chae. J Ingersoll,
Semi. A. Purriance,
John Allison,
J. C. Ilambb,
Thom. White,
It. M. Pattemon,
J. S. Black,
J T. Smith,
H. B. IVl:ght,
D. D. Wagner,
Richd. Animus,
Joe. B. Ard,
• Geo. 11. Dallas, •
• A. Stewart,
• J. B. Sterigere,
• J. a. Jones,
Mounts, Wilmot.
Bonder A. IL Reeder,
• T. M. T. McKennan,
• J. B. Gordon,
N. Strickland,
Wm. Darlington,
Armstrong " J. Sergeant,
" Freeman '• N. E. Eldred,
Net,. " J. B. Yost,
••• Roberts •• It.. P. Hannegan,
A. E. Proton
Wm. Evans
Van Horn
EMU (13erks)
The Governer informed the Legislature this
morning that he had, daring therecess of the
Legislature, signed two bills which were passed
at the close of loot evasion. They are: ••A sup
plement to the act relative to the Tioga Naviga
tion Company, authorizing the =angers of She
Colombia and 31Iarietta turnpike road company to
borrow money. and relative to tavern licenses in
the city of Philadelphia," and a bill to extend
the charter of the West Branch Bank, at Williams
From a sts.tement made to the Clouse this
morning I learn that the tall received by the
Lehigh Coal Navigation company amounted, dur
ing the year 18.50, to Vi 50,793 05.
in the Senate nothing of importance was done.
Nominations for U. S. Senator were made, as in
the House, and embracing' substantially the
names submitted in that body. Nominations
were also made' for officers of the Senate, as fol
The Whigs nominated Samuel W. Peirce°.
The Loeue nominated John Patrick.
The Whigs nominated J. M. Sullivan.
The Locos nominated J. P. Hoover.
The Mrhigs nominated 1. H. McCauley, R. P.
Maclay, Geo. Hayman&
The Locos nominated Samuel Martin, Joe. T.
James, E. 0. Jackson, Ch.. H. Palmer.
The Whigs nominated W. S. Mellinger.
The Locos nominated D. S. RisseL
The Whigs nominated Geo. F. Rhinehart.
The Lotus nominated Geo. W. Palmer.
The Whigs nominated Andrew Young.
The Locos nominated Saml. Peterson
Nothing of interest is transpiring. The mem
bers will do but little to-morrow, and will leave
at half past two o'clock, for Philadelphia, in a
special train. Dm:mesas.
An indolent boy being asked by his teneher,.
who came latest to school? replied, .• Indeed. sir,
I cannot say, for I did not get here early enough
Desirable Suburban Residence for
Teem rubscriber offers far sale the home end
ehere he now resides, situated on Park street, be
mem. In Allegheny. and :dont:X. minutes' milk
arket of thin rite. The lot is iWfo't front on 'art
running hack '+- tat. to ao elley • -•rontaininz or y one
armor ground. mut is bounded nn Arts aideby la dr open
lots. adorned with toes utrehrubben.y. The tame Is
nearly now, large, and caremellnely well arranged having
i : Trent of to feet, and a depth of 7Y, and contains aureola
ams, reside. helm nine feet wide. It is built to the bout
nd most durable ‘ inanner. sad bas a drebeeser ot.f, end
contains all the modern conrenienees. Two p • In, with
an unfailing supply of bard and roil water, am at e dror.
On the premise aro the nrorestery ottimilding stable,.
medium hotter. de. The serenade u. Out • Inc uIL
lawn. camel with cha . ce Lean Wong, everiroens,
ebrubElierranta wmarberrim. eurobond., 11e..a a II
warden. The fruit I. of the best Sind, and the
their prime, and yield enmesh for the . ..rote 0. • • P.M
haally. The situation of Oils property... to min tit ate
roburboo matron,. mmbined with contiguity • th•
le not surnamed to any residence In this 'Multi,. I bee _
view of the Ohio Myer for over • mile, of Ye INSENG AND BEESWAX.---`-'3 bag:
South Pittsburgh, the ray, the two Ore • Um gy
Lille around, Perming altogether panoramhe ,p • tof Tay‘ay.,rjr,f.'yqk ,
which tha eye never wen Pen. Keery boat which ant el Or ditlO ISAIAH DICKEY A CD, Water ft Emig sts. g
deperts from the tort of Pittsburgh ea the Oldo..ptie a to
full view. The troth•nce and grounds are also m del
removed from any annoyerae of dolt, a drat re
...fort sod vegetation. and iamb a retina:ire m qu,
end peaceful eat( inestal la ed. quietuook loth co ate.
The property will be mil at a tonal. and . }Ninon
on the first of Spill F•nquire at the Duette ca
iffiTINDIANA.--blett or De. 3leLkm... V ill.
Aglow the hundreds of letters, eertigratee. no on r
celewily the Proptimore of We medicine, the o ng
select .1 to thaw Ite character, and the effect o l 4 it he •
admit pert of the West. The Mears. Col tro Dry
blonde Meminate, but ate also steno foe the solo •cf the
• .
I . NReellitetiotjan, Sept. 23. 147.
e`Alresta. Kenn Si Co.—iVe.happenel to sett. , - ,pf En-
Lane's Yermilugs last mini, reepand br Z
ro , l 1 .ho
min as ems Vermifuge Parader:4 la our nlty,
the demand Immune so groat fro . It that our stodk wit soon
exhausted. IV has maroon' the beet abet whcrot It Ira
lawn turd In this Brian, and le roe; bunion stn g for
petiole. KM are &strum of obtaining the needicin here
after dint horn younielvx mit sidle more rabid than
say other intableine we keep. 1 . 10.3 toad us a Imam ,
So tO Woo) et.
For tab, la
European Agency.
The outacriber tintend* visiting the prinelinl(citlea or
:Great Britain. Fromm. and 0.1113111 r, Mirk, th e *ow,. or
Ap r {l. may, and Juae neat, leaving Patelatenta oL 31areh
MB. and wlll t.r Blatant to attend to any agenete
sineoa diameter which may be confided to hit earn.
jeu7Atturl7 JOHN D. BACIF.
Fire and Marine Insurance Company.
Annual on . mluutr, CooILO Fault surolus - routt
roam Nu. 74 Fourth fume, Ilttowroh.
Foreign and American Eiardwaie.
No. 129 Wood Street, 1 , ,
Antni.da).almxk iva.r.w.v .A.vp utm=LEr
HARDWARE,anis \ •
th* gems tsorlaotall S . or aro toittited
to cdor b taxation st nom will =odor
itintstas with say of tbo aka
Kirs—alr'l dee:11011y comply with pm- MOOS ;
that I aroytki Ay* realm account of the. Wino@ iYantYllow
rues of [Cy lad* daujibtres ore by the im or your -Petro.
, .
She was ;Masked with a eery sore eye ha Fehrusrl
Match last whoa 1 immediately asalkd to the best moth
col old In O. elty, by whom it vas a vests had
eye," and all rare me tu, bola of doinieher way good. tt*
ter which 1 Wok her tato the; country to au old lain
had Neu eery auerwsothl In <twins ere. lb. told ill Aitb "
her easy woe helpertau she would certainly loss not roll I ,
thot one, but oleo that the other would follow—lt bet= a f..."
oerofultuts sffeetion of the 131.1. Awl Ido entity. thsi at
the oil.' my father al. It. Vashoti) curse to the marlosiott
that we hod letter try Toot retrukura s, , Ne war rafiavlS
Ghat of 000 es, 11 to auw shout two months gore she
began Ito nor. rod she can cow 1.1 with' both rye.. {and
owr she did; and. sa Wax 1 eat tell, I Leave thy has.
with the blessing of the Almighty, hem eurot by,retrolr
um. Sours. respectfully,
• •
Si-• For .1.. by Keyser F McDowell, 130 Wald AU B. S
tssltsr, 57 17.+.i at, D. M. Corry, D. A. Elliott. Joao!, Deer I
al., awl 11. t Schwartz, 4.11Fu110u3: also DT lb. PrOP , k ,
a. M. BIER
Caual 14da, Seventh at.. Pitistatrgb.
0 „ ere.lutc the 19th hut.. is t r ukuttown,
b r th e her. All,. Williams, 1:a-[hr P. Sing, of AllgitenT
city. to Ituturra D. frrate% daughter of T. Q. 0119hant.
FREE:—A. =nit Will is delivered tOzorrint IMP
ritrw. Trie.dey the 1404 In to Pablie School, Synth Mr.;
bomb, by I.OREGOIrt Priaelpal.
The public are Invitid to attend. - i•1St1•
V 3 I,rw 5(.5 LTherty at Adana sL, Pittaborah.
AMES F. KERB, Attonaeir at Law---Offico
on 4th st, tetwoou Smith&kJ lad Unnt-lsttebnrslt•;
AA. MASON le CO., Wholesale old Retail)
lazakra in Cony and Et WO DlV:kat% la Mltert
t, Cittabargh.
PA. MADERA, Agent for Dolstiraro 31n-t
OA Party Insurance Compaq. 42 Matra Axed.
M AN, WILSON t CO., Imrters and;
agee& Dcalcrit Ilanleare S tem,C as /W
1,..1 Rt trel4 Pittsburgh.
FRANCIS C. FLANEG IN. Attorney at Law.
N 0.142 Fourth streot. Pltubarob.
IVIUJELP wd 111" BUR , Cgtezip, wucj.r o sit
stultarkert xtreeta. Plttstrurgh.
lOIIN C. BIDWELL, Commission and For-;
en.rdlpte Merelunnit. 1= Water ettectiqttoburgb.
1. a. erne 114.1 isio.:ol.
it Orwrr and COLII/211.d. Merehasaq, 1:c..11G Water:
etrart,eol:4 Vint .rthel.MlA. •
k Win .1,11. A. IBM. 1
AIRD & Cownii,mion Merchnntq
AM, Bill Brokers. No. 114 .Serond -Med. • Personal and
Wal &tote escuritka nun to 1/0.0.10 slam, on halal
COPARTNERSIIIP=We have ilasociatedi
with an Taman Biu, lam Callan. of the Tarlton
Dopoito Baak, who will &onto lan penalise attenitiotito the;
inutiroan The mil. of the arm remain. ao hereof...
jan A. TV ILKV:S. A CO.
AWILKINS 3: CO. Exchange - Brokers:,
• , ,,, , , , b . ,•,,, o ftrz to l , e r r . r r. l:llsl.l caul et etrerte.
Insurance Company of North America. PhilselelPh , ti
vital Kblol./06-1111ArLxrd litti. Will mete Ineurano. orp
budding, and their content, in the citp and vicinity; alz;
' btair. Ir t It•Le l Mit k i l lti =Aro. =IV= 1
Arthur O. Coffin. Prcl,Naninel Brook", , l
Alexander Henry, • Cherie, Taylor, ;
Samuel W. Joint. 2...0t0ul F. - Smith,
Edward Rudd]. Amino* White,
John A. Drown.' Jeffil. M. Tlentiar, -.;
:oho White. John K. Nell'.
Thera* P. Cope, ludoust 11. Weed,
William Weleh,_. Frandt. lleritins,
, ii
11. D. Slve.nd, Peer.
Thiel, the Wort Innalore Company ha the Melted RAPP ,
and torr Ile blob running. long expericeee, amp mean;: aid aroidinx di Ada of =extra baranlow chandter,ltj
may he oans,nered to offering_apple_rocutity to the Irniblic.2 .
deb N 0.141 'trout dniet. t.
- ANCE INYMPANT, No. In Mookot..6treet. Nranaktt
d and No. II WWI otrect, N. T. Aremoulotod meta:
SladAam.tll,llnE from Sato 40 pro mot porta per mum;
The outaerlbor win road, opp.a-Atioat for ammo, act
lu the above succ.,4l3llagurenceCompeasr,ll. allok.
oo wauml.
Pr''''s I'4'4 4'164 WILLIA.IfM I. JONE!IoS. t
No. ta drool. .t
pUBES, TUBES, TUBE undersignec,l
.1. have rymiceil erYial awn and azela
WELDEDk with ( PA NE EATEN"; Adt;
lICUS TUBE CO, tho eWar at t 41
Li excellent awl sitywYtor BOILER mut OM no= lc
71 1 7 1ar..311 Tube. are wed v . any
natrly bath kataiand .il thy .11E... AAWillslat,
enid each:L.l.4y
Iron B Tin Elate 7.q.Prrhant%
44 Wall Orr, Nosy
5 Msr.iii Lan, City lasmiloth'
111111 lA/ 111,0:an:la Ohm,
LARD & brit, Nir. I Uwe,
hbry m
lAarea, nwor lanrtirc, fr,,o xlmriatr Wakblegton,
i:AlAit ean'
sunt Prost
Still—Sixty brisis7,n. I in store and for rale,
_IA by jala ISAIAS' DICKEY ACP,lintez At Treed edx
RE:lST—Forty five brls iri More, for said
4'1.17 ISAI.II I nrcium CO, t
Water Vroot
ISSOLUTIOIC—Tho firm of Kenn_edy
tart - e
tym. &solved on the. Id luxt.• .Tho budded'
le i g l be - ede butted at heretofore by Thomas Kambedr. Jr.";
The name or the due hem aitl b u.,1 by eitherparinee tit
ming up the butbtaLet TIIOMAA JR., 7
tal.U3 JO/IN X. VAS% TEFL . I
riro LET—A large Mansion Hewn with
acn. nt L. 1.1 uu•ttnl..ti tua Ltd a INklatuL
i 2. )
nl3 11.01 r, .7 1 , 4 kCkl
Real Estate worth $lOO,OOO. ;:
VERY DESIRABLE Property in tri
ebony city far whs. Too Alleluia' tatiarneto
an Ithed bank. IA ward, one
toilring a Oont of CO
on South Common by 240 ater ethooL other, it:
ft., front be Inv to so alley. Improved In the beat mane
aftodtho a delightful Aro of the city of PtttaborTO,
Al ,P!,7 r hao . i=frottertig youth n North oreatalCa!
04. OA. month^ 170 feet .I.k. bootoll by two Ofty Itod
Arvto and Lt/ CA alley In roar.
Moo, twenty atmna directly opposite the lira Bout 11)ffkoi
of the meat
oß erodeeira proparty now offend CO Alf. Th
of gnolnd ent intlueementa to enecolarlall
to yalg BAIRD O. 114 &coma
coot., and critical Win, Englleh feeskent, thendet
on e lamer Latin, German Les.leou of Ihttlitillatm Itnrengi
7=l, Sche noae la, O F
In to, to
E.A.. A from rho ti.... ohooo f. r i?. 7.1
TOW moan WORLD OF Int rtchna being dm honontiit.
wine .ad mode of frond through the fiendwlch OF
Than Inatute, and other part or v0r..4.,..-Bru... .
T. Cl:mover, author of - Ths Whale and hilltdtithnN..,l' MC
Tux twnuT.'s Itumarectsc a stollel to Mune Littlitinnoe.-;
11, Otero Atptilv. nooehred end fOr gdo br - I
jet.; 11, C. STOCKTON, 47 Stahel At.
Chronicle, rallt, isna Atocricatt Goo) . - • , • ,
trtmlar =gnus trill he held at the 11111 la tth etnAL
° N ee d, oeetung, Jo
ss nary I=l, nt 7 ' 1 L. - Ponctsti,
ottondonee Krequeeted. o tho annual reWig WM bs ton
vnl ail election for officer:3 for the eneutror icar u a VAN
naolll. , , Seerretam i
The lartnerthip heretofore etirtintir under th e Aria
n eutrop k Nomele. 31crchant Sullen. Op Liberty firer;
bat bean amicably dttrolreil on J ruanarryth, lant„ , 11, It
le, oral natio take'
',%7,f,ilA,VP,brgi`y` :fl, l l l - i v- 47,f.t. of th.older.l
o tt thy are coy, to attn.: MI! rati o"
MI te ae• t he, 'nee,,
of then'teti, an
to all such settlement, ;B. B. SUCCIA ,
. 1 ~...A. ~,:
~IL 9nurtp wfil =tory be.
the arm ..toye at too 0,
newt, arid be lutcyf , to receive nultanena. - AIM ii
IRY PEACIIES--Thirty brig, just landia : l
JI awl 5..• +ale hi , t ,
)all S. F. VON tiosynonsr a laa '.'
- - --r- - 1..
1 i llEESE—'rtro hundred bxs, for oral, .. to
lI.J .1.1 1 ` s. F. VW: BONVIIVIRST a - co' 4
---- i'
I.4 l Lollll.—Twenty br6 Extro4 for sole.}
2.' jail, S. V. con BONSIIOII3I' 4 Co;;
• •
/1 LASS-I—Eight bin:area b xs Window 010 , 1
la salaam itsol.y . ~, - •
;all S. F. VON TIONNETOII it Mb 5T k
itfiLITE FlSH—Fifteen brig for aala :b4
V '3511 S. F. VON IWNNIIOIIST r ilri '.
. e.
e oir " 'A l‘
.sel .
. 0
I b
PEARL en,ks far sale by
1 • /4DALZIZLL I:o,th,
nEnNuTs.—Ten has for sale hv
N.) .is 3 co. V.
I VLOIIII.--One humluxt bris superfine Flea',
per steamer Pilaf Na Z awl tla
jai J. a it. FIASYD. lt ,, atsl
136TASIL—Ten Cub, pure, in store onl
Art Fab by
I) J„ . A.11,119ill;
E brls prime }GI itutter; 4
brLs Na 1 lAN:
3 leg prime t eatlx.n. rostlrect
can. and fve sale by ja3 J. a:IL:FunD. f;
ANNERS' bris Bank
io good ceded, tee vale by del; J. RIL 7/LOYD. el
OLASSES.-38 brIA new, in atom, i.,
try.lvy sale bt dolg J_. R. PTIVID
Lmt"..-44 .brls No. I, now landing, rei
cola • den ISATAII DICKEY ca t
18u.,c,,10L11."A.1.7 , 5R-7.1t,iiir..73.,v)
ER.—Ten 1;r1s Rolf Butte=
recirca nal :Or sale Fr
tall . e. k
aft EA st: LARD—Trmnty brls Grew •4 gr!;
,mind mad fax rae
&a R. tierdtA6m.;
PIED PEACIIES--Three InmdrEßl br
Drini l'eaclunk, 4n Aare and for .2io
. W.41/MDAVOiIi
IL MEAL—Thirtv bap Oil MeAL receive,
and fur b - S. kW IiAffDAUM].
LOUR--Ont. Im:indeed brit; .Estrs F.
~" LO B. V. Mo. out reerire.l and mtelt/
.11 R. untztuuunr.
iiIGARS--Fifty thetoaud Ciplu rece
fr.rr_rala IgpAl 0. & lIAIMIAT.IOII..
at reduced Nitta, ennaistiag or Ur fitid 3 = Dr.;
I ta
teal tared prima, and tia told
Fo.Fa tameable WWI tn,
VI, or NV a•lit , llS:m !t LEM,
eg i e l et le tt
Ylaiinti, 54i 3 mom
r e me al all wag;
2 mi. Jmini, remittal on mania - tuna= fent. ttl
LIINMICICSLITT, Sal far mile jall LEE.A
:I''o LET.—That desurible reAcidens 47424
prevent amvpied am altnaLoil ontr:o
,U,ersAburgh Pike; to llorangh
sill, Tim bozo: t niii. 3 . ...l.4 3 JaiAt Trenfint,
trert=yr niers ronlaiall=rjAri
tery sod Vint teem The “ntiln gat= iv wagon d r .'
tan. below. sal east go In t gpe
uin icusr. D. tsrumPsdit
!wilt% 1113 Market
FOR RENT—A SA Mit.t. in East, Birminl
LIM; Zl'iLV= d m s tit t. tinlatt 4 ' 1 41, •4'.. • •
it will to twooo day xpairt.4, with
a lerm Zn4l,
Atoo,.esallant *lts Le Met
t d bt r str ar l sWillitiVofAkocllant &Jae. •gy p
IIFLANNELS, of the •••
coats* artieb•—• utler
aeri M al kr 1411 MUALIII IsUb