The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, January 11, 1851, Image 4

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How to BM a Meeting House.
"Did I'oyer tell you," said my friend, in
his temalTgrace and significant tone, "how
I built a church in three days?"
"Built a church in three days !" said
we, in utter astonishment; "bow could that
"Ace, more than that," continued oar
energetic friend; "in three days from the
time the axe was laid at the root of the
timbers of which it was erected, a neat
church was completed, and I had the plea
me of hearing an excellent sermon dully
crei in it."
' certainly that was doing things with a
ii.ti . ech seldom known in church building;
but feu excite our curiosity, acid we should
like I c know more about it; so yen may as
well. Mat tell us the whole stay at once."
"But you Editors are so apt to print ev
crythit , you hear, that I am almost afraid
to trus you, lest find myself out in the
Protest int, as was the friend who related to
you t particulars of your story about
"Black - Jerry, or the Praying Novo."
"Well, we promise not to tell on yoll,
however much we may say about - the house
you built. and the manner of building it.
Besides, it might teach others something;
and that, you know, would be sufficient ex
cuse for an Editor to tell his readers a good
stn And you won't publish my name with
it," said/Sur enthusiastic and good-humored
companion, drawing his fingers and thumb
over his face, in a manner peculiarly his
"Certainly not—that shall be kept from
our rLsders; so go on with. your story." -
"Well, then, let me tell you, that when
I traveled
had occasion sometimes to visit a neighbor
hood where there resided several Method
ists, in tolerably good circumstances; but
far too feeble, as they supposed, to build a ,
church. They would each contribute five!
or ten dollars a year toward the support of
the siiter churches in the neighborhood,
where they generally attended, .though oc
casionally they would get over to preaching
at one of my nearest appointments. The}'
supposed themselves quite too weak to think
of building a house of worship for them
selves, awl therefore felt it to be their duty
to help, as they were able, their neighbors '
of other denominations."
"That was liberal and proper."
"0, yes, certainly it was; but, dining
one day with the must wealthy and promi
nent farmer among them, I said to him af
ter dinner, S Wouldn't it be a fine thing if
von could have a neat house of worship
built somewhere in this vicinity for our
ptmpl "
" That it would," said he, " but I am
afraid it can't be done for years yet."
Wouldn't you be willing, brother, to
give us an acre of ground where the cross
mods Unite just below us?—lt seems that
you are not improving that part of your
property '• _
" cheerfully—but what can you do
with ground unless you have money to put
up the building."
"Let us walk over and lock at it, bro
tiler. Maybe something can be done."
.acr we walked, and very soon'
reached the spot. It was a lovely site.
Acres of large woodland stretched beyond
it, and it lay directly accessible to two of
the mast thoroughly traveled roads in the
whole country. "
"New. brother," said I, "would it he
asking too much of you to beg as much
timber from these fine oaks as would put
tip a good log building, provided we have it
cut without expense to you."
" You shall have as much as you need."
"Anti couldn't you and the rest of the
neighbors furnish a few hams, a few bush
els of potatoes, and a few loaves of bread,
for three successive days, to help to feed
the workmen that I shall bring here?"
"The old farmer smiled, said it could lie
done and it should be done; but he thought
I would fuel it difficult to get the house up,
" Don't fear me, brother," said I. "Let
me sea . ; next Wednesday the work shall be '
ear, ineueed. I will have one hundred and
fez.y men here on that day, and there will
hr a good house completed by Saturday
ten sine, and we will bold a meeting in it
ore,. the Sabbath"
" The old farmer looked very iueredu
lons, smiled at me, and said, hope your
prediction may be realized.'
" On that afternoon I delivered a tempe
rance-lecture ten miles from that place, and
at night preached. There was an excellent
feeling in the congregation At the close
of the meeting I said, Brethren, I want
you to help toe build a house for God, at
such a place ;—I don't 04; you for money,
but I wan: your time for three days, with
your Wagons, and axes, and implements of
earpentri. How many of you will agree
to meet me on the spot on next Wednes
da-, morning, and give three days' work to
Lord. Up rose one, two, three—pros-
ILirly strong men were upon their
Nair." said I, turning to the sisters,
" wewill not exclude !inn from this good
wt;t3-;_ Come ❑lone with your husbands
aniVitrothers, and fetch a few pies and
bre4l, and. a hunt or two, for the sustc
nane of these laborers, and God will bless
The thing having awn so well, the
tint demonstrations having resulted so suc
cessfully, I repeated it at the next appoint
ment, and so on for sonic thirty miles round
the country : until onr•bnodrr;i nn.l ar. • , lily
men were pledged, if practicable, to he on
the ground atidhe appointed time : which I
felt satilified would yield the requisite [lum
bar, malting all allowance for unavoidable
"On Tuesday evening I rode up to the
old farmer's. It had .rained .lightly all
day, aid only aLcut twcnty laborers had as
yet e,tott up; but I Mt confident they
etratld be with as on the morrow
. .
" T.e evening waF - pleasantly spent, and
before retiring I said, 'Brethren, let tia
pray t. t our heavenly Father may prosper
us in this undertaking for his glory—that
he ma :;end such a rain this night as will
unfit t to ground for the Aare of the plough
for th .ee dap., so that our brethren may
not bt tempted to tarry at home—that to
morro r lie may give mi fair weather and
!dewy of hand:, and that the whole work
may h. accomplished speedily, and without
amide t to any one After prayer, in
which 411 joined heartily, we retired to rest.
T at night :melt a shower fell, and such
thund .rt. roared, as deluged and shook the
ourro riding hills as they had• seldom been
shah t. But the morning dawned beauti-
fully Everything seemed renovated by
the st inn. At 6 o'clock we were out, and
by 9, cinforcement after reinforcement had
arrist until our complement of_men w•as
made up. And such piles of ides, and
loaves and poultry, as the good sisters
broug It with them, had seldom been seen
in th.t vicinity ; and they gave no uncer
tain ..naise of an agreeable and sufficient
repast to the multitude of laborers.
" 3 y first business, after solemn singing
and p .yer, was to classify the laborers, and
distri.nte the departments of labor. So
many o fell the trees; so many to split the
logs; so many to put up the sides; so
many to prepare the floors; so many to
make the pulpit; so many to prepare for
the co.ering, &c. Among them were sev
eral e.eellent caTenteTs, and one or two
good laziers. The firSt stroke of the axe
I had the pleasure myself to make, for I
took y turn among the fellers. And if
ever saw a magnificent sight in my life, it
was en, with thundering crashing sound,
there me to the earth, one after another,
those huge monarchs of the forest, before
the tcady stroke of these :talwait axe
[lnd your house completed?" •
Iye, sir, Friday night's stone , I±,se , d
Its summit Benches were - brought 'from
neighboring house, and on Saturday morn- ,
ing we held meeting there.. A brother min
ister who had come over to look at_nr, hav
ing heard of the project, preached the first
sermon to a large and attentive congrega
tion, from ' For he loveth our nation and
bath built us a synagogue.' Luke vii. 5.
Better than all, a gracious revival soon
broke out in the log tenement; and in two
or three years after, it was succeeded by as
handsome a country church as may be any
where found in that section of country."
And our friend again drew his hand
across his face, iu his own peculiar and sig
niticaiat manner, as if the very recollection
of his success in the undertaking filled him
with delight
The Minister
Harper's Magazine for this month opens
with a pictorial or illustrated edition of
" The Deserted Village," one of the master
pieces of Goldsmith. It is a little unusual
to bring out in the popular magazines of
the day the classic productions of a former
age ; but still we cannot think it in bad
taste, and certainly no one ought to com
plain, when the article thus reproduced is
such a perfect gem as the Deserted Village.
There is scarcely a poem in the language,
of equal length, to which reference is more
frequently made, or which has done more to
embellish the pages of subsequent writers.
Goldsmith is remarkable for easy, life-like
sketching. His portraits are originals. He
never disgusts you with a pomp of words,
nor tires your patience with circumlocu
tions. He is a model of simplicity, and at
the same tine not deficient in depth or ele
gance. There is, moreover, running through
his works, such a decent regard for religion
as is by no means common among the lite
rati of the present day. Johnson, and
Thomson, and Addison, and Goldsmith,
whatever might have been the occasional
irregularities of their lives, never dared to
dip their peas in the poison of infidelity.
They were indeed Christians—men of faith
—men who, if they sinned, had not too
much dignity to repent. We love to read
these old authors, for though their works
haVe been read a century, they have lost
nothing of their freshness. England, if we
mistake not, is much indebted for its sound
religions sentiment to the masterly produc
tions of these great men. They were - fiat
ministers, and because they were not, the
world has more readily imbibed the rever
ence for Christianity which everywhere per
vades their writings. But we Must pot for
get the object for which we introduced this
subject, namely, to present Goldsmith's in
imitable portrait of a minister. Here it
follows; and if the whole poem is admissi
ble in the first magazine of the day, we pre
sume our readers will excuse us for giving
one short extract. —Northern Chris. A•tr.
Near yonder cop's. where ante the gnrden
And still where many a garden-flower grows wild—
There, where a few torn shrube the place threlnee.
The village preacher. modest mansion rote.
A Man he woo to till the country dear;
And paseing rich with forty pouncle a year.
Reniorc from towns be ran his godlrm....r,
Nor e'er had chang'd, nor wistid to change hie once;
Unpractic'd he to fawn, or trek for power
By doctrine:l faehion'd to the varying hour,
For other aim. bit heart had learn 'd to prix,—
More akilfd to mitt the wretched than to thee.
His house wa, known to all the vagrant train:
lie chid their wandering*, bat relieved their pain
Tho long remembeed beggar raw hit gueet.
Who.e beard descending swept hie•ged trees: ;
The ruio'd ependthrift, now no longer proud,
CLeim'd kindred there. and had hie claims alloyed:
The broken soldier, Ittodly bade to stay,
Sat by his Grc, and inlet' the night away—
Wept o'cr his wounds, or, tale. of sorrow
Shonlder'd his crutch, and shored how field. were
Plmed with tam gacsu, r1:14 gc.:4l man lonnitl to
kral quite forgot thoir riot to their wee
Circles. their meritr or their falcate to ran
pity Bare ere charity begon.
Thus to relieve the wretched or. bie pride,
And even hie feiline lean'd to virtne'e Aide
lint in bie duty, prompt at elegy ran,
Ile watch'd and wept, he fray'd and felt few all
And, an n bird each fond endearment tries
Te tempt Its new-fledg'd °Mining to the skies,
Ile tried each art, reprised each anti delay,
Alined to brighter world", and led the way.
Beside the lied where parting lin. wa• laid,
And notnur, guilt and pain by tur,,.
The reverend champ'ng mnd: at his contr.!
Inenpair and angai•h fled the struggling soul
Comfort canto down, the trembling wretch to raise
And hie last faltering accent, whisper'il praise
At church. with meek and unaffected gran•,
Hie lock, adoro'd the venerable place;
Truth from L.. hp, prevailed with doul.hi
And fouie mob came to ,eoLf remained to pray
The Ferrier around the pim, man,
*lll. rteady teal, ....II honest ru,tie no •
}ire n children folicox'il. with endearing wile.
And pluek'd hi, gown, to charm the good men'• nail.
Ili.. ready .mile a parent's warmth elpreas'il,
Their welfare plea.e.f him, and their suers
theni hi. bear, hie hi. grief, were given.
all him , erion. thoughts had rest in heti, en •
k. some tyl cliff, that lilt. it. awful form,
from the vale,anit midway leave. the etorm
Though round it. hritie,l the rolling cloud. are Tread
Eternal eun.hine settle, on itn bead.
1 - ---
Influence of a Daughter.
In one of the counties of Western Virgi-
Ma there lived a man Who for many year=
Nad been an officer of the church, and whose
1 '
iety no one doubted. While active and
rnest in most religious duties, one thing
as wanting—he had no family altar.
cars had passed without it, till God in
Mercy visited that circle. The heart of the
tilder was gladdened by seeing one of his
daughters embrace the Saviour. This babe
41 Christ felt that there was one thing want
ing to her growth in piety—she needed the
blessing that distils on those that gather
Around the altar of prayer She felt too
'diffident to introduce the subject to her fa
-1 ther who had grown gray in the service of
the Lord ; but piety prompted an expedient.
She had obtained from a colporteur the
tract, "Do you pray in your family ?"
and one evening, as the family had gather
ed around the fireside. she presented it to
her father, and simply asked him to read it
He took it and read it with fixed attention:
Every word was an arrow that reached his
heart. lie finished the tract, paused, re
mained in thought a moment, and looking
at his daughter, burst into tears and said,
"Daughter, bring me the Bible. I hare
neglected my duty too long ; henceforth I
will pray in my family " lie kept his re
solution, and every morning and evening
witnessed a group of worshipers gathering
he daily sacrifice. From that day a new
and brighter light shone into that dwelling.
=American Mcsnenyer. _
are the words of a Christian minister. The
whole of the sentence runs thus : " I am but
one, but lam one. I cannot do much, but
I can •lo something; and all 1 can do I
ought to do, and by God's grace will do."
A Caution.
Bishop Butler remarks, that it is one of
the weaknesses of our nature, when upon a
comparison of two things one is found to be
of greater importance than the other, to
think this other of scarce any importance
at all.
HERE is a good receipt for making strctig
paste for paper:
To two large spoonful of tine fiar:, :It
as much pounded rosin as will lie on a shil
ling; mix with as much strong beer as will
make it nf fine consistence, and boil half an
hour. Let it be cold before it is used.
SRTRAW GOODS.—H. M. Greene 4!.. co.,
mulurActurero of Foreign aml Dome%tie Mtn.. (kale,
ho atteutloo of Wow% to thfir goods foe ladies and
They will offer lialoormento In a groat , illktr of
aryl., ar to purchaser% who tory by U. toanufseturers .
package. leanaple% exhibited 1.1. thdr gore. No. 133 Yuri
street— (Op min.) Now York. dee24:diXo
afTLEY & COLVIN, conal'ut.,
t 7 .al
caer wa:44.1 ' 1
T.IIISKThAt"t". =2lrtrt•
ILEx. W. FOSTER, Aida ey and Can
et Lam igo. 164 Fourth a :oppo.a. FrUlt.
us sll. PittAtoarxh, .. . vlb.llwarly.s
VOIILTER & laCKE, Who eeale and Re
iv toll Drunin. C Omer of Wood and street& un
do t the St-Chubs b. Sigel, Pittsburgh. tuytwlyB
SAM. P. ROS 8, Attorney at Law, Offi c ,
lin. la Faarth lin`tret. near Orsaa.l4 Lasurttue
luta apainrlye_
D. (T 3111. 0 011... ...... .... • • , 0 ,00 , 1
w CUN'N.lNlilLill b CO.. blanururtunny of 11 - urotor
l, No. .Ze. 3larket Arent. between f 'rot and :inc.!.
1 6 P_
paid to odd nibps. , Ahro—Draleri, In
Flint Glasa. Vial., bottle, R.o. :
T7:thICISON SEIVF.LL, At — turney nt Law.
Ohio `tale Cammbdoner for takhot D. Ack•
nowledgetnents of U111n..--Eolot Lb .1,4, obovo
Saltbfwicl. cortd4,2
WM. M. At'KNIOIIT , tenders his service=
to the eithteno of rittsburah andairinity. at a min.
end Buxlnnsit Collector and Cohneyahtvr. lie stt•ind
I m the collecting and seeming of claims in thin and addnin
lasi Sta. and Otiuntlexr. meltingand xenutia 'damn;
draaMtiti of deed , Immix. malother ituttrument.
of writing. All luit:team in Ins line attended to
pmmptnem and cam,
lmfer to IL A Nl cisme, Fihrtinl entoillatll. Jr. F C Flan-
Ead. John Merriman. 17-m., Win If gaud:rd. E..l .
.1:141.7::= Jose Em
Joseph Wearer, z . Fourth Ktrfot, near the
Maya". Office. nm2Gmtina:T
AT NO TillE roll ansv
year, ham them limn such utorntitulotie trickery
.prantlaed upon the public about Pfumanslatp. r., ht the
LT:, 'la L".`.7,',.',11 - 11',Ttr,,,,,;='?.g..T,;;',!ZZ.
I . n . cnel p toindume the Igniniant to rn Wih n . Whom; llama ta ma
Persons desintn• of Imroming rapid and elegant Lennie-,
0111 do yell to mill at DUPPS NIERCANTILF. COL LFXIE.
I and examine the hand drlttim of a.m. of the nest wntueti
In the rity, alto hale tm.n itaxrurtml it. this Itttltlitit3ll
- _
Military Bounty Land Agency,
k„; MATHEW ROSES, wmild
1J mfonn Mom Intydartni that he haa ...vial I rg
.no, Mainly 1
under the ha. in law ri • Conll '
It, Mmt Law - . all who have grytuallg served lo au '4the
Wan. 'III, 17., or their mtnor ehildmo. am at,
titledtat Ilnuntf Land. (mug 411 h. 1 1 4,aene, ann oning th
the term rd . Reran, and rer the law eroremly ;mural.
urninn the tramfora. benesl run ammur thn waldter
until land Ifill4Mted L. themfore oho., Went that
Individual nalmavm mutt arlert their lam! rain r in M•nnata
or Iv Arent.. The one will he foumt t. exp./main—the
other to he nib gent. plume. Itherel patronage and fam
.govenantom Attempt. to Inca. by nor other method
al wove In the and alert's e. To nenamollab this and
elw the rot., 1 , 113111 PM of the wattle, to the reonoralead
gnaw, Congna... tool rerommended br the
deourtment m Man'[. I Itrolvma therrfOna at
utman-atm., Mir,g ex peom onwonv—lnt. A Land
1, arrant lor Mom. ent it hal 11.1. autterintenti reynnally
Ik e as riling of trerravb thinly hemming and Vtgaram
on,. a. the ...I , lt valinona Ivetlon eltioy to akar a
or nth. .al 10. .6i.. Igatent for mid
WWI n den-riotiou tm duality. lotattlon.A.-..ttm
.t.hlte. tom or lona erumnte of /14 Alto.
Term. Ylnett Ige arnahle, noule ktioan
nu an[,ll
- I pet j... 1111, ii. MATHEW 1111;;F T, I•lvk•lriile,
Clan. eettnt..
1. .-11 rm. lige natte of g our l'rut flaky Count', and
1..11 1 LlllElll'l' Plrrsnyttaii.
P DELA Ll hua gond norted h.- aiding thret of
evere derrodev. 1.1 g..• - ...Matto tor el, trade The
I. lot, thm-over, and --doom hare !wet. .rl.-1.-eted with
Vt. at ram fr.. the taten month..., nod 01.1110, Part
1.4 eaem thin. that I- new and band,.,... Cr 'oti„; maul
tattottune sr 1 Ite my,run, at ot mtstom
E larre nt.d annul. Loth 111 In sod .o.llts. and
ti. If equalan In au. other enablirlanaut vi thin
nth, in no
lie u,!
f 'I 'a edaplnt fin. bun
nen c.ada Nan :ovum , rl , aal- ..1 rer, .It
Cmtnneren- Itahnit Cloth, lamp cl
I A.- the entire .ea r will' la orral,l, rummage ilia till
met of rant- op ned /lepton., in thltalutragit
Mr J I .11 • *HI 111 -and tatty na a rind,.
all ale, mat thaer this
e ' n 1 ..1 1 1 1 1 ‘ ...g..1 1 1 a T ( 1 , 1 , 1 to t . .111 Jtate
in the and at uough r one,- na loa,Lnn
hekt.rmaolant 1,, man, tned loth I uotll , l fun
ther nate that I 1.11 funnah ara gotal and fa-toonable
nt- oat, L.L111,1 1111 111.. 11h-lern ot ad lit much
lit illl 1 1A 1 , 1. I 1,0111 INu
A la ry• aral gfer.vrata o vrintvnt rehl, made nothing .
1.11.1. madethe ,11-,V112 ruml.aalnd
hr.- k and 11.. 1ig
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of /r• .11. 11t011.1, and Amer.. Cloth, 11 311 fednonse
I e ...r. l'autahnur deaorthnon. Ono, and
lave, Caanorrame of the inteat at , he (Tett, rgatt.sol and
onmo r
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Ora •.o the C1.J1,1,- Itre. ,ill lunneut. rural, at No PA
' are Ser.-n.ll to in .It and adrule In wmkumultle
n r le. and 'III to anal I, a
1.1 the brat mll edam- rt emplornl, and ,
a•.f..1 Marton, made uart, a.. alnara ar
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deurame 1.1 ode. g a h.... atiT headtdol araortment
tiny..tri‘r•/""Nklf '
State Mutual Fire Insurance Co., Hants—
.l.igti of thin Coll I,IST to to afford
a the owner. of neuron , mt. nmi einem Tarot., tte
trudge.. L Ina cotoluebal .1 nen, 011 the moth.] Pnarar
renov t Wang rveltor. meta,. gt klmtlet • and euttaltuv tam
gl=Lugag '• -gdi....l ) 6 ..a gra . lTVlVl
ITS hiSlir—th , .• ntenlma oat heurlota to the hantund.
ItALL ROAD LETTING IN 0810. -17 • fa." `, ', 1. , ' dal:, law
ELLEFONTAINE et INDIANA nAit..--r.;:'F,Z - l'2`:(;Z, - ;-" 1 :
vo Proomnis 0111 he receir..l at Jut.... ueurrtni in the othet " Thelma - Clara is r denesultiv.
11. Parke Count,. Ohm. am., a. Termiller , untll Jan , d he 11. lOW, 1.111 1 AST. In which thatirame ulna M.
war; .21. t., Ihsl. for dolng the grubbing. anti vr.4. mad. tepo, eountrg dwell) u.. I.nrus. oot Ivold.upx. and
1 Mum Lo mm.. l'rark, to thk. ,11,1011 .114 I p.m nal In :pert, sal von... loam hutarOeu. 1. alloutal
tn. "Iralianarata .1 IMll.4.tatnr Rad 'trawl: at the 'tg I. tato 11 .
litan. :Tale Inte hubby am Linn' read,. at the Logo:mar , I 1,0 Cla, I. trneminalot 11E.. tll
Ohre. in'Sl LIN nr.l mlv,.. where ...mod on t .11'1 h 1 ga men .natmoue tong he tua , merrb
enti vldeinnl front lean Ted:Martha, 151..00 tri- r agp el at. , 1 - . a.' 11 "j
Cromer:al. um, taro tw
at ram. 1,11 the 141.41 la
Januar, TM. prerulon. nth.- art 1 , 111 nbout oil . 1,1 1 ar larue
rental pruireest. will al. he remiled nt MARION, illdo. 1 1 non td other ...ran. , at,,, the erthu
tanttl lea an,. next. tor doing the groat:in:. nnuv. net ha tot -.oh .• the Ihroehr. are eme n d .
me.• them
vemlar a atept to milli, latwo. nt, gem ' tam-lt ..f vg 111.01Ig n.....• , n , ut Sol l m
mine i Igo eort podilm on Mita .I.avton etll Mr. ad, r_ ~..11., . ..1 w lo vo a. any nat the ap
teo dal •h. fdra the letung luh.rmate. mn 1y et gregogi thrum o slat. ed the rria if Yith etr
from .ton Warralt. I, nt hugive, ht 11, ilelyntnue. , len !mot the lietdit t. mown
nit at the Chet rouitean• • ..111 , I. t he ri... oat nna• whirt. too t...otel ,•Comattur
The :Mom am the mit la -etyma.... the n. . 111 .et ugs g egatimatv t. dint my tronred ontwely to the
dm fist• r tau,. a. the Alvin lint 11. of Oh .I%IP
~gon . Motu from Pltharieltbm a the 1 dull all
rt Louth and t 11,14.13”1.. • ' , IV tae,nlll, All `a . nt the
landl. pmr, b o .ton amj New gO, Ihr tog. C. re al,er 1 VIM MuLlp4l:e. um! 111 , -. 1 1 , 3
land ,t n . angler (I, of the Lateetor.-
11 , order of the Mani of Ittmeger.. 1,31 Itotherfe.n. J anal T Jon,.
11 MIL,. 11,,NCitTu Chief hvgrthert I k arr. -, Ittl •C. ltolert Meta:John
Enummir • Prava Marton. 11 1 Ira: ,al • II am
r 111.T11 EPP 111 P. Presideut
The Human Body isast Perspire. J ma-mtar ,
O SA Y N ATI RE. In ha , ' a h.'alihY iarranmleaMa. fat , m4ll.
prgananeeg .19.1 mew.. .og not permir, an g a l,
th• moat domontng gthln ...go% Soy. Jea I- Ignimet
Chendtata c l an'a oaf a'rl•tfataah 'h" aa.r 111 ri tr•ut - , F.ItCI L 'OI.I,EGV,
R, g0n...1. the at. ~rtna It the hymn , L •„„„.
un Intnub
Corner of Thlnl mud Mort. +tn... T 1,,. I
tom! Ittytitution of thy kind to Plt.htirgh
Elemine. rrhartyal Imm - ortor lv ih.
Schorr of An-out:Ely
. .
U. K. Cltaml.wrlia. 1.n.fe,..t l'enumatuthip
Cotopottatit..t.. a,
Ale:. M. Wats... Kt.t I....turtr an CommerciAl Laa
TA n. 1. Sri
ratd applicadou er) branch of balite, tolo. ao Pie
mid 1 , ... , ..414 , a, Itlvlttot to call latoi . anal
the arrancelnynt,
Lecture rm Commerehtl Law ewer! Xleutittt
Reference to an, ut the netitlent .
turret/atm., ,t.l,t;
The estenve ream , et 101.1ing formerly te-enplett
e4ret. Leeeh and On.. et the 1 1 41 Mt. teqtreen t ut,e
nod Duttneene wOl 1.. kneed fur It term or oar,
They en. be multi, tulatttett. with oltteam'eetet
molaterert ”1 tunnufaeturlng Inteineee. Itteliteretun
Oren enettleitell
ANA) to
Cll/0 11 no,rot
Foorth Pll.l,l.rub
IST OF LETTERs remaining in Wain,
m~ ti C W sir,••ri,r
Harlem/ inhurte. IVs./. J
/auk.: It,.lhrorr kl'Elreall. 1101.ert
Cralrilead Joan W ilurrenh 1r 4 J M'hinhir Mar,
Carr Overt.. Mr. .11. - . Are Tia,14,11 11 . 11krtIn
Doh,rti JCII/13 Mrunkl Amirru -
Donal., Park I 11.1 Vl.rk II
/ ,
( 1( • E.--Tato.o ui by thy ,tt..1.11.1 , r. on
11 the 14th lariat. a RAS Mill'- /damn hand. high.
4 or 9 ~.ars i1../.111 a rtar nn l.rnkt. I.e. hind fe.l
xhlU It, to the ra.t..r.., anl .h... 1 .11m/oral: mark ,
th "'"' D
dectr , ..r.3lr•lauaory. r. _ .
VAII3I I , )It FARM. 1• 1 1t11:11t• 1)
:north iltsutAngdon box n.hip Wataronn•latna •
nontnininn av - rot n 1 27.41.m1. bounintl 14.tu1.• , 1 ;In
ept, Nun. Mr,. I,lnter. 00.1ot to•nt—nhout arm. rinartnt.
boVanoe in htntot wad,: • Minn ono tulle of the ou t tido
Ebony Slact: Witer. tun can, 1 . 1131.11.1, rettztttlnatut
ad. road ono male (rum Jnekton Ipovntr.nct
tut of two otorn Ina L,...11tnt: Lank imttrn• ..44"
nod tAnnnttnr, out b,tnithrt,. Aro, on-b.r.i.
rro.ault Ittroun. Nut , . ta1 , 014,
uurtal I.; it• use. a.• tat •. rtc utl m a t.anal, tru.tcu In lla
slat o itoch e A It unnalluau—a.
I c.. thor akin d 0..., Itra „
mailer i. aausto .1 that thla it no nal...a. nufhal matrum „:,
ano tnal Am..• Lootoror c isnittecort in:
rculial of .4, kraal aucco and lwat.l
‘1... .• .tt r Tot Tut., —lf-, ti ta tlittica lion. Jun,
aoll fa. tha t now It t. , 1...11 I onto to i
;„ I „ ; „„ „;„.; ,
Motto It ant lial.lo tot-L.l,d. orarit—J tool, , TI
trill Uri rot on., '4 uure hut nnr cirutiac tt..i 1 car.. A. „„.. r ,... I ; „„. 1 . , Hun ,
no. unit mot& that an , ono ailhottil • 1 - 111 ' 11, `" , ; 1, 110-
or a:mil, tcla.ava.. lital .I.cia ail. at.l et tall. nano- Atturnai
ntVio 11
11 too toonttorlio•. it.. I Alan 1,, Jun, 1 c. 0., 1 1..r.hato 11 „al naccuuctutaut
.1 .e, antor lio utac in u a t tcur. ar
ati.l it 11 you Vet Tur ton, Italtupc chotaioal Strati--utal • .t
bur it arly „ f 1131 JAChSI.,S. u'
17 SC.: j „,:ni,.... -111 :11r1T.g. •atro.l 1 ,7 7 ruutatt and
113.3 of It ocal'1*
- I tir knatr33lze H kerul.4l,
Pettit White f,th. and Pura Itroatil. VI i .11 /- 4.44 444 settrd that 114444 nth. anl,
Sc had tnthrr. lt , .t.ara,. Oat , r.-. 1 4 4,1 IP", 71 t, 3174 G•rutauat....
am 1.144,111.01 nn, i.ll, ihrtr t ht.ittrerlot. •01 me. , %Ito ia,runt
th drfar.3l. drak or 3 , It., krsrl "renrra.3.l It•rt3r. at,
hu cen tern Jo3i. ll Tinia Pao. trlll
inn 1:1 4.1 ' irLat... 3 . an•l Ilse ~ 1-ntrr, 3 3l, jiAl..tNt' oN jII,II,SIT.
2., 1..13r It - . 13,01 c-1 , I.3ttk tlt
" AV m,, ;n onl.nnwr, Au,. 3 . 13,
• I -7-7 I 1 1'7 7 ' ll n.7 . "' ' t "' t
A S.ientifie Haw (AA, R,lorer and iipaa- Itt!, 14,
utfiA —Trui &MI,. 77,, A... ...A
J re l; rail 113ir I,4,rrt. int+. Ito rx,ell,nt I ' — T 31 WIWI,. I r
1b. , . who hat zot. m•run , tt Cho ,4131r1n: ",
qual,. Is .111 forr- ras. tr, trru3t . au .r , •
n.3.1.15..54.51 balr tn... flttr..., ad. rurt /-ttt
t.t. dart/113,f: ona nialtr 7131 nut gm. ,1353
r,, rner nnr to u v .ll .1,1 /Mkt . rettlant.: r..n 4,4,01 F it its I 1 I, r,Ash p,
t 1.13---11. nuke. tt 1,4311111. nod it r• It I , In 1.h,l n.
4.4 " 4 • " in Cir 141;ien. )•inri. print . to hntr
:3 , 31 .117 at 31,1. J tit3itr. Z4l. rt;nnit. ;
brad of W... 1. I.ltt•httrah.
th-tre3- -37 3. mr.t..,:m nab, 11 t 1,7
1,0 at , ,•,• IN,
JON ES' Srvilltloll Jot. a 1.110i,1 F11,1„.t.
I.• f.r rl...11.111”; of phi,. RI or trn--, Itner J. 111%
r ..A.A tr, ior sumo. • tll.rmat iiiir •no I -.1,, LKif run
3,1 SI ti
Si 44 tq..11.31 11...1. • 1..11.1t.-. t. i ,Lt .::t+
1,131 , nr3-11-
\t 'd L 1.F.1 Ft)11 1111..11 , ,1'ES.—Szat..-
t .1 •.I Onrit. In thr
th. • t • torrr3.--1
t r iif tin t
u.l rvl
111•4 •
JONES' LILLY W II rrE.--. Lally. art-1,11
th - t.+l oththlt," phr, t I h..
tut. ik• hi.. In h.
t. •.
luta rataryth th - tt thth 1,. 1,.•t - tti.t.r t ent., taut uhlivh!tit.
tkin arphanhalthr hh - Parhtl ,• h*i , ,t thhh ,
trio.- tt
..11.1hrthi Sytthlhtt
II I. ,rthettlr inno.,nl I , tt , , I•h . h , thh•
quail., hod tt truhotrt. th -kal al. /1• 4 .1 1 ,
whatth.r. tlear whit, it ill, , LN I' ttfrt
- . .
=tette on the e 1.11.. tank. .t anft .u 1 tat:Al.
hold tor th.• AJJnt, I{')lJ I.JlJ.rm
•.1 WF.4. Yitt,huruh
4.IPLENI)II I .INNUALS is 111, I E"l' 1304)KS
I voR
111 r 1 . ... C. 1,1 b• 1 11 . 4 1 Ilk,
Itesurn.l., 1,1
111.1orstaql 1.1(... t•br, pr 11., II
$ll thr 1.1.4
l'sui and %Ir.pae. la,m .n.l •p 4.11.1
41 T. znp•mn., otteritu: 1 ,, t I• .1
In Ins. Otlrntur
0... 44 the lieoeru 11,..1
A ers snarirali tni
Lett sted Pa
frianpe r, a • ;r w .1,.,
.1 a 11.1”.1., A. 11:.r
fnn,, Prin.lll3.. ,Imstrn...
1:`4 . 1' I:ECEIN El , troin
01 t
anIA 144/, VI/ 1 . 1“01
. 2111 ,ar ., l+ J.,
J 41. 1, 1, 4 Sl nri. n irll 01..14
t l'1111.11).,
NI/Lk El PAS•I'E. -I gr , .— r.l That
•oD T I r•:.:I
and ti Wt. , l *tr , I }
Ilorrh• A; Haworth. In Ho , Inartoon I hr./
„um:,thaw nnJ
rrnourml in Ow ••1 t ., -
775 cr... lwr In
to. IPS Niorloti Iho ItLisso ~,,,,, rtor
J4ARD OIL 5 brlq crintor qtr.tinod. for ..alo
bk dor Qn F.S. NIATT111:11 . • A II)
LiNSE ET ) li 1,. brlr rm. Nom
;I%!' J "' " r
COFFEE. 213 imgm lila for =ale
(1.17 1:11EY. , 1,11 - 1 . 1101 , a to
FISH. 116 brl. , largo No Milekorvl .
N. 111.1101,n , (I.:rrinv.
I` I , •1114, .r ('AI.•
.1.17 1:111:1 MATTIII.-P A Ctr
m N u for ,alo I.v
RI jai_ _I. • 11'AT1..11,1
4/1)1'1,012A Si( no v o. io r sale by
a 0.
gOAP. lio box,' 1,0(64(111e No. }toxin:
k 1.,
11A1.1......1.,Rb A CO
1r ESTI:CR 11:.`TAIll , . A
.; W A LLIN.; Bull , a co
OTION Y A RN. 2000 (loran YarnX._/ for wale IV A 1.1.1 N, olcl , aCo
aItRANGES. ills. just reeeired nod
rrweh l ItUll.ll/111eiE. a AM,
117 nter oimef
L'LOCK J.OO bbl.. for sale by
J: pcnimi Dm: a INOIIIOOI
lrexidunt and Hoard of
3luna,en. of IT. North , rn LlberfAe. bridge C-fr.g,i,
aA fith. day derlared.a dividend of one .:cat
can on each eloux of the capitol ..trek of +aid ,mr.ant
ter rill la p'" thr ol ' l7 knit;;:l ' ' ' .7 17. f.u n n.
lath lootant.
Allegheny. Jan. lat. 11.51 ya7..1. ,
SYRUPS AND 310 LASSES. Extra Relin
ed, Non York Syrup. a Terx perior arflel.
I/olden Syrup from the NL Loot, refiner,
Sugar Howe Ilehowns An do
Nry Orient , do tip air hr
Jan A. llrt.:LVlto. 4 A ...X of
CODA 75 yank, Kurtz brand for sale
du .1) A. 11/111.11AUtill
OLL ifurrEft. ibis. prima, romi,-
,ot toe saluhy den 3 P. W. ELARDA , L7.III
TALLow. bids. prime for mile by
a. a ar. 11A13.11AVIHI
XiiEESE. SU bores W. IL Chemre for sale
dean a a W. lIAROAVGII
- :111:TAL. 17(1 tons for rolling rail]
sun*, doll 11111-V. MATTIIII \l'S t (Xl.
A ll w la fi x x ll w orr s e . r mx , for
..leer dolt tll
§(11100L BOOKS.-114w:ationn I Yforis,
°lobes, Hari, Instrument., stanolarr,
_Carter's put.
--n=n . 'S S. r.vs.
B • .• • .•
Y virtue of a writ of Levari Faciaa iftFtlf4
out orib.lo.4riei Croat , of Alkultenr emote, and to
ma directed. in he extentd to Ottblie ash.. at the Oanre
liana, In thr tit, of Ilttsborrh. en 51 ntaday. the 27th day
ofJmuary. A. D. Itisl, at 10 clock IL It, the Iblloning
de..cribal poverty, In nit_
All that eertaln In[ of rratuad eltuate In the Reserre..
Tract. nponaite Gt.? negh. and kncnrnllly the mane orb* ,
No 3t; and :17. in plan of Ir,ta laW oat by R. S. Caaaatt,nd
'warded In the tur.nding °dive. In book 3 F. rob ....Pt.'
:An. Lel:noun. at a corner of Int 39. thence running
along T. maw utt, to r. eorncr Knoll itrent ,
then, a 1.,. eald trot lOU End. to thchard alley„theore
hrnrc said nlley 40 feet. to a
to armee of Int lin and
, t t ' t
Mr:Q77h! I:ear the ' l ,. .otth " the
i o
Allegheny, In ndry 11 , n.1 and nalllcient ronrey.
nom. became rn.tesl m a ll . t..l:ax.stLaahy reference Loden!.
rocuolnd In la.k 3 r.'rol. fa, vage:t77, mnro
appear: and the cool R. S. Oman nod hl, nit , . by deea
date,l 7th dal - of A nno_rt..a_ 1.10, enn,yed the ,ante
Io en JO. Ambers.,
ninon died IA nourd , rl
d,,rl toneth, with all nod pingu
lor the e. .. • ann., x...tito appurtenant, lehntenever.
und and taken in ex.....nunu
Ibereuno , I. l lenging.
,t , nqw,t) of .Inhu Atubernon. a then Stilt of IL B. 31,
Cottiongh. Anlg S hood: and to be nett by
C. CURTIS. Sheriff.
~, b ertff J.unrr S. ma
I 1.11
Cip . hier
I. 6,- a, al, a 0.-
Allegheny County, 8S:
d i(tml ,\ IC NATI! ..f l'elltotylvat,itt, to the
I Wltort-t,
I.t/ tn. •,. In r.L.,,tr XII
~I'"' .f 4niii 1 .\A.. 1 4 tm l, „f NI
tu :l
~,:~ y• " . GI I I u ~.
..f tpucrinr N~'mm.
I.e. ~~,1 ~i
1~ , '..~_ ~~ I'~.•t. r.n .In iJ ~',ntrtl. ~Y. aw.f. ar
, • . in. h. • Int tinni itannontn tlinartytt: thnt rho
.al initni•tt i Intl nit I:tut:II inion t trtlnt
p . nit in .1 1., thil , tt , tiny titit• dint' ...tat, In tint dentin:ln
• • , 1
Atr ,Ili nr t lot tit, in' ',unhurt:ll. hat tun •
Irmo t. 11., lung,. strtint tit tlirrtv rnnt. tart ttzteinthig
Itnet ithith nu,
I+, hut .l.lla Ld
41 with A. strtnt
ftl, It. t
j. 3.111, 11 ..t ttn nittnonl nrnantl tnht . I . lmlttutin
r nl
tit. 11101 Jatr, Hammel), to th i ntltt.•
Int nth tit t•tt . i . n. A ft It ft 'lltn Int. rt of
It. tittltri.h. It•If part nt Int•I prntni
tlirt cr. th .4. t./owl Ow ..tan. at r. .rit
Dill the core or Cou',ghs Cultist, iloare,P
.. linalehtti, Una!, Awlthoa, Cast:,.
nod no».
Ito• trot, ratoohlo tronnoly for all thY,13,1 of the Lungs
and Throat. ha. la none the 0111.. f trllan»• of the afllleted,
t. the Im.! M 1.01.1 cure known f, the eluve corn.
plaint. Ills& it to a norrerfol remethal *went the 111051
Oats rate and atmonot Ito., ~.•: case. Coonsumptlon, It 1.
aim, on one of the nollole.t and moat
atmalJe twill torttenne. for eranmon C.1F.114 anti colds
head I. Inv 11ta arson. cf men who are krona to to the
aurid. and tio. aorta mop. , t their opinlnns.
has. .14,1 our (*henry Pectoral. In mr own ran; of
down .rated Ilmtsehltir Owl ant ratitled treat Il chemiral
conontutkose thot It to all admirable comr•und for the relief
of far tokaal and I,nslehlal dlflieultlea if tor 'minion as to
at .ftuorrtor,rhararter van be of ant twice, t aro at lib-
O"' to
. q ' llIo$11 1 1 1 13 " 11TitlII6CK. In L D.,
Prow/dent of Amherst Calle,
mill EVIDENCF.—Itr J. C. Ater. Lowell—bear Sir
under obligations 1 0 root ler the reetorallon of
my health. I won yon • rePOtt tut vhicb Can ntn
It Irty to publlah for the benefit otolltrn. Last autumn.
took a had rola, accompanied by »ever* oomph, and
Ottelli.- DANIEL tf'Cl:llDl'. ! Made use of many Medico:ten, without obtalnlow niter 1
awl rho Pon, onho that notire of the nwoina of lb: , ti- ! sena obliged to giro up Aloofness. Thoquently ranted blood.
1 . 111 11. o, Moan , » in the Pittotouro It It ...Li. and ...rid get,o s.leeto at night. A friend ware me a Latin
ov , f. r tione It, tbe out, !of our Chey Portoral. the woe of which immediately
ita to 11.1. IITTRIIY. flerlo. onotnnoettor Ine,nrollng to directions. hare ynst purchaand
• - the fifth bottle, tai am nearly re ml. 1 now elowo
N I I It OF Til l AI:COUNT rill. u., ru,,,ud, and all by thu uuu ur yr rut
/ F , f I I,o*m awl A texmnler nand, wiminktron ns' . itelta' E. S. STONE, A. al.
eon h00t.., , wart 0i....e.n1 And ion to all. Ire. Prlnelpal Mt. llope Semlnarr•
Iwo. the “Sort otN.,itot Resole trashmaton. au. ' Drought uaa l'adwua.a. ehimax•
J..trot Lan ou the within am , unt IS Ow Loon
1 E or it A "r-""1"sr
act Uahn
Take that the moot., will pron.»! to olheloarma , for all the Charm Pentoral last rent tne. I ean
too arpotottrt,ut ht. ornoe, Enurth , sat. that ....helm •• ,titc.t.h .titr-tion
eso.l,o s l, lao . the I:110 day of Januar, lanl. at 'I 1 . ,00ne. Jon w nor Imre 1 on., awn a Medicine which en
! rto many caw. of Cougio and Lung Domplainta. (tun
tan e f BRAD}: ir ASIIINLITON, Auditor phy stela,. art unbolt It Iv their practice, and
rah the' lial , oln.t Alerts Truirionn‘ .
.% I, L E E 1 TIIE AVOIILD. Tvrent il'mr'ono TTnern-
T L ,' fry I• , liar= r..ward a he pald to, an, one t street.
Joe» ph D»usilau, AlleghenT
• o-. 1. f own! an.. or dry, that muncd la, ea. en, d.l3.lreowltT
trart. , n rti. 1100 l • impro...l l'hointeal Snot. 1 hare the
atino tom , soo '' P . '"P l e 01 ihs° as' tilt' To Southern and Western Merchants.
t.. 111 ,••• It 1,111•1 , 1,01011 i on It. now aMnols anti..
aoto on till. ,111111/1 f.,0. no, t roottno a - 0.n.0.. tar. pin h. nth OU ST.L I.'S PR E3IIUM PERFUMERY.
"' r ''''r" 01, '"I" , '. The sool....rilwr reomowtfollt rib» nuhlic attention
• ~r `" r i .^. `• 'Fr' wt' , ' extenrire stork of 1'4.'7.144, Sharinatermans,
; 1 0 .1 ' """", l "r s * tm "nr lis l U an., to wino+ seven Fiber and two Ilosiolen 3tellale have,
l p un “" " ' within the hot oar» been awanloal lot the Initutre tr.
peronto• to 111 1 , '” nt lbe "'unto - ) bays to4ol to!el , »ea, York. Boston, and Philadelphia. the latter
would not »rah,. et of of t... 144 a cake In tering on" one
ewer awanl.l for PerfUnterr , Itber la
m o n . Ise. 'Woo arts , livid wail.. p nrm , or In thLa count,
tot ""- ""I` rat ~ilk. Itewarte , s Parrs turn irng camts. t »littoral, Ilona.
of ail»eae• mod "sr '. l ."°•"ss ' , wit it Shan-"1 "r"" and wilversollt twknnandored iota. sutwriorto
then», fnee potting a all MIA dr0 , .., try a sample „ r
of the 'ln», oho ttn. because 11w deternsoned mot • 6„...1,,. tranpatent,„not
1,. re...p0t...Tel It an, .t mazer thus I 1.11,10 to he rtrlelli 141,1, ima,oareons and emollient properties:
nap onan.o. ompourel: Ambroodal Shavin» Tablet, Malta
r. the:eoihwrolo• . 1,
, r' a S:lll.l :il' , » , r l Y t a: r a i T , :of , t
lA.,- from eon.ntr, moor: haat. and o • ,ot .
Winds, total (Arran» n
I 1 ES II ,ll'EL'`f , SI I A NI: ORE.\ )1 -- ' 7.Z .'l : ' . 7: tnro U oe ' r7m "l liaveatarrittroo lartnin, lhotn
fal/ It her , •ose man a Is , ' , lon. nen approwiate 11. lastly, - gait de Coornline. Cannelton. Jenny Lind. '3lnuatelinc•Jowk
ot an-O.:or' II ult. tiare . ore Jo not »14mo. oar m Clod, Ntagnoolle. Clo
Citronelle. [twat and Maur
»don , t,. s it,., lint to ill other, an », If est aoh to other rar,ilet. dl oixty 4111crent petfuntes
sender •havlom a otewoore. nor' . ..». , tA 111...) 4 'Cott. 'I 411311 -Floolola Water. Eau d.o Toilette, ()range
A Moo»! Psd uhl , . r min,wtal »harlot» o're.oolo It lo flower Water. '4,1 lint eart..ty Crolowuro and Lareu.
rI, oanonol.l. 1 , 1111 , 1 wordo to d 0.0111.. the 1,.1110, 1
g lot, 100. 0-4 to. shartun • Ith »moo— Yam otartoWs tax lot 11..ra—llenuinc 13eart . 011. Antique
tool for it.,. t o n., to 1111. Itandoline. Kato Lt,t rat,. elletne. Compound tixl
o , „t Lotnoratko. Ind plewoure oa • Hair the+. Itautol and In powder, and Phihmnue 111 , 1
n" .IOI.ES II Al! EL'. »II Vl,l Lill:»31 I. r7ereoltrwit WM. XIV! Loud Pownnote.
emollient. tenderor.w the rtillist and sno, uom l l.) at ',do o.,trat•rlC Tooth
»rod 010.1,1, ton.inettur un admirable lather. and to. Pro.te. Chen too:tar - Inn., (»tontine Tooth Ploate,and Tooth
tren,l , »tad allay - I
L ' the wronottom...l P" d ' r
that onthlea»ott .o, I still L'elong of the .11to toteh , P ., ,arnr.—reqetahle C1e.1.110 Cream, Atnandlue for
..,.neneed after ell,
rhanoni ha/i11. 1 .1.41,1 Cresco of Itoar», Cream de Pero, UP
on, Jule. Ilauerr Sharon , Cream, none I C. Itaroberr .Craw. Or
the n ai l. , dol and zoo.) merest., wintl• nurneillatel, after it. [tenant:TY Poodows. for renaming nopertittouto hair. Pearl
4. ” " s ‘ `4" nod fit., a boo Vendor. 17 , IleAnn,a
nowi ae nun »deli »ov, t0,.,r an any other Coou , nosat , •
n Preeton . Sabo. a wrtat variety of
our pteat • horb »111 eepertallt appnwtot othor tort cle.. on Utnen to» to be nano.) In this talvedl...-
n 1 to tie» , aenr the fart that a wit/ mot ' un•nt.
Joarolor the lean wht..b uso.t amp. •111 16711 A,, a o.amir The rnh•critsw howl to maintain the reputation whit h
roar »pp...arson t.. the edge of the »Mato r. Ode rotnblishment y a nd by dlaimaing nothinX
jo» Hanel • n barn; Ln.uusae do l:lotful peparations, bat that rate lt a, mod will he balmy tot banish
....pounded alto skill. to the utter exelonoounot all at-tides who may wleb 10 Palroniae him• either wholeatole ',el.
raleulated to render the operation of tohavino ant, want. tetwoonable4ertna soy e.hat•ll.hment In doe United
a nd viii in solomclate.l hi all who snake t,,,l of thrno
l'repsmi out, to Succeawor 10 and former Dlipolor a of thr
1./La ItAll EL, Perfumer and Ploo'ralot, I 1311/EPIE ROCS/U.l»
lm Clua.aut trne 114 Clammtut st.
Far ®le haler*,coal retil. by 11 A. Yahoo-do:Waal, ; Mr. Perfumery far sale by all the principal
acid R. E. Seller , . Pitlaburgh: and John earn - el:IL tael J ! Druggist , . In theountary.
Allegheny ettY r NIOY 41, D
R. _ 8
Ma hug removed to
CARBONATE AHIMMUNIA liartshoru. LibartY rut, Na./co. pus., nd mnsu•
ODD Ra fur war be toil loteu.N • REITAA. 1 rag the 11a= hauling,, aulgtiulaaa
.t.l t 11
it t h nth hit. n.-t
.110. l_th 1•Lo ond ..nimarling to 11.1rir
; And hr. ihr
;;;; •...1... , IWO".li..innon. or
nib tho Irt
thrr. t.•••• vwf . r , :ritnan.l stml en,ll vmk th
novl go•wira4ts v.. em ‘
d Catharin, "
nnd • 11,r , .• nrxt /*Cu• - • 1, ..t n' r ".
r.lia•.“‘: r: n it• ••••• INth .Innuxr,
tion tu Prrttl., .1.1.4. of
nur ItittAttrt.h. 4114 t 21th 4A, of Drrtttnttor.
A It 1,0 . . . .
amta.--Purrustit to name. of the att daperier Coma
of Law and Girtinntryi ofasid etannty.eandend to therm',
wherein John Money and other defendants. the undersign.
td onomitokintir., aPlininted far the purpose, will prurient
to fell at Itorannoown. raid county. on the Dinah Mon
day February. 'Jail. (being court day.) all that Prawrly
In D0n0r..14 county. Virginia, lying along and neat
Cheat inner. generally known as the Monnagalla, Imo
orks, ma the rime that war conveyed by add 4ohn
re, and al.,s to rehl Evan T. Rilleatt and others. contain.
• tdout 10,000 arm. of Land. herein are a Rolling 31111..
Forge, Foundry. Nail Factory. Oho mid New )1 111• all aria-
on by water port,. together with three Mani Fornarea—
On this land thrreie abutulaner of Iron Ore. liton' '
Timber and Lime time. There alive a valuable Perm
alog Cheat Meer, trilonging to We property.
r o ae
Tbt, eaten. iii 0,11 far runnufaituring Fitendia,
at only of Iron. Luta Wool tad Craton. being eitmord
in the heart of n good fanning unit wool growing mono,
about:OS toiler molt Pittaburah. haring one of the best
water ierwere In thew Ittla water eumniuniretion to
Pitteburgh and ebedrhere,
n i three point., there have been expended within the
laer tett or twelve year,. Amp fifty thnuannti &Ham, In the
etion of the rolling mill. nail (artery, blast forum, and
other 1.11 , 111.,
The wort, are now to trarrabli good online inarteiliatr
iy:nonneettal with the MIN ore PM. four ur five hundred
arrea enpiirlor farming lanai wine her or ell entailer
:Inn.. weenier with slat, or eighty dwelling hullers, .alt- i
able far the workmen
The role will 1. oo n eredit cf nor. two. and thr. yearn,
the , pon• Elting loud with neenrity for the pe)no , nt
the purrhaw muney.
'non , who rtl3, dilipl..4l to mak. Itrwatnentn, to.)
grrat barunin In the purchane.n( thin valuable
t owpertr. and they woohl do won to exami on the lvinisot.
On ':
he ttuth.rnignekrwlll take pleivon• w forniohing ut,
dr,riptiOn OT ittMlattai. %Whirl/. mot he den.irrdhf
twreon.. winhbut intrehvon..
.• . .
11. T. WILLEY Cr,almixdr
Morrantovv. 12.
ff The subscriber offers for Rent, the Farm on which he
resales. and lamb adjacent, atuountina to lAd acres. about
Our hundred .I . ITS cleared, well tinpn.vell, and Ina high
state of content.). Ala, a House and Ind in MiClelland.
ton fortuerly occupksi it. a tavern stand, and now ocetff.
pin w
! 1,, Cyrus I. Connor. Merchant. and hr. Miller. Alws.
vfarm In Preston rssinty, ca., eontalning 320 non, about
o acres elennsi on which are -tun Houses. a larne
!tarn. and Ohm. looting At, ~le Trees,—
Kl e stil or ten 'Wk. of Has nine fur rale on mid farm.
Eight llundr...l head of Saxons awl Spaniels Merino
Sheep. and 10 head of Cattle, at private sale.
Ti,. pub,rriber offers for pale, on credit of flee year, his
”luable ref doe Fheep. about hundred bend a
bleb are ewes. got.l else, 150 henl of a - ether, and no
head cs[burks. bred from the stock of Pertre. and Brawn.
of OK F Jess° Edfflngton. of Virginia: Samuel McFarland.
Jlllll. , and Ninnuel Patterson, Alr, Unswolse, and An, •
ffen,sortliv. of Wa•hinuton county. Pa.. and carfullY seir ,
ted. Ibr It...purr... or reinoTllnt nest
Fn. the en.sit nnlotint rye and cArqbexturrol on this
thr .AcloA•rilx.r har . h attntinn In Anyttnr. It will
.nniAtre farofAhl., critic onc 'trek tbh 11n1..n. lint and
;rai er ran fuirol nuern hocl until tic , . Grid ht April. if It will
TownEhip. ra,n . t4C , ;; i4n 1, 31121,11..1umn
January 1.:,1.--,26l•L'a I Unitntnlro Deni.ra.
oar of MOWN
. 0N114.112,11 AND 111.110 D PUlllllEH.effectually
rmiug the revermt UN. Inverernite my.. of I FLA)I.
HATAIItV AND CHRONIC 1111):U11.111., , M. I. a 4ufflelent
gusrant.w nod recommendation to lodUre all who are altar.
OAI with ILI, drcadful 411.ra.,- In trt id rirut.a.
Ilusulnyir of rvua, aunt ot.thrm eltitena of fft. Load,
and other. fr. alonad. hare lawn cur..l within lbc tart
few mouth, in tin eat, of Ft- Lnlll,Alotte,whilo lottery from
a1.n.a.1 pima - Oro that It performing the Into,
wherever Many of Limit were chrome mar.. of bloc
rtandlng. :odd all hop mov e r.rerr had ly.en given up.—
n otherr forrre of o n+ , oldate. of tie acute 1nt1..,
mator, form. ref,Yr. en, All. however. 'mkt to the You.
dcrful thi. mcdirine. and thottrandff who have
malif.,l it. Le or Gh.. and um now tr. the eruorment of health
nu but ,omen, the ortginal dt.ce , rn, nod ProlAdfffor•
benefactor of moniflnd
It In well known (nen the exynrienee of the taut. that no
nu'.!`”, ill
nxibly effect tmnsanent ems
of Lit dreadful dennar Ii the arplitation of eat:notating
liniments. oarthil relief. in sime 1 , 704 . A. may in bran,
for a short tone llot all th, bd.• the dla-ac' infixing its
tn.,re et:mut-11U, - in the 111 - F4lll. and sutler or Later
will again derel.,, itself in a mare dx.eadfni form. and after
n lee periodical return , . It +nuke min it ebronie firm
wi, 1,. If ono wain arre.tal. ruins the indeidual kw. life.—
1 I.: , r , rtnt.i hy the 111.1,r, of the past in all enttutrica'
Lt mere Jolly' demonstrated by the Itlstori furnished of
ate to the i.ruenetor of this compound, as given by several
hundreds of those aho hare rpocal under his Immediate
none. nnd treulmmtt thr.log the last few manths.
Pt RIFIEIt is an internal temeall —, mnmeiteex Ira oppecn
tier! where the au:ma• ant urixinatra. and In mart Inc
tl,e Wool, pampa through the whole syatem, neutralised the
minor , or. enutir a sediment. cinch has yett/ed upon the mnacles and tendonrctoores It entirely from
the , rem. and reatnres the Individual to perfect health.
Let those also ore aft:feted nt deceive themselves. and
put of the use of this medinitio b. l ona, ur until their
butte are .llnlocated or contracted to such a degreo that
the, are cripples:Mr life. The experience gf Landreth, of
timmantas during the past, aa well us multitude at the
pecan[ day, denenetrnxec lie ft
e ,Iv et eapecting
" `" nor' '7 en'
tat no outward this
ten firmlypom e
core ahem this disease In fatal In the
' do s n li l m n veteh,et..Art't:'end dory
s. tlre ' ll 3 l.7ll In sad pyln'onl7lbrm
time. but this .111 ant elect a penmthent cure. The na•
tor. el tilt, disease l• P 1.104 dint it requires longer tiMe.and
tat..roa, rented, to pnaturn the desin..l and 31u,
' • Rhrumatle Compound and Iliad is the
remedy that has ever lann dia-avered. either in
amerirn or set other country.
en. ,
Eh., disease,
'!hl. mellVme mn :al. ...I.ransiJe or rrtall. at No. 73
Thu'i ileat the P. urn,. PittAborgh
1. , for csloPittal.orgh. hy Suayaer, Wm
J P N lVieb.rshatu. ani J A Jones.
Pr, 11 p.r .1t Imttle. for * . .:11: nr 1.41 per do,la.
Pamphlet. , -/II I» La.! Irotio of the acent
tt•rJJ It 11. IV ISHAHT. Algot.
Murphy's Self-Sealing Advertising Elvel
ikT 0. 263 MADISON ST.. NEW YORK,—
The sub./Titer. in sollritinp the phtrrinmv al atm
ions this ailvertiaturnt. Lour of that hesitation
Inch • in, hare the public. The
rapi.rii‘oce at )eapit h.O thabliahni their elaperiority be.
yi.n , l all qu.stp,o, anti he con:Waal, rtfera to the 4atimo.
thr.o. Luhrini, men • hn hare taiaai thiPse
.ht proof at their eacei.
Th i
e tilloirinp arr a fee- cif the reason.. fur their paps,
ock tlm pla, ceentri..l I, the wal. • person th , L)
1”• n ,ta•lney. and nxpletunt.lF
wutintih rolond wr ple.lll th eu u• affcxeeling per
Ant F a..relnat fmret
ititpr "-az nix veers tolt.ispil tit Pettit theta.
41, I the cf • telt/ie. tho
.mtpirn tho pend Pr. utPh .1 Of !ming burled
mont-. in thp Devi I..ithir Intro
ttorclorco• arc furniched at PILINAI the rzrcoe
rah nc plarn . one. lvh letter nuril,d la n ciaet ctfcrtivearlyertovmmat.
an. to attrxrt vhc taunt.. of tae ihnruat whk-ve hand, It
In a 1,1, ncko r unn ,
bra,- hc- ' h 1, trr rev,. and ' of , Z7tvir-LrA T o of
the tolunl nce mtlarr "-ha* vr tue. VI Lvod WV., trod
nr vem 14.011 reith name, ad.rrev,
Prte.t vr !he , Pratt V Enr.loprz mode .ct
. 41.00
1 , to JO.
. .
lii to CU. .. AlAi :tool..
~. 10. iii)
. .
Ui Ui It° 1U .tat OW 13.1.10
NI? to Iti/. 12..Cillficial. . ...Is.fAi
. lien It I. tiot riinv.Mint to forwonl amount of only,
per mall or iixprewi. o riil..orin, to • niopeetalile New York
11.iti. , trill be tuftliiii ut All ordert will meet with r1:5231.1
1ttr.10.2. II wldtriitil. WNII. Nititpin.
Ni. 2111 %liolftriw riroet, Now York.
sill tin Attenileit to tinimptly. If left at the it.ireii
of 'l.o x l. ilitiell it Ilort...Ni Wall itiret. iir uf 1 1e.,. ff.
J..rollinati A Co . 14-I lVilfialii tt
It.— Darin..., Ca.,. rhlors. (rum to
ot. ,r thormor.l. rt0?..1.11n
A I unit mite proprnitir
imt•it pitritinr .11.1 nthl
•f the ..lotinston inutrinnenl Indathth tho
Lunn.. n corn nntu
.1••nt of Mat rinimnit tint nrinn• thithot •
rraitunt. of ti... Itrtin.tivanin,stril Mr thirty
Awry etign.n.l In harettlinition of ill&
i n... iv, thiinratirin of rvine.ll. thrrith. •
tlp• nY Or In. 'hauling tuln,lueounection with
Li. 1, ph. Inettr PI rap sool °Cher of Isla remodito, be ha ,
uelto4 An oot a rull.-'ed eminence ht eurlnu ‘ir.drul
and rstal souladleA. Tuburrolar Catruttoption. Cancer,
e-ntd.. Itheonixt.... A +llan, F.rer and Agao. Fame d
.11 14,15.1.. Chroole Prv•1p..1.,.. and all th&, Illotinat.
Indoe.d. ever, form of dilowe
1,11i•i1... tinder the uft. a hb rrmed.a. I ahkh t 1 ,110.1
IN 4.—not h 1 11w tt, of hoe compound holy. for that
1 • on'o , oPauld , lb 191)...10,0ral Law. bat by the nu. of
1,, rense.ll..A. and pr,eril"l for. , ach- Pe , ol , ur
form ot
lir 'ltile Alterative 1.111%. rhea maid, are lavartze
hl, ty t pute.rior to eat oft., tottn,,,
fn. lei, trimistiturti the, leave the 1.'03 Ix.,
feed;free ey.tilvitee,i ...lA. All thllett PM/ are ad
mitted. 1.1 the faculty. in tioeiiem teettlial riniperties. aLIaR
1.4 ti. female hut tieing &atiittnl that^ bare trial
irWnn..m hi eiitAtilb.h . what has le,. sAhl. In the talizilittif
sn. Invited enll ullon ti,n nnnnt. , ntul P -0 "
rum irrAMr our af the pnu,ltlrtr, 041112 It Detail....mount of curl. truant,. und It. nl.lirntnn ,
rar 1., Ito. (Atoning n.a *ell a* maltarllC.
n01m......ra10u dVa, 24 il'aut I'lltrburnl.
.1 tI bruvui.. C , Murk.
Ir.. A 11...rItItunt. Im.nrui.4. carer 11,. Nut GIttm.AII,I.r.
Persomnur, . OE. ROCS OIL. -
.Thereon. inery hear,. and earth,
"Than an dresniptof stillioedßbi." • '
PITE VIRTUES' of-ihnkresnarluAle reme
dy. and the constant applicator, fm IL to the MORI-
Kr., hut trainee% him to have ityint rip In bottle, with
-1.10 and direction*, for the bmeet of the potato.
The PETROLI procurol trona • wall this mole
rd. at a depth of E four Al
hundred Rot, a a pure. mouthing.
tel erffels. ulibout any chemical change. but rust. as It
born shun Nalllte.l rhea* LabratorTll lb" It 00010100
propertko nothing a number of disown, le no longer •
per of uncertainty. Them., many th ings In the . F
,of maim, Wtdrh. If know, nduht be of cart m.da
mes m lien - Wing narrator. and reaming the bloom or
toalth and ThCat to many a sufferer. 1.0 LeLur the pro
porter thought of putting it up in bailee, It had • uvula-
Ilion for the motor diaesae. The .Sant 011141 dall y. harm
sing calls fro it and several reinartahle mars It has pm
Unmet, is • sure iodisation of its future porahaity and
'roe sPioad opplicalon in the cure of disease.
We do not widi rn make • long Road eeiffiffff. , ff e
we am eroncßos that them:l,ll6u. earl soon work Ito way
into the foTnl of thaw who sniffer, and wish to be healed.
Whilst we do not claim for It adrena l application lo e,
disease. rrs nnberitatingli Joy, that In • number
Chronic Masa,. it is onnvalled. Nournn• the w may be
enurnerottad--•11 ollsearee of the morons 'WSW., such as
slags.) AKVIIMA, and all discuss of the sir Pa loge LIN
ER COMPLAINT. DYSPEPSIA. Marron. Maestro of Ctn.
Bladder and Kidneys, Paine in the Bark or Fide. SPROZIA
Disease, Neuralgia, Pals, Rheumatic Pains, Coca. Itryalp,
sin, Teller, Ithigworsos, Bums, 6.11:1.14 Bruiser s Ohl ne e ,
Or. Art. In (0.11 of debility, resulthig frosro.exposnwe. or
long and protracted rases of disco., this medicate will
Tang relief. It will act sr • general TONIC and ALTER
ATIVE in sorb ro ses, imparting tone
aud energy to y the
whole frame, gemming °loam-Flom opening the ugith
functions. which rouse dins.. and • Mogen constitution.
snil giving frerearod eel renewed energy to all the 0111.1
f life The proprietor known of several curet of PAL
ießlltt.d every other treatment get well under the use
of the PETROLELI3I for • abort time. The proof ran be
goer, to royperson who desires It. ' -
None sound. without-Hu sismature of the proprietor.—
Fold by the proprietor,
S. M. KINK, Canal Boot near Seventh onset
Abu by It. K. SELLER& 57 Wood et.
corner Wood Omer and Virgin Alloy, who aro
novildly him regularly appointed Agents
NOWall men who are flick and afflicted
with inseam of the adder and Kleinert, with chew ,
jillSing back or limbo, ottlf Moto, nkl inres,runolnit
ttlTh. ''' l ' 2lta t y he t ' all=truhat ' n4 " : k''' oo _ort, the L ' IL ( 1;
Cl you Oman, but this dun not mate it are foram pterlaten,
In tln fare of an boom! community, that IL has airtime
which am nnt iontained in any other remedy. The man
wba is melted with pain. and inatiertog from dime..., eau,
f:ir rent, get mlief from any of the Oki enumerated
e it cwt. very little to makea trial. Thl. Petro.
tenni I. on misture--no compound. pu t UP fir the P.M...
4f imi.oluti on the c.o.:noon); hut It IA rthiedy elanors.
ea in the mater baud. or nature, and bubbles up from the
boom Of Oat LOOtlif, earth, m it. tuiginal purity, and of
fer. to puttering huinsnlti a ready nthoLly, a certain and
ellesp cure.
It ha• mind like. after other mnikinett have Gael to
reader anyrelief. It bag cured Ithetunsibmn of long
mending. and of thew orst wet mad painful chsracter.• It
hs.enn-d (Indent liorbue. nne or twit dosed It has
rm red old men. of Dist - rives, lit whkh every other remedy
ha. been of 1.0 terall. An a localremedy in burns and I. better than any mettle-al compoUVlllm- ointment
that we know of. It win core chilblains and (Mated fovt,
in a bet application, und.thted totthatruy can be ftrrnish
ed of the truth motsined in the above it
by esti.
Inn ou rid MU El. JL EVER, Canal 11.141:4 Seventh street or
either of the wood..
beyper k MCDowell, corner of Wnoti street and 'f irgin
It. E. I.ellers, Wont rtreet, A. Elliot, and D. SL
Curry. Allasheny elty, are the Intents.
DY virtue of sundry venue of Lewd Patina and
A..) Vend/non' F.:pones, tattled out of the Dunne
Court of Allegheny county and to me directed. will
be expired 1, tale. at the Court 110orte, city or Pinst
burgh, on Monday, the 7.7tb day of January, A. IN
at 10 o'clock, A. M., the following described
property, to
An those Oncecertain lots or pieces Cl pd len,
s Mate ,n teldneyvihe, bt Cher torwaship numbeted
32, 31. and "and a piece of ground adjoining lotNo
011, rn scud Stuneynde, bounded and desenbed a•
follows. beginning at theeolith rust 'earner of stud
let No :V, and turning seremb 3 depute and or.;
30 perehe• and 63 100 to le poet on the public road,
thence south St .degreies, mmt along mid toad 17
per ,ilOl
sold and Ar lOU via post oa the canter of Centre
sin et •rd loud, theta., along aid street north
half a degree east 27 pwches lo ad 14.100 to a post at
the south Mel earner orthid let No 211, thence mirth
4•91 degrees west 17 perch,. en the place of beginning,
minimal:a three acres and fitly two perches, more or
lew_ belted and taken to esecocan as the property
o' John Brown, at the suit of Christi= Hac h ette, Mr
use of .Tohn Fong*.
A'l the right, Ulla, interest and claim of Peter Rato
gain of, in and to all that cenato lot of groend 1,1000,
0 We city of Pittsburgh, on . the south side of Grant
hirect, nod froriong on saki street 00 lee; sad extend.
ire back 90 feet—on which is erected a three story
brick noose and is bounded on the east by property
of Sarney hleClelian4, co the weal by property of
'I homes Flood. Setecd and taken in as the
properly of Peter Ratty - so, at the suit of William
Porter for use, and to be sold by
C CURTIS. Sheriff.
lanoacy 4.1P41.
Lay Immo of annary writs of Venditionl Kaplan.
ann Levan Farias,tasned oat alike Linnet Coati
sed Coon at Common Frei, of Allegteav county, and
tome ill meted, win be abased to public the
rourt tintme. tu the city of 'bittallareli, on blonder,
January 07, A D. lilt, at to obatoolaia. M., thin
low leg /learnt...a property, to ace
All the right, title, interest and claim of Theo
dore F. Wright, of, in, and to, all chow two certain
lots or pieces o. ground, marked and designseed No
4 and 5, to John Irann's plan of lota, recorded m
deed book, vol. —, page —, bounded and described
LS follow., viz:—.:ommencing at the distance ol 46
feet 2 aches, tram Erin Street, on Centre Avenue,
at corner of lot No 1, thence along said Avenue 41
eet 6 inches io lot of Moe FL Irwin, thence along
said lot 76 feet to an alley 11 loot wide, thence
along said alley 44 feei6 mama to lot No 3, thence
along said lot parallel with Erin Street, 76 1st to
place or beginning, being the wee two Ices which
leo. S. lrwinand Martha 11. his wile, by their deed,-
doted the 7th of Nov., A. D. 1849, and recorded ill
died book, vol. If), page 21, gamed and conveyed
tot he said Theodore F. Wright. Seized and taken
to execution as tbepropenye Theodore F Wright,
at las - limit of Jobb Watt.
Ail the right, tido =ow, and claim of Andrew
Emonnal, of, in an d to
all thatcertain lot or Lactic of
Emend, sonata in this Hareem Tract, Rosa township,
oppthion the Nor thorn Libernes or PUtstrarkb, bring
lot No 65 in %hoyden of lots lad era by G Warner,
Jacob Painter, and F. Lorrain, contothing in. front on
the Bailer turnpike 111 feet. and emending boot to co
alloy it feet wide, witwhich is erected a two Wary
buck house, toga hat with ad and aureola, Cho im
provements aud opportenances on ',our Lot. Brined
and taken to exenation no the property of Andrew
Emanuel, at the sort of John Gat
All the right, t Ile, iniereet end clams of John 11m
be non, of, an sod io all that eeriam hit br piese of
yrm.. 41 50010 n, M0n0hn2.1.7 on 'be north vide of
Ottn<l3 .treek, ta.ginning at on alley at the doitance
of At fee i noln I:butler street and namtelmag
In "not on Oh, Meld-tract 44 Wee and extending of
Ant widm noluteratdf y parallel with Chanter 011ett
feet, LO an alley, beang the 00/12,-yropest7 which
etioille et al, by deed convoyed to JOOII nnibir/011,
lwhich there!. erected a two awry brick dwelling
evee, .abject to a On.rtingo on she acne which is
recorded in tomtgage book vol 14, page 0.11,101 . 1113
fon, of liegiCA Seised rod take. in tilexution aa
the or •vorty of :oho Anthem., at the• eaii or AnCiew
All the nght, title, Interest and Malta of Jacob Roll,
of, in and to all that certain lot or poste otgrtood
wham In th e tvent.h Ward tel We of Pittabergh,
described as follows, to wit begun:dug al the Corner
of Abhor street and Centre Avenue, a 81 Monte Meng
Artbar .reset uortbwatdry 74 tett, thence prima km
with Centro Avenue CO feet, Meter car wan At
thus m. 74 11, to Ccutrc Astute. and dienre by Kress
Avenue 2011, to the place of beatuntng. th e strul t iot 01
Foludd having thereon erected a two story - beset
dwelling and otter improvements Seised and taken
to execution as the property . Jacob hull at Ma sad
of the Trustees of hs rectond Presbyterian enter,
alkllo.l of PlUstrargh.
4^ -4°,
All the right, bile, totere'st and claim of Ruben 0f,.,
ton, of, In, and to, all that certain La or mere of
prtuind,rttnett in nee 1 7 110 Wmtl of the cal at Puts•
Cooling oft Pam Street twelve fret, mid es.
tending back by We sauce withlt PM feet to Alelberry
lley, more or less, bounded by property of Jonathan
It it Ogle, on the weal, ant the berrs ol James letwry
on the easy an 'wtoolt ereentd • three stcry teiek
dwellt.l home Netted and token it theett,..n
the prlscrtr of Hobert Morton, .21 the soil ot 'Campton
A %nor, for the use o(11. h. J. None.
All the right, told, Intermit and claim at ddhn hob
5001, of, In, mod to Oil that certain Mt 97 picen of
gr. and on the corn. of Client alley 6.11.7 both street,
team 01 Pellainelgh, being twenty t,i feet e.xen
ches to (root on 9itat SUM, and extending lien the
tame width along Cherry alley, Whim, mornass,
onwilsich is tinted a two nary brick owelltrig house,
(ranting on Sixth cmat tinted and taken in exec.
won se the property of Jong geimal, mime sult fP 9.
Rowland. AI.
All tea tight, lille,lntercet eudeleim of Jima. Oren,
of. In, and to all that now o Int of naiad Coate In the
raghth Wei d ol the oily of Pittsburgh,' mug lot hio—
Black'. p th u e 1 ioni. to $llll wen, Gnat. St feet,
mre ur M., on 011ie. street, and eiteitth.g 11l fon.
morn or lest, to tonna meet, iirterryna, the same
width tram street to s any a which a erected ono
datable brick boon, 9.elrril and tat in in notation
as the property of tech Men. at thi not of John
Forsyth. ALSte,
All the right, tale, Wenn and claim of Thomas
Alderson,uf, In, to or oat sr, ell that rota. Mt or
. pine. of groctid roman in Cl. Cite Pownshat, bound
ed and ...entail as Cottons, inn —beginning At a
mall black on tanning by land. oi James Icing,
n o
th 74 dee weer 44 porches to • block k , Clinton
by laridoof Walnut Itleltirdnn, nen deg. cost
70 patches to a write odic, thence by lands of Thomas
Boyd, snub 63 deg. most, to perches to a port, and
thermic be Ito d ot the he. ot John Stu. deconand,
noati Mg eo 177 points to the place nebsginuirg,
eomalning 7-4 sates and 37 perches, manor less, an
which is erected it two nay iramo darelltug house, a
Immo ban aid oat houses
Also, another men of ground, wparnied mom the
abase by the old Wentngton road, and desenned na
follows, to win—beginning ma that near • white oak,
at the lane beton. John Peornosati and Solomon
Stoue, on the road melting from Pitaborgh to Wash.
ington, awl ILCSCe along the skid road
auuth 20 d e g , weat ith penile. In the line between /.
Thompson nod MO'. heti,' land, thei en oiling cold
line tooth GS 14 dog., eat 20 percher, Menne north ft
a ny.. tan by a etratela line hnn intersects the land
bean.° John Thompson nd olomon Stone, and can
dianoal between wine It n o ww
st.disto tho
containing three once, more or less netted and token
to 05e..11 Sd the property of 'Monne Alderson, et
the sent of John Alderman.
All the right. title. interest and claim of John P
Weise, of In, and to Minket certain pert of Int N 0.103
.In Cunnlnghwris district of iloprneration lend., Lico
sing at • post nn the east lino of lot No. lfiS; and sto
ning along said. Hoe, north about 33 perchca to the
orthinal woe, of lot No lod. thence along sold nfigt.
nal line most 40 porches, more nr las, . in
t,oone lip a conditional line sordharerdlp through the
above mentioned lot to a whoa oak 1:111 the moth hoe
of thld lot, thence sloop the loath hie cad 40 porches,
more or iths, too pile of month in Dons Email, throne
northwerdlp alang non of the shove nthriiiiined lot,
convicted to flirtation Unsay, and by awl Christian
Deny onneryeit in Mari Metres sou.. to the place of
beginning, containing 40 acres, more Inas Seined
and Intro io earruaan a. the Propartp of Jahn P
Weise, at the wino! Dashl
All that certain two rnry 04e5 swelling house, sit.
Unto in the Beretta of Meheexidart, or the corner
of thated Lsne Public road rod Walnut "Met,
(mom; an'.Willnut direct, fv2t, and the pieta
of ground and eorilinge appncenant to said
lag; said piece or lot of ground being 911 feet front
tin Walnut stree4 and trending lack along tee
pliblic road, 1411 fret. !laird •nd mice exteution
AVM,' property of
its riot King. at the suit or Name
Roberti, for um of Validity Me,
A Idso,
All that certain later plena or, ground enable is the
Ninth .Ward of th e city of tinthurshi narked and
numbered in the plan of In. lid out br (ha. A. Bey
md, In mid Werd, us lot No. I, hootbi , d nod edict.,
ed as follows, to wit: beaten ng at the earner of Peon
and Baldwin su s and rename tritmce ea. rang Penn
street, di feet, to the earner of Lot No dithence slang
the Ilne of Let No,l 100 feet,. a xie feet alley; thence
alOng said silty It key to Radom .teeny wed thence
along said Baldwin sued. too feet r., Penn Man, the
place of bevelling; being part of a Inver lot of ground
onveyed by the execute , . of lamer 4VH•re, by deed
dated the 570 day of BcPtcfaafcci " I N ° G. T
A. Oaf sod, AM-conveyed bat- A. yard,
deed dated the 7th day of Line, A. 0.1841, to laid
/eke a n dolce), the deleted... In fea, :• together
whit alobalitlai tho aPPcisaliaaacci ha to Uhl
lot of ground, belonging Mixed, and token in vim•
tion us the property eeJaha 'Patchy , If PIS tall of
J :
or theright, ti de, letettOld Calm et 311. rteanig
Al,ta, end to, end eat of all that , efts= piece or (feet
ad, *Mute in Lower !IL Cult TownentP, brtert ,s4
by bolds of Wdbant Clew, Thomas fearer, the ban
of rtilllart killer and Geo. Lease, eentelang6sllo•l4
Mlll% of eald ' J t ."
go:roPe799= u nw rtake 100 tlt.
es adoll es ate property of Jame. Kearns. id Ow twit
of 1 Flee*, rtueldten of Was nailer, due Millet, awl
Cy a Muter.
I the dila , ode, doubt. and girt. of Jobe Cab.
l a
beg . of In and to. or oat or an that certain eseasuego,
awl tract or piece. re land, altneto in Stables. Town
ant , Wanda 1 and dercrtbert es Collura, viz; beginsfrg
al post on the bark of Chef tient Crete, 411 the comet
Al 1 of Jacob o,,dinte tearer by , aid Deog,..te,
land, No rtlttld deg . C 4 eet (Wand 7.10 perches; then--.
Noah 3el deg., East 3 percent, thence North dr cog-.
Wei. Yee ands 10 neut...., to lender the. Wolow,rticti
&Elio., thence North 054 deg, Ertt 43par - rhea's, land
of ----e.- --, tuner owl. 50 dog , Earl 103
perehes, th ence e.. . 0 34 d:4„ Fait at paned, Wu*
p„ g ya so deg., West 16 3.10 pereace to • white
oak, thence ttooth 4t deg , bleat 13 perches to • whits
oak. teener. Need 510 deg , Eaa 40 and 3 'dumber to
• aye. more on the hank of Ulmer. Creek, thence op
Mettle^ 0 .. 5 , 5 0 elt 3 4 dcy,..E.0d30 were seatheace
ort , oll. 131 dog,. Eat 49 pert , ea, Wino goal -11 deg.
60140 percher, thence :500 la 134 deg., Wert to A tO
perches 10 a. lechery, thence Smith 30 de .. Wert 6
perches, thence booth 51 deg., Welt 5 pan to a' srl•
!Or tree. and thence eat deg., Mat 14 540 arcs, to
the Place of Intoning, cent/Innen 114 ne and 13
auperches, Urfa otesure,44e, dea which seas ' &two
nty' loin dere.hrtg hope. and arcade i alto
leg hrtme and bun, together with eon hones• lied
and taken In caeca/on as the property 01 John Cep
hue, at than:tit of ?dm Nancy Ewing.
.. or.
All the nett, title, Inv:ion, and claim of John 0114
of, in, and to all that err ale piece ot ground, situate In
the village of Tetnperanceville, befog pert of lot No 9
In the plan of tote called Elliott's Delight," wade by
Z W hen:notion, on the Pith burgh aadlateabcnoille
turnpike road—Beginning at the cornerotiot No /O, In
told plan, thence along the line lb salt lot No 10, tooth
3d, MIL, el t lIOJ n, to an alley gi ft wide, theme along
laid alley, and parallel wlth the templet, tooth 64 dog,
40 ento, treat 9a feet to tat ho 8, thence along the ts-a
of lot Nob, paratier with the hoe of lot No tO, ito teat
to maid tunnies road, and thence with the litimptle
tent to toe place of acgotaing—being the stone which
Alexander pope and wait, by deed dated *aeon le,
1640, and recorded in book J, page 371, conveyed to
Jun. Cali, On wbieb i. erect. one ..0-111tary, frame haute, with static bueMe. , .. betted and ht.'
ea en c2lcaliOn to the ptopeny or Joy Gall, al the inn
of Hubert Rabb.
All the ugh, utle, interest, and claim of William
Chan..., of, an, or SU, the thither - Mg deseutred tract
or piece of land, onion In Jelfonum townsitio,contern
the 61 &em i r...o or le th, and- bonded by land, of
Jaen ethers, John Lure, terattel %Nen, James
Payne, a 4 other lands of cold WJaiam 4thamberr—
Lour the some land ofsenich Mary Hobo, late °fold
township, died, seised and on which there is crested
a square log dwelhog house, • barn, Ac. Belled, and
token in 00.00000 eat the poverty of William Chato
ben, of the suit of Thonso
All the right, title, Inter O
est oid claim of WHIM= Me
ey, ef,m, end wan that coign meet tor pellet of
aroma. Iyiner and being in ton townsuir of Nialito, -ab
cg bonneted and doe-toed as, fon.. to Leis: °trai
ning II a poet, theseeby Ind of Benedict Collier, tanb ,
294 deg, well La perches, to a' port, theses by and 01:
Dr (kora* tarter, snob 74 deg. soot It perches, to •
dogwood, these, b 7 lowa of amid Wuhan Nehelfey,
south 104 ilea, tweet 51.10 pethites to a oasts 'south 5a
deg, east 31 ithrchee to a punt, and north 31 deg, east
nlalOperehrn to oh- pise• of beginning—thootsinlas
O accts, etrlef IneeSure, Icing trot of a MO f land'
owned oy 'stud hirleaffey and now In the possession of
Anton hien... Seised sole taken In earn/lion 11, the
properly of William Mende,. at the Galt Of lterron.l
Morrison& Co ALSO,
all the ri glee, Olin, inthrest. end claim of James Tow I
U,,, Jr, el, re, and to a trace of land, en Um wane af.
lour mile run, adj.... Ana Ines of James tt theft, snot
the heirs or droves of James O'Hara—containing 8
acme, mere or low, oliect to an anent grand lent
of MAU tal, payable quartatry to Jane IS Cralli on
wthch Is erected a log cabin or dwelling, and the' ,
nine hes been steered of timber. helsee and taken
vesecatton n the property of James Tatoin,Jr,altbe
Butt OCeorga.Letite.
All the right, alba, loterett and claim of Jame.
Dem, of, en and to all that censer, lot Of Vend
ti e d in the Foarth Lthud of the city of Allegheny, —
n leathern beginner on
the son side of hint noel. in rod city, at the woo
ern line of lot No 1794, in Warner & Patraerth - plan of
lots, thence by nen western Imo of said lot, soothe
worthy 1 00 feet, more or Ices, to Saw MUII
thence westwardly by sold alley 114 feel, more or
lest., to eastern hoe of Joan Nemeth's lot, thence by
the wane nenhwardly BB fed, Inane or WM to Math
stmet aforesaid, and thane by the nme_eastaranly
vi feet, more or less, th too plani beginning,
being the whole of lot nionbei 337,•nd part of Jut
No 3,6 in said
plan, toll bning Woman eler.nted •
two Gory frame hon., used se a dining and store,
and a iron: itable with tlib appmenitoces. - ;Seined
and token In execution the plain, ty of James
Decry, at the snit 01 John Hilton, tor one of himself
and 14 Ergo* le Etna.
All - the right, Ude, interest end claim of otroure
Jacob Hesse, i a tile IMO. de of his, dmintetrator,
Mann Trax, win) none, , ofln and to all tt
certain at or puce or ground, sod lot bong No al la
James B. Irwinls plan, situate en Centre Avenue, and
'envier a not on Centro Avenue of 24 leo., • l ex.
math.; in depth 141 Oct, to a stirrl guteet lathe, and
Resection no need boot 4 B. and bong the nem tat, tof
deed of Janus S. trona, oa4d 21.1 ay,19.7, eenney
eh to ueoree 30000 Hesse. Seized en* wren in elo
cution as We properly of Urania /nob Hose, to Ito
bans of his Administrator Benjamin Tun, with
weans to minor andrea, by George Urban, their
Gentian, at the snit al
A Jame. , B. loon.
, All the tight, title, interest mil? elann of Jon Rip.
pry, or, end to the following desetited properir,
tamale on illy street, being past of lota Nose and l
toi We city of Pit etnitgli, being about 19 feet hot on
Hay runt, sod extending back the same width 110
feet, to • la fort Olen meindunt'the privilege Of the
tonedWass. d alley, on winch Is at a mite
ated bon hone, tea's tte seventh north in Stw•
der, rew of three sine , ' Lon houses, orienteering
al the upper Onset In said lear, mothering fr 0132 the
appal hence, and te toe , ame property eonveyed,to
Cum a Newelf, try nod dated the :nth of October s
MN, end notated in deed book It 9, page 51. to hid
Rippey. Seized and taken In .enoliOn a, We pis-
P. 017 of J o h n Mapes. al the thit of Edward Simpson.
110,ul mere..claim and deman4of
..• haide of his a•
AD the rirbt, tide, ,
David ntiaffer. decestwel, in too bands of hie admlWas
tor John Shaffer, mvitti notice to widow, heirs, es..o IA;
in Is, or not a all Otal.f Isla tract Or pastel tutlfid,
in rfede7 lenecetllth convened of throe par.fils:
canton:du 1(2 acres, and C 3 perches ' s:torn 011,2•11- 3
MOM', anti.. lauds of Miff !wind Shaffer, (war dee ta)
de ti Biwa, and enters, bast g belonged to es
of Esskial Inman, deed, and ammo as the InutUtt
meet Seised and 1.1.0 10 execution tut the prooeily
of David Shaffer deceased, in the hands of If, adlits
Infamy Jobs Shaffer, with note* Shaffer, w 4.
ow of mil Dowd Chaffer and to Wash, Joetsph, MO a.
beth, Dawn. I, Ve00.0(10 this AM., and Daaud te. Snarler, hy
bets Fav
Jo b Ilt ,0 01T1t:
poid, oes...witd, at Me Imo v. Soho P. lewous
If um of 55 Allmon Dims.
All the right, tole, merest and claim of Peter Bmi h•
berger:of • m, sod to all the fallowing desertti44 tothor
piece of around. .Dane to John Drown'. plan of lot,
cove and near to the borough of Ihrmingham, tonna.
ed and dmenbed ad Wows, to wit: beginning at Me
earner 40101 No 10, on the einthwardly ode of Sidon,
wrert, and at the hOrtaoco of 140 feet eamanudlT
If •lIIIOny sweet, theitioe ehinc Toney street easter& de
tv 00 feet 4 79 toehes, to rounds of eh/Duey Ihnweitt,
thence along said I,hmwti 1 line mid parallel with liar.
mon, street, suothwitidly Ito feet, to on alley "15 fdl, thence along mkt alley westwardly 11/ feet 311
inches. to the comer of tot No 15, .hence along the
line. of lou NO. 15 and Ili witilmsnowy mer es .t.
pi•re ol I.f poi ing, enoArseing tom
N os II a•.l • col lout other p ore tf
troOwl, that is ow ~,.,,.nerd, blue the tame Meet f
ground, whteb John Drew. and wife conveys 1010(1
i. e ,s. Itotothberger by era timed the Igth day of MO.
t04e...0 .comed Ind ed hdok 4J, pun 152. Selar.4
see totem in execnuno at rte plopetlsof Peter nnoth
insger, at the roll 0 Vest and Roam, for me use if
Jame. Gray, 4th It
All thpfide, tot •IM3II, and claim of James
Vance, of. in, and to nll that cettun lot or piece at
around, flltlfit• in the boruagh olrare wain, batman as
Na. 3, and one liedfal lot No 4,11 l *aid itiotcaltb,.trort
h c on the I•ennsylvania Canal, on which are erected
on N ee ran brick building, one ahoy, one frame
house, Acing ihe cane winch oa, conveyed to Deb.n•
dart be Thom.. Donnelly and wife, by deed ironclad
in deed bock I It, not 77, pare Pulsed utd
taken to etreennan as the p•opYty oaasees Vance, at
the salt of 3chn Ingrahau
All theeight, tale, tittern4 and claim of James
AleKam. of, in and to all shottenets Wee , er ouzel
of lend gone. in th e borough of Manchester, bounded
eel Jew. raid vs neglnning et the weerward
ty side of limbic street at the corner°, Loreet street,
thence es te• than
tr from sn Prehic tweet 307 feet, to
the Lute of at street, teepee along 1110 tame 243
feet 11 Inched w tibia etrcat.thesee punning the Olin.
coeliac and attuning Mheo Meet to the. Ohio River,
,hence down the sad river 417 feet inch.,to math•
city !the al ',tenet attret,
L e nses xtendleg thence eastward.
thnlnr.4 the sold of o Infest 10 me easterly
e e tore totem, and thee" along Locust etrret
4ro fret to the place old einning. embracing and eon
t ailing within mild bonnie lots Nos tai, 101. 170 171,
re 17 k and 171, in the plea of esill komaah of Mee.
cheater, which recorded Attegeeny county, in
plan boos No f, pare 19, the send Propert. Ming Alba
tent to tAaeo street IM lent wide, ea a public highway,
An No 171 being 57 feet on Prebia street, and 01 feet
51 Umbel •n tonnestreet, aod all the other mentioned
lots being each 5.4 feet on rtetsla street, nod 52 Net
3/ teelne en Ohio street
Also, all the right, tit's, Interest and claim of said
klell•in of. to mil to .11 that certain lot or peen of
mend torniete in the ...roach of hlnurhoster, begin•
nine an Om side of Marti,* street tithe dis
tance of 47 feet sonthwardly hem the Camaro( Sumps
see street, thence. extending in (Anton Market street
IS feet, to the one orbit No 51,104 in depth eaetwatd•
with 4 •rripenti atreet,preseming ltiC taste
.14th 1001,1 to Laurel alley, end being lot marked
of nembored 51 In the plan of the bonnetof Mena
cheater, recorded to said recorder'. °Mee Allegheny
county, in plan book No 1, page la Belied and taken
in execution as the property orlon:nos hleKoin, at the
gait of Jame. A., :spier.
All iht nicht title, Interest and edits of lamed Orny
of, in and to sill that rennin piece of land Minato in
t h e city beitiA port of dot No =in
Wood.. plan of l'itteburgh. boarded and deserlhod as
Inllnw olz betioilog at the treat aide of Market
street, It the wathwesterly earner of Market and
Fouith thence extending in width or Inn?
along AI ilk it street towaida Third tweet k 9
more or thee to eroaad nt hones Riddle and In !curia
rir &oh sag Fourth , treat westwardly towards
Forty steed. preaermith the 'nine width, 14t Peet,
rotor, or low, to other laml ar lame• Riddla, on whirs
are elected n:arna W.en story brut building, ocen:
pied as noires and IIVCIn house, awl Iwo smad name
twildinga frontliw on Fnonb street Poised and taken
In execution v the poverty of lam •.gny,tje arta.
leyd at the not It reoekr, it 5.1. Utica..
All the r eht. title Interest end cheat of Wm. lu
of of, in ono to a 1 that e Intl at land, ritsmte In
Termite. Tamable, hoonded and thumbed as fel
low.. ay: Moluntne •1 n peon on Tome Itreek, on the
line between the land , of Wm ill'Kinney, and tiara
o r rra o ai u an e w., itornyrly Henry Prof) penes by
landsf and tan ou. 00,160 demote, Mt., ittor,,,,h,
to pea thence North 71 „tryfrear, EA. 46 perches, to
• post; them.? 9eieb li:degrees, Pest It parchet, to • •
post; liter.. Booth 73 der.. 1... 39 ' , create, them.
&meth • d.g , Kart 6 eater., thence Meth 71 da, FAat
fl pe els. , sbee, North 41 O. , Facet If) perebekthallea
Hon h 7a J•gfrell, Eng 74 perches, to • post; thence
North 60111, , Fur Edam het to e ther', theneettorth
to dr greer, Last 10 pr reile, to ChASPIII oak, Mateo
North 771 tee , Gast ti perehely Notts i 9 des.,
Mart 40 pert 4.1. • worm x.OOOO 9009167 67. Fut
101 oetea• to a poet. thence Snoth 4 deft, Mt 107
arch , in • soya tree, thence 9roth 53 des , West W
perehee to • cost, throes , oathtestp em ,
. lona el
to ! p,.,? 'urn of James fluidic, thane*
by the mid utoda tenth 141 t by . Wen 34 310 perches,
Jo • peer, thence Schnb 26deg.. EMI 14 3.lopereltes,its
The land, of Jelln and Wee. Slum ' thence by the said
South day 1V ea 11: perches to t cat, the nee
North 73 degrees, %ol ha DCIC e. to a leenet„ thence
so,,a, des. Woe 68 perchev, to the hloonagthela
...ea, mad thente dawn the Acne, by the several
coarse. thetrot,to • tract of land called"Cl reeolsrdp
p,,,,,t 0 d to Gso t se Walusee, ho ibe OM day of July,
1797, and how in the peresesmno of Wm: L. Maier and
Wm. Sleitioney, thence by the eold creebtand
North PSI pa:chest° ohs poste of bettionlog; costa.,
lag about 230 acres, more or lemon, attach am *meted
'Arnim story (woe dtveillogheato, • lame frame bank
barn sad etable, aci tato. tenant Imams
AltO, all the rteht, title, antenatal and claim of Wm.
L. Millet. Of, la and Vs tott No. 160 and Noe.,12. 13, . 11,16, 111, 17.11,19, aO, 21 12."
313, 91,23,21: 27 and 29, in said Was L. Millet's pule(
tha town Of Pon Petry, in VentalllesTolmskip,mhlch
std plan la reeonhal ta the Recorders 019641, t 0 UM
COW, Or atUiSkanahla Kul book, VOL I,Pirti
Beira end taking in anemias as thic W.
L ni *final - 44Jan Ptihns;jl.-
1. 3,
W• nlib(r InteMst and elahn W.I. L.
Mlles, o, In to lots N. 1.00 and Nos. 1. tit
(O. 8914 ti and olosl4,l6, be, a:,
xII,IM, rt, a•-d in Ma said Wm. 4 ABltar's plan
at ' terve( Pan _Pony, in Vey Clic* T P, lra "
plea Is retarded in the Ilnearder's name, la sun erben
ty of elletheay, Mu Back VW. I,Pb:A 22 . eeixt4l
. and In braln am:mina as the pmperty 9( Vini. 4.1011 4
or, at the mit or R eater & Kimberly.
*it the right, tie,laterest nail claim aiiJohn gm
hi ave., BY, of. In, us
and tenements sante wee me devised by John X 0
Nesters Jr . by hi. lilt Mb ard testament,
.. we ed
La Wlll Doak. Vol, tt:page ns,. te . to bis ma. Jesebb
ble ?damns wide f which %be raid Joseph Nellasters,
fitly died, rind, and intestate. and in which the
said lota Mehteetees, Jr.. to entitled to an nerlividei
interest, as one of the Minket law of Isis sold. brother •
low ph McMaster*,
of to the
life estate of Reeled
lichlastera. mother of the acid Joseph. Mai-1M ni
eaainteglialr Wet toot willed in Thomas Meidaatend
of the Lbelfaut tract, and woodland or Powell Mal.
inmate in --......T0wnah1p, on width is erected deed
less hone. Mirex,. aid outer braidings.
Al.m th ose six eve sena homes, fons4ing 0n.1.1b•
cny poem, in the any of Pitutcurett, a the of
ground on which they are erected , with the yard is
tin rear, below the line mentioned in said arlll,as di ,
tiding dole properly front the
property„ and
atm the role, on that hill, now or lately occepted by
Arehibald Robloson. slitutte , in Towtundp,
with tee dwelling Mute% Ititalid T litiPteM
see no. Seised and **ten in et anon aa property
of John Mcklastera, Jr, et the snit al Yid Edgar.
Xean tr. Find itiMen B and others . -.
. ,
ALSO, . ' L .• - .
All th e eght, tide. Interest and elides a Jobs Ore
ham, of. in and to ell that cumin lot of with
the baddilas thereon erected. Venn O n NWttle
alter, Second Wan/. Alleghettyeity. ere Oh dividing
'line between lots Na thil a ial Nu 19 then penman&
ty cowards Pump Seer lie feegl th eme etewardly.
15 It., thence tostwernly 119 &to, Middle nay; deem
atom /diddle allm 15 feet lathe place o begintong,
the same being pirtatlet Noce,. defer dln Bar.
nen'. plan of inu In-.said city, of men .1n MI NI.
page la Seised end taken In tremolo* as the pro
perty of John Grabens. at the either Sandi Regime.
ALSO AII the right, me, lowest and Chine of Elisabeth
Cooper and Jam Cooper. of in and to all that certain
'Tot or place of gown I, together with lie Moldingn
thereon. shame la toe borough of ' Birmingluant, -
bounded and de.enbed as folimembeginniag =Oat :
ton street, en the tine of property cold by the late •
.Jos,ph Cooper, deceased, to Jahn mil George Mem '
mm, and •stendlng bleb to the three( property Mr.
ed by Latinism —. lasl feet or ineteabems thence
&ring u.O line of told property R feet, ert the tine of
neeproperty owne I by Rene Wantons and Jacob Break,
Wang odd 'toe IV fe et ar thentaboats. In Car ,
son nave; and thence along all etreet MI teat, to the
place of Maiming, being part at tot No 100 In the
plan of Dirmlngbam, conveyed hy,lohn D. Deans and
wile, by deed dated l and recorded in the remnd
er's tam of Allegheny comity, in need book --.-,
page—, to the late Joseph Cooper. Seised and - taken
in emended as the proptnyel Elisabeth Cooper and
lame Cooper, ist the mit of William Noble and John
Glenn, Excel:dote of Joneph Copper, ffiettailen.
, .
All thencht, dd.., interest and demo( Ann Marta:
Ito/ finte and Catharine J retina, of ,to ozel to the mis
hear pare of lola Nos In and 11, in Wm Anions , plan
of lots in Anhereville, logethet with the bailots.
thereon and *permanence& thereinto. belonging,.
watch said half pantile:ant is hennaed and de witted
as Cullom: tegiumns on Keettnee alley, at -the my:
nee at lot No 9 in said plan, and matting thci
the Line ei th er said lot au a Ilea parellel with Ankara
street, to Wilkins street, • Matinee of Igl feet, thence •
.tong Wliklns street in a line rennet with lie=
alley, a nloance of 13} feet, thence In a line
with Anthem street, Miletance of 71 feet, amide in a
hue parallel with Keating a alley. a distance of 0 kin,
there, pare Del with *ethers Street, a distance of n
Pet thence Sloes Keatins'i .bey a diatom of lag
feet, to the plate of beginmey, beingthe tame panel
emend recovered by mid defenumis, by omen&
Menlo the Olin fee Coos ofhlleeteny erreenty, at April
term OM, No es'. ,Soiled and taken in examinee es
the property of Ana Marta, Robinson and Catharile
Jenkins, al the salt °f lames Danford, now'for hie of
Chiles I
• ALSO; .. -
• .
All the - right, ode, interest and chum of John Cot I.
Seen and Bane finoolion.oK to and to all three we
Into of 'retina abeam on Ram street, in the Sty of
Piudinenhir and being lots numbered M- and 3lt he •
Sarah It •Penerman , elm of lots, each lot coanneleg
14 feet In. hem on Rase Street. tot extending back
presuming! the name se Idtb, lee fcm, to abefeett alley, c,
on which tee erected a Inure double brick dwelling
home, with *enema, aDattmen'il fa. different tenantia
&leen and taken In emeation as the property of Jobe
Coniaton itd limb Hamilton, at the sett 9( Sarah B.
Feent an. •
All the ugh!, title, interest, and claim of Rabat'
Melte-rehab and Matthew Male:fatten, of, io, mid
to all those three certain Ids. in Robietrimsls Plan of ”
the. Borough of Allegheny, bounded and described
as follows, vim • beginning at the gosh east corner
of lot b1et.,1161 In tame plan, at the lateral:Sion or
Lecook Meet and Isabella alter, theatre nouth try - .
raid alley 1 00 feet In Anne 'street, thence west by
Anne street 92 feet 3 inches, to the limo( lot No.'
164, thence north by said lot, 100 feet, to Lacoek ."
event aforesaid; thenw east by Laeock eSeet, 92 ••• ••A,
fees 3 Indian to die place of beginning, on %ilia in 4
erected en,ran Moodry and other improvement&
Seized and Jake, in execution as the property et:
Matthew McKenthan and Robert McKarahanou
the suit of Smith dc. GudiSe, for use of William
Lehrer, . ,
J i • ' •
All the right, tide, inters; and claim o John
Dickson,C-to, and teal! that certain lot at parcel
of ground Swam in Ohto township, hounded and
depealhed as follows, to wit: beginning on Locus
meet, corner of lot No. 14, tee plan of lota ad" the
heir of P.. Peebles, dee'd, in said toweratdp, Messes
south 35 deg. 55 min , east 6640 perches, to lot No .
12; thence south 54 deg. smin., wed 2424100 petr,.
Mee, along lot No. 12, to the centre of the Beaver
road; thence along said road north,! degrees 55:
min., west 6 640 perches thene4;No lb lotnerthet.
54 deg. 5 min., eget 24 24.100 perch e d,, ' to Locus .
rues, the place of beginning, capletnog en, amp'
more or lens, on which is enacted a. brick bowe,". , '
two stories high, and appurtenances. Seine and
taken in executioners the property of John Diebon, •
at-the gait Of Clue Oral . "• - .' ' . I •
All • the .right, tide; intereal. and churn of John.
Taggart, of, le, and r...,- and out of all th at resists'
lot or piece of ground. situate in the City of. Phut- -
burgh, named and described in de
plea of lots laid
TO bp intai Hogg, on Efigh street, in mid city, No. '
31—mid lot fronting on Fourth 'meet 29 feet, and' '
extending back on a parallel line with 1140
a distaneelof 11l feat, bounded by Lola nom=
30 and 31,trid by Fototh street read, said lot her -
subject to ground tent of $165,111 per annum. •
There Is
on laid lot Iwo frame houses, tw
'torts 6' , three brink Wane., two fairies b h. .
abed roo , and two new Mick homes, two
high; unftauthed, shed mfr. Seized and taken I -
execution as the property of John Tagus, at th .
sett of Bernard McGinn. ,
All thalit, tithe," interest , and claim of A 'r.
Porahin and Joseph Wallop, of, in, and to, all t
two certain lots an pieoesof groncid,eituatein Teu'
eneville, to Clair township, A l leg hen y Co ,r - •
and marked and numbeeed 146 sod 147, m Warde
dz Alexander'splan of torn by Z W Elemitigtobl.7
and botmdedand describe-des follows,triebegiabitt
at the corset of tot No. 145 in mid plan, onWelant et` '
thence by Walnut street 20feet, to th e corner of 1 '.i.
No 148,tbence by line of said lot 150 feet' to War
deo street; thence by Warden street 50 feet miller '
corner, et lot No 145 Metre by the doe of mid lot_
150 feet to Walnut niece:, the place of beginning— •
making in all two left, each 25 feet by— .
being the same lota or pierces of rev: cenreyed i
by John B Warden and wife, an Alexander,. I
and wile, to Min] Smith, by dee dated April lad; I
1847, who conveyed to the said Abrahazo , Parddai:
.tad Jac ph halloo; on which raid two lowa .. I
ger...eid° erected a two story Sums hoose, which
is 35fein front on Walnut tweet aforesaid. Bei.'
zed anaken in execution an the property of A.... !I
b n ,h 3 , poaching and Joseph Walton, at he suit of-
John J. Smith, far me of William *sale..
All the right, title, Murree and claim of beer; !
Kennedy, of in and to all that certain lot Otlinlentub
situate In South - Pitubtagh, (law' Lower. St deli'
lowohio and bounded and deccribed"ws. follows, .• :
viz: beginning on the southerly aide ale:4olw
street, at the Corner of gromidol SeneVid. Millen,
and at the distance of 91 feet 1 1.4" inch from dus ".
'omen of Fifth street, thence eextending in fruit ter , ;
Bingham Street, 'remedy 24 feel, and In depth -- 1
somberly, preterving.the same widihnt right angles
To Bingham Sleet, 100 feet, to Chemin elley—on I
which is erected a two atow brick dwellioh hone, 1 ,
and kitchen. Seized and raked In execution na the
properly of Isa
Boss. ac Ketuicdy, at th e slit of White i
Owen do
. .
All the right, title, i ntere s
t, and c'aikol Almon- ' I
der tPhleGrew, of, is, to, or out of; an mat rennin
lot or piece of ground, situate in the Second yhira, f
cqv of Allegheny, being tot No. 38 in Robinsonqi
plan of the extension of mid city, trolled oflpeet t ,
Vista,". bounded mid described as follows, viz:—
,beginning on the north side of the Nonh Commons.- ..
at the distance of 48 feet west from the coreer or ;
Palo Alto street, thence running west - by the vo' i
Commons ground, 24 feet to the canter of lot No.,
37, 'hence north by line of mid lot 170 feet to an_ i
ig feet alley, thence east by taid alley St feet to
qua of lot No 39, and thence soma by said Itnel7o , t
feet to the place of beginning—being the stone kg'
- of ground which William Roblesau, Jr,. crux,jur ••
deed; dated Anoint 17, ISIS, conveyed' to said A.''
O'bleGtew. Seised and takes in execution astlre i•
property of Alexander O'aleflrew, at Me sell or. z
Charles B. Truitt, in ulna for Truitt, Brother It Co.. i
Ali the right, lino, interest and claim of J. C. Mc. i,
Cully, deceased, in they hands of J. P. Ross, and
JConner, his administrators (with ornate to '
J V. Rowland et al, legal repreaenuoim eir
said .C. McCully, decanted) of, in, and to, all ,
hat lain
_plantation or tract of land, situate in 9
Up St. 011ie Township, bounded by lands of la a.
Countr,Stinon Creech, and others, exonain irg about h
55 acres, more or less, and baying thereon erected
a two story frame dwelling house, andlog bait anO p
out building*, and also planted thereon a yowl" op , ~]
Chard. Seised and taken In execution as then',,l,
" •
arty of 3. C hlcCully, deceased, le Ile heads alms ` '
administrators, J. B. Roes and loom Canter, with g
nonce to John V. Rowland, and Elotabeth bin wile, .. 9
James B. Olean and Itehaeca his wife, fames Gi 9
Ireeson, Pulley Gllkeesee. and Elisabeth 0 Ilk emu ,
minor children of James Gilkesou and Frances has
wife, late France! McCully, and Thome ideCub
lel hairs and legal representatives of said J. C.
McCully, demised, at the quit of Baru Jane Me
A1......0 , •• i
All um .
tight,tltle; interne, ,
estate, property ebbs ;
and &Maud of.famealt. Speer, one of thedef°°-
dents, q, tit,and to, all that certain lot or pea - of.
amend pitate la the ?int Ward of Allegheny city,. ,
belmded nod descrited as follower. sat:—begle-
• Wog ott'Carial Street, 145 feet from Robinson street,. I
thence 1.... y • line parallel with Robinson street, 120 1
feet, to Craig street, thence alone Ore Irstrget north. 1
mangy ;9 lOU. theace by a lino parotid with Rob i
num S t 17 9 feet, to Coral sure!, :hence south, 1
bgri wardl im y tong ,:bei , 4r Cana , :
.streent,lso,foe4.. to pm tbe . qaas iot...... of t•
Sewed d wpm in execution Rh OM property,..,
Jas. R. Speer, at mo sod of S. F. ir..13..4,,„,,, ,.
& Co. ` Also
,g,, A ,,, 11 , e s r in , rig I t. ti tu ne' al: D ihtteella and to el l 2 or th' or c p r i p'n etn ie d:
ground is the city of. Punbtush. on the yowl, each
comets' Stevenson street and Forbn sUtet; front,
mg on S treason :treat about GO feet, mare or how, „
and extending tack ,tong Fab°, street of the earner 1
widest, about 109 ten, =. 1.0 Or test, and hound e d. w t
i t e net * by Stevesto,o.Weli on 'b.. , " by Forbes I
meet, on toe sow= jnounds of —...... '84, ,
and on the ran by of ---- Seim, hod hay-
Leg thereon emoted. a . two story brick dienutpal
home, with the aoportenanemb., Sekted and iske.
le execution as thy troperry • ot Da neisei,,-,,,t s
mg , 90 ,,,,,,b Boystmalt, siad to be .61.44)4, .. _ - ..•
,thi r itrr, Chlbsealv.rd, 10514 -, ,