g ; ;;,::.,.i..',..:...,,.,1.r : , r , ,., i .; : .;., , ..:.,.i_,,.:. r - . PITTSBURGH GAZETTE. PCIII.II3IIED - DY WUITE k CO P.ITTBBIIRCIN SATURDAY .11ORNINCI,'JANUARY 11, 1651 KELM MT NOMINATION TOR MAYOR- JOITN .1. ROGGE Onto A-ND PrarasTLVAISIA RAILIIOAD.—We Mild not offer our readers a morcipleastint treat thin tlMt we give them to day, in the report of the President noel , 'Directors of the Ohio rind Pennsylvania Railroad Company. This very clear, business-like, and satisfactory document, ezlithits the eompapy in a very flourishing con dition, and the prospects for the early completion of the work highly gratifying. The distinguish ed ability with which the affairs of this company hove been managed, from its organization to the present day, cloifeis the highest honor upon its offierre, and riterits the lasting gratitude of the .people of Pitlpburgh. Gen. Roams., and Mr. linnmirs, the IN, chief officers of the company, have thrown themselves into this work with an ardor, zeal, and singleness of purpose rarely !VIM oust it is owing to their able and unwearied labors that the work tins attained its pre rot eulumnt position, and cheering prospects. There in not a single individual of the 81.000 inhabi tants of Pittsburgh, but will be directly benefited by this great work; and our reflecting citizens must:all neknowledge to themselves that its pros perity it to them a sonrce of no ordinary encour ,agement and satisfaction. I,TN,I,TED STATEN SEN tror--Au election for this position will take place in a few days, .v the I,gislature of this State. Among the gefr.lemeu nominated to the House, we un dorsi:WA, is our public spirited fellow citizen Gen. )Vin. Larimer, Jr. Although lien. Lorimer :has been rather eccentric in his political course, liari4g, generally acted of late years with the free coil party. yet he is a strong tariff num. and usually egt . a., with the Whigs in their national ond;state . policy, and is withal a warm hearted, 1 MINT Man, and if we cannot elect a true , we Lad more rather see him elected than any free trede,.ultra Loentoco of them all. SOILLTIONG TO TM= ABOUT. We hare h;o1 good deal of talk shout m: knelt "d:u rich richer, and the poor poorer How to do that. has been dinotered, and now in toll operation. w 0 have only to go the Allegheny, into Armstrong, Clarion and V -vans, to sec it work. .Under the tariff low of 1842, many enterpri ring men in that region, seeing the hills filled with iron ore nod cook and covered with useless for- commend-11 the erectiou of furnaces. SOm times two or three would unite their means which, with the addition of their own hard haw, Inti a little credit, enabled them to get into op err.tion. Fur a time they did well—prices were Pond. because they were protected against for eign competition. The country nmund the improved rapidly. The farmer, did well, f they hat! a market for every thing they eon Ale ]waits did woll ; for they had plenty of oastumer:i who were able to pay them. That tens a time n-licn thr. poor tcerr-gritong rich. That aim a time when iVhig law ruled, and oar free trade friend, had no chance to tet th But this al not inst. The thrift' of ISI6, le ting inn flood of foreign iron, brought down p ces so low that nearly nil those men who w not very rich were obliged to ahandon the loui- - nes." They lost their little copital, they lost their labor, anti lost their property. Some of these esmhlithments hove been sold by the sher- :if; same nt private sale at ruinous prices : an , sonic are still stru gg ling on. The proprietor of on. these last declared recently that he would glad ly cell out for what he had put into it, thus 1. sing. sir. years of time and -labor ; but he canna , do it, or any thing like it the numerous furnaces that have been sold, and their proprietors reduced to poverty, are sill their; but rr.co owns them ! They have fallen in to the hand+ of u-calthy men, in some cases at little More than one tenth of their former value Some of these few wealthy men own, in whole 'or in part, some .half dozen of them. They cost theta little, and they can afford to let them Ile' idle, waiting for a change of times. The for mer yrsprietors are poor ; the laborers ar edis cherpsal,and are 'very poor; the fanners and moehanies hare lost their market, and they are I poor ; Let the ekh are made richer. • The experi meat hat, bee, cutirely successful. " , A few days ago, we heard an anecdote related, which is in poiwt7 — . . wealthy old gentleman—a and a proprietor of iron works—was one dity trying to persuade some of his neighbors in Clarion County that it was their interest to sktpport the tariff policy; but after exhausting nil his ar e : without effect, he lost his pa tience, and exclaimed, "Well, gentlemen, if you sill Inch, a mihoh of m po ahead"' :1.1 they did make a nabob of him; for he is now buying op iron work at priee.3 extremely profitable to Intt ralmArrto the former owners. We will pa into no argument upon this matter, to day; b•at we have given a few facts, and have a ttempt,:l to describe the state of things now ex isting iu the iron region nearest to us; and we will. merely say to the friends of the present ta riff had the party that supports it, if this is the state of things you wont, ;17 ahead. BAIL ROAD 3 AND MANX BOLDS. Itiow that rail roads are about to extend from the 6.1 beard to the far we.T., — uniting by a cheap, envy, nod expeditions, mode of convey once oil the 1,1-tat commercial cities, we may reasonably expect that the entire region lying I , olOilg the routes. will partake largely in their_ benefits. Rail roach are generally constructed by cities, er e r for cities. They contribute more, probably, to the prosperity of cities than any ,other species of public enterprise. But while this true, it is equally true that the interme diate Country partakes.; or might do no, in an opal degree of their advantages. Rail roatb, from their peculiar construction, ere adapted to accommodate the travel and traf fic between large and distant points. The con veyance upon them is necessarily reduced to a nyetern; and only those connected with that sys tem, con participate in its prosecution. In this respect they differ from canals and common math. upon which any man may put his boat or Ids wagon. , This peculiarity of the rail read is by many regarded as , a serious objection; and it-certainty is a defect. There seems I4lbe something want ing to enable both town and country to become equal partitipants in its benefits. This defect can be renitsiinl, at no expense easily within. the reselrof- any thriving neighborhood or sal , ley . travened by a rail road. Here the plank rood comae in is the only link wonting to unite. • the rural wide the metropolitan population in one great system of commerce, intercourse and Let a suitable depot be constructed at some eligible point on the rail road, and thence let n plank road be made, extending as far into the country as may be deemed expedient, upon which every thing may be conveyed that the farmer or manufacturer wishes to mend to mar ket, and upon which pasaengers may be carried at stated hours , . Ton farmer residing en a rail road, it is of no advantage, because he cannot stop We train -to put any thing upon it. Ile must go to a de -pot. Now, suppose the farmer liver nn the aide of the rail road, two miles from the depot; and suppose another resides eight miles from the rail road, but on a planktroadleading to a depot, the latter is more benefitted by the mil road than the former, and can convey his produce to market, or travel to the 'city himself, with more faCility than the former. Thus, plank roads atom to have been invented to perfect a grand and incalculably beneficial - system,of intercommunication in this extended country, calculated to raise, it ton point of civ ilization and prosperity never before realized by arty people. Du. WPIENAII IS Tltonsix—,Mforc the Royal Cuart, , Jrn , .. y, Dttranbcr 4, including (ha Bailiff and Jrulges Picot and rcl,ruc.—Mr. Advccate Le SoCur rend au Order of Justice, obtained by Miss delta Ruth, against the veiy . Reverend Nicholas , Whams, D. D., (or the disbureemenda various • • • .tan cflmoncY, =ousting toabove.C.loo,paid by ber fur the inrchaso of land and for buildinethere. , 'ou,acc. Tho court, on the demand of Mr. Advocate Nodfray, adreiniltrazor ofr_Dir.. - Wiseins, granted a delay; to enable the learned *Aroma to oxidic the inn:odious of bit prinolpaL By the last &deices we are informed that itris trig and Prussia have contrived to patch up it kind of peace, and both are disarming to some extent What the terms of the compact may be has not fully transpired ; but it is said that the smaller German States are jealous and uneasy cinder the impression that the two great contracting parties are healing their old forts at their expense. The secrecy of the affair, its suddenness, and the transparent hollow-heartedness of the parties, altogether appear ominous. The smaller States are too weak of themselves to defend their inde pendence against such a compact. The ascendancy of •• legitimacy:" on the con tinent, is now complete. The democracy is utterly- prostrate, but by no meets defunct. The Spirit of resistance is becoming deeper and stronger, and not the less so because not a single vent is left. • • • There is an analogy between the political spirit of n nation and the elastic power of steam. In our country and Great Britain there is little or no pressure upon it, and it escapes very harmlessly, but with considerable noise. Now when we hear steam rushing freely through the safety valve, we have no apprehension of an explosion ; but when we know that while strong fires are beneath, and yet there is neither action nor noise—the safety valve being secured by a heavy pressure— then we leek out, for there is danger. So iris at thin moment over the whole continent of Europe.. Every arcane of escape is closed against the fret ted spirit of the people ; the press is shackled, clubs are suppressed, and even the poor privi lege of applauding the players on the stage is in some places denied. On the other hand, strong nod desperate men—with Ledru Rollin at their head--are sending out thousands of indammatory political tracts from their bead quarters, in Lon don. addressed to the discontented millions of France, Germany, Italy. Sardinia, and every Kingdom where the democratic spirit has been awakened. Sooner or Inter this ever-growing pre,sure of popular feeling must burst out in u terrible explosion. The ronssei are being rapidly innoculated with the democratic virtu: and des pots will find by and by that the materials of which they make their armies are no longer fit for the purpose. Many years ago the Sovereigns of Russia, Prussia, and Austria. sowed n crop of '• dragon's teeth - -in the partition of Poland—from which they are now reaping the first fruits. Polish exiles have ever since been scattered all over the continent, and have every where been propagat ing democratic principles; and they are still at it, and will never cease until they take n terrible revenge upon there who blotted their country from the map of Europe The liberation of Europe from political thral dom is only a question of time. The eon., Allot are at work will as certainly overthrow the old order of things. as that the rising of the sun will bring light. But that such a popula. tion will immediately cattle down in well order ed free governments, is not to be hoped. They will hove to pros through a transition state—a state of struggle between anarchy and law; for a' Ileople who have broken loose tram the fetters of despotism, and got the first taste of freedom. are likely to become intoxicated by it, and to regard even the wholesome restraint of just laws as tyrnany. They cannot discriminate nicely. All their prejudices kte against them. Religion, itself, is regarded , hy the ignorant masses as a part of the government, and if the government is overturned, the church, in their view, goes with it. Thus, in the fist place. they would be left without the great conserve. tire influence of religious faith. This wit% the case in France at the time of LL,, old revolution; and it would have been the case at the revolution of ISIS, had not the provisional government re instated the church as a part of the govern. meat. Hence the present anomolous state of things in that nation—a republic in form, n des potism in fact. quiet enough; but only quiet because the democratic spirit is held in check by the strong arm of power, and that power chiefly maintained by a union with the church. The people of Germany would no doubt utak° better. more sober and temperate repohlicana than the French have ever been. and it would be extremely gratifying to see them try their hand at it. But they would have a hot time of it for a while: yet it is an ordeal through which they must pave, before they can enjoy the blelesitegs of civil and religious liberty. R115 , F111 is the great champion of despotism in Europe. ' It was Russia which overawed Pnts sit. in the late dispute with Austria; and unless the democratic spirit unites the people of Wes- Europe against her encroachments, the Czar will soon have his foot upon the neck of every nation un the continent It is only sur inioe, to be sure, but we have little jolt that he lo at the bottom of the Pope's hierarchical invasion of England. And a deeper plot to rot off Great Britain from the sympathy nod good will of Catholic Europe, could hardly he eon. ceired. ORGAN MANUFACTURE. The personal controversy nt present going on between Mr. River. of the Globe. and Mr. Rit chie, of the Union, hat brought about disclosures as to political movements at Washington, that will require explanation from parties. implicated. most of whom are still living. Mr. Rives charges thnt 1f.450.000 paid by Major Ilciss and Mr. Ritchie for the Globe newspaper was the fonds of Gov ernment. removed from the sub-treasury at Phil adelphia, and depositcsl in the Middletown (Pa.) Bank. of which thr Hon. Simon Cameron wits president. for the purpose of establishing a Tyler organ. That President Polk consented to its being afterwards used for purchasing the Globe, and pledging himself that the bank should not be called on to refund it for some years, and then in small installments. Mr. Ritchie. in reply to this charge, makes the following singular state ment:— Mr. Rives is attempting to establish a con- . neetion between Mr. Cameron and ourself.— Now, he has told us a great many things of which. we had no previous knowledge. We nev er knew anything, for example, of the $.7,0,000 deposited with Mr. Cameron's .Middieton Bank by the administration of Mr. Tyler. We repeat. once for all, that if Mr. Cameron advanced one cent towards the purehrise.of the Globe, we ! knew nothing of it To this day. Major Heirs I never informed us from what source he derived bin .funds for paying the instalments for the Globe. Ile boa firmly declined to inform us, though we have recently published the as sertion, on his authority. that he did not obtain the money from Mr. Cameron. Major H. hod previously engaged to advance the money for us. Ile was the business partner of the firm, and we looked to him exclusively for these advances.— They were made by our worthy farther, but whence derived, was a fact which he carefully kept from us. , Mr. Rives is, therefore, utterly at fault when he asks us whether it was not Mr. Cameron who made as the "still more brilliant offer" to which we referred. Still more, of course, is he blun dering, when he intimates that we knew it ems "the identical fi.. 4 50,000 of trensury money which was in the control of Cameron that wiA offered to" (us.) Mr. Rives also asserts that Mr. Tyler with drew as an independent candidate for re-election to the Presidency, on an agreement with Mr. Polk that ho would turn his back on the Globe, if elected, and get up a new paper in its stead. Mr. Ritchie states his disbelief in in nny auch collusion, and calla on Ex-Preaident Tyler and Mr. Cameron to clear up the mystery which Mr. Rives has created. Mr. Rives introduces a number of letters from Gen. Jackson to Mr. Blair, to show the unfavor able opinion that he had of Mr. Ritchie, and also his knowledge of the movement on the part of Messrs. Cameron and Tyler to establisa a new paper, or merge the Madisonian into some other, and make it Mr. Polk's organ. The following is from one of Gen. Jadkson's letters to Mr. Blair, dated Hermitage, Decem ber, 14, 1144, and addressed to "My dear Mr. Rut there is another project on foot, as void of good sense and benefit to the Democratic cause as the other, but not so wicked, proceeding from weak and inexperienced minds. It is this: to bring about a partnership between you and Mr. Ritchie.—you to continue proprietor and Ritchie theeditor. This, to me, is a most extraordinary conception coming from any well informed mind or experienced politician. It is true, Mr. Ritchie is an experienced editor, but sometimes goes off at half-Cock, before he sees the whole ground, and does the party great injury before he seen his error, and then his great difficulty to get back into the right track again. Witness his course on my removal of the deposites, and how much injury he did us before he got into the right track again. Another faux pas be made when be went off with Rives and the conservatives, and advocated for the safe keeping of the public revenue special deposites in the State flanks,. as if where the directory were corrupt there could be any more security in special de posits in corrupt banks than in general deposits; and It was sometime before this great absurdity could be beat out of his mind." of advancement hefotfa thoi setting ha Of ',Wet The difficult foundations are all in, and many of the arches are turned.. The removal of the county road along the nar rows, was a measure not only necessary for the convenient construction of the Railroad, hut also essential to the safety off the public, after the; road is constructed. Withls first clam Railroad, intended to run at speeds of at least thirty miles After the reading of the report, which we pub- an hour, the control of the narrow pass between lish this morning, the following resolutions, pre- the rocks and the river was abeately necessary. nested by Mr. liarbaugh, were unanimously and, fortunately for the interests of both the adopted: company and the public, it has been obtained. Resolved, That the energetic and skilful man- There arafew passes so important as this, to be &gement of the affairs of the Company,, In all found in the United States: end it is believed its various departments, by the Directors, entitle that the trade and travel upon this part of the them to the warmest thanks and continued. con- road Will be so great as soon to require the con- faience of the stockholders. .traction of a second track. Remlrrd, That the able report of the Board. The population of the twin cities of l'ittsburgh just read by the President, confirms our be- I sod Allegheny, With their suburbs, has increased lief, not only in the great importance l, of the from :11,201, in 1840, to 83,934, in 1850; being work, but in its successful completion Within a , an increase of 32,750, or Mt per cent. In ten very limited period: arid that the report be ac- years. A. a site for o great manufacturing city, copied, approved, and printed for circulation. Pittsburgh is without a parallel in the mom [Signed] N. R. CRAIG, Chairman. try. The old° and ,Pennsylvitnia Bail Road 11. W 00133, Seerrtary. is empluttieally the knit Row] of Pittsburgh. It will hind her with Mas kof iron to her best REPOItT. costumer, The drought:: of summer, the frosts To the SW/amble, o f It o (Ohio „„,)P enn of winter, and the fogs of all lieneolm, which in- Ra . il ROW! emnpany: terfere no ranch with her ri‘er trade, will find her i'msurn°u • ' 4ll '' ! Rail Ron] ever ready to bring her customers The Report of the Board of Director,' whielt promptly to her door, and to convey their pur was laid before the Stockholders on the 10th of chases speedily to their .lestinotion. The Board January, 1850, exhibited the condition of the hf- nn,,are the ~,,,,,thobiers Hod they .thrthorongbly fairs of the Company nt that time; the grading mti,tied that the he,4 route has hero adopted, and masonry ..f the line being thou under con- and that no other hail tail ran ever made tract for a distance of fifty mile, important to Pittsburgh as thi•. . It is gratifying to the Booed to be able to cun- The Board believe that the stock of the Com gratulate the stockholders on the great progress pally will he highly pentitohle, and that long be which has been Made during the poet vent, int fore its bonds mature, they will he converted by the important 'work in which they are all—inclit- the holder, into eniatai ding the cities of Pittsburgh and Allegheny-0 The Ohio and Penn;ylyonia Rail ithild is the much interested. extonhion of the Petimylvonla Central Rail Road The grading and masonry of the line are now . nno,twar,l :from i „ thoothith, iota on, State of , under contract for a continuum. distance of cue Ondin, by the bent route. Its charter I' I unit hundred and thirty two miles, from Pittsburgh in lout. State., and it i+ free from the nnunyan tn W'""r, and n lar g e part of the work is al- or- nod Inaws caused by divided counsels and a ready completed. double mansgemeet. It co,ts Iris t h an on e half Obio andPentiOiniallailßoad Company: WINO OF THE STOCKHOLDERS. Prrranunan, January 9th, 1E51: The annual meeting of the eteekholdere of the Ohio and Penneylvania Rail Road Company, wag organised by calling N. B. CRAIG, Esq., to the Chair, and appointing firsur WOODS, Req., Sec rotary. Th= ir°" rails, chair '' , and " ik " are p arch " -' as tench per mile as the Pennsylvania Rail Road. cal for the rend from Pittsburgh to Massillon, one and its ironic is free from nixatiini It Mins hundred and seve miles, and the delivery of the throu'gh one of the richest wheat growing re tails upon the line ns already begun The timber gions . 'rtf Ohio. and it has upon its tine immense for the track is also under contract, and some r halo ,1 . , , hito.non. and r, met coal. ,1,,,t nmpio it delivered. water - power; and, in its immediate vicinity. Seven locomotive engines, ten passenger Car. . ~,,,,, 0,,,, , ,i,. ~,,, tic ~,,,, yin ~.., It trill and four baggage ears, have been contracted for . otootood an out : toot of ~.00 td„..o.,.aatfteteot of The Board are satisfied that the intermits of the tt..of to .tatr.. the cool profitable. and whirl.. it company will hest he liriimiihal ii3i opening the . ,s belie, c.I. no other line in the State a Ohio road with a moderate equipment of first-rate eat. el 0...1 machinery, built by well established makers; the Its geographical; position is that of a •ilitick engines being adapted to high velocities. and the brine lit." traced burr the nulls lands, about passenger cars of the most comfortable chart.- dots miles south of Lake Erie. intersecting the ter. The Board are aware that it is highly on. „trio...road,. „not.a _ fen., the „hie river to the portant to the interests of the company : that the hake. and fortatog o liner of the ehoetrod e..t.0-royal royal should, front the start, hive a goal repot., .. laphical line fors rail road front Sew York. Lion with the travelling community unity--end they i.initAelphi.. ,cod Pituamerh, to Canton, las know that the only way to acquire it; iti to desert,- ' silica. w o...tee. and m.nmio,i, in iiiiin, and it Anxious no they are to open Lindh; successive thence to bid Wulthe, Chicncii, Peru. Rock 1.. section of the road, at the earlieet day tat which l a nd. od. and c . o.ril 10,,trsoilo” tr, ti,,, Southr n.„.s it con be done without swelling the Yost of the . in the 11,141 1 Mountains, on the direct route to ! work, they are still more anxious that when it California nod Oregon An examination of the i l shall be "I'44l'L it any not Ii "Pl al? " "he iitia ouq, of the United States will illustrnte this hot . ltaaahla e n itictatiana of thaiie aiii" bare in ' i " hiii !set, which is alluded I„. not with reference t„ I 1 a*P"l" "t their capital in this italmilaht im- the present value i.f the rood, but as showing i proviimeut. Great efforts Igoe been outdo to the foto, importance of its g.tot...„aphterd position. ' urge the work Ihr"ril with energy, anit it is O tt. The fact, however, thm our rot"! will o ff er the ' expectation of the Board that the road will t ir . Ishortest elute from New York and Philadelphia opened to Beaver and New Brighton in July, and , to cleaelood. Sandusky city. Toledo. 1,11.1 Chira -1 to Alliance ,tad Nlassillon in the autumn of this i go to .4 . itotordrotettaport.tooe. trod. , eery great year. 1 interest As the way trade will snstain the So far as the construction of the work bas mod, we will be in a positlon to compete for the progressed, it has rust less than the original 1 through tot.tnee, at eery toa , rate.. estimate of Solomon W. Roberts, Esq., the Chief ! T.. toet.a. „ the Olin ; ,„ ti rehrt.t3h...,ht., Rail Engineer, on which the financial system adopted 110.11,,,,,...-03.. will r,'.luire ~ watchful eye to by the Board was based. take in a comprehensive view of the various line* The right of way and depot grounds will cost which it will intersect, and with which it will somewhat more than was at first anticipated, but isinnect. The true policy of the Company will when it is recollected that the amount includes . M, friendly relations with all. and entangling the !nod taken for the re-eoustruction of We i ottat..e.... with none. Ttie Board hate. endeavor county road for some miles below Pi*sburgh, iai ; ; ed. in tine corre•poridence with other comp, as to separate it entirely from the railroad; thn nips, to keep this principle constantly in view. entering into Allegheny city upon aI. ngstraight I . , ha the second link in the great central chain h" i th"eauriag of an'nil" deli° aiii " iaing I or it.nr,t, from Philadelphia to Si. Louis, by the city; and the purchase. for the Friend street i the era.. ifs hoiw,,,_fli, stir road ogert.dea a depot in the heart of the city, of all hr lots mud ! mold / trapeetar.t. position; ea. , the companies buildings included in the apace tsetw co Federal ; ' constituting the chain., have aided raeL other, ' hi "' a'lii Bank lane an the rant aril west, and by n„itm.l 'Sorts. to driorrublic attention be the South Common and the canal on the north the .a., eo,....e.toetteee 0 ht..), am tioar fro,nt being. and smith, it in evident that the ti .perry paired will he worth much mare hi t e ei imPaaitc; I , i m i n ,, i g , .:. r . , e ' i g i ' t , i i , . ,f l :. t r , w i lhlic t a lii t , sl ' it t o t :w: ' , ' asi k t l y ' vn . , n l .l c ' ii ' c i i g ' i,, gr iol ' a ' :sie ' e l l. I, ' • [lion what it has Bust. The site of he Federal 1 tad ....,,,rni c.,,,,,n.mati,,,,, street depot is the most convenient t. be found 'in the city. The Boami have labored. ssidliously I Sin " the 1 " t animal iirliViit wit ' iha!le Lc Yaals. to'rettle Were vexed que sti„o s en th e b ee t t e r so s lindertakrn the con•toiet ion of the Ohioan.] NI i possible i• in:ninny instances they have succeed ; tteatpid itatten.t.d.whieh,t, intrudedl to he a die, ed in ranking amicable and satisfactory arming.- line trorni'ineinnati to St lends, by the way ments; rind in those eases where the Inane, in vin,,niii, This add, m0ther,,,‘.,,,,,, t,, tom dispute have been submitted to juries; in arr..- dance with the clisrter, some of the awned, leis e been reasobable. and others the contrary. It i. i the esinalttlthin .4 the Board dint the amount , saved upou the original estimate of the. cii., of the grading and bridging will Le sufficient to ' balance the extra cost of the depot g - rolin , lA and right of way The line under contract is divided into reline- i ate sections of orle a fbile ea. h, which enables the ' work to be urged fora - aril faSter than it other. wise could he; and where a contractor proves to . be incompetent to enoplete his work in the spec, fled time, it renders it practicable to substitute another iu his place without material inconve nience. When the work seas let. the competi.. tion for it was great, end the prices are low, re- ; quiring industrious and enreful managetnent on 1 the part of the contractors to enable them to complete their contracts. On the nrnolv. the Company has been fortunate in this respect, and the contractors have turned out well, with son. exceptions. In a few 'instances, in pursuance of the discretionary power vested in him by the 1 contracts, the Chief Engineer has declared min itrnets to he forfeited for the failure to prosecute the work witli an adequate force, and in those cases, the work liar been promptly re-let to oth. er portico, =Ay the Board, except in the .se of the bridge oil New Brighton, the work upon Iwhich has been done by the day, under the im mediate supervision of Edward Warner, Es.;.. ! the Resident Engineer of the Eastern Division of the road The credit of the company and of the COO !CSC tont hot been austained along the line by a rigid adherence, on the part of the Board, to the sys.. tern of monthly estimates, and cub payments. The Board have made it a rule to make no con tracts until after the financial arrangements re quired to meet them had been tannic; and they are thoroughly satisfied that a continued tonne rem° to this policy is important to the best in tereshe Of the Company. It is intended to commence the laying of the track as soon as the front is out of the ground in the spring, and to press the work forward as rapidly nut possible. The rails are of the inver ted T pattern, in lengths of twenty feet Their weight is sixty pounds per yard, and each bar weighs four hundred pounds. They are symme trical in their form, the inner and outer sides being similar, eon as to permit the bar to be re verted, when it may have worn co as to render it expedient The pattern was designed by the Chief Engineer, who Ilan had large experience in the manufacture of rail road iron. Three thousand tons of rails, intended for the track, from Pittsburgh to Smear, and New Brigh ton, are under contract with Broly's Bend Iron Company, on the Allegheny river. The rails which they have already delivered are manatee : tared in a highly satisfactory manner. Eight thousand tone of rails, for the track from New Brighton to Alliance and Massillon, are contracted for with the boon of Bailey, Broth eta, nt Co., of Liverpool, Ettgland. Three thou amid-tons are to be delivemi at New Orleans, and brought up the river to Beaver; and five thousand tons are to be deliered at Quebec, and taken by the Lake to Cleveland. Bi ll s of lading have been received for two thousand preen hun dred and fifty tons of rails shipped to New Or leans. The contract for the spikes, and for the wrought iron chairs, required to accuse the ends of the rails, has been made with Corning and Winslow, of Troy, New Tork. I iThe rued between Allegheny city and Bearer is generally a dead level, and Ins.s no curve upon it of a less radium than half a Mile. The distance is twenty-five nal es, and the road is graded and bridged at owe for a double truck; all the streams being crossed with stone arches. On of th this etdvertparautst ,lianuedthitememsisoldaykrgleyerearymourgunte:tf efforts during re autumn, that the contractors Were made to • * r. the Bork to its present state =MI before esi.ting for the curly roritniction or the cat-off lioe. from our rout went of Worioter, by the way of Mount Vera..,,, in Knot comity. to rmneet with 1 . ...nin0n The -.inlet, of do' cienntie. weieb Mat line will racy. new proliove to make tine connnection at Springfielli, an Clark county. at the point where the LittleMi anii and %lad River Railroad,. cennect. and from which there will be two alternative railroad lin, to l'incintiati. mom eight) four mile. long. the one by Xenia.atol the other by Ltraymn and lionnlton It e. ert.y to .re how notch it for the intereot of l'invinn3 ti that thivcooneetion vhould he m ad e tier citizen. fear the erinzequence• at' a direct line to St rowing an hundred mile. to the north of them. and therefore tinny have tin ! ilertalten their wcztern railroad. lly making the [ beim connection with our rani, a great part of the through travel to St. lentil.. can lon made to fart through Cincinnati: winch will not only henefit that city very much, but alto the Little Miami and Cincinnati. Ilriniilton and Dayton Railroad l'orupanioa It ia a remarkatile tact dint the railroad dive tancee from Philadelphia to l'ittaburgli, frutit Piitaliurgla to Cincinnati, and from Cincinnati 0 St. LOUIS, will each lie about three himilrial rind fifty male, which, at an average rate of twenty five tulle• an loom, will he rim in fourteen hurt's: and will enithlit travellers to viait Ram our eitie• in three days, without travelling' at The great superiority 1.1 the Pennsylvania route over the lialtitnore and Ohio Railroad. through Wheeling--with its Alpine grades of.loo hundred and cholera feet per mile, nod ell trt curves among themountaina of Virginia--ix npw well underetood-by all who have talkcu the trita• tile to ittieertnin the foots of the case. The best interests of the cities of NONburgh and Allegheny are bound up in the speedy and successful completion of the Ohio tubl l'entutil vanin Rail Road, and in providing the means for procuring an adequate supply of Engines and Cars for a large business. The Board of Vine torn consider themselves no acting. Trustees for the Stockholders. They feel that they have labor ed to urge forward the work as fast no the means in limit hands would justify, and they have striven to he economical in all their expenditures. But only n Certain amount of work con be done for a given SUM of money. The results pr.luced till hear a direct propor tion to the means p ovided and, while the work already done sh Nes that the original esti mate of the Chief En Meer was'adequate to the object, it also shows t•at the amount of money that he estimated to I e required must he ob tained. The stock already al in full and !Male addil needed. When it is r vidnal aulawriptionti h.:Tribe.' must be paid up ual subscriptions will be membered that the indi- Pittsburgh and Alleghu- ny cities me Ices than the gros4 pnpnlntinn, when compared with einuhv nntorprises iu 'three dollars per 'tendon he amount is indeed small hat hat been done tot other cities, The city of Pittsbu gh and the city of Alleglie ny have each subscri ed $200,000 to the tack of the Company, whi h subscriptions were paid in the bonds of those cities, for which the ides received stock at pa . The proceeds of ose bonds acre devoted Xo the grading and bri ging of the road. The ciles have since been rearict , ed by law from inc casing their corporate in debtedness, so that o further subscription Can be expected from Lb in to the stock •of our Co mpany, and they can Pot subscribe to any Other road. it MIS not until after a full discussion of the relative merits t_ kif the various railroad \ pra .. _. . . .. . jects to which tb4ir aid was solicited, that, the two cities determined to aid the Ohio and Pecurryl larila Rail Road CePan.Y. and to become etUcii holders in it tot extent authorized by latw. For additional rto4subscriptiono in those gnat centres of Imattufncitcring inditry, tin Board 1111121 t. Took to individual cieuxim The Like Shore line on the north, and the Baltimore and 'Ohio Rail &id on the south, are pressing forward with great vigor, and Pittaborgh must not be second in the race. The whole state of Ohio teems with projects of rail roads and plank roads, and now is the time to secure the best connections. Our line runs through the richest wheat fields of the west, and the two contiguous counties of Stark and Wayne, through which it passes, have raised, in the past season, about three millions of bushels of wheat. The whole lengtlW the Ohio and Pennsylva nia Rail Road will be lBu miles; extending from Pittsburgh, by Beaver, Salem, Canton ? Massillon, Wooster, Loudonville, and Mansfield, to its point of intersection with the Cleveland, Columbus, and Cincinnati Railroad, at Crestline near Galion.— At this point it is expected that the Bellefontaine and Indiana, and the Ohio and Indiana Rail road•, will connect with our road, as the to pographical features of the country plainly huh- cute it as the most favorable point for the pur pose. The steepest grades upon the line are lees than fifty feet per mile, the minimum ra dius of curvature in one thousand feet; and, up on its whole length, our road crosses no large stream except the Big Beaver. The Eastern Division, extending from Pitts burgh to the pint of intersection with the Cleve land and Wellsville Railroad at Alliance, is 81 miles long, and is under. the immediate super vision of Edwnrt Warner, Esq., ns Resident En gineer. The Western Division, extending' from Alliance to Crestlinc, is 101 miles long, and is in charge of Jesse R. Straughan, Esq„ as Resident r;ugineer. The whole road is .superintended by the Chief Engineer, Solomon W. Roberts, Esq„ who has had charge of it from the - commence- . meta of the undertaking. The Board are well satisfied with the manner in which the duties of the Engineer Department have been dbmlinrged: the gentlemen composing it have labored assid uously to promote the interests of the work; and good order and attention to duty have charac terised the conduct of the Engineer Corps gen erally. As noon :IA the Eu•tern Division of the road A completed, a continnous tailronal tion will he &recital between Pittsburgh, Cleve land, Columba,. and Cincinnati. It will require the completion of only bl miles of our road to accomplish this object, by which Pittsburgh will be brought within sin hum, of Cleveland and . eighteen hours of Cincinnati. This the Board expect to nceompli•h this year, and when done it will he certain to secure a large totemic to the Company. At the name time, it is intended to open the road to Nl:tenni., the most impor tant wheat mart on the Ohio.Conal. Between Alan,illots and Wooster, twenty five miles. a large part of thogrodingand bridging in already completed. and the Board hope loon to 1,0 able to make arrangements for the superstruc ture on thin part of the line. Went of Wooster the work is not yet under contract, because the local subscriptions mini,. ed to complete the grading and bridging are not yet filled. The amount remaining to be provid ed is not large, and from the active efforts now making to obtain it. the Beard believe that they will be able to put the work under contract to the western terminus in the coining spring. The financial system adopted by the Board they believe to be the best that can he devised under the circumstances of the Company. It requires that the amount needed to grade and bridge the line shall be ruined by local sub scriptions to the stock,:co as to complete that permit the work without debt, and to make the road a domestic interest to be protected by those (who are to be most directly benefitted by its ' bowdraction. After a cafe basis for credit has Wits been made, convertible bonds are issued and sold by We Company, to procure the iron nil equipments for the road, to lay down the rack, and bring it into use. i By pursuing this course with caution and en- Xegy, n vast deal has been accomplished in the . Opt., ..1 about two years, and the 'toned believe that a steady adherance to the saute policy will in a short time bring the whole enterprise to a I saccest.ful completion. Convertible tenets to the amount of one million of dollar. have heeo negotiated, secure) by a deed of trust. upon the road from Pittsburgh to Massillon. About half of these bonds were disposed of in purchasing railroad iron, chairs, .spikes, Incontotives and cars, and the remaining half hate recently been sold for cash, on highly favorable terms, by the house of Winslow, Lanier, A. Co.; of New York—the payments for which 'are toll to he made by the first of May next. In viewing the present state of the work, the 'Board feel m sense of high satisfaction that so :much has already been done towards the comple tion of the Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad. Not only as a source of profit to the stockholders, but as a means of promoting the general good, they look upon it no one of the moat Important public works in the country. Pennsylvania is the first manufacturing State, and Ohio the first agriettl- Aural State in the Vnion. These two great, pros pernus, and thriving communities now contain -about four millions and a half of people, nod their population is rapidly increasing. Too great extent. Ohin has been peopled from Pennsylvania, and when we reflect upon the innumerable com- Imercinl and social ties which attract them to words each other. we may form a faint idea of the amount of troll , and trxrel which will hereafter swell the revenues of the Ohio rind Pennsylvania Railroad Estimates of the cost of the work, and a state ment of the financial condition of the company, exhibiting the receipts and expenditures for the enriouN departments of the service, accompany this report. By order of the Board of Director”, WILLIAM ROBINSON, JR. rut from the Lewistown True Democrat, of the 2d, the following statement of the amount of produee. &c.. received at the Lewistown sta tion and carried by the Pennsylvania ILailrond, during the ten days following the clove of nark. action, from the 18th to the '_'Nth of December, viz:—North American. 2244 bbl. of Floor, 500 bushels of Clover Seed, 230 dozen Axes, 100 bills. Alcohol, 21 tons of Blooms, 11 tons Butter, 1 of Woolen Vern; together with considerable quantities of Leather, ;Live Stock, Apples, Eggs, Poultry, &e. During the mime period, the receipts for freight :on the Railroad at the Lewistown station were 410163 54; and for passengers, $l,lllO 00; I making a total of 1it2,763 54. During the same • pimiodlost year, the receipts were, for freight, $71 4 0 40; for passengers, 14276 00; or *1,1156- •40c In all. Gain in favor of this year's bu iness, $1,71/7 14 in the ten days,—equal to an i so of 101 per cent. over the business for th same ,time of hot year.' This is nn evidence of what the Penns Railroad is doing, and what it trill do. Desirable Suburban Residence for :ale. Tuc mibnerlber offers for male the home and grounds where ho unw meld., situated on Park ntreet. below Tre mont. In Allenhem, and about h minutes' want temp the markt tof this city, The lot In LW feet front on Park M. i ar eunning lock S 7 feet, In on alley—eontainhan nt ly one over of mound. and Is Weeded on every tide by go opm into. winced with Moen MI nbrubbery. The nee Is nearly new. Imo, and eineedingly well arranged having a fruit of 00 fet, and a depth of 70, a nd ...maim fourteen mom, brniden boil nine feet wide. It it Imllt La the beet j and mom durable manner. and has a fir...pm& f, and remains all the mann converdencen. Two pu so, with an entailing mind, of hard std raft water. are at he door. Chi the pronloot aro th e eirmontry out building • rtabla, mrrime WI., Se. The grounds aro laid out re t ry et a lawn. emend with choice fruit hoe., evert:mem , ... fl int shrubs. Turranm , mmerberrim, mnlibeerle..M . .. an small gardm The troll Lo of the boot kind, arid the n are In their prime. and yield enough fur the omits of an ordinary Neatly. The 'lntense of tide property. as to salubrity amt nuberban tomfrods, romblin,l with contiguity to the city. it not surrnened by any mildew. to thin vicinity. It has a view of the Ohio River fur ever a mile. of Traurcrancee vide. Muth Pittsburgh, the city, the two dorm, and the hill. mound. forming olthgellicr a ponoramk dlnwPect of whirl. the rye- m om wearim - Every beat which enter , or a”,..t, from [hi , \ tart of l'lttaborgh on the Oblo. pm.. to full rim The madmen arid sword, are also 1.13151et4i removed from any anemone.. of duet, no dentructlee of ....fort and vmolat.un, and albedo a retirement as quiet scot promful toff Heated le MUM quirt mink In the consul. The property will 1....1.1 at a loran. and pouesidou Moen on the Mot of April. Enquire at the (Welk ogre. D.ll. ITIIITYL European Agency. raleerlber lutes& yieldaa the yrindlati tilde. of (treat thitain, Prance, and - Oartuarty, derived:Le ratnahe of Awil. May. and June newt, ladles l'lttebergh an March Mb. and will be plearol to attend to any attendee of a bte • ethers rbareeter obleb mar 4 aradl.l to hie rem .11mTultsarIT JOILN D. DAYIP.. PROTECTION t Fire and Maxine Insurance Company Aamnd premiums, Capital Stack and Eerylna yaw 81,000,000 - 6 POLINIZIS 10117 ED ONTillliCeT TATOBABLI, Truit.s, , DT GEORGE It. ADSO lir II Now% Eteuti=l2l. The eerie of Long, the alleged fugitive, has been resumed in New York. The testimony in his . favor is pretty strong, going to prove that w hewon living in New York at the date of his al leged escape. The ease excites great interest, and is conducted by some of the best legal tal ent In that city. The case has been taken out of the hands of the Commissioner, by habeas corpus, and is prosecuted before Judge Jackson of the 11. S. Circuit Court. It is determined to bring the constitutionality of the law to a se— vere test in this case. MESSAGE OF Gov. lIENT' ' OF N. YOIISL—we have ,glanced over this document. Like that of Gov. Johnston, it is characterized by plain good sense, and comes right home to the point, lie speaks cheeringly and exultingly of the affairs of the State—as indeed he may—and earnestly presses upon the Legislature the more speedy prosecm_ tion of the enlargement of the Erie Canal. Thekapital of the Common School Fund, on the :10th of September, all $2,200,673, being an increase from the preceding year of $47,110 —the revenue, including deposit fund, 800,702. The whole number of children taught in 1849, was 740,500. The debt of the State is $22 2 ,630,803.48. We are pleased to see that he takes true Whig ground on the subject of a protective tar iff. Ile says : "Before dismissing the subject of our federal relations, I deem it my duty to advert to the seri ous evils which some of our most importapt in terests have suffered from the failure of Congress to extend that protection to American industry which experience has shown to be necessary to sustain certain branches of manufactures against foreign competition. We nee the effects of the tariff of 1846, in the suspension of many estab lishments, not only in our own, but our sister States, involving large investments of copilot, depressing not only the labors of the manufac turer and mechanic, but impairing the market 'they bad created for . the products of our agri culture. It is reasonable to hope that this state of things, on injurious and unnecessary, may be remedied in sonic degree ut least by judicious and timely action in Congress. Governor Ilunt discusses the subject of the Fugitive Slave Law, taking substantially the same view of it which Governor Johnston takes. We subjoin what he says, believing that such calm expressions of sentiment from such II source, are calculated to allay excitement rather than to in crease it. "The provision of the federal compact requir ing the return of ••fugives from labor," howerK repugnant to the sentiments of many of Ott people, is of paramount authority, and like ev ery other constitutional obligation should be ob served in good faith. In legislating upon a sub ject of such difficulty, it erns obvious that more than usual care was necessary that in enforcing the claims of one section of the Country, we should not trespass upon the rights of the other. While the claim of the Si,uthern alaveholder to recapture his shire, is fully admitted, the right of the Northern freeman to prove and defeml his freedom, is equally sacred , . Both are alike un der the protecting care of our common Constitn dun. It cannot be denied that the, recent act of Congress for giving fuller effect to the provision requiring the return of fugitive slaves, has ex cited dissatisfaction in many parts of the coun try, currying them almost to the extreme of threatening resistance to the law. Bat all good citizens will recollect that whatevermoy be their indisidnal feelings or opinions in regard to the policy or propriety of any legislative enactment, it is their plain duty, so long as it remains in force, to sustain the authorities legitimately charged with its execution. Apprehensions have beeu entertained that under the hastily consid ered provisions of the act, passed during a peri od of unusual agitation, persons of color, claim ing to be free, and really free, are not allowed those reasonable opportunities, and those cus-' tomary legal safeguards, necessary to • enable them to establish, by adequate proof, the fact of theirfreedom. A recent case has 'shown this belief to be not merely speculative, and that the danger that a freeman under the summary mode in which that law can be executed. may be hurried into captiv ity, is nut wholly imaginary. We cannot and we do not believe that the ..South, any more than the North. aims at or desires such it reault,—or will insist on retaining provisions leading to ouch ex- - tilting consequences. We shalt rely not only mu their sense of propriety and reciprocal justice, but 'their calm conviction that the law itself to be permanent, must be reasonable, for their ma ting, after due reflection. with their brethren Of the North inn kind and dispassionate spirit, in reviewing such chose. an may be found defect ive or objectionable. and in consenting to such judicious modifications to may command general approval. 'in the meantime, our people must be left free m examine its provisions and practical opera tin. Their vital and fundamental right to dis -6.19 the merits of this or any other law passed by their representatives, constitutes the vary basis of our Republican system. and can never be surrendered. Any attempt to restrain 'it would prove far more dangerous than its freest exercise. Rut in all each discussions we should divest ourselves of sectional or partisan preju thee, and exercise a spirit of comprehensive pa triotism, respecting alike the rights of every portion of our common country, Artmtv,-. hundmd, of letters. twttfiettea &tut order, tv rt.lved by U. , . ProprieOrs of this =Miring, the blllowlng to selected to Who,. Its diameter. and the, stied of its cm in astant Part a the Won. The M ['RP. Callan are Dry 3 , lovhant.. but are al.° agent., for the rale of the rh,trest ”irilftnOTT-C..1 , n, Sept. '3% 1%17. 31vontl Ginn A rn —We luppmril to get s Int nf Line, Venulrn, 1.4 ,prinp. Pr•pa.,..l bf ponr,ell--,.. the Verlairago• •14 Intrr.luml In oar cototattnit,, the itrmand betaine n giratt for It that our ..rk Iraa mOll , t PrUitiCi`d un. wt 4.frrct whore., It tn. 113e.1 na hi. syrtion, and LA Tery I ovuLar amour; our We an• ti,11913, of obtaining the nicalltine her., aft., dint frt. ~.kirwlros. as It sale. atom rapalt 41.- , th , r tavtlk•lnt - ar kccp. Y@aar acrid us. irrmo Inirne dpovi: ' D. J. d J K. Cocrn‘ For Emir hy .1. KIDD t CO.. c 0 Wood gt. RVH RIZARTI; cAsz! ETIDENcf; IN DUB MIDST Kna--Sir. 1 rheortully comply sith ytmr mNrrt that 1 ,cold aiw.l r.O en errouut or thy nb.uo,t roirrtrittutbr rum of toy daughter'A op, by thr of your — Prtro. 17.uth wa.. rittaektyl with a very Nm• ryr In February or )(arch la.d. when I Loarnaltately spoiled to the Lett mech. eol aid Mem city by whom It waenrtmounrol n " , erY bod ~" and ell gar, me no hope of doing her any goal. Af ter which I both her Into the country to ao old lad' , who hot been very am...grain' In curing eye, the told me that hoe caw woe hopeleas, u the would certainly how not only that op, but oleo that h e other would follow—it being • arrofulou. affection of hkg mortify, 01. And Ido that at the time my father (J. Vaehon) rame to the oonelu.lon that we bud letter try Your Pet-mien...he wauenfinin hlgivl 1 one eye. It L. no about ion month. elum ohe hemut It. to, and oboean now a, with both eye. ow good ad VIVI' the lid, and. edfar I can .11.1 believe .he ban, with the Mewing of Almightt, leer, cured by Petrol, um. Your. motwetthilY.. 31. rgAnrin Visual enumn. • Pll.4..huegh, Rapt. ar-For rely by Keyser L 31e_Do.11. 140 Weol et. 4 R. R. etz 0. DI. Curt, D. A. 0111011. Jo.aph Don. glneg. and 11. I. Sehnert. Allegheny: nlen 14 the praprio• to, R. 0. 01011, n0v7x1.4..:3 Cenal Ruin, Seventh !it., l'ltinlmegh. Foreign and American Hardware. LOGAN, WILSON & CO., No. 129 Wood Street, HAVE NOW IN STORE A full Awl rompletn Aran( I , OIIISIGN AND .I.IIEIZICIN HARDWARE, 2thitablo for tho opting trade, and which they .re pn•pared to offer to purehaaars at raw. that will compare favorably with any of tin eastern alio,. A I SSOL U TI 0 N OF PARTNSIt ,r St b IIP— .. eddr heretofore . th,dl.4, .ril,„rtr .teeet, .1 ne E.NI-F--, Menlo.. Thil ^ r , ° P th 1,51 B. 11. 1 ' '''''43 2u r feebly Medved nu .Jeuunry4 , imo. .. t...,,,, " c'p"tiaving bought out 11. Forgo e, e u l" pon ' ulmsolf the duty nf paythg ell ' debt... 0 0 f .. t ... 11e,.&1 ,, o fam ... , IY Moro ate eny, to nettle the run, may H. H A vp. of th e old Ilthu In all euehrettleu IL YllEltha.P.. Ira 11. 11. PtttrttP ertil crow nn the ram, trade Itt the 01 , 1 orol be happy to receive hit ettetototox talltr S—Thirty brl, just /gliding H. V. voN nommonsr a co. 11RY PEACUr ifi ja iri for ml by iIIEESE-Twir hundred bza fur ante by _V. tau a. F. VON BONNUORST t CO. F LOUR—Twenty brls Extra, fur (Bale by H.P. TON DONN HORST a CO. ILASS—Eight hundred Lae Window Glruto, 8:10, for rale - by jzOl S. Y. VON OONNIIORST O. CO. WIIITE FlSH—Fifteen brim for sale by jail 0. V. VON tioNNIIORST k CO.. 1)11ARL ASII.-28 casks for sale by IL DAL7.ELL t CO. pIIESTNUTS.—Ten bus fur sale by DALZELL. A co. LO 1 t .-0 n e hundred brls superfine Flour, rmehr..l per steamer Pilot No. 2, allti Farrah. by' 2 J. a It. FLOYD, Ronal Cbureb Dialber. 130TASIL—Ten Casks, pure, in store and for wile by J. a R. LLOYD. pRODUCE.-0 bile prime Roll Butter; 6 We No. I Lank hoe Cheer:m bare prone Feather. ravived by wagon. and On tole br jot J. a It. FLOYD. 14/NSFSG AND BEESWAX.—"_3 bogs T US fi z n• now landing from Wenner dell/NA lAIIDICKEY d CO., Water a Front eta. NNEItS . °M.—Twenty brie Bank Oil, T . gaol order. ear wale by dote J.& IL 11.0 TD. M O . L Ie .A b S T SIS.,-38 d. rs now, In a l a L to r Le m) . for Alt D.-44 brla No. 1,-now - landing, for We by • d e l 9 • - 15.61A1l DWELT CO. • BIitCRWHEAT FLOUR—Tirenly sacia in Ras and Ita We 47' 1141, IL 4 W.SURatieg. , _ .. „ yuDUNG NENE.' - :II2RdAS ^ 7III.I.IMILTA ,7 77 7, 7.7 ...ling will be bald at tbn Herb. 11,..= on noday ennui.... Jannary 1311.. at 7 &kat. emend... Is rmuentnl. a. Po r e ' , Porta . 1111. .""' and en else toe An ol7ners far the earning. 7..... . 11 . UM. nian.n._,_ DAV L8W...HM:14 ROLL BUTTEIL—Ten brls Roll Baiter -14.11, , crived and trt oda by W. HARTIAMIL 11 - 2.III;ASE LA RD--Twenty brls Grease Lard maiml anal fur No by jal 1. S. k W. II aItBAVOIL RIED PEACILES—Three hundred bus YJ Drktl Peach, In xture, and for ral. br jall L W. fIARBALMI. OIL MEAL—Thirtv Oil Meld, received and fur sale 15, Jab B. & If. TIARBAUGII. FLOUR—One hundred brie Extra Family anW GO S. F..Vlnar.just riselTecl so 4 Sts. We by Jan B.B W. ILIII/IAUGII. WARS—Fifty thousand Cigars received C for mi. by POI e., n. lIARBAUGIL EA WY WOOLLEN GOODS FOR SALE A I ! .Vir" l =‘,7llV, ° :.°l Leo ono erttrlibmket, emelt we are auttonival vivo at nvluoml prices, owl will be onld on favorable terms IL b Jell LEX C) ASH FOR THE DIFFERENT GRADES of W 34.41 Wm/ by Jnu H. Lit. W O r tlf....G4rDS.—One cal . a Scarfet Flannel. 5-4: 3 ravel gprinTT n ir fgt. ewe. ; "4 .4 4 Camiznere, 2 czar,' .fn s . rocelred on ennAgnrornt thit in.ntsctunprot IsnJ fur rile tor jail IL LEK 110 LET.—That desirable residence at V: prownt occupied by the entwraiber, !situated a, , ilk, a the Itorongh et Laurent, ' The bun. I, laror and rouvoldent has 12 in... 2 goal tclituot. and veldt One Aien. a Fantle and awcrtage lens., together with a One genie', containing holer throb. tory Gad fruit tree, The malt. atotlon Lea abort di. torten below. and persons ran no In at stir hour. For gwr , ‘4- ROM. D. 2110111ToON, ialldlmN. 115 Market stmt. The Greatest Bargains of the Season. ROBT. I). THO3IPSON, Na. US Market et, three &ow" from Liberty. baring darrns i ltV Nein 37,. h 7;- fr:.: I'l4 'lll Cad:. efrek ham; new, large, :ma well tr.:=l. Li"r In part o follown 11FIESS floODS—Erenrb Stream, Par:welt Coburg Cloth. Iwlalne.C.hatenw, anal Alin:an, all colors: Item Filing: wide Illark Ulnae do: hbawlw. Lang and &Onto; ihnew tiE oos. NTLILIIk2C.i WILIR —Cloths Carat:ewe Sanaa., l'r 10501 LITINOVX111—.%111;111=1"gi.OE-, mud 1:!,4: Cotton Vheetln.: Datuawk Table Lthen. broom mwll.leahe Ltanuok Table Cloth, Narldra. Doti, leo. • 100110... meat of Whitney and Haat ftlankaa, ltr together w:th a I:11114.ml: of Dumatte Ilencte. rutehama: may MIX limb grubt lallallm e theLoe goal. at a.. thl•strek mum be clown wat vitail;zoN. VOTTON FLANNELS—A farther supply VVELSII FLANNELS, of the different V qtudltl, the greuitie erticle-11 farther enarply +N by by .11 MURPHY it BIJILCIIYIELL MUSLINS & IRISH LINENS Murphy Burchfield oantinue to hallow verticals It ntion thi, branat of their btolocao, pod. aro eared to owl,' n nopertnr warranted pun, lay and truth e low prin.: , far , )ualitr• iall FOR RENT—A SAW MILL in East }Sinning.. ham. well situated fora Into* lousiness: It can cm mand the entire of be Ormsby Coal Hail Rona. It brthonmplily repaired. with new and LiW for a term of 'ear*. AI, en excellent Ate fur brick =king—clay deep. Also, several cod qnarries of excellent Stone. hull:Limo( iallulSfavehr E. PHILLIPS. trot Birmingham ,r ESISIANII.IP—Thfise wishing to become goal penmen me invitrA eall at 15114urph Chstaer , ro(tikp. where Instruction In Penmandsip 1 given at all boon from t.t. M. to 10 P. M. The number of lerouna out Ihultot but all who rotor are permitted to remain till they write an elegant commercial bend. .MMl=Mir.==! .'NI.)IIIES—Fifty barrels Family Flour; rn7 pll JOHN WATT &CO_ 18 11.— Fifteen drums G. B. Codfish No. hel Mackere l, ackervk 1 Lola liblq 10 q hr No.l i.sture and far male Irr inn JOHN WATT .t CO FRENCII BROADCLOTIIS.-51:71# & Burchfield have just opened a frevh y of the tariou qualltira of the above article, 1.1 it. black twilled: very fine. Alto. French %oathe and ervohneree, Weekand fancy. and Black Satin Vesting. at very lovr prim , for the quality. non BOYS' SATINETTS.—Mur hp & Burch. 11 .1. field !nave rooa.lvod • lot of o Pawl' Iliad ',taunt, for Dope wean atm. Plakl ennl Plain Camtlroatos, 149 h7-..1Y,r,0.y. Merino Candlnert, Kentucky Jeans, Illaek m s= &eo at north tout oarner of north and o -la FRESH FRUITS, NUTS; &C.-424 lbs ,Z.arde Curnaotr. 330 Ito &idles.. Rabdog 31 bxv 5L Raisin. 33 hf b.. du. do. : 40 or boa do. do; 40 do. do.: 23 drum. storroo Mgr. 3 carer arrow 3 1= Lemon 0 1°1217r;t'ti 7 89 3 - ".' '17=1..11,tAn,t,11„,.a Pokes. For rJe by J.D. W1L133 .t W. tido Comer Mod c Ftlih eta Lit JOHN HURRAY'S Fivin Mmisissis. li t Prilatrwl under the immediate area the Inventor, and established for upwards ef thirty ream. This elegant: preparation is recommended all eases of bile, acidities. lalltredJan. wont. tad urasel. as the mod safe. easy. nod elbetual Bum let width Ms ..mesita may. and halted the only one in which It ought to be st.hibl,kam. 14,11i11 all the pre perthw of the .klaknesia now in weneral tine, withent beteg liable like tt, tn farm dangerous cm., tb. In the bowels, It effectually ettres heartburn without Sen.., the oats of the stomach.. sole, pollee and their natanuthw are known to dee it prevents the (odor infanta lort4st ln all maw It nets as a pleasing aperient, And is tarty adapted to inmates: olr Iltunphrey Davy testlflal that this solution farms mi. eouthruatiora with Ode add salts in came of Pont and grand.. thereby, a:lnteracting their injorto. tendency. hen other alkalies and even Magnesia I had r a ped. Peso. Fir Philip Crampton. Bart.. PrirCleneral to the Arloin Ireland:— Sir—Them can be no doubt that Magmela may be ldministered more safely in the form of • concenbate4so. otion than In sultetarme: far this sod many other masons; I 11.103 of oplukto that the Fluid move le to • very valuable addition to our Matarla Med.. PIILLIP C UTON." Sir lames Clark. fir A. lboper. Blikb and Mama Guthrie and Herbert Mayo. of. London, ymorturnend Starr., Fluid Maenad. as being in fi nitely more emfe anti am... Meet than the ed. mid (meth. the r atbral lnit the constant use of each orr. For by the imparter: a minr's Ms, - ' IL A. MINES CO. Tall Cor. Wool,& Front eta if lI:LEESE-4'A( has Cream Cheese in More ( J. I.) . and fur ease JAIIES TAIZELL, Jell Na as %Yrktrt Meet: S ALERITUS-4 caikm No. 1 Saleratus; 15 Lbl, In dm. In ortnnl and for rale by .1. , 131LS DALULL, 1.111 av linter stmt II LOOMS—One hundred tons . Tenieneo J. JP 2. tons 'rennet, Slab, recalling Coon darn er ticnt,a. and for oak , by DILZELL. 3all • No. Cu Water ,trot, WINDOW GLASS--Five hundred boxes V* waned Awe.ln ntorn and for Rale br ll JAMS DALZY.L.L.. UNDRIES--Three hundred bbls. No. 3 2.5 half bbl, Jn do.: Zo bl , llMarfFAlracm,lM ru•rr mV fbr NASe br jolt JAMES PAL7.ELL • 9 CASKS 1111. 1 SPREIT st SON'S Soda A.II In Flare and tor rale by JASIES ERBS--Elder Flowers, Sage indßoneeet, a frr.la Jot nvrired oml for 0n1e4)3 . la I J co KIDD a ~ n. el) Wood st. eIIINESE VERMILLION-7411s foe sale JAI! J. KIDD k W. HEMP :BED—Fifteen barrels (new crop) for Mi. I, j,ll J. KIDD d CO. g - iLUE--Twenty fire barrels ti)r- SKIC by lI Yli J. KIDD d CO, Ku 13. Wool et- if 7 4EASS. PARR—Five hundred reams' of , 01 rolth, voted!. for ralrty J. KIDD d CO., Yard, W0c..1 et IYlR*OtTlialkfl/19° , " 40 I IIE SUBSCRIBEIt offers for rent fof n terns of mac or more sew', the ociebrstoti lire Brick totablnnont, ritt.te in }ale-Bela township, Wektattnelatal tuttly, in the out of Deliver. Sold work. are est the l'onntylt wtia Canal Central liallnsol. Therein un the land larwo quantities of Eire Clay arta Stone Cook (.4111111-. tof new.. The *mita are on the Tob Mill Conet—the . norowtry buiblings fOr the work are crecteJ. A kilo in t o o at.otilow. For tonne apply to the sularriber. trebling throe mato , north of Yontiounank attlltwaT—Weetnt. Rep. Wlll JOHNSTON. 1 - 4M.OUR—Seventy five harreL4lFatuily Flour received owl Sro rare by tall SHRIVED t BARNES. ROIL BUTTER—Twenty barrels prime iwt nvelved nwl Mr ado b 5 Aral - Sinn:1;11 & BAIMM. I)RY A PPELS--Fifty buoliels received and fin' air 4 i.l l l a uemizs. BEANS— barrelsl received and v 41 cur rate by jell SIIRIVP d DARNE.4. LARD—Twenty barrels and thirty kegs Na. I um mrelml and n We by Inll SiIRIVKIL d DARNFS. ITIALLOW—Thirty barrela Sheep and twen 13 A ENV& /1113.10T11Y SEED-4 barrels received and fur rah, by All NIIaIPRa k BARNES. lIESNU intabela received and Ax Ate to iOl SURIVER BARNY.S.--,. YilAeliES—Three hundred bushels reed awlroadebr Ef swum' BAILNE& - I\4OLASSES--Fifty barrels of new ciep rOZCiTed awl for Rile br mamas. hl.l Nn. f ax.llEaBntsanfLegit- EcTIVIED WHISKEY. • 450 bbls best ftectitledXrbbtkel, In store and [oink :eon JOHN PAHKER. I (XL - DBANDIES,WINES, GINS, &C. .balf rdpra Corm lac Brandy, "Palo and Dark." 15 elks qr. att. do ". do "Pale," 'valour liar. 10 do do. and word celebrnted brisals. 5 piper. Itonand dlo; 4. llablins Abettor" and . 1141." 210mtbrour Irish awl Scotch ?dur Liblskry. 2 do Jamaica Nom, 11l bbls. N. E. do. do, 11, qr. rarks rort %Vibe s 25 do Madelrn Wloo. al do Sweet Simla. Wive. 27 an 1117 do. do. 10 do Sherri WIN'. 25 laum blordftbx Giant. In More arid for rale by JOHN PAIIKYR .. 4 ea, ItfAUTY.—It is universally conceded that lanutl 14 more common In this couria7hoe In any . while att the mune time It la mid other country is It bet at young on age. Nom thb 'stone low certain extent, brit the 100 le often mooed by nettled, Ito mr he an, do not neglect moor pernonal amount., hut an the following, and you rood net back Whit Shiro artier. myecientlik InePmatimts , and hate allot taitied a high popubuitY• • Jules Ilettel • Persian or Chloe. Powder, for imparting to the most Milton. , complexion • radiant whitenoo. In nothing .hold a inaron to more careful than the tue Of • reorder for the rkin......U" Umm .14 are well weed my Chloe. powder lecompounded ktamienttfle ne contalus no luirreolicut whkh porlibly Whet soin'tiur, • Ju Ilene?. Depilatory Powder, for rearo•lll.4 =hest. r r . r . hair. What fa more tieuightly Man reur.,,,uuu.u. or ann. of • lady. This attire will moire e it in • stunt time whine.. the um of any 'harp Instrument: Juba ilaticfe Vetetable laquel inetterds. *manly Impart to red. White. or crer hap, a bestetlfully mars, Immt, or auburn tallow It will eritheThe hair Inn shorter time, aia! i erturre4lieir o ry thaw any other dye, ivy t the name cruel ercsin.—lt b really a plea's." to Phase with thin cream. There le none of the mettles ten. ration mouth'. e‘trleittreert 10 the rubor meet eospr. On m e mom.). It Imam Use Blau moroth and weft yin ise tante, and Oct liable lo Immune stepped, Miler Heuer. w ere Tooth Psetc...-Ats to the hair we o l io, Cyr Teeth were intended as g r ating orustnetit t h e humau Wm ton when nepleetol, nothing is PM distr. o or No quktly seen. My howl Teoth Parte will LorPart to the m s t • pearly r:tenths; st the sone time keeping Um gum Ana and healthy. JULAS BAUM Pertnner and Chmalrt, IPUtTiesout st. For ado wbolowle awl retail. by A. Mihnestoet Met, and ILIA. Mar, Pittsburgh, nand J. Mitchell, Allehetiratr,ly. I[I7DI . DIGBY, No. 136 Libertyttreet,.begs, v v ftmet i f Wiy h. to la= flo n ten Me umerous t h reberg: V "th rt I' l9T 4 h /lritt ,4o ; ' viSrixol o r,Of the pewee. eeZda. *dented*, the smoothing WI and needle. men. ut thew In wane chi . ty faehlottlit a ld ov a and Oa IM AIVIIJSEIVIMTS IVEDIVILY.= LAST. wax..., bECTURE ROOM, ATIIENEUM MlLD isu, Ma week. AMON celebtatal sorloa of oticsatkt OttAltAn. Ordinal a VOTAII k TO EI:ROPS, nater clog maranacenttioos of UOl4Oll. WI Harbert London. tam the Mato.. is atalt aml eballteK Vitt a connolloast viva of the Ttuatect Tonne k brilnanlly Illtunlnatok and both tanks of tbe bauttlfal lUcor Abtor. - An wawa w *walla Infuerd.n. at 3 o'ckok. cent. Monad. 2.S mot, u.k.r vat" of Gan, la • pcoto %Oa tSik o . dOek. &MU - to CtailAiro Moth= at Vn o'clock. • LOOK ICERE .My InSIEN! RE YOU , A FATHER,. laboring for the raid .farellramal Suffering - from mineral dee ge i s. INghr.r.fa= • 6 -k'. Are yonMaher, autheinir from dimwit to which fie males are mew:ally wahine, was Dr. 8. D. Llowea &hater bwilia—lturde will certainly curs you. I at opot, or on one of our as - rata and. set a ramphlet. matte where you will pod 'hat the Shaker bar satedlila: as pretianal curl er ' mote noire has boen the ow.j. pormarocutlyeur ditesak to vihkh the human family are continually subject. than any other pre btla paration at Earotpullia, ever Tat bnotaht balms UPI pu TIM medicine lc...dahlialta ladka repeltail= numerous and well attested man , - •by ' It bout up In quart bottles. and'ls the only Sarimearela that not. on tilt Liter Kidneys. end ,pl ow at Om toms timeortdrh random lialtogether Volk rallt:abia laarery one. rostleularly to females. • • _ Ite sure and enquire for Dr. th YOLIONTYYS EMMY" 13A111,&I I'AIIILLA. and take noothcirl . . i;:n.t.l.-13 bottles far Fpr mitt • • DIL ID. c l . l?lr.E lan i t FCl c Pttgri.trjr oo. To whlMaallorderr may Eo Adim;ml.. . Alm. for mlo.by, J. A. Joncr, "J. ecloromak, kLL. W. Clark. Meant, .I.'&L Tomyrn.l, .1. Nl.ller. Jark.- Al/r7bru ear W. /I. Mc. Pertm4.r. Pirnll Co., Wlimlhur. J. IL Partnroo.. r ola 3tor r on.. Ilairsville, 3144 A II •' tth recoil. on eons aunt, sad &a see 67 ' WALLLNOFORZ C CO. - PS IVlderr ettlet. NEIV LIGIIT.—We lutVe-receivedtviat or LA.iIP.S. • of slaioln #12,0111.1 kinds. of • hew conatrUttlaa tdat. 14 , qtlite SiMpia anillAtta--toTta art. Alm, the article to burr. to lb erlled•Atraniitz or ho Olt ^ It bar roneliorilities which rowiewaetril it to rho attentkus of Fitruntrot mew, kteow , h. tool Bowe treper•l for el...Davos/emanate, an/1 brllliatien it ropioieta mu:Alta - ortable mile in - Pentair who hkwe or roll es Or be Am. the pone lierlikw of the ziew ocaniienrodt I - . - A coturtiort xotipir of 116 , 1 hoot larap,br lir • , • • - BOWIE • ATM 2:154/. dell rt, berveen Wood sal Market. • POTASH enske Potash, ittat received, and tcs ale br .ro9 0001.11 T DALZELL t CO. I \TOTICE. We have associated J. GARD k,7I, I.l‘l,llrgh, 43nuary I. 'wt.—ye:lw ' . - . g ;b viioAms CO., 13unterw lLctemycHofßDd and hint ,a,u,714.b7= 1.(° " All trawactieus made co liberal Lerma, and .. tolletticito promptly atbnalecl la. • • • . •.l rehlY fIItOCEELES. LA 50 half cheats Young limn and Illaok Teo; ra t olaTtg;:oll g o itnlat ., ' .r.,? ; ro=7 0, " 4'l7' 19 do llobltoon d a'a aruj a's :91 do Cabin... S's Tobaoo, • .- 15 qr. bozaa Price and lfanroore WO do. • 15 catty boom Cur Thnolo.oa jr. liolJest - Leaf ).1.• 15 Lump, la mare mal Cur rale by • . 1009 . JOHN PARNIFII. ,4RAY ORLEANS SUGAR. llla blrel,old cropprimequslitr kw* and 1rIal• r JOIN canaaa a co. . MORN BROOMS. 80 clusen Corn amens In Moro ma for wale Sr P. 9 , JOIIN PARKER dIALD RYE WHISKEY! , gurO hble. pure Rye Whisker, “redy-01,1 and anion" • rale by Old m affr i` . l J Y (WitirAlititt " * " ZO DA : OR SALE—One hundred-whitend n bhmk . To Lem^ TuTi nice Temperance s ma k tp u e a tt= ?r , v, t&blt e ettggli v i t tri3F.At bu Y r eNdea . :retort.; puce of Coat and V. I. Mohn o end Butt Orin, For sale ill any quantity, to milt Purenseces, by isnar2s*.ns leAdlt diAttiti MIL et •yOR SALE-7 ixLies a:Medicines, vit:— The Bohn of Life, Ile. Green's Atudyno Cordial:Dr. oultuer'e Patent Vegetable. I;lietr, De Leung 01119.1i4 Pills, Dr. Evans . Soothing . Syrup Cur. Children Teething, Fele,. and A gno Herb Pill/4hr. Hunt'. Pills cos Consumte te ' e p g•CD , ehgvi a"" =ltttlli ' _ `" Cur' 14. jalteilh.twhi • .- ISAAC Whin& Filth et. jig OR SA LE.--A small retail aupplef Writing' rad Letter Taper Potent - Pena and . g . eg boldeng Dad Lead and elate Peatib ; Inks . III•ek LIM a gman MPPIT• 4x 2.= BooPm a Temperance Chart; a Patio:ma flap of itter . A ern itepubUG a Map or dm [lemons and of the Wraid: OT rateLT • jalOalltdgeft.S leAAt.: HAREM ISEW 'LUlS—Evans & Swift's Cincinnati bihrar Curod'llanta, J tut for kilo by • O WM. A . MeCLUICU AW. 2341 Lae v . st LEAF Cincinnati Leaf Lard pa up la tr far Elzalli yen Just reed An M M. A. MciILUKU - A GOOD FARM FOE GOOD E. 1251 OF 75 ACItES-I , lVb milva fh. our Mo twoand It: half mile. faun Myhre) . rinr, toul two collas - froco the bear house on IrUe's Run. IL has 50 acres elcated, m aPr....d ul g 400 tmes, aim of bottom 1.11, a coal bed. f IL The hotter has a double totdm lu font. a. a cellar an- dee It It will be mold these,and half the pure.. money king poj, pasgeolon dill he girt, and thne.on the hal.. !T.. call at MAC HARRIS' • Agency ml lutellkgmee of bat IT—Parma roll or rented. altd elf thele of Arend. at e , tele ed 41 tm moderate chart. ' .1.14121.1 - F e !! 1 ".` A js _ SALE.—A, few ishareg liticbt' W.. T.:cell American ;sad IVotterri Imamate tqcck. to RAItID E IRVIN, 114 Sonata EAGLE MAItBLE WORKB,..(established Ism) by. EDinumintacis, No, 4i Liberty 0t.41 rot or Wood gime. Dittobargh IbmintiOnto. 'ftrW Vapid, Tombs, liradmonm, &ad /Mote kkmos Ceara and I Pier Tom. ohms* on band, and mods to older. • N. . A rhino., ion of Drawings an buna l.ll l • I. I.IVER PILLS trupercedo alll others Charleston, Va., Eevt p , 16.41.--31. r. R. R. & Ism—Your Pills bare become so popular to all thls re- I glob of conntry ‘ sr Ter,. midi supereselo all others as a! Llyse r or ' Yours, t . [Erhart of a letler.l . Purchasers recollect that IL Bellere.Llrer Pala erethe brilntl and only true nal grunion Liver Pi% sad may be loot of ti0..57 Ireoll rarest, amt of Drokoirts getonally to the tyre rill.+ and r - JAW NEW BOOKS.--MnulAt's new - Work, .Cosmoe, or Eleetehew c[ .a fhpileal desteript4coe of the :Seemorr's Sketche4 of 311onceote, the Nor Mutual al thr Wta.t., I rut. I,: ma. Ilechnoled 0n . 4 Skeane...2 Dictionerr,Met hia I Menne. felownis. Theme axe well I v o teg..-.- Jal v e 1 ? ). to ITANDISII. THE PURITAN; a Ta. I. the duterieth Itcyclutl.. 117 EttnxlArariciatehz' I,T ptfry m l o thaVgaturi c.. l, 0 0 . ! pr., ~ . 7 al matt " emit •• yrftl :churl of Genera. nod Tke = t all' the =f el t e 4:Liy u lgi t r ri g . tex.l.ltea by IL %%lib ! , 11, „1 . ., .7obth, C o l/ 0 Rent/Joky. ittliWorr, A a I I zrni ti7mbr :' 'lll henna.' N. arty eograrbehs. I:7 Loeria Cot - .-: ...' 1 Tbe abore worts barb:* by IL C. eiTih.l&N,- .; . ter.ksAlor sod blet/thoi e , f jell/ ._._______ Corner of 71extet abll Marl eig.. I QUTI el tou s spieudid,Ctut4 " ' • Slam are , 220 00 'a. ho thoort ph Mom 1tep,.210. Tire mope., unrivalled In. tredner. boodi'atid clump ,an and adapted to the rood.. of the loridtdep. ocht hod, achools of the Coital :date, 200 at Putlisber`n prime, without od•liiioo of &deal charges, at the CDCCATIONAT.. lit STORE. g .1..14 Comer of Iladtet httd Fourth et. ot Fo E rT N . c t h t e rl' h . r,- Er ,hi riot, Joh) SCHOONIIAKh/t 6 4.12. IR 'Kohl et- 10L011S--5 bria Rosa Pink; , lb. 8r0u5e..v.74-144: , " 7ZO Ch 1 Irlfio;rlVSZ ;It 2 EILMILLICIN—Trieste, Chiv, Ama ril Venn, nal Imperial Tenni:am, for rule pau •asetikx)Nx. tea aao B:3ENTIAL OILS-1 can Oil of Sassafra94 VII Tea. lan oil of Itoormari: orl io ofLenvot• ,1 tan Oil of Eormanot; I box Oil of Clorox') sod 1 box (dor Rooeix .bort booeivral onto t•l` ialu J SCIII)ONSIARMI k CO. PRUSSIAN DJ U} IVICH No. I, wale by WO J SCLIOOSNIA.KER LARD OIL-LarllOil olu!3uperioe qualap- ct 4-41 ZEi t illiMilrecatt 1 . 1: 47 k Fronlßi-4.' r i 4 Sito ATS SE S.—Twenty one . brli• aoeJe ir4 w° mc""triv.triammi wd rEoNsiN 3 • I THREE PLY AND INGliAliait-PL7B-1 w.m4u.kaiunrit. to tbo Lusoit.: , • mio b./..lootoa , soworlzorsVot Throe Ply sat =rata raw I/sought to this notritot i and cheaper than shy Ai Mt.; eastern class. t We Invite all to call and tWIII I / 4 1 tato start , pt tZ Votisitt street tad 79 Wool stoat• is lifeakil2oelri. 'WINDOW HANGlNGS.—WMeeliiitoce! ,ffcre to thowobbing tortiorh. vory,ftuyo woortment of Seim, Dolole, Domo.ks. of the timed oad;,. tots otyko. ot reduced mice. WI et the 0141.4 AVere,g• sturom. No-M./mirth otroch . _ _ 130W1)ER.---Blaseitig and Rifle Powder,, 1 coo bP. la m.ysslm, 4 1 4 11111.1 f 0RT11 co. f 4 AFETY FUSE.—Twordy brls Safety Fuss e 10blaati 4ot solo trf ' • ' - I. fi. DILLIVOIMI TA RY A PPLES.—Ono hundred • busheli W jiff tabs by . %IMO DILLIVOICIII • CO-' _ DRY busheln fot i io 8: DILIAVOILTIIk • - UTTER.—Thirty kegs ull4l. t4x brls fresrg butter rest rurrived end to rein br otlo • a, a. in LIAVOISTIE Alt CO. ‘,,:;."-t A.Ew STOCK OF PrANOS,I ititat i t n 2 l :74AZl of elegnat mule by Nuns l o. Yes aort a nom ' theta, a apleudil awn It glhgrlchentravi e Ticatoteltarlor Lay. It Le A t t " :txw Wt and an dett meneUen of Dra aat m Innenmente, ti nib", Melodeon, and every variety of tanned. inefeblef Jalu ' • A CARD-185L URPITY k BURCIIFIELD North E1,14:-„, wooer of Fourth to d Martel streets. itlasterfelly , , it re, et the riennerucerneat of the lowleer. to e."Yfi ,. l. turn their thanks to their castor ...a We pablie . ally, Clyr We tame Wore of e.t.a extruded to th em e Went. the tontionsare of their forms. reorattl, on hand a try ettendta reill hove the stresitaeor of Plenty of light to teri . 1; ,,4 1 /rite ttelr reitietkoe. =titled. iriaodafl.: tfreitt e ahertreeiy ithie• DI" (.a — id l e 116,=" for the of fiteateli to be prmurial—uld the1:1?:, motioned eM41.0 to select the beet weir. ea , l to bibs,. taha"""itrßi r" E ; Bl F ll4r7Th:l" .idl4Lot4iC7l6lL Wl et MZ nt naiBloa4 .el b r o ortrosrb ais—eae f 4th et ty,,, Important; to Stagis Coach "oriff l .-i:: • Manufacturem - ' •,- , .-. A , , f_ i i ..,s„,s . u !, - .ll'`,;, ( !v;A:,!'"FlAl7" 4 6°, ''' - : - '• b:; , ,r'a„'''''oar Ci ```'`,Vb::f4' t P' 1:111141: ' - ''''' 7114 ''''''-''''''. be th.leg 1.... .t../.i...7 ..17.1;.VtIntint,' Axice, running 44. will yosumme a Nal l4 n OW la ,c ,-,, ,- month, Ile null aiattatAtr at oil wad la one or tha bye f, li e - rideneee we ,llnve of the imat , ndaclisr. of ftitilan; etP •.'' entmeginatlr west ezytfis of payrot; it vat truaathe rprittever we .4 tat Rat. DIA two .oa. out inr....tmmtliziaz,,T,-....rz,„ r inib: t_t_.: ..._....enurt3, tut, out the Irhecl Inn taming oa. - 4'“ , 7:. l4 7Atreigir alg razed w il l -affront thortAslee , - - 2Egagralo.yilvitg,o4 ktz4ritiav iu - 7 1141,_.- .. i' i