The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, January 10, 1851, Image 3

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CODZT oi,ntearea BEBBlOli.
Presentt—lioadrable 3lcClare, Presi
= dent Judge, and Wm. Kerr. and Samuel Jones,
Associate Judge,' '
Commonwealth vs. Jooeph Barker, John Lowe,
and Luke Dwyer—lndictment. Conspiracy, Ate
dnetion, and Riot. . .•
Simpson Moore nett 'tfilliam Jeffrey, sworn—
Evidence unimportant. •
' Robert Hague, reealled—Went to St. Louis by
Atiathenity of the Governor. Woe employed by
Mr. Coilar. Mr. instructed me to bring
Dwyer here. He gave the a bill amounting to
Ilighi e anti' told me if I could get leloo, and my
encase., I need net bring lihn. 11y expenses
and pay for bringing him would he $l5 O . I Or
. rived iu St. Louis on flineaday evening, and had
Dwyer arrested on Friday morning. We left on
..Saturday about,4 o'clock. Was et the jail us
soon a, Dwyer. :Ile was first put in the office.
but he wan afterwards put in a cell and locked
lip. So fee as I hearth Mr. Dwyer bore a good
reputatiou in St. Lain. I remained one night
to pee if he coed raise the money, when Ilearned
that it could not he done:, ilin hoes(' had been
`.burned donut - sometime hlVore.
Copt Robert.. offirrnid —Wes antitain of the
night p,die in Sephnuher last. On the night 01
the 1911, September :1 young man canoe down to
the office between enad 11l o'clock from Wilkie.
"Hall. I was is the Moyer's Office up stairs. Ito
asked Me If the Mayor wino in. I .1,1 no. I
tinderetood ho had tome somewhere to the coml
. try. He csine.ted MC 141 tell the Mayor whet
~. he came hi that there were two strangers ,e
Hall whol inished to see him.' I told
him I would do .to - when the mayor tame to the
"oftice,.which he aid upon, Into return from the
country at about 11. o'clock. Don't recollect
the mayor toll me where be hod been.
• Delieered the towage to him as requeeted.—
The Mayor a iked me if I knew who they were.
Itold.him I did' netlkeess. Ile then asked me
if I Imew whether they were from St. Louis or
not I told him I did net know. Ile immediate
. ly left the office, and I saw no more of him that
night: Cannot say where he went—never saw
`'Mr. Dwyer until I sew 11111 iu court.
• , Crii:ts Examined—The Mayor naked me when
' him the men had - been enquiring for him
if I knew whether they were from St. Louis—
He left the offico iminmediately afterwards,
Hamilton Houston, Sworn—l was in the May
or's Office one day when Capt. Naylor came
there: Mr. batten was with him, The Captain
and spoke to Mayor Ratter who was
on 1011 . deed; -Nothing was said about the chil
dren nor atom revolvers from the time the Cap
tain came until he went eat. Mr. Deryers name
, was - not mentioned that I heard—Wae standing
close by them. The conversation related en
. Mainly to the giving : of ben for Mitchel and oth
:en in jail.. Very few persons were in the office
44 the time. The Mayor spoke very mildly.
Cross exemined—l amfrequently at the May
or's office without having any business there.
thought tliat the - Mayor hod treated the
gentlemen with great respect. I did_not
-hear the -Mayor say he would commit Capt
tisylor to Jail: Copt. Naylor told the Mayor
that he would alrcrigl.:en him: the Mayor said he
•'Would efine;ylten the . Captain, if he did not take
: Maw. - The Mayor . spoke 11 little louder then.—
The Capt. win reading low to the Mayor. The
••• Miyor edid he Ind nothing to do with the row.
The Capt. laid he would straighten the Mayor
_ because he would not accept of bail.
Capt. Neytor, stern.—ln the early part of oe
tober, 1849, I left the city in company with Mr.
- Clienge Darsie, on a delegate from this place to
the National Conecution in St. Louis. Arrived
In St. Louis on therletli or Vith of October, and
there made the acquaintance of Mr. Blenerhas
, set, the counsel of Mr. Dwyer. He brought Mr.
Dwyer tome. Arrangements were to be made by
Iteyer taut his attorney,.giving to me a power of
attorney with regard-to these children. I was
to be ta r nished with tr.e.ini to pay their =pen
-- ses. Mr. Bler.mbasset was a member of this
-convention, and excuiedhinteelf to - me, Oom day
clay, for not mating oat the power -of Maw:.
- Undemstood F Was to fini a letter in the .
'pint office, on n' it . tarnliame, in which.wrould
1,0 s power of attorney. and every thing cam
?"leer Heard nothing farther on the subject un--
- :".:111 the Rid of May,' lbid, when I received n let
from J. Leaghlioreugh, Esq.. the counsel of
1 . - 'Mr. Dyes,. The date of the letter in the 17th;
received it on the 22t1 of !day. [The letter was
produced.] Ain actin:tinted witlikhehindwrit
ing-uf Mr. Loughbai ough. This letter is in his
s handwriting. [Col: Mack objected to receiving
the letter ie evidence. Alter argument by coun
sel, en both shies. inch portion of the letter as
related to the peter in question, was allowed to
[Reread. It stated I.liat Mr. Milner WAS omit to
recover the children. and requested Capt. Naylor
to girt. him such assistance no was recedfdte for
this pot-pose.) Mr. Milner came to the city, hut
" I did not see him. The first I beard of it was in
the nevi:Tapers.' after a 'hearing of the case. and
a decision by Judge Hepburn. I afte.reards
. • called upon the bide*, end wanted to get obelus.'
ing, bin did hot ritmomplish it. hr July 1 taitel
wend this letter, telling ?dr. krughborough of. •
the imptr-sien that kria }Well etude here by the
newspapers denouumne Mr. Dwyer, end - that it
'would he nen—etre for Mr. Dwyer to coral here
Woo obliged aineut
'pada ensne time sttlerwarde. Returned oh 21et
, September, mid boned ill my box in the Ipoot
letters front m r . Dwyer. ending that he
would Ine here in SePtenffer, ond would' need my
tre'rricen , . De net recollect the dates of the let- ,
, tem bilid go to the.Mnyor's Office. Didireed
the low. • no , Mayor objected to takiug bail.
Have no recollection of any thing said r e nbunt
these children; or revolvers, et that time.; This
was on tine 19th Octoleer, and sulesequent to the
time I received these letters. Do not think this
conversation could have ocenrred without my re
. Collecting it
Cross examined—Left St. Laois on the-23d of
October, 12-16. Was not furnished Trith power
- Ca'• 6100 . 1)-1 “a for Mr. Dwyer. Ileerd nothing
further from him until I received thesb letters, in
September, 1150. Did not see or Mina of Mr.
being here daring the session f the But
- prime Court. Woo in Pittsburgh fro the 21st
September mdil the rising of the which
took place in November. No appli tian was
`Made to it, during the session, forth recovery
ii the children. My object wes to bri g the lob
- jut -before the Elven:is: Court, in eptember,
Which I stated to Dryer., The May s manner
MIS not violent—he Wes exasperated. "Ile would
dcreak 'occasionally when d exidsined the
- 'lsw. lie complained of the Councils, Judges,
-Do not remember what he said about the
Judges'. „1 , we inside the bar, close by him.
Some people were aatsido the bar. The Mayor
said he-would take 'en bail. 110 hait:done with
the miu. I said he had violated the he, and
Itmuld make him answernMe for it. Ye said
he vouhl receive no threats; and if I would re
peat it, he would put me in jail. Do not know
t at - i - was exceedingly excited 1 suppressed
' my excitement. burnme it was a pilpable
- timid thilaw.. Darker von exasperated against
el the authorities of Pittsburgh, and expressed
lIP Edmund Snuirdeu, alfirm ---1723 at
Out Meyer's office -before the c en were
be'auglot there--was engaged noun ing money
when they were brought into the , office. The
. . .
aria thing 1 noticed was the Father picking up
`the children, kissing and crying over them.—
Selksery much for the father from what I heard
at that time. There were no obstractin s to en
' mime into the oflice while ;Dwyer and the chit
' then teem there.- They remained Auld half an
. . . .
Crops ELlMilltd-:-.Did cot FCC,. the children
axis= chl.' !think the d.tor was not yhut when
the ebildirtu canto' in. Told Yr: 6nruelly that
day, which rty the earri:ll, , ,e had gone. 1
.:-.. C. ll.' M..Snilth, L',..q., mailed—itas 'pm
eat in tht.layor's LEDs when Copt. Naylor was
there. j 1.1.?. !Anton offend hail. ' The 'Mayor
;..'said n'l6e . ' 7 o. deo:. The Mayor's. remarks bad
- .. referent4,lmrticolorly t¢ the rolice Committee
(end convicts.. lleappli some eetere language
to them all- I think no Ling was said, at that
.. iree,,in relation to Mr. Dwyer and the - children.
:"- lbstitt nothing ttbool. lrerolters.. „Think Mr.
intteaviisn mistaken 5.4 i to the Mite when pest
.:".' , .iliellielislotis were 111.113. ,„ . , ,-.... — 7,, ) i ..
CTOit Eitillll2lo—TlF Mayoi said ' Inany
' tamp thet 'would be koi)ossible to recollect, no.
.• .
en . ,
less ta k e n down by a short hand-writer. • Think
the Mayor lid not threaten to impritien Capteln
Naylor. 'Considere,d the Mayor was- more auto
'missive to Captain Naylor than 4a laid,teeilo
Mr. LuDen.
James Callan, Esq., sworn-Was - at New
Brighton when Mr.,lteed, the police officer, ar
rived. Was there when Dwyer, Lowe and ilill
came in a esninge. Two children accompanied
this party. Introduced Mr. Reed to Fleming, the
tavern keeper. Said he had come after the pre
sons who had kidnapped the chilligcn: Mr.
Dwyer consulted me, and said lie wovEd pay me.
for my advice. After Reed was introduced to
Fleming he said no persons should be taken out
of his -house under the circumstances,
over his dead body. Suggested the propriety of
examining the wartunt. Looked at it. Found
that the charge was for kidnapping the children.
The oath was made by Mr. Connolly. The war.
rant was not endorsed by a niagistrate of Ives.
Cel . oollllts. OM,' an evasive nnsvrer to Mr.
Reed, but told Mr. Fleming that the warrant
- wan of no authority in Deaver county. Went
up stain and found Dwyer in bed. The consta
bles were not present wheal examined the war
rant. Saw no had conduct on the part of Dwy
er, Lowe or Hill.
Cross Examined- -Mr. Fleming alluded to the
eireoreetence. which I expldined to him, that hunt
occurred in the DiAriet Court hen., respecting
these children. when he roil no person should
these peryol, out of his house. except
over his dead body. It was after I had told
the eirnomtaum that I examined the wan-rant
Did not tell Mr. Reed that the warrant was
worthless. Gave him an evasive answer, while
I gave the other my real opinion.
(The information made by Mr. Dwyer, before
the Mayor, 151111 now altered
h. e.iJeuce--abi
jection'beingulnae by Cutat , el for Common
wealth—and the infatuation wan read, which
- stated that Connolly had illegally held, and re
fused to deliver the children to him. The war
mut, under which the children were carried off,
homed by the Mayor, were also read, and exci
ted considerable amusement in Court.
The requisition of Governor Johnson to the
Governor of, Missouri, fur the delivery of the
holy of Luke 11. Dwyer. to Robert Rogue, as
agent for the State of Pennsylvania, was then
offered by the Counsel for the defence.)
After the eramination of several witnesses, as
to the character, on the - part of Dwyer, the
Court took its usual midday recem.
Arrmsoos Sr.srssroN
The evidence was closed on both sides in the
conspiracy case, which has occupied the atten
tion of the Court during all the present week..
Col. S. W. Black addressed the jury on be
half of the Commonwealth, and ti. S. Mauer:,
Esq., on the part of the defence. We need not
say that they both made moot able and eloquent
At the conclusion of Mr. Megraw'e remarks,
the Court adjourned until nine o'clock this morn
ing, when the remaining counsel will address the
jury and the Jidgo deliver his charge.
Mumma or roe BOARD OP Tarns.—The
Director. of the Board of Trade, assembled in
tair rooms at Hie corner of Wood and Third
streets. yesterday evening. The principal busi
ness of importance which was transacted, woe
the appointment of a committee. to inquire
into the merits of the Honorable Senator }len
ttn's bill, relative to the free narilation of the
amine and Portlandcanal.
The committee which was appointed same
ti • ago, for the purpose of draughting a bill,
athe greater security of the Svcs of persons
, veiling on our Western Rivera, miscalled on,
bat did not report, nut being ready.. They will
present their report to a subsequent meeting.
PEILL —The Cake new Public 3chuc.l house, in
Birmingham, wan destroyed by tire, yesterday
morning. The citizens labored strenuously to
stem it, but in rain. It is supposed that it was
fired by sn incendiary.
. Ournac E.—A man belonging to the city watch,
grossly insulted a very respectable young lady,
while walking in the Fifth Ward, on Wednesday
nosing; pursuing her to the dagger to house in.
ithieh else teak refuge, ad attempting Vilollaig
her in. Ile was arrested and committed to pris
an. Next day he had an examination before
Aldermen Patidason, but the friends of the
young lady, from motives which our readers
can readily appreciate, refused to prosecute, and
he woo discharged.
As soon no he left the office, a young gentle
man, une of her relations, it member of the Bar
bf this city, gave him a terrible threshing, from
the effects of which he will not .000 recover.
Pat us 'Luau:a'. leturec.—Mr. Dwyer, now
on trial In the Court of Quarter Se.sione fur an
alleged conspiracy, declared in Emit Liverpool.
Ohio, that two of Barker's police had victimized
him to the tune of forty dollars, for taklug
two children from Pittsburgh to Beaver.
LASCE.NY.—A man wmi,brought before Alder
man Steele, yenter.lay, , charged with having
stolen a pistol from a tavern keeper in EnYt Lib
erty. The prosecutor and defendant. finally ,et
tied the matter amicahly, r., we forlmar mention;
Jug their name,
THE Ma% Auorr rut CM."( 1101,E.—The moo
in the fur cap, who neett to attend the Court or
Quarter 8E8510119 qt, replerly, bur who he, not
made his appeae for the past two re , .ious,
hoe at lost Leen- r:titr heard from. We understand
that he is alive and well, hut haring become en
gaged in a law suit or two of hls own, has taken
a eurfeit of legal proceedings, and is LOW blus
trionsly engaged in punning hi, trade--that of
a brickmalter.
Bonnent.—The dwelling of Col. S. W. Black
was entered a short time since, while the gallant
Colonel was engaged hs the court house, and his
cloak, coat, and various other articles? stolen.
A young cohered lad, named James Duane; took
the cloak to Davis' AUCtIOII lloom, - for 4 41 e, and
when it was ascertained that he bad stolen it, he
woo arrested, and folly committed for triaL
Gazette, most of our city Daily and Weekly
Newspapers, and quite a variety of exchange
Newspapers, fem., from most of our cities, towns,
facr., can ha bought on calling-at tfr. law Har
ris' Agency and Intelligence Olßco, Fifth - street,
where steam bast Captains, travellers, farmers,
and our citizens, can buy daily if they call.
Ten House or Rxrcan—The members of tho
various committees to solicit contributions for the
erection and endowment of a House of Refuge
for extern Pennsylvania, assembled in the
Booms of the Board of 'hide yesterday evening.
On adding up the amount of contributions
thus far, it was ascertained that sixteen thous
and dollars had Coen already subscribed. It is
now certain that mecum' thousand lionises will bo
raised in a few days, w . hen the corporation will
be entitled to receive an equal amount out of the
State Treasury.
NOBLZSIVIni PLANK Man.—lle are pleased
to leant that our farminglikiends throughout the'
county are subscribing very liberally towards
the construction of this important proposed im
provement. The books hare only been opened
for a few days, and ten awl:mend dellnrs have
already been subscribed towards it. The total
estimated tort viii be aboat thirty thousand dol
lars. As the section of country through which
it will pass is a very rich oue, the road will pay
- very heavy dividends on the money invested.
Tiu, %wiglta.—Thirty men,. armed with mus
kets and bayonets, scut having the necessary
Wartunts, marched out to the.•Chartier•a Cool
Rail Road, on Wedneeday_Mglat, for the purpose
of arresting twenty men, against whom the
Gland Jury have return ed. trcte bills for a riot,
but truce they reached the shanties of the labor
ers, they found it impessiblo to nasheany atrest,
so yesterday meruhns_Atey returned tout,7
We cannot help thinking that a dOLCII good pa
lice officers are batter busoach a ciao thall D
dyed soldiers. ,
Tun ORAND Jrur.—Tb e Grand Jury Wing
concluded all their business, WWI YeZterd a Y 'di
lug VircArnme.--The 11 other - !"AS Ulla
yesterday wlt=generaUy . tfiiiie r araittie dime of
. . . .
, - Drav ~s n :dim' an -
Ecmgattes,Thut• question cituellp miTlednittiday
on the COurt of t;Rtirtel"BiSsi*,thlieounsel for
the prosecution in the eitotpiracy case "against
tile Mayor and others, which is now belng tried.
Vishinito prone the fact of certain despatcher
baying been received and sent by Mr. John P.
Glass, local manager of "the O'Reilly Telegraph
Comeau: . We understand that Mr. Glues would
not have answered the question, looking on the
contents of all. despatche-s which conic to the
O'Reilly office in the light of confidential corn
mtmications, hot it was objected to, by li. S.
Magraw, Esq., who said that the telegraph office
was a public one, end it was very much to be
doubted whether its officers could be compelled
to bring the originals of the despatches received
there in confidence into Court, any more thou
postmasters could he obliged to produce lettere
depo . site.l in the poet office.
Col. Black urged that they merely wished to
prove the fact of certain despatches hoeing been
scot from Pittsburgh to St. Louis, nod nuswers
I received here. it was fi. the jury to judge.
I t a king all the dream:dances into consideration,
whether the despatches were or were not gem
Mr. Magraw, to prove how readily fraud
could be perpetrated by mear . isf the telegraph,
read the following extract from a newspaper :
" The liartfdrd Tittles makes the following Q
octnot.aa t: A at. uy 9 xcohn ManalaGX.—The i.
statement in regard to some financial operations aaasaa, maiaa, jaaroai, r , a ,„ a a „, o i a , ~,,,de t,
which recently took pines in Boston by the aid
~;;;. , I , ; ; 4 ,
of the telegraph: tt u a few wows neat te •tna r h e a.
"in the year II 4, a Mr Thoction, al Poarnal,pras
.. We are informed that one Towner who Wig' turamrod to a puma lady 41/ that place, with ortt ~,,, he
ed the paper to .the amount of $16.000, lately t hoed twos or iillt, ream. Ho then left hr. mole, and
found in the Plurnir Bonk of this city. has re- wen,'" the Itttosh Vrostoses, where. A abort time
neatly made same bold operati in Boston. af• er, It eras reported that hr oats esettuted for Irv: :
lie Curia a note of WO, anal 1,. hooker a pass upon the kitty's owl., land:
, A . v , c , r: , ;tr a t , : c o ri e ed t
eat , Ilertford, :nal euttorsed it iu the name of I). I '';` l ; !";'' ; E:;" ; ! ;;r it. i::::..:, ; ' , ",:::;;: l. „,,r„„ ; „, ~,,, ~,,,t
F. Robinson, (its , good as gold it
it been true i ;;;,;,,,,, 44 . ;;; ., ~..; , ,; r, d h ;„„..,,..” .„„,„,, s,tee
paper,) and deposited it in the New Englond , t ,,,,, hoo t tt ottotte, has "centred In oceaston a doubt of
Bank. Boston. He then procured a telegraph the truth to the loo, „, of the death of her hostond.
envelope old accompanying blank letter slfeet, aunt a lair days ,IrVO a proton Celled upon her, all
anti wrote a ” desptsch" from Near Turk to war'
Met her tire' Ituttnold bad t eeentlydiet i t re tti m H l l l ,
Matthew Bolles, a broker of piston, signing that
despatch Spear, (Bolles' N. Y. correspondent.) .arn h .
age. and t tided her Soo for tin assnjnment of her
_eon, N. V , h a etag hesn injured by a
; tall .
It was in substance ns follows:
t r o e d b o tto
T t h s
ratno pe ? in t ~
.T .,, b ‘ ct ,, 5 , 1 1 ,,, e. z n el , , , , , , d, , ,,, r n e ,, fu t s ,e ir , d ,
' k'' .11Arruker Bota.cs—Take up the note o f ' - ot‘t"l' • and effercd SIN ) , ertoeh she Oliva ta • deeltued An
in New England Bank, signed Ives, Hooker S: inquity we. tnsttnett, mot the ,cult la that a fortune
Co., And endorsed by D. F. Robinson.
al came 530,000 stall probahly lab ado her hands
SpEAB. - thoranu, den o err cor 9 children by a recood ono
. .
mote ' . bin RS ibl,, 111 inc eye of the law. watt illtatil,
Mr. Bolles, on receivingthis despatch, at once h . ;;; ,.... 4 ,,,, 4 „;„ 4 ,,
sent to the Bank and-took up the note: the
money was placed to Towner's credit. Towner I Tat Sot,. um+ —We have published an
then called on Bolles, and by a well told story errs.. of • Vi It.. procerthnna of the tionthCar
succeeded in borrowing $2l/0 more: making cyan LetisiAltlrr ,r, treald to what toy call 'The
SI,OOO transferred from Belies' pocket to his I Soul:tun Ctontoess " wtoch they have resetred Upon
:own in the , eourte of a few hours. 'fins Cotter... 7 ., (hey soy, 15 1 . ,. ... 1 , ... ,., .'A Mn.TY•
.......,g,r.nn ,oat , Ai ' '"' '''''' l a ''''' '
Tiarner then forged another nolo of $OO O . and j '''''. '"" '". -
,to ..z ...•.,, ot the act of South Cartnton 1
by repeating the telegraph operation. got E. W :''': ',',",,, G ,,,,,,,,..,. 0 ,„ ~n „ ,„„,,„. „ th ,., c,„,,..
Clarke, Doge & Co, to take It up, he pocketing T " ra ' of ihe nmer n,c.:c'hi.i..d.or. Slob - s what the South
the cash. • Curolina Leeystatote has dune, - and in urge upon theta
It was not long of couch.', before he wan Min- 1 than hero of..the Sate of Solidi Carolina, Hint there
sing with SL6OO in cash. procured by forgery,
impudence. and adroit management.- s hu t ! 6intr, a; the plane au t tune, acd Co the
lie also mentioned n somewhat similar trick 1 P'1 ,1 j1 . 7 7,,',.,,,,;'::;„ i r ,o ,„,,,, be New Orleans
which bad been attempted li, be played on a I Crescent, -sell they ince. he met? What otherSott.
well known firm in this city. Meru sll , o[l W,ll i ', lloith L.:Jarvis:la in this revolu
i Granary move...nem , ll'i. doubt much whicitter.lticre
Ur. Ntagraw's arguments were combatted by 1...,11 be a Inngl - r„ one. Gongs will not, Certain:
Messrs. Burke and Black, but Judge Niel:lure ! diabama, soorrely, 1'4..1...p0t, moot probably not.
11 is mu... ecory lo wc nen am ethers. Wu will
ruled the evidence out. , haunt the prod.riloyi nisi the Cortereits
I Will turn not m b. riven a Chum sorry aiain than
tie Nartivitto Croneention aboixtroy "—Nat. 1. rd
BENTE:Ica roe PruCY •sz Mnantna.—Edward '
Clemens and Thomas Reed, who were recently r .
r-Dartn Cin..nucr.,..L. Esq r who has Les n for many
tried ill the United States Court ilkichincitd,Volanat, .•,,,,,,,, me ~,,„„.„"r ~i the 44,,,,, Argt t t i. it I,
enee found guilty of piracy and murder, committed 1 yost,d, has sold hts us!ervtl in that rlstrbtisliment to
Oh the high sets to Sanitary lasi, irsar the Island on !, Mr leo , t , I J. hu-no, who Inc. lweiC book keeper
Trinidad, were on Monday .IEO4 brought into Coon : t) : e. " l ",V . " e 'g,.l'" le n . , . 1 , 2 7 ,. .. , " . „,! , r, " „..: . ~ ' ‘ ; ‘ , ,,r ' l.,Z o d :::
to receive their scalene, Clemens admitted that ' ' ,,: i n. bY td; E 6,-,.`,.;‘,',..:,,',,
.1„..g. bee. . 1,1,,:‘,,,, 1,, ~,,,
he killed the innin.and said be did it in iteLi d ll efehen , 1 of the ablest poln,cAt ratters in this Rode or (linen
that the mate a...oiled ban with a bandspike, !, The long a...nth:wry i I the liertiooratie party in
and he in return tuabbed him with a sheath bode i... ,4 e . hu rn, w , "" , '“c , .o no w ,,, h , &ewe, lathe ea.
Read One client under the •entence, which won rant i.::::"'"i47'r,..".'' ',:,.;1n't:',,,',.'::,,,d',,‘'„,,,,n4,:',,P.r,.",7:7,..'57:,id,7t,
they suffer death by hanging. on Friday, the :114 of ...c,ln, ct the company owning .he mad swami,
January. ~ tt oa,ea on. lA, n:n . Unetare• lie in ‘..c.V n rev.
elect vl Now Yet rib; and win devote himself
exclustee , y toter dunes of his posuturr. — A ' . r (..!....
TES Fugitive rolave Casa in New Y oa t still rtands
adjourned —awaiting the recovery of Judge lodion, •
U. S. Circnie Court, rebvse inure, he, already been
to ISM the area of the Untied 'deuce me, only
about tort,ooo equme mile. It h nom 0001 . 3:40;
OW square mite, to 1909 the populettou wee
923 It an now over 23,000,000.
. ..
VISTER, the ARTisT, at MU. Street, /MR Rs"? .
Liss —A Pero c o rrespondent of the Burton Alta.,l
tansies the following potnotot /gory In ,Ae. ,11, `
this trio hVe um to have a grand votren nov,vtle
tiers week; towitorn do yam nappter pro 'hall 'be in.',
debted ter B! To teeny Lind and Rowell &fgt. I i
I seeyttu are ta,iontabed Yeti writ may be, nn you
blow that Jenny Lind o under dune. by Batman-
IRIS, and ailarllSturgtv O at Ike head al the great
howe el the Baring., 2.11, i taut-1, fon all That, blat tv,
Jenny Land and Ittowil snognat we not todviAtittatt I
the sotto. nordeale wink sae. pt., !cad work. . r
1 •
"Since the nsvolotton of February, Vivi. the eel ,
cleated ant., who tam made the born one of the lent '
melodic,m cud poeue tratturnehts,hes re.lided in Len i
d o e. Like tuny of the other talented &am. drat tl- '
Insulated Veils, n be was nitwit ef Llinisestsey tv,t I.i
I,de, Pedeoule, Enable, n o d tonight even in lion.
don intent that quiet which the pare sty er b • own
Mod denied hue. As is die ea, with ever,• man te
talent, Famitsh hrseptuday metered Mon scantily 1
Guineas poured lulu hie puree re tart they edited re
en the tug whirl. ever env - eh/n . 6 she Cite 1 -..•-••
One morning, wren before lost, home geckoes., , FOREIGN ITEM,
which had been depreswilig lent for some sin e idea. ••
uvermarered him, and he resolved to moon to "Is . I r o.csonn l"" i . ". "I ,"
belle vele," from which be had been more E gi ,,,,, —t...1„„ g it r n oun i a t *,
than two veers. Before leaving Torreon for Vane, i ,,,,,,,, „,.... , . po r e ~ ~ I ,
Vivre, street to see his tanker—for V irset 1. thin " . '' ''"
. '
black swan of an Arvid who ran bum lit having "my i Oa "'0" i
banter" It as true that this I. not a bolos which Vi i'
Vial CM always make, ior d his talents rapidly bring 11"7"•••'-'‘. hens e " —A l''''' ` 4.
tutu money, hit prodigality speeds ti even more re - ly lees
4,itreittl , d 111 Ili , 10., 111
putty. Geonet 62s always' een a bad money bond f n vreteetne lit th e Hungarian cad 4
ex. loweinatioot F"."'7. otit Ilona told, large Po ; tip their reindeer , in that :state, t. t u
meets la their heads, poor ;Admire, multsplicatioth ' „,_
substraclum, and the simple role ol three are drives 1 •,•-hot"te and ii- , Ont , ittat , ts te
to live re cheers, in the garret, excluded trout all o gnarl "I tooth , b• "entrees for tt
Voter in the etsen.y et the halvah , py of the resolution was directed
/Iv I have a id, the London mason wan a probe- 1 Li itiesy , lain i:overaiir of raouern,
bin one teVtater. Alter it was over he went to tier. , ,
enemy, where he pose, walk Jenny Lind, who has ' g''''' ~ —„, ~,,, -
- „-i
for hie, asater's %lifetime, several e•theett• Ii was. I The pope 50 nosy risarlag to 01.
inn his return Irmo tars brilliant - rampage that, lied Horne
: ing his purse and packet Wok too heavy, he went to m ,. F,,, ‘ ,,,,, ~,,,,,,, , „,,„.„.„, ii
, the Baring. and invested hit tun& I the ea - tame. tides waves curd ,
On the eve of his departure Iron, n ..n
L '"„, - d ' - t he "'" 1 I as soon a- II -hail be nu loupe: I.
vln the Bating,' home. Mr ltneeell ziorgis, wt., ' ',
n n'''' .
dart the honor of the bowie thee ived hen web that 1 '
“ittrtalona warmth Which - T . l;omi terra his manlier
"hlr. Sturgis,” said V toter, •' I be ve cultic tot tome
Annette words,* frown came •uver Mt Stergts'it
brow,sud he raid, In a very grave lane, "I acuity
Milne let you have any now " 'l ,
•1 beg your earlier, sir," mid Vaster, surprised
and mottled by this rousal,' I dream cotes here to
,burrow money, but sanely to reqntre some lands
winch you have ludtied In 5 our baud,"
"11 Is impowable for me toles you have any mon
ey," replied Mr. !Sturgis
"How so—are you pressed just nowt" asked VI.
vier, la rather an ironical tone ' -
r ittelett in the least," replied the Eksautime
• And juts at this mimeo!e le the clerks map
'ln to get some papers signe d Mr Sturgis wad to
him, - don't 'matt to sem to the Duke el Sutherland
the forty thoMand wends Hit Gears asks fur an an
1114/I.lSee." "That order," wodsVivier whir. Sturgis,
"rtHarsores tee; for tf you an tend lofty theassed
portals, you can certaluly let me - hare a few tom
dred ,' "I certainty andu n het Twill nut." "Mn
Sturgis," replied dm erne , "I bke joking 11.• well no
anybody, but upon catiditiun teat st is not kept up too
pug, tad pushed too far; and, sir, 1 thick now that II
has reached these two limit," "I never joke Mr.
Vivi., 'Moat matters of besmear; and whets I say I
have no money to gave you, 1 mean what I say."
"Do yea pretend, Men to deny the deposits I have
made wills you!" "You will not insult ma sin much
ea to believe il," aald Mr Sturgis. I recollect very
dialectiv that two or three months ago you gave me
twelve hundred pounds sterling, and that you did
net ask for a receipt--n circumstance which honor.
edme."J'And which you will not abuse, I hope."
"No; cereal:My not The =Gnat has been cred tied to
you on oar hoots.; the money well placed, bin you
cannot draw it" "hlr. Stumm," said Vtv ter, ',ince
you say you are talking wrionly, which makes this
affair null more inexpiable, will you be so good as
'to explain to me the reason which traduce you toper
son this course, whioh I avow to you excites my cu
riciaty to the htgbeo pitch."
Q' Very willingly. Some days before Mdtle lehuy
Lind sailed for the United Siete), she was at guest
as to accept an invitation to dine at my house. We
are her bankers. As she way about leavingus fur a
long while, I begged her to do tee the favor of let
t g Inc hear her onto snore before also left us.—
' i Willingly,' wad dm, a condition that you
make me a proiniee, which you mart make, too,
banns I tell -port what it is ' I mum and bar
tWell,' said the, •V trier Misplaced eau twelve hun
deed pounds in your home. He twill betide logo,
come to diave.thern out, hut you tines nut s
allow 11141
With his immese gain., he ahoied new be nen; but
thee-wale. ant n ra expends Lis money Vent, prodia•l
ty. Somebody meat be careful of his money for hie
we take, th=e6ol , l I wadi you to keep it safe for
hurt, Meal the interest, and malt lot him a =all
femme, to solace him in his old age. Thu," said
Mr Stargts, "is the explanation of. the refusal
whroh appears so Strange to yeti, her which a dm
bated by a friendly prudent and termites.: WIMP
"This is all very welt," replied Vivi., smiling
"and I cannot bailee sena:lily touched by 'hemmer ma
and the rune which the mat e.tatnee, whose heart
equals her talents, tattee to toy tontine Bu' aiitertth
wending all my gratitude, 1 do not accept vet OA may
guerdien (or lam absolutely pressed for [nudely ; and
It Yea refuse togive it tome 1 abash be obliged in have
tecoUree to law tonne
*Vera Well," raid Mr Sturgis, "hut let 1110 tell you
[Mat you will be reed by be costs. 'There as in
but 1 tun rich, and
i l vad°y°ntioeihnolytraitlakwes; an the Y ruit . a t i n de Court for years. I
, iwtlay any tutu of inooey ra th er than break my
' w ordco./cony Lind." . . .
I . Seeing Mr. SIMI% tusinhaning ha toraners,Viviet
Was obliged toreeede: 'and Instead 01 idling away his
time In Paris, inittiti Houievards, the thesoesgsd 5 „..,
`- ti onolts;bet si obliged to give' a soiree musicale to
', pay his rposix iiat, his restawatenr, sod hie leather
, AM I lien wrong saying; we . owe to lin*
, sell Sturgis and /nay Lind our drat winde moil:
!> "~_".`u _ . _.^ ~~ -arc" :'x ir, ~:, .
Pisa , rcr Orleans
We feel pnand of Georgia, and we silit bet],:etens•
ed in indulging in our exaltulimi for the noble'srand
'46e halt assumed: , By 'Me - enterprise, .Weedy
lionaltable energy, and exclusive application to Ms
Ararat' pursuits of her rituals., rather than engugtog
as her neighbors lave done is the unproGtalrle bum.
net , of polities, one has made herself the Most wral•
thy and prosperous State of the South Sixty three
years ago t h e first convention of the people of Gene
gin won held for the purpose of adopting the Federal
Constitution; at that time she was a poor feeble Slate,
with only sixty thounod inhaitnos, with no resources
at home nod no charaeter and influence abroad
What a contrast rt. bow presented in her social and
pohnenl conaliattn! flee system of railroads mtee
sooting and intete..municatinc with every portion
of the :Abu ; her ninneritur manulnelorier4 the- sapid
developrment i.f her len loit dlreFP."o im
nil, pr
the cfevutoved cult'
11 .
0n el the ital; and, er t hi n n iod
, which she tin. exhibited to the Moral,genera religions, anti
culture of the risen tor!". havn
placed Op. the impaling and enviable position
which Om new pri•udly occupies. In alt the trite et
errant. of wootth —lO 11104111, Wend, end intellect.'
prof rmet, she has not been •arpneard by any 5.. 6 ' in
the U umt lo papolutsat she has Rune ahead al all
oi than; far to the In•t Jertadn sambas increased 45
. per rent, wh i ch to 15 per trot over the • veragent all
the State, She beats hluswebn•enn 125 perrent.,
Pesos% !sotto, per rent . Uhler , per rent ,and her
next door itearbbar (South enrolees)) 59 per rend. She
therelore, tally rotated it the p.muu she neon
pies and to flint which South Camila, wasdispased
to arroCii to her when •he thoncht she etmld use her
—la load ..ti Site be. door Wad rarer nobly; her
example is worthy ol prat.e She
has iltu.traterl by her .el.,nud the Matti!. of her do
n th
to the °Mild anal aolrll,ll av,-(11013110
her people in conned, that •he i. rrovetocrl by rho
precept- mente,ted oi the ttletttt in Inch emblazoned
on hot nrtio.--11-‘,/cna, Joni... cup Dfoderelivn.
TT PoC .... ol,tt.Ensoets.--tono mt.,. at :ma, wittt
the u.,..., latett.L'e t} p,graphaml 7 t totem *both,
ena... i.e l!, etwattat eatetten Acm the pall
of the pool recd., fad abetter corn -tea ' There .
I. a .nott KN., pubt.inut to 'Cahn., Nov, 11,,r0p.
antre. In whlch he . •••luenned W. doer d to go to %la
L•atoit' a+ a , -rtt tJ itaketity. 1 e torollat to
have ten, NM' 11111 , . error note by note
etch... or pether nnth i.
ott Comp,. .. lathe, by
nconona the Oiler 0 , a the ttil woad •.1 an advert ..-
moot of !borne quack reacl!hon: '0
I e etfteltelnltt utte Ite apphrit t0...1011y uud et.,
wally." An Eteehth tesixt na,..1.1111.11 0t1N.11311 G.."
wno tetrad dead ••wen., a /Vl.' weird .4 ek me, 0 , hot 1
Matta '. In a ttetterifototo 01 a b a n l e told [anew,
the role.. hod ileettieu4, the wenn Raw wales that
hten. ,„,i1,,, 0,1• ...;aftir . .dllir, enemy Watt , re- -
tednett wen geedternOter i A n. 1111,1110 sewed to
ItOve !tern at tt,t,tl to le,tolk ...deli a s ..,t, dliVer, ler
4,..41.1i1/, MOW than ilk fare - Anil gain, at a ter 1
Inn etArbrnlnnt ...inn,. .11 .Int i, na:lr) ante eatable .
..csmpt thy owl. " It Ito r hdloWtng-et t:onttlanre be
itrue, s bleb I. crarl'iy ds herthed m a valeta gaper,
- mention ingot Ito, tatolertt Ottr , let,tior totory tIoli•
ptetttrtt Itott e had ever Imagicwd : 'iit tot trattlde•
*rondos,: the lover entito to evataCl wth a rteOtohent,
anti , ot ' , NOW Vell. Ihr Injury lo the gel. !hal treat
eleflotn. or
, e Sry lo ~.,.. II " We or not
an ut a vorpron d Lo th ..
.t.,...,1 to to. , I terttloto, when
ta e tneet ,trrr u
OS tte,lettott.t! !donde,. e Ito. -tort , oar
woroict rt r - tOter Iltal Otey preen.? et trenloo Irtloett
: r ! 1! 1., 0. aor mtle to the po, •1 tea Pr, tot et...t0t5...1
I o ro ,- ...e . . cry Prott or ettt.tit Anneal. Whore!
1 tabor., however. ate ben hole aptae ,- no , hasten an
I ntio known te 1.. , , ,, py Am, ( .
The Kovol :+ta.sdavrt 1.:4-o;
and et,gtocon trot drrpo
fine edit, •nd was inan.siorlutod
cog .P.2lYi •
The Dahlia area oliveoverett t
NAIR, In 1780, Indent by hini
at Madrid, where It ceeelved i
the Swedish naturabyt, Debi.
Accormln hive been received
- -
11triOU1IIIAUrICethatl at Palmer°,
e Chaneell , 5.r A M. ft°
the peereEe. 114 Baton 6°lv:hot ,
A liertnin reanufacturer is ev\zstruelleg a musical
bed fur tb.. 4,:10)11•1,41. Wnen.bpoccnpatttt enters it
iisootham Mts vrtll tie emitthd."
A LAnni retain, of the Prim! Ye trleihodiit SEnti
ety tab been dlrrnnard n.reu. for ...plum! ."
The raid conjultrn conamed in p curing phrenolo-
gy sod 61.rtier
!AMC quamitier of ehtsoutt art how imported In
to England (Mtn the Continent.
The rke,:d, he sass made t e ornament of the
northern radius of the user nen' csmipars, In compli
ment toCharics of Arlon, ( whose levice It we.,) the
no ever Klan of :Keay, an the tone when the Neapo•
titan Glom first supplied into on; omen In •navign
The cry of Celtic destitositm, t;v's en English our
ant, is re'da heard. rhe Westen Elighitods dual
land are ;mahout a supply ut foo V d ow thelertiller.
There one eleven huadVred en; ten MM. sefdtel
In the mercanttle navy of t: Milano, rod 31e1C1 bout
' dents have occurred to 51013 Men and selling reAsse I
to the last 3 year..
- - •
fi ,
Darr • yoane A Lbry, the forme home of D . Co"til
his ben the theolre a a aherflT eale , The what
of thr homehold Kumla wii aold or % I !oda mote dm.
1:164!. The turnout , . of the Idb .rehn'• non chum
her and tooth bed at.ed for three pound, tied elnine
and MI pence.
Robert Liariann, euthur ur mine beautiful Scotch
wings, died lowly
'taco). the Fhieth" haa born played before the
Queen at Winaeur t:rwile•
A band,. wipes my. that Anteriet in ilia 'lend of
prom., tor matairia• [wham, trrang now or talon.
They obtain he nmoutialaty lu what evuid
be ilium, they um miner.
Oily paid.
The Melen4onnn_o( Douro, daughter in low to the
Duke of NV ellington, r.tantiodere I Mc
WU111,141 et tlie Loglatt Court. The Drictiess I+tho•
erland was at one tone the belle. lan Ale la now pruh
et, being, perbap, twenty yearn onion Iu me young
merchant.. • •
Queen V i.itorta bad not one penny prv.te Watt.
worn ?dm came to the r illO nc.; bet tether being oar,
head and eon in debt.
n ,
4, r
uart grulp.ll,• , l , r . '"
10,:. 4111,.. IP MY to t 1...
- I,l•llanapula a.m.... 1,11 at the th
oilmhp rend,. 1., 1.h.•
Slwa , r.tant , 0100. lwry .I.•rukatku
utas 1..11
• tilt t 1,.. 'of
,".1`^,0,1, nl,. Evc,l,4 st MARIUS. obi,
mita th .
r'. 1 . 4 . 414 , r 44.0, stul 1,11e11,:t•
lair. oot avr,1,,,,0ti1, ttile na,t)
,^4,, kitlyr. lalfort.m. 1,111 ~LeLosed
oLCLI l enter it,
11.. mho', are 114111 PL."' "t
der cbtatia.3. Thix,Tl,l h,1,0,11
e rl9 . • ,
11, I Sod j.,tl.
. hoo
• •-
..DelDeeie lere.Do., Dee. lv. 1.00. - Jai
st r f tsvS, un3ussr§, INXI AN AND
nn4 nminne. 'Mann. BA
Ilenetalee fra d
hrrß Breams. and' Unpin*. J.ninn*-5
sod Menmeß Black and lied Lead Pareette.
Ink touch of erred destiptlap Gthott., LloketeN,Pratth,
RV., Leman:. sal ether manufacture. of Reel
t rUleVeuth t h d ,. . r tl. Baylor Lk.)
furro ' VuT e 6 rreyVl is' o ' d.
ph i eVie m rL d e==p l Atu t z , nel pi ltlto o ni l
ernto ryu :ertel cold. relent and filmy Lamed Pan.. tall uld
rolemid lend comer, aced llt , h2oba t 4tZtrk,amt..
e Pte
I"rdrpffirergetint:lsn'erer. an% th,;
must el , nrible rule...ism and pattern.. 11111therth. mho.
ted and eel. Ned. sultnble for bah.. Poll. , ..ddtol m
/tooth mt. "me10n..., plain sal esuba..l. latex emelt
."... bmith ehlk. and 0112.; 11114 and plain sdbrire en-
Nv3zl . .; u plue and whew
r rbo 7.1i.31/ . . tsttArn. nut brute
lota. L
1,1 7 . Padre ofollookr. red apl unite patent tdoP
to in the EtatemmT dth.-
leoth nem and Aside.
with a lax.. asoratment of
thenk boar end me morn..., hoot a of stl common form.
of nether•let .ro eerie of bending. and paper of all At,
I n nd eunithes, Pr rel. a t reduced mt. on the 1.4 reams.
" 111.1. hank and eit ' le U d Va L r . .4 '' oepe,
nol 0000.1 of Nlark. ' t ,11/114 etrette.
UST ILECEIVED.—A new work on Me
op rhroarot, Engine Ifork. mot Engineering: itirtistrarr of
btiiines. Mechanie , Engine %furl, and finginuning ,
test kw rayrtical workiniontot,,Md thus Intended Or the
ualEcnit. - Eslitut 011ree Byrne. formerly
rwr..o.....fAato..tlelS College of Civil Engineer+. In
iTOTII it of large ft ru riced containing nearly =St
Mt , . Met - ante of itsft piste, and 14010 woodcuts. it will
p toent working draw And .leu.siptions of the unol
innuctant machines la the United State, indeptudent
the mull of dnicrisan ingsnuity, it will contain rompltge
'Tactical temite, on 31.chanir, Marhinery, Enrine work
and Fusin. 1-6 5,, with Inmann• than flag
vii th l . udtittist, mammitw., and other Wag, The
t. cljrrt .4 this pothibution Is to if before prartilal
.111.1.. n, Inch an amount of thooretleal arid eel
1 1
00 In a tondensed (MIA as guilt enable.
thetn tint!: to 11,.., and In timid tiel,
mi.takes which
might ntingurlae sommit.
The publishers aro dstermlned, regard's. of cost, to
m ll ake the trues as ustiptets as puulhie, It IF hoped er.
ros .I.Arons in old
the ork. will procure it as bun•
psi in nitatlyere. mei this. cum . the entsrprise.
Publishing In ni number, a emits per number, to he
sompleted this yew..
TlM:ay numbers metered. r
101 l
. 1101KINS, , 4th street.
‘;‘, EV EN Tit (iltEA'r SEMI-ANNUAL S.u.e
V of BPS 0001 , 9, at the One rice atWieirt
A. A. 51ARON L a: and 01 Market etrert-
Canownerst t 1 Monday', December 30. 1050. to continue
throuoll Ito uaottlt of dastattry , Their whole entabloll.
rieht has hen thrown 0100 for Iletall Trade,and their cc
irtoise etteb, tonnuattug to Ore ilutelred and Thirty
1 bonewol 11..11•100, 0111 to otTered at Itelalt, a,tally o.
fourth le', than ~tool
Tho twdloe ortJ:eir EwanbAnunal Snle to any oar of tic
the:id/rinds aho attended the oale of Ind year. will be eO.lll
rlent ipartrentoo 500 a call thin reiwon. Thoy however
tßentron a few of the gewan and prima. for the loooot
' I.4. s wzpAyg , e ., t4ge...;itryled u :bel i rag. s l l .. r
500 vire...Cotton Ithnierta toot'. -
.19tler 39:5 cents.
:!AO Fa, Cotton and Wool Beitine, 15 and mut
motel pine . .3) EMI tent,.
CU po ‘ w. hiol t eolbred plata 15 cent, wag on
1'95 ,
pioi.. , tribod awl figured ecnts.'to
price 71 renta.
90 rioew tl.Atin de Chine are' Satin. 5132 ronts,'cau
brie , 01 33.
• 50 r.• o e Illark 011ka minced 25 per wool.
plow , French 51aritac 1 1101 wind .rice /1.09 K,.
yam , Paramett, cool L,onaw, Cloth, twined'
pa' CPU%
VA OKI: Alpu-00. all VA01 . .., macro! 30 twa• end.
000 d Louie Simon , ilbswl, which :rah , sold from 51 to
15 bra than usual
304. nod. Itonnot 1111.d..m. cerda. ritual
P F . ' to not, •
onlorol Calk... at cent, nroal price sa.
10.1 Enoll‘h Ina Ac. Conno'w at 5 Lat 10
cent, agora rrlt.lo and 12.1' cent , '
alb y Bleached Bodine. rcancel2 oasts peerard.
A 013.10. Brown 'Buell, all grade ,
• Al.. Uwe , . Eralweiderly , Trbaminga. Ilwarry awl
3 I. rib., Linea>. etti,lot, Cloth& Carwiniereo. Clawitnete and
with y an tetootenv lariotY elf other gooda
:ill •d aNch •11 ho D . J. 11 to ierwer Dire than `al
IF On it yrrylow•
Th., in.... au ...ill nil. an mil - 4
of.thelr cleAtmd
h• ,L add. The levee(' blare nt fast.
A. L. miens k
02 and 61 Ilarlet
LEn:,Attp ' , OAT A CO.. No. 54 foul L atent. New
Coe •. cloacae. to pubilth the, fdor lending thiarterly
Tier,. 11e
lancl,i.Ar 111%.,..iC , ill addition to which
hcrre 1`011.11.11 , Y1 the.- poldieattos of a -.lwo
-lllt;CI11{11,t1 work. rolled the e:Vartriene liable to Wch
entitle sot Prartleal Airrieuilditer" by Henn ephen,
I. of Fdintriinch. author of the - Book of t he t !arm.'
Sr dcd :circled be John P. lineti , u. )1. - A.. New Hader,
AiglicultaTe In Yale Colhore. t r
talushie work aria ...thirethr two large. rural
octor, clothe., control:dor: raer lacel page, wi th Pi or
.1,1 eau:radio , . and more that , th o ecarattoirri
ou wool. thc irietro , l A,
arL aluerwit
laridecerat c.l hoilethdrj now I n use br the bel t far .
the. tier le rt eurthrel 01 plowth, lOtotiou. halthtt , bare
ran:. are Ac the valour dram-die anwnle to their
jrcr-behr, thort, the) leb-rein! fratthre of the tank 4
unique. Ind will muter It of Intaleutable ralre. to the rite
riLdrt of rcrricolture.
The truth bath: ontrllillot arrobnionthly Noodle's.
of CI pair , each, eketrutee of the atici thrthadloc.. , cud
rent, enrh. or 18 for the duller wort tri counter,
cf T he
there will be al leastam.
roputilisllennrel4 follows, tic—
The. Livid do Quarterly Itevirew tbonaerratinrc the Sleet.
bunk, Illirea the_liorth l Bitarit rer
Claw - cob th e dtrtorturlee-dthriew tlahrthib aro
a ooPs t..huldisch tedi - arlae(Sury).
Althrothit The.- wont. nee diitioaniihol he,
Fhelrr riterde Indicated, lid hut • all portico of their
conieCto de curd be polities' indirect , . It Is their literary
• hatcro r odd% Ore. them - tic-1r chief ralne. and In that
they 'thud rout aiolly far shore all ether journal. of their
elan.. thatbawd. pull under the uthdthrly guidance cf
littrictedlori North. mall:Moor IY aucleut rekhrlty, and 4,
at thidthue. fortallsiikttrartive, trent the :w eird ork. or
Polwor Mel :
a n ore talde, writtra at triath.
rice. and hr. appraling
it; eclunius loth Groat led.
Lou and to Unit , I `third , Such li-orks ad °The :
v, r e and -.My- New N0T14." thrdh try leather., "Ili y Io•
mirth llettaL" -TR! town ita and other aerial
whit ounien.o. rr. .ere
booed by the lo
betrilehr r. rat thir ISASO. in be relit-into' by' war
iout thth the poor , of Illaeltwoird. Atli, It liar. wrcu
i•rrierl by Vow,. 101 l that 5010c44. tiro
Itethiut cr th at ktn..dadlturtharlaisajo etch too hole the
rat toe dt tree... tirthatia ,
Yoe any croe of Wpmur ticirthwe per aucura - 1 1
re Our Iwo do ill L t
Idwcy three , do ' du
Fcr art bur he. ors. lee
1,4 r tlacaiine. eld
bcr ttb.livoil soot the thee.. Itediew• do
to.) ir t
ttlarkwool awl four nevi:ran Ur let I r
tier Frtrtllf ti 1314 rodoplete to 111 l See.) •t r
rer''''''''e"4'ttlll7l.lli!'.4..."'-.. • - -
.1 . 4 - ...natut of twenty foe per root (mu the al.ure
stUt lc eellone.l he elo tar erderiar lour or wore rw,tdce to f
erre or- tow. of tire Mow sorb.. 'Them I rook. of Nock.
wool rd nun iteror a tall.. mut Co twee all ad SC:
orplerued the Aria Eerie., *44 Illarkuoral bra - edel
°cirri front rioter AMA Ire nut diem tee the publitheet
s lc. direoutri thou thew , prin.•
thu tar o nor tr..
MLA., r-urldut In the notes • here Prior.. wi t ll be rorrl.
red P. irtrj r.
...r ecutomeirolirdo. Arcola to. alway•
doer...A. tr..'t ea4l the lbahltsher.
true. Nen York.
raid thrtranc , ..1 Cob! Arced
situativil in It AV tinlesnle
a h, soituthrert with lb.- ho..tur..,
Arbled , r• NI. ILA N.. o. Port otrim. Pittlrtirch
. _
i lInOL 1t04.W.5.--Eoltletilittlull Orks,'
StAliomr, Nap.
,Al'll.o. I:\
N. r1.,1 wr rota ,
putt hilt NIA . NG i:SE.
mi. 1., Hem J KIDD
" 4
I ' . A
i. 1,1 t. sTEtt.s
A 011.• I Idle ler olds
I ,•••,. .L.ltit.t) A co.
N DIGO- —rds lit SpanishNindras
sisultia. tor ran. 1,. Jell J KIDD ACO
. _
ul A INT' t I —lion, and Sign l'a tiding
P.llllllOO , rbeep n• th
nu, oer painter- La the
or a nd an rlet.ctonnel to .lo lt.
teln .1 A II
IST 01' 1.1 , ,1"11:1;.ti remaining in Wilkinr
an i . 3 •• • r zi , , , , rat • I•r m.r. ,
iii . h I 11,teo0 ..Sannn.l hew
1,1 e-k 11h,Iu,liennnh liner Clue. 2
Get, . Melee
Jne.J., I loonhlllu Ito,
In , re
lunleto J..,then tkin. 2 NI Clitit..k .1 It.
Clot t hilwor.ltebert nth Itebet.
Crsleb , ,A ,o
i i M n,) ur.lrek A. A J Nlll - 111..41. Nter,
Thoone. sr %tali, Ant
mhorty Meetol,l Anthem' Allem Alcirnln Itlozrateil3
OTlCE.—Taivn up lei the suh , eriher, on
th.l4th lreanut. ILA T
rer 9 e nts Md. 'or It tt n Aar on het tin two hind
whiten}, to the tool thotte/I munch usher =nets
p•mrpt)l.l ,, The earner le regneeleiltoentnefin - wanhnte 9e
mneet, . pay .hat lees end takp her awe,
hII.AtI D. Plum;
lonlamper. tooth Intial,F4
Pow. 10 Itaknie;
le [wen exiled Irwri
141.01 V, tondrr mg
who her, laken
palace. 11,1.
Ilr 4
I for thr Knyl,l4,
04,1 prt,
i•thiAV 6..1 long,
by Mr MdIA, urn
Mexico, by limo
the !Somme l:erden
name In honor of
at I.4nrwilles. of
on a; `27th oft
'~LRX. FOSTEIt. Attorney nun
1 ardor at Law, NU 123 Voneth Alert, orpnalte,
tria Pittkurto. not Itutlar.*.
f. n. entire"
COUL'PEIt s lIACKE, Wholesale and Re
tail Prunuiat,Cx Wrrul and Third street. late
der the St. Cl.srlolll 11113burun.
CaA3l. P. V.OSS: Attorney at La*, Mee
1,3 o. 11,11 Fourth kt mt. near druLt. in leunaribae 111,11,1.
mw 11112.000211. • 13 5 13 .711‘_
--- The finnan Body Last Perspire,
0 0 SAYS NA'fURE, to hone a hethy
twarinnu and peranna , who do not Wahl. see a.m.'
to the and. t o rlin Dimaete. how. Jonpr
Cinuarnral •antn ratted a nor permdratlon. audit 1 the tame
[lootmollitef nod when. thu aka., kia Ink the tratun•
of t n [rte
arry. ent, album. nod Nom, an• nut only husird. too
eared by it. no at Irwat utraskians In N. lurk know.
alan nu. it in 30011 rave. and 1111 , i uo
Monde, 131otehi Freelaoraninhrr.hih 333.l3.- hh.
r.-3,10.a . If w ill (hut 10 1
01 lit no unit.. pulled naltrum.
one trial will unrre. I mold rOULIIIIraIC at In-el cluhtT
prreaur onard of 1410 broil..ord and KIR beard.
„h.!. the rout, 1.‘11: asmiml 1 would not erre
011 1. 11 at f•ar the abash ocalrea knew It to he all 1 rtote.
how who are 1131,4. 4301101131. entrked,ol . etuvred
will bud toot 01,11 care. but 13.yresentiee: anil 1 elan
r.nw only ald, 11.1 001,00' uthirtidl'ulth 0.1 11 ( the aunti e
nituller ILI, otol Mon 111011. (untie
ratite de yrubertled thitnAt Itad ,
archot, mader, the Aroma, ure 110 , 101 with imitation , .
and nu
P.O J 0 .0.4 Italian ehrrokal F.Op—orld
buy it .4.1 a of W).l. JAC6hON. only Arent an Yithidarkha
head of 11.3331
Ife mitt Le roiticd w.
Pearlv NV bite Teeth. :Ind' Pure Breath, to
o.• leo rout..—l'etv.nt who hare tither, a.. hooort
bly mownd that if their breath ever so foul. or their
t~thderaoei, dark or yellow aof ettera•td with tartar,
Ulu a tla eeut Ibiza f ialber Tooth Paste make Idta at PLLOH, awl the breath alortf.outlf
Sold m,i . JAt:KO:ill :tare, xi 4 larrty st., heal of
A Sciontifie flair Tonic. llestc:l .r r and
tlfirr Pont,... 7,74, erl/t" Th.., liavtoltoed
Owal Itwiwer. tam 10 ex lent gsslitlet
100 hlwoat. we no um it to I tilt , SA/cm - lug'
w,ll, Purr the knit to µrow ony rat tritest.
t it 0 qr,r, xtr.p It C3lll off; ctlrentlst
.110.trult. and 14,ht. rt.l. ony Iwtli grow duk.
rvr.d. on:; :v.ft wwl ,nk), OXOCrI.I
0,-31 01.1ni, LI tra, mut km . l 1 1 ,0 . Is. ist
.1. mi. .perit, talkie kw ltre
,1.1 Wll. JACKRON'b Store, Llbertyid.tort.
11 , 1.4 I . llrlborWtr.
rentn, awl SI.
JONES' Solution of JtA,
For clieoglu; of white, ml ' I C orn.y.nni ,, n.
b:autiful 'brow. or block o
Otla 61.
L.,41 by J.keliSUN. .61lAborty,Irr lateral of Wool.
JUNES' LILLY VilliTE.—Lallips are eau
nom.' opluo I.b.e common inivoat.lelutlk.
.1110.1,1 g Ittratly mt to
boar roxv,. boo ruu,tb..l.l/• 61111,/, 'llxl
th+ 'Lu, after tt
ioiorkno,routaaltu: • Woo ‘l. l . l, 4"ie di
Wu ha, patod Intuiditul tv,tabl w 116.6 7e•
call Jain , /-paolrli Illlt 1 VIM...
It In to.lug putltled et all delPlerloos
..1/0111leAlif in the .I.lll'd or lonatnY...
nba.trr,; 11, in a obit., at-the astue Imr actut II WI
men, uu the akin, uolloU
ACUSO lt ith arT
61, b the Au•lt. Vl. Jrir i N - 1I
lx.l htburrb. Pe
dr , A)ulaxly,..l
CA111). I Intro taken in partontlup„
1 - 1:1 11 the bractlrc thr4,aw, t to) . not JUTIS 11.
,It;lttrot'sOTTlZ I t r lou rff l l7 . : rOW:a7,
And pu lhe; nme tuy prbetnn Curtli,r taterruntion: Any
imn.nnunal lAk.lnnto eutturted la L tru betrteu. tblg atal
th. l . l .lOU.lluntlt of Cotlgh”,,, wjll r bu p . sitardinl to
by lota u 0 by ow ituto.,llstelE all‘% Iltat
ulbcr itt ^l . ilabuolo II•1 1 ; li z ir , r 7l,,f.T.
Jan, 1, 1551.-41w1 imS
• •
. L.
Tkriiit)zo ti jilirlir LeciriMicia test&
,Ler tat'or thp markt Codrt orAlloytamg
dtreetatt. will be estwonl na•tanainata&S 7t lMlbvtt
Lowe, la the city of Pittsburgh- on itondaYt On 7, th " 2,
A , D.' un,-1,1 i0ecm0r....5....11, the askreug
AU tbai mrtaln lot n 7 itnawat Matte tra tbe Lyme*
OPrOSIUI l'lttaberet, and .ktnwn b 7 bbt ,oo ttna' 3 "
No. 3.1 and 37,1 a •plan of lota laid totSolhatatt, and
ntecadott ha the retorting adio ht book 3 F. rol., 65. 1.0
a lma bin Y corner artot N. 1% theme running
a Tomato Meet 40 fect.s tomer . on Kwall Meet.
Near alwnt add Meet' 100 &et. to Orchard alley. Moore
aI ong INLI4 . IIIIof 40 het, to • tomer of la No. 0.1.1
theme along Me raw. 100 the place of beginntna. —
Mae nod. of onl lot No. 143 in the neeerte Pratt 001 00 tte
-rittchurgb; twat the North erittmon. In the Borough of
Allegheny, which by anndry ado! wad anntclent awry ,
mem became rested In It. N.Wancat, as br de.M.
remold In deni En* a I', page 1117,wi1l
sprattrt awl the .014 lat and lase
wife, by der&
t:tiltVe n altt B fol o t r L ' 4l ' 4.ltft p tr,Tiat ' ero n'' ,l o 4ll.=. l
In deed book —, together with all and Wpm.
Inr the ware, Wail, ie. et.l appurtenances whatr:alrer.
:Oneonta belonging. &hod 004 token '
the moony 01 John Amboy., at the
Cullouglo awlanue of 5. 31;uo tot and
2 , b..riff , bale, January X.
lifilitary Bounty Land
‘l, MATILEW 110SEY, word, ._
L. 7 threw intim:met that he hal eon - Yr:opt
miring diouptY Wale under the remit law id Min pais:
Br that Law. all vdm have amithilly arretri to any of the
wars einoi lino, or their widow. or Main . eltildren.lare err
titled top Bounty Land..frusii 40 to lunannw, according to
the tech i Of ywrvieo; and as tl e law CNPCIMPIY pmoths
analind: theltmiefere, no tenet t can amme to the watcher
untli Ills land is locatteL It tt Ilte_refore ale° evident that
halts lilted claimants must ,oloct their laml either In Cir.a
or to AgraLs The one will to Mural t.,in espemlet.—tile
other to elneient, 11111.1i1 , 1 p
ony and fair
.ill prove
Attempt , M Mote nay oilier method
will prove In the end a Wetly, To artminplbh Ode, m i d t o
elow the entire Inslars+ of the roldlyr. tio.Svornmical
vomit nteundetivi iNni,ress, an.l iveidomeitiled l e
a n - the
ee c ant/tont. M mit in oldest. 1 pintoes% thOmfare, at a
maystatively trillionoaten. , to nmeurei—lLL A ILaral
Warnnit ter Gore entitled. al To ,uperlntendpermontlY
the loyal:ow of mid amnial. thereby Iteeltring and enema.
levant to the Noldirc joilkilone nett, Goo. either in view of
occutation,or sale. MI. ..btain it Patent for said land,
tmother allh u diveription of its quality .ILeation,ne..,ollol
enabling him to form an estimate of I. value.
Term, which will be see nestle, made known on appli
Aildnon o. 3tATlti:ls 110S.111",
Clarkm flaunty, Pa.
0.. 11.—NVelm tile name of y our Celt Oface, ("snooty, and
Stab, very legibly. .I.9m3inin
40 LIBERTY: STREET, I'litsuunou.
_LI P. DULANtIf hen sat opened his Poring stook of
Mas d== f eu lob o ' per oily trrla The
oral ono' the taint Importation, and cernpriwt a Pot!
of *racy lying that L mite and hambenue, for liming tint
titannup tar. Ti., amortment of Vesting, it unusnall7
Ingo andintrled.. both m style std quaLty, nin e 0011000 i/4 •
entelliils I/ ertuallot by auy olhersetablidaunt to thin
Oil,tlL7,lnu,':2t';vtJe4:=l7;l:rr:".7:•.d.ptm r, bust
Ont. and Pants. Summer Gr a d, amen. dp.eriptitn,
ch its tweeds, Crolimeretty. Meths,. Gray &ides,
de. The runty MeiL till I.cratly rompery li, any
stock cf grade ohimad heretofore In Pittsburgh.
Mr. J. C. slot's mil skill and N.,' WI a cutter,
till nretve an ample kuanintre to all who ml fstkr thla
establl , hutent with their enter, that they will have 00
good nod fashionable wort mn be prohmat hy any
heuse In the Cart. and at merit lower prhiml, as would 4.
iertmurtloly,iol by Many who have tritel both. I fur.
they state. that I will fartibh a. and fahemable
Girds ait lartourst Or' W o r n market. mid at much
larter prices.
. GEADT 110111: Cl/ITU - LNG.
A largo and general imentroont of ready Made clothing
It on. hand. made In the preartit Fashions. <call/Mum:
D0e..,. :kook and It Csatte of thoLite , t irtylo,ade
f Freneh. hnglirin sail A m erican ClothS, of all Wh i ne.
Li, color/. Pontaloons of eviiry deterintion of plain and
Lamy I:23l.llllPrma of the laten FLOG Cloths. hattinet Mid Teem of the beet :loth, and wilts: plain
sun! fancy 31arrolilee..elothit,
and ottad ar-
Wks In the UMW,. line, All Ganneute made at ho. 4n,
are warranted to he rot and mule in a :pod atirtmanliito •
style, anti will to. sold low Pr ewsh.
LAB It., brit ~ r ivurtx.•n eranh , rA. oral fat
Wnw / t; L S haul.. Alt barn:tents made to enter as whore, war.
;lll)!ilmlesalepurrhamrs Ond the stock at 40 a urnst
dcArebl ow to /whist a cheap and beautiful sourottnent
from. ltuariblirttf • P. DELANNT.
The PueCe 1111YrIng Lt 15.1. Id Mrs. Perth J. Irate.
Beaum Lir 19ixL The Whiter 111010 fur 1.151
CAW:tit of Modern Jut 'the. iris, a o,oicair.
/ The flcuumher Ile Cm 11151. '
The 11111.4intrel 1,04 e 1 clillol . . hr Pm. 11. Weld.
' Mem: , in tho Life of our
1.4 , 11P11a ton and nirLervlia
of Temperance Offering tot 1.001.
, The Irving offering f.yr InaL
Mom A mschel
EAtery World for 15,%1. .
The MVlit2o Keepsake for 1 , 31.
Letters ant P aper, of Lady Powidiroll
Pe wpouwie frt. the M.d en Granny. bit into.
Gevcrie• of a Partition by Marvel .
Alva, a emnplete nommen. 01 of Minder Pehrol tenor
80b,,e In fan, binding for ChriGnia: prewnts to the
srung. 00 haf,A and for wale by
de . 11:w1l A. 11. heN01,1.511 & CO-19 Wend et.
141A1{NI F 01: SALE.—A Y. Ilituate in
Nrqth Wi, county,
roomfuls.: 244 amen rf•iii. , llnad, bound...ll.y Iminb. J.
cob nilll. Mr, haft., eml atlw r.--afrad LsOticr•oli..triA.
Imv in henry v itbin one nailt of lila Voughln•
tint of o tin, .1, 1.1111. Dwelling ilouw.. Lan. Inn,
frame and neor.oars oat I•iniaini,
Wer Title fern:, rip , uirean
IbeßY bleb EV.
pr..mi.s. of
State Mutual Fare' Inenrance Co4' Harrieb'g.
WILE de6igil thi s COMPANY 71: to afford
JIL tbp onners proprrlF Para Aral chmot 7n.urang-e:
hailn,s tau.. t,oduch , l vtiletty on tilt mutuAl pruoipe,
martltonn„ ir.rmber ual,entilisny him
to a .I , ere tht.i , n,h, ninl by the Gulf o,uhabh , nuAhol
In , the nt , teln of ruutual ua-nrubee—thain:CLASi.l4 VINO
In+ itleqi..l--thus anordal.: taunt Iwurflo to . the insynnl.
Ihe toin•rtor,.
two t t aorAnl
hcitcfiy. Lose
nr,vili..r.. d
tae aml thaw ti.k. Into
the Wm. , of rithor Lau Iv on,*pro.P.l int alt moot .1
mTIIII,III. 11/ othrr. i
it,, Alt% ihts , toIIPAS%.. which in,. normu, be
Ennfte upon vattnin Vut
It anti
permvital pn.prrtr: nix.l nothista inor, ha:-.11 - dott
to he La [off. •
Tlko frffooti Ciao , . ileto , Oliofflo.l tho ME ;MILANI'S'
1,1111•AN . 1. ~,,, • nla, ln.k 'on nn,rh
aD,t Nut., L'igh• pro,nst, • strut
Ihe o•aoutn •re only aLeht eNr nonfat ',tree ep ,
hoer tt.hath,hur, ,, l 11 other 4...
and. the mt.-.
I.ot ouch . the Whet. , are atfideut will , ore th.
I.enere,ll, nt'eter tuntaug. au oeet,uttrit: Not .nor
ttttt h.lll. one heality. And the or
I.llAtst the onrilegr jo.‘trto, either with or
vitleAtt th.• 111.14110 of a urexolout
The potn.oo,o whielt han teen extend...l to enmpahr
•luee onehturotvo. hh.hert, lb.
unounit of I,,Af. AN L. A lIALF MI I.LION
t!'fli .. t . V• ', Z.;t r l;A ‘ lll?
bee.. with hrannhtueAt aud hhernht,.lr la •
noir under the eoutnA of Ale 11.howlarc ,l/Irerter , —
J,hu r. th•nl. All. it J. 1141011. Satau..l T. Jon,.
...lento A Canter. 1431t0 I:.:wtlank4. lith,tt
II Purker.
A A. Arni3r, .
Brawl. il3l, l'i•nn,ylrtatiri. trl Frnitti
-11,44 rt.. I'itt•bur<L 7
istrsßunGti ecoDtraletAi
1 ,.c0u.r.“.,
1).r0i....0f Tiara nul Msr - 4..1
l'lte unit Clmrt,.o 01 , 101.1 In Penn
rk ul
. t l.LTY—Joitx /1E141 , 1. Nittr44o limr,trtin in It
- 1,414 ArL,Atoit.
0110,MIN, 4.1* IN•utnalts , hiP.
tilt entn,ni,ntwn,
AI- M. N 1 1,1M:1%. I. totnincrein
Txr.TrL , IVrn. LVtllltnk. [lnn Jani.n.
111n.hunnu. Ant La. Hun.
oot". Illuti.h.o,
S. II I.n. Ito. IA J. IL SI.VIInto , I,
J.4,n AnAtrenon. J h I/no,
CAsntAlAn T CO* Itrnn. Altnruny al
La: ‘lerchnn , A. Pr.,. AJ.L.naklant
LLlmlnnt* ..311 Cllll, 111,. 111.111. Y ti,•ll nt auL aznlnl.-
Lalnin•lrndlLn any nod et..unnr: n tarn
ontI11:41. a ill rnt r. n an•lonin. -1,... , 1 In Ihn Fat all) L.LI
L.nwlnh, Book. kerninr.
lAlni e hkan=l , lp. . In vin P nl Llast thn .any
Chnrten.ll:ollun . th klanl to M , Merv!, I,lntn °mt.,
to 11 K will Enevl with ,rnueLt
+ll,llllt4t._ • •
-2 I.les reeist.
w. .t Y. trii,SoN
• _
DAM,. ia• i
I' O- The ;11., 14 a ll.t
ut lkirntin, lor I lin.. ye3rx prnor lin. date. I.ay . e
rvw3inn.l thl.. ItsaK 1111Vittitlel. tn,tl.4 r
1 ' 1 ' a11;;c:A .1 ;17...1.:;::1;::.1 ' . 1 rt ‘ t1 .,..1‘,:1^,'
%V S'.o. tin Pi,:
Bah a atnn. oleinolna are at lutert at she rain... lout
J.nx II Atft,M.N.
Athrm'a onto
IltioLurob. Jana.,
.. •
LN('ALLF.I I 1 , 01: 11.11,ANt'ES.—Stat ,
L,,, , ,,, of 1M.,• Irmlnnere ..I 14.1.ert. , in Orr
flak of nitt.hurgh. rd th.,10 , 1 fil .1 1.11 Jolla.. ..01 ...
:edam tit. ono a 1.11. ortlon Ili , the... le.. lone...hog
tor date ..I tiro .1 noun:. Id,. not ...ID, I.
.. r......... 1
1: du. n 0.1..-1. with the , . rt tlo drpontork. the 431"
tbe..l,tl 11,1 tho+r 11l
rod. 11, .t3t...1.. e tel., 01 i d ' ,.. .
ltat lalrdre, 01 dr.:a...1t0 srldell 111 , 1 lo reotore 1.e.. polo
itairod Cu, three .]..ere.rnr. ‘errid—tlo..: hariod eTtr. are , ' to
Rho Corouronarnalthr
.I'u odes Dal."
l 'i j oirilenfall. ' . - 7 - 7 ...-:. rk v a , 1 ltiti
' Tho man heart.._._._.
Alla. al. 1,
Janua Stuart trainter.l ...... Jul]. 0. r'
Wut. Intolltrion... ... .... Juno 10. •
1 1 1
01001 the Vollottni ant. to
the perwmo binned, 1101 having
re to
channel ice thr... p.a..
.101 f'. lINNTER. Cmhi.r.
Seer* Trail ) .0111404100, b•-fax tor.. thn . ..dth .101 of D:
, It W.. • ~ f/ En. WATSoN. Aitlettllo IL.
dentalrdt.tutt:Fr- of the Citr of Vitt...ldb.
.. „ .- .
Allegheny County, 9S
fIponSIONW F. Al'll of Penllsv - Ivania, to the
I Sheriff of r.ld County, yetella , Whetena. at an on
y mod Churl.. holdat Irritst.7ll. itr and 1,.r .11 ..outd,
on the 111. an, of Doranruh.r , 1 . ,, ..
The retina of Dautel Tana. Allnriondrator of all at
Oni.nrird the duo., 1.0.. isideld 0011 of tatinaine llrCunn.
late of tiw eit, of trllDirurah. 11l said ~ b ull. deeramort. at
tho time of De...l:std.. who died intoatate . itudring that the
said intenutrr all no Ina ful h.. 1191' p.,r, ,, 0ra ....
,1, , tot the
Dayntrult of het &AA< /bre 10:1eu1 , 1 In her deur..ute
of fn., erodul n: a c. rtair] ture..n.el dr, lot of 1'0111: , 1 silo.
ate In the flLttlt Kant of the City . of l'itt,borg.h. 11,11,111 a
Itcon ced dfrdtartuton vin. I ..1 thirty feed and extervltrut
' irdek of width OT% a lino tantlicl trill] It'ytio Istrmt
filly feet. 0410 whirl. te err,:tv.l two dwellle, trtood at..
jolt to the por mat of an amnlal grnoml rent of eintlteen
I dollar, kelug the rate lot of rtnoind old ardiertuteired
co mid Cathanno I.let:onn.ld Jatuen by
' tOrt the 110(11 or OvrOlirt. .0. 11. 1 , 147. The internt of mid
nte.tzte ledula the otollshini one half peat a ,-,,m
i m.a.,
cc that then , ore .1.:14.• runarrt the e‘tate n. folhms. tr.. it
intl.:tents In the ithlriot 1:0011 of ca. Count, in favor
or John liastett. f fin, Ire dollar.,elth inherent since
July 19th. 1850, end rata antormiluu to prel:nl4 thirty
11.41ses. atol the e3.1...0r of 1,11.111.N..`t1311 . Paid trard x ill prolde
Irly melt forty or nit) 11.rlinty. And laying the Court to
Mt t Mr'r'rl.°Vlellrlr"'Ol:f:7ln°,lenhlt, - r ..j i l lte '"'7L"."n r f
' the ntrreraid debt, `'''' '' • trn, wonto
Non, th , re. no namantl la. and oadt of yon. the
heirs ad legal repro..try. , a .....,d Cathdrine Mrt.'nnt,
ad all °titer. linen...led. to 1. , 01,1 appear befor....] Or
I,llTtlle Court. at l' on the trilit 0 .11(01111. 1t.41,
to gar eaure. If any you lion.. uity llte Irraler of this no .
Winner aludtd not to untritad.
t Vitas,. Um Ilon. Dm 11. .11"Clure. rterot JuLlee of
our mod Cart. at fritt.httrgh, this 'llth .10r . 01 i'' , ". 1,,,
A. D. 1050
Attezt..-11. NIEL Sl'CrfttiY, Ch.rk
Anil the Court urdzt that 0..t.r0 et the I.•.nintt id tilt. , es-
WI. ciVrn. by i.ohlkuti..ti In lino hltz.hurgli
tor thr“ vreolo.. L' , the ourt,
DANI C EL NrctilttiV.
OR the our.: of Couch:3.
tronetiti... Croup. A;.111015. Gough.
and Con...unihtino.
Thlz troll rznied 011.1i.enz., tho
a ndl..azion . tin' rodwnce
14 it 0 the tz.rl3.” tho
Iv It 0• a tz.rerfal in 1.. Mo.
do.t,rate autra
nd tn.., t.,t.
4 , , danitn..h..l ...I the
Readcutol.t.m ..o.i,zlz. zolai.
Read oplitlon of tat ti ..r.. n th..
*T4;',:A.°l•g;i,l',!:gliflrrg.:lT.',;,",„.... 0, .0,1:;—•
' nrhr.ulr:J
nL +AI 1111.11,.111..14i,1 ,iiihrtittio... It itt, 0111.1.. A. h. 01 uz, at
Anil:err; Gale,.
211IcT EviDENcr. C. /t tor, bowtzll-1....r1.110
.."!".`;000. tau dry
I 1.0. t. rub!. 1.,...nitztni.. 1 11 a r•oz - ene rough. and
..05 tar.liz.lizo... will ttttt obtaining rend., I
/f r i= o ,; o l,T, "' 4: 4 1 1 ,1 7 e.
pour Prels.ral. tho nor nf whirl lo.ol . 1 isonn!dint..l;
e..enzlt to' nud 4,, the low or 4 re
IL u.f
wad.. tut...lick... E. 3;‘"
I'rinripal Ilope
Ifvo!Ur. Ittjatlt. DruL,L.t and l'staLtzter, Chimp.<
YAM, .
Pr. J. C. A>rt—DrarStr—, Fnchra.llllritoteßmilreinttlamr•
kw all We Chair INtrtrral la.t trot mr. ran utar—tt,
car , tbit'lio timlleittr r..,11 VII , . mark sall.tautton
...your:l , nor blur I ever wets a ntrthrtur whlrh ru
srd many riir% or Corottlt atal hung (hoe
Iwithitr i nlVt t : , 3t.rMimly thelt ',meth*, pahl
rth for -
Irrparedl4 . J. C. AlfEit, Cbrmirt, filar.
PMVlAtrrlt, torttolrealr snit 1,4111. by - J. M. Trtrer
tem", MaTlta rtn..ct, .Itrrrplt Dotmgla.a. Allet.brnr
riff. drelaNrivArlyT
iAltßOtiliE ASISIONIA, llMr4..tOrn ,
%_) el* Itss tottNp by 10,11 DKAtti t tOtlnat..
r DOW strawy VirSTROOD. y,
le.* for tlu. abovo sotto
sordlen Taro, on Erturds7, lb. 11th Instyart, P. .
For fniitzt or 1...V..-poir to J. XZWTON J0'.470,
Irft•NASIIVILLk. Thereat
einrdroi rtessnerOSNYTA,Capt.Whki,lat
•en Meer. the above rad ihterimellato ptu •
orl & lltb tre4.4 11).S. 3d. •
For height or pmessta ever gh board:'
TOR ST. LOUIS. 'The fast rap
nine streamer 11.011E111 11.0 DOM Capt
rather, will learq for the shove and inter
mediate twee on friday - , the 10th twrant, at la A. b.
Ifor freight or mew. apply on Izard. jyq
splendLl new ftenfaer EDITOR, A. O. MA
tail.. muter. will Inv. for sbom stud
m..lintr tbi, moroirF. 9th.,...._,1.tant,5t 10 u'eSca_
p or imsbi or rump% AMY hind• lag
11OR NASHVILLE: -The.splen- •
did stratarr FORT PITT. 11111er. master.
1 Imre for llo.abore sod intermediate porta
Ulla - don Ottc Instant, at 10 o'clock. AI.
Yor *right or ',max; ~P PII nn knafal. Ja9
_LC PACKET.—The ?Wail
grt" . Vpl"!e.rglpiltlei."44./t74.,,t:4
tin" car AM N T ..linu, saw r-stbanizza et AS t (Mock
I=, mg; T d r i iger;:ik ,, = ,. Mlng d ,
no Lr°646.ll7lrOgrittabr<L.r..l.
k WELL:MLLE rACSET.—Tbe deurwriall
IL C. Dale, mut... win 15 , re
ri"'b rAWlTAreVgri ..Th )= l L7=l lll7l`7 : l:
rcom.go..PrlT to
W. 11 WHEELER.. APC,nt•
7 h )
I`lrwlnaham. Thlr vlendidbOatlnw hat lq
thr nanPut of the rteamer Now Neat®% and dn.., aw
the Chaim:nal hnd Pittihargh Packet bade, and will lea.
i'MV.Z . lhaair t Zelneinnati.lll place at the New En
' Mit Z31170E11., A;c1:01°
jug, tittNitttill PACKET—The tut running
terunty NVELLtir ILLK, Cart. B. Young, win
run C. a mraltnr parka betgren Pittsburgh. Wheeling.
Prldarport. and nunlbh, haring Pith.bumhcr." - 310nd! , {
afternonn fat Wren - 111c. ntrubenrille, and ittidiTZtints....
ary,. -Thursday alter - tam tar Pirabenville,
po U li t In= no, Eizz :=l.7li=
2 A l gf t..`""
sttzt ii
, Me i a , tra ,
M. IvarALit. losslaS. Thu.-
" ii:gelt r a " j.:^Z. n. :::l l ;" " ct au
d. 9n6 ,
1 4 :OR RENT, two 'very_ convenient
r new to nuilthitield. Pontari n 1
on Eisen on the Era
.3f Arnt next.
Ain, to Leant for miasmata stern some les4e'rzetint
Lon. on and near the Allecher, Risen in the Ninth Weaal
'ittiltf Fourth rt.. near Wood.
PO LET, the large four story Brick
lenrchntow Co Liberty Meet, oppoel t e Fifth et, "I tn 2 Jolict Deets, Dater. Aim the Brick
Derelline Howe selJoloiree. Jetetthf Se GOPMIET.
FOR RENT.—The following proper
lies am tim rent, elc
A Urge, troll idelehol. and completely fornlnbeel
STORE on Market Arcot, between Third and Fourth ette..
'wrath. for Dry Goode.
Stoortil mew In Mot Ofdeelituildinm, to the wecterti sad
third olorimealtable for Artiste's Rotate. Mors, dm
A lame and emirewietet ROUSE , in shbag
tu,sr.rt of the city.
Proreeelon of the foregoing coo be Oren on the l et of
April next.
Alen n SMALL STORE on Third Arad, nest door to the
argl'are*R—lrrune'Vreleare=l2 itrolareboreseLott
Tidol •ettort. horolufore ocenteleet LT the into Mr. A. Derma.
For tome. a; ply to
E. D. OA7-7.101, te4 Second street.
kini or to I t. 3IVOIIHICK. 06 Third .Coot. . --
R RENT, o Two story Frame house
Reu•k tmildind, with two 1.0, chute on ":
E O rtl ...oz., Sloth W1011..13.1.1. L. et... 2
for tenor, slept, hr 110111MEIN LIITLE ITte
deold 2SSLIMMY 'Peet e •
obt.T3IBEIt YARD TO RENT. A large
Lumber Void. Alluded an Daduerae ly.r, near the
t cal:kind nom to hold eighteen hundred thme:o4
" .itAN I ITSS t : 11117e
d, llm Corner of Pena and Irwin etreeta
T 0 LET, the Store Room No. G 5 Mar
-11.1.1mg 4401
, ,0100 the Watch and JewaltY2
V. W. Patron, and recently occupied bf Mem ,
N. Macau a Now as a Bthking and Pacharthe odic,
'Si& room is heated la the madman] and beet twang.
- rant la the city, and well adapted tar a 800101 ith and Fe
clthope and Ineothithe Mee, or a atom. A Tplemik
wew froth. with Plate (dam, T in be pat In ea woo
• • -. .
a, tho relator permit.
Poooovics glom on the ftno of Fobrionry. if ranted
r•OOloo a x...w. WILSON,
n• Corner of Wart amt north otrecto.
- 14‘01t SALE, the Three vitory Brick s.^"
113 Hey erect, Enrd.e.
prim Slooo. Term, SLOti cubyllAnt In one Yunu nut
e .oeo in SlTE year , , to be menu, on tin mud-
C r i g:l;? r te
11.1 Liberty rizeet-__
rr.) LET. a four story Dwelling, Slate 2
IL rya other. bath roma. ;ibLe attar., awl take 'l,
t lm aim 1 to italril Aran.
nt tat Water etmAt.
WoOIIWARD co,. Builder. mot Fantle - coo( Lint.
.o hot, OD Drlorlplon Orden , lotto 'tis
or at cart'lor Calm awl tor prrecnal tolorolorr, eon lar
omn ourth nroet, ',Worn a Dr. Bunt. holnorn.
Motto am' Ferry.
11.terrner•—Protoorr PPlltor or SII/5131111 . 1. Jour.
oat; Prot-oon I. M. Mitctwll. td rho thnolonoUt/trononta .
r, Prof...our Roloot Poter, of Traraylosols. Collreinty,
- Droforwor Ctn.'. lonroy, D. D., M. D., 111. Toxin
Prohnor J. L. Chneet_Clevolopol Intiveronr • oh 10.
to Pittrburnb--A. W. Loon, John, thaw,. Nihon Ple-
Condlreo, Mr. Child, Col. Marouro. RR. Mr. spark, J. D.
11111inurr. Moho . Itordlon. hrlonld. John Dorn ,
eon, L 'torpor, It N. White, W. A. Morolooll, JO4lll tamv
tM. Major Dort, John IL Sboophorgor. nolrottolltrl
To Southern anti Western 'Merchants.
l o .i ti b, s
, E1.2.1 , •P1tE 5,1111.1111
iron F u l l ) hi t t
' tt i L
VMPIIO re Wen 4:g3l4..tavi ' tag ' t.l4nr
Or.. to which regain titter and two Uolden Medal* hare.
within the lost elst years, been awarded by thelmilltutos of
New York. Boston. and eltibideltdda. the. latter being the
,bidet, Medals ever arranged for perfumery either in
gismos, or to 1010 roontry.
Itocsmis Caur ssr^ MMTIMI MAY. (Almond. Rae,
and Moline-Odd twisters'', arkiworledged tobeattperipr to
nor tiro het Cream to this essuotry Europe.
iiti..rotsit row ginitmo--liteautifully traugrarent, and
highly sod emollient properties;
Mimummease Manyoumb Ambers...Ml ilhavitm Tab/et; %hu
m i'l,o Mu Mao.
ed easing Touts Sotea—Almond. Ito'. 311110h...1M0.
quid. Pidnebio. Musk. Potelinuely. (Milldams, Hooting.
isoorwrent. tittle %1 amt Cirmashin.
I...mrdrm IVO MIL MUOMMIIMOIIMO. Jawnin, Brae
qiiet .le l'ooditse. tiernotiont, Jenny Lind. Milowsline.Joek
i COO, Magolia. Clentailte. Citomelle. Hama. and maul
01er rorieties, In a sixty different PigfOtnisw
'fetter W an Water, Pan dr Toilette. Orange
F 1...• r Water, awl a great variety if lkslognes nod I.ageo
1.1. i eta VI.. ton TLC Il4s-41eilidne Ware till. Antique
oil. goteloline. Kau LrotrOle. Oleine, CompoutetiOn Wag
row. 11 or Dye, liquid nod powder, sod Phitteommliki.
Woe. and Jellue Lind lionimlesi.
01. AT 1,10 linwe.twtrioot—liolsomie Elixir. these Tooth
lissie. Charcoal Peotritire, tidoutine.Tmills lisode,coul Tooth
J. V. It rl II Fit FORD. VreAlrnt.
A. J. 1.111.1.KVV.
C.,arri,—Veg - platolo tWata•ti..• Crosat Arnim.llne
batall.t. , l.ll:nmat of enYan de P•r•a.
Han.berry exam a.c.
D..t.tlatry Powder, ea. mtunvlag s . lllf.rfittow Pearl
r. Vlnaklv. 41.. Mime, Annualle Vtarear, Vietaria
ll.s. C..mpo-ttlun. Pre.lnta Salt, 1.'4.1, a grrat variet, of
srlick.... bat Unnt..roli• to [traded lu (lAA
The irtileirsiti, het, to ionitittilti the 'reputation ittfi.lrli
lame 3, 111. , ) ditPoAtly f. q01.1?-knli
ticA Mt., attic+, sod %ill tit.... tn..'
alio finitniiike Wu, either lebotrale
011 terme a* our refiii , ifi?2 , A tiritgja l ar zi fiZ t,e ` t
Mr. tiorbie rertiimery L. to .01 , by till the fiefifieilifil
in the eountry.
f What. I. the matt who Linos not sopa/ale the harm .
n au es , ~h ave , if ant there ho, we do not :ale, our •
retie .o• thltO. MA to all other, we say. if you with, to
411141.. having at maltase a bon of Judea Hauer e
Almond Pistachio. nr Ambrosial Casing Camera. ltui ut
terly (torn- able to had warm to denraibe the landings of%
uprson—who her been uad to shoving with °Mina, say—
m tanking trial of this for the feet Lucie. It Is a matt
of wonder. admiration,d plasure-
Jtad.S. HAUL". n th >o exceedingly
emollient,' rendering the thane and moat win - brads
end pliable. producing en admlraLle lather, and by Ira
tamely mild nature allaying the Irritation. and preventing
that o,pleasant and and feeling of the chin which to en
often enatenced after shame. - •
tionuemen talon dulcarllancre Pharlng Cream, Ma face
the aldcst and mat plerang winds immediately afar . its
me, without the akin bean. chapped. And those who
uniota gloat TTA,`VITI•T are ' 241 . tVerc "..
IN lo loon who M . , whiskers—is the Cant Max it amino,
deador dn. beard. width mast maw will do lama
or nut, appearance to the edge of the whithent.
del," Waters thav lnx Creams are del/gala preintraticat,
conianntolel wand skill. to the utter cacheion of
rateulatei to toilet the operation Of shaving unPleamtde
aml will Pe appreelatal by allele rooky trial of Gam. •
Pr , laded only by
JIILES Neater and Chsthlat,
Chemot that. Philadelphia.
Vet rale. wholesale andalail. by 8.A.. Vattnestork it CO..
noJ It. K.: 11r",
Pittsbiarght and John Bement, and J-
Mitchell. Allegheny City.
pENNETE & BRO., Queen7+Nr - iiie
farturcra [nearliltsbagh.) Pa. Office.
n....Y; Water -street, between Market tall% cal, Pitaah.
is ill nmelantli keep on hood a goal iteacirancot Of Waxy,
of nor own mon titacture. and ruperinrquality Wholesale
and Country Merchants Mt respectfully invited To call and
examine lor thenteelsat MI. SR determined to Bei lateen ,
c ti o i t t i l:ett b iroa - goal re
"'n' T ' ilVAlr i ilnern evil
dralflLT.47l',ltil LANGUAGE
A_ of Admintatratkin on it,. estate of Anthonya
tonf the eity nf Pittsburgh, dame, having this a n daY
town ranted to the understsrad.
all person. Indebted to oala tO mate imps late pay- n
' ertri. tar: r tan ' i ‘il pgriarth i ntig t V =
Centel. !Ur settementl et tfie warehouse ahoy occupied by
E AdminletrattlE
.. G. GAZI.A.M. Adcalastrator.
l'ittelionth, Dee At tn.—dee:y.s,qm
i 0%11)12:11 The PreAideut and Board of
ly Manatee of the Northern Liberties Bridge Company..
. deelsrd . a Z dl.ldr24 h O ;i f one
dollar t'a L ulr l lth 7 P g_ . = T gTt
oanthot. r.e rah tp.l lUiw"" ' rf
All n ,hrry.lnn. acid.—.Yabae
-11 .: ..MI
i ,V)
11: on
It 100
Pm , . u
If til. uu
(.2 it UPS AND MOLASSES. Extra. Refirt-
New Tort Sirup, very superior article.
1)„1,1v. tram the et. Louis tyttnery.
"° ll% "' fne lo ale to 10
',inn 1
A. ItettLU ' illiA l ll)., plant) , M.
30!„. ltrllar. 21 Wont Wert, has
. 11" , /. I VIII • new old ehlaridttl awartutrot I I
yiattl.itonistett Ana 0.1 60 ratr,dral _
6 1 .PLEis. u. '1112 1 GlyT BOOKS,
.# t
kj etat 0f 3lolern Art. AWarantll
Fritnulehlp'n °Senna. Winter Storm.. .• • ' -
Vowltyterun Pettloy util pun Woke.
Erlteopal ihwrer Book, ttplaralillf bons&
ITA.entattn Book, Altoatu.,
For role. tit. the NIMICATION AL WOE STORE.
Mart./ et. eon of Fourth._
flow PENS. We Lave I;inc on hand a
big. Mark of the brat 0011 P . ow fowl the kftlinit
tonuntacturievi lot Tr.. York, and Wouta...or.qr
AI, elagaut ttohl Mail Caw. Aral iltomera,,z,„,
Ca , . re.ry vArirty. Forruiline .Wh
All Vw . Atle wholernir AnA slali At ISr.. art ,
e a i l c e
S ,7,— ,lig . . l Ai m an.
111.171.11. on IA u a r i.
r Uy v
1 h>
~ALIRWSO prim . for !sale 11;
HEESE• bozo. Itivt.graeAttrrtael
1111 ti _1.76 tone for rolling null.
ourrww,_. .2017 IMES. MATTHEWS it tEk.
pI:At:3IES. 173 bage_per. Mnyflowpr, for
rale''' . .I*i; MATTUr4 3 .90,
Delaware Matualtifety_lnstrance Co:.
CILiNGEL on Mit Wt.
ibijavripc thwAliisiscut the CesrittitiFi
is patalstwd tti aiiitmsolty with • hew+ Ittim (.r I. thrill,.
Preahams reorient Wing" tlo xni Cr 41114 iktctei 11.1,
t>ohtsiii•e eithl lama
Po hire Maks.:
.. .
grog I'mationts whiting the ytat w;wwang acme
no Ilarbto and Inbout ...... ,
On Niro ...
Mlgtrdiffar,,AV.gfill n at r .Tlll, 3 77... -9 :
---- 151.14
Pratt sal
ttetans. Premium. ' 11,2!..?
- • ••• •••• ........... .
ABenq rbarg.
Salarlavy SLlll.•Th,t,,xt•--7.
Tbe Moots of tbdetannanp ard it. fdlegr. , . ~.
Benda. Mertgagen and Onnind 1ientb..,...-- . . 24.12.5 r ,.. .,
1112.000 Unikti 'deo' Piz peeeent tains.-- 1.7 .. ..!,'"9 - ", t
r i l i ".oA Peonlilt - ants ....
.". --- .....
P 1 .4 t:4
BMA° Bbiladel'aritPlt " .. ..:::.7.27;..: 11.4 xx, . ,..."
52.tiAti Poring Outten Mga ii e ........__._ 4.lkri.W
100 Mama Pena.) lantila Vail Bend Compotip...... , &Winn
20 ^ Union Bank of Teunotire.... .... ,-...- 4.110.110
Meernanta al Mintilasturers Bank.
Pittsburg' . .. ....... '.2,rM).20
IS " rhum.iod . i.talCo7redetTinnso;ax . ..;
Tow 2ot attpany 17.0.00
2 " Phil:o.lo3ln Parham, COl3l pair .-.... r , i4 , 0
Ekrip ..I Reek of antdry M a n u al lune:inn ,
Coonnintk"' -.- G.11:321
Interest dne - .... —.........—
Monaca lu tbe bar.. ef Anonlx. - and - Prenntinal
on Maxine Pelleier, treendl'avned s:abr.%
Putecribtion Nowt-- ............. -- ...... ----...lobtsisti:d
Noll:Ur= 4116,1,0.
Tbr Boor] of Directors hone 11us day driven adividond
of filX rtlt CENT. ID napb,ou the Cannot litocn,
l'En CENT. on the born.% lbc Contr. , . pay nlie on and
oftrr lkonaber Id. 1,0. A1e0.•% ,Itridrod 01 Tri
rrsip.(be enp11:0 *torn mut ronrl prrna.
Corti:baton too nrldrh 101110 Ivneo an abort,
3fartln. Willlo3 To il, '3. U. Jam.,
JaPeph !LEAL. 30b777 i tierlla ..5337077.71 „nitre.
E. A. Nouticr, Ur. H. .I. Ihoum../ . 737777.1 7 r , 7773i7r, 7
John C. Dark JUID:I V. FIAL,I, 31711.317.
H. Burton, . Tauldinp, Mil',
John IL. Peurilee, 11. Jonrs 10000, T. 1,4 , 01, TittTA,
Edw. 700 s, • 11. EL7LO7 ,
U. 0. 14077 T. It tu. IV, re. Jr.. 7 - 10001 4.,31T, • -
1,3374 t.
TiIISLIA -7 3 C. thon, •
Josna ST. CLAIL.T. 177.7e171C:714.
fly the .Art Ihoortsiratint, thtsttretatarir,llta pa
',lllltggg=nlT=Lt:;t;' , lJ44.:! , :lfl l l
to pond the vents= tentl,
The atonal :tot end-stubreription notra .1V ph A tooth.
the Chart, ton Ito. pinnut AO the twins a
liof 0.1.14 TV arr ilus , eril to les insret , rlatut nuts,. la that
passeatitim torporatioin tut ta fart.l tht. (ttrther te
t-tatty realm ar , o,ro.t. 'fine fund trill t/ netr,rut,el bt
Octp. bearing an Intoner. of sin rout dl
the a.m.,.
the Itnurott z.tal itorithokl,s. Ku rate, the t
of earned Prrnnunis and Cleintal Strrin. . ••-•
rittabursh.Annnol, atrr stns.,
isottallta V. A. 11.4.15.E1DW
Penn Life Insuratee Company,Phiralera.
&GENT' PirftißUltuti, - J. , rl tY,
Jr., et Mr Mrs r 1 the IVertern lernmerre, Cate242l.
2 Al eier.etreet. Vit.hereb.
Parebbbte, with 'ell u.-e..,aey Inlet ientten, enj,rier:2
forme, will be turn s,.
Herb:war net War, their RSV , fur 'the L';, , C! el' Muir
erfrer tr.i chibirre. cry:blurt the bat, bf,theb . debtor&
Ceree=l , suri , lividvia=ca , ;, - the
bolder* of CLUJ ruel , l- 1
The Webb:els of thr la:At:re yr." he', btrb cklutr.r ,
crab each yrsr.
iestern lasi/lance Comßauy of Pittalmrgh.
CAPITAL $$00;000. Lit:
Pmukat. Serrtary..-
111 ansur. araltot a/I klralc of Abe tad :Darin ,
All Itcue, wlll Le htorelly adjueted eel prrmtl7 TALL
A home Itivlllution—wcattatwil by Dire:tett who are wr:l
known lm the rwciumcity. and she e debt - min:A V.
prouttitnett tad lilt:Wit! ire scalnawn li: chute:, which
they hare nuaini 1, at tiectitic the be: t yrictec.ien to 11m ,
who desire tote
DC:rem:at—lL Diller. Jr., Cos. Clerk, J. W. tutl. r.
ll:4mm Jr. Wct. It. Mlle., C. Ihmtittil silts. tr.i - Jeeketwii
ilitra 24. Lyon,Jacie..l.lliplutwita ticumicaiccrti.... l Ate.
Aulel-, Alex. Almilek. That „
Otlics. 82 late:greet, lr,rchrurri of A Cc- ,
111/ main.) L'ltttliurch.
Delaware Mutual Safetylnsuraliee Comp's ,
OFFICE, NO fall itoo3l/,op_ Tail; Ex.
ciiANGE. Tiara ethte.t. Phihuleihhtt. '
!rut Isevicret.—latiklio,....:,thYtherellro.-thl other
MFerrlj akto , !a r . .rht coantry. iwurtsl.etairt , t hy•
ihae by la, tno loue.t r a te or hretnann. •
lserws.,—Thee 11.11131, • tr,11.. , , IttaTtor,l ,
and Frelahte. er eteletwh, coder oh.. ir e st•'rl>l
poliehre, ne the neeurea tea, -
tax.. The:aware %mt.—They abut 'tram 31emlitnalre
transportnl by Wa.tnat hall rt.( hex, 'Canal - boot?. tatt
Seem laauy OW1•11 ., 17 and fake, On thenlo , t lavrel tottO,
DIREC•IOII.—J.VeIIh 11. Seal. Khoutel t4.eie1.0.. John C.
Dart, Robert Barb, John I,nrooe. atantel I.loohle,
e• - • Ldp.,. Mutant Derlloah.e. lea.C. U.ll, te, a !l
at. kolmea, Juba Itoleao. Dr. • 11. 14 iluetntr. .fiteleg C.
Haul, 1 boophllut l'uiklahe. James a '.r, mok , . t 11.eoeT
diem, llrotn Craig. th,rege ferral.
Cherie. Keay. J. h..h,hueon. Wa , liar, Dr. a. Thema&
John ern., NTot. Eyre. Jr.
tantercare ar litt-zsma—D. T. Morph., 'litcll . o , ll4
Jahn T. Lcreath
trtnult lturral, l'Aaent. Tam. C. , 11.c0p, Tim Pe rn,l
dout. Jun. W. Cowls. ethretpel. .
h'irCarat: of the Corottaly, IVrtor etrhete . gate
burgh. tort.thlf I • Co. .4.14./talt.t.. ahe•t.
State Mutual Fire Insatance Company,
Ifaxxisburg,Pa. .
.11 lit: very liberal patronage extendea to
romplogy. tiiiied polion, to thcntuovut
a near Goo and • Ball 411111uniznf •auxin,_lLa lase
thyue mouthv la autarient 1113.111,Lition of tho eatimalion
and crinadence of I ho - pu tile In tim arrival of manaament
on WWII IrtleinrlP! couthiciol.
Tu city or runnier nitration', and own,ra of 40111inga.
Mal Lobo 11001rontitiW balc , r`i
pony aford, adratilapta In blot of tioiapoona. ralilj;
norltY. Inforlor to nu InaurancoCompanY thiurnnary.
Ounineted on oho equltalile nispriarilayitein
of Clitarifoaliort excliallau .10(104 llama.. m
auling only aßmilnl amount la any ions Licata), thtot pro.
ending tho frequency nod arcurrewo of largo lima. and
abu ou both 11,0 Pluck awl Mutual plan. It lar go
Pub* Ima•
era., tool chenpners and arrianmnalation of both inelin.l , i
but matitleit the Inatuoti n participation proill rt.
Y. 7 t
- dap '..N;13 1 .^,Vtr,:fr
Alooro th'"''''.""".l7klFlVl!...llt,4,%,liitti,,,i,.
A..i.ueLLerr,!koourr. •\
A. A. 5011/.00.
Branch ',Aloe Op WeAcrn Pennsylvania. 54
lta ohs rerrona inaoranni will la. ft
';=,h 1 1 =
1„b ~., 01 the Ilullo'o4lolbt ln o
Fire andlnsurance.
TIIE INstritANcr. COMPANY of Nor
America will make turinament and Ilmlbut Ioll,oood
b , l
pmporty in thin oily .04 I:cluity , nod on nhipmenta L
Canil, 1111. a. linkra, ant to Pea. The pro:auln , or 11,11
Company uproatoil. and tartilah an a:allable
Pir the ple linieninll, - it al
am tirsin. 11, In
protectol huuranoo.
1131. 1. JUN F.S i rigatil• 1111n1er ot.
Franklin Fire Insurance Co. of Philad'a.
PIRECTOits: ch:iries W. Ericker, Goo.
IV. illetanl, Alortlecui II Low
nor, Ailolplio :gannet Brant, itavid 110,1 ',
Jana , IL Smith , Morn. Vattoryon.
ItlitiS F. BANCKEIL Proildeitt.
Cnaraxa U. iltal,oo, Pirislarr
TLIa Company poolnura to mate loannina- , peimarulat
oiery il,erhaltot' of Provert , in town and
mauLry, at rate. low 11 aro novialcut Itti arc orlt I •
The Company have 1,01114 a loran contingent fond.
arlairli. with lhAr Capital sual, Prennitai, i0tt54.1.11.
aZail ample probation 100 14101inal.
111,1 aii-ettii .1 the C 00014111,. J antua, oak 1,1 I•
aarecahly to the Act of ao.oriuLl,, Wile a, 1..1 0'
4,11. 7
Tr irrer ,
S11: . - 7, ..17.1 71
Situ, their wriud of t,i1t1e..11> ,11,, 1b ,,
hat. , paid upwnnle Stllliuu ruur.lululuet , rhuluultu
Dullare 15v rim:fleet+ by ulfortlin, uul,len,' , .f lb
ealruutaue. of Iti.aralutu as well uu tleir 3141 , 11a , u 1
teuillqu In ups' with pruauldneee sit IL:041111es.
mat tlinre S. E. rover of Wtarl 'mud
iroVINTER ARRA:sIGE,)I):! , yI
lbirty Itfrart t'bitfuldt.l.l..-1 ,2 l
miles It.Olril.i,ul vile,eterring..
Uvoi inholt 'lvic,truth &NI CA:wt./q.t. , : , :aco.l7 ,, inlito
ilnvv of tv est traztu v. It.r Iliel.t.liiky new:
Vrl i lL t' ;DEnTizkvl v
thence bythe New grubs', .vivga ouvl ,
Phlbutelptitu.Vetoed ;NO hfotri '
• tll
Conches rill least vorry umrlgrg. o
Out every bight at the none to,m.
EITIL ,tn leave la tou. tact*, .0 I,lt 't7
In the Inlet l. ..tod
the eirU•ro
Purverptett ALT 'lntik:um/ taVoit, New ,
riTburg. Wren. or. thosvrlvv. •,‘" et lbw, utu,
• • or T. P i . 110 LALT, Monongahela /t0r...,
11E011 tlYb, :ft.l L
lace taraniealeic.t , Jet.
tolfigtis 'l ;:e
thm..,4 fleilvire. ',rail'. 10 ,
‘tieir Lin be Late L 6 . tee
Tbe ruhreriler: fin' teile the a:el. II
Slideliedu ele.. - thr.
Line. Tb. , rek.911..0 lI.Ls tatientablohvi oriareen 00
worthy the eortettimairet µaim. telitatalo evetiat
Inbiatteres , or of tire° 00,0).11.17 tee,ttleiiiiily
the eamteatriele- At+ the dale et lel flltleilti,l UAW ,
t antapitneati ba ebb naive: butiatelet, it tis (=Veit twit tea .
eipplication *Crati G undle. " •
Serreleiria artreer,:cf et 3101.5011 a Cie
163 g - Carat Viral etrie4
Professo' r 'A. • C. Tiarry's Tricaphcioui
etwieltingi iteti4nrotin C
entil, Ito te I:
rumoring the moat,anorstr, owl ail cle,tiecectz the -.•
and elating erchrtheis en the thin. / i.(
aanselef tiud Min:Menlo, tin] tell:vinehu
P,. rut
o' , o
R atamittu, Re. 111th thia - orrtarot .. 110,
wo.l tut LIL= The Lull IMO,III AtnerV.l..rtwilical
Idahett minency, pa/wit/rut lice r- }
awn,. and lath/mutat hat , . tuee it lite th-ic
ring room, and nurethes. witnit uith 07:01010,1 Ma:
tinpartlug ware, gime, laantlaw, awl cull tu I
roulicalltigt,teitet and (lard 111: aloe, • m l llai ° ,
Cuataatette.optninci run u ., Or.. seal reirhl, 0,111 ,1
Abu rain. the glando, awl it 11..7 re.
lions the tradtande of renti,lll/Jf. uVuothed sn the
Ile prints, in, word In Akrivalo es:attic. •
elittiencts• Itatry'o tleituberntte Se truvranciL oh/
too a pply moll Palm Of the article. Late erathil toe into
Lt 'apply ft at net.. per Loth.. which /1 'from t.
; tn.
e ro ut
sod tna mileanna 11. valuate ,. dirictitois ler the
tun. and nueerwation natore't ol.ekert ,crtnattuil
In LL:I oath touttilsettelniel. ale./ ,eurth oho
Rho atPuit, trim. t, tar im :Wittier, tel., 0 , ••.(.'0.1 1 :1
akin and the InJr. 1111.11 e/ 1
. 17.11 1111:11.: 1 / 1. 111 . 11, 17417
i k r the I:l•Aiii ' . outer . lll.:/te wet. 1
late'throolAboolouth the mtall couolt .Lki• L.ea ttro
•oh teetotal , awl impact tit, tool. le te, the. run
turf. dandruff. obtifilliie . ef . the halo. grown/WU dr)
and ha:ohm:woo f the liainuutit , enthe
ram may Nialulate 10,0 rtin ire limlllitn/ Uinta/
the Triconlameo, and her tortihl 01,1010. Ivuuteztue:
MN. h
a p w .
lut nhuaueo la ttoos thy
set m,e tau t a t ll
ri pthwthelo:
rlluott.nS7lll.l.-71sTL01.1=:: thltt. IrW;t:
haoltartauttie atiuu. awl On all alTiefinta, and hell
th:wen-sou it lA. Bovetulen rettuult...
eel/ lu tarot. to ohm, twice rem, tho
}kw, Bneultray. /tear loolt. mut the Vino/Pot a
M +
ilettralot. thrunultout the t ntl.l 0411174
ada. -
.1. a mleirbruy Odattlr.
.hid reallannekleania hall real Keihhaa L.
To the abosadeteodant—You are blolbt i.lll ,
lb. aim ellantiff o.v taken all 001.0IttrOtOd to
the lelhastat teatkes e f ada real wale,. ila thr 01
hOttlotiy,Lolag par. t.r . lota hoe. To faul IA. i1..71,i
W. Vt.. Lomond by • Mx,. the VOtt.ti- .11. ef
in lino of 1 , 31,1 MI r..... 1. nal rtanthat th.mrl.
diatoultrailert aide. a-htedll aataaenythat e
''' ..t ' l " ll ' . U ''' . i !' t ; ''' It'. F..C.JE!tia:EV
• ' a a a•ti.h . , . . ••- ~
_reline. ar Mal.
i i tifile - "CiiNifiCis. Sit . h . i . l! ; :_i . ..f 'if...,
' Laden, ant Elecnn t
of med*: fee - 11.:: 1
Matsuda hal mat Ornopsay.'whi
'el th e e l on the WI. of Jaw:l,ll;lVA. 4-1
boa& of II 2.llaSid 41 Y. )'• • • •
dee.27:dta, to I. 1110408E3 •• •
41"-.P-411 111111 1'
'f;:t.. •
SI .47.4 . 1
t. 4