The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, January 10, 1851, Image 2

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Itsinarb ISY D. S. Milt& LW. -
- JOll3l J. ROGGEN
f 1
'cr fv 4rtli page for mlncellatmoua mat
,„. 1 page for commercial iatelli
taco, corrre,Polniettce, etc
• Cf. , , ,, trlCA fION r.r A I.VT.RTISMENTI.—In the
Frlttat rothtt Lthfuned 442 AR of our office, and
the ence,ive lUbor , we lotee to perform. we are
unable to intro,i.e toot complete state of duo.
cf adct rti. , .ementi we propose to keep
np in the tour-it of a few week,.
Cot 4t.he Pin...erten —We hod design
'rat nelliin; the littention of our tinders to the
r.dunble otati,ties ot the commerce of our city.
pnlliohed in ye o.ortinfe liweette. but ueglocte‘
to is rri: We, thereto,. reputdish them in to
slay'sigspsr. at a 1114tICr of more than urdiaar
intero:t to our readers. Ching. ns they do, s
tail and -stishlctory a view of the trade of o
city, during the present year.
ECIOLGRA.Nit.,_-For o Inunher of years tlit
American riiiith:nll in Itonic, InuiA nuJnyed thn
vivilege of haying a Protestant place of worship
the senior of vourse rug conducted in the En
glish lanirnap. • The latest ndrice< from Eu
- rope inform ttlMt it has heel. suppressed .
When it c,inidcred duet the United Stale.
have stioNoil an asylum to millions of Catholic
frnui Europe, giving them, not ni/r , ution.:--tlni
ii a word unknown in the United Statinl.—lut
the I,IIIIIT to 55,1511 i). us their conscience dictates
this act Rill sttilie all minds as one of the ino,
outrnriou, on record.
The :111r111:11 Ineeting ot . the 9tOCkhOidera of the
Ohio awl Peonoyleatiin Rita Road l'ompany teat
Leldie+terdey, nt the Conipany' office, in this
city. The tl , Cti. bold by the eitiro of Pittoburgh
on , l by Stark county, Ohio, nod
u litrge atilouW that held by individuals. ten ,
repreoeute. I.
Neville 11. Craig, Esq., noted us chnirnian of
the meeting, unit Ex 1 .. no Seer.,
titry• The Report was read by G..
thibi.t.ron, dr, , the Preoident of the eon,
P"iY, &dot. 'Robert', Esq , the Chief
The I,,,,,dings acre characterised by great
unanimity, and u resolution wee unanimouily
peco.,:et. returning the thanks of the stockholders
tuahe lErgit,re, for their energetic and
=nalroa:tit or the affairs of the company. and
the report we, accepted and ordered to be print
ed, for circtilaiiew
The prospects of this greet improvement, CO
ritally - inpertarit to the interests 'of Pittsburgh,
are'of the most 'encouraging character., and the
work done has cost less than the original esti
The members of the old Bourd of Directors
wcro ell ic-elected. "us follows
W,'NL ROBECSON, - JR., of Penna.
TICE 007EILNOWS 1117113 AGE:
This doeuntsert which we published yertor- ,
day, will - vorniornd itself to the' good Stalse of
the great Majority of the poopto
. of Pennsylva
nia.' i a fiunkrnss and struit-fortrard
.lrtaS abet ita do:trines. and a simplicity, and
Ckarllt'77.-in it ss taCtartnts. of farts.-that we like
Its operiint!, paraltraylto,.expre..ilie of giati
rade to GA. ,nd ,t veneration for the film:-
trioui - Iml.tvill meet a revpona. in the heart
ofe4;t ca ":an.
We ao ileum neete , mry to :Teak uf . all
th'e uprii in the ISIE7S 7 3age :7 but.
there ru- , 7 thine , ; that seem to require
:pedal yultitt
r.,:otaffletiati , al „r of free
State natl other stoeks,
we have :1,4-A et in :mother article.
Tia- at ntlatit . o fo . tt direct groa. t .
EA311a:13,3i hE•1,7,3..11 Philittletplita and Europe E
t-haa" itarpt ttud litt,ral view of the true in
trust, ' Ptatu,ylvtutia. Heretofore the fat ,
or , nue patrucr,o t of thet.ieneral Gorcrument
ler, bolau akElOat etticytEll by Nett"
York, and hat enabled that I.tity to build up it,
cram tording which it td . admiration of the
world. fattkart Collins and California
lines wtaat growly aided by looneyappropriat
ed ht' 1 :ottql -tt. It ia, therefure. nolltintt; but
titter jett.r.te that our Ent•trup.AitEttittity ,thttithl
canoein Col', i,r the patrouago. to aid
her in boiling up ether Ihw_s uuualey atlYan.
riv E ;eolts ntia lionorttlil , to the country. We
_trust the Lati , lattir., will take nod dr
on thiA: quet.tion.
The Coveruor Very briefly calls tht :aton e
lion of the Idttgi-tlettint to the propriety of An
110', Dint,' ortlw Statedu lt•ue morel
, In tie, pre:ent t•ktrnordinat'y scar,ity
of 5111 , ::. there. E,ektia,iu. he a preSoing, fleet,.
Pity 1.3 r diuttrotre of the kind, to enable
the tr,‘o, , ,t the every any l.triiitens
of lice w:thout thu serious line null
liorr elpertellawb
iii, m e EAark 3 1,11 the oubjetrt of a tura are
I f
• itter“,y o A
ta . of allierentte totlto truly
Pttitylt:tuitt doetririet Fu often exprintmed,
-him. • "
cll.; suljest of -the exciting a4uertiorg
al relawarisia 102,1.
the trite' prinei
pie. of our entire structure tuf govern- I
menu. 'that believe they cant - mt. fail
to have is .happy cifeet upon both the ex
cited' parthes in this i'sautriverny. While be
fully reeornizes all the rights which the elan•
holder can justly cl iiiu uuderthe constitution,
he strongly and unequiN madly takes exception
to the anomalous and arbitrary tribunal es
tablished by that law. fur the ifeterniinatioli
, 1 4 su grave a question as the liberty or
slavery of a human being. This,' probably
will hone-forth narrow down this great and
daogerou.s , ceurawersy to this single point;
• and ace fervently hope. trill bring about a
moditsition di- - that ousive feature of this
• law.
Altogether, it is a short; conprehensive,
cud eel-it la tithment. end cannot fail to ear
art o happrthfluence upon the minds of the
Legislature and people of the State.
It will be been that the Governor, in hi
mesiage...ealls the attention of the, Legieln
ture'to the establithment of n t‘ystom of fre
banking. ' . -
This system. well known in son e other
States, whew , it works admirably, is nut gen.
enillynitderstood in Pennsylvania. We shall
rude:icor to explain it.
One or more persons. desirous of embarking
. in the business, buy up soy 'half a milliOn of
'Stale or United States Stocks, which stooks
arc deposited with an -officer designated hi.
..,law - tit thv-acat of the State (incontinent. In
New York this officor is ealletla comptroller,
' and is cbonen be the cotes 'of the whole pot,-
ple. Ther.c form the -security basis.
Tilid dote, and hasitie, the lawful amount of
t - ' gold and :raver on hand with which'to carry
1 on the husine3 ,, , the: "Regitee' .7 7an officer
chtisen for...the purpose., : whose offied is at. the
--seat of government furnishce the bank with
-t,-' r t - h'e ainnunt of bills which it may lawfully put
in circulation, L ingned by himself, and which
.. .1,,
are to. be sigueiLalso by the President and
i; ...,:,;;, c sa bie r of the hank: This ariuMnoing less
'.'.....'.- 'then the amount of the par Willie of the Stocka
i - ^i -: ::. , depcsikA. with the -Coraptroller—theAsaldwit
' cannot letunacend eieli If thefWati diipoi , ed. -
They, are now a lawful corporation; a bank, of
--‘,.. frut:Ount, deposit; and issue, iegulitted and
„platted lAgie usual ruArieti4tut T
and inteatta
wittiThe ordinary privileges of I . :milers.
Weharc shown how a bank. may. be built
up.; we will now Awn- how it may be taken
1 down if need be.
When a bank faiLs to redeem its issues, or
general f.leposits in gold or silver, the
'Tact is 'duly certified by the party agrieved to
the Comptroller, who forthwith issues an in
junction ',seizes the assets, and putathe bank . in
liquidation. The stocks in his hands are con
verted into cash, with which in the first place
the bills are resdeem'•d, nes.t the deposits—the'
remainder is then the property of the banker
_ • .- • .
or hattl,r , in their individual rapacity.
Som., such sy,d4.ln is W.W.I needed in Penn
sylvania-tliore so iinict - xl. than in any other
State. Thi6 would he FIILE RANKIN., regu
lated by law. and would do away. at len4t in
o good degrt.e. with the enoritioil4 .11.101.11 i
PRivrrO 13ANCINO noir t'S.l,iins: AniolnzAt
nothing hot the ...Artie.• anti cu
pidity of one park, and doe c,i' ti„,
otter. Esrey IOWII, in the
ji and v or.,d Le tiny .rdent
.4"privat.. banking. whi,ll uo la, - eau regulate
or eontrol.
It N.,thin4 1.,1; th" total progtra
lion of "r the.,tillt stn
subject the hill liolth•r h.—
r e , to. It throws the budn e .s of
I, :th ki ng all ,slot will comply with the
c ondition a of the
i, putriotie--Create, it trill take cur
State Stout:. out of the ItUtols of forvigner9.
ki.o.pllollg oor tOVII pc.oplo U large
it the ,11:11• of in
cure,t. It keel. thrill not 11 , 1 4 :1101
capital. but u% of illt•tetl , hl
auA io•rlevily N"und .11,11131111 g 11,di0111, OM,
iulusing, hie vii energy must ott tkprtinoit
of bu , ines, awl ilt.‘ elopint: our nul•ound.,l
it will comert our .10A
from ,etl rmis hurillim elommiti.f
union It will emplisiiimilly
li • —mat:M:4 11:1,1tnattorS'
The roll. eviuF ~ u et‘ry etut elnetit et tLe
ty ',ma.., %111 lie mail with r loterc•+t. From
the factiiiiticitial it i+ apparent that grant olvita-
de. lie iu the was 11/1Y communication .+C .+
OIC I.t/IMU. 14.cit4<r In •elletl .or
Te the petqle .1 the fruited Stute., (hl. need
.4 he it tuutte,trgret A ureut nu.'
uttututdextien !rem the MiR415.11,1/1 to the Pa
r., will .eutt he imperrtively required. what•
eer may be dere eu the Istlinuu
struction will be greatly ha-tenet. and its prf
itt vastly entrincel. _!e ul.l it tee the milt' route
by which the Pecitle cup be reached. except by
doubling Cape item or taking the present expen
sive route vin Cling - rev •nd Panama:
. .
Hurst. GruolUrine:at. Stretrra.—Cuptain
ft Smyth. R. N. President. in the chair.
ral Lard Ranstock. the Right lion. Andrew
Rutherford, Lord Advocate, of Scotland, George
Cantor Cunningham. James horny, James Bell,
Robert Nicholas Fowler, E. B. Lawrence. Esurs.,
Captain C. Townsend Wilson. tCoalstream
Guards,) Captain C. H. Codring,ton Forsyth, N.
N.. Captain Frederick Edwin Forbes, R. N., and
Captain .1. W. Ilspimisae. of 11. M. 12th ileo
meat, were elected Fellows.
The tootling of Captain Fit:Ropier papers
on the Isthmus of Central America watt recom
In the first port of this summary of the prin.
ciPal facts affecting a passage across the isthmus,
much stress wa-s laid on three considerations,
Alike influential OYEZ all tenths supposed to he
eligihlewy, the climate, the situation.
(with respect to inter-oceanic courtannication
- -
.0a great (male.) null the indispensable n I
c2ssity for a port at each end of either railway I
. trrarns.-Amongst the valuable acquisitio
or canal. n
After a few redectictth on the tustablity of the ; stria; will be obtained through the agents fur
tool government: on the liability of [ he land ; taking the swveuth ect..sus, will he complete
itself to change, on account of volcanic conral-.I collection o fenvy pee oitpet l„ol,„,anon the
hin(' on the opposition of certain natives; aloft
un the scarcity of labor, each plan far crossing !On wheth e r new",P.Per•tmigntluth othat
Cie isthms wan bristly revicweth each deputy marshal beinginstructed to trans
' The font' principal lines are—the .Slexican, the mit to the census bureau four copias of every
Nicaraous, the Panama, nod the Arrate: besides t publication i.(mett in his district. Amongst the
several other rondos, either branchr of the find
nha which
c thug. line no independent tracks tutus , other !
parts of the great lnuths. ,is a novelty to t, being a irrus ;i t i t
The line not thown to be oz.-cite! far , entitled •• r OrGrtrinoll. 1,1 Gilt-crag
tic ~oeneral
or 'the world. however ' GreyGodarth i yoNer A rvra-1,; published
locally valuable. It , hicfh length. tad sit,2 at Pottsville, Pennsylvania, and it now in its
the wooit of ports are tigniart its tanvent, e the had
ant snppusrl that
genmnd lS
any route taken through the great lake of ea' n'tmeroo . enoweb in any
du. Nicartgua, three (Cd ch.... are thina-mately con • one -.trite ',pert a monthly pernobeal. printed
cerned --that tirot to wnthood. hront Rion, and esclusively its [Le Cambrian language, but we
Nfitsquita The country is very voicann, tunny t, gird to trod that thry a,„ the
lxks. viaduct.. l "
""d . . d g"' o"ia it owing, to the great Amyl:rut nrinit4 'ra
ry for tither e.thal or cilirwo. and thenet get of
yloo talent r that region or i'entray lranir
The ary
of Carlow , tin thia Roe
Stu Jain de tirsnrnn , tires 'tern auch• UNITED STATES If MT.
otage, the only one-ha the Atlantic( is enroll The Philadelphia American has ter...rived from
.Da the ..15',,r°"‘4,1;°,,r" t h e Edward C. Dsle Erg.. Treasurer et the United
mote. :ion Juaa del Sur is •• an exposed wee
States Mint, the annexed statement relathe to
dye cable-lengths across." The l
lake la shallow
near its .shores, end exposed to violent winds. ; the operations of the Mint for the year just
There are rim or seven propositions for connect- ! closed. It will be observed that the receipts of
log the tinmanagebbo river - San Juan With tare gold ha„ b een core „to) is
Pacifie. by any of Leon to I-hoist:ea or ,Conchao •
aggregate--of which Ulnyrtnt California c(oitt
pita to Jan limn delliur, along the Solo,. t(c sal
tiled( $21,541(00. on overage of of
leas, and by Carlos to !Ciento Galt.
The Pulitantaltue is short and a railroad seems ,i , 2,50(1.000 a month The coinage in the came
fa , l , abl e • l•at emal'tp wrd p orts rtilwe • Y isriod amounts to 1.C2F.201;, 171. of which the
is prop, by an Amerienn company, who hare gold coinage was oriver coinage
Mode Vet?' en:lit-ivy terms with New Grenada', a3 404
The Arrato river, and the irthmas between the • ' t ie r. "PB" r " in "g r- 4 7
Gulf of Darien and Copies hot. (on the Pacify. ! 0113,, tot "'AN
lir 4a north latitude, are do.oribed altering Gold Coinage
enconragernent to n ship tonal nil the lurgrat L 170, 2 ,11 double eagles,
:care ; but not to a railway tither routes ore j 21.1.4:.1 eagles,
..uggested . from hay to Jan Miguel ' n04..01 h o lt eag les,
gulf: from San Dino to Chalry aryl from Chili- 252,1 , 22 quarter•eagies,
q ui to Duke gulf. l'referettro arra uivon to l'n- ! 4 , 41,Kr:: gold Dollar.
ua ,n fora ra ilroad lea to lbaritor for a Tonal. ---
Tito peat Mexican •.Derigtie.' tdeocrihed so
fully by flutrthohlt in Ili, of
the most wonderful hydmulic works of min.)!
Hat ill:tilled to alr'iturbottne of what lead been
effected Cy bunion labor oven in Central Marl
co. That enormous exefvotion Is some mites in
length, for three of which it is two lowniml feet.
deeiT;and at the top two hundred foot - in width.
The Scotch cOlutry in Darien, at the end of
'the bevententla century, the ninth itodepeudant
aborigines of the Isthmus. and the Vrttioll4
placcoc from which laborers might be procured.
were also tortched on cursorily to this pupa,.
The dinus,lou anon thio important paper :rov
ing both pahtponrcl forth! nest mas,. the meet
ing was ndjont,te , l to the lath of December .
Royal (leographical Society. Momlay, flee. 9,
at half past eight tiolock (—I LA.01,111011 all
elythill Pitt Ittoys Considerations ou the lath
rintr of Americo." 2.- 't.• African Exploration
under Messrs, ()vervreg arid Barth Mr. A.
The North American discusses the .subject of
the present scarcity of silver, at considerable
length. It argues that it is not occasioned alit.-
gether by the relatively greater supply of gold,
but that there are other causes in operation.—
We subjoin the concluding paragraphs of the ar
• •• Perhaps, to the dispassionate inquitier, there
may acorn to be circumstances at workin - Eareps
and the united States—and circumstances of a
1017 Simple and natural .character—more than
sufficient•to explain all the mysteries of the sil
ver question; and these may be found all cum
pritml in the growth of luxury and the revolu
tionary condition of Europe. Everything has
been for
governmenta. two years, and still is unsettled in Eu
ropean insurrection has fol
lowed insurrection; wars have been waged ;
industry has been checked; the popular mind
has been agitated by perpetual alarm; the her
icon is darkened all around; the anticipation is
of a general convulsion. The state of things ex
ists—and has long existed—in which men hoard
away their money ugainst the day of need; and
silver is the coin most convenient for the mass to
hoard, and the only coin which the poor cm
hoard. A hundred millions of silver' would be
but a snail sum distributed among the immense
population of this continent. The drain has been
from England tu thecontinent ; and yet tho
Bank of . England Mit lust less thou six and a
halftnillions.ot_tiollars 4111C13 the French revolu
tion of Felartiary, !bold. Luxury hod been, be
fore that, at work lemenning the stock of diver,
changing it from coin into now forms, in which
the advance of civilisation has enabled the mul
titude, even of the poor and frugal, to poste. it.
There has ; been, commercially speaking, nu in
crease in the consumption of silver; to which
-wn may undoubtedly attribute some appreciation
in . its . Taus. And- this appreciation may be
deemed a permanent one so lar as itgoes ; though
it canted by'an,y, means be Considered a large
one; er in any degree comparable with tempora
ry 'aitkeciatlon ceased by hoarding.
Nancy - 4'ow theilrists have condescended to
con..sider i the effects -which neveml of the modern
arte, the resells of resent scientific discovery,
.haie lad inincreasing the eousiimption ether,
- 'and therebyivithdrawing it from circulation as
currency. One would almost entitle at: the.first
suggestion of the Daguerreotoe art hexing any
tuck effect 'Yet,vre are told that 'there are no
lets than ten thousand Dagureotypists an
EiniteaFitates alone; and if we compute tbezebto
Produce each but one picture a day, and suppose
an average of only ten cents worth of silver on
each plate, the annual waste of the precious met
al from this source elope, would be upwards of
three hundred thousand dollars ; and we may
imagine that the waste in other parts of the
world is at least five or six-times as 'pea t ; mak
ing an animal loss from this source of about two
millions of dollars. And to this the product of
the Electrotype art, by whichpkted--ware, in all
varieties of form—domestic utensils, and every
object of use and ornament—is produced so cheap
an to make its way to every corner and hovel;
and we have another source of consumption ad
-equate to account for an additional waste of sil
ver to the amount of perhaps four or five millions
a year. These causes, as we have said, are per
ones. They will always be in operation.
But, in course of time, so for as this is an evil,
it will be neutralized by the greater consump
tion of gold in analogous ways; and the loss of
the two metals will thus be equalized.
lu the meanwhile, the great difficulty arise.,
in all probability, us we have stated, from the
evil of hoanling 'liver rein in troubled,Europe
and the remedy will he found when the rulers of
that division of the globe shall consent. or he
compelled. to gist. their subjects peace and the
conscious sense of secaint)
Vie noel not add, that the rudioul cause of the
silver vicarvity iu the United :Aunt's is to i.e trio
ea to our unnatural revenue system, by 'which
we aro rendered the tributaries of all Europe.
It trinket; our trade a losing tine. We must pay
our halances in the previous metals; nod our
oustomer, choose to be paid in silver. instead of
gold, bet:nose circontstancos give them, iu the
former, an advantage in the shape of an addi
tional profit, which, it appears, they estimate at
3 percent. We have pointed to the cure of their
difficulties. The remedy for ours is in the Montt
of Congrims '
Tun. 11 ./141.a --1111 , 1 elePilallt Ural
!pit ilea daily W lag paper makes its appearance
on our tame it a new ar, u clean and nice
tra the beautiful Lake City We liape to !dull..
hnndo with brother Warria *hen our Rail Road
is finished next talLtua . r, raid rare glad to have tho
opportunity of ritte,ratulating him on the pro , .
Merits and Lantutifut appearatire of the herald
Most, Llortd.cooto, —\lr Rufus Ureene. hoe
Seel etary of the !Irmo u'a 1115111101UU l : 01[1plalty
of Nlobilu was reetrotly arrested on a charge of
entlunaling the fuutis of that in , titution to the
autnuut of moil thou half it, capital. The at
teir a grout ttenration iu that city. File.
ti reins hsvutu butte n high character inertly
relatiou of lilt
Jenny Lind is certainly a firwt rate woman. and
the first of .ingwe, but really some of one fel
low, are waking fools of themselves Here Is a
story ..f some dozen or two in Charleston, kiss
ing. with infinite gusto. a little statuette of Cu
pid, which they Gthevoi she Lod kisseif, but they
'Fere crti9takri..
The Philadelphia ko with', laments the Increase
of intemperance in that city, and stales that the
quantity of I;randy annually consumed there
since 184t1, lo treble the quantity consumed be
fore that year From a table of the quantity
and the cost of distilled spirits imported into
the district of ;Philadelphia daring the years
1844, ps4s. 1816. 1847, 1849, 18.49, and the
two first quarters of 109. it appears that the
aggregate quantity of the first ittP4 oe , ltiel quar
ters of 1869 exceeds the aggregate quantity of
the entire years 1844, 1845, 1848 Of brandy
alone there teas imported into that district, in
the first half of 18,30, no less than 438.884 pi
' Ions; while the importation of the same article,
for the entire year of 1847. was but 10-1.314
gallons_ These statistics hare been iu a mea
sure affected by other causes, but the great tea
' son for their augmentation is dV0:10.1 the
creased demand for spirituous liquors. It is a
melancholy fact. and calls for renewed exertions
from all the friends of temperance.
.2,261.097 puce,
Stlver Coinage
7.50 u
227.0(M) halt dullar•,
19U,800 dollAr
1,921.LUt di
95!;.11ti0 half dim,
b72,n7 . .1 pee ,
8 . ...812 half CPR,.
9.6 , 35.:53:, 0,0,
DErwal r. roll TII r r.
ISs4—Totial gold depo.litt-,
uY whleik from Colifurroft,
I ther flources, 1,050,000
IMU—total ether dcpo,,ltte
The Deposite4 for the month of
December, from California. are
At a meenugof thu stockholdarsof this Company,
held at Ravenna, on Wednesday NV, Jan let, the
following named go Unman were epeeled Director.
of the Company fnr the Current yet +,
Cleveland—Ellery Zalmim Fitch
Henry V Clark
Hodeon—Henry N Day, /as Bier
aaveuna—Cyruii Premiss, John King.
selmevdk—Linea Fame,
N'ellsvOle—Jotto S Mclntosh, la* Stewart, Don
can McDonald:
Pittsburgh—Charles Knapp, Jr.
At a mecumg of the Board 01 Directors, held cattle
evening of the same day, the following genttemen
were unanimously elebted•
Preen:lent—Cyrus Prentes
semetary—Samoel Yonambe
General rroteurer—Wm. Wadsworth
Local Treasurer, Cleveland—William B. Sian
Local Treasurer, Wellsville—John S. Mclntosh
Collector—Enoch Johnson.
Conductor—L W. Curtis, of Cleveland.
From a statement made by tee Directors to the
Stockholders. we learn that Me strains et the Camp,
ny are in a prosperous and healthy condition—that
all pornb!is exertion to being ma' to complete
the come work at an early day, and many other
matters of Interest preeented.
The Stockholders have the best assurance frt,m
wWt has pawed, that the Board of Directors have the
best interests of the Company at team. No Compa
ay tan b.a4t of a more energetic, fauhful sot of can
cers Man the mesent Incumbents. And tram the
management than far, and in prospect, and the ad
maws for bailie. this Road Ws, in the region tit
country through which it passe., we think we are
ante to saying that it will become one of the most
profitable in the United Stairs —liinirxinig Whig.
ChSAGSICKI is a.m.' in the entupri•e of an Atlan
tic Steam fiavigstiort Company. The Conner of
Thursday says:
The come amount of private auhreviptions to this
company one hundred and twenty-five thousand dol.
lam, was taken up yesterday forenoon, in a vary
short time alter the books were opened• -- By the Act
o(tncorptration, a like amount of 125,000 will be
loaned to line conpaoy by the State, sad they have
authority to extend their eaphsloneasillicei ot dollars.
It is estimated that the embscrlptioa, made yesterday,
will build the Brat ship end Mat ahn maybe pat 10011
by Melee of hay next. ' Onoi subset Woe only went
to the highest ammut limited , by the law (1112,0001
the rest war for smaller sums many beim for a sto
gie dam. $lOOO.
fluarcx, Jax. 8--4 o'clock.
[Note.—This despatch has been delayed in
consequedre of Wro breaks. , sixty miles spirt, in
the N.. S. line, which were reptdreil with com
mendablepromptxteas. The Niagam, for Boston,
exiled at a quarter past 3 o'clock, with the wind
from the South. Among her passengers from
Halifax are F. A. Runt and lady.]
The Queen's address to the Corporation of
London, and the Colleges of Oxford and Cato
bridge, is not considered satisfactory by the ul
traists, who are also displeased because Parla
ment is not to meet till the 9th of Februrny.—
The Papal excitement is wenringout from sheer
exhaustion, to be renewed when Yarliment meets,
which is on the 4th of Febuary next. At Cory
don, where a grand protestant demonstration
was witnessed, the proceedings were relieved by
dramatic epieudt. to which the Pope sad Car
dinaLa, Monica caul Silt., or Mercy figured in
eclesinstical trappings, and also Pie Nino and
Doctor Wicentrin were homed In effigy, amidst
blaze which lighted the country for two mitre •
Vrt'dent Fillniure's Sir.-rage to Congress at
tracted thou teem thr-pre,a.
Nearly every paper of mite printed the
meat entire.
'rhe Landoll awl belly Newa,
whilst they profess to whoile the ota-derly style
of the loc.,titiae, awl the clear =tnteemmnliko man
ner to welch the Preai•leot grappler with all the
leading kinections of the day. cavil at his tariff
policy, Ili being airaitist their notions of fYee
Irluir The lentil and Post, on the contrary.
commend the policy or tile Presideot ou the
Mr. Ulric,
After ',Mir further debate by .11e,11,1. Helton
and the bill woo referred to the Commit
tee on the Judiciary.
After n short executive session, the Senate
Ilorsr—Nlr. Chandler asked, but did nut ob
tain leave, to introduce n resolution instructing
the Committee tut Commerce to inquire into the
expediency cf reducing the valuation of the Cid
test States silver coins, by slituinishing their
weigql. or tillnying them, or bolls. to prevent!
their ei - pol raft..
The House thenconsidered the New !limp-
It is svportml. on good authority, tint the ,hire election care
Chancellor of the Exclieflict nib prolgsseu cou•
The ametnlment being lino of !ilr. Tuck, de-
Sideratilo reduetion to the coffee dulls--
The that the seat Made rarntilt by the resit,
The American Chamber of Commers.r iu Liv
erpool. composes! principally of British alter- nation of Mr Wii2-01 of Sew
daunts dome Mesita., with llltiited States, gate i longs to Jared Perkins. Whig,. and not to Mr
a sumptuous banquet at the Adelphi noteliti Mr Morrison, the nit member.
AbbutLawrruoa. nod the etamplepromptly Messrs Disney, Ilulibritd, stud MeLane. all
fonewessf Lr M a! , e 1,,,,
Mr Lanietice :mole what art letnied eloquent `"`"" d (14 'dd. , n( Morri 9l lllss and
nod feeling episodes. Duet and Vandyke Most o t the contestant.
The rctorii, of tile Losnl et Trade will enable • Mr a s p eec h
the Chain-eller to tunic ninny More alai other re- its t „,. ne et . me.
doetiolm• iu the pr estill tatilT
n ct " l ' l
UK, gave trayton motion for tin ail-
eaten:di syst.,to of mli-ttnent gii weight
to Ins sa lisiit jinit the DO, or IVellingtou jourunient
leconlineinlea at Inblitiou of titiy thousintid men'
to the English usy
Aecolint• from Austela soy tint Smith trlitien
Ltd Annie an litteini.l 10 e-Cape to
Anothel been booed by the
hoodoo democratic by 1.e1.1111
Mid AI
anti I• to tic Itnha,u,
li.h. tb•lllinn, and Abet continental commit.
ILurldu)Denembet lath •
A statement tondo to the Preattlent of the A.
etubly, by the l're-ident of the Republic, at
banquet given by We former, on Wednesday,
coated ione le:oath. Lout. Napoleon hinted
that if diautrion should occur between the Gov
ernment and the Assembly, the latter should bo
responsitue tut all tilt that might consequently
hotel the country. --
A change in the Ministry of Niarins is post
Louis !Napoleon, it is said, is involved in debt
to the amount of near two million of francs.—
His application to the Assembly for relief will,
it Is said, be obstinately, but unsuccessfully
The 'first bstalion foot Chasseurs are about
remrning to France from Rome. At the latter
place thereto nothing but religious ceremonies
going on.
The Emperor of Austria, it is raid, has is
sued o proclamation toile army. thanking them
for their warlike preparations, and asauring
thorn that their lien - ices will not nuw be rts , •
A partial disarmament of the late Prussian
and Ausnian levies ha'ring been etiegtedt and
the Beilintta haring acquiesced in the peace
policy of Boron iannheaell. .411 Europe *eel:at
to take it fur granted that peace will be pre
The Free Conferences &relo commence on the
23d root., at Dresden, sad men of mit experl
rience and distinction hove been aelected to ray-
resent the serious German States at this impure
taut Assembly.
The sudden frietakhip omen, to. at Olmuts, by
M. 'Manteutiel and Prince Swartsenburg, repre
slatipg Prtt...lia and Austria, Las, however. Weak
ened Suapicion among leater °ern= Ni:ek
some of whom are reeking energetic eforts to
fJrm a league of their own.
Berlin news to the 16th, and Vierdasi to the
14th. is received. The dismissal of the Land
weLr hat been oecomplialted quietly, except one
or too of the Po..en province" of Prussia.
:Niartthol Eattetthy thvt been perculttetito leave
Victim> by s very kind letter from the Emperor.
and. will immediately r..turn to Lombardy.
The Stator of Central Germany are disarming,
.i t y o n g i, in 11 e .," ttlere lappets, to lee
come jelll.olrie I still rulr i 1106 bet tv eeu the Pros.
Rion and federal teal...
The tr . .) of the tuerllbeix , 01 the Lil•enl Sort.
eta, eelhd the United ItOmn-, le o teen concht
the Er- of "kold \le•.r r"rk
:ne y fire o the r . t o th L ,ry- and thl AN) liews No. I Lord at
the re-4 to trrehtv ye.r,:,!loprk.ootnent. Sihe IS.OOli hulk at
The hAti fur thy redetuptant MUM) d 'OO i t 1 1 -
1 . (el no ( . 14 4 lOU • et . . 0
mach nought after. ; Sales 'Utkr now name at Itie I , lb.
The American Preteatant Chapel at Rome tee
been Cloud by order of the thaveramant Thin
want of toleration hos cattleil Much irritation at
SPAIN.' --- • ,
1 Flour—Thy mut ket in dull and heave, with
In Spain, Norrnet. otter a per , onnl liner,' I
with the title..., alto adrouteti lent publicly at I ."le" at 1 !!! '• 74 '. 3 . 7 ' . ' - f - ' ' 44 • .
the theatre, h a . toa d,• h i . pelt,. and is eh, !, Whithey- -Saler et 'Olt., 'dile
mere re-i"aied ii P"oee• The Spanish far ! Idroceri,—Sale• or Illy Coffee at I I'k, lit - t ? •
li ~,., .0. lorip‘i.r. h.. rote , the war in ' .!Lt^l ' . tb—a inobtrie• •I dlit.• . ...he pt pall, and ~fatior
to, and to prep,re I. an 1.1%,i01; it, the ;
of ti(a ‘ ,. i . 0 It,
Tt'lti,El I diureed till I. held tmtd) at til !id rill
From TIIII,V, al+ ,tAteil that the provinee of Pried Fruit— Apple. are brisk a t 7., e , ~,,,t
Aleppo i, perfectly tritughil The rebel• in Ith.,- I yeache. at *1....1.S 7c,! lot
nla hare been defeat..' in all point. ; {Cups—The market i... doll, with no sale- te
The cholera w 7,.. rwitag letartglly at Sierra oh 1 ~,t , ,,, t „ ~,I , ‘ „ , 16„y 1.1 the bo
.„, 1,„,, stht ,
tie llth Sept pra ritttiog The ett.rale to day. are r.
IN pIA AS!, ell-IN.I
• that, ,ole.thele to the dellulthl ~..., . nir ptlll'ilte.P,
. The !keno I},M. India 'l* OA important 111 ... ha,.. I . n. ,:, , ,, ~, twrt , t,,,, ~ ,,a t t. ., ,, 0 ~ ,t.. .
1 trau'm'atrau'm'a •
I The hew., frun thou., about the re t o db,,,, u.The wet' .- -tot :Its
the tb, tt ri, i• q uite at tarialice with, 'Wept 0 ,-
uoittal It Tr, ~.ill that the rebel.- hood hero ' .
1 I,troye.l, ot tiliiier• ,, l W.. 111.• now told 1117,1 I
the Onrernment tow. t.. hoe he.. 0n.... th ,,,,. ,1,.. ,
tented! awl one or two lifiltbnill. kliled. I l',.ftinti—Snli,., lid+ fe,ehoun. at reatelda)'e
IA .Ipplorlitar Ve,1111,11., Li, tolthu place eft rote•• calm' of the Baltic, good !mid-
Ala... 110 the rst.l,4•l.4ary of the Cozy., t ..,f dit n , h, b e en w ilin g at 11(0 tic
the Iduren of the Pultu t tuvye frig life.. ~,..„,
t, i, —,,,,, , with
~, . 3 ,
Dunitn Sla, 1ti.,1 the ',hot -elute at 1a.,11 '''
The I w
:,,,,,„,,, ~,„1 „t! O w af,„,, ex„,,,,,,„ were
Mobt.....—Saly. ut prune nt :iiib, :Ai - to
et, beht.l. end. it i. ....l, tint home tithe., of ! gallon
the 1 H. •,hip Alatioh, all it whom were t.. lAbithei thite• nee itetely et :hip., ti, I-1
hare hoed yhdyead the frigate • doll,.
Aland half paYt two the litilltot Millio blew op
. 1 coffee _i t t„ 4, 4 i.,,,, ~.,, to!,. 1 tt,
and the Why., end men and all un board per ;
ished, with the tercet...cif hoe officer and fillet. !
men-who were picked out of rile water by the
loath, from the Math., which vein may be
prearaued to be tmittjurtal.
i• - 23.41115::20
2914.610 00
a2;:.4&S 01.1
L.)O 04.1
113 ZAK, )
4o ,11.1
I. I 0.1
4 - ; -:u
Paper !rum twa , is mato neva been invented end
nude s& Berne, so d,flieuh, it not , m pj..ibt, to to
counterfeited, nal it Will super - utile rill other lebrice
for bank nowt, stamp', Ito, •
The French have became skill ul au inareaeibutiat
I,ogltsbmcn are tu no groat request. The English
wgven at St Plerre, Callas, c IL W yogi hrck,uru
ad wager, but at prc•ont . It is dialcult evert
totted employ.
Yrom tb. iraddastum Report.:.
•.Itow my boat
'Tis fragile, 'lli frail;
Bow my boat gently,
boatman, oh bail!
Hear thou 111,9-511M1110Iµ,
Aye, list to•my call !
BriFlat is the water.
•. et dark 'heath ire pall.
Thy alight fairy oar
Dip light In the wars,
'Neath its white foamy crest
There'a many a grave;
Thy clight fairy oar
Dip light in the , stream,
'Nandi Its blue billows
Lurk dangers unseen.
Watch my boat closely,
The breakers aro near;
Ton moss covered rock
Bodes danger and fear;
That email distant speck
May cloud the sky o'er,
And bear in its bosom
• The tempest's wild roar.
Bear lightly my barb
On this boistereue sea,
While-fancy paints brightly
And hop dances free;
The clear crystrd ware
Shall mirror my 'star,
And woo with its beauty
. Its image afar.
Waft gently my bark
War Urea nanny sea;
Faith is ray helmsman,
Lore a pilot for Mo;
my bright star,
'.llhl dangers and strife,
To guide main Slaty
ilYte the emus of life.
WAsinNoros, Jan. 9, 1851
Szsara—The bill providing for the free navi
gation of the St. Lawrence river, was taken up
and made the special order of the day for Tne,
day, the 48th instant.
Jeffersoa Davis presented a petition for amend
ing the patent lam.
The joint resolution for relinquishing to the
State of Maryland two canon captured by Gen.
Riley's brigade at Contreras, In Mexico, was in
troduced and passed.
The bill changing the places of holding the
United States Courts in Vermont, was taken up
and, passed.
The California private land claim bill wa^ then
taken up.
Mr. Benton resumed his np.ech in reply to
The fuiptire slave. Henry I_,wlkr. lett New Yuri,
thi3 nnerwoow. iu charge of • hi, owner.. fur
hwww: _
1,101,01 .1 11.1., Jan
A Joint rtoolution pitoo,l both brow:hes of the
1.00,114110 v t o go tutu the I. 4.0 U S Semi-
The llonae, to day, made r_.2 diflerent
Owl for U. S. Senator. without coming to a
S•Le eaueur Lae not nominated any one yet
119C1]%ATI• Jan. 9.
Irwin S Jones pork house, un Deer Creek,
was destroyed by fire last night_ About GOO bbls
lard were burned. There was no bulk meat in
the house, and the barrelled pork was mostly
TLS loss in Mock Is estimated at $15,000. The
lauildlng, 'alai.' at $lO,OOO was fully insured.
MI!! fs=ll]
Buaiooys is generally doll sa day. wail:no-little
Floor and Grain—Sales of flour st $4,6= and
oreorri at Cla ba.
Prorttlona are firmer, with sales of mess pork
of Sla, and of prime aL51.,95 it hbl. Sales of
home ih .alt at Sic. and of shoulder. at Go - ell.
Sake of Lard at $o
Bret Cattle—Loci I:Wu bead at $.5,754;i , 57
tlega.—Sales at .s3.rylNFz•Sb.76 ' 7 ( 4 cwt.
Sheop--Salra at $1.25t1i51.60 Levi
IL.Lrixonz, Jan. 9.
groltriet - , 4lte following 'ales transpired at
auction to-day 26 kinds S. U. Sugar, now crop,
at $6,60r357 't) ort--164 bar , Rio Coffee, dam
aged at loic--213 Wit new orop Cardenas mulas
tit. nt 24(ii'24i —l3 tierce. 1.10 Mt and
hhiki do at :Ai!.
Flour--4talcu "2..01.N1 !toward Street,
sl,r , 6}. 2t which price the market closed 6L112. -
with an activti For t'ity Mill, 34,56®
hair been refmmit.
Grain -....Vhite Coro i ut fio(ptile. 'ma
yellow at - iiiticCitt h u
title, (NT, st 4:2(a -et.,
Ntw Jan
Desirable Suburban Residence for Sale.
To. aniocriler odere fie We the and grounds
ware be now moles, situated on Park stage aloe - Tam
moat In Allegheny. and .b of 15 tonnage walk from the
marks& of this city. Tive lot Is 110 feet trout on Pula et..
running back 21 11 ellrys—containing nearly one
acre aground. and is temmiel un dd. by loge own
lOU. 040111 M with treat and obrubbery. The home le on, lame od
101 l arranged, having
as front of 10 rot. and • depth of 12, and co ntaloo fourteen
name bales hall. mime feet whir. It to built in the best
end moat durable manner, Oil as a Or:ova rad. awl
anatains all the modem o.l..lettee. Two pumps, with
an unfailing apply of had and eoft eater, ore tot the door.
04 the premien ore the anneeary out buildirso. stable,
Orlilr• house. to. Th. grounds no. laid out magi as a
lawn. covered With choice gnit too. 00000 000, Goering
shrub, muyante ymeterrries, raspberrire, to., sal • atoll
garden. The fruit Is afar* best land. mud the too are in
d e ny p r inmxtrol yield gunner for the emits ado ordlory
wetly The gtuatiat of this pregolt. otv OlOmill oral
suburban =aorta. combined with contignity to the city,
l e n ot ant-passed by any residence In this vicinity. It has
a age oeth. Ohio River Mr over a mile, of ToMperence
' 11110. totitixitittsborgic. the city, the two riven. and the
bille .round. forming altaroilter o panorando ,propeet of
w hi c h the eye over *mole. M . 0., lag which enters or
departs frau the pot of Pitt.burell on 01.01110. Poo* in
full go. The widener and ground. are aim completell
eacne e & l from any onoyonce 01 dug, so dotructrre of
comfort oat ragetation. and agora • retirement an quiet
o ud peaceful o If looted ammo quirt nook Ingo country.
The property will be to il at &bargain, and poseteg given
o n the ('sl of Apyil. nquire at the layette oftlee. m
to 2. WHITE.
tastroostz! omptorns of the mono of
mama in children avoid be carefulWL weaved by goads,
and ev 00000 as there is moon to aspect their exigency,
every means should bp cieedcvo .01.1 term Pronath ond
thenon ody. The provricroof (Ilene. Worm ertmihtte
are cerondent that they oder the hot mean. of ocemotPlish
log this result Oa Os war ton abmitted to the nubile
and they invite to it the ottention of till who have the mom
moment of chlldrop. The medicine , LI o rye end Phoont
one, and nova. wile to produce ter &gad eat,
Sir For eel. by a. KIDD A CX).. - lao. ng Wood et.
yawed& ell
European Agency.
Thu rubigrilicr intetals strithig the principal cities 'of
Great Beluga Amen arid thurinuar, during lbw mud. of
gosh )14, and Jam mgt, braving Pittsburgb on March
. 1 11 be plearld f annul w an, sy,leirs of a ha•
which may b. routhisil to bit are.
PararltsorlY 4011 N D. DAVIS.
Foreign :and American Hardware.
No. 129 Wood Street,
A fall sad avapleto otook or FOREIGN AND AMERICO"
w u n g mac, and which that art proved
babe b VnaLaKn at Md.% that Will camprro
with say.: the oattetwellioa.
100TASIL-6 emb Potash, just received,
JL sot to ode in 09 ittaMir
gintAitTrittrtm OBE
31. 61n—filn I - 4.11141y comply with your Moot
that I would glee fad NI amount orgWOhi.. 4 taf•OOlotot
cure of my little daughter's eye hythe use of your "Petro.
, . . .
Shp. woo started with a very selw eft , .' or
,lateh lot, when I Immediately applied to the best saw%
Fat aid in the 'city. by whom It was pmemstwedw ''reerylial
1.) . 1.,' . and all gave me we hope of doing Jaw any good._AS
ler which I took hertan the country to an old Judy, who
ad twee very succesiful In cluing Vyee, She told me that
or mse woo hayed., as she would [certainly loosen only
bat mac, but aim that the other would follow—ft *us a
olouinliection of tbe bloat dud Ida rertlfy, that et
t s time =Father (I. B. Vashon) mint to the' noisilowlon
that wo bed better try your Petrolinim. she sews entirety
thee of one eye. - It la now about_ two maths nice she
began Ito tow, and the ma now am with both eyes es mud
n. coos eho did: sod. se Ihr as I' can tell, I beikve stia tot
with the bletatz,g of the Almighty, been eared by Petrole-
Your., respectfully,
M. FOnem Tam= Cocoa
Pituluiegh, Sept al, le; L
NleDavpll, 140 Wrlnl gv. , 0. F..
144/01, ta'lVeixl.t... U. 11. Corry. 11. A. Elliott. Jp.i.pla
11. F' Selwarlx. AlleKh , . nr Liu P. 01.-
thr, S. M. KIER, '
unx7.,11 nr.S . Clual IltlALurgh.
. _
Fire, and Marine Insurance Com p any.
premlutu.,l,/tltel autl Sur,.lux Fund
1 3 ,11.1 ICIEt , ISSUED OA TIIC .1113:.2 FAVOOABLE
11E4/11UE AI:NOLD, AcctN. :4 fourth etrwt, Pat.lateil
Citizen's Ifsurunce Company of Pittsburgh.
A in. , . N. at W.., ttww.a..l..nua , .41. II
u unNl
1,, A. Hum.. Preoldout : . A. W. MENA, od
tiso . y. T
Thl. Coutioto t• uost onontrod I , noose all suereintio.
It. otore. an.llit 'rowan,. r0..a1, hr..
An •IlApir I. tiumily lot the ability and integrity of tb.
Itimltont , n. I. allorded in tho . !moot, tlf the forector,
alto oro all estitent....l Entol.orgb, and farorahl ,
knot,: to the command r Er tholr prod..,•
ina: aa,ants ;,
lorn-04i., ...ii. iiii-,-, arm. miaith a P, Wm. Lurks),
is . W alt., I,ottf." Ihnth it tarn Edward HosEeltuu.
John II•eort t. I. liarbaugh. h it. RI, ai,o11(
i RE YOr A TATlllill, laboring Ibr the
.IL toka.vt.of a Molly, and sonoring (nun gonoral de.
tont f atoi 1 0 q , lrlto. ...o that We allinot 1 , ...,44 A Ltm letA
t.i.- Al.. E. I) lloare'a Masker r , r , an•EllE , !
'on A 1.114, ,nden. trona ilno,ort. to .bleb to not,. as. E... erallt ~ I bl.l. 11.. I), , 11. Hoar., :ua,
-,-,...11.1- , 11. will rel Tamar t.tir, rot,
leh at tnt titoon, or on oto. ot no noon, mod rtot a
loonohlot. us stn.. trio Ir FLU • .II ond that Ho! Ohator for
• ...patina.4toOre.l in In. r b Hove. hao noon tho
I n. too. ..1 1A.1,1.11,10. rlltillg M.A. liwevia, 1.. • 104 the
I tounan floor!, aro rontinoolls -ulArrt. than !nn! other
posTi.. nt
t Int. nu...W-1w ta• t0ta1...1..11E bit-h rolaaatE, Ity It.
1 Unilmr , .- And well alloottsl ron...
Is t• uot no in okinrt loAti.-. nod i: Lb, 001. ',.., "Vanilla
that al• ... the Mrs r Kanto, anTl 111..4 at tb.
Alm , .
1t..t.. , =0 r 1i ,i r , rAr,: ,.. 1L , V,t1,, too, Ealstatao to., oto
E ., . uso an.l room fTr Ur . 1 Ls 1110 W I.'S SAIAKER
;.!A G. , .AEA It I LA vol
100 l tolor le. other
Poe. 1:1 1., tuttl—, bottlo to it'd
For .31,1,
MI a II HOWL Tt l's.i. Ernintotoro.
I Collage Hall, Cloclunati, t ltdo
I . T. abut all uoloro rose lo taldroreod
Al.. tor oak. to J. A Juno, J..iehoonntalter A Cu, W
Ffilark. It Vi Nleana. J M. Tontoon.l. J. Mohler, W. Jaoto
ton, I..nrlonott. I. A Elliott. AllegEany ,111 . . W. It NI..
El..lland.haurhootor P Crooke, ErownovllL Jan. Vaull
. 1 Co. Whoolstor. J. It, Pattoroto and E It. T hurgau. ,l.
! Clan...llls What, a hou.a.l.l•AL. or:1, J....FT
MARRIED, ou Tuoielay evening. the ith uremia. at the
Alleitheur Arsenal, br the Rev. Theodore B. Liman. Rev
pa of Taluity Church. Ouvra Datum of Philadelphia,
lard 41Z/LitrtU Dun. ualy daughter of Captain Llardhau.
L..9.l.lnlastere Carpi. •
MARRIED, Oa the Till lan. by the Iter. Cbarlite C..lsta,
Mr Wu. IL Max.., ands city. to Rip* ANN E Ana., at
braiLhvki. MA RI
DIM wi Mundy,' Marulkw, at 5 co"ekr..k. Bvvrext. , Pete
Sal O. In Lb, alb at his age.
Tht• funersl .111 lea" the mildews of Witten: Mill Palm
.. Allegheny city, no FritlAy the 10th loot{ at 2 o'riort.
I' M. The frirod• a the homily are mr.elutir kh•itrd to
War twoog wilt Br batau. /1411114ib &reef,
. trio:dna. Janusz, 1.1111. at 7 op ir limetwwl
sivelwizniv le ',wrested. Si Lt124901A will be
tor DAV W. BELL,'
A 10.13 Secretary
11 4 1 0 i t BENT —A Dwelling Rouse, with we
mrft,V=l'frltrit,'Figja 7
Air, A ET0111: ria Market Wort. littsinaihi • 1 4 44•
Irehou4e en Third ureet, not sercrid Rooms la Etat
tllPa E. b. 1.1172A:k1,
iikr 164 Shroud st.
lllamakte, Poch sal Tdibut4r con wek.
►INO LET—The Throe Stori. Dwelling
• Ilnuse. ltl AV the tteesh at present reetat , lett Lirsts,ton. and anted: 4/1g two zarluentntne.
dt.singrce44 and 14,44. oat the test Postesentaa
pit en ett the 1/.1 of ApriL Inquire of J i It. IVLOICD.
talft Rotuma 4:harsh.
'PO LET---thic Two Story Brick Ilouse,a
c,auadue 4 twine, cm Centre Amenne,
bent Ivy. bunvlzs of
FOR SALE--oue hundred white and green
tu.nk to luta' tau Tenaprra . nor Cartlitouri;
th, oreat Vim rittalnugh' Mut Sick ecurpluV
11 do.. Oulle; .16 of Harris' 4/11 reltbon of Pittabluvh
n conic"; Sef cum ofLnat cold \ert War, and Bellow.
Fur on'. man; rynant.ty. to .. lawaril . 4
lahhitur oltd
you SALE-7 basesTof Medicines, vizi . —
me Balm of Lufc, Dr. tiritaia lionlyne Cunha]. Dr.
1. 7 Z
Fuller and A.,:nt Iterb Kb ti ,
Dr. wad'. I. la to Cona/on
o lc, new., .5001 Liars . lhoplihot lard•• Cure
eunr. tur rah. cheap obolocalc end moil 11
•L' l l.t OSA LE—A small re_tail supply of
iftLau: rasrre Paten adal qua , '
r bonds- Sand . . Lend and gate Punclia; Intrasaba
Uteri ink, 0 =all ardn4 of dhoanfin , „oo ,I l L lll h
Kite,sa I.ln;vranto Chart a Nat h.
onal ao4lo , coc occurh
Itepubla: a Mall CC QM' Ilntrnw 112111 of Mr 00c.a . 14: tat
'a cfO.ITX ta, F 200 ISAAC 11111115
1:11' llA3l&—Evtini; 3: Swift's Cincinnati
1.11 etwiii Cuaa Arm
a.. r c.uv.,l, t•,.r p 1... hi
An. Wll A. ‘l.-1 I.t 1??1 I CO, '2:4 Ltiwrtf .
iI • -
C. F LAIllt—IN-ini , t'inciiiiiati Leaf Lard
g 4 i. up Oa 1 - ....." ho Emil. tr..... lint rt....A for mil 1.,
It U. A th-t.'1.1 1,.1 A Co.
itit_itilt FAI:3I LIV 73 ACIIES--FIVE
_ n.. 1. • fir,u our two rat,. two and m halt call+, frond
li. Ail. chttil river. askl two mll , loan w»p.m know.- t.n
a, t...... hat. It h.. :at ~,,,-; elewr...l: an M. 0.. or , lillra at
.. ir0., , .. a.-n... •,t lid; a varaelt. and roal lad au
hi 11.1 h..ive ha. a douttle porch In trout-awl 3 ,11a.r an.
.r It It will 1.... ..14 ohnst , ..altut on halt Ow. purelas.,
k.•.(...; .. ta m paia. po.atr..i.av will touirwn, and thor au
1.... 1.11. int... I.l,ww,callal. ISAAC IIAI:11,11i .
1 , 14 - 2=lll aatt 'nal li t artice taw, Gth O.
St}..Farin.• wakl or rtuiled. Aral 511 karat. of Air•tuilhi at ,
h tiara Is h:t Eloolartto eba.-6-",. ilauaurn
January e. li.R. S E.AL--A felvj shares Cliff Mine
g ...t....k: ai.o. North AlnetiClll ant , rn Ita.i.trancy
1.1 LAIRD klli
MILE MARBLE WORKS. kektal.liNhell
1 , .::, MINIUM) IT7LItINS. Su 1.,' Litert7
• %.i.l ..t Rok, , barch. Mt.uttaavut. , . Nadal
kr Nlant..l evutre aW
l''.r alrafx oh ham!. no( ntako 10 nob,
It A clluier ...I , vtl..nur Urariuq nu 6u.1 jklo
ELLERS' LIVER PILLS ,11.4 . 1,141.1 ull
I s
Va Sept Mr R
beal,ut. p..pular lo all ltsli
a.. mt. mu. oupurtetli. all tkh.,
t..... 1.4411114111 . 1 . 111
ft 5.11.1% nretho ,
Into auk r.uutta. IJtrr Pill..l4.l‘aal 1.
Druvul , ”
v1V.11111• • in
EW • 11(X 1 K S.-11,11164V'; 111 ‘ .:W Work.
7..] n Y 11,4.1 deorripti,n 1.1 lb.
I~u• 11.. No V.,,141,1rvf
I 141 tno
tor r.' ... . 7.1 '
1,-rtuo.'r u.t ut,,, tb•-•-• no. v!..qt !r?!.!!ro:
PUIII'fAN, a Tale of
1 - 7 it, AnArrl....e LL)) 1.1.1nA
..t the 11, fill . ll6Alitm the tixt... nth CrOtur,
I . II II U, du. Tluvl,
t ..31.-..1b..1,1 .1.1,1,4 alb! 1 . 1 , -4iirle •.1 lb,
119u:1.1.4 bs II 111.0. - , It A Tistat.
1:•• • • .
nlorkr. 114 11P,tx- Antiquities. l 1.1“ 11.
trat , 4 t•aty atu
trll It
~kroW, m1.1161t,r,
'alto 0,1 - tivt Mat. t awl TbirJ Nte
....ph11 , 11,1 Out.
11 1 w lbw aro c 1. Ins stdr—toced decal oh.. looting
lo Et,3l.oiJ sod Nen 5..05 , :We
cl the a,nry thrto Intt.lotedh. Kie.i invite teachers
.clout ccasimittio. tomil owl exact.. taws
o. 1 khdi en the 41 elLtern Itemnyhem. 13 83 /nob=
3 et am do
11, 1, 28,
do tinned SU., 70182
do Korot*, 30 8. 112
do ' Ana, to TV
Is •D. America t Africa., to Si
Pr of the 0r,.,, anti hea. or Minot tiro fietnia•
placer Map.. with key, 000.
n r imposts. innitalled in aeantracy,lianty nod cheap.
cr. nod ada pt to the vralite of the WI. summer
r 314 ,igh whoa,. or the United iit_ban
tor inlo robiliqtaTrykala, yanbta mon or fritintat
chumv, the EUU tj - agigiii A .Vorrt aJlt% at
7itENCII LEAF—Fifty .bundles French,
rier.ece, Dutch. )Mid and difcre 1..W . ,f0t tale by
lab) J ECIIIIONMAK.EIt CO, ni Vim] at.
COLORS-5 brie Rose Pink;
o 104 n wu....otmd:
10 caws Chevm• Yellow Oman:
TERMILLION —Trkste, Chinese, Amen
v ''''"rgifot3VAKen t 1:13
SSENTIAL OILS-1 %mu Oil of Sassafras;
caw Oil of Laveultril cap - 011 of Rosemary; 1 coo
of L.llOll ; I 011 of Borgaztot: I box of.Cloxes
and I box Of of Woos Just recyViluosalt,.bliEß
RUSSIAN BLUE—Ten boxes No. 1, Tor
j• 10 J 80100nIAKSIL s CO.
LARD 01L.—LotiOil of superior quality.
J a"Viirthireetirt ws&&& & Pout wt.
/AOL A SSE S.—Twenty one lots prime
An si hour MolAnA, Jun receliett and 6u ale Er
w.lltCllntor.l. Invites pure/wen to titgrat 11.1
lg. %elected umortuteut Throe 001 Wynn
ever brought to this merlon ant cheaper lb. sof of the
W . e . 6 e t gougor our neck
lITINDOW 11AlcallslS.—W. McClintock
off, I.libiUg u our...haat . ml
now.atunnit of Satin, Delain, DUMAS , of fla• tomcat •=1
best. •tylee. at .carol prim. C• 11 at the Carpet Ware•
house, No. R. 5 Fourth atteet. tile
1,10 1) E R.—Blasting and Rifle Powder,
.11 COO keg, in mavalue, au4 lirr We b,
4AFE'rY FUSE.—iventy brls Safety Fuse
Qrc beekuay, 4R yule by
ltY APPLES.—One hundred bushels fur
nap by jblo J. S. DILWORTH 1 CO.
PEACIIES.-241 bushels for Sale by
llTTElt.—'rhirty kegis'and brlo.fresh
SJP butter jostreerlynt cud Ibr clr br
fr. '8 OIL.--Siity brie 'O. , or bole
th. oak. tura N.l Ol Tbint 6 -
}ii..KuLt; y now nntinont • rtnlt.
tesot by .N.Y. a D.A
Yor mow them.• oplemild 7 =Um. ativnt PM*
an k.
kle richest drocnciouaresterlorl•pot
to Ino Ropoco *U. t• me. Maw nat .. " ...
XV- Abo i : VIA Int or OM . •
obi . xyd. soloctkm ot nr••• 7010.11noMOX•134,
blatant, be.tamb bandy UJI WAIF Or Inibta YOTrb ,
Qtr. . •
453 LASSES. 30 brig landing from atdain
er Cincinnati. awl for Rale ET J. wimp,..
Pint et. between We ß.
ed • iSttlit...•
- DE/ a ids or sale 4
ii___ J B. CiNilta
lilßE§ii ROL BU ( j in boxes and,brls
1' ..imi auy b (..i.9) J. B. CANFIRLD.
131CitLES, Ste., just received tit 256 Liberty
Proarhoo. Inquart far, Pk 1.1.1
L..1(4 , 2.11,1;1 Jura; l'ictlrd Own.
Jo Buttrr Nolo ,10 quart Jun; P. Cs
r to gust". taro; Pteldni Month.. In quart tan.
tublitku. to nor oln.aAly 143rgr otw.k of Moll,.
K .trbovl. and Sauce, /valor: oar the ww.t
alytelPiln PittAburati. Boot I% 4. A. CLUIttl ACO
1 0CD, SILVER, BANK NOTES, sitliur
AA' aw/ Tint.. Dranotlw Ea.t Wrd, Mork', Ar
ilr..+al Marion Pollelco Daunt an the moot tarorable
Ira an, th' Ilaoklnq
0 • 1 371T11 5 E
No. 71 Fourth
p JAPE!: II A NIIIS6S. Frro f ell :Apt' Altrt ,
h, Wood .41,..t
1 1(API'INt; .t.No pitisTixo PAPER
tor .alo lu tare.. ur nwall ,natatith , o, by
an,/ 01. V. AIAItSIiALL.
qurrox. 21 Iltlion 110 NC banding front tilt;
.watner 410.0 a, for *ale. toy
otr Front Mg
d-bbh, No. I Lan':
StorJur. non btaling . Irma ...enter Genevn.
F. r nale'byAl.til DICKY'S t CO..
Wa.r awl Front Ft&
tIiTIASE. 9 Wits. now Inruling Troia the
I “befn.r /dour", I...realr by
Liy DICKF.y a rq
Ws . .
r n.u.l Ar...
1 1 EATIIERS. storks non - landing from
.stnerlirtreva. fur mie by
, oaV Kul, VIA rnall
Ibn.bwheal, *c.. by whit h o enornt le .41 , 1 rd in lb.
n. tr a about 13 per mnt
Co )lens Unae—Tv Mal 14.1111t1 of !tour n. 1,1 two ten
16 csI1.0 " :111, ° 11 ' ,L " 4 1Ce L : ' It t Pte u
✓ Cour that 51.0 ran net With' Iltel In , at tenure., turn
se I A. murk n. 1,1 water en will lush.- the olouwtt the want
knead It *rib and let It eland ntleen minuted
6 awe baking —one two bourn wilt 110 no hurt, .16ocult
al...aid hel/21tea tuuelt thinner, mud Intlutt at amerbut
Aldo asto hurt to tlacbt true. or twenty minunie ere
I no .Innwer ontitne much of thlw lbhuttuund n the
I. wlll unt turn the brand tell°, an tnierntu.. dole
• area to nines,
. ,
Vuu,egto put the al,uve Cutur.uto. nilt
.1 lulu tr. m
pkuurnl.... I=l.l rake.. gtttger raker. torn meal
ran, bzuwu bre...L.1.1,0M batter l'akr.. hurl.
• teat rakcf,
r Jumplion. pot ph, and f..r all bektnir
t .151.1 ....I•e.1 sal toe .alr by
too /1. K '41242i1t._ .
- - • -• •
-., -..,,,- ..)Padte the Pon Oftlem—
I enters' Eat: far thuman. (
'him. a nun by tb. author of - The Oillries."
The 3Thther's ;ems, a novel. By times Aernilm.
The Ent:evens: or two coarriamte—a novel. .
The Ladder of Oold—au English atom.
To lure nal to la luv.l—• talc
Cantinto of Bruesnelet Br N. VC. IL.BermAlla
The Intalsh Confessional.
A Len., en the Jesuits. Be. Dr. berg. ' I
Ile. Berg's Reply to Blslstm aut., on the Beeline of
I .1.11L4121.11.,
Home Joann. No 1 of new rob... ' tall
- The Old Plinth* Establislunen
IdATE Johnston and Stockton's, and lank
Book and Stationery Warehouse. .
S. HAVEN la maimed to eaten= worry sty oAAA Legal,
C. mmerdal, Canal, and Means lloatJob Print= a hods
tains; del furnish erre= artiste In the Book.
dam mat Stationery line, at the
ti t M.:MOW lemma
Blank Book and Stationary Wart:mods come of miter
a..d Seatnal atm=
minting Ohne and Book Blairry, :to. 60 ' ja.9
A ',,
Nov/Books Rut Received, (
i LTON LOCKE, Tailor and'Poot; ah auto
/IL blovaphy. 1 nt. 1.313. um..
ex:Mer•Or tk' a rc ol . re * ''''
ire:re L d * L tti U utd b frht
of In " acecc ' danHre with • relciarn :him &Inter 514 licam
of Roloroomlativell or tb. *talc of Illehl
eatal gr I. liar
twv, A M, lat. ruperixambnat of Pubil. inTil ‘ a. 1 rol
I,:m. mos.
Abbott'. Sow Book—lLlstary of 31.61nme le. , bySoau
C. Abb...V., with •pgfrallfge uniform with .the ftersc.
miluots ash!" papnlar hAtterical scrim Tor Italo by
,20 A 1111PKLYL II Apollo Bul'ilox, ol.¢th IA
aigh Gar'
, i
C! 0
5 ft, r,
Il tla
' -- ,
To the Readers of the Pittsb*,h Gazette.
iIIUBLIC ATTENTION is res . • . Th uyi n .
cited to the fbilowto4 truths. tot W , b Mathes tO
at -, of the tomit tmportant renthlies of moil • tined
CETILOLY.Oht 013 ROCS. 0114 It's out then one
fits ago Mom this airmt remedy was termiskt beton the h Alliw , Alezlgf e b t=l i11Ze..../4= toter .
bid the
' rfe=al to loas 'n'W =s t t ' ad. " Fl t _ n n*. thy sno
od t of a fla tsp.* the tole Particle of maailig taCtaart
bi ta e
h a m contlose 01 hewed Whott
ail other ham been lormittiou Th. took= La
ft kutual Ist dna.. Ittetwielh
hi • kones morn'
si '" ieTtkat ' r• Igttolg r e ttri=42 7 : 4 o4mtkimlC a
is ' iott to fowls ttme who may Mot oar weeder put moll
deter in or stamina.. the Met are etry tpli toad& et
the thing that Mkt' Sum dims.'
haslif be too h wessicht to Eames they - 41ml of gall ,
fug or ham sow of them. Now; we an not desire
to It shit we are 'maim. only that the truth relation to
mama, should be told, in miler to weos• for U revue
mit= far oseimillok any Mask crock to the Matteis mod
ko. Bath noveroolool WM-skt. that soak beitimertaitied
h. our city and tiehltdmirtnext. Lear a.wi, Vothitook m &-
me et tha Ettudietun.
Althin the moo two month. two of our ato dtitoset
aiiit were tacit, blind. have been tti gbh. &e
-mit' Mi. of blind...v., the StaMlo. hose bean
Arid.alait the ewe citagentleinth thilkivereottuty.
Entre are oaks. but the. ars ewer Mae hetheount may
Li referred lo by thy retina. atttl b.or
dOtlbtli =Qt. lOttb
jo: Three rake sere cured allet they heel bah aloindoo
e, pliy.itiaas al hetet,. Ifterittieleton will sum.
Al k r,
5' ..71,1 0 ,01 '47 nt!„ . 1 1.1.1f1Cr0;
en /woe and !, a:oak tuusto. aothiwa.aoonehltk:and
tionnuutri Whet"... of a ehrouk nature.
to Poo
dery thiatihuiptlon.
Mon, mod Scald, &tones if ilk Illakter. alai Kidney,
CimitmlMonet , , tsioniand and 110na...
h. tart. it It a 5005! sonuasis ei. and bun
W mad of the •bove &wow. • a.," ow tmot year with the
u pistm. Lot will aototitsh are to
mutual...file , promote, • toi 4.11 take pleemithe thaw
thitu to the &Miami or Oa, fiend..
Whale, MST MY *boat
troblutil WU. ititatnt Retard) . of the. mite Ehrfowtmim
al their mWkim.. W.
lioth Muslin/ In Uo•pmfoisima are ta is
fu then. pawatle• Thome who at Ore. Imbed an with doubt
sra masertanti . . we willing to melted It due Org.
b e
n-ntidersUon. Awe another year rolls mond. all WEI be
romeolkil to aelmowhilget is the Poirtiletun the Mate
0.1. Lambeth , . ever itheneenet. For Mt, w Wank sod re.
L A it KEYSER Melt/WELL 140 Wood at
Ls•llert, 5: tr.d. nivel; Carat. D. A ,
/ !holt. Jieepti bousito. Allesheity City. Alm, II the pro
] rietnr. It Canal Basin, seventh street, Pitte ,
I. mitt falo
Morris and Willis's Home Journal.
BLISILEb every Saturday in New York
at Tao Drillifro • year. pariblet lo all saws la
notnrr-0131r. of ter Itome Journal, No.
Nen York, Intwanhar SL 1131—To all
hom It mar lanacyru: Th. may certify that J. B.'llohnsa
I dub autliori..l to art as agent for Mott. A W 1111.4
I i.uar'JOUINAL. aryl that all rrcrlpts pion bf him In pay.
clamfor raid paper fill be July.kaosi.ftholl hyna at the
clan. of paldiratam. anal It I$ rarrrialy am... 1 sod aa..r.
..I. that all sul.aTiptka. an Imt able nor year ht ad
s'Liar to, aaJuon. a• on (1..14 of Jana.
, r• SULACIII , OO6. rrfelnall,y J. IL Ilolara, Tllll4 firrat.
thr all 111 till, a WILLI 3,
EaltlfTs nod Pfaprirfara.__
x_.; fature, Warr mu. , IC S. if ? Third ctrsod
J 'IV recyteMully iota - brit hi , ftiemb sod
ectelmort, that he ha , mt• avdorieleti tto , larg,tt
Mock a hum...bold ficrnito, stn. beiltret,u to
Ibc tit,. im Ito determittod to uutkula thu quadaf wIW
toaMtlab, Lettt uorkdomoldp, ami facility
• utuc, Mad frt. tite ..monk of hi. unto.; a
ft facility In
eattuftillutiug. L. is cuothieti to motitt, trattatitte4 baud
t ,tre. Al lite tottett mires.
lie ban odnided tatorilde ideutifi Wiz Lb , mbtottl-
Ie bitcmrt will, hi, own, to ttualdy acid prim. anti hertio
r W the ttivat , t rant
it t td ..cry ticritild,ltmtd
I armtur, Wm§ the ettrojcmt mad ltturq, todise mutt eL
sant Mt metly, that lattice, a Ato - part mar Lo
tarot:4ml fib. 1, 4 , La Uranuilictureti ..nitredly to
•obi Tbc il7tittittre .olleitr art immtpctiort. thiMptbr utirtur
t tact , (4 Lb ,tablitimmot ma, le inuttro. tallow lug
cotobt. In pal, of Ma Mirk, which for rLtmem
set le auJ unacti 0100.1 do surp•mcd In any of the datcttbl
• tea
ilarivr. drawing. bolo. mid betlbcom ehaily. or •Tedl
t tine y. tbanct W ruscrood, mabmt any sod ualum,
1 limitettum. Cutorrratutrr and ULM., ol r , 17 dott•
t mutant,: Ottuchea t rtofac, Tett:able sod Dimum ash, /Mira'
dtsock and Matrrlean patter? WhattNotc, atai
bake parlor Wratlng ilutts of ratio. kinds Wort' ab*,
and farm! toleill 441:1141, untie Math, oat h01d.... marble
lop. iilitioolMitit it...rood mid walnut mutes and „. Th r igr
blew, Txtauslou &ant [labia-4 all elteaof th e meat
tral decidedly the teat find madc cant. Petubrolu=la
Ida, tables 'aut‘rw h twane l agla and mailistirall al; each a.
nd atwra. 4 istgr i trfldttlara= 7***'
ure *mama, towel nick( halttabla t Li t caulk , allt '" A
Mid lot/ for eldblren: $lOO !Oche,: We{ LW tan ter;
TritgVl=AtV . 94 .. PrUl Tobin.
un tr. Le. to.
Chair!. Cabinet makers numilled frjth :il• ' t41. 4 Id.t4Vtr
.\I•14. Ilul4ll urn.
Ica. .
Steamboat , And Hotels, fundAhed tla &Gilead I,4IACIL
All orders rematdly at:Waded tx,r. JAA
of ILarthind, Conn. Capital Stock atulbuthilas
Q. .4.2tattrred
hL undtttdrl hon ithbothitent agent fo i this okt
and mtheindli ocatmay, to rumen! .Mr. Fannie -
nod is 00010 In pander in the bro nierinothi ' .
unlit on aa fovorablo terms an an other trAblif eEhM
mini In Ills city. OM
1.10 71 Fourth . L next • hto Man Itabarnh.
UGAR 7 .--2. 1 hhds N. 0. Sugar for sale by
tic= puffs A KIRKPATRICK., 144 Liberty st.
LW RAISINS on consignment for sale by
AMASSES—Fifty brig new crop for oak
Jamitioast rim{ /7 = V im
.. 70 , VAS.
Mr. IL brbirbal for 40910 time with
but coma, recommemb.l to um your Imbeds! Cough
Syruo, by my Tenn¢ friend Mt. M Traplotoa youl apgt
At thM pum. I Sit M. It lad th- destrel bl l f th mt fir Miltm‘
tzajaau.gclibM..l.4ettztail to
' 4‘irkl4;rVelibV; 4 Als met
fol s' e.l, o lwFli * 4l - ,
recomlumblim, it to me public. of ono all. , boa qudl•
d " I xea vtewtin fa the cute for .Lich it
Ympured mid sold by It. E. FELLERS. 17 Wool Y. mit
O.A.LkWITS.-5 tans Saleratus, in brls and
bo., for mte br m 9 ROBERT !ULM/.
LRAF LARD.—Leaf Lanl in brie and kegs
sadfar ale by ROBERT DALZELL N,.Ys9 Liberty street.
QUOAR.-15 bhds prime N. Orleans Sugar,
by stun slatur sale by ROBERT DALULL t 15.1. -
js9 Liberty street.
"OLASSES.-25 brbs 'agar blouse, St.
rxrra VILE CARP .T 3 of. IL • c
ra las sad Welt gild. esa to had at the (Au - pA
non. Sr• Reath A. plias ea Um as the
i r
be b. 4 In yof the eastern eiderWC%
VOTIC E.—The partnershi heietofore
thde.d..10.41, day dieeolve4
eastroal mend- The =tabbed mee el the flren
will be sttnelest to by John Atesimotts, le se thodzed
toeseebe =lf money doe the Itrovad milt tor these..
Eae andirgeondlal ecottfroae to as tree/
q ' areal et the oht Mad.
Y 1 0 • ' '
11ORTS.--.4:ie thausluid bna
• . . .
/NO. this week, Bemis ..debated reek*of iclithtlri:;:
• .
DRAMAS, intit:d VOTAIIIt FA1R0PE.,.t0it..7;..1
41rLa t tim u iti= t te l L.L . t Bore,. Itti=i4l=
dor lb ttrides, sod rating with Am
UM Them. Tatoul,, brllhiptly loth„
tanks of the beacitUhllilier ham, •
An exhibit. ort isturd. aficrictii ectort.-• , • „ • :.••
Admit:dim oath. Mania under I:: .1.. of
rent. •
Doc. will open it CV eclat_ Panorama to cootimirorty:l.
moticurit VA o'clock • • • •
so I d.
rg a r caut / i v =z' o =b=1:11:: :: - ,:?
to tberett Muctutucnt Structure at. On
In their lia% to the lithgl.l.ll ' ciNn= "*"'"7
dee...lolllv= ISAAC 111.1130. N,
Ggri W. TAYLOR, Commbsianer and Bill '..:1-'
D, ter, 112 ilmnial Area. itri‘t stl.dinn rill lo ..'.
in , u la all tmsior.ristruplANl to 1.14 me, b
litt.. , 2h '''..
toz.nufarlaml ankle , . nlirayr , ou 6.4.1 . pnvule , / at .b. 22 t'._
tica No, Ikaulk; ex. ate,AAlated 4. tie,-,,.:
able terra" /W.l.+ made, if trquixed. . ac.„.'^l ;.1
- ____ ~
I: 4 , ILOUR ItF.DlXED.—Wilinatta d. Nah1,...;
~...a [bele Extra Dour, el ZS pop 10./ lb , i..
u,r21..1 112 wr la/ DA A liberal iltaeount to tatallera .ri
awl ' Wll.llAlall t sonLE- ~
Foil Tilt: AFFLICTEIiII tan 11.11111 ill
De Dewitt CaKellituter'. INFALLIBLE LINIMENT•
or Monk Fluid. a Web ht. 0(1,01 the hot of thirty
lark...and ha.. beyor..l a doubt. oven the m.o. Oat•
but the lite. of thounitalv of lalirdual. lu altorkt every
eitorand elmarkter of dhea._ We feel that an haaard
(hoot nal hvg. that t ill the mitt . ...Belot. that hot teeu
to the alltirted, that do., *tory yen. ot lb+ wont Lo
wltat it 1. hold far.
It ha. eure.d, ovel I. rotedde of <Blinn more dike,' than .1
any ocher tne.lmelneolfered by cub trot hy whom fL
...le or .01.1, or I.y what name.
"...n alma mnrlu.luu hr.( of time share. we ”E
that It to the only ankle tlut bar appeared 10 the f..rto ul
• hatent Medielne I herb.. ever been h.roltikd and melt
nt the veal, of the elite generally: aa tbe too. a;lreeaLla I,
Fount y e'er offered' n• ralet or need by any of
thew. Tin.
The Hon. Mt.. IL lee 11:(1. The. llon. Bo lt'
/I Bottle. late (loyal.. Hon. John A. Di, late U. %.,Yeue. L.
tor. William 11. I"ke Fealy Editor of the Sphit of the
Thoet and a hoot of o t t er tlielingulthed M 1. ., of SOW :1
Vork, who he f
arully teeted It. hare pormittol the ~
proprietor to .fer to them.
it Iv well kuuwu that Patent Aedklo. an. not gene,
• ratroulted by the kernel• wealtLY and
• h a re ttakohledly a right to fikl unreel.. 1141.111(B.F.
11. nett. Thin Wonder WOO altin CO41;011114 bweir ste:lS yea. boner the ',obit, tir.4 Metals are now I
.tronev..t and hen. Thie mu: I. Along
neivinring proof of Its teheral . ...kiln., Kral yatottive
gt " in k a ' tir 1 ( .1 ' ..7.::grgfm . .! '" 71 1 ? . lot
'll r 41... ;11
ewe op. , Rine, ruls..,
...ere, and all the polo. and aches that &elite heir too
th ee !with., hare lawn altboot
not have teofeeted all
anoulrblou aller all otb.
aLam why]. n . would planter tatter, hod lee not ;
• and In our ouvemlon. the L.Ldrougrat I.thle 1 •"'"
Thi , tanlleior. naturia.nonnly. I. Umvueral hoot vet(
lablee, for intermit at well a. external It e. - Le dlreet -
I) ulna the die.. d {not—airbag It tual thenatto—
II in our, ore for Irlante• Cramtua 1111100..1.10,101 era
Youtntalle 41.4.1ta e, I the Kidurya, aril
to naive. mu soak ur tetowle. hum whale,. rank It may
ha. originated.
For rale in Pilt.t•rgh. Ly R. E. Belle
~ Mee... - Kidd •
..e....; the t hem levgl(4u m
;elLril d ly ° . In four. twi and g. awl
f. Jankßor
Aj i .
il a
'ISZA, a auLniz• LitmaY. Deed. T 1101 6 ,0360, 69-
p.OO the 'on 0
otato,llo , burgh. 1
Hanker. , 3160puda... .... ~. ----per r . SS 00
Iluuno Merchant , ' 346doxitie,... do ir 00
Koicktrbock•r 06,60.11,3 ' do 6(V
APlAilln iV litg 66v1.............. ' do '.6 .10 i
Weak 'aillgarinu....--.... Jo ' to 00 1
v.r.. Lae as...thig caf.:._.— •• 4w, 603
.2 od .
GolopY Lad s Hoot .—:— .
do .1: 3 W i
Orals... Mazosine---- , do -
interostio Msysiiii, do 3MI
4 0 "' 1,/,1
. 40 4 ••••• i
Culllratat ........ . .....- ........ ao 126 ..
Lush.. tivws "ii — p.:. ..,.... ~..._. . Q. a 00. 1
=owes a masa MatmOttal will be Malta :
Landat tba nor volume, aml .4111 be Um beat arm 7.
143.Tbe abate magmlnia mill .b. delittiell hen poss. l
amt at my ark, ding Yenta a wing to the
. • •talaM i
a m t ale. •
l'''' A
6. 4 jf e rtna t Zgl " .=&V ' t e r t trx irria
11,ar4 ltaments. . . .. ..
Alao—Aa astcoalre amattment 4 Notela mai Chaap imb - 7
&talons, Stationery. Tialtlaa cud 4. ' All arttra attmlA
ea to mmetaalli. ' J. It 1101.411ai •
' laa . o. 74 Wall aseat.
—_ ,
Allegheny Comq, 89:.
LN the Orphans Coast of said Lowity t ILL 1.
the natter of 0 — ' . " /, acarant of Hob..
weedy velum A*
Is. n. —. Lleertaber T.,. J .E . J Slrickloal, deed- ,
And mw, to alt. .1, .en realm of W. 0. rl
'L. *lle, th e leeount , ..r centiymed Ow. t,
•lutf i sl ~*1 ...J.. .e., appolatel et Wt. to
di to LI. ommted, ..ura..g the creditors
. tette,. 11) the
7iotice I.
811 Fifth s b tr er eet, y
the IS.rth di at
1/= 3, +VW!'
• _
JIPLI vmcnonant
WIFE undersigned, ancce-ssors to AtttLtrs
Skbolvon. In&lratre r lan= thO o k l , tieettief are il Plttn ,
t the
tat 1t . ,0% N I L ternl ' aV
no. patt of th eir pa
S t ate n tewly for th e tn Anntentea
wind, ate Owning Staten Cm{ and. Wool' o perat e watt a
Icrelkt ale nett OW Stove vrlnat now ropentedlntuln
ante Otte eveconect ron ' ort SUM, and
evoking Store. well adapted for ittnall Santa% with • fell ,
se tumoral% of Common seal
Ureter. •
We wool& parttrularly Invite the attention *flew= •
lonlkling, itut wart we Woo paoataeing able.
_apine ettroannalkvi
itrates,.n Ana nut motet.
W Wanner—No:ZS LI et..,Eropoelto Wavle.
auelloltf • • • NICHOLSON r YAYYG
Oak;anclEd LlorartiTirPts,saltabk fur deal •
b Datil,: or Airrang, torrOroicoOon.rrnrara. sod far
Vic bor. br liEbtrkt. rug.w&Q A 00
;CorNorma} Itend2o.3lcGulpe's
M.D..lrs, sot ssorE =Used lava . =
wogs reboot, Abs. Esarrol ii•Dslasmt ed — R. sts mull- Re wheat. dwelling, KM ass, Abe. Cutest Bon
SAS CL 31srket, FL. tamer sr Fowl',
IDES. la, Dry Elides;
11 r Dr ) Coif .I.k.lns:
1 bundle Ilwr Vklre, landing (411 ale
drl9 1:011EICT DALZELIi
- Splendid Gift Books. --
L'IF:MALE I'OETS ArttliAtift;'liV Tit Read
Our Bailout , Ruh Prophets mist Apottli* Its,
. Irsioirrisht.
iisiestes to the Wt. of uur fssiour.
Vatailr I,Mumentorr nq thrfhseisls. lbr Dr. Tyhd.
furred Seem, sod Charnels,. its. J. T. 741114, , •
Stirred Ninontoins. By J.T. Ihesilly ".
Illustrated thohipresre. By dither. Veep/sod, ~..
ssereil reeds of 1.11911111.111tul Asnorim.
Pewee Offerimr. Edited br Mts.J. lisle.
E rrohiss ot theolitesin 3lshor. By Ntre, M. Meltdosh.
Irma Ot SiVegl l iX a f'or IRSI
Tetaneranee Offering do '
The fame
UM:riot de
The Iris do
The Remember Me do
Thr Mother's itleumperter.• Bs drors Aida/tar, salt. of
th• Voir of Cears. tr.
Vba+uflbs Minus opie IVortil. By lsbn Broskirshr.
?woo, s,lol C.Mm Bobs. In toner Moiling, for hitt
de). tiresibts. For ^Ale. by A. Midi-INK/I CD, •
Itos.l 19 Wood
_ -
‘11.1t0)11.1 t: It EkS. 700 lb, fj.r 'Halo by
g .1 1:111) co. eo wool rt.
PARIS G REEN. l W Ibs for gale by
laA. l KIDD; 03
YE..L LOW Ibn f ol T ca bleby
ize J 1111)01f
. -
ViIOSE YELLOW. 914 Ms sale lit
ir9 '3 KlOnt QI
'VT 111 . 1 ' }rifi:AN§. .15 idl4 . for
VOUS. SH Irk in tow and fur ail Ie tl {
je9 ll3l .101 - o.ll3'iN
BROOMS. 1.04.1 doZeR i(n . ante fir
ILI leAlry for Falo I.v
l+v • NCH at :to ifs snort
APPLES, KU u.ulmuuroN
ALLOW. 15 1,14.9 for sale lo;
INSEED OIL 30 bbls for hale by
UTTER. • 20 bblA roil, for sale by 1 "
itROO SI S. 4U duzen for sale by
ea JIMA:111/RLO
100 bole. for sale by
REESE. 1000 bum for nab" by
RX YEACIIES. sacks and /I Mils
ke roL br •ia L B WATICIIMAN;t4SO:43
ROLL BUTTER. /. 6 511:13 Ire, wk.
‘) I. I IIC . TA : IIItrAN ittSS
PLAIN OIL CHINTZ" received this day
4,ut the e.iwt Irmbov" 412rtatuirrocc.
MOLASSES.. Q brb new crop* mile by
QACES. Casein, Pimento, Pepper; titiene,
andlilstmeg&foroale&T ISALVIIIgICO4
Mt). No. lin store anti Eir sale by.
I IOFFEE. In state Ma for ado by i
' ,`
den lama otoss a ea
V MOLASSES. 36 Eris new eiop, jut
rnetty.r.l tx sae br B. A. CUNNIIii.
XIS Libenr .t•
FMBIIIIOI4 BUTTER. 4 brlalust:roc' ,
bran& for aah Dr da2C. R. A. GIIN-VILINIIILLIL
W lUTE FISH:. 75 bils sad', ktf brig' for "
-11. 1 -" 1 "Y dar ISAIAH DICE:111AI CO.
I AAMinMfagM7l
° 0 1) . [ WI BRAUN a saarga.
'by 3XI ba sale by til.ll
GARIc for see by •
001LVilit COIN WASTED, to,t calk tt ttot
Ill Shad premicc will to Wrist Jut I..sattialkw oat.
QUPER 1:N011611 61/IXP
wit the ihuelitesest arm:mat errs brought Pitt.
burgh, for Bale br ieg
Xi ADM& .5 bhils Nu. 1 Lut4446 s u g ,
b i . um. /mai=
2 * b.*. m 4 "‘ '"'" b k aw. amulmfult.
171.10 ' ED deal t. 10 bbiiiece
llARaminlited for gals
AA byb.& II;
- _
ÜBI3II DA8413. bi iitst Teouy e l.
Parer Clair smile •
Xi5h,11.....0.01...1.1,L_. ••k .
& wisitaxasi , lllo3s.2l.
i','.:, - '1 ~ ' •
~, _
&mud, .
81L%1.M a amts.
4s bble for sale