HO ME TATTERS •• Xother's Recomp ea! Intlurnee, by Grace A Appleton's neat pnblica author s wince moral le refined. For Sale by 11 street, rate 0'D0n0,../Aus, I tontY."7 ftis useless t who hayo read Lover's haw to appreciate SA. Third street. The Amnienn Jossenn acted by Professor Si terling magazine for J • 'filled with articles of 11311 AM—Lbmation —street. No. of this excellent the first number of the ing two fine steel tom. 'lst Holm es' Literary Del rite the PoStOtficeL Nehar to' Magazine. Horticul turist, and Colti Joooary. No. lof Applelon'fi ebonies' lirgazine. Not. 30 and dl Boston Shakspzare. COVET OF QUARTET/ BE3siONI3. Jawrster 10, 1851. dinnorable Wm. B. lileClure, Presi awl dtm. Eerr and Samuel Jones, deo. e; a Segue] to lionie ilfilar." ;This is one of 'any, by a very poinlar is strong, and feelings ly A. IL English, Wood Tale of Ireland, by Chas. add a word, IS those umerous tales will know For sale by Holmes. ef.,Scienre and Aria, con i man and others! This unary, IBM, Is as usual din! ralue In Science Book store, G 5 Market litvzsw.—the Jannery ontl4 Alagasine, being ea volume, and contain "op, has been received ot, Third street, oppo- Present dent Judge, Alsociate J • rirrn DAT. nith T,. J °Penh Barker, John Lowe, .yer—lndictment, Conspiracy, Ale and Luke duetion, undl The Cudrt yesterday, Loom was densely thronged all dziy o Unica to the arguments of the 'e against Dwyer, Barker, and him been on trial all the present of the: most eminent advocates at been retained as counsel on both .y certainly did not disappoint pal.- :ince ne have never seen a case nclucted'. coun.el in t , Lowe whlel' I week. ),tan the bar has uides, nn ,I lie expoctati gore - ably r. Alta - ara. B I on behalf of rke uud Muck addre s sed the jury the Conuourtv,:ealth. lle.sre. Nay 'Fetterman, skuj Mahon, for the Ile- MEE: feud:int . Mr. Burl. monwe Ith oo on behalf of the Con t about 9 o'clock, and Judge Me . delivering, icm charge, observed that with all kindness to the counsel in it any farther remarks were to be cd the:, would he made then. EINE he treuld , the cnsc. LI made, be ho . We regre thst the• lateness of the hour at 0134 adjourned, prevents us front the following abstract of the which the gicitig more This case, the attention careful inst... esety trial o respected by Hew, whose stake, are Turkey and I taken up, tri in the rhort I freedom nal. anal obareset would say t. consummate The learned , gentlemen of the jury, has occupied of the Court for a long time, but a tigation of the law and the facts in sly proves that all persons are alike the law, and that all men, whose -i,ghta, and whose fortunes are- at titled to a respectful bearing. In thee despotic countries, man are sl, Convicted, and bastinadoel, all pace of five minutes. Wherever , caution and delay ore required in the trial of every cause. Ile at If ever n case mu. conducted with ability on both sides, it was this. ndge proceeded to compliment the counsel c ogs gel, in the highest terms. The jury would remember that when the indentures, inding the children of Mr. Dwyer to Mr. co: oily, had been offered in evidence, they had) 'en objected to, and powerful argu ments had, been wed to prove their invalidity. It Was old 'a t that if they were not admitted, the cane not come to an end, they had there forel;,tt been admitted simply, no decision a to their vain •ty 'Sr invalidity having been made.— The lea led counsel were thus—at liberty to make witatever use they could of this question on rimodion for a new trial, or otherwise. For his'aim fart, he would admit that he was not fully'cormincel, at that time, an to whether they were right or strong. .nine then Imbed, in ..,ad dition to'e valuable information derived from OM ulna I, Consulted th e authorities on the 'subject, d host come to a conclusion. Inoomu 1.1 no the Common Wealth had been al thoost entir .ly overlooked, and in the great dust and smoke which had been raised, there was a danger th t the real poiniz of the case would be lost sight'of, Le would canke use of nn illustra tion. When two men were both anxious to pos. sess_a Bert in piece of ground, and one could not trait for the just„---though tardy process of the law;but entered upon the ground which wus oc cupied by the other. and took possession of it, then his adversary - had sufficient grounds for bringing an action of forcible entry and detainer againnt ltim. . Even' if the entry should be law ful, it roust not be made with the strong hazul.— , If it was unlawful, it must not bo made at aIL Any one could maintain an - indictment for -forcible entry' and detainer if ho were on ly ial possewlon of a tract of land, although he was not the owner, nor had a tense, for years. • . Why was ;big the case The reason was, -because it was a nnestion of. civil rights, but the lawatrove to prevent a public mischief. -The Commonwealth did not want the land.,-nor did it care who owned it. The proper plan to recoter post.ession would be by an action of ejectment_ .That was a criminal Court, end did not try ejectment?, . . . ..iztvdtri the great latitude which had been used bi'tte counsel in this cane, if they had not the indiettnenton which to go, the-,jury would. not knew what they were trying, or what was the t. alleged offence.' Religion, politics, and other tepies, ad been introduced. The Court did not care w ether the parties were Christians or Jews athletics or Protestants—Whigs or Dem. was itytts no respecter 'or person, 'Much had been .said about the writ of habeas corpus. 'A learned. :mil vighttams Judge had remand i.l the children to the custody of Sir. Cottony -Whether this decision was right or Wrong vas not the question. For himself, he was free to any - thit if this ', Wai a b ‘ abea3 corpus case, be would restore the children to their father. This, however, made 'no &Terence. When, civil right was wronged, . tray In had his civil remedy. This was a 1 trial for criminal offence. If the Guardians of the Poor ere wrong, they could not take advan tage of that wrong, though the masterwonid not ibelionxid iiythe invalid indentures, nor would {spy third party,as. for instance, the father of the children; hot he asked the jury to bear in imind' that this was a criminal prosecution—not a civil suit.: The public peace was equally vio- Wed...when en innocent act was committed in an 1 unlawful anon, as when a criminal act was committed 'n the same manner. No man had a right to to the lawinto his own hands A great deal of ht.' to the ; not invali the defend! bound? legahty of faunal' T oily had a he had p' the cane u panne Coo and in d.th had been expanded in talking as ility of the indentures. They were 411i.11vey"were proved to be so. Did ate boos. that the children bad been d Dw'yer bring the question as to tho that binding, before a competent tri , e question Was not 63 to whethceCon 'gilt ugninat the world,. but whether 'ma fncie case. If Dwyer had carried from the Divtrict Court to the Su t, then lee would have acted legally, orda'wee with the advice of Capt. Naylor. Is had not done so. • charge them that even though Dwy le entitled to the poasesgion of hie er should d if n Iknhenneorpon would give them those indentures were good for nll children, to him, sti , v, of a public prosecution. rriug again to the lave; as illustrated c of forcible- entry and detainer, lure read a portion of the indictment- I three counts. The first contained a -onepirncy ; the second of kidnapping ion, and the third of riot. committed day tire. children with force and arms. ge orriet was not, he thought, tas te proof. A conspiracy was a combi cca two or more persona to don law ful act in nn unlawful manner. The 'steel in the unlawful conspiring, even 1 been perfumed in pursuance of it ation to obvtruct, prevent, or defeat-1 (public justice, was indictable as s' the parpoz After re , by The Judge Mc It contain, charge of ' and striae. In taking • I. The cha tained by t nation beti lid or vole offence con If no act It Ady comb* , the course conspiracy. The Jud abduction. children, dian. Ho then 'adried the kidnapping, sad; Mr. Lwyer was the parent IX thel Id as each, vas their Fawn' guar entertained a iffuctro affection for them, and: was,. at pre_sent, able to Main tain: thoia.. On ole other bend, he • had gone away when he was lunable to maintain them, tearing them in the,care of Mr. Connolly. It was proved that that' gentleman haul fed„clothed and nursed them, ant them to school, matt been to them no :a fatheilatill Mr. Dwyer was grate ful for this Itindnesa'when be lett the city, - After waiting for his return, Mr. Conolly bad the children bound to him, and thus he was clothed with all the rights incident to those in dentures, being at the same time responsible for the performance of reclaim duties. Notwith standing this, he thought that Conolly hod the weaker right—Dwyer the stronger, lout the yin., tion was, had the latter got possession of his chiltlrf)a in a legal manner. .Was,there any evidence that Barker had been sent: (Ur from Wilkins Hall I' Did they agree on a pinta of operation ? Did the Moyer soy the children should be brought in twenty nr thirty minutels If they were brought. by what author ity were they brought 1 By virtue of what wars tans ? r and here he would charge them that those nom:lute were not sanctioned by, or known to the law. They possessed no force. and were of no effect. The warrants charged the children with being lost: They were sim ply absurd! Dill the Mayor or Dwyer know that the child ren hod been broutht before the District Court on to writ of habeas. corpus ? Did they know that they had been remanded to Conelly'seneto dy7 If these warrants had been executed, by whose nuthority had they been executed, and by whom Had n carriage been brought to the door of the Mayor's office, and who ordered it • How lung did it remain there, sod where was it, driven to? Who loot the children into the car-. riage? Was any thing said :amid revolvers, and about bringing them back unloaded? Who di rected the driver to cross at the lower fer - r * P:— Who were in the carriage 7 Is it usual for police officers to escort persons, who are limier the pro. tectinn of the law, oat Hof the comity Another Matter had been alluded to, and he would charge them upon it. Thit offence (if any) woe a misdemeanor, not a felony, and could Ivetcompromieeti. The Indictment contained threw• comae, for conspiracy, andoction and riot The, could either find them out guilty simply, or guil ty. Inc did not think th•• charge of riot had been !menthes!, but it won for them to my why• was, ur Woo not guilty. 1i not guilty On 401 the, counts, they could nay on what r t they wen'. or were not guilty. Their verdict would he ot 0111 . :. governed by the law and the trstintony n misnlemeanon in earn of arnuittal. it was for he jury to say who should pay the cu...•. a this, rts in all other trial, they rhould meas we the ease by dhe colder purl-et irk of the lain lone. The Court room at the conclusion of the Largo. was densely crowded, but there was uo iolation of dgcoruni. The jury retired. after ignifying to the Court that they thought they • ould agree in half an hour. At the expiratien f that time, Judge NleClure announced that hey had not. agreed, n or were they likely • ree, and the Cart adjourned Mail Oak mimi ng at A o'clock. Boone or TIIAPC.—From the able report of the Prevident of the Board to the meeting of the no, sociation, lately puhli,hxl, we learn the institu tion 11.6.4 never in a more proverimm condition. The number of Illetilbelr, is increasing rapidly. At the loot meeting of the Director, the follow ing named gehtlemen were elected members of the nasociation : . IL Patton, A. A. Nlason, S. Nlcelurkin, Thoma, Kenupdy. Jr T. A. Noble, S. NlcKeley, Lewin Hutcheson. James O'Connor. At the monthly meeting of the Board propnvolv for memhership ore received. THE CO eNTT Petsov.—We are pleased to see that several of our cotemporaries hare spoken within the past few days. in terms of high com mendation of Mr. Foy, jailor of Allegheny coun ty. We agree with them in every particular.— Mr. Fox was the best police officer in Pittsburgh. before h II e accepted the situation which he now occupies, and sines he has become jailor, has managed all the affairs connected with that in stitution, inn manner to reflect credit upon him self and the county. FATAL ACCIDENT.—Mr. .Sleleboir Ili,tiff, of Sharr,burgh, overturned a wagon he Ira. into McFadden', warehouse, cnnnl Imain,r , eaterday.when a barrel e‘attainine res., fell on kin chest, causing his death in a this min utes. Ile leaves a widow and two children. VLOUR REDUCEl).—Wilrn3rth .4- N 01.1,, &peg< E.'l7ift No 131.1.:. COIkiFORT AND Byr.irvp gOlt TIIE AFFLICTED will I,,sula in Dr. D.vntif. lirilloxn, I. FaLLI Ml'. LI NI 3IENT, ado iluld,whiel IsmAnarl the thin, Fer. c .- perlern, and ha, IN,ond • I.atht. In,. the tn.-an.. Ft log the m, thuerandm I Ir e f eal.. In al nico{ and 'D rbarart,r I thm hazer! ,- , thing In rayin, that Ono M the nn, rt....Dein, that ha. tn•Fn nth:N.lln allll,t,d. that el.. , what 41. Arad f.r. It has ettrod, rurirm mon- dtPra‘t^, thsim wz her r.nfrine. 0ff , r.,1 ror a.. 1,,a1 nate y le pnitl at . or h, *hat nau.P. A. a.tnmil and orurir.riog ,•.r • , r ihoto. that it . L. the only artirl.. that ha....,an.1 1 Gr ..r ,1T`b`;',!Z,'... 4 1",1. t .. h .gt,"`;:;;;?.'7.•".`,.`"1.°,'n' - '" l ,, 'a d ''' ll; Family Ilnaliclno ever cu,not fr ' or . 1., ' any th,ta. ' The lion. M.oa IL Grianoll. Iv. M C the Mon Rota 11. Mu - rmsl7de. Ma, he. IL. John.. Dm. lat. L. ,na. tor. 11 Porter. IN, Lail, of tho Slant - of tho Timor, awl a lar. of other gil.tlarttht.l oktoomol cf York, who have (ally t.otol Ith ,oa rtt.t.l the propri , cor to infer to them. . . . An It i. wall known that Patent ficalicin... a, not weto.r. ally patroni,....] by lb.. hmttowl, lILt and to,lite an, hare untlaubtectll a right to hiehir Prey. Itcgod. Thin Womtcr worhineCoropuon.l hay Lain nearly nevem par, hvG. , ttie , poldir It• br , &leaf i are von A., rtron,A nog treat. Thl. up, ,t un.100....11, I. atrnmr corwhoring froo( of tt. n.• and ua , fultwoe and •1.11/01,. quallta, 1, a not n•wo n Cord> for all nerrntratlL.m.., rheumatic Insh,rcrofatou• rrelllna.. 14 , 1,111.. .arres, slut all the Pain. nod srh, heir to 1./rhr I.ovo.ohu lattlea bare ham .041 tyttliant-camobout. and Pave perfeledn n,irb ru after all oily, remediva hare failed. an would ataaltr Lad arar offared. and in our sonar:Fa., etrauaryt denew Thla undlein, or natun'A rem-d". I. Stal.ifid from a..g tablza, an. intenaal oo well a. eal..rnal nee. It iw-ta I y apart lb. di...lad part --giving 11 health and otren•rth.— It la 0,1311, rl.e for Diarrha, Cramp.: Itiltaing ('Lou,.. and West.rmalle affreflowy ellaran, oi' the and era In male or ti.male. from 001,1 , 1. maw.. 11 may Sawa orbit:laird. For =le to Pittatrtirgb, by IL If- Seller, 3lePara. Kidd S. oral Ogden .12 Snowden: and by the tvtall Innualeta generally'. It it nut us in four, two, and ane yhilliful janaam Vn rOltT NECESSITY MO.NIT3IES‘T.—Tho a4euta aidayintol to receive routributioos In Payette, ahington..ireette,Wectrucyreland, and rinmenotanuntrea. In aid of the Waabington Monument Structure at Sint Nocesalty.nreqwp.r.ltul a r renunlod to 1.1 0 , 1 , Sur mot, in their ban& fa the - w enlytllVd. in Unioutown. decall.talaT ISA-11.: BEZSON. Teranner-L NOW IS TIIE TIME. MAGAZINES colt, Pm, 1101.NIES' Literary Depot, Third rtani, or- Malta Mr Part Mlle, Pittyburah. . Banter.' 31sioluIrk• . Hune..llorret;aul • iIZZ - -,-.--"' p- at Si "a Kakkerlortkur 31 . n.oxitur• ."..-- (1 " h f, 4" Morn..., Whig ite•if...: ' '''' t" .e ' ..,. a tt, l'cleelle. )I..,nsiur di , S 14 Mn.M nib , Mornlnz OM 4 ,, S 00 M.P . . Mausains. . di , 201 '441.7'.1.11',, Brntk do 2 20 limtustrce !15z.n.”1,.. Sartain 31z w,0,1,,,. d 0 2LO Internationu.l Ma , ..ag ...—........... d" d .." /11ackyourl'n 31 mai? ' d" 5 c " ii,timilt.,i,e ' ' ' a " " "'' 4.. i. i'‘ oa C ulti , tsl, Litlell's laving A. .......... .... In 1 . 1 ,",1 .......... The Jamunr, number of)l,lgaaln, will twill., tree number u! the new vciume, and util Le the best ever Lovnl- Tbe abut, muatints , will be dl.liv,red fre,,of prat .", luing quite a caving to Ihnee subw, Thing with A tart, rani toll welPet.l .tuck nt nosznlllevnt lilrro4/K.S. /111141,1 e rsr u.l Ye I"nmettt. Alw—An vxtetwlre up,rtmes. of \r,4414 wad pntr. tkationor,Mtationen. Vi4ltlng A . All 0411,4 atlxnd. .1 to ;milt - Wally. J. It. . jsU N0.:4 Thinl x•t. Allegheny County, 88: J N the Orphans' Court ni .1 , 1 Cord in 111. matter a the Ailltlitlia-1..f1. amount off clawn t.arorfn Fitting Adminktratur of J. F. , . en-Id:hm:. ,hid., ,o. —. Itnamthor T.. 1 ,, :u. ut.inal 110., to Ica- January 4th. 1,41. cm motion of V 0. - 14. dm orroant a the .I,IDDEAD , Irator nrnOrmr, I. 'dm. lu h, and .Ja..1 , .., E. Itnaly. 1.4.2.:' 0pi.4.4.1 auditor to ..110tann .112 aannout. In h,. hand., muonl. the riv.lltoro, and twin. 11, LID. limit DANIEL M1:13 EDT. Clerk. N tirr I. hrmlly ion nut 1011 l Fateful. Fit an 0r.h.., No., o Fifth AISIVL. ID the city of l'inAhlinth ...IF 110.4 01• thr ,. FOth day of Jantmry 1,20 at 1: o'cich. D. SI.. for the DO .444 . • of ID, ai.,,Ditta..nt J. E. MUM', Do ...IX Auditor. EAGLE FOUNDRY. 040 , tICIIO,ON '' ... .......... ......... O. 1r.,. tinder,ignml, succe..wors Arthurs 4 -I Cp.) t: ' ; ',.,l l: ' ripl.i t iV ""... .ntils 'n .ii n .iti b allat ".4 Cu r iit 7l l - .. Y..... Lt. ru n. en.u. t.12.ra1t22. 211.1 hft , l 11211 of 11,1 r patter/. rr.2l, her t tem, Ste t 221 , 11 2, 122.1:42., 1,12,2 lin] uad Wuv.l Stet., with • wr11210.13u2: 2124 bleb if unTf f)22 esti., the entntno2 rou'od 1. 2 .222. 21•2. • 2 1 1221 2".• 02.1.in2 move 22112122241 221211f22111122 wllft stfull 244 rltueut of 222.222) nod 11221.211i/212, 1 . 1,2 2,20.1 Loartu ulnrl, lunte $.22 2-2.2110 n of Pcm. , Lut dlor. j 2 war..h.l22e 12: .re purh22l22 tt ,z. y 11 . 3k nu. Ft, le — , ntirtl now )1: Mt+ a:Luke , r "I•pooito %%Int pt... PAYNE. ----• T ° STEAM BOAT EL ELDERS. limn' I..kland awl Ilsrwanl 61,r Avon Derktng Cr A...lug. r.u r 111..RY11. FLYMISII A. (X/. Faltllner. 1,, rzs 07;47tr0i.c.. IVElill'S Normal Itomlorn, :lleGutflo'n do. fr Arllloomir.. Grammar, I:" craphira, St•r. Dowry. 31a,..G10h, rve-ry work ttv.l mAlla ft m I pritste aclmols. Al.n. • avneral n , nrtmatt of NIA,. sup able tor mrhoul, vain, AleNt'Artor Bru • publications, 10. THE EDUCATIONAL 1 1 ..E14I:IITGILI, dtlN ES Mulct at.. corm,. of 1001111. lIIDES. LT, Dry =Dry (NdfHktnn 1 baraleDefr Xklym Iscrtimerca•salob y • d,,,n itoni:nr DALZELL k.O). • Altl.). No. lin Etore and for solo by AA de= IEALI4 DICKEY 4 CO. BY TELEGRAPH —CONGRESSIONAL. WAsniNcTov, Jan. 10, 1850. Sxsarr—Three thousand additional copies of the appendix to the report on the thnitlvionian Institute were ordered to he printed. Mr. Douglass reported a trill to refund to Ore gon the expenses incurred in the Indian war in that territory. The hill conferring a pension on Sarah D. Mackey, was, alter a protracted,debata. passed. Horst —Mr. Evans, of Ohio, on leave, intro duced n bill to authorize persons entitled to bounty Insole under the net of last September, to receive treasury scrip in lieu of Innd warrnnts, which was referred. Mr. Johnson. of Tennessee, asked, but did not receive consent, to introduce a hill to given form to every head of a family who shall cultivate the same. ttr. Bennett introduced a hill granting to New York, for certain purposes, a just and equal pro portion of the public lands with that granted to other States. The Hoe, re,Amwd the C011811101:16. of the New Ilamphire eunteste4 election SEIZURE OF THE STEAMER NIAGARA 116sToN, JEW. lUtb. The ..teatner Niagara Lae been :wised by the Collector for violatin,sitte revenue law" A bent was detected at night landing tilk" and lace' to the 'apposed amount of five or ten thou-and It• in supposed that the crew are to blame. not the °Meer". The boat and vi,cl are in pliasension of the Aiucernment officers, but it is autpicieil that the Secretary of the Treasury will relea.e the Alp. =II! 141 tel from VVlleZtiehl to the 17th oft ntste that great excitement inset -ails there in rebition to the Presidential election. President Mona gas has called Congress to meet Ott the _llth. It is reared that it his brother in rejected by them, the net., or violence or former yea}, will be re-euseted NEW YORE NIARICET New YORK. Jun tech. Cott.. —The market is le, active, with sales of 7Utlll hales at former price. Hour—Rai, ::24i0 itieluding common to pool Ohio. at $.1,%;(h 3 per Orain—Wheat io heavy. Rye is held ra 7Sfii,Stic per hu. Corn is lanais, and rev s+ ls +a, of a filar 01 oldprice+ Provisions—Pork is unclianpal. sole+ of :iOU bbls Me+s. for California at 1i+12,'.0 per bbl. on time. intervot. nailed. Soles of prime at so.'2:i per lAA. Beef i+ steady. with sales of haws at $.1.75 per hunilrisl. Sisk, piekloil hanks at. slua,2r.. Lard in Imam:lva. Hop are bola higher. Linnets! Oil—Sok, of 4000 gallons at firm., roles. lirocerie,—Talaveco and other articlza are without change. NEW YORK MARKET. Jmmary Flour ir firm. llogw—llehl firmly at tatfit t/.lc. Lard—AE.6yr. Sales of IWO at 7ifir Sr: new is retiree and wanted ist St!, Sir. Wbi.kry—Firmer. nt 2Gq, 2fitr. file Colfre--Sitill very noire: , wlrs of Itiiit) beg, at 11 t I I Rice—Firm and scarce at $ 4 07 ,4 40 Leather—llemlork tnitned adrenred fo Tidracefi—Unctiang ItALTINIORE MMARK ET Flur—Soles of 7(NO tilde of Housed •t. $1 • • l/f/I: holders n•th 1- 1 4,1111: sales of VAN) I,hlo l'hy Mills nt ti 1,5111. Grain—Wheat :mil Gore unchanged. Blunt,- New Sides S(. SI: Shoulder :h. ;I: Ilium 10. I,l,l—Them is a lively shipping ileum.' for new: ,ales at AK, Leg+ at I ‘ 4, 'keg,. at 1,. Coffras--Quiti: ntkP.of lti.. st 10,0,014. 11111 dill—no change in price UST itEcr.ivEi).- A rifnr work. on .Sio• .11Anie. Ilwonnn Wort-and Inollnnar, nf )Iyelnatn. l.nn Work , al pry.ol.-wl yrn,ln .tio ,nnan. and thewelnran.torl Inr rho onelne.riny prnftle•onl. VAltlYll In ninny 11, me. forfnertv I,4,war ot Mwthernotw.,..l,llr, nf Coil En ;none, to. 11•1. wnrk i..f Irvi n n , ron,lnlnc "nasty - I•Wmt , o r.t. of I loAl {Ant, mu! ono. wnod Moen wol.tnn draw am,. ntol •leyorinunr.• .f th. n. Jmonnont manhln... In tne rft.l In•lnfonwlant of pnYtalt ••F .Imnrnntll•no.nn.l,. It wtllvollmas r•on Oen . vraolwal trent... on MrYlntnio. Stwyhlnnr., Enylne ma, ant Enonloonn,. wtoh nll that I.n. h. mon than CA.. worth of tor.wa.n... .Iterr c•feat obnet of I i. pahlin.wym la to plan. praotlr.l nfon ann ctryent• 1111 an ...nun, ef thynntoral and 1 rntlfla Anowlolwa. I n c a conrlnonn.l P.m. a. .A2ll nt‘thl.. than th• twat .iyantayr. anot v, lazool fol-InlY.ywhleh oftn•rwo. nwtvat Slso polni.J•nr. sor .lotnrnnn-1. 1.n...1.0 of cont. Man.. the work. A. oonytily ao yr...1 , W. awl It 1.• e‘• Yr,o...lnywnn• nlnnln the wor.. •••.:1 It wl In n0m1.2-...n.lthn• moon:wie th. enterer... I,bllehlnn in Y. numbers. at :1.5 ennt.• por 11111.1.1 11, . 1. 1.• nnTrintotl tut. ' , oar w•nt} nu mleurr tar ~ le 12In It 111/I'h'lNf. lib •Irnat - . , ENI II GREAT I: AI. Stis t nft rl•• • •• et. A .1 : 1 1 - A^IIA 0). ani Al nark. •An. 4 • . . . 1 1 .-dutnordwd oo ikeemlwr I,At ,orltdd through thy mr:6ll, ',mu., Thra •lodlo e•tald.ol.- ownl Imp I.en .tin °lon ftw 11.1.11 Treat, arid thed ••• noive elork. arrodrotwo; to Our Unwind oxol Tldrt. l lldnwood 1.411.trr. 1.111 1 , ollell at 1111.1. al fall, no• Odwth thantwo, !wird • nrov, of Ito Ir 1 1 ,111,1nnst.1 olalr Inn rm. of W thrdtwdolo *lto atowolorl the al.. Id.d . f. I ..111 runt cdowoontoe o thio peg...dr The',le ramtion Icor thr ad./do mad ,dorodo tlo. ldowlrt df Moo. otho how ado, otterulwl their vlr 111,14 Carhmodow nooul two. CI LW , Vowod 1 ..10•Ow trod 011.,/ rowladtrro word ..old 1910 rd.," I.lfdtrm and tyro,lN.L.tow. odor 10 rod to nrowd lake e. end 'Ld ern' , 111 Id•wo Itldhwnlorod plawl do , . at.. wual rrd l , oo dr, Om , .10-ii- 1 01 sod 1-w1Ior•ol ~t. uto , Prim r:ot.r - .$1 ow wo F.-dm de l'ltine owl ,11.1 n. I-7 I , r.d.ato. nowd a n t t .llllard redurrd 11, ter losl l'rencly )1. tin... II u•odl otire plordot 1 - m-strartld , arod I.lmdwo flab.. n 010.... ..r.l Ire rent. 10/piwrodt Alp-dcar. r,lora, ...lured :XI per evitt. TAO Ironir s.;rore.l l hrtorlo, which ./111 le ../1.1 from II to S. W. thus omal 11/010 yank 11.1 net Ribloort• at andmot, mous] prl-r 11. to rent+ Pao; 13olirooto• at 6,1,, rcpt.. nous! prior !de ;,i nnd lo rent, vans, prim loam! IV, eent, On Iv; rue.‘ Itlewela4l '2 rent, per 'an! ' , 6 bales tiro,. Muslin. Ffna , s Al.. Liver. ,Al Trnminc, Ito.dcri nal Moses. Lin..., trlnrlcs, glansltuere., Jea.roc lovtbor with an immense variety of other jcosl. all of whirli will be Marked Dawn to suvrl . rims R.; t. t.l Otto j,reflot.... Vier nn early all. no 111., r.f their Aimee+, 'will moon Mr lowest ;wale name.] it first A A. MASON Of join 1,2 and Morlet rt THE BRITISH PERIODICALS, ND Till: PAR3IEItS' GUIDE. LININARDscqr.r Nos lion 6nle, 14 1101.1 ntreet. Few In Wditinn to l.lrb Meet bore reclera and ently commeneed Inc publiestion of a slur bit Agricultural work, called the '(armor.' OM& to Inh mitifir arid Practical AtrICUItUrP by Ilenry Stephen., V. It. N.. of /:•11111.ut'gh. autlyo of the I glook of the limn.. acz of br John P. Norton. NI. A. New Haven. Profe.aor of Ncirntifie Auriculturo In Tide Thla hi,thly valuable work will comprise two Inr, roi octavo volumta, tmitaining over 140a1 page, with lk or •Ni ntden.lid 4trel fn.:raving , and mon, than RV engraving. ou 14,44. lo I/11,11,4 XIVIP of art. ilinntmlluir aliment every Inspl4ment Ininbatitlry now In tine by the 1.4. t far morn s lite best toothed of plowing• planting. haying. harv esting. ie. de., the , varhaintlornentle animal/. In their high. fed tocrfectlon, in abort. the triennial feature of the took In unique. and wilt render it of incalculablo value to the 'tu. dent of agriculture. The work it bring publishes] In remi.monthly Nunibcrn, of GI inimw meth, earluslve lb., steel engraving's arid In fold at reW - n each. or In for the entire work In nuntlwia, of which th. re will be at leant twenty two. • The Prrhallealareptibludmi are 414, Th. London quarterly Ilevlew tentirervativ, the 411 m burgh Review ttNblgh the North tieltinh Iteview (hie (hurch)( the Ve.rtmlnater R 4,111, (Liberal), and Blank. woorra Edinburgh )la.,..nazlne (Tom Although thew work,. are distingnlnhed (CO the potlheal oliwien aloe. Indicated, yet but a mall portion of their rt.ntenl, in,irennsl in political pubp.eln. It In their literary elisracter which g 1444 them their chief sine. Ind 10 thAl tt, Wind conteantally her clone nil other martial. Of their lilarlteinni. stall Incma (be masterly gOldams . o o f f Christopher North, maintain, its ancient celebrity. end ins et thin tn., nrinnutilly attractive. from tile Feria' worka Butner nod caber liter., notable,. written for that mica. aim.. and tint appmiring hi its column. 101011 In Orval Uri. lain to ih,. (sited Intatsa. Nada work. on "The Vat. Icon - .4141 -My N., Novel." both( l.y.llitlwersi "MY Penh. - lobar )Lela(." -The in.., Band." and idhcr sects(. 1t which ntrionroun ri•al snlition• are binned by tbe lerldhll4 ill thin country. hare to be reprinted h . t. 11 1 . 1" t•ublishern from the pram, of Illackwconi. alter it b. been nnond Me4nen. Nowt Cm. on, that nutecribern In Ow Reprint of that slognalne lon, utast+ relY 101 having the coilie..t of the, !actuation tab.. . .. ..0, F, 0.r., nw. ~r Um four Ilerl.rx ,nnmtn, 1.1 NI I,r t Jul b oil 1 , .... as., 11. , do 7 .. F.e 0.1 lotir 11,v1...•. For Mb,* ‘ o 4 o l p i ; flugsri:..4 uptt1..11,40. ILriews Jr. 10 .... in 5 .0 CI.IIIM7i.NI A dlrrnnot or tyr , nlr flya pf.r n nt frnin Ih. al. , ' n I.rifr^ will be. allnwn.l In rl nir or afsl.s ovra nr rw nf unrkr Thu, 4 ..f lilac liriatnlnr 112••• /1..1.w11l 1...ar0 ‘.. nta. 1. 4 . 59. ....pa , Ow (ton. IteTlego. awl Hltwkw.••l fnr V3l l . and (.1., fn. dol. marl In thr. - rnbllahrtr. a .• fnan ,411 In agent. Mnnrr. rurn.ill In Om wltrrr 1-rurel. will br rret -1.1 AI m. I.Leml4arfna. and maim urication• 1.110111(1 alwa, ,41.1 frailloal, In tho I,ll,ll‘hrr rvl LEONARD fr`trry 711 Yultnr,trnrt. Nrw Ynrk. .010 . Entrain, 6.4 farm, t ROIME YELLAJW. h5(l _11.4 , fl, ,,, ,r ip pa i, L t . k...! J.° Ifoik: YELLOW. 914 lbs for maleby 11, - J KIDD*. CO SiIII:ICANI'LIiiiILLiON. 259 lbs fur /A...ydo b T JO J KIDD .t ft) wIi . urt;IEICNS. 15 brie lbr nab by Lo lab in utore lima fur Bale by ja..o \ nI JUIINbTON 11.00315. lOU dozen for vale by 111 nig JOILNE/Mt .. , ARNOLVSTIIDIBMIT'S, HOGAN AND THOMPSONYL .m 1 nurinaa, inaa, 11.1. Sadiel Care Ink, Ginstnif. min Pither's. Illrodkma i n nod lancdocir. Jacks m, inn! Monne, Ma/ amt R Lead Pencils.. . . . . . Intutonde nr eton - destnipikan Cobro's, Pratt's. Loomee. and nth. r mntio.farturto Stml Pet,: 0 k 1. M. Smith'. (ennovenr to Co.) odel.ratol (bid Denr. wit], cold eod ilver Ith.srtuan . , Engroh Drawing Plil.O—ontiOnor , .. d'n" vlet bent_ olds, nolumhier. roper mod• too ol end eh phant LOool limn]., cap. dente and medium. Perforated Ivan? font, box per, ha te d end 0nd.0....1 mkt. Pclo . , limM mkt,' pa, old uod rolnyt...l.trito and mryt.re.'Ond lithnonotho r, rant.) . hneee: prepaml orehrornt .1.1 wlsor. ouitabl. for dodo, chart er. and dl t 1.1.• Freneh note paper. always no bend, tla. no..t dr.intl.l.• Amen end pettarrne. mrttuAr p...l am! rdv..11.1. Fnitalle for perth, woddinga sod n, menu anT ' pl - Z11 ; r I ZTI 4 ;:t 3 ): but!. Oho. and crlntr. NA et,: Aro:kr AOO,O, mlttorn, weling .and. hoots .... . patil Turk., bus .4ml b0a.....e.i , ,1ent pre," !- brn.1,...1, yeenel. and Enolieb envying hook , . ond nd vapor t 0.... pap, of all odor, red and white pa., blot pNor rm.!, knit..., /to. Th.. ndh nll other article; In thr Stationery Line. 1,0 .t.Lp!... Geo tln r nub n 10rg«....rt.. 010 Wank look. nod 0111 of oil c..tomon ton. ruline. in ...et. .t leo( bindh,.. nod paw. of all rire. and ',lndio.- n0...31;0t role. on thy moot moron. tt,tet.t. at AV S. ILII:EN'S . . lank nook anti Stationary arnhozw. Corner .4 Mark. aml Suamd Morris and Willis's Home JonniaL I)vitiAsilED very Saturday in New York ye.. at Ten. laollor4 a yar. naynbln in all run, Ita onvir..lii‘ ‘i.r_in of the Home Journal, No 107 Fulton treet, Nen lieeetuNr l‘fid.-To all iihran it mai n riiii. Thi. may eerlit, thit J. U. - r .lulantlioau .ern l to art n,nt for Muriata a. tury . el Hour Jot 1., wet Mat all nv,inta aura toy hint in par. went for mai toner will Jul, a. knot:lrvine,' by no at the roblinanon. and it u anri , d_and all etiboultitinnii are tiai title one rear in ne tit an, lbw in VT rolainill nun the let id Junin mr. Piiinterantunte by IS.uument, Third rtreet, tlo Poe; To the Readers of the Pittsburgh Gazette. TSIt lILIC .Vl - I'ENTItIN i. reapeetillilv in it. J to the bkilowitig truth, .u.t inrth lu iriwu Lia !lei ft modern tlinea! " 14 . . ' :11‘ 1 1 ' ibTi r \ ' l ' 3lirrir . :lll. .„„ iee.r.nrci rtnen r , ,1 meta an. tityught Infuse the noblii. fir the f ar..l no, of ne It. ,rvat ['byre" hat.. Une. thvil.ibef,llll npprreinild b) the emilmuniti. and we alien , that the limner it I. the a,. bun will It .rtell Emie ail. It ii not the ',m d:. ir .1.0 the nb. but. .1 ~hot h ur. ne. . Into nieil alien ii.etrunn ivt' Ift•r3 rg.,(Gii Tin. Petroleum I' r.. 1 liotaiob oi the deplhA of the raith I.a t. and ain . that lame,. to n-orn human .min knoll It our tint.. w hen we writn about a meal. nu. ilia! rue the truth—that we sal nothing rale. , land to e lls'. ho may 'root our wool go pub ountw an. thin.. that ,nkt.11.•..1 , 16., Iron, dinew-e - ..tor/ hardly I.- lir. toonte to r the 014..1 of mg or bum eimie of them w. in not Moire bi th., a e Pun nualoue iusly chat n lob in Ninth. to ..ttr ehonbl I, told in onle, urt d o rep. 1%1., b... sweatily an, onii,e Kr., In the materis snub eni Plain inivrni•hru Net. that inny orerUlned In our id. awl tiebiliboilea.t. Noir ample te-tlinuity in Ca Our I,troleniii ittnn the ,3.1 t.,, Int.te hk.. I of one ;kon whe tntAllr Mind. lint* Leu ve n‘tor..l 1..1011 Ft.t rn) et...-kk Iklinktrikkt.. In th e Stole ;kr lowa ;knee.; And al,. On rake of ventirtuan Itet‘trt county Then To-. kale. :Inn ;hot , . n,,k earkep tumt bow, And MO r, mt. er.•11.• Ik, on; hem"; who hate kinul.tk; ttok wet . cored MI, they hul hoeu ohnuttnn ed In ph , sletank; Inkr;kle.m. Eh,. Ivklmleaktua .111 cur, when o ls - nnltuk, t , tinnk.• .htntrhakft. Dl +envry. hrurtkor Stink • . • . • si.l 11ttrt0 •10. •.I 11.. 11144.1.1, and hidirot4 144.040 164404, 1. 4 .0•44na1.4.1ti.1 ilunr.ol4. In 04AL, 0 tr NO 1.11, 41 t. 41110, . he. kor•ti [rte.! in 1000 .4/ 01.4 ttt Ow twitll, t •ra rrso.4 niO4 irrrl.4.l 0r4 , 41..... 4 '..-11,-.0.,14nt n. 4040.14 erre In Ih4. 14.10 .41 A. ttt tttttlitt • 111 00, 4.11.••00.• •tww itteltt lit t 11, •.r 0..40 In 044- 1444.14.4.1 • 41' .1.4 444 01.0,141 min• 1.141. 4.4.1104 in • nr.. IJ. MM. It 110.10 1.04411 4 4 .14. al 0,• 4.1 au., 00041.. nr.• 411144 r 0. .4401 .1 444 prn.... 4341 404.114, r0a14.1. 411 .111 1. that 110. Petri.l.4o.l th, 40440 , KEY,EIt A %I.:(1.1,,1 I:EL lit ,t\,..1 rl. Feller, II I.%trit. D. A. Ellottt..ltt,th ltouttlat, Allev.lo.ol Ott' the pro protor. till,ll. 1 . 3011 /1041 x. nth .rool, Pt ltttr.:ll .10 JAMES W: WOODWFIL, 11:RNIT1111.: .S - lt , l t u. rt.,...“1.11, Is. fru...l. ur _ Inq " • that L. 111.- uo• I u L 1.”.D.,11.441 furastu, In 1.. 1. ars,u.ittrd .o.llty wltla ittan.nal.. s4n-Luiae,ll2l4 • flan, and Inan ...,lent of In- and Inriiit) Inaunlart h• v•natd...l t, pnalun• varrannal furui nr 11.. Ina- .I..phal th.• df al..nllf, ILe nhan ..r.. r...a Jll ynald, nod proa. and In., Pla a) • hand the nr•nuatt orna er•r; .I.a...rip/I'm .4 p.,n‘lnr.., (pan 11, • •In-0p.,1 and In : In lb. wt. al.- Cant and non.. that • ..u., na an: part .4 MIS h• Inan Ina ♦.Pa ..r mannfavlunal on.pnoadv rt Ile ...all, Lu.1...n. that tha advan. Pl. may la. lin,. n The an hy 1•....1.1. in pno. nf •ual... 1. h riahunn..4 P nnt.l, manna any .4 Mr E.aatran • kr*. dranlo, .11unad. Kral 1..1 tn.. chatr.. ...ry • n.,. nd,ndludlnnlrvan, And endont, and .knerrn-nn II Inn:ln 4 ...ndld Am - 11 . 41A, an I rarn-i Lulorid.:dand... ninon: ddanda. nc:AI holders rw..l an:l walnut n•ndre Am' non, tald, Kidnan( the onnt nod .1.. , n1.01, 1 . .t ran). I . •••t.00ko ARO taldn, I.—.lant.: and n.nlaKcan.l./ of o•ol, • n,411, hail stdi dmrd, lAand• • Ack, Lai .I.and.. end ndunr MI. rdt• Ind •Inidnnd. oaprd warn, an.' Ira lan, and Inlnnl EZEZEI . . . . . . . • . . . a ler,--• •••••••rla”, ...5 I , 4llnaau VorNtwo .4 Wl.lmart (hair. 1,41,1 talaArra •urj.lla, %Ala all Artvica us 1.111.11. I furninlw.l at the. •InArtett rr:R\ r;sci so: COM PO( SII. T„,, 0 -,ai.; g 4 U. Ir. illl . h • 11.-et, lu th. t . ,:•1 01.4,14 eul rehl , ern., water 2. stal, doul - A um tt ousel kt IL rualsu tut. tantrum Intrerd-nnr tr.. humus volll n-• hurt Manna I r mrand nturh thturnr, and Inkni mu, hilt n'all.l.• vr• hurl rrr torus.. Tarnun r l• :t • 11. c.ltlfs/t tas, putmll llst. Torunral In the hr•nd rt n. , 1 'aro the het., • .11.ra. , Altrltts• ran ptt111.n1...• fln,Liaatn.l Int , purl- rlrhn• rah., trantn rat: :Inure nal,. run t tend nrnr nul. !wen Intr., rat, tro• rnt stud. druid ra i • LTU rn.. and du ail %alng • aELLERA • 11.4 •2 NEW BOOKS! NEW BOOKS! T LITER.\ 1:\" 1)1;;IIr1', Tllinl DMINIsTiLtTows :11 ••1 ; drlnuniarrishou •rn nt Autor. Itrulin. I ;Law. • Vor Jurit/-1,, 0.• /At, r.r donnurnt. Irsnnu thrs .Wt • .rn -rand IL• Lll. undrrtignnl. rndr, I. heal. Orr n TT. • ti.rrlrrr • 11.,rd.rn.nr.r. nr•rr.l II r ronn• Ituullar • ail t„ Th. went ~ hoer rn. and all 1• n• tutrlnurbun, wunlort Th. Lad Irr rur:•l--an atra t • at the maim dirt • ant, n T.. tun. and urn , 1.r...1-• LaL. nr IL to TI 11..r /r .tut ter/ .1 Irr trar rrurrt. ut the arThr•unt WA, •'adrth , The r- Irruntrn Truth nental. ..1.1 A lualtn, nrret Ler.", an the Jen,. T. Dr 14., • 1 1,S! , ANI , nthurni•trulrn Adrnlnirtratcr Irr 11 .ru • 11,1, Id Ill.hur thr lunnnr •rf L h 11.11,11 lhon. deurnal. N• 1 1 .11r, .alum: 1 The Old Printing Establishment Professor A. C. Barry's Trieopherons. , lilt NEEDICATED (AIM poush lAT 1'..1.,1,1,54.. awl St.4-kt,....:+1,4 Blank y „„„, ,„,,,,„„. ~,„„u „,„„ pulp. ihln 1;:-.;•.471VI'r't'rrTrrr221.L.7ebrrl'r"r7l. ...menu,' 1,. ecru!. rtantruf. and all •11.1../Ist arulp. rnern rtr I.•unl. ennui rrupt.r, the •Ird, dlnuan uf the trlntula. '-'• ^ 11 • 1 n f e , . 1 . 42 Prllrtrn. Ihr•l• • nirr..l... and int..ttunnur. and n rtinuh. ron, bruf , s, 'l% ttl. 1141.• ..rt,theion nl , unr.l a. LAI " The II.! num., In .tiurrlrs. turdrea. num . . Ihr tnnnownt rain,. or all 11,11*, 6.r I, ; , l ;;h r .i^ - " 1%::::.!,;: ' ,7 1 .o.1 IN., /fouler.. No r. Thin! , New Books Just Iteceived.albt 41audrull. boahlo: vo.uti.ls. curls. 1-TON LUI 'l'a/I.w mid I. xl, nut..: . •.^ r , t ,4 .o." , I I b" „• „d th, ~,, of C.:lll.kt s anhertinLl In the pal- Ina:..Oa 1 1 s.hps ann. eI he pran.. n non) in prise 4 pew tom Irt cheap...so ,ell hauler Oa. nu. •,1 anri•".4 i , relrm l . v... sawn, rta nstos nf the arise., haste etaahled the Puerta, AA 2119 ' ""'“"AII• • 114 . 4 '• to 'halal, It at per leAtl.., which in fnap tta lilt hearssn-ntanees nf the t ta. ro' Llartauen yt• Ira Neal natation for tree I'. A 4 ' A i r tl7slleTriel h' rnS:liVe r alm the hair •"'"' ' A sisal the rain enal.nehr the talnat.te din...taco- for the Mau.. -II of IleAtran. 11,2.1. In John , • z.,Z , 11.1 , 1,1 .101 the ,h. Klat•11 •••• Snot's. is enetnnal, %loon lenrila the mot, •• sho rorn. , allleatty . ta no. Use menahrane. slochennalltute the • I ll. , l.lnnlAltsar• Fran , . `t 1 eta. sal the holr srivrti alms. j. tr Ulna, fn. tine enveS. pe le ra rt . Isa • All mane (d.un of the ham the F. jiao rti tss NSP R.tNt vilyitpA N I • r Ithe nf all. th it. Ile I the hem f n .111Inanet I rah, sy.• ..•11.1 porn., Fan I, a n eln a n n o, a n I t nod hat, dui& .s,i thst laartShst . It. (reel, itan,urh the ,ntSl Per In nasal the ra.4 hae heen tpieentnl nnent rof It.. nal , nab ...Ma, and ittatun ta. the Mar, the rn.ult in ant rouss 4.41, nonauns lir ss et. Bihar, nue!. alaustrutt ellegLilnn at the Indr, gravennu, drj •aa.l • n-rntr an anal... ,lar.es go ta,e nd manna depart• and har.lannes raf the liptruentn. and estate ariM , ntont uts , ftanrable u run no tan ether en tnheith. eons saaa Inaa It 5q.... the .kin besalthful arstion with ani 1111.1 , 111. Ail9stl.H. the Trieraphenoa. and the hnuid teems!, renaternny their st In 71 .1 neat'(... to Bank nf 1111.1.urtla auttrits. Will annihilate the diner.. (nal] affontlnt of L ( . 0 t.,, laV uto 1,11119AK1 It P 141 nos Lt 1 th• mu-rular War, ag.l the dam., that the Trionphrroue r . a s I ha' l..pneille n 0... and in all taffeetkha, and injury a.l N EN' RAISINS etnnAgnment tor Maas lay , thane ne a rtra, it to t ourenslan rented,. Illttlll N A KINK PATHIAI: Hotrs H irLe w lVtt. prlt . se al the PrtiPIII nL 'fly lugs new ern!. j'or Fill. ant. amt drains:int; thru ' u ‘ sl7a. k ui me ' L l tall ' ardlta n a; ' el atnl at' '1:111111 `i KIRK PATHICh ulna dre. l . 3 . ELLERS' IMPERIAL cut•I;II syitup_ ' I_\ niE COURT CO3INION PLEAS 7 1 Ahffl lonal ',near of m, lamer hael Allegheny 1:011111). Ilanapany n. LSJIa 1711. /t K 1 the I. P an , hernbe matifard. that S•rup. //, 1111 1••111/0 (nand Temple Wu, aunt the n'eme Ptah.' taken had appropriated to I. usse. for thin plan, l .I{,l na It Inad the dads( ,ur - Ing r^^ "... 1n... In the e", Al. nen of n enunla that hart deep:Lin-4 of ever tenna al II I lenhena . being pearl or lute Noe. of and VI In TIIIV, Pate "A'Al AI " A4 ' AA rvtr A ' " ' AAA ' " ' A " "" P A "' "A 1 7:1 ' ;a1 I I 'g,lre'fatur Pic A'lgh i;`,2S 'i";!:t',,',11';'..!,iT,;:`,,"e.5.';71; 4 '1: . ,°,t - . 'a r t ; .1 Ind anal ravunsuotualtata it ha the public . she 1.1 the la. meth are Hint In the nlyre ram, an that liar totr lasso prepornl 1 , 4 the cure hos what, it la Intended. JAIIILa PMITII. Isrete.n.l awl anlal be It H se.m.Ens. 1,7 %toad el I , A LEIVITS.—.S tons * Salt•ratm., in hrls and 1 In., for natio In tan Wawa DA LZEI.to CO LE.% I , LA Ill). Lo..t . bard in 1,1 : 1,.1111d kep .tutt far sole 1., k lalleuta Urn" , I t AIL-15 Hods prime N. Orleam4 Suer, 17 In nor* atnl fer ansie hr 11l WERT lIALZELI. A AU. .1. httensts itnast. 11,101.A55E6.-2.', brb. Sugar House, St. ITAL Kra. Ilea. , an • rot rneelted, hal for Ka. tat 1:,. , 1101 , 1:111 111 ',ZELL A HO. Ltherts LI ALMA IN .---1 I inIM Salmon. No. I. in 410 1 * 17 anal Ho Late 1,11 tas itslltEllT la LZELL AKU IDION' A L.—DR. SPLEII has removed to LlLen, .t 1. Iselah Pitt, No PO. Unite anal ...ril- Elan 0•1111.• 1•111,4111”, ausnilohlm _ IVA !AMU'. bldg for ado by Jo .i Ii I'ANYII.I,II ASII---.ll'asks rime rne , l by w AI , WI I WIN NI II and IL NI/ l e I C E,--Thepartner4ltir . heretofore I nautnal er.nusral. rt.- ha 115.... hurl... of the larva will Le altsoninl In h. Jahn Pitnelatusno, ulna 11. anths,rlanl pa 1 I 1 IIOI' “II"" UI VIA I I IA IPS I I " a I f; ` ,JAV .n.lll 1. 1 T7,l3l(ltit , The tinderaignnl nottlnue to Merl itt the boelnean an 11. 1 tt lltn aid stand. 101 IN /elan Gor. Caren, & Klan e., %Intl] Want (ZIP MTS.—One thousand bus just received 17 per Ammer Jenny !Just, sail fa ant„ lay $llllllllll rt 11AI1NE. 4 I)A PER ANI i I NI:S. Frent•lt and Amer -11• 11 : k PAPER I' HAI:SHALL Pus' g I\. 21 hiller 11.11 A Illnditt . g Intel the 15... IA II DICI;EV A CO. ./An.l WAtAr and Erlit Altl l AND STENINE. A No I Loot: mo„ now Intolinc from rt.-morr 00 ,, I,AIAII DICKEY A. CI) oKr owl Er... +to. REASE. hido. now landing &inn the • r to.n. rt. for .olg , ISAIAH DICK EY A CO.. Jano Woo, sod Front FEATHERS. lb eacks now landing from dam i " "1 1 ,t'l n Dicim co. Mo . ! .na Fr4e , fi II ItCplE ifitlEN. 700.11,a for O. 6, sale by ! KIDD A CO. Wrn3 61,(111.1.113N. 1300 The for no by . a_ J," .; faun a co lilt ti APPLES. 6.5 bus for aale 11 Jutl WX H./aural:lN STEAM BOATS "VOll ST. LOUIS. The splendid juz. TR atm.-owl. FLEETWOOD, Wm. Conle y, wander, will kart Lathe above and Into tureliato Infra ree ilatunlay. the 1111.11 'natant, at 4 P. 31. For weightoight or roreogo.on4r me hoard, or to DV .1. NEIVTON JONES, Agont - --- tl4 Olt NASHVILLE_ T .helh.o.t =anion 114.1113ar 0 ENI:Yht. Capt. Wahine_ ..4 . :lg x, w leave for the shore and irnerromliate porta on eatonlat. Iltli loot. at 10 A. Nl. For freinht or 1 , 11..... P. apply on kart!. jf? - 0 - 14 S i ELOUI,S. The fast 1-----un- .e. 9 We., eteamer ROBERT 110DOEUS, 1 4111 - oltrber. will Dore be the lahove and Inter-.-- nolllato porta on Friday. Ute Eel hutant. at 10 A:3l. For (might or pa. 441,0, apply no Irani. WI izoßti ENV ORLEANS. The, fir . . , j, rplendid new etannum EDITOR. A. it. 31. 1 ' ... .11 1_ man. ruaeter. will kart Orr .abore and inter. medLaul Iwo-fin. Mir mornlne. 9th neuron.. 10 nlelork. For Elvicht Or paarene, apply on hoard. ' 1 , 0 Ip..)11 i C ASHV ILLE. The oplen - ,. ... o. di, roomier FORT PITT Miller. mann., .21,`P,14 le for tho at... and inP.rar,loor port= ' - thl4 Ja . Oth lortant. at is to A. 31. For .Ight or I.,PILIM. apply 071 lotord. PIO --- - 411EIKI.IN0 PACKET.—The aplendhlk, neiv ratekot otearner DIURNAL. Canurll. ntuP kr. P. mow performing revular tridrrekly tripe het thiffi rile and AV,ln,lltur. leaving Pan.hurgh at it. frClOf every 31Imday. lVedurnlay and Friday. and rrturnlng. /mere It invilug every Tuutay, Thursday and rldtardaY• in rued ttpd.. or L.Nritge.ntoplr on board. Or to nula Mt‘ISTIttIND LiIItZEIL, Agrtan. 1.11 ECU LA It IPITTSBUt4III AND ff.+, • WV.i.LiVILLE PACKET.—the AmuletßjJ EILLE, D. It. Dale. inartrr. will here ever' Titrudny.Thuudlay and ,Paturdnr. atone Inv. kneed elLunite mom )Innday. P. , 4oruin, and Er , 1))110111,A W EDN ESD AY _ ft.. . , g t PACKET. CINCINNATI. Captain .I.dtl Iturtrandharn. Thir boat vlax built the ownr* or the gudancr ram. whin. and other, for tht.Cutrinmai and Pittgborelt Paeket trade. and will Unde IVldim - dI. I I s, eaten/natl. In Oare of the New Env. land No. 7_ Ear freight or pa,ave. at a y bnard. nr lii meal II It 1111.TKNI:F.R14:11.. IVIIEELINti A NI) ft SUNFISH PACKET—The f,t runninr, bunter %%ELL., Cant Vuung. rnn regular parket tadvre.n Pittobarah, Prideepurl. lITItI FitnlAk. Irnionit Pittsburgh i•Tern afternum. etrulo.nvilie. and Eridgedadd. end .orrl after-anon fdr tlrldg , punt.K. ndarnine. leaTrx art • of Fattriol, ever, Ttt,-..in, afternudt, Sonn..h IF tithe afterttrun. For fr;leht md..a.vm, fund) on or to _ 11. K A.ent. ring:ULM: LI VEIIPOOI, AND Qj ILLY. PACK ET—.Thr 1:MA :71 4 draught ...rimer AII f:N A. It. 1. Kinney. um. tar . Inver 110.1.1,11 do ....grin .11 - v4n...du,. and Friday. at lord., A ‘I on Tuovlay. Thurp.. der. Old Sat/11 - dal.7 B:ch.-U. A. IL Forrudght or tta•da,. appil on hard. LIOUSES, FARMS, &c. voR REST--A Dwelling House, svitll 54 tou .Jr iri gu+l , l.lr,nd wltA 1.nl• uo F.lrnal ctn. t. Allrytken, Brut, .I,J vrr Alan. A nnTfillf: ou Mark. 000., I . lo,burrls. Innfinn Warn.llanno .an and nnoreral 0 , 000 In 110 l I:. 0. OAZZA3I. 1-alllnl2nn 164 ..S•voal 0. I`oo. oil Trilnumn 011 2 week., r~• • m LEA . - -Tin. Thr., Story 1 hreiling t:t %t ...1. al Jai, annntnntn. nn..l cnntnuninnionn n0n10r.,....-••• a.l Lb, 10 , 0 1110, nnninn.o nan A' Arnl I.onnl , a J. d 1L 1.1 . 01 ‘0. nal Round churl, viTo LET- -On.. Two. Story Briek ILluYn, c•§lllnitting 4 n•.., .it Cvntn• Amutio., Road Itrvul 1,,0r 140 AVATT • IV 1, 4 1 01 i. It o:\ 'r. Th.. Store, Ith Markt% ..... DAVID IistLEII. RENT, two very convenient lott - E1.1.1541 Illlt SES, nu Vtard •tn•et. at.,., unr Socalthn#l,l I,ukr..ion Kirrnuu the rtr•t ..1 Apell twat Laaa , (..x. one cr 'ear, env large. {V an ! L.Ann .rahnr the AlhAchen• River. In the Ninth {Van! . . . M M. M. DIILIy,ToN. rr BENJ, O.IIO.INUTIJN. ',nth rL urn, ririo LET. the large four try Briok r % 'is ekr.l..m.. hl on El Alin lA .rth u pr,t;,t ItENT.—The 11,11ouing prorr -1.1 A Inn, u.ll 0u1.1.1. And natt.letrly furuiplo..l= 51Y11: A, Martrt ..trort. Tilt and Fourth 0n1.1.1.1.. Sro Dr, lneiwl man• In 11 , ./.14 , 11, lIuILIIo. , Iv tla• fernutl vd !MN .torip...ntizal•h• fin ArILAW• I,agn, te . . . A 11,n. and rtnt,nun nt • Lal II01!SE. In n nen, .»n thr ran b. Oren 41. the Ia Arnll laeld A 1... SMALL STIIIIE on Tbtr.l •trrt. nnst thr Inn,n n wlwrn I. Poll ?ALL— unr, , n-t1 1A.,. 'n Inn 11,n.tn.n.•. Thin! •linnt. hrryl.torn by 11, In. 11r. A. lit.lett ut anply 4, • ' " • E. I/ S••••tmcl ttrovt. fatly H. 51 , ..1/11.1111.11... tt inl otnwt_ A *01; I{ ENT. a Tw. story Frame Flem;47, , rp, Anil Dart $.1.11 eitztste L:11,0 ran- h Wttra. s , t).sttirnt I- ,hrtnlt. ttsr tem, a,pls Ltrri.r. a 411_ etrvet • 1.'111E1: YARD TO RENT. A Inn ge 1:1. W*,. /wt.! t.Art Tv. a.a km, I , * 'Elt•sut, of . . - Anil Irwin Win,. Yr) LET. 111.. Sion, to. ...in-rt...a:no Ow Jrwrirr .• V Nl•••rni •iinit=Al..th , A I:ankln.: sod Eartaan,..,..tras. Th'.l Al. alrrl In ityruaciterrltrAi wal lrµ Grt#llo." rottit a" thr are] Irril oslattoll w Itankiuz n.l Inantr-mrr gArr, rtun• A ..c 4 r.1.1 lAro mina will be oal to *" : l' ,V 7 .Tfi ' :- ' TP - I.lseprirt Prlri..coorr.li Irstrtl,-- K 11,111., Cnrrwr of 31nrAnt owl ',rt., 1 4 1 1 /It SA LE, CI. Ft...ry Brick Tr, I , .tni/v Nn In 11., , e1, + V+. Tnnn... mr L.O in wft , . j_ f.,+ to 1. ,n,nn•.l L•'mr , .., the prrn.4 zr.clunk.resw, , 11 , 14, In • WILLIAM PM 111, .113. 111 I.ll.ert, FIN I LET, a f.ur Mors IhiellinZ. Slat , loth wr.• W S. MUJITNEY. I.olleltor for IIeWWI riOliE ANNEAL MEETING tot' the Stock ' holdrr.. nn l Eltrtion Ihrerlorn, for the 01110 and irnlll3 Ilnll Vreul brld of On' " 11, " 1 tin. ,von. nn the vitz of January. brtw,n tohour...lll IA. AI and 3 I' • #Ul;ii AV 1 il i :A:r i il i Or it., ' . .11.3 a t . 114, V.. 1Ar1 , 41 r , !.. A WJ lIARDATJOII. eIORN MEAL. 1.., ) ..).) Ir., 1, family uv, rm. ule br .1,410 t , a W. I 14IIIIAIIMI lIN SEED OIL. 111 111,b4 revolved for :tale A br .1..., 0 A V 11.114411(111. (1 II I.NI 1 DA BA R. 15011 Ito jw.t.reeeive.l ‘III' etul rm. 336.1. ) 1111A11N h. REITER,_ ,I 1 Corn, h- CA& m u tt I.ll,rty ,tx. 11 ,,, , Lt i N , i l;', ,, S ; :i , :,.. tn 4 , l'l , . 1 . .1 ,, ,, , e1l p3i re Hare° and t, U. I! . WATKIIMAN A.I , IINS. 1 I TOFFEE. In Ht”re apd JIM Alen , by It ~ 3.,n isn!mcateßcy A Vit. ''r 0. MI )LASSES. on brig pow crop. just 1 . 1 0 ,,, iv..1 .nlr3r .31r by 11. A. tniNNINIIIIAII. , i 3ZI I.lb e rtvxt. " 'TTER ll I .' ' IP RESII ROLL RI) . . 1 , .r 3 lust rev 11 d' by 1.20 _ ItACIINNINI;t1A11. 1 [NCI N N NT :11 I 0U Lli CA vALES. Hill's r; brand. I,r 3.n by' delti It. ,t i,. y.INNIN(IIIA3I : 167 11 i i 'i t :E: I' IS , II, 75 10:111 .4:1111 ,, h1 r 1j10 ,, 10r 1. , 211415L2K . A . 111 FAIRINGS. 100 Las fp melded. for • I . .b bs ,1,.. 15A1 1 PICKET A CO. IjOW DEREI) FIEN LW R.Ay,C. 111 lb , ~, +. 0,, by fiat I 1111,11 N A Itt:ITER. '7l d ~,'. , ,' Intl VII t t it F.ITEII. tCARIC for male by il. 3al BRAIN A lIEITFII. L! iLV ER COIN WANTEIVr which the ry 1,1,1”,. prrmitiun will I,,trti4l al palm, 311133. , ~, A. II 141. A. 00.. 1 13, 'Nov.. of — lOl and Wood .. ' gi 1I 0 1., AN ll SKELErog.SIAPS for male I,_ , 1.% ./... WM, ttt.I.INTOCK. 6:. U PER ENCiLISII SHEEP SKIN MATS, I. Ow Ileutis.am,t 3133orung t a ~ binutht ye Pitts lir,. lor t3le to 1 01 - ' IbM. SYCLINTOCE. t LUM. 40 Ebbs for male by fi. I' , 101. fiAIIALEI 4 CO. %I ADDER. jc s hlids ! , , , Z q.. i tlll i tf . l , !, lo .. 1 . : 0 111.1 1 0 _ 1. L 1 NSEED OIL 30 bbl,' for sale by 10J DCA 'FIELIO 111TTER. Si 1,1110 roll, for Pale,by J 11 CA - NFIELD ____ _—__ i t ROOMS. 40 dozen for solo by _up WI • . J, 9AN MID QALERATUS. bo* (oriole by_. 10 An ..rscarram . . . rr4A.NNER'S 011;.... Sixty tirLs Y o . I, for sale' jail) . . lIILLWORTFI 4,00 ! ..- LitUSSELS CARPETS-We Jakl.ntinn of porobasoro ro one forgo mo.ortmonf. er b. Carpal, vhich sxvdirrct nom the ktnputcreanal .ufaetnrank of hear nal rid; taylea, as pelves kir . lhei ran la, pm...11n .y athe an idn-n Vall th t Car m t trarr.homas, :143 SS Fourth ftrt,t. 31eCLINTOCK rIIAPESTRY CARPETS, direct, friar! the Importer, t,tnea. and e,- at‘ I, In atm, anti foetal+ , at .1., .I,ltawl pris m at W. Arcl.lintneWa Carpet Ware- Vo n rll3 mt jaßt - 4inilin~ fro m strum, 0n. :1 5 1 1 r., 11 , 1; Fir.; 05. to Sara Waal L tallthtleld ARL ASH. 13 brbi for nak by - J. n. CANFIELD. 11 / 1 11ESII ROLL BuTTER, in buses awlg daily Ls. I jn9) J. FL CANFIELD.- • . -• VOLD. SILVER, HANK NOTES, 81011 T 3.1 Time Dr" on the r...• t mod We.t, Sic.., ay amt 1 , ;r•• a;ul.)lnrcm. 1,14. 1. , 1m1 ma lt. !mut fovrable at ' . 1 :1 ‘ ; . ) . 7::: ' E AILNOLD k No 74 FounlOßtmet. DICKLES, juAt reeeiteil at Liberty P tire t. , —P1 , k1 , 1 Prnoboo. in ounrt nu, l'ictlJ Pop 3111nktOTY• ie kelt' nation kNeklod Pepl.orr. ,ttart .1.0, Pinkie.' Bauer Nut... In ounrl.,n,; Pickl,Woulinow t rg.. In nuartJr? llortmen. ql/.1. The nbaro n.1..11t.i , m to our almn , l> 13r.no.toP1t of Pirklns, Retrhup,and : 4 ;incoo mlon. onr a'mrt,nent Lim trnot complete 11,111t.nburgli. roA. NI . CLUIn; 4 Co Citizen's Insurance Company of Pittsburgh. • NcouRA(;E molt; NsTiTuTIoNs. LNT. A OM, No 41 %Vatcr Arent. In C. 111,vrr. Prmiilinit A. IV. II MC, •). TAn Ciiinimul L. non prim:it-kW to innart un.roltrinilin. su muil in Wisinsitu. vmiii.ll. de. An AinViv nunimnli Crti nnil intrinit,^ Inwitunint, Atlonlnl In tbr rlinrmli, it the liirretiir, tvhn ri.n. rinzmui of nisi l farunblr /1001711 to the. miminunity for their urudrnm, autellinmare, 4.41 Intmalti . Illnc.nor. Wm. Larinii.r. Jr. Nun, 11.11 Li. Kiiss. .inlin Ilsondh. C. M. NI., M'ALLISTER'S OINTMENT. thr..lll N 'PAININ I n., 51Preu6 . .. 4.1.1n0r' Ilmorto Trio followfo., 11. 4 LIM.01 . Atd alien it, rho .A It., IVIA.IIT 8.-m..1,11w author of lb. , grorit inodi col aork entitlol - 110. Arno, man Vractior of ME..holno nod . .. . -Ulm,. 1..... n um+. arr,uniuto.l uitrs Ulu 1u,,,,1ir•nl whir), rump... NfrAllt-tr.r .All , llunlin.:o.ll.l..nt. trod II:, ( ma rt!...4.8-ibell and tr.. 4 ,41 It 111 ~, ,M11..-... ill II1) .ritato pruti..... I burr. tiO 11r-41211.11 111 r, nag ur awlif,i tr. tbat It i.• a Verulahlu Ituuarul,. er•ut.tratorr . ruo numeral ..st .1533, , ,rbut,..r: rt,3t it. 1i.,7,1j../11, 1-..aamuul ar they a... rsud .. m rrul tr• tlin...teil 1., 111. ,flortrirtor. mr.. 'rut unis Jur rule-, 14.1 01 great rn/nr. ',um a trul, r , ,,0ti1... Iturourly . f -at t , 0 , r0.r. mut I .h.-Anil,l.4urnrberut 11 rr.. n r...r ,urur 'KI.IO. 1., don.. nru , lt rr.w.t. atul. wroth i- 'Wald.," 1 ,, OM vil, .1 a ,n.ut rut., uf 4,......r.. Til.u.,:lr 1 kat tu..tur either rerournlen&ul ur urreuurerl lu Liu. ralu o f ....rm. IpliNiF eau, ruu,nl for 11,.. trul, lumust. coureirualut, rtuul. r.b‘,....tur uf th.• pruvrartor uf thir oinimunt, rin.l Ilui v.. 1... ‘,lllO. dlmalVen s ubli, mu tu ,a, rim, mu. , 11 ruunr,tlTur It 7,..n Vurl.. April - . 2. I,tu it IIKM:11. 11..11. I'tvr_—ll la isni. id lb.. Is•il 11' a the llsis...—'lllou.•anils its,. curly lii Oa. It ii..ser fails in gli 1 , 110. ri,r 7 km J. r i..'Nnr lnewe:. or N.re ft, :dun), hi Arnmol lbn 1.. a nre diroction+ f.r u u 11r.% Oin Ervivin, Vialol%Lo. ScaLl !load. ore 11:ve, gore Thro,t. Ar 1,1101., ot 110. Spin.. 11.1.1 A, be. Iluen, tho Son. zno-Illog of U.. 501..., Ri0..., . . A.. 10 ,Ague In [I, 1'n0v..,. . Frnm the /Nun,/ ;at thr, V. a.. never, perhaot . n,31.-linte k loninvltt 1.. n., ,, ti,.. rublie.tbst Itt, Inost•hort is time V..... 1 ..11. )1 a rotoitarton to NntAltlrtren All.ll,thoo . \l..r:•! ~1r• Alum! rst-rt `••s .0 that has inatht trial of it .tanks uttrutly It i Its prat,. clu,• ba• I.c. tort.! lu It of tbe nust panatul rhentnatirno sall, of Out bill, .• third of ri troubles., rain in tho tridr a fourth ors •nelliiit 111 lb. , limb, I.r. It It du,. nut CZw i Tglitit ' ugl .', f , : . . , -", -- I, ..-" du ''''''''. A. witothei slid:one of Ow sotsb.rlitl I,sli tut t., r pro ...,1 lo tlti• salt, us •Ittottsu the fitllotrlus curtitieute. .t o rv•pestsl.l. t /h.,. ol lluitfruttrrrt. Ors sultito itt th, 311, ltlnitlrnrr.4. Ibtrk• tro. Ilainh 31. kit Mr., Ritter At llu—.l vb., Ito htforus xon tLx I wa• entirely runs! of a e. , ,,, paln in llut Lurk. lot 11, tuts uf 1 ltrAllburrbt All-Iloalin, Salvo, shit b I por , bn,, rival, ou. I o.frono,l will, It fur about t relit,' tear, rind s nir It t slot unable L. nlerto • litirint: tbst U. I Its. arito, rrurtlit•• trhintl 1,1.4. pust-ritual for ri, m 1,, ;.1,,, , ,..iu o , out otber trruttis . itlutot r-erlvlnc 11,11 . rulitti ant! it In., uttiti• trial if ths• rah, sill, a rtsutt fsrorallo berthul en. trot lan. , nosrtturrlt fr. loon ihb ruin. ~,,e,, ~,,, al ~,,, , irrtreftil arul elrtet •I•rtt I hero slut us. the W,r.• r tor totrlt 'wo sod 1.0.01,11,4,1i0t.. with •iinilbr ry n-its. Vuur asstd. Jons flub/outs. JAilF•ti .110 liltlt•litlIt . . . . . 1 1 ...1r I.roprir,r attn. nlPre t0..1irii.... .. rm l43l l l? ' l l 4 . l4:ll ' .l P AV('Tllt i gVilll. l' l 9 .4lt l4''' ' A4C7tr. IN 11,54 I1.,:-11. A. Falotr•Lt.a k 1. 1 . .. r , , ~: 1r,.,1 R rn; Vim .L., W... JA.I.Aral. N... 210 I.o.erry - 1,.. I . I. Wilma. jr.. r,....., .4 Alarhrt ..1,..1 :,..1 tt,.. PiAn.rn,l, -A1.....-..rn,..4 Fourth and nnitl.ll..l/1 .t..... J. IL 0,14. ror nrr a Walqat 1.t..1 1 1 .... rt., Fifth I% Ar.l, rt”.l .4.11,0 Mr 11... k .1.. r" in I'luithr...l.l ...1r....1. thlnl tl.alr fn.,. 11. - ..AA.A. t.z lt j. 1? " If/ t I k l . 111 ' ,l ' r ' i,J ' 2ll. ". lll ' rr . or . 1 ' ,:1:;::t:. ' l ' ;' ' ~,1 - 1. : 1' : . '; ,1 Lll.rt .1 II totr'lAn4. l 4.-1%/..-.l.r.it. J. alna4ut.l.r, 1... Altai ouzsh.lA . A. 11. IkArnsan A Cr.. nr..l .1 T. ~ra. ~/ Its,. t, , ,111 ' Jr.ho 1 1 nrk/1I• ,1 . 1 . T. TA , • 1111 11 . 11 1 ,1 .1 1- - 1-111a1..th '..11..J.1:/‘..ht at: n. n...ta•da, Jadfap, II .11116'S fRICOPIIEROUS r,,r s al, ,l iv it. i f ) F. St'LLEI:A. r w...d .r., ~,, ~,,.„, f., ; r.,,,,,,:„.,, f r ilA Ll.llW.—Fiftyllrls rec.dst,l and fin. sale . IT as:. . 1 , 111I151:1: 4 IIAI:s:111 , . 1 A lil).—Tuventv I,ria and fifn•o li n n,-..: far I 4 ask I.; ao.'L, :11111% fall a 11.110; as . ... - ' I ) 1: 1 I E.% II I.:, I tar,. Innidynd lain ju -4 ~ a ni and lor. ~.1.. 1.1 . . . . .. :-.llr.ix El: .t 11.i3NP.S. -51 . ;. , N , Et '.l 111 4 1,..., , - Five 1.r , 1 T 5 „ r „ , , , , , .i , r .,. ...d it,. / N r .id, 111 TIER.- Five Iris and t,ii Mr , . prime 1,11 Itl. r. f..r 1,1,4 u... wr ‘..1 , . ,•,, &LI S111:1% 1.31 .1. 13111N1 . .. 7 /1. Ml)Ll:4l ' lll.lS.—Fifty 1. 1.4, ` 1:1 arrive. N . ,4 s l. HA NNE,. 1 1:1 1 1:41 4 14 .- ;a •A rs: ' 1 1 T IY n C 1,41 G 1110 N.—Fifty ions IlrnAliCn-ok l'arnnee frn-1,4. 1 t, 1:1,111$4,S. LITTLE L (IL - Arvt.t. U N Isrls fro.ll oil Rater: k brut Inn, INsed lq• lee :0111t.,N. LITT T.i LE I iTI ' III St; LISCRI RE It INV [I . E.S E ittv , Tv art. Ir. in SAIL . . 1,1 ~, .4 1 .01 ,1,... vntl per, rd.:L1.1.1, .d. Fa, 11 114.11, m!.. 1... a Id. ........1d l' 11. EATON t MEIZIC A.N 'II"ooLLEN C00p5....13,,,. ~:s_ humft., find f.fra pr. I.r, oirn: nr..l hldtd,:y. 1 blur 1 d... ra.r.. Crlt. Ills 4,, on, rior idrdr.le. ~, a. sham tell Illuart, rii.4oll brunt I.d. .1.• lir.> 1. , tint.-111..r.R.,,.11,, loir .1., 1,....1, Id do .1.1 3 tr... lan.., TI nkr1121..11., I. 1 1.1 . Itdr,or 1r... , N1.,...1. do • . • Itrot,hl3l,,lrktit 1 .1 ',or - NJ mit, tt'sut•tt. Marl tt,tr.l '1,111,i I Imo,. ,tw.l wt,1•••• 4 t ho - r.••• 1 tltt tltt 11, /b.,. tst,ti 1, all tttt rt.a.,:nant•ta tmtotatlnt Into t wt., 1,1 A, Lir 1th,,1 tt tt, Ira... al t.r.ttufArttt,t, 11•1/ Lv. 1.E1: • II 'I I EltS}.. ill4llll,tx, for ,al.. by ‘, J It i'ANI , II:I.I , llt 1 . , PE s. E ID ou, LH+ fresh rcfl; 5 1.1, pa. , tot. In l:nr tin r, It. I. Eltll.l l . day a, Itt..-• Fourth ttlet . l.lN'llll . ll I I I'S. 9 I,y Ull it .I,IIINST,N Splendid Gift Books .I: 4 I EMALE POl.ll'S of .1 toorb,a; by 'l' It I kod hrr Saviour. with Previte. eard AKetle , 1 1 , hit 31. Mali. right. Life of our . . - • , . . Yamlr trmrni-ar. - VII UP' Dv Dr Till : , arrt.d isrpl ellar."l,l. Jr J T. Ile:loft, Stier,l Stnantaing. 11...tai, • . . 1110.1.ra1.31 ,Itak3lklate B; V.:1A8,, 1 1 3,331 13./.1• Ettgl.o.l awl ; 011,1 n,. 1.11,11 le, Mr-3. J. 113, 1:3•331n, m1 . 1.nm1.1.3/11 %Inn, \ ),1111.-11 11,13 of &nut, Cr 11,1. C3,ittel 111,31r.rn Art 1.. r J+sl. Hiring Mother'. Itr.,.mpoir. 1.11. 14 .ImnrTTnMnrnrnrl . V1....ws °lnv.. ‘1irr",,,,,1,. World. 11, .I.,hn 1trw.1.4.51., 1 4 .1-151alli Nvlng.ll.'nita, 11... k... In horn Itindhe. f, tinli. day pr...mt.. l'ckr ,tl,. 1., A II ENtil.l:4l 4: Oil, Ja . .trS t 9 W.. 1 nt UPICES. Caxt.ia. l'ilovilto, Pepper, Clove,, 1.7 at,lNtani.g.. Mr yaln by InA IA II 14t. ti EV AOh Wator X Frynt anh vEw .STOCK oF i.tA Ncl's. r , c ar: 7 , -„j 7 - vg .401. II Mrllor. hl ttutni atrantl4 Int-Mfi l .MYY nnAlsyA two. awl Ypirtulid arnnArtnt, t a Nutt, mon open azhi r.mit V.l mlr. ,I. ti . _ 6 -' LI pLENDIII (;11 , 1' ButiKs. .....i. l =Fr 0 rot. of \lento, . item. lb IL. . . ;_±...i.,./ ... , (' to il 311kb.rn ,I,rl. Amaranth. • ---- "" . ript Pt entloldt., (Moon_. Win!, It.nn. Amur r Ink, rtrnbrlrritan Ihnlaa and I Imun Donk, ,IntatittlY b,AnuL I,nrr "ph-nanny bnnil. .Inynnllo nrv..ntAlln 1t..,., Album A.An Fnrrah. at. Ihn r, . 1 4 5, Foorth. g (1.11. ' PENS, IY,. .boo. now on hind n I norrh Irrd tinla henx fn , Ihn lenllusr tunnutartnrie. In \.nl ork. arnl cralrr. n10,nnt.11.4.4 and lAn.:lll.ll.lrrr. en... In 1.3/ 1 /1 1 V 3 1 11 1 11). I'nu 11.1Lleh, Pearl All - onln wrinthrnln tntan nt Soo 41 , 1 , W W IA . ILVMS.- 2 tins rneivfal and for Rain 1., .1.01 II .1 I' IV I .11V DER ikI,I.NOAN ESE. V.noo for rale by .10 .1 10 .1 1111/II .1 Cl). ‘,ITALLts*TER•s gyn., ti.r it, .1 A 1.6 I b‘111) 1,1,1, , i; , r br A .I. 0) J "KIDD Ara 1 : I ; liov Sp/Minh Ill.ml, Ninill - nn A MAnlha, hr 114.1; .1 I.lllli a co HA TI and Sign Painting and nindinn. Inntnnth and Wi• n6lllt diwin 'the 11. , ^ 0 Painting nn, n, Awn" ntw I" ""' HO. rm.! nry d•l"nnlnnd it. 1•10 SiA7dk PROPERTY FOR RENT. Thn sulm-rllrrr all:,, for Inn, thr 0010 nn 1r Int In' nod nou.tintinq fourw hofind 1111 1 1 11/ If 11,11 lair nultivatinn. n Won , 3.41 Int In Mvllel'and. torrnAntunrhnentsplnd w r l 4. to", 1111. 11 /1 1 1 nn 1, 0 l.(y Cyr-LI, I. t Mornhnnt. in.) Dr. , Ihrtn in Prv-Inn , -nnuln n..-nAnini"R 31. hen deftnal, Viatql tr., Log lino:, 1, Inrcr hrwur Ilarn. ttn.l rhro, Istn.dnrl Applr l'nvs.— th , ol yr ten ....AV nt II", hr •-"A ty. InAbt brnl of Krntnny nod ,haniqi Sheen, and in hood I entll , ,n , Pr..." val.. Tht rub-wrilwr nnl7l,llt of the rear, Ka valunhle rloek line one,,, ,Inut fire hundred heinl of hp r ,„,„ ‘ „ of 1,141 3 1. 1., bll l lll% 1 . 111 1. 1 0 11 1.7. 1110. I In-wrof bnclo. hnifmn thn sholl nr iltntwl. Ann, of fl. trotti. romuel Mcßae:and: -'I the purr... rvlnrWing fin!.r..Th e 'b rlit=b , ,rhrn . ;7^ r -:l ' nsllln b' rernrr. ;It moron; favorably o,lth soy Cock no Dm Union. Hoy aml 11 . 41 11 can Ic furnlshnal out tbn • of April. If It trlll Lotter purehoncre. • • • German Townablp. 14010(15 C., 15.., JVClellondrotra • lanuot7 11.165/.—JoGoratT flluktotrorn Decontrol. TRAM dOODS.—II.. M. Greetio & Co., 31.alimturent Dortivtle ktraw iv I th, iftwritlon of buyer* to their Ada for Ina, owl valise& Thew' will otter lu o creityalitty l' a i lred ,t : . l4lfi n inrlU b lt b = ett=it. Plr C" l Ando ( u stain ' ) Now lock. deabilai \V. 'FOSTERt, Attorney and Conn fec nor at taw. Na Fourth 'try...l4 4 :womnWilk- Etta al. Vitinbergh. noTlcollroasSill ....... ..... ntett. et . t)lf LTER Wholoralo Itfl: ILI lel Druggiet.•Cerner of Weal stet Third atreets ou der We Ft. Ctittle, Pitteburett trilaityS 16.1.131. P. 110Sa . Attorney at Latr, Mott 2:0.103 Feartli litteet. new Grua. fit Latnertineftelhl. finer. Piltthureb. • itit,3,138 131XTSBURGII CITY GLASS WORKS.- 14. CV,ININLIBA3I k CO- Alokivrartuatr, Of Wakruw 10. 2 , 1 streret. Ix.tvrren Flint S. , akad. Pitttt.,l, Mtrilevgar attrntivn paLi to 11 rlres. Also—nekton., in Mut UK, Vial.", FMIIM. kr. lIARRISON .SEIVE LI, Attorney at Law, • T _ Ohio SO& Coornimimer for uaiog Dep.:L.410., Ark ofloleementx of Deed...to. trltico—foosth otrrof, atom tortaLolT GHT, tenders Lig services littiturgh and ririnttr i or a Freu nd Vonrri Omer. He trill strand ring or oLthro. in thin end oilioltr . reatihir Mt/tilt, ond other instrutornir in tor lin« attended to pith gyp. TM. M. ..M'KN 1 lito te Col Uno r ofl eo on, =memoln: and ...out Ina State , eml Mountie, drawing of deed, Inntln t of rein.. All notation Imentiltneat and nan, Nome to 11. A.M . :moor. I Maniton. '!11 . 1; doaeph Weal Mayor'' , Ufllee. Alward Casq , bell. Jr, P.C. Flan- Wm. Ll CAndlesx, k'sq, Uea • err. Fol.. Fourth rtrrot, riosr the rcor,:extrUmrT pENN.MANSIII ' vaa, L,.Ott, praatiwtl rip". tit. yabli r.Z;;; L nd in ortler tin by. tleittrtto or ben. till clo t. , 11 tn mil at DU; Ar NO TINE FOR RANT aboutunecrnpulous trickery Pentunputehlt4 rut at the iug Ism eire . ulated through the 1.11,3V1T n•tor summated. rout to believe then, hc • 411 . 11r. i i r l i ETTL1)11211 1 . I n. of atone of the loot penmen Itntrzech‘l lu this institution. 141:1"1' S. 11, jic I c I , rto-r or Thinl 1.11 hutilnlion or tlo. ki FUILIT —John Flento Arrlnint, 111 K.l . lr.ozal..rho. root' Al., al. Wat. , on. l'hooo atol to ov. , r rant and on, , Ohkuouralol, norauonsont., 1.. Contn,rwial ovr, Uogolay .orninr. Ilefroonr, to any of the v.irlont 'urn Lvov. (do= - /K O MECHANIC:. AND OTHERS, raour of building ronan,ll occupied 1." It, 141 , 1, and at the Polul. bolortaua Wator at awl 1)u-,,,,ane Ka, w lor a tern, of 0ra1... They ran he Itl, (lean. poop., 1., acne,- noolate Lital oala, ula.turinz l'oraraton glen intnooliutel, Aoplo to CHAN. It FC11.1.1. Atonal. ‘1,9 Fourth LE' ri RS rentnining in Wilkins 4 .4 0111,. A ii. 4111.1 , moat,. r,. I+ l. Roo_ J.;:lars WU. M'ark 11.1,1,41. Bohol 0,1 , a1nu..1 r,aar lll,u'k Thoo Ilirrin. ilanuah alty 11.11fo r an II Mroor Karl 1l 11,11. Ile, alron• Job, V. liarl.an Jonathan Joist oton Win. '2 Al'llintck J. It. Clarke John /Ulu .r.• Holo.rt. SlTlrooth .... Cralutt.oul A 1,,,. w MIVIEItCIAL I:ol.l.Ene, 12rket nrert.. Vs,. only elmr. I In Pilt..burgh. ludruetnt In the of Priamminbin. Nlcemmtile lurk. on Commercial law. kuuwl,lce Book .nsurt. oi hu.sluplar. 1,11 and rxaw EMS= . i Carr eDertwn Mr, M., e T. 113 1 .1,4 . 1 . 513/titt'ill . l. r . Deeteerty Jed,, Me. 4.1 Andrew Wlluen Aleinda • Gwenleer Dark Min ie.- Joel ha,. fleck 11. iali w .itti DEE R. DAriSoN, 1...m.4,r. NroTICE.—TA en up Icy the. subscriber, OD ~:tr,"%";;7,t',„"""„'1..A , ",1 , :;,%. . 1.1 r ,•.".^zii;rai ~. 111. le. the pa.t.e., and eileeel ailround. new - Alter mark:, ix /eerie), 'I lee wane le netweehil to mune torus's!, urine In well. e.ee ty diner, d n Lai, leer nwei,• , SILAS D PRIOR, de eiie.welti, leneLeerer. :south leltrieburgh* j`I i ARNI FOR SALE—A FARM. situate in J Mirth Iluntineeleese .1(11.1141. it , •-trn.r. , ..1 nitenth• eenteiltetnr ?.. wire. 4 ~ .I.eer 1:1,1U1. Leuenied h, land. of Jae rub rl. Mr, rainier. and other —llllOlll 1 , 0 nen, dram!, hakes., in henry Unite, within one mile of the Ynnwlthe greeter rind: tinter. two mile. Inge the Venni, leania Ball n.,.., ~,,,t 0,.. .ii, fnerniteeeleuene ille hintrneremenLeeten ei.E. tit a two .Lery Leg Duelling ihenue. hulk Ban, large (goo- etnble, a hel twee-war, Punt leuel.lincr. ADO° herehard• cuter I , n- , Or. lithe laelegintnuie For ternue-eminineou the preemie-, el ID IREItT I'. UYERLEY. nordiem Dere e_ r RAIL ROAD Trim IN OHIO. I.IELLEFONTA NE II INDIANA RAIL II 11 - 110 A R,—Liealol le iewalie will lee nee,elitil nt Jaekueni eerie. Dart, Comet, . Dili e. elinowee ue Verenilleu/ until deur mere ,liet, 1,1. for deem the grubbing-el...rim, nuel grad. tr,. on len mile., fns m letrantee Creel. to thee Janctieen with the iilenliewrinollea mud Deilletentnitee Rail lieemi." at the In reale hew 1,1;14 ner now ready. at the Engineer', on-, In Sllgs EV. SleelleVellelle , obit, lee Dem inforMation nlw obtain...l trim 1. I leemLertien. iteglibent Engineer. lerotew-ile neat new, lee left nt :With, WI the 1.214 of ...tower, iw-uleel ieneweeniee will al, 1,. reneered at NIAItION, R. 1... mall iii„ : tle. welt, rer Joel,. the wrieleleinz. Oral-neg. need eireeliee.. on nbeint Le lib-, bottle., Marion slut &Before .1111 Ti.. wort.-M.l enefeitu ten thee elei Won will lie newly 1, 11 IN , . 1,5. lb. I' . Ong. Inerotabeen gin be obtained from AL, Velure:ill. I eeielent Engine, nt liellefuntaing, a.) 11 1.. 1 111, i nee e eeer . ..efliee in Marino. The nteeneee a, the .• 11: lenteeen. on tlre nen. not yet rin e., "nee:. roe. te •1 ee hie oun a, the •tbied lint." In ilue gnu,. - L-meal len , k 14ene denim" from Philadelphia to lawn, no 1 !Ikea,. ne thie neevien emitlnnation of the I main line. Diem ge.-iten am) Nen York. throu,ll Cleve 11; , , W. Nlll.. Luc.igs,o, OK?, 3.!,,r The Human SAYS NAT ,m,r7oll,uJ twri ..... dt,apt:og 111 , Ori 1.41. ur• . Ri,t1.31. 0, , .11,,5t uln~m mul, mnnr...l ti" th, \,n: ItoISKIt Chief E.lvect. IN., 10, Isso, dal Body Must, Perspire, :RE. to ',arn a healthy ap ‘,", vrha, 110,Ir tin N0ve..1. - Hcs m”..1 the trxttim not only tuattlrtl. at ; 0,1 mr,tnt. In N. lark kna. .1W In I it untaiilow—aa a4n. In orttny nth., r,t icln &know, The t 1n... , Intl , ..llln.runt. sot ettinttee. at eighty wr.• I+ atom t wouLl note:st ook., I tat.or it to tt. all I Mate. vhatot. rhmowtt &Mt. ro. hut a yr...entire, otad I mlu o olttictod with oni of 1110 ohm, tl I.IIIA all. and non mart (adlrti ,L44-. It e.ir alwvii TV** , rill.. ari. ill hi:4 thit M. that .ir .1wi.,.. will lit it. itria..rtimil I and It. nm m. nu, it .raly 101. JAI: hr .1.... an. timinll with imitations, talianefiPmienl Wm}—end .1,31. in iittstmrsch. .th. and l'itroVireatli. to mwho have either, or.. boom. ath f• ever an'foul, at (heir los'. sad ',crucial with tartar, Arto., Tooth Page 'sill 'irar.ke Ar, sad OF loath odoriferously .• Pond,' T no !LA . I“in cant..-1w nip arrorerl that It thei thatde. a, Uri, or r that 3 Mt her of id • 03 , 1,311 3.3 elan, n. n , hternlr et JACK SO 'A Rom; 240 LAMY F.-• of A Seientifie Hail-Tonto, Rrstorer and Beau errr—Trirrl !L.:0.-. reun. Th.., who been tne..l nrr.l Limn i.nnellent qualtion— 1..., nnt. It to inn.nene the folinnina It i:1 tn onto on any tannin-re intninlnl hair In 50,0: I.ton it railing nth eurnrenef nate nr son, I.alr xrow 4trrtk. ron.lrenin the h.r nothing ton exceed IL, wake. n hnhuniol. and ken!. It no. It hi, lin 0.•-1. tin , nu, nennom:/-‘l—yr , nureetnr—atticle fat the ha, onl, at IT - It lant.N -- .± Store, 210 Liberty street, heed of Pen 4 e,:nts •ean. cal et. -FONTS Solution of .11. t. a Liquid Human Iv,. f,et•xonlng of white. rnl. gr.,' halt, ton , I.ln, k rnlor, In la frw tenant., N. 5r,1.1 br AV M Litwar ttrria.litailoriVood, l'in,burch • rr .JON 1,11,1.1" witrrE.—LaglicA Emu “Linv tho n oo.rool Chalk. They hoo fn4httoll,vounon ILOLITIO,I9 ill, to the clot! hogr ro,h. how nuns. y.llow, apt uvhositly tt .lm aoOoarn. aft., .n veins LLmldes,itlx ingalorp.•ro.Eity i.,.d w'. ha.o p0.p.0.1 a to.atlful vegclablo article,ahkhire w' . tle It I. 111M•,111. iwtrifowl wr All deletwriow fl”.111[112 Midi IL m t th.. .16.10 turid, healthy. ! u,: w wt the ,Ylll . artiow; [OA ...Lin. loakiuw it Aud row:nth. . . . ,t LIN:Kr:4I , 4 1.6...,•Li • PLUS IH I) ANNUALS AND GIFT BOOKS F.illl,A. The I%ot'. for Mre. :Aral J. Hulot er Winter Illooratl.t I . .ni No.lern Art_ 'Me o Eouvrnir. Iflunqal• 1' Nl,l, 1,1 hr lb,. . • . re.. won. 1,11 an.l trKtnia. a!:d splegt I i or T0.u,,1t.:-..llll:.rtip, Inn IX I . otterna.: for =MI= . . . Th. Aah.ri , no Korh.ake for latter. athl hap,. of Lady Power.. ,ort. fu !he I. lt.. 1..10,-; hy A 1... romot Ih,u ndaT Sele.-ed llnlvn fahut bhuhou for 1 ChrL.l.an pro:w.f.. 10 the ,oeou .11 haut llel YT 1.11 . A. & CU.. V. Wood hL I UST ii.E1.1.:1 V Eli frl MI tint Pi illipsville 1114 thl Cloth I.tolort. Au lnnl.. S-1 1.1.. t. 1 - 1.11: Amr.nl , 4-.1 do . . 3 anl. %Vac...1.111,1h rite, Tahle, Shwa! ntalloretto IT„11. Ja• . J a IL PHILLIPS. - N DI A SUIIIIEN PASTE. 4 groen of that autparl. hr I.+.t ana Aar, rvn.litiintr them pe t... 44 sh, 0r...1. Ana ,liable a. a of rlnth. Thla warrani..l an.ro..r the porpoar reinvtottecl, or 111 mon., v-1tma...1. For .tale wholraale and rrtall. at 7 that 0 11 ual .areet. 1.,01 J. a It. PHILLIPS. pRIME BLACK TEAS FROM ENGLAND. marris A Ilay....rth. In the Diamond. have Chia day re. ler.l pa, racket 11,0.11411 r, about IPA) Ib.a. Of rltte raa Mack Tons. thr very bag that nall.l LetWatt,l 1n the Encliala market. Prim W era, and 7j Vb. T.:. ,Intrket in Inintreinntl. rAntri n l . Jnu A 1 1 L. 5 brls winter strained. for sale ff A I, t 1.17 Sill MATTIIEWA a CYO. IN: 4 E}U) Oil. 5 Irk pure Nov Castile "" nw" " d LITTLE a CO. L I (lIFFEE. Rio 1.. r tulle Lv 1:1 I 1:1'. itarri; Ors A CO. Ili, bricklarge No. 3 Mackarel; let. v., nak ae.ce u.rraca • ni I CO. lIICKUIII N " VI I 111.1, t' A 11.1.3% by : ll)) I. I. Lou l 1 svilde N 4 ,1 Rosin; co. EN T I Y M ST A RD. A constant •ttn.t.l...r Intten•nre ont.l.nbrintnl Ktnittucky Nl‘ntartl; j """4,1) a yo. en: 41 Irrl;N TAI IN. 2000 deem !lope Yarn ...111. 1, . W AI.I.IM;FORD k Co. ' . 4 I: ; ES. ;;;5 bids. just received and int 7 111 Watnr ot l\O tvet. FL, 1 . 1 ,""- VI I JEN Tito Prcaident and Icaard of . Ln:i d fiat tun nntnntre 'of the capltAt 'Flock of yd on.‘mlnAntr. I, —iny. Im paltl trn etnnckhalers tnr altnnettnt.• In.tatit. ti. F.. WARNER, Treasunnr. niAnt. 11,1, . 4.1Y11.1.1PS AND 310LASS.EieiTExtralkiin j of, N., York dyrup, very su4 ~..flioh. tiotleu Syrup frdm thf: p.: SC Louts rehnor, Noor Mom. ttolrows d;. do w Urinnn du for nolo kr yet tleCIA11:1: A CD- tJhertr M. CODA ASH.' 75 eask's Kurtz brand for vale ,140 v. a K. It y{ OLL elntteTb.l7llllLlo d,5`2;c7:-rtv TALLOW. 50 hbleTprirne for vale by • d.. 01 2,YNV. ILtUßAttill_.. (1,11.ti..A. :30 boTtev Cheeve for v.le deft i IsiETAL. 176 ton 9 for roHing . In . I vorr;ko, r 3favtlower, lor P "A"111.8' "3 b"F EE • v r e stwrrl ta) ..010 Li del: M iftio:=Educationtil Works, S L .msses sr. : rstlir s. 4 : n es os se A ss u tr& acro osere a t . pss. o c sttess. COlfark ft: jf4 11Y virtue of writ of: u r mi. raik ie u szte d out nf tl.o Cora oLkfiegbent =altar: tad to ine iliraota.l—wlll br estoreil la public *h at Oak Coate Mare, la the city it litlabiagb, on Mond*, tbotbv, i /v , t. ooa rg„ .5.11.1.`,11. at la o'clock. 6.14 ttukSglosting, o g ,l Tror 4 !l, l tiTki Loren'r'bVta the Ei So. *snarl', a plan oriel. bud oratbr ai...nlat t ie toconlhic nas.. in book 3 aaga i.no. *gamin at a o,rot rof lot co thaw. tonatoe 6. o an TnallOl.o ravot a tartar col Knoll atiag calif tot lay fott. to (hot** allet,lbwass Moatrata: irr foot. *to' comet of lot Na. and Mom". Magi, th.. lame Ito tct. to lbe bkars of belttaian.V. bring tart of out lot N 0.140 i h e trowate rrant oys.l*. thin NOtilt I 91.11, Inv tkraingb of Aliozliont, onion by ...sat 00.1 earl carcirat nor* bnishir 40 0,001 in 0. S. ifarostt.s. brn,ars t s g .= zoor g im r t . *. :h ilso Atigu;b. r .i.l).lC.f.3,Cariteral bar eat*, to 0* raid total In for. who* dood. /a amass ao o d b o ns •ot —. taco —,• togotbor with all MS alitita lar Olin ant. , sato*, awl swine*** abstract*. thortnoto lalencina ktalsi wok taken la ezevutkav: tbd fac.porto of Joh.. AIOMIrOttiAL the Oltat Of IL IL Culloagh.A.4.osoo of S. S. Quirt: ottl to be *SI • V. CURTIS. ace!. Shorilt Ofro), Janaarr I. IKI.--jsgsfltkagt3 . Military Bounty Land• Agency S.MATIIEW ROSY, would - resrectfilly Inftrm thaw InterMiteg Out he Law cm:ago/1111w. eming Bounty . 'nada mohy the annul law of Contrast By that Law. wbo widow.llY tatted ha any thai worn slum Yaw, or thoir 01.12k1IXT at. Or thlod to Downy L. 111.1. hem 40 to IC/barna, gpc.nljog the term of reran"; and CI the law etyma., sneak.e agalnat the tranafero, no benott ran Mame to Um alablire until Malawi la bested. It la then...fore atm atigant. that Individual claim:into moat 1..1,1 their land eitherhapentati pr try Agent.. • the one till be fount too expend.oil. tither to 111..r0l patronage and bit emotional/in. Alb a nao, 1.1 locale by any other. methyl will prom. la th via 1,A1.4 tbl3. Ind bt. • elm, the entire of the rather; ll, 'the reoricableal dtiro contemplated hr Como, a, and recommender:ll4 Um epartmet. lo main nbaert. 1 promo, 'bret.. at • eounrarallnily emo-no. to pr([ llm—lst • it Land Wetrazt rerbl 'Yu antonntemlhenntlally the bawling or ra warrant. therebywrunnit inargiaman r . toeinr. nether intl.-inn. wlewllan. either In view of oretuottlilwor rain. abtidn. 0 Patent Yorrall to.d, tOgrt hrt alit 3 il,rriptifm of itjunlit, inta it, thus enabling him to tonn bite' or its Tabu. itiCIVESSISIGIMO= Addrmr t. 1.161) S. 11ATIIEW 110$KY, h. D —Clarion 1% [Lc sour \ CoSII4. aaj A.M... kvil J.01.•..5 N O. 49 LI REY ItT STREET. PirrEnugu.oP. lIIII.ANCY has ountop4lo.l hies Spring Ara of. yreat carleinan lb. 1.10.4 lutportationagiraleoniptiew apart of otril thiug . that oew. and linrut , ann, for Nipirtir altal Solana., nem, The ~.,xataietit to lama sod varied, 14,th in Ail, and finality, and cannot be eaccllid, a,.. - oath.. ..--datlakmetit Aldo city, tither in plr anow t 01 31/1 ea,,Attada. adapt"! For blri now Coat, d M Pant, iStlll-r t LIG& orperrydactDllllltlitioti, midi an C4l.lblarnt, .:t.l. dr. Ilia entire 'deck will fvvcrably . compare . With .Z 7 flock td 'nil, 011 . 0./1.11 lierrtrAa, in Pitlehurgh. will - • .10. J. V. Walt 9 baton !kill and ta‘h. aa - a;cllthrt.' itrohe :anal, guarantee to rill who mar Is - nrribi, s+itahiblina-at with . 11,hr ordtra. that 10.7 will Mn as 1N...1 and hi ditt.aal.!, work an ha rrodurall her Aar h, in,-, the raid st In htlf, 141,1, .11111 . 1. bekts onowt,4l try titan.... lid have. tried kith. / would fur tp, data. th,-.t I will forni,li gyol - Lsnbicauldp 1. atm' ill the market, sad at Cola. . ._ l . . ifiA LI. MADE I.7IAYTILINn. . A ler, :gal re..vral .*.rloserat of ready mad 40 le on heed, nettle In the ntereut Veetoonelent= 1)”,.4, Poet and lime/arra Coln of the toth o t 1 , le. of ' , rend, fleeireli, aml Areerieen Clothe. of al , LIP o.li MI. 11th eAIA of every deeeriptirn, rl and it tnt. nem,' t... Amer, of the 1m.4 et, he Cloths. 1 mei I'utune'r rots.: nof the beet..Set:me met di..c plain ned Cm. tareinee, (Ur,. r . n.lmeneie. .e..tr. iiCill ill it • 1,4111, line. All tieneente toed at NM aite ere venrmend te Mt ,itt mei made in, reed rlattonnke et. le. ant AUL be ert.t 1 , 54 ,or o, to. I n's,.._Afeuriart the Leet of Workmen entoloit 4..4 Ibll ...re , MeA. An ‘ , ....0L1 made to 'order rt./ above, Ware ratirAL . . ca-IllkaleJele run he,re will rind the rt. .k - at in a Man tlealmt,le'otre to ,leet m cheep nod bey4el eseertemat treat; ' I reert,A att I le. DELANEY. ___ ..,.._ StatellllElml Fire Insnroxiee;L'o.,Flarrieb'g. riIHE design td . thin. Cl/VP-ANY is to :Afford 1 u.• o . oo re of Prri-rtf .. ,, r.r.,1 rt."..,ixtratt.l Ita be.jaee. I.4ret teeettrael rlzirtir An the annual ntienan.le e tinz eter: member netekleaderonlentitllnan= obere ..1* the prellt, and hi tLe onlreqaltable Method Ithe ,e, +tete ,rulutuat Imureree—thet of 1.U.A.?.9.11 , V1a11i TS IllrEe-1.11114 eta.ling e.t.a &meats le thairrardnd. 'lhe Directer, erenstinely. tette divided their raga lota tor dean... elawey the charter penatiion thet ml pan of the fund/eel either mil tee epte.tei....l for the plonetd of ..., lee tweet - nen in the ether. The Vire Cart le1111001:61Ige Vol the FA 11)11.1te . I . IJAIIAIII'. In which Mamma may be yude up.. moon; deellinre. harnVont Intitalnal. and ,memai pree - rty, toet.,:hillg t111.th.811161111b11111111.01 1 , 11 I. taken. . . . _ ,I.omniostod tbi lIIERCILAIrrTS COSI VAN V. ill rrbirli Ingorsio.;, wary be rosde upon meßb udio, awl 1..0r1A of prorrty fa .toiros nod oil• Inroo, Thr irrvlnium o, 3, only 3hont nns nem. huge es e1mr,....1 by other ...punk., will the rat. to., but nr.. , 1: ra. Dircclnr. tar onnEdent eare lbmis the of rs, a4jug m a• tat. Not:neve all/.,.1.1 In , me arellty and the kr plirant tri 4.l(ber 1.1111•nt without thq er'n prrmium mite. ." = . . • .. The ptrunaq... w ha, h.rn ex.:i11...11 to thin 6.extrottly .iner nsrs.ei. thr.rinr. inrvi property to the asitl.ula t,N I: ANP lf-ALF 3111,L10N of dollstr.durbttl 55..,,,[4.1r1t that ius iurrita *re duly preruite.ll.y All 1a.m..4 will he at the and - • It i$ oriulrr rrntrol or IrAlerwidg . Dim:Lone— John P. lltilli..rford,•.*lLert.'./..11111..11. Samuel T. Jon.. Atria., A. Carri...r, C.!lrtlgvirk, Robert Etat.. JOlltt . . J. P. nrTnEltrORD, A. J. till.l,l:lT,l, , ,rutarr. A. A. CArros a. St'Lunr,. , r, I . II 1 1.,11 1 . n053 irnnin.' no. II S.M. - 0,4 , 1 V,: nel2;wB tifirrsuul:Gti. i;o3ILIEIiCIAL. Cotazar, rtn,l Mdclzyt. I.li,tx. Charted A. D. 1 To, old,' tu.sLitatec,r . no kind in Penn anm. Yu:rimy—Jon', Fizwric, l'rtocipal I=l/meta to lb. Ecicne,, K. C11411.,113. I:k747raor or Penomauslilp, Alma. 1117 ti o 41-. Lectoror w Coanacrefal .1 - 11..;tea-ot .7ar.tro , —lir.n. Wel. 'Mittel. Fran. ]ones Buchan:to. I fi.n. John I:n,a.n. ll.m. Clow lea Naylor. Ilan. Maw, Ilstorn..t, Mn... W. II: Loa OA Dr..). IL'lttellintoek, John And.toon. Fn- lion. J. IL. ;noot,heal, James DIM. lop, r...,.. Inn Ileroy. Koi. ES.IIII3INiI C0a•0nt,....-jobtt T. Cochran. Attorney At. low: JAM, W0....00-, Morrhant:•ll. A Pryor, Jler.untent i , .t•toJentr CS totJr ;ha , Inatt 111. at any time and ota tain'tn•troeti.,” htlitkloaltY• to th dor otal eTettARL when ontitlo.d.aoll iverOrn n dialtto, lone - by the Faenltyetal Ina. de.itintt Ittattornett-kla ,Xl . agO of 800k...g. l'enntuan44, 4e., wid 1.... th thlor that , Mirth ta....tyr - Ilbarteml C•111,,,t the Idol; In nttabutalt. CotonoUdne• law add re0...1 to ta it. Com totorl io. will mot 141.14 tlstannt aotEwH t 1 .ECCA....i..Ti'.S ON lAil'66'lT, which . have 31 boon nitrhato•«l for thno yrzza and Or teinierin the hantro liattk of lott.o7Je It illlem little. r•••:.fro,••• unknown, Autt.9,13.511. =D. Swoon. Mentor, Zoto , TLII, 0.• kkt• tn. 1 84 To SO 1 emt.lry., that tho for.,.inq ladarteed MIN.' to Leda.. tO the tot•tonn notned. or thrir it.,oti et IMototteLltee• anennUnlC to 1.1,t........,0,.. . . • 'S. 31. uowr, Caahiar. Swore nttl Fol., ri!.Nl b,roie tne. (Ilia Toll dor alto:err I.d. 1.1,1. d. . ' C. (1 - . EltliEnr, Notarr /hall. .. d. 10,11.1 • ., . I rn,Nir•iiS' I , EPOSTTE BANK or Pirrs. orazo. Itorooth, V.I. Ta.. - . 0. the' Caloling le's net po•Ora, whirl. for time you" Wier In tbla date, have rectatnot I n. tho• Hank a tollterol-datt •undalmrd, together with the nettle., of dttar.itors end 4.l..ordermith•—. It. lloa-toe-', . ..:o, ch,elittt.l.lolo hg 1 511 . (1c0. , 11 - ainbotr., SA do :try. 0,154 T. •. . 00113 02 elan,. dcpo.llos a ro.ot Interest at the tete of Mat I t ro• bent. Mr-annum. JO7IY. 31ACOFFIN, Cathie..." Affirmed dot. tot rutorribmllAThro toe.. ' , ' .. J. )111. GLENN, NattyyPnbite.. rltt.bogth.rardt,ry . 2. 14.11.—iidalthrd3gi ' • T "CT LF ri3II.IIALANCES —State nna Itelano;" in the Bank et Pit th , ton dollar": eta en reenlniltilit me. eh:alt. within the !time yes:, preceding. the JUL. of this timainant. hire not eitherbeen Increment or ilitainialivit, with the net...ear thin depinitert. the date ..hen mph tbrisila ertle.. beierimai oternolosnil the amine.' stii.rti: Anti:mint estintli4 depoatts unit here hmterore been pub. far it in tehri--they. haring evheated to the Counnithinlth. ..... . J.,7.11141eh r1y....- ....... LT, 1541... ........ 4. Thom. ......... InF. a!, law._ James Stuar- (1.. , nt , .‘ Wm. Tutulin^. .lune 10, 1517... I certtf7 That the teic swear to to ItoO.tduo the persons, testae), a n d e itis haring cc not In' Bank ton- ' ells.. far throe fears JOIIN tiNTIMR., Craftier. limier;and :,:battle hefsce i hie 2.l:th der of Dee umber. 1%50. ;IV). WATSUN, Ahlartanta._. decilhaldttiett of the Clir of PI/tabor" Allegheny County, SS: • : •14).N1310NAV k A.lll of .Peungylvgnia; to the X- , Sheriff Cr raid Countf.'exattrat,li •L btrelts, at as Or &i tag Court. held as Pin:burgh, tn 10.1.1 rar mid courtly, uu the glet dry if Ta.o.tati,r.l,t4r. , The Witt. of AdruitilL•trator of all and singular the asesd,,..te., wbirli tram of Catherine dletlnun. Into of tie lilt O Pittsburgh. In list county, der seed. at, the time of r strati, yam died In/atans shrithig Met the said tut...sir left nu leafed tut,e norp.onal.tate airthe Vs/anent or her debt, thr.t she hot acing/ in Lae demesne f feo, of and lu a tort4ln a:teenage or, Int of grfrtnall ate In the eixti. Wan/ of lb; City of Pittiburnit, haling* front cu Washington' itreet to thin, feet. and extendlftf beck of eq.; width vu o hue par.,' with %Valid strews any Ls.t.,, upon 'chola 1. ereited tatoshrelltag houses, b ject the Payment of an AZ1111151.1111 , 111114 root - of eig men ihdlars. Dalcc th.. same'. or ensued cold and ernerTed to raid thilinrat , Methane, hi hones Ibmitiell, by d.tdoe 101 the ISth of (etcher. A, It.. 1,17. The' interest of raid Intestate tieing the utturoatol one half part of raid Prettda co, that then" no, Lb hts ascslost the Nast.. tot till., to wit, Judgment,. the District Cant of saist.County In favor of Job, tie fifty, hie del are, 'with lonic Korn July 1 . .31;7 sml c.el , amountiug to PrObahlT thirtY dollars, and the eat,. Inansain grid trodttlal proba bly rob forts-. hfty dens,. And prayintr. the o.3lttAll =lot him no order 10 tuaLe tale of to. 0104 [110.13...101 or u it h. ibenpourtenancs for the leylnent of the nfigetaid . Noir, therc.c. ae etintoand sees. and rub of That: the h o b o and laic' reprmtdatises. ' , A.' -17atliaene. MrCOnO. and all other, latest-4.d. nod appear bandit our.- pitons' Oeuvre at l'ittgbarg b. ell the .Irth of.J.uary.ll4sl,' to shim emus, If any ion 113,1 silty t4t, pr e , of lltioner sh.).l not be granted. •. Wits.. the 11.. II 11.17 ?midden= Au Mean.. I,tthurth. that glth tbs . if A. D " . Attexti:-.DANIET. .I.I'CURDT, Cleat. - .41,1 the Court order that lion, of the total. of th/s M 0 n ... by plibli.tion in the Pittsburgh , idettly 6. 'tette for throe woe.. D T 'ore dre-`7,w3htt DANIEL hreflit,DT;Cloelt. N THE mAirrEit OF nit ACCOUNT of Thur., and Alex/MI, !Libras, allanisdatrze tont of (height. rleunrts Jana. 'And tone to alit Die aPPcitit ftmao ashl.,tollelY the alit. arecant. fla the t.oun. - • DAN ted. DL: CMrR. Take untie, that the welder trill pleeet,l to ditcher. I the ;Niko of lilt aopointaisd. at nftko,'ll3 Pauliogy itAurf h. on Friday, tho day Cr dcnnsrl• U-5/* ccrinc.ilol • ~. MADE 1 NMI/N. Amlllm. TAIL ` NOTICE —. dr lIALLE ETO TILE WORLD. Twt , ntz 1,,) lice Dolinn, tenant will le, vain ony prnation n 1) (of pa;tlt.. aaan c,r dry. that nowt Lai et tracteit with. lloitie I unr, cillecolent Acip. . 1 Anne Inn catieMelion or ~ny ty motile or thin Pined On/ article, by my ono Inlan..r.aaral ou. It. now atancla WWI- pintiic thic e, Intro lict. or nay other r reney etitylciticY.inaa an klucia of gen. 11emeti et or l aorap.' car,M. I Ale ciinimbh 0001100 00 tt tam thottealvj PTlrniA il,', l ,r,n3?".tgk t ..."ebrt:TlVlg n EZ9 mom/ lims Mc/ article* of linh“liks, mling,mpriess sal enticee, 1 have onli . oom! Ihrtoc rhe , re ca. MO Inaysn, awl roar cite:Oleo.. widen 11 thamenl therninc: Ilt , retora,4.re.paltiag It nn Veit itroOc.. 117 n ciampla or thy cirri. 1,1 e inm thin Memo, I am ilrleroneml 1,0 1,3 , 111Mei11l it any riromeer 11mn krron brie.l , 4l" trim lurn from Wean Ilt. av,'Lz4r. 7- P' nu. "it_ VdtzMP u r - 111 LES I I UEL'S SHAVING -CREAM.— e, 1 , tb , o'r::V!'"7?:=l:g.LV ;:•;i7lt=wDol to on .orlf, row rh to Vt`dill;tVLV,t;'WnigZTlAtl;Vanl`,.._'• it e trg M And unlit. drecril, t , • teeiecco. of • yer:oo —crNoll icollav leen icictlioncin r . trnr with 1.1 1 / 1 11171101141-- P ;d y ' t rfatlV: l l „ T , V=ttrpTelr .. it lA "1. LES JlAL , ieti cilA V IN.: ineecdmsly tataalmnr, rtallaaaaf att.ll . Coal ALIT heard mit produmm; anydnarable lcAtier, tad - by an es-. a , oc 1 1. 1 1, alayng O,lrrinericno and Terror/MR that innate: mot amt ling Van en:a e rtyn caperlateect.c.ll:3 . ithavaa, . • ..thaara 1010:.; Joim lhe colder/ min /zinc/ aa!a.Ang Laaata7tßlE after as u.ce, wlthoilt Ain anninA cluippni. tbmn vita. Oda U.: it. an car. ran ty roe, cover Imo on/ Ann.. Oat, artrat otrtiallr.o..l. tc4 /Mem inboyeroir whickerc--1 the Met thntll 1111 min enroldaralpi the beard. whirl/ schiill MN en l I/pm:ranee - Mc thy ceire. ni the wh.Let% Juni, Morin illiarlng(ircemenre delil htful/1.Mo; 1 talc 1 and 111 in armal.n.t Oil .110 minke Ircac ollranna. • r w e GYA 51Atirh, reeticeernrei Chtinl.rt; lal (limn.:meet. Philmiclohni. Tneraite, wholes:Oita,/ rctoll. by I L. A. k itimeamck C... rs„, lryisenr John . ...itireaft e =A i. Al CARBONATE-4:3131 ] '21at horn Waltz fault In , Li.ll LBAIiK =TEL